CIHM Microfiche Series (iMonograplis) iCMH Coiiection de microfiches (monographies) Canadian InatHuta for Historical Mierorop iductiona / inatitiit Canadian da microropreductions liittoriquao 1994 Tiwi wi lt wi lm ^^ ^kfa ^^^^. ^^^t^^ iii*t D I luiNra* D flt^ n Ml (i A Mhw *w Mm or WmIi)/ pitm md/oi mMimtiiwi/ M/oy Ulmtraiimt Ml I IWMaMcd'a«tr«< p«M «MMr * I'oMfera o« «• to tetoiifl*toi I I ^^^^^^^^B ^^^v^^^v ^^^^^^^^v ^^^^v^vo^p v^^p^^^vVvvV^W ^^W^ ^Hi^^ ' I wltWn iIm mm. MNiMMvar poniMt, Hmh Imm 111 tontf'i tot n'ant ^^ ^*A au^ » , I PWIV YIHIINt* n flddlttoinl TMi iMR it fMiMd at tlw mlHMion rMie wv ^wWffllvfftT vSi fttlllv Ml ttttX oS fVOtlCttOfI WX 14X cn itx 12X ttx »X L' lm ii i i m MaM MMkNapvMm to *w m^ LJpiipi* n mAm QiNiM Mpto * llmpfwrien FTjOiMMyaf n iiMbxtot)/ Ml ItfM) intftii Titto on hw*r toiM ffroHK/ U tttn * r«i-ilto prevtont: □ "TittopopofiiMo/ NpditHroAtoft □ CapttonefiMM/ Titrt dt Mpm * to Hvraison r~l MoiHuid/ I 1 QtgiMim (pModiqiiM) d« to livraiMn 22X MX 30X 2«X ax 32X Tlweopy totlw QMMfOWty ofs Natfonal Ubtarw aff Canate L'WMniplMfv fMiM fill wp c od M it ipriMS A M WbNolM^iM iMtioMto Ai CanMhi TIM HIMQM CPPMMIIQ iMfV M tiM bM( ^IMMy of tlw ori^'iMl oopy MM in hMpwifl with tiM fHinliiQ oontfMt i OflpiiMl ooplM in prinMd papsf oowmw m, pouvent otfo fNmoe A dee taux da rMuetion differ onto. LofBQue lo dooument eet trop grand pour Atia repreduit en un eeul oHohi. It eet flbiU i portir do Iwigle euporlottr goueho, do gouoho a drollo, ot do heut on bee, en prenont lo nombro d •mogee neoeesebo* Lee dtagrammee euivente Muotrent la m4tiiodo« 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 (ANSI ofid so mr CHART N». 2) 1.0 ^ 2£ 123 U 1.1 g2 L8 1.25 lu m^M ml 16 4 dEPyEDjM^GE ine IMS tm Hobi Strart N** York 14609 USA (7t« 4a-0300-PhecM (71«)aM-9M»-r« COMPANION TI)THK PUBLIC SCHOOL ARITHMETIC. FOB THE USE OF TEACHFRS ivn nun *».. 1 &At.Jll!,K^i AXD PRIVATE NTfTDKNTS. BY ^H. SCOTT, B.A., Principal or the Toronto Normal School, AND CHABLES A. BABNES, M.A., PuBuo School Inspector. TOBONTO: CANADA PUBLISHING COMPANY, Limited, 190K PBEFldL ToROHTo, July 34th, 1901. 1 46 CONTENTS. AmnriM ^ (^mt II. " " "■• — HlllT. n,« Sotmo CWWAIl, I>»o.t«,. I HI* 1. MaaWr Worit.... n. A|rti.».u.i«i^- —-;;-•■ •• - ■■■ ■" III. BoauM Notation... "* IV. Addition I "• V. Snbtnetlon ...."..Z." "' VI. MnItlpII«»tlon..„ J... ^ >» VII. DiTUIon 122 VIII. Pfoblomi .....2. 127 tt. Btdnotion luid'^'i;;™;;;; ~ "2 M. Fbetof, CweolUtlon, U^ur^ ^ uZ": "® XII. FrMtlons -•-urw and JInltlpIo, ]46 Xni. DmIumIs ...3 ^*2 XIV. PoNontngo '** XV. Applloatiou. of P»»ont«^' "« XVI. Piurtnenhip 180 XVn. Inrolntlon .nd ETolution ^^ XVm. Monromtion 206 XIX. Tho ICotrlo System -^* XX. MlwelUneoM Exewiw, ^ |P«rt IV. • - •: 280 B«vi»w PsoBLsin. I. Simple Rales II. Compound Nnmbon . ^ ua qpr OOMTBllTt. Pass. .i 245 .. 247 .. 206 in. ATenget «nd ShMring .^.>.... lY. Applieatlons of Simple aud Componnd Namben. V. FfMton, MeMnres and Moltiple* VI. Vulgar Fraetions Vn. Oeeimals 262 Vin. Trade Diieoant 263 IX. Profit and Lou „ 264 X. Commission 266 XI. Insaranoe .....•■. - 267 Xn. Taxe* ^:. 268 XIII. Interest 269 XIV. Bank Discount 271 XV. Stocks 272 XVI. Equation of Payments ^ 273 XVn. Part-ership 274 XVm. Applications of Involution and Evolution 275 XIX. Metric System 278 XX. Work Problems 280 XXI. Clock Problems 281 XXII. Problems Involving Velocities 282 XXIII. Miscellaneous Exercises 286 Party. A Tabu or SqvABXs, Cubks and Boots 307 COMPANION TO THE PUBLIC SCHOOL ARITHMETIC. PART I. Answera, «.4i,'Sl^:'C'- •'*«7.U; .Uiy..,^, «^,^.rt,, .^. «%:.Sr^'*~' «Urty.,.„, ,.^.u^, ,„^.,„. ^^_ .■A^-**" '"•"♦^ •"' «'^-«w., w.,.ri,, .1^.^. .hf..2X"2^*' '"~**"' "^-n.! -x.,.nl«, .ta^.' •i/f-o^nSfef ' '»«^-'»«.- •Urh.X-l.ur, d^.,.„, ^^. 2 pt EXERaSE II. PAGE g •Ix hnn^X^hl^^,^'^^' •Whuidred; two h„ndr«|, 1 2 AUTHHBTIO. III Hi w f 1 ■ r, 3. Two hundred and Are; fonr hundred and aiz; Are hundred and Mvep; rtyen hundred and Are; five hundred and aer^tv •even hnndfed and fifty. ^^ ^ •^•"Wt fl. Pour thousand, seven hundred and five; five thousand, eicht *',!2j'*f "»i«<»^-*hwf? nine thousand, one hundred and sS^- !L^V **# *»»«««»«» wd forty-nine; tour thousand, nine hun^ and five; tour thousand, two hundred and thirty-one. ^^ fthJ:.??*** *»><"w«»d and seven; eight thousand and seventy; eight J&^J' ■5'Tu?"°?"*[ ■*^*" thousand and eighty] sefrti thousand and eight; nine thousand and torty-flve. ■iT^hfJlfJ*"^""*"!? »»^^»'^-«»»ht; nine thousand and eight; !;^ -?T^Iu''° J«°dred and two; one thousand, five hundred fK«„-!*f •* ***'*? tliousand, seven hundred and torty-six; five thousand, seven hundred and eighty-six. t./JT *5**'**?ll?^ hundred and thirty- tour; one thousand. Wv th^#""**u'^*'*y-?"J one thousand, two hundred and lu^I:^J^' '""^ *j»oasand, three hundred and twenty-one; four thousand, one hundred and thirty-two; eight thousand and nine! iO. Nine thousMd and one; one thousand and sixty-nine; nine it^l'tf" **°"f "f ^^J'^'V "'"« thousand, one hundwd Md six ; nine thousand, six hundred and ten ; nine thousand and eights'. EXERCISE III. PAGE 8. 1. ^orty^thousand, eight hundred and seventy-six; flfty-four JhnZ«H *"* ^S^^*?"!^"* ' ,'** '^ thousand and seventy ; ninrty -SJ thousand, one hundred and eleven. flf*l'.PJ!?!u?!l **'°.''"*^? and eighty-nine; torty thousand and hSd^ Md rii!^' ""^ '"^ '^^•"' ^""^ thousand, one ^rJi^l^f'T'^'T thon»«wd and ninety-five; fifty-nine thousand, one hundred; ninety-five thousand, one hundred and one: ttirtv- ' seven thousand, six hundred and ninety-eight. ^ • k:i®'*5* i»°>'^'«^ »°^ nineteen thousand and seventy-five- eight hundred and ninty-pne thousand, tour hundred and nineS- two; two hundred and ninety- tour thousand, seven hundred and sixteen; tour hundred and ten thousand, one hundred and ew. .iJLf^?^}''^^'^ and ten thousand and ten; nine hundred and !«^ w ^^9"^:^ "^ J^e ; two hundred and thirty-one thouumd and torty-siz; two hundred and seventeen thousand and six. 6. One million, tour hundred and seventy-six thousand, nine d?tt;!^.*^ thirty-one; three million, seven hundwd^ifajty! tLiH"f!?^ f'^''^ hundred and torty-two; nine hundred and 2n ind SSe million, one hundred and three thousand 7. Three nailHon, ninety-one thousand and six; fonr minion witiJ°T"* •».?,."^*».? °°« hundred and ninety' thZsSd,^ hundred; three million, nineteen thousand and torty-sevenT "OTATIOH AMD XVUUunoV. g million, th«e hnnd^d wd i^tUi ^LiL^*^ . ""^u •^•' »»»• rixty; «Hrenty million. SThJISSTwd^ir^' "*"* '"'»*'«» •»«» ^i.S%r;;;i^^^^ fonr hund«d ■nd ninety-one mlUlon Ave hin^^^^^* ^}Ulon, fonr hnndred •ix handrid ^nininl?4.^l^^^,,^^ ninety-one thoneand. hundred and ten thouSSd JJrf t^i *'""""' *»'«rteen miUhJn, two ■•Ton hundred thoS^Jnd onr ' ■*^*" **""°°' -ixty million. EXERCISE IV. PAGE a i. 15; 21; 34; 78; 87; 19; 91. *' f* ???'■ ^^'' ^^^J ^0; W9; 919; 991. S. 1000; 1402; 8006; 8060; 2496. iO. 636347972. n. 6000090148; 700000000001. It. 99000037004. IS. 864538217953. U. 40004400414. JS' 49000000068798. PAGE 9. ^. 1011; 10604; 29470; 80990. S. 804016; 291704. «. 1101001; 6004030. 7. 904000806. *. 7707707. 9. 146147047. * EXERCISE V. ^. V; VI; Vni; IX; IV. I* ^l^^' ^^^'- 3^f XIV. I' ?X' ^^' ^^^'^^^i XXIV; XLIV. 3 ^A^^' ^^' XCVIII; XCIX. 6'^Si''!lV^'''^^™'<»<^'XXIX. IXfXCIX. ' DCCLXXXIX; DCCLXXVII ; DCCLXVI ; CML3^^!^^^' DCCCLVII; DLXXVIH ; DCCCXCIV. MCMIV. ' "WCCLXXXIX; MDCCCXCIX; MDCCCXLIX; '•m!io.ii«,a»;5oi,J"i,. ii Asmmno. 5. 4M; 4. 833; 5. 506; 6. 1111 7. 1290 8. 2222 9. 1744 i0. 1099 730; 040; 444; 029; 624. 4M; 888; 484. 430; 297; 844; 828; 000. ; 1000; 1014; 990; 999; 1304. J 1000; 1444; 1009; 1282; 1490. ; 947; 1906; 1400; 1900; 1000. 1449; 1666; 2009; 1119. i 1900; 1901; 1809. \ ■ VII. PAOE 10. i. 10; 100; 1000. f . ClIXCIX. 4..1 oui be written to the left of V and X. 5. X ean be Dli«9d to the left of I, V, L and C 9, n.*' ^' ^* °' '• ™' *' '^'' *' ^5 «• VI; 7. VII; 8, Vnij thoJJd*nS*dirti!t''?S'm*r^ *^"»*«^ "d »l»«tf to»tir«,,«- Inn . ??? ™? ■""• The length of the ecnator is S'-toJit^i?' T? * ^^^ ""^ twen^?Sren tt^,S«dLd hundred and thirty-fJir doluS. *»»''^"*^» thousand, two 9. V; X; XV; XXV; XXXV. 10. 100; 110; 120; 130; 200; 210; 220; 230; 300; 310; 820; 330. ^*^**^^^"- PAOE II. i. 76; 67;' 77; 89; 69. f. 988; 806; 1098; 999; 098. 5. 8999; 11636; 9987; 9998; 9968. 4. 18676; 20687 j 20987; 19085; 19667 6. 204996; 225469; 196678; 187898; 214829 6. 7497. 7. 8789. 8. 7888. 9. 30888. it?. 89476 ▲oomoii. ^ EXERCISE IX. PAOE U. ^ L^' J'^'^' *-2<»lm. 4. 97 ml. S.lUwA, 0. »457eo 7. 909 yd. *. laermi. *. 786. JO. leespngiw. ••*»^"- EXERCISE X. PAOE IS. 2. 1488; 1330; 1090; 1814; 1312; 18812. t. 10242; 14181; 14422; 14822; 183188; 1829«S S. 141722; 162222; 152661; 167526; 178246; 160618 4, 184264; 198698; 178467; 906676; 189806; 172498* 5. 200896; 946121; 220260; 285326; 221682- 236796 • !f?if ' *"^^' ^^^^^i 217479; 276014; 258123'. . I* SJJJii ^'^ ^^^^^' ^^5 25869; 242007. " f' 2SSJ' *•***' 269181; 803376; 249409; 808787. 9. 277929; 304164; 289089; 289446; 808648 285296 20. 868489; 802884; 281950; 266875; 368887; 301027.* EXERCISE XI. PAGE 14. 2. 3482890; 4584711; 3328081; 6487312; 4801749 g. 8380666; 4164757; 4212613; 4644085; 6870413.' S. 3885886; 4150872; 8515001 ; 8929106; 8462627 4. 1621900; 4312101; 6478906; 1109747; 14126889 5. 40393623; 472198044; 465850384; 80717060; 57286686 • 3^^'' !S^T' ''''^' «»011645i; 4^9. 7. 30970664; 6772880; 4564359; 11556690; 391M681 S. 66381127; 11813141; 12048191; 227559^972^^^ 9. 186811552; 77223388; 2918515^; 496^; W^M 20. 62637126; 661680628; 72328309^; 5t^^7S,^, * ^ EXERCISE XII. PAliE le. 6 m^% L^^^' *"8«887. rf. 8809278. 5.5199140. e. 13786. 7. 2683. 8. 10288. 9. 11947. iO. 13254. ' EXERaSE XIII. PAGE 17. ^87432779. «. 66751805. 5. 68318319. 4 2384473 EXERCISE XIV. PAGE 17. B x^\ '-3" A. S\ 272 marble., rf. 168 mi. 5. 97353 ' «. 1273 •nimiU.. 7. 885 tree.. *. MCXVH. i>. 4639i ^226. 1 lA .K, ^*^^SE ^- PAGE 18. «. tlWO. 7.9870. *. 98ot. ». 208 mi. !«a, 8«>i67. 10, 6272; 30878; 484717. ' 4W9060; 49^"'''* '^'- '•AOE 25. ^. 88214W. 727S2f • '* '*^**"»5 «««»7. ^ 7733440;' ^^S* ^^ ^*'^'- *««««• e. 2714. ^. 74. ,. 286^^' «iJS^"- ""^^^ ^»- «"o. ». 0067316. /o. 141098, / oa u EXERaSE XXVIII. PAGE 2«. »«• *. 1432 ml. 9. 162482. 20. 168677 oow. i ««n« . EXERCISE XXIX. PAOE 2«. ^. 361636 min. 6 mn!L J*^ "**"• '* ♦3«1«- *. 117993. /(I.^sZHT* '••'''<^^- *• 6300836 ft. ^•27ct. ..2S^'!f,^* '•«»^^^. • WW n. p. 1325 rotes. W. 3960856. 7^ il .ail III \\ <' nnosexxxi. PAoear. 7. wrua. 8. 5 mi., 187 jrd. P. 225 mi. W. 2210. EXCRdSe XXXII. PA0E28. ». Jm. 81, Jao. 26. 7. 40 A. *. 70 d*. P. ISmarblM. to, 21171, 14886, 18691. "»«»i««. EXERCISE XXXIIi. PAOE 2t. /. 6746. f . 12968. J. 1606. i. 26B8225. B. 6S29. fl. 925868. r. 2584. «. 78680. ». 2166. 10. f^. /i. 28718. If . wS. EXERCISE XXXIV. PAOE 31. i. 6060408; 8604864; 846064; 680486; 6408604. i. 1048468,' 9926482; 1750482; 19694912; 14169184. 5. 1586128; 1106984; 1416192; 1197492; 1935780. 4. 1726856; 1586094; 1401216; 734992; 1569984. B. 10309862; 10363985; 13630368; 19603068; 10636892 6. 26300425; 28942092; 26308368; 28454890; 23698468* 7. 13616586; 2536972; 16549616; 6713872; 27133748 *. 21749956; 27156062; 8914696; 1383948; 16559056' 9. 1152280; 27160306; 17376320; 12682360; 6172835' 10. 22985225; 48412845; 39465480; 35404520; 88424815. 11. 28948225; 4475847>; 27394780; 24488245; 43238245 It. 22446384; 204. »884; 22811858; 251844206; 25180824 ■vumnuTKnr. mimST' '"'•^' 'w^ois.., »««.,«», s„,„,^, «*ft.S3r"' »«W«M, «,4««„, ,*««„„, ^,„,^^ U^iiS&T" '*»•"»"' '«««W| ta4f«M17., M,«6<,4o«, ««i.lS?l£??^,?%»««»»i »M'34U70, 425.2S.365, . •J0Wr^^1^,JgJ«'«Wi ««««XW, 542«84l»2, «»«««f^*5S*«*' ««««»! »«W024520, f n.» **B«CISE XXXVII. PAOEM. i' Si!?' "*"«i ""iai JWM. ^ !• 12?' ''*'»*' "«W»i 3MW0. »• 2a«7»2; 255098; 2»7«12i M7i!U «• «0«8»; 6847S; gi4M; iggMT «. aOSaU; 288315; 3W»78: Ml»u r. 3.888., 384260 JZi^- ». »M9Ml 4U2D., 484407: Oaaaoa :=;3lS:=:|is- #. tUes vt. «. 709 tnm. 7. SMO ■!. #. Wm hiu,. ». $110406. iO. 75067 Immmm. KiMooooH. t.nmji, 5. smsmiis. w. ommbi. #. 17U16 in. «. 188600 tt. 7. 488040 vt. *. 8804000. 9. 638600 Bla. /«. 6886484 iNip«n. exERcncxu. paoem. i. 48060. 1.62941100. «. 66. 4. 668 et. 4.6616. «. OftlB,689. 7. 04730 et. «. 847Stt. 9. 1087 ml. /0. Oiaa,66l EXERCISE XUI. PAOEaS. i. 173484.' #. 288180. «. 1069847. 4. 67410148. 4. 16408466 6.3016078061. 7.1138103116. «. 68086088. 9.60700. /i>. 14264 EXERCISE XUII. PAOESt. i. 66066806. f. 1616. S. 63086. W. 8660001. 6. 7061388. 6.680618. 7. 67416 et. «. 16736810 A. 9. 708«tookt,8486thMTM iO. 90608084. EXERCISE i. 13; 38; 48; 48. S. 831; 388; 339; 803. S. 117; 137; 41; 140. 7. 107; 131; 83; 186. 9. 91; 102; 81; 40. XUV. PAQE37. f. 984; 986; 418; 478. 4. 191; 149; 184; 166. 6. 106; 61; 81; 160. «. 191; 106; 116; 01. 10. 671; 891; 749; 801. EXERCISE XLV. PAOE 97. i. 914821; 104981; 191840; 213418; 281480. f. 78006; 67807; 176806; 266079; 167086. S. 182023; 69816; 164672; 288810; 248561. 4. 183602; 106181; 208878; 168627; 140688. 8. 86062; 100207; 148860; 71437; 185530. e. 114126; 102067; 140202; 165246; 116667. \i in » ' [•wlii^'SlyRT*' '"'**••»' »*««l "IWM-l, ("'*""**"-*' '"-^-'i «l>0e44.., •»-»!«i7i.f •*••*' "•«»•»' •WW-I, M!W,<- [•M«io'.Sf51ViU.^***' •'«*•»' «>"»-«i «M6as-i, lnwSilT"' •***•»' •'"»•»' ««••». MM.I.4, ,„...„ «M^*!i*.r^-" •^•*' •"»•»! wwM-e, l^yjTi., .,«„.«, „„„^, „^.,^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^'BKCmE XLVII. PAoe mm . EXERCISE XUX. PAOE am II *. 85«-17j 420-88; 248; 213; 1 *. 8111; 2S01; 2091; 1074.57- ^. 1725-18; 1482-21; 1299-24; il6« 5. 1481-256; 741-595; 669-377 6. 1666-216; 941-141; 2846-36! 776 89-54. 1262-89. 47; 849-194. 1174-92; 843-664. 7. 1188-629; 965-82; 847-460 *. 824-106; 672-178; 582-568 , 9. 1168-776; 1042-626 r ISI8.40 MO; 682-774. 1286-121; 1577-390. M9-124; 494-460. M. 786-586; 1564-10; 801-424 2896-7; 1787-340. 872-706; 1^-853. EXERCISE L. PAGE 39. /. 1082-870; 1071-192; 1067-416 *. fla9.464; 896-578; 888 1012-964; 1048-488. 482; 880-509; 897-594 I Hh, If s, immi iiu-iMi iiti.4aii iitr^t uit-rat. , 4, l4H'4mi im-Mlli IMl-ati 141S>Mt| 14ir^. ^ t. im-mi UM-Mli Ulf-^Mi UBi-Mlt ISU-IN. f. i44s.iiit Mii-iMt im-mt im-mi im-m, r. tm-ioii siit.iMi nM-MiiiM-iHi tm-im, t. MM.40( tlM.|M| Mir-r4| MO-SNi tISS-tt. •. MMI-t) MU.M| aMH-fSi B«»-t| 01811-11 1 ITMT-l. to. MMe-0t 7mi-10| MMT-l} UtT/'it 4mi-$t BliM-8I. i. 11560-5; 505-5; SI60.5; OSiO-5. f. 50615; S5I16-0; MOM; 10565. t. 11117-51 17000-45 1 17040-Mi 15165-5. 4. 10745-10I IHM-IO; 50050-15; 15601-5. 5. 17874-5; 16017-51{ 10060-14; 10831-41. 0. 16000-7; C1410-51 1 11600-7; 11111-10. 7. 15M0-10; 0007-0; 7040-50; 0054-40. • «. 15110-10; 11541-50; 8007-15; 0744-U. 0. 8070-41; 4000-41; 8881-41; 1400-41. 10, 1070-106; 1040-06; 1410-006; 1184-480. ExmcMiui. PAoeot. 1. 0540. f . 501636. #. 45iilS. I. 160807. S. 401. 0. 4780. 7. 01. «. 170. 9. 0005. iO. UN. 1. 184 4» Aav. *»"«•« UV. PA0e47. /. 81148. f. 8807 at. #, 10«t. i. 17. 4.47 y. » fiU. #. OITOT 0. 8048 tX. i/oii. *' *' •*• '• "^ •* , iy« . «»€»€ iXVI. pAoc 4,. '• ISOplMM. i. IOOdImm a Urn* >t a. •wHvi 01. 9. 600 A. ». 00 bu. itf. 17 h^i KXEIICBE LXVII. PAOE 4« •. wgw w., 90 «t. 0. 88 U>. itf. ifgi. , i«i,«,. OKwase Lxvin. paoc o, 1 1M07W. «. 148»|. J. 08877. 4.1808 •t. i. •Wbojr.. 7.081104. #.88 A., 048. O.lSLi M U4ai. M . eXERCIK UUX. PAOCM. w t, fite.) 408t.; S06«. f. M04e.; lOOiBe. i. 7Mt.{ 1046«.: 8007«.| lOOMe.; 270Be. ; 40404«. 4. lOOOlt.; lOOOOOe.; lOlSle.; 100001c. ; 7000T70e. 4. ITlTte. ; 8764»e. ; 618478e. ; 87884e. ; M7O0e. «. #7; $ie.M; $449.68. 7. $10.01; $676.48; $100. t. $870.10; $470.06; $74000.07. 9. $870; $80008.07; $47100.71. 10. $4708.41; $10101.01; $906006.08. EXERCISE IXX. PA0ES1. ^^ W^fM.; 486 far.; 1500 far.; 1804 far.; 8186 fto.{ 7840 far.; «. 80d. ; 858d. ; 1800d. ; 888J-- »«-. M '. 1440'; 40097"; 128810"; 616651" 0. IV iff; 15« OO*; 2* r rt 21- 14' ii» itf. 1760 Md 1866. • *. 74 ewt. 64 lb. 8 OS.; 127t.0ewt 79lh . m» * _i -^ i'st;»rBir:'ff---.... ». i d. 18 £,«»?:' !■ ■ ' '* « ««• ! 2 *. 1 P*. l^g-.'^f ' «•' »> •• ^'- " •• «. !«. .....,« .. ^. , .: ^ ^«. IV 16' 42"; 126* y 84». lo « »j «« ' • »^ 2* ; W c. yd. 22 0. ft. 069 e. in. EXERCISE LXXV. PAGE «7 ' ^- ^' **• *• 2880; 166. 9. 78; 1680. ^- 826; 64. iO. 1120; 808. f A*. .. EXERCISE UXVI. PAGE 57 If AsmMmo. ;!!, p^ q'.. m mil EXCIieiK IXXVII. PMIE56. 1. nr. f. 1801. 5. $104. 4. 8060 yd. S, flOMTi. ^ «. 848 min. 7. 87 lb. 14 m. «. 16 1. P. 8000 gftl. tO. $651700 EXERCISE LXXVIII. PAOE S8. i. 46 ». f . 00 tpiooiw. S. 108. rf. 16 iwgM. S, 43 mi. 00 rd 0. £110101. 7.ie9 7t.0d. «. $64.98. 9.00 yd. iO. 16 et. EXERCISE LXXIX. PAOE M. "^^ i. 06 gal. 2 9t. 1 pt. i. 12 gal. 2 qt. 1 pt. S. 278 bn. 86 lb. tf. 88 bn. 18 lb. 5. 6 mln. 16 sm. paat 8. 0. 4 lb. 4 oa. 10 dwt. 7. £8 17i. low. *. 888 lb. 9. $201$. 20. 16 lb. EXERCISE LXXX. PACE 01. /. $44.70. 9. $168. S. $8778.60. rf. $184.00. 8. $2$7.46. 0. $168.27. 7. $17.81. *. $49.07. P. $8.66. W. $68.06. EXERCISE LXXXI. PAOE tU i. $290. P. $2.79. S, $7.26. rf. $811.48. S. $221.81. 0. $6.83. 7. $81.80. «. $49.70. P. $18.94. W. $71.91. ii. $18.64. EXERaSE LXXXII. PAGE 03. 1.10 In.; 14 in.; 22 in.; 10 in. #.6611. «. $46. i.260boaRla. 5.08.40. 0. $700. 7.0266. tf. 14080 yd. 9. $1440. i0. 120 ft., 40 ft. EXERCISE LXXXm. PAOE tt. . 1. 1234 aq. ft.; 1216 aq. ft.; 6616 aq. yd. f.0A^10A.;16A.;42A.;16A.;19A. J.Waq.ft. 4. 778q.yd. 5. 28H aq. yd. fl. 200 aq. yd. 7. 112 aq. in. 8. 1066 m. ft. 9. 2000 aq. ft. lO, 24 aq. ft. EXERaSE LXXXIV. J»AGE M. 1. 10 ft. 5. 64 ft. 8. 40 rd. rf. $890. 8. $160. fl. 600. 7. 72 ft. *. $040. 9, 360 ft. iO. 0600. EXERaSE LXXXV. PAOE es. 1, 40 yd. 8. 00 yd. tf. 32 yd. 4. 70 yd. 5. 186 yd. 6. $67.60. 7. $18. 8. $180. «. $24. 10. $12.00. EXERaSE LXXXVI. PAOE 6S. 1. 6; 9. t. 8. 8. 16. ^. 8. 5. 10. 6. 72 yd. 7. 48 yd. ^.$68.80. 0. $88. 10. $110. •ntK* MBAMTKKIllim. , ^ EXERdSe LXXXVtI. PAGE M. «. 191: 028. P. MB* *4i >A -^ .^- v«».ww. , fae.20. *«. ». fW, 041.50. iO. 070.20; 070.14. ,«*»«. EXERCISE LXXXIX. PAGE M *..10000ft. p.,800. iO.OM^ *-^*^"- 7. lOOOff.' EXERCISE XC PAAF m *. 4082 lb. tf. 040.00. 7 iMno - ^ - * ^*° "• y*^- I*. 2870 eft. Mo!^Z90 ^' *' ^<» «• J^- 1 c ft. 17 80 «d. 5. «s ed. J. 30 ed. 7. 80 ft. 8.S ft. p. 8 ft. 10. 2Hft '. $84. 3. 1210. fi. 870.20. ^^ERCISEXai. PA0E70. i'7ti. t. lift. ,.2^^ i 3ft ^ y. 182 ft. 8. 40 ft. 9 80 to. i >» a. « ^ f I .18 AUTHMBTIO. EXERCISE XCVII. PAliE 73. i. 30r00. f. 2M;S08. ^. 28 yd. ; 92 yd. 4, 12400; I080C ^. $7S;$168. 6. $140; $462. 7. $3400; $10500. «. 80 id.; 00 id 9. $126. i0. 1240; 8787. EXERCISE XCVni. PAGE 73. 1. $36; $48. i. 00 bn. tMUi 100 bn. peM. S. l7. 4. $7800; $11700. 3. 270; 880. 6. $20; $40; $60. 7. 80; 40; 7B 8. 6. 9. $420; $140; $060. 10. $10040; $3020; $2400. EXERCISE XOX. PAOE 74. /. $8; $10; $13. ». 170 lb. ; 102 lb. ; 134 lb. 5. 100 yd. ; 125 yd. ; 169 yd. 4. 2400 lb. ; 2200 lb. ; 1800 lb. 6. 127 lb. ; 100 lb.* 170 lb. 6. 60 mi. ; 20 ml. ; 40 mi. 7. 81 rd. ; 45 rd. ; 128 rd. 8. 256; 378; 402. 9. $400; $031; $612 10. 180 bu. ; 283 bu. ; 160 bu. 11. 32 ct. li. 87 red, $4 blue, 100 white. EXERCISE C. PAGE 75. 1. 1975. 3. 3683. S. 184019. 4. 7, 10, 9. S. 14, 11. 6.43,16. 7.14 1b. «. 48yr. 9. $119. 20. $7000. EXERaSEa. PAOE 76. 1. 659 lb. 13 OJ5. g. 206 mi. 160 ids. 3. $204.70. 4. $17.82, 5. 35 ewt. 25 lb. 6. 12 lb. 9 o«. 7. 33 mi. 96 id. 8. 45. 9. $75 10, 24 lb. 10 o«. EXERCISE Cll. PAGE 76. /. $32. S. 7 ct. 5. 10 carats. 4. 40 ct. 5. 6 et. 6. 200 bu. at 75 ct., 300 bu. at 70 ct. 7. 4 ft. 3 in. 8. 139 lb. 9. Is. 7d. 10. 48. 9d. EXERCISE CHI. PAGE 77. ! 7. 272 lb., 2448 lb. S. $570940. ^. 2 o«. ^.30 ct. 6. 22 yr. «. $20. 7. 7 ct. «. 46 ct. 9. $6.60. 10. 12 cants. EXERCISE CIV. PAGE 78. 1. 2, 2, 3; 2, 2, 2, 7; 2, 2, 3, 7; 2, 3, 0. 5. 2, 2, 7, 7; 3, 7, U; 2, 2, 3, 8, 7; 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3. a. 2, 2, 3, 73; 2, 2, 3, 79; 2, 2, 263; 3, 363. 4. 3, 5, 73; 3, 7, 63; 7, 7, 23; 2, 2, 17, 17. 5. 2, 601; 2, 607; 2, 3, 7, 29; 5, 311. 6. 797, 821. 1187. ^. 9543, 2521. * 2273^ 2339, 2417. 10. 3119, ^fll i } i. 2, 5; 8, 7. f. 8, 7; 11, w. 8, 7. 17: 2 2 a ». 2» 8, 8; 8, 8, 7; 8, 7, 11, 7, 11, M, n, 17,' ij. ' *"' *"' , ,^ EXERCISE evil. PAOEBO. •.88; 110; 14. lo/n] m-m * '••.•8,i> EXERCISE GVIII. PAOE 80 ^'^ERdSE OX. PAOEAi EXERaSE ex. PAGE At <«. ^f. 19 men. 9, 7 o,. /^, jjG. EXERCISE CXI. PAfir «« ^. 24; 120; 120. *. 78, eOoVwo iai^'o^o 1 I9tt o^^*^""^** CX«- PACE 83. ^. Tiro-third.; three-flftlig. |^r^L«L. * J?' *' ** I! i n ■'iM /■ : Or, I la. i«|»NMBti a thM of 2 in. , (AU tiM otter teetioM are eapoblo of itaiilw intoiMotatiou. ] ^ *%illij££dby%." •«"> P~^ «d 7 ci tht.0 w *' ^ ^ ii'I!| ^1 !1l^'*^^ P«t» «d T of tho« «• <^ *• f^ *■ " •«"•' PMteMd II of tlMMuoninMiited ,y^ «*• fhMtloB ia abatraet ttauybaTO a foarlh BMaaiac. Sf ludt. ' if «f M in., «r tho meaaaio of 11 la. whoa IS la. In ^^ ** ^^ *" *^ "'^ '***^ "^ *' of «iow aio fopiMoated Obo la «TMod ia 25 ovMa parti and 7 of tlioio afo ropwaontod ''• '^r:jii!;tir2J^o!i:;' .q~l I-H. ana « of th-. a- "^ "%!::SS!rVt^^^ '^ -^ 17of thaaoa^ ^^ '"aSiiS ^ » *" * *'^ '"^ Md T of tbaaa aio lopm. EXERCISE CXV. PAQE M. i. ♦; V; V; y. ^. V; V; V; V. 3 V} V;«; W. 4. V; V; V;H*. ^. W; *♦*; W; W/. tf. Ml*; Ml»; ^W*: *lf» 7. *H^; '^Vi'^; *W*; M«*. «. ^/i; *W*; *4H^; J^VW*. ^. *W*; ^Hfi; "If"; i^VV^. lt>. *i||^; ^W*; *ViVi} HIIH. J: 5: WfS^^^i.'^' *~*' ^•^^ ^^• /<^. 7M mi. , JAlf ad. , 21*f yd. , e8A ot. EXERCISE CXVni. PAOE 87. ^- #H. *. OH ba. J, «. Ulter I7 A lb. 7. W«i. 4. mib. ^. 821ib«. 0. aOft.;Uf|. itf. $10.75 11 in.; 7 lb.: 28 oi. tf.Tigia. ^- A; Aj ^i «OiaSECXIX. PAOE 87. V if* V' Ir *• ^^ W? *• tf. H; H- A ? !!• yy* ^y « u? n; h. - * ^<>. H;II;M ^- «; H; A. ^. 1; i; f. ^^^"CBCCXX. PAOE 88. »' If iff. !• ft' H' !*• *• *5 A; A iO. i?; II; II f- A; ,\; A. 6. 41; A; tV. ^. H; A; H. EXERCISE CXXI. PAOE 88. ^- A; II; H . i». if. II ^ I; I, I II. «. tV; I; A. ^- 1ft^; IHj T%. 8. HI; iv^j* ju- «' f * H; II; II. « H; }|; II. ^0. I; I; H I; I. ^*0«CiSECXXii. PAOE 88. i- *•; I; I; 1 ^- ♦;t*i;A;|. ^- I; *; I; AV. 7 I; H; Hi; H ^- ^5 H; f ; H^. to »' tV; I; I; I. ^- ^; 4; «; H. « H; M: 41; M. « M; I; Tlllt; A H4;H;l|;A¥r. hM I ili i' EXEiiciK cxxM. moe •§ «. ft, fl; ff, fij If, If. ^ ♦}• !!» i^» »»' M. M. « *f . Hj H, H; II, If. • H. fl; «, II; M. M. io. II. lis ilW. AV; ill, ill. EXERCISE CXXIV. PAOC M. i t|VV. tW, t^j II, II, /k. f ill.M.^;M.III,,VV. f II; ♦*; «:A*' **• «. H> ii. « i^^'jWMm. ,WV; iH. itt. ill, M io. H. H. W. W; III, HI, m, VAP. EXERCISE CXXV. PAQE M. i. GfMtMt, I; l,Mt, I: gfentMt. f ; 1«im», |. . • 5. OvMlert, I; leMt. i*,; gMstMt, f; ImmI, |. ^. OfMiMi, A? leMt, A; gTMtett, A; lewt, ft. Tl« ijMUa.* Mag ptajwd n^ th* following I. th. «d«-: J*' A; H, H; ^, H, A, H. « *. I, A. Hi I, H. H. tV. 7. A, H, fV. II; A. A, H, H. «. H. ». H. 10. H. ^- A; iVj K ^^ A; iV; iV. CXXVI. PAGE to. ^. I; A; if. 3. A; H; H. *• H; 44; iH. «. 3; 2H; 8. 7. 16; 49; 80. 8, ^; |; A. g I, JL jl iO. 288, 1004. ** "' ^• - . . 0»CIKCWVH. PAflCM. 7 ?« 1 J. « - ^* *' ^' ^^- *• IH; 111; 2A 7. Ills liV; 2tV. 8. 2|H; If: IMI *. Ul; 2U; 2tt|. ... iffl, ImVIw. '• tVi W; tl. 9, i|. i|. JLL ^- 7 iJJw it irf'- •• *^' IM; 111. *. iHi 111; ii,V. 10, iHi, iH, 141. . ^ ,,, EXERCISE CXXIX. PAOE M ^. II. ^. 2911 A. 3 nnTT l' «^» W. 1821 mi. *• ^^*^ *»*• CXXXI, ^. fill; II 5. 1;^.^,. tf. i..'^ ^ A; «V; A. «. HI; II: A P ^ 4i^ 0. II: 2A, ^ "»» Wi 1>. 9. fifV; 11; || ^. 1; A; I. ^^- 111 2A; 41 ^. *; A <"-XERCiaE OIXXII. PMEM. ^- ^*; H; II. 5. n VvJ' % st H. IfS'i''^- «-Hi»h ^^- W; Wf; iWr ,. ;- i%;ll. i.$^. ^. IK 5, vvv CWWH. PAGE 93. ViV. «. II. 9. ^. *.(,. '^ 4,H. 5. AV. tf.^. i b.f' i 1! iff 1 i i ^. 21; 2H; iHi. 7^. 1MjH;1CHH. <. Wt 4Ai 4A. *. 141; 28^, 2aA. «. 26ii, aoif ; lOfV. 6. 10. ff- nil, 88Hi 81H. iO. 28ii; IStIi, mi. «[{•/• l»H A. r.w. «.Uhv7i5H ». iBf yd. 10. 8711yd. . ,1 „, «fW»e CWXVHI. PAOCM. ^. 16j 8; 21. 5, 6; 7; 12. tf. 16, 8|; 8|. 10. S; «: S: "• "' "*' '*• •• *»' "»' •»• raRoseooKix. i>mem. « w*;i;-5^; *' *' '^^ '• *' »' ^- EXERCISE CXL. PAU M. ^HirtViM. «.A,*,«. «.f,6|,6». iif raRcnecxuii. PAoetr i. W.«l. f. IMOOO, tf-ilOGMO. 7.wri. #.lilOO««i '. M ml. 4. 