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Maps plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre film^s d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque Ie document est trop grand pou~ dtre reproduit en un seul clich6, il est filmd d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant Ie nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 '^/Mt^, '^JrS licf'p tills pamphlet in a safe place for reference. X / S^ISflTA^RY %^<^i \- AND PSEIENTIVE MEASURES, DISINFECTANTS, AND HOW TO USE THEM. WHAT MAY BE INI BY THE PUBLIO TO G-TrJ!L.:RlD A.(3-A.I3/^ J.. '5' .,*> , . -4,?nr3;i|:^j7N-'|^ ^»-lSl Ilitll)nu$tc (Cnllciic fiihvari) >i >/-'/ JOHN JAMES STEWART COLLECTION i \ 1 sDnTiRT m mmm mssm. k. The tbllowinii' sanitfiry and prevcntivo incfiHuros, ospecially important at this season of the year, are published for the uuidanee of eitizens in the nianaiicnient of their dwellings and for })ersonal applieation : — Thoroujih ventilation of dwellin<>s is essential to the health ot the occupants. Fresh air is a most important means of promoting and sustaining the healtliy action of the body. Personal cleanliness and cleanliness about dwellings snid premises should l)e most scrupulously observed. A source of danger to health is the decv)mpo- sition of organic matter in and about our houses. Cellars, drains, ees8i)ools, outhouses, should be examined to see that they contain nothing to poison the aii-. Damp cellars are injurious to health. The foul and humid air from them will |)ermeate the house, in spite of every effort to prevent it. A remedy should at once be instituted. For the prevention of disease, a good nutritious diet and regular hal)its of life are indispensable ; temperance in all thing's is to be observed : and avoidance of all excesses is strictly insisted upon. Constant vigilance is necessary to guard against the many causes which, during the spring and summer months, have a tendency to disturb the stomach and b:)wels, there1)\' depressing the nervous system and diminishing the power to resist disease. To secure, as far as [)os»ible, a good sanitary condition of the city, information of all nuisances, ot whatever character, whether ])ublic or private, should be reported without V('n(iv(' of disease is ileanlincss. Keep your liouses, (,'clliirs, _v«i'(ls, viuills jmd sinks clean, whenever it can be dcnic. VVliitcwash the walls of your houses, cellars, fences, outhouses, siiops, factories, store- houses and t!vcrv otijer })la('e ahout yoiu' premises Avhere damiuiess exists, and where mould oi- mildew forms. It keeps the Avails diy, sweet and clean, and i)revents the accumulation of moisture, which [)roniotes putrefaction, iriving rise to fungi, which are tlioujz'ht by many to be a specitic cause of dis(Mise. Avoid all collection of coal ashes mixed with kitchen garbai>e, slops, stagnant water, and other semi-solid or liquid tiltli, anywhere about your premises. Sewers, house-drains, waste-pipes, and water- closets should be fre(iu(Mitly Hushed with water — let on the largest practical volume. Water closets and house drains should be flu.Hied in this manner everv da v. AKNTlt.AirOS'. - Yom- premises, particularly sleei)ing apartments and cellars, should be thoi-ouuhlv ventilated. Ventildi(ni is no less a luirilier than water. It cleanses bv oxidizing and in order to prevent dampness. DISINFECTANTS. -v^ These are equally im))ortant. They absorb impui'e exhalations^ prevent decom])osition. anSidj,'ha/(- of '/Anc, ^Su/p/tdfr o/' Coijpev, Coininon Ahtrn and Nil raft of Lend ure useful disinfectants to destroy living organisms, and to neutralize ortensive miasms. To use them, dissolve v the iiddilion of a little vijio":«ir. For the purpose of correct inji' ort'ensive matters, and for utensils, sinks, water closets, drains, &c., it may he mixed with water in ])ro[)()rtion of one pound to one gallon. It is estimated that one pound of good chloride of lime will, on the average, disinfect, for tiie time, a))()ut a thousand gallons of li(juid sewaiic. Per)ii(U)ij(nnite of Pola.sslnm, — This substance does not exert much influence upon living substances, Imt is very powerful in disinfecting (UmuI organic matter. It is, thereiore, not so useful in the siek room us some other articles. Th(^ [)r()[)(;rty of attacking dead and decaying organic matter makes it a valuable purifier of drinking water. Make a solution of the salt as strong as water will dissolve;, then add to this strong solution from ten to five hundred parts of water, according to the re(|uiremcnts of the occasion. Linen should be thoroughly immersed in it, and then s[)eedily rinsed out in cold Avater to avoid staining. It is among the nciitest and most eftectual of the disinfecting li(|uids, and cfin be used in smaller (juan- tities than most others. Fiutiufathti, Willi Sulphitr is an excellent method of purification. Place the sulphur in an iron dish supported upon bricks, placed in a wash-tub containing a little water; set it on fire by hot coals, or with the aid of a spoonful of alcohol. All doors, Avindows, and other oi)e«iings should be closed, and allowed to remain so about twenty-four hours. After this the room should he well aired for several days. About two i)ounds of sulphur will bo required for a room ten feet square. The tiniount should be increased for larger rooms in the same proportion. llmt. — lioiling Avater or steam may be employed as tile most certain means of disinfecting contaminated clothing, &Q. Hot air is a good disinfectant, but the temperature nuist be from 210^ to 2')() '^ Fahr.. and applied at least one hour to be effective, to disinfect wearing apparel, bedding, &.v. Before the euiph/inii ( f prt tue.s '/r^ ("arbolic Acid. Sutler them to remain therein at least half an hour : then inunediatelv place them in boiliuir water and continue hoilinjj;. 'V\\v. jihove soliiliwii is iiscfiil lor lied jmiis, cliiunbor vessels, nnd loi- soiUd Hoors mjuI defiled pliiees. The eviicuiilions should he received "f llx'ir ro'i/ i. *Vuits and vegetables, the intemperate use of spirituous liquors, excessive exertion in the heat of the day, nuich exposure in the night air, sitting in currents of air and sleeping without sufficient covering, especially between midnight and nu)rnini>'. The early symptoms of the disease are sudden loose- ness of the bowels, the discharges l)ecoming copious, watery and whitish, oppression, di/ziness, nausea, vomiting any the emanations trom ^olati()n is needed. Because chik ren are especially liable to tak( and to spread scarlet-feA-er, and because schools afford a free op- portunity for this, every child from a family in which a case of the dis( ase occurs, should be kept from school for a period of friir weeks, counting from the beginning of an attack. DIPHTHERIA. Diphtheria is contagious and infectious, and may be easily communicated, eitlitr directly or indirectlv, from person to person. It may be c )nveyed directly in the act of kissing, coughing, spitting, sneezing; or in