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IMapa, piataa, charts, ate, may ba filmad at diffarant raduction ratios. Thosa too larga to ba antiraly included in ona axpoaura ara filmad baginning in tha uppar iaft hand cornar, laft to right and top to bottom, aa many framas as raquirad. Tha following diagrams iiluatrata tha mathod: Laa cartaa, pianchaa, tabiaaux, ate., pauvant *tra fllmte A daa taux da rMuetion diff Grants. Lorsqua la documant aat trop grand pour Atra raprodult an un soul ciichA, II aat fllmA A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha A drolta, at da iMut an baa. an pranant la nombra d'imagaa nAcaaaaira. Las diagrammaa suivants lllustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 , ,:.. -P'' .vlvl iitii«'w""i .,"f I'r i ^i I'll 'iPi' i<»".T^vV ?«**^*f. SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC AND 1Xtpo$\iox^ of Ustfrxl Knotolebge, FOR THE YEAR 18 54, BEING THE SECOND AFTER LEAP YEAR, CONTAINING FULL AND AUTHENTIC COMMKBCIAL. BTATIBilCAL, A8TBONOMICAL, DCSPARTMENTAL, EOCLBBIASTICAL, EDUCATIPNAL, FINANCIAL, AND GENERAL INFORMATION. THE ASTRONOMICAL CALCULATIONS WHICH ARC SUITED TO BTBRV PART OF THE BRITISH PR0VINCK8 IN NORTH AMERICA, HATE BEEN MADE EXPRESSLY FOR THE CANADIAN ALMANAC. TORONTO: HUGH SCOBIE, 16, KING STREET EAST; SOLD BY H. ROWSELL, BREWF.R, McPHAIL k. Co., T. MeLEAR. tRS WF8- LEY AN BOOR ROOM. JAMBS LESSLIE, amd A. H. ARMOUR * Co., ToiOHTQt JOHN ARMOUR. WEIR 4t DUNN, R.A; D. MILLER. 0. BRYSON, JQHNDOU- GALL, AMB B. DAWSON, MoirrmBAL ; T. GARY, P. SINCLAIR, and J.'t. BROUB* SEAU.QoBBco ( J. DUFF, amb E. W. PALMES. Kirmton ; A. BUNTIMIt09., Am a. BEVirSON, Hamilton I J. SIMPSON, and P. M. WHITELAW, Niasaka i J.K, GRAHAM, JAME8 GILLEAN, and ROBERT REID, London t T. HARVEY, Oa. BODRat J. ALLAN, Pcktr; JOHN McMULLIN, and W. BUBL. Bkockviub ( JOHN DURIE. Bttown; CHAPMAN U STRIKER, Piatoni W. ALLINO, iUonnm| O. H.. DERBY 4b Co.,'BDrrAM { and bv 8*ouuuriki aBBBBAUiT nowvaaooT t$M', PuyiHOB OP Ga«a»a. a ■■% ■■(fc. . i . M'-^^'M:' Xfcj^;'*;^**,^!*. w ' wvn ^R THE YEAH 1864. »JX<^^^^i>^X»MWM< ^ ' OnmiouMioAi. Otcubi. tte., 1804. or doidaa Mumliar,. rOfcteiOi I (MoM'a Xiek January Ut). ' rMS of tin iewldi En coin. Bept. ». . r xni of the MohuB. En com. Sept. M. foflhe World (Uilicr). ?Mr oftlM World (Jew*).. •■r>ortto World (Beptwulnt),. . . - Ymt.A. U. O. (BuUdiDB of Rome).. TeWortheOljrmpid, T«ar !of the Bn of Nabonaaor, TkelBiboflterM^iei ~ TlwfiSoftlMliidet). A , tt « I U U 163 «sm 1M4 18M oese MM 73n aaM ■ Reign begkw JuneMih. . .S.beginiJuly4th MM 1854 PixiB AR» Move«BU FuWrr, 4bo., 1894. itoptii«|ediB« iMuiiay,. . . ^ ■ ■UBMy,. IftUfY' QutnmflNlan ■uaeley, IWy^ AeiiWcmeiiiay.orFlntofLent — Mweh Quadra. FimSuadaylnLient Mai !i Mid Lent Sunday Matcii PaiBi Sopday April Good Friday April BtaTKK SORMV P ApfU LowSuaJay April Rogation Sunday , mnf AaoenrionDay^HolyTtaunday May Wbit Sunday— FenieoMl June Trinity Sunday June Corpua Oiriia June Middle Day of tbe Year July Advent Sunday Dec. Birth Of auecn Victoria May Birth of Prince Albert Aug. Taa Sbamiw. ISM— Teaoirro. (1853). Dee. ai.... ¥(emai Kauinox, March 90, 1854. . . BoauwraolBtice. June til ^toinnal Equinox, September 113. EeDecemberSI Winter Signs. Bnan a. M. 3 99 even. 8 3 even. 1 91 eves. 3 96 mor. 9 43 oven. 1 8 Trb SBAioNa, 1894— Toronto. It. H. M. Sun in Spring Signi 99 90 4P Sun in Buinmer Signa 93 14 S Sun in Autumnal ngni 89 IT 41 Tropical Year 38.1 S 48 Sun North of Equator 188 19 93 SungpafeofEquMor......... ............ .178 18 89 Hemkry until Feb. 8, ftom March 90 to May 98 ; JuM a» to Sept. 19 ■, and ftom Nov. 19 to Jan. 90, YouA firom Feb. 98 to Dec. 13. ,MaraliintUFeb.90i. iapMuntU July 19. , BaturB from May 99 to Dec. 4. ftom 1895. EvmiiKB a-TiiK^ itM4. Mercury from Feb. b to March 99 ; from May H to July 30 ; and ftom Sept. 19 to Nov. 19. Venua until Feb. 98; and from Dee. 13 to Oct. 1, 1859. Mara from Feb. 99 to Apl 9, 1899. Jupiter from July 18 to Jan. 99, 1859. Saturn until May 99, and from Dec. 4 to June 10, 1655. TO THE READBR. ' Bonfa Riaiiro and SBmira.- There aretwokinda of time uted in common almanacs, for the Sun'a Rising •ad Silting. One is Cto«k time, and tbe other i« itafwr««i or Sun time. Cloek time is a' flay, then apparent time would be true, and the sun would always rise and set at 6 o'ckiek, Hhea it was ittheOquinoxea. reople generally suppose itisl9 o'clock when the sun is in mid-heaven, or at tbdhon mark. fk iMi thoe is a great mistake, for the cun is so irregular, that it does not come to these points, k 19 o'clock Bftenee than four times in a whole year, or nbout once in every three months. In tM» almanac we give the time •onet tp ttaamarest second, that a correct clock muai show, when tbe sun is in the meridian and shadow at the Mon n^k, for every day in-the year. When the sun is at the noon mark it is noon, but not 12 o'clock very often. Thlavariationofthesun mqkea.adifilTence between it and all true time*piecea, and produces two kinds of tiaie. The snn,cai)not, therefore, be depended upon for correct time, without applying to it what ia termed the *• £quillk>n of Time," or the diffisrenoe between clock and sun. Add to apparent dme when the Sun is " Stow," \itai Buhiract when it ia " Fast" Many almanacs are calculated in m or apparent time, for the convenience of tiiose Who are accustoired to it. Such almanacs do not allow for l.. variation of the sun, besides this they show Bie rialtag and setting ol Jie sun's centre, without altowing for the eflisct of refractton, and are therefore both incon- venient and incorrect according to mean time. Almanacs in clock time are the best ones, for they give the iiaing^nd setting of the sun's K^ifMrttmi, and duly allow for the effect of refraction, which causes the sun to appear on the horizon a short time before he has risen, and after he has really set. This almanac is in clock time Or mean time. TO ASCTEBTAIN THTE IiX2N4»TH OF TBE DAT AND NIGHT. At aay time of the year, add 19 hours to the time of the Sun's setting, and from the sum subsuact the time of llaiag, lor the length of the day. Siwtract the ume of setting from 19 hours, and to the reir linder add the time of rising nejct morning, for the lenglta of the nigUt. These rules are equally true for apparent time. BXPIiANATION OF THE SICNSITSEDINTtelS AUHLANAC. % New Mood, rfhd Moon generally. O Firtt Quarter. O ^1^ Moon. (9l apart, 8 Oppc Ijon, or IBO** apwt, ^JMara,? 0tan^,0 Son, ^ Hersehel, ^ Neptun?. IMIUQCnrlOMS VOBFDfDINOTHE TBUETUBOB* The fhw, SB we have stated before, is on tbe meridian at 19 o'clock on four days only of tbe year. It isaone- 9B«h mueb as I9i roiButBB beforeor after twelve when its shadow strikes tbe noon mark on tbe sun-dial. ' On h.MlsBdar page of this Alaiaaae is shown the exact tfane when tbe sun reaehSB the DMridiaa, or the rttatew ■Bws Bwslir — d to «iit to set a doek or watekcometly, ltnnui.wbSB itliWMBtqrttaesiin'idlal'arngoB' f< •^^JkmXkm m..l8a4. - fw>«J ::::: mu i » ...•■W'l .... jNiie ' ... June 1• O. ■• M^ ... »n«T ' " ... 3M 5 48 ■'....- 1«W« 178 18 66 ' *"- ■ ■!■ ' ' " "* [1" ^2 ^iMaySHtoJuIy 3 10 Oct. 1,1855. ltoJunel0.1855._ brtiieSun'i nUng «ntly, if a «M?m«« scording to appwent butlhtatanevwthj mark, at 13 o'clock ctock,j*«iitwa« lacwc give the time ■ and shadow at the I p o'clock very » the Sun is "Slow," ■^ the convenience or nde« this they show ihereAjre both incon- [es, for they pve the i causes the sun to fanaclsincJcsAtim* Iht. |bsttact the time of morning, for the Iac. iv^Last Quarter. lor Dragon's tail. \ Highest— Moon A Near toge- Lart, j:Mars,7* , «ear. It is «■>' atiw wn-dial <^ Wan, «»*• *— — _^j pUmni k, MW iii i ii n rti ■ « ■■> ■ ■■■■ . ■■■<■ i i i i .^,j > j p j y .» y» i \ ^ . nJ J u g ■ wu ^j l^^'^ ' ' I , I inlimi |liH>ilLI|-«riiiMliniril«>M>~W»i*li i—M—aMtui— O 109971 a Jul: 1 ^ - ' Veau Mm Japtu Baniri Son radS 1/, ^l klnio - ltiae,{/ Suea ' •very ^ ■tthfl •ftene (Mactt inoai Thii time. MEqui and feu tbOM! (IwrU venien Appear (trmeoj At a ililna, 8iU)i lenctb .tf^- V ^'A. '^^ ••^. /; ^*"'"-*.:y :., ■^/^' >. -T- r^ W\ / i^ /' ''f''^., 'l'^^''^'' X^ ^ !''xiefdaie 'vrfien the aun readwa the rawidian^or the abvnn* ao^iMift-t andtooidertoaetacioekor watekcornetly, ftnoB, ' ■I ^ ea when it If MMD hy the aHU-tfalor aooa- •anVew davlMlon TkaM BaftMac aaiLioMl Tba«c MBaum ■iaiMafeb IHnaM Veaua' Ihen in IieeuiMfl Daaaaba Manw the !0(h« yaareloaa Jupte ArtaauMl wUlbein TbeBir Theaou ehiahiedti wUliakei The nun diametenc IBj Jaauai Fefanu March April] MayU June 1 ^Toaaeen theleft-hu theEuiNoi Fortheaai circle of pa for which ij midnjoitt, ai sTboui and SSiir Alfflaaeh Alpha Mira Menkar Algol Algenlb Alcyone AMeboran Capella KiMi ath BelinUfix MiDtaka Pbaet Belelgueae ( Sriua ' Gaator Tnn P4« la aboaton tl Tmt SoM'a Nfractionof : T«B Mooa ^ MooM'a Pu tionaortheZt tmattib»ttu " Am 11 ■ r / ^t. .7 ir.;'f/i'r; ^^— ^^ I ■■■ ^' ■■■ Mil" I ■ ■» -11 _ "* I wMeh yNM kt Mt n MnMM wi 41 Mcoaw pMl I l...lM|iarj«M( „. .tlBwp(«gMbytlwrWii|QrMila|«CilMBiuiorlllooB,ta MttifictljreanMti •HriliPiwrflweaait«er«miiigobjMtt,iiiuHhUtoaadftMwti,BcwtMfolnteor rWag nd pMrnnhn^wWdiwillto ttelrwtt wMooBtta MtiifktlveanMti n ito ^* Tto dwlMlOB, ia ercrt plaee, from ito'tiiM tipmrnl la Um Almanac, whlcb Uma la adapM to a fenriaaa. Tbeoalinaaaaoflnapiiif eQtraetitaMi.ial>]riliaiiaiiOfaiwoa-auik,orainaridiaB-hBe. i i AHntONOlUOAI. NOTES WOM lt54 Tka Mem will run (htthaai nonh ihia jraar, Deeember etb, lo Um Kith defrae of OeiainL In «« M mla. aaftitwHliattoa. It wUl fo flmbrtt araita lieeemb«r «>Ui to Uie IMt degree of Bafinariua, In M^ $t mit. aaa loirik «ifcUnaiian. The longkuda of Ma aaeanding node in the middle of liie year wU be ate. ^to Sua will ba nonh of Uia abuator thia Uopieal year, datin v from tiie lolaiioe of December Sin, isn, t8C d^r%: Ma«uratUBUaataa,andaoutborit 176 daya, IB boura, AS minutea i ihOMrlngadilfereneear? days. 19lMii%ll artauMi^ «khieb la camed by ibeiiow motion of the Bun when near Ita aphelion in July. Dtatanea aruw Earth ftom the Sun January IK, •0^^,00)) uilea ; diaianoe July Ik, M.7Wjno. Venua will be In Aquarlua umll about May llh, then in Placea "ntil about Juae Wi, then In Artoa untfl Jaly 9t» ihea la Tkarua until July 49th, Uien in Gemini until Augu«33iid. then in Cancer until September 17th, thMif Lea uatU October Ith, then in Vb|o ualll Movembcr Mi, then lit Libra until Movembtsr aej>. then la Scorpio aaM Dacambcr 90th. Mara wlU be la Leo until July Sth, eaceptlag a Ibw dayi in AprU, when H wUl be in the laat pan of Cancer. Ob the 2mb of July k pamea the equator aouthwara, and inea through Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, and Bagitiariua lelbre th« year dona. It wiU be ftrtheat in the aouth November 'ilit JuMer will be in HagittariHaall of the year. Tbli planet ia working toward the north. Saium will b« la Arleo uartl AprU Mth, laua iaTaura* the balance of the year. Uronui will be in Axlca all of the year. Neptan* wUI be In Aquarlua. The Kingi of Saturn will be in a favorable poaMon far vielbility all of thia vear, The aoulbern surface of theae ringa are now viaible ftom the earth. The miiUnum apparent diaaieict ia abUined In November. Batum will be Invialble fbf about two weeka bdbre and alter May Mth.. The oppurilioa will take place on the 4th of Deeember. TABLE Skneing the iUumiMUd portion aj the Diea ej Vtioke aad ilfan. The number! given in thia ubie represent the aixea of the illuminated portion of the Diica— the appaicat dlaatetaw of the planets being considered at waUy 1654. Vcnua. Mara. itlU. Venus. Hare. " January M -333 MS July IS •7«e aM FebruaryM March fs •m^ MS August IS ess -tM •4174 OM September 13 -934 -vn 1 April U 344 -980 October IS -Me Ms May IS '%» 0-80S November IS 0-M3 o-tn June IS V M'J 0-f83 December 1. 1 ooo ns STARTABIiB. To aawrtain when any star found in the following table will be on the meridian, «M the numbera o p poaka la the teft-haad column of ngures to the preceding meridian trannit of the north Star fouivl in the calendarpages. For thekuiNOOf astar, (aXraettbenumberopposiielniherigbt-handcoluouiof figures from its meridian pasaaga^ FeathedamHsofa Star. mM the same number to ita meridian passage. Those marked ( )revolvelaa circle of perpctaol apparition, and do not rise <» set north of the latitude of Toronto, ( Lat 43 o 39 min. 3S sec K.) for which lalkude the semi-diurnal arcs are calculated and corrected. The civil day bcsins at the preeedtaf midnioitt, and consequently 24 hours after inidnieht, or 12 hours from noon, ia morning of the soceeedingdajri and al hours to 36 hours fVom noon, is etc nini( o( the next day. This table is arranged in theorder of culmtaiatlm. Constellat'n jlnMe iUcf StarsT Alpha Mira Menkar Algol Algenib Alcyone Aldeboran CapeUa RiMt El^ath BellAtrix Mintaka Phaet Belelguese Siriua Castor Constellat'n InMi Andromeda Ariea The Whale The Whale Ferseua Perseus 7 Stars Taurus Auriga Orion Taurus Orion Orion TheBove Orion Canis Minor Gemini h. m. • 48 osa 1 « 148 1 93 2 7 232 3 21 TiEB h. ffi. 9 5U 733 940 6 13 930 738 7 3 3 SWll 16 4 1 4 10 4 10 4 18 4 28 4 40 9 32' 997 8 3 623 998 3 IP OZ? 4 Si « is! 8 Vi Miran Stars. ♦PolnUTs Procyon Pollux Acubens NaoB Alpbiird Regulus >Dubhe5 TVnPbola ii.dd Aioorab Aliolh ■'pica Mizar KnnetnaBch .\rcturu8 (''anis Minor liemini Cancer The Ship Hydra Leo Big Dipper Big Dipper Leo HiR Dipper The Crow Big Dipper Virgo Big Dipper Big Dipper Booiea Bootes b. m 624 029 6 91 7 W H 13 8 'S3 949 9 47 10 34 10 38 11 14 11 39 12 9 IS 10 13 34 13 1 13 30 h. m. 6 8 3 2 31 6481 a2H 48 7 Stars. Beta Zubereig Alphacca Antares Alpha \lpha Vega Beta Aluir Deneb 4 57] Fomalhaut '8 cheat Markab Vr.Equinoz Algenib Schedir Mirach Constellat'n Ursa Minor Libra N. Crown Scorpio Hercules Opfayucbus Lyra Lyra Aquila ~ vnus s:Fi8h Pegasus Pegasus Pisces Pegasus Cassiopeia Andnmfda jsm h.m. 13 43 14 1 14 91 19 13 15 99 16 19 17 33 17 38 18 34 19 37 2140 2147 2148 23 SO 32 96 3399 33 SI s& IS 4 8 *!* 643 • 18 839 • 3t 10 « S49 7r. e.'d s » CSS »4S EXPLANATION OF THE: ARTICLES IN THDB CALENDAB. Taxat Paobs are calrulated fbr Toronto, and fur a point midway between Montreal and Quebec, which point ia abonton the latitude of J'hree Rivers and Kredonsiun, They vrill serve very accurately far every CUy mttJ TownintheBritUhProvineeiin Morth America. - Tbb Snn'a Risino uhv Sbttins, is glv.n in ir.ean time; aisd for Toronto, it is correetfldM«mto. .^IfaoN flavn^TMa eotusaa dnwa the tlM tka Mooa la •• nai^" aria the MMtaa oT TanWOk Hilld «puiF(kei«aete«UpatiacCtka* — ' tt* 109971 •T ir gCOBflCS CANADIAN ALMANAC. •NT.— TMiubtoriMWi al lnleivaliorita4an.tlMttaMoriN«(iiRtagor tMUlfhi 1m Um aornlng, vA _/dM6niiat«v«nin|- faellltr -the conpuintion ol'tlin Riniuu, SeitiMb .ind Mendtan Pa^anau of the brlglitcft>a«conda; tor KInuaton, aiiJ O.Udaoe.t tor Montreal _ 9.94 ace.; for (luebec, add 3.3C ace.; for Frcdcrieioii, add 0.3i aec.; and for Hnllfax, odd v.lH »ec. The timea of grcateat eaatcro clongntlon of the I'olnr Htar, tnay bo found for any tlay by mbtraeti*f the Miowing conalanu ttom the time of Up|)or Tranilt; ond thi> Iktic of gruatet Uoatcrn Ulongution may be ftiud by MUin^r the anmeconatnnta. For Toronto, 5 h. 93 oi. Stt.O ace.; for Kinnoon. H h. SU m. 91.4 aec.; Ibr Hallfox, A h.S3 m. 13 sec; for Momrcnl, 9 h X) in. 4.4 a.; for Fn-dcrickton, 3 h. Si ni. 5a.M a.; and for iluabec A b. SB m. 44.75 a. In computing iheie oo.n^ianti, the mean polar illnauce of tlie North .'jtar for IHA.! w»a naaumed at 1" 98 in.,aDd the alight vari.iuonH in that distance u ill not produce an error of more than two aecouda In the eonatanta, when the variations have thi^lr grealeat vntuc. There ia not aufticient room for a UbSe of the " Azimuth of Oreateat Elont{ntio|^' of tho Pole Star. But thia cnn be very eaaily found for any place by tlie following formula, die atar'a |K>lur Tllatance, and the oo-latitude of ttie place being known ; thi; former of wliich is given for every day in tliia Almanac. Log. Bine Aziinuth=>10 m Log. Sine Polnr Uiatance— Log. Sine Nora. The Problems in ihU .\lmanac are cf a highlylpractlcal character, and oombine utility with the thooretloal. PmonB\vhoaend«o{ii««n«of any of theae problcma, (|)oat-pald) to the PubliaUer, at Toronto, before July lal, 1Sm7w111 have the same publicly acknowledged in tiie iaauc for 1835. ECLIPSES FOB THE YEAR 1854. Thia year there will be two Eclipaea of the Sun, and two of the Moon. I. There will be an EcllpHe of the Moon May 19th, at the time of iu fill. Invietlle on tliia continent. II. There will be an Annular Bclipae of the Sun, Friday, May 9tlth, In the afternoon. Vlaible principally na a large partial oclipae in Upper Canada, on the aun'a northern or aovthern Ibnbs. Thia eclipve wlllbe annular, or •ponr largeat in Canada Weat, in the north eaatcrn part of New York, in Vermont, and the lower part of New HaiDMUre, and Maine. Thia cclipae of the aun, will be larger than any that ha * b<Btheafterno(N».or30minirte8«/e«f theMoon rlaeik 1 IV. TberetKillbQatotalecnpseortheKiu ondie tPlbof Nomnhw. InvialUe in Nonb Anaarisa. TUa diaplaja ItaUfiMstry in BMthAaM^ea, AiHea»aod tbeSottAarn paftroftfae Altantfc Ocean. lljOBMyW' -: rttr- Deel.Li! __ N< e / 10 90 3 40 5 60 7 BO 00 40 11 19 ,13 uo 1 16 16 17 180 10 900 910 990 930 940 6 6 I 6 1 6 J 69 Og, 63( 63( 0» 9*i «M 6 01 053 650 7 7 7 13 7 16 7 91 7 90 7 30 7 33. 7 40 e Mode mt J J i K i' Ja Pe Ml Al Ml Jul Jul Ao Oci No Dei Bin or- I gifee«n(rte sn th^ North • lufflcIeuUy ) the tiny* of SettiAjb •>"« J , .^ ., AlM«r««t of meMorolof leal OMMrratlon* . . . ^ JWode t the aiMfHttieai ObterttUorf, Tonmt*, Cteaoito Ifut.Aom JaHmarf,ltM,to Jun»iSaa,ineUuin. 1 840. [at which Btat 7h. 40 m., omea to a focui course thfoura A the north of itt Lrnsbips between ■ ring oa the lun jitinent, except In teMoonwiUriw Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May Jun. July Auk Sept Oct Nov Dec Sum or M'n Temperature. S o 17.7 99.0 33.4 43.7 94.3 60.3 . § > 8||gl o -w -10 0.3 ,33.8 4|9i.a 36.7 .3 47.0 .4'47.7 6:30.3 .U83.0 a;i».0 .i!-e.6 .!• 39.3 6o.e 40.4 4S.S 43.8 43.8 35.3 34.7 43 30.0 37 5C.7 Wamui t^oMeai (lay. day. o o 14.(134. 13.4 19.0 13.3 18.0 16.8 17.7 17.9 30.3 19.x 33. 38. t». 31 33 97 39 20 30 il o. >i H o 10 38.1(1 80 43.33 4 44.'.» _33 6n.«0 3'88|66.6'.i .3j'»|70.70 ,2l<'|73.1(i .Ul-^^T3.00 13.123 14.3:30 Aug Jan. — o I o 44.07 83. 4)18.6 !4fi.«7 (let I 10.13 30.3 1363.0(1 UO.IO 47.U0 37.00 theMooiii , lAiMrtM. TUt Temperature. Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May Jun. July Aug 6ept Oct. Nov Dee ca .S S 2 o 43.3 44.1 .Vl.O 4,64.8 1^8.0 0i»3.1 °0.« 84. eo.8 50.7 63.6 9 46.1 U.9> Jun o Range. —3X13 \a 73.1ii|l« 'atui:iti Coldest day. I dfty. « is I -6.41 -1.31 -6.71 10.0' 86.s; 43.3' 30.0 .7 37.7 90.6 8.5 3.1 843 o 48 7 43.4 61.3 41.9 51.3 47.8 49.1 SO. I 48.5 30.1 35.3 43.0 Mar Ln -r *7 !»« 14.0 15.C 166 14.1 19 20.f 23.1 10.8 13.8 16.8 117 11.3 Jan o •<« MfH* «»■ 8;= 2 S n a SPfl o se.s 33.0 97.Bia( iS,9M 88.S34 33.l|9fl H a 38.6 968 36.6 34.0 19.3 94 o 3^.00 33.90 43.10 .■53.40 04.10 77.00 73.90 76.40 70.49 50.90 34.75 4I.96 ofttr» no s o 7.! 8 5 Im- per- .107 .131 .173 .399 .433 .490 483 .433 4IIU .173 193 liMIMsfiiiite(#H»^^ rr'Wii BOBS . , wmmmtmmmmm ma* 'n i: ■4»wn*«'»*»~"»*'«1'"""*'^" '^ tUtf ii 1h« flnt taeath of th* /mt ; ito ZodisMl risii it Qkrwaooiuv^ v tt* QmI \ Mi DMM firoin /pfUM^ » dtlQr rapnMntod V titM Boidwm n^th two Amm. baewBis 1m itod'trit& pail tfBd ftttara TaaU.' ' - ■ ' ' ■' '_'\\....^... ABSTRACT OF MStSORO^OOIOAL OBSS&TATIONS— (Ooamvw.) 1848. 1 9 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 n 13 13 Week. SUN. Mond Taeed. W«A. Than Fridey Satnr. SUN. Mood Tuead. Wed. ThanC Friday 14 Satur. ISUN. Mood 17 Tuesd. Baaaarkalile Daya. Asracn ANDOTBBK MUOBLUNIU. Polar Diataace. Wed. Thure. 80 Friday Satur. SQ Mond. JM Toead. 35 Wed. 36 Thura. 37 Friday ;98 Bator. 99Stf». ,30 Mond. JailToaad Cifremrnrmon. p. G. Niebuhr died 1831. Kattle of Princeton 1777. Earihqualce in Canada 1663. D. Mscliae, Painter, died 1811, J^pAoNy. Fcnelon died 1713. OalUeo died I6IS. Fontenp!ie diad 1757. Arch'jislrap (.aud beheaded. Linnams died 1778. (|9th) Dr. Uwigiitdicd 1733. C. J. Fox born 1740. Halley died 174-|>."90U ITBv. PaoB. 1. r 30", and luahieia 7 Itfquired tbi ae Jbaf li mikmif§tifii0iiii0KMk 1% .78 401 .791 SSI .781 eso .86 173 .89 lie .77 39& .77 Fint Quarter.. Full Hppi|...« Lh( Quarter. . New Moon... ( Perigee < Apojjfee 5 14 i\ 36 11 rl« fll. 10 30 ev 3 54 mo 8 6 ev 11 55roo 5 43010 8 43 «v imjmmim. n A* fll* 11 3ev 4 26iii« 6 an ev 37 ev 6 IS no 20 9 15 ev|30 Ju; JmJL TWttglUw Dt^tBtgiMnii Endim ' " - A.M. 5 50 5 50 S47 5 41 r.M. 4.«i, 6 17 6 35 6 35 4« A.M 4.111. 5 52 5 35 5 46 5 41 Momreaf. Toromo. r.M. A.r.r. M^A-M. h. M.\h. fll. A. fit. 6 165 536 14 6 84 6 34 5 536 34 5 49 6 33 6 4315 41 6 45 Fie41ct*n r.M >n.j|u S46 54 5" 633sSBn 6 335 $06 81 5 4316 44 » 4817 44 EPHEnrEBMB OF TBB FliANEVS, Ac. D.M. >HICAL KOTtt. I be in (^) Aqoa in Leo; Jupiter in ind Saturn hi Ariea, the 7 itan. Orion le meridian about 10 UMh; rite Pleiades antotbeweatsCa*- u, and Proeyon, the Cania Minor to tlw wo northern aiara at of Orion are tba f the figure; the ia BetelplMe a bri^tteatoTthetwo lara in the feet, ie Friday Satur. Snn. 33lMond. 24{Tuesd iter's Satelliti5.i»Wed of Jupker'a Sa- v* become rWUe " end of thia mi}aUt. Vo 7 aura Venua douth,>8outh, Even, 6 III. 53 29 6 42 18 55 £veii. Mara Juprt'r idaturii Sooth, m If 11 3 53 40 23 Morn.jMorn. ^oV Week. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Tburs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuef(J. Wed. Tbur. Friday Satur. Bun. m. 30 10 49 36 1 35 South, South, Even, m.h. 11 468 II 298 It 118 10 63 7 10 367 10 18 6 49 24 36 Di 49 Sun'a Longi- tude. / 280 49 386 57 393 3 299 10 305 16 311 23 Sun'a >Veiuu Sifbt Bight AKen. Aaceii. h, m. A. fll, 18 47|21 59 19 13 22 18 19 4033 35 20 5;33 48 20 31 33 58 20 31 23 5 Mara Jnpit'r Bight Bight Aaeen. Aaeen. A. m,\h. m. 1113 18 30 II 17 18 36 tl 1918 43 11 30 U 19 II 16 18 48 18 54 19 ua 1^ Decl South' 13 6 10 33 5 39 3 34 1 25 Mara Deel. North luptiPr Deel. South. 83 IS 2$' 917 31 8 87 13^ 4 S3$a 3933 59 38 45 Saturn Doel. Hwtb. 17 17 17 17 17 Ualkndar for r.C and N. 8. Sua I Sua Moau Biseal Seta. h. m.'» U ITBv. » thar. Friday Satur. _ Sun. lOMon. IllTuea. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 30 21 22 23 36 36 36 36 36 36 35 35 7 35 10]7 35 7 34 7 34 7 34 7 33 7 7 33 32 31 31 30 29 29 7 28 7 27 7 26 7 25 7 24 7 23 287 225 04 29 7 21 io 06 30 7 Soio 07 3117 1915 08 24 25 26 27 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 4 41 4 42 4 43 4 45 4 46 4 47 4 48 4 5C 4 51 4 52 4 53 4 55 4 56 4 57 4 59 5 00 5 01 5 03 SeU. h, m 7 36 8 51 10 2 11 11 morn. 17 1 20 2 22 3 85 4 27 6 29 6 S5 Risea. 4 58 6 3 7 9 8 14 9 21 10 37 11 35 morn. 45 2 Calimoak for L.C. and N. B. Hua Bise* SeU. h.m. 748 7 48 7 48 7 47 7 47 7 47 7 47 7 47 7 47 7 46 7 46 7 46 7 45 7 45 7 44 7 43 7 424 tiun 3 16 7 36 4 33|7 35 5 15 7 34 7 42 7 41 740 7 39 7 38 7 37 m. iiO 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 4 32 4 34 4 36 4 37 4 38 39 Moon Set*. Department fbrallof Upper anji Lower Canada, dbe. Po'e Str. in Mer. Ev'g. 6 AS Sets. 6 23 33 32 17 31 7 40,7 30 8 51 7 295 59 4 40 4 41 4 42 4 43 4 45 4 47 4 48 4 50 4 52 4 53 154 4 56 4 58 A. m 7 28 8 46 10 11 10 morn. 17 1 23 2 26 3 32 4 35 5 38 6 35 Rises 4 49 5 54 7 2 8 9 9 18 10 365 10 37 morn 49 2 5 3 34 4 43 5 62 6 58 Sets. 6 17 7 36, 8 5014 Shadow ai Ma'a Noo:. nilc. I Age. Muoa South. m. « fn. ».day». 20 57 Evening. 2. 4 17 1 12 04 25 3. 41 13 4 12 04 53 4. 4 9 7 12 05 21 5.4 6 10 12 05 48 6. 4 1 14 12 06 14 7. 4 57 17 12 06 40 8. 4 53 30 12 07 06 9. 4 49 2312 07 3110.4 45 3712 07 5511.4 41 3012 08 1912.4 37 33 12 08 42 1^4 33 8612.09 0514.4 39 3912 09 2715.4 25 4312 09 4816.4 31 46 12 10 08 17. 4 17 4912 10 2818.4 13 5212 10 4719.4 9 56,12 11 0620.4 5 59 12 II 24*21.4 3 212 11 41|23.4 58 5'l2 11 5723.4 54 9,12 12 1324.4 50 1212 12 2735.4 46 15112 12 41 26. 4 43 18N2 12 54 27.4 38 221Si 1? "Ties. 4 34 25' 12 13 1829.4 30 38,12 13 29 1.0 26 3112 13 39 9.0 22 35i2 13 48 3. oi Modh'a Lougitude or place atW oon; A. m. Signs. Pes 2 39 iCSOapricorn l| 3 34 Capricorn 30 4 24^Aquft'Ji& IX.^ 5 10 Aqua'as 27 5 54 >^Piscea ■ 6 36 j Pis«ei 7 16 8 2 8 47 9 34 10 33 U 13 Morn. 4 54 1 43 2 3 3 15 4 4 45 5 30 6 18 7 10 8 6 9 6 l« 11 II 16

aee. (t i«, requirod* is change 1854 from the system of 10 to Pbob.3. Giv^nx-*— 9x-»4-20=(h Pbob. 4. WhAi is the 50ih roof of 50t , - Pboib. .5. How ifiDch money thfit k .9 MUr cent below par, will pay a debt of £J09t ' BMB..6; Qivsa s«sb5, to fto4 «.^ t' FEBRUARY HAi TWJBMTY^JBiaHT DAYSL 5E3H- MM « Tbii raooth bas AQViiuini, or the Water-bearer, for its Zodiacal sign ; its name is from m FAnm, or sacrifices offered to tbe'maoes of tbe gods 4t tbia season. ABSTRACT OP METEOROIiOQIOAL OBSERVATIONS— (Continu»d.) 1843. Temperature. Range S Jan. Feb. Mar Apr May Jun July Aug aept Qa. Nov Dee Sum or M'n o 98.76 15 93 V&M 41.99 49.73 6e.»4 64.5B GS49 se.9P 41.92 33.Sfi 30.63 55.4 38.5 399 71.6 796 833 80.8 83.1 89.0 08.0 93.0 489 Sept 42.79te9.0 & _s o 1.8 -9.4 -3.S 14.7 'J9.2 28.3 39.7 44 32.3 34.9 14.1 3.1 a >, II Feb. o -9.4 93.0 47.9 43.4 00.9 S0.6 95.1 46.1 39.1 90.8 43.8 38.5 45.4 it WariuM Uoldeat day. day 12.52 97.1 21 14.e8,94.6l0 17.0e'20.8W 16.10 33 4 '2f 30.32 33 8 W 30,10 30.9 27 43.531 33.1il8 21.ET 88.9,31 17.91 38.0 " 14.45 22.31 ^ 11.48 a0.0i24 904 34.220 I Sept o 48.19)10.60130.9 o 10.78 28.94 32.9-2 55.4^ 63.10 71.66 73.26 74.01 7411 50.72 30 95 37.53 dy day 9i74.11 o 11.67 4.96 12 45 26.12 38.61 40.3i 55.81^ 99.16 40.92 31.17 20.99 13.99 i% 31 3.10 4.33 4.61 2.31 I3I3.48 14 3]2^ 1T13.80 123.40 MRal'y day 2.500 • • • • • • • • • • • • 1.330 1.79l> 3.'.290 3.100 1.765 3.020 Inches ol I 02529 lb. lel 4.9631 4.81 4.303 0.479 0. 3.185 1.570 4.593 4.005 4.650 9.V6(H 3.790 4.763 1.040 14 144 7 0.1 TOToT days. 2.5 1.2 8.1 3.250 43.5.J5 61.2 93 Ml I IS lb. 0.69 1.05 1.18 0.46 0.52 0.27 0.44 O.I2I 0.57 0.*l 0.59 0.53 73I 2000.59 Week. Remarkaltle Days. Aspects and otbek miscellanies. O / Wed. 4*h Wedneiday STburs. CsiuiiemM. 3 Friday Volney born 1757. Satar. Sir W. Cell died 1836, 5 SUN. Sir Robert Feel born 1788 6 Mond. Rtchard Lnnder died 1834 7 Tuesd. Battle of Elizabeihtown 1813 8 Wed. Mary Q. of Scots beh. 1S87. 9 Tburs. F. Havselqulst died 1752. 10 Friday Queen Victoria married 1840. 11 Sfltur. Sbenstone died 1763. ,13 SUN. Septuagesima. 13 Mond. Benvenuto Gellhii died ISTO. 14 Tuesd. St. Valentine's Day. ^15 Wed. L.BIanchard com. suicide 1813 16 Tburs. Melanctlion born 1497. 17 Friday Michael Angelo died 1503. ISSator. Luther died 1516. ,19 SUN. Lord Rodney bom 1718. IK) Mond. Voltaire born 1694. S\ Tuesd. Sidney Stuitb died 1843. 129 Wed. Washington born 1732. j29 Tburs. ^tr J. Reynolds died 1702, 94 Friday Handel born 1648. 95 9r.tar. sir C. Wren died 1723. ^qSUN. James Hervey born 1714. all ond. Longfellow bom 1S07. Tnesd. E- Bickersteth died 1850. Jupiter in ^. Moon on Equator. . Venus south 2 12 ev. Uranus (i%. I> 4tb. i Btat ^ d •• Mars south 2 8 mo. Moon apogee. .Mercury Sup. d Sun. Moon farthest North. Jupiter very pale. Venus South 1 38 ct. Full Moon 12th. ^ 90° East of Sun. Mars near Moon. .Mars South 1 22 mo. Moon on Equator. Mnrsin Leo. Sun enters OCJ. Venus near Mercury. Saturn South 5 33 ev. Venus South 43° ev. Moon farthest South. U6 9- Perigee #. Jnpier in ^ . Mars South 29° mo. $8J3. ?d#. ^6%' ^brii^htest. Venus inf. (^ Sun. Polar Distance. ASTKOMOMICAL NoTES. 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 53 53 54 54 54 54 H 54 54 54 55 Venus will be in the constel nation Aquarius, in the head of I the western Fish on the equator, I Mars will be in the hind legs of _ ' the Lion. Jupiter in tbe Sagit- ootarius, near the archer's htiad. ) Saturn will be near the Pleiades. < Castor and Pollux (the latter the , southernmost and brightest Of tbe ' two stars) are on the meridian t about 10, on the 15th ; and Pro- [cyon a little later, Orion to tbe west,— the bright star. Spica Vir- [ginis, rising about 35° to the 1 north westward of the belt of i Orion, and nearly in the same I line, is Aliebaran, which may be known by its red colour. 27 55 27 55 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 56 56 5G 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites. TORONTO. d. h. m. in. Diftapp. 2 4 38 Mo. 1. Disapp. 17 5 3 Mo. n. Disapp. 21 3 17 Mo. IL Disapp. 38 5 42 Mo. §> Piret O Pull 9 Last • New a Apog q Peng< D.M. 1 7 2 19 25 28_ |7Siai SoutI Evei 6 5 6 2 6 5 4^ 5 r 5 Day of the Week. 30 Mon. ai Tues. 29 Wed. 23|rhur. U Friday 55 Omkitriqal Pboblsu I.— How roaoy globes, eaob two incbes in diameter, can be placed vpOB a apbiere two feet in diameter 7 ^I.— How maaj acres of land in each of tbe five Zones^— the Earth's di«meter b4lM ^vji^^^ -^ . : IWed. 2 Thur. 3 Friday ia 4 Sat. ^ 5 Sun 6 Mon. 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 Thur. lOFridayU 11 Sat. ^ 13 Mon. 14 Tues. 15 Wed. leXtiur. 17 Friday 18S«f. I 4 19 Sun 4: 4: 4- 4i 4( 4^ 4J 4f 5C 5] 52 5.^ IS'I »Sat. »^Sun 27 Mon. iSlrues. 56 57 58 59 Pbob. 7. est at the si lompound, s ntereot per mount of ea PaoB. 8. 4 PaoB. 9. ' INov. lUh. 01 sEsae •MM tameisfrbni uca) B i||-^ lb. 1310.06 0^1.06 111.19 20 0.40 960.S3 180.?} 2310.44 %7 0.12 0.57 0.M 0.5! '2000.991 icAX. Notes. I)e in the conBtcl IB, in the head of ih on the equator. I the hind legs of liter in the SagH- M arehei'B head. [near the Pleiadea. lux (the latter the nd brightest of the on the meridian ;15thi andPro- rjter, Orion to the Bit star. SpicaVir- ibout 25= to the •d of the belt of [nrly in the same jan, which may be •ed colour. MXrd Winter Afbnth. llSBKtJAItY, 1864. ipiter' 's Sateflites. lONTO. d. h. m. . 2 4 38 Mo. .17 S 2 Mo. . 21 3 17 Mo. .28 6 42MO. MoOM'bP BASKS. O First Qu; ter. O Full Moon . . 9 Laat Quarter. ^ New Muon . . H Apogee .... 4 Peii|Bt€e Quebec I Twilifflit or Dajfiight begimt and ends h m 5 52 ev 10 12ey| 5 59mo 1 11 54eT 10 8 15 ev 20 9 15 ev 28 Toronto. Bfg. A. H. End p. M m 39 29 14 2 A m 6 48 6 59 7 14 7 22 U ah tax. Beg. M. m 39 30 16 2 End p. V. h m 6 48 6 59 7 12 Moiifeal. Beg.! End k. M.| . M. h m\h m 5 49 6 47 5 30|6 59 5 1617 12' 7 2315 217 2215 k ,. 6 4. 30 6 59, 125 16 7 12, 2515 0|7 25 epheiheris of the: planets, dec. O.M. |7 Stars South, Even. I 7 2 19 25 28 Veuus South, Even m 51 27 4 40 17 5 mh h 2 19 1 56 1 27 54 17 Morn. Mars South, Morn. Jupii'r South, Morn. tn 30 2 32 1 29 12 Snturii South, Even. h 10 9 9 9 9 m 15 57 39 20 2 8 52 m 45 22 59 36 14 3 Sun's Longi- tude. Sun's Right A seen. h 312 2220 318 2721 324 31 '21 330 3422 336 36 22 339 37 22 59 24 47 11 33 45 Venus Right Avcen, A 23 23 23 22 52 22 38 22 31 Mars Right Adcen. A 11 11 11 m 15 10 4 10 56 10 47 10 43 Ju|iit'r Right A seen. h 19 19 19 12 19 17 19 19 24 Venusi Mnrs Decl. Dee!. South.'Nonh 22|A 8 9 13 211 9 53 1410 39 2311 31 45 12 23 11 12 48 Jupit'r Saturn Decl. I Decl. South. North. 22 43 17- 32 3517 22 27 17 : 22 18 17 22 1017 22. 22 517 25, "5 a. IWed. ,b 2Thur. |33 3 Friday |34 Day of the Week. 35 36 37 38)7 39 40 4 Sat. 5 gun 6 Mon. 7 Tues. 8 Wed. 9 Thur. 10Fridayi41 HSat. raSun 13 Mon. 14 Tues. 15 Wed. letTbur. Friday Sat. Sun .Mon. Tues. Wed. rhur. ^Friday Sat. Sun ;7|\lon. Taes. 17 18 19 30 21 22 23 Calendar for U.C and N. B'. Sun Riees m 18 17 16 145 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53I6 546 56 56|6 57 Sun Sets. Moon Sets. m h »!■ 1010 nil 6 13!Morn. 58 59 13 12 11 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 58 56 55 53 52 50 49 5 47;5 455 445 42 5 405 395 14 16 17 18 19 21 22 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 25Ri8ea 27| 6 ii 28: 7.1-J 29' 8 20 31 9 2; 32' 10 3H 3311 50 Calendar for L.C, andN.B. Sun Rises 35 36 37 39 40 42 43 Morn. 3 18 31 37 31 15 44Set,«». 46 47 28 40 28{5 26|5 2515 23i5 22i5 20-5 19:5 195 17-3 16,5 15|5 I4i5 12'5 9';5 85 615 55 3 Sun I Moon Sets. Sets. m\h »n 010 1 211 8 3Morn. Department for all of Upper and Lower Cifnada, fte. • f- i'ole^^t'riii Mer. Ev'g ShadovbT at N.Mark. h 5 6 8 9 11 13 14 15 16 18 20 21 23 2.3 15 19 26 28 28 26 10 51 Riaijs. 6 9 19 28 40 55 05 685 66(5 6415 615 69 5 67 5 655 7 8 9 10 2;Vll 26|.Morn. 281 30 32 33 34 35 37 39 41 1 1 10 2 27 3 11 4 47 5 41 6 23 Sete. 6 25 7 39 in 18 14 10 6 2 58 54 51 47 43 39 35 31 27 23 19 15 11 7 3 .9 55 51 47 43 40 36 32 38 41 46 48 51 55 58 1 5 8 11 15 18 21 25 28 31 35 38 42 45 49 52 56 59 3 6 10 h m s Evening. 12 14 4 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Mn's Age 12 12 12 12 '12 12 12 12 12 10 16 21 25 28 30 32 33 33 32 30 28 25 21 17 12 6 53 45 days. 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 27.0 28.0 29.0 .5 1.5 Moon South. A 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 m 46 3i 14 58 42 29 17 7 58 48 38 Morn. 26 1 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 10 11 11 ^loon's Lunsiiude, or Place at Noon. 13 58 43 29 16 51 56 56 57 59 2 1 56 Ev48 1 36 Signs. >( Pisces Pisces ^Aries Aries Aries ^Taunts Taurus n^^enoini Gemini Gemini SCancer Cancer 6lL€0 Leo Leo ITG Virgo Virgo =o=Libra Libra TT^Scorpio. Scorpio J Sagitt. Sagitt. l(3Cnpric'n Capric'o ^Aqua'us Aqna'uB Aqua'us k can ba plaecii Pbob. 7. If £1 and £2 begin to draw inte- Bt at the same date, the former at 6 per cent. ^ompound, and the latter at 6 per cent, simple itereiit per annum, in what time will the totmt of each be equal ? Pkob. 8. Given a>r=s200, to find x. Pbob. 9. What is the least number that can be divided by 2, 3,5, 7, and 11, and leave thiA remainders 1,2, 4, 5,0 ? PnoB. 10. Given the sun's distano*. 95,000,000 miles, and its diameter. 883.000 miles, and the diameter of the earth, 79Mr railes, to find bow much more than half tha earth's aturface the aun can shine on at odo«. diamater bUoaL Vuuiunr or Mcrcurt.— This Planet will be vMble in the west soon alter wniKt, about Much 14tli, lulv IS; 1 Nov. llth. Also In the east, before sttnrise, April Stli, Aug. Sth, and Nov. 97. MA«^H HAS TItlATY-ONB DAYS. ssssm X Miiteh ia th« third nonth of the year ; with the Meients it wii th^ fint. The otme ii^ Mid (o be derived from that of Martt the Ood of War; ita Zodiaeal aign ia Fiscia, the Fiahea. ABSTRACT OP METEOROLOGICAL 0BBERVATI0N8-(0o!rrwcT»;) 1 8 44. Temperature. Jan. Feb. o ao.a? Mar 31 8S 90 Apr May Jun. July - Aug SI Sept Oct. Nov Dec Sum or M'n 46.11 H |«0.4I July M.( e - - la 58.47 43 66 34.92 28.03 o 44.68 «T9 o 45.3 47.9 t 74.0 4 833 H).6 868 81.8 71.6 36.0 48.3 Aug o 86.H o -7.2 0.6 9.6 14.9 28.7 s o S2.5 47.3 41.2 41 43.1S 28.2 15.0 12.1 1.6 Jan., -7.2 149. 2U Kange. Warmit day. li o 14.03 15.«* 14.00 S9.7 211.70 49.7 21.110 SO. 130.69 46.5 4a3 53.0 5...7 43.0 46.9 19.75 ■>0.57 10.67 13 43 14.48 o 17.86 o 32.9 24 8 26.0 33.9 32.8 40.6 31.7 44.0 209 27.3 32.8 96 33 Sept o 44.6 I & o 37.45 38 33 40.90 39.08 63.88 70.62 72.73 71.30 70.U6 55.« 43. 633.84 31 72.7.'5 ColdCflt day. 23 9 18 I 21 to 4 27 27 28 31)127 17 a w 0.28113 13.04 16.63 32.79 40.87 49.71 S6.0S 37.40 49.57 28 40 17.42 17 00 0.28 M.Win dy day lb 1.92 2. 1.63 3.12 2.97 3.63 2,83 lb. 181207 M. Rai- ny day. I 13 37126 12 23 II lit 34 14 1.415 0.4U 0,730 a.»83 1.660 1.U30 0.790 0.710 .6601 Inehet B4 3.005 0.430 2.471 1.315 5.871! 3.335 3.813 1.245 24.9 10.0 14.0 Id'p 12.0 P.O 4 »o. of 71 -L 173.110641 1^ lb. 0.76 .43 .37 .24 ,30 .19 ,19 ,16 .26 ■43 .48 ,40 tiim.aa 10 11 l: 1 14 15 15 Week. Wed, Tburs: 3|Fridaj Satur. SUN. Vloud, Tuesd, 8 Wed. Thurs. Fridav Satur SUN. Mond. Tuesd Wed. Thuw, Friday IBlSatur, 19 SUN. SO Mond. St Tuesd S3 Wed. §3 m S5 •30 E Thurs, Friday 3atur. 1 86 SUN. fVl Mond. (JMTuead SdWed. SO^TJinra. Friday Remarkable Daya. Rev. John Wraley. d. 1701. E.Waller born, 1838. Rochejacquclin killed, 1794. LAyard born, 1817. Samuel Parr died, 1823. Mirabeau born, 1749. William III. died, 1702. Americus Vegpuciue b., 1431. New Soutli Wales dia., 1767. Taeao born, 1314. F. Schlegel born, 1772. Vauban died, 1707, Admir.ll Byng shot, 1737. Salrator Ron died, 16«3. Alex'r. III. (Scot.)kUIed, 1285. St. PtUrick'i Day. li. Sterne died, 1768. Le Brun bom, 1739, Newton died, 1727. R.Bouthey died, 1843. Goethe died, 1832. Kotzebue kUled, 1810. Queen Elizabetfa died, 1603. AnnMnciation. Bank of England, incorp.t694. »r)ltng 6lh. ^ Gr. EloDga. Moon Apogee. Moon Farthest North. Judo in Q . Mara South 11 14 eve, Venus So. 10 54 mo. Mars near Moon. Mercmj stationary. Full moon 14tb. Moon on equator. Venus 30° in Aquarius. Mars in Leo. Vcous South 10 23 mo. Venus stationary. Sun enters )£. Moon Perigee. ([2l8t, Moon Farthest Siiutb. y=i6 >■ !^Inf. dO- Venus South 10 1 mo. Venoa near moon. Saturn in Taurus, Mercury near moon. Moon on equator. Mara South 9 40 eve. Venaa South 9 40 eve Uranua near moon. :27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 38 Venus will be in Aquarhjs near the triangular cluster in the Urn, Miirs will bes^a*«ni APRIL HAS THIIttt DAYS. ^mmmm^nA 1W4. 1'hi* i* the fourth raotith of tbe year, hHTuig for its aigo AxtzB, the Ram. Its Latin '•aani9vlj>^i/i«. in from Apario^ to open ur aet forth. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL 0BSERVATI0NS-(Cont7nisd.) 18 4 5. I 1 s Temperatiire. Range. |WJ^«| Cotdeat M.Win day. dyday M.kai: nyday lucliei of No. of days. 1 s a i 1^ It i 1 i § S i i ^ 1 4 fe S c i 1 i — s s « So 5a o H " m lb. e Ml M & fi L £ lb. Jan. M.oe 45.7 -o.a 45.0 13 81 '25.4 3 37 5f 31 7.36 2 •i-i.»i , , • • • * • • 22.7 5 9 17 0.70 Feb. ■M.4S 40.1 -4.4 53.3 14.-J4 30.8 iS 42.64 1 7.0-2 17.'25 . a • • • • • • 19.U 5 9 14 .90 Mar 95.66 50.8 66 53.-2 16.37 '20.3 31 54,68 15 '20.65 |s|2.02 , , • • • • • « •2.8 5 8 K .66 Apr 4J.13 06.7 15 5 61.2 17.86 20,7 24 56 30 7 24.7ti 2 3.61 311 l.31li 3.200 1.6 11 4 15 1.0(1 May MM 77.8 •»7.8 50.0 t231 34.5 \i •15 Ul •29 37.2C 7 1.6i 15 0.85' 2.300 • • 8 23 .55 Jun. 61.32 81.0 30.6 45.0 11.11) 317 9 «0.77 6 S2.0ti . 1(1 1.251 3.715 • • 11 , , It .27 July 06.74 0S.O 45 7 49.3 N.41 315 li 8-2. 3*2 3v 55.95. . • • • * 2.195 ^ ^ 7 • • 24 .3(1 Aug 67.He S1.8 415 43.3 ■21.43 317 73 1« 1 59.68. ' , , • • • 1.72.1 , , 9 , . 2a .10 Sept S5.9I 70.6 31.0 45.6 ■20.43 315 3 67 6j 24 48. la . ■JU 1.0211 6.245 , , 16 , , 14 .31 Oct. Nov 46.40 36.45 ftt.o .19.5 19.7 7.6 44.3 61.0 18,33 l'2.eo 23.8 25.f^ lu le 57.65 50.95 ■21 >8 28.6". 13.84 -i • • • 1.7ti0 1.105 In'p 5.U 11 7 1 10 10 .26 .53 71.89 |_ • • • Dec .il4» .30.7 -2.4 4-2.1 13.77 •J8.7 17 U.6b 11 S.lHie-2.1» •• • • • • • • 4.7 2 :2 17 .70 Sum or • J'ly Feb Feb. c <3 1 lib. > o^^^ M'n 44.79 93.0 -4.2;47.0v! 17.80 M.S Sl9a.3'2 11) 5101 5 7 25 30 \.'m 5 155.7 97 47)291 r.Bt, I i ! ,1 Bemarlcalile Day*. Arpcctb AND OTHER J)/liaCKhXJi.nK8, 1 3atur. aauN. 5 fVfond *4 Tuesd. SW^ed. 6 rhurs tFridaj '83atur. ■9 SUN. 10 Mood. 11 Tuesd. 12 Wed. ISThurs. 14 Friday ISSntnr. 1€8UN. 17 VI end. 18 Tuesd. 19 Wed. aOThurs 21 Friday 2B8atur. 23 BUN. »tMoiid. SSToead. 96 Wed. 37 Thars. 9j9l7rid«7 •tur. i0N, Dr. Harvey bom, 1S78. Battle of Copenhagen, 1801. Washington Irving bom, 178? Goldamith died, 1774. Thos. Hobbes born , 15SS. Albert Durer bom. Wordsworth born, 1770. Hudson's Bay Comp.cs., 1691. Lord Bacon died, 16-26. BatUe of Toulouse, 1814. Geo. Canning born, 1770. Dr. Young died, 1705. Handel died, 1758. Good Friday. Edmund Kean died, 1833. Easter. B. Franklin died, 1790. Judge Jeffries died, 1689. Byron died, 18'24. Louis Napcdcon born, 1808. Bisbbp Heber bom, 1783. Wordsworth died, 1850. St. George's Day. Dan. Defce died, 1831. Tarso died, 1595. David Hume died, 1711. Sir William Jones diet), 1794. Admiral Obdrtngion died, 1651. Sir James Brooke bom, 1800. jCkevalier Bayard kUled, 1594 Polar DisTAMce o / Saturn near moon. 5th Sunday in Lent. Venus South 9 35 mo. H Apogee 4ars stationary. VonuB South 9 22 mo. Moon on Equator. Fuji moon 13th. Sun nnd clock agree. 2^90° west O Moon perigee. Moon farthest south. d 19th Jupiter near ^ Sun enters T- iSOth.) ^ Or. Elonga. Venus South 9 11 mo. Pallas 90° from sun $ d Moon. .Mercury near moon Moon on Equator. Mars Sooth 7 52 ev. Moot) 29th. liiMMoon. Venus in Q Saturn near moon. 2d S. after Easter. 28 28 28 28 28 28 2S 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Abtbokomicai Notxs. 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 10 II 11 11 12 12 >2 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 Venus will be east of tbe Urn in Aquarius. ' Mars will be very near Regains all of this month. Jupiter will be a little west of the head of Capricomiis. Saturn will be between the Fleides and Hya- des. A line drawn ftom Polaris, perpendicular to the line of tlu^ pointers, passrs at 4SO dist., iliro' the bright star Capella, which will be rising in the N. E. about 10 on the i5th ; more to the E. will be Alphecca, in Corona Borealis; aud to Mte^, E will be Scorpio, also rising. Deneb in the tall of the Lion, will be on the meridian about 10 in a line with Kegulus and Procyon, Orion disappearing. Eclipses of JapitBf's Salellites. TOROMTO. d. k. m. II. Disapp. 1 5 28 Mo. I. Disapp. 13 1 43 Mo. I. Disapp. 90 3 30 Mo. III. Seapp. 92 3 31 Mo. II. Disapp. 96 S 97 Mo: HI. Disapp. 99 4 10 Mo. MooH'a i) First' O Fuil]\ (^ Last ( • New d Apogc H Perige D.M. 1 7 13 19 25 30 V a Soi E\ 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 16 17 8 9 II !2 3 A 5 6 7 8 9 .O^oiianioAz. Problxm IU.— Required Ui« lugeat RccUngle that can be inaenbcd in ciele 10 feet in diaoieter. Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuead. Wed. Thur. Friday Siatur. Snn. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. Snn. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. SOjThur. Friday !2|Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. Snn. PaoB. 16. '=584 to li Phob. 16. Pbob. 17, diamtter. : itBLtdo UKD.) Bptiug Minilh, Be« APEIli,!^- Mooif'd Phases. D. lb. « m aiir.B^ First Quarter. Full Moon... Last Quarter. New Moon.. Apogee.* . . . Perigee.* . . . Toronto. Quebec. . h. m. 10 5 mo 40 mo 6 57 ev 57 mo 11 43 mo 11 43mo h. 10 1 7 1 m, 37 mo lUmo 29 ev 29 mo 15 ev l.'i "V Twilight or Ddyliifhi Btgint and Ende Krwlnc'nt Quebec. raroiitn. tivg. A.M. fi.m 4 1 •} 42 3 21 1 P.M. n.m 8 b 8 20 8 36 8 54 HaliiuX. (Montreal. betf. A. M fi. m 3 57 3 39 3 17 2 55 P.M. 8 9 8 23 8 4ii 8 59 Beg. A.M. .m 56 36 19 12 66 KiiO. P.M. h.m. 8 11 S 27 S 39 8 58 i . »i » Beg. A.M. m. 55 3 34 3 10 2 47 End, F.M, /(. trt. Beg. A,M. ht7n> 8 13 3,62 8 2!ij3'31 8 47 3 6 D 7*2 4 End, P.M. A.fRi 8 IS 8 31 8 59 9 16 HICAl, NOTIS. be east of the luariua. ' Mars near Regulua all JupitcT will be of uie bead of Saturn will be ] Fleides and Hya- wn firom Polaris, rtotheliiieofthl^ _isPB at 4SO di8t., Rht star Capella, 3 Tiaing in the N. n the I5th -, more 1 be Aiphecca, iq alia; Ri:fi to the^S. OTpio, also Ti»ing. tail of the Lion, e meridian about iih Kegulus and on disappearing. spileT's Satellites. Iromto. d. h. M. 1 S 38 Mo. 13 1 43 Mo. •M) 3 36 Mo. , M 3 31 Mo. , at S 97 Mo: IP. » 4 19 Mo. D.M. 1 7 13 19 25 30 7 aturii South, Even. uraEMcr Venusi Warn" ^'outh, iSouth. Morii. Kven. m 69 35 12 48 9 in 39 28 19 138 25 5 26 1 3S 1€ 56 30 Ju|iii'r Siitiini &outh. 'South, Morn, 7W 8 48 27 5 44 25 Evun, m 8 47 26 5 4o 27 O ' TrriE PliANETS, &.C. I.,0llgi-| Rmlit tude. Ai!C(!n 26 21 1 13 5 56 39 47 3 m 41> 4 26 48 11 •:'9 Veiiuti iVlurii Jupit'r Right RifthtJRiKht Aeeen Ascen JAncen m h 18 10 k 22 22 ^3 3010 45 10 2 10 23 21 10 23 38 10 h t» 19 46 19 49 19 52 19 64 19 56 19 57 VVIMlit Decl. South. MrirslJupit'r Decl. Deel North. Scuthi 7 7 41 51 41 30 6 59 42 13 46 13 14 31 31 21 1821 20 20 13 7 2 &8 20 55 Saturn Decl North. 18 18 18 18 18 18 9 17 27 36 46 54 Day of Week. UAL8N*ARf0rU.C. CALBNUARtbr L.C. and N. S. \ and N. B. OlIU Rises Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday SlSatur. Snn. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Tbur. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. lOjThur. Friday 2|Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. Sun. DUll Sets. 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 11-2 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 m. 41 39 37 36 3* 32 30 28 26 24 23 21 19 18 )6 14 12 11 9 7 6 h.7n 6 27 Moun Sets. oun Risei< 4 3 1 59 58 56 55 53 62 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 47 6 48 6 49 6 50 6 51 6 53 29 30 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 4'; 42 43 44 h. wi.'A. 10 54|5 11 57i5 Mornio 56,5 495 3615 15!5 47J5 I2f5 39*5 2! 5 m. 44 43 42 39 38 35 33 32 30 28 26 Setn. Moou Sots. h. m. 6 24 6 25 6 26 h. m. 11 3 Morn 7 Ri8e8j5 25 21 15 39 4511 46 13 54 55 56 57 69 Morn 235 25|5 l.'i5 53 24 49 12 34 Sets 7 36 8 39 9 46 23 21 19 18 15 13 11 10 8 5 4 3 2 58 66 55 27 28 29 31 321 34 35 36 37 38 6 39 8 41 6 42 44 45 47 48 Department for all of Upper aud Lower Canada, fcc. folL'tftr. ill Mer. Ev'k. :JhaUow a' N.Mark. 5 59 45 24 54 17 42 4 Rises, 7 25 8 44 9 54 U 22 Morn 34 2 LO 474 64 50 51 52 53 54 6 56 6 68 6 68 6 69 7 ». 11 15 19 23 m. 26 22 18 14 10 27 6 31 2 35 Morning. 1 1 54 44 50 48 46 52 42 66 39 35 31 27 23 h. m. 8 Evening 35 24 1 29 53 14 34 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 38 20 2 44 27 10 52 36 19 2 31 15 Mn'ii Age. Moon South days. 4.0 5-0 6-0 7-0 8.0 9-0 10 11.0 12-0 13-0 14-0 46 15.0 Moon's Longitude r pUcB at noon. Sets. 7 41 8 47 9 53 10 56 19 22 15 26 11 30 11 7 11 3 10 59 10 55 10 61 10 47 10 44 lO 40 6 10 36 10 10 3-3 14 35 39 44 48 62 57 1 Morning 11 69 45 59 59 59 58 58 58 58 68 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 II 11 11 11 11 II 57 61 67 41 67 31 57 22 57 13 57 16-0 17-0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21-0 22-0 23.0 24.0 25.0 26.0 i7.0 28.0 29.0 0.4 1 2.4 3 h. 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 Morti 4 m. 13 1 5] 41 31 21 10 58 44 30 54 47 43 43 46 48 47 43 34 23 8 Mgiia. JJ cp Aries ^Tauras Taurus nGemlni Gemini Gemini 25Cancer Cancer SlUo Leo Igfrt^Virgo Virgo Virgo :C>=Libra Libra ni^Scorpip . Scorpio ^ Sagitt. Sagitt. OO^Aqua'ut Aqua'us V^Capricorn. fr 10 52 11 36 Ev.21 1 6 1 54 2 43 Capricorn. 19 ^Pisces 7, Pisces 20

