W'^^U IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /K/s ^#. f/j ^ 1.0 I.I If IB ■uGj 1.8 1.25 1.4 1.6 ,, 6" - ► V] 4 :^ / '€^y ^^ #^ >^ Photogi^phic Sciences Corporation ^ ■i>^ ,-\ m 4. ^ 03 O •J3 • »-* -e o .a m a; CO a. o '^ ^5 -" *a — ra H e<5-< u Sx ** o O* !^T^ S '5 se« d S l~;- r fa* i .^« < :^ 80. fa © !_:*■© t- a . r- © fa-^ r- s .51 a-' .00 s fa-^ s a^^ « g 2 ^ i-Hlff (Me<5 © ■^ 1-i OS •.<:' si eo (N 'T 'f IM Iff r-; « --O cc -f ?C "-1 05 «■! IM 'i" eo ©■ iT' i-H 20.10 14. H5 29.0 26.5 ,ec s § fa © o © fa^ '~.C5 £ a* I 2 fa-^ I © © I- O o s fa' i-c ll^ © © 5^1 35 iri 3!© in 55 5*5 OS o:ea>)ly moat nearly accurhle, we obtain the following comparative results : Deaths in Ontario in 1892 accordiDK to returnw, from — TabeH Mesenterica Hydrocephalus Fhthiiiis Other Tubercular diseaseB Ago period*. Otofi. 6 G2 283 2 1 to6. 2 23 78 5 and over. Total Heller's ratio of 2.5 per cent, under 1 year ; 0.75 per cent, from 1 to 5 years ; 0.0497 per cent. 5 years and over- Die annually atfacted with tuber- ctdosis Difference showing niiuil)er returned as dying from some other cause 352 805 Theoretical number of deaths from Phthisis in Ontario based on Uruspels' tables of revised death certificates 440 362 ICO 10 J» 2231 10 2^06 1770 8332 1004 0000 ■ 472 8584 Without assuming more than relative correctness for even the most accurate of thfse foreign figures, and without asserting their complete applicability to Ontario returns, yet when the total deaths at any period in Ontario per 1,000 is compared with that in other countries, and when the percentage relation of tuberculosis in Ontario to the total deaths is observed, as in the following tables, it is plain that analogies sufficiently close may be drawn which indicate only too clearly the prevalence of the disease in this Province : Rate per 1,000 Population. In Ontario in 1892. England 1890. United States in 1890. 10.7 1.2 19.5 1.7 18.0 Death-rate per 1,000 from tuber- niilnsia 1.0 It is further illustrative to notice that of 11,008 cases admitted in 1892 into Ontario hospitals— many of which were surgical— 6 per cent. 10 suffered from some form of tuberculosis ; while of the inmates of Ontario asylums for the insane during the same year 23.4 per cent, of all who died, died from this cause. Having thus illustrated the actual, and from analogy the theoretical pre- valence of tuberculosi» in man in Ontario, we have to examine into the question of the prevalence of the disease in cattle. According to tb-^ returns of the Department of Agriculture for 1892 the total number of horned cattle in Ontario was as follows : Milch cows Inl'^nt Store or beefing cattle taaiK^ Young and other cattle 8o8,7oo Total ^,029,140 Unfortunately no statistics are available as to the prevalence of dis- eases in Ontario cattle, and, indeed, few anywhere.* We mav, however, from analogy ariive at certain conclusions with regard to the prevalence of tuberculosis based upon certain statistics elsewhere which are of value in this enquiry. Just as it is found that amongst men engaged in different occupations tuberculosis prevails in varying degrees, so we have reason to believe that different classes of cows are affected in different degrees. Milch cows, owing to their being generally housed, especially in dairies supplying public milk, and owing to the draft made upon their physical powers by the prolonged lactation, are both more exposed to the disease through contaminated air and less liable to resist the disease when so exposed. For similar reasons the many valuable herds of imported cattle, housed carefully, would be more exposed to any infection present in the stables ; while, perhaps, it may further be fairly concluded that in some of the finer herds, in-breeding, where present, will have tended to transmit any family p -edisposition to disease in a manner similar to that seen in certain families of the human bj^ecies.* On the other hand, young cattle bora largely in the springtime spend their lives till autumn in the tields, and, in probably the proportion of instances, around the straw-stack in winter, leading a largely open-air life. Indeed, until the young heifers become milkers, and until the young steers become store cattle, they are relatively but slightly exposed to the contagion of disease, through ex- *Tu illustrate this fact it i.s of interest to observe the immnnity of cattle in the Vir- ginia Experinibnt"-1 Station herd. There 54 cattle were tested with tuberculin, and 1 gave the reaction. In that climate cattle live largely an out-door life. Another herd in same State, of 35 head, when tested gave the reaction in one case. Reaction was proved by post laortcm. irr.j •Sv ll posure to the clo.e atmospheres of stables, too often contaminated with germs of tuberculosis, except so far as the calf may have inherited the disease at birth or subsequently contracted it from the tuberculous mother du.ingthe suckling period, either through the milk or by means of the discharges from the mouth or no.e. What these relative dangers are w.ll be later referred to. To illustrate, however, the relative prevalence of tuberculosis in cattle, the following figures frorr. various sources may be giver. Tuberculous cattle in diiTerent countries. ^^ Country. Berlin (Germany) Number alaugVitered. Sla'-iphlered .• • Slaughtered in one abattoir ffr^r^or dilPMi (dermanv) Mlaugtiterea in on« a-jn-x NeTYork SUte ' • i Slau|htered in abattoirs In England, with the Pieuro pneumon^'a Act of 1890, under which, within sixteen months, to end of 1891, 3ome 12,000 cattle were destroyed, either as being infected or as having been exposed to the disease, the Department of Agriculture took advantage of the slaughtering to deter- mine the prevalence of tuberculosis by examination of every carcase by skilled veterinarians. The results were as follows :— All cattle examined, 12,000. Tuberculous 12.22 per cent. 16.09 1.53 2.77 1.2 Cows Bulls Other cattle over 1 year Under 1 year The relative prevalence of tuberculosis in different parts of England varied Thus, of all cattle slaughtered in Midlothian District, 22.5 per cent were tuberculous ; and of all cattle in the London District, 15.5 per cent, were tuberculous. In both cases the cattle were kept under very similar conditions. In some herds slaughtered the percentage of tuberculized was as high as 75 per cent., " and only a few herds were without tuberculized animals." Earl Spencer's herd of Jerseys, containing over a score of animals was tested by Prof. MoFad> an and found by test to all have tuberculosis. The whole herd was sUughtered and results of post mortem confirmed the diagnosis. 12 It will be of interest to give at this point a condensed history of the presence of tuberculosis in Ontario, in the several instances where the facts, as at the Ontario Agricultural College, are obtainable, these having been published in the Annual Reports of the Department of Agriculture since 1885. Referring then to the herd of the Ontario Agricultural College the reports of the veterinarian in different years state the folio \ving facts : In 1885 one (Guernsey) cow, never in good condition since importation, died of tuberculosis. In 1886 no case was reported. In 1887 there were two cases. One, a polled Angus bull, had been ailing for several months, seen by veterinarian a few weeks before dying. One, a polled Angus cow, had been barren, was sick for several months and then died. Lungs were slightly, while pleura, mesentery, liver and ovary were all infected. In 1888 no case was reported. In 1889 no case was reported, herd sold, barns having been burnt. In 1890 an Ayrshire cow (7 years old), milking, began to fail rajidly* An experiment on a calf was made by suckling a grade Durham calf for a monJh. It was then separately housed for 7 months; throve well and was killed. Miliary tubercles were found in calf, in pleura, liver and mesentery. The summary of cases given by Professor Grenside to date, 1890, in- cluded 3 Durhams or Durham Grades ; 1 Devon ; 1 Ayrshire ; 1 Here- ford. In 1891 one Galloway cow (9 years) was isolated for observation and study by students. Was slaughtered and post mortem held. She proved tuberculous. In 1892 the veterinarian reports that in no one of his eleven years' con- nection with the College, had he been called upon for so little veterinary attendance, and commends most highly the intelligence, vigilance and close observation of the stock foreman. The veterinarian further states " we have encountered no trouble from tuberculosis amongst the College herd.' Referring, thereafter, to the fact of the disease being liable to appear at any time in the herd owing to its insidious character and the difficulty of diagnosis in the early stage he points out the use to which tuberculin had been recently put and gave practical directions as quoted from German publications for its use. In 1893, owinfif to the results which had been obtained with tuberculin by various experimenters in Germany, France, England, etc., the extreme ..Tl w; I 13 advisability of extending