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Meps. platae. cherts, etc.. mey bo filmed et different reduction retioe. Thoee too lerge to be entirely included in one expoeure ere filmed beginning in the upper left hend comer, left to right end top to bottom, aa many framae aa required. The following diegrema iiluatrate the method: Lee cartee. plenchee. tableeux, etc.. peuvent itre filmto i dee taux de riduction diffirents. Lorsque le document eet trop grend pour 4tre reproduit en un soul eiich*. il est film* i pertir de I'angle sup4rieur gauche, de geuche A droite. et de heut en bee. en prenant le nombre dtmegee niceasaire. Lee diegrammea suivants illuatrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 t 1 2 3 4 5 6 ' %:" COISTITUTIOI. BY-LAWS :;:,,. . AND RULES OF ORDER -OF- ml piipimt q! f iMiiis2($, ISO. 9, I. O. O. IP -t — OF — OWTAMIO. Instituted the 6th August, 1870. BBOOKVILLE, ONT. Printed at the Herald Steam PriDting House, London, Ont. 1874. .' ! AR-0HIV^6i& 1 00 a. .?? 1%; ■*i«rii^,'^,«; lv;fK> Xv"- ^r*y. $ ■■;\, .iv«>ji,«M»,j 69 •I BQ I •j; \rj»t% >'■■•,*» • 9» ■■ •s ^ . •!.4*i CONSTimTION. VOBTHB GOVERNMENT OF SXTBOBDINATE ENCAMPMENTS UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE OilAND ENCAMP- MENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. PREAMBLE. For the purpose of m8urin|[ uniformity in the Patri. archal Order in this jurisdiction, The Grand Encamp- ment OF THE Province of Ontario, the supreme tri- bunal of all Encampments of Patriarchs within its limits, without whose sanction and control no Encamp- ment can exist, ordains the following artidles as the Constitution of the Subordinate Encampments of Patri- archs: ARTICLE L This Encampment shall be constituted by at least seven members of tiie R. P. degree, and shall be hailed and entitled Brock Encampment of Patriarchs, No. 9, LO.O. F., of Brockville, Province of Ontario, and shall possess the full power and privilege of a Subordinate Encampment, holding a leaal, unreclaimed and valid Charter, duly granted, and formally presented by the Grand Encampment of the P^vince of Ontario. ARTICLE IL rxrJt OF MEMBERSHIP. Section 1. — ^No person shall be admitted into this Encampment who is not a Scarlet degree member in good standing of a Subordinate Lodge, and a resident of the Province of Ontario, nor for a less sum than six dollars, whidi shall indude all the deigrees. ■\. Sbc. 2.— The name of a person offered ^for initiation ynustbe proposed by a member, and his residence, which 4 CONSTITUTION. ' must be entered on the record, and the subject referred to three Patriarchs for investigation, who shall report at the succeeding regular Meeting, when the candidate shall be baUotted for with ball b^ots, and if three or more black balls appear against him, he shall be re- jected and so declared ; and shall be ineligible to mem- bership in any Encampment for the space of six months, unless the baJlot shall be reconsidered in the manner provided for by the Grand Lodge of the United States. Sec. 3 — Application for membership shall be made to the Suborcunate Encampment nearest the place of residence of the applicant, unless there should be two or more in the township or city where he resides, in which case he may apply to either. Sec. 4. — ^A Patriarch of the Order wishing to become a member, shall present his card from the Encampment of which he was formerly a member, which shall be referred to a committee of three, and in other respects disposed of as provided for bv section two, for applicants, and on being admitted, shall pay a sum of not less than one dollar for each degree attained. ^ Sbc. 6. — ^When a Patriarch has taken a card of with- drawal from his Lodge, it shall be the duty of the officers of his Encampment to furnish him with a card, if he diesires it» and is in good standing, and report the same to the next meeting g( the Encampment. t't ■ *.>!