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Ilnh.ojo. ^^Woetohimthathuiih'tha Unni uith bhuul, and rsftihlis/ifth (I citij hi/ iniquifi/." -o+*o- J^.'ie " blood " of my text is tJje blood slicd bv tbo tralhc 111 intoxicating liquor. Tlie - woe " pronounced is upon tlie intelligent and responsible recipient of the revenue derived therefrom. For the confirmation of tins interpretation I refer jou to the chapter (from the tirst to the seventeenth verses) from which the scripture quoted IS talcen. '■ The only apology I have to offer as a minister of the gospel for treating the subject of the public revenue ot our cDuntry from the sacred desk on God's holy dav IS because I find it in His word. I am to hear the word at "His mouth" and "declare it unto the people, ' so it you have any quarrel with me upon this subject I refer you to my Master from whom 1 have received my commission, and by whom I shall be judged. With Plini you must settle this dispute From the summit of prophetic insight, through the telescope of inspiration, the prophet looked on and down to an age beyond his own. " i^or the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak It shall not he. Though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come (vs. H)." Was our time and age in- cluded in that vision ? " Woe to him that buifdeth a town with blood and establisheth a citv bv iniquity " J>oes that woe m any deizree rest unon'all nv «nv ^v L^. towns and cities ? Let us see. The only way to s^feiv and correctly answer tiiis question is to inquire into the source of their origin and maintenance. 2 iir.ooi)M()\r;v TJ nrn tijo '<^ iincl..i of iill our t ow ^'ovonnnciital iiislitutioiis. A "« aiul cities of finyii)i|)f)rt iiiiii.ify ill a now .'ind ninii sect sc « soon jis a (•om- «•]u^f^]' .., f n- ■" "^^'''"" can sociij'o the nnblif :X'i;;tti;;;,'::7:: 'r:; "-;;:;'"«""'; ^"" ' '-- cnv n 1 ' \"'-^* • ^^ixl . nsi Jir-ro ))orniit int> to ,; V „"'" °"'iV "I'moa- I ),av.. aj-ain to oiror for usil ." mcDt oi our country comes to us i.wl ..d- . '"'^'■'^ ;-'!'- j».2;;:.^SVS.tS:-r,i:-;;i;:;| t'^' ml It. So It IS a tax upon sucoeHsfui labor. ^lo they give us m return for tiiis ? They dvo us ul Absolute and un,|uestu,nable control of '^tt n Zi^ o. tbeir possessions under certain restrictions, u o or m t of w nch, to make our livelihood. They ay t ' us Describe your lines, and, when we have agS unon ie,n, put^ up your limits. Then controUl s as vo case, , so long as your control does not iidri '' n on h rights ot your neighbor.) build vour hoine to d open 01 s lut, and so far as our knowledge or consent ic concerned, no one, except by oni • consent is shall trespass upon it these proscribed limits, say t our pGrmission or consent, or inierfere. ^ oil can, withi every intruder, " hand? 11 llI.OOD-.'NrONKY H off," and if ilioy will not liKtc will, w(! nhall placM^ upon tliciii nu n. or iitioinpt to resist vonr tllClf wliic-h til amount ol' ii vast amount more than wo could achieve I ivm stroii'^or than and put them within prescrihed limits, hevoiid c.v cainiot escape to trouhlc." This is a *Mvat i)nvil('i,'e at a very small expense and trouhh individual effort. Therefore tl J lere is no lere. >y our own money blood- r\nother sources of revenue to the winch is derived 1 country, in that rom marria^H! licenses. The govern ment of the country savs to us, •' It take advant ity, or relationship existing' between tl thereb IS your riirht t a^'o of the divinely appointed conjuf,'ai n\] f) y virtually establish the home and 10 fr'exes, and race. .]