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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivants apparaftra sur la dernidre image de chaque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole —^signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., pouvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtre reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi d partir de Tangle supdrieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images ndcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 a\o So r) G- Co] ^ m fam ioUi gree obst cm I bees abst pec< hare deso the Entemi according to Act of Parliament of Canada. In the yetT i88y By a. & W. Mackinlay, In the office of th€ Minister of Agriculture. APPENDIX. THE SCHOOL FERIST- FLORA OF CANADA. Comprising Descriptions of all Ferns known to Inhabit the Dominion, Together with an Account of their Geographical Range or Prevalence in the Several Provinces, and Special Localities for the Rarer Species. BY PROF. GEORGE LAWSON. FERNS I THEIR BENERAL CHARACTER ; THEIR PARTS OR ORBANS ; CLASSIFICATION OF THE CANADIAN FERNS. The Ferns form a very natural and distinct group of plants. They are familiar to all observers of natural objects from tlie beauty of their ample foliage, which is most commonly plutnu-iike in form, of a fresh and vivid green hue, and much divided or cut into small leaflets or lobes; these, on close observation, are seen to be marked on the surface, or lightly sculptured or embossed, with delicate veining. The Ferns are called Cryptoijamous (flovrerless or hidden-flowered) plants, because flowers proper, consisting of petals and other showy parts, are hero absent. They are also called Acrogens (summit growers), on account of a peculiarity in the mode of growth of their stems, which do not increase, as in hardwood trees, by annual layers of wood, or, as in the pdm-stem, by descending, interlacing, fibrous bundles, but only by successive additions at the top end or apex. 222 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. The Parts or Organs of the Fern. The Fern Plant is formed of parts or Organs that are very different, both in nature ajid appearance, from the parts that we see in ordinary Flowering Plants. In order to understand the descriptions of the different species, we need to know the terms that are used to denote the several parts of the plant. There are no \iToper flow firs on the Fern Plant, so that we do not apply that term, or any of the terms used to describe the parts of flowers, to any part of a fern ; but the fern bears a graiudar substance, which takes the place of flowers and seed, and words (or scientific terms) are used to express its nature and parts, just as names are given to the parts of the flower. Ferns, to the ordinary observer, seem to have leaves, and these are usually green and flat and more or less divided, like many true leaves, but they are not merely leaves ; they are also the fruit or seed- bearers, and the botanist calls them Fromh. The Fern Stem or Rhizome. As to the part that cdnstitutes the true Stem in ferns, some explanation may be required, especially by those who have been accustomed to see Tree Ferns of warm and equitable climates free from winter frosts, (such tree ferns may be seen in the conservatories of public gardens). In the Tree Fern, the stem rises, erect and tree-like, into the air, clothed below with the remnants or stubs of old decayed fronds, these stubs being themselves invested more or less completely with the fiexuous, hard and black root fibres, which, originating from the stem itself, are insinuated among the old stubs. From the summit of this stem or trunk of the tree fern, there is a radiating, widely-spreading expanse of delicately divided fronds, drooping gracefully towards their tips, — the whole presenting a striking object of beauty. The organ thus developed into an erect stem in tree ferns is called the Caudex. Among our native Canadian ferns we have one imperfect example of this erect eaudex-growth in the first fern to be described, the Ostrich Plume Fern, a species probably very ancient in origin, but which still exists in two apparently distinct varieties, one confined to Europe, the other to America. While the Ostrich Plume Fern has an erect bulb-like corm, producing from its apex a circle of magnificent, erect, plume-like fronds, thus simulating the tree fern, (the FERN- FLORA OF CANADA. 223 ig a rect a the Ihe European plant, as seen in Botanic Gardens, having apparently a more elongated and elevated eorni than ours), yet this conn differs from the true ai-rial stem of tree ferns, not only in its partially subterranean character, slight elongation, and limited endurance, but also in sending forth radiating horizontal runners, ending in buds or young corms, which become new plants, thus giving a lateral mode of propagation or increase. We have no true tree ferns in Canada to whose stems the term caudex can be properly applied, and in describing uur Ferns this part is called the Rhizome. Different kinds of Rhizomes. In our Canadian ferns the stem is usually prostrate, often underground, or at the surface and covered by moss cr herbage, or hid in the crevices of rocks, the anterior or growing extremity only, with its fronds and crown of frond buds, assuming the erect position. Such stems resemble the underground creeping root- like stems of flowering plants, and are thus called liJiizomes. The rhizome differs very much in form and size in the different genera of Ferns : — In many ferns the rhizome is stout, produces root fibres principally at the older or posterior end, and is abundantly covered with the persistent stalk-romnants or stubs of the decayed fronds of former years. In the Common Polypody the rhizome is elongated, rather thick, fleshy, and creeping on rocks, trees, or other solid surfaces, without persistent stipe-stubs, the stipes or stalks finally becoming completely separated from the rhizome by a joint or articulation, as in ordinary deciduous leaves. In a third class of ferns the rhizome is very slender, cord or wire-like, creep- ing underground, often much branched, not forming bud-crowns, and consequently not producing circular tufts of fronds, but sending them up singly at intervals along its course. When the fronds decay they do not leave the lower parts of the stalks behind as permanent stipe-stubs. The rhizome is a part of great importance, often presenting characters whereby different ferns may be clearly distinguished from each other, but superficial observers are apt to neglect it, and to be contented, in collecting specimens for examination or preservation, with the mere fronds seen above ground, which, when studied alone, are in many cases puzzling, fram the tendency to mimicry of form so often found in plants that are really distinct. 224 FERN-FLORA OF CANADA. TIE FERN FROND; ITS FARTS; THE STIPE OR STALK; THE LAMINA OR LEAFT PORTION ; DIVISION AND GUTTING OF THE LAMINA ; FRUIT DOTS ; THE RAGHIS ; YEINING, From the indications giv(.Mi, it will he soon thut tho principal Orj^nna of our fern plants are : (1) tht; (mostly) horizontal Wn'zome, with its, often wiry, tortuous, descending rootfihres, produced not only from its posterior extremity, but often also emergent along its course from the matting of more or less decayed stipe-stubs ; (2) the FnnKf, or le.if, which, as in ordinary leaves, consists of two parts, — the Stipe or stalk (corresponding to the petiole of flowering plants), and the Lamina or leafy portion, which, in a few cases is simple or undivided, but in most ferns is much divided, and in various ways in the different groups. The Lamina. — The Lamina may be more or less deeply cut or cleft from the margins towards the Rachis or midrib, when it is said to be Pinnatijid. When the clefts are complete so as to reach the rachis, and divide the lamina into separate leaflets, arranged feather-like in pairs or alternately, on either side of the rachis, the lamina is said to be Pinttaff, and tho leaflets are termed Pinnoi. These pinnaB may be again divided in a similar manner, into distinct divisions or leaflets along either side of a Secomfari/ Rathia, and such divisions or leaflets are called Pinnules, the lamina thus becoming Bi pinnate. The pinnules may themselves be partially cut into lobes so as to be pinnatifld, or even completely divided into per- fect leaflets, and then the frond becomes Tripinnate. These differences are important in distinguishing the several species ; but it is to be observed that the extent of division of parts is less perfect in young and stunted forms, and more complete in those that are mature and luxuriant, — so that in a species normally bipinnate, a young or starved frond may be only pinnate with pinnatifid divisions, while an old or luxuriant one may be bipinnate with pinnatifld divisions, or even tripinnate. Such cases occur in the Lady Fern and tho Buckler Fern. Fruit Dots — In many ferns the lower surface of the frond has fruit dots, which are most abundant on the upper half of the frond, but, in certain species, there are separate fertile and infertile fronds, the fertile ones being usually nar- rower in their parts or altogether contracted and unleafy. FERN-FLORA OF CANADA. 225 even dots, |>ecies, nar- The Rachis, and its side Branches or Rachides ; Veins ; Veinules ; Veinlets. As the continuation of the Stip^ into a divided or compound frond-lamina is called the Ilachis, and its side hrauchca Sermufari/ liachiiles, so, when the lamina is simple or undivided, the midvein (in that case also a continuation of the stipe) is called the Casta or midrib. The ditFerent modes in which the veins, forming the framework of the leafy portion of the fron<l, are disposed afford useful characters in the discrimination of speci»!S ; the branches from the costa are termed Veins ; the branches from these veins are called Veinule.% and the branches of the veinules, Vf.hiletsi. In like manner, whatever may be the extent of division of a frond into pinnae or lobes, the Veins are the Hrst series of branches from the midrib or costa (whether of the frond whon simple, or of its separate ultimate divisions, or leaflets, when compound). Veins are the primary branches from the costa, Veinules the secondary, and Veinlets the tertiary series. Where there is no prominent costa, the ribs arising directly from the base of the leaflet are called veins. The part of the vein on which the fruit dot or Sorus is seated, is called the Iteceptaele. The parts described may all be seen, more or less distinctly, by the naked eye, but, in examining the veining of the fronds, the sorus or fruit dot, and its protecting indusium, a simple lens or magnifying glass of any kind will give great help. The Sorus, or Fruit Dot. — The sorus (plural sori) will be seen to consist of numerous visor-shaped, usually stalked, pouches, called Spore-Cases^ each filled with an exceedingly fine dust; the individual particles of this dust, called Spores, are too minute to be visible even to the keenest human eye, without a lens, yet it is these tiny particles that give rise (as if they were buds or seeds) to new individual plants. Th« remarkable processes attending the growth and development of these invisible specks into fern plants can only be followed by use of the compound microscope. The Indusium. — In some ferns (as the common polypody and the oak fern) the sori are simply round granular dots of spore cases, without any protective covering ; in many others, the little clusters of spore cases are enveloped or sheathed at first in a delicate, colourless, scale-like membrane, or are surmounted by a small disc or shield-like covering. This protecting organ, which falls away as the spore cases mature and drop their spores, is called the Indusium. 