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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 I The ^iibscriberis will atteiiii at U TWO P. M, (HI MONDAY purpose of veeeiwlii (iiltiiTlLIi\l]l porlioiis of the as may be pointed oiit^ and situate iietneen Section *.- >-Froin or about the farm of Feii\ MeCri —From or about llirst^s Hotel, to a poin »-From opposite the residence of ♦Viiiiai sate iiept hy Mr. John NcLeod, aDil behiecn the Section 4.— From said side line in Piikins^ton to thi Section 3.- near tiie Toil '^l^lie lenders must siaie iiie |iriee per lineaS t^hain depth. The gravellins will be done upon sueh portn the subscribers, and measured upon the completion of i ^ ' iches the extra depth will be n< vm /4 «i ff ■ /\ 11 n WANTED It NDAY MAY n^^it^, i^es, for th^ f receif^in^ Tenders for the (Juelpli and Mora ROAD. ^ hetneeii the points deseribed as follows : — ^ eliv MeGinn, Esq., to that of Henry Hudson, Esq. I9 to a point opposite to the residence of William Darbj, Esq. of ^Villiam Darby, Esq., to the side line in Pilkington d behieen the (anus occupied hy lYIessrs, llaig aud Alackeuzle. ston to the termination of the road at Elora. I ..I S.^ ^*..^ .^..^^.^. DIf .m^M 4h 4\^M^4- Zm^ m^rS^l^lm ^ .m ^1 dl 2 •> ^ i« ^ £. | .• il€^lll €Tlliiiii itil"' ili i ii v' Uiiiiiiik •^ llUUl/ lia fv'£<iii.il, iwiili mjr iiim^aiUo miM i^neh portions of the road only as may be pointed out by pletion of the work. ^Vhere s;i*a¥elling is ordered at H I will be paid for at the same proportionate rmte as the pfiioiisl [\ ns may be pointed oiit9 and sitmate betneen tbe Section I«-«Fi*oin or about the farm of Feli.v IMeGinn, Section ^•— From or about llirst^i^ Hotel, to a point o| Section 3.-«-From opposite the residenee of IViiiiam 1 near the Toli-8:ate iiept i>y Air. John IMcLeod, and between tbe (an Section 4«— From ^aid side line in Pilkington to tlie te The Tenders must state the price per lineal chain for depth. The gravelling will be done upon such portions the subseribcv's, and measured upon the c€>mpletion of the greater depth than O inches the e^i^tra depth will be paid rest of the work. Conlrhctors will (Hruisb gravel, but of a qaalit gravelling in eaeh section must be finished on or before the 14th day of Jn subscribers do not bind themselves to accept ihe lowest tender. Elora, April »3, lS6t. ( Obnerrer P (' \ ueipii an ora itnecii the poiiitiii describeil as follons : — II JIIeGiiiii, Es^q., to that of Henry HiitUoii, Esq. f a point opposite to llie residence of William Darby, Esf. IVilliam l)arh>> Esq., to the side line in Piiicington hveen fbe (anus occupied hy lUcssrs. Ilaig aud llackeuzie. >n to the termination of tiie road at Eiora. I ehain for s:raTeilin2^ 9 feet in width, and 6 inches in li portions of tlie road onlj^ as may be pointed out by (ion of the woric. ^Vhere ^raveilin^ is orifered at tf if be paid for at the same proportionate r^te as the t of a quality to be approved by the subscribers. The whole of Ihe 4th day of July, nheu the work will be measured and paid for. The er. mmm mwi »et*ve»* Print,) '9 ROAO COMMISSIONERS.