 Collection de 
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 Canydian Inttitut* fdr Historical IWIIcroraprod6ctiona / Inatitut Canadian da microraproductions hittoriquas 
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 • N 
 : '#■ 
 * , 
 • - 
 ■ * ■ . 
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 , < . 
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 ^, ^ — ■ ^ 
 ■ -5 \: 
 ' i 
 ■■*'*■■ ': 
 ^ ■••- 'w , .■ 
 ■ * ■■ ■*'"..■ 
 .. ■■*■.'■■'' 
 AMilMik.... 10 
 AbraaU 17' 
 Abouion ,. .. U 
 Abywi'n llaoauTM* M 
 AcMiliim 17 
 Acraclinum 17 
 AdluiaU 17 
 Adunl* 17 
 Agaraium 17 
 AgnwMmaw "I? 
 AgraMit 17 
 ^lUhw IH 
 Ail^h«rVim 17 
 AIooIm 18 
 Mjttam 19 
 Amamnihut IH 
 AmmuMum ID 
 Aai|Mia|Ma IV 
 An.(ailb .,,. I» 
 Antin.>iM 19 
 Aiiimkiiii Out IW 
 Aoiirahlnua IV 
 Aquilfgia IV 
 Arabia IV 
 ArciMb .' . IV 
 Argtmofia IV 
 Anaiulochb IV 
 Act vMlactiiNU 7 
 Animlo IV 
 Aapanila IV 
 Aatan lO-IMH-IO 
 AuMralUv Olorjr Faa 95 
 Auricula.... IV 
 Avana )V 
 Aialaa S& 
 Bachaioi'i Butian . . ti 
 Halloun Vina II 
 Balutm SO 
 Hal>atii Appla ti 
 Barionia to 
 B iitiAn M 
 llarii<l'«ranala> !4 
 Brachyooma .,..,,.. 10 
 Briia W 
 Broalna gO 
 HMwallU SO 
 BHitaillrriowar.... SS 
 Ciicii.....: u 
 Cacaiia SI 
 Calampalla tt 
 CalanJrim tl 
 CalcaoUria U 
 Calanda'a 2S 
 Califarnia Poppy ... S6 
 Calliopaii ........ Ml 
 allirhwr SI 
 npanula SS 
 Capa HyaciniK....'. S« 
 Capa Ailnr 86 
 ganary Blid Flowar. SV 
 andytufl tS 
 Canna 4l 
 Canlarborr Balli . . . It 
 ' Canlinal Flpwer ... S7 
 Cardiuapamum ..... SI 
 Car^iion ., g-SS 
 Cuior Baan H 
 Catchny 81 
 Caloia.. 2# 
 Cantauraa ....SS-tS 
 Canirantliut SS 
 Cara>iinni SS 
 Chinaaa Pinic S4 
 Cliairantliul : St 
 Chryaa'illlamuiil . . . 28.85 
 Cinararia 2S.3t 
 Cigar Plant 85 
 Clarkia 18 
 Clanaiii S3 
 Cleome 15 
 Clovei, Swact SS 
 Clianthui 86 
 Colxei.... « 
 Cocluoomb 88 
 Coi« Lachi]nna 83 
 Colaui 35. 
 CoUeuiions 7 
 Coiliqiia 88 
 CoImUm 10 
 Coa«ilvalua tl 
 Corn rioirat tl 
 Own B.4lla It 
 CoaaMt II 
 Cowillp. II 
 CocuaUa 11 
 !Cucaiahar, Wild... 11 
 ;Cuphaa 85 
 K.']Kiaman 15 
 Uyp"" ■ U 
 CtpraaaVina 17 
 fiahlU t« 
 y^y 11-14 
 Paiura 15-18 
 l>alplilnium M 
 Daw Plant M 
 nianthut U 
 Dianihua Baibatui., SI 
 Digitalia S« ^ 
 Oolickoi IS 
 Ihi.ty Miliar 85 
 Duichaifn'a^lpa.... IV, 
 Kchavaria *i 
 Edalaralu 15 
 Krianthui ....-..'.... 15 
 Kryalmuni .- 84 
 K ch>cnalula 85 
 Kuphorbltf 85 
 Kvening Glory 87 
 Kvanin|i Prlmroaa. ..' SI 
 Fr.«Kanllla — 15 
 Fairy Pink 7 
 Faathar liraat 93^^ 
 Farna. 31*^ 
 Favtrfaw 8» 
 Flora t Paint Briiah . SI 
 Flowaring Saga 33 
 Floi Adonit 17 
 Forgcl-ma ni't 15 
 Kuunl.in Plants .... IV 
 Four O'clock 81 
 Foaiiova 84 
 rraiinalla 15 
 Fuchaia M 
 Oaillardla 86 
 OardanPink 81 
 () araninm 80 
 Oilia. 4» 
 fliilylloarar 88 
 Oladiolui 86 
 Glaucium 86 
 dloninia 86 
 Godaiia 85 
 Gpldan Faalhar. 81 
 nooiphrana. 85 
 Oourdn.. 4-0-16 
 Graanhouaa 85*M 
 (iypM>philia. 85 
 Hara'n Tail Graai.. . 87 
 Heartica^e 80 
 Haiianlhui 80 
 Heliplerum 10 
 Haliotropa 80 
 Hf^lichyraum 10 
 Hibifcua 10 
 Hyacinihut 10 
 ll'illyhock 11-10 
 H >na«1y 80 
 Honryiuckla 80 
 H.>p« to 
 H vdaum 80 
 Horn Poppy 85 
 Hiimea >.. 80 
 Humulu« 80 
 Hvacinlh Baan 88 
 Hyacinltiui 10 
 Ibarit 13 
 IcaPlant 88 
 I'ripr-iial Pink 81 
 Indian Pink. 84 
 Indian Shot 81 
 Ipimea. ....0-87 
 Ipomoptii. 87 
 Jacobsea. ...,..«.. .. 10 
 JapanaMivy IV 
 JapanaM Hopv... . . . 80 
 Jenitalem Cliarry.. -. . 30 
 Job's Teara. 11 
 laaasli'aC«M I* 
 J«V. Flaara* 17 
 l( HllVlMi* '• " 
 KaninVthlyy; ... M 
 KaluKhoa..- II 
 l.adl«« Kar br<<pa .. M 
 l^agama . . . > t7 
 Ijintaiia 10 
 l.ark»pur. 14 
 Lavaiara '..•• |7 
 l,kptaa|plMB n 
 Linum. * 10 
 l.lnaria 10 
 Uibalia 17 
 Lophoaparitium — .. 17 
 ■.ova-in-a-mikl 8V 
 lx»a.|ja>-blaading... W 
 t.unaria. 10 
 LupinR 17 
 l.uplnua 17 
 l.ychnk :^. «7, 
 MaKipo 1 ... 1 ' 
 M^rgnaritaa . . . 
 Manynia 1* 
 M.<>k Flomr |0 
 Maurandia 80 
 MarnlorParu SO 
 Nlaa'mbry'nthamain.. 80 
 Mignunaita.. ., 8* 
 MiaiO'a 8« 
 Mimului. 8V 
 Mirabilia.. SH 
 •MockOrangr 86 
 Monkry Ftoarar. ... 20 
 MoAk'a Hood 17 
 Moon Flowar 87 
 M >rning Olory St 
 Mountain Fringe . . 17 ' 
 M >untain of Snow. . . 8ft' 
 Mourning Bride 83 
 Mu-k Plant.. .... SO 
 Muaa SO 
 Myniphyllum 30 
 Mytiaotii 88 
 NiisluitiuiB.... .... 80 
 Nemophila. 80 
 Nicatiana IV 
 NiaiamlMrKin. ...... 80 
 Nigella 8V 
 Nolana. 8V 
 Novaltiai 8 to 10 
 Oanolbaia. ... 81 
 Oayura. 81 
 Painted Daity ...... 81 
 Paniy »0-4V 
 Pauilbra 80 
 Pauion Flowar «0 
 Paaa, Flowering SI 
 Paas ParanniaU... SI 
 Perennial Larkapur.. 84 
 I'arilla .. 81 
 Petunia 80 
 Phacelia M 
 Phaaunt'i Eye...... 17 
 Phloa 11 
 Picolaa.., 81 
 Plaiycodon 8 
 Pinki «4 
 Polyanihua 31 
 Poppy li-SI 
 Poriulack 31 
 Pot Marigold. 13 
 Poinnatiia ; . . . 11 
 Prickly Poppv ..... IV 
 Prince '• Feather. ... IV 
 PrimroM 18-80 
 Primula 81-80 
 P<rethtu<n 2V 
 Rad.hot Poker S3 
 R'BMlaOdoraia..... 28 
 Rhodpnthe -88 
 Ricinui.' 38 
 Rocket , 81 
 Kockt'mi. ........ IV 
 RoM Campion ; ' IT 
 Row of Heaven..... 17 
 Salpi<loa>ia I, 
 Salvia..... Ss 
 ganvtlatU. 11 
 SapoMfk 11 
 Ncabluaa n 
 Bchiiantha- H 
 H..hlB>ipatalvm » 
 S.'dUBI.. 11 
 Saa|t|lM Plant M 
 8IJi%U.aia SO 
 Bmllaa SO 
 hnapdragon IV 
 finail Plant ., N 
 Snoa^n Summar ... If 
 hnaka Cucumbtr .... 11 
 Sol taum . . M 
 Squirrel Fall Ora« . . M 
 Stance II 
 Stavia 18 
 Stipa SS 
 Stocka... 81 
 SliinaCrop 88 
 <Si>ip<.ICorn *4 
 ■«:«uriflo...r 18-80 
 ' 6w«n Kivar Daliv . . 10 
 Sweat Nigh(ing.)la. . 88 
 Swiel Paa.i ... 31-11. to 
 Swetl Sulian M 
 Sweat William 83 
 Taga.n 10 
 'I'humbergia 84 
 Thiille, .Scotch S3 
 Tree Cyprea* 87 
 I'liranla 80 
 Triiom 83 
 Tropaiilum 10 
 Dmhrrl'a Plant..... 11 
 Valerian, ...,-, M 
 Venoa' l.roking.glaai 11 
 Ve'brna It-St 
 Vio'»t 8-14 
 Virginian Slock 84 
 Virgin 'a Mower 13 
 •Vi.raria 84 
 Wai'iia 84 
 Walllldvar 84 
 Whiilavia 14 
 Wigandia 84 
 WildCarlrn 80 
 Wind Fl wer IV 
 Wuir.bana ;. 17 
 Xaranthamum^ 84 
 Zea 84 
 Zinnia...'. , ./. . 84 
 viNBS, rra 
 Adonia i . . , . 87 
 Amaryllia 87 
 Apioa Tubaroaa. .... 44 
 Ampaloptia 44 
 Aiisioluchia 41 
 Arundo 40 
 Beuera EIrgana ... 18 
 Boaioa Ivy 44 
 Banana Plant 40 
 Cacti 14 
 CallaLily V-48 
 Canna .10-88 
 Caladiuma 33 
 Carnationa 40 
 Chinaaa Sacred Lily. 43 
 Chrvnanthamuma . . . II 
 Cinnaoioa Vina 46 
 Clamaiii. 44 
 Clacboma... 16 
 Climbing Rnaea 48 
 Cobaa Scandcna — 44 
 Coleus 43 
 Coop-riaDrummondi 37 
 Cvc'oboihra ... ; 48 
 Dahliaa SV 
 Dielytra I; 
 Duichnlan'i Pipe 48 
 Kcheveiia.. 49 
 F.alalU.... 40 
 F.iryLily 87 
 Fuchiia 40 
 Gkltonia.. 43 
 Gladiolui 40 
 Gloxinia 48 
 Hanging Haki. Plaua 40 
 Hardy Roaaa ....... 41 
 Hollyhock M 
 Hiiney«u>kla 41 
 HelUi.ihua 40 
 Hfaiinlkui 41 
 joaa Flower... U 
 Lily of the Vallar... 40 
 Uliea Ml 
 MailalraVia* U 
 Manellla Vina ..... I 
 MeiKanShallFluwar 48 
 Meiican Star Flower SI 
 Mignuoaiia Vina ... 41 
 MiraHiAwa M 
 M.jniktvRoaa^...i 47 
 Moon Fl .war . /*... . . 44 
 Mo^RoMe 40 
 Mgatbraliaa 41 
 Muaa f, 40 
 Oaali.,,, V\a« 
 UrienlMlly .T^O, 
 PanaiaTcV '....,... » 
 Paniaa 41 
 Pi.L.a 40 
 Petunlaa 40 
 Peacock Tiger Flower 48 
 Red Hut Poker. 40 
 Kanuiriclion Plant.. 10 
 Roawi 47-48 
 Spider Lily 48 
 i'igridiaa 48 
 TiTloma 40 
 Trumpet Craapar ... 41 
 TuberoM ....... 41 
 V'iginia Creeper 44 
 Vpa.andllakl.Planta 40 
 Verbanaa 8849 
 Water l.ily .. . 41 
 White Sea DalTidll . 43 
 Hydranga ... ■ /. ■ . 51 
 LBOTIdM>S ... 50 
 nruH andllowto 
 AiparMiua II 
 HunaRadiUl (1 
 Rhubarb 04 
 Aaparagua 51 
 Artichoke U 
 ReanaHroad 58 
 Rrana dwarf and tall MM 
 Bruveli Sproula:.... 61 
 Brocoli... 51 
 ItoracolaorKal*.... 51 
 Beet a 
 Cubbage t-f54 
 Catr« |»7 
 Caulilower ]U 
 Celery W7 
 Com Salad '.... 5t 
 Chervil ...>.' 55 
 Chicory 55 
 Citron 00 
 Colleetioni 88 
 Corn 5-50.57 
 Creaa SB 
 Cucu-iber 10.66 
 rHindelion 57 
 Eag Plant 57 
 Enrtiva 67 
 Garlic 57 
 H«ibe 00 
 <:ourd 4-36 
 Kohl RaU 68-70 
 l«-k 58 
 Letiuce ............ 68 
 l.emon 4 
 Mirlynia.... 6S 
 Melon 6-6V<«0 
 M iiihroom 68 
 Mustard ....J 3-58 
 Naaturtiam .■ 68 
 Okra......... 68 
 Onion ... 0-01 
 Onion Seta 00 
 Pai«ley 02 
 Parsnip 11 
 ^ '!• .7m 
 RulMrlt M 
 Itoaa«nr...., M 
 uuur m 
 *Ma, .140 
 JptMCh or 
 Tob«a» ;.,..'. #. 
 rommi tm 
 Tamlm m 
 Water Can H 
 PMiM * nmLo 
 Baana, FlaM TT 
 Bwlay n 
 Itaat, Sugar 70 
 Buckwhaai 17 
 Broum Corn 77 
 Carrot, FUM TO-TI 
 Ckmrn 11.81 
 Corn, Fiehl TI-70-7T 
 Fi-it Tt 
 Graaaaa It-TM 
 (rraaaMlalun* TO 
 Kohl RaU TO 
 l«amGria>. ....;... M' 
 Mangel TITI 
 OaU Tl 
 Paaa n 
 PotatOaa..., «40 
 Rape ,. 70 
 fcya 77 
 Sugar Cana TT 
 SaadGiwna., TS 
 SiUifloarar IB-TT 
 Specialtlaa . TI,Tt,T4,T»,T0 
 ■Vat»« TT 
 Tiimlpa ...:TS-7i 
 Whaat TT 
 WildRica TT 
 AlMMtar n . 
 BoBkMUIa n 
 Hooka to 
 CoUactlooorSaads,. M 
 Condition Poardfr.... IT 
 Bn Pioducer IT 
 'Flower Sunda 80 
 Fhiriue'Sundriaa... N 
 Farm Took... ;....8S44 
 FenUiiera 16 
 FiralyToole. 81 O 
 Garden Toola. ...'.':. 80 
 Griat^lill... ST 
 Hanging Baake'a.^.. 88 
 Inaaeticidea 8T ■ 
 I.awnGraH. HI 
 LawnTnob....... 84M 
 Lawn Mowera. 84 
 Ndrara* .Spruce M I'l 
 > NovaltyUal 1 lo 10 fl 
 Oyatat Shelb.. .... 8T |l 
 Ordering Seeda . . 1 •] 
 Planal Tr., TooU. . 8144 ^ I 
 Potato Eire Cutter . . 80 < 
 Potlua on Saada ... la 
 Pramiuma ..IT-U 
 Remitting Cash..... t 
 Rnatc Work 88 
 Saad Sotrar, Hand.. 88 
 SndCuttar. 88 
 Teating Saedi ... t- 
 Trallinea..... 8T 
 TroaSeads .. M . 
 Vaaea 88 
 Warranting Seeda. . . 1 
 Wira Stand* 81 
 K\e» Jfanc^Aome diafaPoguc 5rce to (suAtomerA ®T^i\/ 
 Jf ocb to €i^f if Sree. 
 II you S«t»«t <«««l» t» V«luia of aBCfnts ev evair, and famlt to* aam*. 
 ma «utu aand both tha sa«d» and C«f logua Pif by mall. 
 - - Ro^eftieA for 
 indabanant to obtain naui atiatoeaavs lev i8Bt, xu* utill Inaiuda oiltb all ondaM ana g* mofa 
 flevatttaa. e* Batu vaflatlaama a** daaiiroaOi at baving taatad teit naxt saasoa. 
 QO' 52 

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 i xaaHSHaoHO shx avax xon oa asvm<i 
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 %^nCC / inW '"' a<""«>'o<'s fKlanda 
 tnlnlan. ouk h.*«tl«.t abating, and good «.l.h,. foi. 
 tha (<aui Vaa»i buay «a tua hai/a baan to* month, oaat 
 lr> tha pxapavatlon of tbl»MtaI»a«.. out. thouoht. ha v. 
 ^ona out to you and youa uiOKk.aoma of you dapandtna 
 •« tha quality of tha aaada you aoui fo^. you* Hvlna* 
 otbaxa f<.i. tha plaaauKa you darlva f*om gafdanlna' 
 and uja faallsa tha Kaaponalblllty of tha taak of aata*I 
 ing to tha faqulfamanta of auah a vast aonatltuanay 
 KagMttlng that al*aumatanaaa p*av.ht ao many of 
 eui. f*lai>da at a dl.tan.a t*pm vl.lting ua and ba.om! 
 ngparaonaliy a.qualntad.and of In.p.ating oui. p'.™- 
 laaa, (ua thta aaaaon Inatfuatad ou* UlthogKaphai. to 
 Pivapana a aarlaa of vlaui* of oui. (Uholaaalo and ftatall 
 pvamiaaa, that would giva you aoma idaa of th< 
 illllOUR ^NHOU^SMiE ^KR^AOUSE ^^^^'^^^i^^ttis;::^^ 
 liooa» impnovad aaad alaanlng mliia. pnutina t.it««M.. A- .•• » •"'* la flttad up with tha lataat and 
 »l OB» vaat bualnaaa. of tha" »l uin, of wakatVo? ka.d.^- ^^-''^ •PP"-"-" »«>' -onamlaal wo*I.JnS 
 ^•da and p*int.d on aa* own pi-amlaaa hTm i^i t,a.d «L7n ..-« -"* •"•»"«>'y. »»>• i.-B- P«opoi.tlon a*! 
 fo* axpoKt OKtop homa ti-ada-and 8to*«ita^««iT.!. V'^w"' '. •"»"•"■• •»••. ••■• ••■••fuUy faalaanad altha* 
 eoniiissioil OBPABTMHNT Io«bii-- ?w •"PP""'« ♦?■•*»»• •••• '»«<«a of Impoftad foKalgn g*own aaada oim 
 twalvat>.valla,. -t,uly.u:V„a,h.a°1l\;y.nV^''n'rtrahI:^^^^ -nnuaUy and a.ttla ...ounta. Kaqul*.: 
 iiiliovlR RETMU tST^Buvstt!^tH^ --r^^^^^^^ 
 pawoB. will fliMi, act only tha llnaa* «!.THr« -^5'. V*^**' """• S*'"**" •••««• ••>«* oth*" faqulaltaa in 
 Poliimm^pwon>ptmt^M^atlo^alm^t,^^iL^r'*'^*'^^* ••»»''«"»•«»*. but ..plaaaant *aaoi.t a. wall, with ' 
 ona of tha moat iaaawlbia ?» thral^ "h^B^IJLV^:,.^^:"^*^'- V"*'" *° '^»'""'»° """ ""-»"' -^o-^ 
 ■taUaa .11 paaa aaP doo- ivaSyf m^^n wlnStaa ' »"»«»>..ta* and P«*ll.»aBt St*.at Ca*. f*o« Union 
 ..-i.Mag foh, hVa to.«?o^^"':*°Jiaa ITh.r^ *w" 'I!!'"'-':-"? *'>-^-'-"- «»«i-y. -nd Jt.ImVoa" Tin:. 
 -poo -.PMuy .«- -..pnarr/*::.^':t::ior.„^^^^^^^^^^ rd-b-u'ra-.:- - -•'- 
 ""ilU'V^QiH (3R^Dt SEEDS -•r"""*----^^^^^^^^^^ 
 .•illlll.llf\\IC IkTIC C —"*"•»• «nu»a«l nitmba* of fioValtla. h.Haln offaoad lu.tifla. u. In ..liin^ -«l-i.. 
 of whlahh.VallMtbaarti.lad.hdfoanJ'T 1!""^ -o .**.y of «KW thing, a. wa thi. y^a* p"Mnt. mo.^ 
 -^2iut.wa tha. po^*rir.-su^ -^jr:;::s:?^rr;;:sv^:X"Vi:::^ 
 -•i|||.OUB CKTMiOGVl t~--T- —-*•*-• .Vn"uird ^o'*.^ ra-haTa-:dd%Tra-j ^ 
 a*tlot>«l la Ita m.tta*. and .rflMrty d--"!^!! V»k !S -i:**'!^"' *'".""' *" '•"o"-* "» "• ton., adu- 
 ouK daalM to ia«kVou!,-«-i-!.'^.*'*'*'**"9* ♦•''••* *• " "««*•«< apaaa wlU allow it 1. 
 •f in battait ahapa to ofomMvmr^T^m^iTJlr^^ 5 '■?•• " ** •••"''• *»>•»" that foi. I89l, wa 
 THOBB RBOnVlttlBMR OATALOOUrreli^M^yiiT T?L1?" *'*'y ""y -"t-u.t to ou* .a^a.' TO 
 •on of frtaa. and atoale. a'd ""i^t" a'ult™' ""•I.T'''"' "*' ."•':"""»> --l—t - aompa-.- 
 g:;^.^ of what w. aay. Vlalto*. ana alway. wilaoma. Hoping toTarlM! Ja! *«!." ".!J^ 
 you- a.taa«ad o-da,.. aontlnuad Hind wo»d.. and o*d2« of mVnrnVw fVla^^d^^ 
 Wa Wamain, vavy ti>uly. 
 The STHHbH 
 •. I. BRICHW, Vle«l>raaMant 
 Unos. CO., Itimited. 
 * W. HOCM, Traaawrar 
 Th. B«M wMI SImw of our Coutry 
 TOKOIITO, ««IMI«|iy.lSS|. 
 BIWGHAM > WEBBER. Print.:. T,^.. 
 • ^I'^-HH •tt.ntlon o« out- •o«tom«« !• rMpMtfally MlUd to th. 
 • X iw"w*»» » -..--•i»>«« Tho •••<1« mo OfW» a«VO ©••*> 
 ■± p«p*»^::*;a:: "ii ;:.; a"«x« in si .o<;Swy •»<* .bro-d ©o. 
 •Afofolly oolootod. •»*•«■• *'"S .•„„". fill to b* ••tUf««toi'y in ovoi-y may. 
 plant otook* avo in ojtoollont oondl tlon. and o«nnot f » to d< » «^!«o » y__ ^ 
 -^tSL 2Jmmm^ MMMV.-Cuk c»n bt *«t by i«il««"i ••"»'l;J <^' 
 « M«W rfihTiiiiw Ord.r wflh'aMii of Offir. fWlnf 'h« Ord.rMOMll 
 •"toSSiul-. ll-n oh ddbir «, b. -nt I. p-..n —P •"*•. «" " *~ 
 cmU> daaoaibiatlaai. 
 „rf«, VThJ^^T^. V1o«. wd »ch tood.» .» .^."d pot pld. »d « C-^M »*-. 
 •^ . s! ™il oolu.. pnp«ld by iM, lo My «ldf«. In th. Dcinioti. W. WMttaHn Md 
 d«l*ct«l from ABoant MOt by i«>ucln »qiMWtUy of loodiforwrdod, 
 h«di.i^ 'MiJ.viirin-TC' *«.b-i ««i It to « •!«-.. ^^_^ 
 2»^r3.h.Mror othor loodt ■» ocdorad to b* Mot ky froigkt or 
 caMwy tho ord 
 II doliu tor O M— Bo or «»• TT* "" r™*" V^ " 
 chowAiUy dtMUiilKt U poo^bta to Iwity.fcrwM 
 'w^'iinddu naittuKOt purehmni will ?)•«• 6. p«rllc«Ur wid « 
 wnoii ini. ••■»»-»•" limit lb« 
 CMBi lonnoiix 'T— J !~IT -"-: w, „, eoaiD«llod to adher* to thli ml*. 
 gSSTi-Som .SllS.?.^:S3 t'Srio.T'i W^?3Ld th. di(r.««, -ui b. 
 SiX'lS l?^,:SS^«rt"Si«. l^foJ^hi* SUr. Udi..-lllpl— prrfi. 
 JSudini •» Moo •« tb« »Mon will iwr^t. 
 _ Ifis 
 that cmmMt 
 „. __ — ilwiy- 
 Wo wUI olwayt 
 17 k*^>. _. ^k_l_A C^aa AH<I nth* 
 Compuiu will <o1 
 Ufa caniuo ud < 
 rcooj'oidw: thoy aro raaraalMa fcr 
 duyilp or loai Mat ba ■ada»paatl>a 
 „ • ■■*■ "R* JSS2lS SS. md apo^ whUh wa eaaaoi tlva ttai^ai; 
 « '«'?32irb,2si»fes&«''SisJi sys^^ 
 awl »o« mi? tha ord» whb qoaauoMM ^2^-;;j2kht in M|awai- 
 Um o« Itolb. fiw Aatoain plaBttog. « y.;;*J °!y."g;_, , B.ik.^ s 
 wHI ba>Sartad tt tboa. of oof cMtoaMB 
 irSTaoitalona eoMaisiw • 
 hoiM ill wittar. ,|>liMi 
 fio-w We Test Our Seed* 
 a-bont : Wqi«i^£l«ltinS 
 Sa-U." W. ba, to .ut. «-'-^.;:,f,.^J"i^^-.. «. 
 pnu:ti<;al eiparianca ba^ amnrad oioTtna mm .»" -r 
 BUiil.rho#fn»horpaiatba.ead»wn»aybe. .„,tat«c«it 
 to ««d tl»» o«M b«t the »W b-« •l"^*' «^ ^•~^, " ^ 
 dohi. pan -.11. or «„ ^S^ r^^T ^^^TSJi^Z 
 •Kb diilika to h.« don.. b««« It U • «^' "~*1~^ wftli 
 avarybodr iaal uaplouwu. With tha bMt of ""•*r"' f™ xha 
 Ltof ,«d««. "-..im- fail "d «nr .««» ;i'''J"jr';;i2*t 
 ..xaad. JUl S.-. '-:f »X::^rJ^~ ^d^CTJ 
 qMHT. fnmth. ,«*««,— ..orMJ '^'^^^^XStTZ 
 How we a^ifjp riant* 
 By ixp|«io» 
 A new and impi 
 prorfoeet telr>i 
 Mtf. It make 
 ooko ahead ( 
 aui, of course, 
 t haiifew looie 
 ;ood.head. Tk 
 ion, taken from 
 hah 'Itef, other 
 lantetr eloier t< 
 ot.,60c.; I oi 
 -nre Paloir CaswfttUy 
 Our Aim im to Bxoci Ithacrap. — — — r- 
 33(j'x> 'A1K9 rruuB^ 
 1M I mi lt 
 •iBlUd to ttM 
 0« •B aid to 
 i» h«v« boon 
 obvoad. Oo» 
 / ato y. 
 UM, or qawMr pawd 
 id M CualogM pricM, 
 t M oOfMlnti mhI wku 
 « rah ••• SMdi ptlMd 
 ghraik W* coaU aot 
 ilw pnM apM iliMB ; 
 gM pcio« « k mil h* 
 I 4K1 
 lodt ihu an Mt oAnd 
 I by «ipr«a«r IMckt, 
 I b* Mfit ky fraigkt or 
 liaa wUI aMiriy or ctMt 
 laddUioato eootaftlM 
 ■•Mhy, S««l amkn, oM., 
 •zpro<«or boat. Ifiw 
 toiuioau. Currrht 
 hoy aro MipoaiiMo fcr 
 I aiait bo oMdo apoa Um 
 aitblo to haciT nnrua 
 bo giAmiMo Cw (glr- 
 ih MGonpaayfav oait of 
 Mb SachroelolholN- 
 m •• pomOl* la ipilM* 
 Sood Ofoiw, olc, ofo 
 « euBOi gtvo ttaadiag 
 loodb at aay ttoM «hoa 
 ^BM dlat o acoofUUMO and 
 a ckaitooftwoatycoaia 
 ThoPA«I8 PICKLING It tnliraly dblinci fiom all wM 
 bUbntokaavn, aad ia tlifi<«trify Ikttnt n/mll i<,tm*Hlt/»r 
 ***/;V IboyouBfCtKUaibcn, »h<no(ilMpro|Mi ago for 
 picUbf ,a>o (llaiandilmdrr, Irani IbrtoiofvainckM la hagih, 
 aao iha<miioMUPlacoo(ilMiklBl«comaa wiih dali. aw, Mack, 
 'if'^.'ri'^ Whoaiho anaioally eri.p, briil* chaiBclor. of 
 'V.PV'** 4 *■■•*■> '> ■•<"> uiipaM all otkofi Iq potwlar hmr, 
 wWb fioa tho .ory Ant lig uakiu* aJifManBco will mako ll of 
 T*.*.' **l?* \"^ awnnfactni* d thi w ihow and othor mlaad 
 pickki. So ciUpand briill* an ihay that ikoy >nap rraoly.and, 
 whoii rtady for pkkliny , ihow Mhttlilily n liin m/m/i. At 
 IH« pickllpf ilan*. th« Aulto arc 1^ an mh- 
 ttsHtHIt JmrA gtrtti t«Ur~%a 69^ that ao 
 cblnrlhff matter la nacaiaary In draiMirlmi 
 Iham for maikai. In Ian VakW fiCK- 
 L I » (T b all<s«Ml<« •>•» v/'wankn' M fMrAtoi 
 rar|ikt.,Uclai I pkti for Vela. 
 t not oaly oH^koa U diO- 
 ^ Hiaaralac mA ipoa- 
 a Calalogao eoMaiaiof 
 • houaa b vT 
 ■a •*a|ori J?aW* 
 SiMp Plants 
 -- Early Express GJ^bbage*- 
 A new and improTcd (trun of cclebrat^ rabbasc, which 
 prorfocet fOlr«sta«tf,M«tf maikofoMo htatf* In 
 -i«vMty.flv«fo olgMy teyo fr«^ ••wine <Ho 
 lootf . It make* thia WootforfMl Oof b«t* rniij- iwn 
 ^ookaahead of anv known variety. Maikct Gnrdrnrra 
 jn, of course, reabie what a bonai)^ ibis it to tlic 
 locket-book of the eabbnge grower.inllie sprinfr irarkeU. 
 t has few loose ottter leaves, and Yverjr plant forms a 
 'ood.head. The head is well ^lepieted in our illust(a- 
 ion, taken from nature. It will produce ajarger crop 
 lian ftiy, other variety, Ir'm the fact thfl*h c»n be 
 lante<f closer together. fer-Hv. $8.C0; i lb., $1.00 ii 
 ot.,60c.; I oi., SSc.;pkt., lOe. . 
 .Dar.nf «« '^ 'J^. *''»•<''"■ •» 'hat a liiigla plaaitovtraa 
 a d^ iSl^.^.'i'" "•"■'""' * "'•«'• ">■•>« yt^W" atoVe than 
 ilo.arI.5if? "^ "" «»■"• "Mo; Ptrftcily kvdy: h raroly 
 mn ina •fcl ll 
 cf ££^n ftEt¥ eiAm 
 Tkb new variety Is the result of carefltl 
 aelectlon rrom the well known "Go'den Self- 
 Blanching" Celery, ^t rartakea of the nutty 
 •arorortha'eicelWM variety aiHt in taate 
 tl not at all bitter ar attrlnxaot. II (rowi 
 about two feet hifli, wilk ataln thai ara 
 •oM, crirp, not stringy, very Urge and 
 broader tliaa those of ane other. Defoie 
 blaocliiBir It U i^reen. with heart f*f a enlden 
 —" '•' fall li la Ter> .ailly 
 /nuscaro ^ { g; s . y ,a y u.Ti .j:v' i. .';:;?^>i.-ii^!i 
 Liaeeataat, of dMnr gma ; daror plaaaanilr '•'■"" "d^ "« r. " it retains Hs crhp- 
 i<aiiocti.:|ib.«roi*.;iik|i.oa ' s?S:.»r«SfiiKIfi£S°'-'*-'*"--*^< 
•I ' 1', -v -"» 
 / T»l «TE«t^ uoa COT., TOUOirrQ, OUT. 
 ♦ THl^EE f4HCa 
 EARLY l^li pY TOIV^ATn , w.b^,,„, 
 k.»iaf • b^tef ch^ tots. w/riU; sjfcii s^ u'j^ ij!^' '^-» 
 THE NKW STONF TOM ATn n^tai^a^, 
 bright t49iltt Mlwi «MT iMMMb. >lih «».i«.ii. . _j!'^'"«^.!^«' 
 cuMn. Perpkt. 15c; «l^ufcM5fc ^ "^•' «*'^*« •»<> 
 WHITENf^ ; 
 G«Wd. IMMlitlfalCOlOT.t 
 thqrdoiMt mA,^tM , ^_ 
 tlimfafrt»H»»»«y hut »m, 
 etc BnrM..tte.|pkt,10e. 
 CfliD Cow Sweet Chn 
 I of (ll ■urfwton, aM vhkaM 
 >bk nvUt* •««• hHXMisM. 
 It rMwitablf dlMlnci u4 ha 
 •adtlaf Ik* •4alnlkHi 
 <l««b« iIm immi val^bk 
 Ba«raniM]r pfo4iMtlir« 
 tmallgr Ikrw, niMUBMk 
 I IhiM nanllM Naw OoLuOtiii Ihh kMn i 
 pfo4i> . 
 •ndhwiiMaugr Ikrw, niMUBMkMnMilanalk. V«> 
 Ik* pari IhiM nan IIM Naw OoLuOtiii Ihh kaan ••••■ 
 paNd in all ^m< Htllli liamira RmfgMaat and U 
 •waalnaM and dallcMy of tavar It uHytwaa tka aU 
 , favariM. Ho hr, li liaa #ta*aa Ian dajn ■wMar, aad, la 
 ' alia, oaa-OiIrd lanar. Tha eab If laaay arkila, Mai- 
 t pasIlT conrad wlin larga, daap gialai l.aM taaaai 
 •ilk a( Iha crap s lald han haaa gallMnd al anr llaia duilag a parfad Wlkat 
 waak», and Iwva baaa buad la h candlilnn ht taUa um. ■« Baptaii, 
 * lb., ^LTt. Paal paid, 1 lb., ¥k.; t Ik., Uc.; pkl.. Kk. 
 Thl* valaabla aa« *a>iai*, "Natf Owk ■v«*Bra«M,°' b a ipan A«« iha "B>»i w WV 
 wklck haa laaa baan iha •laadatd and Ikvoilla In alTparu M ika cuaainr. Thii aaw »airla<« la 
 datilnad lo acUpM in panilarlijr lit faaiaui parani It Mag a vMh ta la dan tarUar, aad k 
 anomuMiily pradacliv*, kaartof Ikiaa lo foar aan lo a Ualk ; ika aari ara mi laat an iha MaBit, 
 and ara vary thick aad raiiilai la alaa— M rmrad— lan daaa and of tha aioii dallcloai qaalhy, 
 ramajaing laadar aitd nllkir for a loag tiaM. ThU nirlatir u vary diMiacI whan la Ika dry tiala, 
 boih karnaU and caba baing of a daap rad color. Piica, par pkl., Ila. 
 TIC FIGURES 12*3 mikot 
 "Wkgt TuUty. Tha 
 ■ diiUattir* iHian of 
 rotktf Vutaly.tlMHB 
 « It ghpwi M nnumwl 
 pkt.lte. iSibraSe. 
 *Jf ."?•«• »««*'•■ 
 •Ueh is nch a dlitin- 
 ible dcconilon. Both 
 tiy, tad ig withoat a 
 »r b« easily polled. 
 \ ripangfornaiacrap; 
 MoiBMa yci7 sIMiily 
 ; Dot gnbjetrt to rot : 
 "irietyj itiTioegaml 
 xeiiMBg of fruit, 
 nogt earcfnl tcgting, 
 |d distinct cliuactcr- 
 irint g>rd<e6«rg and 
 Thb *ttiety 
 ii Mifid fcr 
 •«> Tkiy sNgMily 
 Be.; pkt, 10b. 
 • la ihapa it ia toag, aftan two faai or mora, and 
 ftaqoaally vrigha m high at iikiy pouadt, Ihoagh 
 ilaaTarage waigkl ik about forty pounds aach. Ila 
 flaah ii tolid, puia goldan yalloar, variagatad with 
 alraalu, and layan af bfight piak or ruby rad, 
 which oflan appaar la a tiar-ahxpa farm. Thit 
 Btakat it al onca tha moat baaatiftal, odd aad novtl 
 malon avar laan. It la alao aa much topaiVir to 
 olhar Maloot in quaUiy aa it la In baanty. It haa 
 a tnainam and lutciuawiiia which no othar makMi 
 poaaiiaat, bting laiidaraiid alalia in tha aioaih Ilka 
 lea ctaam without a partida oteora or liringy tub- 
 ataaoa. It ki vary juicy, aad doaa not kioaa whan 
 ilbaoomat orar-ripa lika moat aorta. It isaolld to 
 Ihaeantar, aad ripant clpaa to Ika itad which if 
 rarr thin. It la a hardy, robaat frotrar, madlnm 
 aarv, and fan to giro a good crop. Parpkt., Uc; 
 «pl^ for (Oc. 
 This new pepper is of ^atiial haliiti luis 
 hmf tmvy bianoMs. which are loadad with 
 iioopbtg fnit, the sixe and shape slio^ ) 
 onpfate. From the time the peppers foro 
 oBtU inUy growa, tbejr are fJ a light, , 
 yaUowish esaaai oolor. WhM tally giown they ooamenee to diaa|e cdler, first to a tovety 
 caaaiyyaUa*, (hart lo« daap onoge, (Iteii to a rase or piisk, aadsoenthroaghdiffetaBt 
 '^ 'raw aataMiegcailat, «Md and laaiiiMMg. As maybe imatwad, a plant. 
 I Itf IWfrtHI wMf h g^«— •-«- ~ a>^ti»ariMtrwlaaa,taaa«lijaatnf»nra 
 ihaaMiiMiy h gi irti . It iaaaia l« bceiNM a fsvotiu pot plant aa wall as a useial vagetablc. 
 It grows vary liaatyia the nrdaaoc in pots aad bears enomoosly. Its flavor is dear aad 
 ahwp, aad far aajr aee ta wUeh a pepper CBB be pat, h is saeoad to aoMk Mee,pai pkt, Ife. 
 w . .^y 
 X i%» 
 -■■■ <:-rx~'^ 
 ^ JL. >.■/,•./* 
 i. ' »i 1 \;b 
Slant" Pen 
 ^> V 
 •m Am iMoaihl h«i« 
 fromTwk,y. \|„,„, 
 of lh« no4l dalicloiM 
 M»of, ao Mhtt eucam- 
 "•I wt ba«« aver Mun 
 *irpM*iD«llMm. Anothar 
 NaarkablaiiMliiyU thai 
 thn ara »arr c>)«p and 
 taadtralallaiacti, and 
 can b* talcn at any lima 
 daring growth. Tbay 
 ■roartoan anocmoatilia, 
 frtawanily toonaaodont- 
 » halfl«a(lnlciitlhaadlaa 
 ioalavao Inchaa in elr- 
 eamfaranoei wmy tpiootb 
 and ilraigbt, with a 
 baautiful gracn ilrin. Tha vloaa now .(.^^i-Ti ,**- ^ 
 n«af tba hill and ffowa '|oI!!?S^l!>'1"T^»' ''»'« ••" 
 oaadlBgly prolific. Th,ti^t^7,y1^^^^^f •^-" 
 ^ .low to form and f.wl. n^r^T^rK^TT^* 
 m STJkCHYs APi^l^/^i; 
 •tlani.0.. I. EogUnd tha ag fleS.SiuMjf' •• •«««cUng wkia 
 l»t Ic tilravagMlly .ad It «aWd«t «ha« I^l '*'*'• •••P'*'* 
 «*l itt graat V^... Cookid JUkrwhTiahllr.?^' ''•??'" ~«l»l»««l 
 •rikhuka. and at. >ood coofc^- ^i\.~«*' ""» •«« '"bar of an 
 ^ V 
 «^«»«aW.fc— — -— ... 7°—" — "»*«"' '"■riliiliiiaaad prica. U^ 
 »«■>■» H »*»a 
 1-ha fwn 
 la iMi 
 dadtoi « 
 ( TtMM 
 ■nd vwi 
 *. ■-«- 
 ••••*» Oai.. 
 ibit IM to IWMlty ItaMlh* P»le* luw— ..-k.H I. cokM rnirtMnllM. M new at poulble, tht »if • of flown aod tooM of th« colon | Ikt 
 MtiHt bo«r«««r, CM | 
 poon pitontait oviviit- 
 IftO ObOltV, 
 A XT 'M' wauMr cllakv. wllk kMstlfbl 
 toUat*; Mat • tim btoomt tlw ••«« o« ■ •ooii- 
 UflMirfjlHbclMrailiW. llU««ta4M««inuw«t, 
 ■kkoagk U MfMdi lit tviHn •■ daU tfar*. 
 1-ha tmran a» para wWla, fttai fcra l« •!« 
 bckaa h dlaMMr, aialillaf a fkh J m aw ln a Ilka 
 odac ai B%kl. _^___^___ 
 '■■■"-■ Bin: 
 b tkhnyatb oaJMIaa •• kM*mll»mf» 
 a^hta MrtMf of aaiahlia »fca4aa oT «al4n. U- 
 daaiag ika IwyMt MtoMI a<npan h a|aia«*tlea. 
 T»aotyjh«<MI—n««««»>'« ■»!»«*•. ,:. 
 flBHT FA1«CY PMrVf^jis. 
 » Tkaia PalUiaa prpAm • v—k p n liidt M of 
 and vaiia^lMa w qaW n awl ailncUm, aaa- 
 bndai t^allail, alripad, iraaa -adgad. 
 9HikO^ DRUimonpi. 
 '^mulT Bifiwrt •«••«• rf *»*•• •>*» a«l 
 Erilltocyi!^*Ma>«( bloaai*^ ""-«« <•* 
 f|.|f,ki(Ml«IMalMWwro«uaaML «.. 
 StlTAII niVan OHISY. 
 An »l««aal Hula ptani iniwlni *^**^ 
 livhM hlrt, wlih a •.harmlna dalty-Uka ■•»• 
 vary .ff«cilM Cor ad|la|>. btjt, m naMla ••fk. 
 stfiBT pans. 
 jlwaal P»a» an lo-day aauni tk« wort P"*"!" 
 and f««hion«hl» ^nlan (ovtr*- AM ih« iww aM 
 fancy cokBi ini»«d la awty pack<i|a. imr swaai 
 Paaa hax no <quJ. 
 E>eaiMi<>aallych9k«, lael.«dln« «»»•>••« »»*«|3 
 la aabiMic* : ttn»ur««uMd, if aqualUd, in ««••;; 
 parhelion of (la»<n. aad rang i of ooton. Ma«T 
 biilliani ihado of cokir In aach paskat. 
 |«H1tt ZI|iriIA8 ZBBRA. 
 •" WkkaM «MW«laii lb* faaai AaMt hi caiavuka; Idm wy Ian* and paifaclly 
 doauLAa SSatandlaaa ToHatf of ikadaa and «oloia U aacfc fockaca. for an 
 antaau dltpky ii haa no aqnal aaMof aaiMal iowan. 
 kandni mm, Md In n lillknda <*aoltn. 
 A na# Md dWatt *ll^ •< DMirf Hyktid. a naa l m iMi J Candytoft. parfK^T 
 1^ TTnTt egaS tSy, Sdrfkiir awV Agfanl«rfa.yo/oolor.,andtha 
 t : t OimitfM. SlHOUi : : : 
 SooMlhlng r 
 Tha moal baaaliAil and killlUol lalaoilon at 
 Double Zinnia, ttfar oAfad ; 'k^ ,«'". I»<»7j; 
 lUrpriM 10 tvary o«a, laair no»al and dwllnct 
 aopMuonot aclipdag anytbing bafon M«n ; aany 
 cohn miiad. 
 pniiiY pm*c» ■ .^ ^^K^- 
 , and r»d ft— i^ln. and Japan. Th. dalk«T nnd_ rfcbna* ol 
 - Jr*^J!ia^iuSirai«iMl^^ i.d«Wtdl»plaa^». 
 tkair I ou cannot ba »>n>«Md. whiU tnaif fT'^'rVrz:., — wa lia»« tnkan 
 Ti«yaraqoi»«.|««»»forP5J>to««<JP»<y"J-yjJj^^£;^ wa «- 
 tiSc«.intalaelingonraaadiro»niaay«flhaehi»e«eo«ffc ^ 
 ftRHHCH CDAl»O0«llITH» 
 Thaaa charnJag^Wa fcwj tawW* 
 ir;:^'s5'byb.td^ft:ttu^^n:=:-,. --^1,**. 
 ,««kWTlt*pad lntn.popnlatllTof laM,nnd ajar 
 HWily. liiayAokavariaihaaadcoiortaUaad. 
 n»Q«a fcd. Soaia «f tna gowm *»aaa»r^M»»^j^^^ ^^^^ j^ ^^ ^^^^^ 
 ill elkaTlilgn u niiiiaaawaa 11 ■»»■»»■.»■> -y 
 a of goldan yall**; By h-K " I" wodf fi 
 MM -»MT ■ ■ m «aaT« ■* 3N. lA W P»W— WBIH *W —Mt, .«*»•■ 
 OITR l«ril:^ O^ l>-0Jc-«* cahtMn^ about lOO VARIUlMS. ^ fi^J* 
,§*•' «**■»«« (pTIgLB 
 « r^'^ » 
 ^anettia Vine i* H« 
 tm la Mom* ib« hmMw mm W ik. «•.. 
 2ry.*2? ^!?« ?'■■«'• •• •"" row 
 i^^^^^ ^ ^^ ^k*. iirXzl L_ T .^ ^■■■"•I'f ■ wui now 
 "r7«|-« to h|oo« «!^ too. Srtir^ 
 Of dac«al car*. " «-' ■•- • ■ 
 •OWI. ud of .eh JWKSV!!^?^" h- MftOtt 
 •Hkn (or MfMM. 
 ilralioaafoMrf tyt. 
 ^ '— W«— -P<>~-I --—-■•• ••■»■!«■ ^ 
 If Maa In coW 
 till vlnlar 
 W C«"«5» ••"'ick kiln .m nm 
 arfnir-rf. Ml 
 ■golden Wave 
 Pluu nry bulky and 
 »M far fM mlMit ii hoaH l«r 
 II te ■ a«« hardjr pUol too« f«. 
 PU. prodaehw bII waiaMt ■lMui4. 
 Mtea of ilar.tbaMd flowcn, tkm 
 •■ckM acrou, ol Walifal blnaaM 
 *Wl« epiots. Muiy, livM aad 
 biMMS far y«an, lactratiag la iIm 
 «d btaaiy Marl*: Plaala grow 
 fal Uooai. BIdoaia tnt tammtt 
 (nmm^d. Mlatd colori, pkt, Ide. 
 In White. 
 . OJ, •", «}»• ""W plant, latro- 
 duMdUii.il one of ibabMl.. For 
 pot caltor. ia IhcfeooM or pfawlfaw 
 in tha gardeo. it i. eqnaUy valaabU. 
 la poU grow* lakariaaily and load- 
 cd^wilh lowm. Ia the garden it 
 bhard^wiibsUgbt proicctloD. In 
 crowth i. Tigoroa. aad hMllby, 
 "••nnt in grtat namban ?w» 
 large, pOTfertiy doable floww. of 
 naM aad anaa- 
 c*U«d fragraaca 
 Pttrpkt. lOe. 
 ■a cnioa. Utile ananil wblcb 
 ft«^^ pnujr now- wUta teeS 
 W» ill lb* cat 
 ^^. lad. It 
 imaljraad iaoM M tka 
 •**•*! aakMNM Uitia 
 pm «Mi« aad A*. 
 '>v/-^ ^- 
 A Nei 
 A .Iriklag * 
 irfaal, tha appar 
 .bad. tha paao 
 aret, with white 
 A ] 
 We ba*e rae 
 %, the flower. 
 I a deep brilliai 
 "^Tha comaioi 
tgrrjm ^Tf., 
 nmm^ aetaio&QBW m«w> witM aiw> rutirw 
 Vine !• Hem Hardy Day Blooming CQoon piotuef 
 ^" (JpomM Ptn6ur«t*) 
 A New Pansy, "Che Peacock" 
 uit, with white mu|lo*. P«» pkt, 9I«, , , 
 A Neui Uellouj (talla tUy 
 W. h.». nco.td.d In •tcH.f • ll«to«a q«»»l»l "^ •»* «»• »*• 
 il«. tb« flowen of which •(• Uk« tb« orftawy Cril«, MCtPt tb»t Ih^ 
 w • dMp btUIUnl |oM«a y«How. Wbi, price. ««:h, |M». 
 ebhiie ealla Lily, or Lily of the Nile 
 L for Ml diieiiplioa •«« pese 42. Balbe, cMb. 25c. 
 •^fo, |t,SS wa will Mod ODC eerb of the S CalU*. 
 THIS li the leleel •cqaWHoa (• 
 , .NW Uat of Iiu4y renMlal 
 CIlMben. eifc* eiM IIM •• ««i*» 
 Mt wlU gt«« (be eUioel MUMba- 
 lioa. biooaaiiig m It <ioe« l« Ibe 
 4*y tiM*. liM«iM I.MO ■owwrt 
 aMMwtef *4 •• * iMhe* miom, w 
 ope* «■ OM vtM •! uM« ) Ibe cdof 
 batag wWu. ibaaaa lo. ptab md 
 puf pie •! Ibe lbroa<i end Ibe btooM- 
 lag period (eliboivb leu p(oAiMl|)' 
 eateadlK «"• •e»etel aontbi. 
 Uiowa witblbe NIgbl Blooalag 
 Mooa Floww, we Ihtab ibia MV 
 > varieir will ■<*• *Im ••l">«< ol**- 
 balhm. TbU ellaibei hu ptovod 
 qatae baidy la Ibe aelchborbood of 
 Hoafoa. eed wllb dee pfoltclioa 
 will, we iblah, do well htte. 
 ^<., vv 
 OlAtll CPU 
 the 6ol5en Star ipx«lltjSr|!^|^ 
 •faofit dwwfcak 
 errand vkb- 
 d!^ULtOi> TtttNIL* 
 «^ : 
 ^^W" ' 
 NECJU CflNNR I gt^r of I89t. Tb€ B vnbloomino C^nna 
 It - 
 omv r>i« tw,! iif • Mik 
 I IW| H < Ma M MHt l< M Ml. 
 k>4k«w<»Mj«M>'«l Mf. Dm*, 
 •MMi WiIh <V«» l-tK* 4MI, «l» 
 MM! sll Iwal «>**hl«i »>• rf 
 (MW W IN* arorM. Mi, t- »••> 
 h la ■ »M •*•! •4mm, Mrf iMilM, 
 l n O i ilii aMl WUlUx V .rf U«a 
 •il<**>4 •««tyiKl*« H*Mf>l I 
 teo* m Ii m I wH wi la 
 Nava •*« flaw a* aw* MMk 
 Tka kaMt af iha ylaat ta Mry 
 ■(nff, Iwi >t«k rWM laa Ml^a. 
 aa4 ll liaa a pa n i m al kaMi tt 
 iknHilaa mp fiaah tpttmit Ihvai iJm 
 haaa. B«««v •ynwl i»vti4w<aa a 
 is«a> •ytka, «kkk la lia lata ha- 
 «^>^^^^iaMy-^raHSi^iV|^v^M ■•■■■■ 
 baattaa IVna II ta IT Mm ii , 
 aack lilii n ai 4 la • lukaa wUa, 
 aa4 Mch paul It lack kraad. TW 
 aalat at ika tiraaf* U ilaarlaf 
 araaga-acarlal. faintly (mimI* 4 wllk 
 gaWan raltew, AatI ika flail*, 
 IVaattlar aignalt ta Mg ipaclaiaw 
 ua pattiataailr la kkaai. Ikair ^(IM. 
 krlHaac* la aaaarfaaaarf, mm4 aa a 
 kaa> a ii«fffaaa-katiiiawtaia>-klat.at- 
 lag plai.i It I. lelag laisaaa** 
 Eaaiiaall n a. Ii fiavat taaaaa 
 la« and klooMlnfl, and lU 
 aait undar gbuM aiv Utaaf, 
 MglHa', aid laiyai laatlng iha^ 
 lilay an out' of dann. Rvaa 
 IM aaaitla* pal* balura ikaia' 
 AtM* Ikaia li* originaior, I ka*a 
 ■ ■*•* latlaMM kaaw.adga of iW* 
 radW t axaa ikaa kdi aajraa* 
 , (w I kava kad It '-Inca laat 
 Mr, aadgravB li in ih* (raaa- 
 hwalu lia ■*«*!« la •liiiat.aad 
 fUmmt aoiaUa ia aaaaam. It • 
 *mf 4a>aif, aM « aadlag ( ar I 
 tmt !■ Ika apaa graand, aad allU 
 hwiaaau. In lowan ai* *««t 
 laifa, 4 la t Uckr* acmaa, ard ih* 
 aiaiaafkatb aati Uaaaoau Am ai a 
 •OM |»kla. No aiaiiar kaw 
 aaall a flam U, ika «n< iklag li 
 4»rian*r U I* aiaaiad Uiataad 
 aaa *»«rar Mack aad blaaa,aa« 
 llib It will da a>lika«l oaa.lag. aa 
 biig a* b li <and (or. Prta* af 
 •»«■■ alaala, irkkk will daat- 
 MM* M aaung at oaca, titlwr ia 
 Wmjf .'*P *>■' »r||«i«d. M M 
 inparor PMag 
 •Mi^ikt fhal ai^ ap iM»« iMMd bril,^»4 ig. 
 y |M<MWiMlM*i ht i i in di of grflgg ; »bwi rt 
 ^fUtf aMdg itggtf , ask 
 .V • 
 ITn ikiiaifl 
3 Canna 
 i FLANT ••• i«i«il 
 HV IM« ■•Ml kf • 
 MNa.WVWtliri*. |M| 
 IMI* alM, (irf 
 4 kifli w Mi4 l< M Mf. 
 iii<«M>, ik« •«•••■• m4 
 4 (M<l>iMt 'W Mr, OHM, 
 'tkt/iftm rt>**mm,wlm 
 fcnl Mwlitai IKw in 
 IN* mfM. Mr. f, gnm 
 w m y »li m i,««4 Iwitwt 
 • ■i>4 WUIUiHit «/ Uaaai 
 •««finM*«. H*a*f*t I 
 »t^m €s>rtnmm 
 AND rLANTt FOR l«t. 
 Th» Pink Owtrlah Plumm Qhpy mmntHmmuim 
 ill (f iIm piMN t* Miy 
 »( arkli AiM Am MI^*, 
 lu ■ im ihi M i ImiMi «I 
 ■V flMk H KI i M M IV<MI d» 
 ««r|r ayrwil |iviirfuc«« • 
 fk», aktck la ha i«>a h*. 
 ivmb i« m it 
 ■as 4 la • liukaa wUa, 
 IMUl It lack kraad. Tka 
 ika ipwaf* U §li»«1a§ 
 ^rUa. faintly bMMl> 4 wUk 
 •lk>w, A«*l ika flai n, 
 aMnah la M« t^claHW 
 ■taailr ia kkaak Ihab 
 I H U tol**l *4* tiaaaa a 
 •alias, li ii«w«r laaita 
 and klooailni, aiul III 
 ■ad«f gkwa ar»- Urftar, 
 aui tome IcHing ilMk 
 oui' oT daotm. Hmm 
 f pal« bdufa Ik^a- 
 Ml h« orlflitalor, I lia«« 
 lUaai* kaa«-ailsa of tkh 
 1 anaa ik»a kdi aajraaa 
 I liava karf li ^Inca laat 
 If*** l> bi iha irMli. 
 Ill Aawataln »l'ilw,aiid 
 HaM« ia auiiiai«r. Il • 
 rf, noi «■ Mdlag fl or t 
 a opaai griMintI, aad alUI 
 ta. lu iowan ar« vary 
 » i UrWa Mrvaa, ard Iha 
 Ida. No aiaiiar kaw 
 lam U, ilw tnt iktng II 
 U I* alaai'd la M aMd 
 tr Mack aad Maaaa, aad 
 Idavbkaai oaa>liik « 
 li ewad (or. Prtca af 
 aaia, vhkk will ^aaa. 
 eaa>a( al oao, tllliar ia 
 jjjgjjjjjiyd. M M 
 '«,... >u.% 
 H • Il OufHa* »H»aw Ol»>»a»»il»aa»Mii>, ■>«»<« »•»—•»■" 
 I ha >ula <>>Mck flaxn. w« a|>*lHd M ika •••• al iMa f" If^ 
 urt)w<'k<raaaikMmwtfilH AI||Imm Na«. rl w dKilMatak II Aw aH ilaM taa 
 •lwal>»n>l«^T ka«ar«flw naia yaflbvlaaiT i« dliaaa •iiaailMi a* ika aaM 
 4^Hi|hary a > aa»<l>»hk vkkli ika iaawa ara iklaki* a^adiad, toaiM* • 
 •uikkiaFl»««>k>«iw*taan CHlikk Kluaia lka"l«ala BatkaMi" ta idiiillMl 
 If tn MWh-a- Md kaauiiral Uniaailua *l<k ikai >arl»f. kal II* calaa la M 
 aa^MM^kad* af ailwat; iMitk, alik itaar raaa Ha ika la<4daal ika faMK ••^ '■ 
 mtMSf^'^ •»•• >l«<H<Mta can.lllallaa, kalaa mm a( ika al«aa « aM f'volafl 
 4||*t«M <M ten. •• Ikai II la «Miam la piada a a intAal aaaraia andat ika mm» 
 frv lultlnHtaa aad ««k Miila aava *W kam M aaa n Mtif dkaMi l»» <M 
 IjMi MUM w«oiM«4a«ly ibd "MtHMM Lm« " of Ikit Imlr (nod •train ol 
 Snparar PMaaiat which for aMUTClima liasaly (ihI iwgMaa cotoilni m* hmi 
 »IML Thdjr eany • lug* aMU« of bkwai all •unaid aad aiany bla«oaiiai« 8 
 to 4 lachca acrui^ andai* 
 t\ aad apotiad ; and ar« 
 Iha admirallon of •!! «bo 
 t— Ihrm. 
 <m.: b hat 
 • MM4MI,i»4ia. 
 r« toottaa4ikihw 
 ' '^'s -#1!, 
 ;-:**•♦ ^O 
 Prica par paektl, 
 tS eaan. i i i t 
 ti'M* I 
 > t.» •,« -r> ii% ^-. ^.. ■ ,^ 
 y \/j 
 Thii ilrtti^glf l>iiatlf«l 
 dacoiaiiva plant cob 
 cai to flower at Chriit^nai, 
 and continuaa in bloum 
 throughout January and 
 Fabruarx. *■><' '■ ■ """' 
 waiaoma aildilion lo tba 
 arlatar flora i ila bright and 
 ' plOatinf oulitr being very 
 ntlracliva during iha/ull 
 wintar inooiht. Urt^ant 
 waaiaea^y introdacad from 8ouih Africa, U of 
 aaty ealiawa, *ary fl irifarona, and aucctada wall 
 io a tamparatura uf M* to U'; It altalaa a height 
 <>f aboBi 18 inchei, and ia of go>id fawthy habit. 
 The floilr^a,. which ara bHna in larga claatert, 
 are of wa^'likc eunaiaiency, laat a longtime In pir- 
 (action, are of a handiom* delicate pink c >iar, 
 and. In ad litiaa, art dalicioudy fragraal, which 
 traatlyanhancMtht value of the ebaiaing plant. 
 It grows qalta readily from laadt, and thrive* bast 
 ia • mlxiara of kmrn aad saad. Pkt. , Me: 
 (SoreopAitd : ISanceoPalla 
 KfaPanc^oc (3arif\ea 
 A'baaatifal hsfjy border plant ; grows liftaait to atohtaan lochea 
 •■MMgharbaeMMpUnlslalbers a mora showy or tlriking MtaaaiiU ihaa CotaopA^ 
 L«aee<i|ata. ft atlalna tha height of 3 feat, tba rag-like flowara of gnld«l y<ll««^ 
 tama in great torofaaioa. staading oat wall agaiast tba light aad pretty fbUaC*. Il ia 
 graad (at cattiag aad dacontiva parpoaiea, tha Sowais showlrg to advaalaflt oa Iha 
 loag, wir«likastams.aadafaoflaMiiigqnallty. Ofaaay eollaia. S«w saarfbkArtU 
 pkt. IS esati. 
 oatoflaan. FW 
 tha.rkaiarialaiks eri^Aiifa Hew Luipa rtawviiw SwaH Pom 
 h areMM. SM naitrdaaU* dw aka, 
 CdarMjc. pw fta., a fhM.iir SIS. 
 r I arts rwwartaa Swaal Peaa 
 ara ana psilhci ia Ibra. and 
 an ikat, wUh tkay poaaaaa Um mum dalidouk aarftuaa at any of ika ordinary varlallaa, 
 pnMot niaiti<a>liro ia auukints and colon htmoAir* unliirawn in ibii an|uialia *- 
 WW.. TOMNtTo. oirr. 
 ^ »*••**««*• ^nadm Into Tug* whwlTtSd bmetiw mmm « 
 COMMM to color ap. TiMimalItt btMti mopc llio iMNn aMofa 
 IT*".*^? * "okm tey leatUi, to thai aatr a lip oT aMaa k 
 oibaUygiaMl. Th. iotda oowtaiUy U lowp to tlwliirp 
 ""••«25"«^«Wfc.ba»lftb«oaB bo ttaitcd carlvVllioi 
 bad ai.l»UUa.l««ul.toote, will WP«, math auUwtatiL 
 'i.^J* "Sl!^ »■«".*<*•. T*« P"""* •'M»rf«l ba (Mm uT 
 Saada aom oarly in tba NMM wiUfModM dMtaThaiNlafathtbriM 
 laavaa aiwlbractaaltwltar Paf|Stt!.Me. """'"■■■^ 
 iaf Mailatl 
 S'.'^ffr^^ •?!**^»» ««»-»•> wi tba ri^TSSfenTiKiSS; 
 ^ •i.ii.^ "~aaad laa»»«I fro»ihafiaa*l 
 ^ rarplu.,lfc. 
 %*' ^ 
 [ of tUa auwaUSoaat aowar. Ow a 
 oaljr, aad iiai apifUl to jwdacatlw 
 <,U^ '%tU<Ml»' < 
 A moat baaBtUal and «baractar- 
 i^e Japueae wkty. of bealthy 
 JU lusoriant growth; attajiiiiw a 
 height of abont 8 htt, baarjiiK an . 
 'It laige nnmber of iSrt* 
 ilowatt of diitinet awl 
 marooB at the baae. ihadipg to 
 _, _ ■ :•■: chentT red and edted white lu 
 atriktog.i^attract8tha attention of the moat uqinSttted" Prite 
 NBXV DOUBi,BlDAlSY-(Snomhyi) 
 Of all daUeanowB jroai Ked thii ia decidedly the best. This beaMi- 
 W new variety ft much ahead of aU old rarietiei, .ad we can anlMdM- 
 ingjyiecoaimepd it. It ii a iport fitoa the Longfellow, aiid thTtaw 
 towew are perfecUy donUe and of the purest while color. .^^"^ 
 FarpkL, Soe. flH^^^ 
 MtJiUnitiiun ^UNPLOWBR 
 Hm astitmepopolarily ofaU this laiga flkmily for tha paat 
 fcwyaara baa been remarkable, and in Ihia new varied we 
 have a flower wUchianotoiilf bfi^ and ahowy. bM elegant 
 in ahapa. and oT a alia ceMaaiant fat wearing and far 
 New Dane 
 it ia impose 
 a Malfeaa 
 white (this 
 Tading bol 
 aooa of a 
 mans, the 
 atiog in y 
 opoo a bed 
 . llie large 
 «f the pet 
 a rich j\ 
 crimioQ .^ 
 ' a moat eq< 
 elty, easili 
 aa a bordi 
 in cool I 
 Pht,. Me. 
 rich aearle 
 bMquMt. ThcpbntaaredwatfaBdwyhwhy.veMfiM' 
 Uooming. wfth am4l Sm Ibliago. F6imaW2n|^ 
 }^L ^W' *» • ^Mk *»»**• «« wrr taiiort^r 
 ft? tot fee di^a when e«t w4 Uooai ftnin /dy wMl fiflat!, 
 ParpktlOc ,^»-^' '^ 
 [ lli* iMNnaMofa 
 • iifl or MM 
 M gioini tea 
 M tka bfUUiMrud 
 ! thajr bfUMb ott iMo 
 kol wmHmt. TUs 
 Hit fee 
 iSSovB POPPY coLuacTioy 
 ,, ._ IKW imntIT rf Ttnr <lir»rf, com- 
 BMt haul, liMriM para •aow-wUM tarnm, u kig* 
 «4«iw u any %oar. Thb »d PMCock atuactad 
 gnat alMaUoalui MUM. Tbty an iha fisatt nonl 
 «;> •( tMa TMr. " 
 Ha •■•• la'^n ibaai * trial. Pn 
 . ••MiluMM.''-A •*• M(t an* MrUiiaalT boialihl. 
 FMab baaotifallr cait Magad «■ Iha aaiat aacb, aad thay 
 ■ eC llowataahia wfcita, whik. 
 •iionnniirT .. 
 l»o« tha 
 Naw baaebitlk, aad 
 Tha caatia u pmt rti 
 a Malicaa Croaa of 
 vMta (thit oolatptr- 
 Tadiag both iid« of 
 patalj with aa ovtaf 
 Moa of amber ita- 
 DMBt, the diie radi- 
 atioi in yellow' bati 
 apoa a bti of gteea. 
 . llie lafftr snifaca 
 6f the petali is of - 
 a lieh ; Termilioii 
 cfivioa — altogether 
 ' a moat eqnitite nov- 
 elty, eadl* caltiTated 
 aa a border flower 
 in eool fraoM fee 
 k pot plant 
 OrtJintal or Menvnii Pofipy-This variety 
 rill bloom thafeUo' 
 baMOfpalaiaar badyotllowataahia wkha, arhila Trlacad 
 aadi oT iHMali an of a briUiaai ciiaMaa-wa>kt> aiaUag a 
 •inagaaadkaaatiMoaMiaaii Parrlii.,>ab. 
 •klrtoy Pep- 
 pl— The rai^e of 
 colon ii timply m- 
 perb, axteadittg frcm 
 pare white, throogh 
 thie moit delicate 
 •hadea of pale pink, 
 race aad carminei^o 
 deepest arimion. The 
 color to variei that 
 scarcely two flowers 
 will \k found exactly 
 aUke, While, to add 
 tothecfrect.maay are. 
 shaded aad striped. 
 Their forms are most 
 beaatifolt being gen- 
 erally, sihgle or semi- 
 doable, rendering 
 , „, tham very valuable 
 SHlJtqiY for bonqnets. etc. 
 thefalL The 
 Mlowing epriisg, if the seed is sown in 
 feUage is mtsMve and beantifuli and the 
 as the blooms, when cat yoiiafc, will stand, 
 for several days withontdrooping or fading. 
 Pkt. 10c. 
 flowers are simply grand, both in site and eororing.boroe on a flower-stem from 2 to .1 feet high. 
 The flowers often measore 6 to9 inchts across, 
 rich imarlet, with large black blotches at baw,wit^ a beaatifiil and carinas roseate centre. 
 ■MTVr-tWaf will maUl •iM M»«r MMte wT tha sibova alM 
 : iMSw PoppI— «ar only BOo. 