226 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. THE SPECIES OF FERNS j THEIR ARRANSEMENT OR CLASSIFICA- TION INTO GENERA; THEIR BENERIC AND SPECIFIC NAMES. Gknera and Speciks. — Tlie species of ferns are classified into Genera^ and each genus lias its generic name ; it is usual to illustrate this l)y comparing a genua to a family of peoi)le, each (re.nun of plants being known hy its generic name just as cftcli family is known by the ancestral name. In like manner, as the full name of a person is formed by uniting the indivdual or given name with the ancestral family name, so the full name of the kind or species of fern is formed by writing together the generic and specific names, as Pnlypoilium vnhinre, in which Poh/pofUin/i is the generic, and vnljare the sjiecific name, This comparison of the names of species and genera of plants to the individual and family names of people is correct merely so far as it is an example of the mode adopted in naming things and animals and people ; it must not be supposed that the analogy or com- parison can be carried further, for a person is not a species, but only one of a great many individuals, who, taken together, form the human race, the species. It is equally true tliat a family, a number of related individuals, can only be likened in a distant way to a tjenus. More correct comparisons may be made with the lower animals. The dog and jackal and wolf arc all difFerent, and easily known from each other, they are all separate species, and those who study ani- mals — zoologists — give to each a sptrijie name, just as botanists do with their plants. But the dog and jackal and wolf are in many ways alike, — in the forma of their bodies, their teeth, their food, their habit of running in packs, and so on, — and a zoologist may class them all together into one genus, and give to that genus the generic name Canis. So with our Ferns. All the delicate Bladder Ferns are known by the generic name Cystoptens ; the family of Spleenworts is known as Aspleniiim ; the Shield Ferns, with hard glistening spiny-edged fronds, and orbicular strong shield-like indusia or coverings to their fruit dots, are styled Polystichum ; and the species of Buckler Ferns, with duller foliage and thinner kidney-shaped indusia, are called Lastrea. The separate species in a genus have each a Specific name or terra added to the generic one, just as human individuals, members of the same family, have different christian names, and, as we have seen, the two names or terms so united form the complete name of the particular FERN- FLORA OF CANADA. 227 species of plant. Thus: Ctj>*iopteru frinjilis is the name applied to nil the inilividuals (themselves un«li.stinf^uishahlo from ench other) of this particular species of plant, — Cijstopteris heing the generic, frmjilis the specific, term. Vakikties. — All the inilividuals of a species are not exactly alike, however, either in plants or animals. We know that in the human species the people of difFeront parts of the earth are in some respects dift't-rent from each other. Although all dogs are of one species, yet there are many kinds of dogs that oro easily recognized from each other, such as terriers, hounds, and spaniels, and tliese are classified and naiufd as varieties. It is exactly the same in the case of ferna and other plants. The last species montioneil, C[/xfopf''rin/rat/il /'.'<, fringes the sea- shores and islands and the rocky h.mks of our lakes and streams, and varies in size, and in the form and division of its fronds, in difFerent situations ; but this si)ecies also extends over a large portion of the globe, being e(|Uidly at home on the Greenland and Labrador shores, in gulches on the highest snowy peaks of Colorado, on winterless islands like Madeira, in Mexico, various parts of South America, Australia, Africa and Asia. It is to be expected that this little wan- derer will vary in appearance, dwarfing where it meets witii lack of heat or moisture, liecoming almost an evergreen where it has no severe winter to contend with, swelling out to large size and becominj; of soh juicy tixture where it grows in a mild saturated atmosphere. In such ways, Varh.tics are produced, and when these varieties appear to be sufficiently constant, and not the mere result of temporary surroumlings, names are given to distinguish them. The name of the variety has to be added to the names of the genus and species, and thus it comes that some of the ferns have three, instead of two, names. How the diflferent Genera of Perns are known. The most precise distinctions between the different genera are found (1) in the nature and branching of the minute veins in the divisions of the fronds, — whether they form a connected net-work or are spread out, simple or forked, like a fringe ; (2) in the position of the fruit dots (called Snri) on the frond, and whether the Sori are separate from the veins or connected with them at their points, or sides ; (3) in the al)sence or presence of a special involucre or general covering for the sori or masses of spore cases, formed by the incurving of the frond-margin ; and (4) in the 228 FERN- FLORA OF CANADA. character, when itreseiit, of tlio delicate im'rnl)rnne or scale-like body called the Indusiuw, which covers and protects the SoniM until the spore-cases are matured. The Table of Generic Characters, and fi^^'ures of portions of fronds showing sori and venation, will assist in identifyinf? the several (fnifm. When the genua is foun<l, the description given of each species will enable the species to be detected.* BENERA OF FERNS, (Canadian). I. TRUE FERNS. — Fronds circinate in bud (unrolling inform of a crazier); spore-cases with an elastic rin^;, which at tnaturity strait^htens out and tears their delicate membrane, alloiuini^ the spores to escape, GENUS. !• StruthioptoriS. Pinnn; of the few fertile fronds not leafy, much contracted, the small pinnules turned back, bearing sori (Hg, 1, a,), with thin lacerate evanescent indusia ; veinidea of infertile fronds free (not netted), fig. 1, h.) (A very large fern, its erect fronds in compact circular tufts). II. O&OClOft. I'inn.'i' of the few fertile fronds short, not leafy, much contracted, forming globose involucres (fig. 2, a) ; venation of infertile fronds netted, fig. 2, 6.) (A large fern with ample, coarsely divided fronds). III. Woodflift. Fronds all leafy, often scaly ; indusium, a very thin hemispherical memhrane, which splits from the top downwards, in some cases into a mere fringe, and gradually disappears as spore-cases mature, (fig. 3, a, nat. size, h, enlarged). (Small tufted ferns). IV. DexmStSddtift. Fronds all leafy, soft and hoary ; indusium cup-shaped (not valved) on end of veinlet, (fig. 4, a, nat. size, 6, enlarged). (Large fern, with elon- gated fronds and creeping rhizome). * Where the Fern-Flora is used, it will be fo)in1 a good plan to keep, in the School, a Collection of Dried Specimens of all the Feins of the immediate district. These specimens can be compared, in lessons, from time to time, with the descriptions given of the genera and species. The Pupils may then be directed to search, in suitable localities in the woods, for the particular species. Having collected their plants, they should be allowed to compare these fresh -gathered specimens with the dried specimens in the School Collec- tion, and with the descriptions in the book, so as to ascertain how far they agree, or are different. The great object should be to avoid all puzzling, and lead to pleasant and intelligent enquiry into points of corres- pondence and difference. FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 229 0ESU8. V. OyitOpttrif. FrondB all loafy ; indusium a amall, tliin, pointed, acoop-ihaped acale or membrane, attached at its haie to a veinule, and at first hiding the spore-cases, (fig. 5, a, nat. aiie, b, enlarged). (Small ferns, somewhat tufted.) VI. AdiftllttlBL Fronds all leafy, unusually thin and papery ; sori borne en special involucres formed by upper portions of the margins of the leaflets of the frond folded back, the spore cases on their under side. (A rather small fern with aggregated but not tufted fronds.) VII. OhoilUltllOI. Fronds all somewhat leafy, woolly or chafTy ; involucres formed of reflezed portions of the frond -margin, spore cases on the frond itself. (Small ferns. ) VIII. Ftorif. Fronds all leafy, hard, much-divided ; involucre parallel with and under reHexed margin of pinnule, spore ctises forming u continuous marginal line, (fig. 6.) (A very tall fern, fronds rising singly from a running rhizome.) IX. PollflBft. Fronds all leafy, hard, rather dull-green, not much divided, fertile ones with narrower divisions ; the reflected margins of the pinn.-i> forming indusia ; spore cases crowded in a continuous line. (Small ferns, not tufted.) X. OrTptOflTTftSLXXIO. Infertile fronds leafy, bright green ; the fertile ones narrower, contracted, and duller in colour ; involucre broad, appearing marginal ; spore cases crowded, continuous when the involucre opens. (A small tufted fern.) XI. LonSffift. Infertile fronds leafy (lying Hat on the ground in our species), fertile ones contracted (erect) ; indusium parallel to midrib and between it and margin of pinna ; spore cases in continuous lines. XII. ^OOdWftrdia. Fronds all leafy, the pinna; of fertile ones narrowetl ; indusia with spore eases in clusters forming a chain on each side of costa or midrib of pinna. (Medium sized fern, with strong creeping rhizome, fronds not tufted.) XIII. Aspleniuai. Fronds all leufy ; sorus and indusium linear or oblong, straight, attached longitudinally to vein or veinule, and opening towards midrib, (fig. 15). (Mostly small ferns with fronds simply pinnate). XIV. AthyriUXa. Fronds all leafy ; sorus and indusium as in preceding genus, but more or less curved or horse shoe form (in some cases evanescent, or not developed), attached to veinules, but not parallel with them, opening towards the costa, (fig. 8). (Large ferns, with delicately divided fronds). XV. SeolOpeXldrillX&. Fronds all leafy (strap-shaped) ; sori long, straight, in pairs, parallel to veinules, and covered at first by 'ong straight indusia opening along the the centre (fig. 7) ; (veins free). (Medium sized fern with undivided fron<l, except in abnormal varieties). 