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Whenever possible, these have been omitted from filming/ II se peut qu" "'^u^ means by which her lifp nn„i?i K* , ^''^'U *** ^^^ '* as the onlv Divine aid on the effits he w„«' "'7''- ..^'-^l^ently would he inn S J health; when Veaking^Sl^ he user r^lrf.'"» '''^^'^ '"!'' o appeared to be his study to do all in hi TtnS'T^t '''"»'"'8"' "''^ '^ few days however, before she d oH h.^ ;' 7u^ aj^eviate her sufferingH. A pockets of a coat beSnfft^otti.^'^^^^^^ *« <'*'*'nl"« the likeuess of the abovStioned MSrvrnderlo^^ ^^''^' '^' ^0""^ » from the lad? herself Thil .{!„,• i x,'^'^^"®'^'' accompanied by a noto dead, but whenTnce ouf,' u\Voutf tX'hf r T? ^'^-nlil^ Zl Garrett. Still further to exc te snsniLn ^ ^^^ '^^''^^ ""^ «'«« »orcai purchased half an ounce of Snic a dav «; two h ^'l^^^'^'i^ that King had and, subsequently to that ^ auantiJvU ™n,^J'^*'''^ ^1" ^'^« *'i« takc.n 111 ; •ummoned, and the body exhumed Wiln'''^^*''^.'. ^ coroner's Jury waJ his wife was ill, King had dedared that ?h. ^^ *'l^"?'^ *° '''^"^ tiuVbllo womb; but the' medical mn could find n«t"^-"<^*^ *-"'" **" "'""'"*'^ discovered that she was presi^t w ai? ^ "f .*"y. «"'='' *l'«^aHe. Thor system was in a health? condS' Not LnZhf*f '''*'• *''** P"^""* «f ^hJ any other supposition than that uhof^^ °*^ "^**'' *» account for death upon liver were tCoutanrseS? to P^nfof " "^"'^^ ^ P«'«°"- t^e stomaSh aSS Joand no less than e I'eveJ Ss of a?sS in f^^ .""IP' ?' «"»'t«'''. ^hj ^ywas exhumed. King frvishinril!°i\%«^^^^^^^^ ^hon the liiigmon, alter liearing whpt was an^n.^'^'Z^^.^A ' ^"" "P°" reiurijiug to Mr. Vandervoort'8, where he ^rE^ ? ' ^^^'^e off at once to Sidney, to • I arrested, but that a warrant would be iMucd for MIsr Vandcrvoort also ; and urged upon her parents that they should allow their daughter to fly with hin to tho Stfttea until the matter was settUd. After much hesitation, they acceded to the demand, upon the urnVfrstundiDg thai King should take Miss Vandervoort to her aunt's, at Capo Vincent. This plan was adopted, but King's stay was short. A warrant was issued for his arrest, and while the Inquest was proceeding, he was brought back and lodged in prison. Once in gaol, he prepared most actively for his trial. The Hon. John Hillyard Cameron was engaged to defend him. Medical men were dho sum- nionul to his assistance, and on the day of trial there appeared Professor Uempel andPr. Sander.s ot Fliiladelphiiv. wilh I)r.«. Vontagen of Brantford and Nichol of Simcoe, C. W. On behalf of tho Crown, Mr. Gait, Q. C, was retained. The medical witnesses were Professor Croft, and Drs. Hodder and Bethune of Toronto: Gross andP'-octor of Brighton, and Gilchrist of Hamilton. When before the Grand Jury, King preserved an unruflBcd demeanour. He declared himself quite sure of acquittal, and appeared to be so. One day previous to the week of trial, a brother of the accused came to Cobourg and called at a chemist's shop, where he purchased twenty-flve cents worth of strychnine. Upon being asked his name, ho replied that it was King, and admitted his relaMonship to th9 accused. From the shop he went to the prison, where he saw his brother. The gaoler was present during the Interview, and as the two were allowed to converse only through a small hole in the cell door, he is quite sure nothing was handed from one to the other. King explains that the strychnine was purchased for the purjjose of poisoning foxes, of which there are many about his father's farm. Excuses of this description are always at hand. THE TRIAL. T^he tr:al took place before Judge Burns, and created the most intense excitement, not only in Cobourg and Brighton, but in all the country ronnd about. At an early hour, large numbers of teams, laden with people anxious to witness the proceedings, came into town. The railways also contributed their quot'i, and soon after eight o'clock the steep steps leading up to the Court-House, and the brow of the hill upon which it stands, were coveied with a crowd, jammed together as tight as it was possible for human beings to be and live. It was a noisy crowd, with great strength of lungs, which th'iy tested to their utmost extent. Not once or twice, but contInuou^ly - indeed, one mi^ht have thought from the sustained roar that an election menting was bemg held. Numbers of women came Into Cobourg. but a gbinco at the Court House steps was suflBcIent to assure hem that crinoline couM not bea^ so ijreat an amount of compression as was required to get within ihe door way. and they at once abandoned all hope of efl^cting an entr^ni^e. But notwithita'idi/ig the aVisCiiee of the ladies the room was soon filled to ita iitmost txtent. There were probably about three hundrffl people present. Among them, besidew the witnesses, were a number of medoal gentlemen and tbestudentMrtf thH Cobourg Medical Colhge, to whom a holiday had been given that they might be able to attend. The Court-House is small, low, N ] iltaii^^^^^^^^ Buras wan Btuck on a «,ightl, borrowed from some diandlrXop "^ very like an old counter ^'^''o^^SSZS'rLl^^^^ Q-C, who has Porter, Levi Dudley SnTl Rich tman wn i.™"' p^k "'^ ^,™'*''' Jo°»'J^an Samuel IIaggart,«udIIervDAlZ '' William Clarke, prisoner. Sasel. N^^'Je^e ^SeVlSft^r S?^^^^^^^ »^^ *»>« coDceiv,.,] inamnuch as tLZZn.r \1 now "i?'"' tS'°' '^'''y "'ght .have innoceat as any one of Ihem Ho w u ,'..'". *H® ^'J" of the law, as bycert.iuappliuct^vUh nhisrearnn^'^ ?i ^"V^^ murdered his ^ife well acqi.aiuted. No no • "a Sd h!^ « ^ ^^'^h he was for currying out hit pn Krior nnt n"i- V" "" "P'-^/'^vourablepoBition but he u'.itlfd upon hi fffi Jler mcc^S 7h\ ^ ? P^.^'''>" ^^^ profession. then gave the oitliue of t^^elvents wh eh h Jl W^^^^^ ^'' learned gentleman and afterwards uddre.'Ked thrLv on ih„.^ ^ ° ^^*^ flrrestof the prisoner, murder,itisnecerrytodi?ect Lnion T^ ''•''^' '" *"*'« ^^"^ bent upon them to do^w "s to s abSS St S ti"* "•'"""^^ ^'-' '"«"'"- position to accomplish the deed for tl,. fill i "' ^^ .P"soner was in a to be tried, a d that tho.o means l^v w i^-h Ihf? P^'-P^'r^tbn of which he was were within his rtSlirTMr 0^10 w^fn '''''''''-''' ^^^ '^^ ^y ^'' death deceased, up to the 14th OctoffiaSwL^^? prove to the jury that the was then .sdz, d with iS Sn ncpZ.„^''^""'^^^ t^'^* ^^o not be safely ddivertdoftbec^^^^^^^ T^t^u*^ ''''■ ^'"^^^'^^ that she could must cease t^o brlt Jettre sS g^^^^^ btS' ThTf t?^"-''^'' '?* ^' ^^« he had stated that the deceased wirLffirl" a ^^^^ Prisoner had done; which, had it existed would hav. inSitebte f^Z I v'Tt 'I *^^^°'"»^' there were none. It would be nrovpIfS If ^'^'^^^^^ehind it, but of which was administered wLr hus3 h!fMhAV''?i°'^'?'?.*' '^^'^° ^^ *'^«- King not be proved frSi° LowK nf fho T' ^^^l^"?*'"" of medicine could would be broughtlrvvardwhS would teuff f ' ""t.^ f .T " «?'^'"- ^'^"«««*» a white powder to S wife ThlS iVSS ^^^ *«'*^*''? P"««^^^ exceedingly difficult to £ 'wTth ?t S "1?* *'°** '^ ^e*''' •*"d^'»« follow.dhvroknhC 5l a~ S^'ll*- 5*°^, dose caused a burning thirst, poisoning by arsenif ThV t^.nL^ '""■ ^^'^u* ^'^"^'^ '•'" t^^m, symptoms of the medicine for remedial DuiXfhS^iA'^^^^ ^?^.«^ administered If this were done, the SircarwVlS^^ar^^^^^^^^ Sat poS?"'"' '•"'•'"^ '' ^'"«'> ^°" '^' '^^"^«"^° 'vl'lch would .K, given on Kingston. '"'''^' ""^ forwarded it to Quceu's Collego, timJ^t'Xautt'^^[H^Tr''"-TJ! ^'*'' P'^««"* '° ^»>° room the whole ■ BrieSo/ I S"°,".