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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mdthode. y errata 9d to nt ne pelure, i9on d 11 1 2 3 32X 1 2 3 4 5 6 4-: ■» < ® © ^Bf lit ^ '>■..> ■iU^5^/-' A] ^1 THE n MONTmmL DIRECTORl NEW EDITION, CORRECTED IN MAY AND JUNE, ISS-i ; CONTAINING, FIRST, An Alphabetieal Directory of the Citizeii! N'l / (iU \, 0733 l-onij^ '» iv .. I L_ i C\ z/;^-^ /m- NOTE. «v>.iw«^^^^vwws/-— «»v^^»^/^/^<^^»^* Owing to the prevailing sickness and other un- toward circumstances, the present edition of the DiRECTORT has been delayed some time beyond the period of its usual issue. It will be found, however, to be more full and complete than any former one ; and the Subscribers are presented (free) with a Map of the Islands of Montreal, Jesus, Bizard, and Perrot, shewing their new divisions into Counties, and also the lines of Eailroad and the site of the Victoria Bridge. v\- •Ji i-^ IV NEW STORE!-NEW QOODS!! M'DUNKOUGa MUIR & CO.. Silk Mercers and Hosiers^ General Importers of British and Foreign DRY GOODS &c., Mui?''s Buildings, No. 185 {Old Number 141) Notre Dame St., East End, near the French Cathedral, MONTREAL. M'D., M. 6c Co. have constantly on hand an exten- sive Assortment of— I'lench Ribbons Arlilicial Flowers Do. Fealhers I'urasols Suwed Muslin and [.--iery rrcncli Kid Gloves Riding Gauntlets Calieoes and Shirtings Priiitud Muslins Do. Barages Do. DeLaines Brocade 8ilks Irish Taliiiietts Moire Anlique=5 Crape. 8ulin and Broche .Shawls .Spun h'ilk Tariuns Wool Tartans Gents' Plaids Linens and Sheetings Flannels and Blankets Haiierdashery Mourning Goods in every variety Dress Buttons Gymps, Fringes dec. &c« &c. Also, Gents' Silk, Cotton, Merino and Lninb's Wool Shirts and Drawers. Ladies' Lamb's Wool and Merino Vests, Drawers and Under Dresses. Jioys' and Girls' do. do. Bonnets of the Latest Styles. Jiluck and Colored Visites and Mantles. Lace and Sewed Work ; and splendid Tartan Moire Antique Dresses of the different Clans., &c. &;c. M'D., M. & Co. would particularly call the atten- tion of Buyers to their Stock, which is entirely new, and selected by Mr. M'Dimnough, whose long ex- l>erience in the trade, in the establishment of Mr. Thomas Mussen, enables him to purchase the best (4oods in the Cheapest Markets, and which they will Sell at the Lowest Prices the market will admit of. N.B. — The Trice of Goods marked in Plain Fi- gures, from which no abatement can be made. — Shawl, Cloak and Bonnet Room np stairs. ^. INDEX. &c. tten- new, ex- Mr. best will it of. Fi- ne. — Addenda to the Alphabetical Directory Alphabetical Directory • Accountants . • Advocates . • Agricultural Implements Agriculture, Board of . Apothecaries, Chemists and Druggists Architects and Civil Enc[ineers Assurance Companies, Life, Fire and Marine Auctioneers and Commission Merchants Bakers Bakers of Ship Bread . Banker Banks and Bank Agencies Bellows Factory Benevolent Institutions . Berlin Wool Stores Black and White Smiths Block and Pump Makers Board of Brokers Board of Trade Boarding Houses, Private Booksellers, Stationers and Bookbinders Boot, Shoe and Leather Dealers Botanic and Zoological Garden . Brewers and Distillers Brokers Brush Maker . Butter Inspector Butchers Cabinetmakers and Upholsterers Cub and Caleche hire . Carpenters, Joiners and Builders Carvers; Gilders and Looking Glass Manufacturers Chemists aiid Druggists China, Glass and Earthenware Dealers, &c. Chop and Coffee Houses Circulating Libraries . City Council and Officers Civil Engineers Clergy resident in Montreal Coal Merchant Clothing Store and Circulating Library Coach and Carriage Makers Cotfee Hoasters College^: and Schools . Collectors ot Accounts . PAOl. 453 13 S86 2d7 425 305 287 434 287 287 393 289 432 289 421 289 393 290 423 423 290 289 297 298 298 302 302 302 303 303 413 305 305 305 307 308 311 411 287 417 311 406 311 311 425 3!2 vl TAGE. (Commission Merchants and Agents 312 Commission Ay;ents • • • • 312 Committees ol the City Council 412 Confectioners . • • • • 313 Consuls • • • • 417 Coopers' • • • i 313 Coppersmiths, Brass Founders and Plumbers . 316 Corporation of the City 411 Courts of Law . 42(> Custom House ; 426 Custom House Agents ; 318 J)aguerreotypi8t3 319 Dentists 319 Distillers and Brewers . 298 Dry Docks 320 Dry Goods Merchants, Wholesale . . 320 Dry Goods, &c. 321 Dyers and Scourers 327 Engravers and Lithographers 328 Exchange and Money Brokers 333 Express Offices 330 Fancy Stores -. 333 Fares of Cabs, Caleches, &c. 413 Fire Assurance Companies 434 Fire Engines . ; 414 I'^ire and Waterproof Roofing • • t 334 Firemen's Benevolent Association 414 Flour Inspector Flour Mills . 334 334 Flour Merchants 334 Forwarding Merchants 334 Foundries and Machine Works 337 ForeignConsuls 417 Furriers, &c. . • • • 349 Gas Light Company 430 General Brokers 302 General Merchants 340 Gold and Silver Smiths 359 Glass Works 344 Grocers, &c. . 341 Gunsmiths • • > • 344 Haberdashers, &c. 344 Hair Dressers, &c. 344 Hardware Merchants 345 Hatters and Furriers 349 Hospitals 421 Hot Air Stove Builders 356 Hotels and Inns 356 House Furnishing Warehouse 359 India Rubber Factory . . . 359 India Rubber Warehous B 359 '< vu TAOK* 312 312 412 313 417 313 316 411 426 426 318 319 319 298 320 320 321 327 328 333 330 333 413 434 414 334 414 334 334 334 334 337 417 349 430 302 340 359 344 341 344 344 344 345 349 421 356 356 359 359 359 I PAGE. Incorporated Companies ..... 42.^ Jewe lers, Watchmakers, kc. 359 Lacenian and Hosier 365 Lamp Store .... 3fil Land Surveyor .... 3b-l Lard Oil Manufacturer 3&1 Leather iMerchants and Tanners . 364 Literary Societies . . 424 Lodges, Clubs, &c. 43(1 Lumber Merchants and Saw Mills 364 Machine Works and Foundries . 337 Map Mounter .... 335 Marine Store .... 366 Marble Factories .... 365 Marriage Licenses . . . 366 Masonic Lodges . 429 Mechanics' Institute 424 Medical, Surgical and Benevolent Societie s 420 Mercantile Library ... 424 Mercantile and Literary Associations . 423 Merchant Tailors .... 366 Milliners and Dressmakers 376 Military Departments 427 Montreal Telegraph Office 40!^403 Mineral Waters . 376 Musical Instruments, Manufacturers of 379 Nail and Spike. Manufacturers 379 National Societies 419 Newspapers and Periodicals 379 New City Gas Company . New York and Boston Expresses . 430 330 Notaries Public 380 Nursery and Seedsmen 381 Odd Fellows' Lddges 431 Oil Factory 381 Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. Dealers -■ . 380 Painters .... 381 Paper Warehouses 385 Paper Hanger and Map Mounter * 385 Physicians and Surgeons . 385 Pianoforte Makers 379 Planing and Sawing Mills 386 Plasterers : . . . 387 Plaster Mills 387 Plumbers, Brassfounders and Gas Fitters 316 Post Office 426 Police . . 414 Powder Mngazine . . 387 Powder Mills 387 Printing Offices 387 Protestant Clergy , • 417 «' vm \\r PAAE. Proviijion Inspectors ..... 387 Provision Merchants 387 Public Hall 391 Public Inslruclion, Department of 424 Public Oilices and Institutions 414 Railroad Conipanies 429 Railroad Offices . 394 Ready-nnade Linen Warehouses . 391 Rechabite Societies 431 Registry and Intelligence Offices . 392 Religious and Temperance Societies 431 Roman Catholic Clergy . 418 Saddlers and Harness Makers 392 Sash Factory .... 392 Savings Bank 433 Ship bread fiaker .... 392 Sniilhs, Horse Shoers, &c. 393 Stage, Steamboat and Railroad Offices 394 Sheriffs Officers . 393 Ship Yards and Dry Docks 393 Slate Roofers . . . , 393 Statistics of Montreal 411 Stove Manufacturers 395 Straw Goods and Combs .- 401 Tallow Chandlers 401 Tea Warehouses .... 401 Telegraph Offices • 401 Temperance Societies • 431 Threshing Machine Makers 340 Tin Plate Workers 405 Tobacconists .... 405 Traders ..... 406 Trinity House . . . • 426 Trunk Stores .... 406 Truss Manufacturer • « 406 Turner ..... 406 Type Foundry .... 406 University of McGill College 425 Ventriloquist .... 408 Veterinary Surgeon 408 Vegetable Ointment 403 Watchmakers and Jewellers 359 Weighing Machine Manufacturers 405 Wharfingers • . 408 Wine Merchants .... 408 Wire Wori^er • . • . 408 # n n c o a rAAE. 387 387 391 424 414 429 394 391 431 392 431 418 392 392 433 392 393 394 393 393 393 411 395 401 401 401 401 431 340 405 405 406 426 406 406 406 406 425 408 408 403 359 405 408 408 408 THE TRUST & LOAN COMPANY OF UPPER CANADA. 65 Moorgate Street, London^ Great Britain. CAPITAL, £500,000 STERLING. With Power to Increase it to JB 1,500,000. TRUSTEES. Thomas Baring, Esq., M. P. | George CARRGLYN,Esq.M.P. DIRECTORS, Sir Randolph J. Routh, K. C. B., President. WiLi.iAM Chapman, Esq., Vice-President. John Auldjo, Esq. Peter Buchanan, Esq. Charles Morrison, Esq. W. Gordon Thompson, Esq. Melvii Wilson, Esq. COMMISSIONERS IN CANADA. ■ Robert Shank Atcheson, Esq. T. A. Harper, Esq. Office at Kingston, Canada West, Counsel and Solicitor, C. Pt^., The Hon. J. A. Macdonald, M.P.P. Office in Montreal, St. Francois Xavier, Street, opposite the New Post Office. Counsel and Solicitor in Montreal — Henry Judah, Esq. Notary — Theod. Doucet, Esq. Loans advanced from the Funds of the Trust & Loan Compa- ny of Upper Canada are usually made for a term of five years. The Company does notadvar.ce mare than half of the appraised market value of the land & property offered as security. When the value of the properly to be mortgaged for Loans chiefly consists in buildings, the Company will require a Policy of Insurance to be effected in its favor to the amount of the Loan advanced. A deposit of jC5 must be made at the office of the Commercial Bank, M. D. in Montreal, towards meeting the expenses to be in- curred in ascertaining the value and title of the property to be mortgaged for securing the Loan applied for. If upon enquiry, the value of the property offered as security is considered insufficient for the Loan applied for, the balance of the above Deposit remaining after payment of the expense of enquir- ing into its value (£1 5s. and postages) will be returned to the applicant. Unless a perfect title is established, applications will be dedir ed. All Dowers must be released. ;**' ., Forms of application for Loans, with every reqni<5t . tion, can be obtained at the Company's Office iib^ij^,! I . '"^orma- the Agency-office in Montreal from JoNAXHAivi^j^^ *^**°''.> ^^ &t om 10 a., m. in a .. ^^'^' ^'*^* Tht jigency'Ojice is open from 10 a., m. to 3 p m. if^o-imiftn ^^ *.- /■-- H. & H. MERRILL, NO. 190, (late 128), NOTRE DAME STREET, ^Opposite the Engksk Cathedral, MoTUreal.) Have Constantly on hand, and ofT^r for sale on terms about 25 per cent lower thaw any other house in the trade, a general assort* nient of STAPLE MD FANCY DRY GOODS. Which are worthy the attention of Purchasers. They are constantly receiving from UNDERWRITERS AND OTHER SALES, an immense variety of SLIGHTLY DAMAG- KD GOODS which, 6m? purchased /or cash, they are able to offer at ridiculously low prices.. Their Stock of SOUND GOODS is very large and well selected', as one of the Arm is constantly purchasing in the English Markets, embracing the choicest varie- ^^its of Dry Goods in the market, and they beg to assure their -s and the public generally that they are determined to -'*' ^ei ch terms as cannot fail to be satisfactory to all who *^^^fi uooo *^\.\» 1 with their support. *''^ ?favot t>c^ Considered NO TROUBLE TO SHEW GOODS, ^^'^1: B.— V, vt4D EXAMINE PREVIOUS TO PURCHAS- 'gs&^^- J.- ^ \\tt- LEET, |s about 25 »ral assort* IS. ?RS AND )AMAG- |e able to GOODS |onstantly jst Tarie- |ure their lined to all who JOODS, ICHAS- I XI ADELPHI HOTEL, PLACE D'ARMES. The undersigned beg to inform their Friends and and the Public, that they have taken the above po- pular place of resort, (so favorably known while un- der the charge of the late Mr W. H. Orr, and latterly occupied by Mr Cogan,) and having made extensive alterations and improvements in the Premises, they flatter themselves that they will be. able to give en- tire satisfaction to gentlemen favoring them with their patronage. They have fitted up handsomely a large Room, where musically inclined gcatlemen will find an excellent Piano, and can use it freely at any time they feel inclined to do so. The Bar Room is magnificently fitted up, and their Stock of WINES, LIQUORS, and SEGARS will be all that the most fastidious can desire. A. & T. McEWAN. JOHN HOGGARD9 No. 6 Lagauchetiere Street, (Near German Street,) Offers his Services as COLLECTOR of AC- COUNTS, and having a thorough knowledge of the City, trusts, by strict attention, to merk a share of Public Patronage. BILLS, CIRCULARS and FUNERAL CARDS, Delivered on reasonable terms. All orders left with Mr. John Lovell, St Nicholas street ; J. C. Becket, 22 Great St James street j Wm. Ross, Esq., N.P., or J. J. Gibb, Esq., Little St. James street, will be punctually attended to. I ; hi,;: ' I ; INTERIOR OF Arthur's Queen's Arcade, Notre Dame Street, Montreal. A A A A A A A A A: ,.\ tele. Q Ireal. MONTREAL DIRECTORY Note. — The word "Street" is always to be understood after the address, except Avenue, Court, Terrace, oi Lane, &c., is expressed. The names in Small Capitals are those of Sub- scribers. Abbott, Rev. Joseph, house St. Catherine near Stan- ley AiBOTT, J J C, advocate, 34 Little St. James, house St. Catherine near Stanley Abbott, C C, house St. Catherine near Stanley Abbott, John, clerk of St. Ann's market, house 3i St. Antoine Abbott, Misses, Ladies' Seminary, 31 St. Antoine Abbott, J W, cabinetmaker, 113 Craig Abdalla, Jacob, house College near Inspector Abra-ham, R, advocate, 13 Hospital, house 106 St Antoine Adams, Robert, wholesale dry goods, 301 St. Paul, house St. Antoine, west of Richmond square Adams, F, engraver and copper-plate printer, 18 Great St. James, house Berthelet near City Councillors Adams, W & H F, merchant tailors, 149 Notre Dame . *" Adams, Austin, brick-yard, Colborne avenue Adams, Mrs., Bisson near St. Antoine Adams, Chas, brick-yard, Colborne avenue Adams, William, sen., house Primrose Cottage, Ber- thelet Adams, Thomas, Turnkey jail, house Kent Addison. Thos, barber, house St. Antoine Bridge Adams, James D, grocer, 121 St. Lawrence Adelphi Hotel, A & T M'Ewan, Place D'Armes Addy & Co., temperance grocery, 162 Notre Pamcr B ! 1 14 Addy, Mrs William, temperance grocery, 52 Saint Lawrence Again, M, policeman, Hermine Aegean, James, tailor, 44 St. Dominique Agnew, Miss A, milliner, 3 St. Elizabeth Agricultural Society, L C, Wm Evans, secretary, 80 Notre Dame Adjutant General's Office, 20 Notre Dame Aetu, Francis, head of Sanguinet Ahem, James, tailor, St. Emery near St. Denis Ahelo, C, confectioner. Visitation near St. Catherine AiNSLiE, John, smith & horse-shoer, corner Lacroix and St Mary, house Champ de Mars near Cam- peau Aird, Mrs, seamstress, St Genevieve, in rear Aird, John, contractor, St Francis near the Barracks Aird, William, shoemaker, 112 St Mary Aird, John, carter, Durham near Dorchester Aitkin, John, & Co, shirt, baby-linen and ladies* under-clothing warehouse, 159 Notre Dame Aitkin & Morrison, plasterers, George near Welling- ton Aitkin, James, house Prince near Wellington Aitkin, Paul, shoemaker, 25 St. Dominique Aldrach, C J, Vermont house, 13 St Claude near Notre Dame Alderdice, H, shoemaker, 1 Chennevill© Alderdice, John, printer, 45 St George Alexander, Charles, confectioner, 177 Notre Dame Allan, Andrew, house 2 Beaver-hall terrace Allan, Hugh, house corner of St Catherine and Alex- ander Allan, John, hairdresser and perfumer, 208 Notre Dame, house Hermine near Jur6 Allan, W B, hairdresser, Devienne Allan, Thomas, teacher, Ann near Wellington Allan, Andrew, laborer, William near Murray Allan, Samuel, carter, Des Rivieres off St Antoine Allan, Charlotte, house 75 Water Allaire, J B, shoemaker, Dorchester near St Phillip I { \ Saint retaiy; nis itherine Lacroix ir Cam- f knacks d ladies* )ame yVeUing- m Ide near Notre Id Alex- Notre f itoine *hillip> r I 15 Allard Joseph, laborer, 35 Amherst Allard, J B, carpenter, Chatelle near Visitation Allard, Baptiste, laborer. Bare off St Joseph Allard, Peter, framemaker, 34 St Joseph, sub Allard, F, carpenter, Chatelle near Panet Allard, Mrs Charles, 81 Visitation Allard, Mar, grocer, corner Sanguinet and St Ca- therine Allard, Thomas, joiner, St Margaret offBonaventure Allard, Laurent, laborer, Dulresne Allard, Frs, carpenter, 14 Bonaventure, house Bare Allard, Stanislas, carpenter, Chatelle near Panet Allard, John, carter, Dorchester Allard, Louis, carpenter, Chatelle near Visitation Allen, William, chair and cabinet-warehouse, 64 McGill, factory at the Canal Allen, Saral, carter, Desrividres offBonaventure Alligan, Michael, house 48 Amherst Allison, James.* agent, 6 St Peter, in rear Allison, Miss, milliner, 17 Bonaventure Allo. John, tanner and leather merchant, Colborne Avenue Alio, Jasper, currier, Colborne Avenue Alio, Geo, currier, house Perrault's court, off Craig Allo, Mrs, house St Janvier off Mountain Alty, Thomas, laborer. Little Dublin off St George Ambeau, Jos, trader, 17 St Joseph, sub Arabeau, Thos, storeman, Nazareth near William Ambrose Sc Lamontagne, wholesale dry goods, 273 St Paul American Line op Steamboats for River St Law- rence, Canada West and Buffalo, W T Barron, • agent, office 56 McGill American Presbyterian Church, corner St James and McGill ; School of church. Queen near William Ames, J, shoemaker, Hermine near Lagauchetidre Ames, Jas, bookbinder, 27 Chaboillez Amiot, Antoine, baker, Lagauchetiere near Pane* Amisse, Pascal, smith, off 123 St Joseph, sub. Ancall, Ed, furrier, court off Hermine ill It IV ir Anderson, Evans Sc Co, general merchants, 33 St Gabriel Anderson, T B, office 33 St Gabriel Anderson, John &; Co^ commission merchants, 1 6 Union Buildings, St Frangois Xavier Anderson, , milkman, Dufresne Anderson, William, baker, Lagauchetidre near Durham Anderson, R, grocer, 8 St Maurice Anderson, Robert, office 24<1 St Paul, house 27 St Urbam Anderson, George, musician, 92 St Antoine Anderson, James, shoe store, 207 Notre Dame, house Versailles near St Joseph Anderson, Ed wd, laborer, court off Murray Anderson, Thomas, baker, 38 St Joseph, sub Anderson, Colin, engineer, 55 St Antoine Anderson, James, teacher, 5 St Dominique Anderson, H, shoemaker, 40 St Constant Anderson, Miss, school, Ann near Gabriel Anderson, John, shoemaker, Hermine near Jure Anderson, William, grocer, 90 St Mary Andre, J, joiner, Bar6 off St Joseph Andr6, Louis, joiner, 33 Voltigeurs Anclr6, Eustache, cabman, Acqueduct Andrew, W & J, house Wellington near Queen Andrew, Jos, contractor, Vitre Andrew, Professor Wm, house at McGill College Andrews, H O, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house Da!r housie Square Andrews, Mrs J, Cemetery off Bonaventure Andrews, Mrs, house Bronsdon's Lane Andrews, Mrs E, house Hochelaga Angers, Chas, carpenter, St Joseph near the canal Anos, Alexr, house 8 St Elizabeth Ansley, Jas, lumber yard, St Dominique near Dor- chester Ansley , Wm, shoemaker. Valine Aout, Jos, carpenter. Inspector off Bonaventure Aout, B, ship-carpenter, court off William Appleton, T, builder, address P O . \ J 1 i A I I. it s, 33 St Lunts, 16 re near e 27 St ne, house r Jure meeii College luse Dalr LB canal [ear Dor- Iture t Aiahill, Jno, storexnan, Catherine near Wellingtpii Aranshaw, William, laborer, Seigneur Arcand, Pierre, sawyer, Panet near Craig Arcand, Charles, sawyer, St Catherine Arcand, Simeon, cartwright, 55 Campeau Arcand, Pierre, sawyer^ Panet near Craig Arcand, Pierre, sawyer, Panet near Mary Arcand, Eustache, mason, 36 Panet Archambault, A, grocer, 79 St Mary Archambault, Denis, laborer, Lagauchetidre near Adolphi'S Archambault, Frs, carter, Panet near Dorchester Archambault, Narcisse, carter, Panet near Dorchester Archambault, Alexr, saddler, 30 Jacques Carlier square Archambault, Oliver, baker, Lagauchetidre near Panet Archambault, F X, tobacconist, Lagauchetidre near Panet Archambault, Alexia, sawyer, head of Brock Archambault, Joseph, carter, Beaudry near Dor- chester Archambault, Joseph, saddler, Voltigeur near Mary Archambault, Prospere, trader, Dufresne Archambault, J B, carpenter, Panet near St Cathe- rine Archambault, Louis, joiner, Lagauchetidre near Ig- nace Archambault, Alexander, saddler, Montcalm near Mary Archambault, Joseph, painter, Blache lane off Moun- tain Archbald, Henry, house St Catherine near St Denis Arcouet, C, boots and shoes, head of German Arcouet, A, tin-roofer, head of Visitation Arless, James, cabinet maker, Nazar^h Arless, Mrs, house Victoria road near St Catherine Armand, Frs, grocer, Mignonne near St Denis Armand, George, shoemaker, St Simeon near Dor- chester Armour, B.obkrt, house 35 St. Urbain i ) '■ // iS 18 Armour, John, bookseller and stationer, 9 Great St. James, house 82 St Antoine Armstrong, George, cabinet maker, Hay-market square Armstrong, Mri S, boarding house, Bonaventure Armstrong, W W, house 53 Great St James Armstrong, John, laborer, Acqueduct off St Antoine Armstrong, William & Co, groceries and wines, 104- Notre Dame Arnois, Thomas, shoemaker, Beaudry terrace, St Urbain Arnold, Hczekiah, teacher, Colborne avenue, house 85 St Mary Arnoldi, Dr F T C, house 58 Craig Arnoldi, Chs, clerk, St Charles Barrom^e Arnott, James, moulder, William Aruott, William, grocer, corner Dorchester and St Simeon Artell, Ant, laborer, 65 St Maurice Arthur, Alex, wholesale and retail dry goods, Queen's Arcade, 182 Notre Dame Arthur, Miss, dressmaker, 2^ St Joseph near Mc- Gill Arthur, James F, house City Councillors Arthur, Alexander, house Cote des Neiges Road AscHER, G J, importer of jewellery, watches, &c, 34" St Franf ois Xavier, house 2 Viger square Ashby, Hy, shoemaker, 39 St Charles Barromee Ashley, Jas, tinsmith, Mountain near St Antoine Ashley, Joseph, rope maker, Dufresne Ashley, George, rope maker, Dufresne Ash worth, Mrs Job, house Nazareth Aspinall, Samuel, laborer, Sophia lane off Craig Aspinall, Robert, joiner, &c, Sophia lane off Craig Asselin, J B, house head of Mountain Asselin, Edwd, joiner, Durham near Catherine Asselin, Jean, sawyer, Panet near St Mary Asselin, Jacques, carter, court off St Catherine Ash, Mrs, Prince near Wellington • Ash, John, furniture store, St Peter near Craig A tics, John laborer, Victoria Road I II reat St. -market iture s A.ntoine , wines, ace, St e, house and St goods, lear Mc- oad es, Sec, [quare •mee ;oine pig ICraJg me ^ig 9 I Atchison, Samuel, laborer, Colborne avenue Atkins, Mrs, milliner, Lagauchetidre near Alexan- der Atkins, John, shoemaker, Lagaucheti^re near Panet Atkinson, John, general agent, 32 St Paul Atkinson, Charles, house 90 Bonaventure Atkinson, Jos, gardener, Durham near Lagaiiche- ti^re Atwater, E. & Co, paints, oils and glass, 267 St Paul, and St Nicholas, house 3 Beaver hall place Atwell, William, grocer, corner Bleury and Dor- chester At well, Jas, plasterer. Kempt near WeUington Aubertin, Frs, confectioner, St Margaret off St Antoine Aubertin, Louis, builder, Labelle near St Catherine Aubin, Mrs L, house Panet near Dorchester Aubry, Joseph, carter, Devienne Audette, Ferdinand, joiner, Dorchester near Wolfe Audette, dit Lapoint, Frs, joiner, Dufresne AuGE & Roy, dry goods, 136 Notre Dame Aug6, C, house Dorchester near Bleury Aug6, Pierre, joiner, Emery off St Denis Aug6, Henry, joiner. Inspector off Bonaventure Aug6, Joseph, shoemaker, head of Visitation Aug^, Baptiste, house Mountain near Bonaventure Auge, Joseph, joiner, Beaudry near Dorchester Auld, John, house Summerhill, Cote St Antoine Auld, Alexander, house 15 St Antoine AuLDjo, Lewis, commission merchant, 10 St Sacra-^ ment, house head of Bleury AussEM & MiGNAULT, notaries public, 21 Little St James Aussem, Joseph, house Fortification lane near Bleury Austin, Charles, grocer, corner St Maurice and St Henry Austin, H W, adfocate, 27 Little St James Austin, James, shoe store, 206 Notre Dame Austin, MrS; laundress, 29 Champ de Mars if 20 Ayotte, Jonas, tailor, Amherst near Craig Awde, George, finisher, St Henry Aylwin, Hon Judge, house Current St Mary BABINGTON, THOMAS, engineer, St Joseph sub Baby, Joseph, notary, 30 Bonaventure Bachant, Joseph, carpenter, Panet near Lagaiiche- ti6re Badeaux, P B, house 53 Champ de Mars Badgley & Abbott, adv^ocates, 34 Little St James Badgley, Hon Wm M P P, house Phillip's square liadgley, Frank H, advocate, 51 Little St James Bagg, S C, notary public, house Sherbrooke near St Urbain Bagg, Mrs Abner, house 17 St Edward Baillie, Robert, grocer, corner Vitre and Chenneville Baillie, Mrs, house 16 St Genevi6ve Bailey, James, shoemaker, St Mary near Mont- calm Bailey, Henry, laborer, court off Devienne Bainbridgk, R & Co, wholesale stationers, corner McGill & William Bain, Mrs J, house Catherine near Gabriel Bain, Charles, house lane off Kempt Baird, Edmund, cabinetware, 3 Place d'Armes, house head ol" Alexander Baker, Abel, laborer, head of Visitation Baker, Joel, advocate, 49 Little St James, house head of Mountain Baker, Joseph, butcher, 167 St Joseph sub Balchin, Geo, steward of steamer Munn, & tavern, lis Commissioners Balfour. Mrs, house German near St Catherine Ball, Mrs, house 47 St Charles Barrom6e Bancroft, H, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house Lartique Place Banque du Peuple, B H Leraoine, cashier, Great St James Bansley, David, hairdresser, perfumer, and fancy store, 112 Notre Dame • Bankrupt Court, W C H Coffin, clerk, Old Govern- ment House l' "^. 21 iph snb gaiiche- t James juaro mes se near ineville ■ Mont- corner Armes, house [avem, r ^rtique Great fancy kern- Barbeau, L C. dry goods, 104 St Paul Barhcan, Ed J, house St Elizabeth near Dorchester Barbouii, Flavien, carter, Wolfe near Dorchester Barbcaii, Felix, joiner, Alexander near Craig Barbeaii, Ed, carl«^r, Atnherst near Dorchester Barbeaii, Alex, carter, Arnht rst near Dorchester Barbeau, Ant. laborer, Panel n«t>nr St Catherine Barbeau, Joseph, stonecutter, Mignonne near St Charles Barruui^e Barbeau, Thomas, ma«un, head of St Charles Bar- rom6e Barbeau, Maxime, turner, Dubord Barbeau, Antoine, labori^r, Smallwood Lane Barbeau, Mrs Thomas, house 146 St Lawrence Barb6, Robt, carter, Durham off Dorchester Barber, Nathaniel, engraver, court off St Antoine Barber, Dr, homojopathist, 33 Little St James Barber, A A A :i. : • 1 f ! HI! fl 36 Boudreau & Collin, smiths, 99 McGill Boudreau, Nicholas, laborer, Versailles off St Joseph Boudreau, Isaie, cooper, 4<2 JSt Joseph, sub Boudreau, Picre, shoemaker, St Charles Barroraee Bouford, J, carpenter, Mayor Bougie, J B, carter, 26 Panet Boulanger, P, sexton, 98 St Urbain BouLANGKT, J C. merchant tailor, next the Old Do- negana Hotel, Notre Dame Boulanget, Frs, waterman, Bare off St Joseph Boulet, Michel, house 19 St Lawrence Boulet, Frs, blacksmith, St Antoine bridge Bourassa, Mrs G, dry goods, 108 Commissioners Bourassa, Louis, trader. Bare off St Joseph Bourbon, Pierre, trader, Bar6 off St Joseph Bourbon, Chs, carter, Felix off Bonaventure BouRBONNiERE, N G, notary, St Lawrence hill Bourbonni^re, Paul, smith, head of Durham Bourbonniere, S, mason, court off Visitation. Bourbonniere, L6on, laborer, Dorchester near St Simeon Bourbonniere, J B, builder, 9 St Phillip Bourbonniere, Mrs J, house Current St Mary Bourbonnidre, Frs, pilot, Lagauchetiere near Wolfe Bourbonnidre, Louis, Dorchester near St Simeon Bourbonniere, Jos, smith, Dorchester, west Bourbonnidre, Hypolite, smith, Dorchester near Durham Bourguegnon, Isaac^ house Vallee Bourdeau, Jos, clerk, Lagauchetiere near Dominique Bourdignon, Jacques, mason, court off Visitation Bourdignon, Isaac, printer, Vallee Bourdignon, Octave, mason, Catherine near Panet Bourdon, Eugdne, shoemaker, 33 V/olfe Bourdon, J A, clerk of market, house Sanguinet near Lagauchetidre Bourdon, Joseph, butcher, Durham near Dorphester Bourdon, Alex, furrier, 39 St Dominique Bourdon, Pierre, shoemaker, Lagauchetiere near Wolfe Bourdon; Pierre, shoemaker, St Andr6 I / St Joseph, larrom^e e Old Do- eph loners 1 1 re hill m )ii i near St ary ear Wolie )im6on Ister nea^ )ominique Itation ^r Panet linet near [orQhester ire near / ■/ Boun^on, Joseph, painter, laii« off* Mountain IJourduu, lit, butcher, St Lawcence near Dorchester iioiirdou, Jean, laborer, court off St CJenevit^ve Bourgean, Xavier, joiner, St Hubert near Catherine Bourgeau, J B, IalK>rer, St Antoine bridge Boutf eau, Pierre, carpenter, St Hubert near Cathe- rine Rwirgeois, L, mason, head of Brock iiourgeois, Victor, joiner, Dorchester near German Bourgeois, Joseph, cooper, corner Craig and Aia- iierst Bourgoiu, Ed, boarding house, 87 St Paul liourgoin, Mrs, house Lagaucheti^re near St Domi- nique Bourgoiu, Edward, joiner, head of Durham Bourguiii, Isidore, tanner, house Lafontaino Bourgoiu, Isidore, leather, tVc, 244 St Paul Bourke, Jus, laborer, 21 St George Bourne, John, butcher, 206 St Joseph sub BouuNii, George, brewery, 48 St Urbain ^Bourne, A, china, glass, &.c, 164 St Paul Bourret, Hon Jos, City Recorder, 4 St Antoine place Bourrct, Mrs, house 22 Bleury BoLiHiLLifiii, *r, collector of customs, custom-house, liodsc 5 Beaver-hall terrace Boutliillicr, Ant, jun, trader, 2 Wolfe Bouthillier, Louis, carter, Labclie Boutliillier, Mrs, house 66 St Louis Boutaillier, A, butcher, Fuliuni near Dufresne Boui.hiiiicr, J B, grocer. Bare off St Joseph BoutUilUcr, C, butcher, head ol Visitation Buuthiiiier, Joseph, joiner^ 84 Visitation BoulliiUier, Mrs, rscaiiistress, 7 St Ileury Boutiijiiier, Aiit, trader, Punet near St Catherine BuuUiillier, Miiis, house 1 St Louis Bowdcii, Johii, labw>rcr, head of Purtenais Bowden, John, bnckuiaker, head of Partenais liowoii, Jauics, watenuun, head of St Constant Bovv'cu, Jik/ua, curter, head of St Couslaut Buvver, Johii, buLcIier aud grocer, corner Dorchester aiid \u \ 1 M« ) 1 ( 1 i. i , 1 1 i liiiHi 1 1 t I 1 I 33 Bcrwes, James, clerk, Common iienr Georg'e Bowes & Ellis, brewers, head of St Lawrence Bowie, George, storekeeper, George near Gabriel BowxE, Edward, confectioner, 57 Notre Dame Bowie, William, ship carpenter, George nr Common Bowie, Geo, contractor and mason. Jure near Bleury Bowie, E, baker, house Lagauchetiiire near bt Urbain BowKER, H M, surgeon dentist, 7 Little St James Bowles, John, gardener, Durocher Bowles, Charles, printer. Cemetery off St Antoine Bowman, Wm E, druggist and seedsman, 88 McGill Bowser, Wm, furrier, 65 St Charles Barromee BoYCE, J K., hairdresser and perfumer, 175 Notre Dame Boyd, John, black and white smith and bell-hanger, 7 St John, house 8 St John Boyd, Hugh, butcher, west end of Bonaventure Boyd, James, storeman, court off Cemetery Boyd, W II, gunsmith, St Urbain Boyd, R, brushes, 53 J St Urbain Boyd, John, house St Genevieve Boyd, T W, gunsmith, 95.^ Notre Dame Boyd, Thomas, laborer, Vitr6 near St Urbain Boyd, T J, gunsmith, 103 Notre Dame Boyd, Mrs P, house 46 St Charles Barromee Boyd, James, grocer, 51. St Antoine BoYER, Dr L, 14- St Ther«^sc, house 34 St Denis BoYER, Louis, provision and fur merchant, corner of St Francois Xavier and Commissioners, house 34. St Denis Boyette, , tinsmith, 101 St Joseph sul) Boyle, John, laborer, Lagaucheti^re near Panet Boyle, Patrick, carter. Kempt near William Brabant, Henry, brickmaker, 25 St Genevieve Bracken, James, laborer, Colborne avenue Braclear, H, musician, 156 St Joseph sub Braden, Christopher, house St Antoine, west Bradley, Mich, laborer, 88 Common Brady &; Darling, tallow-chandlers, St Charles Bar- romee 4 Sd e ■nee iabrieJ lame • Common sar Bleiiry near bt t James A^ntoine 88 McGill mee 175 Notre ;]l-hanger, ntnre V Rill ee iDenis corner of rs, house ^1 leve St Irlcs Bar- t n M i Bradsliaw, David, grocer, 33 Craig Brady, Robert, slioeniaker, head of Panet Brady, Phillip, carpenter, Port near Common Brady, John, laborer, Versailles oiFSt Joseph Brady, John, ! .borer, Sophia lane of! Craig Brady, Mrs, school, corner Gabriel and Murray Brager, John, hatter, St Charles Barrom6e Brahadi, Abraham, hatter and furrier, 95 Notre Dame Brais, Joseph, cookshop, 7 St Victor Brais, F, dry goods, 63 St Paul, house 42 St Louis Braithwaite, Henry, mason, St Germain ofTBleury Brand, A, tailor, 17 St Thferese Brankin, J, confectioner, 1 Little St James Brault, J L, house 211 St Joseph sub Brault, F X, tavern, 9 St Claude Brault, Charles A, notary public, 3 St Joseph sub house -^3 St Louis Brault, Mrs C, dry. goods, 90 Notre Dame, house 92 Notre Dame Brauneis, J C, music teacher, 69 St Lawrence Brazeau, F X, dry goods, 142 St Paul Brazeau, Casimir, trader, 38 Amherst Brazeau, Antoine, carter, Lagaucheti^re near St Ignace Brazeau, Frs, joiner, College near Dupre Brazeau, Cyril, mason, Voltigeur near Lagauche- tidre Brazeau, Mrs D, tailoress, corner St Ignace and La- gauchetier j Breary, Samuel, butcher, house 8 Barclay place Brehaut, W H, clerk of the peace, house west Dor- chester Cote St Antoine Brennan, Jas, city hotel, corner St Peter and Re- collect Brennan, Patrick, tallow chandler, corner William and Prince Brennan, Jas, messenger, 175 Notre Dame Brennan, Laurence, laborer, lane off Murray Brennan, Mrs, laundress, court off Lagauchetidre Brennan, H, shoemaker, 24 St Charles Barrom6e !l*. ; 5 H\,\ '.V \ 40 1 1 ! 11 .|! ilil! lii il !'iB ^ •ii ■ 1 1 il ,.1 ii i i ,. 1 1 j 1 Brennan, P, brewer, corner St Charles Barrom^e and Lagauchetidre Brennan, Mrs, house McCord near Gabriel Brennan, Thos, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Brennan, Jas, laborer, George near Gabriel Brennan, William, laborer, Ann near Wellington Brennan, Thos, police, Ann near Wellington Brennan, Mrs, laundress, court off Murray Brennan, Martin, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Bresler, John, laborer, 6 Queen Bresler, Andrew, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Bresler, A, furrier and hatter, 98 Notre Dame Breton, Frs, joiner, St Dominique near Sherbrooke Brewer, Mrs, nurse, Beaudry terrace Brewster, W & C, wholesale and retail hardware, 250 St Paul Brewster, Mulholland & Co, wholesale and retail hardware, 243 St Paul Brewster, Benj, senr. house Lachine road Brewster, Benj, junr. house 11 Bellevue terrace Brewster, Wm, house College near Dupre lane Brickley, John, laborer, Ann near W^ellington Bridge, Mrs S S, house 54* Acqueduct Bridgeman, J, tavern, 98 St Lawrence Brie re, Frs, house 42 St Louis Briere, Ed, butcher, St Felix offBonaventure Brier e, Frs, laborer, 99 St Urbain Briggs, John, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Briggs, Mrs, house Ann near Wellington Brighton, Geo, house Bonaventure near Mountain Brilliere, Ed, butcher, Felix off Bonaventure Brilliere, Frs, carter, St Catherine near St Denis Brioche, Leon, mason, Devienne Brioche, Louis, stonecutter, Devienne Briquier, Paul, stonecutter, head Barclay Brisbois, Leon, joiner. Mountain near Joseph Brisbois, Ed, pilot, Bar6 off Joseph Brisbois, F, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph Brisson, J B, mason, head of Panet Brisson, A, mason, head of Panet Brisson, N, jun. mason, St Phillip ■1 I arrom^e el nglon a iriel >riel ne srbrooke irdware, id retail race iiie ntain enis 41 Brisson, J B, mason, St Catherine Ikisson, Alex, mason, St Catherine Brisson, N, mason, St Catherine near St Phillip Bristow, Wnij house 26 Little St James Britannia Life Assurance Company, J H Mait* land, general agent, corner Place d'Armes and Notre Dame British American Friendly Society, J H Phillips manager, 32 St Joseph city British North American Bank, D Davidson, ma- nager. Great St James British America Assurance Co. M H Gault, agent, 22 St Francois Xavier British & N America £xpRt:ss Co, D Deforest, jiin, agent, 53 Great St James British N American Telegraph, James McNider, manager, 32 St Francois Xavier British and Canadian Free School, corner Lagau- cheti^re and Cote Britt, John, sailmaker. College near Inspector Britt & Currie, boots and shoes, 154< Notre Darae Britt, Patrick, shoemaker, Diipr^ lane Britt, Stephen laborer, Murray near WilUam Brock, Wm, tailor, Alexander near Craig J3rodie, John, house corner Alexander and St Ca- therine Brodie, Robert, clerk, St Antoine near Seigneur Brodie, Charles, gardener, St Antoine west Broderick, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel • Brodeur, Augt, laborer, corner Lagaucheti^re am" Amherst Brodeur, Ant, laborer, 35 Champ de Mars Brogan, James, carter. Busby lane near Craig Bromby, R, gardener, St Emery near St Denis Bromett, Cor. house St Constant near St Catherine Bronsdon, J R, carpenter and builder, 77 St Urbai Bronsdon, J B, carpenter and builder, 77 St Urbain Broome, T, naturalist, 10 Little St James Brophy, Mrs, house court off St Antoine Brophy, Denis, laborer, court off Murray Brophy, Thos, grocer, 115 St Mary i ' 'I i; 11 "I i 'J ;' \ 1 1 1 i: i j ;iiii 1 :.'( nf 42 Brothers, A, sawyer, 35 Clmmp de Mara Brouillet, M, tinsmith, 85 Visitation Brouillet, P C, clerk, 27 St Louis Brouillet, Louis, carpenter, head of Panet Brouillet, Mrs Ls, house Smallwood lane Brouillet, A, carter, Mignonne Brousseau, Frs, shoemaker, Visitation near Mignonne Brousseau, A O, notary, 206 Notre Dame Brousseau, Edward, dry goods, 14-2 St Paul, house St Elizabeth Brousseau, J B, butcher, head of FuUum Brousseau, Joseph, shoemaker, Visitation near Mig- nonne Brousseau, Mrs, house head of Sanguinet Brousseau, Frs, joiner, College near Dupr6 Brousseau, Louis, trader, Bar6 off Joseph Brousseau, Zepherin, tinsmith, 30 St Dominique Brown, Abner, pianoforte maker, 31 Notre Dame Brown & Childs, mammoth boot and shoe store 130 Notre Dame Brown, John O, general dry goods, 109 Notre Dame Brown, Swan & Co, wholesale dry goods, 213 St Paul Street Brown, P D, exchange and money broker, 36 St Frangois Xavier Brown, John, hatter and furrier, 229 St Paul, house 15 St Urbain Brown, T S, wholesale hardware, 259 St Paul Brown, James, cooperage, 7 St Peter, house Naza- reth near Wellington Brown, Mrs llobt L, tavern, canal wharf Brown, Wm M, wharfinger, office custom house square, house Colborne avenue Brown, Mrs Jas, laundress, court off St Catherine Brown, Mrs, Lagauchetiere near Alexander Brown, Thos, laborer, Ayhiier Brown, Jas, (of Brown, Swan & Co) house head of St Urbain Brown, Mrs, nurse, court off St Margaret Brown, John, gardener, Versailles off St Joseph Bi'own, James, laborer, George near William i (i \\^ 43 Jgnonne I, house ar Mig- :iue )ame 3re 130 Dame HS St 36 St house 'J^aza- louse ne d of Blown, Wm, sloremnn, 10 St George Brown, Ceo, tuilor, Dorchester near St Simon Brown, II, contractor, Dorchester near Uerniaii Brown, Wm, cooper, Queen's square Brown, C J, house St Antoine near Acqucduct Brown, Wm, shoemaker, 65 Tolentin Brown, David, builder, 32 Chenneville Brown, Joseph, tailor, 57 Bleury in rear Brown, Daniel, tailor, 19 St CJeuevieve Brown, Wm, baker, Ilochelaga Brown, Jos, grocer, Hochelaga Brown, Wm, cooper, Dorchester near Durham Brown, Wm, drayman. Inspector near Bonaventure Brown, Jas, carpenter, Monique off St Antoine Brown, Mrs L G, house 12 Craig Brown J Mrs R, boarding house 120 Craig Brown, Jas, tailor, Alexander Brown, George, painter, corner St Catherine aud Aylmer Browne, Geo, architect &;c, 132 Craig Browning, Saml, Ottawa Hotel, 48 Great St James Brownlee, John, carpenter. Busby lane Brouse, Chas, shoemaker, Sydenham near Dorches- ter Bruce, Wm, plane maker, lane off Charles 3ar- roma„a„, James primer hnn ^u ^«nevi6ve B..C liana.., W J, hou^ g'^' ^""^^ h^aJ of German &y •»"• 'I* ^'^"' ' """" brooko ^*^ ^wiociliors near isher* 45 i/e neat nonne in r square [>b near mon iiare \ - ig near to'we house blank Avier, ingois IntS) 2 I lU re ler- Budd, Wm, blacksmith, Vitro near Cot6 Bulger, Capt, chief clerk military secretary's office, house St Hubert Bulling, Wm B, druggist, St Charles Barrom6o near Vitr6 Bulley, Robert, tailor, 22 Chenneville Bulmer, Henry, builder, Brunswick Bulmer, Wm, builder, 7 St Genevieve Buntin, Alex, (of W Miller & Co) St Paul Bureau, Chs, laborer, Cadieux, Cote a Barotl Burche, Wm, plasterer, 33 Tolentin Burke, Jas, laborer, Dalhousie near William Burke, Patrick, laborer, Gabriel near Murray Burke, Mrs, pedlar, Colborne near William Burke, John, laborer, Drake's court, College Burke, Francis, laborer, Gain off St Mary Burke, Thomas, laborei*, court off St Catherine Burke, Wm, clerk, Lagaucheti^re near Bleury Burke, Joseph, house William near Eleanor Burke, James, carter, Drake's court off College Burke, , miller, Prince near Welliugton Burke, Mrs, house St Constant near Catherine Burkitt, Wm, exchange hotel, St Paul Burnham, Egbert, rubber maker, 201 St Joseph, sub Burnitt, Wm, smith, 34« St Urbain Burns, James & Co, commission merchants, IQ Common, house 13 Beaver-hall terrace Burns, John, groceries and provisions, 26 McGill Burns, Edward, butcher, 26 St Maurice Burns, James, laborer, Eleanor near Gabriel Burns, Edward, laborer, Chaboillez square Burns, James, mason. Kempt near Wellington Burns, John, sugarboiler, Dalhousie near William Burns, John, porter. Cemetery near Bonaventure Burns, Chas, smith, Dalhousie near Gabriel Burns, Mrs, laundress, Gabriel near Murray Burns, Martin, mason, Craig near Wolfe Burns, Thos, shoemaker, 57 St George Burns, John, milkman, head of St Constant Burns, Lemuel, laborer, Murray near WellingfoH Barrage, W S, office at McGill college c2 !l I , h. n if t |i>|l i 11 u ' ^^1 - m _ ' ill :■- -t'-«9 '.-i! , ^i 1' , 1 1 -^ u 1 /) BwHl, J L, cabinet maker I. , liara ■"»*% Uordiestor near but- f a tS;::::r&-'e nea. Gab.ei Burroughs, Mrs, Crd.nA" °°'-<^''ester B'.rrowes, Mrs B, C 'e t °'"^' ^1 ^'^'S Burton, John, carpen er rlil "^^ '^'""'•y J ""y, John, UilZC'ml^'"^ "^" f^l-ricl B-rry, Wm, jr,,„i,Sh]^&'°" '"=" George g"^:ft:lat:^„^^-iene^^ ,Vima« Buller, John, laborer T? J^ Colborne But er, WM,'taveM 'in ?''* "^?' ^-^riel ^ut er, F, storema.^'3 WnT^f ''""«'•' Butler, Mrs, ho^ L^fsifc^ '''^««™«« Butters, Isaac, house 4 H ■'^''"'« Butterworth, S,Z^Jii^"°l^r, Beaver-hall Buxton, 'tth^"f<="«o'ypiat, 207 Notre Dam. Byrne, Thos, gte^' ter'ypi't, 37 St vScent Byrne, Andrew, labArL p^t^enne near St Consh t Bywe, Mrs, sch'ool CoTh ""''^ "^«"- Common " CABANA, LOUrq y"»™e near William Cabana, a'u^S D?',?"'^'''' ^^ ^"he^t • Cadieux/pie/reTf •''?'' of Brock \ ( ( c c (- 4T tir but-* •iel ster icl n orgG »eorge^ hoiisd lie lice lit stant Hise (he-* im i CadoUo^ "Kii.seljo, IcuUier, Jucqiics CuirlicK square, house SL Catherine near ISanguinet Cadotte, IJeujamin, leather store, 69 St Paul and Jacques Cartier square Cain, Pat, smith, Sophia lane ofT Craig Caiue, Kubeft, miikmau, Lagaucheti^re neat Si Andre Caine, John, clerk, 87 Craig Ciilfe, Henry, grocer, 26 St Paul Callaghan, Walter, clerk military j^rison, Iloche- lagii Gallaghan, Stephen, trader, coutt oft College CallagUan, iMis, laundress, Little Dublin oifGcorgo Cullaghan, Win, laborer, Common canal wluirr Callaglian, .John, shoemaker, 5-t Cheiiuevillo ^ Callan, Mrs, house Vitr6 oli'Bleury • '" (yullinaii, James, tavern, 7 St Lewis Cameron, Allan, cooper, Colborne near Gabriel Cameron, James, tavern, 36 St Lawrence arter, Irwin, carter, George near Gabriel C ARTIER laborer court off* Murray Cassiday, Patk, shoemaker, Nazareth near William Cassiday, Martin, trader, St Andre Cassiday, Mrs, John, William near Murray Castle, Mrs, house 4 Bonaventure Castonguez, Frs, house Mignonne near St Denis Catelli, Chs, framemaker, 31 *NotreDame Cathcart, Alex, trader, Craig near Wolfe '>■'' CattO) James, finisher, Fortification lane - ' Caty, Chs, saddler, Christopher near St Catherine Cauchlan, -, gardener, Guy off' St Antoine Cauthers, John, clerk. City Councillors Cavannah, John^ laborer, Wellington near Grey Nurt Cavannah, Mrs, laundress, Murray near Gabriel Cavannah, John, laborer, South of Canal Cavannah, Mrs James, 37 St Maurice - ' Cavannah, Micld, laborer. Inspector - f Cavannah, Michael, joiner, south side of the Canal Cavannah, John, joiner, south side of the Canal Cawley, Alex, millwright, McCord near Gabriel Cawley, John, smith, George near William Cawthorn, Thos, trader, St Mary near Partenais Cawthorn, H, house St Mary corner of Montcalm Cawthorn, Henry, fruit store, 50 St Mary Cayet, Louis, trader, Durham near Catherine Caaelet, Amable, shoemaker, Bar6 off" St Joseph Cecille, Ant, carter, Bar6 oflT St Joseph H ■ < : 'I ti' ''1 , u hi" III If. . (I w Chabot, J B, carpenter, corner NLi|X)16on and Visita- tion Chabot, Joseph, joiner, corner Visitation and Napo- leon Chabot, Loni», smith, 54 Bonaventure Chabot, M, carpenter, Visitation near La gauche tidre( Chabot, J B, joiner, Smailwood near Panet Chabot, Jean, smith, 94i St Joseph sub Chaillez, Jos, laborer, Christopher near St Catherine Chaillez, Benj, trader, Bar6 off St Joseph Chalifoux,L, bootmaker, Mignonne near St Constant Chalifoux, Nichs, boarding-house. 3 St Victoire Chalifoux, Augt, laborer, Lugauchetiere near Adol- phus Chalmers, Jas, paper warehouse, 224« St Paul, house St Denis Chamberlain & Thomson, wholesale dry gooda, 270 St Paul Chamberlain, J R, house Simpson off Sherbrooke Chamberlain, Pierre, house court off Chaboillez Chamberlin, B, advocate, Montreal Gazette, house 4 Barclay place Chambers, Thomas, carter, Colborne avenue Chambers, John, steward, Fullum near St Mary Champagne, J B, cabinetmaker, St Catherine Champagne, Joseph, shoemaker, head of Panet Champagne, Charles, sawyer, 75 Visitation Champagne, C, bootmaker, Wolfe Champagne, J Ji, shoemaker, Panet near Lagauche* ti6re Champeau, J, carpenter, 28 St Antoine Champeau, S, stonecutter, St Constant near St Catherine Champlain & St Lawrence Railroad Office, W A Merry, secretary, 68 Commissioners Champoux, Miss, milliner, 82 Notre Dame Chandler & Buck, wholesale grocers, 304 St Paul and 125 Coofimissioners Chance, Wm Son & Co, wholesale hardware, 284 St Paul Channefoux, Jos, jc^ner, head of St Denis M Cliant, GeOf laborer, head of Visitation Chapbleau, Z, bookbiiider and etutiuiler, 83 Notre Dame Chapcleau, Joseph, carter, Wolfe Chapeleau, Leon, laborer, Dufresne Chapeleau, Ant, house Visitation near Catherine Chaplin, Edward, house 5 Hanover Cliapman, Henry & Co, comrnissicn merchants, cor- ner of St Sacrament & St Alexis Chapman, Henry, house Durocher Chapman, Mrs, seamstress, 36 St Joseph, sub Chapman, J, laborer, 37 St Paul Chappie, Alfred, book-keepar, house m'lo end Chapley, Thos, carpenter, Bonaventure near Moun- tain Chaput, Hospice, dry goods, 196 St Paul Chaput, L, grocer. 111 Commissioners Chaput, Miss, house Dorchester west Chaput, Leon, laborer, current St Mary Chaput, Mrs, house head of Durham Chaput, George, carter, current St Mary Chaquet, Ignace, turnkey, Durham near Catherine Cb: V let, J B, shoemaker, Dupr6 near St Maurice CI ; -■.neau, D, house Vallee near Phillip Chv ' .vjnneau, Louis, joiner, Voltigeurs near "Water Charbonneau, O, stonecutter, Visitation near St Ca- therine Charbonneau, Mrs, boarding-house, 122 Craig Charbonneau, T, carter, court off Dorchester Charbonneau, Joseph, waterman, 76 Bonaventure Charbonneau, Magloire, carter, Montcalm Charbonneau, Dominique, house St Margarite near St Antoine Charbonneau, D. jun. carter, St Margajfite off St Antoine Charbonneau, J B. carter, 1 14 St Joseph sub Charbonneau, J B. waterman, Durham near La- gaucheti^re Charbonneau, Mrs Ls. house 61 Visitation. Charbonneau, Joseph, stonecutter Visitation n^ar St Catherine 'f I m I \i ft i \ 1 ,«!» 54 'IK* !'■ i m CliLitbaiiiieau, Clias, baker, 17 St Denis Cliurbonneaii, F X, tavern, 10 St Claude Cliarbonneau, D, batcher, St Antoiue near Kempt Charbonneau, Mrs, house Mountain off St Joseph Charbouneau, Louis, cabinet-maker, St Urbain Charbonneau, Felix, laborer, head of Alexander Charbonneau, Chs, shoemaker, 9 St Antoine Charbonneau, Pierre, carter, 78 Bonaventure Charbonneau, J B, joiner, Panet near Catherine Charbonneau, Chas, joiner, 46 Amherst Cliarbonneau, Alex, laborer, head of Alexander Charbonneau, Antoine, laborer, St Charles Barro- m6e near Mignonne Charet, Louis, gardener, St Joseph near the canal Charland, Joseph, carpenter, 1 Wolfe Charland, Pierre, carpenter, Jure near Alexander Charlebois, Daniel, tinsmith, St Antoine bridge Charlebois, P, merchant, 76 Common, house Craig near St Antoine Charlebois, Dr B, house Craig near St Antoine Charlebois, Leon, grocer, 113 Commissioners Charlebois, Pierre, voyageur. Bare off St Joseph Charlebois, Leon, house Dorchester near St Urbain Charlebois, Joseph, Cemetery off St Antoine Charles, John, storeman, Mayor off Bleury Charles, S & T, painters and glaziers, 25 St Law- rence Charpentier, Frs, carter, Mountain near St Joseph Charpentier, Isidore, mason, head of Brock Charpentier, Joseph, tobacconist, Vallee Charpentier, Mrs, laundress, court off St Catherine Charpentier, Zepherine, carter, St Catherine near St Charles Barromee Charpentier, J B, carter, 168 Sanguinet Charpentier, Mrs, huckster, head of Sanguinet Charpentier, James, carpenter, Lagaucheti^re nea St Denis Charrette, Louis, carter, head of Sanguinet Charters, Edwd, engineer, 206 St Antoiiie . Charteris, Ed, butcher, 206 St Joseph Churiraud, J B, joiner, head of Pauet 5.3 Kempt Joseph rbain aiider lie ire lerine nder > es Barro- le canal xancler bridge ise Craig oine rs sepli t Urbain e 1st Law- oseph Itherine Ine near let \ie nen Cliartraiid, Etienne, carter, Visitation near Lagau- cheti^re Chartrand, Calex, mason, Salaberry near Mary Chartrand, Joseph, mason, head of German Chartrand, Joseph, house Bar6 off St Joseph Chartrand, George, shoemaker, court off Dorchester Chartrand, Paul, joiner, Panet near St Catherine Chartrand, Mrs P, house 19 Champ de Mars Chartrand, Frs, watchmaker, FuUuni Cliartrand, Pierre, joiner, Jur6 near Alexander Chartrand, J B, joiner. Jure near Alexander Chase, J C, stable and stage yard, Dalhoasie near Wellington Chauiere, Bat, market man. Bare off St Joseph Chausse, Octave, carter, 152 Sanguinet Chausse, Narcisse, carpenter, 177 St Lawrence Chausse, Eli, shoemaker, head of St Dominique Cliaiisse, N, shoemaker, head of St Andre Chausse, Edward, laborer, head of Brock Chatelle, Easebe, gardener, Guy near Dorchester Chatillon, Joseph, caulker, Panet near Dorchester Cheney, Mrs, house 3 Berthelet Chennevert, J B, joiner head of Brock Chenneville, Frangois, mason, Panet near Dorches- ter Chenneville, Marcele, police, 24 Panet ' Chenette, Jos, grocer, 120 St Mary Cheerier, DoaioN & Dorion advocates, 7 St Vin- cent CwtRRiER, Tous, professor of music, 8t St Denis Cherrier, C S, QC house St Denis Cherrier, A R, advocate, 25 St Vincent, house San- guinet Cherrier, Benj, trader, St Amable lane, house Bare off St Joseph Cherrier, Geo II, publisher. 