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Tous les autres exemplaires origlnaux sont filmto en commenpant par la premlAre page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'iilustration et en terminant par la dernlAre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des oymboles sulvants apparaltra sur la dernlAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols — ► signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuveht Atre filmAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour fttre r«prodult en un »eul cliche, 11 est filmi d partir de I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche A droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes sulvants illustrerit la mAthode. 1 2 3 4 5 6 34 /] / PROGRESSIVE SCHOOL SERIES School-Day Melodies I ll *«» (IN TWO PARTS) W BV ADA F. RYAN, G. T. S. C. PA AT I Grades IV, V, and VI HALIFAX, N. S. T. C. ALLEN & COMFY n^^ 5113B *t Entered according to Act of the Parliament of Canada, in the year 1898, by T. C. Allen & Compawy, in the Department of Agr cu.ture. (Copyright Branch.) PREFACE, PAET I. A brief inspection of the plan of study embodied in "School- Day Melodies" will show that the work has been prepared, as its name would suggest, with a view especially to the require- niMits of the schoolroom. Childhood declares itself the realm ol' gladness and song, just as surely as the dawn of a summer diy calls up the voices of the birds. It is during early life, wh:^n the young mind is so keenly sensitive to new impressions, tiiat we find presented to us our best opportunities for implant- inir the germ of retined thought and cultivated taste. This is the time in which we may begin to develop a real appreciation of music ( not noiae ) , — and, by habitual care and watchful- ness, we may interweave with the first simple melodies of our little ones, a valuable lesson in vocal hygiene, — the habit of singing gently w^jWe the voice is young. Children below the Fourth Grade should always sing softly; those beyond that grade should avoid singing forte in all exercises, rounds, etc. ; and in using the songs, they should observe faithfully the dynamic marks which have been inserted in " School Day Melodies" in accordance with the recognized principles of musi- cal expression. The opening exercises of each grade are suitable for time studies "on one tone," as well as for practice in sight reading. Additional Time Exercises, written on one tone, are to be found at the end of each book. Every grade contains matter in harmony with the regulations of the Provincial Course of Study. The original tuning exercises, rounds, etc., have been t'Xi)ressly prepared to facilitate the work of the teacher. Very detailed explanation as to method in teaching is set forth in " rhe Song-Teacher's Guide" essentially a teachers' manual — which is at the same time a companion volume to School Day M"l()dies and the key to its most intelligent and successful interpretation. sc (! 2. Ki. d s 3. Kk ,f .. 4. Ke r ■■ SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. GRADE IV. EXERCISES. 