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Mapa, plates, charta, etc., mey l>e filmed et different reduction retioa. Thoae too lerge to be entirely included in one expoaure are filmed beginning in the upper left hend corner, left to right end top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diagrama llluatrate the method: Lea cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvant Atre filmAa A dea taux da rAduction diff Arenta. Loraque la document eat trop grand pour Atra raproduit en un aaul clichA, 11 eat f limA A partir de I'engle aupArieur geuche, de gauche A drolte, et de heut en bee, en prenent le nombre d'imagea nAcaaaaira. Lea diagrammea aulvanta illuatrent le mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 TORONTO, UKEY AND BRUCE RAILWAY. -^•••« LOCAL FREIGHT TARIFF, TO TAKE EFFECT, 15th >^0VEMBER, 1872. i THIS TARIFF SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS, AND ALL SPECIAL RATES. THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RiaHT TO MAKE, AT ITS PLEASURE, ANT CHANGE IN THE RATES OR CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL SUPESINTENDENT. Toronto, Ont. TORONTO : GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY 26 and 2S KINO STREET EAST. 1872. mmm "■^ T( L TH TORONTO, GEFA' AND BRUCE RAILWAY. -*• • •^- LOCAL FREIGHT TARIFF, TO TAKE EFFECT, l.Vni NOVEMlJEil, 1872. THIS TARIFF SUPERSEDES ALL OTHERS, AND ALL SPECIAL RATES. THE COMPANY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE, AT ITS PLEASURE, ANY CHANGE IN THE RATES OR CLASSIFICATION. GENERAL SUPEEINTENDENT, Toronto, Ont. TORONTO: GLODE PKINTING COMPANY 26 and 2S KING STREET EAST. 1872. L Fioz% IISTDEX. :o:- i'A';i:. fJcneral NotiiM-s and Conditions of Cmringc .. o Spt'ciiil Instruotions to A^'fnts iind otiiors r> L'lassiliciition of Fivi<,dit 1 1' Liuiilier, cstiinated wci^dits 18 Tiililcs of Weights and Mi'it^mcnu'nls 24 .Stornj,'C', Hates of 25 Articles which must be iiiejiaid -;' Tariff Way Stations.— T" he ajijilied I'-hcre iiu sejiartttc 'I'arixl' is ijiv< n '2i) Tariir to and from Toronto -7 Cordwood Tariff from all Stations to Toronto 'J^ Timhcr Tariir from all Stations to Toronto -It Wharfago Tariff, ^)acen"s Wharf, Toronto Ill Tariff to and from Orangeville •'- Tariir to and from 51 ount Forest '''i Tariff to and from i )\ven Sound "1 Di>tani e TaLlc •■•> ^J!0''JiDWTO, aiPJlSlT A'2^m ''31iV0'Jl\ 'liArTL'WA'Y. > < < » > I ■ I'A'IK. »■> *> r, IH 'J 4 , 'it) * ' ^ . ;;] • "J GENERAL NOTICES AND CONDITIONS OF CARRIAGE. 1] li iNi.iusKioD ASU.\(iiii;i;i)TM\iTlli: TOUONTO, OIIKY .\NI» lilllTK IIMLWA V <'<>.MI'.\NV, I. Will iiiit 1)0 rrsiHiiisllilr fur :i?iy artiilr (ir mtii'li's rdnvcyi"! u|iimi tlicii' iiiihv.iy, iiiili'us tlic dr-.iin' lie Mi);lnMl fur as ri'i-rivr.! Iiy a iliily iiutli'iii/.i'il A;,'i'iit. '2. Nor will ilicy lirVi'minnsililc lor tlir \<iha ol'or (liiiimKis ilfnii' tn Money In Cash, en Mills, or I'loniHsoiy N ti-s, 111- ScciiiltifS, or Money, or .ieweileiN, Trinkets, Ilinu'X. I'reeions Stones ; tJuid iirHiher, nianiifiie- tureil or nnni.inill'iielincil. (ioM iiml Silver I'liiteor I'liiteil Artleles ; Cl.iiks. Wntelies, Tinii'liieies, MiirMe ; Liiee, Knis, JSilks, in ii ni.iiinfiietnieil or iinnjiiiint'iiitnreil state, iiiel wlietlier vvnniK'lit up or not wroiiL'lit up V. Mil other niiiteriiils ; \Vrltiii;;s, 'litle-ileeils, I'rints, r,iiiifln;.'s, Maps, liu^riiivlnu's, I'letnics, Stunilis, or otlier v.iliiiililes ; nor I'oi' .■iiiy (1,1111 i>;e iloiu; to t'iiiii i, (iliiss. Wearing Apparel, .Musical Instriiinents, Kiiriiitiii'e, 'I'lys. Castillo's, fast In.n Work, Stoves, .Stove Kiirnitiiie, oi any siieh iia/.ariloiis or Iniltleartieles. in iiaekaKH or oilierviise, wiiii'h shall have I n ilelivereil. either to lie enrieil for hire or lo ai iiipiny the person m any p.isseiiyer nil their Iliiilway; Kresli Kisli. l'"iull, .Meat. Itiessi'il l|o;.'<, anil roiiltiy, or nljiei'iierislialile .aitie es, .are e'lrrieil only at the owner's risk ; imr will Iley iinilertake to carry any Holler, Cyliielir, or M.achiiiery, iiiilc>s hy sjieciiil a;;reeiiient. ;t. Nor will they lie respmisilile for ilainn^,'es occisii'iicl liv di'lays from storins, iiccii|eiits, overi.rosuie of Kiei;,'lit or uiiavonlalile can-<es ; or for (laiiia;.;cs from the weal le •:, lire, hi'at, fro-;f, nr ilel.ay of pel .-^halilu articles ; or from civil (iiiiimoticn. 4. Xor lor loss of or daiiiaKi' to any packa^-e iiisiitllciciitly or iiipr.iiicrly p.ackcil, markcil, (lirccteil or ileserilieil, or cunt.iiniii,^ a ■•aricty of articles, lialile l.y l.icikin.' to ilania;.',e each otlici', or othcr.article.s : irtir for cases an I packai,'cs of Hoots .•iinl Shoes, ainl oMici aiMclcs lialilc to pi enlatloii or fraiiilnlcnt iilislia'tinns, unless slrapjicl with iron or whimI or otherwise seiMinly protccteil ; nor for leakaucs inisiiij,' froni any can e wliatsoev.M-. Dil ami Molii,,.-.cs will, timler no circunstanccs, lie c.irrie I, si\c at the riskoftlie .c.vieji- or jiarties liy whom they are c insij,'nei|. .'). Nor for los-i or ilania„'e ilnm; to tiomls [nit into ri't';r')c 1 wra|ipcrs or Ii i\'s. or packa,.;cs dcsciilie'l as cniplics. tl. Nor for loss or diniaye done to aiiv (,'oods left until c.illcl fi r, or t.i order, warehoused for the con- venience (if the ii.irties to wlioni they lieloii;;, iir liy or to whom they are consigned : and that the deiivrry of j:(ioils will he coiisideii.Ml coniplete, and the respoiisiliilitns of the Company will lie considered to tei !ii:n!ite, when placed in tlic (,'oiiiiiany's slicd or warchoiise. (if there he coiivenicnec for reccivin;,' the s.iine). at their linal ili'slinatioii, or when they shall have arrived at tlie place to he reacheil upon the Kailwa\ of this (.'om- ]i.iny. Tile warehousiii;; of tlicin will lie at the owiiei's risk ainl expense, (except I.iimlier, ( 'onlwoo,!, ijoal, lirii'kH, and ^'oids of lili.' linlk and ilcseription, the delivery of wlinh shall lie coniplete, .ainltnc resp.insililify tcrniinateii upon their licin.i,' (Udaclied from the train whereny they h i\c hceii drawn.) That iu tiie eveiit iif the Ciiiii 'any lieiiii; niialili; lo store and w.aivhons' f,'iioils recci\'ei|liy them, it shall lie lawful for them to p., tee the sine ill any warelioii-^e of any wharliii^er or wai'elioiiseman that may lie .ivailaMc, at the risk and expense of the owner of the prop'-rty so stored ; and tiie cliar_'es of wai'idionsin;,' and conveyance shall form an iKhidioiial lii n iljioii s.iid ;;o(i(ls. 7. .Neither will taev h I responsible for any delleieiiev ill wi i^hl or me isiire of jjr.iin. etc., inliaK-^'T in liiilk, nnr liir loss or delicieiicy in weij,'!il, nr niunln'r ine isii;-c ol' l.unilicr, Conlwood, I'oal or Iron e.irrieil liy the c II load. S'nj'ii- t^hrinkinji: af nil m niii/ /',(iii(.< '.;' -'/(;/(,■.■, ur slfnt ('•fhtlits cf th''. suiiii^ » r '■ v< n d I'liii;/! Ill (/((' /!'"■ i"li' i.iii hi' sltmi'ii t'l Iv'.uv InipiMiieil ii'h:'<l In tin' yi i.swii.fi'ot '// I In: I ''iini'Hiiii. .Vio /■»■ nmi i.ijiirii III iliniii Ii I In'nIiiKj. 5. .No a','i'nt or other umployi' of tliu Company is aiilliori.a'l to take ciiar^'" of 1! ink Notes, .\lo:ey, or other vaiiialile Jiapcis II. .Seielers of any danscruiis articles will lie held accoiintu'ole for any damage arising therelVoii or there- to, unless the eonleirs are dcscrilpcd us sindi upon tlie inui-.cri N. that due care may lie ohsei ved in the loading: : .'ind. in no case, will the C'omp.iny he lialile hir the 1 iss of any such ar'acle- ; and tlu^ ('.imp,''.ny will only nil lertake the e.arria;,'!- of .Aiinafortis, Vitriol, Kri'lioii .Matches or Cunpi.wder, on special terms t;. lie s.i|i.'i-added to these conditions. in. 'I'hat .all ^oods, from whoinsocvcr receiveil or to whomsoever lielon;;iii.i;, sluill he snli.icct tonccinral Hen not only liir the earria^^e of those )iarllcular ,:;oods, liiit also for any general Iialance that may be due by tluMiwneis of such Hoods lo the said taimpaiiy ; and if, in six waa'ks after noth'; sh I'l li.ivc b ; n jjvi ii, that Mich ;;ooil.i are detiinicd for any ciaim of the C nnp.any. ami if Ihi' moiicv due oc i, a ,■ li.l, the jioods will, at the discrelion of the (Jompany, he sold by .auction or by priv.'.te sale, to dct'r.iy the Company's idaims and all expenses imuircil tlieieon. llill I'isli, h'laiil, .Meal, l>r( ssed lIoi;s, roultry, and all oilier licrisliabie artiides, w.ii lie ilisposcci of .at the discretion of the Comiiany, immediately afli.'r giving the above iioliia', ami without a « ailing the expiration of the a'lme ]icriod of six weeks. 11. That all goods addrcsseil to consignees at points beyond (he ]ilaces .nt which the ('.niipany liaVH Stations ami '(ispecting which no directions to the contrary shall have been received as these Stations, will be f rwarded to their destination by pulillc carrier or (dlicrwise, as (■pportunity may ol!' i, \. 1 .ic .,,/ claim, for de'ay again.st the Cdinpaiiy for want of oiiporluiiity to forw.ird Hieiti ; or they will, al iiie dlscii-tion of tlic Coiiip.any by whom they may have been rciadvcd, besnilered to remain on the Conip.iny'-^ 'ircmises, or be (Lac. d 111 shed or warehouse, (if tlkre be convMiieiice for receiving t!ic same), pending comniiiuication v.itii tln^ 1 iis.gnees. Ill the. risk of theowi.crs, froiii any d iniagi! arising from any cause wli.aicver. Hut tli.at the lie ivery of the goods by the C'omi ..-iv will be considered as coniplete and the responsibility of the Company w .1 iH.' i; msidoreil to \u\e (.•..ased, wiien such e iiriers shall h.ivc received notie ; that the t,'o;n;i inv is jirep ,ro I tn ililiViT III tlirin llir hoimIh fur Turtlior i- 'tivi'Viiir ,lii7 // M d/iirMi"'!/ tiiirfi'il Unit til* i'i:unuiiiii shall not fii' re*)iiiii*ilili' ftif mill limn, ilnmngi', nr ilflfiiti'iii tlnil luini /miiii/'ii t ' fl'imli w ni'iil lifi tln'iK, if iiirk tm.i, diimnilf, nil iti'riii* iif:i'i thv I hi i:tiir, Of lii'iiniiil lliv i'S IhiiilM. Thiit I'll )iriij>i'rtii fuiitniftiil fur, nt n iitlinru'hi', tit iti' /null iilmi'i liiiiiiml thf liiirn/ tin' 'I'ui'iiiitn, (lif't I'lnl llrife Uniliniii VnWfmuy, Cmi nh.dl, ii'liilv It'll I'll III ■ t'liiiiiiaiiii'i Itiiihi'iii/, nr in. I'u'ir .i/ici/s I'/iiiii M'n, bt tntiixlij nt tir ili"eii<l thriiiiiik riili; i/ihli'i>i'il liij iriitii the oiL'UfM''f rhl,', V2. Anil ill (' me rif loH<i nr ilaiiin},'!' til niiy jrniiiU fill' wlili'li tliln (.'iiiiiimiiy, or ruiinoctin;,' Mnen niiiy lo II Mill', it Ih iiKiri'il mill iimiIi'I'sIiiihI tliiit tlii'V nIi.iII Iiiivu tlii> ln'iiolll iiriiny liiniiniiiri' oiri'('ti''l liy iii'fiit' ai'i'iiiiiil of till' iiwiii'i' III' s.iiil ;.'"iii|'i, lii'i'iii'o liny ilinMiiit iliull ln' niii<li'. !:'>. Niirlalin I'm' Ihhh or iliinriKi' I'm' wlilrli HiU ('mii|iiiny U ni'i'iiiinliilili^ will lie iiIIiimimI, uiiIohk iiotii'ii in MiiliiiK Is KiM'ii I" '!"' f'tiilimi l''i'i'Ulil Aniiit witliln Iwi'iity-luiu- liiiuiH'^iriri'llic hudU lut'. ili'liviii'il. 1 ». ISIiii':!,;!!' VI ill 111' I'lmi'^ril mi all Kirlh'lit irniaiiiliiK ill tliii ili'imtH iivt'i' ■J4 linui'M aftiT itH arrival. I.'i. I>riiiiiira^'i' cliai'K'i'il 'HI all fiirn imt imlnaili'il wllliin twisnty-fnnr limn* after arrival, nttlit' rato of two il'illiirn ]ii'r Miiiiill I'Hi', ami I'mir ilullar.i per largi' cur ]irr ilay, III. TliMt till y will iiiil, iiiiilrr any rin'iiinstaiii'i'-i, In" lialilr fur Inss nf iiiarlict, nr rlalins ariHiii;» frmii ilrl:i\ III' ili'li iitl'iii 111'. iiiy train, wln'Ilior in .-itartiin; nr at miynrtlii StatimiH, nr In tin' rmirsi' of llic jmiriii'.s. Till' t'nnipiny iln iml nipli'itaUi' In .ii'inl j-'imiU liy any iiartinilar train, it tliiTi' In- an insiiill'li'iit nninliur iif cm at till' Stalimi, nr tlial llii' rai'H <■ iimnt In' rmivrnli'iitly iisril fur tlir |iiir|iiisi' ; or if, frniii any I'.iiMi', oar« f'ailixl at a rl| iiimi an' iiiialiln In lie miit nil l>y tlir tralii.-i pa.i.sin;; or starting' frmii .surli Matimi. 17. N'l liMS rli:ir:^u will lii> nni'li' fur any nin^^li' ii nlva^'r nr niiiNij,'iiinriit than tinutii-jiri' cent^. Is. I.ivo StiH'k must 111' full liy tin' nwnrr, nr at liU ii\|ii'iisi', wlnli' in Iransit, anil U laki'ii riitirrly at lii-' rink 111' In.^i, in.iuiy, il.ini.ui', ami all iillin ntlir^'^'m'iiM, wlntlirrin In.iilinn, nnl.i.i'linx. I'nnviyam'i', ni' ntlni ■ wl.ii'. ami niiili'i' llic inii'lilimis I'uiitiliii i| in iilmM'. All l,ivi' SlmU .sli.ill liu I'arriril hy .•<ini'ial rnntrai:! mily, Rinl iii'iin till' fnlliiwlii^ (■m|llilInn^^ nf r.iniau'i' : — I. Ilii' (iWNI'-lt nl animals I'NDI'',!! f .\ KIvS all risk nl' In.ss, in.inry, il.ima','i', nnil nlln'r I'ontiiis'i'ilrii's in In.i'liiu'. nnln.i'liii,,', trans|Miii.iiinii, riin\r.\.im'i'. ami nllii'r«isi', im inallrr linw r.'insoil. II. T;.i' Kaihv.iv I' li.inv DO NOT L'MlKli f.VK 1) To 1''oli\V.\i;li tin' Animals liy any lurtii'iilir Inin, nr ,il any s)ii'iitii'il Imiir : NKITIIKIt AKK TIll'JV UKi^l'o.N.SlliLi; I'nr i'Ih! ili'li\i;iy nf llin .\niin lis, williin any la'itain time, nr for any jiartii'iilar niarki t. li I. Wiii'ii I'llKi; l'.\-."si;s art' niv n In |p.i'snns in clinrjjn nf ,\iiini.ils it is nii'y nn tin' rxtni'ss cmiilitinii, lliit llii- liailway C.'miip.'iny AUK NoT ill'ISl'oN.-slHI.H fur any iii'-li>,"ii"i', iliraiill, nr ntliriwisr, en till' p.iit nf till' Ciimpany nr llirir srrvaiitM, nr i.i iMV ullii'i' iii'isnii nr jii'rsiins wlmnisni'Vi'r. (• lusiii:.? or I' inlin;: to I'unsi' llii' ili'alli. iiijnry, nr ili l. iilinn nt pi'i'sons willi siirli Ki'it I'.issr.s, ainl wli'tlnr Mirli Fruo ra»,si.'.s aro usial ill tr.ivi.'lUn;; by any riVj'ular I'a.ssi'iiiirr Trmii, nr liy any niln r Train wliatuvi:!'. W'iiou siiit in iiUiiutitiis of li«s tlnn onc-carloail, Slnck will In; cliargc'il fur at in r lii'.nl. 10. Till' I'liai'Ki'.s mi all l''riij,'lit, rti'., mn.it In' paiil liifnri' tlio ;,'i)iiil.s will lin ili'livi'inl ; ainl lliis Cmiipanv rl'i lint luiM tiiriii-i'lM's ai'onnt.ililii for tlm rnnrrtiii'.ss nf any iiimiiyn oliar,i,'i'il im "Hark (.'li.'ir^'is" mi Kri'is'lit, iii'., liyntlnr ma'ls, I'.'iap.Jiii s, nr iinlivi.lnals. •JO. I,»iniliiT, I.'itli, Sliinalrs. I'ti'., ami T.'in-liai'k, will In' icnvi'yr.l /it tin' owner' .s risk, ami rliai'jjcil tn Lnnibur rati'S, wliiili .iii' i-Ai'liisivu nf inailiii:,' ami niilnailin.,'. 21. Vfliiilos, I'Xi'i'pt wlirn tijilil'y lin.