230 FERN-FLORA OF CANADA. GENUS. XVI. OauptOSOruS. Fronda all leafy (irregularly strap-shaped, with long slender points that take root and form new plants) ; aori oblong or linear, scattered over the under surface of the frond between midrib and margin ; indusium slight, (fig. 10). (A small fern with undivided fronds, often rooting at tips). XVII. PolystlcllUXa. Fronds ail leafy, of hrm texture, bright green, and upper surface more or less glossy, the lobes with minute marginal bristlo like spines ; indusium firm, shield-like, attached by its centre, the spore cases showing from beneath its margin all round, (tig. 1], a, nut. size, 6, enlarged). (Rather large evergreen glossy ferns). XVIII. La»StrO&. Fronds all leafy, somewhat leathery, vivid or dark green, rather dull than glossy ; indusium kidney-shaped, attached at a point between ita two lobes, the spore cases showing from beneath ita margin except at point of attachment, (fig. 9). (Mostly large, much -divided ferns, imperfectly evergreen). XIX. PolTPOdiuni. Fronds all leafy, somewhat leathery ; no involucre nor indusium ; sori round, arranged on each side of midrib (fig. 12) ; stipes articulated with the creeping rhizome. (Small creeping ferna, with stalked pinnatifid fronds). XX. FlieffOPtoriS. Fronds all leafy, (softly herbaceous or papery) ; no involucre nor indusium ; sori round ; stipes continuous with rhizome, (not articulated), (fig. 14.) (Rather small ferns, with creeping rhizomes and long stipes). XXI. Q-yHlllOgrraXXiniO. Fronda all leafy, (the lower aurface in our species covered with a yellow or white powder) ; no involucre nor indusium ; sori elongated. (Small ferns with rather long-stiped hard fronds). XXII. OSUIinda. infertile fronds leafy ; fertile fronds, or fertile portions, contracted ; no involucre nor indusium ; spore cases reticulated two-valved with a horizontal ring. (Very large ferns with very stout, branched rhizomes, covered with stipe-stubs). XXIII. Sohi^gft- Infertile fronds slender and curled, less than an inch long (like minute tufts of grass) ; fertile ones longer and straight, expanded at top into a few close-set uarrow-pinnaj (brush-like), bearing spore cases, with ring on top, (fig. 13). (Minute, grass-like). 2. MOONWORTS AND ADDER'S TONGUE.— Fromii not circinate but folded in bud; spore-cases splitting into two valves, ivithout a ring or elastic rachis. XXIV. BotrycMum. Frond erect leafy, with terminal liranched spikes, bearing non- reticulated spore-cases in double rows on the face of the branches, (fig. 16). (Small ferna, with fronds in two parts,— a lower, leafy, divided, infertile portion or lamina, and a terminal branched fertile spike). "XV. OphlOfflOSSUSl. Frond erect, with a single sheathing leaf, and a simple stalk, jaring two rows of non-reticulated splitting spore-cases on the edges of its upper part, fig. 17). (A small fern with a simple lamina subtending a simple fertile .spike). I ! r[A|JAtllAfJ I'EF^fJ^ . jLLU^TF^ATIDfJ^ DF (jEfvlEF^A italk, part, 1. 5TRUTHDPTt"RI5 2. QNDCLEA 3. WDDDBIA 4. DENNBTAEDTIA I.,ll. I'.. >! U.l.n K \l.,\,l.tM S. CY5TDPTERI5 g.LASTREA B. PTERI5 ID. CAMPTDSORUS 7. 5CDLDPENDRIUM II. PQLYBTICLIUM 8.ATHYRIUM 12. PD LYPD Dl U M 17. DPHIDBLDSSUM 13. 5CHIZAEA lA.PHEEDPTERI 15. A5PLF''LlM IS.BQTF CHIUM > ei tl oi b ei Ic ai a( o R el. br CO w: ex M lai ra( les nei Ht FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 231 DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES OF CANADIAN FERNS. GENUS I.— StrutJllOptOriS, Willuenow. Ostrich Fern. S. Germanica var. Pen.vsylvanica, Lawson. Ameriran Oxtrich Fern. — Rhizome erect, with lateral offshoots or runners, forming new rhizomes at their points, whereby the plant is increased. Stipe very short. Fronds tall (several feet long) in tufts composed of an outer circle of leafy green infertile fronds, with a few shorter, contracted, hard, brown, fertile ones in the centre ; infertile fronds pinnate, pinna; pinnatifid, the lobes entire, rounded-obtuse, veinules parallel, distinct, running from the mid-vein to margin of lobe ; fertile fronds contracted, the pinnules turned back over the sori ; indusium slight and evanescent. (In the European form, the lobes of the infertile pinme are acute or acutish.) In deep rich soils, Xora Scotia and ye-w Brumwkk, not very common. Quebi'.c and Ontario, abundant in many places. Does not extend northward, nor westward to the Rocky Mountains. GENUS II.— OaOClea, LiXN\t:us. Semitivc, or RattU Snake, Fern. O.SENSiBiLi.s, Linnjeus. Common Sensitive. Fern. Rattle. Snake Fern. — Rhizome elongate creeping; fronds arising from it separately, not in circular tufts; lamina broad, leafy, somewhat triangular, deeply pinnatifid into oblong lobes ; veins of the lobes connected together, net-like ; fertile fronds erect, like a branched spike, doubly pinnate, with small, contracted, roUed-up pinnules, not at all leafy ; indusium a thin membra'ie. Common in wet ground throughout the Maritime Provinces, Quehec, and Ontario, not extending west to the Prairies, nor found anywhere on the Pacific side of the Rooky Mountains, although in North China, Amur and Manchuria. GENUS Ill.-'Woodsia, R. Brown. Wood's Fern. 1. W. Ilvensis, R. Br. Common Oblono, or Rusty, Woodsia. — Rhizome stout, invested in a bulky mass of ruddy-brown stipe-stubs ; stipes articulated above the base ; lamina lanceolate, bipinnate or nearly so ; pinna' close together, pinnules oblong, obtuse ; rachis and whole lower surface of the frond clothed with chaffy scales, which are colour- less at first but become rusty at maturity ; sori distinct, but close together, around and near the margins of the pinnules. Nova Scotia:— On rocks overhanging Lake Thomas, abundant ; North Mountain; South Mountain of NVhycocomagh ; Gold River, near Ciiester ; Truro. New lirimswiek : — Woodstock ; Restigouche ; Upsalquitch ; Keswick ; Nashwaaksis ; St. Stephen ; Green Head ; St. John. Qttebec : — Not rare. Ontario .-—Common on outcrops of Laurentian 232 FERN- FLORA OF CANADA. i1 i ftl rocks, as at Kingston Mills. Also Lake Superior ; Hudson Bay ; Arctic Coast p Rocky Mountains. The genus was named to commemorate Joseph Woods, an English, botanist. 2. W. HYPERBOREA, R. Brown. Northern, or Alpine, Woodnia. — Rhizome small,, ■tout, compact ; frond 1 to 2 or 3 inches long ; stipe short, articulated above the base ; lamina broadly linear or oblong, pinnate, more or less hairy, without distinct scales ; pinnce ovate, somewhat triangular, obtuse, pinnatifidly divided into roundish lobes. New Brunswick .—Aroostook Falls. Quebec .—Cape Rosier, Gasp^ ; Mount Albert Falls ; Riviere du Loup ; Temiscouata. Ontario .— Lake Nipigon. Also Lake Win- nipeg ; Hudson Strait ; Arctic Coast. 3. W. GLABELLA, R. Brown. Smooth Woodsia. — Frond 2 to 4 inches or more in length ; stipe more or less elongated, imperfectly articulated above the base, and with a few scales on the lower part only ; lamina thin, bright-green and glabrous on both surfaces, simply pinnate ; pinnse short, rounded or rhombic, cut into rounded or wedged lobes. Qicebec: —Juiiiter River and Ellis Bay, Anticoati ; Gaspe Coast ; Ste. Anne des Monts River; Riviere du Loup. New Brtimwick: — Restigouche Tunnel; Grand Falls. Ontario: — Kakabeka Falls ; Red Rock ; Nipigon River. N. W. Territory : — Great Bear Lake ; Bow River Pass. Arctic Coast, from Mackenzie River to Baffin Bay. 4. W. SCOPULINA, D. C. Eaton. Rocky Mountain Woodsia.—¥rom\ 3 or 4, to 6 or 8, inches in length, pubescent and glandular, not scaly ; stipe not articulated ; lamina oblong-ovate, crenulate ; indusium split to the base into slender segments. British Columbia and Rocky 3/o?<:i<am.s .•- Kicking Horse Pass, Rocky Mountains; Fraser and Tliompson Rivers, also Lytton and Kootanie Valley, B. C ; Mt. Finlayson, Vancouver Island. 5. W. Oregana, D. C. Eaton. Oregon FToof/sia.- Fronds rarely six inches va length, smooth, (not pubescent, nor glandular) ; stipe not articulated ; lamina oblong- ovate, pinnate, the pinn% pinnatifid ; indusium very imperfect, of slender hair-like segments. British Columbia .— Kamloops ; Fraser and Thompson Rivers ; Black Water River ;. Fort St. James. Rocky Mountains .— Peace River Pass. Ontario : — Lake Nipigon. N. W. Territory .—Lake Athabasca. 6. W. OBTCSA, Torrey. Torrey's Woodsia.— Frond nearly a foot long, glandulose» not scaly ; stipe not articulated, with few scattered, pale, chaflfy scales ; lamina linear- lanceolate, almost bipinnate, ^ ' 'le pinnules slightly decurrent, oblong, obtuse, crenate, or somewhat pinnatifid ; in -^ .in large, enveloping the sorus, torn into a few lobes. (In general aspect this species resembles Cystopteris fragilis more than any other Woodsia. ) Port Simpson, British Columbia. FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 233 GENUS IV,— Lennstadtia, Bernhardi. DenmtedCs Fern, or Hay Fern. D. rr.NCTlLOBULA, Moore. Gonsamer, or Hay Fern. — Frond tw'o feet or more in ength, with stout, erect, wiry stipe and rachis, and soft, thin, pale-green, finely-divided downy lamina, exhaling the odour of sweet hay when dry. Rhizome slender and branched, extensively creeping in soil or among stones ; lamina elongate-oblong, broad at base, graduallj' attenuated in the upper half, bipinnate, downy and glandular ; the segments rounded ; indusLum an open, pale-coloured nest-like cup, containing the spore cases. yova Scotia, Quebec, and yeir lirrmfiwick : Stony pastures and waysides, common. Ontario /—Not common, and decreasing westward ; Pittsburg, near Kingston ; Prescott ; Ramsay, &c. The genus was named in 1803 to commemorate August Wilhelm Dennstedt, a German botanist, author of the Flora of Weimar. GENUS v.— CystopteriS, Bermiarm. Bladder Fern. 1. C. FRAGlLis, Bernhardi. Brittle Bladder Fern. — Fronds from a very few inches to a foot in length, usually bright green ; rhizome compact ; stipe dark purple at the base, seldom much elongated, brittle, and easily broken if specimens are not handled carefully ; lamina broadly lanceolate in outline (the fertile ones narrower), glabrous, bipinnate ; pinnse and pinnules ovate-lanceolate or oblong ; the latter obtuse, incisoly toothed, thin and veiny ; sori large. Var. DENTATA, Hooker, is a dwarfed form, scarcely bipinnate. Var. Mackayii, Lawson, has narrowly lanceolate, dark or dull green pinnne, far apart, the pinnules wedge-shaped at base, and rounded at apex. Widely distributed all over Canada, but only on shady, rocky banks or hillsides, and chiefly where the air is kept moist by neighbouring lakes, rivers, or the sea. Var. Mackayii is a common form in Nova Scotia. The name of the genus is derived from the texture and form of the indusium, which is like a minute inflated bag or bladder. 