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Tous las autras exemplalras originaux sont filmAs en commen9ant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniire page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaltra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols -^> signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent Atre film«s A des taux de reduction diff«rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul ciich*, il est filmA A partir de I'angle sup«rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'imagas nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthoda. • 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 S 6 PLATES TO ALEXANDER DE HUMBOLDT'S ^ POLl'CJCAL ESSAY ON I'HE KINGDOM OP NEW SPAIN. 11 LONDON- VUlUmU FOR LONGMAN, HURST, REES, ORMB, AND BHOWN ; ANU II. COLnUHN : ANU W. BLACKWOOD, AND BROWN AND CKOMIIIB, I'.'UiNBUIO.H. 1811. I I v.S 1'. l)avih<.ii, Lmnbuil iir«et, CONTENTS. I . Peak of Orizaba. '2. Fokanos of La Puebla. 3. Plcui of the Port of Acapuko. 4. Map of the Valki) of Mexieo. 5. Plan of the Port <f I'eracruz. 6. Section of the li^estern Jjeclivify of the Tabk-lund of New Spair. 7. Ditto, Eastern Dictivity, ditto. 8. DittOy Central Tabk^ ditto. 9. Map of New Spain. >:-95S X X I If X ) 'I ( 1 I i h i ■ f M: mtm t i Ini^imitiim lU'thr Mnif litr •Ymtir i M MitrrA iSi'.i nf, >/« mow / /ntm.iiiti il'lltr Mnimrttnil ji-iw intprnttinl iy /40 it.tfilUHi<it,r ahni iiiulir UirUnifiirtii- Kifu»h'r,)tll m /«' >'i liiiir Ui" .It) '. t/i 'X. ."J"'. 4 I'mtiifiMilr ■4-V: JO ,1 .lirni jinr itiimt I' hntni Hi'iift hiHlnm .11. .Inttiti t.iiinu .ttl *inil .Mtiil .III ./t>-t9ii 4fntnr,\-ii fi'mn^ I. ■ Littiiit .Ifiitf /'" t'oMt^hi'iti tVftt^f.e ./A' .If-mi^t t'otiiiv >%'tmil iiiiii .\'lmii .//'.*' .//»*#*, I Iti.ti^ifo .Winii 'in.t i!r>tii'i Thi ht.iitmv lUtiotf ^'iitAtun.*'. of the rORT ,fiiilrot' 'J Miiritimr mice vr i/fon T(>i,er.e •^>F rr w^ -^' <a> IV X n '■iHlffLi Bv JaUHO Ol/rMANNS . Ill/ i>r' //iif/n/i'fiiiti ntfitftii-t.f fAf h'lifrr.f of' f/ir Biiufi' l!/iirii/if/iin \\' f/if Jtii> i/f Ti,/ii iiniit iihi/ tAe Jiio ifr P,i/iuiit to fAf .IfAwf/r (httrn T/ie tiiriirAi- of' Ziimpitriito •it tfirn f7i/-i,rfi>Ai/.