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 U>9n CAWADA, to vHt 
 In m€m Hi ^m$§tmk 
 (IE0R(5^E B. C. LEVERSON & AL,, 
 {Plaintiffs in the Court Mow.) -"■—-' ' 
 . ^ {Defcmlanf in Ike Court behu:) 
 , • and 
 (JIfM <•» crtMjc m the Court, belou,), 
 fr for % ^ffflilanfe. 
 . o jeweJ^-belongmg to Defendant, was seized, and Ay tfie Sheriff- XlSi 
 ^^e Defendant succeeded in setting aside the mpW, and was let oSf ni" 
 gaol ; but his eflbrts to havp the Saise-Irr^t set aWwe e "nsrcessfirand - 
 Plaintifls subsequently obtained Judgment for the sum of SrSerest' anrf' 
 costs, on account of which the Ap^llants have Zly retived a S^^ 
 leaving a balance still due of ^£448 16s. 2d ^ received a portion, 
 .nna^l *'" • *''V^ST"f *he P^«»?«tfs took.out exccutiou, in order to have the 
 goods so seized and placed in the hands of the guardian, sold™ but werl mp* 
 JoUamr'''"'" ° • "" ■' "^ '^" »-fc«d«nt, which was set asidTforT 
 Thb Plaintiffs then took out a .writ of venditidni exponas to cause the ^nmU 
 so seized to be sold. On tl^e day of sale 'tTie'^oodl were norfoVhcornin^^^^ 
 and m answer to this w,it the Sheriff made the following return r-I^^^^^^^ 
 certify and return, that I have been unable to proceed to the Salo nf^hi 
 Gocjds and Chattels already seized in this cause, anrmeiiUed and doscriS 
 in the schedule hereunto annexed marked A, as within commaS W 
 ST °fi *^° fid goods and chattels not heing ^oduced Id 7?^^ o,^ 
 Itni^^-^^f* ^""^ the sale thereof, by David Garrick, the guardian named h 
 the original procis-verbal of seizure thereof; but in justice to the said" uardiaY. 
 bered, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6 and 7, which have been filed with me aj exolanaforv nC 
 the cause of the non-production of the goods so seized ^^P'anatorv ol^^ 
 ,, (Signed,) Jwo. BOSTON, Sheriff. ^ 
 '. MoirrHEAi,, Ist August, 1855. 
 mJnfs^h? :fw «'°"g7»th the return five affidavits and three other docu^ 
 ments, the substance of which maybe summed up in a few words nnV 
 which give what, wo are not prepared to deny, is a^ ue histLTflhe dr 
 cumstances which prevented the Sheriff from iroducin- theeS se zL il 
 above mentioned. The bnljr.|p,estion then is, WtKeriff?ScKLn 
 Spoff ^r ?M'*''J"««i.l*1^^^' «'*»««« J* d^ aught LtlLy-«raCS 
 theoffender"? We think not, but we give if for what it is worth. Thl. 
 ■ ''' ' 
 \: ■ 
 :^'; \ '• 
 ■;".(■ - 
 . V ■ 
 affldavils *iid duluiiieats iheii relate : tliat there ww another action pendii/ir 
 between the same parties, bearing the number 375 ; that this last-named actioii 
 was bt«sun hy a i>ame- Arret en main tierce i that, on motion, the Defendant ' 
 Ciuiniiigham had this last^iiatste-Arret set aside, and'that immediately there- 
 upon his Attorney got a copy of the Judgment* (to wit document number 2, / 
 ?i J." ^iPP"". °* «•'«"«■* return), with whith he hurried up to the otlice of 
 the .Sherifl, and told htm that it wasa Judgment dismissing the Saiaie- Arret 
 and that he wanted an order lor the delivery of the goods- atoncc. fBe it 
 observed there were no ^oorf» seized under the « Sai^ie- Arret en main tierce" 
 ^ action No. 375). The Sheri«; taking the numbeHrom the copy Jthe S- 
 . incut, sent to the'scuisihg Bailifl' the order to deliver up the Several articles 
 Ti!4V\i *%1^'' i^ '"'" ""'* •"..*['? «"«t«dy. to wit : the document number 
 J,nled by tlie Sheriil in support of his return. 