2. C. BULBIFERA, Bernhardi. Bulh-hcarivg Bladder Fern. Berry-hearing Feim, of the old botanists. — Fronds very variable in size, from 5 or 6 inches to 12 or 18 inches in length, thin, bright green ; rhizome compact, stipe reddish, much shorter than the lamina, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, bipinnate, often bull)-bearing towards the apex on the under surface ; pinnjv oblong-lanceolate, narrowed at the tips ; pinnules oblong, obtuse, incisely toothed ; sori small, usually not very numerous ; indusium short. This species produces fronds of two forms, — the one being broad at base and comparatively short, with horizontal pinnaj, while the other kind is narrow and drawn out to a great length (six or seven times longer than broad) and with less horizontal pinnaj. Nova Scotia, New Brunstcick, Quebec, Ontario :— In moist woods and shady, rocky 234 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. places ; abundant in Ontario, extending to Manitoba ; common also in Quebec. Local in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Grand Falls ; Restigouche ; St. John River ; Hartley's Falls ; Newport. 3. C. MONTANA, Bernhardi. Mountain Bladder Fern. — Fronds nearly a foot in length, erect, arising at intervals from the slender horizontal creeping rhizome ; stipe much longer than the lamina, with scattered scales ; lamina triangular, or pentagonal, in outline, tripinnate, thin and delicate ; pinnules oblong-obtuse, slightly toothed. Quebec, Rocky MountainH, Labrador : ~ On the mountains, usually at high eleva- tions, but rare on this continent, and still more so in northern Europe, the only other region where it grows. Rocky Mountains, by streams ; in a cedar swamp near silver mine north of Current River, Lake Superior ; on northern face of Mount Albert, Gaspc ; Labrador. GENUS VI.— Adlantum, Linn.«us. Maidenhair I'ern. A. PEDATUM, Linn. Stalked Fan Fern, or American Maidenhair. — Rhizome wiry, much branched, creeping near the surface ; stipe dark chestnut coloured or black, shining, erect, forked at top, tlie forks curved downwards and branclied on their upper sides, the branches bearing oblique triangular-oblong pinnules, the whole frond fan-like. Fronds wither in autumn. This is one of the most highly prized of our native ferns, whether for cultivation or in herbarium specimens. Var. RANOiKKRiNUM, Burgess. — Pinnules longer-stalked, deeply cleft on the upper side into narrow sharply-toothed lobes, the divisions resembling the branching of the horns of the reindeer. Ontario: — Not rare in Ontario, usually growing in the woods, in spots where there is an accumulation of vegetable mould, — as about Kingston ; Newbo.'o; Farmersville ; Toronto; Belleville; Wolfe Island; Ramsay; Hamilton; London. Quebec: — Quebec City and west- ward; St. Joachim and Isle St. Paul; River Rouge; at Mt. Albert, Gaspe; West Hawkes- bury ; Granville. New ^nmswic^;.— Upper Restigouche ; Upper St. John ; near Wood- stock : Keswick Ridge ; Andover ; Moose Mountain. Nova Scotia : — Newport, near plaster pits ; Archibald's mill, Upper Musquodoboit. British Columbia .• -Queen Charlotte Islands and Gold Stream, Mt. Finlayson, where the variety, ramjiftrinum, was found. GENUS VII.— OheilantheS, Swartz. Lip Fem. 1. Ch. lanuginosa, Nuttall. Woolly Lip i^i>;rrt. —Rhizome short, knotted ; stipe three or four inches long, slender, wiry, with woolly hairs that are lost as the frond matures ; lamina about as long as the stipe, oblong-lanceolate, tripinnate or tripinnatifid, the ultimate segments minute, upper surface hairy, lower matted with wool. North- West Territory, d:c.: — Rocky Mountains ; Bow River. British Columbia. — New Caledonia ; North Thompson River ; Black Canyon. FEKN- FLORA OF CANADA. 235 2. Ch. oracillima, D. C. Eaton. Slender Lip Fern, or Lace Fern.— Rhizome creeping, entangled, scaly ; stipe 2 — 6 inches, dark, with sparing deciduous scales ; lamina linear-lanceolate, bipinufxte, the pinnae pinnatifid, pinnules oval-oblong, woolly beneath. British Columbia, rare. Near the Pend d'Oreille River. Vancouver Island. GENUS VIII.— PtOrlS, LiNN.«cs. Brake, or Bracken. Ft. aquilina, Linnteus. Common Brake, Eayle Fern. — Rhizome elongate creeping ; stipe stout, erect, 1 to 4 feet high, divided into three branched laminae ; branches bipinnate, the pinnaj pinnatifid, with oblong-lanceolate lateral pinnules and usually elongated terminal ones, lobes of the frond firm, dull green, glabrous. Varies with the pinnules pinnatifid or entire. Var. LAKUOiNOSA ; divisions of the frond bipinnate, thin and membranous, not liard, pinnules pinnatifidly toothed, the teeth rounded, under surface with long, scattered wool- like hairs. In woods and on hill sides, common everywhere, except in the prairie countries and in the colder northern regions. ^ ar. lanwjinosa, (which is a prevalent form in tropical countries) grows in (iaspe, Quchcr., (Dr. John Bell, 1862), also in Brid'^h Cohimhia, (Prof. Macoun). GENUS IX.— Pellaea, Link. Cliff Brake. 1. P. Stelleri, Beddome. Steller'n Cliff Brake. — Rhizome slender, creeping. Bending up separate, not tufted, fronds, .3 to 9 inches high, whole plant glal)roH3 ; lamina pale green, thin and papery, a very few inches long, bipinnate or tripinnate, some of the smaller barren fronds scarcely more than pinnate ; 5 or 6 pairs, lobes of the barren frond rounded, oval, veiny ; of the fertile frond much narrower, linear-lanceolate, firmer ; sori at the tips of tlie forked veins, along the margins. The surface of the soil or rocks around the plants is often covered with a green growth of pro-thallia (sporclings), flat thallus growths arising from spores and from which the first young fronds of the new plants may be seen to sprout. On shelving cliffs and crevices of rocks, rather rare. New Brunswick /—Morris Falls, Restigouche ; Grand Falls, Woodstock. Quebec : — Lake of Three Mountains ; Cacouna ; Rivifere du Loup ; Gaspe' ; Ottawa. Ontario : — Belleville ; Lakefield ; Niagara River. Also Peace River Pass, N. \V. T., and Labrador. 2. P. ATROPiTRruREA, Link. Clayton's Cliff Brake : — Rhizome short knot-like ; stipe and rachis almost black, shining, 6 to 12 inches high ; lamina coriaceous, pinnate, divisions opposite, linear-oblong or somewhat oval. Ontario .- Hamilton ; Elora ; Niagara Whirlpool ; Owen Sound. British Colum- bia .- — Black Canyon and Cache Creek. Rocky Mountains, rare. First found by John Clayton, about 1736, on the shore of the river Rappahannock. 236 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 3. P. OKNSA, Hooker. The Brtchnridgf, or Oregon, Cliff Brake. — Rhizome densely tufted ; stipes about 6 inches long, slender, wiry ; lamina triangular or pentagonal in outline, tripinnato, the ultimate segments linear, pointed, closely set ; (infertile fronds very rare, their segments wider, and serrated.) Rare. Quebec Piovince:—On exposed rocks. Mount Albert, Gaspc. British Colum- bia: — Vancouver, and Cascade Mountains. GENUS X.-OlTPtoarramme, R, Urown. Rock Brake, or Parsley Fern. C. ORISPA var. acro.stichoidks, Lawson. The Xorth- Weit Parsley Fern, or American Bock Brake. — Rhizome stout, densely tufted, chaffy ; stipes pale or yellowish brown, very short in the infertile fronds, lamina mucli dissected into small toothed or incised lobes ; fertile fronds with longer stipes, and fewer, narrow, thickened segments. In crevices of bare rocks and among stones, usually at high elevations, not common. North- West Territories, Rocky Mountains, Cascades, and on the Arctic Coast; also Lake Superior. GENUS XI. -Lomaria, Desvaux. Ilard Fern. L. Spicant, Desv. Northern Hard Fern. — Rhizome rather stout, scaly, with thick branched root- fibres ; stipes of infertile fronds short, lamina prostrate, linear-lanceolate, pinnatitid (comb-like), the lobes linear-oblong. Hat, slightly curved toward the points, margin entire ; fertile fronds erect, longer than the others, forming a central tuft, pinnatifid, below pinnate, the pinnae or lobes contracted, linear acute, with reflexed margins, the lower ones very small. British Columbia. — Victoria, V. I., and on the mainland, but limited to the Pacific Coast. Common in Northern Europe. GENUS XII.— Wood VarWa, Smith. Woodward' ^ Fern. W. ViRGiNiCA, Smith. Virginian, or Northern, Woodwardia. — Rhizome stout, much elongated, creeping, chaffy ; fronds aggregated, but not tufted ; stipe stout and long ; lamina lanceolate, pinnate : the pinnae lanceolate, pinnatilid, forming an acute angle with the rachis, sori linear-oblong, arranged in line on either side of the midribs of pinnae and pinnules. Oft/ario .—Millgrove Marsh, Hamilton ; Heck's Mills near Prescott; Augusta ; Pelham ; Belleville ; Lake Island, Muskoka ; Gull Lake, Addington ; Mer E'leu, near Ottawa. Quebec: — Near Gasp^ Basin. Noi^a 5co<Ja .—Between Caledonia and Liverpool; H. Lawson's, North- West Arm, Halifax ; between Liverpool and Jordan River, Shelburne. i t FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 237 nfic itout, I stout icute libs of I am ; Uwa. H. GENUS XIII.— Asplenlum, Linn. SpUemcort. 1. A. Trichomanes, Linn. Common Maidenhair Spleonioort. — Fronds tufted, from a compact rhizome ; stipe and rachis blackish brown, margined ; lamina narrow, linear, pinnate ; pinnae ruundish-oblong or oval, oblique, ubnoat sessile, crenate ; sori distant from the midrib. A small fern (3 to 8 inches), with dark stiff stipes and small roundish pinna3. Ontario:— ^ot rare in central parts. Kingston; Brockville ; Belleville ; Gananoque River; Rideau Canal ; Thousand Islands ; Hamilton. Quebec: — Ottawa; Cap Tourmente. Noi^a Scotia : — Canso ; North Mountain. 2. A. VIRIDE, Hudson. G'rc<'n-^<rt/^-e</ 5/)/<?/'nit^or<.— Rhizome slightly tufted, creeping, •with few dark biown scales ; fronds a few inches only in length, linear, pinnate ; stipes less than a third the length of lamina, rounded on back, flat or channeled in front, dark brown merely at base, green upwards, and rachis green like the pinnoe ; pinnae roundish, ■oblong or oval, more or less cuneate at base, slightly stalk»nl, crenate or sligiitly lobed, delicate, bright pale green ; sori borne on the anterior (forward) side of the side vein, and near to the midrib of the pinna. In outline of frond and general aspect resembles the preceding, but easily known by the bright green colour of stipe and rachis. Neio Brunswick, Quebec, and North- Went : — Gaspe ; Tadousac ; Riviiire du Loup ; St. John, (G. U. Hay); North-West America, and Rocky Mountains. 3. A. PLATYNEUROK, Oakes. Ebony Spleemoort.— Frond erect, 6 to 12 inches, rachis blackish-brown, shining ; lamina lance-linear, pinnate ; pinnai numerous, lanceolate (the lower oblong) sessile, auricled at base, and linely serrate. Ontario : — Brockville ; Belleville. 4. A. ANOUSTIFOLIUM, Michaux. Narrow-leaved Spleenwort. -Frond large (1 to 3 feet high), annual, lamina lanceolate, pinnate, pinnae long, linear lanceolate, acute, fertile fronds more contracted than the barren ones. Ontario : — Maiden ; Oil Wells, Enniskillen. 