the work of investigating the progress of the disease in this Province became evident ; and after the discussion of the paper on tuberculin, by J. J. Mackenzie, B.A , at the Niagara Falls meeting of the Health Officers' Association, and after the following resolution baaed thereupon was read and carried unanimously — " In view of the strong scientific evidence, as presented in the paper by Mr. J. J. Mackenzie, with regard to the possibility of diagnosing tuberculosis at an early stage, and legarding the widespread prevalence of the disease in milch cattle, as shown by European and American health reports, this Association svould most strongly urge upon the Provincial Minister of Agriculture, the Dominion Minister of Agriculture, the Pro- vincial Board of Health and all local boards of health, to enter upon the systematic ex- amination of all milch cows, but especially those utilised in public dairies." — advantage was taken of the first opportunity which presented itself of having Mr. Mackenzie assisted by Mr. Cooper, V.S., of Toronto, make the first series of experiments with tuberculin made in Ontario on several suspected animals and a herd near Toronto. Experiments were followed up by publishing in a Bulletin on Public Milk Supplies, Mr. Mackenzie's paper with results of experiments. These were so conclusive that on the first report to the Minister of Agriculture of a suspected case in the College herd at Guelph, he requested the Board to co-operate with the veterinarian, J. H. Reid of the College. The experiments dated April, 1893, were made and subsequent /?os# mortems held, Mr, Mackenzie at the time addressing the students on the theory of the action and practical uses of tuberculin. The tests were extended to other suspected cattle in October and December, and the results tabulated.* In these tables are likewise given the post mortem results in the experiments with tuberculin at the Experimental Farm, Ottawa, supplied through the kindness of W. Saunders, Esq., Director, with whom co- operation in this work has been continuous. Experimental Studies on Milk and Meat op Tuberculous Cattle. In various reports the question of the presence of the bacilli of tuber- culosis in the milk and meat of diseased cattle has been discussed The following table of results from various sources is given. Dr. Ernst, Masp., who carried on an extended series of expf riments in 1890 on the milk *See table appended to Report, 14 of tuberculous cows, whose udders were healthy, so far as could be deter- mined, obtained the following results. McFadyein's and Mackenzie's results are also given. Microscopic exaniinationa. Samplo3 of milk from cows showing clinically no adder infection • • • • Guinea pigs inoculated with one to three drops of same milk ■ Feeding pigi with same Feeding calves " W ' V Pari-t Congress Rep rr Tuberculosi8,1888,Prof Bang(C()p9nhag'n) where udder was diseas d Prof. McFaiyean and Woodhead, particulars how taken not given . . .^ • Mackenzie (no udder diseased, either c'.mically or postmortem)centrifugalized milk 114 74 12 23 27 600 cows. Bacilli present. 31 5 percent., tub'srculous. 13 per cent, on post mortem. 50 per cent. 23 per cent. 100 per cent, in centrifagalized milk. 1 per cent. 40 per cent. Mr. J. J. Mackenzie, B. A., analyst of the Provincial Board, who had charge of all ^he experimental work carried on in connection with the tuber- culin tests, and the microscopic investigation of milk, feeding experiments etc., obtained in the two Guernseys, Joan and Sarah, the two Holsteins No. 1, Artis Kassie Queen and the grade cow Old Racket, of the On- tario Agricultural College herd, where the milk was examined for bicillus tuberculosis, the following results: 0;i two different occasions the bacillus was found in Joan's milk and also on two occasiuns in Sirah'j*. In the other animals careful examination failed to show its presence. The method used in examining the milk was as stated by Mr. Mackenzie as follows : " Instead of using a givrn sample of milk and allowing it to sediment, the whole milking from each cow, or sometimes two milkings, was put through the separator at the dairy building. In the separator the milk is placed in a hollow steel sphere which is spun ut the rate of about 6,000 revolutions per minute, the consequence being that all the heavier particles fly to the wall of the sphere. The specific gravity of the bacilli of tuber culosis being greater than that of the milk, they fly to the outside, and may be scraped off the wall with the slime which collects there during the pro- cess of separation. This slime was examined microscopically, and only in the cases of Joan and Sarah was it found to contain the bacillus of tuber culosis, although large quantities of other bacilli were present, as well a'=' immense numbers of leucocytes. A corapirative test was made in the cise n 15 « of Joan and Sarah in 'he following manner. In one caoe the cows were milked at the ordinary periods and the milk passed through the separator, in the other they were milked every hour for two days and the milk handled in a similar way. It was thought possible that by so handling the milking the chances would be increased of blood elements appearing, and perhapa also bacilli. The results however showed no difference either in the num- ber of leucocytes or in the number of bacilli. It is interesting to note, however, that the .slime from each cow'.s milk differed in the number of leucocytes present, Joan's milk havinw many more present than Sarah's." The injection experiments on these several cows are found tabulated in the Tabbs appended. In 1890 the Local Government Board of Great Britain published results of feeding expeiiments in guinea pigs and rabbits with muscle from tuber- culous cows, and gave details. The first cases by Oruikshank resulted in a high percentage of infection ; but a third series carried out by Prof. McFad- yean of Edinburgh, with muscle from tuberculous cattle was negative in results, and in keeping with similar experiments by Nocard and Bollinger. In tlie report of that Board for 1891, Prof. Brown refers to the matter and says, '• there is to be noticed an important diff'-srence in the methods adopted in the two series. The first cases were fed with muscle trimmed roughly as by the butcher; while in McFadyean's series the meat was obtained from- the parts most distant from the tuberculous parts, and antiseptic precau tions with knives used." "In 1891 experiments with cooked meat were made. On May 21st, 1891, 21 healthy guinea pigs were divided into four lots and fed with meat from diaphragm, spleen and lungs. It was minced, made into sausages and submitted to different degrees of cooking, boiling and frying. In pen A meat was thoroughly cooked, in B underdone, in well boiled, in D lightly boiUd, in E fed raw. Feeding was repeated for three days. First experi- ments begun May 21st had failed on July 10th, second experinunts bff'un July 17th were repeated for three days. " The arrangement and feeding of animals is as follows : " A, four guinea pigs fed (17th and 18th July) on raw tuberculous meat as above. The tuberculin is manu' 9 tn^ed by cultivating the bacillus tuberculosis for about six weeks in glycerine veal brot,':, i J then extracting this thoroughly with glycerine. The extract is freed from bacilli by tiltration through porous porcelain and afterwards evapo- rated down to a wyrupy consistency by heat thus, at the same time, destroying any bacilli which may have passed through the filter. This concentrated extract is used in a 10 per cent, solu'.ion f >v iniecH on. 16 •• B, four guinea piga fed (18th July) upon meat as fed to A, but boiled for a quarter of an hour. " C, four guinea pigs fed upon meat as above, but boiled for forty minutes. •« D. Three guinea pigs, originally fed on partially boiled meat, on the 2l8t April. These threo were inoculated on 18th July yith pieces of the tuberculous material from a tuberculous cow. Two died from blood poisoning within fifty-six hours. The third one remained apparently healthy up to 18th September, \vhen it was killed and examined. Post mortem examination showed well-nourished body, but extensive local tubercles at seat of inoculation (inner thigh). Lungs, spleen and kidney were also implicated. " Isb August, 1891.— The one remaining guinea-pig in D was trans- ferred to X (square box), and in D were placed four healthy young guinea- pigs from stock. These four were fed on ordinary food with milk from the tuberculous udder. This feeding was continued for several days. " 1st August, 1891.— Animals in A, B and C were fed again as on 18th July, amely : " A, Raw meat. B. Boiled 20 minutes. 0. Boiled 40 minutes. " 1st August, 1891.— In E on this date are three guinea-pigs as origin- ally fed on raw tuberculous meat on 21st April and ordinary food ever since. " All the animals were then put on ordinary food (hay, oats and plenty of green meat) until the 19th September, when they were all sent to the Royal Veterinary College for examination. The post mortem results were as seen in following table : Lungs. u > ;3 Spleen. : • : ; 1-3 Kidneys. 