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Maps, platee, charts, stc, may be filmed at different reduction retioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included In one expoaura are filmed beginning in the upper left hand comer, left to right end top to bottom, aa many framea aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent itre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diff4rents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour 4tra reproduit en un seul clichA. 11 eat film* A paitir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'imeges n^cessaira. Las diagrammas suivants illustrent la m^thoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 8 6 ( t c ( ( t 1 n g ii n C( bi t\ P i.( al 1 1 ^.■- C-J [Reprint from Canadiana, May, 1890.] THE ITINERARY OF JACQ UES CARTIER'S FIRST VOYAGE. By Mr. W. F. Ganong, Cambridge, Maes. There have lately appeared two admirable works on the life and voyages of Jacques Cartier, the one by Dr. N. B. Dionne at Quebec, (1889) and the other by Mr. Joseph Pope, at Ottawa (1890). These, as is well known to the readers of Canadiana, were the best essays in French and English respectively, which were presented in competition for the prizes on this subject so liberally offered by the Honorable M. A. E. Angers, Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec. The object of the present note is to call attention to a state- ment in the former, which is, to say the least, inaccurate. After mentioning some errors in earlier interpretations of Cartier's First Voyage, Dr. Dionne, on p. 227, goes on to say :— " On the 25th May, 1887, Mr.W. F. Ganong, A.M., of Cambridge, Mass., communicated to the Eoyal Society of Canada, a very elaborate study on the route followed by Cartier. The opinion which he expresses on this subject was shared before by other Canadian historians, such as MM. les abb^s Laverdidre and Casgrain." This implies that the interpretation of the course given by me in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada for 1887, was not new, something which is a surprise to me. I would greatl}'^ regret if I have done an injustice to my predecessors in this field, by assuming, and freely stating, as I have, that my interpretation of the course is different from any pre- ceding one. But before I need acknowledge that I have been thus unjust, 1 must know further Dr. Dionne's au- thority for his statement. Ke of course refers to those parts of the route in which the narrative is most obscure, i.e., about Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick, and about Anticosti ; for as to all other parts of the coui'so there m has been a substantial agreement, except as to minor points, among all who have written on the subject. Now my most careful search has failed to reveal to me anything that M. I'abb^ Casgrain has written on this subject, nor does Dr. Dionne in his work, mention any such. To what work of his then does Dr. Dionne refer ? The only publi- cation of M. I'abb^ Laverdidre which is concerned with this subject of the first voyage, that I can discover, is his tra- cing of the course on M. Genest's Historical Map of Canada of 1875. But that differs entirely from mine, sending him direct from the Magdalenes to Miramichi Bay, and from Gasp^ up the St. Lawrence, a view directly opposed in both cases to those expressed in my memoir, and now held both by Dr. Dionne and Mr. Pope. One or two historians indeed had previously held our view, that Cartier went to the east around Anticosti, but no writer had held that he visited Prince Edward Island. It is obviously unfair then, to say that my interpretation of *he couree had been previously held by others. If held by others, it was unpublished, and it should have been so stated by Dr. Dionne. Indeed, I do not hesitate to make unequivocally the statement, that prior to the appearance of my paper in 1 888, (in Trans. Royal Soc. of Canada for 1887), there never appeared in print an interpr'^tation of Cartier's course which was like mine in that important part of the course in which, the narratives are most obscure, i.e. in the region about Prince Edward Island. There are some other points also, in which my interpretation differs from any previously published. I fear that Dr. Dionne's admiration for the work of his learned French brethren has led him to give rather too much credit to them, and rather too little to his English co-worker. On the other hand, it is a source of satisfaction to me, that both Dr. Dionne and Mr. Joseph Pope, in their respec- tive works, interpret the course almost exactly as I do throughout. Dr. Dionne's interpretation indeed agreeing 8 almost absolutely and Mi*. Pope's diflfering only in minoi* points. This agreement of Dr. Dionne and Mr. Pope in my views is one of the best proofs I have of their substantial correctness. I have the best of reasons for believing, how- ever, that Mr. Pope had worked out, before the appearance of my paper, an interpretation very similar to mine, and in at least one of the points in which he differs from me, i.e. as to a part of the course on the west coast of New- foundland, his view is clearly nearer the truth than mine. Dr. Dionne does not appear to have read my paper with care, for on page 231 of his work, he misquotes a statement of mine, and then proceeds to give, as if it were his own discovery, the reason why Cartier went to the east around Anticosti, instead of up the St. Lawrence, whereas this is all stated in the plainest English on the same page of my paper. However, these matters can safely be left to the judgment of future historians.