66.41 63.41 44.81 W»i July 4«.44j94.e o 44.0 41.9 40.6 81.*- 79.7 S4.V 94.C mj 84.3 70.1 SO 7 40.4 S -10 7 o 45.3 U.0 7.^ti.e 'MM 33.1 30.1 44.9 3i.& 30.7 le.f 3.r Feb. o -16.7 S7.6 46.0 45.1 M.l 49.5 36.9 40.4 37.7 45.5 Range. >. o 13,95 18.98 Is Warin't day. Ujidcn day. 14.93 a t«34 39 17.97 18.46 iO.85 17.78 16.33 14.60 0.60 10.72 Ufa o 15.87 Apr o 39.6 a o ,3la0 36.1V 385.119 IS 30.79 lia7.7i 4768.V8 3073,05 1078 8S 578.6; 874.P5 763 105-4.41 340.91 1% II 25 15 dyday ,M.Kai-r lucliea nyday. of I 9.S7 -3.68 17.11 i:i|3I.S4 41.71) 31.61 14 56.47 57.44 10 37.51 30 61 'JO 35 15.64 £ 1.68 19)3.45 j8i.eo 91.10 MI.36 10 0.7i IO0,4K 133 31 S.8I M 4.10 o 78.82 j-ie o -3 68 SO.TOO . .0.000 130.711 i»Mll 15! 1.90V I80.76S iOi 1.480 U 0.330 '5,1.570 131.760 3.48 1^)4. 1'O 1.450 0.495 3.3331 oonc 1.905 I 4.375 1. 9311 3.(^03 1.770 45M5 4.180 in< 5.802 I.SIS TJoToT daya. jl 6.0 46.1 1.3 1.900 )32.358|8a.l 510 013 lb. I03|43|319{0.44| I lb 0.56 .66 .30, .56 .46 .39 .99 .17 19] .33 .44 .64 .57 Mond. fiJTncsd. 3 Wed. 4 Thurs. 5 6 7 8 Friday Sntur. SUN. Mond, Tuesd 10 Wed. 11 12 F 13 W«el^ Remarkable Day*.' Aspects AND OTHER MMCELLANIEfl, rhure. ?'rJdBj Satiir. 14ISUN. .Vlond. Tuemi. Wed. riiurs. Friday Satur. SUN. Vlond 15 16 17 18 19 SO SI 22 33 Tuesd 34 35iTbuT8. SeiPriday 37 38 SUN Satar, SUN. Mond. 31 Wed Joseph Addison bom, 1C73. I,eonardo da Vinci died, 1518. Thos. Hood died, 1845. 8iege of Quebec raised, 1776. Napoleon Bounapaite d-, 1831 Oswego taken, 1814. Socrates died, 380 B. C. LeSage born, 1663. Schiller died, ItOS. Battle of Lodi,lTS6. Lord Chatham dit-d, 1778. Btrafford beheaded, IMl. Cuvier died, 1832. Fahrenheit born, 16S6. Daniel O'ConneU died, 1S47. Mrs. Hemansdied, 1833. Arpb. Parker died, 1j73. Prince Talleyrand died, 1838. James Boswell died, 1703. Columbus died, 1506. Montrose beheaded, 1060. Alexander Pope born, 1688. Linneaus bom, 1707. Queen Victoria bom, 1819. Jteetuion. Bamuel Pepys died, 1703. Dante bom, 1965. Sir H. Davy died, 1828. CBpreMJoaepbinedlad, 1814. Inikeudied. ;M0. Dr. OhaloMnidtod, 1847. Polar Distance Saturn in Taurus. 1 Apogee & highest. 1 Urautifi near Sun. 1 Ceres 90? from Sun. 1 <( 5th. 1 iViars near Moon. 1 3d S. after Easter. 1 (9tb) Moon on equator. 1 QenusGr. Elong.W. 1 Jupiter in .^ . 1 Venus South 9 2 mo. 1 O Eclipsed. 1 Saturn dim now. 1 Moan in Perigee. 1 If. Stat. Moon lowest. 1 Moon near Jupiter. I JJi near Mercury. 1 Venus Sooth 9 1 mo. 1 d 19th. 1 Venus 14° in Pisces. 1 Sun enters Taurus. 1 Moon near $ .#onEqu. 1 Venus South 9 1 mo. 1 (Jranus near Moon. 1 Ascen. Day. 1 Sun Ecupssd Visible, I 26ih ^ near O ^ Moon. 1 Me'reury aear Sun. 1 0Apogee and Highest. 1 Marou^ Perihelion. 1 ^Souths 33 mo. 1 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Venus will be at the Venal Equinox on the 7th aj^ will be little west of the Fleiadeaon the 31st. Mars will be ea«t of Regulus, Jupiter will be as it was last month. Saturn will , be in the Hyades, and near the star E. all the month. Bpica l7Virginis, a bright star to the 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 ASTBONOMICAL NoTBS. south, passes the meridian be* fore 10 on the ISth; a line firom Polaris through the mid- dle star, in the tail of the great Bear, pasi^es at 70 o distance through Spiea. About 30o to the North and West, is ArctuTus [a bootisl the bright- st of an irregular line of stars, and forming an equal triangle with Spica and De»'b. Regu- lus sinking to the W. Castor and Pollux with Fiieroa, dis- appearing. 28 20 28 28 28 20 28 201 28 20 28 20 28 21 28 21 28 21 28 31 38 31 38 211 SS Eclipses of Jnpiter's Satellites. d. k, m. I. Disapp. 6 1 52 Mo. I. Disapp. 13 3 46 Mo. II. Dioapp. 30 11 36 £t. I. Disapp. 9t 8 MO. III. Rnpp. ar ll «» Ev. II. Disapp. SB 1 «».Ms. is^Siiiit I I rt f iiiii . i .. ■ — at 'l:.-, IMXiSD.) lltO. IMCAL NOISS. ill be at the Venal the7tJi auod wiU tofttaeFleitideeon Jars will be eamt of jpUer will be SB it lonth. Saturn will, vadet, and near the the month. Bpica lirlgbt atar to the IS the meridian be- the ISth', a line d through the mid- Ithe tail of the great iS at 70 o distance liea. About 30 o |rth and West, ia hootisl the bright- igularlineofitarB, . an equal triangle randDe»*b. Regu- to theW. Castor with Piieroa. dJs- I Jupiter's Satellites. d* A. fii. 6 1 52 Mo. 13 3 48 Mo. 90 n 98 Ev. , « 6 8 MO. . aff ll W liv. . SB 1 mva. S5m ftfodif't 8 d First Quart; Full Moon. Lmi Quart. Now Moon Apogee. . Perigee . . ApocM . . D. Tomoto. 51 4 1210 m 13 mo 19 mo 15 mo 30 ev. 43 mo 43 mo 6 43 ev Qoebee. A m 4 45 mn 10 51 mo 1 47 mo 4 2ev 6 15 mo 6 15 mo 7 15 ev Toronto. A.M. h m 2 57 2 40 2 22 i 8 Eild P.M. k m 8 54 9 12 9 30 9 48 Halifax. A.M End. A.M. 539 h 2 '2 40 i 14 I 6« HI 1 9 IS » 38 9 56 Monlre4l. Li A.X. A m 2 46 2 27 ? t> 1 49 SnOl r. M. 9 5 9i6 9 46 10 6 Kredrir'n. Qnt'kirc. Beg. A. M i m J 44 i 24 i 1 2 41 End. tfvg. r. M.U,af. k mh 9 99 9299 96l|l 10 131 17 54 33 p. M.' h m 914 935 9 69 10 2S EranunEBn or the pi4AifKra« sce» D.M. 1 7 13 19 25 31 7 dwrv Venus , Mars |Ju(*it^ South, Soatti, South, South, Even. Morn.iEvci'. Morn h m 1 1 38 14 Morn 11 27 II 3 k mh m 9 9 9 2; 7 9 1 9 1 9 1 7 36 7 19 2 6 46 6 30 6 15 d..iurii South. Kveu. ffi 21 591 36 19 48 23 1 1 II' m 24 3 43 23 2 42 duu's Longi- tude. 40 45 46 34 52 21 58 8 63 54 69 31 Hull's Kigbt Aseen. k m 2 33 2 56 3 '2li 3 43 4 h 4 3i Venus Right Aseen. A m 23 42 Mars Right Aseen. Jupii'r Right Aseen. A in 10 14 fO 20 10 27 10 34 10 42 10 51 A tti 19 57 19 6b 19 59 |9 59 19 5' 19 57 Venus Oeel. South. 2 nl 3 5 7 14 33 19 21 S8 38 Mars Oeel. North. Ju|tlt'r Saiura Peel. DceU ;, 8oiHh.| North. 13 7 12 88 11 3i 10 3: 9 3: 8 3 10 55 20 68 W 53 Si 54 K) 67 !l 18 66 19 6 19 14 19 84 19 38 41 019 iS Mond. TuesLt. Wed. Thur. Friday 6|Satnr. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thui. Friday Salur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur, Snn. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 221 Mond. 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tuesd Wed. Thur. Friday Satur, Snii. 29{Moiid. SO^Tuesd, SiIWmH Calendar for U.C. andN.S. CALaHDARfbrL.C. and N. B. Sun I Sun RiHes! Sets. A mh 121 14 50;7 122;4 49 1234 47 124J4 46 125 4 45 126 4 43i7 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 42 7 11 41 4 39 4 38 4 37 4 36 7 12 7 13 7 14 7 16 Moon Sets. Sun Rites Sets mjA m Sun Moon if>eu. ml A m 11 4I}4 .53: Morn 4 51 314 49 13 4 48 7 3 27 3 48 , 4 13 17i Rises 4 47 4 45 4 43 4 Ai 4,40 4 39 4 3: 4 36 4 oh:7 3 8 8 52:4 34 13414 34i7 19! 10 9 4 33 l.i54 3217 20 136 137 138 4 30 4 29 1394 28 140,4 27 141 142 143 1444 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 4 26 4 25 4 25 4 24 4 23 4 22 7 21 7 2i> 7 23 7 24 7 25 7 2« 7 27 7 28 7 29 7 30 7 31 4 21 7 32 4 2117 3.^ 4 20 7 34 4 2fl;7 35 4 19 7 .'♦6 Morn:4 .Si 12'4 30 5414 29 1 28 4 28 7 24 1 56 4 27 2 18 4 26 2 404 25 3 14 24 3 23!4 24 3 45:4 23 Sets. 4 22 8 36.4 21 9 34 4 20 10 264 19 1! 10 4 ]9 I J 48 4 18 1 3 5 6 7 9 9 10 7 12 7 13 7 15 7 16 7 18 7 19 7 20 7 21 7 22 7 25 7 26 7 27 7 28 7 30 7 31 7 32 7 33 7 34 7 35 7 35 7 36 11 51 Morn 41 1 22 1 55 2 23 2 45 3 36 3 27 3 46 4 9 Rises 9 1 10 18 11 27 Morn k m s 10 28 19 10 24 23 10 20 28 10 16 33 10 12 37 8 42 4 46 51 21 1 3 1 34 2 2 20 2 40 3 3 19 3 40 Sets 8 46 9 44 10 37 11 19 II 56 Department fi>r all of Upper and Lower Caaada.te. PoleSt'rin Mer.M rn. Shadow at N. Mark. 10 10 10 9 56 55 9 53 9 49 4 9 45 9 9 41 14 9 37 18 9 33 23 9 29 28 9 25 32 9 21 37 9 17 42 9 13 46 9 9 51 9 5 56 9 2 1 8 58 5 8 54 10 8 60 15 8 46 20 8 42 24 8 38 29 8 34 34 8 30 39 Mn's Age. h m $ morning 11 56 50 II 56 43 1 1 56 37 11 56 31 11 56 25 II 56 22 11 56 18 .11 56 14 11 56 11 11 56 9 11 56 7 11 56 6 11 56 6 11 56 6 11 56 6 11 56 7 11 56 9 11 56 12 11 56 14 11 56 18 11 56 22 11 56 27 11 56 32 11 56 37 11 56 44 11 56 50 II 56 57 11 57 5 11 57 13 11 57 2! I Moon ISouth. day». 4A 5.4 6.4 7.4 8.4 9.4 10.4 11.4 12.4 13.4 14.4 15.4 16.4 17.4 18.4 19.4 •20.4 •21.4 22.4 2K4 24.4 25.4 26.4 27.4 28.4 29.4 .8 1.8 2.8 3.8 4.8 9 9 10 41 11 .33 Morn 29 53TT5Vi 30 33 38 40 38 32 21 8 07 8 51 9 34 10 18 11 03 11 49 Ev37 1 27 2 17 3 8 3 57 Moon's Lenaitude, or place at Noon. "Dei Signs. nGemini Gemini Oemini o^Cancer Cr.ncer Leo Leo irgo Virgo :£^Libra Libra fT[Scorpia Scorpio J Sagilt. Sagilt. K3Capricorn Capricorn. 20 ^Aqua'us Aqua'us Pisces Pisces Pisces T'Aries Aries Taurus Taurus Taurus XJClemini Gemini 5508 nrer 24 < U 1 i: s< K 24 I Si 7 SS 7 21 4 17 1 14 26 9 21 a 15 27 9 Pao« 19. Given Vj find « and y, afit/S — «12=9728, aid a*y'+Jb.v3=40320. Pbos. so. Oiven «4-l-473—8«=:l 91840, to find sb Pbw. 81. A ooBteal «ina glaas, 5 inches doiBp and 3 wide, is one-filtb fall of water. How large a ball of lead can bo dropped in, \ 80 that It will juBt be coTered with the watn < when it lodges'? Faoi, 23. How krga a arde can V« drawn in Uie quadrant of another eirele^ intbaa in diameter t •Ati*' Mi Hi SI • m li ri I 1,;. I« JUNB MAS THIRTY DAYS. 18M. . xz TbU M the aixtli tnnnlh of the year, snd bM for it« sien, Oxmini, tiiz IVins ; the most pntbable derivntion of ite uame ie from Juno, in honour of 'whom a featiral waa celebrated at the beginning of thin month. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLGICAL OBSERVATIONS -(CoNTI^fCHO.) 18 4 7. 4 1 Teraperauirc. Range VVarurnt day. Coldeit day. M.wln dy d«y M , kal. day. Inchei of No. of duyi. b lb. a 1 M e 1 li IS si d 1. a c, 1 & 1 lb. V S 1 s en 3 1 i 9 z Jnn ii.^1 4i.O -a.u 4,r* ll.fll .Ti.3 13 )B.fi7 M e.07 4 2,75 4 I.IOOi 3 133 7.9 7 3 10 l.Off Feb, ViAH 41.1 -d.O 4i,« \'lAi 20.1 •-' •17 0.1 ■';'. 6.00 3 1 11.1 4 ii.480l 0.930 27.8 2 13 13 .60 Mnr •ifl.a^ 430 5,1 380 il.l'W 37.i:i II U.4I 27 a, 03 .'0 0Jp3; 0.831^ l!070 2. 8711 4.2 5 20 .71 Apr :l!».ttf H3.1 o.y .'■'.5.^ II OU W.H'^' ,V,.(,3 1 2H.U>, 17 IM ti 4.0 ft 2 20 ,50 Mnv ->I..M 72.1 i«7 •1.54 17. 'W •i9,K-iW «M1 1 .'JO,l,o!3l l.3<-31 1.403 2,041) , , 12 10 .20 Jiin 38.1,') 77.S m\> 'W.h l,VH4 2fl(li9 n,(W ai.4 .1 51.1,1 •:9 i3.eii 27 0,03 14 .J.700 3.153 in'p 14 3 13 .35 Dec. i!lum 3II.U2 49.6 J'ly -0.3 40.U 9.1U *2.7 Jan. r 43,43 .'(1 12.29 •21 1,04 :).3»U| 1.183 0.8 7 8 16 .33 Jftn 1 or 1 c* lb. s 1 ! lb. M'n 43.40)67.01-4 44.93 13,94 JJ.3 10 70,80 6.(10 3 il?? 1 i.OSO 31,06(1 49.S lis ^ 1211 0.44 Week. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Mond. I Remarkable Days. Thure. Sir D. Wllkie died, 1841. 9 Friday W. R. WU«on died, 1840. 3 Sal ur. Dr. Harvey died, 1849. 4 SUN. fmtsunday. 5 Mood. Easter Term begins. 6 Tueed. J> Bentbam died, 1832. 7 Wed. Warburion died, 1770. 8 Thurs. Cen. Jackson died, 1S4S. 9 Fridaj ^^Ir R. Jackson died, 1843. 10 Satur. John DoUand born, 1716, 3UN. Trinity. 12 Mond. Dulte of Berwick kUled, 1734. Tuesd. Madame D'Arblay bom, 1732, Wed. 6en. Kleber a8sa«sina(ed,1800. Thurs. Thomas Campbell died, 1844. Friday Marlborouglidied, 17*1. Satur. Easter Term ends. SUN. BatUe of Waterloo, 1815. B. Pascal born, 1023. 30 Tuesd. Queeu Victoria's acees., 1837. 21 Wed. Battle of Vinegar Hill, 1798. 22 Thurs. M. Henry died, 1714. 23 Friday M. Akenside died, 1770. 24 Satur. John Hampden died, 1013. 25 SUN. Battle of Bannoekhufn, 1314. 26 Mood. Pizarro killed, 1541. 27 Tuesd. Zscbokke died, 184S. 28 Wed. Rousseau born, 1713. 29 Thurs. 55. FeUr and Paul. aOlFriday w. Roscoedled. 1831. AsPccTs I Polar «ja> OTHER Miscellanies, VisTANce U Venus in Aph. Mars 90° from Sun. ft near Mars d 3d. iMars in Leo. Moon on equator, Venus in Taurus. Venus south 9 2 mo. Juno 90" from Sun Jupiter south 2 46 mo O 10th. ]) Perigee and lovest. Jupiter in J: . Moon near Jupiter. Venus south 9 5 mo. Folk died, 1849. Cores stationary. a nth. Venus near IJt Moon on equator. Jupiter south 2 3 mo. (2l8t) Venus i^ d ^ Sun enters Qeroiui. Venus south 9 8 mo. Saturn near Mood. Mars near Juno. Moon highest. Apogee of Moon. Moon near^ Mara 23° in Ltio. H.Olay died, 1850. Venus snuth 9 13 mo. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 98 28 23 28 28 28 21 91 22 22 AsTRoxoMicAi. Notes. Venus will bo south-west of thel'leiadesmost of this month. Mnr* will be south-east of Regulus, and near the head of Virgo. Jupiter is about aoo , ^uth of the bright star Altatr in tke Eagle, and come* to the meridian with that star.'Saiura a near Aklebiirnn. Al- 22 sal's in _ on pbacn, or a Corona; Bar's, pas- -?f SM the meridian at an altitude . Jii of about 73 o , about 10. on the 22 'Wi. A briglit star between oo two fainter sior*. on the edge ^f'lOf the Milky Way, is Ahair ?• ^* AquailK,j— iti aline with these 22 three stars is the bright star 22 Vega or a Lyra. Alphnca is qtjin the line from Vega to Arc- -;• turns, about two-thirds of the !i«|oi8taucc from Vega. Anta- 23;fef, the bright star in the 2q|"iiddle of Scorpio, passes the ■^ meridian aboirt an hour later -so than Arcturus 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 : OsoHiraiciAX Fboblrjc, No. IV.' m| Qlobe that can b« out from it. " II I II Eclipses of Jnpiter's TORONTO. d.k. III, Disnpp. 4 HI. Renpp. 4 3 I. Diunpp, 7 10 I. Disapp: 14 IV. Renpp. 14 I. Disupp. 31 3 II, Disipp. 31 IV I. Disopp. 23 8 1. IMsapp. 28 4 II. Disapp. 39 1 I. Disapp. 39 10 m, 13 Mo. 38 Mo. 25 Ev. 19 Mo. 30 Mo. 13 Mo. 59 Ev. 43 Ev. 8 Mo. 33 Mo. 36 Bv. Moon' Phasbi if) First O Full ] (^ Last • New. C Porig( id Apo(f( B.M I 7 13 19 25 30 7e So M h 10 10 10 9 9 9 'I o c C Day of Week. 14 IS 16 17 —Ihe height of a cone is 19, base 10. Required, the laij^ 1 Thurs. 2 Friday SSatur. 4 Sun. I .') Mond. I eTuesd. 7 VVed. sThurs.! 9 Friday lOSatur. llSun. J2jMond. 13 Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday 1 Satur. 1 ISSun. \l 19 Mond. 1 jOTuesd.'l 51 Wed. jl 22 Thurs. 1' i3 Fridaylr -llSatur. Il JS'SiiM. 'i: «. Mond. in fc7Tuesd.Ji7 18 VVed. 117 l9|Tbur8.'18 olFriday 18 rROB. 23. •alls, has 50 "ise ; the se n to the tt aany tal!.^ j Pkob. 24. '. cut centt iameter. \ patents is < Moon's Phasks. 9) Tint Q. O Full M. La8t Q. _ NewM d Perigee (J Apogee Pint Snmmer Montb. JUNE, 1854. H Toronto. m 23 ev 13 ev 57 mo 44 mo 11 43 mo 2 43 mo Quebec. m 55 eT 45 ev 29 mo 16 mo 15 mo 15 mo' 30 Ivnlight or Daylipht biigin$ and end* at— Torouio. JJeg.; Eud. A. M. r. M. m'h 5{ 9 57 10 5510 Olio Hal ifax. A. M.!r MiMitrukl. m\h 501 1 1 m A 55 10 4G10 4310 50 10 beg. I £nd. A. M i<'re(Jric'u. Beg. I End. A. u.>. M. mh 4510 30 10 3210 38 10 mli 91 17,1 311 291 m A 39,10 28 10 : 9410 38 31110 3U <4ue bee. End. A. If. 1 29 19 16 1 24 r. M A m 10 26 10 39 10 46 10 43 EPUERICRIS Of THE PiLANEfX, &c. 7 riiariti Veiiusj Mars I South, iSotuh, Morn. Morn h m 10 59 10 36 10 12 48 25 5 Hven. m 1 3 4 iJ| 13 Jupit'r Huuih, Morn. m 13j 59 4(J| 33i 201 lO! m duiurii South, Morn 1911 54 11 m 38 18 Hull's Longi- tude 70 7G 37 21 5 10 37^87 48 10 17|93 32 10 0:98 18 10 5882 tjllli'd UiKht AHCt.'ll. m 3C 1 25 50 6 15 G 3ti VfllUK Kiaht Afccu. A m 1 40 2 5 2 30 2 57 3 23 3 id Man RiKlil Ascen. m 53 o 12 23 34 JupU'r Kiithl. Ahcpii. A 19 19 19 19 19 VCIIUB Uecl. North. 4419 ?n 57 55|10 53112 5114 48ll6 46il7 59 9 17 18 12 38 Mar* Uecl. Xotih. JupU'r Deel. South. 8 22 13 1 45 27 20 21 21 21 6aiurii Deel. North 19 4S 19 50 19 58 i 21 2020 21 sslao 19 21 3.'>|20 IE ^o7 Week Calendar for U.C.'Calendar Tor L.C.I n .» .. ...t jt o j. m.. nndN. d. and N. B. I Dcpnriment for all oi Upper and Lower Canada. «e. bo south-west of [OstofthisinoiHh. : south-east of ] near the head Iter is about 30 o. triglit star Altatr inu corner to the ithatstar.'Saium Aideb«rnn. A)- >rona: Bor*s. paa- an at an altitude . about 10, on the ht star between !ir«, on the edge Vay, Is Ahair [a aline with these the bright star rrx. Atpbnca is ni Vega to Arc- wo-thirdsof the Vega. Anta- ;ht star in the rpio, passes the K an hour latex piter's Satellites. llOMTO. d. h. m. 4 13 Mo. 4 3 28 Mo. 7 10 25 Ev. 1 14 10 Mo. 14 90 Mo. 31 2 13 Mo. hi 10 5S Bv. 1 82 8 42 Ev. 28 4 8 Mo. 29 1 32 Mo. 30 10 3B Bt. Thurs Friday Satiir. Sun. Moiid. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. SUH. lel.Mond. 7 Tuesd. 8 Wed. DlTburs. olFriday 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 IG] 162 163 164 165 I6fi 16 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 1175 '176 il77 178 179 180 181 »UU Kites A 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 «un SeiH, AI0U11 Hun Ri»ee 18!7 •18!7 17 7 ElUII 8uu. ni\/i m\h 4 17 17 16 16 IG 16 15 15 1517 15i7 157 157 1!)7 15|7 15:7 15|7 15I7 I5i7 16'7 I6I7 I6j7 16;7 17.7 177 1817 18 7 1917 37 37 38 39 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 46 46 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 4fi Morn.! 18 43 7 28 49 12 38 8 1 1 1 2 2 3 Rise?, 8 10 10 11 11 Morn. 24 46 6 28 50 16 46 22 1 1 1 2 2 3 Sets, 9 8 48 20 47 11 mlA m 18|7 36 1 18i7 38 4 17i7 39 4 17 7 39 4 16 7 40 4 167 40 1 157 41 1 1517 41 4 1517 42 4 1.517 43 4 15|7 43 4 15 7 43 15 7 43 1517 44 l.')|7 45 15|1 45 4 1517 46 1517 47 1,')!7 14'7 48 14:7 48 4 15!7 49 4 l,5i7 49 4 1617 49 4 1617 48 4 1617 48 4 17i7 48 4 1817 48 4 18 7 48 4 18'7 48 Moon Met*. foioi'ir III Met.itlorn. A WiA Morn.j 8 8 8 8 a 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 25j 48 1 10; 301 49, lOi 31 '1! Iliseo. 10 9 10 10 10 59 11 36 Mori). 4 m 26 00 26 46 5 25 40 9 3 12 1 1 1 o 2 3 Sets 9 It- 57 27 15 18 14 11 7 3 59 55 51 47 43 39 35 31 27 7 24 20 16 12 8 dllllllOtV HI'.l't'llBI N. Mnrk. Ace. 8111 4 56 52 48 44 40 37 33 13 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 56 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 50 55 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 Evening'. 12 18 1 1 1 1 o Morniof;.! 3.8 11 57 39 49 59 9 19 30 41 53 4 16 28 40 53 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 31 44 57 10 23 315 49 15 2t 40 3.1 AlUUII i^outli. A 4 5 6 6 7 8 9 U 10 17 6 7 8.8 9.8 10.8 11.8 12.8 13.8 14.8 15.8 16.8 17.8 18.8 19.8 20.8 21-8 22.8 23.8 24.8 25.8! 26.81 27.8|l0 28.8,11 .21 Ev 1.2 1 2.2' 3.2 4.2 5.2 m 44 30 15 58 43 20 18 11 10 Morn 13 .viooii's LoiiBitude, or place at Noon 20 26 281 25 17 5 50 34 17 1 46 34 23 13 4 53 41 27 12 Signp. 2BCancer Cancer i^Leo Leo TTEVirgo Virgo :£^Libra Libra TT|,Scorpio Scorpio t Sagitt. Sagitt. V^Capric'n % Capric'n ^ Capric'n ^Aqua'us Aqua'us )^ Pisces Pisces

a«r, who woa born in it. hnna, the Crab, is it* Zodiacal sifrn. ,Ji ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATrONS— (Coxiinced.) 1848. K i Jan Feb Mnr ipr Mny Jun Tutnptrature. Rnngc. .VViiriii't I Otiy .5" n is s e 1 o 17.41 •28. tt' 10.07 .W.71 (h2.S) July|il3.37 Svp(.V}.»]t Oct.4U.3& Nov.TJ.OI l)ec.|'20. 1'i riurn o or M'n S si.ij-'l.i (O.Ol 0.0 iit.ei o.ol 78.0 31. 'i 1«.0.17,4 R2.U,4t.| «7.048.7 S«).4i^.l 0I.K24.5 40. OIL'S. 4s.ei-j.i n o fi'i.3 40. tl 01. U 42.4 40. f- 94.0 38.1 3f<.a 9*2.3 37.3 33 40.0 .If .! I»ny IVl.VNtri-it.Kiuy dy Day. Dny. Juti'Jan. o -ol o w.oiii.4tn. flOi O I o I 13.4-2 31.4 l-i.7^«.9 1'2.31 •«.:) 17.!»3I.3 I o 1 41 .r, •21 38.0'! 31 40.9.'^ 10 94.3;^ tH.94ai.3>20 0:}.lU> •2O.0'JI4.0 17.32'i'J..l IH.'29 30.a I7.771.')0.9 12 10 ISO >^ ,7(1 .1)0 .'21 .70 .10 .00 .15 .*(• .19 1813 0I'2 4 10 IH 10. 3(1 10. 7 7 II 4 B, 1 17 10 30 10 •2 13 3.1,14 0.S3(1 03; 4, 01.|-2(l 07; 1 0.-|l3, 31*21 411 4: fcOUe: .0131; .C3'24 Inchcii of 06 41(1 .719 .1)711 .4;f3 .7(10 .310 .iM .U'20 .S(U) 015 .30 1 l.'2^0 Doyf. iVrt. S 2.245 7 0.7:3; 10 l.'2'2l>, l.4S3j U J. 3-21) 1.81(1 i.m> O.f-35 3.113 1.330 2.0*20 1.4 2.750 ia.5 Juni^ lu, O {015! O {3 14.0544.o|l5 77.43llO — o 4.50i ■2I3..T0I1 1.2°() 22.203 ..,1 103.P'2 17 3.».!) '2);3.HU '24 4. Ml 1^-4.03 '2'2 4.91 21|4.li4 23 4.9.V 11I5.HI 204.(IOl lr4.8l 17 3.44; 40.(1 OH 33. '235 3. 131 Week. Remarkable Days. ASPECTH AND OTHER MmcCLLANILS 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 Satnr. 9 SUN. 3 Mond. 4 Tuesd. 5 Wed. 6[Tbur9. Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Tuead. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. 16 SUN. 17 Mond. 18 Tuesd. 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 31] Wed. Thurs. Fridaj Satur. SUN. Mond 25 Tuesd. Wed. Thurs Friday Satur. 30 SUN. Mnpd. Henry Lord Holland died 1774 Sir Robert Peel died 1630. j Quebec founded 1609. I Chateaubriand died 1848. ' -Mrs. Siddons born 1759. Sir Thos. More bclieaded 1505. R. B. Sheridan died 1810. P. B. Shelley drowned 1823. M. G. LewU bcrn 1735. John Calvin born 1309. Lalande born 173'2. Erasmus died 1 33U. . Neander died IP.'K). Dr. John Hunter born 17'2e. Detroit t alien 1^12. Sir Josh. Reynolcis Iwrn 1723. Isaac Watts born 16(4. Petrarch died 1374. Iturbide sliot 1S21. IMayftiir died 1810. Inlgo Jones died 1(J.")2. Battle of Salamanca 1313. Canadas United 1S40. Gibraltcr taken 1701. Battle of Lundy's Lane 1P13. W. Romaine died 1705. Marshall Turcnne killed 1873 Robespierre guillotined 1794. Wm. WUberforce died 1£3S. Wm. Fenn died 1718. l«natlw Loyola died USA. Polar Distance. VenuK 29° in Ariei?. jMara West of Moon. I ]) 3(1. % on Equator, j Venus in AricF. j ? South 9 17 mo. jM:!:.s in Leo jJupitei in } . Venus South 9 19 mo. # lowest and in prri. '4 near Moon. ^lOlli. Saturn near Venus. If South 21° mo. Aiercuiy visible now. Mars ju Viigo. U8 O- Moon on Equ (i IRtli. ^stationary. I'a'ii'is opposite Sun. (loth) 11 bright. ? South 9 25 mo. Satnin near Moon. Venus iioar Moou. Moon liighisl. Sun «iil(i> So. # filiii. i\!<'on ap. M'roxitp i,(.nr Mood. 2f S'wih ]] 14 mo. ? Si.iiLh 9 39 mo.. Jin Q- Dog Days bcsfin. J ^ Moon. ? inf. d Q f South 9 44 mo. 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 Astronomical Notes. 1 9 Venus will be east of the Plei Ij^ades; JupltcT will be near the head of Cnpricornus. Saturn will be in Taurus, near Aldebo- ran. On the 15th. low down to the south nxid to the vresC of tiie meridian, the constellntion Scor- plo will be distinguLsIied by its 1 ' long train. A Inie troin Rcgulus 17 [aLeonis] through Ppica. passes J- at 43* distance tlirough Anure(», ,- a very bright and reddish star in J ' Scorpio. Alphaccfi will be hi«li 16 up. and a little to the west of the Ig meridian at 10. Vcgi. fa Lyrw, ,f.and Altair [o Aquilie] to the ^"east 15 15 15 15 14 I4 Eclipses of Jupiter's Satsllilss. 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 11 lOJ I II. I. HI. II. UI. I. II. I. U. TORONTO. 4 b. m, 6 4 6 Mo. 7 31 Mo. 9 8 10 Ev. 10 10 £v. 17 3 20 Mo. Disapp. Disapp. Disapp. Reapp. Reapp. Reapp. Reapp. Reapp. Reapp '23 24 30 31 J. Reapp. 31 1 4 Mo. 1 18 Mo. 3 50 Mo. 3 .'» Mo. 9 26 Ev. SeooiK Moon' Phasici 8 Pint ( Full M rOLast C, # NewM d Perjgei d Apotrpi n.M. h. VI. 1 7 13 19 25 31 ? .Hliir HouKi .Morn A. m 9 3j 1< d( Day of I Week. ' llSatur. ,, 2^Snn. 1 alMond. I 4|Tue8d. !l 5Wed. eTburs. jl 7 Friday I i SDSatur. 11 stSnn. 1! O-Vlond. II UTuesd. hi 2JWed. IJ rrbura. It 4^Friday IS j|Salur.' J Sun. 1 iVlond. IS la 19 19 20 20 Tuesd. >Wed. > Thurs. ._ Friday 20 Satur. 20 I'isinn. ko Mond. |20; Tuesd. 20( Wed Thurs. [Friday Srttur. Sun. 20; 2Qi 21c 211 Mond. ,212 PaoB. 27. its extremit What par being 6 inc *ROB. 28. 1 diameter ; iler. What wbM^floati .ti!) I. HO ,.M1 I.M i.M I. HI 1.5.V 5.HI; 4.1)0. 5.44 IS. 131 LL Notes. BiitofthePlei- ill be near the nus. Snturn | , near Aldeba- . low down to ' ievTe»t ofUie itellniion Scor- guLshed by its jtromBeguluB li Splca. pasBf s 1 |rough Antares, I redtiibh star in ■a will 1)C hi!?l» Itlie west oftbe egi. To Lyia?,J ' .quilitj to ttoe. er's Silsllilss. A. m, 4 OMo. 31 Mo. 5 10 Ev. 10 OEv. 3 29 Mo. 1 4 Mo. 1 18 Mo. 3 50 Mo. 3 !a Mo. 9 «8 Bv. l lMI - ' IScoond Bummer Month. JULY, 1854. ^ Moon'i Phasri. D. D FintQV OFulIM'n (9 Last Q'r 0N«wM'n;-i4 4 Perigee . 9 d Apoifpe. 123 Toronto. Quebec. Tl()l2 1-1 9 43ev iO I5ev jio'a 9.s fi 4:lmo| 7 l.'imnKVi Iti 9 i'oroni<». ! HaliHX. hiiU I3«g III 6 9 d(' 9 -11 2fi «|P iu« Riulil I Kh{lit I Rittitt : Decl. A'i'i'Ii.'A»i;<.'ii. .Vkcoii. North. I Mill* Dfcl. Nurdi. 36 104 58 7 Ij'llO 4217 54 116 2.1 7 S3il2i 98 Iv 127 .'■.3 8 m.i/f. 30 54 18 41 lll.ll. Ml A. Wl i° ' I" 51|ll 4r. 19 45 17 54 2 6 19; 11 57,19 4219 S4 42 49 12 9;19 3920 .37i V. 43 18 12 2t.'ll9 36!2i 331 3 10 48|12 34119 33 22 9i 3 38 19,12 47119 29|22 24: 5 7 JiUIII'l Ikcl. Soiiili. 21 3fl 31 4') 21 04 •J3 '2 22 10 22 18 BiitiTrii Dt'Pl. Hciuih* 7 20 10 20 25 20 30 .0 3.'. 20 40 10 44 Day of Week. Satur. 2lSnn. Mond. 4Tue8d. Wed. Thurs. Friday alSatur. Sun. .Vlond. IjTuesd. 2] Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. !$nn. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. CvLBNDARfor U.C. and N. 8. 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 18914 1904 Calendar for L.C. and N. it. Dopariment for all ofUppcr and Lower Canada, Jfce. Hun I Huh RUes;8eiM. .Vluuii ycm. idun I bun Ri*r« i^els. Moon rolef«rsiii Siiiidow at firm. Mer. Morn N. M irk. OTiA wi|A ?«jA 19,7 4811 32j4 20 7 48 11 53 4 20 7 47 Morn 4 217 22 7 191 192 193 1^4 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 i205 206 207 208 209 210 211 |212 22 23 24 26 25 7 26|7 44 27 7 44 2817 43 2917 42 307 42lll 30 7 41111 mi A 19 7 20 7 7 7 Rises 8 38 9 23 9 58 to ^5 10 49 11 32 21 1414 21 37I4 22 5|4 23 374 22'4 4 4 317 327 33:7 34I7 3517 3617 37|7 387 39,7 40 7 4011 55 39!Mori) 41 43 44 45 46 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 28 27 26 19 48 1 22 2 3 2 51 Sets. 8 23 8 51 9 16 9 39 9 58 10 18*4 44 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 m A in 4711 34 4711 53 47 Moin 47 46 4G 46 46 1 2 45! Rises 45 8 48 12 33 59 29 13 44 9 44 10 43,10 4210 4211 4211 4l|ll 40' Morn 33 3 28 51 11 30 51 39 38 37 36 35 12 40 13 53 41 321 31 1 30 29 2810 10 40|4 46|7 26 10 » ' 1 1 2 32 .Sets. 32 8 31 8 58 9 20 9 41 9 58; t7i 371 m 29 25 21 17 13 9 5 1 s h m 10 Evening- 1512 20 12 24,12 30 12 351 12 40|12 4512 57 50 12 53 5512 49 59il2 46 4 42 9 38 14 34 19 30 24 26 29 22 34 18 39 14 43 10 48 6 2 59 55 51 47 12 12 12 12 1-2 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 53 58 3 812 1312 18ll2 43 23I12 39 2Bil2 35 33:12 31 37,12 40 51 2 13 23 33 42 51 8 16 23 30 36 42 48 53 57 1 4 7 9 11 12 13 12 12 10 8 6 M'lin A8£i dayf. 6.2 7.2 8.2 9.2 10.2 11.2 12.2 13.2 14.2 15.2 16.2 17.2 18.2 19.2 20.2 21.2 22.2 .>3.2 24.2 25.2 2C.2 27.2 28.-2 29.2 .6 1.6 2.6 3.6 4.6 5-6 6.6 Moon South. or place nt Noon flit No T>tM|j;ns. 55^0 Leo 38 TTK Virgo 21 i Virgo 7 Virgo 57=2.Libra 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 56 Morn 3 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 6 7 52 Libra 52 Tl^Scorpio Scoipio t Sagitt. Sagitt. 9YSCapric'n 11 Capric'ii 7!*CJ'Aqua'u« 58| Aqua'ua 46 >(Pisces 31 1 Pisces iS.fpAris 59 Aries 44 Aries 8 31|y Taurus 9 I9j Taurus 10 9nGemini 11 Gemini 11 50 Gf-mini Ev39,o3Cancer 1 25 Cancer 2 lO^S^^Leo 2 54 Leo ' 3 38 Leo 4 19 flgVirgo 5 8 Virgo Deg. 18 1 13 27 10 24 9 S4 9 34 10 24 9 93 7 20 3 15 27 9 21 3 15 27 9 21 3 15 27 10 23 ^ROB. 27. A bar of iron 10 feet long, rests fits extremities upon the shoulders of A. and 1 What part of its weight does each bear, [being 6 inches taller than B 1 ?R0B. 28. There is a globe of wood 20 in. diameter ; its specific gravity is T-ldhs of kter. What part of its diameter will b« do* [wb, 1 ■ 1 B a H ^ 1 M' i.-s « d S d S 1 A 1 s i C i V a a If a E R IE n B e r- ^ a s 'ri s S. Pi IS Q ao a' t* fi H a > Q ^i^ t6 «' «M p^ !f o o o 1 o o 23 o o Jan. IS.49 m.5 -14. 53.7 11.45 31.2 35.6111 -2.10 15 14.66 •.>5 820 1.17.5 0.2 410 17 6.71 Feb. H».f)« 40.6 -9.6 3!l.4'll.02l24.1 2-^ 36.50 15 2.67 u 14.49 24 U.230 0.240 19.2 2113 13 6.58 Mnr 3.1.04 .W.O lii.} 37.9;ll.:33|ai.O 30 41.11 3 20.67 14 12.97 20 l.i:;o 1.325: 2.3 7 2< 22 3.37 Apr. SH.74 7a. 13.5 50.3 13.95 38.3 31) 49.60 14 •>4.23 15 15.63 11 U.07j 2 6351 1.7 10 2 18 7.30 May 72.2 27.9 44.3,13.0(J'28.7 21 57.17 2:)9.2.j 5 9.31 •2 l.USO ."UlS .. 16 13! Jun. n.m 84.4135.2 49.2 1C.3fli31.1i 2lj74.«l0 5(.)2.77 4 7..W .) 0.990 2.020, .. 7 ■ ' 23 3.32 JlllV »7.,S2 88.0 47.3 41.3 19.t^5 29.7 1278.27 31 50.25 14 6.81 25 2.03(1 3.415, .. 4 27 3. 52 AU)! a. 08 79.0 4.'). 2 33.8 18.1)27.5 30 70.37 31 .)6.(}8 8.5;i >.U 1.04.-. 4.970 ., 10 21 3.7H Sept 57.04 80.1 ;w.7 47.4 16.0l'27 .9 568.37127 22 8.02 6 I).4.')0 1.490 •• 9 21, 4.23 Oct 14.94 58.9 23.2 33.7 13. M 24. 4 I6'.>4.U731 28.71 13.23 6 :5.3(Hi .5.903 Jn'p 13 1 IT. 4 76 Nov 11.87 .10.4 24.2 32.2 9.19 22.2 5;53.4«128 29 77 t 17.20 .1 0.731 2.813 1.0 10 2 18' 4.78 Dec Sun 40.8 July -O..? 47.3 9.63 25.6 Apr. 37.11 26 12.43 G 12.67 « 0.27( 840 9.6 3 12 14 0.-.i3 Jan. ISr 1 or ■ 9 o O j c ° \r — o i i 1 M'l, 13.70 &* Cll4.2l43.97 13.rc 3*. lli78.27lU- 2.101 s 17.- l.L'' !.2i. ; 13.0|97i42 2265.17 O I Day of Week. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 .11 Remarkable Days. Tuesd. Lammai Wed. Battit of the N ile, ITfl"?. rhui-S. C'olutnJ)U8' First Voyage 1540. Friday Slielley torn 1T62, Satuv. Lord Howe died r99, SUN. I'rince Alfred Ernest b. 1844 Mond. Berzclius died 1849. I'uesd. Cannin!?dieii 1827. Wed. Capt. Mairynt died 1319. ThuiS. Bait, of Moiitmorciiei 17.59. FridayiSir H. Jarditie died 1&51. Satur. ILord Cassk'reagU suicide 1322 SUN. Ijeremy Taylor died 1607. Mond. |L. K. Laiiilon born 1(;02. Tuesd.lSirWrilicr. Scott born 1771. Aspects AND OTOEK Ml8CEt.LANlE5. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Ben .lonson died 1077. Adnriral Blnke died lOoT. Beattic died 1805. Count Knmford died 1S14. 'J'/caty of Washington 1^42. William IV. born 1705. Tuesd.' Wlii^lon died 1752. Wed. j.^ir W. VVall.icp executed 1303 Thurs. Chatterton died 1770. Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Taesd. Wed. Tlmrr; Janws W.itt died 1S19. .'Vdam Clarke died 1832. James Thomson died 1748. rriuity Term begins. John Locke born 1630. Paley born 1743. lunyan died 1688. U South 10 47 eve. Vesta near Juno. Ceres 5* Sun. ? South 9 49 rao. Moon lowest. Jupiier near Moon. Mood Perigee. O 8th. Mercury vis. fjlslat. ^ Stat. Mars 19° in TIJ^. Ceres south 9 51 mo. .Moon on Equator, Venus in n. VIooii near Uranus. d I.")tli. ■ercs South 10 3 mo. f? near moon. •^ greatest elong. W. 9 highest nphel. Venus near jMoon. Mercury ne;ir Moon. Jranus .«tationary. Sun in ^. (f25th) ^ in perihe Venus south 10 13 mo Mofjn ou Equator. Veil 8 in Cancer. Mas nca' iMoon. Mas in o^ Saturn in Tauras. Daist Polar Distance. 1 28 28 28 2S 1 28 1 23 1 28 1 28 1 28 1 23 28 28 28 28 28 28 1 28 1 28 I 23 1 28 28 28 1 28 28 28 28 28 1 28 28 28 «8 19| 18 181 18 18 IT 17 17 17 1' 16 IG h; l.'> l.") 15 15 14 14 14 14 13 13 13 12 12 12 11 11 II 10 rAsTKONOMrCAL NoTES. ^.^a-u ... .... Venus will pass through Ge mini, near Pollux, and be in Cancer ihe latter part of the inonlh. M.nrs will benearSpi- ca, in Virgo. Jupiter will be about where it was last inontli. 'Saturn a stiort distance cast of VI lebnran. On tlie 1.5il), Altfiir will be on the meridian soon ifter 10, a Lyra; before 10. Scor- pio disappenring. The iVIilky- way is a beautiful object at this Eclipses of Jnpikr's SaisIIites. IV. Disapp. I. P.e;ipp. II. Rcapp. III. Keapp. I. Renpp. I. Kwipji. 11. Rivipp. TV. Disapp. IV. Keapp. III. Disnjjp. III. R(vi|ip. J. Reapp. I. Roapp II. Renpp. III. Eisipp. I. Reapp. TORONTO. tl. h. 3 2 7 11 10 7 14 7 13 1 16 7 17 in 19 8 20 21 8 21 11 22 3 23 9 3i> 39 30 11 m. 5i) Mo. 23 F.v. 40 Ev. 32 Ev. 18 Mo. 41 Kv. •!N' F.v. 59 Ev. o'l Alt). HI liv. 33 Ev. 13 Mo. 40 Ev. 57 Mo. 11 Mo. 37 Ev. c 1 2 3 4. no 11 12 13 S 16jW 17 l8lFr 1 19 Sal |20l 21 22 123" 24' 25Fri '26i; 1 27 28 29 (30 W( Pao the ea I in the 7912 Pbo centra post vam sr^r Aogus- BD.) of iM'n £ ^ f7, 17' 6.71 13 6 58! 22 5.37 18,7.30' 15; 5.33 23 3.32 •27 3 5-2 •21 3.7t> •21 4.>23 IT 4 76 y, 2 18' i.T^ I2l 14 6.'i3 4-i'>>65.l7 ilCAL IfoTES. pass through Ge- 'olliix, and be in alter part of the s will be near Spi- Jupiier will be it was last moiitli. >rt distance cast of| On the 13Ui, Altair ; the niericlian sowi ! T!c liefore «0. Scor ring. The Milky utiful object at this lupikfs Salellites. TORONTO. (2. h V pp. pp. pp, pp. pp. pp. pp. pp. Vi<- npp. i|ip. ipp. ipp npp. 3 -2 7 11 10 7 14 7 m. 5.1 Mo. 23 F.V. 40 Ev. 32 Ev. 15 1 1« Mo. lli 7 41 l-.v. 17 in •'■■' Kv. 19 8 59 Ev. i't Mo. 8 10 Ev. 11 33 Ev. 3 13 Mo. 9 40 Ev. 57 Mo. •20 •21 21 22 23 25 ipp. 29 11 Mo. ipp. 30 II 37 Ev. Third Summer Month. 1- ^VSVWf^T^ Moon's Phases. O First Quarter. O Fall Moon... ^Last Quarter. # New Moon... CD First Quarter. ^ Apogee Q Periiree 1 8 15 |£>3 31 7 19 Toronto. Qnebec. h m 5 43 ev 8 32 mo 9 4 too 1 15 ev 1 22rqo 7 15 mo 4 15 ev Tmlighi or Daylight heginaand ends ii-" Toronto. Beg A. M. A m 2 49 3 6 3 22 3 42 End F. u. Beg. A. If . A M 9 23 9 4 8 43 8 19 h m 2 43 3 3 18 3 38 End F. If . Bog. A. U. n m 9 29 9 10 8 48 8 23 End F. M. h m 5 II ov 8 Omo 8 32 mo 43eT 50 mo G 43 mo 3 43^v^ Halifax. Montreal. m A 36 9 55 9 14 8 328 m 36 15 52 29 Fredric'n Beg. A. M. End p. If. m h 32 9 519 118 30 8 r-T m 39 18 55 31 Qu«k Beg.^n^ A. M. m 29 47 7 26 D.M, 1 7 13 19 25 31 7 tsiars VenUB Mars Jupii'r Saturn Sun'8 Sun's Venus Mars Jupit'r Venue Mars Juplt'i South. South, South, South, South, Longi- Right Right Right Right Decl. Decl. Decl. Morn. Morn. Even. Even. k m Morn. tude. Ascen. AEiccn. A seen. Ascen. North. South. South. h m h m h m h m o / h m h VI h m \ m / o / O 1 6 59 9 45 i 10 10 47 8 8 128 51 8 5 G 24 12 49 19 29 22 24 5 2222 191 6 36 9 52 3 59 10 21 7 46 134 35 9 8 6 55 13 3 19 27 22 13 6 51 22 25 6 12 10 3 50 9 55 7 25 140 21 9 31 7 26 13 17 19 24 21 39 8 21 22 31 5 49 10 7 3 40 9 29 7 3 146 07 9 53 7 57 13 31 19 21 20 43 9 49 22 36 5 25 10 13 3 31 9 4 6 42 151 55 10 16 8 27 13 45 19 20 19 26 11 17 22 40 5 1 10 20 3 22 8 39 6 ?9 157 43 10 37 8 57 14 19 18 17 48 12 54 22 43 aaturl Deell NortI 20 20 20 20 20 20 "o7 Week. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond . Tuesd. Wed. Tliurs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond . Tuesd Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond . Tuesd. Wed, Tliurs. Friday Sun. .Mond Tuesd Wed. Thurs. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Satur. 27 28 29 30 31 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 22,5 226 ■227 22 '< 229 230 231 232 23;] 234 235 23G 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 Calendar for (J.C. and N. S. Sun Rises Sun Sets, Ml 47 48 49!7 50i7 5117 53i7 5417 55j7 5617 57i7 5B|7 5917 1|7 f>'7 Moon Sets. h 11 11 m 25 24 22 Mom 21| 11 201 1 mk 4!4 Calendar for L.C, and N. B. Suu Rise* 34!4 4 4 74 in 47 48 50 51 52 54 Sun Sets. h 7 19 2 17 3 19l4 ^i 16|4 14 8 23|4 13| 8 49{4 9 13,5 9 34i5 Moon Sets. 12 10 9- 5G 57 59 Oi7 117 7110 21 5 5:10 49'5 4|7 5|7 2 67 1 8|6 59 916 57 10l6 5G irO 54 12.6 53 13:6 51 146 166 176 4!ll 2l!5 18 19 20 21 49 48 46 44 42 12 05 Morn.jS 4G|J 1 39l5 2 39i5 3 4215 Sets. 15 7 43;5 8 3:5 24,5 2 3 4 6 87 9;G 9t) 10 '0 12 6 13'6 1416 1616 17|6 m 25 24 22 21 20 18 16 14 13i 10! 9i 8l h m 10 59 11 26 Morn, 50 1 57 5 9 Rises. 8 28 Department for all of Upper and Lower Canada, ike. PoieS'trin Mer.Morn. 6huaow at N.Mark. 12 h m s 4 27 42 4 23 47 4 19 52 12 4 15 57 12 4 12 2 12 iVin' Age. h in sdays. Evening. 6 12 ll!l2 16112 4 4 4 3 3 52 26|12 3 48 30 12 56 21|12 53 5;10 15 4 10 41 211 12 0!ll 50 .")9 Morn. .571 3G 56| 1 29 54 2 30 53; 3 34 50 Sets. 6 40,10 44;5 815 34|5 8l5 18 19 20 21 22 6 39!l0 51,5 236 37 10 41 48 47! 461 43 42! 411 7 46 8 5 8 23 8 42 9 4 9 27 3810 40 40 36 45 32 40 28 54 44 35 12 12 12 12 12 24 59112 4! 12 9|12 13112 18|12 2,S12 2712 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 21 17 13 9 5 1 57 32112 53 37 12 49 41 12 45 46! 12 12 12 5 7.6 8.6 9.6 10.6 4311.6 37il2.6 30|13.6 23114.6 1515.6 616.6 5717.6 47118.6 37|19.6 26 20.6 1521.6 3:22.6 502:!. 6 37^24.6 2225.6 1026.6 56'27.6 41I28.6 20 29.5 2 2 2 34 14 51 37 55 2 30 12 12 2 lli .9 1 54 1.9 1 36 2.9 1 21 3.9 1 4 4.9 46 5.9 28 6.9 10 7.^' Moon jMooti'ii Longitude South.i or place at Noon.l 5 50 6 40 7 36 8 37 9 42 10 47 11 51 Morn. 51 mlSignB. . DeJ :^^Libra Libra TT]^Scorpio Scorpio 1( I Sagitt. Sagitt l{5Capric'n Capric'n J'Aqua'us Aqua'us ){ Pisces Pisces Pisces ■p Aries Aries 1^ Taurus Taiircs !> Taurus 55 nOeniini 46 Gemini 2oCancer CanCer Cancer ^Lco 35 Leo 18 rrgVirgo 2 Virgo 47 rOzLibra 36 Libra 29 Libra 45 36 23 9 54 40 6 27 7 15 8 8 9 10 35 11 23 Ev. 8 52 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 26|TT|Scorpio Pkub.31. Ilequired the distance through tbe earth, from Toronto to an opposite point, in tbe same latitude north, the earth being 7912 miles in diameter. Peo3. 32. If a two-Inch auger bo bored centrally through the side of a round tying- post 6 inches m diameter; how much of its nufaee, and solidity will be cut away 1 Pkob. 33. The altitude of a cone J" 10 inches, and its base diameter is I foot. How large a cylinder can be cut from it ? Phob. 34. Required the position of a point at equal illumination between two brilliants, whose intensity are as 3 : !> and the diBtance apart 6 feet Pbob. 35. How large a globe can be en- closed in a hollow trianguler pyramid, the al- tittide being 16 and each side of the base 3 feet?! m ■*:' ■^' •• «B SEPTEMBER HAS THIRTY DATS. t^ This is the ninth munth of the year, though anciently the seventh : hence its Septem, and ember, from the rainy season usually commencing at this period. Zodiaci Vutoo, the Virgin. • name,. Zodiacal sign \ ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS-CCoktinued.) 18 50. •> 1 VV iiriii'i lUdiil'.si i>l.VV ;l!- ;>J.K(il \ ; . , J*'o of M t^i ■a 1 Temperature. Mange. Uay Dry •ly hr,y. Dnv." 1 IliC.iUS 01 PnvB. Vel. i 13 c s .1 a >. s 3 i S P 1 £ 1 o s S es rtj B saaj H a o -" > a ■^ K Oj ;:. o O o o o 1 o Jan 29.25 45.4 n.o 30..') 11. 9.08 211 19.01 1 14.55 13'0.410 0.745,11 n 2i 7, !S> 7.ti-2 Apr. May Juii. .i^.an (W.7 Ifl.O 47.7 13.00 •2l!.7 •27;5;i.CS 8 •J5.83 14 13.08 3l2.3.)0 4.V20 1.1 7 21 21^7.64 4S.(ll 77.8 •27..") .■50.8 I9.il4 30.7 ■2^''i4.0.'» 20 .r/.t)2 n 12.73 19j0.^i70 O.S-IS Ir.'pi 71 Ij 23«.3'.I' tU.Sd Ki.O 34.2 .il.l •22.03 10. e 19 cj.yj 1 J3.12 11 11.43 o(; 1505 3.345 . . 10 , . 20 4,C4 July Aug im.oj )^«.'2 .31 (i ai.o 18.'22 •27.0 24 7J.,W 2C 00.11' c, 8.05 17, ■J.750 5.270 . . 12 . . 19 4..5ti (ift.iia S'l.O 41.0 44. 40.') :u.iu ;«.i •23 07.4- 30 10.21 •).. 9.57 ll(».1;}0 1.735 .. 11.. 1 19 4.78! ■W.fiO 5(i.7 J2.4 44.:5 I7.&II :r) 4 17 .55.49 •29 33.37 2ii 14.511 lo'o.OiO •2.(1.-5 1 .. |'10..| 2li5.3nj Nov .■W.77 52.8 U.U SI.S \3.M •20.0 .■■) 54.82 •2^2 27.53 l'( 14. 80 27i 1.4-20 2.955 In'p 7. ll 22!5.-27i Dec. Sum 22.75 48.6 July -9.0 Dec. 57.6 11.^3 32.1 3 40.01 30 8.22 •20 10.04 'it 0.140 0.190 ''29.01 213i 11 1 1 ' ' 7.10 Jim (-• or o o o o o o t*- o o [: 5- M'n 44.7-> ?6 2 -0.0 40.0.-. 16 r-iKi.c •24 75. 5- 1 7..'52 •2::il«.(U 17 •2.730 2?.4,'30 70.19.3'4r,220'5.94! Day of Week. Remarkable Days. Aspects ANDOTHEK Miscellanies. Polar Distance, 1 Friday Louis XIV. died 1713. 2 Satur. i hos. Telford died 1834. 3 SUN. Oliver Cromwell died 1058, 4 Mond. River Hudson dis. 1C09. 5 Tuesd. Sclilesel born 1757. 6 Wed. Lafayette born 1757. 7 Thure. Hannah More died 1S33. 8 Friday Montreal sur. to Britain 1766 9 Satur. Trinity Term ends. 10 SUN. Mungo Park born 1771. 11 Mond. U.Ricardo di ' lS-23. 12 Tuesd. Mnrshal Bluch - died 1819. 13 Wed. General WoltV >'r^<^ 14 TLurs. Duke of Wellinp died 1S5^2, 15 Friday r. poUok died 18-27. 16 Satur. New York taken 1776. 17 SUN. James Barrelier died 1673. IS Mond. Samuel Johnson born 17(19. 19 Tuesd. Lord Sydenliam died 1841, 20 Wed. Dr. Francla died 1840. 21 Thurs. Sir VVnlter Scott died 1832. 22 Friday Mrs. Sherwood died 1-51. 23 Satnr. Madame Mallbran died 1830. 24 SUN. Cardan born l.'iOl. 25 Mond. Balboa disc, tlie Pacific 1513. 26 Tuesd. Thos. Clarkson died lt40. 27 Wed. BoEsuet bom 16-27. 28 Thurs. George Buchanan died 15S2. 29 Friday Nelsoi» born 1738. 30 Satur, VVhitfiold dird IT70. U South 8 35 ere. # lowest. 1(. near % Venus in 25. Perigee of Moon. ? South 10 24 mo. Pallas Stat. O 6th. U Souths 11 eve. Moon on Equ. ^ nO Dog-Days end, Venus in Leo, IJt near Moon. $ sup, d Sun. Moon (i ^ , 2^ Stat, d 14th. Moon highest. Apogee of Moon. Jupiter in f . U South 7 27 eve. ? South 10 36 mo. ? d •• "? South 5 4. Moon on Equator. p 22d. yne.irO- ;Smi enters TiJ, Mars near Moon. Venus South 10 41 mo. Ceres stationary. ^ Stat. yir. 5. j) 29 111 r.ioon low, U c$ Moon , 1 28 1 28 1 28 1 28 I 23 I 1 ASTKONOMICAL NoTKS, 28 28 1 28 10, 10 10, 9; o; 8 8; 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 23 1 28 1 28 28 28 28 28 28 98 28 28 28 71 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 o 1 59 On the loth Venus will pass by Be!;ulus in the Lion. Mars will be iu Liiira's square about the 20th. Jupiter will be in tlie right shoiildor of the Archer. Saturn will be in the right horn of Taurus, not lar from Aldeba- ran. On the ISih, there are few conspicuous stars near the me- ridian at 10. Altair a Lyrx, and Alphacca, will bevhib'leto the wpst. The Pieindea and Al- Llebaran using. Qclipscs of Jupiter's TORONTO. BMtes, d. h. m. IV. Reapp. 5 7 9 Ev. Reapp. 7 1 33 Mo. Run pp. 8 7 2Ev. II. Reapp. 11 7 28 Ev. Reapp. 15 9 57 Ev. 11. Reapp. 18 10 4 Ev. Reapp. 12 11 52 Ev. Reapp. 26 7 38 Ev. Geok. Problkm V. — Required, the largest cube cut from a globe two leet in diameter. ill 112 '13 VHfii ence its name, Zodiacal sign SUED.) o. of |M n ")nvB. Vel o .5 CIS ,0.1 fri r! . 2. *3 • 1 .| (. ll 219; IS 5.801 lo7.«il 'd^M I a3i«.3;J; I 21) 4,i;4 19 U.Siil i 18 4.4tii ! 1!) 4.7-^i 0.215.07! Ill 7. 10, M-K'S'lo'cOij OinCAL K'OTKS. ■Jih Venus will pass in the Lion. Mars jihra's square about upiter will be in tlie dor of the Archer, be iti the right horn loti.irfrom Aldeba- e I5ih, there are few stars near the me- Altair a Lyrs, ca, willbevtsibleto 'he Pleiades and Al- Jap'iter's M'lh. ■pp- p- p- >p- p p p p ORO.NTO. d. h 5 ' 7 1 8 ', 11 15 m. 7 9 Ev. 1 33 Mo. 7 2 Ev. 7 28 Ev. 9 57 Ev. 18 10 4 Ev. 12 U 52 Ev. 211 7 38 Ev. in diameter. Pirot Fall Month. SEPTEMBER. 1854. Moon's PuAsza. D. Toronto.! Quebec. TwiliglU or Daylight btgim and ends at-v Qaebecj P Full Moon . . . % Last Quarter.. % Xew Moon... ^ First Quarter. ([ Perigee d Apojroe G 14 '2:2 29 410 16 7 m 2 ev ISraol 1 46 moi 3 21 mo: 7 iSmoiU 43moi 8 h ni 4 33 ov 4.3 tuo 18 mo'i Toronto. | Hali fa.Y. iMontrea!. Frcdric'n |]3e{j.;Endj5eg!" , A. 31.' r. M. A. M. 13 VI. h, 418 .53 mo 10 3 55 7 1.) mo 20 4 8 7 1.J 010^304 217 7n:fi. m. 193 38 583 52 334 194 20 End! Be;,', p. m.'a. m. //. m. h. m. 8 21 3 35 8 i;3 50 7 .39 4 3 End Beg.jEnd Beg p. M. A. M, //. m. h. m. 3 243 33 8 33 43 7 44 4 4 p. sr, A. Ji, //. w».7j. m 8 26 3 30 8 53 46 7 434 7 20 4 18 7 214 187 22 4 17 iiji-'HE.moitiyi i*v 'A'tiii-; fitiAiistJi'-s «v<-. -+: D.M.iSoutli.jSoiitli. 1 morn. morn. i»liir.s .lu|Hl'r:Sii(urii (?ouUi.' South., S'juth. even. I evon. ' morn. 1 7 13 19 25 A m !i III ll m I fi III 30 i 4 57,10 21i 4 34 10 26 4 10! 10 32 10 37; 10 41 10 41: tiun'.-t Lonsi- tuilc. I VL'iiu»i '^I'TH , Jii|iii'r Veiinsi iUij,'ht I llight|Rii;ht I Decl. | Asoeii.;Ascen.iAscen.lVorth. 3 47 3 2o 3 21! 8 35 6 15153 41 3 12! 8 lOj 5 531164 40 3 4; 7 47: 5 30 170 20 11 2 57 i 7 23' 5 7 176 12 11 2 5-,! 7 0' 4 441182 5 12 2 41! 6 42' 1 24:iSG .59 . .■Sun'.s : Riijht Asicji. h mh m h m\h m\ '^ ' I 10 41 .9 214 319 ie:i7 30| 11 3 9 3L14 17 19 17il5 32; 2410 14 34119 16113 18, 46 10 29 14 .50119 17' 10 49 8 10 .5715 C'l9 18l 8 10' 12 26 11 19 15 20:19 lO' 5 5l' iVliirM Dl'cI. t^outh. .Iiiinfri^atui Dscl. j Doc &>outh.!Noril 12 58! 14 22^ 15 43; 17 0! 18 19 22 43,20 22 45;20 22 45i20 22 45|20 22 44t2'0 22 43I2O ■■' I Day 3 I of i- ■■ Week. >5 } , __ |U\LExnAii!or L'.C. ■ind N. S. .Moon Calendar for L.C. anl N. B. Sun &UI1 c!et-:. .>luon I Department for all of Upper and Lower Canada. &c] ji'oli'Si'r Hi :?;i.iii()\v ni .\lir.-< Aler. iMorn N. M-irk. Ace, 1 Friday! 2;Sat. I 3!SMn.i 4i.\lon. 1 5 Tties. e VVed. i 7 Thurs. i S] Friday: 9;Sat. lOiSun. 11 Mon. 12 Tues. 131 Wed. 14! Thurs 15 16 214 5 245 5 ■,'465 217 5 218:5 219i5 2.50I5 2515 25215 253:5 25415 255 5 256:5 III h 23 .37111 ii't^k 'iii\h 47:5 m\h 25;6 m h 3.511 24 6 25 6 26 6 27 6 28 6 ilorn. 11:5 32!5 2616 32' 28,6 30; 30 6 28; 31^6 "^'^ -vlorn.i 45 2 3' 3 25: 30 6 26 31,6 24 32 6 22 336 20 34'6 19 356 37;6 Rises.!5 32,6 24' Rises. 2 Friday Sat. I !17 Snii.j ilS Mon. 1 :19iTues. I 120, Wed. ' l21|Thurs.' |22j Friday! 23! Sat. i 24|S!lin. 25(Moii. 26 Tues. '27 j Wed. •28 i Thurs. 29' Friday 30!8at. ao/ o 25815 259'5 2605 26i;5 2ti2'5 26S5 264:5 265,5 266,5 267:5 269;) 270:5 27l!5 386 39,6 406 4li6 42 6 446 456 46 6 47 5 48 5 49 5 50 5 5 52 5 53 5 54 5 9 9 10 11 125 .74d 5815 20|5 48l5 17:5 555 395 4116 33,6 346 356 3616 37! 6 39 6 40'5 12 9 2:1; 22 19! 18! 15| 13 505 43:0 OiMorn.'S 44:6 28 5 45!6 30 5 46 6 .34'5 48 6 40^5 49 5 6| 41 2| OJSets. 58 56 54 52 51 49 4 45 515 29'5 52 5 49'5 52 5 7 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 11 13 34 54 16 40 9 45 29 20 Morn.! 19' 21: 27' 35 1 1 .3 .) ;i I 1) 43:11 11;5 3S;5 10|5 48,5 40 5 42'6 54 6 54 5 56 5 56 5 57 5 59 5 0^5 53 52 50 48 46 45 43 Sets. I 6 29 6 7 7 8 8 9 40! 10 3s'll 47! I 32 1 39 29 32 45 'iH 26 O'l 18 14 10 6 o 58 54 .^ /* 'III s daijH. OMorninc;.: 8.9 1411 .59 51; 9.9 ID 11 59 .3210.9 2311 59 134} -9 2811 58 5412.9 3211 58 .3413.9 Moon ,IUouii's Longitudd Soutli-i or place nt Noon| , ... 37 11 4211 4711 5111 5511 Oil 411 811 1311 17 11 23 2211 19 2611 15 3111 11 3511 4011 4411 4S11 5311 57 11 1 11 58 57 57 3 59 14il4.9 54il5.9 33I16.9 1317.9 52;18.9 31119 10i20 49:21 56 56 56 55 55 28122 55 7:23 54 46^21.9 .54 25:25.9 54 4 26.9 h m Migns, 7 27 Tr[Scorpio 8 31 .JS.ngitt. 9 34^ Sagitt. 10 34K50apri'n 11 30 Capri'n Morn.'^Aqua'u8 22 Aqua' us 1 22KP«ce3 1 12, Picea 2 59,1PArie3 3 45| Aries 4 32 y Taurus 5 19: Taurus 5 S! Taurus 6 58nGemini 7 49 Gemini 8 39'EoCancer 9 17| Cancer 10 4 Cancer Det 26 li 27 IS 2C 53 43 27.9110 49^Leo 51 48 40 36 611 on 411 9 11 :i6 53 52 52 51 51 51 50 50 50 22,23-9 11 32 Leo ^ir 1; 0.4 Ey 16.Tn2Virgo 40! 1.4 1 Virgo 21a|l 19! 2.4 1 45' Virgo SOHIil 591 3.4 2 33 =i-Libra 13Mii 38' 4.4 3 25 Libra 27'^'' 18! 6.4 4 21 TTl^Scorpio i?r .58! 6.4 5 20 Scorpio 9 ^4 38: 7.4 6 22: tS.ngitt. 9 -f-f IS 8.4 , 7 23 SniTitt. 21 't Prod. 36. An mipf'/ lioiiuu' i^iube, cai;abHi ; of containing 10 culiic feet within its shell, i (which is one inch thick) weighs 10 lbs. How itiuch weight can this globe support without : sinking, if it be thrown into water ? | Prou. 37. How much power will be re- quired to roll a round ball, weighing 400 lbs., up a hill or inclined plane, whoso ang!3 of elevation is 30 dcg. ? Prob. 38. A locomotive, weighin2r40 tons. i 'I niii.-5 luii niiic-T (.111 u uowii grauc ul 40 itoL jjcr mile, tising no brenks, and keeping up 8teain,|| sufficient to run it 25 miles per hour, indepen-i^ dent of the action of gravity. Making no allowance for friction, what will bo its greatest velocity, the time of running, and the powei I' to stop it instantly at the end? Prob. 39. In what time will Jii amount to £100, at 7 per cent, interest, compounded every month V ,p i\ i* I'M [i/ i OCTOBER liAS THIRTY-ONE DAY9. ^ 1854! A October, in the year tof Romnlns, was Mpctly what it) pame implies, the eighth montL Wldl M it ia the tenth ; aigo in the 2k>diac, Libba, the Balance. ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS— .) 1 85 1. Tcmpcraiure. Range. VVariH't Day Coldest Dny M.Wln- dy Day. MHai'y Dny. incbca of ~NoT"6r" Days. Vcl. >1 ' >. 1 H i i a o is i a. B A. o 1 I 1 s « a i i ^ o o o Jan. 25.82 43.4 -12. 56.2 13.94 32,9 37.87 30 -1.25 29 16.00 16 osas 1.275 7.8 4 Kt 17 7.0B Fa>. 28.42 fiO.2 1.2 49.0 10.34 .10.0 2U »8.48 6 10.75 f 14.15 21 0.570 2.000 2.4 7 4 17 6.94 Mar 33.14 5».3 12.U 47.3 12.98 J5.7 2T 52 26 3 22.16 \h 15.31 5 0.640 0.770 8.8 3 9 11) 7.65 l^y 4i.a 50.3 25 8 33.5 12.e7 21.6 24 5IJ.22 11 31.81 19 14.73 5 0.650 2.295 1.2 11 3 16 8.07 S2.48 73.3 i8.0 45,3 i 16.05 26.3 13 m.P.3 2 37.53 1 14.40 10 0.790 2.950 0.5 12 1 Ifi 6.:H Jun. S9S4 79.2 370 42.2 16.98 29.8 2(V K8.45 3|5I1.07 2 9.93 21 1.090 2.695 , , 11 in 4.42 July OS.&'i 32.7 40.5 36.2 14.70 24.2 17 r.i 43 3 57.75 2^ 7.42 9 1.155 3.625 12 in 4.10 Aug 6371 79.8 42.1 37.7! 17.14 30.4 7 ^J9 73 27 55.60 4 10 51 4 0,390 l.:i60 • • 10 yi 4 62 Se|)t 60.08 8S.3 32.0 54.3 17.34 30.0 12,75.48 22.7;li'r''7.»o 22 si 1 144.42 24 43.52 26 13.84 22 0.610 2.065 , , « 21 5.45 Oct. 47.83 60.2 i5.2 41.0;13.91J 27 :32.22 3 10.18 20 0.320 1.680 0.3 10 2 in 4.311 Nov 32.80 50.2 13.8 36.4 i 9.58 11 24.08 2 9.57 2(1 2.770 3.835 6.7 5 A in 4 7(1 Dec. 2153 41.0 14.8 Dec. 58.8 12.01 27.230 1 1 1 39.35 26 o.8;J I4.:J0 27 0.335 1.075 10.7 i:> ill 7.37 Sum Sept 1 Jnn.' 5f b !2i or o o — o o 1 o o i-C o a — o s M'n 44.41 186.3 14.8 44.6313.92 32.8 1-J 75. 481.10 l.-io 20116.99 20 2.770 26.975 38.4'100 .% 215 5.081 Dny of Week, Remarkable Days. Aspects ANDOTUKa MUCBLLAlflLS. SUN. Mend. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Satur, SUN. Mend. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Friday Snlur, SUN. Mond Tuesd. Wed. Thurs, Friday Satur. IjordBoIingbrokeborn 1678. iPerigee of Moon. 23 SUN, Mond. Tuesd Wed. Thurs. Friday 98 Satur. SUN, Mond. Tuosd. Major Andre hung 1780 Archbp. Tillotson born 1720. Don M. Godoy died 1851. Zuingliiis killed 1531. Jenny Lind born 1820. Zimnierinan died 1793. R.B. Slicridun born 1751. Cervantes born 1547. Benjamin West born 1738. Sir Thos. Wynit died 1542, Mrs. Fry died 1845. General Brock killed 1S12. Wm. Pcnn born 1044. Win. Motherwell died 1S35. Kosciusko died 1817. Sir Philip Sydney died 1536. IVIathcw Henry born 1602. Jonathan Swift died 1745. Christopher Wren born 1C32, Kelson killed 1805. ■^ir PhlllpFrancii born 1740. BoetliiuH beheaded 152U. Sir Jns. Mackintosh born 1765 Chaucer died 1400. Dr. Doddridge died 1751. Cuba discovered 1402. John Snieatcn died 1792. Allan Cunningham died 1843 Lord Hardinge born 1785. John Evelyn Horn 1620. Juno near Venu?. jCeres South 10 46 no jSaturn South 4 9 mo. I Moon on equator. P 6th. |"Venu8 in Leo. lUranus near Moon. Polar Distance. [Mercury in aph. iSaturn near Moon. {Pallas 90° from Sun. jlfnO- Moon higl:est a 13th. Moon in Apogee. jMars in Scorpio, ^^ Uupiter inf , jVenus in T1JJ 11°. Saturn South 3 12 inc. $ 7° in Scorpio, ^6 9- Moon on Eq. Junoc^O- O 21sl. Mars near Antaree. O ent, =21. ^ (^ Moon. Moon near Mars. $ South 11 mo. Moon's Perigee lo\Fe8t Jupiter near Moon. 1» 28th. $ Elong. Saturn in Taurus. Ceres 90° from Sun. Saturn South 2 19 mo. n( I Moon's O Full 9 Last • New Fifsl Peri Apo| Perij |7 8i D. M.jSou Moi A. 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 7 13 19 25 ; 25 i 31 ASTEOXOMICAL NOTES. Venus passes the equin- linl colureon the 9ih, and the equa- tor toward the south on the I2ih i and on the 25th it will lie near Spica in Virgo. Mars will be 4* north of Antares on the ilOih. Ju|iittirv.ill be about ae it was last month. Saturn will lie in the horn of T.iurus. On the ]5ih about 45* from the J horizon, will be seen four stars .|forniiiig a pqunre. Sheat [Beta 27 5S 27 59 27 58 27 58 27 58 27 57 27 57 27 57 27 5G nt EC r"""'"? '■' '•nunre. Sheat [Belt ^1 oo(i>pgagjj nnd Alplicrnt, [o An 27 55 ilromeriti?] form the north side ; | 27 55 Warknb fo Pega»i] and Aljienib (,,. r K 'Gamma Pegnsi] the south side. „„ ^":|I,«wdown and to the west of j 2i o4jthe nv?ri(linii, is the bright 27 54 'Southern Star Formallmut fa 07 Sal'i'i^' Ausir.] The line of (he ZL .rpointers carried beyond tlici *' O'JlPole, pnMes at 62' distance 1 27 53!throuBb Schpat. and 13? furUier j 27 52 ''i'°''Bh Markab. 27 52j- ' 27 52 27 51 27 51 27 50 27 50 27 50 27 49 27 49 27 49 27 48 27 48 Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites. TORONTO, Day of Week Sun. Mond Tuesd J Wed. 5Thur8 6 Frida] TSatur SlSllii. 9jMond. 10 Tuesd, 11 Wed. l2Thuis. 13 14 15 16 17 18 Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd, Wed. 19jThur8. 20j Friday SliSrttur. 22 Sun. 23!Mond. 24iTuesd. 25iVVed. Thurs. Friday Satur. Sun. i30|Mond. SllToesd. I. III. I. II. I. n. I. IV. d 13 Reapp. Dicapp, Reapp. Reapp. Reapp. 17 Reapp. 20 Renpp. 24 Reapp. 23 A. m. 1 8 17 Ev, 3 8 14 Gv. 8 10 12 Ev. 7 13 Ev. 6 30 Ev. 9 50 Ev. essEv. 9 35 £v. Pko]], 4i in two uei in 5 weekf in eight wt Pros. 4 solid contei be cut awa through it PROB. 4S sighth month. OIEO.) ayw. I 'i f).% Vd 7.00 6.04 7.05 8.07 i.M 4.4i 4.13 4 02>\ 4.3U •l.TU 7.37^ •21Sl5 .08) }MicAL Notes. ii>(!8 the equin' (iai 9ili, anil theequa- the south on the I ihe 'iSlli it will lie I Virgo. M.irswill of Aiitares on the icr will lie about as lonth. Saturn will rii of Taurus. On bout 45* from the 11 be seen four stnrr lunre. Slieat [Beta 1 Alplicrnt, [a An- irrii Ihe north side; 'egnslj and Algeiiib a*i] the south side, and 10 ihc west of nil, is the bright lar Formalhnul [n The line of the irricd beyond the at C2' distance eat. and 13? furilier kab. Jupiter's Satellites. ORONTO. d. h. m. 1 8 17 E». 3 8 14 Ev. 8 10 12 Uv. 13 7 13 Ev. 17 6 30 Ev. W Ev. e 33 Ev. 9 3SEv. pp. )p. pp. pp. pp. )p. PP '24 SmpQnd Fall Montb. OCTOBBR,- t8i4. Moon's Pha>ks. O a c Full Moon... Last Quarter. New Moon... First Quarter. Perigee Apogee Perigee Toconto. 6 13 21 281 1 14 261 2 19nno 8 26ev 4 7ev 47 ev 43 ev 43 mo 43 ev Quebec. A. ffl 2 51 mo 8 58 ev 4 39 ev 2 19 ev 9 15 ev Twilight or Daylight begritu and endi al— Toronto. A.M. liillU. P.M. \h. m. h. m. 14 22 7 16 104 347 4 15 mo 20 4 45 6 44 9 15 ev 3014 56 6 27 Halitaz. Beg. £nd A.M. P.M. Montreal. Fred rie'n bes. A.M. Kud P.M. h. m. h .m 4 217 1« 4 337 1 4 456 4i 4 56 6 27 5 m. 21 32 45J Beg. A.M. h.m. 7 18 7 2 6 45 9J6 23 End P.M. m 31 Beg. A.M. h.m. 197 SO 7 2 466 43 6 21 QoSfiwZ' T.Ji, h.fn. 4 18 4 31 4 44 4 57 h.m, 7 211 T. 3 6 45 6 29 EPHERIEBIS OF TIIE PliANETS* dec. D.M. 1 7 13 19 25 25 31 ijiars South Morn. h. m 3 10 45 2 37 2 13 1 50 1 2G 1 2 Venus ISoutb, South. Morn. h. m 10 49 10 56 11 1 II 5 Mars Even. A. ni. 2 43 2 37 10 53 2 31 2 26 2 21 2 16 Jupil'r South, Even. m. A 55 5 34 5 13 4 53 Suiurn ^outh. Mom. ft. m. 6 381 4 20 6 16 3 M 3 32 3 8 2 43 2 18 Hun's Longi- tude. 187 58 193 53 199 49 205 47 211 46 217 46 Suu's Right Ascen. Venus Right A»cen. h. m. 12 29 12 51 13 13 13 36 13 58 14 22 h. m. 11 25 Mara Right Apcen. Jupit'riVenus Right Decl Ascen. h. m 15 23 11 5215 41 i-2 19 12 47 13 15 12 43 15 59 16 17 16 .55 North. /i. m. 19 19 19 21 19 23 19 25 16 36 19 28 19 92 Mnrs Dcci. North. Jupit'r Dccl. North. 5 Qri 19 23 22 42 2 2- 20 27 22 39 So. 29 21 25 22 35 3 27 -2 16 22^0 6 24 23 22 24 9 16|23 36l22 17 Saturn Decl. Nortli 20 57 20 56 20 55 20 53 20 51! 20 48 1 2 Day of Week. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. 5 Thurs. Friday Satur. SSiiii. 91 Mond. 10 Tuesd. 11 Wed 274 •275 276 277 278 279 Calendar for U. C. and N. S. Calendar for L.C. and N. B. Sun Rises Sun Sets. A, m 5 40 5 41 38 36 6 4 280-6 2816 282 1 6 283!6 284 1 34 32 30 6i5 29 2' 9:5 lOi.'i h. m Morn. 1 11 2 30 3 46 Rises. 5 5816 6 21 6 46 7 15 7 49 l2jThuis. 285 6 lli5 2J 131 Friday 286 UjSafur. i287 15 Sun. 288 t6|Mond.i289 !17 18 Tuesd. '290 Wed. iC'Ol 19|Thur8.|292 20i Friday 293 2lSdtur. 22Sun. 23!Moi,d. 24iTuesd. 25iWed. Thurs. Friday Salur. isiun. Mond. Toesd. 294 295 296 •297 298 299 300 301 .302 303 304 6 1215 i20 6 145 IS 6 15 5 16 18 19 20^ 10 6 21 6 23j5 6 2-1:5 2.^j5 fi 27 6 28 6 29 6 31 6 32 6 33 4 59 4 57 ■1 56 4 5.1 6 35 j4 53 6 .36|4 51 Moon Sets. Sun Rises 6 4 Sun Sets 6 11 6 13 6 14 6 15 h.m. 5 36 5 33 5 32 5 31 5 2S 9i5 27 5 2c i 23 5 20 J 19 /(. m. Morn. 1 3 2 25 3 43 Rises 5 5fi 8 30|6 1615 18 9 19|6 18|5 le 10 15:6 ly;5 13 11 156 2ll5 Jl Morn.]6 23 j5 20'6 y4j5 1 24 G 25 jS 2 30'6 26.5 i5 3 .36 6 27 5 4 44'G 28J5 Sets. 16 SOja 5 39 6 31 jl 59 6 9!6 324 56 6 46'6 34 4 f>A 7 34;6 35 8 34;6 37 9 43;6 39 11 06 41 Mori).i6 43 4 53 4 51 4 49 4 4 4 45 16,6 444 44 ;i ' I 32'6 45:4 43 Moun Sets. Department for all of Upper and Lower Canada, Itc. foleSi'rin Mer. Morn Sliaitow ai iN. Mark. A. m. s 28 33 24 27 2) 32 16 36 12 40 8 44 4 49 53 Morn 12 Sets. 5 35 6 1 6 37 7 24 8 .•?S 9 33 10 51 Morn 10 1 27 II 49 II 45 11 41 13 11 37 18 11 33 22 11 29 26 11 25 30 II 21 34 17 3' 13 42 9 4fi 5 50 1 54 10 97 58 10 54 2 10 50 6 10 46 10 10 42 14 10 38 1^ lO 34 22 10 30 26 10 '26 29 II U 11 11 11 /*. m. a. Morning. 11 49 20 II 49 2 11 48 43 1 1 48 25 11 48 8 II 47 51 II 47 34 11 47 17 II 47 1 1 1 46 4fc U 46 31 II 46 11 11 46 3 U 45 50 11 45 57 11 45 25 45 13 45 11 44 52 1 1 44 43 II 44 34 11 44 25 tl 44 18 11 44 11 11 44 5 11 43 59 II 43 55 11 43 51 11 43 47 11 43 45 11 11 iVl'n* Age. days. v)'a 11.4 12.4 13.4 14.4 15.4 16.4 17.4 18.4 19.4 20.4 21.4 22.4 23.4 24.4 25.4 26.4 27.4 28.4 29.4 .8 1.8 2.8 3.8 4.8 5.8 6.8 7.8 8.8 9.8 Mouti iMoou'n Longiiudei Sout h.] or place at Noon. A7~wi.!lSi|B;n8. Deg. 8 23,V3Capric'n 7 9 19 Capric'n 22 10 ll'^Aqua'm 6! 11 1| Aqua'us 20 11 48 >f Pisces 4- Morn.| Pisces 18 35 "PAries 2 1 22 Aries 15 2 9; Aries 27, 2 50 ^Taurus 10, 3 49 Taurus 22 4 40nG«mini 8 5 31! Gemini 16 6 22 Gemini 28 7 lOSOnncer 10 7 57 Cancer 22 8 426LLeo 4' 9 26 Leo 17j 10 10 Leo 29, 10 54tTEViigo 12 11 39 Virgo 26 Ev.27=o=Libra 9, 1 18 Libra 32| 2 14 TT|,Scorpio 7| 3 14; Scorpio 21 4 16 ; Sagitt. 5j 5 18 Sagitt. 20. 6 iSKSCaptic'n 4! 7 14 Capric'n 18; 8 e^Aqua'us 2 8 55 Aqua'us 22i Prob. 40. It 5 oxen eat l^ c IS..^ none 00 130.0 010 1? 7,67 Fph. •i-i.m 41.2 -6.2 47.4jl3.i0' •-'7.2; 4 :i7.:>0 ISi 2.73 •JO 13.70 10 0..'..-)O 0.638 13.0 3 11 1.1 6,4-> Mnr ■n.70 44.8 i-«.0 5118 14.00 34.1 il3 iO.OS 1 2! 12.70 3U 13.00 13 0.830 0.1!^ i 10.5 812 11 3^1 Apr. 38.20 oJ.S 20.0 -•1.67 7H 3 3-2.0 33 8 I0.7« 10 3 21 47.3Si 3,27.48 5 IH 42 ;K> 1.023 l.OOiil 0.4 6 4( •20 6,68 Mnv 41.3 17.(13 30.8 \-i-i 1)1.82 ■> 041.18 17 OOU •20 1) .33;i 1.12) In'p 7| I 23 4,011 Juii, 00.S9 80.1 :J7.2 43.0 I^.OS 2«.| 15 74.33 10143.10 •22 12.28 i>.«-2.j; 3.1110 . , 10;. . 2,1 4 00 July tKi.US 0;).l 48.3 41.C I8.3i 20.3 -21 70.72 3iM 47 30 10.16 •20 1.860 4,.35 ei.a 45.8 35.4 15.77 >4.9 23 72.02 2.57.38 ■27 H ;«) 1.0,13 2 0r>5 , , 0.. *i 3 no sept .JO.W 181.8 .05.8 46.0 17.70 •28.4 2 TL-W 29ill.07 1-2 2') 2t' l.IOi) 3.63;l , , 10)... 20 4.60l Oct. 18.01) 70.7|'2;j.S 40.0 loOO 2t).5 i> .>i)..)7 10!30..)8 •211 10.32 •2ft 1.8. '3 3'2'<:(i .. 12 . . 10 4,47 Nov 3.). SO 5!».4 113.2 32.2 n.oi 20.4 1 t:!.07 •. 123.a") 1-2 13.01 ■!r> >.370 1.7731 2.0 7 31 20 0,.-.(' Dec. 03.27 51.0,13.2 37.8! 0.00 22.2 1 17.0.> •. V 16.72 17 ll.U 27 I.IOU 3O'.i3|20.1 7 101 14 6 .'M Sura Jan. t» t> r* 1. 1 1 iJuly or o 1 O _o o Marie? o : » A o Cr M'n 43.84 90.1 10. C 4J.!5n 14.26 3.i.i!-2i!:n.72M o' 0.8.') .s 18.42 •il 1 .960:31 ..ir5;04.0'87 001210 3.e.ij 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Day of Week. Wed. I'hurs. Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Tuesd, Wed. Thiirs, Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Tue.'id. Wed. Thurs, Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thors- Friday Satur. SUN. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thurs. Remarkable Days. All Saints. Marie Antoinette born 1733, W.C.Bry.intd 16(11704. James Montgomery born 1771. Gunpowder Plot 1605. Gusiavus Adolphus kill. 1032. S. M. Frobisher died 1.30^1. Madame Roland beli. 1793. Prince of Wales born 1S41. Milion died 1074. Battle of Williamsburg 1913. Rev. R. Baxter born 1613. Rev. C. Simeon died 18.36. J. P. Richterdiedl823. Sir W. Herschell born 173S. Janice Ferguson died 1770. Le Sage died 1747. Sir David Wilkie born 1783. Tliorwaldsen born 1770. Michaelmas Term begins. Jnmes Hogg died 1833. Lord Clive suicide 1774. Sir J. Barrow died 1&18. John Knox died 1.372. Dr. I. Wans died 1' ■ Marshal SouUdied ' Princess MnryAdelai ebl833 Cardinal Wolscy died 1330. Maria Theresa died 1780. St. Andrew' I. ASPBOTS AND OTHER MzSCELLANIES. Polar Distance, ASTROXOMIOAL NoTE Venus 29® in TIJ. Moon en Equator. Saturn South 2 4 mo. Moon<^JJ». 4th. Venus ill Libra. Uranus brightest. Mooned Tj. IJi5>0- Ceres in aph. Moori hisfliest. Mars 24«» in Tit. Apogee Moou. d 12th. Mercury viL\ Saturn South 1 24 mo, 2^ in ^ 22". Saturn 14° in 5. M«)on on Equator. ^ in Q. Vesta ci 'i and Sun. 5^inf.^0 ?ciMoon, O Eclipsed. ? d ? . Peri, of !^ . O ent. y(\.. t 6 Moon, Moon lowest. Jupiter near Moon. ^ South 33 mo. D26th. y visible morn. Mercury stationary. Moon on Equator, )Mars near Moon. 3lOON [OFul ($Lasl • Ncu I® Firs C Apo C Peri jD.M. 7! i 13 19 25 30 ftl 11 11 11 27 47* VeiiUs will be in the lo ni .-.Ipnrt of Libra's square on *' 7i 17th. On the 2flth, it wil At 4<|North-we8tof AtitHrcs. I 27 46ipas«e« the solsiical colur 27 4fii"^^ "^'''' *"'' reaches its g o- Jc <-*' Southern declination 6i 'it 40121st. Jupiter in Sagitt 27 45|Enat of Mars. Saturn in 27 45jf is'" horn of Taurus. Mars 07 ^4 Ji'P'ter are splendid eve *' **istar». On the 13th. a Ari 27 44ja star of the third magni 27 44!pa'wcs the meridian soon ten— it is in n line frem 1 Eiiese [Beta Orionis] thn .'VIdcbaran 30° frotn the ea 27 43 27 43 27 43 27 42 27 42 27 42 27 41 27 41 27 41 27 40 27 40 27 40 27 39 27 27 27 27 27 Eclipses of Jupiter's SaleU 39 3^ 38j 38i 38i III IV. IL III. I. I. TOBO.NTO d :: T. Reapp. .i ' Reapp. 