\i"I, tak'.'ii t'nlircly at tlio nwiin's risk of iiania;,'i' frmii (iir, tli" wi'atlitr, ami .ill utliui rnntin^uiuiis. f Tiirunti), 'llll^. l-'.'J N, WEATHERiSTON, Ocaeral Sui^oilut 'udoat. * ('<i)njMiiiii Hlinll iPo< if iiirh liii.i, (iiimniji; vniilriii-tiil fur, III «■ e lliiilii'iui Cimfuiuy, iiiUMti, bit tlUiiclil nt intln« I,lne« miiy \o ii"l liy 111' for accuiiht l>it, UllIrHM llotlci' ill 1^ ilcliviicd. r Its iinlviil. Ill, lit tin; nito of twi> cliiiins iirifilii;» friini Mirsi^ (if till' i(piinii>. <iilll''ii'iit iiiiiiiliur I'l' IViim any c.iiim', imi.s SliUiiill. Iiikc'ii iiitirc'l.v lit Iii- iiiviy.iiiri', or (itlii i. [ncial tdiitriict only, Ikt (•"iiliiijj'i'iit'ii'^i III caiisuil. by any )i;ii'l.;('iil;ir • till! (IfliMM-y of IllO I' cxpit'SS (••iliililinli, rl'ilillt, or otiicl'wisr, 'IsollS WllMlllsoi'Vl'l', I'll Kli'C I'lissr.s, ninl III, or liy any ollur .1. ; aiiil ilii^i C'onipiinv ' Hack i.'liar^'us" on isl;, iiiul I'li.irijiMl to iiiingp from lire, tli" 1 Siipoilut.<Qdeut. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENTS AND OTHERS. — »«<»»■»♦ ■ 1. The liiiNitH'SH of till' Fri'ij<ht Dqiiirtmcnt of tluH Coiinmiiy is to rany iirnpcity tlmt , is iniiiierly tli»; Hulijcit <»f traiisjiortiitioii in Fn-iglit Curs. 2. Tlio C'oin|miiy does not jjuiirnntt'c luiy time tur truiisiioi'tiition of Trfight wliile iijion its roiid. 'i 3, All iHickaijcH will be siihjirt to the Coiujiamj'a irdijht, ji -1. AW jHiekcujeHicill he subject to ehtinje fur euojv raye, if necesaary, Jji f), Artielex vill lint be reeiireil for traiisportdtion, unless projicrly jKtvhed iu snitiihle a (V- ';«, boxes, bnlemir pdekiiijes, iiinl such must be well and eleiiiiif iiiiirkeil, villi the luuueof •^ the cunsiijnee, and the stutiuu where theji are til he del leered. MarkliKj icUh ehalk, or Ujion (taper labels, is not si-kkkif.nt Foil .safety i.\ tkansioutation, and Acjenls mii,i, NUT KEl'KIVi; AUTICI.KS SO MAHKKD. 0. ('(in,sl(,'nors must ln' rpiiuiicil to m!;,'!! ii coiisif^iiiiiciit imtt! ujion tlio ( 'omymny'.s Form, No. 41, dcsciiliiiij,' iictiuiiti ly iiuh mtiili^ tcinlcrfil lor tianN|iortatioii, iinil hvfow ^;iviu'l^ a n-'ci'iiit, tlu' eiiiisii/iiiiient note m\i\ reeeijif, mwat \»' iMi'i'l'iilly oom|nireilto sec that they roncsfioiul in (ceri/ /uniieiilur, ainl caih iiitii.lL' niii.st hf eotintcd and clK'i.'kfd ni'oii thf con.sii^umfut note F'ri'i^'ht consloiK'd to ( trdrT — -Wliin (Joods arc i'oiisij,'ni'd to tlif in'drr of a Hi i ', oe suhjeel to the iiedi r of inii/iuie, tho miiiit' ol'tlii' I'aity to In; advisi'd (,(' aiiiviil must l)i' .sl.cwii in tilt' " l>t'.siri|ilion of (ioods " loliunn of wny-liill, thus : — "<.)nlii'or.To]iii Smitii, Oiangcvillc, Km IJainls Klouf, Advisi' John lii'ow 1), Toronto." Tlip .\ilvi'i' Nolo Hindi' ont as idiovi will lie sriit to " Julm Blown," Init tho jiioj.ii ly LcM Until vritti'ii < hdi-r has hrfii inodnrcd IViin ".Inhn Smith," t tnin<,'i'Vi]h'. Shi) ;'ir miisl ]|iims(,'lf also advise tin' ii.irty or imitii's foi' wiioni thr fnioht is ultiintiti ly iiitcndi' I. ; 8. ^\'h(•n fiui^ht is ri'ocivid from a roiuii'ciin;; liailiond, Stcamhoat, <t'., in had iffder, till' artiilos must he larrl'ully wcii^htd, ami tlu' wci.ijlit, to;,'rtlirr with thi' vsnot con- dition of till' Krci^^dit, must he inserted un the way hills and rciei|.ts. 'IJic in^'elinitc ♦■ tins, •• bad order," ami " f.oose order, " arc not to lie iisccl. All imeka^es rcciivcil in had ilcr must he .Diijiered heforc h"in..J Ir.iih'il iiitii till.' eais, .-o as to |,leveiit. as f.ir as jiossiMe, ny ftirther lo'^s or ilama^'e. !•. Frei;.dit destlm'd f^r stations where tiie ('nmiianv have no Ajent, n i.-t he j'M| lid, . •nd is at the owner's ri^lv as mioii a.-, it ni'rivcs at ilestmat ion. '\ lit No article that tlic .V.L'eut of ijie ('oni]iany does not ennsider worth the i !i,.r,u'c lo ;J"rei.!,dit at loreeii sale, will li- tal'en, nnlc-uS the frei;;li' on tlic s ime i- i'r^'i',"id lo the Agent fto w hoiu it is delivered. 11. Wlieii iin liivoii'i' eov< rs a Viii ieiy of .irti' !'■■<, us a j.il if rui'iiili;re. i te., eneh ■<S''piirale pi'ie iiiust /;■■ /ir'i relii i,i irl. i, ihi'l •'. liii.i, ur' I'Airriifi.Aiis ./''(•(/ .'v/'i"/ t(/ the yiiitsi'jiwr, or Iheif viH ,iot !"■ r"'i',d. A'.jcnts i:;us: never hill "aIot,"iiit should cnit. nicrati! each aitiide. I'i. Lii[iiids in cans, demijolni'^, an 1 jii.cs, jiel S!:or in liaL'.-, v.i'll I'ot le t,d<i ii, i xccjit vlieii packed in boxes or kc,:;s. !■$. All l.nmher, ('oidwood. mid > aer I''rei;.!it of like hulk, in^l dcseriiition trans- jiorted hy tiii.i foniiiany mii-^t lie loaded and 'iiihuuled ' •• the owner, .. at his cxjicnsc. 14. Lniiiher, C'ordwooil, L tli, .Shi:i .'.i ■. (Irain > !1 kinds. ;ii all articles to lie loaded and iitiloadcd hy owner, or carried in ' i;, will 1^ ken entE»cl; • -ATner's risk as to deliciency in wciudit or mcasnrc, e.\ec]it . h as niay -e from colli- e»i^ or rnnninj; olf , track, and no clenr receipts or hills of lad n;; will he giv' 'or ipiantiiv •■! wcjohf of such I articles, hnt, in all cases, sneh i(M-ei;it o lill of ladii..^ nu t he n'ade to .-ead " ."^hippcr'.s 1 Count," or " .'^hipiiei's Weiidit." 1i 1 1 IV i ( 15. Ci'iiiu ill bulk imi' t he Idiidi'd liy Shipper ami uiiIoiuIclI at tho ole\-ator.s in Toronto, exi't'pt wlidi siiciiiil uontniic is nuulc to tlie contrary. S)iij)pc'rs are ''('([uiri'd to load the I'lrs propcily, and as nearly as ])os.siblo with the niaxinnnn hmd, as the Company will cliarge lull car load rates in every instam'c, and any weight in excess will he charged lor in all cases. Agcnl.s must prevent overloading. 1(). Every Agent and employee aliout the Stations, Condmlors, and men on the train.n, will liecarel'nl in handling Freigiit in tlieir charge, under all circumstances. A t'uihire on the part of any employee to observe this rule will be ^jonsidercd sullicient cause for his dis- chaige t'lom the service of the Company. 17. All claims for damage or loss must be made before tln^ goc ^s are taken away from the Stntiiin wlicre delivered, and must not be paid except by authority from tlie General Snperintendrnt, to whom such iliiims must be forwarded without dela}', v.uth full jiarticulars of nature of damage, and i>robablv' cause, etc., on the form provided for that jiurpose. IS. Agi'uis will be held pcsrsonally responsible for the safe keeping and proper delivery of gdods rccciv<'d by them — and fm all charges thereon — and all articles mentioned on Way- liills will be C(insiuci-cd as ha\ing bci'U received liy the Agent, and in gnod order, uuh-^s otherwise .stated by liim in ink on tlie face (if the Way-BiU. 10. It is believed that the Classification provides for most articles that will be oll'ered for transportation. Articles iK)t enumerated must be charged to cr)ri'espoiid with that class to which they are eharly analagous. Very /nnv/; urtich's, and those vnj lvll,>i (i/id ll\iii>, which are not otherwise pro\ided for ia this Tarilf, will be subjret to special agreement. 20. Forwarding Agents are le.piired to examine ail cars loaded by .shippers, and u'Pl lint pruiil a i/idtj/irniLsf;/ arrrlnKiIrd mr to leave their (S'/**/(f(;i, and will charge the Shipper S'J 00 pi r small ear, and $4 00 jier large car, ]ier day for delay, until the excf.'Ss weight has been removed. Agents will be held strictly accountable for any loss or damage resulting from a violation of this rule '21. Agents will see that the doors of all loaded Cars are Sfcurely fastened, either by being locked or clcated before tlo'y leave their Station. This should be particularly observeii in shiiuiientsof Live Stock, and Agents are expected to know, from personal examination, that the doors of Stock Cars are properly fastened. 22. Should a loaded ear become ilisabled, or from any causi' be lett on a Side Track, the Conduetor will deliver the Way liill to the Agent at tin next r gular Station and endorse on th<' Way-liill v.heii, win re, an I why left, ami rejioit the same to the (b ner.il Superintendent. 23. When loaded cars destined for any Statiijii are left at another Stalimi, the Way- Lills must be left with them, and if the property is transferred into other ear.s, Agents will note the .same on the Way Bills, giving the date and the name of the Station where such transfer is made, and the number ot tlie Car to which the property is transferred. 24. When str.iy Fieiglit, or Freight destiiieil for any Station is niiloadcd at another Station, and Way-llills not hft, it must be Ibrwardi'd to destinatitui without unneces.sary delay, anil iiilledon a regular Way-liill, Uvt', giving No. of Car unlo.eled from, and Station forwarded fioui (when known), and name of Conductor, and reported on " <.)v< r llciiort " to the (ieni;ral Superintendent. 2.'». All Freight going to Stations where there are no Agents must be prepaid, and a "Way-Bill left at the lirst Stati'ju having an Agent beyond where the goods are left. 2ii. (.'onduetors, on taking Freight from a station when^ there is no Agent, must report the same at the lirst Station wiiere there is an Age, it, when a Way-lull must be made, at the rates ii„med in the Tarilf from when; the freight was taken. 27. Agents will gi\e jiersonal notice to Consignees of the arrival of their goods, wlien their place of business or residence, as the case may ])e, is w ilhin a short distance of tlitur Station ; otlierwi.si; they will give notice of arrival by mail. They must use for thii purjiosi; Form No. 13, no matter if the imtii'e be given jier.sonally or m)t. This notice i-. to promote the convenience of the Conqiany, and no Consignee is udmilted to have a right to any notice. 28. Agents will in nn aise deliver any goods to consignee until u receipt for tlie same is taken, ami will not didiver a jiart of a consignment of goods, without lirst collecting charges on the whole. Agents will be held per-sirun/fij resjiuiisiblc for tdl loss^ resulting i'rom delivery of goods without collecting charges. 2!). Agents will see that the pai'ties to whom the Freight is delivered and by whom it i-> rrci'ipfi'l are known, and that receipts arc given in /,</■. Frdght must be delivered only t') the Consignee, (jr on his or their written order. vatoi's ill Toronto, |uiri>fl to load thu he Compi'.ny will bv I'liiuged for in iifii on tlio tr.iin.H, s. A I'iiihiro un L'iui.'si' fur his di«- ; tiikt'U away from rom tliL! Geiifnil th full iiarticular.s lit jiurpo.si;. lid proper dulivory iMitioiifd on Way- nod order, uuh-.->.s irh's that will lio corri'spond witli 1 those vrij bulla slllijret to .special liy ■■^liijipers, niid ud will (liarf{e the until the exees.s ny lo«s or daniagf isfenid, either by ticuiariy observed inal examination, )n a Side Track, ular Station and 'lie to the (!i lieral Station, the Way- it her cars, Agents ne of the Station rty is transferri'd . aded at another tliuiit naneeessary fiDiii, and Station "Over lleport" to st he jirepaid, and ids are left. \gent, nmst report 1st 1k! made, at the their goods, when t distance of tlieir must use for tiiis . This notice i>. id to have a right ipt for the same is out lirst collecting ((II loss^ resulting and by whom it i-. delivered only t'l :jO. Goods must not be sent from or to a Way Station without tJills, or the I'lills with- out the g.)ods. Agents in making their Short and Over lleports to the General Superin- tendent, will give the name of the Conductor who left the Bills without the goods, or goods without Bills, to enable him to ascertain who is in fault. If Way Bills are not ready. Freight Conductors will not take the goods, but rejiort the fact to the General Superiu- tendent, giving name of Station and Agent. ?>1. Xo alteration.s in a receipt for, or transfer of ]iro])erty delivered for transporta- tion over this IJoad will be made aft in- it has passed out of the jiossession of the Company, nor under (dii/ circumstances, exeeiit on suinnder of original receijit, and an order from the ( Jeiu r.d Superintendent. 'o2. Agents m".st not allow their books to be ae'cessilde to jiersoiis wishing informa- tion a.s to shipments from, or uonsignmenls *o their Station. Any information referring jjcrsonallij to any iqiplieant, shouhl at all times be cheerfully given. 3'!. To .save unnecessary hauling of cai's. Agents nni.st econonii/e tlieii' use as much as jiossible, never sending a mr with a small lot of freight that can be readily loaded after the arrival .d' and without too much detention of Trains, and not load into a car "to unload" from Train, heavy or Indky articles that reijuire more than two men to hamlift, nor more in quantity than can lie carefully unloaded in time that will not detain the Train too long. Gooils .should not be mixed in loading —those to be I'liluaii'd Jimt shou'il Iv inU inlo Cur last. o-(. Agents are rei|iiired to see tliat every article loaded into the cars is entered on the Way-J'ills ; also that every article enteieilun tiie Way-Hills is iidanllij hnnUd into the Cars designated thereon. <>i>. Agents will always rarefully cxauiine the Way-JJills when received, to as(;ertain if articles are iharged as per Tariif, and the amounts extended correctly. If any error is detected, they will correct by an over or under-eharge, as the ease may be. The liceeiving Agents will be held resjionsilde for errois in charges on Way I'il's, and nnder-eharges, if not discovered in time for collection before didivery of goods, will be charged to them. 3'i. If at au3' time you do not rceidve all the articles your Way-lJiU calls for, or more tlian is billed, you will rcjiort, by liist Train, to the .seniliiig Station, giving full jiarticular.s of the error ; al.so report the .same to the (ieneral Superintend.ent, by lirst T'-ain, giving (late and numlier of Way-Bill, number of Car, name of Conductor, from what Station sent, and list of articles, on the form provided for that purpo.se. 37. "When Live Stock is shijijied. Agents should state the number of animals loaded in each ('ar, adding the words " .More or Less." Thr Fiiid-driliiaf Aifat vill hehrld strictly ri'spoHni/i/r fur Knijrrrar or oiatd.sioii hi biUiiij Stock. Box Cars must not be used for Stock without authority. I'.vssEs 'ro C.vrri.F. Diiovr.iis. — \gen Is will grant pas.'-cs to drovers as follows, which will be written across theshipjting receipt : — "Conductor will pass one niaii in idiargi' to " . This jiassis gi\cn and aece]it"d under the conditions " spccilied on ^iie other side. ■' When practicalile, siiippers of stock should make (Hit slii]ii)ing bills thcinHidrcK, Imt in all cases tliey must be reiiuired to inijn them, lieceiving station agent, before unloading stock, will take up shipping receipt and get signa- ture of (ielivery from drover. 