('RV.V) iivre oiA/fif i/t i^itti' A- i^i><f..TAf.fniii// difnt/ of' IrrfiJi-nts rrnr fo tAry>u- fAf Dnfaifiie i/r,i'. ^TAf fi'ffii//,i- (\.S) werf /tiyt/ivffif fo femoi'i- tAi' ir> H-Airh fAe /7(f itf'JlL\eiii> /> j-**/// /-.j^ymvy/ of't/iiinifiirioru% fhorn fAe . ^'oiitJi itm/ £ft,tf. .7liirtthi'/iff . Thf Hw f/t" LfTfnii ^ ^ Mvn' to thr South Sfii\ '**», ^i 17^ «/r)« nfj^ '»*/»))W'/''^ A *^H/>tHl^tl ■ ■■/»•* " "^*Sw| TA/- J?«> rff Lmna Joint ^^v^^^ ^'^ Mr iEw </r Santiago ui itr Ufir ft) the South Sen • JiAl' .<J % TOtUCA. __ J ^ ,__ Jo J» ^, lUua-^tS'jtii Esplanatiuii of Sig^is. ACAriTAI. .«• j>Vr.«t CITY !k Ti>wn . , t rilUje. °l* .tfttvn . ob.trri: ofLotuf. S:Lat. I. -J. of Lony, A Ri'.fult ftf'a Ti-igo»om . <)p«r. * iThe nuinJber i(f tuisns inttirutet the tipt'oitivn abort thf hfttaf^teSem-J ^L rf ."■ wsmt^T^ ^_ 40 no (4 ■■„■ «-^^^' ^'^ 5i '•'&* if rfl^Mr ; J/.W // /! /L Kr/('(\^ Uk A Zeinptntltt Jk^ :^ \. "fUfff/f/iX (f/fff) ///r U.)/t(/t<nnrff/ f'/.n 'ftft/trfht. (fftff /'ft 'tc/fuA^m/ />n,/.)frii o/f/t/.t <>/ ( //. (/, 'n/UNrr/f//. Hy .lAiiHo Oltmanns . . I ..../ JiiV'- ^^1 -— »~-.<BL._ ^- ' of Vi'rtii'ni:< ' Ihr mo.H iiiifdiini fnitf m' l/if liir tir.t in /,.;'.//..);•. ,r«/Y/( /.tit.iiiiil !•' .1.1. .it/: ,•/' /tt-.ft l.iiiiii.i I'rum the f" .Hrri,l . of' I'liris /- Mniii Titii/iri^imrr I'.I;'.;.' <>i' l/if ihihiiiiiilf Tlitrni-i ",.1.4. iti' f'lUiivti.i ^ .liiiiiiiil 1,'iiiiiiti'ti- i>t' iTiin jh'iii it,! hi jitt iiifhf.f. Tlir iMiHi H'iiiil i,f iiniiiniiiin/ hi 11 i/ri'iif liuiiiiir in l/ir hiirtmir ti'i; Diii-iiiii thi,t Ituttt tin Mm-iiiy ri.f,v 1! ../■ ; Ii'iim, h hilf (/!<■ iirilinniy iiiriiiHun.tr i>r iiiiioii nl' Uir liw.tir JOni>,e/>/irfii' hoi'a rv liilf.v till not i.tttftl ^I'nuit 1. 1:^ ti' i.tl tiiii:>\ 'llifiv tjt unir one title in Ihf ■•4 Imuiw at Trf^i ihi:,fliiiii i.r iiriii-nilli'jh'iii I tit /V t'rrt , I'lit jhtni y*; //' .1 Ihi in l/if .^'iitrtiitu- X-Kt/uino.ve.r, Thi\fiiiurr.f imtuiiti- thf X'.' i>t\/'iith<-m,t: 1 llitiitboliti.l fill,, Hi,-,, .■»V .<•■' .,**'m-i 4li / / M 4* P'?6orda .Ft \ i \ .» .« " ' ' * ft- -"A \ \ J 4 4 4 ■(* ,f .5* .«' ^ MffOi 7 Tfi^^ Caatle of S^uon •> ^^ 4^ : _J ^^ ■■••W * AA sji a^s S 4>i 4fi M J* \ "*^*. H» -^^trfl^ ,,'f^J Jhihluthai hv lon^tnan i ('? OiT.ij;. Id " Iill,i Hi,-,i ^lunpiuilil lutn lir I'tii !•■ 'iSlti "X /•yT... .1 «♦ ." .1. .y-' 1.1 .1* ■t «'•*"*♦ i i.f ../* ***:**«i* 1.1 i-i "J^w, a ^^. /.i*. ■V CmtHe of S.Ju«n 5t .'^^^•'i^');^'^ . ^i^'"^^^">>"!f-fl"'-""^ ..