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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 j^lO J^^'' ^^-^ ^^^' ' .-" ■ ^ ^' Head Quarters, Monirealt November 2\8t, 1837. GENERAL ORDER. The Lieutenant General Commanding desires, that O.Ticers commanding Military Stations, will circulate as widely as possible the accompanying copies of an Address from the Magistrates of Montreal, to the Ilabitans of the Montreal District ; and that they will take every opportunity of impressing upon the minds of the Peasanlry, that troops have been collected solely lor the protection of the lives and property of the loyal inhabitants ; and that ail those who remain quietly and peaceably in their houses, will be protected and secured in the full enjoyment of their homes, but that every man found in Arms, without authority, or offering resistance to the due execution of the laws, will be treated with the utmost rigour* JOHN EDEN, Lt. Col. DU Adjt Gel v- K V ■^1 N ■v. < A\ ^\ lution. To the InhahitanU oj the District of Montreal. As Magistrates and conservators of the peace of Her most gracious Majesty in tl.is District, we conceive it to be our doty to anticipate the serious events which threaten the public tranquillity, and. in a fatherly feeling, to warn you of the danger you will mcu if you allow yourselves to be longer deceived, as well as of the punishment that may fall upr-n you if you continue a contest as parricidal as it is unlawful. The officers of justice have been fired upon in the performance ol their pamlul duty, prisoners who had been lawfully arrested that they might be tried by the tribunals of their country have been liberated. These are grave offences and draw, after them, the most severe punishment upon those who have been guilty of their commission. It is not you, inhabitants of the country, naturally peaceable in your habits who have voluntarily opposed yourselves to justice , but it is those perfidious men who have pushed on some isolated individuals to commit these acts unworthy of those who know how to respect the public peace and the laws. We exhort you not only against all violent proceedings ; but also to return quietly to your own hearths and to your family in whose bosom you will be free from molesta- tion It is by committing yourselves to the protection of the Law and the Bnt.sU Government, that you will succeed in bringing back peace and prosperity to your country. Already are we informed that several parishes which had gone astray have returned from their wandering and repented of their error. If onr voices were not well known, if there was a reluctance to listen to reason, still it would, nevertheless, be our duty to warn you that neither the military force, nor the civil authorities can be assailed with impunity, and that the vengance ol the Law will be as prompt as it will be terrible. The aggressors will become the victnns o their temerity, and they will owe the misfortunes which will fall upon their heads only to their own obstinacy. Those who urge you to these excesses are not yo.r true friends. They have already abandoned you, and will again abandon you in the moment of danger whilst we who would recall you to the paths of peace believe ourselves to be the most devoted servants of our country. D. B. Viger, Pierre De Rocheblave, Louis Guy, Edouard M. Leprohon, Etienne Guy, P. E. Leclerc, William B. Donegani. Charles J. Rodier, Alexis Leframboise, Jules Quesnel, Felix Souligny, P. J. Lacroix, N. E. Barron, Is." , » i * ■ i -•» yj V.' ^ 1 QuARTiKR General, Montreal, Novembre 21, Xsh- OUDRK GENERAL. Le Lieatenant Gen6ral Commandant desire, que les Officiers qui ont le comman- dement des Postes Militaires, fassent circuler aussi abondamment que possible les copies ci-jointes d'line Adresse des Magistrals de Montreal parmi les habitans du District de Montreal ; et qu'iis fassent tout en leur pouvoir pour persuader les paysans, que des Troupes ont 6te r6unies uniquement pour prote'ger la vie et les biens des loyaux habi- tans, ct que tons ceux qui resteront paisibles dans leurs maisons seront prot^g6s et assu- res de la jouissance enti^re de leurs propriet^s, mais que tout homme armd sans auto- rite, ou re'sistant a la due execution des lois, sera trait6 de la mani^re la plus rigou- reuse. JOHN EDEN, Li. Col. Dip. Adjt. GSnl. ^ f 'Mm; ' * ^iux Hnbitans dn District de Montreal CoMMK Magislrats ef, conservatenrs de la Paix de Sa Majest.- notre Gracieuse Souyerame dat.s ce District, nous croyons (pfil est de iiotre devoir de venir an devant des c'vCnemens graves qui meiiacent la trDnqmlliiC- publi.jti... et «le vous averlir paternelle. ment des dangers que vous courcz en vous laissant abuser plus longlenips, commo oussidelapunilion qui pourrait vous lVa|>per. si vous continuez une lutte aussi parri- cide qu'int'gale. On a tire sur des Qffljiera de Justice qui accomplissaient leurs pC'nibles devoirs, on a libCM-e des prisonniers ai rcMe's log ileuient et atrie. Deja nous hommes inlornjci que plusieurs des I'aroisses qui avaient 6te ('gardes sont revenues de leurs erreurs et s'en repentent sincerement. Si nos voix ^Uaient mc'connues, si la raison tardait a se faire entendre, il est encore de notre devoir de vous a\eitir que la force militaire, ou les autoriie's civiles ne seraient point outragees impun6ment, et que la vengeance des lois serait aussi prompte que teirible. Les agresseurs devirndrait nt les victimes de leur teme'rite' et ils ne devraienl plus les malheurs qui fondraient sur leurs t6(cs qu'u leur propre entetement. Ce ne sont point ceux qui vous poussent jtuix extes qui sont vos v6ritable5 amis. Ceux Ih vous onl d^ja abandonnes ct vous abandonneraient encore au moment du danger, tandis que nous qui vous rappelons a la paix, nous pensons etre les plus fervens serviteura de notre pays. D. B. Viger, Charles S. Rodier, Pierre De Rocheblave, Alexis Laframboise, Louis Guy, Jules Quesnel, Edouard M. Leprohon, Felix Souligny, Etienne Guy. P. J. Lacroix, P. E. Leclerc, H. E. Barron. William B. Doneg^ni,