38. Cii- must be taken thai men in charg.' of Live Stock have all jHoiicr facilities for taking care ol Stock under their ciiarge, in Trains, and at Stations. 3!>, Kerosene or Coal Oil, Naptlia or Benz(de, or any like substance, of a combustible chaiacter, must not be uuloiuled or received into the Conijiany's warehou.ses. Voii will notify consignees to remove siicii freight without delay, and keej) it away from any building. 40. When Flour is shipped, Agents must note oii tlie Way- Bills, the hrami, ijrcdle, o:,i<i numhr.r of Imrrcls of au-h 41. Dresseil Hogs, ckcIl and c/vr// 'oo' of them, must be /ilniiili/ nnir/.Cf/ by the shipper and AgenN will note the mark on the Way-IJill. Agents will reiu.se to receive Dres.sed Hogs unless so marked. 42. Agents will not advance the whole or any portion of the vahn^ of proiierty received for shipment. The only advance allowed to be made will l)c for tin? legitinnite transporta- tion charges of connecting lines. When snch charges aniouiit to more than the value of the property, if sold at forced sale. Agents will refu.se to receive it, except upon the written giuirantee of the shi[iper agreeing to pay all charges that may accrue to destimition, such i Ill guarantee to be attached to the Way-Bill. Refer parties who ask you to advance for the value of property, and assume collection, to the £xpress Companies, whotte bisiuess it is to make such collections. 43. Agents will require the shipper delivering property for transportation on which two classifications are made in this Tariff— one at "Owner's Kisk," and one at "Company's Risk," — such as Machinery, Stoves, Furniture, Carriages, Marble, etc., to state at whose risk they wish it taken, and to insert the words, " Owner's Risk," or " Company's Risk," as the case may be, in the receipt before signing iv, and charge freight accordingly. Agents will never do this themselves, hit require shippers to lio it, that there may be a distinct under- standing as to who takes the risk of breakage and damage. If Shippers refuse to state at whose risk they wish the ]>roperty sent, Agents will bill at " Company's Risk," and charge double rates. 44. Agents must not depute to checkers and porters indiscriminately, the duty of signing leceipts for freight, but on all occasions, when possible, sign such documents them- stflves. They must also, by constant supervision, satisfy themselves that freight received or delivered is properly tallied upon the consignment notes and Way-Bills. 45. The Agents and Clerks of tlie Company must co-operate cordially in every case and frame their arrangements so as to facilitate, as much as possii)le, the performance of the duties with v,hicli Lhey are respectively entrusted. Despatch and regularity being the chief objects of Railway communication, it is expected that each individual will use his best exertions to expedite the work, and attend earlij or lute, as circumstances may require, for that purpose. 46. Never leave the Freight House open, unless some one is in charge, nor allow teamsters to take delivery alone ol'pi'operty from the Freight House. 47. It is the duty of Agents and employes to secure all the Freight they possibly can for the Company, not only from tlie immediate vicinity of their own Station, but from all places tributary to it. and to carefully watch that no Freight is diverted te a competing route. Should tliey find tlmt the Company is losing freight, they will iuiiiiediately com- niunieate with tlie Gem-ral Superiiiteudeut, suliniitting all particulars, and stating what, i!i their oiiinion, i" iieeessary to retain tlie business, or to increase tlie trallie to or from their Station. 4S. Use nil ]ii-oper iiicans to induce eousigiiers to take away their freight within 24 hours after its arrival, as the Company leipiires all its warehouse room for the daily move- ment of freight. 49, Freight imist ii" ti" invoiced or caninl tVcc, ur at any rciluccd rate, without the authority of the General Superiiiteiidciit, fiO. Si'ixiAr, Xdthf, to FiiKicirr Ai;i:nts, AVAiii-.iiursKMr.N, Ciif.ckkiis, and OrilEit.s — The Krci_i,'ht House must not be lett open unless the Company's luiiployes are on duty to atteuil to Ficiglit. ^Vllell they have to leave to atteiiil to other business they must lirst lock till' ddois. Freij,'lit must be dcHvcied only to the eonsign<'e, or on his or their written order. Agents will see that llieiiartiesto whom tlieFrci^^ht is deliveivd, ami liy whom it is rcccijifa/, are known, ami that re 'eiptsarc given in in/:, iiivat care must lie taken not to deliver i'i:o- I'KUTV ('(.NsiiiNi;!) To A IJANK, or siiUKCT I' TiiK oinu'.i; oK ANV nNK, wiiliout tln^ pixvier order liaviiig Hist l.ieeii obtained. All orders fur delivery of Freight must lie niimhered and plai'ed in Guard Book daii^v. Teamsters must not lie allowed to jiii'k out Fivight and load it on their teams before it is checked. The Emjiloye making t!ie delivery, must initiiil the Warehouse liook, so that in the I'Veiit of error, or shortage, lie can lie referred to. Checkers must aNo initial Way Ijills of Inward Freight before returning them to the otiiee. In a'] siiiimients, each jiack'igo must lie marked witl. at least the initials of owner and destination ; old makks to DK oulitkuatki) liet'ore tlie goods are jilaeed in the Ware- house for shiiiinent. A .strict ohservaiic'e of this rule will prevent errors and shortages. Freight must he i^lieckeit at the time it is reeeiveil for slii]iment, and again when it is being loaded into the cars, the checking to be shown Sihiruti'hj, and initialed by hulk checkers. Ship]iing notes must give the name of the Statimi to wliich the Company are to forward Freight, ami also show date and time received for diipineiit, name of teamster, :ind number of Car ihi ll loadi'd. advance for the ), whose bisiuess )ortation on which ae at "Company's :o state at whose Company's Bisk," ordingly. Agents 3 a distinct under- 3 refuse to state at Risk," and charge ately, the duty of documents them- reight received or ally ill every case ertormance of the ty being the chief will use his best may require, for liarge, nor allow hey possibly can n, but from all t« a competing intiiodiately coni- 11(1 stating what, c to or from their Tcight within 24 the daily iiiove- •'1 nite, without 9 See that bales and packages liable to injury from chafing, are not loaded against the heads of bolts or nuts inside of cars, or against boxes or other articles likely to injure them. Packages of liquor, and damaged or broken packages, must be weighed separately when received for shipment, and weight so shown on Way-Bills ; if too late for shipment same day, they must be re-weighed next morning,— any discrepancy to be immediately reported. In checking freight on the Shipping-Notes and Way-Bills, use a uniform tick, thus [V] for one packj^ge, and thus [v^] for two packages, making an additional downward stroke for each additional package. All Shipping Notes and Way-Bills must be checked in this manner. 61. These instructions are not intended to supersede the more detailed orders that have from time to time been issued, and with which every employe of the Company engaged in the Freight Department is expected to make himself familiar, in so far as they relate to his particular duty. iWr Agents are expected to make themselves familiar with the rates and conditions of this Tariff; and whenever anything is not clearly understood, they will apply for information . N. WEATHEBSTON, General Snpennteni.hnt. 'IIF.CKKUS, AXJ) KiiiploVL's are on siiiess they must ir written onlcr. iji it is /vcc/jt/ei/, t to deliver I'uo- Iiout the jinrier V'l Ijoiik I).\ILV, ;• tennis before it ' lioiik, so tliut •^0 initial Wny iiiiils (if owner ■d in tli(! W'aie- sliortiigi's. iffiin Avlien it is nitiiilej l)v liolk r are to forward 1', arnl number 10 TORONTO, GREY & BRUCE RAILWAY. CLASSIFICATION OF LOCAL FREIGHT. EXI=L_ANATION OR CHARACTERS. !ii The Class is given opposite eacli Article, 1, 2. 3, 4, stand for First, Second, Third, and Fourth Classes, respectively, li for once and a half First Class. D. 1 for Double First Class. 3 times 1 for three times First Class. 4 times 1 for four times First Class. S. R. for Special Rate. ;'.' refers to articles carried at "Owner's Risk." f^ RJICLES NOT ENUMEI^TED "WILL BE CLASSED WITH SIMILAR jSP^ICLES. The rollowlns arc among the most hazardous articles, which arc classified at reduced rates In consideration ot the owner or shipper assuming all risk of Damage, except such as may arise Irom collisions or cars running olT the track: Acids, Agricultural Implements, Carriage? & Sleighs, not boxed. Castings, loose and in bundles, Iron not boxed, Sngines & Boilers, .} Molasses, Musical Instruments, Oils, in wood or bottles. Sewing Machines, with frames attached, Furniture, set up, not boxed, Glass, Plate and Common, Household Goods, Liquors, in wood or bottles. Looking Glasses, in frames. Machinery all kinds not boxed, Statuary, Marble, wrought or lettered, Stoves and Stove Castings, When articles are specified at "Owner's KIsk," and the owner or shipper declines to nssum e.sufh risk, or to state at whose risk he wishes the property to lie transported,* agents will InTthat case (after satisfying themselves that the property is In gooi order and properly Ipacked) ship at *' Company's risk," and charge DOI'RLE the rates named In this classification. In car luacls, to be loailod and unloaded by owners. Agrieiiltural I inpk'inent.s Bedstead Stuil'. ■Cabinet \\';nv. <."arts. ■C'liairs. <;hair Stuff. f 'offin Stuir, roiiyli. FelloeB. Furniture. (!uii S*^jcks. Spokes. Hantlle.-i. Stoves. Horse Powevs. Tubs. Hou.sehold Goods. Waggons. IIul).s. Waggon Stull". Machiuery. Wheelbarrows. Oar.s. Wood in shape. Pails. AVoodeii Ware Sleigh Stuir. * 11 A.XjI^P3:^A-:B ETX'O uA^Xi olassxi^ig^s^tiot^t. RUCE EIGHT. First, Second, Class. D. 1 for 1 for four times I at "Owner's IR jSP^ICLES. It reduced rates ich ati may arise ments, r bottles, es, wltb frames ve Castings, cr declines to cd,* agents will operly ipacked) Ion. tutr. •ows. hape. rare 1 m *A<'iils, (owner's risk) 1) 1 ' Afjrii'ultural IiiipliMniMits will only b" taken at ownkii'^s liisK iis to eliiit'- in^f, fire, wcatlier, etc., and will lie eliarjj;ed as i'oll(jw.s : In Car Loads Class A Les.s tlian Car Lnad (with tlic l'o]^)^^■- ing i'x<-e}itions') Ih Tlie undermentioned nrti(des will only lie taken at weights and rates as t'ollows : Mowing Maeliines (sliijijied in pieee>) actual weight 1 IJeajiiug JlaehiiHJS-Wood'stelf-liaker (shijijK'd in jiieces, small jiarts bo.x- ed ) actual weight ] Jlarsh's Harvester, 3000 Ihs 1 <^)inliiued Mowing and lieaping Jhi- ehin' s (when sliijuied in parts) ac- tual weight 1 Comhinetl Mowing and li'i'djiing Ma- rhines (when put together ready Tor operation), 2500 lbs ] THHKSHINGMACHINKS. Separator, 3000 lbs 1 Horsepowers — Tread or Hndlesa Chain 2 horse, 1000 lbs 1 Horse rouers--Tivador I'.udlesst 'jiain 1 horse, 3000 lbs 1 I'itts, -jriOO lbs 1 rianet. ICOOlbs i Horse Rakes 1.^ Do. when shipped in lots of six and over, aetual weight 1 Harrows iron. — 'I'h'.se when madr wholly oflron and shipped on Man- ut'aeturer's aeeount will be t;d<.en at "ind Class rates. Grain Crushers, aetual weight 1 Garden ItoUers, aetual weight ] Plough, wrrii h.vndi.i', dktaciiki), aetual weight 1 Grain Drills, aetual weight 1 FanningMills, 500 lbs. each 1 *Aleohol (owner's risk of leakage) 'J *Ale, in glass or stone, well paeked (owner's lisk ) 1 *Ale, in wood (at owner's riskof leak- f'g''); ii *Ale, in wood, in lots of 10 or 12 tons, (at owner's risk of leakage) . , 4 Allspiee 1 Almonds, 1 Alum 2 Anchors 3 Antimony 2 Anvils 3 A])ples, in bags, bo.xc-, or baskets, must be ])reiiaid ] Ai)ple.s, in bids., (at owner's risk of freezing) 2 A]i]des, ill bbls., ill lots of 10 or 12 ton.s, same rate; per barrel as Hour (at owner's risk of fiT'cziiig) S. L". A]ililes, dried ' 1 -\p|de 13utter or Same 1 Arrow Moot 1 Ashes, pot, Pearl, and Soda 3 Ash PoiKis ami Kettles, large and hea^y 2 Asphaltuiji 2 Axes -^ Axle (Urease 2 Axles, Car 4 Axles, Locomoti\e 4 Axles, 'Waggon, "Wooden 1 Axles, iron -^ B P>aeon, loose or in bags 1 liaeon, ill boxes, barrels <jr easks 3 Hags 1 Bags, em]ity, used in tians]iortiiig plaster, tlour or grain over this road, will be returned to the jioint of shipment i'lee, but the Company will not be resjionsible for their loss, or for the delivery of them. Paggage ' 1 Uagging 2 IJaking Powder 2 I'andboxes -1 times 1 15a rk, 'raiineis' 2 Jiark, Taiiiier.-.' in ear loads same as lumber .S. ]J. Pai'k, Slippeiv Elm, in boxes or bales 1 Park Mills ..". 1 Parley, Pearl and Pot. less than oO brls 2 Parley, Pearl and Pot, ."lO brls amlover 3 Parley, same rate per loO lbs. as Wheat in ear loads S. P, Parley, less than ear loail, in bags.,.. 3 Ikrilia 2 Parrels, empty, new 1) 1 barrels, rrfurnal empty, all kinds taken at .same rate per 100 lbs. ae- tual weight, as charged when car- ried over the road when full. Parrels, empty, all kiiuls, in ear loads, same rate per ear as lumber S. 11. Baryte.s 3 Baskets 4 times 1 Batting I) 1 BathTuhs D 1 Path Prick 2 12 JtM 1 1 y 1 3 4 1 1 1 1 *Buy liuin, in glass or stone, imekeil (at owner's risk) *Biiy Kum, in kegs, barrels or casks (nt owner's risk of leakage) Beans, green, must be prepaid Beans, Hry Beans, car loads, same rate us grain.. S. 1\. BcdCordi 2 Bed Springs D 1 Bedsteads, common, in bundles 1 Bedstead Stull', not set up in <ar loads. Class A Less then car load - Bedstea<ls, wood, see Furniture. *Beadstoa(ls, iron (owner's risk) Beef, fresh, must be jirepaid Beef, salted, in boxes, barrels or casks *Bcer, In glass or stone, packed (owner's risk ) *Beer, in wood (at owner's risk of leakage) *Beer, 'in Avood, iu lots of 10 or 12 tons, (at ownei's risk of Icakagi').. Bee Hives and Houses D Beeswax Beets Bellows Bells Belting Bent Carriage Stuff (except Bows), in bundles, unliiiislieil Benzine, sju'ciul agreeinciit. Benzole, sjiceial iiL,a''<'TUi'iit. *Berries, not diii'i! ^o\v!l'•v'.s risk) must be ])rcpaid Berries, dried "Billiard Tables box, -I (at oVviiei" risk) Iiiiiders' Hoards liird Cag"s 4 times ] *l)itters, ill glass (at owiici-'a vi-k <<( bivakag'') 1 Blarkiiii^ ^ lilauk L.'ad -1 lihuiket< 1 lllcai-hiug Salts i,v I'livili-r •'■ liliiuls, wiiidiw, ■ !■■ 1 J Hiiats by siici-ial contrai t. iioiliTs, not m';n' than "'> feet I'l'.i'/., nor more than •> feet in diaiiiirter, owners to load and nidoad ■■ Ij Boilers, move (h.;ii .'"■ f; i-t I'M ,^, by special eontiai't. Boilers, Asli •_* lioilcr l-'kti's :'. lioiler Plates- :! Bolster, f.