25 St Lewis Chester, John, bricklayer, 7 German Chet^, Pierre, stone cutter, Panet near Dorchester Chevallier, Emilie, editor, 19 St Tiierese Chevallier, J, joiner, 4-7 Visitation Chevallier, John, laborer, William near McCurd 'f 'J •Ml \i ■il ,r m VI H pi m. 5i Chiooine, Denis, house 23 Cluboillez Childs, W S, honso U|)per St Urbain Cliilds, S D, house City Councillors Childs, G«o, temperance grocer, 109 Notro Dame, house 10 St Peter Childs, Chs, house Aylmef near Berthelot Chillas, Geo, clerk, Vitre Chilton, Henry, laborer, Durham near Lagauche- tiere Cliipman, J B M, house head of Union avenue Chisholm, Henry, carpenter, St Simeon Chisholm, Wm, carpenter, St Simeon near Dorches- ter Choron, J, grocer, corner St Urbain and Catherine Choquin, Mrs, midwife, Chaboiilez near Bonaveu' ture Choquette, J B, shoemaker^ Dupre lane Chouinard, Wm, clerk, 24) Charles Barrom^e Chovin, J B, miller, St Joseph near the canal Choules, Richard, sawyer, Current St Mary Chrfetien, Frs, shoemaker, St Catherine nr German Chretien, Frs, shoemaker, Amherst ur Lagaucho- tiere Christie, Wm, tallow chandler, 14 Tolentin, house 20 Tolentin Christie, Mrs, midwife, Jure near Bleury Christie, Mrs, dressmaker, 33 St Constant Christophe, Mrs, Chnstopher off St Catherine Christophe, Lucier, carpenter, St Hubert near Ca- therine Church, G H, agent, 7 St Henry Church Society's office. National School, Bonse- cours Church, F L, sawyer, St Joseph near the Toll Cinq Mars, Louis, clerk, Bona venture Cinq Mars and Brother, tailors, 75 McGill Cinnamon, Singleton, boilermaker, Dufresne Civalier, Scr.iphin, hotel du peuple, 11 Bonsecours Civalier, Jos, house 42 St Lewis Civeright, Thos, clerk, 23 St Louis CiTX Bank, (F MacuUoch, cashier,) Place d'Armes Cn Citl Citl Citl Clal Clal Ch Clal Clal Cla Cla Cla Cla pi- 1 67 •e Dame, >agauche- jnu© Dorches" therine Bonaven- r German gauche- in, house lear Ca- Bonse- 1 joiirs Irmes CiTT AND DlSTHICT SaVJXGS BaXX, (J CollIuS, ttCtU- ary,) 4 Groat St James City Hall, Bonsecours markbt, St Paul Citv Recorder, (Hon Joseph Bourrett,) office City * Hall City Clerk, (J P Sexton,) office City Hall City Treasurer, (E Demers,) office City Hall City Surveyor, (JAB M'Gill,) ©ffice City Hall Claffy, James, grocer, St Bernard off Bleury Clamp, Benjamin, house corner Bleury and Jur6 Clancy, John, police, Victoria road Clancy, Michael, mason, Sanguinet near Vitr6 Clancy, Patrick, laborer, Dalhousie near William Clandinnan, Wm. tavern, 87 8t Mary Clandinan, John, laborer, Guy near St ^Intoine Clare, W H, clerk, 29 St Dominique Clarke, Fs, painter and paper hanger, Alexander above St Catherine Clarke, Jas. mast, pump and block maker, 2 Prince near Common Clarke, Bobt & Co. wholesale grocery and wine merchants, Lemoine Clarkb, H J, paintSj oils and glass, 223 St Paulj house Alexander Clarnw^?, Alfred, shoemaker, Lafontaine off Panet Clarke, Wm, baker and grocer, 76 St Mary Clarke, John, "^Hill ^c Clarke, house 66 St Charles Barromfee Clarke, E, needles, &c. 4>6 St Francois Xavier Clarke, W R, dry goods, 84 McGill Clarke, Geo. painter, Alexander near Jur6 Clarke, James, grocer, head of Visitation Clarke, James, lemon syrup maker, 14« St Bernard Clarke, Wm. sen. house head of St Lawrence Clarke, Robt. house head of St Lawrence Clarke, Patrick, laborer, Ann near Wellington Clarke, Edw. laborer, Murray near Gabriel Clarke, Wm. laborer, Sanguinet near Catherine Clarke, Z R. house Wellington near King Clarke, Jas. gardener, Guy near Dorchester Clarke, William, gardener, head of Mountain ! M b^ Clarke, Mrs. house Prince near William Clarke, Wni, milkman, Tolentia near Lagaucheti^ro Clarke, John, shoemaker, 36 Chenneville Clarke, Wm, merchant, house Brunswick Clarke, Wm, house head of St Denis Clark, Thomson & Co., wholesale dry goods, 226 St Paul Clark, James P, of Clark, Thomson & Co. house Brunswick, Beaver hall Clarkin, Andrew, house Lagaucheti^re near Panet Clarkin, Mathew, tailor, Lagauchetiure near Saint George Clavelle, L, cooper, St Catherine Clavelle, Mrs Paul, corner St Charles Barrom6e and Mignonne Clavelle, John, mason, 34 St Hubert Claxton, T J, house 261 St Paul Clay, Richard, joiner, Mountain near Bonaventure Cleghorn, James C, house Inspector Cleghorn, Mrs, house Elizabeth near Dorchester Clement, Gregoire, tobacconist, St Joseph nr Dupr6 Clement, Peter, barber, Chaboillez square Clement, Joseph, carter, 29 St Maurice Clement, Xavier, roofer, 9 Vallee Clement J. storeman, 102 St Paul Clement, Toussaint, laborer, St Catherine near Al- exander Clement, Mrs, laundress, Mignonne near St Law- rence Clement, Isidore, wheelwright, 116 St Joseph sub Clement, A. cooper, 27 Panet Clement, Felix, carter, Devienne Clement, Joseph, house 17 St Phillip Clement, Mrs, seamstress. Cemetery nr St Joseph Clement, V. laborer, court off Nazareth Clendinan, John, laborer, Guy off St Antoine Clendinnen, John, watchmaker and jeweller, 91 McGill Clerk, Geo. E, editor of « True Witness," office 4 Place d'Armes, house 72 St Antoi ne Clermont, Theophile, navigator, Dufresne 69 laventure Clerk, Alexander, secretary Board of Tru^le, house SherbrooUe near Ay liner Cliffo!jd, S &' Co. tailors, clothiers and importers, 57 McGili Clifford, James, house 1 1 St Genevieve Clipham, M. smith, Colborne near Wellington Close, James, tavern, 153 Craig Clouser, E. confectioner, 183 Notre Dame Cloutier, S. grocer, 37 St Joseph sub Glower, John, plumber, head of St Constant Coates, Capt, 30 St Louis Coates, Matthew, laborer. Kempt near Wellington Coates Mrs, dry goods, corner Panet and St Mary Cochrane, Jas, clerk, Lagaucheticre near Elizabeth Cochrane, Jas, clerk, 32 Chenneville Cochrane, Wm, house Lagauchetidre near Panet Cochran, Samuel, oftice 4- St Alexis Cochran, Thomis, grocer, house 109 Notre Dame CocKBUiiN & Brown, nursery and seedsmen and florists, 4-0 Great St James Cockburn, John, shoemaker, 3 Wolfe Cockburn, A F, house Hermine Cocker, A, grocer, Dufresne CoDRRRE, Dr J E, 181 Craig * Codorre, N, tailor, 130 St Paul Coffin, W F, office 47 St Gabriel, house Cote des Neiges Coffin, W C H, prothonotary, house St Catherine corner St Hurbert Coffy, John, laborer. Kempt near Wellington Cotiy, Mrs R, dry goods, 158 Notre Dame Cog in, O, trader, Nazareth near William - ' Coglilan, Jolui, grocer, Queen square ' '^ Colmle, P, currier. Cemetery near Bonaventure Col burn, Mrs, house 100 St Antoine Cole, Wm, grocer, St Mary near FuUum Cole, Thomas, dry goods, 72 St Joseph Coleman, J VV", Montreal house, Custom-house sq Coleman, John, store, corner St Maurice and Dupr6 Coleman, Major, house Victoria road Coleman, John, tailor, 54 St Joseph sub « ■ \c \\:\ to IJJIM It h Collnra, Joseph R E, 24. St Elizabeth Collurd, Frs, sawmukcr, 23 lionuvcuture Collurd, Ktienne, sawnitikcr, SO i3uiiuveiiture Coliettu, rrtncc, shoemaker, Durham neur Dur* Chester Collier, F X, measurer, Mignonne near Panet Cullicr, James, luliorer, William near Ana Collier, Jas, laborer, court ofi* Murray Collighan, Michl, labot-er, William near McCord Collin, Frangois, blacksmith, house 112 St hawrcnce Collin, F X, butcher, he^id of Dufresue Collins, Miss, milliner, iSt Antoiae near St Gene- vieve Collins, Mrs, house St George Collius> M, carter. Kempt near Wellington Collins, John, laborer, Cutlieriue near vV^illtam Collms, II, engineer, Jit Felix near St Joseph CuUins, John, actuary, house cor.ier JJcrthelot and City Councillors Collins, ilaus, laborer, Cemetery near Bonaventuro Collins, George, tailor, 62 St Dominique ColliiLSj William, house Gabriel near Murray CoLLis, U D, general broker, 20 St Francois Xavier, house Jierlhelot CoUis, Mrs, laundress, St Antoine Bridge Coi.Oi\iAL Life AssuuANcii: Ufficc, A Davidson Parker manager, 4<9 Gieat Si James Colthurst, George, C E, at Adjutant Gencrars Oltioe, house Victoria road Coraeau, Joseph, police, Panet near Dorchester Commander of the Forces, olHco 22 Notre Dame CoMMfiRCIAL BAaNK OF MmuAiSD DlSTKICT, (A H, Campbell, cashier,) 37 Great St James Compagaa, Geo, luburcr. Huchelaga Coiquhoun, Waiter, house 137 Shcrbrooke Comber, Miss C, Jr^siUuker, Bonaveuturc near Ac- queduct Commissariat Office, 53 Notre Dame Comptou, GcOf musician, 20 St Urbain Comte, Solomon, stone-cutter, St Catherine Cumte, i'eter, buiidcr, 50 oi Gcor^je 61 laventuro Comte, Clement, stone-cutter, Clionnevillo Comte, Louis, builder, 108 St Urbaiii Comte, Jas, stone-cutter. 26 St Simeon Comte, B, builder, 50 St George Comte, Pascal, builder, 50 St George Comte, Jean, mason, Vitr6 near Chcnneville Condit, Hy A, hatter, Alexander Condon, John, teacher, Wellington near Queen Conlan, P, rubber maker, 201 St Jose{)h sub Conlan, Andrew, emigrant agent, canal wharf, house 3 St Henry Conlan, Jas, tavern, corner Lagauchetiere and Wolte Connell, Thos, messenger, 34 Cam pea u Connell, Mrs E, house corner of Lagauchetiere and Hermine Connell, Mrs James, boarding-house, 148 Craig Connell, Wm, clerk, 6 St Alexis Connell, Mrs, milliner, 176 Notre Dame Connell, B, laborer, William near Kempt Connell, James, house Lagauchetiere near German Connor, John, cooper, Queen near Common Connor, John, laborer, George near William Connor, John, laborer, St Antoine near Richmond Connissant, Joseph, butcher, 109 St Joseph, sub Connolly & Lantier, provision merchants, Port near Common Connolly, Archibald, house St Antoine near Guy Connolly, Anthony, mason, Colborne near William Connolly, Patrick, currier, Chaboillez Connolly, Mrs. seamstress, Dorchester near Colborne Connolly, John, laborer, Lagauchetiere near Tolen- tin Connolly, James, laborer, Lagauchetiere near German Connolly, Michael, laborer, Catherine near Welling- ton Connolly, Robert, blacksmith, Dorchester near Col- borne Avenue Connolly, Christopher, marketman, south side canal Connolly, Wm. carter, Murray near Wellington Connoughton, J. grocer, corner George and Gabriel Conroy, John, tavern, 16 St Mary n h > |4|l*> }... w R -i 62 Conroy, John, grocer, corner Welliiif^toii and Du^" hoiisio Conroy, P, carpenter, Murray near Cabriel Conroy, John, laborer, Nazareth near (Jahriel Conroy, Jolin, carpenter, Dalhousie near WiUiam Conroy, Thomas, laborer, McCortl near (labriel Conroy, Denis, laborer, McCoril near William Consigny, F, baker, College near Dupre Constantineau, Joseph, trader, 96 St Joseph sub Conslautineau, Frs, carter, 100 JSt Joseph sub Constantineau, Josej)!), house ]iar6 off St Joseph CoNTAiNT, AuGUSTiN, yhi^jbuikler, west end of St Joseph Con Ian t, .f fi, carter, Lagaiicheti^re near Bcaudry Contaut, Frs, trader, Tolentin near Lagaucheti^re Contant, Jos, carter, 6 Chaboillez Contant, Allred, shoemaker, 10 Amherst Contant, Dominique, shoemaker, Pauet near Lagau- cheti^re Contant, C, carter, Vitr6 near St Dominique Contant, Joseph, shoemaker, Lagauchetidre near Panet Contant, J B, shoemaker, corner Lagaucheti^re and Panet Contois, Frs, shoemaker, Panet near Lagaucheti^re Contois, Olivier, boarding-house, 126 Craig Contois, Frs, clerk, lane off Campeau Converse, J A, ropewalk and plaster mills, St Ga- briel locks, oflice Hospital Conway, Arthur, mason, court off Murray Conway, Thos, grocer, 26 St Lawrence Conway, John, bridge-master, south side canal Coogan, Owen, laborer, Nazareth near William Coohey, Wm, storeman. Busby lane off Craig Cooke, Wm, storeman, 49 Bonaventure Cooke, Jas, carpenter, St Antoine near Cemetery Cooke, Miss, dressmaker, 56 St Antoine Cooke, Robert, agent, 120 Notre Dame, house Moun- tain near St Antoine Cooke, Wm, clerk, Alexander near Lagaucheti^re Cooe, Geo, engineer, Alexander near Lagauchetidre It, 1 Dul- and ;ti^re t Ga- ry [oun- Itidre ^ 63 Coonan, Wm. laborer, 47 IJonuvcnturo Coonaii, \Vni,stukt'r, Dalhoiisio nt'ur (iubricl Cooney, John, laborer, Mayor near City Ciuuieillurs Cooney, Alathevv, laborer, (iabriei near I'rince Cooper, John, eartcr, 93 JSt Antoine Cooper, Peter, collector, 4< Bert helot Cooper, P \V, clerk in the Post UiKce, house 4- IJer- thelot Cooper, W, clerk, St Charles Barrom^e near Vitr6 Cooper, Mrs, midwife, corner Jure and llermine Cooper, Wm, beadle, McGill College Cooper, Jas, gardener, 94 .St Denis CorbeiHe, Casimir, carter, Beaudry near Dorchester Corbeille, F, carpenter, Brock near Mignonne Corbeille, Frs, sawyer, Panet near Lagauchetiere Corbeille, Paul, grocer, Visitation near 8t Cathe- rine Corbeille, Jos, butcher, Tolentin near St Catherine Corbeille, Paul, grocer, Lagauchetiere near Mont- calm Corbeille, Jean Ls, joiner, court ofiDufresne Corbeille, Chs, smith, 120 St Joseph sub Corbeille, Stanislas, grocer, Lagauchetiere near Am- herst Corbyn, Jas, shoemaker, St Andr6 near St Cather- ine Corcoran, Arthur, shoemaker, corner Seaton and St Catherine Corcoran, Barclay, laborer, court off Jure Corcoran, Hy, laoorer, Beaudry Terrace Cordner, Rev John, house 1 Beaver-Hall Place Corneau, Andre, carter, 122 St Joseph sub Cornell, Manly, painter, Dorchester near Durham Coron, Frs, house 13 St Francois de Salles Coron, Mrs, boardinghouse, Acqueduct off St Joseph Coron, Chelias, piano-lbrte maker, Chaboillez near College Coroner ol" the District, Joseph Jones and C J Cour- sol, offices Champ de Mars and St Vincent Corr, Hugh, trader, St Maurice near Dupr6 Corr, Wm, laborer, 22 St George )! 8 St Antoine Craig, Misses, milliners and dressmakers, house Alexander near Craig Craig, James, cabinet-maker, 36 St Dominique Craig, John, house 20 Sherbrooke Craig, Mrs, house Dalhousie near Wellington Crane, Michael, laborer, court off Colborne Crane, Robert, laborer, Murray near William Cramp, Thos, house 1 Albert place, St Urbain Crate, James, shoemaker, Acqueduct off St Joseph Crathern 6c Caverhill, wholesale hardware. Cus- tom house square Craven Mrs Micliael, Prince near William Craven Lawrence, laborer. Prince near Queen Craw, Michael, laborer, Murray near Gabriel CuAWFoun, John, general broker. Union buildings, 28 St Frangois Xavier, house at St Pierre Crawford, James, M D, 29 Little St James Crawford, Patrick, storeman, Hermine near Jur6 Crawford, J J, hairdresser, 20 (rreat St James Ciawf'ord, John J, house 63.^ St Lawrence Crawlord, Wm, upholsterer, St Mary near the jail k 67 janguinet gton Jraig f B Charles St Mary e anet abriel liam ellington s, house que >n n in (oseph e, C US- fen [ildings, re [ur6 jail Croighton, Mrs, house 18 St Urbain Creelman, Muthew, boilermaker, Kempt near St Joseph Cremorc, Mrs John, gardener, head of Amherst Cressk, Aug. B., advocate, 21 St Vincent, boards at (^nebec hotel Crerar, D W, con(ecl ioner, 139 Notre Dam© Cretin, Fis, shoemaker, 36 An herst Crevier, Louis, joinc^r, 178 Si Jjseph sub Crevier, Mrs, house 126 St Joseph sub Crevier, Toussaint, tanner, 113 St Joseph sub Creyk, William, watchmaker and jeweller, 151 Notre Dame Cribb, A, Protestant Orphan Asylum, St Catherine near Mountain Cribb, Mrs E, boading-house, 131 Craig Crimmons, R, carbuilder, Nazareth near Wellington Crispo, , customs othcer, 2 Berthelet Critchly, Thomas, clerk St George's Church, St Mi- chael's lane Crochiere, Joseph, carpenter. Cemetery off St An- toine Crochiere, George, carpenter, Victoria road Crochiere, Frs, painter, Chnboillez near College Crochiere, Mrs, seamstress, court off Murray Crochiere, Stanislas, carpenter. Cemetery off St An- toine Crooks, Chs, cabinet-maker, Dorchester near Bleury Crosby, John, laborer, St Margaret off St Antoine Cross (Alex) k, .Bancroft (ii), advocates, 47 St (labriel Cross, Alex, advocate, house Durocher Cross, Robert, house 3 St Maurice Cross, Richard, coachtrimmer, 64 Bonaventure Crossan, Geo, tavern, 105 Water Croteau, Andre, shoemaker, Mignonne near Panet Croteau. I^s, cierk, Tolentin near St Mary Croteau, John, carter, Wolfe near Mary Crowe, Thomas, smith, William near Nazareth Crowe, Chs, trader. Sangninet near Lagaucheti^re Crovvhurst, Win, lavcrn, 18 St Paul i- tl 68 if Crowley, James, laborer, corner Craig and St Con- stant Cnimmenaner, H D, clerk, 50 Chenneville Cuddy, M, trader, 33 Sangninet Cuddy, Mrs Wm, St IVlary near Montcalm Cuff, Matliew, carter, Victoria road Cuffy, Patrick, laborer, Tolentine near St Mary Culbert, John, laborer, Acqueduct Cullin, Mrs, grocer, 56 St Maurice Cullin, Wm, butcher, Prince near Wellington Cullin, John, foundryman, St Antoine bridge Culton, Mrs, laundress, Sophia lane off Craig Culver, Saml, shirt and collar factory, 302 St Pafll Camming (W B) & Galbraith (R), office 28 St Sacrament Camming, Jas W, at J & J Mitchell's, house 1 St Antoine Place Cummins, Patrick, smith, 5 Colborne Cummins, John, trader, court off Felix Cummins, John, brassfounder. Fortification lane Cummins, Jas, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel Cunningham, Wm, commission merchant, 18 Union buildings, St Frangois Xavier Cunningham. Wm, coachman, St Urbain near La- gauchetiere Cuniiingham, Mrs, laundress, Dalhousie near Wel- lington Cunningham, Mrs S, house Lagaucheti^re near St Dominique Cunningham, Wm, sawyer, 12 St Genevidve Cunniu'^ham, Thos, carter, St Edward lane Cunninglmm, Wm, marble yard, 36 St Urbain Cunningham, David, brassfounder, Chaboillez &|uare Cunningham, Wm, marble cutter, 45 Bleury Cunningham, John, grocer, corner Lagaucheti^re and St George Curley, Patrick, printer, William near Prince Curley, Jas, shoemaker, head of Alexander Curley, Patrick, shoemaker, St Bernard near Bleury Curran, John, laborer, William near Murray i St Con- aiy m c ;t Panl 5 28 St ise 1 St lane I Union ar La- Wel- ear St >oillez jti^re eury 69 Curran, Michael, laborer, 239 St Joseph, sub Curran, J & C, smiths, 21 St Maurice Curran, John, house 21 St Maurice Curran, C, house 21 St Maurice Curran, Wm, grocer, corner Lagauchetiere and Bleury Curran, Mrs, house Nazareth near William I Curran, Wm, house Nazareth near William 1 Currie, Mrs, sick nurse, 19 St Genevieve Currigan, Jos, house 1 St Antoine Cusack, Chas J, general merchant, Callieres Cusack, John, tailor, Gabriel near George Cusack, Michael, coachmaker, 13 Craig Gushing, Mrs E L, house corner St Bernard and Bleury Gushing, H R, lumber merchant, Grey Nun, house 24 St Antoine Gushing, Mrs E, house St Henry near St Maurice Gushing, V, house Sanguinet near Mignonne Gusson, Francis, culler, house Kose near Visitation Cusson, Jos, carter, head of Visitation Gusson, A.lexr, grocer, 19 Jacques Gartier square Gusson, A, stonecutter, Brock near Mignonne Gusson, Xavier, carriagemaker, St Joseph suburbs Cusson, Michel, shoemaker, Dorchester near Dur- ham Cusson, Dominique, cartmaker, Panet near Dorches- ter Cusson, P, brickmaker, head of Fullum Cusson, Ant, trader, Sanguinet near Mignonne Gusson, F X, carriagemaker, Cemetery off St Jo- seph Customs Examining Warehouse, Port Cutler, John, carpenter, Prince near Wellington ' Cutler, Geo, laborer, Prince near Wellington Cuttle & Tarleton, grocers, 73 St Urbain Guthbert, Robt, brassfounder, 53 Mountain GuviLLiER, A & Go, general merchants, 27 St Sa<; • rament Cyre, Rev Narcisse, editor Le Semeur Canadian, S Ther6se, house /IQ St Elizabeth D a i 11 70 Cyre, J B, joiner, head of St Hubert Cyre, Phillip, stone cutter, William Cyre, Mrs A, house Christopher off' St Catherine Cyre, J H, stone cutter, corner of Dorchester and St Charles Barromee Cyre, M, carj)enter, head of St Hubert Cyre, Eugene, butcher, head of Dufresne Cyre, Zepherin, laborer, Brock near St Catherine DACKUS, JOHN, trader, 15 St Joseph Dagg, James, oilmaker, St Felix near St Joseph Dago, Peter, dyer and scourer, Lagauchetidre near Amherst Daigneau, Charles, baker, 17 St Louis Dajenais, Robert, painter, house ChaboiMez square Dajenais, Louis, laborer, Lagaucheti^re nr Adolphus Dajenais, David, tinsmith, 40 St .Mary Dajenais Firman, shoemaker. Visitation near St Catherine Dajenais, Mrs, tailoress, 77 Bonaventure Dajenais, David, house Lagaucheti^re near Wolfe Dajenais, Cyril, laborer, court olT Brock Dajenais, Cyril, police, Lagauchetidre near Panet Dajenais, Frs, laborer, Durham near Dorchester Dajenais, A, painter, Sanguinet near St Catherine Dajenais, Joseph, butcher, St Constant near Mig- nonne Dakers, James, secretary of Montreal Telegraph Co, house corner Lnsignan and St Antoine Dalcourt, Mrs, house Mountain near St Joseph Daley, Joseph H, of the Donegana hotel, 19 and 21 Notre Dame, ho Lagauchetiere near German Dalgleish, Robt, office keeper, 22 Notre Dame Dallaire, E, coachmaker, St Antoine nr St Francis Dallaire, C, carriage maktr, Guy oft* St Antoine Dalton, W &; F, Montreal Freeman, corner St Francois Xavier and Hospital, house Hermine near Craig Dalton, James, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Dalton, James, xaborer, Cemetery off Bonaventure Dalton, P, laborer, St Felix near Bonaventure Daly, Daniel, shoemaker, Gabriel near Murray \ 71 erine r and St herine )seph ^re near square Ldolphus near St Wolfe Pa net ster erine ar Mig- [legraph ne ih and 21 man e 'ancis ne tier St rmine iture > i Daly, John, carter, St Joseph near the canal Daly, Corn, laboror. Prince near Wellington Daly, Mrs, grocer. Common near King Damour, Pierre, house 47 Water Damour, L A, notary, 74- St Mary Dance, R, gardener, tollgate, Victoria road Dancereau, Pierre, stone cutter, Bonaventure near Felix Dancereau, Nazare, tavern, 83 St Paul Dancereau, Israel, carpenter, St Felix off Bonaven- ture Dancereau, Pierre, clerk, 32 St Elizaheth Dandurand, Ls, slioemaker, 4-8 Amherst Dangerfield, William, boots and shoes. 111 ^ Notre Dame Danie, E, carter, 39 St Joseph sub Daniel, J B, carter, head of Panet Danish Consul, Thomas Pvyan, St Peter near Le- moine Dann, Wm, shoemaker. Fortification lane Danne, Lieut. 11 A, house 34* St Louis Daoust, C), grocer, 4<4< St Joseph sub Daoust, Josepli, advocate, 16 St Gabriel Daonst, Maurice, trader; head of Visitation Daoust, II, trader, head of Visitation Daraough, Balthazer, house College near Inspector Darby, Mrs, seamstress, St Elizabeth near Dor- chester Darcy, James, messenger, 31 Champ de Mars Darling, William tVc Co, general merchants, 239 St Paul, liouse corner Queen and William Darling, C, forwarder, Canal wharf, house St Ca- therine corner Pajuneau road Darling, John, Ijoartling-house, 49 St Urbain Darrugh, , house Dorchester near St Elizabeth Darragh, Patrick, milkman. Gain off St Mary Darragh, Alexander, carpenter, Wolfe near Lagau- chetiere Darragh, Hugh, tavern, corner St Francois Xavier and Commissioners Darragh, Michael, carter, court off St Margaret £■1 ! i / 7a Darmjrh , Peter grocer, 40 St Maurice Darwont, Moses, olerk, 79 St Urbain Date, John, plumber, brazier, Arc, 11 St Phillip Daiidclin, Michel, carter, St Felix off St Joseph Daiululin, Etienne, carter, BrucJiesi off St Joseph Daudelin, Louis, butcher, Bruchesi off St Joseph Daudeliii, J B, bricklayer, 17 Bonaventure Daunais, Jos, shoemaker, Salaberry off St Mary Daunais, C, trader, 83 Visitation Daunait, Joseph, shoemaker, St Felix off St Joseph David, A 11, M D, 146 Craig David, E D, advocate, 27 Little St James, house Beaver- ha 11 square David, M E, house 35 Little St James David, Louis, carj)enter, 17 German David, F, painter, 17 German David, S, painter. Queen Square David, Jos, carter, head of Panet David, Basil, laborer, 2 Grant David, F X, shoemaker, Durham near Catherine David, S M, house Sydenham near Catherine David, Bapt, police, Victoria road Davidson, D, manager Bank of British North Amer- ica, Great St James, house Cote des Neiges Davidson, Mrs, matron servants home, corner St Charles Barromee and Lagauchetierc Davidson, Isaac B, tailor, 197 No re Dame Davidson, Thomas, clerk, 4 St Edward Davidson, Mrs John, grocer, Colborne near Gabriel Davidson. Jas, house 38 St Margaret Davie, Peter, painter, 99 Water Davie, Mrs, house Canning west of St Joseph Davie, James C, dry goods. Current St Mary Davie, Mrs, house George near Wellington Davies, Kev Dr, house 3 Sydenham place Davis, Daniel, school teacher, 60 Bonaventure Davis, G, watchman, 60 St Dominique Davis, John, laborer, St Edward lane Davis, Miss A J, milliner, 27 St Antoine Davis, H, cabinetmaker, 26 St Gabriel Davis, W M, accountant, G T R R, house Cot6 73 lip ?ph seph eph ary Joseph , house rine e A mer- ges ner St abriel 16 Davis, W, shoemaker, St Dominique near Vitr6 Davis, Nelson, C II broker. 67 Commissioners Davis, Jas, kiborer, Canning oiV^t Josei)h Davis, W, painter, 129 Notre Dame Davison, James, house Berry lane ofTSt Louis Davison, Danl S, clerk, Edward lane ofl* Bonaven- ture Davison, Thos, bootcutter, 23 Cot6 Davison, Thos, laborer, Bronsdon^s lane Davison, Jas, oi I'hcenix Ins Co, house 109 St An- toine Davison, Mrs A, house 11 St Bernard Dawson, Benjamin, bookseller and stationer, whole- sale and retail, 15 Great St James, house 15 Chenneville Dawson, Thos, laborer, Dubord near Campeau Dawson, John, planemaker, 4>4f Bleury Dawson, Jas, baker, 6 Beaudry terrace Day & Champ, advocates, 90 Notre Dame Day, J J, house Cote des Neiges road Day, Hon C D, house Cote des Neiges Day, John, carter, George near William Day, John, carpenter, St Felix off St Joseph Daze, Wm, cabinetmaker, head of Brock Daze, Gilbert, joiner, Smallwood lane Dean, Robert, British trunk factory and Mon- treal bellows factory, 174 Notre Dame Dean, David, turner, 67 St Charles Barrom6e Dease, Chs W, engineer, Victoria Road Death, Thos, house William near Murray DeBeaujeu, Hon G R S, house 52 Notre Dame DeBleury, Hon CCS, advocate, 158 Craig Debriiil, Mrs, seamstress, St Felix off St Joseph Debruil, C, joiner, 71 Bonaventure Decarreau, Jas, pilot, Dorchester near Durham Decarreau, Pierre, stonecutter, Visitation near St Catherine Decarreau, Joseph, mason, Craig near Salaberry Decarrie, Alex, smith, Bar6 off St Joseph Decarrie, Louis, house St Catherine near St Denis Decarrie, Henry, carpenter, 51 Mountain !n 74 \0> 'f ^•t- Decarrie, J B, shoemaker. Rare ofTSt Joseph Decarrie, John, carpenter, Jionaventiire near Inspec- tor Dechantal, Louis, house 1 St TTrhain Decousse, Mrs V B, tavern, 36 Jacques Cartier square Dednam, T, tinsmith and brazier, 6 St Peter Deegan, L, house 58 Bleury Deegan, Jas, house head of St Constant Deegan, Mrs, liouse Catherine near (iabriel Deeman, H, printer, court oft' St Cliarles Barromee Deeuing, Wm, l)oots and shoes, 160 Notre Dame Deery, Henry, grocer, corner of Wellington and Ann Defoy, Joseph, carpenter, 75 St Urbain Dcgardin, Jean, carpenter, Hochelaga Deguise,Frs, bricklayer, Vallee Deguise, Olivier, bricklayer, St Charles Barromee Deguise, Michel, bricklayer, Vallee Delage, M, shoemaker, St Margaret near Bonaven- ture DeLagrave Sc Co, importers of French and other wines, 38 Notre Dame Delaverriere, 01, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph De'ahide, John, laborer, 232 St Joseph sub Delahide, Mrs, trader, 237 St Joseph sub Delany, Mrs, trader, St Claude Delany, Richd, laborer. Little Dublin off St George Delaurier, Mrs. house Brock near Dorchester Delaurier, Francis, cabinetmaker, Cemetery Delaurier, J B, butcher, Fullum Delaurier, Joachim, house 100 St Charles Barromee Delcourt, Joseph, sawyer, Panet Delcourt, J B, sawyer, head of Visitation Delcourt, Moise sawyer, Durhr.m near Dorchester Delcourt, J B, shoemaker, 19 St Monique Delesderniers, Mrs. house Roy lane Delisle, W H, wholesale dry goods, 6 St Joseph, city house 8 St Mary Delisle, Pierre, nailer, 26 Mountain Delisle, A M. clerk of the Crown, house 17 Sher- brooke i W J 1 75 city )her- Dolisle, "Rcnjamin, lii<>h oonstMblo, 7 Bonavenlure Delisle, Dr A. 7 Hoiiiivonture Delisle, Pierre, furrier, .Mountain nr St Joseph Df'lisle, Airs, house 13 IJonaventnre Delong, James, house fiH St l)oniini(|Ue Delongcliurnp, Louis, junr. giirtlener, liead of Mont- calm Delongchamp, Pierre, mason, corner Montcahn and St Catherin(! Delorier, Oiiviere, carpenter, Bari' off St Joseph Delorier, E. carriage maker, 80 St Autoine Delorier, Alfred, carriage maker, court off Bona- ventnre, and St Antoine near Cemetery Dclijrme, Pierre, clerk, 104- .^ St Charles Barromee Delorme, Ed. carter, Craig near Adolplius Delorme, Mrs B. seamstress, Dubord Delormier, J B C, advocate, 165 Sanguinet Delormier, Ant, cabinet maker, Vall6e Delvecchio, , contractor, 3 ]k'aver-hall terrace Demarais, Aug, joiner, Sydenham near Dorchester Demarais, Magloire, baker, Durham near Dorchester Demarais, Hubert, joiner, Panet near Catherine Demeray, P O, advocate, 37 Little St James Demeray, John, trader, Wolfe near Lagaucheti^re Demers, Edward, city treasurer, Craig near Bleury Demers, Noel, carter, Versailles off St Joseph Deiners. Augustus, lumber yard. Visitation corn La- gaucheti^re, house corner Dorchester and Ger- man Demers, F. saddler, 41 St Charles Barrom^e Demers, Louis, trader, Tolentin near St Catherine Demers, Louis, trader, 41 St Constant Demers, Eustace, waterman, 69 Bonaventure Demers, Charles, carter, 4- St Margaret Demers, George, house St Mary near Fullum Demers, Louis, butcher, St Maiy near Fullum Demers, Antoine, butcher, St iMary near Fullum Demers, Mrs Charles, house 41 Water Demers, Joseph W, lumber merchant, Latour off Ratiegonde Demers, Louis, jr. butcher, St Mary near Fullum ii' / II 76 Domers. Louis, trader, Dorchester near St Phillip Deniosiniiy, Joseph, watchmaker, 157 Craig Demontigny, C .1 N. printer and publisher of " Le Moniteur," 12;") St Paul Demoiet, Mrs C. capstore, 29 St Mary Demorochond, F M. house St Denis near Mignonne Dempsey, Win. police, Tolentin near St Mary Dempsey, Peter, laborer, McCord near (iabriel Dempsey, D. trader, Lagaucheti^re near (yanjpeau Dempsey, Mrs, laundress, Gabriel near Murray Dem|)ster, Oeorge, merchant, 10 St Sacrament Denaville, Pierre, laborer, Panet near Craig Deneau, Chas, laborer, head of Visitation Deneau, Mrs, dressmaker, 21 Cote Dennie, Mrs. millinery establishment, 13 Great St James Dennie, Lieut- Col, house S-i St Louis Dennis, Joseph, mason, Napoleon near Montcalm Dennis Wm, organ and pianoforte builder, head of St Charles Barromee Dennison, Oliver, painter. Inspector Denonville, Jacques, laborer, St Antoine bridge Denoyer, Marcile, house, 127 St Joseph sub Depaty, Francis, waterman, Devienne Depaty, Pierre, shoemaker, St Mary near Dufresne Depincier, O. merchant tailor, 101 Notre Dame, house Perrault's court off Craig Depincier, P. painter, Perrault's court off Craig Deplantie, Alex, plasterer, 26 Panet Deplantie, Frs, carter, Napoleon near Visitation Deputy Adjutant General's Office, Notre Dame Deputy Quarter Master General's Office, St Louis Dereby, Michel, voyageur, 122 St Joseph sub DeRocheblave, Mrs, house 2 Lartique place Deroche, , house 120 St Joseph sub Derome, Jerh, cabinetmaker, Lagaucheti^re, near St Dominique Derome, J^s A, house 140 St Paul Derome, O, foundryman, Mountain near St Joseph Derome, F, mason, 91 Visitation Derome, Duncan, clerk, 55 Campeau A hillip o( " Le gnonne •y el Tipeau •ay int reat St calm lead of fresne Dame, g 16 ouis near seph I 77 Dcromo, F M, advocate, 21« St Vmcent, house ofTSt (■afhrrino Dcronie, Hubert, honso ('adieux, C6tc a Uaron Derpoutifjiiy, Nnrcisse, tavern, Common near Port Dcsaurmeau, Jos, carter, Panet near Dorchester Desantels, Mrs Amable, Sniallvvood offPanet Desaiitels, James, cooper, Dorchester near St Con- stant Desaiitels, J B, laborer, Lagaucheti^^re near Adol- phns Desaiitels, Louis, house 27 St Antoine Desaut^ls, P, joiner, Wolfe near Dorchester Desautels, Wm, trader, corner Lagauchetiere and Montcalm Desautels, Frs, laborer, head of Fullum Desautels, Louis, carter, Perthius near Berry lant Desautels, Jos, caulker, 40 St Ix)U is Desautels, Prudent, stonecutter, 163 Visitation Desautels, Frs, joiner, Panet near St Catherine Desautels, Thos, grocer, corner Panet and Dorches- ter Desautels, Frs, laborer. Cemetery offBonaventure Desautels, Mrs, house 11 Bonaveniure Desautels, Leon, carter, 31 Perthius Desautels, Ant, smith, head of St Charles Bar- romee Dosbigare, Frs, carpenter, Tolentin ofTSt Mary Descellcs, Louis, engineer, Dalhousie near Wel- lington Deschambault, Amable, lumberman, Salaberry Deschambault, Dr, house 18 St Mary Dcschamps, J B, sen, shoemaker, 106 St Lawrence Deschamps, J B, juu, shoemaker, 106 St Lawrence Deschamps, John, joiner, Dufresne Deschamps, Jos, carter, Fortier near St Dominiqne Deschamps, Pierre, laborer, St Antoine bridge Deschene, Thos, sawyer, lane offBonaventure Descoteau, Jos, stonecutter, Vallee Deseve, TheophiUis, joiner, court ofTHermine Deseve, F X, clerk, 65 St Maurice Desilant, Jos, trader, St Amable lane I; 78 I !• ( Desjardines, Jos, laborer, Napoleon off Visitation Desjarcliiies, Frs, carter, corner Craig and Panel Desjardines, Bte, laborer, Panet near Dorchester Desjardines, J B, mason. Visitation near Mignonne Desjardines, F, carpenter, Bouaventure near St Felix Desjardines, Felix, carter,Lagaiicbetidre near Mont- calm Desjardines, Isaac, laborer, Durham near St Cather- ine Desjardins, J M, advocate, 17 St Vincent Desjardins, Miss, milliner, 125 St Joseph sub Desjardins, O, smith, Panet near St Catherine Deslaurier, B, butcher, Fullum off St Mary Deslaurier, Bte, cooper, 51 Visitation Deslaurier, , joiner. Visitation near Mignonne Deslauriers, Mrs J B, laundress, court off St Cathe- rine Deslauriers, Mrs, boarding-house, 23 St Gabriel Desmarais, Mrs A, gardener, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Desniarais, J, shoemaker, St Charles Barromee Desmarais, Jean, trader, Tolentin near Lagauche- ti^re Desmarais, Aiigt, joiner, Amherst near St Mary Desmauteau, Plamoxdon cV- Mousseau, general dry gooils, 134 and 136 St Paul Desmurteau, N B, house current St Mary Desmarteau, E B, clerk, 130 St Paul Desnoyers, Ant, joiner, Mignonne near Panet Desiioyers, M, house Vitre near St Dominique Desnoyers, iMrs, seamstresses, head of Panet Desnoyers, Michel, laborer, Smallwood lane off Panet Desnoyers, G, shoemaker, Salaberry near St Mary Desnoyers, Tons, trader, Panet near Dorchester DeSola, Rev A, Hebrew, 1 Prc^s-de-Ville place Desormeaux, Ben, carter, Beaudry neat Dorchester Desormier, Jean, hiborer, court oH Dufresne Desormier, Antoine, carter, court olF Dufresne Desormier, Joseph, carter, Migt)onne near Brock Desormier, Pierre, sawyer, 52 Amherst 79 itation Panet hester Mignonne near St ear Mont- >t Cather- 5ub rine y gnonne St Cathe- abriel e a Baron omee jagauche- Mary 'iieral dry let ique et lane off ^t Mary ester ice irchester ne irock Desormier, S P, sawyer, St Tgnaco Desormier, John, carter, Visitation Desormier. Louis, carter, head of Dufresne Desormier, P, sawyer, Visitation near Mignonne Desormier, Louis, carter, St Catherine near St George Despatie, Pierre carter, Wolfe near Lagancheti^re Despatie, J B, sexton, St Emery near St Denis Despatie, Joseph, carpenter, Jur6 off Bleury Despatie, Jean M, house head of Panet Despatie, Joseph, mason, head of Panet Despatie, Nicholas, sawyer, head of Visitation Despatie, Isidore, carter. Visitation near Catherine Despatie, Frs, carter, Devienne Despatie, Paul, waterman, Devienne Despaty, Ed, stonecutter, head of Visitation Despaty, Ed, roofer, Smallwood lane Despaty, Isidore, carter, Panet near Dorchester Desprat, Louis, laborer, St (renevieve off St Antoine Desrividres, James McCJill, house 68 Craig Desrivieres, Baptiste, sawyer, Bar6 off St Joseph Desrivieres, Clis, house head of St Constant Desroche, J B, tobacconist, 68 St Trbain Desroche, Benj, carter, corner St Catherine and St Charles Jiurromee Desrochers, l^^d ward, dry goods, 29 St Lawrence Desrochers & Parent, dry goods, 17 and 19 St Law- rence Dcsrocliers, R, carpenter, head of Beaudry Desrochers, Hyacinthe, carter, Napoleon off Mont- calm Desrochers, Regis, joiner, Lagauchetitire near fgnace Desrochers, Maurice, clerk, St (icnevicive olfSt An- toine Desrochers, Mrs, boarding-house, 40 Snnguinet Desrochers, A, smith, Smallwood off Visitation Desrochers, Urbaui, sculptor, St Constant near Ca- therine Desrochers, Michael, joiner, 32 St Lawrence Desrochers, Louis, laborer, liare off St .loseph Desrosiers, Louis, dry goods, 12i St Paul I fii l» W '»' 80 Derosiers,L, lioiise corner Dorchester and Elizabeth Desrue, .1 B, cooper, Inspector ofi'Bonaventure Desriio, Jean, cooper, St Kdvvard lane Desrne, Eugene, cooper, St Edward lane off St An- toinc Dessoiirdie, Charles, shoemaker, St Emery near St Denis Dessourdie, N, laborer. Cemetery off Ronaventnre Devanny, Michael, lodging-house, Port near Found- ling Devereux, W, plasterer, Little Dublin off St George Devine, John, laborer, Voltigeurs Devine, John, carpenter, Lagaucheti^re near Seaton Devine, Mrs, house Bare off St Jose})h Devine, Henry, bootmaker, St Charles Barrom6e near Vitre Dcvins, Peter, house corner St Hubert and Mig- Honnc Devins, J, laborer, court off Murray Devins, James, carter, Chaboilh'Z near Bonaventure Dkvlin tV DouEUTV, advocates, ') Little St James Devlin, Jicrnard, advocate, 5 Little St James Devlin, Denis, laborer, KemjU near d'abriel DeNVitt, Jacob, hous«^ head of St Margaret Dickie, Jas, carpenter, f) St Joseph sub Dickinson, (.' M, surgeon dentist, 4-9 (ireat St James Dickinson, M K, forwarder. Common, canal wharf, house *^5 St Antoine Dickinson, .Mis, boarding-house, 138 Notre Dame J)iKR, .loiiN, swan tavern, (In^y Nun near \\'illiam Dier, John, Junr, custom house oliicer, Grey Nun near William Dier, W, carter, 4-3 St Maurice J)ier, Jos, carter, Colhoriic near (rabriel Dier, John, carpenter, Colborne near Gabriel Dillon, lliciiAun, acc^ iinlant, 103 Mountain Dillon, Joiin, clerk 'o Town Major, house Water near Lacroix Dillon, W'm, intcrproter in court, 103 Mountain Dillon, 'i'hos, laborer, lane oil' Jure Dmell, Wni, cuiter, St Felix off St Joseph "s (Elizabeth lire F St An- near St en t lire r Foiind- t George ir Seaton iarrom6e nd Mig- iventiire James bs t James wharf, bame lillinm |y Nun Water in 'i \ 81 Dinell, Frs, carpenter, head of Pfinet Dinninsr, John G, secretary Merchants' Exchange, house 5 Pres-de-Ville Place Diocesan Lirrary & Reading Room, National school-liouse, Ronsccours Dion, P, joiner, Cadieux, near Cote a Baron Dion, Jas, huckster, Devienne Dion, Jos, carpenter, Devienne Dion, Ant, shingler, St Catherine near Bleury Diou, J R, carpenter, Durham near Dorchester Dippie, Misses, dressmakers, Dorchester near St Phillip Dixon, Richard, smith, Murray near William Dixon, Col, R E, 3 Benny's Block, St Joseph sub Dixon, Joseph, smith, Gabriel near Murray Dixon, R, cooper, St Dominique near Market DoANE, T C. (laguerrotypist. 2 Place d'Armes, house Shcrbrooke near St Dominiqe Dockrill, Benj, boilermaker, Victoria Road Dodd, Mrs John, house Court off St Catherine Dodd, Ed bricklayer, Busby lane oft Craig Doris, P, house 24- Little St .lames Dods, Mrs, fancy clothing, 36 Groat St .Tames Doheny, Jas, storeman. Prince near Wellington Doherty, N, house Colborne avenue Doherty, Wm, grocer, William near Colborne Doherty. George, joiner, Drake's court off College Doherty,. Tohn, laborer, Murray near William Doherty, Jas, laborer, M'Cord near Wellington Doherty, Marcus, advocate, 5 Little St James house Dorchester near Mountain Doherty, Wm, laborer, Colborne avenue Doherty, William, laborer, 59 Campeaii Doherty, Joseph, trader, b8 Bonaventure Doherty, Anthony, laborer, Acqueduct oft" St Joseph Doherty, Chas. sawyer, Dalhousie near Wellington Doherty, Ed, messenger, 64 Bonaventure Dolan, Frs dry goods, 208 Notre Dame Dolan, ?vlichl, cabman, Dorchester near Acqueduct Dominique, rum, Wm, clerk, 67 Commissioners Drummond, (L T) «kDuML0P (C J), advocates Place d' Amies hill Drummond, Mrs, house Murray nea^r Gabriel Drummond, Chs G, founder, Kadegonde, opposite Haymarket Dryden Mrs, milliner, 21 St Urbain Drysdale, J, house, Ayimer Drysdale, Adam, house 28 CUennevillo ft Pi !S .r" 'T 1' i J ' f Drysdale, P, carter, 113 St Joseph sub Dubay, Ant, carpenter. Bare oil' 6t Joseph Dubean, Chs, tobacconist, St Lawrence near tl>€ Market Dubcuii, Louis, cooper Alexander, near St Germain Dube, J, carpenter, Panet near Craig Dub6, Joseph, laborer, iMontcalni near Dorchester Dub6, Frs, joiner, court off Bonuventiire Dub6, Andre, ship-carpenter, Catherine near Wel- lington Dube, Joseph, carpenter, lane ofFMountain Dub6, Alexander, smith, St Antoine near Bonaven- ture Dub6, Aug, carpenter, 72 Bonavcnture Dubois, Al, cooj)er, corner St Catherine and George Dubois, Mrs J, house 29 St Andre Dubois, Alexis Et, office 15 St Joseph city, house 45 St Antoine Dubois, Doctor L G, house -J-S Pt Antoine Dubois, Jos, laborer, head ot" Panet Dubois, Joseph, mason, St Catherine near Alexan- der Dubois, Joseph, carpenter, Lagauchetidre near Wolfe Dubois, Michel, baker, 59 Craig Dubord, A Etienne, advocate, St Vincent Dubord, A, cigarmaker, 119 St Paul Dubord, Chs, saddler, Beaudry Terrace St Urbain Dubord, Jos, laborer, St Antoine bridge Dubord, F X, shoemaker, St Lawrence near Cath- erine Dubord, Ls, carpenter, St Mary near Dufresne Dubord, Louis, cooper, head of Montcalm Diibruil, Cyril, carpenter, Felix off Bonaventure Dubruil, James, laborer, 65 Bonaventure Dubruil, Alexr, carpenter, corner German and St Catherine Dubuc, Mrs C, house corner Visitation and Lagau- cheti^re Dubuc, Casimer, stone-cutter, head of German Dubuc, C, tailor, head of St Dominique near the Grermain ihester jar Wel- Joiiaven- i George house 45 Alexan- dre near rbaiii lar Cath- ine itiire and St Lagau- lan 87 Dubuc, J B, carpenter, St Denis Ducasse, Alex, carpenter head of Visitation Diicasse, Edward, carpenter, Durham nr C'utlierine Ducharme, F, saddler, ISt Lawrence mar Cath- erine Dncharme, O joiner, Durham near St Catherine Ducharme, Frs, laborer, St Antoine bridge Ducheneaux, Hergilde, baker, St Joseph nr INIcGill Duchene, Pierre, shoemaker, Visitation near St Catherine Duchene, Pierre, carver, 1 10 V^isitation Duchene, Joseph, sawyer, Bare ofi'St Joseph DucLos. Francis, Eagle hotel, temperance house, College near McGill Duclos, Jos stone-cutter, head of German Duclos, Michael, joiner, Vallee corner St Phillip Duclos, Miss, dressmaker, 138 St Joseph sub Duclos, N, roofer, Brock near St Catherine Duclos, Jean, joiner, court ofl' Visitation Duclos, P, laborer. Devienne Duclos, Ant, tinroofer, Smallwood ofTPanct Duclos, Maxime, joiner, Smallwood oti'Panet Dudevoir, Jas, laborer, Durham near Dorciiester Dudevoir, Thomas, confectioner, St PJiillip near Dorchester Dudevoir, Edwd, shoemaker, St Simeon near Valleo Dudlow, 'I'homas, painter, 33 St Mary Duendon, John, laljorer, Catherine near William Dufiiux, Jos, house 11 St Francis de Salles Dufiiux, Aug, trader, Craig near Salaberry Dufheld, Geo, cooper, College near St Henry Duffin, John, laborer. 3 Colborne Duff, Miss Margaret, dressmaker, 19 St Antoine Duffy, Mrs, dry goods, 19 St Paul Dufiy, Mrs, laundress, Perrault's court off Craig Duffy, Frs, laborer, St Catherine near Bleury Duffy, Edward, laborer, corner Eleanor and Gabriel Dufort, E B, house 106 St Elizabeth Dufort, Joseph, joiner, St Catherme near St Eliza- beth Dufort, Antoine, carter, Current St Mary l/f i ;' 88 Diifort Jos, carpenter Panet near Dorchester Diifort, M, carter, Panel near Laguuclu'tidre Dufort, I-..'!, shoemaker, V26 JSt Joseph sub Dufurt, Win, merchant, lioiise iSt Khzabeth near Mignonne Dufort, Alex, waterworks, off* Champ de Mars Dufort, Denis, shoemtiker, Bonaventure near St Felix Dufresne, Mrs Frs, laundress, 26 iSt An(lr6 Dufresne, Tonsst, farmer, offtst Mary near Cain Dufresne, Ls, laborer. Current tSt Mary Dufresne, Olivier, smith, 38 Amherst Dufresne, Francis, limeburner, current St Mary Dufresne, Luke A, house 15 St Maurice Dufresne, Laurent, house St Catherine near St Constant Dufresne, Louis, joiner, Versailles near St Joseph Dufresne, Xavier, carpenter, St Catherine near Ger- man Dufresne, Pierre, boots and shoes, Jacques Cartier square Dufresne, Moise, mason. Visitation near Dorchester Dufresne, Frs, jun, clerk, Hochelaga Dufresne, Ant, laborer, Hochelaga Dufresne, Frs, mason, St Ma.y near Dufresne Dufresne, Ovide, clerk, Hermine near Jur6 Dufresne, Frs, gordener, Guy near St Antoine Dufresne, Frs, house 1 10 St Antoine Dugal, Frs, pamter, Bonaventure near Edward lane Dugui, Dr A, St Mary near Visitation Dugal, Telesphore, caulker, St Mary near the Jail Dugal, Miss, milliner, 57 Bonaventure Dugan, Patrick, carter, 99 St Antoine Duhamel, Antoine, trader, 41 Visitation Duhamel,Jo8, trader, corner Napol6on and Visita- tion Duhamel, Joseph, carpenter, Seigneur near St An- toine Duhamel, J B, grocer^ Sydenham near Catherine Dulame, Mrs Ant, house Wolie near Lagauche- tiero '.' J. .:■•»; . .' ,.■. '.■■■^ . 'u ♦. . - •-. I jth near irs near St jain lury lenr St oseph ear Ger- Cartier fchester rd lane Jail Visita- it An- rine uche- 89 Diilaine, Jns, bricklayer, Vilr6 near St Dominique Dulaine, Cyril, laborer, Tolenlin near Lagauche- ti^re Dumaiue, Adolphe, carter, 1 Campeau Diiinaine, Mrs, house 2+ St IN'ary Diimas, Maurice, laborer, head of Visitation Dumas. Jerome, carter, Bonaveuture Dumas, Louis, roofer, head of Fullum Dumas A: Neveux, grocers, 85 St Paul Dumas, N, advocate, 31 Little St James Dumas, Pascal, boilermaker, 140 St Joseph sub Durninic, Chs, jun, smith, head of Visitation Duminie, Chs, blacksmith, 116 St Mary Dumoiit, J B, stonecutter, Salaberry near Lagauche- tiere Dumont, Louis, stonecutter, head of Durham Dumont, Jos, grocer, St Mary Dumont, Jul, joiner, Dorchester near Visitation Dumont, Ma«^loire, butcher, Victoria Road Dumouchelle, .Alfred, grocer, corner Visitation and St Catherine Dunbar, John, laborer, 85 St Mary Dunbar, M, founder, house George near Wellington Dunberry, Jas, carpenter, Ann near William Duncan, Jas, artist, 64« St Lewis Duncan, Archibald, smith, Nazareth near Welling- ton Duncan, Jas, smith, Nazareth near Gabriel Duncan, Tnonias, schoolteacher, Dalhousie near Ga- briel Duufey, Bryan, laborer, Catherine near Wellington Dunkin, C, advocate, house 33 Little St James Dunlop Chas J, advocate. Place d'Armes Hill, cor Craig Dunn, Thos, house 9 Great St James Dunn, Patk, nailer, Dalhousie near Wellington Dunn, John, nailer, Catherine near Gabriel Dunn, Mrs, house St Joseph near Richmond Dtuin, Michael, boarding-house, 13 St Claude Duini, George, engineer, Prince near Wellington Dunning, Mrs, laundress, St Catherine near Bleury 111 IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) // ^ '4j^ 1.0 I.I UiUa |2.5 ■50 ^^~ Nl^li ui Ui !^ US nil 2.0 1.8 11-25 iu ^ 72 Hiotographic Sdences Corporation ^^■^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716)872-4503 '^ r o u. k 90 ki!: Mil 1,1 :, I *i Diinovan, Daniel, shoemaker, court off Jure Dimwoody, Mrs E, seamstress, Kempt neap St Jo- seph Dnpaty, F A F, ferry house, Hochelaga Dnnphy, Brian, laborer, Catherine near Wellington Dunphy, James, laborer. Port near Common Duparez, Miss, house 7 Little St James Dnplessis, Frs, joiner, head of Durham Duplessis, Mrs, house 27 St Jean Baptiste Dupoe, Pierre, trader, Lagaucheti^re near Durham Dupont, N, voyageur, McCord near Gabriel Dupont, D, clerk, St Denis near the market Dupont, Jeun, house McCord near Gabriel Dupras, C, grocer, current St Mary Dupras, E, joiner, head of Montcalm Dupras, C, carpenter, St Joseph near the canal Dupras, Mrs S, house St Mary near Dufresne Dupras, Augt, house Hochelaga . Dupr6, Ant E, clerk, St Denis Dupr6, Pierre, shoemaker, St Mary near Dufresne Dupr6, Frs, house Guy near Dorchester Dupuis, Augustin, gunsmith, 13 St Antoine Dupuis, Louis, laborer, St Ignace » r Dupuis, Francois, woodyard, 38 Amherst Dupuis, Charfes, smith, Montcahn near St Mary Dupuis, Isaac, baker, St Catherine near Sanguinet Dupuis, Joseph, master sweep, corner Vitr6 and St Dominique ' Dupuis, Chs, laborer, Hochelaga Dupuis, Joseph, carter, St Catherine near St Phillip Dupuis, J B, house corner Mignonne and Visitation Duquet, Frangois, leather, &c., Jacques Cartier square, house 126 St Lawrence Durand, Louis, trader, Visitation near St Catherine Durand,B, clerk, St Catherine near Sanguinet Durand, Frs, saddler, 81 St Mary Durand, J B, joiner, Panet near Catherine Durand, O, biker, Panet near Catherine Durantel, Vincent, smith, 14' 1 St Joseph sub Durham, Duncan, tobacconist, 192 St Paul, house Campeau ... - ... . ... . If! 