171 11. #. MS •• no PHM. w. lasaoo. i. M9|»l. f. 91011. # « ^ mSt,?*. «. 10. K'USKCIil CXLVI. PAIiett. *. iji, S ^1 .« !"; 7?' "*• '• »»» *. n. #. lA. lA. M I*. i^,H,i|. iC. 8,1, li • ,* 1* ,. WBWaiB CXiVII. PAOC M. ». i«, I, a. 10. 7#, lA, oi. <. t. #, f ^•«»«- «. W,ft,t» ^f"CI8C CXIVHI. PAOEM. CXEROSC CXUX. PA6E im. J. A, 8i. #. a| l«. f A» J^- r..i, «. #. loA, I «. «H,f. 10. tt,M. , ! ' i' ■ fi • ^^ 1 :■ Hi ; Wra i ii : -^mlH ! fm . _ Cil. FAM IM» I. 61, 1.' f . 1ft, 1ft. «. lA, 1ft. 4. H. ftt. #. ift* A' f. 1, if. 7. Sftf H. «. 7» ft. $. 1ft, 40. M. ft, S. IXniOM ON. PAAC Iff. 1. 1441. f. i. I. lA. 4. I. #. 7ft. #. 4A. 7. Uft. i' 4iA. ». A. i». 4. I. {ft. f. 4. #. 6ft|. 4. ftl. i. i. 4. M. 7. 101. i, U. 0. lft||ft||M)>A. i0. f. EXnOK CUV. PAOC IM. i. At M. «. tIsi ¥. #. Ai 60. 4. fA fi. «. of ii.| it. 0. 00. 7. OllH. t. N ta., 01 bHi. 9' N. 10. Oft d».t A, 10 tt»M{ B, 10 Ummi C, tte«. exERCiK av. p^voe i ••• i. lfli.t t|d.| 4ftd. Jl, 07ft 91.1 00 #1.1 70 01. «. 17 twt. 00 H». I 7 lb. M. * 14 M. i. no Id. 1 jd. 2 ft. la. { It yd. a tai.t i ft. la. S. ISO aq. id.; SO tq. yd. ; t ■«. ft. 117 •«. la. 0. 00 e. ft. 1 11 •. ft. |0S •. Ia.| 004 «. la. 7. Spk.l|ia.t Igy. lftqt.{Oqt. f. tqk. lpl.|lft^.{Oftql 0. 4 da. 91 hr. 00 aUa.t 7 kr.{ 10 iria. 10. 40^| iOTi 10* 40*. ExcRcne CLvi. paac im. 1. 444040 la. I 1107441a. f. 1 Bl. 101 Id. 4 yd. 2 ft. la.; 1 Ml. 170 Id. 1 ft. In. «. S07000 la.; IflOOft la. 4, 01007010 ■«. la.; 0000100 aq. la. tf. 1 A. 01 M. Id. 10 aq. yd. aq. ft.; 1 A. 47 tq. id. aq. yd aq. ft. M aq. to. €. 10727040 aq. la. ; 101060 aq. la. 7. 0600 lb. ; 0000 m. 8. 140 id. 2 yd. 1 ft. la.; 00 aq. id. 10 aq. yd. 100 aq. la. 9. A. 110 aq. id. II aq. yd.; 1 A. 10 aq. id. aq. yd., aq. ft M. 100^., 00 I. EXEROSe CLVN. PAOE IM. 1. 082.11; 028.80. f. £1 Oa. 8|d.; £1 2b. 8d. 0. 8 1. 12 ewt. 4 lb.; 1 1. 11 owl. 48 lb. 4. 2 flii. 107 (d. yd. In.; 2 mi. 270 id. 4| In. 5. 1 A. 100 rd. 22 yd. 8 ft. Of in. ; 2 A. 10 Id. 0. 1 ad. 00 «a. ft. ; 10 ed. 00 ««. ft. r. 1 ba. ft gal. ; 2 ba. pk. 4 qt. f. fitl.; 18 gal. 1 pt. 9. 28 br. 20 min. ; hr. 26 ntn. 40 aec 10. 10* 00* IT; 14* 80' 80*. •»t r.,. f1y.';A.ViSl:*'••*•-• OWOK CUN. |»Mie !•«. j^f». f.lfIlfH. *.^ 40 •!, ». U9 <. II I. 6 tirt. #. itoo. M».I«r*l/iJl*'.''* '•*^«»- ^.MWir. 4.1ltM» i4wt.f cr. w. 11411 #5fiiiu ». lawowto. p. ft *. $«as.M. ^- fTS. f. nijo. ,, ^, w.«. y. 4. #. IBIO, ^- 488 iNMkait. 4. 880 *>• ». 2«t. W. $187 i. It 4ft. f. 864 ft. . fiOOdft. #. 887.11. ,. '• «8 «t. f . 6 ft 4880 pften. *. 48. *. sissq, /. « lb. 4 M. 8 dwt. 12 1 34 ft. A CLXVI. ». ^. 17.88. CUVII, 84. 4, 48SQ. j CUVIII 744. *. 8184. rf. 15. J 44 ft. 5. 8 „! iO, 818.44. PAOE 108. 0. 890 hr. '0. 8Hmi PAGE IM. « »I. «. 48 br. |M. 9. » w. B om. 12 gr, g £9ttn ,1 — ••lb. j». 12T1 ■~-i»wjd. r. »^ AftlTRMniO. /. 3 lb. 11 o.. 11 dwt. 6 gTTy sVl^ *. 30 l,r. 6. 42. 7. 9?'>28 i ,.; ' ^^ ^- '• "» ^• *. 113.60. 9.$m. Vl4|t; • ^^^' ''•^2. J ^^ ^ ^J^CISE CUWII. PAGE III ^ 4« «,K ^^f*E CUWIIl. PAGE III / 288 . ff»««C«XtV. PAGE I w » RA A ,- =^*««CISE CLXXV, PAGE li« *.»l.t,r. »U2I.m'^fJ;4Sr' ^■*" '"*"»' •^•'»i EXEROSe CWXVII. PA0E„6. ^- Two, and six hnnH«^*i.- ""nared and nine thonsandths '. Thr e thoDsand eiAthn^^A^ *"** ■®^*'» t^ousandtlis; ten-thouwuidth.} pix twi-ionJandSii^'**"*'"''*"^'*"? eighty-three bniMlTCd, Mid one thmui^^^SJTSLI^^ ^u9t^udthui on 3 are. Md rf« tliiJlSl'iSdttSth^.^Saffi:"'^ thoo-ndtb.; t«o5fli2i5ir^ SL*!S \t~~ndth; on« thaoMnd, mm| o«e inillioiMSni; SSi"**^ **»«"■"'»' «* o»e himdnrfffrC twottISLd^d1L"£^ ■«»«MMuidth«; hund^.thoBMrndSSr^ • *^' *"* *^ thoasMd uul six . ^« , «OM»C CLXXVW. PAOE tf«. ». 57.072. 7. .0n8. *. 940000.406. iO. 70000000.000007. 9. MOeOOOO.000066. EXERCnC CLXXIX. PAOE 117. i. 961.1«; 808.081; 1110.1817; 227.06. t IflOfi lUUOA 7.181.8609. *. 170.68676. S. $608.36. itf. 8018.898. EXERCISE CUXX. PAOE 117. 6. 8074.1378. C. 4678.1364. 7. 296.36187. * 41IMI 1134 9. 222.WA22. 20. 4683.246. *«W.«a4. EXERCISE CUCXXI. PAOE 117. S inf ^^;«f ^•^*^*- ^- 23288.111606. 7. .49861803 *. a.6 t. 9. 188.192i37. 10. 48006.188838 «»•«««. iifi! In !: ■ EXERCISE CUUXN. PAOE IIS. i. 4.17; UMt 14.281; mm. ^** "•• . x v ' ; f . 87.«M1 ; 8.8S^; 4.1M01 ; W.788S. .5. .488; a6.Wl«. tf. 18.811; 16.9888. r » «L?a2* *. «1.48U; .18846. .. 87.8441 ,.T' L Si!^;^^ f. 8.544; 18.66; 10.868. f. .n4ir27l8r4.8186. «. 8.06; .7688; 8.786. 6. 4.2617; 1.2S5; .8086. 7. .675; 777.15; 784.216. 9. .1236; 26.1205; 2.46. 4. 70.4625; 2.621; 7.8888. ». 9.8086; .125; 21,825. 8. 608.84; 4.725; .825. 10. 06.855; 4.4445; .99646. EXERCISE CLXXXIV. PAGE 119. *. .|898. J. 364.0963. 4. 6999.9006046. 7. 2000000.000001. 8. .000000. /. 72.027. ^. 900000.000000. '6. .017481. 9. 48.08007. 10. 6020.06668. EXERCISE CUXXV. PAOE lift. EXERCISE CUXXVi. PAOE 130. K L^f^ ^ '• *^-^- *• »»-35 ml. rf. 1968 68. 5. 262.35 A. 0. .Oefai. 7 illl IM * oomo, «« 1 ^^ EXERCISE CUawVR, PME nt «. .00004216; .C0015626; .006625 9. 28.3743; 5673.024; 60.025. 10. 40.008049; .0010001; .27648. . .«. EXERCISE CLXXXVIIi. PAGE 121. 4 io^lif'-, '• «»**«8J 85.4367610. S. .013272; 32.6770 ^. 86.0; 1.7006. 6. 3.8; 1860.867. 6. 625; 02.7 7. 11221.1; 54.706. 8. 0.06468; 279.29475 10. .1728; .062 9. .000006627; 4.6. mMJDUUI. tt , ,^^ «BIC«e CUXXIX. PAOEI21. 4 iiS*?^ S!fi* **^- '• »"7»- *. .000OW87. *. UM.WNW100S. rf. .88780. iO, .0000000000684. EXERCISE CXC. PAOE 122. EXERCISE CXa. PAOE 122. /|.4;40;50. «. 200; 400; 80. J. .018; 7.5; 8. 4 a4.2JKtii «. .8; aOO; .0018. 8. 2480; .00025; 4000. 7. Is i- toS*^ «. .85; .284; 4802. 9. 80000; .0075; .000488 ' W. 42280; 4800000; 548.8. ^^^ EXERCISE CXCII. PAOE 123. /. 14; 19.28. i. 185000; .00002. S. 52.418: 013382 4. 4M00; 24108.25. 6. 24.488; 81.8. 8. W16 .JJ^ 7. .128; 1,5812.5. *. 108; 825.28. ^. 1.090; Ki)."^'; .048; .135. EXERCISE CXail. PAOE 123. /. 15.24. t. 850000. 5. .418. rf. 880000. 6. 024 ». 127.4. 10, .075, .0075, .00075. f «,«^ EXERCISE CXdV. PAOE 123. tf wJJif 1* i; f* '^' *'*2*»"- <'i«bbi. 5.87.5bbi. tf.8128JW. 7.827.5. *. 810800. 5. 15.75 bu. iO. 5.2 hr. EXERCISE CXCV. PAOE 124. *• tIt; A; t; tit. <. J^. ||. A.\^. ^. 6«V; IW; 71; 111. ,C. 5A; 2^1 A , ^ ■ . EXERCISE CXCVI. PAOE 124. ;* 'SL Lf*' •'^- '• -^J -8^; 1875; .8125. «. .4376; .5625; .8875; .8125. 4. .18; .24: 44- 72 ^. .175; .425; .985; .825. 8. .144- M4. ik- «« *. .TO8; 5.04; 7.9875; 8.38. 10. .2192; .1816; .7008; .8808. AftimilTIO. *• 11 or. 02 mbi lA ••• . 9 _i. - :. 9. w w; 2" flo* 61*; ir 28' lar iO, 8 ft. 9 U... ,7 «,. ,7 ,,. ,2 i.. 7 g„. J ^ ^ ^^ EXERCISE CXCVIII. paqc ,»- /. £I.«25; £7.«8126. l « iJlT '?^ *. 7.110W75 ml. . «.i89 »i '* ??f ** •-"•^<«^» »' 6> 7.875 ed.; 7.(1875 . 8000 bn. JO. 14.20 6 • «. #12. s. $1« *. 8«. |» EXERCISE CCXK. PME 3^' W. $160, 1208. 138. .50. ArruoMmum or nmmnMm. is wowaie ccwL paik lat. exoiciK Gcxxi. mae lat. « ii'nT^' aSS!'^*^' **^- ^MOOOyd. 4. 60000 lb. fl. 4100 lb. 7. 03000 yd. tf. $8500. P. 1807.75. 10. $4000. eXEROSE CCXXII. PAOE 14«. • L^'.^Ui^ •"' •"» •^^ •**' •**' •**• '- •». « I? : f-^^- '- ••'*' •'*^- «• •«•«• '. It*. ' *. I». 9. i%. 10. |ft. EXERCISE CCXXIII. PAOE 141. ». 084787.80. 7. ^40000. *. 03040, $5000. *. $76. !. $114.20. EXERCISE CCXXVI. PAOE f 44. 6. $6.80. 7. $16.12. 8. $88.88. ». $18.20. m $4.6116. EXERCISE CCXXVII. PAOE 144. 6 ii^^^'/'J^^^' *••«**•«». -.$674.01. 4. $681.66. 6. $425,666. 7. $1869.04. «. $68. 9. $1010.20. i(?. $1164.64. EXERaSE CCXXVHI. PAOE 145. 7 i'l^'.V^' *-1?*- '•^*- '•«*• «•«*• 7. 7i%. *. 4^*. ^. Q%^ jQ gj5 EXERCISE CCXXIX. PAOE 145. 7 nA^* p*',!*''* *. Hyr. 4. 5 mo. 5. 6 mo. «. 8 mo. 7. 116 da. 8,li yr. *. 15$ d«. m 76 da. r^y i. 7. «ww. ptm%4^ '*^^W* '• MO. 4. «.«MS. 9, m». 10.' *• ••«•. •. $m* *.MWOO. P.I4.M. i<>.iii^** •••**«• '••<«». t- (1) 1360. J^ '*•• (a) la Vkm aol* aadw fn -~w-... . ^* *• J 0280 """"i^ *»*»«• tor ▼ , Thiw aoiitlw after X.(006X.O4)».00O2X.00O2 pui. to ^'^:7 ''* *^' ^^' *••• »-• "'^ I-'"' 1. ». 3. *c., pijs: s^a:; St!'' '~' '««' *••' ->- »^« »-»«' h 2, 3, ^., 9. .13. EXERCISE CCLXXIX. PAOE I7». 5. 9216 cu. ft. *. $132, $247.60, $278. 4, $m 6. 33 mi. 7. .405 hr. 8. 1«A%. A .00129. EXERCISE CCLXXX. PAOE ISO. i- A. *. i da. S. 81 da. i. 14.7 da. S. h ?; i«^' /•Hi'!:- ''•-^•8«*^;B,73Ma.;CMl0da. /5. 15da. W. 82hr, W. H hr. W. 8 hones. 16. A, 8A da. ; B, 8H da. ; C, 6A da. 17. A, $1.10; B, $1. EXEROSC CCtXXXl. PACE 181. i. 12 mia.; 24 win.; 80 mln. t. 18 min. S. IH^ min. p.rt3. 7. 24 min. part « and 4lA mip. past 6. *' iA*Si"iLT«!Lt^*^ r* "*"• p^ '• ^*> ^^ "•*"• p^ 8. ». 4»iV min. past 9{ 64A min. past 10; 12 o'doek. JO. 23i\ min. fact 5. EXERaSE CCUXXII. PAOE IS2. -f iVT' "?."•?"' *• '• 1»A min. past 8. J. 31 A min. paste. j. 120 da. ; 44 min. past 11 ; I4 min. past 12. 6. 76 da. e. ^ min. part 6 a.m., Friday. 7. 5A min. past 5. *. S* min. part 9 p.m. on Saturday, and 67i min. part 8 p.m. . ». 3 p.m.. May 8. 20. 48|||f min. part 9 p.m. EXERCISE CCLXXXIII. PAOE 182. i.44fl. f. 84Aml. ^.22*. rf. 7*860. 5. 14min.»4sM e-Skf. 7.88|»1. *.7*yd. P. 82H. iO. Gains n&X 44 Ainmnmo. •^.■a^ff;^ EXpOSE COXXXIV. PAOeiM. 7. 46 Bin. *. 3 mi. p. 6 to 1. i0. 2| br. EXERCISE CCUXXV. PAAE 184. ».8Wfl. 7.M|,d. «.22«|. fl.2WiiiI. W.6|«J. «. eTlH. EXmoSE CCUXXVI. PiUME 18S. 6.». 7. £ie«t. *. 1980. ». a br. 84 mla. iO.awib. EXERCISE CCUXXVn. PAGE 188. /. 144 min. f . Moa, $12.50; women. 48: bor* ts as * «r km -.1022. 5.76 yd. 4. 82 dit. 7. 17 mK V^*^*^* *-^***- P. 110 dien»; 140 pig.. 10. m, EXEROSE CCUUXVIH. PAOE 188. 0, Job., 88801 TboiM., 8178} tt,i»,y, $22. lo. 56 et. / «« . ^J?*^ CCUOWX. PAOE 187. •. «, 11, 22, 28. 7. 188. *. 860. 9. 7876 sbii^lM. itf. 1501b. EXERCISE CCXC PAOE 187. *.«».0246. 4.88460. 7. 8870, 6%. *. $2.50. 9.i9i^ EXERCISE CCXa. PAGE 188. ^ EXPOSE CCxqi. PAGE 188. /^,30ot.;B,88ct.;C,40oi. ». 160Je«p«. 5.02460 4. 130* see. 5. $500. 6. 80e. •r. U yd *. 900 lb. «k 7 ct.; 1100 al 10 ct. 9, 248 yd. j 62 yd. 10, 8440. EXERCISE CCXail. PAGE IS8. < i.Tf"* ^••^^O. ^. Divisor, 647; Qaot., 31S8. 4 m !' - '^•^- * J* i2*7i"i*/r'**'J!^l' '•"**** «id width bdng equal.) *. 184.7114 ill. iD. A, $1035; B, $1868; C, nm. EXERCISE CCC. PAOE 198. /. 2 to 6. 8. IZ^ min. past 4, or SO mia. pMt 4. 8 840 *. Stoj. *. 2ift. iO. $1800; 16 mo. -««"«• EXEROSE CCa. PAGE 199. «. 80. 7. Slir. «. 628 lb., 4$6 lb., 880 lb. ^ ». moo, $1760. $1050, $700. . 10. B, by 60 yd. i« 4| min. EXERCISE CCai. PAOE 197. • ^■'W. 9, lit min. pMt 12. 10. $9^; $9f. I' I3lfr m V . PART II. Sokmon or Certain PtoMems. lf-8e.; Ooil or (5X610) n».«(»x««OX«)e. -\ ' KXBicisc uaumi. paoecs. .-.«•. of pah«(«»a-78oo) .,.ii..i!oo5:ft: i<». A^«H. wMlli Of bo«d-l»|i«ta.^ie ta., Am of bowd»(i8x 12X16) oq. I.. . .' " 144 — "flt ».»a4 aq. ft. EXERCISE LXXXIV. PAOE M. Wl«hoflol-^ft..«ft., Pjrimotor of lol»(2XM0+2X«0) ft.»0oo ft. j Coot of foBeing 1 ft.»25e. ; " «• ft.»(600X2S)«.«#150. ADOft of fwm««f|%u»80». J mWi of fcwi*?25i2?M.-64 Id. i 4. 10. ^rimoter of toB»(2X WH-2xa4) >d.»fi28 id. ; Coot of foMing 1 rd.8$1.2S; «•»«., *' " 528 »d.«628X$1.26=|080. EXERCISE LXXXV. PAOE 68. i. Awo of ioo»=(24X15) sq. ft.= (24X16X144) .q. fa, . .-. Length of e«rpet=?^^SH?lli*i„ _ 8*Xi5xl44 , ' ^^ •« *"•"" 8X12X86 J^-^O yd. r ,. ^ ^» Alwi of rooms (24X15) m ft • L«»itli of o«pot to eoTo, (8X3) «,. tt.Jl jd. " ' (^X15)«|.ft.«^Xlyd.«40^ «< (I i. ■OLIJTKnit. eXEROK UCXXVI. PAOEM. WMth o( fooi««(18Xlt) tai.t' Mb. of Uriiw la irtdtH^^il"—. Lngth of nNMi»(S7Xia) la. ; Mb. of tMfM in lmgtti«-^^i?«9. 4. EXCRCaE LXXXVn. PAQEM. Anm of oeiling- (94X18) iq. ft. -.!l^,q,^-, 48 aq. yd.; OoM of plMtoring 1 iq. jd.«>l»e. ; « "q. y| . . 3 timM value of other two boiuea»r8i6410} 8 •»«'w» ▼»!«• -_Mi.) II II II • lb. lib. ». AatlM ■•a»IS. !^ l i!r_'?»' ^'^y^'^fa" to 1, 4, -d It. w. wm nniiw «it p^r mttk; 4 mm, |»; tmi M ofl " 4 " U " «* 1 II • «lt-ili; I I r 441«tXtX7X7} Mr»SX8X8XtX7{ tUBixsxsxr; H«QM, G.C.M.»SX8XTa>«i) Mvaabwr of buhah In a l«id»68. EXERCISE OX. PAOEtl. Itf. Mud ttM O.C.M. of US80 aad 44100: 18880)44100 bOM '4tt9l8S80 18880 Km* iad tbo CLO.lf . of 4410 asd Unss* Thtola iMdUj fenad to to 815. fM ite«.o.M. 9t mm Mi Mint. 1 r»iKM mm Tfim aiiM TM 4 4 S 1 IS a 4 imm nam IMS itm 10M IM Th» O.O.M. of 190 Md turn i« MMlly foua to b« It. txnianiGi. nuisai. IMSiMXSXTXlti i. lTi6»lX5X7XlT| - O.C.II.«tXSXT»10S. ^^M All tte eOMMM MMMfM, foni M MHqr MriM M tlMTO M«4iflMmi( pftaM ftMton, awkliig 1 th* im tor* of mmk MriM ud MMRty tbMt tofUhw. 1, 1 I, 5 1, S, S, 16 1,7 1, t, 5, U, 7, U, SB, IM. «. If th« aaalMr wUl dlr^oSOSO Md Imm 11. It wtU U wm. tiOMd MMtl/ia S00»-11, or MtS. Blatlwly, tho aiwilMr wlU !>• OMtelMd onotly in S706-17. orSISl. no 0.0.11. of 1S8S Md SOSl to 117^ .. EXERCISE CXin. PAOEas. 9. 48e80»SX2xax2X8X8X5X7XlS. Thwo eM bo t—dOj amngod into foor ooBMovtiTo nnmbofo ••foUowt: 18; 7X2} 5X8; 2X2X2X8, or 18, 14, li, 16. EXEROSECXLV. PAOEtS. S. Ooft of SeO «Qidji>c$(600XSi) ^1437i; Bum rMoivod for 751 ootdi»$(76|x4|) »$tm ; (660-761) oo>dv«4Sa ootdo; u .1 P T>ny i iii ifH .i( imf Mm) *• **;,•* f^ "^^il • irtP-l tf IM-iM, OiOaMlit MH l«.-#(ltxA) «. PM 14 kjr tiM tklii»(l~A-i)»4 Ci. MOKlti. •ifM«(«pMl|iw|BW|||Mt||,l I. Tte U. tiM »J "•!'% X, Mii -i- •k««M »• m. IW PMMMt liiliiiifl by X mtil 1 ■iwM te fM» thai iiidlMltd kgr •;-. btktotMt dlatlaMM bttiTMa X tad '*«f.*' »•. «♦, fH to •mOnimA ttmOmt wMi I fri^AH} 7H«^i u^ ?!!5**" *• •• n«»te «»• ■«atotl mmkm of ten. Ik* Tht O.O.M. of snMi»» .^ fiiri, sr Homo, tbo O.O.M. of «|it f, oad «l loeh wtU ooateto y ta., or N In *l*loV. »8|+a|«10t 9thi-H^Mi 70|^t|.,f|j Hmmo, ambor of kogo->l»-|-9H>Sl»ftl. M' l-H; I-Aj |*H: L.C.M. of H, A. Md H !• W, ©r ef; NoMbor of timoo A gooo io«a4«flH-h.iO; tt (( «4 B CUX. PAMIM. f. Weight tt I lb, AnltUptkmim gr. i llb.Tktf •tlWp.l .MfWgr.blilltCTeitfr.i fin"' III* EXntOKCUIV. PAOe !•?. TfaM to wtJk m 14.-1 aiB.| ** mn ii.-(ifriix A) »ib.-m br. 17 i^tm, nmoKoxvi. pam ttt. lkr.«(M)(il)Mi.t Mal.«(MxilN)f|.) DMmm tb« trala com hi <«)(••) ■m.-MxMW II. » ** •* •• •• 1 ••. wxBm j^ 7. (I 4, It II II II lkr.»iiate.( 4tBl.«(iiX11i»)ji.{ te«Mia.-(41X11il)j4.| • ■!■•■■ — jgp- yil.vun fi.; lM.«i»]NI.; 1 aki.«(ftXII) yi.->liO0 94.; it iMtor by (Itl»-11N) yC, or n y«. EXOCIMI CiXXI. PA0Efl«. J. B»t p«t MMtdt A'i bjr (A-A), or A of w«b; A of wob, or i of wobaBftl 74. { .'. tbo irob->(6X5i) yd. -tlTtf.; A'o |iMl»(A of 88) y4.-18l jd. ; B't pwt>-(A of SI) 74.-18I yC UXIM • «i Agia», " Tho i. WMtb of inl Mda ov „_tXMi " 80 Sj^^H^^S^s cjjv flBfi^^^l^X fd.as80f4.{ i4. a48f«L '■t ■> 4( it It «« II fl II I . «^^ wraoMi cuwm. Pmm tti. ivm^ateff -♦of«h„n •«« to atlihbor-* •! i o£ ihttp, ihMpal of IM •lioo|»-i4SO tboop. *• « }-•»•* ««««i*-(2X«a80) 11., . „^ ^** •« H*d !■ 10 ft.»i fl.} • Wp* of wM to (9X5380) fl.-(2X6a8X*) f|.-176 fl. 0. Ptoll^dTid 1^ WHO -tof-trto, naMtotof m| neoivod bj oMooi ton «f of | of ootato: *•••»'•* t»y dt«fhlor »|ofiV '• —A " .-. • Ml«to->$(16X750)»019000. CXCROSE CIMIV. PiMHEiri. S. KthoflratMdyMioldHMofMlta th» aoMBd ioM jWio a ^«wi of 4« bi!, . . I •bwit»4a9 Im. } •wis " r^Jt.. .-. "if* *"-^'f*^ •* «^J •■» » - (aXliOl) lm.»8Sl| lMI.:«^«|d of MOOI^ «. Stenoflnt -ma.; M00B(b»f«ftbe]Md; *Mi* -mi».-HoftholM4, •n *» C.-H of tlM ]Ml4! •Mof tlM]uid»9Ba.; thokttid«t4X26)..«l00«. EWROSCCLXXV. fAOEllS. 0.aM^of^5*'^":JJiriT~' *"• ^•"'* Of «eh «i..t b. 01. «» O^CM. of 9011 rt. Md 41* fd. I. fl rt. J l^HBbot of loll OB tlW lm«»| «^*as44. T«rf wiiBbor of lolo44«X0»ai0. cxBiaac cuwvi. paoe i is. f. PWI A dOM fat 1 dft. ati of work: « II B II II 9d». a| Ids. >»# Sd». «| II II JO. AaadB d<» fai 2 dft.»(H-i) «f ivOTk -1% of worki Wotk to b* doiM>-(l~ A) «f WMk^A •! work. Ftet A ud B do in 1 d».a(H-i) of work ■o <*f woA ; Put jH to bo donoM(l~A) of work ^11 of worit ; Fart of work A, B md C do in 1 da.«(H-H-i) of work- ■*rre of work; TipM for A, B ud to do M of work»l diu ; II II II II II II II II H I* II -Wd».j "(iixW)dft.«-lHda. 11, Put A and B do in 1 dft.»A of work} II II II M B 11 II (I 11 li -A II II MB of A*t ■trofwth.S MB of B't ■troogfh, and 3 MB of C't otM^th do ia 1 day •(A+fHi) of wofkj A,BaBd■ I ih - f ill ) of work 'ilvofwork:^ *i i« II m ** ^ II _ t =*kr.} «(aeOXf ) te.»88^ kr. i. /. i^(iMMiC CXCVH. PAOCtas. •. IBMmo .8139 of li.».81SS of ?i d. il.5:w5o2 .78ofld.IjJrf4qr. qr. 8.00MOO Honm, £.790M5-Ut. *»M. ^IBK»E CXCVni. PAm 120. ALOSD. Ill . x^ fltnw, jCI lOi. 6d.s£l.0SB. ««CISC CC PACE 129. \aharo, tkta «. ». Lot 1 M« gol 1 jOQtt goto .i»o muwmt 8lM«. of 6 M Md 11 ,O.th0-«Xl d»,.+Hx.528 dtMO; _ »11.775AafM; H0900, 11.775 ■liom«aB#47.10{ ^^ '11.775 •*• OERCtKCa. PAQCtiw. ttoHiOMi iom i. « mi».«(2.8xaa80) fl. »insofi.; 12 *V«Mi8awii. Coblo eontoat of stNom 9640 fl UmJ^tf^tSi' L _.^ 4.«fl. dooD«r9Siovt«riwiw7x ^' ****** ft- wMo, and ».o n. «ioq>s(MMxiSS.lXBX4^) ea. ft.»UM5M o«. fl. ^««CISE Cai. PAOE 117. «. Sx|M«Miii« ooeli of tho namben m toii-tho««m,»Mk. ■UMt ind tiiA o o If .,# ooKAA •«».r^ ^ ••■■"Oo«M»d»lMi, wo mSL2 .L2 ^' "^'^' "^ ^25 ton-thooMuidtli. O )8i500. 88750. 2 8125 — ««"~i«mw. 5) 4500/ 5750, 5^ «( <« <« «i Jf >00> 1860. 1186 9) i80» 870. 226 *. 84, «, 6 lljli^J»»;ii(5X0X5><5X»)li«.thoMMidlh. «* MM »• L.C JI. It iMurf fa s .taU^ ^7" "*'"~**^' •» •««». EMEROie CON. PAOe t2t. •kw B ftMivw 1.7S ihanti .-J^ (1+I.W+4.W6) " or6.87S . . f.flS ■haitWMiMtJO} 1.50 ... It 1.7Sof#M»|77 »B't 1.5 of •(44+T7)-$mdMN«A'i «. OiMe MMrtMto of ifflfttsk-(».5XMXl.ia6) e. ft.; W.U-— /^. . ■•«»»« "-(21.T6Xl.«WX1.26)e.fl.; W«ifM«f(lt.5Xi.5Xl.Ui)«.fli«4a87JIb.t *• *-"«5Xi3xnM*' .-. " fll.Tliyi ««vt <«)^ fi - »l.WXl.f»Xl;a5X4aOT » iiJXS.5Xl.lS5 »S«^.875 lb. lb. f. ©"WOK COB. F^Mem. iMof»0a.«B58.5».; ^«C|89s.«c87.fta.; W^ofa6tft.«»tlOs.| Co* of 5S4 «. • «ta.»1479.M| .•r.5».«ilS«$B0tS.5O; St5ft.«#M«^BMMe{ It It ; 7. CMlfag priee of in piaaoBBlH of IS60 " « ^ u »♦*»•' •W-WO;' WB ^*nnr of i860 a» HOO; Mlfaf prios Of aUsinfB. RM pifa»t(575-790)t-«lS6. ». SntdopooiM >Mofft»rlinio; » .."'? ^^*^ 1 l»>"'Ak of 79e.»Vo t •'• " " " lS80OOe ** »iSSi2^ 72 EttROSE COtVIII, PAOEfSr. - <• HI of ooot of 10 oowi»iOBO; . tuniJ.L^*L ^•••'"AofWofiaMj • 8*aii« Ptio. tegy. «-^ Of A ^ III i ^j,,,^ «• BajrlBg prieo»^ of j,,^^ ^^ 8ellia« <« «»f|| «< u ' .'. gtiii oa M of auukot prieo»^ «< <« ^ " "^ ©f M of nuttkol prieo; " 100 '* " ^ 100X100X80 „ 86X100 "•In por «Mit.«86A. •'• gain OB 886 nil Ho I .-. " 8100-^??^«> 86* .'. (fAiii»S6A%» fl ▼■iM n. ••» •« -(•Ki»XltXli)«.| >(llv«ftX8tXMX»)«. ;v i« Mki-aift «< II woo»»'^j;gt*». #. C«M lM te« »yfc Of ■— rfttthndt 8ti wi i» tw i i w^ _-itox '■ 97 of coon. PiMfa*. «. ifi fffi i d o«l «( «l«t«^0»| iOfM iJaatiHOM Q n» Ooakof4iftCk«|70i.87S. 0. 0101 will panhaaa a dmfk for 0100; 01000 i« << .UOOXIOO ' 101 ' or for 01486.148B. EXERCISE CCXXXIV. PAGE 14a. '• 8aM.froaii^^l7faJttl7i7; „ ^^ ^ A^Oiayaoffiaaa, •• 90x»dale of naterftj; No. of daya batwaan Maj 1 and July 20 fa SOstarm of dfaaouak : Intaraal a« lOBT for 00 di^ at 8»«Jft of tI» af 0067 »«ll.fii; of ■ala-»0(0B7-11.52)«-0e40.40. iMk dlMo«B|H| of tIw flf fiM rtimtm^^ af ^tt talao •'• fM« ira hwil of « ». TIM Mit Irilt dM w 11^. ». of 4^« fNM AiW. M to li9r. irai— i»li «mmw ma. » .7S>B$lMe.7t. 19. Tto Mit teUt dM M J«ly n Vo. 9i dagri ftom M^ a to Jaly 31-i74; WMl OB fMia.74 lor 74 dft. • 6ft»iia. .^ ^ ••ft»$lS.97.. PMMoodi of Mioipfaots.74-aif .»7»$io6i.n Exoase ccxxxv. pmmi •«•. $100 olook li wettli HOIf JiOOXlM ' 100 '* 07100 « « «i M t« u *. Mo. of doUaw of otook fai 78 oimoo»a(7gxfl0) -atTSO VolwofMOO ' * 084 * mm *' -M¥«f09oo.amo. CCXXXVI. PAAC tot. ofoiao«oMOo. ttt. t ▼alto if not ** f. Mflein. II «i I B«M»,lk»tli|it|k9kl||| ^- *''fnin«iii',l_a I l»» " ^^»^9lB*§ • II II .lot •fNM i. (•) 1MX»« IW *»"• mac lis. ^Kfmum rat SL 2:2 r-sfj" laM ferl tt« to itwit ^ jMOa for tM •■» ^^MPW d^r s ■BO* iatMMlcf '•Vndi it, tlHM th» SMii PiM at 4i|« WflkM il it iM. Ibt iiM ii Am, tr riMM kk ptM Is in a| B*. u «HtfH«fD'tllMM COnjN. rAQClM. A*s - HD't «« •« .M^'iikMiHIItJfllHI CCXUlf. PMiltM. «X«-»t fit H^ M « la».,«lt rirs!""^ '"'--*• ii t. to } N>flOOM1 »UMOj MMXlft-flOOM JI00X9 7. IMMXUNilMOii T8MX|S-> tSMfr " -iWlftof 9^ " HVMfbttiUit-iimt 0^ '* -iffNTtfinM-iMii. ■mm, B Jttail ▲ 4 ao. ktiMt tht Mi af tlw jwr. If * At MilMliM* WM iMMii M ApHi ], im, ^■■■X ll wt fm \ llitX ?-!•!•§/■'•'•• } 1 tm. •. Aim of §mm(msxm) ■«. Miv-dnixM) m. Mii (M^ •! wMi tf «lilk)«*in6X4i_ Id. CCm. PAMtit* HdgM»|«Mlk| M. f X|X1 (Mo. of Miti of Widtk)*Mttn«t Ms. of utti of wMlh»#1ioi«M| .*. wUHh^M fl{ Md kailk^l of M fi.«at fl. CXBKitC CCUH. PAflC tt2. «. iMgtb of plot iMhidiaff iraIk-(fS4.t) fl.t -(•IX«)o,.ft.-lt|«„.||., (4 (I tt •I • • I* f. io. •tlM 11.11. J* IM«W «hMl-(^K4t) ta..||t 11.1 .^1""^" -C¥)cll)lii.-iitto. •■iM4 te I ivf»tatiMi«is la. . " MM " -llMtte.| iJ19j:-4ia.{ 111 iC «J«. •!!. 4te.»lll li. 1 ft. It to. f Tim mi oajvi. paqi t#t, Mm •! •Into-(lJixiM) •«. i«.»tlt •«. H. i .'. Vxr*«ilt| f 14>i«< tto »rt wM rtl. •» " ■■ » (¥x>i) li. «H tH. AiM^f lMnr«lmi«.(Vxit«) ■«. te.| » " -(¥X1T«) ■«. to.t «f MM iP(VxaiXl) 1^ te.-lM •«. to. ■xnoKccun. Moitcf. •( Mt «f 111 ifMnvf te.a>ltnai Am •! •MM->(ltr«-Mi*) ■«. to. (4X106) to.->8» to. Aim of Mt iM-(M5xia44) iq. jd. | ■U* «r otto f*"gy*jd .»mo yd. raHOK OOLXHI. PAOE !«•. -* , ^^ ■ W0| Ol ««iMito«|/(7Tex4iOXIBexiO) iq. yd. ^ -41^ iq. yd.-4^. " " lft.->M0rftlJ0->|I.M. (I •4 f. I'"' «»»»• MM IN. BmMS. Ih* ■MM tf ^« »!••> ..^ . . •■•"^ ••*«•»'»" w«« •Mly ■«, Ifca tt. J«rt. —. .¥X4lMMlM-4iI..; . •. 4taMHM-A of la |..«ii to. AM»«r,tau.«£yx(V)-].,.to. — CCUV. PAOe f«t. A 1 D M. itorflM trtfciai- -d k-> JT!^ ~ ? * <^ ■«»* ■•■•^ 40 U#f A ■ t» » i A It .-. mxA i-icxaH«xA b; .-. tXAI-ltxai; Al-Mt LMfih «f B B-(ti+it) ft. Ai»te,4»tlS4.0B„n,])| .-. 49XD B-Mxa^HBXO B: ^ .*. •XOB.ltxii; DB»7t; iMfth •« B ¥x(iiifi«)>«S«6iM wiMulij 49 Mi M. ^' "••• ■" I'Mftk-M Id. I biMdth«iO Id. LMglh0lriit.(|/^f|. .lift" M. Aiw to te ixncae ocixviii. mocfrt. ^2?i~U^jtoH .f Hrtt-(1X¥X4X4> •. to. CWtoi mmm m toth thi^i-dxVxTltXifcx,!,) .. to. \.^ •# 1.2^.^'^ •* •!*«•-(# X¥X6») •. to. I AIM «f iim to ttt «4 of V Utoki-(VX7«-¥X»«) tq. to. j -(VXMXDtq. to.| W» TW6«Mm1 »0«tort of jphWMTiy M tot MbM rf ti»h.MW^ A'M wiigkt of aMitor ■pkon.m «r ^ «f IP ^..^.^ ^ fKOOM CCUKVR. PMC f ft. #. Mb valftf IkMtfMi ia lit iMi^ !,,_ .^ . '^^ ^^^ •• w, Mr Hi oMmBiwiior. ^^ ' H^,»OMwhwi— tyip,mpM,^^__ . •Ki. ^* *** • »^^ •* W bjr «aM«ytag illy H, » _ axaxg 78 -■■^'yat » »jr 6x». •^ixi ixix»xVioi"-^«» »x«x« axix2x5x8x5"i5o6"''*'J I g-^ »xg jg a.g . 2X8 8X8X8 i55<8~T*'*' A» I 7X8X8 * 178 1.78 >X2X8 2X2X8X^X6*lMX8~T^-'<*- o« 10 by mdtipliMMoa, n4 hwiM * Ta i^^* *^^ -"-- ^ to tsMi ZZ^ .«iT!!!,*;,f • *• *• *' ♦ ••■^ i» 2or8 /. 8m ItordM OOLZXYIL f. " «« (« *. ^"'k^avrtiMfnirtioBlBiiiknwrttiiMp^ py ttt g i n il irt iwi i i qf ti«w ttat tiM toM P«t ia « ttMl* WiU |k» 1 8g«j« Iq i^ " " 8 " «« If If iO«2X8, 2W2X2X2, IP>»2X2X2X8X2, 2e8-*2X8X2X8X8, " rf. S»e b«mbe OCLXXVn. 18»2X8X8, iMra tinn wiUlHii flnit i» ^/Z^USi wffi W 1 ig«M tai MM ae*. St-SxiXSXB, hw« «|M MMltan wm b»t §tnm ia th« ■«. wUIbtS iBtteaM- kfttoi dMMlha iMitw a or 5 otcvt fai iha 4 ▼te., i. T. w m T. ; 7.tfMSto 9. iMmm .9115 to liy7.4M. bjrli *t orii-»A)ii«k) .'. tiao for to do all tko woikiBll 4i^ JO. fteoflMTl to do tiM w wfc W kr,; I FMI wUoii 1 Mhi 4000 fai 1 hr. m^ (I '* * 1 h^ ** ** M^k ** poi4 wUoh B MB oai 41 kofiAo in 1 kr.«i(^H-M) I •Mi 4» bofo to do oB tko l»."4ihr. tIaoforS U. Part of tto work dMM bf A, Band te 1 6ar^ TiMportodoMlvA, BoadOMwaol, 4«idi, oraoi, tiadt. Homo, port doM bf A la 1 dqr«A«i^ w«rli-*Tfo of «Hk; .'. tiao far A to ooMplolo tho worii-^ da.»ai| da. ;. TIawiorB" ** '* -^X«|} da.«m da{ if. Tliao for A to do tko utalo noik^ of 11 flMt of ITS* doBO br Bia 1| da.*-(l-^ of arorit t« <( « -Aofwoik; Bial da.a>|of Aof »Aofwe*; .'. tteo fte B to do aU tho wo Awtt da. i5. Ptut whieli A and B tagethor do la 1 lir.a*M of work; .'. part whioli B aloBO dooo la 1 kr.»(^yb-A) of work ■■li* ■ wfmm m* pliti fai U afanltt «f lfaM» MMk Mil Mn dMiM bt gIfMi to MMrtm ttt p«pll to tlM poaMlMi •( *• ImbAb, «.«., to tott koiri f. Umlmto «. Al t tto Minrtt- TtflM to 1^ 11 mlmito' "15 " iM gtiatd to 11 1^ t »$ «« ^^§^ ate.) or If Mto. toUalaBto< bddadtiwhMw tt ltBla.t ^~p ato.-ltA toto. tiM tkm to 1«A Mto. VMk t. 4. To b« aft rIght-uglM tko hMidi bw« bo 1ft •poll. Al 6 o*otook thof MO M Mteirto- ■llMto'^MMOT WMfl bo OMi|^ ^1 b^ tbO Ttoto to iriB U ■tfwto ■pnwll Mte.