■M»LA "Nk ^ -9 ■■. ^^'•r^iaitt tf Santo diriiki '% Jaair of one Maritimr MUr or gSo TJ'/iniu- ^ m ri ■ — ^ •' -^.?"-^^^'<i .W ; - . . . - " '-T^^^^%r??S>*S^ fd hv lorufman Jc ('? Ott. i,s* i*"- JouTyxtt. VWf i «* !C *i$.- \ ■ # - Uv Tuigm .Woo ,'{,') oo ,1400 .1.100 .'itoo .tioo - itffOO JflOO ItJOO vtfoo n.'ioo 1400 ■Aiim stoo- sioo \ Utight ot'lJufiiiltf li'Jnfnih'irr in .S'lwov . rooo Hfiifht i,i' t/if Mount ,if .f^ £lie ',m rtif If.W. Coiuft 4tf Amtfini in rtoi' it of' LutJ fjfii t . h%- Matiurpina A' iifHo t.liv liiftfr<tu.rr. Ufifiht >>fthr Fif ilOnztihii . Hfijiht itf Mount Slanf . Inf. limit ijf.fnoir unJrr rkeift°.ao':ofy.Lal. Mtijfht ofthf Caniifou fin thr Pfrmr«,e) Inf. Until ofj>frprti .fnoiy iindir B*r 4.f?of JItiifh Lilt, in £iirvpe. MniH ttmprrtitiiPf iSfff'.Jt . Efiifht oftiirPajs of ,ft (iothnrd . Eaght ofHie.filytr minnr ofTa.rm A' Ttlmihitrpff . Hrijfht of Boirifr fin ihr fyfrnmfj Heiiiht of rr.ru fiii.r . Inf. limit of prrprtfSnow iintter t>'5"X.Lat . Sdifht of the itfi' of Carntnht- . EnipiuvJ hi/ W.IjOiiTif. Mrlrr. m^^ //rvyA/ j»/' rfir f]timA.<m.'i Hfioo Oooo till- Iff'. :fii': ''/' A'lHt/i /.lit . ,.;,„ 4(M>(I SAa0 Hriitht of ^'tiifo j,^„„ '/(<■ 4^1. tif l.itt.tn r.ntfipr •f' till- Si f I ft' imtir.f of' thiiitiii.vi'lfo l»(>no fh/'. fiinif !•$' iti/hi-titti'ti I'f' Kuroptftn •/lyiui in Jfi-.n'tyi Ifrtifht i>f' thi- Jinu-i'm in Otfnuiin- Inf. limit ,tf' fuyfu^i.if Srii'lf itiultf rhr tt.'t'.'of XoHh lot. iin:it ,'/■ ,liiA:r X' I*itifif biiifmi J/t-.i-iif IIOO -300 t 8 ' •' litt.X. itl" S,t J,un ,ir. ivr'! It', ti . ^ 1 «5 9 ■a ■MW *5 I. 'J' •A I V /: t •S ^ e < //f JTni/i i/uj^tiori of the Srftion X i<f'. K. Miu'iiit* L**ii\<>icN iif no lo the IJegVee AiHi\--/"it hv Li'iianuin .fr (*'.' Oft.u^iSic. I. 1 a Tutiirii ,fjf*w PM'/M771\y7A' TABLE LAXB o/ XliW SPAIX (txtf/n/n/// /// /('>o:t,/>\' »U. liJE ilfMBOLirr, •S Lfii\»\u*« of u(> lo the J>e^H»<» I .iWJtmnir'' ,.„.."!•:";-'" fur wtr^ fiihir ^ -rr^!'^!:!zw^^'7%jfm^'^^^.^-'' /;; //€- I :i \ ^ N 1 ^* e . %, 1 5 J 3 1 f.ih^ 1 3 5 \ \ t!: # " j tn„ .,.t.tl $ r J ^ .y.too I sfoi> IJftH* Hyht >f thr J/<iiiMt .jf' ,\'* Khr .'n the XJi: i'oii.ff Iff' .fnttrvyi m tl.i:' !,• ot'f.iit^- ■■lyi" * . Un'ffht ot'Miumt Jthuif . Inf. timil of'.i'ttitm- nn,/rr fAr hf". xv'.' ,>t'.\'.I.itt Nnitht ot'IJu$ttillr >i'.ti^faiUfrr in .