-: •t^' t i; ..! Sbc. 6. — ^When a candidate has been rejected, or when a member has been suspended or expelled, notice thereof shall be sent without delay to all the Encamp- ments in this jurisdiction . ARTICLE m. ; ■ " CONTBIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS. ' Section 1. — ^The regular contributions to the En- campment fund shall be determined by the By-Laws, and the Encampment shall suspend aU members who neglect or refuse payment of the same for thespace of twelve months. CONSTITUTION. a Sec. "^ — The amount of sick and funeral benefits to be paid to members shall be determined by the By-Laws of the Encampment, and shall be paid to members who are in good standing. . ARTICLE IV. ? ^%- ' PENALTIES AND CRIMES. Section 1. — Any Patriarch who shall violate any of the principles of the Order, or offend against these Articles, or the By-Laws, shall be subject to be fined, reprimanded, suspended or expelled, as the Constitution or By-Laws may direct. Sec. 2. — Ev^ member shall be entitled to a fair trial for any offence involving reprimand, suspension, or expulsion ; but no member of this Encampment shall be put on trial, unless charges duly specifying his offence be submitted to the Encampment in writing, by one or more brothers of the Order, except when made liable by non-payment to the Encampment, or when suspended or expelled by the Lodge of which he is a member. , .^ », u t.'* -. Sec. 3. — When charges have been preferred against a Patriarch in a proper manner, or any matters of grievance between Patriarchs be brought before the Encampment, they shall be referred to a special com- mittee 6i five members, who shall, if possible, be chosen from among the peers of the implicated Patriarch, and they shall, with as little delay as the case will admit, summon the parties, and examine and determine the matter in (question ; and if not involving the expulsion or suspension of a member, or no appeal to be taken from their decision to the Encampment, it shall be final without further action from the Encampment. Should the committee be convinced of the necessity of suspending or expelling a member, they shall submit a motion for the purpose to the Encampment for action. Sec. 4. — When a motion for the expulsion or sus- pension of a Patriarch shall have been submitted in due form, it shall be announced at the regular session when submitted, and made the special order of business 9 CONSTITUTION. for the next regular searion ; and the aociised ahaO be BuiBimoned to m in attendance at the RoteampmMit, at the time when it may hare been determined to eomdder tho (|^ae8tion ; at wmch tinte^ '^hethier the iibplicated Patriarch be i>re8ent or not, the EncaniDnMnt may proceed to consider and determine it . two-iuiirdli ol the memben present voting in favor of the mo^on, itshaU be carried, and the I&icampment shaH be folly com^- tent» while snch motion is nnder consideration to vaiy the penalty from the original motion. Sbc. 5. — ^When the decisicm of a committee appointed under section three, for the adjustment of grievances, shall not be satisfactory to aQ parties, either of those intearested shall have the privilege of an it^|i)<$dl te the Encampment ; and at the time appointed rot ttying the appeal, the comimittee shall present to the £huiaiipinift:aty in writing, the grounds on which their decision was f oimded ; and the parties shall have the priinUege of being heard before the Encampment ; and the Encamp* ment shall determine the correctness of the decision of the conmiittee l^ a majority of votes present. Sxo. 6. "^Any Patriarch feeling a§s;rieved by the de- cision of the Encampment against, nim, is entitled to an wppeal to the Grand Enouapment lor a new trial, if informality or want of fairness be shown in the former trud. On the command of the Grand Encampment, the Patriarch may be tried anew for the soone onence. Sbo. 7. — ^Any Patriarch having been suspended or expelled, notice thereof shall be sent to all the Encamp- ments in the jurisdiction, and a Patriarch who has been lej^y expelled shall not again be admitted to mem- bership without the consent of tiie Grand Encampment. ARTICLE V. OF OFFICERS. Section l.-^The elective officers of the Encampment shall consist of aO. P., H. P.> S. W., Scribe, Treasurer, and J. W., who shall serve a regular term each, and CONSTITUTION. 7 such nam]^ of BepresentativeB to the Grand Encamp- menif m t^e j^oanrpment may be entitled to, who shall aetri$ lor on? year from the £rst Tuesday preceding the ftiHt Wf dne^Wiy in Aug^ ^ jgkiQ* 2.Tr mrho shall iiejE;y/a a rego^ term each. Xj-ri^iKo^fqa -iiuf^m:^' ARTlCLi Til ' 1)17711$ OF OFFICERS. :;<'!•»''* ■ ';\.'* A..rtsrk~^!w,'«> • v'v;» 'v^/i' ■~tg ' , jfr ' "I ■ " '■ ■•• " -^ • ''"' ' ' - ' :1ih» dntlfis of the various offioerto shall be as lud down In tne ohai^es of their office, and as specified by these i^^f^s ^Ci^he J^-I^ws of the fi^ .(*' ARTICLE VIL ELECTIOKS, STa ■■.-^' ■ - j: SicnoN 1.