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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ■■,.; -■»--•:■■: •xi > >•■ '•^A^yy- .♦■'^.^...A.'-'^iV^':^' ^Sf'-»*^ ^-^'■t^^ ,^.-s^ y'%:jr^m SI1« '>«'i^.;!^ ■^■f*; '' .'r'-^'i/^ (^nnna Uniurrsttii Htbrarii KINGSTON, ONTARIO i -i5'^ : -^^M' i v,.-- ..■*< >t :^-/^^-■- ..4,-., ' ■ ^***^'- Jb^* ^?i, *'■ ■* -■ ■ .# "■■■.. te ,>.. J:.-*!*.' , ■ I'll ;'WV..'j^ d STATEMENT OF FACTS AND F SHOWING iroW TlfK I'liOCESS-SEKVINlJ ATTOU- NEV8. UNDER THE (lUISE OF MAKINO SERVICES FOR NOTIIINU, AT THE EXPENSE OF THE ATTOR- iVEVS TJfEMShLVES, TO SA \W^J COSTS TO THE LITIGANT AND KEEP DOWN THE DISBURSE- MENTS OF THE SUn\ JU)R,JiEl) ROTH THE SHElf- IFFS AND THE LITIGANTS. -^. ilSO- SHOWING HOW THE SAME RliOCESS -SERVING ATTORNEYS UTILIZED THE SHEKIFFS TO Roli THE LITIGANTS, FOR THEIR BENEFIT, RY CHARG- ING LARCJE AND ILLEGAL FEES ON FI. FAS. OR WRITS OF EXECUTION. !»fe;Ar,«— ,yaLi*t mr •\ * i M ^ 9 J. ^ jf ■- t - -^ «. V m) ■ • ti»'\ si .fL A STATEMENT ol lacts and figures show- ing how the Prccess-ser'ving Attorneys, under the guise of making services for nothing, at the expense of the Attorneys themsel es.lo S{> ve costs to the Htiga ii t ; i ( i d i rulession." 2^he (•xistcncc. of Huch an officer as a 7\ixiiif/ Master appeavfi to have been entirely fortjotten Itij the writer of the article If such a ihin^ as chargin(^, 11th Jan., 1877. Not many months aftci this declaration 1 obtaincMl a receipted and taxed W\\\ of Costs in a caiise in which tlu- a Att(ii'iiey wlio iimdo the above declamtioii was plaintiffs Attorney, served the Writ of Summons himself, and charged and collected $4Sjo more than his own legal fee. And this is the man who would have the public believe such services were mudcf for nothin than a sum equal to two Sheriffs' fees. Had th(! services been madif by the Sheriffs, instead of by the seven Attorneys, their fees at i?1.80 each would have been $12.00, and not $26.02 as was collected by the Attorneys. Therefore, these Process-serving Attor- neys who told the public they made the .services for nothing to reduce the disbursements of the suit and save costs to the litigant, have done so, first, in the ffdlowing fashion, viz : by pocketing $r'.60 that belonged to the Sheriff, and secondly, by pocketing $13.42 that belonged to the unfortu- nate litigants, and ought not to have been taken from their jttickL'ts l»y iicilln'i Sliciill' (»r l.awyrr. I think I liiivc hIiowii pretty cU'iirly iiiid (loncliiHivcly tlmt the servieeH are imt iiiii(hi U)V"v.othin(f"! ! ! iind I tliink i/ [h aim tix chui'l if proven ilidt the tretenc(! as I have shown, of makinj^ the services for ''iiothintj, and sane costs to the lit'ajanfs, <&;c.;" while as 1 have shown by the recei])ted and taxed Bills of Costs of the very nien who made these declara- tions in sj'eeches on the floor of Parliament and throu2 1| - '* ged for ewals. Charged Writ enewals Charges Writs enewals 3 S^ . u a •«=^ -5^^ = ai! J=a5 i5-T3 M'^-O J5 '^ /i <-/ = $ cts $ cts. $ cts. $ Cts. 39 520 00 26 308 00 828 00 2S6 00 \ 5° 538 00 16 ■83 44 721 44 295 60 1 24 190 00 27 168 00 358 00 221 10 23 2 So 00 32 322 00 602 00 237 00 74 968 CO 40 717 76 1.68s 76 504 40 20 290 00 28 256 JO 546 10 