5. A. MARIKUM, Linn. Sea-nhore Spleenwort. — Tufted, from a compact rhizome ; «tipe chestnut-brown, polished ; rachis brown below, green and winged above, broad and leafy, bright green and shining, oblong lanceolate, tapering to a point, pinnate below, pinnae ovate oblong or line^tr, oblique, shortly stalked, rarely pinnatifid, the upper pinnae confluent, so that the upper part of the frond is simply pinnatifid, and towards the tip merely incised ; sori large, linear, oblique. Very rare, and special locality not known. This, in other countries, is a coast plant, growing in the crevices of bare rocks, and especially in rocky caves, by the sea-shore. There are Nova Scotian specimens in the Kew Herbarium, referred to in Hooker & Baker's Synopsis Filicum, second edition, 1883, but this fern has not recently been found in Canada. It grows around the shores of Western Europe, and extends from Orkney, the British Isles, Canaries and Azores, to St. Vincent and South Brazil. 238 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 11 GENUS XIV.-Atll7riUXn, Roth. Lady Fern. 1. Ath. Filix-F(Bmina, Roth. Common Lady Fern. — Rliizome large and stout; fronds ample (1 to 3 feet long) in large tufts, and of a delicate briglit green hue ; stipe long, (very erect in strong plants) ; lamina broadly oblong, lanceolate, bipinnate, pinnto also lanceolate ; pinnules ovate-lanceolate oblong, incisely toothed ; indusium, a very delicate fimbriated membrane. Variable in size and in form of frond ; stunted forma with flattened concave stipes, and laminie more or less drooping or prostrate, form the variety MOLLK. Fronds wither in autumn. Common in shady situations wherever ferns grow. 2. Ath. am'ESTke, Nylander. Alpine Lady Fern. — Rhizome short and stout, scaly toward the apex ; stipes comparatively short, slightly scaly ; lamina broadly oblong- lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, erect, dark green, (rather firmer in texture than in pre- ceding species), bipinnate ; pinuiv linear-lanceolate, tapering to a point : pinnules ovate- oblong or ovate-lanceolate (somewhat falcate), deeply pinnatifid or almost pinnate. Sori roundish, usually without indusia. Fronds wither in autumn. British Cclumbin : — Cascade and Selkirk Mountains. .3. Ath. thelvpterotdes, Desvaux. Angh-friiited Lady Fern. — Rhizome stout; fronds 1 — 3 feet long, erect ; stipe long, slightly scaly ; lamina oldong-ovate or broadly lanceolate, acuminate, pinnate ; pinnoe lanceolate, acuminate, from a broad sessile base, and deeply pinnatifid, the lobes oblong, minutely toothed, sori elongate-oblong, quite straight, with entire indusia. Qmhtc: — At St. Joachim; Belanl Mountain. Ontario: — Ramsay; Belleville; London ; Prescott. Nova Scotia, not rare, as Hal'.fax and Cumberland Counties. New Bru7isivick : — Fredericton ; Bass River ; Salmon River. GENUS XV.— SCOlopendrium, Smith. Hart's Tongtie Fern. S. vuLGARE, Snuth. Common Hart\s Tongue Fern. — Rhizome short, tufted, scaly ; stipe one-third the length of frond, scaly, and the midrib or costa slightly scaly beneath ; lamina strap shaped with a cordate base, usually undivided, margin entire, from 6 inches, to 2 feet in length ; sori linear oblique, in pairs, the two contiguous ones becoming confluent, (that is uniting together so as to seem to form one). Onlario : — Owen Sound, Georgian Bay, Lake Huron. New Brtmsioick : — Woodstock. GENUS XVI.— OamptOS03?US, Link. Walking Leaf Fern. C. RHIZOPHYLLCS, Link. Travelling Fern. fTa/i'jni/i/m/. —Fronds evergreen, a few inches long, variable in size and shape, the fertile ones more elongated ; lamina lanceolate^ broad and hastate (somewhat arrow-shaped), wide and cordate at base, attenuated towards the tip, which strikes root and gives rise to a new plant. Ontario :— High Falls, Portland Township, 1862 ; Oxford ; Hamilton ; Ancaster ; Lake Medad ; Wolfe Island ; Owen Sound ; near Ottawa. Quebec :— Montreal Mountain. FKHN-FLnUA OF CANADA. 239 8caly ; leath ; Inches. )ming stock. a few kolate, Luated uster ; itain. GENUS XVIl.-PolystlcllUXn, Schott. Shirht Fern. 1. P. ACRosTlciioiDK.s, Schott. Christ nidi Ftrn. — Kliizome stout ; frond- p.ile green, soniewlmt poliHluiil, coriiiceoua ; stipe profuauly cluiiry, witli palf scahs ; luiniiin Ioiil^ ami narrow, linear-hmc-eohite, simply pinnate ; pinna- longiin<l narrow, linear-lanceolate, siiortly stalked, with a projecting auricle at tlie Itase on tlie upper (anterior) flide, more or le^s distinctly serrate, with hair-tipped teetii ; fertile (upper) pinna- slightly contracted, covered heneath by the large crowded or conlluunt sori. Fronds evergreen. Ontario, Xtir /iran'oiHrk, (JueJicc, Xova Scotia: — Common in tlie woods in Nova Scotia, southern New lirunswick, Quebec, and Ontario. 2. r. Mi'NlTrM, Fr«sl. lirHinh Columhian Shield Fer/». — Hlii/ome .stout, with old stipe stuDs, (ending in a crown), frond huds scaly ; stipes, covered with hrown scales, one-third length of lamina ; lamina lanceolate, 1 to 2 or ,'{ feet long hy .'{ to '> Inclu-a wide. Fronds evergreen. Bntinh Columhia : — Vancouver Island, not rare there, hut coutined entirely to the Pacific Coast, being unknown in the other Province.s. 3. P. LoNcliiTis, Roth, yil/iiue Shield Fern. Holly /'>,/•«.— Klii/ome very stout, covered with wiry root-Hltres ; stipe very short with large pale scales which extend, but of smaller size, to the rachis ; fronds — 18 inches or more, rigid, bright green, polished, coi-iaceous, linear-lanceolate, simply |)innate, pinnie numerous, distant below in younger fronds, with hair-like scales beneath, above crowded, often iml)ricated, lanceolate, falcate, an inch long, acute, prominently auricled at the base on the upper (anterior) side, the margin with spiny serratures and intervening teeth. Sori on tlie upper portion of the frond, indusium rountled, peltate, denticulate. Fronds evergreen. Nova Scotia :— x'^spey Bay, Cape Iheton. Ontario :— lielow the whirlpool, Bruce Peninsula, Owen Sound. Also Rocky Mountains and Cascades. 4. E'. Bkaunii, Lawson. Dr. Braun'-f Shield /'V/;/. —Rhizome stout ; fronds in circular tufts with a large central crown of frond buds ; frond about two feet high ; stipe exceedingly short, scaly, rachis scaly to the apex, with intermixed large and small pale ferruginous scales ; lamina soft-herbaceous, lanceolate, shortly acuminate, much narrowed below, bipinnate ; pinnules stalked, serrate, the small teeth tipped by soft bristles. This species is related to the English /'. angulare, but is very difrerent from the northern European species, P. aculratam, to which, however, forms from the Pacific coast have recently been referred. Nova Scotia : — Mabou ; Bras d'or Lake ; Canso ; Blomidon. Nfiv Brunswick : — Fredericton ; Andover. Quebec :--G'ASTpe and Silver Mountain; near Quebec City; Temiscouata; River Rouge. British Columbia : -Vancouver. 240 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. r '■■ GENUS XVIII.-Laitreft, Presl. liuckUr Ffrn. 1. OoLDiEANA, I'resl. Mr. CJoldie'a Buckler />rn. —Rhizome stout; fronds very large (3 or 4 feet or more in length), dark green, with ample pinnn^ ; stipe a foot in length, with pale shaggy scales above, and large dark-centred ones below ; pinnn 6 or 8 inches long, linear- lanceolate ; pinnules (11 to 20 pairs) linear-oblong, approximate, uniformly curved forwards, scythe-shaped, sometimes with an extra lobe at base ; sori near the midrib. Qutbec Province : — Montreal. Ontario : — Farmersville ; Belleville ; Brighton ; Owen Sound ; Brock ville ; London. Found also in the United States, south to Kentucky, but rare. 2. L. SPINULOSA, Presl. Common Wood Fern. — Rhizome stout, with dark-brown crowded, scaly, 8talk-l>ases, the scales pale rusty-brown. Fronds two feet or more in length, erect. Stipes tufted, nearly a foot long, dark-brown at base, elsewhere green, scaly, the pale rusty brown scales larger, darker and more numerous below, the rachis ■carcely scaly ; lamina 15 to 18 inches or more long, by 6 to 8 or more broad, bright green, iierbaceous, varying in form from oblong-lanceolate, to ovate-triangular, wide below, narrowed towards the tip, bipinnate (or tripinnate in large luxuriant examirles), — the main pinnte stalked, linear lanceolate, except the lowest, which are much broader at the base, and triangular or deltoid in outline ; pinnules oblong or ovate-lanceolate, acute, the largest an inch long by half an inch broad, pinnatifidly cut, or incised, into small, aristatcly toothed lobes, (that is each lobe ends in a fine bristle point) ; posterior basal pinnules of the lower pinnse much larger than the anterior ones. Sori small, arising from the side veinlets, and thus appearing between the midrib and margin of the pinnules ; indusium smooth or occasionally glandular (this is best seen when the frond is newly developed). In autumn the erect stipes begin to weaken and decay at a point within an inch or two of the base, allowing the fronds to fall upon the ground. Still undetached completely from the rhizome, they lie under the snow over winter and are finally withered up by the drought of the following summer, forming a matting around the growing plant ; thus the species is usually described as imperfectly evergreen. There are many variations of this species, in every country in which it occurs, that can with difficulty be distin- guished from each other. The American form, which mostly prevails in Canada (our common wood fern), is kuown as var. intermedia. Var. DILATATA has a stouter rhizome, shorter stipes, broader lamina, which is ovate, sub-triangular or oblong-lanceolate ; the basal scales are larger, more abundant, and extend further up the stipe, and some of the larger scales have a very dark stripe or blotch in the centre ; indusium rsually (but not always) fringed with stalked glands. Common in woods and shady places. 0«<aWo .—Abundant in the woods about Kingston, as Collins's Bay, &c. ; Smith's Fall's; Odessa; Falls of Niagara; Hinchin- brook ; Gananoque Lakes; Farmersville; Hardwood Creek; Delta; Upper Ridcau FEKN-FLORA OF CANADA. 241 Lake ; Newboro-on-the-Rtdeau ; Lon^point ; Ramsay ; l*r«Bcott ; Belleville. General throughout Ontario ; it is the common wood fern. Qurfwc, Neio Brnnmcick, Nova Scotia : — Common in the woods, especially in sea-shore districts. Around the wooded shores of Nova Scotia, as at Blomidon, Canso, Whycocomagh, i'arrsborough, &c., this fern attains a great si7.e, the fronds rising to a height of three or four feet. Neir/oumllanU : — Probably common, although only noticed in a few localities; Langlade; Micjuelon. The variety ditatata is found at the Joggius, near the mouth of the Bay of Fundy ; also in Newfoundland. 