'I 91 St Jo- ngton ham sne inet id St iillip Ltion Irtier • t line mse Durnford, P, revenue inspector, 74 Notre Dame, house Cote St Antoine west of toUgate Durocher, Louis, carter, Chaboillez near Bonaveni ture Durocher, Thomas, tinsmith, 22 St Lawrence Durocher, H P, house Durocher Durocher, Leon, house head of Wolfe Durocher, J, carter, court off Chaboillez Durocher, Paul, laborer, Rolland off Mountain Durocher, M, carpenter, St Lawrence near Dorches- ter Durocher, Joseph, boilermaker, St Catlierine near Bleury Dussault, Aug, laborer, Dorchester near Visitation Dussault, Pierre, carriagemaker, 52 St Joseph sub Dutton, Miss, seminary, S Alexander Dutton, .1 T, academy, Alexander near Jur6 Duval, Miss, boarding-house, Tolentin near Lagau* chetiere Duval, Joseph, cartmaker, corner Lagauchetiere and Panet Duval, Frs, cookshop, 57 St Paul Duvernay & Frer^, printers and publishers of "La Minerve," 10 St Vincent Duvert, Aug, clerk registrars office. Government house Dwart, Jos, moulder, Dalhousie near William DwYER & Tolland, coach factory, Craig near St Frangois Xavier Dwyer, Mrs, house Colborne near William Dwyer, Peter, laborer. Port near Foundling Dwyer, James, carpenter, 21 Champ de Mars Dwyer, Patrick, laborer. Bisson off St Antoine Dwyer, Patrick, laborer, corner Common and Mc- Gill Dyde, John, in«;pector of ashes, College, house 2 St Antoine place EAGER, W L, provision inspector, oorner Welling- ton and Queen, house 4 College Eagle Hotel, (F Duclos) College near St Henry Eard, Jas, carter, Rose off Panet 9S Eardly, Maurice, clerk of hay-market, house Mar- ket square Easton, Wm, notary public, 51 Little St James, house 54^ St Dominique Easton, Andrew, broker and commission merchant, 28 St Sacrament, house 54^ St Dominique Eberly, Jospeh, grower, corner Lagaucheti6-re and Amherst Ectman, Jos, carter, St Charles Barromee near Catherine Ecuyer, Auguste, shoemaker, Dorchester, near St Constant Eden. John, smith, Colborne near Gabriel Edmonstonb, Allan, &; Co general merchants, cor- ner St FrauQois Xavier and Fortification lane, will remove in the fall to Common opposite the Upi^er Wharf Edmonstone, W, house Devonshire place, Sher- brooke Education Department, C E, (Dr Meilleur, chief superintendenl,) old Government house Edge, Mrs, tailoress 10 St George, in rear Edwards, Wm, teacher, Eleanor near William Egan, John, carter, Gabriel near Murray Eglauch, Leonard, music teacher, St Catherine near St Constant Ekers, Thos, grocer, 80 St Lawrence Elder, Mrs, dressmaker, St Lawrence hill Elder, Geo, smith, Bona venture near Mountain Eliard, Geo. basketmaker, Jure near St George Ellegood, Revd Jacob, house 15 Alexander Elie, Pierre, cooi:>er, Campeau near St Mary Elliott, Andrew, carpenter and builder, corner St Catherine and Bleury Elliott, W H, MD, dentist, 25 Great St James Elliott, John, grocer, 100 St Paul, house 36 San- guinet Elliott J S, ordnance department, 31 Little St James Elliott, John, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel ^ -- Elliott, Robert, grocer, Wellington near Prince 93 te Mar- James, ?rchant, l-Fe and i near near St nts, cor- on lane, Dsite the J, Sher- L1F, chief ne near Eiin ge rner St nes 6 San- Ittle St I Elliott, John, house Lagaucheti^re near St Urbain Ellis, Mrs house Colboriie near William Ellis, John, laborer, court off Prince Ellis, William, clerk, 8 St Cliiude Ellis, Charles, laborer, St Anloine bridge Ellis, iVlrs, school, 62 St George Elwell & Co, general hardware, 14 S Sacrament Elwell, Herbert, house Hanover, Beaver Hall Emerson, Andrew, trader, 37 Amherst Emigkant Office, A Conlan, agent, corner Common and King Emond, Pierre, shoemaker, Visitation near Mig- nonne Emond, Alexis, sawyer, Lagauchetidre near Adol- phus Emond, Jn Bt, stone-cutter, head of Visitation Emond, Et, carpenter, Cemetery off Bonaventure Emond, Pierre, carpenter, St Margaret off Bona- venture Emond, John, pork butcher, Charbonneau near Panet Emond, John, butcher, corner St Catherine and Panet Emond, J M, confectioner, St Catherine near Wolfe Emond J B, grocer, corner Craig and Campeau Emond, Mrs Frs, house Valine Emond, Joseph, carter, Valine Emond, Jean, junr, confectioner, 71 Visitation English, S & Co, grocers and coffee roasters, 178 Notre Dame Empey, Alex, house, 12 St Monique Empey, John, gasfttter, Bisson off St Antoine Endicott, Wm, carter, 42 Bonaventure Ennis, M, laborer, court off Colborne Ennis, John H, barber, 81 McGill, house 53 St An- toine Ennis, Wm, Caledonia hotel, 312 St Paul Ennis, Wm, hatter, St Dominique near St Constant Enough, Thos, storeman, Nazareth near William En Wright, Miss, dressmaker, Bleury near Jur6 JSphvie^ Joseph, house St Catherine xxx Elizabeth ' E 9 i I I J' 94 Equitable Fire Insurance Office, C F, Tilestone, manager, Merchants' Exchange Ermatinger, Wm, police magistrate, house 4« Beaver hall terrace Esdaile, J & R, general brokers, Merchants' Ex- change Esdaile, J, house Bellevne off Durocher Esdaile, R, house Piedmont off Durocher Eslinger, Christn, pork butcher, 82 St Mary EsPLiN, Chas, steam saw and planeing mills, Geo. near Wellington Ethrington, George, watchmaker, 62 St Mary Eti6, Louis, laborer, St Catherine near St Denis Eti6, Frs, laborer, head of Sanguinet Etier, Charles, stone-cutter, 130 St Charles Barromee Etier, F, butcher, head of Visitation Etier, Antoine, shoemaker, Amherst near Lagau- cheti^re Etier, Xavier, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph Etier, Mrs Luke, house 25 Campeau Etier, Andre, tobacconist, Dorchester near Durham Etu, Louis, shoemaker, German near Mignonne Euard, John, saddler and harness maker, 87 Mc- • - - Gill Evans, S, boot and shoestore, 86 McGill Evans, Major General, house Beaver-hall terrace Evans, J H, wholesale and retail haidware, 271 St Paul Evans, Thos, house Devonshire place, Sherbrooke Evans, W C, house Devonsnire place, Sherbrooke Evans, T A, house Devonshire place, Sherbrooke Evans, S R, house 5 Hanover terrace Evans, Miss M, dressmaker, Herraine near Jur6 Evans, Edward, tailor and clothier, 60 McGill, house 107 St Antoine Evans, Samuel, shoemaker, lane off St Monique Evans, John J, house corner Latour and St Gene- vidve Evans, William, office 30 Notre Dame Evans, Robt, wood yard, Nazareth near Wellington Evans, Thos, woodyard, George near Wellington i 95 Ington )a Evans, Simon, carpenter, Panet near Dorchester Evans, E, clerk, German near St Catherine EveJeigh, Mrs Jos, grocer, corner Amherst and La- gaucheti^re Everett, Thos, shoemaker, St Charles Barrom^e near St Catherine Everett, Robt, brickmaker, Anne near Wellington Eversage, Thos, cabinetmaker, 5 St Germain Eversage, Chs, carver, 5 St Germain Ewan, William, house Alexander near Lagauche- ti^re FABRE & GRAVEL, French books and stationery, 30 St Vincent Fabre, E R, house 2 St Lawrence Fabre, 01, merchant, house 27 Sanguinet Fabrique Office of the French Church, E A Dubois, secretary, 15 St Joseph near St Paul Fagan, Peter, waterman, Busby lane off Craig Fagan, Mrs, laundress, 70 Bonaventure Fagan, R, shoemaker, court off College Fairbairn, John, general broker, 3 St Nicholas Fairbairn, John, house Dorchester near St Urbain Fa lconek, W R, manager of gasworks,_^Gabriel near Ann , Falland, C, shoemaker, 39 St Louis Fallardeau, F, shoemaker, Visitation near St Cathe- rine Fallardeau, M, shoemaker, Amherst near Lagau- chetidre Fallon, Martin, milkman, Aylmer Falstreau, F, music teacher, Dorchester near St Simeon Falstreau, Joseph, shoemaker, Dorchester near St George Fanning, Patrick, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Farie, Henry, laborer, 75 St Maurice Farley, Ed, storeman, Wellington bridge Farley, A M, india rubber factory, St Gubriel locks, house 3 Sydenham place . ;; Farmer, Patrick, milkman, 213 St Joseph sub ^^ Farmer, Patrick, laborer, 215 St Joseph sub • • IX m y !' M Farmer, Michael, trader, Murray near Gabriel Farmer, Patrick, trader, Murray near Gabriel Farquliar, Mrs, soda water factory, 30 Little St James Farr, William, piano-fortemaker, corner Dorchester and Bleury Farrell, Frs, painter, 54- Craig Farrell, Martm, trader, head of St Constant Farrell, James, laborer. Kempt near Wellington Farrell, Patrick, labt^er, Eleanor near Gabriel Farrell, James, laborer, court off Murray Farrell, Patrick, carter, 32 Campeau Farrell, James, carpenter, house 55 Amherst Farrell, iNlichael, otficekeej)er, 5 St Gabriel Farrell, Mrs D, grocer, corner George and William Farrell, TlK>a, clerk, 42 Amherst Farrell, William, carter, Colborne near William Farris, Thos, tavern, 31 St Paul Farrow, John, house Richmond square Faucher, Olivieh, coalyurd and hardware, St An- toine bridge Faucher, N, grocer, Visitation corner Smallwood Faucher, Jos, smith, Inspector off Btma venture Faucher, Joseph, plasterer, St Claude Faulkner, Ed, joiner, St Phillip near Vallee Fateux, L G, house St Elizabeth near Craig Favreau, O. dry goods, 130 St Paul, ho Suuguinet Favreau, Antoine, general dry goods, 33 St Law- rence Favreau, Toussaint, storeman, Phillip near Vall6e Favreau, Eustache, dry goods, 93 St Paul, house 14" Viger square Favreau, Antoine, cabinet maker, St Phillip Favreau, Antoine. carter, head of Visitation Fayrer, Edward, Ordnance Department, house 10 Molson terrace - Featherstone, E. carpenter, Chaboillez near Bona- venture Feeny, George, laborer, Kempt near tVilliam Feeny, Mathew, laborer, Gabriel neay Murray Fee»y, ?atrif?l5, ?arier, 17 St J^bUUp 97 jriel riel Little St Dorchester It ington briel ?rst 1 i William ^illiam e, St An- Ihvood iture ■;e ig Liigiiinet tit Law- Vull6e house l^ n house 10 ar Bona* im ray Feeny, Mrs, grocer, Kempt near Gabriel Feeny, Aiiilrinv, house 4-8 Chenneville Fegan, Edward, shoe store, 310 8t Paul F'^gan, Peter, shoemaker, Drake's court off College Felton, Michael, joiner, German near St Catherine Felton, Israel, carpenter, corner Dorchester and St Simeon Felton, E. laborer, College near Inspector Fennan, Mrs, house, Hermine near Jure Fennell, James, house Alexander near Lagauchc- ti^re Fennelly & Gorman, general dry goods, l')4>\ No- tre Dame Fenner, John, laborer, St Edward Fenton, William, laborer, McCord near Wellington Fenwick, Dr E G. 81 Craig Ferguson, A & D, flour storage and cooperage, George near Common Ferguson, Archibald, house head of Margaret Ferguson, Mrs Alex, house 4 Beaver-hail terrace Ferguson, A. house Belmont, Beaver-hall Ferguson, G B, grocer, 99 Commissioners, house 3 St Ij^enry Ferguson, William, saddler, Hermine near Jur6 Ferguson, Miss, dressmaker, St Felix off' St Joseph Ferguson, Mrs M. house 13 St Paul Ferguson, Wm, storeman, St Bernard off'Bleury Ferguson, D. house Dorchester near St Urbain Ferkie, A, carpenter, St* igneur near St Anloine Ferland, Clement, shoemaker, 39 St Lewis Ferns, Mrs A, house, 48 St Joseph sub Ferns, James, oilmaker, Queen square Ferns, John, oilmaker, Queen square Feron, John, grocer, corner Jure and Alexander Feron, Mrs. house corner Jure and Hermine Feron, A. cabinet maker, 102 St Urbain . » Feron, John, tinsmith, Hermine near Craig Ferside, Robert, laborer, Prince near Wellington Ferrand Charles, chandler, Cemetery off" St Joseph Fcrrand, JSaptiste, laborer, 50 Visitation 98 Ferres, Tames M & Co,'Montreal Gazette, 20 Great 8t James Ferres, James Moir, house 58 St Denis Ferrie, Hon Adam, house head of Bleury Ferrier. Hon James, house H Alexander Ferricr & Co, general hardware, corner St Paul & St Francois Xavier, wholesale store St Francois Xavier Ferrier, George D, house 10 Alexander Ferrier, James, jun. house I* Alexander Feste, William, C H officer, Lagaucheti^re near Amherst Fey, J B, carter, Dupr6 lane Fife, James, laborer, William near Catherine Filiatreault, O, cooper, Beaudry near St Catherine Filiatreault, Leon, carter, head of Sanguinet Filiatreault, Mrs, dress maker, Lagaucheti^re near Constant Filiatreault, Louis, tanner, head of Visitation Filiau, L. joiner, 11 St Antoine Filidore, Max, house head of Sanguinet Filion, F H, clerk, 75 St Lawrence Filion, Mrs, laundress, Chenneville near Vitre Fingland, William, house St Ehzabeth near St Ca- therine Finlay, Frederick, barrack sergeant, 27 Champ de Mars Finlay, James, engineer. Busby lane off Craig Finlay, Robert, painter, 93 St Antoine Finn, Michael, laborer, court off Murray Finn, Tim. huckster, St Henry near St Maurice Finn, Daniel, shoemaker, Dalhousie Finnegan, James, dry goods 111 St Paul Finnegan, John, laborer, WelUngton near Ann Finnegan, »\lrs, Kempt near Gabriel Finnegan, Patrick, laborer, Vitre near St Dominique Finnan, Mrs. school, Hermine near Craig Finney, Thomas & Co. publishers Commercial Ad- vertiser, 207 Notre Dame Finney, Thomas, house Dorchester near St Urbain Fischer, J C, butcher and grocer, Victoria road • I tte, 20 Great I er sr St Paul & St Francois eti^re near srine Z^atherine inet eti^re near tion /"itre 3ar St Ca- hamp de raig urice inn minique Jial Ad- Urbain tad Fisher, Arthur, M D homfBopathic practitioner, 61 Great St Juines Fisher, Daniel, broker, 4'4' St Frangois Xavier, house 96 St Antoine Fisher, Mrs D, house 76 Sherbrooke Fisher, & Co, auctioneers, 35 St Frangois Xavier Fisher, W A, exchange broker, 4-i Saint Frangois Xavier Fisher, John, house 42 St Antoine FisHEii & Vanselow, bakers, Friponne near Water Fisher, Francis, house Friponne near Water FissiAULT, H. A, notary 57 Craig Fissiaalt, Antoine, joiner, 22 Vallee Fissiault, Joseph, joiner, 16 Vallee i ' Fissiault, II, builder, 57 Craig FiTTS, Clarke, biscuit and cracker baker, 21 Saint Joseph sub FiTTS, Arba, &; Co, bakers, 24 College Fitzgerald, Wm, laborer. King near Wellington Fitzgerald, John, laborer, St Lawrence hill Fitzgerald, Thomas, laborer, Victoria Road Fitzgerald, John, carter, 26 Tolentin Fitzgerald, Pat, laborer, Wellington near Prince Fitzgerald, Michael, tailor, Nazareth near William Fitzgerald, John, laborer, William near College Fitzgerald, P, stevedore, Wellington near King Fitzgibbon, John, house 8 George Fitzgibbon, B, smith, Catherme near William FiTZPATRicK & xMooRE, groceries, wines, &c, 34 McGill Fitzpatrick, John, house King near William Fitzputrick, B, carter, lane off St Margaret Fitzpatrick,'"Cyprien, house St Maurice near Saint Henry Fitzpatrick, Michael, laborer, Dalhousie nr Gabriel Fitz[)atrick, Patrick, laborer, off Murray nr Gabriel Fitzpatrick, Mrs Luke, grocer, Dufresne " : • ^ Fitzpatrick, John, laborer, Prince near Gabriel Fitzpatrick, James, laborer head of Ann Fitzpatrick, Mathew, lockmaster, Windmill point Canal , . .„ i 11 lOi) 1. 1 i! M ■ . Fitzsininions, W, cartor, Dmko's court, College Filzsiiiunons, J3, laborer, cor Colboriie and Gabriel FitzsiintnoDS, Jas, tanner, William neitr Ann Flanii^an, Patrick, trader, Ann near (iabriel Flanigjui, \Vm, laborer, McCord near VN'ellington Flannery, J, slioestore, Wellington beyond the bridge Flatnery, Palk, laborer, George near Willium Flanigan, Jas, shoemaker, 18 St Jose[)h sub Flanigan, John, grocer. Grey Nun near Common Flanigan, Wm, laborer, 6 Jure Flanigan, Jno, trader, Canning near St Joseph Flatau, Ferd, agent for French, German, k, U. S, manufacturers, 157 Notre Dame Fleck, A, blacksmith and agricultural implement maker, corner King and William house Wel- lington near King Fleet &c Dokman, advocates, 4-9 Little St James Fleet, W H, house Belmont, Beaver hall Fleet. Saml, carpenter, St George near Lagauche- tidre Fleming, Jno, bootcrimper, 42 Amherst Fleming, Alexander, milkman, Lagauchetidre near Tolentin Flerimond, Pierre, shoemaker, corner Visitation and iVIignonne Fletcher, J, clerk, 55 St Antoine Fletcher, William, slater, Wolfe near Craig Fletcher, Henry, customs officer, Lagauchetiere nr St George Flinn, Frs, tailor, Gabriel near McCord Flood, F F, barber, 6 St Frangois Xavier Flood, Martin, laborer, Bisson ofTSt Antoine Flynn, Mrs house McCord near Gabriel Flyun, Miss, dressmaker, St Bernard ofTBleury Fiynn, Michael laborer. Prince near William Flynn, John, laborer. Kempt near William Flyjsn, Jas, circulating library and servants' homei 13 Alexander near St Patrick's Church Flynn, Mrs, house William near Murray Fiynn, Edward, laborer, Murray near Wellington yiynO; John, shoemaker. Pert near Common lot Foffnrty, J, currier, 29 Inspector F«)£f;irty, John, mason, IVTcCord near Gnbriol Fogjirty, P, house corner Lugaiieheti^re and St Constant Foi^nrty, Patrick, lahorer, Prince near riabriel Fojrnrty, Joseph, procer, Jur6 near St (ieorge Fogarty, P grocer, corner Lagaiichetidre and St Dominiqne Foisey, Theophile, laborer, 34 St Antoine, in rear Foley, Elliott Sc Co, general hardware, 265, late 191 St Pan) FoLKY, Owen C, pjrocer, corner "Vitr6 and St George Foley, Michael, grocer, Kempt near William Foley, Thomas, sen, wharfinger, St Mary near Partenais Foley, Mrs off St Joseph near the toll bar Foley, Jas, laborer, Catherine near William Foley, Mathew, laborer, 4> St Henry Foley, Mrs, laundress, Little Dublin off St George Foley, Thos, jun, clerk, St Mary near Parthenais Follenns, John, music teacher, 17 Alexander Fontaine, G, carter, Visitation near Mignonne Fontaine, Frs, house lane off Mountain Fontaine, F A, house 260 St Pawl Fontaine, Norbert, carter, Lafontaine off Panet Foote, Mrs, house St Charles Barrom^e near Dor- chester ■ ' - - Foote, Jus, storeman, corner Cot6 and Vitre FooTNER, Mrs & Daughters, Berlin wool and artists' repository, 163 Notre Dame Footner, Wm, architect, 163 Notre Dame, house 159 Notre Dame Forbes, H L, house Phillip's square ' Forbes & Co, commission merchants, 28 St Francois Xavier Forbes, Gordon, gardener, toll bar, Victoria Road Forbes, John, carpenter, Versailles near St Joseph Ford, Daniel, carpenter, William near Murray Ford, James, grocer, St Mary corner Tolentin Foret, S, grain store, Water, house Bonaventure near St Felix t ): r 102 Forester, Moir & Co, wholesale dry goods and groceries, 262 St Paul Forester, Robert, house 3 Latour Foret & Renand, floiirstore, Water near the market Foret, J, house IS-i St Joseph sub Forgett, Pierre, carter, Durham off Dorchester Forgett, Ant, carter, hef^J of Durham Forgett, Jos, cabinetmaker, St Dominique near the market Forgue, Joseph, cooper, head of Visitation Forest, J B, grocery and tavern, Chaboillez square Forrest, J B, Government clerk, mile end Forrestal, Patrick, police, Gabriel near McCord Forrestal, Patk, laborer, Little Dublin off St George Forster, S &: Co, wholesale dry goods and silks, 261 St Paul Forsyth, Thomas, house corner St Catherine and St Denis Forte, Charles, joiner, head of St Urbaiii Forte, Cossack, house 18 St Elizabeth Forte, J B, gardener, west of Richmond square Fortier. Felix, cabinet maker, 23 St Mary Fortier, Eustache, joiner, Seigneur Fortier, Nicholas, tailor, Jacques Cartier square Fortier, Frs, joiner, Bonaventure near Cemetery Fortier, A, plumber, Sanguinet near St Catherine Fortier, Frs, cabint'tmuker, 23 Tolentin Fortin, Benj, carter, St Catherine near Bleury Fortin, Moise, laborer, Dufresne Fortin, F X, laborer, Dufresne Fortin, Nicholas, shoemaker, Amherst near Lagau- chetidre Fortin, Frs, house off St Joseph near the toll bar Fortin, John, carter, St Catherine near Bleury Foster, J, wholesale wines and groceries, 23 St Sa- crament, house 27 Alexander Foster, James, trader, 86 St Mary Foster, Chs, tavern, St Joseph near toll bar Foster, Mrs, house Bonaventure near Acqueduct Foamier, John, house head«of St Constant Foamier, Xavier, Cemetery off Bonaventure Fl F F F F F fJ f3 i i) 103 h and larket sr mr the iqiiare d jeorge i silksi and St 'e trine igau- ar ;t Sa- lt Fournier, J Bte, shoemaker, head of St Dominique Fournier, Joseph, stonecutter, 5 Vall6e Fournier, Edward, house Lagaucheti^re near Ger- man Fournier, Mrs, house Vallee Fournier, Paul, joiner, St Fehx near St Joseph Fournier, Nicholas, stonecutter, St Phillip Foulds J & A, dry goods, 16 St Joseph city "'^'owler, R J, professor of music, 3 St Dominique Fox, Charles James, oil and glue factory, head of Visitation Fox, Mrs, milkwoman. Kempt near Gabriel ^ Foy, Mrs, laundress, 35 St Maurice Frament, Ant, grocer, corner Lagaucheti^re & Panel FitANCHERE, L O, merchant tailor, 13 St Lambert Franchere, J B, watchmaker, 156 St Paul Franchere, Mrs, milliner &c, 15 St Lambert FttANCis, Benj, general hardware, 286 St Paul Francis," James, bootmaker, Dorchester nr Durham Francis, Thos, cooper, Gabriel near George Francis, R, gardener, St Catherine near Sanguinet Francis, Fred, storeman, George near WeUington Francisco, Frs, Empire saloon, 14 Bonsecours near Notre Dame Francoeur & Giroux, traders, 42 St Lawrence Franklin, Edward, bricklayer, 8 German Franklin, L, lockkeeper, Ann near William Frappe, Jos, laborer, Beaudry terrace Frapier, Amise, stonecutter, 96 St Urbain Frapier, Simon, caner. Bare off St Joseph Frapier, Ant, jr carter, St Felix off St Joseph Frapier, Mrs, house 91 St Urbain Frapier, Antoine, carter, Bar6 off St Joseph Eraser, Samuel, cabinet-maker and upholsterer, 14 St Joseph sub Eraser, John, wholesale dry goods, 20 St Joseph, city Fraser, Hugh, commission merchant, 30 St Sacra- era men t Eraser, John, glass and china mender, 50 Bleury Eraser, Wm, M D, 8 Little St James I'-f* J - ♦ i I, ^ii- Wl 104 Fraser, F, shoemaker, 14 St Claude Fraser, Rev I »onald, house Pres-de-ville place Fraser, Hugh, gardener head of Victoria road Fraser, Scimu(M, house 14 St Joseph Fraser, Wm, messenger, Bouaveiiture near Acque- diict Fraser, Donald, millwright, 81 Bonaventure Fraser, A, baker, Beaudry Terrace Fraser, John, clerk Col6 near Vitre Fraser, John, laborer St Catherine near Bleury Frechktte, Olivier, carpenter and builder, Bona- venture near Inspector, house entrance of St Antoine ' Fredette, Frs, carriage-maker, Panet near St Mary Fredette, M, laborer, Bolland near Joseph Free Church of Scotland, head of Cot6 Freeman, William, laborer, Colborne near Gabriel Freer, Noah, house 1 JVlountain terrace Freer, E S, post office inspector, 1 Mountain terrace Frene, Frs, gardener, 1 10 St Antoine Frene, Frs, jr, gardener, Guy off St Antoine Freniere, Frs, painter, 108 St Joseph sub Freres de la Doctrine Chretienne, corner Cote and Chenneville ' Frereau, E. cooper, Chaboillez near St Joseph Fregeau, Frs, joiner Lagaucheti^re near Amherst Frigond, Pierre, mason, head ot St Constant Frique, Louis, laborer, 105 Water Fruitier, Louis, brushmaker, Bronsdon^s lane oft Dorchester f Frost, Mrs N S, house Haymarket square Froste, R, house 5 Berthelot Frothingham (J & G H) & Workman (W «fe T), wholesale hardware, 229 and 231 St Paul, up the court Frothingham, J, house Durocher Frothingham, George H, house Durocher FuLFORD, Right Rev Francis, Church of England, Bishop of Montreal, house Dorchester near Bel- le vue terrace FulUim, G, house Visitation near St Catherine J )lace road jar Acqiie- itiire lenry ler, Bona- uce of St St Mary Gabriel in terrace le Cote and eph Nmherst at lane of! W & T), Paul, up England, lear Bel- 106 Fuller, Mrs, teacher of music, Lagaucheti6re near Bleury Fullum, Mrs Francois Xavier, Panet near St Ca- therine FuHura, Wm, clerk, Dorchester near Durham Furey, Michael, storeman, Nazareth near William Furiiiss, Albert, house Cote St Antoine GABLER, J F, butcher, Lagaucheti^re near To- lentin GafFeney, Frs. laborer, Wellington near Ann Gagn6, Mrs, seamstress, St Genevieve off St An- toine Gagn6, Pierre, laborer, Perrault's court off Craig Gagne, Chs. laborer, Beaudry near St Catherine Gagnon, P. sawyer, court off Visitation = Gagnon, N. joiner, Mignonne near St Dominique Gagnon, Ant. cooper. Gain near Lagaucheti^re Gagnon. J B. carpenter, St Dominique near the Market Gagnon, Louis, joiner, 14 Amherst Gagnon, Etienne, house head of Brock Gagnon, Honor6, joiner, Montcalm near St Mary Gagnon, Joseph, laborer, Chaboillez off St Joseph Gagnon, Pierre, barber, 59 St Paul Gagnon, Pierre, cooper, 52 St Maurice Gagnon, I B. carter, Chaboillez square Gagnon, I B. waterman, 77 Bonaventure Gagnon, S. stone cutt« r, St Urbain near Dorchester Gagnon, Lou's, house 19 St Claude Gagnon, Louis, hatter, Chaboillez off St Joseph Gagnon, Louis, stone cutter, court off St Charles Barrom6e Gagnon, Chas. shoemaker, Dufresne Gagnon, Mrs. house William near Kempt Gain, Thomas, tailor, 85 Fortification lane Galaratti, Achille, VauxhuU saloon, 20 Great St James Galarneau (P M) & Roy (C DJ, wholesale dry goods, 204. St Paul ^' Galarueau, P M. house 9 Beaver-hall terrace Galaraeau, Joseph, waterman, Durham - . / I ■ ■ij m Galaise, Frs. st^^a'ker it-r" ^"'"hoster Gallagher, iameTXTake "in^d *"' ^"" Gallagher, p. grocer /)„P.'^',A"derson near Jure Gallagher, Johnf S;?1^"t' ^^ <^°lbo"'e Gallagher And ;w, car ;rSn' """l' "TCoilege Gallagher, Mrs trader niV"""" <*««' Mary GallafheJ fe,'laWer ^r ^^ «^'--' ' Ga lagher, Lawrence Ser^l'"?"" ^''"■^Ine Gal.peau, Toussaint ca//e; v^f"^ ^''^''"e • Galipeaii, John, carter p' Y'"^""" ""^d Galipeau,' Ale " s, c^^er Cf "'" ^' ^'"''""« Ga t, Mrs Andw hmS^Vo K ™^ Gait, Mrs W. houseTaq H, ^""a^en'we Gait, A T. MPpTporL '^"7 Galway, Cant R w I """^Pl^ce ' Gamble EcTpaTnt!; W *'.!'":''"'' ''^d ' Gamble. Wm^er l?.,"f '"t'? "^^rBleury Gamble, Joseph, laborer B^ y"', ^^H'Dgton ^ Gamble, Davkl,'paimer 'w '' ^"" "««* Craig Gannon, Micha'ercSk'ss g? M '''^''" "«" ^'eury Gannon, John ri..,, J ^^ ^^^^Y ^ 107 lester me orchester Weliington otre Dame Borge 111 lear Jure )rne r College Mary >riel .,; ^ briel y ibriel 'atlierine oif Craig erchants, nonne rine sury aig Bleury el #' T I Garcean, Olivier, carpenter, St Catherine Gardiner, Alexander, smith. Cemetery off St Joseph Gardiner, J. house Belmont Gardiner Thomas, bricklayer, Hochelaga Gardiner, Mrs R H. house 11 St Edward Gardiner, Mrs. house George near Wellington Gardiner, John, bricklayer, Hochelaga Gardiner, Alexpnder, smith, St Joseph near Ceme- tery Gardiner, Robert, machinist, Nazareth near Wel- lington Gardner, Alex, general hardware, 221 St Paul Gareau, Charles merchant tailor, agent, 187^ Notre Dame Gareau, Louis, trader, 100 St Joseph sub Gareau, Ed. shipwright, lane off Moiratain Gareau, Leon, shoemaker, Bar6 off St Joseph Gareau, Mrs. house 96 St Joseph sub Gareau, Edw. joiner, 120 St Joseph sub Gareau, Ant. cooper, Versailles near St Joseph Gareau, Andr6, mason, house 7 Cemetery Gareau, X. saddler, 11 Cemetery Gareau, Geo, boarding-house, 35 St Vincent Gareau, Joseph, house Dorchester near St Constant Gareau, Felix, house Chaboillez square Gareau, Wm, lockmaster, south side of canal Gareau, Joseph, house 100 St Joseph sub Garfoot, G, carter, St Dominique near St Catherine Gariepy, Alfred, clerk, 65 St George Gariepy, Chas, trader, Hochelaga Gariepy, Mrs, laundress, Bar6 off St Joseph Gaiigan, John, bricklayer, Murray near Wellington Garnot, P, French teacher, Hermine near Craig Garrett, J, sheriff's officer and tavern, 60 Notre Dame (rarneau, Joseph, tinroofer, 28 Panet Garneau, Bernard, house Mignonne near Panet Garrick, David, bailiff, 15 St Lambert Grarrish, H D, house St Catherine near St Denis Garth, Charles, plumber, brazier and baths, 142 Craig ^ ,;1 vf fiii 108 k ; 1- : ^ 1 t ; ' Garth, GeoTge, house 142 Craig Garvin, James, grocer, 3 St Antoine Gaskiti John, mason, Gabriel near Prince Gas Works, New City, corner Gabriel and Ann Gates, E M, Albion hotel, 311 St Paul Gatehouse, Mrs, seamstress, Roy lane, off Bonaven- ture Gatien, Chs, sadd'er, Sanguinet near St Catherine Gaudaire, Joseph, Bar6 off St Josepli Gaudry, Ls, mason, head of German Gault, M H, agent for life and fire assurance 22 St Frangois Xavier Gault, Stevenson & Co, wholesale dry goods, 282 St Paul Gault, Mrs L, house, 6 Tecumseth Terrace Gault, F A, house 6 Tecumseth Terrace Gauthier, E, tailor. 88 Notre Dame Gauthier, Louis J, carriagemaker, corner St Law- rence and Dorchester, house 65 St Lawrence Gauthier. Antoine, joiner. Champ de Mars Gauthier, Noel, house Panet near St Catherine Gauthier, Mrs, house lane off St Felix Gauthier, T, laborer, Panet near Lagauchetidre Gauthier, Moses, tailor, 24 St Mary Gauthier, Joseph, carter, 40 Amherst Gauthier, Chs, shoemaker, St Dominique near Sher- brooke Gauthier, T, cooper, George near William Gauthier, Jean, laborer, Dslhousie near Wellington Gauthier, Jean, shoemaker, 27 Dorchester Gauthier, Louis, carter, Dubord Gauthier, Henry, musician, Dorchester near St Con- stant Gauthier, Narcisse, saddler. Bare off St Josepli Gauthier, Michel, laborer. Bare off' St Joseph Gauthier, J B, carpenter, Lagaucheti^re near Seaton Gauthier, Joseph, mason, Dorchester near St Domi- nique .•i;n:a J^- ' .; .;.;-.'.; , Gauthier, Thomas, carter, Panet near Lagaucheti^re Gauthier, Bapt, carter, Cadieux, Cote 4 Baron ^ Gauthier, Louis, carter, Bar6 off St Joseph ■mMhk 109 St Catherine ue near Sher- near St Con- Gardner & Watson, engineers, corner Vitr6 and Chenneville Gauthier, Frs, waterman, 89 Visitation Gauthier, Amable, architect, Montcalm off St Mary Gauthier, Chs, carter, Diifresne Gauthier, Leandre, shoemaker, Hochelaga Gauthier, J, grocer, corner Mignonne and St Law- rence Gauthier, P B, dry goods, 159 St Paul, house 133 St Paul Gauthier, Pierre, paper hanger, 45 Notre Dame Gauvreau, M, shoemaker, Lagaucheti^re near Am- herst Gaiivreau, Pierre, stonecutter. Visitation near St Ca- therine Gauvreau, Joseph, carpenter, head of St Catherine Gauvreau, A, sawyer, head of Sanguinet Gauvreau, Olivier, laborer, Devienne Gauyette, Chs, laborer, Hochelaga Gavin, M & P, coach builders, 74 Craig near Bleury Gavin, Michael, house 83 Fortification lane Gavin, Phillip, plasterer. Brock Gaw, Z C, cabinetmaker, 16 St Joseph sub Gay, John, soapboiler, St Constant near Craig Gedard, Mrs, house 46 St Maurice Geddes, Charles, general broker, 277 St Paul in rear, house 86 Sherbrooke Geen, Geo, grocer, corn Queen square and St Mary Geen, Robert, carpenter, St Catherine nr Alexander Geer, Andrew, smith, Bar6 off St Joseph Gemmill, Wm, house Lagauchetidre nr Alexander Gemmill, Alexander, house 59 McGill Genand, Bt, carpenter, 8 Vallee Genand, Mrs, boarding-house, 203 Craig i Genard, Joseph, laborer, head of Visitation Gendreau, Geo, carter, Beaudry near Dorchester Gendron, H, printer, 29 St Gabriel, house German near Dorchester ,; t. Gendron, John, smith, 159 St Joseph sub Gendron, Mrs, tailoress, Lagaucheti^re near Tolentin Genereux, Simon, carpenter, St Edward lane >''■ f:3 Ifm '1 M f. 'iii: 110 Genereux, Ant> confectioner, St Catherine near Alexander Genereux, Joseph, shoemaker, Visitation near St Catherine Genereux, Hy, laborer, Fnlhim near Dufresne Genette, Felix, smith, Dumarais off German Georgian Spring Water Depot, E Cheney, agent, 43 Great St James Geracaud, F, plasterer, German near Dorchester Geraldi, S, hotel, 24 St Gabriel Gerard, Joseph, laborer, lane off Mountain Gerard, A, cabinetmaker, Mignonne near St Con- stant Gerard, J^oiiis, carter, Victoria road Gerard, Ls, cutler, Place d'Armes Gerard, Oct, house German near Mignonne Germain, J B, dry goods, 138 tSt Paul, house 175 St Paul Germain, Eustache, carpenter, Aylmex Gerrard, Samuel, house 45 St Gabriel Gerrard, Richard, 45 St Gabriel Gervais, Antoine, gardener, St Denis Gervais, Pierre, grain store, 79 St Paul, house Cam- peau Gervais, Augustin, clerk, Aylmer Gethings, Mrs, Murray near Gabriel Gettes, William, hatter and furrier, 210 St Paul Giard, Dr L, Education office. Government house Giasson, Ignace, Indian interpreter, St Felix offBon- aventure GiBB & Co, merchant tailors. Great St James adjoin- Bank British North America GiBB, J J, notary public, 39 Little St James, house 41 Little St James Gibb, J D, sen, house Sherbrooke near St Charley Barromee Gibb, Benaiah, house Beaver-hall place Gibbes & Co, merchants, Commissioners Gibbon, Mrs, house Union avenue Gibbons, Wm, clerk, Hermine near Jur6 Gibeau, Narcisse, stonecutter, Dumarais near St Constant til itherine near ition near St >ufresne erman heney, agent, )orchester itain near St Con- onne house 175 St , house Cam- St Paul [cnt house elix off Bon- imes adjoin* imes, house St Charles is near St Gibeau, J B, waterman, Brock near Mignonne Gibeau, Louis, cooper, German near St Catherine Giboau, Narcisse, jun, stonecutter, German near St Catherine Gibeau, Mrs, house Sanguinet near Dorchester Gibeau, Alfred, stonecutter, German near Mignonne Gibson, T E, boards at Levine's Exchange hotel Gibson, Mrs John, grocer, Perrault's court off Craig Gibson, John, dry goods, 168 Notre Dame Gibson, T A, teacher at High school, house Dor- chester, Beaverhall Gibson, Mrs, dressmaker, 66 St Lawrence Gibson, John, laborer, head of Fullum Gibson, Mrs, house Colborne near Wellington Gigon, C S, rag merchant, Lagaucheti^re near St Charles Barroni6e Giguire, C, shoemaker, Mignonne near German Giguire, Andr6, smith, German near Mignonne Giguire, Thos, shoemaker, Mignonne near German Giguire, Henry, carpenter, Lagauchetidre near St Ignace Guilbault, Joseph, wood corder, Durham near Ca- therine Guilbault, Frs, laborer, Perth ins near Berry lane Guilbault, Francis, house, 22 St Charles Barrom^e Guilbault, Pascal, stonecutter, Cadieux.Cote a Barron Gilbert, J M, coal and commission merchant, 5 St Sacrament, house 8 Cot6 Gilbert & Macfarlane, founders, engineers, &c, west end of St Joseph Gilbert, E E, house west end of St Joseph Gilbert, Wm, clerk. Hochelaga Gilbert, Michael, laborer, 50 Amherst Gilbert, Chs, engineer, corner St Joseph and Kempt Gilbert, Ls M, confectioner, Bonsecours Gilbride, David, dry goods, 23 St Mary Gilchrist, Andrew, engineer, Eleanor near Gabriel Gilfoyle, Michael, carter, St Edward lane Gilfoyle, Michael, laborer, 20 Chaboillez Gill, J, carpenter, Anderson near Jur6 ' * ■ Gill & Read, carpenters, 152 Craig I I I II i ! 112 Gilliin, Robert, upholsterer, 27 St Simon Gillan, Patrick, laborer, Colborne near William Gillard, James, joiner, Jure near Alexander Gillatly, David, smith, 53 Mountain Gillespie, Moffatt & Co, general merchants, 180 and 182 St Paul Gillespie, Jas, tinsmith, 1 17 Craig Gillespie, Mrs Peter, honse 56 St Urbain Gillese, Frs, carter, court off Murray Gillese, John, printer, 4 Place d'Armes Gillies, John, shoemaker, 17 Vitr6 Giltner, Casimir, mason, Panet near Water Giltner, Paul, cooper, 13 Amherst GiLMouR & Co, general merchants, 24 St Sacrament Gilmour, James, house corner Durocher and Sher- brooke Gilmour, Allan, house corner Durocher and Sher- brooke Gilmore, John, painter, 116 Craig Gilmore & Hunt, painters, &c, 78 Craig Gilmore, Wm, bricklayer, Barclay near St Mary Gilmore, Mrs, laundress, 28 Craig Gilroy, Susan, grocer, 71 Mountain Gingras, Emilie, watchmaker, 27 St Dominique Gingras, Henry, joiner, court off Vallee Gingras, P, laborer, court off Vall6e Gingras, P, joiner, Beaudry terrace Girard, Jos, butcher, head of Partenais Girard, Jos, joiner, Wolfe near St Catherine Girard, , carpenter, head of St Dominique Girard, Jos, cabinet-maker, St Mary near Barclay Gird wood, David, stonecutter, court off Jure Girouard. J B, carter, St Catherine near St Denis Giroux, Joseph, carter, Felix off Bonaventure Giroux, Felix, house 94 St Joseph sub Giroux, Jos, tinsmith, lane off Mountain > Giroux, J U, boarding-house, St Constant near Dor- chester Giroux, Isaac, butcher, 13 Amherst Giroux, Theodore, shoemaker, St Catherine near St Lawrence 118 ion ir William xander merchants, 180 )ain 38 Vater St Sacrament ler and Slier- ler and Sher- ir St Mary ominique rine liniqiie ir Barclay "iir6 St Denis ature t near Bor- ne near St Giroiix, Lonis, laborer, head of Panet Glackmeyer, Chas, assistant city clerk, Sanguinet near Vltrd Glackmeyer, Frcdk, clerk, Lagaucheti^re near St Denis Glass, John, secretary, harbour commissioners, Cus- tom house Square, house 14 Bellevue terrace Glassford & Walker, forwarders and commission merchants, Canal wharf Glassford, Jas A, house Phillip's Square Glassford, Hy A, commission merchant and insur- rance agent, 16 St Sacrament Gleeson, Michl, laborer, court off McCord Gleeson, Patk, carpenter, Fortification lane Gleeson, Jas, tailor, 13 St Maurice Gleeson, Patk, laborer, Gabriel near Prince Gleeson, Timothy, foreman, Nazareth near William Gleeson, Michael, laborer, McCord off* William Glen, Crawford, plumber, 3 St Peter, house Hanover, Beaver Hall Glennon & Co, wholesale china and glass, 200 St Paul Glennon, John, boards at the St Lawrence Hall Glennon, Patk, shoemaker, court off* Bonaventure Globensky, A L, dry goods, St Lawrence Globensky, Dr B, 91 St Lawrence Godaire, Miss, school 43 Bonaventure Godaire, Alex, shoemaker, St Catherine nr Bleury Godaire, Pierre, laborer, Voltigeur near St Mary Godaire, Francois, carter, Mignonne near Sanguinet Godaire, Joseph, carpenter, Bar6 off St Joseph Godfrey, R T, MD, house 181 Craig corner Alex- ander Gotlfrey, Mrs, laundress, Kempt near Gabriel Godin, F B, advocate, St Law^rence hill Godreau, Jacques, joiner, Mignonne nr St Constant Godreau, Denis, joiner, St Dominique near Mig- nonne . . - Goedike, D B, advocate, 14 St Vincent, house St Mary Golden, Jas, laborer, Gabriel near Catherine M !i 1 i 1 t, I' t r:>, 114 GooJeiiough, A, house St Antoine, west of Rich- moiul Square Gootlfollovv, Wm, ale vaults, Fortification lane near Bleury GooDwiLLiE, RoBT, Carpenter and builder, Anderson Goodwin, Mrs, seamstress. St Edward lane Goodwin, Patrick, police, William near Murray Goodwin, James, laborer, Kempt near Gabriel Goodwin, Thos, house Hochelaga Gooly, Thos, laborer, Hermine near Jur6 Gordon & Co, general merchants, 26 St Nicholas Gordon, James, merchant, house 13 Bellevue ter- race Gordon, Mrs M M, house 14' St Antoine Gordon, Mrs, house Tolentin near Water Gordon, J, smith, house corner William and Cathe- rine Gordon, James, laborer, Dupr6 lane Gordon, David, smith, corner Beaudry and St Cathe- rine Gorman, Mrs John, house court offColborne Gorman, Owen, tailor, McCord near Gabriel Gorman, Charles, carter, Wellington near Ann Gorman, Stephen, pedler, Murray near Gabriel . Gormley, Frs, gardener, 192 St Joseph sub Gorrie, Edward, pedler, head of Brock Gorrie, Daniel, house 63 St Louis Goslie, Mrs, house Voltigeurs off St Mary Gosse, B, joiner, Lagauchetidre near Ignace Gosselin, G N, collector of water rates, 26 Notre Dame Gosselin, Mrs, boarding house, 68 St Gabriel Gosselin, Felix, gunsmith, 46 Bleury Gosselin, Miss, shirt maker, German near Dorohes- ter Gosselin, Louis, shoemaker, Hochelaga Gosselin, Pierre, polisher, 56 St Dominique Gosselin, Frs, shoemaker, 24«3 St Joseph sub GouDiE & Ogilvie, flour mills, St Gabriel lock, canal Goudie, Jas, miller, 105 Mountain Goudie, Mrs D, house Gabriel near George : . |i HHH \u nd St Cathe- I Goutlney, F X,carp(}nter, PartenaisofTSt Mary GouGH, A, collector of Luchine canal, house Univer- sity avenue Goiigh, Tiios, grocer, Wellington near the Canal (toujon, Louis, trader, Hocheluga (joujon, Chs, stuftl'r, St Mary near Brock Goujon, Jean Bapt, baker, Lagauciie'i^re near St Dominique Goujon, Jos, painter, Lagauchcti^re near St Domi- que Goujon, Mrs, house Acqueduct off St Joseph Goujon, Peter, carter, St Felix near St Joseph Goujon, Antoine, tnuler, St Amable lane Goujon, A, house St Felix olFBouaventure Goujon, Benjamin, carpenter, Bar6 off St Joseph Goujon, Pierre, laborer, head of Fullum Goujon, Miss, dressmaker, 3 Inspector Gould, Ira, City flour mills off the Canal wharf, of- fice corner Grey Nun & McGill, house 5 St Antoine place Gould, N W, house 35 St Antoine Gould, R J, tinsmith, 45 St George Goulet, Hilaire, joiner, Dufresne Goulet, Joseph, smith, corner Visitation and Lagau- chetifire, house 66 Visitation Goulet, Jos, carpenter, head of Sanguinet Gouldthorp, Joseph, moulder, George near Welling- ton Gourdeau, Isidore, laborer, 9 Chaboillez Gour6, Frs, laborer, head of Panet Goure, Joseph, trader, St Amable lane Goutre, Frs, joiner, Mignonne near St Lawrence Gouvreau, J B, bulcher, St Charles Barrom6e Gouvreau, Joseph, laborer, St Catherine near Alex- ander Gouvreau, Edwd, house Dumarais off St Constant Gouvreau, Olivier, house Bronsdon's lane Gouvreau, Ant, coachman, Bronsdon's lane off Dor- chester Gouvreau, R, nailer, Mountain near St Joseph Government wood-yard, Water near the Barracks i| . f .1 m iTrr v?\ \\ '•: li' I [1 h [ 116 Government Emigrant Office, A Golan, agent, cor^ ner Common and King Goyet, Louis, trader, Dorchester near Brock Goyet, Frs, shoemaker, St Hubert Goyet, Eustache, cartel, head of Brock Goyet, Henry, mason, 27 Panet Goyet, T, carriagemaker, 75 St Mary Goyet, Felix, carver, 14 Valine Goyet, J M, cooper, 12 Panet Goyet, Mrs Jean, house Mignonne near Beaudry Goyet, Maurice, carter, court off Visitation Goyet, Mrs, seamstress, Lagaucheti^re near St Law- rence Goyet, Chs, shoemaker, Lagaucheti^re near St Eli- zabeth Goyet Ed, butcher, German near Mignonne Goyet, Frs, cooper, Ann near Wellington Goyet, Pierre, carter, Dorchester near Brock ' Goyet, Maxime, carter, head of Visitation Goyet, Ant, butcher. Napoleon off Montcalm Goyet, Louis, police, Dorchester near Durham Grace, John, smith and horseshoer, 52 Great St James, house 84 Bonaventure ' Grace, John, grocer, 84 Bonaventure Grace, Michl, cooper, 2 Colborne Grafton, Wm, school, 35 St Joseph sub Grafton, Wm. shoemaker, 12 St Bernard Grafton, E, bookkeeper at John Dou gall's, St Paul Graham, R, stationery and blank book manufactory 252 St Paul, house 2 Cote Graham, Mrs Geo, tavern, 12 St Mary Graham, Jas, grocer, St Antoine bridge Graham, Wm, jail guard, Dorchester near Colborne avenue Graham, Mrs A, dry goods, 154 St Joseph sub Graham, Mrs, milliner, 181^ Notre Dame Graham, John, bricklayer, Dubord near St Hubert Graham, Miss, dressmaker, Dubord near St Hubert Graham, John, laborer, Colborne avenue Graham, Geo F, teacher of muStc, 3 St Genevieve Graham, Mrs, boarding-house, Vitr^ near Alexander i m I i il:' ■I 118 Grand Trunk R R Office, Point St Charles — Jas Hodges, agent for contractors ; W C Spilling, cashier; JG McKenzie, district engineer; J Duncan, W Stanley, F Cutbill, W Warden, John Milling, and Gooding, engineers; D Aik- man, McKenzie Cross, W Wilkinson, C L Wil- kinson, and M E Matthieu, clerks ; John Iken, Jas Langlands, F Scott, J L Leiths, and A Tiirnbiill, draughtsmen ; R Wynn, housekeep- per and messenger - Gray, Daniel, watchmaker, 40 Great St James Gray, W, barrack-master, house St Hubert near La- gaucheti^re Gray, Geo, smith, Nazareth near Gabriel Gray, Geo, cabinetmaker. College near Dupr6 Gray, George, agent, 14 St Joseph, sub Gray, Wm, carter, St Margaret offBonaventure Gray, customs officer, 203 St Joseph, sub Gray, Robert, clerk. College near Dupre Gray, Jas L, grocer, corner Campeau and Lagauche- ti^re Gray, Jas, blacksmith, St Joseph near Richmond Gray, Robt, laborer. Prince near Wellington . Gray, John, smith, King near William Green, Jas, shoemaker, St Constant near Mignonne Green, Thomas, tailor, 60 Bleiiry Green, Geo, shoemaker, 8 Vitre Green, Jas, joiner, head of Alexander Greene & Sons, wholesale hatters and furriers, 305 and 307 St Paul Greene, T J, house 305 St Paul Grenard, Ant, fireman. Water near Bonsecours - Greenshields (Samuel,) Son & Co, wholesale dry goods, Cuvillier's buildings, St Sacrament Greenshields, John, house 2 Callender Place, Moun- tain Greenshields, J B, house Simpson off Sherbrooke Greenshields, W G, house Cote St Antoine, west of toll bar Greer, Wm, painter, Dorchester near Bleury Greer, R, commissariat messei%er, house Wolfe t « fe* S 119 t Charles — Jas W C Spilling, t engineer; J 1, W Warden, neers; D Aik- nson, C L Wil- es ; John Iken, jeiths, and A m, housekeep- t St James iibert near La- riel r Diipr6 lib tiaventure eph, sub pre nd Lagauche- Richmond igton . ar Mignonne furriers, 305 secours [holesale dry rament ^lace, Moun- lerbrooke ]ne, west of jury Wolfe Greer, Saml, sawyer, Bonaventure near Felix Gregory, Mrs, house College near Inspector Gregory, Mrs S, house St Francois de Salles Greig, Jno, ordnance dept, 21 Sherbrooke Greig, Wm, baker, court off St Margaret Grenier, Jerome, sexton, 5 Water Grenier, Jos, carpenter, Lagaucheti^re near Saint Denis Grenier, Jacques, dry goods, 128 St Paul Grenier, Ant, butcher, 25 St Maurice Grenier, Frs, shipwright, Bar^ off St Joseph Grenier, Jerome, dry goods, 122 St Paul Griffin, Fhed, advocate, 43 St Gabriel Griffin, J C, notary public, 19 Union buildings, St Frangois Xavier, house River St Pierre Griffin, Capt, D A A G, house 19 Sherbrooke Griffin, Simon, house Mountain near St Joseph Griffin, James, confectioner, Dorchester near Bleury Griffin, John, laborer, 50 Wolfe Griffin, Mrs, school, 116 St Antoine (irimard, Fabien, laborer, Tolentin near St Mary Grisdale, Benjamin, laborer. Busby lane off Craig Grison, Jacob, pork butcher, St Mary near Adolphus Grogan, Dr, 26th Regt, 75 Water Gro^eau, Isidore, sawyer, Hocheiaga Groleau, Louis, pilot, head of Panet Groth6, Theodore, jeweller, St Lawrence near St Dominique Grothe, Andre, jeweller, Mignonne near St Eli- zabeth Groth6, John, silversmith, Craig near St Lawrence Groux, Toussaint, house 34 St Margaret Groux, Felix, painter, 38 St Joseph sub Groves, George, trader, 41 St Joseph sub Groves, John, confectioner, 2 St Mary Groves, John, house Dorchester near St George Guchau, Amab, carpenter, Richmond off St Joseph Guenette, J B, carter St Phillip Guenette, Pierre, carter, Panet near St Catherine Guenette, Ig, stone cutter, Visitation near St Cathe- rine 11 If ;iM I ;i 120 Gaerin, Miss, milliner, 176 ^ Notre Dame Guerin, T, milliner, 103 Notre Dame Guerin, Tiiomas, surveyor, 103 Notre Dame Guerin, Louis, bailiff, Dorchester near Sangiiinet Guibord, Damase, joiner, Tolentin off St Mary Guidi, John, looking glass and picture framer, 189 Notre Dame, in rear GuiLBEAULT, J E, botanic and zoological garden and aviary, 100 Sherbrooke Guilbeault, Joseph, mason, head of Visitation Guilbeault, Ant, trader, Montcalm near Panet Guilbeault, Frs smith, head of St Charles Barrom6e Guilbeault, Mrs L, house Fortier, Cote a Barron Guilbeault, N, laborer, head ol Durham Guilbeault, Michel, mason, head of Dufresne Guilbeault, Et, mason, St Catherine near Panet Guilbeault, Amable, laborer, Jur6 near Bleury Guilmette, J O, dry goods, 209 St Paul, house 175 St Paul Guimond, Mrs, house Cemetery near Bonaventure Guimond, Francois, waterman. Visitation near Mig- nonne Guimond, Michael, laborer, Voltigeurs nr St Mary Guimond, Seraphine, trader. Visitation near St Ca- therine Guinette, Jean, stone cutter, 12 Visitation Guise, David, laborer, Gabriel near Prince Gundlack, Alexander, house Mile-end Gunn, William, hatter, 13 St Maurice Gunner, Mrs, seamstress, Alexander near Jur6 Gunning, Wm, shoemaker, Anderson near Jur6 Gurd, Joseph, chandler, Bisson off St Antoine Gurnage, Cyril, sawyer, Lagaucheti^re near Adol- phus ' Guthrie, Mrs, seamstress, Lagauchetidre near St George Guthrie, Mrs J, seamstress, St Antoine bridge Guy, E, notary public, 72 St Francois Xavier, house Lower Lachine Guy, Hon Judge, office at the Court house Guy, Andr6, mason, Visitation near Lagauchetidre awiiwwstiiiWBiiiiM 121 cal garden and ^re near St Guy, P M, house 72 St Francois Xaxier Guy, Joseph, carpenter, Cemetery off Bonaventure Guy, Clovis, house 113 St Joseph sub Guy, F X, laborer, Dufresne oft" St Mary Guy, Andr6, joiner, Current St Mary Guyon, Joseph, caulker, Amherst near St Catherine HAACKE, H G A, teacher of languages, 21 Little St James Hacket, John, storeman, 36 St Maurice Hadden, Chs, clerk. Amherst near Lagaucheti^re Hadden, Samuel, laborer, court off* Murray Hadley, J & J, daguerreotypists, 90 Notre Dame HafTerty, Pat, carter, 14 St Claude Hadzor, X, whipmaker, William near Kempt Hagan, L, tailor, Dorchester near Charles Barrom^e llagan, Wm, laborer, Barclay off* St Mary Hagan, Wm, cutler, &c, 39 St Lawrence llagantoii, Richard, butcher, Montcalm near St Mary Hagar, Charles & Co, (Edward Hagar) china, glass, &c, 293 St Paul Hagar, G, hardware and stoves, wholesale and re- tail, 145 St Paul, house Wellington near King Hagar, Charles, house 10 Cot6 Hagar, Edward, house 4 Cot6 Hagarty, Phillip, laborer. Gabriel near Murray Hage, Henry, joiner, court ofT Inspector Haige, Geo, clerk, head of St Denis Haines, Chs, shoemaker, head of Visitation Halcro, Miss, dressmaker, Cemetery near St Antoine Haldane, J, boot and shoe store, 203 Notre Dame Haldane, L H, house Monique off" St Antoine Haldimand, Brothers, hardware, 129 and 131 St Paul, house 117 St Lawrence Haldimand, Mrs L, house 1 17 St Lawrence Hale, John, house 7 Alexander Hall, Theodore D, commission merchant, Exchange court, house 17 St Monique Hall, William, gunsmith and sportsman's ware- house, 106 Notre Dame Hall, Archibald, M D, Radegond off Craig m \-i% W- I (1 1 ; fi ' i I ! I,, l! Ill ill iS.n !l till i • : I . ii;r. ■ 1: li [pi 'III! 122 Hall, J N, hardware, 145 St Paul, house 23 Great St James Hall, Mrs, milliner and dressmaker, 23 Great St James Hall, Benjamin, house Piedmont, foot of the Moun- tain Hall, Robert, storeman, 42 Bonaventure Hall, Wm, storeman, 150 Craig Hall, George, boarding-house, 76 McGill Hall, William, clerk, St Henry near College Hall, Edward, laborer, St Henry near College Hall, John S, merchant, house Colborne near Wel- lington Hallinan, Jos, bootmaker, 27 St Charles Barrom^e Haley, Thos, gardener. Mountain near St Antoine Haley, Andrew, trader, Tolentin off St Mary Hallowell, Robert, general merchant, 3 St Helen, house City Councillors Hallowell, Mrs John, house 19 St Maurice Hamel, Max, clerk, 32 St Dominique Hamel, Patrick, laborer, St Constant near Mignonnc Hamel, Mathew, laborer. Queen near William Hamelin, Edward, voyageur, College near Inspector Hamil, Arthur, butcher, 81 Bonaventure Hamilton, R H, comptroller imperial customs, 268 St Paul Hamilton, Edward, wine and spirit vaults, 184 Notre Dame, house St Antoine west Hamilton, John, grocer, corner Jure and Hermine Hamilton, Andrew, dry goods, 48 McGill Hamilton, Mrs, house Lagaucheti^re near Bleury Hamilton, J, shoemaker, 30 Notre Dame, house corner St Louis and Hubert Hamilton, Andrew, clerk, Murray near Gabriel Hamilton, W D, dry goods, 22 St Joseph city Hammond, Robt, marblecutter, head of St Urbain Hammond, Henry, laborer, William near Murray Harapson, Robert, clerk, customs department, Cus- tom house Hancock, Mrs, store 6 Inspector Hancock, Jas, tailor, Panet near Water 123 Handratty, C, carter, George near Gabriel Hands, Win, bailiff, Dorchester near Panet Handyside, Adam, house 200 Craig Handyside & Co, commission and custom-house agents, Custom-house square Handyside, R W, house 65 Champ de Mars Haney, Hugh, laborer, 8 Chaboillez Haney, John, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Hanley, Thomas, Kingston hottl and provisions, corner Common and Prince Hanley, Timothy, tailor, Scotch lane off St Urbain Hanley, E, trader, 109 St Paul Hanley, John, tavern, 86 Foundling Hanlon, Mrs, staymaker, 36 Craig Hannah, Mrs J G, house 113 St Antoine Hannah, John, clerk, Col borne near William Hannah, Thos, tailor, St Urbain near Dorchester Hannah, Olivier, grocer, 58 St Antoine Hannan, M, tailor, St Edward lane, near St Antoine Hannay, Miss, dressmaker, corner St Charles Barro- mee and St Catherine Hannon, Roger, pedlar, court off Bonaventure Hannon, John, trader, St Georg:e near Jur6 Hannon, John, storeman, 6 St Henry Hanrahan, L, laborer, George near Gabriel Hanrahan, Thos, trader, 11 Alexander Harbour Commissioner's Office, John Glass, se- cretary, Custom-house square Harbour Master's Office, Custom-house square Harding, Geo, house Lagauchetidre near St Eliza- beth Harding, Mrs, dressmakfer, 25 Chenneville Hardisty, H E, blacking and ink factory, Tanneries Hardman, Jas, accountant, 62 St Denis Hare, Ed, clerk, 32 Little St James Hare, Wm, tavern, 13 St Joseph jub Harkin, Henry, dry goods, 118 Notre Dame, house Fortification lane Harley, Mrs D, house Queen near William Harmer, Daniel, boots and shoes, St Lawrence near Vitre tk 1* M 134 1). 11^ mi < 1 "'■ » l.n 5fi Harney, Patrick, laborer, Ann near Wellington Hcirnois, Ant, carter, German near Mignonne llarnois, L, cabinetmaker, German near Mignonne Harold, John, boots and shoes, 103.