206 80 .S8 f93 25 Not renewed 693 25 266 80 i 6s 649 00 31 212 50 861 so 416 90 ! No Re turn of lands in Superior Court 1 34 242 00 14 125 00 367 00 213 80 1 .»o 358 50 15 134 00 402 so 199 50 24 257 00 9 58 00 315 00 •47 3" 24 291 00 >3 107 00 398 00 103 70 32 349 79 16 40 00 389 79 212 80 29 663 80 31 "0 50 774 30 260 50 41 349 50 27 104 so 454 00 309 30 32 273 00 18 99 00 372 00 221 00 22 132 00 7 42 00 174 CO 129 90 1 a3 138 50 8 48 00 186 50 138 60 27 284 25 4 37 25 321 50 140 60 < 23 323 25 6 53 2.S 376 50 130 40 j 16 t2 00 8 35 00 117 00 106 40 10 4 02 00 '7 80 CO 182 00 «57 I" 46 544 50 20 147 7'! 602 25 293 60 No Ke turn of lands in Superior Court 30 164 00 10 49 00 213 00 179 00 28 147 5° 20 100 00 247 50 210 80 2.S 190 50 23 127 ^0 ^t8 00 209 30 36 346 70 47 47, 88 P20 58 38 s 30 45 630 00 I 5 00 63s 00 211 10 1 40 600 00 3 15 00 615 00 196 30 5* 312 50 70 411 CO 723 50 535 40 ; 39 269 00 9 55 50 324 50 216 30 I 65 405 so 34 192 50 508 00 138 40 59 352 00 10 1 16 00 468 00 349 30 5 32 00 2 12 00 44 00 3' 20 20 120 75 10 70 00 190 75 133 00 1,219 12,089 79 661 50«6 4} 17.106 22 8327 50 a a: u r>~ % $ Cts 542 00 42.S 84 '.36 90 365 CO II8I .36 330 30 426 45 444 60 mad e. '53 20 193 00 .67 70 -'3+ 30 .76 90 513 80 144 70 151 00 44 10 47 90 180 00 246 10 10 60 24 QO 398 fi5 mad e. 34 00 36 70 108 7" 462 28 423 90 418 70 188 10 108 20 159 60 118 70 12 80 57 75 18778 72 Tile average overcharge on each of the foregoinj; 1,219 "Fi. Fas." is .*;7.2() ARCH. McKELLAR, Hamilton, isf Dec, 1SS4. Sheriff County IVentrcort/t. mmntne/ftt-fH mm 18 (goods and lands) COUNTY COURTS. o .a V — c A Statement ot'Fi, Fa. Land.s iiiid Goods, issued out of tlie County Courts, in the Imnds of tlie Sheriii's of the ei,u;liteen Counties hereinafter named; showing tlie nundjer of writs, the charge lor writs, number of times renewed, amount charged for renewals, charge for writs and renewals, legal charge and overcharge on writs and renewals. COUNTY. Halcliinaiid Lands, . . ( Joods, Prescott i'l Kussel: . . . Lauds, " . . CJoods. Leeds ^^; Greiiville . . .Gnods, Norfolk Lands, (ioods, I'.Nsex L.'inds, ( ioiids. JLiroii Lands, OotIs, I'Vontenac Lands, (loods, Orey . .Lands. ( lOods, Renfrew Lands, ( loods, Klj;in Lands, (lodd*. Storniont, Dundas. i Lands, and (Jlen>;arry. ((ioods. Wentwortli Lands. (ioods, lenno.x ><; Addinglon, Lands Goods, IVrih Lands, • ■ Goods,, Peril Lands,! . ( lOods. Oritario Lands.' <»oo(ls,| Lanark Lands. C.oods, F'riiice Kdward Luids, Goods, !i-i ,= s: ! -^ o y< ■ = 'A I \'X $ cts 1 1 $ cts 46 ^68 00 1 30 ! 180 00 62 462 25 48 ] 200 00 80 278 25 43 117 70 70 ^ji 25 14 1 38 00 139 897 00 21 1 90 65 5^ 529 85 12 75 50 76 573 10 17 66 00 122 601 00 53 225 00 81 ■?6i) 50 q 38 00 ISO <)00 CO «5 69 50 267 1,852 15 116 615 ,6 III 930 00 19 147 00 121 07 1 00 18 92 70 197 031 00 3" 293 00 130 021 00 3<^ 179 00 82 7H5 7" 45 17 f 5<-' 94 601 35 41 149 00 T09 475 00 5' 249 85 109 475 00 52 240 85 '52 685 50 21 r 914 00 121 597 lo •74 687 70 iqS 1,651 60 none none 127 1.401 37 ■59 '405 34 55 495 50 20 251 50 57 S12 O'J 28 192 00 190 1 827 25 114 452 00 13a 1 822 70 2f) '25 5« 96 j 454 65 7i 323 6s 77 i 516 25 23 82 i;o 150 ! 