^ 'T°A' ,""' '',"''' ''"'""' "'r«mlU.,Sd ..half from offtLl niihl Jil .»f ' '° *^?.r'""^ "! ■"? paiie«loon,, wblch I did not lake ZSySoTSe bote frnm' '■°°" "i'^^,'1 ""f to show hinf the stomach. I prcvionslv bernTnnfl ?f,S k I' ^^\f°*' "«^'«" examination havlne touXd f The tabw- '-f^^ "'"'^'° l'^^' ^o one bemdee the doctor! Tout flft aor twen^^^^^^ The stomach was in the dish in the presence of She juT Se stamn T .L?''"''^ '" *^" ^9"^*^ ^"^ «'''1«<^ thepLkagM?M.RXfSa'2oro"eS^^^^^^^ I SavJ day it was sealed. ' ^°° °^ *^° •'"'^y ^'^ ^^'^^ *« Kingston, on the took it away and returned with it tn RriiMnn T ^e^* corning I called, in the Bameinditionr^hcn I retfved if ^ ^" P"'^'"^' ^'°S P"<='«^^y wa?n"t:rnrco;Jd''^Vh^%tr I? ^'^'^ ^«*"« '' (tl^ebottle) 8chooI-house"Lfhepre;enIeoSeTu^''"TW Y'''' '"''^"^^^^ i° ^^o jaiy. No one, tha?I saw eSe^TenrnoLT Jhfde-rfwerpr^S^rt^S^ jurors to drop'^oLEfinf "tK^^r 'X'-^'''-%-T*f ?^^' '''^ "''^ «^ *^« With paper tied dL„ wiSlnT tSS^^^ a cTk^dirS I' 1 1 1 1 I I h I hi d< re n ai D ei iSttJiv!:!:;^,!!:::^"'''"" p'-"<^"-'^ '^^ '-'tie m th le same Ptuto Od it had • da;'EE:^;!i:;!;:eS'f^l:'k^S"1iff '^^\\Y^-^\r. Barker, tho name It until (b.. inonuii of Z l- 1 ?"fh. „' T'1 ' ^'\1 °''^'*^ «'"«^t' «°^ kept s :s^"^7^^^^ r /CS SIS LS7:is-,£' fcHsorOr t ^'"'^ '"'''"*"' '^'' ''^ «r. KreblP, tho conductor, to take to Pro- it lu, in a cuplmnl of f h > ««.„ J car , «od fo ■ S ? ''^''' ^"r**- ^ ^'''^'^ iu foronto, 1 ^av. it to PnKoforoft ' °"'^"^ «"°'^'- ^P''" '''^'•'^•"g Oolh^ge tSI J ™ ' n7t,c"LP™^^^ '^T'f'^. "' University ^vas sealed with con/^ou a ll.''"cork t fo';"^ f f V^^^^ '^''*^ ^«^ penny uicce nnon if tlV f ^"'^'^ '" the "ottlo had the stamp of a w.ter^ The liB ^^ alllu'.d ^'.^1^:. ''°P'''^'^ '"'° "^ glass^wlth and a sediment 1 -f tLIv }^ ^''*"'- ' ^^^ "PP^^^^" P^rt was poured off. to contain ar'o TneS n?I„\i° T'ror'V/r ''"^ "^'^ f°""«l arsenic in thorn. Th ' mmnti tv T ^Lonir? f °^ ^''' 'T'''^' '^"'^ ^""'"^ ™ore crains r uiv.f.wr. * V, ^ "'^'^^"'*' I found in the stomach was eleven deceJsNl "'*- *' the Coroner to send me the liver and kidneys oftoe iaJcen in during life - thZ thTrcasJn^lf f T,"^''' '^f'' ^' '^"*^ '"'^•'' ^^^^ Mr. Davidson, some a es c on Sn™ .{n. ^^'''''■•- ^ .'f"v.' *° *^''' O^''""". liver. (Six tubes herniSlv«eaI«f^r!ft^^^^^^ "'r'^ ""^ '='' ^ took from the I did not analyse the 'Se of Si Hve^ ^ ^^' "''"'"' ""'''' P'-oduced.) Ifoundlnitlittlele, c-^^^ Jn the stomach itself The stomach, with tTe e4eptio5 of ^ .ltSV,*°r'^ !l^°"' ^>'^^'=° 8™i°«- healthy. It is po««it le .o'^Zl^nn!! • ,w^^^ ^'"'^ ^' *^^ extremities, waa I do not think the pU't ?om,d X w ? *'''' P^'V^." ""V^^ ^^^^ '^fter death. have no means of kSn^i tr fh„"' ''"'''' ''*'"^- '"''' "^"'^ ^'«'" ^^^l^^. I death or not. PloSver much mth hpTl'°'° '!"^,?"* ^"'° ^'^'^ «t«'"-'^<=l> '^^^r reaehPs nnp nr H.n ;.!.t.^ ™"_^.^ ™^°* ^l^ taken into the stomach, even when it mach and' iTver " Infl^^'m«HL' ' ""'^'^ *^*' '''"'^' ^°*» **'« tissues of the sto- arsenic has bee'rtHken ' aS Irfa'rZ^^^^^^ ^'""^"".T ^'^"^ ^'^^ J>«»^« «««r Death from arsenic mavensnein TT '' ^T'""}^!. ^'^^'^ ^^^"^ " found, eight or ten days I STmZ^^^I^I^ *"''' *^^'"S: it, or extend over J nave read ot cases where persons have taken arsenic, and hi, before d«ath. ' Thm w" uS tbe s.onmch I t.xami.ed, long A succession of doses may he ^W^^t ZT^T' '^^^'iacu.nulativeeffeci. latire power may, in Knd uroduco d n t ^ ?' ^7 '^''=' ' ^"' '^' ^'^^■ acumulSloln ■ %tJttS' Sl l\T- ^^'^f "«--« ^^^ act. d an dose of arsenic. If a succos oa of .„?• , i *^ '"? '^ '''''"' *''" "^'' '^' '^'lopaihic party lived a short tLeSrwarSs no race: of U I''", il^'?' P'"'^^''^^"°g *»>« administered in large a mntUips wi i n! f it would be iound. Arsenic appearances usu.at^ltt?S f o^S taS V "T- ^'° '^'''- ^^"""-^ ^^ ^^^^ stomach. The absence ofXn.^,.,i!n:^f.,^' "^•"«''"«'° were present in the Bibility of the presence of ar«LpTh„K ^^ "' '"''''°' '•^'=^"^'-'« ^^^ P08 Nathaniei. rSelI Proctor M D pfw"'"/^ symptocnsis tbe exception, examination of the bodroSKnrKhr''qi;J f T'^'^ ^V^*^^"^' "'<^^ school house, and placed udoJ a dmir if .^" . i ^°''^ J"'"' ^^*^"«'^t ^o the ance for oue'deccied tE was eJ„siJ m^J^Io^ "^ '*'^.'' ^''^^''^ "PP^"^" Dr. Gro-s made the incision aiidTaid an fSf r^^'^' "'"^^I'l'^r parts. nated womb. There was a ] Jk n .n °'"^'^^^ liver and an impreg- might have been occasioned by comini inTnnf' T-h'' 'T'\ '"^"^^""g- ^^'^^^ exception, the organs were Lalthv^ w?-"'^ With this coloured, from somethiuff 4 sunZ;i ^,'^,^7^"',"*' ^ **^', 'r*^'' ""'^'^^^ ^^^e rectum was also coloured.^' Thi« vSwh f h ? ¥'JP''^««'d through them. The removed ; it contained a > Ji! Xr^lstm h^^^^^^^^^^^ 7''^^°'"^ '''' through, but we found nothing wrontT w? ..,!,,. ,^" ^"e^^6tcc«te was cut the heart and liver, whi h S qiit^hJluh v Th /Y' '"""""' """^ ^*'"'°«^ gested appearance. I never exS don vo5^^^ r '""«« Presented a con- poison, examined any one before who had died of arsenica! cal poison. The furfaje orthe ° ol S """ "' ^ ''on'^ider, a sign of arseni- to inflammation ; it wa' a state owl "' '^""Sr^t'^d-it scarcely amounted Taking the stomach a. a wM^U ,f;?""l"'"* ' ^ '=^""«* ^'^'^^ '« ^^at extent, oiach.^ r cannouly how 1 ng^the n « '"%'? '!f ^ ^^'''^'''^y «*»- ot examine very particu arlv iL h iTn ) -"''"^ ''^'^ ''^'^''••^- ^ d'?' "f ""I ^'""' ^-y iHne.s." She ) ;ofe'=Kl.T™d^S;tl?;^ I"- King ».d .he w. a gray appearance ; another was a mi,^fnrrnf'^'"'n ^ P''<^«cribed wculd present toms Dr. King described in thetr am,«. i . °^ ^^^^°'^ •''°^ ''^ack. The symp- Pj/f ^°« were called in, wUh (L e "ccntion?f"n^ r ^''^n^^noj. No other organ.c dioeaso. We examined the^~?'*^r^''' ^'^y- ^"* ^*'"°^ «» trace of but that ' Htributed to tb? length of tin^ fhl ''"' «PPF«°tly a little softened. PiLKi; ioss, M .D.-I pars R-i. f ""^ '''T''" ^»<^ ^c^" dead. I had not «een her during her llaes« hffi'? ?^ I*""'? '^^"^s ^^^^^ her death. f'oa<;,«>rto« examination. The stomach cfZ i?**' / '"''' P''^^^"* "* t^e firs there was nothing to seal it wi h NevI r^L^'"'*''? ^''^ P'»°^d i° » bottle- together it was sealed I t£.ninrn= morning when the jury were called The body did not presenufSSiS at^^^ '"^"^^ l''"" ^^^ oftheslS The lower part of the rightTbe 'f ffi"*"'^^- The liver was hardened, remainder was in a healthy state Thl It ?°^' ^^^s slightly cong.sted-the The inner coat of the stomlh^vH'*.'^* '^'''^ ''^'^"I'y. and the womb also cause death. No one had a^XS t'S J^ t "^4 I «^w nothinfto . I was present when the liver waLfa£nn,7^^ «^ '^"^^^ ^-^^ ^pt Dr. Proctor. Cross-exarained.-The li ver^n« . ?* ^f Professor Croft, arsenic. I should th A it woulItaW f""^ ^ ^^'^'^ ^^^ ^''^^ absorption of auch an effect. It might e pJSduceS L . /^^^^^ntity of arsenic to prSuw n^of the womb. IhemLt^rd'rU^^;.^^^^^^^^ wascrSS^Vh\°SriS^^^^^^ ^'-^ —-ation re-asserabling - '^"" adjourned fifteen minutes for refreshment. Upon BanrX?hetJh^7ScSSr ^ ^"^ *»>« "°ther .f the late Mrs 111. The Doctor me?me I?Soor o 'tho "^^ ^"^^l'"' """^ fo«nd her%ery been very sick. I v ent in! and she s5^ S ^°"'*'' """^ ^^l^ m« that she had the Doctor gave her a litt°e mediSne It w J*^ " ^'"i^ ^"«r- Soon after, the spoon. She was very sick afteiU sZtl^T^^^'^^' I' was mixed in The doctor said, " Keep it down Annie " Vh ' f .^° P^^^"* herself vomiting. She vomited a great deal ; but wasT-ttPr f« '""i*° ^"^ ««• ^"t could not. dark greenish Colour. The vomftin^^!!..^^'"]""'*^^- The vomit was of a During her illness and alwaysafSr taking '°"'^..