93 ! WO 'u a a bo V stines. M A 1 T r T "t" T T "t" T T T T 2 3 4 ■R K 6 7 . . . . T t" T T T T ■ ■ 8 T r T C 9 in 11 T 19 ... ■p. 1 a T T T 14 T IK T 5 2 10 5 2 6 3 17 " The letter T means that the organs referred to were found to be tul)( r- culous ; it is, however, to be noticed that these aninals were fed with two different lots of tuberculous meat, and it is impossible to decide which lot was most int'v?ctive. But there is no doubt of the fact that cooking the meat in the manner described failed to destroy its infectivity." " In another series of experiments, four lots of guim a-pigs, four in each lot, were fed on tuberculous material which had been cooked by being placed in cold water, the meat having been cut into slices half an inch thick and two inches square. The vessel containing the meat was put over a small furnace, and the water was gradually brought to the boiling point. The meat was kept boiling for fifteen minutes in one case, and thirty minutes in the next instance. Two lots of guinea pigs were fed several times on the meat which had been kept boiling lor fifteen minutes, and the other two lots with the meat w hich had been cooked thirty min- utes. All of them were killed after several weeks and found to be free from all traces of tubercle. It appears therefore that thorough cooking is effectual in destroying the activity of tubercle virus. But it is also evident that such thorough cooking as was effected in this case could not be applied to large joints, nor to any kind of meat without entirely destroying its flavor." How THE Bacilli obtaiv Entrance to the System. Where the bacilli of tuberculosis as of any other disease obtain entrance to the system, they do it by one of two ways. Arrived on the mucous membrane of either the respiratory or intestinal tracts, they find temporary lodgment, and escaping, we must assume, the agencies hostife to their entrance, pass iu through the delicate limiting membranes of the epithelial cells in the walls of the bronchi and the alveoli of the lungs, and of the absorptive villi of the intestines. Within this limiting mem- brane is the innumerable mesh-work of minutest blood capillaries and lymph vessels. As the blood in the lung capillaries is in the most intimate con- tact with the air beyond the limiting membrane, and as apparently there is no selective influence present, the bacilli pass indifferently into the venous or lymphatic current of these minute vessels. Whero entrance is by the villi of the intestines, the bacilli previou.^ly taken in with the food, will have remained in and passed on with the chyle into the circulatory system by the chyliferous lymphatic vessels, and pro- bably to some extent by the venous capillaries of the villi. 2 18 The subsequent fate of the bacilli is, however, of oxtrjme interest. When tuberculosis has been produced by injecting a solution of broth containing bacilli into the vein of some animal, as the rabbli., it is found that the blood has passed, bearing with it bacilli, to the lungs, spleen and other large glands. Everywhere, however, intimately interlaced with the blood capillaries are the minute lymph channels which are abundant in tho lungs, spleen, liver, etc., and hence at whatever points there is a stasis of blood in the minute capillaries, the active blood elements, the leucocytes, endeavor to free it from any foreign hurtful influences which may be present by seizing the bacilli, and finally, to some extent, carrying them as foreign materials into the lymphatics in which the circulation of lymph moves from the periphery at all points towards the great veins of the heart. From the arrangement of the lymphatic vessels in their groups or plexuses in different parts of the body, it will hence be ai)parent that bacilli, entering the system by one of the two ordinary ways, i.e., by the respiratory or by the digestive tract, are (in case they are not destroyed by the phagocytes, i.e., the protecting white blood corpuscles) likely to become localized in the formation of tubercles in various organs. The importance of the distribution of the lymphatics of the intestinal tract in the one case and of the lungs in the other is so great in connection with the question of the way of entrance of bacilli into the system, that a brief resume at this point may be in order. Regarding the lymphatic vessels of the thoracic region, we find that those on the right side of the body (coming from head, arm, neck, chest, heart, right lung and part of the liver) empty by a common duct into the main venous channel of the same side {veva subclavia), whence the lymph goes to the heart. All the remaining lymphatics of this region (ie., the left side) empty into the thoracic duct (the great lymph carrier of the body), which empties into the main vein of the left side {vena subclavia) which sends the lymph along with that of the right side, to the right side of the heart. Amongst the groups of lymphatics, those of the lungs are superficial and deep. Those of the surface form a rich net-work quite close underneath the pleural covering of the lungs {pleura puhnonalis), while the deep ones follow- ing the ramifications of the blood vessels pass towards the root of the lungs, where, after having passed through a few pulmonary glands, they unite with the branches cf superfi cial lymphatics. Both then pass through the mfij 19 bronchial glands, which are situated between the roots of the lungs and the bifurcation of the bronchi, and form several larger stems, which follow" the course of the bronchi and trachea to the lower part of the neck, where they empty into the main lymphatic trunk on the right side (tricncus lympliUticua dexter\ while those on the left pass up and empty into the thoracic duct {ductus fhoracicus). The lymphatics of the chest wall and mediastinum form a distinct system from those of the lungs proper. They are divided into the anterior mediastinal lymphatics, which begin in the abdominal cavity on the anterior abdominal musclea, pass between the fibres of the diaphragm at the sternum, and run along beneath the sternum, being united, in the neigh- borhood of the vasa mammaria interna with the anterior mediastinal glands, finally emptying on the left into the ductus thoracicus, and on the right into the right lymph duct. The intercostal-lymphatics which run backwards in the intercostal spaces take up the dorsal lymph vessels in the neighborhood of the ver- tebral column, and pass, in the posterior part of the intercostal spaces through the intercostal glands. They finally form at the most posterior part a plexus, by means of which they are united with one another, and the vessels which issue from this plexus pass tlirough the posterior mediastinal glands, emptying finally from both sides into the ductus thoracicus. In the abdominal cavity the system of lymphatics which are connected with the course of the alimentary canal are as follows : (a) Those which form plexuses underneath the mucosa, and which are specially denomin-. ated lacteals ; (b) The subperitoneal system, which runs between the peritoneum and the muscular wall of the intestines. The former set (the true chyle vessels) run around the wall. The latter set (the true lymphatics) run lengthwise. They are believed to be connected by numerous large vessels. As soon as both sets reach the point of attach- ment of the mesentery, they pass between the two layers of it and run tolerably direct towards its root. In the mesentery the lymph vessels meet with a large number of glands, the mesenteric glanda, being about 150 to 180 in number. The lymph and chyle vessels all pass through several of these glands, and gradually unite into larger and larger vessels, till they reach the root of the mesen- tery, where they pass into the coeliac plexus. 