'i ' Rcapp. 11 Reap|). 14 Disnpp. 13 Reapp. 16 Reapp. 25 8 46 F. 5 lOE 27 37 Geqmetricat. Problem V^I. — Required the largest cube cut from a cone six feet high, sis feet across the base. * Day o 0'' ?^ Week ; It Wed. I 2|Thui( ' 3;Frida ! 4lSatur. OiMond TjTuesd 8 Wed. 9JThura Frida; Satur. 10 11 13 14 15 Mond, Tuesd Wed. lejThurs 17iFrida3 18j Satur. 20 Mond, 21 Tuesd 22 Wed. 23Thurs. 24;Friday 25iSatur. 27'iiMond. 28, Tuesd. 29 Wed. SOThure. Peob, through each side m. 51 Ej ?^|; the rail la; 8 18 E Required, angle, ant R0B.^4i ■ir at an t With wha liffh did it li ntnon with some| ;hb ntDth montb- lOKTIXVBD.) Of No Of riiiys. Vel. I .1 10. lU.O in.r» 9.4 [u'p .«n oio; 10 Sl-J; lis.*?! 6 4i -Jdi t).«kr 7| 1, ffl,4.<1U 1();. . 2.i> i.m S. . 2.3; 0.33 ,. I «:.. '>i! .. 10!. J 20' 4.601 .. Wl.A ]!)i4.47 Q.Ol ?■ o 20 ()..')(' 20.1 '7, lO: Il;ti5-J ' »li,H^'tJn *'i'»w»»iy» Hoon's Pbasks. O Full Moon..., (^ Last Quarter . . 0Nc\v Moon. .. f) First Quarter., d Apogee C Perigee , D, Torouto.' Quebec. A. 7n j 3 44'ev j 52evi 45 mo! 23ev I 13 mo, 43 ev m. 16 ev 24 ev 17 mo 55 ev 15 mo 15 ev Twiligkt or Daylight Biigin9 and ^nd* at-^ [ i'orniiin. I Haliiax. p |a. m. \k.m. li.5 111 3 10 2(1 3 21 no 5 31 p. M. Beg. A.M. m.lA. 185 11 5 m 10 22 End. P.M. h.m. 6 28 6 18 6 IC 6 75 34 G 4 iVti)riireai A. M |p. M. I ^■. m.\h. m. r> 6 27 5 7'tJ 22 5 'i.-^e 9 5 3'.';i 4 Fredici'n beg.iEiid, A. M. p. M. ■I- m.;A. 16 116 23 .34 6 m 27 17 9 4 te Beg. A.M. At» 5 5 12 5 26 5 35 t.u. 6 37 6 161 6 8 6 3 n4.0'f7l!nl-210.'>.2S JD.M. 1 7 13 19 25 30 7 Stars Venusi M.irs Jupit'r EPHieMKm.S OF TME PLANETS, &0. Soutli, Morn. Houili.lSoutli,' South, Moni.l Even. Kvon. fjuiurni iSun'B , Sun's, V^Pisces 11 43 42il2.8 11 13; Pisces 43 43 13.8112 ^Aries 43 45il4.8!Morn Aries 0:11 4 I il 15 19 22 27 26 23 19 15 11 7 3 8 59 51 8 55 55 8 51 59 8 48 2 8 44 8 40 8 36 8 32 16 8 28 20 37 41 44 48 6 9 13 43 47,15.8 43 50;16.8! 43 54il7.8i 43 59 18.81 44 5jl9. 44 11 20. 44 1921. 44 27 44 37 44 47 30 1 1 44 58 33I1I 45 10 11 11 11 11 11 II II 11 11 11 U II 11 45 22 49 P Taurus 39 Taurus 30 Taurus 22!nGemini 22 23.8 24.8 25.8 26.8 13 3 50 35 48 5510.3' 27.8,10 16 6 0.3Ev. 1 1 5 9 11 10 3 53 40 8 25 9 10 45 36;28.8'U 45 50 ^' 5 46 11 46 38 46 55 47 13 47 32 47 52 48 12 48 33 1.3 2.3 3.3 4.3 5.3 6.3 7.3 8.3 9.3i Gemini SCancer Cancer Cancer Sliailou- at .bill's Moon | Moon's Lonuitude'. N. Mark. Ace.; Soutli.; or place at Noon. | 30; 13! 27! 101 231 5 181 3», 12| 24! 6! 181 30| 13 24 71 18 2 16 li 16! 30 15 29 13 27, 10 23 1 o 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 21 8 45 9 29 19]0>XLeo Leo fTEVirgo Virgo sOsLibra Libra lT[Scorpio Scorpio I Sagilt. Sagitt. Sagilt. ^Capric'n Capric'n ^Aqua'us Aqua'us ^Pisces Pisces ^ Prob. 44. A rail 3 inches square passes 7 . iJEv through the corners of a square fence post, 51 E' each side of which is 6 inches. The sides oi \H,Ey '^^6 '''*'l 'ay •»> an angle of 45° to the horizon. 8 18 E Required, the edges of the hole, their included 8 48 E angle, and the solid contents of the hole. 5 1'^^ ROB.^45. A bullet was discharged into the ir at an angle ot 40° and struck in 16 seconds. "~~I7~T~7T|7ir IVith what velocity was it discharged, how :one six feet high, ^.^^ ^.^^ .^ ^^^ ^^^ j;^^ faroffdid it ttrike 1 Peob. 46. The stakes Jn Ibe coriier of a rail fence stand at an angle of 36° and 60°. A round body (a rail) rests between them,! weighing 200 lbs. How much of this rests. upon each stake 1 | Prob. 47. The intensity of two briUiants A. and B. are as 5 to 3. The distance between them is 6 feet. Required a point that wilf receive twice as much light from A as from' B. n li I ! I* T'i il DECEMBER HAS THIRTY-ONE DAYS. IW f Saoittartvb, the Archer, is the Zodiacal Sign of this, the TxndUtk and last month of o year, and tonth of the Romans. ^ ABSTRACT OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS— .) 1 8 as; ^ Temperature. Range. "Warm't Day Da)r_ M.WiiiM dy Dny. M.Riii'y Day Inchetof No. of Day*. Wu Vel ■3& >k , ^ 1 i 3 o d ll a > : il 1 OQ .S a X 1 is o o • o e o 1 Jan. 33.88 40.0 -9.7 MA 14.16 10.0 11 33..'Sa 30 3.73 34 13.58 8l>.990 0.390 7.5 1 6 31 6.31 Feb. 34.116 43.4 -1.4 44.8 14.41) *V4 4 :i7.58 711.30 33ITB.75 137)0.510 1.030 13.6 ■*1 IS 7.39 Mar 30.65 563 -ll.l 56.4 14.83 30.0 .3'J (3.05 15 KM 14 15.16 17 0.410 1.080 7.1 6 t 17 J.B7 Apr. 41.03 65.7 tw.o 4(1.7 14.07 23. H 3- 57.(tt 14 33,37 8 10.71 13 0.715 3.633 1.0 10 1 19 r,.->b May 30.87 78.4 .33.3 4<1.3 14.19 18.4 3- B.1.07 19 41.23 10 10.77 3:2 1.41)0 4.430 In p 17 1 13 5.14 Jun. 65.40 89.5 39.3 50.3 19.71 33.8 14 75.33 35 51. 46,33 7.08 36 0.895 1.550 • • • , . 21 3.67 July Auk dept Ort. Nov Dec. Sum 1 '1 or M'n 1 1 Wintc INS FUAl Last Quart ''ull Moon New Moo First Quar Apogee... Perigee . . . _i 7 Htar> South, Even. \h m 10 56 'lO 33 10 9 9 45 9 22 8 58 h 11 n I] e\ ( I Day of Week. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Mond. 26 Tuesd. 27 Wed. 88 Tburs. 29 Friday 30 Satur. SljSlTIf. Remarkable Days. Friday Battle of Ausierlitz, 1S05, Satur. iMichanUiias Term ends. SUN. Advent. ■Vlond. Cardinal Richelieu died 1612. Tuesd. Mozart died 1791. Wed. (7th) Rebels def. at Tor. 1837 Thuis. Marshal Ney shot, 1815. Friday Coneeplion. Satur. Lord Clarendon died 1674. SUN. Forbes of Culloden died 1747. Mond. CharlesXII. killed 1718. Tuesd- 3ir J. Brunei died 1840. Wed. Dr. Johnston died 1784. Tburs. Washington died 1709. Friday Izak Walton died 1683. Satur. .lohii .Sclden born 1584. SUN. Sir H. Davy lioru 1778. Mond. Sir R. Sale killed 1845. Tuesd. Sir W. E. Parry bom 1790. Wed. J. M. Turner died 1651. Thurs. Boccacio died 1375. Friday Duke of Sully died 1641. Satur. Duke of Guise killed ISJS. SUN. Geo. Crahbe born 1754. Chrittmai. S. Barlow died 1812. Charles Kamb died 1834. P. Bay le died 1706. Sir A. Alison born 1792. Wm. Cave born 1637. Wickliffe died 1387. Aspects AND OTHER Miscellanies. Venus?" in ■tTl_. Uranus near Moon. Venus near Antares. ^8 0- ^6 Moon. \ euus invisible now. ^ gr. clong. ^Soulh 11 37 ev. Apogee of Moon. Venus in Q. 2f nearPaJla.?. ;4tl)) f? brightest. C 12lh. If sup. d Sun. Moon on Equator. 1? South 11 3 eve. Mars rear Jupiter. Mnrs 19° in f . Mercury near Moon. '>Toon near 5? . % Perigee and lowesi. Oent..^ $H6%- Vesta near Mercury. Saturn South 10 29 ex. Jupiter near Mars. !i!iB8. D 26tb. Moon on Equ Uranus near Moon. Saturn South 10 eve. Moon d ^ . Polar Distance. ASTRONOMICAI. NOTKS 27 37 37 27 37 27 37 27 27 27 27 27 27 27 36 3() 36 36 On the 2nd Venus will north of Antares. It passes SoUtieal colure on the 'i and attains its greatest so ern declination oii tho Mars in Sagittarius. Jupil short distance east of IVI On the 31st, these two pla will be very close to each oi Saturn north of Aldcbaran 27 34 27 31 27 3M 27 27 34 27 34 27 3-1 27 33 27 33 27 33 27 33 27 33 27 33 27 32 27 32 27 32 27 32 27 32 27 27 or the lath, the splendid consu ^^ tion Orion (see January,) 35 he hiuh up to the east Pleiades near the meridi Castor aud Pollux, and Proc rising. Eclipses of JDpiler's SafeCi I. II. I. TORONTO. d. h, m. Reapp. 2 7 5Ei Reapp. 16 Reapp. 13 6 51 E 5 34£< Mars and Jupiter are b« 32lful even ing itari. 32 ^o7 Week. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. o « Q 33! 331 :j.3: 331 33! ■i4' 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 134 Friday34 Satui-. J35 Sun.i35 .Vlond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friddy -M Satur. i3{ SunJ^f 35 35 35 ;io 35 JO 35 36 ZG Piiuc. 48.- 3 time, car 5. aivl C.wit C daye. ( ime can do i^orking' lial rhat time ca Prob. 49.- 9. VM .dlMtmonlhofoi rt Winter Month LkKfTINVXS.) mttm-mim DBCBMBBR, 1864. *««;p ? llf'S FUASJU. D. f fr6.o{ Days. Vel 1 6.31 7.'i« 5.87 S.14 3.67 1 .5 .6 .1 .0 P • i 1 4 (i 10 17 9 1 1 1 a fa e 17 10 13 21 Last Quarter.. '"nil Moon ... New Moon . First Quarter. Apogee. Perigee. Toionto.| Quebec A m 8 17 mo 54 ev 30 ev 21 mo 43 ev 43 ev A 8 1 5 *r 4 6 20 m 49 mu 26 ev 2ev 53 mo 15ev 15 ev Tw'diglU or Daylight beffhu and tndu at—- Toronto, i Malitux. iieg K M m 32 40 46 50 6 KiidjBeg lEnd MP M M'A I in\h 7 29l6 41>6 Monireul beg Kiid A MP M Fredric'ii Beg |K|id A MP M — i 10 165 47 51 ml A 10 5 5|5 915 155 mh 34 6 42 6 48 6 53 6 trnh 356 43i6 50 6 5dl6 Qu«>b( >ec. Bog A M m 4 3 6l5 1115 m 36 45 51 6ft End P MJ m 3 S Si 111 EPIIEmERIS OF I'HE PliANfST!*, &C. 1 7 tiiara ' South, i Even. A m 1 10 56 1 10 33 10 9 9 45 9 22 8 58 Venui- South, Mor.i. A 11 11 11 ev. 13 22 .\lurs riouth, Ev«n. tn 57 53 50 4-1 40 3S Jupii'riduturii :3outh,l South, Even. I Even. m 13 54 36 18 59 41 /( m. 11 11 10 10 9 m 7 37 11 46 20 55 Sillll'H Longi- tude. 249 255 271 267 273 26' 18 279 33118 I eiuu'ii Riuht lAlKCII. m 2i 55 22 48 15 42 'A l|l6 7il6 1317 20 17 Vt'nuij Rijrht A 16 16 17 17 18 19 m 17 49 22 55 28 1 Mar* Right Aaceii. iJiipil'r Venus KiSht lAdcen A 18 18 19 19 19 20 1 A m 19 54 19 59 ■20 4 37 20 10 57I2O 15 17'20 21 Mars Dec I. I Dec I. !»outh. 'South. "o r, o 11 22 23 23 23 22 Jiipiier Decl. South. 124 19 21 24 22123 57 2l,iO 18'23 25 2(y55 50|23 24 20 3S 55^1 53 20 22 33120 54 20 4 Haiurn Decl. , South . o / ; 20 33! 20 39 20 2(1 20 23 20 2( 20 I B0N0Mic.\L Notes je 2nd Venus will b f Antare.1. It pnaecs il colure on the 'J nins its greatest so clination on the 'i I Sogittariu?. Jupii listance east of M 31st, these two pla very close to each oi north of Alilcbaran. 1, the splendid consK ion (see January,) II up to the east IS near the ineridi aud Pollux, and Free i 6 !S of Jnpiter's Salelli TORONTO. d. k. m. Reapp. 2 7 5Et Reapp. 16 6 St £i Reapp. 18 5 24 £i "o7 Week. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Friday Satur. Sun. Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thur. Calknoar for U.C- I and N. S. Sun Rises \h 335i7 33017 :J377 33H7 3397 340 7 34117 3427 343,7 24 314 7 •2.'j 3457 26 3467 27 3477 26 1348 7 98 m 16 17 18 19 20 •21 22 23 Sun Sets. Moun :?ets. and N. B. Department for all of I pper iind Lower Canada, &c. Sun KifC- 4 37 5 27 7 6 20i7 Rises |7 5 37 5317 5.j7 527 I and Jupiter are b< n ing stars. Friday'349 7 29i7 Salur. 13507 Silr Sun. 135 1 Y .Vlonrl. Tuesd. Wfid. Thur. Friday Satur. Sam. .Mond. Tuesd. Wed. Thar. Friday Satur. Sun. 352 7 3537 354V ;i557 3567 357 7 3587 359 7 36' I 7 3017 36^7 363 7 3G47 36.57 30 31 32 3-2 23 33 3317 3417 34i7 35i7 3o!7 35|7 357 3el7 36;7 m 23 22 22 22 22 2^\ 22 22 21 21 21 22 221 22j 22 1 231 23l .. 23lSets, 24: 5 24 j 6 o,-l 7 •25' 9 26;i0 m 2« 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Sun Sots, Moon Sets. »h'A 10 10 10 m\ 7' 33 28 I'dieSi'r in.Suudovv iitiM'ns Mer. Rv' g. i N ■ M.irlt. ] A^e . A 7tt ah m a day^. 8 24 23.Vlorning.lll.3 8 20 27 11 49 40|12.3 10 Rise.* Morn 6 27j 21 28' I 291 39| 301 31 10i7 267 477 e;7 24:7 11 377 Morn '7 477 567 37 117 1R'7 364 374 38|.l S^i 39! 4 40 4 40 1 41 1 42 4 43i4 43; 4 44i.i 4514 464 4G)l 46U 1 4t; 46 46 47 47 4S 4S 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 10 10 11 11 11 II 12 13 14 14 14 Itlj 17 17 18| 191 53 42 41 43 47 53 58 Morn 4 1 2 3 4 6 Set 5 6 7 9 10 II 8 16 30,11 8 12 34 11 12 2il 32: 50! lo'i 17' 39i 31 •22' 36 Morn: 48; 59 96 8 4 56 37 11 41 II 44 11 4S11 52 5l!ll 48 54 11 44 59 11 l:|l ii'll 811 nil 15 11 1811 .•iO 4113. 3 50 28;14.3 50 53 15.3 51 I81I6.3 51 44|l7.3 .52 10'l8.3 .52 37|19.3 Mouii Soutli. A m 10 10 10 42 11 31 Morn 22 iMuon's Longttudeii or plnce at Noon. | 41 37 33 29 25 21 17 53 53 54 54 54 55 L 2i;ii 13 25 11 9 2;!ill 31 11 34 11 38 II 41 20 -3 32IJI.3 0-22.3 2-;24.3 5725.31 26',26.3! 55 55;-.i7.3| 66 5528-3| 56 55 -29. 3; 10 57 25, O.Slil 13 5 5 1 57 53 46 45 41 37 33 3!) 57 55: 58 25! 58 551 59 25 41 F.veiiirtg, 6 96 44 12 4812 51 12 54 12 58 12 112 4 12 551 24 54I 1 3.8] 4.8| 5.8| 6.81 7-Si 8.8 9.B1 8i(iv 8i 1 23:10.81 5211.8' 2112. 8,10 iMgna. TP Aries Aries '^Taurus Tauriis Taurus] n^^emini Gemini] 55| SCancer 44j Cancer 291 Cancer IS.^Leo Leo tTGVirgo Virgo Virgo =c^Libra Libra TT^Scorpio Scorpio t Sagitt. Sagitt. ^Capric'n Capric'n ;XCAqua'u8 Aqua'us 7^ Pisces Pisces (f Aiies Aries Aries ^( Taurus 25 37 19 4 51 9 43 41 44 50 56 5 IS s 14 26 8 20 S 14 26 e 3ej 4"! 3T1 23 8 53 39 27 16 sc 2 Ifi 26 1 3t It 25 IC 2;; IC 4 li 2? 11 h PuuB. 18. — A. and B. with i\, workiusc half of ; tinu.', can do a piece of work in by^ cLnye. ai.l C.with D. ^rorkingllalf time, can do it 1 C o&yB. C. and I), with A. woiUing half me can do it in 7 days. D. and A. with B. mrking' half time, can do it ia 8 days. Ib irhat time can each do it aloue ? pROB. 49. — A clock whose pendulum is in- tended to vibrate seconde, ]o8e& 3 nijnuies pei day. How tntich tiiUiit it be bhoitoucd to kt^ej collect time V Prci!. 50. — How much more weight will j hollow cylinder bear laternly, that is 2 feet ii diameter outside and 1}^ feet inside, thai another that ig of the same length and weighi that is not hollow ? HI 30 nfiT-- PllOVINCE OP CANADA, "[18?4 Till] ROYAI4 Qdrcn Victoria fAlcxandrlnn,) (1. Mny M, 1610, ■uce«cilctl to the tiironu June UtJtb, 1SJ7 ; iimnieri Teh. Utb, Irtu, t>i Francis Albert, l>ukc of abixo, Prince of Coboiii„' iiiul GmhH, i). Auk- *-0, Irll). Iii*uc, f'ietoria, Adelaide Mary J.uuira, Princcit Jtui/al, h, Nov., IblO ! Albert Kdvcard, Frinec uf h'hiit, b. Nov. I'tli, l''4l ; Alue Maud Mart/, h. XprU 2.Mll, l**! ; Alfrtd Erntal Albert, Luke uf Kent. U. Aiij,'. », It'll s Itittna Avg*$ta yicturia,h. Niay'JJt 1, islii; Louisa CaruUiie J!iHirta,b. Mnrch I'-th, NJi^ i Arthur IVilUam Patrick 1 JUHrt,'\}, Mny 1ft, 1*30; Leopold Utorji(!ire—hoT(\ Joiin RiipsoII. Chancellor of the Ervliciiutr — Ki. lion. W. V,. Gladstono. Secretary of State for tlotne VepartmeiU—VMiCOUul ralmcriton. Secrstarij of Slate for Foreign Department— '^ar\ of Clarencfon. Secrelnrij of State for Colonial Departmcnl—Dahc of Newcastlu. Secretary at H'ar— Right Hon. Sllnoy Herbert. First Lord of the Adiiiiruli j—i^ir Jaiiios Uriiliain, Bart. Lord High Chancellor— hori Crrinwonh. Lord President of the Council—V.v.xl GraiivUU;. Lwd Prity Sen/— Duke of Arjyie. CMef Commissioner of h'crks, Vc— Sir William MolcB- worth, Bart. President of the Board of Trade— Uighi Hon. r;1,var>i Canlwell. President ofthn Board of Control- Sir C". Wood, Burt. (The above compose the Cabinet.) Junior Lords of the Treasury— Lor\ AlfixM Hnrvcy, Hon. Fras. Woraysa Cliartcri*, and J. !?adleir, Ksq Joint Secretaries to the Treasury— Rl. lion. William G. Hayter, and James Wilson, Ksq. Under Secretaries for Home Department— Hon, Henry Fitzroy, and Horatio Wadciiiigton, Ksq. Under Secretaries for Foreign Department — Lor'J Wodehoiise, and Henry Unwin Addington, E»q. Under Secrctariisfor Colonial Department — Froderick F A M I Ii ¥, See. Foci, Kiq., Henry Merivale, Esq., and T. F. Eliot Uiiquirc. Chief Stcrtlary for Irtland—^it John Vounij. JuHitfr L'/rds of tJu Admiralty— Kcm yVrtiniral Hyde I'arkir, Rtar Admiral M. P. F. Bcrkely \ Hon. Richiirl Hauivlorii Dundng, Hon. William Francis t'owper, and C.ipinin Alexander Milne. Secretary to the AdMiraUy—Ru\[iU Oilboriie, Esq. Lord Chancellor qf Ireland— 'SIX. Hon. Mazlcru Brady. Vice Chancellars—^'xt RioharU Torln Kindersley, John Stuart, i'aq., and Sir Wm. PaRO Wooil, Hart. Lords Jmtires of the Court of Jjipeal in Chanrtry—S\r (ioorgp James 'I'l'.rncr. and tSir J. L. Knight Bruce. Lord Chief Jusliu afthe Queen's J^encA— Lord Camp- bell. Lord Chief jKalic.e nf the Common Plea§—9\T 3. J.irvia. I Lord Chief Baron of the F.rcheguer— Sir Fred. Pollock. I Master of the Jiolla—&T John Roiuilly. j Attorney General— i^ir Alexander li. Cockburn. I Solicitor General— R'ldKiTd Bcthell, Esq. Attorney General fur /re/and— Right Hon. Abraham I IlrcvvsttT. I Solicitor Genera! for /cc/onrf— William Keofih, E?q. Lo.-d Advocate of Scutliiiid—inniM iWoncricH', Esq. I Solicitor General for Sr at lend — R. HandyBirte. j Juttt/e Advocate Gtncrai— lion. Clna. Pelliain Villicrs. j Lord Lieutenant of Ireland— li,uT\ of St. Gcrmaina. ' Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster — Right Hon. I Edward ttriitt. j Junior Cummissiuners of Woods and Forests— Hon. Charles Gore, and Rt. Hon. T. Francis Kennc ly. Vice- ['resident of the Board of Trade, Paymaster Gcu '- ral of the Forces, and Treasurer iff the A'.«»y — Lord Stanley, of .VHerley. Master of the Mint— >ir John F. W. Hcrscheli, Burt. I'ostniastcr General — Viaoount Canning. Joint Srcrctarirsto the Board of Control — Robert Lowe, Esq., and Sir Thomas Reiington. Commander-in- C'/izer— Viscount ilarclinge. Master Gtneral of the Ordnance — Lord Raglan. Surrf.yor General of tlie Ordnanu— Hon. Lauderdale M.mb'. Cle:'.: of the Or(/««)»c«— William Monsell, Edq. Storekeeper of Uie Ordnanca—Ca^t. Sir Tliomaa Hal- tings, R.N. President of the Poor Lou Board— ^i. Hon. Matthew T. Baincs. Farl MarahaU—Ih\\ie of Norfolk, ('hereditary^. Lord Great Chamberlain— hOTii Willoughby D'Eresby. Lord Chamberlain of the Household— MarqaisofBiead' a!b;!nP. Lrr.'f siu-ardnfthe Ifoutehold—Vaite of Norfolk, ^In^titr of the Horse— Duke of Wellington. i Master of the Buclchounds—V^Tl of Besaborougb. ■vav Dbfas Ivor and DrI t'llllaw Spcl lofNT BRAM 1«-J. c. Lrds for Tnl B/OKS. — LoJ liitfiiioiier oil lifitu and All linen, Cro| .•ois, ForttH Joseph (sil, Proviil Itu-lier, Uuel er Canada cf Crown V. Riisrc-ll, Lands 1)1 ruiiiiiis vl jliipof Vorll bioii DcnuiiT Fort llopel i\ F. PassmI P li O V I N C E OF C A iV A D A. SE.VT OF GOVERN Ali:XT-aUi:UEC. APMiNiiTRATon— His Excellency Lieuienani-Oeiieral William Rowan, C. H., Commandcrof Her Majesty'a Forces in Canada, .-Vdininisirator of ilu; Oovernment of tlic Province, &c. &c. &c. Governor General.— His E.xccllency tlicRisbt Hen. James, Earl ofEl^innnd Kincardine. Dnron tifiin, K. T., Governor General of British North America, and Captain General and Govcrnor-in-Chief in and ever the Provinces of Canada, Nova .Scotia, New Bniiis- wick, and thcl.^land of Prince Edward and Vice- .Ad- miral of the same, &c. — [Absent in England.] GovKHNoa General's .Secrktaky's Offick.— LIcnt. Col. the Hon. Robett Bruce, Governor General's Se- cretary $ Henry Cotton, Chief Clerk. EXECIITIVK COCNCir.. President of the Council— lion. John Rolph. Attorney General £ast— lion. L. T. LVummond. Provincial Secretary— Hi:,n. A. N. Morin. Attorney General West— Hon. John Ross. Inspector Gcneral—Uon. Francis Hiiick^ Commissioner of Croun Lands — Hon. L. V. Sirotte. Receiver General— llofi, E. P. Tache. Chief Commissioner Pii'Aic /Korfca— Hon. Jcnn Cliuboi. Postmaster Geveral— Hon. Malcolm Cameron. Speaker Legislative CouncU-llon. James Morris- Chirf CUrk of the Executive Council— Wm. H. Lee Provincia l Secrkta ry's Office.— Hon. A.N. Mori n, Provincial Secretary, Edmund A. Meredith, Assistant Secretary, West; Ettienne P.-irent, Assistant Secretary, East; T.D. Harrington, Chief Clerk. RErnivRR Gknekai.'s Office.— Hon. E. P. Tache, Receiver General; C. E. Anderson, Confidential Clerk. JNsPKoToa Genf,ral's OFFICE.— Hon. F. Hincks, Invpecior General; Jos. Cary, Deputy Inspector Gen- eral; IMartlipw Ryan, Coiifidenlial Clerk. Customs Bkancii.— R. S, M Couchette, Commis- sioner of (/'usioms ; A. S. Menzic.", 1st Clerk ; T. Worlliin:;tnii, Inspector of Custi m Houses. Crown Law Department. — Hon. L. T. Drummond, Aitorney Generr.l, East; Hon. John Ross, Attorney reiieriil. West; P. J. O. Che.TUveau, Solicitor General, E.iHl; Jugiph C. Morrison, Solicitor General, West; (jMi'ji' Kutvo.e. Permanent Law Clerk, East. I'enM. VV oi K« Department.— Hon. Jean Chabot, ('hiert'oiiii.iri^; Hon. II. H Killaly, Assistant ConmiiK'.ioM'r. 'J' A. Begly, Secretary. Cho'.m. L\.im Department.— Hon. L. V. Sicotte, Coininiviioner. SiiiVKY Dej'artment, C. £.— Joseph Bouchette, ;-^iirvcvor ami Draftsman; E. T. Fletcher, 2nd doj P. L. Morin, Urd da.: Charles J. Bouchette, Extra Drafts- man; W. F. enilins. Accountant; Jean Lanftevin, Chief Corresponding Clerk; Thomas Hammond, Regis- trar. Jnnrrs' Estates and Rotai. Dohair.— Felii P ■ tier. Clerk; F. T. Judab, Assistant Clerk. NAMES. r. U.'ieBIan 'eter McGiU V. Morris . I, l-'raaer. . . Crooks. . . i. Fergnsion, Macaulay. Hainihon. Ferrie. H.Knowlt r. McKay.. . H. Moore. .Dionne... (i. J. Goodhw V. Walker. . J. Widmer... . JE. Irving. . Morris.. . . DRESS. — To I |~>ly Sheweth, (ice aud date. TE —The Le iincnt. an A( li, it is espec •:tl'kncie9. harnoia.Ovu chaise. .Hon If)' . . .Jose outlure Uav kviUe . .Gcoi wi . . '.Ion . Mg . \plaiH Itcall . .Dan ,.Edv . .Lou , .The , .Rod Frill ■imuntj .Join fKS .... Jesi ■am . . .Jait , .Job Ifcnac . .Hci li Rol j(ary .. .Hoi f!:Ule...Wi mimand .Wii Tn. . . -Job Uon tngs ...Edi lair'ilon.Jeai Sir J18 !?11 q., and T. F. Eliot in Youn;. ear Admiral Flydc P. Bcrkely j Hon. ). William Fruneia ■ Milne. iJulioriio, Esq. }n. Mazicru Brady, n Kitidersluy, John Wood, Hart. tl in Ckanrery— Sir '. L. Knlniit Bruce. encA— Lord Caiiip- 7«,co»ntnnt; Corrti. ncc—J. V. Tarbutt, Clerk* U. G..\rLellaii. Uxira _iTDS roR THB Examination of PaoviNruL Laud uoK».—Loirer Canada Jioard~VI'c Hon. The ii»3ioner ot' Crown Lnndt, ER Canada Hoard.— The Hon. Tlie Coiuniis. rcf Crown LnmU, a u£',i:io; Jost'iili HouchMie V. Kiifrc-ll. Senior Siirvi'yufs iiinl Iir.ifiMnt'ii, II Lauds DepnrtMieiit! Jolm Uojih, I'.li/.abciti- I'uliliu* V. EIniore, llellcvillei Diivul GiIikoh, iklilp of York; Williiiin llawkiu.s, Toronto; John hiou Ucunia, Wt'dioii; nud John {vuiitclihull Port Hope, Land Surveyor*; Secre- P. F. Passmoro, Toronto. AoRICDLTtritAL AND STATISTICAL Dci'ARTMKNT.— Hon. John Rolph, Comi itsloner; W. lluiton, l9<; crcmry. MiMTtA DaPARTMEHT.- Lieut. Col. D. O. Mac- Doiioll, Deputy Aljuiniit Geiienil Militi.i, West; Lieut. Cot. A. de Saiabtrry, Deputy Adjutant Gentral AlilKla, PROviJiriAL ReoisTRAR s OrricE.— Thomas Anitoi, Deputy Prnvincial Registrar. Indian Dkpar imkni.— Superintendent General of Indian A V.iirs, The Governor Geiifrol»« Secretary ( I'ol. Napier, Visiiiug Supcriniendeiii, t'. K \ S. Y. Ch'.'Klcy, .Assistant Secretary and Accounmnt; Vluitlng 7. IV„ J. U. Cleiicii, London; 'I'. U. Supcriiiieiidoiii, C Anclernuii, Coliour;{i i!o do., Maiilioulin I^laiuU, (iep. Iroiisi'lf": Inlerpri'ier, Eift, Uanr Giassoui do We«I, t'liinr.iii .\£8ukiuuck; .Maniioulln Island, Surgeon, I), S. Lnytoii. Gi:si:mi. PosTOrrirE.— IIO!i.lMalcolmCniiicron,Po«t- inasti'r General; WMliani II. Gridin, Soctetiirv. E. J. Kill!.', .AccounlanH E.Uvard S Pr'-or, Surveyor, C. £., .Moiiircal; John Dewe, Surveyor, C. W., Toronto; H. A. Wicksiecil, Siirfccyor, (Central Cannila, Kinuston. GKijLooirAi. SriivKV.— W. U. Lopqii, Provincial Gcoloi'irit; Ali;xaiiil»r Murray, ArHiiiiaiit do,, T. S. lluiit.Chcuiisii. (ThiHoHice Ij at Montreal.) NAME?. RESlDEXCns. P. U.iieBlnnquiete Tort-nfo. 'eier McGill. . . .Zlontrtal. V. Morris L. Fraser Franerjicld. CVooks. .... .Fhimlioro fl'. L.FerguiiiOu.. . .Flamburo' E. Macaulay . . . .Kingston. Haniilion. . ..Kingston. Ferrie Montreal, H. Knowlton. . Brome. r. McKay Aete Kdinb'rg. H. Moore. . . at. Armand. .IMoiine... .St.FriUBiitcqutt \i. J. Goodhue.. ..Lfindon, V. Walker Q«-«Jef . ). Widnier Toronto. '•, M. Irving. . . . Toronto. • Morris Brockvillt. liCgislatiTC Council of Cutinda. Hon. James .Morris, Speaker. RtSIDGNCES. Hon. P. lioiicher De j ^„„^j^^P^^/, . Toronto, .March. , Montreal. Perllt NAMKS, . P. Iioiichcr De liouclierville, " J. GorJon. . . " il. I'inliey. . " J. Icrricr. . . " R Matheson " G . S. Houlton . . . Oihourg. '• D. II. Viaer. . . .Montreal. " K. P. Tachd. . . Montreal. " Jiunes Leslie.... -Ifonfrta^ " Fred.A.Uuesnel.ilAo,v/ren/. " J. Bourret Montreal. " G.S. DeUeaujeu.. Cot«flu du Lac. '• J. Ross Belleville. •' L. Mdtliot . . . .St. Croiz. " J. O. Turgeon. . . Terrebonne. " S. Crane Pretrott. NAMRS. " J. Wylie. . . . " S.Mills " Louis Panel,...'. . . iJliarlen Wilson RESlnENrES. . . . Rainiay. . ..HiimiUoH. Quebec. Montreal. " Narcissc F. Belleau, Quebec. Permanent Jolm F. Taylor. Clerk and Master In Chan- cery ; Robert Lenioi'ic, Deputy and Assistant Clerk, Master in Chancery, and French Translator; Fcnnings Taylor, Additional Assist. Clerk, and Chief Office Clerk ; Rev. W. A. Adatnoon, D. C. L., t.^haplnin and Librarian; E. L. Montizaiiibert, Law Clerk, English Translator, and Clerk of ("ominiltees ; Rrn^Kimbcr, Gentleman L'sher of the Black Rod ; O. Vallerand, Serjeant-at-Arms. " R.Jones Chriaticille. DRESS.— To tlie Ilonoralile the Legislative Council of die Province of Canada, in Parliament Assembled: Tiie Petition of 3ly Sheweth, That, fcc. ate and date.] TE —The Legislative Councillors are nppclnted by the Crown, for life; but, l^st Session of the Provincial iincnt. an Adiiriiss was passed by tlie Legiflntivt; Assembly, praying lor an Elective Legislative Council, b, it is e^iiecied, the Inii>erlal Parliament will accede to. liCglslattve Assembly of Canada* •:ti;bncie9. names, AnrKuij.Ovide Le Bianc. citasse, .Hon. Jean (.'lialot. ier . . .Joseph II. Jobiii. ointure David Lefioutil;ier. Hille . .George Crawforl. isii .. .Daniel McLachlin. 'Aon .. .Edward Malloch. My .. .Louis Lacosie. xplcdn. .Tlicmas Marchildon. ica'.l .. .Roderick iMcDonald. /ie«:tT..Friin5oia Lemieu.\. mond .John McDoiunll. las.. . . Jesse W. Rose, am . . .James Smith. ; . . . .Jfihn Prince. tcnac . .Henry Siiiiih. i Robert Christie. i'rti-y .. .Hon. J. S. Macdonald. iUle. . .William Patrick. imand .Win. LyouMackenzie. tt. . . .John White. f°^ \ Sir Allan N. SlacNab. ngi .. .Edmund Murney. a(r<''">.iein Mte, Varin. Ho.N. JoiiN .S. Macuo.naid, Speaker. ! CO.NSTITLTiNf !ES. NAMES. j Huron .. . .[inn. Mlcni. Cameron. ' Kiimouraaktt.iva.nV. Chapais. Kent George Urowii. ^'rf^7l' ? Hon. J A. MacdonaUl. Lanark. . . .James Phaw. Leeds [>'ese lli.loiip. Leirisier . ..Hun. Louis M.Viger. Lenox if • Benjamin .Seymour. '.Hon W. H. Merritt. .Charles F. Fournier. .'I'homas C. Dixon. .Joseph Lauriii. .JohnG. CInpliam. Middlesex. ..Crowcll Willson. Missisquoi .Seneca Paige. iV'in Joseph C. Morrison. .Thomas Forller. I CONSTITnENCIES. NAMES I Tforfolk. . . . Won. John Uotph. j Nurthumbcrr i\ajx A. Iturnhain. I Ontario. . . ..AniOii Wriglit. Oltava . . .John Raan. ! Oxford .. . .Hon. Francis Hiiicks. Peel . . . .George Wrifjli:. Peterboro^ . .John I.anglon. Porlnenf. . . L'Iric J. Tcssier. Prescott . . .Tliomns H. Johnson. Prince Edic.l)nvU\ II. Sieveiison. Quebec, ) George O. Stuart. (Cittj) 3 Hypolite Dubiiid. %.';;.,/^'"^eJ.O.Chauveau. Pirhelieu . .Antoine N. Gouin. Himouskt .. .Joseph C. Tach^. Rouville . .. .Joseph N. Poulin. Ruesell .. . .George B. Lyon. Shefford. . . Hon. L. T. Druramond. Sherbrooki, (County) ; i*T. Gait. f I'' !! im ' : • w REPRB8ENTATI0N ACT. [4854 MMVrrVBMIU. MANKa. Mmm ...Hon. W.B. Kobiawn. m»MttU . . T. Ue Turrtll. MariNMl. . . Wllllain Maitlce. StJIfmHnim LouU V. Bicotv. it.MMurit* .JoMph C. Turcoite. nrrebvnMt .Hon. A. N. Morln. Tkri4 RiBtri\iitoinc Polcite. 7Vr«ii(«, Kieorge P. Rldoul. (CUw) i Hun. H. Hherwood. ^•'w . ."." ) "»"• J^- J- PiPloeau- faiMtmi; . .Jean B. Mongennli. ytrcMrin . .Ueorge E. Cirtier. Wal*rl0o .. .Adnm J. ForuusNon. ITtUmmt . . .Thomoa C. S'lrcvt. OOMTITVBNCIEi. HAMH. lV*nt»vrHi. .David Chriaile. YmmMk*. . .P. B: Duiiioulin. ir_i, 5 Joicph Hartiiian. '•'* • • • { John W. Oanrtile. MKMiNiNT orrioeM. W. n. Lhidtay, CIcrK; ». B. Fari- hnull, An'ido. i O. W. WickntOKd. I. K. Chliholin, ciiergeant- at- Ann* i Felix Foriier, Clerk oi'thc Crown In Chancery. Addkbm.— To Uie Honurible thcLegiitntive Anemhly, of the Province of Canada, in Parliament Aetcmblcd : 'Ihu Petition of Humbly Shcweth, That, Ice. [Piaee and Dttte.l (HTNo Petition to either Hoii«e, will be received, unlei* there be one or more sijnaturr:!! on the aheet of ^per or parchnieni, on wnich tiiecoiicliiiion oi ihc Petition m written or printed. The usoge hn* been, in both: the Legislative Council uml AHreiiilily to receive only vritUn Petiliont; but, lu«t Ses^tion, the Antvmbly adopted areselutlon u) receive PrinUt/ i'titiiion*, in liim ilouM3. Ail Petition* niuii be dated. PARIilAME^TTilRY REFORM. ThoIIouie of A«8Cinl)lyat present containD 84 nvembers, ni shown by the preceding list. Fait Seseion of Parlinnient, three iiii|K)rtnHt Acts were pnHned, afTuctini; Purliniiientriry Kcprevetitation. Jut. "An A::t to enlarge the Repregentiiiiuii of the People of this Province in Parliament." 3nd. "An Act lo extend the Elective Fraiichiie, nnd Ixtlter to define the qualiflcntionn of Voter*, in certain Electornl Dlvitlon*, by provid- ing a aysteni, fur the Keglitiriitivn of Voilth. And, :)rd Eruce Iberville Jolliette Kamouraska , Kent Kingston, ;(Ciiy) ELECTORAL DIV. MEMBERS. Lamliion 1 Lanark, North Hiding 1 " South Riding 1 Lnnralric 1 L'AsdOinpilon 1 Laval 1 Lt^eds&Grcnvllle, North Riding 1 Lcedri, Souih Riding 1 Leni:oxand Addington 1 Levis... 1 Lincoln 1 Llfilet 1 London (Town) 4. I Lotbiiiicre l , Miiskincngc \.\ Mnizintic 1 1 Mid(ilc&e.x, East Riding 1 ' " West Riding .... 1 ; Mississquoi, F.iiKt Riding \\ " West Riding 1 1 Montcalm l ■ Moiiiningny 1 ' Moniinorciicy 1 ' Mumreal, lloclielaga or East i Riding 1: Montreal, Jaccines Cnriier, or | West Riding 1 . Montreal, (City) 3i Nnpii.'rvillc, . 1 1 Niagara (Town) 1 Nicolei 1 Norfolk 1 i Northumlictland, Rnst Billing.. J '' West Kidiiig. . 1 ■ Ontario, North Riding 1 *' Houtli Riding 1 Ottawa 1 Ooiford, Nortli Riding- ••-... 1 " South Riding 1 Peel 1 Perth 1 1 Petcrhoro' 1 ! Pontine. • 1 BLRCTORAL DIV. HEMBCXS. Portneuf 1 Prescott 1 Prince Edward 1 Quebec 1 Quebec (City). Renfrew . Richelieu Rinionski Rouvillc . Russell. . . Sagucnay. Saint Hyacinthc. >.......« 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. I '. Saint John's ] Saint Maurice ] Slieirord 1 SMcrbrookc and Wolfe 1 Shcrhrooke (Town) 1 Simcoe, Norili Riding 1 " ifoutli Riding 1 Snulnnges l Sianslcad • 1 Siornion: i TcMii>rotiata ............. I Terrelionne 1 'I'lirec Rivers, (Town,) 1 Toronto, (City) 2 Two Mountains 1 Vandreuil 1 Vercheres 1 Victoiia 1 Waterloo, North Riding 1 " Soutli Riding 1 Wcl'aiul 1 Vveiliiision, >.or;li Hiding. ... 1 '• SdiuIi Hiding.. . . 1 Wuntworth, iSurin Ifiii-nir. ... 1 •Suiiih Riding. ... 1 Vai;i;.»l,-n 1 Yorj;, i:ilbit Kiriing 1 Norili Riding. West Riding 1 Total. .130 18d4] rarllni Jn Act to t IhU I'ruvi I'ftnmhle.^ Hftcr ment ihiiU Ik-, btt \\'\,i'rv,:\!< I and ilii; iincn llK) (iUVtjIOIK' to onliirg : ill the l.n;iisla: ni'iitailoii tnc liniis tif cri — tDilividi'ci cjlln* Count" ill till! boli'il (iiiirn'sMo* niid coiisi'iil I latlvc Ahsciii and imiuMiili'i .\l'l |l iSMCll ill (!r>Mt(lriiiiin tkii troi'iiire (luvtnimcnt .•iMiliorliy of ihii I rwenl I' Citii'H and Ti ini.' Hi which the Kc b:i«i'd and r<^ .nnd suidl siiiJ fMlll (host! nL ;br ihcin as • Ai»si'inl)'y, an 1 iw ill forc» liietewlth cjii L The Co! snuth-wcsiby Mo noriii si le Uicnce riinnii uouili sixiy-ni souiii e:i8i fro die west by ili east by ihe Rl ill the s lid ( 'o islanils wholl iicsiriist tlioiel the Fiefa and La Mat;(l(!!('in I'Ktaiia, IJraii Cap-tJiiat, S .Norili. (J.isiid and Ninvport, sail County a 2. The (^1 tlieeii't lpy ili ilio Rnil ("oiii Kitiiiiii.-iUi, 01 iiiitH il. iiii'i'Ifi i,h'' wcsicrii ili(> iiay ofl.'l via''*;, Mill s iir,:;|io lyin;: I ri -I. of i,tiii'li'' 0|iii'):iu: lu ill il t -.o: llio I't'iiiory of D'lilit.l, lloiH ij2r;e:on, Noi !. Thrt Cm or. St I'V ihn ("1 wstcni lino ' !!in liiiiilH nf I'oiiiiiy of Ho I'foviiico. an Lawrnnce, ii lying nearust ur partly opp- comprising t [iSM tlilon* t H. B. Slew Clerk ( Win. Rmp, ComuiliiMt I Alftred deiii Patrick, J. r, UofCoumilteni U. Mymnd, J. Ilutton, :hTriiititlalori; P. E. sf French Journal*; rkorEnvllihdo.iW. Ian ; AluheuiTmliJ. I. I^inoln, R. Ii4n4- . C. Uurr.tge, Junior Chiiholiii, » 130. Wo sive be i to lie retiiniod b' tclaciicc to ilie Ac UEMBEKi Wolfe iwii) Itiiiing KiUiiig Town,) . I Riitinf;. . I Kiciing. , ;li Ki'h'ng. II Killing'. inKi'i.nsr. h Kidin|{. iig.. iding. ling.. 1. .130 18A4] REPRESENTATION ACT. ^3 Parllnineiitary ItrprcMiitiillou Act. .\VI. VI(;~'Al'. CMI. Jn .let to »nliif){e lh$ lUprtieutatiun of lh» PeoitU of thlt I'rucince in Parliamenl. i .l/nrnltd to I !(*./«;,•. I .'.1. I'rrnmhle. — Counlir$, RuliKtfn, I'itUt itnd 'lin.ii:. /u-niVi- nftcr, In hn lliiifr on which liriimrutaliun thiiilbi: buAfU after Ihis nut <{} the jireunt I'arliumeiil. \\\xr\'.\* iliK liiiTi'iiHiiiy |ioi)iil:itlijn uf IIiIh I'mviiici', nml ill'! iKM'f'xHily i f jirovutlna fur Ita uruwlnc wiinu miii ilH) (iL'vtiioiH'iiiuiit ot its riH iir't'n, rt'ii'li;r ii iiii|Hraiivc 10 oiil.irit : ilio lU'iinsiiuitl ii of Uio I'lMp ■• ilicro,!' in till) l-o;iislii:lvc AM<('iiilily, ini'l III (i|i|)(irtloii III! ri'|.ro- nciiiatloii iiKirn liiirly, iiiiil wlili ihin vli'W— m li' r iho llmillof criiiii Coiiiilii'i iiii I oUicr I^lixlornl Hivliiloiia — iDilividi'civtiiin (,'6iiiilii;»iiuo lliiliiivi-— tuuri-ctocruiin ulhittjoiintn'ti— 1111(1 lomlopt oilii r LontslativoifrtvUioiiH ill iii(! Iwti.iif iifdrenalil: llu li therclbru i'iiikmoI liy tlii! tlmrii'M Moit K.xrcllciil >1 iji'slv, by and with liie a'llvice mill coiiHi'iil I'l the l.dijiiiUilivi! Coiiiicll and of liii> l.i'^lti- i.atlvc Axiicmbly ol tlii' I'rovi'u-c ul t.'iiiiitilii, and asrteiiilieil by vl tiic orninl under llic nuihoriiy iif .m Act |ii»»)i;d 111 lh<) I'nrll.iiiu'nt if llic Uiiili-d Kiiijidoiii of (ir'Mt llrliaiii and Irclati I, an I iiidtill('d,//n Art Iv re-unite tkn friiriiices of tipper ami Liiwtr Ciinnilit, ni.d fur the (luvtrnmcnt nf Canada, and if la licrdiy enacted tiy llii' aiiiliorlty of tiic Haiiii;, 'riiiil from and afii'r tlic end of ihi< I resent I'rovinclul Pa'niinii'iit, tlieConnilcn, KMinnH, C'ltirn and Towim, and Uidung of t'onutics liiiri'iiiafier inLMiiiiincil. uliall tieilicnuhdlvlxlonsdf iliei'roviin-oution v/lilch the Reiircso tatlon of ilie I'eoplf ilicrcof nliall lie bam-d niid r('|{ulati'd in the niaiuivr lieroiinilU'r preucrilinl, nnd Biicli suij iviNiuiid xliall, In ko far an tlioy may diHir fruin ihnw! now cxisii « for lik(! |) irj^juci, lio uul.niltnu'il !br Ihiin ria -ojitVI'? I.leclions of Almnlmr!! of the 8ail Aiwi'inb'y, and all Actn, L..i\ti». nnd |irovisions of l,a\v •x-ivi ill force an, I tiiereinito riiiaiiiif?. uiid all uiulturii Uicrowilh cjnncTU-l; Tliatiii it Bav. L O VV K U C A N A n A . , Count ij of Qtmpe, 1. The County of (iaspd shall 1k3 Ixjiindcfl on thn lioutti-wciitby II liiu! commeiicln!' nt Alickarel I'oImi, on 'Me norili il Ic and neaHlie inoutli of the Biy ofCliali.'iirs, thctioe running nortU'Wcut fjriy-sevch miles, thiiiici! uouili sixty-nine de!;r''e« went until it Hirikcg a lini' drawn souili east from IJaji-t'hat on the River St. LriwreniX', on die wcdi by the II. le la.Mt nieiiiioncd, and on the nordi nnd cast by ihe lUvcr and (Jiilpli of .St. I«-.\\ (loimiy so boiinde.l coniprii^iii;! the Fiefa anil Seinniorios of Haiiiie Anne, Mijnt-L(iiii!i. La Mai;(l(!!i'iMe, (I'raiid Vallt't' dcs Moms and An-u dc I'Etaim, iJraiid lllvcr and I'aljOii, and the Tinviidliii'S of Cap-Ohat, SviliMilntn, Fox, (.Vip-Ko.-ior, (Jasip^ li;iy Norlli, (ianpii ilay .•^oiiih, York, Uoiislas, Malhaie, I'it/i' and Ni!u'port, and thi> sail Islands lying opposite to tjie «u.l County and nearest to it. CuuHlit of Honavenlure. " 2. Tlic Cotiur.v of iionaveiiHire shall he lioitirMon tlieea«l by llw County of (iasp rast Iiy ili« ('oitnty of (ianp", on t!io west liy the soniJi- wstcni line of ihe I'ariuli oi fiu'iwl t-inion, pridoiii.":d to lUn iiniiiH nf the Province, on the soiitii-cast by the ('oiinly of Honavenlure and the aoutlifrii liini's of tlir; Province, and on the nortli-woat by the Kiver Saint LawrHnce, including all the Islands in the said iiiver lyiiif! nearest to the said County of Klinousl^i and whol'y ur tmrtly opposite thereto ; tlie said County so liounded comprising tlie Parishes nnd t^ettlenients of iVIatnne, c Metis, Hnint Joseph, Pnlnin Klovie, Mulnie Luc«, Mm (ieiiiiain, llic, »!aliil Fnliien, Hnlut .->lnion, the irciilHliriMi of Lake MetiM iind of MiiUipedlii, and the Townshl|M of MicNliliT, Matme, r^ulnt I'uiiU oiid ihe auniueuiaikMi t.ii .eof, Chnliot, N(di;elle, Macpes. iind DiiqiicHnq. Couiitit if 'l'rmi$fouiita. 4. Till- County of 'l'i'iiils<-oiiaj|s I'Istoles, t^aiiit Idol, Isle VrrU!, .■^alnt <>eor|ie dj ('iicoiina, Saint Arsene, Sidnt Patrice de lit Rivi6ru>du- l.oiip, mill the 'I'luviiNhips of VVIiitworih, Vlifi r, lleuon, I'Mionvllie, Kaiidot, Dcnicrs, Mocquartund UieHolgnlory und iite ; thereto, but not Including mv part of the Islatuls hereafter 1 anuc.xel 10 the t'oiiiiiy of A^oniinaany, the said County, so bounded coiniirisliic the Parit^lu s of '*aliit Roch, Soint Jean, L' Islet. Stiiiit ( 'yriUe tin I tti'- Townships of Lcssnrd, Fonrnier, Ashftrd,rlting the ParWin of Saint Vbllier, Saint Rnpbael, Saiat Michel, Beauinont, Saint Charica, !!>aint Ucrvaia. Saint LazHie, Bait ot the TnwiiFhipi of Anna^'h and Bucldand andtlie 'Townshipaof MallldUX.Uoux, Bc'lccliaise and Daaquain. I Omiitif of Ltvii. 0. Tlie. County of Levis shall be bounded on the j ^OTth-rast by the County of Bellechosse ns above de- ^- acribed, ns far ns the limits between the I'ariBhes of Saint Henri and Saint Amselmc, on the south engt by the norih-wesiern limits of tlie I'arlshes of Snint Anselme and Saint Isidorp ns far ns the Kiver Chniidi6re: and on th« •outh-wesi' siuc of tlie River Chauditre by sucJi line aa will couiprise, tKc wliolc of tlie Parishes ot traint Lambert and Saint Nicliolas, and on tlie north-west liy Quo Rivir Saint Lawrence ; the said County so liouiidud eompriBing the Pariislies of Saint Joseph of I'd^ite Levy, jNoue-danie de la Victoire, Saint Jean Chrysostome, Saint Henri, Saint Nicholas and Saint Lambert. Coutity of Dorchtnier. 10. The County of Dorchester shall I e bounded on the north-east by the County of UcJIuchasse as above de- ■crilied, on ibe south^st by the Province Hue until it ipeeta the 80urc«'s of the River Megernicuc, on the south by the said Ri ver iVIetjjermette ns fir as the Township of Liiiitire, on tlie norUi west by the north-easK rri and northern line of the said 'J'ownshi|i of Lini(!re,the south- wea'-ern line of the TownshipK of Watford, Cranbourne. and Frninpton. the souiheaatrrii limits of the Parish of Sainte ftliirgueriie, and of the Parish otSainte Heinedinc, the south- westt'rn limits ,pf the sni:l Parish of Sainte Heme Jinc, the S'liitli-eastCpi and soiitli-westerii liiiiiis of the Parish of Saint Isidoriiips fur as the River Chaudt^ru,, and on thesouih w^'stof tiie snid Kiver C'haudi6re by ti>e south eastern, soutJi wesijE>rn, nnt^ north-wosieru 'iiiiits of the Par sh of Saint Bcrii.ird .".nd on tlie north-west «y the said Coui ty of Levis as above described; the aaid County so bounded couiprisins the Pnrishps of Saint Ans^rao, Saint Isidore, Sainte Claire. Sainte Margucii|ie, ^in't Mernard, Sainte Hemediiie, ppn'of the I'ownships of Bucliland and Metgermette. aqd the Townshipf of Fraqipton, f tandon and ita aiiginoMtation, Cranbourne, Ware {ind Watibrd. County of Dtauff, 11. The County of Beaucc shall lie bounded on the north-eaH by the County of Dorcliester, on the cast by the Province line, on the west by tlieiiniits of the Dis- trict of Quebec as far aa the Townsliip of (.'olrainc, and ou ihe norih-west by tlie southern limits of the Town- ahips of Colraine,1 hctford, and Broughton. again on t|ie B0utli-v\est by the south-eastern limits of the Township of Broughton and of the Pa'ish of Saint Sylveatre, as far * as the County of Dorchester, and on ih" northeast by the aaid County of Dorchester; the said County so bounded couipri.sing the Parishes Oi Saint Elzcur, Sainte Marie, ^ Saint Joseph, Saint FreJerick, Saint Francois, f^aint George, the t-'eigniory of Aubin-Dclisle, part of llic \ Townships of MctRerniete and Clinton, the Kennebec Road Settlements, and the Townships of Jtrsey. Linifere, M.irlow, Rixlorough, fpaulding, Ditchfleld, VVoburn, I Gayhurst, Dorset, ^hcllley, Aylnier, Price, Lumbton, : Forsjtli, Adstocit and Tring j Cuunty of Megantic. I 12. The County of IMegantic shall be bounded on the I north-cast and south-rast by the County of B»aiice, on 1 tlie eoutli-wcst by tlie limits o£ilie District ofQueliecon llie north-west by the Houih-enstern line of the augmen- tation of the Seigniories of Deschailiotis and Lotbinifere, the south-wesern and southeastern limits of the Seigni- ory of Sainte Croix, and south eastern and south-western limits of the Parish of Saint sylvcstre as far a« f e County of Heauce; the said County so bounded compris- ing tlie Townships oi' Inverness, Ne'son. fromcrset and its augraoiktation, Halifax, Leeds, Broughton, Thctford, ' InsIaiiJ and Colroine. I County of Lotbiniere, ! 13. 1 he County of Lbtbiiiier^ shall be boutided on the north-west by the River St Lawrence, on the south- west by the limits of the District of Quebec, on the siuth-east by the County of iVIeg^ntic as above descrilied, and on the nonh-enst by the Counties of Levi«, Dorches- ter and Beauce, as above descrilKid ; the aaid County so bounded comprising tiie I'arishes of Saint Sylveatre, Sainte Agalhe, Saint Giles, Saint Antoine, Saint Flavien. Botnte Croix, Lotbiniere, Saint Jean DeachaiUons and of DeachaUlons and Lotbiniere, and ot thnt part ot Seigniory of Sainte Croix which ia not included,in above mentioned pnriahes. Cimnty of Ckieoittimi. 14. 1'lie County of Chicoutimi shall be bounded ,00 lenienta of west by the County of I'ortneuf as hereinafter dcs^ri ^^ Arnbioiae on ilie souih by tlie parallel of the forty-eighth i(C| ^ i^orette, tli of north latitude, as fur aa tlic prolongation of tlie c , f^f \i\t\A ern line of tlie Township of Saint Johns on the Sa| ^ above 11b nay, thence on the east by the .said proiongaf^ and the Mid line, to the Rive^ Sagucnny, crossing the River Sagucnay. . by the prolonga tion of the said eastern line to tlie River Sainte Mnrf rite, Oil the north-Qast by a line to be drawn from above point on the River Sainte Marguerite due iion the limits of the Province, on the north by the limit the Province; the s:iid County so bounde<1 comprii the Townships and Settlements of.Saint Johns, Trinitc, Harvey, Simard, U'reuiblay, Bncot, Ciiicout Laterri6re, Simon, Jonrjuitre, Iviiiogoini, Labnrre, t abt'tchouun, Signny, JVlesy, Caron, Charlevoix, gette, Tuche and Dfdislc. Cuunly of Tadousiae. 15 . The County of Tadousaac shall be bounded on south-east by tlie River S.iint Lawrence, including ^\f^ Ecur< in. Saint A Islands nearest to the tnid County and wholly or in opposite thereto, on tli^ south by the parallel of the ft '"' (Toauetnc eighth degree of nortlv latitude to the County of t;hii ^ timi as aliove descrilied. on the north-west and wei the « County of Cliicoutiiiii, and on the north north-east by the liiniis of the Trovince; the said Coi Jouth-wwrter so bounded .comprising the 'townships njiid Settlciu pf Snguenay, Todoupsnc, Little Suguenny, sainte gucrilu, Bergc oiines, Escoumins. Iberviilc, Laval, tour, Betsianiites, the Seigniory of Mille Vaches or ncuf, the Terra Firma of Mingan, the Islets of Min .tbi: I^land and Seigniory of ^ Anticosti, the settleiu ajiid posts cf ^nnicouHgan, BetsinniiteSr liodbout, Fapcras, Pointfi d< s Monts, Saint Paul.the^ven Isli the Jereniic Islands, and all the other ..tracts of cumpri^ wiihin the limits nforesaid. Coutity of Saguenay. 16. The County of Saguenay shall he bounded on norli^-west by a line to be drawn from Cap de I'Ab ckn Ilia 1Iit7Ar St T.nvL*rf>npA tr,%Mrnriia IhA amrth.nroa* pthig tlie eiti;ut ami oire-J}aiB« (.'uunty io The City eoiupriie ih ilies ot Nou IjCC. The Coun h-east by th 11(1 Uic prolu le Imiita of Br St. Lawr* t'roviuce.«n rictofuurb iie Pariahei t, Cap-Santi Tlie Couni h-wcst by th ddeine, and s of the I'ro' ■rovinee, on. e, on the nor edescnhed; lie Pariahe* < QdsBatiacai t Miiurice, S Saint Marcia The-Towr of Three-I ieue of 'Ihre C The Count: lorth-east by constituted outh-east by by the liiniu outh-we««erii on tAfi River St. Lawrence toward^ the north-west parallel to tlie north-eastern line of the Seignior Beauport, to the County of Chicoutimi as aliove des ed, on the north by the Counties of CbicoutiHii anil doussac as above described, on the southeast by River Sf- Lawrence ; the said County so bounded ( prising Ihp Parishes, of l.iUle River, Bale Saint 1 Saint Uibain, EbouJements, Saint Irenee, Mai Sainte Agnes. Saint Eidele, the Townships of Sett „'J>'inn'..rti'i^' ton, De Sales, and Cnlifcres. JtWe-aux-Coudres. i "°'0"(''^" ^ Island, and all the other tracts vdand comprised w the above limits, and all Islandsjii the River Saint I rencc nearest to tlic said County and wholly or p opposite tlierct>. County of HUntmoreney. 17. The County of Montmorency siiall lie boundc the west by the County of Quebec, as hereinafter cribcd, on the north by the parallel of tlie forty-cl degree of north latitude, on the east by the Coun Saguenay. on the soutli-east by the Rive rencc, including the Island of Orleans and all the lal nearest to the County of Montmorency, nnd wliol pnrtly opposite thereto; the said County so bounded priaing the Pnrislies of Saint Pierre, Saint Jean. S ,„ j,, • _,,„ Famine, S.dni Lnurent and Saint Francois. Isle Mad l;.", nw„ri and Isle-oux-Renux. and the Parishes of Saint ¥t ,,„ hi™ .wi Saint Joachim, Sainte Anne, CTiateau Richer, LavaJ"'' "°^ Ange Gardien. County of Qufbet. . Severe, Sail irolongrd to ity so liouiid rswitliout t1 L'g. the Parlsl re, Saint liar Shawiuigan. The Count onh-csst by i ibed, on the i i-,^, ooi... 1 hree Rivers, iver Saint I ,._,» i,,»iu, .n/i ..ii ,h« i.i fence, i"p'" ty nnd wlioll -west by tlie Dunded «om iredu-l. Saint DIdnce Phe County c y the limits ' Seigniory of Saint Gal)riel nnd the prolongation th J,' „ h^.i,,. as far as the County of Chicoutimi as above dcsci so^Tninri... on the south enst by the River St. Lawrence, oi „nH tho 'I'nw north, east by the south-western line of the Seignic , i.„,i'|, irk La Cote de Beauprc until it meets the south-eastern ;„ „«• Mi',nu.t of the Township of Tewkesbury, thtmce to war- ,„ Lhi^ i- north-east by the said south-eastern line as fur n „„,„.(„„ ""'i eastern corner of the snld Township,thence by the o ,, |V„1 nf ,iL eastern line of the said Township to the rear thereo , ,i^ L^.ihU, by the prolongation of Ibe said north-eastern line, '■" salute uroix, liOtbiutere, ^alnt Jean ueactiatuons ana by the pTOiongauon of the said north-eastern line, c inrvofWt«ni I all the remainder of the augmentation! of the Seigniories |iiortli by the County of Chicoutimi aa above deac {Kiver SiTl ■U..... ..J.UJ... ' — jiai. -■J -- ■[!» 't and o( thitt ijnn ot Bhis not included,in ii«^ i eoytimi. li shall be bounded ,oa f as h'.'Teinafter dcs^ri ' the forty-eighih i(C{ prolongation of the c aint Jobjis on the So, the ,aaid prolonga Rive^ Sagucnny, y, . by the proloiign the River Snlnte Morj lie to be ilrawii from e Marguerite due iion the nonh by the limit ' 80 boundc Lnbnrre, S 'aron, Churlcvoiz, Uk idmuaae. ac shall be bounded on Lawrence, including, inty and wholly or in by the parallel of the' to the County of Chli le north-west and wei i, and on the north Trovince; the said wiishipg and t'ettleiu I' i^aguenny, ^aintc ms. Iberville, Laval, )r ofMille Vachesor igan, the Islets ofMin \ntic08ti, the Eettleiu etttianiites, i^odlwut, int Paul.the^vcn Isla the other .tracts of bresaid. ly shall be bounded on iwn from Cap de I'Ab ward^ the north-west line of the Seignior licoutiml as above ' es of ChicoutiHii and }n the south east by County so bounded ( River, Bale Saint 1 Saint Ireiiee, Ma e Townships of Setl ^«le-aux-Coudres, ofjand comprised w ds jii the River Saint I ity and wholly or p r« £"' ;dcl< 'i*^ ntmoreney. rency sliall be boundc lebec, as heroinaflcr irallel oftlie forty-cl ic east by the Coun the River Saint Orleans and all the Jgl itmorcncy, and whol J County so bounded Pierre, iSaiiit Jean, S nt Francois, Isle Mad 'nrishes of Saint bateau Richer, Lava iufbee. shall 1)0 bounded oi ts of the Parishes of !^ ?aint Ainbroisc, and il the prolongation utiiiii as above desci ;r St. Lawrence, n line of ihe Seignio ets the Bouth-ensteri bury, thence towar, astern line as fur 'nship,thence by the hip to the rear ' north-eaitern line, ittmi u abovsdi REPRESENTATION ACT. ipting UieNfrom the City of Quebec wiihjn its prc- ext»:ot •■' Lavaltric, Saint Norbcrt, Saint Cu'hbcrt, Saint Barthe*^ leiui. Saint Gabriel and the Township of Brandon. County of Juliette. aP. The County of Joliett • shall be Iwundod on the south-en:.t and the north-east liy iha County o!" Benhier as atiove dcscriljed. on the norih-west by the limits oftbe Province, on the south west by the south-western limits of the Seigniory of i^avaltric prolonged to ihe liinitsof tlie j'rovince ; the said County so liounded comprising the Parisht hy tlic ;^outh-western1iiieof the 'I ovvnstiip of Kilkenny prolonged to the liiwits of the Province;the said County so bounded coitiprijsinf} the Parishes of' Saint Jncques,- Saint Aleiis, Saint K^prit, Saint 'Cignori, and the Town- ships of Rawd«n. ChertHcy, KilHXinny, Wexford, Chilton, Doncaster, and Carrijti. Cinir.ty of L' Aiiomption. 30. The County of l.'Assomptioii shall be bounded on the north-eostby the Couniie»'of llerthier and Joliette as above descriied, on the nouth-east by the liiver Saim Lawrence, inelurii -g all Islands nearest to the said County and wholly or in pan opposite the same, on the south-west by the south-westPin limits of the Parishes ofLachenaie.'Salnt Henri de M.iscouclie and Soint Lin, on the north-west iiv the County of Montcalm as above described ; the said County so liounded comprising the Pari'ihcs of Saint Sulpice including Isle Bouchard. Repeniigny, l/Assoinption, Saint Roch, Laclienaic, Saint Henri and Saint Lin. County of Terrehonne, 31. The County of Tcrrelioniu' shall lie bounded on thesouth-iast by the northern branch of the Ottiwa River, including all Islands in the naid River nearest to the said County and wholly or in part opposite the same on the iionh-e-ist by Ihe Counties of L'Aasoinption am' Montcalm fsnhov<> dewrltwid, "n the north west hy the north-western limits of the Parishes of Sainte I'lierCse and Saint Janvier, and of that part oi the Parish of Saini Jerome which is in the continuation of the Seigniory ot Mille Isles, ns rar n« the cordon between the Cote de la 'r IHJW %\ •I) II 36 REPRESENTATION ACT. [i Riviere a Gagooii niiil tlie (^otc Snint Joarpti, tlicn (bl- owing tlie aRidltiK! or conloii to Unit priU of thecoiitiuu- aiioii of Millc Isles Ciille!l tlie s^eiKiiiory UuiiiuiU, tlictiss aiorigtliedivisioii line betwufni tin; t'oigiiiories Uuiiiont imd JJellefuillc, tiiciice alopi? tli(! poutli-etisterii liiu; df Mn; Townslilpof Moriii to tin- Ijiii! b'twi-cii niiriilierrt twenty- six aiul tvvciity-fivc tlicrevl', tliencu .'lioiig ilie line liotw e«n ttie sail! numlx-rs to the tfiwiiylilp cr' liowaril, llieiiC" ' iiIoii!;tlie eiiyieni line oi' the 'J owiisliip of llowiir.l, tin.' Boutiieri) am! ilie wesicni iliie of !li(? 'I'o.vii-iiip of tivxa- ford, niid the proluiv^:;!! 'ii nfihiti 1,'t'j-r line to the (boun- ty of i\!oiitc:ihri ; thf^ H.ii I '.'oiiiity. B') hoiiii'lwi, coinpri-!- iiit; Ilie i'arisnc's of 'I er elMjiuio, tfiihiic 'I'hwese, Saints Anne, Saint Janvier, i.acorne, p'prt of t'le i'.'frisli of Saint Jerome, tlie 'lowii-liip.-s of Ahereroiuljio and IJercd- forJ, and part of tlie 'I'cwnsiiip ofliForin. CoHiiiv (if Tiio Muu/ilaiva. 3!. The roiinty of T\iO->!oiiir,!i;!i3 sliall be hounded on the eabt by the t.'ounty of 'I I'rrelionne as a'iov(; lie- sciibt'd. on Uie sontli hy the I'.ivcr DitJiVvii and ihe I, alii' of the Two-Mjiintains, incliMin;.' i.ll Ifiluidj nearest lO the snid county .':;id who ly or in pirrt opposite thereto, on the weft by the weB'trn iiin'tsof the farisheai f Siiitii Benoit, Salute Scliol'isliijue and t:aint t'oluniliaii and llie nortliern limits of ilie Towiwhip of (Jore, tiience by the c'^steni liinita of die 'J'o'.vnrtliipd of Weniwortli and the County of Terrebonheasabove dencril^ed: the said County ao Noundel conipriuinst the Parislii'sof Saint Kiist'.clie, fa'iul Aufuslin, Haint lleiioit, !?;:in!e Scholnsti()iie, Saint, Colnniban, the Miusioii of the I^alte of Two-.VIoiintaiii.s. itiat part of the i'arish of ti:\'u;l Jerome wincli la in the Sei'iniory ot 'J^vo-^MoMitaiii", th:it part of tlie same Parish of ri^int Jerome which com- prises llie Cote Saint Jo« ph, Saiat Knsla'^iie. r^ainle M ir^iuritc, B.d.ite An^^clHiue, and part of the Tuwiii'' .,i oi iMcriii. Count:! cf ylrirerilciiil. 3!I. The County of Aruvnienii sli:ill be lioti tided on the cant hy the <-ouniy id' T>Mi-.\io'i!tt:iiiis as ..bove di;- Bcrile I, and tlie iicr;li(rii iiortion of the (.'oiiity cf 'IVrre- lonne as above de.ifribed, on the iiortlieast by tin' hortliern portion of tlie Coiiniy of .^iontcnlm as :djO\e dcsjnbel. on the sumh by the Kivir Ottawa and the Like of the 'rHO-Mouiilaia.sinidu limiall Islands iie;ri'st to rort.!ii;i'lI. llbike. .Mcf^ill, Uillaiy, !)u lley, Cln- bov, P.oai'iieite, Cameron, .Maidiva'.e ''iinJm! and a line th'.iU'.'edr^iwn due iiurtli lo the limit'i '.ftiie Province, by ti'e ^;ii 1 limi'.B of t:i.' Provin"'.', an ' by the County of i\lonti',.ilui. ompri^lii!: I'lo (.Irani dunu't, Alumettes and little Alumf^iti'K J^bin !