| • «« ** t*. ** ** IftXH 15 11 ls.«il6A ato. BoMo, tho tteo to MA ato. ^mI 6. «. Al 5 o*6look Iho bMrfi an M MX 13 Ti«« to goto 15 ata«to< 11 Bin.iBStA B^* H0IIM, tlM tiiM if S9A ato. pofl t. 0. At 6 e'otook tito hooio mn M aianto-ipooM apart. To be 8 ainato-spaeoa apart tt ^Kb« to fais tt adaato- ttXIS 11 aiii.>-MBa». la 94 ada. paat 5. r. Att«'«lMktlMhMiiaM|t TtettofMall •PHI «MMr II or M mImU. llXlt MX IS fw Iki Hi Mm tAw I, (U-M) ItMlt. Tte Mm wai k§ (IM-lA) OT tlA Biiu pMl •. 4,1mH iMm Mm tlodn an IS mi. apMli Tit t» >i I mim, ■pwla M fcf.i **ltalB. ** »IIX4XMkr^lll*i.) iMl hi m «i.plilxt tM.*!* ate. •to Itet it M ate. imT 11. TtaMfidMi te in ift.«lMxr Mt.-U Mia. is 14 alB. iMl It. #. TIatiBirlMi «* «• tt «i Mt" ** »'^f"to. »Tii>. # TfaM to iMt 5 «•. i« « 17 ITXil •IMBfai.«t4ft.0ltt.lti I te. 9 hr. M ate. tmm 9 pjB. {•Mate. IWBiB.«i «i II «i )•».■. iHP. 9t tow ttB«l -IN o( ft ]». «C tm* tteM«5 kr. 6A Biii* U o'tlMk to • o'dMldit IM »to.t f. TteM is lildab Um ctodB an t aia. qpit»lS k II II II II II II ifji^oflShr. lur. Imnb ■sob m ^mtejr to 9 p. m* mi nftWH^. ■Iai»ft|ato.{ pMl • p, m. tataidsf . i TtoMfitetd ton .-Hxi Imte TtoMlsaltelSte.»Hxl Bmm*, «1m Uttm to H«M», tlM tia« to nk nte. pMl 8 «n Satoitey. f. fMi A fMiHr t» U ». a. M Ibf t It t a. B. Ml MiV T fiM ItlMt H ■to.aim kr. I Mikr. IMiftiMMHrlt U ^ ■. MHlf lift ». M. Miy t. Mil l•^•. iMuAij «• Ml hr. Mmt, IMH Mte. §• llM wilrt«l4lt MlB. tnt ttetf /.l«kff. " -2g^ffl4MBia.tiw »1» hr. «t|||i «te. I, Ito Ubm it kr. ttllH ate. fBM te (tixii) ttt.->(MxnM) II. t i< «* «« I. t ft • i. MXl«.Rr talttt.>BMfi.t fOM il (tlXtl) ttt.>>(«X«XM) n,mHH Ml. faillttt.-iSii.t 1^ te (iixtl) Mt.-^^9 •( II t*.mm mL 4. TiM It aovt (MX17W) yi.»(WX«) tM.| #. Tlat itt -TiMt. logttMi.«*ilraf Ikr.t *' I.t6 Mi.-t|! of ^ of 1 kr.-14| Bte. i. TtaM ftr A to girfB « ml.*! hr.) *< 14 l« 4 al.-l of 1 kr.>iS hr. 7. AMidBftpi»raMliMMhollMvaltlMntooC(4H-8i)ml.p«rhr. T1»« to tn^wA S ai.ail hr. ; " 60 «i.«V of 1 h». «T4hr.; OtotaBot A fott te 7i Jlr.«(7iX4«) ml.»IU ai. ■■OWIMi IVr OMIf (ANSI and ISO nsr CHART Na. 2) 1.0 122 125 \i2 L8 ^5 lyiii J. ^PPUBDJVMGE d.B4950 ft. ; No. of boards to go onee roandasHf ^330; . *• " " 6 times " =6X330 «1M0. 9. No. of fonows in 16 H.^^^^-^^U; Time to ploof^ 1 fanows6 min. ; .'. " " 24 •• =(24X6)min.=2hr. 24miii. /0. Valae of daeks=(8X7S)e. s:600e.; V»lae of eliieliens=(13X50)c. a=650e. ; 12fi0o.; No. of pounds booglit for 91 as 16; $12i=12iX16=-200. <« <« i. EXERCISE CCLXXXVII. P4QE 189. e. ft.; .'. 000 gftl.=^ c. ft. =80 e. ft.; No. of c. ft.=(8X6X4) e. ft.=192 e. ft. Time for 80 e. ft. to enter eistom=60 min. ; 192 0. ft. • Let eort of 1 Tort »i vert; Then •' 1 eoat »l Te.t+81.26j * ^ Teats^4 Teste* . . coet of 4 Teete and 6 eoate^O Teet.+|6.26«833 2S • .-. eoetofOTeet««|27; .-. •• ireetsfS; " X eoat a:t4.25; " 12eoates86i. EXERCISE CCUXXVIII. PAGE IBS. i. Each time he paid N.50 he owed |8. No. of times he paid M.50=^ ^i^. .-.sum owed=8(i600X8)=$12800. *. Costofl28g.l.=8(i28xl.70) =$217.60- Sumtobereali«ed«:$(2i7.60+33.40)=8261: ' No. of gals. 80ld=251; Qnwtity of water added= (261-128) gal.=123 gal S. Coil of hoHM Mid 7 MW •-$1900; «< • •• " M II -$1900) • • • I* lb II .1 j4 II -IMOO; Mkl «i 18 II 11,9 II »|8i00{ t • • .MMkofSS II -01900; • • . " i eow »N8. Th« «(wl of lionM»0(190»-7X48)a0004; .'. *' " 1 bono -006; Cook of 8 hOTMO Mid 8 eowo»0(8XPa+8X48)aB0879. 4, Cort of 475 »ppl««s(0BX0)e. a670e.; .'. eoit of Moond lot»(lO9O-57O)e.»40Oe.; No. of timoo he tpont Oe.»^^' «00; No. of opitlM 111 Mooad lot»(00X8) a790. 5. AiMOf flolds(40Xl(4X24Xl«i) iq. fl.; Aroft of 1 lot= (165X08) iq. ft. ; No.oflot.=^22£490; OAiiis£(420~280)»£140. 7. No. of eofda in the plle- "^^^* ; Valae of the wood=|(?5^^*X8.25)=007.60. 8. 28 hr. 2 min. 36 ■ee.3s82966 tee. ; 46 hr. 8 min. 55 ■ee'.=166185 lee. ; The O. C. M. of 82966 see. Mid 166185 lee. is 228 eee. a Let Henry get 1 ihAre; then ThomM gets 8 shures; end Jolm gets 40 shares. 40 shares. Value of 40 Bhare8=il078; .'. " " 1 share =t^H=$22; . Henry gets $22; Thomas" $(8X22), or $176; John " $(40X22), or $880. f\ 4i' to. No. of qwrti nlm^lm ^^^^m jaKt 8o« rooolTod for 90 ba.»0MO«. » ucRdsc ccuxxM. PAoeitr. 1. Ano of roon-dSXlSXlflS) tq. |b.| Lwnth of Con»ot»<"><»X'«) «- _ 18XHX1M . ^^ 87 MX97 " '^•"•^ y*' Cool of Oftrpot»(MX76)o.«f27. f. Loogthof fopo-ax4 ft.+2X(8 ft. 8 Iii.)+4X(8 ft. 8 In.) "80 ft. 6 la. «. Agmiato hoifffat of « bo|r.»6X(4 ft. 5 Ib.)-86 fl. 6 in. 4 b07«»4X (4 ft. 7 in.)« ie ft. 4 In . j "8b<^=8ft. 8lB.{ .-. OTonco of o boy==4 ft. 1 In. ^' 18npplos»10e.; .-. 8 oppleo or 2 orongos«| of lOe., or 2ie. ; . . 4 orugM ui 3 lomonss2x2i«., or Se. ; .*. 15 lemonaarSXSe., or ISe. *' O.C.M. of 1069 ft. ud 1875 ft.«ll ft. , Perimeter of fleld=r(2xl089+2X1875) ft.»4928 ft No.^ of rail, to go 1 time roand=Mf^448. ; 6 time* " -6X448=2688. e. 212620-2X2X2X8X5X7X11X28.; Thew arranged to make 4 oonseentire nnmben beeome 2X2X6, 8X7, 2X11, 23. ' 7. L.C.M. of 3, 4 and 6—60: .*. least namber poMible— 60+2— ^. • 62 is not a multiple of 7; ' ' 2X60+2=122. This is not a multiple of 7- 8X60+2=182. This I. a multiple of 7- . . least number of marbles=lS2. ' No. of bAloo In ewai •oLvnom. 11 #. IVriatm of lol-(Sxii04>2XM) f|.»a60 f|.t Am of Mrfk«o«(OxaaO) iq. ft. .,40 m. yd , ». Aioo of roof- (S5X 13X36X13) m. 1b. t Aroo of 1 ■kiBfflo«(4x4) tq. Ib.i /.No.of-i,.i,,o..~Xl|JpW.,,,5. W. CbMo oontoBt of oar « (88X8X6) e. ft. ; bolo-(8X8X«)o. fl., . 88X8X6 ,-_ 8X8X1*"""* Wolfht of 176 InUoo-36400 lb. { .'. •• • 1 b^« -«HH lb.-180 lb. EXERCISC CCXC. PAGE 187. MttL^^J*^ ■*• of oquiU ilM OM fMm mart eort f of •19600 Md tbo otbor { of 118600. f of $10600»67800, ond f of |18500»$11700. Coot of 180 a.»87800: " 1«.»6W«660, ■ad •• 180 •.»8li700; *• 1 •.-tH|H=|90. #. Tho L.C.1I. of 10 ft. Md 12 ft.=60 ft. ^ Jn going 60 ft. tho front whool tarn. 1 time moro than tho hind Dlstaneo In whloh the front whool tarn. 1 tin.. mor.=60 ft. ; " •• J»* " " =(264X60)ft. »3ml. «. ^■8MforlOOda7.»(100X06)o. =806.; Wage. lo.t=8(B5-76.80)=$18!20; Wage, let In 1 day==(86+46)«. =|i.40; No. ot day. idle to Iom 818.20=^^^ --13. No. of day. he worked=100— 13 sgx. rf. Perimeter of lot= (2X120+2X90) ft. =420 ft • Cortoffeneing=(420X15)c. ^.^gg ' Area of lot= (120X90) .q. ft. -inann „ #♦ . Area of walk and lot=[(120+e)x(90+9)] «,. ft.Il^^.ft;; Ijj A M ' fMWiU . Aim tf wilkB(lSm-lMM) iq. fl. miwn •«. ft. Ooil of WBlk«(tI»X9)t. ■fM.ftl.i #. Aim of tkt i« «l (tXl««XT) iq. ft.«Sll §q. ft | (SXT«X7) iq. ft. -IMiq. ft.| i-i(16«X7«) fq. ft. - ItH iq. ft. No. of iq. yd.-»-W| Wtlffht-(WXS) lb. I ^l»X8 4.WK ■ 13 '^100/ tfMiq. ft. -fSO.OSM. «. IqJvMd goodsai of i of loodo* A of goodii .'. TftlM of A of valBJorod eoods»«1680; .'. TAlno of goqdsai^ of $1680 < 8am roo«iTod»$(845. If all hud boon horaoo Um ooot woald lw?o boon •(•0X8) thu IMM, or $8060. HoBM, T»lno of 86 hoio>t»t8660| I •• .tH|>-l86. 8. Ko. of bonlMlo of bftrio y^H* b^i, VaIm of 68 lNi.»(68X46)e. »f88.0e. Mo. of iNUlMlo of 170»1f* »54; ValM of 64 lMi.-*(64X66)e. -089.70. nmMr't fmlBi-O(a8.7O~28.O6)ai790. 4. No. of MrM rtpmontod by 4 iq. la.»640; .-. " " " (48X80) iq. ta.-*t^l?^>l^. —28040. 8' 10 ». S68 oq. rd.-]868 sq. id. ; Aroo of 6old, 4 rd.X8 fd.»18 tq. id. ; Tho 6n( 6old la ^ff tinoo m lugo m tho Moond. HoBoo, tho looRth of tho im 6old to »/^fH timoo 4 tods; Mid tho width " " " |/iffi •• 8 rods; (•*«*X4) rd.»(12.478X4) id.s40.90 . . id.; (•MHX8) id.-(:2.476X8) rd.»87.428. . id. 6. Selling priee»M of eort prieo ; . '. M of ooot prio»f 60e.»i«§ of ooot prioo; •*• -fih of eoct prio«ai60e. ; .'. eost priee=sW of 50e.s02.50. 7. Length of wiJl^jf—j ft.=842 ft. ; By drawing the figure, it will be seen thi^ ay loiigth+2(length~24 ft.-6 ft.) =842 ft. ; I AKiTmino. if .'. iMgth -Mragth— 29 ft.»171 fl.; .'. 2Xleiigth=(171-|-39) ft.sSOO fl. . .'. lengthsH* ft. slOOft. MBd InMdtKs (100-24) ft.»70 ft. 661 iV. j^ (of ftittMr't moiw7-$128.S0)»$188.80; .M of father'a mon«7-|85|»$128,a0; .*. I of father's moiiey=t214.16|; .'. father'* money=| of $214,161 =s|821.2S: or, i of remainder=$128.50; .'. remainder=$192.75; .'. father's mone7=$(192.75+128.50)s|821.25. 9. Intereet for 1 yr. 9 ido.@6%=} of tIv of notes A^ of note; .'. amount of note=iU of note --=9891.17 ; .'. note=iff of 9391.17. =^$36*. 10. Wagea for 12 mo.=s8 8heep+9180; 7mo.=8ah«e|H-990; 5 mo.=$100; 1 yr. =V of 9100=9240; Value of 8 aheep=9(24r;-180) ; .-. •• of 1 8heep=9V=97*. EXERCISE CCXCII. PAGE 18t. i. In 1 day A and B earn ^fe. or 66e. ; AandC " Wc or70o.; BandC " Wo., or76e.; 66+70-I-76 II It 11 II II II 14 (I II II A, BandC " 2 -c, or 106e.; 41 14 41 •• C eama (106— 66)c., or 40o. ; •♦ B " (106-70)c., or 86c.; 41 A ♦' (106— 76)o., or 30e. g. 5 of hare's leaps=2 of hounds; but the hare takes 4 leaps while the hound takes 2; .'.1 hare's leap is gained erery 2 leaps of the hound; .*. 80 hare's leaps is gained every (80X2) leaps, or of the hound. 5. A's selling price=HI of eost to A; 160 leaps B's =Hlof Hlof oostto A; HI of HI of eost to A=93166.60; cost to A=m of m of 93166.80=92460. •oLvnoini. 4. TlM futor tnin galnt (21—16) mi., or 5 ml. per hr. TlaM to gain (5X1700) yd.* (60X60) Me. ; •• " (184+188) yd.-^;g|?£?? .ee.=130* 6X1760 "^^ S, Valoeof hoaaesSiXTslaeof lot; .'. 8i TAloe of lot+yalae of lotasfiTSO; It " =»^«|600. 6. Sinee M of eoet=8277i; .*. m of eoet^W of $2771»8882.80; .-. eoet of 1 ba.=<|fHe. =80e. 7. Distanoe tnTelled=(|f of 4X5280) ft. ; Area ent= (2^X4840X9) Rq. ft.; «. Coat of Migar=$(160+13) s8173; Cost at 7e.=$140; Differenee from aetaal eoat3=8(i78— 140)=:f38; Eaeh poond bought at lOe. inereasea thia priee by (10— 7)e., orSo. Henee, No. of pounds at lOe.s'V* =1100; " " *• •• 7e.=2000~1100=900. 9. Divide the field in four eqnare fields by dividing the length into 4 equal parts and drawing lines paraUel to the ends through the points of section. Then, ana of eaeh square fields'^}^ sq. yd.=8844 sq. yd. ; .*. width of the large field=/(3844) yd. =62 yd. ; .-. length •♦ •• " =(4X62) yd. =248 yd. 10. L.C.M. of f yd., 1 yd., li yd. and 11 yd.=16 yd. ; .'. width of hall=15 yd.; No. of strips I yd. wide=y ==20; Length of each 8trip=V yd. =20 yd. ; No. of yd. needed= (20X20) yd.=400 yd.; „,, Co8t=$(400X 1.10) =$440. EXERCISE CCXail. PAGE 189. 1. Distanee the train gains in 1 hr. =27 mi. ; " " •* » iA 10X27X5280 ^ __' ^® *^ 60X60 "-^^ **• J Hence, length of train=306 ft. ABirmmo. '• ihoi$iBO»$27t Bam to b* dlTlded Meoidiog to eftpitml»#(460->27)af428 • C»plt«l»$(4S0(H-14O0)ai8800 ; A's thansH of 1428 a|829. 1641* '*' ■"•••"^^ maltlplM of th« dlTlMr »n 1641, lOM. The O.C.M. of 1641, lOM, 1641 ud 1641 it 647. fienee, the diyisor Is 547 and the quotient 8288. 4. The dilTerenee between n gain of 7« and a loas of 17* is 'Mr of eoat; •'• i%of eoatstl; 5. Coet of (25 eowB+25 caiTe«)=6(427.75-|-808.60)=t781.25; Coct of 25 ^Teii»$(25X5.75) =$148.75; 25 eows »6781.25-14S.75) »6687.50; «< i< " " leow =f"-^ =628.50. «. When B waa rappoaed to win he ran 1760 yd. whUe A ran 1738 yd.; Henee, A'g n^ is to B's as 1788 is to 1760? But 1760 represents | of B's aetnal rate; .M of B's rate=1760; .*. B's rate=1820. Henee, A's rate is to B's as 1738 is to 1820, or as 70 to 60. 7. Noiaber A and B eaa dig=68 It AandC BandO =66 =62 all togetiber " =98 L.C.M. of 36, 32, 30, 68, 66, 62 and 08=409036320 S. Galn=i% of 64860=$1944; Let what B gets=l share; Then A get8=2 shares; ai^ gets=6 shares; .'. 9shares=i$1944; .'.1 share -$ 216=B's share; and 2 shares=f 482=A'8 " and 6 shares=$1296=C's " ■obUTioxa. 9, My tM«««$(nao-lo«8.75)=$88.25; Itote on th* doU«r=S^e.=7*e. =.74*. After ptgriBff tb* tax there remained 92i« of ineome; •*• 100 «' lneome=fl654; MO .-. inoome=^ of $1054 =$1680. 20. Selling priee of let lot^iM of eoet; .-. eoet of let lot=itt of gelling priee =* of selling priee. SeUing priee of 2nd lot=i% of eoat ; ^- .-. eoet of 2nd lot«W of selling price=| selling priee. Henee, eoet of both lots=(Hi) of selling price =11 of selling priee =2iSr times selling priee; .*. log8=iV wiling priee. .' . A of selling priee=$30; ^ .-. " " =$300; Cost of Ist l6t=H§ of $360=>$800; " 2nd lot=W of $360=$460. EXERCISE GCXCIV. PAGE 190. 1. a016=2X2X2X2X2X3X3X7=2»+2«X3«X7; .-. to beeome a perfect enbe it most be multiplied by 2X3X7*, or by 294. The enbe root of 2»X2«X8» X7"=2X 2X3X7=84. i. Interest for 3 yr. @ 4*%=^ of principal; " 2i yr. ® 6%=:^ •*. ^ of first snm=:;Mr of second sum. Henee, first sum is to second as 64 is to 46, or as 6 is to 6. Henee, first sam=A of $1650=$900; and second 8am= A of $1660=$760. Selling prices: A5r of cost ; Supposed '* •« Lll?! «« 100 • /112i 90 \ , _ ••V'ioo~ioa/**'****=^' 100 •••«<«t=^of$46«$200. 5. ,1 i- mw s. AlITHMinO. (.a01)'-(.102)- (^1+ J02) (.8oi-.io2)'=:2orKm FUr gains ^ of oost; UhfUr gaiii:s2 os. for every 14 ou. lold ^4ofgooda; Sam rediMd for ♦ of good.»| of m of 00^=,% of ooet ; Totolgfttns^ofeoet »$240; .'.eort==Wof|940 »$400. 6. Interest at *« for the given tUne=$(386"330)=|6; • • " 851 '« *• «« SI6XI6 =:M6 .-. prinolpal " " - =$(336-96) =^. Interest on $240 for 1 yr. at 8*=$19.20: Time for which <19.20 Is lnterest=l yr. ; .*. •* " •' Me H «4 _ W ,, 7^ . *i9:2o**'*y=«y- y. Cubic content of sphet.- '— iii' e. in. • Area of iron in end of cylinder= r [(6i)«— r"l • Cubic content of eyliuder=8 t [((4) i_,i j . .'. (6*)«-r«=6X6; ^ .-. r«=6J. Hence, radius of opening=| in. • Thickness of iron=(6i-24) in.=4 in. 8. 2 hound's leaps»3 hare's leaps; Nnl-Ji *K *!. "f"'^^*'*'''^®*!^^** hare's leaps; Now whUe the hound takes 3 leaps the hare takes 4; Hence, i leap is gained each time the hound takes 3 leaps; .'. SOleapsare " ♦« «• <. g^^ ,, ^' 8i+5A=13A; Time the fire is buming=^ of 24 hr.=9 hr. 10. Since the time is inversely proportioned to the rate and ti.« supposed time is f of the actual timer theait'LJ^U;"' "^ ** « "** ~«»P^ -*« »» *» 1 -ore than ■oLcnom. Now, 1 mi. p*r br. iloiror would mbIm Uto rot* 2. L.C.M. or8MMl2it6; 1 br. ia Um differenoe in time to walli 6 ni. ; EXERCISE CGXCV. PAOE 1*1 . 1. ..Selling prieo per gal.=i« of $3.20=13.84. After 20% has leaked away M of a g»l. remain*; .'. flelling priee of M of gal.--|3.84; ••• * lg*i. =W of 18.84=14.80. '' 1ft of $2700=$27; Interest on $(227S-f 2700) at lower rate=f (425— 27) ; .-. interest on $100 at lower rate=f^^|^=$8; .'. lower rate=8%; and bigber rate«0%. S. m of eost of Ist kind=:45e. ; • " " " =mof45e.=36e. " '♦2n4" =42e.; " •' •• •• =H«of42o.=30c. TOT . ^ 36+30 Average eo8t= — s^o. Gain on 33e.ssl0i«. ; =33o. .-. gain per eent.=i5^^=3lA. ^- M of I of value of wbeat=|44.07; II II __^600X4X44.07 . . =^e- ; 12X3 ♦ 5. A reeeived ff of tbe votes; B received H ; .'. -A ot number of votes=124; ••. " •• =24X124=2976. No. wbo did not vote=3200— 2976=224. 6. L.C.M. of 4and7=28; In 28X V ft., one wbeel turns 3 times more tban tbe otber. Distance to turn 3 times more=88 ft. ; .*. " "180 " "=60X88 ft.; .'. rate per minute=60X88 ft.; .'. " " bour =60X60X88 fft=60 mi. 100 ▲BiniMITIO. 7. Time for 1 nwa to do Um work»10 tiuM tho tlao: . ,«.. . »7tiin««tbttliiiOMid49d«.x .-. 10 tlm- to. M«o -7tln.e.UwtI«.«d4»d. .-. Itlme •• •• .. - u «V a«'.Ll6i d«. Or, 7 mon-f-S men do 1 work In 1 time; /. 7 men do A work in 1 Ume; .*. 7 men do A work in 7 deyi; .*. 10 men de 4i wnk i» V<}^7 , ,^ ^ •• tf wort In -jQjjjji- d»., or 16t dn. *. Area of perk witUn the elienmferenee of path ^^ -(Vxi4»*)«,.3rd.j P^ -(Vxi45«)«i.yd.; Area of path»Vx(14»«-146«) iq. yd. QuMtity of graTel«(AxVX294X4) o.yd. 9. In 1 da. A doe* i\ of the work; B, A; and C A Work done by B in 1* da.-(Ux A) of work^i of work; Henoe, if B and C worked ae long ai A, they wonld do (H-*-l-A)ofwork; Time todo (A+A+A) of work«l da.; " (1+H-A) " -r±^.^ 20. Let D'e ehare^i share; ""•"""♦^ C'i •• =i««hare; B'« •• «HlofiH«li«re; A'e " =iMofi«ofm8hare; Henee (l+IM+iH of m+i«of H«of i|||) dm,e«W699.16; or, imi 8hare-92e09.16; »«, .M >hare=H«fl of $2699.16»f600 =:D's share • iM of |800=M630 ssC's " * HI of fe80=:$e83 =B's « Hf of $6e3=$776.16»A'8 " EXERCISE CCXCVI. PAGE 192. 1. Let quantity raised the second yr.=l share: ^^ " " " first yr.«« •' .-. " " bothyr.=« " =3105 ba.; _ . • •'• 1 •iMtfossilofSlOSbu. »1850bo • lOhr.; • *. 1 will repreaent 8 hr. ao mir Henee. the time 1. 8 hr. 20 min. pat 1 a.m., or 4 hr. 20 min. a.». 10. Sinee the width la | of the length; • •• I of area»| of I a. =* a • f a.-ia.=100«q. rd.; * Width=(^100) rd. =10 rf . Length=| of 10 id. =12 fd ' ' Mwt- (484X40)0. =$217.80. EXER 'ISE CCXCVII. PAGE 193. '. 2X(No. of nuita of 8!de)*»48* =2804- .-.( " " " )'=^=1162; ■=1152 aq. ft. •OUJTKMm. IM f. 8«lliaff priM of th* lMj«$(1000X90) »|10000{ /. •oaBilMiM-$[90M»-(188tM'9ra)]«|t00| CommtMloB on $20000»#MO) *' " $100«H| S, WiiMrMnaliilBgaftortlMli(dmwiiiff(rf|3>|of OMk; ♦• fad " " MoflofoMk; *' " " 8rd " " »lof|of|ofe««li; " *• " 4th " " -loflofloffofeMk «M of OMk. 4. Lot the nnmber of vnita of thlekneMacthieknoM; thon " «• " holffht^5X thlekaoMi " " length»40XthlekiiOM; .'. enbie eontont of waU=400x (thleknooi)* B62S680A «• in. ; .'. (thieknen)*a:e2668OA-^300 »8128.100880e25; .'. thieknoMsf (8138.160890025) in. sl4.e25 In. II 5. 25.i85X13Aa25Ayi8A« 30X410 61.875XSH»61fX5if » 87 401X28 80X410 401X26^ 37 87 ^^=» 87 ^.075 6. 2 lb. of standard gold =1800$.; .M " " •• =984.6«.; .M " p«e " =rH of OT4.5«.«AJrtUg. 1 lb. of standard sUrersOOs.; .M •• pnre ** =|f of 60s.s=*H^. J .'. 1 lb. of gold : 1 lb. of sUrer : : HV^ : H^, or as 14.288 : 1. 112i 7. 100 of eoet priees4Se. ; «aliBeds(800X45)e. =01%; •• tobe *• =0(730-185) =0586; SeUing priee per Ih.^^fUlfo. »48ie. IM 4ll«f««Ml-HlefMtl| .*. (UHilH-^^M) or MM-isoot .'. Mtt of SM Jdi.-HN of UMi .'.ooitof 1 7d. -lit of HN of HOCN-iH. ». LoBglh of tido of wioMO ioM-i |/ (40X IM) i«.*iO id. | PorhMtor of ■qwMro flok|M(4}(M) rd. >S90 id. BiMdth of iMtonffolar UU»^^^ rd. .7U id. | P»rim«twof " •• -89Hid.; DUroroiMO in Imgth of foiMM»9| id. : " •• eort " " -•(Hx8l)e.-«.i0. i0. IneooM fiom $1000 in 8ft ttoeliMflO; " " now inTostmont »$40t •'• tIi of now •took»f40; .-.«•• " -1500. Bom inrottod in 1000 " »M of OlOOO«M0Oz .*. prieo of now stoekBlOQ. EXERCISE CCXCVni. PAOE ItS. /. 27 •. 48 tq. nl.»4888 m|. id. j Toking A of 4868 aq Id. away will looro oflold oonal to » nnoio • H of 4368 iq id.:.2704 aq. id. ; ^ ' 8ideofiqnMoflold»^2704id. »58id.: Widthof flold»58id.i Length '• »ftof6Sid. »84id.; Perimeter " » (2X84-1-2X62) rd.«272 id. f . Cost of 818800 etoek % 75^113735. Interest on $18726 d 8%s8iooe ; Total ootlnya814823; Income from 818800 stoek ® 8%=s8649; Netoatln73s814274; Sum reeeired for $18800 8toeks$(i4274— 122) ; .'. Belling priee of ■toeks>HII'B77|. S, It is evident that lOo., the dlffeMnee between the two prices, mnst be divided into two parts proportional to 20e. and SOe. Smaller part=| of lOe. s«4e. ; • Belling priee»(20-H)e.«24e. WlMI MH (IN-M)t. It toM for «•. { .'. IOMOB0Otaiat.| t MM pnr •Mil*^4> 4. IM b«lglrt«mMbtr of ■aito of bolgMi Moabor of mMo of orto la ouo rido»IOtt " " " . " •• oad-lltt Nambor of aalto of l^i^f^^^g^it " " " •* »««<«»-sS5i» 408 y 111 _„, CiSi fc»ifii»"°J|' .-. (liolilit)»-^^l?| .'. holffht-lt; , Loogth-W-Mt I Bfoodth-iW-W. TiaM for tbo int to go 8 nl.^l hr. I. i< II |U«oet; Hlofi " »H| ♦• i%ofH" ^^H*' Bum neeiTed» (H+H+HI) eoet=Ui eoet ; Net gaio»M eoet =$15.40; •*• eootiSKg .fiiOX 15.40 82 -$441. 8. A'e age ; B'e age : : 9 : 5; .'. A'e ages| o: B'e ago; Bat A'e age— 28 : B'a age— 28 t: 10 : 8; .'. A'a age— 88aV of (B'e age— 28) ; f • .'. (V-f ) of B*t agv^Ttl-ii, .'. B'oag»«MorMI»aBt udA'aaft^ferw »«. 1)1 1 •• ^¥M gr. I .•.MMgr.-(4O0OXM)iqia., Bbw of lMTM«^J!^^«ae7. w. s 4 .'.6 Mld» II 15 bojra «k4 9 Btn-ST boji; bogn Mid 16 wmbm-M bognt i» 4 womra aad 8 boy» -i96bera; 16 II II ThM for 96 bogn to do>l work ." 76 " "• 1 •• 18 II illo.) .-.of lib. " -Wo. -Mo. I BoUlag prioo-i of Mo.««to. Mof • II II J00X85M 7. 8«B roool?o4 by orodHon-^ Of 16000-ltlMt 100 II *• II I* u oai rji of ♦ OOli— iH OOllj .'. (MHitt) ooH-OSlSSt .100X0190 #. Wolght of 1 •«. ft of lroii-(7.402X02.5) lb. ; Wolght of 1 oo. ft. of eodor— ao lb. ; SO .'. Iron weighoj- ^ — - oi m oqnol bolk 9i eodor; TbioknoM of oodorof ooortola wt.—O In. ; iron of MHno wt. ^s-nJrr=r-. of in.».8S4 . . In. 7.402X02.6 9, Edgo of enbosf (11800025) In.»225 In.; Length of diagon»l3B2S5 (|/8) In. ; Diifertnoe In longtba»225 ( y'S— 1) in. a:i64.7114 . . In. 10. A's loM»H of 2000 =0800 J A't eoplt«l—0(10000— 800) s«9200; B'B loaaaif of 0»)80 =^01»0 ; B's eoplto]aBt( 10000— 1280) 0(0a0O+1472OX 18000) »041020 ; »0147S0: M ill 108 AtlTBHXTIO. •(»200+14720+18000)«$41M0; '~'^'*^^' A'i ihAres^MM of 14716 »$1086: B'« •• -if««f#l716=$lW C'i " -ttHlo«$47ie«Is8S. PAOE Its. EMEROSECCC. \H of eo«ts:$4.32; •••«ort=tMof$4.82=»f; WIn«tW«»,dfor|,or#H, wJ JliTlf'' '^'Jf *" •"** ^"^ •*>»•' « •*»«• •* « muit b. mixed with W do., .t $»|, or 2 do., most bo mixed witli 5 do,. K./' ®^,^^';'^°« *>»• *ri«»«le it will bo *on that the uele botwMD the hMid. ii 46*. ■ *«» we ugie ^P^ mo^be^X""^ •'^ ^"^'^^ ^' ^^"> -^-*- Time to g^ 12J minute.n««a.=(mxH) min.«18A «.!«.; 27i " =(27iXH) mlii.«80 min. «. fl«ningpriee=iWfcofeort; Sappoeed eortsVil^ •• ^VP«>»d waning prUi^:^^^ " +W8; •*• Hi of -fi^ of eoirtss-Alk ♦• "f $18* •'• (f— VWr) of eort«:$i8; . . eort=» j^ - g fio. <• A eoet of $0 giT*,a . width of 1 yd. ; 145 45X1 S. IneroMod eoet due to 4 ■g— yd., or 5 yd. Cort of 11 lb. @ 88c.=968o. : ooet of 11 lb. of 4< lb. of better kind» 88e. poorer *' =880c. 1 lb. of " (I = 80e. 1 lb. of better " =(82ift. W. .•.origlimloi^,ltia«:*|Hfof|91506.26«882600*. * areamferoneo of dUas(2X9XV) ft.; .-. No. of min. .•!»•«. in 11 ft.«j-JL^ «f eo min..| =1U min.-BpMeo; Honee, the time is 11| min. pMt 18. 10. (1) Interest on $120 for 1 time 3b|S; •• •• $120 •♦ 2 time>»$10; .*. diaeoontonflSO " 2 " =b$10; " •• $125 " 2 " - t^26X10 , ' 130 ""*"• (2) Interest fori time=A of prineipnl; .*. unoant for 1 " s|f « ** .*. " " 2time8=(tt)«ofprincipiU ={fi of principal; .'. interest for ,2 times=iA'b " * •* .-. diseoant for 2 times on m of prineip*l=M ot prineipal; .*. diseonnt for 2 times on 8126ss8(125xM)»|^. PART III. SugflcstkNis for TeachliHi Artthmelic. I. NUMBER WORK. IM tiM pupils OM •plinto, p«bblM, muMon with ralM, tie. M. Wwrt i n ftwa l.t«. (2) detoite loaMuw., and (8) namber-pietam, snd h^TSi pupili iMin tli« qmbol (flgai«) for mmIi. TIw following it ..,-,:erted M bliwkboMd ■ammafy: • = laone. tf^'sis. • »' 2»two. 7a«S0T«n. 4jBsfour. ^=8 8»oigiift. #•#* 6=«Te. -lO»t0a. Hon.— Only «m fom of aomlMr-BtBtan -*-— " h. ■ - .^ ». * .^ ^il^Ll^^ ^ ^ °' ■^*''*» "* «ibln««oii in eonnection withewh number and intwduee the .ynibol. of openrtion + «.d - Th«>, by obJeetB m splints, definite messures as 1 in.. 1 ft etc., and by nmnber-pietures teach that ' 6+1=6. 6_5==1. 1+5=6. e_i^5 4+2=6. e_4=,2. 2+4=6. 6-2=4. S+3=:6. 6—3=8, If though* preferable begin with 3+3=6, ete. 114 ABlmraTio. NofMt.h(S) Tfc.piiplto»airb.«»ieto«dtaB»kliif MdadTiattwh. 4+2- J 4+f-6. f+2-6. 8-l«t 8-f«2. f-i=B2. 8+8=1 8+r«6. f+8«6. 6-2«f 6-f«:8. f-8»3. IN. The W «iwt M« Irmm 1140L (a) AnalyMthwe number. M in rtepn., the work b«lng eon- lined to the faot. of addition and rabtrMUon ud one of the part, being alway. 10. Thu., *^ 17»l(H-7=10+4+8=^14+8-10+8+4«18+4, ete. (ft) The number, from 1-20 .honid now be meaenred by .oeh unit. M 2, 8, 4, ete., and .ueh question, anawered, a. how many time. ? inehes make 8 inehesf How many two. make 8f ete, ■ IV. The W.mft u. frmm Zt-im. By u.ii« number-pieture., definite meaeure., ete., thoM num- 5!2t'^tJ"'thu° *" ""* ^^''^''"' *^' *•"• **^°« "•'""y 87-80+7=20+17=10+104.10+7, ete. Kow-No attoMH AooM b. Bud. to b«iA th. nambw »p tatoiBch pMU M 87=l»+18=16+21=13+24, ete. II. ARABIC NOTATION AND NUMERATION. I. The IMIa. A. the number, from 1 to 9 are dereloped their .ymbol. are giren and pupils learn to associate eaeh number with its symbol. U. The Tens. Have bundles of ten and single splints. Hare pupils represent 1 splint, thus, 1. Have pupils represent 1 bundle of ten, thus, 1. How is the 1 lepreMuting 1 splint to be distin^shed from the 1 representing 1 bundle? •VOOimoXS fOB TIAOBUia. 