 : J f{,aggec} gdPor, (gorn SiPocoer or S^fue SSottfe : : 
 Th. N>IIMal Flo>wi of Onn.ii, and Mlebr.t«l ». Ita Ule Hi.p.r.f Williams farall. io~r. . „, 
 Who doai nM know and love tha oUlfa»hlonad Raggca Sailer or niueu, 
 cheruhad h our old garden., andil. pnriia. ittng by poata! J •'•""«'"• JP""" 
 ili*an»> for year., but at la>i Ha. .portwl, and produced arhal nliay beju«l» 
 SllS doubfe™ow.r. of unuiual large "i- •'><f^««' »P .^ 'il"?"* r'^h 
 flonl., forming haiidMme Klobular flower head.. We offer the_seed in mixed 
 oSori; which cSnUin in addiiion lo ihe usual colour, of light and dark blue whi.e 
 ■ ptok and red: «venl .trikinR new ihade^ .och a. dwk red wl_th lighi blue 
 Edge., white u.>ped with r«l and blue. etc. A oMtlny.. "««»«:<i«™' ""^ " 
 a cut (lower, deuiaed to unparalleled popularity and highly ncommendad. P- 
 I*t..l6c. / 
 MEW: eneUSH: PR/if ROSES 
 The llaw English Primroses comprise 
 the moatai^dianting diadas, all of which 
 are distinct and beaotUal. There is not a 
 dall or inefleetoal color among them ; all 
 are moat eilectivc and bright. They are 
 of the easiest posaible cnltare, growiai 
 readily and prodadng their . flowers i* the 
 -griateAproMoit. Dotted here and Ihair 
 OB tha rock work, they make a aMSt ao- 
 ehawiac display in earlvqiring. For the 
 bordaiaey are splendid, making a grand 
 dlwlay mwB in clamps. Also excelleat 
 ial^eets fat growing in potoor pans. Pro- 
 _^^4«tagwto..r. Pe.pkt.l«e, ^oLIM WpiW).. 
 .E BLeeMINffi r.fl/TT.HSH 
 Na vaadar iSotImi 
 at«0f (aqnUt* ' 
 — — «Cilifct|rfc«,MTtehg ...,....V.;".""'»S 
 '•' • t»»d 
 »kM lo IMM 
 x^vx^rd ROOK 
 npQ^PHOPfUlbliUS ItlVlBltl 
 SMto Pah.. D«U. T«i«n, ..^ o,h» 
 ■innte ihi* ino 
 dwfalAniid. Itb 
 a Mb which, altar 
 •••tiB|diniag wia< 
 t«r, Modi ap ia 
 •prins a vicoraot 
 MM. alaMM lilacfc 
 i a c e i e r, 
 TMiCMMi ^ 
 Irlna, far 
 B»hbA ■ -* ** a iMmo 
 .•^accotdim totSr 
 cat off 
 a a d 
 pot h' 
 ^ 1- plae« 
 •KXch, iihaiM 
 •*d bold tiUi^a 
 Plaat, which b«n 
 >ai«t paa&laior 
 -""^^ • maaia- 
 iatfroh foTHT. 
 oal waika aad 
 WH-i to 
 aitiact attoadoa. 
 ■■•amruU. Tha 
 oparimata with 
 •ha laam «jg 
 yw atock of 
 plaau. Streac 
 PiMtt, tic. aach. 
 gUDSWPia Zgala 
 * T -notfttji qorjDSM wtTURA 
 •^l*' jMknrwidi. 
 '^'*- AMwhhm viih 
 »»«»«• Iltrawtwifki 
 Ma«t dcdnble for the 
 Srden, fof ribbon Uiict in tammer bcddiiig. lu 
 iage U THitpUad white wid liKht grtcn, bat 
 viewed iroai > Hitle distance the cScct i« practically 
 white. Owing to lit baihy habit and imall lolitse, 
 it It not mued when trimmed, aa art many bedding 
 pfauitt. The lowtra are tmall, pretl* and white, 
 thdagh ineonipienoiu becantc of tke white effect of 
 thefcUage. l>>ice, pei pkt., lOe. . 
 Fraxinella or €[a8 Plant 
 The late Cha» Downiff; said. H( I wera coa6ned 
 to a iingle hertNMeoM pennial pUnt, it would be 
 the Frarinella. It U petfectly hardy. The ordin- 
 ary pmrpliih pfaik fern, while not ihowy, iiitately 
 and the white variety it really handfomc. Moreover, 
 the flowert remain for a Iom tiaw, wMIe the odor 
 ia Uke that of lemon pcd. lie «rhalr pbnt U per- 
 vaded by a volatile oil. which it prodaced ia the 
 n^f pcateit ahandasM by the gbwda that betit the 
 f, aower-ttalka. ,Thi« oil, on a warm atltt day, ia eon- 
 o^<^ verted into • vapor w abundant that when a flame 
 fa Bronght ia contact with it, there it a dight es- 
 plodoa and a bright Hath, «Aieh ia aoiaddcn that 
 the plant anataina no inhBy." We nae a FVeacb 
 illortratioB to ahow the plaM« hnt von wiU lind that 
 a warm^aUUday and k tmtOH if omImm the phmt, 
 it ali iha appatatna regi ' " 
 •fad (Mntl ol piui 
 {D. CJHoruiUAa/. /i.) 
 We do aet offer ihia aa a new variety by any maaaa, b«t (ta ttrlking bnwly ia< 
 dnt.ea aa to promlaeatly offir it. It ia *n aanaal ol rapid and htinitant growth, 
 Ibrmlag bathe* ahi at two. feet high, and beailng Urge golden }ell(<w lannel- 
 th«|Mdflowarthlly three iachet long and nearly at bioad, called doable heoi 
 thr JjMt that the flowera are furmed of atoaliy three faanelt lai oae latide oi the 
 othef; very flagrant. A free floweriDf aau handtotte ipedet. {Smitit.) Phi., lit. 
 The kavet tad bloatomt c f (hit cnrioat plant have a charmiag fragtanct and 
 itt appaaraaee jaitiiaa the name given. It it aa aannal kaowa to botanitti, bat 
 whla atemaa to have acver been intiodnci d, at «hich we gieaily jrendcr. Seed 
 •own in the open groand in May commenced bloemlBg laly lal , and ccntiiHM d ia 
 the greateat nrolation until fiott, attaining a height 'of five or tix feet, with great 
 paaiclct ol blaom at large at a Hidrangva. Thelowari are a deep pni plith pink, 
 when they firtt oped, bat fa^fi to light Sink, to ihat^he'lower part ol the pankla 
 b a difbrent color from the top port. The tiament ore leveral iiithct loag, which 
 givet it the naaM of Soidet flower. AAei it commt n c e a to blooaa, thit plant It 
 aever oat of flower whHe it lite*. VTiadt ur raina do not injme it. It wat the 
 only flower which wiihttood the heavy raint and ttorm withtat injaiy ot bItaUth. 
 It ta^exceedingly thowy and lor a ritaatiba where a tall plant it dctirable, no 
 aaanti can anrpatt it. Per pkt. r Uc 
 phut of the Cat- 
 nip iamify, with ' 
 >ieantiinl white 
 ind green leaves, 
 : The leaves also 
 have a relrediing 
 fragrance. It will 
 no doubt bepome i 
 one of our matt 
 useful plants for 
 festooning work 
 such at drooping 
 from hanging batkett, vaiet, fancy pott, etc., its rapid 
 Eiwth rendering it uneaualled for the purpoee, while we 
 ve no doubt it will aho oe Urgely used in ermeteiies to 
 cover the | raves, aa it b entirely hardy and we think more 
 omameatal than almoat anything in use for ihtlt purpose at 
 present. Fat mauing in tbe ganlen or on thr lawn, to tiait 
 overatoac* or ttnmpt or in fact for a«y >Ort pf decoration it 
 it tpteadcd. Plantt, 90c. each ; S for fiOc 
 Cleef^oma Jiederaeea var 
 \NifttaGftt»»mm.) ' 
 A new trailing 
 ■teat It hat atraag, JMkj pl a a an wt Wmoa vu^mt, 
 particnkrty if yon mb Uw lirMr/ SMd per pkt., Uc^ 
 Otty Colketioi) it) grassed 
 —We thit leaion offer a very choice telection of about 90 varietiet of bmamental grataes 
 mixed in one packet.. These take time in their development, but will be tare to 
 pleate and are preferable to baying each variety lepnrate. Price, per pkt. , lOc 
tHnTMLu^oa. ay% rvmmf, 
 /, , • . ■ 4. 
 _ T^j^mwow ptrraoial, taiy lo grow, (OtwM, aad «k«a«l* 
 "' *■"' " p'oAn*. aad ft hloMaw ia 
 IbcUI—AMi llMMidiUaar 
 Stpttmbtr utll ih« ■Udl* 
 of CtetoiMr, tfttr tiM tek «f 
 Mnamr flowers iipMi, aa4 
 b«ror« Clir]r«Mth«a«iM 
 . W ««,wuet «Bd mMk an.. 
 tiM HioMdaya If oi 
 wl-iiM it waa lainiinHM 
 doa. Oor pktua b ttom a 
 7b»t«gnpb iaian October - ' -t r : '•^^mmmmmmi^^^^am 
 18«h last, of what w«a ihowht the moat •^u.mj. t " ■ ■ ■ 
 -O", :•.•,..■ 
 •.-::.f^ :; 
 ■■ ■ If J w— wv B^abfivM&A r^^-'-* Tlnir cutia ■th I 
 -# „?^V'"'"* •ttractlre, haii.. barbkcMM 
 "OO* MMB ■■IMVM& .^. 
 r. TUtdl 
 Hardy firtmi 
 2. AamHh 
 ^IIIIVAU grow, blopm ud 4it th* ftrat yMt from S««l. ■IINNIAkS bloom tlio ••coad jaw from dftd, aod tiitn dl« ; thoi«k 
 mmmf, if ■Ofra oarly in tho ■prUic, wUI llowtr *>>• Ont yoor. PKIIBNIilAtS nnwlly bloom tbo Mcond yoor from S«cd, 
 ■ad coatimm to grow and bloom §tt many ywu«. Somo will also bloom the Snit year if a^fn tarly. 
 f// f/om0rSe»d$ $0nt />•• 6/ flail on nctipt of Price. 
 Full Cultural Dirociiona bn each Paekot. 
 la jMur ai4«rs for Fk4«r Sm<U It wUl b* •aOeUnt to Mad tha MUMBaR dNLV, bat U wUI ba BacaMary to tUta tba Mltloni or fur, of 
 OatiilOKln tnm wUeh tbay ara Ukaa, aa a oaw adltioa li annually publlihad and numban •oaatimas cbangad. \ 
 If-g Mc oa w -bowt Itl 
 On all ordari for Plowar Saada la pukata, tba purchakar Buy 4Ufct lllaaa 
 capita' worth antra for arery dollar nnt m. Thua-^aayfina Mndinc aa $b«a 
 may talact aaadt amonbtioc to $1.15; (or $f.oo, aaada tW thaTaluaof9a.Mi 
 ' 9].aai aaada to tha nhw of $|.«a; for t4.oo, saada tq tba valna oi t4.«a ; for 9s.oo, Mad* to tha Talua of t«.oa. PI*aM tall year IMinda of oar Ubaral 
 This dlacooat appHaa to pachau only. Poataca atampa racafoad tha aama aa caah. 
 >m|th«wiMw. SMd 
 Trailing plaoti, with 
 prostrate brahchet wv- 
 eral feet in length, and 
 bearing cluitcn of tweet- 
 scented flowers. Very 
 Auch like the Verbena. 
 Customers report the 
 greateit success the sec- 
 ond summer, from seed 
 Iropped from plaati of the pieyioo* year. Half-hardy anntidl. 
 . Akranla aMlMllata, rose-lilac, White eye, i ft B 
 AkwtilOM (mo CnaahouM awortaHiii). 
 AOOIilTUM (Monk's Hood, Wolfsbank) 
 FKe-bloomlng plant, of easy culture; flowers blue and white; 3 ft. 
 ffanh ptrtnnial. 
 2. AMMltNMi ■■•Mitai*! mixed, blue and white r' 5 
 AOROOLINIVM (Everlasting Flowkr) 
 One of the best,, producing a great iiamber of beautiful rose, pink 
 'bite flowen, l^jhyellow centre.' Half-hardy atinial. 
 (Monnlaia Prlaga or AUe(h 
 It is a pretty and gfacclafcli^ber, with 
 pate green pinnate foliage t jiroducci small 
 pink and wnite flowets in abundance during 
 the summer months. It is biennifil, and 
 nukes but little ffowth the first stasbn. 
 Sow seed in spltag in a damp and\ cool 
 place, and.,J(i autuipn transplant lo^ithe 
 place where intended to bloom. The 
 engraving gives a good form for training 
 the vine, which giows about fifteen leV 
 in length. Hardy Ht^nial. 
 8. AilMMla •IrrliMa. io\ 
 14. f ani l , bright rose 
 |6. —Mfaiail, fine colors.. 
 white . 
 (Phbasant's.£vb, Flos Aimnis) 
 12? ••* whari of 
 3u ifaThiliTi***' 
 The foliage is very 
 pretf y,and the flowets 
 brilliant, remaining 
 for a long time in 
 bloom. They will do 
 well in a partially 
 shaded iitnation, and 
 may be used toadvan- 
 tage in any retired 
 corner of the garden. 
 Hardy antmai. 
 6. Adaala iCMIvalls (Flos Adonis). 
 7. — — tM W Ha. (Pheasant's Eye). 
 black eentre; I ft 
 Deep crimson, I ft. 
 Intense blood red, with 
 9. Agroatla NaBlllcaat most elegant, delicate, fine Snd, 
 feathery ; I^ ft. Hardy annual, 
 A9IIOSTKMMA (jovK's Flower) 
 The Agrosteliihias are free bloomers, make attractive beds, anil 
 are useful for cutting. They present a beantifiil appearance when grown 
 in masses, or as ^border for tall plants like the Gladiolus. Hardy annual. 
 10. Agriaatanima ocall roaaa (Rose of Heaven), deep rote. 
 fringed ; 1 ft. 5 
 11. —oorenarla (!!••» Oamirteii). ^<in/y /v»HWfW; lift, s 
 Valuable.for bedding plants or 
 for cut flowers; free bloomers and 
 of long duration. When lifted 
 and patted in the fall, and placed 
 in the parlor, will keeii up a sue- * 
 cessioii of beautiful flowers all 
 winter. Half-hardy annual. 
 13. AgaratHni Maaloa- 
 NHm, blue, U ft- > ' Ti 
 IS. —AHMinit white, IJft. A 
 14. — Wanlandii, dwarf, 
 blue, lift. ........... 6 
 15. — Wanlandii, dwarf, 
 white 6 
 16. — Atfa BowNUiw, » 
 very good bedder .... 10 
 We got oar Seeds AroiA yon before and 
 liked them so mucb. 
 The Seeds I got from you last year gaVe I planted your Seeds last year ; I think 
 every satishclion. they are the best I have ever plahted. 
 Mary Turnby, Woodstock, N.B. 
 L. McMillan, Hillsburg, Ont 
 Jambs Lord, New Westminster, I).C. 
 — n- 
 ! ■ 
 I h»<n great pUuur* in itcoai- 
 mtnding your lacd | alwayt gi*M 
 tb« bat uiUfaclion. 
 Bo. Spiiioinoi, 
 Watf ivtib. Qua. 
 This it not only out of the bkmI populw, bat abk om of the matt sflcctiv* gardMi hraritot, 1 
 ""I V"^. '* "" "*>**' *'>'«^ eomUDM to Meh biwity utd variotT of habit aAd ibaM with 
 jnch Mtllancjr and riehaeu of coloc a* thb. It hai ^o «qMl anoaa tin aimnala. It b tplMHiid ' 
 L*!L^'''^> bordtf lag, or pot plantt. th» 8Md in offw hM b«m w««4 frofll t|l« Mty 
 bMt donU* flown o^. Qi** It rich toil and pimtT of water foe bMt rMvIl*. Hatf-kmrJh 
 anmuU, * -» 
 ' TMa Uil !■ arraacad accordlac la iba. joaiaaadaK wilk iba taUast 
 One of the largcit and fine«l Tarietiei In 
 cultivation; well-grown flowers hav^ neaiured 
 five inches in dbmeter. p,, p^,, 
 17. . Many Oolora, mixed . , lo 
 Central petals of purest white, nuking a 
 outer peals ; very (lfec|jve ; 2 ft. 
 18. ^Many Oolora, mixed ^,. .lo 
 Luge and remarkably fine flower*, with 
 long, Iwaatifully incurved petab, resembling 
 thoK of the Paonjr. One of the finest Asters 
 cultivated ; 2 ft. 
 ^ro Whito... 
 ilto, with Dark m 
 Wlant ROM ... 
 ^t Bluo ....... 
 Park BIMO 
 BrllllantSoarl«t,new,(fleciive is 
 miKOCfOoloro, extra choice, 
 i oi. 60c. ..; 10 
 Ooiloetlop of e dbtinct colors . . 40 
 Undoubtedly the most hapdsome Aster in 
 cultivatioo, pf which we have an exctllent 
 strain. Flowers very largeand ifcrfectly double, 
 of globular shape ; fide pyram^l form ; l( ft. 
 Many OolOiro, fineit mixed 10 
 A new dwarf strain, of great beauty, 
 the petals of the flowers being very 
 irregularly colored, and the same 
 plant ofien shows • great variety of 
 blotched' and streaked flowers. It 
 is one of the latest to bkxim, and is 
 particularly valuableon that account 10 
 Of very compact growth i flowers Arom S 
 to i inches in diameter, and verv abnndaat ; 
 later than other varieties, therefore valuable 
 fori succession; I fk. Pvpiik 
 •earlot anci WHHo , 
 Dark Bluo 
 Roo*, ohanflnK to WliNo 
 Flory« a most strikifis color ...... 
 Many Oolora, ahoice nsiMd. 
 i oi.SOe 
 OollOOtlsn of 6 separate colors. . 
 A magnifie«Bt dwarf variety, abont 
 /inches high. VVhen well grown, a single plant 
 forms a complete boaqnt t of pyramidal shape, 
 and covers its^f with Uossoms, entirely hiding 
 the folbge. Fine for edging and small beds. 
 87. Flno Mlxocl^ many colors and 
 38. Now Roao, Urge flowers, petals 
 fibely imbricated and of great sob- 
 stance, robust, and one of the very 
 best; mixed colors; 2 fi 10 
 30. Snowball, pure white 10 
 40. Mod SOhOU, or NOOCllo, flo'wers 
 lar^e, with long-quilled, sharply 
 pointed, curious-looking petals ; 
 mixed colors: 2 ft. 10 
 41. Many Oolors, choice mixed. 
 I OI. 30c 10 
 42. In great variety, and many different 
 climes mixed ; | oz. 30c. IS 
 .43. In great variety, and many dilTerent 
 classes mixed ; | oz. 30c. , 16 
 very pretty oli 
 and orange, ii 
 sm Mtheti wal 
 favorite. Pir 
 SI. AmpO 
 8m Plam 
 ^ Very pretty, free-blooming pl»nt,bearing Cin- 
 eraria-like flowers; 2 ft. Hardy Annual. 
 44. OOBlOStiS (Blue Maigufritt), celestial 
 blue 10 
 The Sweet Alyssum has pretty little, while flowers, useful for making up in all kinds of small 
 bouquets, and its fragrance, while sufficiently pronounced, b verv delicate, reminding one of the 
 peculur aroma of the hay field. It groas freely from seed, either under glakS or in the open 
 ground, and makes a pretty border. The Alyunm i< one of the very best pbnts for the basket 
 or pot, which the lovers of^flowers in this section haVe learned, as it is to be seen in many windows 
 during the winter. 
 Alymum,Swoot, flowers small 
 and sweet, in clusters; 1 ft. Hardy 
 annual', 1 oz. SOc , S 
 46. — Bonthaml compaokHm, 
 b a new, dwarf, compact variety, 
 not over inches in height, bearing 
 its pure white, fragrant flowers in 
 ■ greatest' profution. Hanfy "annnal 10 
 47. — Saxatilo oompaetum. 
 Rock or Golden. Hardy perennial S 
 ^DRSOA (Maali Flowsr) 
 Ate small, but of remarkably brilliant color, 
 andmafcamostderirabjebeddingplants. They 
 flower ^TMly , u;d continue in bloom from Jane 
 till eaifly frost. Half-hardy annual. 
 48. Alonaoa srandMora, large- 
 ■ flowored, scarlet ; 3 ft. . . 1 .' ■ S 
 — W— 
 49. — WarowwlMll,flowef«small,brig^t 
 •CBrlet,roriBiiigapKttytpikeilift*" > 
 An exceed 
 ducing an abui 
 with the yellov 
 for rock-work, 
 in any good gs 
 W. Arabia 
 60. -AoDort 
 67. Avona 
 A dwarf gi 
 rich and beauti 
 shows are held 
 68. Rxtraf 
 Very show 
 Good Hope. 
 6i >. Aretot I 
 with dai 
r !*'■• 
 pUuar* in 
 Md I alwayt gi*M 
 W>t«rTllU. Qua. 
 lv< gudttk (traiitM, 
 labit attd ilwiw wilk 
 malt. It b tplamlid 
 f«4 rram tiM vary 
 raialt*. Butf-kmrif 
 »lh I flowers from S 
 and venr abandaat ; 
 I, therefore *alnable 
 IThlt* 10 
 IK to WhN* 10 
 lioe eoior 10 
 efioice mijn4. 
 ufparate colors. . 40 
 f varietj, aboat 10 
 (Town, a slogle plant 
 I of pyramidal sbapc, 
 >oms, entttcly hidiog 
 ing and tmall beds, 
 nany colors and 
 ;e flowers, petals 
 »nd of neat sab- 
 I one of the very 
 i» 2 ft 10 
 white 10 
 ■quilled, sharaly 
 looking petals ; 
 . 10 
 choice miaed, 
 id many different 
 iz. 30c. IS 
 d many different 
 is. 30c. , IS 
 I in all kinds of small 
 reminding one of the 
 glaks or in the open 
 plants for the basket 
 sen in many windows 
 ttyspike,lift*.. 5 
 One of the hardiest of the Ert ilastlngs, 
 with smsU but pretty white flowers. VaTu- 
 able for formine buuqueis In conneetlon 
 with grasses. Klowtrs should be gathct cd 
 before fully opened. Start Ike seed under 
 glass. Nmrdy tmnual. «» 
 00. Ammoblum •latum, 
 wUta........ ft 
 (Mialatura VlrgteU Creeper, ar Javaaese Ivy) 
 A Species of Woodblnefcom Japan, with 
 verv prtlly olive green foliage, which turns to bright scarlet, enroson 
 and orange, in the fall. It does not require fastening, as it clings to the 
 sm Mtheii walls. It is perfectly hardy, and is fast becoming a general 
 favorite. Pirtnmktl. 
 HI. AinpMopsIa Valtehii lo 
 Sm Plamt LmT, for Wall Grown Plmilt. 
 One of I he verv best of our perennials. 
 Spring sown •cedlingi will bloom in beds 
 or borders the first season. Ijjy remov- 
 ing a portion of the flower stem in the 
 summer, the phuiu will throw up young 
 shoots fi)r autumn, making plants that 
 wilt endure almost any winter. The 
 seetl-we offer is from one of the finest 
 colleclioiu. Hanly ptrtnniait. 
 t2. Antirrhinum major, 
 choice colnisi 2 ft 3 
 8S. —Tom Thumb, mixed 
 colors} I ft S 
 (••yVIND PLOWBR ■) 
 One of the earliest and prettiest of our 
 spring flowers, tiic flowers sre Xf^/e, 
 poppy-like in forq<, and run thr<«gh 
 various shades of scarlet, purple, blue, 
 white and striped, and often will lie 
 found varieties with an eye of a differ- 
 ent hue from the rest of the flower. 
 Hardy ptrtnnicU, 
 04. Anomi»no ooronaria, 
 mixed colors ; } ft 10 
 ARABIS (Rook Oron) :> 
 An exceedingly early and very prel^ spring flowering plant, pro- 
 ducing an abundance of small white flowers, which contrast beautifully 
 with the yellow Alyssum in bordersor ribbons. It is admirably adapted 
 for rock-work, edgings, etc. Grows about 9 inches high, and succeeds 
 in any good garden soil. Hardy ptrennial. 
 80. Arabia alplna «... lo 
 ' *"*^ " ABPRRULA 
 A most profuse 
 bl<fpmer, and of dwarf 
 habit. Xh> flowers are 
 very nottl-scenttd, and . 
 last a long time in per-, 
 fection ; for making up 
 small bouquets it is all 
 thar can be desired. 
 A8PBRULA Hard, annual. 
 ■Asgtorula asuroa aotosa, light blue, i ft s 
 AVOna OtOrillO (anlmatod oats), very graceful, 
 with large drooping »pikes on slender stems; 81 ft. Hardy 
 antumt....: V. 6 
 .. . ■* ^T*'' ft">wihg plant* bearing umbels of frpgraiit flowers of many 
 nch and beautiful colors. A great favorite in Britain, Where flower 
 shows are held of this plant alone. Hardy ferinnial ; \ h. 
 68. Extra OholOO Mlxatf. From a prize collection .16 
 Very showy and interesting border plants; native of the Cape of 
 Good Hope. Half-hardy annual. 
 -"■ — A r ototia bro v l ao ap a, larg e orang e -colo re d ' flu w eri. — ~ 
 with dark centre; lift 6 
 The Amaraalhus fam- 
 ily embraces numerous 
 blaais, valuable for the 
 beauty of their foliage; 
 manvuf the varieties have 
 handsomely formed and 
 highly colored leaves. 
 They are very effective 
 fur autumn decorationi, 
 and are seldom e<|uallcd 
 bv any similar class of 
 %!ll'£S-aa.... ..s..!^ .- TRICOLOR Oosepli, Coal) 
 Amaranthua bloalor rubor, leaves bright Kariet, 
 grtten striped and shaded purple red, sometime* pointed 
 yellow, 1 ft y J 
 -Oaudatua( Love- Ues- Bleeding), long, droopiitg sprays of 
 flowers, S ft .... . ., _ ' ^ 
 -monatroaua (Giant IMnca's i-eaiher) large and hjmil- 
 some, varieiia'ed foliage .. ., ,,...'.. ft 
 -rmol^noholloua rubor, compact,' rich' lilood red 
 IgiisEe, 9 ft ..'.., t^ 5 
 aallOlfollUa (Fountain Plant), gracefully drooping wil- 
 low-shaped leaves, brilliantly banded and lipped with orance, 
 carmine and bronze, i ft , . ., . 5 
 -trtOOlor (Josephs Coat), leaves scarlet, ' yeliow 'illd 
 green, U ft.. _ g 
 -aunrlaOtthe most brilliant of the family- The top of 
 plant lirilliant crimson 10 
 Lovely dwarf plants, very 
 effective as edgings, beau- 
 tiful as pot |ilanti, and 
 valuable for rock works. 
 Ha//- tardy annual t. 
 67. Anacaiiia 
 blue, } It 6 
 — - aanswl- 
 naa,biighl luhy, 
 *<t 6 
 ««•■« mliM 
 Excei'tlingly ahowv, frer 
 flowering- bonier plants, 
 with large poppy-like fluw 
 er». The foliage is large, 
 pretly in form, nnd ol a 
 light green color, theleaves teiy much 
 resemlile the thistle. Hardy annual. 
 70. Arsomono Moxicana, 
 flowers, bright yellow ; 2 ft. 6c. 
 A quick growing hardy Climber, at- 
 taining a height of thirty feet. The 
 flowers are curved tike a siphon, and 
 of a rich purple colore On the ||anksof 
 the Rhine and in most Coiiiinenial 
 cities the luxuriant foliage uf this plant 
 is an object of admiiation lo visitois. .Si.trt 
 seed under glass, cover thinly, aniklransplnnt 
 when weather becomes warm. //'((n/i'/Vr^nn/'a/. ' 
 7L Aristoloekia alpbo .... ip . 
 S«« Plant List. ^' , / 
 , The odd and peculiar formation of the flow- 
 ers of the new and double iorts irender them 
 well vtorthy of cultivation. They emiirace a 
 great variety of colors, exceedingly $howy, and 
 rank among the best plants lor-^arly auminer 
 blooming. Can be increased by a ditition of 
 the roots. Hardy perennial. 
 AqalUfla,' choice mixed, double 
 wrieties ; 9 ft ■ 
 ■ ^"V t-r^ni- T PJUWUIVI C«lUoi».»,GiUto,U«kviir,lliri«mette»^etiuiU, Phlox and Dt^btePoppiM. 
 • • • 
 with • lood, lick toll, umI propar cw*, pimis mmi I 
 th« gr«»iMi •iic«ll«nc« urn producvd. Sow In tk fnaio or M, J 
 l»nif>l«R1 whan two or llirM inthaa in b«l|hl. ')ll« IUUmm Iovoo ■ wan 
 Whan III* plMU appMr la ho naliina loo Ihkk m haad, <au la Mdo Iho I 
 ii it a (ood plkn lo col oul toato of Ida braachai whan hboII. 11m BalaaaJ 
 Im> praDod or nipiiad offto anrdaalrttl fotai, to twoor ihroa oravan oao bnaeh, and >alf 
 flra angravlnit •hewing plaali ptunad In Mvaral waya. For Ida oaaira at a bouqaal a | 
 Paltam flowat la almoti at tfaiirabla at a Oaaiallla, bai muu lia uippllad wlih an aniflcial tlaa. 
 TS. ■■■■■m "Q W W'^WIl H *''' lliaAKatldouhlawhilaBaltaniaTaroflarad. Iti^MiaaHal 
 formly douhla, vaiy whila and aacttdinf ly Arm, wiih a tlUhl pink lln|a on Iha back, 'lil 
 •lam i> Arm, and iboioufhiy Jolnad lo Iha flowar, to It can bo aaally and tacaraly Uammad. Tw 
 It a iraal adtraniaka fof HurltM' u^o. I 9a. lOc , ,,,, .,.,,,,^ 
 » « 
 • • -t w 
 dabcaia »hada of 
 A vary charming and 
 loay pink, •ovaral ahadaa 
 llgkitr th4in iha appla bloiwam. Sn cul (S) — )0 
 n. - SaiftoHn*, doMbla, whlia, tlrip«r and ipatlad wllk 
 lilac and « arfal {t\....^ » 
 76. -Ulaa, dotiUa, tltlpad wllh ctiaiMHi (I) 10 
 77. — Sunaat. Klowan oT a fina CamalUa'i ihapa daop 
 rich gainal red ; a charaiing Varlaly .10 
 78. aMl» •••••••«•• Ona of iha nuM iharmlng of all 
 llabanit ; laiKa, daubia, daap ruay pink •hada. 10 
 l«t«Ml<«) 10 
 MMl..*. ....10 
 -Umur oarmlna and whiia.^poiiad .10 
 -l;ll««irqM Aowarad 10 
 -lloaa fl««»«r«d| doubia, choicau mixed (S) 10 
 -Okiiwllla ftowantf, doubl*, ifitplctii ail>cd..'),..lO 
 <' ' ' . a , , »" '-•' - - i 
 The Brachyeome iberidifolia ii a Daii/-like 
 flower, found on the banks of the Swan Kivn, in 
 Austfalia, and is ipmetimet called Swan River 
 Daily. An elegant little plant, growing about 
 eight inches in height, of compact, branching 
 habit, and abundance of &>wer(, something tike 
 thoK of the Cineraria. An excellent flowering 
 plant, deserving more attention than it receives, 
 the bine being particularly desirable. 
 85. BraehyooiiM Ife*rl4lf0ltat blue and 
 white, separate or mixed 10 
 86. BroMM* MpwfMmla, Grass, very 
 fine, with elegapt hanging ears, well 
 adapted for bouquets, either dried or with 
 fresh flowers. Blooms second year j 1 ft. 6 
 87. ■(!>■ Maxima, a chaming variety of 
 Shaking Grass -,, one of the best ; 1 (t. 
 Hardy animml 6 
 Mra. Robert Woodwoith.Selauh, N.S. -Amjual 
 beginning a flowar garden, and wai on iha point of 
 angina to the Stataa for aaed* when your, catalogue 
 ame tohana I aai delighted with 11, It i< not only 
 A very showy plant, with gray branches 
 thistle-like leaves. It likes conuderable moisti 
 and the young plant spmetimes suBiers in a 
 time. Sow seed where the plant is to flower, ai 
 does hot bear transpUnting wall. Hmrdyann* 
 88. BartaNla aiiraa, golden yellow ; l } ft, 
 (See ex/) ,, 
 BMlMtor'a ttutton (too Canianraa.) 
 «• Vina (tee Cardloapermnm.) 
 Exceedingly pretty pianu, fljuvering un( 
 glass throughout the autumD^-vfCnter ana spii 
 months, and ont of doors in summer. The pla 
 give abundance of bloom, and areexceedibgly f 
 (or bedding purposes. HcUf-hatdf atinmJ. 
 89. ■rawalllaataia, whitiX..... 
 90. — Blata, blue...,...,..j.<)^..... 
 01. -r-Waaaa new, large flowering 
 Umnm m tk atiaata (tee MniL, GrcenhoutK) 
 Mwa Ba«tla (lee CenMnre4.1 
 ■laadUlK Hmmw* (»ee Bnlha.) 
 a caulogne, but a manuaraf Instruction. 
 ■ <<ae Ompanula.) 
 ■ a»enlsi (aea Greenhouia and Bnlba.) 
 batter, tlwa Batam, DiaatkiM, Phlox, Ptttmia, Portals 
■PRiNo CATAUNtui or nsM^ miLM AMo rtAim por mi 
 Croay"! FrMck *• — im 
 O^r Ctfoice Capias 
 Highlj on)«m«nlal pUnlt producing ■ rich effect b) ihcir \uge, broad «nd lAkiive (M*tt, 
 tefiniiuitd bf raccmei of crimion, oranct, or icailel floweri. Soak the iced Vi hauri in hot 
 water before planlinc » torn in landy loam and peal, and plate in a hot-h«<l ; when up to lh« 
 ■acbnd leaf, pot off ilngly and keep under glaii until Ihe proper season for planting out i take 
 up the rooti before froit, and preier*e in a warm cellar or room. Halfhmdffcttnmali, 
 92. Oauina (Indian Shot), fin«at mixed varieties 8 
 —WAroaamrlmll, red, foliage itriped, Tcry fine and beautiful .'" 10 
 —N«pal«nala, clear yellow, (upcrl) |0 
 — Ormy'S N«W tuparb Pr«neh, Urue kiu and flowcn of <laiiUnK iMet of 
 yello^, orange, scarlet and ▼ernilion, some beautifully striped \ mixed csolors . . . . 2fi 
 Sm Bulk List. ^ 
 A curious CHmber and remark - 
 able for its inflated membraneous 
 capsules ; a rapid and graceful 
 climber, useful for either inside or 
 out-doot decoration. Sow under 
 glass or in greenhouse. Gitc 
 Slants support to run upon; 
 eight about 6 feet. Haif -hardy 
 OHHUal. ■ . 
 IM. Oar l«a|i«rM«M 
 NallMMakMM .... 6 
 OM*r7 WMIIlMmr (See TniMo. 
 Onliftimis r«p»J (Sm E«:li>cbolt. 
 OaloMlMte rSM GrMnhoois). 
 Oiawasin (Sw GnenhMue). 
 OrtrMtt— (S«« Viininlan Stock). 
 Our new hybiids of this magni6cent annaaf are among 
 tne most showy and graceful of all garden flowefs, and noth- 
 ing can give greater satisfaction fur aolate diqilay. Th«y 
 make very Urge plants, growing five to sM«n feet high, 
 which ire beautiful masses of the most elegant foliage until 
 ihey begin to bloom in September, when each plant will 
 have hundred^ of large showy blossoms. October frosts do 
 not hurt the pl a nt s o r fl o wer s, a nd durinR that m onth it i« 
 An cailv fluwcring plant, with small lliiwats, 
 while, reil and pink. A moislute loims «n Iht 
 •tslki, which sometlmts entraps flies, htnce Hit 
 nmne " Caichfly" Hardy atiMttii/. 
 W. Oatakfly, mine <! coi<<is. i ) n (i 
 119. — PwHiiila HMiia aaMipaafti a 
 Flowers are borne in clutters nn slender tlalka, 
 alMiut a fiiot or so In length, pio<iucing flowers 
 for cutliflg every day, which arc valuable for 
 small bouquets. Halfhanly annHal. 
 100. Onaaila ■••alaaa, scarle s 
 101. ^iHtaa, goMan yellnw A 
 The rich, jiurple crimson glow of Ihe beauli- 
 ful saucer-shapeil flowers of these cleganl iilanls 
 ismatchleu. For borders an<( licds the ifowcis 
 and foliage are slritilngly effective. Sleep licforc 
 ■owing. Thin plants to about one foQt a|iart. 
 Hardy annual. 
 102. Oalllrhoa |n4ata, purple crimson, 
 with white eyes, 2 ft A 
 The well-known favorite English Cowslip, 
 flowering-early in the spring. 
 IWi. Oow«lf|», mixed colors, | It . . fi 
 The plants are usually two or three feet in 
 height, of slender habit and rapid growth. The 
 flowers are of every shade of yellow, orange and 
 rich reddish brown, and make brillinnt groups or 
 l ow sc r eens. — Se e ds g r ow very iapidly, and tnay 
 be sown where plants are to flower. 
 1(M. OalHaMlBi mixed colors, 2 ft 5 
 IDS. — DtamaiaaMi, yellow, crim on 
 cientre, IJft '.,.6 
 the gayest and most showy plant in cultivation. It is pro- 
 nounced by all to be the finest seed novelty in many year;. 
 .Sow early. 
 97. Oaaaies Nykritfa, mixod all colors. is 
 W« ««• coofldnrt thM our Flower Sooda are nnqiMsUciiBUy Vif^^ aa«l vaaMy a«Mriar la «aalHy to those nsonl^ aoM. 
 Th* Cob) rate 
 ( iIm hhwi 
 umIuI, li«*Miiliii 
 ■luiopM gfpw 
 Ing annaaU; 
 with Urga, Ana 
 folltga, largt 
 litll ' •haufd 
 flowait, ai niil 
 Ring lit puipl* 
 Uc, almoM 
 Tha CampaauUa ambraea many baautiful 
 •nil popular anniialt and partnniali, Thr 
 vailaiiaa IWiowara titrcmaly baautifiil, hard) 
 and fraa blooaMiri, ailhar in liada or hordari. 
 OamiMRMHi SMMilMiM (Vanai' 
 Looking Claia), blua and wMla, 
 mlied or separata ) ) n. HarJr 
 anmual .i. 
 iMUMHa MMlla (Caijlar-- 
 Hcll), large lloweri, tin 
 108. -4 
 burjr Hell), large lloweri, liiuHe 
 varieiiei, miitd;ait. /V''/m<4^V i 
 -tfMikto. ntixtd.' yvrv«J|pK'«.| 
 OTPBIHfg ■.■".''■•',' 
 A tirikingli handtome (pliaga plaal, 
 •qualljr well adapted for ihegrecnhouaa ot 
 opengroand. the leave* are ttripcd with 
 white, giving tb« plant a tlittinct and fine 
 appcaraoee. Scad ihould h» lown aarly. 
 Itiioreaijrcultnr*. Halfkanlf ftrtmmial. 
 loe. •fpmnm mKHnlUMkm W 
 "•«■♦•« 10 
 In. long and 
 In. inwidih. In 
 Vt can lie taken up, potted and removed 
 tolhelf^^ttherriihey will thrive and flower dur- 
 ing Ihttwi^itr. For coverinK virandai ami (aneai, 
 nothing MfpaiMa the CnlMrt, or when planted in a 
 row, 'i t\. apfrt, and tupiMMted wiih hriiih, it makei 
 an elegant icrAn. Half kantf anrntiU. 
 114. OflkOBS Ma«tf«ik« 10 
 The annual varletiei of Chrnaathemtn^ ar« 
 aaeccdinglv pretty. Tha-gieat aaj gfitwing damand 
 .\\ -T' 
 aiilaad t 
 > u>.vi^4^~ 
 A beautifulquickgrowingClimber ; rich 
 orange-Karlet flowcn. Should lie Darted 
 early in a hot-bed or greenhouse, and pot- 
 ted when five leaves have formed, tlien 
 planted out in June, '/'tniltr anHual. J | 
 no. •alaiMiMlla aaakar (Eecrc-* 
 mocarpui scabra) lo 
 Jrt — Oneoftbt 
 beat known 
 laiid moat pop- 
 *ular annual 
 elimbera we 
 have. Will 
 grow alMosl 
 Lanywhare, and 
 ■covet any Mii^hl- 
 Myfeaoeor Uiild- 
 Inc^in a very short 
 tl* support for the 
 viDca to run on. 
 The flowers are of 
 the moat briHiant 
 .'" TALL colors and shades, 
 i. , , fto" white, dark 
 blue, purple, carmine, rose, lilac, violet and 
 (tripcd. Hardy dHffuml. rif^" 
 111. OaavalvMliia niilar (uil Morn- 
 ing Glory), mixed colors 6 
 112. — Mlaar (dwarf Morning Glory), 
 bcantihtl colors, mixed 6 
 vy y 
 "fj u)V 
 various skadeaawt Mlat*, 
 ^— . -f» 10 
 lU. -•wmmNN. snow, plil|*,l«aMM« 
 do«l>la flowers i I It I0 
 (roi ChlMu whI JaaaiWM »tUil«, tm Or«»»l»Q»ia.> 
 •KNT AVKtA 4«.m nmwm^ 
 Skowv, free flowering, succeeding well (n 
 any kind of soil. Hmtdjt mmnfli. 
 I It. Oiata a raa AaiaHtawa. flowais 
 Uirn I hlae, paipla i Strang planu i 
 -•iraiiMM' Vkmnirn' 'as itaeiMim-s 
 Uuiton and Corn HollU), mixed 
 color* B 
 ^UNMalMrta (Swsct Saltan) yel 
 low, white and purple, ■tiadaolor*, 
 very sweet \ \\\\ g 
 (ror MiMr »rUllM, m* OmwiIh»m.) 
 OIUNllA minaaamm 
 Highly ornamental plants,produclng created 
 h.ad. ol flowers. There are many shapea and 
 colors, but (he scarlet and crimson Ate the 
 moat brilliant and rkh. The oftener they are 
 tranaplanled or shUud, Ibe larger and mi 
 h«iautl hl_th^j{f O».^ Half karjy ammuali. 
 litt. Octoala artotatat dwarf iCock*- 
 eomb), ooa of the latgeal of thi* 
 vaiiaty, mixed color* S 
 -~4»9»m aaal H BBwifc, an ea- 
 tif ely new and dislinet, and very 
 beautiful variety 10 
 t aagaw ^«a, very fine 
 dwarf variety, with dark leave* 
 and crimson comb* 10 
 -iwarf caMaa raaa (new) 
 brilliant and •ttracliva 'IS 
 -raalliara« KramMaNa. 
 a variety wi h feathered flowat* | 
 «ft. J graceful 10 
 I Thaaa are yery eBcctivc border plant*. 
 |*bowy and pro(«(« bloomer*, well adapted 
 I to cool or abaded location*. Hmniy tmmuaU. 
 1197. Olarkla alagaaa, llne*t 
 I double varictle*. mixed ; U ft. . S 
 128. — aMlallalla.deepro*e; Uft.. S 
 [l». — iNfairf ■ " 
 ISO. — " 
 Very neat, grqaring in any light aoi] ; 1 It 
 Bardy amuiialt. 
 IIS.. OaiUaala, mixed col(«h.. :..... s 
 brought them into general invar. T1i<y arc bfi|ht, 
 cheerful and free bloomen, easy and rapid in growth, 
 and *ome are really beantifnl^, the colon having tha 
 appearance of being laid on With a bmah, and for 
 thi* ressonare called "Painted Daisy." They are 
 of varied and beautiful color*, ttriped and edged in 
 various shades. Set plant* about one foot apart. 
 Hardy annua/. 
 116. -r-Ballpa** Of all our Hew annual Chryt- 
 anthemumi, none are mrre beautiful, if, 
 indeed, they are *b striking in appearance, 
 than the "Eclioae." Its large, single flo v- 
 ers are 8)10 3 int. in diameter, and exhibit 
 a striking contrast in markings. They are 
 pure golden yellow, with a bright purplish 
 »c*rlet ring on the ray of floret*, the di*c 
 _--,-^ It double, rich 
 crimson) Ijft , 
 -••Mra. Lmmgtn," *now 
 white, with • well defined diic 
 or centre of brilliant crimaoit. . ; 
 isi. -Omt aalaalatf «a«» ra«,u- 
 ceedingly fine ^..... 
 ~ being daric brown. Very flrce flowering, 
 and easily grown. {Set emt.) 10 
 116. OkryaaatlMaMmi triaalar, variooa 
 shadcaofcoiar*: 1 ft, S 
 Very l>Muulf«l LTniMia plant*, adaliality aitsorad 
 ' ' ' rgrk, oiiera lk«y will a-oaua 
 TIm sngnvina. ihows lb* habit 
 f'>r plaoiing in rock.vgrk, ohitra lk«y will y 
 flowers in piofiuioa. TSm sngiavini. wows tbe 
 nf >hm p i snt, w hitjb Jees b est la l l ak t sa n j y ■aB, 
 Hardy annna l , 
 ISI. C«liMli<e»lai a i *i M aill«i St row ; 
 . er tulks, 1 to t (k a 
 W. ^wmfeollaita, raey purple, perennial,, bat 
 flowering th( flfstieaioa.... . ..'.... 5 
 will b« printMl on Mtcb pMkat of Ftewer Sm^. sad by foUewiac tbcm, wiy pcrMa 
 wtthMt tile Xnax exiMriMm wUI hav« (Mr awxMB ia tin caltan of Fiowtra. 
 — w— , 
 ■■ '^ :■-;■■.■ ■■■. . Z^.; ■•■/-■; \ ■■ 
 ()ae of the 
 Is peril 
 Wtly spring. 
 ptire t 
 No flower tu 
 ings, ibrm or 
 colored Camat 
 Pinks, Picotee 
 lar fav3rite*, b 
 acribed under { 
 **«d will not p{ 
 Will prove *io( 
 SQod percental 
 kade* of cpli 
 hardy fannmui 
 141. Oarni 
 ant am 
 — tfoui 
 14S. Ououn 
'•^ tx^ ?".-!n j!«^p«^ ^^^"^^^P^ > 
 I MMag phnU i 
 I M MaelMlai'i 
 Botllt), Blltd 
 •ct Sullao) ytl- 
 It, ■liadaolor*, 
 II in 
 •.producing crMitd 
 rt manjpihapMtnd 
 1)1 cfimMMi *r« lh« 
 'he ofttnar lh«y an 
 >« laigar and mtti9 
 ' kurjf annumli. 
 , dwarf (Cocka- 
 « latgMl of Ibla 
 Diori A 
 t#ltoMlf an to- 
 •llnel, and vary 
 riMi vary Kna 
 ilh dark Icavaa 
 iba 10 
 III r— (naw) 
 activa 'IS 
 itharad floiran { 
 iv« bordar planta, 
 nera, well adapted 
 ■a. HmrJyannuaU. 
 lana, Anaal 
 miied; UR.. • 
 !cp roMi \\ ft.. 5 
 ■i doablt, rich 
 itrVt" anow 
 ill defined diic 
 laal erimaoD. . ; 10 
 trwiilO CATAtPOUB OF MlOt. lULM AMO t%MKt% FOR 
 Oaa of tha oldcai aad aiaal pofMilar and 
 InaaAil bordar aanaalt. Il Mnuoia litng aad 
 Ifiaalf, Il p«rlacilthafd)r, and may lie Mnrn la 
 ■ early iprtag. Hanfy anmtml. 
 llM. OMttfytuft <lb«rl«), ftatfraal, 
 para arblla lift., Ma. pti oa ft 
 MM- -Bm^raMS A imw. pata «htla, 
 SIganiic fnim of Koekal Oaoatylafl and 
 ecidadljr iha hneai earUty In culiUa- 
 liiMi. It i( a itroag, fraa grower, alMMil 
 !■ Inchaa In halgbl, ami ptaidaelag; 
 •avaral laaeaaa IruMca of Iknren.froai 
 Ate to alghl lache* In laaglh and two 
 amf a hall lo Ihraa iochaa in diameter. 
 The Individual loarera an of laiga liaa 
 and M Iha puraal whllaoaia. To tacure 
 the beat teMlta Mcd ahoald be aown 
 under glata ai early ai February. Fair 
 ■UGcaia may Im had by towing Hcd la 
 the open ground in April i but in either 
 eaae I he aoll muat be made very rich 
 -«rtm«on. very liaaultful i I ft. 
 ~ rooliatf pura white, large 
 irnaa i I ft 
 -~purpl«, dark, fine I I ft. 
 -N«w Carmln*, producct a 
 maaa of lirll|l«nl carmine bloom . . 
 -MiXMl OOlor*, Ana dwarf hy- 
 ■ t/e ^ 
 ^, pannnlal, but 
 i*m, any pcnoa 
 Mo flower tan aurpaai, In delicacy of mark- 
 Ingt, form or delicioua fragrance, the rich- 
 colored Carnation, a rival of the Koea. Tb« 
 Pinks, Picotees and Sweet WillUm, aU popu- 
 lar faviritea, belong to thia daaa, and are dct- 
 •cribed under their diffsreat headings. The 
 sead will not produe* all double flowerai some 
 Will prove single, oih>rs semi-doable, but a 
 SQod paroenlaga will ba double, and of all 
 kadea of colors aod »«ry fragrant Half- 
 htrdf ttrtnmUl. 
 141. Oarnatlon, vrsiiadln, 
 double scarlet, dwarf, moal brilli- 
 ant and coatpidoua, highly valued 
 by florists I 1 ft . , SA 
 ■ fpatl M ll M> fraa, saved from 
 toe coiieMt double Sowera ; 1} ft 9A 
 —<tO|lbl«, mixed, vny^ae . 10 
 —■auly Dwarf Viiml* .... as 
 Ououmla Fimiipa— , i 
 reaembliag ■ long green anake, 
 ward«of7fset m laogth, 
 curiosity ..- ....... 
 118. Oantfkilaalnia, with silvery 
 foliage, uied chiefly for' beds and 
 •nnniali , . IS 
 foliage, uied chicflv for' 
 borders. Ualf-hmrif Un 
 (8m GrawhoUM ramik 
 Isoneof the well-known Marigold family. 
 C, ofuinalit is much prised by houukeepers 
 forfUvorinp. Inmixed borders and thrubbciies, 
 ari exceedingly attractivt. Hardy anutial. 
 .147. Oalandula olllolnalia, t« 
 Prouat, uniformly double, nan- 
 keen, edged with brown ; 1 ft A 
 — Mataori handsome, perfectly 
 double, and beautifully striped and 
 edged with yellow j 1 ft 6 
 — Offlolnalla (Pot Marigold); 
 I ft 
 These form beautiful masses or borders, and 
 for bouquets or other floral work are excellent. 
 The flowers are small, borne in clusters on 
 light green, almost transparent sttms. Hmrif 
 IM. OahtnuithH*, rose and white 
 mixed tlft , A 
 Cala m (m OrMakouM). 
 !«•(•€• AoolhfiaX 
 Hiw Im* CmMnraaX 
 (h* GrMBhoaMl. 
 _. *«(lMitall»). 
 ^■eWM VliM (m IpoiBta QnaaMcUlL. 
 Ofclna— rrlmrwaw (mv OraanhooM). ' 
 OHaiMtkiaa ParsspWaH (m* GrMahouM). 
 Ahkoagh not aewt wa do not hatllHle to gtva Ihlt 
 aaalWI climber prowlaeaca. We know of uu vine ao 
 valuable (ur sovarlag uaalghily ob)«cU, Itae itumpa, 
 hack lencaa. tie. Il grows ia|iidlf , •lulnlag a haighl 
 af f'oas ^0 1)1 91) Ival, nrnaluclng an liiiimenM iiuaail 
 ly of ||fa«« fcilUfc Wa ilu noi howavar riswaad 
 H fur UM In fi<ini ol house ■>, 
 ISl. Bahlnaayatla latoat* ,, W 
 Hapid growing climlMia, One for arbors «ad 
 varsntlaa i the •mall varlallas Anwer in clutiars, aad 
 are vary fragrant | the large flowering varlallas are 
 very handuimv, and are cunilnually In bloom. Snak 
 the teed In waim waitr (ur lit hours before sowing. 
 Ilar^f ftnuKtali , lA feel. 
 lau. olama«la riammula {yirftm't 
 Hmtr). Producing begsulihil clusters of 
 small white «agr.<nt flowers 10 
 IM. -JaaiiMian'a HylMtf*. rubra, < 
 violacla. snuhia, vellchi, air , line mixed. . US 
 114. -HybHda arrantflflara, large- 
 flowering, mtat d cuk>rs . . W) 
 fw Mkw vwbitoa, M* FlanM. 
 OBRAtTIWM (taaw ta •ummar) 
 One of the prelliesi hardv iwrennlal plants for 
 liedding oul or ribboning ever known, Iwing of dwarf 
 growth, densely branching, wilh leaves oivv led wilk 
 > cottony down of rnnwy whiieneas', and produeinga 
 profusion ol ele«anl while flowers. 
 1 8S. Omtaatlum blab«ra«alni, A incbat 
 •»•••> 10 
 ttkOVra (Swaat) 
 Thisis the sweet variety of clover ao well known, 
 has a white and very sweet scented bloasom, and is 
 most valuable for bcei. 
 I0«. Malllotua alba, peros, lOe., lib., 
 •jnc s 
 (SwMI Nifhllngsla) 
 A large, slronggrowinK plant 
 with liumpet'snapol flowers, 
 often l>aaring blostumt six 
 inches in lengtii, mostly white, 
 sometiniles tinted with a deli- ' 
 cate shade of blue. ' Th« roots 
 can be preserved In a caller, 
 tike the Dahlia. .Set plants 
 three feet apart. HalfMarJy 
 Datura ffhatuoaa hubarlana, 
 flowers large and double, inside White, 
 outside generally colored, 3 feet A 
 DOkMllbS I ' 
 A splendid rapid-growing climbed; Bowers, pro- 
 fusely and in clusters of while, purple and lilac flower 
 pikes, which are followed 1>y exceedingly omamcalal 
 seed-pods. Plant the seed where they ara datired to 
 ey arUdi 
 flower, and in at wiim and diy iliuaikw u pouible. 
 Give support for the vinnto ran apop. Grows from 
 eight to twenty feet. HifliiSfl/y »mnual. 
 1A8. "Doilonoa LaMab, mixed colors.... A 
 (lOrS TEARS) 
 lAO. Tbcaa hate curious, broad, cora-Uka l«a*ai. 
 aUnetiTCt l|lt. Hardy mmnmtU. 
TU nWML ■•§& Ort., VOMHTO^ PMT. 
 mtlLpmmtmi (larMiNir) 
 Vny^howjr Mfbactou* pknlt 
 with Analy e«l foliag* ii^d huid- 
 lonit Aomfi in dilUi«v( tlwdti 
 of blue, p«ipU and «hll«. Kor 
 ImC« btdi on U»iM ot mMMi 
 and mU<d bordan (hay aia un- 
 anipaiaad. Tha iailat growing 
 vairiaiict aia alio cieallant foi 
 cut Aowara. Suceaad bait In a 
 light ilrh aoll in a lunajr litoatioa. 
 Aivuali mmJ ftnmmiali. 
 100. — OmiIi M vr la « • M, 
 daik bina 30 
 J|«l.-N«4llMUll«, brlillMit 
 light icarlct ihading to 
 Cfiailon ; 3 ft 10 
 162. — fliiat t nMiatff p«r- 
 annial aorti. Savad 
 from a choica ctAac- 
 tlon of Inutile flowarad 
 *aiiatia£ .f 
 in. — Bwikl* •warf Hackat, vuioai eoior»i i fk. i i^i^Hiie.. 
 164. - BaM W Tali Raaliat, Taiioui coU.ra ; l| faat ■. , . 
 16B. — Oaabla 0warf OaNtfataybraai, varloai colora i 1 ft 
 106. — gj apatar, double, mixad. brilliant color*, few fine vMiai* ; U faal , . 
 167. -ri«aa« a«a«al aM^ta. mixed 
 OMITALIS (ramglava) 
 BxeaadiBgiT handaome planli of itately growth, and whan well grown have iplkei at 
 leaat three feet bight with pretty purple, white and ipotted thimbleihaped floweri ; bloomi 
 the second aaaaon. In autumn large planta can be divided.' Hardf j^rtnnM. 
 168. DIgltalla. laaaaaliaat Ivery'i new spotted, superbly marked, coton, miicd. S 
 169. — akalaa ariaa^ 5 
 OUR ••■•ma smAin'or jiANUAs 
 It b pot known by *ll adiniran sf ihit hanlMaw plaal Ikat phnii (rawn 
 from Mad will prodnc* iKUlilkil nad qvlla nwrfact fl«w<A ik* am •■■mur. 
 Oar cMUomtrn •xm » will wiblUd wilk llw rwulll ftwa moiLAii Aawtn 
 ■rawn rrom bullM. Th* n«w linil* variatix^r* kacaalof <«e«HMy aopu- 
 Cw, baiagaMrul for culiiac.udpoHawiiwaialnrgraca not MMilMd^ilM 
 daabU f«rtft. In Aow«r b«in. thrubbariaft, backunmnda. and Rwdiiiant affact 
 ll would ba difficult \a find plaati of aaaiaf cultnra and mora aiTaciira ihaa 
 dw Dahlia, with ihair gracaibl habit of (rtwlh, aad ihowy, rich liowart of 
 iho brlahtltil af colom, whlla, pink, charry , mjltanta, oranga, yallow and d( 
 M bia<ciiaa~1n 
 Tha aaiMiloa of IMaa 
 Ihaa, hn««ii aa < hiaata 
 l^aka aad Japaa I'laki, 
 are aoMMic ika moal txil 
 llaat ul •nil iMildlnn iilanu 
 froni aaad. Ralaaclaarif 
 In apt tag un<l«f glaaa, and 
 Slaalad oal, iha^ will 
 uwar aarla, and omllnaa 
 cuWaiaH wiik lilrHiin nil 
 hiHl in Autumn. Soma 
 of iha Anaal allaals In imr 
 aapaflniaaial gioandi 
 kava liaan |»f«Mlur**4l liy 
 lh«*afl«lita nl Imiwriali* 
 ami lloldawlgil, Tha 
 Ikiwoia range In cnlof, 
 front lh« imraal arhila, Iha 
 rfeapaalolmaiia.anil miwl 
 Ixaulllul HUc lYiayllva 
 mrat winiti and hliwrn aa 
 wall tha aaomd year aa 
 tha lUai. Wa know wf 
 are doing our cuaiomdria 
 kindnaaa by atginu Iham 
 In plant Iha Dianihui, f<ir 
 botn garden and p<)l. 
 flaad may ha sown in ibe 
 spt lag, under glaaa of in the taod bed. H—tIf <mnt»»l. 
 179. lilafl«ll«iaOlllwawala(('hinaaa or Indian 
 Pink), best double variatia*, miaad i I ft . A 
 -Imyarlalla. (Doahia Imperial Itnka), 
 mUed : I ft A 
 -NaMatwIgli, floweri single, S inches 
 •crou, of rich and beautiful colors. ..... A 
 ■la<aia««>a. Flora riena, splendid 
 large double flowers of dark shades, marked 
 wiin white and bUck colors, rich and 
 -<la»aalaaa (Kastem (juaea), single, 
 three or ioor inchea gcroaa, splendidly 
 atilped ana stained . . 
 — yiiaga<t remarkably flaa varlaly 
 miaad . ■ ■ 
 -Haaia H MI , fl. pk (Ponbla Uarden 
 rinkK flnesl doable, mlicd colors 
 -Ptamartaa, fl. al* Alkat pure snow 
 whitf , very biiaullflil 
 '■HA (Ma Maaambryanlbaaiaai). 
 p|«4a Cantautaa). 
 nrlpad, nyad, araiilad ana blotchad in iha moat giotaaqaa 
 / grow fraaly In alaioal any aoil froai taad town in 
 Ika aprisg. Tha Mod can ba lown in ahalbw paaa any liiM fiom March lo 
 Jaty, and tha taodlinga traaaplantad toimall poia. Aa aoon aa thay ara tiroim 
 aaough, biit noi uatiTdangar af froal ia paat, plant ana foot apart, 
 in. Oalillaa,aingla, aiiaad, (naal atraia In callivatlon. Graal rnrialy 
 incolorand form if 
 in.— Oasiaiw mlwa, aalr* fina, aavad fram choicoat double iowara. H 
 , tiaa ear lufatb CaOectiaa af Pat Crvwa Piaata, Page aa. 
 A,general favd(ne for edgings and b^cra, giving 
 an abundance of^^ early spring lowers, ind may be 
 made lo flower later by the ns« of w. ter. The flowers 
 are quilled and flat pctalad, while, pink, red and 
 variegated. Sow early in hot bed, and when large 
 enongh,J(AaBtent to a rich, cool, pattiallv shaded 
 situation, when ihey may be bronght into Aowtring 
 the flrst season ; plant sis inches apart, so that when 
 in perfection they will nearly covet tha ground. They 
 may not all come double from Ih^ seM ; the single 
 ones ihould be pulled out. Roots may be divided or 
 removed at any time, even when In floarer. Tha 
 strains we offer ara remarkable for the site arid 
 dcublenets of Iheir floarers, and much Superior to 
 thnee senerally offered. TImJtr ftmuMi. 
 180. aaMla paraiuila <doul>ie daisy), Bnast 
 doable varictlca, mixed t IJ ft 10 
 181. —SaaMa vriiHa, pure; fine lo 
 182. —Lasitfallaw. Larg* donbl* roaa colored 
 flowers, splendid .... 10 
 laS. —OaaMa 4«llla«l ailBa4. a new strain, 
 the floarers of whichareeompoeed of petals 
 at round at a knitting needle ; veryprctty ' 
 and cuiioai , . . . . , , 23, 
 Beantifal, profuse flowering plantt, for bedi 
 and borders, Drodndng clusters of fragrant yellow 
 and oriuige flowers, very desirable for cutting, 
 plant and MostomrtatitaUn the siAgle wallflowtr, 
 but ndt so large. BmrJfamnual. 
 1S4. Waafaalafai double and aingU .., 10 
 IDA. U«IW«to« (gnaiwllu'" l«<>«topo- 
 d In m I, til* Ira* arxl fimiiua KcUl wvUii 
 of th« Alp*. Th* rtiiwria ■(• lit 
 4owarl*>iui«,pui*>l|**i whli«iii<l 
 ^ *lii«ha|>«it. Har- 
 c««i^ In almod 
 any loil, not loo 
 p<MuMtoih*iiin. 3A 
 (Callfocnla Pa|ip]r) 
 V«fy pretty pto 
 fai* nInnmtnK 
 fitanli, of eilrtm* 
 y rich and liraatl 
 from Juna ufllil 
 Mfir ahowy plant, aifiih loav, giacaful 
 188. —I 
 u and bMdtra, gttrlng 
 nowen, ind may be 
 uf w..lcr. Th* flowtri 
 white, pink, red and 
 bed, and when large 
 eool, partially iliadcd 
 rotq^ht into Aowtring 
 n apart, m that when 
 vat tha ground. They 
 ih^ Med I th« lingle 
 Ma may be divided or 
 hen In flower. The 
 >le for the liae and 
 nd much iuperior to 
 ■MkMlicHrta Oallf*fNl«a, 
 bright yillow, with otaiige centra 
 It creamy white i I It 
 ii double, bright orange- 
 ■eUleti Ifl 
 •i rich, beautiful i 
 doubl* large floWeri '. ^ 
 ■vwtinc ^Hm»«aa (m< (KiHHtMra). 
 Grows alxMt IH int. high, and covered 
 with light green and white margined and 
 variegated leavea, nearly 8 ini. to,ng, Ix-com- 
 ing •mailer at the top of bianrhet, giving it 
 nn eitraiiaely showy, appearance. U*(f-kardji 
 annual. • 
 Ifeipli*rkla varlsgata 
 CrIairtlMia Ravmiiu*, as line at 
 ranpaa Grata, which It reacnbltst 
 ?uita hardy for northern climate ) 
 ft, i/mnfy ftrtHHiat 
 I (tn Riipa). rama {tm Gtmm- 
 .Imwm). Wauraelng Sawa (tw SaUit). 
 Parsat-maHtat (Ma MiroMiiO Pa«tn«- 
 aUn Platitttn Amamnihui). paur a'alaali 
 (m Mirabili.). Pai*i[lava (M Digll*ll«X 
 PaaHai* (••• GrMnltouM . 
 in. ••NiMPVNVttt desirable averias- 
 ting, vaAied for tts handsome 
 glob ular heads of flowers, which. 
 - " J" 
 KM««'lin(ljr haniltnma, 
 I very tlM*!!** arh^a^ 
 (toaa In timU. I 
 iiis*<l htdart I free and 
 etattani l.l<mia«tt, IM^f 
 liM •Mlatta (i)«ch*M 
 »l A|l>aay),vatyU>g*. 
 very Una 10 
 . Tk« BrKla. 
 Uft « 
 Vltlhl«yl,"lttllltanl,"ri(hcaimln*, *" 
 •hail*<l iitr III llichl itita at Ih* polnii of ** 
 petal., in 10 
 -LMl|r AllMiiMVIa, baauiiful est 
 •iaa <'ilnM»n i I fi A 
 ^ffaaat mlaatf | 
 A veiy pt*(tyjte« flowering lltik plant, li<M 
 adapted for 
 ruiilc lock «ii 
 (dginn I of graceful and iK nder aiuwib. 
 IM. •yipMpklla alataMa, «>Mi*t | ft. 
 I h\% nKi*l (tirlou« ftn,! fMU*««ilns famHr i« l.ul Ulll* 
 hii*t«n,ftiul ««K««*aui(*«,t**t ta<^**ll<t^<tni <*t t* >tr«>|>«oil 
 wt IIm Miitl iom|iUl« luli «v«t offaicit. Ilia (iHm« may U witmlaitully 
 vsitail bv lylna M**"!* atoNiHl ilia v^'ima finii, oi l>y^i'ln«iita ilia aania in 
 a laivaif MiniM whl'a liowlna. ihu" filanifiine ••» lM9iiifaia any lUatlail 
 fifuraa •! lallan «ht.Hmav U.aivail un iha mmilil* hiarl lliataaiUn |Ni1»ln ilia liMia* 
 ■It I tllanla««a«ina»ilan|at frum Ifual U iivai, n« iiaarly «llof iha taisai Niil,rai|«iUa'lha 
 wlioia aaatiin lu matufa iifiinaily. (!lv« lh«m a ^uniiy timalUm aii4 ytaniy ul wSlat. 
 •larlel, with white ttiipa 
 I*4l*ti« Ixauiiful fotlaue, tcarlel Irull 
 0««MMra Atrtfaa, green Irult, yellow >tii|w 
 BiMaaaiM, TetMl (iourd 
 ■HaMMia, lle<lg*h<>K <i<ni»d 
 Bvaaaislafkit * itHMeticny t iouni 
 MatMllfama, irarlel, Ihorny 
 Brwica 99m4, very like an otanga „ . 
 ■•Ml* •awnl, the laiKetl 
 if cut when matured, will retain 
 their beauty for years. Miied. 
 Half-hardy afnuat 5 
 •ataullHIlt (M* GrMnlUMMa). 
 ■Inka (km OtamhouM). 
 >*' Mak, laigc, dull shape 
 Oartfllial'a Nat. exceedingly a<lil . . , 
 LanglaalMa, Krowt tu 4 ft. long 
 Malatkraat pretty tpeciea, small fl<^weii ki;d fruit 
 AMla«a«inl. '....«. 
 OatHak >«;.,. 
 ^a«» •atml. ..,.., 
 Patatfar riaah 
 g «M««|kar 
 Makla, tear let berM . 
 Tmp«*« Tarkaii, teartat, yellow, green, with white ttripes 
 M«ny sorts. In finest mixtuie, per oz. 30c '. 
 Collection of 121 distinct iiirta 
 Collection of 19 distinct soffk..^ .. 
 Collection of 6 distinct sons 
 tUOURD) . 
 Very *howv^ and worthy a plara in fvary ganlan. 
 ihoqgh tncy ara.%a yci, liule cullivatcd. IhcyaJwaya 
 ■llraci auanllon by their gay colori.^ Hmrdy mnnuMl. 
 2ao.-lllaad aalara fi 
 SSI.— LaramlaiMaUrgeround heads,eem- 
 posed of .W to fiO flowers of orange, 
 ~^ ' claret, amaranth, sulphur, etc 10 
 Velrjr pretty. The flowers are borne lis 
 .« ft 
 . 10 
 I 00 
 . so 
 Grand summer and autumn flowering plants, producing long spikct 
 of larce flowers of hundreds ofshadesofcolorimaiked, striped, blotched, 
 limed, etc , in the loveliest manner. 
 '£». •latfMiia. rinaat Nykritfs, Mlaatf, Includes many 
 sorts ; S to 4 feel , ^... 10 
 220. —LaHMliiaa NyMtla. Mlaa«l. Comparatively new types 
 withlarge, 0|>en bell thaiicd flowers of striking new colors.. 3ft 
 For Cla4,itlus Fulht st( fap 40. 
 great abundance, and make up splendidly Id 
 bouquets. Showy for masses on the border. 
 Ha^Jy amttual, 
 Wa. Mll«40«l«ra. blue, white, rose, etc, fr 
 Oar pr«fM«loa ha* faaght a* Ika PULL VALUE OF A OOOO MID. 
 Tht HelUnthui, or Sunflower, is an old and 
 well-known flower. Many of the new and best 
 double Tarielies are attractive and produce a fine 
 effect among shrubbery,* or when used as screens, 
 srowine irooi 4 to 8 ft. in height, //ard'y annual. 
 983. MalhiirtiMia glekMna fi«tw1«aa. 
 yellow, large, double j 6 ft .....?. S 
 — OallfforNlSiiS. very large and 
 double, yellow ; Sf\ 6 
 — varto(«lN«, trariegated foliage.. . . 8 
 — OaoarWIMa, dwarf, smill flowers 
 with jet black centre. Perennial. .... S 
 —•laNftt immense sizet the dark centre 
 often measuring 15 inches in diameter, 
 iunroonded with a single row of bright " 
 yellow petals {8ft... ; 6 
 «tolio*ro0a (m« GrMnhouie.) 