20 Thia is situated in the neighborhood of the cailiac artery, and is nmde up of the lyn)ph vessels from the intestines, stomach, spleen, pancreas, and a part of the liver, and its branches are united with 10 to 15 cmliao glands, Froju this plexus arises a short branch (or in many cases several) which ascends alongside the cceliac artery, and takes part as the middle root in the formation of the receptaculum chyli. Course of fUciLLt in Inoculation Rxperiments. The subject of the formation of tubercles as a result of inoculation with cultures of bacilli is one which has given rise to considerable discus- sion, and one in which there exist at present two distinct views. Thewe two views differ as to the part played by the various tissue elements in the genesis of tubercle. The one view, maintained by Baumgarten and his followers, is that the tubercle arises from the multiplication of fixed tissue elements ; whilst another upheld by Metchnikoff and the French school is that to the free cells (white blood corpuscles or leucocytes, lymp- hocytes) is entirely or mainly due the formation of tubercles. The latter idea is the one which seems to be most justified by the results of experiments and is the one which explains most clearly the phenomena seen. Eorrel has shown by intravenous injections of cultures of the bacilli into the ear vein of rabbits that immediately after the injection the bacilli are englobed by polynuclear leucocytes and that they become collected in the capillaries of the lungs, producing there minute thrombi or plugs where shortly the leucocytes are disinte grated, setting the bacilli free. These, with the debris from the disin- tegraiing leucocytes, are taken up by larger mononuclear leucocytes, to which he traces the formation of the giant cells and epithelioid cells of the tubercles. Thus are formed intravascular tubercles. ^Vt the time of the disintegration of the polynuclear leucocytes bacilli pass in them out into the alveoli {i. e air cells of lungs) where they are taken up by the so. called dust cells which he considers as coming from the vessels, whether of the lymph or of the blood, and not formed from the alveolar epithelium. There is thus started an intra-alveolar tubercle. The development of these initial tubercles goes on until caseation takes place; at which time tha distinctly local character of the disease gives place to a more generalized condition in which the lymphatics are involved as shown by a hyperplasia of the neighboring lymph glands, and a filling of the lymphatic lacunae 21 and capillaiics with migratory cells Hlhd with bHcilli ho that they appear as if injected. This is followed by the production of tubercles in the lymphatics ; at the same time an invasion of other organs takes place and a pneumonic condition of the lungs may arise. These researches depend upon inoculation of the ear vein of the rabbit, which vein carries the blood by the right heart direct to the lungs. When Boirel injected the mesenteric vein the same pr. cess occurred in Uio liver, the thrombi forming in the capillaries of the portal circu- lation. When we consider th«* subject of tubercular infection through the intestinal tract we have seveial ditFerent potsibilities otfered to us as to its future course. Tchistowitoh has seen leucocytes between the epithelial cells of the mucosa of the intestine with several l>acilli in their midst, and he considers them as passing in load, d with these bacilli, which they have picked up on the free surface of the intestine. Should they enter in this manner then we may have forn)ed in the submucous adenoid (lymphoid) tissue a primary tubercle which would lend finally to an intestinal ulceration. But they may possibly pass into the lacteals and give rise there to infection of the lymphatics and tuberculosis of the mesentery end of the mesenteric glands. A third possible and extremely probable course would be into the venous capillaries and thence into the portal circulation ; where we may conclude they would, as Uorrel has shown, give rise to tubercles in the substance of the liver. If then these possi- bilities all occur in one or othor instance, then we must look upon primary tuberculosis of the intestine, (secondary infection of the.se organs arising from primary tuberculosis of lungs, being naturally a comparatively common event) of the mesentery or the liver as evidences of intestinal in- fection. Degrees of Infection and their Bearing on the Individual. While the statistics already quoted sufficiently illustrate the high degree to which the infection of tuberculosis has extended both in men and animals, the problem of " To what extent the presence of the dis. ease in the individual has affected its general health at any time, from that of the initial infection to that when death has ended the struggle]" is one which must depend, (a) upon the individual constitution ; (b) , i the virulence and extent of the infecting agency; (c) upon the seat l infection in the system, and (d) upon the environment of the individual, 22 including such elempnta as climate and housing, age, nature of employ- ment, amount and quality of food, etc. With bo many determining factors in the problem it is plain that no general rule can be laid down, which can closely guide us in precisely prognosing the ultimate results in any given cases ; but it is of the utmost importance that we determine as far as possible the broad conclusions to which our studies along several lines would seem to point. How great is the influence of climate on tuber- culosis, is well illustrated by the accompanying foot-note.* - All observers seem agreed that there is transmitted both in men and animals a hereditary tendency to wcrofuloua or tubercular inflammations in the offspring of tuberculous parents ; and in Medicine much has been learned of the methods by which such tendencies may be counteracted. Tn both men and cattle, however, it is the unfortunate fact that this hereditary weakness occurs especially in those persons and cattle who are exposed through environment, as amongst the poor of cities, amongst dairies in the suburbs of cities, etc., to the quantitative virulence of the infecting agency. Hence it will be at once apparent that the sanitary question of how to lessen the existence of tubercular bacilli exter- *G0KM'H, December 29th, 1893. To Dh. p. H. BiiYCK, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. Si K,_Knclo8cd please tind .statement as to the condition of two pure bred Hereford cows slaughtered November and December, 1893. The animals in ((ue^tion were shipped out to Southern Alberta, October, 1889. Wintered in a good pasture with open shedding (sheltered) and hay in abundance when needed. Turned loose all summer on the ])rairie. Elevation about sea level, 3,000 feet. believe me, yours faithfully, (Sgd.) EoMUNiJ A. Elton. Lilly Grove pure bred Hereford cow, seveh years old (barren). The above-men- tioned cow was apparently a splendid specimen of lier breed, always in good condition. Calved at three years, and has not calved again. Butchered December 6th, 1893. Lungs— The lower portion of the right lung entirely gone tor about r-nv ;vn;liea, other- wise the lungs seemed ([uite sound. On the di.'xiihragm was a tubercle uVimit .' inches long li inches wide one-half an inch thick, containing hard, cheesy maf.er. .iu» '^ines- roUing'in fat which was dotted all over with small pea-like tubercL -' ^..irni^; hard, cheesy matter. On the right flank close to the hip bone was a mass of tubercles resem- bling a heaped up mass of peas, all containing a hard, cheesy matter. Small pea-hke tubercles adhered to the main carcass along the full length of the animal from neck to tail. Ovaries— Enlarged and contained hard, cheesy matter. Liver, etc, appeared healthy. Midnight (Lord Wilton), pure bred Hereford cow, six years old. Prolific breeder. Spayed spring of 1'-'"'i; showed no ill effects from the operation. Fattened rapidly on the prairie Siau' 1 tt- reu Nov^t ;ber, 1893. Symptoms a long drawn cough. Occasional at first, butmort ir.t, nfc wfjar winter of 1892-1893 when she strayed away during a storm ' Slunk he- -af ; nd aid not return until spring, as thin as a rail. Large glan- dular swelling m'.dat iaw Lungs— both badly diseased. One more than half gone with creamery pus I xuding from it. Intestines, covered with fat but healthy. Liver, ovaries, etc, he.ilthy. ,>n 23 e in ploy - J factors 1, which } in any ) aa far ral lines 1 tuber- .* . All animals s in the las been teracted. hat this who are aniongbt ;e of the sanitary li exter- th, 1893. Hereford >ber, 1889. ance when Kt;iON. ibove-men- I condition. ()th, 1893. lies, other- lut .! inches u-ce=^^ine8 — inin,; hard, clee resem- ill pea-like neck to tail. 3(i healthy. fie breeder. 1 rapidly on Occasional >y during a Large glan- I half gone hy. Liver, •V"* nal to the body (as in the air of rooms, stables, etc.,) holds a most intimate relation to the lessening of the virulence of the infection within the body. This is apparent, for when it is remembered how general the disease is it is hardly siipposable that most persona have not some time or other inhaled the germs of the disease, and that, natural resistance being present, it uuint be that every exposure increases the likelihood that this resistance may be overcome under some circumstances which make the inff ction greater or increase its temporary virulence. These circum- stances may be those peculiar to daily employment, the presence of damp- ness and impure air, to another case in the same house, or the special occasion when exponure has produced a localized congestion or chilling of the respiratory nir passages or when the protecting inlluence of a healthy mucous membrane in the bowels has disappeared owing to ulceration due to some diseane as in typhoid fever. There would seem little doubt but that it is similarlywhen unsuitable food h;i3 produced an irritatioa and v-ongestion o the stomach and bowels in children that bacilli introduced in milk are likely to fand their way into the system. Remembering these various influences for or against the introduction and progiens of infection, there would seem to be other circumstances incidental to the mode