3. L. CRIST ATA, J'resl. Crented Buckler Fern, — Rhizome short, stoutish, branched, with scaly adherent stipe stubs. Fronds erect rigid, in tufts, from 1 to 3 feet high (the infertile ones shorter and less erect). Stipes stout, half as long as the lamina, with few scales upwards. Lamina linear-oblong or lanceolate in outline, rather light green, pinnate or bipinnate ; pinntv numerous, the lower ones apart, short, triangular ; pinnules or segments of pinnte mostly adnate (connected at the base), posterior basal pinnules scarcely longer than the anterior ones, oblong, blunt, more or less pinnatitid or incised and serrate, the serraturcs tipped by spinulose points ; veins of lobes Hexuous, depressed or etched on the upper surface. Sori large, with persistent induaia, numerous, principally on the upper half of the frond, forming a row on each side of the midrib of tbe lobe, and nearer to midrib than margin. Swamps, swales and boggy ground, in shelter of trees or bushes, not rare. When swamps are cleared of trees, this fern soon disappears. Ontario : — Swampy places in woods around Kingston ; Belleville ; Ramsay ; Prescott ; Toronto ; London ; &c. Quebec : — Ottawa and Gatineau Rivers ; Three Rivers ; Lake of Three Mountains ; Gaspe ; St. Ferreol, &c. New Brunswick : — General throughout the province, but not very common. Nova Scotia : — Common in shaded, swampy grounds in Halifax County ; Queen's ; North Mountain ; Cape Breton, &c. 4. L. BooTTii, Lawson. Dr. Boott'a Buckler Fern. — This is supposed to be a hybird fern, and is intermediate in characters between L. cri^tata and L. spiiiulosa, — diflfering from the first in its thinner fronds with more acute pinnules, larger teeth, the posterior basal pinnules being larger than the anterior. From the second named species, it differs in producing in spring, early, small, spreading, ban en fronds which are pinnate, with decurrent oblong-obtuse pinnules, like those of L. cri^tata ; and later, or summer fronds, frequently fertile, which are erect, and larger, with decurrent oblong- obtuse pinnules, as in the earlier barren fronds. Very rare, and scarce where found. Damp ground near the Sackville River at Bellahill, Halifax County, a small patch, growing with L. cristata and L. spinulosa, found by the late Mr. Peter Jack. 6. L. FiLiX-MAS, Presl. Common Buckler Fern, of England. Filix-mas of the Materia Medica. Rhizome short, stout, ascending or erect, the crown of frond-buds 242 FERN- FLORA OF CANADA. i covered with brown scales. Fronds one to tln-ee feet in Iieight ; stipe rather short, chaffy ; lamina rather broadly lanceolate, imperfectly or completely bipinnate ; pinnules, obtuse or aciitisli, serrate, crenate, or iucisely lol)ate, the basal ones more or less distinct, the upper confluent (united or running into each other), marginal serraturea not spinulose. Sori numerous, nearer midvein than margin, usually confined to the lower or basal luilf of the pinnules ; indusium firm, roundish, convex at first, with a no*" 'h at its depressed funneled point of attachment to the veinlet. Rare, and local in its distribution. This species was not definitely known to be a native of Canada, until discovered on Owen Sound by the late Mrs. Roy, of Royston Park, in 18GU, soon after which it was found in otiier districts by several botanists. Ontario : — Among loose fragments of rock under the limestone clilVs at rear of Royston Park, Owen Sound ; also, under tlie same range of clifl's at a distance of ten miles farther up the (Georgian Bay, Lake Huron, 2^ora Scotia : — Whycocomagh, Cape Breton Island, on the Salt Mountain, (Dr. Lindsay); Cape Mabou ; Lake Ainslie ; and Aspey Bay, — all in Cape Breton, (A. H. Mackay). NawfonmlkDid : — Specimen received by the CJerman Iwtanist, Dr. Kunze. Qiuhec : Abundant and very luxuriant along the (iaspe coast at Fox River, (Macoun). Jiritish Col iimhi(i: —Vound by Dr. Lyall. This is a common feru in Britain and Western Europe, often grow ing on baidis by the roadsides. 6. L. MAiKJiNALis, Prcsl. Maniiiial-Fridttd Backlcr — Rhizome short, very stout, with numerous scaly stipe-bases, tlie crown of frond-buds covered copiously with bright brown chafl'y scales, i'ronds erect, in ciicular tufts, one to two feet or more in length ; stipes from six to twelve inches high profusely covered below with pale thin scales; lamina from nine to eighteen inches, elongate ovate-obbnig, of a rather dull green colour, somewhat coriaceous (leathery), pinnate or almost liiiiinnate ; pinn;e linear-lanceo- late, broad at base ; pinnules oblong, very obtuse, oljsoletely incised. Sori terminal on the veinlcts, and nuirginal, appearing prominently in a row round the edges of the pinnules. The frond remains green over winter. Rocky banks, lioth in shady and exposed places, the large rhizome enabling thia species to resist the heat and drought of summer. It i^ ^xchisively confined to the North American continent, and is cliiefly found in the countries lying between the Atlantic and the Western Prairies. Xova Scotia : — Bedford Basin, on Dartmouth side ; around Lily and Rocky Lukes, Halifax County; New Ross; North Mountain; Gaspereau Vallay ; Caledonia; Cape Breton. New Bruiixwick : — Rather common. Qnehec : — Cap Tourmente ; (Jatineau Mills. Ontario: — Abundant in dry woods around Kingston; near Odessa; Newboro ; Marble Rock and elsewhere on Gananoquc River and Lakes ; Farmcrsville ; llaiuwood Creek ; Brockville, common ; Valley of the Trert, on and around the great boulder ; Lakefield, North Douro ; Sulphur Spring, Hamilton ; Cedar Island ; Smith's Falls ; Ramsay ; Prescott ; Belleville ; llarriugton ; London, fee. A very large form, the fronds bipinnate and the pinnules pinnatifid, var. Tkaill.i:, was found at North Douro by Mrs. Traill. FERN-FLORA OF CANADA. 243 Cape jineau Iboio ; wood lltler ; falla ; Iroiula Mia. 7. L. MONTANA, Moore. 3foini(aiii Ihiclfcr Fiiii. — Rhizome short, stout, with strong root fibres, tlie upper part surrounded hy elose-sct stipe l)ases. Fronds in ch)se tufts, bright yeUowish or gohlen green, 1 to .3 feet high, with very sliort thick, scaly stipes, surrounded by chise-set Btipe l)ases. Frond I iniina hmceohite in outline, much narrowed below, —pinnate, the pinna> being largest in the middle part of the frond, and gradually decreasing to very small size at the base ; pinna; linear-lanceolate, deeply pinnatilid ; lobes oblong, Hat, obtuse, entire, the lowest ones on the pinna parallel with the raehis ; sori sub-marginal on the veinlcts, and niosMy on the upper half of th.e frond ; indusiurn iucon spicuous, imperfect, or absent. Frouila annual, glandular on the lower surface. lirit'n^h Cohimhia: — Mount Dawson; Selkirk Range; sumiidt of the C. R. Ry. Pass, (Macoun). Also Island of Unalaska. Not rare in Western Europe. 8. L. iafiii>A, Presl. Hiijf linrktir Fi^rn. — Riiizome short, stout, with close scaly stipe stubs ; stipe rigid, erect, half as lonsr as tlic lamina and very scaly at base ; lamina lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate, or some)' hat triangular in outline, coriaceous, bijiinnate ; pinn.T oblong-lanceolate, tlie lowest somewhat triangular ; pinnules oblong, veiny, doubly serrate, with spinulose teeth ; sori large, nearer mid vein than margin of lobes ; indusiurn with a very narrow sinus and nnnute glands on the margin. British Columhiti : — Victoria and Mount Fiidayson, Vancouver Ishmd. In Aniorica confined to Atlantic Coast regions, the prevailing form in Californi;i and Oregon being larger in all its ])arts than the European, and distinguished by the United States botanists as var. nnjufa. 9. L. FRAUKANs, Rresl. 1'h' Frn<jraiif Buckler /'Vr». - Rhizome short and stout, the crown and stipe-bases clothed with glistening golden Itrown scales. P'rond usually only a very few inclus in length, (l)ut in exceptionally favourable spots reaching a foot or even more), so that this is the smallest of all the Lastrcas. Stipes tufted, very scaly, the sliining scales extending along tlie raehis, Lanuna lanceolate coriaceous on the upper surface, bipinnate, pinn;e triangular, of few (4 or ") pairs) of close set pinnules, covered beneath by the large rusty meml)ranou3 indusia, which conceal the sori. iV«?-o iSco? /a : — Hartley waterfall, Pirate Harbour, Strait of Canso, on perpendicular clift's, very scarce and almost inaccessible, (Rev. E. H. lUll). Nrjn Brnuswick :— Dalhousie ; Railway tunnel at Rwstigouche. (,>*(' /^^f .—Saguenay River; Ilemmingford ; Falls of St. Anne des Monts River, and along the Telegi'aph Road, (laspe. Manituha: — Dawsou Road. Also at Lake Sui)erior ; Xipigon Lake and River ; and on the northern and Arctic coasts, as Cape C'hutlleigh, Cape I'rince of Wales, ami Repulse Ray. This rare northern species was well descril)ed by Sir William Hooker (whose knowledge of ferns was more exten.sive than that of any other botanist) as one of the most beautiful of all ferns, in the nnnutely-divided fronds, of a full green colour, destitute of scales above, while the whole of the rest of the plant is richly paleaceous with gold-shining scales. The fresh fronds exhale a delicate fragrance. 244 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 10. L. NovEBORACKNHis, Presl. The New York Buckler Fern. — Rliizome rather slender, creeping ; fronda erect, in compact tufts ; stipes very short ; lamina twelve or fourteen inches in length, thin and pale green, lanceolate, pinnate, remarkably narrowed below, the pinnae gradually smaller from above the middle of the frond downwards until they become mere auricles at the base close to the ground ; pinnae sessile linear or linear- lanceolate, acuminate, more or less approximate, deeply pinnatifid ; pinnules oblong, usually flat, veins simple (not forked nor otherwise branched); sori small, almost marginal,, never confluent. In moist shady woods, but not in wet places, and never found in marshes or swamps or on the margins of lakes (which are the usual habitats of L. Thelypteris, often mistaken for this species). Nora Scotia: — Woods at Bedford ; Lucyfield, Sackville ; Beaver Bank, and, other places in Halifax County, not rare. New Brunsioick '.—Common. Prov. Quebec: — Mount Johnson, Montreal ; Beloeil ; Ottawa ; Quebec. Ontario: — Prescott ; Kingston ; Ramsay ; Lakefleld ; North Douro ; Seymour ; Hamilton ; London ; Toronto ; Windsor ; Port Colbourne ; Muskoka; Owen Sound; also Maintoulan Islands, &c. Newfoundland: — Miquelon. 11. L. Thelvpteris, Presl. The Marsh Buckler Fern. — Rhizome slender, creeping, branched, giving off lateral fronda, and scaly at the growing point. Fronds from half a. foot (in cold swamps) to two or more in height ; stipe as long or longer than the lamina, which, in the sterile frond, is lanceolate, but wide at base, pinnate ; pinnte linear lanceo- late, deeply pinnatifid, segments or lobes oblong, obtuse or acute, usually entire, the basal ones often longer. The fertile fronds appear later in summer, have longer and stouter stipes, and the margins or edges of their segments or lobes are turned back (revolute) so that they have a contracted appearance, the pinnfe being consequently narrower and more acute, or acuminate. Sori small, round, forming a line, (and often confluent) on each side of the midvein, midwr.y between it and the margin, but appearing marginal from the involution of the edges of the frond-lobes. Indusium delicate, lacerate, glandular. The fronds wither in autumn. Marshes, marshy ground, and wet margins of lakes and ponds, not common. Ontario .