^^*'^° «^ twenty Znutes We had to keep a tumWerof oolrl tf? *^° medicine, she was very thi«tv night. The prisoner rsTn5nt'?/4*5-> H'' -^ ''''"'''''^ with her S House about 9 a. m. The ' first rlnaol ^^^=V""^'a ^ot hm wife, i went to" the «» after nine o'clock- the previously administered. My JLWp'Lu'* J"'* ^^' ^™e eff^'ct althe one doctor said she oomnotltwm^VSt'^''''^^^}''^^^^r,td^j,ZtTe «ery tasted. In the presencf o^-.r^STSj^^l^^^ ^ 10 She did no? take it-X put ^UmoZi IflT^ "f ^^' '-^"^ ^^^« ^^ '-^^^^ 80 fiery that she could nof^irfnlVf J?k- ^°^ ^^ '^'^ *o"^*^' «"d said it was hour after the prisoner broSt pin .f 1 •"''' ^^°"t f'S^^t o'clock. About an -mixed with wS It canSd TZfr. ^'' ^i'T' "medicine. It was in a spoon she could not live -and thafhom^"' ''"'* J^^i-^ther, who was there, said the prisoner to send for mol tr ?*-^'''"' "" ^.l^^ ""^ *^'^*°'*«- H« "rgcd upon ^- Fife. My Imstond w^n? fS^h°'''?\ ^^°''} ^'''^''' '''''^'^^ ^^e^ent for When my huS came back^v?''^. ^°""** '^^ '^'^'^ g°"« to Colborne. such a state that sh^Sld not dr^'nr^S'' T!, ^'"^ "^- ^^' ^^^ 8°* ^^^o Baid he knew what 0.^o.sJn^ii • i' ^^"^ /''*^°'' ^^^^^ted Dr. Gross. Kidr that sort. FaTher a«S wouS if onVfh"'"^'"!^^?'' °*™P^°''' «^ ''°'°«*h5ng of asked his wife if she wou7d tit^ f^ %tf ' ^^^King said it would. He then good. He thPn wpnf ?„ K- « '• ^^° ^"^"^ ^^^ would if it would do her always mUd "he mcdicfne TlC^J'^'f"^. ''"^''^^''^ '" ^ ^poon [He wantedtavomit Hp£ Li r 0^06.] Annie took it, and soon after Bhoulder. She said '01? nh T Tn""/ t' ^ed, by putting his hand on her "Keep it down A^nio^ ' S'o Iw^i' ^ Tv.°°*,' ^ '^"^ ^y'^g'" H^ said- greenish hue -with mi,; n!nL r^'*"^. ''.° *^^ ^^ 1J"«° something of a said-" Now^he has tiJown?tnff S'" "' '*,: ^? ^^'^ vomited, the Doctor it will not do her aSv S L L,ff k "^^^ '"'^'' ^ ''*"^ «^ ^'' «*o«^ach, but her verjr little '' ^ ^ she SlSe^i'Sr^lL'^Plfir*^ °'r^°%"^ '' "^^^ ^^'^ 5« l^^o"'-. only after ShecomphSof pafn aft b.^^^^^^ P*^'"*^ «°ly when sick, discharges of a coniousnSrp I n^."**? ejection. She was troubled with she was^alone at mv housp In^ t^u''^ ^ii'?.^'"'" ^'"^'^'^ '^'^ ^as taken ill, was ulcerated and™n such a slato ? i"? *^^- ^T i^"'^^'^"^. ^'^ ^'^'''^ ^er womb being alonp with hP^ ?"™i . . , ^^"K'}"" ""ght drop off in the night, and he tor Dr. Fife?" Dr. Fifp pvominoji b^v h-if r-'- 11 gavTher"aT?boliSe^"cb^^^^^^^ i;i a .pnon. The dose of medicine he We left the : oom aZt an hSur after X"^' •^1"? ^T ^"^'^^ ^^' »"^« ^^e rest, death Father and I left the Joomabont 77^, *? '''?' ^^' "'«^' ^^^^e her said he would watch her In th ™ • ^ °^'°*^'^' '^'^^ ^^n' to bed ; the Dr. she had n.ver slept betL mtlZ^ZZT i' ^f' ''P""' '^"'^ '^' ^'' '^^ he had to go to work, bit £ rtS T^^ ^'^ ^^'' *° ^^''«' h'-'r good-bye, as would not wake again ' l"aid I wlf «n"' ^°'''.''v ^"^ ««"l ^' ^^ afraid she her stomach with cold water T 1; i T 'f '^ '^' ^'" ^^^^^e, and I bathed sleep ! I tried to wake her and caTlcd t?^ T ^''^'''^ " '^'''' °°' "^ "S^t her dear eyes, hut could not ' ^^ ^"^^ °^™'''- ^he tried to open Reexamined by Mr daU tu« ■, , . daughter. There were snots on a ""derclothes oroduced belonged to my The way in ^hich he fnoU.Pr ^fT' 7^''^' '*>" ^"'^^^ ^^^ ««'• affecting. \he SnerTeaSl, t^^^^^^^^^^ ''''''^<^^y was very foDjly upon her, l.lltheLme4ev^U?vin.hof.'-.' ''''' '''^^ ^'''^'' ^^^ NoRMA\ Bethl-xe M n f^ -1 S'^'°3 her evidence. whole of the trial! Th^^vmSl V*'"^ ^^^'^ ^" the Court during the caused by an irritant poiRo7 XTvinf.T ^'^"^ '^'■'"''^'^ ^'^ «»<=J» '^^ ^re the .same. When taken in lari clos, ?,-fT' ^^ '^^««»'C vary, but the effect is amount of arsenic found in EtoS ''/°'"<^'^™f ^^ts as a narcotic. The does not always produce redness oT?L«?'''^T^ V' I'^y '^^'««- Arsenic girl who poisoned hcr.M^lf w?thfn (he l„^f f '^"'''''^^'- i° *^^ "^''^ "^ ^ servant no redness of the stoma/l a houif, ; . 7n'' r"'?''*''" ^* Yorkville. I foupd I'f poisoning by arseS are flrs? ! n n ''' ^"^' °^ ^''^ P°^^'°"- The symptoms IS a burning ^cn,sat?on at fhe \Z^!'''';,''''''P^^''^ by nausea. Then there retching, fo,Iowcd by pu?'a ion Snf^^^^^f ^* ^^^ stom.ch, constant described. A large dose of irs^niV ^11^'"'^."''' ^''^^ ^° «'^'ch deceased died ^ Cross-examined-- Thnfftotnri° ''^'"'.^'^ P''°'*"°° «"ch effects, female is the exception T havfho^r'fnr' ''T'l'l^ ^^'^^^^ ^^ ^ Pregnant rea one. Ihave heard .f the acio« of .rni r * '"'^-^ "'^^'^ '^'^° ^^"^'^ ^o administered in medical doses £.« f^""'"'\tl^epoison-of poisons which, Strychinia is one, and dMmoTov ^^""""Y^P ^^'''^' """^ F''°'i"ce death was one of those also, b/t it is nowX"^^'''^ '^'^ considered that arsenic more than an eighth of a erain of o^L • } have myself never administered at Yorkville, loath ensu^S in l?f "^ ^* °°?^- ^" ^^« ^^'^se I mentioned inflammation, but 1 sEouId Iook^o;''";^°1'- l^^'^'^^''^ "°^ ^-^P'-'^' *» find , Ed. M. ^^S:^"^;S^'^fS would.produc. headache. I have heard described are tCe of l^^rr;""'''^ ^•''- ^'^'^"'^^- ^ho symptoms produce. '*"' ^'^"^'^ °f an irritant poison, such as arsenic weuld i^su™fromTSl S'' he' tX monTh?T^ ^^' ™°*^'''' '^'^^'^^S of might though I tbink not so copLX P?° n^L J ^'T'^'^'y' '^"d no disease exist, sometimes, but not accompaS Jd with thp ? ^'"^^^'' ^'' "'^'''^"^ ''-'^^ ^'o^niting of. I do not believe that^Sc is a nL^llT^ '*^?^"°" '^"^ ^^'^'^^ «P«ken very safe mfdicine. I have conth.".^™/^ ^^ '"'^'''°" ^ consider It a occasional intermissions. I ha^e'reH^L^^ *^« ™°"ths, with has produced «a«.m. It is not thenS?'!^ *° discontinue it, because it Of 'pccacuanba admlnislercd win nnf ^,„/i" .\"f"'t"ative poison. One Krain up .t will do so. OrfllaCpiSns 1 ^ve now f ''°'''' ^.f '^^P"' ""' '^ f«»«wed denies the cumulative nowers of „^ ■ ^ ^^^^ overthrown by Taylor, who 'ymplom rf poison 2° a™^"°" ">•' <"»lci>lty ia passing the .rine is. 12 «a^aympIon"Tr'r^II??'r ^'l^''^^.'^"" ^ays that difficulty in passing the uriuo the symSs^'o?l.c'!lT' "V''° '"'," ^^'■^'''^' examlnod.-Slie described KiuKaSMovl^thT f-^'"'^ corroborated the ■ videace of Mrs. Lawfiou. ^^'^d U^anT^yl^^^ ""'' I gave her some out of?, s said it wL iko lclFZit''''i '' P*'-'-^ ''\ ^^' ''°"'^'" «f ^^' «P"0" She which had a cL?ortin" effect ' ^'"''' ^ ''''^^''' ^' ^are her medicine hcr^ wrer?Ztf;rMi:l"c'o;^irfr* ''' ^'^'^ ^'^^f "^^ *^« ^°- I K^-° tha I .saw htVLtter on !.?f • ^^'^''' "''^^'^"'iG'-stood, througl, my stating discharge '''''^ ""^ '''- '^'^^ She did notcompaiuto me of any h£d1>hLk'll^'T^^f'^\''^^^ visited my daughter when I Baid that ;Je is c^ iJl V' • T^il^ ^^''''J^ ^^'^^ *'^^' »"'«'-'r with her. lie closed ..p. He si d ££ h.'rf' '^,l"":°^ '''"^ ''^'^' ^'' "'^"^'^ ^^'^'^ "^■'""'y mustan'lwou rl?, f'"ie her tace that h r case was ineurable-tliat slie HeatL;:aTdt vmddKV;'Mre'"'/°/f' '.ther doctor, several times. did anv irnmi .,,.a t ,7 , ' ^ ''''• ^ *^'d "^^t consider that he (Dr Fife> git qTtSg;.;"^i h'^^r^''^^^^^^ iTt"^^ ^'•- ^i"°^ r '•^'-^^'^ occasions would liamHenryTGod«m5os2i A^T^^ •^'^'^H'^'' '^'''' I -^-^id, " Wil- Dr. Gross w^rflr ? ^''"''"^'^ ^''''''''- ^ said Dr. Gross for we. He said opium. Witness here d Sifo/ fhF' •'' '""'l^'^ ^'ve and he said calomel or eiactlyasnaSeibyhtw^e ''^-'^^^'^''^^^'^ of the death of deceased He'^STrs"o;'i.™''^'^"*'''^^ ^- -- about one o'clock. TcftS^s ^^vU^'!\ T"'"'*?-^ "^^ ^^'^- ^"g O'l tlie 14th. Dr. King told Sfhylooki? 4f, an7ori'? 