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 Held at Ladner's Landing, May 9 and 10, 1894. 
 New Westminster: 
 commerciai, printing company, i.imited. 
 An address of welcome to the Grand Lodge was tendered by 
 W. H. Ladner, Esq., Reeve of Ladner's. 
 Grand Master Workman Marcus Wolfe replied, thanking the 
 /7^ 1 1 , ^^^'^^ welcome given to the Grand Lodge, A.O.U W 
 of British Columbia, and wishing the District every prosperitv 
 rall.^^' Gr^'^d I.odge of the A.O.U.W. of British Columbia was 
 called to order at 11:40 o'clock a.m.. Grand Master Workman Wolfe 
 in the chair. 
 v.Jn^ 'f .r' "'^^"'^ '"^^ '^'^ following officers, committeemen and 
 Past Grand Master Workmen were found present : 
 Gustave Leiser -p^^. ^ , ,, 
 Marcus Wolfe ^" f.? ^^""^ ^^'^^' 
 J. D. Warren .::::: z::::::;:::::::::''''^?' ^^7°^ 
 L. W. Paisley << ^ 
 Tx T ,/ Overseer 
 Henry Jewell ,, ^ , 
 ■D ^ xir-n- Recorder 
 R. T. Williams <« t> 
 « T T> ji Receiver 
 F. L. Budlong .. ^^^.^^ 
 W. A. De Wolf-Smith.. '( t^ja- ^^ 
 R.B.DKelly ZZIZZIZ Medical Examin'r 
 Henry Kipp | " Trustees 
 Henry Hoy 
 W. H. Keary.... ]e 
 G. Leiser • Supreme Representatives 
 ^- J^^^^°"' James Critchley. 
— 4- 
 Henry Hoy, 
 A. M. Bullock. 
 G. lyciser, M. Wolfe, 
 H. Hoy. 
 J. T. Mcllmoyl, 
 Henry Hoy, 
 W. H. Keary. 
 Bro. H. Youdall was appointed to act as assistant to the Grand 
 The Grand Master Workman announced the appointment of the 
 following Committee on Credentials : Bros. J. T. Mcllmoyl, Henry 
 Kipp and Henry Jewell. 
 The Grand Lodge then adjourned to meet at i o'clock p. ni. 
 On resuming business the report of the Committee on Credentials 
 was presented as follows : 
 To the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. of B.C.: 
 Your Committee on Credentials beg leave to report that they have 
 duly examined the credentials presented to thcni, and find the under- 
 named Past Master Workmen entitled to seats in the Grand Lodge, 
 and recommend that the Grand Lodge Degree be conferred on those 
 present who are not already members of the Grand Lodge. 
 (Signed) J- T. McIi.moyi,, 
 Henry Kipp, 
 Henry Jewei^i.. 
 Name of Lodge. 
 J. E. Church, 
 A. M. Bullock, 
 Henry Hoy, 
 New Westminster.. 
 W. H. Lewis, 
 1 ( 
 ( c 
 C. W. Horth. 
 M. M. Myers, 
 F. Gilchrist, 
 ( ( 
 J. E. Phillips, 
 E. J. Salmon, 
 Western Star, 
 A. E. Woods, 
 New Westminster. 
 W. H. Keary, 
 Henry Kipp, 
 Chilliwack Valley, 
 F. L. Budlong, 
 Alex. Gilchrist, 
 Ladner's Landing. 
 Rey. B. K. McElmon, 
 J. H. Laity, 
 Maple Leaf, 
 Port Haney. 
 F. J. McKay, 
 E. R. Bailey, 
 On motion the report of the Committee on Credentials was adopted. 
 The Journal of Proceedings of the Annual Session of the Grand 
 Lodge held in 1893, was on motion, adopted as printed. 
 '^ *» 
 The Grand Lodge Degree was then conferred upon the following 
 delegates by Grand Master Workman Wolfe, assisted by Past Grand 
 Master Workman G. Leiser : 
 E/os. A. Gilchrist, V. J. McKay, B. K. McElmon, A. E. Wood, M. 