%',»,,%'. Htiffht of' the tUtiiftoit fin the P%-ttnrf^ri hit' limit t;l'jtftytff'.Sn,m- '*/»»/*»' the ^fi^v/' Ai'tth litt.i/t Munipe . MniH tanpentttUT IM' (l. K . Heiifhf of the Ptut.t ,>f St t.othnni . Hn'ffhf oftheSiltfr minne iV'Tii,ny> A' Tfhtiilo/tffee . /leifflit ii/' ffiifyjfe fiH the Fyt-eneni'/ Htijlht offr.rnfiiu-. Inf. hinit of pnytet .'Smm tiiulit- tl.V.' X. I.at . Jleiffh/ of the l\t%- t^liimnyu' . Mut y tft" ti'. 4>'i ■ Mim IT jtti" if.y. Mo. Kiiijntvt'ii hij H\ /lOUTtf . I liAft hv Li'tiattutn Jt i':' Oi^.uviAf. 'I f I ^ i aSHHKa // V/J in » /l>i//itt)n lit ,\'ffit . ifhi.). Htim i Jlriif/il ,if' Ijii /;•/.»(« i/i i'otii/m.n' . linht Wit, \,fli aUtHt iHoo idim tAoa ~ 141m \ III/', limit iif'/ii^yhllSiiiiii iiiitlfr llif A'lliiiifiii: ' J):' iiiiilir llif li)'.' ;•(/." 11/' .Vnii/i /.III. Hiif/ii'.ft limit of'ISiiiW mi the Jtiflhfjit limit of' tlif .Hnu,\- Mf.fiiioin iinilfr Mr ■.•{!. of f.iif . Heiiiiit of Eititi . Wfihrji-t limit of .\fe.fi4ii/i (hiJc 011 tlif Cijfl'rr >l>- I'fii'te . »Aot> 1300 - - MOO loot) J)0O Soo joo ■- - ffoo — Soo - 400 -- Joo -' -r Infitior li/iiit of /iriyiftlSiioH- iituh-f the 40'. of Xorth Milt . Jleiiii trmftniitiitv i:t'' ti' iSm.j I'ifii.il to thnt of Toulini Iiif. limit Iff Ur.fiiyw Pine.f ii/iilef tjif jjf!'H-:')>."on tAr Sii.rtitv i/niit-in- of thf ('onlitlirr. liimtiift htiifht tit irliiiii tiie Bimiimi tiw ^)ir/i/.r /r)/f fivit bftiii-m Vttii Ov: .«• Ferotf. limn tmq'fiMtuir Jill's, iiiitlff thf jy •:»>': Xoi-th LM . Jnfhior litnrt of petprt '. Siiou- ti'i'.' X.Lat . Hiffhext limit of IWlow Jhrr on tlir nxuft ijf rent I'lvz. Jnf. limit nfMr.a'iiin (ftik hrtwim JSiliwii ' * Vayi Ini: ■ Btiifht )if t/ie Plain of Miulrid . .5" -C * • > nw ji Height of tienn-a V///iii%itT:f'/!/Siimmnimnmm'rm, ,,it.XAia<;ji..'>:' m .TT \Qll^-jt>. o Mean tnnpetvturr wfio?ia"-ISea.) iindtr the i/ffso? X.lat . Lofi IT. r$#."^; JSTiynryn/ hv IKlsvnMm-ry. M "- IT "^ ■i.ltit ,'/'{/ 'fun,/;' (So(M> i I V\ 4000 ni/-t ,•!' Mont J'ny//, Huih^H '''"'" '/"//,, ,<•: :. •!'(.". ,\f /frniiuyi ulfii .itinn I'f Kuf\'/'mn "n^hl .•fthr fuf tir Jhimr >ii'iiiLi' i/i Sitmtnf Ot ■'■'-■ I • .i-^i.f.r thr tiiiir 1» iluit of tt,^ lift ,>f'Mr.n*\> jlSLM^ k /J/tnr/f .'//J /'rr//, /irf/r'///^///r,r/ A'- /// .^^'f>Hf'///f// y'fY// /i/fvr. •5 •. 4 .? 