^ Notre Dame Harold, J, carter, head of St Charles Barrom6e Harper, Andrew, butcher, Seigneur, west of Rich- mond Harper, Andrew, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Harper, Jas, storeman Lagauchetidre near Wolfe Hurring, Wm, messenger, Tolentin near St Mary Harrington, William, wholesale grocer, corner St Frangois Xavierand St Paul, house head of Du- rocher Harrington, Danl, laborer, Cemetery off Bonaven- ture Harrington, Richd, shoemaker, 9 St Bernard Harris, James, clerk, 71 St Urbain Harris, F W, cotton factory, St Gabriel locks, house 207 St Joseph sub Harris, John, storeman, Catherine near Wellington Harrison, Michael, carter, lane off Campeau Harrison, Joseph, tailor, St Henry near St Maurice Harrison, Mrs, trader, 33 St Louis Harrison, Gilbert, storeman, court off* Jur6 Harrison, Mrs, milliner, Hermine off Craig Hart, Theodore, general merchant, 10 St Sacra- ment, house corner Sherbrooke and St Denis Hart, Miss, seamstress, 15 Perthuis Hart, Simon, jeweller, 7 St Lawrence Hart, Alex, clerk, German near Dorchester Hartley, J, clerk. Fortification lane Harvey, Alfred C, advocate* St Therese, house head of St Dominique Harvey, David, house Belmont, Beaver-hall Harvey, Henry, cabinetmaker, corner Jure and An- derson Harvey, Thomas, mason, head of Visitation Harvey, John, store, 30 St Mary Harvey, Miss, school of industry, 69 St Antoine Harvey, James, laborer, Wellington near Ann Haslett, Alex, laborer, St Joseph near Richmond 123 Ilasley, Mrs M, house Bisson off St Antoine Hasley, Richd, cabinetmaker, Devienne Hassett, Denis, lalwrer, McCord near William Hastie, Wm, clerk, Jiir6 near Bleury Hatch, Mrs, house Berry lane off St Lewis Hatch, Jas, carter, Murray near Gabriel Hatton, Saml, police, Dorchester near Durham Hausselman, E, gas rate collector, house 57^ Cam- peau Hawkins, Wm, laborer, Hermine off Craig Hawkins, Thomas, boots, shoes, and leather, 126^ Notre Dame, house 29 St Jean Baptiste Hawley, Joseph A, advocate, St Therese Hausegen, & Gnaedinger, furriers, 8 St Peter Hay, a M, forwarder and commission merchant, corner Common and George, Canal Wharf Hay, Jno, tailor 52 Chenneville Hayden, Jas, laborer. Hay market square Hayden, Richard, smith, Colborne near Gabriel Hays, M J, house at St Lawrence hall Hays, Brian, clerk, 61 Craig Hays, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Hays, Mrs, house Sanguinet near Dubord Hays, MichI, gardener, Guy off Bonaventure Haysley, Mrs, seamstress, Ann near Wellington Hazleton, Richd, laborer, Fullum off St Mary Heany, John, foundry man, Colborne near William Heany, Hy, trader, Chaboillez Heaney, Patk, carter, 76 Mountain Hc^Ri^E & Date, coppersmiths, plumbers, and makers of diving apparatus, 36 Great St James Hearle, Jas, house 36 Great St James Heath, John, laborer, court offDufresne Heaveran, Jas, jr, carter, Acqueduot near Dorches- ter Heaveran, Pat, laborer, Acqueduct near Dorchester Hebert, Maurice, tavern, 55 Campeau Hebert, L, joiner, head of Panet Hebert, J, house Dorchester near Elizabeth Hebert, Chs, grocer, 29 Jacques Captier Square :ti ■i- ! \ III \t< '. M % f iS^il ill] w •te' ll I i! i 126 Hedge, Samuel, house Latour ofTRadegond Heeiiii, M, shoemaker, Diipre lane llefleran, Patk, shoemaker, St Bernard off Bleary Ilellegat, John, plumber, 25 Notre Dame Henard, Geo, painter, 50 Wolfe Henderson & Holcomb, forwarders and commission merchants, Common Canal Wharf Henderson, John, &: Co, hats, furs, and indian work, 93 Notre Dame Henderson, J, carpenter, Colborne avenue Hemming, Hy, clerk, Dorchester near Acqueduct Henderson, W S, general merchant, 1 to 5 St John house, 5 Cornwall terrace Henderson, John, house Phillips square Henderson, John, clerk, St Catherine near German Henderson, , foreman, Nazareth near Gabriel Henderson, John, foundry, Dorchester near Durham Henderson, Mrs J, laundress, Lagaucheti^re near St George Henderson, Jas H, house, Phillip's square Henderson, J, carpenter, corner Gain and Craig Henderson, J, pipemaker, Kent near Colborne avenue Henderson, William, pipemaker, Colborne avenue Hendry, Robt, silversmith, Lagauchetidre near St Dominique Heney, John, laborer, Devienne Hennessy, Michael, milkman, 40 St IVTaiirice Hennessy, James, shoemaker, Gabriel near Prince Hennessy, Thos, grocer, Murray near Wellington Henrison, Pierre, tanner, head of Visitation Henry, Wm, laborer, St Charles Barrom^e near St Catherine Henry, Peter, clerk, 7 Valine Henry, Phillip, tobacco and cigar store, 76 Notre Dame Henry, Peter, bricklayer, Kempt near Wellington Henry, Alexander, laborer, William near Colborne Henry, Dr W, med. staff, 138 Sherbrooke Henry, William, shoemaker, Dubord Henry, Jos, sawyer, Durham near Dorchester 127 e, 76 Notre Henry, Mrs, trader. Col borne near Gabriel Henry, Wm, laborer, Sophia lane off Craig Henry, Thos, coachmaker, Sophia lane off Craig Henshaw, F W, ashes inspection office, house Brnnswick Herard, J B, house, 2 1 St Lawrence Herbert, J W, & Co, music store, 105 & 107 Notre Dame Herbert, Alex, advocate. Little St James, house Dumarais Heritage, Wm, sculptor, German near Mignonne Herkman, John, laborer, William, near McCord Heron, G, butcher, George near Wellington Heron, George, butcher. Cemetery near St Joseph Herst, John, joiner, 63 Campeau Hervey, Jas, merchant, canal basin, house Belmont Heuston, Archibald, smith, 50 St Charles Barrom^e H^ssTER, John, grocer, 6 Bleury Hjtward, Augustus, general broker, Union build- ings, St Francois Xavier, house 2 Portland place Heward, George, moulder, Nazareth near Gabriel • Hewitt, W, housekeeper, McGill college medical school, 9 Cot6 Heyneman, P F, shoemaker, entrance of Saint Antoine HiBBARD & Co. India rubber warehouse, 258 St Paul, house Cherry hill, West Dorchester HiBBARD, W R, trunk and lamp store, 161 St Paul Hick, Benj, bricklayer. Inspector Hciks, Wm. model school, 20 Bonaventure Hicks, Chs H, silversmith, 114 St Lawrence Hickey, , messenger, 27 Notre Dame Hickey, Chas, house Queen near Gabriel Hide, John, carter, Bonaventure near Acqueduct Higgins, John, waterman, Bronsdon's lane off Dor- chester Iliggins, Francis, painter, 9 Recollect Higgins, J, bookkeeper, 21 Perthius Higgins, James, house Hochelaga Higgins, Martin, trader, St Mary near Panet I I fiiji f \-f:, m In ill; 128 Iliggins, Patrick, dry goods, corner Wellington and Prince Higgins, Patrick, mason, Dorchester near St Charles J3arrom6e Highland, John, bricklayer, head of Alexander Highland, Michael, painter, head of Alexander High School of Montreal, Brunswick Hikok, Carter H, hatter, 74- St Urbain Hill & Clarke, auctioneers and commission mer- chants, 27 Great St James Hill, C F, house 27 Great St James Hill, Samuel, dry goods, 36 St Paul Hill, Benjamin, bookseller and map mounter, 70 St Francois Xavier, house corner St George and Vitr6 Hill, C G, house 127 Bleury Hill, Mrs, dressmaker 50 Inspector Hill, James, clerk, St Genevieve, off St Antoine Hill, Garrett, grocer, 28 Bonaventure Hill, Freedom, bookkeeper, 102 St Antoine Hill, Michael, trader, St Claude Hill, William, cabinet maker, Anderson near Jiit6 Hillock, George, salesman, 21 St Edward Hilton, J & W, cabinet makers and upholsterers, 17 Great St James Hilton, J, house 9 Alexander Hilton, Wm, house 9 St Edward Hillan, Michael, laborer, Nazareth near William Hillingsworth, Samuel, confectioner, 24 Chenneville Hillingsworth, Mrs, laundress, 24* Chenneville Hingston, S J, house 81 McGill Hingston, W H, MD, 81 McGill HiNLEY, George, boots and shoes, 195 Notre Dame Hinteau, Celestin, baker, Visitation near Lagauche- ti^re Hinton, Thomas, shoemaker, Victoria road Hinton, Wm, shoemaker, Victoria road Hird, Edward, teacher of music, 26 Bleury Hitchcock, D W, house 1 1 St Lewis Hocter, Michael, laborer. Prince near William \ Hodge, John, custom house oflicer, 23 St Louis I] I /"ellington and lear St Churles Uexander Alexander I imission mer- loiinter, 70 St t George and >t Antoine itoine 1 near Jiiif6 ird npholsterers, ' William Chenneville leville otre Dame La gauche- id iry illiam . ] Louis 129 Hodges, James, Grand ^'runk riulroad> house St An- toine near Seigneur Hodgson, William, clerk, St Edwiird ofT Alexander Hodgson, Jonathan, clerk, Hcrr^iiiie near .]ui6 Hodgson, John, house Hermiiie near 'ur^ HoGAN & Penn, St Lawrence Hall, Great St James Hogan, Edward, carter, 22 Chnboillez Hogan, Thomas, laborer, head f St Constant Hogarth, Mrs John, house 90 St Mary, in rear Hogg, Wm, house Voltigeurs near Lagauehetiere HoGGARD, John, collector, Lagaucheti6re near Ger- man Hogue, J B, waterman. Brock near Mignonne Hogue, Joseph, laborer, Sydenham near Catherine Hogue, Joseph, carter, head of Visitation Hogue, Joseph, jun. shoemaker, head of Visitation Hogue, Gabriel, carpenter, head of Durham Hogue, Moses, baker, 116 St Antoine Hogue, Mrs Joseph, house Dorchester near Durham Holland, Mansfield, nail and spike factory, south side of canal Holland, G A, fancy goods, 155 Notre Dame Holland, Richard, fancy store, 124« Notre Dame Holland, P, commission merchant, 31 St Sacra ment, house Simpson off Sherbrooke Holland, Michael, plasterer, head ofFullum Holland, Wm, engineer, 62 Craig Holland, , carpenter, Jurd offBhairy Holliday, James, cooper, corner King and Common house Her mine HoUoway, Mrs S, house 2 St Urbain Holmes, James, registrar of Trinity house, 200 St Paul Holmes, W E, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house at St Catherines Holmes, Samuel, & Wm J, tin and coppersmitha, 125 St Paul Holmes, A F, MD, 24 Great St James Holmes, Benjamin, house Devonshire place, Sher- brooke Holmes, Mrs, house Sherbrooke near Bleury •:'• ■ . ' !, ' It *| I' 11! ill ■ ( 130 Holmes, Frederick, at Joseph Knapp's, Pointe a Ca- libre Holmes, Mrs, house Queen near Wellington Holmes, Jas, storeman. Queen near Common Holmes, W J, tinsmith, house 29 St Louis Holmes, Wm, house 29 Perthius Holmes, James, gardener, 112 St Mary Holmes, Samuel, house Craig near St Denis Holt, Stephen, house St Constant near Dorchester Holt, Edward, India rubber factory, house 67 St Anioine Holton, John, painter. College near Dupr6 Holton, Luther H, house off 21 St Monique Holtz, Otto, cabinet maker, Dorchester near St Ur- bain Homier, J B, house corner Dorchester and St Con- stant Homier, Edward, contractor, Water near Pa net Homier, Louis, stonecutter, Mignonne near Panel Honey, John, deputy prothonotary, house Phillips' square^ Beaverhall Hood(JJ & Thorne (Wm), cabinetware, 18 Great St James Hood, Thos, (successor to Mead Brothers) pianoforte factory 29 Notre Dame Hood, Mrs P, boarding-house St Lawrence Hood, Wm, engineer. Prince near Common Hooker, Jacques & Co, forwarders and commission merchants. Canal wharf Hooker, Elijah, house Ann near Gabriel Hook and Ladder Company, corner Craig and Visi- tation Hooper, Jos, plumber, 24 Notre Dame, in rear Hopkins & Nelson, architects, &c, 2 Great Saint James Hopkins, J W, architect, 19 St Edward Hopper, Wm H, Sec Stanstead, Sheiford & Cham- bly E. R, house Durocher . i / . • H Home, Geo, house 52 St Dominique Home, Jno, deputy revenue inspector, house 165 Sanguinet , , . , Pointe a Cu- ington )inmon oil is 7 Denis Dorchester house 67 St ipr6 liqiie near St Ur- and St Con- ar Pa net near Panel use Phillips' re, 18 Great s) pianoforte nee non commission ig and Visi- rear rreat Saint & Chara- house 165 131 Home, Mrs, trader, Perrault's lane, off Craig Horticultural Society's Rooms, 30 Notre Dame Houghton & May, wholesale dry goods, 246 St Paul Houghton, Chas, house 134 St Antoine Houl6, J B, notary public, 32 St Joseph sub Houl6, Michel, carter, 42 St Joseph sub Houle, Baptiste, wheelvright, head of St Lawrence Houle, John, tavern, Mignonne near Constant Houlahan, John, bookkeeper, Custom house square Houlton, John, painter, College near Dupr6 Houlton, Thos, carpenter, College near Dupr6 Houston, A, plumber, court off St Charles Barrom^e Howard, R P, M D, 107 McGill, corner Great St James Howard, Dr Henry, 68 St Frangois Xavier, house 3 Pres de ville place Howard, J W, agent for Jos Rhodes, 24 St Joseph city Howard, Ed, butcher, Victoria Road Howe, H A, house 3 Cornwall terrace Howes, J W, general express office 3 and 4 Place d' Amies, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Howell, E S, butcher, Victoria Road Howiey, James, cooper, Ann near Wellington Hoyle, iVliss L, house 7 St Janiver Hoyle, Miss M A, house St Catherine HuA, Paul, French dry goods 20 Union buildings, St Frangois Xavier, house Sherbrooke near St Constant Huberdeau, Venant, carter, corner Craig and Mont- calm Hubert, Ouimet & Morin, advocates, comer St Gabriel & Little St James Hubert, J B, tinsmith, Acqueduct near St Joseph Hubert, J B, tinroofer, 152 Sanguinet Hubert, Ant, ship carpenter, Ann near Gabriel Hubert, Pierre, house 105 St Joseph sub Hubert, Jas E, house Valine Hubert, J Bte, tinsmith, Wolfe near Dorche&ter Hubert, Lewis, carpenter, 63 Bonaventure Huddell, James, sen, 59 Bonaventure ■•-: Jim I. •' ' n "■ li ' '^i i -J " t' !' I 'S' B I 132 m f.'l! liii Hiiddell, Henry, letter carrier, 59 Bonaventnre Huddell, W (i, house corner Gabriel and Eleanor HuDON, E & V, dry goods and groceries, 140 St Paul HuDON & QuEviLLON, general dry goods, 146 St Paul Hudon, E, house Cote St Antoine Hudon, Pierre, house 26 St Louis Hudon, Victor, house 111 St Mary Hudson, Mrs, house Anderson near Jur(& Hughes, Nicholas, government clerk, 59 St Lewis Hughes, Henry F, house 6 Berthelot Hughes, Patrick, lockmaster, south side of canal Hughes, Michael, trader, George near Gabriel Hughes, Michael, farmer, Victoria road • Hughes, Jos, milkman, head of Salaberry Hughes, John, house 50 Inspector Hughes, Michael, laborer, St Joseph near the canal Hughes, John, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Humphreys, J A, house 4 St Lambert Humphreys, Mrs, dressmaker, 4 St Lambert Humphreys, Jas, carter, court off St Margaret Huneau, Nicholas, laborer, Dufresne Huneau, G6d6on, storeman, 118 St Joseph sub Huneau, Mrs, house St Germain off Bleury Hunt, T S, chemist to Geological Survey, 5 St Ga- briel Hunter, James S, notary public. Little St James Hunter, Wm, miller, Dalhousie near Common Hunter, George, leather store, 121 Commissioners Hunter, Allan, joiner, Gabriel near George Hunter, Frs, secretary gas vv^orks, house 34 St Joseph Hunter, George, police,. King near Common Hunter, Jas, boarding-house, Hochelaga Hunter, Henry, bricklayer. Cemetery off Bonaven- tnre Huot, P, waterman, St Catherine near Durham Hurley, John, laborer, Gabriel near George Hupay,, B, cab builder. Brock near Lagaucheti^re Hup6, Louis, storeman, 13 Bouaventure venture id Eleanor ;ries, 140 St >ods, 146 St 9 St Lewis e of canal Gabriel « •ry !ar the caoal abriel nbert argar-^t ph sub V 3ury ey, 5 St Ga~ St James mraon missiouers rge ouse 34 St [non Bonaven* kirliam Irge liicheti^re 133 Hurley, Jas, laborer, George near Gabriel Hurley, Jas, clerk, 3 Sanguinet Hurley, Jas, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Hurst, Wm, dry goods, Queen square Hurst, Wm, smith, Queen square Hurteau & Co, wooddealers, corner Craig and Ger- mar Hurteau, Leon, trader, 80 Visitation Hurteau, Alex, laborer, Bonaventure near In^)ector Hurtibis, Gabriel, carpenter, St Felix off Bonaven- ture Hurtibus, Gfibriel, joiner, 97 Mountain Hurtibus, Joseph, carpenter, Guy near Dorchester Hussey, Thomas, shoemaker, 28 St George HuTCHiNS, James R, general hardwp^e 155 St Paul Hutchins, J R, house 26 Sherbrooke Hutchins, B, hoiTse Brunswick Hutchinson, Mathew & Co, bakers, Dalhousie near Wellington Hutchinson, John M, shoemaker, 58 Tolentin Hutchison & Morrison, builders, &c, Craig near St Antoine Hutchison, J, wines and groceries, 33 Notre Dame Hutchison, Wm, builder. Belmont, Beaver nail HuTTON, James, agency for Birmingham and Shef- field hardware, St Helen, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Hyatt, W C, marble yard, Corner Bleury and St Peter Hyatt, Wm C, house A.lexander, near Craig Hyman, Sh, furrier and cap maker, 29 St Antoine Hynes, Miss Ann, restaurant. Place d'Armes Hynes, William, cooper. Queen square IBBOTSON, HENRY J, advocate. Saint Therese, house Victoria Road IbbotsoQ, H, sen, house Victoria Road Ibbotson, Benjamin, house, Cadieux st. Cote a Baron Idle, Mrs, laundress, Aylmer near St Catherine Idlbr, Ernest, butcher, 16 Bonsecours market, house 64 Sanguinet Ikin, John, G T R R, house Richmond square G m^ m rt ,* 1^ i i I, 134 11 i lii Hi! Sh Imrie, Thos, chaaidler, Bronsdon's lane off Dorches- ter Imperial Customs Department, R H Hamilton, comptroller, corner of St Nicholas and St Paul Ingall, Captain, house 1 Lartique place, Sherbrooke Inglis, Rev David, house Dorchester near St Char- les Barromee Inno, Frs, engineer, Seigneur near St Antoine Inspection Store for Pot and Pearl Ashes (E M Leprohon, Inspector,) College near McGill Institut Canadikn, 49 Notre Dame Institut National, 86 Notre Dame ;* '• ' Ipson, , commissariat, 71 Water Irish, Henry, American house, St Henry near St JMaurice . : ^ • '■■-■. \ f Irish, iVlrs, house 55 St Dominique Ireland, Thomas, engraver, 14- Great St James, house 119 Craig Ireland, Alexr, foundryman, Cemetry near Bona* venture Irvine, John, house Lagaucheti6re near German Irvine VVm, varnishmaker, 25 tSt Vincent Irvine, James, smith, court off Bleury Irving, Arthur, laborer. Kempt near St Joseph ' Irving, Mrs, house Bisson off St Antoine Irving, George, clerk, 44 St Charles Barromee Irving, Mrs John, Irving's hotel, 65 St Paul Irwin, J & R saddlery warehouse, 67 McGill Irwin, John, carter, 99 St Antoine Irwin, Hugh, laborer, Dupr6 lane Irwin, James, foundry, Ann near Wellington Irwin, Frs, carter, Edward lane off Bonarenture Isaacson, R P, Dolly's chop-house, 9 Great St James Issacson, J H, notary public. Merchant's Exchange house 26 St Charles Barromee JACK, HENRY, tailor, court off Dorchester, Jack, Mathew, house Berthelot near Bleury Jackatel, J, organ builder, St Margaret near St An- toine, •■ -■. \ St Joseph sub . Jovanetti, M, jr, porkbutcher, 154« St Joseph sub JuDAH, H, advocate, 31 Little St James, house west Dorchester Judah, T S, advocate, 148 Craig, house west Dor- chester Judge, Ptk, house St Claude Julien, J B, saddler, 21 Jacques Cartier square, house Dorchester near St Elizabeth Julien, Joseph, restaurant, 37 Champ de Mars Julien, Edward, cabinet maker, Bleury near Dor- chester Julien, Mrs, house Lagauchetidre near Sanguiiiet Juminville, Pierre, carter, Chaboillez off St Joseph KAHN, F, tailor, Lagauchetiere near St Dominique Kahoe, P, shoemaker, McCord near Gabriel Kahoe, Patk, carter, Colborne avenue ' William briel >mmon lector Be hester near liam ind Cathe- -sale man- 92 St Paul lant, (Bel- Recollect, anet nd Sala- Jrine epii sub i sub use west 3st Dor- e> house ars ir Dor- Jinet oseph linique 139 Kanna, Wm, laborer, George near William Kannon, John, smith, Wellington near Nazareth Kavunagh, Henry, custom house officer, St Cathe rine near St Denis Kavanagh, P, trader, Dalhousie near William Katon, Patrick, laborer, Gabriel near Catherine Kay, Thomas & Co, general merchants, 5 St Eloi near St Paul Kay, Thos, house Diirocher near the Mountain Kay, Mrs, house Beaver square off Craig Keane, James, tailor, St Dominique near Vitr6 Keane, Hon Capt. H E, 4 Notre Dame Kean, James, servant, 47 Mountain Kean, Patrick, smith. Fortification lane of! Craig Kean, Patrick, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Kean, B, tavern, corner. King and Common Kearin, llobert, carter, south side of canal Kearney, Mathew, storeman, Wellington near Grey Nun, Kearney, Mrs, seamstress, Catherine near Gabriel Kearney, J, auctioneer, corner Craig and St Peter Kearney, Michael, carter, Devienne Kearney, H, grocer, corner St Joseph and Chaboillez Kearns, Mrs, house Prince near Gabriel Keating, Joseph, laborer, Kempt near Gabriel Keating, James, laborer, court oflfDumarais Keefe, John, laborer, St Edward lane off St Joseph Keefer, T C, civil engineer, 19 Great St James, house 3 Victoria terrace, Sherbrooke Keegan, Patrick, stone cutter, Jur6 near St George Keenan, James, gardener, court off St Constant Keenan, Bernard, dry goods, Jacques Cartier square Keenan, John, house St Catherine near St Denis Keighton, Wm, pensioner, Vitre near St Dominique Kedler, Mrs David, confectionary, 127 Notre Dame Keiley, Patk, plasterer, 74 Bleury Keliville, Frs, stonecutter, St Catherine near San- guinet . f H . , ' j_ Kell, Mrs, house German near Dorchester Keller, John, wholesale and retail hardware, 135 St Paul • \.ff:jk.' S-iJiMutW^Ui MO i ii' W w Kell, Geo, tavern, 50 St Lawrence Keller, Jas, laborer, corner St Charles Barromee Sc St Catherine Kellond, Robert, joiner, Jiir6 near Radegond Kelly, William, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Kelly, John, shoemaker, court off Dnfresne Kelly, Mrs, house Prince near Common Kelly, Thos, grocer and tavern, Craig corner St George Kelly, Peter, clerk. 65 St Uibain Kelly, A, house 53 Amherst, in rear Kelly, Thomas, tavern, 211 Notre Dame Kelly, William, laborer, William near McCord Kelly, Michael, carpenter. Gain off St Mary Kelly, Patrick, tavern, corner Craig and Radegonde Kelly, WiKiam, grocer, 25 St Urbain Kelly, William, bricklayer, 26 St George Kelly, Michael, tavern, corner Lagauchetidre and Campeau Kelly, Stephen, grocer, current St Mary Kelly, Daniel, cabman, 53^ St Urbain Kelly, John, carter, 57 St Maurice Kelly, James, stevedore, 60 Tolentin Kelly, John, trader, Tolentin off St Mary Kelly, Ed, shoemaker, court off Dufresne Kelly, B, plasterer. Little Dublin off George Kelly, John, laborer, head of St Constant Kelly, James, clerk, Jure near Hermine Kelly, William, clerk, Gabriel near George Kelly, James, gardener, St Gabriel farm Kelly, William, laborer, Nazareth near William Kelly, Patrick, butcher, Kempt near Gabriel Kelly, Phillip, carpenter, court off Murray Kelty, Ed, smith, 104 St Jojeph sub Kenmuir, Charles, storeman,DorchesternearBleury Kennedy, W^illiam, builder, 1 Cleveland place, Jur6 Kennedy, William, jun, carpenter and builder, 13 Bleury Kennedy, Daniel, laborer, Nazareth near Welling- ton 141 ^arromee & :ond toine le corner St Cord »y adegonde tidre and mm Bleury place, ler, 13 slling. Kennedy, M, foundryman, William near Colborne Kennedy, Mrs, house court oft' Kempt Kennedy, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Kennedy, Miss, dressmaker, 29 St Lewis Kennedy, William, gasman, Victoria Road Kennedy, William, huntsman, head of Victoria Road Kennedy, Mrs, grocer, 53 Carapeau Kennedy, John, laborer, McCord near William Kennedy, Patk, carter, Durham near Dorchester Kennedy, John, farmer, Hochelaga Kennedy, Stephen, shoemaker, St George near Vitr6 Kennedy, Mrs, dressmaker, Dorchester near St Ur- bain Kennedy, Frs, storeman, Ann near Wellington Kennon, Jas, smith, court oft* Murray Kensly, Alex, carter, St Felix oftfBonaventure Kent, Robert, carpenter, Anderson near Lagauche- tidre Keogh, John, trader, Jacques Cartier square, house St Mary Keown, Patrick, carter, off* Colborne avenue Keown, N, painter, German near Catherine Keown, Ed, laborer, court off'Duraarais Kerens, Jas, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel Kerens, John, grocer, corner King and Wellington Kerens, D, grocer, corner Chenneville and Vitre Kerens, Richard, foundryman, Wellington near Prince Kerens, James laborer, Gabriel near Murray Kerfut, W H, plasterer, Chaboillez square Kernan, Mrs, house College near Inspector ^ Kerr, W, engineer, Prince near Wellington Kerr, Robert, house 63 St Antoine Kerr, W H, advocate, Little St James Kerr, James, engineer department, house Berthelot Kerr, Mrs William, house 63 St Antoine Kerr, Frs, shoemaker. Kempt near Gabriel . Kerr, Miss, boardinghouse, Wellington near George 'KjeUf iyia^weU^ carpenter, Dorchester near Diuh^ g2 1 ' V 14* I I'l li!l Kerrigan, John, sawyer, Drake's court off College Kerry, John, house IS* St Paul Kershaw, John & son, general merchanlj, William near McGill, house 55 Great 8t James * Kettles, Geo, carter, Hochelaga Kevan, Alex, cabinetmaker, 102 St Urbain Keys, John, teacher, Ann near Wellington Kezar, Mary, storekeeper, south side of the canal Kidd, John, smith, St Phillip near Dorchester Kiely, Martin, trader, Anderson near Jur6 Kiely, Patk, plasterer, German near Mignonne Kiernan, Wm J, storeman, St Urbain near Vitrd Kilcally, P, dry goods, St Mary near Visitation Kilgallon, Wm, carpenter. Common near Youville Kilgallon, John, carter, Brock nr St Mary Kilgour, Joseph, joiner, Longueuil lane, house Wil- liam near Gabriel Kilmartin, Jerh, laborer, St Mary near Dnfresne King, Reed, Sc Co, commission agents, 67 Commis- sioners King, J P, house 28 St Elizabeth . King, Thos, engineer, 71 St Antoine King, H W, house St Lawrence near Sherbrooke King, Wm, saddler and trunk maker, 116 McGill King, James, gardener, head of Perthius King, Alexander, carpenter. Queen Square King, P, gardener, head of Amherst King, Barnet, farmer, Hochelaga King, Thomas, gardener, St Andr6 near Mignonne KiNGAN & KiNLOcii, groccries and wines, 291 St Paul Kingan, John, house 291 St Paul Kingan, Gordon, commission merchant, St Sacra- ment, house Latour off Radegond KiNGSET Slate Works, Anderson, Evans & Co, agents, St Gabriel Kinleyside, John, carpenter, McCord nr William Kinleyside, James, smith, McCord near William KiNMOND, Brothers, contractors and steam engine works, Bonaventure, adjoining the Railroad Kinraond, Wm, engineer, house 63^ St Antoine College William canal fer nne Vitrd tion ?^ouviIle se Wil- esne ;Jommis- ooke cGill nonne 291 St Sacra- & Co, im ngine Id - 113 Kingsloy, Mrs, scninstress, St Felix off St Joseph Kingsley, Louis, liiriner, St Gabriel fiirm Kinloch, VVni, house Alexander near Jure KiNNEAR, D, & Co, (Montreal Herald) 30 St Gabriel and 157 ^Notre Dame Kinnear, David, house 6 Notre Dame Kinshaw, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Kirby, Robert, clerk, Dorchester nr St Constant Kirk, M, shoemaker, head of Alexander Kirk, David, carpenter, McCord near Gabriel Kirkpatrick, Andrew, cooper, King near William Kirkpatrick, J, printer, King near William KmKUP, Joseph, brushmaker, 186 St Paul, house 31 St Mary Kirkup, R, house 1 i3arclay place Kirkwood, Mrs, Aylmer, near Sherbrooke Kirvvan, Miss, dressmaker, 78 Chaboillez Kitchener, Mrs, milliner 20 Bonaventure Knapp, Joseph, general merchant, Poiute a CaUiere boards at St Lawrence hall Knapp, James, iusurance agent, 229 St Paul Knill, John, tailor, Fortification lane Knoblock, John, cabinetmaker, 1 Recollect , Knobley, J, storeman, Chenneville near Vitr6 Knox, J as, printer, 25 Sanguinet Knox, John, clerk, 25 Sanguinet Knox, M, shoemaker, Bronsdon's lane ofi Dorches- ter Koblenski, Edward, furrier, Vitr6 near St Urbain Kochenthaler, Jno, jeweller, 46 Chenneville Koester, Mrs George, grocer, corner Mountain and St Antoine Kollmyer, H, clerk Christ Church Cathedral, Her- mine near Jure - . Koron, C, joiner, Chaboillez near College Kortosk, Brothers, wholesale dry goods, 263 Saint Paul KuRCZYN, N P M, tobacconist, 79 McGill, house King near William Kurczyn, George L, advocate, deputy sheriff, house. King near William :^ -r. , ., . - ft i * f- hi B ■'? f.{V: 144 I l! Kwasneski, Stanislas, hot air stove builder, 26 St Urbain Kyle, Alexander, storeman, Anderson near Jur6 Kyle, Mrs William, house Kent near Colborne Ave- nue Kym, B, tailor, George near Gabriel Kyte, Charles, house 28 Chenneville LABADIE, .1 A, notary public, 14 Little St James Labadie, J E O, notary, 14 Little St James, house 38 Bonaventure Labatt, Miss, boarding house, Anderson near Jur6 Labbe, Augt, carpenter, St Joseph near the canal Labbe, A, laborer, Fortier near St Constant Labbe, Frs, carpenter, head of Visitation Labelle, Joseph, baker, 42 St Louis Labelle, Frs, carter, head of Brock Labelle, J B, carpenter, head of Sanguinet Labelle, Ant, laborer, Durham near Mignonne Labelle, Olivier, copyist, Bruchesi off St Joseph sub Labelle, Mrs Charles, corner Beaudry and Dor- chester Labelle, Charles, joiner, Mignonne near Constant liabelle, Frs, laborer, Tolentin off St Mary Labelle, Joseph, carpenter, Panet near Catherine Labelle, Joseph, laborer, court off St Margaret Labelle, C, leather merchant, 32 St Antoine Labelle, Ed, carpenter, St Felix off St Joseph Labelle & Craig, pianofortes, Craig near St Law- rence Labelle, Ol, pilot. Inspector near St Joseph Labelle, V, laborer, St Elizabeth near Catherine Labelle, Victor, painter, Mignonne near Sanguinet Labelle, S, leather dealer, Jacques Cartier square, house 32 St Antoine Labelle, Frs, shoemaker, 48 Campeau Labelle, J B, joiner, head of Brock Labelle, J B, musician, 6 St J^awrence Labelle^ Joseph, sawyer, head of Dufresne Labelle, Antoine, trader, corner Panet and Small- wood lane 3t*aUe).le, Joseph? joiney , St yel.ix near St Ji^epl^ 145 Labelle, Toiisst, house St Catherine near St Denis Labelle, Joseph, trader, current St Mary Labelle, Charles, labourer, Durham near Dorchester Labelle, Aug, joiner, Durham near St Catherine Labelle, Chus, shoemaker, Bar6 off St Joseph Labelle, Joseph, jr, joiner, St Felix off St Joseph Laberge, John, baker, 67 St George Laberge, Joseph, trader, 41 Campeau Labekge, a, carpenter and joiner, 45 St Lewis Laberge, T, shoemaker, Victoria road Laberge, Leon, sawyer, Dorchester near Panet Labine, Jean, laborer, St Mary near Dufresne Labine & Desrochers, dry goods, 110 St Paul Labine, J, merchant, house 12 Viger square Labonte, Joseph, teacher, Hochelaga Labont6, Louis, boarding-house, Craig near St Denis Labont6, Joseph, carter, 104 St Joseph Labonte, David, smith, Bare off St Joseph Labonte, Pierre, laborer, St Felix off St Joseph Labreche, Frs, painter, Cemetery off St Joseph Labreche, Louis, carter, St Felix near St Joseph Labreche, Bapt, carter, Cemetery off St Joseph Labreche, Ls, butcher, lane off Mountain near St Joseph Labreche, P, house Bar6 off St Joseph Labreche, Roderick, stonecutter, Valine Labreche, Jas, laborer, Hochelaga Labreche, Jean Bapt, laborer^ St Catherine near Phillip Labrecque, Ls, cook shop Water near the market LacassC; Mrs, house Lagauchetidre near Panet Lacasse, J B, laborer. Visitation near Migno^ne Lacasse, Tousst, joiner. Visitation near Mignonne Lacasse, Benj, carter, lane off Campeau Lacasse, Joseph, saddler, Versailles off St Joseph Lacasse, Ant, grocer, Sydenham near Catherine Lachance, Olivier, mason, Valine Lachapelle, Louis, joiner, St Ignace Lachapelle, F, wocxlyard, 34 St Maurice Lachapelle, Andr6, shoemaker, 52 Visitation LachapeUe, ^f»f JLaborer, head ^i Visitati^Q 146 \ ! I Lachapelle, Chas, carter, Acqueduct off St Joseph Lachiipelle, Jos, laborer, corner Panet and St Mary Lachapelle, Ls, joiner, Craig near Voltigeur Lachine Canal Office, Wind MiU Point, A Goiigh, collector, R Hayes & W Butler, clerks^ Alex Bissett. superintendent, George Piatt, super- intendent tug line, John White, harbour master, J G Sippell, supt engineer, D Mclver & J Bath- gate, clerks Lachlan, Major, house College near Dupr6 Lacorabe, P, house Lagauchetidre near St Urbain Lacombe, Frs, sawyer, head of Sanguinet Lacombe, J B, carter, head of Brock Lacombe, Jacques, tavern, 44' Jacques Cartier square Lacombe, J B, ball alley, 15 Perthuis Lacroix, Paul J, house 29 St Hubert Lacroix, Mrs B, tailoress. Rose off Visitation Lacroix, H, advocate, Lagauchetidre near Campeau Lacroix, Joseph, police, Panet off Smallwood Lacroix, Mrs Jos, seamstress, Mignonne near Panet Lacroix, Mrs L, dressmaker, St Autoine bridge Lacoste, Eustache, butcher, 167 St Joseph sub Lacoste, Chs. trader, Mignonne near Panet Lacoste, Frs, trader. Visitation near St Catherine Lacoste, Frs, butcher, foot of Cemetery Lacost, Fabien, butcher, Versailles off St Joseph Lacost, Frs, butcher, Versailles off St Joseph Ladd, C P, city foundry, Queen near William, house St Genevieve Ladeau, David, furrier, 21 St Monique Ladeau, Jean, furrier, 21 St Monique Ladouceur, Mrs H, house St Andr6 Ladouceur, John, founder. Chaboillez near College Ladrigan, M, crockery store, 21 St Mary Ladurantais, Frs, house St Joseph near Felix Ladurantais, Theodore, smith, Lagauchetidre near Amherst Ladurantais, Thos, smith, 74 St Mary Ladurantais, Hy, cabinetmaker, 89 St Joseph sub Ladurantais, Joseph, laborer, lane off Mountain Laffan, Henry, grocer, 48 St Dominique 147 Lafert6, Joseph, carpenter, Acquecliict off St Joseph Laflamme, 11 & (t, advocates, 8t Gabriel Laflamrae, M A, oilcloth factory, 25 Craig Laflamme, A, trader, Mignonne near St Dominique Laflamme, Frs, carter, Durham near Catherine Laflamme, Augustin, trader, Commissioners, house Mignonne Laflamme, Mrs, house 29 St Antoine Laflamme. Toussaint, grocer, head of Beaudry Lallamme, John, house Cemetery ofi'St Antoine Laflamme, J Bte, carter, Hochelaga Laflamme, Alex, carpenter, Mignonne near St Ur- bain Laflamme, Felix, clerk, head of German Lafleur, Joseph, mason, Wolfe near St Mary Latleur, Jos, carpenter, court ofl Durham Lafleur, Mrs, laundress, lane ofl' St Catherine Lafleur, Ed, notary, 24 St Lawrence Lafleur, Jean, tailor, 140 S£ Joseph sub Lafleur, Augustin, shoemaker^ Amherst near La- chetid^re Lafleur, Edward, carter, 'ead of Pnnet Lafleur, F X, sawyer, '. r v.' near St Catherine Lafleur, Joseph, butche^, iolentin off" St Mary Lafond, Pieire, builder, Chenneville near Vitr6 Laiond, P, joiner. Fortification lane Lafond, J E, dry goods, 117 Notre Dame, house Dorchester near St Denis Lafond, Charles, confectioner, Lagaucheti^re near Tolentin LaFontaike, Hon L H, chief justice of L C, house head of Guy Lafontaine, B, cooper, St Constant near Catherine Lafontaine, Louis, laborer, Chaboillez near Bona- venture Lafontaine, J B, gardener, Dorchester near Guy 1 Lafontaine, J B, house Holland ofl^ Mountain Lafontaine, Joseph, grocer, Mountain nr St Joseph Lafontaine, J Bte, carpenter, 51 Mountain Lafontaine, L, dry goods, 292 St Paul Lafontaine, G ]M 11, bailifii 60 Notre Dame > -* ji: li 1 ill I' !il ^ ■ ' I ii; i : /■:.! Ik ^1 ^M ;l'1T""-''"""f<-in"-' r-irnni 148 tl - -i ii *i ! Lafontaine, Joseph, house Mountain near St Joseph Laforce, M, butcher, 7 German Laforce, Joseph, shoemaker, Lagauchetidre near Campeau Laforce, Ambrose, carter, A.cqueduct off St Joseph Laforce, Pierre, butcher, Amherst near Lagauche- tidre Laforce, M, butcher, head of Visitation Laforest, Fabien, smith, Bar6 off St Joseph Laforest, Louis, carpenter, St Louis corner Lacroix Laframbois, Wm, milkman, court off Visitation Laframbois, A, house 127 Craig Lafrance, Louis, bookbinder, St Dominique near Vitr6 Lafrance, Antoine, carter, head of Beaudry Lafrance, Frs, shoemaker, Bar6 off St Joseph Lafrance, Ant, carter, head of German Lafrance, , smith, St Dominique near the market Lafrance, J E, coa h trimmer, Lagaucheti^re near German c Lafrance, Ed, shoemaker, 24 St Louis Lafranchise, J, carter, Acqueduct off St Joseph Lafrenaye, P R, house 151 St Lawrence Lafrenaye & Papin, advocates, 25 St Vincent Lafremiere, Cyprien, saddler, Jacques Cartier sq, house head of Salaberry Lafreniere, Charles, joiner, court off Valine Lafreniere, F, smith, 165 St Joseph sub Lafreniere, J Ol, clerk, Dorchester near German Lufricain, Louis, mason, 60 St Lewis Lafricain, Edward, shoemaker, 24 St Lewis Lafricain, Joseph E, house 108 St Lawrence Lafricain, Louis, plasterer, head ot Sanguinet Lafricain, John L, collector, 25 St Ther^se Lafricain, Edward, cooper, 38 St Lewis Lagarde, Joseph, printer, head of Sanguinet Lagarde, Mrs J, house Lagauchetidre near Panet Lagarde, Et, smith, Lagauchetidre near Amherst Lagarde, Fis, root beer, St Mary near Gain Lagarde, Ant, shoemaker, Durham near Catherine JLag^rde^ Joseph; house 1X5 St Pai\l i 149 St Joseph Lidre near it Joseph Lagauche- h r Lacroix ation liqiie near y jeph he market ti^re near >seph icent 'artier sq, irman is Ice let t Itherine Lagarde, Alexander, gardener, St Denis near Dor- chester Laggatt. Henry, working jeweller, Lagaucheti^re near St Elizabeth Lagrave, Denis, carter, Acqiiediict oflTSt Joseph Lahaise, Jeremie, shoemaker, Lagauchetidre near Panet Lahaise, Louis, shoemaker, Dorchester near Durham Lahaise, S, cabinet maker, St Margaret off St An- toine Lahaises, Frs, shoemaker, Panet near Dorchester Lahaises, F, carter, Montcalm off" St Mary Lahaye, C, turner, St Margaret off Bonaventure Lahaye, Octave, general dry goods, 205 St Paul & St Lawrence Lahaye, Robert, merchant, house 1 Sydenham place Lahaye, J, carpenter, Versailles off St Joseph Lahaye, Mrs, milliner, 16 St Lawrence Lahaye, M, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Laing, Mrs, house 15 St Louis Lamg, Murdock, cooper. Prince near Wellington Laird, Alexander W, accountant and collector, 76 Craig, house Dorchester near Bleury Laird, J B, laborer, head of Visitation Lajeunesse, Joseph, cooper, Lagauchetidre near Constant Lajeunesse, Joseph, shoemaker, Devienne Lajeunesse, Benjamin, furrier, 59 St Joseph sub Laiande, J B, trader, 14-7 St Lawrence Lalande, Joseph, l>aker, 57 St Joseph sub Laiande, Israel, carpenter, St Felix off Bonaventure Lalande^ Ant, carter, Bar6 off Mountain Laiande, Chs, laborer, Acqueduct off St Joseph Laiande, Frs, navigator, 33 St Louis Lalibert6, Ovide, house Panet near Lagauchetiere Lalibert^, F, pilot, 33 St Louis Lalimandidre, Augt, shoemaker, Christopher off St Catherine Lamalice, P, stone-cutter, St Charles Barromee near Catherine Lamarche, Mrs, house corner Water and Grant H H I '1 } , r- UtS3 ISO It' il .! Lamarche, G D, general dry goods, 49 St Law- rence Lamarche, Ed, tailor, Lagauchetdire near Mont- calm Lamarche, Mrs, house 50 Panet Lamarche, F X, house corner Lagaucheti^re and Montcalm Lamarche, Frs, carter, German near Catherine Lamarche, Mrs F, house Visitation near Mignonne Lambc, W B, advocate, 49 Little St James, house Simpson off Sherbrooke Lambe, Mrs J H, house 103 St Antoine Lamb, James, baker, 108 St Mary Lamb, Michael, hatter, Prince near Wellington Lamb, Benjamin, baker, J^agauchetiere near Sy- denham, Lambert, Louis, jonier, St Hubert Lambert, Mrs, house 36 St George Lambert, Pierre, navigator, Durham near Cathe- rine Lamesse, Michl, carpenter. McCord near Gabriel Lamesse, Pierre, carter, court off St Felix Lamontagne, Aug, commission and wine merchant 55 and 57 St Frangois Xavier, house 7 Little St James Lamontagne, Louis, joiner, head of Sanguinet Lamontagne, Ls, laborer, Lagauchetidre near Adol- phus Lamontagne, Pierre, laborer, court off Devienne Lamontagne, Ls, carpenter, St Hubert near St Ca- therine Lamontagne, J C, house Sanguinet near Catherine Lamontagne, L, stone-cutter, 56 St Dominique Lamontagne, C, house Lagaucheti^re near St Ur- bain Lamontagne, Miss, dressmaker, Dorchester near St Phillip Lamontagne, Mrs, house 14 St Lawrence Lamontagne, C H, notary, St Joseph city, house 6 St Charles Barromee Lamothe, Arthur, house St Denis 151 leti^re and Lamothe ic Frere, commission and wine mer- chants, 202 St Paul r ,; . Lamothe, J M, bookseller and stationer, 151 Notre Dame, house Fortification lane Lamothe, Geo, house Lagauchetidre Lamothe, L T, carpenter, 25 iSt Elizabeth Lamothe, Joseph, joiner, Amherst near Dorchester Lamothe, William, house Dorchester nr St Phillip Lamothe, Ant, sawyer, Durham corner Dorchester Lamothe, Jean, painter, St Simeon Lamothe, William, house corner Lagauchetidre and St Urbain Lamouche, A, bedsteads, &c, Haymarket square Lamouche, F, carter, German near St Catherine Lamouche, J Baptiste, carter, Vall6e Lamouche, Joseph, shoemaker, lane off St Joseph Lamouche, Jos, clerk, 25 St Urbain Lamouche, A, grain merchant, house Viger square Lamouche, Mrs, house Mignonne near St Constant Lamoureux, Ant laborer, Acqueduct off St Joseph Lamoureux, Jacques, ashes dealer, St Dominique near Catherine Lamoureux, , joiuc.^, Mignonne near Sanguinet Lamoureux, Louis, cooptr, Durham near Dorches- ter Lamoureux, E, carter, 48 Visitation Lamoureux, L, joiner, court off St Elizabeth Lamoureux, C, carpenter, head of Durham •» Lamoureux, Joseph, trader, Current St Mary Lamoureux, Charles, sawyer, Durham near Dor- chester Lamoureux, N, tailor, 81 Visitation Lamoureux, Pierre, plasterer, 64 Visitation Lamplough, H T, house 91 Notre Dame Lampr6, M,'shoemaker, St Constant near St Cathe- rine Lancaster, F, clerk, E, E, house Union avenue - Landel, D, clerk, Alexander near Jur6 Lander, Daniel, carpenter, 88 Amherst Landreville, Jean, carter, 75 Bonaventure Lo iidry, Felix, laborer, head of Panet • ^! , ; y 152 11 #, - I Landry, Narcisse, tavern, St Amable lane Landrigan. John, grocer, corner Mignonne and St Charles Barrom6e Lane Stephens & Co, general and commission merchants, Pointe a Callidres Lane, Elisha, house head of Drummond Lane, Mrs John, house Tolentin near Lagauche- ti6re Lane, Ed, tinsmith, Lafontaine off Visitation Lane, Richd, laborer, Lafontaine off Visitation Lane, Samuel, merchant tailor, 8 Notre Dame Lane, Morris, laborer. City Councillors Laney, John, carter. Bona venture near Acqueduct Lang, Richard, boot and shoestore, 151 Notre Dame, house Fortification lane Lang, Mrs, house 17 St Louis Lang, James, house 5 Bonaventure Lang, James, laborer, Acqueduct off St Joseph Lanff, , tailor, Vl'^ellington near Prince ■O' Langevin, Frs, shoemaker, Bonaventure near Ce- metery Langevin, Joseph, saddler, Versailles off St Joseph Langevin, Mrs, boarding-house, 11 Little St James Langfbrd, J E, bookseller, Lagauchetidre near St Urbain Langstaff, Edward, labgrer. Brock off St Catherine Languedoc, Ed, butcher, 175 St Joseph sub Languedoc, James, milkman head of St Urbain Languedoc, Eustache, butcher, court off St Joseph Langlands, Jas, engineer, 40 Great St James Langley, James, cook, Dupre lane near St Joseph Langlois, Charles, carter, 64 Montcalm Langlois, Pierre, pilot, 13 St Genevieve, in rear Langlois, Jean, laborer, head of St Monique Lanigan, Daniel, groceries and wines, 178 Notre Dame Lanigan, Miss, dressmaker, Vitr6 near Cot6 Lanigan & CaJdwell, tallow-chandlers, Ilermine Lanneau, Chs, carter, 143 St Joseph sub Lannotte, Jas, >hoemaker, Durham near Dorchester Lanoit, Ed, cabinetmaker, 150 St Joseph sub l^i 153 ane and St commission Lagaiiche- tion Nation ^ame icquediict otre Dame, )seph e near Ce- lt Joseph St James '■ near St atherine rbain Joseph PS Joseph rear 8 Notre mme Chester Lantier, J O, house St Denis Lantier, Frs, gardener* head of St Dominique Lantier, F X, clerk, St Constant near Dorchester Lapelletrie, Mrs, house 113 St Antoine Lapelletrie, Jos, carpenter, Felix off Bona venture Lapensee, V R, forwarding agent, corner Common and George, canal wharf, house Wellington Lapierre, Et, trader, head of Visitation Lapierre, Jos, carter, head of Visitation Lapierre, Charles, laborer, Devienne Lapierre, Wra, house 96 i St Charles Bnrromee Lapierre, Mrs, house George near Conimon Lapierre, V, tinsmith, 173 St Joseph sub Lapierre, N, carter, Panet cear Dorchester Lapierre, Andre, carter, Panet near Dorchester Lapierre, Louis, jun, house 62 St Dommique Lapierre, L M, carter, Panet near Dorchester Lapierre, Joseph, carpenter, College near Inspector Lapierre, Andre & Chs, shoestore, 118 St Paul, house St Joseph Lapierre, Tousst, carter, head of Brock Lapierre, Joseph, shoemaker, head of St Hubert Lapierre, E, tinshop, Jacques Cartier square Lapierre, Louis, tinsmith, 81 St Paul Lapierre, Andr§, tinsmith, 163 St Joseph sub Lapierre, Chs, leather, &;c, Jacques Cartier square Lapierre, T, tinsmith, Jacques Cartier square, house German near Mignonne Lapierre, J B, butcher. Bare off St Joseph Lapierre, Eus^be, joiner, Acqueduct off St Joseph Laplante, Isidore, saddler. Panet near Dorchester Laplante, Chs, shoemaker, west end of College Laplante, Ls, laborer, Hochelaga Laplante, Ant, laborer, Hochelaga Lapointe, Louis, joiner, 47 St George Lapointe, Ed, joiner, head of St Constant Lapointe, Frederick, joiner, Dorchester near Wolfe Lapointe, Joseph, carter, Montcalm near Brock Lapointe, Joseph, carter, 60 Montcalm Lapointe, John, carter, Bar6 off St Joseph Lapointe, T, carter, St Felix near St Joseph ■■ '^.1 j 1 i I ; i t54 H ! », Lapointe, Antoinc, mason, St Catherine npar Saii- guiiiet Lapointe, B, mason, Bar6 off St Joseph Lapointe, N, sawyer, Bur6 off St Joseph Lapointe, Wm, carter, head of Beaiidry Lai)ointe, Jos, stonecutter, corner Panet and Dor- chester Lapointe, dit Audit, Frs, carpenter, Dufresne La|)ointe, Laurent, house head of St Constant Lapointe, Ferdinand, joiner. Valine Lapointe, John, laborer, Visitation near Mignonne Lapointe, Michel, carter and grocer, corner Champ de Mars and Campeau Lapointe, Frs, mason, head of Visitation Laporte, Frs, nailer, 121 St Joseph sub Laporte, Pierre, carter, head of Brock Lapthorne, James, carpenter, Hermine near Jur6 Lappare, Henry, notary public, 27 Little St James, house Campeau Lappare, Louis, restaurant, 12 Little St James Lappin, Bernard, carter, Chaboillez Lappin, D, watchmaker, Hochelaga Laramie, J F, joiner. Valine Laramee, Joseph, carpenter, St Antoine bridge Larance, Louis> laborer, St Ignace near Water Larance, Edward, laborer, Visitation near Lagau- cheti^re Larche, Louis, laborer, Felix off St Joseph Larche, Louis, baker, 70 Visitation Larche, Francis, carter, Beaudry near Dorchester Lardie, Louis, cooper, Durham Larins, Charles, carter, 103 St Joseph sub Lariv^e, N, waterman, Visitation near Smallwood Larigan, Mrs, house St Catherine near Bleury Larivi6re, Ant, laborer, St Ignace near Water Larivi^re, Cifesaire, cart maker, Lagauchetidre near Panet * Larividre, Pierre, potash maker, head of Visitation Larividre, Alexis, house head of Sanguinet Lariviere, A, pedlar, head of St Lawrence "*• Larividre, Louis, barber, court off College npnr Saii- and Dor- sne itant ilignonne er Champ ear Jiir6 I St James, ames (ridge aler ir Lagau- jhester lallwood jury iter idre near lisitation 18(1 Larividre, Anclr6, saddler, 54 St Maurice Larivi^re, Isidore, house 118 St Joseph sub Lariviere, C A, carriagemaker, 5 Wolfe, house 37 St Mary Ijarividre, Pierre, carter, head of Visitation Larividre, Frs, shoemaker, Bar6 oft' St Joseph Lariviere, Isidore, house Panet near Lagaucheti^re Lariviere, Pierre, shoemaker, Lagauchetidre near Victoria Road Lariviere, Pierre, police, head of Visitation Larkin, Henry J, advocate, 27 Little St James, house 68 Craig Larkin, Michael, bricklayer, Lagaucheti^re near Alexander Larkin, Patrick, laborer, Barclay near Water Larkin, P, grocery and tavern, corner Gabriel and Murray Laroche, P, carter, head of Visitation Laroche, Toussaint, carter, court olTChaboillez Laroche, Dominique, laborer, lO^ St Joseph sub Laroche, Hypolite, carter; 52 Visitation Larochelle, D, shoemaker, Durham near Catherine Larochelle, J, mason, Durham near Lagauchetiere Larocque, F A, house 59 Great St James Larocque, Alfred, house 59 Great St James Larose, Louis, painter, 165 St Joseph sub Larose, A , shoemaker, head of Montcalm Larose, Joseph, joiner, Wolfe near *Lagauchetidre Larose, Joseph, cabinetmaker, 130 St Joseph sub Larose, Joseph, laborer, RoUand off Mountain Larose, Mrs, house Bare off St Joseph Larose, Joseph, tobacconist. College near Inspector Larose^ Ed, smith, 149 St Joseph sub Larose, Jos, laborer, corner William and McCord Larose, Michel, carter, Rolland off Mountain Larose, Frs, carter, lane oft Mountain La Ruche, Litteraire, G H, Cherrier, 19 St Therese Larue, Ant, sailor, St Elizabeth near Dorchester Larue, Pierre, house 25 St Constant Larue, Leon, joiner, St Constant nr Lagauchetiere Larue, M, joiner, Mountain near Bar6 *" !l' i 1 /A 'if 'I:! 156 Latham, Richard, commission merchant, William near McGill, house corner St Catherine and City Councillors Laskie, Jas, laborer, King near Common Latour, Joseph, joiner, Tdcntin near Mignonno Latour, J B, carter, 62 St Maurice Latour, Louis, painter^ Montcalm near Dorchester Latour, J B, sawyer, court off St Phillip Latour, Francis, painter, Panet near Dorchester Latour, Alex, house Mignonne near Sanguinet Latour, Pierre, clerk, St Constant near Dorchester Latour, J, builder, Versailles off St Joseph Ijatour, Bastien, stone-cutter, Dorchester near Dur- ham Latreille, Mrs Wm, house head of St Dominique Latreille, Joseph, butcher, St Catherine near San- guinet Latrimoule, Henry, baker, Dufresne off St Mary Latrimoule, Hy, jr, baker, current St Mary Latrimoule, Ilyaciathe, baker, current St Mary Lauder, Wm, senr, engineer, William near Col- borne Lauder, Wm, jr, engineer, Eleanw near Gabriel Lauder, Geo, mason, 10 St George Laughlin, Bar tley, laborer, St Joseph near Richmond Laughlin, George E, clerk at post-ofhce, house 3 Barclay place Laurence, Frs, laborer, St Ignace near Mary Laurent, Joseph, painter, German near St Cathe- rine Laurent, David, painter, 90 St Lawrence Laurent, Capt Joseph, house Colborne near Gabriel Laurent, Miss E, dressmaker, St Constant near Ca- therine Laurent, Francis, mason, head of St Lawrence Laurent, J B, mason, Bare off St Joseph Laurent, Joseph, sionecutter, 25 St Simon Laurie, A &; Co, wholesale dry goods, 222 St Paul Laurie, A & Co, dry goods, 200 Notre Dame Laurie, Wm, house 6 Mountain terrace Laurie, Andrew, coachman, court <^ St Monique ^i M w ■1 I [iichmond 157 Laurie, James, house corner St Cuthcrine and St Charles Barrom6o Laiirio, D, pianoniaker, 58 St Lawrence LaurieT, J B, shoemaker, head of St Denis Laurin, Joseph, carter, head of St Lawrence Laurin, Baptiste, carter, Bar6 off' St Joseph Laurin, Charles, carter 138 St Joseph sub Lauzon, Jos, carter, Mignonne near Beaudry Lauzon, Pierre, waterman, head o( Visitation Lauzon, J B, carter, V^isitation near Mignonne Lauzon, Paul, sawyer, Christopher off" St Catherine Lauzon, Frs, cooper, 19 Alexander Lauzon, Misses, grocers, head of Visitation Lauzon, Pierre, carter, Fortier near St Dominique Lavall6e, Pierre, smith, St Margaret off' St Antoine Lavallee, Henry, cooper, Hocheiaga Lavali6e, Augustin, cooper, Hocheiaga La valine, John, laborer, Dorchtster near Durham Lavendeii, H, merchant tailor, 80 McGill, corner St Maivrice, house 6 St Maurice Lavender, J, tailor, 6 St Maurice Laverdure, Pierre, mason, court off' St Genevieve Laverdure, Jos, laborer, court off St Margaret Laverri^re, David, carjienter, Bar6 oft' St Joseph Laverridre, Pierre, furrier, 73 Bonaventure Lavers, Austin, carpenter, Sanguinet near Cathe- rine Lavers, Wm, stone-cutter, head of Visitation Lavery, P, tailor, 31 St Dominique Lavery, John, laborer, King near Common Lavicount, Mrs, house Drunimond near St Cathe- rine Lavicount, A K, house Drummond near St Cathe- rine Lavictoire, Jos, butcher, head of Visitation Lavigeur, Louis, carter, head of Visitation Lavigne, M, butcher, head of St Constant Lavigne, Leonard, saddler. Cemetery «ear Saint Josejih Lavigne, Paul, carpenter, Wolfe near Craig Lavigne, T, shoemaker. Bare off* St Joseph H m 1 1 \'\ i M H i 1 ., ii ij 158 Lavigne, Basil, shoemaker, 56 St Maurice Lavigne, Lambert, carpenter, Bar6 off St Joseph Lavigne, Jos, waterman. 28 Chaboillez Ijavigne, Luke, house German near Mignonne Lavigne, Eli, sawyer, Acqueduct off St Joseph Lavigne, Amab^e, carpenter, 33 Wolfe Lavigne, Mathias, joiner, Durham near Catherine Laviolette, Frs, butcher, head of Tolentin Laviolette, Ed, cooper, William's court oft' College Laviolette, M, butcher, head of Visitation Laviolette, Hector, dry goods, 120 St Paul Lavoie, Ant, limeburner, Dufresne Lavoie, Jos, trader, Dor3hester near St Lawrence Lavoie, Medard, steward, St Catherine near Ger- man Lavoiseur, Fabien, house Lagaucheti^re near Wolfe Lavoiseur, Joseph, laborer, 38 Amherst Law, Young & Co, wholesale hardware, wines &c, 277 St Paul Law, Jas, house corner Sherbrooke and Aylmer Law, Leon, shoemaker, St Denis near Mignonne Law, Wm, shoemaker, 53 St Goorge Lawley, Wm, carver and gilder, 167 Notre Dame Lawlor, P, government clerk, 10 St Monie^iie Lawlor, Mrs, house Mountain near St Joseph Lawlor, John, trader. Mountain near St Joseph Lawlor, Michael, shoemaker, Murray near William Lawlor, Wm, tailor, Jure near Bleury Lay, Mrs E H, ladies' school, Beaver square Lazure & Frere, dry goods, l-iS St Paul Leach, Rev Dr W T, house 18 St Joseph sub Leach, Wm, storeman, Co' borne near Gabriel Leahy, Patk, carter, Bonaventure near St Felix Learmont, Wm, watchmaker, 147 Notre Dame Lea, Miss E, dry goods, 37 St Mary Lebeau, Pierre, carter, head of Durham Lebeau, Narcisse, trader, 37 Amherst Lebeau, Jos, carter, corner Visitation and Mignonne Lebeau, Felix, carter, corner Visitation and Mig- nonne Lebeau, Frs, carter, Panet near Dorchester 1 i I r t-'i (' M jeph ne 5ph lerine loUege rrence ear Ger- ar Wolfe iines &c, ^Imer ;nonne Dame ue Iseph William I sub [iel ^elix irae [ignonne id Mig- f 159 Lebeau, Narcisse, carter, head of Visitation Lebeaii, Alex, carter, head of Visitation Leheau, Frs, carter, head of Visitation Lebert, Jos, miller, McCord near William Lebert, Pierre, butcher, Mountain near St Joseph Lebert Victor, butcher, 120 St Antoine Leblanc, FitANCois. superintendent of water works, house 39 Bonaventure Leblanc, Juiien, tanner, Chaboillez off St Joseph Leblanc, Magloire, laborer, St Felix off Bonaven- ture Leblans, Louis, laborer, Bare near William I«eblanc, Louis, joiner, Devienne Leblanc, Luger, advocate, 172 Craig Leblanc, Germain, grocer, 115 St Paul Leblanc, P, tailor, house 69 St Lewis Leblauc, Frangois, butcher, head of FuUum Leblanc, Jos, carpenter, Acqueduct near St Joseph Leblanc, Jos, flour store, 34< Commissioners Leblanc, Charles A, advocate, 12 Sanguinet Leblanc, Joseph, clerk, 124? St Charles Barrom^e Leblanc, Juiien, foreman, house Chaboillez near Bonaventure Leblanc, G, grocer, house 3 St Dominique Leblanc, D, grocer, St Dominique near the market Leblanc, Richd, grocer, 108 St Joseph sub Leblanc, Simeon, mason, Devienne Leblanc, Ovide, notary public, 9 Bonsecouis Leblanc, Cyprien, carter, Napoleon ofi" Visitation Leblanc, Juiien, carter, head of Brock Leblanc, J B, carter, St Catherine near Bleury Leblanc, Louis joiner, 4>6 St Antoine Leblanc, Frs, laborer. Visitation near Mignonne Lebrun, Jos, boarding-house, 7 St Victoire Leckie, Robt, house 1 Sydenham Place Lkclaire, F &; J, general dry goods, 170 St Paul Leclaire, Francis, house Union avenue near Sher- brooke Leclaire, Bernard, laborer, Acqueduct ofl^ St Joseph Leclaire, Louis, carpenter, Dorchester near Victoria road ^. ." > .*•.... 1.. .,. i-f<-- • • .- •» 3^; Vim \/ ?f k 160 Leclaire, P, tavern and boarding house, Jacques Cartier square Leclaire, Moses, voyageur, St Antoine, west Leclaire, Joseph, carter, Acqueduct near St Joseph Leclaire, Janvier, carpenter, Visitation near Mig- nonnc Leclaire, J O, honse 8 St Charles Barrom6e Leclaire, Ls, baker, Roy lane off" Bona venture Leclaire, J Bte, lal»orer. Seigneur ofTSt Antoine Leclaire, Joseph, stonecutter, Acqueduct off St Jo- seph Leclaire, Pierre, laborer, 24 Inspector Leclaire, Pierre, laborer, Dubord near St Hubert Leclaire, Ed, bricklayer, Panet near St Catherine Leclaire, Mrs, trader, Mignonne near Panet Leclekc, J no a. leather stor*?, 269 St Paul Leclerc, Louis, stonecutter head of German Lecompte, Frs, carter, St Andre Lecompte, T, carter, head of Sanguinet Lecompte, Geo, looking glasses, &c, Haymarket square Lecompte, O, carter, St Antoine bridge Lecompte, Tousst, carter, Adolphus off St Mary Lecourt, Chs, carpenter, Durham near Dorchester Ledoux, Ls, carpenter, 172 St Joseph sub Ledoux, Antoine, carter, Mignonne near Sanguinet Ledoux, Frs, smith, 101 St Joseph sub Ledoux, Bonr, cartmaker, St Margaret near St An- toine Ledoux, John, smith, 151 St Joseph sub Leduc, Clovis, carriagemaker, 50 and 52 St An- tome Leduc, D & Co, bakers, court off St Elizabeth Leduc, Louis, storeman. Jure near Bleury Leduc, Jos, house Dorchester near Sanguinet Leduc, J B, saddler, 60 St Joseph sub Leduc, Frs, basket maker, lane oft' Mountain Leduc, Mrs J B, laundress, Dorchester, west Leduc, Louis, farmer, St Antoine near Cemetery Leduc, Louis, trader. 35 Bona venture Leduc, Pierre, shoemaker, 239 St Joseph sab t Jacques \t Joseph ear Mig- e ture itoine >ff St Jo- in bert therine jt I in ay market ary Chester Janguinet ir St An- St An- ^th let- It letery J 161 Leduc, Frs, smith, Mountain near St Joseph Leduc, Louis, lumse 35 St Antoine Lee, Bartlil, shoemaker, Gabriel near Prince Lee, William, smith, Geori^e near Wellington Lee, John, ship carpenter. Colborne Lee, Wm, shoemaker, Gabriel near George Lee, Pat, laborer, Jur6 near Hermine Leeming & Sabine, auctioneers and commission merchants, 45 St Frangois Xavier Leeming & Sabine, custom house agency, bonding store and general storage Leeming, John, house Summit Cottage, Cote des Neiges road Lefebvre, iMagloire, trader, house St Phillip Lefebvre, Tousst, bailiff, 37 Little St James Lefebvre, Anthony, grocer, Wellington near Mc- Cord Lefebvre, Joseph, house Lagaucheti^re near Ger- man Lefebvre, Pierre, shoemaker, 87 St Joseph sub Lefevre, J, confectioner, St Mary near Dufresne Lefevre, Pascal, butcher. Seigneur off St Joseph Lefevre, Miss, boarding-house, 1 St Claude Lefevre, Antoine mason, Lafontaine near Panet Lefevre, Pierre, laborer. Cemetery off St Antoine Lefevre, Frs, waterman, head of St Constant Lefevre, Mrs Gl, tavern, 32 Jacques Cartier square Lefevre, Amable, boarding-house, 105 Commission- ers Lefevre, Frs, waterman, head of St Constant Lefeve, Michael, house Aylmer Lefevre, Louis, tinsmith, current St Mary Lefevre, Joseph, clerk, 128 St Joseph sub Lefevre, F X, carpenter, 161 St Joseph sub Lefevre, Miss, teacher, Durham near Dorchester J^egge, John, clerk. Queen square Legouf, Beuoit, pilot, corner Craig and Montcalm Legris, F K, gardener, St Hubert Legros, Paul, whipniaker, Fortier nr St Dominique Legros, Geori^e, shormnker, St Siinon Leid, Jas, laborer, Lagaucheii^re near St Domini- niie > m ff 162 I r< ^';tun Koad l>ry rnes, house I Elizabeth r and 8t lei and St 177 McGrepfor, Wm, laborer, Eleanor near Gabriel McCJruther, Mrs, house (Tiibriel near Murray McCjIuire, John, turner, +9 St Charles Barr«iniee McGuire, Frs, carter, corner George and (Jabriel Mctruire, Mrs, trader, William near Kempt McGuire. John, tailor, Kempt near Gabriel McGnire, Frs, furniture shop, 7 J5t Mary, house 4-5 Notre Djime McGuire, Wm, tanner, 39 8t Maurice McGinre, Terence, smith, 25 St Maurice McGuire, B & Bros, livery stable, 27 St Mary and 52 Great St James McGuire, B, carter, court off Murray McGuire, Hy, lahorer, William near Eleanor McGuire, J, chandler, 103 St Lawrence McGuire, Wm, grocer, 66 Bleury Mc(iuire, Michael, laborer. 