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THISFRtDAnVNG,Aug.9, Uii4ot IIM «isllllf«ll«ll«i palNNMg* iC moif UNSffiM GRAND DOUBLE BILL! =^5= The perfonnance will commence vrith the Screaming Farce I. & Mis. Pittr ItB Mr. PEVBIt «HITK — W. H. I.IJr«ARD Mnfor I'epiM^p , J»liii Cooke t'riiiik Ri>aU'n *• »•*•»«• UrM. I'KTEB WIIITt! AMCE ItllMJIINCI MBWAHB Winow WHITK DICKIE MII«AI»» Klt«>- «'lovcr _ BlMioho «»ilOB After which the V^jrld-fai^ous In the course of which Mr. LiNGARD will impersonate . Earl Beaoonsfleld ! AND Mayor S. Z. Earle I USD TWELVE EMTISEU NEW SKETCHES! vTimAi ,-kW^ Tj conclude W4,th Turn Robertsun** mijtfllficeiit S act ComAdr, \m GARRIIXI »iik Iwitiaja VnflfiaiMi ftw— lailll llliM Tntii iinaicnsc cnvvvDo vitx j^ wni n^VID GABKICK.. » WjB. UafOARD A9A (MOOT DICKlB UNGA»D ABAMINTBA JOAQK DVmim HquireCfaivw - > - A.Bobertl SMAOtt itaMli ...M. • Jobn Cook* Mr JoaM<<iilr tUCooe«i«t4*)...i..i.....4. ^^ ,."** '•u.-.-*'- Nannary Mm. Smithi J..\........ ...;J... .v;Jt[;«...i,;..... • - ■■ ....fliasohe Qaltp .. - ddM==s*a^K4i Resented Seatt at A. Chipman Smith'* Dnjg Store. Pricei. 750. J^. * tjfe. '===L L^ — :-jm_rr— ., . ' ..,..:;...-. ■ , , , •f.iAir-^ •ATU«p>AV ArrmiMION, «• a.S«, Only' fkkxiaaf £v^ng LAST APFEABANOE OF tm LINQABPS. (VM), w, liAY.swiW Bur ,!«ii»>«iifn«i«rr37 «»»•«««• »i»n. MM- JfwMiw.B-