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Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmis A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich*. il est film* A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 L , ... 4 5 6 fj\efa^ 0( rrj ^Y}^<^y^\ • r' ■'■)>■;■. *• I t I r'* .,M #"1 . k ' U , V I ' ' » 1 " !<..•' 1 ■« fC " ' 1 f i|||p; ^ ,*!*/. V s ■ ■ ,. ■':( '■;:. •"?•"' (.■w;. MINUTE S OK TUK BAPTIST I «*^|d ♦ ♦ iasioiutrp¥ J t'F Oe^kgon, W. T., Idaho and B. C. r.Kixo A7t Arcovni of I he /ie-orf/attlzation of the Baptist Conven- tion of Oretjon and Washiwjton, and of the Ore- r/ov Baptid State. S. 8. Convention; S>ii\opsis of Minutes of First Annual Meetim/: and Mmutes of the Second Annual Meetimj of the Baptist Mis- sionavji and Edifeational Society of Oregon^ Washinf/toi), Idaho and B. C. SALEM, OREGON: A. L. STINSON, BOOK AND JOB POINTER, 1878. V ^■>. ma '. I If f ACCOUNT OF THK RE-ORGANIZATION OK THE BAPTIST CONVENTION OF OREGON AND WASHINCiTON, ' ASH OK TIIK OREGON jJArrisr state s. s. coxakntion. / The above luiiiied Conventions held their annual meetings in conjunction with the Baptist Church of Albany, Oregon, beginning .Tune 25, 1877. Their annual meeting had not been sustained, and their work had fallen into neglect, to some extent, if not entire- ly. At this meeting, the question of perpetuating the Convention and sustaining its work, was warmly discussed. It was determined to re-organize the two Conventions, forming them into one new Society ; and a committee was* appointed to draft a Constitution. The committee con- sisted of Rev. J. C. Baker, Chairman : A. W. Kinney, W. C. Johnson, B. F. Dorris, Revs. R. Thompson, Rev. J. T. Unfi; Rev. C. W. Rice, Rev. R. C. Hill, Rev. G. J. Bur- chett. This committee reported a Constitution, which, after some amendments, was adopted, and is published witli these Minutes. The name of the new organization, as l)rovided in the Constitution, was The Baptist Missionary and Educational Society of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and B. C. Organization under this Constitution was effected by 188259 r electing Kev. C. W. Reos, Tics.; J Ion. Ifoiiry Wurreii, Vice Pres.; lion. W. C. Jolnirton, Sec; Hon. B. V. Don is, Trcas. Tlie following Boards were cicctcil : Hoard of Mi.^sloa.—A. AV. Kinney, Henry Wiinen, W. (;. Jolnison, K. Thompson, B. F. Doiris, David Huist, (J. .1. Barl)onr. .S\ ^'. Board.— C. W. Uces, A. J. Hunsaker, W. \l. Lat- onrette. EdaoMtlonal Board. — (». .1. Diiruliott, .)t)hn (Connor, U. 0. Hill, A. W. Kinney, W. C. .lohnson. i The next meeting was appointed to be hold at McMinn- ville,the last Thursday ol Oct. of the jnesent year, accord- ins to the Constitution. Rev. (j. .J. Bnivhett was ap- pointed to preach the ai^.nual sermon, with Rev. C. W. Rees as alternate. Afterwards the Society was adjourned. Note.— This stiUoinent wa> iJi-cpared ainl otit<;n'«.l u\hin tli' trconls of llm Society, V its oidtT, nt llie tii-st iinmml rnectiinr Ht iM.Miimvillc, Oi-t. 2'i, 1877. It i« lnll)li^ll»•(l witii lli.'su Miin>h.s sis per ^imiliir umI.'V nt iho ^ftcoiul aunuRl moctinir iit Orogoii City, (K4. I'.l, 1H7S. S. i;. IMUCE, Svivtary. nm:''. Don is, en, W. list, (J. 11. Lat- nor, U. cMiini- a coord - 'as a))- C. W. Kiriie "-ftCOIltl Vftary. iSYNOPSlS OF MIXUTES &r First Annual Meeting. rnrsuant to ndjounnnont, tlie BaptUt Missionary ami Kdncational Society for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Britisli Columbia, met in annual session with the Baptist Church at McMinnvillo, Oregon, 25th of Oct., 1877, at 10 o'clock, A. M., and was called to order by lion. Henry Warren, Vice ['resident. After singing and prayer, S. C. Price was cln^scn Secretary, y;ro (cw.; after which, the So- ciety proceeded to enrollment. After enrollment, officers were elected as follows : Pres., Kev. J. C. Baker, of Salem ; Vice Pres., Rev. A. S. Coats, of Portland ; Sec, Rev. 8. C. Price, ol The Dalles; Treas., J)avid llnrst, of McMinnville. The preacher of the annual sermon and alternate, both ])oing absent,*tlie preaching of the annual sermon was ad- jouriTed.. Committee on Order of Exercises was appointed. Society adjourned to 2 o'clock, p. m. 2 o'clock, p. m. The Society was called to order by the President. Af- ter devotional exercises, the report of tlie Committee on Order of Exercises was submitted and adopted. Vice President in the chair. Bro. Baker, for the chair- man of the Board of Mission, present the report of the Board. Following this report, the election of the Boards of the Society, was in order. Revs. A. J. Ilunsaker, J. T. lluft", E. Russ, were appointed a committee to nominate F 6 sttid Boards. Tlie committee retired, and the iSooiety en- gaged in a season of pravcr for the gnidance of the Holy Spirit. The committee tlien reported, which, after amend- ment, was adopted us follows. Board of Miftyion. — J. C. Baker, A. S. Coats, N. VV. Gurretson, A. VV. Kiimey, David iluisr, Mrs. J. T. ]Iiitt*. EducoJionaJ Hoard. — (». J. Burcliott, S. C. Trice, A. W. Kinney, John Connor, D. W. Williani:-i. S. »S'. Ilmn-d. — Uev. E. Russ, Mrs. Henry Warren, Mrs. M. A.lfurst. A. A. ITuiisakor, E. Kuss and S. Hill, were appointed a Committee on Trinting Minutes. Adjourned to 7 o'clock, 1*. M. 7 o'clock, r. M. The Society was called to order by the President. Af- ter devotional exercises, Itev. A. 8. Coats, of Portland, preached the Missionary sermon. Text, Isaiah 40, 3. Following the sermon, was a discussion of the report of the Board of Missions, after which, jiledges tor the Missionary work were taken, anuiunting to $312. Adjourned to 1> o'clock, to-morrow. October, 'JOth, 9 o'clock, a. m. Society met and was called to order by the President, after a season of devotional evercises. The Minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and corrected. The President announced the following Com- mittee on next Anniversary : J. Beezley, D. Hurst and T. W. Boardman. The report of the Committee on Printing Minutes, was submitted as follows : Y ofth i-t. I lift or th« pi 2(1. 1m' fur .1.1. HKAr ociet}- cn- the Ilolv 3i'anicii(l- . T. Huft-. 3e, A. W. •en, Mrs. 'oiiited a ' o'clock, r. M. int. Af- [*ortIand, 1 40, 3. Mtof the issionary led to i> , A. M. esident, ead and ig Coni- : and T. tes, was Yonr oomni'ittcc, to wliom was rctcned the j>nl)lic«tion of the Miinites of this meeting, rec(»rnmend as follows : l>t. Tlmt the Swntlary of tlio SiX'itity l)o iiii-tnu'trd to pn'jmrc n br'u(f liistoiy of U\() olinngr of llic Stnto C'onvt'iituin nnd State S. S. Convention to tli« pvf.'scnt orKttni/ntion. 