'T'''> "-^'^ ^^^«i"C"rable. She?.;8a that o4er physlchns shrm f°"'t^^,'^?tys,x years of age. When I suggested not call in Dr^ G roS tZttoSrVu'^t objected to it. He said he- would Rfttinn TO^uh •. "'"'^^ anuas to Dr. File, he had ca led on h m. In ronvpr- tooT^^XufrfT' 'TV^' told me that she was not toh"miS-a very Sniov n!v,f ™°"''-''' ^'""^ ^^ '''«'^'*1 "J^'eher improved in many respects froX Kbg-rS! '="'" '''''"''' ^'^'^ P™*'"^^^ *^° letters S ha took baf''KceH'Sfuie?e£rZ^^^^ examined.-! know the prisoner at the dn,ed anTthrendosJd iote °'' ''"* ^'"^ '^' ''"'"''' P'"" ba|^-?SSS-I^?Jj:o;S^SS"^^r^ thelikenesstoher. I never .rottl,flet£'ir^*^''*'-A'*^ i^'' *'''*'"^«^ to Dr. King. I thought that when T £ aSsemen; l"'"' '"''"°" '°' amusement. I seat lim this iftter in an.SJ2r-; wifh^o%rso'iuVTu?I>l;;e?cet™~^ ""* "^-^ ^'"^ ^^"^^«' ^"' ^« -' The following letters were then read by the learned Counsel :- (Enclosed with the portrait.) ^ DB..-P]o.se inform me if you receive this. I arrived home safe^aTquite W: H. I^ixo, M.D. ■ ^""''T>.VAN. 13 .vh.ther to take thi. as a lokea of .fri! dsbTp or 1 ^' Wm' v ''"' <'" '"""^ wb ch von muan if fnr »nri if M,l "'»-"i^uip or i . \v,il you inform me niydrrni,,rsDirtVrAM Lf ^^"^'^'[^^ 't will certainly gootiie and ref.vsh SomeCi;:riime ^^ " '' '' ^''' "^'^'''' ^^^ ^ ^^•-'"' ^ ^""'^^ I'^e to tell tbal mo^iirg!T?hairatr";Ji^'i;';:°m"'' ^ '-""^"t '^"' ^ '"-•-'^ *h-« identity. ^ '" "^ possession uuKss called for by its very Bick— last mght we thought she would die. Your Bincere 1 , DbaU Dnrrnn Thn f !™„ l, .^ SlDNBT, Oct. 18th, 1858. A/i,Aii i^ocTon,— I he t me hns come for me to resnoud to writp vnii /».< T #• „r " -i!iiBi.r.,--rr.^n£, iriui ! t moriice the upnortuuitT mZ\1 Ih'hMt of i;o .rr.,-""'"""'' ""7"'' "^ friendship for you/ and n t flnH «f „„ ! ■ ?° '"^ayinK my weakness hy way of the Den oxD.-ct to Whl8p?r ' sTii hope." °"^^ •" * '^^"^'^^ ''^ y°"- Yec fiomethi^g seems to you 14 . Spi'Tn'^folitStTJl^^^^^ »«-* inconstantly with I should be happy, for indeed P^n; ^J """^"^ ^ '^"'"'^^er he with you ; I think your presence, ffiugh "uppose now 7^^* V^l '"^ ''''''' during my stay in nund ; for «.,« are married ?n^^^^ ^ .^"^^ "'adicate such thoughts from mv interc4tingVcSy"Te aVe .ome^dt'';"^ '""^'l ^ '' ^''' ^^^ not share yo"J ship, although of short nrodnPHnn •^'^''^no'l «?*•*. yet trust our ties of friend you have unlinked the tender /.rr^r * ^- '^'-° ^O" come to realize that mfljience orer my girlish nature ' "'^'"^'"''^ ""''^ ^^^ ''^^^ an alarming my bosTm neSr S C meTn!.'"'"°^ ^^'^TPire a depth of veneration in consider it very wronl fi m! ! ""^ '"dividmil. Well now, Dr., don't voS t would dHstror ' Sie v"h\nnfn"r""'P°",'* r'^ y°"- I''" 'Afraid if knowS *'on, I u^ouki much mth Jr be ia^m^t '' "II^ "'•' "''^^''''''' '^ ^ ^^^ i" her po^? with another, though oerhil^ ^'"T '^''" '"'^^^ ^^^ '^ea of your intiSv pastime, so I hSpofoS'luS c^o Unue^'fhf ^'f 'r'""' ''^ ^«»^ '^''^ ^nS^o^ -. --a--^y-Ksr^^5^-^fe«Ss- t Your unwavering, L , baSertomeV" 7ha7e in'^/at' sem^T f''^^^ ^ --« ^^^W J Jo.m II. VAxoEitvooR? e^^minoH Th • ""^"^ "''"'•^ """^ ^« repressed, ney, about ten oVlook if S . *I^'1\PkI^^"*^'' «'^"e to my hoil^e in Sid ^fore. That w'.s the^i S 'l"ev r srhim'T'"' •' ^^ "^^^ «-" h'^' He knocked at the door. I asked Jha ^Z . h I "'''' "^ '''^^ ^''en he came, a me^ssage for your daughter '''i SneTm^Z"~tfo'^'\' ^ ^"«"''' '^''«™a« Bhook hands with him He said thu ,' f "^^ daughter, who came d mn and iook her into aaothc? ro^m^ Thoy wStnto^a rno' ^'^T''" '" ^''^^^'^' ^"^ hour. I went and a'« wife\ad iSt^^atdy my daughter, ^hich iTZonZTi^M^^^^^^ likenessTf for his apprehension, and for t£t of mII-.T^t "''''v? ^^'•'■^°* «'a8 issued hini to take her to her aunt's on £ S h^r de fl"' ^t "/«*^^ "^^ '« ^''o" Sos3!'x:Si"eS" about th.lT^iek's^;Se. ' """'^^^'^ '" '•^^«' -^ «•>« .on's threatening to fho?t my dauS/"^''"'"^ *" ""^ ''^"'* ''''' ""^ '^' ^^' not;p:?StIe7r=^^^^ examiaed-.aid she could thathewas accused of poisoSrhL wife but n.Tf^ her daughter toldher Clinton M. LiwsoN examined i7J.il u ij"' ^® ^*^ innocent, have seen this portrait SfoT r Jj"^ the brother of the late Mrs. King. I day on which my "Ser d ed rhT- ^ *"* '^le Saturday preceding the ti letters, excit«d my susnicfon q L? f-T""^^ ^'"^ *•>« fi"dhig of oth^ Sunday. On Mond^aySined to tt P °° T*»"^«day and was Juried oa inquest. The Coroner ^aT me a wa'^^^^^^^^^ \^?« °«f Present at thS Kingston on Friday, and from ttncc' t?r^o" V^r*"''* r" ^'"^«- ^ ^«°* *« got at the i^ost-offlcc 1 went a\^,\r^.„l\ "H'" ^ in'^i--ns. From iuformation I byamau named ]£te.GorSntifuSd s^. '/>« <=r 'i^*« « »»«"«« ^«Pt house, I stopped before I got there so that f mf v'" ?[""*'** ^^^^ '"'« the been . three minutes whenV 'Shfo^^,' » t^iaTw. ^^ra^afS 15 CroJB examined. I had a revo?vPr t c •/ i''*'' ^^^^"^ '" » ''"g's nest. given bf8"^Se'iS:Vu?ff/L7ad'5 t'"'''''- '''^ ^' '^-^ ^^ ^-^ that he had given her mSphif and h^lirn tf '''?'l ^f '"''''''''- He admitted a trunk of the prisoneiT hellebore. I took a number of letters from «ai?Snrr'^:te- S" ^'Z^^J^ t Tl'' '''' ^--^^ «« Home ote else must have given UU. her ' "' '*'' ^^s given to her at all, Mr. GALT.-That is the case for the Crown, my Lord EVIDENCE POF THE DEFENCE wltoe;s^e:rexaSerS?wo?urbfgSSf^!i/r'{t 5 h« ^ad eight The application was refused Lordship would adjourn. istJr^'e^seve'^ral^-uSnL^^^^ called When the oath was admin- fore made him d.S t^e or 1^3?,* \l ^"fj^t kis, the book. They therl quite a commotion in the jury box S^«tir"""' J^« '^Pi^ode created Medica and Theraneutics in the nommoS M- ^l'^" Profesor of Materia know the priKoner " He sli rlln,! n.,^^ ^P'?'"'*^ College of Pennsylvania. I pathic practice is ihis-ftlecSlSdfJr ''"r^- TIi« «i«t of Homoeol if taken by a healthy person w^,ld in ,'^ we administer medicines which, called upon to prescK Tk 1^^^^ " ^'^' n'^H'r!'''- ^' "^'S^t ^^ toms as those produced by arseSc Snd w S) has_ exactly the very same symp- who did not know itwasIdTseas^'to be^ n± ™f'«^' be considered by persons in cholera morbus the symprmf occur for wh.Vh ""'T'^^- V^i^^^^^g. Thus, arsenic : and the symptoms of a?2n; if ^.'^ ^ Physician would prescribe be exactly like the symVoms of SSiiSrS 'v f ^^^^^^^' would mg the illness of deceased miXt hp^». • J^'^ ^""st symptoms attend- oorbus. The nausea anTvoSS mi^T'^ ^^^^^ '^"^^ «f cl'olera natural results of pregnancy tSI «vSf '*'''' ^^^^ '^'^° considered as the five or six weeks afteSc/ptior ' IZtZ'f^ ^■''''"^l^ ^"""'^ *» «^i«t during the first five or six months' cT^LT^ ^^* ^^'°e the whole term, or think that deceased cTulHlve ik^rw^- ^° "^ Judgment I do nS Professor Croft found, y^iLTl^na mo^^"t}''%''^. T'""'^ «*°»°«a« inner surface of a stomach in a hIaSv Ifo '^ ""'i ,f mflammation. The appeai-ance of gocd hick cr^ An fnfllm.%''?^'' ^l''' P^'^^^y "^^'^ the would have the appearance of^nhor^ mflamed stomach, on the contrary. pathi, treatment iTaTgiJenrm^crasT^^^^^ '"'^•''H'''- ^^ '^"^^^ caaeof Asiatic cholera, and havrjenStedlK^ °- T''"''^ ^''^^^'^ i° ^be limes in the course of forty-eight S %iiJr'\ X^"" ^*.*^^^« *« ^^^^^ recovered. A do=" '^f -p-an?^ ' \ .^ patients have donp xvell "ti* To produce such a resulT I Sould th'l^'''"?!^^ ^""''^ ^»^« to Vve7y tS^ imfns would have to l^"^Ser^^''*i°?, S *''"" Tf'^ «^ «°« ^^^^^'^ dose as that. when-analySS gtomch Itw/'^Pf* to find, after such a fatal results follow thecumuitive eSa VSf ,* ^'l^l «^'°«- I have seen -neeffectst^ve followed f- St^^, t^f^^^.X^^of^rtom^^^ 16 ir^^^^ei.17.^^^^^^ bavc diedlncon,e,uonoo the cumulative effects of arsenS The i^^Phl? ' "' -^^ "i^**' '"^^^ ^^'^^ from 'Trotrmt^nt^ M '^^° ''""'''' our be«t stuS s Arse^/ici U8ed^•^hnr"''«^?