■, ;iiid ;;'.! oilier islands in tlw! H i I Iliver 0((;o.rJ!:> (.i tlie n:ii I ('ounty ,nnl lielonj'inii to Lower ('an.-ida : ib ■ sai I ( ;ounty sn bouti li' 1 coinprisiiij.; th" i'^buidM as nfnrwiid ; and tl;i> 'i'cwiisliips of Onslow, Hvi^tol, <'l.'renlo!i, I itrlili'^bl, Thoriie, Aldfiehl, i\ian*- fitiid, VViddnm, t'hiohes'er, Sli en, j'.sher, Aberdeeti, f{asiii!(rr, Abeifcrrl, Khk.iliy, Labouthere, Cladstoiie, Graliaiii, Cnwood, Leslte, iStanbope, Clnpham, Ui flelt*, and I'oniefract. County of Drummond. rtO. Th^ Couniy of Urummond shall bo hown (he ii'irthwest byth"* Counties of Nicolet and Yi IIS above described, on t':0 iiorth-eust by the uasiern luniis of the Townsliiiis of Wendover, Si and l\iie;^:i')-, on the touih-west by the iiorth-« line of 1.':'; I ownship of Cplontoihe line bet we I'ille on the t.'i,';;l;ib ard iiintji ranif tiiercnf, tl'f nee ;i!oii;^ ilic sn and aloe:; tin; nordi-eflslern line of tiie said loan lJ|iton anl of \\v\ Tounsliip of Acton ;ind tl;e wesiern line of the 'I ownship of Uurhain, c souih-earit by tlic r.omh-ea^^ic n limits of the Tow of Diirixmrand liin^'si'v, ti:e said County fo (< southern lin comprising part of the 'Powiiship of l/ptoi^nce by the l.'ie Core thereof, arm the 'I'owii^hips of ll 'Ji'antliain, \Venilover, Simpuon, Wickham and Ki Ciiunlv com|)ri.dn;.' the Townrhip* of .Mellionrne. Ihoinii the Core thereof, iihipton, Winder and Stoke. Couv.tij of lV„tfi:. 00. The County of Wolfe sliall be hounded nonh-eaut by the Counties of .Me^'uilic and He above d''s:riiicd, on the soutJi-west by the Co Slierbrooke as above described, and the north iWcst Ridin »mpri«e the by the (.'ounties of .Mesjantic, A rthabaska and She a.? above described, and on tlie soinii-east by tin e.isteru limi:s 'f the Townsiiipsof JJulswell, and St-atford; tiie said Counly so bouncle I r.oi tlii; Townl^!lit>t' of Wolfes'.own. Ham, South I aiM:ii('ntation of I lam, Woitju, Cardiby, Stralfoi lioa and DuJswell. Tcwv. (if Sherbrnok-n. 'W'. The Town of Sherhiooke shall, for the p of this .vet comprise liie Towii ofShe'brooke w present limits, and wliole of the Townaiiips of and Ascot. ~ Ci!U:ily of Cunt]>lnn. '!!. The County of Coinpion bihII tie linundp e,",sc by the Couii'-y of ll<;,iii-(^ v.ri abo>e desiTibe,' soiali-ea-t by ilielimii.-! oi' ile; I'rovince, oii th' we«t by tiie Counties of Wullc! and Siied.i'oool-." Town of J-berlT.joke as above desiribed, and >o;ah-west by tiie wi'.sTrn and souiheni limits Towmihip ort-'umpUm, the I'O'itherii iindts of the sldp ofClifion and ihe v,-eMern l.inits of t'.ie '!'' of llen-:l.rd. ihe said (.'oiiuty no bounded coni:i i 'fowiiwhipsof Compton. West'mry, f", itoii, (,'lili.i ford, Hury, Newport, I,"'.;wii'k, II: Duton, Winslow, Whittou, M.'iTstoti, Cheshauii of the Towiibliip of I' inton. CiDinlij of Sla'iftcnit. 4'!. The»7ounty of Staii.-iUN-id shall comprise ti s!iipBof Sfinstead", Piarnsion, llatley, Uuiford, iiiil l^ast tiuvl West. (nunty of S/i(^fford. Itl. The County of SUclforl sliiill cunprisetlie, sliip^ of iVliltou, Koxton, Idy, Ur.inby, Slicit] Stukely. gUipofFarnli ( The County cnirt by the C I south-east ' of Saint Aini south-westei and on tlie nc iiig all Island y of Richelii except sucl y of Rcrihier g the Town o Salute Victor Cnu The County < irth-east by th t Denis, La P Hyaeinthe, on of the I'arisli on tlie south- lie County e.i«t hy the ( !t ,iai the south ((csGiibed, on iNe as above d( tintyof St. H\ miity so bouni ■ Upton, the T( nt liuzucs, S i<]ue, and Sniii Ti nbope, Clnphatn, Uu )rummond. riiond 8hiiil he hOHn of Niciilet iind Yi 1 iiorth-(!ust hy thr ips ut' VV(!iiilovt'r, Si »est liv till! iiorth-« ton to ihe liiK! Iielwe I'ilie o'> t'lL' I'ivcr RirliPlicii, tlm iiorili-wosiorn iiilin!>l:a, nuUirolc uii i^jvvick, ami tlut pui its . iit;iiientntiou au( roiiniy of Nicoloi ai Shtrhriioht. ooKcBlinll he hoiinde oC Druminotid as tilu Ik; tionlitMs em limit lisor nnil d oUe.on tin ! Kivor tjaiiit l-'raiie:* iQiiii'.Iiiry uf .■.HoKe aii: rn limiia of i)iu 'I'owi »oiiLli-\vc:Gr und !?toUe. 'n sIi.'iU \v'. hoiind'-d tlm i50iiiii-e;i8l hy tin sliips of l)u Iswell, ily >o houiKit; I iron wii. Hum, South 1 jii, UJirihhy, siraifor lierhrnolte. oko sliiill, for the p iVii of f)li'_"hrooKe w tiio Towtiaiiip* of 4] REPRESENTATION ACT. 37 Ctunly iif Mifsitguoi. The County of Missisquoi. whicli for the purposes Act slifdl lie divided irito two Uiditiu's, shnll ho ed on the iionlt nnd ensthy iIk; Coimtjos of f hoirorl imisteitd iis aliovc dosTiijcd, on the santh-enBt by iiiits of thn I'r'^viiie", on the Rfiiiili-weht hy llie II limits of tlic l'i:risl'.ys of s-t. 'J'liomiis and' (.'l.i- if the s lid r.-iriiJi of ('l.-irniccvillc, tli" toiiih-w mils of the 'I'owii-liip ol'StniihridL'c. iiii-liid::i!{ ;dso )»rt of Notre Hiinn' dcs Atif^cs wliicli is in the oric, anil the iior!li-r:isieni limits of tin; Aiistiinn- of the irtiiuniory ofiMnniioir, thence on the north noijihcrn limits of the Sri;;iiiory of St. Ilyno nthi', rtico hy the prolonc'ition of the rtvir line of the cJL'niory of Saint llyiieiiiihc to the fouihern coratr (jounty of Sliciibrd. ICaal Riitivir. Eart Ridin;»orthesald ('ouiity of Missisquoi sliall ife the 'lownsliips of Ilolton, I'otion, "".u. ', and that part of the Townshi" -; r'arnhani if the cast of the prolonpat w.. oi the rear line of igniory of Saint llyacinihc, fVeat Ridinff. iWegt Riding of the said County of RlisKisquoi and Cla if, Ili-noe aloti;^ iImj w \m\ of tiic said louii ) of AciOM and il'.e iship of Durliaui, ( Ml limits of ilieTov :e said County po U i'uwiiship of I'ploi e 'lowii.-liips of IJ L'on. VVickham and Ki Ihabaska, bastv.i sh.ill he houn les of Drdininoiid ai ; nortli-eaHt hy the C\ tic ;ia above do«ciil ly of Drunimoiid ai tern limits of the 'i'o lai-cnst by Ihe aoiiUi-i ^,„prigc the Parishes of Saint Thomas Timiwick and C'hc»t ,j,p^ ^^^^^ Arinand. Knst and VVrsl, Notre Dnnie aiprising the i '3W"«mes, the VillaneofPhillipsliurs and the Townships K I, tl'.e 1 owii»hip» of ^,,j„„ fin,! stanbridge, and the western part of the „.i,„uirn nn.^irni,..,,, g^p of pamhain. County of Richrlieu. The County of llichc'ieii shall be bounded on the cairt by the County of Yaniaska as above describe.' south-east by the south-eastern limits of ilic pii- of Saint Ainie ami Saint Ours, on the soiith-v/est south-western limits of Ihe said parisli of ;Saint and on tlie north-wpst '■ y the Kiver St. Lawrcnct'. ing all Islands in the said River nearest to tlic said y of Richelieu, and wholly or in pnrt- opposite ), except such as are hereinbefore annexed to the y of rtcrihier; the said (^ounty so bounded com g the Town of William Henry ai'dtlie parishes of Ssiute Victoric, Sain. Aime, and Saint Ours. Cnunty of St.'. Hyaeinthc. The County of St Ilyacintlie shall be bounded on irlh-east by the north eastCTn limits of ilie .Parishes [itUenis, La rrcsentation, St. IJarnabe. St. Judeand -,( AieVniitic mid Ue Hvacinthe. on the Foutli-enet by the souih eaasteni '' Hof the I'ariahea of St. Hvacinthe and Saint l)a- on tlie south-west by the ■south-western. Hinits of eailiurv, oii'tlie iifirSrisheB of Saint l);»ai»d Saint Charles, on the Uihaliiiska and Site west hy the Uiver Riclielieii, including all Is in the Btiid River Riciii;!ieu ne TO-!t to and lyiim or in part (ipposiie the said County, tiic s.'iid y 10 hounded eomprlsint; the Towi'i of Saint lithe, and the Parishes of Saint Flyacinlhe, Saint gc, La Presentation, Saint Uarnahe, Saint Jude, Uli*rlcs and Saint licnis. Gninlij of Unuville. The County of Rouvjllc shall be , bounded on the east hy the County of Saint Hyaciiitlie as nliove lied iiB f;ir as the iiorLliern- angle of the I'tiris'i of <'es:drc, tJicnce by the nonii-eastern limits of tlie Cuviplon. |,;g of Saitit (.'jsnireand Saint Paul nf Abi oisford. above flesirilic 10 Province, oii th' il((! and Siiel.'oooli" ,o\n des^rilied, am and BOiiiherii liniHs ■onliern iiiiiits of tlir tern I. mils of l!;e 'I'l ri [•o'.iiiilcd com;i : Miry, 1". itoii, (.'lifi'i 1,111 1." IjiiiL'Wii'k, II: Mavstoii, Chesham; SI in f tend, '.III shall cotnprisotii' llailey, Uarford, an Slu-ford. :.l sh:ill ciinprisetlie i;iy, Cr.inby, Shell ;on B lall tie bntinilp ,0, tU-eaxt by the (.'(lunlieH of Sliellbril. and Mis- i as above di^scrilicd and liy the soiitliern limits ol' rishos of L'Anpe «;ardieii. Saint Ces-iire. Sainte and Sai'nt Mathias, on the soiith-we. Seigniory of Biviiihnniois, again on the iiorlii-west by the River St. Lnwrence, incliidini all hdands lying nearest to and wholly or in p;in opposite to the sniiio; which sai I (^ounty so l.'Oinidcd sliall roiiipri.«e the Parish of Sainte Phiioiiiene and (.'liat''au:,'.ii, the s'-ttletnents and Parishes of Riisyelliuw!i. Saint Jean ( 'hrysostome, Sainte .Martiiie, St. Crbain, Saint iVIalichie, and tlie rem liiider of the Seiirniory of llean!i:irni.ii! with the exception of the Parishes of Saint Clement, Saint LoiiiiiaiidSt. 'J imothce. Ciiuiilti Iif lli:nii!iariiiiu. rifi T!ie County of lie'iuliari ois SilKill he boundelon the nortli-e:ist and F-oiuh-e: st by the (Jounty of Cliateaii- Ltii. on the so'iih-wc-t by ihe -o;ith-we-iterii liiiiUs of the Seigniory of Hiijuharnoi'-'. on tiic nortli-west liy the River St Lawrenc.e, including all lA iiids tiea,e;!t tOF.nrl wlmllyori'i p:ii-t op!!o;:'.te the said (■i)i;nty ; v.'liicli said rt opposite lo the same ; the laid County bo I S8 REPRESENTATION ACT. [181 ^ bounded compriitngthe IcuHiin li^ndi of Saint Rcgi«, the VUlngeof Huntingdon, n ml the 'rownnhipsof Oodnian- ebeafcr, Elgin, Dundee, Hinchinbrook niid Hcmniir.gford. Counlij of Soulauife*. 58 The County of t'ouliingcs slinll comprise the Selpn- iories of s»oiilani(e< and New Longiinuil nml the fifth, sixth, fcventh and elglith ranges of the Towutliij) of Newton and augmentation tidjiiceiit. County of yuudrtuil. ■TO. The County of Vaudreuil slinll comprig»! Irle Perrot, the Seigniories of Vaud fuil and Rivtiiii 1, and ihp first, second, thid, and fliiirth rntiRos of ihe Township of Newton and augincntntion niij.ici nt. Cuuiily ti/Lnviil. 60. The County of liivnl sb;dl comprise Is'e Jcsum and Isle Bizarre, and all Islands lyi<:g nearest to or wholly or in part oppoaiic to the same. Count!/ of Montreal. fil.— The County of .Montreal, which for the purposes of this i^ct shall beduided into two Ridinl,'^4, hImM CMUiprisM tJic Island of Montreal, with the exception of the Chy of Montreal, and all Islands lying tienri'stUj ard wliolly or in part opposite to ihe snnio, and which shall respectively be attached to the Ridings to wliich they arc nearest. f.Vwt Riding. The Hochelaga Riding of the said Cininly of Montreal shall comprise the Parish of Monireal without the (tty, and th(! Parishes of Lonftuc rointc. Poinie aux rrenibles, Riviere des Prairies and Sault au Reco.'lct. iyi:st Ri-diitif. The Jacques Cartier Riding of the said County of Mon- treal shall comprise the Parishes of L.iCljine, La Pointe Clare, Sainte Anne, Saintc Genevieve and Saint Lau- rent. City nf Mmitreal, 62. TheCity of Montreal, shall be comprised v.ithin its present limits. UPPER CANADA. EUrtoral Vicmona of Ujiyer Canaia. — CohvUcb. II. And be it enicted, 'I'll,., the several Coiiniies. Cities a*id Towns of Upjier Canada shall be bounded for the purposes cf this Act as they now are for the purpose of representation, except in so far as it is hprein.ifier otherwise providel : and that for the piirnoses of th's Act, each of the said Ojutities shall include all the Towns and Villages within the limits thereof, except such of the said Towns as are ppecially excepted or are hereby t'.e- clared to be £!lectora' Divi!. The County of Middlesex sh'ill be dividcfl into two Bidinca. to be called resiHieiivcly the East Piidiirg and West Riding. The East Riding,- shall coi'..»ist rif th'> Tnwns' ips of West Nissouri, ■'North Dorchester, Wesiuiijister and lioiidon: The West Riding shall consist of the Town-hips of Mosa, li kfrid, Caradoe, Metcalfe, Adelai le, Williams, Loboand Delaware. Oxford. 6. The County of Oxford shall be divided into two Ridings, to lie cilled resiwciively the North Riding and the South Riding: , The North Riding shall consist of the Tswns'iipi - ■ d,fal )W East Nissouri, Enst Zorra, West Zorra, flaadftird, lieini, and the Town of Woodstock ; The South Riding sliall consist of th« Township North Oxford, West Oxford, East Oxford, Norwich Dcielinin. IlnttingB. 7. The County of Hastings shall Iw diTld«d into t KidiniiB, to he dalieih respectively the North Riding tlie South Riding: The North Riding shall consist of th« Township Iinke,.'l'udor, Griinsthorpe, Marmora, Mndoo, Elzc Riwdon, lliiiitingdoii and Ilungcford; The South Biding shall consist of (he Townshipi Sydney, Thurlow, Tyendlnut . tlie Villsg* of Trent and the Town of Hellcvillc. Durham. 8. The Comity of DiirhainsJiall be diri l«d into Ridings to he called respectively Ihe Cast Riding the West Riding: Tlie East Riding shall consist of the towmhlps Cnv in. Manvers, flape and the Town of fort Hope; Th>j West Riding shall consist of the 7'ownsbipi Clarke, J)arllngton and Cartwrlght. FfoHhumherlani. 9. The County of Nortlimnberiand shall bt dirlded two Ridings, to b>< called lespectively tao RaM Rli and the West Riding: TIte East Riding sh.ill consist of the Craniahe, Urighton, Murray, ."'eymoiir and Percy The West Riding shall coiiKist of the Township Hamilton, Ualdiinaad, Alnwick, South Monaghan tlie Town of Cobourg. Ovtnrio. 10. The County of Ontario Hhall bo diridad into Ridings, to be cnlled'-respcctively tlie North Riding the South Riding: The North Riding sliall consist of tha Towafhipi Reach, Uxbridge, Brock, Scott, '1 horah, Mara, Rama Scugog ; The South Riding shall consist of the Townsblpi Whitby, Pickering and the Village ofO^hawa. Wentumih. 11.— The County of VVentworth shall bt divided two RidinL's, to Ik; calleil respectively liio North and the (^ouih Riding : The North Riding shall consist of tha Townshipi Beverly, Klainliorough East, Flainborou|h Waat, the Town of Dundns ; The South Riding shall consist of tha Tow>skipi Saltfleet, Binbrook, Glanford, Barton and Aitcaatar. Lanark. Sk 12. The County of Lanark sh ill be diridad into Ri lings. 10 be called respectively the North Rkllag the South R iding: The North Riding shall consist of the Towaship Sherhrouke North, Dalhousie, Lanark, Rnmsay, Lar D.-.Tlingand fakenhain ; The s^ouih Rilling shall consist of the Towashii Montague, Elmsley North, Burgess North, ."^harbro .'^oiith, Ucckwith, Druinmond, Baihurst and tha't'owi Perth. Simeoe. 13. The County of Sinicoe shall be dlvldad Into Ridings, to he called rcsiwctively the Noitli Riding tlie Soith Ridini;: The North Riding shall consist of the Township Nottawas.iga, Siinnidalc, Vespra, Flos, On, Orillia. Tiny, Tny, Matched.iBli and the Town of Bat '1 he South Riding shall consist of the Townsh'pi West Gwillimbury, Tecumseih, Innisfil, Esm, Adj 'I'ossorontio, Muliner and .Mono. Leeds and Grcnville. 14. The Counties of Lccils and Grenville ihall formed into thee Ridings, to be called respectitrly Nortii Riding of Leeds and (Jrenvi'le, the South of Leeds, mid the South Riiiiu'i of Grenville: The North Riling of I. ceils and Grenvillp shall of the Townships of Killey, Elmsley, Woiford, Oti and i^outh Gower; The j<0Mth Riding of Lewn»hip» of Edwardaburfih and Aui^gUi, and the" Town "ri-scott. Bhnll he dirdled into i ly the Nonh Klding list of the Townihip irtnorn. Mxdoe, EIzc igefordi iiii of the Townihipa . the Village of Treni Mil he dlrl !ed Into ;ly the Cnit Kiding list of the towmMpi lown of fort Hope) !it of the Townabipi 8ht. ■land. rinnd ■hall be dirlded ictivcly tiiL- Bait Ri( iat of the Townihip lymoiir »iid r«rcjr ist of the TofmaWp (, South Monaghan mil bo dirilad into ly tIM North Hiding ihipi '1 horah, Mara, Kaina St of the Townablpi ngcofO. The Town of Niagara shall 'form nn Electoral Division, nnd shall, for the jiurpose of Repiesciiiaiion O'lly, include in addition lo its ^ireseiit limits. tl« whole of the Township ol NiaaJira, which shall for the said purpose be detaclied from the County of Lincoln. Corniodil. 2«. The Town of Cornwall shall form nn ElcctornI Division, and shall for the 'purpose of Rcpreaentntion on!y, include, in nd.iitioii to its present limits, the whole ofthe'l'ownship of CornwaU, whith shall le detached from the County of Htonuont. London. 27. The Town of London shall form an Electoral Division. Bylovn. 28. I he Town of Byiown shall form an Electoral Division. GENERAL rR0VIS10N3. Representation of the levcru I Electoral Divisionsin L. C. — Counties having one member each. — United Covn- ties.—Ridings.— Cities and Towns —Reoresentalion in U. a. III. And be It enacted. That In Lower CanarJn, the Counties of GaKpe, Bonaveiitiire, Kimotiski, Teiniscouta, Kaniouraska, L'Islet, Montmagny, Bellechasse, I.quoi, ji'nd the Hochelniin Rid- ing and Jacques Cartier Riding of the County of Monlreni each by one Member; the Cities of Quebec nnd Montreal, each by three Members; the Town of Three lUrfra m, , Wn 1 ?oriiou of tlic IroUiicc by one Alunihcr each. QualificalioJt of Flerlvrs. — I'ri'risn. Ci'iri nntl TinTvn reliirniii:,' tnnn/.er.f mil lo J'iirm,fiir Klirli/ml pKr; i!. '' Meni- ibcrs to represent the, said ("ountiesor Jiidings in ilie Legislative Asticiiibly; and that no oncsli.ll have the rlglit to vote at any such I'.icction for any of liie sai I Counties or Ridings upon lands or tenenienls or lots of ground lying witliin the liiniisof any of the said (Cities or 'I'pwns respectively, wheilier there is erected thereon a dwelling bouse or not, any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding; but for all purposes, cxa'pt those of this Act, the said several Cities and Towns shall be deemed to make i)arlof the Counties in which tiiov are respectively situate, in all "-ases where it is not other- wise provided by law: Provided also. That where tmy I'arishor part ofn Parish, 'I'ownsliip or pattof a Town- ship, is by tliis Act made part of any Ciiy or Town lor the puriioseof Rrpresentation, alihongh it is not within tl)clin)it8 of such City or Town for oilier purpose p. the quHli*'iCation of Electors voting at any lOlection of a Mem ■ ber for such City or Town, on property situate within such Parish or pirt of a Parish, 'I'ownship or part of a Township, shall be the name as that rotpjireU of Electors voting at an iilection for a County. Js to Polls, (fC , in Townships or parts of Towvshiil made pari of Towns in U. C, fur Electoral purposes only. — y/» lo Townahipa (firidedfor re/ircsevtation, — Proviso: IS to Vcjiiiiy Returning Officers in Upper Canada. V. And lie it enacted, tliat anv Townsliip or pirtof a Townsliipiw Cppcr Canada, which is by this Act made part' f II 1'own for the i>urpo-e of R' presentation, al- though not oiherwi-e within the limits iliercof, shall, fir the purpose of holding any election of a mem her of the Legislative AiRcmbly for such 'J'own, lie dt^alt with (e>- ccpi as aforesaid asio tlio tiualiticaiioii ol" Kloctors) ;ia if it were a Ward of such Town, and if a Poll be ilenianded and irrantei at such l''.Ic'ciion, a DepiJly KetnrniiiL' (Xlicer shall bp apiioiiitcd for such Townsliip or pan of a 'I'own- ship and all other procecdinprs sJi.ill be had, as if it v/ere a VV.irdof sucfi Town, except tliat the 'I'own Clerk of such Township or p;:r!ola I owtisliip, or in case of liis absence, sicKnrss.deaih or incripicity to act, then tlie As- sessor or (.'oliec'cr thereof, s'lid! be apjioinied Deputy Returning 0;iicerthereror;;ind thnt whenever any Town- ship in Upper Canada is by iliis Act divided into two Townships, for tlie piirptse of reprcsetitation only, then die Town Clerk of the .Muidi'lpal Tou'uship so divided shall be appointed Deputy li'cturhing Otncer for that one of the Representation Townsliips whicli is first iiieuti n- CA inthi'-! Act. and the Asse,;nted. or ilie p^rs n who ought to be aiipoiiil(!il I'O absent, or frnm pickness or ctlie'WJse he niKihle to act, thing wid.hi t^'ich County for the piirpo-eof l.'epre.seiitati'in .-in.] divided into Wards; and sucii Village or I own shad not be held lor the pur- pose of Jiejirefieiita ion lo be part of iiny 'lownsbip within the local limits whereof ii mny wholly or p;irtly li'-'i and the Keluriuii',' odicer (or the Couny or Riding sliall appoint a Deputy lieiuriiing (iil'icer for (•nch such \'ilb!.'e, 'I own or Wanl iis aforesaid: i'roviiio!! .-Iiyays, ill Dicorporated Vidtige.j and I owns notdivitit^l into Wauls, the provisions of law relative to I ovvnshijiri sh ill apply as reg.irds the fi' rson to leappoiiiicl Ke- turniii.; < ilhccr, and the Clerk of die. Village or Town or tlie .'Vssessoror (Jolli'ctor thereof or other person, as the case may reqiilp', sh.'ill be ai)poluted ticcordingly; but in Towns divi.-!ed into Ward?, any p'-rson may be appoint- el J>e|)uty Rcuirning Oliicer lor 'ttiy Ward tlierain; Provided iliat tiijOJiin^in this "'olion shall be construe I to allect ihn (piidiiicaiion of voters in any such IncOrfio- raied Villauo or 'l'o-*n, «:ivc only that in Towns divjdcd into Wards, they shall vote respectively jn that ward in v.'hich the property on which they vole shall be wholly or [lartly situaie, and not in any other. Iteturvir.ff officers for Kidiniri in Upper Canadn.—/let 14 and 1.') I'ic, c. Id?', cited.— Proviso: Rulings formed out of Leeds anil (irmville. VIL And l«itenactt!d, 'J'hat ii tach of the, Counties in Upper Canada which are hj this Act divided into IMdiugs, the lli.L'h HherilV or Rcfjstrar of DetRls, who, without thia Act, would under till provisions af the se- cond S--eciion rjf 'he Act passed in 'he ^'ession iiald in the Ibnriecnth and filleenth yetirs of -ler lAIa jesty's Reign, and inliuiled, Jn .let lojir. the plan for lioh'tH^r the Polls for the I'.levtion of Members of PaiMumcnt ,/j 'Fnxcnships di^-idid into Wards in Upper Canaai.findjor other pur- poses relnlii-e lo Klections, be the ietnrning Officer for such County, shall be the Returning. Dflicer for the Rid- ing thoreoi firs; i nnicd in this Act,and \ilicrethrre shall he a High Sherift' who is Returning Olliier lor the Riding first hime I as aforesaid, the Registrirof I'eeds (or the, (."bounty shall be ca; officio the Returaag Officer for the i Riding secondly named ; subject alwa>s to theprovisions of the second and third Hection-i of thcAct last cite I in cases where there .»liall be more tlianone person who may, under theprovisions of (he 'seconi, section of the s.iid Act and r)f this.Act, be cz officio the'^etiirningOffl. cer for the sninc place, or where Writs of ICleciiorr shall issue at the same time or so nearly at ihe ;inie tiinethtit the one shall notbe returnable before the tiicr or othc^^ shall issue, for suvertil places for which tlusnine per.«on would lie cr. off do Returning Ofi"icer,or wh« there slnll be no per-ion who, under the said provis^ris, shall bo cx't/yiV/w Returning Ofl"icer for the place fo. which an '.■.lection is lo be held, or the pe-.son who is si-jii Return- ins Oi'icnr thall be absent from the Proviiici^r incapa- citated (romi sickness or Kthervvise from perfoming the duties of R' turning Otficir; Provided always, that the llish ."-sherKlof till' United Counties of I.eedi iir.l Gren- ville shall be /r officio Reiurning Olficerfor tli North Riding of lieeds aiil (ireiivilie,the Registrar of Duds for die County of Leeds (iball bee.; o^r/« Returning jtficer foriliei-'oi'itli Ridins of Lieds, and the Reiristrarof leeds ' fO'- the County of (irein ilie shall be er. officio Rctuninn Olliccr f jr the .-outh Riding of Grenvillo. ° Oovcrviir mivi nppninl a Relnrninfr Officer in cetnin Ciisi's ill l.fiinrr Canada. — Present clcclion Latt fo apji'ii ft) far p? onsistiiit with this Act. — Relur7ittr Office's. J.nirir Coniida. — Proviso; where there^s viiire Hiiir one Reirlflrcr. VIL And be it eiuicted, 'J'hnt for any Electoral Divi; ion in Lower Cai'Mla, in which there in ly not be nn) p rson aiitbori'/,ed to act rr. officio as Retiiriimg Onicer at •my P.lectioti. or in case siicli pirson is ilis'piailfied by law or otherwise prevented from nclina in that caiiacity it shall bo lawful for the Governor to appoint a fit nii'ii lirupcr person to be such Retiirnini! Olheer: and at anil withr sjiect to any P.lection for any Electoral Divisio^ mm^n^9>mMfm 1854 Httnming OJjicer!— tut. U|i|)rr rnnmln wlirn- (.Tiiiioil ni Jiiiy il'JC- fiivc AmicuiViIv Ihr n ;h;ill lpi;licl'l lore.icll K.'l Tdwii not (liviiie.j KeMni-oiitctio!! lyHij; ii'l (Mcli VV';ir.| ill iil.hi [I'lcli CcHinty I'nr clivilc.l into VV.'irls; t li- lioM lor thp p;ir- It of iiiiy 'I owiihIii;! ii.iy wholly or \y.inl\ 111" Coiiivy or lUiMii';,' • iirii'pr l(.f mcli such liil: I'rovli.'Ofi iliyiyR, owiiB iioi(livi(I('il into ;ilive to I ovviishijis to Ic aiipoiiiicl Ke- >.Vlll;igt'or Town or other person, ns the ■d !iccorilhi>;ly, hnt in rson iii;iy hp nppoint- ';iiy W'tinl lhtr;;in; isli.ill beconstruel to II finy Hucli IncOrfK)- int ill 'I'owns dii'jdeil ivcly in tlint wnril in vote Bliall be wholly her. Upper Canadir.—ylct rmito: aa.lo Riilin/rg ille. " nch of the, rounties his Act divided into irar of t)vqs}a, wlio, provisioiiHof the sc- in session iiaJd in the er lAltiJi'sty's Rfign, for lioli'ini! the Put It Uimciit ,11 F.iicnsfiipf u.fiiidjor oilier pur- tetiirniiig Officer for {.officer for the Rid-; dvijiorethrrusliallhc' Miner lor the Riding ■^^rof Teeds lor the iriiBK Officer for the 1 vaMito the provisions theAct last cited in ; thnnone person who ■ econt Section of the : i"lhe'7etiiriiin!?Offi.j fits of Kieciioii shall fit die flnie time that ^ re the tiicr or oihCM ! licli Ihisanie porson ^orwhfl tliereshntr liroviti>ns, Phalllio pl.-ire lb. which an ' who is sh,]! Ketiirn- l'rovinci-)r incapri- froiii perfoininj; the ■li always, that thei of I.eeda iir.( Gren- i officer for th North teistr;ir of Dt^ds for^ ■(wKetnrning )fficpr lie Ueiiistrarofieeds cT. iiJjU:io Rttunin" vllle. f Officer in cetnin 'vt ilcclion Late (o III in Act—Rehmiiit i ilie A-i prls^cd in the now 1 i~l He■i^l,)M. and iiitiiuleil, An Ail to make rertait ii' iiitlip. Tcrritiinn! Oifhifliis of Uppr.i- 6'it-nU' iiyii. either a-i Ijeiii!! inelrnled lliereiii liy n-iiiie, or ' ' • c^jrdiiij to the liniindarlcs esiaMi>tied Cur the sr. ..... and any I lace iiienlioeel in this Act as conslitiltini?] a rari'i!!. 'I'ownsli'p or Vill.i:;e. sli,.ll, with its U: XVI. VIC CAP. CLIII. An Art to Ettend the Elective Franchise, and better to define the Qualifications of Fulfrs in ctrtain Electoral biviiioiis, h^ providing a system for the Registration of Voters. f.-,ssented to, 14tli June, 1833 ] Preamhle. — 12 Vic., c. 27. — Certain persons qualified as Electors. ' WiiFRKAi', it is right to extend the Elective Franchise to certain classes ot jiers'ins who are now excluded i'roiii voting at ICIectionsof .Member.^of tlie Legislative Asseni- bly of this Province, an I to provi le for I'le Uegistratiiln of persons entitled to vote at such lOlections in cert i in Electoral Divisions, and for that purpose to amend tlie lActpasH'd in the twelfth year of Her Majesty's Reign, and intituled, Jn Art to Repeal certain Acts therein men- tioned, and to amend, riinsolidalc rnd reduce iiit't one Art the several Statutory pruvidnns' now infc-cefor the regulation of Elections of Members to represent the peo- ple of this I'rovince in the Legislalive Assembly thereof: lie it therefore enacted liy the Uueen's Most t-'.xcellent Maje.^tv, by and with the advice and conscni of the Le- gislative ("onncil and of tlie Legislative .Xssenib'y of tlic I'rovince of (J.inada. constituted and ■sscmbleii by virtue of and under the authority of an .Act passed in the I'ar- Mameiil of tlio United Kingdom of Great Uritiin and Ire- land, and intituled. An Act to Re-unite the Provinces of j Upper and l.imer Canada, and fur the Govcrnnf?it of \ Ccinadn. and it is hereby enacted by the aulliori- ty of the same. Tint the following persons, being of the full ace of twenty one yivars, and suh.iects of Her Majesty by birth or naturalization, and not lining disqua- lified ns tlie holder of any office or otherwdse by Ijtiw prevented from voting, shall bo entitled to vote at Elec- tions of Members to s-rve in the Legislative Assembly of this Province, is to say : At Elections for Cities and Tawits. Every male person enterivl on the then last Assess- ment Koli, revised, corrected and in foree, in any ciiy or town entitled to>f;und a iiiemtiT or members to the Le- gislative Assemlily of tli' I'rovince, as the owner or ns the tenant or occupant of real nroperty therein or in the liberties thereof, as hounded for Miini-ipal purpos-s, of the assessed yearly value of seven pounds and ten shil- lincs or uiiwar.Is, or who is enterefl on siicli last corrected Assessment noil of any Towiisliip, I'arisii or place, as the owiiHr, ttMiant or occiijiant of any real proiwriy which is wltbii tlie limits of any City or 'I own, (or the purposiis of • Representtition, but \q\ for municipal purposes, of the as-e.?J0d value of fifty pounds at le 'St,- or the yearly V due of five pounds or upwards, shall be entitled to vote fiiany election of a nieinlx;r to represent such City or Town as aforesaid. At Liertionsfnr Counties and RidinfTf. Every male person ent"red on the then last Assessment Roll, revised, correrlc I and in force in any I'arish, Town- ship. Town. Village or place, not being witliiu any (.'ity or Town entitled to send a Meni'er or Members to the I Legislative Assembly of this Iroviiice, as the owner,; tenant or occupant of r'»l (iroperty of the assessed actual i value of fifty pounds or the yearly as.sessfKl | value of five pounds or.iipwards. shall lie entitled to vote j at any eiection of a Meniler to represent the Electoral I Division in which such I'arish, 'l'o«nship, Town, Villace or place is included : subject always to the provisions hereinafter made. As to partners, joint tenants, fyc. — Exception as tobodiet corporate. II. And be it enacted. That whenever two or more per- sons shall, whether as being, pannersin bueiuess.jointJ m lllll 'Kit I*"' Sim n I I M : I I; I! 42 REGISTRATION OP VOTERS '-AGT, [1854 tenants or tciiniita In coiiiinon, or par indivii, be entered on luch Aut'iMniciit Koll n» ;>fon:tfiiid, n» ttieowncrv oC any run) proiicriy, or iib tcniiiit^ oroccupnnta thereof, each of eucli |)tii80ng shiiU lie uiititlt'd to vole itnd to Ix.' cntcret! on tli.- lint of Voters, (If any be rii.ide for the place III wliicluuch property lies,) In respect of biicIi pro- perty. If the vniue of his pnrt or share \>c sutlklciit to have entitled him to vote i.t iiiiy election for Mt'inliers to represent In the I'r6viiicinl rariliimtiit tlic Kleitonl Hi- vision within which such pro|eriy l>«!tiiii(c, li'.-uch pro perty had been assessed in his individual luiiiie ; except thai If the property be licM by miy body cof|jornu', no one of the inenitjers ihtrcof siiull be thcfeljy 'ciitiilcd t'j vote or bo entered on the list of Voters in respect of sucli property. i'ertons gunlified under Vi Vic., r. 27, may vote tVi vertaiu farts of L. C. II. Trovideil nl ways, and be it enacted. That in Lower Canada, aJI persons wlio without iliis act would undiT the Actciicd in the preamble u^ibis Act, bcqualined to vo- geiher with the number of the Lot or part of Lot or oMiW ' (les riplion of the rerd proiierty, in reapect of which tlieyri are so qualified; and in Cities and 'I owns the Clerks j. shidl make out a separate List for each Ward, of thaJ n nics with a description of the proi«rty of all parties on.ti liie As.-essiiient Holts, vs ho may lie entitled to vote in ze-i^.i spectofreal propcjriy miuaie within audi Ward} and if (■ any Municipality slnill be parl'y in one Uleclural Uivislon and partly in another fur the pur(»ose of sueii Klectlon, he shall make out one such Alphabetical List for each such Llectorat Division, roninining the names with sucii description of property of all the pariic-" on the Assess- | ment Kotis, wlio may Ite entitled to TOtC'ln respect of j real property situate in each aiich Klecidral Division ; rdspeciively ; and ttiet lerk shall certify by oathor aflir- i inaiion before die Jud;!C oi the Couniy Court or before two Justices of the I'eace, to the correctnessof tlie List or Lists so by him made out, and he shall keep 8U<:h' cer- tified Lists amongst the records of lite Municip;ility, andi sh:ill deliver a duplicate thereof rertifie«l as aforesaid 10 Ihe Kegisirar of tlie County within which the said M«- nicipality stiall lie, and all sucli Lists shall be completed i and delivered as aforesaid, on or liefore the First day of ~ep:enilier In each year, and no per^on shall bcridinittcd \ to vote at any l';iectioii of a Member to serve in the I'ro- j viiicial Parliament, unless ttis name shall appear upon | Ihe List thcii hist made and certified, and no question of; qu.'ditication ^hall berni-ied at any such Klectlon except { to ascertfiin-'Whetlter tlie ii.irty tendering his vote is the , s'inie party intended to be designated in the Alphabetical , List afbresaid. Leimty Rtturning Officers to he furnisMsd tcith copies of the proper parts of sucH Lists. \ 3. riiat it stiall be theduiy of every Re'urning Officer In | Uipper Canada, upon receiving a writ to hold any l.lectioii i for a Member to serve in the Provincial I'arlianient, to as- <,■ c*nam that every Deputy Returning Oflicer is in posses- ! si ii'of a certified copy id' the then lasi revised and eeriitUd . Ijigi.of Voters wi'hin the Municipality or Ward for whiQh '■ lie shall tie Deputy Retut Ding tiUicer; and if the < 'lerk of ' tlie .Municipality is not1:iie Deputy Hetiirning Officer,'br iftlie&py in the posaession of tne <.'lcrk lias tieen lostj or destroyed, the Returning Officer sliall procure from the ! Registrar of the Couirty a copy certified by him to De ' Correct, of the then last list of Voters lor such Municipality , or War! filed in hisolfice.and shall cause thesaiiio'to bo , delivere I to the Deputy Returning! fflccr;aiid the Return- [ lug Oflicer shall be authoristd to include any charge fox | obtaining such certified copies in the account of the gene- i rat expenses of liol dug such election furnished by him | to tlie Government. i Uperialprovisions as to L. C. only. — Assessors'to enter ■ both «icner and occupant. i VI. And ae regards Lower Canada only, Be it enacted— 1. I hat itshall be the dutjr of each and every Assessor in Lower Cflnada to ascertain by the best means in his power, tioih ttic own'cr and the occupant of all real pro- perty entered by him in his Assessment Roll, and to en- ter the names of such owner and occupant therein, dis- [1854 [7ourt of Bcvialon imioH of (liipiitcd CM required to be eal provided to the I otiicr provlniong inpluinta and op- leiit, «liull equally rting ilieqiinlifira- rrflctitatiuii in the i>K, lliutitshnllot corrcciioN of such whose l^niid any ■sionur of Crowa ihe Court of Re- t, liy a subsequent »H* mfttr final re- be atttittd; and f hi Upper rnna- corrcciion of- the rrect Alplinl) the Klc'ciion of a within such Mu-^ I of ttiis Act, to- irt of Lot or ottction of Lists of Outers. — Complaints hotc made and determined. — The same by persons coh plainivfT that urtmg names have been inserted. — Potters of Court revimng such Lists. — Proviso ; Pro- eeedings to be summary. — ]>roviso : Persons entered as disqualified to be relieced in certain cases, 3. 'I'hai the List of Voters made in the manner pre- served by the next preceding Section, for any Munici- ipaiity in Lower Canada except the cities of Quebec and Montreal, shall be subject tu revision and correction by ilhe same Court or authority liy which the AsMJxsnient, Tloll may by law be revised and corrected, and ap|)licatioii may be m.'i'de by parlies desi^>us of having the same cor- rected ill the s;inie manner and during the same period of time as provided by law for making applications for corrections in the Astie.^sinent Roll; and in the Cities of Cineliecand Moirreal respectively such members of the City Conned as shall lie designated by any By-law to be passed for that purpose, shall be a Court (or revising the List of Voters, and application maybe made by parties desiriius of haviii!; the same corrected in the manner herein :iUcr mentioned during such time as shall Ih3 pre- scrilied by Kuch l(y-law; and if any jierson shall deem himself ai;gr:eved either by the insertion or omis.-ion of his iiami- in such List, he shall »' either by himself or his a^ent, give notice thereof iu>.writiiig to the Clerk of the City wiiiiin the period aforesaid, stating generally in what niniiner, and for wbat reasons he holrls himself ag);rieverl; and the complaiiitishall be tried and determined by the sail! Court or authority at such time and place as it shall appoint, of which reasonable notice shall lie given to the coinplaiu'intand to the As.^essor or .Assessors who made the Roll; apdifany person being himself a Voter whoso name is on the List, shall think that the name of any utlier person also entered thereon ought not to be so entered becau.<3- such other person is not duly qualified as a Voter under ihe provisions of this Act, lie may file a complaint. to that eliect with the t lerk of the City ■W/tthin the period aforesaid, stating his complaint and the groisnds tlicreof, and the complaint shall be tried and de- twmitied by the Court or nuthurity aforesaid, at such tiint- nndphiceas it shall appoint, of which reasonable notice jiImII be- given to the complainant, and to the Assessor or Assessors viio 'iiaiic «hc Assessment Roll, and lo the liarson the "ntry of vvhr sc naiiie on the List is objected to, if hfi' reside, within the liiiiiis of the Muiiicipaliiy, and, if not, such noticj shall be openly poste I up in the olllceofthe said Cierk for the information of all con- cerned; and at the time and place so appointed as afoTC- s.'iid.or any other time and place to vvliich the hearing may be adjourned, the said Court or autliority bIiriI, after hearing such of the parties nolilled as aforesaid as shall then and there npiwar, or vviihout bearing any of them who rhnll fail so to appear, tinallv determine the complaint and affirm or amend the said List as they shall after such hearing think riuht: and the said Court or au- thority shall liave full power to hear and -determine any such complaint as aforesaid, and to correct the List of Voters according to such deterininadon, and to ndjourn j the hearing in any case at pleasure, and to examine any rules of proceeding or evidence, but shall |)roceed upon and determine such complaint to Uie best ol their ability, in such manner as they shall deem most conducive to equity niid the stibslantial iiierhs of the case : And pro- vided also, that the said I ;ourt or authority (whether in either of the said Cities or any other Munt ipaUiy^ rhall restore to the list of Voters the name of any |)erson wlio having been at the time of the making of the list dliH]UK- lifted under the f jurth section of this act, shall before the revision of the list shall be coinpleted,prove by a receiptor certlficiite from the Cominissiuner of Crown Lands that hi' h..s ceased to be so dikqualitled, and shall strikeout the nimeof any [lerson wiib, boinj;' entered on such List in tlie first insttince, shall be proved as aforesaid to (MIL distpialified under the said i^eciioii. Appeal uiven tu persons aginiet'ed by the Court of R»* vision to the Circuit Court i and mode of trying ■and deciding such appeal. — Decision to be conelm- sive. — Itroceedinffs %.pon it:— Proviso, — Proviso. 4. I'roviileil always, 'I' any person who shall have ffied any couipl liiit to the Cjiirt or niithiirllv for reviv, *ni. the lihts of voters in any part of Lower Canada,' or, coticernliig whom a rotii|ilaiiit'sliidl have l)een' tiled, utiii who Aliall deem liiiii.-^elfagg''iet'ed by the'deciiiioD; ofvucli Court or auiliority loiiclilng such' coinplaini, may wiiltin eight days after viich decision shall have been glve4i, appeal iliereiruin to'the Circuit Court at \\» place uf.siiiiiig in the Municiimllty or nenresi thereto, by a-puiiiioii belting forth briefly the grounds of apjieal, and hhail serve a copy of such Petition on the Clerk or Socroiary-'J'rfasurer of the Guy or other MuiiiclpaliiyJ who shall give reasonable notice ther«'of lo tlie Asses- sor anil other parties concerned: and any JuHgo of the Circuit Court shall have full p wcr and nuilioriiy to lieai iind deieriiiine such appeal in a summary inaniiei either ill term or vacation, at such 'lime and in twrtt way as lie shall think best for cniytir-iiig jii^tice tO>al l)arile:<, and may direct that any tiinheri notice be given to iitiy parly, if he slinll think proper, and shall havi the powers for giiuinioning before him and e.xainiiiii\ Oil o.'ith or atliriiiation, any puny or wlinefs and coHi- pelliiig the production of any document, pn|ier or thing and generally all other powers which are vested in tht Circuit Court in' rcliitioii to any inaiter pending before it, but shall not be bound to observe any form of prO; cecding, excep'. such only as he shall deem iieceBjatj lor doing 8Ub^;antial jusilce to all parties ; and the de- cision ofsuch Circuit Jiidue shall he final and conclu sive, and the Clerk or Secretary-Treasurer having eui toily of the list of'voten to which it relates, shall corn the same, if any c irreciiun lie ordered by suchdecisioi imtnedintely imi leceiving « copy iliereof certified by tk! Clerk of the Circuit Court at the place wlu-re it shall bi given: and tlie costs of ntiy-such appeal shall be in tb discretion of the Judge and shall be taxed by him i such sum and for and against such pnr>ies respective! as lie nifty think right, ani any party in whose favoiJ any suclt costs may be ta.\ed, may recover them froi the party against whom they shall be taxed by execi tion in 'liie inatitier in which costs awanied by an ludginent of the Circuit Court may be recovered ; Pr( viiled ihni no evidence shall he reccivi d by the Circu Judge on any such appeal, e.vcept such as he shall ft reasonable cause to think was adduijed bitfore il Court or authority to whom the complnint appcaR from was made : And provided fuither that the dency of any such appeal shall notafl'ect the validity j those parts of the li-u of voters from winch no nppej shall be made, but the same shall fur all the purpot 44 REGISTRATION OF VOTEHS* ACT. [1854 rthiii A>:r. I>A (lct'irn!il (Iniilly rfv| niiil cijrrcf led M DOii u« ilic (Irlay iillowcvl Uit ii|i|i(!iilliiu ^hllll hiiv6 ex- ited : mill III) iirocuL'iiiiig (III such iipic.'il ahull Lu volil lor want ol' furiii. Jielurn iifiuc/i IAt>t» and their e^'rrt. I fi. Thni filler III. y ni.;h J', riirl in r^o lib rt-aiirii* |iiO|irr- ily Williiii ihp City ol'Uiieliii: or olAIoiilrfiil i\* lioiiiiilfd ifor Miinici|inl |lur|lo^l.•s thufC; iicr.-oiis only. wliobO _ ame* are ciin'rcd iii'on hiicIi LUt hm liiiiilly rivlfi'il and lilorKrted, kU'iII Ih! t-niilli'd lo vdh- al any IIIcciIdh of a ReinherofilK' Lculdailvi; AhsimhIiIv fur tin' Muniel- ilily for wldcli it watt iiiailc, or tlie Klcrtoial Divltljii "i*r whii'h Hiicli MuniiMip.ility ronii." |iart. iOepuly Jielurnin/^ Qfficeis lo be ^uriiielied Kith certain III) copiei of such l.inls.— Effect oj'surli roiiij. — .■tvtl Willi fopi) of List from Commi.aidiier of Cruie.n J^unilt: ita fficct. — Duly of Ilctiirni/iff Officers. fl. 'i'liat it hIiiiII lie ilirMtiiiyul ih Si.'crotary-'rrcasnrer iRCIerk of any Miiii1rI|i liiy as aforoalil, lo furiiisii to he Depi'tv Rcinrniiiiw! Odic'tT for 8iich Mnnlf i|ialitv or br any Warder Divinion tlicrcof, n iriic copy Cf.'rillioil |y such Secrt'taryTieaHUicr or Clerk of ilii; List of foterti tlii!ii taut r. vi^ed and corrrciod an afiircsnid, or 10 much tlirroot as sliall rt'lnic to tljo Iiociilliy fur lilch aiicli Ueiiiitv-Ki-tiirniiii; Ofllcor ii« to net, and ich Deiiuiy-EoiiirniiiK Ollici'r shall iiOfrrccoivR iln.' vote " niiy fiorsoii as lieiiiK a voier qntilitiad by rtason of being entered on any AusesKiiiciii Roll within the ovlhlons of tliiii Act, liiilcss ilic iiaiiio of hir'i jiemon \att lie fujiiiid upon iiic copy ol the said l^ist tnrnislieil liirii: And it sImII also lie'ilio duty of the, Seirotary- ^'I'rensiiror of t.nch ('oiiiiiy Municip'diiy to' fiirnl.''h to Iich Hiich Dppiitv-Rcmrnin.' Ollircr a C'lpy ccrtilleil hy icIiSfcri'tary-Trcasiirrr, of the then last list received / jiim from ilie Coininissionrr of Crown Lands under le fouriliSi'ction of this Act, nnd biicIi Deputy-Re- ,; irniiig Officer shall not receive the voin of any pcri-on I a voter qualified under ihi; Aci ciieil in the I'renmlile this Act, ill respect of any proiieriy in respect of ,,■ nhich such person shall niipear ly such list to have ipten di>-Qn.-dil1ed under the foi;rih tiiection ol this Act •'■'•Ihon such list was made : and it shall he the duly of leReiiirnln'i Otficer to see that each of his Depuiy- cturninu Otficem it provided with such copy hefore le first PoUiiig day at suoli election, nnd to pay fur the fine and charue the cost to ilie Ooveriiuiciii as part of ;je general expenses of the Eli'Cil ill; and any copy o( jky such LisiofVoieis or of any |i .riili' reof, or of such jstfro'ii tiie Coiiiinissioner of Crou ii LaHils. certified i afores.-iid. shall he deemed antheniic and prima facie idence of'lho facts therein strif'il. ,i vUrs on. Liits to eote on takv.ij' the fullojeiitff oath *.''\onhj. i;';yil. And bp it enacted, Tliat the Deputy Retiirniiig jMmcer at any Eleciioii of a Member of the' I,egi!ilitive ! ssemlilv in any part of this I'rovi nee sliall rei-eive the '• le of any |ier-on whose naine lie bliall lin I on the bpcr List of Voieri fiirnlslicl to him as aforesaid, pviiled such pc-s 111 shall, li' rc'iiiir'd hy niiy Candi- 1e, ortlie A'/entofanv C^iii'lidaie, or by 'he Ibpuiy ttiirnin!; Officer himself, take the I'ollowiii!.' oith or Irination, vvhi^.h sni'li Depiity-RL'turning Otlicer is reby emiTOwerc'd to .idminis er: The Oath. '•You swear (or solemnly allirii), that you are (name ifvottr, as CKlereil on the List.^ whose naniri is niter- 'd U|i(in ihe List ni' V^iiers now s'lOwn lo you. (Khuic- ni^Vie Lift to the Voter,) that vou are a subject of ►lerMijestv hv birili. (wrnniiirnlizaiion). ihat you are f the full aaoofiiveiiv-oiie years, that yon have iioi jpfore voted at this Rieciinn, either iit tills or anv lli«r pollin!! pi ;ce. and iliat \ou have noi recuived .nvthinu, nor has anything been promised to you,, itiier directly or imlirecily, in order to induce you O vote at this Rieciinn. So hi'lp you God." Vnd nooihrroath or alTinnntion shall be roqnl'-cd of f portion whose name is entered on any such List of tersas nfore-aid. [_ Any party vtay have copiet of Lists . — Fee, fllL And 1)6 it enacted, 'fhat it sHtill also lie the duty Ihc Register of any County nnd tHo Secretary -'rrea- sureror (>*lerk of any Municipality having the.cuntody oftlic Mstof Voters of any Municipally or part ofMu- td'Mpalliy or place, to furnlith a err Hied copy of such l.isiHthen last revised andcorrecttHl, to any person who hIi ill reijuire such copy, on Icing ii dd for the same by such person at. the rale of Oi^i I'eniiy' for every ten Voters whotio nanios are on sncli List. f Puiii.ilimcnt of (ifficers I'eiUimr frnuJitlrnUij in reaped of mirh Lt^ls, l.\. -And be it eii;ieted. That If the Clerk or Seeretiiry- TriMsiirer of nny iMiinicipaliiy shall, in making out any ceriilii i| List of persons eiiliih^i in vute ,it an l^lectiuii ol'a menilicr to servo i!i the I'roviiirlal I'lirllamciit, wil- fully insert or omit any iiMiiie whi'di ought iioi to have been iiiserii'd or omitted, or otherwise alier or falsify the saiiH! so that it shall not ho a correct List of all persons entitled to vole accor ling to tlio Assessii.oiit Roils, or to the proper List uf voters castliociise may be) as finally revised and correctiil, and ii any Clerk, Hecrciary- Tre.'i- snrer, Ketnrning Otlicer, Deputy Returning tJllicer, Re- gisir-ir,- or any other person whose duty ii is to deliver copies or to have tlio cusiody of any certilicd List Of VoliTs as nlbresiiid, shall wilfully make any alteration, omission or insertion, or in nny way fais ly any such certified List or cojiy, every such person shall ho guilty of n inlsdeineaiior, and ahull on convicilon thereof, lje llahicto n tine notctceoding Fifty I'nunds, or to be im- firisoiied for a jicriod not e.xcceding si.x iiiontlis, or lK)th, at the discretion of tlia Court before whicli lie shall be convicted. Proviaiung of 12 Vic, cap. 27, inconsistent with this Act repealed. — And so of ScheduUs to llie said Act. — f'olrra in Ijoifcr Canada not voting us being on Lists, to take the oaths heretofore used. X. Ami he it enacted, 'J'hat upon, from nnd nftr |);prt of Mil- copy of such y iH-rsoii uliij r tlic B.iiiie liy for every luii ';/ 171 reaped of : nr Sccrrtiiry- fikin;^ out nuy t fill j;iL'ctiuii ■li.iiiK'iit, w;i- t not to li;ive or falsiry ilic Tren- j Act with nclude the 1854] IXDEPE X^ENCE OF I'ARL IAMENT hCT. Commencentcnt (^ Act. XII. And he It cnncioil, That thlM Act shall come Into force and eileei u|)on, iroiu mid after the lirot day of January, one tlioiis.iu I eiulit ImiulfcJ an I (it'iy lo .r". im Municipal Uinc-r*. and the makinij, .evloln.? nnd coH rojllnn of the last., of Voief», aiwiallthinRs ihereuiito re latiiix . iiut lis provisioiii) an lo llie uue and ult'eet of itM l.iHts of Voierit, nIiuII not apply lo any llwliou vvliiLii ilie lirat polliii^'-ilay ili.ill Ik; lielbre the I'lrm du]| regards ihe duUea inipo.icd by it on Aa-etisors and oilier | of January, one ih juiiiind eight huiidied and lilVy-tivo, IndciiO!i<1cn<'M of VarlSaineut Ai». XVI. VHJ, (JAP. ('LIV. An All lo omciid the Ail for bcllfr seriiriii)^ t/ii: InHif jiendeiue uj' lite Lc^iislaUoe .hucn.rti/ ii/ Ihn I'ri/tiiice. [Aaaitittcl, ;a l\li'i Juur,, I^.VI. I'reamHe: 7 rir. c. V,j. — A icril mny inaur. In Jill a viunr.c:j oecarriii'T bujore tho jirtl mecliiig uj ii i'nr- liamcnl. \\"lii;n.'aH (loiilitfl have RrLacii as to ilio true in:rni pud meaniiiy of iiie elevei.tli .'■ecliuii uf ibe Act |.a^iM't< in Hie feveiiili yoiir of Her Miiji.'.-iyV Hei.iii, and iimtiiled, An Ael/nr hultcritecvriii/r Ihe Inileiiciiilsnri: of the 7>.v'/ii- laliin As.ietnhiij of t/iin I'rotAiici:, in ft'li-reiuM \t iho iciiueofa new Writ i>f Kleciion in c ijii's wliere alter a tJonoril KUrjioii hIi.iII have licoii liel I ju i|i|« l»roviiu-e, an I befGro llie iei.'eiiii;,'Of l'ar:i:iiiiiai,(inv iii>'ai!.er wnu mny liiive been eJecied at fiieli (Jeiieral IClefiiiiii lo nrvc ill t!i'.' Leyisiatii'e As-embly ai luis Priniiice. I'ball liave accei led an olfice of prntit or eirioiiiineut uiidir ilie irnMi. or otliirivini; vacati;d bis Neat a-" a .Meiiil ( rol'llie naid l.euu-^lalive AsNeiiibiy ; And whereas It is ilesir ilili; lo deteriuim; mmIi iIouIpIs': lie il ilierelorc 1 declared and eiiacied by llir (liaeii's IMi.b: K.vcilleiu iMiije^H, by nil! wiili die advi.;e all'l ruiiseiil nl' i.'ie (A(,'i-laiive (ViiiMcil amloitiie la.'«iHl,itive As-cmlly i.i ilu; l'ri:viMi-eor(.'ana(l •, co. -'itiiled and aMi-i^jiled b-. virlne (,| and imrr lie) an;! or liy dIhii Act pa-sed in Ilie l'.irliaii!"i.t of Hie IJiiiied KiiiL'diie o!' (J real Hi iiiiii Hiid Ircliiii !, and iiitiinlei. A:> Act t:) reiuiHe ti..: I'm- viarifK tifUy/icr ami Lnwir Canqd'i,nii n iclerl by tlie aiii:io-iiy id" Hie a ine', Tliat ii is ami i-Ii ill l^e laivtid fif a Warr.iU! lo is-ieji j tin; Clerl; of ibe t'rovvii ill Ciiaiicery, Ibr the in>uiii,' of a new Writ for tbe |cleeiljii of a MeiiilifT to fill up niiy varniicy nri«itil j sii!i*ec|iieni lo a tit ueral i'.U ciiuii as alorefaul, liv reau»l 1 1)1 lae du.iili ul ur ac'c) luiii'e m (iliioe liy any M< nilit'l of tin; S.I id l.e^i^bilive A km iiiS.I) , ai any lime after tiUi>| '■e nil or aice|pt:iie'i.' of odice. ,^(» ujjirc /lotdtr I.I lu\ a .'/i.m 'itr cflcr end nf prentiH iPo Ittimvttl. — iniv'ni : inliiiii vjicerl ixtf.pled, II. .\Nd be II eii.ciel, 'I'n.ii no pei^vn liuldiiic mil ollice olen.oliinieiii n Ibe eominalion of tbe i TJWil t" I lliiii l'n>\ iiice, fliall afler lb;; iliii>oliiiiiiii of Ihe piei- I l'..ili.iiiiein be L'hi.'ible IIS a Meiiil er of il;e" l.e;;irliillv Ati'tiiiblv Oi'tliis Iroviiice, and aii,y Mwtibi r of ill >ai i .\r.He:iild\' wbo sliall arcept "I any siicli idlicctiha llieieliy vacaie bis i.eai : I'ruNbied aiways, mni liullilll III tins riectiijii i-Oiitaiiiivl sb.ill fi;iiiler ineliuible^li albr said any pi'rsi.ri wiio shall be a Alenibir of Ibo E; eciiiive Coiiicil ufili.s Province, or who i-hall llll Hli I of till! fidlowiiii.' oilii'es, II, ai i« lo say: of Kecelv j t;eiieral, In spec or tieneral, .-'ec/etnry id't e I'm vim ; I 'onininjsjOiier iif Cinvn *<, Alinrney O'eiier i S.aiciior iieneriil, Coiimiir-^-iijiier of Hiililic Wor' I l'ie;ident of me li.