3. Ki:v A. d :d .d Is, :f n • Pii :r s, :d :t, r :— d :- 2. Kkv C. d :d .d In (! s In .mis :r :d' s :f n :— :l .t Id' :— 3. Kkv F. d :d .r I n (I (If .n :r In 4. Kkv E. Jd :r :n.f|s 1 :s :f :d Is :d .r Id :1 :t, :n :d If :f 2 ) II ) II s :— d :- s — :n ) n :n.r:d Ir in :i Id :— : — ( I 6. Key (;. /:s |n Id /:s.f|in : — SCIIOOI DAY MKLODMS. :r |n : :n U : r :- : Id : :f In h • ) 6. Key a. d 5t| Jl| (:8, (:t, |1, : 7. Key (i. d :d .n I s s, :d :in :r in :r :t, d :— d :— (I :s .f In :d :d :t, :t, 1, :r d :— TWO PARTS. i 1, Key C. n :f :s d :r :n y| 1 :t :d' 2. Key (1. B :— n : — d' :t :1 n :s :f t :d' :r' s :s :s s :— n :d :f :r n :— d — :n ' d' :- d :- 3. i^ 4. 1^ ('' ^ n /n ^ d ^ i: :s :t, 1 f 1. :n s n 1* :n :d :t, :8i r d n, 1. K \ Out (' ' sleij C ! clea 2. K (' \ Mer {' \ Hov (' \ swe ) :r SCHOOL-DAY MKI-OOIKS. 3. Kkv E. n :& d d' n :t, :s f :s PI :d' t : 1, :s, d :pi r : f :m r :s d : d t, d : 3 ) 4. Kkv C. d' :t :l PI PI d :s :pi :1 :f s PI s PI :pi f :d t, :d' t :pi B :pi :d :t :f r t, d' n 1, Kev I). (T/ro-par/.) s :s 1 :s 1 Out lip - on the 1 f :s f • • sleii^h - bells rini;; - PI :s f :- - PI clear and 1)1 rij^ht, Chri ROUNDS. d' :t frost - y 1 :- night, S Hear PI liiy:; :pi \ the / PI :pi If :pi V with their | voi - ces / PI :d 1 1, :t, Christmas car - ols r : — sinj; d : inir. 2. Kkv C. {Two part. ) d :pi Is :d' Mer - ry, mer - ry 1 :s If :f How -vve love thy f :f jPi :- sweet and fair, t :1 month of * Is :- May, PI rtow Is :- ers, f :pi |r :t, In the Avood-land PI :d Ir :n Smil -ing ev - er d^—Jjn :— bow - ers. ) ) s(;n(H)r.-i)AY melodiks. 3. Kkv F. (Tiho P'li't.) ( IS, S :s Is For all the bless :r d :d Id We praise our Fa * inj?s :t tiler's n of :n In \ His love, / d :- I name. OH, BROAD LAND, OH. PAIR LAND. kkv r.t?. S| • • Im, :s, d : :s, \ 1. Oh, mf 2. We ?>//■ ;j" For broad hon free - land, or dom. oh, and for fair praise knowl land, tliee, edge. Vl. Oh, brouil land, oh, fair land. / (:d r :r Id :r n :— birth ; heaven ; 1- \ Oh, laiul that uave ns Oil, realm en riclied by A like to jireat and small ; birth; / \ Oh, land that j?ave us /:n f :- - In :r m • • mf Oh, near land, oh. dear We love tliee. we bless For care and pro tec - V Oh, near land, oh, dear Ir \ land, thee, tion, land, / ;rH<)OL-l)AV MKLODIKS. /:d r :r Id :t, d Our liome of al< the earth. For price - lesM bless - in clock, [ii hear the clock. Bn hear the clock. A I r :d Id : m ;s I s :s s :s 1 1 :s \ tlie inor;i-iiiir of all it-* ways prompt ami :in I m :m | n :m | f :m / hri irlit 'iiul nid - dy, ti - iiy vol - ces, n! - ways read -y. s / \ :f - iiiu f :f Call - iiiu us to No one more the Al - Avays bus - y, r :r |r :r f :f Is :f cheer- fill stud - y, h'.'art re - joic - e>, al - ways stead -y. r :r I n :r n :n i m :n \ Im til » evening — Than tins hlitlnaud M;iy \\(! 