and point at which the bacillus is introduced into the organism which determine the future course of the infection. We have already followed the course of the lympathic circulation, as well aa the results where bacilli in quantity are introduced by intra- venous injection, or into the walls of the abdomen. Wo have seen that the bacilli are carried along in the blood stream to points in ditferent organs, and that, while local tubercular centres are established as in lung and spleen, the leucocytes to some extent transport the infective bacilli from these foci in the blood-vessels into those of the lymphatic system. From the many post mortems in both man and animals which show very frequent presence of tubercular deposits in the lymphatic glands of dif- ferent parts of the body there would seem to be no doubt but that the glands in tubercular as in other microbic infections act directly as recep- tacles for the nocuous materials which are removed from the blood by the depurating influence of the lymphatics. per cent 42 40 m 3 .2 l)er cent 6 d i per cent 2 Ontario Agricultural Col- lege lierd Mackenzie . Robertson . . Conrow .... Roeckl 8teiner and Neuretter . . Woodhead . Bertalot .... (^ueyrat Biedert Lerou.x Muller . . per cent 7 Ottawa E.xperimental Farm herd New Jersey (cattle) German;' (cattle) In children 56 29.4 51.5 25 90 t( 33 " meningitis .... Persons 96"" 79 83 36 58 4 .... 36 63 31 33 (( 29 f tuberculous cattle from the herds of Now York ; but it is feasible and promises the best results and certainty of fulfilment. Without tuberculin scarcely the badly diseased, or those selected for death in the near future, can be chosen." There remains therefore in Ontario in addition to abattoir and cow byre inspection the general inspection such as indicated by Mr. Curtis. It would mean for the 8,000 cattle of any township two inspectors testing 20 per day in order to perform the work in 400 days. As to what is done elsewhere the account by Dr. Woodhead, of Edin- burgh, as to the methods of inspection carried out in Denmark as witnessed by himself are of interest. METHODS OP CA.TTLE INSPECTION IN DENMARK. (a) First of all the sub-maxillary glands are examined ; these are easily felt, and any change is readily made out. (b) The glands at the root of the neck and those in front of the haunch bones are always carefully examined. The glands in the flank 86 should V)e f>(iual in size, about the size of the iiiicidin finger, and not hard. Mere enlarj»ement, «von when considerable, is however, not looked upon as of j^reat importance if it is perfectly ecjual on the two sides. (c) The animal is made to cough by means of pressure on the trachea, and the lungs are carefully examined during and after the coughing. The conditions of the skin over the flanks is carefully observed ; it should, in a healthy animal, be " loose," like that of a dog, soft and pliable ; any adhesion, hardness, or harshness, should be carefully noted. (d) The udder is carefully examined for inequality of size and for any induration. It is a scniowhat curious fact that tuberculous disease usually affects the hind (juarters of the udder, which becomes hard and knotty, but not painful ; whilst in acute inflammation of the udder, the anterior quarters are quite as much affected as the posterior ; the pain is usually very acute, and the process is accompanied by much more marked febrile symptoms. (e) Then the glands above the udder, high up between the quarters, are most carefully examined. In cases of tubercular disease of the udder these g' xnds are invariably affected, are unequal in size, and the larger one, corresponding to the affected quarter, is usually considerably indurated (/) Oareful auscultation is carried out at least once a month ; the fore foot of the side that is being examined being alway« well advanced. The normal expiration sound lasts half as long as the normal inspiration and if this rhythm is deviated from in any way, a further and thorough examination of the lungs should always be made. (g) The examination is continue I still further if the slightest sus- picion of tubercular disease is aroused by the above investigation, and an examination per rectum is made, with the object of determining whether there is any tubercle of the peritoneum or not. As the onset of the disease in the udder is so rapid, and as yet it is held by most observers that the bacilli may make their appearance in the milk, even where the udder is not directly affected, it follows that if there is the slightest suspicion of the existence of tubercular disease in a cow, the milk from tbat animal should not be put into the milk supply, and as a matter of fact, on the Danish farms above referred to, it is not sent to town but it is either thrown out, or after being most thoroughly disinfected by pro- longed boiling, is given to the pigs. (/i) The farmer keepa a record of the quantity of milk given by each cow, and a note of what is done with it ; and any milk that is put out of the supply by the veterinary surgeon or by the farmer himself, on account of suspected disease, is piid for by the compt-ny, or the difference between the full value and the value as pig food. 37 Any other inflHinniatory condition of the udder is carefully noted, and even then the milk is withdrawn from the regular regular supply. (i) A small (lunntity of mil!; is always drawn olf by the veterinary surgeon, who ciirofuUy notes its color. If it is too thin and watery looking he immediately condemns it ; whilst if it loses the peculiar blue tinge that freshly-drawn milk from a healthy cow almost invariably has, and takes on even a slight yellow tinge instead, the milk from the infected quarter is not used for any purposes, although the milk from othf^r quarters may be used, after being thoroughly boiled, for the feeding of pigs. The authorities of the Association insist rigidly on the fortnightly inspection, becaute it has been observed that very great swelling may appear as a sign of udder tuberculosis in froii ten to fourteen days, as in this position the onset of the tuberculous disease is usually much more rapid than in the lungs, in which the process in a very large majority of cases appears to be far more chronic in character. In all cases, the condition of the glands must be systematically and carefully observed. PREVENTION OF DANGER FROM THE INFECTED. However greatly the statistics already quoted show the demand for immediate action being taken in the work of inspection both for determin- ing the prevalence of tuberculosis in the Province, and for preventing the danger from the use of tuberculous meat and milk, it is apparent that the stockman and general public should be at once placed in a position to take every possible precaution for preventing the dissemination of the disease in herds or in individual cattle. {a) Isolation. — Whenever a case of acute contagious disease in man or in child exists, the first act on the part of the medical practicioner, or medical health officer, is to demand the isolation or separation of the sick from other susceptible persons. This is the first measure we would look for in dealing with any animal regarding the health of which there could be any doubt. But the illustrations already given as to how seldom the early stages of diseape in the tuberculous cow can be detected by even experienced veterinarians, point out the need for recognizing the absolute nece-ssity for every stable where cattle are kept being so constructed, as that its cleansing can be readily carried out, and that its ventilation be made of the most perfect character. (h) Ventilation. — The details of the consiruction of stables for cattle cannot be discussed at length in this report ; but what should be aimed at can be illustrated from the following considerations In man, the lungs 38 ■"^ weigh about two and one half pounds ; respirations occur 17 times per minute, p.nd the cubic inches of air expired with each respiration is about 27 With these facts as a basis the best practice in public hospitals in Great Britain and elsewhere is to allow from 1,500 to 2,000 cubic feet of air space for each patient, and the change of the air by ventilation, at least three times per hour, in order that the carbonic acid and the result of respiration may not be increased from the normal of three parts per 1,000 to beyond six parts. Assuming that the weight of a cow is five tira:s that of a man, and that the lungs maintain the same proportion it is evident that the cubic air space required for the health of a cow in a stable should be five times as great as for a man. We omit the fact that a cow makes four or five respirations more in a minute than a man ; but it is apparent that if we are to expect cow-byres to V)e other than simple breeding-places for tuberculosis and for its dissemination, most radical changes must be made in the great majority of stables where cows are now housed. Ordinarily the cows stand almost as close as enables them to lie down, the ceilings are low the space behind them small, and the presence of artificial ventilation is the exception rather than the rule. While it is quite true that crowding means warmth, vet it is equally true that it means that where in a stable few or many cows are housed together all breathe a common air, and all are exposed to the same common danger of infection. I'hat theory is in this matter close in keeping with fact, is seen from the multiplied statis- tics showing the increased percentage of tuberculosis, with age, in cows, the very high percentage in the milch cows of city dairies where they are constantly housed, the unusually high percentage of the thorough-bred herds most carefully housed and cared for, and the relative freedom of young cattle running in the fields and under sheds in winter, and the few calvt. found to be affected with tuberculosis. This latter fact is of extreme importance in this connection, since it seems the nest convincing proof that aerial infection by way of the lungs, rather than infection from the milk of the mother, is the common method by which tuberculosis in cattle is spread. The importance of this latter fact cannot be sutticiently dwelt upon ; for in it lies an amount of hope for the future, which encourages us to put forth every energy for taldng advantage of what it teaches. (c) Food and Water for Cattle.