>ut for the ri'dit perpetuate i. to enjoy this sacred privil i(( we lay a tax at its threshold." What do tl in return Tl th etro ley j^'ivo us ley ^'ive us the sacred and iiidisputabl (■iijoyment ol the institution in i\w social e is the base of national trreat moral purity. That which maL. mother" the sweetest words in all I ness, social hanpinf ices V cononiy that and and pp ho me the fact that tl mmaii, JJesid loy are the ilirincsi 111 man lanij:ua"e i,< 1 tailment of our accumulati words m a 11 1 ity If es, the j^'overnment provid.s fjr tl d lal Hii'MiaLre le eii- our wills are made accord ons and labors to our ])oster- compact between us, they provide for its ... accident or otherwise we fail to do this,^ti retentioii in and equitable distribution .' terity. These ar,»\|;y. """"•atioH, nn,,-,s„| o„ly In- tlie .onscnr if the i,u ' Vf'fii' \V'»« <'>w /;u'7 i>/ii rill «"iv .-!»- una cuiieiic I «1 '^n^lt'i ■ ""•''•'•"«'""' fro... c„.,tn,„s is III. tiix iinposcd upon ccrtiin articles of fonil (,ml do ,n,«, raw and n,an„facturo,I nmtcria i n e m, t ' tools, etc nnportcl i„to our oouutrv. That f o „' C.SO are those umnufaetured i„ our eountr • A i, a ties. J hoy provide a lar-o part of our protection - , s.stenco ;uH luxury. Ko blood-nioney hei-;. T h'e ok c-eption shall next he considered. ^ '^■^" rived f!^!r'rT:^v"''"''7''^^^'^^^ '^-^' '^- iivLu ixoni tlie tax niiposed upon the ri^^ht to i.n*^m-f :.^i:rco.,l;;'r',;n.5:^i,::f;:;«t':^hrr:u;!;: we arc asked to return to license we thini t o n'lv fa' h to exannne it under its own rei-n Tl,i I r!l^ • part a prohibition has been adc^i; ted ' ^fi ^:^^ beuer :'■"'"'■""" ''""" ^''""""-■'' «'•«"> for the bettei e. f;. nnieteen counties under lieenie in 18S Conitnitnients for drunlienne.., . barrels of flour, taken annudh' „" o 'thrl'uth 7, aim (.anK.a, bv lie consumption of the "rain necess^rv to manufacture these spirits. We ,..t in re !•?■■-■ '"■"": " '"' 'l'"t 'l.'..i^nts our fai. )on io, W, ^-et m return '""■'/,„,/., ,y ,/„■ „„,,.,.,™, ,,;:";^;;;,,. ;i),^ HLOOD-MONKY. nnd cow.- 10 iudivi- [•nod. So utMit witli I custom I current istojiis is 00(1, fuol. Dloint'iits, tVoui ex- \h it is a isdoin or iHlont for say witli 111 modi - 311, sul). Tlio cx- Iiiit do- • import, itatijitics cords of exjunin- c'ir cor- ear tlie , and as dy fair I, sinco " Scott for tbo n IHSI. nties ill Wiiat '11 two lUtllS of States cessary ')U- nai ; 1. Wq icli onr ( aniida is bli-I.tcd. We cret in roturii f/ur,'. fourths uf tlw rrun.'owl rnniinnlif;, by wliicb our youn^' country is cuiVMl. \t-'tiftbi.s\V(nvall\vomi,-btsMbmit.altbou'diiti.s Hutliciont to mako ovc^' man. loyal to bis country and race, enter bis uncompromising protest a-ainst tbi-s ternblo trafbc m banian souls. Hut wlien wo add tbat we gut nnnwdhj Hnrn thonxawl of our ft'llmv men surnt off (f'''-^t>t:fro/-nrt,nninton,ln,nh,,mn- and „ drunk. '''•'/•v hell by tbis t.