 Wm CM0^ M "^^ Hibiscus bears 
 "^X-Ss^ M ^ ""^ showy flowers, 
 KiP^ j'jmW M "I'' deserves to be 
 more extensively cul- 
 tivated. They are 
 extremely fine for 
 shtubberiesand flow- 
 er beds ; pietty foli- 
 age and large blos- 
 f soms, which are 
 and very easily culti- 
 vated..^i>n^ a««^. 
 , . ' ^Wa a waa, cram'color, 
 rich brown centre ; IJft.... '5 
 Hai^MiM JmImMmm (Squirrel Tail 
 brass), elegant for bonquets: 11 ft. 
 Banfyammiai... 5 
 (Cay* NviHirth) 
 Hyiuinthm tmnaUam is • moat «i"king and 
 beautiinl plant, loaMwhat rctembliog the 
 Vueea, althoogh not to large. It thtowi up 
 a fl<»werstcm about 4 feel nigh, on which ft 
 bears 20 or 30 beantifiil tnow-white, bell- 
 shaped flowers of exquisite fragianoe. Flower 
 stems 3 to S feet high. Planted intl^e spring) 
 they bloom in August, September and Octo- 
 ber. It is a half-nardy h«ilbous plant, which 
 will usually flower the second year from seed. 
 Half-hardy permnuU. 
 241. Nyaalnthiia aaadlaaiia < 10 
 Sw Bulb List. 
 r.i'-'i, ,;.>•/ 
 4Praneh HoaeysacUa) 
 .1.?^? .^'*.°°'' Honeysuckle is an exceedingly 
 *"*y '»«f<l« P«"f, and well adapted forl^ 
 mck-work; prodiwc* iu peculiar formed, verV 
 Angranticd and white flotrera in abundance. Thi 
 «»M ma* be started under glass or sown in open 
 jwnnd in Mily apnng, givFng a little brotection 
 "nring wfaur. Flowers may be had the first 
 % red and white, mixed ;^ ft.. 10 
 A very desirable and distinct dwarf. Ever- 
 lasting, with small foliage and large globular 
 clusters of rich yellow star-shaped flowers. 
 One of the choicest for forming winter bon- 
 queU, for which purpose the flowers should be 
 cut when on the point of opening and dried 
 in the shade ; they will open while drying-, 
 and retain their color and brightness for many 
 years. Hardy annual. 
 242. NallirtaniiM BanMordl lift... 10 
 Extremely hand- 
 some, large, full, 
 double flowers, of 
 various colors, 
 ,shadedand tipped, 
 making ornament- 
 al pUnts for mixed 
 botden, and very 
 detiraUe as dried 
 specimens. For 
 indoor deeomtionk 
 - dnringwintertherc 
 are none better ; for thb pnrpote tbry require 
 to be gathered before the flowiers fully expand. 
 mixed colors, fine for borden, pretty 
 bods and bloesomt ; 1 ft 6 
 Our strain of double Hollyhocks is truly grand. 
 Flowers very large ~ 
 and perfectly don- 
 Ue.colors verybtil- 
 liani, embracing 
 yellow, lemon, 
 white, black, rose, 
 egatcdi etc. They 
 produce spikes of 
 Moom 4 and 5 feet 
 long, which are ex 
 ceediifgly showy, 
 for backgrounds, I 
 against walls or 
 lciices,orforccntres i 
 of beds. The Holly- 
 hock is an exceed- 
 ingly popular flow- 
 er, and both . seed 
 and pfant are in 
 great demand. 
 Plants will be fdund 
 offered in depart- 
 ment of Hardy 
 Bulbs and PlanU. 
 .Seed can be sown ; : — ■ 
 in open ground at any lime from May to Sept 
 ejnber.'and will bloom freely the next season. 
 244. Nallyliaah.#Mikla, very double and 
 fine, from best named varieties 20 
 245. OaHaaMaaaf IBMatliiataalara.1.20 
 NONBSTY (LHiHsrta^ 
 An interesting summer blooming plant with blue 
 flowers. The seed vessels are flat and bread, and 
 look like transparent silver, quite ornamental and 
 much used in bouquets of dried flower* and gratMs. 
 BloOma the second srasoit. Hardy bienntal. 
 24er Hanasty. pmyl*- s 
 (Japanese Hops> 
 Theannual Japanese 
 Hop, as shown in the 
 illustration, is a most 
 valuable and rapid- 
 growing Climber; the 
 'oliage resembles the 
 conuKin hop, but has 
 mot? incisions, is very 
 dense in foliage and 
 of a lively green. A 
 most valuable feature 
 of this new annual 
 Clim^ris, that U can 
 be so'wn in the open 
 ground in spring, and 
 will attain enormous 
 r dimensions in a very 
 short time; never suffers from the heat, ui(d 
 retains its color until late in autumn. 
 247. NiiiNMlm4a|MMlMia,JapaneMHop. 16 
 S«« Plant List for Mailing Plaois, ^ / 4- 
 Remarkably pretty, free growing, profuse flow- 
 ing plants , prodAcing a fine effect i ' ' 
 enng , . , ,,.___.,„, _ „„„ , 
 bons and mixed flower borders. 
 in beds, rib- 
 Hardy antmali 
 248. rfaaakaM|doable,dwarfvarietiesmixcd 10 
 A genus of most beau- 
 tiful iree-floweringplanU; 
 their brilliancy of eolor 
 and long duration of 
 bloom being surpassed Iqr 
 none. Seeds germinate 
 best in the hoi bed, but 
 wOIdo well if sown ina 
 warm -bed of light sml, 
 Hardy ammals. 
 "maniM, ^ 
 We an ranfideM that oar flower SJNda aire naqncatiooilblF the beat, and vaaHy 
 ■a*, nan* (sm MaaalirjnuiUiemam.) 
 I arl ra aur(! 
 hi 4iMlHy to thoM nsnallj aold. 
 root May to Sept 
 be next laaion. 
 cry doable and 
 irietiet i26 
 log plant with blue 
 lat and broad, and 
 ite oraaneDtal and 
 lower* and sratMs. 
 trdy biennial. 
 beannual Japanese 
 p. a* shown in the 
 ■tration, is a most 
 lable and rapid- 
 wing Climber; the 
 ige resembles the 
 fion bop, but has 
 incisions, is very 
 se in foliage and 
 I lively green. A 
 it valuable feature 
 this new annual 
 lown in the open 
 ind in spring, and 
 attain enormous 
 ensions in a very 
 1 the heat, aofd 
 ing, iwofuse flow- 
 iffiect in beds, rib- 
 Hardy annuals 
 varietiesmixcd 10 
 ins of most beau- 
 rilUancy of eolor 
 ng duration of 
 eing surpassed by 
 Seeds germinate 
 the hot bed, but 
 well if sown in a 
 cd of light sod, 
 tfatMMwurwwM. Cyprass Viae Vajrtecatad. 
 These beautiful climber* are exceedingly attractive and useful, aiid deserving of cultivation. 
 The flpwers are of a variety of shapes and sites snd of many biilliant colors ; the loliage of some 
 isdelicateand beautiful, while that of the Htdtracea is large, striped, mottled and margined, 
 .^ving it a very attractive and a unique appearance. Start seed in hot-bed or in greenhouse, aod 
 plant out when weather has become warm. Tendtr annuals. 
 llMMMI ■*!•■ N0X'<Evening Glory) 
 flowers expand in the evening, are large 
 white an^ fragrant ; 10 it 6 
 iMMMi •niii4Hlora (the Moon . 
 flower, or "Good Night.") Large pure, 
 white,fragrant,flowerslngreat profusion, 
 opening in the evening. Rapid and lux- 
 uriant summer climber. Set Plant. 
 List..... ....,.:. 10 
 252. limmMI NMl*nM«a (varieeated 
 showy, mixed colois (set rut); 8 It. 10 
 263. — 0«oolN«a(StarIpomea),scarlet, 
 Iree-flowcring . , 6 
 254. — QuamoclA (Cypress Vine), a 
 favorite well-known climbing vine, 
 with graceful, airy foliage, and 
 hsndanme flowers ; scarlet and white 5 
 The Ipomopsis, or Tree Cypress, is a beautiful 
 plant, with long spikes of elegant rich orange and 
 scarlet flowers, and is equally desirable for out- 
 door or conservatory culture. Sow the seed in 
 August, in a dry situation . The plant is a little 
 difficult to keep over winter, ffalf-iahfy Uennial. 
 205. I^NMpala alagaaa, mixed 'lirietiet. 5 
 JaruMdam (Mi«rr]r(M«GrMnhoiiM) 
 Pretty free flowering little plants, compact in 
 growth,having most intense colored flowers, some- 
 what resen^bling the Single Aster, A good plaiit 
 for mixed beds and border*. Hardy annmal. 
 250. KaaNMaalaf mixed colors ; | it ..... 5 
 There are few plants 
 more charming or bril- 
 liant ; the flowers are 
 produced in clusters, and 
 1 are coiMlantly coming out 
 daring the summer. To 
 obtain good flowers, the 
 first season start seed un- 
 der glass and tratuplant 
 257. Lyakala O l ia Ua iowlaa, sourlet; 2 fit. s 
 258. — Maagaaaa bykrMa. large^ilowen, 
 mixed colors; I ft' 10 
 259. Lagama evataa (Hare's Tail Grass); 
 very pretty for bouqueU.; 1 ft. Hardy 
 '* The Seed 1 had from yoii last year ffftve 
 every utiifaciion. llie Cennas pi oduccd re- 
 markably fine flowers, and amongil ihi^m I 
 found a new one— a decided' novely— which 1 
 grvatty valve. The Petunias also were Very 
 •iiperior.*— A. McPhenon, Gardener to Col. 
 Sweeney, "Rochallion." 
 "Everyihinlf turned out fini-clau and 
 t^e to name."— rhomasJ.Seavlour, Gardener 
 to E. B. Osier, Ek)., " Craiglea." 
 IJikve mnchpleasiAv in recommending my 
 fri>nds to pui chase f^ur Seeds, as they are 
 uniformly first-class tn- every respect.**— John 
 'Ayraolt, Gardener to Prof. Goldwin Smith. 
 ** We never received any Seeds from your 
 house but what gave Iwst of satisfaction."— 
 D. McLenxan, Gardener to Jdha nskin.Esg., 
 "DeerPaik." " 
 V " I was perfectlysatisGed with all the seed 
 purchased from you— my petunias being par- 
 ticularly fine arid very double."— Alexander 
 Hogg, Gardener to late Hon. John Mac- 
 donaTd, "W,oodlairn," 
 I ■rl ra aMr(se« Ddphaiyn). 
 Ii*v« In m Mlat (sec NigeUp). 
 uable for distinct 
 effect, in tnasses, 
 and ibr borders. 
 The dark green 
 leaves are irregu- 
 larly mdtked with 
 greenirn gray and 
 irare wnite, which 
 Sive the plant a 
 The planu in the 
 earl^ stage of 
 growth do not show mueir varjegaiioo, but 
 Uiey are inost marked and beautiful later on. 
 Hardy tmntM* 
 200. Lavatara trlwa at t l a, rose and 
 pink striped ; 3 ft 5 
 261. —ai»araa variagata, variegat- 
 ed foliage, handsome. New f&en- 
 niiU ..'......,... 10 
 Gems u( the flower garden. As au edging 
 the Lobelia, is unsurpassed, and no plant I* 
 more effective. They are carily managed, and 
 may be had in the greatest abundance from 
 seed. Half-hardy annuals. 
 202. Lakalla Oanllnalla (Cardinal 
 Flower), biilluint icailet flowers . 
 263. — Kvlaiia aaaipa*** (Crystal P»l- 
 ac«), inti nse blue ; ) ft 
 ^64. — ap««l«S* (White Gem), pure 
 265. — aiMaioaa a«|Mrkai deep blue, 
 with white eye... ........ ...... 
 260. — graalllai a very fine variety for 
 hanging baskets, vases, etc., trailing 
 Kracefully and bearing its beautiful 
 blue flowers profusely 
 267. -graolliat white, limilisr to the 
 , above, except in the - color of , its 
 flower .;■. . 
 268. -fina mUatf.... ..........:.. 
 An exceedin(ly or- 
 namental giccQhouse 
 climi^r, bearing nu- 
 meiriius, large, rosy- 
 piitple. Gloxinia-like 
 flowers. It is also 
 adapted for the open 
 air. It delights in a 
 warm, airy position, 
 with rich earth to 
 gr6w in. Sow seed in 
 March, OD heat, and 
 prick theyoung plants 
 out in pots. HtUf- 
 rose, purple. 
 hardy a/nnual. 
 ji MawOra 
 spotted; 10ft .. 
 Make beautiful low edgings for borders or 
 walks. They do n. t bear our hot, scotching 
 summers well, jmd the seed lutd better be 
 sown late in the autumn, or very early in the 
 spring, and, if possible, in a siieltered situa- 
 tion. Hardy annuals, 
 270. LaylaalpkaaliykrM,oninge,1iUc 
 and rose, mixed ; 1 ft S 
 The Lupins are all handsome and graceful, with 
 spikes of pea-shaped blossom* ol varioiu oolose. They 
 look well as a baclr.ground to other low-growing 
 annuals. The prevailing colors an blue, though there 
 are white and yellow varieties and sred must be sown 
 w liei v i nt eii Uej tu l em a i n. — Hmtd f mmmmalf. 
 m. liW|tlmia> mixed varieties, //mrdy ammaal. I 
 m. LuatiliMimixed varieties. Hmnly ftmmiml. t 
 If we desire to be eacceesfol, wa Maa* aapply raliakia 
•w^f -'JP* • 
 ■X- ■■ 
 277. PyrainMal, Dwarf Buih, remark • 
 most Uviibly, and highly iweet- 
 tcenled .... 15 
 Thb dalMoniljr (raittant litll* plant ii probably lh« 
 moil populai annual giowD. MiKnon«tt« doc* beat in 
 aa coota iltuition ai poulblc. When cxpoied to lb« 
 fiill fore* of aummer heat it bcgini to form Medi 
 iomatinn before tha ipikca ara fully grown > eveii 
 our na» large flowering varietiei under (ucb condi- 
 tion* would not develop tbcir m'aiked improvclnenta. 
 373. WkH* •■Iral, tlii* grand Mignonette 
 Rrow* perfectly erect. Iti color ii pure uiow 
 while, and the i;rand ipike* of bloom can be 
 aeen for a long di*lance, and being lobeautifui 
 informandcolor.attracUibeattention of every- 
 body. It* fragrance i* rich and powerful. . . 
 274. llaalMil,thc finest Mignonette yet known. 
 The plant i« a itrong buthy grower, bearing 
 (pike* of flower* in great number, which are 
 of gigantic lize and perfect pyramidal ihape, 
 and of a brick-red color. It i* extremely 
 beautiful and fragrant jgl 
 270; ••Wan QmMM, dense pyramidal habit', 
 IhrowinK up numerous flower stalks bearing 
 ipike* of yellowish blossom'* new . . inl 
 270, MIlM' HylMrM aMral. flower, while 
 very fragrant, spikes 8 to la inches long ; 
 plant dwarf and branching .,,, ]q MACHBT. 
 279- Pmnmit'm WDIto, neari* white, 
 Mrongty scented, long well-formed 
 280( tfitiiiiiiificswwijVoiVioe.' ".V. & 
 278. PftmmUM (Victoria), ieimi i 
 dense short pyramid of Intense red 
 floweis. If.;-.'. ...... 10 
 MIRABILIS (four ••aladtt» 
 Handa:^e border plants, with rich, glossy 
 leave*. Mofusien of bloom, and divers colors 
 and foliage. The flowers open in the after- 
 noon, hence the name Four o'clock. Hardy 
 281. MlniMlto4ata|M(Marvelofrera) 
 mixed; 2 fi , 5 
 S|2. — MHa-vartogatto . flowers oi a 
 variety of colors; leaves-light green, 
 faintly marbled (see cut) 
 MTOROriS 4rorBM.M*.Not» 
 Tlie Forget-Me-Not bear* clu*ler* ol nar- 
 ahaped flower*, of a delicate blue colorj with 
 • white and yellow eye. Flower* tbe first 
 season. Uardf ptrtturial. 
 SU. My — H » MlW«Ha(Forget-Me- 
 No(), white and Mne.. 10 
 bine; 6 inches 10 
 deep blue, early ; . 
 Very (howy 
 I'plant*, suitable 
 Kor targe beds 
 and mixed flow- 
 er und shrub- 
 bery borders. 
 Hardt annuah. 
 »■ wUte and rose, mixed'- - IS 
 , MIMOSA O iin Hl i o nsuitl * 
 Very interesting and carioo*. So*en*itive 
 I* it that wh e a l o athed th e l e a ve * w ill i o tUuiih r-* ^ 
 cloeeaiiddnMp. Seed Aonld be started under 
 ' I or Ja the hon*e. TWhAr amiMa/. 
 I > l i< to a. pinkish ifhite; 8ft. 6 
 (Ic* or Daw Plant) 
 The I^eembryanthe- 
 mum* K{e1iand»ome and 
 curiou* looking trailing 
 plant*, the mo*t pop- 
 ular v*rietie* are known 
 as Ice Plant, and D«^ 
 Plant; both are dro'.p- 
 >ing in habit, and well 
 toapted for hanging bas- 
 ket*, vases, rock-work, 
 or edgings ; the floWer* 
 _ - - - - •« snuOl and white. 
 The Dew Plant ha* a amooth, light-green, 
 dewy-looking leaf and a very pretty pink 
 flower. Ttnin^aHHuab. ^ 
 ^- -If* »«^.*ing»lar ice-like foHage 5 
 ^' — r*." ?••"•» «>••. purple centre 6 
 2«>. — Trlealor alkMiii, white 5 
 Charming Climben,el<tant alike in flowers 
 and foliage, and of graceftl, (lender 'growth. 
 The seed should be started in hot-bed or green- 
 house. Bmtf-h4uxfy ftrtnmiub. 
 291. B aralMwaat rich blue; 10ft... 10 
 292. -eaartaf, rich; lOft 10 . 
 2W. — flaaat Mtaatf.,... 10 
 "•laiseillau (iM ChtyiutlMmiiai), 
 (•M Miaoliu). 
 nn m m (■«• Uiwnlai). 
 •levy (SM CaimhniluK 
 .(••• Scab 
e I^Membryanthc- 
 t ^eliandioBic and 
 HI looking trailing 
 *• The most pop- 
 wrieties are known 
 ce PlanUand Dur 
 ; both ace dro'.p- 
 n habit, and well 
 ted for hanging bai- 
 Ta«ei, rock-work, 
 gingt; the floWera 
 ■nuul and white, 
 looth, light-green, 
 very pretty pink 
 ■nt alike in flowers 
 I, aleader' growth^ 
 n hot-bed or green- 
 J-- ^ 
 ■1- »■-,. j;JW?p* !•■ 
 For ahowy and cooitant l>loom, few garden flowen eqaal the old Naituriinoi. 
 They are aure to bloom in any situation, hot or cold, wet or dry, and no garden can 
 be complete without a fair reprcaentationuf them. Ilardf annual. 
 ao3. eilMkvra, Oanarl****, 
 (Canary Bird Flower), bright 
 yellow (i/^ CM/) 10 
 304. — LcMMaNWn fineit, mixed, 
 splendid climbing varieties, with 
 dark foliage andhandsome, bril- 
 liant flowers, 10 fl. , per ox., 40c. 
 905. — M^|>r (Tall Nasturtiun.), mU- 
 ed colors ; per oi., '.Wc 
 SOe. —Dwarf ,TMIlTkiiink,scarlel 
 ao7. — Cm^rcM af IMIa, very 
 dwarf,daik tinted foliage. Rowers 
 brilliant crimson ; per<te.,2fic.. 
 308. -Oryatal Falaaa •am, sul- 
 phur yellow, spotted maroon ; 
 1 ft.., per OS., 2Bc 
 300. -WitifiniiVidmtrfDttigr, iMi. 
 310. — BaaMtyf orange and vermilion 
 311. — Faarltaimost white; peroz.,'2i{c 
 313. —Una Mlsad aalara i or. SSc. 
 Canary Bird Flower 
 tUeiikey Flower) 
 Beautiful, singularly shaped. and brilliantly 
 colored flowers, with curious and various color- 
 ed markings. In open ground, require a damp, 
 shady situation. Ptrtnnial tat greenhouse 
 use, And half-htujy annual tot out of doors. 
 304. Mltllu|«atltrf««a(Monkey Flow- 
 er), double, tube-shaped flowers, 
 beautifully spotted ; 1 ft 
 205. —NylMM, large flowered . . . 
 206. — miiliakatNa(muskplant),yellow; 
 *ft,. , 
 297. — aaaipaata , 
 207<i— Naw •lant, a magnificent strain, 
 beautifully spotted. . . . , 
 . -* 4 " ■ 
 ^ > ^ -^ > 
 Well-known, free flowering phuits, ..... 
 handsome double flowers, of rich,»nd beauti- 
 ful ^colors. The African is tht most striking 
 m large beds or mixed borders. Succeed 
 well in ordinary garden soil. Nardy annuals. 
 208. — AMaaakMara4a,largeflowers, 
 finely imbricatedwand perfectly 
 double ; shading from primrose to 
 deep orange 
 299. — AMaan Mwart, iiibia«lf finest 
 double varieties 
 -PrwMk Tall Daakl*. finest 
 double varietiesi mixed ; S ft . . . . ..' 
 — FMMh dwarf «aiikla, finest 
 dou Me vari eties, mind t 1 ft 
 bright yellow, splendid, compact. . 
 302. —1 
 ExcftMlingly pretty, free-flowering plants, with 
 large flowers of great beauty, and producing a 
 fine effect when planted in open borders ; quite a 
 curiosity (jMruA) Ual/hardf annual.'^ 
 31.1. . Marlyaia fracrana. rr«grani, crim- 
 son-purple; I^fi. 5 
 Delidously fragrant, large wifite flowers ; very 
 ornamental and one of the best of recent inirbducr 
 tion ; but should not be planted in a coifspicuous 
 situation, as the plant is not ornamental during 
 the daytime. Hardy annual. 
 314. lilaatlanaafflMlai Ufi lo 
 Nolanas are of a trailing habita and admirably 
 adapted fof roek-woik,hai^ng bosket*, v«sek, etc. 
 The flowers resemble the Morning Glory.briliknt, 
 fre el y nr b ince d , o f vari dk i co hMr t. Banfy a mm tahr 
 315. HataM afHUIaiHlla, mi^d colors, t 
 have alraa^ kanad to appnxiala tlw iKt tint wa iwrcr pniJae a 
 Fine border plants with prettily cut foliage and 
 curiously formed flowers, which have procured 
 ff>r them the popular name, ''Love-i'n-a-Mi«t." 
 Hardy annual. , 
 316. Hlc*llaDaR*aaaaNa|%x>ve-in-a-Mist), 
 double, mixed colors/T IJft.... 6 
 317. -^Damaaacna iiaNa,double, blue, ifL^S 
 Charming, dwarf-growing annuhls, with neat, 
 compact habit, and strikinj{ly beautiful color j. To 
 secure the greatest perfectionr'thin lo four inches 
 apart , the plants will then present a dense mass 
 of flowers. • . 
 S18. Okaleaatvariatlaa, mrxatf..,.'.... 5 
 Charming plants for baskets, vases and edgings, 
 of slender and branching habits, profuse flooring 
 and almost perpetual in bloom. Seed should be 
 sown under glass or in the house, and transplanted 
 when the weather is warm. Half-hardy perennial. 
 319. NIaraiNkatsIa CHMllla, white, veined ' 
 with lilac^ fine for polT; J ft . . . . 6 
 FTRBTNRUli /-^ ■ 
 The golden-leathered Pyrethrum is one of the 
 most usefiil bedding plant* for ribbon beds or 
 low edgings. In spring it looks lilk Inasses of 
 gold; in suvcmer it relieves the sombre lines, 
 lighting up the whole garden Und harmoniring 
 -rith everything. Hardy ferennial. , 
 w. PyratKrisiis, OaMais rmmMtvr, goldtii foli- 
 •«•: 11* < ......16' 
 Ml. — Pans LMvatf, mw ; AaleoMmfaluf*, dwuf, ^ 
 cpmput lialMt, of graai iniemi and beauty ; 1 ft ... »> i 
 oew niMy to a gceatcr dcgret tliaa H doMma 
 < '' 
■ i '. 
 • ^EvcfTtOferprflowcriknowiudcalUratMllicPaBi}. AiitUinalaiott aDltenil ravoihe 
 wchart datotcd •bimI dMl«rtfaM hhI alleiitioo lowud fatting tctd of the laigtit and noil 
 MffeettdaMomvtbalraait l>pcaia coiofvawi alto lb* troodcriull* maikad vaitatiaa of Priie 
 Panii^ and wc can boBMlly daiat thai oar atock la nnaatpaiicd by any. 
 8M. •taat TrinwrtkMl, thhTia, witboot doubt, tbe largtit of all the I>anii«i. The 
 r 'f ... ..'t'*""'! "/" ""ply «■»•»»«». petfcct in foiDi, and lun ihicvgh.all (be Tarictiti ol 
 ■SSSl t "J"'"5t'*" *^;A° Uiawtaikaat piirpk. and arc naiked with three targe blotcho IS 
 ■f****' • S"*?** ■ •!»'•"<'« «•«•• «"'*f#»f ■»¥« Juried and allraeliTfr vanetTei. Many ol the 
 "°7«""e™o«cl>^ontippcfi>et^a,^»cUii oi«»bcr6wer,and.wondeifullyfflaikedandihaded,io 
 I aatoreccmblcihafincatymcaof raiicyP#l«rgoiii«« .,. 26 
 [ a2&_^ llfactoM'S IM#f«vM •lawt, • great improVcnent on tbe original', "tolh in »iie' and'cokir. ' * ' We 
 ??!* * w" °??L*" f?"!?"*^ "7 «'^.w»«f ««H"'*"K '««> inchea in ciicumference. Gained 6r«t honor* 
 at.tbe Maaiachuetit Horticultural Society'* *ho«* ; per 1 oz. $2. 
 Haw MMr ar Prta* MatohMl, a magnificent atnin of fine ...„„, 
 ^°I!I!L.- tt2i^£"*"'*i'^ Tf '••'.°' «?'«»ri"B. •hepeul* of which are T>^ntifulTy biMcbtd 
 ■wgMi-a Frmiom new Frmch itrain of fine, • robott growth ; great variety of colota ; tbe flowcra 
 ▼arietiea, prcducing lar|e, bandsoine 
 are of great substance abd bbme well above tbe foliage 
 r SllMril KMgltail, a very pure strain, which hat befcn saved from the choicest 
 vanetiea, and may be relied upon to produce quite tatitlactory retulti, and a great "* 
 variety in character and color of flowers • •>, s- ....*... 60 
 ^Prmall ptalaM, tuperbWrain ; vefy large, finely foriried flowers, bcautifuVcoVora 28 
 Kw|MtWr WlillSM, fine large flower, altramarine Wue, purple violet eye 15 
 •mow QnvMl, a charming, delicate, satiny-white, slightly tinged with yellow 
 toward tbe centre..., • .•; ..... is 
 I llMBia 
 W«« of Hi* ■laoks (Faust), dense black 
 tMrm 9 9» » 9mmllmUt, violet, shading to white on upfier petalt. . . . . 
 QtmtfrMalsr, four dittinct coloit on each flower .x 
 Petnniat i&ake most valuable plantt', tiiccrcd- 
 ing almoat anywhere. For maating in bedt tbeir ^ 
 rich colort and duration of bloom it teldcip 
 equalled, giving a profusion of flowert horn early 
 tummer until aner frost. 
 338. PriMgMl, Urtm flo«(«Hii(, sIr- 
 < gl«, handlbmely frilled aiid fringed, 
 wftb stained markinga 1-. 26 
 339. ;— graii4mor« aii^rlilaslMa, , 
 £ niagnifi<;ent, extra large flowers, with 
 ^ very deep throat, beaotifttily veined to 
 • thebaic .,.*.. -.... '=.25 
 ■340. ,„ — craadHlora. •frlMtl, a very fine / C^ 
 itrain, with large and perfect veined 
 flowert, mixed colort .... ...... 26 
 341. --gniiitflflani, choicest mixed. 10 
 34^^eMkl« Nykrl«lB«« ami 
 I Priaga' I this exqtaiute tort will pro- 
 duce an nnatu'tlly large percentage 
 •^' of fine. Urge, double fringed flowert. 60 
 9ft, — «awkla Iferca fflawariac, 
 v^ Magatf, pure white (new). Tbit it 
 , the firtt aeparate color of Double 
 Petuniai, the producer baa tncceeded 
 to maintain pore; tbe flower* are 
 very regularly doable, and come tnie r 
 from aeed ...'. , «0 
 344. —ltoiNMa,fin(ttttriped-8nd blotched 
 varieties, mixed 26 
 MO. '=-naa Mlxa4, tplendid varictiet. . 6 
Sweet Peas 
 Th«M art aaMiiigllM iBMl 
 uMfbl and btauiilal of all 
 ow hardjr anauab, and coa- 
 tinue to produc* thcii frag- 
 kraol, lichaod yaiiad colon 
 'of bkM>in tht Milir* a«a«aa. 
 For edge* or maute in Iha 
 garden, trained on bMh of 
 ■Iringi, they are eaccediagljr 
 •howy, but for catling ioC' 
 bouqaeli, x*—, conage ok 
 buttonhole wear, no flomi 
 a«cept the rttc can cqaal 
 them. Sow thickly, aad 
 plant (our inchei deep, vera 
 early in the ipring. Fat- 
 niih lupporl early. They 
 luxuriate in a cold mo 
 K>ir,and in adimptranon 
 -. _ ■'* '*«• ff/infy ammMalt. 
 •wMtPaaa, VcmvIim, thli is untilie any Sweet Na hithtrto 
 known. The upper petali are dittlnctly ipoltcdon a rosy gioand 
 color, (hading intopurpleatthe throat : thelowrr petali, or itaad- 
 ard.«re of a velvet* violet, (hading off into lilac toward the edge. 
 tSS. -AwMlSt a charming roae-pink Sweet Pea, ifford( a very pleasinc 
 eolor, previondy unknown to Sweet Peaa. The bright , ro(y carmine or pir k bloa 
 _ soihs make a neat contrast with the pure white, icailet and other decided cokn 
 --PriilOMa •••trio*, a-delicate blush ; very fine ; oi. 20 . . . v - 
 — PrliM«M*ff WalM ....;> " ■ 
 —■yttarfly, white ground, delicately laced with Uvendtr blue; fragrant and'valu 
 able (or bouquets 5 oi. 25 v •••■•, " 
 —•••»•• * l*vllMlM«t a beautiful rich* scarlet, very constant : ot.' 126. ! 
 -^Palll«*4LMy, rose and white ; o«. Ift ,.....,. /" r" • 
 —y^^M QlMail, of dwarf habit ; but very>(i|e floweringi ihefiowerS range in color 
 from deep mauve of the standard to light violet of the wings; vtiy pittiy * ci. 30 
 —■••ok, very dark, brownish purple t 01. 16...;.. _....'...'.. 
 — OHltlgoFrllliMt^a new color, and exceedingly fine .....'.'."! 
 -••••♦•• t«: lif . . . 8 366. Urtkyrua laMtallwa, (caiiet .^T. . 
 -•alaatatf Mixedl lb. 40 ; 01. 16 6 366. -alka, white ... , ... , 
 These are useful plants 
 for liack-gtound, or as 
 (ingle specimens in mixed 
 borders, havir(; finedark 
 ornamental, brdSd serra- 
 ted leaves of a purplish 
 mulberry color. Start 
 under glass. Half-hardy 
 Earlybloomirig dwarf plant for spring flower 
 beds or pot culture ; the large round flowers 
 are borne on stocks about 8 inches tall. Colors, 
 yellow, maroon, crimson, etc. ; beautifully 
 veined, laced or blotched, *~ 
 34& Polyanthuk (Primula ala- ' 
 tlor), fittest gold-laced varieties.. 10 
 Pretty little plants, of branching habit and 
 neat, with nomeroua daisy-like flowers of a 
 beautifully golden yellow, edged white ; about 
 18 inches in height. Bardy annual^. 
 347. Ohm^imithamold aa . . • • - ' p 
 Th«M an fine for diitinct effect, whh large brillianlly 
 colored llo«ii,>lway9 naking a showydifplay and >n 
 arnameni to any gwdtn ; they have a urong lap-root, 
 and are ditficult to IFaniplaiit ; w« the leed early in ihe 
 spnnKwhtreint«<d«i(6bk>oin. Har^y anxHmit. 
 348. Poppy, Ohl w aaa, double dwarf, magnifi- 
 cent floirers, mixed colors &' 
 8W -Oar(U(«i«n,doabl*,q>lendidUi(eflowen, - 
 nixed oolore : 1 (k 6 
 W- - K(UII«neuW«, double, handMine, imiall :* 
 auvmi. brilliailt coloni, mixed ; I ft 5 
 oOl- --rOauMbrsa, single, biilliaDlicarlet with a ' 
 latga wlllte sp ot ^ TSth p etal, . novelty 1 10 
 367.' Parlllft Nan- 
 ' klnanal»,iift.6 pbrilla, 
 !S« •••rtr«H«, (see Calendula). 
 grimuMS (see Greenhouse) ' 
 Primrwaa <see Primulal. * 
 Very curioiis plants which produce thair 
 bloom in one-sided fafcicles, which unroll 
 themselves slowly ; the flo#ers «re pretty but 
 somewhat bidden by their leaves. Good for 
 bordert and bouquet making ; valuable for bee 
 food, i Hardy annuah. 
 '^- '*!!*««"*«»"iPW*«i light blue. 6 
 369. -tanaeatlfolla alba, white. 5 
 Very much like the CamatiQp, a« fin« and 
 more deli6ite in its -coloring. Seed sown in 
 the open ground in M» or June, will flower 
 well next season. Hardy Jetf 
 37ft Finadoublawiiiia 
 Md .... 
 In brilliancy, delicacy and |{eai(ty of color the 
 Portulaca surpasses all other out-door plants, 
 thriving in place where moat plants would perish' 
 for lack of moisture^ giving it| laigest and 
 brightest flowers It delighidn warm tun and 
 sandy soil. Sow seed in Ihe open ground oi 
 under glass, and transplant ; after plants appear 
 withhold water ; if the bed has a full exposute 
 to the sun, the ground will soon be covered 
 with the plants, and the efteet and variety of 
 colois will lie grand, continuing iit beauty till 
 killed by fro<t in autumn, ffalf-iardy ^niuUs, 
 .371. Port|ilaca, doubia, iPfr - 
 flowering varieties mixed ....... .^. 10 ' 
 373. ' — Sinslalarge flowertnB,all colors, 
 mixed..,..-. & 
 (Eveniac Primrose) ' ' 
 Charming hardy pUnts, with large, showy 
 flowers ; old favoriler in tht flower garden. 
 '' >They deserve to be more widely grown. The 
 flowers open in the evening, in a sudden and 
 curious manner. ' • , . . 
 .^^73. Canothara (Evening Prinroae), 
 yell w, U ft. Half%ardy tmnnali .. 6 
 374. — acaullaalba.verydwarr,leaves^ 
 lying close to the ground, large piire • 
 whiteflowerr;Uft. -Aiin'/ilrrmin^/. 10 
 376. — Lamareklatia, bright yellow. 
 l a rge flow e rs; 8 ft. Hardy p t nnhiai. — *- 
 Nrrer forget th* SwMt P«m^ which ahoiild be planted «■ aooil u the frost is ent of the cronnd soScient to work. Atwi^s 
 ^ koi^ t^ ^fiweM c^oselj iricked. aad nothtajK wiU bet^ ^ 
 m*x."S«wr 1 0«Mlll«k«rg" 
 A* axlnotdinaor ponliy of high ■aril. < 
 Th« Gtaira of «Kh ptui run* out into ■ 
 pobl oof M|iun*r 10 oM-lhird of u inch k 
 Iwj^ ih« cdMf which xivti th* flowin 
 * r^pt/atilMrii/ttArm. Th« pltni ■rem '' 
 about 1} faal in hatiht, of compact habit, 
 and baan larg* nmbali of flowan. Will 
 ba rtally battar tlun lait Maioa, havinf 
 baaa growD fraa wractxl stock, and a 
 nuabar of brilliant colonaddad, includini 
 <^ acarlei, pink, whila, violet, lalmon, etc. 
 Mued colon 25 
 877. — N*W Prillg«4. A nduaUa intro- 
 . doctloa, ambradng tirodiatinctandahowy 
 colon, purpla-violat and canaine; ihcsa 
 apa raooiBNd mora aflcctiva t>T the baauti- 
 havin(nior«orlat« a bordarof whita.... *0 
 nttmx 4lka. pare wUte 10 
 -TOamlMll, biilliant scarl«t . IQ 
 —toalMf Una, pale yellow. 10 
 — RatfCwHsil, roa*, itripcd while 10 
 — L*«peMlit red, with white eye 10 
 — .MlaMt 6neit varietjei, per oz. . . S 
 A Tary intanating, niaAil and fraaflwrariny plant. 
 Bloeming aarly, it nmaina baaatifnl ior a long time in 
 badi, dbbona. ate, and i> moch admind tot tha IVa. 
 gmnca of ill flowan. Hmrdy itrtummi, 
 SM. SwMt Ke«k«t.\ . . . 
 moinw* (6>a«or oii ■•«•» 
 tal plantg 
 of stately 
 Ipowth anil 
 foliage — 
 color ed 
 Irait, pro- 
 ducing a 
 effect; (me 
 for lawni, 
 or centre 
 , — ^ _ , plants for 
 nbtxte iit^s. ' UM'tuurUf OHHuals. 
 MS. RlelnuiiborttoAtonsi^large, - 
 -- handsome foliage ; ft S 
 SM- — MUIf(UllMHa,deepred^italks, 
 icarlet Iriit; 5ft..,..,.,......,., S 
 397, — Braslllansia .....,....,,.. lo '^ 
 _A dundiwnolattiDg ofgnat baanty, •*«» com- 
 ETSL?^ "SS!!!"?'"^' •■"•■"'"t « «»«"tifuie«ect 
 III bad* or tibbooa; iu tiHraiy, nMa-tinted flowen an in 
 grant d aaa ad for wlotar dacBfatioBa. HMff.t „r»(r 
 Tha Aowen iq ihia claiaara yery lam, handiomaly 
 rounded and of gnu inbttanca, aqualllng tha peren- 
 nial ipru in tiia, ■ •• • i~ 
 384, (iramfHIara aiMaMdaMa.bright 
 scarlet, with white eye ; one of the 
 finest and qaite constant 10 
 S«5. —Alif, white 10 
 38g. H>oaalwaa, b right scarlet . 10 
 887.— BlaCaaaf margin from rqaa to crim- 
 son, with large white centre or eye 10 
 888.— Mlia^i finest colors, per ^ .10 
 Thna new dwarfvwialietaiadiuingabbad bythair 
 neat and eompnct iiabii, making Una phinti for pM' 
 culture, ua»U bedi and adgingi ; iMlghi, | ft. 
 SM.- llaaaaaM|MMta.flralMll,bright 
 scarlet f Iff 
 300.— •aawkall. pare white....... J.. 15 
 391.— Vartaklila. slaty blue 1. . 15 
 392. — Illxa4ii colors very choice }0 
 398.- ^jKaNHlal Pklax, Mlaatf , saved 
 from the finest varieties 15 
 898. RhodantlMk mlxad , 
 (10 W««^^ 
 •TOOKS <aAiy«lM»w) 
 A wQild-widehTftrite. hjlHsnt and varied 
 . in colpr, equally well adapted fir'massiiig, bid- 
 ding or pot culture. Very pnrfnse bloomers. 
 , Stooka, Kaat LothlaM, 
 w*ll-l«*yacl, anow 
 Whita. This ii a iterling 
 novelty. The purity of the white 
 shows well above the grassy- 
 green foliage. Half-Manly iitn- 
 fiia/ ,... 15 
 C-Kaat M>thi«n, mixad 10 
 — PrindaaaAllea. Aspien^ 
 did stock {gt cutting and quite 
 frtgraQt ; succeeds equally well 
 when grown in pots 20 
 — •aewflaka, ^imrg Dwarf. 
 A beautiful small growing vari- 
 ety, with vigorous main spike 
 and numerous side shoots ^of 
 very large double , snow-whi^e '■ 
 . flowers; yery early............ 15 
 — Dwarf VarMawt pyramidal, 
 mixed; 1ft......... ..... 10 
 — DwfHTff BOM^Mat, choice 
 ^mixed colon 10 
 — Taa Waak large flowering^ 
 mixed ,.,...,... 10 
 ^Ta« Waak Dwarf, large > 
 flowering. J 10 
 — Taa Waak Dwarft large 
 flowering, white. 10 
 —taa Waak . Dw«rf, waU- 
 ,. flower, mixedikt^. lo 
 — araaiptaa Maw Dlaia 
 p«R white. . > 10 
 cottagers seitrlet 
 Haw Dlaat, 
 FOR LATB PLOWTBRS. aothfa* caa snrpaM Artv. J^mtaai. Adoaia. MarigoU. Salvia. D>li% ud Ziaoia 
 N- . . ' ^ • if . 
7 ^ ■ } 
 D roM tocrim- 
 cenlre or ajp* 10 
 pct6i, 10 
 Am planli for pM' 
 iMlght, I ft. 
 OotgMM for Iwdi or sMdnf. bwitog 
 hmuii of llowtrt > ladMi acroM and of lk« 
 moil briUUnl colors i floMrlag ooaliaaally 
 from spring nnlll late In ths anluan. Vsrbcnas 
 grown froa SMd arc alwajrs thrifty and fr«« 
 bloomcis. Sow in hoas* or hotbed Ttry early. 
 411. V«rto«iMi. aurleula<4l«irr* 
 •ra<f t choice mixed colors, •hile 
 centre .,..,.. |0 
 4S4. — OCMvtoa, bincv .. 10 
 43S. — OMMHdlMlm«,pure white, 
 quite true |0 
 426. -lUillan, striped and *ariegaied 10 
 427. -hybrids, mixwfr extra 
 choice i ....*.., 10. 
 428. —D*flano«, brilliant scarlet... Iff- 
 I iO. — mixed, choice colors. A 
 Nsw Mammoth Strain (offlred 
 in the Nov«i.Ti»s), beiat the latest addition 
 to our lilt. 30c. 
 'These are among the fiof it Of all bed- 
 ding plants. Being tall growers, they are 
 useful for the centers of flower beds, or for 
 a -border to a bed of Cannas, etc 
 411. Salvia Bplcndshs, Urge 
 •carlet.. 10 
 Stint WILUAM 
 A beantifnl and bTorite clau of planis, 
 of extreme richness and diversity of^ color, 
 very large and almost perfect in form, with 
 trusses of great size. Hanh pirtttnial\ 
 413. SwMt William (Dianlhus 
 Barbatns), finest mixed, HA-. 6 
 41^ --aurloHla-4kMiir«r«d, 
 flowcn of great sixe, beautifully 
 eyed, mix^ colors, lifcet.... 10 
 ing mriety we 
 have one of 
 the finest an- 
 nuals in cuUi- 
 Tation'. The 
 flowers are as' 
 handsome ay 
 some of the 
 orchids, ffa^- 
 httrdy annuals 
 M4. liehlBanthHa(Butteifly 
 flower), handsome, 2ft .,5 
 .41S. ,^plnnatua. best Taneties 
 ' . mixed,2ft 6 
 ' SOABIQfA" ' ^ '. 
 A fi&idsome dwarf and compact growing 
 Slanti prpdndng a prohsion of fragrslit 
 owert which are quite double anSglobu- 
 lar, varying in all shades, white, dSmine, 
 marooq, libe, etc. H»dyanmual. 
 418- SMMMaim«r, mixed S ft. 5 
 • nwn Hi wn pisuvi <m« m iaduiL 
 <« ^- 
 A dwarf little plant, growing freely on rock work, 
 Tsscs, old wall* , etc. 3'Jn. 
 417. SMkiM e««ni|MiM, bln^ l ft 10 
 416. Uraedulaiid beautiful ; flowt rs second season, 
 2 feet. HiH/kardf perennial. 5 
 SNAik PLANT, rro. 
 These are more or less cultivated (or their curious 
 seed veWls. . The Snail knd Hedge-hog are the best. 
 4 10. SniBif, clover-like plant, small, yellow flowers 10 
 420. Mad j g M j j O j K, like above, except seed pod ■ 10 
 421. Oatarplllar, exceedingly curious. 
 422. WOTfna, quite an oddity. . . 
 The above four varietiea, mixed . . . . 
 Pretty, ^ree-flowering trailing plant , very 
 useful for waste places and rockeries, tfoii. 
 tinuing in bloom during the •ummcranri- 
 auluron months. The flowers are doulile 
 and of a brilliant Vellow. Hardy anftual. 
 f30. SanvHalliiprooumlMn*, 
 golden yellow, double, 4 tt 10 
 ■tiswdraawn (Sm Aniinhinum). '■ 
 •mllaa (Sn CrMnhonu). 
 ••Isinum (Sm GranihouML. 
 •«n4l9w«r(SM HttbwihusjL 
 Extremely beautiful, dwarf, compact 
 growing plants, producing a mass of rich 
 pink and white floweri, which continue in 
 bloom the entire summer. 
 4.11. a«i»onarra, MIxmI ..... .1 
 The Color and markings of the Salpig- 
 loisis are most beautiful. The shape and 
 siieof the flower is similar 'to that of the 
 Petunia, borne in great profusion and pre- 
 sents a very beautiful sight. It is a flower 
 which will always please everyone, and 
 should be more generally grown. (Seetut.S 
 4.S2. S«lplgleasto,MhiMro«lMP«, 
 very fine 6 
 BeatttifttI, flree-blooming plants, rqually 
 valuable for their bright flowersin summer, 
 >r (or cut flowers for winter bouquets; 
 433. staMoa liieanaliybrlda, 
 ijft 10 
 43t. Obole* Sactoh. . . . . . kT 
 Few flowers produce such a strikbi 
 eflect and are so attractive as this grand 
 herbaceous plant. It throws up flower 
 ktalks three to five feet high, bearing large , 
 solid spikes of flame colored flowers uf 
 great sixe and brilliancy. Half-hartff 
 43fi. Tritoma, uvaria cran* 
 " 1 
 S n n Bute and Plant Li s t. 
 ... 20 
 ••lanUiW (Sm GrMnhoUM). 
 •mlUui (Sm GiMnhaaw). 
 •nsiadraaiM* (Sm Anirrhinun.). 
 Wtatwt ouiMt 
 wa 4« ast catal6cnt^ 
 ■ad wut i*« 
 do not catnlocneyiM do aot t 

 Ic. ^iCI 
 The Zinnia \§y indeed, • gtand floirtri u luge 
 and doable as the Dahliat and of a gttat vaiTety of fine colon. A 
 bed of Zinnia* maliei a giand ihow, and is alwayi gfeall* adniifd, 
 being coutantly in the bioon. fiom the but of Jnne until Idlled by 
 aniumn froali. H there are any people who piettnd not to lilce 
 /inniai, let them tiy our leedi, and they will at once change thcii 
 mindi. We know that our /inniat are the bett to be had anywhere 
 in ibe wide world. Halfh^rJy annual. 
 440. lliM|«S«kta,a new, thowy and interesting variety, very 
 double, many of the flowers are beantlrulty ttilpcd and . 
 pencilled, while others are similarly merited upon one side, 
 the remaining portion of flow«r beiog distinct in color, 
 such ns orange, crimson, scarlet, etc., all colors mixed . . 10 
 Ml- — Ulltpwtlaii, charming new variety, of imall but very 
 rrauiativ formed flowers IS 
 447. — Banirllll, perfectly double, diitinct,allshadesof colors, 
 mixed.., iq 
 ^Kltra Okala* Mll«4r, saved from selected dcuble 
 flowers . , 5 
 449. -Haagcana (Mexicana), a splendid double variety; flow- 
 ^ ers deep orange, margined with yellow, keeping iu color 
 ■ when dried as a winter flower.... S 
 Very fine trailing plants, producing masses of 
 "" -pretty flowers. When 
 . allowed to trail on the 
 ; ground they make a 
 t 'beautiful bed. The 
 eolorsaredclieate and 
 beautiful.' , 
 m. ThMnkartIa, 
 mixed colors, S 
 r Umtot«ll«nauit(M« 
 Showy border plants. 
 The improved varie- 
 ties bear large cory- 
 combs of small flow- 
 (ThcnlMrcUl ers, scarjet, white, 
 and red, of easy enilure. Jlalf-kardy perenHitU. 
 437. ValariaMtseailet.whiteand red, mixed. S 
 Hardy, low-giowing, profnije fragrant flower- 
 ing annuals, for edges or smalMieds or pot culture. 
 43S. Mixail, red and white, mixed or *cpuate, 6 
 ■■. VIOLIT ^ ' '^'Z 
 The little sweet scented Violet it perfectly 
 bHdy, and should not be wanting in any garden^ 
 on account of its early appearanct, delightfi^ 
 fragiance, and profusion of bloom, which lasts 
 froin early spring througboot the summer months. 
 A single flower w ill perfume ■ whole room. 
 A genus of very pretty, profuK-blooming 
 plants, adapted (or growing, either in beds, 
 edgings or dumpt. Ifanfy annual. 
 441. YiMarIa aanlafa, pink, with rich 
 crimsoneye; 1ft.... 6 
 Majestic omamei^tal leaved plants ; lh« 
 leaves areimmense, often 3 ft. long by \\ wide, 
 richly veined, and the stems covered with 
 crimson hairs. HMIf-hanly pertmtial. 
 442. Wliaaflia aa r aaoaaaa a , piretty. 10 
 443. ^Vi(lar I, superb foliage ; 7 ft ..... ,10 
 TheWa i til a i s a d eli ca te an d int e w s t jag^asa 
 The WhitlavU makes 
 pretty plants, with deli- 
 cate foliage, producing a 
 constant succession of 
 drooping clusters bf Unr 
 and white beil-shaped 
 .flowers. For shady siina- 
 lions there are few plants 
 that give more pleasure ; 
 makes good plants ior 
 vases, baskets or pots. 
 Hardy fMHual. 
 4fiO. WkHlavla. fine mixed i 1ft........ S 
 Highly prised for theit long continuance in 
 bloom, and for the delicate odor of. their flowers. 
 Single and double varieiies ol th« various shades 
 of golden yellow, red acd dark brooie. JSb//- 
 hartfy ftrenrnial. 
 4SI. WalHIawar, double German, extra 
 fine, mixed 10 
 402. — ahi^ltot splendid, mUed ; 1) ft .... . , 
 Showy annuals, bearing in profusion large 
 crimson, purple or white flowers, fine for winter 
 bouquets. Hardy OMtnULlt. 
 403. XaraiiMiaaMMa, mixed 
 (Striped Ja p an ese Cora) 
 An ornam e ntal fo l i a g e pUnt of muc h b e am y . 
 It is a species or com. with large foliage, the 
 leaves being beaatifnlly striped with white and 
 gre«B. Half-hardy amMuah,fremJaimm, e 
 404. Saa 4a|Malaa, striptd foliage ; 6 ft . . * 5 
 Hardy jbtrtHtiiml. 
 439. Vlolat (Sweet-scented English), dark . 
 blac;ift... ..!.. 10 
 44a -KacAahWhit* lo 
 of aonnalt, gipwing abont 12in. highraaSl pro 
 dncing flower^ in dnaters. Half-hmfyammal. 
 444. WaHlA g f a iiilHai a .flowttslMge. 
 goldeil yellow lo 
 The namti In tbii dc|iarlmtnt will hava a ramlllai lound to 
 all loTcri of houM-planlt. Th« AInitilon, C'intiaiia, Camtllla, 
 Geranium, Fuchtia, ttc, a» auoclaled with oar carlieit rtcollcclitjni. Muil peiiora procui* 
 planli from th« greanhouMi, and when bat one or two of a kind are needed, ihia It a good 
 ^ plan. Some however, fiave KreenhouMi and deiiie many planU, and olheri lake piidc and 
 bnuiirtiD growing frpm teed— in watching every day'i growth, from the liny lecd-lcal to the full developed plant in all in grand dlipiay of 
 beMWy. We do not with to convey the idea that the icedi in Ibie department mutt necenaiily ke town in a grcenhtulc, at moil of lh« 
 *arU|le« will tucceed at well in the dwelling houte, if the ccndiliont congenial to their beatlh can only he tecured, which the grcenhnuic cr 
 eoMWiratofy ftiniiab : ibate ara light, warmlb, air and tunthine. . . 
 German, extra 
 Th« Poilooiing ItUt Contain* th« Cv«*m from HuPop«an 8p«ai«lists "^4 
 nt of mu ch b e aut y 
 Shmbtqr plantt. Urge beads of beautiful many 
 colored, flowen, and are borne in profuaion daring 
 the winter and ipriog. Ttndtrptrtnnial. 
 «M^ M ai— lndlca,lii>eatmUediHo«ft. 2B 
 Beantifal plants, blooming almoat continually ; 
 alaosncccedttag well in the open ground in summer. 
 Flowers bcll-shapcd, 1 to 2 ins. across j 2 to 4 ft. 
 4S6. Abutilon, finest mixed wieties ; red, 
 white, roat, orange, etc .....25 
 •d. mixed. The seed we ofler baa been 
 hybf i^ixed wilb the greatest care, using 
 tbe moM doable aowers, and tbe bapd- 
 somest single varieties fpr that purpose. fiO 
 -flNMt tf««M« Mlsitf, saved from a 
 splendid collection. (See Bulb Ust) ... Ui 
 Gorgeous planU ; ibe large " pockel-sbaped 
 Bowers are born* in the greatest profusion throiuth 
 spring and summtr. 
 «». Ofl«aolMn«,Willlama'«train, 
 Camoas for ricfancss and variety 1.00 
 400. -Oartar^ Vtotorta 
 cdle n t — 
 tmilto LmivmI •«■ Duwty Millar VarlMlM ' 471. 
 Valuable plants for ribbon licdding, tb« | 
 silver^ whiteness of the leaves being very . 
 (ITecuve with other colored leaved plants. I «TS. 
 4U.t. OantauraaOymnooarpata |*'*' 
 graceful silver foliaged variety, one 
 of the best for bedding purposes . . . 
 — OaMMIacllMiai a dwaif silvered 
 leaved plant, extensively uMd for 
 ribtwn lines 
 4tU(. —Olaimantalt produces cruwni of 
 silvery leavei, deeply fringed and 
 cut in lobes .,< > IS 
 OHryMuttliomuma liKlWum, ih< vatlaiin 
 tr« num«nMiR ■nil kra diviHtil l>y flttrUu isto 
 variouR cUu«4, "Chlntttf, * " Prni|Miti," "Japan- 
 •M*,*' «lc. Our ■train* ara unaiic«ll«ft Sft 
 — ympo w mt Owarf, Uouhia, nUad tt 
 — Jatpotllount, (ha JapanaM lonit-prlaUd Of 
 rrin|ad variaiiaa, now *o iiopular. itouMv, niiafd 
 colvri. (Sa« Plant LiM) fft 
 4S8. -flM«t« 
 (shmbby), exocUent for bed- 
 Finest mixed 
 409. <- •poMad ami MtotMatf, varieties 
 vicnA.... /....... flO 
 Plant* with rlih fuliaga of auoritd calai», vtintd and 
 ftpnttrd in a bciiulirul manner. Kor irourit on Uwn^ and 
 tllilK>ninK,ara imliapanudila; IliiSfl. I tntitt fttimmml. 
 Vlh. Ooloua, niUad, Iht fineal luirlt. (See plant l.i»l.) V> 
 OUPHBA (OlRar Plant) 
 470. OuphOSI Platyoantral, large llowering vaii- 
 •ty, wilhcodnlteiiH bright liltet>cni« tS 
 A miMI- valuable winter bloomini plant. Itt finely 
 colored AolvatH keep a lone time. Itk futiauc i» pretty. 
 478. Oyeiatnan Pavaloiam, b*%t ; coior> miaed. . . sft 
 Dwarf pUnia with Hanhy leavn, grown for rdginjl, 
 ribijon liadi, etc. Ttntttr firtttniiti. 
 479. Behavarta aacuntfa Qlauoa, tmall bluiih 
 while leaves ; a to 4 in(he> tA 
 Oracenil plania, living a beauiifui appearance to llw i 
 coniiervalory o.r window ; the hardy Kortfi. grown io rock* 
 eiieii^eic., ar« lieauiiful. 
 Fur a ahowy Oower, the Cineraria liaa few equale, 
 •1 it doei hundrcda of large ihowy liowcrt ol 
 various color* and markinat. 
 4(W. OlnararisthytorMainew dwarf), a >plcn. 
 did ilrilin of uurge flowering hybridt ; dwarf, 
 compact and buiiny, mixed oolora 
 4*7. — MvbrMa, large flowering. aiMd colon 
 — -Wliiiama' — ""- -J»-^- 
 larva flowering and varyilne. 
 4W. -WkHafMICCWlfliariiiin 
 «7i>. -Dau w a aatrif il ialca, MUad. . 
 arkimaCandidisiima) U 
 OUANTHURiA.iatv.llM CHaey Wk> 
 A moat taagiiiCccal planl, with (iagular falias* 
 and macmacaai dntan of hag, droopiag i flowen, 
 aoaai^tal raaaiabUag a panot'a bmk. 
 Uau acHtlel, JriSl^a Hack VlolcinD iha caMn » 
 W« ChflllMK* CMBpariMO with uy Reliabte 8Md HowM ia fiM Coiutty, titkw in racaid to QoiOilf or Prtct. 
 ffUOHWA (Latfta** ^, 
 Il«««ll/«1 plutUfor pot cullara t «uyi 'Inmplni fluwtrt, 1 10 9 iMk 
 long, <>r'«iq<ibll« eoloct. Kad, «hlt«, uink, etc Tnnt4r ftrtmmiat. 
 489. fiuohala. mUod, liiigl*, utd doubb, nuMd «orlt i I to 9 ft SO 
 Corgcout Aowara, of numcfoai •hadot of cola*, Inmd* coalloii- 
 owlr, rtnd«r ihU iho moti popuUr pUnt growa, •itbtr (Or pol culturt 
 lo wlnlci, or tot Iwddingout In Hummer. 
 48.1. Oovanlum, appla icanlad, foliag* mnlla • dallelout parfuma. 3S 
 484. la'ga tIeuioKing, iiDglc, aiiad, from a«w Tarlaliu. . . . i|0 
 480. ' doubla mlaad, Includaa nwojr varlaliat SO 
 ••• Plan* lM • 
 PtanU of graal liaaal)r, for conwrvalory of giianhoata i flowari 
 S to 3 ini. loDtf, linlcd, moitlcd and markad wlin dclicala and rich 
 colon i I f M^ 7'tmi/tr /trtmniah. 
 480. Olealnla Onartdlflora Ofaata, of ureat IwautjraDd diver- 
 ■itjr, mlied variaiiti, uved from the fincil aiacC growing 
 •orti ) itrongly recummendad 70 
 487. — lavga flouiaflng mljia4. Choica vari^lai OO 
 •aa Bum Liat 
 Dellcioaily fragrant flowering pitnii | graat favorllat for pot 
 (iullure in tGa wintM, or bedding out in iumaier i l| ft. 
 TtHiitr ptrtHHiah. 
 488. Hallotfapa, larga llooiavad, tinaat mljtad. IS 
 480. —King •* *>>• »«aka, a dalicioutiv fragrant flowarlrg 
 variety, baarinaJargaumbali of puipliib black flowcricun- 
 tinuoiuly t wcinreaplad for pot cultuie or for bedding out 
 In iummer. Price par pkt i... 30 
 %m» Mavalty tiat 
 A handiome decorative plant, either for pot or gardenf, producing 
 drooping pyramidt of ruby-red, grau-likc florets. Half hard f hUnnial. 
 490. Hutnaa ■laTgana iO 
 A charming imall, neat, hardy perennial trailing {ilan|, luilabla 
 for baaketi, vatcr, pott and rock. work. 
 491. Ulnarla Oytnbalavia, lavender and purple CO 
 One of the moat deiiraLle half-hardy perennial greenhooic or 
 bedding plantu, conitantly inblooog; Verbeoa-IJke heada, and chan^ng 
 in hue ; 9 to ft. 
 492. Uantana, mlKad 10 
 (AbynlaUa Baaaaa Tree) 
 Magnificent for greenhouse and iub-lropical iiMoing, or ai ilngle 
 ipeiimeni on the lawn they are itrikingly encotive. .Seeds sown early 
 will produce large plants the first season ; 6 to 10 ft. - Tttidtr ptrt»nial. 
 493. muaa ■ttaata. (See Plant List) 30 
 To thocM wlio cannM Ixtiow ih> nacnsary csra 
 raqnifad in a neatly laid oui flower (arden, the " Wild 
 Oaidea " pmcaie s iuUiiiuie, which, for in unusual 
 aad varied effect, for cheapoeu and inull amount of 
 labor aaceiaary for iucon»tniction, haa no rival. We 
 , kav.t had many laiiitaciory evidence of the euilnation 
 In which the " Wild Gaiden " i> held froia thoee who 
 leed our leed the pan leaMh. 
 t '* Wild Garden Seed! "area mimure of over lOO 
 • vuieiies of hardv flower leedtaiiiced together, aad 
 .wherever planted will it «ire waetbing newalmou 
 -everyday. Peroi., BO; perpltt, 16c 
 PAMKMi ru>wm 
 llaadaoase, rapid elhnban, toe graaaboiua dacoealioa aad saaay 
 poaitloaa In iha open gruuif^ in saaaoMr. Oaavula la soaMtlasaa 
 hardy in a thajlarad tilaatioa. 
 494. Paaaltloaa Oaarula. larga flowars, of viahl and HgklMa*. 
 slightly fragrant ..'. 10 
 PNIMULA (PrlmroM) 
 The " Chinese I'tlnrose" is a great lavuiil* fot wintet blooailrg, 
 the foliage is pretty and altractiva, and the Howart lionU In claslais 
 ate parficlly enarming, and borne all through Iha winlar and spring. 
 490. Pvlnaula pimbiitata •tiMDala. mUa4, ailra choice, 
 ttn Urge, nagniScanl flower* of iha richasi and moat 
 varied colors , ,......,,,........,... 
 white with a btight yellow eye, each petal flnaly and Ma 
 fully (ringed and borne in large clusters well above the foliage. 00 
 -fawrt-laawad, tnl>a4 aolova, large, finely fringed flower* AO 
 A profuse blootning Pi imrose, lieating on long slams heads con- 
 taining 10 to 10 flowers. It thrives in a coul house, and will grow In 
 favor with those deairing plants that will grow easily. Tlic flowers are 
 pure while, shading occaslonWy to iliac, and have the true Primrot* 
 fragrance. It Is in all respec&i lovely flower. 
 49M.' PKlmula Obaonlaa ../ .....:...': 98 
 •OLANUM (J«ruMiligm Oh«i^) 
 Is well adapted for garden or pot culture, bearing numctotu lllllf 
 red fruit, which remain on lor a long lime and look very ornamental. 
 400. Solanuno CapniaaatKum, li ft > 10 
 •MIMX (MyrslphallHin) 
 Perennial tuberous-rooted climber, with dark gloasy foliage aiid 
 small white flowers ; one of the inoat detiralla greenhouse climbers | 
 000. Mapaiiagoldaia (Boston Smilax) \ ounce, $2.00 .10. 
 lleauiiful trailing plants for vases, batketi, etc. | they bloom 
 continually daring summer, also In the winter, if in the grcenhousa i 
 flowers largt. 
 001. Toraota pouvralavl, an elegant border plant In moist, . 
 partially shady situations ; flowers, poicelain blue and rich 
 violet ; throat brjght yellow ) 6 inches ; , ....... . 10 
 003. — Whita Wlnga. novalty laso. 
 The color is unusually attracliva, befng pure white, with a 
 slight flush of rot* at the throat, and b a decided break from Iha 
 color hitherto known in this genus. The Toreniaa make one of our 
 best vaK and basket plants, on accoaat of their thrifty habit 
 <?C,-,'.„.:':/^';: -.-»;>/ 
 4s *' 
 and profusion of bloom, and.only recently Jfiv it be«n 
 known that they are well adapted for ^ging* awl 
 borders, in the open gioiftnd, growiiig^,*nd flowesirg 
 Imuriantlyih the warmeit'and sannieit titnation*, 
 ne ontil frost Tbey aie eztentively nicd in 
 parks for this ptorpoae, and the long tows, 
 I inche* high, tr e e a eee dihgly h ieantiftifc — Thi* 
 new variety, "White Wings," will be even mora 
 showy for this parpoie. W« highly recommend tU«. 
 Price' per pkt., f 5c. 
 Vqq will alway* have, oor order* for all Seed* 
 leqoifcd. S. A. WbsLkv, ClementsviUa, N.S. 
■OTMC*— TIm Mmmcf ao««(lnu lluUx ut > motl uh(uI tnil litllllaal c\»u ol Auwn*. and in tM«;(>inln( mof* |K>|iuUr cvt i)r yni, l»ih •mor||l 
 " alio will mil he foivsiHcd urilll Hvtia fioiii»*<>f CI. •<> th«l IhOTt will bt ■<> <UniE«i ul injuiy on lh« way. Whin 
 III nol be (oiwsid«d urilll wvtl* fioil««t<>*ci, •<> th«l IhOTt will b« ■<> <UnK«i ul injuiy on lh« w», ' 
 Cualomeit muil mil, IIMitfiirt, 
 11 rtiila ind unataiMt rraiy whai*. Bui . v .^ ... ».. „ i» 
 BulU aiaofdaiad •tlhicadi.lh.aw.il Willi* fotwaidfdai. mc«,««4fc»lb««« iow ••Iba w«^»ar|«r«»ta. - „ , ^. 
 faildiiappoialad Ulhay dj not find (ha l.ulba in iha Aial paclia|«. arAll Uullia and Howaiing pUfflaacnt by mail, poU paid on racalHl M* I'llcrt* 
 AM AKVLI.H, or " Kxi«lNT»' STAa-L'lu. 
 JImapyllis op K.nigJ2t«' Star-Lily. 
 An lntaia«ling claaa or planli, deaiialila lor Ijowinf In poll, pioducinifihaWy, III) ihaptd 
 flowcri «hlch aia vciy alliaclWa and handiomc. The bulba ihould be polled In lU'h, landy loam, 
 with ijood drainage. The bulb li of vigoioui K'owlh and well lepayi the care i«i|Mii».l, li«in( al 
 moat luie lo bloom Ihc Aririaaion. if planted nulilde after ipilng flowering it ma kn a Rood 
 giowlh, and it ready for a Mcond bloonrnK in the fall. Tliry leiiuiie aliurdanl mniitule when 
 i rowing, l>ul al Ihehr icaion of reil, water thould be uiven rparinKly. Our lUirii ia very hne. 
 Ifnarylll* formo^l^lmA (Jacobean Ulyj^daikcrimiunlloweri, with nioit charming 
 and giBcelul a|ipaar4Ab». Ta« hulba ara dormant during Iha widltr, and can b« prfiervvd 
 like the Dahliaii 
 _D0f||UI0a. — Thia la parhap* the fincil Amaiyllii in cultivaiion t very laiKe caimincred 
 Tfiaac Bsgoniai now 
 rank among the lineal 
 bnlba for aamiMr flawai- 
 ing. A plant praaanta a 
 moat magnificent ^hl, 
 and ia (pverad with llow- 
 . era the whole icaaon. Onr 
 Collection ia magnificent, 
 compoced only orihe'n«iw 
 gigantic flowered aorta 
 which have been ao great- 
 ly admired. 
 All Oolorab mixed; » 
 for 7Sc. ; each, aOc. 
 theae produce double 
 bloaaoma of varioaa 
 olora and great beaaty 
 flowcri, wllh a bar of while through the centre |>clal j the whoir lurhce flicked and luf- 
 fuicd wllh ahadingaof while ; a.auie l>l<K>mei, and one that allihinild have 9^9^^ 
 —Hybrids •fVlttettt. Scollfigi fiom caicfuliyhylutdlred iilanta, ard may Iweapected 
 lo (iioduca flowell of laie lieauty of k<><hI liie anil in varied colon 00 
 JeltnSOfll, an e'cgant pot plant with wine ifd ciiminn floweitt inchei in diamelti i each 
 petal itriped with white. Flower ^lalk 3 fl high, with clutleri of ,1 lo bloonii , . . 7fl 
 (One each of ihe above fiSur yaiieliea for only $2.00;) 
 THB OlAfiT PINIHV liiljV. 
 Iliiii M 9IM of iha good naw tlilii|« of which w« hav« ItMO u- 
 cii«i«Ullni «n tudiniiou^ niock thai «r« m«y |iv« ti lo oiir cutUMitan 
 chaap. Ii Ua mtmtwr of lh« Ainarylli<t family, ih* hullA bcini » 
 l«r|ia and m>Ii(| a« a medium viud oniuii, ami ithtiuld Im plaitud in lh« 
 apring, *ith«r in ih« o|>cn ground or in |>oi>t (ihey du ai wvll <>n« way 
 u iha oih^r), wh«r« ih^y will bl»«mi frcaly hiohi uf ih« tummar, band- 
 ing u|) Iwauiifiil lily like while hlo^i mt un ticntti itn lo Aftfcn iiichtu 
 high. Iha (oliaga 14 itiiiia long, anti of |>«>riiliitr lavandar graaii coltu^ 
 In tha lall the ImiIU ^hnuld lie lifted, and kepi dry over winlar, llkt 
 Gladiolui. Ii i<t one «f iha ca>ie«i uf all IiuIIa i> arow, al>Mduialy nura 
 lo kluom fraely, and the Iwauiiful, pure, fairy lilta hloiaofni are avrr 
 lovaly. Wa hopa we offer tl ai a prica lh«i will laipirt all lo plant ii^ 
 Slronf buIlM, raady for immcdiaia hloom, Itk. aach, lo«r for oOc. 