\«oiitlve (Juuiicil, or roiiiiiiik I (Jeneral. I 'J'/ic sniil nfiiccrs mnij cliiuii^e -rfficei icilhiml vacatii I llreir statu —I'nicuo. ! III. .A nit b'i !t en;ion;d, 'I'lml w liensoever any prr»i ' hdilr.ii,' aiiv (lie Ol the ollices iiieiiHoned in Ilie B.;C) ! -ec;ion of ilits Aci, and beini? ni Ibe same lime a Me ; bernl Ihe !.eji-liJi\e Assenibly, sladl ri'sijjii Ins Olll ' a'l.l wi'liiii on- iiemlli afer li'io re-i'iiialioii aceeiil I any otin-r ul the s.ii I oiVees, he shall no liicehy vac I Ins UMl i:i siicli .Vsseindly ; an', liW, i|.;ii:e ur riisli I Id i1|i; einii'-ary iiinwilnsianlie,!.'. I'rovided alwa ! liiil liulliinj ill lliis rPiiise I'l'Uiaineil Khali apply to ' I .•Solicit, r tleiieral acceptin.! Klliee as Alioniey iJeiiei -•^*..-v.v^% • .."..-.. .^ -v.-.. .>^- M U N 1 C I r A L I T I E S Alphabetically arrnnued, 8|io\Uiil' ilie County towns. Those marked lliiis (*; are Junior Coimt'es, linl Willi oilicrs tor inunicipid and jiidicinl ptirpo>es. These (\)iniies send Kepreseniniives to the riovincinl I' hainonl. The ruriianieniary Itepieseiiiaiion Act va ;jiven in lull, in another part of this Aimniiar. Cuunliis. Tctcns. "Addiii:;lOii liaUi. Br;int lira infer;!. 'liiuie reuetnnijore. (Jaiieioii liviinvn. "iJuiidas Williiimsliurg. *l)iirliani I'ljrt llo;ie. *101:!iii r^t. 'j'hoiuas. I".ij i>iiiel<. Couiilics, To107it. I'erili Piraiiord, I'elcrl oroiijili relerboroilBl I'rescnii l/Oriuiuil. Priiici; Edward ... I'icloii. "Renfrew McNab. *Hiissell t-inicoe n-irtie. i^'orniont (■ornwall. *Vlcioria LyiiifcHy. VV;iierli)0 Her I in. *\V"ll.iii ! Merriitrtile. Welliiiitt .11 0-iidpli. Vi'eniwurtli llaniilt li. Voile Toronto. I'eel r.raiiijiLon. *,i* 'I'lie Juniur C'o.iniii's rf Diirli'im, I'.Il'Ii, Crey, ilalioii, Lainbton, Oiiiaiio, and Welland, have iiill prucee.iia^s lor a sep.iraiion from respeciiie In ions. For M:jnicip:il am! Judicial [lurposes, alphabetically arranged and showiny the County Towns. Counties. Torcnt. Prescoit and Ilussell-L'Oriynal. Prince i.;dward Picton. finicce Bnrrie. istrirnioiit, Duiulas & Gleiiyary Cornwnljv AValerl o Berlin.^ UVlliagion & Grey.Giielplt. WoTitworth & I lalton^HauuUofl. York, Ontario aud ' ! Peel. I -..-.- TorpiitOi n il II 1 1 I ■ "■;;. . i .~^. i j.; »> i,y p y;,j^ Cuiiidiesi. 'I'uiciis. Uraiit Hraiufurd. (".'irleioii liyiowM. Kssex and IjaiH!)lon.l:>aiidwich. Fronienac, Leno.x & Adliiii^loii Kiiifrsloii. f It Idi Mi,i !id I 'ay Ilea. 11 listings ilcileville. Huron and Kiiica ...Godericli. Keni (-■hatliaiii. Lanark & nearrow-.Pcr'Ji. Counties. Tuiona. L'je i^and Grenville.lirocUville. Lincoln &c Welland. Niacura. Mi Idlescv iSi lilijin.. London. Norfolk Siuicoe. Nortliniiil;erlaiid and Diirliaiu r'ohourji. Oxford Woodstock. Per: li .Sirat lord. Pirte, boroufih & Vic- , toria Peterhorough. m B" &VUNICIPAUTIKS. [i«64: CITIES, CAtBH Ait A IV F.ST, 'UalDg Coiintina in tliciiiKlvei for iiiinnctiial |MtrpoM>^ •howliii tlie TowiiMlilp niid RurnI Coiiniy where iltHnicd. They Mind Riiircteiiiniivc* to PnrllMiiieiil. Oilf. Tutinthif. Cimnlf. I CUy. Toun$hip. CuMiUy. | Cit). TtncHihip. Dmiity. , 'Httiuilton...Uariuii Wvmworih. | Kiii|{»ion...Kiiigiiioii...t'ruiiU!iine. | loiunio — York York. Ii\COIll*OUAT£I> TOWIVS. CAi\AWA WEST, Alpliahetica'ly nrruiig«il, itiowiim i>i« 'I'owiihIiIp nnd (!oiiiiiy where niiiinivd. RupruMMitaitvctf to ihu Froviiiclnl Parh;inieiil . TVnetu. Tiiy>n*hipt. Cuuntltg. ^«lieville . .'riiiiriuvv . . . iliit *Niu|iarn...Niii|{iira Lincoln. .< TWNf. Tatim»hip$. Cimntie: F»-it'rlioro'.N..V1oiinihiinrii'l>«iro.' Fieion Miiyotiiir^h.i'r.Klward. I'url lii)|)t). . llo( » Uiirliiini. I'rcHfoii Aii|in ...tift'iivilk. tit.CHUiurhica l TOWi\S I.\ SCHEDULE With Villni()iMunicipallili'*on;/* . V. .TVfOM. TineHihip§. Cimntie§, AiithertthurRn. XaliiLMi . KKfcx. Uluilmiu . . itiluigh Kviii. I Toteiu, Tinon$hipi. Countitc.^ (iiii'lph ({iK'l|ih WHlhnKtOlv I Tcrih UruiiiniOiid.Liiniirk. TVmmi. TO WAS l.V SClIEIIUIiE Wiilioiii any Miiniciiml oigaiilKatlon. ^inicoc ... V\'oud»toek D.* Tuteiiihipi. Cuuntiti, .^Vol)lltlrd . .VVellaud. Oalt Uumfrle* N. Wnterluo. Ii\COICI*ORATEU )VIMiAGES, C. W. Villaget. Toiim$Mpt. Countiet. f'Hlagei. l^oKiuMpt.' Ciiutilitu ^iiifi-iyoll . . .Oxt'iDl ( Ulbrd. Oniinwn Whiihv Outiirio. I'liri* Duinlrieii S.lirani. Prmton Wainrloo ..WiitcrlOO. Richmond .Uoullmrii ..Carlvton. Sr. 'l'iiiiiiiaf.YHrin>>iiin..KLhi. Thoroia. . . -Thorold. . . . Wellnnd. Trenton ''Idney Hii«lingt. Vienna Dayhnm ...E^giii. Yorkville ..York Ydfk. TOWNSHIPS, CAIVADA 'WEST, Alphabeticall)(arran(!ud, Khowing ihcCountieii In which they arcaiiuated. TjtMuhipi. Countitt. Adelaide . . . . . .Middleoex. . Adjala . 8inicue. Adinamon Renfrew. Adolpliuif^own. . .I^iiox. 1 Albion . . . ....Peel. . Aldborougl Elgin. .Ali'rcd Prescolt. : Aluwick Northviinlierland , Ainaranih Wellmeion. AntelingtMirgh . . .Prince Edwardk . AnihtTiit Isliiud . .Addingioii. ^''Aneairier Wentworth. Aiidenlon £aiie.Y. -.An^'le^ca Addington. :Arran Bruce. ,Ariemc«ia Urcy. Arthur Wellington. AtkOeld Huron. : Aaphodct/ Petcrl)oroiiRh, jAthoJ Prince Edward. .Auguatn Rrenvillc. iKasot Renfrew. .Rarri'j Frontenac. Barton Wentworth. ptiDtard Leedii. ,Bathiir»t Lanark. .'B^iyham Elgin. ^ftckwi'.h Lanark. Bclford Fronienoc. Rehnont l*cicrliorough. Rentiuck Grvy. Bertie Wellind. Beverley Wentworth. Bezley Victoria. Siddulph Huron. BInbrook Wentworth. Blanchard ...... Perth. S landlord Oxford, lenheim Oxford; liihOeld Renfrew. liquet... . ...Imnbiom. TowiishipB. CuunlitB, Brant Bruce. Brnntlbrd Ilrnnt Brighio Norihiiniberland Brock Ontario. Brondcy Kcnt'rew. Brooke Lninliion. Brougham Renfrew. Briire Bruce. Burford Kriint. Biir;'?«ii, Nurili. . .Lnnnrk. BiirKCf:!, South. . .Leeds. Burleigh Ptierliorough. . Cnit'tor Litiroin. Caiodon . . . .....Peel. C.dedonia HreiiCOtt. Oainliriilg'j Ruiisell. Cain'fcn Keni. (Jiiniden Kaiili|iin'-ind. Cayuiin, i&outli. . .Ilnldiinni d. Ch.irloiicniturg. . .(ilcngary. Ohiirlotieville . . .Norfolk. oiqiin HlilhC BOMU Ch.itham . . . l^hiiiKuacouiiy Clnrencu . . . . .Kent, ..Pe*-!. . .Rug:ex. Dertiy Grcv. Dereimin Oxfird. Porcheiiter, North. Mnldksex. DorclieRier, South.fli^in. Ijouro I'eti rbcrough. Hover, F.nst . . . .Keni. Dover. We-I. . . .Kiriit.. Down ie & Gore do. Pen h . Ilruinniotnl . . . .tjinnrh.v Hunifrles, North. .Wiiierloo. DuMifrieii, tJouth. .tirant. Iiiiuiiner Prierlioroi>gh. Dunn .ilaliliinaiid. DuMWich Kl^iin. E'|^lllO|lC, North . .Penh. E iKtIiope, South . .Perth, Eilwnrilsburgli . . .iSrenville. £.!retnoni (>r<-y. Ekfriil Middlesex. Eiilerslic Bruce. Elilon Victoria. Eliznlicihiown ...Leeds'. Eilice Perth. EInia Perth. EtiuBley I^Td», Elintileyi North. . .Lnniik. EI/.ovir Ilaiiiinga. Emily Victoria. Enniskillen . . . .Lnnihion. Eiinianiore . . . .PuiprliorMigb. Ernmosa Wellington. Erin Wellinidon. KrAeftown Addington. EtCQtl .,.»*..... I4;ed». [iM54 where iliuaicd. ip. Cmm/m. ...York. I tllllt (*) fCMl |M, CounUei, ■ lliiiil'i'li'lhjru,' Nli.l'r.KlwurU. ...Uiirliiiiii. ...(IriMivill«>, ...Lincoln. . r«. Cimutiei. i»e. Norfolk. >. County. «. Countiu. i..1:Mii. ...Welinnd. ..Haxiiiin. ..Ydfk. untiu. ice. ii>iell . nark. iinrk. rliiirii. iiiliroii. il(lll'i>l-Z. •V. fjffl. ilillesex. in. irborough. lit. lit.. ih. iiarJj.v lerloo. lit. erlioroivgh. liiinuiiil. ill. ti. 111. iiville. y. (Ile$tz. H'. oria. Is. h. h. I». Ilk. i»i|j». oria. hion. rliorcMigh. iiigtoti. iiitfioti. ngton. 1864] MUNICIPALITIES. 47 Tattnikifih CmmUtt, E«quetiii| •..,!•.• •n»llwa. K«u ' BltnCM. Eiohieoke York. I BuiHieiiila Lamliioa. I Eiiphrnaia . . .. ..Ortjr. Keneluii .Vteiarla. KinclC >fliorMont. I'ilBroy Carltion. i Bftinlioro', Rntt .,.\Vciiiworih. ' Fliiinboru', \Vct(..>7tiitNerib. |Flui HtineiM. Freilcriektburgh . .I<»iii>i. iFullario Fcrih. Oaitisliorougli . . .Mneoln. 'Uirnt'rnxn W*IIIii|ion. <>eortfiiia York. 'UlaiilorU Wtiiiwarib. , [Ulciicl){ Grty. UloucfHier rarlewa. iQudt-rich Huron. ' Uo«Acld KMet. lOoulbourn Carlttoa. I (lower. North ...C»rleien. iGower, tiouih . . .Grentilla. lOrantlinin Macalii. inrnfiNi Rvnftaw. Orteiioek Brii«*. Urey Hurua. Griiicliy I.iaeala. GriNin'iiurpe . . . .Hiaiinp. : Giielitli vy«ltin|ioa. ' U wi'.liinliury, ■.^•(. Yoif k. iGwilliuihuiy, N..Yofb. I Gwilliiiiliiiry, W. JiiiiiKoa. HaldiiiiHiid . . . .Mociliumberlaiid I Ila^lQwell Prince Rdward. IlRQulton Norihaiubcrland Hatwicli Kanl. Harney raiarharough. HnwJ(tf(bury, RiiM.Pre*c«|i. |Hawke«IiMiry« W..rrcKott>. iHay . . . Uuroa.. iHiblgiert Pertb. ! Hither Piinca Edward. i Hineliliibr^ka ..ProMtuaa. illolluna Grey. : Hoi>a Uvrbaia. ; Morton Kcnrrew. JHownrd Keai. I Uowc Maud. . . .Froiitenaa. I Houciituu Noifolk. {Ilowick Huron. iHulleit HuroH. Huinlicrgfoiie • . .Wetland, j Hiinufirforil . . . .Haaiinga. I HuniiiiKdon . . . .Hatting*. ' Uutviley Carleion. I Huwn liruee. : liiiiiiifil ;!4iineoa. KnlaHar Atklingtoa. Kennebec Fronitnae. . Keiiyon Oiengary. . Kincardine . • . .Bruce. King York. Kingglon ^ Frontauae. . KiiiloM ...... .Druee. Kiiley Leeda. Lake Haaiinga. Liriark .Lanark. Lai\cn8ter,.. .... .Ulengary. Lai|S(lowno. . . . .L<«i;ion. M.-iryvliiirgl I'rliice t::Uward MiiiclitHl»*>i • • • .Hinicue. Miilildn Ilumliia. MC'loiiic H))iicue. Mfl.-iiictliun . . . .Grey. .Mer«ca Ei^yex. iMflcniru Mtdiili-'POX. Mclliiieii I't'lfrliuruiigb. Miililluton Norfolk. Mtnio Wellington. Muiiiighnn, Norili.lVierliuruugh. >lutiii|;hiiii, Uoiii)>kNoriliuiiibeilaad, Mono Hlincoe. Ikloiiiniiiie Laniirk. Mijorc Liinibion. Murningtoii . . . .rcrili. Morrl* ....... Huron. Mumi Midillei>ex. Muulioi Miildliiiaiid. Moiiiitiiin ...... Iluiidna. Miiliii'ir .Slinroe. Murray Noritiiiinberload McGiliivray . . . .Huron. McKillu|i Huron. McNiili Renfrew. Nwiiagaweya ...Hiilion. Nc!4r>ii HnMoii. Neiiean Carleton. Niagara Lincoln. Nicliol Wflliiigton. NiRiOuri, KnA . • .Uvfurd. Nifiuuri, Weat. . .Middlenez. Noriniinby Grey. Norwich Oiford. Noitnwiii.'iga • • .Hinicoe. O.-iklnnd Urnnt. OKIcn Froiitenne. Oneiila Hitliliniand. Oiionilagn Ilrniit. 0|if Victoria. Orford Kent. Orillia Biincoc. Oro .......... .Siuicoe. tltigooile Cnrleion. Omiatruck . . . .Slorinoiit- O^o FronteiiAc. iJaprey Grey. Oioniiliec I'rtrrhorougli^ . Oxford Greiivillc. 0>fjril. EiNt. . . . Oxford. Oxford, Nora*. . . .Oxford. Oxfurd, We^ . . .Oxf.ird. Pnkenimin.. ...... I.anaijta' I'niincrgton . . . .FroH'enne. Prcl Wellington. .. PvllKiin •.»... .Wcllnnd. Pembroke RiMifrcw. Percy Northumberland Pickering Ontario. Pilkipgton Wetl>ni;ton. PitiBiiurgh Froiiiennc. PlHiitaKeiiet.North. PrcHCOit. Plallln);encl,^jouth■Pre»cott. Ptyni|Hon Lainblon. Portland Froiitcnac. Proton Grey. Puslinch Wellington. Rainham Haldimand. Raleigh Kent. Rnina Ontario. Rainiiny Lanark. Rawdoii Hnatingf. Reach Ontario. Ricbmond Lenoz. Rocheater B«»ez. Romncyl .Kent. ' iuuiju. i ,.im ' ai. ' ..itjiw ..11.,. T«i«n*A«. CauiiHf$. Roxlioruuifh ... .ftoniioiil. Roii* Renfrew. Ruoell Hii>»ell. Halillcei Weiiiwurih. HniKlwich KMM'k. Huiiila LniiililpiC, Hiiiigirn llriirc. Hcari'urough . . . .York, 8ruit Oninrlo. Hciigog Oiilnrio. tjeiiccii Hnliliniand. Hvyiiiour Norihuniberland Blii'tnt-ld Addingii n. Hherlirooke . . . . Ilnldiinand. Hherlirooki'.ifiTrlli.LnnArk. r'lierlrookr,tJentli. Lanark. Sidney HH«iliig«. Aiiilili I'eierliorougb. Hoinbrn ...... .Laniliion. Hoiiivriillc Victoria. f^oiililnnbiirgh^. . .Prince Udwortk t*uMiliwoid. . ....Elgin. Htdllbrd Renfrew. Hinnifurd Welland. Htnnli-y Hnrun. Hiciilien Huron. 9M)rriiigion . . . .Frontenae, . Hi. VincciU . . . .Grey. rin Victoria. VeHpra Sinicoe. Wainaeet Wellnnd. Wallace Penh. Waliwlc Haldimand. . WalRinghnni. . . .Norfolk. Warwick Lnmbion. Waterloo Waterloo. Wnwaiioili . . . .Huron. Wcllerlcy Waterloo. WeHtincnth . . . .Renfrew. Westmiiiater. . . .Middleiez. Whitby Ontario. Whitchurch . . . .York. Wlllierfjrce Renfrew. William Middlevez. Willianisburg ...Dundaa. Wiiloughby Welland. Wilmiit Waterloo. Winchester Pundai. Windham Norfolk. Wolfe Ixland ...Frontennc. Wolford Grenville. Woodhouie . . . .Norfolk. Woolwich Waterloo. Yarmouth Elgin. Yonge Lecdi. York York. Zone Kent. Zorra, Eaat • . . .Oxford. Zorra, Weat. . . .Oxford. sm^tK-^—^TT^. *iii.i»«— »ww"^ iti h«8 m0immmmmmmrmf»timmitit>imm 1I£UNICIPALITIBS. 1854] § m *: n Wi I I'M 'i4 i U P P E K C A N A D A . COIIXTIES Ai\I> UT¥IO]VS OF COUNTIES, CyW. Sho'vlng th« M>jiiirip:iliiit>ii coiii|)ot'uiniti(.'ti are taken rrijiii nii ufiu'iiil reuiru to tlie L.< Kiclaiuri', hy tlie riutii«uo»l Deparimeat. TtiOie upp«riainin;j to Tuwii&liii is, 'l'u\vii>< aiicl Villajieij, liavo liecn coin|iiled from other vourcM. ni Towoibipt^ K— Ui-aiiU Area In ^qnaru iniles Area in acriv Nutnlicr ot iicrca lielii I'opiiliition l^.Vi No of ^.ersoiiA lu ii m]. in. . Alt. Viil I'or tnx:itioii. i^j'J.. 4 Hi sea itj'i Ul.l ToWliil;>ips&.C' llranil'ord Uranif 'il iow4i tiiirt'or.l Dunil'rius S... Oaklnud 0(ion(l;ii!.i i'ariii vitiage.. 'I'lifpiirora ... Acfe«. Pup. Abs.Val 78401/ t;4i(i £i;)U!Hll a«"< •24u',i lUsDIi Hh, 5.'>l(ili •22-8i ls.>^ «8o9i' 1 l!-«li lOdOIHi 4ii:ii2 li-if 1 11(1 lU-s IV. — i'rojUt'MiK, KiCitox untl A(i •iUp7 (jfiiill; ;{0(l.-. 7ii'rO'.t 2.'i ai:>i'.i 177: (iiliUd •Aili) 2«-.>lH. II-.'.-. ilKMIti a{».Vi (i.Wiii; 3801 l)l-ilHJ •.WM 4:n ij'-Ou !»40 At>i>. Vai Jt;dl,'»«.>l 7-i;)0ti 3l4-:i 3;i:!,-)7 IHIOI 37lK»U !)'.'4;Mi 7t-U{:'.i 1 13.') aiitl Aii«.iubiuit IB.^FX. Area in square miles 07' Area in acres 4Ti.?Uii Nuiulier of acres lield l.>7!Ui6 Population, It.Vi Iii81 No. of persons to a 'il.r Ass. viil. for taxation, IWJ jC.'i4'.i:u!> 'rovvutfliips&r \crrs. Pop. Aiss.Val Ainherstb'jj.T. Anderdon ... Colchester .. OoaReld Maidftoin; .. Maldctt Mersea Rochester... Sandwich ... Tilhurv. Wo?! Acres. Pop. 188(1 2a>(«) 1 l()!i 6:i(iUll le7(! SillidO IHl'i 47 10(1 11(17 «-.VI(j(| l;H.i .')9 lUO 11!W iljjdl) ?8^ 7:iii(!li 4il2- 4i)ti(!t' (i7. 3(1 1 W 5-.<)l!i 47vi:i. 4:)-if); 'IV,\- 1.'. !.■)!!' rui 1 Towiii>hip6 &r Acres llanie (KirJUl Ueiiford i-aiw C'liirendon (i7iO:. iiiiichinlirooke 7:rjl)i Howe Uland.. t-ltil Keiineliec li!-(li.( Kingston (W-(!l LMi^lilioruugh 5.'):^iM Oidea ^\-M OiO 478(11 P:lllll<'r^tan .. 07'2lfe fslind . •mv.y I'op. AB».Viil unin Iiahiied. (iliUl Xt)iU(> Unin haliited. 3(Ui KjOU'u 110 relturns. unin •j()(!;. unin :}i-)8 •i:>8 •Jl:). •jy.'); habited. i'riUii 7:ii.)i 5(i(:t 470- haliited. 87404 eif7{i 7l7lil I.KMiX. .\r('a in square inilt-s .... 17(.' Area m acres 103;i()0 Ni.mlierura.Tes held .. . Vi'Mi l'oiil;latioti, 1832 ....... 71'.").) No. of per-ons to a sq. in. . 4i>.? As<. vMi le foi rix:HloM. -'ri, je.Wi.")ii7 'i'u^\'ll^hlllS. \cre8. t'U^i. ■\6s.Val A'lolplmstown I0?0i 718 XM'Z'li Krederick-bur;.' 4(10011 SKMI 18 i 100 Rlrtimonil . . . 51-JOO 4'.7) 143181 ADDINO'IO.S. Area in tqunrc miles. . . . •'i7G A rea 111 acres 305701/ Number of acres held . . . If-Uio Popid ition, I8.'>li l.UG.) No. of persons to a sq. in. . MO '()(' -KXKl Pop.|.Ass.Vai la-?' i:,)2->28 iinin'hahited. (■.075! 213'21l!- Slllj 313784 nil in iKlbitC'f. 179'i' 4'U'.i i..\Au:r(iN. Area in square itiilcs 10:i.: Area in acres CiHi-iC Number of iirrcs liel.) lil-'4i 0| Population, l-,Vi 12c4'.i| No. of piTson.') to a sq. III-. O.'.i v.— ftil .Idimund. .Area ill sqiiate miles. . . . ^•)'. A'e.i 111 acres .. .^ ... . 2i''r)!i Humlei oriic."'s liild . . . 'JOllii l'0|ilil tii/ll, K-'.>'- l!^^88 !<0. I f IIITr/OIl- to a >(\. III. . 4 .' \»'S V!|li|.' lor , .Xili'/ll. '.'>-i jCS'llti Ass. vnl. TowniiUips&c fiir taxation, .■Veres. 1>-!.j2 X.iO0(»4-.i Bosanquet ... Brooke Dawn BnniskiHun . Euphemia .. Moore Plytnpion Sariiia iSotnbra .' Pop. 72r>>0 7li>mi 70 JIM) 8i!ii:o 39' 100 7240(1 7(!40() .?3(K)0 91200 740(l»i 1003 SU 2;J- IbW 12.9 Ijll 13«l 738 OflliO ■\ss.Val jt.'>87(Hi .-'Oiioi 33(i(M 92!l(t(i 4l:>77 80771 «2487 04057 75.>77 ■J'MOI ruwiisiii(i5&.i' Acro". I'op. iiicor As^Vu! Cl.iledoiiii. vii. p..18.rJ Caiihoroiii;li . . ■?i!;b6 11.->1 i;;i72i2 (■:ayiiRa.N..) CaviiKa. S. . J ,-)0.)00 J 2HI3 8'-'4 8.)3.1() 31901! Dunn r-'ooo fi2~ 437.)V Monlioii . . . :j|(l!0 1084 OOliOO Oiieiila . . . . 37.''.')3 2-17 M3(i8 Rriiniiam . . . ■iOd.iO 1«I8 8-.'ti'2:! Seneca .... 37(i7t 3(^i(» 18:i2l0 sherliroofco . . 4001) :i:i4 17(i!)3 VValpole. . . . 7-.;(t0il 3.-18! li'iirv,-.4 'iownuhipa Stc Acie«. Pop.iAH.Vul Belleville, Tn. 4.M.»! X723834 Klzevlr 0,-30(. OlOj 130110 tarlnisiho'^pe. . OrJut. unin.baliited. Hniigerford . . 04iUi; 3124| I)8b91 llllhtllkgilOII . . .53i:U(. 2.->48| 33110 Lake Os:«t unin liabiied. .M-idOc .... U.-<2»Ki Ijtil 31130 M/iimora i . . cyaiit «:)3 a 1448 Uawiion .... (i740ii 3(U7 ».V.i4(l ^iilney . . . . 70i(H, 4.-)74 a:Vi32U rhnrlow . . . 3UjUi. 44({U «23I43 Tieiiton,Vil.. incor o.. IR'/i. I'lidor . . . . tlR20(: tiOO 13000 I'veiiiiimen . . 0-28((l. i;3il(i 13.>78,) Camden . • Chatham. . Chaibani toi Dover, T^k.\ Harwich Howard . Orford . . Balcigii . Roiuuey. Tilbury, Kai Zcne . . . IX.— tiauK Area in sqtit Area in nerei Number of a Population, No. of pertoi A«g, val.Jor^ Townships,* VII.— Hnrun iiudllrue m 4.VJ.-1I 'MA .):iH44 74v 414.% 172, 34041 ree. 43173 1481 84(101. 72' t3IU 80-.:7ai) 2^1037 10.08 1J.8 £(i3US7S \hT"V74 £\Uk) 37719 44.:iu-.t 1U(I883 Siiti87 i7aoi 4UfN) Hurvey''! 3I1UU0 10 91 37702 30000 Cr30J 4il71 6te3U •urvey'd 44UU0 2.13tlfl Bnthurft . . Beekwitli.. Burgess, Noi Dalhousie . . Darling • • . Drummor/I. Elmslcy.Non Lanark' . . Lavant. . . Montai;(ic . Pakenhaiii. Perth, Town. Ramsay . . . fe'iierbrooke, Slierbrooke,J Area in s'qua Area ill Acre Nimibcr of ad Population, It No. of person Ais^d vnl. for Tl 3.)0<3 it;37 V.8 Admastou . . Bagot Blithfield . . , Bromley. . . BrouHlKitn . . Grattan. . . . Horton . . . . IMcNab . . . klrcmbrokc . . Ross < SialTord.. . . VVesttneath W'ilherforce 'rownsliip.*. .■\ClC»i. Cop. A«.Vl.l .\rraii ,)!-r!;f m Brant ((i!iO;i •20 i'7;ir,4 iirii'-e 1.71; 8 I'JU ei Carrick ... 3i)..!.-. new iiiwnsh. Ciiln ss .... i'HVi liCA' towiisli. I'lldcrslie . . . s;.7,;5 14 (Jrcenock . . . i)8w80 214 10..'2 Iiiiron . . . . 3.82-11 U3U l"5l ICiiiciLriliiic . . (il!.-).)!; 1140 )t;0;i2 Kill loss . . . . 44-i«{ 47 ;,7.i 8n'i-'''*Hi . . . |/ii,;i 277 IXU vr<— MaKtIiiKH. Area in square miles .... , 13?4 ArPT fn nrrp 847800 VIII —Kent. Area in spiiiru miii'* 870 Area in acres 5i7,J()(l Numlie/ of n(»rc..t hi Id JW422 I'opiilaliin, ia'.2 17,4(10 No. of pe'S'XWto a sq. mile.. tO.O A<9>.e«'dvil rXr mrniioii '.W f"4*« fi^o .\.— I^eede Area in squa Area in acres Number of ac Population, Ii No. of person Ass. val. for 1 rown8hi|M!,& Bastard.. . . Burgess, Sout BrockviHe, 1 Crosby, Nort l-roiby, t'oiil Elicabcthlow Elinsley . . . Gscott itiey Leeds tc, Lam downe Fror Leeds k, Lam downe Rea Tonge.. . . . mtmum rea, popiilntion.aad The figiirea M|t[N>r- i«ii4iil DepBriuicat. «— CoHtinued, hold ... 341448 3lft77 nsq. m.. 24. 1 L-Hduii, 'ii. JCOiOVii Clf*. Voi).,A»:\ttl 4.'»'0 £riasin J,-21it. 010! liilKiU i->-iut. uiiiii haliied. HlW: 31-^4 wmn i3i;u( 'r>4U| 33110 JSilit uniii haliiiod. i.S:i(i|i UOI 31 no .y-iiti. UXi a 1448 i740l: 3(1)7 ».W4(I UjiK, 4.'>74! a:fiaiJ) UjU". 44lSU| »>3t4;i • • . (iicor'p., l(U8. H-201; tiUO ldi;tO mt>{. i;'i>iit lW7&t I Hudilruetf. IRON. lili-s .... 13iU gihvao 10.0:1 n yq. in. . 13. @ itiuii, *:s4 jCfUud7s held crea. lop U» \M 4SIKI 0117 Xio^'i;} iboo ■;tUnl 37719 {;4(i ^713 44:Uj-4 (iiiUb iwise^ • ■ . 13il< SrtBW 4(t.'-0 a.jt l7a«i :.i4 Is 095 4iasi !:07U Kfc. survey''* ■■ir-ii Otl< 3ii(JUU .r,r< 33a 10 91 4iil'i 1711- 57J0i i^h «0i 3iin00 .V.'.-|| •2U04 G^3wnabi|ja. teiAciea. Aldboro' . . . Bayham . . . Dorchester, S. Dunwich .... Malnlit :e. . . . South wold.. . flt. Thonmt, V Vienna, V. . . Varmouih . . . 78000 60000 43200 70000 09400 66600 ■ a • ■ Incor- lOOli Fop.i Aa. Val ISM 50fHNo 1477 1946 4456 5063 1374 porai 5288> »*nai»- eeived Sisoas edl899, 350at XI.- lilncoln a ud Wellan d LINCItLN, Area in square miles 30(1 Area in Acres 19370l> Number ol acres held 1575.>8 Populatioi), 1853 33,808 No. of persons to a sq. mile. . 78. I< Ass. val. fortaiation. '53. XI32I 0I? Aas.Vd 'i owiii>lii|iS,&c Calstor .... ('limon .... Gainsborough. Grantham . . . Grimsby. . . . Louth ...... Niagara .... Niagara.ToWi. HtC.iiharit\f8.T Acie.s. Pop. 1398 34400 252W) 2462 38000 2538 2340U 3216 323C0 3148 190U0 1818 220V0 2250 .... 3346 1. . . . 4308 13753.' 2II01S 18064^ 155.503 18793-J 1327 8i 261116 7*100 7WI00 3(>7.i0 4bOUU .1. lies. ... 902 .... 8H7t>l lield . . . 3.>0id , 2.';3? sq. ni . . 2.H II io n, 'a-> £Sli-y< J ir.!i.; I'Op.lAliS.Vl.l Admastou Uagot • . • Blithfield . Bromley . Brouphum Grattan. . llorton I 416110 McNab ... .1 66600 k aVmbrokc ... 86U0 Ross ' 530110 Siafford I lO-W VVestmeath .. 70000 Wjlberforcc ,»n;i] UO liMllll Oil) £',if,\ i;oi VM 61 I.)!.')! new lowtish- i I'j iie^v tOWIIbll. .;.;.-) 14 iii>i(il 214 10,2 ■23 ll 2as l"i.l '.■j.-lli, 1140 8::J»;I2 ■iKi, 47 ;.7.7 II,-! 1| 277 Pi-(i4 Kent. HI'S • • • . (570 .547,5111) II Ul. • • • a • • • . .918122 . 17,<<0 » sq . mill ».. «0.0 •nlinii 'S*! r4Vif7a 685 734 2U0 6S7 43^ !>a\ 1142 1313 633 708 381 ll.)2 X8o34 10378 11761 new t'n- ships .14186 3U000 ai5«4 10100 5361 26154 fl-8'new t'sp .v.— I^eeds tincl Ureiivflle* LEEDS. Area in square miles 605 Area in acres 51.')40U Number of acres held . . . 347613 Population, 18;i2 30200 No. of pcr^jns to a sq. mile. . :)7.6 Ass. val. for taxatkjn, 1832. jCP80S01 Acres, rownshiiw.&r Bastard.. . Burgess, Soutli BrockvlUe, T. Crosby, North l-rosby, fc'oiill. Elizabcihtown tllmsley .... Eocott itiey Leeds it Lans- downe Front LeediftLnns downe Kear MOOO 35200 aVibo 50200 78200 36000 39300 50400 48000 Pop. 3448 276 3246 1785; 1578 62IIS| 14421 1309 3535 3303 1S30 8661 Ass Val. WELLAND Area of square miles 356 Area in Acres 22£0iil) Number of acres held lll'46'j Population, 1852, 30141 No. of persons to n sq. mile. . SO S Ass. val. fortaxatiOT. 1*^52. JEIIIOIIS Acres, XIII.- Norfolk. Area in square milea Area m acres Number of acres held ... Population, If 52 No. of persons to a sq. mile. Ass. value for taxation, '53 'I'ownships, ttc. Charlottcville . , Houghton Midoleton Simcoe, Town. Townsend. . . . Walsingham.. , Windham . . . , VVoodhouse. . . Acres, >6,6C0 58,8110 45,400 Thorold, V. ] Wainfleet.. . . Wlllougliby.. . 36100 isuoi) 3120(1 20(i(l« •J2IJUII 2.J000 snanol louool Pup.lArs. Val 2737 1103 1478 2'iUI 2;co 311.1 1001 1841 1.1.'i2 £15071 400(1 5-540' 9:il(ii 17940(i 220401 10143? •1371 Ifl6.'i(l4 7.1014 XII— Middlesex oud Elff in MIDI)LEEEX. Area in square miles 1070 Area in Acres 600008 Number of acres held 4.10323 Population, It'52 39890 No. of persons to n sq. mile. . 36.0 Ass. val. lor taxation, '52, i;t95S17A XIV.— Northumberland and Unrliam. NOHTII U MBERlAND. Area in square miles .... •J30 .■Vrea in Acres 467,500 N umber of acres held ... 838:)01 Poiiulation, 18.52 31,320 No. of rKrsonstoasq.raile. 42.7 As. val. forToialion,1852 £1,267,453 Am. val Towntihipo, &e. Alnwick Brighton Coboiir;.',Town, Cramnh'e llaldimand.. . . Hamilton . . . . MonaglPin, £?.. . Murr.jy Percy ^eyni(,i;r Acres. Pop ■,>0.01I0 (i8,6oe 1051 3725 2«(;5 :7-l £354263 190,081 30,684 19B,S»9 238,438 370,000 54,309 144,809 80.493 108,336 |£076e0 17012 35872 93058 938104 30010 32637 83574 107371 36061 137449 '4'ownshlpB,&c .Acres. Pop. Adelaide .. . . 41000 1979 Carradoc .. . . 76400 31 U Delaware. • . . 1.1060 1861 Dorchester, N. 30000 2571 Ukfrid 561.50 1702 Lobo 486011 2147 liOndon .... 105300 67.15 London, Town • • • • 7124 Metcalfe 3000(1 1008 Mosa 4060(1 2075 Nissouri.W... 40500 18.12 Westminster.'. 36600 5080 William 77646 2290 Ast.Val £aO,0(ir 7607t 6.50e( 10002A 50000 8809(1 325753 37600 33802 81901 • « a • • 297663 90000 BLOIN. Area in sqaare milea 703 Area in Acres .490900 Number of acrea held 36.1160 Population, 1893 98 lie No. of persona to a aq. mile. . 36.1 Aaa.val. for laaation. '92. XWOOOW Ul'HHAM. Area in square milea. ... 626 Area in Acres 3g6.6C0 Number of acres held .. . 986707 Population. 183 » 30,7311 No. of persons to a sq. mile. 49.9 As. val. for Taxation, l,?92.£l,987,880 Pop Aas. val Town.ships, &c. Bowmnnvllle.V Cartwright- . . . Cavan Clarke.. ..... Darlington. . . . Hope Man vera Port Acres, Incor 40,8(10 64,400 2,000 73,400 07,00(1 70,000 pora 1796 4418 6190 8II09 9200 256!^ 3178 ted, 18{i9 £00,000 159,000 329,000 410,031 230,736 1' 80,998 19,949 XV.-Oxford. Area in square miles .... Area in Acre* Number of acres held ... Population, 1852 No. of persona to a aq. mile. 710 497,600 33537S 32,03e 46.0 As. val. for Taxation, t892.£ 1,606,024 Townships ftc Bland ford . . . Blenheim . . , Dereham . . . InmraolLVill. Aeres. O79U0 Pop, 39300 1356 6«400| 4095 3644 110( Ass. Val ien6«14 330790 160047 - V -^.y f^i « '11! 3' ^^ i ■ 60 MUNICIPALITIES. [1864 . axrotLit—leontivutd. ) Towiubi|M,«cc HiiNurt, E. . . Norwich . . . Oxfoid, Ea«t. . Oxi'onI, Nortb. Oxford, V.'Mi. WooiUtock, 'J'. Zorra, Kati . . Zorra, Went . . AcrvaJ fup '461011 60'iUi t4(HK) tiSSM) 5«t4i:(i !211r dc23)> l:J7t Aj,Vbi Towiuihi|«, 73496 PBEtcoTT— (etntinved. ) Longueun ; 341303 PlaiiinBenci, ^ 130831 PlaiitKgi-nci, ^ 50-246 ll!»3>i Acren, 23CSI 413i( 4U6V Fop. ISOS ia(f. C4; Aa«.VaI 17178 •11391 leoutiu 13440U 137.531 , RLNSKLi,. Area in square uiiits. Area in acres XVI.-Peil»i. Area in square miles .... CSS Area in Acrea 440,72t- Mmnber of acree lield . . . aSHM Population, IbSa ij.'itj Mo. of perBonu to a tq.ui. . '22.>i As». value for tnxatlou, '.W £."330H1 % , . J 11 ' 1 (.1 i Towiibl)ip« &c Acriirt. ruii.jAss.Viil Blancliard. . . 492oe w7t(i Xc3775 Downie&Gore 40«na 2727 ewi Easlhope, N.. 4.3Ciil '2311 W44.- Eaiibopc, e... aiofca i7i>7 55743 Ellice 1730() I3'> V5l)'i8 Ellita (iUU7U 111; SOutj Fullarton . . . 41007 17jU !>!iS,ill Hibbert .... 4U7G llwl 34k;7 Logan I'uSio u'.'o iJuUi'U Moiningtoii .. 6U7'^) !);jy I'JSJfi w.iii,icc 5;)77n »H laai XVlI-Fettrboro' dcVictoiia. PliTKRBORCrOIJ. Area in square miles. . . . Aic.i in iicres NuHiter of acres held . . . Population, l&o2 No. of persons to n sq. i.i. Asa. vnliiefor tiix.Tiioii. M'. 'luvvuniiipe dec Acres. Aapbodvl . Uelnioiit . . Uurlelgii. . Douro . . Duuiiiicr . Ennieuiorc Harvey . . Methucn . Motingbnn, N. Otonafcce , . Peter ()oro', T Siniin . . . Acres. loi • * 396U(i i(i;i 7oe(io f.W 744(11. m 4l«,Ul. 16; t 73Wil lOll ]07y(H t'7:. 196U1 :«'• 72iii;-<. 40, 15:J(.'l 80i 701-01 3e7: • • • ■ 2101 619(1 2(1(11 ICO.- G-iiW.a i;oia4 lo'.'oT ]!>.! £4mK V Mutiibfr ot'ucreti held •.. Population , lEo'i Mu. of leri^uiis to n tq. ni. . Afig. vtiliie for t.'ixaiiuii, 'o2 'i'UWIII:!ii 13811 1 Mo. of peri>oii4 to a sqr. mile. 3A.(il Am. val. (or tnxation, lf^Vf>. .£3Pti07u| 'i'Own&bi|'a,&.c Acte«. Mntilda . . . . Mountain . . WilliHtn^iburgl VVincliistiT. . lisaiJi mem 37Ul!( Jrop. 41Bf 2704 42P4 2£tJ. Av«.Vul| estw 11S7U6 44342 CUKNUAllT. \rc'a in squ.-iri: uiilci^ 450 Area in Acits 2Sit^ Nunilicr ol'uciec^ bclti 2<>1.:56 Po|UUtlon, Jfe.iS 17.')9t) No. of I er^ona to a sqr. niilc- ^9-1 A SB. val. liT Mxntion, li-5 2. X.T 11:127 'iOViIlrllipfiAci Acieti. l'0p.l.-\^^;.Val X2jni6l 70iij. IcslitUl- ICUSU'i 12r7S^; 51.% lOf.l-iJ X"t(lr.(( .Will 97(/h 4ll..:-. 2001'. 122>j; 4.--C IfiOPJ.i li32j 80U( I Area in sqinireiuileii. . . Area in acres Number of acres held . . Population, It 52 No. 01 peisoni* to a i> Ass. vnlie for inxntion. \ Tuwhsiiip.-' Beiley . . Eldon .... Sillily . . Kenelon . M.'iripoea . Ops Soinerville Verul.nni . Acree. 1'0|I. UtiCdlt fiO U06U<; m-jti- C4i;oi 270; (i&6(li 5I(> 7i-0( sm ooom Vol-i ii7-l(i( 201. «>2(ll)l Ul i 74! . 47i-2i' lU(lli-.( mc. 15.: Asa.Vi., X3tlUi 37351. 8j:j.";L t-l'OC iail);je 7tt>l» iiliUi liH52 Sinicoo. Area in square iiiiles. . . . 170" Area in ncies 11.3l'0l;li Nuiiil.ero! acres l-eld ... 3:j0iU'J Popuiiitiuii, 1^52 271Uo No. ol prrcOli.-i to a sq. in. . 1.). I Ass vnliip (rr t:.x;!ti(iii. ',"12 Xrcuii.Ti- lusM.Bliipe. Adjiilii . . . . x.'j?&d « a • • • • I'los Uwillimlnsry, West . . . . Innislil . . . . Matchedash . Medonte . . . iMcno Mulniur . . . Nomnvasnga Orillia . . . . Uru .Siitiiiidale . . . Tny Tecutn.-eth . Tiny Tosscrontio.. Vespra . . . ACIX'f. iop., 4120C ]!i!!4 fi&IRlO l.-i(i7 U1400 513 SSfiCt 3?m crco<. 23i;> 47401 ( ttJeti 111l> 7041 1 26^!t 70.!01' 7(iO IliOOOi l?.'-7 7-1 2m 71f 74Cit 2(27 53'20< 203 304C< m b"2Ut. 31'5,' b100( 74 > 444(,( 4f|0 liHIlX l«:i3 A^^. Vii X3ti74 1 t-(.()l2 12(jlt Charl'ienl.urgli Kei>yuu Lallc^'!^ter.■ . . I.ocliii'l . . . liidiiirEefervi CjOOf eciiOt 372(ji 31.28^ 4«(it 4174 ttto X211013 iit3;j7 1241)77 Ch&Kn XXil - Vb'atcriuu. Area in square miles 513 Area in Acres o2S4(;3 of acres beld 27oMa PopuUnioii, 1;52 2ti537 No. of persona to a sqr. mile. il,7 A'S. v.Tl. (or t unlioii, '.V?. XH2,"t-07 I ovi lirJilpi^Ai: Diiniir^':!-'. N. Gull, \ lilfige. PreMou . ly. . VVaterlou . . Welles-ley , . \Viln:ot . . . vVoouvlcli, , 470tL' 1 i.|'.|rtM!. Val •Am 020LO £f-0<;t;j 3(«: 347!.lX21i3374 i;2j'- iii 1 Isbi 7(;k 3.5-II .')2«-. ■%C()0 4GO03U 10(;OU0 3(4Vl'5 ICJrW XXlU.-WctiinctuniSicirjrc}'. Wl!!,I.l.\OT0S. Area in square nules 32i Are^ in Actee 79101)4 of rtcre.« I'.cld 3.5en49 Populiuioii, IM2 207118 No. of persons to a ."qr. mile.. 2ti C As-. V!tl lori.niition, IS,')2. Xi1!0j;1; As^; vTii l.-.CiSOf- ii^vviiii ipa,<'.c .-icres K-772 1 Ainar;ir.tli . Arthur . . , laOi- 3115'.; Mi 'J-. 'i>4l 2 1( (K (5('23 !'«;( i;i21'J l.'^^516( 31 CI 77.-5'. l\.p. XVlll.— JiiTiwi'oU & Itneot-ll. I'Kt coil. Area in square niiieti. . , . 475 Area in Hcres 305624) Numl-er of acres lield . . . ll.'U;?.') Popul.ition, IMS 101^7 No. of peraone to a sq. oi. . 2*2.1 A ss, va lue for t axRiioii. '52 XaBlliH) ^i'owufliipB. Acreu. Pop, Ab^.Vai ! Alfred. Caledonia . . • n8wl(0Blury]<: 1039^ (iKtiir. leiip". XXI.— I^toiitioiit, Buutibfn, b10R.M0.\T. Area in square iiiilcs SO) Area in Acres 2.'C'201 Nninlier ol acres lield Iti763: Population, 1952 14i!4J! No. of iieisons to a sqr. mile. . 37,4 A kb. V al. for laxatien, It 5^, X46j_»52 Townt-hlpBiAcc Acre.-. Pip. Ass. Val Cornwall OSCCO 4707 Xlfcl3-t ('ornw Ell town .... 1692 fCOtif Fincit 516CI' 14 j( 25(.i(M Osnahruck.,.. fiOSCC 470( IopII;, Roxhoiougl).. . 7l12i.l 21421 3IU4e nONDAS. Area in square niilta 377 Area lu acrei .VW7I' KruHiO^a .... Erin Gfiraf.-aiia . . . Guel| h . . . Guelpli, 'J'ov.i I.utlier picoi e33«l; (i£P4;i 44(JUt; 7i;.10(; 04(i0( 42liV0 Mi.ryloroujjii Mitiio Nicliol Ptt'l Pilliir.g'oii ., i'ljyliiii-h .. . ,'>ii77l 74(1.^ '2Hi( 1 T4>^ii( 2.'"i:t;', 5ul) 100(. •-"i'jfl ojiti, 2b7!) IMit 40:> HOI 40! 2lo( '21.;; 109(1 3rliv XIKUl '..faitHI li3i)31 M.').'59li ».StiCf 1C2I3C 14t)(:«0 4293 2a:Jaii .■»;(;o tOiifO {\2n 7a)55 li.5.'>;lii 1864] •I Arra iu sqi;are liiilf g Vii\ Area in Acres ]4.-.''.9('5 Numfcer of acusheld ■.21'-:;ii 1 opulaiiun, lSrJ2 132! No. of f'ersoi.s to a sqr. mile. 6.' Ass. v;il. (or lajaticn. lSi.2, X.'34':7'i 'l'OVh{iBl!il>ti,&.< Ar(en)et.ia Beiiiinck.. . . CollingwiKKl, Uerly Eiiremont . . . Kuphrnsia . . . Gleuet*;. . . .. Uullaitd . . . . Melaocibon... HMM, Normauly. . fjasjL ^crL-^. 7(ono 7CtiO'i 37M1- 7CiJh: 72UM ceBCf, 7734, 76;0( 60121 70«r Pop 1272 04.-1 471 ceo 6dat>, To FInniboro', Plamtioro', " Glnnford .. Saltdeei . . Area in b:|ii Area in Acr Number of i Population, No. of per^o Ass. val. for Area in sqiiii Area in acre IU Arti, Pi 1.— Beauhi a.— Belled 3. Berilii( 4. — Honav 5.-Clianil (I.— Clianij 7.- Uorcln 8 — Drumii 9.— Gaspe 10.— Huiili 11. — K.-niioi W.— Leiii.«t< 13.-L.'lslct 14.— I.otbiii 15.— Vlcg.iK W.-Missiii 17, — Mjiitm 18— Moil I rt 19— Nicolui 23.— Oltaw; 91. — Porine W,— QuebtM «3.-Ril)fli 84 -Riinoii W-Rouvil 36 — Sogiir , 27 —Hi. Ma 28,~St Ilv; 29 — Sheff'.r ao.-Sherlin 31.— sM.nniite M.— Perreb M.-Two M 34.— Vaudre 35,-VrrcliC 96,— yainas Totals, U [1864 (eoHUHned.) i 13811 a a sqr. mile. • • il-O fr4(*! 7ii!) OL-oa 35I( o-.;0L« Sitt". 5!-W;f. 3iy: /iM<. Val i:rM3374 lS7i:« .%C(iU 4G()0S(I lOi.OUO 3(4Vl,'5 inCtoniVGrcy .MiVUTO.N. piilfs 1237 79H)t4 flicld 3.5t!)4fl 207 !)6 a sqr. niilc. . Uti C itioii. iy >i>. xiiioar ic.res.| I'op.jAsi-.Val (•3300 jUi) XltHJil (i£('4:> lOUI. 'ii'nW 41(i(;t; •J*iO li3t.;jl 7i;.i0(; OJtl!. \i5rm 04ll(K: iC^:i OJtlSf KtOlj 2b7!! ]g>ji:jc ■ • . • IMil 14tK;0C 91001 •jo:) 4m .01)77) I'Ol 233jii 74(1,0 40! •10(!l eHM 1 Slot im( T4>-Iit ij,}^ <:,-i-i:^ •J.-'i:0'. loao 7f«5o cOirIK Oftiv ii.j.'a 1864] LOWER CANADA, POPULATION, &C. M •IIKY— (eoia **"*^ NelM>r- vnm XXI v.— MTcutwof til Jk; Hal- toil. WENTWORTH Area in squ.ire iiiilei. . Area ill Acrei Nuinlierof acres held. . Population, 1332 No. persoMd to a sqr. tnilc. 420 273000 3:}0051 4t!oli lUO.O AS.X. val. lorta.xaiiun, 193-i, £1743*24'^ Ton'niit)i|ig,&.c AncRster. . .. Barton Beverley .... Biiilirook Dundaf, Towi FIniiiboro', K. Fla!nt)oro', W. Glnnt'iird . aallileei . Acres. Pop.j 44001) 40J3 um) 173.5 roaoo ^.G-i:; «2S0Q(i 1737 • ■ • « 3.517 33S0O •J9J.1 31-i0(i 35« 23000 aijOB •/?oco 2?01 Ass .Val 106041 270707 190009 20l!OU(i a'J4-C8 23:!2'23 12m. 21437- H.\i/ro.N. Area in B:)uare miles ;I6'> Area in Acres 2320i)o Number of acres lield 200.355 Populaiion, IfSi ia32j No. of pcr-iQiis 10 aisqr. mi!e. . r>>.i' Asi. val. for taxation, I'iW, jei094i363 Area in square miles .32592 Area ill acres '>'^~94SAj BALTO»— (entrtinKMl.) i'owiiiiiip«,&e Trnfulgar. ACKi. 70400 440O. 4t!>OiiO tfOUOl P0|i .AiS.Vul 2M7 4078 C7S-.i IOIZjO 29II72S ontaRia— («oii(m«<4 } Number of acres lield 8!«>438 Popul .tioii, Viii 20571 No. of |iertajii» to a sqr. mite. . 3.1>^ Asy. val. for laJtatioii, l^:i:>, £V^H;(H T0W11:'|II(>K,&C XXV.— York, Ontario and Feci. TOnK. j Area in square miles ^0^1 Area in Acres ."iiSn'O! Nuinirer of acres lield 3tti*.>;.)| rojjuiatioii, ieo2 60" :4 No. of persons to a sqr. milf-.. « Ass. val. for taxation, l^r^i. £3013) i owii.-^l)i(.a,&:c Acfi;». I'op Rto! icoke . . . 250!i0 3471 Oeonjiiia 4lC(iU ito: (iwilliinbury E 730110 320- Gwillinibury N 31200 U-( King 7!:4'.lO ()58- .Mnrkliain . . . C9300 772 Sc.irborougli .. 451100 421 Vnughnn ovoro 772; Wliiichurcli... 6-3000 47.- York cioun 1003 Yorkvillc, v.. liicor- ro'i OMTARIO. .Vreai'i square iiiilcj?.. Area in Ac; us £\i'>5 vO 4.'iJ)0 170 .1.0 47;);o 30(,y;'.0 4ie:)iH< 270i;00 41.^): 00 2i;o!!00 .wOa'JO . 1 I > r. > . =.71 .503:00 llroek . . . Mnra. . . • Osbawa, ) Pli-'koriti? Kama . . . llcac'i. . . Scott. . . . ! h'cuco;; . . Tlioi.nli... U.xhriilge . VVIiiiby .. Acre:). (i72(m (i42iU! 1-2MM. li.v-o!; 4!5|')0 JdSOt 30400 .7JHi>0 p6i>.:A»it.Viii um 114" 073". 4r.i»oo MIKHW 4.530W.! 5717 If-IIM'/O 47K0 saoo S70'jO lOOillW 47fcOI'0 Area in nqiiare miles >4JS Aiea in Acres 2!T..!W) Nuuilier of acri's hrld •il'.'fi4* Popubilioii, ISM 24yi0 No. of persons to a sqr. mile., 31.2 As.-), val. f.irta.\iiiloii. I.^.i-J. ^ItgCvi'ia Towr!s]iif;.s,ic Acrts., I'up. AirVul All.ion Hr.'impton, V. . (,'ali!d')!i . . . . CliitiiiM.'ieoiipy. Toronio .... Toronio, Gore. 3ceuo 42^i'je-icnnoo hicor-lporaicd !ft>2.. r>f)Ollor:J707 f^laOO! 74(19 (i72(I«| 7.")3!) 192001 1S20 TAtal, ITppT €aunda. Number of acres lield i)^-'01l7 Popiilniion in Ib.'ii «.'»2U0 1 No. 'if persons to a sq. m'le Aii vnl. for l.iXiilion. iRli j£;3(J(t7i SM 13l)i:o« 4- 471 7Cil)-. ceo 7201 ( ma ceow. 1250 9J-t 7734'; 76;0( •i't «012i S39 7Wr 486 X«7«> •-HWiW 2ii0(;e IBM 12UK 30UU S3IMII SOW sm OOVN TIK8. < t A o — ( = 2=: - . IP- V. i> .-3 S=-l County or Chief Towns. 1.— Beauharnoii 3.— Bellecli:i9iie 3. Bcrdiior 717 1M?3 9.)»0 4oiiO 211 62IW 2050 1(}44 40r>3 4ra 1090 6090 l-i20 733 1463 360 7405 107 4S7 35100 nmo 16010 373 8300 420 75000 7300 477 749 9783 txxt 943 1404 330 196 4.1S330 69J12.J 0137G00 21118400 1».)040 3oerioi:0 1312000 1032160 23:13920 3I«>0 ro7a)ii 3SU7630 47040i» 6376J0 2t(M00 4777001) i-aO 80 3H08I) 224t>10i)0 0(»l6i)l> 10-20.7600 2.'JH720 521*X)0 •.!74780 48']00000 4672000 3032^ 479300 17ai4« 404480 349800 88H3liO 911200 126790 181190 361000 17.3308 337091 I39i)3il 139974 193':19 479712 2029;» 9.>210 '.>89oeo 206.S83 30! .92 J 21382S y237li'^ 101121 liMOO 14JOC7 123 39 i94:«n 3-i0227 272939 iso-mi 2007S9 377('24 23S3'ja 278078 230090 238363 20119-* 2.t2430 23067 ii43«M 30033U 154700 ISS.Vll 139131 40213 179c:i 3160e! 1080.1 2:'.576 I'WOO 4;U(3 lU5il2 l!)!)04 4WM3 20390 2909i) igjit 16.},J7 13S 5 UH-«4 77: N I l!W-;7 22'J';3 19368 6l,K>J 230-0 27»31 207;--3 2:362 30023 1645-2 291)14 26791 30170 21 m 11748 30.8 lii.O 3.0 2.3 97.5 2.2 aixt 10.0 20 83.2 1-7 49 lO.Of' 22.6 04 37.1 1.2 392.7 4;).:-! 0.-,; IS ;is to- 32 02.7 0.2 37 04.1 22.0 7.1 21.0 491 81.4 ot.n 72.6 52.1 X130I7-2 C239C9 1213.73^ 30{)jl)8 303908 69774fj 1720903 7)0.'>4l .■)3IC5» 1012'"^) I 741797 10'%3;312 7097ei 81 2021 ((0-e3.» .■.Hill 143^.'0 00!?59l , 1174117 9-J5-0 470ll.')3 7-^10 13.>728« WliOWJ 11)03211 900324 «.>i-836 756712 f<;i«770 8301-'3 f?6a09 10(31210 ■V>6099 477U3 SOOtM.*) Honuliarnois. Kerdiier en bng. HcnhiereM hutU. 4. — Bun.ivcnture 5.— Cliaiiibly* l('g,inlic 16.— Mi,-;sl<(juoi 17.— M jiiiniorfaci 18— Moiiireal 19— Nicolot L'Assoinjiti'jn. l.'h;l(t., Lot1)ini6ro. l'hillii\.!bi:r5. ('!i;ue:ni Rioher. jMoiiiroiil. Nicolcr. 20. — Ditawa Aylmer. 31.— Porineuf W.-Qut;lu;c K.— Rilifliini .. , 84 — Riinoii>ki Mi-RouvJIIe 26- SOglir .IV 27 —St. Maurice 88.— St rivriciiitlie Port Neuf. Uuebcc. Sorel. Riinouski. Clarcticc/illo. Uboul^.-ncut^. 'J'hree Rivers. St. Hyacinilie. Granl)y. Sherlirooke. Stanati^.ifl 29 — Shctr.rd 30. — l3hpr*>rooItii ........... 31. —^tead Si. — 'IVrrt^hoiine ........... Terrebonne. St. KHstnche. 33— Two Mountains M.— VauitreuU 35.— Vrrclidrcs Verchferej. Yatnotka. 36. — YBinaHka : 'Wwaoo;' »nwMi Hl»«9«l 4 H r«»Qoo«i,'?-i Totftlii, Ijower Ounniitk WWMO 'IWlTllliiiiii 1 1 1. sajawiiWB>.. :-*ir"< i n \ I : i M <■ M i i! OOUi^TIES Ajy liOlYlBR CAIVADA. By ibe neir FarliameiKary Repreienution Act,tbewing the population of cachi and the Coantf. or chief Towns < Covirriu. PorotATion. Towks. I, AraenteuU 14120 St. Pla(;ide. «' ArSuibatka...:^.. 0939 3. Bngot, ISO-ia Upton. 4. Beauce 1S9«7 6te Marie. 8. Beaidmrnoii t2IU3 Beauharnols. 6. Bellechaase i2004, .... .St. Michrl. 7. Berthler 10390 Berthlcr. 8. Bonaventurc i^SSi Carlisle. 9. Chambly U'W.! Chanibly. 10. Cliamplain I3~00 Bativcan. II. Chatcaugay,. 173.)4 Chatcau^y. 1«. Ohlcoutiini, 'OtO Chicoiitlmi. 13. Compion 7463 Coniptun. 14. Dorchester. ....... )2*iX) Bt. Ansclmc. 15. Drummond OU-S Drummond. 19. Gaspe.- .../.... >0(I94 Perec. 17. Huntingdon 15100 lluDtingdon. 18. Iberville J4S01 St. George. 19. Jolliette, li^l^ JoUicue. 90. Kainouiaska 10375 KairotiMska. 21. Laprairic I40S4 Lanrairie. 29. L'Assomption, . . . . 10^06 L'Assoniption. S3. Laval HUM [ale it&us. 24. Levis 14853 St. Joseph. 95. L'IsIet, umi L'iBlPt 26. Loibiniern ISOiil Ixtliiiiicre. 27. Masklnongc,- 13415 IVJashinoiipe. 98. Megantic 1 o357. .... .S-'omcratt. 20. Missisquoi 2.VJ13 rhil)ip8b:iTg. 30. Montcalm l!i?i'l St. Patrick. CoctNtlKS. POPDLATIDN. ToWNS. 31. Montmagnf. ...... 11945. .... .MonUnamy. . 32. Montmorency ..... 0S08 ...... Chateau Ricli«r. 33. Montreal 77361 Monucal. 34. NapiervUle lOStl Sherrington. 39. Nicoiet Ife057 Nicolet 38. Otiavra l.'^CSS .Ayhner. 37. Pontiac 0^65 Allumeilca. 38. Fortneuf 10031 Cap Sante. 3f«. auchcc 59041 Quebec. 40. RicUellcii lOS-V). .... .Sorcl. 41. Riiiiouski 133.')1 Riiiiouski 42. Rouville Ifi338 43. Siigupnay . 44. t-lieflbrd. ... 45. Short.rooke. . .. 4i). b'oulangcs. . . . •47. Ktanstoad 48. St. Uyacln'.liP. . St. HUatre. 13;)4l Bale St. Paul. llO'iS Gfiinby. lllrt. .... .eherliirooke. 11.31-i Cottaii dii Lac, lOAM Stanstead. 17.044 tf^t. Hyiicinthe. 49. St. .Fohim 152-26 St. Jean. 3!». .St. Maurice 14147 Three Rivers. 51. 'Cntloussac 1>"03 T.idOuaiac. 5ti. TcniJucouata U^Ci RiviTt'du rx)ap, f>'3, 'I'enebonne itiSS.'? Ste Thorefc. 54. Txvo Moiitit.iina. . . ]370tJ Ste Pcholastiquc, oj. Vaiiilrciiil 0917. . . , . .Vauoreuil. 30. Vtrchercs Mli'.l Varenncs. .)7. Wolfe 2->:).5 o8. Yiiinaska 14718 La Baie. ropul.ntion ^90,"Ji!l EASTJEUN P110VIiV4iES, Ac, OF AMESJFCA. llRITI.'!iII !V01STH Nova Scotia.— 1851. COt'NTirF. 1— Annapolis 2— Cape Biuton 3— Colclicair 4 — Ciiiiibcrland - - - 5-Digby * 6 — Guvuborougli 7— Halifax e— Hants 9 — Inverness - - -- - 10— Kings II— Liinenburgh 12— PlctotJ - • 13— ttuectrs ------ 14 — Kichmoiid 1.1 — ShclbiiTne 18— Si -■ -- .wn -• -- 3498 -. -- 17-14 -■ -- 1762s -. COUNTY TOWNB. • Hopf-well. - Woodstock. - St. Andrews. - r.athnrat. - l.iveriK)0l. - Kingston. ■ Miraniichi. - Gagetown. Haltiousie. - St. John. - Magerville. • Perdi. - tlorchoster. - Frciltricton. Total Poiiulction, 1S51 103800 Prince Etl wards Island.— 184S* COUNTIES. TOPrLATlOM. 1— King's 154v'3 - 2— Prince's - - 15142 - - 3— Queen's 32111 - . CODNTV TOWNS. - Georgetown. - Priiicelown. - Charlottctotvn. Total Population, 1348. 52678 Newfoundland.- 1845. CLECTORAr. DISTRICTS. POPIHTION. 1— Bonavista Bay 7,227 2— Burin- - - 4,ai>8 3— Conception Bay 28,026 4— Ferry land 4,.'i8l a— Fogo 0,744 6— Fortune Bay 5,100 7— Placentia and St. Mary's 6,473 p— 8f. Joliii's - 25,',>ei ft-Triuiiy Uay 8,801 Total, 1845 95,500 PopHlation of Citic!* In 1854. 1 oronto. U. C, lai-jo Hamilton " SS'JO Kingston " (jg4o Unebec, L. C 34.500 Montreal " 44093 Frerioricton, N. B 371)0 St. Jolin. " lOoiiO Halifax, N. 8 22000 Cliarlctietowii, P. E. 1. n904 St. John's, N. F 12IJ00 B. 7i. A J8W. 1852. 21050 30773 59.')2 14112 9300 11383 37000 42052 .50000 377U 4000 4458 201)00 22749 S3.VX) 20000 4500 4717 190G0 21000 PROVlWCtS. i'EAR Upper Canada. 18.52 liOwer Canada. ll:'52 NewBrunswick l?'5l Novn Scotiii... 1^51 P. I?48 Xcwfoundlnnd. 1SI3 n. B. Territory 1831 Labrador 1331 j^ummary. PoPDLA- SiJUAHI! TION. 033239 8i^-26l 103:00 275117 Pirns 90600 MII.ICS, Capitau. 147832 Toronto. 2919S9 Quebec. 27700 Fredericton. 18745 Halifax. 8134 ChariotietVH 57COO St. Johns. 180000 astoeoo York Fort. 30(10 170000 Nain Fort. Totals 9952695 imni ■ ''■\!^-j^l^%{ [»««* '. or chief Towns c TOWM. > .Montinamy. . .Chotcau Rteti«r. . . Montreal. .Sherrington. .Nicolet . A vkner. . Ailumetics. . Cap Sanie. , .Quebec. , .Sorcl. . . Ritiiouski. . .Ht. HUaire. , . Bale St. Paul. . .Grmhy. . .Sherhroolte. . . Cott:»ii dii, . .BtRnstend. . .t^t. Hyacinthe. . .St. Jean. . .Three Rlvefs. . .Tadougsac . .RiviTt'du fiOap. . . Sie Thorefo. . .Stet^o.holastiqwc. . .Vaucirciiil. . .Varenncs. I . .La Bale. ^OKTH -1851. eoUKTY TOWK«. - Hopewell. - Woodjf!rtbi?r en Haunt Bertliier J. F,a. Coutu Bevurly. . ..Haamrd L«;)b John Warren liic Bic Rimouskl. . .G. Sylvatn. liitihrojh HinLrook . . .-Wcnuvortti. .Henry H«;i. , Birmlngi>am.Piit.«burg... . .Fruntenac. ...JBiriiiinghiim ili.siiupsMl's.Oxfoid GrwiviUo. . . IL A. liisliop niandford ...Blandford. . ..Nicolet G. Gers. Illoomfiuld... Hallo well Prince Edw'd.PhiUp Clark. Hlooni.sburg--Towti8end -Norfolk M. Kitchen. Hobcaygeon.Verulam reterboro'..-M. Boyd. Bond llead..Tecuinscth.... Simcoc. . . .0. McVtttie. Prince Edw'dJno. Bongaiti, .Lnmbton. . .J. Hilbom. .Norfolk David Morgan Chambly. . . P. Monaique. Port Ncuf. . . .Joseph Beet. Simcoc . . . ■ G. Douglasa. FlongardsC's.Marysburg — Bos inquet....llosan(]uct. Boston Townsend. Boucherv'le. Boucheiville. . l3ourg Louis . Bradford. . . .WGwil'mb'v. . Krampton ..Chln^uacousy.Peel P. Howland. llranchion..Dumtrics. . . .Waterloo. . .P. MarshnU. Brant Brant Bruce Jno.Sbennon. Braniford.-.Urantford . BrowersMs.PitUburg . Hrewsicr — -Hny Bridgeport... Waterloo. . Itridgewaieri'lmrlow. . .Brant .Frontenac •-Huron • — .WatC'loo. .H.tstings. .J. D. Cloment. ..R. Anglin. — Brewster. , .J. A. Mackie. .J. F. Bryan, ..Waterloo. . ..Waterloo... .W. Bavideon, Brighton. ...Murray Northumbri'dJ. Lockwood. Hriitol Bristol Ottawa. . . .Wm. King, llrouke. . . .Brooke Lambtou. . .A. McGregor. Brookltn Whi'by Ontario R.DartinM>n. Bro:k Brock Ontario Thomaa UiU. Urockvnie...Ellzahcthtown.I..eeds J. Kilborn. Kronte. . ..'i rafalgar. . . .Halton. . . . B. Wllllaini. Broome .. ..Rrome SheflbrJ. . ..N. Pettes. Bromley Bromley Renfrew. . .J. Robertaon. Brompton . . . Brompton . . . .Shcibrooke. S. A. Sterena Brougham... Pickering OnLirin Richard Pnnn Brouirhton...Broushion.. . . M^antic. . .<< H. J. Unll. Browii'sCrs.Pickt-ring . . . Ontario E. W.Brown Bruce Bruce. Bruce P. Sinclair. nruceMin's.-On.Lakcnuron JGPennefather Ilruccfield...,TuckcrHtnitli. .Huron O. McMillan. Ruckiiigh'm..Buckingliam.. Ottawa. . . .James Wilson Burforif. . ..Burford Brant. . . . .-AV. Whitehead. Burgeasville-Norwich — -Oxford- Edwin Treffey Burriut's R..Malborough. ..Carleton. . ..S. Burritt. Butto«ivillc...Murkham York W. Morrison. Buxton Raleigh. . . .Kent JO. Campbell. Bytown Najicin Carleton. . . G. W. B.iker. Cacona Cacona Rimou'4ki....J. B. Beaulieu. (Jacsara Ciriwrigiit—- Ourliniu-- — Win. Scitofield. Caistor Caistor Lincoln. . ..J. TiaJalc. Ciiiitorville — Ciistor Lincoln - — David Trie. (yaledon ('aledon. . ..PeeJ Gi-orae Bell. Caldon East.CaledoM . . . .Peal J. McI>oiigall. (valedoniaFl'tsCaledjnia.-.Prescoit. . . W. Bradley. Caledonia Springs Caledonia. ...Prescott. . . .Alex McPhee. Cal'imctlglM.Calumet . . .Ottawa. . ..L. Bri-siird, Uainbray Pciiulon.. . .Victoria. . .H. Edwards. Camden East.Camden East Addington... 8. Clarke. Campbeirs Cross Chingiiac'sy.Peel R. Cainpboll. f^ampbellvilleNassagaw'a. Halton. . . .Jaa. McGriffln. Canboro' Canhoro*. . .Haldimand.. Wm. Fitch. Canestoga Woolwich. . Waterloo.. ..Chas. HendfA Canning Blenlicim.. .Oxford. . . .Thoa. Allchin. Cannington.. Brock Ontario Chas. Olbbs. Cape Core... Perce Gaspe Wm. Tilly. Oft|ie Rich— St. Vincent-Grey- — D. MeLnrsn. CapeSlIgnace L'Islet. . . .P. A. Larue. CapeSantc.Portneuf . . .Portneuf. . ,G. A. Allsopp. Carillon Chatham Two Moun- tnina. . . .O. Wanless. CarletonB.C.Carleton. . . .Bonavent're.Jo*. Meaglirr. CarletonPlceRamsay. . . .Lanark. . «.. Robert Bell. I M\ I ji \i .yk I ;.t 1;: Ji 64 POST OFFICES. [1854 NikMK or POUT orriCK. coorxY. poitmaster. L.V TOWNSHIP OR SmONIORT. Corliile. . ..E.F]ainboro'.WeiitworUi..R. R. Ltetcr, C'arlow Col borne Huron JH.MeJjonagh' Cnrra'loc...i'arradoc. . ..AiiiMlcse.x. ..Kilw'il Mihell. (>aiitlttun...Cramabc. . .NoiiljuinbTl'dJ. C. I'cnnock. Caftwri3bt..(^anwrlght...iJurli«ui. . ..Win. Vonce. Ca«tieibrd . . tlonon ... Rcii!r:w. . .Tbo-<. O'Neil. Caugfaua'ga .HaultStLoulB.HuMingiloii.R. W McNdb. Cavan Cavan Durliani. . .J. KiionrlHon. Cayuga Ciiyuga Hnl(iimaud.,U. Cuiupbcll. Cayuga Hcighis-liruntford -Ur,-iiii 1). 1). Drt'cslcr. Ccuora . . . .k'oi.Iiingcs — VaudrcuU ..Wm. VVnitn*. Centreville. ..Canidcii £astAd(iin|toii. .J. N. Lcpuin. CcD.Auguita.Aiigugtn (irunvllle. ..II. A1".l.oaii. Cbumbly W. Chambly.Chaiiibly. ..'rjioe. Hickey. Cbamplain . .Chniiiplain...Cha>npl!iin..J. U. liRnoneite CliurlCBton -Eicou l.w I* Peicr f. Grcii Chaneville. ..Aiigiibta. . . firejwlUc. ..i'hut. Lane. Chat'uRichcrMoiitmorenci MonUnor'ncii^.O. Rousseau Chateaugiiay Chuteaugii'y..lluiiuiigdun.G. liurwell. Chathaiu.U CRulcigh Kent John f:row. Chatham Cbatbain . . .'iMouiitaiiis.!>airil Cudhing. Chelsea . . ..Hull Ottiwu. . .-1'. B. l>roini»B. ChelU!nbain..Cliiiigtiiic'»cy I'ct'l \Vm Allan. Chu8terfu;:d..Bleiibuiin. . .Oxfi.rd C'eorgc liaiicJ. Cherry C'rccklnnigfil.,.. . .Sirncou- . ..D. D. Hav. Cherry Valley Hiillowell. -..Iriiicc iltiwl. T. Insley. Ch!couUini...Cl.icoutimi. ..Stgucnay . .J Chapffon. .. Chippawa . ..Stainford . . . VVell.'imi. Cburdivillc. .Toronto I'eel. . . . Claphani Ailolphtist'n..Li'iiox . . Cla eniQiii. ..I'lckerini?. . .Onti^rio.. Clarence . . .Clareiict) . . .Russell . . ClBroricevillcNoyan Roiivilin. Clareadon. . .riiirtiuion... .Oitiiwa. . Clarundon 0,CI;ircndoa....()it;iwa. . Clarke Clarke Durham. , Clearcreck.-.llotighLuti... .Norlblk. , Clearvillc Orfurd Kent. . . Clifton UousoStrirn.''or,i. . . . V\'cll-!nii. Clinton . Coaticoo;?. Coklen. . Coboiirg. . Colbonie... T(uker.siiatli .Hiiroii . .Bi^r.'ord. . Koss . . . . . . ll!!iiii'ton. . .Cr.-.iivJ!(( . . Colchester .. .Coljlu^iair. . Coldwnter...M<;iijai(;. . . CoMi>prinu8..IIatiiiUo.i . . Colelirook . -.C'Hin'U n R.. ...Wm. Hepburn. . . \V. Dugtfan. , .E. I). Lfilannc. . .Thos. NoMe. . .R. U'oodlpy. ...(.'h'ls. Stewart. ..Kiimd. Heath. ..Jus Hbaw. .J no. PcDvis. . -J. llriilgcinnn. Ai. 11. Oesnor. ,.-J. Slienrs. . . Jns. Gor i'jii. . .H. JluUiiig. ...Jncon Goiild. . ^orllll;lllh'i;l■| honins Nvjit. .ho.-itiuuili'klJ. A (\ilhorn'!. .Ki.tfi'x . . . .John KidsJ.iie. -b^iiiiroo liis, :?lirnv. ..N't.riliuniL'ldl). Mcletush. ,..\(ii'liiipion. .('. Warner. .f-lnT'.Kl(":ii1 .Kcniicw. Colerain . . . .'I'oroiKO Goro-1'eel . . . ...T fc't Joliii. Colliii!iivoLd-i\o(t.»\vus..g'ii«ii!ii'0'.: Peii rl crfin-^nn Colliiiville... Keiif . . . , .C. Mi-UirniDld. Coluiulm3....\VniLby Or.tnrio. . .. Koiert Athlon. Comber ... Couipton. .. Conseco ti.. . Contrecocur. C/ookstownj. Cooksvillp., Cooksliire. . Copetown... Cornwall. . Coriinna. . . «'(irn\vall. Coteau (til l;io.-»oul:in;,'e5. • Coteaul.!HrL'.Soul.':n';eK.. TilbnryWoJl.KHC.v J. Gr.-.ccy. Coiiijiton i^lien roolve. A.W. Kem'r'k IlilliiT I'riiice i:(i\v.\V. KirMnnd. (Vnireoffiur. .Ver-b(>!i;8...l»ii,ic Ib'nlot. Tn.^iiiiiM'li. ...!riiiiu:ot'. . ..Jriii llariv-r, .. . . Peel F. 13. Mi.rley. • KulOii Slierl rook(!..R. W'lli'reil. .VV"eni\V(ir;li...l f!. Isrsisser. • fciioruicut. ...'V. C. Wood. ..T,am!iion. . .A. J. Stephens ..Van ireuil Luirj* Adauis. .V;nr: r-jiiil .J. l>cri.iin?h,ini <^ovey tiill.I.HcminiMgfbrdllo;t'i;i,.nioii. Will Uarri't. Coi.vanr>ville.Tin:ihiiin. . ..Missbqioi. . l'rt(.rC(n\an. CrwHt Toronto. . ..I'e 1 Jos. MoGrath. <'reek H;uik..\Vcoiwich. .-WatiMloo. . ..iolm l''i.-her. CreinoreM'lsi.Not,t;iwa.S!iga.f . . .Wni. I.oji.Tn. Ooss reint..1ir!jtk'oni'he..l!' n.ivcnt'e lohn Trascr. CrowlanJ,...t'ro\vlriMd. ...'Welland. . ..^V.V'an^llstirle Lroydon. . ..C.iniden Addinmon. . ,C .Mrndail. Cuiiiberiand..CninberIand.Vu-sell G.G. Dunning. nii'ninPmv.'t'V'isoii . . .Halloa. . . ...Win. I'anton Dalesvjilc R.of Chaihani-2 Moiuit'nsl". VioArihnr. Uuihou^iiiMrs . Gleng.iry....D. .McHhail. D«llel«)ut. . .DeRamr.ay.Jterthier.. . .Robt. Turner. Dnnvlllo. . . .Shipton r>fummond..T. (?. A Ills. Or.rllnt;toti...t)»rlliigton ..nurhiim R. l'\iirliairn. OBrtt'ofd . . .Percy . . . , .Nortliuinb'l'dN. Nilen. Onwn MWI« Hnwn- . . . .Tinrnblon .Ininr« fmith. namr OP POST OPrK.E. TowmBip OR COUNTY. PO*TXjMT». SCIONIORT. Deal Town.. Raleigh, Kent Joseph Sinjfh. DeCcwsvillcCayuga Haldim.ind-.WiM.UcCcw. Delaware — Delaware...IV1iddleiicz.... John Drake. DciiiorcstvillcSophiasburg.Princc l::dw..N. i^pragiw. De Kiinisay— OeR.'.nisny— Ucrihier James Keid. Dereham Dereham.. . .Oxford D. Herrlck. Dcrry Wfnt.. Toronto Peel T. McLear. Desc!i!imbaii'iiD(wlinmb'U.!'onriCuf P. Hamptin. Devon I ulorne. . .Huron Jos Cluick. Dewitviile....Ke;iuliarnois.lJCKiUhnrno!s.J. D.7vidson. Dickenson's Landing.;.. Cunal'r!ick..Stormont. . .W. ColquhouB. Di.\son'aCon'8Mjiilila Dundas VVm. Wood. Dcon Waterloo... . V\ niorloo . . .Robt. Ferrie. Dorchester ...Di robester. -Middlewx. ..Thos.Puinam. Douglasiown. Douglas ... .Gaspe Charles Veh. Downeyvillc.Kinily Vicicria. . ..M. Lcbanc. Drayton .. . .Iccl. Dre«len Dawn . . , Druiiiniond- ville Bast.. Gran. hnra. Diuinniond- ville West..St,-;nifiirri.- Dudi-well Dud.swoll . . .Wellington. . Lainbtou... .Ezra Adams. .Chas. Baxter. ..Drummcnd. James Millar. Welland....S. Falconbrldge Sherhiooke.Zerah Evans. Diinbarton...Pid;erir,g.- -Ontario John Parker. DuntJns Wl'laniboro.Wentwurtli.J. B. £wart. Dundee tloriumnclics- tcr Roaulinrnol»Pavld Baker. Dunbani Dunliani Misfii.<. Eatiiincr. Elora Nioh".l . . . . W»'lliiigion .Cbas. Alleti. Enihro' . . . ./.or,"i , . . Oxford .. . .J. Maibioson. Emily Emily . , . .Vm'oiia. . . Robt. (Jrandy. Enniskilien . .Drirliii!.toii . . . ..Icliii Ferri.i. EnniH Kniiisikillen .E:iinli;on .. .J;ini('s Eiuie. Epsom . . . .Heach . . . .Ontario . . .Anpon Huiton. Eramosa . . .Fraiiiosa . . .AV'eilingion .Wm. Forsyth. Erin Erin Welli'ii'ton .Wm. Ccrnock. Erroli I'lympton .. .I.iimliton ..Geo. Wbiiing, Eacott Yonge . . . . Lrequesing...niilton .. . fJtobicoke . . . EtobicoUe . .York . . . Enplirasia. . .Euphrasia ..Grey . . . Everton . . . .Erainoisu. . .Wellinglon IiU.'dN . . . .Sbcirord .. Victoria. . VVelland.. Wellinnton Thos.VantJton. .Rich. Tracey. .Wm. Gamble. .T.J. Rorke. .R. I '.verts. . Arza Parish. ...lohn Johnston .Wm. Poweto. .I>. Hancy. Jas. VcCJuoen, Fnrmersvillp..Yona(! . . . Farnbamt'cntre.FarnliaiB Fenelon Falls. Fenelon .. Fenwick . . . Pelham . , Feri;n.i-.K. Iltitchjiis. r..C. A. Smith. ...Kiizn Atkinson , ke-C. VV. Proiity. ...Jas. Gninblp. i ...11. Cardwell. | ...M. Pillar. j . ..t*. S. Jiaslon. I e...Io<'liU!i Fose. \ II.. H. Mradows. I ..-'I'. VVaison. I ...VVm. tJ. Akin.! ...P. Canssiidy. • i ...C. CopnfH. I . .T. l)oiip,-ill. I . . An>.'u.-iRny. i . .P. Per.nock. '..P. h'alc:-. : . .Win. Krnnk. tT'li'iKiinniiig •—.In.-!, [..•itiimcr. in .C'iias. Allen. . .J. MniMo.son. . .Roht. (iratidj". . ..Ifhii Eerrisi. . . .J;cinns I.iiile. . . Annon lUuton. I 11 .\Vni. Forsyih. I n .Win. Coriinck. I ..Ceo. Wliiiing. . .TIios.Van»Jton, . .Hieti. Trnccy. . .VVni. Gamble. . .'I'. J. Rorke. I -U. Kvnta. . AfM Parish. . ..Tohn Johnston . .Wm. Powete. . .Ii. flaney. I ..T.1S. McQueen. — William Dornn ..A. Cockhurn. . liCvi Fowler. .o. . .W.-iterlou ..V, liombacli. I h'rost VMlflgi'. S^lwtlbrd . . ..'►iied'or.i , . .U. i<. Fo»;er. IFuii'.rtoa . . . FiilliiTion .. l'i'riiiiiiii .J. D;ividtiOii. .J. McOoiiJlii.; . Wellington. .G. Skene, .Gaspe ictKi I. den. . N ieolet . . . Joaoph Godet- .il^'lton . . . .John Huiiiptcr. .f?taiistead.. .0. Ilnlloclt. .York ... .J. Boiirchif; .\Ventworth..D. K. Oi: Georgiiia . . .UecT-nna, Glant'ord . . . .Gl.'inibrJ Glenelg . . . .Glom'lg .. . .Grey . , . .M. Appi..