-rribio leak of buman life, for tbo >ook says, *' No drunkard sball inb. rit tbe kin-dom of luaven. ' Suppose you compute foin-Zifibs ofdiese to be married, and four cbildreii to eacb familv. and cer- tainly tins IS not an extrava-ant computat'ion. wo get over twenty-two tliousand cbiblren turned out upon tbo street, unfed, unclotbed, uncared for, to Hll our country will, paupers an'■ ""■ '■"■•«"'•'!/ "";■ I 'i'licy I hear you saying with David, with the cmpliasis of righteous indignation, " As the LoTd vet, U,e man that hath done tins thing shall surely ': Amen ! ,f you mean politically. Way the conviction abide 111 our enfranchised responsihilfties are e" c, t d tiiundor, " Iliou art the man.' •• ]!ut - von renl,, ••you have accused us of partnership i^' th'e crS;.'' It ,3 the Government that has done this. ■• Ye- I admit It. l)ut who IS the Government ? " The m™. hers 0. parlian.ent at Toronto and Ottawa." Who are he members of parlia,ne„t ? " The representat es ,f he countios or constituencies." WhatSolhfy"; ,, "' sent ,, these constituencies ? •■ The people " vl! and who a,e the people ? •• We are t e p op '" Y ' we are the people. It is our proud boast'^tlmwe lunj «7r""'"" "™" '•- I'^Pl^. by the people, and , You ask, .; Is not tins a Christian country ? " liiank God. It IS, and unclmllcn-ecl, I will porniit no HLOOD-MONEY. all come irlidt i/nn. come to " Gentle- tlie city •dy build iiito phiss •erytliiiig m iasei- (1 to rob ing sub- 3 altar of e of lior bind yon iipcriKm, )ui'^elf up ^ctability ot upon " ;/irt' vs ur of our itb tho i-liivcth, y dio." nyictioii :ecuto(l ! -n sball reply, crime." " Yes, I mem- 'lio are tives of repre- Yes, Yes, e Jjavo lid for itrv ? " rniit no one to say a word against the land which not only gave me my birth, but has taught mo all I know of Christ salvation, and heaven. " Does not every member " you ask, - before entering upon his duty and privile -o as a legislator, have to make oath u^on the Jhble that he will legislate according to the principles of equity and by that act acknowledge it to be the basis of sill equitable legislation '? Jjless tho Lord ! May tho day never come when any man can enter those sacrecl hal s without this admission ! J)o you again ask, 1-las not every administrator of these laws, from the Judge upon the supreme bench, down to the lowst magistrate of the rtalm, before he can enter upon his (liUies, to sw£;ar upon the Uook that he will equitably administer those laws, thereby acknowledging God as us Judge V' We give glory to God! May it never bo otherwise ! Yet again, you press mo, - Has not overy subject of the realm, in securing the arbitration ot these lau's, to swear upon the sacred canon that he will ' tel the truth, the whole truth, ar ^ nothh.g but the truth, so help his God,' thereby ack.awledging this as the eye of Jehovah '? " Praise is due to God for this lact. An, lastly, you interrogate me, - Js not every citizen be.ore he can exercise his franchise, compelled o acknowledge allegiance to the God of our JJible '> i^orit you suspect he IS not Noting legally you can feX to !'" 