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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmds en ccmmenpant par la premidre page qui compcrte une ernpreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un das symboles suivants apparaitra sur !a dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas. le symbole — ^> signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvunt §tre filmds A des taux de adduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seu! cliche, il est filmd d partir de I'angle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images iidcessaire Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m6thode. rrata :o 3elure, 1 a 1 2 3 32X 1 6 I I SHERBURNE'S PATENTS i Aug. 30, 1892, and fifteen otlier Patents in United States, Canada, France, and Great Britain. Other Patents pending. Automatic Track.Sanding Company * , , , No, 53 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass., U.S.A. SHERBUPNES PATENT TRACK-SANDING APPARATUS. A. 1). C. D. E Samliiig valves ill sand-linx 1. n.on coniiccii,,,, and lev tor sand-box I.nie check to sea, lowar.i iripl" valve' One special Inple valve. "r pressure and One auxiliarv reservoir .Moisture irap Old style sand lever; rei Co< k to change from san stops, to emergency '-' 1 .i.i, I'late !■: ALL FITTmOS FOR ONE-OUABTER INCH PIPE, 2 lained uncli.,.. ding in boihs lops (Mliy Red. ervice Kiunre ;. anil eineri: Automatic Track^Sanding Company No. 53 Oliver Street, Boston. Mass,. U.S,A, DESCRIPTION. ' I '111- AiiUimalic Sanding; Apparatus consists of special saml valves A, as shown on page 7, an ordinary air-hrake auxiliary -•- reservoir (I'late V. 21, Fig. 3, Weslinghousc 1S94 Catalogue), anil a small special triple valve (supplied by the Wcstinghouse Air-Iirake Company), more simple in (orm than any triple valve in use for air-brake service, which are locateil at any convenient point upon the locomotive. The triple valve has ihe usual connections with the air-brake train pipe and the auxiliary reservoir; the other connection (which usually leads to the brake cylinder) leads to the sand-box. An additional pipe connection betweei. the auxiliary reservoir and the main train pipe is provided and contains a small plug cock which is located as shown at I in the illustration on page 2. When this cock is open, s> as to establish a limited means of communication between the auxiliary reservoir and train pipe, the track i> automatically sanded only in emergency appli- cations of the air-brake>. When the engineer desires to automatically sand the rails in service stops also, he merely closer this cock. The apparatus for |)neuniatic snnding controlled liy hand, consists of a p, e leading from the main leservoir (jf the air-brake system to the sand valves in tlie sand-lmx. This pipe contains the application valve li, located conveniently in the cab, by which the engineer controls the How of sand for starting trains, ascending grades, etc. It will be <piite ajiparent that either the automatic apparatus, or the hand-controlled apparatus, may be introduced alone upon engines; but it is highly desirable tliat they should be combined as shown in the illustrations on pages 2 and 7. This pnetniiatic sanding apparatus does not at all interfere with the operation of the old sand lever, which is usually retained for use in any cases when there mav be no air pressure in the main reservoir. Automatic T.ack.Sanding Company .... No. 53 Oliver Street. Boston. Mass.. U.S.A. PNEUMATIC TRACK=SANDING APPARATUS. BOTH AUTOHATIC AND CONTROLLED BV HAND. B V .lu..,s.„f .his appar:,u. ,.,.• u.r.k i, i„>ta,uly a,„I a.Uo.a.lcally .an.1.1 in ,l,c„„., effociv. .nnnnor when ,ho nir- l.rak..s aro applici. Tho appara.u, is .,ani..,l ,ha, th. .uu.,n,a.ic .an.iin, „f ,h. .rack is secured in every re( ,, , " '•""""« '" Nie iracK IS sec-ureil in every apphcauon of the air-brakes, uhen ,he eon.h.i.n of ,he :ails n,akes i. desirable; ,„, ul,en sand is n,.. re.,.,ired in every l.rakr appheali„n, the apparatus may be cut out of use for vice applications of tlie brakes i bu> it invariably sands tl,e track in every emergency application of the brakes, whether i. .p.ra.e, in .erviee ap.pliea.ii.ns or no. ThU,.e Sandin, Apparatus is a,s„ under, ,.y a hand feed-valve, which n,ay ,,e operated a, any .in,e ,,y .he engineer in siar.ini; trains, ascendini; j^rades, etc. Pneuiiialic Sandin, Apparau.s, eon.roUed hy hand feed-valve alone, anan.ed ei.her inside or outside o, .he san.l- l)OX, furnished when desired. While .he sand i. n,o. ..ffec.ively applied ,o ,he rails ,,• .his apparau., in every case where its use is desiraMe, a considerable savmg ,s effected in the total amount of sand used. •%\ •_^.v Automatic Track'Sanding Company No, 53 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass,, U.S.A. z S ^ a o u ■'-' J3 r^ G "a > < fl u Sf >. Z & Ji c 0. M fl O < ^ a • V4 s u Q 3 U3 ^ C/J M a H- a a o 3 c r. J3 o i^ ■** w J'., 'U a >- ^ ^ Q. o m C «,' O Li. u s. . -r . c J' r.