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L'exemplaire fiimi fut reproduit grflce d la g4nArosit6 de: Bibiiothdque natior ile du Quebec Les images suivantes ont htt reproduites avec le plus grand soin, compte tenu de ia condition et de la nettetA de rexemplaire film6, et en conformity avec les conditions du contrat de filmage. Original copies in printed paper covers are filmed beginning with the front cover and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, or the back cover when appropriate. All other original copies are filmed beginning on the first page with a printed or illustrated impres- sion, and ending on the last page with a printed or illustrated impression. Les exemplaires originaux dont ia couverture en papier est imprimte sont filmis en commen9ant par le premier plat et en terminant soit par la derniire page qui comporte une empr»inte d'impression ou d 'illustration, soit p'at le second plat, selon le cas. Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmto en commen^ant par la premlAire page qui comporte una empreinte d'impression ou d'illustration et en terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. The last recorded frame on each microfiche sh)9ii contain the symbol — ^- (meaning "CON- TINUED"), or the symbol y (meaning "END"), whichever applies. Un des symboles suivants apparaltra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols —»» signifie "A SUIVR^ '. le symbols V signifie "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre filmto k des taux de rMuction diff fronts. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clichA, II est filmi A partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iliustrent ia mithode. rata eiure. 3 32X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quebec, 29th January, 1818« BATTALION ORDER. Xt having pleased His Excellency the Governor in Chief to promote and appoint several Officers in the 3d Battahon of Militia of the City of Quebec, the following changes became necessary, and will be observed by the said Battalion, viz, Capt. MELVIN will command the Company late Capt. Munro's ; Capt. J. GARY win command thp, Company late Cap}, Grant's ; Capt. JOHN ROSS's Company will comprehend Moun«r in Street, Soui-Ie-Fort and Notrc-Danic Streets, and the Lower-Town Market Place, fora erly forming part of Capt* Symes's Company^ The Subahern Officers are attached to the respectiTc Companies as follows: Capt. Ferguson's — Lieutenant Dunn, Ensile P.Burnet, Capt. Ainslie's— Lieutenants Tanswell and Wm. Hunter. Capt. Pyke's — Lieutenants Marett, M. McKenzie, J. Jones, jun. Capt. Symes's— Lieutenant C, G. Stewart, Ensign J. Cannon. Capt. James Ross's — Lieutenants Tremain and Joseph Jones. Capt. Stewart's — Lieutenant Macnider and Ensign Cochran. Capt. Hunter's — Lieutenant A. Stuart and Ensign Moir. Capt. Cowan's— Lieutenant White, Ensign W, fi. Lindsay. Capt. Melvin's — Lieutenants Mitchell and A. Patterson, Ensign Neilson, Capt. Cary's— Lieutenants Wilson and Aylwin, Ensign Black. Capt. John Ross's — Lieutenant P. Patterson, Ensign Sewell. Capt. J. D. Hamilton— Supernumerary. By order of Lieut.-Colonel tlie Honble. Wic. Smxtb,