1 "^' vv-./'' '^''''^7 ^""H^ollmg inm"to swear ealty to God. With gratitude to God we admit this to Oe true. _ Now, will you stop and look at the dilemma in vvhich you liave placed us ? A Christian government elected by a Christian people that will put a blud-eon upon the end of a law that they swing down upon heads and dash tho brains out of seven tho^and of Z- tellow-men annually, and consign them to a drunkard's grave, and a drmikard's hell ! A Christian government elected by a Christian people, that will put omnipote co .ipon ine arm ot a law that will iJiruw itself twenty- two thousand helpless childr on and diii'' ti around out upon the street, unfed, uneducated, uncared n become vagrants, vagabonds, gaol bird hem for, to «, and gallo w 8 liLOOD-MONKY. "'/It will r^-acl C ," oa rstrnf°" ."""' """ ''^ " '«" wives, or n.otlier., a VviM ,l! f? "^ "-■™" tLousand wi'ile tl,o blood is«nn I '; ' "'^'" '■'"l'l»«sly out, itself to lieaven St ,. if f ""«''» P^"l»v«y an,l lifts a»ce in belmlf of , ' ,'"'"' °' 'V''"'' "'y'^S for venge- government! elected bv n r,'""';'' "''™''- ^ Cl,,an "P a hideou seS i/clnb ,'nn ;■" P™'''"' """ ""' '"'^ out in almost ev y co'. n ?v "1"'""^ "'"' '^'"P'^ '' ;'^ ^vave.Uasl, tl,eiej;3 f.'st ,"' " ''""^ "'"»- "tmml death. Co m^ss 'm .'I t/'"''™' ,'"t'""' '"'""■•'.""'' Thou bast no ' ea | «! ft, h'™," ' /' '^ ""^ '"■''"■'■■I '•s to tbe people tba are cl| led °°''' 'T"! '■''''-'"'«'• "amed Heathen, for amid .11 H.f",' ^"'' ""' '"'"""-^ t ley have not, by tLI" Lt' , ";'d ;;!,f -''--'"f "'"f'^ of curses, while they have b„,;, '^ '° "'«"• '''^t seriously consider no. til ,''!"'"« •'"'"entions, sionaries among ,' to convei^ur'""-' 1 '""'""" ""- tlie list of it, atrocit es a' , Z\ J.") ' ,"'"^ '""'" '""' ei-s are lectured bv these rt w "'"'''elies and preach- of humanity throu» lll*^' ■"'• '""''"'S "!« life-blood unsanctitvLdTmpomi^"''rr"'-'™™"' '" '» '!'« 0" pulp,ts and c3e?en e's The""*-' "f "'"'"-' i'"" of conviction and pietv 12; h» '"I'""' "^ """ "'<^" keep silent lont-er Z'-Zl ," f," '""« l'''-^'- If wo asainst us for tuV tacit con ,:' .""' V °'" "''"'« wall " tliundered agai^ist themfn ' '"^'' "''" '"'^« ■'''■ mortar 1ms be txt^mlf he hi'' "?"":' "•'"'"^' '"'^ 'I'"" tears of riven hear ^ • w ?', "* '"<^» «"<• the town with blood and estah , J",*; '° '"■'" "'"' '""'''^'1' <^ " «i>t we get a la "e ^' ,'*''''•'''«"' ^ e,ty by iniquitv." you have 'ev^^ledlhe ,ecre"t?f"! "f ','"'' "■'"««-"' ^ow problem of the reve L f i,» ' toleration, solve the tlie dealers rece v^ om tMr''/'''^^'''"™^ °"' °f' «"'i sounded its deatl k e ' aLh7 ' T"' ^■°" ''"^ a strong hold upon our peo'^pr'; ^ ^ ^'.'^ r"" '"^- l^etLur nature calls for Hiul vvJli '''«^^^^' '^"^^ -vai. Butavariciori-'ih::,rrat2cirt,- HLOOD-MOXKY. y a Christ- of a law thousand lessly out, y and Hl'ts : for venge- Christian fit will mix 1 empty it lis alonij, ery door, xnipcrifitn, unties, (oul Ije marvel n>h'_<,'atod e nations id cruelty ^heir list ventions, hn.i,' niis- ivo road 1 preach- ife- blood to the me into at men If we e wall ■' ah'eady lor the nd the ildeth a quity." Kow ve the f, and have id has, r am] its re- li tliis 9 generation is roadv to saonfinn all fi ^ • socially, and reli4uslTde.r Tl '' "'^tionally. '■allyiiif-ci-v LitliPfiiltnT .1 • ""J "'IS IS still tlie Tlic fi^rosVor t„ . ^ '^ '^'^ statomont i., „ot correct. and there are but 4 000 onn ^ ^ f >'000,000 out of it. ^•'^v uvLi lije Oars annually, under liceiiQP «« ]^,f >» says some onp "T/i^,-.'f i • , •'.' ""V^^ ^^^t^»se. " Jiut, thaf . Tvil' """ ^'^'"^^^''^'^^^'^t^^GmenwhodrinkD; V iiJdC. Cjod have merfv iinr»ii fi. .f ixi i , '"^^^^"'^P'ly and dotcrn e" to serv. y if.f ''° ""T^"^"' '"^°>^". "Pon Jour ;:::;•;, t",;' , tr ;' '^;M>rove„.e„ts alonij lie vah os vm r n, nn I W " "'" ''''''^^" ^'n^s liis. and X ull c ,ll»^ ^ ''' '"y" 'l'oan,ount Imdoes muel. taxi T e ;,;" ,alw,??i"'' ''""" ^°" P^^ ''''"' "« He has paid i-irn; r;^; 'rbr'aL'tr' '; '•"?''