 M. Myers, E. R. Bailey, J. H. Laity, W. H. Lewis and J. E. Phillips. 
 Bro. C. W. Horth was appointed Grand Outside Watchman and 
 Bro. F.J. McKay Grand Inside Watchman. 
 The following appointments were then made by the Grand Master 
 Workman : 
 Bro. B. K. McElmon, of Cloverdale Lodge No. 14, on the Finance 
 Committee, Bro. E. Bragg being absent. 
 Bro. J. T. Mcllmoyl, of Vancouver Lodge No. 5, on the Committee 
 on Laws, Bro. Murray Thain being absent. 
 Committee on Distribution. — G. Leiser, F. L. Budlong and W. H. 
 Committee on Grievances. — M. M. Myers, A Gilchrist and E. R. 
 Committee on Good of the Order. — R. T. Williams, W. H, Keary 
 and W. A. DeWolf-Smith. 
 The Grand Master Workman then read his report. 
 On motion the report of the Grand Master Workman was referred 
 to the Committee on Distribution. 
 The Grand Recorder then presented his annual report. 
 On motion the report of the Grand Recorder was referred to the 
 Committer on Distribution. 
 The Grand Receiver presented his annual report. 
 On motion the report of the Grand Receiver was referred to the 
 Committee on Distribution. 
 The report of the Grand Medical Examiner was then read and on 
 motion referred to the Committee on Distribution. 
 The report of the Representatives to the Supreme Lodge was then 
 read and on motion referred to the Committee on Distribution. 
 The Finance Committee's report for the year was then read. 
 The report of the Committee on Finance was on motion referred 
 to a Special Committee consisting of Bros. Mcllmoyl, A. Gilchrist, G. 
 Leiser, H. Hoy and J. E. Phillips. 
 The Special Committee appointed at the last session to select a 
 suitable testimonial for presentation to P. G. M. W. Leiser presented 
 their report. 
 On motion the report was received and adopted. 
•<— »6^-* 
 *f he Committee on L,aws reported verbally (by Bro. H. Hoy, chair* 
 man) that only a few cases of amendments to the By-laws of Subordi- 
 nate Lodges had been submitted to them during the year. 
 On motion the report was received. 
 The Committee on Arbitration asked for further time to report, 
 and on motion this was granted them. 
 On motion it was resolved that resolution No. 25, page 50, of the 
 proceedings of 1893 be suspended. 
 Document No. i. — Resolved, that in all amendments to the Grand 
 and Subordinate Lodge Constitutions, the Benficiary and General 
 Laws of the Order, the section proposed to be amended shall be re- 
 written so as to read as amended, and shall be published in like man- 
 ner in the proceedings of the Grand Lodge. 
 J. T. McIl^MOYI,, 
 W. H. Keary. 
 Documeut No. 2. — "Whereas, there are reputed to be several 
 hundred Workmen residing in British Columbia who are members of 
 other Grand Lodge jurisdictions, and who do not affiliate with us on 
 account of the cost of doing so by card ; 
 And whereas, it is highly desirable that these Brethren should be 
 added to our numbers if possible ; 
 And whereas, Sec. 3, Art. 4, page 58, Grand Lodge laws, provides 
 that the fee for admission by card shall not exceed five dollars, and 
 clearly leaves it optional with the Subordinate Lodges whether they 
 charge and admission fee in such cases or not ; 
 Therefore be it resolved, that this Grand Lodge strongly recom- 
 mends the Subordinate Lodges of British Columbia to suspend for a 
 period of one year, that section of their by-laws fixing an entrance fee 
 for members admitted by card ; and further, that the Grand Recorder 
 be instructed to issue Beneficiary Certificates free of charge to all 
 members admitted by card before the next sitting of this Grand 
 Lodge, thereby reducing the cost of admission in such cases to the 
 nominal sum of four dollars (I3.00 for the doctor's fee and |i.oo for 
 advance Beneficiary assessment}. E. J. Sai^mon. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. j. — That Sec. i, Art. 4, page 58, Constitution of 
 Subordinate Lodges be amended to read : 
 Section i. The initiation fees shall be as follows : 
 Persons under 25 years of age $ 
 Persons over 25 years but under 30 years 2 00 
 . w. 