 On this order the goods were «lelivercd up to the Defendant, who. we mav 
 presume, did not wait until the Sheritt' was undeceived. ■ 
 The Plaintiffs, in order to make the Sheriff account for these eoods 
 moved for a _ rule jwraiiist him ; which, after some difficulty, they obtained' 
 I he- conchisions of that rule were to the eHect-that the Sheriff should pro- 
 ,Aluce the goods in order that they might be sold, and^hat in de/uull thereof 
 he should bt; imprisoned until ho did so. 
 _ The Superior Court dismissed this rul#; refusing to declare it absolute on 
 the ground that no one could be, ordered to do a thing which might be nhv- 
 sically impossible, or go to gaol. The goods might Ke destroyed, said tli« 
 Judge, and if the Shcritf coold only get%ut of gLl Z produc-ing ?hem t 
 would be equal to condetuiiiuff him to go to prison for the rest of his days 
 In order to meet this difficulty, suggested by the Court, the Plaintiffs ajiafn^' 
 moved for a rule against the Sheriff, offering the additional alternative of jm,/" 
 ll%i ""^"^"'^ due on the Judgment. The rule w^s in the following words • 
 -Ihe Court inasmuch," &c., "Doth order the sj^id John Boston, „s sudi 
 Sheriff, to produce the said goods and chattels so ^eized'as aforesaid before 
 this^ourt, withm such time as this Court shall direct, in order that thas„,\J 
 good^ and chattels may be sold according to law, a n«i in default of the said 
 .John Boston so producing the said goods and ^hatt^s, he, the said Sheriff 
 shall be imprisoned and held contraint par carps, until lie do produce the s«ifl 
 f^i^^ chattels, or until he pay to the said PlaiAtifls the balance of 
 JE448, 16s. 2d. cnrrency. With interest on the said sum Uin the 17th dav of 
 ^Uctober, 1855, still ^lue on the said Judgment, unless eai^e, &.c " ' 
 On this projfceding the Plaintiffs were as unfi>rtiMiate\as.on the nrevioim 
 one, the Court dismissing the rule with costs. And it is frWi this Judgment 
 that the present Appeal is brought. \ •"5""-iii 
 _ And Jirst we would remark that the addition of the alteVnative of paving 
 the balance was only a measu e of precaution, for it seems , to us that thn 
 wording of the rule first dismissed was sufficient. To the hui^e arffuinont 
 of thtf Court below, the forrc and value of which, taken alonlPle are readv 
 to admit, >ye answer, that the words of the ordinance mike no men 
 tioii of this inconvenience, (the impossibility of the party in default ever 
 getting,jaJ,^^gaolJ,j_thjii Jts terms expressly declare that the <«ganliens 
 &c.," maaJBUmm 
 wr cWp^a representation des effets snisis." It might also' 
 fears of the learned Judges for the fate of their officer were 
 - — — - -m^)at 
 be added that the fei ^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ 
 groundless. By the ancient ptactice in the Courts 'ik'~France«thrj^ 
 sur r/jtfe/f, restrained the vexatious continuance of imprisonment of a oarrv 
 condemned par corps. i '^ " 
 ■c--— uj°i^y^! * u® ^\V^ maintained by the Superior Court ^onld prevail 
 Tftre, ar^d that it should be the opinion of this Court that the exbress terms of 
 llie ordmance should be modified in such a manner as to give the nartv in 
 ^efUult an alternative with which jt should always be physically possible for 
