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Paob A«t of Incorporation Act Amending Act of Incorporation Sections in Act of Incorporation of the Canada Central Railway Company relating to Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway xj^ Section permitting Lient.-Governor-in.Council to grant Ronus xxi Section permitting Lieut-Governor-in-council to convert Subsidy xxi Orders-in-Council relating to Ronus xxii A xxxix Ry-Law8 of the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway ^jj Ry-Law No. 15 of the Corporation of the County of Pontiac xxxiii Extract of Act to authorize certain Subsidies, &c xxxix 1 43 Vict: (ISSO.) CHAP. ryfi. (-'iUiKtla. An Act to iiicorpomto tho Pontiac, Pacilic Junction Raiiwi C'onipanv. ny {AssenlPff to 1th Mai/, 1880.] \I/'HEREA8 the persons hoioinaftHr named havo, by their » T petition, prayed to he incorporated as a Company for constructinir, oquippiny' and manaiiiny a railway, from a point on the line of the Quebec, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental Railway, at or near the city of Hull or the Village of Aylmer, to such point in the County of Pojitiac as maybe found most suitable for crossing the Ottawa River, and thence through the Province of Ontario to some point at or near the town of Peml)roke, which may be s(>lected to connect the railway with the Canada Central Railway, either to the east or west of the said town of Pembroke, with power to con- struct a bridge over the Ottawa River at a point wher.^ su(;h line would cross the said Ottawa R. r, and to mak<' such bridge suitable for the railway traHi<; and for the use of ordinary vehicles ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada enacts as follows :— 1. Alexander Walker Ogilvie, Hon. L. Ruggles Church, John Poupore, Peter White, William J. Conrov, Hector Mayne McLean, and J. T. Pattison, Esquires, with all such other persons and corporations as shall become shareholders VI ""^"■o P,.ov,„,„,„ he«.i„aft„,. mt,W ■'''■'• '^^''■■■^»'*-o. -■ The said C'onipai.v aii.l ih ■ *o«r lee, eight „„d one-h" it i " " "'''">■■ "^ « ff'Co^' <" th. Quebec, Momrealo (^'"■■•'' '■""" " ''"»" on the i,° «■■»«..■ Ih., City of H„ '„?1T; ;""' "-'"ental ltai,„.ay 'Z ™""'^ ""> ""«wa R C" I/"! f™"" ■..o.stsui.abh! l«^mhro];e, which way he „.|e , I . ' ""'"' ""' '<>wn of -h *o.C»„a.UCeJ,.a,K,:';'^.^, -»";■'■' *.■ .aiir; °1 the sa,d town of remhmke ri '" ""' «»»' or west bndge over the O.taw ffit " T,',^ r"'"; '° ™"^''-' ■suitable for railway tralfie , ,', ° °"*'* ««ll bridm. ™H.cle. the Whole I h^.a^'r^et ;;!r: "^ "' ^-^^'^ 3. The capital stock nV fK ""lions of dollars, wUh .owerT ^'°"'''"'>- ^'•>" be th^ee v.ded by .. The Cor.,o/l2,eZZ """'"' ""> ^"'"e, as pro ■»'o thirty thousand stl es :, ?* If'' '""'" "> be dhid d "h-oh amount shall be aLd T.t'""^^'''i dollars each earned and such other pe^^,:' 'J ""' P--ns hereinafter come shareholders in the s'id , ™ ""'"■•""'"•s "s msj hi. ■■«.«ed shall be applied in the flrstT"'' ' "'"' ""^ »o„ey so !^.f "-V»d disbur,sement fo;;'ot:r%V'^ P">'"-'°f a ° Act, and tor makinff the siirv„! '^ °™""8' the passing of thi« T »re hereby ' luime of ' and shall '■ah'oiiN in on suf'h '."subjoet n's, may giiUgi^ of ihe lin^^ ^way, at «U(h a suitable fe'h the own of ■ail Way '!• west ruct a bridge linary th'-ee 8 pro- vided each, after Y be- >y so 'fall this nec- fiall mg- his VII 4. It shall be lawful for the said Company to receive by grant, either from the (lovcinmenf of Canada or of any Province thereoi; or from any individuals or corijorations, municipal or otherwise, either in Caniida or elsewhere, as aid in the consiruction of said railway, any vacant lots in the vicinity thereof or elsewhere, or any other real or personal property, or any sums of money, either as gifts or byway of bonus, or in payment of stock, and legally to dispose ot the same. 6. Alexander Walker Ogil vie, the Hon. L. Tluggles Church, John Poupore, Peter White, William J. Conroy, Hector Mayne McLean, and J. T. Pattison, Esquires, shall be and are hereby constituted a })oard of provisional Directors of the Company (four of whom shall form a quorum), and shall hold office as such, until other Directors shall be elected under the provisions of this Act, by the shareholders, and shall have power and authority to fill vacancies occurring therein, to open stock hooks and procure snl)scrii)tions for the undertaking, to receive payments on account of stock sub- scribed, and geniM-ally to do all suoh other acts as such board, under " The Camolidaltd Railtoay Act, 1879," may lawfully do. 6. The said Directors are hereby empowered to take all necessary steps for opening stock books for the substriptions of parties desirous of becoming shareholders in the said Com- pany, and all parties subscribing to the capital stock of the said Company shall be considered proprietors and partners in the same, and the said directors, or a majority of them may, in their discretion, allocate and apportion the stock so sub- scribed among the subscribers as they shall deem most advantageous and conducive to the furtherance of the under- taking. 7. When and so soon as one-tenth part of the capital stock shall have been subscribed as aforesaid, either in municipal VIII debentures granted by w«v „)• k ordinary ™bscr,pU„„/h;^Jj°">™»^; ^ "'heiwise, „r in Pwl-y in such subscription" ',„'V° u " "'P""' '"'"*.'>'■ »»b-ribed paid in, the' aw'n rector ^ °' "'" ™'»"" - m^y call a meeting of sh^i ehoM ' "' " ''""™™ "f "'em, - 'hey think proi^r.J'h t""',"' f,™''' """■ »"'' P'»- °>.B or more papert i , eC f T^'T' '7 «•"*•« notice in D.« net of Ottawa ; at which suc^.idr''' '";"''"«• '» ">« «' the annual general meetir. ; , f^* rn"' """''"«' "'«' "■^nfoned. the shareholders pXniit "'"'^ """""^ hy proxy, shall elect not less thm? t ' " °'' "•"P'-^^^'ed B"ectors,inlhoman„eran 1 IT , ,' "'' "'"'•'" ""an nine which said l^ivctors L 'ol' !'r' -hereinafter provided. ^ V "hf^ra^r rid";:? -d-' ""- - - each year thereafter, at the" ," .olplumr 7."/''"'""^ '" Pany, there shall be held a ZZrT ^ ""' ""''^ '-'°'»- ers of the company, at vyhieh „""";"" "'""' ^'■"'■''hold- ^hall elect a like numb olt iTs "tT "r"'" ^""-holders •«„e Dir«.tors as .shall hay, h!l *""• "°' '"<"■" »»» '- ""■ the .s„i,g '::; X!''i:™™'''"^''"^''^■'"' hor„i„a,■ierproyided!and pnblil o fceo";"' "k" ""^"«'^'' «^ •-sand election shall be publhhedt "'' """""' ""■<"- day of election i„ „„„ „r „„.'!'', '' *°'' """ "'°>"h helbre the English, ifsnch there be irthe r?*''"?' '" ^"""-'^ »•• election of Directors sM b! K ' 'I,":' "' °"''"-=' ■ ""J 'he elected shall form the Board olDi,:"!''"