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DESBARATS, Printer to thu tlueen's Most Excolknt Majesty. 1845. -J I: i4l Kit a ol i\ w P' pi C! m NOTICE. This supplement continues the work to which it relates down to the present time, and shews the effect of all the Acts which have been passed since the publication of the Tables. The same arrangement and form of printing have been adopted. In the supplement to Table II, when a new title is added, it is given without note, but when a change has occurred with reference to a title inserted in the former work, proper words of explanation are added. The supplement like the Tables, makes part of the work of revision, and the Revised Statutes cannot be safely used without it, for in some instances acts or sections are printed which are now repealed, be- cause the work, with the exception of the Index, was completed befoie the com- mencement of the late session ; these changes are noted in the supplement. MoNTHEAL, 2l3T SEPTEMBER, 1845. i::t: IS SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE I. ORDINANCES OP THE GOVERNOR AND LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL OB' THE PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. 17 GEO. III. i&uy Carleton.) CAP. IV. 1— FORESTALLING, REGRATING, MARKETS.— A new Act (8 V. c. 59) has been passed with regard to the incorporation of the City of Montreal ; anil tlie Ordinances incorporating Quebec have been amended by 8 V. c. GO ; but neither of tliese Acts seems to affect the position of this Ordinance. Cap. 10 ? — Bread assize of, Bakers. — Sect. 50 of the said Act (8 V. c. 59) respecting the incorporation of Montreal, expressly empowers the City Council to make By-laws for regulating the weight and quality of all bread sold within the City, but without mentioning the price. The Act (8 V. c. 60) amending the laws incorporating Quebec contains no provision on the subject. CAP. XII.— FERRIES, CARTERS.— Sect. 50. of the said Act (8 V. c. 59) con- tains provijions on this subject similar to those in the former oi'dinances, which moreover are not repealed except where they may be inconsistent with the Act. The 8 V. c. 60 (for Quebec) contains no provision on the subject. CAP. XIII.— FIRE.— It is expressly provided by Sect. 75 of the said Act (8 V. c 59) that all laws repealed by the Ordinances incorporating the City of Montreal shall remain repealed, and Sect. 51 & 53 give the Council ample powers for the prevention of fires. The 8 V. c. 60 (for Quebec) contains no provision on the subject. 22 GEO. III. (Sir F. Haldimand.) CAP. I.— MAJORITY, Age of.— See 7 V. c. 16. s. 29, and 7 V. c. 10. s. 5, em- powering persons above the age of 14 but under 21 years, to sue for wages to the amount of £6 5 in the Qircuit Courts and Commissioners' Courts. i 2-i GEO. III. (Sir F. Haldimand.) CAP. L— HABEAS CORPUS.— See 7 V. c. 17. s. 14. & 15, as to the Court of Queen's (or King's) Bench for Gasp6 and the powers of the Justices of tliat Court J and also 7 V. c. 16. s. 6, as to the appointment and powers of As- M A. D. 1784-7. TABLE I. JO ■a. IB •■J ■I m 8i«tant J„,Iges in the other District.,, and 7 V. !i4-27 Geo. III. m the CircuiV Judges rnil Com;:.";"' '"" ' /d '•. '^^ "' ^^' ^^"''"8 '"^« P»^vers Court of Ap,2 „nJ tLi r ''"^ ""^ Bankrupts, during the tern.^ oC the which the Court o( Suivrior InrT;;:- ' ""r.^" "'" '^""^^ '""' '""Jes in may. without a vr t o K,; S^^^^^ ''"^ D'^'''''^*' ^r any Ju.Igo ihereo.; any Justice or Jinticr' of tloP.^y V ''''''' *' '''"""^''' ^^"'""'i''^"'' lor trial hy -ustod), as ,i tl;o pr.soner had hecn hrou^ht up on Habeas Corj.ul, 23 GKO. UL-(IIenrj, Ilumillon.) CAP. ir—ADMINlSTRATrOM OF }mr\rv c, this Ordinance the Acts 7 V ,■ : i- ..rT f '^'^"'^'•ally uith regard to «aspe). And more o ,eci-l v ,lt ' ^^'^ c* '^' ""'' ^ '^- ^-32 for latter instances to €-20 c ""' w i, l uf ^'""r^' ^^•^■"'li"g it i" o tu-o c. 49 i. repealed by 7 V riJ ( '"'"'"'''■ ^""'■'*^ ""^ "ot regard to Sect. XXX to XxVv ' ee 7 V c ^r\'i'"''1'y constituted :-With in execution on ju.lgMra-ndcr'd iJlnK %*' '° ''' "' '" "'" P'-"ceeding, CAP 'Tr^'^'""" '-■'■'". "»-i°XaV,„rtr"„p;" ' ° '=''"'""" i .T^ «I°°*™S, NOTARIES, CROWN DOMA N &„ R , v 27GEO. III._LorrfZ>orc/.«/er.) 27—34 Geo. III. TABLE I. A. D. 1787-W. IVJ Cap. 2.— Mimtia 7 — The Onlinnncc 1 V. c. 22, expired on Ib*. May 1843 ; but it is now riivivcil and continued in force until Int May ISl-G, and thence to the end of the then next Session, by 8 V. c. 51, — so that this Ordinance (27 G. 3. c. 2,) and 29 G. 3. c. 4, are again Ruapended »or that period. CAP. IV.— ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE.— V»ith regard to Sect. Ill and IV, see 7 V. c. 16. s. 7, and 7 V. c. 18. s. 15, providing that every judg- ment in appeal, or from which an appeal may lie, shall contain the reasons on which it is founded, on pain of nullity. CAP. VI.— PEACE OFFICERS, CONSTAOLES.— See 8 V. r. 18. s. 1, ex- tending the provisions of this Ordinance vo the Town of Sherbrooke. 28 GEO. III.— (Lore/ Dorchester.) CAP. VIII.— PHYSIC AND SURGERY, PRACTICE OF.— See with reference to iiiis Ordinance and its subject, 7 V. c. 5, for the encouragement of Uie study of Anutoniy. 29 GEO. III.— (Lord Dorchester.) CAP. HI.— ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE.— With regard to Sect. V, the Act 7 V. c. 17. s. l-t, establisiies a Court of Queen's Bench in Gaspe, and s, 16, gives it criminal jurisdiction : it does not appear that the provision of this Sect, (which related only to Courts of Oyer and Terminer would apply to such Court of Q. B. ] — see also 4 and 5 V. c. 24. s. 32 : — With regard to Sect. XI and XII, see 7 V. c. 17. s. 5 and 15, providing that the Courts in Gaspt! shall be bo>md by the same rules of law as other Courts, and s. 27, as to sales of real property ; — With regard t :t. XV, see 7 V. c. 17. s. 15, pro- viding that appeals shall lie from the C<.. of Q. B. in Gasp6, to the Court of Appeals in like cases and under the same provisions of law, as from other Courts of Q. B. — Query as to thecflect of this section? — some provision of the kind appears requisite from the remoteness of the District of Gasp6. Cap. 4.— Mii.itia ? — This Ordinance is in the same position with 27 G. 3. c. 2, which see. 32 GEO. 111.— (Mured Clarke.) CAP. II.— ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE.— Circuit Courts which may be held, by Justices of the Courts of Q. B. have been again established by 7 V. c. 16. Query, as to the application of this section in such cases : — by serf. 56 of that Act, the Judge holding any such Circuit Court might try by Jtry any cause pending in Q. B. and ordered to be so tried at such Circuit Court, ACTS OF THE PROVINCIAL PARLIAMENT. 34 GEO. III.— 2nd Sess. 1st Parlt.— (lord Dorchester.) CAP. T.— ACTS OR LAWS, Publication and distribution of.— Sect. III. is repealed by 8 V. c. 68. s. 1, and other provision is made by that "Act. 1*8 A. D. n9i-5. TABLE I. 34— 2S Geo. III. =11 ■•» H it ••• 'I ' » u CI 5:: :I I CAP.VI.— ADMIiMSTRATFON OF JlfSTirr iv .i ., .• . the «,-,t thereof genemlly, see tTc 1^ ,7 'r:;"""'' 1'' * "*' ^^•'' "'"' 10.. — VV th rccnrd to Sert YT ..,.'7a/^ „ i<- .< .. . '.'"*-'>") • v.c. "' iiiu v^. u. ,11 1 . 