 liim to comply, and so escape the more severe consequences of his feult thpn 
 c^mes the c|uestion, " What should that alternative be ?" ^ 
 \ On the part of the Sheriff it was pretended that the alternative the Ad- 
 pellants should have offered M'as to pay the value of the goods. It was also 
 urged, and with some show of reason, that the Sheriff had nothing to do with 
 the Defendant s obligation, orthe balance due upon it, and that it remainerf 
 Tor the Plaintifls to establish that his act had damnified them to the extreme 
 extent of the said balance, ^*iiciue 
 To this the Appellants answer, this is not an action of damages Our 
 absolute right is to have these goods in order Xo sell them, and the nenahv 
 you pay for not producing them is that you go to prison ttntil you do so ai H 
 it IS only as ^ mitigation of the extreme rigor of the law, ^ha'l this other al 
 ternative is offered to you. You are not to be condemned toW the TmlanoR 
 but you are to be condemned to go to gaol until you perforin your dutvS 
 until you mdemmfy to the farthest possible ejcfent, those who suffer bvvbur 
 negl i gence. ' ^ . ,. ■ ' ".y .wut 
 \ V-: 
Iher action peiidiufg 
 s last-named action 
 tiou, the Defendant ' 
 iinmediately there- 
 Kiument number 2, / 
 i up to the otHeu ol' 
 ng the Saisie- Arret, 
 d* at. once. (Be it 
 ret en mam tierce" 
 ! copy of the Judg- 
 he ''several articles 
 document number 
 dant, who, we may 
 t for these goods, 
 ilty, they obtained. 
 Sheriff should pro- 
 in de/uull thereof, 
 •fare it absolute on 
 licli might be phy- 
 destroyed, said the 
 producing them, it 
 rest of his days, 
 he Plaintiffs agafn^' 
 altornative oi'jmtj' 
 following words: ■ 
 I Boston, jis such 
 IS aforesaid before 
 )rdor that fhftsiijd 
 efuult of the said 
 ?, the said SlieriH; 
 > produce the sjiiti 
 s the balance of 
 in the 17th day of 
 , &.C." 
 s.on the previous 
 im this Judgment 
 Vnative of paying 
 ns , to us that the 
 ui|Mie argument 
 on^^e are ready 
 in^ke no men- 
 r in default ever 
 at the <*gar«liens. 
 It might also 
 their officer were 
 EmcejU^the Judges, 
 iment of a party 
 irt ^ould prevail 
 eiE^ress terms of 
 ?ive the party in 
 :ally possible for 
 of his ^ult, then 
 jrnative the Ap- 
 >ds. It was also 
 thing to do with 
 that it remained 
 tt to the extreme 
 damages. Our 
 and the penalty 
 I 70U do so, and 
 lat this other al- 
 ?ay the Imlance, 
 n» your duijy, our 
 to suffer by your 
 .. .»»: 
 .hey .re par.]y»d by „ pi'^bfSraent l'""'"«»"l'°"e'' "e'ere ! ye. he,v 
 .h»n?ha.'':;fc''Ty l/.'^oSiliS S"^' JI^'h ^ ""'', «l'— '-C Cher 
 .leM Wrte„, e;';i"K",£"-.i!'„ttt;r' "'"=' '^""""■« -"'"••"■ 
 rule summarilv. tiut it mav h^ ..r™^ ;» '•"Vwc^p. tl* Court dismissed the. 
 <l«y, it ^.i for him .r.ho» caSr Wi^VLT TJIiTr''- ,°" "j"' '"'" 
 0bi6la». Hi« answer in ivrtlim wbVh ™„. " . "'i' ''?"' '»*» Jeelnred 
 fac.8, which, it wrpr^teSw^Kl™!""?' " "i"?'' «""'»o'»tion of 
 by the raie/nnpS'TS a.Twm nJto" '" """"' ""' '""""'' ■''"'°"«< 
 eutly esablirfied bythe jori,prSe«f tirc„,fn,l^ s?h/^^^^ '"!V "'I™"'" 
 » for'Si &ff" b^fh'U'ftSriS cffl^fS' ™Lrb °v4 »"»^" •^•' « 
 Montreal, 15th August 1867 ,- " ; ^' ^ - 
 K 1) . D A Vf n. 
 Attorneys for Appellants. 

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