-atlHT, Iriir, etc D 1 Bolster Plates li Ernie Black 1 15one Dust, in barn's -J. Bones, in casks or s icks *Boniiets t tiiin '"Books, in liuiidb's (at owner's li-kv. Boots, in boxes Boot Crimi'S 1', 1 D 1 1 1 1 Borax 8 •Bottles, empty, well packed (at own- er's risk) l.i Boxes, empty D 1 Boxes, waggon or carriage (iron) 3 Bran, in car loads, same rate per 100 lbs. as wheat ... S. R. Bran, less than car load, in bags li •Brandy, in cases (at owner's risk).... 1 *Brandy, in kegs, barrels or casks (at owner's risk) 2 Brass, Manufactured, not otherwise enumerated ij 15rass, in sheets, rods or rivets 2 iJrass, old 3 Bread I) 1 *Briek, common and lire ^owner's risk) in car loads, same rate per car as lumber 8. K. Less than car load 3 Brick, Bath and Stove 'J *Brick, Fire (owner's risk) 3 Brimstone 1 Bristles IJ Britannia Ware 1 J'>rooins li *Broom Corn, pressed in liales (at owner's risk) IJ Broom Handles, see Handles. Brushes H Buckets D r Buckwheat grain, in car loads, same rate per 1 01) lbs. as wheat S '"• Less tiian car load - Ibitialo llobes U Bulbs and L'oots, well packed, must b(! pre[iaid 1 Burial Cases, metallic 1 Piurlajis 1 Burning l-'luid, si)ccial agreement. Burr Stones or Blocks :> iiuttcr, ill cioeks, jars, baskets or iiails 1 PiiUer, ill tirki'is, kegs or barrels •_' Batter, ill iMrloa(l< :'. Il'ill"!! ir.i.ie, ill li,i\es 1 c Cables, t'jiain :> (•'abl.Mge, by carloails "> Cabbage, less than car load - ''aliinet Ware, see Furniture, < 'ai->iins 1 < 'alves, see Live .^tock. Calcined {Master 3 ( 'aiiiplieiie, special agrcciui nt. Cam|ilior (iiiiii , 1 Canada Plate '2 Caiidi-s 1^ (Auidles '2 Canes 1 Cannon 2 CaiiiiMii Pails 2 13 3 d (at own- ::::;:;:::::; d J' iron) ;j te pur 100 S. R. bags :j 's risk). ... 1 casks (at 2 otherwise •; n its o 3 I) 1 (owner's I! per car S. R. M •) :t ] n ] ■, 3i lales (lit u n D r S ■same S '^ ■ » u 1 1 ] lit. '.i ft;S ()!• 1 S J •> 1 ■» .... .1 ] »> •-> I f^ O ] <'ans, empty, oiloi'limiiil 4 timcsl Canvas ,.. 1 *Caps ami Hats, in boxes D 1 Capstans '2 Cars, on own wlieds, I'asscnger at 12 t'cnts, Baggage (Jars at 10 cents, Uox Cars at 8 cents, Ojuii Cars at (5 cents jier mile Car Axles 1 Car Springs, volute, lioxed ;{ Car Springs, ruhher, loose or in .sa<'ks 2 CarSjirings, rubber, in boxes, barrel.', or casks " ( ;ir wiieels 4 ■Carboys, eiin'ty ^owner■s ii.sk) I) 1 Cardboard I Cards 1 < 'aipets and < '!ii|ii'tiiig I ('arpeiiters' Tools I Caniiigcs, closely b(i\e(l,iiclual\\i'ig]i!, .'j tiuics 1 *('!irriai,'i's, tuo-liorsc, Hack.s, I'jca- silie WagLCiiu or Slci-li, iifit boxed Iowiht'.i ri-ik), ratcil at ■'!,IM)(I Uis ea.'li 1 ''Carriages, finediorse, i;Mg:,'v, (.'liaise, C.ib, (;igoi' i'lrasure \\'ag;,'on, not. boxed(al owner's risk)iMtr<laf_',0()i) lbs, eaiii 1 ^Carriage Thills, linisiied (dwiici's ri.sk) 1) 1 Carriage Thills, in buiidli's, uiitiriishe.i •_' Carriage I'.ows, in bundles, unllnislifd 1 Cariiage WIu'cIs and Itunniiig (b'ai-... 1) 1 Caniagc A.\les :; Carriage ISoxes, imu ;; Carriage Springs 1 ( 'arrots -j (. arrots, in car luails, same rate per 100 lb.,, a.s wheat S. i;. Carts, set U)., 1,000 lbs. eaeli 1 Carts, kiiiieked down, a .tual weigiit 1 Ditto, in carloads Cla>.> A Casks, empty 1)1 Cassia 1 Ca.stilt! Soap 1 <'ast iron Grain Alills 1 'fastings, Iron, loo.sc or in bundle:^ (at owner's risk ) 1 Castings, Iron, in boxes, barrels, casks or kegs 2 Castiiig.s, iron, coarse and heavy, all weigiiing 50(i llts. or more, each ]iicce 2 Castings, dressed, ready for use, see niachinery. Ca.stings, old, broken :; *Castor Oil, (owner's risk of leakage) 1 (-'atechu (Terra Japonioa) 1 Cattle, see Live Stock. Cauldron Kettles (at owner's risk of breakage) 1 Cedar Posts, see Lumber. Cement, :_! (Jhain cable ;j Chain, in ca.sks 3 (.'hain loose 2 Chain I'nnip and Fixtures I Chair, and turned .StuH', in rough knocked down 1 Chair StufI, in rough, knocked down, in car loads Class A Chairs, coninion 1) 1 (.Chairs, cane or stulFed 4 1 Chairs, rocking 4 1 Chair Seats, in bundles I Chalk 1 Charcoal 1 'Cheese, loo.^e (at owikm-'s risk) 1 CluH'se, in boxes, barrels or i;asks '2 Chc(!se boxes, em[ity 1> I (/hees(! Setters 1 Cjieese I'resse.s 1 "Clieesc Sates (owiiei-'s i'i.-,k) D 1 Chewing (iuiu 1 Chicory *(.'hildren's( 'abs or Waggons estiinatd at liiO lbs. each (at ow ner's liskK.. Child ri'ii's Cabs, AVagg'/iis or Sleighs, knocked (biuil and bo\ed 1* 1 Children's Sleds or Sleiniis, imt liii.\ed 1 ti!iie.s 1 China, Waiv 1 ('id iridc of Lime :; Chocolate 1 Churns 1 1 i: ISS, p.'.cked r's riok III' 1 1 1 L) 1 1 1 ] 1 *(.'idci', in stone oi gl, (ow iier', risk) *Cider, ill wood (,il ij\\ i: leakai:e) Cider -Niills (.'ider I'lcsses Cigars, Well p.icked ... Cinnamon Citiou (lams, in shells, niu.st be prepaid Clam.s, in kegs, cans or boxes Clay, lin^ and other '•> Claw Jtars 2 '■('locks, l)n\-ed (at owner's risk) I' i Clock Weight.s, box(d D 1 Clothes Lines 2 Clothes Vt'iiiigeis Clothespins Clover Seed (,'loves Clove Stems Coal in car loads, see Lumber Le.ss than ear load Coal Facings *Coal Oil, Carbon Oil, Kero.seiie, Pe- tioleum, crude or refilled, (owner's risk of leakage) 2 *(.'oal Tar (at owiii r's ri.sk of leakage) 2 Cob Mills 1 Cocoa 1 Cocoa Nut.s, in bags 1 Cocoa Nuts, in boxes, barnds or casks 2 Codlish, in bundles or bags 2 Codfish, in boxes, l)arrels or casks .. o T, 1 ■ i 1 1 S. P. »> o •) u S. 1!. 1 I) 1 s. i;. t'oflW I CoJIVe Mills 1 CoHins, iiiL'tallic 1 ColIitiH, wooden Dl Collin Stuir, in car loads Class A Less than I'ur load '6 Cok(!, in I'ar loails, .sunic as LuniliiT S. li. Combs 1 ContV'ctiont ry 1 Cooper's Flags 1 (.'opying I'l'L'ssi's, owner's risk I Cojtiieras '2 Coi)i)er, in boxes, barrels oi' eask-^... 2 Copper Vessels, Pipe and Tubini^' 1 Copper \'essels, in I'asksor boxes li Copper, I'ig, I'late, Slu'et, IJults, Wire, IJivetsainl IJottonis -2 Copper, old, in boxes or liarrels :! Copjier Ore :• Cordage Cordwood, in earloads Cordials forks Corkwood Corn, in ear loads, same rate per IijO lbs. as Wlieat Corn, less than imt loads, in bij;s Corn Cutters, see A,L;rie'l Iniplenienis, Corn IManteis, seeA;;ri("l Iniiilenients. ( 'oril Sliciler.-', see AL^rie'l lliljilellieuts. Corn staiih <"()rn liroonis Corn Meal, in car loails, same rate as Flour Less than ear load *Cotton, pi'cssed in bal.s (owner's lisk of lire, shipper must sii^n release or doulile rates will lie charged) Cotton Battin;,' Cotton (ioods in tales Cotton .Seed, meal or cake •Cotton Waste (owner's risk of lire),., Covers (-'raekers, in boxes ur barrels Cradle Finj^ers Cradles, llrain, will be taken loO miles or less at 10 jents each ; over 100 miles 20 ei'Uts each — but no lot l(?ss than '2.^ cents. Cranberries Cream Tartar *Croekerv, well paek'Ml (at owner's risk) .;. '.'rowbars ( 'nicibles Cultivators, sec? Agii'-'l Implements. Cultivator Teeth I 'Currants, not dried (at owner's ri^k) must be prepaid 1 .Jj Currants, dried 1 Cutlery 1 Cuttiuff Boxes, for hay, straw or stalk, see A'^rii'ultural Inijdements. D 1 S. 1!. IJ ] 1 ] :5 1 I) 1 ].', 1.', 1 o •> D Dates Deer Skins, pressed in biles •Demijolms, empty (at owner's ri.sk) D Doi^ Bowers Dome.stie Cotton lioods, in bales, sheetinj,',s, .shirtings, tickings anii <lenims Door Frames D Doors, wouiien Dressed Hogs Dressed Hogs, iti ear loads.. Drugs, in boxe.s, bales, i^.'gs or half 1M< Drugs, in barrels or casks Dry (Jood--', in boxes or bab's •Drv (Joods, in trunks (owners riski Duck Dye .Stnlfs, not otherwise enumeratei! Dye Woods, in stick or packages E F.arth I'.iitits, (), lire, etc *Karthen Ware, well packed (at own- er's ri.sk) *l'!arthen Ware, loose, liy car loml (at owin'r's risk) to bo loiuled and un- loadeil by owner Ivirtheu Ware, loose, not tiiken, ex- cept by car load '^Kgg^, in boxes or barrtds (at owner's risk) Kim Bark, .slippery, in boxes or bales Kniery Kmptit'.s, ntunu'tl, all kints not otherwise specitieH taken at same rate per loo lits. actual weii,dit, as charged when carried over the roaii when full — must be prepaid. *Fngines (at owner's risk) K pson 1 Salts Ks.sences D Kvajioratoi's D Fxcelsior, in bales Kxtrai-ts, not otherwise enumerated... l* F Fancy (Joods Fancy Soap Fanning .Mills, .see Agric'l Impleaunt^. Fans, palm leaf Farimi Feaihers 1 Feather I'.eds 1> Feather riUows and Bolsters D Felloes _ F'elloes, in carloads Class Felt llcoling, in lots lesstlum 10 tons F(dt liooting, in lots of 10 tons or more Fence Posts, s|)lit Fence Bails and Tcdegraph Poles, so i..arnber. Fence Win? Fenders and Fire Irons U 1 1 Tl 1 1 1 1 1.1. 1 11- 1 1', 1 1 1 1 €i 15 ; n It's 1 )uii('i's lisk) IJ ] I! in bait's, iikin^js mut 1 1)1 1 *Flg8, in drains (owner's risk). Figs, in boxes, barrels orciasks. i-s iir lialf M.l^i 1 IfS wn(r.s risk \ ■nuiutTutt;.! fkiit'i's •ll (lit DWIl- iir loail (iit ll ami nil- linktui, t'.\- ] at owner's ] I's or biilfs 1 .) int'H not 1 at siiiui; i('i;,'lit, as r tlif road id. 1 1 '.'.'.'.'.'. r> { 1) 1 1.". icrateil... [) ] ' T, r inple;i:ciits. 1', 1 4 1 Dl I J> 1 1 Cias'^ A I 10 tons -2 sornioi'ft ;; liis and er. 'i. \ . li li Findings, Shoe and Leather 1 Fireanns, musket and other small 1 *Fire Brick (owner's risk) '.\ Fire Clay ;j Fire Engines, hand or steam, by special contract. Firkins, empty 1)1 Fisiiing Kotls j) l *Fish, fresh (at owner's risk) must be prejtaid 1 Fish, dried, saltetl or smoked, in bail's or buntilfs 2 Fisii, dry {cxcejit Herrings), in boxes, barrels or casks \^ Fish, saltetl or picklcil, in barrels, casks, kegsorkitts ;{ l>t) Do in 10 tir Vl ton lots. 1 Flags, Coopers \ Flat Irons i> *F!ax, in boxes t)i' ludcs (owner's risk of fire) - 2 Fla.K Seeil 2 Flax Sceti, in car loiids, same rate as Wheat S. II. Flax Seed Meal 2 Flocks ] *Flour, in liags (,at owner's risk of wet and waste) :; *Flniu', in bags, in full curloails, mhiu' rate per 10» lbs. as wheat S. 1!. ■*Fluur, in papir bags (at owners risk of wet anil waste) 1 Flour, in It.ts of lot) barrels S. i{. Flour, less than 100 barrels :i Flour, Slate, in barnds or casks ;i Flour Barnds empty D 1 Forks " \\ Fork Handles. Secllaiidlcs *Fowls, in eoo2)s (at owner's risk) ... 1)1 Fruit, ilrieil apples, plums, peaches, berries, tdc l Fruits i.eri.shable, (exc.-pt apples) own- ers' lisk, ]trcpai' 1 D ] Fullers' Earth 2 *Furniture, in car loads, owners .sign- ing release, assunung all risk of damage CI ass A Less than ear loatl, as follows : Furniture, knocked ilown and closely boxed, actual weight IJ Furniture, set up and clostdy boxed, actual weight l)\ 'Furniture, not boxed, actual wcigiit (owner's risk) \ ] Furniture, old, with Household Goods, see Housi'hold Goods. Furs i 1 Fuse, safety and other 1 Fustic, in jiaekagcs 1 Fiistii ill stick 2 Gambia j Gamboge \i •Game, in boxes, barrels or casks (owner's ri.sk), nnist be i»re]mid D 1 Garden Seeils 1 fSas Fixtures, in boxes, barrels or eask.s 1 Gas Pipt! 2 *Gas Hetints (owner's risk) 2 Ginger ] Ginseng I *< ilass, common window (owner's risk) 2 'Glassware (owner's risk) 1 •Glass Plate, wtdl boxed (at owner's I'isk) I) ] Glass, broken, scrajis, in bivxes or barrels 4 (Maviber Salts 1 Glue _ I Grain, in car loads S. 1>. Grain, le.ss tlian car li>ud, in bags a Grain Cradles will be taken leo nules or less at 10 i;ents each ; over 100 mile.s, 20 cents each, but no lot less tlian •J'l cents. Grain Drill, .see Agricultural Iniplf- nii'nts. Grain Mills, Iron 1 (iraiu Mills, Portable Burr Stone I *Giapcs (owner's ri.sk), must be prrpaid 1 (Jrass Seed 2 *Gratcs (at owner's risk) l *tiravi' Stones, h>ttercd (at owner's risk) must be prepaitl 1 Gravtd, by car load, same late per car as Lumlier S. I,'. fircase, 2 (! reaves ;} ^Grindstones (owner's risk of breakag'-) 2 (Jrocerics, not otherwise enumerated 1 (Juano 3 Gum, Camiihor l Gum, Chewing 1 Gum, Coi)al.... 1 Guir, Shellac l (iunny 2 Gunny Bags, in bales \ (Jun i')arrcls | Gun Carriages 1 Gun ('aissons \ (Junpowder, taken only in hre-])roof magazines, magazines returneJJ'rce 4 1 Gun Stocks, finished .'.... 1 Gun Stocks, nmgh, in carloads Class A Less than ear load y Gutta Percha Goods \ , (iypsum, see Plaster H Hair, Plasterers', wet 3 H.ur and Moss for I'pholstery ]) 1 Hair, hogs', in bags or casks 1 Haines •> le 2 1 1) 1 1 lliinis, loose or ill I'lijfs 1 •IdiriH, in boxi's, Ijancls or ciisUh 'i WmiUvH ~ 14 llaiulleH, ill car loads Class A llardwiiic, not otliorwiso emmit'rated Harness Harrows, sm A^'iio'l lni]ili'inputs. llarvcsti'i's, set; Af,'rii;'l liiijiU'iiients. Hats and ciiiis, in boxes 'Hay, jircssi'd in hales (at owner's risk ol' iirc and water), same rate per t ar load as Cattle S. If. Hay, less than ear loa<l 1 Hay Cutters, see .A^'iiiulluial Ini- j)Ienients. ll.iy Knives 1 \\:\y I'resscs 1 Hcadiiij,', sci' iainiher. 'Heini) (at uwiier's risk nl' lire a;id water) 1 neiiiji kSecd 2 Hi'irini^s, dry, in hoxis :>, Miiii; Ciitllii.Lrs, in iiaeka^,'es Hides, dry, loose Hides, dry, in hales liidis, ijreen, :> 'Hi^rli wines ^owner's li.sic ol' jeakaj^'e) 2 Hiiii,'('s 2 Hohiiy Jloises 4 times 1 Hoes U Ho;.'-, live, se<' \.i\t'. Stiiik. Ho.L's, dressed, owner's rislc '.I Ho.urs, dressed, in ear loads ;J ' Hollow Ware (at owner's risk) 1) ] ti'iiniiiy "J Hoticy, owner's ri.sk I. r v.i .itlier 1 Hoi. is ami llurns, 2 Hooks 2 Hoops, llll.ss 1 lioojis, Hoo]) I'oir-, ai'il ilo|i TcjIcs, see l.tunlur. ' Ho]i.S, ]iressed in i^ae.-, ) Horses, .see Live Sto -k. Horse Collars 1 Horse lloes, Ir^e Aeiie'l llil|iienients. il<iis<' Slicies, in ke;;s or boxes 2 Hor.se I'owci's 1 Horse Towers, in ear loads ('lans A Hoi'Si; Kakes, see i\;;ric'l hniileineiits. Hose, leather, rnhher, canvas or other 1 Hose, Cart or Heel, rated at l.dOO lbs. e:udi ] *Honiseliolil (ioods, not Knrnituie, eorn]pai't, well boX(Hl (at owner'.s iisk) inijiaid 1 A relea.se must aeeonipany invoie ■, ;:nd (K-i'lieate of it be retained bj' the agent. iMtto, ill car load (owner's risk) pre- (laid Class A '■ >ld furniture, of little value, witli Household Goods (entirely at own- fTS risk), prepaid 1 (!ood furniture, with Household (Jood.s, will be charged furniture rates. Hub.s, turnoil, unfinished 3 Hub Bloek.s, see Lumber. Hubs, Spokes, Felloes and "Waggon Bows, 111 car loads Cla.ss A Hungarian (trass Heed 2 X lee, must be prepaid, owner's risk... Dl lee lloxes 1 India liubber, crude ;j India IJublier (Ioods, not otherwi.se enumerated I India, liubber Car Spring.s, in boxes, barrel* or casks :? India liubber Car Springs, loosi or in ba,LCs 2 India Kiiliber Helting 1 India l.'uliber Hose 1 India liublier racking 1 Indiijo 1 Ink, Printers' 1 *ink, Writing, in gla.ss or stone, paeked (owner's risk) 1 Ink, Writing, in keg.