*' "^ '""""^ '" 9. ■* majority of (he Directors b,ll f (ransaction of business and the! -5 n ';'" »'l»<"-v.m for the as the proyisional BoarVo MrecZ '' °f Di-c-tors as well of their members as t°dw?' "''''',!'"'''°>' "''«»■• ""re howeyer. lh«. „„ Jll'^ ,?""<"■ "^ Director., : proyid.^ ^hall he the o^neV^d'h M litt t" "t "^"T ""'- ""■ o'aer oi at least ten shares of the IX stock of the said Company, and shall not be in arrear in res- pect to any call thereon. 10. Any municipal council of a jnunicipality which has given a bonus in aid of the said railway or its branches, amounting to not less than ten thousand dollars, shall be en- titled during' the construction of the railway, but not after- wards, to appoint a person annually to be a Director of the Company ; and such person shall be a Director of the Com- pany in addition to all the other directors authorized by this Act, or by " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," or by any other Act; but such municipality shall incur no liability by the appointment ot such Director. 11. Any municipal council of any municipality holding- stock in the said railway, to an amount of not less than ten thousand dollars, shall be entitled to appoint one person an- nually to be a Director of the Company ; and any munici- pal council of any municipality holding not less than one hundred thousand dollars stock in the said railway, shall be entitled to appoint annually, two persons to be Directors of the said Company ; and such person or persons shall be a Director or Directors in addition to all the other directors authorized by this Act. 12. The said company shall have power and authority to become party to promissory notes and bills of exchange for sums not less than one hundred dollars ; and any such promissory note made or endorsed by the President or Vice- President of the Company, and coixntersigned by the Secretary and Treasurer of the Company, and under the authority of a majority of a quorum of the Directors, shall be binding on the said Company ; and every such promissory note or bill of exchange so made shall be presumed to have been made with proper authority until the contrary be shown; and in no case shall it be necessary to have the seal of the Company affixed to such promissory note or bill of »xchang,., iinr ,,|,„i| y . , , . for Ih,. .am. u/le,, th , 1 7 .'l '" ."''""''"^'"y ■■™Po...bTe "« i!..a,,i .„• ,,;,,,„„, Jit;,;''" ' """""i'y of ;'""<•■ l'<'"«v.M-, ,ha, noUu', ,";■';''' '","' "■""'-I : Pro- Chang,, ,«j„.w, |„ I,,,; '''"y ' '«»"'■ >>"t-« or bill. „,■ „. """...y „,. „, „„,, „ ,,:;;;'^ ;; ■'■;;™led ., b.. cfr,, as 1'^. The Diroc(ors of the suM n« «hall be and inn a i.t " l '"'t. "" '^'""^"'-' -^ich ';f ^lin.«. tolls and in^'^f^^T ""^^-^='^^"'^- 'and«. t»^-tvs, without the neee,s itv I ^ ""'' '^^^'^'^'^ «^- doben- ;'»"'-chaser oHhe purchase money thenar "d/r' ^'"^^^'''--^^ Treasurer, or other j.erson lo ' '-^^-^l^'ttanee of such -ney^ shall oporate^,::^,:..^!:::;''^'^^; ^^l^ ^^'^ 1-ehase of the lands .so paid for ; a u u .fi ^^ '^'''' "' ^^^^^^^ 'horelor, ^^ «o apart from the ordinary tuTar of th ''n"""* "'^^'^''^^^^ '^"^ "^oney so received shall be t ,e , I r ^""^'"•>'' ^^^^ ^^e G^ovenunent securities r.^ ■„ t\Tf\ ''''' *""^ ^« ''^e. in well.established chartered " nil ?' ^^ '^""^^ ^'^^^^^"t and oi a fund for the paynieut of h . '^"' '^^ *^*' ^^''^"ation a-t becomes due! aLl o tlei d ? ^ " ""' '^'^^^*"^- «aid bonds or debentun. 4 ,1 ? "^^^i^" ^t maturity. The -^--.enUndshaaha.^^:-!^^ XI pany affixed thereto : Provided, that the amount of such bonds or debentures shall not exceed fifteen thousand dollars per mile, to be issued in proportion to the length of the rail- way under contract, or to be constructed under and by virtue of this Act ; but no such debentun^s shall be for a less sum than one hundred dollars. 14. The Directors of thti said Clompany, elected by the shareholders in accordance with the provisions of this Act, shall have power and authority to leetioii of Directors. 16. The said Board of Directors shall elect and appoint a President and Vice-President or Vice-Presidents and the XTT necessary officers, and fill up vacancies from time to time; but the said Presidents and Vice-Presidents shall be elected annually immcdiatelly after the election of Directors, except that in lillint^- up a vacancy an election may be made at any time. 17. The Board of Directors are hereby authorized to take all necessary steps for procuring subscriptions for stock until Ihe whole has been taken up, and to make, execute, and deliver .scrip and share certificates therefor as they shall deem expedient. 18. Any deed of conveyance of land to the said Company may be in the form of schedule A to this Act annexed, and may be enregistered at full length upon the affidavit of one of the witnesses to the execution thereof, made before one of the officers usually authorized to receive the same ; and a deed in such form or in words of like import shall be a legal and valid conveyance of the land and immovables therein mentioned to all intents and purposes, and the registration, thereof shall be of the same ettect as if such deed were executed before a notary. 19. The powers given by this Act shall be exercised by the commencement ot the said railway within tw^o years after the passing of this Act, and its completion within six years therefrom. 20 The portion of the railway and works the construc- tion of which is by this Act authorized, situate within the Province of Quebec, may, at any time within two years from and after the passing of this Act, be assumed and taken possession of by the Government of the said Province upon payment by the said Grovernment to the Company of all sums by thoiu expended in the coustruction of such por- tion, together with fifteen per cent, upon such sums, and upon the assumption by the said Government of all liabiii- XIII to time; e elected 's, except le at any d to take For stock execute, !iey shall Join pail y ;xed, and it of one )reone of le ; and a be a legal 's therein pstration, ed were rcised by A'o years athin six construc- ithin the vo years ned and Province npany of such por- ams, and ill liabili- ties by the said Company incurred in connection with and in relation to the said portion ol the railway and works ; and from and after the date upon which the said portion of the railway and works shall have been so assumed and taken possession of by the said G-overnment, the rights and powers by this Act conferred upon the Company, so I'ar as iclatc to the said portion shall coast' and determine, but shall l)e con- tinued to the Government of the Trovince of Quebec. 