— No Patriarch shall be eligible for Chief Patriarch unless he shall have been elected to and dis- ehan;ed the duties of ik>me ol^eir elective office. Nor shau any Patriarch be eligible to the other elective offieei^ until he has been appointed to and discharged the duties of some appointed office and all officers smdl be eligible for re-election. All elections shall be by ballot, and a majority of the valid votes given shall be necessary to elect. Sbc. 2,— Any officer absenting himself for morie than three successive sessions, his seat may be declared vacant by a vote of the Encampment. And all vacan- cies shall be filled in the manner of the former selection, to serve the residue of the term ; and officers so serving shall be entitled to the ^ull honors of the term. ARTICLE VIII. SESSIONS. iSeven Patri^chs shall constitute a quorum for busi- ness, which shall be transacted in the R. P. D. s CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE IX. TERBIS. Rj^golar senu-anniial terms, consisting of two regular sessions in each month, shall eommence on the first regular sessions of July and January only; and all terms shall end on the day on which the succeeding ones commence. ARTICLE X. RBTtriors. Section 1. — It shall be the duty of the last Past officers to prepare and forward to the Grand Encamp- ment, immediately on the insta^tion of the officers, , the result of the deotions, and a regular report of the work of the term, indnding the names of those admit- ted, advanced and exalted, admitted by card, rejected, witibdrawn by cud, suspended or expelled, and the cause thereof, reinstated and deceased, the whole number in membership, the amount of receipts, and the result of the election of officers. SiBO. 2, — ^It shaU be tiie duty of the Encampment, also, to forward to the Grand Encampment, m like manner, up to the first day of July a fuU return of the members of the Encampment^ ranking according to the degrees atlauned, and a statement of the number of Patriarchs relieved by the Encampment in the past year ; the number of Patriarchs buried, with the amount of money applied to each of these purposes, designating the amount paid for the education of orphans, accom- inuiied by whatever amount may be due to the Grand Encampment. ARTICLE XL FORFBITURB OF CHARTER. Should this Encampment fail to make its returns, as required by Article Vll of the Qonstitution of the Grand m be m( S tl A Cf CONSTITUTION. 9 Encampment, for three terms, it shall become the duty of the hust installed officers to transmit or ei^rrender to the Grand Patriarch (or such other Patriarch as may be appointed bv the Grand Encampment), the Charter, books, papers, ramiture and funds of the Encampment. ARTICLE Xir DEGREES. But one degree shall be conferred on a Patriarch at the same meeting, unless a dispensation be obtained from the Grand Patriarch, D. Dt Grand Patriarch. ARTICLE XIII. OF AMENDMENTS, ETC. Section 1. — When doubts arise as to the true mean- ing of any part of these Articles, it shall be determined by the Grand Encampment. Sec. 2. — ^These Articles, nor any part thereof, shall be altered, amended, suspended or annulled, except on motion made in the Grand Encampment. ARTICLE XIV. BY-LAWS. This Enoampmoit shall staAd fully invested with fNOwer to adopt sudi By-Laws and Resolutions from time to time, as may be deemed expedient, provided the;i^ do not in any wise contravene any part of these Articles, the Laws and Constitutions of tne Grand En- campment, or the principles of the Order. .'' ».v; BT-IAWSI^ Via I li^ia mi : «/iOi^&': • / -f^jsii lUia d^xd'-'- For the better gpyemment, and more foU o^rfSiH^ ol the tendency raid advantage^ of thi^ ll^oainjpinent. The constitaent Patriarchs do, W anthoritj^ in, them vested, ordain the MlowingfiyLi^ b}>j^i\ it^ ^^ A kIS i' 'T>tf,- ^''S ARTIOIiEI. ■■;■ ■■-'•" ■■'7/, a^criits:;'^ . NAME, 8TTLB, TITLB AND POWERS, h ^^ v^ '2 This Encampment shall be known and hailed by the name of Bbook Encambmbnt, No. 9, I. 0. 0. F., of Ontario, and possess all tha powers of Subordinate En- •oampments of Patriarchs of I. 0. O. F. ARTICLE II. NOmiNATION AND BLBOTION OF OFFICBftS. ■ . ' ■ ,. ■ . ^ . f ■•.:■■:•.■■■ ^ 1.— The nomination for officers of this Encampment "iihalltake place at the first regular meeting in June and DeoemW of each term, and the elections at the last regular meeting in June and December of each term.;' '2. — ^The nomination and election of Representatives to Grand Encampment, shall take place at the first xegular meeting in July of each year. ARTICLE III. DUTIES OF OFFICERS^ ''■.t'j-.