'HOC- 1< vers are nrovnli'i i.ii- l.v 7 v ,. ir tn will, the same powers as in «tl-r places S. t XT J Yt) . '^' '* ^^' )V 7 V r If! L (id • . "^1 '''^^*'', '^*''- ^1' «. Mllare thus repea cd \V r & YViir ' ""'"1"'"'""^ '^""' that Act.-Sect. XIV, W YVI XVir & XV I , are repealed l.y 7 V. c. 17. s. 1 :-Sert XIX YY I' Yvr ^ema„. repealed ...uler 7 V. c. lo.s. 1 With regard ts;cf^I^&XxiV; S Cmir \ 'Apn';^^^;^^^ »•- '"t-e constitution o any appeal :J&1:^ Ji/^ ^^t?:";:^? v'^ "'S T 7^ T' ^^ ^" relative to the Court of App a]'; ^x-o 7 V ^ ^H^^'' 'r "' f' '^T"'""'' ?^rj'"fl f- ''"I'li"^ the Quarter Seljio^i: th.DiltVict d" GaTp6'^'t,"^ TxutnT'' ' ^- '• " '' t'"""^ ••"'--- -Sect. XXX vni&it 35 GEO. III._3rd Sess. Ut ?^v\t.~(Lord Dorchester.) ^"^^•n'^Jo^w^^^^^"^^ OF JUSTICE.-Sect. I is repealed by 7 V c 17. .. 30, l.,,„g .neon«,stcnt with that Act._Sect. If, which provided for tll^ 35— 3(i Geo. IIT. TAHLF. I. A. I). 17!)r)-(i. HU S J, ';;;; ''i ^L:^:;:I: ^^^ ^- " "^^^ ""■- ^-« '- «•- ^--u .A^. «. ^'^^•-I.y~.'^'''^'.'^'''':''^^ '^''' "Al'TISMS MARRIAOES ANO ntflUALS- *.!« hoiiclils ol this Art iiiv cxtciuleil to tlif Coin-rcntini. ,>i' <•! .. .■ \' ■ larians at iVI..,il.val, hy H. V. c. li', ^""L'-^lS^t'on ol tliiMliui. Lm- CAP. Vlli.--TAy|.:RN KDKITHS, ilAWKl- RS, Duti.vs on.-AII ,1,.. „.„- u. nns.„, ..o,„ .lu.K-s on Ta.Mns an, n,,p.„,uin.e.l to Muninpal purpZ 3U GEO. Iir.—lth Sc-s. J«t Pa,lt.-C/.o;J y;c;/-c/u'4/«-.) CAP. IX.-ROAI);S, liRin(;ES,.!!cc.-Tlu> o ol Parish an,l Jownsliip Ollin'r.-^) niul 4- V. r. 4 tricts ore re/icn/ed liy S V. c. 10 : aia' I ' "^ ' r.linarici's 4, V. c. 3, (for the election Coil IV H, '29 coiistit,itiii..l of the Session nex alter -),!. Ma.-el. :s |,7. vVl.h ,v,anl to Sect. XX, the Act '. V c'io as" he tvT Z ' r' r''' '"' ^'";i!"^''-V'''"tion of any Co...! nnnecessa.,. as lln^ 4. V. c. 4. s 4:., ,h,l bdo.e. Will, .v-janl to Sect. X.W -....l vxvi the Onhiinnce 4. V. c. 3 in repa.Ie.l, hot the poux-.-s of the Cv, Vw e":r '" . '^f^TflS "'"'^T I'*"*'' '""" '^" •"■ "'•'"'■"^"'^' '^-^ '^ii- urs, by s. .l,ot S \ c. 40,-a..,l the power of ilivicli.m the Municipajitv .0 M^veu,rs a...i Ove.-seer's Dis,.-icts is exp.-ess]y .i^,.. then, hv .S Se t. XXV II e.npowere.l the Grand Vo,/,r to appo i.t ove.>ee.-s in' ca^o of fu.I...-o to elect hy the i.,l.ahi,a,.i househouie.-s, or i.'. case of a vaVany occur ring hotween the of eh-ction, snhjecting a person relusin. t^erve to Mie san.e penally as if he had heen elecle.l :' the powers given to 11.^(7,^1^- xTxn xxTm "/vv'i^r'l"?^ ""'''"' ^''''■'' "^ '' »''« v. c. ioT-sS VVtl ngi.,! oSect. XXXVIII, u...l other sections applying to Roads &c vvith.n the C.ty of Mo..t.-eal, it is to he ho.-ne in n.ind'tha, a^.ew Act (P V c. 5J^) has been passed lor the incorpoi-ation of the said City, and sunersedes the 0.-d.nnnces 3 .v. 4 V c. 3(;, n..d 4 V. c. 32, wherever^ hey n ay ^ cons.stcnt w.t I ,1, hut so far as the Act now nnder consideration is concerned r'lf rry/e'^ d'H^iTshtile if at all from the Ordinances, see Sect. 38 39 40 ;nnVi^ '' r "' ^' \' "' ^^' V ^^'' '^' •^^' ^'^'•'- 5 tl'o Oidhiances a.-e only repealed m so far as they may be inconsistent with the Act. With .vgnrd xl ^n '^h? T^w ■ ""1'^°^''-^'";?!^ "^ tl'f City of ]\Io„t.-eaI. The refe.-ence,s ma.le « hi^h YMy' °" ^"•■'- i^K^'^^' '''°"'*' ''^"■'^ ••^^'■^^'•'•«'' t« Sect. XLVIII for wluth XLIX was printed by error. With regard to Sect. LII, the Act S V. 150 A. D. 179G-1800. TABLE I. 36—39 Geo. III. c. 59. s. 50, is now the law authorizing the City Council in Montreal to tax horses, and fo increase the commutation mone)^ for statute labour, &c., it is also that authorizing them to impose taxes, and must be referred to in consi- dering the effect of Sect. LVII. With regard to Sect. LXIII, a Mayor's Court is now established (by 8 V. c. 59. s. 70) in the City, for the recovery of assessments, penalties under By-laws of the Council, kc. With regard to Sect. LXXVII, the powers of the Grand- Voyer ar .. now, in the Councils of the Municipalities as aforesaid. CAP. XII.— FELONS ESCAPING from U. C.NEW BRUNSWICK, &c.— With regard to the surrender of offenders escaping from the United States, see the Imp. Act 6 &, 7 V. c. 76, and the Treaty of 9th August, 1842, to which that Act gives effect. ^l it !1 El 39 GEO. III.— 3rd Scss. 2nd Parlt.-(i?oifr/ Prescott.) JAP. v.— ROADS, BRIDGES, &c., i-x the Cities of Quebec and Montreal, and those parts of the Parishes of Quebec and Montreal which are called the Country Distric'^— The remarks made on 36 G. 3. c. 9, (which see) as to the repeal of the Ordinances 4 V. c. 3 & 4, by 8 V. c. 40, and the substitu- tions of the Councils constituted by that ActYor the Municipal Councils of those Ordinances, and also as to the new Act (8 V. c. 59) with regard to the incorporation of Montreal, apply equally to this Act (39 G. 3. c. 5,) and must always be borne in mind in reading the Act or the notes upon it. The note referring to Sect. V, should have retbrrcd to Sect. VI, for which V was printed by error; th" Roads mentioned in it seem to be now under the Council of the Municipalit)', under 8 V. c. 40. s. 30 ; and the monies arising from Tavern Licences will now, under 8 V. c. 72. s. 3, belong to the Muni- cipality and be paid over to its Treasurer. With regard to Sect. VII, the power to divide the Municipality into Surveyor's and Overseer's Districts is expressly vested in tlie Councils by 8 V. c. 40. s. 28. The powers given to the Magistrates by Sect. VIII, will now belong to the Council of the Municipality under 8 V. c. 40. s. 30. Sect. IX related on.y to the first elections under the Act and is effete. Sect. XVII related only to the then current year and is effete. With regard to Sect. XXIII see 8 V. c. 72. s. 3, appropriating the monies arising from Tavern Licences to Municipal purposes. With regard to Sect. XXVII & XXVIII, see 8 V. c. 60. s. 13, authorizing the Council of the City of Quebec, to cause a general plan of the City ;-> be made " by which all persons whosoever shall abide ," for what purposes the plan is to be binding is not stated in the said Act : see also 8 V. c. 59. s. 79, authorizing the city Surveyor of Montreal, to prepare a similar plan " for the direction of every person concerned or interested " in the matters shewn on such plan. With regard to Sect. XXXIV see 8 V. c. 59. s. 50, empowering the City Council of Montreal to impose taxes by By-law on horses kept for pleasure, working or hiring out. With regard to' the recovery of monies due for assessments or fines under By-laws in Montreal, see 8 V. c. 5(>. s, 7D &71. 40 GEO. Ill— 4th Sess. 2nd Parlt.— (/?. S. Milnes.) CAP. VI.— JACQUES CARTIER RIVER, BRIDGE OVER.— This Bridge is not affected by the Act 8 V. c. 30, empowering the Governor in Cotmcil to 40—47 Geo. III. TABLE I. A. D. 1800-7. 151 fix the Tolls to be paid on certain public works, unless it should hereafter become included (see schedule to the «aid Act) as part of the main road from Quebec to Sa«dvvioh improved at the expense of the Pr7vi„o^ under the superintendence of ihe Board of Works. 4 1 GEO. IlL-lst Sess. 3rd Parlt.-(i?. S. Milnes.) ''''''' I''i'^''?T'^''^f?'' "^- Jp'STICE.-With regard to thl, Act Z 1 , J« \ ' S"^"^^'^ >■' 1^'it espccally as to cases under £20 cy. With re- :nado ib. the holding of UX^^Jl IJ^i^t b ' C',f 'Zr ir T^ J .0 nunc uf testing Writ, issue.l lu Infonor Tcrn^^oTf^; Cir " C Lie '; "ff Ag Tl^tiT mentioned and s. regard to Sect 111, sec 7 V. (,. 