21. This Act may be cited as ' The Vontxac Pacifir. Junc- tion Railway Act.'' SHEDULE A. Know all men by these presents, that I, A. E. of {name also of wife, if ant/) in consideration of paid to me by the Pontiai; Pacihc Junction Railway Company, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow- ledged, do grant bargain, sell and convey, unto the said Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company, their successovri and assigns, all the tract or parcel of land {describe the land), to have and to hold the said land and premises unto the said Company, their successors and assigns for ever. {Here insert the release of dower, if any.) Witness my hand and seal this day of thousand eight hundred and Signed, sealed and delivered, in presence of > A. B. C. D. one (L.S.) XIV 46 Vict. (1882,) CHAP. 69. Canada. An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Pontiac PaciBc Junction Railway Company, and to authorize the said Company to erect a bridge over the River Ottawa. [Assented to Vllh May, 1882.] WHEREAS the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Com- pany has, by petition, prayed for an extension of time necessary for the completion of its railway, and lor power to construct a bridge over the Ottawa River at some pomt between the village of Aylmer and the city of Hull on the one side, and a corresponding point in the province of Ontario on the other side, and for other purposes ; and whereas it is expedient to grant the prayer of the said petition : Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : 1. The said Company shall have full power and authority to lay out, construct, complete, maintain, work, manage and use, a railway bridge over the Ottawa River at or near the city of Ottawa, from some convenient point on their line of railway between the city of Hull and the village of Aylmer to connect with any line of railway running into or through the said city of Ottawa in the county of Carleton and pro- vince of Ontario ; and the provisions of " The Consolidated Railway Act, 1879," or of any Act since passed, or which may hereafter be passed, amending the same, shall, so far as necessary, apply to the powers hereby given. 2. The said Company shall have full power and authority to erect, make and sink all such piers, abutments, blocks, XV Canada. ic Pacific the said twa. , 1882.] vay Com- >u of time power to me point all on the 3f Ontario ereas it is Therefore nt of the s follows : authority anage and r near the eir line of of Aylmer )r through I and pro- onsolidated or which ,1, so far as I authority its, blocks, and erections in the Ottawa River as may be deemed neces- sary, not only for the construction of the said bridge, but such as may be required or thought desirable efficiently to protect it from the effects of ice and ice freshets, or for any other purposes in connection with the said bridge that the said Comi)any may see lit ; and may build the necessary ap- proa hes thereto, into and upon the lands, streets, roads, and grounds lying and being on either side of the said river ; and may cut, level, or raise the banks of the said river in such manner as may be deemed necessary or proper for building the said bridge, and may cut, remove, take, and carry away all and every impediment whatsoever which may in any way tend to hinder the erecting and completing the said bridge, and may execute all other things necessary, requisite, useful, or convenient for erecting, building, work- ing, maintaining, and supporting the said bridge ; and may from time to time, enter and go in and upon the lands and grounds adjacent to the said river on either side thereof, for the purpose of making surveys, examinations, or other ne- cessary arrangements for fixing the site of the said bridge. li. I?or the purpose of erecting, building, maintaining, and supporting the said bridge, the said Company shall, from time to time, have full power and authority to take and use all lands reasonably required on either side of the said river, and thereon to work up or cause to be worked up the ma- terials and other things necessary for erecting, constructing, and repairing the said bridge accordingly, first, however, making reasonable compensation for the lands so to be taken or occupied — such compensation to be settled by arbitrators named, one by each party interested, and a third one by the two arbitrators so chosen ; or, in the event of their failing to agree within one week upon a third arbitrator, then such arbitrator may be appointed by any Judge of the Superior or County Court having jurisdiction in the district or county in which the lands so taken are situated. XVI 'I t 4. The said bridge and the ascents and approaches to the said bridge shall be vested in the said ('ompany, their sue- ' cessors and assigns for ever. ft. If any person shall forcibly pass over or upon the said bridge, or shall interrupt or disturb the said Company, or any person or persons employed by them in building or repairing or using the same, such person so olfcnding shall for every such olfcnce forfeit a sum not exoecdiug ten dollars, to be recovered before any Justice of the IV'ace, and in de- fault of payment may, in the discretion of such Justice, be imprisoned in the common gaol for a period not exceeding ten days. «. It shall be lawful for the Company to enter into any agreement with the Government of Canada, or with the Government of the province of Ontario, or with the Govern- ment of the province of Quebec, or with any of them jointly, or with the corporation of the city of Ottawa, or with the corporation of the city of Hull, or with them jointly, for leasing or selling the bridge over the Ottawa River, hereby authorized, or for the use thereof at any time or times ; and any such Government or corporation who may l)ecome the purchaser or lessee of the said bridge, shall be and is hereby authorized and empowered to exercise all the rights and privileges respecting the same in this Act conferred : Pro- vided, that the arrangements or agreements for such sale, lease or use shall be approved of by two-thirds of the share- holders voting in person or by proxy, at a special general meeting to be called for that purpose : Provided further, that the Government or corporation w^ho may become such les- sees or purchasers, and the bridge purchased or leased, shall be subject to all the obligations hereby imposed on the Com- pany in respect thereof. 