16 St George McGuire, L. tallow chandler, 8^ St Lawrence McGuire. Mrs, trader, Colborue avenue McGuire, Miss, milliner, 103 Notre Dame McGurk, James, laborer, Miirr.iy near Gabriel McGurk, Patk, clerk, Bleury near Craig McHale, M J, tavern, 4.1 St Paul Mo Hale, Terence, bootmaker, 48 St Gabriel McHaney, K, gardener. Mountain riCar St Antoine McHenry, Mrs, house 17 St Lewis McHenry, Charles, house 17 Perthuis McHugh, Michael, laborer, William near Kempt Mcllhone, Miss, dry goods, 4'4' St Mary Mcllroy, Mrs, house Victoria Road Mclnerney, Mrs, grocer, George near Gabriel Mclnerny, Mathew, laborer, (Jabriel near Prince Mclnerny, Michael, type founder. Prince near Ga- briel Mclndoe, Mrs, house 33 Chennevillc Mclndoe, Miss, milliner, 33 Chenneville McIntosh, Neil, groceries and wines, corner Place d* Amies and Notre Dame, house Belmont, Beaver hall Mcintosh, John, carter, St Antoine west Mclnt<)sh, Wm, bookbinder, 110 Craig I 1^ 178 Mcintosh, John, general smith, Nazareth near Com- mon Mcintosh, Wm, clerk, 62 St Joseph sub Mcintosh, A, carpenter, Dorchester near 8t Georj^e Mcintosh, Nicholas, cabhiet-maker, iSt Catlierine near Dominique Mcintosh, Christiana, house Busby lane ofi' Craig Mcintosh, JVliss, dressmaker, 9 St Joseph sub Mclntyre, llobt, merchant, house 4< Callemlar place Mclntyre, Daniel, dry goods, 4-4 McGill Mclntyre, Duncan, bookkeeper, St Catherine near Alexander Mclntyre, A C, India rubber worker, 197 St Joseph sub McIvER, (teorge,, hats and furs, 135 Notre Dame Mclver, Donald, clerk, south side of Canal Mclver, Felix, tinsmith, 5 Colborne Mclver, Peter, i)arasolmaker, 4S St Joseph sub Mclver, E, clerk, 15 St Edward McKay, Wm, laborer, Napoleon near Montcalm McKearney, Mrs, shirt maker, German near St Ca- therine McKeave, M, house Colborne near William McRechnie, Malcolm, dry goods, 60 lileury McKee, Mrs Jos, house Trmce near William McKelvin, John, laborer, court off Colborne McKenna, Patk, storeman, St Gabriel near Cathe- rine McKenna, Mrs, house William near Ann McKenzie, D D, house Lagauchetiere nr German McKenzie, William, mason, Dorchester near Bleury McKenzie, Murdoch, storeman, 21 Chenneville McKenzie, R, house 141 St Paul McKenzie, Mrs, boarding-house, 139 Craig McKenzie, Jas, brass founder, 63 St Charles Barro- m6e McKenzie, Geo, clerk, Phillips square, Beaver-hall McKenzie, Mrs, boarding-house, 1 14 St Joseph sub McKenzie, Miss C, house St Catherine McKenzie, 11, clerk, 53 St George McKenzie, Alex, gardentr, Parthenais off St Mary 179 !th near Com- ar St Georf^e fc>t Catherine McKenzie, John, carpenter, Queen near Common McKeon, Danl, hiborer, William near Colborne McKeon, Edward, laborer, Nazareth near William McKeon, Patrick, storeman, Colborne near William McKei n, P E, apithocary, 63 8t Lawrence McKeon, Mrs .), milliner, 24 ISt Mary McKerachar, Daniel, cooper, 102 St Lawrence McKerachar, Miss, house 36 Bonaventure McKeracher, Chas, leather and shoes, Jacques Car- tier, square, house Chaboillez McKeracher, George gardener, Parthenais off Saint Mary McKey, Francis, tobacconist, 129 St Paul McKey Sc Desroche, tobacconists, lf)0 St Paul IMcKim, B, clerk 47 St Charles Barromeo McKinley, Wm, carpenter, Nazareth nr Wellington McKinley, John, smith, Ann near Wellington McKinncn, Wm, house Durocher McKlehone, Ann, dry goods, 44 St Mary McKinstry, R, clerk, I Sanguinet McLaren, W D &; A, groceries and wines, corner St Lawrence and St Catherine, house corner St Catherine and St Dominique McLauchlin, Thos, carter, court olV St Margaret McLaughlin, Mrs, court off Wellington McLaughlin, Thos, laborer, Lagauchetidre near St George McLaughlin, Michael, smith, court off Wellington McLaughlin, Denis, laborer. Common, canal wharf McLaughlin, John, laborer, court off Colborne McLaughlin, E, basketmaker, .97 St Antoine McLaughlin, John, grocer, 31 St Lewis McLauglin, E, laborer, Lagaucheti^re near St George McLean &- Fleck, railroad coach and carriage builders. Kempt near Wt llington McLean, Duncan, house 4 St Helen McLean, John, plasterer, Dorchester near German McLean, John, tobacconist, Chaboillez square McLean, John, blockmaker, Lagauchetiere near Sydenham hi II ff ■ ISO f McLenn, Mrs Paul, house Hochelaga McLean, Miss, milliner, house 79 Ouijj McLean, John, (lisUllcr, 131 St Joseph sul> McJ^ean, Duniei, cabinetmaker, Fortification hinc McLennan, KwEN, commission merchant, Young''s bnildings, Mc(jill McLknnan, 1 & II, commission merchants, 2 Grey Nnn, house Brunswick McLennan, Joiin, chandler, Wellington beyond Canal McLeod, VVm, smith, Mountain near St Joseph McLeod, Danl, storeman, 50 St George McLcod, VVm, boilermaker. Mountain near St An- toin« McLeod, VVm, cooper, Vitr6 near Col6 McLeod, Geo, joiner, St Joseph near the Canal McMahon, P, grocer, corner Brock and St Cathe- rine McMahon, Patk, trader, 5'2 St Maurice, in rear AlcManus, Mrs, laundress, Williatn near Colborne McManus, h\ gardener, head of Si Lawrence McMastkr. VVm, cabinetmaker, 1H9 Notre Dame McMaster, Robt, smith, 209 St Joseph sub McMillan & Carson, merchant tailors, 66 McGill McMillan, Miles, cooper, Prmce near VV^ellington McMillan, Hngh, baker and grocer, Grey ]Suu McMillan, Jas, house St Henry McMullen, Mrs, house Bcrthelot near Bleury McNally, Mrs, laundress, William vtY Colborne McNally, Michael, laborer, court off Murray McNally, Laughlin, chandler, court off Murray McNully, Mrs, house Colborne near Gabriel McNally, VVm, brushmaker, 4 St Margaret McNamara, Tim, laborer, 55 St Dominique McNamara, Mrs, laundress, Colborne oti William McNamee, Geouge, grocer and tavern, 61 St An- toine McNamee, Michael, type-founder. Prince near Ga- briel McNamee, Mrs, grocer, Hochelaga McNaught, Mathew, laborer, Gabriel near Prince I) isi le near Ga- McNaught, R, commission merchant, 28 St Nicho- las, house 47 Bleary McNaught, George storemun^ Queen nr Gabriel McNaughton, Duncan, grocer, 20 i:^t Mory McNaughton, Alex, plasterer, St Genevidve ofT St Antoiiie McNaughton, Mrs, house St Antoine nr Seigneur McNaughton, A, grocer, 46 St Mary McNaughton, Alexander, plasterer, 8 St (ienevi^ve McNeice, James, house Queen near Gabriel McNeice, Peter, oil maker. Col borne near Gabriel McNeice, Wm, carter, Eleanor nr Gabrit^l McNeil, Mrs, house 178 St .losoi)h sub McNeven, D, carpenter and joiner, corner Nazareth and Gabriel McNicol, Duncan, laborer. Inspector otl St Joseph McNider, A, jminter and juiper hanger, Lagauche- ti^re near St Dominique McNider, James, tavern, Jacques Carticr square McNider, Wm, house Wellington near Trince McNider, James, manager B N A Telegraph, 32 St Frangois Xavier McNulty, Jas, laborer, McCord near Gabriel McNulty, Chas, shoemaker, Hermine, near Jur6 McNulty, John, laborer, Acqueduct ofl' St Joseph McOvven, Felix, carpenter, William near the Canal McOwen, Danl, laborer, Prince near Gabriel McPhee, John, clerk, St Dominique near Vitr6 McPhee, John, laborer, McCord near William McPherson, John ' A \ 'nne Mayhew, Octave, house Mountain near St JosepU Mayland, Miss, house, Hermine near Craig Mayne, Mrs J, school, 20 St Charles Barromee Mayor's Office, Wolfred Nelson, M D, City Hall, St Paul Maysenholder, (D) & BoHLE, (F) working jewel- lers, corner St Vincent and Notre Dame Mazurette, Urgele, shoe store, 66 St Mary Mazurette, S, tailor, St Catherine off Elizabeth Mazurette, Waldo, tailor, 121 St Lawrence Mazurette, Sol, tailor, St Elizabeth near Catherine m j^t t f^ III r ^&\ fci » iiil: I I m i! i S! f 1 ;f i92 Mead, J H, house Richmond square Mead, Mrs G H, house Dorchester near St Denis Mearns, Charles, cabinetmaker and upholsterer, 5 St Mary Mechanics' Institute Reading Room, E Richard- son, librarian, Great St James, corner St Peter Meehan, John, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Meehan, Thomas, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Meehan, M, laborer, St Gabriel, south side of Canal Medden, John, tavern, St Claude near St Paul Meeny, Peter, trader, 12 Aylmer Megill, William, grocer, St Mary below the gaol Meilleur, J B, M D, superintendent of education, Government house, house* Chaumidre Agreste,' 140 Conseilles de Ville Meikleham, Wm, engineer and com. iron merchant, 13 St Sacrament, house Richmond square Melancon, H, store man, 90 St Urbain Melancon, Chs, laborer, Wolfe off Dorchester Meloche, Mrs, house Prince near Wellington Meloche, C, clockmaker, Lagauchetidre near Con- stant Meloche, Jos, carter, Mignonne near St Dominique Meloche, John, smith, 50 St Maurice Meloche, J Bte, smith, Lagaucheti^re off Panet Menard, Francis, police, Salaberry Menard, Alexis, Carter, Mignonne near German Menard, Mrs, dressmaker, 110 St Lawrence Menard, Nichls, carter, Visitation near Lagauche- tidre Menard, Wm, tailor, court off Tolentin Menard, Pierre, laborer, court off Tolentin Menard, Marie, house 93 St Joseph sub Menard, Mrs, laundress, Dorchester near St Phillip Menard, Chs, carter, 41 Visitation Menard, Joseph, butcher, Dufresne . ' Menard, John, trader, §8 Montcalm Menouville, Amable, joiner, Durham near Lagau- cheti^re Mercantile Ltbrary Association, reading room, 43 Great St James ! I i t m w 193 Mercier, Alexander, tavern, 17 Jacques Cartie* square Mercier, Edward, hotel, 89 and 91 St Paul Mercier, Etienne, butcher, Fulluni Mercier, J, joiner, St Christopher off St Catherine Mercier, Toussaint, grocer, l4l St Joseph sub Mercier, Mrs, house German near Catherine Mercier, Mrs, boarding-house, Sanguinel near Ca- therine Mercier, T, trader, Hochelaga Mercile, Adolphe, painter, 72 Visitation Mercure, Joseph, shoemaker, 150 Sanguinet Merrill, H & H, general dry goods, 190 Notre Dame Merrill, E H, house 190 Notre Dame Merrill, W H, house 201 Sanguinet Merrill, Mrs, Craig opposite the Champ de Mars Merritt, Edward, shipbuilder, Current St Mary Merry, Wm A, secretary Champlain railroad com- pany, house Dorchester near St Geoige Messier, Julien, tavern, 50 Commissioners Messier, P, smith, Durham near Dorchester Messier, Hubert, tailor, 26 St Gabriel Mcteyer, Michael, cartwright, 4 Chaboillez square Meteyer, Gabriel, cartwright, 51 St Joseph sub Meteyer, Joseph, joiner, 232 St Joseph sub Meteyer, Ls, sculptor, St Catherine off Sanguinet Meunier, Joseph, laverii, 57 Notre Dame Meunier, Augustin, butcher, Visitation near Dor- chester Meunier, D, carter, Lagauchetidre off Amherst Meunier, Pierre, laborer, St Catherine near St Do- minique Mewhenny, Thos, bricklayer, Hochelaga Meter & Meyer, notaries public, Dorchester near Sanguinet Meyer, Henry, house Dorchester near Sanguinet Meyer, H J, house Dorchester near Sanguinet Meyez, N, shoemaker, 10 St Phillip Michaels, ^T, cabinet-maker, Dorchester near St Ur- hain ) »i n m t in i I. 194 Michie, Peter, clerk, Queen off Common Michie, Wm, laborer, court off Prince Michon, Germain, dry goods, house 101 Craig Middlemiss, G, cabinet-maker, St Catherine near Bleury Middlemiss, Wm, engineer. Prince near Wellington Middleton, Mrs, milliner, 219 Notre Dame Xidgley, Cas, machinist, house Prince near Wel- lington Mignault, Wolfred, notary, house St Constant near Catherine Mignault, P, laborer, court off Murray Miles, B, laborer, Sophia lane off Craig Miles, Ed, paper hanger, Jur6 near Alexander Military Secretary's Oifice, (Major Rowan) 22 Notre Dame Military Hospitals, Water and St Paul Military Burying Ground, Victoria Road Millard, Louis, shoemaker, 17 St Antoine Millard, J B, shoemaker, 17 St Antoine Miller, R & A, booksellers and bookbinders, 60 St Frangois Xavier Miller, Adam, house 6 Chenneville Miller, Robert, house 11 Hospital Miller, Wm, pipe-maker, Col borne avenue Miller, Mrs, boarding-house. 44 St Urbain Miller, H, wholesale dry goods, 210 St Paul • Miller, Joseph, house 164 St Joseph sub Miller, John, clerk. Jure near Hermine Miller, W"m, trader, court off Hermine Miller, Joseph, house 164 St Joseph sub Miller, Wm & Co, paper warehouse, 196 St Paul Miller, Thos, house 2 Tecumseth terrace Miller, G S, trader, corner McGill and Common Miller, Miss C, house Guy off St Antoine Miller, Mrs Alex, house 61 Mountain Miller, Peter, shoemaker, Visitation near Dorchester Miller, Mrs Capt, house Lartique place Millet, D, dry goods, 245 Notre Dame Millet, Mrs, milliner, 245 Notre Dame Millette, Andr6, shoemaker, 17 St An tome '" ■ l# ■'!'■! 195 stunt near Millette, Ls, butcher, head of St Hubert Millette, Jeremy, butcher, 13 Mountain Millette, C. painter, St Charles Barrom6e near Vitr6 Millette, Wm, woodyard 60 Bleury Millette, Joseph, house 149 St Joseph sub Miliigan, Mrs Wm, house Durham near Dorchester Milligan, S, dry goods, 38 McGiil MiLLoY, ALEXANDER,agent U C stage office, house 2 Hanover, Beaver Hall Mills, Mattice & Co, general and commission merchants, corner St Peter and Sacrament Mills, Mrs J E, house St Genevi6ve near Dorches- ter Mills, Robert, house 64 St George Mills, E Lyman, Hanover, Beaver-hall Mills, Mrs, laundress, court off' St Monique MiLLN & Milne, engineers Sc machinists, south side Canal Milln, Wm, house George near Wellington Milne, James, bookseller and agent fbr the Bible Depository, 31 Great St James Milne, John A, house Prince near Wellington Milne, Wm, draftsman, Colborne near Common Milne, John, house Craig near St Antoine Milne, John, house Dorchester near Acqiieduct Milroy, R, bink clerk, Dorchester west Minshall, Dr John, school, corner Cot6 and Lagau- cheti^re Miron, Noel, joiner, 79 Visitation Miron, Michl. carter, Visitation nr Mignonne Miron, Hy, carter, 72 St Constant Miron, Ol, milkman, court off* St Catherine Miron, , shoemaker, Durham nr Dorchester Mitchell, J &; J, general commission merchants, 2 Lemoine Mitchell, J, butcher, 31 Amherst Mitchell, James, house Sherbrooke west Mitchell, John, laborer, McCord nr Gabriel Mitchell, Robert, plumber and gasfitter, St Henry and Hay market square - ' ^ ' ' Mitchell, James, laborer, Colborne avenue I I I B ^ il M%^ 196 ' ' f 1 1 'V If ■il, Mitchell, Jos, laborer, Lagaucheti^re near Alexan- der Mitchell, Andrew, house 36 Craig Mitchell, Alexr, house 44 St Urbain Mitchell, Wm, engineer. Mountain nr Bonaventure Miteyer, Nicholas, carriagemaker, Chaboillez square Moan, John, carter, King nr Wellington Moan, Peter, carter, Chaboillez nr Bonaventure Mochrie, George, baker, 21 Notre Dame Modot, Jean, plumisier, Lagauchetidre nr Panet Moflatt, Hon George, house Weredale Cottage, Cote St Antoine MofFatt, Geo, Junr, house 18 Notre Dame Moffatt, J O, house 3 Portland place Moffatt, Edwd, house court off Bonaventure Moffatt, Hy, shoemaker, Sophia lane off Craig Moffatt, Mrs Jane, boarding house, Anderson near Jur6 Moffat, I, London commercial hotel, corner of St Joseph and Commissioners Moffat, Ed, laborer. King nr Wellington Mohan, Peter, laborer. Cemetery off Bonaventure Mohan, Patk, Cavan tavern, 88 Foundling Mohan, T, foundry man, William near Murray Moineau, Firmin, tavern, 118 St Mary Moir, Archbd, house 144 Bleury > Moir, Peter, plasterer, corner Craig and Amherst Moir, Jas, commission merchant, 61 Commissioners Moison, Mrs, house St Emery nr St Denis Moley, John, clerk, George near William Moley, P, trader, George nr William MoUoy, Ol, sawyer, William near Murray Molloy, Jas, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Molloy, John, laborer, Wellington nr Dalhousie Moll, Thos, carter, St Felix off St Joseph MoLSON, John, jun, general merchant, Lemoine MoLSON, Thomas & William & Co, brewery and distillery, 145 St Mary Molson, Thos, house 1 Molson terrace Molson, William, house 111 off St Mary Molson, Geo E, house corner City Councillors and Sherbrooke i97 3ar Alexan- )rner of St Molson, Hon John, house corner Sherbrooke and St Lawrence Molson, J, jun, house Rose bank Cottage, St Mary Molson, J H R, brewer and distiller, house St Mary near Colborne avenue Molson, Alex, house corner City Councillors and Sherbrooke Molson, Alexr, & Co, general merchants, corner St Paul and St Joseph Molson's Bank, Wm Sache, cashier, 11 Great St James Monaghan, Wm, tobacconist, 7 St Mary Monaghan, John, trader, Dalhousie near Welling- ton Monaghan, Mrs, house St Joseph nr Toll gate Monaghan, Alex, shoestore, 82 Notre Dame, house Wolfe nr St Mary Monahan, John, laborer, Colborne nr Wellington Monahan, Patk, laborer, Ann near Gabriel Monahan, Terence, grocer, Welhngton near Dal- housie Monarque, Andrew, senr, butcher, 115 St Mary Monarque, Joseph, butcher, head of St Constant Monarque, J B, bedstead maker and cooper, 55 McGill, house 14 Chaboillez Monarque, Fred, carter, off St Catherine Monarque, And, butcher, Fullum Mondelet, Hon Judge, house 2 Sydenham place Monette, Frs, carter, Queen square Monette, Frs, carter, 6 Mountain Monette, Mrs, house 42 St Lewis Monette, J B, carter, Bare off St Joseph Monette, Jn Bte, laborer, Current S Mary Monette, Mrs, trader, 102 St Joseph sub Monette, J B, carter, St Felix oft St Joseph Monette, Pierre, carter, Acqiieduct off St Joseph Monette, Frs, police, 3 Wolfe i . . Monette, Mrs B, house Mignonne near Amherst Monette, Louis, carter, Beaudry off St Catherine . Monette, Bte, laborer, St Mary near Dufresne Monette, Narcisse, joiner, 113 St Charles Barrom6e 1 1 ^^'i I'V m 19S I i Iff IM i ;l ! kf; 1 ■tlii. j'St' : i ?f!i If] Ji> V; I r Monette, G, grocer, corner Panet and Lagauche- ti^re Money, James, laborer, William near Gabriel Money, Michael, hatter, Murray near William Monferand, Jos, pilot, 130 Sanguinet Mongeon, Bte, house St Denis near St Catherine Mongeon, Geo, butcher Cemetery off St Joseph Mongeon, Beloni, laborer, court off Tolentin Monk, John, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house 11 Chenneville Monk, S C, advocate, 23 Little St James, house Cote des Neiges road Monk, S W, prothonotary, house head of Mountain Monique, Ls, cooper, 3 Chaboillez Monsell, Pierre, shoemaker, Bonaventure off In- spector Monsell, Joseph, shoemaker, 98 St Joseph Mont6, Ant, stonecutter, Vallee Montgomerie, Mrs A C, house 76 St Antoine Montgomery, Misses, dressmakers, 55 St Lawrence Montgomery, Jas, carter, Durham near Catherine Montgomery, Maxwell, woodyard. Queen near Ga- briel Montgomery, Mrs, house 45 Bonaventure Montbelliard, Max, trader, head of Visitation Montmarquette, Jos, trader, head of Visitation Montmarquette, Joseph, butcher, head of St Con- stant Montmarquette, F X, baker, 126 St Charles Barro- m6e Montmarquette, Cyril, shoemaker, Visitation near St Catherine Montmarquette, Mrs Jos, house head of Visitation Montmarquette, Cyril, woodyard, Visitation off St Catherine Montpellier, Mrs J B, laundress, head of German Montreal Bank, [A Simpson, cashier,] Place d'Ar- mes Montreal Savings Bank, [John Armour, cashier,] at the Montreal Bank Montreal City Bank, [F Macculloch, cashier,] Place d'Armes 199 Montreal Citv and District Savings* Bank, [John Collins, actuary,] 4- Great St James Montreal City and District Building Society, [J J C Abbott, secretary,] 34« Little St James Montreal City Foundry, [C P Ladd,] Queen near William Montreal City Mills, [Ira Gould,] south side Canal Montreal New City Mills, [N Weed Gould,] Canal basin Montreal Dispensary, [Dr Wright,] 6 St George Montreal House, [J W Coleman,] Custom-house square Montreal Bellows Factory, [R Dean,] 258 Notre Dame Montreal & Bytown Railroad Office, 144 Craig Montreal Telegraph Company, [O S Wood, super- intendejit,] Merchants' Exchange Montreal Mechanics' Institute, Great St James* corner St Peter Montreal Foundry, [Wm Rodden,] William, Grif- fintown Montreal Baths, [Charles Garth,] 142 Craig Montreal and New York Railroad office, [Jas Rough, agent,] Bonaventure Montreal and Quebec Steamboat office, at D Tor- rance & Co's, corner St Paul and St Nicholas Montreal Protestant Orphan Asylum, [Mrs Cribb, matron,] St Catherine near Mountain Montreal Harbor Commissioners' office, [John Glass, secy,] Custom-house square Montreal Building Society, [Jas Court, secretary,] Great St James ivlontreal Fire Insurance Company, [Wm Murray, manager,] corner Great St James and St Fran- Qois Xavier Montreal Gas Light Company's office, [W R Fal- coner, manager,] Gabriel, Griffintown Montreal Eye Institution, [Dr Henry Howard,] 68 St Frangois Xavier Montreal Ladies' Benevolent Institution, [Mrs Moore, matron,] 94 and 96 Mountain >t> i^S m %• ^ -I i I -'iJ'-S w f. '• 1 - ;ii W i l! 1 7^' \ 1' If -il. .1'!! ■f,u };,'; !iil Ml ■'■I 1 ■| ;!l 200 Montreal School of Medicine, 8 St Uibain Montreal General Hospital, Dorchester near St Do- minique Montreal Post Office, (Jas Porteons, P M) Great St James, corner St Frangois Xavier Montreal India Rubber Co, [Alfred Farley, secy] south side of the canal, St Gabriel locks Montreal Mining Co, [Adam Handyside, secy] Insu- rance Company's buildings, Great St James Montreal and Troy Telegraph Co, Merchants' Ex- change Montreal Merchants' Exchange and Reading Room, [J G Dinning, secretary,] St Sacrament Montreal Water Works, office 28 Notre Dame Montreal Natural History Society, 10 Little Saint James Montreal Gaol, [Thos McGinn, gaoler] St Mary Montreal Type Foundry, [C T Palsgrave] office 9 Lemoine Montreal Tool Store, 275 St Paul Montreal Industrial House of Refuge, [Saml Mas- sey and Mrs Massey, superintendents] Rich- mond square Montreal Marine Works, [A Contant] St Joseph, near toll bar Montreal Commercial Advertiser, [Thos Finney] 304. Notre Dame Montreal Gazette Office, [J M Ferres & Co, propri- etors] 20 Great St James Montreal Herald Office, [D Kinnear & Co] 209 Notre Dame Montreal Transcript Office, [Donald M'Donald, pro- prietor] 13 Hospital near St Frangois Xavier M>ntreal Pilot Office, [RoUo Campbell] Place d'- Armes Montreal Temperance Advocate Office, [J C Beck- et, printer] 22 Great St James Montreal True Witness, [G E Clerk, editor] 4 Place d' Amies Montreal Monitenr Canadien, [DeMontigny & Co, proprietors] 125 St Paul i 201 Montreal Witness, [John Doiigall] 22 Great St Jas Montreal Minerve Office, and Album Lit^raire of la Minerve, [Duvernay, Brothers, proprietors,] 15 St Vincent ^ Montreal Directory Office, [R W S Mackay] 53 St Frangois Xavier Montreal Sun, [Moore, Owler & Stevenson] 42 St Frangois Xavier Montreal New Water Works, engineer's office, T C Keefer, 19 Great St James MoNTREuiL, J A, notary pnblic, 33 St Mary, house corner Grant and Water Montreuil, Mrs Pierre, Lagaucheti^re near Volti- geur Montreuil, Jean, shoemaker, 62 St Maurice Montreuil, Eustache, trader, Lagaucheti^re near Amherst Montreuil, Frs, shipwright, head of Panet Moodie, Wm, house 58 St Charles Barrom6e Moody, L, house 90 McGill Mooney, Robt, house Marlborough Mooney, Jas, laborer, head of St Constant Mooney, Wm, engineer. King near William MooRB, Owler & Stevenson, printing office, pub- lishers of « The Sun," 42 St Frangois Xavier Moore, Terence, Railroad hotel and grocer, 100 Bonaventure Moore, James, printer, 42 St Frangois Xavier Moore, James, shoemaker, court off St Monique Moore J & G, hatters, 237 Notre Dame Moore, Wm, trader, 15 Amherst Moore, Luke, grocer, Lagaucheti6re near St George Moore, Stewart, laborer, William near Colborne Moore, Mrs, house McCord near Gabriel Moore, J, dry goods, 12 Notre Dame Moore, Dominick, carter, foot of Cemetery Moore, Edwd, store man, 24 St Maurice Moore, Geo, tavern, 19 St Lawrence Moore, John, laborer, Victoria road Moore, John, shoemaker, court off Lagaucheti^re Moore, Wm, constable. Mountain off Bonaventure ■r . H ; ( ! 202 ■ 'I !{< 'III II II ■If ill f^ Moore, Wm, turner, Bonaventnre near Acqneduct Moore, John, boilermaker, Ann near Gabriel Moore, Thos, butcher, 28 Bonaventnre Moore, Miss, laundress, Sophia lane off Craig Morahan, Jas, carpenter, Fullum off St Mary Moran, John, laborer, William near Murray • Morand, Paul, silversmith, St Amable lane MoREAu, Louis, advocate, 18 Sanguinet, house St Denis near Mignonne Moreau, J, mason, St Emery near St Denis Moreau, Joseph, tinsmith, 177 St Joseph sub Moreau, M, grocer, Dorchester near St Urbain Moreau, F, laborer. Cemetery off St Joseph Moreau, Charles, sawyer, Victoria Road Moreau, Narcisse, trader, 63 Campeau Moreau, A, roofer, 6 St Urbain Moreau, Joseph, stonecutter, St Elizabeth near Ca- therine Moreau, A, roofer, German near Catherine Moreau, Jos, carter, St Dominique near Mignonne Moreau, L B, trader, St Catherine near St Denis Moreau, Ant, jun, roofer, head of St Constant Moreau, F X, carpenter, court off Champ de Mars Moreau, Ol, laborer, Hochelaga MoRETTi, PiETRo, hairdresser and fancy store, 105 McGill Morgan, Henry & Co, general dry goods, Colonial house, 100 and 102 McGill Morgan, Thos, grocer, corner Bleury and Catherine Morgan, Christopher, butcher, 115 St Joseph sub Morgan, Henry, house Hanover, Beaver hall Morgan, C, jun, butcher, foot of Cemetery Morice, Jas, cabinetmaker, 121 Craig, house 63 St George Morin, P H, harbor master, house 151 St Paul Morin, Louis, gardener, Lusignan near St Antoine Morin, Charles, mason, Chaboillez < Morin, L E, house 151 St Joseph sub * Morin, Mrs, house Bonaventnre near Margaret Morin, N, joiner. Visitation near Mignonne > Morin, Ant, sweep, 19 St Claude / ' Lcqneduct briel :raig dary ray ne t, house St ;nis I sub Jrbain sph ;h near Ca- ne ^ignonne pt Denis tant de Mars store, 105 s, Colonial Catherine eph sub lall house 63 Paul Antoine raret 203 Morin, Naz, cooper, Dorchester near Phillip Morin, Thos, laborer, head of Alexander Morin, Jas A, advocate, 14 St Vincent, house Inspec- tor Morin, Anty brickmaker, Versailles off St Joseph Morin, , smith, St Mary near Brock Morin, Frs, carter, 34 Amherst Morin, John, shoemaker, Durham near Dorchester Moriset, Michl, carpenter, Canning off St Joseph MoRLAND, & Co, general hardware importers, 9 St Joseph, City Morland, Thomas, house, 16 Bellevue terrace Morley, W M, clerk 11 St Louis Muriey, John, house St Catherine near German Morley, Michael, dry goods, 36 St Mary Morley, Jas, laborer, 31 St Paul Morneau, Z, waterman, 72 Bonaventure Morneau, Firmin, tavern, 118 St Mary Morris, Brothers, general commission merchants> 23 St Sacrament Morris, R, saddlery and harness, 29 Notre Dame Morris, Hon Wm, house 18 Alexander Morris, Alex, advocate, 49 Little St James, house 18 Alexander Morris, Edwin, house 93 Notre Dame Morris, Peter, painter, Colborne off Gabriel Morris, Ed, carpenter, George near William MoRisoN, Cameron & Empey, general dry goods, 288 Notre Dame Morison, M, advocate, 5 Place d'Armes hill, house 61 St Louis Morison, John, carter, head of Visitation Morrison, J N, tavern. Grey Nun Morrison, Andw, collector, 9 Dorchester near Bleury . . Morrison, George, builder, 17 Amherst Morrison, Charles, laborer, 49 Mountain Morrison, John, house Wellington near George Morrison, James, builder, Belmont, Beaverhall Morrissy, John, laborer, Catherine near Wellington Morrissy, £d, carpenter, William nr George If { 4 '■Al f - 2()\ 'I' •I I B :i I . I-: L m, {' u: r Morrissy Lawrence, shoemaker, 51 St Charles Barromee Morrow, W W, grocer, 27 St Lawrence Morrow, John, shoemaker. Busby lane off Craig Morrough, Mrs R, house Dorchester near Sanguinet Morson, A, M D, 6 Berthelot Morton, Mrs C, grocer, 114 St Antoine Morton, Miss, silkdyer, 4>6 Chenneville Morton, Robert, builder, Guy near Dorchester Morton, Henry, bookbinder, 114 St Antoine MosEs, Michael, paints, oils, and glass, 141 St Paul house 16 Inspector Mosbrugger. Geo, plasterer, Lagaucheti^re near St Denis Moss, H, painter, corner St Urbain and Dorchester Moss & Brothers, clothiers, 248 St Paul Moss, L & Co, dry goods, 70 McGill Moss, Edward, house 5 Bleury Moss, David, house 1 Bleury Mossa, Lieut Wm, 26th Regt, 78 Water Mountain, Thomas, hotel keeper, 40 St Lawrence Mousseau, Charles, carpenter, Carapeau Mousseau, Charles, carpenter, 98 Amherst Mousseau, Alexis, house 19 St Lawrence Moussette, Jos, carpenter, corner Grant and Saint Mary Moxen, Jas, coachman, 23 Champ de Mars Moyen, Jos, carpenter, Wolfe near Lagaucheti^re Moyen, Pierre, sawyer, foot of Cemetery Moyen, Baptiste, carpenter, Bar6 off tS Joseph Moyen, Felix, sawyer, foot of Cemetery Moyle, Mrs, seamstress, 57 St George Moyle, Michl, laborer, Chaboillez off St Joseph Muckle, Chas F, house 20 Bleury MuiR, W & J, merchant tailors, 25 Great St James MuiR, W & R, wholesale dry goods, 297 St Paul MuiR, EwAN & Co, Boston Clothing Store, whole- sale, 79, and retail, 59 McGill Muir, G B, house Place d'Armes hill ? r ^^ Miiir, Mungo, boilerraaker, Bonaventure near Ac- queduct , . ..o^, - v.. .. > li 205 St Charles Miiir, Ebenezer, house willow cottage, 20 St Mo- niqiie Muir, Wm, merchant tailor, house St Peter near Craig Muir, R, house 3 Hanover terrace Muir, Jas, house 7 Tecumseth terrace Mulcahy, Jas, printer, 48 St Lawrence Miildoon, P, dry goods, 244 (laie 168) Notre Dame Mulhern, Michael, laborer, Catherine near Wel- lington Mulhall, John, laborer, McCord near Gahriel Mulholland, Henry, house 272 Sherbrooke Mulligan, Timothy, grocer, Wellington near King Mulligan, Daniel, grocer, Dalhousie, near Gabriel Mulligan, R, tavern, corner Wellington and Grey Nun MuUin, Joseph, laborer, William near Colborne MuUin, Francis, tavern, 301 Notre Dame MuUin, J & Co, grocers, 46 McGill MuLLiNS, F, F, shipchandler and importer of marine stores, 70 Commissioners,, opposite the Quebec Steamboat Wharf, boards at Montreal House Mullins, Thos, grocer, corner Chaboillez and In- spector MuUins, Michl, laborer, Port near Common Mullins, Francis, house Gabriel place, Lower La- chine road Mullins, Michael, smith, corner George and Gabriel Mullins, Frs, waterworks. Water near the Market Mullins, Mrs, trader, Catherine near Gabriel Mullins, Tim, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel Mullins, Jas, grocer, 32 St Maurice Munier, Pierre, carter, head of Visitation Munier, Mrs, house 4 Chaboillez Muneau, Mrs. trader, 3 Sanguinet Munday, Denis, laborer, Kempt near William Munday, Patrick, laborer, court off Murray Munn, John, shoemaker, Durham Munn, Robert, shoemaker, St Mary near Visitation Munroe, Daniel, engineer, Lagauchetiere near Vic- toria road ., ., . I . ■ ■''' :ij I ■ t( Munroe, Mrs, dressmaker, Beaiulry terrace Munroe, Alexr, tavern, 137 Commissioners Munroe, Hector, contractor, Brunswick, Beaver hall Munroe, Dr P, house Bleury near Craig Murney, Denis, pipemaker, Col borne avenue Murphy, P, dry goods and clothing, St Lawrence near Vitre Murphy Ed vizard, dry goods, Jacques Cartier square, house Sanguinet near Vitr6 Murphy, A, dry goods, 188 Notre Dame Murphy, Edward, clerk, 53 St Urbain Murphy, P S, house 53 St Urhain Murphy, Michael, smith, 13 Inspector ' Murphy, Daniel, laborer, head of FiiHum Murphy, Martin, smith, Chenneviile near VitrA Murphy, Michael, smith, Gabriel near Prince Murphy, Mrs, tavern, 71 Notre Dame Murphy, John, turner, St Phillip Murphy, Michael, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel Murphy, Jas, laborer, Kempt near Gabriel Murphy, Chas, laborer. Kempt near Gabriel Murphy, Bernard, grocer, cor St Urbain and Vitre Murphy, Patrick, tailor, Catherine near Colborne Murphy, Laurence, laborer, Catherine near Gabriel Murphy, Michael, smith, Lagaucheti^re near Alex- ander Murphy, Daniel, laborer, head of Fullum Murphy, Lawrence, laborer, William near Murray Murphy, John, laborer, Catherine near Gabriel Murphy, Edward, carpenter, 40 St Maurice Murphy, Michael, tailor, 50 St Joseph sub Murphy, Mrs, laundress, Bisson off St Antoine Murphy, Mrs, charwoman, 53 St Frangois Xavier Murphy, Jer, boilermaker, 24 Bonaventure Murphy, Timothy, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Murphy, Chs, laborer, court off Murray Murphy, Jas, grocer, corner Sanguinet and Dubord Murphy, Patk, laborer, court off Murray Murphy, Thos, laborer, Little Dublin off St George Murphy, Felix, gardener, head of St Lawrence ^ Murphy, Denis, laborer, 6 Jure i tor Murray, Donald &; Co, forwarders, Colborne, opposite Canal basin, house St Hubert near St Louis Murray, Wm, manager Montreal Insurance Com- pany, Great St James, house Dorchester, west Murray, Mrs, midwife, 21 Champ de Mars Murray, Patrick, laborer, court off Murray Murray, Patrick, butcher, 12 St Maurice Murray, George, engineer, Prince near Wellington Murray, John, storeman, Nazareth near Wellington Murray, Wm, carter, Versailles off" St Joseph Murray, Jas, dry goods, 135 Commissioners Murray, John, waiter, court off* Mountain, near Jo- seph Murtagh, Michael, store, 32 Craig MussEN, Thomas, silk mercer, haberdasher, and carpet warehouse, corner Notre Dame and St Lambert Mussen, Henry, house off* St Catherine Mutual Fire Insurance Company of the County of Montreal, corner St Frangois Xavier and St Sacrament Myers, Michl, steamboat captain, College near Du- pr6 NADEAU, Mrs, trader, St Catherine near Bleury Nadeau, Ed, carter, 118 St Joseph sub Namur, Ed, carter, Durham near Dorchester Nantais, Nicholas, carl er, Lagauchetidre near Mont- calm Nantell, J B, carpenter, 26 St Gabriel Nantell, S, trader, 1 18 St Charles Barrom6e Nantell, Cesaire, waterman, St Catherine nr Brock Nantell, Vitel, waterman, 44 Visitation Nantell, J B, house Hochelaga Nantell, Felix, waterman, Visitation near Cathe- rine Nantell, Simon, trader, St Lawrence near Catherine Napier, Colonel, visiting superintendent Indian Affairs, Canada East, house Victoria terrace, Sherbrooke, office (Government house National Loan Fund Life and Annuity Society, . (J B M Chipman, general agent,) Merchants' Exchange ti ' 208 National School, Bonsecotirs near St Denis National Institute ilourns, lid Notre Dume Natural liit^tory Society, 10 Little St James Naucl, Jean, joiner, St Catherine near German Nault, David dry goods, 122 Notre Dunie Navion, Aiit, carter, Mignonne near St Dominique Neagle, Thomas, house 26 Bonaventure Neary, Edward, shoemaker 49 St Maurice Neeiand, Jas, gardener, head of Mountain Neilson, Joseph, house 68 St Antoine Neilson, Miss, dressmaker, 68 St Antoine Nelson, Wolfued, M D, Mayor of Montreal and provincial Inspector of prisons, corner Little St James and St Lawrence hill Nelson, (tl A) & Butters, (Isaac,) wooden ware clocks, &c, 68 McGill Nelson, Dr Alfred, corner Little St James and St Lawrence hill Nelson, H A, house 12 Bellevue terrace Nelson, Thomas, house 85 St Urbain Nelson, James, smith, Colborne near Gabriel Nelson, O, rubber maker, 205 St Joseph sub Nelson, James, house 62 St George Neptune Fire Engine, corner Craig and Visitation Nesbit, H, milkman, head of Amherst Neveux, J B, shoemaker, German near Mignonne Neveux. Jos T, house Montcalm near Dorchester Neville, Jas, trader, Wellington near Queen Newby, Geo, shoemaker, Lagauchetiere near Cam- peau Newby, Thos, laborer, Murray off William New City Gas Works, (W K, Falconer, manager,) corner Gabriel and Ann Newland, Geo, carpenter, St Joseph, west Newman, Richd, laborer, head of William . - Newman, P, laborer, Vitre near St Constant Newstadt & Barnett, importers of watches and jew- ellery, 34 St Francois Xavier Newth, John, clerk, Jur6 off Bleury v; : -. Newton, (Jeo, joiner, Versailles near St Joseph Nichols, John, brushmaker, oor St Paul and McGill Nichols, J & M, general dry goods, 290 (late 204) Notre Dame Nichols, Joseph, lumse 71 Bonaventure Nichols, M, house 24- Blenry Nichols, Miss C, schf)ol, 25 St Loi'is Nicholson, II, p;eneral blucksniith, If) Craig Nicholson, R, butcher, Montcalm near Lagauche- tiere Nicholson, Mrs Arthur, 101 Water Nicholson, Richard, laborer. Aqueduct off Joseph Nield, T W, house City Councillors Nightengale, Wm, house Cemetery off Bonaventure Nimmo, Mrs Alexander, Bronsdon's lane off Dor- chester Nixene, John, machinist, William near Catherine Nixon, T, house 69 St Dominique NoAD Brothers, general merchants, 81 Common Noad, Frs, house Beaver hall terrace Noad, W S, house Beaver hall terrace Noad, Jas S, house at 4-4 St Urbain Noble, Jas, laborer, Lagauchetiere near St George Noel, John V, house 41 St Urbain Noel, A, shoemaker, Panet near St Catherine Noel, E, joiner, Panet near St Catherine Noel, Louis, builder, Scotch lane off St Urbain Nolan, Patrick, laborer, Hermine nr Lagauchetiere Nolan, W, shoemaker, corner Wellington and Dal- housie Nolan, John, tailor, Gabriel near Prince Nolan, Martin, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Nolan, James, laborer. Kempt near William Nohin, John, laborer, Wellington near Grey Nun Nolan, Jas, engineer, Kempt near Wellington NoRDHEiMCR, A & S, piauofortes, 43 Great St James Noreau, Mrs Joseph, house 45 Water Norcau, Chas, shoemaker, Panet near St Mary Noreau, Amable, trader, St Antoine bridge NoRMANDEAU & RoY, carriagemakers, head of St Lawrence Normandeau, E, smith, St Emery near St Denis Normandeau, T, laborer, lane off Mountain H i >i ii yf\ t -S *- j V -I ■'111 I i^ f=i H: l^i '' Mil It !«i ^ 210 Norris, M, carpenter, Murray near William Norris, George, messenger, Lagauchetiere neap St Constant Norris, Joh.1, carpenter, Vitre near St Chs Barrom^e Norton, Wm, caoinetmaker. Jure near Alexander Norton, James, laborer, Catherine near Wellington Norton, Thos, carpenter, 18 Chenneville Notarial Board, at H. Lappare's, 27 Little St James Norval, Jas, miller, George near Wellington Noxon, E B C, hats and furs, 30 St Gabriel, house head of St Constant Nugent, Patrick, laborer, court off Murray Numarsh, Isaac, machinist, Colborne near Gabriel Numenville, M, advocate, Sanguinot near Catherine Nunn, James, chairmaker, Richmond off St Joseph Nunn, G, painter, 9 Recollect, house Aylmer Nutt, Walter, fireman, 79 Bonaventure Nye, T, advocate, 33 St Urbain O'BRIEN, Mrs B, boarding house, 18 & 20 St John O'Brien, Thomas- tailor, Fortification lane O'Brien, Mrs, house William near Ann O'Brien, T, grocer, corner Wolfe and Lagauchetidre O'Brien, J, laborer. Queen near Common O'Brien, Michael, laborer, Murray near Gabriel O'Brien, Mrs E, house Alexander near Jur6 O'Brien, T, boots and shoes, 172 Notre Dame O'Brien, Patrick, laborer, Colborne avenue O'Brien, Wm, clerk, 31 Champ de Mars O'Brien, Mrs, laundress, lane off St Catherine O'Brien, John, shoemaker, 53 St Frangois Xavier O'Brien, Patrick, laborer, Murray near Gabriel O'Brien, H, laborer, Beaudry terrace O'Brien, John, laborer, Dubord near Campeau O'Brien, Miss H, milliner, 31 St Mary O'Brien, Jas, grocer, William near Ann O'Brien, John, laborer, Gabriel near Prince O'Clair, A, mason, 122 St Lawrence O'Clair, Gedeon, carter, 1 Sanguinet O'Connell, Daniel, laborer, 93 Mountain O'Connell, Morgan, steward, corner William and McCord 211 O'Connell, Richard, store man, Fortification lane O'Connor, Danl. shoemaker, St Charles Barrom6e near St Catherine O'Connor, Michael, laborer, Dalhousie near William O'Connor, Mrs, boarding-house, Colborne off Wil- liam O'Connor, Miss, school, 19 St Gabriel O'Connor, Edward, gardener, 99 Mountain O'Connor, Mrs, grocer, Wellington near Dalhousie O'Connor, J & E, coopers, Queen near Common O'Connor, Michl, laborer, McCord near Gabriel O'Donnell, Edward, laborer, court off Murray O'Donnell, Daniel, mason, Williams' court Col- lege O'Donnell, Wm, laborer, Gabriel near Murray O'Donnell, Ed, pipemaker, Colborne avenue O'Gorman, Wm, plasterer, William near Ann O'Grady, Jas, carriage painter, corner McGill and St Paul O'Grady, Patk, laborer, Wellington near Ann O'Hara, Dominick, newsman, St Claude O'Hara, James, trader, Dumarais off Constant O'Hara, John, carter, Devienne O'Hara, Patrick, tailor, 13 St Mary O'Kane, Joseph, carriagemaker, 5 Chenneville O'Keefe, Mrs, dressmaker, Wellington near Grey Nun O'Keefe, C, laborer, Common near Grey Nun O'Leary, Arthur, trader, 5 Colborne O'Leary, Cornelius, smith, 237 St Joseph sub O'Malley, Charles, laborer, Gabriel near George O'Malley, Mat hew, saddler, College near Duprfe . O'Meara, John, restaurant, 10 Place d 'Amies O'Meara, M, coach builder, Haymarket square O'Meara, Wm, laborer, court off Nazareth O'Neil, Thos, sheriff's officer, 2 St Claude O'Neil, Hugh, laborer, George near Wellington O'Neil, Hugh, laborer. College near Dupr6 O'Neil, Jas, laborer, St Monique off St Antoine O'Neil, Patk, carpenter, George near William O'Neil, Mrs, laundress, 11 St Bernard I- m fi'-^\. I li ■ ■ 212 |i* l>( i' i; f' I" CNeil, Edward, laborer, Kempt near Gabriel O'Neill, M, metropolitan saloon, 158 (late 108) Notre Dame O'Reilly, Mrs M, grocer, Lagaucheti^re near Mont- calm O'Reilly, P, grocer, corner St Charles Barrom6e and Vitr6 O'Reilly, John, gardener, St Joseph near the Canal O'Roiirke, Mrs, laundress, court off St Charles Bar- rom^e O'Rourke, Mrs, laundress. Little Dublin off St George O'Rourke, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel O'Sullivan, Michael, musician, Wellington nr Ann O'SuUivan, Patk, gardener, Gabriel near Prince Odd Fellows' Hall, (British Order,) Great St James Officers' Mess, 26th Regt, 17 Notre Dame Officers' Quarters, 26th Regt, 40 and 48 Notre Dame Officers' Mess, R A, 17 Notre Dame Officers' Quarters, R A, 17 Notre Dame Ogden, S & Co, merchants, old City Bank buildings 303 St Paul Ogden, Robert R E, house St Antoine cor Seigneur Ogden, Samuel, house 146 Bleury Ogilvie, Wood, & Co, wholesale dry goods, 10 Saint Joseph near St Paul Ogilvie, John, boards at St Lawrence hall Ogilvie, Alexr, miller, house 217 St Joseph sub Ogle, Chas, clerk, 44 St Constant Oliver, R S, house Richmond Square Oliver, John, shoemaker. Mountain nr Bonaventure Oliver, Miss, dressmaker, 19 St Maurice Oliver, John, chairmaker, lane off St Joseph Oliver, Mrs, seamstress, Nazareth near Wellington Oliver, Wm, engineer, Eleanor near William Ollendorff, M, importer of watches, jewellery, ci- gars, &:c, 162 (late 110) Notre Dame Oplet, John, butcher, Dorchester near St Urbain Ordnance Office, Water near the Barracks Orleans, J, stonecutter, St Catherine near St Denis Orleans, Edward, carter, 60 Visitation 213 Orr, Thomas C, general importer and commission merchant, 77 Common Orr, John, house corner Guy and St Antoine Orr, Mrs W R, house Dorchester near St Constant Orr, J, tavern, 112 St iMary Orr, John, carpenter, St Antoine bridg^e Orsail, Thomas, house Durham near Dorchester Osborne, Josiah, currier, Victoria road OsTELL & Perrault, oTchitects and surveyors, 74 Notre Dame ard 87 Fortification lane Ostell, John, house 59 St Antoine, office 163 Notre Dame Ottawl Hotel, S Browning, 48 Great St James Ouelette, Alex, house St Amable lane Ouelette, Joseph, rnnson, Acqueduct off St Joseph Ouelette, Alex, carter, Acqueduct off St Joseph Ouelette, Bt, carter, St Lawrence near Catherine OuLLETTE, J F C, collector, 50 St Charles Barrom^e OuUette, A, house 45 St Constant OuiMBT, EusEBE, carriagemaker, corner St Antoine aud Cemetery Ouimet, Moses, carpenter, Aylmer Ouimet, Luke, joiner, Tolentin off St Mary Ouimet, Cyprien, carter, off Brock near Visitation Ouimet, Cyprien, leather store, Jacques Cartier square Ouimet, Jules, shoemaker, St Emery off St Denis Ouimet, Isaac, junkshop, 43 St Mary Ouimet, Chs, clerk, 30 Bonaventure Oulrie, David, joiner, Lagauchetidre near Panet OuTHET, RiCKENSON, butchcr, Guy near St Antoine Owen & Tranter, pianofortes, 8 St George Owen, H, pianomaker, St Lawrence Owen, John, mail conductor, 18 Bellevue terrace Owen, Michl, plumber, court off Cemetery Owler, Mrs, dancing school, 4 Place d'Armes Owler, Wm, printer, house corner Hermine and Jur6 Owler, Mrs, tuscan and straw bonnet maker, corner Hermine and Jur6 Owler, Andrew, trunk maker, 3 Beaudry terrace k2 I ' ( m U' (i If Bi ; p r j^'- ']» : '. l' ' 1' / ] 214 PAIGE, B P & Co, Patent Treshing Machine manufacturers and founders, Wellington near George Paige, B P, boards at the Ottawa Hotel Pageau, Pierre, pilot, Port near Common Pageau, Eugene, carpenter. Inspector Paignault, Jer, house St Catherine near St Denis Painchaud, A, merchant, 168 Craig Painchaud, Mrs M, house 31 St Lawrence Painchaud, Fabien, cooper, Hochelaga Painchand, G A, house Sanguinet near Dorchester Palardy, M, clerk registrar's office, Old Government house Pallasseau, W, Jur6 near Hermine Palmer, John, hairdresser, 46 St Gabriel Palmer, Dr Frs, ventriloquist and professor of na- tural magic, 68 Notre Dame Palmer, John, house 28 Chenneville Palmer, John, blacksmith, Common, houi^e Prince Palmer, Wm, Commissariat, Hochelaga Palmer, John, tavern, 76 Commissioners Palsgrave, C T, type foundry, and agent for the Inland Marine Insurance Co, corner of Lemoine and St Helen, house Cote St Antoine Panet, Geo, carpenter, St Mary near the Jail Panton, T C, general merchant, 18 & 20 St Sa- crament, house Cote St Antoine Pape, John , clerk. 9 St Gennvieve Papin, Josi advocate, house Dorchester near St Con- stant Papin, Andr6, storeman, St Felix near St Joseph Papin, Frangois, wheelwright, head of Bleury Papin, Joseph, carpenter, Dufresne Papin, A L, house 4 Durocher Papin, Elzear, carpenter, Hochelaga Papin, Be nj, carpenter, Hochelaga Papineau, D E, notary public, St Gabriel, corner Liltle St James Papineau, C F, notary public, St Gabriel, corner Little St James Papineau, J M, cabinetstore, 18 St Lawrence 215 Papineau, L J A, prothonotary's office, house off St Andr6 Papineau, Pierre, sen, farmer, head of Beaudry Papineau, Pierre, jiin, carter, head of Beaudry Papineau, Antoine, dry goods, 46 St Joseph sub Papineau, Miss, house 7 Queen square Papineau, F X, carter. Visitation near Mignonne Papineau, Miss, dry goods, 35 St Joseph sub Paquet, Jacques, laborer, Smallwood lane Paquet, Augt, gardener, Smallwood lane Paquet, Augt, mason, Dorchester near Durham Paquet, Ant, gardener, lane off Panet Paquet, Jos, carpenter, Current St Mary Paquet, Basil, carter, Dorchester near Panet Paquet, Frs, baker, Hochelaga Paquet, Mrs, shoebinder, St Antoine bridge Paquin, Jos, joiner, St Elizabeth near Dorchester Paradis & L'Africain, general dry goods, 136 (lat© 96) Notre Dame Paradis, Joseph, house 25 St Joseph sub Paradis, Jacques, laborer, head of Visitation Parant, Augt, shoemaker. Mountain near St Joseph Pardellian, J B, watchmaker, 181 Notre Dame Pardellian, Mrs, boarding-house, 45 St Joseph sub Pardy, Mrs, house 3 Mountain terrace Par6, Hubert, grain merchant, 237 St Paul, house 1 St Charles Barrom6e Par6, S, carpenter, Chatelle off St Catherine Par6, Chs, carpenter, Smallwood lane off Panet Par6, Joseph, sawyer, 79 Visitation Par6 Felix, smith, St Hubert near Catherine Parent, Mrs, house 149 St Antoine Parent, J, saddler, 152 St Joseph sub Parent, B, carter, 111 St Joseph sub Parent, Chs, shoemaker, St Catherine near Alexan- der Parent, Pascal, carpenter, Mayor near City Coun- cillor Paris, Ls, wood dealer, St Charles Barrom6e Paris, Ls, jun, wood dealer, St Constant near Mig- nonne 11 %; ij' I i.'i' !K- 216 Parisean, Thomas, cabinetmaker, 10 Bonaventure Pariseau, Mrs M J, laundress, head of Brock Parisean, Moses, house St Elizabeth near Dorches- ter Pariseau & Co, cabinetmakers, 14 St Lawrence Pariseau, , carpenter, St Charles Barromee Pariseau, M, carter, St Lawrence near Catherine Pariseau, Henri, house Sanguinet near Dorchester Pariseau, Francis, painter, St Antoine bridge Parker A Davidson, manager Colonial Liie As- surance Company, 4'9 Great St James. Parker, John, trader, Lagaucheti^re near Syden- ham Parker, Robt, shoemaker, Wellington near Kaza- reth Parker, Jas, cooper, Nazareth near Wellington Parker, Wm, cooper. Kempt near Wellington Parker, Mrs John, house court ofFDalhousie Parker, Robt, mason, 78 St Antoine Parker, John J, brewer, 9 Molson terrace Parker, Alex, lumber merchant, 9 Bonaventure Parkin, Jas, laceman, hosier and glover, 168 (late 1 16) Notre Dame Parkyn, William, engineer, house 59 Notre Dame Partridge, Thos, carter, 76 Water Pashby, Thos, butcher, head of Dufresne Patenaude, Jos, carter, St Mary near Dufresne Patenaude, Jos, farmer, head of Visitation Patenaude, Ant, laborer. Hochelaga Patrick, William, grocer, 73 St Maurice, house 14 St Maurice Patrie, Michel, trader, head of Durham Patrie, John, laborer, 3 Tolentin Patient, John, tavern. Barrack near Water Paton, Thomas, inspector of bank, B N A, 5 Port- land Place Patterson, Daniel, clerk, 22 St Elizabeth Patterson, John, clerk, 22 St Elizabeth Patterson, D M, at Xvlrs Stanley's Lagauchetidre Patterson, Jas, smith, corner Dalhousie and Wel- lington 217 Patterson, Wm, livery stable, Fortification lane Patterson, Mrs Robert, house Alexander Patten gale, Mrs, tavern, 23 St Paul Patton, James, & Co, china, glass, &c, 92 McGill Patton, John, trader, and circulating library, 77 St Paul, house 14 St George Patton, Laird, carpenter and builder, Desrividres off St Antoine Patton & Co, merchant tailors and clothiers, 42 McGill Patton, Thomas, house 42 McGill Patton, R, shoemaker, 171 Notre Dame Patton, Mrs John, tavern, Friponne near Water Patton, Francis, farmer, 44 Bonaventure Patton, Jas, engineer, Eleanor near Gabriel Patton, William, carpenter, Lagaucheti^re near Constant Patton, Mrs G, house Lagaucheti6re near Constant Patton, William, labourer, 50 Bleury Paustiau, Christain, cabinetmaker, Dorchester near St Urbain Pawson, Mrs W, house 61 St George Paxton, James, gardener, 219 St Joseph, sub Paxton, Thomas, laborer, College near Inspector Pay6, Pierre, joiner, 61 Campeau Paye, Miss, dressmaker, Dorchester near Charles Barrora6e Pay6, Benjamin, carpenter, St Mary near Fullum Pay 6, Bt, stonecutter, Dorchester near St Urbam Payette, Jos, joiner, corner Desrividres and St An- toine, Payette, J, butcher, court off College Payette, Alexis, clerk, lane off Mountain Payette, Eugene, joiner, Inspector Payette, Pierre, laborer, Bar6 off St Joseph Payette, Frs, grocer, 134 St Joseph, sub v >. Payette, Frs, carter. Bare off St Joseph Payette, Ls. stonecutter, Dorchester near German Payette, Frs, labourer, Lagauchetidre nr Adolphus Payette, Jn, grocer, Dorchester near Sanguinet Payette, T & C, house 4 St Vincent ■^ t r' ^i ^ ' ; 220 Perruult, Leon, shoemoker, Mignonne near St Con- stunt Perrault, Mrs Joseph, house corner Mountain and St Antoine Perrault, Mrs, house Craig near St Denis Perrault, Edward, butcher, German near Mignonne Perrault, HM, Provincial surveyor, 87 Fortification lane, house Craig near Sanguinet Perrault, Eli, grocer, corner St Charles Barromde and Mignonne Perrault, M, carter, 160 St Lawrence Perrault, Nicholas, carter, St Charles Barrom6e Perrault, Joseph, carpenter, 72 St Urbain Perrault, Alex, laborer. Water near St Ignace ' Perrault, Frs, trader, Brock Perrault, Ls, laborer, court off Tolentin Pt rrault, Albert, laborer, Lagauchetidre near Adol- phus Perrault, Adolphus, bookbinder, 46 Visitation Perrault, Felix, smith, St Hubert, near St Catlnerine Perrault, Olivier, house Sherbrooke Perrin, Ferdinand, dry goods, 146^ St Paul, house Champ de Mars Perrin, Francis, nierchant, house 1 St Elizabeth Perrin, Pierre, storeman, Felix near St Joseph Perrin, David, builder. Cemetery rear Bonaventure Perrin, P, carpenter, Mayor off Blei^ry Perrin, Louis, laborer. Mountain near St Joseph Perrin, Eli, joiner, head of Dufresne Perrott, Patrick, cooper, 2 St Henry Perrott, Ant, contractor, St Elizabeth neap Catherine Perrott, Joseph, contractor, St Elizabeth near Cathe- rine Perry, Alfred, hosemaker, Craig near Alexander, house 97 St Antoine Perry, William, fire engine builder, 95 Fortifica- tion lane Perry, James, general smith, Craig near Alexander Perry, George, fire engine builder, Craig near Alex- ander ,. .. Perry, John, shoe store, 255 Notre Dame ' 221 s Barromde near Adol- Persant, John, laborer, Gabriel near Prince Peter, W P, K E, house off fcJt Antoine near Aeqsf©- diict Peterman, W, Dorchester near Colborne avenue Petrie, Mrs David, house Dubord near Cainpeau Pettaway, Ed, shoemaker, Fortier near St Cons- tant Phaneuf, Jos, carpenter, Bar6 off' St Joseph Phaneuf, Benj, carpenter, Bar6 near Fehx Phelan, John, groceries and wines, corner St Mary and Dalhousie square Phelan, Thomas, cabman, 80 Mountain Phelan, Andrew, shoemaker, Perrault's court off* Craig Phelan, James J, advocate, St Elizabeth near Ca- therine Phelan, Mrs, milkwoman, E'eanor near Gabriel Phelan, And, smith, Lagauchetidre near Amherst Philbin, Richard, house Wellington near McCord Phillips, W A, notary public, 41 Little St James, house Aylmer Phillips, (H) & Taylor, (R,) St Lawrence brewery 170 St Lawrence, office Commissioners Phillips, George, ale vaults, 24 St Gabriel, house head of Bleury Phillips, Mrs, house Aylmer near Sherbrooke Phillips, Charles, house Dorchester near Acqueduct Phillips, S, school, 57 St Urbain Phillips, John, laborer, 73 St Antoine Picard, Louis, butcher, Chaboillez * Picard, Charles, butcher, 28 Chaboillez Picard, Mrs, house Bar6 off St Joseph Picard, Joseph, carter, 27 Craig Picard, E, house head of Sanguinet Picard, Jean, shoemaker, St Felix off* St Joseph Picard, Mrs, house St Emery off' St Denis Picard, P, carpenter, German near Dorchester PiCAULT, Dr P E, druggist, corner Notre Dame and Bonsecours Pich6, Leon, general dry goods, 35 St Lawrence Picli6, A, laborer, Bare near St Soseph A m^ 222 I., ! ,'l rich6, Francis, carpenter, 82 Bonavcnture Pich6, Albert, sawsetter, 11 St Victor, liouso head of Durham Pich6, D, grocer, corner Panet and Catherine Pich6, Eugene, clerk, 49 St George Pichette, P, carpenter, Dufiwsno Pichette, H, plasterer, Dorchester near St Lawrence Pichette, Mrs Olivier, 64> Montcalm Picken, H B, clerk, German near Mignonno Pickett, William, laborer, William near Eleanor Pickup, E, Wesleyan Book Depot, 32 Great St James, house Fortification lane near Bleury Pickup, E, newspaper depot, 69 St Frangois Xavier Picotte, Joseph, sawyer, Dufresne near St Mary Picotte, Joseph, stonecutter, Dorchester, west Piddian, Joseph, tobacconist, 181 Notre Dame Pierce, John, storeman, Burgoyne near Richmond Piers, Carter, clerk. Prince near William Pigeon, Sauvageau & Co, brewers and spirit mer- chants, 42 Commissioners Pigeon, Francis, house 31 Panet Pigeon, Felix, carter, Christopher off St Catherine Pigeon, Antoine, clerk, Beaudry near Dorchester Pigeon & Co, brewery. Current St Mary Pigeon, George, trader, 12 Amherst Pigeon, Naicisse, house current St Mary Pillar, Wm, lumber yard, 36 Notre Dame Pilon, Jerome, trader, St Araable lane, house St Antoine Pilon, Augt, waterman, St Dominique near Cathe- rine Pilon, Pierre, carpenter, Acqueduct off St Joseph Pilon, Paul, laborer, Bonaventure near Acqueduct Pilon, Mrs, house Cemetery off Bonaventure Pilotte, Frs, cabman, RoUand off Mountain Piiotte, J B, laborer, lane off Mountain Pilotte, Pierre, carpenter, Acqueduct near St Joseph Pilotte, Godfrey, shoemaker, Acqueduct near St Jo- seph Pink, Alexander, smith, Prince near Gabriel Pinkerton, Robt, sexton Zion Church, house Latour )$ 223 Pinkerton, Miss, house Dorchester PiNsoNMEAUk.T, A, housG aiul officc 2 Great St James PinsonneuLilt, Wm, tobacconist, Lagauchetitire near Campeau Pion, Ls, l»cmse 47 St Maurice Pion, Eli, carpenter, Tolantin near St Mary Pitman, Thos. bricklayer, Wolfe near Craig Pivin, Pierre, joiner, ^l St Louis Pivin, Pieri , carter, Bonaventure near Desrividrcs Plamondo.v, Louis, dry goods and clothnig, 192 St Paul, house St Charles Barromee Plamondon, Pierre, house 6 St Dominique Plamondon, Joseph, grocer, corner Durham and Dorfhester Plamondon, Edward, carpenter, Durham near Dor- chester Plantagenet Springs Depot, 4 Place d'Armes Plant e, Felix, shoemaker. Brock near Dorchester Piatt, J, advocate, house 8 Molson's Block, Quebec sub Piatt, George, superintendent of tug steamers. La- chine canal office, house corner Sherbrooke and Durocher Piatt, John, storeman, Alexander near Jur6 Pleau, Jos, trader, St Antoine near Craig Pleau, Joseph, house St Henry near St Maurice Plees, J II, bricklayer, German near Catherine PlimsoU, John, bookkeeper, Dorchester near St Con- stant Plimsoll, Mrs, house 14 St Monique Plinguet, J A, printer and publisher, 7 St Therese PloufT, Louis, sailor, 39 St Paul Plouff, A, carter, Rose near Panet Plouff, Frs, laborer, St Mary near Visitation PloufF, Thos, shoemaker, Panet near Catherine Plume, John, laborer, corner Lagauchetidre and St Dominique Pocklington, J, carpenter, Bronsdon's lane off Dor- chester Poet, James, block and pumpmaker, Vitre near Cote Poirier, Nicholas, house St Phillip \ l-i.i i i. 