16. s. IG & 31, providing that the Defendant sliall not an pear after one detault, except by special permission of the Court. WiU, re gard to Sect. Ml, see 7 V. c. 16. s. 12, as to £«9^^«7.. out o Term W ft regard to Sect. VIIF, see 7 V c. 16. s! 24, as to'tho meaning of"h7wod " Sterhng.' With regard to Sect. X. see 7 V. c. 16. s. 16 & U abole dted asto delaultto appoar.-With ivgnrd to Sect. XVI, see 7 V. c 16 s S So! t" "'" ^r'?'^ '" ^T''''' '''"''' '' -'-"-^ l^"'*^^ -^ practice for th; In! tenor lenn and Circuit Courts only, and 7 V c 18 ■i \1 m^Jor .i" '",3-oS'V"'r r"' """'■ ']" ^r" ''*■'- - <» «■' s- -;^' " -^a,: s. IJ ol the Act last mentioned, with regard both to Sect. XVI and Sect XVTT respec ing the TarilT of fees and Rules of practice in Superior Term ' €AP. X.-WATER WORKS AT MONTREAL.-See 7 V c 4^^,, ing the Corporation of ,;.e City of Montreal to purchas; theViJ'wSr" Works and '• a 1 the rights, privileges, powers ami authority" veid irthe wXr'T ^^ ^r ^''']-""V"^'^'"S divers provisions withVegard o the said Wate. Works alter such purchase : also, 8 V. c. 59. s. 49, empowering the ns^ ^;>:?"""^'"" '■'■>'^^ '"""^T <-or making the said purchase. '"'P"^^'""^ *''« (.AP. XVIL-ROYAL INSTITUTION.-See with regard to thiB Act 8V c 78, empowormg the Roval Institution to disno'^e of certain hn.C h.f ' i-> the McGiU College at Montreal. The Act 4 & 5 V 'J belonging 43 GEO. III.-3rd Sess. 3rd Parlt.-(^^V R. S. Milnes.) ^''' V.I esM 7. '"' ^'=^^^^'^^"'^^' P"blication of.-Sect. II is repealed by 8 47 GEO. III.- \'ss. 4th Var]U—(r/iomas Dunn.) 10. s. 9, fixing other periods for the said Terms. nj / v . c. !.')2 A. D. 1807-15. TABLE I. 47—55 Geo. III. ;3k irc '■■• .T2 ■>,. CAP. VII.— MARKET NEW AT MONTREAL.— With regard fo tliis and all other Acts relative to Markets at Montreal, the new Act 8 V. c. r)9, concorning the incorporation of that City must be borne in mind, especially s. 48, 50 St 52. 48 GEO. IIL— 4th Soss. 4th Parlt.— (5'ir /. //. Craig.) CAP. XXIL— ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE.— With regard to this Act generally, see 7 V. c. 16, abolishing all the Provincial Court's and altering the style of the Courts of K. B. when the Sovereign is a Queen ;— and vesting (s. 53) in Circuit Courts and Judges certain powers in matters requiring des- patch ;— and (s. 89,) making atndavits before Commissioners appointed by Q. B. receivable in Circuit Courts ; — and also (s. 38,) vesting certain powers in the said Com-ts with regard to cases cognizable by them, in which section, though experts and arbitrators are not expressly mentioned, the proceedings before them may be comprehended by the words " other matters relative to or connected with the conduct of such suit or action and the proceedings there- in." ? CAP. XXV.— ROADS IN GASPE.— The 8 V. c. 40, repealing 4 V. c 4, and substituting the Councils of Municipalities for the Municipal Councils under the Ordinances, must bo borne in mind in reading this Act; s. 28 gives the said Councils powers over the roads, and s. 30 vests in them the powers of the Grand Vot/ers. See notes on Sfi G. 3, c. 9. 49 GEO. Ill — 1st Sess. 5th Park.— (i'jr J. //. Craig.) CAP. v.— NEW MARKET AT JMONTREAL.- See notes on 47 G. 3. c. 7. 51 GEO. III.— 1st Sess. 7th Parlt.— (-SiV J. H. Craig.) Cap. 4.— Assembly, certain Judges disqualified to sit in the The Act 4 and 5 V. c. 20, is repealed by 7 V. c. IG, s. 1 ; but the provisions of this Act (51 G. 3. c. 4,) are superseded by 7 V. c. 1G. s. 5,— and 7 V. c. (55. s. 1, both of which disqualify tiic Justices of the Court of Q. B. and Circuit Judges from sitting in the Assembly, and from being elected, and 7 V. c. 65. s. 12 repeals this Act. 52 GEO. TII._ist Sess. 7th Parlt.— (5/?- /. H. Craig.) CAP. XX.— GOSSELIN, A. BRIDGE OVER R. BOYER.— The privileges granted by this Act are renewed for 20 years from 9ih December 1843, in favor of the representatives of A. Gosselin, on certain conditions, and the Tolls are altered in some instances, by 7 V. c. 56. 55 GEO. III.— 1st Sess. 8th Parlt.— (5'ir G. Prevost.) CAP. X.— MILITIA J\IEN, PENSIONS TO.— The sections in force are ! and IV, and not I and III as erroneously printed in the Tables. r)7 Geo. III.— 2 Geo. IV. TABLE I. A. D. 1817-22. 153 57 GEO. Ill.-lst Sess. 9th Parlt.-(^tV J. C. Sherbrooke.) CAP. XVI.-POLICE, SERVANTS, APPRENTICES.-The new Act 8 V c 59, concerning the incorporation of Montreal must be borne in mind in read- 1" Vw it Ti .Tf "^ r" '• ' 'l*^ "'' '^'' '^"''^ ^'^^ "'"•t^ the words in b. Y o 3 fie 4. V. c. 36, transfcmng the powers of the Justices of the Peace Council to make by-laws for regulating servants, apprentices, &c , and their whh tt^Art"" w7'' '^"'^/Je Ordinance is only repealed where inconsis en with the Act. With regard to Sect. Ill, see 8 V. c. 59. s. 70 and 71, estab- hshing the Mayor's Court in Montreal for the recovery of penaUies under bv- lavvs ; the juns,liction of that Court is of course confined to the CUy"an5 does not, however, seem to be exclusive there. The amount of any penalty under tr30T.vT V;^''f ^- m'I- " '''," '™''^'^ '' ^ ' »"^1 the impr 7onmen on ? ^^y^';;;:''"^ ""'^^Jl^- ^ > t^e penalty may be £iO, and the imprisonment si n^;... £-"T ,^""'7=^' Act 8 V. c. 40, does not conlain^any p^vi- Mon on the subject of thus Act, and its position as to the Country Districts of Quebec and Montreal, and the Town of Three-Rivers, seems Z to be chan ged since the publication of the Tables. "" Cap. 18.— Three-Rivers, Administration of Justice at.— This Act is tC-rS " ''• " '' ^"'"^ '^'' '^^'■"^ '' *^« C-« of Q B- ^» 58 GEO. III. -2nd Sess. 9th Parlt.— (5ir /. C. Sherbrooke,) Cap, 6.— Agricultural Societies.— This Act is repealed by 8 V c 53 (s 1 'k ^yhlch Act IS however temporary and to be in force until the end of the Ses- sion next alter the 29th March 1849. 1 GEO. IV.-lst Sess. 11th Parlt.-(JGa7/ Balhousie.) '^^- c:^TS?8'^^^r;!;i^^^^^-^'^*« ^^^ ^^ ^^^^-^^^ ^^ « ^• CAP. yi.-LACHINE CANAL.-The Lachine Canal is now expressly vested in h M.?tIS ^"'^"l ""' ^"^^'^f '^ ^■''^^" ^" ^''« ^^'^■^'•"«'- ''^ Council to esta ^ hsh tl e Tolls upon .t and to make repii ations for the proper using of it, &c., by 8 V. c. 30 . 1, and the schedule.-That Act is however temporary, and i ir. force unti the end of the Session next after 29th March 1846 ; it exm-ess v repeals on y so much of any Act as imjmes Tolls on the works to which ft applies, other Acts remaining in force whore not inconsistent with i° CAP. VIII._HABEAS CORPUS.-As to the powers of Assistant Jud'ges see 7 V. c. 16 s. 6, and as to those of the Circuit Judges during the Terms of the seeTv' ^!ltl k' '"■ '" ^""' ''^" """^ ''''"" =^"^ "^^' aner suctTerll;: CAP. XV.— PEACE OFFICERS, CONSTABLES.- the same Ordinance to the Town of Sherbrooke. -See 8 v. c. 18, extending 2 GEO. IV.— 2iul Sess. llth Padt.— (AV/ Dalhmisie.) Cap- 5.--f;ASi.£, Administratipn of Justice iN.-This Act ib repealed bv 7 15i A. !)• 1823-*. TABLK I. hi 4 «: 15 c* 3-1. (iico. IV. 3 in:n. IV.-^rd Sohh. Utl. Vtxr\\.~(Earl Ih/hcmir.) CAP.__\Vir.---ST. FRANCIS DISTRICT, A.hnlnisin.ti..,, of JuMiro in.-S,u-,t. II , II, 111 -lll'll .I.«.l l.y 4. mul f) V. c. .(), nlK.lisliitiK 111,, Provincial (;.)url, ll..M.|)|,.,i„t„u.nt ..