 A KUptrb plant, 'iha flowan are bohM 
 on long gracefully curvtd |ialk«, delicate 
 rosa-colorcd and white, with purflall|to, 
 and prcMnling whan in full bloom ■ iron- 
 droutly beautiful appearance It will tn* 
 dura the coldest winter without protection 
 IN«l|f«rM siMOtaWlltai par do«. 
 : ^ i L- 
 2|L Adoqis Vei<xiqlis, 
 A hardy perennUl border flower, blooai. 
 JM >n May,. |t hat bfantiful cap-thapad 
 yellow flQWcra, and handioaie follago— 
 coltivatioii very eaiy, each. We. 
 tap flower 
 plant, naltv* fd MmIco ami 
 ractntlylnlf aMc«ainioi:ulii- 
 valion. It fth«Mild 1»« irtalttl 
 in all r««p«cuUli««<ilatllulufr 
 a* II \a alHctlf « Kunmar 
 flowaring Wlh. Tha tlowari 
 mn ptira waiiy Mhikt, two 
 tfichai In 4Ufnat«r, ol' a ttar 
 •hapa, ant hun)« usnatly in 
 paU« on lotitf «Und«r tUniH 
 ll it vary banuiiful a»pacUUy 
 firetmioK at ic I'utt a long 
 iImm in waiar loo muih 
 pi^iaa 1 annot b« tMtlowed 
 Kiliu lovaly flower. It 
 «t avaryoiMi ant) «hould 
 own vary brgaly. When 
 Kiwn in cimnaction wiih 
 «ftera KUgant and ('ycio- 
 b:ilhra Klava ih« cfTtciMtno-^l 
 Ltrg* qiianlltin n( iImm arc now 9<vH for ram- 
 mer and fall decoration, and nothing caneqtial 
 ine variety and gargcoui 'coloring of thea^tirna- 
 menial leaved plants when grown oq verandai or 
 in iituationi partially ihaded. They are eatily 
 grown, thriving in pol> or boxea in the houie or 
 in ahiiled lituations oiit-of-dnori. Tha bulbi 
 ■h'tuid be dried off in October, and kept in a 
 warm, dry place during the wintsi. They a)>ould 
 b« itaried into growth aboat May lit. (Stt tut.) 
 40c. each; 3 for $1.00. 
 Caladium EgQulentum 
 Aa a ringle plant fgi lawna or large flower beds 
 it has no sapcrior. Commonly called " Elephant's 
 Eara." Each, 25c. ; S for $1.00. 
 I h»v* uHd your tndt for lh< laMaight jrmn and 
 And Ibna Iha flant qualllT. J. !>. WHkinaeo, Bwra 
 LiPge Flowering 
 Frenelj Carinas 
 The spikm sniMwhai measMe Otadtohn. bat 
 ihali aiui h niiit* >»llh*nt rnliHs >h<i« grandly 
 agatntl Ihdr liopkal lulUg* j lh«y lilixini urn 
 liiiually dating ih« •■mnwr aMmiha wlihoiii In 
 larmlMliin fxini jana until hual. 1h« (lowers 
 langa In i olor rmni tha daaiMsl riinium to light 
 y«ll<iw, torn* Ixlnu Itrauilhilly ai<iiil»l lllia lh« 
 lin«tt Oiehldi. Tha tiMiii may lie kepi over 
 Ititm yaar to year like the Dahlia <k (iladiolaa. 
 ■ hamani, cntlraly dltllncl rriiiii all other 
 (annas, Its rich graan tropical fidlaga r^ 
 srmlilInK the Musa or lUnana. The liowera 
 are .1 Inchea long, and II Inches wide, of a 
 glowing crimson colof. Kach Mte. 
 «abua%a Pertaetai, ihia variety will grow 
 fully H ltd hlxh, with Immense Uaves 4 (nI 
 long by 1 1 led «lda i of deep lironie and 
 green colors. Kach, HAr. 
 Xebi*lB«, very dwarf, with deep bronsy rullage. 
 Kach, !Hlc. ' -m . 
 |iiaa4, Unnamed vnrl«lia«, tackJUc., ptr dot, 
 A summei flowMng bulb reinirinj^ the same 
 trralmeni as the (iladiolaa. || is > «f(l(ndid 
 companion to Milla BlflfW|^ m it grows alxiul 
 the ai^ma height and amkn with ihMt lovely 
 flower a prMty conMaat The floweta are one 
 inch In diameter, d»«i«>in( in clusters, Ane 
 scarlet with a white tiand ' trough the center of 
 each petal. It is c^ily grunvn anu sure In please 
 all. Native of Mexico. I'rice lOc. each i per 
 dot. $1.00. 
 Th< rolUiwInc ««il«tiM wtr* tptcUllir wIkimI ahll* In llu««f, tiHi tit 
 ■■KHig lh« niM*t •hoar *«it«ilM ttown **«* •olMdlon of ihu iMrauitlul llo««t 
 UniyAiM. Pl«ni l)ahll««, la ih< |ioun4 whan .Ik* MMam baciMiiM mum. 
 ThcM rharaihia Howck lovt « itch hiaiii. A Mihlir toll mint Iw ihotinighly 
 •nil(h<il vilki ulil aUliU Wtnui* lo Inau)* • cmiH nop of llu«(i> ; «*iti 
 ih'icfMuhlf oii<'« • wtak, ami aiifar 'ha hillaK* rr«<|uanll|r , lUk* tach |i|«|il, 
 11* aatnay |fo«r up In tha r*Mtahau|> riM>i««n<l •luff In etiUr, (it* fiom h «*l , 
 WVHiHIM T. AMaVi NaaMy an nut antl fini va*t«l|r, Hi**Ur • naw nam*, l>«tl .hi« thai 
 rrswIlliKMiliy In maililitl !• aura la ulaax ll Ulun«< ui Iha du* iil rail'V HahlMa. nhlih 
 ara «i<.aa>hiiiily iMMuilful wh«M thay tiMna una lii *.y4«»r Wa ara Cit-iA^laitl ll will flaaaa nut 
 • uMiHMar*. ihaf«f<t«« ia4al«>«Ma ll ll Im ilaili Vfif, wanly anil ill^llnilly <lil|i«l allH galdaH 
 ywllMW, Mriil •I>i«l4a aiiif vary hanilMina, !taa em t^fifiiMlla 1*1118 tfV i*nl« 4a*h . 
 Dahlia. Woman in Wljite 
 T(il« h«nil*miv> Wtiiu lUhlla uf ilut larga H^wailnf <I«mi, t«>« Unuly trnUvrf, »tt4m§ ihal' 
 «««r<*ur« will mU* ilM||r«*i*ti ««ti»r*tiifm. I K« |ilaiiM ar* lll«r«tly t.ivstvtl wliK ^ur« .fi«w * 
 whil* Ihmtn. Sm • III ImH* t"^* ^^ t^«ni« aach 
 Etch, lUclBlit pat dm., $Si,Mt Ona of «aeh of Iba fullowlng 
 25 vaiiatin fui $5.0I». 
 eon4o», vary paeullar color, bulf, •hi<l«il wllh orangt. 
 ehaalaa Iil4g*», tiaap yallow, c(l|[«l wllh red. 
 ■ mpaaaa of Intfla.whUv Miipad with lilac, |iai(act rorm,Ur|{a. 
 fHamlngo, vaimilion leMlcl, vary ahowy. 
 filoiianoa Stank, whiia iliipad with puipic, bail of lla color. 
 Haatoa, large fliiwan of good form, chciiy led, 
 •laaokal, dailirich maroon, lipped wilh while, quilled flowara. 
 tfobn pofkoa, (awncolot, thaded with yellow, btrlpcd maroon, 
 tiahn Slandiah, rich etimann red. 
 Iiady lilldman, Ixight liUc, of good form, larg^apd allracllvc. 
 lioiid Olyda, deep warli^ line form. < 
 liovd Haiukl*. rich, re<r, flowert of medium lita. 
 Ill's. •■a<dl«, ydluw lip whltr— lomelimea ahi^deil red and 
 orange- ahvaya perfect. 
 Pantaa la Villa, deep ro(c,dBrk centra, beautiful large flowart. 
 Pammoth Quaan, rich blood red, very •tiiking. 
 Ufa. cnapahlon, white, deeply edged, with rotv purple. 
 ■aurudeaa, la|ge yellow flower, beautifully tipped with 
 Onlola, a yellow variety, deeply edged- wilh while. 
 Pnusaian, Pnitaian lilac, ol perfect form. 
 Piilnaa Hanny, rpay purple, ttripcd maroon. 
 Quaan Olab, white, edge* of cunt marked with cardinal red. 
 4)uaar> of PKlonnoaaa, beautiful prllmote y :Uaw, ilriped purple. 
 Sunbeam, chrome yellow, very fine, large flowert. 
 Suean Inqrmta, deep maroon,'vtiy richly colored. 
 Tflumph da Pa||a*,rich reddlih maroon, flowert of perfect form. 
 Thii superb collection took l^t 0r§t pritt il "The Induilrial" 
 tati fil|,ana it in every retpect unrivalleil. Ktch,.10c. ; ^r doi, $3. 
 Beauty, large, pure while, ettrt fine. 
 ■utteiif ly, yeHow ground, beautifully tiriped with cirmine, very 
 thowy. . ^. 
 Chalnman, buff, bright orange, very thowy, good form and tiie. 
 4aBsie QDelrtteiBh, brilllanl red, tipped with white, very thowy. 
 Uaaden, dark rich purple; producea a fine eflecl when grown wilh 
 lif^ler colored vaiietiet. 
 (nedeety, bluih, with light centre; large, wilh great tubitance, 
 CHagflia Saul, biuih, white edged, with purple, extra. 
 fflfa. Oox, bright yellow, being a pure color, it It very thowy. 
 Pten ee e, black, wry la rg e bloom. 
 This naw icctioo of lh« t>ahlift fAmily h«4 livctiintt •wMtdbiRly fMhlonaMv^ nwinti to lh« 
 .■.iQaailachcd lo tha cut blouitii.. thctr ^ ■ - ■ ■ - 
 nfvcr Bttainetl by this finfltl douItU Mbrla. 
 I nit naw MCMon Ol in« i/miiik lAmiiy na« iivctimtt •«c«vaiii||i7 iMnioruiiM*, nwinti to ma 
 vaIqb ailachcd lo tha cut blouitii.. thatr tti'Vt I'Uttartty-lilir fatmn living ihate now*ro a Krwa 
 'rh« riowam r»flft* f^foiH if lo 5 iniha^ in.ilianicirir. 
 ii crim40fi< 
 Auriltai very Ana yallow. 
 j^tn Oowflllli nuiro'iM.^iadcd 
 OIM Qoltfi^old^n yclluw, and Moielimei 
 markfed wiii( c*iiii»ui|. 
 ^«rilff«ff«t dark maroon, kliadtd" with 
 VI«toryi lurgr. whita eicrllanl. 
 'I'ha flowara nf iht^ beautiful claufi tr« Kmall, Miiialilc for iH^iutuau, tml aaparffcl in uliaiia - 
 »» any nf ih» \hnw vtrirtiat ; ihay ara fonirnnanily iniliipan^tbk in a ictiilrn. ^ . — 
 Peefeet Vallen, deep, rich cardinal red flowert, of good form, 
 very bright and ihowy. 
 Telumphaittf roty, |rurplc, ver^ fine ihape. 
 SkSDttee, very dark mi rooa. with white tipa,auraeti*eand thowy. 
 Thia B«w data of Dahliai hat u pa p aJ op u aniinly diffaranr aaclloft. They 
 aia talii— u l«l« Imvaan iIm doabla and linf k Taii< riaa, at Mculiai and vary 
 plaaaiag fonn, rteeiablint iOBWwhal loaia of iba JapaiMM ChrTunihamMma. 
 "Aaaortad varialiia, aiind, per dot. $t i Mch, 10 caott. 
 Sliquiana, derp orange u^rlal. 
 Llttla Nusa, daapi maroons 
 UMia MaHrtoa, bright acaklal. 
 LHtla iteaalia, <rraw color and pink, 
 Mlllpwtlauii amlitr color. , ' 
 Mrs, Deddei vemiiUon. 
 I white and magenta. 
 SnawrflaUia, a>hiie, gool. 
 Mamaaia, maroon, lippeil with while. 
 OupM, a perfcc-l . gem, whiles lipiwil with 
 Luvlllna, amiiar, very good. 
 HaelwtBpallwya, rcdriipped wllh while. 
 Each, 2.1 eentt; ptr dot., $2.8a 
 ^Plf ntt can l>e tent at toon at danger from froit it pattied— abeut firtt of ; 
 April— and will lie forwarded by mail (poti paid) on receipt of Adfec. 
 Oup : gladiolus : Colketioi) 
 'HB GLADIOLUS U ihe moit ihowy of •!■' flomring tnlb< ; b 
 flKt. DO Aow«r •4u*l> it for brilliuil dii^y, ttod Doo« an Hoto 
 •Milir gf^B. BujlM thMld bo pUuiMd in nm opn graaad, fraai 
 TL _ 
 Aki, do Hown •quail it for brilliul dii^y, • 
 •MilT growB. Bulb* •hoold bo pluiMd in IM 
 la« tt April toflrM of Juljr, ud Itwy |>ill bloom IVoai Jkif to Ociabor, 
 Plaai Ihroo inchca doop aod fo«r Incha uatt. Ib Octobor dw biilh* 
 •hoold bo lifttdi dfiod and notod Id Ibo ooltw ovor wiotot. Tbo* pro- 
 daco Iho flnau oflwl whon pUaiod in diimpi or bmooo, ud a bod of a 
 hmdrad or noro h a naiMiighl. Too much oaawM bo laid in pnfao 
 of oar ModlBf aad muiiim. Thoy will ptodaco • go n ouat amy of 
 choicooolort. Look at our unparallodoffor of! chokatocta (NT (W. 
 Thli roawrluUy fin* Oladiolai U Iho but wUioyot powB. 
 an aroll fonnod, of. oxcoptiMial mbMaiioo, and aro papor wUta, laadat 
 k IjOi llmo wMB cut. Spilna of good lin, and polals graooftdly 
 racurvod. Whoa planladlala, afaiu ihadoof pnrplooiitondahalf my^ 
 through tho lower polal. If,how«Ter.ipikos aro cut and plaoodlB wator» 
 no traco of pink will appear— a docidad a«qui*illoo. gK. aack i It Am- 
 Tha Mlowlac variadaa ara all aztfa laa, aa wa hava diacaMMI 
 all old, poar aorta, aad aAr tkaaa at vary l*«r prlo«a> 
 THtt Qam Collaotlon for B0«. «r Kghi 
 Nam*d diadloll. 
 Wo vaol ta iaduco all our cutooora to plant CUdioll, and taking 
 advaafago of an iauaoiiM itock. wo offer Inia splendid collec;lon at 
 about oae-third the ragular letaU pricea; They are all diuinct, hand- 
 wmm wad ^itivtfy tnu i» mvu. On laodptof Moentiirewill aaid, 
 post-paid, all of the eight earietiei here named. 
 >swilol»|» yw l«, bright yermllion-scarlet,' showy -....'. 10 
 "^ pure while, spotted poiplish-rbse ......10 
 .—j«S<tHIM|flowersUugaaod wide, rose, with canalae^nd. 10 
 in Bwll, while, slightly tinged with sulphur U 
 ■•i l l dili w t s dalicale me, with wMie stripe in oeatra of 
 each petal, carnline blotch on salmon ground 10 
 PrllM^SS'Wf WAMSy white, flamed with carminerrose; deep 
 carmine blotch i.i It 
 IMUM Buoh m ww, new, the finest yellow, for massing. ........ 16 
 CMslaithlai blush-white, with carmine blotch « IV 
 Apoton, rasylllae, roao bjwch, ttripad while . 
 AralnOi fine satin ro^ with brighl caraiine . . 
 * '•■white, very ehowy and effective,.... 
 iiMi scarlet cherry, tin^ with orange, flami 
 iml*) white, very ehowy and effective, . . 
 i^gmiiM, scarlet cherry, tinged with orange, flamed 
 carmine; pure while blotch ■ /. 16 
 while ground, slightly 4inKcd with tosrVflamed 
 with cnmson, lower peiala light yellow.. .1 SO 
 Jam— Oartar, light orangc-ied ; large pore white 
 bkitch - » 
 Lord ■«r«n, brilliant scarlet, blotched and flaked 
 witnJHire white. . tO 
 Nally, while, flamad with carmine-ioee ; large blotch 
 ofdarkcarmiR. 10 
 a*, . : . : _ 
 ati*IWllO t i,compaet trass, flosren flamed orange, white kaids down middle of each petal; large creamy- white blotch. 60 
 La OaiMlmtri white, lightly striped with carmine-viokl ; nearly pure white Ifc 
 laiWI'll. large flowers of cherry color ; slightly tinted with orange, blued with red ; ceniie well lighted, very large. Wr 
 (Mara, luhl orange ted, tiiiaed and flamed with carmine: while Uoich.. S6 
 Mai I li a WaahiWgtOIl, light yellow, Isjge siie, well ananged spike, tower petals lingtd'wiih rose t6 
 niMlaa, brilliant purple, tinted with violet ; large pure while bloloi. feathered with carmine<herry t6 
 ■•kart Portuiia, osange-lake, shading off to puiple<rinMon, veined while W 
 Hal LaapaMf blush-niae, slightly suffused with orange and shaded dee |> cunant-ied ; while blotch 86 
 Van Oyak, cnmson amaranth, striped with white. — . t6 
 TanaBIa, rose, slightly tinted with viokt, flamed with dark carmine ; large while blotch, feathered with carmibe. . . 10 
 AmM Paaha, scarlet Itower, of a bright shade, with a large ivory-white blotchj^oldrn at the edges 86 
 •aranaaa Binadatt-Oasrtta, delicate lilac, tinged wiih rose, flamed e^i^puiple ; spike very long ; flowers 
 unusually larKe ,.rr^ ...... 06 
 Qanaral ntlL Sharman, long spike of fine red flowen of Urge sise ; distinct white line ronning through each 
 petal ; a large while blotch on lower divisioo.; a remarkable and showy variety. *.....'. 66 
 Matint Ktna, loog spike, flowers of most brilliant velvety-scyrlet, streaked with deeper scarlet at the edges ; while 
 band in centre of the upper petals. . ^ :...... 1.00 
 PraaMant Unaain, an exo 
 tceodingly showy variety ; strong long spike ; flowers large, with blush-white ground ; 
 the edges of the iie'uls suffused with briiihl rose ; lower division fwavily blotched and finely lined with crimson.. 76 
 T atl aj ^ a , lovely and very distinct flower ; pure white, suffused with rose and striped camiiAe at ihe edges ; lower 
 ' petals pale roee, largely blotched and striped with bright violet. . . i , .^ 00 
 ■ > ^_ : ^— . : ^ -. — ^_ ___ 
 lara an« WhNa MIxatf .. 
 natf Ml>a4i 
 Each per dos. per 25 per 100 
 10c. $100 160 jogo 
 6c flO 1 10 « 00 
 ...... 6c «0 1 10 «00 
 Mixed colors. Of all Gladioli, these are among the most curious and beautirnl. 
 The Odd and fascinating marMagsaf the flower <, and their beautiful shape resembles 
 the faaciaating beauty of-lhat n'ot of all flowen, the Orchid. Yellow, crimson, 
 white, beown, green, rank, etc, an all blended logciner, producing an effect seen 
 in no otlier flower. Seed which will bloom the second year, 3»c. per pki. ; large 
 bulba, Wc aach ; S for 60c ; It for tl.76. 
 The following beautiful Gladioli are hardy, and can be lefk in the gronnd over 
 winter, or stored In the cellar, same as ordinary varieties, aa may be desired. 
 Pi aaaoaillialMas bntuy yeltowish-green ; an odd and curious color. each 26 
 ■atunclaraanL a grand variety, bsatug beautiful light scarlet blossoms, the throal 
 of which B thickly apolied with whfie; unlike any other son each 60 
 Braantanua, crimson-purple ; Orchid-shaped floerere ; early- .each 10c, per dos.l.OO 
 AbotfaThraaVarlaMaa,MI«aJ.. ■-----....... " «.00 
 TRITOMA UVARIA (R«d-Hot Poker) 
 A very showy summer-flowering plant, bloom i n g freely in any good garden soiL 
 'Plant eariy in Spring and Mti roots in the fallt or protect carefully during the winter. 
 Each, SOc. ; per doi., 4S.oa 
 IRIS (Flowerinc Flmc— Flenr-de-Lia) 
 Very beautiful flowering bulbs, which an deservUig of mon extended cnmvation ; their rich and varied colors of blue, violet, imrple, lilac, white and yellow, render thea 
 tUaciiTC. They an of the easiest culture, growii«bcely la any soil. The bulbashouM be planted early, as they do not keep w^ll out of ground. 
 Eadi Par dot. 
 ■nSllail(Anglica).9lendid mixed varietieB.... 6c. $0 40 
 ■nSIMi, UMint itana, pare whila 10c 100 
 •paniail|b 16 choice naisad sons of giaalbeBBty.. 6c OdO 
 0annanlaa|CaeTarielyilarf»iowen....r..>k;..rn>»...>>i.. lOe. 100 
 Each For doe. 
 scented, splendid 6c OM 
 (Japanese). >An excellent variety, flowers very large, 
 from pun irUte lo deep Mae, haautlfou* 
 Wc S 00 . 
 varying in 4slor from pun irUte lo deep Mae, haauti 
 ■ sis^atg^-mi 
 pUv, and Doa* art son 
 in tlM opm graaad, fnMi 
 n fVoii Jkir to Ociabar. 
 . lo Octobv Iha Mb 
 OW wiolM. Hm* ptO- 
 r BMM«, ud k llM «f > 
 oaaMM uMin pniM 
 K* ■ (orgtont ■mjr of 
 choka tocU ttt aw. 
 cut aad pUoadia waMr, 
 loo. aK-Mch; KdM. 
 u wa hava diacairdati 
 try l*«r prleaa. 
 o«. «r Ughi 
 inl Gladioli, and Uking 
 I splendid coll«ci)on at 
 r are all diuinct, haod- 
 if to oeati *■ win Mod, 
 efelR SEhEGTEB gaiLcetioN or LiILIES 
 THB rliua 
 M fttripo in caatra of 
 ind , 10 
 cannine:roM ; daap 
 ilttttm ••• 15 
 rormani^......... 16 
 ... ....R U 
 ed ; largo pan whito 
 blotched and flakad 
 . » 
 ne.ioM ; largo btoich 
 croamy- whito blotch. fiO 
 II lighted, very large. 1^ 
 h roM S6 
 herry t6 
 «ch 86 
 . ..,; ib 
 ercd with caraiilte... SO 
 edges. 86 
 o very long ; lowors 
 ronning through each 
 tat the edges; white 
 binsh-white ground ; 
 r lined with criBMNi,. 76 
 e at the? edges ; lower 
 efk in the ground over 
 r be desired. 
 ts color, each 26 
 blosMNns, the throat 
 irt each 60 
 .each 10c, par dos.l.OO 
 , " S.0O 
 ully during tlia winter. 
 iid yellow, reader theai 
 ^m^'.^ - 
 f I HH Iorimi.— The well.known beautiful 
 snow-white, fragrant, har^ jkrden Uly, flowers 
 trompet-ihapcd, 6 to 9 inches long\ Height, I) lo 
 6 feet ; and in the op^n ground, blooms in June 
 and July. Price each Uc.; per doi., $I.M. 
 W«ll«o>l. - A magnificent Japanese variety, 
 with beautiful clear buff flowers, spotted with 
 black ; very distinct, and one of.the finest Lilies 
 grown. Price, aach^ 60c. 
 ■MOalaum (OaftUim»m).—Thit stalely form, 
 beauty of color, and delightful^ fragrance of this 
 variety has made it a great bvnrite wtteKver 
 known. It grows from 6 to feet high, and pro- 
 daces from to it nodding Lilies of a delicate 
 light buff color. Price, eaci* 40c. 
 •uparfMim — lleauliful and rich as many of 
 our native Lilies are, this far exeats them all, bear- 
 inc a pyramid of yellowish.red flowers; bloomi 
 early in July; in good soil it frequently reaches S 
 faet in height. Price SOc each ; S for Sa 
 OOUM* TICW UlfiTierimmm Fl. PI.)— A 
 ^plaiit of sutely habit, growing from 4 to 9 feel 
 high ; foiige dark green, very long, bearing an 
 immense number of double, bright orange-red 
 flowers, spotted with black. Price, Itc ; 4 for 60c. 
 ]^qdoi|qq liily. 
 .«>*"W«»«IJ (Whlt««tel»*«ll tll»».-One 
 of the oldest and bast for ont-door decoraiion. 1 1 
 is also one of the bast ferdag UUes fur florists on 
 account ofitsuow white flagrant Uoasoms. .Pric< 
 per doi., $1.00; aach, 10c. 
 i>ura Pearly while, deliciously fragraal, apd i remarkable profusion of liloum, charac- 
 teriie this charming and celebrated Ka.sier l.ily. It is oUe of the grandest aci|uisiiJons made 
 In many years. Its popularity anil ules have increased wooderfully and deservedly, for without 
 exception, it Is one of the most valuable bulbs for winter flowering in the house, A profuuon of bloom 
 may be had from Christmas until spring (if a number are planied and '-'brought in " al diO^crcnt times.) 
 Bulbs aftstr flowering can ba ripened and rested a couple' of months by withholding water, and will then 
 ptoduca another crop of ifowers frequently equal lo the first. Ii is a magnificent variety for Church decora- 
 liaa at Easter, aad lans of thousands are grown for this purpose alone. The flowers are pure white, 4 to 6 inches long 
 land fiaduaiiily more), and of the most .delicate fragnnce. 
 HllO*a or THB TIIUK •HMUD* ■ASTIR ULV aULBa.- Bstra Lars* Biilb* 7 to » 
 Inches in circumferenc* (produces 10 to SO flowers), 26 cenu each ; 5 for $1.00. 
 Coral Lily of SibGPia 
 ^.^•nulfoilum.— lliis superb Lily is entirely 
 dul inci from all others. The jierfect symmetry of 
 the entire pbfil. foliage and flower is wontlerful. 
 Its spike of siXflei flame-like flowers, is held erect 
 like a flambeau at night. The leitiire of the flow- 
 er is like a piece of poral of the most brilliant red 
 we ever saw. Set off with most telling contrast 
 wiihils graceful fern like foliage of emerald-green. 
 The foliage is slender and graceliil. It is a native 
 ofSiberia, and very hardy. Blooms very early in 
 May or June, and has frequently 27 blooms. Plant 
 in loose soil, with good drainage, with lop of bulb 
 3 inches below the sarfiwa. Pnca, each, IMc. ; 4 fdr 
 J^ympliieq Odoi<qtq, 
 iillilir2y[ iLinjiLTlTM % («'ATBii LIL10 
 (Yam Yuia, or Hill Uly of the Japanese.) 
 Th« OoMan-iantfad Qwaan •T'UIIm. Ivory-white 
 ground, richly strewn with purple studs. The centre of each petal has a 
 broad band of yellin)^ extending from lip to base. We offer, this season, 
 a large stock of thif 'peerless variety, which, beyond question, is the 
 grandest of all the Lily family. Fully expanded, the flowers measure 
 nearly a fool acrou, an produced abundantly, and possess a mott 
 deticions fragrance. Price, 2Sc. each ; 6 for $1.U0. J 
 Jy»Mfc«» b Ika wan known double while 
 Vater or Pond Uly. The coltlmtion is attended 
 with little diflkaliy. The roots slioald ba obUinad 
 in the early spnng, and placed in a tab from 18 
 inches to 2 feet in depth, put in fl inches of rich 
 kam, barely covaiiiw the tabers, and 111 the caak' 
 with water, replenixbing it as it loias by evapora- 
 tion. When well grown thn «aaiure A inches 
 ; the ibiiage U inches. Price, 8tc. each. 
 We ha«« alwayt fcoBd jroor leedt to gire the be<l,Mtiilactioiu—SbeUon Knight, Sudu, B. C 
 Year TcgetaUc leedt were eqnal to the best obtained ujrwhere and gave great latiifaction.— Dr. (ianliner, Laeknow. 
 The icedi wc got were imBeaae and could pot be equalled.— A. J, Street, Chilliwhack, K C. 
 ^ . i«MnbUag •omtwhat > minataie GladMai. It Ihiowt ap Mveral flown 
 ■pikeiMme 10 lachei loog, aad nnnwrow imtll tide tpilrai, maUag U nntilmgfj florifcr- 
 oat. Flowwi of • bright afaDga-nd, ol mott parfeet Cnrm aod jnaoa. One of the nactt (am- 
 met floweriog holba. Each, lOe. ( 9ibrSS& ; pci doa., fl.OOk 
 Oro»0>ml— llor a . Verjr Wga flowcn, of fine thapa i baae of the flower i« 
 bright otaaga, tpiinklad with purple ipoli, arraaged like a Tigt idia. Each, lOc. s 3 for 25e. 
 JSilExmoniA RadlocKXiM *^ 
 (Tnuapat Ctaeper.) 
 A iplendid climbing plant, tnitabie for covering dead Ireet, fenon, etc., with large 
 elosten of tnimpct shaped orange red flowen, bloomi in Augott, abont 3 iachee long, hand- 
 tome in bad, at well at in flower. The foliage it alto veijr 
 btaatiiiil, a collection oftmall leaflet! arranged npon a tingle 
 Item, beautiful for *ate and flower work. Thit plant it not 
 only midmirable climber, but on the lawn makea a pretty 
 iree>formcd bath, if toM are cut back, having the appearance 
 ofawaapfaigthmh. Each, 40e. -^ 
 No plalSt hat a more familiar toand than the name 
 Honeytuckle, it 'it one of the oldett and mott popu- 
 lar upon the list of cliiabert. 
 HallMUia (Mali's), neatly evergicen; fluwen 
 pure white, changing toyellow, covered with flowen 
 Jane to November, with fragrance tike a Jettamine. 
 Large roott 80c. 
 SWMt-SemitMf , a fine, hardy grower i flow- 
 en large and eaceedingjy tweet ; color, baiT, yellow 
 and red ; a conttanit bloomer ; one of the fineat. 
 Large roott, 60c 
 RmI OonUp a hardy rapid grower, taitab|e for 
 rock work, etc ; bright red, trumpet-thaped flower. 
 Large roota 80c. 
 ^ Kk%' -.'•,»»>i .*• <- . * -ir ■ 1 
 ^ v<\ . -;>-' 
 *V;:»~ -^r-'/. 
 .vN^-^"'>- r^v 
 ' v» V^"rlt*l 
 : ii--^< 
 'ir. , * **% 
 '\*' -. 
 .>• — 
 --^-i'''.-^W- ■'"■ - 
 ^ '\ 
 "^ ivv 
 '^^A^^iJ^^a2^ " '. 
 : . -mi 
 M^m^^'y;. , 
 ^,'- :*• 
 • - - -ji. 
 71m R«w«ra of thb wall knonvp tod poiialar 
 pbm at* wuv wUii, deubk, ud tit fn«»al u 
 to iMrfiiai* lb* 2)>ok BtnMwpiMn (m MeM dlf. 
 laim uiMad. tlMy an omIbI for famine >>«■ 
 l«o-hol* botumu, in laraa beoqiMU, or ufloti* 
 •PKiMM. To aiow TalMraw 611 An-iach poll 
 Nurfall of cov auuiun, aod tho remainder with 
 nod lidi aarth, mixad with sand. Hlani the 
 ImiIIm in Ihia m April, water moderately, hasten 
 growth by patlinf in a warn, lighf place. When 
 weather becomes wiirm, plunge pots in earth oat 
 or doors. Tbevusuallvllawer before cold wMiher 
 IB Autumn ; a their do not they can Ik brought 
 in, and will blooui in the house. The bulbs can- 
 not b« saftly sent by mail bebie April lit'; each 
 10c; par do*., TSc, per 100 KOa 
 (Richardia Alba MapiUta.) 
 , Plant always omamenial, even when not in 
 flower. Dark green leaves being spoiled with 
 white ; in other respects the plant » the same as 
 the white Calla, except being of smaller habit. In 
 addition to its unefulness as a pot plant it makes 
 a Rae thing for pUnting in the garden in the sam- 
 ■-" rs* CBt.) Dry bulbs, each, Mc. 
 area success in every respect. 
 D. WatsoB, Dandat, Ont. 
 Nothing it to valuable for edging the bordert ot walki 
 •t flowei-bedt at Oxalit. Balbt, when planted three 
 inchet apart, produce an unbroken row 
 ol elegant foliage and pretty flowert ; 
 planted the first of May, will be in 
 bloom by thefirtt of June. In Autumn 
 ^ they thould he lifted and ttored in the 
 c;tltr like (Jladiolut. No flower it 
 easier grown than thit ; they tucceed 
 in all toils ; charming when grown 
 in potK and mika a very attractive 
 matt of fine foliage and gay flowert. 
 We knofr of no bdlb which wiU^ive 
 .10 much tatitfaction at thirn. Lift in 
 antumn. Red, yellow Ud white 
 nixed-; each Be. ; dot. 'flOe.^ [_ls_. 
 Charming pla 
 difBcnlt.,;a groi 
 $neooe;<he CO 
 really uuignifica 
 ■atisTactiah. A 
 A lovely litl 
 three pelaled, c 
 ted with browi 
 allied to the Cal 
 ful Rower, it d 
 blooming, and* 
 flowering bulb, 
 lakeBapin the 
 lu foliag* n na 
 a pretty little fl 
 other bulba; bi 
 each, pcrdos. 
 wt ap Mveral flown 
 cioNdioKly florifcr- 
 M of the nncM turn- 
 MM of the flowet l« 
 acb, IOc.tSroi2Se. 
 on, etc., with Imk* 
 ) iachc* long, b«Dd- 
 Ol^iailTNb blbV oit dosa fibowan 
 ■rail kmnmiuid poiialar 
 ibl«, uid M fniff ul M 
 UMplMT* Cht Maw dli' 
 OMlal for famine iNit- 
 I bawiiMU, or uflagln 
 KroM fill An-ioch poll 
 •d tb« remainder with 
 with sand, flaal tiM 
 ur Biddtraiely, hatttn 
 rm, light place. When 
 lunf e poll in earth oat 
 rer before cold weather 
 >t they can ||e brouglit 
 lauM. Thebalbeoan- 
 befoie April lit'; each 
 [1 X^eaf 
 1 HacnUta.) 
 ntal, .even when net in 
 tt, pcin|( spoiled with 
 le plant » the same as 
 Ing of smaller habit. In 
 u a pot plant it makes 
 the garden in the sam- 
 bs, each, Stc 
 'T'HE prettjkit of all th* Bmch 
 . Flowtiing NircUini, and i* 
 th* loit crown .by ChloanwB for 
 tbcii New. Year feitWali. It la 
 ieaaily baadtetf, heart pure white 
 'floweri, with a lemon or orange 
 rap, and can be bioaght into 
 blooin when grown in water; Fpr 
 a window ornament they are'un- 
 9Httur«,thii exquiiite fllwer 
 lucceedi be>t in a vase or iUik, 
 about 3 inchei deep, which ihonld 
 have in it H inches, of sand, cov- 
 ered with one inch of gravel. 
 Place the bulbi on thii and fill 
 the di«h with water. If kept 
 ihaded till growt^bcgink, excel- 
 lent retttlti will W obtained. 
 Price, each, 2Sc., B for $1. 
 • ' ■< 
 tl'igridia grandillora) 
 Charming planu, being almost unsoroKUfd tar 
 beailty' of ^wir and richness in'ooloriiif^fWlIM 
 difficak Jo grow. Oar strain iswi'txeeadinglf 
 $ne ooe;<he colot* being very varied, they are 
 ivally magnificent aild cannot fail to give great 
 ■alisfactiah. Assorted colws, each 40c. ; S for $1. 
 CYCUBimillA FtHVA. 
 A lovely little bulb from Mexico, btodocinr 
 three petaled, cup shaped blossoms, vellow spot- 
 led with brawn, and drooping. It is cIomI* 
 allied to Ihe Calochortus, but unlike that beauti- 
 ful Rower, it does not succeed well for winter 
 blooming, and should be treated like a summer 
 flowering bulb, planted out in the spring and 
 lakenapin the fall, and kept dry over innter. 
 its foliam h narrow and gras> like. While it i* 
 a pretty little Aowe^ it & net so showy a* soma 
 other bulbs; but' lovely for cuttinit. Price lOc 
 each, pcrdoi. $1.00. 
 / . ?r 
 P««ao«k TIgoir ploaiov, , 
 fiaxlaan Shall pioaian. 
 Extremely hkndiome summer lowering 
 b^bt, growing about 3 feet high, pro- 
 ducing larse gorgeoui 6oweii, exquiutely 
 ipotted ; they flower very freely through- 
 out the summer, paiticniarty ii the bulb* 
 are planted in a warm tuony potiiion. 
 Haxiaaii Shall pioutair, TrigiUw 
 Conchifloia. . Dark yellow, large Ted 
 spots, 5c. each ; per dotcn fiOc. ' ■ * 
 'fpaaaoak Tlfla* piouiair, Tigrldia 
 (irandiflora. Very large bright crimton 
 centre, mottled with yellow, 8c. each*; 
 per dot. 75e. 
 Tha Whita Tlgav piooliair, Tigri- 
 dia Grandiflora Alba. Flowers large 
 ivory white, spoiled at the base withered 
 on a yellowish ground, forming a fine 
 contrast with the white pf-the petalt, 
 {Set Cut.) 10c each ; per dot. $1.00. 
 WhHta Saa 0«i4ll»clll. A PeruvUn Hulb 
 of easiest eulcure, which freely produces cluxters of larer 
 white flowers of delightful fragrance. ^ They may be 
 grown in pMs, in good, rich soil, and will bIcKm well in 
 the house or conservatoty. Plant ont in summer in May, 
 iilust be taken np in the fall, potted, and a little or no 
 wgter given untU the neat season, whenthe bulb will have 
 increased in siie and will bloom more abundantly. The 
 crown of the bulb should be set just below the soil. Price 
 Mceaiji, orSfor$|. 
 Oaltonla ot* HyualAthas Candleans. 
 31ii« pUot somewKkt reMmbUt the Vucc^, although 
 hotaolarg*. It throvt up .a flow«T*4iein ab^t 4 feet 
 high't oo which it beats from 26 to M pure white, bell* 
 shaped flower*. They arc vcnr gracefully hungi formin|t 
 an alnoet perfect pyramid. Tnejr are quite hardy, but tt - 
 . is wall to give them a slight covering for winter. St- ong 
 bulbs, eai^ SOc^ S for 60G. ^ 
 A rapid, lumiiiant summer climber, with thick waxy 
 loliagc, and fragrant flowan. Price tc. each ; 60c. per doi. 
 Have alerays had gold s ali sf a c tioo with your seeds. 
 Thoa. Colvell, Dorchester, N. B. 
 Wa like your seeds belter than any we have triad. 
 ' Geo. Wonley, Xefraey, Ont. 
 An^pelopsis Yeltcl)! ,/ 
 ThUcrpwiurapMlyM^th* old Virfiqta Ci««Mr,aMl 
 •lUlniiilidghiadiftylMl. /I cllngi Brmly to any wZU. liM, 
 . ^^]?* I***** *'* n>*ll.on jrounc |>Imu, which at lot n* 
 M u olim grMn brown cDlgr, ch*n|ii% lo bright wuhH la 
 , ■<|I<P"- A* lh*i>luii aoquir** age, ■'--' Iiiimnlii 
 •IM ThbmirlttyJMcoawa mon poptilar every tttvm, imi ii 
 . witliom qaation on of the very beMclimbidtplanM foe iMr- 
 viAbricli or iione walls ihft can be frown. Each ttc.; par 
 ooi. 9S.iO. 
 ' (The Old. Virilaia Creeper): 
 A Mroog r«|itd grower. ' Large dark greca klUie, 
 naaging in autnmn lo bitnie and briiht crlnuoo. Hardy In 
 the northrwatt. Large plant«, each, Kc. 
 (Tubcroiu-Iloalad WiMttia) 
 One of the gnmdeat and nuxt 
 beautiful climbing Tine* in enl- 
 tl*ation. It growl very quickly, 
 and attains a great height, makv 
 ing, with iU denie foliage and 
 beautiful flowers, a in,aM attfac- 
 tive screen. In vine and foliage 
 it resembles the common Wla- 
 taria. It blooms most profiiseljr, 
 bearing loveljrclusters of rich, 
 deep purple flowers, possessing 
 a strong, delicious violet, fra- 
 gnnce.* PUnt the bulbs 'near • 
 trellis, fence, tree, or wherever 
 a rapid growing eUmber is de- 
 sired, file bulbs are perfectly 
 hardy and need not be taken up 
 overwinter. A viae aomrtto 
 ind rive jiatiai^ci^aa<> 
 ahoold be ii'^tmy gtUMen^ 
 Eadi. Ifc. t three for ate. ;sii 
 for fl(»e. } Ihirteea fee $1.0», 
 dawila hu alikbU grealar paimlarily la • ihon 
 lime than any other ^1. Within a Ibw yean ll hae 
 baoonM thevfarariie climber of the woAd. It maliM 
 rapid growth, and protfitoea Iti beaotifttl ikowy low. 
 en In the gryalaet proAiahin until aalumn. ror plU 
 Ian cf.veraildai, trelll«e« or bedding in aaaaea the 
 ClemyU cannot beucelM. C /metmmmi U fiiUn. 
 atly dealrable for ihipurpeaa. 
 OtoifMtl* 4mmlKutmti the auMt ^{pwy of all 
 hardy clinitiere ; old plaauMnglilafSlly corned 
 With flower! of inleiue Violet bint, and tnm'ht 
 lotlilncNitlndianMter. See llluvrailoa. 
 UtWiMlw w ptmmtmm, flowed large, thMH 
 > ptira whitf, often from four to lb Inchea in diaaM- 
 ter ; one of th^^^t. , 
 •^pll a new and valuable perpetual blooMlag variety 
 tari W^ ■■■■■■■HrtO, veryfU'hviolel,a,<plen. 
 did variety. \ ^ 
 llanyrll, 1»«*, large ' par* white waay <ow«ia, one 
 of the beet i itroog grower. 
 •tasMlfhl, •owcndark piuplbh, bloaaoni early In 
 the t^awo , vary prgfuw. ^ 
 •l«IM,jight^rple,'i«l bar. \ 
 ttMlM*Wltn«,eKc«edbgly flna. 
 ilatii»aM<MV«lt«iii riowera laiBoaad djoaUt; 
 bright lavender blue. > Mailing plaata, «Kh<7t<!: ; 
 large plaau by expreu, |1.00; 
 ' Ab<nutlMcHaberor>Miidgit>wlK. I 
 bearing tmi purpla WI4hapcd flow- >.| 
 art. SmalEphtnu by nail, aacii Ma 
 ■ large plant,, 500. ' > • , \ 
 Aoon Floper 
 „. A »W"»P'<' «»<»»*»«'*>•. «»U* 
 will aaiily cover a .turface of ItiiU' 
 feet during the lenion. At night i^mI 
 during dull dayi tile p^ntt are covt 
 ^red «]lh an abundance of large, pare i«' 
 whu* ftagi^t flowaie, S to f inchea ^ 
 In dia m e t e r .^ OaedDfihanmaiahoiqrl 
 of the aaaual.cHmhere) mry ramdltil 
 j|rowar..Eadi, lE ; |ier d< " ^^ 
 Lgiowia t 
 Icavea, itight 
 I let 
 f valioa. 
k/ ' 
 ■Mr poiNiUrilT la • ihon 
 nUiia • Ibw rmn h Iim 
 >f iIm mAd. Ii ■ukn 
 ■• bMiiiirt)! ikewy low. 
 unlit •uiunn. For plt- 
 iwddlng in WHM Ih* 
 C JmtkmmtU U pwika- 
 lh« BMl Apwy of tU 
 K Mug litartlly comad 
 okt blac, aad n«ai fear 
 8m lllu^ruion. 
 « llowm large, iilaMii 
 ir lo «b Inchn lo a 
 rpttual Uooaiiiig nritly 
 i*rcn laif • aad dJMiM* ; 
 tiling plaali, «kIi<7N: ; 
 :HailMror)Miid grawit. 
 purpla WUhapMl Binr- , 
 tnu by mait, aach Ma 
 It ' • » . \ 
 lid gnnrina via*. y/HAr 
 ver a .iuifaca of ttiiU' 
 I Haaon. At nUu aad 
 yi lib pl(iBtt art cott 
 modanca of largt, para V { 
 I tonn, S lo { iiKMa 
 OaaaflhalaaMof alloal^loot flovaiina-^lanu. Vouag BlanU floompraAiMly Ik* flnl Maion, aad ihay rAaia 
 -i...-^. . -■ _ (a baauiy. Avid* and nplaai, la Hiany •UaMkaaad 
 Aaai y«ar M yaar withoal nratacilan, aad jiiray* incr«ulng (a baauiy. 
 rkbioit. Bach, U^ ; par d«a., {1.00. 
 ---..--■« irhilf, a I _„ 
 Ofcart— 0>Wnl» dark lUac-roM, flaa larg* «a«A. 
 i LAtk njemiwmum 
 OM K M— I lllvtor*, bright lalnoa, rad, Urga 
 tloarair. • 
 L«ttM|l^ich iwlinpn.ciJniMpaya, alarga laafcrnNd 
 Mttr«l»«lf't^Alll«n<, rad •lata, colortd a<rip» 
 MCTMiryr Ana, pura whiia, lighi nnaaya, good tiaaa. 
 T> •. W«r*i Itlac uriprd, a vary diaiinct 
 •. Swanatafti rich bright biim 
 UM|oa, of An* 
 ' Magnificont'hu^jri^aiiU, al- 
 mogi rivaling the Rote in bril-. 
 liancjr of coloi and peifcctipn of 
 Uoom. Tbey thrive in almofclf 
 •by toll 01 litiuitioD, and .when 
 ipUnted in large clumpi oh the _ 
 iawn niak* a magnificf ntdii^Iajr 
 of Bower Bikd' foliage. JBine t.f 
 fhc varieties are very fltagrant.^ 
 Thejrateperfectly hardy, require ■ 
 little Ok no care, and produce, 
 larger and iiner< VIoomi when 
 we)l-e»tabli»hed. The vaiittiet 
 offAed' embracfe the beat con- 
 trasting CAlois. Each, 2fic.: 
 per 10, $2.00. 
 (Abysalnlan Banana) 
 Tha noblAt of all planis i» ihc graat Abyiainian 
 Baniuia. The leaves are magnificeril, long, broad 
 and maiuve, of a beaulirul green, with' a broad 
 crimua midrib, ft feat high. During tha hot 
 •ummer it grpwi rapidly, and altains gigantk pro- 
 poriiona, producing a tropical effect on the lawn ; 
 requires a very rich bad;itor* in cellar during 
 winter, with a covering of »$|il*" Plants, Sin. &0c.; 
 seed, per pkt., 2lic. , ' i* . 
 I la 
 cUabar poiaaaaas tba rarp quality of «n)it- 
 iu flawan the dallrfhtfal ederof tha chinaaloa, 
 rary apprspHataly caliad tha " Oanaaoa Viae." 
 taghr, tiw.ataaa dying dowa every antunm, but"' 
 4Wpto rapid^ ia tha iprAc » to completell^ 
 ' trdlh ar a ib oi vai j rWiy la the laaaoo. Itiaai 
 it not afetid 1^ dnMh.'^i will nudu fioa t«i 
 ' f ie trf viae, aad with iu beantiital heart-shaped 
 t arfaapacliliaeMliga, aaddattarf of delicate 
 bjr far ana «r the aiatt jsafaiMa cUftbers in colli' 
 BalbB,CftM'kae..arHi).perd<M..«oatipaid. - 
 We have a vety^lhrge and choice ooUactioo ot 
 one-year old plants that will bhwai thu year. No 
 garden can afford to be without a few of the m.' 
 Each, Wc.; per dor, $1.00. 
 No flower to easily wins our love aad keeps it 
 forever, as the Lily of the Valley- the tweetett, 
 moat delkate flmrer, being paiCtctly hardy, and 
 each succeeding year icwatdt the grower with 
 gicaterabnadanceof delicioaalyfragrant bkssoaai^ 
 Strang clampa, each, Mc. i 
 ■*, M 

 X^UOJHSHiVfSI fcifH»«roM»i»A^ 
 THIS magtaifictnt vuittjr mu laiacd and introdaMd by Mod*. Vktor Lcmoine. of Fiwctf and it 
 nndenUbly the mott perfect and doable white Fuchiia evai tailed. 'T||e ihott lube and tcpal* 
 •re a bri^t, rich rcddiah ciinuon color ; corolla extra large, full and double; flower of the laigett 
 site. In all, M*e color, it ii like rhcnoroenal. It ii of the moot robuit, apright growth, not coarse, 
 bill compact and very symmetrical. It ha* every qualif^ation to recoBucnd it— ^ise, fiecdcm of blocini 
 and good eonatilut'ion. Each, 3tc. (Stf cml.) . 
 /A' -' .■ ; 
 The new Giant Fuchsia. This i* a n«w sort 
 of great merit. The plant i* a tall, strong 
 grower, branching ttkc a tree. Its flower* are 
 of enormous sixes, aa large a* teacdps, and' 
 very doable ; sepals scarlet, corolU rich violet 
 purple. Each, 28c. iSt*<tit.) 
 This grand plant i* of the mioat bcaatihl 
 weeping habit ; the branchey drooping as they 
 do, lend the plant a charming grace, ifthiti^i* 
 rarely found; branches numerous, leaves 
 small and numerous, and of the most beanti- 
 fill glowing green; The buds ibr two week| 
 before they expand are halls of height 
 scarlet, and are 6ne of the principal beauties 
 of the plailt, a* they hang su»pended~'among 
 the dense green foliage. The flowers continue 
 tb'grow larger and larger for several dkys after 
 they expand and reach' an enormous siie.^he 
 sepals are of the same glowing scarlet as the 
 bud, while the large double corolla is of deli- 
 cate waxy whiteneas, clegactly pencilled with 
 deep bright eriiasoii. No finer contrast of 
 coW can be iasagined. Each, 
 (DoMui Vartorata) 
 A beautiful bamboo reed 
 TheUllestofall the 
 variegated grassies. 
 Foliage, bnutifully 
 striped with white i 
 leave* broad ; half- 
 hardy. Each, i2Sc. 
 TMsillrttlyaioliMteni. A pbat Uaat ihoold U in ewyganha, wT 
 out, that «ill fim ankira latiifacdoa. Tha Oomrt an ftOB thni to faar.iadiM 
 ia diamUr, at doalil* as aay doable Dahlia, and aant llw plant ftoa iIm 
 graaod to Iha top. Color, a liri(kt goldra yalknr. Ufa antntpataad as a cat 
 lorcr, at a Mana wba OMM atkar linran wUt aad bda ia a fcw hown, taMlm 
 AiUraircikarBnn. It fa ooa of th* WM dsibaUa flaats. hakeald hava a 
 Miaay pouiioii aad rich nil ; it is Juniy, bat than laaar placaa whrn it 
 raqaimptotoctioa. Each,tSc 
 Tbi* Variely retcfmble* Japonica in hwd^ 
 ne**, growth and bloom. The long blftdes 
 .are marked with broad yellow bands aero** 
 the Iea4 iiistead of longitudinally. The 
 markings Are unlike any other graak It 
 make* a very attractive enedmen plant iik 
 the lawn, and will not fail to attract alien, 
 tion. Each, SOc.i per doz., $8.00. 
 tbcjrare everywhere culliviletl. 
 Itiphatoa, a mow whitk row of ImmeDie 
 lice, the bud when full arowii rar ning from 
 two.lo ihKc iacbca in Icngih- When half 
 nowqi or liilljr open, it it Douibljr itartling 
 vy \t* tiie and ita puritjr. Each, aOc. 
 Papa Oenti«ir, tt magnifieent ttd Tea; 
 floWert lane and *cmi-dotable,'a vivid roie 
 telor, shaded > fdlg^, teverie of petal* 
 , crimson, frec'growicg and flowering pro- 
 fosely, ^cl|,aOc. 
 Pavla d«a Jandlnaa, tha <»e Tea.RoM 
 which, you cannot powibly afford to ^do 
 withqot. The color is faulfleu, whether the 
 waxy ^tals ahow the rich cream tint of cocl. 
 weather, or take bfi the rich golden shade* 
 which a warm SDAgive* thf m. Gael). ^• 
 P"- Paataui'. a v<^ lovely HermW pink, 
 unshaded, of immense sise, very double, 
 with /ecukved" petals, of' te>tw^ of' the 
 Camilla, beautiful when open ; strong 
 grower aaid constantly in bloom. £acb, 25c. 
 Urn pvaBM, the qaeeii <^f all the r6ses. It 
 is of ei^tra site, tstia double and of superb 
 fojtm, . No tote can siirpas* it in delicate 
 coleiing— silTfiy rose shades, with pink ; it 
 has a satin sheen over all its petals. It is 
 universally regarded as the most beautiful 
 and nsefaf of all rosed. Each, 15c. 
 padanaa Heata, one of the finest ; strong < 
 bush grower; flower of ivjf while,'bf even 
 tint, except in wttmer, wMn it changes to 
 •aaary ; fine glabalar pointed sbapedbud. 
 " Tha " rose ol the year.. Each, SSc. 
 ' Padanaa da iMatta villa. Color a beaati- 
 No flower is so universally |)opular as 
 tha Rote— the <^ecn of flowers— they aia 
 eveiywherc wanttd, arc nowhere out of 
 place, sre always admired, and aitetha 
 most valuable of all flowcis for bouquets 
 and other floral work. The " Svtr Bl**m- ' 
 iri" are alwaysln bloom, and Irum asmall 
 bed an abandance of liesuliful buds can bt 
 cut dady. As pot planli for winter bloim 
 I. 7Mt tttrti ^MmviHggotdi eus it in hvi- 
 ing vigorous and healthy plants. If the health Slid vigor 9f a plant is 
 allowed to sufliit from the time they are piopaasled vntlllargt enough to 
 b« sent out, it will never fuUv recover, but will alwa^i be a weak grower 
 and a poor bloomer. Knowing the importance of this, we uie every pos' 
 siblecaie to produce planls<pf creal strength and vigor, and It is for this 
 reason the plants we send out produce iuch an aanjMa/// large tmount of ^ 
 Iba higcst andiflnest flowerr. Those who plant our rotes ate sure to be delighttd wlih ihcm. 
 Tkereigreat superiority over most othtr roses utually sent out can be seen from the start. Our 
 ttmpMf system tfmailiHg Kesis and other pjants, insures their eetrryirig t» the remotest fart of 
 the DotuiHioM in ftrfett order. All ro. es Will be sent liy mail (post-|>aid), on receipt ol prices • 
 quoted. Thtyare all groitm upon their own roots ; strong healthy young plants. Orders »h«uld 
 reach uslnot later than the first of April, aldut which time thiy will le icnt out. KiiUly oidtr 
 early. \ , 
 . Te^ Koscs are celebrated the world ovitiui their delicious fragrance and the esr|uisite 
 form and rich charming tints of the floweis. Our list CGnipriies s< me ol the finest varieties in 
 caJtivation. Being more tender t]|ian any other Kones in the Catalogue, they rti|uire a house, pit or cellar toj>rotecl 
 ibcm through the winter. For blooming in the house during the winter, .they arc most desirable, 
 ■on Sllaisa, color, deep rose, noted for the uic and beauty of its buds. Each, SOc. 7 
 ■oagava. a^uperb roar, very large, double and full, dtUgbtfully sweet, tea-scented, color bronia rose or violet 
 crimson, delicately shaded witBHlar. Each, ISc. 
 CatbaflB* flaamat, the color i| pure silvery rose, illuminated at the base of petals with jcllow. Bach 20c. 
 fill creamy tcIIow, tioged'witb large tbcll> 
 like petals having a bright erimsott-yellaw' 
 hbiitti There it no otber iroac like it in 
 color. Tbit b the Tolip Roae of Europe, 
 ao called fh>m the leathery shading of the 
 Plavfa Oulllot. Bright, dszzling crimson, 
 fiassing to btiuiant carmine ; petals beauli- 
 ully veined with pu^e white; flowers large, 
 very double and full, a free bloomer, and 
 very sweet. Ode of the best for (|ie market 
 florut. Each, 
 piaa Htlial Si^ouinlotu, a .pure Tea 
 robust, with rich foliage, a free flowerer and 
 perfect form. 'Color, salincn pink, shaded 
 yellow at base. Bach. .W. 
 paneahal HIal, 4 beautiful deep sulphur 
 yellow ; very full,\ large an^ exceedingly 
 fragrant. 'It is tlie finest yellow loie in ex- 
 istence It hasadiitabing habit,jind where 
 it is allowed to growWtU it attains a large 
 site, as it will in a lew years, it will yield 
 thttesaadsof beautiful lluwerf. Each, 20c. 
 padama P^aaaa Oulllot, moderately vig- 
 ' orons in growth. Flowers large, nice shape. 
 Cdlor orange yellow, \ bordered and lined 
 with rbty carmine, reverse of the petals 
 yelloadsh white^ ' A gi|agnificent variety. 
 pataoK, (Hybrid Tea). A velvety red ever- 
 bloomer of the deepest glowing crimson, as 
 , ' fine as a Hybrid ; flower\of mediiim sire,' 
 very doable, and petals slightly reciirving ; 
 a beautifiil open rose, a fiee bloom«r,.and 
 ^premising well as a pot roie. Each, 3dc. 
 SeuiitaBlti d'urf nmi, finl, delicate rdse, 
 I shaded with salmon; very large, full and 
 doubla ; -exquisitely fragrant ! Can always 
 be relied upon as amongst the best. 
 aoc. , 
 Whlta Pas>l«, (new). We tbi4k every lover 
 of White Tea Rdaes will be dllighted with 
 tbit, a sport from PCrle. des I^dinea ; fine 
 ) foliage. Each, SSc. 
 •unaat, is a "sport" from that grand 
 variety, Perle des Jardines, which it strong- 
 ly restmblea, except in color. The flowers 
 are large, line, full, very double and delici- 
 oasly fragrant. The color is a remarkable 
 shade of rich, golden amber, elegantly 
 tingid and shaded with dar^, ruddy 
 copper, intensely beautiful anil resembling 
 in color a spUndid> ''afteiglow." One of 
 the finest roses of iceent introduction. Each 
 Tha B»ida, the best pure ivory while Tea 
 Rose. Thebloomisnotfincr ihanNiphetcs, 
 for thai is impossible, but is a stroiiger 
 grower. The buds are of grand size. A ' 
 fine bunch of its buds, cut with its long 
 Iprays of foliage, would grace any bride ill 
 her wedding robet. In very hoi weather ita 
 outer petals take on a pale flush'; except in 
 unusually hot,drysummers,it is unsurpasit d ' 
 for purity of whiteness, form and slie. 
 Each, 20c. >, 
 m. p. aaanatt. undoubudly the >>e*t red 
 forcing roie in existence, though closely fol.^ 
 lowed 1^ I'apa Gontier. A cluster of good 
 . bndtfromit it not soon forgotten. Itis^ 
 however, not a satisfactory beddiiw variety, 
 turning into'a variety of ilull cnk>rs, with 
 the sun, and opening out imAerfectly. 
 Each, aOc. 
 y« Pvimroaa Dama, an attonithing rose, 
 free biqomer; small plantt covered witb 
 budt, tlcpder drooping habit, delicate foli- 
 age, color perfect, outer petals ^delicate 
 cream, glowing carmine centre.; a great' 
 ftwrite. Each, 2Sc. 
 Ba^^P V^NaVHOT^^ ^^^^pH^^p ^PV^P ^1^ *0 ^W^ffv 
 iM. Uusat 
 att aapi l oa* 
 ato aasS'ka 
 ba% aa ttt^flt^^ Palaaa* 
 r If 
 ih* . 
 >lM M WTMU for wdglMly atiHMi tmch m old baildiati, ftacti. waMi, cfc 
 Tli«y grow 10 to IS (tft higk. umI ut pwfcetljr bwdr. TMr rtpM growtb, |4bmI«ii 
 foUifi ud iaMOM ehmtn of bflght eliMrfal tomn eoanMod Ibta to ,wny om, ud 
 >r« tMoog lb* uMMl bMwtlhl of tUwMiag plaoit. Tbt vmrtoliM dwerlbtd bdew arc 
 tiM bnt, and nccatd wtll ia all (mIIom of iha WMBlry. 
 ^OM). ■•lUmoM ■•li*. |Mla bhitb. nrtc^iad^rmint, ma and »biu i «w* tebto 
 , aowtrt lo bMutlhl clatttn, ib« wbola pUal apptaringa perfect man of bi«w( , ora of 
 tba very beat of all Iba IjrpC. 
 OatD 01 tba ^vaivla, brigbt violet crioKon ; larga, Tcry doabla and fragraat. Tba floMM 
 ara borne on truuei, numbering from 10 lo 20 budi each. * 
 Oiravilla. Oi- SajHir. Slato>a, floweta la larga elaitera i variea In eolor . from «blta lo etlmwa. 
 »»al»la 9uaan. aowcri »ery laige and of peculiar form, brigbt rot* red, cbaaainc to Ikhu^ aa 
 tbe flower open*. •- • . -^ >•• -• 
 Tannaaaao Ball*, clear roi« color, tn laigt claaterri a fine ellmUag variety. 
 Price, eacb, 80c.; per doi .,..,, . " . . . . / 
 One eacb of the above colleclion of five for ........'.' 
 •<fflOSS • ReSESfc ' 
 A cla«« of R<»|*« wWeh <• • ?•»•''''•'*['«•• ?»!•«*•»•? of tbe floweta eondits In tbe delleatt 
 mony covering, which auitoundi the bud. and which gtm la ilie opening flower a unique appelrante 
 The varietie. ll.ted cmprlw .he b..t of ihU action, and ar^.ll peVfecil, baidy. IkliTd^fc""""" 
 flow of propagalion, the price it bigber than for noat other roact. Priea, each. Mo. , pradoi. $1.00. 
 Olony of poaaaa, color, deep roay carmine, ibaded purple crim«on ; 
 very moHy and fragrant, a moat profuie bloomer. 
 Pafsatual W l^lto, one of the finett 6( (ht family ; flowert in cinatert, 
 padi heavily mowed ; fragrant ; rtrong growingft free blooming ; 
 very deairable for cemetery planting. 
 aitno. movavu, buds finely moaied'and very beantiliil ; color, rich 
 carmine, witb crimion centre; petals edged with while; fragrant. 
 ••la* (pafpatval), a itrong grower ; one of tbe best and most 
 widely known ; flower, bright rose, lighter edges, large and double. 
 Painaaaa Jldalalda, a vigorous grower ; pale rose of medium site 
 and good fqrm ; good in bud tnd flower ; ona of tbe best. 
 Hybrid Perpetual Roaea are haidy and vigcrous. The flowert aie 
 very large, of deHghtfnl ^jigrance, and the colors are rieher than the 
 Monthly or Everbioomiag torti. They are not conitaat bloomer*, but 
 Uva from year to year, and flower profutcjy in June, with occasional 
 flowert diiring the nmnaer and foil. 
 HtBoalaaa Saauty, an excellent roac for forcing or open air. The ~ 
 flowera ara vtry double, of a deep crimson color, and very fragrant. 
 Its bloobiag qaalitiM Ire remaikable, aa it it inrcely ever out 
 of flower, and it a true type of what a Hybrid Perpetual Rote 
 ^oald be. The moat valuable of late introductfcint. Each, 35e. 
 ■btelito pkauteo, extra large and full ; verr aweet; a tirdng, 
 vigoront grower and free bipomer; color, brigbt, clear pink ; 
 beaAtifol. Each,aOc. 
 AaiMitfa Olaabaoh, brigbt fine. rote color, verykurge and showy. 
 Particularly fine In bod. &u:h, aO£ 
 Alfvod Coloeab, bright earmine-ciimtoo ; very large and full, and 
 of fine globniar form. Oneof the fineat rosea grown. Each, 30c. 
 ■tavonaa Piiavea*, pure roae, color, free bloomer; flowert large, 
 flat, full ; very fragrant, and of excellent habit ; very har^. 
 E«wb.90c ., ' 
 ■•Moa Hatb*Blal da Itothaahild, color, bright carmine, patting 
 at centre to clear pinic, edged with white ; exqaiaitely perfnmrd. 
 Each, Me 
 CetBfeaaaa da Sa^aaa*, fleih color, large, foil, and finely ihaped i 
 one or the beat' of the newer lorta; a good autumn bloomer. 
 Ea«b, 9/Sie. v 
 Coup da H*ba, deep pink, moderately larga, cnp-ihapcd flowera ; a 
 fine roae, Eacb, 90c. 
 Ceqaatta doa •laaah«i, ome of the fiikett, freett and motl beautifol 
 of the white bybridt. Suitable for cemetery pkatiog. Eacb, Mr. 
 Daka •f-adlabtti'Sb, brilliant tcartet crimtott,dMded with maroon, 
 larg^ and full ; ooe of tba beat. Eacb, 30c. 
 Olttataowm, thia new roae Uoomed profoicly latt annmer^ altbougli 
 ^the teaaoo wat very nnfovorablr; certainly a nearer approacb lo 
 a perpetual blaamet than yrer baa been introdaeedjo tae public ; 
 HYfil^ID PBI^PBTUAb ROSB8 (Contlnodtf) 
 OaaaMl tf«Maaialao%, briabl. crimion, exceedingly rich and 
 velvetjr. The budM«d partlillir expanded flowertira ve*y fine, 
 andfaiily glow *Jth ha deep, rklf coloring. A vigorOal grower 
 and free bloomer. Eacb, SOe. - 
 Uouia Vaa HouHa, crimaon maroon, foil globnUr form, free blouA. 
 ii«g ; veiy fine. Each, aOe. . • 
 *■*■*'• ••"•"•nn.'brlght carmine, flower very larga and fine i one 
 of the fineat roses grown. Eacb, 30c. 
 maflna Obavta, pink, sufliised with carmine; one of tba fiiieatof 
 - if* color i inagnificAil Imds. ICacb, SOe. ' 
 PitlBba C.a&lila da l^olvia, crimaon maroon ; good habil ; fine 
 in bud. Eacb, ^. ^^. /' 
 mabat ffloaniaoB, of tbanureit white, and atmoit velvety in its 
 finiih. One blrom -with ilt aHcndant foliaee it d bouquet of 
 beauiyinifoelf. Each* 30e. ♦ /• 
 patao», color, deep^^wing" crimaon ; flower of medium rite, »ery 
 double ; a free bloomer, promlking well at a pot nite. Each, SOe. 
 PairvalUa da Uyoa, pure white, shaded and washed witk tatiny 
 rote ; flowert very large, 4 to 5 inchet in diameter, double, and of a 
 beautifol cup-ihape, groirlh vigoront ; a tuperb variety. Eacb, EOc. 
 mad*«a Cbavlaa Wood, pne of the very beat ; flowert very large 
 and double, and are produced >in vr«it profusion ; cot< r, intcnte 
 deep erimton, thaded acarlel. Each, SOc. 
 madama dal)i)ial uuiatat, light ailvery pink; a grand atefal 
 rote for eibilntion. Each. tUc. - 
 gna. doba Isalag, color,, a soft delicate pink, with a satia tiiwe ; 
 the whole flower fret^uently shows a dittinctlyvtilvcr tinge;. The 
 flowers are Urgp, 'finely shaped and exceedingly fragrant. A 
 'vigorous, ttrong grower, every ihoot producfaig magnificent Uoom. 
 Flowera very early and ia a lemarkably profote blMnier and very 
 tweet. SplendM in pota or open ground. Each, Mc. 
 guaaa of 9<>««b* (new), pink,, with blosb edgesi large aad foil,, oi 
 perfect form, and a Ime perpetual flowering roae, every ahoot being 
 Crowned witb « flower bod. A new atyle of flower among H vbrid 
 PerpMual Roses, beingaeroM betweci< a HyfafM I'erpetnal and 
 the Maidcn'a Blutb, dlttinct, and equally good aa a garden and 
 exblMtfam rote, and decidedlytba fineat roae bfitt color. Eacb,Me. 
 paaatoK Valaaa, brigbt crimaeo, lightened witb scarlet ; extra fine. 
 Eacb;30c , 
 Souv. da OuabaDo, a superb roae, extrfk lane, compact flowert, 
 very tall, double and- aweet ; color, 'beantihil brilliant tearlet, 
 deepening to dark glowing crimaon. Each, SOc. 
 Silvan Qaaaa (new), color, tilvery Uutb, shaded ia the ceatra, wiih 
 very delicate roay pink, vary distinct and lovely ; hoge, foil, and 
 . produced in great abundaate ; every aboot being crowned iriih a 
 flower bud ; tba growth vigowma. foliage handsome, a grand rdae. 
 Each, $I.Oi). 
 Vlatow Vafdlaf, rich eberryi roae, thaded carmine, vary fine oolot- 
 ing, a popular varietr. Cadi, SOc. ' 
 Valaaa, dark, ridi, advety erimsqn, changing to Ua^itk pnrfdai 
 large fragraat flowert, very dpuble and rae. Eadi, lOe. , 
 : large double, bright learlat odor, very fragrant. Each, 
 9«aaii«l WaahlagtoB, roay carmine, akaded tcartet, very brilliant 
 /. aadrioaayt very ddublfa^ good form. Cncb, 3Sc. 
 /troba flappaw, bi%ht roae, with carmine centre ; large aad full ; 
 > ^ one of tbe beat Eacb, SOc. 
 aur* malHlMa; iMmivIa am* wf ti Inali pwta> 
 •s» •p p llaa i 
 I, If. 
 but •« blchar PrMaa. 