<, barrels or casks '1 Iron, hoop, hand and .sheet II Iron, rod, bar and plate :? Iron, ore, bloom, )'ig and scrap :J Iron, I'ig and Scrap, in <-ar loads, same rate jii'r car as I.umlicr, own- ers to load and unload, and to a.i- sunic all risk of short weight S. ]l. Iron Castin!,'s, see Castings. Iron Holster Plates 2 Iron Faeings 2 Iron Doors 2 Iron Fencing and Hajling 2 Iron Shutters 2 Iron Sash 2 Iron Safes 2 Iron Sci'cws 2 Iron Bidts, Nuts, liivets and Washers .". Iron Pi]ies (cast iron) •'! Iron Rooting .'5 Isinglass 1 Ivory I) 1 J ■Tack .Screws 3 Japan, ill kegs or cans li Japan, in barrels or half barrels 1 Japanned Ware 1 Japoiiica Terra 1 Joiner's W^ork, not otherwi.se enumerated IJ Junk 1 Jute 1 K •Kettles, Ash, large and heavy (own- er's rink).. 2 *Kettles, Cauldron, etc. (at owner's risk of breakage) 1 17 furniture 3 il Wagpfon Class A 2 r's risk .. D I 1 ;} othcrwi.si' • ■. 1 in boxes, .'t oosi or ill il 1 1 1 1 ! •r stiiiic, 1 •Is or i:asks 'J :{ ■niji :j ir loads, icr, owii- iil to iH- ,'lit s. i;. o 2 >> •) W'lislifi's .". :{ 1 1) 1 3 n s 1 1 1 numerated 1} 1 1 (own- 2 wner's 1 lv';^S, <ill|lly Knci-, Sliip, sec i,iiiii!iiT. 1) 1 S. i;. I) I l,;l.'.' _ Liiiiilis, SCI' Live StiM'l;, 'l.aniiis, well iimki'd (lit owiH r's riik) D 1 l,;irntilp|iic k '. 1 L.iiiil I'lintii', ill iiir Iniuis, siiiiii' rati' iii'r 'Mr IIS Liiiiilii'i' >S. 11. Less tliaii I iir liiMil :> I.nr.l -^ Liird, ill iild.s. iti iicivi's :! I.lists, Imi.-,!' .. 1i i.iwcs, 1 Latli, SCO LiiiiiImt. S. !>' I„it!i \'iirii, fuidaj:!' i.iad, liiir •! ■ l,rad, I'da.'k -J Li'ad, I'ij,' :{ IaM'I, Pi|H' -2 l.i'ad, Hi'duiid Wliili' 'J Lead, Slii'ct :'• lii'athi'r, loosf 1\ laatlicr, in liuudii's, lulls, iiusrs and hali's 1 ; L.'ulii.r Hi'ltiii^' )\ I I.i'atlirr llosr 1 l.i'.itlii'r Scrajis, in )iarkaj^i's '■> l.cnioiis, owin Ts' risk ^\ i.i'tti'r I'rcsse.s T Lit|Uorii'i( 1 l.ii|Uori(i' Pasti! ;'• l.ifflit floods, Tiot spi.'uilii'd ]) I l.if^htiiiiif; Hods 1 J.iiiii', ill harnls, in lar loiid.s, .saiiu" ,-, rati; pel far as lainiln'r ..S. I'. 'R Lt'ss tliiui I'ar Iliad :'• {^(LiiisiH'd '1 '"'iLinscud Jlcal '1 *iailuor.s, or l.iiiuids, in bottlitH, jii^'s, or cans, well jiaeked (at owner's lisk) 1 LiiUmrs, ill Imltles, ,jui;.s, deinijoiins, or cans, will not be received unle.s.s packi'd ill kef^s or boxes. "Liquors, (oi'icr tlian wlii.skey), in ki'^y, barrels, or easks (at owiht's risk of leakaf^e) 2 Liijuorioe I T.ilharge 1 S *I,itho{^raT)liic Stones (at owner's ri.sk) 1 I^ivc Stock, to be fed by owner, or at SB w his expense, will be taki'U as Adlows : — In car loads S. Lei-3 than car load, at jirst chixi rate.s, and at the following esti- mated weights : Stallions, Race Horses or Bulls, each 4,000 lbs ; one horse, mule or horned animal, 2,000 lbs ; each additional horse, muht or horned «i)inial if loaded into the same car, «> 1..'inii 11,.^. il'i;:;-, ('a'\es, Sln'i'p a in! lainli.s, les.s than ear load at artllill Welgllt, 1 J Tn.-t-ilil'i. i''i\i' III' lr-..s (if ( itiirr at lint less tililll 'lit cents eai li, no aiiiiii.il biin.; rated at les:; than 12.'0 llis. Horses, cattle and Dlliiianiiiials, will be carried liy the ear load, at own- er's risk only, and the owners or diiivcr.s ill (•]iar;,'e \\ill betaken free on tile same train w itii it as fnliows' Any one lilt, of 1, - 111' :i ears, bclon;; ingtoone person, will be elitillid In one iiiau ; a b.t id' 1, '» or ti car.s, til two iiicii ; 7, ^, !' or 10 ears, tn llircc nirii ; over lO ears in one lot, til 1 nun ; letiini jiasscs imt given. The Company will not bo responsible for loss or injury happeulnti or occasioned by unruly or vicious horses, cattle, swlno or sheep, nor for accidents to the same in loading, carrying or unloading; nor for any damages, however caused, tolivo stock or animals transported or carried on their railway or in their cars. BLOOD ANIMALS, OR ANIMALS DEEMED SPECIALLY VALUABLE, WILL BE CAR- RIED ONLY ON SPECIAL CONTRACT. liiiCHiiiotivi; Axles 4 l.oeoniotive 'I'ire o Loeiiniotive AVIiecls i LDCDlllotive Tenders, Wiieels and fix- tures, on platforiii cars, at actual weight ? Lo';oniiilivc JMigines, on trucks, :;.'» cents per mile. On own wheels oit edits per mile. Logwood, extract of 1 Logw'ood, 1 *iiO()nis, (owner's ri.sk\ I) I *Looking (Jlasses, wdl bd.xed (at owner's risk) -4 1 Lumber, in ear Iliads S. I!, Less than ear load 3 Piles, Spars, Saw Logs and Ties, will 1)1' taken only by special coiitnic'.. Lath, Shingles, Staves, Stave I'.olts and Heading, P"enc(! Posts, and Kails, Telegraph Pedes, Hoops, Hoop Poles, Hop Poles, Hub and otlu r Hlocks, Plow Beam.s, Shin- gle IJolts, Pail Btdts, Ship Knees, Spoke Stulf, Tanner's IJark, Hriek, Clay, Coal, Gr.avel, Sand, Lime, Stone uuwrought, Salt, Land Plaster, Roofing Slate, Pig and Scrayi Iron, when shijiped m full Car Loads, will be conveyed only at the convenience of the Company, and at the risk of the owner at the same rate per car as Lumber S. R. K 1» l.t'ss tliaii ('111' I'tiiil ;i liUijibtT iiihl all siiniliir liri^'lit will In- tiikfii lit iictiiiil \v<'i;{lit, wlii'ii tin- \vt'ij{lit run 111! [isi'd'tiiiiin! ; lau Will'll till' Wi'ij^hl rillUlDt llt'lisri'l'- tiiiiit'ij, will ill' rati'il iit tin- I'sti- lailti'il \Vt'ij,'llt:S fdllowillg ; K.s'iiMATi:i) wi-.iciirs. liiiiubcr, "ol't, iiiiii', wliili'Woo'l, basswooil, liiittt'i'iiut, liciiilni'lc ami H|iriii'i', scasdiit'il, [)rv lOOn IW't 'iriOO llw. I)i»to, luirtlv ni'a.Hoii('il ,...:5il()i) " Ditto, ■^\>-"n :i'>iitt " All otlii'i' kiiiils, si'xsoii.'il •loiHl " l»itti>, iiiisi'iisoiml ;Vl(iO " llair-iiii;h .stutl' uiiil li'ss will lit' latcil lis j imli ; all rnnii hail' iiii'li to one iiii li will ln'iati-'il in iiii'li .sliiir. Sliinylcs, \>i.'V IttDO, .si'iisdlicl lillOlliS mtto, '• iiiiscasDiicil.. ..:'.:iO " Staves, maiiiira'tiiicil I'm' liuur liar- ri'ls, \nv 1000, ili'y 100(1 " J)itto, Ki'.'t'ii l'Jr)0 " HoiuUnj,', I'ui' Hour bari'i-ls, [ht lono HCtH, lll'V 2000 " Ditto, iivwM 'JSOO " Stave liults, ]ii'r eonl ut' 128 riibii; Iw't, hardwooil, dry 4000 " Ditto, grci'u i'iOOO " Ditto, soft wuoil, dry JJnin) " Ditto, ;,'rt'C'u 4000 " IJaik, vi'cord, dry 2000 " Ditto, f^ri'i'ii 2iJ0(i " iViii'i' I'osts and liails, and 'I'l'lr^raiih I'oU's, (.I'r cord 4000 " lloojis, iluuii I'oli's and Jloji I'ob'M, jicr cord, Urv I'.OOO " Ditto, gr.'i'U .". :5:iUU " The loadirfi of laiinlur will bi' liujil- ed as follows: Dry Whiti' I'iin' ami other diy soli wood, 7000 fi'ct, ]ii.'rlar^<' car. Dry AVhite I'iiii; and other dry soft wood, 4000_fe(!t, iicrsiuidl oar. Dry l!ed rine ami otln;r diy hard wood, o.OOO feet, per larj^e car. Dry liud Pine and otlier dry hard wood, 3001) feet jier small ear. '"veen hard wood, ;30i)0 feet, iier argc car. ■"fct'U hardwood, 2000 feet, per small car. When these measurements are ex- ceeded, a correspo iding increase will be made in the charge :;. Aii<"nt,H irlll collicf donhjc nttra on airs lotdi'd above (heir vnrr'ilint ••tipiou'/i/. M Macaroni 1 Machine, or Cattle (."anls 1 Machinery, cIosijI}- ljo.\ed I •Machinery, in frame (ow ner's risk) lA 'Machinery, in ear loads, shipjM'ri asnmin^ all risk of danni^u C!:\ss .\ Madder 2 -Miij{azines, empty, used in trunsitort- in;{ f^iinpowder, returned free. Mahoffiiny lloardM, plank or veneerini; 2 iMahojjany l,oj;s ;i .Malt} in ear loads, same rate per lOO lbs. as wheat S. 1,'. Malt, less than ear load .. •'■ Manilla Hemp, pressed, owner's risk of lire 1 Manilla l!o|ie "J .Manure, inicked, (i^Miano, A'e.) !* *Mariile, lettered (at owner's risk), must 111' prepiiid 1) 1 *Miirble wroughtor tinished, (owner's ri>k). 1) 1 'Marble Slabs w blocks unwroujiht, (at owner's risk) 2 .Marble dust '■'> Mati'hes, friction, and other like I'om- liiistilile articles, taken at tli" ojitiou and eonvenieni'e of th i Ciimpany, when character and con- tents are [ilainly marked on pack- iij^'cs. (If found secreted auion^ other ;;o( ids, will be forfeited or Ji • stroycd, and the eonsi<,'nor in ease of dama;;es, wilM"' liable therefor; 4 I Mat^ 1 .Mattin,:^ 1 .Mattroses D I Mea'-ures I) 1 .Meats, salted or I'rii'd, louse or iii ba^^s 1 Meats, salted or dlied, in boxes, liairels or casks '■'■ .Meats, fresh, piepaid, owner's risk.. 1 Mechiinic-,' 'J'ools 1 '.Medicines (at owner's risk) 1 '.Melons lat owner's risk) must be prepaid D 1 .Mclodciius, see Musical Instruments. ^.Mercliandise, packed in tiunk.s (owner's risk^ 1 .Mill Hoards 2 .Mill Dojrs 1 ^lill Feed, in enr loads, same rate pe" loo lbs. asKiuin S. I!. Less tliaii car load :i *.Mill Stones, finished (owner's risk) 2 Mill Stones roiinh '■'> .Mills, }5ark.....' 1 .Mills, Cob 1 Mills, Iron, (Jrain 1 Mills, Tortable, IJurr Stones 1 Millet .Milk, 8 lbs. totlie galhm M. ililk cans, empty, used in transport- ing milk over the road, free. ^lillinery in bo.\e.s I) 1 .Mineial .Veids, see .\cids. hit's risk> IJ Im, slii|ij)cii iiW* t'hvss A , . , «> II traus|ii)it- .1 IV.'... •r vi'ii.-oriiii; '2 • I > ti itf \)vv loo S. I!. ■ . ■ ' t wilt's risk 1 *.o""^.' ■.'.■.■■.■ :» iii-r's risk), \) I ti.l, (KWiifr'.s I) 1 iiiiwniiiifiit, *> '•> I'l' iik.' I'.iiii- II at til" .' of tin IT Mll.l coil. I Dii |)ii.k- t.'ll II1|1()II;L; ■iti'.l fir (.!( or ill cii-ii- '• tlLT.-lnr; 4 I 1 1 D 1 1) 1 use (jp it, 1 U llONi'S, |r's ri.-k... 1 ] 1 must In: 1) 1 Ullicuts. tiiinks 1 ) rati' \H- S. i;. • •! "s risk) -J • •! 1 1 1 1 V. isp.jrt- I> 1 '.MiiH'ral Wat.T, iit ulass .ii' stmii', jiarki"! (at owrnT's lisk^^ VNliairal Wal. r, in wo.nl \ut owii.Ts ri-ik Dl'liMka^^i ) *i!'i(|c|s lor Statuary, Stii.'.-o Work it.' Wlolass.'s (hwii.t's ri k "I' l"'akaj(i ).. MopStirks jM'ip naiiilii"<, M'l) llainll.'^. M( Mos-i, in Sai'ks ar ah liiiiilnT, owlh'is to loail an>l lo,i,l s. i: nil (»M i: for !• p.T Hto.k '1 ' niiiiiiiais.'s, ratril at loo.t lii.s. |.a.li. I I) 1 prcssi'ij, ill halo, or lio\.>s. Moiil. Miaiiiis. m«s '( (iiioiis (.iwiht's risk) - <>i'aii;<>'s, (owiu'r's lisk) !• I 'itniaiiit'iitx, riastt'r I'uiis (at .iwm r'^ risk ol' liri'aka;^!') I> 1 Ox Vokfs -^ (»x Mows -2 "iiyst.'is, ill sIh I) 1 \lo\viii:,' Mailiiiii's, sn- .\;;ii.iiltiiia! Illlplillli llts. Miiii's, si'i' l.iv Stoi k. ^.Miisii'iil Iiistiiiiiii'iits, lioxcil (owimr's risk) Miiski'ts Mustanl Mii-itanl Sfi'il 'Mutton, IVt.'sli (at 'iwiin's ri~.k), 1.^ imist li.' pnpaiil (at owiii'i s ri>k), • •v-ti'iN, ill lioM's, kc''s or I'aiis I Kii'l'-i, ill ImiM' iji's or 1iiiiiill''s. I ■ivpaii N Naiisj ill Iia^s or liox s 'J Nails, in kt'j{-i :» Nails, ill ki'^-rs, in .ar loads 4 Nail Ito'is :i Naplitlia Spi'i'i.il Af^icciiimt N'l'i'k N'okt's .'I Nitrate of Soda I N'utnii';j;s |) 1 Nuts, .•dil,!.', 1 Nuts lion :$ o Cakui -J ' lais, lit inviicr's risk of lircakaj^.' I Oars, in I'ar loads ('Ias«A Oat .M.mI :] *H\ Meal, 1(10 lil.l. lots, .-,ami' rat.' |M'r liari'cl as Klonr S. K. Oats, in ciir loiuls, sanif ratu' piT 100 His. as wliciit S. i;. Oats, li'ss tlian tar loail :! Ochiv -2 *Oil, ill ^'lass or stiiiii' Well parki-il (at owner's lisk) 1 'oil in ke;j;s la' eans al oniirr's risk of leakai;.') 1 *i.»il, l.ard, I'alin, Wliale and l-insecd ill wood (at owner's risk of Icakaj^c iiivariahly) in car loads ;? iicss than car load 2 Oil, t'oal, Carlion, etc , sec Coal (Jil. Oil Ciik;- or Meal '2 Oil Clotli 1 Oil Soap '.'> old Mrass .-! Old Canvas, for paper stock :{ old Copper :! old Iron, wrought or cast -i Old Iron, in car loads, sanii! rate per I'aiis, ill nests Jt 1 I'aiK in ear loiiils Class A *l*aiiitiii;,'» (owiin's risk I 4 1 I'.iiiits, •artli I'iiiiits, .li s' (U' in oil 2 I'aliii l.eaV 1 I'aiisailes and pii ki'ls, uroiij^lit fei feiieilif^ 1 raiiiplilets, in laindles 1 raiUIilllets, ill lioves l'a[ier and Stationery il I'aiier, not lioxed (owier's risk)... . ! Taper llan;;iiii,'s, in limelles \\ Caper lhiiigin;;s, in Iiom's I Paper, printine | I'aper, wrapping 2 I'aper, serajps or shavings, in sa. ks oi' hales '. -2 In car loads 4 Papier Maehf (l.)ijds l.j J'araline Wax -J I'arMiips -J I'asseiiger < 'ar, sei' Cars. rastehoard -J Patterns 1.^ *Pi'aelies. not dried (at owium's risk), iiiiist he prepaid D 1 P'aeiies, drietl I Pearl Ash :! Pearl Parley, l.'sslhan 'lO brls 2 over '(0 hrls ;j d'e.irs (at owm.'r'8 ri.sk), must he pre- paid 1 Peas, gri'eii, must hi; prepaid 1 Peas, dricil or split U IVas, in cur loads, sain.- rate as AVheat jierlOO Ihs S. P. Peltries, furs D 1 I'elts, Shci'i), loosi! 1 Pelts, Sh.M'p, in hales 'J Pelts, Sheep, suited, ill harrds or ca.sks :> Pejipcr, in boxes and bags 1 Pepper Sauee II Piacussiou Caps 1 Perfumery D 1 ^ Piano Fortes, b.)xed (at owner's ri.sk) 1 ^I'ickles, in glass or stoni', packed (at owner's risk) X r 20 rii'klc-i, in kcg>, liiirnls (ir^a.-ks 'J *l'ii;tiuvs (at owiii r's risk) 1 1 ^I'ictui'i^ Fraiufs (iit owner's ri-^k> 1) 1 I'i-'S, liovi'il, ilrtUlll Wi'igllt, liUt lint less tll.Ul Till ('ci.i. I'lirli 1 ri,j;s" Fi',-1, jiicklcil 1 I'i'^'s' I'crt, in birri'ls or rusks :'> I'illous, i"'.Mtlier, Hair, <'{<■ D 1 I'iU's, Ml' Luiiil'iT, tiiki-n omy I'V spcfiul cnntract. S. li'. I'inii'nto 1 *rine Api'lrs ^ai owm-r's ^i^k), nin--t 1"' })n'iiaid 1 I'ijH's, li-iiii ;) i'i|il'S, A\'( mlrU 1 I'iju's, Sai'ikiii;^- 1 I'ildi ' :i *l'huiin'4- .Mai'Iiin.'s (ai (pwnn'.s ii>ki. 1 I'lasUTl'ari-, *l'lasti'r I'aris. casts, (H-nann nts an'l moilcls ( it ownrr'.s risk) D 1 I'lasttT, Cal.'in.Ml :l Plaster, gr.nunl and i-ruilo ■> ri-istiT, i^q'onml ami crnilc, in r-.iv luails sanii' rati' ina 1 ar as liuali.i' S. It. riatca (lomUor Ware D 1 ' I'latr (ilass, IioN'mI (at owner's ri-k ). 1) I J'l''H:,'iis, sec A^rii nltural liniilcnienis. .I'K-nuh Castings '2 l'lon,--h Ilan.Ur.., sei! llamlles. riiui^li Branis, ria!;,'li, car loaij sa'iie rate ]iiT I'a!' as lauiilicr S. 1!. Less tlian car load I "Pliuas, n'lt (Irlcil, must, 'le luvpaid (.it owner's lislo 1 I'lunis, diied - J'orcekiin U l'i)rk, IVesli, (iilier than dressed lii»K^t must lie )irejiaid 1 Fork, salted or smoked, loose or in in l>;,^'s 1 I'ork, saltea or smoked, in lio.\c>, . barr ds or casks, ■> Portable, Mills, P.nrr Stones 1 *Porter in glass or stone, jiacki d (at owuer'srisk) ] *JVirter, in wood (at owner's risk ol' leaka,v') •' Potash' :! I'otatoes, sweet 1 i'otatoes, other than sweet, in car loads, same rate per lUO Ui.s. as wheal '^- 1!. Less than ear load •> I'otato Hooks 1 Potato Di^'gers 1 i'oudrette -5 * Poultry, live (at owner's risk) D 1 Poidtry, dressed, in boxes, barrels, cask., . I basket.s, must be prepaid... 1 Preuses, eheese, cider, co-,iying, hay and itriiitiug, ownev'.s risk . . 1 ' Pre.servcs, in {.;lass or stone, packed (at owner's risk) 1 le.srrce.s, in I'.ins Kecf, P rovisions, IJecl, Teak. Iiac(m, l.aril, in boxes, liarrels or casks .. PriUies Pnmiee .Stone ^'Punijis (at owner's risk) Piini]! Lo;|s, ron^li Pntiy ..'