115 The feMohtr explAin. tha this is don* by th« potition of th« V, Th. 1 ftpmenting 1 bundU of toni. aiw.y. pii«^ to th. lofi oi *fc« 1 ropraooBtlng 1 splint. •« •« wk oi s^ ;'h?^ii "^^^ •".• *~"*' ^' *•" »* '•p'^"*^ ^ -how thrnl te a bandl. of ton ud not » lingl. iplintr Th. tMeh.r will that b. ab). to .how th. lu. of is to gir. po.iUon to th. signillMnt flgnras. Contina. to 100, m 80, 40, 60, 60, 70, 80, .te. ^ m. CmuMm m. T«M Thus, 26, 27, 34, 89, 47, .te. IV. (a) Using bondlM of ton-tens, show, in » similar way, that 1, -, 3, 4, etc., in th. 3rd plaee rsprsMOt hnndrmls. (4) Combine hundrods, tsns and units together and giv. sueh drill as will .nable pipils to write and read with readiness any number expressed by three figures. V. (a) In a similar way teaeh the thousands' plaee and havemueh praetiee in reading and writing numbers expressed by four figures. (ft) Introdnee the fifth plaee, give its name, and, as before, glre raneh praetiee in reading and writing numbers of five figures! (e) Introduce the eomptete period and give praetiee in readinir and writing it as before. id) Teach the meaning of period and how many places con- stitute a period. Show iaat in the two periods that haye been taught that unite, tens, and hundreds occupy the same relatiye positions. HOTS.-T11. Int pariod It the unite' period , tbe .«eond one. the thouMndi' Ae. The flnt period i. nerer to be eslled the hundred,- period as wme tether. a..^p-.«i. -Ml .. .. ^ ^ iril_U__ BMlalMnL 7«IID0UCX0Vn. •00+0+1 -MCMI. ' ,^ IV. AOOmON. I. OfH AMMm. ar Ito AMMm Takto. P«pll» alMmld not b« glvMi wrHIra «ddllif tokliirf ■tern "bonvwinf and M„,la,M 11,11^^ •■•^ ""Immfw V mim th» •■•tolir2«iIi*T'II!IlL^T^ «• BOI ftUilW to «rt*«rtl«.^^ ^^ »-• •O.dltlCiM .d^r^ "^ '^::!i^***'**' ^•»'«^ ■!«»«»• p^^ IVmb ft 7 • 6 18 M Ttt» S 5 7 a 12 2S « « 5 4 4 1 ■t *a^- - J^ - — g^w " ■MBUr la pw i wMlt TirrtlBM i ■iiriM" ii__ii_ .-.. 7 , ■■■■■ "^w* ■ a rMMM wg ' th« (in) Ala a^^M la *.-- . ■■i^t>>y tfMit Tk» MBiNiton* Miked it M '^Mi • fivM MWBbtr. "■■•■• •"••■•kln»lt4«l©ii«t V^M, fkO« tm Ilk* Ik* MM ii# SA* 'am . "**_ H-»+(i)- • W II mv b» M*d to ihoflw Urn. iMvl.l«i Thn, diTtd* ISMIO I7 BTiT »7»21»I10(4M __ ^rriw «.»X7+»+(4)-M.8x.+,+,„.„, m AKITHMICTIO. (1) Bj Addition. The ram of the remainder and tiw rabtnthend ie equal to the minuend, if the worii is eorreet. (8) B7 Snbtraetion. When the remainder ie taken from the minnend, the reaolt li the same as the rabtrahend, if the work la eorreel. VI. MULTIPLICATION. LOral Using splints, deflnite units in meararing, the numeral frame, eto., build up the table. Thus, 1 in.+l in.s2X 1 in.s2 iu., or 2 times 1 in. is 2 in. 2 in.+2 in.=-2x 2 in.=4 in., or 2 times 2 In. are 4 in. S in.+3 in.=2;< H in.— 6 in., or 2 times 3 in. are d in. ; ete. Then, 2X1=2; 2X2=b4; proceeding from the eoncrote to the abstract. lin.+l in.+l in.+l in. =4^1 in. =4 in., or4timesl in. is4in. 2in.+2in.+2in.+2in.=4X2in.=8in., or 4 times 2 in. aro 8 in. 3in.-i-3in.+3in.+3in.s:4X3in.Bl2in.,or4times3in.arol2in. Then, 4X1=4; 4X2=8, ete. . Thus it will be seen that multiplication is a short methdd of doing addition when the addends aro all the same. It will also be understood why the multipUer i$ akoa^M an ah$traet MISIMr. Fix the table by much drill and as soon as a few of the facts aro learned begin written multiplication. DrtH Ejcerdees. (1) Describe a einle; place the multiplier in the centro and round the eiroumferonee range the figures, including 0, in any order. Hrtc the pupils tell the product as a flgnro is pointed to. (2) Write the figures in any order in a row upon the black- board, and placing the multiplier above, have the product given as a figuro is pointed to. (3) Write the flguros as in (2) and have a pupil begin at one end to state the successive products to the other. NoTB.--Wli«ii ft pnpil faili, he sboald discover the eorreet prodnet by aainc eddttlOB. No WnUcii Miilllpllcstlons (a) Shoti MtaUpUeatUm. (1) Whero thero is no carrying. BvaaMntom por tbaohimo. 123 Vf^. *""" *• P*^' **»• ""»l«P»J<»«Ml aud mulilpltor mad how ia, ThM, John and Jwum h»T» Meh 343 mubim. Bow m..* have tiM7 togothorf "«w». now many 348 "SS" 848 2 (8) Whora there la eanying. .^H^*" **^ f^ •»B>ples the eonneoUon between earryia, in addition and In nraltiplieation. «irryiii, m 1618 1812 Give (1) ezamplee; (8) pfobleus. •IwajF. be an abetraet nomber («o many time.) ; and (3) why the p«.dnet »njt be of tte «.n,e denomination a. tie mnltipl llnJ bv Si! '^W -^,»r»«» *^her and pnpil fton» blonderiig later on wmS^ J^^^ impoeeible operaHon. as mnltlplying lengtli by 8X 7=81 8 and 7 a»e the fketora of 31 • 4X9=86 4 " » «• " •« ** 30. 7X5=86 7 " 5 " " " " 36.'^ (8) By using numbers not greater that 18 show (I) That multiplying by a number and by the factors of the number produee the same results. Thus, 17 17 17 17 -i? J 4 6 _J _§ 2 804 304 204 IM AB^mmo* (U) TlMl II doM Bot BBAttor IB wkMi Older Urn fMtonai*«td. (iii) That whan a nninber ean be reeolved into Mrena mUm o< iMtOTa M 4oes »et Metier wUeh eel ie eaed. In eonneetion with thia give mneh praetiee la anUliptyiiif bgr 20, 30, 40, ete., 300, 800, 400, ete., 2000, 8000, 4000, ete. Show that the eonTeBient faetora are 10 and 2; 10 and 8; 10 and 4; ete.; 100 and 2; 100 and 8; 100 and 4; ete.; 1000 and 2, ete. (e) Long MtUt^^tkaikm. Uloitfate the prineiple of long malttplfeatiou, rla. : MnltlplTlng the eereral parte of the multiplleand by tiie several parte of the multiplier, multipliee the aggregate nraltiplieand bj the multiplier. Thus the pupil will see there is a reason for what he le doing. He should not be expeeted to fully reprodnee It. 8 » ft+8 _»« 2+7 72 » 2X6+2X8+7X6+7X8. Multiply 862 by 23. « 28=20+3. The pupil can multiply by 3 and by 20 and, henee, by 23. 862 23 1086 := 3 times 862. 7240 = 20 " 362. 8326 = 28 " 862. Multiply 4S7 by 205. 205»200+6. 4S7 20» 2285 ~ 5 timee 457. 91400 = 200 «« 457. 98685 = 205 " 457. The nselessness of putting down the O's will soon be observed and it will be noticed that the correct result is found by placing the first figure of each partial product under tiiat figure of the multiplier by which it is obtained. KorB.-As Mtoner »od nuMltr mn elowly HModated. Braeh drlJl ahoold be bItob in doiiic » ewtain aaMmnt of miiltiplkwtioii in a c1t«ii time. A nomber, m 7W9M, nujr be talen and the invU reqairad to maltii>ljr siieeMdvelr by » gina maltiidler (m oraMply by 2, the Mmltinc prodne* by 8. the new irodaet by S, ete.) M often M poMible in the spedflad time, m one minute; or • gtrm nomber may be mnitiidied raeeeedirely by a fiven mnlUpUer a flzed nomber of timea and the time re«Bixed to do ttaii obaervecl. ■vooMnom nm viAOHnre. i^ In Miuieation with problwm, «»• mwl be takM to ^ ti»ith. •oneei maltlpUer la oMd. ^^ to tw llirtth* Thus, And the eott of 7 hsls 9 fS Mej, FUji the eoel «rf T8M ttilele. it 16 «»h. •■W••^• Ce^of7iMaftIele««t$le«»h*f7896: «»i wS^ ^ "^ •*""*• •"~«»« a-*™. -H«i« («) OmMv «>( a« niMt. ■V. MMtaMnl WMi I, IMtMnOM. to gliiiig idmIimUmU work from the bbtkhn..! .i„ . .. 1. (a) 58X53=50X56+3'=2809 (b) 78X78=80X76-|-a*=6084. (e) 7«8X783=800X786+7"=628M» US ABmniKTio. ' 5f iiii' .i. h 3. («) 4ex44a90X4(H-«X4s2024. (ft) iaSXl27sia0Xl2(H-8X7sl6e21. . (e) lS2Xl58-*160X15(hf2X8-'94016. NotiM th* number of tona is the mmm ia bolh miiltlpU«r tad molUpllMnd and that the ram oi Um aaite o< th* jualtli^r aad multipUeMid is ten. 8. Uss tlw ArUhmetleal eomptomaajt. Tlis arithmstisal eomplsmant of a namber is ths diBennea between the number sad tbe unit of the next raperior order. Thus, the A.C. of 6 Is 10—6, or 4; of 78 is 100—78, or 22; of 584 is 1000—584, or 416. MalUply 9984 by 9906. 9964; A.C. is 16 The A.C. of the mnltipUeand snd 9996 ; A.C. i s 4 nnttipUer are mnltipUed together and 99800064 0064 M manj flgnres are written in the' prodaet by placing naughts to the left as will malce'the number of plaees equal to the number of flgnres ^n the multiplieand or multiplier. Bet down this pro&uet. Then the A.C. of the multi- plier is rabtraeted from the t.ulUplieand or riee Tersa and the am^nder is written to the left of the figures alrMdy placed. Hfvn.-iX) Tte mnltt^ter sad aoltl^iMuid ■hoidd 1i»t« tli* ifUW. (S) Wm flonvmlMiM namb«« wtth hmD A.O.'a ■hovld b* It is reeommended that praetiee In sueh eontraetions as the following be given advwMtd students. Buohexereises areraluable in that: — (1) They faeUitate results. (2) They give pupils a elearer eoneeption of tiie nature of the multiplteation proeess. (3) Th^ furnish ezeellent praetiee to the pup'ls in determining the relations between numbers. I. To multiply by raeh numbers as 999, 798, 9996, ete. Ex. 1. Multiply 784564 by 999. 734564000 — 1000 times the multiplicand. * 734564 » 1 it (I 738829486 = 999 X. 2. Multiply 587469 by 798. 469975200 = 800 times the multiplieand. 1174988 = 2 468800262 = 79B (( It «( iO^BtnMM tOB rlAomitd. itt n. To multiply la » glTwi nttinbcr of Uaoi of partUU prodaota. Is. 8. MuUlply 78S649 by 860 in two linM of portua piodnets. 78SM9 (86)9 7O70M1 » 9 tImM tho moltlplicuid. 88888864 »> 40 " 9 tlniM, or 860 times tho mnlUpUewid. 880904481 «i809 " tho maltipUeMid. Ex. 4. Multiply 81884S67 Iqr 64482 in tluM UaM of prodoeta. 81284867 (64X4X^) 89498«S08 ■> 400 tlmM tho mnltiplleuid. 2S90606144 = 8 '* 4timM,or82timostbemnltiplieand^ 8180012288 »2000 " 82, or 64000 time* the moltipHeand. 6234105620944 »64482 " the mnltipHeMid. III. To multiply by S, 25, 125. (1) To multiply by 6, multiply by 10 and diride the product by 2. 5»10-^2. (2) To multiply by 25, multiply by 100 and divide the prodnet by 4. 2S=100-r4. (8) To multiply by 125, multiply by 1000 and divide the product by 8. 125s=1000-r-8. VII. DIVISION. L Orri OhMei^ w Uie DMalM TaMe. The Diviaion Table is the eonvene of the Multiplieation Table and ean be learned from It. ' The pnpU should diseover similar answers to the following questions in eonneotion with eaeh product in the mnltipnoiition table : (1) How often esn 2 be taken from 6t (2) How many 2's are there In 61 (3) How aumy times 2 make Of (4) How often Is 2 eontained in 6t (5) One of the fiMtors of 6 is 2, what is the othert (6) Divide 6 into 2 equal parts. (7) What is the half of 67 > for DfflL (o) Describe a eirele. Place the divisor in the centre, «nd rwnd tiie circumference place numbers up to 12 times the divisor. Point to these and let the pupil tell instantly the quotfont and Si. I? :: ; Hi Mwwwr hf ulBf obJMtof of muBlMr>pi0taMt. (6) PIm« tlM diglto ia «ty otdw apoa tiM blMkbowd with Um J ■ ■ e, 8, 7, 8, 6, 4, 8, f , •, i, 7, 6, 7, 8, 8. Fdal to ft digit ftnd liftT* ft |ml»U dlrlde. If tkM* It ft Minftliider plaa* It to thft l«ft oIHIm nrat dlgH pointed to ftnd dlrldo tho romltlng mtmber, ote. Mon.-Du«MttM lMU«lM oC tlM dMaIra tabto tlM m»lk dMiM gnkhuUly dlM«VHr (1) tlurt 4hrlslra 1« tiM proMM br irMeh iMTteg glvM • ] fMlortiM otter «Mir to laaaAi Mrf <« «k«k UiWmi to • ■hoM i foraiag wfwal w a ta M l w tm Uw a t to — •< tto mw* aaaibMr. Lat tlw 9Bplto atoeoTwr tto krtUr by wotkifig wtth objwto MMb ] kof* owv n ««iUm bo dhridtd. iMiNt MMh bogr • 1 MouuMm _S TlddM 8 muMm and ihriat tton to tto ftnt boTt IB " than m 15 wnwIiilMi J. ** TMklac>o««~. «# •"iL «». WMk h «i„^. ■"''*•""*«** •IMI *. IHTKto.4 If (*) BabtiMt tiM Bmaladn fkr_ •!_»... Vte foUowbiff an mrmm,t I t 75649 or, 8X7 ..^9548 2a8M7 27006693' J6*g«7 *•'» 7471871 879)«^«HHHi(a487o,«*>8a081(976 **■ •▼•r. 47o?«r. 8708)M167041(* * "mow 84704 JUUIMM. wwwwv iiiT VNI* **^ thi iMif illfciuiti la iniiiM •Hit fio«tli#folkml«f •«»•„- '™™«« » ■w»«Nr (I) Piiplto 4» Ml iii«tniu4 tiM Mitan of (Ill) Tbtjr kftT» M I«p.rf,rt wkUrtftMdlat •« «» Mtan of lollSr*' *^ "^ *■ *'~^ '^ "**^ •*•««"•-"• « l2^**loodmtati»oooi.ofHo. IWlaro to do^«i. -Sftf tto^«««.«»l.l MtlunoU. l«.oo«p,oho».IW., nj!l^^ Z tt»popll to tlio- dlffleolty, thoy toiMih tho wlatlon m woU. aZJ A f«pU wlM niidontu4i tho four fttndunontol opomiiMa and imia dtfleulty in looeUiif » «onoet loralt. llooluudool.oettir,ey,lM^l^,„,,g^ ? ^J "^"^ ** »"*• .mlrtidto In mldWon, «ibtrSten*«f Ap.pariioDMbohoMionKm.iblo for oroiy ilg,^ bTSto do^; ^./*^ Ji'T^.'ir^'**'" **• *'^ P"»^ to ttoto tho mppootkion or dotam h, itoolf Mid undomdhth it to wrtto tho domwdT^ ri«i i i^i^H^ of ' Bol. ofThroo » problom. tho wppooltion jJouM bo writto. 00 .. to bring tho nmobor of tho ««« 'iZT M tho uiowor roqairod, ot tho ond of tho stotomont ^^ ■*«M«flMltkt fIvM to lh« Bwbtr n^nd: I. Viiid tte M pf 7 bmi. of icflf liD p.y ft^ a 8olutloBt-Coi| of 5 bWMlt-tSO; ux th. prto. «f 1 bbl. w«J b, i of th. prto. «f 5 bi '^* ' *~^' I bMTlii S! T?!!"* ^^ <*> •• (•) to T bbl. to 7 •!».. •tflOOpwftoolfhwitH,. How«Mhtotlurti)«Mi.t B«foit MMh • iimUmb to flferwi. pMlto ahMM -«-! . ^ m if: ^-••f IM ■«. ft..iiM, '^"^' «W— lHl..M.«»I.MN.«).,^»g^,» •«. a. taw. Ik, «* K («»x») .,. n. I, l^gj y_^ ^ •» mmituigr wM. Pi^u. .ut b. N^idnt i, f,,,,, „ IX. REoucnn-. ino tw compound num. 17mL-i5t^ ' i** ■'"^ *"*»^ "«*• 1 tqw foot! •tTr 1788 MMe IneliM mak* 1 evMe foot; tte. * ' tf work«I, nothliif being mU of Bediwttoii, m *^^^ ^^'^ Ix. 1. H©WBiaiiypiBto^„»tl»i«ia5qt.f l«t.«2pt.; Bat 6 qt.>i5 tluM 1 qtj ; H«Be«, 5 qt.3K6 timea 2 pt., or 10 pt. «ail*rfy, How ««y pint, fa J ,».f i, 7 ,4., ,, Ij, ^j , ^ ««»t. B^ BMgr pteto ftM ikm fai I •!. 1 ii.f lq».»Sp|.l ««•». Bow Muijr qaarti M« Ikwp* te U pl.f t|»l.-ilqt.| SHOjSpl. M. 4. H«waMuiyqiMifto«f»ibw»lB7pl.f « P*.ll !>•. t tia« Md 1 pi. oTvri i.«27^!!!** ""^ »>" l«ftli aiHl bwmltli, orkdghl and tl» bonii4«rlM of • rarfM* m« Ubm. * ~^ '•^ X SIMMS •! SwfMM. Tw«h tlw tMVM rMtADfl*, or obtonc Md muio. gut. thmk Hare papile dniw % mmmm fool and nwk m a« i«*-.' ':::z f*Mt tho wiawo jafd simllMly. i m Bann tlw |ri|»11i mmmun m mpmn nd aktor your dfaMUou. whfcAjirm *hittj«p,,«rt . ,,^ ft wlU b. ..Jnt^ »-l»lf • ■qoM. yiH Mid 1 ■«««• halff •• Uttg, » i« o, thJ ■qoM* Tftfds in I afMM nd. i«'"w«iw wit toUtbMitlilsl.»i>.ere; and Ure »«« dnw • pl« «f i|, with 1 ineh rtpr«Mntiiiff 1 tod. By Mrfdag the pl»n off luto mum. IiK^ha.. thV wUl dl«imr till* 1» «,J^ wd*^^^ I.Miirtiilf Show ^IMiMid then withdniwtliem. Pupil. wiU obterr* that papU. RiT. • deflalUon. -A «>Ud I. iiything thirt uL up,"r Show that Mllds am bonnded by MufMMa and thai &•• hava length, bTMdth, and tbMoMM. ^ X VMana aad Now R la Maaaarcd. The anumnt of qiaee. an objeet oeenple. ia eahed ita Tohime. Teaeh the tenia reetangalar eoHd and enbe. feH pnpil. the tolame of a jolld i. mmar^ In enbea and t«M>h ^e ternu enblo inch and enbie foot. Let thfi pnpil. dl^over the number of ineh- dtee^e eubie foot will make, the numb^o* nm. of ertle hiehea. !l22LrS^:fa!StL*~*^ I» .i^ mw of the allee.^ w»^haaNalaia#lhaM»ba,of ertbiefawieahi theWaMa./ Give eae problem, to tttiliaa the lufcimailoaaemrifed ^^ Teaeh tiie enbie yaid in a rimilar manner. ••, n, n.n are quantitte. that expren rahre. 4 oa., 7 lb., 7 lb. 8 oi. are qnantitie. that ezprsM weight. 8 hr., 7 min., 4 hr. 8 min. are quantities that ezprea. tima; AH thaaa aaa eaUadOeaomiaate QMmtitiea. lata, the unit iale. In 4 08. the unit i. 1 o>. In 6 mi. the unit i. 1 mi. ■vmnmom won tiaokiito. iff Agtin, In 10.25 the niilto m« $i ud le. In 7 lb. 9 OS. tlM naite »ra l Ib. and 1 oi. In 8 ft. • la. th* imJti nw 1 ft. and i is. i. .tlt"!!?"^ »«Mj«P.«P'~d In mom o»o Uiid of .»Ik tt ealled a ComiKraiid Donoaimite Quaatity. Tbewuiafa wWohaOMvoiNkl li*HMi,la«l. ^a«^ •ra eaUed ite DiHOMiHATioiii. '^ ' «„.S!r'I'*!Ji?" ** «*'^" '" determining whether a denominato qoantltjr la sinple or e<»Bpoond. KEOUCTMM. (a) By meana of qneationa almiiar to the fbllowiag, the tema. Beduetion, Bedaetion Deeeeadiiig, Bednetion Aaeending, ahonld be taught: (1) In 19, how HMiiy eentt ai« theref In 4 »., how mai^ jfoaeea are fheref In 3 lb. 7 OB., how many ooneea are theief (2) In 700 eta., how many dollam are theief In 82 o«., how many ponndk are thwer In 4S oa., how many pounds are theref (») When examples in written redvetion are reaehed, the papil Bbonld be required to write out the work in full for a time. When the proeess is understood he should be shown the abbreriated form in ordinary use and required to compare the new form, step by ■tep, with the one used at first. Ex. 1. Beduee 6 bu. 8 pk. 1 gal. 2 qt. to quarts. lbu.»4pk.; 6 hu.^5 tines 4 pk. =20 pk. ; 20pk.+3pk.=28pk.; lpk.=2gal.; 28 pk.=23 times 2 gal.B46 gal. ; 46 gal.+l gal.=47 gal. ; 1 gri.=B4 qt. ; 47 gal.=47 times 4 qt.=188 qt, ; 188 qt.+2 <^=M0 qt. AmmiMBvio. I 8 b«. I 9k. 1 gy. 2 fk. 0) 47 iM. »Pk.pta.»pk.«28pk.Mr ' **•* .4 qt « 190 qt. ItalioaldbeqaltoelMrtotlMpntUthaiiiik i.^ ^^ ^*I«M*I d«l»W^ III, "Uw «f C««,rtak^ 4»I««5pk.«»tli»iMWM 5tinM4iikt 4 " 47 qt. " M " M j; u l^'* 4qt.»lgal.; 4 qt. )817 «^ . . M7 «il.«7» liM 1 gri.+i ,t.«7» frt. I «t. 8gal.»l]ilE.; ^. *qi. Wtfiiwi and 1 gal. oy^. . 817 qt.»8» pk. 1 gid. 1 0., ete. 817,t.«ygia.-7»gia.lqt.} V'JMTjI. t ^_ » pk- 1 gia., •!«. ^ T. V. n m .. 7 6 8 7* 5 2* ft s a ? ' " • ' • 6 8 9 («) (Ui) 9 9 9 81 29 81 9 9 9 14 2 1 *099Mamem nm ncAoawa. By qac^ioiM ^ I*pll to dlMofw Why ha •— »- 8 to th* tMM; ote. 1 i * ■ » 7 5 > > 9 81 29 81 •iwiy. ton, wMlo to Cowmm^L^S^ £ ^^* ^^ THI. e-i ho weU don. bj ^S?SJt^ J^LTtT I!^' Compound Addition. ^^ "wnbew in Sinipio and €0»iF0UNo nmTmcuew. CoJXSTairtio^"'^ ^'^^^^ - •'««- to ti«« ui «».T:r::'o;?:?s: 7 6 4 8 8 The papU must b* abl* to •xplaln bow be geta 4 bondrede, 8 tone end 8 iwito. M. H. D. (Bk WHEN TNC DIVISOR IS A DCMOMINATE NUMBER. latfodnee tbie by problems saeb as the foUowiiif : 1. How many yards of elotb at 8s. a yaid ean be boncfat for 90 s.t I. How masy yards of elotb at as. a yard eaa be bought for £lf What stop bad to be taken in the lattor ease whieb was not taken in the fmrmert 8. How often ean yon sablraet 5s. frmn £2t How often doee £8 eontain 6a.f Explain the steps by whieb £2 is dirided by fie. 4. How often does £2 5s. eontain Os.t Explain the stops in the solution. Continue sneb examples nntU it beeomes elear that to diride one denominato number by another, eaeh must be redaeed to the lowest dmimnination mentioned in either. X. SIMPLE APPLICATIONS OF THE PREVIOUS RULES. BILLS AND ACCOUNTS. Inteaehing this inbject, a WU neatly written and perfect in ail ite details should be on the blaekboard. The pupils should be quesUoned to eause them to diseover the following: (a) What is shown in the bill. {h) Why eaeh itom of detail is shown. (e) The arrangement of the various parte. (d) The eiEeet of omitting any detail. After soeh a bill has been earefuUy ttodied, and the details tebnlsted, the pupils should be given praetlee in rulins bills, filling in detaUs, ete. •TOOBtnon fOB TBAOBIWe. 141 Cn«l. OlvM IIM iMtMi Md TBI UtOTAirOUI. !S!!^ wMlTided into iqiuurM •eoonling to tho unit of aiZ ■^Mtod. Tho pupil, will thu. iMrn tbiit S. n^itt^ L^ plMod along ono .Id. of the mtu>cl« m often L tUL^ ponding li««« nniU of »i««ir. to toTrido Ld STth^ """ «MJ »wi of .neh *jnmio unit, of J«rl^iiM» uc^hgia^ ^ It do.. »at ' =(16X18) ..ft.; fa loom «Xl»X16X18)..ft. =2880 e. ft. a»d^«Miil1,^S* i "**•? *^ P°P"' •« "^I^*^ todmw Md rabdi^ iho MUd aad Mt dowa a Mfatfoaiwll] riidw them that <>« ctibie ewKeai o/ a r.clgii«F«ler one eiid«(8X12) o. ft • ^^•••'^•y''" to miAo (60X128) •.ft.*2»>ll^^^ ' Hence, length of the pUe It 80 ft *^** The following nirtakee an often mnde— (&) The enble eontent ia diriamJt k. 4k ' tt. Q«u.« I. «u.a ttT tiU *Sti*.^ «. ^ « -*. «4 on to do. Mwmaoivee what they are called >«celvlag more ikM «|||«f^ ^"•••'•r S44 Bl. 1. DhrUto M miMm btlwfm Jmms «M fhMlk My kitf* It am* thaa Jwm. fink fflv* Fraak 10. Tito wm lM«» M It b» dlTldtd tqullj bttiw ta Ftaak mi4 90 mtrt >lM- < -a»ll BUMMMt JuMt' ih«r*Bi8 aaiMM} Vraak't " *>i(10+ll) aaiUM^ll buuMm. , Show thai tk* •ktfw li wd 08 ftdfi att lh« MBdiUaM flf tte proMtm. It tmaqi b« wp— t»d too oflon that impUi ■hoold bo tmliiod to onmiM tholr iwalti md 0Bd wliotlior tiiojr fnlfll tho ooAditioM nqoifod. Ex. S. IMvldo 0110 MBOBff A, B MMl 0, ffhriag B 07 low tkoo A who It to NOOiVO 010 BOfO Uuui C. C roeoiiroi tho loost. Estm for CaB0O; " A-010; I " B»0(10-7)-00} Bxtm for A and B»085. Sotting this Mido fiBrAaiidB, tlMMunlofttobo dhridcd oqwOly MDong throo la 0(119—20), or 087. 007-r8>-0l0. A roeolToa 0(89+10) . or 046. B " 0(89+9), or 088. C *' 0(29+0), or 089. The pnplla riioald bo roquired to alww that theao reantta aro eorreet. I* II* Shwfnp wiMfo Hm valto of iIm alMvoa la • Ex. 8. Otrida 0100 botwoon Jamaa and Frank ao that Jamaa may hare 8 timea at many aa Frank. When Frank haa 01, James has 08, Both hare 04. It is oTident that Fnmk will hare as many timea 01 and James aa many times 08 as the number of timea 04 is eontidned in 0100. 01OO»25X04; .*. Frank's shartffe=0(25Xl)»035; .'.James' " »0(25X3)s:075. Ml 0«l«f«fwj AirUifHTtiMt$l,artr) B f " tS.or$14t ^J " " y " •S.orftt. I W. afc««ai«iMi«CMMlMiNara( fc.«. A,B,midOUt tm nkmn$am, B Iim $18 bom ih*. •• A. flow mneh Ium MMbf ^^ *■ ""^ Bzto» for Basils ; Extm for B and Ca«i88; ■M»«tod«r to be lMM^ «rt 9i •vwjr •)•. . BMW*, ihM* Mt 4 tUMt I tfmitj.ivt Mat plaM, w 4 ttmnlf ift Mat piMMf ' ^^^ 4 ttaM 2 tra omt piMM, or » tM MBl piMOTi •ad 4 Umm t tva Mat piMw^ o» Itirt otat ptotM. 1IM1.-TIM "■ wMl iM ri " mmOmI m0 wllk pNtI to Wn. 9. BftI* ffer tmrng A, B, ando, to thai B -_, , tao IM tkaa S timm A'l •hara and C $17 aMia fhaa UriMB't LtlAiaMhrt 1 than, tkra B NMiTM t a ha wa H O, •bA " e rtatw MO+»I Ti an iiMhra lb •hafM-tO(H-$17{ .-. 10 ahana-OOO-l-OlTvfMrf .'. 10 •iiarM»f«^-f.fM| 1 ahaia-fW-MS. Sam B rMalTw»SXfl5-|9O»$n0. II XI. FACTORS. CAMCELUTION. MEAimeS AND MULTIPLES. kPACTOm. (a) Um tlM papUa' kaMrMft of iMlon (mo MaMplIoaiieB) BiMkboard Nmmarjr: — He flMton «mpt OM nth— i—4— *^.^ Mi4ttoBUib«ri •■tttoMMitorj 18 17 PriowNuilwn. (») In £Ten •Inilar aanbon. 10 12 14 OoBpodto NwBbm. maimer teseh the dlsttsetioB betwMn Odd ond tLfm 1. t 1. lis ft flit IN^ Ito givw Bvater bgr tlM iMUlMl priM iiMMr, u4 M oa ■atO » qaoitoal wkM b « pria* mabup is obUlMd. Th* VMSllM tor ttM papu it, What to th* mmUmI nth*. ^-b^ih.ito.toH.ron2uf Twofaor iLrysj?!::; (•) A mmter to MMUy dirtoibto by 4, If Ito two rfgW tattid ■fWJJ •!•■«»■ or Mpww » nnaur txMUr *lTtolW» fc, i. to « 2 ^ '"^ *'*'**^ ^''^''"* *^ *' " "• '*«*»* ***** •«■»• .. J!!J. ^ ■"***' ^ "^y iifUm* by 6, If h to •»•» •■# omu, diTtoibto by 8. •-■wiy ft> ▲ MiAct toMMlly dIvtolUo by 8, if ita tteo. rffin fc|„a /.r^ A ^* "»«»•«»•«»» •wtly dirtoibto by 8. (7) Ainunbtrtoo»»HydlTtoflMoby8, lfl|io«i«ofltidl«lto to«M*ty«vtoiblobyt. wwoifng (8)A anaibor to oswtty dhrtotbto by U, if tiw diierwMo difili in tbo oTon ptooM to ehhor or ezaetly dMalbto by 11. Ttai, 7B601 to osMtly divtoiblo by 11, 7+6+l«*+9. (ft) To lad an the diTteon of a aoMbw. Ex. Rod all th« diTison of 960. 8 )860 1, 2, 4, 8 1* a, 9 1, 2, 4. 8, 8, 6, 12, 24, 8, 18, 86, T2 22180 2jM 8)46 ftJB ft 1, 8, 4, 8, 8, 6, 12, 24, 9, 18, 86, 72, 5, 10, 80, 40, 16, 80, 60, 120, 46, 90, 180, 860. IthtiMlMlCftMll •fa* tht MtMii pMvw a( iMnrMiilfMMiilylkt iMl«lMMi,TlB.I>ivMil^ to^MiWilfaigtWMlUfh— to>i^4k, . .y* '; "y^ *^ — tiM«< pwdwl of U, 4Mdftlvth» i jx|xS-ixixl-*' f«f (1) rM all •*• ■•Hi of iMgih wkUk wlU MMUy -"^- wkkk will woMlly 19ia.MSia.MSte.|Mte.| (S) riad aU th« sbUi of , • tq. 11.; 1« aq. ft.| M iq. ft., S7 ,,. ft., ^, (t) rfai«llth«aaltoofTyMwU«hwUl«n«tlyaMnnik 94 ft. riiid »U tiM aaito of toagth tlmt wtUnuetly If 18 ft. and Blaakboard work: Tha TIm 18 ft.. M ft. of 18 ft. ara 1 ft.. 2 ft., t ft., e ft., » ft., w ft. «f 84 ft. ai. 1 ft.. 3 ft., 8 fl.. 4 ft.. 6 ft., 8 ft.. eft. TiM maaaoraa opiaaioN to 18 ft. and 84 ft. •«• 1 fl., 8 ft.. 8 ft. maltipl* •ad k tiM a.0.1f. of tiM BOMlMn IV. iiiii.iipiia w- f^ri^f^ "*^**^ ■''®'* qwnMtle. m 8 la., $5, 7 mieeMtlTvly bjr 1, % t, 4, 5, •*•. * BiMkboMd work! SXKM910 8X$5»*$18 4Xi5afM 1X8 iB.«* 8 in. SX8 la.» 6 in. 8X8 lA.>- 9 to. 4X8 in.«lS in. 1X7« T • 1XT»U 8X7»S1 tX7s28 M«M9lM. HnT« tteh mnHlpl* In tb* flm oolnnn mMMONd l»y 8 In : In th* ■•«»d,bfiB}UilUtliiid,l>y7. *»to«d M (1) on* or mon inUpnl timM tho glT«i nnmbtv or C2t M » nnmbor width eontaUis tho giron nnmW oxMtljt. (h) Cemmom Multiple, i Hnvo irapUa writo anlllip^ llw«^— ^ mitiplo. of 2 are 2. 