7. The company shall not lommence the said bridge, or any work thereunto appartaining until the Company shall t..£, ies to the heir suc- 1 the said npany, or ilding or slug shall u dolhirs, lid ill de- list ice, bo ixceeding into any with the c Gov or n- in jointly, with the jintly, for ^r, hereby mes ; and >come the is hereby ights and red : Pro- smh sale, the share- al general Lrther, that such les- ased, shall 1 the Com- bridge, or pany shall XVII have submitted to the Governor in Couiuil plans of such bridge, and of all the intended works thereunto appertaining, nor until the plans and sitt^ ot such bridge shall have been approved by the Governor in Council, and surh conditions as he shall have Ihought lit for the public good to impose touching the said bridge and vv^orks shall have been com- plied with; nor shall any such plans be altered, nor any deviation therefrom allowed except upon the permission of the Governor in Council and upon such conditions as he shall impose. .**. The Company shall have power to unite with any other company or companies incorporated, or which may be incorporattnl under and by virtue of the laws of the Domi- nion of Canada, or of the province of Ontario, or of the pro- vince of Quebec, or with any body politic or corporate, in building the said railway bridge and approaches over the Ottawa River, and iii maintaining, working, managing, and using the same, and to enter into any agreement with such company or companies or corporation respecting the con- struction, maintenance, management, and use thereof; and it shall be lawful for the Company to levy and collect rates, tolls, rents, and compensation for the use of the said bridge and its approaches, and to hypothecate, pledge, and appro- priate the receipts derivable from such bridge, aftei payment thereout of the working expenses and the cost of mainten- ance to the payment exclusively of the principal and inter- est of any bond, security, or debt, contracted for or in the construction thereof, or to agree that the interest on such bond, security or debt shall form part of the working expen- ses of the railway. 9. It shall be competent for the Directors of the Company to issue as paid-up stock any ordinary stock, and to allot and pay the same for right of way, plant, rolling stoi;k, material of any kind, and also for ber vices of contractors, engineers, and other persons, whether Directors of the Oom- 2a XVIII pany or otherwise, who may have becMi, are, or may be en- ^agvd in iiiul about the prosecution of the proposed uiider- takiii-: I'rovidi'd, that no such ,sto;k shall he allotted to any Din'clor or Dire.lors ol' the Company until a resolution authorizinnr the same shall have been passed and couHrmed at a meeting of the shareholders of the Company. I«. Section eight of the Ad incorporating the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company is hereby repealed, and in lieu thereof it is enavled that on the second Wednesday of January next after the passing of this Act, and on the second Wednesday of January in each year thereafter, at the principal office of the Company there shall be held a general meeting of the shareholders of th(> Companv at which meet- ing th(> said shareholders shall elect not less than five nor more than nine Diri>ctors as shall have been previously fixed by by-law, for th<> then ensuing year, in the manner and qualified as in the said first mentioned Act provided ; and public notice oi" such annual meeting and election shall be published for one month before the day of election, in one or more newspapers in French and English, if such there be, in the district of Ottawa ; and the election of Directors shall be by ballot ; and the persons so elected shall form a Board of Directors, and the present Board of Directors shall bo and remain Directors of the Company, until an election of Direc- tors shall have been had under the provisions of this Act. 11. Section thirteen of the Act incorporating the Com- pany is hereby amended by inserting the w^ord " twenty " in place of the word " lifteen " in the twenty-ninth line of the said section. 13. The time fcx commencing the construction of the said railway is hereby extended to the Hist day of Septem- ber, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three, and for completing the same until live years thereafter. ZIX C. 43 Vict. (1880.) CHAR 52. Sees. 13-14-15. 13. Upon the complt^ion of th»' Ontario and Pacific June- tion Railway to a point of junction with the Lake Superior section, and on condition that the Ontario and Pacific June- tion Railway Company at,n-ee to grant running powers to the Canada Central Railway Company over its line of railway, the said Ontario and Pacific Junction Bail way Company shall have running powers over the Lake Superior section ; such running powers to be exercised over the On- tario and Pacific Junction Railway under th(! control oi" the Ontario and Pacific June! ion Railway Company and over the Lake Superior section under t he control of the Canada Central Railway Company,— the extent and nature of such running powers, and the terms and conditions on which they shall be exercised, not being imonsistent with the law or with this Act, to be such as shall be agreed upon by the Com- panies, or failing such agreement, then as shall 'be decided by arbitration,— one arbitrator to be appointed by each Company and the two so named to choose a third ; and the decision of any two of them shall be final; and' if either Company neglects or refuses to choose an arbitrator within ten days after notice in writing from the other Company, or if the two arbitrators when chosen disagree in the choice of a third arbitrator, it shall be lawful for the Minister of Railways and Canals of Canada, to nominate such arbitrator or such third arbitrator, as the case may be, who shall possess the same powers as if chosen in the manner first herein- before provided. 14. The Government of the Province of Quebec shall also have running powers for their traffic and trains over the entire length of the Canada Central Railway, upon condition of allowing similar and reciprocal running powers over its own railway to the Canada Central Railway Company, upon terms and conditions to be agreed upon or adjusted as herein- XX of Ih.. (J,,,.),,,. (|„,,.,„,,,„. ""-*'•''*•" "'"■ ">" SliovvCTs ce,„., '..,„..■":"■;:::: :,••:,;;■ i-;;'.-^,. cana„« smh running- p„„„rs o,.o,- Ih,. Cmiad u'e,^,; l i , """""' similar iwwcrs, rights and r>riviloov^ .„ ,u I '■"''' conferred „,„„ ,ho"Ki„g« J ™d P 1 otXifr r"" pany, and upon similar ,,onditions. ^>' ' '"»• ■♦5. Upon delivery of any freiohl nv «... the Kingston and pi.bro Jit wa/tW. faf '' " '"' of the Canada Cenlral Raihv.v .""