1521 I XJ to M;- Mo 9 55 00 Sent : wat 56 512 55 20 49 5" 54 324 20 10 24 50 6, j6[ 00 69 439 50 61 i 376 00 67 .305 3^ 3692 1 33,821 07 .682 8567 45 ■^ r u — -- ^^ f^ 5 $ cts 548 tx) 662 25 395 95 .69 25 987 65 605 35 639 10 826 00 407 50 969 2.477 3' 1,137 UO 763 7" 1,224 00 Sot) 00 959 20 75" •'5 724 8s 7-'4 85 1,599 50 1,284 80 1,651 2,806 747 "" 704 CO 1,270 25 948 20 778 598 60 7' 30 7- I 576 i-M-< \j i) rt.S f — uQC $ (J!S, 163 50 219 50 276 00 185 50 35* 75 «43 -'5 205 00 S-lo so 200 25 367 50 832 75 287 75 308 25 503 25 364 50 274 50 293 50 349 25 349 25 764 00 620 25 445 50 603 25 i^^i 75 184 25 655 .50 362 50 366 00 219 25 355 50 3 — 562 05 j 168 00 348 7" I 141 50 1,000 50 i 275 25 681 35 i 171 25 32,438 52 I11672 50120766 02 $ CI.-. 384 50 442 75 119 83 95 75 6(2 462 90 10 4 34 i< I 44 5 5" 207 25 60 i 00 1644 56 849 '5 455 45 720 75 435 684 45'^ 375 5J 7" 85 60 ^75 835 664 1206 60 5" 55 10 220 ^ 565 46 25 5'9 623 585 75 75 70 412 30 379 5'^ 1220 5" 394 05 207 20 725 25 410 lO The average overcharge on each of the foregoing .S,692 "Fi. Fas." is .*5.(-)2. Hamilton^ ist Dec, 1SS4. ARCH. McKELLAH, Sheriff County VVenhvorth 1 14 Soiiietiiiit' utter tlu; Hi'tiini.s were f»l)laiiied (from which the t(irc;^((iiin taltlt's .sh(»wiii.u' tlic lar^'c amount of over- charovs made on Writs of Kxecution by lliu rroeess-serving Attorneys, and as a ruh; coHecUfd by tlie Sheriffs, were nioeived) the (lovernment ai>i)()inted a •^eiith-man named -John Winciiestei', Inspector of UtHces. In tlie course of iiis insi)ection of Sheriffs' offices he s()(»ii discovered the extent to wliich this vile ]>raclice of codectin^^ hiro given much valuable counsel and advice in the working of our offices. Now that this branch of the evil, of which both the Sheriffs and the litigants had just cause of complaint, has been satisfactorily settled, we go to the Judges of the Sii])erior Courts of Ontario, confident that we have a gcjod cause to lay before them, and e([ually confident that these able, just and uiiright Judges will do that which is just to the Sheriffs, the Attorneys and the ])ublic. The Sheriffs are only seeking the same protection that is given the otticeis of the Division Court; there no service is legal or valid unless made by its own officer. The Sheriffs or their officers have no such pro- tection, as jmjven by about two hundred letters which I hold from Division Court Clerks and Bailiffs all over the Province, showing, that with one honourable exception, they are doing the Sheriffs' W(n'k, having given the names and addresses of many of the Attorneys for whom they make services, and all, exce[)ting the one honourable Clerk already referred ti> are keen and anxious for more l)usiness. The name of the only Division Court Clerk or Bailiff who refused to have anything to do with the serving of ])apers which should be served by a Sheriff's Officer is C. Bariellier, Division Court Clerk at Belle itiver, County of F^ssex ; he is a gentleman from old Ki'ance, whose talents, tiducation and character ([ualify and m m wliicli over- il tin I 16 lit liini l(» niMUtiiy it imicli lii*,'liri ami imiif liicmtivc iuid i('S]M»ii.siblu po.sitiuu than he now linlds. hi ('nii(!lii.si(Hi I wish itlo Ik! niiiry. /A'A'-r. naJ*;- u<' cent i(! tees me t(i ic next I sliall t-ii.