— In the ordinary cases where proper feeding is resorted to there can bo little or no danger of infection by 39 food ; but the dissemination of influenza and glanders in horses from drinking water illustrates the danger of infection where cows drink from the same trough, especially where, as in many good stables, a common stream of water flows in front of the stalls. The mucous discharges from the mouth and nostrils of a diseased cow, will be taken up with the water by others, and so infection will be spread. The remedy for this can, by a simple structural conveniencp, be applied. With regard to the feeding of calves, the facts already given distinctly indicate the direction preventive measures should take. While readily admitting the advantages for rapid growth by suckling in the early life of a calf, yet the ease with which hand-fed calves are reared, obviates any prac- tical difficulty in at once removing the calf at birth fro u the mother to some warm stsvble, free from every possible danger of contaminated air. Remembering the presence in the milk of the bacilli of tubi^rculosis, in cases where the cows may appear in good health, and the possibility of infection by the stomach, prudence points to the advisability of raising the milk to a temperature of 175 degrees F. fo^lO minutes before feeding in order to destroy the germs of the disease. With the general adoption of these methods, and remembering the rarity of pre-natal infec- tion, it will be seen that in a very short period every farmer may have a herd free from tuberculosis, if stable infection is wholly removed, and no new cattle introduced to the farm, until by the tuberculin test, they have been proved free from the infection. {d) Treatment of Infected Animals.— It is hardly necessary to say that in dealing with this matter whether in man or cattle, we find ourselves face to face with the greatest practical diflSculties. The broad fact exists of 150,000,000 of capital invested in cattle in Ontario; and how to conserve this enormous capital, and at the same time protect the lives of the people, as well as the future health of Canadian stock demands the most serious consideration of everyone interested directly or required officially to deal with the question. It is manifest that while no half measures will be of any serious value in limiting the disease, yet no recommendation for the wholesale destruction of diseased animals will meet with that popular approval necessary to the hearty cooperation of those having the largest interests at stake. Manifestly, however, the prompt inspection of cattle along the lines indicated, the better construction and ventilation of stables, and the isolation of animals as already suggested is wholly practicable ; while the I 40 selection of animals whose removal from the duty of milk-producing is demanded, may steadily be carried on. What then must be done with these ? It has again and again been noted that many of these are still apparently in good condition. It is our view that these should on the one hand be treated with successive injections of tuberculin, with a view to possible cure, while at the same time they aic being fed with a view to their future slaughter as beef, under inspection at death. (e) Quarantine.— The term is used in its application to the defensive measures carried out by the Federal Government with a view to prevent- ing the intrcduction of diseased cattle into Canada. This quarantine is both maritime and inland. The former, long established, has been directed ohiefly against pleuro-pneumonia and rinderpest, and in recent years inci- dentally perhaps against tuberculosis, while the latter oiierates against cattle from the United States, and is especially directed against pleuro- pneumonia and Texas cattle plague. Remembering how crude up to most recent years have been the measures taken for preventing the spread of infectious diseases amongst emigrants on ship- board, and how imperfect even yet, excepting the St. Lawrence Quarantine, is the nuans available for disinfecting passenj^er ships, we cannot be surprised if we find that in the matter of ship-room for cattle, especially to Eui .pe, and, for that matter from Europe, little or no attention has been paid to cubic air space, when, as has recently fre- quently bten pointed out, the cubic air space per emigrant to American ports tas in some instances not been more than 150 cubic feet. Remembering that it is the older steamers that are almost wholly engaged in cattle carrying ; that they are slow, taking 12 and 14 days in an ordinary passage, and that sanitation as provided in modern steamships is almost un- known in them, it is not then difficult to understand how such vessels must have been in their badly-lighted, damp, lower decks plague spots abound- ing with the germs of infectious disease from diseased cattle amongst the thousands which have been carried from year to year since the business of importing and exporting cattle began, and of how cattle €-, osed for several weeks in the damp and confined air of these holds can hardly have failed to become inoculated with the germs of tubercul- osis. In the Report of the Department of Agriculture of the Local Government Board of Great Britain for 1892 an illustration is given of what it is believed proves conclusively the existence of infection in one « I 41 « I of these ships : and which if properly viewed affords a true explanation of the dispute which has for months gone on relative to the existence or nonexistence of pleuro-pneumonia in Canadian cattle. " On October 11th a telegram was received at the Board of Agriculture from a well known and experienced veterinary inspector in the County of Fife reporting what he suspected to be a case of pleuro-pneumonia in his district. Instructions were given to him to slaughter the animals and forward the lungs to London. On exaniinatiou it was observed that about one-third of the posterior part of both of the large lobes was swollen and solid to the touch, and that there was extensive pleuritic exudation over tlie diseased part, and on cutting into the substance of the lungs the marked interlobular exudation, which is the most prominent lesion observed in contagious pleuro-pneumonia, was revealed, the case was therefore treated in the ordinary way— a travelling inspector was despatched to the farm to carry out the slaughter of all the cattle that had been in contact, and t(j make the usual iuciuiries on the origin of the diseased animal. " In the course of his enquiries the travelling inspector ascertained that the animal which had been slaughtered was one of a cargo of Canadian cattle which had been landed at Dundee on the 29th of September, where it was sold by auction and subsequently removed on October 6th to the farm in Fifeshire. On arrival it was placed along with the home stock, but finding it unwell it was removed on the following day to another farm for isolation. "The owner gave notice to the Veterinary Inspector of the district, who after keeping the animal under observation for two days decided in his own mind that it was a case of pleuro-pneumonia. " On the 22nd and 23rd of October further cases of pleuro-pneumonia were reported on two other farms in the County of Fife ; the cattle were acci rd- ingly slaughtered, and found to present all the appearances which are observed in pleuro-pneumonia. Both these animals were of Canadian origin, and were also purchased at Dundee on the 0th of October and brought direct to these farms. " From the extent of the lung involved and the alteration which had taken place in the structure, it was evident that the disease had not been contracted since landing in this country. Under these circumstances the Board