( tin- .iuilm) and ol lli(> IVovinrial .lii(l,;(<. "Willi iv^ard to Soct. XIII, sco 7 V. v. '20. 8. land'J.ivpcalinfrH.. nnid. ol lliis Art as lix.-s tliu lin.os of lioldinir tho Cionoral Sessions and appoi , , , .. ,""'"^' "<•'<■>• li'iif'-, also y V.c. IS. H. 'J, i-fmovinK donhls as to tlio p.nvci-s ol tlio sai.l ('o,nt of (i.-iieial Sessions. Sect. XIV luu! XV arc superseded l,y 7 \ . c. Ki. s. ;<, f,ivi„ml,o IVovinrial .Indf^o tiio samo powers as any .Iiistic." ol anv oilier Court of q. H. (;Ar. XM.- (^IIAMULY CAN \L.-\vitl, re(nr,uv lo this Aet s.v S V e M) af^am expressly vesting , he C.nal i.Mhe Hoard of Works, and en.powerinnll.c' (.overnor u. (_ouned lo estaMisI, the Tolls and lo n.ak,. re|rulations for the pro- per us, n-ol the C anal, riic Aet is ten,porarv and is eonlinued in foree .n.- ini- r, ■ ■ , -.11 iSl.f). The iiowers of tho Lomiuissioners are not expressly translerred to tho Hoard of Works. til llie end of the Session next aller 'JiMh IMar'cl 4 t;r,0. IV. -ith Sess, nth Parll.- (/,V/ of J)aI/,ov,ir.) CAP. ir.-POLICE IN IJOROI-CIIS AND A'lLLACKS. --AVi.h referenre to iniicipalilies) especiallv ihe " Se^ this Aet see S V. e. !.(), (.m there IS one, and ils authority would appear to thai of the Trustees • n cases where the same powers may he j^iyen h.ea.d.. The remilalions of police would appeiuto HMiiaiii in force, hut Sect. XII only makes the nenal- lies recoverahle ihe suit of the Inspector. The circ.inislances re.nii'sile to onahle a locahly lo take advanlaj^e of the Ads are not exactly the same : this Act, Seel. II. re.piirm- lliirly iiihal.ited houses willim ;, space of If) arpeiiN or a m-ealer numherol houses not more than half an arpent aiinrt, in a .'realer extent ol around ;- and the S W c. -lO. s. H, rcpiiriim sixty houses T.r im- Avards willun a space of lliirly superficial arpenis or acres. It is o,,tional with the luhahilantsof a village lo hriii;. ihems.-lyes un.ler Ihe oiieralion ..f the ,vc- con./partol the latter Act ;-aiul ilie. //;■./ pMrl scarcely appears to interfere Willi this Act >. -11 Vxv. 7.— C.Asrfi, AOMiNiSTRATioN OF .ii'STicr IN.— This Act is repealed by 7 V. c. 17, s. .U). ^ C\v. li.— Customs, Duties or, Coods, &o. ronn.:iTi.;p._This Aet is repealed ', .- ■/'' o' ■*■■ •'— ^^■'"'■'^ ^^'■' '^ Ixnyey.-r temporary and eonlinued to the endol the Session next alierr)t|i April 1S4'8. CAP.XV.--CASPK, Want of NOTAKMIIS in, fcc.-Wilh reference to Ibis An f-oe 7 V. c. h. s. 1 and 30, ai)olislung liic Provincial Court and repealing; di- 4-7 Glo. IV. TA13LE T. A. D. 1824-7. \5b vcH .Arts rdal,n« i„ it. TIhh Act in not oxp.oHHiy .nonlionr.l „„r iro tim p..werH «,vrn l.y H, to the I'n.vmrinl .Iu.Ik. o|- to H,;. C„" o K TuZ oJCr;S:;,^A::'r-'''^C.";"''*^y i"T-^"' -""•'•'•"- Act has boon pai.l CAP. r.Al Ai-.l imilca Imlli.T |„„vi»i„,i in i|,„ ,„„„, |„,|,,,||- ■=■ *' """" :. UEO. IV. .-1.1 s,™, 12,1, 1.„,|,....(,5,v ,,.. /,, y,„,,,„„_j • , ;,\'''--- ' . ^.^^^^-.-^V'"' '■<''••'•'•"'■', to tins A.-t .0.3 7 V. c. «r,-M .; tJE(X JV.-.OM.IS..S.. ]o„, P.v\u-^l.:ar/n,Monsic.) CAIMir LACHINH ('ANAL.-U'i.l. .vle>-e„cc ,o this Act s,. S V. c. 10, _^_^^ now l)c tliose Cap. 25.-GASP., AnM.N,.r«AT.oN op' .N.--This Act is repealed hy 7 7 (IKO. IV.-3,,I Srss. ]2tl, Vs A.D. i8;n-3. 7ABLK I. 1-3 Wii.i.. IV. rinK to urul inlorprctiiij; Huh Act (1 W. 4. v.. M.) wn« piinmul l.v lintli IIouhos •liirinn the ScMioii ISU-ifi, Imt it wuh rcoerviiil for llio bignilicutioii ol" H. M. pli'Hsua', unil luu not yot l)tvn Himctioiu'tl. '•I 5-1 2 WILL. IV.— 2mlSow. iMiruilt. -(/.on/ y/^/mrr.) (Mr. VIII.-DISTRICT OF ST. FRANCIS, Apministuation op Juntioe in. —Till! Act 4. & 5 V. c. 20, in r(>|)t>nlcil by 7 V. <•. l(i. r. 1, hm the Laws r.«- poiilotl ninl tho Courts iiliolislictl by it ixMniiiii rfpoiilt'il nnd iiboliiilieil. Soe also 7 V. c. It), s. 19 &. :U), nti to llio Inlorior ToriiiH ami Cirriiit CoiirU in the District of St. KranciH, nnd s. ;j, hh to tlio powors of tho Proviiicinl JiuIko, un oiu> 1)1" the .luslii-oa ol" llio Court of (J. H. nt Sht'rl)rooko. Cap. 3;{.— Laws, distiuhution oi-.--This Act is rrpoiiloil by 8 V. c. (iS. s. l,iuul othor provision is i\\\uh for like i)ur)uwH by the said Act. Cat. :{().— Ha uiiouii ok MoiVTUKAi..--This Art is rnu-alcd by S V. c. 7() h 1 • —sec also noto.s on 10 i^ 11 (J. 4. c. 28. ' Cap. .'^O.-fiAsiu^ Admimstuation ok Justice in.— Tliis Act is rencnlcd bv 7 V. c. 17. H. :W. * ^ CAP. LXVn-COirRT llOdSKSANl) C.AOLS IN TIIK COUNTIKS.-This Act has not boon furtlior continual, and will oxpin> on IstNovi. ISLf). :\ WILL. IV.— ;hd Soss. Mtli Parlt.—( r,or, s. If) jrivin;? tho said Court and Justices thereof tho same power as ui other Districts, and s. .'>, establishing; tho jiowers of the Circuit (\)urts and Judjiea thereof. — Hy a. 3, the two Circuit Judges for the District arc to reside in ilillerent Counties Query, wiiotherllio j>owers given l)y this Act may i)0 exercised (as in St. Francis) by one Circuit Judfre, (as a Justice of the Co\nt of (J. H.) or whetluM- two must act as in Quebec and Montreal :- -or whether the (piestion would in any way depend on the amount in dispute ?--The powers of ilie Provincial Judge are not expressly transferred to any functioimry. With regard to Sect. VIM, see 7 V. c. 18, as to the jiresent Court of Appeals and 7 V. c. 1(>. s. 2I., as to the meaning of tho word " Steriinir." The Onlinance 2 V. (.'<) c. 4!), is repealed [)y 7 V. c. It), s. (iP, and provision is made by s. Sf) of tliat Act for purposes similar to those mentioned in s. 3 of tho said Ordinance. Cap. .'J. — Tmkee Rivkus, Admimsthation of Jrs'ncB at. — The Act 4 &, 5 V. c. 20, is repealed by 7 V. c. Hi. s. 1, but Laws repealed and Courts abolisshed by it remain repealed and abolished. See 7 V. c, Ifi. s. 42, cs to cases in the Inferior Term or Circuit Court in which tho 1 csident Judge shall be incompe- tent from interest, &,c. CAP. XIV.— PILLS OF EXCHANGE PROTESTED.— See 7 V. c. 4. s. 2 & 3, as to the elTect iu Upper Canada of protests, &,c. made by Notaries in Lower Canada. :i fi Wti.i,. IV. TABLE r. A. T). isns-fi. I5f> CAl'. \'Vfri.-l)ISTRIf:T or Sr. FKANCrS.-Se« nlio 7 V. c. l« „„,^v„ feloiririR to tlic />i,v//if/ atui net t(» llin Inferior Dhtrirl of Si. Frnnci8. ' •I. VVIU.. IV.— kh Sdfls. Hlh Pailt.-(A.o;(/./7y/;3cr.) rAP.IV.-WRrTS OF ATTACHMENT, FUACTICK IN IIYl'OTHPr adv AOTIONS.-U ,lo.. t n,.,.onr tluU Huh Act w„h „riKinal y i, l",d^^^^^^^^^^ to a,.y other C<,ur.« thuu tl.o«. of K. ]j., now of Q. H. ?~W "tlV^ CiiTuii Courts Hen 7 V. o. l(i. s. 28 Ik 'M), nn to tl,*ir lornl iuri„ |2 " .•Ji2aM« «uil. in which ihom n.ay ho n/oro than ono 1) J",;!i''!!.V'r' "• also H. ;j7, m t.) tho writH which may iHHue,an(hhomo'''". '"."'" 4lu; nu;ntione.l in Sect. XI of this Act, to ten day; i.'.sLd of five'"'* s. J, enipovvering tho Directors to retain out of the money payahio to n m„'~ IHT sustaining loss hy and having no <,ther means of ^.!curi"i,h" amount ol the promissory note giv.>n l.y such M..mhcr,_s. 4 cnal in. !i to cancel tho policy of a Memher on the .lealh or inso von -y '., "i ,*^l """' ...iloss ho provi.lesa now in.lorsor ; an.l s. f,, makinrcxt c f T."'"' rojristry of tho Company, &c. /-n>,/i /„nc cvi.Ience at w ' "'" ""^ Cap. CAP Cap. (! WILL. IV.-2n.l Sess. Ifnh ParIt.-(/;ar/ of Gosford.) CAP. IV.