•— Swamps in the woods at Kingston, and in the township of Hinchinbrook ; Portland; Ernestown ; Milgrove Marsh, Hamilton; Prescott; Belleville; Ramsay; Thorold ; Maiden; Muskoka; Parry Sound, &c. Eastern and Central Ontario, general. Manitoba :—'Rqi\ River Settlement, (McTavish). Quebec Prov.: — Montreal ; St. Joachim ; L'Original ; Gatineau Mills, on the Ottawa; Temisquata and other places, common. Nova Scotia :—'Sorth Mountain; Lily Lake, county of Halifax. New Brunswick: — j^ather common in wet or marshy places. The most westerly localities known for this fern are Lake Winnipeg and Red River Settlement. FEHN- FLORA OF CANADA. 245 GENUS XIX.— Polypodium, Linn. Polypody. ]. P. VL'LOARE, Linn. Common Polypody. — Rhizome fleshy and cord-like, covered with a fur of brown scales, creeping on soil or on surface of rocks or mossed bark, giving off at inter\ .ila leafy fronds borne on smooth straw-coloured stipes (stalks) less than half their own length. Frond more or less fleshy, coriaceous (leathery), in form linear- oblong, or somewhat lanceolate, acuminate (with a prolonged narrow point), deeply cut pinnately into lobes, almost to the mid-rib, or quite so, when the frond becomes pinnate ; lobes (or pinna;) linear-oblong or oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, or often acute, rarely acumi- nate, the margin usually entire or only slightly toothed, rarely serrate ; veins of frond- lobes forked. Soii (fruit-dots) large and round, arranged in a row on each side of the midrib of the lobe or pinna, midway between the midrib and margin. There are two Canadian varieties : — 1. Var. occiuentale, with larger fronds, more acuminate towards the tips, the lobes all strongly serrated. 2. Var. Cambricitm, with broader, paler, or somewhat glaucescent fronds, the larger lobes conspicuously wider in the middle, and again divided into lobes or segments, the larger of which are serrulate. Evergreen. On rocks and boulders in the woods, where the air is kept moist by neighbouring lakes or streams, and on the moss-covered trunks and branches of trees near the sea-shore and by water-falls, Ontario .-—Not rare around the great lakes and along the course of the St. Lawrence River. Quebec Province : — Common around the Gulf shores, and extending eastward to Cape Haldimand, Gasp^. Nova <S'co</a.' — Common in Atlantic coast districts, as Halifax and Guysborough. New Brunswick : — Common, except in the northern counties. J/ant7o6a .- — Plentiful in rocky parts. British Columbia: — Not rare, but chiefly the variety occ/(/e/j/«/«. Newfoundland: Mi(iuelon, (Delamare). This species is also found on the Rocky Mountains, and extends northward to Nelson and Slave River. It is common in northern Asia and Europe, and there extends within the Arctic Circle. Var. occidentale was flrst found on the Island of Sitcha. Var. Cambricum. — On rocks at Port Simpson, on Portland Inlet, British Columbia, opposite the southern extremity of Alaska. 1. 2. P. ScouLERi, Hook. & Grev. Scouler\ Polypody. — Rhizome thick, short, fleshy, scaly, creeping, usually on bark ; stipes two to four inches long, leafy part of frond six or eight inches long by about thr«e inches wide. Frond fleshy, becoming coriaceous, smooth, oblong-ovate, divided to the rachis into few pinnai, which are more or less oblong, blunt, or much rounded at the apex, entire. Veins of the lobes anastomosing (netted). Sori very large in size and few in number, ranged near the midrib. Evergreen. British Columbia: — Alberai, V. I , and on the mainland, rare. 3. P. FALCATUM, Kellogg. Z/?7«oWce /'em. — Rhizomc Creeping, succulent and sweet to the taste, the younger parts scaly ; stipes straw-coloured, half a foot in length, the leafy part of the frond a foot or more long and half as much wide. Frond rather thin 246 FKHN-KLOllA OF CANADA. fleshy, sli^litly coriaoeons, smooth, hroadly laiicelolate, acmnimitc, deeply piniiatifid or pinnate, the lobes or pinnio broad below, tapering upwards into acuminate points, more or less faloate (sickle-shaped) and sharply serrate. Veins forked or branched. Sori nearer the midrib than margin of the lolje or j)inna. Evergreen. In crevices of rocks and in tree-hollows. Brilhh Cohtmhia : — Vancouver Island, between Victoria and KsiiuiiiiiUilt Harbour. Also Fraser Kiver. (;KNi;s XX.— PhegOpteriS, F^e. /hech and Onh Frni.i. 1. I'll. Diivoi'Ti.Ris, Fee. Common Oak Fo-?/. —Rhizome l)rauched, slender, creejjing, dark coloured, with at first brown scales ; stipe slender and weak, longer than the lamina, glabrous, except at the very base. Frond six to twelve inches high, glabrous ; lamina thin and delicate, meml)ranou3 or herbaceous, pale-green, dall, in three, stalked, divaricate, trianguhir paitsor divisions, eacli of which is pinnate, with its pinnie more or less deeply pinnatitid, the central division largest and symmetrical, the otiiers (side or lateral ones) having their piniiic altbrcviated oi- less developed on tiie upper side. Var. ERKCTA is a tall, stout foiiu that grows in wet shady places in rich soil, and resembles the following variety in app(!arance, but differs from it in the fronds not being covered on tlie surface with minute glands. Var. Roi'.KUTiANA, Davenport, (Limestone fern of England); rhizome less creeping ; frond stout, rigid ; stipe and lamina closely beset with minute stalked glands (visil)le by aid of a lens). On wooded rocky banks, and i>i dry woods, very geneial throughout the whole Dominion, especially in hilly districts. IJritixh Columbia: — (Found by Dr, G. Dav/son). North- Weft 7'er/v7())\)/ .— Echimamish River to Oxford House. Manltoha: — Common around Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegosis ; and in the Hiding, Duck, and Porcupine Mountains. 0»/c(/v"o : —Abundant in tiie woods around Kingston; Ramsay; Frescott ; Belleville; Toronto; north sliores of Lakes Superior and Huron. Qxchtc : River Rouge ; Round Lake; Montreal Mountain; Nicolet River; Somerset; St. Joachim; L'Original, &c., — common thioughout the I'rovince. Nein lirunxmick : — So common in tlie Province that special localities need not be cited. Nova Scotia : — Common all over tiie peninsula of Nova Scotia and also in Cape lireton Island. Xeic/'onndldiul. Ldhratlor. The var. crcctd grows in Ix^cch wooils at Collins's Ray, near Kingston ; also around the shores of Redford Rasin and the Rasin of Minas, Xova Scotia. Var. Robertiniia has been found near Lake Seul, Ontario ; Lake of the woods, Manitoba ; Anticosti, Quebec, 2. Pji. UKXAiioNorTKKA, Fec. Soutftrrn licech Fern — Rhizome long, slender, branching, at tirst seal}'. h'tond from one to two feet or moie in height; stipe variable in length, but mostly longer than tlie lamina of the frond. Lamina triangular in outline, acuminate, soft and hairy throughout, pinnate, the lowest pair of pinnie larger than the others, projected forward but not detlexed ; pinn;e broadly lanceolate, pinnatifid, th mi FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. 247 the basal lo])cs decurrent, forming a conspicuous angled win^,' along cither side of tlie main rachis of the frond. Sori mostly, hut not all, near tiic margin. Rare. Quehex Province :- W at'' r\oo and Sorel ; Quebec; Nun's Islind, Montreal. On^ftj'jo :— Chippewa ; Parry Sound ; Prescott ; near Campbellfotd, and at Port Stanley ; St. Thomas and Windsor ; London. Xertifoundlauil : — Micjuehoi, plain to south ol Kiver Bibite. 3. Ph. coNNECTiLts, Watt. /Vt/i* Mounltihi Poli/podj/. — Rhizome creeping, clothed with pale deciduous scab's. Frond a fo. t high, stipe rather longer than the lamina, which is acutely triangular or deltoid, (longer than broad), acumiiKite, pinnate, soft, dull green, the veins pilose beneath and the rachis scaly ; piniue linear-lanceolate, pinnatitid, lowest pair deflexed; rachis hairy and minutely scaly to the apex of the frond, as well as the midribs of the pinna-, e.«pecially on the lower sui-faee. The round sori near tlie margin. Fronds wither in autumn. Ontario : — Ramsay ; Prescott ; O.^good ; Nicolet ; Toronto, and westward to Lake Superior, opposite Grand Island, (^k^/^^c :— Gloucester, near Ottawa; ("helsca ; L'Original ; Harrington, <!tc. Nova Scotia and Xe\r ftrinisirir/: : — Gommon in wet spots, on shaded hillsides, and in ravines. Xfir founillau<l : -Chik Micjuelon. Also in Manitoba, in the UocJcy Monntainn, and in Ala.ika. GENUS XXT. -Gymnoerammo, Dksvaix. Gymnogrammk TKT.ANori.AHis, Kaulfuss. Oo'ilen Fern. — Rhiz une small, short, creeping, with chaffy stipe stubs ; stipes tufted, wiry, dark, [lolished ; lamina di'ltoid or pentagonal, a few inches in diameter, the lower piiin;e very large, triangular, and twice parted, with the secondary pinnse much elongated on the Uwer side ; u[>per pinn;e lanceo- late, and more or les-s pinnately lobed, covered beneath witli yellow powder. British Columbia : — Ci'evices of rocks, Vancouver Island, rare. GENUS XXIL-Osmiinda, Ltn.v. Rn>/al Fem. 1. 0. RECJAU.S var. si'KCT.ABILls, Law SOU. Aimrirtni Roi/al /■'/•». ~ Fronds erect, pale or glaucous green, glabrous, bipinnat '; pinnules oblon^'-laneeolatc, cliliiiue, shortly stalked, very slightly dilated at the base, Jiearly entire! ; fertile pinnules forming a racemose panicle at the summit of the frond. This Can idian fern is not sullieiently diflerent fiom the Royal Fern of luii'ope, (). rfi/ft/i-^, to take rank as a separate sprcifs, but is distinct as a variety. The European O. rn/nfi^ is lai'ger, more robust, (not so tall and thin in proportion), of darker colour, not glaucous, with more widely spreading or diveigent pinn;e, and more leafy auricleil, sessile pinnules, which aie more or less pinnatifid at the base, (whereas in the Canadian variety they are quite entire), and 248 FERN-FLOIU OF CANADA. the flivieions of tlie fertile portion of tlie pinnje are more widely divergent. The slender still' straight growth and lax hranchiiig of our variety distinguish it in gardens In swatnps and by the margins of rivers, not uncommon in the Maritime Provinces, in Quebec and Ontaiio, extending westward to the Saskatchewan, Ontario : — Farmersville ; Hardwood Creek ; Hinchinl)rook, and other places in rear of Kingston, usually in thickuty swamps, by corduroy roads, &o. Millgrove Marsh, Hamilton ; Ramsay ; Belleville ; I'rescott, common ; Welland ; Nicolet ; Wolfe Island* and Navy Island ; Portland ; in Bedford township, very abundant ; London. Quebec : — Near Montreal ; Lake St. Charles ; L'Original ; around Metis Lake ; opposite Gros Cap ; Sou-sou-wa-ga-mi ('reek and Sohwibah River. Newfoundland : —Bonne Bay, on rocks, 1000 feet above sea level, (a small form). Also Bermuda. 2. 