 I 50 
 1 I 00 
 2 00 
 2 00 
 3 00 
 3 00 
 3 50 
 3 50 
 4 00 
 4 00 
 4 50 
 4 50 
 5 00 
 5 00 
 5 50 
 5 50 
 6 50 
 6 50 
 7 50 
 7 50 

 Persons over 42 years but under 43 years |8 50 $850 
 43 " " 44' " 9 50 9 50 
 44 " " 45 " 10 50 10 50 
 Which several sums shall be deemed to cover all expenses attendant 
 on admission to the Order in British Columbia except the local ex- 
 amininj^ physician's fee, which shall be paid by the applicant at the 
 time of his medical examination. E.J. Sai^mon. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 4. — That Sees. Nos. 13, 14 and 15, page 38, of Grand 
 Lodge Constitution be amended to read 
 That two assessments of one dollar each shall be paid to the Fi- 
 nancier of each Lodge by every member of the Order in each and 
 every month who has received the Workman Degree prior to the 15th 
 day of the month immediately preceding, which assessment shall be 
 paid without notice on or before the first of each month, excepting the 
 months of and 
 In case the proceedings from the assessments, as provided in the 
 foregoing section, are not sufficient to meet the demand made upon 
 the Beneficiary fund, the Grand Recorder, with the approval of the 
 Grand Master and Finance Committee, may levy other assessments at 
 their discretion. 
 Provided further, if in the opinion of the Grand Master, Grand 
 Recorder and Finance Committee, the amount on hand in the Benefi- 
 ciary Fund is sufficient with what may be expected from delayed as- 
 sessments to pay all demands which are or may be expected, no assess- 
 ment for Beneficiary Fund shall be called for the month'^of November. 
 When additional assessments are needed they shall be made on 
 the first day of or which is not Sunday, and 
 notices shall be mailed by the Financiers not later than the 8th day 
 of the month in which the assessment is made, and the amounts col- 
 lected, with the monthly reports, shall be remitted to the Grand Re- 
 corder not later than the 5th of the following month. 
 J. D. Warren. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 5. — Resolved, that when a Brother reports himself 
 unable to meet current assessment and the Relief Committee being 
 satisfied that he needs assistance, that his Lodge shall pay such 
 assessments. Jas. Critchi^ey. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Docum,ent No. 6. — Resolved, that for the purpose of regulating 
 Lodge number, every Lodge desiring to take another number from 
 that which they now have may do so when such numbers are not ap- 
 propriated. Any newly organized Lodge may take any number not 
 appropriated at the time of its organization. Hy. Jewei<i«. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 7. — That this Grand Lodge is of the opinion that 
 the issuing of Beneficiary Certificates to the amount of |i,ooo, as well 
 as issuing Beneficiary Certificates for |2,ooo, would be beneficial to this 
 jurisdiction and tend to increase its membership. 
 Members whose Beneficiary Certificate is for |i,ooo paying 50 cents 
 for each assessment, and members whose Beneficiary Certificate Is for 
 |2,ooo payiiif^ |i.oo for each assessment. J. D. Warrkn. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. S. — That all orders for supplies sent by Subordinate 
 Lodges shall be accompanied by money for the same and that the 
 Grand Recorder is hereby instructed to withhold supplies until in 
 receipt of money and that a price list of all supplies be sent to each 
 Subordinate Lodge. Wm. Jackson, 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Docuntent No. g. — That a committee consisting of five Past Grand 
 Master Workmen be and is hereby appointed by this Grand Lodge to 
 generally revise our Constitution and to report thereon at our next 
 annual meeting. W. II. Keary. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. lo. — That whereas the supply of the Grand Lodge 
 Constitution is limited aiul that some difficulty arises from the fact 
 that portions of it are co:itradictory ; 
 Therefore be it resolved, tbat the Grand Lodge Officers take such 
 steps at an early date as may be necessary to procure a thorough re- 
 vision of the Constitution so that it may harmonise with the Laws of 
 the Order and that a special committee be appointed by the Grand 
 Master for that purpose. Hy. Jewei,!,. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Documeut No. ii. — That Sec. 5, Art. 5, page 65, of the Constitu- 
 tion of Subordinate Lodges be amended by adding the following after 
 the word "Order" : 
 It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep a registry in the ante- 
 room wherein every member entering shall record his name. He 
 shall keep a record of the attendance of each member and forward a 
 copy of such record to each member quarterly, commencing on the 
 first day of January in each year. G. Leiser. P. G. M. W. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Documeut No. 12. — That whereas by Relief Call No. 14 the amount 
 due the Supreme Lodge from the Grand Lodge of B. C. was I862.50 
 and the amount collected in 1893 was fBgo.oo, which was not sufficient 
 to meet our obligations to the Supreme Lodge, there being a deficit of 
 1172.50 which has been advanced from the General Fund ; 
 Be it therefore resolved, that the Grand Recorder, with the con- 
 sent of the Finance Committee, shall levy a call of $2.00 for the month 
 of to meet our obligation for a Relief Call No. 15 in 1895. 