'Am m 224 Poirier, Isidore, smith, St Catherine near Visitation Poirier, Ant, hiburer, Panet near Dorcliester Poitrus, James, mason, Fjillum Poitras, P, stonecutter, lU St Mary Poitras, Mrs N, laundress, 74 St Dominique Poitras, J, joiner, Dorchester near Durham Poitras, Ls, smith, Bai6 off' St Joseph Poitras D, butcher, 158 St Joseph, sub Poitras, Thos, tinsmith. German near Catherine Poitras, R, carriagemaker. 14f St Dominique Poitvin, Joseph, hatter, 16 Vitre Poitvin, Francis, carter, Vallee Poitvin, J B, carter, St Lawrence marketplace Poitvin, J B, stonecutter. 123 St Lawrence Poitvin, P, clerk, 108 St Lawrence Poitvin, Jos, gardener, 73 Bonaventnre Police Station, A, Bonsecours market Police Station, B, Craig corner Bleury Police (Water) Station, King near Common Poison, Angus, collector, toilgale, Victoria road Pollock, Charles, journeyman. Current St Mary Pominville, P, stonecutter, Vallee Pominville, Michael, 15 St Phillip Pominville, Mrs, house 55 St George Pominville, J H, sawyer, Panet near Dorchester Pominville, F P, advocate, house 8 Craig Pominville, T, baker, 169 St Joseph, sub Pominville, Francis, joiner, 32 St Louis Pomroy, A, shoestore, 42 St Mary Pontine, Mrs, tavern, 47 Little St James Pope, John, clerk, St Genevieve near St Antoine PoPHAM, John, advocate, 51 Little St James, house St Antoine near Seigneur Popham, Henry, clerk, Dorchester near Bleury PoRTEOus, Jas, postmaster, house Lagaucheti^re near Albert place Porteous, John, jun, bank clerk, 137 St Antoine Porteous, H S, clerk, Janvier Porteous, Mrs John, house 51 St Louis Porter, F S, machinist, Ann near Gabriel Portci', Joha, laborer, V^ictoria road 225 Porter, Miss J. music teacher, Vitr6 near St Charles Barrom6e Pose Mrs Charles, tailoress, Hochelaga Pose, Chas. shoemaker, Rose near Visitation Potter, Thos. carter, St Lawrence near Sherbrooke Potts, James, printer, Herald office, house 59 Champ de Mars Potts, Alexander, carriage trimmer, L.igaucheti^re near Bleury Potts, Mrs. house 32 St Antoine Poudrette, E. grocer, cor St Catherine and Urbain Poudrette, Edward, dry goods, 47 St Lawrence PouLiN, Pierre, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 20 Great St James, house 75 St Charles Barromee Poulin, Samuel, clerk, house St Dominique near Craig Poulin, Et. laborer, William near Murray Poulin, James, trader, Amherst near Lagauchetidre Poultney, W. servant, court off Nazareth Pouney, Robert, shoemaker, Murray near William Poupart, Joseph, farmer, Dufresne near St Mary Pourpoint, Joseph, laborer, Dufresne Powder Magazine at St Catherines, S Senior, agent 21 St Francois Xavier Powell, Thos. house Brock near St Mary Power, Miss, ladies' school, 34< St Lawrence Power, Roger, carter, William near Murray Power, Nicholas, engineer, Gabriel near Dalhousie Power, William, police, Wellington near Ann Powor, Mrs. Nazareth near William Power, John, laborer, Eleanor near William Power, John, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Power, Richard, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Power, Jas. engineer, 179 St Joseph sub Power, Patk. smith, Nazareth near William Power, John, smith, Hochelaga Power, Henry, police, 46 St George Prairie, J H. advocate, 16 St Gabriel Pratt, John & Co. whole5?ale leather merchants, 242 St Paul, house 8 Tecumseth terrace PratT) Edward, leather store, 240 St Paul ! S !■ 1 H if 11 u ij); ■ji-iji %%. 226 Pratt, N. carver, St Lawrence near St Catherine Pratt, John, storeman, Alexander near Craig Pratt, Chas. F. house 7 Tecuniseth terrace Pr6fontaine, Ls M. watchmaker, 116 Notre Dame Pregan, D. house 8 Chenneville Pregan, Francis, house Acqueduct off St Joseph Prendergast, Jas. starch factory, 21 St Monique Prendergast, Mrs. house Chaboillez off St Joseph Prendergast, Peter, laborer, Chaboillep; Prenevant, Bt. stone cutter, Lagauchetidre near Panet Prenevant, Jos. mason, Lagaucheti^re near Panet Prenevault, Frs. cooper, St Felix near Mountain Prentice, Edward, brewer, 3 and 5 St Bernard Preseau, Andre, carter. Common off St Felix Preseau, Joseph, shoemaker, Chaboillez square Preseau, Pascal, carpenter, Acqueduct off St Joseph Preseau, Mrs. house Acqueduct off St Joseph Presby, Jesse, smith. Fortification near Bleury Prevost, a k, Co. dry goods, 150 St Paul, house head of Mountain Prevost, Frangois, mason, Fortier Prevost, Luke, grocer, Beaudry near St Calherine Prevost, Alfred, house St Catherine near St Charles Barromee Prevost, Leandre, trader, 42 Campeau Prevost, Mrs Jacques, huckster, Beaudry near Dor- chester Prevost, Pierre, grocer Montcalm corner Craig Prevost, Frs. carter, Mignonne near Visitation Prevost, Mrs J B. head of Cemetery Prevost, Abm. house St Felix off St Joseph Prevost, Norbert, joiner, head of Brock Prevost, Ls. carter, Beaudry near Mignonne Prevost, X. carpenter, west end of Bonaventure Prevost, Moses, trader, St Claude near Notre Dame Prevost, Casimer, gardener, head of Montcalm Prevost, Jos, carpenter, Dorchester near Durham Prevost, Tousst, boarding-house, 35 Commissioners Prevost, Octave, leather dealer, Jacques Cartier square, house Cote des Neiges -- .^ ' ♦'"'••• 3tidre near 227 Prevost, Andr6, leather dealer, Jacques Cartier square Prevost, Mrs, boarding-house, 157 Craig Prevost, L, carpenter, Cadieux, Cote a Baron Prevost, Charles, shoemaker, 15 German Prevost, Pierre, carpenter, St Mary near Dufresne Prevost, Miss, dressmaker, Craig near St George Price, Wm, tailor, court off Vitre Price, Samuel, grocer, 109 Commissioners Price, John, bootmaker, Bonaventure Price, Martin, trader, 111 St Paul Price, Mrs, house Lagauchetidre near Alexander Primet, Alexander, clerk, St Constant near Dorches- ter Prince, Henry, music and musical instruments, 14-5 Hate 113) Notre Dame Pringle, , gardener, Bisson off St Antoine Prior, Patk, clerk, Bar6 off St Joseph Pritchard, Col /Assistant Adjutant General, Moun- tain near Dorchester Pritt, John, sailmaker, 36 College Proctor, C D, groceries and wines, 61 McGill Protection Fire Assurance of Hartford, (Robt Wood, agent,) St Frangois Xavier Protector Fire Engine, St Lawrence hill Protestant Orphan, Asylum, E Cribb, superintendent, St Catherine nfc..r Mountain Protestant Public School, Thos Allen, teacher, Ann near Wellington Protestant Magdalen Asylum, Miss Veitch, matron, St Catherine near St Urbain Prothonotary's Office, (S Monk,) Old Government buildings Proulx, Mrs, midwife, 43 St Lawrence Proulx, Francis, stonecutter, 4 Valine Provaucher, Michel, cabinetmaker, Bonaventure near Cemetery Provancher, Z, baker, 34 St Paul Provincial Tug Line of Steamers, office. Common Canal basin Provancher, Jos N, baker, 137 St Lawrence R 'I b fl 1:1 h [Iff 228 H1^ tr \ ■■: 1; H f i- f'l III II!! §, n Pi iic ^- I? Si 1 1 i pROVANDiE, Miss, ready made linen, &;c, 63 (late 51) Notre Dame Prowse, Geo F, tin and coppersmith, 38 Great St James Prud'homme, Jos, trader, 122 St Antoine Prud'nomrae, Frs, dry goods, 1 14 (late 84) Notre Dame Prud'homme, M, shoemaker, Cadieux, Cote a Ba- ron Prud'homme, Mrs, house Mignonne near Elizabeth Public Pound, Viger place, St Denis Purcell, John, laborer, Gabriel near Craig Purcell, Jas, laborer, Gabriel near George Purkis, G W, house St Catherine near St Denis Pyke, Geo, deputy clerk of circuit court, 28 St Lewis QUAIN, Mrs PATRICK, house Wellington near Ann Qualsh, John, house 16 St Charles Barrom^e Quarter Master General's Office, 57 St Lewis Quenville, Antoine, laborer, German near St Ca- therine Quenville, Pierre, laborer, St Catherine near St Ur- bain Quesnel, Mrs J, house 44 Sanguinet Quesnel, A, house Dorchester, west Quevillon, Joseph, house Bonaventure near Felix Quevillon, Charles, house 154 St Lawrence Quevillon, John B, tavern, 43 St Paul Quinlan, Michael, laborer, Devienne Quinlan, John, laborer, Kempt near Wellington Quinn, Mrs, seamstress, court off Mountain Quinn, Mrs, court off St Margaret Quinn, Thos, laborer. Cemetery off Bonaventure Quinn, John, laborer, 54 St Joseph sub Quinn, Martin, laborer, head of St Constant Quinn, Thos, 'aborer, Gabriel near Prince Quinn, Thos D, trader, Nazareth near Wellington Quinn, Martin, carter, 137 St Charles Barrom6e Quinn, Frs, joiner, 14 St Genevidve Quinn, John, laborer, court off Blfcury Quinn, John, storeman, 3 St Henry , 63 (late 1 Great St 84) Notre ^ote a Ba- ■ Elizabeth , Denis 58 St Lewis ngton near •m^e lewis ear St Ca- near St Ur- ;ar Felix ice lington in renture int 'ellington |rrom6e 229 Qaiiin, Danl, tailor, Salaberry near Lagaucheti6re Quinn, Jlugli, shoemaker, Lower Lachine road Qiiinn, Michl, laborer, Jure near Bleury Quinn, Jas, smith, 47 St Dominique Quinn, Wm, carter. Lower Lachine road Quintal, Ant, chimney sweep, court off St Constant Quintal, Narcisse, grocer, corner Fullura and St Mary Quintal, Chs, grocer, current St Mary Quintal, Basile, stonecutter, St Catherine nr Alex- ander Quintal, Xavier, shoemaker, 44 Panet, in rear Quitill, Wm, house 58 St Joseph sub Quintin, Ls, house Visitation near Dorchester ilABIER, FANFAN, carter, current St Mary Racicot & Laurent, architects, 20 St Lawrence Racicot, Ant, carter, St Genevieve Racicot, Olivier, carter, Mignonne near Panet Racicot, P C, accountant and measurer, 57 St Ni- cholas Tolentin Racicot, Ant, laborer, Hochelaga Racine, Joseph, clerk, Mignonne near Sanguinet Racine, P C, house 54 St Dominique Racitte, Joseph, carter, Panet near Lagauchetiere Racket Court, 10 Cot6 Radenhurst, C B, general merchant, St Sacrament, house Berthelot Radiger, John, advocate, 41 St Dominique Rae & Mitchell, general brokers, 35 St Frangois Xavier Rae, Mrs M E, house City Councillors near Berthe- thelot Rae, Wm, broker, hoiise City Councillors Ptae, Wm, express driver, 36 St Charles Barrom6e Rae, John, laborer, St Antoine near Richmond Raffan, John, smith, Kempt near Wellington Raffan, Thos, clerk, Military Medical Department, 63 Amherst Rafferty, James, laborer, Lagauchetidre nr Bleury Kafter, John, trader, head of St Constant Rainy, Mrs, laundress, Eleanor near William L s , i| ! 9 > ^ I* 230 % 'tr ! 1^1 K ; X -\ I i i If I < Kainy, Samuel, laborer, court ofTlMurray Rainy, Jas, painter, Lagaucheti^re near St George RaleigVi, Jos, clerk, St Urbain near Vi1r6 Rallan, Jas, carpenter, corner Visitation and Mig- nonne Rallan, Louis, carter, St George near Vitr6 Rambeau, Alfred, advocate, house 22 St Antoine Ramsay, Hew, bookseller and stationer, 37 Saint Frangois Xavier, house 121 Bleury Ramsay, Thomas, secretary Canada Life Assurance Company, 37 St Frangois Xavier, house corner St Catherine and Bleury Ramsay, M, baker, 22 St Joseph sub Ramsay & McArthur, painters, &c, 118 McGill Ramsay, A, painter, house 147 St Antoine Ramsay, T K, advocate, 27 Little St James Ramsay, Robt, engineer, William near Murray Rancour, Charles L, tailor, house 78 St Lawrence Randon, Narcisse, carter, St Felix off St Joseph Ranson, John, boots and shoes, Vitre near St Char- les Barromfee Ranson, Ed, clerk, Sanguinet near Catherine Ranson, John, farmer, Hochelaga Rappin, Chas, VjailifF, St Law^rence Rappm, Baptiste, cooper. Bare off" Mountain Rasco, Aug, dry goods, 107 Commissioners Rasco, R, carter, court oft' St Constant Rasette, Antoine, carter, 15 St Genevieve Rasette, Frs, grocer, German near Dorchester Ra'^toul, Frs X, tinsmith, 101 St Joseph sub Ratelle, Octave, carter, 3 Tolentin Rathe, L, tailor, German near Mignonne Rattray, James & Co, tobacconists, 134 (late 94) Notre Dame Ravey, Patrick, carter, George near Gabriel Ravey, Mrs Wm, Prince near Wellington Rawley, Michael, carter, Dorchester near St Char- les Barrom6e Raymond, Joseph, cooper, Christopher near Saint Catherine Raymond, Oliver, pilot, Dorchester near Sanguinet ^ 231 , George md Mig- ntoine 37 Saint Assurance ise coiner McGill Lirray iwrence l^oseph ^ St Char- ne in (late 94) 1 1st Char- ir Saint Inguinet Raymond, Charles, shoemaker, Campeau near La- gauchetidre Raymond, Ls, clerk, Vallee Raymond, M, butcher, Lagauchetidre nr Montcalm Raymond, Frs, musician, German near Mignonne Raymond, N, grocer, Dorchester near Durham Raymond, Frs, laborer, off St Catherine nr Visitation Rea, David, bookkeeper, house 136 Craig Read, Samuel, clerk, 5 City Councillors Readshaw, John, wood yard, George near Common Ready, Mrs, house, Tecumseth terrace Ready, John, miller, William near Catherine Real, Antoine, shoemaker, 70 St Urbain Real, Toussaint, shoemaker, Bar6 off St Joseph Reaume, Mrs, house Dufresne Rechabite Hall , 7 Great St James Recollect Church and School, corner St Helen and Recollect Reddin, James, laborer. McCord near Gabriel Reddy, Dr, house 4« St Lawrence Redhead, Thomas M, chair store, -t St Joseph, sub Redmonds & Co, foundry and machine works, 25 St Antoine bridge and St Gabriel Locks Redmond, James, smith, 4<4« St George Redmond, Francis, house St Antoine bridge Redmond, James, laborer, corner Nazareth and William Redmond, John, boilermaker, Bonaventure near Acqueduct Redmond, Mrs, house William near Murray Redmond, James, house Canning off St Joseph Redpath, Peter, commission merchant, 61 Com- missioners, house Drummond Redpath, John, house Terrace Bank, head of Moun- tain Redpath's Sugar Refinery, south side of Canal Reed 6c Rogers, cabinetmakers and upholsterers^ 44 Great St James Reed, Thomas D, house 44 Great St James Reed & Rayner, slate roofers, Craig near St Urbain Reeves, A D, tailor, St Lawrence near Vitre m 'M ' M m \§ §■ H i i m .232 Reeves, William, switchman, Bonaventure nr Felix Regan, Thos, butcher, Drake's court off College Regan, J, carter, Bonaventure near Felix Registrar's Office, G H, Ryland, old government house Regnier, Dr A E, 196 Craig Regnier, F A V, surveyor, 5 St Dominique Reid, R, mason, Dorchester near St Phillip Reid, Samuel, laborer Wellington near Catherine Reid, Mrs, house 41 Perthius Reid, Ed, gardener, Hochelaga Reid, Jas, hairdresser. Common, Canal wharf Reid, W S, house St Lawrence near Sherbrooke Reilly, Patrick, carter. Mayor off Bleury Reilly, Wm, gardener, Burnside off Sherbrooke Reilly, Robert, laborer, court off St Chas Barrom6e Reilly, Patrick, coachman, cor McCord & William Reilly, John, tavern, cor Port and Commissioners Reilly, Pat, laborer, William near Kempt Reilly, Peter, printer, 31 St Mary Reilly, Mrs, midwife, 31 St Mary Reilly, Pat, shoemaker, Dubord near Campeau Reilly, Mrs T, house Dufresne Reilly, John, laborer, 15 St Simon Reilly, Thos, shoemaker, Dumarais near Constant Reinhart, Gotlieb, porkbutcher, 4«7 Andr6 Remond, Chas, shoemaker, Campeau near Lagau- chetidre Remond, Bt, carter, Mountain near Joseph Renaud (Louis) & Frere, general merchants, 106 Foundling, house west Dorchester Renaud, Jean, butcher, head of Panet Pvcnaud, J B, tailor, 137 St Joseph, sub Renaud, Mrs E T, ladies' school, 1 Benny's Block, St Joseph Renaud, Hy, trader, Dupr6 lane Renaud, Eus^be, house St Mary near Fullam Renaud & Dorval, dry goods and clothing; 106 Notre Dame, house 37 St Dominique Renaud, Ignace, house o5 St Dominique Renaud, P, carter, Panet near Dorchester 3 nr Felix liege verninent Ltherine liarf ■brooke rooke Barrom6e William ssioners '; peau Constant ir Lagau- mts, 106 I's Block, |m 06 Notre 233 Renaiid, S, grocer, Durham near Dorchester Renaud, Chas. printer, Felix near St Joseph Renaiid, J B, house St Joseph Renaud, Felix, merchant, house 37 St Dominique Renault, Michl, house Dorchester near Visitation Renault, Octave, carpenter, Panet near Dorchester Renault, Noel, jun, laborer, Dufresne Renault, A, shoemaker, St Simeon near Valine Renaur, Joseph, clerk. Jure near Bleury Reveau, Narcisse, smith, Mignonne near St Cons- tant Renwick, Ed, beermaker, St Mary nearFullum Revenue Inspector's office, 102 Notre Dame ; D S Stuart, first division ; E Durnford, 2nd do Rew, John, printer, Beaudry terrace Reyturn, Miss, dressmaker. Queen square Reynolds, Matthew, carpenter, St Mary near FuUum Reynolds, Wm, printer, off 57 Bleury Reynolds, John H, distiller, Fullum Reynolds, Mrs, laundress, William near McCord Reynolds, M, mason, lane off Dufresne Reynolds, Peter, laborer,. Bronsdon's lane Rhodes, Joseph, wholesale dry goods, 24» St Joseph City Rhyland, Geo H, County Registrar, house Outre- mont, St Catherines Ricard, Joseph, laborer, court off Tolentin Ricard, A, carpenter, St Antoine bridge Ricard, Mrs F, house head of St Denis Ricard, Louis, advocate, 16 St Vincent, house St Denis near Mignonne Ricard, A P, trader, St Antoine bridge Rice & Bancroft, general commission merchants, Custom-honse square Rice & VanDeusen, cigar factory, 253 (late 183) Notre Dame Rice, Geo, house Lartique place, Sherbrooke Rice, Edwin, house 253 Notre Dame Rice, John, messenger, Nazareth near William Rice, W H, wire worker, 19 Notre Dame Richard, L, boarding-house, 33 Jacques Cartier square :1 m Uii I i ti I !:• 11 ill li & i W! Ir^ 234 Richard, James, merchant tailor, 35 Great St James, up stairs Richard, Mrs, laundress, court off St Charles Barro- m6e Richard, James, house 66 St George Richard, J B, carter, lane off St Joseph Richard, Prospere, house head of Dufresne Richard, Jude, shoemaker, Beaudry nr Dorchester Richard, Pierre, carter, Chaboillez nr Bonaventure Richard, Louis, carter, court off Felix Richardson, Robt, coffee-roaster and spice factor, 76 Craig near St Peter Richardson, Thos, laborer, Queen near Common Richardson, Wm, laborer, Queen near Common Richardson, Edward, house 77 St Urbain Richardson, L, blacksmith, 4>7 St Dominique Richardson, George, clerk, Vitr6 near St tJrbain Richardson, J, brickmaker, head of Victoria road Richelieu, Dr, house 88 St Mary Richelieu, Edward, butcher and grocer, head of Vi- sitation Richelieu, Jos, stonecutter, Sanguinet near Mig- nonne Richelieu, Ed, butcher, Lafontaine off Visitation Richer, Mrs Peter, St Charles Barromee near Mig- nonne Richer, O, advocate, St Gabriel, house St Charles Barromee Rickner, Jos, pedlar, Perrault's court off Craig Riddell, John, grocer, 71 St Lawrence Riddell, Jas, engineer, Murray near Gabriel Riddle, J, corkcutter, 5 Busby lane Riddle, Mrs, house Nazareth near Gabriel Riddle, Robt, waterman, Lagaucheti^re nr Bleury Riendeaux, Nar, carter, Visitation near Lagauche- tiere Riendeaux, Charles, trader. Visitation near Lagau- chetidre Riendeaux, F, carpenter, Panet near St Catherine Riendeaux, Constant, carpenter, Queen square Riley, Hy, trader, 67 St Maurice Jreat St IS Barro- chester venture e factor, mon mon le bain road idofVi- ;ar Mig- tion ir Mig- I Charles Jleury luche- jagau- jrine ; 235 Riley, Jas, engineer, conrt offColborne Riley. Thos, slioenii^lcer, Dumarais off Constant Riley, Christ, shoemaker, Duraurais off Constant Riley, Thos, laborer, Amherst near Craig Riley & Reynolds, distillery, Hochelaga, Riley, Terence, trader, head of Dufresne Riley, Peter, shoemaker, head of Dufresne Riley, Mrs, trader, Common near King Riley, John, laborer, Canning oft' St Joseph Rina, John, butcher, head of Panet Pi-ingland, G. clerk, 3 St Elizabeth RintoLil, Mrs, house 18 St Edward Rin6, John, clerk. Jure near Bleury Riurdan, Daniel, carter. Common, Canal basin Risley, Saml, bookkeeper, 195 St Joseph sub Ritchie, J, storeman, Dorchester near St Urbain Ritchie, Martha, grocer, 53 St Joseph sub Ritchie, John, stevedore, Versailles off St Joseph Ritchie, Samuel, carter, St Genevieve Ritchotte, Mrs, furrier, Beaudry off St Catherine Ritchotte, Eugene, joiner, 84 St Mary Ritchotte, M & T, carriagemakers, 80 St Mary Ritt, John, engineer. Busby lane off Craig Rivet, N, joiner, head of Sanguinet Rivet, Medard, joiner, corner Sanguinet and St Ca- therine Rivet, Ed, grocer, corner Montcalm and St Mary Rivet, Louis, grocer, boards at the Quebec hotel Rivet, G, joiner, head of Sanguinet Rivet & Doray, grocers, Bonsecours market Rivet, J B, jun, house St Catherine near Phillip Rivet, Denis, mason, Sanguinet near Catherine Rivet, Wm, furrier, Dumarais off Constant Roach, Wm, laborer, Colborne off Gabriel Roberge, Mrs, dressmaker, Mignonne near Constant Robert, Paul, carpenter. Brock near Dorchester Robert, Leon, inspector of flour, 37 St Joseph, sub Robert, Leon, carter, St Dominique near Mignonne Robert. Chs, tailor, Brock near Lagaucheti6re Robert, Michael, carter, Bar6 off St Joseph Robert, Ant, stonecutter, head of Brock 230 '^i I ■ill ,:,l ' ■ 1 1; 'n ail Robert, Charles, laborer, 61 Campeau Robert, J B, carter, 74 Bonaventure Robert, Prospere, shoemaker. Bare oflf Mountain Robert, Et, plailerer, Panet near Lagaucheti^re Robert, Joseph, joiner, Chatelle near Visitation Robert, Frs, shoemaker, 13 St Paul Roberts, Edward, builder, 31 Chenneville Robertson, Andrew & George R, advocates, 49 Little St James Robertson, Jones, & Co, forwarders and commission merchants. Common, Canal whart Robertson & Hutchins, groceries and wines, 52 McGill Robertson, Chs, cabinet warehouse, 3 Bonaventure Robertson, Andrew, house Cote St Antoine Robertson, George R, house west Dorchester Robertson, James, house 47 St Antoine Robertson, Mrs Dr, house 26 Notre Dame Robertson, Peter, house corner McGill and College Robertson, Rev D, house 3 Tecumseth terrace Robertson, Alex, house Belmont, Beaver hall Robertson, Misses, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Robertson, Mrs, boarding house, 14 Craig near St Antoine Robertson, Peter, smith, 2 Jur6 Robertson, James, brassfounder, Nazareth nr Gabriel Robertson, Jas, printer. Campeau near Lagauche- ti^re Robertson, Andrew, merchant, house head of St Ur- bain Robertson, Wm, advocate, 49 Little St James, house Cote St Antoine Robertson, Mrs, teacher, 37 St Lawrence Robichaud, Anslem, joiner, St Urbain Robichaud, Joseph, carpenter, corner Vitre and St Urbain Robichaud, G, carpenter, Chatelle off Panet Robichaud, Ls, lamplighter, head of Durham Robichaud, Jacques, house 156 Sanguinet Robichaud, Jean Bt, cartmaker, Cemetery off Bona- venture I ntain tion cates, 49 mmission (rines, 52 laventure er College ace Ml rhall near St Gabriel gauche- ' St Ur- is, house and St 'Bona- 887 Robidoiix, Louis, clerk, Dorchester near St Denis Robilliartl, Enos & Co, dry goods, 121 Notre Dame Eobilliard, Oliver, printer, 26 St Joseph sub llobiUiard, Jean Bte, trader, head of Durham Robilliard, J, laborer, head of Sanguinet Robilliard, Chas, carter, Acqueduct nr St Joseph Robilliard, Joseph, pound keeper and clerk of Viger market, St Denis Robin, Chas, cabman, Acqueduct off St Joseph Robinson, Mrs, & Daughter, millinery show rooms, 238 (late 162) Notre Dame Robinson, James, clerk, St Chiude Robinson, Francis, boots and shoes, 127 Notre Dame Robinson, Richard, cabinet maker, 10 Valine Robinson, David, bookkeeper. Queen near William Robinson, John, laborer, Dorchester nr St Simeon Robinson, Benj, warden, Military prison, Hochelaga Robinson, Peter, laborer, Versailles off St Joseph Robinson, Max, carpenter, 16 Vitr6 Robinson, Andrew, chandler, Tolentin off St Mary Robinson, James, clerk, Campeau off St Mary Robinson, Thos, laborer, head of Visitation Robinson, George, chandler, 47 Campeau Robinson, Miss, dressmaker, 8 St John Robinson, Miss E, milliner, Jure near Bleury Robinson, William R, D A C G, house Cote des Neiges Robinson, Robert, cabinetmaker, 42 Bleury Robinson, James, pipelayer, 103 Water Robinson, Thomas, confectioner, Sanguinet near La- gaucheti^re Robinson, Daniel, grocer, St Antoine bridge Robley, Geo, house Wolfe near Lagaucheti^re Robley, Thos, joiner, St Margaret off St Antoxne Robson, Mrs, dressmaker, 96 St Antoine Robson, Mrs, dressmaker, 142 Notre Dame Robson, George; clerk, 96 St Antoine Robson, Mrs, house 1 10 St Lawrence Robson, Jas, clerk, 2 St Claude Roby, Joseph, clerk, 83 St Urbain Koch, M, butcher, Hochelagc^ l2 m 238 H > : Roch, Louis, laborer, Wolfe near Lagaucheti^re Roch, P, shoemaker, Wellington near Prince Roche, Frs, carpenter, 56 St Joseph, sub Rocheleau, Augt, carpenter, Panet near Dorchester Rocheleau, Ls, carpenter, Dorchester near Durham Rocheleau, Augt, jr, shoemaker, Panet near Dor- chester Rochou, Antoine, carpenter, Bar6 off Mountain Rochon, Olivier, carter, Acqueduct near St Joseph Rochon. Mrs L D, house head of St Lawrence Rochon, Ls, joiner, Mignonne, near Dominique Rochon, Chs A, agent, 17 St Ther^se Rochon, Joseph, carter, 05*116 St Charles Barrom6e Rochon, Antoine, butcher, head of St Constant Rochon, J, wheelwright, 151 St Lawrence Rochon, Frs, baker, St Catherine near Panet Rockliff, Wm, merchant, Cal litres near Common Rocree, Max, clerk, 22 St Margaret Rodd, J, house 131 Craig RoDDEN, William, Montreal Foundry and City Works, William near Colborne RoDDEN, T M, Metropolitan stove and iron furniture warehouse, 51 Great St James Rodden, Thomas, house 51 Great St James Rodden, Patrick, laborer, 62 Tolentin Rodden, Hugh, house 9 St George Rodgers, Richard, plasterer, head of German Rodgers, Joseph, clerk, commissariat, house Lagau- chetidre near St Elizabeth Rodgers, Mrs J, house George near Gabriel Rodger, John, house 21 Cote Rodier, Charles S, advocate, house Rodier place, St Antoine Rodier. C S, builder, 97 St Joseph, sub Rodier, Edward, clerk, lane off St Joseph, sub Rodier, T B, tailor, 45 St Josdph, sub Rodier, Pierre, house 99 St Joseph, sub Roe, T P, house Union avenue Roe, , carpenter, corner Durham and Lagau- chetidre Rogers &. Wright, painters, 14< St Mary 339 iti^re je irchester Durham ear Dor- itain Joseph 3 nee lique Barromfee itart J let ommon and City furniture an e Lagau- Iplace, St 5Ub Lagau- Rogers, Mrs P, milliner, Lagauchetidre near Adol- phus Rogers, Wm, carter, Gabriel near Catherine Rogers, Mrs, house St Charles Barrora6e near La- gaucheti6re Rogers, George, foundryman, 19 Queen square Rogers, John, black and white smith, St Urbain nr Ctvel works, lare uebec, 68 St Dorai- kaventure ph Ibriel Amherst ition ir Bieury 247 ScuLTHORPE, James, agent and accountant, over Gibb Sc Co, Great St James, house Sanguinet near Lagauchetidre At- Seath, Rob, merchant tailor, St Lawrence and lantic clothing store, 60 McGill Seaton, William, tailor, Roy lane, Sedly, Mrs John, house 76 St Constant Seebold, F, music teacher, Cleveland place, Jur6 Seebold, Brothers, music store, 221 (late 165) No- tre Dame Seebold, John, house St Constant near Dorchester Seed, Thomas, accountant, house 73^ Mountain Seers, Leon, tailor. College near Inspector Segabour, C, grocer, cor Sanguinet and Mignonne Seger, Mrs, seamstress, Mountain near St Joseph Seguin, Pierre, waterman, Chaboillez off St Joseph Seguin, L S, carter, Brock near Mignonne Seguin, Louis, waterman, court off St Dominique Seguin, Michl, trader, Water near Voltigeurs Selden, C F, barber, 22 St Charles Barrom^e Selkirk, Geo, cabinetmaker, house head St Urbaia Self-supporting Dispensary, 8 St Urbain Sellars, Robert, house Gabriel near Colborne Sene, Eusebe, carter, 25 Campeau Senecal, L, joiner, 42 Visitation Senecal, F, dry goods, 99 St Paul, ho 51 Montcalm Senecal, Denis, house Sanguinet near Vitre Senecal, Frs, dry goods, cor Lagauchetidre & Mont- calm Senecal &c Duverger, dry goods, 188 (late 126^) No- tre Dame Senecal, Mrs, laundress, Acqueduct nr St Joseph Senecal & Daniel, printers, 70 Notre Dame Senecal, J B, saddler 64- St Mary, house Montcalm Senecal, A, butcher, 86 Visitation Senecal, Louis, saddler, 51 Visitation Senecal, Jos, saddler, Brock near Dorchester Senecal, Alfred, smith, 133 St Joseph, sub Senior, S, commission merchant and agent, 21 St Francois Xavier, house 58 St Chas Barrom6e Sentenne,"H T, notary, 18 St Vincent, house 27 St Dominique ' '• ^n 248 I* , 1 ill ii'i: m Sentenne, Caesar, clerk, Vitr6 near St Constant Sentenne, Denis, grocer, Vitr6 near St Constant Sere, Isidore, tanner, corner Mignonne and Panet Ser6, J B, carter. Brock near St Catherine Sereno, , voyageur, Acqueduct off St Joseph Sexton, J P, city clerk, 68 Craig Sexton, Thomas, butcher, 53 Amherst, in rear Sexton, Daniel, butcher, Kent nr Colborne avenue Sexton, Dan, jr, butcher, Kent nr Colborne avenue Seybold, John P, grocer, 21 St Dominique Seybold, Christian, clerk, 67 St Lawrence Seymour, Whitney & Co, wholesale dry goods, 231 St Paul Seymour, Hiram, house Beaver-hall place Seymour, M H, house Dorchester west Seymour, Charles, commission merchant and U S forwarding and custom house agent, Gillespie's buuildings. Common, house 40 McGill Seymour, C E, (of S W & Co), Beaver-hall place Seymour, Joseph, house 135 St Joseph sub Seymour, Alexander, house 128 St Antoine Shank, Daniel, coachman, Bisson off St Antoine Shannon, Jas, grocer. Mountain near Bonaventure Shannon, Neil, tavern, 133 Commissioners Shannon, Mrs Hugh, College near Inspector Sharing, Hy L, importer of drugs, oils, paints and groceries, 163 St Paul Sharing, H L, house 7 St Elizabeth Sharkey, Jas, laborer, Desrividres near St Antoine Servants* Home (Protestant), Lagauchetiere corner St Charles Barromee Sharpe, Ed, clerk, Bonaventure near Desrivi^res Sharpley, R, fancy store, 175 (late 135) Notre Dame and 48 St Francois Xavier Sharpley, E W. clerk. Prince near Wellington Sharpley, Charles, bookkeeper, Aylmer Sharr, Mrs, laundress, Busby lane Shaw, Noah, carpenter and builder, corner Gabriel and Nazareth Shaw, Geo, agent, 67 Commissioners Shaw, Michael, house 3 St Lewis stant nstant 1 Panet Joseph rear e avenue le avenue e e dry goods, te nt and U S , Gillespie's ill lall place ib ine ^ntoine laventure rs ;tor paints and t Antoine icre corner irivi^res L35) Notre igton ler Gabriel 249 Shaw, Andrew, merchant, 10 St Sacrament, house Durocher Shay, John, clerk, Lagauchetidre near St Urbain Shay, Morris, juil guard, Victoria square Shay, James, laborer. Prince near Common Shay, Mrs, laundress, McCord near William Shearer, James, sash factory, St Gabriel lock, La- chine Canal Shearer, Donald, paint store, 40 St Joseph sub Shedden, Mrs, house 41 St Paul Sheedy, Michael, tailor, Drake's court off College Sheehan, Michl, bricklayer, St Maurice near Dupr6 Sheeran, Thomas, laborer, William near Colborne Shelly, Richard, grocer, McCord near Gabriel ^helly, Michel, carter, 19 St Phillip Shelton, E E, groceries and wines, 256 (late 172) Notre Dame corner St John Shenlin, Patrick, wheelwright, Gabriel off Cathe- rine Shepherd, George, nursery and seedsman, seeds- man to the Board of Agriculture, 33 Notre Dame Shepherd, Henry, laborer, Colborne near Welling- ton Shepherd, John, messenger, police court, corner Lagauchetidre and St Urbain Sheridan, J, shoemaker, corner St Mary and Du- fresne Sheridan, Patrick, storeman, 64 Craig Sheridan, Michl, carriagemaker, St Edward's lane Sheridan, Thos, carpenter, Tolentin near St Mary Shevlin, Patk, carpenter, Gabriel near Murray Shiller, Geo, carpenter. 29 Brock Shiller, S C, clerk, 78 St Lawrence Shinnick, Mrs, dressmaker, Vitre near Cot6 Shipway, J G, auctioner, 48 to 54 St Frangois Xa- vier Short, John, tavern, 35 St Mary Shulitau, David, laborer, Dalhousie near Gabriel Shuter, Joseph, house 149 Sherbrooke Shuter, Alex, laborer, court off St Henry .;■« 250 i i ?;: Sieverwright, Thos, clerk, 25 St Louis Silvester, Chas, shoemaker, 150 St Lawrence Silverman, Solomon, jeweller, 159 (late 127) Notre Dame Silverman, Mrs, milliner, 159 Notre Dame Simard, Joseph, joiner, 64 Visitation Simard, Joseph, notary, Lagauchetidre near Cam- pea u Simard, Chas, laborer, head of Panet Simard, J B, tavern, 18 St Mary Simon, Ls, bookkeeper, Vitr6 near Viger square Simon, H, cooper, 46 Amherst Simpson, A, cashier Montreal Bank, Place d'Armes , house over the bank Simpson, James, joiner and builder,? St Peter, house Dorchester near Bleury Simpson, Maurice, musician, German near Cathe- rine Simpson, David, shoemaker, Lagauchetidre near Dominique Simpson, Joseph, house 104 St Lawrence Simpson, Mrs Wm, grocer, 62 St Charles Barrom^e Simpson, Andrew, joiner, 49 St Lawrence Simpson, Wm, clerk, 16 St Maurice Simpson, James, clerk in post office, 33 Wolfe Simpson, Mrs, school, 140 Bleury Simpson, John, storeman, 30 St Maurice Simpson, Wm, shoemaker, head of St Urbain Sims, J G, lumber yard, corner St Lewis and St Denis, steam saw mills opposite Queen square Sims, J G, house 47 Champ de Mars Sims, Hugh, engineer, corner St Joseph and Kempt Simras, Robert, merchant, Lemoine Sinamon, Singleton, boiler maker, Dufresne Sincennes,J F,secretery Richelieu navigation com- pany, 14 St Gabriel Sincire, Louis, turner, 23 Tolentin Sinclair, John, wholesale grocer and commission merchant, 277 St Paul Sinclair, John, house 135 Bleury • Singleton, Wm, carpenter, 37 St Antoine f 251 ) Notre ir Cam- lare 'Amies , 3r, house Cathe- ^re near arrom^e fe in 1 and St [square Kempt )n com- imission ^ Sinnott, Jerh, laborer, William near Kempt Sinnott, Thos, laborer, Murray near Wellington Sippell, John, engineer, Berlhelot Sirois, Ol, watchmaker, St Dominique near Cathe- rine Sisson, Mrs, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Sisters of Charity, house corner Campeau and La- gauchetidre Skakel, Mrs, house head of St Margaret Skukel, M, laborer, Nazareth near Wellington Skiddy, Edward, cabinet maker, Hermine near Jur6 Skinner, Rich, tailor, Dorchester near Bleury Skinner, Mrs, upholstress, Lagauchetidre near St Dominique Skinner, Samuel, furniture broker, Lagauchetidre near St Dominique Skinner, Wm, furniture store, 66 St Lawrence Slack, R, tailor, 35 St Mary Slattery, Mrs, laundress, Inspector Sleith, David, storeman, Hochelaga Slicer, Mrs Joseph, 74- Bonaventure Slicer, Wm, moulder, 151 St Joseph snb Sloan, John, boots and shoes, 180 (late 122) Notre Dame, house Mile end Sloan, Chas, laborer, William near Murray Sloan, James, brickmaker, head of Fuilum Small, James, house Cote des Neiges road Small wood, H, house Small wood lane Smardon, John, tallow-chandler, 74 St Urbain Smart, Geo, gardener, Victoria road Smillie, D, working jeweller, 53 St Francois Xavier, house St Lawrence above Sherbrooke Smith, Meyers & Robinson, contractors Stanstead railroad, 17 Great St James Smith, Samuel G, wholesale boots and shoes, 290 St Paul Smith, H B & Co, wholesale china and glass, 256 St Paul, house Durocher near the Mountain Smith, D & W, general dry goods, 205 (late 155) Notre Dame Smith, Adolph, agents Queen near Gabriel 1 •i i '■^i^ 252 #' ii > t h 3! 9m i^< ^l!' Smith, W & J & Co, wholesale dry goods, corner Commissioners and St Joseph Smith, J B & Co, wholesale grocers and commis- sion merchants, Gillespie's buildings' Common Smith, J B, house 2 Hanover terrace Smith, Hon Judge, house off Sherbrooke near Ayl- mer Smith, I G, exchange broker, 11 St Francois Xavier, boards at Ottawa hotel Smith, John, merchant, house 16 Alexander Fmith, Bernard, storeman, Port near Common Smith, Alexander, baker, 68 St Maurice Smith, Thos, shoemaker, St Mary near Queen sq Smith, Henry, carter, Adolphus near St Mary Smith, James, carter, Montcalm near Lagauchetidre Smith, Mrs, midwife, 37 Amherst Smith, William, barber, Campeau near St Mary Smith, Wm, engineer, Dorchester near Durham Smith, John, tailor, Scotch lane, off St Urbain Smith, David, smith, court off Murray Smith, D &; J, threshing machines, St Gabriel locks Smith, Wm. carpenter, St Elizabeth near St Ca- therine Smith, James, butcher, head of St Constant Smith, Robert, smith, court off Prince Smith, D. house 3 St Lawrence Smith, John, (of W & J J, house upper St Urbain Smith, George, forwarder, house Hanover, Beaver- hall Smith, James, notary, 70 St Frangois Xavier, house 67 Amherst Smith, David, trader, Tolentin near Lagauchetidre Smith, John, tailor, Alexander near Craig Smith, Columbus, millwright, Wellington near Na- zareth Smith, Patk, smith, Gabriel near Murray Smith, Mrs, house Murray near Gabriel Smith, Mrs J G, house Union avenue Smith, Jos, brickmaker, head of Victoria road Smith, Patk, carriageraaker, current St Mary Smith, Henry, barber, Capital 253 W cton near Na- Smith, Dr W P, house 7 St Lawrence Smith, L M, hairdresser, 180 Notre Dame Smith, Francis, engineer, Wellington near Prince Smith, Terence, laborer, Bare off St Joseph Smith, Miss M H, dressmaker, 31 St Lawrence Smith, Joseph, turner, court off Jure Smith, Mrs, liouse George near Wellington Smith, H VV, copyist, head of St Lawrence Smith, William, smith, Colborne near Gabriel Smith, James, laborer, court off Murray nr Gabriel Smith, Robert, carter, 57 Visitation Smith, Samuel, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Smith, Marcile, smith. Seigneur near St A.ntoine Smith, Miclil, engineer. Seigneur near St Antoine Smith, George, cabinetmaker, 57 Bleury, in rear Smith, Henry, cabinetmaker, 72 St Lawrence Smith, Mrs William, house upper St Urbaiu Smith, Wm, cooper, 9 St John Smith, William, engineer, St Joseph near toll bar Smith, James, storeman, 10 St George Smith, John, carter, 12 Wolfe Smyth, William & Co, boots and shoes, 96 and 98 McGill Smyth, Wm F, advocate, 37 Little St James Snedden, J, printer, 34 St Urbain Solandt, A, bookseller, Dorchester near St Simeon Solomon, C, furrier, 129 Notre Dame Sommers, Mi^s, milliner, 20 St Urbain Somerville, W, artist, 25 Great St James Somerville, John, laborer. King near Wellington Sonaye, C, ship carpenter, St Joseph near toll bar Souci, Frangois, stonecutter, St Hubert Soulier, Joseph, boilermaker, Chaboillez square Soulier, Baptiste, shoemaker, 13 Chaboillez Soulier, Narcisse, carter, Felix near Bonaventure Southwell, John, house Gabriel near Prince Sparkes, George, bookseller and stationer, 16 Great St James Spearman, John, plasterer, court off Colborne Speer, Thos, accountant, 6 Panet Speirs, John, accountant , 46 St Urbain M it r, ii t :■' < 1 I ma i si t ^ ? ! i n i! . 254 Speirs, Mrs Robert, house 46 St Urbain Spenard, C C, notary, 37 St Phillip, office 17 St Vin- cent Spence, Mrs, house Durham near Lagauchetidre Spiers, Wm & Son, builders, George near Welling- ton Spiers, Robert, carter, Catherine near Gabriel Spiller, William, house 2 Cornwall terrace Spilley, Mrs, house 6 Chaboillez Spong, J R, clerk in military secretary's office Spring, John, trader, Wellington near Prince Springle, J H. architect, 36 Great St James, house 1 Albert place Sproston, John, china, glassware, &;c, 82 McGill Squire, Mrs. house 55 St Antoine Squirrell, Geo, storeman, 33 St Jean Baptiste St Amant, Alexii, grocer, corner Dorchester and St Urbain St Amour, Louis, joiner, St Catherine St Amour, Alexis, carpenter, Panet nr St Catherine St Amour, Pierre, sawyer, Wolfe near Dorchester St Amour, Joseph, carpenter, Durham near Cathe- rine St Amour, Francis, shoemaker, lane off Mountain St Amour, J B, shoemaker, Rolland off Moiuitain St Amour, Jos, jun, shoemaker, Durham near Ca- therine St Andrew's Scotch Church, Belmont, Beaver-hall St Ange, M, carter, Bar6 off St Joseph St Ance, Gabriel, trader, 12 Chaboillez St An' ony, Eusebe, cabman, Rolland nr Mountain St Anthony, Mrs M, house 237 St Joseph, sub St Antoine, Joseph, carter, Dubord near Campeau St Ann's ?^ethodist Chapel, corner Gabriel and Ann St Ann's Market, on Commissioners, between Saint Nicholas and McGill St Aubain, Joseph, carpenter, Napoleon nr Montcalm St Charles, Alex, trader, Christopher off St Catherine St Charles, T, carriagemaker, 56 St Antoine St Charles, Frs & Sons, provisions, &c, 127 Commis- sioners ' e 17 St Vin- 33S St Charles, Joseph, carter. Visitation nr Mignonue St Clair, Louis, cooksho]), Jacques dirtier square St Clair, Alexr, trader, Lagaucheti^re near Domi- nique St Denis, Widow, 237 St Joseph, sub St Denis, Jas, sawyer, Beaudry ne>?r Dorchester St George, J B, shoemaker, Wolfe near Lagauche- ti^re St George, Pierre, carter, Wolfe near St Catherine St George, Frs, carter, St Ignace near Water St George's Church, Episcopal, St Joseph nr McGill St Germain, Mrs B, house Sanguinet near Dorches- ter St Germain, Ls, caulker, Durham near Dorchester St Germain, F, carter, Panet near Dorchester St Germain, Joseph, joiner, Durham nr St Caiherine St Germain, Frs, smith, 29 Panet and 89 St JMaiy St Germain, Benj, smith, St Emery near St Denis St Germai", Frs, trader, 159 St Joseph, sub St Germain, Eli, baker, head of Sanguinet St Germain, L6on, house 62 St Antoine St Germain, Mrs, house Felix near St Joseph St Germain, Mrs, house 22 Sanguinet St Germain, Mrs FX, house St Catherine nr Phillip St Hilare, J B, cookshop, Jacques Cartier square St Hilare, Victor, matchmaker. Current St Mary St Jean, Louis, carter, St Elizabeth near Catherine St Jean, David, tavern, Radegonde near Craig St Jean, Romain, dry goods, 47 St Paul, house 2 Viger square St Jean, J B, mason, 25 Salaberry St Jean, Edward, butcher, Beaudry St Jean, Michl, shoemaker, 23 St Dominique St Jean, Ant, carpenter, Panet near St Catlierine St Jean, Ant, house 2 St Elizabeth St Jean, Maurice, house Labelle St Jean, Tousst, sawyer, 56 i.Iontcalm St Jean, Ed, carter, Dorchester near St Simon St Jean, Joseph, laborer, head of Visitation St Jean, Joseph, baker, Durham near Catherine St JeaD> , trader, 23 Tolentm H 256 X, 111 ' li- st Joseph's Asylum, Cemetery near St Joseph St Joseph's house, residence of the Roman Catholic Bishop, Mignonne St Julien, Mrs, Donegana hotel, 15 and 17 Notre Dame St Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Office, 18 Little St James St Lawrence brewery (Phillips & Taylor), 170 St Lawrence St Lawrence R R Car Factory, McLean and Fleck, Kempt near Wellington St Lawrence Hall, (liogan & Penn) Great St James St Lawrence Engine Works, (Gilbert and Mac- Farlane), south side of Canal St Lawrence Market, St Lawrence, between Dor- chester and St Catherine St Lawrencii school of medicine, Lagauchetiere off St Urbain St Lawrence Nail Factory, (Thos Bigelow,) south side of Canal St Louis, J B, stoneculter, 7 Valine St Louis, Geo, stonecutter, St Lawrence near Ca- therine St Louis, Mrs, Orphan Asylum, St Lawrence near Sherbrooke St Marcel, Mrs, huckster, Wolfe near Dorchester St Marie, C, clerk, 37 St Lewis St Martin, Louis, shoemaker, off current St Mary St Martin, Pierre, grocer, corner St Mary and Ignace St Martin, J Bte, mason, off Dufresne St Martin, Pierre, stonecutter, 27 Salaberry St Mary Foundry, St Mary near Queen St Mary's (Jesuit) College, between Alexander and Bleury St Mary's Wesleyan Chapel, Lagauchetiere near Montcalm St Michel, Chas, butcher, court off St Denis St Michel, Chas, joiner. Cemetery near Bonaventure St Onge, Jos, house 70 St Dominique Joseph man Catholic and 17 Notre ROAD Office, ylor), 170 St McLean and tin) Great St ert and Muc- between Dor- aiichetiere off igelow,) south ence near Ca- jawrence near • Dorchester nt St Mary St Mary and berry n Alexander and cheti^re near Denis Bonaventure 257 St Ours, Michael, carter, Brr6 off St Joseph St Onrs, M, jun, carter, St Joseph near Kempt St Ours, S, carter, 12 Chaboillez St Ours, Gabriel, carter, 12 Chaboillez St Ours, Gabriel, jnn, smith, Bonaventure near Ed- ward St Patrick's Church, Lagauchetidre near Beaver hall St Patrick's Orphan Asylum, adjoining the Church St Patrick's Hospital, west Dorchester, corner Guy St Paul's Scotch Church, St Helen, cor Recollect St Pelagic Convent, corner St Catherine and St Andr6 St Peter's Church, 73 and 75 Visitation St Pierre, Mrs, house head of St Constant St Pierre, John, shoemaker, 101 St Charles Barro- Barromee St Pierre, Fabien, carter, Devienne St Stephen's Episcopal Church, Dalhousie near Gabriel St Thomas' Church, St Mary near Wellington St Thomas, B, shoemaker, St Urbain near Cathe- rine Stacy, George, nail manufacturer, 4 Bonaventure Stafford, John, tailor, 78 McGill, house Beaver-hall square Stafford, Wm, dry goods, Wellington near Nazareth Stanhouse, Mrs A, house 4> St Paul Stanley, Mrs, boarding-house, Lagaucheti^re nr St Urbain Stanley, G J, crier of Court of Queen's Bench, house Durham Stanley, S, grocer, corner St Phillip and Valine Stansfield, Joshua, Sanguinet near Lagauchetidre Stanstead, Shefford & Chambly R 11 Co, W H Hopper, secretary, 17 Great St James Starke & Co, printers, 59 St Frangois Xavier Starke, Mrs, house Craig near St Antoine Starke, Mrs, house Prince near Wellington Starke, Thos, laborer, William near Eleanor Starnes, Henry, house 7 St Antoine place ;:;,. fl U . =*' #ii* I' .•■ 258 Starr, F R, house 18 Belleviie terrace Stavoly, William, grocer, 57 St Maurice Steadman, Jos, cooper, court off' Dorchester Steele, M M, house 1 St Antoine place Steel, Peter, engineer, 15 St Genevieve Steller, J, grocer and tavern, 77 St Lawrence Stephen, William & Co, wholesale dry goods, 274 St Paul, house 6 St Helen Stephens, Harrison, house Beaver-hall place Stephens, George, house 68 Bleury Stephens, George, carpenter, 33 Janvier Stephens, Win, carter, Victoria square Stephens, Romeo H, house Phillips' square Stephens, John, carter, 182 St Joseph sub Stephenson, Jas, machinist, Murray near Gabriel Stephenson, J, cabinetmaker and grocer, corner St Charles Barrom6e and Vitr6 Stephenson, Robert, butcher, 204 St Joseph, sub Stenson, Mrs, house, McCord near Gabriel Sternberg, W, hats and furs, 148 Notre Dame Stethem, William G, saddler, corMcGill & Lemoine Stethem, John, carter, St Germain Stevens, William, saddler and trunkmaker, corner McGill and Great St James Stevens, Joseph, laborer, Devienne Stevens, J B, carter, 58 Amherst Stevens, John, Government clerk, 6 Barclay Stevens, W H, agent Lake Champlain steamers and Saratoga railroad, 66 Commissioners Stevenson, A, dry goods, McGill near College Stevenson, James B, house Roy lane Stevenson, John, collector, College Stevenson, Alex A, printer, house Roy lane Stevenson, Jas, bookkeeper, 91 St Antoine Stevenson, J B, house Hanover, Beaver hall Stewart & McIntyre, wholesale dry goods, 296 St Paul Stewart & Kerr, auctioneers and commission mer- chants, 299 St Paul Stewart, David, groceries and provisions, 84 Saint Joseph, sub M 259 Qaker, corner imission mer- ons, 84> Saint Stewart, A B, house Craig near Alexander Stewart, Arch, tavern, 9 St Paul Stewart, John, cabinetmaker, 3 St Antoine Stewart, Mrs, midwife, 3 St Antoine Stewart, Mrs Dugald, house 3 Callendar place Mountain Stewart, Andrew, accountant and collector, 13 Bleury Stewart, James, laborer, off head of St Joseph Stewart, Wra, storeman, Common Canal wharf Stewart, Wm, carpenter, Queen near Common Stewart, Campbell, warden. Military Prison, Hoche- laga Stewart, Thos, laborer, Dufresne Sterling, John, of A Laurie & Co, St Paul, house Hanover Beaver hall Stirlmg, James, house 200 Notre Dame Storin, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Stormont, Jas, moulder, Colborne near Gabriel Stormont, Jas, moulder, William near McCord Stoneman, Mrs, tavern, 3 Woodyard Stremanski, L, architect, Bonaventnre Striker, John, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Struthers & Cochran, tea and coffee warehouse, 137 (late 109) Notre Dame Struthers, J, house Lagauchetiere near St Constant Stuart, W, plumber and brazier, 1 St Antoine Stuart, G D, wine and spirit merchant, cor St Paul and McGill Stuart, Henry, advocate, 8 St Therese, house St Antoine, west of Richmond square Stuart, R, sheriff's officer, office 47 St Gabriel, house Visitation near Mignonne Stuart, D S, district revenue inspector, 74< corner Notre Dame and Jacques Cartier square ' Stuart, James, gardener, Victoria road Sullivan, Mrs, trader, 5 Colborne Sullivan, Danl, laborer, court off* Nazareth Sullivan, Mrs, laundress, McCord near Gabriel Sullivan, Mrs, laundress, Kempt near William Sullivan, Owen, laborer, Kempt near William. ^ I H 260 I I wli !,V. t f- *■' M Iff • I ll ill! li iii- if! Sullivan, Jer, smith, 22 St Maurice Siimmerfield, John, laborer, court off King^ Summers, Mrs, milliner, 20 St Urbain Summers, John, tailor. Grey Nun near Common Superintendent of Education, C E, J li xMeilleur, M D, Government house, Notre Dame Surprenant, M, joiner. Adolphus off St Mary Sutherland, John, merchant tailor, 301 (late 207) Notre Dame, house College near Dupr6 Sutherland, J, blacksmith, corner Chenneville and Vitre Sutherland, Dr Wm, 21 Great St James Sutherland, Mrs D, house 10 St Bernard Sutherland, Robt, chief warden military prison, Hochelaga Sutherland, Jas B, clerk, St Margaret off St Antoine Sutherland, Mrs, grocer, corner St Urbain and Vitr6 Sutton, G, laborer, Gabriel near Murray Swain, Gideon, carpenter, Ann near Wellington Swallwell, Jas, smith, house 21 Chenneville Swan, John, cooper, 5 St Joseph sub Swan, Archibald, house St Margaret above St An- toine Swan, Mrs J, Brondson's lane off Dorchester Swartz, Ant, house Haymarket square Sweeny, D, tailor, Dorchester near St Phillip Sweeny, Owen, laborer, Murray near Gabriel Sweeny, Mrs, house William near Murray Sweevill, V G, cooper, Chaboillez Swinburn, G, smith and farrier, 12 St Urbain Switzer, Mrs, dressmaker, 10 Dorchester Sykes, DeBergue & Co, R R contractors, oftce Great St James, over Gibb & Co Sykes, Wm, R R contractor, house Cote des Neiges Skyes, S H, tanner and leather merchant, William near Colborne Skyes, J, R R contractor, house corner Berthelot and City Councillors TABB, HORATIO, plasterer, Alexander nr Craig Tabb, Wm, bricklayer, Colborne near Gabriel Taillefair, J6r6mie, carter, 175 St Joseph sub 261 itary prison, bove St An- sr Berthelot Taillefair, Aiignste, flour store, 30 Commissioners, house St Felix ofTBonaventura Tanner, Mrs, store, 171 Notre Dame Tansey, Matthew, laborer, George off William Tansey, Jas, laborer, 11 Panel near Mignonne Tansey, Timothy, pedlar, 38 Amherst Tansey, John, laborer, Jur6 near George Tass6, Joseph, shoemaker, Aylmer Tassie, John, baker, 74< St Maurice Tate k Brothers, graving docks and ship yard, south side of the Canal Tate, Mrs, livery stables, 30 Great St James, house Fortification lane Tate, Chs M, civil engmeer, office 67 Notre Dame, house 3 Molson terrace Tate, G & C, house Bonsecours Tattersall's Auction Mart, (John Jones, proprie- tor,) Great St James Tavernier, Frs, house 37 Craig Taylor, H, advocate, 47 St Gabriel, house Elrawood Long Point road Taylor, Wm, ropemaker, Hochelaga Taylor, Wm, dyer and scourer,. 