It fotn, free blouiii' 
 { good habit ( fin* 
 •■,■■. ''■ V ' .. 
 CaPl)aHoi)S-?gi»pgt (iafpiowcrii)ft 
 •P* ^■•''°"'' ••<>"• tawheftrwllow*™ u« lomdaiMliMii thr<w|houl.lli«ci*UlMtf 
 TS'zI' .^ "..'• •»<>•« J"«'ly • unWtt**! r**MiU. 1>«rhapi bo ■•idmi IkMrMi •<• aof* 
 ortiM (ban lh«M. Thalt •«ni. ipky ftigTanc*, ahmidanl blobm. baaallhllr »artad 
 colon. mmaMiKl tham >o •»• . If ih«y ata »aata4 fof 9amaMr UooMi, piacb offflnl 
 (rowlh <o Ihex will ht anch well rrom I ha faaaa. If a poctitfh ara dniiad fet Wlnlci bloon. 
 kaap (h« nderiilopixd until Augait I, aftat which, ifallowad lo aruw, itront. boabv 
 pUnii will ba obtained full ol Iwd and bloom, which can ba lined and potted inj time 
 •Mrora froat. A few aapaciallx fine vaiUliet ha*e licen added to Iba Hit daiioa the pait 
 faaeoo. They will ba ready tu Mnd out about tha middle of April. 
 -.7 r — ' '^•* '•"'''••> Carnation), The flower h iinuiiilel? frinnd, ofa baaallAil 
 light canary yellow color, with rich ipicy ftagrance. Each, SOe. 
 _j, ofadaap. rich gnldao yellow, lilie Marcchal NitI Koae, with onlvartw 
 clear ilreaki ol carmine I flo wen large and double. Ilica lOc. 
 •*•■»•■•»♦, a deep ihade of drlmeon maroun thar appcan almoal black, riowais 
 dalleiouily tcaatad. Price tSc. "^ , 
 •*^Jj*J*J*JjJJ*«» ?"'••« ••"••I ftl«B«d •d|«, Willi Mtii^l of p«»pi>di criMoh 
 I. •. Nlll.^ha fioaal learlat ml inlfoduced. Rich and deep. Tha floweri are J iocha*^' 
 In diameter, faaa^itifully fringed, the patala perfectly ciimped. Price 'Mc. 
 #• «|Mm', one of tha moil beautiful colon i a loft ihadc ol carmine pink. 
 Uwarf, but robult grower. -Very daiitable. Price dOc. 
 ???'•, f ^'**? ?"*•" \"y '•'«• •nd of P«fect iha|ie ; color while, with a delicalt 
 tint ol pink ; rich clo»e fragrance. A conlinuoui bloomer. Price 80c. 
 "'"Iprice'sc"****' ^"^ «'*'»»«»'•. »«'y fine »nd fragnnl, a ^em for winter )>loomi«t. 
 Mrs. OMiMgl*, white ground, crimron icarlet Aaka; flowen very large, a vitoroua 
 grower and constant bloomer. Price IJSc. * >««"■• 
 "'•:••••••••*•, • '"•gnlfiwot (ilvery-plnk flower, with edgat ilighlly terratcd i 
 nowen very full and well built up in tha centre, of ipicy fragrance. l>riceiIOc. 
 PraaMMl •arricM, vermilion red, very (iite. Price 16e. 
 ^•rHll, Medium tilled, well ohaped flowen of intenieiy bright flaming acarlel, fraaW 
 i^__^_^ P'odoced on a vigoroui end healthy plant (new). Each, Tdc. ' ""f 
 iMval*' •orflV. ThUii the betl white Carnation ever oH^ered, ii a remarkably robuit grower, attainirg a heicht of 
 only 14 or IB iaicbaa, form ng verybuthy plantt. A very free bloomer ; flowen ar? large and perfeolly formed. 
 ealyinaverbontiag I petals fringed; very fragrant and pure in color (new). Eoch^ jIOc. 
 IW«MI, a dwarf-growing variety, rarely attaining over one foot in height, flowen of the |>ure«t white and t>orne 
 ia peofuaton ; finalbr pot culture. 1,'rice 18c. ' 
 •aarlM, a grand one ; color light buff, flaked with bright red ; floweri large and of good thapct fragrant and free 
 i" bloomer. Unturpaned for pot culture. Price !20c. ■ r-. » » 
 '•^'•fP**, •"i.'f «»!1^""~» Woomer i flowen very large and fragrant ; one of the Aneit white Carnationi 
 oflcred (a««). Price 30c. 
 Tbatbovachoicecoltectioilofieteleetedvaiielict for $8.16. Or likof our own leleclion for $1 00. 
 nk ; a grand sadiil 
 ■ — > 
 Wa belicvt ihia (o ba the mott daatrable hardy ahmb in cuUivatiob ; it ii verjr ttriking and elega'hl. recently introduced from Japan, iujtable 
 for lawni. The flowen are purrwhite, afterwardi changing to pink, and are borne in immeniie pyfamidal truiiea, mote than a foot long and Aearly 
 ai much 14 diameter. It bloomitin midinmmer and remains in bloom two "or three months. Price 40c. , ' 
 ■,y, (All th«a« by^cxpreia at purehaien' eipense.) 
 ■'""■""* ■ •' , miKVBiiiA'' ■ / 
 These make handsome plahts for edgings, borders, or for carpet bidding, also do 
 exceedingly well a« a pot plajit. We oflci strong |ilanta at 10c. ei^h ; $1.00 per dox. 
 During spring we oJTer planta of our selected European ^nd American strains for 
 'IJjPiBfnt by exprets only. They will not carry weH by mail. Per doz., 75c. ; per 
 100, $5.00. • . ' ■ 
 yP>NLO^ (AliMMl) 
 Choice asiortfed plants, per down, 25 cents. , 
 Strong grown plants, ffom onr aqrivalled strain. Per 
 dpi, $1. , 
 ■Choicest dngla. Vkt box of 12 plants, 20c. Choicest 
 ' daqble,'ln poti. — Per^, $1.50; each, tSe; '~^— 
 Of thcae w^greiw.. laige qyaatitiett saitable for ams. 
 jbukata a&d'vWi. We have a 6ae collection. inel|idiBg the 
 Atvocite varictka gcncially nacd Im Ihia porpoae. Each, lOc 
 Th* plMMfM or mr<l«niag u* Mkaowladnd bf tb/ w<M*l lo ha lk« noM hMlihtal dMM ■ 
 r of •If Ih 
 r«l ■ml ln<|>lila| of •llthat uccu|ijr lh« haml and mind qf bmb i how balUr lh«n In lh« plaMMt 
 ■loatht olSiiflog anil Muina«f can Iha childtaa >m tnltitalncd during ihali IcUuia howl Ikaa 
 by a llawcf iMd or tmall rntdcn plul In Iha hnaM gaidan, whiajl thall kMd. M«Mn Mid ilfxa 
 undtf (hall own handa/ Wa ha«a fiw Ihi* |iu>|iflM aoiltclad on Ihit pag* a hm vuiatiaa whkk 
 wa Ihlnh ti|>«clally adaplad (ot ih«li um. Out CMtlomara *»■•! noi ovatlook (wkw noting tka 
 bw klndi namad halowflhe hcl thai naailjp iha anliia lial In nui b<Mik aia aa aaahl (o( lh« 
 ehlldian ai for lh« a«pcflanca<i Malkat (iardanai or iha luliurhan homa. 8iaai|» will b* 
 accaptad lor any ordatt i do not wa« lh«« or laar i|mb apart 4f In tlMaO, 
 All o«i llowar Madt ara pal up la oolorad Uihograpbad bagi, on wbleh it agood pitta* «< 
 iba aarlaly, wllh lull tHttctloaa fpH lowing and culllfMUag iba laaia. 
 H«. I., only Sic n#«v«r 
 ," a "tlOft. 
 •• a ■" flOc. 
 I Annaall, quick giowii«. Hotli aalily mHlMlad. 
 ■nlkai Dahlia, LUiai, GUdiohii, €•■■■, ale. ate. 
 I Nina dlatlnct imU. oaa of aach, ai *m f«f 6q. 
 Aa In F*rM, (Stoddard.) Ontha ManagenXnt of I'oullry, 
 Pawlr. , . , .f flO 
 AatMrama 0«iH«r«, (Barnaa' and RoUnaoD'lh ..... .^ . . . 00 
 rr«H ••HlU, new cdlilon '.....^..... 8 ftO 
 Trvatto* •«. Uyj. J. II. (>ragory 80 
 f«ra. M4 Haw «• •#•«* tMM. (Brill) !I0 
 ■MVf WiMHMi Mar Own M*w«v ••Htonw. A bandy 
 'manoal of flowar gtudaniog lor ladici 1 00 
 PannlNCfM' ■•ya 1 '<» 
 FtrtHtalM*, • Itaiw UHlMlj whara lo get formnlai for vtrloui 
 cropa, boar to apply. I. J. tl. Gtegorv...i ». 40 
 r«IIWa'«raM««)NwrM........ I M 
 rMIW* SiMill VniHOiiNiiriat I 7S 
 HaodcrMn. , ■.{ 00 
 SfarFrafit. Ilenderion'i New Editioo. Ebtirety 
 Ian and greatly enlarged, containing vetv *aluable 
 ■ ■ I cidtb 
 larliet i 
 inromatioa In ragWrd to marliet gardening 
 •■ftenliiC far taimc aM OM. J. lUtrl 
 NaM ■aah af Maatat llendrnoo'i 
 Narria a*; Ma Pig 
 Mm 9mnm Paya. A vary initruetive hook 
 M far Nama MilMara 
 a Plaaa far BvarykiMly 
 Nat* Orapa •raw. Frof. S. W. Jobnio 
 Naw Orapa W—4, Prof. s. W. Johnion 
 ■aaiMiyi mmm Oaw 
 2 00 
 1 23 
 S 00 
 1 fiO 
 2 eo 
 I so 
 1 60 
 •2 00 
 a 00 
 I 00 
 MaaaaMa, TraaMaa aa, hfj. J. II. Giegory... 
 la Mm •ar<laa, bj^T. T. (jula 
 Parai >aali. By L. P. Alien. Naw and 
 Enlarged Edition 2 80 
 Oalaaa. How to raiie ttiam profitably. (Gregory)... 10 
 PaaNry. ilalaiaf aatf Maaacamaat af — 
 Praatiaal Wa rt aaMara 
 PraaMaal Faraatry, by A. s. Fuller, UluMraiad 
 Praa«laal Paa M t y RaaMT (J<>hnioo) 
 PraaMaal PIfaaa Kaapar (Wright) 
 Raray'a * Kaawlaaa'a Oaatplafa 
 Raa'a May mn^ Prmth la aiy •a«4aa. 
 Paraaaa aa Mm Maaa 
 •trawkarvy •aHarlat, (FbII«'«) 
 •naaakaa, TraaMaa §»$ by J- J. H. Ofegory /. .... 
 •aaaaaa la Maili** •ariaalac, (Rawion'i/ 
 TlM ■aakar'a P a»ara. A grand book for iWmen. . 
 Talka aa M aaataa , by jMepb llarrh t a(w and reviled 
 cdilloo, cloth 1 78 
 Taa Aaraa Baaagli... , i oo 
 Tka Dag. In varictiei and manaRcment DO 
 Takaaaa OaHara (by Fourteen Experienced Cullivalori) . . . SA 
 TkaaMM* Pana lai»laaMata aa« Maaklaary. New I 09* 
 Wkaat OaMara (Curtif), paper 80 
 Wkilar •raaaarlaa. At Home (Johnion)...... 100 
 I 80 
 I SO 
 I 80 
 1 so 
 1 78 
 1 00 
 1 00 
 1 ao 
 . *VJ"'"'?^~'" •''I' !»•'""!• '•>• '^i' »'»';'•• '«: "*" Mnly. u nily in iha Sprina «i th« iiouikI c«n be worktd, in tmli of Aim undy loam ihfaa fnl wid« ; llun dnw 
 IM«nirromitoemlaar IMbM loauniratm depth of two inch... Sow lh« mmI modiralaly lliicli and draw back Ih* wil and cvmly com Iha od Ml dMIk of about twa 
 InchM. Kara iha badi fraa frnm waadi, and wh ii iha >a«d» Ixgin lo rtcrminala, liglill) covai ihf lieils wiih pine boughs in .had* iha young plants froir Iha lun. Whan all ara 
 up Iha bough, ahould ba gradually removed in order lo harden off iha ypung planin, and during' iha fir.i winler cuver ihe bad. »llh pina bougha lo protect Iham from enow and 
 Iha uin. Lai Iha planli raoiain in iha bade from Iwo lOlhraa year, and then naniiplanl into low. !) (eat apart, laavini Slo Binchai batwaao each plaat. Sow MMla* a»«<« 
 in drilM two rati apart, and whan two yaari old I ranepluil into row! i) real apart and to 12 inchaa between each plant. " ' ' " 
 high traneplaat to whara you want them to remain. 
 ■vnraauM tmi anoa-ra> oi. m lb. 
 mtrmm g a prtl M ; 10c. $1.00 
 AlMtrtaMMna IDc. 100 
 ■ w > t oH Mil*... Me. LOO 
 We. 0.00 
 oaeiDvoua tkBB aaaoa-raa *<. 
 Ml uaaritaato ...:.'. loe. 
 . Ik. 
 Am. Blroli. 
 Manaly •ataliMi . 
 rai LB. 
 Hoa fi*<|iMnlly aad kaap fra* of wacdi, BtHTwhea i (aet 
 rai oi. nm L^ 
 .... lOc. $0.M 
 .... tOc. IM 
 .... lOe. 1.00 
 10c.' ItO 
 Buohthwrn ...... 
 Ona«» Otmngw 
 aiwailim MMia nri y J . ttc. l.flo ■ar a n a r y ^.. lOc.- 
 1 1 Toaotrro -ra^iMoaukM 1 1 
 ika a iMdally at growing cauliflower and celery, for ih« Toronto 
 tat past It ycart I have got my Medi from you and (bay 
 proved Mlfafaciory.' 
 J. W, Sktttar, Biacondale. 
 " I aaipailKllv latMad with all dw laadi I hav* 
 had fioai vpa, aad I hav* dealt with y«a bow for 
 • yaan." Trad ljni(hioB, BfOelan, Oat. . 
 " I have daalt with yon aaw Ibr U yaan, aadaa' 
 patfialyiariilUd withamjihlag 1 avar beoaht— my 
 carroUipanaipaandaaletTthliyaarlMiagair I could 
 wkh." JaaMiAll*a,Mimko. 
 ** For Ih* last 10 y*arft 1 have had my seed* from 
 Tonr trai and havn alwayafoand them aaliilaeiory.'' 
 Joaapb Ruab, Markal Oardaner, Toroota 
 " Wa grow for ih* Toiobio ina'k*!, ibid whara 
 comp*(itk» b to fhrc«, w* maat hav* ih* bast aad 
 purest of ***da, and thea* w* b*va always got from 
 yow. Barton llro|„TofaataMatkalaadWastoa,Oni. 
 "Waara aiij BiBi l fbrilw Tarate ■arkot. Tka 
 •sadi w* bava biMi(kt Araai yen ier iba h* M yaan 
 have |riy<n tb* vary baat aadakeikia.'' Otih^it 
 Bwa..TorawoMB«k«tBadIi«*Tftwk.On». - 
 CHOP OF 1890 
 op •OPlillOR QUAU aTY^pO R PAfllUY MUD fiAltKaT USI 
 it to *w cMMui alM to 'iZitit^^uimt qualHy a «lr^ MMlMi 
 tiiMt«m«k«o»BrMM«MlMrMBM>«honM«MMl*MnlMMM. bur 
 ••*;."••• w»«r»f*r«, wiU, to sU CMM, b« foaad •■ low •■ iboM of mv oUm* 
 l«itsprMMt larM proportions, m4 «iaM/ for. MtkatorgMt Ira4« raiortTky mt bo^MU CMum^ 
 Um packat, omc«, 
 pottof* pra-pftld. 
 t* all Mcd f 
 TkM, |«i 
 by tk* 
 ^•■■4 aMk^OMWi fc«»tl% cm; ate.. «4d 
 LIBERAL PREMIUMS gyia' :±is^\ 
 •11 Mcdt m4»n4 b* 
 4 caato par pouad, for poatac«> 
 ln|MMfcO*,tlM , 
 Ik 41. OO aoNt Ma. 
 Ptoaaa tall yaw Maada of ear IIMml offara. 
 •tl»ct atada to Batliatfl amoiMmag ta 
 Thto dtocoaot appUaa aiily «• MMla'ta pMkala. 
 ri*a*« ■•«« •■ T»nB« aaa rMiaittoa* aT aaU," •■ raa* t, 
 Gannan, Sfarpl\ Fraath, Atftrgt—Son I oi. for.auft. of drill. 
 Sow In March or April, in rowt ona fool apui, and kaap claan by 
 rrtquani koaing. Whan two yaari old 
 traMpIanI into paraanant badt, which 
 ihodld ba wall ud daaply manured and 
 tftnchcd to tha daptb of^wo feat. Sal 
 Iha planu (in rowi) from ibraa to four 
 fMluapart, and two feet in tha rowi, 
 ■ ri dd i ng out J ha rooU, and coTciing 
 fronMix to eight inchei. On the ap. 
 pioaeh of winter, cover with manure 
 ur coin|t»il ; forlc the bcdi early in 
 •P'iag> and apply a dtewing of ul(. 
 Cut %or nw the second year ( aftaf 
 plantHig in permanent bed. ASPARAGUS 
 PalmottO (new), laid to ba much earlier, yielding better, more irrei^ 
 and regular in iti growth than any other vaiiety, and equally well 
 adapted for planting north or aoulh. Far lb., JSI-OO | i lb., SI.MI ) 
 •2o»., Mc. i ft., 80c. i per pkt.. lOc. 
 •'^••■•If now tha atandird variety. The «hoota are of the largest 
 •ire, very productive and of the best nualily. Per pkt., 8c.: per 
 Pi., 10C.J 2 oi., 18c.; per i lb., aOc.j per lb.. aOc. 
 AS^ARAOUS ROOTS (Poat-paid) 
 , fine Syear-old roots at $2.00 per 100 ; 80 roots at 100 rale. 
 German, Artiuhtkt ; French, ArlicktM. 
 Sow in Apiil In rich mII, anil Irantplanl lh< rnllowing 
 •pring lo p*rniu><nl bcda, (in rowi or billi) 4hrt< fnl aimrl 
 •nd lira rm b<lw««n ih* planu. Thay oaly give a partial 
 crop tha Aral waaoa, but tha bad* will rtmaln in btaring 
 for jraara. Piotact in winlar by a covaring of laavca or 
 iJWVa WaMa, grown for tha nniipa Ooa^r'haiuli, whl^h 
 an highly atlaamnl by aptcnni. 10 canu par plil.S 
 Wcu. par in. ■ ' "t 
 4UITiOHOKB (JortiMUom) 
 Crown axchtivily for it» lubatt, which wmiwhal la- 
 sambla polaioas, and ar« cultivated in a fimjlar manner. 
 ' oaly that tha rowi «h<»ld ba at l«a»l four 
 6*< apart whan grown in MrangiuiU. It 
 ■aaagraiottaly pnductiva, producing l,tW 
 baihali paracra. It ii urcd moMly in faad- 
 ing ih a ip and higa. In ■ooiaparii.orthl 
 Souihan SlaMsth»|apa ara cut kad driad 
 as hay. 
 ■m, uioag lalK 
 ara, tic. par lb., pou^paid ; $1;00 par 
 (iarman, K»ffli»M Cnmtr : Fnmlk, 
 Chom Jt BrmxtUn. 
 T^ is one of the best vegetable* 
 UpHnler use, productog from the 
 aafis of tha leaves an abundanc* of 
 sprouts rescnfibling small cabliages, 
 of excellent mild flower. It ha« 
 never come into geharal use in this 
 country, probably owing to its belni; 
 loo tender lu aland our winters; 
 stilt, by sowing in April or May, 
 and planting aul ia July, it may be 
 had in fine condition until Decern- 
 Bnasaol* •preuts. Dwarf 
 lltlprOVOd, produces compact 
 iprouls or heads uf excellent 
 quality. Per \ lb., 60c.; il ox., 
 38c.| 1 ox., !Wc.: pkt.. Be. 
 Fienoh, /7rwii/i„ German. J>ar/r; AV<t/. 
 Sow end of April, in the open ground, then lran>|<lanl about two 
 feet apart in deep, rich Kroasd. They priiduce heads aimilar lo eauli- 
 flower. When ihty begin to flower, break the large leaves over the 
 headi to protect them from the sun. 
 BrOOOll, WaiehoronlwIlltO, targe, firm, while heads, very 
 hardy, endure cold, and withsiand heat an<l draaghl well. Per 
 ilb„ f 1.80; 2 oi., 8flc.; 1 or.. .".Oc.; pkt., H»c. 
 ^y' , BORBOOLB OR KALB • MT ."^ 
 French, Chom Veii ; Qttw.n, Gmnt Kekl. ^ "^ 
 May be grown in atn\oal any soil, ImiI the richer it is, IM more 
 abundant the piodnct. Sow from the middle ol April lo the beginning 
 of M a y , i n prepared be d s, covering tha s ee d th i nly a n d e v e nl y ; Irani- 
 plant in June, and treat in the same manner a* lor cabbage. Of alt 
 the iabbaga trib e this is the moil tender and delicate, and would be 
 much mote exIenMto grown than it ia, if the excellent qualities were 
 generally known.^He varieties are ail extremely hardy, and are beat 
 when touched iby Bpi. 
 Borooo l a, Qroon Ourlod Beotoh, grows to a hcisbi of 
 18 or 20 iochea, and with good caltivalloa spreads lo thria leet 
 dhimeter ; leaves bright green and beauliWIy curled. Per 1 lb.. 
 «0c.} 2 ox., 9Bc.; I oa., ISc., pkt., 9«. 
 ft.. ff»ri(M mtimi; Ut„ ItuHk HtAmtm. 
 Pknt !■ I%h). lick tutl. la drUla, f Imi (pMlt 
 4«a|i iIm Mtilt 3 ImIM* (nail aad ea««i vlih aoll 
 ii lncb«(. ir |>Unl«<l In htlU, iNm^ may b* ma^a 
 alKini J fml (iiafl, allowlaa almal II to IO|>l«att 
 (•> (Kh hill, arcoiiling in ih« <laoc »f gloWlh of 
 iha *afl«i)i. Sow avvff two «r««ki (i>c lairanliia 
 Ua« i|uui will iiUni a •hill HM) (mi langaf aboal 
 'JOO hllUi H ImiImU Iv Ika acr*. la liilllL 
 ao4 ici|ulr« pnlai. Ttiay ptoduca i^_ 
 of lUllciiHU linu baana, which caa l| 
 galhanil «• lh« cammnn aaiilan IhiA 1 
 *arlalvl>al Uati Iwo wthli< tarllai than »ay of 
 Ihaclimlilni limat. Thit alone maliaa li o( graal 
 nlqa alihar for home Of matlial tfatdan cullura. 
 Pile. I-' Plit-. !»c I ix, Jit,., «k.i p«U lU. 
 $1 j pai S lb., %\.IO. 
 ■ ' ;." OilflMUd Mat N«warh, Naw 
 Jcraay. (>rowi » ftai lii|h, hfinchlag out In til ilirecllnnai ii vary 
 iHxraUjr of giaal matil. 
 Crowi 9 ftai high, hnnchlag out In til direcllnnai ii vmj 
 |iimluciiv«,anil «a|)acially daaifabla ia Mnallgaiflrna, ai ii diiat no« 
 ri<|iiiit any |>o|ai. Plant ia rowi 9 r«a( apart and and I foot in thr 
 row 1 on* plant only ahould ba altowad to giow In a hill. Ptt pkt. 
 'is aaada, ISc. "^ 
 '•'J**!!"'* ?••• *^'''' l>»<'"<.'ilw, and dMirahU ai a baking liaaa 
 it" '^'i? '""^ '•"*"■ "»'"'■ Pwi*., «>i:.;Slb..,*Oc.; lib., 
 Y08EMITE MuMMOT H Wax Bean 
 Tha akoT* nana waa au>||tatad for ihli iplandid naw Bailn on aecoani of ill anotmoai aiia. 
 Tb« Mda, ai thawn in Iha plala, Iraqaanlly ailaia a langlh of H ot 10 inchaa. wiih lh< thii knaaa of a 
 maa a hrger. Tha podi aw naarly all M>||d pulp, tha taada bting *ary (nail whan tha poda ara fit 
 ThI. T'lhalnmlnV w* u «»'''•»/'''?'• "'» "• ••"oluLlf •tiingl.ti. cookinf tan^lat anddalkloua. 
 ii: lu "' V ?"." '"! '•""' " "•'''•• l>«'Po«~- II l« wiotBoaiTy prodncllva, at aaay 
 ai BOol ill montui pod. haWng baaa coantod on ooSi biih; Priea IS eaoli pa/^l j par Ibl. »5. '^ 
 wHh iNiHi^ nd. I>«r U,,!,., t*.4il ; pk, tl.io ; I Iba.. «fc. ; I lb.. 
 ■ *«• I Mil.. PC. 
 ikanaanMaia. ' 
 kaiihr y«ll«w tta WMta, ona ottkt aarllaM. 
 •icallani iiring liaan. P<cbi»li.,|lt.M;pk.,ll.M>; 
 , lAr,; plil.. Ac. 
 f ^f* V«la«itln«. AIM Aaim: r««uln> lona In 
 P.ibu.h.,|t.«u:pk.,$i.Mi»lbi.,aoc.:ilb., 'v.: 
 ■ - - »'-"'j-'y^-''~''.' "h, l»c.,pki.. 6c. 
 ■ATM Whita MwrMa.or MawntalM.- A whii* Uan. Ona ol 
 t..??!.^ "*!.""'''• •*"" •"*» '■> '•« •"<)" or WW i par pk., 
 ^»l.flOj^lba.,««c.; I lb, IOt..pki.,v. ' 
 HWal DtMkrf KMnaif, ana of ih« bail lata kindi ; fqr «lam um 
 hainouBarlor. liaana whiia. P« bu«li.,HIK': pk.,|I.U ; tiba.. 
 Me. : I lb.. Iftc. ; pki., V. 
 IIMMW»MI kmrwm mmfummm, both iHa poda and aaada an 
 ' ^rnr Ihaa tha old KaAigaa varlaiy, and li la alw a bailar \ iaidar. 
 Haadawhanripa.puipla upackLd wlih whlia. Par bu»h., tA.W ; 
 pa(*,|l.tO;»lba.,«|fc.:ltb.,15c.:pki.. 6c. ~, , ^ , 
 ^_ . WAX MB VAmmcs 
 WW;««r«IPa Dwarf NMnay Waa, vary hardy, boik pOd and 
 pUoti ara robuit. Il producaa a haatry crop of puraly Wai 
 ■ poda, ara vary loag. flat, showir, and nol liabla lo rum or bliitar. 
 P£ ka^$7.» ; fk., $t.00 ; » 11,.., MIc.; 1 lb.. Mc.: pkt.. V. 
 ••■ *••* V*"" '""oducad only ihraa yean a|a ihia valuabla 
 varlaly haa aliaady mada a moat favorabla Imprauion. A craaa ba- 
 lwa« iha Bl«ck Waa and tha UoMaa %«, and la our Iriala »a 
 ^°"Tl}' '" '^ ■'>« orlini Waa variaty in cultivation. Il la a robaal 
 K*»r> vary prodiiciiva, vary tandar.and ofeirapiionally Ana flavor, 
 ^ b«»h.. iT.fO: pk., tLoO; » Iba., Mc.: I II.., ajc.; pkl.. He. 
 "•• "'•"• ?*'" of fair alia, rich and laodar Aavor ; In color wtay- 
 whlla. and aloMal aa transparani aa ilaaa. An aacallani varlaly <br 
 'i 'W» claia ia vaiy hardy, ami •kmild ba planlad aa won at tha aoll ia In gaad 
 •lata Mha apring. PIm>I« Inchaa apMI and S inchaa da«»,l»dillla 4 faal apatt; To |pa«a walllHM 
 podi, pinch of tha lopa,«aMWiaa poda Wgin to aal. Par pkt., tc.;lb.. Mc.; par« lk,«Oc.i pack, |iM«i' 
 Thia la arlthoul donbi tha aaoal productive and handnama of all Waa BaaMyal know*. Tlia vinaa 
 aia of airaag rapid growth and of a aoaiawhat ipraadlng haUi. forming a htrga poMbar of abort aida 
 ahoola which ara a eoraplaia ma« of bloaaoma and pod's ftom tha groand to tha top. The poda aia long, 
 perfectly round, and entiialy tiringleai . when young lining all rolid pulp, af Ivory While color In tha 
 ahadi, varying to a dalicala light gul<)an yellow ia the .on. I« la pai«lpall» f^aa fVam riaat mr 
 ayatai keeping bright and ciiip k>ag after being picked and of aacapllonally «n« Aavor. Unlike 
 other waa lorti the poda obuin the «allka caloi aoon after ikay aia Ibnaad. Price jiar pkt.. tOc.l 
 perlb., M>:.;>nia.,|I.Hk ' - . . 
 canning puipoaea. Per by, 
 pkt.. Sc 
 An aacalleol variety 
 ,tT.M: pk.,)2.00: Mb.., 7AC.: I lb..(»c. 
 rick, aeaay whiu ,oolo^Vve'ry proliSctu/acnM'aVoriia'^Th 
 market gardaneia. Par bu.. $».<»; pk., flMi; t lla., ^ ; t lb., 
 pkl., ftc 
 WMH, one of tha beat dararf baana kaown; «ei 
 loag, brillla, aallraly airinaleaa, aad of a baaui 
 ' eina tt«l>Vr; It la h 
 Per^., «T.« ; pk! 
 larg^ loae, ^llla, aallraly airinaleaa, aad of a baauiXl. rich gSd 
 '£L5Sl-'il'*''*J'*''I*-*l"i*^"*.f'?^:»"^. •»<::pki",»e, 
 ■•a«a« was, the coter of tha taeda being wHilr; it la by 
 anew pra to r e d le Iha pwoading for cooking. "^ ~^ ' 
 tl; »lba., TOc.: I lb., Itc.; pkl.. fc. 
 mix 4c> 
 ' II I i m itii II — . 
 p EAMS POlflE °^pUNNlNffi 
 ^ ^hJSs*7..7, Jr,i,'s:%r ii:*:*^'r'ji.'''To." "■ •' '"'- "•"« ■ '•" '•""" 
 .h..U.«.. «d ..i,i.ioa. fmW. P., IS iC... IS.M., 5 IU.r$l OuT I Z.i&t pfK 
 CD P F T -.™ ■ ."""T*' ■ '•"■• *""*'' *■•''• S"* •• •••'» 1" «l»lnt " lh« 
 B5\ I^.C I ro-nd CD b« w..ik«<l. in llghl, ».l| m«nuf«.l «(l. in Jiill. (..I*. 
 W5/ ' " =^ 1"*T' •'*"• """'ng lh« xerft on* Inch .l«*|> ,m{ pitulns ib* toll 
 «J?tr^ '■ °"^. '^ "'" •'"' '"" '•" ' •""' '» "'■ »"~'"" "* '•<i«iff* roi 
 ITvnilp. WaiaeoRimand (Mi 
 ^NMlaiaiag all iIm 
 "-■ Wnr and of 
 oldot foaiiK. 
 Uirtifa K««ni Kmly bmm TmwIb. _ .. 
 2«laal>l« cHentialJil an early btcL I( it fally ai cacly u the tgt 
 batter quality, of tne, dark red color, tender and iwcct at all limei 
 It ha« a »ery imall top, and will prodwee a crop in tix vtrksfrMi l^tKtMmlint (hi 
 It «• wrypirodjcli»e and • Perfeet keeaer, Per lb.. $1.00; | Ib . SOcToTlO. fplit. . Oc 
 u_i^^^iT ■•'•f „-"Will». Thi» ii a handioir.e Red Turnip Beet, crown quite 
 -l^iA. °S Boelon. R«pt*imaoth and foliaRC veiy imall: Per lb., $I.(K» j » lli.,Sc., 
 *h.J?^?.?*'i'***' '•'?•' •?■.■ "•• ^n:P"»"' "••'i? •» wriy.of n^vei liner qualUy.glob* 
 fiat dark nd. 
 Lf*«5* — <f 'r "«« »»"«« «'"°*l>1 n*T<rfailitoti«Mtiafacth)n. PeJ lb. . 78c. ; i lb . 2Jc. ; 2 oi , liJc. i lot.. 10c 
 ' *•* "•* •Wftlillh the cariieil dark red beet in culli*aiioa i id color 
 S^ggf^j f!ggJ i^.! * 2«*^ tJ?^.4«' VT?; T '"'?• "^^ «» "good aire. Per lb., 60e. t !#., M« j 2 or. , Ifc.i I oa., lOi. , pkl. 6e. 
 K!!^H5Rg!'gg?*.** g» *• ** .**< "y* P°P»'w "m lat ytieral ■!«. PeriV.,8fe.i »*,Me.:2or.,Ifc.;lof.. 10c.ipkt.,ac. 
 •W»SL5r(BljSr<MK*.1^ aM«n»pJi..:iO lb. loto,«)c.: per 1b..'28c.,'i Ib.;i0c. ; pkt. fc 
 If VMt Wjknt t» Win 
 a* NMt p«ur, Vou IMMI 
 "■: >y 
 fu., Ckm Catm; Gn., Kt^ JML—KAmo, 
 rich. iMMrtoil ii HMl i<||ilabU lor eabbatu. N«w 
 (and ii pr«fcrabl«, taA lho«ld b* dMpljr dog and 
 hciTUy'— HBtad. A miitart of Mil aod aiha* 
 appliad 10 Ik* hill, when iranmlaatiBg, is racallaiit 
 „. ^ . _ __ - For early aia, a iowiB|shoMd baaaaid* in a hot- 
 bed in Fcbniaiy or Much, and hardtaad off bjr gtadnalljr aapoaiog thmi to nitBt air. For bu« crop, aow 
 for promotint powlh and keeping down the maggot. For early oie, a iowiB| shmud be aaad* in a hot - 
 in a nurwijr bed, Mk; or lane, and tranaplant as aoon a'« the plant* are 6 Or.S inches Ugh | Ihocm^hljr 
 cultiTate every week antil (he planli mei^l in the rows. There is no vegetable in which The character of 
 the Ksd ii of more iiaporunce than thi<. Go«d Mad, Mp, rich Mil, plM^r •! m»mU9, 
 thorough cultiratloa. There are the caidinal point* in raUng a good crop of eabbag 
 One ounceof seed will raise about 9,000 plants. irSee remark* page SO, NilraU of Soi 
 Thi*, fern mid-iainnier and a late cabbage, is withont a rival. For its seaaoaa, we place 
 it at the, head of air others ; experience ha* demonatrated that it is the b«at, MTMt, and 
 pniCtabla variety grown. It Is a mediam late cabbage. Large green h*xi*> hard, 
 'piMMrlmKMt, like WinnbigiUdt. with, 
 . fcvrer oatride leavett a suie headkr, vary 
 solid and^ of excellent flsvor. Per ik,' 
 $S.80| i lb.. 7Sc. ! So^.'4Qc : 1 oa., 
 '. 8Sc.;pkt.,Se. ' • ^ 
 I i'laif DMl«i|,a very fine strrin 
 and of remarkable excellence I tender, crisp and delidonr, and the 
 exbteace. N<l><ly'GM.to^oi;*<y-eighi prime, ma^hfUble beads ont of a hundred ^ an 
 ' 4>f this standard variety,- *o largely grown 
 for fall and winter use. Per lb.. ^SO ; 
 4 lb,, 7Se; i 9 OS., 40d i lot.. SSc. ; pkt., ( 
 ' .p*rM*lM«tf MmhimbIIi BniiMliMki, 
 . I^e largest cabbage known.. Head* have' 
 been grown that weighed 00 pounds. 
 Pet Ih.'. $S.OO : I lb., $1.00 1 2.oi., OOt; 
 1 OS., tec.; pkt., Ac. 
 l,at*>natJNit*lit head* large, round, 
 aolid, broad ttnd M on the top ; a 
 winter, variety* Per lb., $1.50; { ^, 
 40e.;3os., " 
 . _ • hu 
 Perl lU; $t.79i 9 OS., 00e.( 1 as., SOc; ioa., SOc; pkl., lOc. 
 / ri 
 winter, variety Per lb., $1.50; 
 u,2Sc.}lot., iae.;pkt., tc 
 LMf* Mrtti DWillB»<» a saperfcir 
 winter variety i head* large, tender, and 
 . of good favor.' >P«rlb.. $l.aOi f lb., 
 40c;9bs.,SSe.{lM.,lSe.|pkt.,Sc. . 
 !*• .BmmmmIMs IblMws tea days after Early Snmaier, 
 JbMly ttoMMT Wgi n r f iBli, oM of the earliest, pyramidal-shaped heads, 
 I* mcdhim Mxit; mU^ : Ph lb.,|lWt ilb.,7tc.; 2os.i«>c.; f o(.,9Sc.: 
 ■ pkl., fc. ■ ■ ■ ■'.■'' I 
 B i ll Dl*««l| failu eocof the most popdar early varieties, head* iinall. 
 roandish iivoid. firm and Icndejr. Per lb.. $l.iiO: \ IK, 40c.; 2os. .25c ; 
 1, as., ISe.; pkt,. 6e. 
 BilHlyWliMMf9nMlt.9i|e of the bisi csbbages for'geneml'use. Head* 
 ragiriarly conical, solid and of excellent flavor. Per lb., $1.60 ; ^Ib., 40e.| 
 • •t.,tte.tlor., i6e.ipkt.,Sc 
 B Bll j Bamr-Maft a coaleal Aaped head, a favorite with many. Per lb.. 
 $^ liO ;Tih., OOe:, 9 Oft. IftCiil o*.t SOe.. pkt.. 5c. 
 BalraBMf BlMilM*»IM*arUe*t grcrwB. small compact head* of Excellent 
 quality, ferlfc, fl. BoTj I W,Me,:i:«afc, 40c.| 1 oa., 98ci pkt., So. 
 ■Hr rnmatk Ok lM«it» hear^'shuctr, eeoond early ; it grow* low on the 
 < stamp, head* frsdy. Pir Ih., f8,4<»t 1 lb.. OOci 9ob., S^; 1 <w. Jn&t 
 '.■^t.ic. _. ... ' • ■ 
 An B ><Bi«Bt a n^ aad •apwioc ■ara- h en din g variety. May be planted 
 early or late, as.it fcrm* <p«(y larf* and very *ol|d head* quickly. Far lb., 
 ' $&flOtf IK.$1.0b;9oe.,a0e.Tlot..Sfc.|pkt..ac . 
 MMHtatMa** Barly Bii wUrt the earliest large variety ; two weeks Uter 
 than the WTakefield, a solid, handiowe and compact growth. A fitvotite 
 with gtrdfoer^i-Mid <valaable for ifmily are. Per lb., $i.00 ; i lb., $1.00 ; 
 Sos.i 85c.i 1 oa., 90c j_pkt.. Be. 
 nMtlAt** lM|M««tf_|k««B«rMl,a*eoood«arly, Ute variety of sap^rior 
 qaality. Perlb., $9.aOi»Hk, 75c.i9os.,40e.i I os.,8Be.| pkt.,Se. 
 ^„ _ _. . , . — riy samnter. B** BiWMllMli. larger than the Red Datch. Per lb., fl.00 ; | lb., 
 floearim moraliolirt headm ahile it can be planted nearly a* doia. ' - — - 
 FcrtK.$lWrilb..$l.(iOt Sa(,fl0e.j l(».,S5.: pkt.,5c. 
 •t. BbiiIb Uny BnwillHBjl< head large.^bnnd, andalHtla . 
 lattaMdjioliti and of good qaality. Per lb., $8.00} |Jb.. fOe.t 
 4 0B..9M.I los.,90e.; pkt., Sc. ' ' 
 akam^ lugeft of late *or(*; *olkl atad of ^ood flavoe . ^ 
 ._. . lOe.) 2 OS.*, SSc; I ot., 90c.; |kkt., 5c. 
 Bllra Bwlk^ ' head* *malL itearly roand, very harrto, 
 ^.-•*j — tij --.„ - p^ ib..'$a.oOt lib,, aofc.; 
 ■ Perib.. n.00 ; i Ibt. OQc.) 2 as.*, SSc; 1 ot., 90c ; |kfct., 5c. 
 BB M W»i, B»«f Bfljr^head* 
 and of ex(aadiaglj> deep red cblor. 
 8 OS., Mc; I o£j90e.; pkt, lOcr 
 •6c.i 8,ax.,SSc.; I os.,90ct pkt., Sc 
 RqiravtMl AmmMmm SaVM, the best of all the Savoys for gen 
 eral market Qt home nae. Per lb. , ft. " 
 1 oc.',90e.t pkt.. ik. 
 1.00; i Ik.Mc; 8 ox., IGc.; 
 i«*F.keepe well daring winter. Per lb., $9.00; 
 ; lot ." " 
 sweetest Savoys, 
 r |'IK/60e.V9ai., S5e.; Tot., aOc; pkt.,5e. 
 ,BaMy Bwarff BhM Bav«y,ooe of the earliest and 
 Per.lK. S^OOj I lb., OOc; 9 i«.. SSe.; 1 ot., 80e.;pkt., fc.': 
 Bi y^li » ! ■ »» •■;♦ > . OM of the b«it. very hardy aad i«»provtd by 
 (fliMt Pat IK. $100 : i lb., OOc 1 9 ot.. fte.; 1 ot., 90c.; pkt., Sc. 
 P^UnfMim-nn, ..reaewao aaan Maeet aaa*. 
 Maeetaaa*. flirt» ■»«« 
 Mitea ike rirowMI ihM Waflkei' 
 PW lb., $2.00; 
 trfttilO CAT4EL0OQI Or SBBM. BULBS AMD PUOm, I^R nil 
 , r-T—Ji ttait ihoft, Mirly, eylindri _., 
 bat Miwwhal Upnini u Mch mtil, briihi gmn, pntfusilv*, 
 and OM or iIm niylMM pbkliai tuIcim - ..=—::•— 
 I Ik, He; t <M., fOc; 1 m.^IOc.; 
 'Iindrical, unilbra In tin, - 
 nn, prgducllv*, 
 Pw lU, $1.00 ; 
 pkt., te. 
 and handMiaM 
 -- WHIta Spin*, frait anUiMaU tiraifht' 
 ana nandMme, liuhl giwn, with a ho whiM ipraM ; Badi 
 ••""^ "^ rf **• ■avor ; vinai *ifonMU, frwtdnc wrijr and 
 *VM'!?***'7- 0><*<'<>>«lM>lfortabauia.aadlart«lyuMdftn 
 piaklinc whni imall. Pw lb.. $1.00 ; i lb., Wi!. ; t at; Mc. ; , 
 I OLjIOe jpkt.. Be. 
 MMMm. om of Iha bnl pickling loRa : Mldom jrUlding 
 imtbrs loo lanvfor pickling, and wry pmdwtl**. Par lb., 
 O^lb., aoc.: 1 oi., «0c; I oi^ lOu.; pki., k. 
 ■r«anka«aaylinalongrniitartac«Uaata«aUly. Par lb.,' 
 ; J H>., i6c.; * oi.. I»c.; 1 oa., 10c; pkl., lie. ' 
 •»* *•!•* •*«»W«V • ♦"» uuill prickly nriatr, UMd 
 Mclnuvaly far pickling, br whKh parpow it ilHiuld b* gaih«r<d 
 whila ypong and landar. Par i lb., $1,00: 1 -- - 
 »0c.; pTnTec- ' 
 (iaa Novelty Liu.) ■^. 
 F»., Cfmomtn ; Gtk.. Ciu*i. Fat »«rjr Miljr CuramlMn, low the lit ot April, 
 iaa bot-bcd, upon piwM of lod (grui side down), m iImi th«y cm ba nadU]t 
 lnaq>Uatad to tha opan giota. im ticb loil, wban daagtr of float U o*ar : or 
 ~- protect bjp band glaaaaa. 
 „ .^*"."!!*^'!}!*'*!?*" .*■ ""'*" '" P'*»' •"<^ °P«» t'oand antil aeailr Iha Itt of Jana. 
 Haka rich bill* of wall-roltad aanuia. fwo fact in dUmcter. and plant a doien or mora 
 iaa4», comtog balf an incb daap. , Wban all dangat froai inaccti ti ov«r, i4ll all bat 
 tbraa qr foaf of iha ttrongoit planir. Thay ruccead bait in a warm, oioiil, rich, loamr 
 »oU-; eontinut planting at intervali for a tacccuion. Tha Cacmnhar abotild br gatberad 
 wban laigaanough for via. wbathar requirad or not i if Ictt lo lipao, il dcUrovi tbair 
 produclivanait. For picklai. plant froa Juna antH Iba middta Of Jaly. 1 oi. for 00 
 billi I a to S lb*, in b|ib for an acra. : . 
 AvaHaly wMch ha« bal rKmily become known lolhe iraile, and vliich katfaciome liaw nan baea 
 <«Mrolled and eacluflvely uMd by lh« laraeu pickling KiuK^ of Chicago fn the n»nufBciu,rcf Iheir 
 calebrate.l pickle^ Il It e>ceedini|ly proltCc, bearing tmall, wrlUia med rrull, well covered »ilh •ainee 
 and of an uaoMially daap greea color. rrica,.perib., $I.M: )lb.,IOc.: Ioi.,«Ui:.; 1 oe., IMc.; pkuk. 
 A rtaaikably flne •ftala of Cucnnilier, erhi. h it etuaclally recommended Ibr markei, table or bicklina 
 paipaeee, differing fiomihe ordinary and p>>pular Wkiie Spine In color; it reiaine a deep gr*<n clilr 
 in all Mageeof iti growth ; producee eilra long naMiolh >hap>d fiuil ; veryprolikand very while in ll««h, 
 lender and cri.p. ^Mven of Cucumben ihould try ihie new lorl. Price, per lb., SUc. : i lU. tftc.; 
 In., I»c; I 01., 10c.; pki.,6c, . 
 Ae apkkling varlelv il will be found uneiiuallea.anal for early fatting purporea. or for aliclhg, Ihara 
 i« no better : very productive, of medium »iie ; ainimt mraiiiht and •mouth ; the color it dark gta>M, 
 • and the llallh !• ■•■>dei and cti«p. It i> fant becoming a welcome addition lo the cucumber faaiil*. 
 'iPerlb., $1.00; ilb.,aac.; loi., lUc; pkL, tc. '. 
 ■arly RiraataM, very early, harde and productive ; imall, grow- 
 Inginpairt. P< r lb., $1.00 ; iib.,30c.; tMt,Mc.; lot.,IOc.; 
 pill.. »c. 
 Thaea ara grown in ihe green-houM or in a hoi.bad ; eary hand- 
 •ome, both In form and cak>r ; aiiain a length of from M lo W 
 inrhai. Tha follanrinf ara tha craam of Ihe iwny popuUr Mete : 
 MiM Oai g ll, f Una bkuk^pibed variety, from 18 to U inchee 
 very handiome fhiil of modarale tire, 
 _ white-»pined vibiely, averaging 
 Inchea in length. Per pkt., Ale. / 
 ■ftaf^Hla Vf tgri f , a Bna white-ipined variely, of ImmanM 
 •inand •ymnMtriealfoNi. Perpki.,20c 
 ■mjprM*«r IMIta (Re<d'i4,a fine whiu-ipinad variety, grow- 
 •hape, of excalleni , 
 bibilioo purpoaeeil 
 , 65c; loe.. 
 Par pkt., fOc. 
 Ottkmt ' 
 lific, P rpli|„tOc. 
 •f MiMMirKli, a fine 
 r M inchea in langtB. Per 
 iai iron M to t4 iacliee, eery unilbrni in ihape, of excalleni , 
 flavor, and reauwkably pradnclive. '^or eabibilioo 
 Handi unrivalled. Per pkt., Mc. 
 Om r tm 'a M««al, uid to be the h a n diwntat Cacnmber grown, 
 Krftct In oallina, with Karcaly any nack, and of fine flavor. 
 Il«lllaa«*a TalaaOpIl, very pralific, early, criep, and of 
 •nperlor quality. Par pkt., tic ti 
 Fa., CkH(/ltur; Gia., BlmmhtrnKM. Sow in deep, rich nil, well culii- 
 valed. A mixture of lyna and ralphulr iii a good pravenutiva of maggot, and 
 alto praantei growth. 1W Mwing and after-lreainient ii the ubm ae for 
 „ , . . cabbiiga, except thai il will not iland Ilia dioighlao well, and requiraa liberal 
 appHcM^ of water or lk|uid manure daring Iha hit monUu. Of iha many vaiiatiae culiivalad, there ara really only a law ihal wlHeaoeaWl 
 * '~" id*Caaada, and afikaw we ^oooanoe the tarltoat MNirf Itfkirl and btrly •rMwkiUI andoubMdly the lineu. Owing to iha' 
 •eedi of Iheaa utlt being very eapenuve, there i> great temptaUoo lo uie Ihe cheaper «orti. We think it well. Iherefora, to caalion our 
 ai«omeni<uaH«lylhabM-theaaple|U. One ounce ar«»ed to 1,000 planl» (See remark* on NiTaATa or Soda, page 8S.7 
 "~^'~' •*"'•»♦■•»•»• (Selected.) Year after year this hai bacome more popular, uoiil leading market 
 gardener*, in nearly every sacrion of the Dominion, now grow, jt entirely, having diwardad 
 , all Ihe older varieliet, a* they find our urainof Erfurt lo be the lureit keadingand allogathar 
 Ihe moat profiuble idrt for market gaident. On account of in dwarf and compact haltil, the 
 plant! may ba tet olil 10 to tt inchee each wa^ , %o thai from twelve to fourteen Ihouund can 
 be planted on an acre. For pickling it ie ihe tundard vulety, the compact and Milkl 
 texture of the •now.whila haadi, combined with delicious flavor^ mrpau all other lona, 
 Perilb.,$10.aO; «oi..$5.M;Jo«.,$S.00; )oi:,'$1.7»; pkl.,Uc. 
 Wmi*9 •nWMkiUI Una). UtidouUediy one 9f the beM early eorii in cultiVation. He hardineir, •ura.heading and rompaci 
 growth makei it ooa of the fine<l for rarly forcing. Per) lb., $12.00; tor., 9«.M; lor., $3.60; 1 oi., $100; pkt ,«lic 
 ""^Boj^.S^wTi o^Im^ITS'. wilt'p'lTlfc! *"'' ""**• ""'*" "^ ''•"rfo"* : '••••• large, u^» jwi." Per J lb., 
 •••J'JJ»'*F .^•''* •' ■••"••JNl'* A lilileUier than Eariy Parte, head«teiga,wtiite,«olid, Per ) lb., $2.JW,' «or.,«I.Ba: 
 Valtaii'* AwtwniM Waurt/ A valuable Alia variety and finite dimincl ; !k^> large, faeaatifully while, firm and comoaci 
 .. ;*»»'-«,•,/'■ 
 quality. Per 
 >rrJlK,$j!(JO; ioK,$l'wrr««rT,»5:" Ifoii^iteTpki! . 10, 
 A eary hardy variety: forme large heada when other varielieefiiil. Per {lb., $1.60; lor., Illic.; 1 o>» tOc.;') oi.. 3Pc.: pkt., 10c 
 ^^yf^ f^^ Ti? , $t S ^T.yite?'^^o!?.6^fc^^*^ of Ih, «.ett lata variciiae grown ; head, large, while, weU (ormad and compM:l of eacelleni 
 waahad. cat in wall piaeaa and eatafiilly driad. Wban 
 by tUfty liMt'; four pooiuii to tbe acre. 
 r dried . Wh«n nquiwd , i l i i lO M ied la d g ro an d . O n e ou nca will ao w ■ b a d fo a i aad on a - hilf fet t 
 Large-rooted or eofta per lb. , aOc. ( i lb. , Sk. ; ie OI. , ISr. ; I oa,, lot. r pkt., Oc. 
 V.*.,Ctifniai Gbk., KttrUb.' Cvltivalcd and naad Ulta Fanley; low at any tiaid ia tha, tpring, b ahallow diilli, ou foot apart. 
 PertM., Spci pkL, fie. , »> •• 
 Wa have «ae« fhaM« fbv 
 Fa., »fmeh4: Gb«., Atktn^u^. Sow tbe Mad eariy in September, thickly, Jn ihallow drills ii« iacha* apart, and protect throucb tbe winter 
 witb a iligbt oovcring of clean itnw. It teqnirei rkb^L Per lb., $2.00i \ \W, Wc.; 2 oi., SOc.; 1 et.. 8fc.; ikt., fe ^^^ "'*' 
 Fb., Cf<-i»rw ; Gbk., C<r4«rw. Sow aiid traaUa tbe lune inaniier ai carroti. Uied to mii with, o^ a* a iiibii{|nta''fbr coffee. Tbe root il 
 Fl., Mait.; Gek., misthk»m 
 SwMt corn ihonld not be pl«at«d until 
 th* WMlbcr bccomii wium ; alvftyt 
 ■elect • mraa gpil if poedble, espcdall* 
 (or fbe culler varieties, m the diATcr- 
 ence In eon Md eipoewc will often 
 mklte contiderablc difftrence In matnr- 
 \\j. Plant in liHit three feet apart each 
 way, five or six kenicis to every hill, 
 or in drills three fc^t tpart and the 
 Slants thinned to oneloot apart In the 
 rilL The Utter method wlll^ield the 
 heavier crop from a citcp Mrho^. The 
 soil shonid be well Ariehed «ith 
 manure before planting, and, while the 
 \ctop Is growing. The hoe or cultivator 
 has to l>e kept basjr stining the soil. 
 One pound will make about one 
 hundred hills; one peck an acre in 
 hills. O-For field varietie«s4M Agri- 
 cultural Seeds. -to 
 Novelty pages. 
 Foe description see 
 A. Bf e-^sv (SttfECi]? Oorsi* 
 Dans, OM enli m r, • MtMioa tnm th* Bv«rM 
 '.Tl^- 7^ **^ ">>*' 'M^r for ■uwkM.OHi hwdiv I 
 dI«Uif>W>«i f ran tin Btrcrgnm, and art nally tm daj 
 •wlMr, which h of gnat cbniidtnuien le gardmn aid 
 caMMH. J>tr doa. aan, aOc; 1» lb>., $t.U; 6 Ibi., Mc; 
 1 lb., Uc.; pki., Sc 
 9mm, MsMii MmdMUH a mhtr <lwn, black-graiaad 
 mirtf cl aaiuual •wMlnni. Pw do*, tan, 50c., 16 lbs., 
 )i.7» : » ih«., aoc.; 1 lb., iSc: pkt., k. 
 ▼*• p«i» Oarn. mnrtailyaadiwMi, tinilar toika 
 MarbWiaad, but aboat on* wMk earlier, and aion inil- 
 abia for atarkM, beia* laigtr in lb* Ear. Per doa. ean, 
 flfc.; » lbs.i %l.n : 6 lb*., aoc; I Ib., l«c.; pkt., fc. 
 OrMkV UMfm Barly aMBaJI an eicelUat aarly 
 mrtamt ^art rather •hurt ; ridi, nuganr flavor. Per doi. 
 ean, UT ;;>» Iba., $1.76 : 6 Ike., aOc; 1 lb.. Ik..; pki., k. 
 ■arlw Mi nwin T ■wrtlngtaw, a vary early and waon 
 ubie vaiiaty, thoagh »«>• a iwaei con. Aa exceTleat 
 early fleld varieiy. Par dm. cara60c.; 16 Iba., $l.aO 
 «:ba., ate; I IK, Ik.: pki., 6c 
 1 •r«My vaHwtyt ■•> 
 taHy ItarkMlMMli aaa af ihe eartla« vailMiaa 
 _d<ia.eai3,60c.; ]6I( 
 lha.)i;66;6IKi£': I lb., Ik.; pki.,6c: 
 %er dwarf; earefaii 
 rnry '"'^ '"'<*' <l<^f ;_ ean fair 
 •in ; nxcellenl. Per 
 •fc.-.JIb., 16c; pki., k. 
 ■nWtMUl •WMt. ean of large liie, very producliva, 
 •wM, lender, and of delickMU flavor. A wpeirior market 
 variety, aad well adapted lor canniag purpoaer. Per doi. 
 . aan. g0c;j6 lba.,$I.J 6; 6 Iba., «0c; 1 lb., Ik.; pkt., fc. 
 MamniMh vm^t, a lata variety, and One of ll^ 
 large*t growa ; eweet, leader aad dellciow. A nwrkei 
 •prt. i*er do>. ean, «0c; » lU., $1.76; 6lha.,«ac.; I 
 lb., Ifc.; pkt., 6c 
 Mn«Ptf«B<M<rCjS W r<,of rich aad dajidooa flavor, 
 and an- axMlent iaieraMdiaia variety. Per dot. ean, 
 _««k:.; 1» l t?...$l.76 ; 6 Ibi. gBc.; 1 lb., Ik.; pkt., fc.^ 
 Parrym mtgrMi a new euta early variety, with large 
 I ,^niear», aboat twice thaiinorMtone«4a;twelverowed 
 '* ^Vd of fineqaalily. Par d«. ean, 60e.; 16 Iba., $1.76 ; 6 
 l^ba., aOc; I lb,, Ifc.; phi., fc. 
 iM« 4«. t* Ik. «rtoM ftw 
 Fa. Crtutm <U Aata/a i^ 
 Gaa. Brwmmtmkrttm.: A 
 erell known i>laat, growing 
 abaodaatly ahmg thaauu- 
 gim of ninaing itrcaaH.. It 
 la eaeily introdaced by 
 flaatiag alwn Ihe nuvgiaa 
 of poode and tlreaau. Par 
 I lb., $1.16; t aa., 76c: 
 Iot..6fc.;pkl.; lOc 
 It is psoiMMnced, by every 
 pctsoB who has eaten it, the 
 tttntlattfmHf they have aver 
 tasted. In groi^ andap^ 
 peaiaiice It is aallk^a^y 
 other variety, the ^u*ks and 
 stalks being of • de«p r«4 
 color during growth, while 
 iIm com itself la of a beanJf- 
 ful Cream white, and having 
 the duftst gnum^jfml twuflh 
 ttl r«4 of any known variety. 
 A aaoat prodiictive variety, 
 growing vigofouslir and coas- ' 
 Ing in as early/jM Mooie'a 
 Coaoan). No market or 
 private gatden is complete 
 without It. J5 lbs.. $2.28; 
 5 Ibe., 80c.| 1 lb.f^e.; 
 \ lb., lOdpkt.. lOe. 
 ImaiMll'a BHlna lairiy (Whito mtrtV- Mm 
 earlieM Whila rUnt Cora gKown iW* lii to aevan*^ 
 incfcetinlaiUtlh, «rell*lled,andwiihaeawllcbb. It 
 h the only cora that will aaiare ia Manitoba and 
 Northara Oatario. Per doa. ean, 60c; 16 lb., $1.76 ; 
 par6lbe.,flk.;pkt., fc. 
 Mwwwll^ <»»rBi«nsi •■MM. a lata variety m 
 the richaet aad iwaateat flavor ; Kan aiadia* lin, 
 and remaiaslofigar in a green Mat* than aay allMr 
 variety. Per dot. ear*, flOc; 16 Ibe., KM; 6 Ibk, 
 flk.; lib., 16c: pkt., 6c 
 TtMMwana. prafemd by Buuiy who oMact to the 
 Miar varietiea. Per doe. ean, 60c.; 16 Iba., fl.46 i 
 6 Ibe., 60c; 1 lb., Ifc.; pki., 6c 
 White, lor parching flaaanV Par Jos. ean, .f6c: 
 IMba.. $1.46; fribe., 46c; 1 6., Ifc.; pkt., k. 
 ■■riy Antkarv a very early ■ainriBg variety of a 
 clear aaibrr color. Mc. lb.; pkt., Ifc. 
 l«i|B«rMirt» »H«*4liP9Ml 
 Pa. CVa »»; Oaa., Kuttti.—A well kaoera paagent lalad. Sow thickly at Ikaqaaw 
 intervale, to keep ap a ea e ce n io n , and cover tha eaed lightly. 
 •atra OwrlMi, vary fiae, and Bwyha CM two orlhraa timae, laavnfrilkd 
 aadcnilKl. Piirlb.,iOc; ilb.,fte.; toi., 16c:ot.,»lc; pkt.,6c 
 vary laraa leaved variety, paageai aad pleaaant 
 ! .;| l b..i li .; l aa..l6c ; «t., 
 Ieaveadelicatagr>aa,aiild aad iaa flavor. Parlb., $!.(•; | Ik, «Oci 
 ■- pkt., k. 
 t oc, ISc; ,0*., lfc.~-; pkt., fc. 
 iMsfli Oraugi Seat ' ' 
Doaacad, by Mtry 
 o hM tatta it, tba 
 D gioi^ udap' 
 It is wiUli4*^r 
 ttj, tht ^oak* ■d' 
 Bg of a d«<|> k4 
 Bg growth, wbila 
 whitt, and haviog 
 graim^jftul tm»lh 
 njr kaowB varictjr. 
 roductive traiictjr, 
 goioatlyuidcoal- ' 
 ■ally ')U M'ooie't 
 No market or 
 rden it eompict* 
 . ISIbr. |2.2a{ 
 iOc.i 1 Ib.f86e.> 
 :.:pkt., lOe. 
 Mto mtrtV- Mf 
 •■ ; *an lii lo Mv«*^ 
 IwiihaMMdIcbb. It 
 m ia Manilob* and 
 Mt| ■ bn wiMy m 
 r ; Kan miMmm lin, 
 Ual* than aar Mbw 
 if in 
 o oltiact lo Ida 
 ., Itc.: pkt., k. 
 MtarUig Tarittjr of a 
 r.. lOc. 
 • liaMi, laavcifrilkd 
 II., tc 
 •fiat and ptaaaant 
 10t . ;l aa..lie. ; «fc, 
 b.,$I.M; |lk,«Oc^ 
 Fa. CiliH . {\m:- SilliTM. 
 'I'u grow ««rly Crkty, low 
 th« M*il lala in Marvh. in a 
 hoi Iwd fH hoa, an«i fuf laiar 
 I ha omu 
 llll, rod I 
 Shada iha irouna planu (or a waak or Ian ilajn, and ilu aoi lai Ik* mil dry 
 OM. rka Mf), auylia »hafn liff om.* or iwlc* liafor* plaining, w »• lo tnitttio 
 *■ iMckir "^planli, which will luirar law on kalag iranaplanitd. Whan /ram'. 
 4toainclKahith,lran^>lani into broad, •hallow iran< h», or oa iha laval ground. 
 •atliag iIm dwarf lorii la rowi I (mi apart, and ih« tail variaiiaa 4 faal apart, 
 aad • Inchaa apart in iha rawa. Tha aoil rhniild ba liahi, hiahljr manurtd, 
 rtlally ihadad and nioial, or n*ar walar, aa ihtf plant* miut ba liaaly atalrrrd 
 dry waather, but akould not ba pal directly on ihaag. Earthing apch^ka 
 froanii aad ihoald not ba(in antll qiilia well grown, ihen earth up gradually, 
 aaptaa Iha leaf Mallia cloae loaaiher lO ih.t the loil aiav not fall Into ilie'cantia 
 aaUd aad haary Par I IK, tOc; toe., Mc.: ^ oa., Mc.: pkC, 10c. 
 ■aa t aw W ptwt, of low iruwih, whlla, crfap. aolid. Far lb., «100: |lb.,auc; 
 t oa., Mi&. 1 oa., Mc: pkl.. te. 
 MrP Wklto PPawallt a auparior dwarfi htrga itUiad aatiaiy. Per lb., $1.00 ; 
 ) Ik, $!.«• ; 1 as , 4fc.; I oa.rWc.: pkl., *e. 
 in dry* 
 r »™" 
 iaaataaiha „ 
 oriaa plaat, bat naear aarth up in wai wea her, aor when daw 1> on tham.0 That 
 Iniaaalad far winter and aprlng um n<-ed.i littler banking, when uoie.'i for winter 
 ll will natarally bleach beautifully wMir. One oanca will now a Ud of nine 
 •qiMra yarda, and trill produce about 0,000 plaiiU. ^ 
 I l1«<a>aaw'a ttmtt-*tim*r, ^mMtm, a dnr, mtdium »iie«l virialy; wiien 
 biMchad i» vellowMi white ; lolid. and a rich nutty flavor. I'er lb., )il.lW ; 
 lib., $I.OO:«oi.,t6c; Io>.,a0c.; pkt., ic. , 
 . one of tha beat of ita color ; thcea acouainlad with ll prefer il . 
 loaay other lort. Per lb , U.00:yib., OOc. ; toi.'.Jtc.; lof.,nc.i pkt., V. 
 rla Oa W an V«ll«l«i laf««fe aalM (true), a new variily, having all 
 Iha iiaalitiei of Iha Uwarf Wklta French, liut la lairblanching lo a reaMrk- 
 able aiient, the iluler rilia aaauaiing a yellowiah white appearance^ trttli a 
 ' rkh gotdaa yellow heart, of Una Aavtir and a good Ifiaeper. fthr lb..|i.OO; 
 {tb.ifl.'M; tor.. Hfic.; loi.,Mlc..; plit,, lOc. ' .^ , ■ 
 H awaaraail^a QaWw DtlMWf i the heart it of a waair galden yalkiw and 
 ^ a Bioaiallractive and thiwy variety ; entirely wild, iaf eacelleni Ravor, and 
 oaaof thebMI kaapara. Per ) :b., tl.OO; fat.. Mk.; lot.Mc.: pki.,k. 
 Mmw ItaOMi of luparioT flavor and criapaeat ; the heart and neaii are batuli- 
 fully ahadad lo a fine rota color ; krepe brlier than tha white aortt. Pea 
 th.,|S.10t )1b.,$l.0«; tai.,(te.: loe.,Wc.; pkl.,»c. 
 B^ . ■l — hliur. the heart it of « baoMiftlt (oMen yellow color. 
 Urge, criip and tolU, keapiag well all winter.. It it rntlrely Mlf. 
 hlaaching. wiil)oul any covering whatever. Per lb., $t.00; ( lb., $i:M-, 
 t or., Mc.riol., Mte ; pkt., lOc. V,' 
 ■■wOiiliUliaiii ^mrnrf Wlllta, ona of tha beat irhiia vari«i«a la aia. 
 nrlb;7)a.OO;|lb.,OOc;loa.,l5c.; lot.lOc.: ph<.,K. . » 
 . Pl m wat aa axcalleat eaily VKriety ; tender, crisp, of attldj/pltaalna 
 flavor, bat nol a good keeper. Par lb., $.1.00: llb.,$I.UO; toa.,«0c^; lot., 
 4M.;pkt.,6c. , / ■,, :, 
 WkHarBMlMialariOgrowiBgvarMy. Per lb.,$1.06: 1 lb„0*e.:l'«»:vah.; 
 „ I oi.,>Oc.; pkt., Kc. • . " ' 
 Mla«# Oatary B«Ml| for taatboing (not for towing.) Per lb., tW.it e<.,'10c. 
 Oalarlaa, Laf«« » m mm M » Pr^B— t a variety of calfrr with luinipthapeii 
 rooti. which are white-flethed, cofaparaiively lender, and have the flavor df 
 cakry^italka. Per lb., $1.00 ; ) lb., «l.ao ; t oi., »>c.: 1 or., 90c.: pkt., tc. 
 r^ ^^nn ^ ''■■• C*")' .' (•■<■■'• ^MMrr. The carrot gfewa belt in a light 
 fi^f I I ^^ landy l«aa>«well manured and coltivatcd. Sow at early aa the 
 1 a V^^ I \J groaad £an be warkc<l, indiillalSincheaapanlatlhetBiallaarly 
 WSS^^^m^l^l^ nant, large varietieajl i. chat apart, and • ncket apart in tha 
 One ounce of t^ wil^w IftO feet of drill. 
 ClMUrtMMWNai^iffMBtBoavtotftluBlp- rooted.) 
 MdaMra productive- Kr lb., <1.00; ( lb., Mc.; 
 t o>., Ik.; I oa., lOcj pkt.- tc. 
 D^iiWf Oimmgm, a flna tntarmadiate variety, even 
 in tia% aad liuipa ; color, deep, rich oraago red. 
 Parlb.,lk.; |lb., ISc; « oe. lie.; lot. lOc.; pkt. k. 
 •MaraMlBaa ar Oa M— rt(Siu«p-rootvd.) At tha 
 thotildar froai I to 4 inchaa in diameter : Aeth blight 
 oraaa*, flna iraK id and tweet ; very prdduciive. 
 Patlb., $I.M; ) Ik, Mk:.: * oa., Ik.; to*., Illc.: 
 Pr^nolt Parelns Ham, 
 ivy : fleah deep orange vol- 
 ~ toperior flavor ana deli. 
 fib., 40c.: t oi., tOc.; 
 t "» r iiHiaHwi' i 
 Mmi%f Bwaj P I W I M arwt timtlar lolhe ptacading; 
 rtioit a Tittle larjirr, of eHcelleat flavor luid a 
 gooil ktrper. Per lb.. eOc.; i lb., !Uc: 2 oa., 
 IV'.: I or., lOi:.: pkl., k. ^ 
 Similar n shape to th" Early Horn i color, 
 brig hi acarlat ; fleih reddiahotanaa, baoominic 
 yelVtar in ceaira, but with nodittincl core ; flne 
 (laincd and fitihe iineti table quality. PerlU, 
 «0c; ilb.,ac;«oa,lk.:loi.,IOc.:pkl.,k. 
