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You will find most people more anxious to have a school near, than abetter one at a greater distance, and thus, the prevailing fceli.ig will be lo have numerous schools. If the remuneration lo teachers were the same, whether the schools were numerously or thinly attended, there could he no objection to an ndetinile number of schools ; but as in the present arrangement the salaries of teachers depend upon the number attending each school, it becomes important to have schools as large as possible. Good teachers naturally expict schools, respeclnblc in point of number and remuneration. In making your divisions, therefore, you will, as far as circumstances permit, try to obtain as large a number of scholars as pos- sible. You will no doubt find your intentions in this respect opposed by the anxiety of those interested, in having schools very near their own houses, but you will try lo reason and convince, and where this fails, it may be n^wssary to interpose your nuthorilyto carry the point, where it is clearly necessary, and where the inhabitants do not agree. Tbc exercise of positive nulhorily. however, should seldom be resorleil lo, unless to rounternct absolute prrverseness or gross selfishness. Anil secondly, as regards the qualification of teachers. In your choice of them, it may be necessary to pi.^ose lo yourself a higher standard both as respects character and altainmenis, than has usually been required. It has not unfrcquently happened, that teachers have been employed who were vicious, ill temper.'d, and profane. Wherever this has been the case, you ought I., reject them, ui.less you have sunicient reason to believe Hint sincere endeavours of amendment are entertained. In point of nitainment different degrees may suit different neighbourhoods, although on broad principles, the worst neigbbou.liodds should h.vethe best teachers. The usual qualifications should embrace reading, writing, nrilhmelic. geography. Knglisli grammar, and book-keeping by single entry. And in your cerlifieai.. you will please stale the individual branches which the Candidate is capable of teaching, and thus those engaging him, will know what they have to expect. Much care must be exercised in granting certificates, so that noone will appear capable of doing more than ho really can. In conducting your examinnlions you will of course be guided by a spirit of candor and consideration. Avery competent person may be easily puzzled and confused, and you will frequently find a simple question produce embarrassment, where a little tnct may restore confidence, and set the candidate at perfect ease.— Mere profession of attainment, cannot be relied unon : jou will therefore find it safer and more satisfactory to put it to the test, for. genendly speaking, the more modest and dillident are the best qualified. Wherever any case orcurs in which you doubt the pro- priely of granting a certificate, you will have the goodness lo refer the 'eacher to tbc County Superintendent, and in all cases where a certificate is refused on grounds affectiig the character of tbc candidate, you will report the name of the person and the cause of such refusal, lest the same person, being otherwise qualified, should niierwards apply to tho County Superintendent and obtain a certificalt from him. Teachers will frequetilly come to you with comnlainls which you have neither power nrr authority to remedy, and indeed fie complaints themselves may admit of no other remedy, than the soothing of a rufilt-d and wounded spirit. In such casus you must ust all your tact lo soothe and quid the complainer. Tho very dependence n teacher is frequct,tly made to feel, makes him jealous of his di^rniiy „nj lonacious of his rights. As soon as the schools are in operation it is my inlenlion lo address the Trustees and Teach- e:s, on the subject of :hese several duties, and I will esteem it a fiivor if yon will carry in,o cfilet as f.r as in you lies, such of ihese suggestions as may meet your own approval. \Vc all of course have sepnrato and independent duties to perform, but by aitive co-..pcrati(in and mutual suggestion much may ho done which could not olberwisc be cllected. As a number of new scliool houses may be erected before I have an opportunity of writing lo the several Trustees. I beg leave to mention one matter to you wbirh nu,re properly belon-s to ihem, namely, the erection of school houses. These should. in my opinion, be well silun.e.l, properly arranged and liyhte.l, and moderately heated. The situation shou'd be high and at leav't dry. and not i.i the vicinity of .stagnnut water. It will be found on consideratiou, that school houses shouhl front the South East and be lighted from tho North IJast and .North ^Vest sides, for tbc fi.llowing reasons :_Inlense light not ordy produces fatigue but It injures the si,;bt. Windows iu the South «ur attention to this and a little mnnnizemenl and care to rlleci it. will ,u,t be f lb.' di--i'ip!t;i,. oldii! ■^(■li.wl, -^ >ided for every school MilhoHt its moral infiuinii' \\\ iim A ':^i^<^c<^ <:<^Z^/ <^cjf\ ^