^'' ''''^'^' ! »»« ^^« one of mflnitesslmal doses it nn/ t h! Ir " '^omceopathic practice. The jfivine of I coasider DrSZZTcomL^n^T^^' "P?" "^^'"^ homoeopathy iSSdeS in our college. &7earlZCollL^'To7 ^'i^'T^'lA ''^'^^ ««««^"« satisfied our professors that h!a S i , ' ^^^''^ ^"^ ^^*^ '» a"end. H» standard. Th^eprSSSji S ?et?\n Z h'^S" T/'^ ^'^'^ ^^^-^^^ "^ give arsenic in some cases of vnmUin^ r . ' .. , ^- ^ ' '^ expedient to iaaraination. From the examSnn^;. ^ *'"" ?"' f "'""^ ^'t"^ theposHnarlZ whether ulcers exSed or not Thn ^'^h""*!^'.: *?' P''y«icians could not teU without extern.-? inflammation existrn? TV" ""r'"''''^ '" '^' *"^«"o" internal examination woulTreJeaUt rl^prlL '"•''k?!! '^'f ^''^^ *he least pregnancy. Three grains and unwir^« t Iceration might have been caused by but six or ten erains h,?!. k "P7*™» «* 'arsenic will suffice to produce death- the «tato'of^"hf ;7s em"?rnof SiS^'tr ;''^ result--mufh deS'Sx' poisonous doses, but from the cumn ? fv„ ^ '^.'°'%''*^ ""'^^ '•"O'" •^^senic in op nion, the weight of^denceiZfavm^n^^^^^^^ fJ''**' ^" *=«• ^" ™7 lative poison. Dr. JrU^^ '^"'^ ''t *^« "^'^^ '•^at arsenic is a cumu- cutaneous diseases in large norSon, %/;^^f,^»"'*'<^? Pliysician, ^.-ives it in quarter of a grain six or eicrhEl • , '"fSest dose given by him is a longit would^rem^inlnlhe ststemhJ" ^ZT' ^^'"^ ^^y'' ^ «'^«»ot «'™ » ow of giving one-flftTo?onetu.S of aSa t^? '"™-'°f '-''^- ^ '^^^^^^.Z moderate doses of arspni^ fi^=V i . ?• * ° ^° ^ woman in fever. I would eive is very apt to oScur fn ' 1 .f " *'"""? ^ ^'«''^''« ^^'^^ required it Thirst beenlive'n as Sdn^^nThVUS'ca 0'°^'°=- "^'V' V'"'*^ "^^^ '"-« one gSofThifrrtrrrirSxelwiih' r «-P-; -g^r^mTk' 80 that one hundred globulsTAr-en?o 2 fj?. " ^'''"°' °*^ '"S*"" °f "'"'f. of arsenic. Arsenic 2 en Mnnf1^™- ^ ^"^"^ ""^ necessary to make one grain nated, in conteqSi^ of the mivtr."'^ *^' '^f'"" ' '' ^"»>^ become elimU this way may SmuSe I nev r Jnew oTTr'onL"""'- ■J^'^'''' ^''^^''^^ '» the cl«d\t^ja /KS^^^^^ 5S:-- i,^?'"? -me sySpLs?f vomiting, retching, and nausea n^ZT. P*^'^on. Hdlebore might produce ^^:^Jm!S-b/r?™-* K^S^sSl^r^S thebr.nArseni. arsenir The faWd^JeS^^^^^^ '^ '* "-''' '^'^'^^ of poisoning br dent mi . ht not hive anTserIrr luf firfr;*!'"^ ^t '"^'"^^ '^^^ ^«°^- ttie.. have induced vomiLg sin JnTLTiatranVr^' ''^•^. ^''^P^'^^' ^'"^ To a Juror Helleb r- mitrh k . .Y. * ".'-■^^•*' -O" and coma, resulting in death. A. H. Plavd r7 M D of PhUoTi^ .' • ^'' "*°°-^ '"' ««-«« of voming. chair of <;h.mr8t?yLToxLKh;'£ *'^'*'"'"^^- ^ ^'Id the not kiiowtbe prisoner I Ke been at Sll P fi ''"T f ^' "«™P«'- ' ^o of iecures. I pract sed al on-^Z f- ^ hiS' course during the day. a STEHvehSiS^.hr/vf^''*'''; ,' J"*'^" been in court have ,Wr met witliiciseor^fr^pnon^ f'ymp'oms of dec-as-d describe J. I I have used arsenic in doses of oS lie fto one Jf h n^ ^y™P;-o"»VT ''"■• expt-ct to find a stomadi into which Ee L, « nl^ k "^* ? «™'"- ^ ^''^^'^ thaathatof the d.ea..d. It !i a Slidti^^lta^n^^^^^^^^^ n animals are like those in human beings. Much inflammation nan^n., m the s omach of brutes after the admioiHtrSn TaZJ o iZnZ ETf" in prescribing for a person who exhibited symptLHr thLo ?f i ^^ . copous discharges were made, as In the cu«e of decmsS tSc hv n .u m^ nloioTl^ "''T^t^''' ""^ "''y''^^'' hypothesis Theuloeutiro'f the for the presence of arsenic in this wayl Professor cfoftsad tZt It i « w '* m he stomaclj, which leads me to think it Ts Jut i„atV5itb Tli^Z in he court which was 8uppros8ed)-otherwise it would b( i,uv iu L of n^^ i ? and would stick to the stomach. The death of Mrs. King m ui 1, v« rlu S from medicinal disease. The best toxicologists think thitSnifis a cmrLh^ unYvSr- A^""^'"^ !« a constant symplL of arsenfcil ,S ,|'j;-'.Sll KrittT'o^neTte'dr;^'^' "^"^ ''' ^*^^"'''^°" ^"-" mediciLl doT;! • *''■•, Cf^LT— Do you set your opionion against that of Dr Croft a man «,»,« human being at all. I did not understand that iCfesLi C?of 11 J h« examined cases of poisoning by arsenic. ^roas^oi CioU said ha Mr. Galt— You have not seen cases of poisoning bv arsonlo In man «- woman, but you have poisoned cats and dogs ? ^ ""^ ®' WiTNEss-Yes, sir. (Subdued laughter.) fhn 1 Yj*'''^7^°'^ ^f" .^'^^"'^ '*'"°'"« likely that the fall from the bupirv caust-d thcdeath of deceased, than the arsenic found in her stomach? ^^ WiTNEss-I do think so. (\fuimur8.) Mr. GALT-Then I have nothing more to say to you— you mav no I Thomas N.col, M.D., of Simcoe, C.W., exarained-I have bmf p^ctlHinir for three years I have experimented wKh arsenic upon iny off n if frequently used in homoeopathic practice. I have given oi e-t2h of a iJn in .nterm.ttent fev.r. I do not think the quantity of ™ic found ift stomacn of deceased was sufficient to produce the by nptoms of Jr.!.! ItTnti- ^' V^' insufficient to produce mrcosU A KinL Sn are necessavy. It more frequent y takes tvvo hundred than a smaller a nan titv A te*.spoon might hold W' y grains ; a table spoon about flTobuXa/d thirty grams. I believe arsenic to be a cumulative po^^son In Ih'.-? T IT^u'^TK^ °° '"'^.'"'^- ^ *««^'' '^"'^ ^^y ^or twenty-one days thre^doa'/of one-third of a grain. I took altogether seven and a half Su/iwi„/ symptoms unti the eighth day. The symptom^ were tbiffaml vomiting accompanied with violent purging, and symptoms resemEg intern JS fever They continued for twenty one or twenty-two days Xt I Keld to take the arsenic, t have also tested belladonn"? which aft^r a Um« produced symptoms like paralysis of the legs. I consideJ the ca 1 «f Z' death of th^decaPedwa^ the shock of her nervoSrsyrm by trLl fiom ^xhibited'f hrm-''r"''^¥-\H"'^ developed. The stomach 8houid"ba"vo It tends to prevent decomposition, 'in onft large lose, itSE s nntSSn' 2 18 Crosfl-oTaminpd—Thr- fall frnm ih„ i . . prirna,7ca««eof ,h.a.S; t.^:^^!^^^^^^^' '''} '"'J"'-*, but not n grams of ftrsenic .v-m found tl,..n. wl, , o infl,,. " » "'"'"'^l' "here twelve other causes of d.afh. I „m n f au ana v/i^ n T*** ""• ^ "^""''i J-^ok for medical Htudonts u.mlly stndj cluii^.r^*'"'' '^'"'''^ ' ^ «'""t. '^^ ^on^ a very high opinion of th,. pris „ 'r' " SS/Ji ?'i'^"- l^ave formed intercourse with him. He lia. alwavs hL ifn , ^ *"^^*' had frequent morality. '"^'^^^ been an advoo.ite of temperacce and RrcHAKD DkLoxo, cxaraincd-I reside in mi^\i prisoner since the spring <,/ ih,',8 ' lI'lV^y^iT^T •/ *'^^« known the w.tii the skill and kno^'led^e he di.p .y? ] "S,^ ^ ^"""y- ^ ^"s satisfied family for about six wt.oks.lHVSSn;^. T-*"". '" attendance on toy Another witness was called Vo te f JT ,r.V^^''?''^''y '^"'^ succe^eful^ not being in court, th« evidenc'for S Sfence w^SeT/ ^' P'^^''"'^''' ^ut Mr. Camkuon then Drocccrl, fi «n o/i „ !l • ^"^ "^"^ closed. May it please youVSrSl^?;.^ S^'' ^ f- Hesaid- investigation you have given to thiVtr al t L „"!^^ ^'^ "'' *^^ P"*''^"* bear w.th me, if. in the observations I Sf ^L\^"'/'v^^^^^^^ ^i" be ready to more time than is usually taken in the ad^rni'A^ ""PP^" ^o take up the circumstances of this case are so peculiar and «n f'"'^? 'V''"''' ^^^'^^^^ careful an examination, that no tlK tK cl ^ ?*''"'''?*' '^"'^ '''■'l"''-^ «» Judge, or by you can be said to be Srow^ awav wh!"''° ^l ""-^''^f' ^y ^he of those circumstances depends the lif7nr h^' Ti}^V ^^^ investigation There i^, nothing which men are called unon L^n\-^. ■* fellow-ci-^ture. than the duty deVolving upon us at this mn--f^*'^u^"^> ""••« important painful than that of men, who si? ? ke von t^ ^ 'i ^^t'^ '' ""^ ?