decided to trace and slaughter all the animals which were sold on the 6th of October in the Mart at Dundee. This was carried out by the travelling inspector, and when slaughtering out the herds where the iirst case was detected in Fifeshire district, evidence of the disease in the early stage was detected in a small portion in the centre of one of the lungs of a home-bred beast 17 days after it had been in association with the diseased Canadian." Dealing further with quarantine, another practical question arises as to the probable danger of inoculation of cattle with tuberculosis while detained in quarantine during three months, as provided under the Regulations. It is manifest that if infection in past years has been intro- duced to the quarantine grounds, the conditions of infection will there be the same as in other stables or yards. What prevention in the matter of the importation of cattle means is from these statements at once apparent. Every Canadian ship engaged in the cattle trade should at once be dealt with al the St. Lawrence quarantine station in p manner I L 42 as thorough as where smallpox or cholerA has existed on shipboard. Such a disinfection as a routine measure, should be instituted, at any rate until some method of artificial ventilation is introduced, before any imported cattle are carried in the same ship that cattle are exported in. With regard to inland quarantine, the frequent changing of the quarantine grounds, easily carried out, should be enforced as a necessary routine precaution. With the facts with regard to the diagnostic value of tuberculin, as already set forth, it is hardly necessary to remark that no animal to be imported should be purchased for breeding purposes unless by the test it has been shown to be free from any trace of the disease. PREVENTIVE MEASURES IN MAN. Where so much has been written on the subject, it is hardly necessary to do more than point out what has already been from time to time referred to in various reports already adopted by this Board. We there- fore summarize the conclusions which deal with the practical aspects of the question. Inspection. What this means is indicated by the laws relating to other infectious diseases. («) Notificxtion. Before practical measures dealing with any parti- cular case can be applied, it is necessary from the public standpoint that the existence of cases of the disease be known. This means that the law shall provide that physicians and householders be required to notify municipal health departments or local boards of health of any cases which may exist in their practice or houses. When this has been done printed instructions can be left for the- guidance of householders and a record kept of the progress of such cases. (6) Inspection proper. This must naturally follow notification, but its operations must be much more extended. There exist, for instances, according to Dominion census returns in Toronto assuming its population to be one-tenth of that of the whole province, 3.200 industrial establish- ments, employing 16,000 persons, with an average of 5 emyloyees in each. The industries carried on are of the most varied character and under the most varied conditions (viewed from the health standpoint). Some, owing to the dust caused by the operations carried on are in themselves most 48 irritating to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, and create conditions most favorable for inoculation with the germs of tuberculosis, if present. Others are carried on in rooms, over-crowded and ill-ventilated. In these, especially, does the danger become great, when consumptives are found amongst the operatives. In addition to these places there are, especially in cities, public instil tutions, as hospitals, asylums, etc., in which cases of tuberculosis in large numbers are constantly present Schools and colleges ought, similarly with places of public resort, as hotels, court-rooms, railway stations, lecture-rooms, lodge-rooms, railway and street cars, etc.,be subject to inspection, with a view to maintaining their cleanliness and freedom from infection. (c) Isolation.— The use of the term here indicates what is meant as being necessary, with a view to preventing the dissemination of the microbes of the disease. The preceding paragraphs, relating both to statistical prevalence of the disease and to the infectious character of the sputum and other emanations from the persons of those affected, explain what prevention must mean. ^ s matters stand at present it must mean that, in houses and places where consumptives live, the individual sick must be encouraged, and in such cases as in factories, workshops, etc., be required to adopt special precautions with regard to the disinfection of sputum, clothing, etc., and that special disinfectant precautions by employers with regard to the work-rooms so occupied be enforced. (d) Homes.— This idea of inspection of work-rooms at once brings into prominence the other side of the question-one much larger and more difficult perhaps of solution— that of municipal provision in the shape of «• Homes for Oonsumptives." The counties have Homes in many instances for the poor and aged ; how much more necessary, both from the standpoint of protecting the public health and of prolonging the lives of the sick, to have homes, as farms situated on protected sites, where those who are' forced to earn a living might support themselves in part by occu- pations of various kinds, and where the invalided poor might, while pro- longing their lives, and in some cases recovering, be less of a burden to their families, while removed from the danger, by intimate contact, of spreading the disease in their own too crowded homes ! 44 Bearing upon the recommendations made in this report, there is herewith submitted a summary of methods and laws which elsewhere have been proposed for dealing with this disease in man and cattle. In the meantime, and until such time as special homes and hospitals for the treatment of consumptives be constructed, it is urgently demanded that the tuberculized in general hospitals, asylums, etc., be segregated in wards specially set apart for them. The information has been supplied by the principal neighboring States through a circular letter issued. Following is a summar' •' nsn-ers. Rhode Island. — No particulars available. Illinois. — No decided action taken beyond United Stu»>es Live Stock Gommission. Tennessee. — No official investigation. State Veterinarian appointed. No funds. Wisconsin. — Have State Vecerinarian. No reply froLi him. Indianapolis. — Live Stock Sanitary Commission. No reply from him. Texas. — No Commission. Iowa. — Has a State Veterinarian. He states he has destroyed, almost uniformly, any cases of tuberculosis reported. Indiana. — Farmers have become acquainted with disease. State Live Stock Commission exists. Indiana. — Vetenarian says there are no cases in the state. Ten were killed in four years. No examination of tho cattle made. Every case reported as suspected is examined. Michigan. — State Live Stock Commission exists. Laws were received. State Board of Health has made notification of consumption compulsory by physicians and householders. Ohio. — Live Stock Commission exists. No herds have been examined for tuberculosis. Laws received. Missouri. — State Veterinarian says, " No steps taken to determine extent of disease. No special provision therefore. Enough of latitude under the law to carry out such investigations and very necessary," "Washington. — Bureau of Agriculture. No action for quarantine or slaughter has been taken, because of the general prevalence of the disease. Bureau supplies tuberculin. Washington Territory State Board by reso- lution empowers its members to employ a veterinary surgeon for inspect- i 4- 45 ing any suspected cases of tuberculosis. If the Board's views are disre- garded, the Board considers it advisable that members publish the existence of the case. New York State has a special Commission appointed to deal with tuberculosis and to make special examination of cattle. "Where tubercul- osis is found to be present it is empowered to have apprisers fix the value of the cattle and give compensation where such are slaughtered. Extracts from the report of this Commission refer especially to the value of tuberculin as a diagnostic agent for detecting its presence in early cases of the disease. California has notification of the disease in men partially enforced. The laws of different German States require the inspection of all slaughtered animals at municipal abattors where inspection is very complete. The carcases are destroyed or dealt with in such a manner as to prevent infected meat from being dangerous if consumed. With the many phases in which this question of tuberculosis is seen to present itself, it is evident that no labor, however great, which may have been taken to illustrate the scientific and sanitary bearings of the subject can adequately convey the full significanje of the problem for solution, or of the enormous difficulties in the way of at once suggesting and still more carrying out practical measures for the same. Whatever practical measures are demanded by the situation must be such as will meet with the approval of the ptockman, of the legislator and of the general citizen. No person is free from the dangers attaching to the disease and none can devolve on others his personal interest and responsibility. It would appear that by a Commission composed of several individuals, represent- ative of the scientific, sanitary, agricultural and commercial interests, conclusions based upon an appreciation of the broader facts, might be arrived at, which would, if acted upon, be productive of benefits in a few years, which at present it is impossible to realize. Table— Giving result of post mortems on 28 cattle slaughtered at Tuberculin Reaction being given. 