• nothing to nav voi. l,Lo „, i . ' ' "'"efore lias aeficit.^ A^d^i/th^ ir.r;t™ ::t:r ■ !di;i^t','r irulate this traffic !^-*'> I mean by indirectly '> I sanity is the result of this "tr B.)0 i>-7i.i rv'-\r\ -i- „^--,o/::,000. Do you ask what ports the asylums ? U answer, if one half of tl trallic, who builds and '' 'fo, out o/ our ta le m- SUD- ivji, or out of 10 I5L00D-MONEY. our country. For we are the people, and we are the country, h two-tlm-ds of the pauperism conios out of tins trafhc, wlio keeps the poor '? I(V do, in poor hnm^s, or troni door to door. !f three-fourths of the crime and crimmahty comes from this traflic, who pays for it ? i^e do, in buihUmiiiaols and court hoiwx, supportim/ judi/cs, comtahulary, lairt/ers and criminals. So now what have we got? $50,000,000 for the privilege of coliectin.^ J?().000,000, Tiiat is, we pay over $11 a head of our population for the privilege of collecting $1.50, and get the terril)le list of immorality and mortality to boot. Wonderful economy ! What merchant would long do business upon such a scale ? ]iut suppose we get the six millions clear gain, does that rnake it right ? Does the fact that we inalve money out ol any eiiterpris< make it equitable ? If monoy- makmg is the principle upon which we judL'e of the wisdom and rectitude of a business, then let"^us never be heard blaming the thief, for he makes monev out of stealing. He steals to make m'mey, and s'ucceeds, therelore his occupation must be right. " Oh ! that is a very rough and humiliating comparison." I admit it, yet the only distinction 1 can make is, the one is ille- gahzed robbery, and the oth( r is legalized robbery. How does a thief steal your property ? Bv taking ad- vantage of your weakness, or iLrnorance, oV both. He comes at night when you are asleep. Why ? Because you are ignorant of your surroundings, and therefore of his coming. He steals softly and quietly into your room, gets near to your purse or valuables. His pres- ence arouses you; but that moment he directs his re- volver upon you with the statement, " JStir and you are a dead man." Why don't you resist ? Because that bullet would be your death. It is too strong for you. Your wisdom is to keep quiet. He keeps that bullet directed upon you while he takes your valuables, and moves away out of reach of your recovering him or them. How did he get them ? By taking advantage of your weakness and ignorance. This he did contrary to law. But the proteges of this traffic, avcordinq to law, have, by crying out " revenue," been taking' ad- 1 1 RLOOD-MOVEY. aro the i out of >r houses, rime anrl for it ? lat have alloctiug of our and get .0 boot. do long lin, does e money iiioney- of tlie 3 never / out of ucc(iedri, that is a hnit It, is ille- robhery. iiig ud- Lh. He Because efore of ,0 your is pres- y his re- you are se that 3r you. Lt bullet 3s, and him or vantage lontrary (Ihiff to iig ad- 11 iwTdInt' \r'"'''' '^ '^'' c^^^^^^ho"Ti^o7 inquired nUo the question), and have 'railed tlio.n tlicy 1 avn s vun- un.ler tlio nosoa of our luUmvs whos" appotito ,3 depi-avod by tl.e aamo tratiic a,,,! cry •• '°',; left, t