0. Claytoniana, Linn. Claylon^s Royal Fern. — Rhizome not elongated ; frond' narrowly lanceolate, pinnate ; pinnai lanceolate ; fertile fronds like the unfertile, except that about three pairs of pinnre near or below the middle of the frind are contracted and covered with spore cases ; sporangia brown, with green spores. When fresh the fronds, have an odour resembling that of rhubarb stalks. Fronds wither in autumn. Bushy places and neglected clearings especially about swampy grounds, not uncommon, from Newfoundland and the Atlantic Islands and coast westward to Manitoba. Ontario r — Between Kingston and Kingston Mills, in wet swampy places by the roadside ; Little Cataraque Creek ; Waterloo ; banks of the Humber, near Toronto ; Prince's Island, Hamilton ; Ramsay ; Belleville ; Prescott ; Brockville ; Bedford ; near Komoka. West- ward to Manitoba. Quebec -.--IjAke Settlement, and on the river shore near Gatineau Mills ; Dartmouth River, Gaspe ; St. Ferrol ; Augmentation of Grenville. Neiv Brans- wick and Nova Scotia : — Not uncommon. 3. O. ciNNAMOMEA, L. CinnamonStalh'd Roynl Fem. — Rhizome stout, horizontal,, dichotomously branched ; sterile and fertile fronds wholly distinct and different, the former ample, broadly lanceolate, pinnate, the pinnie rather deeply pinnatifid, lobes, regular, entire ; on the lower surface of each pinnje at its has', there is a small tuft of hairs, which readily distinguishes the barren frond of this species ; fertile fronds con- tracted, erect, in the centre of the tuft of sterile fronds, and not at all foliaceous, decaying early in the summer, sporantria ferruginous or cinnamon-coloured. Fronds wither ia autumn. In bushy places and neglected clearings, common. From Newfoundland, Nova Scotia^ New Brunswick, Quebec and Ontario, — as far westward as Georgian Bay and Lake Superior. Bermuda. Extends south to Mexico and Guatemala. Found also on the Amur River, Russia. Ontario : — Kinj^p ■:, not uncommon ; Millgrove Marsh, Hamilton ; Sandwich ; Belle- ville, swamps and I )W grounds, common; Ramsay; Prescott, common; near London; westward to Lake Superior (two Ht^rt lliver). Quebec : — Montreal ; opposite Gros Cap ; St. Joy Woods, on the river shore, near Gatineau Mills ; Nicolet ; L'Original. New- foundland. FERN-FLORA OF CANADA. 249 GENUS XXIII.— SjhlzaBa, Smith. Split-fruited Fern. 8. pcsiLLA, Pursh. The Atlantic Ftrn. — In small grasa-like tufts, infertile fronds an inch or more in length, linear, undivided, twisted ; fertile fronds taller (.3 or 4 inches), straight, erect, divided at top into a few compact pairs of pinnre (appearing as if unexpanded), which bear the sporangia. Nova Scotia : — Found on the shore of Grand Lake, twenty-three miles from Halifax city, N. S., in August, 1879, by Miss Elizabeth G. Knight, of New York. The plants were less than two inches high, the fruit immature ; they were growing among the rhizomes of the royal fern. This little fern has not been found since at that place, nor elsewhere in Canada. Newfoundland : — St. Pierre, Newfoundland, in peat bog at foot of range of hills to north of Bourg, growing with the swamp orchids, Ai'ethuta, Calopogon, d'C.f — Bernard de la Pylaie, (1816 or 1818-20.) There are specimens from this station in Pylaie's Herbarium in the Paris Museum ; but the plant has not been since found in New- foundland, and only once in Nova Scotia. The onlj' other station known in the whole world for this species is in New Jersey, where it is also very scarce. Plants that are very rare now, and circumscribed in area, are believed to have been more prevalent at sorrie former period. This unobtrusive fern, so small in size, so inconspicuous in form and colour, belongs to a series which is remarkably distinct in structural characters, and whose comparatively few species are now widely scattered on the islands and around the shores of tropical regions of the earth. It may be regarded as one of the remnants of a probable, long lost, Atlantis flora, and is hence called the Atlantis Fern. (iENUS XXIV.— BotryChlum, Swartz. Grape Ferns. Moonwort. 1. B. ViRQiNlANUM, Swartz. The Virginian Grapp- Fern or Moonwort. — Root fibres few, thick, fleshy ; stipe fleshy, swollen at base, with a longitudinal sheathing fissure showing the enclosed hairy frond-bud. (In all the other species the bud is entirely concealed by the base of the stipe.) Lainina, infertile, branching from the main axis about its middle, sessile, but its three primary divisions stalked, broadly triangular in outline, much divided, each of the primary divisions being once, twice or three times pinnatifld ; the lobes of the pinnules oblong-ovate, deeply incised ; texture of the lamina thin, delicate, membranous, veiny. The stipe, rising as a main axis above the lamina, ends in a compound fertile spike of yellow sporangia, beinjj bipinnate or tripinnate. Plant very variable in size, usually a foot or more in height, and one of the moat beautiful and distinct of our Canadian ferns ; dwarfed specimens, only a few inches in length, are not rare. In rich M'oods, or in rocky places where there is accumulation of vegetable soil, gensral, but nowhere abundant. Ontario : — Not uncommon in the woods about Kingston, and the surrounding country, as near Odessa ; Wolfe Island ; also Hinchinbrook, Ac. ; 250 FERN -FLORA OF CANADA. Delta ; Toronto ; at tlic .Sulphur Spring, Hamilton ; Preacott ; Chippawa ; ■Rolleville ; Ramsay ; London ; north shore of Lake Superior ; at Red Rock ; Nipigon ; Thunder IJay ; and up the Kairiini.sti(iuift. C^»fi/*rc : — Riviere Rouge ; Montreal; (Jasp^ ; Stanfold ; Grenville ; Island of Anticosti in the (Julf of St. Lawrence, ^^orlh- ]V>'si Territory, d-c. : — Hill I'ortage, above Oxford House ; Saskatchewan ; Rocky Mountains ; lower slopes of South Kootanie Pass, lat. 49°. lirilhh Columbia :--Vort McLeod, lat. 5,')°; and lower valley of Fraaer River. iVorri Scotia: — Hlomidon ; Scott's Bay; Five Islands; IMctou ; Port Mulgrave, Strait of Canso ; Truemanville, (Cumberland County. New Brunmnck: — Rather common in this Province. Ni'irfonniUanil. 2. IJ. TKKNATi'M, Swirtz. Leathery Moonwort, — Root of elongated, tliick, fleshy, tuber-like fi])res. Stipe .3 or 4 to 10 or 12 inches in height. Lamina tliick and leathery in texture, long-stalked, arising from near the base of the stipe or main axis, triangular or broadly deltoid in outline, ternately divided, the divisions stalked and twice or thrice pinnate, the ultimate lobes being more or less triangular, lanceolate or ovate, nearly entire or incised. The sporcangia-bearing spike is long-stalked, and twice or thrice pinnate. In old pasture.", dry grass}' places by river sides, &c., not decidedly rare, but not common. Nova 5ro/m :— Cape I'orcupinc; Boylston, Guysborough County; Rawdon and Windsor, Hants County ; Sackville ; Bedford ; New Germany and Oaklands Lake, Mahone J>ay. Quebec : —Three Rivers ; St. Joachim ; L'Original ; Quebec ; Richmond and Drummond Counties. Xeu^ Bruufwlck : — Rapide de Femine, below Grand Falls ; not rare in this Piovince. Ontario : — (jananoque Lake ; Castleton and Bellevilh; ; Prescott Junction westward ; English's \\*oods, London ; Hamilton ; Leamington ; Blenheim ; near Ottawa ; north sliore of Lake Superior; Rice Lake Plains. British Columhia : — New Westminster. Manitoba : — Frequent on the western prairies, extending to Rocky Mountains, 3. B. LiTN.AKiA, Swartz. Common Moouwort, of Europe. — Frond from 4 to 8 inches in height, thick and leathery ; infertile lamina sessile, arising from the middle part of the stipe or main axis, oblong or somewhat ovate, only once pinnate (the ])innaj not pinnatifid); pinnai cuneate at base, rounded-lunate, the outer or convex margin slightly notched or incised not lobcd. Rather rare. QueJu'c : — North side of Orleans Island ; Riviere du Loup ; near Cape Rosier, Gaspe. Ontario :— North shore of Lake Superior, and the Pic and Nipigon Bay ; Nipigon River and Lake Nipigon. Maiiitoita : — On prairie close to sand hills at Flat Creek. Xorth-lVest Territory •.—dulctou House on the Saskatchewan, and Bow River Pass, Rocky Mountains ; Eclnnamish River to Knee Lake, and Churchill River, near Hudson Bay. British Columbia : — Near Fort McLeod, lat. 55". 4. B. matkicari.*;folium, Braun. Chnmomile-l-arrd Grape-Fern. — Frond rather fleshy, from a few inches to, rarely, a foot in height. Infertile lamina stalked, arising far '^ FEItN-FLOllA OF CANADA. 251 above the middle of the main axis, oblong-ovate, pinnate ; pinme more or lesa piiinatilid, their lobes oblong-ovate, obtuse ; the shortly stalked fertile spike bipinnate. New Bnnmi'ick: — Petitcodiac and Tituaville. Qmhec •.—Oa\}q Rosier, fJaspe ; King's Mountain, Cliel-sea. Ontario : — L kke Superior ; lielleville ; five miles north of ('ampbell- ford, Northumberland County ; Nipigon River and Islands on Lake Nipigon. Nova 5^co</« : — I'ietou ; Truemf nville ; Blomidon. 5. B. LANf.'EoLATUM, Angstiom. Lana'-'eavpjl (7mp<-F<'nt.—Fvom\ from 2 to or 8 inches high, rather tliin ; infertile lamina not stalked, arising from tlie main axis far above its middle, pinnate, pinnie pinnatitid (in well-developed individuals), loljes oblong lanceolate, acute, (the form of the ultimate lobes distinguishes this species from B. matricaria'i'ol'unn ) ; fertile spike short stalked, twice or thrice pinnate. Noni .Vco^Vt :—Trueman villa. New Z^r«?ts(t7Jtl :— Fredericton and Bass River. Quebec : — Magog. 6. B. siMi'LEX, Mitchcock. The Simple- Fronded Grape-Fern.— k few inches (1-G) high, fleshy and glabrous ; infertile lamina stalked, usually arising from near the rhizome or below the middle of the main axis, small, more or less ovate, lobed or incised, the lobes obovate-cuneate ; fertile spike once or twice pinnate. Nora Scotia -. — WmiXaov ; Truemanville, Co. Cumberland. Ne.u) Brunswick -.—■Vetit- codiac ; Fredericton ; Dalhousie. Quf/jcc: — Temisquata ; Quebec; Montreal ; (henville, Argenteuil Co. Ontario : — Georgian Bay ; meadows along the Kaministicpiia River, above Fort William, Lake Superior. North- West YVn-i^ori/ : -Between Cumbeiland House and Hudson Bay. (JENUS XXV.-CplliOglOSSUm, Linn. Adjhr's Tomjue. 0. VULOATtM, Linn. Addn-'s Towjiu.—Vihuome fleshy, with a descending axis, spreading fleshy roots, and a sheathed terminal bud or growing point. Frond a few inches in height ; stipe erect, succulent, hollow, bearing a sessile leaf-like frond, subtending the erect fertile peduncle which bears the fleshy spore cases imbedded in aseiies or row on each margin of the siiike ; they ultimately split horizontally and give it a toothed appear- ance. Somttimes the fruit-spike is forked, and it is so figured in very old books. This probably originated the name Uphioglossum, or Adder's Tongue. Crassy places, rare, and inconspicuous. Nova Scotia: — Truro, Dr. 0. C. Campbell ; Truemanville, A. J. T:ueman. New Brunswick : — Hopewell and Cape Enrage. Qachec : — Melbourne ; Hemmingford ; and Hemlock Lake, Ottawa. Ontario : -Port Stanley ; Belle- ville ; Tudor ; McCann's Island ; St. Thomas ; Toronto ; Lake of the Woods.