 *■ iaarMUUtrlRBfiount rooti loiig, with 
 lop an hich or two aliuve ground ; of aiadinm 
 tiiM^liln deep tcarlel ; fleih bright, criip and 
 of fine flavor : eacellcni for garden or field 
 eultivatioa : rrqiUreidaapcultivalion. Per lb., 
 7tc.: i lb.,tk.: f oa., ik : I o*., lOc: pkt., k. 
 Ba aH atrfH ta i' m a^Mlta (point nwlcd). tin 
 Ikin bright ; flediotange yellow. 
 full medium 
 ligcd, jrell flavored, und whaa young it 
 Pcrll>.,Wc.;ilb..Uc : 
 le itinlgcd, well 
 c«la''t foidile 
 lot., Ik.; I oe., lOc.; pkt., k 
 iMpravatf barca 
 Lawratf la vary early and 
 htalthrultpriagulad. Sow 
 early in the tpriag ia diilb 111 iBchea apart, and thin 
 outtaOiacbaiintliadiilb. Par loe.,7tc;pkl. lOc. 
 in a 
 Fa. Anttrwim; Oaa., Bkr/ilUutm. 
 Iiot-bad ia ilattji, Iniha taaie manner aa lowaloaa. At 
 tbay iva v^y eaertpilbb lo cold, ihay tbtHtM mt be 
 iraaiflaaHd lo the open grouad aatil Iha araaihar b qnila arana. Sol the 
 plaati two (tat apart each way. Oaa otuica of toad will produce 1,000 plantt. 
 BBB Ptantt Bwil> \Mmm PurplOa oaa of the aarliati ; frail biag, dark 
 ^ich parplo, taador aad axcalbM qaalily. Per aa., Ha; pkl., k. 
 ItnpaaWMI W aiw Yiartt Purpla, vary large, roaad or- oval, excallaal and 
 prodoaiva, Iha boat autkat varialy. Perot., ODe. ; pkl., lOc 
 OMBI ||k tw,,Ail; Caa., Afba W ntir*. Uted for flavoring loupa, tuwt and other diahea. Garlic ihrivaa beat In a Hghl, well enriched 
 fmmi toiL OarlicbulbtthoaM teplaiiledja wirly tpnag, iarowtone fool apart, aiid from o 
 r l b . , p eat paid. lfc . i \ l b„ l ie. 
 Ivaa beat In a Hghl, well t 
 five iachca heltraaa the bulU in 
 Pa., CkicTit : Gaa ^ £«^A'/m. It ahonld not bo towa hafor* the middb of Joly, ia Iha opaa grawid, ii drilb half iach deep. \ 
 Whea the pbiu are altoag aooogh, t aaaptapii o* a rainy day, fat drillt, lo aland a fool apart eaih tray ; atadai toon aa tbr bavea 
 ha^inniagtoi ■•-■■■■•'•- 
 ledch each othor, ib Itiaai up over tha heart of iha plant to blaachc 
 _ _ ewi!i«M, beaalifall* carlod dark groaa laavea, which I Maaa Onrla^j': hae iha 
 laiwfail^ctbpaadiaadar. Par lb., fllO ; | Ik,' $1.10 ; t oa . 
 ; 1 oa., lac; pkl., ic , ' 
 —IT— » . 
 I ot a tuft of laoat. 
 wa Onrla^ i ': hat iha apoaataaca u. - . — .- , „ — ^, 
 Cm; Uaachat baautiAmyr Per <b., $110; ) Ik, ^.OIKf^ oa. . ^; 
 ; 1 oo., Wc; pkt., Ic ,';'>..- .':i,g '-'^ 
 — '. • ■ ■ "" — — ■ -^ " i ' ' .i. ii» L>; - I 11', , i r 
 n . 
 '; ' ':a#.;„ 
 ra.. ^«A««>. , 
 ii9!iii^:7?^.,'? ^f^K*^ '*• •>«'«■ «* <•*"• ■»* •iik« !■«*« 
 KMUr Ika Mad tUalir M4tovtr«ill»MiMi.irw 
 unh imo IJM drilhaMl mowmI Um l««k., U<i>* 
 A 4wp rich M^l U nqaind U> pMduc* Him I«Ii 
 uaiU |h« fiouad eloMs mp, aiay b« draw* u dol 
 lirad fiKilM 
 la (ktoUr ih.T »lirb« n«ly«graMr«Mi 
 laUa. lo<.HlMlM«fdiUI. 
 WWM^nnUl *a» la Jaaa, and for •low rMdiaguw wrly la iIm 
 ••Ma fei gnrnth ; iraaiplam IfHe nm^Jwo Tmi apan aad U inch^Sbk .h. 
 Cahioal. UU cabhatt m twim, tha Kohl Rabi, khaa yoani, iBBm aad 
 ddkatt. pdlMac tha llanihir both Ik. aabha|t.a^ lanir. Cookad ta^TtSffmh).,' 
 [Oii|>aaiM»oriMd>rlllprodyc«l,<M plaaii. ' w •— 
 ■■Hy Whit* Vlanna, Kiaaa^iop, »hl«t ■ph. povnlar. ha*d«oaM„gaod flavor, ri" 
 lb..$i.ai)vJ<ib..«oc.;i»..Mc.:io,..ir»t;^,..fc. f^ 
 iMrlV ruivto VlMMMidiffan from iha pracwHof aalr in coh». rarlb.,'« 00- 
 % lb., (»c.j t o<., S6c.; loa., 10c.; pki., fc. ,, ' ' 
 *fc: 'TJ^^'Oy- ':*'**-Th.L..««hdl,hMtateiJl 
 l!!^ ^.^ « u. •^'^ !»". ; U,. Cd. „,la.l«i ka*. loo. 
 ^^^^ l!!l ^^"''*- '••"'^•»J««««"q«aUll..d«pa.M„„ 
 r.h.«.,« March, »od.r.fc- wkkdlthl k.^.' k'!^,^ ^tlH Z^^- i ?* •",»"• ~-'»f ~T b. -A I. 
 ■arfcat ■■idMwror for liriBiUr aM. It 
 Ibahaalo' •uiaMr, and twain ill iwai 
 |*l,ft ' '^ • ■' ••»•»«•!> <--.»«•; 
 Urtf e«fek«C«, Karir Ohio b good tilktr hr 
 Ik., fLOO ; K lh.,)Me.: «o>., ItcioK, Mc.; 
 I ■» — l y». aartr. ioaaa knub, 
 irS-'.Zr-^_f^"*."»*^- "r 'lb., »1,M; 
 _«*-'"£i» "-«:•: > ««•. inc.: phi.. »c 
 ■■nVPMMHaaa, aa aicamal raiiai* for Aail* I 
 '. TUl^'^ V'*^ k4d oTa d«iM aMN of km* T 
 kirVir.1 II ... ".T* <•"•«'«•>• bo*! In coliivation ; 
 i«id.r^^ik 'J5«'~i"??'*!^»'*«" : "".adi w.ll;v%,7 
 ,f?j5L5*i?l!f'.'' **"*>"•"■. *««T iMWHoma ; forcat wall; 
 phi.. 6c. 
 *•• VlwtiHj^ crhp-an4 lander; of a liihl pala 
 W y wNl CmH U . dfiw aot torn a kwga haMl. 
 a hat t 
 ••naai. faMa 
 nUknir oM aM c 
 I a Mwad inriaijr. 
 *•• iaa»»a alaio* a 
 Ik., tk.; I oa., 
 ■iWlrOiMMl WiniMMI, not a h«Klias »at«atT.' 
 ^. tLM; V It, Mc.; J a.., Hfc; i o.., Ifc.; 
 1 oiTMb.; pkL 
 •itf Ik.. 
 Osa.. Gam-mk» 
 . w a co m lda i afcU aauni lor ptchlide 
 '"g"» raMabondaaw. a«l ihooim 
 »*r~> "«« ««dar. fh, ...i Jh»M 
 iprfl or Mar. and Ika pUnu inuuphni. 
 wart aack w». "^ 
 rm., Mmrtfmim} Oaa., Caamiataranc-Tha 
 podi aia .Md to a canddtnSl^tttaM " 
 Ihay aia pnidiiead ■ " • 
 Giihaiad whaa* 
 •own In A 
 ed to « bM 
 ^ toa.,«ic.;lo... ■l«J(^l--fc 
 Fbr i Ik.. «.(H|; 
 '— =^^ '-- • •§£ii.th'irr.i;r!!£; 
 1*1.. le. 
 -^ » WRI RTIRR — 
 "»if»i««fc» •■*€»«*: akaald ba^Sd^to 
 K ik. Tk: t M..M:.; 
 ra aaiac. i 
 1 «!., Ifc.; 
 ritt.. it. 
 «pa«ia. To a» otfcata oa rai 
 »a oMir la ipaclaU* aiada ai^ ._, ._,„ . , 
 aad ia alrnjn ftaah aad la prarar Bialliiaa Mr plaa«ia(. 
 ••mra, kaaiMk par brkk tk. 
 alirh* aant tm with all oidan far 
 1^ •«< laygrtad twiea apch aacmr 
 rm., Mmlmrd,: Qn.. 
 c-^.?r!i?^.-j;^TjSaany';'t' t"w 
 "wj'.wsirtkW^ p«'bj.ifc.ijiu. 
 TiihtCmfmehtt: Gu., A'l^iwfarrMraa. Scwaatlyin 
 f^'«vi5E!^ *" roaSSTiiaia thia toSKll 
 Mbi 1 «■., He; pkt., Ic. •"•"•"' •"*»^°=-'"-» 
 * T» ., C «a<» - - - 
 llMviM. Tl 
 naad ia mn, aic, «»7 aaMtUrafaaCT 
 ma frarfir, kaait abaailaat^ hSlu».7S. 
 aafp,iMtia«pUnut«r>laa( apart; : 
 _J_?"*^' ••*•*•' >•».»««•; pit., ic. vT ^_ 
 Sowat aaoal' 
 Too much cu 
 prolific Meloii 
 ict wUk 6ait 
 ii Ihia, of ■ i 
 ■malt. ' Alw 
 lich, loickMii 
 nMtiagt Thadi 
 thick, aad blaadi 
 nwkinf a iaa aa 
 thraahat Hi 
 Biak-gMlaa, aa 
 Tha V«M 
 into piaa. padoii 
 ' linpr*v«tf O 
 ■■>»»— I Bi 
 aad lidkhri 
rlirb* raadyfer •••, mi 
 Mb lM«M«f<MII. 
 ••la iMgit, bit k thm 
 • kwdy; pCTlkw.lTM; 
 •■ tiM CUil»t* han 
 Cm nrhtlM In** Idag 
 •oil U Mcaawty ta pro- 
 r qttaUtl*^ itptmi «*iy 
 owinf may b* aala la 
 » lh« tnmtm arwy Rm 
 r- i lb., «.(»; 
 •—A puannl 
 _«liiclily in mnaiin 
 in: fcr oia darinc 
 '•!• la boao, ia th* 
 a crap at iMd* aow 
 thin oai ( ' 
 I. Parlk.nc.illU., 
 rrtlmm. Scwaatfyia 
 jia tlMai toaakaii; 
 «. IVIt.,^S»; 
 'I PM., M* 
 ■riUNO CATALOOUB OW n«M. iVLBS AN& FLAlftt MK l«,. 
 IIQIf ^ I'*-' Mtlmi Gh., Zmkir'MfUm. A rieli, wann, undy *>il ii bol for Ihi Matk M«loh 
 yon T^miOm poaiid U 4iry Md warn. PUat fkoa^iia (o imWa tMdt ift hill* tU ftM apatl tack 
 MELOM ,.^ ^ ^ ^^ 
 ^^**Trr^rT?TT? «yB^ 'eo« tmM ■■ pul. thia to ibirM *ifoiaM phali in • hill. If mmmk ia miiad ia ita 
 pUaltag, Mt to II IkMjtb pM ■iidw«llr«M«l._WkMlkt thoeuutfalopt loaf , piDck off Ik* Up* 16 aUia tkm bMackin, m 
 lb* via*. Thla oat IkfRtall If It la tsentlM. Tk« naMMag bmIow «UI ikMokjr laci«M* ia *iM and ritta Milkr. Doael plaM 
 aiidjiqa<i«M.a| ttMqrkrkfM^M. OnooaaotforMWIhi «to«lb«.kikUfaferaaa«M.« Saooar rattiliMn, pofoM. 
 Phat tkt Moi 
 waf, mmI w^ 
 kIHa at ttaM of 
 I loMfoagllMa 
 -J' . ' ^ y" 
 1 1.-11 
 til Ina Jill di 
 • pal., M. ■: . 
 ■m«rmM Qsm Mlitik itoioii.— 
 Too Bineh cannot be iaid of tftc qaaliijr of Ihit 
 prolific Melon. The vinca ue itraof and well 
 act wUk fitnit, which ripena early. The rind 
 ii Ihia, of a fcca color, and the lecd cavity 
 email. ' Alaoet the "enyilyfruit contiatt at 
 rich, loickNK fleth Of e^HJ^te aalmon color. 
 P*roe.,S8c.{ pkt.. It 
 ■•riy HaakviiMi^ -^Thi* it a lelcctloB 
 of thie pop«lar lUckentack, but la a decided 
 . imfrovcmenl, from the laCI that they will 
 pradnee melooi elmoit eqnal the tixe, at ItMt 
 tao daya earUar. In tiiape and color it ia 
 timilar to the old Hacjteniark, the only differ- 
 ence being in iti greater earjineia, bat thia 
 •lone is tamcient ib Ughl* racoonai^ It to 
 Peroc, 2Sc.; pkt., lOc. 
 Omw**— Tkt Oi*g» kaa krontht higher I 
 piicee m Chicagi^ •• well aa many other 
 Wtatera amrkeu, tlfiMI uy oUmt Maik 
 Malaa. and ia coaifaieMd by faeliy the aoat 
 proAtiAiaaMrlntvaripiy^caWvatloa. It 
 .la tmall, nearly ravnd,..gra<B (feaked, finely 
 netted of rick, lateioae fUVor, ga^ friend* 
 with both growen and cMmmert, whcievcr 
 irM. l'crac.SOc.jpkt.,:IOe. 
 _ ATdlowfloMd aiuli- 
 ^i___i_^_____„^_^^_ lAilofi, cniiraly fm from 
 Bcttlaft ThaaUa it ■ ddicai* nnw color, th* Awk qail* 
 thidi, aad btead* fraai btigkt Ji««> to a richiWIainn In color, 
 1 two to 
 — bUv, 
 . Ban* Maw, 6a« ol \h* largtti araik 
 from and laaot. ~ 
 i% uoc only « 
 ;' Tho flavor afur i 
 and (Ood for na« in Iha lam* wk* *• BMlonI 
 • • ■ Will Mil llM 
 rloAi in iali 
 ;, grotn flaihtd, klfhly mnlld. rich and 
 I, a firU-ratc, 'arly, large, ruand 
 ~ ■■ " " .ft ot 
 b* diumgnlAaC'nxn >!>• pvach. 
 I (Mlwd. Pwlb.,$l 
 gTMa aad lady aM[|j^|f»r lb. 
 Pw lb., •1.00; {lb. 
 •woM aad of good flavor. 
 Man*' a»l Bwp*W»a< Wii t iwaa r, • larg* awlon, n««rlytoand, . 
 ribbod: fliah wanrbably ihkk, liaht (r<«n, of ddicioui flavor, 
 lb., $1.10 : \ lb., 40c.; 1 Objitc.; t or., I«c.: pkt., 6c. 
 •kHlNMUina nn* lla H a l i,forat, roundish ovat, flcdi, dtcpman, 
 aad lidUy pttfaawd, aaadrhr and-dolkiou vailMy. PoiAb., i 
 . \ '<iii«Cri «.<*. tfe: t ««•' .'•«•' •*••• •*• ^ 
 'f(Saa Movahirif. 
 toinu aa uoallmtMibftilBM for l^hca (M'.auliiDg 
 nH wh«t« Mil UKam. Of., ^c. ; -pkl. , 10c. ., 
 , larga, pbintod afiha tadt; flaa flavor; giaaa, thick ' 
 .10; i lb.,M|c.; «ba.,»c.; to*., 16c.; pki., le. ^ ": 
 .•l.«0;:pnilb.,Hc.:|^|^.: loi., lie; pki.,(c. \ 
 — ■ •'^ 
 'X A 
 ( t ) 
 •niiNO CATALoouB or 
 4 — -T^— .^ — 
 ytfl^ ■ ItM, «uk)r m^Mara, iIm Wuar Matoa ikrivM 
 loatrli^ 6i» 
 fillt ^>na oUoM tii« 
 ■•» WMtnMkM, "Snaiaol*.* Il " --♦•• —J— .»__ — •_ z.—^ — «._^ , — « _ 
 colon u« found on Mw {Um vIm. Thn 
 - tettAJH.TI'V^'V:?' '(?"'" ■'•'' '^l l»«*>"l".l€i. Mtloin or hoih coion w. io<ii.d on Hw mum 
 Sf it*^l^3S ' o,*"^":?''' '''?.'""'^ *.c«diD«ly dilidou. MlM, «Hl >h«.ld bTT^by .11. 
 i jMpi» and prodKilvf. Per ll>..$j.00i J lb.i Sifeito... Wc.j 
 ^Iff^pwl.t Ac. 
 fimy Uripcd duk and li«ht (mn ; Aoh ii kriiVml, wild, li 
 'E^iblVi'' "'' "»""'l»»*«! In ""or : th> iind 1i ihin, vinci 
 :.j 1 Of., 
 _ nci itrona* 
 Per lb.,$I.OO;l lb.,9<K:.:«ol„ Sic. 
 m.ornwdium .<ira, >lfin,liKlii •mitbd green; netfi.Jniihi 
 l|t#Hhr and ntrtou fai gtoerih 
 •'•• ••••fniedium early : >kin, Iflack green in color ; Heih, de4> 
 ,, Kwm, ven ^,we«i : ihe nndu very ihin and lOugh ; very productive^' . 
 ^^SV!? W.""' ••>• '•« '>«'• •»'••• "flon for fainily um. P^ J 
 lh^*1.00 1 i lb., aOf-.; iif.. Wc.; 1 o... Iftc.; plil., f c. ^ " 
 IW>*4ti aiU«, •ulid, <wcei and delicious : ikin, green 
 ', M»«geniiiine famriie for hoiM and markel gardena. 
 df^r ntakiMg ^lervn ; growl unifdMr round ^adi 
 lid :Medat«X Por lb. $I.!o ;Vlb., MTTt ol, UgJ>< 
 ONION 8Kt« 
 ifiUmt fcyjfcti kwkcl, wil 
 (Mto— By aair. 
 •iMtoM • • to; By maU, pcwiiwid, ^ 
 P*lal« OnlwM— By mail, ^KwliMid, 
 -■Bymin,patt|«id.perlb., ISc ' 
 By ouUl,- |M)U|wid, per lb., SOc 
 OdiMi •••«, ilMie an te ur 
 plutiiigi Mry haidy. ud • jpwi Avoiritt, pro- 
 Slkdog gRcn oniona i'o the tftiog betoe aay 
 Ordan boo l i a d da r tog ip t i n t, . 
 and wOl be iof wardedilar tla*« toi plwiUag ia 
 IhH fiOI. Per Hk. inttipaid. Itc. ; per peck. 
 I CMP » 181 
 hroB acaUiOM ol 
 cauomert have 
 icedafai drilU'M 
 throw the earth i 
 The onioat may 
 wiU io# 100 InI 
 mat valnc i 
 fal flavor, 1)1 
 lent faajly a 
 full, andpla 
 ''#la«lM— I 
 , WW. gtirl 
 • uevw^tfiifr 
 Per IK. $1.: 
 ^keeper; Ac 
 Oakin^^lpw lap 
 tonariy ttt ^, Ihe 
 ccM \. we, nowefi 
 eronih, large aiai 
 frooi^Wo to (bar 
 early :ahapi 
 .variety, ft 

 t raprHtmalkm of ih* 
 qr pradacti«*,'ntn 
 , gray •nd llahi gnwn. 
 ■ MwfMwWiN. Thu 
 Ibti^Mbyall. P«r 
 \tmmnm. i * PEDIGREE ONION ^EED. » M»M 
 Wi wish to call pacticulu htttntion to oar exeepliaully pure and fin* ttock of Olltoa •«•«. Xll th« 
 Ooion Scad wl^ieh «• oUtt U of 1890 crop, and it unaiually plump and hea*y,\aod wa ba*« (at it oqr invariable 
 C)nlbm) given tha Mcd tbt moit Ihorough *«iprontiDK tc«ti,"aa it it called, and find th* ((enninaling perccnttge 
 ,„ , to avenge cKcecdinglf high. Our leading tuppiv it Eattern grown, being tUa |iur*tt, earliett, and mott (ne 
 iroB icalUOM of any Onion Seed offered. From the very great care we have taken with (hit aiticle, o«r trade bat Ibeen yearly incrcadng, and uur 
 cuugmara have been prixe-lakeii in Onions for the patt several years. Oar teed ihit season ia certain to give ne same wnivAsal tatisbction. 
 n MM *• ••* •W Ontoii •••4. 
 —A light, loamy soil suits the onion best, and it may begrown for many eonascutive years on the saiM gionnd 
 Harrow and rake the sttriaee smooth and even. As earlj[ in sprin 
 tha grannd should be well manured and deeply ploughed, 
 icedaln drills 14 inches apart and hallan inch deep,r«1llllt ffirMly •*•' Hi* acM. A cultivator may be used betwc 
 throw tha earth loo much over the crop. Weed the drills very'Carefully , and iMV*r aNcw Hm w«MI* to gt all, 
 Tha onipos may be palled at soon as tlie tope are all down. Bxpoae to^ sun a few days to dry them off for storage i 
 will sa# 100 feet of drills ; four or five ponodt to (he acre for a crop. 
 OnlMI (See Novelty List). 
 Previou to sowin 
 ig as potsibla, sow the 
 the drills, being careful not (o 
 ^ »t Mm y*u"C ptamto. 
 market On* oaOMe of stad 
 Thb it the beat yelfow onion gn>wn. 
 «e(B to 909 k«. I 
 , . . often yielding 
 acre with ordinary care when toil and clToiateare propitiout. 
 grant value in the Danvert VcllOw Globe it, beauty ofform.delig^t- 
 nil tnm,ltl»»^U$lHppiiit1ui^t»^iif qualiti—- It it an exoCI- 
 lant family oMfon. Our illuttratinn ihowt a Seld ot Danvert onion 
 ieed'-tlM way It it grown for «t in the Eatt. Each head it large, 
 full, andjdamp, aaly aaraMly aala a to< anktn b«llM ara 
 #lailMa— tbajatler it a vary important factor. Sow 4 Ibt. per 
 , new. titlk.ll.TS; i Itk. Me.iSo«^.aOc.: I oa., 20e.t pki.,ac 
 CltraTtatly Matkg^flitnres very early, yields abundantly, and is of 
 mild ||v<)r;'<lnMUttm slta^dcep red, close grained, solid and heavy; 
 l>'ld>lr '•iKNnmanded, particularly for (he nar\h and north-wett, 
 • uevw^tl^it will produce good-tited oniont. Per Ik, $2.fM) ; 
 i lh.,Vk»\|S4>a., 40e. ijfot , SOc: ; pkt.. Be. 
 **1^&ff** -WaMiar a llali. The-t«aple vatta^, very productive, 
 wftiiaev:deep red jeolor, pleasant flavor, and an excdleot keeper. 
 jM^.lto FartaaalT, A Jundseme onion, of mild flavor, but not a good 
 ^ keeper tAeallimt for tatemer and fafl lite. " "^ «..~. ..^ 
 fy'L} 2 <x^> >9f- i^^k. aoe. : pkt., Sc 
 not rccqmmcnd the ritking '.fa large crop of 
 Onton^tlinm Jatportnd aead, the- following will be found very detirable 
 for early .at*,. tb«y knva all baea teited, and have proven a perfect toe- 
 ccM ; wc, Itowevar, glva no gnartwtee a#>ta their prodnctt i of quick 
 gronih, large aiaa aM pi|d ffpvotr, many tibtti making onions weighing 
 from^wo to fear powMBi^m teed the fint tensoa. 
 MaaNl Mlvar Htaf • \On«,«fthelarMet oniont in caltlvatlant 
 early ; ahnpa Ibt. bat very tUdk i sUa of t9««ry white ; fleth mSd, 
 d alte a la , aid of aaowy whfejihaia ; a hanrtsn n ia and vary popular 
 raitat^. ^ lh7|S>tt I i Ibf , $1.00 } 1 oa.. S0C I pkt, lOc. 
 :oiid lt;"epii 
 ThcNew White Bar- 
 letta is something inthe 
 way of Whit* Queen ; 
 bat is at least three 
 weeks earlier, t^n that 
 exeellent variety. A de- 
 cided acquisition. The 
 tkln iaa beautlfol waxy 
 white ; fleth very mild 
 in flavor and tnowy 
 white. The bolbt aver- 
 ts 'about one and a 
 qoarter inches in dism- 
 eter, and and arc beau- 
 llfalty; rounded and 
 aomnrnat flattened at 
 thetop; Weknowofno- 
 \ thing better than this. 
 \for a very early onion. 
 Per lb., $S.M t li lb.. 
 A iplcmlM Uvnt nrlMv, gloliklu (iMMd, hrifhi lirown 
 >lltBan<l(l*licu«lh>ir; Succwdi b«tt to warn tinunioar I>trlb..it.W;i ll>..Tk . 
 loi.,Mc.;liM.,Hc.; |iki.,Sc. I 
 Milk*! A M»i mali white oaioa, afllM lliivor, quick grawih, anil 
 qmliiiw; wtellcat fof picklins. Pft lb..$t.BO: I lb-. 1.00; »ot..»tc.i 
 i -I 
 <i., lOc 
 Uw«* WhItW Italian TH«wll. A ■!•», aarly. Ian*. 
 onion, gf mild and WKallcm Raror. Mr II>..$t.OO ; 1 U),, 
 pkt., V. , ■ 
 a iwall WlworaWw. AWall Fraacli vari«iv,nMda>MmivtlVlbr|iickling;nry tarty, 
 wliiia color, aad mild flavor. 'Par ll>., $t,M; | lb., 7V.;torri4nc.;lo>.,i6c.;pkl.,ftc. 
 WoMlli HOM, Skia raddith bown, and tvmarkably liatdy ; aitd for laU •owiag, " 
 lb.,|teO:f'lb.,«tc;>or.,ltc:loi.,SOc.;pki.,5r. T 
 WOloniiWNIWi Skia afa raw •MM, aura Madar and atildarl in flavor Itwaika ltd 
 i>«r)b.,ft.Willb.,Mc;:t«(.,atc.:lo«.,Spc.;|iki.,6c » 
 «uliM, f>nrc while, flat 
til vnu;* 
 conr, TOiK>mtBb out. 
 ITl r^ Tr CTT '** '^ i "** iTr^M.— Tba toil but adapttd for tk* Pt> la • rich 
 K/ IV ij ^L loMl, wall aMOHnd lb* ucvioai ytu (um Iboiougkljr dMotnpoMd ■■■ 
 Jm IV /v JtJ *'*' " **?• l">"M<li*ltl7 bafdn pUBltof. ) Kor tuhr cion tow u muI) 
 ^-^ ■ ^^~^ >■ IIm •pflag M IM (nMiMi owi k wotM, la df i' b !■'•• iMt ciMrl, mad 
 . ' ■ ^ I I 1 I for ■ MccMaioB rrtry two wmIu bbiII iIm tn\ ol Jsly. MVIibb iWt art 
 BboBl two iacbw kteb, bagia lo draw Iha aattk to (h« MaaMk lloa olUa la dr* waallMr. Pm< ibaald 
 !?..*°*'S '■**'•>* lyalMan bafota plaatlBi, aad If iha noaBd ba vary diy, «hoirid H walarad la Iha 
 y* 'fy.^'* ■"N—I W M^ ca— f will ha aaoo M Itf *>• bwilwl a» i^daca< rat— . AM 
 tmm cata to pawk l p cka Cat poattt*. I gt. t or 76 h«t of drill. • lo • hwhalt in dttlli fot aa Mta. 
 raoim : '" 
 > ■wty (t kMk irhlM 4mm4. 
 ' Mi yiuniinf •• Ik* 
 ■MM ■•Iferahy.' . AbM tt'd^'Ufa rUniingO i 
 UIW..«I.M4 »IC7i«.;llh.. Ifei phi..*.:. 
 Waaf . ^ marlB^w 'WanMar. (M in^lMi, giM* 
 «(Wd. y*, b«.k-,<LW: i» II-.. $U»; *ik«..«fc.j 1 
 Watiaaw-a MKranaar m fc 
 twlny, villi laaul Im 
 dm. Pwbwk,|8.M 
 ' *'! ** '■'> ■*«ta.l»—a», (1 (mhX rwnd Ma* ^ 
 Mar m fcM), • fnin, wrlakkd 
 Vdm nidi ; gf <MH«ir uid ^wtae- 
 M; nibik, 41.7ft; 5 IU.,Nc; lib!. 
 TafN TMimk (t hdMl, md vkli«< dmiwi; rannriK 
 if and Mriy, of wnllmt qualiiy. Pw b«ih., 
 lb<.,tl.TA;«lba.,g«c.: lib., Ifc.i pki.. Ic 
 Uktm ViUMBTMS, 
 irkaakrlM (l fcM), ■ lu* ti«M vrinkM 
 . ^ , . "lAi.x. nil «kd pod* mi sT tio^Nml >•«« ; 
 tewchini kabii: ihaaM b« pluitd •!« iMikw nan. 
 5jr bulk . $*.M: JUl*. n.lSTS iht. «c. : i lb.. Ifc. ; 
 • •fMM M«rtia> r— « ftwn «i«k>««»' ki tk i >a 
 Itoa iM Uak. mhI kMIs inwd »od>. mil ||l^d wtik 
 Uffa aad MHHiP-iavarad paaa. tti rabaM omMulaiioa, 
 ■a o iai u ai 9ro..aclhraa«ai aad •aparlof appAanUMi la* 
 •m lai atcipiaaw aa a autk« bvu. Iia wUh ika pabllc. 
 " TIm Oardiait't Mag aaiaa : " Myi ikar ara canaialy ika 
 aiqM aatAil lo awaliara aai av««b«ra»aad wtik 
 aad aurkal grovvra vha caaitoi wall caifilajr tapvoru. 
 Ar ikay laqalfa a« ttlcba and ara qalia aiw.| .alMil ' 
 Cllv«a*«. Parbadk. n.k): Ulba..n.i 
 ^ KllladaiMtf (4 raaiX eaa of Iha lichaal 
 aad hrM la«Mad la>« fxni; nr* prodaciiT*. ' Pk 
 kadi.,tl.lft Ulka.,11 W:Mb>.,l«c: I lb., IV.:ikl..k. 
 Mrataaaiti <t t—i), a kiadiiiai'i wrini Ud «ariai*, at 
 lacaai lairoda^ioa, aad ana af ik« i^ry ba«t an aar liM ; 
 a kaavy cioppy wd prbda^ kri «. naiarhaU* jraH- 
 aiMpodoraHallaaiiaMr. Parlwh., *;.« ; ulba.. 
 tITft: *lh>.,«c: lib.. Wc. : pki.,6c.. 
 Talapiaatia (4 fatl), mlakM niiiaiy, of Mraag gravik, 
 a aaad rinjpM, bianag laiMinn padi of lataa paaa at 
 tiraii|4ia lavor: a aaai piaiiabia Mil. Far haak.t, 
 r^i l« Ua.. tl Tti * Iba., He. ; lib . lOe. ; pki.. te 
 VaHtaklra Maria It Ibail, wiiakiad P>a ; pcolUc, oali 
 aarlp ; dalkloaa tavor. Par baik., f4.M) i II lb*., fl^l 
 ft lbs , anc. ; J lb.. Ik. : pkl., te. 
 iiatalWrai'a iterMt — raam a grand 
 nilairi iwailan la btlwaaa Lilila (Sam and Ad 
 Tba vllMa ara<kaUkrmly 
 d raaal 
 liro fcal blah, aiid vara avaa 
 and ragylar la growtk. ll b a pnllAc baarar^nd has 
 jrMdtAwra par ten ikaa aay oth'r vailatv, tlia pod», 
 alihoagk of madlaai iIm. ara nanHnxu, and aik liinally 
 liar la 'growtk. ll b a pnllAc baarar^and 
 •era ikaa aay oih'r varlatv, Ilia p 
 Ma ilfa. ara naaHroiw, and ara liiar w.y 
 of a dalicioua iwtai >a«or. /Par boih;, 
 Ulba.,fi.l»; tlba.,Tta; ir - - - 
 r. /far 
 .>... .:_. BMSbB MMBBL •!! SMAII >BA* 
 r _i*f ^^^ ***** of Pw. villi «wy MMfar adiUa «od* : apd for labia aia b larvad up'ailar i|m man|Mr 
 of giran Haann. 
 ■Mfcrai iarfy Pwfrf arlMMip (« tati). ika aarliart ; ppda laag, •omawhai'bickb-ihai 
 1 lb., lUc, ; nkl.. ftc. - "^ 
 Lwrsa Oraa h a * . mr MmHAr (4 Ihai, targtC 
 ufkaa twbiad, wMiiam ka tachao lamr aad OM 
 jgh or «« >**d. •Iha^^WrlbTfcc.Jllb., 
 pki., 6e. 
 QiAnt (4f Int), po<1r iranipaitnr', yallowbh graaa, 
 vary ikick aad Ikahy, curvad and aiiith conlortadi 
 •ia Inckaa long. Par lb., ttc. '/| lb., lOc. ; pki.. tc 
 l^lf you want to win th0 premium AtVour Tair 
 next Pallr you need OUR SEE 
 Parlb.,ltc. ; 
 i'ha Saada gava bm Iha grapiaM 
 d Iha* aalramaly profllabla. 
 ' Sydaay Albart 
 ■alidkctiaa, haviag 
 , Pairviaw Fara, 
 Fa , PtnUi Gkh., PthrsHit.—Soik iha ictds a few ><oui» in 
 watar water, and ibw vary 
 early ia the opr ine^ ia drilti 
 13 incb«« apart/i thin out 
 the plaatalofix/ocbciapert. 
 To have graab daring the 
 Miatcf, remote plaati Inio 
 a box, and ^ace in a^ l^bt 
 cellar or cold fiame. " 1 ot.' 
 > " - g '-' ^i.- f^ •«> Mo* J'ili- 
 CNAMPIOM lt(Oi|l'^*^0 A 
 Oliaiplaa Ut nM W A t t t Verytelcct ttocki iMm beaatifelly 
 CfiaipBd tad owM, ^itfj fine for garnialiiugf Par lb $1.(10 1 
 UM triMMe flMM. a fiaa dwarfitb, cu/fed yariaty. „ 
 slow IA raaaiairn tatd. Per lb., $1«%| i lb., 2Sc 
 ISci 1 08., lOci pkt, 8c 
 will anqBaattoai 
 oBT' pie aad n 
 vBfjr tkkk, M 
 «afy iBiall in da 
 tM gntaad, i 
 MBMI taata aqil 
 Thay ripaa aarl; 
 Thai aaeda ara | 
 in l^paaaaa chi 
 oat •!■*• an ft 
 ■nadalraia aay' 
 0*. Mk.| pkt., 
 Fa Ftmais: Cia., fMimgh. —loe. par SOO feet of drill t S 
 to8 Iba. la drills for aa acre. ./Calti*ata aaaie aa earroli. 
 ftvaalp, k«aga t uiea l i er Mellew Orawii* beat for gencr 
 i M t M— -g — .a— l U ^ ii i..''. — 1 H> tt ft- ■ — a-= MT 
 mini or ruu maiikbt 
 tittsat (tar lb., tt)i^ ; i lb., SOc.; See., Ifc.ijoz.; 10a. 
 pkt.,Oc - f" 
 i<at> of fine swaal flavor t per lb., tOc ; i Ib.T 
 ISci 1 oi., IOc.| pkt, Sc. 
 » 2 or.. 
 III, a* 
 aadCan by Ikai 
 mata, ay aaada p H aaf ly fM 
 , fbar I 
i- II r ii' 
 uUiKtioa, havim 
 II, Paifvhw Fan*) 
 mlf 4Af Ai E8E HE PUyPMi 
 ■ MawfeablSi 
 This MMwIuibllraricijrcoBiifroM Jt|iaB, umI 
 wilt wiqMilIombly proM m mliwblt •ddllkNi lo 
 MV pie and cooking puBpliiiii. Tb* flatb !• 
 vM]r tirfck, DMrly Mild, tb« ic*d iwTit)r being 
 «M]r ■■■11 In On* end of tb« putnpblp, unmiully 
 "iMi gniMd, dry wid-awMi, bnvlBg much the 
 laafe tail* aqd appeafahcc at t»Mt " 
 Tbqr ripM aarly, k««p wall an^ piod 
 Tbcj itcdt ar« paealiarljr marked and 
 in JipWMa* chantctcn. We wilt vemoL. 
 that |pies,mad« from (bajapancac Pumpkin. . 
 oat aggt, arc fiillv ak p>Od or ^Iter, than 
 madalriMB aajr /6lMt\*ati«ty when aggt are i 
 Ofcf5c|pk«.,Ite. J^. ^ 
 01 AWT ypPKW 
 JU^dBO OR Jkl A 
 Urows.an immente aiae; rlad nwcmbling the iiiuaMi 
 l>r lb., $8.00) i Hk^tQc.i to(.,&.| I oi., 20c.i pkt 
 NMHiMkat ar V#cr*. Thit *ariei; 
 ti known aa;fl>i 
 iMwn. Per 
 l*Cr*. Thit variety iseieeeditiflypiolificicolordark green, 
 ^* "NtS'oPampkln." Hat a hard tbcll. One of the twi 
 lb.i$l.(W| lib., aOe.| 3ot.. ISc; lot., lOc.: pki., 9c. 
 Fifth thick and tugarv i fine for table 
 ■ lOc. f 
 on thit account^ 
 kwtctctt pumpkini 
 . madiam in tiia, thin ikin, thick, iolid flcth; «ei» iioe in ('tin, and ofcicrllr 
 cooking puipoict. 
 of (icrllrnt riih 
 flavor I one of tj>« fineii varieiiei in cnliivaiion for 
 i lb., 30e.t 2ot.. ISc.i I oi., lOc.t pki., Sc. 
 !• T«II«W ri«M, very targe j ntcful rontock fcedirg. Per lb.. Mc; i lb., lOr.; iikl. 
 liic birge ; ikia rcddiih oranjc ; flctb thick, fine andtwcit. Per lb., $l.tlO' 
 (Larm ww w t uic large ; ikin rcoaiin orange 
 1 lb., aObi Sot., 10C.I 1 Ob, 10c. t |ikt., Sc. 
 I dM (MiMh aT all 
 lipbnal* le a «tiy larg* 
 f hi ear UhMlniioa. Tliar 
 > lUIr one-half. Ittth ft 
 I JmiIm Meuh to b« piaa- 
 I ri fi t i fraa ■ to U parfcct 
 tiaa. thick. Oa..(0e.;pkl.tc. 
 FBm Pimtml; Qsa. , Pftftr, TKa Pep- 
 per it much etiecmcd lor ill leatoning 
 ^Uliee, and It ctleniivf ly uted for pick- 
 - The teed ihonid be town early, ^o 
 bereadyfor trantpknlinc when the weather 
 baeomet warm. Plant 10 inchci apart and 
 heap well hoed ; hen or other bird nanaie 
 hoeiTih wilk the earth when the planlt'are 
 lachca high, will greatly increaa* the 
 pfodnct. Select light warm groiwd. 
 ^■TM RMI cr ■•U, of large tiia, twaM 
 ■M pleaaant, rind thick and tender. P«r 
 Ok;, 40c; pkt.,Sc. 
 lAapt UMI « y »W» frnl 
 red, conical, inte«acly 
 rl*«aa hnm II to It 
 ia^aalMig, aadi If 
 <b*ar J a 
 Onaof Ihawwlhlatt — »« lri wciHh« >atl waimw. Not entr 
 ■■a of iImbhiM aiaM vatiulM, bM k iiialM on* of llraaiau 
 tiaajioaw i ilaa u far ii uu iadw pwpaaw, of coapaci kabkiiitl 
 fan ia hMtht, laailag fniiu ht haaiaaia aaailwn, w ihrwii 
 |a Ihaaatranng 
 U> qaita 
 latraving. Each ntfiptr b baaalUhlljr variagaitd with 
 laWia aao daap tad, naeniawa Mriptd ; ar« naaMmlr 
 •ita kaiMrafid Mail* grown. WtMrangly 
 *iH ba mUIOM with iba laiidi. Oc, Mc.; 
 l>gjm .'ia,,iUiiri 
TM muiM 
 €0% TOKONTOb miT. 
 ri.. #«Ai, A'Mv. A/ir Xsm, «■■.. 
 A'«M(, K^UHktm. Kaakhn ih>l*« bat 
 la • Ugbl. hmmI* Imbi i hM*? w clay oilli 
 ^ , ^^ M* oaljr dtUj IMl ■Marllr, twi urodne* 
 ciopi ■lick lafcfiw botk In aiii^MaMa uM «•«« tot m Mcc««l*a tuppl*, 
 M>« •biNit Ik* alMhi o< MM«k ■Mil 8^lMHb«r. tl InlamUa Of Iwn cW ikit* 
 w««kfc rot M Mfly wpplf llMy nad km *<>»n la • ka« had la FaUaaiy, 
 «ara balag ukaa lo ■<«• piMIt of Ttallbtloa, aih*i»lM ihay will ran lo 
 laavaa. Tga., fcr l«y|||jy|||tj * *« ■<> ">^> '■> <l'iil* '« ■■ *"•■ 
 Tkli woadatAil n«w radUil 
 ha* aroa golilaa opiaiaaa In all 
 Matloai of iha eounltf . Th« 
 niattnllaa la parhcl and will 
 Ri*a ■9aia idaa of (hair graat 
 baauljr. It li Iha aaillail radlib 
 In calllTallon. Tha thapa la 
 paffaellf (lobalar, with rich 
 daap Marfat (op blaadlag in(o 
 paia whlia al (ha bodomi tx- 
 caadlngljr lawlar, crltp ami da- 
 llcioai, n«v«i becoming hollow 
 or pilhjr. Eqaally datlrabU for 
 ahhar iba «aflic( or iha hoaia 
 gaidan, and ihoald ba plaalati 
 by aTaryl 
 k lb., SOc 
 rMj*J^' lb.. $1.80 ; 
 id of quid 
 J, a varjr dlttinet 
 varialy, and of quick growth i In color, 
 dpap p<ak or crimion abova, and grad- 
 *m$ blaadlBg loio'a para waay whtta 
 }e Hi rooL In i|aaU(]r II la uni 
 10 Hi rooL In i|aaU(]r il la uoMrpaiud, 
 ^ Viae *«nr I'MiM, and ramlaiag io for 
 ■ loMOT fMHttd ihaa ■naa( olhar Mainat 
 t ai\ inch in dhufialar tvary 
 •>c4i»l flavor, vh lb.. 
 t5c.; 9 01., ISc.t 1 oa., 
 ■ ^fcL. coSid^abooi an 
 «i aaaljAd of ai 
 ~* lOc^ pkl., Uc. 
 Carlf •••rl«t, Taml 
 ^Vlill* Tin, dollar la il 
 Jl ^ 
 ■iarami color 
 ^Mllil Searlal Tamln, hat witk a whil^ 
 <f*madroot. PwljBMrBc. »*«».,««! 
 Urty WIUM.T«nil»<ilMta|kiimlUr 
 lo praMiag in rhap^. Mlalaw daw 
 lalar, P« lb.. aiVkj|i«'a%vs Soa.. 
 loe.i I ot.^ 1^; pkNBII. 
 Mt LMglKMrilMH T«.. 
 I«af. of a'^^krlat gMori Saak whlia 
 eilap, •»^^^m*vlMTa lb. . SOe. t i 
 >J^^j^yV**-^ »•.•««!• I Pkl-.fle. -^ CHARTIKIta IMPROVBD 
 t^ *i"^?3^ *^'^ .* '' y * ' ."•'l*"''! » ■» Meallaal gardcflari kwI, 
 il *?!^ 'y* !' -.***** 'iy ^ * y*^ ▼•»• •^ i^***** ■r^iiif««f , 
 m f '.'!• ^^ l**^' ' '^y «**••• •»«•«•«•« « food for fbrdag. Par lb. . 78c. , 
 ¥■'•» *■•••• ••!*• ••'•I**t '•k* •••• pracadlng, exccp( in color, which 
 iaparawhitt. P«lb.. Wc.; i lb., J»c,8oa., Ifc, 1 oi., 10c.; pit., fle. 
 color I 
 *ar* aarl*. In ibipa 
 i lb.,«Bc.i«oi..^ 
 ltaN«^B#M|| tB M l t . dU(iac( In color of akin and ihapa ol 
 Iha roolfllklijh It anaia n^t of iha oll*a-ihapad lypa, bat aMre 
 alongala4<wi larmiaalaa la a loagar and Cnar poinl. Par IK, 
 7So.iJ Ih^bi Soa.. 18c| 1 oc, lOc.t pkl., Be. 
 andard rarictjr I |rowa laeci of brUMaat aearlat 
 ci Mgk . i8e.{l«|.,18ci 1 o«.,iO«.(pkl.,fa. 
 'iMik rceallaot for caltivatlnf aadar glaa : 
 - Olira and Ixmg. Parlb.,78e.i 
 , 10c ; pkl.. (c. 
 i«Ml WkHVb iatrodncad imo Callloraia bjr tha 
 Chiaaaai aight to tw%l*e Inchaa Idng. and frooi two to three inchci 
 Indlanttar. Parlb.$1.00)4lb..30c.s2o». aOc.; lot, IBc; pkt.Bc. 
 LmiC MMk CpMlalL laria, ikin bUck, fleih firm and whlta. 
 Par IK, $1.00; Jib., Silo. 1 1 or.. 90c.! I oi., 18c.i pkl.. 8c. 
 ■(•■• Oatoa* Ihia ii of axcallcnl qualilx, and ii carlaini* oa« of 
 Iha best Tariatiea for wietcr ore. Par lb., $1.00 1 | lb., SOe.i 
 8of.. 90c.! I Of. 15c.; pkl., 6c. 
 Utm MImi WkH*. (lamp tooled, very tike Nanlaa eatrol*, lia 
 iacbaa loag ; finafor winter. Per lb., $1.00 ; J lb., 90c. j 2 or., 
 Itci pkk, Sa. 
 Jft., RlmtmrU; G*m.,Matmritr. Sow In April. 
 ia tbilte a fool apart, tUaai^i oat ta aboot iho aaaa di«- 
 ^_____ "*«« •!»»« •«> 'he rows whaif a Mi lachaa klgh. Ia fait, 
 JL'*!* '^'?I^ V^' 'W«»»^« >"«*> «••«>. ''eh »"»". •»««« thraa feet apart aacb way. If proHaga- 
 M by dlTiding Iba rooti, h may ba doa« either in the fail or gpriM, pliMiag it Ilia WMcVbtMce 
 apWt aa giMn above. ., ^- ^ 
 ••^"•tf*** M. MiMNi. the 8awi aad oaa oflba aarUaat of all Rlinbarb«,; aa aabrmoaa liza : 
 ...T'12* " i"P*K' "^ rasai ra i H Iaia aagar tbaa any other varietiaa; in color delkala piak. Per 
 AK 78c-; « or. , ¥kti I ofc, Mc; pkt.. Be, 
 , H?"?"'t.' ■??*** *"'! *^' *"* *•*' '•*!• "•'*''• rouadWi ttalka ; of a daap gr«m~ 
 eolor, aad ofeseeilaiil Oavor. #ar i lb., 78c.i Sor-loe.; I oi., SBc; pkt.Bc '^•'^ 
 — ••— ; . ,unu jjri, v^ tl^lck, largo, tandkr, aad of good (|aality. 
 a lalar kind than the pneadia 
 Per I lb., ?8e.^ 9 oa., 40bt 1 aa.. a 
 iJMMt Ikvored aid thelMal, eak'tfct per do(.,$t,80 
 t) s 
 ((• raMll oaaai 
 rraiarkaMy Ikaii 
 •uald prohablf I 
 for ihia diadaei a 
 baakat. aad rata 
 unall ^aaaHllaa t 
 fcsck 88 loo lata. 
 John Colbi 
 pie'i Extba Bai 
 that I wiU lay it I 
 tried all (be UmUi 
 I( ia aarArr (ban i 
 Mltr tm fumHlf. 
 proaoaaead by all 
 Cia F. Moi 
 J2 Potato oa Apr! 
 isrfy Km,, CImrl 
 laiae day, aad 5i* 
 ithm. I have pi 
 yfartof fanaiag, I 
 ft la a thrifty groi 
 aay I have ptaate 
 C R. Padoo 
 ru'f BXTKA En 
 with dwrt, iirooi 
 tint tml »f dark t 
 With iiqaal advai 
 uMMgAhieh are 
 AMa.' The latta 
 too pdaada of pi 
 txetUnM." Ia « 
 color arkia co^ 
 \t ia veryp a w rl 
 varteUatda. la 
 free fralai MaK aH 
 drawa, tat aat d 
 an*.— at «ar i Mi r t 
 gtcreoHpact la i 
 ntrmm. Claan 
 la abort. I < 
 ■kin ■ndihap* ol 
 <l lyp*, bat auKt 
 polnl. - Pn Ibk, 
 of twUllMl MUkl 
 illn( aadct glui ; 
 ;. Ptrlb., TSci 
 > Califonia by Ih* 
 »o to three ineim 
 lot, IQc;pki.8e. 
 h firm ana white. 
 ISc.) pkt., 8e. 
 ■ eertainl* one of 
 1.00 1 I lb.,SOe.| 
 'ante* ceirof, ilx 
 (lb., 20c I Sol, 
 Sow in Aprili 
 oot the iMBe di*- 
 mhlgh. Id tall, 
 g. Mp»o|iiiia 
 hf MUM ditUBce 
 I enbnnoM ilze ; 
 elidUapiDk. Per 
 i of • deep gien 
 Early Potato 
 m BaRPEE'S EXTRA EARLY 0R No. 37 » 
 ^^-V ISTRIllUrKPlBe a^vaMe Irfale aa Vm Onmrn'* Iwilllg N« » tW. dtoimci mw lo<ai« aUI h«r«aA«t be ka««« ai 1 
 \IfI ■•f7- p«»»»<«Wf IJ^ed by arreiia th«i.aad ifowwi th««»!»gh.-.i An*tka an.l Knelaad. ii hit nra««d Ittelf hdM it'n dan i» i«o 
 *< •!!^!^S!iTli!""*^5'!SL***S''*"**''^*»^''*^*^ P««"toelc..«h4l.r«U,e«eweaieMM.»l*MUi«E«Ji.0W» 
 *■■ MMIf twIM U pratMli^. Tka 'Putotoee are ■alforailr ol etiad om, aniltaly ha* («>ai lh« roaah or ncabb* labeta, wtih very 
 few laMll ewai obfaMf la iljaM. very «a«Nk, eyea lel wall •>■ ihe niraca, tkln ciaamy whlia aliahilir iha-n.! •(ih'piak, il|e Unit la pate while. 
 icaarhaMy Me-graiMd. aa4 aCtte ««* kM* laMa %uMf. The labera now iraiy cuaipact in the hill, with iUusii vifntuut rollaiif . ufiateaaa 
 .lark r«»|ii • MM •Mraer, ty i fly pra4Kttv«. a»d wUI aodoabtediylMaome the mmmUii Mtn auly PMato af ih« mm 7«l«f«. 
 Had V« MM ta oar Caialome to pabMah iKc reporu aR<l latllaifiaiala received fi<im all Mctloaa. oar •lock of ■«rf««'« Um*m laely 
 «uald prababfo ba eaMaatod wIiUb a hm aPMha after pabUouioa of lhi« CalahifM- In onler , hDwerat. thoriwghl* ko nliaiaartala the elalai maae 
 M ikia dlathMt Mw Pmmo, we hero oabUah a k« o« ihoaa Im»>M— lill »mi rafwta, which wUl be uf intereii to iEom deaiilag i.> obiatn I ha aMUaa« 
 — » ULlD i A ' i ' Jt*ifyjy JyjMOM. ^ 
 •ad MMl M edt nlln «f tM — rly Pot aH M. 
 laaoartapply lastti-we will Ml urderi at Ihe folkiwlaf iMicea : 
 ^^- ^. .- ._-— . -PMaN* toy eipreu or (kighl, iiercha^r to My Imnaaorlatinit chrreea upon rvctlpi ofthe 
 M***^ ** ■** pOTM««f «fV.VV. <V We reewte the riihl. whM oar itock bacOmei reduced, to decliae orders lor auMe than •M-llalf 
 .. ^ the rjighl, , 
 baaM. Md rotara the baluMe o( ihe aumey. We deeire xi teea thia Potato <ll<iiib«iad at widely ai poaaible. and btnre nur rurlovrri who waal 
 unall ^aaMltlee OM raly apon haWai their ordet* Wed. Md than .who wMt 4 bashel or burti huI nol be dUapi<oiBicd ihcahj. iheit order 
 fcach aa iw lala. ^ . 
 John Colbbbt, Stfi. MJ/MHinilm:—SitdHmr /fo. j7{Bvm- 
 riE'a EXTIA Baklv) U lo MpMH to aayihiiiff ia the potato line, 
 thM I wiU My it ia Ma/<4/riM»iil^ eiperieace witk poiatoea, I have 
 tried all (be iMtdiag vatietiM, aad (band bom tc^equal SMdHmgNt %j. 
 It U aarArr than the famoMi Sarfy Kutmml Trimmpht and contiderably 
 battr <■ f<M/f(r- We eooked om aMia to iMte them, and they were 
 proMaaeed by all io nrpan My wt tear ate. 
 Oia F. MoNTCOMBKv, Oct. I4th, 1(89, writeas— I planted A«. 
 32 Vcmo oa April l«ih, Md on Jane let they wata in bloom. I planted 
 iarfy Kut, CImril'i Nt. /. Marly BimHf </ iMrvw and P»tarU the 
 laaM day, aad S-dHmg N$ S7 vmt Ikrm wtt»i tarUtrlAam amy oftkt 
 Iktn. I have plMted all the early vwieiiaa of potatoca daring my 40 
 ynua orfanaiag, Md I Cm tnily uy that the StuttingNo. 37 u ahtad 
 j^aayMme J tlttrfUmUd. Whn cooked they are aiealy Md deticiooi. 
 It la a thrifty grower and a good yieMer, nearly OM-third more thM 
 My t have pfawtcd. Some of the tnban weigh 1) pounds each. 
 C R. PADDOdiC, Oct. 4th, 1880. wiltea i-Sttdling Nt. 37 (Bu«- 
 ritc'f BXTKA Eablv) prodttcet a a|nMg, hardy Md vigoroua plant, 
 with akoct, nroog, cract stalk, denaely covered with Ik* mtsi magnifi- 
 (tnt fat »f4ark grmm, gUtty ftHagi ef amy variity I tvtr cultivattd. 
 With«)aal advaalagea It eicaeded all varietiea with na thb season, 
 aaoog Which arc the B^urly Oki*, Mar/y Xtu, PMtmtml* ami Ptatk 
 BUm, The Utter we have ealUvalad for SO years cmsceatively. Of 
 the lis ayaa, lU eprMtad Mdi lived throogh the aeaMn. aad prodaccd 
 100 pdaada «f pptMMC. Ia fudity, MMv Ak » is simply "tar 
 txctUmt*." Ia«iilar, paia wOk wMia. aVglHly doged with ermun 
 color wkM cookad, which oaliF iNtnya ita abMiatb riehacie. la flavor 
 varhi£v£!^^^il b-tatillo^^ 
 free (nfaihahi, Which iCifaMlyaWciaaMiTniHcUca. Eyca diatiactly 
 drB«a.tirt Ml dacp, ^aM«| oa tlH iaiih0B. Acio cvUacac,U wai 
 gre«^eosi|W|2 >■*)>• UH. // fir Ikt imttSii l amItmmdiaaHil fttah I 
 tatrHm. CtcaiattofMab^aadbdryaad- 
 la ihoft, I coMidar it XhtatimtfftrhttUm. 
 aly whM hiked or boiled. 
 xnai<riJhd[Ovrij%.K«i _ 
 Oio. Bowman, writes:-! planted year /f,. jj on the iiSrd day 
 Ol April, in moderately rich soil. The growth presented ilself in a 
 ■arprisingly short rpiea oftime, ontsttipping ihc Ktrly Fmweo/, and 
 HfnuJ attmt two umH tarltir. I consider il Ikt tarlitti fotatt 'cm Ikt 
 markti. In qoatity, AT*, jy U of very fine grain, making it "far 
 ixttUtnit" for table ase, either boiled or beked. »hieh.in my judg- 
 ment, gives it a thorough test. The potatoes are all smooth, giving 
 thtm a very winning aipect. H !•« very robust grower, remarhaWy so 
 having 'trong and vigoroas foliage, able to stead more heavy wind 
 without bresEing down than any iLave yet aeen. The tubersiTrow ve^v 
 fHSU" "'"' """''' '°""°' " ' '•" "'"^•^ 1^««° 
 Mm. Jamw Wiuk>n. Oct. Utl^. W8O. writ.. :_For fear of froat 
 .fc * / *° •••^•ir""; 't,?'*" "7 ^'- -^7 •*"'•«««. Iban I did both 
 '.u.'^'^^^.f'"!?^^'"'*' <'*"•.•'«««»• «hem Ihe uim« cultivation I 
 did the other varietiea noeatra work, aad from the pound I raised 42 
 povnda. and in the whole lot I Miy h«l one potato thit had a bump .iT 
 It, the rest were al|i„r'-W/««,/l. They are quick cocker., dry aM 
 vM\j,taAyi^ knmg flamlHl tw wuki lattr Ikam tkt ,/kfr,,mal 
 iktm^, akoM Hgkly i^' *•»*«•. Wc Woald have had a Urge^ yield 
 Dot fOf tM ■UMM, . . * ' 
 T. W. FA«i«a, Sept. 16th, 1889, wUCMx-StOKmgN,, jj (Bui- 
 gMfly Btamty ^JHtkrm, bat wete ready for rum al ItaU hm iati ntrlur 
 tkwmtUlmr, m«^ than wBa iK>t a raiiM pouto In the lot. Ae. jr; was 
 far ahead >>>7i« <>;»f I wJMd M poaads of nice large potatoes 1,0m 
 Ihe OM pMnd. Tkn aia aaNMh Md large, cm aotato wefehiaw ■>... 
 lyoMpoMd. i^j^^^f.,^j:s^'::^^:t:!X^^^, 
 • 1. J jj-j -«hcr foe ylaWof«|BMHty. Theycook 
 qaicb aiid evMly,«favery dry aodawahr aad of t.MllMt laair^They 
 "l!w*Ii"!2^''*«*°5 growth, rich foliic., with aiadiamhMvy auSZ 
 with ^ potalOM growiai in a claitar cIom to the paint ttoa. 
 I ■.■•J 
 0r (k* Buuir *MbilM of PutaioM ilMI cUia pabUa Uwm M k«ir« w t w iw l «l| • (Mr. aMl lhn« ilM ImM la OTMvMtai- W* aJai «• ImI.4, 
 !• Ml lid cMlf Ikon «H(« wMak «• IMM baiU by Mtaal l«t ••• ««*«|M af MaMMWa. 
 la ralalloa, allM d«atw ol »i h Ih ii •*•• i mmt m rMaiaM m W pmUiM» ttmmtim, 
 la iraaaiijkal •• will, of <a««M. •■•(•<•• UM |nat«M ••(• I* mud mbIsm mMm daaga* la II 
 MOTS. -Tlw •■■■— 1»« ««fi«an« •••• aMMMi mlMUMAMl •«r aMUP 
 TM« >TWV ^tUkUTt, » wwJtoh rot»ia. lUiwaad M »a« «a<. tfc» mtm Mmh* UMMlfct 4«>a '-. 'Tuthiii m m^.sMmIi « 
 kaad«MM apitMfanc*. TIm tyM Ma !•• aad ilwllow. flMh aailMlljr <rkll«tui. vtMa ImIm< w MM, aaaMaJly 4ij, ttmtf, t»4 S I? van 
 baal flavoii ■■ fan* aMly aMikat or taMa I'otalo. rar ik, paal paM, Mail • IW. ?>•> I p«* paak. wnliai ama, N«. t kvAal. M M, 
 banal, fAMi *^' 
 ilMMa«taMM«)7«'a<<r*>*MWMn>-»'M««n •— - ' ■■■' i'' ^lllh^|laalll^^^_ laibiaiiMili iiaiiiaiMii. ifiiiii iii£ii___r_3 
 «• rMrM. h* 4lMiM«W»4«Maa*hMirMl «kf». Ii 1. M.T >«»• Mrf -T— y ^^^^^ " -"*^ """ II'*"* 
 MMMk, wbk (<« aaJriallM <tfp«T bi hm It U iMwa. iKUalaf la rmm*. ami tailA . ^^^H^^^^^^^^^^^^ta^ 
 t, M^ W Ik* «MT 
 ; I bHiMl. $!.«' 
 * I I iMa^ 
 (to «««|IM af ilM aM MdMlM la efo|>. (>•• af iha Um 
 >a«' A. -^^^^ ^ - — ' .'. " ' . ' ' I II " 
 •~taA II aay b« adliM mmmI, MM «t ^ 
 Mirf. M^ it alM illw4 mw la «<m^. m4 
 •m4 M • Mka. S«v m ly fai ipdag, |« • 
 4Mr. Mltew mU. la Milt ItlatlMt tptfl, 
 •M«rii«lkatatdl<HltMkatdtap. WkM 
 _•*. atcTTpt.. »t.i |Xi.. St. •^' • • ' BS . » Ik. «uT?!?"iS'^' li"^ "l?*^'- 
 I. "^ . ■ I ^w i t ifc« 7l»i ■ at., 4m.i I tt-iMt.) pill., Ac 
 •rw* UntiatUM tatdt b* iaeataantlM ,mm « tk^^ liMvtlf 
 it attltttlo 
 It laiiM ta4 
 »r.T?™Hl^^^f "■■,"; •f*"' ■>"■ ■" «"•" lantQ mt lli«if.(ro«llk 
 mwa MUt lot tM Mtdt bf iMotporaiiag iwa or ihrtt iiM««lfclf of 
 ZiSI:^."^''^?"!' ****••«"'"• '•••k'batk^afJl.t. 
 TT!!?'^ »«fc»o»»WIIt» •toilbt.SMIItfcftaatM. 
 gaapaalet. grawa aliMtl ^ttlativtlr 
 feT* ay ««« * * *■ '* ** "wMiMti 
 f» '»t' ••* < * "»'. «»fc» tot., Iflci 
 lot., l<tt.| pii(.,l«. 
 Whito Ut n tt •••MspaA lHh hm 
 t tutDi !■ ooior, widcii It tratam 
 ^ .-;r~. '^ ''^> ■•n * 'b-. *»e.| 1 ot., 
 VF lfc.1 1 00., I0«.| Dili., 8c 
 nrf J*^ wtrtyoMtjt.^ PM IK, «i.M, ITb.; »fc 
 loo., Ifc.{ I at., I0e.| phi., fc. 
 *•""■»»•■■ *»»^'«"*".'»*'~«.nf,*rM»«4wlol«r;oo»w.ffcli 
 ■ i»«nr t f»» Kih «. »»A^.|l.ll:|lb.«tc.it«i.,Mc.:lM»e.:tlii.lo. 
 MM. TMil»>Mtalr«a.«(ih..i.hM*w«W.aM«|nto«i»4 
 »»yibiik.*fcl.«hr..a<»IM, t....ii. ,l, , nUM ,^^.^u^^ 
 Mr lb,, «.•;!».,«■.: ««a.,ai>,i l«i.,Uc.i pkL. ic. 
 l>» t* l lliiJt*|il|pitt«t«lMtttlbt*taytdUr;rfl..,.rii«.tMb 
 fct p *ii<.<iyta<t> Ilai l lwtn«>»«r<wb«». Pw 
 |k.t •«!..■»! t tK, Has fhl.i It. 
 ■SSfc?i3ig'8^«'^ ^5^^« 
;iiii ^TiiMr nm corv^ "roMirra mn* 
 \ \ - 
 «;(^.4M trStE'SCSra^Sf 
 »«iMly T iMil*i«f«>««l>Ww^lil , «ilwMt«ii« W ii«l>towiai»,«»«W Hl < t il«>»tltfct i m c h * Of 
 )l hM^*,iM««4 ikafWtk^iM b llMliii'i* Inr aaqr «■ HM'.XMMt» Hr lb., |4,00 ; i Ik. $I.W: 
 ladpiiiiiilNi. Oj>w.«riw 
 tea wiAltNt^lltlilttf* ( par 
 lb , AobT tj^v 
 ■w— van 
 batdv a&A «M^.l9rMMlfi- 
 Ml h ikaiM. MlM rid* 
 -, 4b*ar«d tttd ^<»li|e iMm 
 • lib., f!^,00; tjoc. aSci 
 " J I*! ' 
 OM.qf UM vtty MlttMr M 
 •cuM crlaMN* colwi 
 '-A ta^iriai niittyi Wllargt, 
 vera MgalM't eolor brilUiiik^ gidwjf ctiaaqa I 6Mkira; 
 ctrflMqaaUiyt tiptM raptdlf aad tiMcwiglil j i Pfrlh., 
 $s.oai i Ilk. ti.oai s<M.. stc; i €«.3oe.ipfir. sc 
 ^ VMHi«y.M>M «r tMT bMli Ml 
 .*; fwM, w wtiL art of ■ ri iiiif criattwi 
 color, lUcktly liBgtd with par^a, vaty iiMd<ntcaftM« 
 iarif •w <tll llM|«^Sawolk aa<i Mailjr raaad, 
 loaMWMt laltMMd t coMc bright m4 ». mM aa^ oKh 
 daetivai >^» $ft|)Pi ftb.. 7*B.i 8 ai7«K| 
 oi.,SSe.t pkt.^^ 
 igktly liBgtd witn par^a, van *qH( 
 CTMktaadn(;pcrlb., StOO; im.|L00|«te.. He.t 
 oi.,aOe.; plii.;Bc. 
 kivliMiatfii'* ravMl««.-~Ch»rof tlia VtMt aad 
 moat parfect thapcd Tonaioat grown ^ par lb., |&W; 
 I lb.. $1.00 { 3 oi., 5fc.^> 01.. aOfci phi., te. 
 OptNmra.— Prodncatfiait of aUKitaai d«a,MMalk 
 tod aoMd i HUtb,. Karlei crimioii and of fiaatl tafor t 
 per lb., $M0( k %, fLWi • ot., ISe.; ot.. Ma.; 
 —y^tj larga aad aarly, 
 Ir, parfcedy 
 rad. A goi 
 •olid aad 
 TMB "mw raACH.' 
 fmaralljr aniootlii color. parpUak rad. AgbodMNfl, j^lW^flMi | lb.»$I.OO| 
 oi., Sfc.s 0*:, tUc.; pkt., fc. 
 ■.-^KaMlablaa Iha Acbm io C^ai uAib» ; ador-Mght gloia* crimtoa t 
 aMdiaa aarly i ine aathad; and ripaia Htr *mlT i pnVk., ttW; } lb.. $l.oet 
 toa.. 6fc.toa.. 80e.: pkt, fc. * 'ixv " 
 ^»^r N ^ W »^.-^^^ aarijr, of k biqqd-iad adtt i Sa^MliJi^ ; ripaiw ani> 
 fennly, and baara'abuadailly tiU froat coaiaa t< MaMaiiMBIaJia trani aaada, solid, 
 baara traaapaiUlUoii wall. a»d ■■wiiMiid ii fSiMJirnt.' fi'OO lillf., $1.00 ; 
 * ' Tr»»liy.— An oM liMfila forMtaml komi^^HMrpakad in A|«or and 
 daetiTBMM ; {tar lb.. |l.(l0| ^ IbH |l.<l>iff^P|PTaa.. Ke-t pk^.Sc 
 ■I'-l* '''■■'■ ■■ 
 r.-J^AdirtiM«'«n(iati^ fiWMJk hii » 
 HEtHTflM AM Ft! 
 a jaicy palp. Ol • pliiljH^j, »awbatry-lifca ••«•», frilk a aatttlhi dagH<i(»ofiwaa(aiii 
 aad addHy iatar«M«»d /• Wl» tha addWea af 
 ialca H it fcaqaaatly 
 AaiMlwr ■•■ ■•• ToauM, nawAabMbt UtmmU 
 •WlaihMl hy any atUttarfwy.' lib—and ^Mata 
 — h, t • 
 IrMK la oia nM iaw <> h* kaviae imIi a * 
 IjMWlfi) Uttj Mm vkab, aat cai ar MuU Nk« 
 (to lw*« aiaraiaafy kladi 
 •liii^ |t a« aacalbai Ofiair fcf vawlat aa inUb ai 
 <«Wl^ la lUliM. > lia>« *aii*dV fiuirily tHiia^ 
 ;. ;>T»Hriiiw**MpeN.**. ; 
 liHaator«a>laae»a*Uk*iha"N*«Ptadi,"aa ■ 
 lla fcnaafealyi rt iai lU d a ywch l« •bi, «kUa 
 £"WkvP«idi'bii«nfa»toaiaiir»aafUaat «, 
 «Mrla4M.Wiiiha|M. a4« iad idiaialaMwr- <^ 
 WK^.ttaattagialM** tiMi nnrUaaai at hn af a 
 ipMeii »falt iU larfan. .1 kb gitat U a aacaUariiy 
 thai b «n*4 ia C» Mkn varbtr. fuMiaalia 
 MtnKcaf:aaMr don aai aafatla Iha Taaialo 
 tmltf.Wi' aaUUiba patpaanUUvary dMirakia. 
 aad «a baUara U inU ptaata Mr caMcaNi* vary 
 -^— aiack. Pridiiarai.,Mc.t 
 aki., lac 
 ... ' A aa« aa 
 Rail. M 
 .patfcadtaf a daikgran 
 'kalar, laa*aa ikidi aad 
 dnNfaal Daai oikar lat^a. 