«?0*:'StA 1. — The C. P. shall preside at all sessions of the Encampment, and in addition te the powers conferred, and duties enjoined on him by the charges, he may BY-LAWS. 11 summon extra sessione at his 0ption, or shally when requested in writinff, by seven ^atriarclis of the En- campment; he shaLt apjKni^ all subordinate officers and cotnmittees not otherwiiM ordered by law or reso^ lutions ; he shall sign all orders on the Treasurer, which shaJl hare been passed b^ the Encampment ; and such other documents as require his si|^ture to an* th^it^i^ tli^ ^ heih&U enftvee th^charges and these By^lja#Mi«^r^^ and ttfeiierviB the strictest decfbruk ;^e sliiAlt decide allqucf^^ bidw^ irabje^^ to the appeal of aj^y one niember of tlie !&icsinpinent ;. and give tbe casting vote whenever there is a ti^ except whenan appeal hasbeenmade£rom his decision,in which case the question shall be CTonsidered lost ^ he shaU su- perintena all elections or otlier transactions of the En<- campment» 'aind never allow &e Encamipiinent to be opened unlefi he is satisfied that none are present but qnaMed Patriarchs of the Order ; and he imall perform such ptijier duties as may be re<|uiired by law. ■ , ■ -■ -J..-..- ■ ■-■ ■ 2. — ^The H. P. shall perform such duties as ijoined on him by the charges and regulations of mar. en Order. are- the 3.— The S. W. shall assist tbe C F. in preservings order and in the absence of that oiQSicer, shul preside over the Encampmenti and shaH perform such other duties as are required by the charges and legolations of the order and the laws of this Eincampment* 4 — ^The Scribe shall record accurately, the proceed- ings of the Encampment ; he shall make out ail docu- ments and notices, notify the members of all iq^ial meetings of the Encampment^ and perform such other duties as may by law be required of him^ 5.— The Financial Scribe shall Keep the book of accounts with its members, reoeive all monies, and ^y the same over immediately to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor. 6. — ^The Treasurer shall receive from the Financial Scribe, all monies of the Encampment, giving his receipt for the same, and shall pay^ttl^rders drawn 12 BY-LAWS. on him by the C. P., and attested by the Scribe, and none others ; and shall cive such security for the satis- factory pei^ormance of nis trust, as the Encampment may require, and perform such other duties as may by law be enjoined of him^ 7. — The J. W. shall assist the S. W. in the perfor- mance of his duties, officiate for him in his absence, and perform such other duties as may be required of him by the C. P., and the charges and regulations of the Order. 8. — The axipointpd officers shall perform such duties as are prescribed by the charses and regulations of the Order, and as may be required of them by law. ARTICLE IV. CARDS. 1. — ^Any Patriarch against whom there may be no charge of misconduct, and who is blear of the Books, shall, on application to the Encampment, personally or in writing, receive a card of withdraws^, or one for visiting, by paying his dues up to the time for which it is granted. ARTICLE V. DUES AND FEES. 1. — Every Patriarch of this Encampment shall pay fifty cents semi-annually for dues ; said amount to be paid in advance. 2. — The fee for initiation into this Encampment shall be Ten Dollafti, which shall include all the Degrees, and the fee for admission by Card shall be Five D^lars. 3. — If a candidate for initiation neglects to present himself within six months after being elected, ne for- feits the privilege aiid must again be proposed. cl BY-LAWS. ARTICLE VI. 13 luties ►f the .. 1.— The C. P., H. P., S. W., Scribe, J. W., and twe Patriarchs of the R. P. D. shaU constitute a Standing Committee of visitation and relief ; to either of whom in the recess of the Encampment, Patriarchs may be reported sick, and it uiiall be the duty of this Com- mittee to have such services rendered as the nature of the case may require, and report at the next regular meeting of this Encampment. ■ • ARTICLE VIL SESSIONS. 1. —This Encampment shall hold regular sessions on the first and third Fridays in each month. 2. — ^The elective and appointed officers shall attend every resular session, unless prevented by sickness or absence from town. ARTICLE VIII. ient for- ,.. PENALTIES. 