 Hy. jEWEiyiy. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 13. — Resolved, that whereas cases have occurred in 
 this jurisdiction in which applicants desired to make their Beneficiary 
 payable to an affianced wife ; 
 Be it therefore resolved, that this Grand Lodge gives its consent 
 to the naming of such a person on the Beneficiary Certificate of those 
 desiring to do so. Hy. Jewei«i.. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
Document No. 14. — Resolved, that the word "Documents'* on page 
 42, line 12, of the Report of Pro':eedings of Grand Lodge 1893, be 
 amended to read 'recommendations." W. A. Dk\Voi,i*-SmiTh. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 1$. — Communication from Leiser Lodge No. 13. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 16. — Commuuication from Bro. Horth re Bro. 
 Received and referred to the Committee on Grievances. 
 Document No. iS. — That Sec. i, Art. 6, page 24, of the Constitu- 
 tion of the Grand Lodge be amended by striking out "So that less 
 than a constitutional quorum" and inserting in place the words "to 
 less than 12 members" so as to read "5th. By its members diminish- 
 ing to less than 12 members it may be suspended either by the Grand 
 Lodge in session, or by the Grand Master Workman, etc." 
 On motion referred to the Co*i' littee on Laws. 
 Document No. ig. — That the ohi*. ;s of Grand Inside Watchman, 
 Grand Outside Watchman and Grand Guide be appointed by the 
 Grand Master Workman at the < peuiiig of each annual session of the 
 Grand Lodge, from amongst .\e representatives to serve during the 
 session. GuSTAV Leiser, 
 Hy. Kipp, 
 A. E. Woods, 
 Jos. E. PH11.UPS, 
 M. M. Myers. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. p>o. — That public installations be sanctioned in this 
 jurisdiction, all secret work and signs being omitted. 
 J. D. Warren, 
 W. H. Keary, 
 M. M. Myers, 
 Hy. Kipp. 
 On motion referred to the Committee on Laws. 
 Document No. 21. — Query i. Can a suspended member take his 
 seat in the Lodge room, or has the Master Workman a right to refuse 
 admittance to a Brother while he is suspended for non-payment of 
 dues or assessments ? 
 Document No. 22. — Query 2. Hasan Officer a right to take his 
 chair when the Lodge is in session while he is suspended for non-pay- 
 ment of dues or assessments ? 
 On motion these two queries were referred 10 the Committee on 
 On motion the Grand Lodge then took recess until 7:30 o'clock p.m. 
 The Grand Lodge was called 1:0 order by G. M. W. Wolfe at 7:30 
 o'clock p. m. when Bros. Past Masters Lord and Baker and represent- 
— td— 
 ative J. E. Church (of Victoria Lodge, No. i) were announced aS 
 being in waiting, and were duly initiated in the Grand Lodge Degree. 
 Document 23. — Report of the Committee on Distribution : 
 To the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. oj B. C. : 
 We, your Committee on Distribution beg leave to report that the 
 reports of the Grand Piaster Workman and Grand Medical Examiner 
 and part of the report of the Grand Recorder be referred to the Com- 
 mittee on Good of the Order. That the report of the Grand Receiver 
 and part of the report of the Grand Recorder be referred to the Com- 
 mittee on Finance, and that the report of the Committee on Finance 
 be referred to the Special Committee on F^'inance. 