 It piadai^ fiaa fkall laM 
 •aMoa ky >M Jaly. Aa 
 ctapa i%MaaB aariyaad 
 aiwjlf! afjad prafceM! 
 bm Haaaik, aMdiaa la 
 iba aad liaular la arfar 
 lalka AcaM. Priea. par 
 ab.Mii:.; pkk, lac. 
 Ukagpla«a Lpar da., Me.| pkt, lie. 
 Paar-akapad. yallaw. JOc t IM CariaiH, lOe^i M Applf, lOc t YallMr 
 lOct Rad^Ckany, 108.1 Yailow Phw.lOB. 
 aiitly ml 
 awdlaa H 
 wWWaWnl V 
 K « taatlavaf 
 . il kaaaa n 
 M, TWyara 
 <lb« Weill la ■ 
 fV«n haid cof*. 
 MMCt ll k ■■• 
 k IM Mlt U >•• 
 ■ykrM. Wi 
 u iImm, bat 
 ter ■■oell m' . 
 AMM M« 
 oodaarhr, aad 
 I. ha*i 
 D K I I n '■•• *f*^! Ow-i '"V- T«iaip> fcr «w<y an aiait W •••• at 
 ll IVI r^ «»«■ M rtw g i M ii in-la 4rfa>. r«rfcll,Mi4>{aM>m,M«ilMaMlr. 
 ' * ' ^ ' * MN*fraaiialyMllwaMUa«fA«iaM:iiM*awyWw««<UBfN«M- 
 ^^^^^^ hMlk. llwbnlcnvcMabaraMhf^drilbllkKhw^ipl. 
 aa^ilwylaamlilMMlifa ladimpart. Tkn* poaa4i if tMAmUl ••« u aci*. 
 '* Tta naMndoa atiMri ilw iIhiIW af ili«* TaMri^ ; dwy an af aMdlaiB iki, ««ry oaick-fiMriaai aad tk* 
 iaali*n«aTMMalliaBdwUM,«tili laiaignalafb Tm iMb k paHbab aiMta. iaa gfaiaW «■< mNm ' 
 laaatyMaaaailaaNa; (jaHvUU*iaadar,M»rtawa«; H k nw laaM Tkn% iar wlaiar aa4 tftlag aaa «a 
 kaaa a«ar aaaa. ^Ik.tl.Ms )jk,Ma.s laa^ltc.; lot., lie; akLifc. 
 IJHr M«* WMI* DmIWI, MMI* iMl^ Mn Madlaia, af qaick gnMh, iakT> aaaallaai qaaUiy. 
 Far Ik.. Mc: t Ik.. Mc : 1 •»., Mc.; I aa., Ilt.:7lii-. •*■ 
 TlimlWt MtWl tmftt MItaWk » aaw, iMj <rii(iai«lraa kaf, aaryk taanikt*. anillaai la lifa, taMa 
 mtt»t-tM^. rwlk..*I.M; |lb.,«i;.i taa..ll(.: Iaa.i«ac.;i*i.,»c. 
 Bt«|r <WW>» *>■■»■ •> > il»ai>wllta>aaiat<aa»«ilaiy; tM»«kapa4, amilaa liaad,- Ihb laatai 
 Parlki,Ml:.:||b.«*c.i<aa,lla.i laa.,l«c.;»k|.,lk. , ^^ 
 MM«V HlMfVti laMa laaa, whiia. aaarir cjrliaarical, M lanlWa al Um lawar aaJ, «U:k kjaha rsiiaia 
 I (ot mrdag, kat tkaaM da aa^ kMkta (iMrlaf Ma toiga. Par lk.,TM.; lib., Mc.: 
 I., Ma.; I aa.. lOc.; pkt., 5r. 
 . baa a Mfaag 
 aaiUy (uiaH. 
 kMMWtMm ■!»»■, It i y p t.a « ft iMfc wkha. tna >a< qb(»;. » wnj4ginMr- 
 Mfhr »afk;y. I>arib^7«c.; |lb.,f<e rim. Jic: 1 ••.. Mc!; phi., fc^ 
 naf TMp, MpuHkMlf, an aaulkai labk wn, lapM f imar aad mild lavai. far 
 lb^^^ilb.,Mlt.;tai.,l*c.; lni.,IOc.;|thi.,5<. ^ 
 '•'"■Qi rwvpto TM, Mra»-iMlf, aa CMHlI'M variaiT tat Ibaianlaa ai laU ; 
 Mdlaaaln. Patitilfc.: lib, 10c.: pki.;*.. ' . "^ 
 WMtVfla W H yli fc ar «Mwiil» Dl>l l. vaty aaily, Ina ihap*. hhII up ■Bd;i«aal' 
 ► akntlavar. l>*rlh.,Mc.: i^,«c: t oa. Itc: 1m.,I0c.: lAl-.k. 
 Mt, parubn largely of tb« nalnra af a Sirada, aad abaaM ba laarB a 
 ■aawk aarUarikaa Ika lat Tanifa Tha tcik k wMtajkud, Mm aad aaraat. aad 
 faar PMch," •• 
 .ilkaaaa Marly u wall •• a 8«rad« Tainip. P* Ik, Mc: 1 lb.,tte.: t aa., lie; 
 lM.,IOa; pki.,le. 
 9nuim» Mtiff — W an m m i t 
 m a* hfi af a 
 r. lu aqaal la 
 la Ika TaaiaM 
 «iary daairaMa, 
 i4paf aa.. Met 
 lM.,Ha; pki..le. 
 ■W— 4» % tW — W an ■ l UifcWt kriaht yalbw, I 
 ataadk>aMr. Parlb.,Mb; 1 1&, Wc.;f <»., lAc: 1 
 I— 1<1» ■ *■ <>> Ibia k aadaabiadlt ika «aaal »m 
 aad afaniaklw flavar «4hb « ahrd. Nr Iki «•■.; |, 
 y*lla*, ladt Ina, awMl fad duilaat: 
 .: lot., lOc; pkLitc. < 
 livada In ubk aM : Itaiilaky, 
 01., lOc; pkLitc. 
 ow«la In ubk aM : Ira. jaicT, 
 : 14^ inc.; i •»., inc.: pkilTte. 
 ► "•TOfeAGGe*' 
 t »4mk.gnm 
 raa ikU aad 
 latjaly. Aa 
 waa (arivaad 
 ih, aMdiaai ki 
 iaiilar la eaiar 
 •a. Mea, par 
 Harbi dali|hl i 
 •kalknr drUk, aa< 
 Aniia fO 
 BariVKvaat.. M 
 Boraaa M 
 CainSf » 
 Mariotaa, S»mi 
 a a rick. Ugfci Mil, «kkh ikaald ba akaly pulvarind bafNa plaailng. Sow ki 
 Ikia la a few Incbai bMwaaa iha pkali. Cat aa a dry di-y, htta^a ihay hax 
 t. Dry in Ika ihada, and pack la tioUlaa ar boaat. ia a dfy r*aa>. . ' ' 
 t>ar oa. Pbr pki 
 11i«>wf<l (bould bt MWB u djiriy •• (lOHiU* alut tht 
 dapgw «f frotl k owf. A ^od |iMi'ii^}4i^>nii • qaaa^ty of 
 bratb tad luMth ia tlM spring, oA'^ |it>aand inlcndtd hf 
 Um Mtd-bMl I Ihtn dig and thoroaglily pwlvtiiit the tarlll 
 Ud mil wilh Ilia atlMi, after which (ha i««d may ba «o»n aid 
 Myarcd vary Hgb^y. When tha pfamt* are aboat lU iadMl 
 high, traasplant ialo lowt «ii feat apart aach mpf, aad aal^vaia 
 thatf a g hiy with plow aad hca. . i'"- 
 OoniMOMOHit Saad t-mmf, ooa of tha btit <»ria(iasfef 
 Ike Caaadiaa eliaute, baiag cooiparalivaly hardy. Par 
 i.,80e.| pkt., lOe. ^ ■ t*' 
 H0nm m , a a ai rly Tariaty , l al tha bait o l tha Amariraniiad 
 Htvaaas. Oar taad H.of asoaptioAally liaa qaaUty. 
 ea., ?••>> pkl., lOi. 
 Pat pkl. 
 • » 
 Savory .Summar 
 1 hyiaa 
 Hoarhouml ... » 
 l.avaniar M 
 i'aony Koyal. . 
 Pot Marioram. t/f 
 Par lb. I Ik 
 I n 
 Or. bLi. 
 t& » 
 tft > 
 -<« » 
 M » 
 M ■ 
 TiM Mant af all SiHif lawara. 
 Growing to double the (ire of the com- 
 moB Minflowyi, ,aiid the yield of teed it 
 One hundred and 
 wanty.fiva iiuthcli to the acre have 
 «M gtown-.at a leti expeate than coin, 
 (t it highly recommended for poultry ; 
 iha beat egg-produciag food known. 
 The leave* nkahe tplenoid fodder, mach 
 raUahed by all klndt Qf itoeli. Th« 
 laed it good feed for hortet, ind yieMa 
 a taa qaality af oil. The Mrong, thidi 
 tulkt are uir<| for Ibel. In fact ihara 
 ia a o w aata wh ata v ai In aa y of itt iw 
 duet. Par lb., pott-paid, SOc.; ilk, 

 W# hold • v«ry Lar^ md Woll-AtsarM ttook of ilcrkNiitiirol foodo of tito 
 Moot liolloblo Quality 
 Daaiitita. TIM wrnHh u4l hsM of Ctaad* !• 
 i-i*«7»«-— iLTLZnTj . .r^TT^ r ~ "»""■■ •■» •»"• "o coaBiiy mow um «ai 
 ■•*• ••ff".*"*?'*"' «• «•»«*• »'•• «»k»t conatrf . 
 We. MXUMiHiMdiMa, haw Utm coMlMtly Mdaavoiiag to proeara ud tapply ow rwlnwi with "-'—' .^ 
 ^^^^ — — ^ ■toll.-Qw J>Mt«JtnaMmMlt mM m to forwardiwmiri 
 »•» Brawwfek, PttoM Uwu4 Iiluid, " '^ 
 Mck. 1Vk«lhiih«Mkt«L«« 
 skagMCM be mm Io om 
 '-*■' -t espnw, pleue " 
 CofaiUa ud |& Noftk'Weet 
 . . MmMw. BriOtWi 
 byaMll. DeooiiHaMtoeMtkeiMeMfe. 
 0«ee fa the Ptoffaae eTOMrie. Qi^bee, Mom SMtlk. Sn 
 i^^!L?2e'li!!'i.*T?L??*;** •• *n»|Jjr wltable lee^, bat (i*e no »amm«, eiMeieed or 
 H'J^iSLISTJS^^^L^ Ihey eewl «ii, mmI ihajr^Sh it to badi;Uactlr ui'dtrgSwd that 
 a nqaifa to ladaaeqaaaliw teat teaovar eoM < 
 laiiUiid -T" T--T?r 7- '" »*!•■ ■ Th»«to^ Brofc C o a ia t ay laho etety | 
 alaait a—lMi— 1 « — fa^ u 
 Skhiwhiia, naihad witkgiaa4 1 iaAwRTdivud 
 I pet Ik, Me. ) I Ilk, lOe. 
 fUt^^M^^^w^^^TTM • fS2i!S^fMb!r^S 
 #M*lpft, MMMMd the we of Rasa wfjr itroaghr, 
 Ti'JM^iL^J*' ••-^.^ eortaarthat the t«nS£ 
 oftha P oMl rt p ii ^aaet ww it to theasienl theythoaid da 
 ^'^*f^.?**Si5»*^ at fa dfilU; • to 4 Ih*. to 
 drill* 1 4 to f lU, hraadeul 1 per lb., lOe., er 14c poMBald. 
 Spadal4«alfltieMfarki|avHiiUii;a. * '^ >^f^ 
 llnL nllPI^ eM^ltai fted lor cattle, thaap 
 j—^kTrfTTf^**." PIP^ •** '»*'• •««>«• Mtreaie 
 j!7Sk!'S{'.*'**!!*v'» *"' ''•^ •^•«^«« «»•««• TMfBlp/ 
 - •!»•" Wd to milch eowt, doet not inpeit the " turnip •" 
 flavor to arilk. ' 
 See page W for daicriptioa ind mode of enltiniion. 
 I'eiib., $S.OO||lb.. «0e.| 
 AADDAT ..^Madtadiinkii4i|^taMtotweatyfe«wiachctaaart,«»M 
 lillWmii .'^"'M'l* of Aprifto the irM ol JaM, aad when JiE»M three 
 V'MlMiB^ iwheahi|hthfaoat/ro«iCMirtoti>iMhatap«rl. Twotothree 
 p oaade la the aiaal qaaatity per acre. 
 ■•••.-Our ttocic of CarroUUaU cleaned rabbad eacd, and can ^ wwa a* 
 aaiily aa tamip. 
 iMly WMto vtoMM. 
 or., aOc ; |*t., Be. 
 Mf Pwvto VlMM. 
 ot.,40c. ; idu., Be 
 -Per lb„$2.00iiib.,a(te.i. 
 *mmm Br p w a a, A *alaab 
 iaiariiadiato inlentth, larce a 
 a pofat laer Ik^ Me. 1 1 lU. 
 ■A *alaaUa variety ibr Held caltare f 
 ■" ■ ~*^^lder aad tarerfac-to 
 I OL, lOe. I phl.,lf|b 
 tm rn n w rn laiMMsuaia.— Very tiioqth and 
 —7>'VI^^ «« • point I toeood early 1 per lb., 
 I I lb.. W. i 01., lOc. I jtkl., Oc : . 
 IMtf Allllll^HMH.-Br%ht nd color and 1 
 Ileal for table t per lb., 7fc. { ilk, 96c ; oe.. 
 ■ally faanadag 4i 
 I*. The looM are' 
 fMfiag to a'Htet 
 It jiaiMMrbeMi 
 irailty in liaa aad 1 
 HVhaiaaesit. W 
 itteriag taaliaMiaii 
 MT ct, ay iapply ii 
 KMly pciptoSfa eo 
 ith a fed lahal, bi 
 •ma •••■•• •» •■«•».— A popahir field, variety, 
 large, fine quality, aad lapert regularly to a point ; per 
 lb., aOc I lib., 90e. ; oc, lOc I pht, <!c 
 Our ll»w Mart WMI*.-See teatiaoniaU below and 
 fail deecriptioo neatpage. 
 , , .„ ,^ ^BdMmd); , r—^— 
 pown alatort eadaaivaly for jbeVfitd^ ; eolrr, 
 aleaa, raUxd ^ad «il 
 ■Ih'imth tmtd Utii (Eitn 
 a very pro^nctlve varialy. 
 K«wwH aaseH^M^ »i»ni»»BW— y gvr •«««»•'■««« rap | «Wli'«f yu«g 
 on top and wUto.below ; per Ai., Me. \\ lb., ISc 1 oa., 
 lOe. ; phti fc. ■ , \ 
 Mm* WMto ■•IgtaB.— iTiyMnl m»t4 mi. (Oaa* 
 rabbad), the aaaM variety aa irfiove, bat not qaftia aa 
 ^jm I jar lb.,.Me. 1 |n>^ Ifc. j oa., lOc; pkt., te,^ 
 •klto, mimm T l Mii OHM. -Fradch lavad. learf, 
 aad eatra «taaa raWMd. laptovod variety of tVhite 
 Bdgiaa, ihortar aad math hkrgar rtiota.; per lb., Me> j 
 ft t nn w BfipMl. Mot 10 heavy a cropper at the White 
 " aa|^perlb..8dr , ilb, l«e.;o«..l<fc;pkt.,fc. 
 .0|tAII«ii '•W* r5*%~^"* ^ S2I *w< »«*• » I*' ««>•. 
 iPb ; I 11^ iW* » Ote» lii. I pKeg,Oee 
 oiun Niw Mioirr whiti OAimof 
 •hia*. Mr. BowMabokHoM of Umh toouwUdi ■<••««■ W ladM* lacker. 
 . . > M*^ fuw Nnr Slwn Wkkt.Cwroi laM awna. aae han mm* ttmi mt- 
 MW M largt il-cn 
 Dmt P»tk, Om. 
 'gi'i!rtntn«.-'-— " »^**^- 
 jHMM wiuta •■iiwM |f*f|(|por 
 ia ihcAOTta*. f %■ 
 J. MKCK, CMHIwlncl^^&;> 
 JiOOi Nilli OOOt YO#t . ^ 
 •am Onii 
of th* 
 being ■«• 
 to HT Vou 
 iM«ncd or 
 J pht.lis. 
 hoqth «mI 
 'I ptr U>.» 
 tnd otep i 
 01., lOe, » 
 d, viwtotjr, 
 iwinl; p«ff 
 A (Bitnk 
 r« *Mi«ty, 
 15e. I M., 
 fc (Owui ,jf^' 
 of tVMl* 
 Ik, Mb^j 
 SiM* tiM fa rti ed tU w af iMi m« Owidk to lIH tki ««■ 
 iiBtljr iMNHtai jfii kM bMa w gnal, m iu hmamlat 
 ■o«*t ikM oat Mop af Mad w^k MMoa mm aot baaa mb- 
 iMttoMwpljrilwwMttorowuada. TWa MHaa,ho«a«ar, 
 B«afyKraiMt«lMhB8 Mad lUi at 
 •in iv Ita halat MM tafgWt MMl 
 wrrt Iwtwiii — d ■Mq«alltd !■ Im. _ ^ . 
 M. TtoiooMatt^riMft, aaryllMvyatlMAeakbf.iinikihr 
 ilMftaf to a ptfart (mw WwAMMtai). oT aaifarai ikalpa aad 
 Motk I al a UiW MM oolotabofattoMid and wUto baMalk 
 Mh>kkwUl«.MU.ariapaadori«rMUM%rar. ItoaNMf 
 fft | ft> y H — iiiilh l m ai»l ii l NooiharMi 
 riy ofMd rMta haa niMd Nck (ivei aaid daaiairf ia ai 
 ta'lliM., ^ 
 It jiMMMrbaMtaMad ia atathr avaryaaetioa of the 
 iam, aad ftOM avaiy qmittr of It hM raetivMl the V( 
 _Jaal w ww to n dat l o M . Iu Sac smooth aliapc aad aal 
 waaty laiiM aad iMMiaaet it tka admiratioa of aveiroM 
 iVkM aaa* it. Wt Vaow of no oihM variaty Hut will |^t 
 ktnaMatfqaalilM wtiifaetloii or that has raeahMdaoaaay 
 Ktariag iMlfanooials from CTerybodr. {Sm TaHmtmtali, 
 Aaa aafcgBard to Umm who datita to crow tha favotito 
 ■not, wa Nndf it only in McImI » > « ifi« iMariil 
 ar flMM apilii aa roprMtaiad in tha UlMinmoa, aad haa( 
 imaljr priRta4 la eolon i tha aada of the pachagaaara Mvarad 
 4tb a pA lahal, baad^ oar naaM, which la aim a mark ' 

 vvbthi. r 
 nriHia In otith 
 ,>6' -ft' 
 »►■-■ , ., '' 

 y * 1 
 ^ III 
 •A ^ 
 t > 
 ', I 
 MM iMU W Imwiii n ilM, \mm, tmti* • pwi d*^ • 
 lbi.,M>.: Ilk., ttt-i lib., Wt. 
 wkiM, )IT I to laru l« ilH m> w kaan to praduci, bM I 
 rto fra, iIm ■Moaiorta MaMMli Uai RmI. M d dil 
 •M ff g i mm i I Miir Htbl in^ tHk wUwtiia raaa: tiRi Ml* tirit(^,- Oar 
 :iib.,iic.: 1Mb, i*c. 
 lAttoa Im it M^ !•• iM*/Kr I tb>.; ttc. ; I'li^i 
 r, MOili to l ka ■<•• arall lo Ik* hMinn. Vmy aolb 
 tb>., rtc. ; I niZm. ; | Ik., I«>. 
 - J T ai^ iWd . -Th* aHM MHriUow vwMy to c«lll«Ml<m, mta Iwg*. oroid, biti «l«l out M las whI botloa, Mcmimulnt «lih • Mi«ll i*p i«M I 
 , H iwllat to term lo lb« V«ll»y.> M ki il Tukwd, bM ndMr tolhitM Iha kboaMtr, uOaMtof ita tt— arall lo Ik* baitmi. V«r* 
 .CTh»,«w«a«aadtfck: a«c«hailiMk»wtoaiUk.|»adirtii«i|«alliU«.»i>dwTp^iicllm fl kMi 
 vwiaiirlabab«Mwiiiii,citop,aiidtoMllkirariUIOc«akaf. h^ttbb, lIis.: I tb.. tOc. : tlb., lOe. 
 k* ■■■■■ fc -MaOtur ta had OlaW aacaol aatot. aMalto pi j ia itoa 1 cator. iMw wU— '. >ia«.il»o«»a mum mi n^ k—ft. PHtlb»,«fc.:llk.,«c: llk.'tlOc. 
 -A kHft, xwBd vaftow, a( arallam qtulby, 9mmim<r.mi» «M UfmSSilit, V^M nd, lath Aha li I* bMiar adaaiM la thaikm mOi (Kmi Iha !«•■ 
 rarllC.lh;.; llb,.Mc.: lib., lot ^^, - • " " 
 Hw fclfcw»to« ^aWartja ata>anaw«llidi|ii*«wl««a Waiar I wiIIm aa ika toadaa ; ha»a« af ttmtr a»d qakbat gwatlfc, ata qaawat to laama. and vhaa Mvi Wa laag 
 » MMar bacwaaipaatf Md toaai iMitaa a«dtoi4iHlhka.i hM tor fell and ta(riy wfatar laadtol an tnara <ttikyn)b, afadacldia (MM todk aar acid, aM m»t b* «><» 
 gatfcjaMr to iBa jj iiitaOifttha Swada imri. tlai S<wr tjU^patJcia. ^ . . » 
 wtoiac •dill nara 
 lOfc * 
 lot tola aowlni. 
 a4ipt*d •• xiilr 
 L.tRc. : iiu.wc. ; 
 >.- AaaaealWal vaHaiirbi tarty wto^larfaadiag, aifddaaar*** la Wlirwa awn (tatially. J*tr t lly..V<:. ; I.IK, 
 b-SiailtortoferaiaadtiMialkatnK^tog: ika balk la toltk>>gfa«n al««*.'aiid ipalknr fcik. ■ PHi k(Cr. 
 Ortm Wiamm- -A mr »»^' k'H"''^ l"ml^ »M«fc yrqdaaaa aa taidiiaii wy, aTaa^tllaal ^aalhy ; H'itaf|raatvaM>ibrAadtog a«4aM,aad mM mImmI Ml^aowlag 
 Pmtpi.lTc.;' Ilk., ilic.":. fill., lOc. ,.-''* -".,'■ - t* ■. 
 8WBDBS (iOhrown Arom SeleotcKl B^^ 
 Odr ataek ofTwrniy S«ad ka> baaa fratm Nto taraMy lil > l « l < Ml* *V •>•««• dT Iha kl|k«M uwkdi^ to K*|iaad aad ScoUaiid, aiH» toctodat |Im mdlk dMMkto, 
 vatintoi In caliivMton. Soar t w »lbi. atr acra. '^ \_. _ __iL_ i_ _ _ _. • " 
 miMPtVmt Mf WailABOII ><>■■<. ~^Tk<» hn llMda M> tolrodwa.1^ 
 Baglaad lw« raara ado, aad ha< lari «i|k u f aa r b a kW aaeeau tkcn, n oni froai . 
 nway aactlMM yroviag b to k* aa laiilwata vtoMtor. M^ <• ka»^^ ..riaa* »kar*' 
 avar a kada. W< ar* ytoaaad lo kt afcia is igNr il f oar Canadtoa ea«lodMr^.Hi 
 ana aall «rankf of irtol'. It naaabtoa to akapaQgldaa Taabant Maacal,llM t<Mt 
 rick craaaiy yaUow, t%i ilia crown al th< raai ifdk rick yaryto oaton . K ltp k aal 
 Swada Manda wait oai o( ika gmttad, an4^U a (ItM eaaiyara d witk alMKy «ati(i|f< 
 Ilia aalfcn to liM v>d la akaolaiaty har^y. Pricayt^lb. 4dp'.: !>>>; Mc.ti IkMc. 
 Tmwttli^, »»ii B li » i mt lipi * wt i m, Pfir^lmti^r-A Haadaid variMy, lari|i 
 •lia.aaMUaack.aadyiaUawalL Par»lbt.,«b; llk.,lM:.; Illk.lttc ■.•' 
 9mft1%*m0 fU a n mi* i , Pm ^ »«P<-4|» analtoai Itoki >iuUv. It • 
 a ka«ily tart, aad yialda kMrily. fm I lbs. tOc.: I (fc., Ih.: | Ik., lie.- , 
 MM ^mfl ^ t m m %mmm9m*,Pmrwf» * W i- tofc« torga. riek p«r^«ai>,aad 
 Maada wall aiilar iha giaaad; hahHtaadi>r«iad~'iVMdity. fyr » Ika., Me. :i Ik, 
 nil |lk, lac. . ; "^ ;"- 
 .Oaa-afliia iani*>riiii<Ui«avK>i nupiiiag 
 aad cara'ul mI«« lioti* th« oiiginaltfr ha* 
 aiiataad^rfaciiaa to total, iba bulb«..balag of kand«<HH« oval •kap», wiik >aMH, 
 ' " vary rich to qaaliiy, aod'kB.'axcaltoBt 
 oc.*: , ... 
 A' tararlia wiih aiany Caaiadlkn' growan 
 I vwiaiy.'aiul • l^dd kaapar. ' Rn « Iba , Kct I ih,. Uc. : 1*^. lOc -^ 
 uVk ■!■■ ♦<■.- OYal-dwpad'ktilbm torga aad tolHi. •mall nock aad 
 itogtotosraat.'rklilfcqaaHty. i>r.atocti*«, aad a goad kaapn. Par .vlfat., Hk. 
 nfc,IK.:|lb„l«c. f ' 
 ■> . *«il-<«g| "<■»—■- AJ^nt kaadiui** akaptd kalb wiik aaialliopf dtwiwall 
 .«Tlg»i^kaoU. P.r»lffcj»t.; lib., TJfc. :11b., Wc. > .. r ^ 
 Nm««M>< aaal^ A naw aad dbt^il voriaiy :~ik* %<h |> ArdTaod whh«, whlla. 
 ill nardy, hataBbbakiiti an Miaa>ia> lo aH»r Mint, aad wlaiAad loaithar Md ut - 
 ganlta cnlU«a|BrKr ft Ibc , •«. : r lU 1 40c. rl lb. ..Ifltt. 
 tmm •#iSwa!Bh PMlFplai-MMk-rSMM aad good laviir! a h^ry cto|i|ia>~ 
 r*rki|a.,M,^iP^ Ike, i >!)>.,)<£. \ ., 
 tft,-|jug*ly giowa ky laidtog^atiioillurialt ia Seal. 
 . _ variaiy, of Rwdium 
 kh aoil Par 5 Ika., tor.; 
 JikiiPiM.likyiito "• 
 -t U ^ i titigf mmmUm |<>a O li ^ i » Nii i , tart*, hwtly, Mtd af «««<iaab«y. ,l*at 
 „. I Hl||.>%t •iMjifiw.r.Ini, I*. ■ ■ ■ 
 .?vyja*rWp»^Bdja^jiood ■ 
 aaMt7«aa«y1^.^W'llb£;tK;;i'it.;ife, fflsr.iHi ' f ': 
 'Vary torga, ahdti aacki a liaad<»tow ■ 
 MM^rMMdlK— l^ataa-'i' llarla^laa, *aiy hard^ and #n •uaUmi. ka«paf ; iMk ' 
 iCSr^ariSTrfeS adpraMr. Ki a Ika., «r. ; 1 lb , Mc : lib , Hto. 
« HI 
 4 etiR 
traiiw c4T«WBy «*,—»«, mtL— itm nim* ■>«> iw. 
 TNI MtT vAmnrv worn omnn rooomi on intii nm 
 > ■< ' 
 ' -■'*«« .-*» * '' 
 \ V 
 Owai«ki4ot lUi Mw iMlNi* « ■'Mbr^OT is, tiMl k li 
 •■rMWIjr vahubia ia UvtiflM* •« 
 any odMT eotm. Mm Mf« toliMrMi alg^ 
 it k ik« bMi m4 ckMfwt Im« llM «» IM gram far lM4ii« ta 
 • gTMa*Ui«iaMMiior-aUIUa4B. Il kMp* tkHi !■ lood iHk 
 Md ii agNMMNIipratfHMV. E*«]r fcnMt ikMld |W«*i4t 
 M act* or MMN lot fcateg wkM pattaM grawi rikoft. 
 It row* lw«lv* talatatoM fMt Mlk. sMitf |oa4 
 •4M*atiaii. tiM ■uUn aM aMwt.Jriqr. Itadtr, aa4cti*««d with 
 loag, licaad iaavai. 
 Mora feMv caa bvfraw^ AwrUrisaam iha« aayoilMr, aa4 
 wlNswallcMaditia^taa^MliavakwIehay. BaaiT a» ba 
 — dad n a pw witli It tiMa witk iMjr aad aota i h will iMiaaw 
 tka aiilk aiii afaaai pradaatiaa tw pt> a«l., aa wall aa fcmiak 
 ckaasaad aeaaplaMa ft9*iila« far ataek ■alii aad ofiMMW. 
 Mm owMia, dairy faraMia aad atoak grewan ilMald giva tida' 
 aoni a Iriid llMjMaaaat laaaon. 
 To abiala llM haaviaai arop plaai la lillla ftaai Si to S feat 
 apart aach «a»« laatiag faar atroag plaku ia«Hh UU, aad kaap 
 tanraaglily aaitiwrtad. FMlytoaawraarahavabaangrawaiba 
 paal aaatea aadar tkb aoda af caitivatioa. 
 Pitiaa par lb. (poat paid), Iia.t paali Mc., paKlwMr paytag 
 carriaMipar bMhalV$l.»t Ibaakala. SS-Mj illMilMbM. 
 avat, f 1.16 par boikal 1 bag a We. rack, fraa on can Toronlo. 
 lOva RauiiTanu Tiiaub H^ii^ 
 ^^ \ . 
 ■ ^ 
 '■ '■', 
 .. • ^ ^ ,. ■ 
 THS STBaUi BB08. GO'S. 
 TTiiWav* M MM i^h ^, I,, ,^ »«u«w« 
 ,y]^ •••4« «k«» ■Mill •4«aiM« MM iM«MM.*t 
 »b« faHMiag MmnMiaity, m* «•« yntiwg 
 ^ ***** *!*•* ia tb* akav* aacu tf«»laty «f eaWB, 
 luill h« f*«M VIM that u<« ••• MttfMcM kM mmm 
 •• atoy. •n4 *ba« uilll Ii>«»««m tlM y toM ^Mf ••*• 
 •Ml* atlMK vavtMlaa at anal lag* eaan*. of a^aaM> 
 '*** *>«kl«, aa« ma** than •«• ii««a«i aha«M ba 
 •aa«an in tiM Kill. l«a gnaak aualiaaiBt ^^t. 
 ba*Mti> af M*«a, aMi amallaMa af atMh riaai 
 ***** '* ^* • ^a«tfair aiant. «uiilia faa BfliMlaga 
 »«i>M«aa i* la uMa* valuahla. TkU wlkli aa» 
 •>§mr rntime mur iMiu*g*- mm mmm wmnk 
 ^«ba lyatflag aaata faK alio ^ua^aaaa. 
 <• fft&m 9Hw imrlf. 
 Memra. aTSKLK BROS. CO. 
 /Nrtpljf tof/our Utttr qf Novtmbmr lUh, <m*> 
 ing »*y opinion qfa mrMy <^ Indian 
 Cam, knoten aa tkorouohbnd ^Wkit* 
 PVnt, I wonid any tkatihia varittjf of Com ham 
 hmn grown on tk« Ctntral h'jrperitnmUai Vitrm 
 /br «*• latt thrm yt0r», and eompand leith a 
 largt numbtr of othtr mtrUi, and / nmaidgr this 
 to to M« mott promiming qf all thtU has 6mm 
 AmM hart. It atoula Mtry ftmtg. t« tiny Im^f^ 
 from bottom to lop, and mmturm mrlitr tlUut 
 tkalargt groteing d4int varittim tnM k»n; it 
 ha» aim aferagnU iciM um a grmter tmight ^ 
 fhdder. ant aer* grown Uutt Mriauii. rW jimm. 
 far BnmUage, nim flmnd to mmigh over SOUtmii. 
 Vourm verg Imlg, — — — — 
 WM. SAirSDURM, Diu 
 M i m ip o, Nov. mHk, Uto. 
 '-L.. OmtiUnwH:-tn rtgnrd to tht nete mm, 
 T h 4mn u ^ brmt FHhI. mnt its far tr^d, I wmild 
 mg: 7%trom tnu planUd Mm «M, o» aoor 
 land, mmd and loam, IrmUod to m light dmrniii 
 itf artH/kial fwHUiaer, briw m n 40O and me IbZ, 
 ^*^.***. ^^:^taaug.lH row* Hfmt apart. 
 andpimmlaoinalmltolfMtin th*rvi. AaHi£ 
 Cum grew 8 to » faet high, •4>ny atoit/ .- mo* 
 pUnU atoolmt omt and lotXtd liter hilU ^ Atoe 
 Cum grew « to » fatt high, t*tw atout ; 
 plant atoolmt omt and lotXtd liter hiUa of 4 toe 
 planta, a Imrga amount- e^ lauifM to tka pbml. 
 otftvmrgfawmba; I tuppSm on aeoount qflata 
 pjowMNf, M^aa a Foddar Cortt-U prShtaad 
 oWmmvM* mom than Uwothtr Miidrffrma. 
 iftg baaidt It. rouratmig, ^ ^^ 
 • . Jjf. BUHORSa, n»^ Mmmagar, 
 Mm p« Ik, pm-fM. Me.; • Ibt. 
 P*«t-P*Ut $1-00 1 pw pMk. patdMMrpny 
 iai tipMNi, $l.tb.t i bwM. HWt Mr bMM. ta«ft t 
 ., iMk* «f am, $Mi I bam Mk. Mtk ^ „^.^__^ 
 ■•■■■■■iM tl 
 pralM«4 M batiM 
 aMi* mU pMaip. 
 Iwaty, >■■«■■ tfc< 
 ita Mmw 1« wy l< 
 I »>.. Mei • ItN.. 
 Tht wttw it loag, 
 ria« 41 la le DOt 
 iMmMlHT TU* 
 ■«M.. Fiwoact 
 6lba. lMr7a& ha 
 ■PlkM for Urn ai 
 • ariM, jrM wm ii 
 rt«»i—4l iMia| 
 •my MUakU 
 itM !■*•»••*, •! 
 IKlMy Af OMB, 
 M. Of ■»»■«< 
 «•! mUmmU fc« 
 f*» aiMlas* 
 •U WtM M* 
 lUt Awot ■•ah 
 ^■^ ' ■ — ' ■ - ■ 
 S elected R eeleaned Seed Spain 
 % f^l OIVOTK ifiMfal CM lo ih* MtMtiM of <Mf SmUintm. AU trnp^Um m* pNcw«4 ke« Hm pwwi airf ckMM Mai Ikai ll ll 
 lllll »" ■' " ' »• »>*»'■. -<» t**"" h It twt in — tfc«t«niyy wrt— k tiMU Uw^iiamy way U Hrttw. PticM «m M all Iten U m 
 MAif tow Mlk* pwkM m4 tuvarior snlily »iU •imtt. Wt tlMll b« |>Imm« i« qMl* prlcM mmI hwI mmvIm « aiifHMloa. »Imw 
 n ATO AMBRNMN BANNm. Tta* mu u« a liMlfabk acqaidlio*, aa4 tkuald li« liM by all fcnaan. Ktvofii fcoa all 
 1 1 A I X '•'2%*.''^'^ TT* *?' J^ •?*• 'B!'*^ ••I'awal talWaaUoik TW ha** kaaagnma low r«a»^ a«a atTilMhMi Iraa 
 will V Si!!??* "*•' T*Sr^ •* ••" ifMliai. tknr kaw aot •!»«« iIm ■MglitartTniMii i. %m. aiM ha»a lavatiably yUMwl ctow 
 laMlaikaaew. T«o laid* of iM varMy vWMtd 70 bMkala lo iko aMtfto* laM •Mch Im4 Mrtotlllaaf. A* adjutotofl taM a« aomwM oaia 
 2? '"y'? ^'°^"i" ."' ¥'• J*** "«"*••• "mMw^ «to«« «• bMMa Mr Mta. to iM t aMfM. to liiT "»• Mltl**, Mr. 
 ^T'J?* "'iS^ S*"!* •".•• •• y^ S* *■■** •' "••«» »iilM4.*ta tha MMftaM. t Hffc FAY*. Tha r«la »• tataa, 
 ■M fiaap, waigUaf fro« M to M ovndt lo ika aiiaia r ai bwktl. RIimm qalck aariy. Mn* h MlC, ol good MtaMik, bat aoi apaiwluy 
 i|iato ii loacjiyaiaMtiiaal haatb. Tbaaa oala lUlar iNwIy. awl caa be lowa thiaaaf ibaa U caMunaty. hiaa, mm mM, 1 lb' 
 al paNhaair. paak. aie. I ibaihri. Me. .1 1 badMl, $1.00 1 • baiktU or aMta ai Mc.(baptOc.aacM 
 .- . ^, ^ ,,^1 ^ ii^ 1^ ^^^ Mpifiat ia yUldiag tiaalliltt. kaHa«M aad vlaoi i 
 lo««^taai, aaditliaallablaloiBtllt -i- -•• . 
 •/ I. 1 
 jnt rs Ibaj7**-J ^ aapraw of ftiriilii, al tipaaaa af ■ 
 WIM AWAKt—Qalmad^tiia ot|[aalaf aa ii 
 Ida Mfaw b mn laaf aad itlff, aiiatoiaf aa av 
 •lb Vfaaf I 
 Ibaa o«h«r«aiiaUaii baalasg btaacby bttiU 
 > iba aaiaia aad 
 Pilaa, poaipald. 
 tr talk, oak- 
 </ IndioH 
 rmi ^WkUt 
 mM Farm 
 nd v>Uh a 
 I has bant 
 mt *Mw; U 
 ■ t—ight ^ 
 , rut g i <mm 
 tier JOtona. 
 If aa avange giowi 
 filM <dih Ml irfMV aau. walabla. il Iba. ptTlaakali . _^ ._ _^ , , 
 MMMeat^ibaaoU. TMaTMtol|lMk«HlhwM(hly taMt4^aad yrovad lobaa taiMriaf lofi. boib iaqaaaUiy aad^ailly. 
 • "^i.'¥L'.*J*tt22S:».ilS*llSJ.2d'"' fV^' •%». * •*••«'• "*•' > '»^'. »••«>• »>*»fc«b«n aota HOr. (bag* Mte. aacb). 
 BAMLV BMOUSN WNITC ff Owwtftan Tri«««nBli.-Tki8 aMr wMla Om* hMitooa inwl tMhlacUw wbwa gnwm. 
 Tha wraw U hiag, aprigM aad diuag, wiib paalclet oiaipMely covdnd wlib doaa ut gtaini ; iba Utui aia vati plaaip. ibotiv btavy, ««lkMag 
 fioai M la ie>oawl( pat Buuatad butbal. Tbay aia aieaadtogly taily. bataia hoai ita dayi lo two watbi abaad ol Iba oidiaaiy vailaika to. 
 bat«0Mla4 TUa mmlf aloM iboald iadaca a trial wlib all atbo ba*a aapai icBCtd a Iom' htai taily hoait. Koi ptoduciUta* u tb« « tit nc< ad lo 
 ffgow caf«._Tyiwo jbty laa ladadj, par *>atb.^$t^ L**^*! ?* "T?** *•«■ ' ^ ■•"• »«. paf lb. i of » f " "" ' 
 Mid 1 by (itlgM aTaa 
 , jptlan, Wlllt* Auatrallan aad oibtr popalu *aiUti«i or latd oaii. 
 liaaiy 1 
 biy til 
 tba.,fof 7Se. (potlaga pta' 
 - - Each, 'Ac. 
 h., >'i 
 n A fll.ru " OAirriir«>iiii« mMutu 
 KHHrrW bat doM to tMcaitlally bara. Oar tlocb 
 Iflllllkkl oMMpMaltaaod. li bat baaa ibotoMli 
 i— tbit it Iba vailaly (ba Da«iolo« (JovtraoMM 
 wai growa for ut b* lao ol ib« bttt fcraiait la iba 
 iatpoiud lati «(tr, tad aibkb 
 Oflac* ana bat b«tn lbo<. 
 . . _ boteagly provod tbIt teaioa Ibal oaa caa lalta la Caaada firti cUm barlty ibal will bilag 
 loaaaaMlva pttow to Mftaad. Oar tlock U aol very Uiga, aad taily ordait aio iMuciud. Tiica p«i Latbtl, $1.80. 
 M far Urn oaaalHIaa aaap^tiM. Bti^TSOe. «ack. 
 DUONWLkTWOlKIWBO>^T|M laaiplaof lUaaewvarialywat taalo*ariofcagUaiirot comptiiiiow Al< 
 Ul aiall arUb CbWtUfi Of Prlit rtullfic, aad will ba in dtaiand lor KiglUb liada. 
 a priaa« yat wat bigbly rccoaiawnded by iba jadgat. 
 tUwdaapiipldaBdMrdea. Piiea par faathal, $1.00 
 %tmn< ~ 
 nete oom. 
 U,/ wiiM 
 th, OMl 
 ttUm» tmi 
 e. Rmutt. 
 ^qf Aloe 
 Allhoagh ar lif lag loo lalt lo take 
 Ii will Mtll arllb CbWalifi or Prlit rtulific, aad will lia in dtaiand lor KaglUb liada. It 
 Piioaa for laiga quaalitlat oa application. Btgi, SUc. 
 Tbit It Ibf ocdiaary lii-rowod «arialy, of wblcb wa havt a taiy itttct tlock; carafclly raclaaaad. I>iica oa 
 TNB raVPTIAN MUMMV.—Tba largaal Acid paa in eallitraiion, aad ona wa (nI coafidaai will gl«a tfcry latittic- 
 Piiaa oar baiM. fl.tt. Prlaaa for Itrgar iiaaaliiy on application. 
 •Man Vln*, OrMm, BIim PruwiAfs Marrowflftti^AII ai maikat prieca. 
 lillil" a ▼ •■rinft.— Wa alwaya and«a*or to ba*a oa band a Ml Mock of ckoioa Seed Wbaai, aad fro* oar tatrfiaiva commc- 
 ■■ NP ■ I '>«> *"i> tbalanatit aic to a potilioa lo obiato Iba CHcti laaplca grown. There ara aiaay varUllct of Sprir g W heat 
 WW lllafl 1 aad aew lorlt baii>g freqaaally toliodacad, fow of which prove dctUahte, at all lollt awi clii - ■ - ^if. 
 I I I ^" i «• 'kaai. The vaiialiaa wUcb ha*a MMeeedad betl la rarioai Mm ol ttba 
 to qaota prieaa oa apalicatioa. 
 WIntor.-Jaaa*' Wtat^Pifa^ |«rly IM CtowtM. Amrkaa Bi«Ma. Caaadtoa Vdvtt Chaff. 0«MiM Cnm. aad other 
 Wbaait kept ia tlock. FaU Ciitalagaa of Wtoler Whaait, Giatt Saadt. etc, It Ittaad aboai Aagati lOlh of each year, and tent 
 coaairy tie LMMga, •• 
 aad #IM ••>■ a ar Araiaw i a. 
 latic laflaencca are aCl^l 
 We will L itH 
 tt grown, 
 ih> htrath an na^ly Ivlet 
 Hvtvy Uraw. hrancKn 
 «. i tmlwl, ti.oe. 
 vttMlv : in Uooai loiiMr, MM«r«i 90on«f •nd yUldi mtch Man per 
 Pw lU. Ik. (puM ttm) ; prck, Mt. ; ImiImI, fl.lit. 
 —A MwcliT of >i« ling «<if«K. ii U eaerawoaly ptodatUve 
 •it* of aar mIim imAutf MMl or « diMliicI *tu>ip* ; iIm ctlot u m lich dull lin>»n ; v«f y M 
 «MirfdM>iMinMdl«b*iawllHilUcklyuMlwrMns. P*r lb., lac. (|a>4i (cm) : |wcli, Uc. 
 -Hi- Sapwlof lOlh* caa 
 iWa liaik tad W ■ 4I<« grair cottr. 
 (Meet It ooaatHy aa aaall c atif > EdKinlly mImimI whI wad for m«1 ; m luinkh, 
 il •ilkar aa 'ar Of ilMUad. (Xm ftggimMtSMJi/'orO'mn/tm I'tHtUtt). M 
 lo«| ; lurnali Tailao ; inm* akoai t (tal, uri 
 pMt ; par bwUl, ilialM, (LM 
 ^Aa aacaadinily aarly al|kl-ra*ad vatlal*| a 
 'iui alun I larga aart lo • Malk. 
 II lo U iachaa 
 Vary aarl* aad pratlAs ; Ifwm Ma ISmi kigli ami haa l»o lo Ava aara aa Malk ; aa>» from 
 r* lataa ; grain yalla*. P« |l>., ttc,, (pqMaaldi: par kaikat, iMIad, tlOO. 
 ' -ASlawla>d*ai<a<y:>ral«kr(ghi jraMow. Par Ik, tk.iipaMpaid). 
 aar< good ilia, paarly arkil* aad of a baaulUul 
 b* aacaUad ', il ia an algkl.roarad yalknr flint tort. 
 I araa tlW>l>a fMlH. - Aa aaaallwi MadacUra varlMy; 
 apuaraan. Par lk.,-Mc.,(paMpaU»; I iMHbai.Aaltad, $!.••. 
 kaMI<Wla«Wir-t1aa TiaatlioaM yalloar variaiy can kaidly 
 Par ikTS. IpaaiaaU) i I bariwl. •kallad, tl.M. 
 -A aa* nrtitT, ofdamrf kaUt, aad vary aarly. Tka «ara aia larga, avaragiag i«a India* la 
 MBtll; grata afaataAarcator; alias pradacaalkraaaanao a Malk. Ilta 
 kaall claaM a( iu kaak arkan ruia. *" " — • ■ -<^- ..-.■—. 
 ruia. Par lb., ttc. tpoMj 
 •r Oairt.— S<n>a aaclaiinly Iw c«lll*g mtangnaa 
 -Nail ID "tUaai l^aWk » ~ ~ 
 .. Miaftaiiiraafikil 
 MBaidl : paak, 7ic.: fcaikal. Hot. 
 ifet f aad l agpaty n i ■ Pricaanapplkalioa. 
 I," Il kaa aa aap 
 -BmH Wkita riald 
 ngta..-Par M«4ag ft IMhW, 
 ipniarlbc ylaMoi (aadlag 
 laaaaf aartka*a»a»llli>a,>ci tac gtt daaaa^lpaatpaid ), 
 ar aap ar MAIM 
 Pall iaa^it aariaHAa. 
 Mmf m . Black aad Wkiia. 
 rail pa " . 
 ■ra'am iKT^irr . 1h i ptn yiH. fir 
 jui 1. 1. 1 L'fLiib'i ir 1 i' "IT ri" ^ •*" ^ — L — J i-j-i — . k.>.,— . fc- __. .. 1 
 8 iti OSr ifc.Jibfc>^aa w kawAlai»aai«»«ailltkilii * ii I l iiii faai»a>ai. ,..,__ 
 ,parlk., Mc 
 par Ik, Mi 
 •i-B MOt. Ctft.. ToaoMta^ ON?* 
 ■ iilfl Util 
 I i l l J. ' . II ■ ■ . 1 
 kM htte UM MM |W— Ml, of M»«M telkl S!n!l?!ggjy?Tft y*"*- . '^'Jk »«•! W.C. IM4 ik« ,«• 
 . j^lttaMi ftt an*. aWl Mt iN«t«MM. To tkoN 
 htm^ Mn.M. Skm ■«, WUm Omk, mm ilM aaM 
 Wk«a t mm itui, 
 CoLuwav,, Out. Oh. «, hm 
 D««* liM-i h*«* w«Mly •uMlawl Tl» Wk4t* 
 C.», O.I. «bM ,»«(,, to III, «.M. nnd »h«, MM... 
 «... Mm . iw», ,wa, rw •«» ««t bZ^ ' 
 toMi4Miral>l« — •■-^■w 
 Vwii* tf«^, .' 
 ■ irt»,.fci'i»il, M,y. 
 1 — [ r~r-i 'i II I I I I t . ,1 , , *^ ' 
 AGl?|Ct7£,T£7RAX^_»_Gff ASS T^B^JOS 
 ■ l.irtot«««W«#|MAl»pwMWpl|lM.t»lw"hMBIII.««, of lh.«M !■««... .^l r.'_.l 
 •«•• Pw»b.,IOc.j PO.I.P.WJ M?' '^ '^"' *»«»»* P* 
 " »;- ■ ■ ■III • (CjPMMOTMCtlNMMl. 
 Thli gfu* Mjr b* adYuUftoiMly Mva of lawi ud.alk«r ptecm 
 10 b* k«pt WMlM IM tcrk* I imw • ekiM iiirl. rMMtelu gMca kwmr 
 Am tfMllMii winy for mmiii*, wImb «ii«i «ftlr odMrmMMt t 
 |* cw t< t t w«U ia aMMl diiriioM, mmI thiivM ia aMdwutiy aoiit 
 !S?.w*'TtT"* •^ ,i**» ■* •taf«>M. Sow 40 It*, ptr Ml*. 
 ■ptia|,ud tiM i^Ptjr Willi which h r*|NroSwM iMfW M4 M«a» 
 •Act Mat MIM •* Ml Atwa t i» MUilioa t« which iu thick irowth, 
 liM Mim Of nl dowa i ia a 
 ——-J or feNiM •*• ""V-WMr o* ro»<H «<»««« th« ihMlo i« tnct, 
 ■»dm la BOM dorinbk Imm fc* lawaa aad aaih* or paManrMadt. 
 Saw M Ib^ par acr» Pwlb.^ SSc i paMpaidTlOc. 
 Wll»<jl f aaaM*i iflwtiMai rt»iliwr«h). 
 . Thtivtt ia a gnai *atiMy ot mtth. Ii may Im cUmwI MaoagM Ih* 
 ■!V^Tl?'1* ■*•/•' pwp?^ •»«l ptodaewaiwat wdghioffeddcr. 
 Md ft iaaad to mitl llw i«nu of Jromhl ia • r«a>Mlabl« dMito! 
 IlinwtMailys th«rolbg*kiaecal«ilaadaalrili*«. Htighl. I»7m. 
 .8ow»lb*.pMaen. Pw lb.. 90e.| poM paid,88c 
 '*«'»IM' ■»* •riiaa (UHmm lutkmmi. 
 . .. .S!*."'"*."?^'?'*.*"^*'" ^»>V' b«iM««JMlly»ait«d 
 la all cliiMtai. la Bwlaad ii ii eoatid«r«l Ilk bMlTaoWa gnm lo 
 C"il|^(Mio(liaf.«lDrdiaffr*pMifdlar|*uMlaairitiT*cfOM. W* 
 MMMMd it bwabr m ia paMato aUiiaiot. Sow 40 lb*. p£^«cr*. 
 M#l^, lact poll- paid, lie. 
 TMNMUMtiMkv aMa «>aaa (r<» tmmki. vary aawa* tkla 
 _..^^?S!".^ '1 °"f* °»^" " J»"« C'«." •««• J 'hiim 08 • 
 •Mkly ofMib, bai dow bM ia dry aad MiMwhal thady locaiioai ; il 
 raqaiNaaavml yaan la baeoaM wtU MabUdMd fai tbi aroaad at a 
 KiTSiP"' "^ wlaabit, M il wUI lUad Iha hoUM laaiBMrt. 
 3|jrj^» par awuPar lb., «e.i potipaid, aOe^ 
 K. J S ^* ^ ^ IUaiB«5ri^M"p,k, i. lowtr Ihaa aWt niay 
 ba and aa a whatil ata. Pw l b., lie, , po<.paid. JMe. "^™y 
 ^_Oa*ol ihaaMMtalaahlairtMNwahaMi ihtiviacia alaon all 
 ■««^ aad l< aiad teaMgaad Jiiara^ MahameallMiniay.c^a^ 
 MMtfaM. abMtelly pioda«l»a. alwayt Mccatai aad iiKl«: «d 
 gl'L'^^** "****' jy *■ '^ « > «" « *- HaiihllfoaiStoSfeit: 
 So w40 lbi. t aaaw ^ ft , 1h..l B fc;p o,| .p ri d, 9g-- 
 IbapCTaara iparSaihal. p.]^ »a,Ubl., p„|k. sne.,|»i|.pid.«k. 
 PniMfM«l ud the fibrow •iractua of Iu roola. which fi. ui. .., 
 ^i^Jnw'o, .Itaraaia hwbaadry, «hI l2Sl» aSd ta «i.i.J^^ 
 jmlaablo kt a hay crop, for wlUch parpo^ i'tThouhTba cat wh^ .. 
 M-k.!""*!?^ "•.!*^ iroBodi, whcr* il call « good crop of rathar 
 •waaa W4>«*l>-«AMkaiiuikiii» wlMaii«X (Tia« ptnnl«|{ 
 .. "■ '-^ "•^'» •*• '•• •" 'r «n»wih, aad oontiaaiaa la thnw .... 
 !!!r£:n:l' •.~?i?*^.'-5»?!" •»•». 'WtfttaiT^c hay. II i. „oo«. 
 **«»te "lUlarti llaithYrraa rioVfiMi!' 
 lb., nc; pa«|.4paid,aOc. 
 19 Kiiia.*-.tt Ml* 
 •aetata tij'cs:i;Mri«-73;^t:^T.sr^ 
 IS iaebat. Saw M Ita. to iha acra t par lb., 90e.| portpISr M?^' 
 TWI MaMrtaw 9m ^rikr^-^' .... ■ . i*^ "^ ' 
 ~ japTia graM Bwy ha (m 
 , .HAvMw (ImM. 
 KriiSriMmt and ■• «h« tru* 
 - /^ 
 Iha crop It aal, 
 lliti - 
 hay, aadolMt 
 ewiag lo Iha h 
 aer*. Priaapi 
ht tniK ( •*• ■ 
 \H mWc arf datia, 
 ksi il*« kw bM« 
 ir*IM4 lk««M|. 
 MO tmmtm y t<tfc 
 Ik* IMMt Mkt4 
 ftiat mhm, ilM 
 nit mum Sf 
 ■ 'i' )iiiin'|jiiijifi&j 
 I I'l "i '■ I ill ' 
 »T. Dm. «, HM 
 ■mMmI TIm WMm 
 N, liiivil, M,y. 
 Ib^, IOt.| pM( piM«l. lie. 
 >plUMiMk . 
 MBMd apM iIm 
 b lo «ali« ihf lif 
 >>M>. wa woatd 
 rwof •«diiriM 
 IMt. It blotpis 
 1 nnfor litjr. 
 Mck taftt t l4it 
 •^ Ihui MOM 
 •dap. SowJS 
 lib wWckli it 
 ek fti it Id ■■' 
 lad k|.Mkilafti 
 Mkffi, and i« 
 « cai wkaa ia 
 ctop of ntkar 
 I to ikrow ap 
 iof wkkk ikV 
 Itia raeoai-' 
 Ibk pti acn I 
 ■kMU always 
 vaty fcad of 
 id tack aa,af« 
 llfall t J - | .Va ■ 
 aa ii aUI M aadtfNn* la «lMk ptaoN, baifet 
 «H«aM. 8awMlka.i»ikaaawr>wlh., 
 IOnm* MMnlly to WMl br nool., uh** tad tl 
 • ^iJ^*^ ''^' """^ aad ol • *««U gn 
 ■plrttiMM kathaga. II b MM of ika ialia*l aai mm) ptoducil** ik kafkaca 
 M Ibt. to ika acn. I'm lb. , ttr i poai paid. Mb. . 
 HAowa riaMMM*.) 
 Ilaalatif aadat « . 
 >k«f * Imm othti ■i»Mi 
 an iaiBMMa balk of aoafat, 
 pfoducilM Ik kafkaca of all 
 OKMn aala»lly la dnr piMata oa llfkt aad good Miilt. Ii .Md* ■ aowMataMa 
 Tkto U »m aiuMal toaM pfawl, aad oaa of tka mmt niaabl. fot • •oillaa cfou 
 « I- — - . — -T — .^.^ -. ._- _... ,k, ^„^ ^, k.»iaf rail '^ 
 la fof • •oilli 
 . of kavli 
 tioek aad U •tctltoai Af «aiila la 
 MiADov rtacuK 
 II aay ka •••■ aa lata aa lU ailddla of faaa wlik ih 
 o» «taa« ma, wkkk It MlWMd by all ktoda of lU 
 wlMOT wkta cat bifcfo Ika taad flii;at aad carad ai kay, ~ llU «CTlUBtMT«LiI 
 «^^UMr<Mto*aiM«ilktia«J70M...«.am«df.!«ki. CTH^uiSlZ 
 ••* ?*!!J?f* ••**••. Fat IK . lOe. I pott paldTTfc. -^T^^ 
 «C«« OM A'm.ICAVlOW . 
 ) Mill (Paalwi MtUkoM.) 
 Tka Miltot It «a*y ttaallai la haUt aad gtoiHk lo ika Haagaiiaa, 
 kal ptadaata a.awakaai aa l aiM, aaat'of a awuaat aaiait. Wkae 
 Ika crap U aal, tkattly aftai il bagtaa lo ckM«t aolat aad carad at kay. 
 II It aaMUaaad by aMy to ba pfafctaMa Ibc adltk tewt lo TIaMHiiy 
 kM.aadalaMtavalaa Ikaa (M taaM i|aaMtily of aaikraik«l oaia, 
 owlaitotk«krnaaM«ai«fatadtlte««Hatoa. Sow M i« M Iba. oat 
 . tariaMa. Nt Ik.. lOe. i paai paid, lit. ^ 
 owMg to tka kraa • 
 aera. MatparW 
 A vaiialy aot ^ aa^jT aa Iba jtOMNM Mlllat. bal 
 ^WIH gfow froBi ikiaa to ■«• 
 £2?. 7i?'*J*i°*^-r- ."•" ■— ""- '"••• •» 
 kaiakl. Ika /ka^ aowlaatad wlih aaaiafooi liiila tplb 
 TiP'Tl!"?' "".^'' '•."* '•* '^""'r ••'•" ""f all\ii 
 rt fcalhi 
 potipatd, ISc 
 SAIN FAIM **''*^** ^^' '•/«•*• Mtf^Mt,, ftm.k 0»ui tr Hoi, My. 
 VOin r Vin Saad aaCUaad ia hitgt ikall caMtqutolly only walgkt M Iht. lo 
 Ika botkf 1 1 tow Ivtt katktit lo Ikt ten I to aarly tpcing, Mcd U qaiia Itig^, tad rciairat 
 covntog a Ullla qaapat tbaa ttott clovtrt. No gratt raqairai to liiiU palai in cariag at 
 Satofoto. Tkii it aMrfhtriof Ika Uod taricking, laiartaat, heal ratitUag cloven. Wkil* 
 it doaa aqaally at wall ia Iha Nortk aad'eoM eliauMn. It it oaa of ikot* «!■« provUiont of 
 Daaia Natara't. lo Ity and cqaallta kar btotttogt by giviag to tkota who dwell on Mtille toil 
 toBiaikiB(rikat will pro4«tca at aiaei load abd aoaifort » ■ mote ftitile loll. i.ntt dcpaad' 
 daaea ia aitda of ihii in many paKtt'of Earapa wkata oiker graMc* rtnnot be grown proAl- 
 ably. l»Englaad.' wa have tacoH wk«ra ^afoia hat been growing oa poor Itad for fO 
 ya^. and to tor Impf oved ikt tortiUty of Iba toil, Ikal from |l .W per acre It readily broagbt 
 $7.M (rani). Morton layt : •* Thataara ataay patu of Ika Uailad Kiagjlom in whick iha 
 toraer^ ooold not pay iheir raMt witkoat tka ate of ihit crop." Iiftkrivet bttt on chalky 
 and iaa4y loifi, dry gravel, etc. > alia loant aad clayt, if nol,|po ttilT or loo dtep. On poof 
 Mad toadtia Norfolk, Kngl«ad, almoat «tortklau for aaylhing ella, it Will produce (allci 
 tka 6rat year), 1 ot S) loat of cared hay per acre, of eicelleal qaaHly. After lieing mowed. 
 It It aitreaMly ealaabla lo tarn ikeap aad lamka on. The land ikoald ba at f^ee from weedi 
 at pottible. It eaa be toWp with barley or oatt, aad karrowed in, growing 3 lo 3 feel kigk, 
 with roott pe^rating toia great deplk. Flowen about tbe lame tine at red clover. 1 1 it 
 a perennial.>nd the ttawl inprovet by >ge. In nulriaMnI and Herb-forming propertiet. M 
 itaqaal to aay clover. Do not buy Saiafoia from pertoot you do not know, at there art* 
 varyinferioriampleaoflered that can be bad at lett Ikaa quarter what fredi reikibto teed 
 caa be kad for. By mail, SOe. a lU, or 4 lU for fl.OOi By aiprett or freight. 100 Iba. lot 
 $15.0a Sainfoin and Yellow Trefoil make a good mittara. 
 AisIlM, RMl Otovar, MMlluii^ SiUiiflkln. 
 LuoariM, OaMI«ii Mlitaft, Or*team I 
 UioariMk Mlltot, Rad Top. 
 Wa an Umitmmtttm for Onwa tM Ctofw MnU, Ii 
 t ' 
 4 m 
 bueepne, op Alfalfa 
 fto ■•UliwOrM*. ud Oarta« for Bay. It ta« ao muT lS^^ ifZitSSASTdtS "^ 
 Th« Qr«a.t Vallt* bf Luo«rn« i* in in enormous yield of tweet and nuiriiiout 
 orice.wliicb is highly relished by stuck eiihtrwiien green or cured into hty. It will grow and 
 yield abundantly in hut, dr^ sections, and on poor, ligot and sandy land, whtre no other grasses 
 can be g'own, lor it sends its roots do«n to enormous depths, they having been found in sandy 
 soil 17 feet long; consequently it consumes food, moisture, and the leath of fertiliiery which 
 have been for years beyond the reach of ordinary plants. 
 » l.UO«rn* SrMltly •nrloh** tha soil, even more than ordinary Clovers, a< it 
 derive* a very Urge portion of nutritive material from the atmotphere. It aerates (he land to a 
 great depth, and a large portion of its great fleshy roots, equalling small carroU io tisa, 
 annually decay from the outside and keep gtowiog larger from the centre, and are conitantly 
 increasing the fertility of the ground. 
 It has tt—n crown at Whitawood, N.W.T., and prod uoad thar* 
 • tons ttmr aora, In four euttinss. Agricultural reports from Dakota say 
 ' "LUOama hat been very successful there, and likely to become the future forage plant of that 
 :', State, other expctiments prove it to be «t more value in the North-Wettthanprevi lUsiysuDDOtcH 
 Luoamo will crow on any land that will produoa Whaat Oomil 
 orPotatoas,andwlllthriva. *^ «w«wnaa^wom, 
 Tha Qraat Ylald. Because Luoarha flourishes on poor aad worn out landt it 
 . ahoald liot be thought untdapted to good toils, la the latter, its yield almost exceedt belief 
 . At the New Jersey State Fairo, seed was sown, April U8th,in drills'and the plants cultivated and 
 it had grown 40 inches tall, when iiit on July 7ih, 70 days from sowing, yielded (green) 7 Atont 
 per acre; the tecond cutting, made on August 18, yielded- (green) 8 ^ tont per acre ; the third 
 cutting wat aiade September 27th, and yielded (,(reen) 4 ,", tont per acre; a total of 20 tont of 
 green fodder per acre the firtt year sown, which would equal at least 6 tons of cured hay. If 
 town on light, dry loilt during a dry spell, or if town broadcast, not much, if aar, crop can b« 
 expected the first year, as the roots have to get a vigorous hold of the soil; the second year it 
 &n, (if town under such conditions) be cut two or three limes, but it is not until the thirc' year that 
 . it develops into full vigor, and after that it yields magnificent crops for ten or fifteen years 
 Luoama win not flourish on land where watar Standa a thort dittance below the 
 surface, nor in heavy, sticky clays. It attains its highest perfection on mellow, well-drained or 
 rolling land where 'Water readily pattet away, ,. ' 
 OUI.TURB.— The best method it to tow broadcatt IS lbs. per acre where iand it in 
 good condition, on weedy land or clear gravel, or land that it very poor, about 3 Ibt. more. 
 YoB get a crop from it the firtt year ; but don't get disconrag<d if the plants are on an average 
 of 10 inches apait—Uttle, slim, tingle stemt, about 4 or 6 inchet hif h. Your protpect it soOd 
 that yon will have four tons per acre next year, and the next yea^will be at good at ever it will 
 be and tUnd that way for 10 yeart. It it bett to tow in the spring with oatt. Cut when in fall 
 bloom, a little old is better than too young. Try to cure without getting it wet. Kake into 
 " wiAdrowt if cut with a machine, let it dry until leaves fall off when roughly handKdrput it in 
 pilet i|rabout a fork full to cure. Not many animah lake to it when dry, without haviur it in 
 tUtir riianger for two or three days with other hay, then vou will see them eat the Lnceirne in 
 preference to any other. Do not let hungry cattle get>^ile green, especially if wet. If you 
 with to pasture them on it, first feed them all they^n eat and then turn them on the green 
 Lucerne and no harm will come to th) m. It it the bett thing to renew old worn out landt that 
 we ever taw, and there is not a weed in thit country that can ttand before it. $15.00 per 100 
 lb*. By expreit or freight, 20c. per lb. By mail, poitpaid, 4 Ibt., $1.00 ; 1 lb., 30c. ; pkt., 10, 
 Sand tow ouv Tfaatisa pn Ii(|««ii&«. 
 ALSIKK, (Trifolium hybridum). - A crots between^yllite Dutch and the common Red Qover 
 It It an excellent variety, held in high estimation, and extensively used by the most eminent 
 agriculturitttoftheday. It with^tandt the winter and drought well. Some landt from 
 the too frequent towirg of clover fail to produce a crop, and are termed "Clover Sick " 
 On tuch toil* the AlSifca will often aniwer admiral ly, and produce very heavy croDi 
 where no other clover will tueceed. After cutting or feeding off, and taking a cereal cro^ i 
 the tame land may again grow Red Clovf r at well at ever. Price^ariable. Per lb J»c ' I 
 Pott-paJLd, 28c ,, ■* V''l 
 BOKHARA (Melilotut alba), for Bees.— Of large and vigorout ' 
 growth ; Uoonu early in August ; may be cot ihttf limes during the lesson, 
 and ykldaHHa fhnc tons upwards of hay per acre. For I lav or Fodder, cut 
 whea grotta rcrovt two feel hiah, hat a.trUte and very swerl-acaaied Uwmw ; 
 most valuable for bees. Sow in Spring. Per lb., SOc.; post-paid, Sfic ' 
 WHITK DUTOH .'(Trifolium repens).— Most valuable in mixturci 
 for permanent pasluro, forming, in coajnnctioo with natural graMos, the tineit 
 ana meet nattitloas Mod for calllo *" 
 , if hot too wet. > Price variable, 
 t natiitioos fcod for cattle or iiheep. It neceede otTall good clayey 
 lands, ifnot loo wet. > Price variable. Perlb., aOc.; peeliiaid. Ste. 
 —A proHic and hardy variety. It hat fiir a length of time baen largely culti- 
 vated in EagUnd, as ■ mutare with Red Cknrer and Gnuiet, and foand la b* 
 oMreoMly wall adapted for dry pastnrta, but should not be 
 Ik.nc: po>triiaid,ac 
 alone. Per 
 OOMMOM IfRDOR 9ROAO (Trifolium pr«ten*ei,-Tliitthoald 
 b* used (or altaniau husbandry and ether purposes where a permaaeat pastur* 
 'Thtt a 
 A F 
 dr^^ori'iif • ^l "Sf 5 fe."^ "? "^ i*0datatrZtili5nr!«mI5ntly 
 MAMMOTH OROOWCUIAS«(1VifcKimi pntente pctenne). 
 hiS.'if![!ItlLr^"lK?"."*!" «*«<>«rf lands; arows ftom » to«iect,and 
 pSi-iirnS" *•*« aaitatfarmannra. Price VarUble. Per lb. Ifc.; 
 SOARUT OR ORIimONOIiOVSR (TriMlnm incanutUim). 
 Glass after the 
 ag food, bat thai pay ba detdnt fatnlaat, Ifae trifcltaa b ta^diuJbte 
 k '5 T^'Sf '.J»# sprlagmjjhaad aboidant pmdaciiveaass. 
 hardy..hat.MMiha C e« w oa T KdC ln vara n casioaany parishes daring 
 with mutt. Par Ik, 10c: poet-paid, tSc. 
 hy _. 
 sev«ra wintan, whaa' 
 are siwr 
 the teveral other g 
 can be overcome b 
 mowing landt or p 
 ' teparately and onl 
 that it it a p«rm«i 
 original outlay tha 
 all time, whereat ' 
 for the receptioij a 
 feart it it ereallv 
 tietat are tutted t 
 and the parpose 
 department, and i 
 . >« 
 ■ "Tlitt man it « bwMfkctor to hit country who htt made two bitdaa of (raat prow whart only ono graw bafora.? 
