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The last recorded frame on each microfiche shall contain the symbol — ^ (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol V (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: L'exemplaire filmd fut reproduit grace k la g^n6rosit6 de: Husce des Beaux-Arts du Canada, Bibliotheque Las images suivantes ont 6x6 reproduites avec le plus grand soin. compte tenu de la condition et de la nettet* de l'exemplaire filmd, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat da filmage. Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture an papier est imprimAe sont film6s an commenpant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la dernidre page qui comporte una empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration, soit par le second plat, selon la cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmAs en commenpant par la premiAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas; le symbole — ^ signifie "A SUIVRE ", le symbole V signifie "FIN '. Les cartes, planchas. tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre filmAs A des taux de rAduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA ^ partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite. et da haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MlCKOCOHY RESOIUTION TEST CHART lANSI and ISO TcST a-^^:•(^ No 7] 1.0 I.I !.25 '- IIIIIM III 3 2 5„ 1.4 II 2.5 1 2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6 ^ ^PPL-IED IM^GE_ Inc =1 ">^i Last Ma>n il^eel rjZ ■■ ^ches'er. Jew York U609 U5A ■= '16) 482 - 0300 - Phone N910 S33 A51 1886 c.l ^i^M BcfinPBcoK i[ , ^9 1 ■ , ' EXHIBIT WofI^ by the Jugils during it| Jfirlt Jerm, IN CONNKXTION WITH TBK PERMANENT COLLECTION OF PAINTINGS IN THE GALLERY. PRINCIPAL Of CDUC«TION»l. DCPAHTMINT; JOHN HAMMOND. AN EXHIBITOR IN THE RO>?AL ACADEMY AND THE PARIS SALON. trustees: ROBERT REED, FRANCIS JORDAN, THOMAS JORDAN, JOHN HEGAN, ANDREW D. ROBERTSON. president: ROBERT REED. SAINT JOHN, N. B. J. & A. McMillan, 93 Prince William Street. 1886. The National Gallery of Canada library Galerie nationale du Canada bibliotheque s 4 .1 / M M ^ Lilt of Jugill C>)STKmUTINO TO THE KXIIIDITION OF WoRK EXECUTED DURINO THE FlIUfT Term (7 Months) fr6m 12th October, 1885, to l^rn May, 1886. MiM Adamn, " Allan, " P. Ilenrd, " B. Piirbonr, " Bull, " Barker, ' Bowden, " Berrj-man, Mrs. Blaine, Miss Bayard, " Boyd, Majtter W. J. Burditt, Mni. Cleveland, MLss Cownn, " Campbell, Mr. Cleveland, Miss E. Distin, " Mary Davidson, " Dimock, " Drury, " Eva Drury, " Dever, Mrs. Dearborn, Mr. Frost, Master Frith, Miss E. Fielders, " Fielders, Ma-ster Fairweather, Mrs. E. Fairweather, Mifls Gilbert, " Godfloe, Mr. GorbeU, " Green, Miaa Harding, - " Hanington, " M. Holly, Mias Julia Ilarriion, " Ilolmun, ". irnrriaoD, " Hunt, " IIbU, " Hiitlieway, " Han ford, " M.Hazen, Mr. Hall, " L. A.Holman, _ Miss Erlinu It Is Iii9crll>«d In Or«k leltrm, " Ak»»H», »on of Doiilhein, the FnhMlan, nude li,'^ and Iherefnre It U » ipwlnien of lireek nciilpliire of the fmirtli Kpocli. llml endfd with the Itoiuan conqiiest. Crlllce differ H to the rhariclt-r II l« supposed 10 rt-prewiit, but the world ak tees In the pi-rfecllon of Us bold.enerirellcelTle, tlienervoueti-Mi'lDn of the whole bodr, the cooibined rcidlnen for ■tiuk and defrnc*, tDd the Orm ind deduit brow. 2. Antinous. (A Reduction from the Marble in the Capitol at Rome). Anllnoiu w«s • hnnd'ome youth, belored hy the Kraperor Hadrian, lo whom he was so bmch attached that he droirneil himself In the Mlo to saie liig linperlal master from the death foretold lo him, iinlr83«a»esaiite, and Pulydorue. it was found In Uoine in I.Wi. and the I'opo ordered n public festlTal In honor of Its dl.«corerT. Acconllng to Pliny, It once clood In the p.ilaco of Titus. Laocoon was a prlfstof Apollo, and the k'xI being ollendcd, sent twoeeipents that killed hlni and his two eons at the a.'.ar, while oHerlnK sairifica (o Neptuni-. The com|)0eition and the eiecution •re masterly, and wortliy of adroinilion,aB depicting the one moment of utmost suA'eriDK •nd horror petrified with fearful truth. 6. Venus de Medici, a Re Irtetl. 12. Bust, of Aiitiuous. (Marble in the Tjouvre). • DClrnt Itoino. » V a i,i;„,. by ^rUonio del Pollajolo 15 Bust. A Young Soldier, "J " Mtrhle In M.iMxm, Florono*. 16. Bust. Bennivlejine. (I^Ionk). M»ri.i« m th. i>o.,t«. 17. Bust. The Unknown Woman, by /)o)w'-- i '.i:.-^, ■-... ... ■a . : - ■ '''■':: :r":-n;*5ii^ >.>^,'.- •■•■'•. ^. *' • • " v:-v. t* • .J*-*—* *•*• ; ■- •: --'.- '^r-: .* , V * • \..,^. -■•■•■'■■!.:??• ^:^\- V » -^r" '■ '^ ■ •-. . i ^f: J - J -. , *■ '. ;■.■■■■.'.' ' ;..-i . < O h ^^' :'■■""■■■■)' .1 ^ y. f ...,.0 - -iffv.^,. .)...,. ^ > J. ..3^;_ ;■'-:-,.,-■ ,--r-. ,- S ? J- • '..-. fc.^-*- .»*■» •..■^; ' s ci '••.■ ^ ■■■.i^.■i:'^=^■^'"**iM'■ 1".:? f -a. r-^-l.-r:ii...:-.^.-.v;.,.' I •71 3 o G3 o •/ "^ i. ha s El 2 * = o S G/ o . • ^ ^ a c o '-» >-3 . -•• o 3- c ^ • - O r CO p> .f.rt'. .;■ r;<,. F . ""/.'■'.•' ' K 1 .-. -i.. ;■:>•..'.' v'^..'.> ■.":-■.■-•. V- ^ ■; .':•' j*^": :":'':' ^J'chi