1 'aril to d :d Id :d ^ / m :n f If /Ts school hours Hown wel - come lay, i)e as true ;d II, :- p r :r 1 r :r m :r Id : Soft-ly whis-pvr, •Tick, tock, tick. y:o As tlie clock fMir "Now sro out and work to hoiiK I)hiv. do." t, It, t. Id SCHOOL-DAY MKL()I)Ii:s. COMES THE RAIN. hark , Imrk, hark, / Key C. n :f 1. Comes the 2. Unsh - injj d :r is rain l).v, In d' Do^vn Fierce m :t ii winds :r Id' lil-li''. siuli. m 1 :s \ rnd - dy, voi - ces, read - y, f :« / H^ar On 8 :1 It their :f is on Avings in :f the the :r n rain :r (low drops :t, In :- \ |)1U('; Id :- J m :in \ I'veninji — Itlitli >and 1 'ar".i to d :d / p f .f :f .f in :rn Hear it pat-ter sad - ly. Hear them pat-ter sad - ly, r .r :r .r Id :d 1 .1 :1 .1 I s :s Hear it p-M-tr mud - ly H'arthi'mptitr 'r in-'d - I\ f .f :f .f in :m ff IlOUM'.'' plav." do. d' .d' :d' .d'ir' it Hearit on tl\ ; Avin - dow H'-mrtliemfly-insr swift - ly. n .n :n .n i f :« d' pane. I)y. n I- s SCHOOL-DA Y MKLODIES. STILL LIKE DEW. Key V. mp :d PI • n • s :m 1. StilHikedew 2. Day and night in the si-lonce fttU spell hangs o'er - in^,, me, d .d :d :s, d .d :m :d B. C. Unsrld. r .r :r .r :d .r\ Dropsfor thee the nigh t-ly Here for-ev - er fixed thoa X|aL|«b|«X|a(l •w|/ s, Clin sr bird tear, art; d :- PI .PI :pi :d still that voice the As thy form first d .d :d :s, pt .PI :s :pi past re - call - ing, shone be -fore me, d .d :pi :d ^l/ J roatr rv / .r :r .r :pi .r Dwells lil^e ech - o So 'tis grav - en ti . ti on on iny this • ti • t| .ti . X| ear, heart, PP r : — still, Deep, \ t, :- s :— still, deep, t, :- PI Htill. deep. d Used by per. the moLow cfe Main Co., owner of Copyrig)it. r bird falls. foot NOW THE EVENING FALLS. Key W. CANON . Hkkthovkn. / mf ^^ PI :r Id :t, NoAV the eve - nlng mf : 1 : \ mf 1, :— I- :t,.d falls. The 1, :8, If, :pi, Now the eve - ning r :d It, :1, \ bird of twi - light — >w/ r, :— I— :M, fallH, The / ni •V 'n SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. Unskld. .r :d .r\ eethf night-ly - er fixed thoa • tild .t,/ S| • I I l|.t| (Mils Our s, :f, In, :r, bird of twi - liirht d :t, II, :- Toot - .steps home, u, • calls I— :r,.m. Our — :l, Ir :d \ No long-er f, :n, Ir, : — foot -steps home, ^ :n 11 - ing, re me, :d t, :- I roam, mf :d.r For • r, I S| J f I No long - I'r | roain, n :r Id :t, now tlie m. eve - nmm('T lift ns fron t, :d :r d' :t :1 hnii<^ our l)riu;lit flark - ness the vis - Ions of n :s :f f :n :r spair tho' the diy is thf )v.\ - sruish and r :d :t, s :f :n harps on til" lij;ht ii\ - ter - v- 1 lmn!> our brit^tat Tfkxm diirk-nesH the vis - ions of m :8 :f s :f :in harpson tli" llirht In - t T- grran-diMirand m :r :d r : wil Inc bean t • • n :n :f \ clouds inav look dark -est they sor - row and d :d :r / 1 :- :- ^ wil lac beau f :- :- / n : — lows. es. ty. d :- II :d' 4. K / 1 s, 6. Ki d rxfvll^per. Tie liiOLow A Main Co., owner of t'o|iyrlnlit. 1(1 SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. 11 :t \ ord shall r what "k . cret :f / III ) n :- lows. e». ty. d :- GRADE V EXERCISES. :- :- \ .-.■J :in :f \ ids may look k - ','st they - roAv aiul :d :r / :- :-^^( 1. Key a. Is, 1, Id s, d .d ! ;m Id :- 2, Kky (i S, {''" I PI 3. Kky I). S — n in 8 4. Kky V /Is, : s,:d.d| m 5. Kky ( (I n .r I d m PI s, PI .8 :f d :- If Id 8 PI |8 Id PI s.Pird |d,t,:l,.t,:d PI f .PI I r 8 8 ;— d :- ) ) i 11 •1 ! pi i' 12 6. Key G. SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. 3. K / :s. :n . r :n .fin 't. :- .r Id :r Id 7. Key C. " 't at /:d' :r' :t :s s :f m 1 .8 :1 .t Id' :— I — ROUNDS. 