ut o iglit to go to feed and olotlie ti.o nal/od and Zntl,'; :>;"■ ''"' ■■'"'"''"■ '•«''''»-^' " I ''-" I Zi LT " '''"-"i"" """"" '■'■°'" ^^ "■'"-■' '' «"'"■-'• moTv ""'/f"",'"J'.h»S«'-s witl. tlK. accursed blood- money. Jfy trouble is we cant stop it. It i., here to tay and we may us well bave sometbing out of i as to lot tbcse engaged in it Imvo all tbe °ain and we tlie.i evd deeds ? It you license tbis tramc you not It, become a partiifr m tlic l,u.mcs«. No, brotbor •• let m.y nglH band forget its cunning, and ,,y ton'' u 'cleave to be roof o my n.outi, " ratber tban I put my pen to t^an t stop It ! Is that true ? If it is it'i tl.n f;...^ S '':;'"^„'"-^'°''^ f "'^ '^"='i-j'"ii»i' '•- t ti , b.»e declared by an vote uu\ wbo form tbe govern.nent of tbe c'oun't v Can t stop ,t ! Wbo says so ■> Not tbe major p,-f si;;esr''tebe'7-"r "°/ '^^f^ -'^--tcd';:; 'tiri lusiness. JSIo tbe druiker, lor to drink does not break tbe law. Can't stop it ! Wbo says so ? Tl„,,nn' W-- <« th.. tnutic. Have tbey not'said tins of a a v "i Uid tl ey ever keep tbe law, or any otber " Tl ev mye, by comnmn consent, always been outlaws. And sball a mmontyol outlaws, comprising at most one every four hundred, rule tbe other three bu uire Ian muety.nme decent, respectable, law abiding c ," Lt If tins IS true then good bye to bon.e. virtue. ,u,d r iL' on' Can t Stop It Let ns «p,> ^Jm...., '^-iin'on. secures a .f Suppose a corporation secures a piece of property opposite one of vour churches or school houses, and proceeds to Lil building upon It, and you chanced to pass that way! 12 BLOOD-MONEY. Naturally enoii'ou have I and in- institu- uso our answer, ay and be sus- lege. I Hash in pays the Strange • Itev- •e built e pen is at once lemnity t their e raised lead if another They have hold of a batte ring ram, and in goes that door A dozen of the groy-luiired fathers wiio I stiff with age and toil are at they have hold of axes, and d iire lave grown once supple and youn^^ own goes that institutioir IS m it, and these men are politehj howed out of urn upon such an errand ; swing an in- the neighborhood, never to rot ^_, and thru .'/'>• Vet you tell nic they can Htitution under the noses of our boys and girls, that is twice as bad. lor all the former can .lo is kill the body, while the latter will kill bodv and soul in hell J 00 long have we boon footballed from partv to par y, being made fair promises, every one of which is broken for fear of the organized opposition of the liquor dealers, ^\e are asked to repeal our local ontion law because it is not enforced. Why is it not^niforcod '> Because neither of the political parties want to enforce It, lest they lose the support of the drunkard makers And no law that mata-ially curtails this trallic will ever be emorced until the friends of Prohibition, who are the friends ot God and humanity, rise in their mi-ht and in one concerted act, by a stroke of their enfrunch-' ised axe, take oft the heads of those political tricksters consigning them to the limbo of disgrace, und put ia power a party of purity and righteousness, p.ut in the meantime brethren, we must keep our local opiion law on record lest our disgust at trickery n:ay be interpreted as a change in sentiment. We beat no retreat. We are marching to victory. Our forces are marshalling for the decisive and trium- phant struggle. A short time ago a deputation of the drunkard-maK-ers waited upon a leading statesman of this country, ami aft.r presenting their case, they wound up by vending their invectives upon tlie churches and preachers. In his reply he said. " (lentlemen, go home and make the best of your business while you lone Reternng to the preachers, he continued, ihey are the most unselfish country.