1 t ■^ § ? ■4 ■4 > 1 1 Sr 1 1 1 -• 1 J -S 5 / ^^^M ■ <r •^ -A Ml 1 W^ , 5 ■1 im 1 1 m ^_. 3 /.on .«:' i.;>: :'.■'. .f/. -i i .i ; .! h S ,(. T nr DECLWITYo/f/,,' l^iMLE ZAJVI^ of IVE%r ^l^ilJf. " VI:RA f'/{(Z />!' PlI^IiLA&XALAPA •/o/>//f'///f'//y'rY// /.i//y/,\v//f////'/// />/ /('io/,,/>v 3f,HK fff'.'ifiiOfJXr. ,'ititiit llfii/lit ti> uhiiii il llru Lu.rjiii^ )t.fitii.ti'.< in 'I Htilhwii 'lt> ,\'t/'t . liliLf. .lilrni ■ \ ,14011 .Xftw- ; Hei;l/H ,'t' till l'''l,MH •/> f'ff\</tt,i-i hif. hinit li'/'OJHl'.Stioit iiiiihr tl,.- /i./iiriftir. Kninlri- III,- !,,■ ;•.'.■■ ,i»-.r.>»A /..;». ■a ■I •9 J ft-»rV21- t'rtriv*// .ffrti'im innm DiiYtltvn .W ,'tj'! S . I ' k i .; i 1 > .i ^ S I 4 ■^ I <3 •s"'s 5 ? t-^ ^ III:* 1 ■•••. St ; vl * * •jiK)n ffii/fmet iimit t>l' fSiuv >ni tin- '//"" t^on Hi,llu;vt fiwif ft' th,- Jhiit.^- .U<:>-ifui.i un.lrr ihr jH.of i.„t . fMilhf of' Ktiui . Jfii'ii llf.t/n:0 /unit .'/' .l/f.iv'.>/// thii.- «h th-- ti'/frv 'if /V, .<(■.-. j.ii'f I4it' l.too Irtfht'or limit t'f im-jtet'. .\'ii,-%\ luuU-r uoo Unm tniipit^itiifr mV ti ' 1 Hm ., r,fi,.it til that of Toulon \ 1000 .V"" Inf. limit of Ji/r.i'iiM/i /'mnr u/ttlri\tio- Of ^ X- :•><:' on the /,'./.iVf/w ilniinn of th^ I'onli'UtiY . ,1iM litnitf.tt hrut/it III uho-ii till- fliiiiooii fn>- goo .<■ /'mit,-. i/oiii ttfufi^iittiiy lO'y H.unilff' Of Thiifl ,\Ytiu'n nimii Diift'iom .''. /»V <Soo btfiiioi' lioiit of priftrt '. Shoo ti.'i'.' X.l.iit Uit)hrst limit of Yirilou Jrtrr 011 tin- nihtf iff I'ltyt i'nu- •/"«' Inf. limit iif'ifr.ai\w thik ln-tttrrrt Ahdifm .<• run thi: . .y„„ nt(i/At oftto-Floin of Miuln.i . ■*-> '<' *V|V - '■ij. -.Hto ffnifht of timn-ii ■ liit.xTiit'fiiio:' . tindir the {tf."lit'.' .V.I /.on IT. yff"^/. i>. Lot . £nifnttt\f hv M'ilron It^itrtf. it ■i iM- I Viii'ii"" hhi ..'/ . * i^^ ' I i \ - ? 1 - IL^ mmmmp m I'liidlild ToisfS .■{.too • I 1 1 III :'i/ii,i lii-itflil *>/' i'hitiihiiiuizit. Ili'iillil ,1/' /'•:/>i'iiili/if// ,ir iiriiil I'ltlitiiii) \iii <:i t ■ limit th. hill- i>t f.lUti •j./iiii ■j;<iiii 11,1, lilt .■iWli'iil 'SI, III,- l.ifi'i-r li'iiiif ,•/' /i,'iyii'ttiiil .