^'"'""''•'"y. "' "uy point such freight and pal'en t ?^,h 7?'"^ '''^'" '■''™-'"<' their dosUnation, "fd ,,-,«: '"""r"™ " '""-■<'« the line^of the cinaar^eil;;:;'^?::;:;: • h';;:^?^,.^.^ Pembroke R:^!::,^ ^".^ ^^ ™ ! -L'tl^ir" ?"" taking towards the C... Oe...l JUnZ^^^.t^ XXI if the terms and conditiouK oi'Huch intt'rchaiifft* of trattic aft? not agrot'd upon by thn C-ompanifs, they shall he uljustHdby arbitrators lo be appointed in the manner hereinbefore pro- vided. 44-45 Vic. (1881.) CAP. 2, Sko. 19. Quebec. I^». The Lieutenant-Governor in council, in lieu of con- structing that portion of the Queljcc, Montreal, Ottawa and Occidental liailway, between th(> village of Aylmer and that point in the county of Pontiac most suitable to connect the same with the subsidized portion of the Canada Central Railway, as |)rovided by the Act :l«c> Victoria, chap. 2, and its amendments, may grant a bonus not exceeding six thou- sand dollars per mile, for a length not exceeding eighty-live miles, to the I'ontiac Pacilic Junction Railway Company for each mile what the said Railway Company shall construct between the said village of Aylmer or the city of Hull and the town of Pembroke : such bonus shall be payable as each ten miles of the said road is put in good running order to the satisfaction of the Lieutenant-Governor in council. 39 Vic. (1875.)- CHAP. 3, Sec. 1. Quebec. 1 The lieutenant-governor in council may, upon resolu- tion of the directors of any company entitled to a subsidy in money, convert such svibsidy into a guarantee, and pay- ment by this provinc.-, in favour of the holders of bonds or debentures of such company, of iiiterest at the rate of five per centum per annum, on a ( apital which at such rate pro- duces a sum in interest equal to the subsidy granted for each mile (.i road, together with interest thereon, until the whojf subsidy be paid. XXII \t<' III! Ili THE ExECtmVE OOUNOIL, l.ATF.,, .f„E IOth l.>;u,tDAnv IHR J8TH bEHRUARV, 18S2. No. 45. Preseuf, : The Honorable Mr. Loranoer,-.« //., ,/,«,-,. Mr. Ross, Mr. Lynch, " " Mr. Flynn, I' " Mr. Paquet, Mr. Wurtele,— m Comtcif. On the grant of a bonus to the ) Fontiac Pacific Junction Rail- ' way Company. i in all ei^htvfiv r/ . "'^"^ ""^'-'' ("^^ exceeding XXTII . That it is expedient to give effect to the provisions of the said first above recited acl, in order to enable the said Com- pany to proceed with the w^ork of coristruction. The Honorable the Soiicitor-Greneral th(!re(bre rec;om- mends, that the said bonns of six thousand dollars per mile be granted the said Pontiac Pacific Junction llailway, in conformity with the provisions of the above cited Act 44-45 Vict., ch. 2, sect. 19. The Committee concur in tht; foregoing report and submit the same for the Liimtenant-GovtM-nor's approval. Certified, FELIX >ORTIER, Clerk Ex. Council. To the Honorable Thk Com. of Railways, . &c., &c., &c. ) J The undeksiond has the honor to report : That by the Act 39 Victoria, (.-hapter 8, section 1, it was enacted that the IJeutenant-Clovernor in Council, may upon a resolution of the directors of any Company entitled to sub- sidy in money, convert such subsidy into a guarantee and payment by this Province in favor of the holders of bonds or debentures of such Company of interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, on a capital which at such rate produces a sum in interest equal to the subsidy granted for each mile of road, together wnth interest thereon until the whole subsidy be paid. That by the Act 44-46 Victoria, chapter 2, section, 19, it was moreover enacted that the Lieutenant-Grovernor in Council, in lieu of constructing that portion of the Quebec I; I ! U i XXIV Railway as provided bv the Art "^Q Vi / , <-L'ntral nant-Goveniorin ('nnnpii f ^'"eution ol the Lieute- Bail.., . e.p„„„„, ,, L .M Ar^:rvt:/r:™ 0881). to the Ibllowins- o • t • C ifv ^T p' '"'' """'• tho A . ,. jHe I .,.,.„,. „, ,,„ p^„l;;^ J:^ --» of s'-ct. IJ), the Lieuteaaut-Governor in (\mnrU u^ r I co„st™eti,„ th,.. part Of the Q,.eheo ^,^:ZtZ atV XXV cidental Railway, between the village of Aylmer, and such point in the county of Pontiac as should be found most suit- able to connect the same with the subsidized portion of the Canada Central Railway, (the whole as set forth in the Act of the Legislature of this Province, 39 Vict., chap. 2, and its amending Acts), to grant to the Pontiac Pacific Junction Rail- way Company, a bonus of six thousand dollars per mile, for each mile (not exceeding in all eighty-five miles) which the said Pontiac Junction Railway Company may construct, such bonus to be paid on each ten miles of said Railway as shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, it was resolved that said bonus of |6,000 per mile, be granted to the said Pontiac Junction Railway Com- pany, in conformity with the provisions of the above cited Act (44-45 Vict, chap. 2, sect. 10), and whereas the said Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company, at a meeting of its directors held at the city of Ottawa, on the eleventh day of April instant, (1882), resolved, that in the location and construction of the said Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway, the point of crossing the Ottawa River in the county of Pontiac, be near the confluence of the Coulouge River with the Ottawa River, in the township of Mansfield, which point of crossing is hereby approved, and whereas the said Company at the said meeting, on the said eleventh day of April instant, (1882,) further resolved under the provi- sions of the said Act 39 Vict., chap. 3, to ask the Lieutenant- Grovernor in Council, to convert the subsidy into a guarantee and payment by this Province, in favor of the holders of bonds or debentures of the said Company of interest at the rate of five per centum per annum, on a capital of twenty thousand dollars per mile, of each mile of road which the said Company may construct under the act incorporating the same between the said A'illage of Aylmer or the city of Hull, and the town of Pembroke, for such period of time as the said subsidy of six thousand dollars per mile, with inter- est thereon, until the subsidy shall be fully paid, will allow ; XXVI ■ T^rl^'^V^" '^^^ resolution has been duly communi- cated to the Commissioner of Railways of this Province by the said Company through its President. And whereas the said Railway Company, is entitled to have by the terms of the said Act (44-45 Vic, chap. 2.) the said subsidy paid