^ Their greatest weakness " their operations nv churches of th is countrv unite But when the npoa this question, 14 BLOOD- MONEY. 'oWjou. hank God, tlio cliurelies l,ave locked Imnds upon tins question. Kvcrv avnod, .vorv assoe, a Uon, evo>7 asse.nbly, every conference of the t)n3 country, l.aye declared in ti.e name of God and p. With Christ leading, what the churches are iionest y and earnestly agreed upon, „„«( A,, ZT In1H7'T,-Hf''"'^?''°°f""-' ^''""t »f victory. In 1871, at tlio close of the Franco-Prussian war the tnumpiant G.rinan army came to Berlin for Tree en tv ^a te fa .TT- Tr' '^"^^ ''>'""'''' -."P'-oadied tl ttygate, fiomthelhiergarten, it was halted by a choir demanding what right it had to enter The regiment replied in song, reciting the bat,' s i"t h d fought, and the victories it had won. Then came a welcome from the choir •• Enter ye into the cU ." welcomed 'ti,!'"'' "",'' T' "'"'"^"t.'^d, and each one welcomed. They marched up the Lidens, between iZ °f ™P'"'-^'^ »"""»»• wi'l' the banner; they Im borne and the banners they had taken, till they came Great wZ'^r ' "'r"",7 "'""""^ "'<' FredeLl tl h s feet, acknowledging him as the creator of Prussia And so we are m the dm and heat of battle. Already IJiua Ir'r ^''V'^"^'''^ O"'- ™'-^- Church S Hanking church, and county is flanking county, in holy alliance against this fiend of death. We a" coming from every polling division to be reinforced by every county, and it in turn by each province Soon we shall be at the gates of the Capital of our ^onntiT demanding a right to enter. And when they a I oh; authority, we shall cite the battles we have fo.f<.h a, the victories we have won by the forces of mora suasion and consecrated ballots. Then they shall be imoKty" '""'""''' "'"' "''' ^""'■"^"'' " Ente" ye But our work will then have only rightly begun. ,^°l! I^^.^'t^' -['"g'-'S *" .o" ears, " Take^ye awav^he ' Btumuhiig ulocKB out 01 the way of my peonle " "This tlien, we will have done. Then it slialUe oui's to I, I ijavG locked associ- lui relies 'od and tic must les are e. victory, ar, the recop- lied tlie by a '. The it had came a citv." cli one (!tween ey had came ick the lies at russia. dready rch is II ty, in e are ed by Soon nil try, sk our t, and moral lall be ter ye egnn. . V the This, «LOOD- MONEY. ** IJoscne tl SiiatcJi tl in le pr 11)1 And bless (iod.lbohivJtl pr. care for the dyin. /^7'"piiv from hell and tl far suid 1^' in the mire ofdruni, ^t're IS no fellow 1 It' grave. luniau so P'-'igality, but the bloo. o o '.'""'i^f.^ ?[-' """"". of t^'it'aiise, and the everlast Jted compass, and lift up into II lace behold' are cl eenier can in^Mirms of the Kternal •■s presence, " till witl iJenoiaiiK' nq in .. „i„ /i , — ' '"" ^^"-n Ti.e;Tv;%l ::,;'--;;-'«" f-- «io,., to «'u... can 1 open we orv. and shall cry, " Lift tion, follow }'e lifted up, yo everlastii' r d ;"^' our captain, Christ. glor upyourhea