-INSOLVENT DEBTORS, for the relief of hv nllmvi. .i linuts of tl.c DISTRICT ou cortai.', con.litiol WUh Xe JX^^^^^^^ S V. c. 17, rep<^.ling Sect. I & II of this Act, an.l extendina Vl.n i •! T"' vjhicl. tho Del^iulant may he at larg.^ to the ;h:ie ^^^^^ ^^ tc^ III & IV are not expressly mcntione.l in the sai.l Act hut ii .vn. i . CAP XV._SlIERIFr OFFICE OF.-I„ il,o Tabic, "CAP IVNh™,),! i b»a ,,„„.,.,l "CAP. XV." Will, n.Bar,l ,„ S,c,,. VIII'c 7 v i ul" 7, iirovBl.i.B chat mtni. wrils mil of llic Si,ncri,.r Term ■! 1,. "Ji I d™c,ly ,„ Bailin:,, f,„ wl,„,„ >1,„ S|,„ri,r >v„„l,l',„., tar,, pl^^^^^^^^^^^^ *all givo, a„.l s. 27 a, .„ ,alc, o,' ,oa. p™pe„y T„ ,ta. m^7%^ 160 A. D. 1836. TABLE I. 6 Will. IV. IS 5« regard to Sect. XXII & XXIII, the Act 4 & f) V. c. 20, m ropcalod by 7 V. c. 16. s. 1, and the District Courts are abolished; Qttrry, a« to the upplicn- tion of tliPso Sections to siMziircs of rafts under writs i^isued out «f Inferior Term or Circuit Courts and adihejtied to UaihiVs ? see 7 V. c. ](i. s. 'A], 37, 47, &c. It does not appear that writs of attfiehnieiit issuin^r out of the said Courts are to l)e addressed to Siioriil's, except when they are aj;ainst hinds, or to l)e executed in other districts, thoutili the Act docs not cymsuly say to wljOH) they shall i)e addressed wlien issued liefore judgment ?— Sect. XXVI &. XXVII are sujjcrseded by 7 V. c. 17, under which the C.uirt of Q. B. for Quebec has no jurisdiction in Gaspe, except as to suits pending i„ that Court at tlio commencement of tlie said Act. CAP.XIX.— FRKS t,) Persons omphn-ed by JUSTICES OF THE PEACE This Act is continued by 8 V. c.'ili, to the end «)f ti\e Session ne\t after 31st DecetTd)er, ISM). CAP. XXII.— LACIIINE CANAL, for the nianaLjoment of.— Willi regard to this Act, see 8 V. c. 30. s. 1, n<;ain vestin- the Canal in the Hoanrof W^irks, repealing the Tolls established by this Act, and empowerini; tbe Covernor in Council to establish others and to maNc rejrulations Ibr the collection of such Tolls and the proper using of tlie Canal. Tiie powers of the Commissioners imdcr this Aci, and others (s(m< 1 C. K c. (i,) are not expressly transferred to the Board ol Works— nor WiLr,. IV.— 2 Vict. TABLE I. A. D. 183fi-8. 161 Dnccmber, 181«).-Witli rcgnnl to Sect. XX, nco as to tho City of Montreal Jo new Art S V c. f.fJ. «. 38, oinpou-.Tii.!^ tl.o City Council to I'oun.l-KoepoM ; tiiat Act does not repeal the incorporation Ordinances except wiiere lliey nre inconsiNtent with tho Act. With resard to Sect. XXI, XXII the 4. V, c. :i is repenled hy S V. o. 40. s. 1, and hy s. 24. &, 28 of that Act' tho power ot nppoiiitiri<; Pound-Keepers and eslal)lishin>; public Pounds ia expressly vested in the Council of the Municipnlitv ; the reKulntions made by V v,M^^ vVv ."'.Tr'-' *'l""''' ''"'""'" "'"' P'»'>"l-Jvcei)ers ?— With regard to Sect. XWl , \\V11I .ViWIX, the I. V. c. 3, is repealed by 8 V. c. 40. a. 1, nml hys. >|., tiio Councilor tin; iMunicipaliiy is empowered to appoint Road Ulhcers, Inspectors of Fences and Ditches, and such other Public OllicerH as they shall drnii expi'djcnt ; and these three sections, which provided for their election, are therefore superseded as inconsistent with ihe said Act, h. 28 of wliich empowers tiie Council to divide the JMunicipality into Surveyors' and Overseers' Districts, hut says nolhinfr of Inspectors' Districts, so that they seem to act lortlie whole Municipality ?-With n-ard to Sect. XXXI, the 4 V. c. 3, IS repealed as aforesaid, and the Act 8 V. c. 40 does not recpiire any oath ofoilio! Irom the InspiM-tor or any other Municipal Fuiutionm-y except tho It would seem that under s. 2S, (JOthly) the Council mitd.t fine an Ullicvr n.r relnsiiif; to act ? and under s. IS they niisht ai)point another in Ids stead. Ihe regulations in this Act and those not inconsistent with itinado by the Council under s. 28 (fMhly) would form the laws by which the Inspectors vvould be governed. For the " Parish, Seii-niory or Township" of this Act the " Municipality " of the new Act will be substituted whenever their boundaries do not co-incide ; the " Sei-niorv" is not a division recognized by V!'*' '^'.^ , 'i^""' ''''t!"rd to Sect. XLVl, see S V. c. 40. s. 24, under whicL tho Council of the Municipality may a|)pointsuch number of lioad-Surveyors as Ihey think proper, and s. 14, as to cases in which the co-operation of two or more Municipalities may Im recpiired. Willi reirard to Sect. LVII, see 8 V. c. 40. s. 35, makincr the Commissioners' Court a competent tribunal in all proceedings for enforcing that Act. ORDINANCES OF THE SPECIAL COUNCIL. I VICT — 1st Sess. of the Special Council.— (.SVr John Colborne.) CAP. XXII.— MILITIA, to regulate the.— This Ordinance is revived and conti- nued by 8 V. c. 51, to the end of the Session next after 1st May, 1846, with an amendment empowering the Governor to dispense with the Militia muster in any year. Cap. 23.— IIaubour op Montreal.— This Ordinance is repealed by 8 V. c. 76. s. 1 — Sec notes on 10 &. 1 1 G. 4. c. 28. 2 VICT. (Ist Sess.)— 2nd Sess. of the Special Council.— (A'.ir/ of Dur, CAP. II — POLICE, to establish an ellbctive svstem of.— With reference to i.. . Ordinance, see the Act 7 V. c. 21, passed expressly to amend it. And more es- pecially with regard to Sect. VIII, see the said Act s. 1, providing that the Justice shall not immediately romm; any per-on convicted of being loose, idli^ or disorderly, hut shall impose a ;.v.nalty and shall not commit unless the person be a non-resident and liave no goods and chattels whereof the fine 162 A. D. 1838-9. TAULE I. li Vict. may Iw levied. — With regard to Sect. XV, see b. ;', ©f the said Act, which vir- tually ropealii it. By «. 3, + 8t 5, tlie charge must Yv reduced to writing nnd llie fact which constitutes the offender looie, idle or diaorderly must he staled, lini© must he allowed for the defence, and an appeal is ^iven to the Quarter SeBsionn. — With regard to the City of Montreal only, see 8 V. c. r)9. s. 50, lif), GG, ()7, (iS, 69, &c. as to the constahulary force to he ealahlished in the said City and the regulation and powers thereof. The naid Act does not repcid this Ordinance or the former Ordinances incorporating the said City, except in so '"-r ai they may be inconsistent with the Aet. it It 2 VICT. (2nd Ses8.)— 3rd Soss. of the Special Council.— (.S'tV Mn Collo>ne.) CAP. II.— ARMS AND MUNITIONS OF WAR, to authorize the seizing ol in certain cases. — With reference to this Ordinance, «ec 8 V. c. (i, as in localities in which public vvorkii are being carried on, and to which the Act may be de- clared by proclamation to extend. Cap. 13.— Assistant Judges of King's Be;.cH.— This Ordini'nce is repealed by 7 V. c. 16. 8. G9, and other provision for a like ^jurpoee is made by ». (J of that Act. 2 VICT. (3rd Scss.) Scss. of the Special Council.— (5'tr John Colborne.) CAP. VII.— ROAD LAWS, to amend them.— With regard to Sect. II, the 4. V. c. 3, is repealed by 8 V. c. 40. s. 1 ; antl by a. 24 & 28 of that Act the Coun- cil of the Municipality may appoint bo many Overseers and Surveyors as they may think proper, and divide tiie Municipality into Surveyors' and OverBcers* Districts. Sect. Ill & V remain repealed, beinj; inconsiKtent with the provi- sion above cited of 8 V. c. 40. Query, as to the obligation of the Council to jjcrform the duties of the Grand Voyer for whom they are substituted, and to cause a tour of inspection to bo made by the proper officer? Sect. VIII re- mains repealed, no procts verbal being requisite under 8 V. c. 40. s. 30 :—Que- ry, as to tlio elTogt of Sect. IX in repartitions made under any By-Law of the Council ?