as each ten miles of the said ro d is put And whereas the said Company propose to obtain from the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, authority to issue bonds or debentures of the said Company under the t rms and rt r" '' r^ -^ incorporating the said Company and the acts amending the same, for the sum of twenty thousand dollars per mi-e, and whereas said bonds or deben- ZTr '\^'r^' P^J^^ble in twenty-five years from and after the date hereof, and to bear interest at and for the rate o hye per centum per annum, said interest payable annually at the time and place to be set forth on the said bonds. ^ mile would al ow ot a guarantee of interest by this Province of bonds for the amount of twenty thousand dollars per inile, at the said rate of five per centum per annum, (payable the said interest semi-annually) for and during a period ol • seven years, to be computed from the date whereon the same saTdtrr "''''" '^! '"'^ ^'^"P^"5^ "^'i^^ *^« t«rms of the said last above recited act. w>,^ t""^ Z^'^'T " '' ^^Pedient to give effect to the right which under the forth-set act and order-in-Council hfve accrued or may accrue to the said Company. The undersigned, recommends that a guarantee of interest upon an issue of bonds or debentures of the .s.aid Railway Company, ot #20.000 per mile, at the rate of five per cen um per annum, during a period of seven years, be made and . XXVII granted in favor of the holders of the bonds or debentures of the said Company. That such guarantee be so given for each mile of the said road which may be constructed between the city of Hull or the village of Aylnier, and the town of Pembroke, provided such mileage does not exceed eighty-five miles. That the same be carried into effect by means of an entry in the body of the said bonds or debentures in the following words : " The semi-annual interest (but not the principal) having " been guaranteed by the Government of the Province of " Quebec, for and during the space or terms of seven years, " namely, from the day of 18 . " to the day of 188 , which " said interest will be paid by the said Government as ex- '• pressed in the coupons annexed to this bond," and by endorsation on the said coupons so assumed of the following words : " The payment of this coupon is assumed by the Govern- " ment of the Province of Quebec, " for the treasurer." That the assistant-treasurer of the Province be named to endorse upon the said coupons the guarantee and assump- tion aforesaid. That said bonds de delivered to the said Company, in amount of two hundr-^d thousand dollars, as each ten miles of the said road is put in good running order to the satisfac- tion of the Lieut'Miant-Governor in Councrl. That the said debentures remain in possession of the Trea- surer of the Province, to be by him delivered as each said section of ten miles is completed as aforesaid. XXVIIl That copies of this order-in-Uouncil, be delivered unto the said Company as required by them. That the aforesaid endorsation and payment is made sub- ject to the obligation of repayment by the said Company, of any difference of exchange over par which the Province of Quebec may have to pay to its prejudice for transmission of said interest to London, Paris, New York, or wherever the said interest may be payable. That any balance of the said subsidy which is earned by the said Company, and not covered by the said payments ot interest, shall be paid to the said Company when the said road is completed. (Signed,) J. WURTELE, Adopted this 18th April, 1882, ''''"'""'' ^ ^■ (Signed,) J. A. Chapleau, rm. r. 1 Quebec, 18th April, 1882. [True Copy,] (Signed,) Jos. A. Defoy, Clerk Ex. Council. M Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable THE Executive Council, dated the 18th April 1882 approved by the Lieutenant-Governor on the 19th April, 1882. No. 107. The Committee have had under consideration the annexed report of the Honorable the Treasurer of the Province, dated the eighteenth of April instant, (1882), concerning the o-ua- rantee of the Government of interest upon an issue of bounds or debentures by thePontiac Pacific Junction Railway Com- pany, and submit the same for the Lieutenant-Governor's approval. Certified, (Signed,) JOS. A. DEFOY, Clerk Ex. Council. XXIX B Y-L ^ AV 8 PONTIAC PACIFIC JUNCTION RAILWAY CO. Adopted at the fleeting of the Board of Diri'ctors held at the City of Ottawa, I3lh Sept., 1882. 1. That the Annual Meetiiij? ol' this Company shall be held on the second Wednesday of Jamtary in each year, at the City of Ottawa, or at such other place as may be appointed by the Board of Directors, in conformity with the ]>rovisions of the statute in that respect. 2. The Officers of the Company shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintending Engineer, who shall be elected annually by the Directors at the first meeting after their own ele<'tion, and shall hold office for one year or until their successors are duly appointed, provided always that a vacancy in any office occurring at any time by reason of death, resignation, or dismissal, may be filled by the Directors at any regularly convened meeting thereafter. 3. The President, if present, shall preside at all meetings of the Directors and shall have a casting-vote, in addition to his vote as a Director, in case of an equal division of votes of the Directors present. 4. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, with similar powers. 5. The Secretary shall keep the records of all meetings of the Directors of the Company, and shall with the Presi- dent sign and execute all contracts, deeds, and obligations on the part of the Company. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Company and shall have the XXX i: I V 1 I; general supervision of its administration, and act as its repre- sentative in negociations and contracts with other Companies and persons, and also have the control over the employees of the Company, and the issue of passes which may be required. 6. The Secretary shall notify the time and place of the Annual Meeting, and all such Special Meetings, as shall be ordered by the Directors, or requested by the Shareholders, agreeably to the law provided for the incorporation of Uailway Companies. 7. The Superintending Engineer shall look after the details of the construction, working of the road, the maintenance of its road-bed and the men employed thereo)i, and shall report when required to the Company. 8. The Treasurer shall have the supervision of and respon- sibility for the accounts and cash receipts, and expenditure of the Company ; and shall prepare and submit to the Direct- ors a balance-sheet thereof, at least once each month, and oltener if required. 