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Maps, plates, charts, etc.. may be filmad at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure ara filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent dtre filmis A des taux de reduction diff^rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre raproduit an un seul c!ich6, il est film6 A partir ue Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 C^^^p Mm — OF— & QTOieQ of. CONSISTING OF ^PF .d0L 1^^ ^ /^r^«)« of the Evening Service, and the Oratorio of U (Christ and jiis Soldiers," g-^ iven at nseension Day, may 30th, 1889. A Collection in aid of the Funds of the Church will be made at the end of Part L Oi»gani«t, ^fs. Ueeeh. Condaeto*, p. H. Uiottloek. PROVi;iGlAL ARGhiVES OE B. C. <9 -mm- Regit.—" SuflFer Little Chil.Iren," Chorus Koix) AND Chorits— "* Hark the Glad Sound," Mrs. D. R. Harris and Chorus Oakol-" In the fields with their Plooks," Miss Cridge and Chorus Ohobus— " O Come all ye Faithful," SoiiO— «• And did the Son of God appear," Mr. Goffin Chobus— '• Ride on ! ride on in Majesty." Chobalb— The Night of Agony hath passed," Chorus Chorus—" Cleft are the Rocks," SoiiO- « When I survey the Wond'roua Cross," Miss Mouat 80L0-" By Jesus' Grave," Mrs. D. W. Higgins Solo and Chorus—" Jepus Christ is risen to day," Miss Mouat and Chorus Solo- "Orr blest Redeemer," Mrs. D. R. Harris Chorale—" The Lord ascendeth up on high," The first verse by the Chorus (unaccompanied,) the second verse as follows, by Chorus and audience in unison:— 2nd Vkrsb. The Hearens with joy receive their Lord, By Baints, by Angel hosts adored. O day of exultation I O day of exultation! O Earth! adore thy glorious King, His rising, His asoension sing, With grateful adoration. ■"'-t^ OOLLEOTION »^ o Regit.—" Be thou Faithful," Chorus INTEODUOTORY March... Mrs Leech Solo— "The Son of God goes forth to war Mr. Worlook Solo akd Chobus— "Hark! a thrOling voice is sounding," Miss Monat and Chorus Solo and Chorus— •« In token that thou shalt not fear," Mr. W. Biggins and Chorus Chorus—" Soldiers of Christ arise" SoiK) AND Chorus—" Oft in danger, oft in woe," Mr JenMnson and Chorus Solo and Chorus—" When our heads are bow'd with woe." Mr. W. Higgins and Chorus Solo—" Rook of Ages," Miss Harrison QuABTBTTB— (unaccompanied) " Jesus died for us," Misses Cridge and Ethel Worlock, Messrs. Worlock and Jenkinson, Chorus—" Jesus lives!" Chorus— "Who are these like stars appearing,", Chorale— Lo! 'round the Throne," The first verse by the Chorus, the second as a quartette (unaccom- panied) the third, as follows, by Chorus and audience in unison:- 3bd Vkrse. Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain. Through endless years to lire and reign, Thou hast redeemed us by thy blood And made us Kings and Priests to God. ~~?a BENEDICTION @S-~ SOPBANO. Mrs. D. R. Harris, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs.Hibben, Mra W. HiKgins, Mrs. Wuson, Mrs. Worlock, Miss Cridge, Miss M. Cridge, Miss Fawoett, Miss E. Fawcett, Mifl3 Mouat, Miss E. McDonald, Miss Richardson. CONTBATTO. Mrs. D. W. Higgins, Mrs. P. Johnston, Miss Harrison, Miss A. Harrison, Miss Ethel Worlock, !■ Tenob. Mr. P. Johnston, Mr. C. A. Lombard, Mr. F. Pemberton, Mr. H. Wootten, Mr. F. H. Worlock, Bass. Mr. Arundel, Mr. Goffin, Mr. W. Higgins, Mr. Jenkinson, Mr. a Reid, Mr. Salloway,