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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 IT' ft 1 Ik !• tn k «1 ^ »*1 ^ tS 1 ti^ bq H h »i* ^ ^ i^rErSA^.} Court of Appeals, ^' In a Cause Between JOSEPfl FIUGETi (Co-Defendant with LEVI CONAVTaml SniLON HASTINGS, in the Court below,) APPELLANTS, and WILLIAM FRENCH, (Pluintijf in the Court below,) RESPONDENT. ■haiti Appellant's Case. T. HIS >vas an acJion of general indebitattis' assumpsit lor boaid and lodging-, brouglit in llie Court of King's Ikiicli at Montreal by the Res- pondent against the Appellant and the above named Levi Conaut and Simeon Hastings as co-partners in trade together. The Respondent prayed by the conclnsions of his Declaration an at- tachment against the goods and chattels of the Appellant and the other two co-defendants as absconding debtors, whicli was ordered to issue by one of the Judges of the Court below. In virtue of the Wr'd Mhich issued in consequence of this order, the Sheriff of tlie District of ?'>luntrcal seized as belonging to the Defen- dants, a carding lalll and a potash lictlle. Levi (xHiant and Simeon Hastings made default, Tlio Appellant ap- peare'd by Attorney and moved to set aside the altachmenton the groimd that the carding mill and potash kettle seized were attached to and form- ed jiart of an immoveat)I(', and that the same wen; tiu; sole property of him the Appellant. According to the practice v/hich obtains at Montreal, under tin; rules there eslid)Hsiied, a dav was given for evidence. Two ISotaries Public, Louis Brunette and Cliarles Lagoree, lOscpiires, and Pierre iirunette, ii Merchant, were examined oi\ liie part of the Ap- pellant, who descrihe fully the carding and lulling ujill of the Appellant and concur in stating that the machinery for carding- forms an essential part oi" that mill and tails under the denomination of innnoveables. Several ^\ltnesses A^ere examined on tlie part of the Respondent who state that the machinery in question might be removed without material injury ; but even taking their testimony as ii stands and affording to it niore credit Than it will probably be thoughl entitled to, it is apparent that the carding machinery though capa!)lo of being detached from the mill did actuallv and in tact form part oi the mill at the time of the seiziure. Under these circnnisiances, the Appellant Jiad every reason to expect that the seizure Mould ' " set asirlc. The Court below however by their judgment of the 2()lh june, 1S17, ord( jed that the Appellant should lake imthiiig by his motion and decdared the seizure good and valid. 14 1 1.. i o Pending the proceedings had in relation to the seizure the Respondent obtained a rnle to proceed ex parte against the Appellant and tlie oilier co-defendant^, and attempted to provp — 1. That the Defendants were co-partners in trade. 2. That they had respectively for several intervals of time lodged at his house, and that there >yas due nuto him, for their board and lodging, the sum demanded, to wit. Giving unto the evidence adduced by the Respondent the full effect which he could ask, it goes to hliew only a particular partnership in the trade of fulling and carding ; no general p.'irtncrship is attempted to be proved. And if such general partnership had been pro\ ed it would hove been necessary for the Respondent, to entitle liim to nTover, to have gone one step further ai'd to l.ave shewn that the debt in question was a partner- ship d?bt. On the contrary, t))e sum demanded by the Uespondent from the three Defendants jointlv, as due 'luder a joint contract, is a sum com- posed of three several* sums, diftermg in amount, due under three several implied contracts, by three persons, severally and respectively, against each of whicii three persons the Respondont might and (mght to have brought his action for tlie sum by each respectively due and owing upto him. The action being up.on this oioiuhI not maintainable against the flnce Deiendants as co-partners, it will be iiimecessary for the Appellant to advert to the total ins\iiliciency of the proof as to the time during which these three persons severally lodged at the Respondent's house. The Coint below however by their final Judgment in the cause con- demned the Appellant and his co-defendants jointly to pay to the Res- pondent the sum of seventy pounds, with interest from the eleventh of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventeen, and costs of Suit. Quebec, 20th July, 1818. I