9. The signature of the President, or the Vice-President and Secretary, shall be sulficient for giving, endorsing, or accepting any promissory note or bill of exchange in conec- tion with the Company's business. 10. All promissory notes given, and cheques signed shall be entered in a book provided for that purpose, and reported at the regular meetings of the Board. 11. The President shall be the custodian of the Seal of the Company. 12. The President, or Superintending Engineer, shall have the power of dismissing any of the Company's employees, and the G-eneral Superintendent or head of the Locomotive De- partment, shall also have the power to dismiss any siibordin- ate employed under them when occasion requires. XXXI n conec- 13. The President is hereby specially authorized and em- powered to make answer for the Company upon all Wriis of Saisie Arret served upon them, and also to make any affi- davit w^hioh may be necessary in case of opposition, or other judicial proceeding. 14. The certificates of stock in the Company shall be in the lorm following : — Number Shares. The PoNTiAC Pacifk- Junction Railway Company. Incorporated under the Act 43 Vic, Cap. 55, Canada. Shares $100 each. This is to certify that is the registered holder of fully paid up shares of the capital stock of the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company, transferable only on the books of the Company upon endorsement, and the surrender of this cer- tificate, and in conformity with the terms of the memoran- dum of agreement, dated at Montreal the 25th day of January, 1882. Montreal, 1882. Secretary. President. 15. The transfers of the stock of the Company shall be in the form and to the effect following : — I, of in consideration of the sum of paid to me by do hereby bargain, sell, and transfer to the said shares of the capital stock of the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company, to hold to him the said 'i! XXXII his heivH, curators, administrators, and assigns, subject to the same rules, and orders, and on the same condition that I held the same immediately before the execution hereof, and I, the said do hereby agree to accej)! the said shares, subject to the same rules and londitions. Witness my hand and seal, this day of 18 Witness The amount to be charged as fees for the transfer of stock in the Company shall be twenty-live cents each transfer. 16. The President shall call meetings of the Board from time to time, and at such times and places as he may consider expedient, three days' notice at least being given by circular, or telegraphic message, sent through the Secretary, to each member of the Board. 17. The Transfer Books of the Company shall be closed in Canada, ten days prior to the date of the Annual Meeting of the Company. 18. The Office of the Company shall be in the village of Aylmer. 19. The Office of the Company in Montreal shall be at the Office of the President. XXXIII ct to the n that I i'»'of, and do shares, 18 • of stock uisfer. ard Irom consider circular, f, to each closed in [eeting of village of be at the CORPORATION OF THE COUNTY OF PONTIAC. PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. By-Law No. 15. By-Law to authori^ce the corporation of the County of Pontiac in the Province of Quebec to grant a bonus of One Hundred Thousand Dollars to the Pontiac Pa. fie Junction Railway Company and to pay the same in Bonds or deben- tures and to impose a yearly rate to pay Interest and to pro- vide for a sinking fund. At the regular general session of the Municipal Council of the County of Pontiac held at the usual time and place on Wednesday the 14th day of September in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-one, the follow- ing By-Law was duly passed : WJiereas in the opinion of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Pontiac, the inhabitants of the said (bunty are sufficiently interested in the Railway which the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company is authorized to construct between the City of Hull, or Village of Aylmer, in the County of Ottawa, to such point or portion of the Canada Pacific Railway (heretofore known as the Canada Central Railway), at or near the said County of Pembroke in the County of Renfrew in the Province of Ontario, which may be found most suitable to make a connection between the aforesaid points, to warrant the said Corporation in granting a boms to the said Pontiac Pacific Junction Rail- way Company to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars currency. And whereas all the requirements of the law in such cases made and provided and of the Municipal Code of the Fro- vince of Quebec have been complied with before the passing of the present By-Law : 3a XXXIV Noir Ihnfjhre, tho said Municipal Comuil of the said Corporation at the i,n!n»n-al meeting regularly hokh'U at the Town Hall in the villivgf of Brysou in the sai'l County of Pontiac ers are of Chi- Patrick lumette mlity oi' >ality of icipality micipal- munici- m, Esq., slow ; J. bam and icipality licipality or oi the Mapham, [le muni- ! muiiici- mayor of jr of the berdeen, )r of the rn, Esq., )f Alleyn il, under icil have ; electors V to vote XXXV in approval or disapproval of the said By-Law first had and obtained in the manner provi(h>d (or, in and by the munici- pal Code of the Province of Quebec; and o[ th.' Statutes in su.'h rase mad.' and piuvid.-d an.l d.> her.'by ordain andena.t as follows : — Sec/inn /irs/ —Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter stipulated and provided for, the Warden of the said County ot Pontiac shall be and he hereby is authorized and nupiired tor and on behalf of this Corporation to .