 Yours in C. H. & P., 
 W. H. Lewis. 
 On motion the report was adopted as read. 
 Document No. 24. — Report of the Committee on Good of the Order : 
 To the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. W. of B. C. : 
 Your Committee on Good of the Order beg to report as follows : 
 I. In regard to the communication from Nanaimo Lodge (Docu- 
 ment No. 16) with reference to the case of Bro. O'Connell, we recom- 
 mend that he be advised to make an appeal to the Supreme Lodge in 
 the proper way, and that out representatives to the Supreme Lodge 
 be instructed to press his claims in the strongest manner. 
 II. In reference to Document No 7, we recommend that the Grand 
 Lodge pass this resolution. 
 III. In reference to Document No. 8, we see no objection to its 
 being passed. 
 iv. We recommend that Document No. 19 be adopted, and that 
 the Grand Guide be appointed at the same time, 
 V. With reference to the report of D. D. G. M. W. Villemar, we 
 recommend to meet such cases and to advance the Order throughout 
 the jurisdiction, that a Grand Lecturer be appointed. 
 VI. We recommend that the suggestion of the Grand Recorder, 
 that the meeting of the Grand Lodge be held earlier in the year, be 
 VII. We recommend that although funds will not permit of any 
 more substantial recognition of the valuable services of the Receiver 
 and Finance Committee, this Grand Lodge tender them their hearty 
 VIII. We recommend that after due care has been taken to 
 correct typographical and other errors, the report of the Grand 
 Recorder be printed. 
 IX. We recommend that the report of the Grand Medical 
 Examiner be printed. 
 X. With regard to the suggestion of the Grand Master Work- 
 man, that meetings of this Grand Lodge be held biennially, we think 
 that this would be a move in the right direction, provided the money 
 required to hold the session omitted be expended in paying a Grand 
 XI. We suggest also that the Subordinate Lodges in this juris- 
 diction take advantage of the offer of the Canadian Overseer, as rec- 
 ommended by the Grand Master Workman. 
 Xll. We also desire to compliment the Grand Master Workmatt 
 bn his able and exhaustive report, and recommend that it be printed. 
 All of which is fraternally submitted. 
 W. A. DeWoi.k-Smith, 
 W. H. Keary, 
 R. T. WlLIvIAMS. 
 On motion the report of the Committee on the Good of the Order 
 was taken up clavise by clause, each clause being adopted with the 
 exception of clause X, which was not adopted. 
 On motion the report of the Committee on Good of the Order was 
 adopted as amended. 
 Docufnent No. 25. — Supplementary report of the Finance Com- 
 mittee w^as received and adopted. 
 Document 26. — Report of the Special Committee on the Finance 
 Committee's report was received and adopted as read. 
 Document No. 2y.— Report of the Committee on Laws : 
 To the Grand Lodge of A.O. U. W. of B.C.: 
 We, your Committee on Laws, beg leave to submit the following 
 report : 
 Re Document No. 9. — We recommend its adoption and consider 
 No. 10 fully covered by No. 9. 
 Re Document No. 4. — Your Committee to whom was referred Doc- 
 ument No. 4, having carefully considered the proposed amendments do 
 not think it advisable to make any radical change in the Constitution 
 as you ha.e already appointed a Special Committee to revise the Con- 
 stitution and report at next annual meeting of Grand Lodge. We 
 would recommend, pending said report, that as Sec. 13, page 38, Grand 
 Lodge Constitution, fully provides for emergencies no action be taken 
 with the proposed amendments. We would also recommend that the 
 first month during the year in which there are no death claims, that 
 the Grand Recorder levy assessments to the amount necessary to make 
 the sums in Grand Lodge treasury sufficient to pay one death claim. 
 Re Document No. 5. — Your Committee are of opinion that this 
 matter be left entirely to the Subordinate Lodges. We therefore 
 recommend that no action be taken. 
 Re Document No. 6. — We recommend the adoption of this clause. 