2(1. Tlmt tliis history, topcllior v.itli tlic; Minuton of tli« present meeting, 1m> furiiisliiKl tli« Hvavifil Ww ptililinUion. .^tl. Woiilil rurtlicr rci'OniMU'iKl the monthly publlontion of thn Baptist I{ka<'on, nriH "mt, tho Miniiti"., in » brief Ibriii. Iw piibiislu-d in the next is«riie of the >!aiiii E. UUSS, ChairmAn. Alt', le If^t was amended to f»rovide for the procuring of a suitable '•ecoivl book b}' the Secretary, in which the Minutes nnu liistory shall be transcribed, and then adopted. Article 2d was laid on the table. Article 8d,was referred to a committee, cotisisting of G. J. Uurchett, J, T. Huff, 8. C. Trice. Adjourned to 5] p. m., to give place to the Woman's Mis- sionary Meeting. 4 o'clock, p. m. The Boaid of Trustees of McMimiville College being in session when the appointed hour for convening the Society arrived, the Society was not called to order until 4 o'clock. Brother Coats was called to the chair. The report of the (/ommittee on Publication of the Baptist Beacon, was submitted and adopted, as follows: Your Special Couiniittce on Publication, submit the following report : We recommend, l^t. The publication of a Missionary sheet, to be called the Baptist Bka(;on. 'Jd. That it be published by tho Mission Board of this Society. .'Id. 'iiiat its design shall be to dissiminate missionary intelligence and loiter the missionary and educational spirit among our churches. 4th. That it bo published monthly. 5»,h. That the Mission Board appoint one of their members to supervise its publication. G. J. BURCHETT, Chairman. Adjourned. • CLOCK, P. M. Tlie Society was called to order by the President. The Committee on Order of Exercises made supplemental re- port. Rev. S. C. Price, of The Dalles, then preached the Educational Sermon. Text, Mark 4, 28, last clause. ?'ol- lovving was a discussion of our educational work. The Committee on next Anniversary, reported as fol- ows: Place of meeting, Oregon City ; preacher of annual sermon, S. C. Price; alternate, J. C. Baker; report adopted. Adjourned. i ' *' ' October 27, 9 o'clock, A. M. The Society met, and in the absence of President and Vice President, was called to order by the Secretary. A. J. Ilunsaker was chosen President, pro tern. Brother i)avid Hurst offered the following resolution, which was adopted. fiesolved, Tliat all nionoys belonging to this Society, iiccniing from whal- er source, after defraying neces^sary expense?, shall belong to the fund of the Missionary Board of this Society. •: The Society engaged in a discussion of our missionary work until the hour for preaching arrived; when Rev, J. W. Osborn preached from 1 Cor., 12:21. Adjourned. .% 2:30 p. M. The Society was called to order by President pro tern. The session was given to the S. S. programme. The fol- lowing topic being presented : "The Bible the Word of God— How Teacliers may sustain and teach this, essay, Rev. E. Russ. " Plan to secure Collections in all our S. S.,'" address, Mrs. J. T. Huff. "Relations of the Church to :;k, p. m. lent. The (mental re- 3ached tlie luse. Foi- led as fol- r of annual !• ; re|x»it L'k, A. M. •ideiit and Secretary. Brother vliich was g from wlmt- ic fund of tlio nissionary n Rev. J. p. M. pro teni. The fol- 1 Word of is, essay, .urS. S.," 'hurch to • 9 ty»e School," ad<^ress, Rev. J. T. Huff. Kacli topic was ffiven a Notice was given of proposed amendment to the Consti- tution. The chairmen respectively, of the Mission Board, Educational Board and S. S. Board, were made a Standing Committee of Arrangements to prepare and circulate programmes for each annual meeting of the Society. The Minutes of the Ladies' Missionary Meeting were orded en- tered upon the reccnds of the Society. Adjourned. Sunday Session, 11 a. m. Rev. S. C. Price preached from 1 Samuel, 15, 23. After the sermon, the ordinance of baptism was administered at the water by pastor Hunsaker. At 7 o'clock, p. m.. Rev. G. .T. Burchett preached from Rev. 22, 17. "And let him that heareth say come." J. C BAKER, S. C. PRICE, President. Secretary. MIXUTES OK THK SECOND ANNUAL MEETING OF THE KAPTIST MISSIONARY* EDUCATIONAL SOCIETY OF OKEGON, WASHINGTON, IDAHO AND B. C, HKLD WITH THK Baptist Church at Oregon Citi/, Oct. ^,lst and Nov. 1st aiid 2d, 1878. Pursuant to adjournment, the Baptist Missionary and Educational Society of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Columbia, convened for its second annual meeting with the Baptist Church at Oregon City, Oregon, Oct. 31, 1878, and was called to order by the President, Kev. J. C. Baker, of Salem, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Sang, " Come, O my soul, in sacred lays." Rev. 0. W. Rees led in prayer, af- ter which, the Society spent a season in prayer, for the di- vine blessing upon our work. Brethren Jas. Wells, J. C. Baker and W. E. N. James led the congregation in i>rayer. On motion of Rev. A. S. Coats, the annual sermon was deferred, and the Society i»roceeded to the enrollment of delegates. Revs. Jas. Weller and A. S. Coats, were ap- pointed tellers. The following members were enrolled : (Absentees marked with *.) Central Association. — Rev. C. Sperry, Rev. J. W. Os- born.* CHURCHES. Portland.— liev. A. S. Coats, Mrs. M. A. Mitchell, Miss L. A. Mitchell. Orcfjon CH'/.—Rqv. J. T. Huff, lion. W. C. Jolinsoii, L. I). C. Latonrette. Gercais. — Rev. Jua. Wells. ^>J,.^,._Rev. J. C. Baker, A. W. Kinney, Mrs. A. W. Kinney. Alhau'/. — Mrs. Amelia Fisher. Eu(/ene CV//.— Rev. S. C. frice, Rev. C. W. Rees, Mrs. I.. L.'Builey.* CorraUis.— Hev. J. I. Taylor. Oah Creek.— Rev. V. M. Long,* Rev. 0. H. Mattoon. MeMiiiiu-iKc.—liev. A. J. Ilunsakor, Rev. G. J. Bur- oliett, Mrs. Nellie Warren. Flenmnt /i^f/^<'.— Thomas Hill.* Weifit Tualoiin.—MvA. Sarah H. Roberts. The Dalle. 'i.— J ose\)h Beezley. Puyallup, W. 7'.— Rev. J. Wichser, Mrs. R. A. H. Wichser. Centcrmlle, W. 21— Rev. W. K. N. James. .. Seattle, W. T.—C. Clymer. Shiloh.—li. R. Eubank,* William T. Miller,* — Day.* Life Member. — Rev. A. J. Hunsaker. Animal Member^:— Mvs. J. T. Huff, John M. Prichard, J. Casto, Rev. J. C. Richardson, Mrs. Amelia Fisher, Mrs. C. M. Kester, Rev. T. W. Spanwick, Rev. J. Gvvoon Jew. After the enrollment, the Society proceeded to ballot for officers for the ensuing year, with the following result : Pres., Rev. A. J. Hunsaker, of McMinnville ; Vice Pres., Rev. J. C. Richardson, of Oakland ; Secretary, Rev. S. C. Price, of Eugene City ; Treas. A. W. Kinney, of Salem. The programme a8|)rovided by the Standing Committee of Arrangements and published in the Baptist Beacon, was read and adopted, subject to amendment as the Soci- ety may order. 