«''«««> «">re the course of an individual like you selvC^lailStf'jr ?^''', ^'^^dict, what if the verd et is given against hi™ ,„^rJK u I ^ ^^^ ^^^ f^^^ hours or dava ot .he law be car'rleS intW^t "bur dtv ,e'^n«? "'".' ^'^""'^ '"^^ ««°S a duty we must perform faltbfu ly becaS J we Zt ?r*^"':\" ',T^""y- I* ^^ a being in health like ourselves rest unon f L.^ "^ ^^^^ *^^ ^'^« «»• '"-''/*'"'" "'"' ^eason'ng shape of prejudice f to dismis frctyZr^Zl^LTuTf'^^'''^ '» "»« heard out of doors ; anylbihg that m%v h^? PI''" that you may have not been proved her^ f and to^r eco, e^flhaU? ^^TJtt^ "'^J^""' ""'^^'^ ^as been g yen by the witnesses in thVt bSx aSd unon ?h«t^'.,'''"^'"f ^*""«'^ has law calls upon you to pronounce monf'h?? P °"* ^''^^^^'' ^ '^'one, that the laskyou-iV rl.nl'JjlTt^Mn^Si'^^^^^^^ "^ the pH.oner indispensably necessa'ry for th7|iper ClanS'^/?r1?^*'°" *« '^^ «^e. have been bronjrht (o ligh.^T ™'7.^„f^V'^' '^'«^^''^°< f«e^ haps from prejudice - perlmps fro , ^I ! ? ^"^"^ l-on-per- -st have ,ari.n in "^^^'^n^Ir o^^rSLU'^T^J^ 19 ('■ V 5rafrv~f-mm™TK''.K' "'"'' ^"^^ ^''' •'P'-'-'"'! 't'^°"Kh that part of fe wri^ kno^v ,t M P'''r"''\'''" '^°'"'-'' '''-^■^'"'«"'« ^"th prejudicial and k nloffkir nl?; «""°""!^'"g^"'intr:^. ttii.l tended greatly to prevent that ciurUrl itefl V"''"'' """•'•'^ '"^ whotrusu himself to God and his am sure von wMM? '^ vf '''''^°''.' y*'" yesterday ; ami whea I know that, I hmnrfrorur/t.Z^^^^ y" ^'"^^ anything youmay haVo waiistth n I, nor."'' T'l^-/" '^'■''.'*? "'"'-^ •>'• ''-•^«'^ prejudicial influence Zoct thl^ vZ.L''"^-^^^ putting before you the factH, an far as I cap which voiT.vlT 7'^«°co. I. pre''^ upon you not to allow anything UDo„5iJovirnlo 1 'J^u"" *^B'^«-'« >idj,'« t.incerely.. truly, and hone.stIy ZT^ nlZ^l v^V'"- / '5"r''"'" *'•" '•v!''>ri.M,oo Ihavr lud during these Ah brlni fhe blTf n "h "" "'" '" '"^^'''K "P°" '^'^'^ J"'T "U'" of intell k.m.co uho will thlLse anT ,^L-^'f reaHOumg powers fully to bear ou all the factb of hS hon^Htv i n^'"'^'^''"?,'*,' ^"^''''« >'«" '"'^" '^1""*^^ f'i^""' i '■^•^•1 certain ever mav 1 « ^^-^'P^'^r," ''^ carried by you into jour jury rooui, and what- {ZlZlv^JiJT'~l^-^'':' thelife-orlf for the death of the 'prisoner, I facts a^afntLm-^ ?f ■'^l"-^, ,"P?° y^""^ '=*'''''»' <---"^"l-ration. For are the ShXnwin^r""''' *"r'l ' *^°"°^ t^''»'^ they are. There are facts The Dri^nrT^n V? "°fof' -ntfo„ed that. proviouR to g<-■^'^KVu^cl^a^"l p. ckug... Now, tbo Cro^vn told u« that 8e«l«J in thi!\v..y-5.1.*^.' 'maoh « fl'"/^ 'ho ntoniach to Mr. Harkor, it Zl ThiH cork was ..f„; wi hT ^ nn^ nS ""tiIo'I, ^P','"" ^T """ -^l^^^- browii pap..,-, which was soiilod also • ml... !' '"'^ ""« "•''» Pl'iC'Hl in turn was sealod i^ith ll.rH^rm.l ;..?,"r 1^1^ ^p "J"' '^ '"«. «bich in it» only th... bottio which «-^s HmiS - hi w.n ' • ^ "'f''""""- t.^>"l't ^aid it wag Oire,, seals on the out«S^Th.bovw,,i ''"'"''''■'''' ?''* ''^»'^'>- ""'» ""^' '^e««or Croft. He bears came and thfreforMft nS Jfin E from M-hich ho which flcienco has provSed t^wK nii^f-^^P^'"''* °° '° *°y «*" *he tests selves in that position however we havp^ i^^° "^- ^^ '^''^''- ^""ing <>«- fact of the presence of arsenic baUh;fffiu "^ ""^'"'"''^ "«* n^erely of th^ and unless we are certain nffhatii this arsenic was the cause of death men, we Imve to coSd r ^ha^a^e ?ho°?ffee Hf'"" Now, gent^J: • those effects so entirelv nJfx^L r ,^ ^^ Poisoamg in this way. Are Bible ever to li ^fstefctTb'ef/ IZiSee*. ' H ^'^""'^ '^'' " ^^'^^ol effect ? And if an Jw. s„oi, " „« x '^PPearance ? Has arsen c a cumulative oner , What l*"the uZaVeff c'^^^rprl'"' r"' •' T '''^T'"'' ""^« pSi- to pressure, nausea .nd vomiSmr followed !v! .V, .''*'«=':!P''0" ? Tenderncs other IthasbeenshowrthKeDt '^,';^'7"'' ot som, - . ,cter or where these symptoms have ibcen nresent, V :iif. .u''.^**'^* "^^^"^ ^eath, merely inflammation of the iSiSes h, f aS ^' »*'** *^«« has been no the tissues of the body And wh '„ ;„ * "^"°^ "°'''«f«a'ly. inflammation of then you have to aTyonrLlv!? who herT *''''' '^?'P'°"« «° deecribed human frame which oZ sy^IJoU Jfa imUarTh ^'«f*««« i°«ident to the these symptoms consistent S th™ innJSeneP o? fS"'*^'"'' ' ^^ '^ ««' ^'''^ before us there is an entire Vbsenen frnmi^--*'^^P"^'°°'^'" ^ Jn the cft,«c We not had one singL worS of test ZSv^,^''?h-^ *** '°^ ^^ P"8'°g- 1^'' ist who ai^alysed the body that X ^r^LH ready to admit than the chem- and w.e.s,. could not exiJf i *t SflLTw^toS Se'StlSn" btg^? ai M extonsive chui ctcr ; so cxtenHive tbut i( could not by any possibility bo m Ht.ik,.M. 11,0 Htonmc h cxainiufd l.y Prolfssor Cron/l.e tell« „«, w. of a hfulti.y charncttT With u slight blunh, but without the least sjun,tora of havi»« been subject to au irrifaut poison for many weeks I sav «S.''''' 'k-I'.?"!"'; ^" ^"'^"' '*'"■'"» '' thfiso weeks, the same h^?.i .','" .^■■^^,"^'l=^«l''y l-y dav-exhibi.e,l to tbo last. Thn... wS! before the death ot (bceased. we have persisteut vomitiiiK, coiUii.u.i.K from tho irne she wa« llrsk 11 to the day of her .bath, la not one Insluucihi U jM^ui sliowii 111 cases ol arsenical i)uisoniiiK tliat the stomach has presented a beul thy appearance, unless death has easuml in less than ten hours I canno Und a siunle instance where the stora-ich did not offer a highly intt tmed sut fuce and more fre,,uenlly still of actual ulcers. But there is a sn „„sitioi t lat tliu poison was taken .he night before the death of deceased between eight and nine o clock 1 think the nioll.er ►•aid a Uter time— and the ,Jeath ensued about, twe ty-thre.) hours after^vai.l There is no case on record of opei-fonfallinK into a Slate of r<)»w, where tJiedose ofarKenic ha.s l)een less tfjan ninety Kiaiiis, and as iu this cane tiiere aw not a symptom of vomiting alter the last aduunist ration, even allowinj,M.)r elimination, therecan bono •luestiou that, instead of eleven or twelve -raias fieiug found, there ought to have beeu fil.y or sixty a leas . Ttiis brings u ' to another Bupi.ositiou The deceased was gone with child four or live mor ilis. She had been sutTerinff from some irregularity, of a ch.racter certai: ly calculated t,. make anv woman feel that there must have been sometbi -k the matter with I ho neck 01 tJi(! womb, l-or weeks before she was taken ii her mother spoke , f it ..t being someihiug unusual. This position was, as I will show to you, pn-eiselv tbat m whichraany women have been during prt ,'uancy. There has h.-en a constant vomiting, Hometimcs of a greenii:-h liquid . Horaetimes of « bla kish attended with every one of the symptoms described by the witnesses if in addition to this, I show you that the effects of a fa 1— of the Tery lea.st eon CBssion of the brain may go on quietly until coma vnd death eusues then I Bball have made out a case, independent of other ;ircumstances, that will entitle me to claim a verdict of acquittal for the prit^ .ner. Mr. Cameror li,.rn road from - Churchill on the Diseases of Women.' It said, in eflect that nausea and vomiting might commence soon after c. ception, and be contin ued until gestation. The fluid vomited might bo ellow, green, blue or black, depending upon the condition of the mccous m. Tibraue: There wm a case given in which, though the ourfaceof ttienec* of the womb h^l healthy aypearaoce, when cut it was found to contain tatter. AnotherTaso was mentioned, of a woman, four months pregnant, ho died with Bvmn. toms exactly tho same as those of the wife of the pr ^oner. True thpm was no arsenic found in the stomach of any of those v .man and thprXrA we have to meet the stand taken by the prosecution in his cks- It woiilrt be observed tha there were two schools of medicinfr-tLe Homoeopathic and Allopathic. UomcBopathy is not a system of infinitesimai doses. ^ has been genera ly supposed. Dr. Hempel repudiated the idea. It is a systembw^d upon the mixmatmlu stmifo-upon the principle that thos^ medicines which would produce the same kind of symptoms in a healthy tody, that the bodv is suftenng from, are most likely to effect a cure. There is no doubt! then that^according to this theory, the prisoner adopted the treat nent which ouBht to be adopted. To say that there has been mal practice is ae thing—to oTv _ 1" 1 v""*."' "'••'—•••' i"«.