1. Key 1). (Three pari.) id" (I (I (I (I d' :- It Come, let m : sor r : ilap Is row, Id pi - d :d Id lin - ger near, 2. Key C. (77m i :d r \ O lal - :n I f Wh?:*'^ I in ( :d' Con t II :1 Is :- us I sing to - day, f :- I Ban m :r isli all I ;i/ n :— 1 8 :s I f :f In :— ness From d : l)or mu - sic'sl aren - tie I gei n spell, 2. K s In row, S| •~'«S||8| •8| Glad - dening the d :- Joy d :- mor Ir that Will / Id :- row. id (I 'c pari.) n rles f :8 bright, I n pray :r you n tell 8 the 8 :8 cealed be 1 for f neath est :n your d' :t glade you 8 mag :8 ic d' dwell d spell. ) ,) 3. K n ii SrHO()I,-l).\Y MKLODIKS. 15 Id I- 3. Key F. (^ our part.) >K s :& • 1 s : — :f n :n :f Up and a - way. And do not d * - d :d :d s, :- :s, d • • • • oir for a hoi i (In- m In. :r vv :«'r.' / In :r ish all In : — spell, I |r :r that will / 1. Kkv 1). PI :s (I Id :pi 2. Kkv K. id' ;" ; Id :- row. tell / ,) d' dwell d spell. (I 3. Kkv V S TUNING EXERCISES. s m s n Id Id' Im Is :f :r :l d :r m s M .8 t S d s n n' :l :f :r s :d' :t s :n :f f :- 'f s n d 'd d' m m It If Is Id' Im Id' ) :d ) 14 SCHOOL-UAY MELODIES. IP I WERE A SUNBEAM. I / \ / Key Bt?. •f mf l.If I mp 2. Steal - ing 3. If I p tempo. 4. And while sad V r :d knoM- what soft - est Is :l. were a in a were a hearts looked II, :d I would light rd know where I would there would shine and S sun - niong sun - up - S| do. shed, shine. beam, them, beam, ward, - I :d I The I I :m I'd Un - P la - UiT \ \ I ;, / V / r :d seek the til each to the til \ they It, :l, S| whit - est 111 grace - ful lil low - liest hov thought of hea\ '"" • 1| I M| ies, - y els en, 1, :l, It, :t. d : rain y - ness wood - lands through. _____.. .- glad raistMl its head. dark with want and woe. own sweet home and iidne. With rit. All m The / Their /^ There I- :- »:l. That A mp That The SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. 15 I'M GLAD I AM A FARMER. :d I The I I \ J Key a. ':s, ftif 1. I'm cre.<». 2. I'm / 3.0 P 4. How B, glad glad hap peace • 8, Is, I am I am py is ful-ly • S| :i a a n farm farm the farm round Id er, er, er, him, / :n I'd Un P III Un :d The His For Soft r :d stur - dy heart is when the sleep her It, :d plough to al - ways day is cur - tain r wield, gay, o'er, throws. - I- With rit. All / Their reap mer :n and ri eve - ning noth - ing Ir bind ly :d the Ills shad - ows hal f so r rip song gath tran :d ened rings er (juil 11, grain \ out round as / ll S| :d That waves in A mid the mp That he may The la - i)or In yon new work er's :r der mown no re d field, hay. more, pose. - If i: ; • I h !! ! ! 1- '.iS ■ t 1 i i:|| Ij 10 SCHU< U.DAY Mlil.(>J)lES. SAIL ON, THOU SHIP OB^ STATE. ( Kf.y 1). :s ./■ 1. Sail 2. Fear on. not [ ( :s Hu 'Tis :t .1 Is :1 f :s sail on, thon ship of t^ach sutl di'n sound and - .f S :d If :n r :- • n i d \ Sail on. Un - ion stronj; and sreat, Tis of the wave and not . the rock, / d' :t^ .1 Is :l man - i - ty Avith but the flap - plug f :s all its of the In \ fears | sail, ^ Fine. i i 1 /:- .f S :d If :m r Is hani; - ini? hr'iatli - l','SS on 1 i \ Tis Iv.it a r 'lit UlMd? »>.v .n I d thy fate, the gale. SCHOOL-DAY MELODIFS. 