. Q < Uiii.ces (owier's ri.->k), mu.^t be lae- paid I.) (Quicksilver, in iion llasks R '■'Hags, in sacks (at o\>iier's ri.-lc of lire and shriidcage in weight) h'ailroa<l Chairs Ilailroail Spikes Pailroad Ties, taken only liy .special Contract. IJaisins in boxes Hakes, Hand I.'akcs, llov.e, see .\-iieallur.il hniile- ments. l!a]ie Seed Itattan I'eapers, see Agrieidtnral Impilemenls. IumI Leail iieeds Ji'et'rigerators Hennei Pesin ■■'Ilctorts, ( ias (iiw ner's risk) IJiei' l;iddles l!ig,:iUlg I'ivets, IJrass Ki 'ts. Copper llivets. Iron llollint,^ Pins, waiodeii ware pooling ('oinjiosition Hooting, t'elt and [laper Ditto, in car hiads Hoot Cutters and Slieers Koots, (iarden, see Garden Hoots. Hoots, other than es( lUent, not other- wise enumerated, well packed, must lie prepaid ... Hoik; Hosin P a bl ler, ( 'rude 1! il)lier tioods Hiiidier Car Springs, loose or iu sack.s Uubl).'- <.'iir Springs, iu boxes, barrels or casks Hubber lieki'^f^ Hubber Hose liuliber Packing PvUgS Hushes liye, car h r 1, .same rate per IOC lbs. 1 1 H. 1 li- 1 1 I) 4 as wheat ;i 1 I 1 1 1 S, R * I!ye, less than car load 1 liii''iii, Lard, iks :; U 1 1 :i 1.-.1 lie jilc- I) 1 1 I'S li, '.i III' -lit) 1 •> liv .sjicrial s. ];. 1 U ll'lll lllljilr- 1 1 Ilili'UlcllIs. I I 1 -> * ) »-> ..^!^^!'!^!!' I) 1 1 •) . ■ ... ■ ■ 1 * > < • • > 4 u toots, lot otliei- kt'tl, iiui.sl 1 1 •> f» 1 ■ ill siu'k.s 2 8, barrels ;i 1 1 I 1 1 • 100 lbs. S. R 3 1 ■ ) ) 1 - • S ^ '^'iclcs, L'li;^' or AV(M)] Niiddlcs '.".'.'^^.'.'.'. .^adiUcry J I a i du-aro ....",.'" Saddle Trees Sadd JiMii.s Safes, Ii'oii SalM, liivad, .Mr.it or Ali'l'k ...'.'..'.',' ■'Safes, Ciiecsf (ouiu'i'\ ri<k) . " |')-| ^i'^o "■ 1 Saleiutiis ■ ., Sil Soda '...........'..''. r; Salt, in sniall ]\i\ij;s or Imxcs ,,, ..... " Salt, in lar^'o sai'ks or liarrels.....,., ' :'• Salt, in barrels or sa.dc-', in iuH ,■•„• loads, same rate p^r car as Iniiibpr. S j; Salts, Kpsoni , ■ , Salts, tilanber ■, Saltfietre ■■'...'........'" ■> Sand, in rat' Iliads s; ?■ Sand Paper ' ' ' ■,' Sand SerecMis j Sardines *S!i:,\v <'a-e.s(ato\viiei'.sii.,k of bieak- , "o'') J, 1 •■Shnil.bery, looMi (at owner's ri"k) ^ ninst be], repaid (, ^ *Shni_lilHiy, in 1m,x,..s or bundles,' v.eii ) 1 I) 1 1) 1 1 ■•Sasli, irlazed or not (at owner's li-h; [> ] SawDu.i, ear load, same as Inniliei'... s. I; Saw Sauin;,' Maebiiies '....!' Scales and Si'ale Heaiiis, not lio.x'ed .. Sealesanil S 'ule IJearns, boxed Sel'oul Slates, boxed Scoops Serapers, Jioa i or iJirt Serews, Iron Screws, Wooilen [ ' Seyt lu's Seytlie sharpeners Scythe Snat lis ."...'.',' Seythe .-.tones Sea (iras.s. in jiaekaLjes Seed Drills or I'lai'iteis, si'e ALcii-Vd^ tiiral Iniplenients. Seeds, not otherwise enumerate,! . j Separators, see .\.-rieultural in.pl'e- nicjits. Sewiii,ir .MaePlMe.s, (owner's li.k). |i ] Sheep, see lave Sio,-k. Sheep skins. -, Sindlac '.'.'.' ^'.'.'.'.'.'.'..". 1 Shells, Skeins '".'' ., Shin.-les, see I, umber. ■"SliiiiiLfle .Maidiines or ',' viskl Slioi'.-;, iu boxes or ea.si.s Shoe reesaiid Findin.es ^h<»' Nails, in bo.xes Shoe W.ix ■ Sliooks ■■"biirts, ear load.-, same rale i.er ]n', ibs. as wheat 1 '^s than ear load . .^hot Shovels sjiov.d liamMes^ seeTlamlies. ■''bower I;.ii!is . ) 1 1 1 1 ■) 1 1 • ) U, r io\\l|-| If. s. !;. J I) 1 ked ;at owner's risk), must be pleliaul T Sievis .. ,, ] Silks ,■..' Sizing' Skein, A\'ac;i.;o!i Skins, I>e:i', pre.s.sediii liales! { Skins, salted in barnds or casks Skins, Sheep and Calf, loose. ] Sklii.s, Sheepaiid Calf, in bales... i Slate Flour, in barivls or casks ' •• ."^hlte, School, boxed -j Slate, li'ooliue' " .. Slate, Kooliii'^, in ear loails, sameja;,. per car as iaiinhcr s. K 'Sleii.hs, I'leasure, not boxed (at owner's risk) j 'I'wodioi'se S|,-ij,di, lateii.ir "illOd'iiis.' •nie-horse Sieiirh, lalrMlanilOll li;.^.' \ : ;y lar^-e S]cii,dis, rated at 40ou *Slei-hs, (dosily, l,,x,-d (at o>\ tier's '!i' ;■■■■• :)iimcsl ■^:'a,L;lis, luniber, at actual widcht- i .'.";•"• l"'"'^ " Class A •^i»a:/li Stuir, rou,i,di, s:iwed or .sjilit ... :; i>itto, in car loads ('lass A Sbd,^h Shoes, iron or .^tcid ...,'..".. ■' Smut .Machines ..'..'.'..... I.t.. Suiiir, in jars or bladders ,,' 1 1 Smili, in boxes, li.irtvls, casks or ke-.s. l ' Soap, couimou ' " .. Soap (lil ~\ Soap, Castile I Soap, fancy ^ Soap Stoiic" .1 Soda ." Soda A>h '■■■....'.'.'.'.'.....'.'....... :\ '■*So, la Water, in -lass or .stone, pack- ed ;:it owiici's ri-k) . 1 Soidir ; . .;■..,■ .. Soiylmm, Syrup or .Mol.i-sc.s. at: own- er's ri.sk of baka.i';' , .-; Sour KiMiit, in barrels -j Spades ' 1 Spars, f ikeii onlv bv soecial contract SjieltiT '...'....] ' :i Spice-:, i,.,! sp;.,'i!ied j Sjiikcs _■ ., *Spi|lllill-: Wheels (owner's li.sk). '.'.'." j) '{ *Spirits, pure <,d.iiholic>. (owicr's riskofleaka,L;ei .> ■Spii'iis of 'rurpeniiiic (owner's !id< of , leaka-e) ,..; , Sjiokes, in bundle-; ] Spolccs, in rai loa^ls d-iss; .v •"^l''''''.^^''^ I) 1 >^V'--ui'^ r.eds n 1 Spriue- lied I'rane^s p ^ oo S|iviiii:;s, (■:ii'riii,2;o m- \va^^i<u ... S|iriiig.s, l'|ih(>l.-,tir('i'.s' Slngo Couclics, not IjoxciI, nitud at 4,000 Ib.s. ciu-h Stiuvl. StiitiDiu'i'v, *Statnurv, (iit owner's risk ) Staves and Slave ]»oIt.s, see J.umlii.T. Steel, ill I'lns or liiiiiilles Steel S]>iini;'.s Steel Yards Stills, coiiiier or iron 'Stone, wrou^u'lit (at owiii'r's ii.sk) Stone, unwroii^lit, rou^L'li or eoliblc, in ear loads, to lie loaded iiiul unloadt'd liy owner Less than ear load Stoneware, well jnieked ■'Stoneware, loose, liy ear load (own- ers risk), to he loaded and unload- ed by owner Stoneware, loose, not taken e.xeept in ear load.s. ''Stoves (at owner'.s lisk of hreaka.^e^ *Stcpves,oiiiiianiirae(urer'saeciinnt.and entirely at owner's risk of ]ireaka,i;c *Stovs,in ear loads (at owner'.s risk' Stove I')hiC'kiiij,' or I'oli.di Stove ]'late.s, not hoxed, .see Stoves. Stove I'la t es, 1 loxed Stove Ihiek and Linin,Lr, I'aeki'd Stove l''ui'nitniv Stove I'iiie Straw lii.ards Strav.- Cutters, sri' .\,i,'rienltnr.d iiiiide- nieiits. Straw guilds.. Stueeo, in har.els "Stneeo work or niod( Is (owner's risk'i SuL,'ir, JIaple Sui;.ir, Suj;ar l'",\ iijiniatoi'.s or Pans Sulkie.-, not hoxe 1, rated at lood 11.,-. oa-h Sul|>liate of ('ii]iper... Siiljihiir, in hii.xe-. or ke^'s Siiljijuir, in barrels or easks Siiinar Superiilin,,]ihati' ot Lime Sweet Potatoes '■'Syru]' (owner's risk ot haka^-e) T I) 1 1)1 s. i: rl 1 1 1 h. i;. 4 1 1) 1 1) 1 1» f 1 I) l' 1 Ta.'kle 'i'aeks, in boxes Tallow 'raiiiarinds Tanks, by special a^'reement. 'I'anner.s' Serajis, in paeka;^e,s. 'i'apioea Tarpanlin,i,'s Tartar, ('ream of Tar Tea 1 1 D 1 1) 2 ; Tea/les 1)1 I Telerrvaph Insulators : TeU';,'i'aiili Pale.s, .see Lumber. 1 1 Telegraph AVire '2 I Tents and Fixtures U ! Tent Pole.s 'i'erra ,la]>oiiiea *ThiNs, tinished Thills, in bundles, unlini.shed - Thivad 1 Tlire.shin,tf .Machines, see Agrieultural inqileinents. Tierces, empty D 1 Ties, Pailroaii, taken only by sp-cial eontract. *Tile, Drain (owner's risk) 3 'Tile, Drain, in ear loads of 10 tons (at owner'.s risk), same rate per ear as Linnber ^■['• Tile, Kneau.>-tic, enamelled orlloor.... 1 Tile, Hooting 3 Tile Machine-. 1 Timber, all kinds, see Lumber. 'I'imothv Seed Tinibil."; Tin, in boxes,,.. 'J'in Pipe and Troughs Tin AVare Tubaceo, cut, in barrels Tobacco, in bales Tobacco, manufactured, not othcrwi^c enumerated Tobaci o, in hlid.-. ov boxes nmnanfac- tnred Tunis, .Mechanics' ""Tnw, ill biixcs (u b.ib's (at owni'r's risk of tire ami water) Toys Travelling Hags Trays T "'i'reo, lo(is( (at owner's risk^ mu.-.t be pre]raid "1 *Trees, ill boxes or bale,- (at owner',-. risk) well jiaeked, must lie prepaid.. 1 Tree.s, in bundh-s, nnt well packed, will be eoiifcidered loose. Tripe 1 Trunks, enijity I^ 1 "Trunks, nierchandi-c pa<'!<ccl in(own- ^er•sri.k^ 1 Tru>s, Hoops 1 'j'ubing, g.,s, etc •> 'I'ubing, br.iss or oop]ier 1 1 I Tubing, inui •• ti I Tubing, wooden 1 :', i Tubs, in m'stj 1 1 , Tubs, in ear loads Class A Turin d Stull', wooden, not otherwise ;> enumerated - J ; Turnips - 'J j Turniiis, in car loads, same r.ite per 1 ! 100 lbs as wheat S. 11. ;> "Turpentine, Sjiirits (owmr'.s risk of 1 I leakage) 1 1 1 1 D 1 1) 1 .1 1 i Twine 1) 1 TyiH. 1 Tyjii' Ca.sos \ u I iiilir-.'llii>, liDXcd 1 V V,i]i-i|'<.... ]) 1 A'liriiisli, in ki'n's or cans ] .', "V'iiniisli, ill iKirrcl.s (ir lialf-liinicls V A'ats, rnijity, liy siiecial iii^Tuciiicnt. Veal, fresh, must lie iirt'iiaiil: 1 V(\:;i'taiilcs, not ctlitTwisc cnunicratiii must lie prciiaiil 1) 1 "N'ouci'liii,' ] " Venison (at owner's risk), must I'c }m']iii<l 1 Yenni'-elli 1 A'etclies :', "\'iees '2 A'inei:,tr ;; A'<il!.'y. Ziur Ciitteriii,'^' I) 1 w A\ aiMini; 1) i ' Wat;^^()ns,very larj^'.'.rated at \W0 jlis ] " \Va;,';^'ons, I'leasiire, two-horse, ratnl at 80(10 Ills 1 *"\ViiL'u'ons, I'leasure, one-lnnse lalcd ai -JdOti l!is .. 1 AVa.u'gons, Lunilier, at actudl weiijlit... ] .1 hitto, knoi-keil down 1 Ditto, in car loails (kiss A AVaj^'-:on Axles, wooden 1 AVa^';,Mn liows, in bundles 1 AVair^-on lioxes, iion :! AVa:::j,'on l.'ims, in liundles, imlinislied -j ■\Va,i,';:on Thills, in Kuudles, unlinishe 1 ■_' "\Va,i,'i,'oii stull'. roii,!4-h,in car loads diss A '\\'a;,';,'on stnir, rou^^h, not otherwise enmnerated :', A\'ar|i, owner'> risk 1 "Warp rieams i Washers, iron :; AVash I5oards ] NVashin;; .Machini's T, "Water Diawers * l' ^Vat.■r l.iiiic, in barrels ;j Abater I.iiiie, in ear loads, same rate as Luiidier S. II- AVatcr Pipe, iron •'. Water ripe, wooden 1 AVatcr Wliecds, iron '1 Wax \, ] Whale Jtone I Wheat, in carloads S. 1.'. Whi'at, less than car load, in liairs :i Wlieat will lie taken in Hour harn Is tliat are in j,'ood order, and securely headlined, at the rate of Hour ])cr ii.irrel. It will lie taken in barrels ]iot lieadlined, at the same rate, but at the owner's risk of leakajje ; not l.<i e:<ered "J-iO llw.perbbl. .T 23 Whi'cjs, Ji-on, S feet a.i.d r.pwanl-s in diameter l^ Whe(d>, Iron, le;s.sthaii S ft. indianicter 1 AN'heels, in sections " Wheels, carria;,'(' or wa;,'.'on 1^ A\'iieel barrows IJ Wheelliarro\vs, in car loails Class A Whetstones 2 ^ Whilllctrees, lurned, unlinished :S j Whips, not iioxcd ]) 1 j AVhijis, bii\ed 1 I 'Whiskey, in <,'hiss or stone, packed \ (owner's risk) 1 I ''Whiskey, ]r.ss than 1(1 liarrclslowucl's '■ risk of leaka,ife) 2 *Wlii.skey, ](i barnds or more (at own- er's risk of leakage 3 White i,ead .' 'J Whitinp; 2 Wirkcrwork | times 1 Wickering;- 1 Willow ( hail's, see Cliaii^. ■"Willow ( 'radles (at owner's ri^k), esti- mated ;it KiO lb,, each 1 *Willow Wai,'i;ons, (at owmr'^ risk) estimated at 100 Ills, each 1 *Willow Ware (at owner's risk)... 4 tiinci 1 Willow lieuds, in boxes, bales or blin- lUcs 1 A\'iiidow I'lamcs T> 1 ■ Wine, in cases or b.i.-kets (owners ii<ki 1 '"Wine, in wood (ow n-r's risk of leak- a;r,. o Wire, in bundle,, bbls., boxes or casks 1 Wire FenciiJL; 2 AVire Kadiii^! 2 AVire Hope a Wiiv Cith 1 AVil'c, Telc;.,n-aph •$ \\'ood, tiiiiHHl, iii>t olherwi-e eiiumer- aiii A\"ooden i'ipe, ]iu!np or w ,itcr AVoodeii Sc lews AVoodell Tubille' AVooden \\'are A\'oo 1, forcij^n.of value,boaids, plaiil;- iiiu' and Ncnceriu.u' 2 AVoinl, forein'ii, of value, lo;,'s " AVonl, ownei'.s lisk of lire 1) 1 AVool Sacks 2 Wrajipin;,' I'.ipcr, in eiatcs ] 2 1 1 1 Yarn. Yeast. Zinc, in ca>ks Zinc, in pii,'-* Zinc, in .slabs... Ziue, in sheet or roll Zinc I'aint, dry or in oil. Zinc Cutleriii'' 3 2 D 1 (P \/! /■»-/■<.<>*-« •^■ll r^ :24 TABLE OF WEirxIITS. -tnit'- 'J'hf articles nam m1 will l)i' Mlli'il it isimt cnnvcnit'ut tn ,icij;h tln'Ui. Alcohol 1"T l.nivl, -(00 U.S. Alt' iuul «,•,■!■ " " ;;2') " " " " '. " 1711 '■ 1 ( i 1 I . T I i s ■"■ " I Apiilt\s, ^'I't'cii '• " !•''" " A[ipk's ami othfi' i;ri-c'ii fruit .".' " Imi.IkI. M " Bailey, " '• 1,- " Beef " liaricl, .120 " " " ti.'ivc, 4:10 " Bran " Imslirl, 'io '• Brii-ks, rDiiimou li.n.l " ln'io, SDSd " Bu<:kwluMt " l.u.hcl, r.-J " fidev " lmrn-1, S'.O " C'onlwoinl, green " C'onl, .'0(1(1 " div, nie.Iiuui " " :isOO " Corn '. " 'mOiel, :a\ " Corn, in oar " " 7(i " Corn Meal " Imnel, 2-JO " Common Totatoes " l.iidiei, CO " Clover Seed " '" (io " Dried Peaehes " •• .•!:! " Dried Apples " " "il " Fish •' iKirrel, I'.iiO " " " .'. " ](•,!) " Flax Seed'!!,!!! ;'!!^' !!! " 'liiisjiel, :it; " Flour " lurrel, ^dO " at till' wci.ulits in the Taljlc hclow, wlicii IIi,t,di\vinis ]i,r liarrel, 4('i) 1 Jleiiipseed " liusliel, 44 Laths, (rreeu " li'dle, fit Laths,dry " " 40 I'iine.....' " hushel, .'^O Malt " " ;;s Milk iMT^'allon •'s <»i'ts jpcr liush(d Vrl Oil •' barrel, ;5Si< Onions " liushel, 11 Pino Slalis " cord, 'JS(M) Pork " harrel, :i'iO Potatoes, eoninion " " ]^() " sweet " husliel, l!'. Pye '• " -,,; Salt, line " " M tine " Larrel, nOn " coarse " " nr.o " in sacks " sark, '2»'0 Stone Free and liiinc. " eu. t"t. Did Shingles " Imiiiile, 7.' Timothy Seed " Imsiiel, 4.". Vinegar " liarnd, r.'.d Water Lime " " J500 Wheat ••' l)n>hel, CO White Beiins " " Co Wlii.key " harrel, 4't,' RAILROAD TIES. Ash, lUacl. lleniloik . Oak, Wliiti Tamarac... 4 foet 8 i\ neb tjai ge •-M-2 11.. , ( iicli lit i b !.'■;] i( ■iw ( ( Per f 1 ar of 10 on.--. 1(10 Ties no (( !iO (t 1 lid >> 25 SQUARE TIMBER AND LUMBER. hIdw, \\ licjl ■re!, 4tM) lll>-. slid, 41 .llf, r,i 40 ^llcl, ^11 t; "1 loll .'^ .sii.'i n-j rcl, asu h.-i, n ll, 'JS(M) id, :i'iO ]S() •licl, 05 '.<'. r.<; it1, :!Oii ;;n« k, 'Jt'D ft, IOC idle, 7.' hd, 4.". n-l, .^r.o ;'.(iO lie], CD ivl, -i:.i' Tlu.l.,.]in-.f SOr.\i:K TIMBKIl and ErMBKi; v,i!ll„ li,:Kl,.,l a. |n!l„u-, :- S(^UAI1E TniBEli. V.'iiite riiic, -l.'iO ini!)i, .(•,.,! ,„.,. I;,,.,,,, (..^,. iti'ii •■ .KKi " ii " ■ Elm, .:;'.o " ll '-'.ik, ;;i)0 " ll LUMiiEIl. ])ry \yi,it.' I'ii,,, ;n„l othrr Dry Softwoo,], 7,<)ii:j IVrt, jHTJarfjc car. ,, ' " , ,,. ," " 4.0110 " '|„.r siiiali car. lOy l.r.l 1 iiic ami ollivi- I),v Hai'dwoiM, :V()00 " per lar"-c car ,, ,, , , :!,')00 '■ iicr small car. • ■ivcii llar.lvvocl ;;_,„„) ll J,,,' liii-.t;*' car. -,<iiiO " ],cr .small car. ^^'^fn^thrch^rges.™'''^"^'' ^""^ exceeded, a corresponding increase will be .li/'dLi vull oA/cd double mtr s on rars htn7,-/ „hurv. /heir carn/ni;/ ,v,.,n.-;f,t. RATES OF STORAGE LL^ilCle I'irst 21 liMiis (iru-i K;i(li Milisciim.iit wock r: part iiniv.tl (,l l-'ivigl,t. ; thciour. First Class Ii.'r,.,. < , i/.a i Srr,| '•"'■'■'■ ;; cents .cr 100 .oumis. iliinlClass l,',.,„. o . 4. •..,« 1 I'lg Iron, Coal, Bricks, Stone, etc Flour, Salt, Cement, I'laster, etc Crain, in half's A'eliiclcs .. Tlire.sliin<f and IJiNijiing .Maciiines, and Imlkv articles of this de.scriidion .'