12 On motion, tl>e annual sermon was jiostponed until o o'clock this afternoon. The followint? Committee on Religions P^xercises, was appointed : Rev. J. T. Iluft; F. O. McCown, A. W. Kinne.y. On motion of Rev. A. S. Coats, the following Committee was appointed to nominate the Boards of the Society : A. y. Coats, G. J. Burchett, Joseph ISee/Aey, James Wells. A. J. Ilunsaker. On motion of Rev. C. H. Mattoon, the following Com- mittee (m Publication of Minutes, was appointed : C. tl. Matt(.on, C. W. Rees, S. C. Price. On motion of Rev. J. C. Baker, a Committee on Obitu- aries, was appointed as follows : Rev. J. C. Baker, Rev. J. C. Richardson, Mrs. Amelia Fisher. Adjourned to 2 o'clock, p. m. 2 o'clock, p. m. The Society was called to order by the President. Sang, "All hail the power of Jesus' name. ' Prayer by Dr. J. Casto. The report of the committee to nominate the Boards of the Society was submitted, ai ' fter discussion, referred back to the committee. The Sunday School programme being the order of the hour, and Brother Coats- not being present, Rev. J. C. Ba- ker was called out for remarks. He responded in a few timely remarks, in which he urged the importance of giv- ing more thought and prominence to our Sunday School work. Rev. A. S. Coats then read an able and interesting paper on "How to teach Bible doctrine." The hour having now arrived for the preaching of the annual sermon, the congregation sang, " Salvation, Oh, the 13 Imti' -^ •) is, was Imittee \y- A. IWells, Com- c. n. joyful sound." Hev. Jas. Wells, of Gervais, read the 4tli Chapter of 1 .Fohn, and led in prayer. Rev. S. C Price, of Eugene City, then preached the annual sermon; text. 1 John, 4th Chap., 4th verse. After the se-nion, the con- gregation sang, "Stand up, stand u\\ for Jesus." The S. S. programme was resumed. Brother T. I'. Hackleman not being present, Hev. W. E. N. James oficred some excellent remarks on the next topic, "Mow to Organize and Sustain Sundav Schools in Destitute JMaces." This topic was further discussed by Kevs. ,1. C. Baker, ('. II, Mattoon, J. B. Jones, J. Wichser. On motion (jf Uev. I. C. Baker, a Committee of Three was appointed to consider and report on Sunday School contributions to aid in the sup^iort of our Colporteur Mis- sionary. Brother Baker, Mrs. Nellie VV^arren and Miss li. A. Mitchell, were appoirited such committee. Adjourned to 1 p. m., after prayer and benediction by Kev. W. E. N. James. 7 o'clock, p. m. The Society was called to order by the President. Uev, J. I. Tailor, of Corvallis, led in prayer. The congregati(»n sang, "Stand up, stand up tor Jesus." The Committee on Devotional Exercises, reported as follows, which report was adopted : Devotional exercises to-morrow from 9:30 to 10, led by Rev. C. Sperry ; 10 to 12, business as per order of exercises ; 12 to 2, recess ; 2 to 4, business as per order of exercises. The S. S. sermon being the order of exercises, Rev. G. J. Burchett read Deut. 6th chap., Ist to 16th verse, and led in prayer. The congregation sang, "I love to tell the story." After the song, Rev. James Wells, of Gervais, preached the S. S. sermon. Text, Deut. 6, 6-7. After the 14 sermon, tlie congregation sang, " See, as a gentle shepherd stand." Following the sermon, was a general discussion of the S. S. work, opened by Hon. F. O. MeCown, of Ore- gon City, and continued by Brethren J. 0. Baker, C. H. Mattoon, C. W. Rees, W. E. I^. James, J. B. Jones, F. O. McCown. On motion of Brother Baker, the President appointed Rev. C. II. Mattoon Statistical Secretary. The rei)ort of the S. S. Board was read and adopted. (See report.) Adjourned to 9:30 o'clock to-morrow, witli pra^'or and benediction by Rev. S. L. Price. •• > NOVEMHEK 1st, 9:30 A. M. Devotional exercises were conducted by Rev. C. Sperry, of Brownsville, continuiiig until the time for convening the Society, when it was culled to order by the President. Rev. A. S. Coats led in prayer. The minutes of yesterday's proceedings were read and approved. Rev. A. S. Coats, Secretary of the Board of Missions, presented the annual report of the Board. (See the re- port.) A motion for its adoption was ottered by Rev. Jas. Wells, and seconded. While the motion was pending, addresses were made bv the Missionaries of the Board, relative to their work on the field. Rev. J. C. Richardson, senior missionary, was introduced by the President, and gave a very interesting account of bio work, speaking of the destitution of the field, the will- ingness of the people to receive the word of life, and the universal kindness with which he had been received wherever he had gone in the work of the Society. Before the next missionary was called on, the President 10 sliepherd (liscussion n, of Ore- fer, C. H. les, F. O. {•pointed adopted. jer and A. M. Speri'j, ling the . Rev. ad and issions, he re- V. Jas. nding, 3oard, Juced unt of will- I the 2ived ident introduced Rev. H. W. P>rown, the Evangelist, who, in re- sponse, spoke briefly of tlie necessity of mission work on this field. Rev. W. E. N. James, Colporteur Missionary in VV. T., wat next introduced, who gave u very encouraging account of his work, in visiting places ot greatest destitution, car- rying the word of life where it had been comparatively unknown, and organizing Sunday Schools where nothing was doing in the direction of teaching the Word of God. The congregation stood and sang, " O happy day that fixed my choice." Rev. J. T. lIufF, the last appointed Missionary of the Board, was now introduced, and likewise gave a very en- couraging account of his work. He had been but a few months in the field, and had been most of this time in B. C, where a new church at New Westminister had been organized under most encouraging circumstances. He also gave a touching account of the hungering for the word of life among some of the Indians in B. C, and ear- nestly appealed to the Society to take measure as soon as possible to send a missionary among them. Rev. J. C. Baker moved that the report of the editor of the Baptist Beacon to the Board of Mission, be referred to a Committe of Three, of which Rev. S. C. Price shall be chairman. The motion prevailed, and Revs. Jas. Wells and Q W. Rees, were appointed the additional members of the committee. On motion, so much of the above mentioned report as refers to the finances of the Beacon, was referred to the Auditing Committee of the Board of Mission. Then the report of the Board of Mission was adopted. After singing, " Shall we whose souls are lighted," the Society adjourned with benediction by Rev. J. T. Huff. I !;: 16 '1 o'clock, p. m. The Society was called to order hy the President. The congregation sang, "I love the kingdom. Lord." Hev. T. W. Spanswiclf, of Cal., led in prayer. The report of the Edncational Board was presented, and its adoption moved and seconded. (See report.) While the motion was pending, the hour arrived for l>reaching the Educational sermon. The congregation sang, " My hope is built on nothing less." Brother Bur- chett read Job, 28th chapter. Brother Brown led in pray- er. The congregation sang, ''Tell me the old, old story." Pres. G. J. Burchett, ot McMinnville College, then preached the educational sermon. Text, Eph. 4, 13. "A perfect man." Sang, "Arise my soul, arise." The motion to adopt the report of the Educational Board [tre vailed. Revs. 0. H. Mattoon, C. VV. Rees, Jas. Wells, were ap- pointed a Committee on next Anniversary. The Society adjourned with benediction by Rev. G. J. Burchett. 