-. Glen Morris . .l)u!iifr!e8S...Hr,iUt . . . .Kobem-IieU. Glcnwilliarii ..l•'s(^ueKing...HuHon . . .0. Williama. Go-lerich . . .Goiierich . . .Huron. . . .Thos. Kyd.'. Gooiwooii .. .l.!xhri'1i{0 . . .Onf.ario . . . M. Cliaiiiunn. Gore'sLandin;Hiimilton. . .Nonhuinti'd W'm. Hrowa. fJormlev's Crs.M.irklisin ... Vcr't Jis. Oorinley. Oosfiel'i . . . .Gostleli . . .E.-se.t . . . . J. (."outsworth. Gould I.ingwck .. .Phcrbrookc.J.ns. Kose. Gov\-er Point. .VVekineath.. Renfrew ...r.iib't.Caniton. Gra!iamisvilI.:..Ot:iiiru.-icousy.reel . . . .(^o. (..'rdh.nin. Granby . . . .Grauby . . . .tfhetibrd . . .H. I.ynian (iran^lo l'nii'..Bi'.got . . . .t'HgiieiKiy . Rob'jit tihir. Grande Grove tJ.-Tspe *!tin--. f'snouf. Groenhush KJiz ibKhl'wn.l eerls — II. Cl.mcti ird . Greenock (;re''tioi.'k Unice ...J. f4. Hitchie. Green Point. .Sopiii.i8burgl>..l'.li Iw'd.P. I'obliii. Gu'eM!=vllli — W,h Irimboro'. Halt in ..J inert Joyce. Greenwoo I. . -Piokerin.! 'ui C'o'e. . i;ij;iii J. W. Ktoiie. VV'ellin.ionUo .f. <\)rlet. .U.'iidiiuM J. •;. tl.n-iie'.t. Nor;hum'ii .loliii I'l.vlor. .Ml ^jinik;. And. ; ozeai. ^lUi!le^y.<.:|n« HrJl. I.cri'.ix . . .Tiich.Trd Kane. Grimsby Grimsby Grotidines (JrotidiiieH . . (Jroveseiul ... >lQ!atiidc.. . Gmlph Gueljih j Il!)ecrsvine....Onei'!a - Ildliimand H'diiimand... Hidil-ix Halifax I Hall's Coni'"r.*.VVes;iniiiflter. i Ilrirnbur!' Frt.ttr;cksl/'g I Mamiltoii Urinon VVetitvv'lii.K. Jlit'lue. ' llii/iipton I);irlii.;;ton i)urh..rii.. . 1 1 . FiliiHt. H.irl hn Past mi Marl ford I'owiisend . . . I n.'irwich i Hastings- , Ilatley ; llriwkesbiiry. ' nawksville... ;ri,Tv .Harwich .-.■\.sphoiieI — .Hailpy Jiflwlic-burv .Weiicsbn'--. .}!iiv . I.eeils . ..A. Chami crliii. Norfolk. ..s D-en. .Kcit ,Mex. >!rKay, . Peti' 'Vioro' 1 1 . I'o widi". .!^t;;i;.-.te id.VViri. <;. tiirr;iy. (jmivilb'-J..-;. y\r^:iiL)(!ld. I ^('ck'^^("cTM'rs,^■out!l Hower. j llemmini'ford .llaainingiord.-Bcauliar- i Ml i.'f. - .Tohn f-'criver. ■ irenryvillo.-- . fiiibr.-^vois PoHville .I'.oracii Well;!. I Her.lman'aCor Hinrt)iiibrO':>k i5eauhi'.r'''.A. (le.dint'n. ! Hfreford Horef. rd '.-herl rook.A. \'.uri{dou ..Godmanc Hes- ter BeauhiirnoisJno.Boblnioii f!iiniingvillc -Ascot--; Sberhrooke-B, P. niton. Ilunilcy .. . .Huntley . . .Carleton. . . JohnGraham. Indlaun . . . .Seneci . . . .HaUlimatid.R. H. Btieet. Irii.'iit>try Ikrdiier . . .P. O .i/Msdal. tiigersoU. . . .Oxford . . . .().>furd . . .C.K.UhDdwIell liii'ierkip .. . .E. Zorra. . .Oxiord .. . .Jas. Belt. 'nnir 'le. . . Aucnt-ter. . .V\ciii . Johi M Crs-HeinniiiigfordHuiiii .lohnsoii's MiUs-Ilay nnroii - Kbmjiiraska. .Kaniournska Kiimouraska.AlG.vis Gngne. Kaiesxille . . .Alelaide . . .Mi'ldlei-ex..Rd. Brown. Kemptvllic... Oxford. . . .Grimille ..W.H. Bottom KeiinebecLiiic Dorchester .D. Foriin. Kenyoti . . . .Ketiyoti . . .Gienyary Keswick.. N Gwillimbiiry York . . , Ketileby iVIlll?.Kiiig York . . . Kddare . . . .Kildnre . . .iiHrthier . . Ki'inarnocU . .Nont.igue . . .L-umrk . , .Relatv.ire ...Middlesex Kincarliiie..llriifo .. . 0. Caitenach. .Snphas Good*. .C. Tench. .J. Uourgeoia. • Jan. Maitlaiid. Kilwortli . . .Relatv.ire ...Middlesex, .("harlfs Cook. i>incar(iine ..Kincarliiie..llriico .. . .D.McKeiidriek Kiuii King V.rk .... F<. Pease. KiHt;sKiMUstjn. . .l'roiii;uiac..VV.lL Dcane. Ki'ii^dville . . .r.osf/eld. . . .Ls>e\: . . . .F. A. LnfTeriy. Kiri^uall ...Beverly . . . Wer.twortli.ftf, CiimiibelL ividey Kitliy . . . .Lcels .. . .Alex. McLean. KiiMeiier-,' . . .Vaii:;:ian. . .York .... H. 8. Uoniand !»'■ O'.vltoii . . .liroiiie . . . .Shi-uor 1. . . A. Ivi'ti^all. .Sl,i';lrrl. . .<;c..i. Brock. .H.iiuiii;:.!oii.L.'\rol;ambauU .L"in.>ifr. . .,1. Giiilhault, i/.Vcndie . . .Durliani . . . rir.mi.nci.d .H. Grifhn. L.iUaie Lal'.'dii Y.'imiiKiii';Jon.'r. VanrlU*. Kiiowlroii Falls Bronie . li'.Aoa !ie ■ • .ir/\c:ui'.j. L' poijijcii Fincoile T.ccorc- . . • lirtu errc- . . .Go'-Jniariclief t'.r r-a'ieTe.TdsJou.^ta . IV'.iuliarnoi> Jno ?.rcnona'd. . l!ini';unkL . . Ignnce LcLeL .2 ;Vi)iiiu.'iiiisG. Rogers. .ftfCL'Tti'ic ...J U. I^apointe. .Ken!'revv....Jolin Hall. .(iieiigiirv-.-.K Mcl'herson .Henbicr . . .G. B. GaJien. .L!iiiS(ii!wn...L((d£i . . . .G. JifcKelvey. " tiprrdric — nun'.;r)a;i;on.Jno. Charlton . .Gore . . Ijanibton . . . .Lat>;;r;i.. . . . .Lanc.i-ter... , .Liinuraie .. Laliefieiil . L'iniliton.. Lanark. . L;inc:is'rr . Lanorrae.. Liiiia .own Lh] ra'ne. Latins' Mill!!. .Tliiirlow ... . M.-i Lav dtri" .. . . Liivaltrie ....Perlhier . . Liwrencoville .S. Ely yiioiiord... Leeds. ..... .Leeds . . . .Meganiic. lii'i'outon. . . .E tiawks'by rrtiicotu. . Iz-ith Sydcnhsni ...Grey. . . . Lcinonville. ...Whitcliiirch .York. . . . I..enox Frederlcksb''ox. . . Lenrxvillo. . . A&cou. . . liesBer.eron'g Eergirou'H ..Sa>;ueiiay LesEboulcmens-Lcs Eboiile- Gco. Rosa, .N LDuplessia. -E i awreace. .RL .Titrgins. .Win J.iiniesoB. .Wm. WylLe. • Jno Anderson, .VV J. Forslioe. I'.rrJ rcoke,. J. P. Gusbin'*. Chas. Penil&nd mens. LesEficoumalna J,1rr'«,y . . . L' Islet Litchfield. . . Little Ridcau Lloydtown. . Lobo Ixjchaber... . I/Ochfsl. . . . Oiis. . .I.'inlu .Lixhfield. .N;ipuenny ., . .^i'CTieiiay.. . Vi(-ieri.i. . . .L'lslet... . . .Ott.twa. .Ddw.i. .SIcTia. .F. Telle. . David Culbert* .O.S.BallantiW .tliram Coiton. Hiiwkr8bury.Pre.Hcott.. . .I'tiomaa Rami .King York . . .s. .A. Eastwood. .Lolra.. . . . .Mi(klleBex...R. Mncklin. < . I.«chat>cr Ottawa . . . .Richard Jefwe. . Lochiel. . . •:Gleng8ry_.^.t2wetiQu%lef iiifi, IP m 1 ■,;i! h *9 oa F08T <»FFIC1S. {188*4 mAum OP oosimr. poiTifAmB. MaiUand. . . .Aiigjsta. MaiUvndRiver.Aniiur. . . MsUorytown. ..Yoiige. 1 I 1 i Towmuip o» nimtnon. LoodQO . . . .I^udon MiddtoMZ-.J^. Lnwlew. LongLk LpduNepean Carleton. . .John Rogera- Louguwtl. . •.Longueuil..Ohaiiibly. . .JowphLecour. Loni>r/MoiitrealMoiitreal...J. B. Mcriii. Louadale Tyendiiiaga.llnatingt. . .Jnin«a Loater. liOKtM Loretie. . ..Quebec. . ..D. Lefrancoia. L'Orlgnal. . ..L'Orignal. ..Preacoit. . .T.ll. Johnaon. Loibinlere. . ..Lotbinlero..LiOtbiiiiere. Joveph Fillcau Lougbborou^.Loughboro'.Frontciiac. .Hugh Marfdeo. Louiavlllfl. . ..ChHthani. ..Kent Wm. Griffla. Lower Irelaiid.Irelnnd. . ..Mogantic. ...J Reilfvrn. i«wvUIe. . . .Neteon. . ..UhUjii John McLaren Lxn Etizalieth'n.Lroda I'almer Lee. Lynden Beverly. . ..Weniworth.John Howard. urndburat L.aiiailowne.Lccda A. Cameron. Lynedoch. . . .OharlotteVcKorfolk Gwrue Uray. Jtudoe Ma.'oc HaHiiigs...G.A. Olimtead Mad R'er MilUOKprey. . ..Grey A. Yoel. Macog .. ...Magog. . ...SiaDRtead.. Calvin Abboit. llMlatone MaicUitone.. .E:iscx John Murray. .Grcnvillc.Roht. Ilcrvey. .VVellinglou.Wiliiain Giinn. .Lecda Chaa. Kcnyou. Manclietter. .. .Rencli. . • .Ontario. . ..W, Powron. ManUowaning.on Lake Huron Gi-o. Ironside. Manaingville BeanharnoisFisher Ami'^. Manvera Man vera... Durham. . .U. Gairdner. Mara Mara Ontario. . .M. McDonagh. Maich March Caricton. ...Thomas Read. Maripoaa. . . .Maripoaa. ..Victoria. . .Mary Douglas. Markham Markbaiu. ..Yoric Arcli. FarKor. Mario Dorcbester.^J. Armstrong. Mannon Marmora. ..Hat:iinga...Rd. Laycock. MaiahvUle. . ..Waiiiilect.-Wclland. ...Edwarit Lee. Martintown. . . Charloi'burgGIcngary. .A. McMartin. Maryaviite. . ..Tyendinnga- Hastings. ..J. DcFoe. Maaaawippi. ...W. Hatiey. .Stan^tead. .D. .M. Mouiton Masoouebe. . ..Maacouche-.Terrelione.. Phillip Mount MaaklQODge. . ..Maekiiionge. Ucniiirr. . .G. Snucier. Matane Matane. . ..Riniouaki..H. Cbepmell. Matilda Maiilda.. . .Dundas. . .Geo. Brouie. Mayfield Chinguacousy Peel Wm. Siieirs. Melanrtbon. . .Melancthon.Grey.. . . .J. Reactiall. Mdbourne. . ..MellJOurne..Shcrbrooke Ttaomaa Tait. Mdrore Tyendinaga. Hastings... Geo. Duncan. Mellville HUlier. . . .P. Klward.Jobn Wilson. Merrickvill«.. ..Woi:6rd. . .Grcnville. .E. Whitmarsb. Menittaville. . .Crowla-id. . .Wcllaiid. ..Thos. Burgar. Moaea. . . ...Mcrsea Essex.. . ..J. Wingtield. Merion. .... .Nelson Halton.. . .H. Harrison. Metis MetiA BiiiiouskL .Henry Page. Mlddleton Middleton.. .Norrolk. . .J. Lawson. Mllflvd . . . . . .Morysburg. .P. Edward.lMward Fegan. MiHlHmk Momington.Pertti.. . ..W. Rutherford Mill Brook... .Ca van. . . .Durham.... M. Knowlson. MUlCreuk. . . .Eroestown. .AdJim;ton. PSTimnierman Mille Vaclies— Saauenay — John Peverley. MJllGrovc. . ..W. Flimhoro'Wentwortli.A. B. Palmer Millba^eo. . • .Ernestown.. .Addington..Jcre'h Ainc/. MUlpoint. . . . .Bichmond.. .Lenox . . .Jnmes Bowcn. Milnesville. . . .Markbaw....York. . . .P. Milne. Milton, C.E.... Milton. . . .Sh.fford....Chas. Gillespie Miiton. C. W..Trafalgar li Iton D. Lyon. Mitchell Log'^ii Perth John Hicks. Mohawk.. . . .Brantford. . .Brant • . .AbrahamCook Moiia (luntiugdou. .Ilastinga.. >A. ATT-iggart Mono MillB . . . Mono ...... Simcoo. . . ~ Mono Centre,. .Mono. .... .Simcoe. . Montealin Rawiion Leinster- - Montreal. . . .Montreal. . ..Montreal. Mbntroae Stamford Welland.. A. Thompson Moore ..Moore Lambton..John Butler. Moravia. . . ..Zone Kent D. B. Smith. Morpeth Howard. . . .Kent. . . .D. Warren. Morrisburg. . .Matilda Dundaa.. .JameaHolden. Monrea Erneatown. .. .AddingtonJohn Gordoiiier Moia. ^Mo.^n Mddlesez.H. R. Archer. Mbulinette Cornwall. . . .Stormcnt..Thos. M Cosh Mountain. . . ..Mountain. . ..Dundaa. ..Jaa. Clcland. Mount Albion. Barton WentworttaWm. Cooke. Mount Ei^. ..Oeieham. . . .Oiford. . .D. C. Wood. Mount Forest. Arthur -—-Wcllingion-J. McDonald. M'tft Johnaon..Monhoir. . . .Rouville.. .P. HcCrae. .Jaa. Gillespie. .W. Large. — LeBlane. .A. Laroque. KAHa op P0«T OPPICB. cooMTT. roaTMAarn. TOWNSHIP o» aaioHioKv. M'nt Pleaaant.Cavan Durham.. ,9. 0. Rest. M't Hb HUaire.St. HUaire. . .RouviJle. .K. Uuctaanno. M'tBi.Patrick.Broughain. . .Renfrew. .'ibomaa ilradjr. Mount Vernon.BrantfiNil. . .Brant . . .1 h». Peirin. MulmuT Mulmu:: Simcoe. . .John Little. Murray Murray Nortbumb'dCluia. Biggar. Murray Bay. ..Mountinurray.Saguenay..Cleoi>heOiuton McDon'ld'8Cn.Dalhoiisic. . . Lanark. . .li.C. Johnston. McGlllivray...M:Gillivray.. Huron.. . .Daniel Shotf. McKillop. . . .McKiUop. . .Huron.. . G. Goulnlock. McNab. . .....McNab Renfisn Nortli Port. . .Sophiasburg..P. Edward.. Sain'l Solin.'s. N. Stukely . ..Stukely .ShefTord . . .C. J. Gigou. North ^3Utton .Suttou . . . .Mi^sisquoi. .H. P. Sweet. N WiliiamBb'gWilliamsb'g..Dunda8 ...Walter Bell. Norton Crcck.Beauharnois. BcauharnoiaT. Cautwell. Norval Esquesing. . .Halton .. . .William Clay. Norwich . . ..Norwich . . .Oxford ,. . .JL J. Comall. Norwood ...Asphodel. ..Pelerlioro' ..James Foley. Nottawasaga .Nottawasaga Simcoe . . .A. Campbell. Oakland. . . .Oakland . . .Brant . . . .John Joyne. Oak Ridges... Whitchurch .York ... .A McKechanie Oakville. . . .Trafalgar . ..Halton .. . .R.K.Chisiioim Oakwood . . .Mariposa. . .Victoria . . .A. M'Lauchlin Omagli . . . .Trafalgar Haltou W. licattie. Onondaga . . .Tuscarora ..Brant . . . .W. D. Soules. Onslow . . . .Onslow . . .Ottawa. . . .T. Roaeraon. Ontario . . . .Saltfleat . . . VVentworih.J. c. Kerr. Orangeville ..Garafraxa ..Wellingtoii.O. Lawrence. Orillia . . . .Orillia . . . .Simcoe . . .E G. Slec. Ormstown. . .Beanharnois.BeauharnoisKobert Cross. Oro Oro Simcoe . . .DonaM Grant. Orono Clarke . . . .Durham. . .J. L. Tucker. Osgoode . . . .Osgoode . . .Carleton. . .D. Cameron. Ostiawa. . . .Whitby . . .Ontario . . .Gavin Burns. Oiiiabruck. . .Osnaliruek..Storincnt...John Kockus. Osprey . ■ . .0»pr<.y. . . .Grey . . . .Jos. Gibson^ Oionaliee . . .Oioiiabee ...Peterboro' .Thomas Short. Otter ville . . .Norwich . . .Oxford . . . J. H Cornel. Owen's Sound.Sydenhani ..Grey . . . .George Brown. Oxford Centre-Oxford ———Oxford — • — J. Chapman. Oxford Mills.. Oxford. .. .Grenviile ..R. Waugta. mm MHUMMMUli mmmmM er m.. ,S.O. RMt. Me..K. Uuolnraie. tw. .Tbomaa Orady. . . .I'bM. Ptiirin. 3. . .John Little. imb'dClHui. Biffgar. iay..Cleo|>bcCrmon ^ Jotmston. . ..DiinielShoir. .. G. Gouinlock. w. . . JanjLMiMorrif. 111(1. .Sam. JIhskett. . . . .Alcx.Cuiapbell i!x . .Jan. Keifer. Jun.Loup Odel. T Kosterbrook. . . .T. Cooper. ) ..Geo. Davidson J. Himiiierrnan . . .Ucnjainin Teit. in.. .A.T.G.Hooper W Kelly. . . .Jolin Siiori. }, ...F. G.Miller. . . .J. Scbooley. )ae..Jolin Lloyd, a. ...Will. Scott. > . .C. yahrgaiig. ;. ...R. U. Porter. . ...Atuoa'fool. .P. Bouraasa. .Williain Roe. Thad. Smith. itureA Outhbeit. . . . P Ranons . . .Wm ChanUer. ... A Davidson . . .11 A CtaaHas. IZ....J Patterson. X...NP Al'an. ], . .Jaa. Brown* .Tiios. Noble. ..D. (.'oebrane. .John Tolniie. .J. H. Smith. .8. J. Beiiamy. .W. BarUett, loisBenj. Beeves. .Geo. Uartwell. .B. Moorkead. . .C. l.eci.^ir —A. McGia. 'lan ..Sam'lSoIiix'8. .0. J. Gigoii. . .H. P. Sweet. .W!Ut<«r Bell. oia T. Caiitwell. .VVilliiiiu C'iay. .JI. J. Cornall. ..James Foley. .A. Campbell. .John Joyne. . A McKechanie .R.K.Chisliolm .A. M'Lauchlin ..W. UoatUe. .W. D. Soulee. . .T. Ro^erson. h.J. c. Rerr. .O. Lawrence. .E G. Slec. aivKobert Cross. . .Donald . .J. L. Tucker. .D. Cameron. .Gavin Burns. ..John Bockus. .Jos. Gibson^ .'J'iiomas Short. ,.J.H Cornet. .George Brown. -J. Chapman. R. Waugb. 1864] POST OFFIOEg. ■AMI or roar omca. TOWKSUP o« ooBim. romcASTaa. ■aianoaT. Pakefllian>...Pakenhani.. Lanark ...And DieksoB. ralermo . . . .TraMmr . . . Halioa . . . H. M. Swltser. Paris Dumfnes 8. .Brant ... .0. Macartney. PaspeUse Gaspe . . . .Dan. Bisson. Peel ...... .Peel VVclllngton..Geor||e Allan. Peel, or Maryborough . . PoArlnw . . .Georifina . Pelhani . . . .Pelliitm . Peiiibroko . . .Tembrcike Fencianpui- sliene . . . .Tiny. . .. Perce Perce Percy Percy P^-rryiown . . . Hope . Wellington. Exra Adaini. ..York .Wellnnd ..Renlrew • Joan Johnston. -J no. 3. Prince. .Alex. Motl'ati. .VV. Ilamilion. > . .Slmcoe . .Gngpe . . . .VVm. AiiiirU. NonlmmberlandVV. M. Plait. . . .Diirham ...A. Ciioatc. Perth DrMuimond .Lanark . . .J. P. tirnnt. Peterborough .N.MoiiaghatiPcterboro' ..H. J. Cnrvcr. Petcrsbnruh . .Wilinot .. .Waterloo... John Eruit. Pciiio Nation .PotitcNation.Otiawa . . .U. Papineau. Philipsbnr.; ..VVilniot . . .Wnlcrloo...C. Doerin. Philipsbur^ ..St. Annand.Missisnuoi..D. T. R.Nye. Philip8«ille .. .Bastard . . .Leeds . . . .S. A. Taplin. Pickering . . .Pickering ...Ontario . . .Francis Leys. Piston Maryijiburgh .Pr. Fidward. David Barker, Pigeon Hill ..St. Arinaiid.Mi«8isqiioi..T. H. Brill. Pike River. . .Stanbridgc. . Misslsqiioi. .A. L. Taylor. Pine IIUI.. . .Bosanquet ..Liniblon ..U. Chester. Pine Orchard- Whitchurch -York- M. Willfon. Pine River — Huron — Bruce — — -T. W. Gamble Plantageriei ..Pliiniuucnet .PreMOtt ...P. McMurtln. Plympion . . .Piympton ...Lanibtoii ..P. McGregor. Point Aliino ..Bertie Wetland ...Ralph Dislier. Pointea Cav- agnol . . . .Vaudreuil ..Vatjdreiiil..R. Mathlson.' PointeauChenGrenville..TwoMountains.A.McTavish Poinie nux Tremble* Portneur...F. Larue, Jun. Pt.auxTrerab'sI.of Montreal Montreal. . .P Dubreiiil. Poti7te Claire. .Montreal. . .Montreal . .P. C. Valois. PointeduLac.PointcduLacSt. MauriceL. Decoiean. Pointe PoriuncRigaud . . .Vaudreuil . .A. St. Denis. Pointe Levi . .L^uzon . . .Dorchester .R Buchanan. Point PlatoR..St. Croix . . .Lotiduiere.-I'hos. Gagne. Point St. PeierMal Baie. . .Gaspe G. Paekwood. Portage duFortLilchfleld ..Ottawa .. .D. McLaren. Port Albert ...Adliiictd ...Huron .. .T. Longhead. Port Burwell.-Bayham ...Blgin . . . .L. Burwell. FortOoil>orne.Iluml)erBt'ueWelland-...J. Foriier. Port Credit.... Etobicoke... York Jas. Cotton. Port Dalhou&i:f.Grantham... Lincoln — J. Martindale. Port Daniel... Port Daniel-BonavcntureWm. Carter. Port pover Woodhouse-Norfolk U. Watera. PortElm»ley..N. Wmiiley. . Lanark Robt. Garry. Port Hoover.- -Cartwright- . Durham 'I'hos. Hoover. Port Hope Hope. Durham DaviJ Smart. Portland Ilastard Leeds S. S. Scovil. Port MaitlanJ.Dunn Haldiinand.. Wra. Benson. Port Nelson-. -Nelson Halton John Miller. Porineiil- Portneuf Portneuf. . .J. Thib.iiideau. Port Perry Reach., Ontario Jos. Hiaelow. PortRobinson.Thorold Welland A. Murray. Port Rowan.. WalsinghamNorfolk A. Mcljcniian. Port Royal. ...WalbinghamNorfolk- H. M. Empcy. Pt.St. Francls.Nicoiet Nicolet, Wui. Lanigjin. Port Sarnla...8arnia I.«inbton ..Geo. Durand. Port Stanley.. Yarmouth.-. Elgin . . . Port Talbot... Diiiiwich... Elgin ... Prescott. Augusta Grenville,. Preston Waterloo.. . .Waterloo.. Priceville Egremont. - .Grey . . . Oxford. . Lanark.. . Princeton Blenheim.. Prospect Beck with,. Proton. Proton — Puslincb- PusUneh.. Quebec Quelle Queenston ...Niagara . . .Lincoln . . . . B, Thomson. .John Clarke. .A. Jonev. -J. He.speler. .W. Fergnsoif .T. Ryall. .James Conn. .Grey G. Armstrong. .Wellington.. Wm. Le.'Blie. .John Sew(41. John Suyner. QueeaTill«...E. Owillm- bury . . .York . . . .Jas. Aylward Raintaam. . . .Rainbam .. .Haldimand .0. WllUaini. Rainhaut Cen* tre Rsinbam. . . .Hnldimand4.W. Jones. Ramsay Ramsay . . .Lanark . . .Jamei Wylie. BapidsdesJoa- oliims. . . .Aberdeen. . .Ottawa . . .T. Colton. Raveusward -Bosan>tuet—- LambiOB-- — Rawlingi. NAMB OP POST OPPICS. Bawdon B.... Rawdon W.. cotrMTT. posraaaTB*. TOWNSHIP OR saianioKT. Rawdon . . . Leinster. . .l4ike Wlp Knwdon . . .Ilastlnga ...Wn. Joda. Reach Reaeh Ontario . . . Abner Vurd. Reailing. . . .Oaraf^nxa . . Welltng«on..Jas.Ddn4ldiOB RednentUlc. .Ameliaaburg-P. Edward. .Wra. Rermafi. Renflrew . . ..Horton. . . .Renfrew.... Geo. Koss. Repenilgny...L'As80mpt'nLDlnst«r.... BeaJ. Motvan. Ri.:pvllle. . . .Pl.intageiiei. Pre^rott . . .P. McLaurla. Richmond E..Shiptoii. . . .Sherbrooke.O. K. FoHer. Rirhmoml W.Ooulbourn ..Carleton. . .W. R. L^on Richmond HillVawghan. . .York ... ~ Richwood . . .Blenheim ...Oxford . ■ Ridgctown.... Howard ...Kent . . . .Kigaud. .. .Vaudreuil ...Rlnioui-ki River David Yaraa«ka. RiverMaitluiidArthur . . . .Wclltngton..W River Trent.. Murray. . . . Norihuniber- RiviereauxCa- land Jas Cummlnga nards i^aguenDy...T. HainiltoD, Biv.desPrariesIs.of .Montr'iMontreal ..L. Pontaiue. Riv. du lA}up, (en baa.). ..Riv.du LoupRimou«kl...H. Davidson. River du Loup (i-Mi haut) . . .Ri V. du LoupMauriee — L. Baribeau. RlviereUuelle.Riv. Ouclle..Kamoura8kaCbas. U. TetU. Rigaud r.iiu'^uaki .Mathewteefy. . .Calvfn Fine. . . R. 1<. Mitrsii. ..A. CtiarleboiSi ..P. Gaurreau .Bcnj.Theiiten. Gnnn. .fherbrookc.L. Pope, Jr. .Went worth. W. Barlow. .Norfolk . . ^E.D. Buchner. . Kent T. Renw <*Jk. Robinson.. . .Bury Rockton. . . .Beverley . Rolph Mid'-llcton Roiniiey. . , .Bomney . Ronileau . . ..Harwich .. .Kent ... .W. An Rosebank . . .Brantford ..Brant . . . .Johii'l amas. Roseville .. . .N DumA'le8..\Vat(*rIoo...J.R. Deiweiler Roslin . . . .'Jlturlow. . .Hastings ...J. Howell. ' Ross Ross Renflrew ...Jas. McLaren. Rouse Hill . . .Pickering .. .Ontario . . . B. Ptayter. Rougemunt . .St. Ccsnire ..St llayacin'cD. Baenelder. Rowan Mills-Walsingbam-Norfolk — H.deBlnqUiea Roxton Falls . .Roxton. . . .She((ord....B. Savage. Rupert . . . .Vaughan. . .Ycrk ... .J. Noble. Ruchton'flC'rs.Howard . . .Kent . . . .R. Rualitea. Russell . . . .Rusiell . . .RuwII. . ..Wm. Uuneatt. Rusicltown . .BcAuharnois.BeauUarnoisH. Sirutbora. . Alliion . . . .Peel Robert Dwyor. .McNab . . . Renfrew . .A. McDonelK .Sandwiob . .Essex ... .P. H. Morin. • Saugcen . . .Bruce . . . .Robert Reld. Bault au Cochoii— '• Snguenay — O. W. ForreSl. SaultaiiRccoIlet.Montreal -Montreal . .P P LachapoUe SaultSt. MarieEntraiicetoLnkeSupcriorJ. Wilson. t?awycrville . .Newport . . .flherbrooke..W. Sawyer. .t^carborough.York A.)Maelean. F.»que8ing ..Hnltou . . .Thos. Hume. .Brantford .. .Brant . . . .H. Lyman. .FIlicc&Downie. Perth. . .P.A.Sebring. .]..ceds . . . .Leeits . . . .D.BIrney. ■ Seneca. . . .Haldimand. James Little. .F. Seymour. NorthutnliI'dDnvid Allan. .W.Scyr-.iour.Northumbl'dJatnes Boland. Sliaiinonvillc.Tyendin.nga..HaMingB ..Hiram Holden Sharon . . . .Gwillmbury. E.York. . ..J.C.Hogaboott ^ihebahonauing. North Shore. LakelluronP. Johnstone. Sheffield. . . .Beverly . . . .Weniworili.Betb Holeonib. SheflordMoun- tain ShelTord . . .Shcflbrd. . .D. R. Savage. Sherbrooke . .Ascot . . . .Sherhrooke.Win. Brooks. Sherrington Huntingdon.Gco. Busby. Silver Creek.. Bsque^ing ..Halton . . .APGoodenew SilverHill.. .Charlottevme.Norfolk ...E.Cole. Simcoe . . . . Woodhouse .Norfolk . . .T. J. Mulkins. Sligo Caledon Peel Isaac Hunter. Smith's Falls.. Elindey N. Lanark ...Jas. Shaw, in Sraiihfield Brighton — -NorthumbPdRoben Smitb. Smithville. . .i^riinsby . . .Lincoln . . .Abishai Mors* Hmithville. . .Thurlow . . . Hastings . .W. Ashley. Somlira . . . .Sotnbra . . .Lambton....?. Oaiutiaeb." Somerset . . ..■Somerset. . .Megantie ..H. Jutraa. .■Sandhill. Sand Poiiu , Siitidwieb . .Saiiguen Scarborough. Scotch Block . Scotland . . . stebriii^vjlle ., Seeley's Bay. Seneca . . . . SuyiMOur, E . Seymour, W. Soraba . . . .Upton South Bolton .Bolton .Sheflbrd. . .f). B. VVaftier.' .Stanstead ..A.M.Bulleak3 South Cayuga-Cayuga ——Haldimand .Isaae Fry. South Ely .. .Ely .Bhefford. . .FRBlMeliar| South ElmaleyElmsley . . .Leeds . . .B. bandoa. - Veil m m I m d:i^si^aEat^mmm: R''. i' m Iti: ;■' 'i' urn m^ 68 POST OFFICES. X18M coONTT. TotTmnam. ..n. 8. Power. . ..l^lmitCiow. l|4Mk Ol ■'■'"'„'l'"" '«"'""''■' «r,O.K.RY. South Oowor .Oower ti. . .Gfonvllle i^uth OMDttjr.Oraiiiiy . . .S.'ieffota Bou'.llHdlCllill- brook*;. . •lJiirrow. Soiitti Potion.. Pc ill . . . .StUHHtiM.: ..Jo*. Miimim. Sjiiih Roxion.Ro\ioii. . , .t»ht;tt'or;|. . . A. Siwiborn. 8. Wo^tnieilti.Woitiiiicntli . Rniifrew . .!» Pifneii, jr. HoiiihZorru..7..jrr,i ....Oxford . . . Jot ,i Himili. gpnria . . . .VHriiioiiih . Klc;in I. a. Riiiiiii*. Spencer Cove Que )cc L'eni* Miiguirj 8()Siicerville. .Edw,irJsNurgOreiivil!(! .,\V. II. Iinni'. Spikn(i l-'iifi;. diaiictead . . .lSi;iiisIc;i(I . . .HtrmHtond . .(«. lMIii!'tinrd. StevoriBviilc ..[tf.Ttie . . . .VVrlland ...Uciij. IIdu*?. Sioco ..... .Iliiiijcrfyrd . llistii'.'H . ..M. Mcl.'o?'. Stony (;n'rk..H.i!ifle<.'t . . . VVeiitworili..!. Williinison HiorTiii'{!on . .Storringtoii. .Froiitcime. .Iliijili J'(iriiig. Stottv'ille HuntiiiU'loii.I). Htoti,. StouflViric SirnhJiiio . . HiralTordville StiniCord . . SiraiMi'irn. . Stralhroy . Hireelsville Stiikoly . . Sulh viri . . ,XVIiiicliiiri:li.Yi;rl<. . ....K. VVhdpr. Fin iipboio'W. Went worih.M. rccMt"*. I'iiiyh.ini .... '-'.Iifin. .;'. Ki^t Hopt'.IVrrli . . . , , ..'fl.;sn .... Miii;c.r .1' irrartoc. . ..Vliddle^ot ..'["'jron'o. . . . I'tTi . . . , • S; ikely . . ..■^iicdbrd . , . Hol'and . . .(Jrpy , . . Siiiiiin('rHto\vnCti.irlott(n Smhetl:ini' Sii'Hii. . . ■ Svdenlvii!! i' St. Adt'le -- St. AsMtli.i A line " . .--iiiiiiirl.ili;. . !)r.Si.-i;i;f.jrd. . ^ Os./.'oni: . . . . .tjiitfijii . . . iT—.ICiti'^O'. . —- Viliniciivc Vork ,S;;ii5oe . . . Wi.'Hiiil ... . Kent . . . ■ , ;»iissisqii(ji. I) ■T Sic. Anno dcs ria;iic-s 'rt-frfL) St. Anns, Lin- coln -(i.'Aini'lioro'- Si. Anscline — St. Aiitclini' St. Aiuoiiie — St. Aiitoiiif KANC nr I'liiT orncE. OdlHrTT. PUITMAariB. Willi rlijij — Am. K:ii-(!r. St. Aiini; VainnuKa — V.iiiKisk i — I'. (;rliii!i!i. Sf. Aljilioimt—Hrandoii (iLrilsifr- — J,.(.'ori'o:an. St. Audre St. Audit' — iviiinuurnsiial'i :rr(> C.iiiii:ic dit MaKjiiis. ft. Andrew"&--K. Argciiliii!-Tvvo Mmin- f.liw !l. "Vrr Arthur. St. Andrews "Co'nn-;)H — i«ioiruorit— -.MiaM GrMit. Si. .Anicet - — Uudiu ini-h''S- i»;r Uc'iiuharaoiisH. Dtiincsiiil. StH. Anm'.Biiv du I'l.iU; .Montreal .Montreal— -r.-McNaii'^hton Ste. Anne dt la Peradi? — .•'u'.'. .Aiiuc — (.-'liai!i[)lriiu"'r. Mrlliot. Stc. Anne hi Poeaiierc — .S;.->, Amir — K-iinoiiri.'iVa D.". Mti'^iuis. ■ H. lirang'T. -I.inrolii Ja.-ol) llpjicr. -i).reIwsi('r--F'. K. liuirtMii. -l.'jtlilMicre—liiM. i;«'riii.-\iii St. .\ntoiiie VuioIiltcs --N. Cartjer. Si. Atitoine, R Cliamhiy Vcrclicioa —N. Carilcr. St..\rniaiidl,'(;ntrc-SlAnn:iuo.VIi?si5(iii:ji".ti.'rli. Putti.'r. St. .\r3cne Kacoiia Ri!' Talbot. St. Atlianatc Kftuville — E. ItiiffL'snc. St. Augiiiilm Two.MoimtaiiiH.Ios. Lnlielle. St. .'^uguniii - Portiieul — C. Kant. St. Uarnahe St. .MauncfL. nelleinaro. St.Uartheleini Beitliicr Isaie Fauieaux St. Razile I'ortnoiif —V. Lealern. St. Beiioit '2 Mountains- '^ MonntainsF. H. [jeMaire St. Bernard Oorchestor-P. PInnte. St. Brigidc — Monnoir Rouville — Wii. Pearson. St. Bruno Montaiville-ClmmWy — A. P. Pare. St. Casiniir — - — Porineiif — N. Parre. St.Cniharin^«. E«»t roi>iinmliiiiilt-Fortn«)ir — -Jofi. Molonv. TOWNtnip IJR ■ EIOMARY. St Cathnrlnci, West Louth — • — Lincoln J. P. Merrftt. St. Ci'Miru — >5l.Ilvaciiiihe.SiHy,iclnlhc-C. Dorvat. .St. Cliarle* — St. Charln— Hiclielleu — J. Uuroclier. rfl. Charloii, R. Uover BellcchasM— Be?Ie«lini5e-J. Montmlny. St. Clirii-tophe d'ArthnliiiHka.Xrlhabaska— Driiminond -J. Ooodhiie. dt. Claire DorciiPiier—L. V. Hnyer. St. CI;'ineni!.-VVi!ll''.''l(.'V — WaterlO'i — ,1. St role. ■tp. Cji't Vfiii treuil- — Vandr.-iill —.1 H T hi -dale. .-•'. (-oliimbin. — — TwoM'tain»,M j Phi'lnn. SI. f'roit Pt Croix— ."Lfitbiiiicre-—.M roiifirf. St Cut.lifje th — Brrihier. J U Chenevct. St. Dnini.iic- — .-t Daninso— St llyaclBthc.f'" Brin. ~f. Deni.< St DenU Ekiiellru O Uiamard. St Deniu de la Hoiitoillrrie. - — Kainonra»k.i.J C Chnpnte. .-t Didnffi- Lanandlerc — fit Maurice,--!' F TiirgcoB. .^t Doniinii'ie- St Hyaelnilie.P F Berjjeron. St Edomrd lIiinnn;'don.-'r Beandtn. .-it I.Txahrth - -L"erihk;r B .Manseau. .•'t. I'"l/''ir — l)orebe^t(.■t"F. lloinontM!. St K'*[ir;t .I.cinfter B Ve/.lna St F.ijsi.-icfic — rwo.VI'taltiB I) Mltcliell. St. Familli' -Is oi'OrleRnnMoiiimore'cyJ Lcioiirneau. peiiiitie.'l' Brodi-iir. t-i; flynrlitlie -St Hyai'inllie.F, l>e^:p^el^. St !.i?iice SrisuViiay Joh Cor*i .Marc VerchercB — John Fraaer. St Maritnerite. Rouville D L Horty. St Marie de Monoir Monoir Vaiiitreull — P H Gatien. St Maithc Rigaud Terrebonnc-J l.nlonde. St Martin Isle JeHUi — BeauharnoisC Stnallwood. St Marline Beautiarnoi8-Dorche8ter..-M A Prtmeau. St MarVa (Blarichtird)-Blanchnr(l —Bruce T Chriatte. SI. Friincm— .•t I'rani^ols- -t Kranwiis-' St FriiU -ois- •'ti'.abrjel de St (;"rv;iW" Ol Cilrtri St tJreuoire- lle:iri--- [IfiM rr- PuiTHA* ria. J. P. Merrht. Inihc-C. Uorviil. !U — J. Uuroclier. use -J. Montminy. ond -J. r.oo«?hiie. «er--l„ V. Knyer. )o— .1. SiroJp. 11 —J II 'J'iil..l9le. aiiig.M J Phclnn. re — M Coiitiri". J » Cheiievct. Btho.F Erin. J — o Uiamard. mka.J C Chnpnte, «•,--<: FTiifgcoB. iilie.P F Bergeron. lun.-'.i' Beiinctin. fi Manseau. K.T--F. lldtnonrM?. ' R VCzina nils I) Mltcliell. '•'cyJ r.ctoitrtieau. M r-"l' C'hnswo. <''cyKI)iiignpaulf. HO-J n Laiieloi". J OChntuc. F H Rrunet. ■r— -J G Hari!ia. — (ieo. t,«li-'-'A.-iiii)i,i;m(iM '\ ll|,)iid< .'ill. I' fc't Piml's ll.iy-.Si VnuVi »aysji.ri-M iii"ir( -Mr, I .S'l I'hilijiu'.iu IIiKUdal, ii-J. il. Ij'.Aiiioiir ^i I'it! — .>^t Hy(iclnthiL'.>^llIyai:lnla'J C fiaclwud. I St IMcrrc- I'cllcrlv >■.' O'l.c.iry. I bt Pierre — l?.of O'lcans.MoniuK.r'cyJi' Foriln. I 8t Pierri' li-* ' Bccqiii'ts TxjtlilnkTC— F PiidnrJ. , St. I'liicid* 'I'woMoiMi ';<«(. K. Ci.chrane I St Polycnrjx; N Lonauciin- — V.nudn";, jutin Taylor. : SI Prosper ( hriiiiplaln -P Girr.rd. I ft Raphael — BtU(.':iiai8f.-F floiilet. i i^i RaplKit'l'B "(•hnrlotHjiib'g-Glent'nry — DF McDonnell ; ft Rnyinun(l--Bciiri.'luiiis — Porint;iif— --c: A Dubuf!. ft Remi I..\:;.iili' — •— Hiintlnvtlon-Ilonry Diiri.iar.t j StRocdtsAun.ils L' Inlet- -.Amable iMoriu I St Roc I'AcliiKnn -•! cin^lcr— -l.-Archamhoaul ' f^t Rose I-P) Jtwiis — I'rrrelioiinf^-WaJLcr Miller. i StScholastiqiie Twu Moun- : .Si .•'iinoii rie i:iiiif -W Pnowdun. j Riiiiouski — TruM PimoloaRiniDUsfci— .\ Pclicli t. K.aiii5ay-:^t Ily.i-inCit'F X Cadieiix. : f t tjtinigiaas - — "liampi:iin--B Koy. I St .SylvcKPr — l,ot,hi;iierc---J Michf-ll. I St SylvcHtrf! K. -Loibiuicro— G M'Crae. I ht Thir^ff! do Illaisviilc— ri.'iinville — Trrrehonnc-Jdn Mi.rris. I PtTIiotiiaa — Lrino.-aif; — I'cr.lmr I' Volisruv. ■ St Thoisifis K-S(, TliouKis— !/I.'-1jI F HfJi'iitfrcaii. St 'rhoiiins W'.Yurmouib — -Rlifln F. rrnntjnt;cr. Sr 'J'linoilic-— T!o.i',li!;riJ')i8 J !$ Scoit. St. Urliain Hf.Tni,,'iri.()ia.P.;i'r!ullioinmc ' j'Sf Ursulc St ,M,-L',;-ic'.' -1. I.upen. i.^t VnUritinc— Ifuci.i-.'J n-F n l.apcrlc. I St Valiier StVallicr l.lcltvi ii:v.r-F tlchitieiT. i Si, Vicioirc — Ricliclicii-- Henry Paro. ! St Vinccn.— -St Vinctjiu— Grpy VV t'tbpbenEon ijt Vincent dc I'flwl Islo .'WiiK — T. rrr.'hotine-r. Gcrnialn. St Zeptiiriu — Courv.'il Y.Trn.'ia^ia.— 0. Crcpean. .P:i?i;e'.i!iy....J. Rnillbrd. POST nrrir.'v. eorjfnr. poit¥*«t«. lOWNSUlP RKIfKinlVT. Vatikieckhill. .H.iwkesbury.rrescoii. , . .Nlel Slewnri. Vftr:.'niiL'«. . . . Varennci — Vrrcheros E. Tnibim. VnudreuU.. . .Yuuilruuil Vnuchan. . . .Vaiichan. . Vrr-.hrrcs. . . . Vrr'-hi res. V icxorja t'or'B Bro'li. , . \ ii'rma I! lyham,. . Villaiiovn . . .'I'owniX'nfi. ViUcnn I'hiiriutiev'e.Noriom Vroomantowii Brnc^ . . ..Ontari-f .Viindreull . VorK . . . . Vcrcliftes., (int'irio... i F.lfdn. . .. NorfolU.,, II : Tndo'js.^ac, , , 'I'.Tlhoiville RoS"iitli'.vi..l 1 • : Tninworth....SlK-llW;;., . ! Tapl'.'yiowa . .S;ihflr('t. . . , ; Tor.uriiscili . ..'lecumsrth j Tompcraiicc- ' ville Yr.Tinniith., j Tniupieton.. ..'l"cinplet'/ii. ■ 'I tvrelMjnnp. ..Territoniie i Tliamct^fjnl.. .Nii^souri. . 'rharni?«!ville. -V'.Iuin-- , .\(M!r.g'.on . .AVi;r\:"vuiUi ..''iiiicO!;. . . - J Oiit'dicrisan. .i;. VVIir<''rr, .r<.;v!i,-o.v. •E. UughtB. Cri.'.-i.i.-nW F.U'iiicoke.. Iliinc'irCord Mark !v III.., 'J horuld. . . ,.Fltr;n r Siitlicrlnnd. .0>i:wa J!:iiic3 Hac:'n. .'rirrciionne .'. ?!>Ujii . . VVaiervllle . .» cnipion.. . . \\ aison'sC'r«.Dnlhaui)ie . VVawanosh . .W.uv.iiiO!>ii Weiiand Port . G -ilusliCiro' . VVell.;sley . . .Wrilehlcy... UVllingt n ..Uillji'r . . . . .1 '(".lAl . . . . PcrUi . . . . . Laiiibton . . . .r.i'T.u . . . llul'iiTMnJ. li. rharIrl>oi>. ..K. B> Water. .•F. (;. llttt*. . L. Galboun. . W. B. Wronfk .J, AtcLnron. . S. Mc<.'nui. .N BolNtfr. .J. ^^•^;lrl•n. ,C Bii^rews. .Cnlvin Smitb. .A. McGu»n. (i. VViaemaii. Walringham.Ncrfolk . . .IJ Watia. . Dumnicr . . . I'lti rhoro' ...Thos. t^jontn. ..I,nniht)n. . .H. M. t'arroll. ..0\ rord . . . Adam SKirk, E Woniwt rih.K. LotoW*!*. .Norfolk . . .J. L. Green. .;'lirirord . . .J. Robioron . \V,it.>rloo. . .Froiituiiiie . .!r"-btrt)iook(;, .Lanark . . .Il'iion . . . .l.iccoln . . .\Vllt04l0O . .rrincc; tdw .Warwli.^.. . .Difnlirira . . .Flaiiibofo' . .TownhMid D. Snyder .J. Northinore. F Wfbstfr. .Will. Watson. .ll.iMcMath. .Sam. Huliuea. .Vi'ni. Brown. .A. .McFaul n \V»!l'in){ti.iiS;u ir.-.Ne;ion..nnlton . . . Hiram Srmith. \Ve!«t.\iran.. Arran Bruce . . . .— Roy. \\>st lJyIion..Boltafi . . . .Minsicid . .J. McVlannia. X'.'est Broa»u..Hroiiie . . .Sheii'.rd . . .K. Keye«. Wf.'st'niry . . .Wcsihnry .. .Sh-ibrooke. R. Ilall. VV. (.'orTipfon..t.'oinp;oa .. . Mi"rl.rool f'iirlf|r)ii- VVV'guiio.itli ...WV.iuiiii.iih. .T\cn(ie'.v . VVot.T.i •sier. . VV«'vauinL:;c'r.*i:d llcisex VVe.-tcn .... York . . . York.. . . V\'ostO:iioole.f)ti.i'joip . . .r, rlt'iiin. West Port . . .?yurihCros'yl-'.'iri;i . . VVigt h^lii'lTcrl-hcirord .. ..-^Iv fiord .' VVVV!Hi!iii«h-g\lai!liI.i ...r)'iu«<,n . \V. VVoolv.'u-hVVoohvic!) . .\V.-;ltiloo ^Vhitliy . . . .Whilby . . .f lulnrio.. VVhitoliiirch ..\Vl;iti:iiiirch..York-. . . LldwaidiUiran .C. H. Billows. .Ji!). Reyi.olds, .J. Donrldson. .J. C. Bower. ..A. t'hanibt>rf. .P. A Wood. .J. I) olden. . .K. Bristow. .A iMcldu'raon ..('!;^:s. Hoane. .W. V.Schoficld — Jancji Shaw. . Jr.ini'9 Sliaw. .John PatU. .Jane Johnston. ..loliii Kobson. rharlps Gouin .n. Mucfntoflh. .D. Waciiichol. Rolvc.-t Hayes. ..S. Warner. .H.H.Ho««!. .\\. Rice. . D. Ouellette. WhiLnf'isb . . .S troi-hy. . .l-iciin . . . iVliit'Miall f'aMi.inn Ki:ni VVhit'IriU . . .Cnrr.idoc . . ..ViUdlc.'PX. VVtiitel.iike..N'cV'ib. . . .Fiiiilr.'w. , VViok Hrcck . . . .(>iit.'ri:i . . \Vilks^-.iri5 ...Sotii'.ra . . . Lainbton . Win. Henry. .Pi-.r"< . . . . Uiciilien , Wiliiniii:! . . . Vl'il'iam.j . . Ali id cs x WMliiins'.O'.vnOi irloi'tuli'^GIcn'jary. , VViPirjt . . . .VVil.-not.. . W.iirrl ;o Wilton , . , .Er!i!?r...Wii!Cli. D. «itkup'$ QMeial and Hxamtninf ChitpMn Eev. Geo. Miickic, D.l). Private tee — R»«v. A. VV. Moiinmiii.A.U. 9ii«*«e— UiHhopot tluebcc, Rector ; U. Cowvll, A.M., CtinplMirt to the Forcei; K. VV, Suwcll, Holy Trinity j G. Monkle, D.I)..Oiiilie- dial District; Gilbert I'ercy. U.A., St. Peter'at R. O. I'Icos, St. Paul'i; A. W. Moiiiitiiin, Curnte ; R. CardCd, Atii«taut Curnte ; C. H. Btewiirt, U. A., AHisluiU MIniiler Trinity Uliniiel. Point Ltey—3. Torfaitce. Mantm»r*Hci falU—R. R Ilurrnge. y^arlier. Lake Heauuiirt, Stone- AoM— £. C. Parklti. SI. iytve$tertf St. UiieM-^W , King. Leti»—i. Carry. Upptr hriland, /uverneu, and part If Halifat-H. Roe. McUr* du Lonp—V.. G. VV. Rom. Baa Frampton—W. Merrick, U. A. Weil Frampton— II. DIrtch. Portn*itf—V. A. Smith. Bourf Louu—T. Pennenither.D. A. Seeretarf to Church Society— .V. A. Adainaon, D.C.L. TrootUin^ Mimottarp—A. Allen. Chaplain to Labourero en Uu Qnebee and Richmond Railroad — VV. V . Lloyd. OUTKIOT OP THRBB HirgM. 7Ve« Rit)ir»-a. S. Wood, M. A. Rector. Rioiiro du Loup and Lalu Maiki- nongt—a. Uuerout. Wicolit—H. Rurtiei. Drummondvitle— G.M.Rom, Rector. SMTRiCT OP IT. PRAMCia. Eingiey—\. Balfour. Skipto»—D. Falloon. L$nmoxviUe~L. Doolittic, J. U. Ni- colla, M. A., J. Butler. Shtrbrooke—i. Hellinuih.D.D.i W. Binet, AsiiiRtant. £«ton— J. Dalziel. RoHuoon—J. Kemp. Compton—C. P. Reid. AWley— H. Durrajte. DudmiU—T. a. Chapman. DISTRICT or QABrt, Oatpt Bay~W. Delamare. Cape Cave and JUal Bay—R, Short. P«rc<— Vacant. Ifew Carliele, Bay Ckaleurs, Paspe- biae, Hope Tovn, and Port Daniel — G. Miine. M. A. Magdalen letande—P. Boyle. DIOCESB OP MONTREAL. DISTRICT OP MONTRKAL. Lord Biihop of Jtfontreo/— Right Rer. Francis Fulford, D. D. Jfontrsol— J.Bethune, D.D.,Recior; LA. Morris. Assistant ; VV. T. aeti,D.C.L., St. George's ; VV. Bond, Assititant Minister St. George'a ; A.D.Campbell, Trinity Chapel; St. Tbuma8;J.Elle- 1000, B. A., St.StephenSi Rer. D. aobertaon. Military Ctaaplaib. at. Andrem—Wm. Abbott. atrol~-W. Anderso^. CyiitiwwMe— Q. M. Armatron g. St. Joh»—C. Bancroft. Chamhly—J. Braltbwalte i I. P. White. Shtjord Whitie and WiUerlo»-\. H . tien. St. Mnrtin't mtd St. Theroee—T. A. Young. Matcouche and Ttrr»bon«—R. J. Cornwall. Henry' tvitte—K. D. Ternet, A. B. LacHitit—j. Kliinii{iiii. IJrfnvilU nnii Ohalham—C.Pomn. Rusielltoten and AIannitigeiUe--J. f llllUII. Sabreeoit—T). Gavin. Uore—J. OrifDn. HerlM«r—ti. Oiierout. Sherrin{fton—U. Ila/ard. Abhut$fard—'V . Johnson. Jylmrr and Hull— J. Johnston. liedforU—J. Jones. t'arnhain and St, Brigidt—Vfm, Jones. Si. John'n and L'Jeadie~K. Judd. Front yuiage—M. Lindsny. iVew Olaegow add Kilkenny— .\.U. Lockhnr' l.aprnii <<— R.Lonstletl. Ora/i&y— Tnos. M.-»chin. Lacolle—C. Alorice. HuntingdoH—W. Morris. Coteau du Lac— J. iVIountnIn, B.A. Clarendon— F. S. Neve. W«iiwi«i)i*/»r«?n(t,Reci'r St. Armani fVest—R. vVhitweU. Orinilofen—W . Ureihour. St. 7Z«mt—E. G. Sutton. DIOCESE OP TORONTO. Lord Biehop of Toronto— T\\e: Hon. and Right Rev. John Strnchan, D.D.,L.L.D. Archdeacon of King- stou— Venernlile George O'Kill Stuart, D.l)., L.L.D. Archdeacon o/Karfc— Venerable A.N. Bethune, V. D. Examining and Domeetic Chaplain and Secretary to the Lord lUekop—Tlie Rev. U. J. Grasett, M. A. IIOWB DISTRICT. City of TurffH«o— H. J.Grai»ett,M. A., Rector imd Oirici.iting Cimplain to the Forces ; Ediniind Baldwin, M. A., Assistant Minister ol° .St. James'; J.G.D. Mackenzie, B.A., Minister of St. Paul's Church ; Alexander Sanson, Minister of Trinity Church; Stephen Lett, L.L.I)., Minister of St. George's Church ; Henry Scad.ling, D. D., Minister of Church of the Holy Trinity, and ('haplain to the Lord Bishop ; Vf. Stennett, M.A., and W. J. Darling, Assistant Minis- ters of the Chureli of the Holy Trinity •, Rev. T. S. Kenaedy, Secretary of the Church Society ; John McCaul, L.L.D., President of Toronto Unlvernliy ; J. Heav* en, D. U., ?io(f9»or of Moral Philosophy and HUilcs, Toronto Univeriity ; tJi'o. Mnynnrd, M. A., Matlietnntical Masior, Upper Canada College; Geo. Whitaker, I M. A., Provostot Trinity Col- I lege ( i:. St. John Parry, M. A., lVol>!9«or of Ctaniiiral Liicrniurc ; | G. C. Irvint;. .M.A., Professor of i Mfitlieinutics. I Etnhieoke—ll. C. Cooper, D. A., Rector. I Toronto Toienehip—Bit\\ern 01 vim. I York MilU-RicU. Mitcheic, M.A., Rector. SIreeliville— Rob. J. Margoorije. 7'A»rM*i«— n.E.Blakc, A.«..necior Markham—G. S J. Iltil, Rector. Nettmarktt—a. P. RnniKey, M.A. Oror^iHa— William Uitchle. Broek—?%. Garrett. trhilby—Jona Ponlland, A. B. .Srarboru'—Y/. Belt. Norway Mills.— ianxct Benvcn, D.D. lAoydloKn—llimiy Uath OnWx. jCkinguaeouey—J . G. Ariua'j'ong. SIMCnC niXTRlCT. Barrie and Shanty Uay—A. B. Ar- diiah, A. M., Rector ; Garret, Nusent, .\.M., Assistant. Teeumteth—F. L. OKlcr, M. A. >r«»»OuJJ«imfrury— Artliurllill.B.A. OrUlia- Penetang»iehen»—0. Ilallen, U..\. Mono— J. Fletcher. A. B. anUR nifiTRiCT. Hamilton— J. O. Geildes. B.A., Rec- tor ; J. M. W. UlHcknian, Aoslst. Minister. Church of the Aecen- •ioM— John llcbden, A. .M. Barton— R.H. Merrill. .M. A. Saltfieet and Binbrook—i. L. .Alex- ander. Aneoiter nod Dunda*—W. .McMur- ray. .A.M., Rector. Brantford-J. C. Usher. Rector. mount Pleaeant — E, R. Stiinson. /r«//»»i'— Cliarles Rnttiin. OakvilU—Ro\Kri Shanklin. Naetagaiceya— Jforcal—r. W. Marsh. B. A.. Miitionarict tu the Sic JVatiuns In- dians on the Grand River— Abrn- tmm Neiles. Adam Elliott, and John Kennedy. WKLLINOTON DISTRIOT. Ouelph—A. Palmer, A. B., Rector ; E. M. Stewart, M. A., Assistant Minister. Elora—i. VV. Smithiirst. Owen Sound— \. H. R. Mulhoiland, yVUr»ot—)i'. Van Lingu. Tracelling Missionary— Ft». Tie- inayne, Junr. MIAU4B4 DISTRICT. Niagara— r. Creei), Rector, Offlci- aiiiiK Chaplain to the Forces. Grimsby— F. J. Luuily, D. C. L.. Rector. Chippetea, Stamford. Queew/ouan^ Vrummundville — VV. Leeining, Rector; C. L. Ingles, B. A., Assist. Thorold—T. B. Fuller, Rector. Fort Eric— Elliott Grasett, M. A.. Rector. St. CathariHe$—A. F. Atkloson, Rector ; Geo, A. BuU» Aaaistwb L.n., PrMfdeni 'r«iity I J. H«k«- (■•nor or Moral Ktliic*. Toronio . Mnynnril, M. MuBier, Upper Geo. WhiMker, I of 'I'riiiiiy Col- I II Parry, M. A,, lirnl Liicrniurc ; | A., I'roreHior of i Cooper, D. A,, ' i^nltprii Civjni. Mitchele, M.A., . Mnrgr?orge. '< ikc, A.K.,Recior Hill, Rector. inniHey, M. A. I liiicliie. •RICT. I(ic8, B.A., Roc- ickiiiaii, Aniilti. •-W. McMur- ler. Rector. R. Siiiii»on. T. Greene, li,B.A., U JValiuns lit- River— AiiTh' a Elliott, and ISTRIOT. B., Rector; A., AesisiBOt IB64J CLBROT. ei . Atkiown, J» AMiatwt. I,««I4— .%lrx. l>tion« R.A., Recior. PortMailland *nd DumilU—Aiun Tow nicy. SilUtmeniB »n Oramd River— B. Cudiiiure Hill, M.A. T«l.»OT mtTIIICT. Simrae—Vrineiu Evnni, Rector ; I Uttorgc •'^iiliiioii, iiuperaniiuuieU. I I«N1)0N nilTltlOT. Lanrlon—U. Cronyii.M. A., lector, Oiliriailii'j Chnplnin to the Forces LondiiH Tuicruhijt—H, C Urough, A.H., Rf'cior. I Si. TAomat—Oeo. Cauinold, A. B., ; Rieior. I Adelaidf—A. Mortimer, Rector. , Citrradur—K, Floo.J, .M.A., Kcclor, I and MNxionnry to the Aluucey I Town liMinnit, i Piirt Buriefl/—'l\ Bolton Krud. ; Wurrnmif'!, (H-c— Hciiry llulluiid. I Mala.'ti'U— C lirowii. , Port SiaxUy—O. V. Street. nuncK iiwriiicT. ■ Ifociltinek—Witi. lU'itrl(li;i', B. D., I Rector. FMrfnr,i-V. H. I'pttit, B. A. I (.)/>»•,/— Ilmry Rfvell, A. B. , Zutru—V. I). Fauquier. i IK'CON DlKJRKT. ; Oinlfrjrh—V.. I.. i;iwoorI, l\t.A. '. Buyjirtd—V. F. C:iiii|il)C'll. M. A. I Slral/ir l- i;|ilir;iiiM I'alii.'.'soii. I Blaiichtiid— \reh'd. Lampuii'iii. WKK'iT.ilN niHTRinr. , SatidKic'i -K. W. Dewnr, M. A. Jnlier.'Uiiir^'h—P. M.ick, RiTior ! nnii t>f}ic. ('hnpliiiii ti> the Forces. I Colekigicr—V. (Une Kliioti. Chalham — V. VV. StudyR, Rector. IVancic't—.t. Mockri(!i;c, Rcci(;r. U'ulpoU Island— KiuUvsw Jainiteoii. ^iwru, J^r.— Jolin fjunne. l'ijru;/ipn—3.G. K. Salter, 0. A. NI-WCASfM! TJIS'rniCT. (.V^oLrir— A.N. Heihuiif.U.D., Rec- tor ;iik1 (.-'ti.-iplniii to the J^Ofd Bislio;> : VV. A. Johnson. nicf l.akc-S, VV. R. Reck. /'w///rt;ir— JoiiaihaiiShorit.Recior. V. r. M;iy<'rhotler, supcraiiuateil. ( aiiiH— i'. W. Allen, Recior. darke nn.d 7J(ir//Hy/o)«— Alexander McN'ah. 1). U.. Rector. Grn//o/i rtHifCn/iorne— JohnWIlson. CnrlvriglU uiid Maiivcrs — VV. Ix*- gan. COT.BORNF niSTRlCT. Peterborouffh—M. Uurnham, B. A. Rector. £mi7y— Bohert Hardini. Fenelon l<'aU$ — John llickie. VICTORIA PI9TR10T. BfMerille—ivhn Grier, M. A. Port Trent, Frankfurd, ^-c— VVm. DIensdell. A.M. Raxsdon—'i- J. S. Grove*. PRISCK EDWARD DISTRICT. Pidon — Win. M:icniilay, Rector. Murraij—i. Padfield. Mitrusbur,^—!. R. Tooke. irelUnj,'lon—V.. G. Cox. MIDLAND DISTRICT. KingBtoti—iicotge O'Kill Sluart, D. D., Rector -, VV. M. Hcrcliiner, M. A., Assiatant Minister, and Chaplain to the Lord nishop ; R. V. Rogerg. Minister of St. James' Church ; T. H. M. Bartlett, M.A., OfTiciatingChnplnin to the Forces; W. Greig. Minister of 8t. Paul's Church ; Henry Brent, Minister of St. Mark's Church, Barriefield; H. Mulkini, (5haplili lo ttie Pro* »*n*lal Peiilicattary. Porttmtmih— Ifolfi /*/«iM<— Thomu Boiisfletd. RMk—W. F. 8. Ilaiper, Rector. yaponn~Vf. B. Lauder, A. B., Uecior. Atuhrril /Wa/id—Jn. Roth welt. AB. Camden, Ltmgkhuru' and PerUamd —Paul Hliirley. S}id4nhttm—V.. C. Bovfer. .>ailN»IOWN DlHI'Rtnr. Brnrkritlt—V.. fViiiocho, M. A.— AfxiitiMil, Win. David, Al. A. I.amh'§ Pund—W. V (lark. />««(«»— Rohcri Ulnkoy, Rrelor. A'«»>ip/ri//«— II. li. I'li'Ci, Rector. ■Smiih'i Fallt—J. II. Worrell. 'J'ravtthuif niitnnimrui—S, VVoi- kins, F. Treinayiie. BATIIliKlIT DI^rRirT. /Vr(A~ Alexander ryiir, Rector— .M. HirrlH, s'jpernnimaii-d. Fruiiklnwn — Pakenham and f'lliroy — jl/fmcAtiif/i,'— i'l.eiit'zer Morris. DAMIOII. Rncine, i). tiouB eecreiaire. Au Siminairtdt Q«<6er— L. J. Cn- sault. Sup ; A. I'arant, J. Aubry, Ls. Gingras, I cler, Ccrigregailon, N U. iHi,a n'oRbiANs. SI. ««rri— Josi^ih Tardif. St. Laurent— J. Naud. i SI. Jtan~K. Go«s«lln. .SY.*Vi»«f»«.-T. K. Dcitroiimationi. Stc. JamiUt—G. il. Hciicrer. COTI DO NORO. (irotidiuet—Q. S. rH'ronin. i'«. Cufimt'r— N. Oiiertln. Deithumhoult—C E Poire. Cap Santi—i" Morln. , , St. liaailt—7, Ginnrns. y.€urvtilt—ii Leinoino. Poiiiie nuz TrembUi~\, Pnrant. St. Redmond— v. J. Dedarb St. Aunutlin—A. Mileilc. Ste, Calheritti—W. Dunn. Stt. Fuyt~P. Huot. Aneieniit Lortllt—J. IjOlierge. SI. Ambroue—V . Bonchor. ChartchuuTfr—r., ra)inent. fjoc Beauj:orl et Larul—P. Sax. k'aUartier el Slonriiam—V, ClarltC. Bra»port—L. T. Br nnrrt. JoHcpli Lsgiienc, <■ icaire. Aiige-liardun—i. As.xclin. Chalinu-llirher—V,,'Z. Paraut. Sle. Jnne—P. Gnriepy. 47. Ffr(nl—i li Cote. St. Joaihim--F X l.erluc. Petite Rivifre—T Laroiiche. Haie St. Pavl ~f,l Chauvin; L. Otiw, Vicaire. ^1. Af->l>.N Suzor. [le/i. Lae-Aylnur, tru—i. UiihaiUt. SUDrnvid—i.^ovniHw. it. GuiMmm*— L. O. DenlletK. St. lUidield'Yumtuka—C. l.l^biur. St. Franfoia—J. Maurault. Ficaire—O. Hcleourt. Raie du Febvrt—M. Carrier. St, Ziphirin — A. .\. Marcoux. Nicolet—h. T. Foriier. Ste. Mohique — Z. Ruufseau. St. Orfgoire—J. narp;?r. St. Pienc CilefUn—i. C. Marquis. Becancourt—^. Mftto. Ste. Gfrlrude~-R. Cliabot. OtviUy—O. Larue. St.Pierrt Lesbecqnets-^hnn -i A. liuclerc, aiiciun, J. I'- :ce. DIOCESE DE MOA/REAL. .MoMHeigueur I. Cournet, Kvbqiieile Alunireal. Moii»ei:;iieur J. JiO- rocque, Ev6que ile Cydonia, CoHiljutriir. A e ELcch6 —A. P. Trutemi. J. O. Pare, Si.'crt't.iire, I.. A. I'iiiso- iieaiilt, V. Piloii, T. Plai'ioiiiloii, IK Moreau, P. Iii-blauc, uoixi- Secretaire, P. Lafnnc. P'icaires UlnCrauT. — "SI M. .K. Mat;- Beau, P. L. Ar;l:auilmuli, J. H. Kelly, P. billauilele. A K.Trutc.-.u. Ai' Stminaire de .VuntreuC. — JIM. V. Biilauit('l<;. Superieiir, J. I). Roupe, J. Coiuie, Proc. J. n. t^t. Pierre. R. Larre, J. Arraud, L. Viileiicuve, A.G'nijon, E.l'irard, M. ('. h. Uoiiissaiii, A. Mercier, li. PfIi.«Hier. J. J Coiiollv. C. M. E. Vcirdye, J. P. Clianial. F. Daniel, C J. Barilv, U. Prevosf, P. Do«d, P.Mcl-'iilla, M.O'Kricn ' P. Murphy, U. 'rnmt.'arean, .T. F. Lncau) A. C. Q. Desiuazures. ricatre.— Jl. Lenoir. AIi93ion du lac. dr.a Dcaux-Mon- la/rnes.—'S. Duffcsiii.', J. J. Tou- piii. A. Ciioq. £;Jf»: de St. Pierre— Lea KR. I'P. Ol.ials. Au tlrand Saninaire.—i . A. Bayle, 1). (Jrntiet, .-i. \t. Uarharin. Au College de Montreal. — A. Ner- cairi, L. PesourJ, 1*. P. Dei)i.-», L. li. Billion, J. J. Perreaiilt, J Dclnvigiic, J. Palatiii, O. Lenoir, J. B. B. Lirue. CulUge dev Jesvites.—'RIi. PP. iMaitin, P. A. Havequrz, A. Larcl;er, H. du Raiiqi;ct, J. Dur- tfi'illor. Huspirf. St. Jo/eph. — a la Longue- I'ointe—J. IJ. Kelly. J. M. Ikl- iLMiger, A. T. J^ag-rrde, O. S. Pa- quei. College de C/iamhly—?. 51. Mig- naiilt, e=upLrie'jr, F. T. Lahaye, DiTocteuT ColUjfe rfrt t .1stomptioM.—\. Du- puis, Directeur; N. Barret, F. Bour;;eault. Cnl/Sge de Ste. T/i£rise.—S Tasse, Superieiir, J. Diiquet, L. Dagcii- ai», II. A. Verrcaii. College de P Industrie— E. Chara- paiiiieur, Supc-ieur. P. Lajole, Dirccieur, v.. J. Lisgorce, In-^Utut dej Sourda-Miiets. IHLB DP MONrRBAI,. 31. Laurent — MM. J- B. Germnin. Sup. de» Frirei S Joseph— J, Reze. Ste. Ctiietieve—lj. M. Lel'ebvre. Sfc. Anne—ii. i. tluot. PiiiMU Claire— H. C. Fabrc, P. D. KIcard, ancicn cure. Laekime—A. Dui.'^niwnu. Longue-Point4—i. U. Drapeau. Poiute-rwt-Tremile»—f, PorlJer. Ri*. dee Pratriee—i. E. I^ublonda. B. MqiiB, vioain. Sa»Utan-M4e»U«t—3, i. Vinet. Isle fiizard—l, Lanuier. ' Me Perrol—C. Aufcry, 1»LB Jfc'SfJil. St. Martin— MM. P. C. Dube. Str. Rose— p. Rrunet. St. yincetU-V. Lav.illie. Chap, des D. S. C— Et. Lavoie. 67. i'rangois deSale* — A.U. Uiroux. COTK DU KO;iD. St. Bertkel—r. V. Papineau, R. Fournler, vkaire. Veriiiit.r—J. I'. Gagoon, L Belair, vicaire. Isle dupadf-^T. Fillatsault, St. Culhbert-A. Fisitie. St, Gabriel, — J Dcquoy. Ste. Felix, et S Jean de Maiha—i. S. Aiibiii. St Thomas— C. LeIieK lnduglrie—.\x\u Mnnbcau. Ste. Kthabeih — L. Guyoii. St. i\U—U. Charlaud. A. Toupin, vicaire, St, Louis dt Oon:ague-l. BeguiO. Tm^ -J. E. I<«blon(te.s{ ~3, J. Vin«. iiiuier. ^ uhry, ii»im. P. C. Dube. net. -Hi. Lavoic. ?«.«— A.O. Uiroux. ; KOHD. V. I'apineau, R. s, agDon, I. Belair, Pillatcauit, )cquoy. on de Matha—i. ■lid. niiHcnu. i . liuyuii. . Dageuaist rcoiie. I iirou.x, ! all. I rat^dard. te. Jeannotle. [ .-ibclle, K.Labellc, I Dorval, ! AijTtf/i— J.R.Pare. j t Sit. Aniit—,\, errault. j mieni. Loranger. I 'revest. I an— J.U.LabclIe. irsu. larron. (. Cliavigny ; L. lire, anrii'U cures. I ^oriiiaiiitiii, M. j ure. iii'berge. tit-n—V. B.Pcl-; jje. at^sistt-ilircc. ninet — C. Chain- ri)ault, vicaire. hiliault, A. Tiii- Urog-an. Circoi.daiop—'E,, olvy. iqiiot. inei. . (^'iiampeaiiz. eileiier. Oroulz. Tcue. PliQguet, E. e. 'hlliaudier. • iliii. haitibatilt. ela, P. BeJaiiger, -A. Jacques. Maniiicou. \\x. Brassard. iri>clais. F. Cholette, N. libur. BUD. ircoux. or. rchombauK, J. CharUud. A. g%t—\. Beguto. CLKf^l, n 814. MmHiM—ti. biyib. $t. tVtate— R. NeyroQ. St. /•m-C9kry(M(6me— B, Beaudry. Onii«loi»ii, <(e.— E. DoyW. CluUe€mgMy—1\ Coroii. Sle. Phupmeiit—h». Turcot. St. Mdort—tt. Trutiel. Samlt St. Loui$—J. Marcouz, J. E. Anioine, O. M. I. vicaiie. St. Philippe— A. Proulx. SI. Edouard—M.V^Xhy, F.BochcttP, Tlcaiie. Skerringlon.tte—A. O'Mailey. ■St. Conetavt—V 1,. Vinet. St. Rtmi—V Bedart). St. J:an Dvrch.—C. Larocque. St. Lvc—M. Qui i.tal. Blairjindie—X. Robert. »•>(. Jarquis la Miu—J. Morin. St. Cypricn—C. Morrison. 5t. >'a/«);ti'»e— i. Lussier. St. Strhurd dt I.aceUe—i. Dallcire. Laprairie—V. Vignoii, 8. J., A. Krnun, ."S. J., vicaire. Lungv.tuil—h. M. Brai-Bard, E. H. liicks, asEistaut. Ch. des Ars. de J. M—G. Cliol-Ot. BoutkerviUe—T. Pepin, 1'. Berard, vicaire. St. Bruno— M. f ittte. y^areunca—C. J. Irimcau, L. I. JMi'inel, vicnire. Ste. Julie— i. '\ licoret. yerckeres—R. O. Bruneau, E. Des- niaraig, vie;iue. Cuntrecaeur — K. i.'Heurt.-ui. SI. Aiitoine — M. i^u^suu. St. Marc—i. V,. Lcveque. Belati—E. Uuroclier. Chatnbly—V. M. MignaulT. U. Archambnult, vicaire. moCKPE DE ST. HVACINTHE. Moiiseigiieur Jean Cliflr'cs i'rince, Evtqiic (!e St. Hyacinihe. A V fxeekc--y[n^ J. Z. Rretlier. Ardiipietre. J. Gravelle, Arcbi diacre, I,. '/,. Moreau, .'■'ecreiaire, G. !Vlfircl'e(-sault,G. F. C'hevreQIs, Chap., li. Giiriepy, Torsurc.Koiis- t'ecretairie. Vieairt$ O'ensi-nuir— MM.F.Demer*, J 8. Hayiiiciid, E. ("revicr. Seminaire de St. Hijacmtht — MM. J. C. Raymond, Siipe'it'tir, 1. De- saulnieis, A.M., V. Uufrcsne, P. Levtqui', F. 'I'cfeaii, P. Ilallairc, J. Priucc, M. IViillicr.F. Bcniiclet. CUUES, Sorel—W. Limogea. St. Ours—.K B. tielangcr. Si. Denis— ¥. IJeiiicrs. SI CMnrlts—V. J. Crevier. St. JJilairc—P. X C'alyse. SI. Miilhin$—L. B. Brien. St. Athavase—i. B. Dupiiy. St. George— i. !St. Aubia. Stanbridge — J. Lecltrc Lnnham—W . Fitzgerald. harnkum— i . rJcfnoyers. St, Cesaire—J. Provencal. Ste. Br>side—i. M Baltazard. St. Grisfoire—i 11. Noizeux. La PriatntaiitrH—i. Beauregard. Ste. Mark—K. Crevier. yicoire—0. Dewjrcy. SI. Jean Bnptrtte—9. C . Ho«e. St. Vamase—V. X. BrtuMt. Ane. Curi — A. Brais. St. Pie— 3. Crevier. MUUn—V. Relour. Oranby—J. Uuinn. Stucktly—O. Monet. . Stanetead— Bienveau. Rext^n — J. A. Boiavert. Sktrbrooke—B. McGauraa. S$. DomiHiqu4—r. Sylvettrs. mt. Hiumlu—R. Bin. St. ^i»«ii— H. L. uircuard. St. hnguf—M. Arehaiokault. SI. Aiui e( SI. JUarcit—Z Lecours Sl«. yifioire—A . Ijeniay. St. Jude—O. PcBeiier. SI. Barnubt—H . Uardy. DIOCESE OF BYTOWN. Rt. Rev; Jo«. Eug. Guigncii, Ui»hop ol' Bvtowii. Very Rev, Peter Athert, VicCen. Chanliert—RH. A. Francis .\ndrleux. Indians of Hudson Bay— UTL. Andxe Gaiin, tlirciile L'lciuent. College tti' BytoKH — KR. Aug. (jaudcl. President; Josciih 'I'a- burct, Dirtetur ; .'otepli Michel, Leon Uoiuvert, Ldward Pctinot, 'i liouias Morgan, Jugeiits. Cctkedral.—Kh.. I). Dandniand, M. ASolloy, F. i>Icl>bniiul). PetnOrniik avd AlUimctte Itland— S. liynoli. Bromtcy—.\attiQS 'Strain. Renfrcuj — Jos. Boiivier. Viiz iJoy— I! I rn.'icrt .Mcl-'erly. Hvitlly—V-iXw i.ri Vaii{;h!Ui, Riclimund—l'eK't O'CoimicII. Gloceslir—.^oa. Pnilier.Alig Eefcoul. Cumberland— ios. Itafid. J'lKJilagevet — Pwirick WrCoey. VOiigntil — M. V. Bourassa, P. Coopiiiaii. Kant Haktshv.ry—V . Salaz. GreBu;//«— ^!icll. Imtiic. Pttite Iiati)u~'\'\;o\\K\s O'Boyle. St. Andre,— (PeUle JSdiiuiij — Jcs. Stcrkcii'.irics. Biickivi:/tam—Johu Br'idy. 6'n(inf«M— I.iizitnne (Jitiguet. La Peche—V l.aiizirr. Indians of Ln (liitivenu — RR, Regis JJeleoye, Fr. Anriricisx. AtjlmtT — J;inics Hii^hcii. Calumel—L'i\\\)i Oi.ellet. DIOCESIi OF KINGSTOH. Et. Ri;v. Renii Gauliii, Bif-hop of Kiiij^sloii. Rt.Rev. Patrick Phelan, Adiiiiiiist. .Apostolic of" Kingston. XtFf^sfoH— Patrick Uollard, John I'"arrel, Joliii Fcley, sen. SI. MaphaeU—V. K. J. McDonald. i'/f?oH— Muri. J.ator. Belleville— MicUnoi Brcnuaii. Ptierboro' — V;icant. St. .Andrew's— George Hay. Perik—J. 11. McDcniigh. Cf-rnjfaW— Joi.n F. C'aiinon. Tyandenngtt—VhtiT\cs Burke. Co&(/Kr^— AJicliael Ti'iiliu. Brorktille-tjl'wrr Ktlly. Presmtt—EdwiiTd P. Roche. Kemplville — Daniel Partlly. Smithes Falln—'l'vtvMce k'niilh. 7Ve»l— Piiirick Madden, U, D. Huitgerford— Bes;l( y. Lindsay— Junius Cliisiiolni.U. D. WiwcAct/cr— Bernard Co>lc. Aipkodel—Jaa. Fiirreliy Lohvro'— John O'Ncll. AUxaudria Mid LvrMel,—3. Meade. Ji«nicu on an average lor each Mi>,slon. ...^-s. ..^,-^^*% Presiibytcrinii Clitsrc-lii of IM CONNECTION Vvna THE CHI7RCH or biOTLANn. Synod nieels at Kingston on the Se- cond Wednesday in July, IS54. Rev. Alexander ypence, Bytown, Moderator of Synod. Andrew Bell, L'Orignal, Si/nod Clerk. Joliti Cninercn, Esq., Toronto, Sy- nod Treasurer. I'REMIVTKHV OF KINGSTON. Mcclsat KingiiioM.cnilie first Wed- nesday ol'evoiy nioiitli. Kin gslort— Jiilw Maclinr, U. D. Queen's College— J:t)m'e Willinm- »'■■:), A. M., Clerk, pro. lem,, J. IMtdccIm ."^iiiiili, A M. Sc7/?,iuur— Robert Ncill. BdUril.-e-Win. Mcl^wen, A.M. Vacant— William Simpson. Htmmingford — Jcliii Merlin. Ifett Jiieitmoud — John Diividson. Thrtt A«ti«r«— James Tlioni. liuntiHgdon— Alex. Wallnoe, A. B. fit. /^outs— James T. Paul. Be(mliurnoia~TUos. Hni^, Cltrh. Melbourne — Ttios. Morribon. tfOTvaltown — A. H. Miliigan. Vacant Charges — Brech Ridge, Lnprnirie, ValCJirtier, St. Biis- tnclip,>Jew(".irlisle, Frencli Coii- grosniiona Monire.Tl and Quebec. Mie^ioiiury— Rolen Uobie. PtlEB.nYTERY OK OLKSOARY. Meets on the third Wednesday of January. May and Si-pieiri'icr. WUliamatuvni — Joint McKeir/ie, A.M. CoTKir.ii'f— Huah Urqtihnrt, A. M. Idarlindiwn — John McLanrin. Laneasttr — Thomas McPlierson, A.M.. Clcrl:. Dallwnsie Mills tr Cole Si. Oeorgt — iEiieaH McLean. Finrli—nowiM Monro. fViliiamihiffh—'Vhoinns Scott. ii'OH^/Ki/— Andrew Bt'll. Vacant C3iarge.s~\.or.\\\^:\, Coteau 4u Lac, Osnaliruck, Indian Jjandi-. PRESBYTKRY OF HAMILTON. Meets at Hamilton, on the second Wednesday in January, May and September. Gaderich — Alexander MncKid. Cr«i«/pA— Colin Gregor. Fergus— H»f\\ Mair, D.D. Slrntfordand^i.Eattkopt—y'lWW&m Bell, A. M. Simeoe and Fi/torio— G. Ilcll, A.B. Niagara — J.R. Mowat,A.M., Clerk. tfamiMoa— Daniel Macnee. Qalt — Hamilton Gibson. Chatham — John Rolili. Woodstock and Norwich — F.P. Sim. Saltfiett and ^tn&rooiire — Williafti Juhmson. A.M. Helton and ffulertfoifn— Geo. Mac- iloniii'll. Dundas and Jneaster—K. McLen- nan, A.M. Vacant Char pes —London & West- minster, Williams, Anihcrstburg, i)an«ril!