-/ttivi. XI tuc uwsi,;. ne aamiQiHlered were too Urge, he is guilty of malpractice but not of murder. But can thia poison so administered have a cumulative effect f That effect is thus explained A Bmall dose of poison may be given, which though innocent in itself, yet by theidiosyncraFy of some particular body. thispoiFon may cumul- ate in the sjB em, and caube death-although the rem«ay was the particulw- 22 produce ,a.alysi8 and death lo miS nr ^ *''",T'l''^'' *" questioned} he Lid t>.r.*r''*'-''l^'' ^^''^^ ^^ith arsenic wayastoconve, tbi meanS that ft l?n7/f ^^^^ '" ^'^'^ ^ ous doses. Evidentlyheh"S"SkPntL • '''''''I administered in polson- Wehad evidence that fhe deceased AV^rn \'Tf^l'^ prisoner's words, which might have been caused w ?n- •^'-''^ '''J*'' a copious discharge oner requested his witb to S S FifWnl'^1 "'^ '^' '"^""'- ^^^ ?"«- but her delicacy shrank from it She h^ i'"!!^'« a personal examination, under these circumstJces wi not tmin '=""«dence in her husband, and place. From the beginS t?the eSd of h^ ^''" *'-^'^'?'°ation should take Bhow that these partie fived unbl"''- * ''' '^' ^^^^^ not one word to bickerings existed Vtween IhcmNnroL r-^'V'"" ' i'^*' ^"^ J*^''^'°"«y "«• lable of that sort. If the case h-id «tnL ! T^}^ T'*^' ""* «"« ^ingl« ^yl was unnecessary to go furtK into M? r. A'^^^'^ .^^^^^^ have felt it oftenfooli6h;andth^e prTsoner a theViriJ^'^ .^^!.' g?"tlemen. men are pressagainsttheVlsoneriSthe fUt of ?i^?l."'*'<^ foolishly. What does you, having been found 7n the no^Tiln""? f^^^s which have been read to nnderstand^howthemreiJs of tCrvrn„ •^^nP^'^'u'"- "^^^ *='»» ^''^rcely to a foreign country in the dead of SfZ^ £ allowed her to be taken away feet stranger. The onlv th!^ whl}.^ ' / ^ ™'''° ^'^"^ ^''^^ *» them a per- not dishonour the girKcau ewe havof^^^ }" f^' '^^^^""^ the prisoner did macy took place. V have S«o proved ?haM J ^'"1'*^ ^'"'* "« ^'"P'-"P«^ '»«- a little more than three weeks betC the inthTf.,*''*' 'S''''^ ""^^ acquainted his supposed affection foT th s vonnt l^.^^^- ""^ ^^? Prisoner's wife, and yet induced him to get r?d of S wi?e "^tKIp' i '"''^"^^-^^ *^' '''^^««" ^^'^ urged the improbability of L prSoner bSo- S'^'l'",''! '" f°'"*'"'^^ '^"g»«g« crime from so slight a motive and aftor S i^ '"'tuated to commit so great a to elevate himself abov^thoconditfc\tT^•^^^ efforts made by him by appealing to the jury to we^Sh Si fL ^T ^'"''' ^^ *^° ««'^- concluded benetit of a^y reasonVe ?ot7btlT4ht ex'Jst'"^'^ ''"'' '° ^'^'^ "^^ •="^"* *»»« nefesBa^^HllTh?;^?^!^^^^^^^ .^-"^ -* felt it and distinctly laid all theevideno hpfn!.a?r ^? '^T ^^^^"^ ^'^ ^''^ clearly •nd it 'became his pSl duty to dS^ It was now before them, would take up the arguments ofhi? Wn.Hr? 5"««*'«° to the facts, H^ Mr. Oameron had? flfst commented mnn ff,!"^"^ ?' H .^"^ delivered them, been delivered to ProfessrCroft Rn? ^^"^ ^^^ '? "^^'"^ the stomach had by Taylor for the pur^ns^of preservlS/Kr' '1°?'^ Particular, required when taken from tL body, bKen onnlnL?"^^ that It was the bottle in which the stoShwJs Si^ '"''''« The Coroner said that himaoif >ro..i«- I.,:* ..^ -""*\" '^a^ placed, was first of a11 iito=i,o-i «..* w 23 the preceding night. He ^hen took f tn tl "' ""'^'i' ^'-' P''^'^^^ i* <»>ere assembled, i bow waf there pSctred ImX T"" ''^^7' '^% ^""'^ ^''^ into which he emptied the stomach From ti? -T'^"^- """^ ^"'°«'''"' ""^ that any human bLg touchetu then. iT waXTa^tdlS 11',:'*.:' "^P^*!? m the way described, and delivered to thTcnrnZ Zu'^^^^^^''' '^^^'''^^^ poison was placed in the stomach v Ud to th^fZ m h^^^ •'"''""'^'" ""*' ing-up to the time he pointoJthe evidence of S „IS K-''"'Z "^^■"«°^- occurred to the mind ot' anv ne -son to S,n i ^ ^^^T*' h'm«'lf, it never wife. Could it^Uer utd^tlfe Seart of SS^ ^ZJ''^' ^""^"« P-^'^""^'^ J^'« diabolically wicked thathLSd J^ve plS'Snio'i^r''? '" k'°"°'^ «° woman, with the idea that unon be u J disrovl^ -f '" *|^«/tomach of that chemical analysis beingmadriead to a^harI.S''^ afterwards.upon a That any one Luld havl donritif so m'SScf he^Sff ^''T'' '' was one argument which was nnanUo,.«i » t/- ^ • .] t^^nied. Uut there in the stonfach, it crurdVorhaTbSpttd' nIKivSr T^^^^^^^ P"^^^^ tion of nature. And would it nof bnvp hnnn ■ i '"^' "^"^^ '^^ ^Pera- had arsenic been plactS^n the stomach of Se d.^e'^^I.T^f""', ^«'"«i«l«nce that the liver came to be examined arsenfc .honld tfn^ '//"*^«*'q»ently, when should the man who placed he Sson in the KtJl kI'^ *^'^f ^°" ' P«'' ^ow poison would be foundTn the liS also" llatin.'?r "T '!f^ ^^""^ ''^'-'""cal necessary to consider how the ar^S^did romp^tf ^^^^ Cameron had urged as aVerv strong nroof ?nlvn ^% \l ^^^ .''*«""'^''- ^r. ference in the symptoms Lerrmeral\^^^tS"whn h'"^^^ alleged that vomiting, and burning and thi^f ^° ''*? ^""^ examined, poisoning. But st 11 bir?MrTalf';rilrnr/'r^'''^ symptoms of arsenica sence ofVging Lt tff ur? Lollect tS ^'"^ '^'^'t ""^ ^^' '^^ these symptoms^ere womeiVev were never ark^^ ^^^ ^P"'^*' *« without that, there was one symptom which c3 no f^ffn 5 ^"* . ®^*'° to the minds of every one. Mrs WoTLTthat whon ,*1<^'7. conviction upon the bed clothes, there was a sorT of .^!n i? ■ ^i"^ y*^™'* '^a'ne out th*; medical evidence for 'thrSL^'wlTvuSr;"^^ one of the symptc-n.s of arsenical DoiBonh^- to his wife. The last dose of medidne gi^rt? that woirn '^^ P"'*?"'"" «'^° she immediately fell into a state of nseSStv ww ^^ 7^ T""' «°d ces attendtnff the la«t ho.,* nf *w l^"'.„".y•,._^^H ^'^IT^ *!>« circumstan- fore herdealh, she ap-pe^red much StirX'c^eJsed^^wUh ^ Dr. Fife, who saw her, said she was not In a daneeroulstate for rZ^-T^^\- dose of medicine was given to her about nine Sock Lm-li;?!/ 't' ^ every possible symptom of arsenical po sonins aid then if „L " ^'^^^ned morning the prisoner gave her opium.^Sew^ay in which X *C?,^.\'" 1^" death was thia^arsenic wa« the%oison the T'sonV'uled t Son\':f 24 death, but she passed out of this world through the effects of opium having at the Bame time aa amount of arsenic in her stomach which mSs hkve t,ri duced death 1^) his (Mr-iGait's) miad, Dr. Nichol'. evidence proved entifeW -that for the first eight days he did not feel much eftect from it But after wards he began to suffer from the effects, with all (he symptoms of arsenical poisoning. If that were so, and if his theory were cor ecttS arsenic would accumulate, he must have had six or seven grans in his eysten, if the effect of the poison w' -^'"^'T' ^^T^'^' ^^^ was brought here on the p'u^t S ? The defence said lie never knew the cumulative effects of arsenic to prod co death though he had read of such cases. The way in which the prisoner hS spoken to his wife of her disease saying that .she could not survive her c-ouSnemen" that he wi.shed her to tell her mother of her trouble lest sh.. sho,,i;iTr^J: «• suddenly, when it might be considered strange next S^^ iu rt'cw ^Then the learned coun.sel read the letters produceif on the Ltday of t iTrial and asked Ihejury to notice the important fact that King's Sr > • ' s Van dervoort was dated the lOlh of October. That altuough he"a'd u ihat le tp; th^t"-—-v,-^'i very ill," evidently alluding t.o his^wifV she w s not sVok until four days afterwards. When Mi's. King died whv d hi nrLn away ? There was no charge m ule againsJ him AnKh n he i-^etSne Wm^o' r fnot/^'-*^ ^' f'> to Vandcrvoorfs-why did he take fbat gtl w "h h^lZ ? ?'