7 o'clock, p. m. The Society was called to order by the President. The congregation sang, "Go preach the blest salvation." Rev. J. T. Huff led in prayer. The Vice President, Rev. J. C. Richardson, was called to the chair. Communications to the Society, one from the Baptist Church at Victoria, B. C, another from Rev. S. E. Stearns, of Colfax, W. T., were then read by the Secretary. Rev. 8. C. Price read the 62d chap, of Isaiah. Rev. J. C. Richardson led in prayer. The congregation sang, "Ye Christian heralds, go proclaim." Rev. A. J. Hunsa- 17 r. M. Tlie lev. T. fd, and koi, of McMimivillo. llicMi )ire:u;lie(l the MisHumsirv sermon. I'cxt, John 17,18. The coiigrogation sung," FromCiieeii- liiiid's iey niountuiiis.'" Kev. ort. whieli, after dificu.ssion, was laid on the table. As per notice given at the last annual meeting of the .*>oeietv, IJev. S. (". I'rice moved to amend Article 1 ot.the Constitution so as to read as follows : Article 1. This organization shall be called The Bai>- tist Convention of the Nortli I'acitic Coast, Its territorv >liall embrace Oregon, Washington, Idaho and British Co- lumbia. Pending the discussion of this motion, the 8oci- vt\ iidjourne- sence of their delegates indicated. The report of the Committee on Nomination of the Boards, was submitted and adopted as follows : Board of Missions. — R. C. Hill, Albany; A. .1. Ilunsa- ker, McMinnville; Ja». Wells, Gervais; David Hurst, Mc- Minnville; J. C. Baker, Salem; A. S. Coats, Portland; A. W. Kinney, Salem. Edueational Board, — C. H. Mattoon, Albany; F. O. McCown, Oregon City; Jose[»h Beezley, The Dalless; S. ('. Price, Eugene; G. J. Burchett, McMinnville. Sunday School Board. — F. M. Long, Lebaui»u; T. 1'. Hackleman, Albany; L. C. Rice, Albany, The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, That the thanks of our untirn dononiiiiHtioii on tht^ Nortli Paeifio coast aru due to the A. B. P. kS. for th« depository of bocks? mado in our inidst.jind for the liberal donations which have been made to many churches and Sunday schools in this field ; and to Rev. J. C Baker, the Society Distributing Agent, for the liberal and judicious manner in which he has performed the work which the Society has committed to him ; and we recommend our churches and Sunday schools to order their suppliers of him. Resolved, That we are grateful for all that the A. \\. H. M. S. has done and is. now doing on this vast and important tield, and that we re- ■spectfully urge the brethren of the Executive Board to extend their work on the North Pacific coast as rapidly as possible, believing that in no part ol' their field is their help more needed, or encouragement for a liberal expend- iture of money greater. Whereas, Preaching the gospel to every creature is, pre-eminently, the work which Christ has committed to his people. Resolved, That we are in hearty sympathy with every effort to carr\ the gobpel to those in darkness. Resolved, That we regard with greatest favor the labor which the chris- tian women of our land, and especially those of our own denomination, on the territory of this Convention are doing in this direction, and that we will give them every encouragement and aflsistance in our power to establish and extend their work. '(•ut) thnr fatew niin- tl i<» 10 lirxnlrfd, Tliat we i-cj^ard tlm wcirk ot Cliriotiari Kdiicution as i>(>coii(l t« iKino it) vitnl iinportiinco to our (Icnotniniitiotial intHrciitfi. 2d. Thiit w'^ citiisidi-r tlu: outlook of our educational work hk most oricouiHiring. ;>d. That we (;oll^illt!r Pros. Bur»'li»dt of MoMinvilln (College as tlio man for the place, and that tht* Bapti>its of Oroiron and of tins entire field "lioiild rally to his >upport and niaUe MeMinville coll»>i;e such an in.sti' I lit ion of learninisras the i^rowins; demands of our denomination retpiin'. The Convention tidjonined with luayer and bonediction l»v I^rother Btiker. 3 o'clock, p. m. The ('onvcntion wuh willed to order hy Vice President, liev. T. VV. Spanswiek lerl in priiycr. On motion of Rev. J. C. Baker, its officers were ordered to proceed at once to incorporate this Convention. The Convention ordered tlie Secretary to draw the fol- lou'ing order on the Treasiu'er: For the necessary expense in printinij: and distributing minutes, in favor of A. G. vV ailing, for printing, $14.50. ,11 favor of Rev. A. S. Coats, tor blank certificates for rctprn transportation, $2.50. In favoi- of S. C. Price, for a record book for the use of the Secretary of Convention, $2.75. By vote of the Convention, the Secretary was ord#l*ed to include in the minutes those of the Woman's Missionary meeting held in this place during the session of this Body. On motion of W. Carey Johnson, the Convention voted to instruct their S. S. ard to hold a general S. S. Insti- tute during the year at such time and place as they may determine, the Secretary to notify the members of said Board of this action of the Convention. The Convention voted that an advertiseiaent of McMinn- ville College, also of the Baptist Beacon and of the A. B. P. S., be inserted on the cover of the minutes. The committee on religious exerciseSjreportedaa followa: 20 Bible Reading this evening iit 7 oclock, hy Hev. If. VV. Brown; preaching to-morrow, at the liaptist Chnrcij, liev. S. C. Price : at the Congregational Chnrcii, Kov. A. S. Uoats; at the M. K. Church, Rev. C. W. Rees. The minutes ot the session of the (hiv wito then rea«l and approvef unity and brotherly love. Skckktaky. » • j 1 i % i 1 1 • m U' \i ev, A. S. H E P O K T S read Uepnt't of the Hoard of MfuM^oiiti. iiec <». The second annual report cl" the Alin.sion JJoanI of the Hap- tist Missionary anil Educational kSocicty of Oregon. Wash- ington, Idaho and British Columbia : Dkak Bkktukkn of thk Sucikty : Yuii Mis Muhinit thu following account of their trHiisactiuiis, togethtM- with a bricl HViiopriis of tiu» work jwrforniod by ourMissioMarit'.", as their report f(f>r the year for which they were eler upon the missionary work; and copies of their correspondence wa^ or- dered on Hie. Prolonged discussion was held as to what the G'-nerai Missionary policy of [the Board should be, and it was universally conclu- ded that the crying needs of the entirely destitute portions of our destitute liekl, should first be answered, as far as i»ossible, by our missionarit^s — that they sliould seek to lay foundations for churches where none exi.