4, «, 8, 10, 12, 14. M^ W. ^ 8 '• 8, 6, 0. 18, 18, 18, oto. Vkc»kMo thoeoMm nuiMipk« MlMte^^ ▼!«., «, «, ig, ^e. rnm Mnong the «oiamon nraltlplot of nombora ftmnd In (8) ■•loel Iho tmnWort nnmber wWohh » common BmmpW of oneh of tiw gfTon nnmbon. Than, mnmptooof 6 mo 8, 12, 18, 91, 80, ole. .. ..J u g^ 18^ „^ 8e, ete. Tho L.C.M. of 6 and 9 is 18. N. To fiBrf Mm UCJUL (•> llit «ho >Mthod of fMolTlag tilt nua*m in prima feg^^ Ex. 1. Find tht L.C.M. of 34, 80 and 88. 84«»X 2X2X8. 8»»8X8Xft. 855a«X7. To ttatoin 24 IW L.C.]i. matt kwwtht pHata fatiart 2. iu 9 St totontaln80,2,l,i,a«d*oton«a8ft,tt,l. B^tei^^ mwtmmam wn nAxmno. m (^ T) M teatots. or 2, », i. 8, fl, and 7. L.0.M.»SXS)(2X8X5X7»840. qwUwto •» pri«. to «»• «oth„. »o.ootlMltho ^uJZSTi ••''^•' •M«pl«t worind to thto wv tho mlo wUl bo ^. a. Ftod tho L.C.M. of 18, 18, 81, 40, 80 maA M. fC::> r ^5 ??' fff y. ■^M'^ nd s prime anmbtr that. li Miititoid MMtljr to uj two or ttwo Is Mloeted nd wkA m % dlvfaor»*Mni. flMB« la«i;'.to4. toMTtiaia •M itkit ia aootataad to ai^ l >lfti •. «. i^. ifc! n 1. «, A. 8> «, 5 . ^ 1. ii, i M«4MMrUkatlMtfat. to M priMM aaakar *wttj^^wlUfca4hal.XJI.iatBto.d. — "'iwo «tatt» l^JC«tX3X»>aKftN«H««il8ie. fci. »tod tho LCM . «* 18, 18, 81, 40, 80, and 00 « >?»» W. U nri; 1. 4 0,80,80 5. 1, J. 1 L.C.lC.«;60X80aa800. Ono of tho wuBbon, aa 00, hartoff Mreral lietora la aatoeted. Tho G^CM. of 80 and oatfh of tho irtvoB Bttmbos la "aaflonod ont of .. te annbom to tnoooajlop and all .^ **' !;!L'** f^ *y fa t p tii ta i i a. ilioro. ThopJaTi^ tho uaOian .alaatad wUU» tha L^ J|. 4»f 4ha Maaa HI. — - A Toiy oomoMB mittako is to speak of nao uothor «Ma% whon «M«% la uoant. Thaa 3B OtisMa. 7exaetfy in to) Ml. fiucnoNi. i OOfMinON. NOTATION AND NUMEIUTION. (X) DiTMmi of » iiiiift Into tqu] p^rto w ?s2::i'5.':;:,"Sr ^^ •—"" »•«■»• ytoM*-, M tod a-fcrth. of , fool; ftS^ ysio;; ^^ mttaaoa tfeovld bo ghrmi nd ospfaOaed. Tbo torms. n^MMiii. Md tewndntor, dmU U giro- ood tbol, rigSZLo ihZT ThM, fa f tho 5 1«li«rtoo tho fhMrtlonol «ut «r»^ |-H«f |-|«f 2XA=:f it;*j '-i-f fxt«i f+Ta»f f-f«f SXf^if H. RCOUCTION. lowSTtlST-r^i ^i?i "^"^ ""■'^'' ^"p"^ '"«^«». iowo« tofOM, ote., ■henld bo iirtradaood and - l-r 2«f tengfat 00 loqoirod. ahithaasV. OTMMnom worn vuMman. m w /. 7«7X|«V{ ••• 71-V+l-V. Mnii*iillH«ffMiniriiii ftwIlMto B. S. Sspivw ^ M « nizad mmbw. (S) Um HMh npodtonta m:~ (i) WTM.»«oollirtoa«ii»lp.rt.«»d»pw.,at«»..lMaf«f ft ■■ f. («) DWJ. • fcot Ia»o 4 «p«| pM*. |,Bd i^proTOt wio-half of ft *. I fi.»| fl.*| fl. (It) WtM*^. fool into » •qual parti ud f^wMent OM.thiid of (r) I^Tidej. foot into M i^pua p«rti |«d ,,p„,^^ on^^Udrd of (Ti) Wrido^. foot Into 8 «p„u pttti «d ropmoiit ono-thW of p it! IL (8) Twktmtfmakmk tmmmwit B H HI u w (4 (1) ExeMiaM ia wUeh om (i) Oamlnc la v <w»rt a aoniMmiid fnetlon with • limpi* one. (2) Simpl^jriag oompoand frmottosi. (I) toff; lot A; i of H. **rti*i «f (ill) |»*^ «i, .'. i of i»| of 1*4. Solatkm of (It) $^^J^.§ -.h. .-. I of -t^f of n^'if^J^ma KovBL— Onnr '•» I «f ♦-«. dMNMBinator, as 1 ft f«r4i»|of |.f.4. I 1 M. Aoomim OP FiMcnoNs. Of £2«I^?;:j.7j{*^*-<«*»«- M iil^?' " "^ ''•"o-*-^ ^ Prime to o«. .«^er, (5) Addltioii of mixed nanben, u 4|+2}«f »*6 +l+A-fA, TiiSarEiS^rs; ▲BiraMino. i Ir BfM«, aM tlM swB of tiM wbol* aaatera to Mm nm of tht fnetlMM to liid tbt Mm of tiM nlmd BSMbon. XOtl.-II Is «Mr fcr tlM taMhw to •« two feMllMM Wllh » MM ,lX(7-».») 7X9 «H. tlMtofUM ■■•TartsMiranpf W, SMITIIACnOM OP niACTIOMti. (1)> BaVirMtion of fnetioM IwTiaff • oooibiob doomnlBator, m (S) Bvbimotlon whtn ono of tbo doBomlB«ton is a nnltlplo of tho ottior, M ffOM I toko A. (!) M)toMtf«a wboB tko doaomiBotoni ai« prino to Mwh otoer, M f^om I telre A. (4) SobtiMUmi whoa iho deaomiaaton ara aot prino to oaek othor, a* fioai A toko A- (5) BvbtraotioB of mlaod auaabon. 'Nora.— la taUoc «m afand bm peeMdiag wkM tlM MmMm af tiM I Bx. 1. FhMB 7| toko 4|. 4|*4|- 4|. 2|. This i« the method of deeompooltioa. <») 7«»7|; 7f+4«7V. • 4i*4|j 4jH-l=«J. Thia h the method of equal addition. («) 7fH>n7|. 4ff|=6. H. This is the met^ ol eomplemMitafy addition. In general the laat method is the simplest. It eonsiste in adding saeh a fraetton to that in the snhtoabend as will make ito talae 1, and addinf the laaM fafstion to the minnend. The sab- traetion eaa then be leadnj perfonned. ii0ns.H •VMitriom worn nAomro. m •Mh* 7X9 ilxas "^* V. mULTimCATION AND MVIIION OT FlUCTIONt. or bjr di^U., th. d.n*f|{ •*• I'rl^ll'f" 11*^87 fofty'ttlto^U fiNty>M0M sxf ^••'*5TI»^¥'*-T**''NHwillw fMlfl||MlMI ^|f IjM Jftttttt^ (» |»7-r9. 1^7-A. Tliia it orldoaUy •fttriM* too nnail m f ii aoi to bo dliFMod bf 7 bot bj i of 7. > Smoo, fbo trao qnottontwIU bo« liMM Avorfi. Thot, f-r|»||»|^»|X? axiMiMMi anrff^ilM ly Om /WmMom >br«iMf If imtrtktg IJko («) f^l=(fX|)-H(|Xf)=«-rl=H=|0|=fXf This method depends ob the foUowteg: — (i) Any mmber dlridod bjr 1 glToo that aambor fw faoMwI. m m **^ »iM •)•! »m n. coMpux nucnoNt. ffa>—r wM i |Hi ,towMrtio-»,belfc i 4 t *♦ ^ •f ftteeHaiistlM 1^ «-P-y^*. MiUMply both tenM by 12 mhI t±*«f±» . fa. 8. Simplify^. Mvltiply both tMBM liy 18 Md If_42-SM '♦l*K m AaiMMMne. I i If, Iff m4 ft. m TNI QMATIST ^ ^^ Utt IM p«Hli» toowldiit •! tht 0.0.11. iTrfcito Tkw, Ui tte O.C.M. of Ite. Md li. " £lMito. M M „ •Mii.t.dii. •it.Miili. " " •• " U. «. »i U. i^'str* '^"''^^•^•!^^ F[»dlh.O.C.M.of4|,H«d*|. FIiidih,0.cil.<»f|,A»dH. IW«i.d to • •o.aio. «t»«y iMi,, th^ Th« O.O.M. !• Nudiij wMlo b* A. •* tlM »»«»to» wid TO I. tut L.C.M. or tho donomtaJST *w.i!!!![^ "^^ *'^^ •ortiJM tho O.C.M. oaetly Mid that' too iOTona VH*Io»tt wo primo to 000 oaolfcor '^"'*^'^^* 16, 10 oirf » «» wholo wwWfi tad M. ,H«o to OHO oiwtoor. ^^Y>«>i-cAiT COMMON Riu.Tif»iK or niAcno^ JJo tiM iNipll.' toowledfo of too L.C.1I. of wi»lo Mirii«. ThBo, iad tlio L.C.M. of ISd. Md M. — — ^. ;; ;; " '•io.«,dM. " •♦ 2i. ond J.. 4d. " " " " £1 6.. Md 18.. All iooB M tlio impU. 000 that tho MBibow wwt l« ,,a«od to FlBd too L.C.M. of A Mid A. ;; Ao«d«. " " " "l,*«.dl. l^ueed to a •onmott do»miin»tor, thooo booono «, « »nd A. Tho L.C.M. ii rMdIlj foand to bo W, or V "» t» •»« rt. to ^S^^^ "^ ""'*^"'' ^'^ ^•^•^- " -• O.OJI.O» ■MMifMiit fmi nuoauitt. , m *>• !• ffl of H--H>fHx>f Mon that liidlM««d by •(-. ■«»«• ■• ptrfwatd ■«. a. II of U -i-l|'of A -(If ol U)+(i| of A) i.iii^oi,r:£rti^tr*^"--*-^^ .4. "-*x»xfx* ^^♦^* -ixixtxt i. Tb« fffftilii *• «>®*0«i»IATl PRACnONS. * P^ oat that wboB ibm primary mU te « ^1 rf rnf r ^»^ ^ ^^.oid to b. . aoacint. f-tiorTST; xto?: Ix. 1. Find tbo tml^M of I of ft tea. loewt. by 5 ao la oompoiwd diTlolwi. ^^ t^' t t f l«f£iii.44.-l«faii«MM •i.M. T T M11S.M. ««. I. lipNM IS M tiM fkWilMI Of H. •iitfltoMtit telliiMlii. MWMIpiMiflililll Hmr ■Mto.MMrte ■«.t. Whilpui«(«£tM.f icr lit. §A,mtam. hli Bm fit tteMM ;;;W.^W<(1«M. f AM. it|iCie711t.N. ■x. B» TTtAn iri. to tht iMMtiMi o( ft feoi. l«i ft.; i*^* n*vt of nn ft.. . A II. ; M« tr^ 9i mtt «!.- A l|.-ri ft. to. 4. WhatfjNMMo^^f tfilltlorft l«(4*»f«||; |«rf»|»U; Now, A It A or Mj 'HhtforH; fof|ltHoCfof4|. vuiviii -J *, . "- ■• »** ■•*• «• at tto --TH|,_ if Mten Tkt diUlMliM IWaadsalMv. UalM«Mbr v'kM MOjr tb» MBtrat^r I ■ifMM i t . Hit < ,ri i m . «■■*» f » i^» Mr tit ••«•«■ ftwtftaa. «< ^ .If, .MS «!• dMiay.; (i) P»plh ■hpirtd kiwr tW fWIowtoiri- (•) TkMVMtlkiMplMMtoMekpMlod. (8) Pot • Boater raeh m 77777.7777 uaau th* klMkbo^M *** AiuTCvano. thtteftofit. *^ ••"'^'^ ■• »• "fW of Uw polat •• to f^Mt 10 of My plM« makaa m« a# *k« ««_* vi_.. > - «7 PI- «L; w iTSlrj? w ^ "*" n-.. -* ■*tt*t tlntkM|>llMM,*te. ""^ ~ »•'•»•»* HfM o« V mmm "« .Jr^tirs^itLjtr,"" • «-.«'• Pi- ••««l»; •. 7JM thonMKltt,. • -^ ™ »«"«»••««• tlHM. TMMk tUi M Mlom: '•*°*"I?'. "r'".' ''°?'+'' """^wWi+T tlioiwu>dlk. ^.. 200+60+6 ^1000 «7 and 206 thonsandtlu. IIMCWllOlts foil VtAOliiM. AfilB, 7.ise»7 MilH-i toBthM- ft Inwdiadtlw-M 10 '♦"mqo (8) Write 756 m tn-mmioM. (4) WrHt 786 M tM mUUo&tlw. ^^J»)^ --17 iffum •.« fMiiUMd to .spMM 914S handled tiJUSJIf ""' **^ •^ '^•^'^ *" •«P'^ ***• '*»«»*'^ ;f S?^ • •■ ■■'*■» ••««»?•• hwid^idi; ate. its ^af "^~"" '**•* *" • ^*~* ^^* »• •«««^ •" Is. 1. .9»M a.OOO; tie. .» -A. .90 »AV -A. •ooo-Aft-A. m, mEDucnoN op meomals to vulqar fractions. »^ 1. B«4ll«« .m to . TBlgW fifMtlOB to 14. Iow«rt toriM. .i7S»AMr"M«W. •"»•»• WUIU BO tfOQble Witt ibi. If the n«tolIo« Mid BWMim. Thoa, Ibtanptol: .276*2 tMtliH-7 hoBdradthH-ft thoawodtlu. _ 200-f70-t-S 1000 tbi' i 1) ' (•) Dmimal Mtetfaa. (») Tte ftmd f t fcta i priailiit of aidlftkM vi. ^i. ••••■ • IMi. vwtiMl list 21 tko«MDdthM«» - "^ -- .| ■ ^"^li^twr aMtbod of ■■Utagtlra *•— «---- _.^ «w»Ur.rtKmldb.u.«||«8«Mriirtlo.rDJS^"!^ *" ''*^ Fx. 1. From 17.8 teln I2.870. 17.800 or if^ A« to Mblnetion of totaMn, write aalte m^^ *^ *.. "o •• to Mko.tto ...b.r of d.ofa«d*%2rrt2r" "*"**" nii fxpodloat for aMktac Um «MHiliM M.U. c^ . If;: VK MULTIPLICAtlOli m momkLB, (a) Multiply « doolmal by a wholo owibor. «x. 1. Mnltlply .7 by ». .7«=A; .-. .7X»=Ax»=:f|=«.8. 9m WttHftf .tff ^ f. lf.§««l TMfc mff t (e) M i Him >4wi— I ^ m imkmi. Is. 4. M m m t ii .10 kr 7. .l*-* A Mi .7*^1 .-. .lii<.7-^fcxA«,^ifc«.M8. fa.«. M mMp^ .o»17 «y .011. (i) MnMMy • aiMi dMiMi by m dMlMd. Ex. e. mOi^fy 4.70 bj .«. 4.7»»|tt Mi .8I«,«A; • • *-»»X.»-ttlx*-fH||«8.W87. (•) M«l«^ • mImA dcetaml bgr • mind deeinal. »K. 7. Maltlpfy74tliy5.». 7.1t»fiiMift.0»t|; ItwUlbetMB ■lUnHw sBi « 1ll|i l« M id M wM« BambM Mi maMp^ in iNi te^ MU^iter «K| MriUpHMiid tocpUMT. it wUl b. m*. — » •^-> M* w anajr deeiaua i>!aeM ia th* prodotl m ia the MiMlMpli«MdtOC«UMr. -««M ir tk» ipnw wmU panBii oTlt. Mijt^ 07410 by M, bgr lOM, by liiiOO. «•«• 07.600 M» lOOOW 07.000 10 0IS4M i7N0.0M 0700900.000 .1 ••■I jii ll:: H«M». *o ■«ltip<7 bgr tt iviibw ■»>kw ia dfTWoa'oC dMlpMh! "•«'i»<»*i*t«wMNiir ^ i toltewfd hf ^iviHrawlMb "« pvim M m.prapar pia«« la th* mintiaiii Otmwfc. ifcfci •. iMfcwrt,^ '""^ (irilA. th. diTlTO . wiMito a«,bw. »■■. »it 8)J«, H)m 16)M 8 • 8 -r- fXf-H-^, ale. The divlMr OM slwi^^ he anift « *•» «• 4«*«y ]^,« l»^ 4,^,^ (•) INvMm «f • BiM4 ^im»l by m ■x. 1. DMtviMbjS. W IHtI.I« •€ .d«|«y by . wiwto wmibw. te. 2. DiTttto .me ky f. !5;i *!«••••» fcy .01. M MX ite ' ■"••••w. ■k. 4. ObMt .0011 bgr .MMt. JggL- miot- • tift .OPIMl-Jil^— if-""'- ^- r+lJ?4.«WI» . 11.5 ISB.lSBOMp 25"*" "IS"" ^18.5 , IMP "■•H-WH-a+swao a>M0B6.5. Kx. «. Dividt 1.78546 by 4M.r. 45fr)lJ^(0.0088 4567 I. not • 17 .irfW. It l.«oteo.W»odl«171lw».. Itl.«H •0iitala«dial7a5lnn4ndth«. BM178M _jBli hai^vM ta --'■^rY^Miiiiiii ¥W.— IHTIMCTieW>WMBlfiWJC4yi^^l,lp iV L41431M • totMdeelaai I^^^tii 38 18966 6nSMM 38166245 132664680 331M24 M.1MM5 6812414.1 16i»«6 8M0I 4860 46.00415l478MH» 88I98SS »88166f4X 1-1-1 IIIMM » 831662X4^3 33106 » 38166X1 18266 - II1«X4^8 668 * 881 XHl SB * 88X1 10 =» 3X3-».l 2 0X6+2 46.00415 li I! I 1^«ipMplte •,»• t,ft •• wnHMI vHMMita liW V--- ■f I* ■ fc l t iK if tiM I >>.•. INvii»tJ98||i|, ftl Hi 4MKVt)t.f7IMt(.lMt7 0.0 Ji. or 4iM^ te.0036. or or 1.36. ■i. a. A ITt Bl.ft. BaiM* I to ft 4MfaMl. |s.7777 . . . Iftiiiftltoly. Is. t. IMM*Atoft4MlMa. A-.lSlSU . . . iaidtoitoly. Bx. T. ■•*«• I to ft 4mIm1. • • ixi ixix 10 " •' I By. 8. BftdftM A to ft dMteftl. A 5 ^"ixixi"^xi|xJxioxi*"***"-"~ • • • «"<^tt*»y. II Bz. 9. BadftM A to ft 4MlaftI. S ft 5 A- y ^ TXXtXWXW " axaxsxii fxfx^xiixioxioxib 111 -tHH- .07164M . . . Iftddhiitoly. Bjr cwpftHiif tliMM ttlM waaplM, \% will te dtotmd t— (I) Thai whM thft fnMtkm b la Ito toww* tomt ftad Um draMftlftfttor kftft ao fiMtor* oUmr ttaa S or ft, ttw dMhMU to iiA« •ftd that thtra ftM fts mmaj ptaMi to tk* dMtofti •• tte grMtort BBBlwr of tiMoo a or ft oooan fto ft taotor to too (8) Thai vidfftr ftooUoM to tlMlr lowoot iftftton ooirtftto ao S*o or ft*o ao tooton inodaoo 4oohBftlo vlikli aovor tomtaito sad tiMlliM igfttoo ropoftk fma too dootaMl pot>t. (•) Th ft tf Ip t fta ot loM totooir laiaoittowaftwhooodoaoBrfBfttora kavo I'o ovi^oaad ««lMr prtoM aaaibon ao iMtom prodooo doolawl* •r wUoh paito do aol lapoal aa« paito lopool aad toal tooto aw ao toftajr ifWM la too paMo whioli 4o aol lopoal ao too aaaritor of ttoMa 8 or ft oooaio aa a tootor of too fa«iA».«^J>.— »u-«i^. .»^ ^J-^!^% ' -^— f TTii ■■■111 r •ate lotto Us 1*^ *!!•.?' ^«.-* **'» *( S| M I •* $t n <» USA (7t«) ai-9M»-r«i i^ vn ARITHMETIC. This can be done as, followi:— (i) Regard a pure eiroulatiug decimal ai a mixed one. v Thus, .3b .38= .333, etc. (ii) Malce a mixed circulating decimal begin to repeat at any place greater than the number in the finite part. Thus, .23457=. 234574= .2345745, etc. Ex. 1. Add .3, .324, .2345 and .834567. .3 =.3333 .324 =.32424 .2345 =.23454 .834567= .834567 (2) Having made the decimals similar, next proceed to malce them OOTERMIMOUS, i.e., make the repetends 6nd at the same place to the right of the point. This is done by flndiifg the L.C.M.'of the number of places in each repetend and repeating each repetend to that number of places. Thus, the number of places in the repetenda is 1, 2, 2, and 3. L.C.M. of 1, 2, 2, and 3 is 6. Thus, .3 =.333333333 .324 =.324242424 .2345 =.234545454 .834567 =. 834567567 1.726688779 The number to be carried to the right hand column is found by adding the first column of repeating figures, thus 5+5+2+3=15; carry 1. Ex. 2. From 7.9845 take 5.7856387. 7.9845 =7.984584 =7.984584584584584 fc7856387=5.7856387= 5.785638763876387 2.198945820708196 («) Multlpilcatlon and Dlviakm of Clrculatlnfl Dcclmala. Sufficient accuracy can generally be secured by extending the repetends a few places and then multiplying or dividing as in ordinary decimals. When perfect accuracy is required, the decimals must be reduced to their equivalent vulgar fractions and then these are multiplied or divided and the result is reduced to a circulating decimal. SUOOEBTIOW POR TCACHIVO. m Ex. 1. Find the value of £.876. ^•876 .876 of £1=.876 of 20..-17.600.. 12 • • «"876=178. 6d. e.OOOd. Ex. 2. Express 2.375 bu. as « compound number. 2.876 bu. 2.375 bu.=2 bu.+.376 of 1 bu. j-^^^ .375 of 1 bu.=.375 of 4 pk.=1.500 pk. ^^ 2 * °' ^ I'^'—S o' 2 gal. =1 gai. 1.000 gill. •*• --^^^ **"-=2 bu. 1 pk. 1 gal. Ex. 1. Reduce 4 cwt. 3 lb. 8 oz. to the decimal of a ton ImH^k 8o«.=Alb. =.6 1b.; 100)3^1b. .-. 3 lb. 8 o«.=3.5 lb. 20 )4.035 cwt. .20176 t. .'.4 cwt. 3 lb. 8 02. =4.035 cwt. ; ^•*^*>=I^cwt.= .036cwt.; Or, 4.036 cwt.=i^ t.=.20l76 t. 4 cwt. 3 lb. 8 02.=6456 oz.; 1 t.=32000 oz. ; .•.4cwt. 3 1b. 8o2. is AWfijoflt.; a'»d M^o=. 20175. Ex. 2. Express £2 17s. 6d. as the decimal of £5 £2 178. 6d.=690d. ; £5=1200d.; .-. •e2 178.6d. ls,^of£5. Now, i^=.575: ••• £2 178. 6d. is .575 of £5. Ex 3 Express | of 2 qr. 14 lb. a. the decimal of A of 1 ton lof2qr. 14 1b.=|of64 1b. =24 lb.; A of 1 t.=A of 2000 lb.=160 lb'. ••• f of 2 qr. 14 lb. is ^A- of A of 1 t. *' Now, A\,=A=.15; ••• I of 2 qr. 14 lb, is .15 of A of I t, 178 ABinOIBTlO. \h MV. raiCENTAOE. * "n* BcfiNrrNM. ^ Prowni nuiy problemt mi— (DA droTvr lo«t 7 blems is to say 7 per eent. instead of 7 ont of erery 100* * " •• " «0" " $100 a • » $2 •• - $100 3 " " •• 8 da. - 100 da. • BY .00, and being a contraction is to be Written with a period. Explain that business men compute their gains and losses at so much per eent. Also that the eymbol % is used for the words per cent. Ask many questions as 8 is what per cent, of lOOf 8 " " '* •« «• 5or 8" " " •« "200f 8 ** •* «« «' " 25r 8 *• " •' «* •« 4oor What is 5% of MOf of 200? of SOOf of 4007 «. THE RELATION OF PER CENT. TO DECIMALS. (a) Much practice should be given in nading per cents, as decimals and expressing them as such. Thus, 5% is read as 5 hundredths and is written .05 11% " " "u " «. .. .. J. 25% •• «• "26 " " «« " *25* EXAMPLRS. Write as decimals the following:— 15%, 35%, 40%, 374%, 5J%, 8*%, 150%, 1124%, «%. (6) The converse of this should also be given, i.e., decimal* Sbould be expressed as per cents. nroennoKs not nAcaan. vm That, .25 li rMd as liaiidradtha Md is SSft .15, .20, .76, .161, .06, .061. Tho,, 5% i. 6 handHHlth.. or .06. or ^, or A. * .' "**-}S=*- =/A=*. 100 •• 8x8ai~ioo""^*- 1=3^112*^871 -• 8X12i 100 ****• ._2X20_^ MOR L— A« tb» draomlaator of tha fMe43ft. III. l!x. 8. A drorer sold 1076 sheep; ihis was 48ft of the number he had. How many had he at iirstf 48«=i%; . . inn of the number of sheep=1076; ••• " " •• " «W of 1076 =100X26 =2500. XV. APPLICATIONS OF PERCENTAGE. No«.-The dlfflenltjr of •pplytoc pewentM* to eommenial trMiaution. tu. St^l™ T «>-r««««?I>INO ™ MATURE OF TM mSSiSS INVOLVED. Henee, befora problems an tolvwl, MUCH CABB SROntn m «hut«t«l, a. ter H po«lble. by «,m., bH.ta«« form,, m crtatoiTlSotol Th. topic ta«l.«, .hould b. d,««M«l.'Sl.lnS!.lS^ISll °* •" *^*- The* llhutiKtioM and nplanatiou will nmov« the dlfllenltte. .ri.i.. # mj99Mtfnmx9 worn TiACBim. in •• TRADE OtSCOUNT. ^J^^'^TJUr •r!j»'*»|r^« ««-»•« ^•"•'•"y ••t.logne their A dediiotioQ i« made from thii priee to enable the ratailer i, make hi. proflt^^ If the eatalofae fell Into the hand, of t^e pn . mueh for the good.. Wherea.. if the net priee we« printed^ the eatalogue, the pirohaMr would nntunilly feel that he wa. f^rir"*??^', !"^' • ~**»^»"*' -1.0. enable, the maT" faoturer or whoIe«Ie dealer to meet the lloetuation. of the market by merely .hanging the rate of di«,o«nt «.d thn. the exp^U o printing a new eatologne 1. avoided. «P«i.e oi aJ^T^^"^^ ! ■^*'"^ deduction {. allowed off what remain, aftor deduetingthei»r.tone. ThI. i. to indue, prompt paymentiy^I Kn^Mf T ■ ''**'^ ^Jeduetion i. made on eertain kind, of good, h^ut^thi. i. a matter of .pecinl arrangement between l^^yoTTi DiiS^OT.^''*""' ^*^"'"'*"" '" ^"^''" " ''*^* *»» CoMMracut Trade DiMount i. alway. reekoned at a eertain rate per cent The flr.t dlecount I. deducted f„,m the ll.t prlce;Te Text one from what remain.; etc. * The final reeult i. not affected by the order in which the diwount. are made. Thus, diBconnts of 40*. 10%, «„d 5% TZ ZTIX"^ '' ''^' **' ^' *«* ■' - - tho.'of"5V.U': M. Appncatton to Solutioa of PraMeaie. fh.^1* L I** !I? **• *•**""* *^»« 9hen the amount of the Mil and the rates of dtecomit. -™««ire or ^t ^*' }i .*''"? i*** dlMount off a bill of |120, the rate, of dUcountbeing25*, 10%, and5%. -» i •ub raie. oz ISf Awtmrnaino, BmmmI «i 41 ^»h.,^tni^a»^nni^M of bill; ^TS* " =-Afcof/AafbUl, • • Mr of iM of bUlB$114; .•.4habUl«WofWof$114 a|200. Cm* III. T« And me rate or dtecowM IimIm nh., m Ex. 8. What la tha rata of dJteooiit whan a bUl of $876 H ■•*'l^ ^ • iMymant of $260r '^ * Aapnnt of diaeonatasffSTS— 2S0)=s ai?y «25 fa in of $876; .'. rMo of diacoaiit=i||3Bi3=33|%, Cwe IV. T« Hud • alRaia dtacavnt ri|Mliy,,t i, t,^ Part of biU lamainliig aftar first disaonnt^^ of bUl • SMo&d diwooiit at 10ft=T}v ' .'.part of bill ramaining after leeond diMOinit=::VHr «««•, •ingioiUaao«iit«<|»_^) ^ blU.^^ «37ft. «< •VMwnom worn TCAORma. •.-i^of't **:J!rpS'r '^hiL^^^ — n^hi p.^ Mtf^'t / JMwhMt boosht goods for #357 •SIO. Flod his ptoflt. 8*Uioc PrieosBisio Cost " s:t2S7 Profltss IS8 ud Mid thon for the flM« wIms per Gain on 8o.=(8-5)o.=3«.; " " ioo>.^?y^\. '•» .*. gain=60«. Or, gRiii=:| of eost priee; .'. g»in=60%. Ill* Qlve« |||« co^ price wmI thr CMt. to find the selll«9.pHoe. It IM fr AMniflTIC. 'HI of 8c.»0c. • II t( I. Nk COMMItsiON. ""V^ •• »-»T " "ll <. th. «r^Ti Sell ^ u*!! -.«i^« -- «-■-- '•' ^^"t,:i:t;z «l «l •« II ^•r» mail, lioir«?«r. h* ukan »itk .u^ •»•-•»•«'» f». CommlMion on $109»$2^; .*. ram iBTMtMl oat of $1024»«ioO| fooM^f 2885X100 IV. msuKANce. •Bd If UTVAL CoMPAXin •'■«••, BrooK Com pAjfiig •w inmirwl bMome memlM*. «7« P***** "•>«.• proportlot w •* '■*^»^ «•» k.«lktf. •# Irtrt. 1 ]V i li' nmoM. — -^ iM BAn or Iummm, «m| h. ^W •!?• riM ft* tkiw MM> ^i.11 ^ ApoIl^of$100wlUp«yfo»«*^ . lanso '< <« a-^WSOXlOOv V. TAWS, W •«-r «l.«l for ^.TjLrSTtolrTJr^' "*•*' '"»"-• TU N..^ lit .•^JTJi'^^^^^^^ r- W.O .. . .^, u.. «• wUltd a DcTT. ' • *•* '■ •» I»WMCT Tax anil Sir-;.-'"'- •^'. xrx r*?ir; " Sj^JIriSS;:'. •• ""*• ■"*"• """- •';•«* P»P«»r, «» JW will b.. u„ Bat, o,?l^;^" ',«'*• •«!»««» for b. ta^ Th. ,.';z. n: i**«^°*i^' *• f-^' •« n P!"" ABITRllino. 2. Cmm af mrtd Tmc«. T4WTE Of the property whloh ii Uxed, (2) the matm Jd fsT^ AMOUKT Of the tUE. ' *"" ^'' "* Cnc I. Otven tlie rate, to Hud the tax. on fe ioll.^"^ ^' *" "" *'~^''^ "-^ '•»' 15400 1 15* mill. T«zoii$l »|.015S; W400=$(5400X .0168)=tS8.70. value of the properly and ffce «< «..»... EXCISE DUTIES. ^^ CUSTOMS DUTIES and by law to be landed at eertain places ealled Poets of Ehtot At eaeh port of entry the Dominion Goyemment has an ejteWtehmen . called a Custom House, with one or more oSce« inspect the goods, examine the invoices, collect the duties, etc Ax Invoice is a statement detailing the kind and qnalit^ of the arUdes shipped or sent to a parchaser or agent with tT^iTwei^t or amount, and the cost of each article. Ibices are mlde^uMn ».^::r:jsr r;rs'r::r "• '•' "^ •»■»-•' I»7lllg *ltr, et«. •"•«»• BOM M» dlq»«d of WithOBt . ^^^orx rai""^"j?t! "J- '-" *""■ '• them. '"• '^ "^ «*n»y Impced by law npoa rol^jeet:- «»«KWted as headings for teaching this («)I)i«et. TAXATIOH. (*) Indirect. («) Direct Taxes, called Taxes. (1) By whom leWed. (3) On what leried. (») For what pwpow^fc,^^ ''^^i^"!r^'^-«»-*>"-«9«yr. IV. («)Olveii the l^itarMl, Rate Mr cent MrfTiM* Prineipal to giro $6 intermt in 1 yr. »$100: ••• " " " W " "2iyr.^|ofil00; ••• •^a.M- "2iyr.=^x|of$100 «f350. Ex.6. What Priaeipal wiU waonat to $402.60 at 6 Mr wnt per umoin in 2i yr.f '^ The interest on $100 st 6ft for 2i yr.a$16* .*. priaelpal whieh amonnte to $116 for 2i yr.=r$100' ••• " " " "1402.50'' 2* yr.=$(^!^:52X100v «$860. VW. COMPOUND INTEREST. In Oompomid Interest the interest m it falls dne at the end of a stated period Is added to the prineipal and this sum beeomes the piindpal for the next period; at the end of this seeond period the interest on the new prineipal is added on and the amonnt forms a new prineipal for the next period; ete. »« • When the hiterest is added at the end of eaeh year, it is said to be eompoundcd annnaUy; when added at the end of eaeh half ZL L^rlZT^^ half-yearly; when added at the end of eaeh uiree months, it is eompoanded quarterly, ete. to And the Compmiiid Intere^ or Amovnt. Ex. 1. A man deposited $2600 in a savings bank, the interest being eompoanded half-yearly at 4ft. («) How mwh Wrt^ k » ISO; = 181; = $82.02; •UOOMTIOMi fO» TtACHWG. j^ Lult "" •"" •' ^'^ — "-' "- (*) ^ ~b Of thl. ta Original pHaeiiMl»92500; Interwt for l.t poriod«2% of 02600 Prin««l»l" 2iKl •• =:|2880- ?!:7*,;;2"d " «2»of'|2M0 Intorw* " 8rd " =2* of $2601 Amoont at hb er^Ut «|2688.02; ^*«'««'=t(2888.02-2600)=$163.02. Benee, Amount of $1 at end of irt poriod=i|f of $1 $1 .2nd " Z^^'^I^J^J^^^P^F^^' It tt II II II $1 « II II 3rd II n -mof(«|of$l)=(|«,.of,i -ftinoipal for next period. =(+«)• of $1; '^ ^H^xmn =$2083.02; "$2800'* •• "8,4 IM ABinmino. rnnelpal which MBonBto to |(l.02S)'»$i; <1878.42 ^»"!*'*^^i«»l280 ' 1. VMI, TRUE AND BANK DfSCOUINrt. If A owe* $212 to B, the money to be neld in i «. i* «» i^ v being worth 6« per annam, for B would hare the nee of IhT*^ woo ii eelled the Pbukmt Wobth of the debt. ^ $12 i. called the Tbui Disooukt; being mthematieellT .««» ft iiiiwmetime. eidled Mathimatical DigcJuOT ' ' SSL"-?"""— -"^-•5 T«oi, o« Mathuutkui, Dimnn to tlw lnt««M «. >i. ft«.nt Worth f.,tt.,l«,„to«.dtli». •" *• Thto kind of dtoeoont, Ik. todiiii of which to ^"«^ ««».. The interest on «25 for the given time and rate«t25; di8eoantoir$350 •' •• «« «« u «i if,' =$25; •*• " " *• $325 " " I « _g325X26 350 Ex. 8. If $5 is allowed off a bill of $105 dn« a ».« i. iV«HI,« act „^aaMl^ tfc> ->. ^ ^ . Not proeoodo of aotoa>^ « «« •*. M of iniitority.TaiBeaii587{ •'• ■Mtarity-Talao»W of 5687 -5660. f I'! If HI t. n.tTOCKI ANOMMOgWOt. OH) Tte tia* tl whteh til* dlTidMdi an dM. PHm* u* jufMMrhMitlM dlTMrada m* wwn "«• ««>«. ^v *n.^ *" •^^ •^'^ •' "^* ^»*»»*»" 8^ worth ot 846f V»hjo of $100 atook^OSAS; "" » »»f "•860 •' =fH of $a46»01502.50. llilMllMill»9flM,l» ^ J;, ■J7,^»^ -^ •* «*• ■«* of ott.w» .1 itr •«! %• MMk kovfkt fer 1197 •f ■ ot y $H»; l»«iiillMpfln«filit ■?iLf"*^ ** "^ ** *'***^ ■'^ ''''*^ ''^ •^ ■•^^ TftlM of HOO Hedi-fMtMi B. 9t M. tlMk It qMM •! ur. t • Cm^W. OlvM ito MM Immm mi «.. Pjj^lfc. Bx.4. WlMtMMwaittMNMltdtrivtdftoafaitMliMilMOlB laeoflM frott $100 itoek a$Ti| .'