17 In \ State, I i shock, / :s dim. d' :l •t :8 d' :t .1 It ^ We / know what Mas - ter laiil thy keel, 1 In spite of rock and ten) - pest's roar, J .n i d and great, the rock. d' work spite t^^' I r' :d^^ man wrought thy of false lights 1 ribs ou :- .t Is t Is \ of steel, I the shore, ^ IB Who cres. Sail d' :l • It :s made each mast, and on, nor fear to d' :t .1 It sail, and rope breast the sea ! Fi NE. 1 .n 1 d \ r:s d' :t .d'lr' :d'.t 1 thy fate. 1 What an vils rajig, what ham the gale. / W^ Our hearts, our hope are all DC. .t Is niers beat, with thee. 1 18 SCH<)Or.-l)AY MKLODIES. IP A BODY FIND A LESSON. ( Key CI. s, • • • S| 1 S| • PI • vip 1. If a b(Ml-y mf 2.1f a bod-y r :- .d I r .n : fhuls a les - sou scans liis les - son ' II i S| • S| • 11, • • .8, d Rather hard and dry. With a steait - y eye. I- (I s, u All • cSilS alt •* no - bod - y its Ijard-ness r : - . d I i , n : — comes to show him, lie will con - (iner, — li 8, • • • S| 1 i| • S| • d Need a bod-y cry ? Con - quer l>y and by; I - SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. 19 1 s :- .n I d .n : If lie'H lit - tic Then how neat-ly r :- .d I r •« : time to study, he'll re - cite it. ) I s :- • m 1 d • • • S 1 Should he stop and sla;h? Face not all a - wrv ! I- s • • .n If • - .r rit. mf fl :- .d ir •« : Ere Ne'er he says, a - <;aiu h "'ll can say. not get It," rit. f "I can- not! ) s, :- .8,11, • • .8, d tt'Tiipn. mp Oujfht lu' ;mt to try? tempo. But will jjo and try. i i I I 111 I! W m 20 SCHOOL DAY MELODIES. THE HARP THAT ONCE. ( Key w. :d s • • .1 Is :n I. The liiirp that once thro' nip 2. No more to chiefs and I As \ Its Ta la ra's hall dies bright / : y S :n Ir soul of harp of mil TaT J- .n sic ra d :- slied, swells, :s d' : - .t Id' :r' d' :t 11 \ r 1 And Now han<;s as mute on Ta - ra's wall 1 The chord a - lone that croaks at iiiu;ht / A Is 1 IS Id' :n S if that soul were; tl'd; tale of ru ill t'.'Us ; - I SCHOOL DAY MELODIES. 21 t j^d ra's hall dies bright / d' :- .t Id' :n^.r' sleeps the pride of doni now so d' :t 11 for - nier (lays, sel doiu wakes, 1 :s If :n 1 glo - ry's thrill is o'er, on - ly throb she gives - I ) :t d' :- hearts when .t 11 that once some heart :• beat in 1 /TV :- .t Id And high for praise Is dig nant breaks \ :l p Now / To 8 :in I r feel that pulse show that still .n no sue more, lives. '*:. I jilP;- 1,1 : ! I ! 22 BcH'^oh PAY MKLODIKS. STILLY NIGHT. Kky C. / dolce. \ s • • .1 :s m • • :i>i p 1. Lo; oit the sil - - ver P 2. Mel - o - dies hr 'athe a P A. Here lip - on earth I m • .f :n d • :d \ s • • .1 :s m mir - - ror 'd deep, round and die feel tlie spell m • • .f :m d r' :r' •r^t\ On earth and On the calm Sooth -ini; inv :f :f / t • • :t d' • • :d'.s s • • :s >| her ni\ l)OS - oined lakes, And bos - oni of the sea, While spir - - n as of yore, Willie f :s :f n • • :n m • • :n / / • M. wheri' from the til" d"r - .t :1 SI (llll \V1 ll'llt et liKlit S s nv snni mem 1 :s \ ers mer 'riea m - .f :n / PI SCHOOL-DAY MELODIliS. 23 :n ver a - I :d \ / n sweep, sky . dwell d : :in . A , Wlier(^ :d 1 :1 :1 From the mes tones f :f ttiiii sage of II :- .t :1 \ cloud ... la, r breathes . . of sor - - row 1 :- .8 :f / :r'.t\ irth tiiid le calm g my :f / s • _ • .1 :s light rn : iiio•; j.i> GRADE VI. Key a. S, I d EXERCISES. :d .r In : .mis :m .d I r ) • r Id :t, .1, I s :m : .d Id , Key E. d :n :f Is :n Id' :t :d' I s :— : s :fe :f In :r :d |t, :— :r Id :— : Key G. d. :d.d|m :d I s :-.f|tn : r. :d. I d :-.til d : — . Key 1). d :m If :fe s :d' It '- ) d' . : .d' Is :m .d In :r Id ' i HI (■■( i ! 