 Re Document No. 13. — We recommend the adoption of this 
 Re Document No. 3. — Your Committee recommend that the word 
 "shall" in the first line be changed to " may," and that the scale 
 given in Document No. 3 shall be the maximum amounts charged for 
 degrees by Subordinate Lodges. 
 Re Document No. 14. — We recommend that this amendment be 
 Re Document No. 18. — We recommend that this resolution be not 
 Re Document No. i. — Your Committee deem the present law so 
 liberal that we cannot fee any reason for making a change. 
 ive Document No. ii. — We recommend to strike out all after "his 
 name" so as to read : "It shall be the duty of the Recorder to keep a 
 register in the ante-room wherein every member entering shall record 
 his name. That the register be obtained from the Grand Recorder." 
 Re Document No. 12. — We recommend the adoption of this 
 Re Document No. 21. — Query i. Answer, no. 
 Re Document No. 22. — Query 2. Answer, "lo. 
 All of which is resoectfullv submitted. 
 H. Hoy. 
 J. T. McIlmoyIv. 
 A. M. BUI.1.0CK. 
 The report of the Committee on Laws was then taken up clause 
 by clause, and on motion the different clauses were passed and the 
 report as a whole was adopted. 
 Document No. 28. — Report of the Committee on Grievances : 
 To the Grand Lodge of A. O. U. U. IV. of B. C. : 
 We, your Committee on Grievances, beg leave to report on the 
 communication from Leiser Lodge. 
 There are two grievances complained of : First, the time of meet- 
 ing of this Grand Lodge : second, the place of meeting. 
 To the first we would recommend that the meeting of this Grand 
 Lodge be held earlier in the season than the present one. 
 To the second we would recommend that the meetings of the 
 Grand Lodge be held in some place v/ithin easy reach of all parts of 
 theProvinc-, M. M. Myers, 
 E. R. BAIlyEY. 
 On motion the report of the Committee on Grievances was adopted. 
 Doeutnent No. 2g. — The Board of Arbitration submitted the report 
 re case of Wm. El ford. 
 On motion the report of the Board of Arbitration was adopted as 
 Document No. 30. — Resolved, that the Grand Recorder be in- 
 structed that on receipt of relief funds granttd to this jurisdiction, 
 he repay the same to the several Subordinate Lodges, awarding to each 
 an amount equal to that paid by them in excesii of the maximum rate 
 of the previous year. A. E.Wood. 
 On luotion referred to the Committee appointed to revise the 
 Document No. j/. — Resolved, that the next meeting of this Grand 
 Lodge be held at Vancouver, and that the date be changed to the 
 second Wednesday of March. 
 On motion the resolution was carried. 
 Document No. 32. — Resolved, that this Grand Lodge, recognizing 
 the untiring energy, 'vise councils and great ability displayed by the 
 retiring Grand Master Workman, Marcus Wolfe, congratulate him 
 upon the efficiency with which he has filled his high oflice, and tender 
 him our grateful acknowledgments and hearty thanks therefor, and 
 our good wishes for increased prosperity in all his future pursuits in 
 life. A. E. Wood, 
 J. T. McIl,MOYly, 
 H. Hoy. 
 W. H. Keary. 
 The resolution was adopted by a rising vote. 
 Document No. jj. — Resolved, that in future the Grand Recorder 
 shall call for tenders for all printing for Grand Lodge purposes. 
 On motion the resolut^'on was carried. 
 Document No. 34. — Resolved ; That 650 copies of Proceedings of 
 Grand Lodge be printed, and that the Grand Recorder mail one to 
 each member in the jurisdiction. 
 R. B. KeIvIvY. 
 On motion the resolution was carried. 
 It was moved by P.G.M.W. Gustav Leiser, seconded by Bro. M. 
 M, Myers that the expenditure for printing! the proceedings of the 
 Grand Lodge do not exceed f6o.oo. 
 The motion was carried. 
 Document No. jj. — Resolved ; That no business requiring refer- 
 ence to any committee be ent rtained by this Graui" Lodge after 6 
 o'clock p.m. 
 J. T. MCllyMOYI,, 
 A. M. BuivLOCK, 
 H. Hoy, 
 Gustav Leiser. 
 On motion the resolution was carried. 