-i. rathcsr than act as evangelists in helping pastor's of churches already es- tablished. Brother N. W. Garretson was requested to draw up a statement <-etting forth this policy, for publication in the Beacon. As our Missionary has to draw his salary quarterly, it was resolved to urj^e our churches tionary to labor in the South-western parts of Washingtun Territory, at a ii'tMuneration of twonly-five dollars per month, and instructed tt secure lb • iMitire amour, t, if possible, on the tleld of labor. It was voted to recom- menl the officers of this society to secure the incorporation of the same as soon as possible. Th«' Board adjourned to meet during the session of the Willamette Association at Salem. Pursant to adjournment tiiis Board mcit at Salem Juik; 22d. At this meeting, so encouraginc were the reports from tin; As.-ociations of the deep interest on the part of all our churches in our mi sionarv work, and so liberal rheirpledges, that your Board felt justified in electing Rev. J. T Hult" as our second general missionary, at a salary of eight hundred dollars pc. year and traveling expenses. Bro. HufF tmtenMi upon the work on the ninth day of July, and has spent most of his time ever since then in Wash- ington Territory and British Columbia with manifest to'' 'ns of the Divine approval. Brothers Baker and Coats were instructed to' prepare blank reports for the us(! of our missioncries, and their ri!ports were called for on th(! 1st of January, April, July and October of each year. Reaiizingthe necessity of developing as far as possible the grace of giving among our people; and also the n(!r 'ssity of haying as largt; a proportion of our funds as possible from the places where our missionaries labor th(!y were instruct- ed to take collections for the work wherever they held meetings. This instruction, as has also been all the instructions of your Board to our missionaries, is to be interpreti^d as advisory rather than imperative — the missionaries themselves being, in all cases, the final judges as to when and how they can best serve the Master. The Board adjourned to meet at the call of the chair. Th(» final meeting of the Board was held yesterday, October ;^lst, in the basement of this church. The treasurer's report was presented and Kev. G. J. Burchett and Bro. F. O. McCown requested to audit ihe same. Wo refer this Society to that report for information in regard to our tiiianeial status. The report of Bro. Baker as Editor of the " Beacon" was also presented, and this Society will doubtless wish to listen to the same. The statistical reports of our missionaries for this year presoiit the fol lowing fa-'ts, though they by no means adequately set forth the work per- 'ormed by them : No. of sermons preached 338 '■ " exhortations delivered 94 " " churches organized I " " Sunday-schools 9 " '• baptised 25 )<)rt of irnfid. eld, as :pen8o. Board ive of meet mf'C't- !? the Vllst fthi. mis- orsons blank 'or thf ' mis- ', at H coorn- nie Hf 28 Amount colloctod for missionary work 8;:>12.'J!'. Kxponses in traveling 8<(4.47 Many churches that were rent by divisions have been uniti-d and set to work again for tlie Master ; many back-sliders have been reelainied and the ^ood seed of the kingdom sown in inany hearts, the fruit from wliirli no man can estimate. God alono knows the final and complete results of their labors We believe these nyults are and will be glorious. The Board recommend that the- work be continued on the same basis for tlie ensuini? year. Grateful to God for the humble part we have been pcmitted to bear in this great undertaking, we resign our trust to the Society from whom we received it, praying that (»ur successors may have wi'^dom and gracr to prosecute tlie work with still greater vigor and success A. S. COATK, ir vigor i Respectfully submitted. Secretary of the fioard. Keport o/' the KdiUyr of the BapHM lieuean. ..I ..... . To the Minsionnry Hoard of the RapHM Mhinionari/ and IMtwalifyiuil iSocieti/ : Dkak Ukktukkn: I take pleasuie in submitting for your consideration, the following report concerning the j)ublication af the Baptist Dkacon: When the tirst copy was issued, JSt pti-mbor, 1877, it was tor the purpose of .iwakening our people to the importance of attending theannuai me(;ting of the Society to be held at McMinnville in October following. Its succes.-> in this particular, coupUid with the evident necessity for .^ome medium of communication between our people on this large and important Held, in - •luced the Society at its last annual meeting, to order its issue by the Board lor the entire year, and youi' choice of my.-i-lf to edit and manage its pub- lication followed. Underyour direction, I have issued and cirulated monthly, 1000 copies. They have been mailed eacii month to every church ana minister on our Held whose address I could obtain. To the present date, there have been issuec. and distrilaited, in round numbers, 13,000 cojiies. Most of the churches have responded with clubs, and many with individual subscriptions, which, with some few donations, have paid for the entire issue and left at date of i'l)ort, 70 cents in favor of the paper. In tile editorial and business management of the paper, I have done the best I could undijr the cirisionary, Kducational and Sun- day School. Fiom all parts of the Held, we have received uiie.\pected (incouragemenl, both personally and by letter, of deep and growing interest in the paper and our work, und 1 am persuaded that among the agencies used during the year for promoting the interests of the Society, and uniting our people in the one great work, the Baptist Beacon has borne a very conspicuous part, and perhaps has been an indispensible agency. From many of the bntthren, and from all parts of the Held there seemH to be a demand ior the enlargement and more frequent publication of the Bkacon. I call your attention to this demand, and suggest that its con- sideration bo in open session, and that great caution bo exercised upon this point. 