— 'I'liomas Frascr. Perth J3t. JtidrewU—WUVma Bain, A. M., Clerk. Ramsaif—Johii McMorine. ^yfoKin— Alexander Spence. Smilli's ^'uW»— Solomon Mylne. Buckingham and Cumberland — D. bhaiiKs. Brockcille—lahn Whyte. ^ecAu;i«/j— Duiicon Moirieon. McNab iciforton — G.'i'liomson.A.M Vacant CAar^'M— Riclimond, Dal- liousic, NewtoM' and Bedford. Fretib} terian Ohiircli of Cauada, The Synod nieeia at Toronto on the second AVeiitiCs-day of June, l&ol. Alox. Gale, A.M., Mount Al'.ion P. O., Moderator; Willinm Reid, A. M., TcTOiilo, Si/nod Clerk. PKESBYTr.RY OF TORONTO. Toronto— K.nox'B Church, Kobcrt Diirns, O.D. 3«rf Congregation, Robert Irvine. MicKael vfilliB, D. D., Profciisor of Pivjiiitj; Jus. Harris. W. Rddi A. M. Wliitb'j — Jniiies Kiiilay. Cdleclon and £rin — D. McMillan. fi'cut iiitillimbury — Thos. Lowrie. Ki:\g and Teeumsclh — Jas. Ariauis. Chinsvacousy — A. T. Holmes York Mills— V. Wiglitmaii, Cicrk. Acion and iioston, Ksqueting — John McLauchlan. * /Vor/.Aaw— James Boyd. Oa'iviile and Dundas'street-JatULB Nesbit. SI renin:: iUe—Uohcit Cre. liroc'c and /?ene*— John Mitchell. Oro and Orillia— John Gray Union and Norcal—Jo:i. Alexander. A.HL Vacant Charges— Inuiffi] and Bar- rif, ^carhornugh, Thoial) and El- don, Vaiighan (Gaelic,) Ore, &c. (Gaelic,) jVottaw.'isaiia, &c., Eu- phrasia, Mono and Kssa, Arteme- sia. Weston and Lambeth. PRKSBYTERY OP MONTRKAL. Metis— Wm. Mncalis(cr. .Ste. Thertte dt ichiel, Van- hlnekhill, Indian Landn and Ken- yon, Mnrtintown and Williams- tnwn, Lancaster and Dall.oiisie, Lit Guerre and Dniidec. Durham, Chaieauguay Basin, Hcnrivillc, Dunham and Farnham, Mel- bourne, Winslow, LcedR and St. Sylvester, InTerneM, lUwdon, Portneuf. PRKSBTItRT OP tONOOX. Zorra— Draald McKencie. North E(M A«ip«— Daniel Allan. 6'(pa//ord— Thomas Maephersoo. Egm:-ndv^*—"y\\\\am Grabain. iHgertoU—^Qhct,, Wallace. St. Tkoma3—Jo\\n Fraser. Eekfrid if Mosa—Wtn. Sutherload. CAntAaM— Angus McColl. fTi'Mam*— Lacblan McPhcrson. Woodstock— W\n. S. Ball, Cierk; (Gallic,) Duncan McUiarmkJ. London— Jo\\n i:coti, Cierk. Buxlon—Wm. King. .Brue;jSen Sound — John McKinrton. IJaiuittou— George Paxton Young, Clerk. Port Dover and Simcot — Andrew WiUon. Niagara—JoUn Alexander. lileyiheim and Paris — 0. McRuar. DunncHU — W m. J'ortcrfield . Vacant CAarg-es— 'iuelph, Caledo- nia, &e., Pniijii'tn, Woolwich and Feiiin, New Aberdeen and Doon, W.ilpole, Jarvit", &c., TliorcUl and Port Robinson, Nassaga'' weya. MiniHers Without Charge — D. Eastman, J. G. McGregoV, Alex, GaiP, A.M. • PRKSDYTKRY Of COBOL'RG. Cavan — James DouglasB. Cobourg — Donald McLeod. Peterborough, 6our- lay. Ramstf—1 iiiiPtSinilli. UuUud frewbjritfritttt S>- noil In i;aiiada. tfeit iiieptiiii; ofslynoit u> be held in llaiiiilioui'uii TuMJay, June If, ieH. Win. U'lrrif, Mod€rat»r. VVui. Kraner, Hfnod Clerk. I>RK8BVTKKY Of I.II.MDJ<«. Bethel, EHgliek HetttemeHt—iame* HKiiiiiUr. Delroit,Atickijfan—Jo'm yicl*l\n». houMm—Joit'i i' A. froa.lioui. Clerk. IVar * iiville, Bn'/field, BrueeJUU- Juhii l< luricll, MiiKihOp, liiK rsull, tl.irivich. 5/a((»M<,-llii>hert, Fla(creek, Rid- diilpii. Mciiillivniy, iloMiii|iiei. PKKHOYTKKV UK n-lMOitROOUH. Flamb»ru' and IJniidt$-l\Ct*nH\e. We*t UdMjritg—Wnx. Kiiehie. Biterljf-hiwt I'unejus. Cki/tiieiea -WiIIkiiii M. Clirislie. Caledunim, Ixdiana, Aneatter Etui, OMti/a— Aa>lre\v tVrrier, D. U. HamUlu»~io'M\ llo.'g. Clerk. St. Ciirka,H-\V. Dickson. yacanl C/iari'ei— Pickerin;;, To fO'iW 'Zml. IVUkout CAurye.-John Taylor, M. D , I'rolftsor ol'TliCilojy. PRWH.VIKllV OK CANADA EAST. MoHlreiil—W i[Uiv\\ I'liylor, I). U, Ktui 07(M»'oio— Alexander Lowdeii, Clerk. Miiilri,l, V v.— John Mori. ion. rtii»fi«^.iii«— I'eier l». Muir. La CAiile -Waller dcoit. PaK^nVTKRV Itr I.ASARK. Smilh'e F'atis -Wi\\h>n Aiiken. i'rte4i!«*'i »■ *'«' JKuy //orioar— Alex. Henduriioii, Clerk. PRtWBVTKRV or DDRHAK. ITAirfty— Roll. II. Thoriiion, Clerk. I'ltrt Hojie, I'erri/tuiBit—iuo.Caa^iu. Clarke— *ifi>r* -ItolNjrt Torrniiee, Clerk, AraMM«— William Uarrle. S(«p«-John Uitr f4u»iU CI«''/«*— B«que»inr,1lran(, bake tfliore Roail Sable River. Hiiuunu — dyil«iili.uu Kincuruiiie, Kaeu Miiiit, ti-euiiui^k. PRaaBYTKRV OP BRANT. BUmkeim, Barjwd, UumdMoek — Ucoriie Murray. Pari«-U.iviti O'aMT. ifr«N//orJ— AlexaiiiJef Drummond. Hla*i{furd—Hiin^n Roluera. (rtexmorrt*— John Duniuir. Afwiint PUaimmt—V.\\tic*. UreiK. yaeaHt CMmyc— .Vorwiclivilie Mmiuere teUiiiuuCiarge—AudTew Kennedy, AlcK. W.i.ntell. Pruiutiamere—i. G. OnrrutliGf*, Mr. Ilarr, Mi. M.-Grenor. \Vuttl«yuii Metlittd'^C VtoitruU ill Cuiiudn. CoiiAirenee ineeis at Ucllevllfe, on the (Iki vV«diii-»d:iy in Junes 1c)31 B.ioch WiWil, (VurKviile,) Preni- dent f Juliii Ky.*rs.>ii, Co-IJele- gate; Wclliiigluii Jell'erii, Secre- tary. TORONTO UlSTRtor. Toronto City Ktut — Wellinaion Jeit'ertf, W. II. Poole, Aini.jii tireeii, U. D., Jaiiiea ^iieiicer, Kiertuii Uyuraon, U. U., Ijachlaii T.iylor, riior. Ilcniorett. TaruaiH CUy U'est—Ueuty Wiikln- HOii, U. U. II :ir|M!r, Ohas. Lnvvll. t'uM^e Street— H. Joiicii) Chair' man. Win. :^. Hlnckstock. //drnfter— Samuel U. Phil|i, Henry J>JIIC«. 6ra'n;;(A— Lew is^ Warner, Ckabrmam, fc'/ora— Jiiiiie* Armstrong. //u/i>^Sainucl Fear, John Meelaiida. St. yiiicent—.Wex. Campbell. Sangeenff—Peier Jacobs, /ilrran— Jiimes lliitchiKSon. JJurkain—S. E. Miiiid«ley. Hruee '7l/in««— Jonepli H ill. Garden Hirer— G. W. McDongall. VoeaHl Clmrget—Dethy, Proton, Lake Su|icrior North Sliore. BARRIB DISTRICT. ffarric— John Douse, Chairman, A. Edwards Srat^orii- William Young, James Taylor. Cuo/.'«(oi«n— Luther O. Rice.* Ifeiomarket—W. Willouijhby, R. J. Fornian. Snake Island and South Shore, Lake Simcoe— Roliert Locbead. Bro( A— Daniel Wright. Aama— lloiare Ueaii. PenetaHguielteue Jtoai— S. Brow- nell. Beausotiel and French River—Wm. Herkimer. CMingwood Harbour — G. Sallows. COtfnURO DISIRIOT. CuJoar^ — George R. Sam enoiit Chairman ; S. S. Nelles. A. M., Thomas Stobhs, John Beany. Purl //ope— William McCullough. B 11. Orwart. BoiemanviUe and Sehtogog—Chwt. FlKh, George McRitehey. Ne»ea$tle-io't>t\ CnrtMrtyU— Jehit Sanderson. ATi^frrooA— Jaiuei Hughes, J. BlMk« stock. l><(spft«rMi|rA— John Gemley. Miti £.«ts— aieptien Milea. Rim !.«*«— Tho*. Hutlburt. ^fif^^'mm ifmmtmmnf i h i f-v I ' : CLERGl'. [1854 MiUrvUU—iMuv* MkM||rov«, VVil- liniii VniMf. CWtvrne— J. R. Willed, /jinrfcay— 'I'liuiiirw liiiliiia. Meicu(fe—i. C Uitliunie. Avfteovd— Jiitii>.-K U. «>lu«!r. Bhl,l,kVil.l.K IllltrHlOT. ItelUtUle- Ut'Ot^e Yimiii)>. Cuu»eeui.—MKUw\ l''ii\\cc'U, Cliaa. 'I iitiyiiri. C. K. Allitioii. I'idOH—W'M. Alt-1 aflilcii, Qkatr- mmn, 'riiuiiiiiii \\o Iw'v, liuiiicl Mc'Miil>cii,«;ill.fii Aliiiur. Hidueii—jKjUu Jjevt-r. Juliii Millo. UrightuH—ioMx liluck, Juliii W. (•i.rtiiiiii. Df.niortsi cille—3v.ifc\t\\ Ilt>yiiold<. SitawnuMvilla — Ahriiliinu Ijujiuoii. JU«C— MicllHfl llllMf-Ti. liintUou—iiiiQ F. ria}ter. Ptrcy—iivovii^ Ciiff. ytUMHl CA/tr^c— IJiinccrford.. KlNdB'lUN l>lg'll(U:T. Kinffttftii- Mm Uvitkum, Chair- m»»,M N. A. K. 'J'. Oixoii. iSniii- iifl i». Ricf, Trensurtr, f'iilona College., in*, iiuuili. it. M>c'is. tiaitaiiet- l)ii>-i(l I). iMaddeii, J. Uc I'ligi. fCi^fon— Jolin A. VVilliaiiis, 'J'ho». rie^lhjrii. £|iiiiuii, Win. tJliiitiiiiiiii. A«icfti«r4'— Bt'iijniiilii Joiie«, I. B. A)ifB»orih. i^in — vViu. II. WilliniiiB. yucaal Vliurgcn — UiiicliiiibrooK. Uturriiigiuii. UltoCKVIM.B DISTRICT. _. lir,nckoiile~iuiiKH Klliuii. I i'rt0cuu- i.tuiem iiiuy. I I iUaw^<(/«<— i3ylve«iur iltirlburt, Jiio ' Aiii>«iiruii)i, '.iiiii. Ktm^tctUe— 1 llu^ llevilt, Chairman i'ert/t— UHviil C. Mcl'uwcll. i)i/«//»— Will. Brown, Win. Culfllllill. Carletun and /'ar&cN/iam— Willinni AlcUill,. hiiwiii I'tNike. McrnckviUe—ii. Juiiliiiiys. C'vrMii'u<< — Viiiceiii II. llownrd, <»'t«t7jf«»«r— Koiii.bre»vnier. Sherbruokt—ija,\\iX llurilii', Alviili AUuinii. DYTOWN niSTICT. %foicn— Kfiitit'dy Cruigliton. Alyiuer—A»iiUc\ Uurlburt, Chair- man, PtcUmnnd — iamca Greener, Rlcli- urii lliiMiiiionil. St. /lHi/r«»»— 'I'lios. VV. Constablf.', Hiliia liiititiiiKCun. L'Urtunal—V^M. Morion, Robcri Hubiis.l Osj<»u(<- William M. Pattyson, II. McUovvfll. Oiittiueau — Jolm ilowea. Glaremlon and I'orlaje du Forte — 'J'lioniiiii AlcMulleii. It'etuii eat h—Hi>ttry rihdlcr. faraiu CAar^r*— l^ocliiilicr. .."^-'V^.>.^.-^ €. W, jncthodist New Counvciluii tJliurcli. Conference meets first Wedneadny in June, ltj.i), Jf OPriCERS "F TH(i CtlNNF.CTIOH. Rev. J>' II. Koliiiisun, Cciieral Su- fitrmltnilml of the AlittUm, 'I'o- loiiio. W. McCiuie, Muuiaiit Hufieritileudeiil, bointoiit '1'. Ixitl- iiiigv, 'Ifeunrer, Hniniliun i U. II. Urvii, tlnaueitti Seerelnry, Turuiiio ; T. 'J'. Ilowiinl, J»iu- liohurg Secrcliirg, lluiiiiliuii. LONDON IIMTHICT. Limdon—WI. McLliiiv, Chairman; U. -"iivniJir. Loitdun JSurlh—W, Preslon. HaitrJ'vrd—i. Hell, J. I'Oel. SI. 'Jiiuiiioi — H. C. iiowon, II. Jolinnoii. AurakA— U. Ilnigli. Mulahide—li. \\ illinmi. Hunard—\l. VVilliiiitioii. Jllai.cfiard—J . Vuit'^. UudvriUi MissivH—'V. O. Adkins. IIAMII.'ION DI-'l'lllC'T. UamiUou—'V. 'i. Ilovtard, Chair- viuH, J. Itifiiniiii. Aututler—i. It. Kerslmw, J. Craw- lurii. IVettaiid Canal — D. Dcttcs, T. Kninp. linnuii—i. Siiaw, C. Cl.ildg. A«*»aj,'a«ejo— J.U Watts, J. Scott. Caijngu—i. Viiiing. Luke Kric Mituuii—V. G. Weaver. uwt:.N Doa u mstuict. Arlhtir—i. tiliiltoii Chuirman, yucuhl C/iur^e.— Lurmiin. Hi/deiihum—i. harltei ville, ■roitoN'rii DisiiucT, Tiironlu City- T. OoKlbiiiitli, Chair- man. inrkvitle—i. MoAlisier. tVliilciivrc.k — J. Ciiswcll. 'I'l-aJalffar—T. M. Jellries. Ctiledoii— i. L:ili||liird. hruck — C. Cuii). ' CAVAN DISTRICT. Cavan—W. UuiKiy, Maimers— W, Uiilniipon, W, Wclili. Meieaulle — J. Wilkinson, Chair- tllUII. Prihce Edward—,]. Ilision, C. Duff. JCIIINHTOWN l»8TKICT. Lansdvuiie—\\l , Itarneti. tJi:abethtuKii — J. iJini|ison. Ujrfurd—\). 0. RolbloM. Crufby—'i. Jteid, A. Wrijht. hnwituutid—J. lialcs, Ckatrman. t'ltzruy- J, L'. Wnrren. Murlbru- J.iinddls. KAHIKKN DISTRICT. SIniislead— Out; lo l;C uent. blukelij- ']'. Ogilen. Uultott—P. Iliiiit. IJvukam — \,. I', .\rinnis, CAntrmaw. Heiiri/almrgh—O. \V liiicoiiiLie. Pultun— U. Ilur>all. IflotliodiMt l^pUcoiml Cliiircli IM CuiiuOu. Jolm Reynolds, Philnnder Binitli, (Jeiiaal Hvpcrinlcndtult, N1A(;AUA CONFliftENCE. •lOHON'IO liISTIll<:T. Jns. RicluirdMiii, Presiding Elder. Darliiiglim—W t\i. I'nritie. lyktlby—r. Kob=?oni V. VV. Frnser, ■riil.crnunieiaiy, Markkum—Gi'Wfiv rrof-field.—H. hoi'Kliani. yuii^'c .ii'ii'eei— Samuel Dunnett, G. Ut'uneit. TiiruHio—W. D. Rrown, one to be sent. iVc/soH— P. Morrison, 11. Taylori S. ti|ewari,.8U|ieriiijiiiernry. Geurifeiuu:u——1i, Liiwr'jiicc, one to be M'lil. Oo/ci«<;o(^— George Ruiith. NiAOAKA DilTRICT. 'I'ho*. Weli*ier. PretUtiHg Elder. Barton mud Uamiltun—i. B. Hich- iirdDon, J. VV. Jacob«t J Hailey, wlio In our r.ook AgtMiit G. Hlif|f nra^«r ami U. Picket, cu- leriii nii..ied; J. Miicliell, gnper- iiUiiiCraiy. Soiithtcoid—'V\\or. A^kin^o:'. Hoitard—'V. Davxeii, one lo be icut. 7/ia»i6-«— N. Kuy. Maiilaiid—O. (>. Coltniiiore. ^aiidvich—h. Hiiier. at. Clair— A- M Aiclier. hoiavguel—OtiC lo lie rent. OXFORD IIUTKICT. J. BrlKtol, Presiding Elder. Dunifnes—W . !•' l^owc, J. CuBtc; U, Miifkie, 8U|ii'ratinuiiietl. Blenheim— i. tiiineiod, one to lie tent : N. A. I'mccr, sui.crnuine- rary; William Co|e,leli witliout an a|i|ioiniineut ut bis own ic- quest. Oakland— 3 W. Bvani, one to be heiii; J. i)w« r, terniinuated. Aonrtr/t— K. Louiisbur), uiiU to lie M'lit. Oxford— 3. Gibgon-, G Turner, au- 'I'l'ranniiaied. Lurchester—MoM.o E. Griflilh. St. Itiarys — J. McLean. Malahme—l.. P. I^uiitli-, C. Peity*, iA(«n— Hiram Williams. I ercy and icijnumr—^. li. llownrd, one to te hent. Sidneys. Voiinf:; II. II. Jolln^ton, hii|.eraiiniiaird; J. M. I). VVcai, j tiii|.crtiiiiiicrnry. Conserou—i. A. Ropem. JJulioiceU and MiltJord-3. G. Bull, 'J liu!'. Plato; VV . E. Norman, (u- IH-rannunied. Katrdou—l'M Woodcock; D.Drowii, 8U|ieiniiiiierary. KINnOTON DISTRICT. BeiiRon fimiili, Pretiilmg Elder. Kingston and Lrrds—l'. W. Hlli- derinnrsli, JuM-iii .'Sparrow. Belleville— i. Cardliicf. tJottlinglou—yV. A. Kills. Tyendtiiaga—i. V. Wilson, one 10 be urnt. J^'apanee — W,Ui. I'Ird. Bay iiiiititer-W. illniirhrird, on« to l'ei-i.'iii; K^ l'<'r> V, KU|«raiiiiuaietl. Catiiden—U, VVillH)!!.' DIS'I'RICT. ttidiiiii t.ldtr. iecifie AIiLm. -A. Joiiet>,oiietol>e ami U. I'ickei, vu- J. JVliicliell, 8ii|iiT- *. Alkln^or<. i\ vb, oiiu 10 be icut, I. , Collnniore, I --tier. Arclicr. 10 lie ^ellt. IIXTKICT. Hits' Elder. I'' l^OWC, J. CU8U't licriiiiiiuiitvil. riiietoci, one to lie 'riifcr, FUpiTiiiiiiii'- I C'o| V, lull withuui Mit ut liis own re- Bvnni. one to be ', trniinunie(>. uiiHbur), oiiu to be on; G Turner, *»• CONFERKKCE. niBTF.lRT. \t»idiiig JCtder, T. Lew in and k'rntiiiuiil«.U. lulllll'OSI. Wllllriinfi. ir—ti. II. liownril, JloperR. |y«rd-J,G. Hull, 1. U. Norman, fu- bdcock: D.Drowii, |!liiiirhnrd, orwio J>,bu|«riiiiiiiuiie4t. IDII.' WS4} ■UMI.WH- CLBRGT. fV»terl(M—VL, Unrl, one to be iCiil ; 1). Perry, MUiMriiniiuiitc-ci. fFo(f» MmHd~\. Wriuht. JtUOUSTA nisTRicr. Georuc Joue*. Pririiin^ Elder, lirockviUe—it. V. lluicliiiiHuii; J H. JohiiKOM, A<;ciit for Con. & iiary. Eliiahelhtinen and Eieotl— II, Lane, one to lie iient. FarmerteiUe — (1. J. Reiln. CruBby-S. Hill, l». N. Rohinion, Rideau-i. VV. c«itlsi. Augusta and Matilda— W, Rrown, 1*. I'oineroy j M. Uavy, superim- lutjrnry. \ Winchitter and Stormont—B. Orvcr, one lu lie H'lii. Hytowu—C. Manrop. Bonna CAere— U. PoiRprov. Oltaica-i. D. Hell! J. McNnlly, bu- lierniiincrnry. PriiUilivc illctliodiMt CliurcU ill Canada %Vottt. Conference mccis In8( week in April, 185-1, at Bininptou. Rev. J. Davison, Brampion ; nnd Mr. Williiiiii Lavvson. Hamilton, correspuiMliiigSeer tarie:<. Mr. Robert Walker, Toronto, Mis- ■lonaiy Trenvurer. TORONTO DISTRICT. Toronto City—M. Nicholl, E. Bar- rasa. ' Scarborough Branch— T. Lnwson. Etubicoke—W. Lyie, J.Nattrassi. Albion Branch— i. Simpson, J.Gus- tolo, \V. Joliey, S»p. Markham—i. Lacey, R. Paul, J. Clarke. Darlington— 3. Garner, W. Gled- lilll, J. Garnctt, Sup, Reach-T. Foster, S. Driffield. Kingston— J. ICdgar, R. Cade. HAMILTON DISTRICT. HamiUun—H, Boyle. Brampton— J . Davison, T. Dudley. IValpule tf Grand River— W , New- ton, J. Montgomery. Vacant Charge— Taibot. Guelph—R. rnrsoiis. Gall and Blenheim— T. Adams, J. Stephenson, R. Toultcr. Orangevil/e—W. Loinns. Peel and IVelle$ley—l. Rird—9. Finioii. Hamillou—Fj. F.l>b^1. Kingston— K. M. Fehxvlck. LondoK—W. P. rirtike. Haitkesbury — Amleriioii.^ Markkant-inmca Itay. yewmarkst — T. Baker. Oakland-W. Hay. (>r»»— A. R.'iyinoiid. S Paris and Bitr/urd—J. Vincent. Simeiie—W tit. Clarke, J. Uitctiie. Suuthuttld—i. Sitcox. Slouffvitle—J. Diirant. Ulraifurd-ii. Snider. Port Stojtley —W tWintn Atworth. Pori Sariiiaaud Maore—i.Artiiotn. Turunlo—ii.h:\ Uoat', A. ^Gcikie, Ailatii Lillie. Whitbu-i. T. Hvrne. •Worictck-M. MoCalluin. /'ocautC/iary^es— VanijISiin.Guripli, Bytavvn, Cule.ion, and Noituwu- 8a;{a. CHURCHES not is the union. Onetph-John Josiuih Uraiiie. DuHUut—^iltltca Dates. UIWKR C.i.'MIA. I'he Congtegaiional V uon of O. K. meets niinu^illy in Montreal, on tlie second Tuesday in July. Chairmanfur I83i— Rev. — Ander- son. Hawkeslinry ; Secrclarypro Um-K. Wilkes. Monitcal. Brome—D. Connell. Durham— D. Dntikerley. DuHvilie, ShiptoH—\.J. Pnrkor. Granby if Jblotlsfmd—N . McLeod. Montreal, Ul Church— il. Wilkes, D. D.j ind do.-V. II. Marling. Melbourne— 'V. Ilnviie. Indian :.aud3—3. McKiUican. RasselUotDn—W. Lnncasliire. Sherbrooke—J, Roherisoii. Stonstead—K, V. Hall. Vacant Charges — CliaieaiiEiiny, Enulish River, Saint Andrew's, Quebec. Canada; CItriHiiau C^ou- tcrdicc. Conference inepta at Oronoon tlic second Fiid ly in Jnne, ls5,l. Tiionias ll<'nrv, Prefideiil, J. W. Collins, Secretary, Nevvinarltet. OiAaica— Tlios. Henry, J. E. lloag, Georjie W. Colston. Brougham— i. W. Sliarard. //am/ito>t— llenjaniin V. Ijerry. Bottmanville-SKntx Vnneamp. O/"0«<<— ilirnni ll;ivwnrd, CiiMeton—SoYtii W. Noble, ElisSia Algtr. GrjO,(?ort— Win. Nolilt?, J. L. Ru«b, Fraiiris Cro^rder, L. Uradloy. G^rtnly' s. Comers— io\\\t Macklcin. yv«iiv/,(ir/rf^— Ctiarles 1*. Mc.Milliui, Itngli U. Witlsnn. Qfie«fi»oi/;«— Sqnire Morton. A««i/;ic«— Jeese Tniion. i'«W«-FieIerick B. Rolf. Straffordville — Joliii EntI Kcttlehy Mills-\\n\ MorcMlith. Ballimure — Nathaniel Eur I, l)roiiklin—Vt e— Milne St. Bngley. f;/(/o»— Vacant. j!;//Hs/cj/— Duncan McNab. J'.sfiiiciiing—JoUn Clark, '■ F«n»er.TO;7/e— Vacant. Flamboro' East— Job Moxom. l<'ingttl—A. Mcliityrc. ; Frederinkshur;rh—iob\\ Lake. ' Goefidd—R, ilemngiou, and T ; Corjiett. Grafton— W. Lacoy. -,/— Jacob Vau Loon, senr. •: lli>v.;rhUn - Vacant, A'/'n^— WalifT Miller & II. Norinanf Kingston- 3u\m F. liishop. >■ Aa»ior/i— Jiiinea Smith. ^ ' I.eeits, C. K. — A. t^tephcni. Lteds, C. rr.— Vicant. I.atiu-W. WilkiiiMjii, A, f). Sinclair. r«r««'>«r— John Edwnrdn. i. Chute, ■SismaaxL «tea*»sKMr'^ ^ I 1: If. :'( ' I;: h ■ ir ;■ Iv co:.LEGEa. [1864 and />nAm— Robert lloy. #%wanir*«t-- Viicaiii. t/Hmjrura—F. I«— Jantea FaM. i'wt ifwaa— Honian Flidi. /'»r( Sarwta— G. Wnlaon. PoliM, Siwl*— Tttua MfriimaB. /■(Mmr— Allan Mcl)oii|iill. QtMfrfc— DnviJ Mnrtli. &t««(«t(«a— 0. Curry. ^«/edrr. Srotland- Jolin Wlnteiboihiian. Simeut John Guiidry fc A. Auatin. 5(. jlndreicf— John Dciiiiinry. &7. CuiAsrtaet— J. K. Kyeiaan. St. fiVM-^c— ElUnh CI rk. 5(. 77. IJ., W. T. Nfwman, J. B. ISuiiili, ami Robcft Pick I'itlm A«a«— Jacob Van loon. Junr. yUltrim — A. Duncan, h. U. J. Ryp(M. J n'«lpole — 7. Siillwell, (Jb John Hothairi. Waitrford—Kx ion 8la(hl. n'a/fit»^An, S. B. 'I'rre, & J. Gf ilfln. Vacant Charffe$ — ^'outh Gower, rnmnhr. Murmy, r.rifrlron, K)'»i|HviMp, KtiBt UMlHiinlory. >^^MM^^^^tfWW«MM ft I ! UittvBiuiTT or Toaoirro.— Tha I'uiicilona of the l<(iiiveratty of Toronto are now by Act lo Vic, c ^p 8tt, Niiilted 10 the czaininlugof ciinilMnUs for Dei^rces in the '•9Vf»al Facultfca, or for fcholnrshipa, Prizes or Ccrtilt- *«MC8 0t honor in difTerent brniichvsof kiio\vle!gp, ami ^gritiiinK of auch Uegiues, dec. itAcr cxnininHttoit. liy 9e aauie Act, the endowment and pro|)cny of the Inte liivcrai'y of 1'oroiiio and of Up|XT < 'iinad'i College and ^Moyal Grammar School, are now vested in the Crown for ui purpoaeKOfme Act,and nru iimiinged and ndmin- iilBred uiuter the orderi of the Governor in Council, by (taotHcer called "Uie Uuranr of the University and Coi- iffiat at Turonto." aidetl by surh nssisianu aa are allowed him by the<^vernor in Council. - f'faiZtt/-— His KxccUency the Governor General. Li- IrartAt-Rev. J. W. Small. A. M T. C. l>. Curator «f UvKtum . The ChnnceUor, Vice- liyjnr"""* and other inembera of 8ciiat«- have not yet tma appointed. . U.1IVKK81TV CoLi.KOR.— Vmtor—Hia txcellcncy the Owernor General. Prttidtnt—Rtr John McCnnl. I.. JL.D. f'icePretitltnl . Profeusors— C/a»»iV», pJMonc and BelUt-LttUn—Viev. J. McCaiil. li.l.-U. UeUtphjitici and Mural Philotojihy—^l'v. !1 A.. Second Cla$sicat Master; Vf. Wedd, M.A . 'i'kird Clamicul Matter; J. P. Ue la I'Haye. »V««c/i Matter i M. U.irret. B.A., First English MtUUri C. 'I'lionip«on, Second Ev^/isli Matter; J. {todd, ComnurcUd Mutter ; J O. Howiird, Uramng Miuter; J. Bull, Ornametital Dratctinr Mm- fir: J. T». Humphreys, Singi'ie MnUer; A. Maul, In- tlTimevM Mufic Matter. The Kcsiilciit Scliool IIoiihc ia iv ftjil and a icc'-saful oj>er»"ioii. Three tolle«i! Mns- («• reside in the budding, one of whom is nlwnys on diay. Bacli boy haa a separate do'iniiorv. Baths h.ive (jtMi fltted up for their comfort. Termt—jHtumit, fro:ii Md of Suinincr Vacattoii to Novi'inlHsr .10: ll'inUr, ironi l« December to end pf Fclruiiry, (incliiding <;hriMin.'i» Vacalioii:) Sprimr, from 1st M.ircli to M.iy lAtli, or Wedneaofcy nearest theretii: Samaicr, from I.Hh May to i iuly Vlst. or Weittiesiiay nearest thereto. I ItumsAn'* DarAi.'MJWT v tmb llmvKRsiTT and Coi- 1 L«i« AT To^oirro— Riiirw -David lluchnn. Cathier or i Clli^^ C/sr/li— Alan GanieiUi Book-keeper— M. Druiu- inSmA. .ij»wl^;Ptar*?-Jamfa Nation. Mtitengtr— **WiHUn Morroir iifpunMrret.* Ofiea near tlie Woat end of wcl- UNivKasiTV or Qikkn's Colleoi, KiNoaroN.— Pro feMori— Principal and Primanut Prujrttor oj I ivMtf s A/alAcaiofics auil ISalvral Pht- latopky-'Rev. Jn» WillitiniMin, A M •, Hebrtwc, i kureh Hittor^ and Biblical OAia'tTR— Rev. Julni BiiMlli, A.M.: Mi-raland Mei.lal Pkiloioj kfand l.u^ie — Rl'v. Jailiei C-criif: Clattical Ltlerature—GixrffS Weir. Board of 7V««frM-Ri v. Jiiiit-p Georiiei Rev. J "iiiw C. Miiir, Rev. Ji.liii McMoriiie, Rev. Aieianiier Miiiliicvon. |>. t).. ll(, Rev. John Biirclny, A. M.. Rev. Jolni M.iclmr, U. D. ; Geor;>e Mnllocli, Exq.. John Moniii, Ewi.. FrtinriMA. Il.'iriier, £.i|.. John Thompson. En;., J«s«-ph Bri:ce, Km-, Mon.Julin linini'ion. Hon. Jnines Crooks. Hon. Williniii Morris, Hon. Arcbil'iild MrLtMii. Hon. Tlios. McKiiy. Hon. Pvter McGill. Jobti Yoiinp. E8(|.. Ainlrrw Uruinniond. Rxq , Hnuli Allan. Esq. John Ciiiiieron.Esq. Rev. James Williainaon, A. M. UwivKaaiTif 1 r McGim. Cni.i^oa, Montrbal-— Profetiort—Clattiral r.ilerature—tLi'V. W. T. heiicU. D. C. L.i Mtttkemaiic ahd J^ittvral Pkilotophy — VViiliani Andri'wr, A. M.; /^ecifcrcr— TIiumihb •Jniriii. Prufettor of Lnui—\ton. W. BiuUley ; Lecturer »»«>rq/ jV.ii'/jrtHflfiVs; ,loV,n M.l).. Profenor ttf'tke natural Hcicticif John VVil.<;oii, A.B., T.C I) . Proj'euor i{f thr. Lotinand Ureek Lan- gnaget; John O.mpbcli, C'/asji'cat Tutar ; 'nioni.isA. Fer;{Uiioi.. Enirlitk 'feather; Thomae H. Robertaon. [1854 er. I>. !>., W. r. Suiilb. ami Robert f Hoirikiitt. r.P.h., W. i Vnn Loon, Junr. uncaa, tt U. J. lllwrn, lit John I l^lirghi. uirt. ■eiiiun. rrii*. Tnppir»ir. I. LniiiloH. Piiii. iihliThns. Mini. in, S. B. Rii. — I'outh Rower, trrny, Rrlfrti'on, It Um ilSiml nry. KiNovroN.— J'ro ujrgior oj I ivinilf aud JS'atyral Flii- ; Utbrttc, ( hureh '. Jollll M:il-OIMI lo$oj hifmtid l.u^ie .Heraturt— Gci rgc iif h GuuruP', Rev. *, Kev. Aletaiiiier ).D.. R<-v. RoIk-ii ili'xonilfr 8i«tiri>, II M.iclinr. U. D. ; Ewi., Frii licit! A. ., Joitt>|ili Uri:ce, irscit Criiuk*. lion. Umii. Nun. Tliuf. bitr. E*<|', Aniir«-w iliu Cuuierun.Eiiq. MONTRBAL-— VV. T. heiicli, Ivral PkiloBoplitf •eclurtr — TIiuhihh VV, I'>a 1 11 ; Atttltria OhtUlrifi—M. iinii'N OuwIiDril, on. M D.: InHi- Jnulum^—O. 'i\ (.. John I. ;inil Jmiinx I<. rerlon R^crnon, \.M., I'rtntiput, Rlieturir.i W. cs; .Jo!in P,fnnj, I John Wilson, ad Oreek Lan- don. VIr. Virit Oinnirellor ^prnl|^, Rolirn «>. Jnniewii, Sir Atlnii N. M'lcNnli. M. I'. P.: IVol'eMOr llixlitir, M. C: Alexniiiler Hiirniiide. J inieri M ijir.ehiiii, JolinAr- nuli, lir«r»— Pdt* Hoiih. tJe irve (;ro.)k- •haiiK an I J iiii«*« (iotoii. Huriar mid Heertlam— CdaiteA M iK'ntli. QficetM of Ikt CoUiii/e—Froviitt— RfV. (i<4. tVhiiiiker, M. A. Prnfruurs—Dieitiitif— The R»'V. iliH Pfovo-ts t7«Mir«— Rev. '■'.. Si. J'liiii Piirr ', VI. A.i M»themtUie» -Riv. (3«-0'g<- I'lcrk Irviiiu, B.A Fmea/tn iif M«difine—Prnfe$ti»r§—ObsMrieii— B. M. Moil tir Al. r. , M. R. C s Unu., lutUttet •/ Ar<'v noviH. M. n. iM. R «;. P Vnt.'' I'riiieiple§ aitd I't'tfJiet of Snrgeri/.\)r.DePtc\cy\ Jmalumv mini Pkytialtt^f —H . II tiiiine, Kai) , M. M., M. R. (y. S. Knit.; I'raatee uf Mtiheint-V. It'Klx'ey. M. I), M. H. U. S Binietli*ii(*. Omiibri'l'ii', Prnfeuor of Clatfieal LiUraJure ; lletiiy Mile', M. A., Pro- ftitor uf Malhematte$, ifC. CoLLKHKor RKa OPIII.K, KiHoiiTciM.— Pr«««rf«ii/— Verv Ri'V. Virriia Mi*Llu. Mirii.inlt; RegemU, Kilur»-i| IVti- not, Arih'i Miniicili, Ke'ii HeriiHPl, ili'inia'tM nian, St. Michakl'* Ooi.r.sciR. l^RUROHSrasEr. TiiiiiiNTO — Tlie Knitifr* of llic Order of St. Bmiil have cli;iri(e of St. Mirli^iern CoMeiie. OhiircliKiri«l, ToronlO, lor the ediioiilioM of (•niididatHii fur the SuMctii'irv ami of oilier yoitiliD in the •*ln-i>ieDaii. Seeimd Pri>fe*Bitr of Ditiititit, tfe.—Huv. George P. Voiing. Clatiieal 7V(«r-Rev. J. l<««Ro*Tiiiy«i, riiRor,nnirAf. iNTriTHTE.— Trtaturiir, Ri>v. J. Ronf: Seeretarn.f ,tririt Pieel'i»il. Cinim«/(«<— Rev ProfeHncr l.iilie. Rev. Arthur Wick- pon, A.M.. Rov'iliii. A. Geikie. R Rniiins m. J. Bvriie, wiih Peio' Freelaii.l. VV. V. Me>id.'ll, John Nngiiiiih, John WigiiiMi 11, and A'ev. Chri-ii-. DlVtStiTT Ham. or THE SVNOD. —The Ihviiiiiy ll.ill iiieem in Toronto on t'le lut Vloii- dav In Auii)>«i,and coniinuea in aeMioa leu wiitNMi Pn^»$ter-TiM Rev. lit. John Taylor. Dbpartmbnt or Pcblio laarRDCTiow roR Una Canada . — Kor the executive management of the 'SatamL Grammar ami Conmioii Sehoola of Upper Canada, i|iif ■oneral adiiitiiiatnitton of the Seiiool ' Law*.— pim Superihfmdent -Rev Ggenon Ryerron, D.D. t Dtpttg S»ptrimt4mdeHt and CM^Cbri— John George Hodniitt Steaiid i;.'l*rA— 'I'homaa Hodjiinat £*tra CUrki—K, h Wllliamion, and Samuel May. Kdueotian Q (i» ■ Normal Setiool Huildiugi, Toronto. QfiM H»mr$—nm a.m., to 4 |i m. Couscii. OF Public I mtructiok— Appointed to «■• periiitend the Nornal and Model ScliuoU; to waiw gcniT il reguiatioiiB for the iroveriiiiieni of Grainmarani L!oinmO'i ScliooU, and exainiiiiition of Maatom and I e'ichtr.i. and to niiihorize text ami library booka tit tlie 8:hooN aiii libr.iriert under the control i.t ihc Eduen' tioinl Dcpnniiicnt —Chairmait—Hou. Samuel Bei^ Harrison, U.('.; ilfcniAer*- Rev Egerion Ryer«an.l).|K 'hief Superintendent; Right Rev. A. F. M deClNHN boiinel, D M., Roman Cattiolic Ittd. of Toronto ) S«v. II J. Graicti, A M.; .loacph t'urran Morrlion, QiCi M.P P . Solicitor Ceiier^il, vVeat ; Hugh Scobio t Jaims Scoit How inl ; Rev John Jeniiing" ; and the Rev. Adam l.iilie. Memhf.r$for Ike purpo$c oftke Urammtr .school Act -Kev John MdJaiil, U.L.U., President ot Uiiiv riihy Ooliege. and the Preiidenta ofthe Colta|6i affiliiteit with -he Univcnlty of Toronto. RieordS^' C'/erA— John Georftc Hodidiia ' •' Pri>vi!«ci.%i. NiiRNAi, ANii .VlflDBL ScicnoLn— For tlM' instruction and ir lining of Teachers.— iVunaa/ Sehoot^ 1 hoiins iatlny Hobertson. Head Martir; Rev. Wiiltanr Oriiil ton. A. II., Seeund Matttir ; Arcliibald McCtiNum,' 'tVarJur of Bonk-Kenping ; Saiiipiioii Peter RoUM^' Teacher of fVritinif, and AniHajit ta th* Junior INM-- film ; Wl'li.'im Ilin I. Teueher of IJra»ing ; Klon Tu^ per. Teacher of Focal Mumic, O^mnattiet and Calittki- jiiet. Model SfniooLs— In which the Normal School^ ■lu Icnta pr iciice the . r of ti; iching —Archibald MeOa^ iiliii, nialer of lloyi' and OirW S'huolt: SainpaoM Pi' Robins, Seeo^id Jailer Bo ft' Sehool iDaieaa CMik, l-'irtt Ait'utaHt, Oirit' School i ('attMirine JolraaMi«»|L. Seeoad AMiUaal, OirW Sctoolt Win. Hind, 3>M*s*^ §. ofUriiwing; Klon Tiipper. Teacher of Focal MMdi^ f OgmHaHici aad Catisthetiice. The Sessions of the Ni^ *'-' mill Scliool commence on the l-Hh May, anif IJa^. November of each year, and continue for Ave nioni&i each. Gounty Grammar Srnonis.— Bach of these ScIkMIIi: is to he innnngod by a Hoard of 'i'rustees, appointed ibr' tlie current yi-nr. IA'>4, by the County (^uncil attd present t^ouniy Hoard of Grammar School TruatMK Two meinli rs arc to retire annually, and their plarte^ are to be flile I up by the County Council, iii>til all dm meniliers are . n i by tite (bounty Council. Ilicrc is one Gninmiir Sclnvil in each County Town { aild' where Ui« Oitids wi I admit of it. others inav be cstab- ilslMxl in ilitfere i p rts ofthe i:!otiiity. Pupil« nvendiiif, thi-se i«choolM are iirep.nro I f r entrance ki o ilie Uni*%r-" siiy Colleges. There were 83 Graiiimar Sehoola is U|i|)cr Canada in ie.Vi. Common SniioflT.8.— l^ch Tnwnsh'p is divided into' School sections < if a fi it hie extent Ibr one Scliool "i wMt in eaeh of the:s nre elceied (Of in;inagard of School < rustees riecSed for C'lch Ward, or Miio'cipality. There ivtre ilvli Common Schools in Up|ier (Canada in IfrSrl. W i MEDlCAl,. MKKICAL BU\KD, UPeER OAMAUA, TORONTO. • P«f«/i«il!.— The Hon. C. Wilmer. M D., and F R.C S , Rng. Seerelam-K Clirke.M.R.C.S.E.JljC. Widintfl. FR.CS, Bug, W C. Gwynii". M B., vV. Telfer I..R.O.S B.. W. Iiurle. K II , J King, M.n . W. ncaiimont' M.R.C.S , Bnv.; G. Herrkk, M 0., W. B. Nicol. .Vf.l). Jo m Rolph, M.ll,(.\S i: , Jiin.eii Hovell, M.D , J(mt^ Workm-in. .Vf.D., KIwird VI Holler, M.i.'. tt M.R.C.S R ; James Sampson, Kingtton, Harnianus l^ibiui; AneaeUr. i iiu '8 Wii-K) i. Perth, B.iml R Chursh, MerrirkoUle. W. H. Itronse. Prrtcult, Ro'jert GdniOh^Wh; BrochviUr, *Vin W Howiri, farmertmltK, Hen'y II. Wright, R"torvi'U, VVillinm Allision, Markham, Rodetiek Mclloird i, Curateall, (1 or,ie H. Park. Ha-nillon, James Vlilcliell, Duiitas, John Frnser, Pi:tliam„ 'I'hos. T. Mack, lem. C*Jpw««<». Bp'iMliM Cook, NurmcH., lolin •!, Crouse, Si'ueim, tieor^n Southwi'-li, St. Tkomnt, William T. AlkiiH, TKi-Hi/frt, an I l"hom-i« l> Vtorriioii, 'i^r/iHii;. "hv^icians an1 Surgaons. The Vfelic^il Hoaril Is governed by tlie IJppir (^^ln 1 1 Ac's of HH, 31 (hn. r\, CnP IS . of H 0. .")3 Gm. a. Cap. 2 : of IS-J?. 8, Gen. 4, Cap: .1 .• ttiA the Act of the ''DVin'oofCinali, I &. .V Vi*. C-'p. 4 , piMi>il in ISII. Tliu mcinhors of th • Board arc appoiiitiM from lime lo time, by the Governor. The duties of the Hoard, arc to examine appli&ints for license, to praetiae iS^'-^MSW amxsmam Am rfaia idirrrtiiiiHi 10 'I* if junirtART. [1864 Phywc. tiutnety und Midwiforyi or either, wliliin the I'roviiicet nnd ii|ioii tboir ccrtiflcuie. In ravcroftheCandi- dnuy, ihu (iovunior iiiny gtaiii xuc-h II^CDfe 'ihe oiuinpi of ihe Ko.irdarc, nt 'I oronto, on the f nt Monday in Jniiimry, A|>r;i, July, nnd < K-iul i r jn v.i\cU }cnr. I'tirtiCH fxhil.iiing (!i|ilcniiii cr iiccnicv, frc m &ny llnivrrtHy in |tlcr MnJciity'H(loinriiionH«or I '. 'it.i' i: Kovil rollr(;c tt'lhyilcinnsorot' ^uluconl, in London, la Ihysici'in^ or SuigcoiiM, orCoMiiiil.>siui,8or Vv ■Ai^. .ml li)a>ci:jiB or^ur^eonli, in IJcr Ainjiity'i Nnvn) ir iViilitnry t-'crvicea, itiMl nmMiigfUIUlHvii of'ilii::r . ■ . • iicru n (.'ounty Jii ge in tlp|X'r Canndu, niny reciive I,icen-e from the .CJoviTuor, witlioni cxamin.'iii'i i^'onrd. Tcryons Wlio hnvc bcrn ii|)f,oinii<*l to the Mcilicnl llcnnl, nnd pcr- jbni nctunlly eniploycil iiK i'l)v-i>. or Siircroiia, in Ilcr Mnjesty'i" crwa, Inny nractisc licre. without licence. Fcnir.lcg iniiv pr.'ictiru Mi wiOry wiUioi i liconro. 'I'iicri! ia a pchernl |iroliil)ilion, i giiinvt practihiiifi without It^cnrO, (wiJi tiio iMci'iJiionti niniicii,) (md |ii:rtict* Oflb idiiiit, rre liiilie (o |ir08vcutiun nnd punit-hii era (or ndade- mennor. Modiciil men, iiiiilKTi/.cd to I'liiCiisc, in I'pijc.' or Lower Canada, may | ructisc tluroublii,ut the wtolo of the rrovlnccolCiiniiila I / 7(/.j I 4- 5 He Cup 41. . r»01'INriAI. LuXA'Mf ASYM'M, 'I'liHllNiO.— 1 WOfinJ- fi-li-'ll'inili'n wisi irojii iRi' f iiy Ilnll, on Uua-ii ."trcrt, conduced liy n l)i cr.l of ('^;ulnlis^•ior^'r^ wlio ii'.r<'l .inoniiily nr of i nor, as nmy I e ncecfil, v z;— li. .■^. '1 if- fany, i.('i'inirma?i,) 10 i''. Wl.itltiiio o, W I.. I CTrhi, "in! J. hn SlinphOii. CXlrfa uf l/ie. Imtitution—Mcdiiat Supbriiiintdeiil, jiro tern — Jos. U'orUinnii. AT.i).; iur- Mr-Jiiirics McKinly; ^t' «•«»r 18' J (I Vict w liicli rtHjuin h thnttlic paiient Ih- cm iidiie/ 'hrtuie - - * 'I'lios Oli.rkson, Enq . Consuliing I'hysicinn nnd Sufp on, Hon L" Wiliittr M. I>, Attending I'liVHlcinna aii'i Sururons, WtliO' Telfer. M. R. C. S.. Ldin.-, «. o llmlc*. M. i».t VV R. Bemimont, M, U.. F. R. <\ 8.. r.ngi ; K. M Hoddor. M D , M. K. (\ S.. KnRi i J. hovcll. M. D., L. R. V. P . IjOn Ion ; W. F. AliKins, ,\I. T). : H. II. Wiiplit. HI. D Edward t'larlic, M. R. O. S , F.hkI. ; Ra Sur/reon : i. W. Breiii, Fccr tnry ntvl 'J'roasurrr. HoKr> «' attendance, I! o'clock, itnon, d:itiy. Dnrins: tlsn winicr Seeeton. Clinical iMturcs are (liven twice n week, on the Medical nn I Suri!icalca;:e3 in tiio hospital; Medical 09 WuiiieBdny a 1 o'clock, liv Profesacr Uovell; Puric: i on Sat'inPiy nt I o'clock, hy i'rol'essct lloddrr Vi^itor^ IK pcriniili-d to see their friends every day, from 3 to 3 **. M, except !?aturlay nnil timiday. TOROSTO ItlSl'ENS.^nV FOR DlSFJASrS OF THK F.YI5. &C — Yo.gc-'trcet. nenr «'rookshnnk street; siipnoned liy volu itary co'itrilmiio s H iiirs of ntienilancc 1 n the poor fr in to 1 1 o'clock daily. SurT!i IV.vell. I'-.iijIey, Hi thiit:c, 1. O \V t'. R Cornr o.r Qiirfn's V.vKrxj.— Chief Jutticc— Won L. H. Lnfimtaine; Piiinue ./h'/,'/m— rcns. J. U. Kcllrnd. Phi. P.anet, T. C. Aylwiii. .'Ip/'eul Sidr: Terms— Que- l|i!C— 7th to I8U1 .Innnary. nnd 1st tn I'Jili July. Moilreol — Isl to l-.'th ^'arr-h, nnd Ist to l-.'ih Ociofcr. Cruwn Side: Terms- (^ebiT—-:0[U January nnd i-llh July.— Montrefit- lHh March nnd Ilih fictblirr. T/iree. Rivers 2nd rel.runry an I llih Septtnd^er S.'ierbroih-e—i'hh Fehru.Ty nnd 1st Pc|ileiiil,or. Knmnmo!:ka,—5\h April and5ih Novender. //i//m/!r— P ih .Mnie nnd 1 t!i I ec. Go-'pe -The t ircuit Judges exercise criminal Jurisiliclion :n Term. Bt'vrninn Cnvm.— Chief Jvttire— Von. V, Towen ; Pvitne Jittlffts—Uong John II. Hiivrl. VVni. C. ^'^n- tflth.and R. K. Oron, (ivther; lloi'o l\ P. D.iy. Jrnies Siuitli, C. Mondelet. and Geo. Vanfclon, Movlrea:,- aiu\ liallowell. Ki.>oii'iiiN C'enrrat. tInspiTAi.— £o(rr({ 0/ Manor*- mrtt—^i. F. Kirkpaiiitk, Con ly Jndue ; I). Rohrin, )Vaiden : 'J'. A Ctt eii, HIie'lH'} the Mnyor nnd three AMt'iniinof tlie City ; Mr.diial JtteHda'i.t—ht, llar- \ev i *«(rt/nry— M. KIni agan. J'dRllN'IO SCHCOI, OF MliDinNE— iNfORPnaATRD «Y Act OF Farmabunt- Siinnted on Ficlinicnd Hirect.he- tween Yonge and liny Streets. Coiniiiciice.< on the let of Ocolier uf every year, and enda on the Ini^t of Mnrch following. 'I he ticket> received nt par hy Mr (Jill Col- lO'.e. Moiiirenl, and hy the various Medical <'cleges In the I'niicd ^^tRtes. 'J he lollowing arc ihe nrrnngeincnta for the course :— Miifwij'iry and iJiseatni of and t'hiliireu—Vt. J. VVorkllinn Mtinl.innj, J.etr.rii,tive, Surgical nnd (leneral—Ht. VV. T. Aiikiiis. PhytUlugy — I r M. Marrcil. Princiflei ami frutUer. of Medtant — Dr. II II. V\ right Prti.eiples avd Prattict of Hvr- I'try—i'i. 8. J. (iiratford C/ieuiixtry, (at Vvivtitity C>iUfffe)—l'toii.'KOT II. Croft, ^,a^^.ria Medica'avti Thr.r<.i> fi^st g the 'liiBi w'eek tf NTB'Eiit — Anatnmy Vi. Roauhicii •, r. D'OrKOtniini; Watrria Mediea, Dimovftralur, Dr. I'leliver d at thli ily. MEDiriNE.— Newly )n of Pnrlijiini'nt, rll; Medinne. Dr. r/ffio Ahdiea, Tit. ti\x Jnolomy, Dr. ; Mr. II. Hownnl, le lecturer will be nd in the English Hon. E. Phon, om I"th to 'i'lth, -Fr ni Ist to fih ind Itic, nudvtth -iJih to y.-th Feb-, OV. Sfierhronke— Knwuvratka^ ;tolcr to 4ih Nov- ; nnd Ift to IFth '(» f'«W»>/«— 4th rce nnd New t'nr- y one Torni 1 he fi>notbertennan- '*"« er, F*q . Q««- ' Bruiienu, Ciqrs., ' 1S54] JUDICIAKT. Montremti J. U. 'I hoiupMii, and J. F. Dehlot*. (l-qri., &0»p«t J. A. 'I'luclierfnu, tiqr,, Kmmomrmtkai uud W. K. Molioril, li:iq., Jgtmer, (tUAtrn>R id.'8.iiiiN« —^uebee, Montreal, Three Riven — coinnioiicc •tvernlly, bin .innuiiry, lili April, lih July and 4th*)ctolK:r. Ai/i«rftruu4t«-cuiiiuu-nce«cili.nii.. btlt Aprl'.btli July. v( Clerk of CtrcuUl Cuurit. <, v.. Itu rout^hi I ;|nnd \,. I'iset. > JiiUiciul Oilivora, Lit C Cltrk of Ai>peuU,S. (J. Beaudry October. tia*pe—\\ i'vrce and ni the liu»iM, aud a Newi nrliHlu and t nrlctoii, lite tlirve iiuy* auLCenlinii ik* «.uliigi uf liiu circuit > ouri at Uivm: p'lice*, iut|)ecti\«ly. V.CK AiiMiHAt.TV Co> m—J%ittie,\\o\\. i;. Uliicli U**- bees ^te^lulrar—^^\^n•\li* DMet; Marthul-i. h.i'inltlii. t^uMMiHH.nNKHk* Coil NTH held iiioiitliiy iu ttw oouiiuy I'nriHhea. for drtertuliilng >.ii»eH in a HUimuury Way, iiM I'Xjeeiliiig xilc r ency eacii In aiuount. CUrk* of CrotOH. ( f. W iMoiiK, 1 J vv.uji.t-'oinii, i^ < mill 1^. J. A. I [ Pupiiifau. j ) K.lieriiiiril iiiul / i V. t;. Vcriu..5 \ VV. i«:i, nnd t \ John .'iiort. 5 1 I'liillpiie t-'h-i- ) < lou,».liery > ( jc J.I'Utnuiiliii ) )J. VVilkle an:l( W-t'. •reiubl.y5 Atnic Lnfontnino . Jauiva l^r on. .. . A. M. Dclisle. .. . E. Barnard J\V- I'ell and t X John .-'lion. 5 t linrlei Dery SkeriSe. Clerk* Iff Peace. ^ J. Wilkie and ^lU.F.ireiubiuy A. I.nfoiitnfne.. W. a. tie well. John Boaton... J .t)gden ' F.U. Cowen. . Ovkle Mr.rtineau Martin Shcppan l< ^1. PontlP".. Citrutitra, s I'.X.I'crrau t ) (undl'.Uouc I) ( A.M.UeliHle i ^iind VV, il. \ (, Uivliaui. ) II. B. Ilughea.. S VV. I'ell and ( { John ^llort. 5 horleHPc y. . • {John WilKle/ I tiiid U. F. > ( 'irouiiday. I \. Iitilbntnitic , U A. raneTkT X J. A. I'unut. j, 5 Job. Jonea nnl) \ t'iiJM. Cour*.! 5 V- Guillef tt\ A o. (lei { I onniiucoiir.- { 1 U. ^-<. Ah npiia J IslV. I.. ».uuv-> ( reiiu. y )W. 'I illy audi \\ J.U.Uiiel. i L\. I.priio. Ktiilistritrti, £<. (j. DiarRICI' OF QUF.nRO. BBLLERiiAii!ii!:— P ForuiD'ii, St. Mirhel. DoHoiiKHTEK— liivi i n No. 1— R. A. Fortcr, Steal Miirie. Uivirion Nu. 'J— F. iM. iiUty, St. Jo»tp de . lu Poiute Ltoy. L'l*Liii'— J. D L<'pi>if, Vlelet Lii'rniNiKHii — Rfiiil H N el, Ste. Croix. Mkni-mokbnoi — l.iiiai N). I— Li. O. LeOrnn^'i', Chmleau Richer. Uivisiun No. 2—1*. Godduiiii, St lean. Isle d'Urleani Meointic — l»i»i iiii No. I— John R.Lninbly, Leeds. Divi^oii No. »-Je)ii P. l'r.)iiU. Tring. PiiKT Neik — U. tti'M ri>, Cap'Saiite. QUBBKC — N. O. M iiiii/. iliitirr;, (4,iieltr.e. S^touKNAY — Diiiiiii No. 1—0. DulKritrr, Kbnule- tneut*. Divi'ioii No.'2— F. X. L!itirri6r-,'CVA'c<>ii(t/ni. DISiRICr OP THRIilB RIVFIRS. ChampIiain — F. Filieno, Sle. Geneo ioe dn Batiecnit. DauMMnNii — l^diiiiiiid Cox, Drummon IvUle, St. IVlAi'RirK — I.. G. Miivnl, Three Rieert, NiroLET— Ji»»epli JiiiMH, Heea'ieimr. Yamabica- J. O. Arcaa I. SI Avloine de la Bale, DISTRICT OP MONf'RI'.AL. DRAUii\RNiii<<— D. K.'ljiiliiti ill, Diirlinn, Ormaloioii IIertiiikr— J It C i.i A<, Rfrlhier tn Haul, CuAMBLY— I'hoiuua Aiii)ii:i, C'hambl;/. lluNiisoiov— Divl ion No. I— W. V. Iliiwlcy, La^ urairie. Iii^i ion No. -^— P OimkH , l*le a'Orleuut, l.EiNst'Kii— I. Arcnitiniii'iiiili, L A'tumption. M'jNTKKAi, — >t (ivia, Uoi>viM.»— F F. Z ItiiiiM'l, St. ^thnuate. Si. llv-kCiNinE— II R Ui-Miiiin. .It. MyaeinfAa. Sill- PfORO—liir nil S. Foiiiir, iihrgurd 'I'w • M lONiAiNS— Diihlii HeHrrt'l, i//»/e Mgard, 'I'iiRtKRONNE — Jo^epii, S.e. Theiiae 4i Hlaii4vUle. Vaiii>kki.'1i,-^I1. «io riiarli'l dl". Vaudreuil. VuRCiiKR s— r. iMuiiiir ■, feriheree DISI'RIOr OF SI-. FtlANCIS S;iBRB''u>iK'?— Willi Mil Riiciiie. Shurbrooke. Sr.tN«iBAU — V. A. Riciiiir'ioiii. !>tiii.»ieiid Plmint, IH-<| RiOI'OFGASPIi. noNAVEXTUKB— Juri Giiilliiiiiite Ic tJfl, Ifeu CotIUU. Gaiji'e — IVnr VVinii r. Perr.e. DiSlRIUTOF KAMOURASKA. Kamoorahica— J, G. Ticiie. SI. Audrtutdt JTiMiMt- riuka, RiH'iuiiK!— Diviaion No. I— J Henili, lele-Ftrl^. Uivi'liii No. *2-li'iiiiM P. G rjii, Ri'amiiv t'> -ilst Viigniit. CniiRr or Common Pi.eab.— CAi/sf J««/»cf— Hon. J. B. Af'iciiiliiv ; Puiene Jml-r s— II in«. A. M^Liviu and W 0. Rlcli'irds. aerk of the CroKu andPltai—L Hey den: Repurtei — K. C. Jniiea Toroii'O. Ci.ERica op AsHixi:.— VV. A. C uniiliell, Toronto i Ihe Deputy ClerKK of the Crown are ex ^cin Clerks of AhbIxc niiil Mir>-hali« in tiiei' 'eyneciivf Couniiei I Dkpctv CbBRiM or THE Chowm. — Tnc t'lerk* of tbe ;Coiiiii V Couriii are ex itfido Deputy Clerka of the Crown aud Plea* in their leveral couniies' I I Law 'Vkkkb,— Hilary hw'nn ftmt Morday in F«>brii- ary, utid rtidii Satunlavof thp snsu ins week ; Eeutttt licifliiii iHt M'iii'fiy III June, ami end:* Sriiiirlay 'if thti eiiB'itnit w<.*(>k; Trinity, Iteuinn \n»t Moinlay in AiisiiHt, n 'di'ii.tii on tlic.-^.iiiirilavoi (hceiiHiiiiiitvAeek: Miehati-' ni'U. Iicuiim ilnrd M mlay i.i Noveinlior, an I cuiIhi l)a' lurilny of itiecntiiiliig wpek. Long Vuiiaiiun Coiunieii* ciK \!'\ July, nil') eiiil-i 'ilft Aiii;iii>t. ■' CiRroiTB. — Tno Clmii » are liel.l twlre n year •« ciicli Co iiilk', lM.-iwire are »i.\ Ciroini*. as fdl •«», v|/,.: 'lite Vert*^— London, stntl rl.Oo erich. Sandwich rhatliain Mume— Nia'nrn, llnrrie, Gu<>l|ih. Berlin.— f)^«wrf— Ciiyitgn, 'iiiicoe, Woodstock, Urantfbrd, M m- ItO'i K««/«rM— I'trih, Hyiown, L'origiinl, Cnrnw dl* Prr>ckville Afi(U(rn<<— Peterlioroiiah, Cobount. Bella-' villo Pictoa, Kingston 7V«r><«(i;— Pi r>nto. ToihoiH^ wi I be allied next seanon, the Hew t^iUntiea of F.lgin^ Lntiititon, and Ontnrio. and such others as may besepaf ntel fVo-ii t'lelr unions. ";*»*««!« w lUDICUIIT. Jm« clal «iMl CtoMMty •Ifflmra. l)|iH>r OHna4a. Cooirrm ■rant - - . . «Cafleum - • - Blgin Bmox .... FronieiuK, Lennoi umI Adaington - U Haldimand • • • Haatlngi • • • Huron and Druce Kent 13 Uneoln Sl Wclland Mid(tlew!x • • • Nofftik- . • • Northinnherlnml nnd UurtMUi • . ■ Lanark and Renfrew tiOeda and Grenvillc Ontario • • Oxibid - - I'erth- - - Peterbofougl) Victoria • and 91 Preacou and Rua*el 9$ Prince Edwart - • 93 ■iiucoe - • - . . Storniont. Dundn»& (ait'iigury • • • Waterloo - - • - Wellington it Grey Uiiuarv Brantfbrd- Bytown • iHThoinaa dnndwicli' KlngMon nnyugn Belleville Uoiterleh h'liliiiiu ' Saruln- Perth - John Biiilth • Billion Fraarr- rolin Munro • W D Baby - T A COTlHJtt - Broclcville Umitmirn. OLKMKa ur TNB PkaOB John fameron F O PoweU Jaiiic* Pnrlcy Charlei Biiby • John Wnudby R Martin • - J G Sievcnaoii J W It MnodielJohii O'Hiifc Jiio MeUoniiM D M/.nra . lohn Wnikiell Geo Diirk Jr • Jaiiici FUuiur. P T PouMiie Jo* ThoinpMn A. Sherwood Ningara -WKingunUI fjondon -Jni Hnmilton jiiucue • il V Ro Davidion- ; ' J Grange • BUThomna • W D Jnrvli ■ WFRBerfon! Jaa Jessup JWoodruflT • J B Aakin - - W M Wilmn Thomaa War wnnrnted fro ■ I O'Reilly - - PB GeoGurnctt • "I B Hnrrison - W Mnckonilr 3 B Hrrnion < EBWood- HJFrtol - • I' Mimngh • - John McEwcu PCReilly- - R V Griffith • W H Ponton • I'Nkhol - • T A Iri'lnnd - I RliCIUIUill • .1 McKay - - I' D Cnmpbi II I A Clench- I B Apltpn • - W M Wilraii • I R D Chaitertoii I Hid dcclnrcn ■ Alx iVIctirugor I'feoa Foriye • J W Marston ■ ' Mortimer - I Lane - - - A Mocdonnld Jna Colqiilio'iii John Biiiiih • And Stewart • 8UIBIHIATB8 B J Jonea • • om the Crown, in fiivour of th«> proper ciniinnnta, whether na lieir«, devlseea, or nsi ifineea. SilliHga—nt Toronto first Monday in J inunry nnd July in e ich ycnr. Clerk to tk* C»mmiMioner$—W. II. Kxteuliv* Cuuneil, Q/kt, Qutbee. Court or Probatr — OJIrial i'rittef/ia/-S. Brough, TWoata; Reffutrar—C. Fiixuitilion, Tmimto. BuRRno \TK CocRTH. - ( Set t-hU ntiiw* I CoDNTY t'oiiKi a - Premded ovi-r by rpftdent Judge in flaebeouniy; these Cuiirta poRnc-s Kquity po's(nlili«lied by the Courts • f Uunrtur .'Sessions. TlieJitTi^.tiction uf tiiuse Courts has liceii enlirueil ii.v tlic Act ' f 18 ■'•*• Wi-ANDAUD We out or Grain, tr., in U C— £«<•*- lUhLd hplhe Aa l>> K/'n., Cmii. iW; ^annd», Ibnr tiounda. >un'la, ton I Ida. 4sht pounds igiit |K>uiida. ccn'rrict innrte varied by any ennd delivery mentioned iii 1 lie iiinde nAei elivery of nny II lie tnken h< I III rcffiilnt- or nrcorlinc conirnry ahalT mica. 18(4] CAKADIAN TARIFF Jn4lrliil •M4i 0«nii«y Officers Vpper C«iNid«.— OMiteM^. HuiiaTBARa County. In Itij i> ViiiiDittiir J9AIX Mcnrcvor 90 TlK» Fortye • SI J VV Mitriion « 8 IWerrltt - - 93 J Lane • - SI Alex McLean C Enalin - • 90 A Sieplirii George Rolph WJFit/BornM WAitoam I Clbru. R Mnleoin - • John i'nnieron HoiiH I'iiibey Uol I'lnhoy 8 8 Maedonell David Roblin • O H Dctlor • J O Htevenaon Cpo Benjimln Tho WIIU it Win Ciiulk • U II Ritchie ■ VVui CoMgrovp Jaa Mvrria Jr - idncy Smith iiniinry. IP3I, it Miiiliiiioii •Viu Siiiiili - vV Cottliighnin Will Bradley Jaraea Sanaon fohnfUil • W Sheridan - PO'Urien- • R J Chnpman- John Mrutiiy - P J McDoncll' Win I)nvl 'son r\ U Ferrier O Counsell - JohnFlliott - Rev H niggar Dan O'Connor Geo Bullock • Wm Fcrguaon A P Farroll - F McAiinnnv • (•eorgc l'r)wii Alfz Cbur.oria TMRadenhurat I L Schoncid - :> McDougnll - tTcnry Oroll - A Diirnhnin - W P.ix'on - • II C llnrwick ■\\x Mctirvgor WSheriilnn - CJolinatoiie - Dnvtd f iiiiih - dwurJ Ltilly Rod McDonci: t; li Ahoria • Will llcwail - J KIrkpauick - J S Howard - Kaoia-raAia. ThoniHii8 Shenrtone T U Burke • • - . Joh'i McKay • • • Jiiiiiea Aikin - • - h'ronttMat, J Durnnd; Ittwt/x if Addingltm, I Friiaer. MiH Cnth A V Farrell - - - ■I John Oalt Henry OInaa - - • - Lai,aik, J liell: A«m- fitte, J Morria, Jun , Mc.\ab Lr.tili, D Joiioh; Oren- i vitlt, J I'liitoii, i'rcf ( Chit. i l.inciiln, John nowclli { fftUand. D U' . urar- ( >.o, himt HiU. II Hiirupil .... F L VVnUli L NorlhitmberlaMd Hon G < S r.oulton: IJyrhum nv.rl. Port i II Perry - . • (111168 liigeraoll . WiliLiia eniiih - n G) •"J i; Riiliidee C trtnenti, G D Reed ; I RitMtetl, J Keays, Itun { eaktcUh. .1 V Rotlln 'Soirge l^ount . - - . ( Sliirihiml, G C Wood; I \iuiida», A McUoiicllt I gtirti, Hon R Frnacr, I, iVtlhamrtiiwn. I I S Sliceiiinkrr, Berlin. •V II I'lU'rsioii - - - < iVtnitoortli, A Su^wnn; ' HttUim, T Ruay, ( l)uii(la$. S Yiirk, Samuel Ridout; J I'erl, < Bri>uR. ASKNTa. John Duria D MoyiMtaan AMePheraon Henry 8inHh I' McAii.iiujr J Clar%» ( Lamark, A T«>ll« < Reijrim. Wm ( Hi.rria HurUm W J Scott 5 H Smith, J B Aakin D Cauipbull B P Siuiib J Carroll J 8liuiiMin Wt.r.'iwft>rd II W McCaiM .1 P Rohlin J Atcxunuir 8 Hart T A AiBbrUli V Thomna Balnea i/HII>ldlHII 'I'HIllI* 8PEc:ric Acida, Strong fliiM, including Mu rintic. Nitric, Oxalic, sulphuric . Aiuin. Aminiinitioii Anna an I Utensils of War, (except from Grviit Britain or UritiBii Provincea) , . Anchors ." . . An-itoniicai Pr pnritiona Aiiiinala, a cciiilly imported for tht- hiiprovemt'iit ol -tuck, Aniiiiala of all kiiida, ntic iinpcrtcd na aliove AntiqiiiiieK. rcollpctioi'a ol I . . . Apparel, Weiirliiit. In aciuiil use of p<*'auii8&.iiiiii;(toremdeinCnti idii Anna fbr Army or Navy and liidl.-in Mntlona. provided th>- Duty other- wiae paynlilo ilwreon. woud be defVayel or IwriiP by ilie 'l'rl•a^ury of Ih** I'niicd Kinudom. or of liiia Province Artificli'l state nn'l mxtntlic Painta. beinitthe p^oduceand innrtufaciiirc of N. 8 when Impo ImI uireu fVom li. B or B N. A. Piovincea Aahea, Poi. Pe rl and Holn Rark iibimI ao elv in dyine B'rley. excrpi Pot and I'enrI | Prohib'd. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free, Pr.Crnt., A... Vai. I 2ip.( 4 p- ' 2i p. c. c. Prohitrt'd, •ik p. c. Free. Free. •JOp c. Fa-e. Erce. Free. Free. •» n p. c. 2<) D c. n irlev, Pol and Pearl Itiirley Mel Iteur iiiid HIgg ............. Ili'iir and bigg Meal Ilcaiis, • Ile.'in Mcnl Per ies U!«i solely in dyinR Ului*. [Paste niid Ultra Marine]. . . Ittnaiinn I'.wder- Bleiichin < Powacr Itoiler I'laic Copyright Books, being foreign re- pr.nis 01 Itritisli Worka Free. Booki), (Printi-d,) not foreign re prints ol Itriiish Copyrl[;lu VVorkn. ProhiU'd, Books of immoral or iiKieccnt cliar- ncter Borax i Roots. (Fii*«» r-.'««»iO»*«»*!«-«»-' ■:> 74 CANADIAN TARIFF. [18M 4i'iicirir Duck when i , nmter- , BuirHt'iici, utnvruu;;lit Iliiiuliiit , Rtillm iiil Roou Hiifta Hi AInluisu r, llrun/c or Mnrlilr Uulltoii HuruliiB •■'lull OHhlnc'tn on.'iiiiii Cattily Kimnr Cnrrn|(Pii of 'rnvcllf h, fc\cc|ii liiiMkr'r'mr <'lrciiH 'i'r(ju|ic!«,]... Cnikj, 'i'lili'* Wntiirl ', oiiy, JIM. I llor.icsofnctiiiil rf(,1til•r^ Ci-iiiciit, ^'M.'lri e; CliniiiH Iron) of nil aorta Chiircoiii iiiiKluor ictliiiil Clicotn' Cianrn Clotliliiff (br Army or Nnvy or In iliiiii Nniioiig or for grniiiitoiti (llKtriliuiioii liy ntiy Cti.'iriiablo e*o ciciy Clay, (Fir.-,) Clay. (I'ipo) tvoni **••••••••••••••■••••! Cjke. , Cocoa Nut Oil Coffee, R.iw orCrcon " otiicr kiu Is- Cordl'ils mill LIqiiciirg, awee eiie.lor iiiixcl \vi:li niiy iiriicic, so timi ttii' •ircnittli niniiot I'O iisccrCiiinitl l)y dyke's lly Iroiuctcr Colli'ciioiis (>f Aiiilquitics CotiiniisK.-iri It SiorftH Contriciors Stores f^r Army, Nnvy or liiilinni) CoiiiB, hnsc or connterfuit Coins, Cdhini'ts of Coin rr Bullion.- Cochinenl Cofiperns Ocnlngc of nil kiii'ts Copper in Im s or Plieeta Cotton mil PInx Wnsto Cotton VVnrp Cotton Wool Couon Wick Crat 8 ciiMi.niiii.ig Gln^swnre nnd Enrihciiwiiru Drnwiniis Driwiniis of immorni or indecent chnrnctrr Drills used solely in dyins Dying M.'iteii;il8. vl/.., ISnrk. Perrirs. .Uiugs, Nuts, Vegetables & Woods. Engravings Etchings ,Al>. V*l. I»H CK.NT. Frfo. Iripr. gnl. I'ri'c. I'sp.cwi Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. Free. IsOdplb. Free. iHRdpc't lis iHpr gnl Free. Free. Free. I'roliiliiM Free. Free. UO p. c. Si p. c. frte. •i.5 p. c. Fn 0. 1-J.J p c Free. 'H V. c. I' roe. Free. •ii p. c. Free, Frro. •ii p. c. Frre. n l> c. Srccir.o •>0p Hi p, Feits, Felt Slieeiing Fishinsi-Nets nnd seines Fishing (looks Flour Flax undressed Fruits Fruits preserved In Sugar, Cnndy or Mol.'isiCs. Oeini .... Free. Free. Free. I'rohibl'd, Free. Free. Free. 2i p. c. 1-Ji p. c 3.5 p c. Free. Free. Free Prohilit'd. Free Free. •24 p c. ii p. c. «. Free •Ji p. c. Free. Free. rroliilit'd 24 p. c. 21 p. c Free. Ik 24 P- c. 2 ' p c. 24 p. c 30 p. c Free ' ii'iiuvn ••!••••••• (JroiiMJ ami Hcrni* • • • (tuii|iowy lncor|ior.itod A).ricul tur.jl diicieiles I ndlg I - Iron, (Ilr. Rod, nnd lloon> -. '• (llcop cr Tire.) for driving wlueis of Iwcomotlvcs, >-eiit mil wi'Mel " Boiler ria " Cliiiiiisof nil surtti » Chiilii rnliiisof iill Ni/.es » Coiiiiectioii KotU ill pieces for l.ocomori«es " Fr i ed I'lnte from i inch to 14 inches in tidckness " Round and sqii re from 4 Inch es nnd upwards, suitable for sh ia« and otlter p.rla of ma- chinery " Ftraps for walking lieama » V\ rought crniika U cwt. and up' warda •• Canada I'latca " Spi»c Bods Implements, tooU of trade of ipndi cralUmcii Iiidi III Corn Junk l.ard I cad, (Tig and Slicct; Liqueurs • Liiliograplis LliiCiJ, fishing (..ogs. Saw •••.■•••.« Miicnroiii M.'iiiiires of all kinds Maps vlarhle in Mocks or slabs un|K>lishes PoTk Mennjierie, llnrspo. Cnlile. Carria- uef and iinrncs;i> ol Mr-Ks Pork Meial " (Vellow.) in bars or uheeis.. " (Type) in liockaor pigs. . . Meiallic PiiiniH and AriilicinlS^lair hi'iiig ihc pioduce and niaiiufac ture of Nuvii Scoiin, when im liorteil di'ect from G. B. or liie B. N. A. Provinces Models 0* Machinnry ami ilher In yentiona and Improveiiieiits In ilie Ana Med-ila or Geint Molfiiides. ....•••••••••••■ NutafFruii)... - used iolely for dyiii| i*. p. g .1 I'r.-.'i'- •' |Ai..V*l. , I Pw Citirr . ! --•> p. • . «tV. C ; rohlr ' i 'M t> e I «4nr- Free. 20 p« Free. •« Free. «*.r 94 pe Free. Free. 34 PC 3s. p. gnl I 2.t p e " Free 24 pe •» 30 pe Fn-e. 24pe Free. 30 p« Free. Free. Free. Free. P c P e 1 Free. Free. Sd. p. gnl Free. 194 pe 3ii|i« 'Hv* [1854 !•«'■»« |Ai'. Vau. ' ) wy . ■M p« Free. Free. «« Free. n 4c 9|pe tt Free. p. gnl Fri'u. Free. Free. Free. Free, il. p. gnl Free. •* 31 pe 'l-i PC Free n PC • * 3Upe Fn-e. Free. 30 P* Frre. 121 p c 24 Pe Free. IMpe JM. iatiiMiLlialkaatMMtt^ 1864] CANAVIaN TAltlFK. .1. rificiru: UltKlllll , 0;.li '.'atiiienl ••'•..'« Oil, (Co«ofliiii() •• (Pitliti* " (l'iiic> . .» CNdlroii " Noiii mill rcprt Onliiiinco :it mirli itonl* In free ul'iliiiy, or rhnrifiiMu will. n l«p» iliiiy tlii.n woiilil iif |iiiyiit'l< oil itDipiickigf* ir'iiiiporio I ••iii|ii\ as iiiervliiiii'iliei') In wlitrh riid' tlipy lire lo Iw cliiiri:i-il n* ii,.....*> •• M.-M ,. Fhiloii piiiertl tniitriinieiiii niiil nc piirntiiM not liii|iorif(l loriilo. . , Phoii|tliiiriu Pi|ic l/'luy. ................ Plirh PIniipr of Parlp» PtoviiionH I'or Army or Nnvy o Iiiiliiiii Nn(iuHII' •ii PC Fiw. •Jipc Fritj. 9 » p c Frci«. '■** I' c • • Free. •* 91 PC It «• «* 9| PC .. H p. c. Free. ii p. c a p. c p. c •• Free. •2i p. C Free. 4. JO per c Fr>!0 2i |ier c «. 1-4 ,r. c Fr e. I 'J J perc J pcrc *Upei c (t I > per c. 'it per c *. Free. l*j perc ^iugnr Dnstnrd ntVd otiicr kinds, ex CU|>I (liu .tiuvu ^ IM.1!(ni v.its ••>.•>.••.•• Till 0W-- ....•.•. Piir I ei«les -•-•••..•..••. Mil "■"•■-*••••■*•••- 'I'ubncco •psririo. is pi cwi il |ior lb. ■••■1 M iiiiHiictiirel • • • " Uiiiiiiiiiiiiaeiurfd - •• «;i|/arH '• Mllllf row iin(lroiii.eii ■-...... I net* mill tlirulis ••-.•. J'riM'MI.IIU Type viiud hi irodt^or plu-i . I wiiie.4aiii| line , (t) liliig/ • ViiriiUli. hrixht nml lil"c-k . . ViiriiMii, Diiieriliiiii hrlulit nnd lilnek VogiiiillCii uvu I folHv inil lug. . , Vt'lilc f» of r 1 vcl ITS, excc'i'l lliivr- kurHiiiiil Petlluri Vcriiilalli ... Viii. Vlirlol *\ lii'fit \Vli«'(ii Men I not loltcd . .. Whisky VVlMeiiufiill kitidx Wire. lelL'unipli im I llrl'gi v\ oal li.r Carpeiiier's iiikI Joinir'K tools \V4xi(l used solely for dyina. . .. Wool ... Ynin Coifn and Riiiwia Hemp All Ooo'ls, Wares and Mircliiinillitc, not oih rwl«<; clm'ircd wlihiliiiy 'ii'l notdecl, rciitu l«ezeiupt from duty And tiio f llowiiignrtiulps Miy 19 Vic ch. I,) when liii|iorte(l drecl. from ilic Uiiitid Kinadoiii or fioiu ^'iiy iiri.itih Ncnh American P o vliice. mil lieing the growth. | roliiip or iinniificture of the said Uiilic. KiiiL'daiii, * r oi such Pruviiico res peel ively. viz: Anhn III, Iteef, Pork, Plscuit, I rL'.id. Itiiix r, Cocoa P.irto, orn or Grnir. of nit kiiula, I'Iciir I'ish, fresh or nnlio ', drie t or picklivi, FiHi Oil Furi or Skins, the \:n luce of fish or crcmu cit living in iho o:i ; Oy|isuni. Ilo'iis. Meat. P ulir>, l lams Slirulis nn I Tre's; Potnioes and vegeHihitgof nil khuts. SeciU of nil Mnir i Hliiiia, Peits, Kurn or 'I'liils uir'rwB'd. Wool, viz : Po rdx nnri I'l.iiiks, i"tave9,Tiii»- bcr and Firewood . . , Id. per III i p. r III siMi pri III. inr lb Froo. Free. Free. 'd I r (Ml lid |.r liiii .ii>. Vau i'\ ^jir. .li^ per a 3\> |i«>re. 'H •• 'H |icre. 144 I ere. 2i- •il iw Kriiiiswlck, .Vova ric'.iin, o- Prince F^l wards Island, nn I whoit Imported dire.ellij from any of the said Proviucest >ra exempt from duty. th:ii is to sny. Aniunls. snIti'U and fresh .Vlcnts. Bnrk ; l)utr. Cheese ; Ciiocolatc and other preparations of Cocoa ; Copiier. Kanh. Friiiis ; Plrewoo-l s Fish ; Fish Oil ; Pins and Skint tlio ppniiicc of Fish or creatures living in the Sea Griin an I Rreadiituffs of nil kinds; Grindstones anJ ■tones of all kinds ; Gyiwiini croiind or iinground Uny a' d Striw t Hops ; Hiitcs ; llornf t Head, IVfat- >«- satmtatm I I . i ■■ 7« NOVA SCOTIA TARIFF. [1854 Icr and Uluhtier, of ereaurea IWingin the Iron in pig* anil biooiuM. LarJ i Lewi in piga ( Li>ne. Omot'ail kind! : Udirua. Roek-BiiK. tleeda » spermaceti Oil. Tallaw t Timber and i bncoii, per c«vt li.r a, or Geldings eacli. it Meat ( nttlc, viz. Ux-jn or oilier Meat Oiittlo, 3 years old, or upwiirds, cucli 1 Cowa and Cattle under a jeara old, each. . Sheep, each HoKH, over MIV lbs weight, each 1 Huga ol' lUU Urn weight and under, each. .. U Che me- ter, and ro in pru|ioriioii for any greatur atreiigtli than the strength of proof, |ier gallon Brandy, Whisky, r>in, Cordinis, and other i$l;iiit icxceii Rum) not exceeding the •tienfrth of proof by Syk<'s' llydroiiieter, and BO in pro()oriioii lor aiiy greater strength than the strength of proof, per gallon Rum, not exceeding the strength of proof by dykes' Hydruineier, and so in propor- tion for any greater strength than the airength of proof, per g^illon n 3 lot Uurch, jtrtieUi. 1853. II 3 8 Phrub. or «iniitei', per gallon Sugar. Retined, |ier cwt Ciuehed, and Bastard Facinga, per cwt. . . Candied Brown,pcrcwt • S 4 3 S 1 3 13 Table of Exempiinns Aahea, viz. Pot Ashes and Pearl Ashea : Asses and Mulek. Baggage and AppnrpI of Passengers, not intended for sale ( (iarilla aim Soda Asli ; Beans : Biscuit or Rrea I ; Books not prohibited to be iinimrtcd into tlie Unitrni Kingdom ; Hullion, Gold or i^itver ; Burr Atones. Call ; Cocoa ; Coin, f^ld and Silver T'Oins. and Pri- tish Copper (Tolns ; Cop|ier viz. Copper Ore, or in I'igs or Bricks, old or worn, or lit only to be ru-nianiiOicturc>l; Corkwood; Co- n. viz. Wheat. Rye, Indian Corn, liar- ley, l>ats, Rii'c, and Buckwheat, nnsround ; Barley Meal, Rye MenI, Indian Meal, Buckvvlicat Meal, I'cnfi, Beans, and t'ninvnnccs. Ffah. viK FrnMli. I'ri'-d, Sailed cr Pickled : Fishhooks; Fi»h Oil, vi7, I'ridii Oil, .-iixnn.iceti Oil, llcnd M.ntter iBnd Blui her. Fin;) and Skins, the produce of Fish or imtie$ in Sttrtimg A/aasy. X $. d Brown or Miisaovado, not refined, per cwt. 7 t Teas, via. Souchong I'oiijo. . ck xj, lluliei, iouclioiig, iiiid all oiIkt l, L^tour. Lufn}eiie, Kinrgaux, or tlauLrlim. |icr gallon Moiieira, Tort ami tsberry tt ines, of which tiie flr-t cost is XuU iie'r piiie or ut.wurds, (ler gallon Oti er t'liirct Wine*, Barsac. Sautern, Yin dc Grave, Moeelle and other V ench W ines. and Lisbon and German Wines, per gadon . Another I'ort, Madeira and !?licrry Wines, 'lenerilli;, Marscib-, ^icili iii >MalUj(a, Fiiyal, and nit oilici Wines, ptr <.' .lion . Clocks, vi/.. ail V\ he« K Miicbinery, and ) Materials for nianufartiiring i Iccks | Confcctioiiarv, Syru|i8. and ariiclea nianii. J factu ed Iroiii Sugar, *> 90 Flay ami Straw, Per eveUi of tli'- value Anchors, Grapnels, and Anchor P.ilnis. Cables, of heii>p or oUier vegetable sub stance, or of Iron. Copi«r. viz jilates, sheets, bars or bolta, for ship bniltiiig, wrought or cast for >tiu- chine-y, pure or wiihout oiher iin-ial, t'opii^rfasiinasof every dcsL-ription for Machineiy tor Aliils or Siemii Boats, CopiK-r and coinposiiion Nails and Spikes for Hiip-I)ui'din.'. Cor.lage. tarr d or untrrrpd, and whetlicr fitted for rigging or otln rwisc. Iron. vl/.. Ill barsor liolts, Casiinss f ir Mills or ^=t.vunl ■■.:iig'iieB,(ind cast or unwronght pi|!CS and tubes, slieet iron and iron spikei* Oakum, Pilch, Sail i loth of nil kiiuls, < an- vass iiicluited. Tar, Zinc, viz.: Zinc hheatlilnir of a size forty-ei^lii im-lies long by fourteen inches wide, intended i' r and to be used as tiheatliiiig for vetisels, and Zinc Sheathing Nails. For evwy 11 h of tlie value. All otter G odtf, Wtires, ami Merchandise. ) not otherwise chnrged with Duty, an : not , enu>iierated in the I'ah.e of iilxeinptiona, i' For every £\Wi of the value. j Creatures Hvliie in the Sen ; Flax •, Furniture, that haa aauntly been in use : Working Tools and iniideiiienis, the pro erivof liiniiiitraiits, or iM-rsons coining to reside in the Province, and noi iiiieii led for sale. Hemp; Hides, or pieces of Hides, raw, not tanned, currieil or '.resseil : Horns ; Hc:ses and Cairi.iges of Travidlers. and Horses, Cattle. (\irriai:es, nnd other Vchiclesi, when employed in c rryiiig Merclnndize. to- getlicr with the necessary H'iriiHss aiid I'acKle, solong as the Ba'iic are actually in use for thai pur|iosc. Iron, viz. UnwroMghior Pi;; Iron, Ores of Iron of all kin la ; Iron Kails for Rail Roads ; Hollers ; Plates and Plough Moulds ; Hoop Iron. Lintels: Mine and Limestone; Lini>a forth* Flth- erleii.of all kinds. Manures of all kinds ; Maps andChnrtB. 3 10 « S « Nets. Fl Urea off Fauitiii Plate of I foaure,! ;| Rags, vl Nets ; Hoi Sails, kI V:r Frl -tH: [1864 III kind* { Train la. dutU$ in Sttrliur Jklmmf. X $. d ■ ircwt. 7 lloliei, KT II). I wmi- ll> . . tl and I • • • • rwt. . I.i.fey, IliUlg*', iijcive, wliich wunis, n, \\\\ '' eiich rViiiei, tViiirn, lala^i), lion . 3 10 • r.^ • • • niturc, thnt hai nd Inipleineiiu, coming to mide not tanned, id Oairi.-igM of siti. i>nd other crclnndize. to- I'ncKlc. aolong ir|>osc< 8 or Iron of all iro ; riatca nud fortba Fith- tl. 1864] N£W BUUN8WICK TARIFF. 77 New. FifhiiigiNftaaudeuiiicnor nil kinda. iinn of ail ;iliida Paniii:iA> ; t'alai Oil ; Planu. Shrub* and Treea ; Plate ol'Uold rad PiUer, o!d .mkI Atomy to be re-iuaiiu- foaured ; I'oumjtit ; rriiaiiitt I'rKMua uu.i t yuva. Kaga, vU. ol t U .g«, oU Hope, Junk and Uld Fitbing Nets; Hoaiii. 8aila, Kiggin;{and Ship Matcrinia aaved from Vcttelx ^'cckod Oil the Oinat of the I'ruvinee ; Call \ Semi* of all kind*; Skin*, Furii,l'£Ui,orTalliiuiiitrei:at!«ltBtonc uiiinniiiifaciurud ; Hugnrol' ilie Vtaple. Tullow -, 'iwinev a»d Linva uaixl In the Flaberiei i Tobacco unnianul'actured : I'ow ; Turpentine. V\hnle Fin or Uone ; Wood, viz, tkiiirda, Planka :$tavc3, Square Timber, Biiinglua andFircyvoed. Frte Iradt in n«(uc pr0ducl§ mnd maintfarturei, ^ith other Provinee$.—( Su pugt 7S.) few Branswick Tariff. TAILC Spee^e Dutf. Applet, (M.'r bualH!l Asm, eacii o(,i Ibit. weight and upwarda. . . Ituuer, per huiiurol wuiylit U Bcana and I'oam (icr bualicl Harlcy, \ti'.t im»iusl U Butlcy :^lu d, per liun IrcJ weight Buekwlieat, |m r buniicl Buckwtiu.'ii Aieiil, per cwl Candlvaurali kiiuttf,excup; i^pcrm and Wax, per pound Candlus -s^iicrin and Wax, per |)ouml OP nuTiCi '

