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Ciiicli ^ t V \, '■f f CANADA, MY HOME. By GRANT BALFOUR, AUTHOR OF The Mother of St. Nicholas, The Fairy School of Castle Frank, etc. SECOND EDITION, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS: 25 CENTS. 'A very beautiful composition.' Poetry of great excellenee." Professor Clark, Trinity University, Toronto. " Fervent, dignified, a very excellent piece of work." —Professor Horning, Victoria University, Toronto. "Verses show really fine poetic feeling and convey impressively an idea of the immensitv and variety of the country." ^ Professor Mavor, University of Toronto. "Very good indeed and well worthy of the praise that has been given them " .. ^ Sir W. C. Van Home. Full of lofty sentiment and in his best style as to rh ,m and measure." "Sparkles with patriotic fervor. "-foron/o Star. Toronto World. " Patriotic and beautiful sentiment."— /nsurancf and Finance Chronicle. "An artistic production . . . true patriotism."— T/i* Canadian Teacfter. "With the true patriotic touch, end in a spirit of devout reverence and gratitude that makes for highest patriotism." ^.fhe Christian Guardian. "A poem at once brilliant, impassioned and melancholy. . . . Loyalty and divine love of the country of one s birth is not sufficiently encouraged in the minds and hearts of our young pt pie. Dominion Day never seems to mean anything more than a holiday to a laree number of Canadians. . . Therefore, Mr. Balfour^s poem, in its chaste beauty, its fine grasp of all this mighty north land and her varied beauties, is a timely as well as a oatriotio piece of work. _r^^ 3,^,., andEr^pire. "An admirable poem. . . . The verses breathe the noblest of sentiment in their impassioned description of the natural beauties and grandeur of the Dominion The stv^ il graceful and careful, and the poem contains many verses of unusual strength and beauty." — The Toronto Globe. ^ Canada. My HoMt. t^.t GPANT BALPOUP, of ■' I he Molhrr i„. ^,.„ ,«„. ,. ..,,,„. l;,i,.. il Hi'- l>.|.,iiiiii.iit .il Ajii. iilliitv. / -■. 7 V.J / '/O /c^ 1 8 1 V 8 -J (Eana&a, ni>? Ibotnc. Where 'M.-rin fe-', no more iirr/ ron, n-'T ■.VirnriK ^^lLe,■:■^l^-(l ro'-j'rii,-- Tri^r-^-. Aio'M- .;ro'.vn'-M, i.-^nol 1 ♦n-- l-i:ii J:i KT--tn jf-'ir r')t •■ j ir,- ]t/i.';i 1!. J, ro'- ii;.- [,'iiii : t:.;.' f--rvi i ] :-!]■■■> forbid Lr.f people'.i' t.oiigu- V) i-iu'e In Heif-adorint- boadt. To One, who all thy gloriea r^ve Our homage be, v/ith r-^yerence grave, In adoration loyt. Dominion r,f t.h-^ Tlorth, hov/ yaat'-- Unequalled m tJ.e distant pa^t By proud, imperial Home; The Sister Zr)ne3 o'er thee un'rolUd Ty/o giant belts of y/hite and gold, Grand Canada, my home. HY blue Expanse may jupMy \ With v/arm Italia"s cloudleyd Pellucil is thy dome ; My b'oul hath rest in gazinf^ th(: I dream of higher rest to shar-', Bright Canada, my ^■K'; Tiil'G heavenly azure earth .yard 11 (j'^jV and deeerts red and lon'\ Thy bnneless Lakes aj^p'^-i"; Vast inland sea enchained tu sea, Unparalleled in majesty, Whose wrath the brav^jst fear. The Sea:', impatient, madly leap Down, down destruction's cauldron doep-- Their dying roar appals; They live again, in joy prevail. And v/eave a snov/-white, rainbow veil O'er world-entrancing Fails. HE patient fisher" .3 luring strife With swift, elusive, silv'ry life, Whe^^e soothing music reigns; Far-reacning leagues, thy Rivers roll Thro' scenes sublime, to Arctic g'rtl Anl distant, niiglity niaius. High, high tlie lioary Mount'iins tow-jr, Ja-e-tl forms of everlasting power That grandly "bridge tlie v/url 1 ;" The hed Man, v/rapt m garb of faith, Passed, o'er that mystic bridge v/ T)hhV. The dart unerring hurled. Where Indian ihantnm.'^ love to d' The daring hunters potent Si)e]:, The haur.t of agile stealth, - Great maze of verdure undefiied, Tliy virgin Fore.-'t, stately, wild, Sad beauty roLod in v/ealth. veil. ILD v/ilierne.-.? onr Fathers four^t. Blent, heritage, excelling thought. The rK'h-.^ in thee stored: Thy yt.rHlH-deptlid hide hoarded p-nli, Thy PrMirie hr-apt i.-- v/ealth untold, A ^-irdea (,t tht.' I.ord. Tdberty, hov/ pv/eet Uioa art I lAy oounl^ry thriild m every pai't With thy triie, living voice; The lamished poor, the trodden sl'iv-, M;iy come among the I'r^e and br-.iv- '- In Canada r-joioc Wh^n vital virtue T-ave.i the pf.ronr. When thy pare robe« are trail^-d i.n wronr;. When lov/ thiy virr^in hea'J,— Wh'":n the Maple, v/irdier^-d, I r^-^Httv .; hm .''ifh, J.' ay rirrl have ni'-T'^v. and nviv 1 Lo n'anibcru i v/;tli tho doad. Ji ILT. thy f'lir f^^/t ^i j-nt, fi'im lii:;-.^ W'.lt t,|-;n'] immorc-^ la .--■^■irlf An i lo.v; tfr^ [ ifli 'iiViii'- T!" I li'')! my c '''Mri* r'\', th'^u :•] Tl.y mnrninp; ot-ir r-t" rlc';->t,in7 r 1 ! r * -V t- lit .■ r p ■ ; n Tin Iwni iiiurri' 1 i •,- y^i'r!.- OiH mor-f^ in:^'pirinp t" thnn On'-; Whc^rc! my fnv vi.r,on,3 ro'-im 0"er prRirie;^ v/ile, r/er mountain.-: rr-tri-r My love lo thme, thou lavL.-^i l-ml. Lear Canuau, nr/ hcino. '^(f'iVf^'«ivw^UKiw^sr*r.'-'\'^smsz^.s' m