1 think it a necessity to our work that its publication be contin- ued, and incline to tlfe opinion that to double its si/e and still publish it '^ - 'iJ^i iriotithly. .voulil jin)l»!ibly liobfst, fixing its price sit 7ft cents in (:\u[}> of five and $l.h() to single 8ubsoiib(frs. Thiinl my report. J. C. Hakkk. 8A1.KM, Oct. :iO, 1H7H. Ke/torf OH Col/tortetir Work. Report of Conimittee on S. S. CoutribuLiou.s to iild in the support of our Coli)orti'Uf MiwHionarv. We recognize the band of (iod in (jailing to tin, Coli»ortiMir work, under appointnu'iit of our IJoard of Missions, Kev. W. E. N. Janit(«. We are grateftil that Ik; lias been signallj' bbissed of (»od in the organization of seven Sunday Schools in Visry destitute places, and having access to man\ families wlio have herffoforc depiivea their cbildrijn of the word of(TO(i. Recognizing the hand of (irod in this work and the fitness of our brother for it, we therefore most earnestly recommend that each of our Sun- day Schools take a collection monthly, or (juarterly. if it i-annot be done monthly, to aid tlie Moard of Missions in the work. Wi' aU" recommend that the Board continut^ llie scrvit.'e of Brother •lames, if it be possible todo so, J. C. BAKKR, MRS. NELIJE W.VRREN, MISS S. .\. MITCHELL, Committee. lU'poi't of the Educational Hoard. We have everything to encourage us in our Educational Work as a denomination. Our college at McMiimvilh! opened very favorably the present yea.-. The number of students has been steadily incr(>asing, and at the present time, over fifty are in attendance. From the applications for admission already made, many more are <'xpect(Ml. The class room work is now going on quite to the satisfaction of the teach(;rs. A class in Theology has been established, and three young men, who are |>reparing for tlu; ministry, have begun a course of Theology in connec- tion with their other studies. The young men have started a College Literary Society, which bids fair to be of great help to our work. We are not prepared to report on the iimuicial hall be equal to all the dtsmands of the people, and second to no other in our country. And we believe the time is at hand when, ly the grace of (rod. this work ought to be done, Mrfivi'. IliearU niy I th( iindor are ion of man\ CGod. rothfii- r iSun- tloiic 25 3d. We wish to call the attention of our j)eoplo to thinp;* which our «»1- lomt needs, and which we believ»i God requires of us for this work. I rirst. That we pray for its prosperity as a means for glorifying God in leading the young in the light diiection. iSeccmd. That we s^end our children there to be educated. Third. That we talk lor it. Lit the people know that we have a col- leg«- — one that we love and aie d< tcTrnincd to make suc> eed. Fourth. That we aid this uistitution with our means. .... Rb^peutfully submitted, G. J. BURCHETT. S. C. PRICE, A. w. kin?;ey, , ,, JOHN CONNOR, ' ' ' , , I). W. WILLIAMS. Committeft. Report of the Hunday School Board. We have secured the preaching of a few sermons on Sunday School Work by different biethren. We trie d to s-eeure compUte .statiscal reports from all ourSunday Schools on our field, but in this we only paitially succeeded. While we believe there is a growing interest in this work, there is not such an inteiest as the cause dirnands. Better prepaiatiuii on the part of many teachers is much to be desired. How to secure this f-hould be carefully considered, and if pos-sible, answered duiing our prefccnt meeting. But wo should remember that the best plan will fail without patient, ptirsevering labor. Teachers' Institutes, if they could be had and conducted by those understand the art of teaching, would be a great help in this respect. The Baptist Bkacon tor June given the statistics as far as secured. REV. E. RUSS, MRS. NELLIE WARREN, MRS. M. A. HURST, Committee. wh«) Treasurer's lieport of the Woman's Missinnary Society. Donations received to date from June 1878: Willamette Association f 19 85 Corvallis Association 10 25 May Ballard, of Eugene Citv 1 00 Eugene City Circle ". 13 75 The Dalles Circle -5 00 Salem Circle 00 Salem Childnin's Band 30 5ti McMinnville Circle 9 00 McMinnville Children's Band 154 00 Oregon City Circle 10 00 THANK OmCKIXOS. Oregon Citj Circle 4 50 Mrs. Henry Warren 10 00 Mrs. T. W. Ch«ndler... 5 00 Mri.S. E. Roberts ; 3 00 4 26 MiF. Snrnli Adams 8 00 Friends in McMinnvillft.. 3 00 Mr?. J. C. Bnkor 1 00 Mrs. Dr. .lonsiip 1 00 Mrs. A. W. KinnPV 2 50 Mr!., A. S. Conts.,..'. 2 hO Mrs.. R. H. Wiohspr f>0 Mrs. AniftMft Fislior .50 .In runs Thayer, of Oregon City, 5 OO OoUectioii for Minute?.. 4 lf> Total 3162 50 Mks. A. S. CoAiH. Portland, Or., Nov. 4, 1878. Report of the Committee on the Beacon, Your committee to have under consideration the report of the editor of the " Baptist Beacon," submit the follow- ing report : 1st. We regard the Bkacon as indispensable to the successful prosecu- tion of our work. 2d. That the manner in which Brother Baker has conducted the paper, meets our hearty apjjroval, and that we recommend the Board of Mis- sions to continue him in thr; editorial and business management of our paper. 3d. We recommend that the Convention order the enlargement of the Bkacon, and that its issue be continued monthlyjiis suggested in the ed- itor's report. S. C. Prick, Chairman. Report of the Committee on Printing. Your committee having under consideration, the subject of printing the minutes, b(!g leave to report tlie following r(!cominend;itions : 1st. That one thousand copies of the minutes of this meeting be printed and distributed among our churcher, and that the Secretary have charge of this work. 2d. That a brief account of the reorganization of the "Baptist Conven- tion of Oregon and Washington," and of the "Oregon Baptist State Sunday School Convention," and the merging of them into the present Convention, be publi-hed with the minutes. , 3d. That a synopsis of the minutes of the annual meeting of thi.s Con- vention, held rtt McMinnville, beginning Oct. 25th, 1877, be likewise pub- lished witli the minutes. ; 4th. That the Constitution of the Convention be published with the minutes. . * 6th. That « collection bo taken to provide funds for defraj'ing the expense of such publication. Kuspuctfully eubmittud, C.H. MATTOON, C,:W.. REES, S. O. PliiCK, . . i Comtmittee. ..' S7 Report of the Committee on OMtuariej^. Elder .lamos Mnjiers wii:> born in West Vorginia, Junn 1,1824. Movod with his t'atii(ir to Oiiio, in 18H9; niid in the yonr 1842, mndf a profiission of roligion, and joined tho Baptist churcii, in which hn austainnd iiis menibcr- ship until his dt-ath. About tlic year i8(U or 18(>2, iio was ordained a niin- i.