26 5, Key C. d SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. 8 S - in - II 1 Is In { 6. Ki V 1). :s Id' :s /:d .m I 7. Kkv k. m — 8 m :r :d' It .1 :s .d |f :f In — Id' :ta II :n Ir s .f |r :n Id 1 :ta 1 1 s :fe :r :s :d .n is :d' |ta :l is :t 8. K«-v ('. d' (i s II :8 Id' :ta |1 : :fe Is :d :r .n Id : SCHOOL-DAY MKLODIES. 27- Key G. (Four-parl.) s :s :s Is :— O • ver the sea Q •L\ all |S| all •l)| sing - ing we sport on ROUNDS. :f * n In :in jm : we mer - ri - ly glide, :t, d :- • • Is : the bil - h)\v. A.id f Key S Soft C. (T • ___ • hree pari.) Id' ly • _ • t now :1 goo :n |:d' v : 1 :d m :f m f :in 11 :s J 1 r. /'I s - I- t, Id f Im s n s s m f :f Im d :s, Id 1, :t, Id :n \ / 1 :d If :m 11 :s Im J — Id I — Id J — S("H()()I.-I)AY ^iKLODIKS. COME, SOFT AND LOVELY EVENING. Kky 1). :s mil I . I'liiiii', lar L'. Sec /' :',. All /' l.Swc'el :in :s spread A Ex - So :n :s We See And Thou :d' Thy Ex - A - mf With in s : soft wln'i'e iia eve m : :m o cr rich cept tran r :d :n Id' :t • :1 aiul love - ly the clouds arc turc noAv is ninir, tlioii art :d If :- :f : f I r_^>n : f the jrrass - y and .ijold - en the pass - injr (Hiil, mild. and :r It, :d :r s ;'Ve weav si AVitll n : I m : Jiiiiir. iiiLj lent;, ns. Id : ?:> — \ -I s love how birds dost m : r' : si tends :n |d< :t :l the peace fnl the dark end their night sonii our thank fnl :d If :- :f inonjr hum * • X • — :r' It :l :t lent com inj? a - long the the dew y ble prais es — :fe 1 s : — :f s :— titlds; chain ; breeze, still ; n : — s :— feel shad war l)OS n ; — d' yields, plain, trees, fill. m : — I \ - I - Id' :- inir ow blintr, oms — In : — • I • / \ / :- I- : I' :' i J 30 Key A1?. SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. EVENING HYMN. / m :s Ir :- .n f .n :r In mf l.Chil - dren, of the heaven - ly Kin-, / 2. We are trav 'liiifj liome to God, P 3. Lord, o be dient- ly we j;o, 1 d :d It, :- .d r .d :t, Id — \ / V / m :s jr :-.n As we jonr - ney In the way our f :r Id : — let us sing, fa - th-rs trod; I Glad-ly leav - ins? all be - low; d :d It, :-.d r :t, Id : — t, 11, I Sj • r :n.r|d :r.d\ Sinu: <)"i* Sav - iour's Tiiey are bap - py mf On - ly Thon our t, :d.t,|l, :t,.r7 wor - tiiy i)raise, now, and Ave lead-t-r be. n :s |r :-.n Kev 1). Con spit'ifo. /I m . s : s . f Glo - rious \'\ His Sooti tlisir Imp - pi- And we still wil! d :d It, :-.d MARCH AWAY. f :r Id :- worlvsand ways, uess .shall see. fol - low Thee. r :t, Id :— jl. March ii- way 2. 0.1' W" iio. (I (I m .s :s .s .\ll our les'-^'in^ Round and round I lie m .s :s . niarci» a - ^vay, o.t' Wf iro, m .8 :s now !M' ' pist. pole we swiny;, d' .,d' :d' .t It .1 :1 Oh. 'tis nic'^eadj sm-ny div. 1 .s :f .m To ih^ i)l;ivL'rMi'>v «'ir .loin-iiiir I' tk ■ | nc - tivo rac -, ! Sw'ii w n i fnm f .f :f \\ I '!ul tho way ; || pi 'asiirc show ; / f .f :f not loo fast, lan^hin^r rinj;. f .m :m selves in play; jilajLje to place; SCnoOI.-DAY MIH.OIUKS. 