. Free . Fle(>.. Free.. Free. Free.. 2 cents [lor 100 pounds. ... 20 cents jier ton. ..._ 3 cents jier liag 01' 1 :"'rel. . . 2 cents per hag. . . ,"0 cults each. . .. 2r»c. to.'0c.ac{()iiling)n .size. AUTICLKS WHICH MIST l!i: l>lii;i'All). .\]i]iles, ill hags liovcs, or lia^k.'!':. .M.'loiis, r;,,li Apples, in hanvls, tV(,;ii .\uv. 1, ;,, Mar. >, -JO. ..Mm ton'. Beans, green. lioet'. ires 1 1. Berries, not dri- 1. Bulhs and Uoots. •'liims, in shell. <'urrants, not dried. Fisli, IVesh Fruit, not dried. Fiirnitiire, old. ( h'tlilC. Cardeii Foots, from Ik.v, 1 i., Mm. h I'o. (irapes. C.ravii Stone-;, lettered. lIousehoM (loods. Ice. aMarlde, h-(tered. Oysters, in .-liell I'cai'hcs, not dried. Pears, not diicl. I'eas, green. i'illL' ApplrS, Plums, not dried. Potatoes, from Nov. 1 to .March -2'). Poultry, dressed. • Juinces. iJoots, otiier than c.-cuU'ut. Slirulihciv. Trees. ' Turnips, IY..in N'ov. 1 to .Mardi '"'o \'.'al, frcsli. V'cni'joii. >■' > sne m T()^t()^'T(), (ii;i:v and lun'CK kailway Local Freight Tariff between way Stations. - To be applied where no separate Tariff is given. 1 •i-:s. 1 Mi;n;liiUi(lisi'. — - ■\ *"" Siicciiil I!ates. I.'ATl'lS — 7 -A •Ti •A ■A / r. I.Miiil.cr ].Pi- Live 8tnck, Oattlr, ^\wi-Y, -.5 V, ""2 roK nisTAX( ~ -: & .'C s - - i i U'^ < )^ 7 - - ^ — - ^ u i 1 X -/ ■r. .•«. c. .^. c. •i>. <■'. 7* !?■ '■■ ^^ot exceeding ]0 inik'.s. 12 10 s 2.' l(» "1 r. (lO 8 00 f) 00 8 00 7 20 12 00 Over 3 .'lot ovoi • If)... 14 12 (i 7 27. 12 5 (Id s 77. -. 00 8 00 8 40 14 00 " IT) 20... Ui 1:3 10 s 2.". 12 c .'. 20 10 7. r.o 00 60 IG (lO '■ 'in 'i'l ' |l> If. 11 !) •>-, 1 t 7 • (id !» 8(1 (lO 10 00 10 80 13 00 " 'jr. :io...! 20 17 \o U) •jhj 14 7 (i 00 10 r.o t; r.o 11 00 12 00 20 00 " ;,(» .'! .'»...! 22 IS 14 11 25! It; ,s r. 20 10 8.0 7 00 12 Oo 13 20 22 (to " lir. 40. ..| 2:1 10 ir. 11 2.''.' IS u <( 40 11 20 7 r.o 13 00 13 20 23 00 " >! " .ir....\ 24 20 1 ,- 12 27. 2(1 la i (10 12 2.^. 7 r.o 13 00 14 40 24 (10 *' 4r. fjO...: 2:. 2(t 1.-. 12 2.'. O.) 11 1 (50 13 30 8 r.o 17. 00 14 40 25 00 " r.(t ri")...! '2(5 21 i(i Hi 2(5 IJ.l n 8 10 14 ir. ft 00 k; 00 If) 00 2C 00 '• .'i.'. »)0..,: :27 22 17 k; -'i 24 12 8 00 If) 00 (III iii 11(1 17. Oo 27 00 '• «;o ti ")...' i2« 2:5 1.^ 14 1 28; 21 12 (1 00 17. 77. it r.o 17 00 1() 80 28 00 " (',:, 70... 2-.. 2:5 l.s 14 2!li 2i; ]:! •) 40 1(5 r.o lo r.o 10 00 1(5 8(1 29 00 " 70 7"'... ao 24 lit If. :joI 27 13 il 00 1(5 8.^. 11 00 20 00 18 00 30 (lO ' ::. SO... 31 2.". I'.i ir. :51| 2S 1 1 !) 80 17 ].-. 11 00 20 00 18 00 31 (to " i-ii s.')... ^2 2:. 2(J If. :!2! 20 1.-. It !.I0 17 3.-, 11 r.o 21 00 10 20 32 00 " >', •to... :i:i 27 21 17 :5:S! ;5() ir. 10 00 17 r.o 12 00 22 00 20 40 33 00 .. ;,,•, .< ".I.')... J34 •_)S 21 17 •■m! ;52 I'j 10 00 17 77. 12 r.o 23 00 20 40 34 00 " !»-. 100... :jr. 2!' 22 1.^ :5.'.' ".1 17 10 r.o 18 00 13 (to 24 0(1 21 00 35 00 *' 100 10.';.. . :S() 2i> 2:1 Is .!(;; ;ii 17 11 00 lit Ou 13 50 27) 00 21 00 30 00 •' jor. no... ■•i7 :5M 2:j 18 *" i ;;i 17 n 00 lit 00 14 00 2(> 00 21 00 37 00 " IM n:..,.i j38 .■51 27. lit :58l ;.(; 18 n r.o 20 00 14 00 20 Oil 22 80 38 00 '• nr. 1-20... 18!. :!2 2;-. 2ii :5!»' 38 It) 12 00 21 0(1 14 r.o 27 00 21 0(' :S0 00 " 12.) l-J.')... 4u :i:5 20 21 4(1 40 20 12 Ol) 22 00 15 00 28 00 2.". 20 40 00 *' Vlo l;>i...i 41 .■54 2(; ■l\ 11 40 20 12 50 22 r.o 17) 50 20 00 27) 20 41 Oo " 130 l:!.K..i 42 :54 27 21 12 40 20 13 00 23 00 l() 00 30 00 27. 20 42 00 " l;^'. ] 4(»...i 4:5 \ii, 2S 22 4=5 42 21 13 00 23 00 i(; 00 ;so 00 20 40 43 00 " 140 14.'. .. 44 15, -. 28 2'' 44 42 21 13 r.o 24 00 10 r.o 31 0(1 2(5 40 44 00 •' ur, 1,^0... !l5 ;J(i 28 23 4r. 44 22 i;; r.o 24 00 k; 7.0 31 00 27 00 45 on " ir.o ]-,:,... i<; :57 2!t 2". Iti 44 22 14 00 24 r.o 17 00 32 00 27 00 4t; Oo " :5r. ItiO... 47 ••58 ;5(i 24 47 4t; 23 14 00 21 r.o 17 00 32 00 28 80 17 00 " lo'J Ki.^.... t.s :i!t 311 21 48 4(5 23 14 r.o 2.") r.o 18 00 34 00 28 80 48 00 " icr. 170.. ilt 4(1 :51 2:. 4'.»: 48 24 14 r.o 25 r.c is 00 31 0(1 30 00 49 00 " 170 17:.... .".0 4(1 :51 2.". -.0' 48 24 If) 00 20 r.o 10 00 30 00 30 00 50 0() " i7r, ISO... .'.] 41 :51 2(i r.i' r.o 'i:> Ifi (10 2(; r.o 1!) 00 3(1 00 31 20 51 00 •' 180 1S5... .".2 42 .5:5 2(5 •''- r.o 2.') ir. .".0 27 00; 20 00 38 00 31 20 52 00 " isr. urn... r.:5 4:J .54 27 w^ r.2 20 ir. .r.o 27 00 21 00 40 00 32 40 53 00 •' -00 III.')... I.-.4 44 :}.-, 27 -A- r.2 26 10 00 28 00 21 00 40 00 32 40 54 Oo " 1J)5 2U0... j.'.r. 4.-. :5(] 28 r.r.i n2 20 10 00! 28 00 21 00 40 00 .33 (;o 55 Co Separate Tariirs arc issued /.. and /;•()., . Tomiiti). Oraiigeville. Jli.uut F'orest and Owen Sound. Smai,T>s. — Wlieii the cliarije for siiijjle ef)iisi;4iiiiieiit.s froiii .sejiarate ,>-lii].)ier.-i doe.s not nrnoiiiit to more, liy weif^ht than the li;..;iires.s].t!eilied in the raviir unite r tlie lie:i(l of 'timnU.s," those rates must he ehaiiced. no separate o — !?. '■. 7 8 10 12 L'5 ];5 14 U 15 1.') Hi 16 IS 18 1!) •JO •20 ■21 ■M •Jl .)._) •21 '25 20 40 CO .SO 00 20 20 40 40 CO 00 80 HU 00 00 20 40 40 00 ()0 00 80 Oi 20 20 20 40 40 GO (50 80 80 00 00 20 20 4(1 40 (iO 12 14 IC 13 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 .•]0 ;si 32 33 34 35 30 37 3S 30 40 41 42 43 44 45 1() 17 48 49 50 '.1 )2 )3 -.4 o5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0(1 00 00 00 00 (lO 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Oo 00 00 00 00 00 Oo 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Oo Oo ; find OwL'ix I's (loos not of '\smri7ls," ToifONTo, f;i{i:v AND wnvcE i;Air.WAV. Local Freight Tariff, to and from Toronto Station. Mcicliaiidi.se. KETWKKX TOliONTU AND Wi'.st'iii Jiuictioii AV(i()ili;|i(l<^0 Klciulmr^'. J'.oltO!) r.IdiM Koiid <'lKirli>st(iii Alton Oraii.m'villc 10 8 114 il(i ;is ,20 i24 11 13 i:.|i2 17 13 20 ]t; Sjii'ciiil l!iiti's. ~-9 B 7. ■ 8|25;i !';25i] lo!25!' 12l2:.!l Oraiii;'ovill Aninniiitli A\'nlilt'iiiar LlltiM- .'u'tliur Ki'iiil'Aiutli Jlouiit J''<iri'.st - lllirtioii . 24 20 ir 12:2^ S2i'2o]i;:i-j -i.vl ■2im2i|I(;i1:! ^i;!j :27|i;2il7 l:!,27:| '2>!23, IS, 14:2^.1 i30:24:ilt 15;30; :3iJ25|!:My:;i'| 10 12 1 1 14 ]'; 211 • I.) • >■) 21 ■Js lliini-toii Usn.l.'l Gonii- & AVriixi'tii'. 21 17 ;;;'. 34!2S21 17 34 j :;(;'21t;23;is|:!i; I i!- Sliclluiviu' nuihhsik I'roton Flcslicrtuii ami I'liicvilK- Mavk.lnli' |j:!4 IVrkel..y i|:i5 AVilliaiiisl'nrd |;.'i7 <'liat-\vortli |J37 IJockf'oi'd j 38 <*\viri 8o;iii(i 1 140 ;-js 23;is 251 lit 2512(1 27|21 2S21 2!' 22 30|23 30(23 31 25 32125 1] 7 7 s III in 11 )1 12 12 12 l:; 1 1 15 n; 17 17 ',) 10 (tO 8 00 20 !t 1(1 (ill <) 8(1 00 10 50 20 10 85 Oil 12 25 00 14 00 01'! 14 0(1 lojl 1 15 Oil 15 00 ()i) 15 00 On 15 75 On Ki 85 8ii 17 15 00 17 50 I.iVr M.ll'k, Cilllil'. Si!.'.], awl II. „s. ?• I'-i i. 5 00 8 00 (i 5 501 00 8 (> 0« 10 00 (i 50 11 OOilO 7 00 !•_> 0(i|l2 7 5(ijl3 (.O'M 7 50113 Oo'm 8 5"'l5 Oii'h (iO:i(5 00il5 !• (iO|10 00;15 9 OOiKJ (iO'l5 50J17 OO'IO 11 00|20 (M)'l.s 11 0(i;20 Oo'lS 12 O0'22 00 20 c. 00 10 40 1 4 60 Ifi 80 18 00i'20 40,24 40| 40 110 1 = 1 111 Odl 12 511,23 <iO i;0 13 5( Oiii 10 00 1 1 Onl-ji; 0o'21 0(i|T.i (i(»!l3 5o;25 00!21 14;2S 15:31 1(!!32 1- ..., ]7|!1 1 .s 35 18 371 1S|37 10 38 20I4Q •js 20 ■".() 34 36 40 12 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 IS 20 4 60'26 60 27 60 27 80128 o0|30 00I3I 4(K33 ..1... 40;34 60^36 (■0137 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 !• 00 8(1 17 0(1 10 00 10 Co 7 75112 (( 5ii Is 00; 13 11 OoilO oo|l 1 11 00 10 00il4 20 On! 14 22 (mil 5 11 50 1 12 00 751 !l 50.17 00 16 80 28 00 I5I1I O0J2O 00 18 00 'Ml 00 35l]l 50'21 OOilO 20:32 00 50112 no -j-j ()0i2O 40J33 00 5n ■2:] (10 20 40;34 00 00j24 00 21 60J35 00 On. 26 OOi'J] (iOi37 00 00,26 On 21 (;0!37 00 00 26 00 22 S0;3S 00 OO'-J.s oo;-j) OollO 00 >Smat,i,s, — Wlicii (lie (diargp for siiij^le coiisiiiiniii'ii's IVom s^/mn/f- .-,l,iii]ii.iN .Im's net (iinouuttoiiioi-c l»y \\o'vj;hi tli.iii tin; tlj,'uros sp^'ciiitil in tlu'Tariiruuili'r tlic li.'adnr ".s,y)«//.s-," tliose ratus mu.st Ik; rliai-c.|. ,??; r ::'i 2S TitiMiNTit. (;i;i;v and i;i;i'(i': kailw.U'. Cordwood Tariff from all Stations to Toronto. STATK.iXS. Wi'sImII .hlli.'linll Wooilliiii!^,'!' Klein luir,!,' liolloit...' Mono lloii'l <'liarl('st(i)i Alton Oniiiircs illi' ()nm_i,'cvillc. I unction. Aniarantli Witltlcnuir Liitln-r Arthur Kcnilwnith Jlount Fori'.st (irt'i'ii. I'nMidi-t Cilf I I'c T I. ■•II;,' I'lir (W.ii^lil licil 111 ! ("Oi^lil licit Id exrt'i'il iMiif ) 1 .-.(I i •J 7-1 : :; :;ii ] I Ml ii :;(i ■. r> till 7 .'II » lii I ,S .to I s 70 I ;!ii I 11 10 I 1-2 00 ! l:! -JO Harriston Lisiul.'l Gorric ^^ W'loxcl 1 t I') 1.") (io lii -JO V\rr. ll ll.l '1,1 1^. c. •J 'lO I ."ill .'i ;'ii 7 00 S 00 10 .-,11 11 (10 I J r.o 1:; r.o 1 I 110 1 1 rio l.'l fiO 1>< ;'o •Jo 0(1 •Si 00 •_'l (10 •J'i 00 •27 0(1 Slielliiiiiii' DundilU I'roton . Floshcrton auil Markdali- P,.-rk,'lrv Willianisi'ord ll •M ;>,) 11 10 1-2 00 !•_' 00 14 10 U 70 1,') 00 It! 'lO 17 10 Is ;{o ii; .'•0 l;i 00 20 00 21 50 ■J:! .'(.I 2 J 20 27 2s ;,o r.o r)0 fiO r.o Dry. I'rr SMiirt. ('ill' IV'i' liiJii^ ('ill' (mil 111 I'xrccil 1^11 t 111 OX'l'Ot'll ) 4i-.ii;-.) (j IT'lts.) S. C. !?!. *■. 1 20 1 SO 2 (10 :; 00 2 (10 :i 00 1 :i 20 4 so 1 I 00 t, (Ml 1 ;'. 00 7 .^o 1 :. .(o H 10, 00 •• 00 1 C -10 » <io 1 t; 00 (to ti so 10 20 1 7 20 10 so I s .}() 12 Co { it oo l.'i .--.o 1 !» so 11 70 ! 10 (;(• ir, !'o 1 11 to 17 10 t 11 so 17 70 i i 7 00 ' ii lo' ! S tiO 12 00 20 i;i so I ;i so 11 70 10 -to 15 M Io so 10 20 11 00 17 40 12 00 IS 00 12 10 IS 00 i l:; 20 i;* so Chiitswortli.. lioi'ld'onl Owen Souuil ('(ii-diro'j'l will only 1t(! ciirrit'i! at oirm r's risk at the nbovo rati's, wliii'li an; exclusive ot' loailini; lui'l unloaiJiuL,' ; //' nut nit at hi:.':' ]o iini,if/ii. I'-i// l,r rhitisid loul rdlcil as ifrrni n-ou''. liut this V. ill nut n-liivc Consiirnors riul < 'nnsii^iii'i s ol' rcs|ionsiliility lor acci 'cuts and ilania^i' to c;!i's or otlii r iirii]i('ity i-aas'illiy o'vciiiaiiiti.L';, aiul lUiuhh' Luiiilicr rates villlji' cliar^^cil in such .'asts. (r'ri'rit f_'or(f('''jiji/ will only lie I'anicd nf oii'inr'-' liy wciudiin^ lialfa I'm-d niion tin' ( 'oTii|i.'my's seiilc Tiailci's will lie I'liartji-'l fur tlic ii^c of racks an l'oiii)iany. Till' r.illowii.i.'- nicasuii'ini'iits will In' nlisci \i',i mi ]i lalinp; : 01;V I'oKllW'ii^i'li. I ts'{ liy v:i'i,t,'l.t wliii ll I st ikci will 11 ihisc I.. can he ascertaineil . :ur:.:;lA.i; vth-; LoiiL; Flat Car Short Flat Cars \os. 101 to ir.O iii'.'liiavc. Short Flat Cars 2S S" l(i' 0" 10' 8" lon,^ h.n'. wiih wide 4' 0" dci'l dcel 10" \.)S. 201 to :300. Conductor. *iave positive instinct inns not to lifi cars when these weights or rnc,i>iire- mcntsarcin any way c.xce dc'!. lleiiinrra^c will he charj^'cd on all cars vm// /tn/t/i't/ 7''*V/(/,t i^if vtirl.iiKj Idiiir-i after arrival at point ol' shipment at tlie roUowinj^ rates, viz. :— Lon;^ I'ars, S4 ; Shoit Cars, H'l, loi' ocry .six working hours oi' jiort ion thcrcol'. Cars ?;o/ iin- lo((d('il within six working hmirs ai'ter arrival at destination will he unloaded hy the Com- pany at Consignee's exjiense. Cordwood must lie iminediately removed iVoni tlie Coni- jiany'.s premises after l)eing unloaded, or it will he sidijcct to the storage charge of 25 cents jier cord during first week or jiorlion thereof after the lir.'-t twenty-four hiiiirs, and 50 "ieiits jier ctu'd ]ier week thereafto m ToiJCLNTo, (;ki:v axi) jmm'ck i;.vii;\vav. , ■"*" ■ - — Vr 1. 1)111? Cii ■ 11 t III OXCCOcI (■( ■lis.) >i . 0. 1 M) ''. 0(» >i 1)(l 4 Ml *< (II) 7 r.i* .s 1", It ()(' '.) (io <) !^() Ml 20 10 M) 1-2 (;i> l:! f/ii 1! 7it 1.- '.Ml 17 111 17 70 "]'i 40 ' 12 !)0 13 ■SO ] t 71) I.' t;o 1*! 'JO 17 40 IS 0.) is i;it ];> Ml xchisive ot' /rriui irooi'. ■i:'cii ts iUl'l tfS \ ■ill 1j.' ':t:uiii'il r riea>iiiv- ili'd vit/iiit, z. :— Lou- r the Coiii- tlie Coiu- laign of 25 irs, aiul "jO Timber TariiT for the conveyance of Square Timber, etc., to Toronto. 1873. — TATIi»NS, •1- lIll'iT IMT 1000 niMr f,.,. Wliil WdOiUu'iil;. !\! ■iiilmrLf iUillou Mono i;o:i.l rliiuli'Mroii . .Mtou nnuigcvillr. ( >lMll;4r\illr Aliuiraiitli ... WaMi'inar .. Lutli.T .'vi'lliur un.'tM'ii :',:', (lO •,\l 0(1 at 00 ;{(! 00 ;is 00 :)S no o'.l 00 41 00 I -J 00 4-J 00 4 J oO 4.'. 00 lint I'iiic- 1 iiiii Jvliii. !^ ('. •M no 10 Oil ID O'l 41 01) l-J i> 1 IJ IMI 1.". 00 1) IHI l."i 00 1.'. <HI 1.'. IHI \7 Hi) i'srllilwnrlll Muiiul Forr.st i ''' ... ■■■ i ••• 1 (III 00 ... 17 no !S no Ilaiii^ioii I.isailrl • iiinio ami Wi-o.mIit ."^hi'lliiinir Duinlalk I'rotoii i'lfshci'toii & l'riiT\illc.... .Markilale iicvkeli'y W'illiiuii.st'oiil (■iuitsworth i\Orkt'oril (Uwii .Souii'l Walliiil. iiinl ()iil<. S I!. 42 (10 14 ()l» It (10 4.-. 00 ii; On 40 00 47 oi) 40 00 I!) 00 1'.) 00 I!) 00 .VJ 0(1 ."•2 on .■•,:) Oo , !\1,ist.-i :iiii| iVanls f.;rii. .S SiKO.- 12 00 12 7,0 l:i "lO 1 I 00 1 I (10 1 I (10 1 1 .'.0 1.'. 00 ].') (HI 1.". 00 l.'l (III 1,-, .-.0 l.'i .-.0 1() (a) 00 7.0 00 ."o ."/O ."lO IK) r.o r.o .'o .'lO .'a I .">o 01) Hafliiig •siiiir. CONDITIONS AND REGULATIONS. 1. Tinilii'r iim.st ln' iiili'il in '/.«()/■/-■./ Irivilhs on s/.-ii/-; l.l IVrt I'li'ar fioni thr rail of tin' tnick ami not to cvtend inoie than ."iO fuct. hicfi-s of 'riniliiT 42 to t)0 fert in Icn^'tli must hv. ]'ili-(l to^cthur liy themselves, uuil pieces of Timliei' '■'>() to 42 feet in lenj^th must also be [liled in the .same inanuer. ilasts, Yards, and Sjiar.s niu.st be |i:' '• bull and tip alter- nately, and in eipial leii,^th.s, s>o that two or more can be taken at a load. 2. Timber, &c., must be pbu'od where the ('ompany's aj;f'nt ilireets, and .so as not tn inter- fere with the f^rouiul lei^uired by the Company. 'J'he iiboi:c rn/rs iiic/mlc lunding and unload imj, o. Every .shipper will be rei[uired to sign an order in (rcnci-al Siiperintendeut's ofliee for the transport of his Timber before the same is loaded, and to name au agent at Toronto who .shall luive authority to receive the Timber and give receipts to the Company for the same on its delivery from the ear.s. Description, number of pieces, anil .situation of the Timber must be given on this order. m 4. SI ilpjicis w rcslioilHililc lul- ;ill 4illM;iJ?i'S ilnlli- tn the ( 'cilllimiiv's rclircs, HilN"', i^' l)y tfii'iiisiivis, ;i;^'iits. or Hi'i v.aits, uii'l nil ln'^s ainl I'ost iiiisin^ llu'ri'tV'im will In- siu- iiini';,'r(l u|")ii till' TiiiilnT. fj. ShiiiiiiMw li loiv |iiliii^' TiiiiliiT, k-., lictwi'oii^stiitl'iiH, luiiHt first asci'i'tiiiii fi'om tliP t!cn- •Miil Sii|nMiiil'iiclint wlwtlii'r tin- |il;irc is I'oiivt'iiii'iit lor tlio <,'omjiaiiy to loud tVoiii, iui>l iiinU'r no liri 'iiii^tiini'rs will 'riuiln'r Ijc ri-inoviHl iJ" jil.ici'il mi a ^^railf oiiposite a riiivc uv in a ;4itllry. Tiiiili^r iihiii'd lutwtiii stations will l>i' I'li.irni'd as it' IVoiii next station liL'Vond. (1. The loadiii;^' mI' TiiiiliiT will 'u" iiiiiitcd as follows : Wiiiti' I'iiH', l.'O ciiliir rcct. jitM' lur^^i'car. li,.,i '• .100 i'.lm :.l.'