— Tlie powers given in Sect. XIII, XIV, XVI, XIX, XX and XXII, will now be vested in the Council of the Municipality under 8 V. c. 40. s. 30. With regard to Sect. XIX, the 4 V. c. 3, is repealed as aforesaid. The Town of Tl'.ree- Rivers is not exempted from the operation of 8 V. c. 40, and the powers here given to the Magistrates will be vested in the Council of the ]\Tunicipa- lity under s. 30,— or under s. .51, if liie inhabitants avail themselves of ilie pro- visions of tlie second Part of the said Act. CAP. XIII.— FERRYMEN, FERRIES, for regulating.— With regar i fo Fer- ries from places within nine miles of the City of Montreal to ihe said Ci'y, see 8 V. c. 59. s. 48 giving the City Council exclusive power to grrnt or re- fuse licenses for such ferries, and s. 50 empowering them to impose a tax on such ferrymee :— See also with regard to ferries generally, 8 V. c. 40. s. 28, giving the Councils of the Municipalities power and authority as to the grant- ing of licenses Tor '''-.rk-.s, and fixing and levyin-^ the tolls at such ferries. CAP. XlV.-TAVF,i;>:^ fePIRirUOUS liquors, Sale of.-With reference to this Ordinance « oi i- ■. cih r laws concerning Licenses to Tavern keepers, see 8 V. c. 4. ^:, J -iiociiiing the Act (7 G. 4. c. 5) establishing Uie form of issu- ing licenses, and.-. 10 enabling the Governor in Council "to determine the iiu.cs, manner and form, and the ofiicer by whom all licenses on which any L>»r 2-3 Vict. TABLE I. A. D. 1839-40. 163 fluty Rliall Iw pnynl.lp nrp to bo iwueJ :"— also 8 V. c. 72. «. 3, nnprunriatinB the monicH from tavern licensoa to muniri|ml piirpowN.— By 3 fit 4 V. c. 31 «. 41, and H V. c. 59. h. 50, the City Councils in Quok-c ami Montreal can impose taxcMoii Tavern kco|ier« and retailerB of npiritiiouH ..(piorH. Cap. 21 — Ordnance Property, i vcm it in the Principal OdiciTH of tlm Ord- nance and to grant them certain powera.— TliiK Ordinance iir repealed by 7 V. c. 1 1. H. 38,— the said Act making more ample proviBion for like purposea. CAP. XXyi -RKLIGIOUS CONr.RK(;ATIONS, LANDS to bo holden by them. -With re^nird to Sect, i \ see 8 V. c. 3r>. b,2, 3,4, enabling the UnitarianH of Montn>al to imid two arpenls., but without limiting them as to place, or Kivintr them power to hold more any where. Cap. 3() — Bankrupts, Administration of tmeir Estates \nd Effects This Ordinance is repealed by 7 V. c. 10. s. 73, the said Act makinu more ample provision for like pufposcu in both Sections of the Province ;— sec also, I V. c. 1(5. 8. 2(!. Cap. 49.— Practice, Debtors having no domicile, L.«sor.s' Oppositions, Issue of AttachmentH without a fiat, ik,c.— This Ordinance is repealed by 7 V. c. Ifi. s. 69,— and s. 37, 54, S5, &c. of the said Act make provision for like pur- poses* CAP. LX. T-MARKET, NEW AT MONTREAL.-With reference to this Act see 8 V. c. 59, and notes on 47 G. 3. c. 7. Cap. (52 — HARnouR of Montkkai, ; for the more easy collection of the Harbour Dues.— This Ordinance is repealed by a. 1 of 8 V. c. 7G, which makes otli'.T provision for like purposes. 3 & 4 VICT.— 5th Sess. of the Special Council.— (C. P. Thomson.) Cap. 4.— GaspC, Administration of Justice in.— This Ordinance is repealed by 7 V. c. 17. s. SO, with the Acts it made permanent. Cap. 9.— Administration of Justice; Enqut^tes in civil mattei's.- This Ordi- nance is repealed by 7 V. c. (i. s. ()9,-and s. 12, 13, &c. of that Act make provision for like purposes. Cap. 18.— Ordnance property.— This Ordinance is repealed with 2 V. Ci) c. 21,by7V.c. 11.8.38. ^ ^ ^ Cap. 24 — Assistant Judgks. This Ordinance is repealed by 7 V. c. 16. s. 69, — and s. 6 of that Act makes provision for like purposes. CAP. XXV.-WINTER ROADS, VEHICLES ON.-With reference to this Act, and 4 V. c. 33,— sec 8 V. c. 52, which suspends for one year (from 29ih March 1815) and witli regard to the Districts of Quebec and Gas|)6 and part of that of Three Rivers, so much of this Ordinance and of 4 V. c. 33, as enacts that no other veliicles than those mentioned in the Ordinance shall be used on the Queen's highways. The note on Sect. II in the Tables should have referred to Sect. Ill, and not to Sect. II. Cap. 28.— Harbour of Montreal — This Ordinance ie repealed by 8 V. c. 76. s. 1. See notes on 10 & 11 G. 4. c. 28. Cap. 29.— Harbouu oi Montreal.- -This Ordinance is repealed by 8 V. c. 76. s. 1. CAP. XXXI.-TURNPIKE ROADS NEAR MONTREAL.-With reference to this Act and 4 & 5 V. c. 35, amending; it, see 7 V. c. 14, exempting f/om Toll,— vehicles solely laden, with manure from Town?,- persons attending Divine Service,— and persons going not more than half a mile from one part of their lands to another. Ifi4 A. D. 1840. TABLE I, 3 & 4. Vict. i::K IS !: (I ll CAP.XXXV—QUEBEC, INCORPORATION OF.-Wilh reference lo this Act and 4 V. c. 31, amending it, see 8 V. c. (iO, making further amendments ; and more especially with regard to Sect. I, gee 8 V. c. 60. a. 1, changing the corporate name j-With regard to Sect. IX, see 8 V. c. 6U. h. 2, repealing it and s. 5 of 3 &. 4 V. c. 31 and enacting that there shall hereafter be no Alder- men of the said City ;— Willi regard to Sect. XIV, see 8 V. c. (iO. s. 3 & 1(5, altering the day of election to iirst Monday, and that of Mayor to the second Monday in February in each year, and s. 4 providing that St. John's Ward and St. Roch's Ward shall each be rej)reseiite(l hv four Councillors ;— Willi regard to Sect. XVII, see 8 V. c. (iO. s. 5, providing that if there be no con- test tlie loll shall be clo.-^cd immedinteiy, and that if there be one, it shall be open trom 9 to 4 on two days inslead of one ;— Willi regard to Sect. XXIX & XXX, see 8 V. c. 60. s. 15, providing that Councillors removing perma- nently Icom the City or absent from it above six months on business shall not be liable to a penalty, but that the Council may declare their seats vacant and cause others to be elected in tlii'ir stead ;— With regard to Sect. XXXIII, see 8 V. c. 60. s. 19, repealing so much of it as empowers Justices of the' Peace to ore er payments to be made out of the C'ty Funds.— With regard to beet XX.WI, see8 V. c. 61). s. 6. providing tliat the Mayor or Chainnan shall vote only in case the other Members are equally divided ;-With regard to v^ect XXXVIII, see 8 V. c. 60. s. 17, rcpealinir it, and providing that the Council may meet at such fixed periods as shall be appointed by Bv-law, and may adjourn tram time to time ; Sect. XXXVII, is not however rer;ealed. With regard to Sect. XLI, sec 8 V. c. 60. s. 7, 8, 9, 14 & 20, enabling the Ivounci to make By-laws for ccrfain other ))urposes,~and s. 11, makin" certified copies of the I3y-la\vs, evidence.-With regard to Sect. XLIII, see 8 « "^fiv rn'^"^^'"'^^'"'^""'"'" <» '■^'^'"t'e overcharges on assessments. ■By « V . c. 60. s. IS, the Counc;', may appoint a Councillor to act as Mayor during the absence of that funclionary,-by s. 21, monies payable to the Council may be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction, and no Member ol the Council is to act as a Justice of the Peace, on any prosecu- tion brought un.ler any Rr-Lavv of the Council (this seems to be "directly in opposition to the principle adopted in S V. c. r)9, establishinga Jl/^yor's Court in lA ontreal).