-ter of thf Gospel, by a ciouncil convened witli tho first French Prairio churcli, and dischavfjed pastoral duties for said church at sundry times, and occasionally preached for other cluirchos till his Master called him home to rest trom his labors. He de[)urted this life Feb. 3d. 1878. Elder Reuben Dickens was born in Montgomery county, Va., Jan. HI, 179y. Removed to Tenn. in 1881, and fiorn thence to Mo. in 1828. He came to Oregon in 1848. He becrame a mtmiberof the Baptist church in 1845, and was ordained to the ministry in If 50. He was an active labtirer in the Baptist cause during our early history in Oregon ; but his feeble health rendered him comparatively inactive during the last year of his life. He died Sept. 3d, 1878, in the hope of a blessed immortality. Elder Kiehard Miller died at his son's residence near Turner, Marion county, Oregon, Sept. 8, 1878, aged 80 y(;ars, 5 months and i\ days. Mr. Miller crossed the plains in 1848, and .settled in Yamhill county a few miles from McMinnville. He went to Cal. in 1849, for the benefit of his wife's health; returned to his h(»me in 18rW, and c(mtinued to reside there until his wife's di ath in 18<)3. Since then he has lived among his children. Fath(M Miller, as he was familiarly called, had been a member of the Bap- tist church for ."50 years, and an ortiained minister for 48 years of that time. Few men of lus opportunities was better able to defend the faith than he. He new what it was to suffer afHiction. For the past 3.") years, he was never ontireiy free from pain. Four sons and two daughters mourn his loss, and two children have "gone before." Peace to the ashes of Father Miller, and all honor to the memory of the j)ioneer at rest. Kev. H. O. Davenport died at his home in Eugene City, of naralysis of the blood after an illness of 41 hours, Sept. 8th, 1878. Deceased was a na- tive of Ohio. He moved to Iowa, where he lived and labored in the minis- try for a number of yeare. He went to California in 180f), and continued his residence there until his removal to Oregon in 187."). During his residence in Oregon his home was in Eugene, where he labored for a tinn; as pastoral sui>ply. As a christian and as a minister he was full of zeal for the Master, and anxious for the . 'salvation of souls. He wa.". stricken down when away from home, and was utterly helpless and uunconscious to the last. Ho had be(!n in excellent health just befiire his illness, and was prosecuting his usual business with accustomed vigor when Btrickon down. Truly the ways of God are inscrutable. J. C. BAKER, Chairman. Heport of the Treannrer of the Missionary and Educa- tional Society. A. W. KINNEY, Treasurei\ In accoHnt with Mibbionaky and Educational Socikty. October, 1877, ^. To Old State Convention, 10 00; collection by Kev. J. C. Baker, 46 00 I 66 00 ^-2::^ 28 Novftniber, 1877, J25 SO. To Mrs. J. T. Huff, 2 50; Dnvid Piirst, 2 50; David Lynch, 2 50 Hpnry Warren, 2 50; Mrs. "Warn-n. 5 00; A. J. Hiinsaktjr, 2 50; Lizzie J. Hnker, 2 50; J. C, Baker, 2 50; Duvid Lynch, 1 00; N. W. Sarebom, 1 00; Win. Arthur, 1 00 26 50 • December, 1877, «25 50. To Elizabeth Cashion. 50 ctg.; W. Gary Johnson, 2 50; F. O. MoCownn, 2 60; Mrs. M. A. Hurst, 2 50; Pilot Rock Church, 10 00; E. Russ, 5 00; Boardman,2 50 26 50 January, 1878, $101. To Heppner Church, 6 50; Olympia Church, 10 00; Rev. Price, 2 .50; Mrs. Price, 2 50; Mr. Wviatt, 1 25; J. IJeezely, 2 50; Coquill. Church, 9 00; J. T. Huff. 2 50; W. C. Johnson, 2 .-iO: F. O. McC"wn, 2 50; Union Church, 5 00; T. W. Hoardrnan. 2 50; Mrs. Ooozine, 2 .50; A. J. Hunsaktjr. 2 5t'; A Friend, 1 00; J. H. Henderson, 2 .50; David Hurst, 2 50; Mrs. M. A. Hurst, 2 .50; Jno. Fleming, 1 00; Portland Church, 27 25; Union Church, 10 00 101 00 February, 1878, $20. To James Chcnoweth, 20 00 20 00 March, 1878,30 04.' To Dayton Church, 2 00; J. H. Teale, 3 64; Oakland Church, 15' 00; Pleasant Butte Church, 10 00 86 64 Apr", 1878, «15. To South Yamhill Church, 7 50; Unknown, 5 00; H. Warren, 2 .50 15 00 May, 1878, $23 00. To T. W. Boardman, 2 50; Oak Creek Church, 7 00; Rev. A. J. Hunsaker, 2 50; F. O. McCowan, 2 50; W. C. Johnson, 2 50 J. M. Saulsbury, 50 cts.; Unknown, 2 50; Dallas Church, 3 00 23 00 Jiuie, 1878, $540 45. To Portland Church, 27 50; Mrs. P. W. Chandler, 3 .50; Victoria Church, 3 00; Rev. J. H. Teale, 1 00; Diacon C. Bishop, 1 00 Deacon Bailey. 1 00; Mr. Pierce, 1 00; Mr. McNaught<.n, 1 00 Mr. Hanis, 1 00; Mr. Chesterfield. 1 00; Mr. and Mrs. Sci iber, 50 cts.; Mrs. Kingsbury, 25 cts.; Mr. Litchfield, 50 cts.: L. S. Bates, 1 00; George, I 00; Jung Gwoon Jtiw, 25 cts.; A. W. Kinney, 20 00; P. Johnson, .50 cts.; Wm. Holcomb, 1 00; Mrs. Dunham, lOcts.; Mrs. Townsend, 25 cts.; H. L. McNary, 1; Mrs. E. Kinney, 10 00; Unknown, 5 10; Rev. Dong Gong, 50 cts.; 8. R. Jessup, 10 00; Chinaman, 1 00; John Roberts, 50 cts.; L.D.C. Latourette, 20 00; Mrs. L.D.C. Latourette, 8 00; J. B. -'ones, 2 00; A. W. and Virginia Kinney, 2.50 00: Alice Malo: ",, 50 cts.; Mrs. R. C. Hill, 50 cts.; Mrs. Mitchell, 50 cts.; Mrs. A. W. Kinney, .50 00, % for support of Rev. Gwoon Jew; J. J. Shaw, 20 00; J. W. Morrill, .50 cts.; Mrs. J. W. Morrill, .50 cts.; Collections, 15 50; F. O. McCowan, 5 00; Sarah Mc- Cowan, 2 .50; t. :{uss. 5 00; Rev. J. C. Baker, 5 00; Salmon ("reek Church, 10 00; Alice Hartmus, 10 cts.; Corvallis Asso- ciation, 42 50; Mr. Laughery, 5 00; T. H. Boaidnmn, 2 50; 540 45 August, 1878, 24 75. To Brush Prairie Church, 11 75; Oysterville Church, 3 25; Center- ville Church, 5 .50; Dallas Church, 4 25 24 75 September, 1878, 13 65. To Mrs. N. Warnn. 5 00; Springfield Church, 6 65; L. S. Bates, 1 00; Rev. Ludlow I 00; Mr. Mitchell, 1 00 13 65 October, 1878, $.05 50. To Wm. F. Warmoutb, 12 75; Eugene Church, 12 50; Collection at Turner's Station, 10 60; H. Shelton, 1 00: Mrs. Day, 'Octs; m 25 50 26 50 101 01) 20 00 36 64 15 00 23 00 10 45 i4 75 .3 65 Mrs. Clark, 50 ots.; Mrs. Huthcrftnd, 1 (M); .ToMath Boftzely, 7 5(1; R. HiirnoPt', 5 0(1; A. Mo Ctiisn, 2 50; J. W. Hunt, iO 00; R. E. Cobertsoii, 2 00; II. M. Martin, 5 DO; David Hurst and wife, 5 00; John J. Clark, 1 (10; F. (). McCowan and wife, 7 .W; A.S. Coats. 25 75; W. V. N. Januis, 3 (Ml; Rev. W. E. N. James, 1 00; R-v. J, Casfo, 1 (M»; Rev. J. C. Richardson, .