31 ( d' .,d' ;d' .t We'll no an - j(r' 'Tls the time t'oi t .1 :1 .1 l()<)k.st)"-lr:iy,iiiit sport and play, So iiit'irily, m 'iTily imTrily, merrily r' .,d' :d' march a -way. march a -way. MORNING HYMN. /:d mf l.Now P 2. No mf 3. And mf 4. And Key E. m \ :d :r that the sin - fill while the grant that d :t, m :1 sun is word, nor hours in to Thine d :d s :f beam - ir deed or - hon t, From the German. n :1 ^ of der or, l)rijjfht, Im - wronjj;. Nor rtow, Se Lord, Our d :d J / tho ^vny ; sure sliow ; V / s :f plore we tho'ts that cure - ly dai - ly t, :d.r \ 1 a on by at d :l ted our the Thy :r m :r bend - ing i - dly keep, O toil may d :t, s m :s low, That rove. But God, Our tend. That d :s 1 :t d' :t . _- . — — He, the un - ere - Sim - pie truth be h arts l)e - leag - nred we be - gin it fe :8 . f m :r :m light. May tongue. And foe That word, And t, :d r :r d as we KO. liearts be love ev - 'ry road p!i - vor end. d :t, d i<'-:; Hi ll:|i 32 Kky a. SCFIOOI.-DAY MKI,ni)IKS. MURMUR, GENTLE LYRE. d :— :d Id :t, :1| s, :— :— in, :— :— \ I / p 1. Mnr - r 2. Tliou-h PP 8. Huslu'd /' 4. Karth n, / V / s, :— Throujfli Min Gone Mea Plj I — r :— mnr. jjeti - tie the tones of tlie thoti - saml be - low is :in, I Ml j^s, :f, :s, Id :— :rn the lone - ly gle in thy the noon - day doAv, hill. and lV\\ I Pl| • — lB\ :r |r :— :n row ces I lyre, . sor voi sleep r :— :— I— : niurht; strain, jflare ! inir, :- :- Id, • - : \\ Let Yet Gen thv trem bling wire my heart tie spir can it An r jjel stars are :d It, :— :d strove ; S, • • I t| f :- :- |r \ r \ Wak Pleas Stir P Si t, :- :t. It, ;d en dear nre from the si lent Avatch • Si I 8| all de - the lent a :fe bor •■ row voi - ces keep - inj? r : — • It, : 8, : • • 1- : light. pain. air. l)ove. 8, : m;..(>Ol-i).» V AliJ.OUlES. 33 . _ Pnoinia. \| ml' s :— Miir :pi I s mnr, jr ii :d In :n :d - ) s :— :— In :— :— lyre, m :- Id PI jr :n I s :f :n Throusli tlie lone - ly d :t, :d In :r :d r :— :— I — nijjlit ; t, :— :-- I — V n :-- :n If :n :r d :- :- 1 1, • • Let d :-- thy treni • S| 1 1| • S| blinw ■\vire r r\\ • :- If, • • ■ • • • • • p Wiik n, — I S| I S| • i| • t| en dear de — :n, If, :— :f| I- t- light. Wi - :- I 34 SnUKI, I'AY MI.I.ODIES. GLIDING THROUGH THE MEADOW. / Kky E!?. mf & .d' :s .n I 1 .s : — I. lilitllil;! llil' • f. 1 • ui .u .\V, i. While it jiiiiiMcys o'l - \v;ird, A. I.o, the lit, - tl »" str ••mil 't. V m rn :n .d | f .m : — H. B. Adams. 1 .8 :f .rn I r : — ihtiifi i,ii o'.r III'! irreeii, i»!Hli hv rock's bi'- sot. 'DiiiH-ihiii^ 'ik- niniikiiul, f .n :r .d 1 1| :— / V r' .r' :t .8 I 1 .8 :- lliii'sthe Ml T-ry i)r >i'kl 't L-mpiiiu: vjnickiy o' t tti 'in, WlitMiat llrstit h-ib-l)l"S, t, .r :s .8 I fe. 8 :- t .1 :s .1 I 8 witli its sil - ver sheen; houiidiuiion-WiU'd yet; 'ti-i likeyouih'syoiiriginind ; r .d :t, .d 1 1 :f \ / / \ \ d' .d' :8 .m I 1 .8 : Day and niiflitiiii-c nis-iiiii;, .•\s its course^ruwssi'iortiT. As, the val - ley nish-iiiif, n •!*! In •d If .ii)** 1 .8 :f .m I r srtili its wa- ters flow, wii - ters slowly lUflide, ua - ters swi f tly flow, f .n :r .d 1 1, / V s ann sun-sl n ;f 'i!;:i: r' .d' :t .1 1 8 .f :n .f H'lrryiMi; (iiru',!4/ \ / \ SCHOOL-DAI MELODIES. 