 Document No. j6. — Resolved ; That the expense account of 
 Grand Master Workman Wolfe be paid by the Grand Lodge. 
 J. T. MclLMOYIv, 
 Gustav Leiser. 
 On motion the resolution was carried. 
 Document No. j/. — Resolved ; That the per capita tax for Hie 
 coming year be I4.00, and that I500.00 be devoted to paying a Grand 
 W. Jackson, 
 It was moved an amendment ; That the per capita tax be I3.00, 
 and that the advisability of engaging a Grand Lecturer be left to the 
 Grand Lodge Officers. The amendment was carried. 
 The nomination and election of officers was then proceeded with 
 with the following result. 
 Grand Master Workman, Bro. J. D. Warren of Victoria Lodge, No. 
 I, elected by acclamation. 
 Grand Foreman, Bro. L. W. Paisley of Chilliwack Lodge, No. lo, 
 elected by acclamation. 
 Grand Overseer, Bro. F. L. Budlong of Perseverance Lodge, No. 
 II, elected by acclamation. 
 Grand Recorder, Bro. H. Youdall, Fraser Lodge, No. 8. 
 Grand Receiver, Bro. R. T. Williams of Victoria Lodge, No. i, 
 was re-elected by acclamation. 
 Grand Guide, Bro. A. E. Wood of Fraser Lodge, No. 8. 
 Grand Medical Examiner, Bro. Dr. W. A. DeWolf-Smith vas 
 re-elected by acclamation. 
 Grand Trustee, Bro. R. B. Kelly of Brunette Lodge, No. 9, was 
 re-elected for the ensuing term of three years. 
 Grand Inside Watchman, Bro. A. Gilchrist of Delta Lodge, No. 
 12, was appointed. 
 Grand Outside Watchman, Bro J. H. Hughes of Western Star 
 Lodge, No. 7, was appointed. 
 Bro. J. T. Mcllmoyl, Vancouver, No. 5. 
 Bro. H. Hoy, Beaver, No. 3. 
 Bro. G. Leiser, Victoria, No. i. 
 The Grand Lodge Officers for the year 1894-5 were then duly 
 Grand Master Workman appointed the following committees. 
 Bro, J. T. Mcllmoyl, Vancoaer, No. 5. 
 Bro. H. Hoy, Beaver, No. 3. 
 Bro. A. M. Bullock, Granville, No. 2. 
 Bro. W. H. Keary, Brunette, No. 9. 
 Bro. H. Hoy, Beaver, No. 3. 
 Bro. A. E. Wood, Fraser, No. 8, 
 Document No. jS. — Resolved ; That the hearty thanks and good 
 wishes of Grand Lodge be extended to retiring Grand Recorder, H« 
 Jewell, who has at all times shown great kindness, consideration, and 
 untiring zeal in all work connected with his late office, and that we 
 r . 
 and be printed with the same ^ °^ '^" ^^""^ ^^^^ Report. 
 R- T. Wri^uAMs, 
 J. T. McIl^MOYI,, 
 M. Woi,FE, 
 H. Hoy, 
 W. H. Keary, 
 R. B. Kki,i,y, 
 carried u„.„i„u.,, b, ,t,„,i„g ,„,^ ^^ ^- °-Wo„-SM,.a, 
 Document No. jo.— Resolved • Tl,». 
 thanks are due, and herebvfeL J? r' """^ '''"'^"^ "d hearty 
 DeUaI,„dge,N„.x.,thei hospitals '.°'"'^"^ ^""^ *'^»''"' "f 
 to this Grand Lodge while SnseSon'^ ' "any conrtedes extended 
 J- T. McIl^MOYI,, 
 Carried uaamiously. Marcus Woi,fe, 
 theaLZro7:fi;et;lTue"^^ ^^^ ^-"<^ Receiver for 
 Carried. ^ ' members, amounting to I398.50. 
 On motion the Grand I.odge adjourned until 9 o'clock p.m. 
 1 he business of the Granf^T^/i u • 
 Worlcman declared it adjourned t^t^e% l"! ''"''''"''• ^"'"' faster 
 Wednesday in March, .C Vancouver on the second 
 .>•■■' / 
 I '