. " <• $mi«oiM7»$rit ... « « ij^^ u -^o|$74«oi». »t. 6. A •!«• $6800 to • gloek whWi pujr. . diTldwd of 5». Wlttt Is A'o tooomof A'o toeoMiM-Tlv of $6a00«$900. V. «ff unui Sx. 9. A wko own $8000 oloek imoItoo $08 m tho k«lf- yowlj dlTidoBd. Whirttothohalf.jwwiynUoofdiTidoiidt iSiOO elook flvM $888 toootoo; .-. $100 *• " 8W •• ,or$4*; .'. tko half -Toarly nio of dlrMoBd it 4k%. Cn«VI. Olvm Ike IncMM Mtf llM i,ite «f toflni • • «« ■l. i. ▲ ISfMll In BMk of COMIMiM alMk ^ fM iM.. •• " «00-«| intetM. The example ean now be worked as foUowa— "^^ T ?f ??? ^r * "??•=*»•• °- °' « fo' 1200 mo. Number of ino.=i,Wy=n. ' ^^ It ahonld be shown that 11 mo. is correct. 'S* T ?f 1??? ^r I «;?•=»»»* «« of II for 2100 mo. These two deferred paymentB= " «• •• $i «« 5300 u =A'8 gain or B's loss The use of 1800 for 7 mo.=the nse of $1 for S600 — A*8 loss or B's gain. mo. roootwioii. fo« TtACHnr«. ^ •r. duoislott by kirn i^^p^J!!^^'^ P-ymeirt. •ft.rtlwy P>»i«it worth of th, Mtiolprtod n«»!^ ^^ ^"••'^ « "»• woxe»4aoo ■jggX18a l4400 MOO )19800 ^' a 1. *^' »*AllTWHlSlflP. naw. »wion to fonood is ealled • PABnrxB. The Nw Loss in the excess of th« t«*-i i tlJ^ ' """^'" P>«»« •«•' the am, of . «™ _ SM ABITHMITIO. •ompftny doAt nol eztond twyond the MMnnt of eapital MMh hai ia tlie Arm. The l»w reqatfw the word, "Limited/' to be piaeed •fter the name of the >1bem whenever ite Mme i« osed. In the eaee of •hueholden in benki, to eeenre bill hoUien akid depoaiton, the law nuUcee the liability of etoekholden doable the amoont of the eapital held bj them. Thoe, the owner of Are paid-ftp shaiea of one handred dollars eaoh would be Uable, in ease of the bank's faUnre, to be ealled upon to pay ^$000 as weU as lose the money ilready inrested. This is known as DotMt LkMUtp. When the sereral shares of eapital have been in the business for the sflMM Imtgth of Msm, the division of the gains or losses is ealled atmple Partnerakip, or Pabtukkship without Tim. When the several shares of eapital have been invested for diiferent lengths of time and the gains or losses are to be divided aoeording to the average investments, «.«., in proportion to the several eapitals and the times for whieh they have been employed, the division of the gains or losses is ealled CoMiouin> Pabtmsr- ■HIP OB PABTNXBSinP WITH TlXK. 2. Slaiale rsitwiisMa. Simple Partnership is merely an applieation of Case II of Sharing. See page 144. There are three things to be considered, (1) the capital of the firm, (2) the capital of eaeh partner, and (3) the oaim ob Loes to be shared. I. Qhftm the capllal •! each partner and fhe gain nr toaa, t» find each partner*a ahare aff the gain or loaa. Ex. 1. A and B formed a partnership. A invested 18000; B, $7000. They gained $4200. What share of the gain should eaoh getf > $9000 7000 $16000, the whole eapital. , Sum gained by $16000=:$4200 ; .'. " " " W00O=ififififtr of $4200=$2362.50==A's share. .*. •' " " $7000=TW«fOf$4200=$1837.80=B'8 " Caae II. Qhren the total capital and the ahare of each parluu off the gain or loaa, to ffind the capRal each Inveated. Ex. 2. A, B, and C formed a partnership. "Their total eapital was $29000. A reoeived $246 of the gain; B, $314; and C, $440. JNnd the eapital of eaeh. ■VOemiOM VOB TBAOHWO. •(8«»+814+««)«fi000j ^ • «iWftr of l29000»|l27«o. 80ft Wnt. «»• amoant of hi. eapitai. ««» 00 ilwriBd la proportion to tlMir «.ni!.i t^ **" ** '«* •- •q»- to. gala o, Iom mZ h? Il2^*?' ''*"*» ^ «**«- ««••; and wlu»a artto.r to. ^uTnTT f^P^^lon to to. •rj»r h. *ook ia B ^i^ J^^ZJ^.yj^ «' «000; 8 «,o. took la c wito a capital of mSo avT* "^ * »*• ■«•' «»«• he • • (08000 ** I «« t4 •«4 •' " *8aOM " , .. ;2''*!|'?=««»=A'.rtM„. ^^^>( 9 SE aeooo 1200X S ==8000 138000 C'. - "=^ «' »"fl»=«1350. ^" =Tl.ofOM78«|j85 «« «( « II II li I;; ill 11 xvH. iNvoumoN ANoevouinoN. 1. T( la doing tUt MBphMlM fte »««»«• it .•«m . Wm tha Mm..^ ■ : ••• •■• *•• » l» MtealadL f »i^ ^ **•"»••*»»««* Of 45 8«.,.^^ ■«l»l*ln nloo that tlioM m»m *«- •rini I M M i»k,. ^ • **^ '^"^ •*«»•, and (2) ly P«". •4«2,. ^9^, ^1^. **•»*»>• tto tollowias:. Stneo, l>»iudO«-==Gi. ik^. ^ ^ * "«** fa • nwpber of l or 2 nniS^'di^ """^ "^ »' • "»»»*' ^ » or 2 flguo. i. . ^^th..q»«eof.n^t^of2ig„«.,..„^^^,3^^ .a-^ToH^iia^'''^'^*' --»-^ 8 o, 4 «^«. ,. . Ag^n. since 100«=.10000 «d 9»-=9W001 • I .» ^ ^ABinniino. two flffOfM MMh Md tlMf* win • M mof IgUfM !■ IIm MMM root M Umm an ptriods or pm of » poriod. 4. To MMlim FOriMt Hwrii. 40«+(2X40 4.t)S «: \ttt n m 10X64-6* 180- lO'-l- 10X5 10'+2X 10X6+5* 225 10»+ (2X10+5)5 Piom thooo eaaplot, it Is erldont tiwt <*• tqmrt of nnnmUr <• ffiMK to thotqmurooftketmu^twioo theprodnet of tko tint bt tko product of twk§ tko toM pint tko mttt ty the mntts. *> T* 'rtshes to ar?«.«o them STaJo^*'""* H<»^»"ydl«kswllltherebeln^Srsideof .„ ^I^A^ ^'*'^' ***** ****** ''*" ^ ^'•*^» 40 and 50 disk, in the side of the square. ^^ ,^*?.u* »""«* • *»«"• ^"h « disks in the side and plaees 1800 of them In position. He has still 249 to arrange. To proserre the sqnare already formed he mnst add diAseMally to two sides as shown In the diagram. • "^wuiy •VMBOTlOHa VUR TBACHIM. Ex.8. On. row alonff ih^ two •!«•• would telw twie* forty (2X40) digki. I To Mwrtela how 01*07 rowi ho mUi plMo ho diTidot 80 Inio 219 ood flodo he eaa ploee 8 rowi oloog oMh of tho two ildct. He etill hM • dtoko wbleh ore needed to All io the eouOl ■qnoro. The fonnol eolntion Js the •wne M Uuu giT«r oboTo under Enuuple 1. 48i636(aM a« — Eztnet the aqowo root of 481886. •00.. »i52±20±4 (2X800+00)90 =- n^ *» I2I6 (2X690+4)4. ^ *^ "^ ^ The.liur.root.694. The «,^694. ^«2;*' ^ **"•'• •' koodreds is ten-thouwrnd. th« «.^ ^ y^ the reoeoo gireo under Ex 1 th« «»»•». m . j. In finding the teneMlguro. ^"* ** "* <«««g»rded numini k^L^^t r"'*' ^ ««™ »» the equoro root Of . ««^beeon.iderodi'nS:::,;^j:r:iX^;*^'"'' '^'•* ^ Henee, the rtepe in the extrwtion of Sqnaro Boot aro:- (1) Divide the nnmber into naHaiia «# ♦_ « begfaming lU the deeimi^int ^*°'*' •**"^ pJ^^^^ ^ ^"'*^ **"^ oontUned in the left-h«id period (i) »MM» Ikt »«« If Iht IWI 1Mb«. rtM 11 to ^ !■* ^ «k^ mart U of th. and, 4»h. aih . . . oidw, <.#, th,,^ aiirt bTlS^^ Ineoehporiodoowitliiffionthopotat. ' "T* ""»»•» ■««fw te.-4. Bitnot Iho sqiiMt root of .4SIS. y^n tlio BBMbor of doolnal plae«« !■ •;r»ii, point off tlM dodMl into porioda of two llgiuM oMh, eonntlnff from tlio point •^ •«*»•* *• "qwr* root M in wliolo nnnbon, plMing tlio point in tho root m Ex 4 E,tr^,«.**"*'**^^*-*»»*P«rf«»todMatirith. M. «. sxtnet tlio •qonro root of .4. .4009o6 (.e6 ... WlMn tlM nnabor of deeimal plaees io 128 ^M »ot eirwi, make thou «Ton bj nflUing » JS •*jJf''«<»«rt«*»ttlio«purorootMrin 2B8* , 676 .422S(.«5 .86 — 128 625 T* To «■■■•« oto aoMn — -' ^ • •^^m ro«Ut will bo the torn, of th. root. ^J^L^' l^f-K'.T6s=.866...; |/A=»/.»=.Ma6... «. ApM«o«Iom or Tkcory. •'. «d (2) by That, ^8=2; ^27=3; f 64«4j O', 8*«2; 27»«3'; 64»«4' 3^ Ta wcwtoai h^ „„ . „ a.^!'|Ji;ir^^ S^^64; 5-I25I 8.«21«; 7.«848. ttetitotf ■ •f IdlfUtea •f 1. 1, w a QnvwMli, th* mN fMl of ft Mmhtr «f i i. m • 41.1*. 1. . BiMkir of 1 ilfii. ' •"■«»•«».■.•»• i%ll»s|M| ;^•fc• trto of • wnrtwr of 1 lg«„ I, p^of 4, », Of • Wmo.. BMoot to MMrtaia kow aoajr ^hwoo tkoro wUl bo to tko oabo JEToTi^^J^S-^ •• ^' "^"^ *■•*»• ~»* "^ iMio MO poriodi ud port of o ported. 4. To •6*-«14116; .'. C141IS-«*-(8IH-S)* M-i Urn Mm §M0« TBS m SB* 8USB St! . jo4± M«XlH.tXSOX»*+ft* «41« - S!t»XW;^WX80X5«+5* » 80«+(8X80« +8X80X6 +5«)6 wot o poiftot oubo hoTlDf 4, 0, or 6 ploeoo eoniito of ^ To IM o ■! t il l tnm Ro cabs. Ex. 1. Find tho eabo root bj 4 Noxt Mt down throo timet S4 uid »1im« ♦!— ^ *i. • ii toifaiMiiktiMi — *-\ fa ft MHkirtf iht««MiiiH it • ._, •faMM.,««4MlMlitfthtaii,fih,Mi,«le.Trr rr^ 7.S" ■■••■■••••••■• •tofawi n ■■n fct «i MMttai fto« tkt potel. -^Mwr •«.«. ffad t hf»to wtit oi ,9mm. •^1 m ■ MaitM Si!iii[ nu t msm F •■■■•■■83 . t , (•) tt bolk tofSM mn tntl tsbw, tunwi tht «alw mm iif lllW|9 fey iMpMltoHb ^^ ••^^^^ W «» ■» W 9 «l •1 l« II •• II •1 II 1* II l( II 1 I «l II m, II II tu " " " M II s 11 T^^Tr J* " " " «l II f II tl „ •* -^{•to. Ite Mte fMl •! ft MNKkw hf tmiili^ II iaio (4) loiaithadalfc»o|,f . JSJ*^^^ m ^Uliil /taalalHaa. (1) *»*ii*ttatl4a««atabMrhaBltiMW.«*iii*.-*i.-i .^^yj!!-?^ *^ «»tB i l o aa of a l>oiy. wkaa tha aaMt aai dl>Mafc» of a •too.. «B, .,. ^; ''^ "^ •■*^ •*»«'^ XVM. MDHSUUTION. I. INK MCTANWLI AND SOIMM. Baa pagw 185 aad 141. N. YMt MKAUCUNMMM. LTha Dwwpafallalofiam.. Ha^a p«pItadniwotha««f Tarfaaartaa. l»l taa parpaadiaalar diiaaa«« batwaan tha panllal akha. 2I« If A«ITlfMinc< Show by flguts slailar te ABCDtlMrt.TwjrpM.U^ogn« ■MJ b« eluuigid iato • iMteng 1« **^ l«agth is that of the A 'I PMiUslognuB and whoM biMdth •Wtwi. of tho iMwllolotrtt, HJ^'J*^'^''^ '^"». or diiM-rioMof tlip«S^^ "•«M«a.»t. uo too to TW. J. twrtod mid., t||. B«,ungi., * 141. m. THE TRUNOLE. 1. Tho :•» («) Dmw trianglM and giro toe longto of on« of the tides, hsTo pvpils draw toe llgoro showing toe otoer di- iBensioii to enable the C«*l. (Uvm the leiMliri.r . «. "*•*»»>• determined. >- «fW imeZwr , r^^ •^ ■•»« lid tint ■er p.-^i-i rf^ ■»" m* •ppoaiu angle on that bu» «• «k^ t^ r^r' -Niinei «l«l Ihe «» ef the wHele. ^* •^^ '"^"^ «• In tMoWng tois Case, toe following order is .u«»..i^ (•) Bight angled triangles "«'"«•' « •uggested.— (i) Aeute "II (e) Obtneo '* id=(150+90) «,. In.=240 «,. ln. I». «240 Ml. In. Or M»a of both trimnglMas!2>ll? ^ m4 fhm II. QIVC|I the •!«• MM Ihe MM «« M^ _ - 81«,2^ . 2X667 ' 42 •'.perpendlealu>height»27 ft. »27; i'-\ V.TIIK ■ — ••• i^iw vvvpi VNS V^HBHHHK flRttflftvBA ^^^^^h^k^^A^ H.T* popu. point 0« TEAOHIHO. Aim Of trftpMinm»H^lfHS.£L£!! ^ VLTNEanCLC. S10 I. Jl^T"^ •""• ■-»• "-^ tM « h . „^.. ... . ^,,^ "-"t'^S",.^.'""-' «'- • -^ tor »d,„ ^, (a) OiT«n the diAmat«i> a# ♦k* , T •* * •• i Bll>i» » »- «»I»»rp knife cut the triangle, ti^ iT^K J*"'** '^•» ^^^ • . .Ufht margui to co^ lie ««' ,^ «»e cheumference W^ into seml-dnile. Md fit the tri^S't^ ^f "•^*^*^ ^^ «»«!• wiMgies together m •howa in^fce ^ifffiMB. TIm nor* BniMfmw 11m trimgiM an, th* mw BMrly th« agvvt wUl ftppmsiBMto » iMtang to. Th« length of tiM 9wtugl« la eTMMtly hiOf tiM elf«unf«i«iM» of tho einlo and ito broadth la lialf tho dlanotor, or ndioa. Hanoa, tho nmnbar of nnlia of ana la found by maltiplylttf tho anmbar of eorraapondinf nnlta la naif tha elnnmfoMnaa br tba wuBbar In tha radlna. 2 ' iex >»»•. ""^TT^**^ «««wla«. •!• cHw. M tiM «MMl».»r tlM«lfeai. wvofa.diagtlM.Na«» «»»weh«i. « to.. •'T^ti?^'**;'^ « to. «d 4 1,., „ 5 to. ^ Vk« j^,r^ '""to. indigta. •■•«o (» f»'+l>')'-(.«-l,t>«+f«.M. ^^ 39a ABITIMITIO. I. OlvM IIM kM« mi Ex. 1. find tlM hypotlMovM of m ri|^t-Mi|^«d trin^ bM0 Mid pwptndteiilw M« 40 la. ud 42 la. mpMUTtly. (TlM iiMwor* of Um lijpotlManM)*a40**H3*; .'. tho IMMBM of tho h7polb«aaMm/(40*+42*)*68; .*. loagth ot lqrpothoanMaB58 ia. ClMli. OIVMllM Ex.3. TliohjpotlMa«Mof»riglit-MigI«dtrlMigIolt73Ia.lOBff and (he bote la 56 la. lonf; Had the toagth of (ho porpoadleolar. (Tho moMmro of tho porpondlealor) 'sTS*— 65' ; .'. (ho moMmro of (he porpoBdienlara>^(78*— 55*)k48{ .*. (bi* l«ig(h 9i tiM perpeodIeulMr»48 la. Com III. mvm mm^bim aUtm ^ i find llie Iwiatfl oTIfce Kz. 8. Tho boM and porpoadleolar — .».--- """ - ■ "^^i^^ ^^ ^^ Hi^HMMiit le inM nw ottw* Sz. 8. Find tho radlna of a eylindor 28 to. long whieh eontftins 1782 e. in Cubic eontonts(28Xr*X w ) e. ia.a»1788 e. in. t ... ,.- J^.Vi •*. r**j**4^» Henoe, radinaaci^ in. I. II OWl ft«i «nmlM th« oih«r fMM TIim. .- . »^ 2r;r'jrsi5u* sat ^ssr^iii^ •*- -!— odg* telM ««• 2 fl. 8 to. MMl tUuit Jitlght I. 8 ft. 6 fa^ Am«r4f^.(4X?|XW)^ ft..lH.,.ft., Totol mrf«Ma2ft} aq. ft. «d rid,. •! right «^t^tL.?2^X? '^****'*"^^ T— rt. <>>««««• to do thl.«SiLoJliS^^*f*^*^' ^jh. t.. ^ ^,^ jss^^s:^^^ ber of oorr-pondtog «lt. «f •.SelSir^ wiU bo tb. .«». •ovS .' JJ::tut%to*'of*^^ :^ t"**^ *^ -«^ high. ""*•"*"•' ^^•^"'S'WMdM ft. bylSft. Midli28ft. Ar«»ofbMo=(15X18)«,.ft.s Cttb.o contentcrCix 15X18X28) «. ft.=.a070 o. ft. If'! Uk ), a •into/ Mid tQ tkt thitby Call rttiBlioB to th« ti^^riag to » prist. BmMf ft MM to ft Mild bMnd«d by ft tinfttor ptoM tarn, i1m bftM, ftftd ft Mr?»d teM tapmrlaff tnm th* •ImiBtevaM of tiM bftMtoftpoial. 8ho# thftt ft MM Mftjr b* ptojMtod bjr w?ri?iaf ft rifM-ftSftod totoagto ftbMt OM oUhft ildM raelMloff Um rigkt-ftagto. ^^ a. OlvM IM «MMtoM •« MM taM ftftd IM atoM MtoM to AM IM If ft ptoM of pftpw bft Ml to flt tlM «arvftd MrfJt ftad Umb •prMd mt, It will form ft MHor of ft eirato. . Ex. 1. Find tlM totftl MrfftM of ft MM 7 In. ia ndlM aad 18 la. in slant hoif^t. • Thownrod aarftea, tlia Motof of a aiiato, awy ba wppoaad to bo aaada np of trlaaglM tha •am of tha baaM of wUab is Jm eir- eaatfafaaM of tha baM of tha aoM and tha altltada of whiah to tha alaat halght. CiianflnfaMaM of baaa-* ( Vx 14) in. «44 la, ; Araa of annrad saifiMaK—i? gq. la. * m Araa of baM«(Vx7«) tq. In.. Total araasB0SO oq. la. ^806 iq. la. »1S4 aq. In. S. CRvM tht baM aad oMtad*. to IhMl Hm anMe Mataal a« a Mao. To Ulnstrato thto proaora a hollow ejrUndar and a hollow aoM of tha wma aiM of baM m tha and of tha eylladar, and of aqnal altltnda. Than proMad m la tha eaM of tha pyramid. It wiU ba found that tha evble Mntont of tha eylindar to Jnat thbbb tIaMa that of tha mm. Ex. 1. What to tha Tolnma of tha largaat pooibla eona tnmad fraoi a eoble blMk of wood whoM adga to lOi in. r Diamator of MnaslOi in. ; ATM of baM of eona«r[Vx (5i)«] sq. in. s=86| «}. in. ; Altltnda of Mnesio} in. ; Volumo of Mna«(iXl04X86#) c. in.=303A «u. In. f.Ti« •VMlljdfatutfroM ItttktpMitlMI ApolatwItUB Bammt • 9phtn to a tolid, liMiid«4 b* » mmd MiteM .mm ^ ^l^ft* ftm rmMm, H Hat ^ ^mm ma »^ •n»rasiflMtol7 d«twmiB«d M followit— T^ •mc.. of th. .I««tor f.- . rubb., -•■ « 2l •limd •«&•• of . hMUiphtw to J«rt twto. th. M«i «f »U pliil ?J?!: !?***.T **'*? *>^ ^»* ^ P*rt of tho otho, bomtoah.., >»^ •ttwrti tho twtiio to tbo tMk Mid wind it onwad vna^^TirjL!!! Tho nainbor of onite of wwila pi«,. f^e* »,•; ft it II II II II II II II •r Miti •« MM tllw* -4 r ff* I •• •♦ 11 k^i_»^ ' - r- 1 ^ I. BMP MMli liMi to mm ii ft ZiCJ'' V tkt iiN Wtaf 1 to. tktokt •c «. te. of toM«|x V (•*-A*)-iau|. l«to. fai II •f Ikt jni«i«- tk^i^^p^L^T::^^^ .I.UM • iJ^"' •*~''''!^ '•''*~ •* *^ w**^ with •d«, , ,- MiJ CoapMt Um TofauM of footoMolar Moek 1 1b h» a t. i-. ..^zi^,ts!!::.'^'^'^^'-''^^f'^^^ ''•llfM «rf • 01*010 .ttdo of tho .iM .Mrtorlid « u •.'^IZJ^ Woifhl or t»d ophow-^'xM OO..UI •«. ■>• >• Tho teoodth of rootoagnlor ■•torW « In. to dkMiolof. b;^ b^oat. Of ..^^-.iiir:;^::^ '^^^"^t Hoio, C»— MO of bftadthy t ofbreodth)*»]2*X8; "■•-wo of bfoodth-12X1.44225«U.80Ti »•* br wdt h - 17.387 ft. «»• TNI IKTMC SVtfM. •fWtliMt mA ••■••• •■• MtMa utea^irf Mate .^ I ».. r^r "^ ^■■■' •■■■•••• (<) IVm MiAiint or Wii«bv— Aammmo. u Li (•) T«Mh Llaeftr U-Mon inl. W B«fla with tlM B«ki«. Show that lO^dMioMtiM «BnW 1 »^, ««1 that 10 e4nti»«tm imOn 1 d-imtr., •»! inS^Li 100 •tntim«trM auUw a bmIm. ^^ ^i'L^'* Pfl»"»"~«i» 2, 8, 4, 6, .te., deeimetrM ud •»»« Meh of thM* In •MtimHTM. If thfj .ndewtwd dteimiUt hat* »!»«• wprMMd abo a« ai«ti««. (d) Show h, measaring that 10 milUmatrM aaka a etaftlmatM •ad one* mora «•• wdo«tloii to flz the wlati^ i«,gthi of tho aMMono alioadj taofht. ^ ^ * "" ♦ i*^'^***"**"P'*»«^*»y»««w»ringtothodekamotro:thoa tott. h«rto«et« and kUo«.t« and vm in oaeh ea.. ma»y »«^ IWDhloim in rodnotion to fix tho ralativo longtlw of thMo aoanuw. r^L^1S!i '^^^ "•^'^ "d ^^ OS for fntnio oweot a ttraigfat road or stroot for this pnrpoae. ,.„y ^* ^.1« "■»• ""J" no attempt to infer the meanlan of the done after Long Mearare is weU onderstood. XX. MISCELLANEOUS EXERCISES. See Ffege 178. -,- _ •». WOBLCMS ON WORK. (I) ^ow the relation between the time of doing a work and the part done in one nnit of time. 1 dl^'^te* '^'^ **" ^^*"' *" ^ *"•' ^'•"^ *«'"*■ *»»• to ti™?2«?ir*?'* '•^***" ^*^**" **»• P^ ^*»« to «• »»»» of Wme and the time neeesMuy to eomplete the work. woA^^'donef' *'^* !• *me in 1 da., in what time ean the whole ''l?*!???J?!''»*«lda.; I" •• »fda.«Uda. (8) Show how to And the amount of work done by a number of men in a unit of time. "«»«wr oi (4) A|>ply theoe prinelples to solving problems. See page 74. I". CLOCK PROBLEMS. (1) By meana pf a eloek or wateh show that the mtnute.hand more. 12 times as fast as the hour-hand. It moves over 00 ■vooMnom fob nuoHiiia. «.• «tojjl..h«4l to Wb, thorn Into tho podtteTC^ ^ (4) Now ooloiiloto tho tlmo loqaiiod. Bx. 1. 8oo pogo 78. Ex. 2. What I. tho woond timo oftor four that tho hand, of a wateh an 2 miaato-opaooo a|iartr (1) At low thoy aio 20 ■ila..ipaeoo apart. (2) Thooo 20 inIii..apaeoo mwt bo gainod and 2 morot-li^noo 22 iBln.-tpoeoo nnit bo gainod. * ^^' In S^^!^'"^^ •" "^^ to 22 timo. l,»r mln. of timo, or Honoe, tho timo ia 24 min. paat 4 «.^viht!X1 "" *^ **"• '^' ' *'•'*'• '-"^ -'•'«'•»» (1) At 7 tho hands an 85 min.-spaeoo ilpart. (2) Whonatrightanglo.thojanl5miB...p«^ap,rt; honoo. 20 min.-«paeoo moot bo gainod. ^^ ^^' 2lA'i^ «*»-P^ «• «^»eae«.; (1) At 6 tho hand, an 25 min.-qiaeo. apart. (2) 18 min. -.paeoo mnrt bo gainod. (1) Tho hand, an 25 min.>q>aee. apart. (2) Tho hoar-hand i. a eortain dirtanoe fnm 5. th f iJ*"* "»to-'i»nd i. tho Mmo diotanoo from 5 and 12 timot that dirtanee from 12. ' (4) Honoo, 13 timo. that dirtanoo»2S min.-qtaeoo; •'. i|| BiQ,. r.^'^'l^ ta (»-i«) mln.-wp^ p«t IS. or a»A a.-qMMt pMt IS. ^ " *tot is StA Mia. |NMt. fl. IV. MOMJEMt MVOLVMQ m«ClTV. X -. ^ CfeM I. OIVMI IIW - ft. »I1?U* wT ""^ '^^ I** ••*»« to n-a to • nrtt ef 45 IB (WXeO) Me. the dtrtMM «mi««(46X6880) ft.. ••• " 1 •• " •« *t ^ 46X8880 mllM p., iKmr, tok. to •«« . bridf. M4 ,«dk Wf ^^ Tim. to moT* (SOX IfW) y4.»(eOXM) m.. ; ••• " " " (804-184) yd. «»*X»OX(» ^ ^„ ^ ' ' 30X1760 ■"••■■•• •••• V. FIMWIIS WVOLVINO ll««|^ By mMas of muy «im^>Im allow (l)tt^ the Willi of two wmbmn aditod to tiMir dlffBioiiM sItm (8) tlMt tiw differmeo of two BooibentyMn from thoir ram flv^ • remainder eqn»I to lw*of tl# «ia«ir wuiiber. »i>fi» 4 18 SX» 8X5 « 14+4=: » 14—4^ 10 Problems ihonld not be gIvMi until the foreee •IbetiniP a boet ^ ""SS?f^I^'^:i SiKiwthe following by raehq'nitS:! ^H«J2?SJ2^"' !S?? •»»«»•* to more itow» . lemnf " HowdothMefbreeetlllMttlieboatlagoingr * "TT"* tho il!^?** *!?« ^ -^^^ to the ««• imtn.t wew take in the nnial cti^ of the rfyer f • «•«• mw Bate np etream per hr.=(«xU) ml.»7i ml. Bi^^etreamK2 *' ; .*. rate in still waters»i " • •'• nte in nmal atate of riTer«9 " Heuee, time to row 9 ml.sdO min. ; 1* J— iBin.«84 min. f f in *■■ Hi ' X 1. A boy HdM nwad • ««W «0 rod. Um* and 48 m• 'W'* •8M17. F,^ ^ ^ ^ ^^; 2:;. ""**'*«* •'^•««»«'»M««*W«poroo»t tad ioM II for 17000. What did ho gaiaf Axa. $360. ». AttMo»ra««ltawookaiidp»7«|27pornoiithforbe«id. How moeh ou ho mto In a yoarf 1 y».«i2 iiioaths»oa wooks. Am. $018. 80. What aaaiber is that to whioh if 17be addod tho mattwUl bo 1ft tioMO 138f Am. 1808. 81. Flad tho dlfforoaoo ia tho ooot of 87S honos at ^^.80 oaek and 488 oatUo at tM.10 oaob. Ana. $1466.80. 82. A iamor oiahaagod 1840 ha. of whoat at $1.10 por ha. for 164 bU. ioar at $8.80 por bM. aad tho balaaoo ia eaab. How naeh oath ahoald ho rooolvot Am. $016.80. 88. riad tho dlfforoaoo la tho Talao of two faran oao of 800 aeros at $74aa aoro aad tho othor 188 aeios at $130poraora. Am. $0000. 84. What la tho difloreaoo botwooa tho Talaas of JB4 bonos at $188 oaeh aad 168 eattio at $64 oaehf Avs. $84. 80. Flad a anaOwr nioh that whoa tho aam of tho odd aaaboia botwooa 68 aad 78 la takoa frooi It tho romalador wiU bo 80 Uaos 886. Am. 7760. 86. What aambor la that from whieh If 47 tlmos 18 bo takoa tho roBiaindor wlU bo 80 tlaaoa 187t A>8. 0688. * 87. If I bay eofloo for 68e., toa for 88e. aad battor for 127o., aad (Ito a $0 blU la paymoat. What ehaago ahoald I rooolTot Am. $8.10. 88. 898 aoros of whoat ia Maaltoba yielded 82 bn. per aero, whieh aold at 40e. a ba. What warn the Talae of the eropf Am. $8278.40. *^ 88. A ftaaer aoU 284 oattle at $04 oaeh aad thea boaght 960 wreo of land at $20 aa aere, borrowing tho balaaee to pay for it. Bxm aiaeh did ho borrowf Am. $9024. 40. A MmthoiB tradar sold 678 bales of eotKm at 88e. a lb. Wkat did ho got for itf Aira. $64047.48 of 417Ib.ea6h tut ■**: ^ /^""^ bOHirt tfaow fg, aiflM, k. a^ .. , •rti. Aw. $|»3r ^ '"'•*^- «»dU«tatia «. Floor ami boa^t mi.t.. I _. ^ ^^ *•*• «»▼•» Am. #4006. -» •"• ^^ WW «« ttMi B. WhaldidD Am. 0U80. '^^ * y**^" mo«tliM=«2 w«Mka. «. DlTld* the modmt of 784 Mid 848 Iw th. At&.. . 784 ud 480. Am. 784. "" *** "^ »• dMwwiee be»w»Mi 80. 281 rntneMa 81788.80 in aif^ek Wfc.* ^^ . • d«7f Am. 81.28. "•^••«. Wbat doM MMh Mm la fi8bt hand digit.. ^, 2M0 • "' ^' ^8 by the pwduet of thoi, 82. Mud the nmalmtor whmi «m ^.^ _* - AM.. 8880688 brio.. ^* **** •^ ^'^ •xpoitwif WMMh. fladtiM W. iMliWkMMite •MtafMMh. Aat.tlM. mMvH9ihtn^tm «l«llptrMi*ndtbtiMlatiiiS MM. Wkaldldtefyat An. 91T7W. 07. ▲ MMivkut teofhl flow for $1061^0 at |6.M por bkl. ud MM U to g«ia Mo. oa oMk bU., flad tho aubor of bU. aad tho total fda. Aaa.lMbU.} $77.10. M. HM hoMM ooil fttM, a» wkiit nto mul oMh bo ioM to Ida 911.5^ por koidr Am. flfiO. M. lCBllip|j4178Bbgr6MoaddiTtdotboi»rodaotbfS> 5X7X9. Aai. 41798. 99. A firall doalor boagbt 9 bU. of a|»pIoo at 99.19 por bU. 1Mb bbl. ooatalaod 999 apidM, wblob bo wM at 9 for 9o. Bow BMMb did bo gala? Am. 9*1.99. 91. A Maa boagbt 99 naa at 9«9 oaeb; 4 diod aad bo mM tba not M M to gala 990 oa'tbo tnuMOtloa. Had tbo Mlllac prteo ofoatb. Am. 999. 01* A aun aold 119 bU. of floar for 99111 aad galaod 91179. Flad tbo eoot por bbl. Am. 918. 98. Wbat io tbo naallaot aaaibor dMdblo by 9 wbSdi addod to 4991 BukM tbo aaa dlTialblo bf llf Am. 99. 94. Aoortaia aambor laeroaood bj4979 aau tbo mm aialtipltod bj 417 ghrw 8948419 for prodaot. Wballatboaaiaborf Am.4981. 80. Wbat ia tbo loaot aanbor wbleb talmi froai 299488 looToa a romalador of wbiob 84 Is aa onet dlTlM>rf Am. 09. 99. TbodlTidfadit84X0X10X84aBdtbodlTiMrex7X88X108. Fiad tbo quotient. Am. 2. 87. 1 aoU my bomo for 94000; TiUago lots for 9000; Loaa Co. stoek for 91100; fnraitaro for 91000; and roeoiro ia payment 99000 ia easb aad tbo balaaM in N. W. lands at 92.00 per Mre. How many aeres do I getf Ams. 480 serM. 08. Find tbo amount of tbo following Mil :— 147 eorte bard wood ® 90.70 per eord; 200 «i soft ot$i»,..fc. How««vfc»todldkoortlf AwirSl •hUdf Aii^ $7.10/^ •"^- ^^* «• Ifco ooot f or oooh •• '^ -^r •^ « * •• ft.-17«8 0. 1..f !Sr2S f» "^ "^ 77. A fnUt growor la (klifbraia nMk^ •^iwwwTT^ Aw. $84. "•"««»• Prioo of tho oottio p«, |„|Mlf •102.40? Aw. 7ae. ^ ""^ ' J-^* wM it to g«bi »l«»re.eortmotol«yrtthowB.^, AlTlSii ^^* ist' T.''r'*'*^«»--^^ Si^*' SSS r' s? «M 1» Mlir Aw. 00 loti. "waoy. How nwny Jot, •4. How BMur bmfhtit of wlMit ot Tte. « Im .k^u .^ -^ •i.HowBMvbMfholiolwkirt tlHi. »b«.*o^h•-l-L >Mohlloirtraa,ft4lilMooof4MBUoof AnJlifcir^ •i. II « lb. of to. oool Hi.g§, whrt oaoMl of bailor ■« 10. ^^w. ruid lb. ,.tao of am lb. of 1 no. . b.. a... gt« forie fbo of bottor of 80 lb. oorti M Mo. lb. f ^J. . *f* ^ ■•■ bo^fh* » oofoo at 106 por oorot bo mM ma hm ~p^i2ji«i.oi4i»iorim4. H|im» 109. If iottrIgt4.79abbl. •nd«i»pleit2 40.KM k l«. •« b. bwight for 9848.20 to L^(S ^;!^ ^v' ^'^^ "^ Aw. 49 bbL^loeh. »»*•▼• «» «»• .uabo, of oMhr 99.79 for • pair of ^ooto- 917 wfT/T-it. *® '*" • ■•^J i-i' w ooon, 917.79 f6r elothot, and 99.89 fcr mm, ■•vaM^bv.afvhwiaifrt. viiipi^lh^hm. AM. MqralMt. BMrMBrM. ■« ■> IIT. lrt«d th, firtlowlH t^ tod Ml. «« of Ih, ..^.^ » — X P I ^ IMAWI llMftXV'M^ UHtxi isSiSrxSE iSSxtHi^ UMSOrn UM067l»Xt-»^ II. COMRHMO NUNBEIIS. ^•■4 8 ft. Ugh. am .Mwy w«to wlU bp Itftf ^. iM 4. A temn told sm bmm of tnH rnnnghtm I ot Bpw an, bnhtto did h» MUf Am. m b«. ^^ ^' •M ft boj walk in Ml honrf Am. 1 ml. 280 roda ■»«"«■ li. ». U*w loag la bo lb bodt Am. 10 br. 80 ada. 18. Fi«BialM.ofTlmftt«oatatolag81gi|1.2atu.Sgm lot. woio tafcon oat, and 800. wara aartid. BowjMAatm lolalMd totbaboRolf Am.l8gal. 24t. 17. How Buaj lb. oa. dr. Amir. wt. am tiMt la 4 lb. 4 oa. 10dwt.Tiogrf 18dnaaa»toa. Am. 8 lb. 8 oa. 8| dr. 18. Malt^ «a diftnoMa botwoon 17 nUoa and 18 aU. 819 M. iyd. 1 ft. 8 to, by 27. Am. 27 ariloa. 