\'iiiiir iiiiilri- III, III': .;•:', 'I' Xorfli l.iit . Heiiiht oi' flu- Miiif Hiiri/ .Vri/rn i>/' l/if/i/iiit/ t'0',>t '/\/y/l f/fi'i/li/ i;t' till' Silirr iiiiin-.i- k/' .lli'i-iii/iiiiii/iii I or of I'lwlii ! I'lrii Ueiijlit iif'fhe i'liiiiifiiii III the P\-reilfi\f. LvH-i-f liiiiil iif' fti-iyiiiiiil Siii'ir iiinler Hie 4,'>:'<il' XoHh Liit. in fUirn/in Ufitilit of tlif fio.f.v of' Mount i'liii.t- i!mit,;ft ili/itli of' tlir miiif of' I'lili-iiriiiini litt^ tii.l LiiM-ei' limit of' fx-rfirtiiiil Simu iimlfr t/if lii'i" of L<ititiulr . ,J)ii\,'twn .V. Jjfi-r/ of't/ii- I'lvoi, jSnipyin^/ At H'iAw/i louri/ . '•• 'yfl ^ ; m iil ■ft ■•i \ Mfiro i9Jfli ^jr*nrri (*ooo ll,i.lht .-rth, /•:■ ..r I 'ri :„/'., .''.-i,, 7.V.//./ :'*yV./.i; Pi,-fuii,i,.i n„iri,Uiit,' .f,f,> ./.>.. Iftr Irt" Vtl" t'/'.y. 1.III . ,'fh, /;/>...:.■ I'h-.a-tt.-r ill llir Tyn'l 401)0 .I.e... I Hrnfht .<t'ti,r t'lty ol\hitt,>. 'hr i.f. of'XLiit. in A'nif'pf \ -'^*'" ^ I ', ■/ -/r t:.iirmir. "nt /i/'r/i, /ui.f.fr.f of \ ?.?»'(' thr Pi-iYtifr.t' .■I'li/hf nf' thr pti.r. fluff »■/' Simplon of Ihf JlfUi' ■^nmiiiit .If' thr BiHwirn i/t tlrrmnny. ■It It- h/iiit ,if prt'fi^iiiil A'fifif iifulft' f/tr »!'>■'. >>t' X. L*t* . l.rt,l Of' thr O.r finrt A't-iiion . Dintiiim A^. ff'' £ . Aoti./f. t"i . j.y. .'»» S^MMtt A'tvHon , mmn iiiiYiiion ^ X'*" ff i..it 1 - ; Lvn.n'. ito". !■• Marinv l.*':<;i|^ »t' no to tht> Xu-y^Yv, tuhU.'h.xi -^W^num (• C^ O^ u '.'•iSuk fl u II' MMXirW^/Wnrn, //.r Jff^ rr,u/ ^H ? n/\XOMTJfI I.ATllTllMi: . CK^iJD /" ^'jmirj}:xjyA:rv ■ff/ ///r>/sfnr//fr/f/ />r ,Vf. DE J/Ill//U)I.:DT. •*J XUui ll'l.liit ._</• t'I'li >tu'4'.,;,, .(:•.«. .7/<in IIIMI .'//"«' -■,.,. ll.;.i/,l .jl l\,. ..,,,.,.,11 ../■../...• ■:.l>i>. ■.■:i,u' II,,. ,1,1 ,.,■ >i,-,.i ii.,,,, I- ■'•'■""' •.■'■/" '/■■•"■■'' •'■' «• « 5 1 I llr„il,l ,;i- il.r ll,,,,- 11,;,. .\n ' ll„„„.,„ ,.l„>i '/',n. 5 4 L,lt..V. til. f 7 . i,t,n-U'. It,," y.-*l .*« Ittn.ir. I, '.-I': I. /vv/zVA .t'.if/ii//. mr,in Jl,iy,ii,,ti \ . IllOf) //,,„/,, ,./■«.■ .r./,./- ,,.,.,,,■,■/,., ..,■ M,.„,,,.,„.i... Ilft'lhf Hi' till- I'lHu'i/iiH ilt t/lf f'vifHtY.f i.i'H-if fitm'f "f' /ifl-/u-tnii/ ,i'/n'if iiinfil Oif 4.t: ,]f' Xorlh i.,tl. '/' /.'itntpr llri.ifit I'f' fi'f /'HIT.* ,'f' Mt'iiiit i'titi.f linith-.ii ./(/»//. of' III,- mm,- .if' l',il^iiri,i, LiiH-ff fiini'f iif' firi/iitiiiif S/ii'M iiiiii^-i- f/ir K'.'f'! of' l.ittitiiJf . /,,/W ,>fth. /i/it;/ynf,/ M ////<>- v /.,>nty/ . W /; /,. •r ( ? ■■•'SB .-:?'i!i ->— ■ — t— k. n i j < < { it 4 f 11 !f J a. ■\ 'h- i: ^ t ■ - .«■*•' '>. <... ^.r- 1F^ iyrC ?^ /<Cl^ ft M ^l !^- m m \\. f J A> S- 3 1^ fi-ffT v I*