7 St Antoine Taylor & Brother, brokers, 28 St Frangois Xavier Taylor, Mrs, dressmaker, St Genevi6ve Taylor, Wm, plasterer, 9 German Taylor, Jas, plasterer, 85 St Joseph sub Q^aylor, Wm, engineer, 3 Woodyard Taylor, John, laborer, Lagaucheti^re near Amherst Taylor, E T, bank clerk. Cote St Antoine Taylor, A D, civil engineer. Cote St Antoine Taylor, Thos M, broker, house Drummond Taylor, Rev W, DD, house Lagaucheti^re near St George Taylor, Wm, ropemaker, Dufresne Taylor, Wm, milkman, Dufresne Taylor, Thos, musician, 66 St Hubert Taylor, John, clerk, Lagaucheti^re near Anderson Taylor, Moses, smith, Gabriel near George Taylor, John, cooper. Grey Nun Taylor, S M, land office, 68 Commissioners m2 1 i I ii • V i I' mf' if 262 Taylor, Homer, lumber dealer, 21 Perthius Taylor, Robert, 8t Lawrence brewery, house 105 St Charles Barrom6e Taylor, Isaac, laborer, 28 St Margaret Taylor, John, brewer, Victoria road near St Cathe- rine Teague, Edward, store, Wellington near Ann Tees, David, carpenter, McCord near Gabriel Tees, John, trader, 110 St Joseph sub Telfer, Miss, house 12 Chenneville Telfer, Thos, clerk, 6 St Henry Telfer, Thos J, house 58 Chenneville Telfer, Mrs E, milliner, Dorchester near Bleury Tellemosse, Joachim, baker, Lagaucheti^re near Panet Tellier a &; Co, general dry goods, 158 and 160 St Paul, house Vitre near St Denis Templeton, Geo, at W & R Muir*s, St Paul Tenant, Mrs, house Wellington near Dalhousie Tench, William clerk, Hermine near Jur6 Tenpenny, M, laborer, head of Dufresne Terroux, Charles A, notary public, 23 Perthius Terroux, Janvier H, house St Dominique near Craig Terroux, Robert, house 13 St Louis Terroux, Desire, carpenter, St Antoine near St Frangois Tessier, Louis, carter, Lagaucheti^re near Panet Tessier, Louis, jun. carpenter, St Catherine nr Panet Tessier, Paul, carter, 142 St Joseph sub Tessier, Michel, messenger, Tolentin off St Mary Tessier, Olivier, carpenter, Bar6 near William Tessier, Antoine, stone cutter, German Tessier, Louis, carpenter, St Catherine near Panet Tessier, Mrs J B, house off St Catherine Tessier, Ol, stone cutter, Salaberry Tessier, Mrs, hou&e St Denis near Mignonne Tester, James, customs' officer, Murray nr William Thain, Frs, shoemaker, Sydenham near Catherine Thain, L T, marble factory, St Urbain near Craig, house 4 Beaudry terrace Thayer, J, house 1 Salem terrace, Seigneur if f 263 r St Cathe- 58 and 160 ne near St lear Panet Thatchor, James, storcman, 37 Campeau Theatre Hoyul, Cute near \''itr6 Theorot, J J, groceries unci wines, 155 St Joseph sub Therien, Toussuint, smith, Dorchester near St Do- minique Therien, Joseph, carpenter, 92 St Urbain Therien, J 13, waterman, St Charles Barrom6e Therien, N, cabinet maker, court ofTVallee Therien, Toussaint, smith, 70 St Dominique Therien, Louis, carter, Ilochelaga Therien, Moise, brick layer, corner St Hubert and Catherine Tliorien, (rilbert, carter, current St Mary 'J'herion, Mrs, tailoross, Bare off St Joseph Tliibault, Josepli, laborer, St Catherine near Panet Thibault, Joseph, trader, 175 St Lawrence Thibault, Mrs, iiouse Devienne Thibodeau, O, boots and shoes, 121 St Paul, house Dufresne Thivierge, Basil, joiner. Seigneur off St Joseph Thorn, James, tavern, 109 Water Thomas, Hichard, choice groceries and wines, 35 Great St James, house Fortification lane Thomas, Henry, house 3 St Antoine place Tliomas, William, waiter, 29 Perthius Thomas, James D, at W Meikleham's, St Sacrament, house 65 Bleury Thomas, Chas, confectioner, 15 St Victor Thomas, Wm, house St Hubert near Catherine Thomas, Mrs S, house Lagauchetidre near George Thomas, Charles, confectioner, corner St Lawrence and Vitre Thomas, George, laborer, Fullum Tliomas, James, painter, Montcalm near St Mary Thomas, Aug, laborer, Salaberry Thomas, John, stor'^n;an, 15 Amherst Thomas, Patrick, smith. Prince near Wellington Thomas, Mrs, house Sanguinet near Vitr6 Thomas, Hypolite, stone cutter, 29 St Phillip^ Thomas, Arthur J, clerk, Lagauchetidre nr Bleury ■I '5 264 ii< Thomas, Willinm, laborer, Fiilhitn ThoiMson, J N, merchant tailor, 33^ Great Saint James Thomson tV, Minchin, china, plnss, &;c, 21-1 St Paul Thomson, .lames, house 2 Si Helen Thomson, .lames, house head ofBleury Thomson, Mrs, house court oft' Murray Thomson, Miss, staym'»ker, 19 St Joseph sub Thomson, T M, house 3 Sydentlam place Thomson, John, house 2 St Helen Thomson, W'm, pjrocer, Hochelaga Thomson, Jas, clockmaker, 99 Water Thompson, William & Sons, hatters and furriers, 297 (late 205) Notre Damo Thompson, Edward, loots and slices, 1^6 (late 102; Notre Dame Thompson, Hugh & Son, shoes and leather, 287 & 289 St Paul Thompson, John, ![;rocpries and wines, 108 St Paul, house l-i Sanguinet Thompson, Andrew, house 1 Tecnmseth terrace Thompson, Robt, engine(r, \\ jllium near Colborne Thompson, A, laborer, court off Colborne Thompson, Jno, blacksmith, 48 St Lawrence, house 43 St Charles Barrom^e Thompson, P C, accountant. Prince near Common Thompson, H G, water bailiff, 200 St Paul Thompson, W B, clerk, George near Wellinglon Thompson, Mrs P, grocer, corner Lagauchetitire and St Ignace Thompson, Alex, joiner, St Simeon Thompson, Ellen, house 5 Alexander Thompson, J S, trader, Craig corner Chenneville Thompson, George, laborer, head of Fullum Thompson, W H, house Vitre near Viger square Thompson, Mrs, house Bonaventure near Acqueduct Thompson, F, architect, house 107 St Joseph sub Thompson, William, laborer, Ann near Wellington Thompson, John, lumber yard, house St Catherine near Elizabeth Thompson, Mrs, house 48 i St Lawrence 265 Jreat Saint U St Paul sub ind furriers, 5, 146 (late ather, 287 & 108 StTaul, I terrace ur Col borne e rence, house ir Common aul ellinglon gaucheti^re enneville lum er square r Acqueduct Dseph sub Wellington t Catherine Thompson, Ross, plasterer, Lagauchetiere near Ad- olpluis Thompson, John, stonecutter, St Constant near Ca- therine Thompson, Andrew, butcher, Murray near Welling- ton Thompson, Hugh, smith, 51 Wolfe Thorn, William, cuhinetware, 20 Great St James Thornton, John, merchant, 22 Bonaventure Thornton, James, bookkeeper, 53 St Louis Thornton, Jolm, saddler, 29 Perthius, in rear Thornton, Wm, engineer, William near Ann Thouin, Nazare, laborer. Brock near Mignonne Thou in, Pierre, shoemaker, head of Brock Thouin, Frs, trader, Allard off Visitation Thuotte, Olivier, shoemaker, 73 St Paul Tibb, C J, carpenter, Colborne near Wellington Tidmarsh, Alexander, groceries and crockery, 57 St Paul cor Bonsecours Tierny, Henry, tailor, 13 St George Tiffault, Cassimer, founder. College near Inspector Tiffin, T, groceries and wines, corner St Paul, and Jacques Cartier square Tiffin, Joseph, general merchant, 137 and 139 St Paul Tiffin, Mrs, house 194 Craig TiLSTONE, C F, insurance agent, house at 76 McGill Timmis, Josiah, house Cot6 Timmons, Joseph, laborer, College near Inspector Timmons, Noel, carter, head of Panet Timsoat, , shoemaker, St Dominique nr Vitre Tinsley, Thomas, gardener, Blache lane off Moun- tain Tipson, A P, house St Catherine near Bleury Tison, Peter, carpenter, 30 Mountain Tison, Wm, carter, St Catherine near Sanguinet Tison, Joseph, bailiff, Lagauchetiere nr Sanguinet Tobin, J M, auctioneer and commission merchant, 39 St Frangois Xavier, house 4 Tecumseth ter- race Tobin, M, chandler, William near George i^ '"( i J U I'H m 266 Tobin, Matliew, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Tobin,. lames, lal)orer, George near Gabriel Tobin, Richard, tailor. Lagaucheti^re near St Geo Todd, Adam, laborer, Catherine near Gabriel Todd, Arthur, shoemaker, 130 Bleury Toinc, Frs, laborer, Sydenham Toine, Leon, carpenter, Panet near Dorchester Toland, Jas, carriagemaker, 90 Craig, house Fortifi- cation lane Toland, Jas, trader. Prince near Gabriel Tolland, Jas, laborer. Prince near Wellington Tolland, Chas, storeman. King near Common TomkitiS, John, baker and grocer, 100 St Lawrence Tomeau, Felix, smith, Chaboillez Tonner, Chs, laborer, Bisson ofTSt Antoine Ton net, Alexander, confectioner, 61 Notre Dame Tooke, Thomas, bank clerk, Aylmer near St Cathe- rine Toppau, Casilear, Carpenter & Co, bank note engra- vers, 66 St FrauQois Xavier Torrance, F W, advocate, 49 Little St James, house 25 Great St James Torrance, Jas, general merchant, cor St Peter and Lemoine, house 6 Beaver hall terrace Torrance, Dlvid Sc Co, general merchants, cor St Paul and St Nicholas, house 5 Sherbrooke Torrance, Mrs, house head of St Constant Torrance, John, general merchant, corner St Paul and St Nicholas, house St Antoine near Moun- tain ToRRY & Co, wine and general merchants, St Eloi near St Paul Torry, James, house Perraidt's court off Craig Touchette, J B, smith, 4> Wolfe Tourangeau, Miss E, milliner, Lagaucheti^re near Adolphus Touron, Louis, laborer, Dorchester near St Phillip Tourville, Michel, sawyer, Montcalm near St Ca- therine Tourville, Frs, shoemaker, Amherst near Dorchester Tourville, Charles, shoemaker, head of Montcalm 267 Town Major's office, (C Macdonald; Notre Dame near St Claude Toiizeau, Geo, printer, St Francis near Barracks ■TowNSEND, W A, jeweller and watchmaker, No- tre Dame, corner St Joseph Townscnd, 8, house 92 St Joseph sub Toy, Hy, laborer, Eleanor near Gabriel Toyefall, Jerh, house 125 St Joseph sub Tracey, Wm, coppersmith, Vitr6 near St Urbain Tracey, Timothy, pedler, 21 Chaboillez Tracey, Mrs, house St Germain ort'Bleury Tracey, Ed, shoemaker, 18 St Maurice Tracey, Martin, laborer, Gabriel near Murray Tract Depository, J Milne, agent, 31 Great St James Trainer, John, farmer, Ilochelaga Trambl6, Mrs H, housd 50 Wolfe Tramble, M, blacksmith, corner St Mary and Volti- geurs Tranchemontagne, Joseph, joiner, Bar6 off St Joseph Trameau, Mrs, house Perrault's court off Craig Trays, John, hatter, 60 Bona venture Tressider, J, carpenter, Bronsdon's lane off Dorches- ter Tressider, Nicholas, carpenter, Hermine near La- gaucheti^re Trestler, Dr, house Dorchester near Sanguinet and 12-1 Craig Trevers, J, house 4 Cadieux, Cote a Baron TuiGG, Francis, fancy goods, 18G (late 122) Notre Dame Trinity Church, Episcopal, St Paul near Bonsecours Trinity House, Jas Holmes, secy, 202 St Paul Trouern, Peter, engineer, Kempt near St Joseph Troughton, Wm, carpenter, Acqueduct near St An- toine Trout, Felix, mechanic, Williams' court off College Troutbeck, Geo, commissariat, corner St Catherine and Sanguinet Trowbridge, C A, painter, 38 St Dominique Troy and Montreal Telegraph Company, Me: Exchange Merchants' I r li. • Wi '■ '-'lit •feia i I' Irf (H iii/<; i!^ w f .;! II III 268 Troy, Patk, grocer, McCord near Gabriel TuuDEAU, R, ajiotliccary, 157 St Paul TuuDEAU, Joseph, lumber dealer Craig, house To- lentin near Craig Trudeau, Alexis, clerk, corner St Vincent and St Therese Trudeau, Alex, mason, St Catherine near St Hubert Trudeau, Ant, carpenter, Chatelle near Panet Trudeau, F X, waterman, 59 Visitation Trudeau, A, carpenter, Seigneur near St Antoine Trudeau, Mrs, house St Felix near St Joseph Trudeau, Olivier, flour inspector, Dalhousie near Gabriel Trudeau, Mrs, house corner St Louis and St Denis Trudeau, T, house 10 St Denis Trudeau, Clias, carter, head of Sanguinet Trudeau, Guil, shoemaker, head of Visitation Trudeau, F X, laborer, Amherst off St Catherine Trudeau, Alfred, baker, Dorchester off Montcalm Trudeau, Amuble, carter, Dufresne Trudeau, Tons, laborer, Acqueduct ofl St Joseph Trudeau, Ant, carpenter, Bonaventure west Trudel, Dr E, house 9 Little fet James Trudelle, Joseph, blacksmith, 94- St Joseph sub Trudelle, J H, baker, Inspector near College Trudelle, Daniel, bookbinder, head of St TJrbain Trudelle, George, printer, Amherst near Lagauche- ti^re Trudelle, J B, laborer, Catherine near William Trudelle, Jos, carpenter, Durham near Dorchester Trudelle, Mrs, house Bisson near St Antoine Trudelle, Alexis, engineer, 164> St Joseph sub Truesdell, John, tailcr, William near Murray Trump, M, plasterer, Jur6 near Alexander Trust an :> Loan cJompany of Upper Canada, ofl^ce corner St I rancois Xavier and Great St James Try, John, hciso 3 Sydenham place Tubby, SLiruel, bank clerk, 23 St Edward Tuck, Richard, letter cutter, William near George Tucker, Thomas, moulder, Wellington near George Tuff, D, grocer, corner St Urbain and Lagaucheti^re fflf i house To- ent and St r St Hubert Panet t Antoine Dseph housie near d St Denis ?t ation ;^utherine ^lontcalm [t Joseph vest ph sub liege t TJrbain r Lagauche- Villiam )orch ester oine h sub irray or NADA, office t tSt James Ird ar George jcar George taucheti^re 269 TufT, Mrs, house court off Lagauchetidre near St Urbaiu Tuggarci, John, smith, Lower Lachine road Tuggoy, Clias, clerk, City Councillors Tuotte,A G,carpenter, Sanguiret near St Catherine Turboyne, V, butcher, 179 St Joseph sub * 'J'urbeyne, David, engineer, Friponne Turcotte, J 11, advocate, 17 St Vincent Turcotte, 8, blacksmith, 1.') St Charles Barromee Tiircotte, Nicholas, carter, St Antoine bridge Turcotte, A, grocer, 31 Beaudry Turcotte, Ijouis, cnrter, head of Visitation Turcotte, Louis, senr, carter, head of Visitation Turgeon, N, joiner and tavern, Nazareth near Wel- lington Turgeon, T, house 27 Boneventure Turgeon, F, clerk, 27 Bonaventure Turgeon tV Monat, dry goods, iS-i St Paul Turgeon, Ls, boarding-house, 32 St Vincent Turgeon, Pierre, carpenter, Holland off Mountain Turnbull, Mrs .lames, house Nazareth nr (Jabriel 'J'lirnlnill, Mrs John, house lieorge near Wellington Turnbull, Thomas, commissariat, house 73 Amherst Turner, John, tavern, 74 Con)missioners Turner, Mrs, house 57 Champ de Mars Turner, Misses, seminary, 51 St Frbain Turner, John, painter, College near Dupre Turner, John, coojkt, 4- (^ueeu Turner, Robert, messenger, Dorchester nr St Char- les Barromee Turner, Mrs, house 23 Sanguinet Turner, Fredk, shoemaker, 3 Wolfe Turneylon, Andrew, gnrdener, llochelaga Turnj)ike, Trustees' Otliec, 202 St Paul TuTTLK, 1'^ C, stationery, tVc, 237 St Paul, house Beaver-hall terrace Tweedy. Alexr, carter, 106 St Josej)!! sul) Tylee, 11 S, ofHce corner St Francois Xavier and Hospital, house Drummoud Tyue, Coi.tiuiiouN tV Co, wholesale dry goods, 8 St Joseph near St Paul m f ll't n 270 Tyre, James, house 60 Sher])rooke Tyrell, George, grocer, Grey Nun near Common, house College Tyrrell, Thos, stevedore, St Urhain near Vitr6 UNION Fire Company's Engine House, llaymar- ket Unitarian Church, corner Lagauchetiere and Beaver hall place University Lying-in Hospital, Mrs Gibson, matron 45 St Urbain Unwin, Robert, advocate, St Hubert nr Catherine Upper Canada Bank, Joseph Wenham, manager, 47 (ireat 8t James Upper Canada Stage Office, A Milloy, agent, 40 McGill Urquhart, Alex, general merchant, Cuvillier's block, St Peter, house Cote ties Neiges road Urquhart, Henry, cooper, Prince near Wellington Utting, Wm, houre corner Lagauchetiere and St George VADEBONCCEUR, LOUIS, grocer, corner St Ma- ry and Brock VadebonccDur, Amable, shoemaker, Devienne VadeboncfEur, J B, carter, 42 Campeau Vadeboncouu', Frs, house head of Visitation Valade, J, leather, 63 St Paul, house 161 Sanguinet Valade, Frs, baker, Craig near Montcalm Valude, Pierre, house 1 1 Sanguinet Valiquettc, T, blaster, Chaboillez Vuliquette, J B, carter, head of Brock Valicpiette, P, carter. Visitation near Lagauchetiere Valiquette, John, laborer, 74 Notre Dame Valiquettc, Theophile, tavern, 55 St Paul Vullaincourt, Oct, voyageur, Dorchester near Dur- hum Vallaincourt, Ant, laborer, Dubord Vull6e, M, carpenter, head of Panet Vallee, J D, notary public, 70 St Lawrence Vall6e, Maxime, house 124 St Mary Vall6e, Julien, laborer, Ilochelaga Valleray, D, carpenter, St Germain ofTBleury 271 t^i H 3 and Beaver )son, matron prner St Ma- Vallier, Mrs, milliner, 15 St Vincent Vallicrcs dc St Heal, Mrs, house 202 Craig Vallieres, Jos, tinroofer, Durham near Dorchester Valois, Narcisse, tannery, 38 St Antoine Valois, Mrs, tailoress, Bard off St Joseph Valois, Simon, Mayor of the County, Ilochelaga Valois, Revd Louis Avily, Grand Seminaire Valson, Iloht, lahorer. Kempt near Gabriel Valva, J B, shoemaker lane off Mountain Vance, Robert, bread driver, Nazareth near Gabriel Vandal, H, grocer, 69 St Paul Vandelack, Augt, sawyer, Rose ofTPanet Vandelack, Pierre, carter, Panet near St Catherine Vandelack, J B, senr, sawyer, Rose near Panet Vandelack, J B, jun, sawyer. Rose near Panet VanDeusen, Pwice & Co, tobacco and cigars, 253 (late 183) Notre Dame Vanfelson, Geo, chemist and druggist, 118 (late 86) Notre Dame Vanfelson, C, druggist, house 68 St Louis Vanfelson, Hon Judge, house l-i Beaverhall ter- race Vargette, Pierre, plasterer, Vallee Varin, Louis, laborer, head of Panet Vanselow, II, baker and confectioner, 6 St Law- rence, bakery Friponne near Water Vanselow, Henry, house corner St Constant and Dorchester Vass, David, house 30 St Elizabeth Vass, Alexander H, house 5 St Charles Barrom6e Vasseau, Mrs, store, 168 St Joseph sub Vasseau, Blanche, house Bare off St Joseph Vasseau, Michl, laborer, Chaboillcz Vaudry, Charles, voyageur, 98 St Charles Borrom6o Vaughan, Mrs, tailoress. Jure near St George Vaughan, Thos, laborer, court ofTColborne Vaughan, M, wood dealer. Queen near Wellington Veit, F, professor of music, house 6 St Antoine Venables, John, tailor, St Lawrence hill Venablcs, John, junr, dancing master, St Lawrence hill ill \ .1 272 i li Venne, Louis, grocer. Bar6 off St Joseph Veiine, Joseph, baker, 30 St Antoine Vennor, Henry & Co, commission merchants, and manufacturers of cut nails and wool cards, agents for Gore powder mills, &;c, 10 St Sacra- ment Vennor, H, house 1 University avenue Vennor, Edward, house 76 St Lawrence Verdon, Alexis, carter, 33 St Maurice Vermelte, Frs, carter, Tolentin oft* St Mary Vcrmctte, Et, house German near St Catherine Vermont Central Railroad Office, 67 Commissioners Vermont and Boston Telegraph, H Peirce, mana- ger, 32 St Francois Xavier Verner, II, cartmaker, corner Craig and llermine Versailles, Gabriel, laborer, 72 St Urbain Versailles, Narcisse, butcher, Felix near Bonaven- ture Versailles, Joseph, trader, Tolentin off St Mary Versailles, J B, butcher, Bar6 oflSt Joseph Verspilles, J B, butcher, 129 St Joseph sub Versailles, J, jr, butcher, Jur6 near llermine Versailles, J, wood merchant, Jure near Bleury Versailles, Louis, grocer, corner Bonaventure and Inspector Versailles, James, waterman, 95 St Charles Bar- voniee Verais, Ambrose, baker, St Catherine nr Mignonne Vezina, Louis, Ial)orer, Smallwood near Panet Veziua, J B, joiner, lane off" Mountain Vt.'zina, Andr6, house head St Charles Barrom6e Vezina, Louis, carter, head of St Lawrence Vezina, Augt, storeman, German near Mignonne Viau, Chas, carter, Mignonne near German Viau, Ant, laborer, St Cliarlcs Burroniee near Mig- nonne Viau, F X, smith, lU St Mary Viau, II. butcher, Dufresne "^ Victor, Thos, s))ring maker, S^ Antoine bridge Viell, Jas, currier, Lagaucheti^re near Montcalm ViGEu, Hon. D B, house 7 Notre Dame 273 nmissioners Vij^er, Ant, bailiff, Lai^auchetidre near German Vigor Market, St Denis Viger, L S, mason, Durham near Catherine Viger, Jacques, house 7 Bonseconrs Vilbon, Michael J, house Dorchester near St Con- stant Villemare, Louis, tinshop, 23 .Tacques Cartier sq Villemare, Edward, tinshop, 26 Jacques Cartier sq, house German Villemure, Benj. joiner, 119 Bonaventure Villemure, Francis, waterman, St Catherine near Brock Villemurtj, J B, grocer, corner St Lawrence and St Catherine Villeneuve &c Lacaille, grocers, 104< St Paul Villeneuve, O, tavern, 316 St Paul Villeneuve, N, grocer, current St Mary Villeneuve, L, smith, current St Mary Vincelot, Simeon, joinci*, Lagauchetidre near Mont- calm Vincent, Amie, laborer, court off Devienne Vincent, Amable, laborer. Mountain near St Antoino Vincent, Henry, joiner, 25 Panet Vincent, Michael, laborer, Chaboillez Vincent, Nicholas, cookshop, St Victoire Vincent, Basile, house Bare ofTSt Joseph Vinet, Frs, baker, Lagaucheti^re near Adolphus ViiiGiL & Rice's Expuess Office, J W Howes, agt, Place (I'Armes Virtue & Son's book agency, J E Langford, Lagau- cheti^re near St Urbain Vitty, Chas F, house corner St Mary and Panet Vosburgh, Nelson, hoi'-^e 80 Bonaventure Votier, Phillip, carpenter, St Joseph near the canal Voyer, Ant, hoiise Mignonne near St Denis WAIT, JAMES, house King near Wellington Wait, Fredk, grocer, Hochelaga Wakes, Solomon, gardener, St Janvier off Mountain Wakes, William, gardener, St Janvier off Mountain Waldon, Edward, police, Alexander near Jur6 WuMheimer, A H, jeweller, 19 Little St James I ' «■■■ I" 274 f1 (, I. M Waldron, P, painter, Perraull's court near Craig Walkem, Charles, clerk, 4« St Denis Walker, Alex, wholesale dry goods, Custom Houae square, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Walker, John, wood engraver, 22 Great St James, honse 6 Chenneville Walker, James, forwarder, Brunswick, Beaver hall Walker, John, cabinetmaker, 7 (^reat St James Walker, Alexander, saddler, 16^ St Joseph, sub Walker, R, tailor, Dorchester near St Urbain Walker, Mrs, dressmaker, 6 College Walker, Joseph, merchant, corner St Sacrament & St John, house 6 Hanover, Beaver hall Walker, John, painter, 12 Bleury Walker & Featherson, jewellers, 19 St Lawrence Walker, John, carpenter, lane oft^St Jostph Walker, llobert, confectioner, 46 St Mary Walker, Jas, clerk, 21 St Frangois Xavier Walker, Jas A, house Richmond square Walker, John, storeman, Grey !Nun near Common Wall, James, stonecutter. Kempt naar Gabriel Wall, John, joiner, McCord near William Wallace, Alexander, planemaker, Lagaucheti6re nr Bleury Wallace, Alexander, laborer, Nazareth nr William Wallace, George, saddler, St Edward lane off Bona- venture Wallace, Thos, laborer, William off Kempt Waller, Dr S, chemist and druggist, 3 St Mary Walling, John, Montreal Dispensary, 6 St George Walmsley, Wm, tavern. Queen square Walsh, Anthony, groceries and wines, 2 St An- toine Walsh, Matthew, watchmaker, Alexander nr Jur6 Walsh, William, carter, 4< Bleury Walsh, Wm, watchmaker, 36 St Joseph, sub Walsh, Denis, storeman, 7^ St Maurice Walsh, Jas, smith, George near William Walsh, Ed, laborer, court off Cemetery Walsh, John, laborer, Bisson off St Antoine Walsh, 01, house Burgoyne near St Antoine 275 -awrence icheti6re nr Walsh, Mrs, house 10 Chaboillez Walsh, Mathcw, grocer, 72 Bona venture Walsh, Jas, waterman, St Bernard off Bleiiry Walster, Win, smith. College near Inspector Walters, Henry, laborer, 28 Craig Walton, Mrs J, Berlin wool, &c, 43^ Great Saint James Wand, Mrs Charles, boarding house 34 St Charles Barromee Wand, r C, plasterer, Campeau near Craig Wanless, G, surgical machinist, 42 St^ Charles, Bar- romee Ward, Danl, carpenter, 82 St Charles Barromee Ward, (t, plastercv, 78 !St Constant Ward, Patrick, laborer, Kempt near Gabriel Ward, Patrick, grocer, corner Gabriel ind Eleanor Ward, Mrs, laundress. Kempt off William Ward, Michael, laborer, Lagauchetiiire off Hermine Ward, Mrs, house Anderson near Jure Wardley & Son, keepers old English burying ground, house 55 St Urbain Warmington, Richard, plumber, brazier and tin- smith, opposite the college, College Warner, G W, exchange broker and commission merchant, 40 St Francois Xavier, ho Durocher Warner, B W, tobacconist, 49 St Lawrence Warnock, Wm, cabinet-maker, Hermine near Jur6 Warren, S R, organ builder, corner St Henry and St Joseph Warren & Bell, scale factory, Haymarkat square near Bonaventure Warren, C M & Ccv fire and waterproof roofing, Place d'Armes hill Warren, D H, scale maker, 40 McGill, house La- gauchetiere near Alexander Warren, Moses, bricklayer. Mayor near Bleury Warren, W, hardware, 180 Notre Dame Warren, W H, teacher of music, 152 St Charles Barromee Warren, Henry, shoemaker, court off* St Monique VVarren, Thomas, carter, St Edward lane t I ' A 276 ? ! i\ I WarruMi, Thomas, ship carpenter, corner of Gabriel and Catherine Warren, Mrs, boarding lionse 1 St Henry WasendorflT, Oluf, smith, 164< St Joseph, sub Waters, James, carpenter. 24"7 St Joseph, sub Waters, Chas, pedlar, Eleanor near William Waterston, Robert, house Duboril near Sr, Denis VVatkins, iMiss, laundress, 22 St Charles J3aroni6e Watkins, John, laborer, 15 Amherst Watkius, R, house Dorchester, Reaver hall Watson, \Vm, Hour inspector, corner George and Common, house 28 St Joseph sub Watson, John, emrineer, Anderson near Jure Watson, G D, general merchant, 17 St Sacrament, house west Dorchester Watson & Williams, merchants, William near McGill Watson, Mrs Geo, house 4 St Genevieve Watson, Mrs, house Place d'Armcs hill Watson, R, baker, 110 St Lawrence Watson, Chas P, teacher, St Henry near College Watson, Andrew, house 4 St Genevieve Watson, Wm, cabinetmaker, Fortilication lane Watson, Thomas, contractor, Fortier neai St Domi- nique Watson, Alexander, gardener, City Councillors Watson, Wm, tallow chandler, 80 St Urbain Watson, R, shoemaker, St Lawrence near Dorches- ter Watson, Thos, carpenter, Dorchester near St Ur- bain Watson, Mrs, house Guy near Dorchester Watson, Mrs E, house Wellington near Murray Watt Sc Smith, bread and biscuit bakers, 66 Saint Maurice Watt, Alexander, house 66 St Maurice Watt, R, dry goods, 36 St Urbain Watt, Jas, tailor, Dubord near Campeau Watt, James, dry goods, corner Dorchester and 3t Urbain Waudby, B, carpenter, Hermine near Jur6 277 VilUam near Bar College near St Ur- lester and St Waugh, Wra, baker, 55 St Charles Barrom6e Weaver, George, cloth weaver, 230 St Joseph sub Weaver, Robert, grocer, 13 St Paul Weaver, Geo, shoemaker. Wood yard near Water Webb, Thos, auctioneer and commission merchant, corner Craig and St Peter, house 140 St An- toine Webb, Jas, laborer, Queen near Common Webb, T, shoemaker, Dorchester near St Simeon Webb, Daniel, slioemaker, 25 Chaboillez Webb, Mrs, house Bonaventure near Margaret Webster, J H, dentist, 152 Notre Dame Webster, Miss, fancy work, house 43 St Urbain Webster, J, baker, St Urbain corner Lagaucheti^re Webster, Arthur, house University avenue Webster, B, slioemaker, Little Dublin off George Weekes, Geo, notary public. Nuns' buildings, Saint Joseph, house Sanguinet near Craig Weidenbacker, Jos, tobacconist, 73 Bonaventure Weilbrenner, P A, notary public, 51 Champ de Mars Weir 6c Dunn, wholesale stationers and blank book manufacturers, 7 Great St James Wsm, Wm, leather store, St Paul, house 245 Beaver hall terrace Weir, Duncan, shoemaker, Tanneries Weir, Robert, carpenter, 5 St Germain Welch, Mrs, house Chaboillez off St Joseph Wellington, Joseph, trader, 24 St Lawrence Wells, Jno, architect and civil engmeer, 129 Craig Welsh, J, watchmaker, corner Campeau and Lagau- cheti^re Welsh, Mathew, grocer, 72 Bonaventure Welsh, Christopher, house City Councillors Welsh, Jas, shoemaker, Jur^ near Bleury Welsh, Mathew, bricklayer, Alexander Welsh, Ed, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Welsh, Jerh, laborer, Wellington near Dalhousie Wells, Geo, dry goods, 240 Notre Dame Wells, Geo, laborer, Nazareth near William Wenham, Joseph, U C Bank, 47 Great St James N IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) k // ^/ r .'S'ti ,% ^- ii- 1 1.0 1.1 1^ |2B 1 2.5 |50 ■^™ ■■■ IL25 i 1.4 m 1.6 V V, 4Vv ^^ -w Photographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) S72-4S03 ^>^ 278 Wenk, Mrs, grocer, 19 Little St James ^*>t1-. ,/ Werner, Revd George, house Amherst near St Mary Wesleyan Chapel, Great St James ^,v , / Wesleyan Chapel, corner Ann and Gabriel Westlake, Wm, tailor, 75 St Urbain Weston, Henry, notary public, 3 St Sacrament, house Mile end . ..,;y « Wetenhall, Mrs, school, 35 St Joseph Wetenhall, Mrs, house 36 St Margaret Wharfinger's Office for the Canal, J White, south side Canal basin Wharfinger's Office, W M Brown, Custom-house . ^ square < .' Whee^lbR; J, Railroad and Steamboat office, 61 Commissioners, house Exchange court St Paul Wheeler, G H, exchange broker and banker, 28 St Frangois Xavier Wheeler, John U, trunk maker, 91 Fortification lane Wheeler, John, gardener, Dorchester near Bleury Whelan, John, laborer, William near Catherine .Whelan, Wm, laborer, Felix near the Railroad ,*? Whelan, John, laborer, Busby lane off' Craig Whelan, Jas, laborer, Dalhousie near William ^sM Whelan, Thos, carter, 80 Mountain White, Misses L & E, dressmakers, 6 St Joseph sub White, Andrew, house head Colborne avenue White, Samuel, clerk, 6 St Joseph sub ^ White, Henry, accountant, 49 Great St James, house Cote i Baron "^ ;* White, Mrs Sc Bel mare. Miss, milliners, &c, 22 St Mary White, John J, grocer, Chaboillez square "White, Patrick, clerk, 8 Chenneville White, J J, grocer, corner St Lawrence and St Ca- therine White, Wm, boot and shoeniaker, 70 St Antoine White, And, stonecutter, Mignonne near German Whits, Jos S, watchmaker and jeweller, 106 Notre ,, . :, Dame ,,. • .A.:v,<--.f . • ^-f .-...^ ,„i,>,„A^ ^,.,..^.;,?... . ,■ 279 lers, &c, 22 St White, Mrs, tavern, Barrack near Water White, Mrs M, house St Charles Barrom6e near Vitr6 White, Joseph, collector, 20 Great St James White, Thos, laborer, St Charles Barromee near Mignonne Whiteford, W & Co, wholesale dry goods, old mer- chants' exchange, St Joseph p v Whitlaw, J, carpenter and builder, 17 Chenne- ville Whitney, N S, wholesale dry goods, 276 St Paul, house at Mrs Mills,' Belaire Cottage, St Gene- vieve Whitney, H H, house Belmont, Beavei-hall Whittaker, Jas, dry goods, 28 St Paul Whyddon, Jas, agent Beacon Life and Fire Assu- surance Co, 17 Great St James Whyte, J, wholesale grocer, 295 St Paul, house 27 St Maurice Whyte, Jas, house George near Wellington Wickens,^Jas, distiller, Lagauchetidre near Syden- ham Wickham, Thos, laborer, Murray near Wellington Wiggie, Robt, engineer, St Felix near Joseph Wiggins, Mrs J, house 22 St Charles Barrom6e Wilcott, Andrew, laborer, Sydenham nr Catherine Wiley, Mrs, house 41 Bona venture Wilkie, Jas, carter, St Catherine oflTBeaudry Wilkens, Andrew, storeman, Durham nr Dorchester Wilkes, Rev H, house 7 Mountain terrace Wilkinson, John, boilermaker, Shaw nr St Mary Wilkinson, Mrs, house 14 Bleury WiLLETT, S L, china glass, &c, Lemoine near Mc- Gill Willett, Mrs, house Acqueduct near St Joseph Williams, Miles, jun, brewery, College neac St' Henry, house 42 College Williams, Thomas, wholesale grocer, 19 St Sacra- ment, house College Williams, Charles, house 31 Janvier Williams, Miles, sen, house College near Dup(6 jj 280 ^11 Siiffl '1! 111 Williams, Richd, confectioner, 5 Place d'Armes hill Williams, George, joiner, head of Visitation Williams, Mrs, laundress, St Germain ofFBleury Williams, William S, Custom House officer, Custom House Williams, Mrs George, huckster, St Constant Williams, Mrs, house 132 St Antoine Williams, Mrs, seamstress, Bonaventure near Felix Williams, Fred, engineer, 5 Woodyard Williams, Mrs, house Queen near Gabriel Williams, C, waterman, Catherine near Welling- ton Williamson, A, turner, 14 St Joseph, sub ' Williamson, John, cabinetmaker, Jur6 near Bleury Williamson, Jas, house Wellington near Prince Willimore, D, house 29 Sanguinet Wilmer, Wm, architect, St Genevieve near St An- toine WiLLocK, J, bread and biscuit baker, 251 Notre Dame and 2 St Peter Willock, David, turner, 28 Craig Wilscam, John, grocer, 164< St Joseph, sub Wilscam, Adolphe, baker, 38 College Wilscam, Dr, house 91 St Joseph, sub - Wilson & Nolan, printers, 3 McGill Wilson, Thomas, hardware, 117 St Paul, house 30^ St Louis ' Wilson, Andrew, Herald Office, St Gabriel, house St Monique Wilson, Hugh, carpenter, south side of Canal Wilson, Mrs, house Gkibriel near Nazareth Wilson & Couillard, hardware, 228 St Paul * Wilson, E, hardware, 116 St Paul, house Lagauche- tidre near St Denis Wilson, Wm, bricklayer, 20 Chenneville Wilson, Hon Charles, house Hochelaga Wilson, Patk, tailor, St Catherine near Bleury Wilson, Thomas, gardener, Sherbrooke near Bleury Wilson, Edward, miller. King near William Wilson, James, brushmaker, 57 Bleury ■"- t ' ' Wilson, William, shoemaker, 3 St Germain '- 281 Wilson. Abraham, confectioner, 5 St Joseph, sub Wilson, Geo, boots and shoes, 232 Notre Dame Wilson, A, gardener, head of St Constant Wilson, John, laborer, Nazareth near William Wilson, Jas, laborer, ChaboiUez square Wilson, Wm, laborer, Gabriel near George Wilson, Capt David, house Vitre near St Urbain Wilson, Wm, tavern, 47 St Paul Wilson, John, millwright, corner McGill aud St Paul Wilson, Jas, laborer, Dorchester near Bleury Wilson, Wm, baker, Vitre near St Constant Wilson, Samuel, house Colborne near William Wilson, Wm, finisher, 235 St Joseph, sub Wilson, Wm, printer, 115 St Joseph, sub Wilson, John, printer, Gabriel near Dalhousie Wilson, Wm, laborer, Tolentin near Lagaucheti^re Winchester, Alexander, cabinetmaker, St Germain Wink, Mrs, confectioner, 19 Little St James Winks, Geo, merchant, house 12 St Antoine Winn, J H, bookkeeper, 157 St Antoine Winter, Charles, saddler, Lagauchetidre near San- guinet Winter, Frs, carter, Devienne Winthrop, James, whipmaker, St Antoine bridge Wise, Mathew, brushmaker, Bronsdon's lane Wise, Jas, baker, King near Common Wisebrook, Ol, tailor, ChaboiUez off College Wishart, Robert, baker, Devienne Withey, George, cabinetmaker, 11 St George Wolfe, Rev Mr, house St Denis near St Catherine Wood, John, & Son, watchmakers and jewellers, 177 (late 137) Notre Dame Wood, Rob (agent for Fire and Life Assurance, &c), 62 St Francois Xavier, house Radegonde Wood, O S, manager Montreal Telegraph Co, house Brunswick, Beaver hall Wood, John, house College near Dupr6 Wood, David Russ, house 5 Mountain terrace Woodbury, T E, tin and copper smith, and tin- smiths' tool store, 306 St Paul I' : I ^ \ ■ V t '$ 282 r It iv « I 1 lii 'i, (1, Wood house, Joseph, laborer, McCord near Gabriel Woodland, Geo, shoemaker, Anne near Gabriel Woods, W H, house Mignonne near German Woods, Robert, saddler, 33 Jacques Cartier square Woods, Patrick, trader, corner German and Lagau- chetidre * , . . Woods, Mrs, house Hermine near Lagauchetidre Woods, Daniel, laborer, court off Murray Woods, Robert, grocer, 33 St Dominique Woodside, Thos, assistant cashier City Bank, house 11 Molson terrace Workman, B & Co, chemists and druggists, 234 St Panl Workman, Wm, (of Frothingham and Workman.) house Sherbrooke near Drummond Workman, Thos, house Victoria terrace, Sherbrooke Workman, Mrs, house Aylmer Workman, John, printer, Voltigeur Workman, Geo, clerk, St Constant near Catheriae Worms, S, pedlar, St George near Vitr6 Worth, Edward, hotel. Cote des Neiges Wragg, T B, nail factory, William, boards at Mont^ real House Wray, Joseph, furniture dealer, 81 St Lawrence Wrenn, Michael, trader, Jur6 near St George * Wright, E & Co, china, glass, &c, 288 St Paul ' Wright, Edward, house Dorchester near St George Wright, J, coachmaker, corner William and Naza- reth Wright, Robert, painter, Murray near Gabriel .^ Wright, Matthew, cooper, Murray near Gabriel Wright, Wm, clerk at the Deputy Adjutant Gene- ral's office, house 125 Craig Wright, Thos, coachmaker, house Dalhousie near William Wright, R, carpenter, McCord near Gabriel Wright, Joseph, storeman, corner Hermine and Jur6 Wright, Dr, Montreal dispensary, house 125 Craig Wright, Mrs, boarding-house, 91 Fortification lane Wright, Mrs, milliner, Wellington near Dalhousie Wright, Jas, storeman, St Phillip 283 awrence lousie near Wright, Jas, contractor, 84 St Urbain Wright, John, laborer, court off St Charles Barrom^e Wright, John, tailor, 45 Bonaventure Wright, John, gilder, corner College and Inspector Wiirtele, Jacob, house 99 St Urbain Wiirtele, Jonathan, Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada, 74 St Francois Xavier Wyatt, V\ m, builder, Dorchester near Hanover Wylie, Thos, waterman, 41 Bonaventure Wylie, Capt J. house Cote i Baron Wylie, Jas, baker, College near Dupr6 YALE, JAMES, currier, 46 Visitation Yeo, Joseph, milkman, court ofTDevienne Yeo, Mrs, grocer, Devienne Yeo, George, tinsmith, 9 St Mary ^ ^^^ " York, Thomas, tailor, 48 Bleury Yotte, Jos, laborer, Durham near Catherine Youds, Henry, butcher, Victoria road Youle, Wm, inspector of roads, Hochelaga Young, Hon John, general merchant, corner Grey Nun and William, house Roscmount, Cote St Antoine Young, Janes & Co, general and commission mer- chants, corner William and Grey Nun Young, John M, house corner Dorchester and Bruns- wick Young, A, house-roofer, St Catherine near Alexan- der Young, George, plasterer, Anderson near Jur6 Young, Geo, clerk, house 68 St George Young, A, bookbinder, 29 Perlhius Young, Joshua, carpenter, Wellington near Ann Young, James, storekeeper, 109 Commissioners Young, John, shoemaker, 41 Bonaventure Young, Andrew, house Craig near St Denis Yuill, John, carpenter. Prince near Wellington ZlOIf CHURCH, Radegonde ! «■! J>-l ^HF 1 \ m > I i 1 i ■ ( f y • i, ;i: , t. i J 111- *-'''^, .; - f I ii V!^t » '! ii f'.t ";t ,;. > i ,1 1 * ' f ll ..i-V ?t,f f,f? y i: <» . i ;i/^.:;>:i..i •.«<> «... ••■i:-i ..' ^w:.: •' -,«'.. ;?•' ft'' \':^^ ». f V {'••;^:». .K'it: ■ 1.1 ■ / ■i1 ( 1, ■Vf;.- t> , ■■*: ' ' I 1 ' ' PART II. CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY CONTAINING THE NAMES OF SUBSCIBERS, : . ARRANGED UNDER THEIR RESPECTIVE PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS HEADS. ACCOUNTANTS. Atkinson, John, 32 St Paul Campbell, Matthew, 24j St Frangois Xavier Court, James, 5 Great St James Dillon, Richard, 103 Mountain Laird, Alex W, Dorchester near Bleury Seed, Thomas, 5 Place d'Armes hill J Stewart, Andrew, 13 Bleury ADVOCATES. t y-x - .*• Abraham, Robert, 126 St Antoine Andrews, H O, 47 St Gabriel Austin, H W, 27 Little St James Badgley, (Wm,) & Abbott, (J J C,) 34 Little St James fci- .>■ :.. - :'-S' ;■; ; • ' ^■'- -' ' Badgley, F H, 51 Little St James ' v I,' Bancroft, H, 47 St Gabriel Baker, Joel C, 49 Little St James , ,:> Bat^s, J W & A, 158 Craig Bedwell, C R, corner Little St James and St Ga< briel Belinge & Bruneaux, 14 St Vincent N 2 . t f *• til 286 ADVOCATES, &C. ji * i Vi: . « y V 1^ i I if; Bethiine, (S) & Diinkin, (C,) 33 Little St James Betoiirnay, Louis, 32 St Vincent Bleakley, John, 47 St Gabriel Carter, Edw, 27 Little St James Cartier, (George E) & Berthelot, 26 St Vincent Cassidy & Leblanc, corner Craig and St Gabriel Cherrier, Dorion & Dorion, 7 St Vincent Coursol & Pominville, 11 St Vincent Crosse, A B, 21 St Vincent Cross & Bancroft, 47 St Gabriel .< . ' David, E D, 27 Little St James Day & Cramp, 120 (late 90) Notre Dame DeBleury, C C S, 158 Craig Demeray, P O, 37 Little St James Devlin & Doherty, 5 Little St James < ,.■ Dorman, S W, 49 Little St James Doiitre, Joseph, 16 St Gabriel Doutre, Leon, old Government house Driscoll, Henry, Q C, 7 St Louis Driimmond & Dunlop, Place d'Armes hill Fleet & Dorman, 49 Little St James Griffin, Frederick, 43 St Gabriel Holmes, W E, 47 St Gabriel Hubert, Oiiimet & Morin, 52 St Gabriel ^ '' Judah, Henry, 74 St Francois Xavier Laflamme, R & G, 16 St Gabriel Lafrenaye & Papin, 25 St Vincent Lambe, W B, 49 Little St James Larkin, H J, 27 Little St James Loranger, T J J, corner Craig and St Denis Macdonnell, Richard, Place d'Armes hill Maclver, M, 5 Place d'Armes hill Mack, W G, 1 Place d'Armes hill Mackay, Robert, 27 Little St James Macrae, George, 23 Little St James Marchand, Louis W, 10 St Vincent ''■:'-''■" Monk, John, 47 St Gabriel Morris, Alexander, 49 Little St James Peltier & Bourret, 23 Little St James Pelletier & Belanger, 76 Notre Dame Popham, John, 51 Little St James m -S I' / AORICULTCrRAI, IMPLEMENT MANVrACTUSERS, &C. 287 Robertson, Andrew & Ge rge R, 49 Little St James Rose (John) Sc Monk f S C), 23 Little St James Roy, R & E, 26 St Gabriel Stuart, Henry, 8 8t Ther^se Taylor, Hugh, 47 St Gabriel Torrance, F W, 49 Little St James Smyth, VVm F, 37 Little St James AGRICULTURAL LMPLEMENT MANUFAC- TURERS. Brewster, W & C, corner St Francois Xavier and St Paul Fleck, Alexander, William near King Hugar, George, 145 St Paul ARCHITECTS AND CIVIL ENGINEERS. Footner, Wm, 219 (late 103) Notre Dame Hopkins & Nelson, 2 Great St James Ostell & Perrault, 87 Fortification lane, and 219 No- tre Dame Scobell, Joseph, 3 Molson terrace, and 69 Notre Dame Springle, J VI, 36 Great St James Wells, John, 129 Craig AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION MER- CHAi^TS. Benning & Barsalou, 49 St Francois Xavier Bernard, J D «k Co, 206 and 208 St Paul j ^ Fisher & Co, 35 St Francois Xavier Hill & Clarke, 27 Great St James Jones, John, Tattersalls, Great St James Leeming & Sabine, 47 and 28 St Francois Xavier. See card . . ■ Scott, James & Co, 215 St Paul ^ j Shipway, J G, 48 to 54 St Francois Xavier Stewart & Kerr, 299 St Paul ?; V ' BAKERS. ■■': Black, Isaac, St 4ntoine near St Margaret Benny, Walter, 2 Benny's block, St Joseph sub ^• ., ]■ * * .'.'. 1 ] K H ' N WW '1 i m^l ' M R ' '^' MS;: 1 ,v ill i R;!;; r- Mi,! >1 N: i 1 ,.||| ■'11 i \'^ 288 AVCTI0NUB8, &G. Fitts^ Clarke, 21 St Joseph sub. See card Fitts, Arba, & Co, 24 College Hutchison, Mathew, Dalhousie near Wellington Eamsay, M, 22 St Joseph sub Tilton, S P, Grey Nun near Common Vanselow, Henry, 6 St Lawrence Watt and Smith, 66 St Maurice Willcck, J, 2 St Peter LEEMING & SABINE, REAL ESTATE AND UNION SALES BOOH, KNAPP'S NEW BUILDINGS, 20 0t. irancot0 Xauicr Street, Montreal. MONTREAL CRACKER, SODA BISCUIT SHIP AND CABIN BREAD BAKEEY. SlLigLlElSil i?af Ifg i> No, 21 St. Joseph Street y one door south of St. George's Church, Montreal, . Has constantly on hand, of the best quality : — PLAIN, SWEET, and BOSTON CRACKERS PLAIN and SWEET JENNY LIND Do SODA, WINE and BUTTER BISCUITS — Also, — SHIP BREAD of all kinds and qualities. N.B. — Orders executed with despatch, and on the most reasonable terms, f -i . ,v';y t- i ii. BELLOWS FACTORY, kc. 289 BELLOWS FACTORY. Dean, Robert, cor Notre Dame and St John. See card^ under the head of Trunk makers BANKER. Dorwin, C, 23 St Francois Xavier BERLIN WOOL STORES. Footner, Mrs and Daughters, 217 (late 163) Notre Dame. See card Holland, G A, 203 (late 153) Notre Dame Holland, R, 182 (late 124) Notre Dame Walton, Mrs, Odd Fellows' Hall, Great St James Mrs* Footner & Dangrhtersiy §erlm W00I |eWkg, AND ARTISTS' REPOSITORY, NO. 217 (late 163) NOTRE DAME STREET, (Lately occupied hy Gibb ^ Co»y) mONTREAIi, Have on hand a choice assortment of BERLIN WOOLS of every shade and color ; also a complete assortment of JEWELLERY and Artists' materials of the newest kind. Their Stock of FANCY GOODS and PERFUMERY is very choice and extensive, and they are now offering ther^ at wholesale or retail on the most reasonablo te ,nr for Cash. A beautiful description of Artificial Flower Making, equal to wax in appearance, and costing not over a third of the price, taught and materials furnished. BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS & BINDERS. Armour, John, 9 Great St James. See card Bainbridge, R & Co (wholesale), corner McGill and William ■ ■> ■ '-si U ■t'il i ti' > r-s Hi 290 BOOKSELLERS, &C. SUV' l! I; 1 rail Beauchemin & Payette, 127 St Paul. See card Blackball, Joseph, 38 Great St James. See card Bryson, Campbell, St Frangois Xavier, opposite St Sacrament. See card. Chalmers, James (wholesale), 224 St Paul. See card Chapeleau, Z, 112 (late 86) Notre Dame Dawson, Benj, 15 Great St James. See card Darling, Wm & Co, 239 St Paul Dougall, John, 255 St Paul. See card Fabre & Gravel, 30 St Vincent. Graham, Pv, stationer and binder, 252 St Paul Hill, B, 70 St Frangois Xavier. See card Lamothe, J M, 199 (late 151) Notre Dame McGregor, R, binder, 22 Great St James Mcintosh, Wm, binder, 100 Craig * Milne, Jas, 31 Great St James Miller, R A, 60 St Francois Xavier. See card Montgomery, John, agent for John Tallis & Co, 53 St Frangois Xavier Pickup, E, Wesleyan depot, 30 Great St James and 63 St Frangois Xavier Ramsay, Hew (wholesale), 37 St Frangois Xavier. See card Rolland, J B, 5 St Vincent Ruthven, Jas, 42 St Francois Xavier. See card Sadlier, D & J, corner Notre Dame and St Frangois Xavier. See card Sparkes, George, 16 Great St James Tuttle, E C, stationery and account books, 237 St Paul Weir & Dunn, 7 Great St James BLOCK, PUMP, AND MAST MAKERS. Clark, James, Prince near Wellington Poet, James, Vitre near Cote BOARDING HOUSES (Private). Grant, Mrs, 10 Chenneville Labatt, Miss, Anderson near Jur6 ^ O'Brien, Mrs, 18 and 20 St John - < ;^ Robertson, Mrs, 14 Craig near St Antoine V^- Stanley, Mrs, Lagauchetidre near St Urbain : Paul. See lat St James BOOKSELLERS, &C. 291 JOHN ARMOUR, i00k$dlar ani Stafater, No. 9 Great St James Street, Montreal, Keeps constantly on hand an extensive supply of PLAIN AND FANCY STATIONERY, SCHOOL BOOKS, AND STANDARD WORKS in the various departments of LITER ATURE, Catalogues of which can be had on application. N. B. — All the new publications in cheap form are received weekly by express, and sold at New York prices. Orders made up weekly for the United Stdtes, and monthly for Great Britain and the Continent of Europe, upon favorable terms. fn 30 f St. Francois Xavier St*, [Opposite St Sacrament Street,] MONTREAL, PUBLISHES THE Sfational an& oti)tx &ti)oo[ Bookis, and has constantly on hand an extensive stock of WRITING PAPERS of every description, which he offers to wholesale purchasers on the very best terms. BLANK ACCOUNT BOOKS of every description made to order of the best ma- terials and in the most substantial manner on "short notice. C^ PAPER RULING and BOOK BINDING of every description done on the Premises in superior style. i If f ■ ' ■"ill I,. J t < \ \v '■ r i f i I ...u-! ;'i!j; i'l I i !' 292 BOOKSELLERS, &C. JOSEPH BLACKHALL, PAPER RULER & GENERAL BINDER, No. 38 Cheat St. James street, near JBleury street^ Account books ruled and bound to any pattern and every description of BOOK-BINDING and PAPER- RULING neatly and promptly executed. N. B. — Always on hand (or made to order,) AC- COUNT BOOKS, consisting of LEDGERS, JOUR- NALS, DAY BOOKS, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, COPY-BOOKS, &c., at the lowest market prices. JOSEPH BLACKHALL. BEAUCHEMIN & PAYETTE, Wmmi STiTIDHliS, AND BOOK BINDERS, NO. 125 Sr. PAVL SREET. MONTREAL. Keep constantly on hand a good assortment of FRENCH BOOKS, STATIONERY, ENGRAV- INGS, &c. &c., also SCHOOL BOOKS in FRENCH and ENGLISH, and a vaiietv of MISCELLA- NEOUS ARTICLES in the STATIONERY and FANCY LINE. BOOKBINDING of all kinds promptly executed in first rate style and on reasonable terms. A continuation of public patronage is respectfully requested. jV r BOOKSKLLKSS, &C. 293 PAPER AND STATIONERY WAREHOUSE, 224 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL. The Subscriber is constantly receiving from the Portneuf and Jacques Cartier Paper Mills large sup- plies of all kinds of Wrajjpixgi Printing and Writ- ing Papers^, manufactured expressly for the MON- TREAL and UPPER CANADA Trade. A large Stock of Imported Stationery, Bookbinders Materials, &;c., ajways on hand. N. B. — The highest price paid for Rags, Rope^ and Paper Stock. JAMES CHALMERS. R. & A. MILLEK, NO. 60 ST. FRANCOIS XAVIER STREET, PUBLISH UNDER SPECIAL SANCTION d And many others, which they offer for Sale, "Whole- sale and Retail, at very low Prices and on favorable Terms.— Constantly on hand, BLANK BOOKS of every description. Plain and Fancy STATIONERY In great variety, — Bibles, Prayer Books, and Church Services, Elegant English Editions, in different kinds of Binding. MAPS, GUIDE BOOKS, &c. BOOK BINDING In every style of the art, executed in the best man- ner, and at very moderate Prices. Specimens may be seen by applying at the Subscribers' stores, Saint Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. i ■',fl .1 k 294 m w I Hi im )■■ ■ 1 r : f ;J- ill^ 1 JF" ^' '. 1 ^ * ■ ' ,■ i ! ■' i 1 ' , • !. 1 ! > ■ ' ' t r r 1 : i. 1: BOOKSELLERS, &C. JOHN DOUaALL, 255 ST PAUL STREET, MONTREAL, OJers for sale an Extensive Assortment of English and American BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Comprising : — Religious Books, School Books, Chil- dren's Story and Toy Books, and Miscellaneous Books of a useful kind. Also, Staple and Fancy Stationery, Temperance Publications and Tracts, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ^^ Country Merchants are invited to call and examine the ASSORTMENT and PRICES. Booksieller, Stationer^ AND PERIODICAL AGENT, Hns great pleasure in announcing his Removal from No. 2 Place d'Armes to the Old Post office, No. 15 Great St. James Street. No expense has been spared in fitting up those extensive Premises to adapt them to his rapidly increasing business. On his shelves will at all times be found every new cheap and in- teresting publication as issued from the press. A choice collection of standard authors in the various departments of Literature. The latest and best Magazines and other periodicals both English and American. Medical Works, School Books, Blank Books, Maps, Guide Books, Engravmgs, Engineers and Artists Materials, &c. Particular attention will be given to keep up a complete Stock of Plain, Fancy and Mercantile Stationery, and he hopes by strick attention and moderate charges to secure in his new establishment a continuance of public pa- tronage. C:jp» British and American Newspapers supplied with great regularity, . j ? BOOKSELLERS; &C. 295 LL 5 rREAL, t of English lY, Books, Chil- ^liscellaneous i and Fancy- id Tracts, IIL. to call and -ICES. oner, jmoval from ffice, No. 15 been spared adapt them his shelves eap and in- e press. A he various and best ?lish and oks, Blank Engineers ention will of Plain, 3 hopes by- secure in public pa- s supplied <% No. 70 St. Francois Xavier street, (opposite the New Post Office,) Montreal, DEALER IN NEW & SECOND HAND SSaoks, pMs, ^ Xanboii Itationm], PAPER HANGER, MAP MOUNTER, Print Varnisher, Fancy Box Mai^ufacturer, Etc. Drawing Papers Mounted for Plans and Sections of Railroads, Canals, etc. etc. Maps Mounted and Varnished, with Rollers, or Cut to fold into Cases. A new Style of Mounting and Varnishing for Steam- boat, Hotel, Railroad and Window Bills, and En- gravings of all kinds. Bookbinding, Picture Frames, Portfolios, ifc. New Cases for holding Pamphlets. Second Hand Books, Novels, Prints, ^c, Purchased or Exchanged. He has just received a large assortment of English Stationery, Account Books, Patent and other^Memo- randum Books, Drawing Papers and Pencils, Enve- lopes, etc. Bibles, Prayer Books, Church Services, etc. Also, Drawing Books, Prints for Scrap Books, etc', etc. Cheap for Casli, If liolesale and Retail. JAMES RUTHVEN, STATIONER & PAPER-RULER, NO. 42 ST. FKANCOIS XAVIER STKEET, Is always prepared to execute orders in every de- partment of his business with punctuality and des- patch, and upon very moderate terms. « 296 BOOKSELLXmS, &C. i.' I ... ;, ft ii 1 •'.■ h i. 1 iDI)olesaU JSookselUr ^ Stationer, PRINTER & BOOKBINDER, ST FRANCOIS XAVIER ST., E]®lia¥iE!§iaiI,» H. R. has always a lari^e and well selected stock of WRITING, WRAPPING, DRAWING and other Papers, also miscellaneous Stationery of all kinds. PRIZE SCHOOL BOOKS, The National Seriesi^ &c. At the Provincial Exhibitions held in Hamilton and Montreal last year, H. R. obtained Diplomas " for the best collection of School Books printed and bound in Canada for the use of Common Schools and Grammar Schools." The National Series is printed page for page with other editions used in Uppe' Canada. H. R.'s editions have received the sanction and approval of the Grovernor General, of the two Su- perintendents of Education, of the Roman Catholic Church, of the Synod of the Church of Scotland, of many clergymen of the Church of Eugland, and of many other eminent Ministers. H. R. has also a full assortment of all the best CLASSICAL BOOKS used in Colleges and High Schools. BOOKBINDINB 4k PRINTINB Carried on in all their branches, i; BOOKSELLERS, &C. S87 I). & J. SADLIER & CO., !?llI[BiL.Il§ffliE[S^» . . . ■ . !00Wto auiir Stali0ner5, i^ Corner of Notre Dame 6f St Francois Xavier Sts., MONTREAL, Are now offering for Sale, the Largest and Best Selected Stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, &c., to be found in Canada. Strangers visiting Mon- treal, will find here the most recent Works in every department of LiteraturCt at Prices which defy com- petition. MAPS, GUIDE BOOKS, &c., in great variety, constantly on hand. Remember the Address — D. & J. SADLIER & CO., Corner of Notre Dame Sf St Francois Xavier Streets. BOOT, SHOE AND LEATHER DEALERS. Bell, Joshua & Thomas, 166 (late 114*) Notre Dame. See card Britt & Currie, 229 (late 154) Notre Dame Brown & Childs, 194. (late 130) Notre Dame. See card Dangerfield, William, 143 (late 11^) Notre Dame Deering, William, 236 (late 160) Notre Dame Evans, S, 86 MeGiU Haldane, James, 295 (late 203) Notre Dame Harold, John, 148 (late 103 i) Notre Dame. See card Hawkins, Thomas, 212 (late 142) Notre Daihe ; Hinley, George, 279 (late 195) Notre Dame Lang, R, 197 (late 151) Notre Dame Mazurette, Urgele, QQ St Mary ' Ronald, Alexander, 179 (late 137^) Notre Dame Sloan, J, 180 (late 122) Notre Dame. See card W4 in ',i- m 298 BREWERS AND DiaTILLERS, &C. i ■ fi Smith, Samuel G, 290 St Paul. See card Smyth, W & Co, 96 and 98 McGill Thompson, Edward, 146 (late 102) Notre Dame Thompson, Hugh & Son, 287 and 289 St Paul BOTANIC AND ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN. Guilbault, J E, 100 Sherbrooke. See card BREWERS & DISTILLERS. Bourne, George, brewer, St Urbain Dow, William & Co, brewers and distillers, St Jo- seph Molson, T & W, brewers and distillers, St Mary Phillips & Taylor, brewers, 170 St Lawrence Pigon, Savageau & Co, brewers, office 42 Commis- sioners Williams, Miles, jun, brewer, College near Dupr6 lane A !| hi '■ « i: J. & T. BELL, & WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 166 (Late lU) Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL, Have always on hand and for sale upon the most reasonable terms every variety of Ladies', Gentle- men's and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES, which are warranted to be of the best materials aed work- manship, as every article they sell is made expressly for the Montreal market, under their own superin- tendence. Strangers visiting the city, country mer- chants and all who desire to combine elegance and durability of workmanship with the best materials, and at prices which cannot fail to be satisfactory, are respectfully invited to call and examine the choice and extensive stock which is now for sale as above. ^.... . .'.wwC c- J -'.;:;;.)•.••:.'; ^^;•i " UA/'i^i ,.•■.*. BOOT, SHOE AND LEATHER DEARERS. 299 ard fre Dame St Paul ARDEN. 