^, •'■ ^i"^'"*^ . ^^I'*' ^^*t *''« conduct of a man who believed^ he had treated his wife medicinally with arenic? When at St. Vinceut a United States officer, altogether unknown to him, asked at the door of the house if there was anyone there from Brighton, and immediately the prisoner jumDed through a wiodow, and made for the woods. Was that conduct consistent w^th innocence? Did it not show a guilty knowledge in the mnSS tS learned gentleman concluded by recapitulating the heads oSis arguments S of lh?"ju?y. """"'"' ''''^' "''"'' ''""'^ "«' ""'' *° '^^P'''' "^^-^ upTtKinJs f„?'^^TK^f"'' 11°''*^.^'"? *^ J"^ remarked that the question had been so fully laid before them by the learned counsel, that there remained but lUtla for him to say, beyond reading the evidence and making such fifvf remarks iS seemed necessary. It was his opinion that Barker was right rrspecSth^ cork not being in the bottle until th- morning when he took i 1 3„ f 1 # toa. Professor Croft said that there was but sSt s ^n« nf Infl ^ ^!^^^ after death. This was certainly a circumstance in favour if the prisoner b,^ t must also betaken into consideration that another medical wKS'tSat this would not be the case in all circumstaaceB. The learS Jud?e thPn r^ ou without any remark the evidence, until he came to toat of lifriV^ mother of the deceased, which, he said, required much careful consiSioi The jury would remember that i»he, having the idea thaf th» ^rfa-^ ! ■ioned the death of her daughter, might be Lpe^tJd^o en Lrten^Inr^ff 7-*^ against him. The jury wo^uld s^e h^ow farhKstimory wlrbo?! out Ef othor witnessess. and how much they could unreservediv J^Jnf wul respect to the fall from the buggy, according to the mSr If % ^ 7^1^^ daughter very little, and she dfo'Te on to'cUVon t?eSedaf%Se m not complain of atiT illness until thrpn w^Bt. nFt... .u!„ .rr^r ""'' *?^ ?'« fore her death. ">» iniportant to-iote-rhee^ait pSta o^S^S.^ ,lf., (the ..cc«.5, .ha. sbelnn'sSf thS .Srconla 't> Kr, efcS 25 apprise his patient wheufn a d^ nil " 'r';-''''*^ of a medical attendant to that the prisoner hardTclarcd t,?f ri'^r'^r'^?'^ Sarah Anne Yonge swore wife did not suit him in manv re^lZl tk" ^'-'^ ^^^ °L^'' '^^"'"'> ^^at his words in the letter SthnrLn!rtnM-^''^r •'"7 '^'"'^^ also notice that the "wasTcryill last Lht''^ f,»?r nr ? ^'f V^ndervoort, ^here he said _ mtter wither, TsK8hTrfamn/r''''''yV^,''^"':' ^^''^ ^™« "^"ything the went to Vandervoori's ami r/Si "f'!' P"! ^""'^ ^'""^'^ remember King What passed on tSaroccaln;Tt"fe^ closeted with the girl' Vandervoort, or put anv a iPKtTnn« l! m ^^^l^^^\ party examined Melinda the interview ooZS T.^^,Tdbsee?'tt %!'''* ^'^. '^'^^^ ?'"<=«' ^"^ medical evidence for the deLre werS alTof lt\i.T e:""^'.'^'"^'^ who gave appeared that they freauentlv nfimlMLf / ^^ Homoeopathic school, and it agreed ^ith ProfeyiTro? 'St arse^ ^^^^^ "' "''l'^'""- ^'' H™Pel be administered during l?fe' It won he f.??.'-' ''"? '"*" *''^ ^'''''' «>»«* could recoucile this with he statement of Z ^- "'"''^ *° ^P""^^'" ''^^ they ble that he had not admrnist^ed an/airTo ° Us ^Ji? "^^ ^''4 whole question to as few noints a.., rTn^ivX. A ,j^' . • deducing the First, what was the pr mr/cmisc^f K ' w^ ^?'^ l'^"^ ^° *!>•« W'^J- or not, that is from Eo™on^adra nlterpS« L-^""' '' f''°™ ^'^^^ "^« «f Poi^on- ation ? Arsenic was uidJubteX f >^m^ '?n T"?"' "°u "■%'' medicinal prepare was no question about that ThL A ***." ''°?''°'' «^ ^^^ deceased, there Croft, t?e strach of decease d^Zm^ofi?•^^ which reached Professor whether they were satisfied th.'f ThT ^^^'dence given they must say whether there wranyatiemn^r ifet ^n °° ^"^'^^""ce put into it ; and doing so. If tLt stoJia h S'tSe Smach af'iy^f "'^^ ?.*^^^°" '"*"^^^«*«« «« question arose, bow came the no son th^rf? I i '^'''^f' '^ ''°'"'*°' ^^^^ ^'''<'^^^ spoken of by Professor SftTtttvl%fP"^*'i^^^ *° * S^'"*'^'^'' ^x^^-J* than on one theory. AnSer was advLVerl £f ^'^ 'J"*/!'^ ^^''' ^««« »^rely likely the course to be pS'ued and nTn^, Tt"'""^ treatment was most deceased. Then again otSS^fwlf.^^^^^^ ^^ pursued in (he case of woman out of tJZg^ ThlVotlPth^^^^^^^^ '^ ^^' found, was, [no doubt sU'onc'aLmfif ^ .*'^°^ ^^ ^"'•*'' inflammation jury had to^onsider St thf^.tn>: ^« "Violated fact. But then the which inflammation w SlSther '^* "" ^-^ ''^^"^ *" *^' "'"^ ''^ of poisoning or not. iKS^nlined L«i-'''°"I^ u'^^^^^ '" «" c^'^es all hands c\ld not Imve got tSe?eS5er^;^^^^^^^^^ " ^'^^ "'^'"'"^^ «« treatment were pleaded what rn,,M hot •, I- .V ^^'^ euppos ng ars- nical stably who sworVtSShepHsorrtldhTm hi J.^/-'*'^'^ « Clark?, the con- The two attempts of the SnoftVpinll^^ "J"' »"" '^''^•^'»'= «* a"? but the jury mSst be cSl not t^ take f LT"'' ^''^ ^v." ^''"" ">^« «<^°«^^°t 5 His Lordship noticed s?.era Xr SnflS f "". ''^'" "*' P™°*' «f ^"i" concluson,remidedtheffvtEtK/o ™P'''/''"^^ '^' '="««' a^^. in not only to the prisouerS^RlJn tn <.7- f^ averyimpcrtantdniy to perform, to see that he w^s nrc^uvicfed on Zert^.JJ"-' ^^'j !^.}^'' Prisoner wa^ vinced of his guilt, thermnsti^otrairinv?^^^^^^^^^^ **"* '^ ^^^^ were con- fer the mrpose ofVS. 1^™,^! ^"^ '^"l^.^.^'^pl d«»bt in their own minds 26 I'^-a8notuntllthP„ff THE SENTENCE. th« trial Ma? & P*'°°?f • The healthy coloui^haffrn'^ ;?'^"V° ^ ''^'ords, elVe S vlw ^" T^''*^ ^'^ ^^^^ fi^^i^g 21 weight of my position to it. I cannot see thaf Trnnra ,•<, recomme.datioa is justifiable/ I am thus Sdnfw' " ''^'^ '° ""^'"^ ^""^^ * act position, and how little reason tTieres fo hone ?i/fT "^^ ''""'^ ^""^ «'^- ecutive in your b half. It is mv dnfv L «!^ h ^f ^^ *^^ influence of the Ex- death. You are%Tl said befire ami nW'^'^t^*'''""'' ^'^P^^^ *» meet for me to advise you to It an ear^LniS?''*'? ' ^^^^ '' ^« "<>' "^cessary the forgiveness of you? Ss as a nreLr^fc'"'" ^\***° ^'^'"""^ °f Grace fi- rem .inf for me to pass the scntenc^ of the CnnH T^ ^•'"'' ^°'^- ^^ "°^ «»ly be conflned in the Common Si untifThurSythell'h^,?"' ^^'f ''' *^'^' ^^^ which day you are to be t.ken t^tho riuZllf^ ^^ ^'^^ ^^ -^"no next, on the neck unt 1 you are dead^ And ma^ Z ^ -'^^'^ '''°' ^""^ *^''' '"''"^''^ '^^ The prisoner listened to the VSnaSsVfJhern^^^^^^^ "IT^?" ^ ""^ '^"1- composure ; but in a few second,^f^, hll \.Jl^^ """^ i° ^^"-^ sentence with quivW aU buryinSs f celrhis handLrchi f^h^^^^^ 'P'^"'^!"^' »»'« "P by one, the props upon which he had reUed were 15001^0^/°''""''^'^^^"° thq Judge had extinguished the 1 st rav of honp a ^'""^ "''^''" ^^'°- 8ta ed him In the face; from it th.re wasToescanT" irt h^f ""'"'T ^T^ ne.8 and a conQdence during the triaUhat Se dfd^n^t f^el iTnTJ * ''^"■ was to be gamed by dece, tion Hnmor^il * .^"' nothing now man of strong will wept ftVs.than'Z."^^^ '*« ^^^^^ 5 ^^^ the moved. It gives gZudsfVe belief ?hath?«\r.^^ *' ^'' ^""S*-'°'^ '^"- repentanceisimpLbleor°mprobSie ^'« ^^^^tis not so seared that W ■^« ■ «<>