35 \ P /:pi .f Glldins: V:d .r s swift Id' ly :t .d' thro' the Glid-ing swiftly thro' the meadow, glld-hig n • m : n . m I PI • m : s • s r' :— II :t.l\ mead - ow, Dancing swiftly thro' the meadow.Dancing f .f :f .f If .f :f .f / / / v t :— If :1 .8 gai - - ly o'er its gai - ly o'er the pel) - l»les, (lancing s .8 :s .sir .r :f .f s :— In :n .f pel) - - bU'H, In the gal-ly o'er the pel)-bles,In the m .n In .PI I d .d :d .r :f / V 8 :t .d' r' : - I d' ann - - shine hu'I th sun-shine and the shad-ow. In the PI .PI :m .PI I PI .PI :s .8 p :- II :1 .t \ shad - - ow. Hear the sunshine and the sluidow. Hear the f .f :f .f If .f :f .8 J Id' fro. tide. goeH. IPI / \ d' .d' :t .lis :t ninr-nuir of Ihe hrook's sweet mur -mm-, hear the iniir inur (»f tlie 1 .1 :s .f |pi .PI :r .r d' : 1- • * soM'j;. brook's sweet song. m :f IPI • 36 SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. i '< ADDITIONAL TIME EXERCISES. GRADE ly. 1. (1^ 2. (|d : :d Id .d :d Id :d Id .d :d .d Id :d \ d .d :d .d id : — :d.d|d : :d jd :- :d Id :d :d \ d :d.d:d.d|d : : |d :— :d |d :— : 3. 4. :d d .d :d .d Id :d .d |d :d .d Id .d :d (I (I :d Id :d.d:d :d Id :- :d d :d.d:d Id : :d |d.d:d :d Id :- :- 5. ( 6. { :d 7. (I 1 8. 9. 10. SES. :d d :d - :d SCHOOL-DAY MKI.ODIES. 37 5. d d Id Id 2d .did :d Id d .d :d .d Id 6. 7. d :d :d.dld :d :- |d :- :d |d :- ) d.d:d.d:d.d|d :- :d Id :d :d.d|d :- 1 :1 II .1 :1 :1 .1 II .1 :1 1 .1 :1 .1 II 1 :- II .1 :1 .__ :i 11 :i.l:l 11 :- :1 |l :- ) (I 8. (:l |i (:l.l|l :l :1.1H :- :l |1 :1 •- \^ ''^ 9. ) II /|1 :- :1 II :l :l |1 •- '^'^^^ '•' m.l:l :l II ••- ••! ll.l:l-l-.l-lll -^ '' :l I- :- :l :1 10. 1 1 :- II :1 II :l .1 11 :1 .1 jl 38 SCHOOL-DAY MELODIES. M m 3, Id 4. GRADE Y. :d .d Id :d d :- .d Id :d .d 1. 2. (:d |d :— :d |d :-.d:d |d.d:d :- Id :- \ Id :d Id .d :d |d :— (:d I d :d.d:d.d|d :d Id :-.d:d id : (:d I (:d I :d .d |d :- .d Id :d d .d :d Id .d :d ^Id :— :d.djd :— :d |d.d:d :d Id :— :- \ (|d :d :d.d|d :-.d:d Id :d.d:d Id :d :- SCHOOL DAY iMELODlliS. 39 :d .d '-) '-) 5. (i (I d .d :d .d Id :d d :— Id :d d .d :d Id :- .d Id :- .d Id :— 6. :d Id (:d I :d Id :d.d:d |d :-.d:d Id :d |d.d:d :d Id :d.d:d |d :-.d:d.did :d (:d I 7. 1 1 :- .1 II II :l 1 :1 .1 II :- |l .1 :l II :- ) II 8. /li :l :l.l|l :-.l:l 11 :1 :-.ljl :- :1 /|l.l:l :l 11.1:1 :1 11 :— :l.l|l :- :- 9. (:l 11 :1 .1 II :- .1 11 : I 1 .1 : II .1 : 11 :- .1 II II ) {'-' I 10. /:l 11 :— :1.1|1 :- :1 11.1:1.1:1.111 :- |:l 11 :— :1.1|1 :- :l.l|l.l:l :1 II :1 ) 40 SCH()(.I,-I)AY MELOIMES. GRADE yi. 1. :d Id :- .d id :d Id Id (' d .d :d Id : .d Id :d .d Id 2. (I d :d.d:d Id :d : .did :-.d:d Id :— |d :- :d ) ^|d.d:d :d Id : .d:d Id :-~ :d.d|d :— :— 3. (I d :d Id d .d :d I- :d 1 (I d :d .d Id .d :d |d Id 4. (I' .d Id d :d .d Id ) (I d .d :d f! Id :d SCHOOL-DAY MELODIKS. 41 Id - :d ;d ) 5. 6. 7. :d Id :— Id : .d Id .d :d I : .did :- Id :d Id .d :d .d Id d :d :-.d|d.d:d :d Id :d.d:d Id :d : \ d.d:d : .d|d.d:d : .d|d.d:d.d:d.d| d :d :— :1 11 :l II : .1 11 .1 :1 11 : .1 11 :1 II :1 .1 11 .1 :l .1 II ) 8. :1 II :- :1 11 :1 :1. 111. 1:1 :1 11 : \ 1 : : II : : II : .1:1.111 :l 1) 9. 1 : .1 11 .1 :1 11 1 .1 :1 .1 II : .111 :1 ■ I 1 : .1 ) :1 .1 1 1 10. 1 :- :1 11.1:1 :1 11 :-.l:l 11 : :1 \ 1 : :1.1|1 : :1 11.1:1 :-.l| l :- :