18. Tboioaio880pQato(ta«hidiagtbo8oaitbooBdof tboioad) aia tba poanr Am. 8 roda. 20. A batehor boagbt 2 1. 8 ewt. of boof at 8180 a taa aad aoU tt at 2 lb. for 280. How WMb did bo gafaif Am. 8144. 21. How laaiiy atopa wiU « bum tako to trafolltog 80 ■!. a^ 4S0 jd., allowtoc 2 ft. 8 la. to oaab atopt Am. 42780 atopa. 22. Had tbo ooat of 28 lb. 14 oa. of qatotoo wboa 8102!88 la paid fto 8 lb. 8 oa. Am.880B.82|. w«^ » 28. A ooUar 42 ft. kmg aod 24 ft. wldo la floodod to tbo doptb ofStoeboo. Bowataaybarralaof watorara tboro tottf 1 bbl.- BligaUoaa. Am.lS8»bbl. " ' wbleb by a tigbt board betb aldoa at 16o. anoloaad Mwa 8 ft. 8 to. blgb. Ftod tbo eoat of fi«fW pwtq. yd. Am. 888.76. Am. 1171, (i>M p«v MvAf S7. K 779 lm.isn«. ft. M «ir, Md 1 «. ft. cC sr.:r*'«'^ -. *» -^ ^ n. ., -.•;5i:i;;.^i ». Bow mamy b«. of whN* wffl woigli m aMh m IM 1m af ». »io« » pUo of iwod 18 ft. k»t. 4 ft. wMo. 4 ft. high 1 od. 64 0. ft. i« mM •! ono timo «ad M l> tho rmaiador worth at 16.40 » eoidf •• ft. a* •Mlkoff.'^Wbat All. 18.00 117 da^ later! Ams. Doe. nth. ■twwnia H. aw «aay ttawa wlU • wlMol 6 ft. e to. alroMofomaoo «mto||otoff4niloof Am.l|MOttoMo. «wmmoiwioo 81. 7 ewt. 10 lb. of Mf» b tOw to oaoiiaafo Ite 1 Alli.lOd. •I !•. Od. a lb. Had tho ptioo of tho 621b. •ofw por lb. wttb ioda aaoh oontatotof 1 i,. ft., tbo aodi wh iOt. P« tondnd. Am. 11.40. •*. A barrel of iow wolgha IM lb. If 1 ••* ■•*• 100 lb. of floor, bow maaj bbl. oaa MidlOfl.wido «* toUooattoc bo. of wbaalt Am. 100 bbl ba. and 1 pk. of boaMdofkoaMi 85. Wha» le »bo ooai of 15 lolala eaah 6 to. by 4 to. aad long at IM per X. board 118.00. lift. a roe- 86. How maaj torn of wire wtU It roqairo •« Mmmmm a m .9iiwU|^aiid8ft. ofwIreweIihtoffllb.r Am. 1 ton 18001b. m. AVERAQES AND SNAIH!^. l.n» aeoim »ido by a eMe al eriehot weio 10, 5, 14. 0.45 W. 81. 0, 0, W. J flirt the .foraio .««. of oaA brtt;,.' 'iJ: S' ^\t i^*^ii?* 2J*1- ^ ■* "•• •"»•"« 7 lb. at le. a lb. ^" ^' «» !*• What waa tho avoiaio priee por Ib.t Am. » V' AimniiTiQ. P Hi' «iA -^ *T^ ^«»I «»fta«l fl»to hi, .„«„ «q,„^ to, WTdVtteb. Mt. ed. • digr, for th. ilwi 4a divi UMy »«»n««d lO^.dv. WlHUwMtli«.T«»fetortheU»tl4diutf . Tbtal npMMf for 06 6ity i» K8». and foi 42 dari it ia lAll^ 4. Tlio ftvoraco nambor of rans made by 11 men tA oriekot waa 12. TlMl0oftlieaiwhofokoa*iiiador«ipo««Toly22,8,7,4. W. 0, 21, 0, 0, 90. Find t|M Mora of tho 11th nan. Amu. 87 rau. 6. A ftomar paya a rant of $0 an aera for 100 aerM, 90.00 par aera for 120 aoraa, and #8.80 par aera for IN) aerea. What ia the avelfage rant par aeraf Am. 86.82i. «, Three eehoola edneate 70, 88 and 81 ehiiaran at an aTaram eoat annoaUy of £2 lOe., £8 lOs. and £8 16.., respeetiTely; they ara naited and an annual sa^ng la made of £141 Oa. Find the avaiage eoet atternnloa. Am. £2. 7. Divide 88608 among three boys in the proportion of 1. 4. 6. Am. 1888, 61818, 8106|. * ' 8. Divide an aetata of 8874 aeiaa among A, B and 0; givingB 4 timea A'a ahara aod 9 times A's. Axa. A, 24X ae; B, 864 ae; 8. An examiner wiahea to mark 8 questions in the pioportioB of 0, 8 and 12. The sam of the marks is 100. How must ha die- tribute themf Am. 80, 48 and 72. 10. A bag eontaina a eertain number of sereraigns, three timea •e many aUUiags and four timea aa many penee. The whole aum •BMunts to £060. How many eoins ara thera of eaeh Uadf Am. 460 SOT., 1440s. and 1980d. 11. A, B and C have 6300, B has twiee ss mueh as A, and the diffsienee between the aharea of A and C is 63.92, C's being the IPMtor. Find the shara of eaeh. Avs. A, 649.02; B, 696.04; V, 603*94. 12. A sum of money is divided among A, B and C. C geta twiee aa mueh aa A; A and B get 6200; B and C get 6240. How mueh doeeaaeh gatt Am. A, 640; B, 6160; C, 680. U. Divide 681 aamog persons giving two of them eaeh 62.00 leaa than eaeh of the othen. iJd£r(27695o)+6ili^." «"««»«•«»• ^ ^*rfbuted •86~0a«617.20 for eaeh of ttireei 6( ' ihw! ■■▼WW rmmuatM. 9*7 C, 1229 M. ^^ A, JMBae.; B, 7»1 m.; IV. APPUUTIONS OF SMIPU AND COMraUND MM !■■■■■ ■!■ " «wa M »e. M l». Aim. BaUuim $6.00. •««165yd.ofoiUtoo»|7e..,d. Ant. |84;2r^ • * • '^•' 4. Ifake Mt th« following bIU:-.16 qaim «f »«•» .t « ^ . . . length of io«m«(8160~-3«) f|,««i «. US 8. T^lad tlM ra^ar tf m m ^ i X> "o^ 10 fl. 6 In. wM. «d iTlTiJl^-J^^ M ft. wid, «ul 10 II. wI^JtJTS ** l"^ *• ft- >^ •^ 1^ .«. ft. I. «i4« JToilSJf,'*' *** •«• ft- « « •^^ -iSSrt'pSj^l^^^ 1^0 „. ft., 10* A noon 11 ft. kuh t«u— 1JA .4 ^ "wuNlthtitHwif iS.78ftr ^^ »» ■•««li*l to t» » hi tr2L?»*V*l*!i~« *• ft- « to, wid. .wl 10 ft wrt, ■«»i»p.i«ift.oi«.Sd,ii;J^'tiS^ ^•'^ M. A bo«d tone, 9 ». ,^^ ^ '^• ^^rm^ .q. ft.;^^aaibor of Woeks-iriO ifs. ' W. A p«id m ft. by 180 ft. ta aoToiod wtth lo. 8 In thUk flad^wrtiirtiatenso£a»leo!fl6 ft iSwITiJik T^ 85. A taetangalar eistora Is U ft. long and 8 ft. wide fnrfd^ «OM««a«li: «d ti« wrtsr I. 7 ft. d^Tp. How mi^tot^S wrtorsfothMolattooistora. AHS.21ton.. '^ ""^r *«»• •* 88. A street 80 rods long and 80 ft. wide !• to be dotmI «l«i. » ft. wM. «d 4'ii. ikSr. "iS!;;;^ ^^ -^ » ft. ki» ..**•"««. to. ©f Iron „«lgfc^^ * j^ •'»•••«». o*^ ir?i. w%!"- •* '^'^ •^ ^* ^ flUUI fldZ^ t^*m anil «»to to 4 b«. of P.M SSTiJSlir,!^ ^J!'''*'*^ ot mm. of •^ •« worth mTpJ^T;!^^ Iftt. •LlOpwlHi.- '^"^' ''^^•^"^•I*- worth porbu.f A». »-.^ What wSnr:!?^ ^tisn^^.t'S: ^' '^'^-^ a« mw* I, ttrt ,« »,.f^^^f'- •"«•"»• ~W tor »4S». •'•¥ . I Ml 4t. Bmt ttMir iign tM ilMtt teM Jim in to OMMmt ilk 40. If ihtft iM i ftMM ia ft baadlt ni 5 taaOM far ft ^iit M« TB llftM ftM MM M^ Urania bftltft, WhftI it Mm IWMiBiit wwllifttMt. ft^int JUlSvllMJO. WfcittotfcftWltoriwrtfcftlMt,«ib.f A»ft.$n.7f. M.Ijyi««lMol»t<5.tftpMi«,<„mhiWifti60..> ^••^ft. Wka*to«ytilBMlMb(lohftr Am. 91.10. MnpnT Aaft.M«Ui. laleuwiUb»i«vdradforl»i.«f»»u««idr AmTwi. ^^ M. A ftoiipa^ Blasts lb. 6 ••. 10 dwt, of tilfw into lift bft««*ftjMwtli^ >|iid thft wHght of .ftA W. AW. 4 lb. S6. AbamlofbeefwdglitaoOlb. Rad tte TalM of tht bMl aMB nooifOi 1 A. 4 Oft. Mlf . Am,$un. •«. ft, iftd fho loaglk of ft lit If ibo wkMh it • H. ift^J!|ifi!!iaf A** ■"■**•' ■«. ft. to 1 i^r 1441 lomoi of W. A li«Of oold M tau bMlqr ftad S7 bft. oftto for $HM f^MMBffMi.9orbtt.aMioforbftrbgrtkftBfwoftto. Had tbo rnloo ofoftohporba; "^ " ^* 22!! !??^^?«*-<«*-«N-(«7Xa8)o.«0107.80: lo.*".^!^,^^.:*;..^'^ •*• * '-^ ^ ''• ^ «»• ^ «• ^ ». »» foio wbool of ft oftRiaso i, g ft. |, olmimfW^aoo •»« ^ LT^^T* ■?•••««-»«»•«»« «• to fotot4 •!. MO Id. Flad tho oinaaitoioaoo of ibo hlad irhori. «te . . 4 an. UO fd.wiSOTM fl. t *•" ■• •■• MMiMw wkaa fth« «^ ^- . .:-" .'** ^■•* itiiTidtiifiaf its. «*.«»Wlf AMI. lit fy. 10 «wih«ifc.«^.f Aii^$ia.n tlMBllk ^ ■«. A tabw 9T bo. Md B tk« mL mvHi. a *«« « w^ ▼oloooftlMloModHlMiif Am. im.M. »i* Sn id. bt divMid to fito *• ^ '•■^ •* * IIWOM teod iMOkkavt mm^ -^ ^.^ — •■• •••■ WOOMB 4^. ThA kill - r«. .. TI^ ^^ •'" ■••* __^T '■" '■•• *■• ••« WOO $ll.t7. Bow — «P»«t.,Olldtfco«OddiiioI. OfwrnloP. W.-i.wji^ fi~^ *~*^^ •* '^^ *-• p»r goiio. «2t: lift; Am. $6.80, ^. If 8 tefktTi avt worth 4 goooo, uid oUdmu. u* worth 10 •MbokodtDrttoiJngFor Am. 40 •fooolo^lS. ooA Mort ho rooolTo to holMioo tho otooool. Am. 88Sr 80. A owB boji 80 lb. oofEM ot 94o lb., oad oftor aUxfaiff thon mUs 40 lb. i^ S8e o lb. o«d 80 lb. ot 88o. • lb. AtwhotfolM He .rtl tho rooMjodo, to «,. hlio f*«. lo^f li. 80, ^'S?Xl*"L*'.'*r *• I^ W*. • too- for 114 loo2^ B tOokUttOS dad hb ioUy l«Mf. Kft It Isf i«(M«.lt.«rti|fw. AMt.0lNtS7ilb. fl. Bam aMjr fiUMM of wattr wUl ft «lMwn ImM wkow Ml- |>j^(Mlli). Ttopl«ktiwfcWith.tlrt««li»iiitl,tta. 74. Twrnrtgr-Mfw mm w wni » Mitola mm la U int. BaA Biiil (M.ei for ftll»li«. ter MMh pw ii^ ; .*. 4yi]r WHJt—t(l.ll-.U) telf aC il a* ilt. pM ba. At nhat lala par ka. aaal ka aaO Iha iwiala«arlaialBllB.»lm.oatiawlWa«aaatllrf • Hia talal |aia-iOMOXlla.«, (S«-17A) ll.»4A ft.«rfMBaiad»r. W. A awa la to wetlTa N» aad a rateh lor IS Bwrtta' warli. Attto ama rata lio faoaivaa $9M aad 9 watthoo for T aMmtka' mm. riad tka Talaa of tha watah. -'««-' i!^!Lfy^ ^.y» «. aM»rthal»oont«iee A iiki 1.:? «.: zz"'::: ^ts^'iIm ^' •'^^•^•^ MM) .-. th« sM* •! tniin iSi u^ IStV* ^'^'^I •>*• tolf tk« •ttttlydlTWW. 1^481 ^^^^^'^■■■^•'*%»^ •1. Aa •MMi mutm M m«. .^^ w«__ ^^ * ^•••'•^fc-N.f.i-^lg.,.. A«..„^ «• 07.10 • «. A tMpwtw •«» n. JO . d«y. Hta wttk. Hawlo«»winittol»te«ir;|8i2f fc* WA b. «^ •(»»-7.J0). A». 5S wrt, tr. B»«r flttaj feti boMd mmmm 4w ''•■"• « ft. 1«« 5 Im wM. «id T fa. ttwT JS.l!IS ft "^ •~**^ •8. A«M«MrtoldMb«.©f whtirtMidlBliB •#^*. If ■I fit tMk ■ktf* tttl* ^V . toft «I.M thM»f M^^dw It I, tkt mmK It T Md tkt tlOM Is «| If tte «Mli«il ItlMliiilhtmMkw. Aat.4nM. M. A pMaititrt.tatMkf 4nM. t* ft 9itil tf !••. tftifti „ ht ttu ti ft mil jc «t. «Mk i» n«hm nSurssfjs!!^iS.^^^ » of • •tl|lfJ0,A«BiO|,BtaiOillii. Whil#iA If thift > ftfti t M i M iiif AMi.ttA.M. V. rncmt. mmiiiB ano Muuma. 1. fM tte pitet iMltit t( MNM ftirf SUM tai MltiiHy i« «• • ' S* WhftI mutbtr mltliiM by 144X17 wiU ght tkt piototi tf •l4XMX74t Aw. 1181. ^^ 4. ABs ft Igftft to llM rifM of MMh of Um ftll«irli« ntftitiftf ■uibtr mgr bo oaoMtfy dlvitiblo aS719;871t. A«t. 47M; MS 1 1871»7; 87110 8. Afls ft Iffftio to tht right of toth of tho foUowiac — 4fl| i86f totfto tho rtmtttat aaitbor MaoHy 4ivlttblo by 11:-^4I8| ITItt S478. Am. 74188, 17381, 78880. M7a0. 8. Ptt t Mi too whioh of tho f oUowing •It piiBiot— IM, Wff, «1», 4398, nil, 987, 498, ITW tmd SU. Jkxm, ttt. ilft 897, 488. — ^ ^ , jgagjggg*"-,,, ^ jywjltowrtf ^1!?Sl''2- Jn*,,*' '' »• *• •' ^' AM.Uft. "•**'*^'^«^»>«.l>«.,. I ^'! ^.' ». fted Hm MMllwl tW of MMMf thU^^ k* ««UM t^ ofS4«.tto.«rMt. A». ##727 ^** ""^ f Id. • fai. art BaltiylM. An.ltft. "-.-■■•ptf. »•• "^ »••«*»«■»•«»», diTlfcd team taiMmlm ». Thm toll. Mrik. M iirtwnl. ot «, 7 u4 1 mb. •»_ H^. AM.«Bta. |HwtlOp.B. ■ ^"™«"«>«»" ^. MX .U tt. Wty, tM .I.MBWtlTMrt.1^ ■- nW .rt H.C.F^««, tt. M«». - «« «. H ,. 4. ^ ^ „. „. t^xzxsa^ »« -v w.^.,. »d «.pto» •«-!?». "a^. »"i, Si "'*"-•' <»»«.". .»to, I. « •JLJ^ i:?"' "."^ ;"""*" '•«»»!«>• only teto, of th. mxttxi£?4jiiS:**''-<'>«-Hc.r.xixixix»xrxii- ■* to ^-""y- •*-*- ■'■'*» •• *, tu iMte. to th. M MX7XUXtXlt««M0M. H.C.F. of 1980 Sm ^^ *^' ^ ••^J^ *^W« by tti^fc? will's JSSuJTK ina!!!f l!L'^^ ^ ^ umnnie. p»r nl. ^- $(UHfSlA}S${!''' ••*^ <• 1«* -i.! -1 p.r .i.- •. Two MM, A Md B, tlMt to mOk toWMil tMh «lk« lkii» •A ai. ud tht ilhMr II ml. piw kr. if y^- .J^ Miw^ ^•^ Whrt P«t of • twl. » lb. t ^ b 1 ^ 8, ,^ 1^ ^ A <^«hMB ^ • inoAt of fA pw bM. B»ir ■•A did hTilZ! lMwkiifth*wIdf A]m.flM. "■■•■•WW. «• IM fMagMT t M MNMi at to tiM tliMr. Hib " MiliMt la tb» fcr win they b*«pwl!a 12 d... If tbty tinwl 1. ihrtoZ; Hon, itartiiiff ^ tht (MM plMM al lb« mum tin*. f!S "f^^ «*»", W "i-TWl. Of m d». It to 81 Mi. 15. te 1 (tagr !• >i% ,4MrBgo«i OlTid* the diSmsM b«lw««iM Md M by lh» Si; A* A at A wtti flf« • at. Wk«i If ikt iwgMi 1. Atlte l.7Sf ¥. Ills. MHlIfllfMP wi tS.hir^**''** **^''^ '^ «« tt tot • Ui9»l«. taB Ml li .UXttmYf , » W J«. iL-l!!!i^**^*i??* "^ •■ *^ *^ *• '^'^ was -a. BMrfv«ite|»lteaniift.r ▲M.M.Smi. -.*• t !IS *^ •" ^ •* ^*^» *••**•»•« tt i^fJO pw W. aM ^««ikU«r'tMlltM ♦w^l Hin (f+B)%9t 7. % 1^ tethtMUaiat • lb. ktofOa ftoBkta Aftor «fltft V li«imaiiat.ftfi. StotoigMiift Mi tft^ hnr Mgrfi. 4li to hi^ «. rn i w iii o ii. ilitowiig|tfe n i| l i jn. im tUMJi. tUSJI. ffMltoratotftMMiMlM. An. ail. t. A mmiIhIm ■ iw hart wM rlM m s if alMlii tf i|ft, ■fc i lM . AM.il4IJt. 4. «to M* ymtit •( aO* tMN IMM.4I •!!» yiytaff |M.fS Mi H% 9 »mm\ m \ 9t u WkM tnuf th* mmhuiI ti tit .79| .'.I m%'^%mm%im%9ti If ■■■■ i M tf , >tw MMF liMh i h — I bBylWt. »tt t. A MMhMl MM taariwr OB •• fiMMii la fotii M 4ft MmdnlM. WImImmM tolatwlf •"^ •■▼^^■^^•f^ ^ 9iOTl*OTMMBM* r. A mmiIiMm iMWhMl MM liM lb. «( tufagri al Mt. • Ik. Mi f Hii B l i tMlii M t f kM fri8&-l.00)«$l7tJ»{ 4^« *# wnit . m— ■■ BaMkowMl tf ft isiMoiti'l^l^ ■"■T-^yw- "••-p^^^ir^jLrj . . I iC ■■ilk't .A I •. Tkt •laiii wI iU h rti ij ■i Ml iw m nHt, ^ -ALA *-*^ VWtMiwilwtothtirtwlffmni, lafliMiMiii-iiaiMi.Mi inii^iiaithtfyMtC It. 1ft. •f kit »v. ^A MMM pMB «w« nt iMMtof f of tfet VHW tf Mt miti •f j<»-^' t .*. valM of JiMo* 1. Tko oool of Mliaff ft oOool ho«o 10 ko poM ky • It! of St Bllli OB tkt Mltff «tt ItfWt wktlmo tkt -^ I IT Am. iiiMM. t. It ft iMM*t p topo iti It Hwt Itt ktttHI itIMfllif ktpoyi If tkt MMIf .'. " " "(tttflttX JgJ tHtl4, •. Tkotti It tun J0| wktl io tkt tutiiMBl It It gift titj •t gNt 't flitt for ttlftvlit, ItStt for oikor ^HMTTIir^ j- J^mI 6. ▲ turn wortk tlOOOt la ntod hy tko ntiiwEi al | of Ho irahM. Tkt ffttt tf tnatios it 8 aOli o» tkt Mlio. Vlai tkt ptM. tAi of I of tiooot« Cfte tfA** f. I Mm MlfMMtia itfMi tM»«aiii »M»iM, nt i|j0 nil I •(•lH-U)-int jic Ml MnuinoN im cnmt (ANSI and no TEST CHART No. 2) 1.0 ift 1.1 Ut 122 18 llii iJ^ .^ ^PPUED IS4<3E Ine ««3 CM* Moln SlTMl Mm York 14aM USA (7t(0 4K-O900-nieM i ▲KITRlimO. «. A friend loMied n* 9488.50 at 9%, whieh I k«i>t tUl it •mounted to #472.77. How long did I koep It. Axt. 4 mo. \^ 7. $1800 wu borrowed Jan. lit, 1909. at 0« per miniim. What aom wUl repay the deU on October 20thf Ani. 91872. 8. At what rate per cent, will a giTtn ram doable Itaelf in 30 yearef Axa. 8i%. 9. A maa borrowed a certain snm May 11th, 1898, at 6%, and on Feb. 27th, 1900, paid 9637.10, whieh was the amount dne. How much did he borrowt Time 1| years; rate 6%; amoont of 9100 for ffiren time and 100 B9110.80; .*. amount borrowedsj^^ of 9637.10s:9675. rate: 10. I loaned Mr. Jones a sum of money July 7th, 1897, at 8% simple interest, and on Nor. 30th, 1900, he |>aid the interest dne, whieh was 9188.60. How much did I loan himf Interest on 9100 for Sfyr. @ 8%=927.20. Am. 9675. 11. Pind the eompound interest on 92080 in 3 yr. at 4« per annum. Aks. 9259.71. 12. What principal will amount to N250 in 2 years at 5% com- pound interestr Ams. 93854.875. 13. What is the difference between the simple and* compound interest on 91500 for 8 yr. at 6« f Ans. 916.524. 14. What is the amount of 92000 for U yr. at 6S per annum, payable half yearly r There will be 3 payments at 8«; Amount=s9[2000 (1.03)fl= 92185.45. 15. Rnd the compound interest on 98000 for 2 years at 85(. payable half yearly. Ams. 95d0.58. 16. *1nd the amount of 91700 for 2f yr. at4% per annum com- pound interest. Amonnt=9(1700xmxiWx|«|)=$1893.88. 17. Pind the amount of 96282 in 2 yr. at 3i% per annum eom- pound interest. Amount=9[6282X (1.035) »]=96729.4355. 18. What principal will amount to 98279 fn 2i yr. at 3« com- pound interestr ' Principal=9[8279Xi«fX«fX^] ■ =9C8279X(i«§)«Xf«f]=97688.482. ^*ynM raonain. m It 8 Jf •^ "•"* •'"'• ^' *«»' *» »^«»>«' 31.t. iwo! •'. diirennees9l6.82. WV. BANK DISCOUNT. 2. «7M. , S. A note for $1314, dated Jm i.i ibqo i aad i. di«oanfd Feb. 12ttr»t S* PtoTil'T^"! *" ' "'^• The note ie lenUv due J^rnZu '^^J^* diwount. 4. A note for *6M dtM Oet. t3th to, m ^ . j*»-**'»- 5. For what sum must a 70 dav n^f. w j «> that when dieeoanted at 1 ui 11*?^ ''"'°°* ^"^•'^* $673.90f ^** •' ** '*»• Proeeede wiU be oountedf ««». was f40.60. At what rate was it dls- Time 58 days; interest N0.60. Interest on glOO toi. mha^ - glOOX365X40.« > ^ 08X1829 — "•**• AHi.14%. i )| 7. Tlw fM* of a BOU to 1960; dO* Fkb. Mh, INOt ttet « dV»; fait««tl5*; dkeouated Ftb. 20kh. 1000, •I6«. IIbTiZ Aiaoaiit of not* ^en duo in 00 dayiai072.28t I>i«»oant off Wr2.2i .t 6« for 8lT^^ j Pioeeod.=0C072.23-U.046)»0060.28i. 8. I widi to «M $8294.20 for 2 mo. For wImI muB most I kIto »y note that wlien diMoontMl at tho buk at 12ft per aiumn I .hiUl roeelT. llut wBowt. Day. of gnM,e not tdien. Fnoe of notes W of 03224.20»08200. Ti.««-.^*v s. . ToBOOTO, Dee. 28rd, 1900. !1^ ^ • "' *^*'' ****^ *»""'*"*> ^^^i*" with intend j!o!^. '^*^ ""• ^' •» •»' »o ^y of g»ee. iTd d JIS' tl;**" ^ • '^ ^- -•*• «»t wiH yield 0,482 wh«i FMeofnote-*ofTl»offMeofnote=01482. Am. flOOO. XV. sToacs. .i 191 f 1*11!^ ••^xi •*«*»*y ♦*«• ■»»«- •' B«k of OiMo .teek at 121; brokerage, J*. 80X«21^(w!*"==*^"^+*>*^"^*' .-. «oet of 80 .haieas 2. What anm mnet I inyeiit in 5% stoek at 108 to yield an ioeome of fT20f ' " 014^?^"**"* ^ ^^'^^ •*" •"'' •'• »»^^««»* to yi»M 0720» 8. What iaeome wUl I derive from 00240 invested in 6% etoek 06240^Soo.'~" *"''•**"* W04=06; .'. ineome from inverting 4. A man bought bank stoek at Zi% diseoont, and sold at 4f % premium, and gained 0900 by the transaetion. Find the par value of the stoek. ^ is gained from $100 stoek; .'. 0060 is gained from 012000 '* *' 2iidi^$8800 . ^« l«t Is bettor l^fNO •. - WM» Mt, riroUd r taw IWBjht It to rttlh. «»f «rte=jj of *118=M2. wJi "■"«*'•*** "^ •»». "-tat pH« m.* 1 .rti to „U, 10. 8oIdsloek«tl7ift dlMonnt and vmII.^ ia« Find th. »,. Of ffl»oa.t «^ rS,^ "" "-^"■•taT. ^JrtW-jrt «U.f.,»Wl, H«of ««„rt,^»,, ... ,^^. XVI. EQUATION OF PAYMENTS. 2. A man lends $10000 in four sums. He Mt« a« #«. *• •q«*~i tim. tor's. p»7mMit of the whole majr I keep the bateaeef ir taia Miw 2rilftr«'i."d;;.'"5X'. *«•«?• ""^ "^ »• *MI. PARTNERSHIP. ba. B Mill, c Mil. 9 h« t SL ' . . * *«• J «»d 'or •▼•ly 9» *. A bogma bailneis witb $4500 ud !• joIbmI hw n »t«v aimaa *■ A,BniiCjoliiiii|Mrtiwnhip. The eM>It«l i. «»itoii-»-i nmww raoBtnrs. oJJLTJ^'.'^ PMtiimbip «tth . mpiui of nana, »« A»»MSO; B-»!»Tg. 10. A mui left bis propwty to hi* ehildnn in tlie followin* •hoaM M«li raMiref A». |»12, $4608, $8456. XVIII. APPLICATION OF INVOLUTION AND EVOLUTION. ic)t^ ' ^"^ 21^^^182X6X24. AN., (a) 210; (») 2^2; ^ feJin^ir.»SJ;r;r" '' -• ^ -i- «»• «-^ «». oo., ^ P*rimrtOT«216 rt.; .-. 2I6X68|«.=$148.60. ing 37 -. 156 sq. rd. What will f neing it eort «t W.ri per rf f 4. A boKt in efOMing a rirer 786 yd. wide luuU^i ^ tk- (i'tw+jts') ,d.-m ,4. M.teiNrt>dti.*.wli.||»..„^g,M^,^^, Urn. i. A pil« of wood in tho tarn ot • wttMnter aottd te la m wM.. Be 11. Ugh «d 2W ft. fc^g. IflTwiyTth^^ fb. whl would bo Uio l.«gth7o«* «lf7 AW. W ^ •* ' MMofltofMoor Am. 748 oq. ft. a* ,q. la. »'«•«•»• •K *1A'!?' «• 880 «*. loBf aWO ft. wldooad IS ft. doOD- And I>*pUi of Noorfolr-r ( ^tt»XM80xaS40X12) ft.»A880 ft 12. Find tho T>ltto of 4^fi625X8ri9W8-4». Am. 4060 18. Find tlio mine of 8^409«-r4^827S. Am. 4 ^^ij.ft.-«26«,.ft.,«,rf^afo»ofb.o,ddo«2Bft. Am. «n^ M"tn**liriK 'i?* **'*^ •*"*• «»* •« bo dmwn In . •qmo, 00 in. on oneh oldo. Aion o? «liolo=(28*X V)«,. |n.«2464 oq. In. ^16^^. ho« fa Mod toj«on « ..^, ^ ta th. l«.gtl» of lWiM=(/i840=9) yd.=80.24 ,d. ^J1^^Th• Tolnmo of • oubloni bloek fa 80898.467 0. ft. Find Ito •aeO^M^'*^'"^* «•' •«^«C«X(I94»).] oq. ft.. m^'l Sri!*'^ii"*^"! 6 ~. 48 m. 8* ^. How .any '••^^"'•^ 8« 3«>- «* W yd. longor thM tho fw«of f tVf SM» of TMMl-tr(iaxUX197t)] l0.»ia la. fiu^of !I!l!lr?* ***"'■•' • ••^^ •'•^ *^ •^"••'^ ""• 814* of elrtw«-[f (mSQX^] ft.-M ft. tog 63 ae. 894 aq. yd. •! H at. m fcr.f PoriatUr-aooi ]rd. Am. 19Hl». «. A tqaM* U\A mbUIb* 8 m. 121 sq. yd.; Mraditr teM ia tS* !SL t.'f;^^* !1"'^"* * ••• ^^ ■^- y*- "-'•. «d to M ya. wldtr. Flad ito Itnglh. .^ ^,2l!ft •' •^•'* ^ *■* ««M-lil yd. ; MM of Snd>-7 m. S81 m ■84161 .'. I«iictb»(3il6i . width -rl77) ]rd.*-198 yd ». A aqiiu* plot ooatftliu 8S4464 iq. yd. What will be tht MMOf ft rMtMgalw field whOM lencth !• three timee ud breadth twiee aa moehr "— •» Areaa(8X3X8844e4) sq. yd.»4»46784 aq. yd. 24. The am «f « laeee of a eobe ii 87i eq. ft., find ita wei«hl Mramiiiff that a ea. ft. weighs 1648 o>. " weif ai U.SS) £.^mM'A.^''' • • -• ••»*•"* **•«» «»• ft- 5 a««x 25. By what nambermiut the foUowing be nmltiplied to make then perfeet aqvarear ^*^ 775; S80; 42888, and972. Fteton of 778* fBX S) XSl •• «.«... JSSittSAyf'^^' the other n««bS'^^''*Af jlf," aS"" 26. What is the area of aa Isoaeeles triangle whose base is 12 ft. aad eaeh of the equal sides 10 ft.? Am. 48 sq. ft. 27. Find the area of a triangle whose sides are 409 ft.. 169 ft. and 510 ft. long. Am. 80600 sq. ft. 28. By what number mnst the sqoare of 126 be mnltiplied to beemne a perfset enbe t 196*s2X3X3X7X3X3X8X7a:2*X8'X3X7«- hMM thmw«^ tipUer is 2X3'X7, or 126. '^ * ""• ^^^^ ' »«^. »• »d. 39. Find tte largest pofieet square oontalned ia 8016 The fketors are 2»X8«X7} .-. highest sq. No.-144. * t , f r' * r ABmuino. M8Wi4. ft • "* "*•* *• »«P*MMlr. Am. ^ixim^***) ">=WH lb. '^ XIX. METRIC SVSTEM. alnamfmaMt Am. I9M timn. ™huk ?«■.!« 7. How BBMy litrM Mmalii after takinc 8M7 •.! f M»r . -..w MBurm^ir 2.75 hi. aw. 235.09 1. "*" • '"^ ^M lilfi"'^ **' ""^^ ~^ •»• '«"•. how many hoetollti^ •oiUd ba bonciit tor 78 francf An. IMVi HI. '^••"''^ I« J^:«r!lli"'* "'^^'^ •' ^••*^ *» • '*»«««»lw plot 1.225 K». looff and 606 m. wida. Ana. 68.11 ha. •*«*». •ud ovarlakaa ft at 10 «I». piurt 2 p.«.f Ana. 07.00 Km. 14. H tha Intareat on 068.20 fr. tor 3 yaara is 127 88 fr wt^A tha rata of tntaraat. /•«• w i^.W i*. Ffod "^*(b5^ *»' * *^' 127.86)%«7.5» naarly. U^Jf wiJ^^ •"f **' •**«*"« *• «-^« "• !»•' «• ».. tod S langth In kilomatrea. Akb. .3125 Km. .«»»««» rodlf e?' ^ "'• **•*'* ^•*'^ ^^••'^- «»«» «»• i^- »» -«.. «8l}2.l^**^'ir^'^/4:^^W {iS»3^-^^«-».«»X11860- 17. Howaianyframaaratherainllb.aTolr.t Am. 451.61. l!: I • ^■•"•-• ^•liit tf i">«" ^^^y Xfl.25-W4.l57. •»•««»• ■•ttJr ^^ ^^ ••" ••»«^nl»f 18 hMtMM XX. WORK mOBLCMi. Jijmn do the work in ii T, * f/.'"ill^» »«»»» *« «»«•»> Uf A B •«» do the work in 24 d. . a . . i- * *^ *° «» 8. ▲ eaa eiit ft floid of gnUn In 94 h» n t ,« ^ «7 hf. They work together STi hr ^LJ Jk I"-** *"' •"^ ^ »» How long did A JT^Z^tl ***•" ^ *"*^- **- ''•A. wo44^S,t.iJU'hr*Als.i4 £:'• «- '- A to do ^;, UTIIV • ift. »wfcrt4tai.,«U4Ad»lfc«wo»kf «-^»» A««IB4oAtoi4a.|llAtolil.. Am.l9«^ •■f IciMbw to 4. Ik. „ ",' ''*^«~»<"UUl>,fo,iUlwMk. XXI. CLOCK fHOBLEMS. Tim. for on. .look to smia l| min. o» th. oibor-i d. • ••• " * •• " zi> " «?^i'a, *««•«»« St noon. How i^n. w .J^ " * "• ^V •»• 1i< AKlTHMinO. Wh«t I. th. tru, tl«..wh.n th. wi^h rtow. 12 o'cl^rS^iJi 96 uiD. on tho w»t«h»100 mint true tiuoi .'.(12X60) " " ♦♦ «« _.12X60X100 . " M — n>H.tnMtIiM«>12ibr. 8. At what time Is the muntter of mlnatet PMt ft mi»i t^ a ^ the number of ainntea to e? •«««»» PM» o equal to f of No. of mm. part 6«| of (flO^No. of mto. part 6). Ak.. 8.2«. 24 h ®°' °'«'^ «»^»« * n»»n. in « da. and another lom 1 min in Time to differ If min.=l da.; .-. time to differ 16 mln.«9 da £.t^iS? :^::'^^^Zn't:''^'^r:^^ ^r- The hand, are 15 mfn. apart and will be togrther In 19Ar min. ; dietanee walk»d In 60 mln- ^Q^^*^ 16A yd.s4 ml. 8. I looked at my wateh between 8 and 9 o'eloek .»ii 2nd 2nd •* 3| 8ec.=(176-lo6|) yd. 1 hr. =45 mi. 8. A ean ran 400 yd. in 42 see.; B, 500 yd. in 56 m« mo- A »!rj^^. . to come out even with A in a 200 yd. raeef 5. A man in a boggy goes (H miles per hr. and starts at 8 . m A boy on a bieyele starts 1 hr. 50 min. iVter and overtLVes the m^n •tnoon. At what rate did the boy ridef "^•"•^w ««« man 2* s:roM2sri?£""-=^ '^'^' *^* ^-^ ^ ^ -^^^ m ■ee. ; and that it passed completely over the dlstancTLtw J« ^ Mrtjuw. a. t»l. gjy, to (S71-1M) ,« -io, rt. , m;~. ^g,"^:, nod It. nto ,»r boor in th. 2od taXf o/ th. journey tor ttTa.'S ESteSv^S^ffi,** ? ^J^ *• «"« ilf ..d . n,I. whi^h trs r/oi .^:i «i-r .r.'-.jr ir.r Howta-g win I. t.k. th. f«. tnuo ,. .„ruk,TS ^T Brt. of «Mt tnln p., h,.=M Bl., tta. t. giu» 00 Bl.= 60 45-25 i, ill hr.s=8 hr. ^ AnmcBTio. l«ngth of trains (792-840) yd.^SSS yd. 10. A »«n Ma low 8 mi. »n hr. in stm wi^er. How lone wiU flows 1 mi. por lur.f Axt. 9 hr. ^^^ «i.^'-i;^ir42Tr "" ""• ^"^ * ^'-^ ^^ **• -^ ^^^ ^^ 12. A boat run. 24 mi. down wbcwm in U hr. and 15 m! an rtjjjam in tl»e «m. time. Affc., running down for 9" , how W will it be in returning r Ahb. 14flir. '-.aowwng A^tiT'^V^'"^^'''^'^'^' How much rtnrt ew AgireBinami. nMie;#nd7etwinb7 44 7d.r fMterarriTeelhr.aheiid of the other. Find the distmiee truTeUed 76 S"^\«"''\lf .*^ '"^' mi.; tim/to gri,; 76 mi.=V hr.=18 hr.; distance tiaveUed=(15X30) iS7=4£> mi! 16. A train running 80 mi. per hr. OTertakee a man going 5 ml •n hr. and p.