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D 32X 1 2 3 ■I 2 3 4 5 6 „ ut, provides for thepro.pt and^aryaa^ini^trat^n^ incuse^ ^ Board of Audit, County of Elgin, ST. THOMAS, 26th FEB., 1884. Dear Sll.— , t. ■ ■ c* t„f» q9 qi victoria chap. 3'2, is overlooked by Justices of the Peace It has frequently occurred to mo that the D^""""" ^tetue 32-33 \.^^^^^^^ ^A ^^^^ ^^^,,.^ themselves unaWe to when persons are brought before them charged with P^Wy "ff«"^««' \*"ft turisd ct >. which n.eins a Court of Record thus .nvolvmg a,ljudfcate, they commit the parties for trial before a court of ^^Pf **"* J^^;***^^ "^^ Assiz.s or (ieneral Sessions of the Peace conoem- all the exp.nsean.l delay of a trial before the County -^'^'g"" ^"""Z ac^s^^U^^^^ be willing to be dealt with summarily if they haf the Peace exceed fourteen years, such assault being of the "''t^'^^ J^^^^^-^^^^^ ^ fe\nale, not amounting in his opinion to punished by a summary conviction before him under any other Act, and sucn assaui^ f an assault with intent to commit a rape, or— 5th-With havingassaulted. obstri.ted. molested, - hi...ler^d any^^^^^^^^^ T'^' "^ ^-**'"'^' "^ Excise or other officer in the lawful performance of his duty, or ^Mth intent to preveni p 6th-With keeping, or being an inmate or habitual frequenter of any disorderly house, house of ill fame or bawdy house : ^ ^^ Justices of the Peace have not the right or jurisdiction *« fi7"y.^;;H^;„t^^^^^^^^ c^ howe"' and battery, and then only vhen the party aggrieved P™y« ^^^^ J''»*;f,*° P^if ' ^et ^ dealt with by a Competent Ma,ji.t rale, sucli as described in the first section ot the Act. ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ In all cases when it is thoughtbest. and a proper case to b%t««f,•2™TxaSiAZn,^"\ori^^^^^^ *^ «,.chpersor, is charged, may, if he thinks tit, remand the person for fmtherexOTiinatw^^^^^ whichever ' appens to be the nearest Polic^Iagistrateof the City of .St. Thomas, or the PohceMagisti^teo^^^^^^ ^^^^j^^^ ^\^^ ^^^ 3333 v.ctona '• Competent Ma^Utrate, and the warrant of remand may be the same as f"™ "' ^'^^^"^^f \.\^^^ f„ii„^8 that word ycu canm oke use of and chapter 31 of the Dominion Statutes (1869;) up to the word '^orthnUhrj^ msteaU o^^ _ .^ insert those wor.ls :'^«: ^»M^ *-^ C^->^^>^ M^ Ao*.-^ .. Before the Police Ma.,>Mrate of St. Thomas, (or the Police Ma.jUrate ofAylme.,or the Jml.e of the County Court of the Comity of Ehjin.) [w the cane may he^ For farther examination Uefore him (under the provision, of the Act re.pectinc, the prcrnpt -'^ -« administrationofCrim'ua'Ju.tice in certain ca^^cs) touchin,, the .aul complamt, and to he fu,the, dealt with accordinn to law.' ' Given under my hand and »eal thif thousand eight hundred and eiijhty- day of at in the year of our Lord, one in the County of EUftn, aforesaid." J. P.(L.S.) An ordinavy Justice of the Peace is not "a Compclent Ma,islrate " within the meaning of the Statute. ^ t. Ss:^^:^tS«^s- t^aSs^^-^^ Judge or one of the Police Magistrates) to enable him to deal with the case finally. ^^^ I have observed lately that Justices of the Peace have «°"^''^*«'|l-^;;*f„^,iXr'l loS H^ S to tring'th'^^Statutory' provisions cidedly an improper punishment and bey.-.n.l the.r power °V""^t7ie l.i mistake^^^^^^^^^^ cxpen^r. to tTie County, wherever it is io v.liich I have referred, to their attent..7u and "I'^r^^'y ^^'^ ^.rni tv and e kw perm them to, ua with the sam. powers under possible to do so. Since there are two Police Magistrates in the County , and tnt law p (whichever is ne-^rest) as speedily Ihe Act as the County Judge, it is desirable to have all «'»«^2WecX« disposed ^ ._^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ p^,^^„„, ^,,„,ed are and inexpensively as possible, and thereby perhaps save the expense of mote lormai pi b willing to be ^;i ied summarily. The expense^ the Administration of Justice ^".tWB County a,, shown b^^^^^^^^^^^ J^rp^^.l^oTof "hr^cL's' ol than they aJ^infnore populous Counties, ..nd V'^TplnuftLcrnW of Elgin than s the case elsewliere. trivial importance areljrought before the Courts of Record m the l^ounty 01 J!iigiu Mm. I have the honor to be, Dear Sir, Your obedient servant, D. J. HUGHES. Chairman. Esquire, J. P. COUNTA- OK ElOTV.