-By s. 10, 22 & 23, the City accounts are to be published an- nually, the hnancial year is to be the same as the natural year, and the Mayor IS empowered to appoint deputies to certain Officers. So much of this Ordi- nance andot 4 V. c. 3J, as may be inconsistent with the said Act, is of course repealed by it. CAP. XXXVI.-MONTREAL, INCORPORATION OF.-With reference to this Oi-duianco and 4 V. c 32 amending it, see 8 V. c. r.9.-The Ordinances are not repealed by that Act except in so far as thev mav he inconsistent with It, tie Corporation remains the same though its corporate name be changed, an. Its rights, powers and obligations, trivon, imposed or contracted by or under t,ic Ur.lumnces nMnain unimpaired unless they are incompatible with w *. , ' '"""''^^'"'^^ "'' t'"^ City remain the same, but the division into wards is altered and theu- number increased to nine ;— the distinction of Alder- inan is not abolished (as it is in Quebec) and the property ipialificationsforan Alderman ami a Councillor are diirereiit ; under s. 32, the Deputy Mayo- sliould be an Altiernian, but it docs not seem necessarv that the Mayor should be so, unless elected under s. 32 to fill a vacancy pro Umporc, or that the Aldermen have any other special powers or privileges ? A difference is made {^. lojintlienumberol Councillors to be returned for the several wards, but the Council will (s. 28) remain unchanged until the next election day, 1st Monday m iMarcii 1S46 ;— a third Ass,v;sor for each nard is to be added by the Coun- cil, and the mode ol valuation is mure strictly dcllncJ, (s. 19)— provisions are 3 & 4. Vict. TABLE I. A. D. 1840. 165 made for the manner of holding Electionn, (s. 23) for registration of Electors, (s. 11,) aiKl to prevent violence at Elections (s. 24)-voters must be persons assessed to a cerlam amount and must have paid all rates and assessments on them ; persons duly quahficd, elected as Mayor, Alderman or Councillors and rel.ismg to serve will mcur a penalty unless exempted, (s. 35 :)— by s. 36, the Mayor, or an Alderman or Councillor becoming bankrupt or absent liiore than a certain time, (except m case of illness) will become disqualified, and will incur a fine for absence (this heems to be at variance with the principle of the Act S VS'J'A' f^M'lfl^' powers of the Council are detailed \nf. ample than those given by the former Ordinances, including the exclusive Ctho (^T'"T, '""'"'-" <"■• ^•^'•'•i- J-- places not more than nine miles lioin the Lify,— the appointment of Committees for any purpose,— of en- forcing a summary remedy against their olIicers,-f,„ing assessors acting im- propeily,-compell,ug the inclosure of vacant lots.-the power of laxine persons using occupations, to many of which their power did not before extendi — the estal.hshiuent of boards of health,-puHing down ru^-ous buildinEs,- rcgu a ,ng servants, apprentices, journeymen, &c,-to regulaielhe weightand quality (not price) ol bread,-to determine contested elections of Counciflors — to compel their attendance at Meetings of the Council,-to assess specially for comi,ensat,ng damages occasional by riots or „,obs,_to p ohibit the erection of wooden nuldinp ,n certain parts of the City, and to compel the erection of party wa Is between l)u,ldmgs,-tocause inquiry to be made into the origin of fires, to make By-Laws relative to the sweeping of chimnies and a tarifl;lto take pro- S, L / '!"P'''^^-'f/"<^' '"--Iking compensation in a certain manner, (s. 59, 60, 01, 6i OJ,) and (s. S2) in case of opening or enlarging public streets, squares hat actually required or the saul purpose,-to establish a constabulary force, n fim^V'^Tf t'lr^'T' ^'^^^ «(^,G7,68, 6«),)_topunish^cruelt; to annuals, s Sl.)-A Mayor's court to be held bv any three members of the City Council .s established (s. 70 c^ 71) with sumuary jurisdiction in allcasS IJZIZ'T^ '" Corporation fir assessments! laxos, ^"imposed b" an} Bj-Law, of oirenccs against By-Laws, and of ponaliies incurred under Jiy-Laws, or under Ads concerning morkets or n^sessments; and with power to execue their judgments by sale of goods and chattels or'by imprisonmin an 1 to ", ''~'° '^"'^'"" =^"'* ''''^'^'^ *'^^ atten.lance of witnesses, &c, rnakla iTSnTr '^ ""'"'"'"•^'^ ^luring their sittings, and to make a tan V of fees for the Court,-the amonnt of jurisdiction is not imited, and the evidence of one witness is made suflicient, inhabitants of Montreal being compo ent .m ess specially interested ;-,he pro.'ess of the Court is o un f ri.n Majesty's nnaie, but need not be under seal ;-the jurisdiction is not made exclusive, no appeal >s given, but the certiorari is not taken away :_bv s 40 a.sessmjiits on real pn)|X'rty arc liable to an i ncrease of 10 per cent, per annum' oZ'cv.H " «' «"y,int no special /.ntv/r!,.'. seems to be given except that under s. 7-1 ; a fi e and penalties under By-La^^■s are to belong to tl 'e Corporation mly and to be sued tor ■„ its name and no other ;-a pHvileged clam on real or persona property for Uvo years assessments or rales imposed on it^is Jven SO th '^ ', 'V '"^ •"''"'''*-''■ '"^^'' ^^'''''" '^ ''^'^^' <° registration ?-Bvs" hO, tlie C,(y-Surveyor ,s to make a i,lan of the vacant ground in the Citv 'tv"V^''^"':''°"^^^'''^''' «"gl^t'«''^^ reserved for street^, by wile ' af 'cr be s^.bsftuted for the plan made, fbr a similar purpose under 39 G 3. c 5. 7^, V Jm r-''''''"''^'''\"'" '''■'"^^'" 0'-Ji"="":'-'« nre to continue repealed, h 70,) and certam parts of Acts repealed by 3 £. 4 V. c. 36. .. 4.S,'are a am 166 A. D. 1840-1. TABLE I. 3-4 Vict. It u J* repealed by s. 39 of this Act, but (as before stated) the Ordinances theni- Rolvos arc not repealed, and there may be some very few of their provisions, (lor instance the concurrent jurisdiction of the Justices of the Peace under 4> V. c. 32. s. 30 & 37, and 3 & A- V. e. 3(). s. f)!, as to coinpensiilion for abo- lished officers) which may \w s'\\\ in force and necessary, — in general, however, more ample provisions have been made on every subject tj wbiih llie former Ordinances relate, and these provisions if dill'erent supersede the former ones, and if similar render them of no further use: — It would have been JHtter, as avoiding all doubts, if after due care that ^Tf/y jirovision ii was intended lo preserve had been re-enacted, the fonm-r Oiiliuanees had been expressly rejiealed. The main points of ditr'rence and comparison have been iiotieed above ; to enter into I'urlher detail would bo to revise the new Act and not the Ordinances. — See also, with rfU'ivnce to the said Ordinances and Act, 7 V. c. -tl, authorizing the corporation to purchase the Water-Works. CAP. XXXIX. ?--ASSESSMHNTS, TO exkmi-t tiik HORSES ok cr.mMfi OFFICERS FHOM, IN Qur.BF.o and Montrkai,. — In Quebec no chanjre ap- pears to have been made, — but by S V. c. 59. s. f'O, the (^ity ("ouncil in Mon- treal may impose duties on hoi-ses •' kept for i)leasure, foi working, or hiring out," — Qticri/, whether this Act wcy, — also 7 V. c. 14, making certain exemptions from toll, mentioned in notes on 3 &. 