^ him in 18 see. Find the length of thltrSn. Distarn^ «S-»^^ taUn in 1 hr.=26 mi.; diatance gained by traininl8««.=li^5^ya.=220yd.;lengthoftrain«220yd W. Aeanwalkl0mi.in2ihr.;B,llmi.in2*hr. Theyrtart to walk a race of 55 mi. Which will win and by how much timet A walks 10 mi. in 2i hr.. or 55 mi. in 121 hr • B mlir> 11 ».i In 2i^hr., or 55 mi. in 12^ hr.; .-. A win's by '(f2jlSa/ir"i 17. A train going 40 mi. an hr. takes 18 see. to pass another DUrtance trareUed by train in 18 sec.=l«^^???ft., „ io56 ft. ; length of trains (1066-192) ft.=864 ft. BITIBW FWXBLBW. jnm« to go 1 ml. down stnam ud lM«ksr/x^i\ v Wrtanee gone down and biik i^A h!J ^l^ii!*^ ^'^ « 41 12 hr. »-jp ml.»64 ml. DisUnoe the man goes in 15.8eo.=22 yd.; " •* train " " i h, , 60Xgbx(4184.22> ^ 15X1760 "i.^Wml. Will. MISCELLANEOUS EXERaSES. 1. SimpUfy °*-^ ot lg*4.2i A-;-2Hx2 ^ , lofTf-ftf-r-ait .«Airi. i. 2. A train 264 ft. lour takes in .^^ «^ 3. I buy three town lots whose aamt i. «- ♦ "Mooad ud kw 4« OB a„ Udrtlft .!,!? "»««.«» on the tt. TiUa,,ot «di lot. "•'*^- "y "iota gmin i. »B«. Find pigs did Jie bay f '^ '^^ '^- ^ow many half^5V;n*S?4jc'"*«^.«t' J' «o»e«h; loss of 10% on 2nd =41|e., or tS on M p1^*' -. net gain on each pig=66|e.-jS,! 5. Show that the prodaet of 72 and M t. ti... «-^j . L.C.M. and G.C.M. •«'-»»<» W is the prodnet of their *!. *:*ii"**** ^ *^^ *®^^« J » «J°"6 one eontalninff 224 .«>«. . ^ the other a reotangnlar field of 314 »^^ TZTZT^^ ^' "** «!««• at 12 miles w^A^ifl; ^1 ,^ ^ '^^•« '»'"^ »• -^ amesanjur. Another round the rwjtangular field in •HI ^ ABirmiKTio. Ji*'!!'!^'**^* "»**»»•«»• Pw h«ir of »b, tad bw. If tt^rfr rid. of «!. ,^t«„. ta tb. ««. « th. S 7iil 41 *%.•' *J"»'«*W «i. ; .*. sldM of netaiicl«»rm and ia\ ^ . r. s, 8, «, m4 7, iHiliit kBowii 10 b. iMtoFi of . ii,m1«tt, wbrt Tm^." ""^ " •""' ^ '• •• "• '*• "• «• «. i'^ »«*. WAI^W to. p„a.y, „a «<»«■„»«.(» pj^,"" 10. nnd tiM paWlt-r preM Ml Um m^ Vt 10400 aoplM of • 26)o.«b28A«. total proflt»(10400X28A)e.»%440. »'""*^^*n— 11. A reetangalar eittera 4i f|. long when foU oontaint 2M o ft. of water. If the b««dth and deptt «. the nJ^^^^L ^.Z^ ftt* *"• *"'"• "' *^* •*^" ^r?^ (^o M)!2 Bwedth and depth, e«,h=^@) ft.«2i ft.; .-. 46i «,. f|. to be lined. Ahs. $12.96. -qui^rtTetc.M.^"''-"'*^''^'^'^ 18 . A boy does in 4 day. what a man doee in 8 days, but a man geta $1.40 per d^rand a boy $1.00. How much wii i mJ^ if he employs 7 boy* for 12 days instead of menf 7 men will do the work in 9 da. : eosfcsiSfi 20. 7 »wm. ^it ^ the worlc in 12.; eost«$84.00; sa^iSSi ' ^ *^ ^" ^« 14. If I bny O.T.B stock at 1224. I get $7 per share of $100, bm if I innMt in mining rtook at 106, 1 get $6i per $100 to. fttriBV noBunit. itr Th. totmtr laTMtawnt glTM m* $lA mor» iMom* thu thmUHUt. Find tlM UBoniit lavMled. 15. A biuiknr't diMonnt on $4920 for 2i jMn !• |61S. What will b* tiM tra* dlMouat on $18400 for 8 j-n at mubo mU. and nrnplo interostf t ^^•.5K^Vi8SS4S&. *^ *"• "^^^ "^ •^"^ '•' » ^• 16. nnd a nnmbar whoao aqnaro la aqnal to tho aam of tho aqnaroa of 1892 and 080; alM> one whoae aqnaro !■ aqn^l^ tha diffaronoa of tha aqnaraa of 1480 and 876, and anbtraet tha ona from the other. li*"1608; 2nd=1168; d!irerenee=340. 17. A man meeta 5 beggars and he diTidet a certain ram amonc fonr of them in the proportion of 1, 2, 3, 4, with the nnderatanding ttat eaeh mnat give the «fth A of hi. Shaw. The fifth get. $6.25. Find the diare of eaeh of the other.. 18. A mna 800 yd. in 3 min.; B, 1100 yd. in 4 mln. How f!?.*^ "™* •"• «*^ "»• •"»•' *o »wl» the winnlnff poet together In a mOe raeef ^ *^ 0, MiJS! *"*•*"•* "^* ' ®' *"•*••'• ^ ""* *«^ *"»»• ••^ 19. A man haa an income of $1660 from capital in 4% atoek. 5**r »L!? f 11» "d bay. bond, which pay 5%; find the price of the bond, in order that hie income may be $1700. He haa $41500 of 4% rtoek; he Mil. at 119 and leallaM aAuasR. bond. ma.t«$84000 to glre $1700 Income; ."."rilrSr^ 20. A note for $24680 drawn March 14th at 9 mo. wa. dlMonnted atabMlkMayl2th«t8j«. Find the net proce«l.. «^ £m%S **?»«»*» ^» ^»- ; »»«"* diMonnt i« I of 8i« of $24630 or $478,835; hence net PWeed.«$(24580-478 Sj)=««6l!S: «J!:#I*%""*t.'*'^!!''*^**"'**"P*'"i»WW- Rndthe cct of fencing It at 15c. a yd. Axs. $132. A n^;/J°^** • *»'-■"•« ««M? AB i.48rd. long; BC. 20rd • AC, 62 rd.} and the perpendicnlar from D on AcTi^ ri iLs theTmIiiaofth.flaMat$80anac. Aw. $680. of#of|ol«««b««lil«t-4000 1«.iMl. A1I..M00 84. Whrt i« til* weiidit of « eiwUw bnui nl«to SO In i« rjifpX-r - ' "•"""•' --'" -i.^i::2 number, and to BuUn the rirLi i.n»C:.7l!l!' V** ^'«*»«^ •»*• by 2«xil», or 48?!^ "^ """**' * ^•''••^ ^^» multiply 26. Two raiu of money are dlTided amonc A. B end C- .^i. 80. Abu iBTMt. «a8«00, P«t la S« rtck rt 88 «n« watta B» ^wv bond. « IIH. H. wi*.. to grt th. „«,. ,..^*;j* MTiBW nomuau. m M. Th. iwlfhto of .vua l«lta of tow Mid rtlw bttaf •• Wji WMiiti, hMl«diii« iatoml at 6%, of $8941.85 •••b? Whrt wm tlweMliTBlnooftiwftomf Am. 8114881. "-^wmi 88. A e. In. of ifoa woiglii 100 dr. I b»TO an lion i«4 * f. In *i«»fr.wlikbwlgl».i4»dr. Find It. tonfUi. Ti.^ ^ tK.flL'*!!!"**'^ on n mm of money for 4 yr. Is 8281^. and «oo.w«mtorort on diMoant for 4 jr. ; .*. mtostfift ; mm 81185. IV "•/,"^*»~*''o«»»«rttof mixod groon and bkwk tMo of 48 b. and 42 lb. ron^Toly. Tbo p,opoS«« of blaST to\^ to ^J!^V\''^^'^^- What will now bo ibop««^ tlonaofblask and groon toat «• fwwpor «ia*ti **».** *?***H black and romalnder 161 creon* M »# a9» bik!^i6a'2(5GrS?tb'JSi^^ now%\Tf^',b*t52|l^ Dia«K, (16H-20H-20) lb.*67i lb. ^preen; honeo. proportion 12:18! tow dtooonnt how mneh moro will bo paid than If 6« from tho iMipIe amount to dodnetedf ^RW. of Ut»811060; P.W. of 2nd«811022.876; difforonoo- 87. The aoeonnta of a eompany show that when 54ft of tho reoolpt. aro UMd for working oxponnoa, 10ft for rMorro fond, and 6ft proforonoo diridond paid on 81.000,000 of eapital. 8180MO ;s:f"prL,5ra"'^^^^*-«----i-p^ -860000; ^tho racelpt. aro W of 8(120000+60000); w iSSoK^ eapital ia -^ of 8120000+81000000, or 86800000. SI ^' I^mZ*"? "'''^' thearwiof the top. aio20.q. ft. and 81 •«. fl. i«WO« Aho.ethatiUtoth.toll«4ii^TOM *ik» T Mia. to in tlM Sad. Md tha mam m^ ^•Ptti of .Mh. V*^ *•**••* *^ **»P- '»^»» M ^ \SrZ^^ Jr i«T«*fa»g »««y to O.T.B. bond. jM«to, uJ^mS'JSirm mI^} £* "S* «^ Hft ln««, , .-. pri<« of goS bSd^»'.8tt! •^' ^"'•'»<»'-8xw.88;-«a: first WM 16 ft. lonff and 14 ffc -iHTrVv *^ . '^P*'^* '^^ hoightTS r^n.,* ^* ^•'^»»o'*«<»rtw« $20.1(1. Il,»d tho 44. UIlMjrOOihMMof mUwiijelo«ktl|t9ptrakan,«idlOO aoi* at HI p«r tliMt, and I i«mIt0 78t. • thu* half>jMrly m • tflTMMd, WlMl % p«r UBOB do I NMlT»r 46. I wlahtoluiTtM iDeom* of |18«0 por umam. I Mm IbtmI to Oitjr Gm Co. itoek M 871 Md pajliiff 8 % dlTldond, or la Bank ■took wklok If MUlng al 8833 and pajing a diridoad of 7|« oa oaoh ahan of 8100. How maeh mora would I noalra to loTaat la tho latUr than tho fomorf A JS.*'!^!?? '••«»'[!»"» WJ*? WMO Ineomo b got from 8S3580. fMNOO. Addltioiial oxpondltua In lattor Is 8S830. 46. A bodj whan wolfhod In ono aeala of a falao balanoa walffhs 81 OS. and In anotlmr 87* os. What would a monhant gain ft hy salUnc g oods wi th saeh a sealof 8* £r*or'»|f»*r'^'**^**" •■"' ** •"• «^" (^^^) o».- 47. A oinular yard 940 ft. In diaa otor has a elraular plot In tha oentM whoso radius is 88 yd. A driraway Is oonstruotod around tha outside of tho plot and Is 34 ft. wide. Had tha eoot of eon- stmetion at 2Te. por sq. yd. - 48. A room Is 85 ft. long and 15 ft. wido and has a somlefioular bow 90 ft. long thrown out on ono sido; And tho aroa of tho wholo -♦ftyATSTT^iBf^'I? •^v"; ' •^ <»! ••mldfoular pari "SsJT^.ft. * **• **•' ''^®** "Wi»(87o+167|) sqTft. «. Throe boys, A, B and C, start In a 8 ml. raee; A goea 82 yd. while B goes 80 yd. and C 22 yd. How tmt from tho winning post win B and C be when A reaehesitt Am. B. 880 yd. s •ndC, 1660 yd. ' '^ 50. ^InTosts a eertain sum In 2|ft stoek at 60; B luTosts aa equal amount at 89| and his ineome is 625 more; And the amouni invested by each. Ava. 6128700. 51, An ornament of gold and rilTor contains He. In, and weighs 64ios. A e. in. of gold weighs lOi OS. and of sUTor 51 08. Bow nuah gold Is there In tha omamentff ii X "• i -» »»»tht 186 pig.; h. .old I Of t^rt li» »«.*t. 66. DiTid. $18900 bttWMii John Mid Jubm m fth.« *i^ ^ . IntWMt on John', for 8 tmh at 4« »ni il w "*^ *** ■^"P'* ^ M« gt. It and Jm,- A of the ««,; John'.. $10000, J«i..» ino Ij.U.M. of 08. 86. 40n4OO* • ^nA_« ^«<^ ^ *jr «^ « »d «, wui*i2;.'S^X.' ^S**;!*SL° 4S:'" MTlwl ft at $IM vt iq. yd. { th« wM»f pftp«i«d »! !••. p«r m. •t wia», 4 jq. Iilfa. ». A TMd aMMai* nadt •£ itMl MnNuid* A of u laak !■ warn wMtbmr and Matratto A la •©« waathtr; vkal la tha Itm iMWtt of a ftaaa wlOih .^Mawa M ia. ■»!• I. hot thaa I. a«M iJjHJjjrfcl .'. tIv cf tlM Baamira»8i la. | ,*. tha foaaa ei. A raetongnlar plaoo of laad 18 la. loag lOi la. wido and SA la. thtek !i BMltad. Flad how many eubaa 2i la. aaah waj oaa ba mada frma It aad how uaay A la. aaah way aar U mada from tha raflBaladarf Aira. 8A aad 7525. •9. Thara ara ISO ba. of frala la two bias, and » I bla than aia 15 ba. laaa than f aa naah aa thara ara la f . othar. How Biaay be. ara thara la tha anallar biaf Aiii?*45*tal!"* *" **'■*' **'""*^ *' ^•* ^ **■• *■ ^"l^' WB-W6 ba. 68. If M a. la. of gonpowdar watfh 1 lb., flad tha dlamatar of a hollow iphara that wlU hold 11 lb. |XVXH«880J.-. r.4.28«8... A»8. 8.6738 .. . 64. A boaght 16 aows aad 120 shaap for 8M6, tha aafaaali of tha aame Mod aoatiag a uniform priea. Ha told th«m for 8488.50. falalBf 7*% on tha oowa and 6* on tha shaap. Elad tha aoat of oaah par haad. Total gain !■ 831.50; 6% gain on all is 827 BO Bahm liC «« Talaa of aow. is 8(81.jib-275i)), or W.w'^^i. 815.oSr5' Jl.wj! a. Thara Is a mixtnrs of rinegar and watar In tha proportion of 08 parta of Tinagar and 7 parts of watar. How maah watar mast ba addad so that in 25 qt. of tha mixtara thaw may ba 2 ot of watarf ^ was HP qt. The new mixture Is H§t qt. Henea. the flnt mixture has been Inereased by A of ItseiT .V ^J »«y*w horses for 8225, and sell one so as to loae4« and the other so as to gain 5«. If on the whole, I neither gain nor loae, what did eaeh horse eostf 4* of prioe of lst»5% of priee of saeond* • nwU* »* i.« i of prise of sooond. A»i. 8125 "JlOO; ' * * '^''^ •* *■*" !!!. rtrJT^ -h^ iMiv. twit. M .Mb M ft •widTwdTUii Aw. A BM. WTM.lOi ft woBftft, $a6S.tS, ft .hM, $I7».41. «I Jd 'l^ir**^; ""I!?*' *! ^^'^^ »V ». and th, ,»otl.«t JW bgr 17. Th« prodoet !• th«ii diTkbd by SOO, .nd 8S to ftddted •«n«i«y tod. 80 «l. ft. bimr, ftftd tbftt tbft .iprtw fti« fa JrJ!^ "^l"JL*^"» ?;• ~-.f •-^i b, on. ft. by tb. JZ.^ .f 60. ftiid 7.1 b. ^.if. to wiof ^ !»««•••«» A fflT. Corn T2. Tb. poimlfttloii of ft wrtftUi town to.,w.„ ftt ft ^rtftbi »t. Pjrjj.ftt.p.,ftn««n. Now It I. 1»«4«1. Von, j^^^ 160000X(H.»t.)*-im4«lj »t.«5«.^.. 21^16. W. Gold wftlgb. 10.8 tliDM. ftftd Mpp., 8.80 tlm« „ mn^h ft. wfttor. How mft»y time. M bwvy ft. wfttw I. ft cola oofttftfaZ n pwti of gold, ud 1 part of copper. wiuftuuag u No. of tim..-(UX10.8+lX8.80)+12«18.4S25. 74. Tb. tro. dfawunt on ft mm of money for on. wftr a 6« i, •L'!!!^!!^*^''™**' *»»'*^'»''«»"»«rfon..bJfS2a ■adtb.oth.r]»K#eft. Fl^tb««ttt. ""**«<«»»*». uniw ruomuan. A--ilf ) of ■Uia$l I MM te tilftTft.fO. 7S. My iwrM Md IIm omb^j i0 It m« legMlMr worlk Ii6.6fl. If I siMBd 13I* of Bjr nmi«j, mi4 mU Um pwM for 4 !!• t»1m, I steU ttea hftv* 167.25. Find Um tiUm of my pvrw. I moBoj u4 i T»lno of punw aro worth $97.90 1 hoiiM, | nonoy M4l I T»lM of parM MO worth I9.SS; bonoo, moaoy and 4 tinoo ™J •'^l'"'^*? '^rt'* W4| I tItMO nUM of paiM la worth fr JO. Am. 18.00. n. A mtM pvrehMod » farm for 03000, and affrtod to pay priaalpal and lotoroat la 4 oqnal aanoal InatalaMuta. InUioal boiag 9% por auaM, what waa tho aaattal payamitt 01 pold ywurly anomiti to O ^'/^j' ' ^ •♦•W^Oi DoM amoanta to 0C300OX (1.00)«L or 08787.40071 aaaaal pay- ■MBt la 0(8787.48074-4.8740), or M.n. ■« poy 77. A ottba of load, whoao odgo la 10 la., la wholly lamorMd to a oylladrloal tab pwUy flllod with water, whoM latorua diamotor la 10 la. How mnoh will It ralao tho wator la tht tab* Aioo of bottom of tab«-(Vxi00) aq. la.: hoooo. dooth tho wator wlU rlao la [1000+ (Vx 100)] la.7or zH ll: ' ^^ 78. A, B aad C form a eompaoy. A'a atoek la to trada 8 mo. aad ho elalma i^ of tho gala; B'a atoek la mo. la tradoi aad advaaooa 08094 for 4 mo., aad alalam half tho profit. How n > do A aad B ooatrlbntof Tho proOta ar. A. A "J *• "fP^'^'y; .'. A', atoa. •2^-0079, B> atoek»0 ^y^^ «01190. 79. A toa morehaat mtoaa 40 lb. of taa • 40e. por poaad, with 00 lb. • 37«. por poaad, aad aoUa tho mtotaro • 40e. porpoaad, What por eaat. profit dooa ho makaf Ana. 88^. 80. Dhrldo 09400 latotwo porta, Mieh that tho aaaaal latoioat oa tho flrat part d 84«, addod to that oa tho aaeoad % OiK may oqoal that oa tho wholo ram ® 5^% . 81. A boat's erow eaa row 10 mi. dowa stroam to tha aame timo that they eaa row 7 ml. op It. If their rate of rowlag U Oi ml. an hr. la atiU water, what is the reloelty of the stream f The rate la $tm water Is to the rate of tkt ttmm aa 11 to 4t 4yRX — •• •* ■■I , rate of atream i»-jp ml. per hr., or lif mi. ^ uimnno. lOOXrom lOOXmi W. A eonleftl tout, whOM tluit heiirht I. 19 m ■q. yd. of euiTM to n^a it w«- u ***' '^^''^ «« the lent coil^riS.^ *;,. t^ ""'"^ ««'"»'» ^<^ »»«• «oor of a*. I buy two horsM for $260. If I mU tha H^ -* - . - 8», Md the seeond ftt • Ion of «« t « **•""*•*» gmin of w« the price of Jh holler ' ""* *^" **' '^ Of (S«!!:; «« i» ^ Mt» of U, wmmtaioiif Am. «s •"'"''»"• wl"* wm tt» the seeond mui wnUdngf . "» » eee. At what rate la (362-264) ft. AH8. 6» nTier hr ^' T"* "»« »«* «• HeiSTtfel;- c» ij?^j^r*"Hermi?r-''^'';r «» «»• ^jh>jo. $2.86. ^ women. Her money was (10X26-16)e., or 88. From the first of two cannon, 36 shells am tk«»-« k.# the second is ready for firimr fih-.11 ^ thrown befors proportion of 87r^m the ^ ^tLT.^"""^ 'T *^*^ *" «"• requires as mnch wX f^ ?!i. " **" T*"^' "^^ ««««»« AM 1. powaer for 3 chaises as the first 6otm a«. ^ S^' ^Si^ Ti'^ '*' • wiJl 80 ft. long, 12 ft. high u.d 24 ft thiek, •Uowing 6»« of tho gpM. for (ho mortarf Aw. 84M0. 90. A ^rm eoti 81 timot m mueh m a honao. Bt Miiinir ti.* •1. Ctonlato corrootly to 7 plMot of doelmal. tho t»I«o of i-a+ro+EOl+OXO""**- 1 1 -j;^=.50000000 -.04186066 =.00838333 [».00138888 i:2JX6i:7-.00018841 1 r=r%=s.00002480 l>a. 1 l.a. 1 «=.00000275 1.2.M.S. I ;».00000027 T2jAlJjJJJoJi='^^f*000002 .7182818 92. In firing at a targ«t A hits it twice out of three shot. B torn ime. out of four, and C fonr time, ont of five. The tCt^iJ. many hit. eaeh made and the total number of riwt. fired w t ABITBlflTIO. w eqiul balk of water, while tin weigh. 7.44 time., and le!i U ^ time, •. mueh m eqnal bulk, of water. Find th. noXr S pound, of eaeh metal in 766 lb. of the oomponntf ib.lf4-?o!!i3%^r'7S: »L*?ti^-,??SnTii-i-^. Of thel^e^or^eTr Zle" ^i.."r^^^ ^^ T *'!L?v ^^^^ ^"^ *^**** «»^« »• W46 for a notoof t860 Intjrert being charged 2 8%, when wa. the note dne? Jnii?ii2."' '" ''"'*' ♦"* *"»»• ^*«««* o» WO i. 80 day.. Ah.. 97. The map of a eonntiy i. drawn on a wale of A of an ineh ^^' r^*«^*°"«»*»»Pwillr.pre.ent360^.^.r^''^ 86000 a. i. represented by (HmXTiT)«q. in. Ahs. «.,.,„. 98. A number of men ean be formed either into a Mild mhi.*. :J :«*;;. 'rn''""' ' '^^ l».ving970meninrL?ri; of^h .ide. ^How many men are there in each aide of the «,lid Numbers ,/ {OX [2X970+2 (970-18)]} =186 36c^ J?!^^ "" **^* ""*; "' **•' ^'^^ reapectiTcly at a2c.. ^:L ^ th ' ^'. ?: ^ "'^'^ ^'^^ '^'^^ oontatoing 6 fb of ^K ?J^ '^' ^*^ **''^ '^""^'y mu.t be taken that the n^ of the mixture may be 38o. a lb. f In tv* ».?-*„__ ^M-^*"* saw Qinerenee. Menee, thero are 39 lb. 32 36 42 in the mixture. 100. Two 60gg«d whMls work togothor, thmw Mag It oogt on OM and 97 on Uio other. Tho largor whool ia«koi 80 rorolatfona in f of a minato. How ofton dooo tho Bmallor torn in 8 Moondat No. of reTolntionss{|x~r^«34. 40 101. A box with • lid is nude of material 1 ineh thiek. If the internal dimeniiona are 8 ft. hjr 2 ft. by 1 ft. 6 in. And the num- ber of eubie inehes of the material. Cubie eontent of interior of box= (36X24X17) e. in.» 14688 e. in.; enbie eontent of entire bozs(88X 26X19) e. in.«18772 e. in. Am. 4084 e. in. 102. The Freneh 20-frai>e pieee weigh* 6.40161 grams (a gram »15.482S5 grains) and is A pure gold. The sorerelgn is H toe, weighs 128.274 grains, and is worth $4.8666. How mMTis tho 20-frane pieee worthf Value of (H of m.274)gr. of pure goldBt4.8666; weight of pure gold in 20 fr.s(A of 6.40161X15.48286) gr. Am. $3.85 . , . 108. If 76 men and 59 boys ean do as mneh work in 299 days as 40 men and 83 boys ean do in 067 days, bow many men will do as mueh work in a day as 15 boysf The work of (299X76) men and (289X09) boys equals the work of (567X40) men and (557X88) boys. Henee, the work of 15 «■ _■■ 15X444 _ boys^—sjg— menaeo noa. 104. Find the eost of polishing a marble pillar 2 ft. 4 in. la diameter, and 18 ft. long, at $1.25 per sq. yd. Am. 818i. 105. A bought goods at 06.70 on 4 months' credit, and sold them immediately at 06.12 on sueh a term of eredit as made his immediate gain 6i%. Bedceniag interest at 4% per annum, how long eredit did A givet If eash had been paid, the goods would hsTO been sold for 06.08; time for 4e. iatoreet on 06.08 at 4 « is 60 days. 106. A bar of gold weighing 196 lb. 10 os. 10 dwt. is eased in lead weig^iing 24 lb. 14 os. Find the weight of the whole in aToirdupois. 196 lb. 10 08. iO dwt.=1134000 gr.=:162 lb. Am. 186.875 lb. 107. A person haTing a eertain earn of money to invest finds that an inyestment in 5 per eent. stock at 117| will yield him 029 nu>re interest ssnually than an inrestment in 3 per eent. stoek at 99|. Broker^pt being i%f how mueh mosey has he to iaTostf OXsnm 8Xwir 117i i«i »$29. Ans. 02890.50. 108. A boogftt 900 m. of elokh in ■ .« i«i <. M «M A «»i o .- ^.TT "•'•■'• •»* ■WO It In Toronto ak th-i ; Jr ?!"^' •' • P*do.triMi elnb wolko m aaiiT mUoo m whon h.„, up by on. ^^^IJ^n^ b^ .?,,. irjoJ^J 111. Tho wm of $640 i. to bo diridod among 200 ponont oon •tating of mon, women and chlldron. The .1^^^*!^: wimion'. jnd ohUdron'. riu^e. «• proportloiL to thf "t^l 6, 4, and 8, bat the indiyidoal ahaw. n# V«»;» « nm»bero are proportional to the nnXaTTl lS?ih ™^"S '"^^ women and ohildren. ""**'*'»'' ^- ^nd tho nwnbo, »«y ta Prt o«t «t eonponnd intoiMt for 4 yr. 8iwiX(1.04)»X(1.06)«-t745». Am. #62800. •Md. booflit U« ttoek. H« obtaintd 1000 1m. stock Uum btfon, j1 ^.Tl^m: s^""" ""•** "*»"*3^ ** »»• »''«<»*»Jy »»^» &. oawo^*'^'^"'*^"^' ^•'•«<*k-H«rf (Irtrtoek-IOOO). 110.«Biii«r«Ion«H».Ieiigthl.liMi»a,ed hM ite thtekneM bMn diminlshedf -«r P»r ••«. ofiiru»l^:jro?JSl4'.*?t?'^^''"«^»^' dImi«.tioBl.M -««11I'. ^ iT"**' *• '*«"*'«> to -"PPly • K« of furibto mttel eoniirting of 8 purto by weight of bitmoth, 6 of 1*«|, and 8 of tin m»e ^y bi«nnth h. Hm i» rtook i. « idloy oonsIrtUig of 9 p^ bi.«ath, 4 l«id. Mid 8 tin. How mnoh lUloy mnrt ii uk.^ how omeh iMd and tin mart he add to flJl the ozderf 118. If the mMrafbetarer makes a profit of 10*, the wholesale de^er one of 15«, and the shopkeeper one of 20», what was the eojt^to the manuflKrtnrer of an article bon|ht et a diop for ill of HI of lit of cost»875.90. Am. |50. 119. A train 100 yd. long Is orerteklng another 160 yd. Ions on » parallel track. The first is going at the nto of 40 mUes an hour ud the second at the rato of 18. Find how long a person in the long train wUl see the other whUe passing it. mt 180X80X60 ""' 22X1760 ^'•-laHf sec. lao. A trader in London owes a debt of 1000 pistoles to one in C»««. Knd what be gains by sending it to him through Franee fhe exehanges being £1*25.4 fnncs; 19 francs^l Spanish pistole* 4 SpMidi ]^Mk>lm=a, ^ * lli inST •Vul Ui wdghl to MMlT liT^Jrl! ^ 5* •• «». of 001^ iu» ^l!^' i. ^ 1" !*~*«» iHl 5 ft. • fa,, fa. UiJ^Tk^^^ Wat U la. tUok, «Bd the thieknow of tho bottom: ^'**" 8|MM« oeeaplod b7 water is ^QQ<>X1728 . 5ixM5Xfl0xl7e 53aOXli »*•'*«> ml. J IMenneo " " « « ^ <»X60X176 , . _ "6280X6" ""•*a* al. A«i. 62 nl. tad 28 mi. MM Miriuw» bow, A poM 81 tlmw m im.h #«. yntirri.! « IM. A^ to wmlk from P to Q at Mi. rut. of 4 ml. ui br w»d 1 br. aftonrvd. B .t»»s from P ud ov.rtakJ A I» d kV WjJbJ^onB«i^^g»b,.b.for.A. JSd^rdlil'j!:; To sj?nr^^!.r .jii s«:^'aJ?. JoV- ^ ^ "•*• 180. A is 12 yr. old« tbu B. Sboald Uiey botb lir. 8 yr long.r.B'..g.wiIltb.nb.AofA'.. Find tbeZonlJ* Ji A* ^'* '•S*.? y* *••■•• to to B'. at tbat tim. u 10 !■ Aa 7 w.«^ ^ iSi^i ■^* "^ *"^ •* ^»~*y' "^ •" i^- •«»*»• ftiii 01 WMir. Bow MMh »Hl bt t tiMfan td frm MMk Mtk to tka olhw thot tho mlsluo mr bo of oqMl .tmgtht •""••"• Tbo ooBloate oC tooh Mik bmI bo I bnadv oad I' wmft^ Hti-t. f of 8 gy. of btwkiy «ort bo tokol ^iTiJr^ Ml. A eoBteMtor oadortokM to osoooto ■ oortoia work ia a jJfoatUao. Ho omiOojrt 86 moa, who work » br. dolly. WbMi I 2 tbo tlmo bot osplrod, bo flado that oaly f of tbo work i. doao. •w^r^^ "*" """ *** "^'^ *"''***^ 11 hr. • day to falfll bio • ^Su. nS^*^n '■ *!»^«-W noa worklaff » br. daily do I of a y2o*'wi;?ii?s'tf:;s?'s?. TS""^ " '- ^^ - -• ♦ 1«. Tbtoo moa form a partaoribip, witb a oapltal ^88200. tl!^J^ *" *«^«"«>»B',12b.o., aad C'tlS mo., aadattbo ^^mJ^^**' ^ r**'^ W40 of tbo taia, B 8800 «,d C f«w. flad oaeb ponoa'o ttoak. A'i Jtoekoara. 840 poraio.,B'., 8861, aad C, 8881. Hoaoo. ^ *^ iwj *** ***• "^^^i •*•• ^•- A, 8860; B, 81800; C, 8640. « *?*v^* J **?*."*• *»P o* • Pl<»<»* wMi in. oboTo tbo wator bat fo«ed bytb. wiad tbo plant loaa«l oTor aad wm «,ba..r.«l T. «totMooof8ft.flromjrbofolt«toodoroot. Plad tbo doptb of tbo 67* tar^" •' '^•P«»+9)*-8e-«(Moa.uro of doptb)-. Ajw. 144. A morebaat boagbt 600 lb. of logar and 80 lb. of too Tbo eort of tbo -ngor por lb. wm 16|« tbat of tbo tw. Ho .old S*o!f •Iw *T *' *** "^ **»• "W •* • ««^ o* 26* wd gUnod 84.26 on tbo wbolo tnuiMotion. find tbo .oiling priooo por lb • 146. A ailrojd train trarol. * of tbe dirtanoo at tbo rato of M mi. per br., tbo next I of tbo dirtanco at tbo rate of 36 mi. per hr. and tbo remaining distaaeo at th« rate of 40 mi. per br. Wbal iBtboaToragoratoinmi. perbr.f rA?fliyy^ !? ^J^- •"* •^b ■••Won 1 ml., It wiU iwralro G^A+A) of an br. to mn 8 mi. ; 3Hp(A+A+A)" Sm.^SS! ImTl ^ *^ ^t -^ oii* •• lb. wl. to " m 1 tni • 14S. A MMibw of m«i Md wooMa Mra«4 Mft im t^h bu f^Miff ^.M. ud mA #Mwi $1.80. Hikl tb«» b«U • ■•» ■« M 7 Bon froMM th« wliol* maber of womob wo«ld haim •«|d ttj «m. « IM wbolo .«b.r of ««i. IS^CmS Wllh tho addltioMa Bwnbor of am nd womb tho tatel «i«. owMd irwdd bo $117. Tho moof'om hall pfiJJrjKirlSf 14». A dlteh hM to bo miido S60 ft. loBff, 10 ft. wido ol thotoD boiBff 4ft . Find tho uabor of e. jd. to bo ozoorotod. By dnwiof o diagrui of a eraoowetion, itwUl botoon thMtbo dopthwttl bo H ft. ; No. of 0. yd»(8eox *-^X»)4.a7-»0W. ISO. AdooIorboiiffhtlOOoiiiiMloforflOO: eolToo««Si,luBboA Jli, and tnrkoyt® fi. How maay animal* won tltoio of oadiUadf li 2i 2:0 0:1 1 lamb and ItariMyaToragotlMoh. Robm' i ealto^ 1 Iamb iad T toAo^;*^??! •JJ*' Bono*, at 100 anlmalt aw MoSwd! 20 oaltwi, 10 lambs and 70 tarkoys w3l Xi tt!« aTorago. ' •' • ^2^r lolutloa. ao 17 calToa, 1« lamhi and 97 t«r}Ety> maybf 6:1 K k PAIirV. A Itl tr lU n m m U B « ? t A«» 110 AMITOMBTIO. •SSS rt74T mSiirl ,^'mmm rt tlllli74« MI19HM U4171M fu mm oomioo ttjiraoM mnmm •ninaasiTSiiof-SnS £12!!! »'»r4M 7'4anS '"*™' S-S!!i! riaim 714Tlirej»OT5m7 aasmr' SS4«i»:MMn 7-seo74i 7*soaMi ifiSflStlS-S^K 7-5US71 — pww« Taum ■■■"■"■ rawttt — -«^7'fi9nii 7una7-MiM 4' *-, 471 471 474 47S 4n 477 478 479 4n 4fl Mngnn.-aami lUaMONfiSS iinMmu'tQrm rmm 7 7- 7- 7* 7- ■qVABIS, OtTBU, AMD MOOTC. tu n H ■ N H n H M ■ M il m ABftlMmo. '^^^^ m^s^^m au - ^wwj^fw ffi m i i ii »#i jn ft .- i^. .^ »f - K • ( i % • i ■■_ ^ I • ■■■ I*i- ' ;u. >, -,. - 8 "^^ , i • 8 « . Y^ S t 13 — »~ *■ iS IM 7-^ 0- •■ a :u. 1 M *-^ ! ^ Ml 8 IIM » UTl ■»>"•'< . - , ^ ^ , > m i ' 2" " ; MM Ml ( -^ • .' ae^ag^WK"*— sj^?^ '■"':■, .,...„.. ^