1. — Any member of this Encampment who shall be convicted by the laws of the land of illegal practices, shall be expelled, and any one who shall be guilty of conduct unworthy of a [Patriarch, shall be fined, sus- pended or expelled at the cliscretion of the Encampment. 2. — ^Any Patriarch neglecting or refusing to pay his dues and arrears for tweWe months, shall be suspended for the same. 3. — ^Before a Patriarch can be re-instated he shall pay all arrearages against him at the time of his sus- pension , also, all dues wliich may have accrued during his term of suspension. 14 BYLAWS. 4. — Ifo member cfhall be entitled to vote who is more thsn one term in arrears, or beinstaUed to office who is indebted to the Encampment. ■.:'•> . ■ ■ -Mi' iv% bHi^ ■' . ARTICLE IX. *:w^s«mt> :: FUNDS. . Amy-^^" , 1.— Three Patriarchs to be 'Selected by the C. P. semi-annually, in January «nd July, shaU constitute the Committee of Finance, whose duty it shall be to examine into the correctness of all cUoms against the Encampment referred to them, and to exercise a ^neralsupervision over financial affairs of the Encamp- ment. ARTICLE X. APPROPRIATION OF FUNSS. 1. — ^All motions for the appropriation «f monies belongdng to this Encampment, other than for the general purposes of the Encampment, and the relief of its members ; also, the relief of members of distant Encampments, shall only be put at a regular meeting of this Encampment, and then only after one month's notice shall have been given by the mover, and written or printed notices of such motion have been sent to «ach member of the Encampment. ARTICLE XI. AUBNDMENTS. 1. — A motion to alter, amend, suspend or^aomil these By-Laws or any part of them, shall be submitted in writuDiff, only at a regular session, and shall be entered in the journal, and at the next regular session. Should two-thirds of those present be in favor thereof, the «ame shall be adopted and have full force as part of these laws. \f, BY-LAWS. U 2.-T-TliiB Encampment has power to adopt sneh hilefi of Older, as a majority shall eononr in, at a regular session, after havin^^ been proposed in writing, at a previous regular session, and to amend, alter or annul the same in like manner. But a motion to suspend a rule of order for a particulto oocasien may be adopted at any time by a vote of two-thirds of the memoers present. •;•;<).-.• ixs.f%^ yn''f>'- •u ,•41- RULES OF ORDER. RvhM 1.— Any P. offering a motion must do so in writing, at the request of tne S. , C. P. , or the Encampment. RvLV 2.— No question shall be put by the C. P. unless r^nilarly moved and seconded, nor open for consideration until so put ; and when put, no other motion shall be receivable unless it be a motion-^ 1st. To adjourn, 2na, To lay on the table, 3rd, To put the previous question. 4th, To postpone, 5th, To refer, or 6th, To amend. t These several motions shall have precedeiHse in the order above stated, and the Ist, 2nd, and 8rd thereof sbsU be decided without debate. Bulk 8.— The ayes and nays, shall betaken and recorded, on the call of any P. duly seconded. RuLB 4.— After -^ny question that may have been decided, any two P.'s having voted in the majority, may at the same or next regular meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof, but no dis- cussion of the main question shall be allowed upon such moUon. KuLB 6.— Any question decided by the £ncampment shall not ■again be brought before it, otherwise Uian by reconsideration, aa provided in me foregoing rule, unless notice thereof shall have been given at the meetins immediately preceding ; and such notice shall not be received during the term in which the question has been decided. BvLB e.^Every P. shall have the privil^e of speaking twice on any question, but not oftener ; imless by permission of the pre- siding oi&cer. ^ RuLB 7.— Any P. intending to speak on a question, shall rise in his place, and respectftally address the presiding officer, confining himself to the question, and avoiding personalities : and should more than one P. rise to speak at the same time, the presiding officer shall determine which is entitled to the floor. Bulb 8.— If a member, while speaking, shall be called to order, he shall at the request of the O. P. take his seat until the question of order is determined, when, if permitted, he may proceed again. Bulb 0.— The decisions of the 0. P. on points of order may be appealed from by any P. In such case the question shall be ''will the Encampment sustain the chair r