'i ^. 1. Imported Guern- July, 1893 sey Bull. Oct. 10, 1893 Deo. 19, 1893 Date of Injection. 2. Grade (Lassie) cow July, 1893. 3. Ayrshire Cow July, 1893. (Cherry of Nether land). 4. Guernsey Bull- Calf (6-7 mths. eld) July, 1893. 5. Holstein Cow (Artis Kassie). 6. Holstein cow (Alvo). 7. Holstein cow (Ar tis Kassie Queen). 8. Guernsey cow (Joan). 9. Guernsey cow (Sarih). -SI — a p I I October 10. 1893 . . . December 19, 1893. October 10,1893... December 19, 1893. October 10, 1893..., December 19. 1893., October 10,1893... December 19, 1893. October 10, 1893... December 19,1893. 10. Devon Grade October 10, 1893. Heifer (Cherry II.) December 19, 1893. 1 year 8 mths. old. 11. Red Poll cow October 10, 1893. 4 CO. 6i c.c. 4 c.c. 4 c.c. 4 c.c. 2 c.c. 64 c.c. 4 c.c. 6i c.c. 4 c.c. 6i c.c. 4 c.c. (JJcc. 4 c.c. 64 c.c. 3 c.c. 4.4 c.c. 3 c.c. 64 c.c. a o J8 ® • Q. * as loov; 101^ 100 1001 IOC* 1011 100* lOU 1001 loif lOOf 1004 1001 ioo» 99t 1005 100^ 100* 1^ a ll 2i ^ Oi , t- 08 a to OJ -,•2 U M ? -C -a 3 fe o .S?1S ^.Si. w w o lOfilr 11 15 105^ 10-30 104i 1 -»KS 13-55 1Q Oft 106 107 106 107? 103f 107 lOU 105f 101^ 1061 104* 106* 1061 106? Bronchial Glands. Badly dieeased 13 35 Only one or j two glands. 11-10 Autopsy re- sults not f;i- ven in detail, simply tu- berculosis well marked and exten- sive. 11-16 Autopsy re- sults not gi- ven in detail, simply tu- berculosis well marked and exten- sive. Healthy. 10-25 13-45 8-65 Badly diseased 15-15 caseating and suppur- ating. 8-50 10 25 13-561 16-50 Next m'rn'g at 9.30 1021 13-10 14-65 7-26 9-25 Very largely diseased. Very large and gener- allyinvolved i- w% mi' 1030 Tr x\ 47 Ontario Agricultural College for suspected Tuberculosis, owing to Hour of injection 6 a.m. 1- Lungs. Extensive and dif- fused tubercular deposits in both. Healthy. Numerous nodules, softening of left lung. Caseating nodules in apex of left lung. Liver. Healthy. Healthy. Healthy. m'% Right several large softening nodules. Left active inflam- mation. Tubercular nodules in both lungs. a Healthy . S.S "■ .5 I- o SB'S '3 ■una o Healthy. Healthy., Healthy. Healthy. CI Remarks. Disseminate tubercles. Healthy. Testicles healthy. Di.sease well marked but not extensive. I Enlarged caseating gland pressing on ductus choledochus Healthy Healthy. Mesenteric glands en- larged. Whole tis- sues suspi' clous. Healthy.... Practically no re- action at seccnd test. Milk examined and no bacilli found. Practically no re- action at second test. Bacilli in milk twice. Flesh very yellow, Bacilli in milk twice. This heifer pre- sented at each test a second maximum, viz. : 106? IG.lOain. 106 11.30min. Returns of F. M. not yet in. §:..M 48 Table — Giving result of post mortems of 28 cattle slaughtered at Tuberculin Reaction 12. Red Poll cow (Anna). 13. Ayrshire heifer (Patience II). 14. HoUtein heifer. . 10. Grade cow 17. (irade cow (Old Racket). 18. Ayrshire cow (Nellie). 19. Red Polled calf (Anna II) 20. Ayrshire calf (Nellie II). 21. Jersey heifer (Canada Rose) 22. Ayrshire heifer (Duchess v.). 23. Jersey Grade calf (SpjtII.). 25. tfolstein heifer (Conelia Oassie) 26. Holstein bull- calf (Kassie's Queen's Mink Mer- cedes). 27. Grade cow (D.iiry Queen). 28. Gride cow (Blue Bell). Date. October 12, 1893 . . . December 19. 1893. October 10, 1893 . . December 19, 1893. October 10, 1893... December 19, 1893. October 10, 1893 . . . October 10, 1893... December 19, 1893. October 10, 1893... December 19, 1893. December 19, 1893., December 19, 1893.. December 19, 1893 . , December 19, 1893.. December 19, 1893., December 19, 1893.. December 19, 1893., December 19, 1893.. December 19, 1893., a a o a 1 4.4 c.c. 3 c.c. 4.4 c.c. 3 c.c. 4.4 c.c. 3 c.c. 64 c.c. 4.4 c.c. 4 c.c. 4.4 c.c. 3 c.c. 1 c.c. 1 c.c. 2 c.c. lice. li c.c. 3 c.c. 2 c.c. 4 c.c. 4 c.c. lOOi 100* 102 1001 lOOi lOOi 1001 looa 101' lOOJ 100^^ 104:^ 102! lOoJ! 102y lOi 106 lOo* 105 104il lOJi lOls 101 105J 1001 I 104g lou io?l lOOi 101 lOls loot 1001 lOOi 106,1 105S 106J 105i| 105^ 101? c IJronchial (i land 8. 15-5 15-20 1416 14-00 13-20 13-40 11-40 14-50 13-50 14-45 10-20 11-30 13-55 10 25 140D 11-30 1030 14-5 14-0 14-0 Suppurating numerous deposits, One small gland dis- eased. Healthy Extensively diseased. A few small tubercles. Badly involv- ed. Few glands dif msed. One small gland suspi- cious. 49 Ontario Agricultural College for suspected tuberculosis, owing to being given. — Concluded. LuuKB. Liver. Right extensively diseased. Left with numerous caseatitiK nodules. Adherent to dia- pliragm. Right apex infiltrated, also caseating nodules Left several small nodules necrotic, and well marked, Diffused tubercles in both lungs, left extensively hepa- tized. Several small tuber cles in left lung. Healthy Healthy . Healthy Small, rather cir- rhotic, otherwise healthy. Adherent exten- sively diseased, several abcesBes, one large suppur ating cyst. Several nodules with enveloping fibroid areas . 73 H ■ S 1^ b Healtliy . Healthy. One small tuberculous gland. Healthy.. Udder. Healthy. Healthy. Two or three tuber- I Healthy. cles. I Extensively involved Healthy, also scattered tu- bercles in lymph glands. Healthy Udder sus- picious, remaining' organs healthy. Healthy Healthy. One small caseating nodule. Remarks. P. M. returns not yet in. /Vo bacilli in milk. Evidences of case- ating action. P. M. returns not j yet in. I P. M. returns not I yet in. P. M, returns not yet in. P. M. returns not yet in. 50 KesultB of TeBts on cattle at Experimental Furra, Ottawa, Tuberculin Reaction confirmed by po«t mortem. Animal. 1. Jorsey c«iw, 2. Calf of same, Eremature irth, 1 mth. 11 days old. 3. Short horn bull. 4. Devon cow. 5. Polled AnffUH 6. Jersey .... 7. Durham . . . 8. Durham , . . 9. Durham . . 10. Shorthorn grade. 11. Ayrshirecow 12. Grade cow . 13. Jersey cow . 14. Short horn g; ade. 15. Durham cow 16. Short horn cow. Date. 1892 and 1893. Bronchial (i lands. Diseased Healthy. Diseased liUngH. Healthy . Badly dis- eased. Badly dis- eased. Healthy. Diseased Diseased . Diseased . Bjth luuK'i very badly also pleura Healthy Both lunffB, especially the left diseased. One lung diseased. Lungs bad. Both lungs bad. Both lungs. Liver. Other organs. Small tuber- Small deposits cular de- on abdominal posits wall of dia- jihragm. Tubercles in liver cap sule. Healthy.... Both lungs. Both lungs, andgrapey deposit on trachea and pleura costalis. Right lung almost solid, pleu- ra costalis diseased. Lungs bad, 'Healthy. . grapey deposit on pleura costalis . Healthy.... Inflammatiou of abdominal organs. No post mor- tem clinically diagnosed an tuberculosis. Healthy Liver badly diseased. Tubercles in liver cap- sule and in substance of liver. Healthy Tubercles in abdominal cavity, bunch attached to uterus. Gra])ey deposit in abdominal walls and at- tached to uterus . One small Healthy. area at tip diseased. I Diseased, Diseased. pleura cos-' talis also. I Small mass on diaphragm. • r i I 61 r llesults of Tests on cattle at Experimental Farm, Olta.w a. —Concluded. Animal. Date. Bronchial Glands. LuDgB, Liver. Other orgaDH. 17. Shorthorn cow. 1892 and 1893. DiseaHed . . . Both lungs. Diseased. 18. Devon bull. Healthy.... Both lungs, grapey de- posit on pleura cos- talis. Diseased. 19. Holsteincow 20. Holstein bull calf. 21. Ayrnhire tow. Healthy... Healthy... Diseased . . . One hmg diseased. Small pimp- ly growth on pleura imlmon- aliH, lungs healthy. Diseasecf . . . Diseased . . . Healthy.... Healthy.... Healthy Healthy, , Healthy. 22. Durham grade. Diseased , , . Healthy. Diseased . . . Mass of tu- bercles on jwritoneal lin- ing of dia- 23 French cow. 24. Devon cow . . Healthy.... Diseased . . . Both lungs.. One lung sound, one slightly diseased, grapey de- posit on pleura costalis. • Diseased . . . Diseased . , , phragm. Healthy. Healthy. 2B. Devon cow. . 26. Durham grade. Diseased . . . Slightly dis- eased One lung diseased. Healthy.... 1 Healthy Healthy.... Healthy. Healthy. 27. Holstein 28. Holstein.... 29. Durham bull Diseased . . . Diseased . . . Healthy... Healthy....] One lung diseased. One lung badly. One lung dineased, tubercle attached to trachea. Healthy .... Healthy.... Diseased . . . Healthy. Healthy. Healthy. .30. Holstein (?). Healthy .... Diseased . . . Healthy.