rl,oi itMllia U Fruita, dried, |ier hundred wuiglit V liorM.1t, Marca, and to(ind U LeatlHir -aole, upiter l^ienthcr, harnesa and licit Lciiiliur, |H>r p.iuiid Sheep dkina, tanned iind dreisod, |icr dozen.. (.'airtikina, Uinnel |ier do/.un. V IHoiaasPH and i ri>ncie, imt ;;allon IMeata, fr(<8)i. ii-r hundred vvvi<;lit U ■* aaliel and curul, jierdo If ilk an adduiuniiltlitli/ uj'la -Idpr eict «n *Hd ^f'ler April I, 'ai. Hud afurlkr-r ineiease ^' I* -id per eul, on ^ a'itr April I, '.H'lH, Mall lr;h '• rrfliiivl.crti8liei& wliiii' i)nHtnrd. prcwt • Of nil k iidn, except rtliiicJ, criwiied, and white li.)lui>, and other Chaina, ibr ^fhip8' uxe'i ; ' 'Oiion Wool and i^ottoti Warp ; CV>u|H'r and I'ment IVIetn: in aluieta, l)ara and lolta, fur Bhip Building: Dye Vi'ood ; l''eit ; lleinii; Klni and Tow; llUlea, griM'n and salted; Iron, in hoita, bara, plaiM, altoet and pig iron ; Oakum ; Ores, of all kinda ; 4 t 1 1 'ft 9 4 2 11 u 'i * 10 i u I'iich ; Hnila and Rigging, for New Shipa -, Hieathing I'.iper; bilk I'iiiah, lor llaitera' purpuaeat Tallow v Tur ; 'i'obacco umuunufacuired ; Wool. £74 per ctnl. Castinjfi, vi/, : Steam blnginea and Boitera, and parta til- reof. Mill Mnchincry, tilms' Caatinga, t'om|X>aitk>n Rud^l'jr Urncea, &c ; Machinery of every dcacription; s^uar; ;;iovea, known nnd de»igiiated ua Canada aiovea £ I O per cent. Bread nnd Biscuit ; Bricka ; Manilla Rope; Ready-made Clothi'i^. £ 1 5 per cent. Iron Caaingt, viz.:— Cooking, Cloae, Box nnd Round Stoves, ni.d part!) there' d°i for (,'ooking Stoves; Franklhi LHovea; Kegiatcr tiraiea ; Fire Frame's, and para th reof; Kitchen Hangea; Boilcra; Ciiat Iron Furnocca, and piirts thereof; Cast Iroa I'iouglis. £20 per cent. Boots, Shoea, and other Le ithor nianufarturea ; Chairs, and prepare! p.irta of or for < liair»; Clock Wheida; machinef y an i materi.da for Clocks ; Household Furni- iiirc (except Baggage, Apiiarel, Household mfects. Working Tools and liii|i|ements, used and in use of pi-raons or families arriving in this Province, if used abroad hy ihein, nnd not iiueiidal fur any other pcraon or |ieriioiis, or lor sale); J,uoking (ilaases; Oranges and [.eaiouH ; Whale Oil, (except tlie return cargoes of vea- sela fitted out for fishing voyageii from porta in thia P'ovince); Bruslies; llata and liat Bodies; I'i.mofortea; Snuff and Ciguri. £30 per cent. C.^rringe8, Waggons, Siciglig, and other vdiicles; Ve- neorel and otiiur Moulditiirs for Looking Classes ; Pic- ture and otlicr Frames, mnife of wooti ; Wooden Ware* of.ili kiuda; Mntclies ; Corn Brouins ; and ail Agricul- tural Impicmciits, except Ploughs. £74 per cent. And ail other Goods, Wnresand Merchandize, not herein otherwise chargtsi ivkhduty. nnd iiut hereniti>r declared to be free from duty, for every one hundred pounds of th true and real value thereof, X7 M a. ArtieUi exempltd from duly, Rngigaup. App;irei, Household Effects, Working 1'ools nnd i iiiilcmeiits, useu nnd in use of (lersons or famiiies nrriviiig in this Vvy iiicc, if used abroad by th^m, and no: int«>nded for nny other person or persona, or for snie: Hooks, printed; C.-irriagea of travellers, not intended Ibr sale ; Coins and Bullion ; (?orn Itrooin Brusii ; In lian i'orn ; Ric", iiroiitid and unground ; ; MnnurHs ol all kiivlH ; l.iucs and 'I'vvliies for tlie Kislierles ; Oil; lllLi;.l)cr ; Fins and !jkins,tlie produce of creatures living in tlie sen, tiie return of vessels fitted nut in this Province for fisidns! voyages; Oil— Seal, Cwl, Hake, Por|ioise, I'aini, and Rape; Plants, Shrubs, and Trees ; Printing Pn cr, I ypcs, Printiiia Presses nnd Printers' Ink; Rass, Old Rope nnd .lunk ; Rock Snti; •'niis and Rijiging savei.) from ves:m Bond Dittf h Fret trad* inlmaliti produrtt and mannfadvrth idiA offer Prorinui.—( S** page ti.) jasL 'Bimmme *s^j#i**«»»««.»'..» ^e „ X s. d. ApplcR^tlie D' m>l u 1 U I UilCUII illl.i ll< 1118, ilw cwt fi JJecl'wiKu I iiiiii cured. Hit- burn 1, not exceeding tw.> huiiiiriHl iiuuiidd 2 Vrc.'id or > Ucuk, cwt U 3 l>uiu>r, I. e cwi U 'i V Ciilvud, .-li'.'cii iiiiil I iijs, end) U 1 (i t'liL'i Ml. 1. 1: cwi 5 U Cigi.rii, till- tliiuB iiid U 5 I) • ociiii, ihui'Wt 5 U CoU'o.', till: c\vt 5 roportlon for any g c.ter Hiruiigih, mid for any gieater or li h quantity tliuu u gallon, the (gallon S hum, nut cvi'L-ediiig the strength of proof by tykes' Hydruiiietei, and ho in iiroticrtiuii lur any gruutur L.r leva quai.l.ty lliun u gallon, the gitllun i^ug..r, l.onf and Refined, the cwt U liastiTd, till- cwt Unri lined, iliu cwt U 'J'ea the puund 'I, including llnik and >°^cnntlH)g, the ton. 'I'l.bacco, miinuliictiin-d and leal', till! ib U '1 obaeco cjtcing, the csvt V\ iiic^. in bottles, the giilljii All other V\ ines, ihe gallon Llochs and Watch, s, I'uniilurc ni-::ufn2tured of U ood, Alu, I oner. I.e. r, C'iJer, Terry, Oil, l'.|iil.b(r, Furs and ekiii8,ilie produce ol crea- tures living in the sea, lor every XtUt* of v;,luc 1» Candles of nil kinds, for every XtOO of value. . 7 (Jcods, VN'iir B, and Mcrchanilize, not otherwise enuinenited, dcscril ed, or churged with duty in iliis act, iiiid i.ot otiieruisc exeinpi from diitN.and neat cattle, lor every XtUo of the value .....•■■ 5 EXEMI'TION'S. • Irintcd nooks. Pompl.'.ns Maps and Clirts, Coin and Bullion, Ilomp, Flajf and Tow, Lime and Limestone, Manure i f till kiiiils, i rovisioiis of every description impiTted or siiyilie i for Her Majesty's Land or tSea Fees, J'nssciigerv' I'ersonal l..ii)i|:'i.e, KiceFced, Ket'use of Rice, t>ceil of nil kinds intended to be used fur agricultural purpoivB, Vegetables of all soits li^sh ; iMulei and, i:nViiers.. Coriln>;c Cheese, the cwt VaUTcc the lb Ciiocolatt or Cocon paste Ciliars ; -1 jer, per {gallon Clocks -on all clocks co* ing under •iVs. oici All other description of Clocks. . / II wheel m:ii;h)ti(Ty and materials fo; inanul'Moliiriiig clocks an, I wati'hes Carriages Cattle (neat) except Cow^ &. Calve: Dye VVootliiiid DyesiuUsofull Mm F|sh, per barrel . . Fish (dnel) per quintal Flour iwhenleii) lor.evcry 100 lbs. Horses, IWares; and CelJings, each Jewi'llery Leather (sole) per Ih i Do (upper and trimming) i)cr K ' Do (h;iri;cs!ii pi;r lb Lard, the cwt Meat {silted and rutn.l) tliecwt- . . Molasses, p":,;; liluii. . . ronn. Ale aiul Teer, (includtiiit tlie Uuiy impoHt;tl l,y. Act, 3J Geo. 3, cap) i? •• ,•,• • LO 10 >:» '2 U U 10 a u )0 a.5 J 10 OTHER DUTlhB. 6 U 8 u U 1 U n 5 111 (• 10 2 1 It 5 >i 1 3 a . 8 !) ii 3 ARTICLES. Piich Uuui, or oiIicrdiBlillcd Spirituous Li qiiors itiiporieil imo this Island (incl>,iditig tiic sum of TcKt-iience per gal as imposed by Act *Joth Uea :i, cap 4, and by 3Jili Geo. 3, cap 10; per gnl. . . .' Rigging Sai.s Spiriiuous Liq!iors» (if from Molas- ses) on all manufactured or uisiil- Icd in this Island, per gallon. . Uo, il iri>ni MobirMS Sugar (rctineil) p(7 lb l)o.(Browii or Muscovtidoj per cwt Tar " 'Tea, per lb 'Tobacco Cnianufictured) pcy. lb. . Tobacco (uniinuiufactviied) per. lb. Watches :3ails, Ristaing and Ship materials saved from vessels wrockedon the coasts. of this teiliml— Duty pay- otji.aiuoiint of Sales (not be- longing to this Island) .Miip .-lores and ('iirgo saved frvJiii wrecks, or sold in a vessel s'rand- ed, to pay -sain-j duty tis in cases of iniport.ition. ... VVIiere a vessel is stranded .-in.! con- d.'iiinerl, or sold whilst stT.iiKiivf, a Duty shall lie paid on t!ie nmount of Sales of her Hull, P.i^ging atu^ Materials!, whether sije Le ugaii^ (jot off, or-lic tnere broken up ... . Wine imporlt'd thi{9 Island (in- cluding Uiesuiii of 'I'Qn i>eiice per Gallon, OS jiiiposed by the Airt *j, (!eo, :?, cap,'l, and tlieAetof 33 Geo. 111. chap 10.) per eallon . . Ad V al. BtJTV ON jElOO^'y. 2 2 2 U 2 1(1 5 OTIIIK DUTIk'B. 3 5 2 « U U 16 '3. [iS64 BUTT IN STBRUMa X 1.0. I for any cr or 1> M 3 1 of proof ro|icniuu u uulloii, , 10 7 U S U S U U U 3 :. the ion. 10 b U U 'i U 'i « (I 3 2 ufniturcJ 'erry.uil, «ol crca- XiUU of lU fvnltic. 7 10 « ttlitrwisc wiih duty iipi from >Uu of tlie 5 nic and Limestone, and or eiea Fcc-i, Oil] fur agricultural Klud. adding Ftfty par rtil val. )OTV ON :iiwj;y, 6 u u OTIIBK DIlTtlia. 3 u u « u u U •« « .V ^ 1854] COLLECTORS OK CUSTOMS, Ac. ARTICLES. bpiruN, v;z: i.riiiKiy.ijiii iiiiii tvora- nls iin|>crjxi into thi« Iiilnnd (in- cluding tiM! »nin uf 'I'en pence per gallon, lis iiopoHed by ilic Act 'l) Geo. 3, Clip 4, and also by the Act 35 (ieo :{, cnp Itl,; [ler gallon. . . Ariiclea mniiufiictured of Wood ("ex- cept liruslies, PInii" », Figure-hcndp and MiiDicnl InMnnnuniB,^ mid Ad. Vul. Diiiy oil 11(10 Cv. Oihrr Duties. 3 AKT.CLi:S. iinch liTii^leM »a v/mA tormaU.e princlpnl paitoi', not licrciiilrtlori' nientioiied ...... .... On nil kinds of Cood.<, Wr.n s and Mcr^liandizu vvliiiisoi'vt'r, not nljove cnuhier.'iied. except i.a hcrc- iniil'icr HieiitioiiCd — Un 0)1 Juiiiper Knees cxporUid— e:ici« ^d. Viil. Diiiy ijii jEI.iO fv. oihif Diaiea. ;o 5 1 . not prohibned to beini[)ort6d into the l/'nitcd KiuiirioMi; itlocks, l!i^'i;lti^ !Mul S.'iiis. vvliicli ni.'ty liavc l.ccu ugoil in inkinu' any new vc8iiel from this Island to a market lor salu, it' hiicIi Itlocks, Kiuty iuiimscd thereon by this or any I'onncr 'Vet. on the li't;t iinporiation the eof into this Isl ind; Chain Cables; (,'opper Rods, Holts and Nails; L^npnes (I'"ire) ; I'la.i:; I'lsli, (ihe p'Oiiucc of the I'lsbern's of this Island); Gypsuai; Iniplemcnir ot'Ilusliandry imiicr.ptl ly any Ajiriculiuril .-'oiiriy, i.i be toll or u-el by mch Society) llcnip; iron ( Un wrought or I' ig Iron.) Lime; i.uml'er, u'X*-'e, t b.iards,) manures; Onts: Oaknni; Oil; (Fish) except tr'eal Oil; Seeds of all kinds iinportrd by ai-y Agricnitiiral tv ri'a> , to be solil or used by sitcli Society; Articles imiiorted by the Licuien;int (ioverurr, (tir liisown prrviiaiise; Stave.-j t.'toixs (.Liaie) Stone; fur building ; Stone; (Burr;) Tallow; Teasels; Trees, (Truii,) Hants and Sliruijs. jj^fF' Frf.e trade in native prodvels and ma uvftietiiref, inilh other Provinces — 9ce pnire 7.5. C II ctors nt Custom*, Cr, Jr. Brighton. . ..J.R. YicMing BrockvilIe*..\V.lJ.Sllllp^«ll Bruce J J.Pcnerather Byiown*'. ..I>nn. Grahiini. Chat ha in.*.. W. Cofsrove. Ciiipiie\va*.F. II. Haycock Clarenceville.piiii. Siewari Coliourk*.. . v\'. II. KiifOii Coriiwall*..G. C. Wood. Cuteau du Dickenson's Landing.. .R. IL Bullock Sheehaii Dundee. . . .J. Caineron. Elgin A. McMillan I'OltTS. COLLKCTors. FortEiii'... J. Kirby. Ftilight-linrgli.A. Kemp. Uaniiiiouue..VViii. Brdugh. Unrpe* J. C Uelleiiii, Gudtricli*...D. Lav\>on. Grafton*... 8. S Wal»h. MHniilion*..J. U,ivih'e\V.?)nipsi)ii Pliilli|'i'lurg..lM'. Rnss-t^b, I'rescdli.. . . -A. Joiicti. IVri Unrwcll J, T. licllair^ I'ort Cr.'iniiihe. i'ori of t!aiij;eeii.J.McLean do Triiiioii*.A.Macatday, do Co.iiirouk* do Credit.. . J. McCarrol. do Collinrne*.T. TfTKe. lio Di rliiigion.l). I'lfhtT. do ll:ilbcn^le* J. <.'lark. do Dover*... E. Webster. (jy Duiidas.* do n.jie''...M.\VliitPlior.( do MiltO'd. -J Vefiicr. rORTS. rOLIECTOtlt Port Siirnia*..R. E. Vnlal, lns. . .W. Robvnsoik Huiuieaii. . . .Gi'oi^c Duck. ^.iiulwirlit...J. F. I.llioit. - ■iead J.Tliompson. '^iitta II i^-utoii. -I. Recis.. . (;wyu. 't. Johii.s*. . .W. McCrae. ■-iriUirord*. . .G.McMickpii I'oronio*. . ..W.F.MiudcU ■Viiilriceburgli.Jolin licll. .V. Iliiigiun 'J'.Wuriliington •Vhiiby*. . . .W. Warren. Collector!) *A Cmml Tolls, Cunads, St. Ann'sloek John Barrett Bii'liugtoii. Wclland:— St. Ours lock Jules Lebcouf Biy ..J. Dnvld.-ion. MaMbind. . . W. P.cnson, Chnnibly. . .M. lioriip. Cornwall. ....Dan, Plieiaii. l)alliniisie...J: .S, (."iik. Lachine \. Goimh. lEilwardsburgh.A.JUc.Millenl'ortUobin.-on'.A. Beauharnois <;(or!;e Ellia. I i I l^nrr CoIIiorne.Thos. Parke h> ,1'iiviiliv . . .S. Ainsden. ,'•• u.ntliiirincs.John Clarke. i'.j..,;paiva :utF.Il.Ilajcock ! Blinks in Gaiiuiiu, ivitU tltcir Agtiiicle.^, &.v.. fLACES, Barrie- t» BBLI.EVIf.LB . . . •« Berlin . BR,^NTroKU Bb«ockviu.e . . . ,t ■ OiVICERS IN CUAROE. NAMES OF, B\NKS CANADA. -Upper Canailn. .E. Lally. Agent. t!tiiiini(rii:allJ'iikf'. M. bandfiTd. Ag't. .UlMtr Canada. .E. Ilulden, Agent. Commercial.. . .11. Fiiidlay, Agent. Montreal-. . .-. . XI. McNkler, .'Vgeiit. .Upper Canada.. Geo. Da vidcoii, A'gt. .Montreal, Jas. Simpson. Agriit. .B. N. Aniorjcn,..Jns. Christie. Mauiig'r Montreal A. Greer, Agent. .L'pppj Canada .K. F. Church. Agent. Cuniinrfcial ....C. J. Cainpl'ell, A'gt. " Monueal !■". M. Holmes, Atent. Bttown, Uppir C(in!!da..R. B. Casscll!-, Agent. ". \\. N. ,^iiioel, Agent Chatham ni.(i ■ <';;ii.ida..(;eo Thomas, CasU'r. •' i;i':e A. Cli!ineri.«s, Aireiit CntPi'AWA I'l per ,<'.niniia...las. Macklcm, Agent. CoBouRo Montreal C. il M- raan, A^'ent. Cornwall- U|iper (/Hnada..J. I". I'ringle, Agi'Ht. •• Montreal W. Mntilce, Ag nt. DuspAV.. It. N. Amerfca..J. H. Ewart, Agent. PLACES Galt goderxii... GtT.t.l'II Hamilton,. OFF. .^".1 IN CUAROE. N'.iMKS OF BA.\i:.s. CANADA ....-Core Joiin Davidson, A'gt.' ' immerd.'il Ai'am Ain^lie, Agent. ' Ipper C-iiiadn.JcImMcDoiirid.A'gt. Mouireal T. jM. Jol«e^, .\gem j •■'^re T SatidilandB, Agent. ' I^^ontreal J .McLean, /'gciit. I I'l'l'ir Caiiada..Airred Slow, Cashier. ! " i! N.Aairu-a.A llamilion, Man'gr. | " Af.iiKreil ..J.Stcven.-on,Jr. A'gt. •' CciuiiKrlil 11. Mcl^ i)6,ry,Cn»hr. i Cork A. !^ti:vkn. Cashier, i KiNosiX)>- Uiiier Canmla.-W. G Hi ..I, Cashier. ' " n. N. America.. S. 'J'nylor, Man.i^cr. " Montreal A. lir.mmond, Ag't. " CO.MM1-RCIAL...-C. S. K(^^^. Cashier. LiNns.tY Upper Canada. ..J. Mck;i.> .,, .\gcntr LONLON I'i ^iper Canada. .J.-,s. llaii,iiion,Ca8h'r I!. N. America.. JManfiECr. Coiiiinercial C. MouBcrriit, Bgcr. Agcnu :!«. Ag t. Montreal H.C. Barwi " '"ore W. W street, A geiil MuNTRKAL- Upper Canada. .Jf.H. Weiihani.Man*gr B. N. Ami rica. .D. Davidson. Munng'r 180 NOVA SCOTIA. [1864 (■ANU IN CANADA CONTINUBB.) n.ACKt< l( i NAMU AT BANKit. CANADA MoMTKCAL Coinmrrcial . . . •' MoiTRkAI. •♦ CiTvRank •♦ Do Pkum.r.... Kia«ara U|ipcr Ciinacla. Nicoi.icT Quebec O^HAW A- Coniiuereinl. . . Pahm Gore.... PcRTH, CoiiininrcinI F^TBRBOKOuan. Comtncrciai.. . . '* Moiiirftil riCTON Coiniiiurciiil — " Moiitrciil Port IIopb Upper Cniindn . *' Coininercial.... •* Moiiircnl Port 8ta nlkt . . Montrciil Prhrott Coiniiicrctnl.. . . PRRtf(!Orr MoiiironI . . .. Ui>KBBU tlpiicr Cniind.'i . * B. N. America. » Montre.'il " QuhDKr 8*RNIA IJpimr Ciiiimln. HAiiiTSrMARie.n N. Aiin'rica. 8IIKRBROOKIL-...B. S. America. \;iiyDaiik SlMCOB ficf ttr. Catharinm Upper Cniindn. " ComiinTciul-... " Moiit'Ciil St Thomas Moiiirciil SiRATFnRD Upper Cniiada. TliRBKR.VERa..(!iiy Hnnk Moinrcnl -Upvkr i'anada H. N. Amf-riea. f'ominercial.... Ciiy Hank ToRnNTO.,. OrriCERI IN CBAROB. A. H. CanipMI.Cniih .A. SiMPKON, Ciiihcr .P McCui.UiCH, Cn»h. .11. H. Lkmoini', A'gi. -T. McOO'iiilck, A'gt. .L. IVI. CrcBsc, /tseiii. .JnM. Lniiig, .^xen'. .Jaiiien Niiiinio, A'gt. A [.CflK Attciit. Will. CliixiOM. Agent. R Nichols, Ag'Mit. .D. ^niih, Agent. C. Mortiiiier, A^nt. .R. I* Kniiili, Agent. .W. F, II rjicr. Agent. .R. N. Wail'cll, Ae'i. . I-. K. W:iri"M, Agent ..lohn Piitton, Aseiit. .W. Dickinson, Agmil. .J F. Ilrnd-linw, Man. .R. CnH-clf. Mnnnger. . Will. Giinn, Mnnngcr. .C. GETTisG.i.f'aaiiie . -A IPX. Vidid, Agi.'nt. -J. OMiU'Uden, .Agent. • VV. niincaii. Agent. -W. Ritchie. Agent. -•». rninpHeM, Agent. .T. L. Mi'lii.\eII,Ca-li. .Goo. Rykcrt, Agent. .H. Mittli'liorjer, Ag't. -R. F.riiintingt'r. Agent .J. C. W. Daly, Ag't. -Jas. Kirkg-ii, Agent, li. J. McNail. Ag<,'iit. .T.G,RiDniT,(3 -'r. .W.G Cns^iels, Maii'r. . J'lo. rnni"roii,(!nsli'r .Will. Wilson, Cnsli'r. .lohn Mijrr. Agi nt. Flacbb. OrriCNRB IN OKARSI. MAURI or ■anki. l. Agent. WonumocK. . . M«»iitfe:il W, V. .-i e-t, Ag'l. Windsor « iiper Oannda. .'I lie* 13 'irew, Ar'I. FitKKIGN AGKNItf. London (Eng^.Upier Ciiuadii..GI}n.Mllfs A Co. " H. N. Amkhica. IIkau upncR. " CoiiiiiK rcial Joiiiic>nl . . . , " ('umiii le. Fti Dav, S . i'eiir ^ nd iav, All Saints' Day ; Conception Day ; ChiiHtiiias D..y; Queen's Bi th Diiy. Any diy appointed by I'roclamation .'or a soteinn Past, ord ly of i hank^gving. NOVA 8Ci/MA. ETi^ jlUu »te pajea 5'i and 70. Lieut. Governor, His Kxcclleiicy Sin Joii.n Gasi>akdLi: Marcuant, KNT.,*rrivate Secretary, E. E, Riishtvorth i Ald«-(te-cainp, Lieut. I'ansliiiw. KxKCTivE CouNcit..— lions. James HoyIe Uniackc, Michael 'I'oiiln, Hugh Hell, Joseph Howe, J? .lies McVab, iniu>-l Creeliiian, Aleiaiuier ilcDoiigall, Williiiin A. Henry and James McLcod. Cltrk of Uu Couiieit, Hon. Saniui"! Joseph Howe. Lkoisi.ative Council.— lien. Miciiael Toliln, President ; lions. William Rudolf, Robert MollUon Ciitlcf; Alexander Cainplicll, John Morton, Hugh Hell, Sialey Hrown, Alexinder VIcltoiii.'!ill, Mailieiv Hvles Alaic:-., Edward Kenny, James Delap Harris, Alexnnder Keih, VVilliaiii Anderson Ulack, I avd r-ricliioii, lleiirv (!esi*m«o;;«/w, AUred Whitman ; l>iifbi),i.V. Wade; C/a'-e ; An. I). ; SurffeiiHl-ui. Jriiu,G R. Grassie ; i<«»*«/u«/ Si!>-4'«"n'-o'-.V»i»*, I'hilip Hrown. ! Provincial OrricrJis. &c.— C/^V Junticr, lion. Hreiiion Halihurton ; Mntlerof tin; Vnt'i nndJndi,'ii i>f Kiee I Jdmirnlt^ Court, Hon. A Stewart : Jvdgtg of the Snpremr. Court, Horis. \V H, HHsj, T.C H.illihiirton .E. M. ! Doild, and W F. Des Barres ; Nereivrr (Ir.neral, Hon. J-inies McNuh ; I'irinnrial ite etoni, I Inn. Sainiicl.Jf Creelman ; IVinrt.'in^ C'fcr*, l>avid Mi.'Cullcic.h ; Atlorney (ievnnl,\\on. i h \)uv.\c^k; SuO'-ilhr Ornr.ral Hon. I A. McDoilgall ; Pronineial Secretory, Hon, Joseph Jfowe . IhytUii ■^ecrelai ,!, W, H. Kc-iiing ; .S'nrtrey«r, ', Gineral, a»d Commitnonrr af Crntrn I.and.^ fi:r iSntia S.utio oad Ciipe Hrilim,J. S. Morris; Controller af Guttmiiuui Narii,rn;iiiu Luir,', II. 'I'row -. Pmlhiv^^tarit, and Citric of the Cnmn, J VV. Nutting : PiiH NnUr iriteral, A. W. '.Vo.i i^iie ; i:«i(rci of IVorl-n.- Cliairman, lii.n. II. litll i Atember* of Board, tton i*. ('unar.L )Md William Vliirdo^k. Esq.; Serrttari/ and Superitit^udml, W. Condon, Esq ; Supfrintendett, J. I*. MilUt, iiaq. ; ttHeen's Printer, J. S. 'I hntnpfon ; Provincial Suiterinlendtnl uf Kditcation, for ISastcrii District. Miuh ' Munro, Esq., M. P. P.; Western Diilrict. C. D, Randall, Esq. " IF- i (1864 ICRM IN USABU. B.Phipiw.M'iii'r )iiiiii> How, Af,ent. . liignrxol. Agv"^ J* 11. Millf k. Co. Hkau tiPficB. Ill SttcK Bank. I'. .-I fU Ag'l. i B 'irew, A|'t. II, Mi.ti&Co. II. Millfte Co. I. Liiifii Cumpiay •t niiierriiil Hnnk. \ Ic. i^oii & <'o. ::. kimu It >'oiii. rciiniiiii HiK k. [ik )>r < 'iiMiiiiMrce. iUlltli(t,l'llll|iUtlBC'0 irl&Co. wYoiKSmle BBiik Do. lie. ihrr Urljlit* Bnnk rle-u-r Tiiv l^uik. A I VV Wood Ma" (■\ SS Bill I cyMnn I A A iMilroy.Maii. iiirxl rmik. .ly; <'liritinn«Dn}; VVtrt. I iiiinv\ All iiiiaii l).>y; Queen'* tion .'or a aoteinB G. E. Riiilitvorih i (vc, J-^.iies McNnh, Ike CliuhcU, ilOH. Molliwn riitler; w Itylea A line::, III, llViiry Cciint'r .VIcKptii'i iiiiil K . 110 Cttrk, John VV, naild ; Cohhettrr, ua, .lulin llolmca Hull ; Annaiiulii, ' until '/wicker ; ! KilliMii : Hiidnty, II ; Cdjtt firelvn, ; pe.ikor; airl tcict 1 f)'C. Doyle nml ! iiiiicl Ciuclninu } lelmtiol Diniock-, t tin, .Sciiheii H. j oulli, Jmac Shiiif, I vvii' : IsHvKnhiirg, j Offtcern —CUrk, i Sitrffttml-ut- [ r> ndjKdt,'c iif yie» ' l;ill!i'U(U-ii.K. M. I rij, IU*n. r'niiiufl.J* lor Oittrral llou. ' uing i .S'nrceyer, Tis ; Cnnlrol.'er of , iiiit : /'»K( NatUr Hon «. <'unar.(, dtht. J. r. Mllltf, 'II DiBtrtct, Hi^ I as 15M. N. BRUNSWICK, P. EDWARD, N. FOUNDLAND. %% Set aho pagt$ 52 and 77. JU««f«Naiit Coe«nitfr— Ilia Excellency, Sir Edmond WalkkrHisap, Brt. ExECDTiTE Dbp/rtment,— Ezeeutive Council- Hons. E. B. Chandler, R. li. Hazen, A. Rankin, J. R. Partalcir. W. B. Kinnear, J k. street, G. Hnyward, K. 1>. '. ' luiot, J. (iray. LkaiaLATivB Council. — 'Jhe Hon. William Blaci., J'residetit; lion*. .I.S. Saundeta. Frederieltm; A.R Botaford, HtHeveki £. B. Chandler, DurdutUr; .1. R jbtriBun, SI. John; llairis Hatch, St. dndrtwa; Wt B. Kinnenr, St. John; VV F. VV. Owen. Campubello; G Mln-.iiin, Frederir.Um; T. 11. I'eicra, i hatham; K. I.' Hn/.en, 4«. J<;Ai»„ G. s^.^'Hlll, S/. Steplteni; C HatiisoH, jt.oueervUle; James Davidson, >/irrtmic/u; ,1. Brown, St JJavidg; VV. H. Odell, /Verfemton; C. Connell, Wond$t()ck;\hon\ai Gilbert, Uagetoun; Duviil Wark, W/:/i»6«rto; Wm. H. tftevea, .^Iftert County; John H. Kyan, Kings Cimnly; VVni. Ilamilion, IJnlhnusie. 0^■F1C^R»— George Botal'orrl, CUrk; J. Gtegory, CVn-A Atsittant; B. R. Jouttt, Sergeant-nl-Anns and Uilier ef the Black Rod; bov. tt. Coater, A..M Chaplain. House op AsaEMBLV— ("Elected July, IP50.^ Couvli/ of York— J. Taylor, G. L. Ilnttirway, T. Pickard, Jun., C. McPheraon. County of St JaAn— Hona. R. D. Wilmoi, J. II. Guy. J. K. (iodard J Jordan. County of West' moreland—W.Ctmxt, U llanlnglon, B. Botsford, Albert J. rtnnth (Jliarhltt Cuunty—i. J. Robinson, R. Thom- Bon, VV, Porter, B. K Fiizgerald. Ain^'a t'ouw^i/.— M. Mcl.eod, (i. Ryai\, H. VV.'Furdy, (itieth't County— J. Earle, H.H.tiilbert. < ounty of Sunbury—li. Haywnrd, W. Scoulliir. County of Murlhumberlaud—Uou, John A eJireet, J. M. Johnaon. J. T. Willision, (i. Ker. Cimvtj of Carleton—i\. W llB.irdsley, R. Kiiyligh. Cov'ily of Kent—H.h Cutler, F.McPhelini. Comily of (Uonrenltr—R Gordon. J \{t'\i.S *Ciiviil it of Uetligonrlie — J. Moiitgo- Hicry, A B.nrlieriei Cuuhty ofAilnrt—iuhw Lewis U. Miles. Cuvnly of ^ irluria—i. V.. I arujlov/. F Ricfl. Coufity of St John- W. Il..\, .l.,\.ll!ir(liiiii. Offichis— C. 1'. VVcUnori, Cleric: G, J. lAm, Clerk Juittun', G.Garden, Sergennt-ai-A'mH; Rev. VV U. KetfliiiiM, CV;«;;/«in. JoinciAHY. — Cliiff Justice, Hon. James Carter; Master of the Hulls, Itnn. N'cvilJo Pnrkrr; Jittticcs of the Supreme Court, HonS Robert Fi.rker. Goorge Frnderiek Sireot, :ind .-^amiicl Alk'u Wiliiiot; Judge mid Commissary Vice- Admiralty Court, Hon, Rolert Leonard Hazen; Clvrk of the Crown, Andrew Barberie, Clerk of ike I'leat, Wm, Oaruian; CUrk of the CirruiL, H n. John S. .-niinilers; CUrk of the Croicn in Chavcery. Hon. J. R. I'artclowj R'gittrtir, Dai.iLi L. Roliinaoir, Advoci.^e General Vice- Admiralty, Wm. Wright; Reiri^lrar and Scribe do , i.' M. Roliinaon; Attorney Geutral. Hon. J. A Sinef, SoUcilor Guirie', Hon. \V. I.ovd Kinnear. Paoviti lAL OrFiri-Rs. — I'roctvcial Secretary, Hull, .lolm R I'.- m low. I'r-vince 'yVfrtmnr, B'-verley R\VAl£ll> l:?i i^A]\ JU>. See also pages 52 and 73. lAtutenatit Governor— ll\n Exrelleiicy, Sm Ai.eiandkr Bannfrmak, Knt. EzBConvB CoDNcir,.— Hona. Geori^ Coles, Jame-i VVarburton, William W. Lord, John Jardlne, Edwnd Wbelan, Joseph Henaley, Stephen Rice; Clerk, Charles Uesbrisay. Lkomlative Councii,.— i'r«t(iien«, Donald Maalouiild, John Myrlo Holl, Charles Younfr, Stephen Rice, Win. Swabey, Charlea Hensley, George Birnio, Kdward C. Haythorne, Chaplain, Rev. Dr. JonKini, Clerk, Gharlea Ueabriaay, Printer, Hon. B. Wiielan, Usher of the. Hlack Hod and Sr.rgsani-at- Arms, Henry I'almer. HouMB OK AsBMEBLY.— New Housc Electci UUiJuly, li-jH.— Kino's (Jki'ntv. — hirst District, McEachern, and Pe!cr McGowan — Second District — Hon. K Wlielan, Hon. J. Jardiiie — Third 7Ji«trt(:<— Joseph VV ightnian, ■ Goff—Georgetincn — Roderick McAuley, T. H. tlaviland — Ckarlottelown —Won. Edward Palmer, Fruncia Longworth. CIoken's County. — First District—lion- Gi^orjie Colea, John Me,\ leoiU— Second District — Robert iVIooiiey, Wni. McGilL—TAtrrf/iMtnct- William Douse, Benjainiii l)a\ iv. I'rinck Couniy,— iilrs* District — Hon. James Warburton, James Yeo-Seciind Di-Hrici—WUm FrasJcr, Williani Clarke — 7'Airrf District— Hon. W. W. Lord, Dr. Couroy,— /'rjnc«/o«)«— U in.iM M );it;eiretnrii; Hon Stephen Riw, Treasurer; George VVri(jui, Surveyor General; Hon. George Uirnie, R.gklrar of heeds am! hirinr of l-lans; Clinrles Young, Attorney General; Joseph Hensley, Solicitor General; rhoinas Owen. Dfpiitii Post Master General. Chief Justice, Hon Robert Hodgson; Master of the Hulls, Hon Jamiss H. l\'lKts: Judges Supreme Court, Kona. James Horslield Peters, Thomas Hi-atli llavilaml, and John Hirrow; Clrrk of Crown and Prothonotary. Daniel Hodgson; Rsgiitrar Instance Court of Vice Admirullij, lion, W. Swabey; Registrar in Chaneen/, Chal'leBSMbriiay. _ ^ , N E ^V F O U N D Ij A IV l> . " ' ' ■ ' See also prges iJU and 1^. Governor— n'lB Kxcclleiicy Kkr Haii.kv Ua.miltov; T^squire. ExFOOTivE AOT) Leoiblative Coi'Meif.— Tho Hon the Conininndnii!, Mentcnnnt-Colonel TrT. Placentia and St. .yiarys—\.ii\vii and G, J. flogsett. Horin--(f Bon ning. hortane Huy—l\. VV. Hoylen. Opkickrs— C'/or/t, J. Stuart; Assistant Clerk, R. Iloklen; Soticilor, J, Lit- tle; Sergeaat-nlrArvu, K. Renilell. PaoviuriAL OFrlO^:RS -Colonial Secretary and Clerk ofthf Fxrrnfive Covnnil, IT n Jnmes Crowdy . ColoKial Tresisurer, R C.riei ; .S'liroeyo- General. J. Noa'i ; Pihtmnster General, VV. I.. Solomon. SUprrmk Court.— C%i«^./«8'ANADA? -^■— ' >^ 'f)ppiCBRa roi l=.'5l.— i're»i7«H«— fneriifT endwcll, l.'Orlijnal ; Firft Vice President— Vin\'\i\ Christie, M. P. P.; Seciind fire /Ye»iion, vVoodhill ; 8h«eriflrKuiian,Coiiiiiru' ; J B. M irk;i. Kiniiston ; C Street. Nmgsra Fall« Treasvi-er-- R. L. Denlaon, Toroi't/i : Secretary G hncKland, I (,ronio : 5a«<;ji»ni^M tg REIONING SOVEREIGNS AND STATISTICS OF EUROPE. 18fi4f] I III I I e 8 t r. a M 2 I « ■8 •is' mill ill lis. : s > e ^ ^ * > en O 3 W4 SC VJ » f« Op 1 1 ^ a I « 8 i S H n i i s S" s s! s. £ ^ 'llc!i'^ = 'siis^. -<^,-. J:Jar=! — ' 3fS ll o •< 7: z < o .ope i-ODOO (fc ;t~o 15, "-ll"! < «iiM_j .0 • • • • :« :« 5 « I •B '.2 !3 .82.^55 is." •' C j £ J a - .— ■> O 2 O - H'uS.iiS •I r'* ,•■ 1^ ,•" :5 s?| .a S> « •.«••••,;. ..SP , .H , • • g • • • i^ •■53 • 3 w n B c I, 3 o'S Bos « 2 S =? « !: - B I B'3 3 - a a •I •u ■i-i • a : : •►^ •••a • ** ••gfl ■ieta)g uvnuao . B'gS'a.E'g iiH'a- • 'N)«ie uetmn^iSJ fl^h « e Ml S Ml 5 Ml I I & e s h « f^Ri Mill mi lB64f] 1854] RULING POWERS AND STATISTICS OF AMERICA. 83 NORTH AMERICA. »5<( Mm roOMTET. \< Canada N«w Brtiniwick. . . . Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland Hudion'a Bay Territory Honduras (Mritiah; Vancouver Greenland (Uaniih)... ' fOMUKica Guatemala Honduras Nicaraitua San Salvador Mosfiuitia Mexico uKlan Amcrlei .... f Alabama . Arkansas California Carolina ^North) Carolina (South) Conneetiaut . . . Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana ..•.•• Iowa ■ Kentucky ■e j Louisiana CiiWaina Maryland Masaachusett*. . . Midiigan, • ••••• e« !•••••< • ••••••< Miseissippi Missouri New Hampshire. . New Jersey .... New York Ohio Pennsylvania,. . . . Rhode Island Tennesee TezuB Vermont > Virginia Wiscongin Oregon Territcry . MinesoU " . Utah " . New Mexico" (/OnMeration KAMB OP KDLBR. TITLB. Eari Of Elgin S>ir B. W. Head ait J. LeMsrchant. . . Sir A. Uaniieriiian. . . K. B. Haniiltun Sir G. Simpson fhillp S. Woodhou^... James Douglas Governor General. Lieutenant Goveriri Senor Mosa . . . . , Mariano Paredes... Juan Leaile Laureaus Pineda. . J. F. Ciuiroz .... Jniiinso ::Jaiita Anna Manager . Governor.. President , Prosidcut . President . King . . . President ■ ■ • ■ « • H. W. Collier , E. N. C nway , John Rigler , David S.Reid , J. L, Mnnning i J. II. Seymour. . ... . William Ross J. E. Broome ....... Howell Cobb J. A. Metteson J. A. Wright S. liempitend L. W.Powell P. O. Hebert John Hubbard J. H.CIiflbid Enoch L. Lowe R. McClelland H. S. Foote S.Price Noah Martin George F. Fort U. Se>mour Reuben Wood , William Blgier , W. B. Campbell . . , P.H.Bell E.Fnirhanks >. Johnson , L. J. Farwell John P. Gaines.. . . . A. R'lniey B. Youn;r Mcrriweuier General I'ieroe. . .. . Governor . President . • • • • • < Popula- tion. bxicni In Ei.g. sq.wr 34082 >&4iiiMI lOiftli 2770„ S70117 1874« (Ut>7i- 213^ worn S7iO" 18000U '.>SOOO(IO lUOOb 62740 11403 16U00 nuuu 380000 14U0Ut 170OO 035(NMi 28000 31U0M) 72000 306UUt 400041 SOWHM) 14U00 01)0(1 23000 7300lOl> 1100000 UeiHKl 30400(1 771630 6-200(1 ituOMb 53000 2)10000 86&9U3 48000 608400 28000 370604 4764 gisa> 2120 87387 43004J 8786.13 62000 eseaod 52000 0^34 37000 1031«2 200000 1U01496 42000 HMtQ 48220 983088 32fti8 904271 7.500 583(;35 130.11. 303703 6000C 002853 43761, 682043 03000 317864 0401 480365 832(1 3U90022 46085 1077031 30128 2311681 44000 147.535 1340 lOi 26'>5 4000C 1S74U3 313466 102W 1421081 6400; 304226 100000 20O0O 6102 2.1000 ei(m 23267408 23(10000 RBVBNUB. X-05tl23 OBBT. £w»m UOO'irroott 102670 76 510330 219006 47 600202 61 150030 88 31803 33 60597 82 300000 1861383 97 23000 6896U2 29 552120 37 U10319 40 17I2S70 20 464715 67 379402 Oa 1102193 61 201004 18 318544 23 881241 57 3091903 80 5634aiS75 08441 7006113 .53 14^^440 10 3122 03 1200'209no 774000 Comparaiivu Tabic of Freo and Nluve populatiou In the IJ, Stalest, 1840 ^ 1 850 Free. SInnei. I Free. Slatee. Population of 18^0, . - • • 10,000.3'3 2,487,339 | Population of 1850. - - - . 30,087,910 3,lilvK0 Increase of Free Population in ten years— 3,118,637 -. Do. do. Slave Population, 604,031. . t^w:Kl3: ■a«¥*t«#«j*»ir gmmmxi^M^ ■ 84 fi INDEX. [1864 THE ANATOMY OF MAN'S BODY, As governed by the twelve constellations, according to aflicient astrology. Head and Facet 1f> The Arms. n Heart. a Heiiit. Thight. Leg», Neck. Breast. SB Bowels. Secrets, Knees. Feet. X To know -vrhere the si^n is, first find the day of the month in the calendar page, and against the day in the last column, you have the sign or place of the moon ; then nnd the sign here ; and it will give you tiio part of tiie body it is supposed to govern. INDEX. PASB Artmlrnliy Court, L.C. . 71 Advertisements 85 Agricultunil hiiiI Siaiis- ticul nepiiriineiits.. 31 " A8:^ociutioii.. . bl America, Cliuliiiij p.w- ew of; 83 Appeal (fourtof,) U.C. 71 Assize (Merks, U C. . . 71 AiJirolOLMCH I Hiuns..,. M Astronomical Notvs. . . 6 Banica in C.innda. ... 70 " Holidays 80 Rapii«t citTtfy 67 Bihie Christian Clergy. 07 Biiihop'e College 69 Brltiib Govcrninent ... 31) Byiown College 00 Calendar (monthly; .8 to 28 Canada Cliriatian Cci- ference 67 Canal Tolls Colleciors.. 7!) Census, Statistics, C.VV. \> " " (M;. ,•)! Chnncer\ Coiiriot, L'|i- per Cnnndi .... 71 ChiOiK lo^iciil (JvcIP'' .. 'i Church of Eiiglariil L'ler- uy CO Circuit Courts. I,. C. . . 7t Ci'cuit ''curl Clirkp, L.C 71 CircaitB, U. C 7 <:Kiee in C.W 40 paoeI Clergy Lists 6<' ("lerks lit I'eace, L.C. . 71 ClirkfeOfihe I'.eace,U.C. 72 Colleges 6^ Coiiiinon picas. Court of, U.C 71 Coinnion Schools .... tt!i ConLTCiiitiouiil Clergy. . ti7; Curoncr:!, L. C 71 Council of Public In- struction County i'lcrlseiuli!y . . 3i Cou oil ... 31 I nil 'tic Assyluiii .... "0 M r nc oCthe World .. 8ii M-G'll Collet-e »l \ProlOfdcid Ohnfrvn. toil* . ..>io ^'I'tliO ilf flcr , JttiliUa UepusMi^it. . . . i PAOB Montreal SchosI of Me- dicine 70 Moon's PhaM>8 ... 7 to 20 Municipalities, C.W. . . 45 •• C.E.... 54 New Brunswick, Pop.. . i'i •• Tariff. 77 " Gov't. 81 Newfo'.;ndland,Popula'n 52 " Goverum't 81 " Tariff ... 78 Normal &Model Schools 69 Nova iScotia, Govercra't Hi » Populatiou 33 Tariff. . . 76 Parliamentary Constitu- pncies 39 Pariiamentarylndepend- ence Act 45 Parliamentary Reprewn- tation Act 33 Polar Distanci'a. . . 6 to 3^ I'opulation, Canada W. 48 " Lower Canada 51 " ofCiiesiiiBri- ti-h North Aiui'iica.. .f2 Po|iu'ation, summury of ii Po-i flffic Depnrtii ent. 31 Post Ot.'i.eB in Canada.. 53 P'eiiiivtHtinii Cler'y ■ . . 63 frlBr^ Edward Mand, ■ o» niinent 81 P pulabAii .. 52 Tariff 78 [1854 istrology. Wieck. » ss 'owelt, 'ecrelt, Tnees. idur page, and ; theu nnd the PAOK SchosI or Me- 70 haM>8 . . . 7 10 3tt iUei, C.W... 43 C.E.. .. 52 iBwick, Pop. . . S-i Tariff. 77 Gov't. 81 iland,Popula'n 52 Govenim't 81 Tariff ... 78 Model Schools 69 tia, (Jovernm't ?tt Populatiou ^ Tariff... 7tt itary Condiitu- aa itarylndepend- \ct 45 tary Repreian- Act 33 anc***. . . 6 to 3^ , Ciinnrta W. 48 >ower Onnnda 51 f C'f'ies ill Bri- tti AiiiHiica.. .12 HUiiiitiiiTy 3 Iwnrii I<tir>n of- 89 Unlvrraitlea W Upiior Canada Colleg*. . M Victoria College W Vilian'i, Incorporated. C. W . 4f Warden*, County, U.C. 73 ERRATA ET The fbUowing appointment* have been tnarie an thew ■heeia were pifsing through the pre8a:-Chnrle» E. Andi-raon, Ueputv Uecciver General —(Set page 80.) Provincial secretary, Hon. P. J. O ("hauveau, vice Morin. Cninmiaeioner of Crown Landi, Hon. A. N. Mprli, nee Sicotte, declined. Solicitor General East, Dunbar Rom, dim ChHUveau.— f 5ee page 30.; The countiee of Etein and Lnmbtou liuve lieen tepa- rated fVoni their reupcctive unions.— ("See page 43.; AUDENUA. Perth, in Schedule D, ha* been proclaimed a TOirt Corporntion, with Ward Uivimons. Barrie In Schedait U, line been Incorpornied a Villaip.— C&'m p*g* 46.; Ix)u1bM. Ganorcau, Clerk of Circuit Court, RimoiiakU No. X.—Se» page 71. The fbllowing placea have been Incorporatod n* ViH lr,(je», viz.:-Htrntford, in the County of Perth; WtaiU ■or, in the Comity of i<:iiMX ; Smith's Falls, in the COuuty of Lanark ; and Berlin, in ttie County of Waterloo. Provincial Observatovy? Toronto. In eharze of PioreiBor Cherriman and four Noii-CoinmiHaioned Officer* of the Royal Artillery THE DAILY COLONIST, PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY HUGH SCOBIE, price: six OOLim^ABS a yeab, PRINTED AT HIS STEAM-PRESS 16, KING-siTREKT EAST, TORONTO. THE DAILY COLONIST coninins the Earliest News from all parts of the world, by Telegraph, £xpi and the Mails. Duriotf the Session of the PiovincinI Parllninent, the DAILY COLONIST publishes accurate andrellaU* reports of aJI its proceedings ; and the fullest inteili|tence on all political questions. Great Care is bestonred on tiie Coinmurciai Departmeiftt, and the Publisher constantly eiidravour* to furnish the eailiest and niot*t accurate intelligHDce of MARKETS, in Canada, England, the UiiitHd Smto!), the Maritime Provinces, the West Indies, and all other place* that may directly or collaterally affect prices in Canada. The "DAILY COLONIST," in Poiitica, will pursue that sntne independent course, which hits for so many years cstablislted for the '* BKITIi^H COLUNIST," so high a (losiiion in thecouutry. The Teems fou Advertising are : — SU Lines and under. First insertion 2s. Od. Bkch Subsequent insertion 7} From Six to Ten Lines, First insertion ... 3 4 Each suNequent insertion Os. 10d. For each i.>ine above Ten, First insertion. 4 Everv Subsequent insiertion 1 THE x=i.z^FZSXZ c: MOUNINO, BY HUGH SCOBIE. PRICE FOUR DOLLARS A YEAR. Printed at his Steam-Fress, 16, Eirg-street East, Toronto. THE BRITISH CO1.ONIST will coniain the L»t<>si Intell', u|ito the morning of Its publication, of all eveiitsof interest that may iraiispire ill any partofihr world, by Teleitrapli, Expresses, and the Mails. i Iniis treatineiilol' all the Gn-at Political Qut'Siions of i le day, itwill pursue timt same indepeudentcoiirsa . which tor tlie taxt Atteen years hasso prc-einiiiently ^ecl rrd for it the confidence of the public ; aiiditwin ever have in view the advaiiceiiient ofiheiirent inti'restsof the country. i It will publish I'll! and reliai Ic reports oi proceediniis in tlie Proviiicial Parliament. IisCoiiitiierclal Int(>llii;ei>ce will be full and deiuiled, as heretutore, from all parts of the world where tho markets »ill aliiect prices in Canada. . The Rates of Advertising are: — Six Lines and nndT. First insertiun 2e. Od. E;icli subscqne;:i insvrtioii 7^ From Six to Ten Lines, First insertion ... 3 4 Rich .'4iit>si>quent insertion Of. lOd. Fur Eiich Line above Ten, First inwrtiou .04 Every Subequent insertion • 1 TU f iiium i w wni r ^««*r*w.*»««.«^, 86 ADVERTISEMENTS. [1854. PUBLICATIONS BT HUGH SCOBIE, TORONTO: CANADA. I The Dally ColiiiiUt, piil>lli-heil Doily, Bun ' ')«ieepi*!il. Sulwcripilon XI tti. cuirency.or (fOa-yeur, in advniiee. The Brltluli OoloiiiNt, publlfhpd everv Tue*- dajr ami Subicrliiilori X I currency, or |{4 n-year> ia ulvanee. 'I'ltH NvtVN of tli^ Wf^ekt puhllihol fvery Baliirdajr. Hubicrlpiiou lUa. cNlrri-ncy, or 9-i a-yenr, la •dTane«*. ",* For rntca of nrlvmlalni;, nee pngea M nnd 8?. The Municipal Itlaiiiiul for Viiper Ctainad«« rontHlnfng all the Acta of the LppMiitun*, •Maliliabiug Municipalitiea, of Towii»hi|ii, I'owni, Vil- lage!, Couniien, ond t'iiieii, and iiii|ioiiinn duilca, or eonfrrringpoMrpraoiulicCouiiclia. 4ih tditton. Anln- diupeninhli; work for nil iniereiied in me piocecdin?* of tlK*i*. hodiea— /yier, 'ti. M. A Uflh edition In the preai. to eonxain the aci« of 1653. The OiTlalon C'niirta Act of Uppe** .Canadat with coploua IwU-.x, nnd RuIpi nnd Korma. by Judge Oownn. A tieceaiury work for piople to poaaeaa — fric*. la. lUjd. A aocond edition in the prean, containing tbe eutiided Act of 1833. The Hvctfirleu oi Canadaf a collecilon of all ofllcinl document* apptnaining to tiiem, l.'.id before the Imperial Parliament. Thi« work aflbrdK a full and rali|ible hiatory of the aubject.— PrtM, If. 10^4. The l.'aiiadlatk Almanac. eatabli»bed In lS4i^. A yearly publicaiion i Ready fftoclioui^r fcr Meaaireinei'.t of Hawed Lumber. Kt dosen. Is. lV|d ; aini'le cop'eit, Zd. ercii. Ck»aiaiock's Cyiiteni of iipui^rM f;eo- ■rraphy, lor fchoola in litit<-h Xou!i Anir'ci. Per ooien, £l7ii. currency; ainglc copica, Ua. enrh. Oouinlock'NCumiiiele Myntem olT ^rac- ticHl Arllbmctic. for Schools In Briiish North Auicrica. Per dozen, £1. tUigln copies, 2». 3d. onsh. Murray*iiNcw System of Commorcial Arllhmetlc, or Guide to Bu«inessi and sfcleiice, for licboola. Ter dozcii, £'i 8b. ; single copies, Ss. eacli. Howell's Practical Tal>le8 of Profit and Discount, shewing the net cost of an nrilcle, arie* deducting a giren discount Ikiin tbe Invoice price-, aico the price to whicli nn nrticlq must he raised, to an n a cennin per euiage by its saloi also for tnkinn stock, fcc. Per ■ ozc !, XI 13s. Wd.-, single copies. 3s M. each. CatechiKHi of Geoff rui»hy. Per dozen, Si.i ■ingle copies, 7jd. each. CatechlNm of Coupe! and Bible His. lory. Per dozen Ss.; singU' copies, 7id. each. Caechism for Children. Per dozen, Ss.: ■ingle coplea, 7td. each. Wlill«oii*.^ .tioilie<>a Catechism. Ibr • young child. Per doten, la. :kl| aingle copiea, l^d. enrh. <;onimoii-Placu Boolt. or Literary Diary, wiih lx>cke'a Index. Various size* and pricea. Topoffraphical Plan of ili<' t Ity off forwnio, Iilustrnicd by v>ewH of the lirinripM build- ing.!. Price on ii^heeti, lUa ; Mounted, iin.i- Maunted <-ind Coloured, XI. t'liart of Lialce Ontario. Mounted on CIoili 10s. Chart of Lalce Huron. Mounted on Cloth, IS*. map of the To vrii of Sydenham} Owen Sound. Sheets .'is. 9d. Plan of tlie Tonrn of Onelpli. Sheeu Sa. Plan of the Town of Miratford. Sheeta. 7a. «id.-, Mounted, Coloured, nml Varnished, 13s. Sciionl Jlla p of America, one of the National Series. Cioth, Mounted on Rol!era, 17s. M. *.* The Hemispheri* art nearly ready for publieati0m «na the othert of the teriet telUfoUote in due etmrtt. map of tlie NewcaMIe and Colborne Diittrlctti. By Fleming, emhrnclng the Countlea of Northun»berlanil, Durham, Pcterboro', and Viciorin.— Sheets, lUs.; im Rollers, plain, I7a. Od.-, on Rollers, Coloured nnd Varnished, XI. niap of the Huron District, by Mnedon. aid, embracing the Couniie.' of Huron, Perth, and Brnee. Sheets. Us.; Plnin, en Rollers, 15a.; Coloured and Varnished, on Rullera, t7a. «d. Map of the Western District— Billyard and Parr's— corapriaiflg the Counties of Ks^ez, Kent, and Lnmbton, with part of the State of Michigan. Rollers, Mounted and Varnished, XI 1.5a. map of tile WoMtern Di«trict« comprising the Couniiea of Ess'.x, Kent, and Lamhton— Rankin's. Sheets, lUs.; Rollers <-ind ('olouro). 17s. Ud. ITIap of the Tiilbnr DiKtrletf comprising the County of Norfolk— Walsh'*. Sheets. 10s. ; Mount- ed and Coloure'l, I't. Od. Plan of the Town of Peterboroufh.— Mounted, &c.. Ids. Plan of the Tow^n of Cobowrg. Mounted, &.C., 178. Od. map of the Wostcrn Division of ITp- per Canada. From the best authoriii -s, shewing nil tbe new territorial divisions. On Sheets, Os.; on Rollers, Coloured, It's.; folded for the I'ocket, 10s. 9Iap of the Eastern DiviNiou of Up- er Canada. Sheets, '»>. ; Rollers, Coloured, or b.dpd for Pocket, lOif. 'I'he We>iern nnd E.istern Divisionii mny ,iUo be had together in Leather Case- Price. I?B. Od. Map of the Counties of I.ieeds and Greuvlile.—::^be^wood'8,— revised to 185-2. SheetSf m. Vivnctte I,etter Paper, containing views o prominent buildings in Toronto. Per quire, 5s. Valentines— A large variety. DruffRists, Perfumers, and other Il{. or Literary Diary, iizM imd pricM. I of lite r Itjr of v« of the (irincip-il hulld- louiited. iJlh,i: Mounted 'lo. Mounted on Cloib n. Mounted on Cloth, Sydenham, Owen Gael ph. Sheets Se. Ni rat ford. Sheeta, I Varnlahed, fit. ca, one of the National en, I7a. M. llf ready for publiemtitm foUote in due amr$», le and Colborno lirncing tho C'ountie* of rboro', and Victorin.— , 17a. 6d.; on Roltera, iBtrlct. by Mnedon- uron. I'ertli, and Urnce. 8, 19s.; Coloured and istrict— Billyard and I of K8»ez, Kent, and of Michigan. Rollcri, ftNtrictf eomprfting d Lnmliton— Raukin'a Nl, 178. Uit. >i»trletf comprtaing 8hccie. lOa. i Mount- Pete rboroaf h <.— Dobourg. Mounted, Division of lTp« It authoriii ■■, aliewlug . On t^heeu, Sa.; on the I'oclcet, lUa. Division of Up. Rollers, Uoiourcrt, or rVe>it'rn and K.-isiern icr in Leather CaM— or Ijerda and i»cd 10 Ki-i. Eheeta, % contninlng vlewa o Per quire, S». and other I FORK. (Old Htand.) 7^ 'Voiigo St., Toronto C Has constantly on hand n general Aa^orimeni ol' Ilnrdwnrv, eonsliting in part of Ba IdeiN' Materials, Farming Implements, COOPERS', CARPENTER^', SHOEMAKER8' & OTHER TOOLS, Warranted Axes, and Edge Tools of all kinds, AT LOW PRICES. MUSTANG LINIMENT. THIS ARTICLE hna been thorouehly introducd, and is notv universe, u;, Briiiiih Provinec«, Ciinridn, Herniudni:, iind VWni India IxlanilH ; and becoming teitwherevvr civilization haa obtained a fuotlioid. It» mild ai< p.iriH— I throughout the entire Unioni A-er and its influenre la that ig influence upou diaeaaed Effectually Curing: in All Cases! — vtrtuaa ao diaineiiically opposed to nil other Medicines r.f ilie kind used— haa obtained for it ita world wide reiiutaiiou. RHFVAIATI »M, of ytnra' atanding, has been totally eradicntrd from the vyHiein, giving the lihilis all their pristine vigrur and activity. Its iiowcr to conquer iliis dreadful nffliciiou nlune,niiike8 it invHluable; l>ut then- are niaiiy oilier diaeoaet, considered r>quiillv inciirnlilp, ntid Miniosi as i|jsire!>t>in(!, ilint .ire entirely diiipellcil, nnilvr the inngical influence of ilie MUSTANG LINIMENT. Aiicx|>crienccot Ave ycaro enables us to assert with confidence that It will cure Piles, Ulcers, Tumours of all kinds. Old Running Sores, Saofulous Diseases. Stiffness of Jointi and Mu$ele», Felom, Swellings and Inflammatioiu, Neurattfia, Tooth- Jchr, Ear- Ache, Oout, Cams, Spavin, Ring- H>.ne, Fistula, Cht^es, Galls, Scrafclut, Poll Evil, Sieeney, tfc. And, in fact, AMY DISEASF. OF MAN OR BEAST thnt can lie touched wiihan ExtkRNal AprucATioif. Ax a healing and t^outliing linlin for Hums, Cuib nnd RruiNes which so frequently result from the necldenis of every dnv life it hao no equal. A PRUDENT HOUSEWIFE will alwnvs keep a bottle in the cupboard, i ready lor any cmergencv. A CALCULATING FARMER would as soon think of working his farm without I hornes. as to work his horses without tlie Mdstano Liniment. LIVERV STABLE KEEPERS, wlio are ndknowledged to be the best Judges of horseflesh in the world, and who nre the nio^'i careful in preserviiui ilie benuty, health and viuour of the noble animal, have used the Mustang thoroughly, und pronounce Itlliebeal and only reliable remedy thnt can be applied. It IS put up in three difiVrent i>i7.pd boiiles, and retailed as follows -.—Small Size 95 cents per bottle. Medium Size, SU cents; Large Size., $1. The Medium contains three times as miieli as tlic small size: nnd the Dollab nearly three times as much as the medium size; so that there is a gain of flfty per cent, in buying the larger siiea. To Coiinfi'iF HIcrcliantM. Every Store should be supplied with tins valuable Liniui^.nt, ns Jt imys a good proflt and sells rapidly. ' A. G. BRAGG tc CO., Proprietors, 304 Broadway. New Yori', and cor. .3rd and Mnrket-sts. St. Louis, Mo. Bold by all Dealers In Drugs and Medicines throughout the United States and Territories adjoining. THE BEST REMEDY FOR " DYSPEPSIA, or Indigestion, Constipation, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Flatulenaj. Hearthum, Sink Meadaektt, Depression of Spirits, Nervous Irritability, Disiiictinalion to Mental or Bodily exertion. Pain in and btlmetm Slufitldtrs, Pains at the tiU of the Stomach, Eruptions on the Skin, arising from Impurities of the Blood, Iirsgu- larUn of the Bowels, aiidotlur Secreting Organs. »»*?TMH Y*jw.i, I DR. JAiMES HOPE'S VEGETABLE PURIFYINO HEALTH PILLS. AN!) OKIKNIAL BALSAM, An eonfldently recommended as n simple but certain remedy to all who suffer from the above maladies. This Combination acts ns n sootliing tonic, and gentle rctiovating aperient ; imparting strength to the eiomaeli and removing all impurities from the system. FOR SALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY S. F. URQUHART, 69 YONOE STREET. TORONTO. Please Bememhcr the Nnmher. ' * iti> " ■' ■ ■ [ml Wooden Ware and Houge Furnishiii jb. ANGUS DALLAS, BASKETS, BRUSHES, Jh;p«iM, Pailf SIEVES, MEASURES TIa Batht. JAPANNED W^RB. DOOR HATS, rioor ra*ttiag, wo ti. nioi>ii, ROPES AND TWINE, CliumoU Skint* COMBS AND TOYS. It t( THE NEWS OF THE WEEK, " FCBLI8HED BT HUGH SCOBIE, PRICE— TWO DOLLARS A-YEAR. FUNTBD AT HIg STEAM PRraS, K'MC BTREKT, TOHOSTO. TA« ir*w$ ^tk* W»tk, u iti ntuw! iiuplUt, conialna An nccoint of vM eveiiii of TMihlie intamt in any part of tlie worn, up to the morning of It 1 pulillcntion, by telesmph, expreuea, and the "aKt. It ta a lame pnper, eontniniiig fony-etglu colutnna of rending matter, and will be .nmd particularly eonvenient ft» leatdanta In thoae parta of the coumry whert- the maila do not vliii more than pnc« a week, or for peraona in Ikaeounirir reai41ng at a dUtance froui Poai-Offleaa. Tka Ifttoi of the Week will r1«o be found a very dealrabl* ptper for Ihoae wiw wiah to aend,Oinadian newa to itienda in the oeciriilly to solicit a continuance of i)ul>lic confldence and I^Ou'r. With the growing extent of bia busineaa, be ia better enaliled to meet the public wauta ; and to make edrreaponding reductiona in pricea, Bta Stoek tff ROOKS and STATIONER7 ia at all times varied and extensive, being regularly replenlehed with freah auppliea, obtained in the best markets. X7 Books,