^ I 00; John M. Pridiards 1 00; Mrs. Amelia Fivher, 1 00; Piiyallup Church, 1 50; Dalles Church, 2 .50; C. Clvmer, 1 00; Oak Creek Church, 4 00; W. E. N. James, .oOcts.; Pleasant Butte Church, 8 00; Forest Grove Church, 00; Amity Church, 15 00; Joseph Bevins, 3 00; Mrs. Co/in(!, 5 00; Rev. Hun?ft- ker, 2 50; Mrs. Warren, 5 00; W. C. Johnson, 2 50; Collect- ion Oregon City, 3 00; Oak Creek Church, 3 00; McMinnville Church, 4 On; Joseph Beezely, 3 00; Oregon City Churcli, 4 00; C. Clymer, 3 00; Forest Grove Churcli, 1 00; A. S. Coats, 5 00; S. C. Price, 4 40; Wm. Thornton, 2 50 206 50 November, 1878, »18 .50. To Wn>. Thori\ton, 2 50; B. C. Ague, 10 00; Maria Merriman, 1 00; Fair Oaks Church, 5 00 18 50 Collections reported by Missioiiarv Richardson and Huff, S^i48 22. To Pleasant Butte Church, 21 12; IXacoii II. N, Hill, 5 (X); Wm. Cochran. 5 00; Liberty Church, 5 .50; Mr. Edwards, 2 50; Nancy Brown, 1 50; Collection Smithfield, 7 10; Corvallis Church, 8 00: Deacon Black, 10 00; Mrs. Black, 2 50; George Porter, 2 50; Albany Church, 10 00; Albany Church Collect- ion, 7 00; Eugene Church, 24 00; Collection at Turner, .50 cts.; Mr. Conner, 5 00; Corvallis Chuich, 10 (»0; Albany Church, H 50; Mrs. Rainwatter. 2 50; Eld(;r James, 1 00; Oakland Church, 7 00; Fair Oaks Church, '/.7 50; Dr. Pruett, 5 00; Deacon Margon, 2 00; CoUax Church, 7 50; Dayton Church, ♦i 00; Mount Pleasant As.sociatioii, 2;} 50; Bluffrftation Church, 4 10; John Miller, 5 00; J. M. Priiett. 2 00; Elder Pruett, ." 8 00; C. W. Thomas, 2 00; Mrs. L. Goldsom, 1 50; Collection at Ant(flope, 4 50; Rogue River Association, 22 10; Wm. Howard, 2 50; Mrs. A. West, 1 50; Mrs. Jam; McGee, 5 00; V Fair Oaks Church, 2 .50; J. Barnard, 15 00; Martha J. Kirby, i; ;,0; Oakland Church Collection, 1 50; Collection at New Westminster, 22 .^0; Collection at Swiback, 11 7.5; Congrega- tional Church at Seattle, 2 5:acon Spots, 1 OU; J. II. Teale, .50 cts.; Deacon Slug- nrt, I 00 • 348 22 Total fU53 71 Or. November. 1877, $4 00. By Rev. J. C. Baker, 4 00 $ 4 00 Fcibniary, 18T8, ?ill7 2.5. By J. T. llult; 5 (10; Rev. Coats, 6 00; Rov. J. C. Baker, 1 00; Rev. J. C. Richardson, luo 25 117 25 April, 1878, ^10. By MiKag f Ticket, 20 00; Ticket O. S. N. Co., 10 00 30 00 June, 1878, $104 00. By Call Book, 2 5(i; Rev. J. C. Buker, 13 00; Rev. J. C. Rich- ardson, M4 10; Rev. J. Gwoim J.sw, 5 00 164 60 August, 1878, *8J. By R-v. J. T. Huff, 25 00; W. E. N. James, 31 00; J. Gwoon Jew, 20; Rev. J. -, (i 00 82 00 m SontomlMir, 1878, $1,') 40. By Itov. J. C. Baker, la 40; W. K. N. Jamos, 2 00 if, 4^ October, 1878, «1« 75. By W. V. W. Janu-s, 13 75 ,„ -. lo '!> Novornber, 1878, {1795 a8. 5 38 231 38 Total Salkm, Dec. 1, 187.S. 8)453 71 A. W. KINNEY.Trelwuror, n v> ^ V5 15 40 13 7t» 31 795 38 231 33 1453 71 luror. 2 I 5C I o o a u a^'-«^^ I S* o 50 ?i £? Ill:; ?i 5 i^siE i^i|-^^ I fi Fi I s^H Sis I tlor beii Wc L. tar • ten Co in^ iiK ri»( be re' ail Iy- er til w W w lMiO(;KKJ)lN(}S rayer by Mrs. Amelia Fisher of Albany. Mrs. McCown, of Or*>gon City, welcomed the sisters in behalf of the church circle by reading a very interesting letter from that auxiliary. Mrs. Warren read letters from various circles and mis- sion bands, which were full of interest and encouragement, expressing earnest desires to dbarein the work of christian elevation for heathen women. Three mission bands and five circles were reported. A very instructive and eloquent essay upon the Necessi- ty of Woman's Work in Missions, was read by Mrs. F. O. McCown. An essay from Miss L. A. Mitchell, upon the Influence of Mission Work upon Christiane, was listened to with much interest. .1. 86 Mrs. Warren addre88tjij the women upon the Importance of Sustaining a State Society, and gave brief extracts of the work of Rev. Mr. Clough in Tilugce. Mrs. Langhary followed with a brief recital of Reminis- liences of personal acquaintance with Mr. and Mrs. Clough, which w;is listened to with groat interest. A report was made by Mrs. A. S. Coats, State Treasur- er, from circles and thank ottciing fund for Mrs. Clough, showing un aggregate of about ^160 on hand, to be for- warded immecliately to the General Society. Mrs. Baker addressed the meeting with words of en- couragemeiit; also relating a tew of the early trials and struggles ol the Ongole Missionaries, previous to Mr. Clough entering that field. A collection was taken up towards defraying expenses of minutes. After singing'* The Morning Light is Breaking," and benediction by Rev. A. S. Coats, the meeting was dis- missed. The sisters dispeised, some with newly awakened impulses, and many with renewed zeal, believing that God would honor our ettorts with his blessi"f!^, and the work of our Divine Master will grow, and the multitudes of per- ishing pagan women will he uplifted to the rank of chris- tianily. MRS. IIKNRY WARREN, State Secretary. To the Baptists of Oregon, W. T., B. C, and Idaho. At tho Rnniial tneetitiff of the " Baptist Stalo Convention for Orcpon and ritoiy, ' ht'ld with the Firs^t Baptis-t Church of Albany, .June 26,1877, the Constitution of the Convention was revised, and the Washington Territo name of the Soi iety was changed to read as follows : ARTICLE I. Soi This organization shall be called tho Baptist Missionary and (ciety ot Oregon, Washington, Idaho am?. British Columbia. ARTICLE II. d Educational The object of this Society shall be to promote, foster, and sustain the Mis- sionary and Educational work of Baptists on this field. It shall seek to unite our entire denomination in sustaining missionaries, aiding feeble churches, promoting Sunday School work, and building up the cause of christian education. ARTICLE III. This Society shall be cc>mposed as follows : • .1. Annual members, who shall become such by contributing one dollar annually, to its funds. 2. Life members, who shall become such by the payment of twenty dol- 36 lars, at one time, or by four consocutive amiUHl pHyments of five dollars oaoli. 3. Each church of our denomination, contributing annimiiy, to tlio funds of this Society, shall be entitled to repre:*ontption in its annual membor. of the Society in the interest of christian education. ARTICLE X. Each of these several Boards shall be permitted to adopt siu.-h mcasuros as may be necessary to seeun the co-operation of other Societies in carrying forward our work. Provided that such measures shall not, in anywise, abridge the independence of this Society. ARTICLE XI. Each of the foregoing Boards shall make a full report of its woik to the Society at its annual meeting. ARTICLE XII. The officers of this Society, together with the members of the several Boards, shall hold their offices until their sucsessors are appointed by the Society. ARTICLE XIII. This Constitution majr bo amemded at any annual meeting, by a two- . .Vjj, vote, provided notice of said amendment shall have been given at the u*l^ meeting next preceding. I * :A r'" ■j.« ■'«*'"*'•*"**■ ■****W- ■■*"*