4 V. c. 31. XVII.-TURNPIKE ROADS near QUEBEC— With rcferonce to this Act, see 8 V. c. ^5y amending it by auhorizing the Commissioners to borrow a further sum, — repealing so much of Sect. X as fixes the rates of toll, and establishing other rates, — fixing a scale of commutation instead of leaving it to be settled by agreement, — extending the Ordinance to the road from Cham- 4 Vict. TABLE I. A. D. 1841. 167 piffny Hill to the Rc.l HrLlRo, nn.l providing for the case of D„rclicHtor Brui^o ^ ^SloiV^ "^rT"' ""' •"""''' '•"•'•^'- ''"^ con,;,! oni[e S CAP. XX -COURT HOIISKS ano GAOLS m the JUDICIAL DISTRICTS — Die Act 1 & r> V. c. 20, is nMR'nlcd l.v 7 V c 1« a 1 1, .. T , i Ordwanc. 1,„, „ot lK>on n.nde to th.., unv sy.tom „ I dni di v Hiool the Province ostal.Iished hy 7 V. c. ](l & n/lhou^h C rt T o ,^.« an (,aols „»ay ho ro.iu.rod in tho Crrcuiis or m.n.o oi' .iL ; By S 'ct X ^C^V77T'^'f' M "" ?'TT"'"' ^'""'" '" r-vv.rV:n,.dn, i.l. I • I ?. 1 "-r'\^- •'•»' (a|>pIy"iK the Onhnanco to the Inf.-rior DJHtrirt .sfU.lushed hy that Ac\) tho Legislature of Cana.ia contirnunl tl r. ant iS liowever, has stdl to he applied to cxiHlinR divisions. ^ ' CAP.XXL-URIDGE ovEH the CAP ROUGR RIVER.-WitI, reference th,s Ac sec S V. e. .W, vesting ,h,. ]^rid,e in the Boanl of VV rlsTn-Zl- ...g the tolls arul empowerinj, the in Council to estuhlish th > s' an 1 to make regulations for the proper using of the Bridge. ' ^'^^•?nvr'w'!,^''lf^''^ "^"^'^ ^■"'^^' MONTRKAL to COTK ST. MI- LllhL.— VV.lh n'lerencetothisOnliunnrc see 7 V. c. 14, malun.' certain .'x emptiou^ !,o.n toll, mentione.I in notes on .'} & 4 V. c. 31. ^ "^•^!lil-Z^a^t:!::T'''' '''''''''' Sale 0.-SOO notes on CAP. XXX.-RKCrSTRATFON of TITLKS to and CI ATMS ,„..« pfat PiiOPERTV ALIENATION oa HVPOTtr^l^^SmN ..'T.^.f':!' PERTY.-With reference to this Ordinance, see 7 V- c. 22 o3_y y'c " -.7, >H. And more especially, with regnr.! to Sect. I, s<>o 7 v'. c. 22. s. f), and 8 L'l' , ■ "' V '"'"^"''."f^ t'"" t'"' P"-''"- registration of a suhswiuent title or ins- trurnent creating an meun.l.rnnce, shall not nni.ct a propriitor in men a d puhhc possessum of the property ;-VVith regard to Sect. I'l, the Ac S V 4J, (amending 7 V.c. 27 authorizing the Seigniors of certa n Tiefs n Mon' treal to commute,) specially reserves the same privilege fo e romn utati m rrumj, K secured on the j.roperty, which the siignior'hud for tlu .'^h tc m muted, and so also does the gen., but providing that marriage contracts already registered in Lower Canada need not bt aijain registered \indcr the said Act ; — With regard to Sect. XXXV £i XXXVII, see 8 V. c. 27. s. 3 & 4, declaring that the word* 4. Vict. TABLE I. A. D. 1841. 169 "legal unc « customary" dower in Sort. XXXV or a„v oth.-r ,)art of the Or- < inanco shall bo cons(rue.l,as well in ,>.st a. lor l\ t re, o i duce M>,,u utod (pr,Jm:) or ronventional .lou.or,_an,l that .lower o f ^1 h • k „i m.y IH, reiea... I.y an nstrumont pas.-o.! Hubse.iuontly U. the deo.l lie in ' o property, whether sud, .lee.i .hall have been p'assed before or f ' tl p ^s „^ ot the Act or o the Or.linanee :_AVi,h regard to Sect. XXXVIH,"^ ^7 V " ! ~>.s. n,i.rovuhni,^asimplelonnof creatii.gan hvpolhec on land.s held in roe and common soc. a,e :-AVi.h n-gard to^Sect. XL, M>e 7 V. ^Sl T\ 1 (), provulin. that «// documents whether passe r hts of aP p:.rtu. .nUM-es,.d m the document re^isten-d :-Wi,h i-.ard to Secuf L^ .^e wOl . * 7;'; f' '"''V'"'"'^ <'"-^''" re.r,slration of partial discharges, which fas well asol Ola discharg.-s may be made on llu production of thee ni c.tft menfoned .n the Ordinance, or of a notarial instrument o -ia^ ,^ In^ proving such .hscharge,-and giving an action to the partv icha id t oh Lin from the incumbrancer a certificate ordocument whii. can be ^^^0^^ With regard to Sect. LI[, ,ce the preceding notes on Sect X XI xll V YTTT and on Sect. XL as to the parties' by whorn or at who e ns^L^e', Ic rtfsra' tion may be elfected :-With regard to Sect. LIII & J VI F . I i ''^''"r notes on Sect. V. The Act S V c '>7 1. ^ L a '' preceding CAP. XXXL-QUEBEO, INCORPORATION „p._Scc notes o„ 3 & t V. „. ^''^'''c'JS"'"'*'™''™*'" INCORPORATION OK.-See „o,os „„ 3 & i V. *""■• f&'^'vilo?*"'' ''"'™- ■'°" ^"= —>-»":- o.._Sco notes „„ END OP SUPPLEMENT TO TAHLE I. "I fc n "•i It ^ SUPPLEMENT TO TABLE II. CLASS A . nni.ATlNG TO THE rONSTITOTION AND TO POI.IT.CAt UIGHTS AND INSTITUTIONS. PARLTAMP^NT, PROVINCIAL, (and Co.nmisHions) continued on demise of ti.e Crown — 7 V. c. 3 & 8. ASSEMBLY, t., H,n:ure ti.c itulopen.lenco of.-7V. c. G5,~and mark as not in force 51 G. 3. c. 4—1 W. k c. 42—4 W. 4 c. '32. SPEAKER „„- LECISLATIVE COUNCIL, .alary ..f.lg V. c. 73. ELECTORAL DIVISIONS, boundaries of.-./?rA/ 7 V. c. 28. ELECTIONS— .//,/,/ 8 V. c. 9 & 10. ALIENS, Naturalization of.— 8 V. c. 107. CLASS B. RELATING TO THE STATISTICS OF THE PKOVINOE. CENSUS.— ./?rft/7 V.C.24. CLASS C. REIATING TO VENAL LAW— THE DEFINITION OP OFFENCES AND fHEIR PUNISHMENT. PARTY PROCESSIONS, to restrain.-7 V. c. 6. GAME, FISH, taking at certain seasons.-? V. c. 12, 13—8 V. c. 46. RIOTS ON PUBLIC W0RKS.-8 V. c. 6. EXECUTION for Murder.— Pm^ 41 G. 3. c. 9, instead o/41 G. 3. c. 10. CLASS D. RELATING TO THE ADMINISTRATION OP JUSTICE, JUDICATURE, COURTS, PRACTICE, AND PROCEEDINGS FOR ENFORCING THE LAW CIVIL AND CRIMINAL. JUDICATURE COURTS, &.o.-J!dd 7 V. c. 15 (Independence of Judge9)-l6 &, lb— and mark as not in force 4 V. c. 1—4 & 5 V. c. 20. 17i» TABLE I. t IS ASSISTANT JUDGES.— JV/ar* as not in force 2 V. (2) c. 13—3 & 4 V. c. 24. THREE niVERS.— Mark as not in force 47 Geo. 3. c. G— 57 G. 3. c. IS— 10 &. 11 G. 4.. c. 22. MONTREAL, (CoiTimr. of Inferior Term.)— jV/wA: as not in force 4 V. c. 26. ST. FRANCIS, DISTRICT 0F.-./7J—and Imperial Act 5 6 6 V. c. 14 {Corn)~and mark as not in force 4 G. 4. c. 14 and add 7 V. c. 1. INLAND PORTS. — Mark as not in force G W. 4. c. 24. TAVERNS, HAWKERS, &c., Licences for.— ./?«/«/ 8 V. c. 72— ant/ wtar/t as nof in force 7 G. 4. c. 5. DISTILLERIES.— ./Z(/c/ 8 V. c. 29— and not in force 8 V. c. 2. * NoTK.— Marked in the Table annexed to the Revised Statutes as 7iol in force, but the duties only are repealed by 8 V. c. 3, TABLE IK 173 SICK MARINERS.— ^(// 8 V. c. 12. SEAMEN, SHIPPING and NAVIGATION.-.7(W8 V. c. 5 ant/ Imperial Arm 7 & 8 V. c 1 32— f) & (i V. c. 17 (Deck loads) and f) & G V. c. 107 (Passengers)— ./?«(/ mark as not in force Imperial Acts— 5 St 6 W 4 c. 19—4 & 5 V. c. 17— ««(/ f) & 6 W. 4. c. 33. ' * LUMRER, INSPECTION OF.-MdS V. c 4^9-and not in force 7 V. c. "5- and mark as not in force (i V. c. 7. INTEREST, BILLS OF EXCHANGE, NOT-:S, hc.-Mdl\.c 4 BANKS, CHARTERED, (Transfer of Stock in London,)— 7 V. c C2 BANK OF MONTREAL.— .M/ 7 V. c. 4(). BANQUE DU PEOPLE.— 7 V. c. GG. BOARD OF TRADE, (Quebec and Monfreal).-./?c/(/ 8 V. c. G7. BANKRUPTS.— ^t/c/ 7 V. c. 10— and mark as not in force 2 V. (3) c. 3fi. CLASS G. RELATtNG TO PUBLIC WOUKS, IMPROVEMENTS AND PROPERTV. BOARD OF WORKS and Public Works, (Tolls on).-Jldd 8 V c 30 ROADS, WINTER.— ./? Montreal.— 8 V. c. 104. CLASS K . RELATING TO MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECTS AUHANGED IN THEIR ALPHABETICAL ORDER. -and mark as not in force 5S ACTS continuoil.— ./?(/(/ 8 V. c. 26 AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES.— .//