 OuF Special Grass CDixtupes 
 i|ii Price 
 ICMt, and 
 I, after Um 
 0UR SPBCIAL GRASS MIXTURE, for Peraunent Paatnre, coniisting of the following varieiiei: Orchard Grata. Meadow 
 Poxtall, Shaep'a Pacoe. Rh^elaland or Creeping Bent. Hard Petcne, Sweet Scented Vernal (True PerJnniil). Meadow 
 Peacne. EngUsb Rye Grua. ItaUan Rye Graaa, Red Top, etc., blended in the proper proportions. The thicker the leeds 
 are siwn, the looner will > fine close turf be obtained. While the leading variety used in this mixture is Orchard Grass, the addition ot 
 the seveial other grasses named add to its »»lue; because Orchard Grass sown alone has a tendtticy to form tussocks or clumps, which howcTer. 
 can be overcome by thick seeding. In addition to this, the other grasses have special value in pasture lands. In this miiture, intended for either 
 mowing lands or pasture, add mixed clovers, comprising White, Mammoth Perennial or Cow Grass. Alsike. Trefoil, nc. , hut these should be town 
 • separately and only in the spring. $3 00 to 14.00 per acre appears at^rst sight to lie a high price for the seeding of a pasture, but heir in mind 
 that It IS a pwmaoent pasture that we have in view, and in no country under th." >un can a permanent n»R>ure be laid down prODerlr for a less ■ 
 • M&'iSiTVi«TnBy"''!lt\KM*^"°,i'^^^ GRASS MIXTURE POR HAlTAlirD PER- 
 MANllNl fANlURB. With tbat of Timothy and Clover, as many are apt to Ho. When a pasture is sown on our system, it is laid down for 
 all time, whereas Timothy and Clover ushort lived, and will have to be re-sown, with all the attendant expense of plowing and preparing the land 
 for the reception of the teed. Loo^ng^atthis, therefore, from the lowe.t standpoint, that of original cost, it will be seen that over ashoil series of 
 tAStufR*MI«Tt;PB°i''V.®K"5'^*- CRASS MIXTURE,, but if the cos, wereSqu.l, the yield and .he staging au«H"«of"he 
 PASTURE MIXTURB are far ahead ofanyoth^r. In the preparation of these mixtures, the greatest care is exercised in selecting snrh varie 
 *'**""« »«"«« t" the soil to be laid down, and are likely to realize the obj-ct In view. tTo facilitate this, a deacriblioB of tho atfU and cHmate. 
 •ndtheparpoaerorwUc^ aown. and if. with or without a crop, should accompany «Kh order. We have had^nstdera^le «p«.iM"i«Thii 
 department, and are careful that none but the best samples and most suiuble kinds are introduoed. For prices see next page. 
MtOMcorr moumoN tbt omit 
 |g|U |>^ 
 TIPPLED liy/HGF 1^ 
 16S3 Eatt Uoin Strwt 
 (716) 2M - S9W - rn 
^^^: '- ' '--A- 
 Grasses / Clovers for Rltepnate Husbandr y 
 altoceUlir, ibm* kiodi which, hough uiutl * r«coiiuMnd«d >nd lowii for theM crojw, do dm endure io the lend for lo long • period, 
 foul .» ih. ,„H „'fTK^'.I^"i!J[7" 'l!!' 1°."" "'',''•"'''• ?""•• •"•• ='•"•"• ','••«•'• ""^ O* «»'•*> •' Wwiilal Aiwtloo, miul be !dther Terr thin or 
 w.« 1„« .1?. u- J^ u li *.'"'?'' i' .7". '•'? '"''"•"• " ' P'°P" •t'~«'?» of «>"<»• v«ri«ti«i capeble of luiioR the whole of the dedr^ Mriod 
 Und ilTin pur ' ^^"^ "^ • "•* "' •><I««'«»»W« (nuM*. rfndTe more profiuble during the whol. tlil !i!e 
 •.:e^r;ct t'h^' gd-pl'^Tl^'ehnr^eS.'""- ^""'"^ '" ■^"'' ^^ •"' ""-"" or...d'fo.'„ .cr.U.'U'SUffo'r'tJZSn.SrnTi 
 No. I 
 Otmms and Clover* for One Vtu't Hay. ' 
 IlalUn Rye Gran, Perenniat Rye Uraii. Orchard Graii, 
 , Timothy, ^ Red Clover, Scarlet Clover, 
 Aluke Clorer,' Trefuil Clover, and Lucerne Clover. 
 Allowing S3 (ounds per acre, 
 a— On light loili, per acre, $2.80; per lb., IS centi. 
 «.— On medium idiii, <* 2.28; " 18 " 
 ■ ^.— On heavy ioili, " 2.26; " IS " 
 No. 2 
 For Two Yeara' MowIbc or Graainf. ^ 
 Italian Rye Grau, Perctanial kyt Gra i, Kentucky Blue Orau, 
 Orchard Graii, Meadow Feecue Grau, Timothy, 
 Red Clover, Scarlet Clover, AUike Clover, 
 Trefoil Clover, and White Clover. - 
 Allowing 2S pounds per acre. 
 a.-On light aoUi, per acre, $490; per lb., 17 oenii. 
 0.— On medium loili, >' 2.7S'; " 17 " 
 ( — OBllla^rioils, " 2.78; " 17 " o 
 No. S 
 for Oaa Year's Hay and Two Years' Paatnro. 
 Italian Rye Grass, Perennial Rye Grais, Kentucky Blue Grass. 
 Orchard Grau, Meadow Fescue Grass, Hard Fescue Grew 
 Crested Dogstail Grass, Timothy, Red Clover, 
 Scarlet Clover, Alsike Clover. Lucerne Clover, and White Clover. 
 Allowing 2S pouiids per acre. 
 a.-On light soiU, per acre, $»00j per lb. 17 cents. 
 *. — On medium soils, " S.OQ; " 17 " 
 f— On heavy soils, " 8.80; " ' 20 " 
 No. 4 
 For Throe Years' Howiac aad^Oraaiac la Orchards aad Shaded SKoatioaa. 
 Evergreen Meadow Grass. Hird Fescue Grass IlaUan Rye Grass! 
 Meadow Foxuil Grass, ' Perennial Rye Grass. Orchard Grass. 
 X»" Meadow Oat Graes, Timothy, Trefoil Clover, 
 Wood Meadow Grass. Mammoth Clover, and White Clovrr. 
 Allowing •• poiinds pcV acre. 
 Price per acre, $8.80; per 1 
 i»B>R»j:AjarE>jfar r*A<sa^RB> jiMLi^gx, 
 Red Top Grau, 
 White Clover. 
 For Pasi 
 ably of the 
 No. S 
 For Pasture,* on Light Soils. 
 Crested Dogstail Grass, Hard Fescue Grass, Kentucky Blue Grau, 
 Meadow Fescue Grau, Meadow Foxtail Grau, Orchard Grau, 
 Peren.iial Rye Grass, Mammoth Cluver, 
 . Sheep s Fescue Grau, Alsike Clover, 
 Lneerne Clov«i. Red Clover, and 
 Allowing 30 pounds per acre. 
 Price psr acre, $3. 78; per lb., 17c * 
 No. • ' 
 For Pastures on Hadliuii Soils. ^ 
 Cr«te I Dogstail Grau, M.-adpw Fescue Grjiss, Hard Fescue Grau, 
 Kentncky Blue Grau, Meadow- Foxtail Griu. Oicb*rd Grau, 
 cu , J"'*"*i* ^""»» RedTop Grau,' AUike Glover, ^ 
 SheepsFescue^Grau, Yellow Oat Grau. Timothy/ 
 Lucerne Clover. Red Clover, White Clover, and Trefoil Clover. 
 Allowing SCpounds per acre. 
 Price per acre, $«.00 ; per lb., aOc. 
 No. 7 ~ ~ 
 For M^t Leads, and Those OccasiooaUy Overflowed. 
 Creeping Bent Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Meadow Foxtail Grass, 
 Orchsrd Grau, Timothy, Trefoil, and White Clover. . 
 Allowing 30 pounds per acre. 
 Price.p er acre, $3.00; per lb., 15c. 
 No. • 
 For Pastures on WeU Drained iSoils. 
 Meadow Fescue Grau. Meadow Foxtail Grau, Orchard Grau, 
 ■^ Kentucky Blue Grau, Perennial Rye Gran, Red Top Grass, 
 *i ■■ i'"°"'y, - Yellow Oat Grau, Lucerne Clover, 
 Aluke Clover, Red Clover, White Clover, and Yellow Clover. 
 Allowing 8S pounds per acre. 
 Price per acre. $S.SO; per lb.. 22c. 
 Ouotatlefia *f« fttr «lM (trie* vr MMI tar Ml aarai «^ laa 
 miM.-m,„m^. ..>-.- J^ ^Mg M mmm hwssvy — d« will >• —sit mmpmrmt m. " " "' 
 G^Und?^SSw5^»^"**J?h***''"* f *>" H«NOVATI NQ CLP AND WOKN OUT PABTUBK8 ^ 
 >rin.bU and mSritl^grS^ wdal^TSe^ri^rr^'lSlir'^^* """'"« 5 P'*^*"l" «.pply <X «.n«re. riway. become d^fidenfin th. most 
 •ward^iU be wonderlS^^Aj^-ir\^?J^J^ ^'T "H' '='"^»- ^T iowiiig about fourteen pounds of Renovating Mixture per acre th« 
 ii^^T^.Jdn^tZl^U^^ 'tS^:^S^Hnl •oT' ••"• '7 1 P'T""*; ^P"!""" .*?y "V\' '*" »«.th.fSr sowing. KerhJ 
 fi?ltwh^er hig^'ortJ" yiHro^t ^^^^^Tt fj:^,;^^^';!;,^'?^^" '' "^"*°° "' "" meadow or pasture, also Uy of thj 
 No. •"J;-.- T^ 
 oa woU drained Soils, eoaipOa|4'«f the same VarUtle* aa No. ■ 
 Allowing ao pounde!per acre. 
 Price per acre, $4.00; per lb., aOc. 
 ^ No. 7 have been oar standard mixtures for the past nine 
 many customers who have sown them, speak most favor- 
 Tults, and ilffjBg ly recommend their more general uie.] 
 No. to ' ~ 
 For Saiiily aad Gravelly Soils. 
 Crested Dogstail Grau, Hard Fmcuc Grau, Kentucky Blue Grau 
 PerennUl Rye Grus, Red Top Gran, Sheep's Fescue, 
 Trefoil, Lucerne Clover, and Tall Oat Grau. 
 Allowing 89 pounds per acre. 
 ; ' Priceperacre, $4.26; perlb ., 20. 
 •" '"T ~~ No. II ' "" ■^■^~ 
 For Pastures la Orchards and Shaded Places. 
 Evergreen Meadow Grass, Kentucky Blue Grau, Italian Rye Grass 
 Hard Fescue Grau, Fereiinial Rye Grau, Orchard Grass 
 Sweet Vernal, Timothy, Wood Meadow Gnu.s, Red Clover, Trefoil 
 and White Qover. .•="■. 
 Allowing so pounds per acre. Price per a cre, $8.78; per lb., 18c. 
 No. 12 ~ 
 Ftoest Ulstnre* of Dwarf Bvervreea Graa*c*, for Lawns, Croanet aad 
 Lacrosse Cronads, Public Parks, Btc. 
 Allowing 40 pounds per acre. 
 Price per acre, $10.00; per lb. aOc. 
 . The varieties, of Grau Seeds used in the above Mixtare are the 
 purest that can be obuined, and are so blenHed, that nndel favorable 
 conditions, they will produce in the shortest pouible time a Perfect 
 Lawn, of a bright, rich green, and when kept regularly shorn, will 
 form a close, soft velvety sward, and entirely free frbm the tufty - 
 appearance so commonly found in usiiig mtwl lawn mixtures. 
 White Clover is only tdded when requested. On dry soils or 
 where the convenience of water is not at hatid, a little clover u often 
 ' beneficial, but where a liberal supply of water can be given throueh 
 the dry, hot weather, the finest lawns are those free from clover 
 WO qWA B Bs N 6 OATTLKi n6 tAtXlM, N6 iilANum; HO MAMOitB, NO OBOPB. 
—-"-iP— »- 
 '^^'^ ****fvAl»E>'r JR.'* O^RI>£>I« 'TOOM^ ISOl 
 Planat ilunlor 
 omtolnad Drill 
 Th* f nr«-ny " Wnsta Whaal Ho* 
 kl-L D^K «J5?L^.'*" °?ODS MC «ld«ly and favoriblV kno»o t*«iywh*ir, IhcCom-. 
 Hi n* ° J ' •?'"? "■• 1"°^' poP»l«' eombiaed machin* in lh« market. TB« tniii* 
 ■in* U well madt, handtumily fioithed, and their ClUUMtlora arc wcond to none in 
 popularity Toionio ii a grtal diiiiibutlng centra for tbtie ai veil at other toola, and W* 
 J)a»e luppM the PUiMt Gooda to numbeu ol gardeni eait And «eel. We have nowta 
 •Ipck, or I8HI pattern, the largot quantity of IhCM Toolt e»er kept in the Uominiun. 
 ••nd ftM> tha rmi iDMeHptIvs OettalyctM l Party MlMatmllan*, 
 Sowi all guden uedi accurately, at any dciired thickneu or depth, opcnine, dropDinv 
 coTeilng. rolling down and marking tbeneit row all at one paua.e in thrmi-tl leiUtla'd 
 reliable manner. It hold. 3^ quart.. It ha. no cam., l«»er.. Ua*,, cog., '.pringi^o, 
 .haker. to |«t out of order j it i. noiMleu, automatic, ulf cljcanii.g and aecuraTI ; it i. ii nia.k 
 able for •inpjicity, .trengih, and (or eaMand perfection of »^k in the fteld. No one hatirc 
 uie for a .eed drill can afford to buy an^ other; it i> the bell. , PMICik, BOXBD S» 00 
 Trucker., ma»fcet gardener., onion grower., and all who uim «cK<t«blei in quantity, 'hould 
 •upply themMlve. alw with the " lianet Jr. " Double Wheel llog^. ), ' 
 WhMl, Mo*, OMltlvat^r, Rah* and Plow ^^ 
 Tl"'* '«"' '•""''»■"««' 'n be«Mly of dcgn, perleclion of lini.h, conveniente and 
 capucity for work ; Ith luitable for either the laim or the garden. A. a Seed Diill it i. 
 t^aame a. the No. 2 (Me dcKription above), except in .ite. It hold, one qu*it. Kor 
 *.!'"?*. """'"".P"" »"PP"«<1 wiihapairof rakei.apair of long hoe., three refer- 
 ublreultivator teeth, and a large garden plow. »«■■«« 
 A« a Rako, it i. invaluable in preparing the garden for plkn)ing, and alw lor 
 ic.te after cultivation of the crop and for covering teed., etc., etc. 
 ,.* **••» '• *•"'" •■f«'y ■'"1 cloeely both ude^ of the row at once when plant, 
 are .mall ; between row. when plants are large, working all row. up to IQlDchei wide 
 at one pauase. 
 ^ • S'*!'*'' " 2P*"* '""""'t eo*"« »•>•". hill*! plow, to and from, etc. 
 *• * OMitlwatOr, it i. admirably adapted to deep mellowing of the .oil. 
 the blade, are tempered and poliahed *}eet. Price, boxed, $12.00. 
 Cultivator, Rako and Plow Oomblnoil 
 Thii popalar hoe .tandi romp/etefy unrivalltJ ; it i. .impic, Miong and complete.' 
 aild merit, the thorough admiration of every practical gardener. Kach tool i. tent out 
 with a pair of rake., a pair oi hoe., two pair of reveraible cultivator teeth and a pair 
 of plowL The wheel, are adju.table in height, and the arch i. high enough to enable 
 the operator to work both aide, of the row at once until planU are over 18 inchet 
 high ; then the wheel, can be *et to run dote together and the tool tucd belHcen the 
 rowfc iMl guard, (detachable) go with each machine, to be uMd when plani.extend 
 into a wide row Thi. tool i» light, very limple, very .trong, made ol the beat 
 material and highly <ini.hed, and nothing exceed, the perlectiod and variety of woik 
 ilper^rmfc It will dolhework of ux menwithordinaiy hand hocn. Price, bo«ed,$8.00 
 ,. „."■•"„■?•••■*•• WhOOl H00.-T0 meet demand from M>me action., the 
 " Plaiwt Jr." Double Wheel Hoe vrill be offered with only one pair of H^an"wilh 
 and without leaf guard., a. the "Planet Jr." Plain Double ^Vhcel Hoe. Thi. 
 make, a wry effective and cheap tool for parties who have limited work or chicBy 
 hoeing. Price, boxed, $4.60- . ^^ ' 
 Cultivator, Rako and Plow ComMnod 
 In lemodelling thi. tool, care has been taken to combine lightneu, great .trenstb. 
 variety and adiustalHlity of tool.. It hn cni tair if gan/tZ raie,.^ fair t/Ug 
 .tf* wT 'gfr'^"'^'f '-'Jivator U,th. , large gardm flm,, and a Uafiuard. Air 
 the bladenhre tempered and poluhed .teel. The form of the hoe* insure, a forward 
 .lantinft dQt next to the plant, and conKquent dole woik wiiAcul damitr, and at the 
 tame t ime thoroush tultivation ej the toil. The rake, and cultivator teelb, in com- 
 bination with the hoe. and plow, enable the operator to perform almost eveiy variety 
 of work, either in th« field or garden. A leaf guard (detachable), is very useful in 
 late hoeing. All rqM, from 6 to 7* A,M«apart, ian be perfectly hoed at oie fassige. 
 The frame allow, eviry iAesirable adjuaiment, i. quickly rai»ed or lower, d, to regu- 
 late depth, and the wheel can be attached centrally or at one side of the machine, eivlne 
 th^ operator the i«M/to,/«»/arf»»i»/af« ol hoeing both aide, ol the row at one pasuge 
 when desired. Price, 18.00, boxed. r k« 
 Cultivator and Plow Oomblnod 
 !. - r^ui***"!!?!!^' '°°i «?"?*»•»«» IMJW"'" Md atrengtb with great adjustabUity, 
 it IS hiKhlv pobshed, and of the best tempered steel. Tie tools are : First, a fair 
 ofadmtraMe hoes, which can be Mt to work to and from the row, and to any deal^d 
 depth- Next, a t*X of three reversible cultivator teeth, to "be UMd toeether or lii civ. 
 or iii_ conjunction with the hoes. Third, a large excellent garden pTou,. The whole 
 tool IS light and strote, and capable of standing hard usage lor years, while the price 
 u Its final recommendation. Price, $S.00,( boxed. 
 Makes the care of a «cxeUl;le garden a pleasure, and those who could not God time 
 to keep a garden, if attemptihg cultivation with the ordinary hand W. can raise 
 their own Tegetables saccessfully with the "Fire Fly." It takes the place of the 
 " gP* "° P w yr «* cultiTator, requiring no w ide headiandi lo turn on, and is lanaa- 
 able daring all the gafdeiangseaaoii. Price, lieor ' ' 
 Cultiyator, Furrower, Markei< Ooverer, Vine Turner, Bto. 
 Tkii hmout toor M lAxI* lor INWI in > Inauiy. Il now hai • i|uick and powtrftil |c«vr adjatlBiaat for 
 wMM. «n<l«l»*|imir*<««wiMi MJaaiaral af tU» baB^lcii |t«ii<l mmi Turnip., M«n|<li, Corn, 
 ll«»n», in hcl, all Add cropi, an^ for making plant and md il.IgH : liMidii ii haaiha paiani halloo U*«l uandardi, 
 PM«H«I franaa, iiiiriunin, ravanihia hoM, Mar whaal, ale, tach v/luabia In In placa. Kach tool Mm oui aa ihown 
 InlNacul. PrIca, onlytlf.OO. 
 Purronrir and Marhar, compltit, prica 
 Covarisi Kalu *. , 
 C<»arin| Rallar . . . I 
 Vina Turnar 
 _,/ . Calary Rarthing AMachment , 
 Swe«p« for Flal Cullivaiiun llaan^, ale. ((wo N in. and oria 10 in.) tcl . 
 Hwtapt for Flat I'ullivalion Htaiia,tli;. (two 10 in. and ona It iii.l nal 
 Swaapa for Flat Cultivation llaank, ate. (two IS iti. and ona IB in.) mi 
 M 76 
 1 tt 
 I 10 
 I u 
 I 40 
 MarUot Gavclenor*si //or«e Hoe d Piilve^izor 
 ThU admirable new tool ii coottiucted coniplciuukly in Ihe iiitcrcat of veiy fine cIom le»el culture 
 ?«"*'■!"/■*■"*•" "°P' ■""' '"' '•**' c"""" tfiatttWy. II il eqifipped with « 13 inch aweep, Iwo 
 1() inch lloe< and a 28 inch rulveiiur, and ii veiy neatly made, each tooth beinR lo formed thai 
 while the >oil ii worked mott thoroughly, il (cmaini level. The Market (iardener'i Jlorie Hoe at a 
 ■mole puaage worka all row> from 18 inches to Vi inchei. The Hoe may be exchanged from one aide 
 to the other, »nd the Fulveriier may he reduced in liie for narrow rpw», or by taking off the iweep 
 and the ctntre tooth qi the Pulveriiei, and replacing the wheel with a pair of iteel runnera may be 
 uied to straddle the row and cultivate both aidei at onCe, ai in cotton, etc. The tool rum with 
 Ti!".oi* ,"*•"'"«»•• •"<• therefore can b« lafely used in the »ery cloiett and moat delicate opcrationi. 
 I he »1 U»CT Wheel ii « feature here also i nothing of Ihe kind at all equals It in ease and delicacy 
 of adjualment, so pleasant and necessary in Such a tool. Kor strength and for perfection in the field, 
 and nicety of construction, nothing we have e»er had h/'oaef exce«ds ibis Ut^ faiiy amoBg Horse 
 I^lat\et Jr.'* Bleven Tooth Harrow 
 • 1^ 1 ^D!I Ihoiwifh and long aalanded lrial», this n.w and valuable tool i> now off.icd at the very IwM known for 
 Su HS?!iK!fjr!I!i .21 Il^H.'* • '° •i?"'""'!' 'n««,'P"< i» p.rfeclionv 1 he fran.* i. much higher than usual in 
 ^dauoflooUandlhabladai, aninch wide, are of ouch perfect shape and symmetrr as to work in the moM 
 IhoniUih and utUfaclory manner and to offer a very unusual amount of wearing nurface 1 he re ca. ved throat and 
 Mlh frame prevent cloggiiig. and the reverie |u>itiun ii given lo the teeth in a Siorl time by the changing .)f a lingle 
 boh: io »ch. 1 he frame l. heavy and strong, and the teeth set straight with the line of motion nnd are inierchaiiie- 
 abl«. Thay may ba worn of three inches and yet retain the original cutting width. They arecheaply replaced when 
 worn. It loo, IS prov.d«l with the new Ul I. ever Wheel, and also with a thorough Pnlilrrirer altachmeni which, 
 iaavas the ground in the finest condition, and IS also used to reguKite the depth oLt^»«r''' - ' 
 ^ ^ "' / — 'i ^ _;~ .^. -,— — _-» —™», ...*-. ,« ...Kui...,; iiic uepth . III. I ■HI. ■nil Mil I wBi mess 
 bafora thought of. Th^ pulveriier is controlled by a lever, which can be operated in an instant by the foot, 
 ForiiiMcullivalion. either deep or shallow, thia tool has'no equal, . » . - • 
 while in motion. 
 Lllia Gullifatui w4th anitxactneu 
 -ated in an instant by the foot. 
 As a Harrow, the work dona 
 .1. ""&5r "",?"J',''* W*'^"''."" '°°* 7'y ^ "."«' «° »"«'l'<lc a row, cAtvalini both'sides aVdnce, by tiWui oVt -«ai*»««W*S&ltfw>lkSir 
 III* mlddla taath of both tha Cultivator and Fulvariier. Then bm ihe runner attachmani showu on the Market Gardaneri Hoi^ Ho*. Price, $1S.MI. 
 A cheap, handy and effective Grass Edger! i> > treasure, and here it is ; one with which you can 
 in ap hour ed^e beautifully the walks and the fgimtr and $/>rub h»ilt of an ordinaiy half acre lawn. 
 Think of it ; why, in the usual way, it would'takc a day. This perfect little tool docJLciUlS' tiraight 
 or etirrft/ work most accurately, edging at the desired angle.-^ The operator bc^n^quiteV^jsiance 
 behind the working part of Ihe tool, can readily tietect and leqlify irregular or.^coktd it>tts in the 
 edges, and...once made Irtte, the after work consists-only in keeping Ihe established line exact. 
 For heavy woik, the frame foims a pocket, just the proper sixe to cany a brick, which gives the 
 needed additional weight for eflectual service. , 
 .Strawberry ({owera Will find it (jso a rapid and perfect tool fop^cHtting off surplus runners. For 
 this Ivork the hoe ihay be removed. 
 By removing, the D^'iel Ihe hoe may be used alone with great satisfaction in the vegetable garden, 
 first cutting away from the crop, and then returning Ihe earth. Price, $4.00. - 
 We keep a taU stock of repairs for all these implemeats. 
 ■•• side wheels each $1 00 
 " r«>r shovels, litpch.-: ■' 80 
 " trianguhu steels, ; inch i.... " 90 
 '• •• '• ft :«..■. 
 . Sinch. 
 .per set of five 
 1 00 
 Th* • Plamfagr." Drills, Wh**l Hoes, etc. 
 send a Skelch ar ri(na, the Naaaker, i> any casi 
 arrorv Repairs always cash with orders. Descriptive Calaloges «ni free on application. 
 The foUowlDC are parts mosi freqaently required. 
 ■arse Bae, Calllvatar Hleels, S inches . . . .• 
 " " "4 " 
 ■arse Uut, wheels only 
 'heels with side brackets 
 . per set of five 
 . .« each 
 Wkcel Bae side steals, 6| inch 
 ;• " " Sinch... 
 plow steels. .../...,. 
 . per pair, SO cents ' 
 . per pair, 76 cants ' 
 1 67 
 1 00 
 , that thejr may always be ahead of competition have been altered nearly eveiy year, 
 isl in it ; if a Drill, the ■eitlil ar <f keel, and the year purehaMd 
 , , When ordeitng any repairs for ihcM 
 Attention lo this will aav* delay and prsveot 
 , (Circulars on Application) 
 This Machine ia t^ the latest andrmost improved American pattern, and though 
 highar in pnce, dLstalfe**,^ longidds apv Mower now in the Market. It if the 
 Ad almoat noiseless. Tl)* Cylinder Knives ore 
 lightest ranhin^ awifleat Culling I 
 Bolid east itael, node by a patent^ process ; are hardened and tempered in oil: self- 
 ahancmng. Wehkyeno hesitation in recommendlngthismachineaslhe "Very llesl." 
 Price— U In,, list price, $17.00; our price. $14.00 ; 16 in., list price, $19.00 ; our 
 prk«> $M.00 ; ISin., ihf t>riipe, ftl.OO ; our price, $18.00. 
 BW HMAh M AOH IW BB FO B HI B H a — M , — 
 Win i Lilt Price, $46.00. Our Price, $n 00 
 Kui i ...J,,,..... " 18.00; " 24 00 
 Philadelphia Patteni. (Circniar on Applicalioa.|i /^ 
 Light, Strong, Durable, Easy running and well finished. Thia well-kn6wn 
 machine has the allowing advantages: - 1st.— Tha wacbina tsill cut oa well when 
 tanslBK a akart earmcr as when pushedstnigbt forward -which tome Ijiwn 
 mowers will not da ~ 2nd.— The tandemnr of tm aaaring is to lift the lower knife. 
 Instead pf pres.sing it down, and causing it to pa<s luhily over uneven ground. 8n). 
 —Being single geared, th* fHctlail and aaaibrror MrU arc reduced one-half. 
 4th.— The grass cut is thrown kaklBd lb* CkUcra, (Wlead of forward to he cut 
 over and over again, thus greatly d*CT*a4ng th* lam of working th* Machii e. 
 6th.— It is osponabl* as a handy lr*:fc. 8th— r8o llW farts bring used, enables each 
 to b« mad* very strong ; and in* Machine u so compact and stiff, that il is almost 
 impoassibi* to dismag* It by any reaioliabi* ns*. 
 Prie**— 10 in. cut, 16.00; 14 ia. cut, $8X10; 16 in., cut, flM ; II in. cut, $6.00 
 a|«lniii ttmui 
 umpUt of ftll ih« I 
 '''■rtiliHr wld undi 
 ' W« ( 
 Animal r«i 
 gronnS bon«» hlmx' 
 ptrWo'V). MKk, $S 
 icntral cro(M, and i 
 fartilliar, at a modt 
 bvM mattriali, anc 
 rarmtrt'lhay.wUI fi 
 is put on the marke 
 to maka the haadw 
 ton. $S5 (nm on cat 
 Royal Oani 
 ^donarsa— ThU i 
 farntflin at a dwian 
 ihould prove specU 
 well balanced ama 
 good crop of well b 
 ask them fo give th 
 Price, per !eOO lb. «i 
 P^mt, imp« 
 Lawn Parti 
 at a topdrciking, i 
 lawns 19 objectiona 
 LawQ PertilUer < 
 uniform and lusuri 
 |LM; 50lb.,$2.0( 
 OuanOf P*< 
 MMd throughout ii 
 Europe and Unit«i 
 farm or garden, i 
 once or twice a w 
 maUt post-paid. lfi< 
 md. more abundani 
 The S^tmUcd Pfl 
 conservatory or ga 
 It is free from odoi 
 ^ ^^rowih and a profi 
 vermin. The Plar 
 water and ready fo 
 growth than can b 
 for use on aach pai 
 package, or a trial 
 Commercial PBRtiLizms ■» wrt i« com* inw mor* 
 ^' (•mral UM M ful U IhayXra iriol. I hair ijulck ami iliraci 
 ■ctkm Mntmcnd Iham la iha (iVQanar. A cuilomar who ooca hufa 
 almoai InvaiUi'ly coniinuaa ihair uaa. 
 'T'HB DOMINION PARLIAMENT h« |M>a«k* U« undanha lUla of 'Th. F*r«Ub*rt Act, iMt," iha ol.jtti of which b lo ilva proiaciion lo fafnai.aitd oihai. 
 ■f*ln»l fraud in raililiiara. Saciion S of ihia Act malin il compulaory on all aiMufaclilrar* of Farltliiara lo und Id ihr Minitlar of Ittland Kavaiiua at Ollaaa 
 umpka of all iha FarlUiiara ihty iralia, living Iha nana* of biandn umlar which ihay ara M.W. Thata uniplaa ara analynd by iha Riixiiinianl Aiialym, and ihould Iha 
 '''aniiliar lold undar iha nama livan b« luui)d not lo ba aqual in qualily to iha umpla tcnl lo Otiawa, iha aianufaclurar ii lialila lo a panaliy cif from $M I* $100. 
 W« iTrel C«BM»a«« la Bf^aaiBirBMBC Ik* r«llawlB| ■raa4a> whlrk arr MaaanirlBrrd 
 Animal faHlllaar.— A l>i|h grade feniliKr, manufacturtd fron Riialy 
 troiinil bonoi blood and maal, adntirably adapiad for Iha vagalabia gaidan. Plica, 
 par tools, tack, $8.110 : paMon, $3tt. 
 Tha*Rallanoa> *Thii i> a mineral phoKphaIr, conipoupdad for grain and 
 genaral crofla, and lu iiipply whal wa hopa will proya a larga demand for a complela 
 fartiliiar, al a modamle C04I. Il ha» baan praparad with grtal care, ualng (inly iha 
 baal malariali, and will ba found m a Ana dry friable condilion. We can auiira 
 farmart'lhay.wlll find it a good invanlmcnl to hpand Mime money on Ibii brand ; |l 
 IS pbl on Iha marital with only a minimum of fnargin to ourMlvaa, aiuf wa expect il 
 lo malta tha headway Hueh a manure ought to. Sirica, par 2U0 lb. Mak, $4.00 ; par 
 ton. %Vi fraa on cats Turonlo, or CapcltonVl^iieliac. 
 Royal Oanadlan, a hlch olaaa fartlllaar for Mairkot Oar- 
 " dOnOi^Oa— Thift mineral phliaphate in cuniponnded for niarltel gardancrl and 
 farmera at a diatanca, who xea the economy in freight, by using a high gra je. Il 
 ihould prove specially beneficial 10 root cropt, bdrtg high in polaxh, and giving a 
 wall balanced amount of phoftphatei and ammtmla. For all deairous of getting a 
 good crop of well bulbed turnip* or mangels, and a big yield of potalocs, we only 
 aak them to give this formula a trial, feeling that results will speak for themaclves. 
 Price, par !i00 lb. suck, $& ; par ton, $4fi, free on cars Toronto or Capcllon^ l^uab'C. 
 Pfati •mportoM.-Wa offer this in barrali at $3.(10 per bbl. 
 Lawn Poirtlllaor.— Thia can be applitd either in the spring, sKmBiar or fall 
 aa a top dressing, at the rate of ona pound to 10 sqliara feet.' Stable dressing for 
 lawns is objectionabla^ia appearance, IKlor, weed s««d and cost. Our Quean City 
 Lawn Partillxer overcomes nil these, and supplies the soil with requisite food lor a 
 uniform and luauriant growth of grau. Price, & lb. bag,lt0c.; lOlbs., 7tc.; i!6 Iba., 
 $1.M ; 50 lb., $«.aO; lOOlbs., $8.M. 
 OuanOt Poruvlguii Ouarantood.— This standard farliliicr should b< 
 used throughout the entire country, and we ara confident it will he in time. In 
 GurotM and Uni^d States il has enormous lalcs, and should have here. It pays on 
 farm or garden. Our sale of this it increasing yearly. A weak solution, applied 
 once or twice a week. Is vary beneficial for house plants. Price, pet lb., lOc.; by 
 maU| post-paid, 16c.; U lbs., $I.7B ; 100 lbs., $ft.OO. 
 bf BHIaMe Partlrai 
 •sltratO of Rodaa-'l'his farliliicr i), very largely uscti in Kurupe, and will lie 
 hare also, as uion as il. valuable i|iialilics arc knoWif, miseil with manure al ihe rata 
 of 400 In WO |iliun<l» per acre, ^Is^alTei I is asliuibhing. It u ii^ed by leading 
 market gardeners, dissolveil in wala(, (or caMiages, caulilluweis, and all garilen truck 
 they wish lu rush. It is alvi eacelleni for slrawbeiiies, h,iMening theii lipemng. 
 On a lest crop of liaets, 1<M Ills, nitrate iif .<^a, yiekled It tuns |ier acre, a.againsi 14 
 tons of manure, which yialiled 1M tuns. (>iii market gardriiers not only requiia large 
 quantities of rich manure, bul wknl them to a, 1^ quickly : nitrate al soda will do this, 
 and its results are .hown on n«sl year'., nop a. will . In lb* Oardtn, a good plan 
 is to sow broadcast early in the M"ing,»IIO lb., of Sli|ieiplio»ph'ale, and MHI lbs. of 
 Nilrale of Soda jier acre, or say a handful of the nii>lure 10 each v|uara yard, over 
 Ihe whole surface of the land. Sow it on the lawn, oscharil,deci<:uousandevergreen 
 •.'■""li!-."! ' "^''' *"**' ''«■'*• vegetable garden, atrawlierriei, grapes, raspberries, 
 blackberries, currants, giitnebeirirs, and oil all land thai it to be sown or planleil the 
 coming Beaton. It is ihe l«i,t of all substitutes fur stable manure, Inn if you wi>h 10 
 use manure as well doVi. .Sufarasour e<|ieii.nce goes, il we had to dispense wiih 
 either we tboiild live up the manure ralhrr,lhan the Nitrate and !tuparpli.»|ilMte, 
 /«>«* //ami. For Farm Cropi, suih as wheal, Urley, nets, corn, and corn 
 r.HlUar.it IS not necessary lu use s., mui h Nilrale per acre. On wheal, esiietially 
 where huperphosphata was sown last autumn, a lop dressing of IMIO Ilia .if Niiiaie 
 P"*"*.,!°" broadcast early in Iha spnigwill greallv imreara the yiel.l. The 
 -rofll will lie in prmiorlion to the price oblaineil for the wheal. Al M) i 
 inra sn 
 , , ■ _"^ a* — "^ ,,. -~— —...—...... .u. a..^ wia^a,. ,.1 ru cents per 
 loshel It wil affoi.ra small pi.ilit and Ihe land, if seed«?t down In grass and clovVr, 
 Willi* left cleaner(owing lA the heavy crop of wheal s(ri.,theiin< ihe weeds), and you 
 would be likely lo gel a better i rop of glass and .lover' .-houliT wa gel $1 |>ei l.uthel 
 of gll 
 or mote the profit will lie quju, saiisfaaoty.- y,u>/il //arrri. Il srUl pay yoii 10 
 irT*>^b'iK>v ,\n Klil>>,. «f C l_ '. 1... ■---...V, U ,, « ' ' 
 purchase- lalksou Manures,'. or^'Kssay on Nitrate of Soda, " by Josepli Harris (a 
 standard aulhurily) and fiiiura results out for yourself. Nilrale of W 
 lbs., 75c,; M lbs., $!.•&: M)ll«.,$2.0b; lOO II,,,, $.t.60. 
 ' Soda, pelce per 10 
 ■tandartf Plant P«ad>— To produce a l>ealthy, luxuriant growth, earlier 
 md. inore atMiadant blossoms, of a richer coloring, it is necessary lo feed your plants. 
 The S^tmUrd Pood for Plants is made expresslv for plants grown in the house, 
 conservatory or garden, and cannot be recommended too highly for this purpose. 
 It is free from ooor, clean lo handle, and in addition lo promoting a strong, healthy 
 ^ ^,growlh and a profusion of bloom, il materially aids in keeping your plants free from 
 vermin. The Plant Food will keep, any Jenglh of lime, i^ immediately solublrHn 
 water and ready for the plant to take it up. thus producing a quicker and heailhiuv 
 growth than can be obtained from any^ other fertilizer yet introduced. 0Ti^H<^' 
 for use on ea ' * « - a?-^ . 
 package, or ■ 
 for use on each package. Plant Food, by mail; posl-uid, al 30c. for regular tired 
 ratrialpackage/or-ltc.: inbulk, Slba., 7(c.; 10lbs.,$l.£6. . 
 . '^•"O Bono Moal.— Every liag is guaranteed pure Uine. Il is nia.le from 
 the Iwne galhered from the plains and farms without lieing sleamed or Imkeil 
 Harrow or .1.111 ni, using WMI lu 300 llis. per acre at lime of seeding. In small lots 
 by express, not prepaid, 6 lbs., SOc.; 10 lU., 60c.; ii lb«., »I.IIO; 60lbs., $1,116 ; IIKI 
 His., $y.60. * 
 ''••»■'•* Loaf Motild.- Finding that many of our cuslomers in the city 
 were unable lo procure suitable mould for the garden and |hii plants, we arranged 
 for a car-load of ilecayed vegrlable leaf mould ; wilhthit, we have mixed ttelldecum 
 poMd manure and boiiedusil the whole fiitming a well enii.bed preinralion ron- 
 taininK all the elemenls .,f plant food. We can highly recommend our Prepared 
 !i. i 2S! .l"'"' ,"'* "•"»■''"'< i"" "'II •>« ple.se.l with the results. Il is put up in 
 r.:3tr6i iCMi."" wibs.^$TSf.''''' " "' '^"' "' "•• ^^ '•^'- ■-' ** 
 . , ▼■'.fcO •"*••"•"»•- I'y Jo"ph Hat/is, M. S.,.1B(lpa^es, contains ample 
 inrorrnalion on Manures and Fertiliiert, their'use, utility, circLiivenrss, elc. IVice. 
 hound in cloth, $1.76. s • • 
 Pf*lll«oro,i iloitf Idltlon, where m get, formulas for various crona, liow 
 to apply. «yj. J. H. Gregory, paper. Price, 40 cents. n v .v. " 
 1 1 will iiay you lo read 
 Nltrato orSedaa^An Essay by Joseph llarrit. 
 Pnce only 10 cenli. 
 Chqiee Tree and Jiedgc Scfedlings 
 'THIS SBASON we are able to offer an enlarged list of Tni/t Seedlings ; iKeie are frown from Seed sown here in Canada, 
 ■are splandidly rooted and in fine condilion. ' * 
 There are advantages in planting small Evetxreent. They tlotl but little, and they are quickly and eisily planted, and sure lo 
 live, will tiart into growtmt once and outgrow larger trees which will cost from three to five times theirprice. Orders should reach 
 OS early, that they may he forwarded fHaiptly in Sptjng and before grpwth begins ; they do not cairy safely or thrive well when sent 
 late in iheteattMi. On airival they shdSd be immediilcly plluited, for should the roots Ifccme dry and hatd, at all rcsiiioUt planta 
 will, they have no chance of life. When tent by eiprets it is at purchaser's expente. " 
 10 to U in., once iraqaplanted, pott-paid, 10 for fl-OS, 
 lOOfor '. '. $• 50 
 SO to 14 in.t once trantplantad, exprett only, 10 for $2.00, 
 100 for . ,..,.,.... It 00 
 Two-y<ar4id Saadlings, cjipiett onlyj U for $1, 100 for 3 50 
 -u- •• 
 ■'■It to 18 in., once transplanted, can only send by express 
 or Ireight, lOfor $1.25, lOOfor ..!.$10 00 
 18 10 84 in., once transplanted, can only send by exprcsa ' ' 
 or freight, 10 for $l.tO, 100 foe..., ,..<... It 
 H to 18 in., once transplanted, tan only send>bv eaprett 
 or freight, 10 for $1 tb, lUU for. 10 00 
 18 to 24 in„ once transplanted, can tHily send by expiett 
 or freight, 10 for $t.M, 100 foe ..'.... It 60 
 NoTa--T)M Hfuna In |MraMlMabf ikii 
 tud ihrulM. Urft Bm, yrinlia*! wall 
 •«•.(«) V. .....»f i» 
 ■■ACIlSTi.- rtmnf* Pm, vfnaaanwl, ¥W|. 
 oui tii««, •wh NOc. 10 ...., ....,, 100 
 ■•l)«IIICT ■•■,»■■•. -(Nmlly)i chnp, 
 <luiabl«.>n<l iMiy-|nr*cl, Mrfacii Mch... 10 
 C*«N riAkTIUI.- tKh IM 
 C«Ul. VIMilM.-ror racktrln. Mc, kl 
 •nil lUlHlltfi Ml III It 
 ■JBBMMII. - ror pUnlini (1ft); Mch M) 
 rRBMMBIM.- K*chriora|7.M lo 10 (M 
 rLBBAL ¥*«U.-8«i of «i •nwll, Mc., 
 '•'}» , I M 
 ♦1.76 nnd (M) : . . . t 00 
 «I«VW. -U<li»-cli«ni«<>,|Mir I 00 
 OlUd .T. M 
 " <Urdan<n'(nwn't)(li) M> 
 " lUivMi " No. t n 
 " Tliia>hinf 7ft 
 •■«mN« W«I,Tim He. and I IW 
 •ABBKM UNU.-Of bail malarial, aach U 
 ■■■U.— lron,platn,<>Uh>lalif(!M) 70 
 _ " " , Larfar liia 100 
 ■•■H.-Oulch waffla, • in., aach 01) 
 " ^ Tin., •• 06 
 '• " Bin., " 70 
 ■•MB ■■!■■■■.- In tft and M ft. lanalhi 
 t>nly, iiK'liidlnii cpuplliigt, via, baat i|uahiy, 
 IMr fiioi, tin., inc.; lin., (Sc.; aood qualliy, 
 par root, iln., Wc. ; I In. (M) 14 
 ■•■■, MBUUt brau, wiih ipray and ilraam 
 lip, lin (31)1...:... 1 M 
 '* *' Oradualingaprarand Ilraam, I 
 In. (St) .."..... : 
 " ■■!«•■■•. -kach ^ 
 _ " ■•■!.«.- HoldlnalOOrcat, (M)$2.Mlo 
 ■ VACINTB •aAM»i.- ln..iorl«.J color., 
 plain, hlua, iraaa, wina and amiier, llai m 
 Tya pallarn, aach, Wc. ; par dol. , $100; tall, 
 aach, 16c.: par doi., $1.76; naw daaign, 
 phA thadad, lalll aach 
 ■■•M |,4ffN B*!,!.** (IT)- Each 
 HNIVKa.—Aipaiaiui, impurlad, baal Shaffiald 
 V malia. . l 
 " BuddlBi, ivory handia (6) 
 Coaibinad prunint and budding, 
 aach(«) ..*. «u 
 Pruning, tlag handia, crookad blada 
 (« JlOOio 
 ■ . ..a . Sf"*. '■-''•Ing, cra«:ant ahapa (10). 
 ■^■■l*»-Wood, for palm plain, 4 in., par llio 
 ',' " " in., par logo 
 ' " " palniadatO in., par 
 100 rT. T!.....!T. 
 Wood, for po<i,4iainia(l, 6 in., par 
 Traa, Notrhad',°S( in!,' paV iijOO '. '. 
 -._,-. ___" Copper wirad, »1 In. " 
 lAWW SrBIMIII.Kllii. «.arni; raroWlng, 
 aach (W) ;....". 
 li Champion, to (lick in groond .... 
 fur and of hoK, brass I fool, each. 
 A .—Archangel, 41i81 ft. , each 
 MHKBlii H.— For Mwing grain bagi, aach 
 rLANI MTABU. -Green painted, Uparing, 
 very neatly finUhcrt, of light wood and vary 
 UMIul for lyini plants, thrubi, etc Per dot., 
 lain., S6g.; t4{n., S6c.; SO in. 60c.: i<Bin., 
 «Ac; 4tin., 76c.: 48 in., 10c. each; 00 in., 
 I3c aach. Heavy for Dahlias, each S ft.. 
 10c; 411^ iac;6ft., IISi:.;tlt.,«Oc 
 rSRHIU Waifa ia«iiilMe. aach 
 FBWBBB BIIBTKB of tin aith perforated 
 botlom(tO) .„ 
 FBWBfcB Mim, round, tin and mbbBr, each 
 BAHBS.— Daisy loi cleaning lawns, H teeth 
 " Garden, malleable ir6n, no handles, 
 10 taaih, tOc; li laath, Mc.; 14 
 lacih, 40c 
 "• Garden, steel, with handles, OOcand 
 " Lawn, steel, each , 
 I (I), tfeaaia Ika aiu*bar of cat la the margin. 
 Tha kasi tying liiaiailal tm plaatSt 
 atclOlbalarlaW! pat Ik 
 MBtl,At>> Blaatio rtaal ■•Hahlar. 
 Of rubber lfh» cap of btaaa, tiiaiy petfaca. 
 lad for ahoWartng the follagO of plaals. 
 iprinkllag laiiiiiuels and dampanlng cwilue. 
 ■'' by mall (W.) 7. I 
 V* rmUw l»lalHka(«v, a aaw and 
 • I I 
 t U 
 8 60 
 16 00 
 1 00 
 1 00 
 1 » 
 I 00 
 1 16 
 t 60 
 8 00 
 1 16 
 I t6 
 t (0 
 1 00 
 Price, b< 
 uaaftil tool, slmlbr 10 the wallkaowa Ncol- 
 lay's Sariiililar, MIk tuba In placa of spray, 
 for applying llf|uid iMiiy la glaalng graaa- 
 houaat, price 
 •CTTBU, TWtACBa, Rngllah, $1.60 lo. . . . 
 MA WH,-^ Heavy, for ptunlngllt), aach ....... 
 ■CHMSBB.-Shnit anil heavy for pruning (7). 
 " Kranch Hacateura (1) 
 Klawar ( iai herars, sliver plalril . 
 ** (irape Thinning, for Ibninina |0) 
 MBBABB*— llrilgaur lawn,liest imparled,! in. 
 " " •• " Din. 
 Ijulies', durable and usaltel foe 
 light work It) 
 " for lawn%(S7), each 
 ** sheep for edgings 
 ■VBil««U.Bruf.-fhe very «Msl goods 
 in the market. Each syrlaga 
 Is supplied with oiia Jal, a coarta 
 and tine roea - 
 ladiew' 14 inches a 1 Inch bitrrel, - 
 light, (il) rach t 60 
 Gardaners' lAsU In, barrel, strong 8 00. 
 Greenhouse 18alA in. barrel, heavy t tft 
 Itil) In. U&ral.palent 
 I 00 f' 
 1 00 I 
 I 10 1 
 too m 
 I oo ■ 
 I 10 
 I oo 
 1 1* 
 1 40 
 1 00 
 J. valve. 
 iCaiia, knuckle Jointed^ can ba used 
 in any diracii««i . .*<. v , . ^ 
 ** llydronatta, throws walaaw'slTaam 
 __ or spray, 40r ft. from bucket .... 
 VBBWBtt, Cat«eB.-Ught and handy, • 
 ln.,(») each...". 
 " Polished steel. 7 in. (•). each 
 TBBB MCBArVB, fur removing old bark (14) 
 _" rillllKBM, Wateis'lree, Oft 
 WBBBBBS.-Porl shape (II) 
 " Haieliinas (16) 
 " NoyaallS) «... 
 Claw sham (10) 
 ** Dock Spud, for lawns 
 " Spoon forwaedlng or transplanl. 
 _ ing(lA) 
 W ATBB r*n.- (16). each $t 00 lo 
 " " Pranch pattern (tO) $160 1^ 
 VBBBBBA naB.-Parl«i«o(r ooagraaa 
 WBBBI.BABB«Wa.-Utht, ia.00i haayler, 
 Put Covers, Imitation leither, handsome style, 
 for 7 in. pot, each I6c.; per doi 
 Sexagon, fatKy for 7 in, pot, each, 40c.: par dor. 
 Gilt.lancy, round, for 6 in. poi, aach Mci par. 
 Gill, very naat, for 7 in. pot, each t5c; par dot. 
 Tin Foil, in long strips, 6 in. wide, par lb , 
 Tooth Picks, IOC. Dcr boa i ( boxes for 16c 
 Match Sticks, per bundle 
 Wire annealed (Prices subject to change):— 
 Nat4, perlb., lOc; 11 lbs , 
 Nan, ■■ 16c.;Illba 
 Naia, " ltc.;ltlba 
 7 00 
 8 00 
 1 to 
 4 00 
 t 76 
 t to 
 1 w 
 1 M 
 . n» Tuva 
 ^ hands whan mad i 
 o^Hap to seven gi 
 Hug. tha Cahhaga 
 solubMU water. 
 , tOc; pint, I 
 4 in., per Iwlf do« 
 6 '» M •• ,, -,...... 
 6" " •■ ..i..,.. 
 Na to No, I 
 than other prepari 
 hobs lay, and tnar 
 than four par cant 
 the same purpeaa. 
 and robust health 
 increasing their la 
 aaricltad when fen 
 meal). It kaepi thi 
 growth aiidrflavala 
 shortens iha moult 
 aapecially valuabli 
 using it, with dad 
 and fa. In alwrt, Ju 
 tOc: byroail. tk. 
 rales for I 
 TIM Only Nm 
 lira warrant 
 $4tltMtr«, and i 
 feed Mil ao hoaai 
 aagaublat or loir 
 for tomatoes, but i 
 olbar pola baaoa. 
 old plaa of Using b 
 can ba used axactl] 
 planu that laquira 
 win, aad light, ye 
 care, ba used annu 
 tm Ti a Hii, 4 > «a t 
 rik M 
 >r piuii, 
 I cVhImm. 
 I naw Mid 
 mn Scot- ; 
 r of apcajr, 
 '■*"*■■ II*,-' 
 k IW 
 IHiBf (t|. I M 
 rplMad.. too 
 inninf M) I 00 
 n*d,lln. I » 
 " »ln. I «V 
 mM foe 
 ■I fOodl 
 I tyring* 
 :ii'bl>ral', ' 
 I, Uroni I 00. 
 (i, hMvy I U 
 I b« uMd 
 f- '« 
 ickM.... TOO 
 handy, • 
 ch W 
 bnfk (U) 00 
 $t 00 lo I 00 
 $1600 too 
 iniH M 
 hanvUr, 4 00 
 M Iltlt, 
 I to 
 ptr doi. 4 00 
 rrdoi. t 60 
 •".v'r >to 
 ■PiiiNO qrfALdDiii or tiiDt. iolm and rukwn por laii. 
 •w Paninn Um«i Piivdat* 
 K<H •■••■rovlnii MiMi h«a, Aaia> ^laaa, and all ihImi noatiHi 
 Imaaiu Par Ih , tl •>»■ !»•■ jtahl. 
 aat. An •ira<'i|'a, cliaap noodar thai da- 
 •irara all Mllilaw .>ii I iia|iaa, liiuaaUfflaa, CaiianI Wataa, 
 Uaacla^an iiiaaa, planu, alt, alt . tfrka. |jar lb., IOk.; bf ' 
 ill, IV. 
 huu9Vm 0«M««a«in4.- r<i> ilaatnvtnt Ura*« 
 ll«lla|,Tllii|>.»lildaw.al. I'afnln.tOi .piMlpaU. 
 •radlcalaa Hcalfa, 1l,ki, l.l««. ami all olhar laaatfl 
 kaaua iha Raaia tiaaf ul 
 Hj, MaalyllM,tl<li|^»lilda 
 oagKlv aradlcaiaa Hcalfa, 1 1, k . 
 paala mim iha taaca and ikin, and 
 ■ ham Aiff maii^ mnniha aAat uaina II, tliraclMiia wllh aavh 
 |ia< kaia Hri,.* hit ua«liaga ^ulniianl r»« dipiting V6 lu li 
 ahaav, MK., immI iialil. 
 ■IM( MiM. foi daalrorlni Piwaio llu^t and iHiia* 
 ' on Tomaln and K.ag I'lanu, (uirani Wnnna, ( aliliaaa l.ica 
 and Woffma. Haallaa. Hirinad Hu|a. iin Malona, S,)iiaahaa, 
 lurAipa, Maala, Cankaff Woim* and ('alar|illlata un Viuii 
 ■UOl. ' ., Moaly BlC- loalO, '" Thclp. and Oinamanlal I i«aa, K<»a Huga, rm Woima, al< . Prka 
 n and III IK iiackagaa. <V. |>ar III,; liy mall, Ilk., iMial paid. 
 R4)uallf affaciiva on aniiiiala, and U haimlaaa lo iha akin and ' 
 Prr laillla, » >ina, Mk „ 7tc and tll.llO. 
 VW.— A aaia prapanuio* (oa Ik* complaia afadicallon u( iKa biia, acala, and olh. r Inaacia on pttlila ami traa*. Cannot ha mailad. Par Intlk, 4<lc, 
 «*••••• on ■■■> Una of Iha miiai affaciUa and chaapaai laaadUa lo daaiiar Sluga, Woima and oihai Inaacia on iraaa, thrukt, gaidan aad houaa plaaia, (Ina paund 
 orHMPIoaavan gallona of waiai la uaad fur applying lo rotiaga, Pailb.,l6i.; by mail, Mh . 
 „ ^•'•■l** •* •IH^gk**. 1 ha farmaia and gatdanaia baal frianj, and a aura uruiacllon agaliiil Iha ravagaa of all Inaacl paala, ll killa iha Cotorado llaalla or Potato 
 nuv,lh*CakhacaWniai,al<..al<' Sand vour aildraaa fof our " Hug Catachltai,'' giving full uailkulara ofabova, Piira, par lb, ilk , |io>l l<aid, 
 , gy .' Pl' M * *f yi»«|l— iMtw. - An Kngliali praparatloil, vary tlroB|l|p racomaiandad aa a PtrfacI RaiMd* for illldaw, Kad SpiJar and oihar plant diiaaaaa. ll ia 
 lolu M* In w atar, Prica, par liOl l la , M>c, . iwat paid . 
 ■M tf Oil ■■ ■■ InaaatlaMs, Thia fluid daalroya all Intact paala on plaMaand Iraaa, and piavania blight and mildaw, Cannol ba atailail, Prica, par h«lll*. tl,M, 
 HaMim«tl^aTllrlBj«l««.~Thlalluidi«daalhlaMaa(y Huga and all hlnda of acala Inaaclk, which invaatroaahuahaa, ale, ■■■■■• . . _. 
 can, tOc.; pint, 60c.i quart, 76(.; gallon, 11.76. Cannot b* aailad. 
 Ofoon njr. 
 handa whan Mad aa a traah. 
 Holubla Inaaclklda, aihctaally 4aallro*ln| Oil lilnda of aaaia to which planU ara tuli|acl. 
 full diractlooa with aack belli*. Calinol ba nallad.. ~ 
 ji ia highly latiinimandad, Prka, | pint 
 ' Yo« f u food br Igci Jaat M yoa «•■ (Md for Wlh, B—l or Pat Pork. " and jroii cu f •« ptoMr of 
 SCkies at All (Seaoiotxs 
 T.a». (THE HEN PERSUADER.) ma.k 
 Tkb praparatlon tappliat JutI what naiura nacda for producing Km*» Plaiaaao, CIrawlk and ■«*«IOp* 
 ■iOBli and in l|ie aUMt vrsparUaaa ra<|uir*d. Thii aaactnau makat it aomuch mora aiTacliia and aranoniical 
 than othar praparaliona or homa-madamtalurai. It ia cnliraly unlika ihiwa alimulating uuwdara adv«rliaad lo make 
 haba lay, and ikarafon doaa not uhautf^aad damag« fowla aa ihay do, it coniaina only juai anough aiimiilania |l•^< 
 than four par cant.,) to aid digaanobT'Juat aa w* uaa a vary amall guanliiy of muaiard and pappar in our tiwii fiMit-ff 
 Iha tarn* purpaaa. I u campoalllanalwatelpdf ""'"*''''' 'onica and ramadlal agantt lo anaura parfaci aatimilalii 
 androbuathaalth without which Iha liaal ratsllt cannot lia aacured. Thua it ia of grant advanlaga lo fowla, whil 
 incraaaing ihalr Uying poarat, Juat aa cow* ar* banadriad when ihair milk Ih incraaaad by prapar maana, or aa wiil i 
 aorickpd whan fartiliiatum producaa largar cropa. Oivan fraquantlv to young chickaU lalilaapoonrul lo aach <|uari o 
 maidit it kaapa than haallhjK and anablaa naarly avary chick lo be brought lo maturity. And itto invrtaaeaihai 
 anrwth andjlavalaiMMnl that tkav ara aarllar raadv for HMrkai or la% ina li *l>n ,nak#. lardw Millaia i,rAmitt lo la% 
 growth andddavalawaani that tkajr ara aarllar ready for aarkai or la) ing li alao makaa lardy pullaia promui to la> 
 tkorlant tka moulting period of fowla, and prerania and curaa leg weakneat and many other diaaaaea. Allhougli 
 atpadally valuable in wintar, k canaaquence of the high prica of egga, it H of great value at all aeaaona and manv an 
 ualng it, with decided advantage, ihe whola year round. Il ia equally uaaAll Tor I' urkeya, Uucka, (iaaaa and Hans 
 and it. In akort, Juat » hat It needed to mak* egg-producing and fowl-raiaing a very piofitabl* reaull. Pticci 
 tOc.: br mail, tfe: tjjib. boa, OOt; by mail, 70c., poat-paTd ; 10 lb. boa, $1,76. 
 OBOUMO QVSTm SMILLS.— nr neat vaina to all ponltry ; we thip ihete in large lou and can quoi 
 ralaafor large or taull Iota. 26 ibt,, 76c.; 60 Ibt., |I.16 ; 100 Iba., ${.00, 
 lb. pkK. 
 quota iowcal 
 TIM Oiilr PmHIits Pravmttlv* alitf Our* Car 
 - - - Marw 
 : Mwllain* fmr Maraagi, Oatli«« 
 Wa warrant Havana' Climax Cnndilioo Powder to — ... 
 Soltpatro, and all haraM tafradlaala, and to ba aatlralyl 
 ,faad but an honoat modida*, at an boiwat prica. : Liberal pack 
 •ii4 Paultrif Oltatora, afHl IImi 
 ry, Mtaap an* H*^*. 
 from Antimony, Artaolc, Alum, Roain, 
 My othar praparatlon. It ia not a 
 gee, weighing 14 onncei, tOc.: poef.paid, S6c. 
 ■lAl 1 1 1 IXLlllj 
 ! Illlllllllll 
 Ou.' ••"• •■rdOII Tralito can b* utad for all Undt of cropa that require tupport by ataking, whatkar 
 vagaublaa ar lowaf*, tolbat It caa navar ooeta amita in the tmallcti garden. Tka Doakia tiallit it Jwwn uted 
 for toautow, but it can bau«ad to nearly euual advantage in glowing cucoaibeia, meloai, iqnaakei, Lima and 
 otbar pola baana. Tka Single Tralllt ii uaed mainly for peat, and il wHI ka fonad on trial to be far ahead of ike 
 old plan oTIuinf bmak orilring. For flowering plantt tkai raqniratuppoit, ilia, of courte, equally valnable.aa it 
 can ba need axactlr in tka laaia way, according to Ike nalnra of Ika plant, aa for vegeublca, in abort, for any 
 planu Ibat require tuppon. ar* aanictiiy adviaa tka uaa of tkeae Tralliiat. Il it aubatanlially formed of galvaniied 
 wtra, and ligkl, yal tirong wood work ;—* — '- — ■--— "-^ '. . p .. 
 care, ba uted annually far many yean. 
 wire, and ligkl, yai ti/ong wood work ; and at il can ka rolled up to at to occupy amall tpac*, it can, wiiE ordiiiarv 
 ~" " Supplied in too CMt and twOaty foot laiVthf. 
 > t aTf »l llt.4 foa lfclgk 
 Par Roaaliw Foot 
 Par 100 Biumhig Pi 
 ......i. tc 
 •■■ ■ lOc........ 
 Sa*cue i tOc..... 
 PMt Bupp l ia* •« lOO M«t »Mm. 
 . 7c. p*r foot 
 . Oc, 
 . Ic. 
 ThlaMillla apecially adapird for grinding l)iy llonaa. 
 Sheila or Grain for Poultry, ll will grind iha whole jaw- 
 bone of a hfirar in aUiiil three niinulaa ; iha leg-liona of a 
 beef, S inchea longand 
 t inchaa in diamaler, 
 by l>aiiig once a|>lit 
 iengthwiaa in t min- 
 ulaa, if Ihe boiiea are 
 thoroughly dried. 
 Thia Mill will crack 
 about a peck of torn 
 in to minuica. If il 
 ia deaiied to grind the 
 corn vary nne, il 
 ihould run through 
 the Mill twice. A / 
 tampla of oyalar ahalla ground or corn cracked with t W 
 Liltra Giant Mill, will be tant free by mail for lOc, Price,/ 
 without le|«. $anO : Price, with lega, $8.00. 
 Thin Mill tn upecUlly iMada for irlnding GrahAm Flour 
 or Corn MckI for tabic uhc. It cati ftlfo tif adjuUMl for 
 crftckinglhe (rain ifdetii^d. It ii m valuable machin* to 
 have in the kitchen, a* you can have fre*h Graham or Corn 
 Meal when wanted. The irittdini surfaces are of very 
 hard malctial, especially naoe for this pur{>o«e. Weifhif 
 >0 Ib^ Price, wiihoul le(i. $0.00 ; Price, with lef^^ $8.00. 
 Circular* Ktving price* of UrK«r iifcs m applicalmu. a 
,■ \ 
 fio. 1 oaH cobuacTioN. 
 M aORTS or NIW 
 >l M>, aarf .( .wk •.»«. lyi «. hM WaM.4 *» 
 •ni y«i paM. *, 4it»mH ti4H H ttltmM tHm tkt 
 Hm SOD QjjQui 
 (••I by Mall oa racaipi of On* Osltar, aoMalna ana rail liaa Packal 
 ••L-h uf 
 |Maa, Oiani Dwkrf Waa . (/Vm>. I 
 ImI. Italaci, I^Hii Hload. ^ 
 Cakb««a, WUnlnaaladl.'' 
 Cobbaca. Ka'ly SiimiiMr. 
 Cwratt, Chanianay (Vnv.l 
 Can, UU Colony. ( A^/w. | 
 f clary, ParU(luld«nV>lln»(,Vni,l 
 ""i««iTo.a«ioOam. [StlnlS 
 Cucaabar, Rvaf|katn W, Spina. 
 Oalaa, Vallaw Olnka Oanwt. 
 Ptaa, AaMrlcan Wundar, 
 Radlak. frawh HiaakAial. {flmt) 
 Squuh, Huliliaiil. </<•' />»/ > 
 Taniala, PMaio l^aaf {Nrm\. 
 PUaa. MltaaaalA!^ 
 Illostvaud ClPaulava on HppUaatlon 
 ^J'f ln»IU Itia allrntlKn n« ih» iiuhii 
 W l !■■■;■< awi Callfr aa on* of Ih. n,._. 
 fin* of lh« iiinMl iH-f' 
 MminaMrlio hav* •vornutamtbr hanil n«>il cni. 
 In uaa ona »< MiMa markrhM In fMlla* a hiMi.lrlA 
 (nl<iaaYln«ol)HilhUhi>ranrli-.ial. FnrHn'iilarwIlh 
 pbO WBR 
 , ,. , niarkrhM In fwlla* a hill 
 (i>l<taavlniolbiilhUhiiranili-<ial. rnrHn'iilar -.... 
 Ona aiaihln* »lll mi frani 110,000 w 40,000 luaara hat 
 ixr day Ikut dulna iha wuik at roila Man. 
 Cinalan on aiwlkalloa. 
 I4ia«h Nona Machina, M& 
 aiMMeeAOT hand 
 Alaiya la Slocli. 
 Chain..... ..tt.00iatl.00a 
 Kallaai I.Wio I«D 
 Vataa 1.00 to aoo 
 Thta aiaaMna hwi *u aqaal, 4» 
 lag ParfMt Work in tha taalaai 
 aad ki«|>laii 
 ll la alrunt and lifhl, 
 »al|ki«llja. Ilwilldia- 
 Iribala to tha roand— 
 wfcaal.Wfaal ; lUu Mtd, 
 cloiiar and aau, M (aat : 
 tlnioihx, t7 faal, and will 
 •oar M acraa pai day. 
 Wa highly taooaimand 
 Ihia labor • lavIng ma. 
 Dot! tho work manjr (Ibmi fuUr 
 and U mote accuralo Ihaa Ibakoifc. 
 It lo laagad 
 flaih with 
 aach tya to 
 •Bd Tllaliu 
 it, aad doao 
 tha work in 
 malttr how small a etop von Intood 
 to plant *ou thoald nic tbi* ctittar. 
 PbU diractloaa, Haw .to PlaM Pa- 
 latoaa Cnl to Oaa an, aad *alaabla 
 potaita la PoUto CaJtara ■■ b* a Prac- 
 UMlPataleOrowar/- (t*aa with aacb 
 eta. by niall, poat paid. 
 « " " w 
 » " " »6 
 • " " 86 
 I " " 1 00 
 ; " IM 
 • " " 1 M 
 JO " , •• 176 
 II " " too 
 M •• " liO 
 Par llfautratad Catalofsa of 
 Balba wUI ba jMbUabad about 
 SaptaiBbar aM wOlcpaUia hU 
 Jo a cr lpH oM af 
 Ma.a(e.. afa uaaacattaO. abd 
 wa an a y la aaad t aaaylh nOw- 
 Iran mmi T< 
 Varyiag in Prioa ftoqi )• par 
 palrtotiO. Writ* Cur 
 Tha «.„„„.„.,. from on,dd.«o«.dd.. Paeli.g c^^^^„d.«d. P.U a« «,aftllj p..Wd. ha. « do ac a-O-a 
 FLOwaa Port. 
 Th a a iba . 
 Haty. . 
 Par 100. 
 tl O B 
 1 60 
 SAUcaa s. 
 For Dot. 
 FLowaa PoTi. 
 Par 100. 
 tt 60 
 Par Dos. 
 to to 
 ■Froai I6cio 76c. 
 aacb, aceonliH to 
 lit own 
 e womi 
 I In Slocli. 
 I.Wio *0D •■ 
 1.00 lo S.0O " 
 I POTATO ova 
 any IIbmi hsUr 
 il« than IbokDUc. 
 It la gaacoi) 
 1,^ toculeiUMgh 
 ^floih with 
 W aach Vfu lo 
 and irlialU* 
 It, and do«a 
 the work In 
 ' aaciantific 
 maoMr. No 
 etop von Inland 
 I na« litia culler, 
 law .to PbalPs- 
 n, and nUublo 
 Ear* "by a Prae- 
 ' ftvaa wttk aach 
 )i«ll, pMt paid. 
 ica froqi to pn 
 I. Writ* Cur 
 ripiian. , • 
 w* do Bot attOaK 
 Fro* Itc lo 75c. 
 icb, acoonii^ to 
~ ^< : 
 iJJM» n »mimt 
 routes. * 
 Is if 
 ' fl 
 ' ./ 
 5: '1 
 / * 
 ••» Jp^f rut. 
 :1J/A h 
 Wh«;u«ib Pmi^MMrs. 
 ,•»■■« ■ • ■ -■», ■-■.-.-.■■{Hi ■ 
 ..' •'^'^' ■■■■'■ ^^^^^^''■,^^^^^^"^'^^ ■"■. ' 
 .■■■.-■■■ ^^^^^^^^^^^^k ^^^^^^^^^^W .'...'..■' 
 ,■■■■■ '"..-.; .. •■,'/'.:: .''■■■ .■■■^' ■■■■ ' ^ 
 ' ' — ' ' ^ ~ ' ^ '■ '" ' ^ — ^ ; — 
i / m