«,«=,nv , . " ^ No. 53 Oliver Street, Boston. Mass,, U.S.A, Av,tomatic Track^Sanding Company ,■>-'' SAND VALVES FOR INSIDE APPLICATION. ORDFRINO In ordcrin, ..n.l vnlvos A, as slu,wn on p.,. 7- .- 1- npplio.l iuM.lo ,l,c snnd box, plcnso furni.h u> a ,.. '!'"^':san„vaW.,;n,n,. .„ .n.n.n.n. vi. ..aU.n an,, , >...•,. o, .an. ,l,sc,-a.. „.,.s ,n U. Ln.l l,ox. an,l ^is.anc. !n„n .-.ntK. of .pin,!!, of vaUv ,o ....U.-. of .and,. hole. AT-ACHINO. .n appKinu >1... now valves A, .h.y an- nu.rcly chan,.,l for the oUl ones, .he too C inser.ed, and U. , M .^n, I 1 -ipe ron, <' screwed to fi.e l.oUon, of sand „ox (see pa,e 7^ .nd piped as shown on pa,es . and 7 (o I lie rail. FOR OUTSIDE APPLICATION. ORDERINQ. In ordering valves for outside application, as shown on pa.e 5. plc-e ,ive d,an,e,er and d.stanee Iron, centre to centre of on your regular pipe flanges, and si., of pipe from sand l,ox to wheel. ATTACHING. Holt .he ,ander to the sand hox, as sh .n page 5, -.1 pipe for automatic ac.ion a> >hown on pages 2, 5 and 7; ,f to ,,e controlled l,y hand o,dy, pipe .0 any convenient connection of u,an, an re.crvo.r. i A. Sand valvL-s for insidL- applitation, J. H<t(i(l to sand valve. L. Cleaner to sand valve. K. Applicalioi. valve. C Tee with air pipes. K. I)rip cock to relieve nioisture trap Automatic Track'Sanding Company No. 53 Oliver Street, Boston. Mass.. U.S.A. T' iiiniiiilnnci .f :uUi)nialu';i lly .<li tlK' lail;- 111 L-nKTL,'rnc y applicalicms of the air-biakcs caniiin lit.' ovurslatiMl ■| 1r' saiul adlific-- In tlu' wlii'cls, and tlK'iL'by cause 'leater fiidion betwi Mills in (|ui(Uei nam sliip>, oven w lien the rails are in i;i)0(l cnmhUcin. tl lese advaMlacjes lieoo if ihe j^nalesl iiii|inrlance, as nearly as slioti Irani slops can i.rake shoes and wheels, which When the rails are nioi^t or j;rea.-y. theri'liv be effected as when the rails are in j;ood condition In reporling the investii^ation o f a re ear collision, iIk' Railroad CoiiniiissioMers of Ma-sacluisetls made the folln statement ( paL;e 30, Keivirt of 1S91 the throttle, and, fromthe time he > His entrine was ecpnpjiei i with the Irivnig ' bra He re im tlie time tie saw tne sii^ nal, dill everythinL; 111 his power to >lo|i Could not, liowever, renieiiibei whether he used the ilid. ;iis statement empliasizes the well-recogn lized fact that the highi'sl >afety to railroad trains is only secured w ^le act of the engineer (/..'., turning the handle of the engineer' lable tiieaiis of bringing the train to a stop in the shortest possible distance every emergency, one every brake-valve I instantly applie- f the Automatic Sanding Aiiparatiis is endorsed by the Weslingliouse Air-brake t iinaiiv, which also regard^ ils use as especially important 111 conne ctlon with the Highspeed lirake. All the engines which operate the West iighousi High :d Air-brake on the Congress ioiial liniiled trains of the I'eiinsylvania Railroad are eipiipped ilh the Automatic Sanding Apparatus, arranged to operate in emergency applications 01 nly. he aulomalic Use o ( sand is highly desirable for service stops when the condition o( the rails 1- bad, ill order to It th: prevent wheel-sliding, running past stations, etc. A material saving of slid flat wheels also results. When the rails sanded automatically, or by the engineer's air feed valve, the sand is delivered to tlie rail proper point in a line stream (but in a sufiieient (piantity), >o that practically all the sand is effectively utili.'.ed. lly llie old method the sand is dumped upon the rails in large cpiantities, only a small fraction of which i- utili/.eil, 'he rest going to waste, littering up yards, and interfering with the .satisfactory operation of the switches and frogs of interlocking system,. Alihiuigh the Automatic Sanding .\pparaius provides for a iiuicli more fre.pient use of sand, nuicli le,s san.l is usi.l 111 the aggregate than by the old method wliero it is only occasionally Used. Automatic Track-'Sanding Company -'«'»' ^ No, 53 Oliver Street, Boston. Mass,, U,S,A, INSTRUCTIONS FOR OPERATION. tnicliims as lo iho iiiannor of operation arc ' I ' H K apparatus is so simple lliat, witli tlie dcscriplion already L;iviii, no ins ■^ really necessary. The Aiilonialic Apparatus is operated, in coniunctinn willi the aird)ral<e ajipnratus, by the act of applying the liraUes in the customary way. If the eock I is closed, the rails are sanded in v'very slop of the train. If the cork I is open, the rails are sanded only in emeri^ency ap|)lications of the brakes. To sand the rails for startinj; trains, ascendint; t;ra<les, etc., the en^nieer opens the valve li, anil the sand continues to llow until he closes it aj;ain. H DRY SAND MUST BE USED. The drip cock K attached to the application valve H should lie openeil once a ilay to permit the dischart;e of any water precipitateil from the compressed air. It is of the utiuosi importance that the sand-pipes shoulil lie sufficiently loni;, and lieut in the proper direction at the lower end, to deliver the sand upon the centre o( the rail, as near the point of conlacl of the driviiii; wheel with the rail as prjssilile. DETAILS AND PRICES HURNISHED ON APPLICATION. 9