.0 • liik :i()0 7. TimliiT will Iji' iiii'asun'il lid'oiv lifin,:^ loadi'd on the cars, and tVciijilit idwu^i'd on ll:-' ai'tiial iMihii' I'ontt'nts. and tin' Conqtany risiM'vn tin' rii^dit to Indd any part lot ot'Tind"'!' tliat tnav lie in ti:o l!av at Tor^nti', nnlil all ainaisipf IVcii^dit and otln'r ('liari,'(.'s arr pai I infnll.' 8. Tlif delivery of tlie T'lnlici', Masts, Spni's and Yards shall lie rousidered conipL t.' whvu deposited in tin' i5ay,and of llaftinj; JStidl'. k<:., wln-n nidoadeil on the Company '.-> whaif. y Booinai,'e will be eli;ir;,'ed at the rate of ',{)r. per looD feet on all Tiniher, and lOo, f-r each -Mast, Yard or Spar tloated within the hooni.s ; lait it is to be distinctly uinhv- stood that the ('oin])any will undertake no risk from :niy cause whatever after the frcii^ht ha?! been di.M'liar^^'ed from the ems. 10. The term " iiaftin^' Stulf" shall oidy bi; ajiplie,! to Moats, To^^^des, Withes, and Tia.. crses- Withes to bi; put uji in bundlt-.s that can be easily handled. 11. Fri'i^dit cliar^'cs to bi- paid ni"nMdy. not later than the lOth of the following; iiionrli, after whi^h date interest will be char;,'ed. 12. Tindier, &c., ni-t pki'-ed and pih-il in aecordame with the f<ire^'oim,' londition.s \wi! I'' subject to an extra charee fur any additional expense incurred. .ih; 7\) till' Tvi-ont", 'I'lri/ ami I}nir< lUdUi-mj CiDiI/.cii;/. The undersi;:ned heieby a,i,'rees to the Taritf lii';;nlations and < 'omlition.s of th" Toronto, Orry ;iirl lliuee Kaiiwi'.y Company foi' the conveyance of Sipiare Tindier, itc., ;•> Toronto. Wirvr.sh!. 'tV'«m will 111' siii'- iti from tlio (I'eii- o lodd I'roni, iui>l iposite 11 iiuvc 01' SI TUUONTO, ci.'KV A\J) J)i;ic|.: U.mlwaY. t ulinr^'i'i! oil tl;.' irt lilt i)t' TiiiiliiT i'li:il';^f.s ail' ftiii I 1 Cdiiiiili l(» when )iniiaiiy'.-. wliuif. •I", and ]0i\ t'(.f istiiK'tly uiiclci- iti'vcr aftiT th.> it ill's, and Tiu'.'- llmviii;,' irioiitii, i<litii)ii:5 wil! Ill- 1.M7..., idilion.s of th'f rimliL';-, ic, to Wharfage Tariff, Queen's Wharf, Toronto. Al-idcspiT M.I _.,Q Q- A.slics I'ot & I'.'ail, i„r l.hl or Cask... "o ](") i'.arlcy, jmt IhisIk'I y „., I5ii<'k, jii'i' 1000 !...'.... .-.(1 IJiittiT, pi'i- Hikiu ,!......'.'.. <):{ Calves, carh ('alv<'.s, in ('arca.ss, carii. Of ().'. Cattle, hurncd, ca'di , o ■]'. Carriages, oiu; horse .."..'.' o .,'r^ Curriagt'H. two horse '......'...'. ii) Carts, one horse ""i Carts, two horse ' ' ' ^ ~^'^^ Castiiif,'s, iron, jier ton oC -JOOO Ihs. .!!. () 70 CidtM', jier 1)1)1 {) Us Coal, ]ii'rton <^i' '2m)]),H.. .......,,',[[[ '[ 1.2.', <'ordwood, i)i'rcor,l '.'......... 'Jo" Corn, Indian, per Kiisliel '...'......'. ("•_> Dry Goods, jier ton ot' 200u ll,s ."() Fish, jierlil)! „ | - Fl'Jiir, per l)l>i.. ineliidin^' .stora.ije and shipping ; or, Miniiture, i)er .siiijrl.. cartload . •'-, Kiirniture, per doulile cartload... Jk jr. 0.-- Croe. •ries, per ton of liOOO ll.s .-,( Hardware, j.er ton of 2000 Ihs "iO Hay, j.er ton of -JOUO His. -|) Hogs, each ' • „ ^^^ J logs 111 carea.ss, each of, 1 lorte.s, each o ] •> hou, eastings, per ton of •JQOQ Ihs ii 70 ■•on, ig p,.rtnnor-2l0 1l,s J5o :>.!) Iron, l.ailroad, e.\r!u>i\ , „f i,,|„„. ^.,.' ton of ii240 1l„ .'iO lion, llailroad .stoiag.' p.!' month. ....'. :J,-. I.ninlHT. p,.,- 1000 ft, B. .\I, f.ime, I'lastiT, per l.M " .'' -Meal, per hhl. inrlndjn- storage and ■"'''Pl'i'i^' '. 0.' "ats. pi r lin.<^lii| Q., Oyst.'.'s, prrlild .....'...'...,'..'.'.'. 0'- I'iti'li Tar, jiri' liM q q- I'laster l.inie, yrv iiM ' Q y*- I'oik, Jier bill..... .....!.!!.!! COS I'otiitors, per l)lil ..'......'.' 0.". j ''''^i". l"'i' '''1 05 i:;''^' l-'l'''! oor. ^ "•'■I''. '■•"••' 04 Nlieep in carea.s.s, rarli q O." Ni'Igll.s, one |ior.<e q .j_r, ■•^leigli.s, two hor.se 40 •Stoii,', per toise '.'."......' ] 00 Tallow, [.ii' hl.l Q 0.- Tar, I'itrh, prr l,bl '.*..'....'...'. 0:> Waggon-;, one lior.se -J.' Waggons, t.vo horse 40 Wheat, per hnshid, iuehiding storage and ,shii)ping °_ Q 02 -—-—I'j^'lJ!!^-!!^- Oh 'rt>i:(i.\T(), (ii;!;v A.\i> i;;;r(i; !;aii.\vav. Local Freight, Tari/f, to aiul Trom Orangovillo Station. i«i ;;l. Muir IuuiiIImc. 1 SpiM'i il l.'atc.-*. 1 I 1 '1 i: If t 1 21 23 2'> 20 is 16 12 12 1 a 1 on 10 18 17 15 13 10 10 ■/ ■/. JJ t i • 16 1". 11 13 11 10 s s i w j: i 5 u / S 12 11 11 10 ji 8 6 (I • n 7 ■r. ... 25 25 25 25 251 7. '■ ■*" u : -•> i ^' Ji ill ' 5 «-- •I. ' r i = ! t ._.= <5 w 'i. a i; 11 t.) s ">_ 7 )i ;. .") "5" 5 5 ti 7 / 9 11 11 12 LnllllMl'lMl' cir Inail, Mvi- HtorU, t'litll.', 5 /a •S, c. . i . ^ a /. •f s lil. r\\ I'.l.N ; ••I!AXt;i;Vll.!,K ! 1 7. ■3 c. .< c. t Toronto 1 22 ! ?s Iti , 1 1 1 1 12 ' HI 1 1" i'o 10 10 . 12 1 1 It 18 22 22 21 S 00' 14 00 8 50 15 O0I14 40 24 00 Wi'stDii.lmiittioii ... \Voo.ll.iul.i,v 1 KlcinlMii-L; B')!ti)ii 6 lit ti 2(» li 00 .'. no 5 20 .'. 00 5 00 5 00 5 Oo 5 00 5 00 5 tio 6 Oti t) 40 7 t;o •< 10 ."> 60 11 2ti ID 8.". 10 5(1 9 80 9 It) 8 Oti 8 Oti 8 00 8 Oti « 00 8 75 9 8ti 10 50 il 20 13 30 11 15 15 00 7 5(. 7 oti ti 50 ti 0(1 5 50 5 01 1 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 5 tiO 6 t)0 6 50 7 50 8 -.0 9 Oti 9 00 5*50 ti 5ti 7 00 7 50 7 50 8 50 9 00 9 00 9 50 11 00 13 tlO 12 00 11 00 lO 0(« 9 00 8 00 8 00 8 (ill .S 00 S till S 00 10 00 11 00 13 00 15 00 16 00 16 00 9 00 11 00 12 00 13 00 i3 00 15 00 16 00 16 00 17 00 20 00 l:i 20 13 20 12 till 10 8tl 9 60 7 20 7 20 23 till •J 2 00 20 t'O 18 till Mono lio.i'l ('hiir!ist(.ii ' It) 00 12 till Alton ' 12 tit) ' )r;Mi"rvi III* ... Oruii^i'villr, ■luiirtidii 1 Auiiiruiitli ' Waldciiiiir jl2 is 20 23 ^25 '2ii 27 10 1(1 M 12 1.-. 17 19 ... 20 21 2^ •■ ,s 11 13 1-1 15 It; 17 ti •' ti 7 JI 10 11 12 13 13 25 25 25i 251 25 25 25 2.^. 2t; 27 7 20 7 20 7 20 8 40 10 80 12 00 13 20 12 tit) 12 01) 12 00 l/Uthcr... Arthur | Kf'iiihvdrtli M'lunt Koi-f.st 14 00 18 III) •JO 00 23 00 Hiirri.stnii ' 14 40 15 60 15 60 25 00 I,isu<l.'l 2t) 00 < !<)n'ii' aiiil \Vio\cti-; 27 00 ' \ ■ • ... 1 5 20 ti 00 6 20 6 40 7 00 7 60 S tUl 8 60 9 00 9 60 9 ]o 10 50 10 85 11 20 12 25 13 30 15 00 15 00 15 75 16 85 i 9 60 12 00 13 20 13 20 14 40 14 40 15 60 15 60 16 80 18 00 Shflliiirnc ... i 16 20 22 23 21 25 27 27 28 30 13 17 18 19 20 20 22 22 23 24 10 13 14 15 15 15 17 17 18 19 8 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 27 28 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 24 24 27 ti 7 8 9 10 11 12 12 12 13 16 00 Dtindalk I'rotoii ! 20 00 22 Ot» KlesluTton ami Piicevillc. uMark.lale 23 00 24 00 Horkek-y Williainsfonl 25 00 27 08 Chatswortli 27 00 Kockfonl 28 00 Owen SduiuI 30 00 Sm.m.i.s. — When tlic ('liarf;(' for sinplo coii.sit;fnn)ont.s from s''parnte shippers does not amount to more by weight than the fiyiucs specified in the TaritV under the head of " i>'i>iulfs," those rates must be charged. c P ■''■ ;■ ¥ 3 b. « i- tr •a m^ "^"^ j^ 3 3 1 ^ — — — **. 1'. X \ 11' 'J4 (iO ;! 2(1 i>;i <"i :t i>(i •_'•_» (lit '_' (M) •JO (.0 Ml IS (Ml <) (III ii; 0(1 r liii i-j <)(» r -jd l-J 01) 7 -Jd V2 (M) 7 'Jii l-J (H) 7 'J(i I'J 00 s 4(1 14 00 .so 18 00 •J ()(t 'J(l 00 3 20 'ja 00 I 4(1 t;o (10 » »)0 00 20 20 40 40 r» 60 CO 80 00 2r> 00 2»i 00 27 00 1»J 00 20 00 22 00 23 00 24 00 25 00 27 08 27 00 28 00 30 00 rs floc3 not he head of 33 TUUOiNTO, CKKY AND IJIJUCK KAIMVAV Local Freight T&xiS, to and from Mount Forest Station. Mt'irliiiihliHO. -3 i5i"r\vi:r,N Mdl'NT riH!i:sT .\M» TiPioiito WcHtull .llllll'tioll Wodilluiili^t' Kli'iiiluii'^ rmitini .Miiiio I'lmd ('hiirlfstoii Alton t >riiii;^i'villi' Onin^^cvillc .hiiicti.m. Aiuiinuilh i i :tl :si) 2!t '2S 2ti •jr. 24 j2:{ Wuld.'iimr ::20 l.ntli.T j-JO Aitlmr i 14 Kciiiiwintli ,12 Almiiit Forest ' !... Ilarristoii ;|12 liisiidcl I ,lt) <!orrU' ainl Wroxctt-r If^ Slicllnillli' Diiu.lalk I'rotou KicsliiTton .t I'l ii Mnik.lal.- ll.MkrIov •ville Williiuiisfonl ( 'liiif swdi'lh .. Ifockt'ord Owen Sound.. .it 'rJS !-J!i |:U. i;n 34 3f) 21 111 111 IS l.s It! ir. ir. ir. 14 14 13, i:'. SI 8 S|K'i'iiil HmIcn. 3:1' !li 301 :tO! >«! " I 2(ii -.1 3 ■•" 30 2.S 27 2tJ 24 •)._) 20 IS 1(! If. 14 14 I'J 10 'J') 10 12 14 .Ii. 12 2.. 13 271 14 2.S| 1 4 'il* 30j 31 1 33! 34i 3r.i 3.il 22 24 24 2('. 27 2S 30 32 34 34 Jit! i. ~ 3 _i i:. 1 1 l:i i:; 12 11 l.iiiiil>i'r jii'i' t':ll lonl. !;*. n, 10 )t !l !t !> S l.ivi' SiiM'k, (•utile, Mliiil lUI'l II'IL'^' .?. •■. 0(1 17 fiO 12 o( Still 7 ir. (loJKi k:. 40 it; r.o oo|ir. 7.-, loiH ir. t;(iil3 30 8. I'. titi 40 2(1 12 2.-. 11 20 10 S." 2(1 10 S". 00 00 till 00 U 110 r. 211 r. (Id 10 .Ml It) r.o H 7:. S 00 S 00 !> 10 SO t)tl t;o 00 40 (!0 80 00 00 r.o t)tl 13 ]-> ir. Ki 1.; 17 17 17 18 1!) 11 0(1 11 01 10 r.o !i r.o •I 00 s r.o 7 :.(( r.d 00 (Ml r.o r.o ■) Ot) ■> 00 r> 00 it r.o (i 00 8 !) i) 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 00 (10 00 00 (10 01 00 00 00 00 00 OtI 00 00 00 8 Oti (Id lo 00 ir. (> 17 1!) 20 23 24 s. f. •JO 40 IS (10 18 00 It! 80 Iti St) i'l t'.O 14 40 1 1 40 13 20 33 t d :n 00 30 |M1 2!i (Ml 28 do 21'. (Id (Ml 24 CO •J3 do 13 20 22 dd 13 20 22 Od 12 tlo|20 (Id 00 20 (Ml S 4d'M Cd 7 2dil2 t/d 1: 7 20; 12 00 (Idjlti (Ml Id StiilS dd 14 i:. It! Ki IS IS 20 20 21 21 40, tlO| SO, so; 00 i 00 40 40 (!0 00 2.'. Od 27 dd 28 00 2!) (Id 3() 00 31 dd 33 00 31 Od 35 Od 3(5 (Ml .Smai.L.s. — Wh n tlie cliMi-fjc for siiifjlc coiisij^nincnt^ tVom si'/xini/r .slupiicfs docs imt mnmiiit to inori; l.y wcii^lit tliaii tin- ligurcs .'<]ic('ilii'il in llio Tai ill' iiiidfr tlic liuad ol ".Smalls," 1110.11.' rate.s iiiu.st be rliMi;ri'd. i 34 TORONTO, (iUFA' AND BKITCE RATLAVAY Local Freight Tariff to and from Owen Sound Station. I'.KTWKKN' OWKX SOl'Nlt AND Mcrehanilisc. X il » 'I'oroiito Weston .Imiftiitn Woodliiiilf^c Kli'inburg lioltoii.. ". .Mono Jio.id I'liarleston Alton Onin.fjei'ilic ( iriiiij^cvillc .liinction.. Aniiiiantli Wrtlil niar liUthlT Arthur Kcnilworth Mount Kon-st...., ii |40 i33 iai 31 130 !29 !30 j31 133 i34 i36 Uarriston Lisnilol (iorriii and '(Vroxcter... Shclburnc I>unilalk I'rotnn Klcsherton and I'l u;evilli' Afarkdalc! Ilprkeley Willianisford <'hats\vorth linckford Owen Sound '^S) 40 381 3(51 3.')' 34 17|33j lf)l3l! I5j30| 14!2!> ir)'30: mi 30; 15'31 17'33' 17134 18 3G, 27 25 11 251 111251 10!25J 7 1 is' 7125 6 25 Spcrinl Uatcs. 3 40 3i) 34 34 32 3(t 28 28 27 2t; 27 27 28 30 32 34 3ti 38 40 24 20 18 It! 14 14 12 12 10 2(1 1*< 17 17 Hi 1.-. 14 n 13 13 13 13 14 i:. H! 17 18 1S> 20 12 10 i» ,s 7 7 ti (> J.lliiilii'r per $. •• 12 11 ll 11 10 10 9 !♦ 9 !) 10 1(» 11 *. <• 22 ii> 10 IS 17 17 80! 17 (iO|l(! 40|1(J soil 7 80J17 Oo:i7 50|18 00:1!> Live Slock, C'iiltlf, Slii'cp, mid iliij's. $. c. 15 14 13 13 12 11 11 11 10 11 11 11 12 00J12 0(t!l3 00:28 0(12(1 50125 00l24 50J23 00,22 00!20 00; 20 ()0|20 50:19 00 1 20 0020 0020 e022 50123 50 125 00 00 00 OC 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 20 00113 00 21 00 14 50 22 00 15 00 00 8 (iO 7 00 7 00 (i 40 00 60 20 00 00 00 2() 50|27 00 28 00 15 00 13 30 12 25 11 20 10 50 9 80 9 10 8 75 8 00 00 50 50 00 5(1 (i 00 5 00 5 00 5 00 « 3 *. <'^ 00 SO 60 60 40 00 38 00 3(i 00 35 00 40,34 00 40 33 00 001 31 OO 00131 OO 00 -0 00 80 00 2«» OO 30 OO 00' 30 00 0031 00 40133 00 40 34 00 (;0'3(i 00 22 80'38 00 24 00|39 OO 25 20 40 00 16 00|15 CO 27 00 13 00|14 40 24 00 13 00 13 20:23 00 12 00113 20! 22 00 11 00|12 00 20 00 10 00 10 80|1S 00 8 00 8 40 14 00 8 00 8 00 8 40iM 00 7 20,12 00 Smalls. — Wlun th« cliargt; for .siiif^le consifjnmonts from acparnlc sliippcrs doos not Hinount to more by weight tlian the ligurcs speiilied in tlit' Turill" under tlie head of "Smalls," those rates must be charged. ^ \ ?>. c. 00 so iO 00 .iS 00 00 ()0|-{ti 00 (\om 00 40!:U 00 40l;};! 00 S (iO|:n ■i OPI.'U i oo|;o CO i 80 2!» CO < 00 ;<o flo ^ 00 :{0 00 < ool.n 00 > 40i;'.:{ 00 > 40:34 00 (j0';5t) 00 ! mss 00 00 39 00 20 40 00 ♦!0i2r 00 40 24 00 20|2:? 00 20; 22 00 00:20 00 SOJIS 00 40; 14 00 40114 00 20,12 00 ist Junctior-an addition of does not hend of CO UJ SB X, STATIONS. Toronto Weston J unction . W'oodbridge Kloinburg IJolton Mono Koad t.'hiirleston Alton OianKt'ville Oraiit£eville Junction . . o El a o 9 21.', 7i 12i 26i 32A 41" 17 A 23 J 32 m 35A 49 40 '>'2h 43> to '5 t'c — ►-. 1 I 5 10 IC 24J 28 324 3t) Ania ninth Waldemar Luther Aithur Jvinilworth •Mount Forest Junction... Mount Forest .06 47 f.84 49.". til r>2 72 «3 79 70 i'6 77 87 78 39i 42 44 J. 5.V4 ti2A (i9A 70i 3 1:3 5 11 6 19i 14.1 23 18 27i 22^ 31 26 C3 O o o 1^1 § c o 8.i 12 16J 20 ( llarri.ston Li.sadel Gorrie & AVro.xeter. •;vhTa;;' 90 94i 103 108 M 85i 94 99 73.\ 78 8(ii 91i 34A 37 39i 50A f.7l ti4A "osi 73 81 A 8()i Sheiburne *ii'i Dundalk 76 I'roton bl FU'sherton v^ Priceville... S6i Markdale 92§ I'.erkelev 98 William.sford 106?, Chatsvorth 109 IJockl'ord jll4 Owen Sound 1122 67 72 77i 83j 89 97i 100 lor. 113 f)9i 70" 7«j 81i 90 92i 97i 10f.i 4:54 f)4A 59.i 65 n.i 76i 85 87e 92 J lOOA 29.1 32' 34i 45A 52 i 59i 60i ■68A 68 76i 81 J 23J 26 28i 39J, 46i 53^ AH 57I 62 70.\ 75A Si 8 llA 3.^4 49.', 54.', 60 71.', 80 82 i 87i 95A 32^ 43J, 48J, 54" 60^ 65.'. 74 76.' 81.' 89; 15 20 31 38 45 i-_ 49 I 63jl 62 67 -J- s 8 I 14 16.1, I •?,V 27i 344 30 41 42 A 45A r.o" 58 A 63 A 23 41 4,-.', f.l 231^ 35 40 45A 51§ 57 65i 68 73 81 20.1 31 A 36A 42" 48i .WA 62 64 A 69A 77A 3.A 6 8i 194 264 33A 344 37 A 42 50j 55A & 16 23 30 _31_ 34 38A 47" ^ 134 204 27 J284 314" 36 444 494 11 18 25 26 7 14 15 W 1 29 I 18 I 11 334' 224! 15A 42 47 31 36 24 29 4 17 l^:r 27 3J 37.', 4;]v 4'.i 57.'. 60 6.'. 12i 23 A 28 A 34 4111 4.-..', 54 5i)A 61A 69i 15;^ 27 32 37 A 43i 49 57A 60 65 73 29A 34. A 40 46', 51 A 60 62 A 67 A 2(1/ 32 424 62 A 65 70 78 3J^ 43 48 53 A 59^ 65 734 76 81 89 38.V 50 55 60A iHVi 72 80 A 83 88 96 57 62 67.1 73^ 79 87A 9(» 95 103 10 NOTE :— The distance given to all Stations on the Bruce Extension is m 14 miles must be made to obta'n the distance via Mount Forest ! y ta fi- T. G. & B. R. iwce: 31872. ml 3 20* "I 11 18 25 26 29 I 33 j' 7 14 18 22i 31 3<J w o ■*-» t— ) 1^ 7 o 8 1 J=^ 3 M .r n! CA' 3 Q 11} itii 5 ^a^ lOJ _'8 16^ ;i;ii 22 41^ 30* 44J 33 49.i 38 r,7i 46 » Bruce Extension is measured via (Mount Forest Junction-ari addition of ince via Mount Forest Station. -uumon or o o Ui 17 25J 28 33 41 ^ o 6] 11^ 20 22i 27A 35A| ^^ ~k 13^ 161 21 i 29j a -« ca n= 8A 11 16 24 p= ■-•3 r^ ^ o o 2A c K 7i 5 15.1, 13 8