-nt.'r into a contract with the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company to i^rant and i>ay unto the said Company a bonus of one hun- dred thousand dollars, and for that purpose to have prepared debentures of this corporation (o the extent or value ol one hundred dollars each, which shall be pavable in twenty-five years from the date of their issue respe.tively, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, .said interest to be paid semi-annnallv on the first day of January and July in each year, at the bank of Montreal, in the City of Montreal, and such debentures shall rank equally upon the taxable real estate in the said County, and such debentures shall be accepted by the Company at par in payment of the said bonus. Sertion sera uci -The said debentures shall be issued and handed by the said Warden to the Treasurer of the Province ot Quebec, on the second day of January, eio-hteen hundred and eighty-two, who shall hoKl the same as the Trustee of this corporation and of the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway Company, and shall hand the same to the said Company as the said work of construction of the said Railway procuresses withm the limits of the said corporation of the County of Pontiac, in the manner and subject to the same conditions m which the bonus payable under the Act passed at the last session of the Legislature of the Province of Quebec is to be paid to the said Company, and for the purposes of said pay- ment, *he said corporation shall pay to the said Pontiac XXXVI Pacific Junction Railway Company the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars per mile of said Railway built within the limits of said corporation of the County of Pontiac, pro- vided the whole amount of said bonus does not exceed for the whole line of said Railway built in the said corporation of the County of Pontiac as aforesaid the sum of one hundred thousand dollars. Section third.— And for the purpose of paying the interest on the said debentures and for the purpose of establishing a sinking fund of two per cent, upon the amount of the said bonus over and above the interest thereon, a special rate or assessment is hereby imposed upon the taxable real estate iii the said County of Pontiac as follows : The said rate or assessment shall be for every dollar of the assessed value of the said real estate five mills and four-tenths of a mill in the dollar for the current financial year next after the commencement of the work of construction of the said Railway, within the limits of the said corporation of the County of Pontiac until the said debentures are paid in full. Section fourth. — The said special rate or assessment shall be due and payable the same as all other rates, taxes and assessments which the said corporation is authorized to im- pose ; provided always, that in the event of an increase in the value of rateable real estate in the said County and such increase appearing in the assessment rolls, said special rate of assessment shall be reduced in conformity with such in- crease. Section fifth. —The said Pontiac Pacific Junction Railw^ay Company shall commence the construction of said Railway within one year from the date of the passing and approval of said By-Law, and shall complete and finish the part of the said Railway to be built within the limits of the said County of Pontiac within six years from that date ; and at the expir- ■ ^1 XXXVII ation of the said six years the said Pontia.. Pacifi,, Junction LI f- ^'^ ^^"^^^ '^S«»^«t the said corporation (L.S.) (Signed,) WM. J. POUPORE, Warden of ike County of Pontiac. (Signed,) .IAS. THOS. PATTISON, Secretary l^easurer, Municipal Council County q/Tontiuc. I, the undersigned, James Thomas Pattison, Secretarv Trea^rer of the Munieipal Council of the corpomti^ rftLe llwT ,?r "f ' *™ ""Py °f "''' ™d By-Law [By- <-ou cil of he corporation of the County of Poutiac at it, Ouf ST '"%"* "ay of September in th yet Oui Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty- -one. (Signed,) JAS. TFOS. PATTISON, Secretary Treasurer of (he Corporation of the County of rontiac, XXXVIII Copy of a Report of a Committee of the Honorable THE Executive Council, dated the 5th July, 1884. approved by the Lieutenant-Governor on the *7th July, 1884, Concerninq the Pontiac Pacific Junc- tion Railway Company. Province of Quebec— No. 240. The Honorable the Commissioner of Railways, in a report dated the third of July instant (1884), sets forth that by an order in council of the 19th of April, 1882 (No. 107), the sub- sidy of 16,000 per mile granted to the Pontiac Pacific Junc- tion Railway Company by an order in council of the 18th February, 1882 (No. 45), was converted, at the request of the railway company, into a guarantee of interest, upon an issue of bonds to be made for an amount of |20,000 per mile. That the said railway company have not made the con- templated issue of bonds, and that the order in council converting the subsidy from a payment in money into a guarantee of interest has never been acted upon. That the said railway company has requested the Lieut.- Governor in council to revoke the order in council convert- ing the subsidy into a guarantee of interest, and to replace matters as regards the payment by the Government of the subsidy in the same state as before the passing of such order in council. The Honorable 'the Commissioner, therefore, recommends that order in council No. 101 of the 19th April, 1882. be re- voked, to the end that the subsidy be payable in money ; it being, however, understood that the revocation thereof shall m no way affect the resolution adopted by the directors of the railway company at the city of Ottawa on the 11th of April, 1882, that " in the location and construction of the XXXIX " Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway, the point of crossing the " Ottawa River in the County of Pontiac be near the con- " fluence of the Coulange River with the Ottawa River, in " the Township of Mansfield." [Certified.] (Signed,) JOS. A. DEFOY. An Act to authorize certain subsidies and grants for and in respect of the construction of the lines of railway therein mentioned. (Assented to April 19th, 1884). ITER Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the *^^ Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows : — !• The Grovernor in Council may grant the subsidies here- inafter mentioned, to and for the parties, railways and rail- way companies hereinafter mentioned, that is to say : — To the Pontiac Pacific Junction Railway for a line of railway from Hull or Aylmer to Pembroke, provided the Ottawa river is crossed at some point not east of Lapasse, a subsidy not ex- exceeding $3,200 per mile, nor exceeding in the whole $2*72,000 ■* * * * iff * The subsidies hereinbefore mentioned as to be granted to companies named for that purpose, shall be granted to such companies, respectively ; the other subsidies shall be granted to such companies as shall be approved by the Grovcrnor in council as having established, to his satisfaction, their ability XL to construct aud complete the said railways, respectively. All the lines for the construction of which subsidies are granted shall be commenced within two years from the first day of July next and completed within a reasonable time, not to exceed four years, to be