3ard S. illers, St Jo- St Mary 'rence 4*2 Commis- near Dupr6 L, 1 ■reet, )n the most Js', Gentle- »ES, which aed work- * expressly 'Ji superin- uiitry mer- igance and materials, itisfactpry, imine the for sale as JOHN HAROLD, BOOT & SHOE MIEER, 143 (Late 103) Notre Dame Street, Montreal, SIGN OF THE MAMMOTH BOOT, A LARGE AND VARIED STOCK OP liadles'. Gentlemen's & Children's Boots^ and Shoesi% Are kept constantly on hand, and as they are made up under his own inspection, expressly for the Canada Trade, he can warrant them them to give satisfaction. Country merchants and others purchasing at wholesale, will find it to their advantage to give him a call. BROWN & CHILD3' mma M m)i ^\Qt WAREHOUSE, , No. 191 (^Late 130J Notre Dame Street, Montreal. Have now on hand a very extensive assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, which they are enabled to offer WHOLESALE only at such prices as cannot fail to be satisfactory. Coun- try Merchants and others visiting the city, are invit- ed to call and examine their present stock, which is believed to be the most complete general assortment to be found in Canada. ( i>>j m ; V n ■ *^M^ -r*^ .XT*. • 300 BOOT, SHOE AND LEATHER DEALERS. il ■a m Si I ' JOHN SLOAN, Boot & Shoe Manufacturer No. 180 (iMte 122^ Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL, t Would invite the attention of country Merchants and the public generally to the large and well assorted Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES of every description, which he is constantly manufacturing under his own superintendence, so that their quality and durability can be guaranteed, while his terms will be found unusually moder- ate. A good stock of India Rubber and other Overshoes con- stantly on hand. Ladies', Gentlemen's and Children's Boots and Shoes made to order with punctuality and despatch. CALL AND SEE. SAMUEL G. SMITH, WHOLESALE DEALER IN NO. 290 ST. PAUL STREET. A General Assortment of Ladies', Gentlemen's and Childrens BOOTS AND SHOES. Country Mer- chants and Ebtailers generally will find it to their advantage to call, as the Stock is very exten- sive and complete, and will be sold at unusually moderate prices* TiOTAlVIC GARDENS. 301 GU I L B A U L T'S GARDEN, MONTREiVL, Is now Open to the Public; Admission, only T^d., or 12.^ cents. This Establvshment contains one of the Finest Col- lections of LIVING ANIMALS, (Wild and Tame), RARE BIRDS, POLTLTaV, VVATE[l-FOWL,&c. &;c., which is to bo found i)i America. There is also a MUSEUM of CURrOS.ITIES,and the GAR- DEN contains a beautiful collection of Fruit and Forest Trees^ Ornatnental Shrubs, Plants, Dahlias, &c. The PROMENADE amon^ the Groves and Ravines will be found deliglitfully interesting, and there is a very complete GYMNASIUM, with Tight Rope, Nine-Pin, Alley, Quoit Grounds, and other Amusements. The Garden also embraces • - A LARCE PAVSLLION FOR CONCERTS and THEATRICAL ENTER- TAINMENTS, & PIC-NICS, DINNERS, SUP- PERS, and TEMPERANCE REFRESHMENTS of every description are furnished to order on the shortest notice and at Moderate Charges. J. E. GUILBAULT, Director. 'II ii f'iJ #i -[MM , .L 03 BROKXRI, Ite. (f : i BROKERS. Belhune, John, jun, Merchants' Exchange Court CoUis, R D, Merchants' Exchange Crawford, John, Union Buildings. 28 St Frangois Xavier Fairbarn, John, St Sacrament Geddes, Charles, 275 St Paul, in rear Howard, Augustus, Union buildings, 28 St Frangois Xavier. See card MacDougall Brothers, Merchants' Exchange Rae & Milchell, 38 St Frangois Xavier MGUSTUS HEWiRD PRODUCE ft STOCK BROKER. Mi! REFERENCE IN LONDON. Messrs. Glyn, Mills & Co. REFERENCES IN CANADA. Hon. John Beverly Robinson, Chief Justice of Up- per Canada, Toronto. William H. Robinson, Esq., Deputy Com. General, Montreal. Sir Greorge Simpson, Governor, Hon. Hudson's Bay. Co., Montreal. Hon. Peter McGill, President of the Bank of Mon- treal. A. Simpson, Esq., Cashier of the Bank of Montreal. Messrs. Gilmour & Co., Merchants, Montreal. Messrs. Lemesurier^ Routh Sc Co., Merchants, Mon- treal. BRUSH MAKER. Kirkup, Joseph, 196 St Paul BUTTER INSPECTOR. McDonnell, Francis, Grey Nun if: BUTCHERS, kc. 303 BUTCHERS. Idler, Ernest, pork butcheri stall 16 Bonsecours market Oiithet, RickinsoD, house Grey off St Antoine CABINET MAKERS AXD UPHOLSTERERS. Allen, William, 64 McGill Carlisle, F & J, 116 McGill Drake, F L, upholsterer, 5 St Joseph. See card Grey, George, agent, 14 St Joseph, sub Hilton, J & W, 17 Great St James. See card McMaster, William, 271 (late 189J Notre Dame. See card Mearns, Charles, 5 St Mary Poulin, Pierre, 20 Great St James Robertson, Chas 3 Bonaventure Reed & Rogers, 44 Great St James WILLIAM M'M ASTER, CABINET AND UFHOISTERT WAREROOMS, No. 271 (late 189) Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Having recently added to his Stock of CABINET FURNITURE many superb specimens of Work- manship, respectfully invites those who require any- thing in his line to give him a call, being satisfied that whether as regards Style, Material, Work- manship, or Price;, he can offer them inducements to purchase rarely to be met with, and certainly not exceeded in any other establishment in Canada. UPHOLSTERY WORK of every description Promptly attended to on the most reasonable Terms. % ■ 'A , f v'H i I h. 1 Pit li r ■ : ; i . ! Il I '! ids t (. 1/ 304 CABINET MAKERS, &C. J. & W.HILTON, liiiporterisi of Plate Glasis^ CABINET & UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE, iVo. 17 Great Si James Street, Montreal, IMPORTERS OF DAMASKS, FRIN&ES, LACES, 4lG., Mahogany and other Woods for Sale. Employing none bat the best Workmen, and giving their constant superintendence to the manu- facture of every article which they sell, J. & W. H. can confidently recommend their Cabinet Furni- TUKE to all who wish to secure a first-rate article at a moderate price. F. L. DRAKE/ V^ ^^'s 5 ST. JOSEPH, STREET NEAR McGILL, MONTREAL, Executes every description of Upholstery Work, such as CURTAINS of all kinds ; Sofa, (Eljalr, lub (HoucI) dotjciing, CARPET FITTING and MAKING ; CLEANING, REPAIRING and RENOVATING FURNI- TURE of all kinds, And every other branch incidental to his business, in the best manner and upon moderate Terras. Or- ders promptly and accurately attended to. CARPENTERS, JOIXERS, &C. 305 CARPENTERS, JOINERS, BUILDERS, &cg. Benn, R, Berthelot, near Bleiiry Bronsdon, J R, St Urbjiin near Dorchester Elliott, Andrew, St Catherine near Bleury Frechette, Olivier, Bonaventure Goodwillie, Robert, Anderson near Jure Hutchison & Morrison, Craig near Alexander Laberge, A, 45 St Louis Martin, James, 18 Chenneville Patton, Laird, Desrivie^res off St Antoine Rose & Davidson, St Louis near Gosford Simpson. James, 7 St Peter Whitlaw, John, 17 Chenneville CARVERS, GILDERS, AND LOOKING-GLASS MANUFACl^URERS. Carlisle, F & J, 114 McGill Carlisle, Wm, 1 Commissioners square. See card, page 306 Lawley, Wm, 167 Notre Dame. See card WILLIAM LAWLEY, £ookl.ig ©lass aub ^picture Jramc Ulaker^ CARTER AJVD QIL.DER, No. 225 (late 167) Notre Dame Street, Montreal, Is still to be found at his old stand, and prepared to execute all descriptions of business in the same well known style which has heretofore secured him so large a share of public favor, while his Prices will remain, as usutd, extremely moderate. CHEMISTS AND DRU GGISTS. Birks, Richard, 77 McGill Birks, John & Co, 5 Great St James Bowman, W E, 88 McGill. See card inside of front cover Carter, Kerry & Co, 184 St Paul Codarre, J Emerv, 181 Craig Gardner, John, 293 (late 201) Notru Dame m If \ i h u ii^ f 'i * ^' p ^ I E!-' t i. f '■ M m r 111 I'M i!!i 306 CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, &C. Lyman, S J & Co Place d'Armes. See card Lyman, Wm & Co, St Panl. See card Picuult, P E, 42 date 36; Notre Dame. See card Savage, A & Co, 109 fliite 91) Notre Dame Trudejui, R, 157 St Panl Vanfelson, Geo, 118 (late 86) Notre Dame Workman, B Sc Co, 234* St Paul, corner Custom- honse square William Carlisle, CARVER, GILDER, LOOKING GLASS AND PICTURE FRAMER, MAP MOUNTER, &0., &c., Corner Commissioners Square and Bona venture Street, MONTREAL, Executes all Orders in his line in the best style of Workmanship, and on reasonable Terms, and those who favour him with their Work may depend upon its being attended to with the greatest accuracy and despatch. S. J. LYMAN & CO., CHEMISTS, DRUfiBISTS, AND APOTHECARIES, Garner Notre Dame Street and Place d^Armes, IMPORTERS or FINE CHEMICALS, DRUGS AND PERFUMERY. A large assortment of Surgical Instruments, Trusses, Bandages, Supporters, Elastic Stockings, Also, Apothecaries' Ware, &c. Dealers in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds. Combs, Brushes, Sponges, Toilette Requisites, &c. for Sale, Wholesale and Retail. PATENT MEDICINES OF ALL KINDS. CHEMIflTt AND DRtTOOItTi, &C. 907 GLASS AND RFUMERY. WILLIAM LYMAN &CO., MANUFACTURERS OF LINSEED OIL, IMPORTERS OF PAINTERS' COLORS, OILS AND DYE STUFFS, NOS. 194 ^ND 196 SMNT PAUL STREET, W. L. & Co. beg to notify their friends and the public generally, that they will remove in the fall of 1854. to their NEW STORES No. 224. St Paul Street. ©mo IPo IBo IPIKCAlEfMp CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Corner of Notre Dame and Bonsecours Streets, DEPOT for the MOST POPULAR FRENCH, ENGLISH and AMERICAN PATENT MEDI- CINES. N. B. — Dr. P. will give his attention to visiting patients at their residence, as well as attending at his private office for consultation. Confidential cases particularly attended to. CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE MER- CHANTS. Bourne, A, 120 St Paul Glennon, John & Co, 200 St Paul Hagar, Charles & Co, 293 St Paul Levy, Alexander, cor Notre Dame and St Gabriel -I hi $; H mmu i|'l k^ Iff' rr ii II iii^ ^! % CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSES, &C. Patton, Tas & Co, 92 McGill ^ Smith, H B & Co, 256 St Paul Thomson & Minchin, 241 St Paul Willet, S L, Lemoine opposite St Helen Wright, E & Co, 288 St Paul. See card Have constantly on hand a large and varied Stock, consisting of the ^tmsl Iffiigns, Cnlors ^ |5attirn5, as they successively appear, which they will dis- pose of at the . : liOivest Possible Prices. CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSES. Francisco,*Frs, 14- Bonsecours Julien, J, 37 Champ de Mars Lulham, Geo, 52 St Frangois Xavier and Mer- chants' Exchange O'Meara, John, 10 Place d'Armes O'Neill, M, 158 [late 108] Notre Dame Eohland, A C, 276 Notre Dame Vaiixhall Saloon, 20 Great St James. See card CIDER VAULTS. Penner, John, 43 J Great St James CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSES. 309 ier and Mer- THE EMPIRE SALOON CONDUCTED BY Francis Francisco, NO. 14 BONSECOURS STREET, [Formerly " The Arcade,"] Montreal. This elegant establishment is now in full operation, and has been fitted up in the most chaste and mo- dern style, regardless of expense. 33realifa3t3, Dinners, £uncl)C3, Suppcra, $^l, are suppHed on short notice and in a style of comfort and elegance which cannot be surpassed, while the charges will be found unusually moderate. EVERY LUXURY of the Season will be kept on hand, and particular attention has been paid to selecting WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, of the best quality. Hrfc 0f Gentlemen can be accommodated with private rooms, and every exertion will be used to give the utmost satisfaction to those who may honor the house with their sup- port. o 2 ^1 ■' ill 310 CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSES. |. I f:: Mil 'm'' No. 158 [late 108] NOTRE DAME STREET, Corner of St. Jean Baptiste Street, MONTREAL. This Establishment has been opened to meet a re- quirement which has been long felt and admitted in Montreal, i.e., 51 llrat Hate Saloon axib Heataurant, where every article has its cost affixed on the Bill of Fare, and is furnished according to order, and at which every procurable delicacy should be con- stantly kept ; while the management should be such as would secure the most perfect privacy, if desired. ■In carrying out these views, the Proprietor believes his success to be certain, and every day affords him fresh proofs that private families of the first respec- tability have found they can be supplied better and cheaper at his establishment than they could have been in their own houses. THE TABLE is supplied constantly with the best to be found in the Markets of Montreal, New York or Boston. The WINES, LIQUORS, CI- GARS, &c., are uniformly of the best brands. PIC-NIC PARTIES supplied with every thing requisite, on moderate terms. The FURNISHING throughout is equal in style and comfort to the best Hotels, while, being supplied with a first-rate Cook and Assistants, and attentive Waiters, he is induced to think he can offer accom- modations rarely to be met with, and certainly not to be surpassed in Montreal. N.B. — Breakfasts, Dinners, Luncheons, or Sup- pers are supplied to order, on short notice, to Large or Small Parties. M, O'NEILL. CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSES, &C. Ill VAUXHALL SALOON NO. 20 GREAT ST. JAMES STREET, [Adjoining Tattersall's Auction Mart,] MONTREAL. This establishment is now open for the reception of visitors, and offers every accommodation which can be desired by the most fastidious, being fitted up in the most comfortable manner. Lunches and Re- freshments of the choicest description can be had at all hours on short notice, and the Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &c., are carefully selected from the best im- portations. Gentlemen will find the Vauxhall Sa- loon a convenient and central place to procure any desirable refreshment, and the proprietor hopes by unremitting attention and mo'lerate charges to merit a liberal share of public support. CIRCULATING LIBRARIES. Flynn, Jfis, 13 Alexander Patton, Thomas, 79 St Paul COACH AND CARRIAGE MA.KERS. Carmichael & Brown, Nazareth near Common Delorier, Alfred, St Antoine near St Francis de Falles Dwyer & Toland, Craig near St Frangois Xavier Leduc, Clovis, corner St Antoine and St Margaret McLean & Fleck, Kempt near Wellington Normandeau, E, head of St Lawrence O'Meara, M, Haymarket square OiuM^et, Eusebe, corner St Antoine and Cemetery COAL. MERCHANT. Gilbert, J M, 5 St Sacrament COFFEE ROASTERS AND SPICE FACTORS. Kurczyn, N P M, 79 McGiU McLaren, W D & A, 115 St Lawrence Eichardson, Robt, City Mills, 76 Craig nr St Peter M 1 -Si '^M 'M i^ • ' 5 '; I J I it I J l^f • m i: I !9 i! fii i p if its COFFEE BOASTIftfl, icC. ROBERT RICHARDSON Coffee lonsttr irtii i\m /attor, City Mills, 7G Craig near St. Peter Street, - MONTREAT, Is always prepared to execute Orders in his line of business, to any extent, upon reasonable Terms, and with the utmost despatch. THE TPvADE jrenerally will find it to their advantage to give his Establish- ment a share, at least, of their support. COLLECTORS OF ACCOUNTS. Hoggard, John,Lagaucheti6re near German Laird, Alexander VV, 76 Craig Ouelette, J P C, 50 St Charles Barrom^e Poison, Angus, at J C Becket's, 22 Great St James Stewart, Andrew, 13 Bleiirv COMMISSION AGENTS. Atkinson, John, 32 St Paul Flatau, Ferdinand, 209 (late 157) Notre Dame Gray, George, 14 St Joseph, sub COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND AGENTS. Anderson, John & Co, 16 Union buildings, St Fran- Qois Xavier ^ Burns, James & Co, 76 Common Campbell & Williamson, Common, opposite upper wharf Court, James, Insurance Company's buildings. Great St James Cunningham, William, Union buildings, St Frangois Xavier . .^.:; .- ..^ . >, ; o,. ^ Dougall, James, Lemoine Emson, James [London and Paris], represented by Jas Sculthorp, Great St James Gilbert, J M, 5 St Sacrament ' " ' • —"""' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, &C. 818 presented by Glassford, H A, 16 St Sacrament Hays, Andrew, agent for W'm Jackson & Co, Sheaf Island works, Sheffield, 1 St Maurice Holland, Phillip, 31 St Sacrament Joseph, H tV Co, 192 St Paul Joseph, Jessie, corner St Helen and Recollect King, Pveed «fe Co, 67 Commissioners Lamothe & Frere, 202 St Paul Lane, Stephens & Co, Pointe a Calliere Mackay, Henry, 19 St Francois Xavier Mackinnon &: Co, 19 Great St James McLennan, Ewen, 1 Young's buildings, McGill McLennan, J & A, 2 Grey Nun McNaught, Pvobert, 28 St Nicholas Meikleham, William, 13 St Sacrament Mitchell, J & J, 2 Lemoine Morris Brothers, 23 St Sacrament Perkins, J A, 284 St Paul Red path, Peter, 61 Commissioners Rice & Bancroft, Custom-house square Russell, Colin, 101 St Antoine Scott, Gilbert, 11 St Sacrament 8culthorp, James, over Gibb & Co, Great St James Senoir, S, 21 St Francois Xavier Seymour, Charles, Gillespies's buildings. Common Sinclair, John, 277 St Paul Smith, J B & Co, Gillespie's buildings, Common Thornton, John, 22 Bonaventure CONFECTIONERS. Alexander, C,2'43 (late 177) Notre Dame. See card. Black, Isaac, St Antoine near St Margaret Bowie, Edwcird, 73 ('late 57 J Notre Dame Clouser, E, 259 ('late 195 J Notre Dame. See card. McConkey, Mrs S, 40 Great St James COOPERS. Battle, Thomas, 13 St Peter and George near Wil- liam Brown, James, 7 St Peter - . . Ferguson, A & D, George near William McGibbon, Taylor & Co, 9 St Peter ■1^1 '.:im ):Ht 's * II ! - y i ii; l{ 'if ii!!!; 314 CONFECTIONERS, &C. E. CLOUSER, Wholesale and Retail Confectioner, NO. 259 ("late 195; NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, Having fitted up those large and central premises in a style adequate to carry on an extensive business in the CONFECTIONERY LINE, is now prepared to furnish all descriptions of CONFECTIONERY at such prices, WHOLESALE or RETAIL, as must defy Competition. Country Merchants and the Trade supplied on liberal terms, and all orders from Hotels, Families, and Public or Private Parties punctually attended to. He has just added an Elegant Saloon to his pre- mises w^here Ice Cream, Soda Water, Ginger Beer, and a variety of refreshments are served up or the shortest notice. Strangers and Visitors to the (l^ity as well as the Ladies and Gentlemen of Montreal, are respectfully invited to give him a call. CHARLES ALEXANDER, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COMPEC TIORIER, No. 243 (late 177^) Notre Dame &,., MONTREAL, Keeps constantly on hand a very superior stock of Confectionery, Candies, Preserves, &c. &c., of his own Manufacture, which he offers at wholesale or retail on the most favorable terms. He has recent- ly fitted up a HANDSOME SALOON and several private rooms, where Ladies and Gentlemen can he supplied at all times, in summer, with Ice Cream, Soda Water, Ginger Beer and other coolir.g bevera- ges, and, in Winter, with Coffee, Tea, Hot Pies, &c. &c. Families, Parties, Soirees, Public Balls and Assemblies, supplied with every description of Con- fectionery and Temperance Refreshments on extre- mely moderate terms. A continuatioc of public patronage is respectfully solicited. COPPERSMITHS, &C. Btioner, E STREET, tral premises nsive business now prepared iCTlONERY FAIL, as must mts and the 11 orders from 'ivate Parties on to his pre- , Ginger Beer, ired up or the )rs to the City I of Montreal, call. DER, ;rior stock of &c., of his [wholesale or |e has recent- and several Inllemeu can Ice Cream, ^lirjg bevera- Lot Pies, &c. Balls and )tion of Con- its on extre- k of public ' G.F.PROWSE, Manufacturer of Tin & Copper Goods, HOT AIR FURNACES or various descriptions. Baths of all descriptions. REFRIGERATORS, OR SUMMER ICE HOUSES of a superior quality. G F. Prowse would respectfully invite public attention to his New and Greatly Improved FUR- NACES, which give a still greater degree of heat from the same quantity of iiiel than his former one. By this New Invention, the flames and smoke, after leaving the fire and passing the generators, again re-enter and pass through the furnace, thereby adding greatly to the existing volume of caloric, and consequently diminishing to an equal extent the necessity of consuming the fuel. This apparatus erected in a kitchen will Bake, Pt-oast and Boil in a manner every way superior to any other now in use.. By an arrangement of the Summer Apparatus, a very small fire is required for cooking, and no heat [except required], need be felt in the house. Another great advantage in this Furnace is a still smaller apparatus for broiling and boiling, the smell of which is entirely carried up the furnace, and hot water can be sent to any part of the building for baths, &c., whereby a great saving is effected both in fuel and labor. • *;■ 316 COPPERSMITHS, &C. I 1 I' I I ^' t '^if! Ii I ^m }. i' i if ill ill COPPERSMITHS, BRASSFOUNDEIIS, AND PLUMBKllS. Dednam, T, 6 St Peter. Soe card Garth, Cliark's, 142 Craig ' Ilearle & Date, 3(5 Great St James Holmes, Saml iV. \Vm J, V2i) St Paid. See card Macartluir it Lothian, Ptecollect near St Peter Mitchell, Robert, llaymarket square. See card Prowse, G F, 38 Great St James. See card, ante Stuart, VV, 1 St Antoine ROBERT MITCHELL, PLUMBER, GAS FITTER, ' AND BRASSFOUNDER, Gas Lustre Warehouse, Hiiymarket Square, Workshop, St. Henry Street, opposite American House, late Grunt's Hotel, Is prepared to do every description of Gnsfitting and Plumber's work of the best materials, durable work- manship, and most moderate prices. He has always on hand an elegant and well assorted stock of Gas- fittings, which he is prepared to dispose of at rea- sonable prices. Those in want of Baths, Water Closets, Pumps, Water Pipes, &c., may rely upon their work being done in the most aj)proved manner. Builders, proprietors and others in want of Galvaniz- ed Iron Spouting, Tin Conductors, (fcc, can hav6 the same of any pattern and quality they wish. To engineers, machinists and others requiring Brass Castings, he would say, that having lately increased his facilities for Casting, he is now prepared to sup- ply Castings of every description at the shortest no- tice and at greatly reduced prices. lOPPERSMITHS, &C 317 S. & W. J. HOLMES, am, Gl)cct Jroii, nb ^iuc {Jlate lUoikcvs, HOT AIR FtJRNAOE BUILDERS, &c., &c. Planished, riain, luid Jupiiiiiicd COOKING, HALL, rARLOUll, AND DUMB STOVES. HOT AIR FURNACES, of uU sizes, fur Wood or I Coul. 125 St Paul Street, Montreal. All orders in their line executed promptly and accurately n poll tiie most fav si 320 DENTISTS, &C. it' u C. M. DICKINSON, I lb' 49 Great St James Street, MONTREAL, All operations in Dentistry conflicted on the most approved principles, and guaranteed to give com- plete satisfaction. P.S. — C. M. D. begs leave to remind the pub- lic in general, that he was the successful competitor in Montreal at the Provincial Industrial Exhibition, held in October, 1850, for the most improved mode of inserting ARTIFICIAL TEETH on the atmospheric principle. DRY DOCKS AND SHIP YARDS. Cantin, A, St Joseph st, Canal bridge Tate, Brothers, south side of Canal basin DRY GOODS MERCHANTS [WHOLESALE.] Adams, Robert, 301 St Paul Ambrose & Lamontagne, 273 St Paul Benjamin, Brothers, 216 St Paul Bruneau, Jean, 2 St Joseph, and 208 Notre Dame Baxter &'Hingston, 300 St Paul Brown, Swan & Co, 213 St Paul Campbell, R «fc Co, corner St Francois Xavier and St Sacrament. See card Chamberlain & Thomson, 270 St Paul Clark, Thomson ife Co, 226 St Paul Dougall, John, 255 St Paul Douglas, J & T, 215 St Paul ^1 DRY GOODS MKRCHANTS. 321 Notre Dame Xavier and Forester, Moir «k Co, 2G2 St Tuul Forster, S & Co, 2G1 St Paul Fraser, John, 3 Nllll^s Buildings, St Joseph Galarneaii &c Hoy, 204. St Paul Gillespie, Molliitt & Co, 182 St Paul Greeushields, Samuel, Sou 6c Co, Cuvillier's Build- ings, St Saerament Gaiilt, Stevenson &: Co, 282 St Paul Houghton & May, 24-6 St Paul Ilua, Paul, Frencli goods, 20 Union buildings, St Francois Xavier Laurie, A «fc Co, 222 St Paul Macfarlane, Andrew, 225 St Paul Mackenzie, J G & Co, 217 and 219 St Paul Mackay, Joseph & Brother, 272 St Paul Maitland, Tylee & Co, 4i3 St Francois Xavier Marchand, Louis, corner St Paul and St Jean Bap- tiste Masson, Bruyere, Thomas & Co, 188 and 190 St Paul Muir, W & R, 297 St Paul Ogilvy, Wood & Co, 10 St Joseph, city Pvhodes, Joseph, 24 St Joseph, city Ross, Nield &; Co, 28f) St Paul Roy, J & W, 230 St Paul Scholes, R M,212 St Paul Seymour, Whitney Sc Co, 231 St Paul Smith, W J & Co, corner St Joseph and Commis- sioners Stephen, Wm & Co, 274 St St Paul Stewart «fc Mclntyre, 296 St Paul Tyre, Colquhoun &; Co, 8 St Joseph near St Paul Walker. Alex, Custom house square Whiteford, Wm & Co, old Merchants' exchange Whitney, N S, 276 St Paul DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. Arthur, Alex, (late A & J Arthur) Queen's Arcade, 272 [late 182] Notre Dame. See cut of the in- terior of this elegant establishment on page 12. Aug6 «fe Roy, 202 (late 136) xNotre Dame Beaudry, J L & Co, 104 (late 80) Noire Dame B i, 1' ■■'Si* -^m 322 DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. ■!' ^:i)!i m m HP'..! '■'•:':U W m 'il'li Beandry, Joseph, 184 [late 124-] Notre Dame Beaudry, J B, 27 Notre Dame Belisle & Park, 186 [late 126] Notre Dame Benjamin, Wm & Co, 196 [late 132] Notre Dame. See card. Boudreaii & Herard, 200 [late 134] Notre Dame. Brazean, F X, 142 St Paul and 23 St Lawrence Brown, John O, 135 [late 109] Notre Darae. See card Desmartean, Plamondon & Mousseau, 134 and 136 St Paul Doyon & Tourville, 298 [late 210] Notre Dame Germain, J B, 138 St Paul Hill, Samuel. 36 St Paul Hudon, E & V, 140 St Paul Hudon & Quevillon, 146 St Paul Jodoin, P «fe A, 144 St Paul Lafond, J E, 151 [late 117] Notre Dame Lahaye, Octave, 205 St Paul and 16 St Lawrence Laurie. A & Co, 286 [late 200] Notre Dame Lazure & Frdre, 148 St Paul Leclaire, F & J, 170 St Paul McDunnough, Muir & Co, 185 [late 141] Notre Dame. See card opposite the index MacGregor, D & Co, 292 [late 206] Notre Dame Mann, D, 147 [late 115] Notre Dame Merrill, H & H, 190 [late 128] Notre Dame. See card, page 10 Morgan, Henry & Co, 100 and 102 McGill. See card Morison, Cameron & Empey, 288 [late 202] Notre Dame. See card Mussen, Thomas, 153 [late 119] Notre Dame. See card Nicho's, J & M, 290 [late 204] Notre Dame Paradis & L'Africain, 136 [late 96] Notre Dame Parkin, James, 168 [late 116] Notre Dame. See card Perrin, Ferdinand, 103 St Paul Plamondon, Louis, 172 St Paul Prevost, A & Co, 150 St Paul ;1 DRY GOODS MERCHANTS. 323 Dame lame Jotre Dame. tie Dame, juwrence Dame. See 134 and 136 ;re Dame •ne ;t Lawrence Dame 141] Notre lex )tre Dame Dame. See [cGill. See 202] Notre iDame. See )ame Itre Dame )ame. See Roy & Dufort, 103 St Paul Smith, D-&W, 205 [late 155] Notre Dame. See card Tellier, A & Co, 158 and 160 St Paul. ROBT. CAmPBELL & CO., WHOLESALE FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS STORJci AND CARPET WAREHOUSE, Corner St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament Streets, Montreal. N.B. — A large assortment of Broad Cloths, Cassi- meres, &c. M. BE IN & CO., IMPORTERS OF Fancy and Staple ^ wtm ill NO. 196 [late 132] NOTRE DAME STREET, Montreal. iM . t r' r 324 DRY GOODS MKRCHANTS. Hi ri IS ' • ■ K Op MORISON5 CAMERON & EMPEY, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS iN FOREIGN AND BRITISH DRY GOODS, Would respectiuUy invite the attention of parties visiting the City to tiieir present Stock oi' Fancy and Staple GOODS, wiiich will be found on inspection to comprise every novelty of tlie season, and at prices which defy competition. Great Novelties in Dress Goods and Shawls, Black and Colored Gros and Glace Silks, from $7 to $30 per dress Fancy Silks, in Brocade, Foullard, Damask Stripes and Checks, $8 to $50 Black and Colored Frencii and English Satins, in every variety Grenadeens and Silk Tissues, in every desirable style Plain and Printed French Bareges and Florentnies Plain and Printed French and English Delanis Plain and Printed Organdie and Jaconet Muslins Paramattas, Bombazines, Henriettas, Coburgs. Alpacas, Lustres, Mohairs, Palestines, Baratheas, Radzmeres, Moire Antiques, and various other new textures in Dress Goods Prmted Calicoes and French Lawns Mournnig Goods, in great variety Shawls — French, German, and British Brochea, Long and Square, Ladies' and Gent's Scotch Long Shawls, Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Printed Thibet, Cashmere, and Cashmere de Corse, Long and Square, Black, White, and Colored ICmbroi- dered Crape, Plain and Printed Barege and Silk Tissues, Long and Square French and English Embroideries, Lace Goods, &c. &c. &c. Collars, from 1 id to 35s; Habit Shirts, Chemizettes and Under Handkerchiefs, from 7|d to 30s ; French Cambric and Grass Cloth Handkerchiefs, Embroidered, 2s to 45s ; Linen, Lawn and French Cambric do.. Plain, 2|d to 5s Needlework Sleeves, 9d to 25s, Insertion, Edgings, Flouncings and Bands Laces, in Real Thread, Honiton, Maltise, Vallenciennes, Guipure, Rice Flat, Wire Ground, Brussels and Linen Saxony Ladies', Gent's, and Children's Hosiery and Gloves, Alexander's best French Kid, 4s per pair Bonnet, Neck, and Cap Ribbons, Artificial Flowers, Plumes and Head Dresses Mantles, of every description, Ready Made, and made to Order Bonnets — Straw, Leghorn, Tuscan, Silk and Velvet Broad Cloths, Trowserings and Vestings Irish Linens, Sheetings, Shirtings, Table Cloths and Covers, Napkins, Towellings, and Housekeeping goods of every class Haberdashery, Small Wares and Trimmings ICRV GOODS MKRCHANTS. 325 lea, Long and Square, Black and Colored _re, and Cashmere de and Colored Em broi- and Silk Tissues, ids, &c. &c. &c. imizettes and Under 1 Cambric and Grass o 45s ; Linen, Lawn H. MOliOAN & CO., IMPORTERS OF, AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers in every description of FANCY & STAPLE DRY GOODS, COLONIAL HOUSEi 100 & 102 McGill Street, Montreal, Would respectfully invite the attention of Visitors to the City and the public generally to their present large and beautifhl STOCK of GOODS, most of which has been recemly selected in Europe by one of the Partners, and consists in part of — Silks, Satins, St'.tinetts, Damasks, Moire Antiques, Cashmeres, Bareges, Muslin de Laines, Organdies, Alpacas, Coburgs, Orleans, Printed and Figured Mushns, SHAWLS in every variety, Umbrellas, Pa- rasols, Hosiery, Bonnets, Artificial Flowers, Ribbons, Gloves, Feathers, Saxony and Thread Laces and Edgings, Irish Linens, &;c., &;c., all of which they are offering UPON THE MOST REASONABLE TERMS, at Wholesale or retail. Intending purchasers are invited to call and examine. Country Merchants 8c Traders LIBERALLY. DEALT WITH. .J u I'l' 826 DKT GOODS MKRCHANTS. n HY: 1)1) £ IMPORTER OF BRITISH & FOREIGN Fm m imi m soil, &C. &.C. &c. NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, (adjoining the ENGLISH CATHEDRAL,) Would respectfully invite the attention of Ladies and Gentlemen visiting the City to his Stock, which is varied and extensive, consisting in part of the fol- lowing : — CARPETS of Velvet, Tapestry, Brussels, Impe- rial, Kidderminster, &c. &c. j HEARTH RUGS of every description ; Druggets ; Door and Carriage Matts ; Floor and Table Oil Cloth. Also, Real Irish Tabinets; Silks; Satins; Damasks; Ribbons; Em- broidered Goods; Lace Embroideries; Mourning do. ; Silk, Cotton and Woollen Hosiery ; Shirts and Drawers; Kid, Silk, Thread, Cloth and Cashmere Gloves; Embroidered and Plain French Lawn Handkerchiels ; Damask Table Linen and Napkins ; Family Linen. SHAWLS, in all varieties; French Merinos; Coburgs; Mousline de Laines ; Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Vestings ; Printed Muslins and Cambrics . Table Covers, &c. With every other article in the trade, which, being bought in the best niaiket for Cash, he will dis])ose of, Wholesale and Retail^ On the most reasouable terms. t>Vt GOODS MEBCHAIVTt. 327 ^J^' EIGN NTREAL, EDRAL,) \'wn of Ludie* is Stock, which purl of the fol- russels, Impe- ITH RUCtJS of and Carriage A.ls(), Real Irish Ribbons; Ern- ies; Mourning ry ; Shirts and and Cashmere French Lawn and Napkins; ieties; French aint^s; Cloths, ed Muslins and trade, which, Cash, he will kms. >\m IS JfllH D. IIOWH. m 1 3 B EKDirisii BSi.m^ sir*, MONTREAL, ilk P^moTt |iaiertas|n; AND GENERAL IMPORTER OF BRITISH & FOREIGN FMCI&STiPHGOODS, IXTholesale and Retail; ALSO, MASONIC APRONS AND SASHES, AND ♦* ORANGE RIBBONS & MATERIALS," OF THE BEST DESCRIPTION, AND AT THE "LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH," Always on hand. HEAD OFFICE FOR JOHN 0. BROWN'S (f IMPROVED PATENT TRUSSES." DYERS & SCOURERS OF SILK & WOOLLENS. Benton, J, 305 Notre Dame, west M'Clusky, John, 38 Sanguinet "h h » I : '•I! if 328 r>wv GOODS meiichants. JAMES PARKIN, Importer of, and ^Vliolosale Rnd Retail Dealer in I3ritish and Forcipn LACE & EMBROIDERY, HOSIERY, C4LOVKS, SHIRT8, &c., No. 168 (latr 116) Notre Dame Street, MONTREAL, N.B. — The most extensive and best selected Stock of Lace and Embroidery in the Province, is to be found at this establishment. Intending pur- chasers are invited to call and examine. m IMPORTERS, & letail leaks AND JOBBERS British, French, German, and American DRY GOODS, No. 205 Notre Dame Street, (Adjoi?ii?i^ the Herald Office, MOWITREAL. ENGRAVERS AND LITHOGRAPHERS. Adams, F, 18 Great St .lames. See card Ireland, Thomas, 14 Great St James. See card Mathews, George, 66 St Fran3ois Xavier Savage & Lyman, corner Notre Dame and St Gabriel Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear & Co, 66 St Frangois Xavier Walker, J H, 22 Great St James. See Card ' ' " " ■ 329 CNOXAVCAS, kc. IN, tnil Dealer in DER79 E Street, best selected e Province, is [ntending pur- ine. id American Street, Iflce, LAPHERS. card , See card Lvier and St Gabriel 16 St Frangois \\^t ENGRAVER, No. 18 Great St Jatries Street, (next the entrance to Tattersalls,) MONTREAL, Is now prepared to execute to ordor, promptly, and upon reasonable terms, cvf^ry description of Steel, Copper-Plate, and Wood Enfirravinjj, and also, Li- thosmphing. Die Sinkiniif. and Seal Enijravinfr. All orders will be accurately attended to, and the work performed in the best style of the art. A share of public patronapre is respectfully solicited. Envelopes and Cards stamped with Crests, Initials, &;c. &c., either plain or colored. ■ «rY Ci m ►ee card ENGRAVER, No. 14 Great St James street, (adjoining Messrs Gibb 8f Co,) MONTREAL, Is always prepared to execute, in the best style' every description of Visiting and Invitation Cards> Professional Cards, Bill Heads, Promissory Notes> Drafts, &c. Door and Coffin Plates constantly on hand, and promptly lettered to order. Strangers visitiug the city will find T. Ireland's establishment central, and may depend upon having their orders executed without delay. J. H. WALKER, ENGRAVER ON WOOD, EXECUTES Landscape, Portrait, Card and Seal Engraving, On Short Notice and Reasonable Terms. Gentlemen requiring anything in the above line of Art, are respectfully requested to cull at No. 22 Great St James Street, and examine numerous specimens ol his Work. ■ r m I S30 I' I li f !i 1 S' 1 { ^M ': If XXPRK98 orricKi. EXPRESS OFFICES. British and North American Express Co. — D Defo- rest, agent, 53 Great St James. See card National Express Co. — J W Howes, agent, 3 and 4 Place d*Armes. See card United States and Canada Express, Cheney, Rice & Co. — J W Howes, agent, 3 and 4 Place d'Arraes. See card UNITED STATES AND CANADA EXPRESS. CHENEY, RICE I CO. CONTINUE THEIR DAILY EXPRESS From BOSTON to MONTREAL, OGDENS- BURGH, KINGSTON, TORONTO, and BYTOWN, C. >V., Connecting with all the American and European Expresses, for I he Transportation of SPEC! E, BANK NOTES, PARCELS and FREIGHT of every de- scription, and for the Transaction of General Express^ Busitness* O F F I Montreal, No. 3 Place d' Amies Kingston Belleville CoBOUUG E 8. Port Hope Toronto Hamilton Brantford London fnc?Ktif orrictt. tn New York, Montreal and Quebec Expressi NATIONAL EXPRESS COMPANl (LATE PULLEN, VIRGIL & CO.,) CONTINUE THRIR DAILY EXPRESS TO BURLINGTON, TROY, ALBANY, NEW YORK, And all intermediate places, Uy the various Lines of Railroads and sSteamer« leaving Montreal and New York, for the Transportation of Specie, Bank Notes^ Parcels and Freight, Ofevery description ; also for the Collection of NOTES DRAFTS AND ACCOUNTS, And for the Transaction of General Business. All Goods consigned to them will receive prompt attention. Custom House Business Of all kinds respectfully solicited. offIces. MONTREAL, No. 3 Place d'Armes. QUEBEC ISt. Andrew's Wharf. TROY NEW YORK, 74 Broadway. Si'' H 4 "^t- 333 EXPRESS OFFICES. Brhiisli & North American Express Company. m p m ill !i|i t Hi! Capital $300,000. WILLIAM FORD, Jr. Pres. T. W. ROBISON, Sec. & Treas. E. W. PALMER, Gen. Manager. J. C. CLARK, Superintend. DIRECTORS. William Ford, jr. Kingston. John R. Forsyth, do. Thomas W. Robison,do. David Roblin, Napanee. Hamilton Spencer, Elmira. James Ross. Belleville. William F. Meudell, Toronto. Thomas G. Ridout, do. James Mitchell, do. Duncan M'Donell, do. V. H. Tisdale, Hamilton. William Matthie, Brockville. William Rhodes, Quebec. Head Office of the Company, Kingston, C* W» MONTREAL OFFICE, D. Deforest, 53 Great St. James St. On and after 15th May, a Messenger will run daily to and from the followinj? Agencies: — QUEBEC, F. J. Logie. PORTLAND E. W. Hobbs, Exchi^ige Street. BOSTON S. C. Bixby, 10 Court Street. KINGSTON John Creighton, City Book Store. BELLEVILLE James Harrison. TORONTO J. S. Farrell, Front Street, adjoining American Hotel. HAMILTON, J. & D. M. Osborne. These Messengers will also carry Parcels for By town, Corn- wall, Prescott, Brockville, Picton, Cobourg, Port Hope, Darling- ton, Brantford, London, St. Thomas, &c. The British and North American EXPRESS COMPANir Has been organized for the purpose of facilitating the transit of Money, and other valuable Parcels, and ^lerchandize of every description, between all the principal Cities, Towns and Villages in British North America, Great Britain and Ii eland, and the United States. Their Lines Connect With all the Principal American Express Companies, and at Boston, Portland and Quebec, with the Royal Mail Steamers. DEBENTURE GOODS, or GOODS IN BOND, will receive prompt attention. Goods from Europe must be distinctly marked " In care of the British and North American Express Co.," ac- companied in all cases with Invoices. ... .. FANCY STORES, &C. 333 street, adjoining EXCHANGE AND MONEY BROKERS. Brown, P D, 36 St Frangois Xavier Dorvvin, C, 23 St Francois Xavier Warner, G W, 40 St Frangois Xavier Wlieeler, G H, 28 St Frangois Xavier FANCY STORES. Bansley, D, 164 (late 110) Notre Dame Footner, Mrs and Datisliter, 217 Notre Dame Holland, Richard, 182 (late 124) Notre Daine Holland, G A, 203 (late 153) Notre Dame Moretti, Pietro, 105 McGill Scholes, R M, 212 St Paul Sharpley, R, 175 (late 135) Notre Dame and 48 St Frangois Xavier Trigg, Francis, 178 (late 122) Notre Dame. See card THE CHEAPEST Berlin Wool, Comb, Toy, and Fancy Store^ 178 (late 122) Notre Dame St., Montreal, Opposite the North-East Gate ofthe English Church, Importer and Wholesale and Retail Dealer IN EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS, BASKETS AND PAPER HANGINGS. Constantly on hand, a General Assortment of Shell, Back and Side Combs Mahoj^any Writing Desks Buffalo Back and Side Combs Shell and Buffalo dressiii;^ do. Ivory Fine Tooth Combs Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes Cloth and Hat Brushes Brooches and Cornelian Rings Steel, Silver and Gold Beads Purse Rinsis. Tassels, Clasps, &c Windsor Soap and Porlumery China, India and Fr^^nch Fans Violins, Flutes and Tamborines Flutinas and Accordeons Hdir, Jet& Boi?wood Bracelets China Vases and Toilet Bottles Steel Slides & Shoe Ornaments Shoe and Boot Buttons Silk and Cotton Boot Laces I. R. Cloth for Congress Boots Rosewood Work Boxes Plain and Shaded Berlin Wool Willow Waa;i;ons and Baskets Port Monnaiesand Wallets Chessmen and Dominoes Backgammon Boards Reynolds' Playing Cards Razors and Razor Strops F. T. would particularly call the attention of buyers to the Stock of PAPER HANGINGS, comprising the best assortment to be found, aad at most Moderate Prices. p 2 * - •' - - ta ? •if 'd r ^ i f t; i 1 "i ( 1 ' ' If r ' ' L. hn i i' ' m ^ FLOVm MSRCRANT8, &C. FIRE AND WATER-PROOF ROOFING. Warren, C M and Co, Place d'Armes hill. FLOUR INSPECTOR. Watson, Williani, corner George and Common FLOUR MERCHANTS. Janes and Oliver, corner of Callidre and Commis- sioners FLOUR MILLS. McDoiigall, Jas, Canal Mills, south side of Canal, office 129 Commissioners Goudie and Ogilvie, St Gabriel lock, Canal Gould, Ira, Montreal City Mills, opposite Canal basin FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER- CHANTS. Darling, C, Common, Canal Wharf Dickinson, M K, Common, Canal Wharf. See card Glassford & Walker, Common, Canal Wharf Hay, A M, corner Common and George, Canal Wharf Henderson & Holcomb, Common, Canal Wharf Hooker, Jaques & Co, Common, Canal Wharf. See card Lapensee, V R, corner Common and George, Canal Wharf Mackenzie, S M, agent G T R R Company, 6 1 Com- missioners Macpherson, John, Common, Canal Wharf. See card. Murray, Donald, Colborne, Canal basin Provincial Tug Line, Common, Canal basin Robertson, Jones & Co, Common, Canal Wharf Seymour; Charles, Gillespie's buildings, 77 Commoa Sioith, George, Canal Wtiarf, house Qanvver i: rORWAKDERS, &C. 333 d Commis- HOOKER, JAQUES & CO., Daily Freight and Passage One of the Steamers of this Line will leave Mont- real daily (Sundays excepted) for PORTS ON LAKE ONTARIO. Golds will be forwarded with despatch and care, and every attention paid to the comlurt uf Passen- gers OFFICE, CANAL WHARF. JOHN MACPHERSON, IFORWARDIR AND Commdii Street, Canal Wiiarf, Montrealy Having perfected his arrangements for Forwarding Goods, Merchandize, and Produce of every descrip- tion between all p irts of Canada is now prepared to attend to orders with the greatest despatch, and having extensive FIRE PROOF i^TORAGE, he will receive consignments of Mirchandize, or Produce to dispose of on Comuiission.and those wno entrust' him with their business may depend upon their interest being carefully attended (o, and their iastructioLi strictly curried out. ■M « •■.'Si I 1 1 rORWARDERS, &C. FORWARDING FROM QUEBEC AND MONTREAL TO BYTOWN AND RIDEAU CANAL. M. K. DICKINSON, FORWARDIiVG & COJIMISSIOX iTIERCHANT, Has, in addition to his former forwarding Stock, purchased that of Messrs. Barniim & Walker, which gives him equal, if not greater facilities than any other Forwarding House on the above named route, for forwarding with despatch and safety FREIGHT OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, And at Liberal Rates. He has likewise made arrangements to run his Craft regularly between Montreal and Port Elmsley, (formerly Pike Fall;^.) upon the Rideau Canal, call- ingat all intermediate Ports ; and also arrangements for Forwarding all Property entrusted to his care to and from Quebec, and all Ports on Lake Champlain, Troy, Albany, and New York. His Stock is composed of Five Steamers and 20 Barges, and he can confidently state that they are superior in capacity and safety to any others engag- ed in the trade. Wm. Ross, Agent, Montreal. , C. Carlton, Agent, By town. Wm. Dousley, Agent, Port Elmsley, Rideau CanaL James Walker, Agent, Quebec. ^ FOUNDRIES, &C. 337 FOUNDRIES AND MACHINE WORKS. City Foundry, C P Ladd, Queen near William. See card Eagle Foundry, George Brush, King near Common. See card Gilberi Sc Macfarlane, machine works and foundry, west end of St Joseph near Canal Kinmond Brothers, marine engine works, adjoining the Railroad, Bonaventure Montreal Foundry and City Works, Wm Rodden, William, Griffintown. See card Paige, B P and Co, threshing machines, &c, Wel- lington. See card Iledmonds and Co, foundry and machine works, 25 St Antoine and St Gabriel lock St Gabriel Edge Tool and Shovel Works, Robert Scott, St Gabriel lock. St Lawrence Engine Works, Bartley and Dunbar, south side Canal. See card Watson John, engineer, Anderson near Jur6 EAGLE FOUNDRY. George "^nislj, Eim STREET, MiR CANAL BASIN, MONTREAL. STEAM ENGINES; LAND, MARINE & RIVER STEAM BOILERS ; CRANES, CRAB WYNCIiES, WATER WHEELS AND MILL GEARING, Of the most approved construction, from a most extensive Stock of PATTERNS ; also CASTINGS of every descrip- tion, and HEAVY TRIP-HAMMER WORK, All of the best Workmanship, aud oa the most reasonable Terms. I' 338 rOT7NDRIC8, &c. WILLIAM RODDEX, PROPRIETOR OF MONTREAL FOUNDRY k CITY WORKS, William Street, Si. Ann's Suburbs. Manufactured and for Sale ON THE PREMISES :— IRON FURNITURE, of Modern Styles AXES and EDGE TOOLS Fancy Single and Double STOVES New and Superior Pattern COOKING STOVES HOT AIR FURNACES, for Wood and Coal RANGES and COOKING APPARATUS RAILROAD STOVES 24 inches to 60 inches long, and very heavy, with or without V^'iter Heat- ing Apparatus. Fancy and Plain Castings, Balcony, Office and Cemetery Railings, made to order. — Also, — Mill Work and Machinery, Patent Scales for Shops and Warehouses, with and without Wheels. Railroad and Haymarket Scales. Orders for the above-msationed Goods, or any other description of IRON IVORES, will be executed with despatch, from the best ma- t^al and of good worktnansl ip, at MODERATE PRICES. The best of Pattern Makers are engaged in the Works foK the accommodation of Customers. m } rOT7NOIirE8, &c. 339 oods, or any the best ma- W^ %&ww 'I) IRON FOUNDER, &c., Queen Street, Montrral, MANUFACTURES AND KEEPS ON HAND, Lathes, Plane insj Machines, Punching and Shear- ing Machines, Drilling Machines, Patent Wrought Iron Railway Chairs. Scales of all klndS'. Stoves, Furnaces, Agricultural Implements, Pig Iron. Coke, etc. etc. All kinds of CASTINGS made to Order. FINISHING, etc. ST. LAWRENCE ENGINE WOKKS CANAL BASIN, MONTREAL. . BIRTLIY & DUNBAR, Are now prepared to execute orders for STEAM ENGINES, Boilers, Mill Work, Heavy Forgings and of every Description. ul »'' . 1 m f , •<•«,] u :fii 340 FOUNDRIKS, &C. B. P. PAIGE & CO., Manufacturers of FiTUIT TIMB MWm . AND* HORSE POWERS. — ALSO, — • , , , Patent Sewing Machines, Steam Engines, and all other kinds of Machinery. And are also General Founders, and make all kinds of Railroad Machines, Custom Castings and Mill Work. Factory, Wellingrton Street MONTREAL. GENERAL MERCHANTS. Anderson, Evans ft Co, 33 St Gabriel Binmore, Brodie &; Co, Callieres near Common Buchannan, (I,) Harris & Co, 2 St Alexis ' Carter & Cowan, 278 St Paul Chandler & Buck, 304 St Paul Cuviliier, A & Co, 27 St Sacrament Darling, W^m & Co, 239 St Paul Douglas, Wm, St Jean Baptiste Ediiionstone, Allan & Co, corner Fortification lane and St Frangois Xavier, will remove in the fall to Common, opposite the Upper Wharf Foster, James, 23 St Sacrament Gillespie, Moffatt & Co, 182 St Paul ;. ^ ;; ^ .; ^ Gilmour & Co, 24* St Sacrament Gordon and Co, 26 St Nicholas '- '' v Hallowell, Robert, St Helen Hart, Theodore, 10 St Sacrament Harrington, William, cor St Paul and St Frangois Xavier .. ,.:-•- ^ ■'■ . ^ of ERS. Engines, and md make all Castings and 1 Street Common txis [ification lane smove in the ler Wharf St Frangois GENERAL MERCHANTS. 341 Henderson, W S, 1 to 5 St John Josepii, Jessie, corner St H(?len and Recollect Kay, Thomas and Co, St Kloi near St Paul Law, Yonng and Co, 277 8t Paul LemesLirier, Pvoiith and Co, Common opposite the upper wharf Leslie, Starnes and Co, 3 Recollect and 190 ^Notre Dame Long and Ryan, 194. St Paul McGill, P, 24. Little St .ames McKenzie, J G and Co, 219 St Paul Maitland (Ed), Tylee and Co, 4-3 St Frs Xavier Masson, Bruyere, Thomas & Co, 188 & 190 St Paul Masson, Edouard, 194 St Paul Masson, D and Co, 220 St Paul Mathewson, J A and II, 94* iMcGill Mills, Mattice and Co, cor St Sacrament and Peter Molson, John, jun, Lemoine Molson, Alex and Co, corner St Paul and St Joseph Noad Brothers, 81 Common Orr, Thos C, 77 Commissioners Panton, T C, 18 and 20 St Sacrament Ryan, Brothers & Co, Cuvillier's buildings St Peter Samuel and Co, 6 St John off St Sacrament Sharing, H L, 163 St Paul Sinclair, John, 277 St Paul Tiffin, Joseph, 137 and 139 St Paul Torrance D and Co, 266 and 268 St Paul Torrance, James, corner St Peter and Lemoine Torry and Co, St Eloi near St Paul Tyre, Colquhoun &; Co, St Joseph near St Paul Urquhart, Alex, Cuvillier's block, St Peter Williams, Thos, 19 St Sacrament Young, John, corner William and Grey Nun Young, Janes & Co, corner William and Grey Nun GROCERS, TEA AND SPICE DEALERS. , Addy & Co. 24.0 (late 162) Notre Dame Burns, John, 36 McGill. See card. .. ; Childs, George, 285 (late 199) Notre Dame English, S & Co, 266 (late 178) Notre Dame 4 n\ I ^ ' ri -I 842 OROCfiM, Ice. I 1 1 i : f # £ I^JI ; ii; ' ■ ^ i I • -;■ [Jii Ferguson, G B, 99 Comniissionrrs Galhigher, P, Gabriel iieur Colborne Mathewson, J A & H, 94. McGill Striithers & Cochran, 137 (late 109) Notre Duine JOHN BURNS, AND PROYiSION MERCHANTi No. 36 McGill Street , (Opposite St. Ann's Market J ]|[oiitreal9 Keeps always on hand a very choice Stock of Teas, Coflee, Sugar, Spices, Pickles, Flour, Provisions, &;c., which he will sell at a very moderate |irofit, and as his Stock is always selected and bought upon the best terms, he can confidently a.ssure his friends and the public that whetheras it regards quality oi price the aHicles which he deals in cannot be surpMSsed in Montreal. To those who are doubtful (should there be any such) as well as to the jMiblic general- ly he would request that thay will Call and see for themselves* GROCERS, WINE & SPIRIT DEALERS. Armstrong, Wm and Co, 152 (late 104) Notre Dame Berthelot, L F, corner Notre Dame and Bonsecours Cullaghan, Walter, Hoc^helaga Cowan and Cross, 8 St Maurice Desmarteau, Plamondon and Moussoau, 136 St Paul Elliott. John, 100 St Paul Fitzputrick and Moore, 34- McGill Foley, Owen C, corner Vitre and St George ^ Grace, John, 84 Bona venture ji . OHOCIftt, &C. 848 ^otre Dume Stock of Teas, EALERS. Hutchison, J, 37 (late 33) Notre Dame Johnson, G N, corner St Joseph and Richmond Jones, T Devereux, corner Lagauchetidre and San- guinet Kingan and Kinloch, 291 St Piinl Lanigan, Daniel, 264 (late 178) Notre Dame Leonard, T, 68 St Lawrence and 3 McGill McDonald, J, 83 St Lawrence and 90 St Joseph Mcintosh, Neil, Place d'Armes McLaren, W D & A, 115 St Lawrence McNaraee, Georce, St Antoine, corner Cemetery McNaughton, Duncan, 20 St Mary Masson, P T & Son, 54 McGill Phelan. John, 1 St Mary corner of Dalhousie square. See card Proctor, C D, 61 McGill Robertson & Hutchins, 52 McGill Shelton, E E, 256 (late 172) Notre Dame Stewart, D, 84 St Joseph sub Thomas, Richard, 35 Great St James. See card in- side of front cover Thompson, John, 108 St Paul Tiffin, T, corner Water and Jacques Cartier square Walsh, A, 2 St Antoine JOHN PHELAN, GROCER, WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANT, Corner of Dalhousie Square and St Mary Street, MONTREAL, , ' Havingmoved into thecommodiouspremises situated as above, the Subscriber respectfully announces that he will always keep on hand an extensive and varied Stock of the finest Teas, Sugars, Coffees, Wines, Liquors, Fruits, Pickles, Sauces, &:c., which can be found in the City, which he will supply on the most reasonable Terms, either at Wholesale or Retail. I I 3i4 t *'. I *H , agents, Common, opposite the Upper wliarf. See cnrd OTTAWA GLASS WORKS. The Subscribers, Agents for the above Mo nil factory, have on hand and offer for '^ale, a larf^e assortment of Fresh Manufactured WINDOW GLASS, in Half Boxes of different sizes, suitable to the Upper and Lower Canada Trade, which will be fotmd su- perior in quality to any yet offered, consist;n*T of the following brands: OTTAWA, or first qunlitv ; ST. LAWRENCE, or second do.; CHAMPLAIN, or third do. This Glass will be found equal to any imported, and at equally low rates. Orders for any particular sixes, not on hand, will be executed with (piick de- spatch. Double thick or Imitation Plate made to order up to size 30 x 40. LEMESURIEU, ROUTH & CO., Agents Ottawa Glass Works. GUN SMITHS. Boyd, T W. 116 Notre Dame . , HABERDASHERY AND OUTFITTING WAREHOUSE. Campbell, W W, 8 Great St James HAIR DRESSERS, WIG & CURL MAKERS. Allan, John, 302 (late 208) Notre Dame Bansley, David, 164 (late 112) Notre Dame Boyce, J R, 239 (^late 17.5) Notre Dame. Moretti, Pietro, 10.5 McGiU v Palmer, John, 46 St Gabriel " 'i Reid, James, Common, Canal Basin )iith < I: 'i- 346 i^ )> mil ^ i . ^ I' HARDWARE MERCHANTS. yW^Afl,^ HARDWARE. ESTABLISHMENT. No. 271 St. Paul Street, and Nos. 2, 3 and^ St, Nididas Street, Montreal, C. E. IMPORTER OF BAR, Hutty, Weighing ler description of E, Stock of CUT- ,K, and a most |ery description, )rk required for supplied in any teasoaable r&tei* W. & C. BREWSTER, Corner St. Paul and St. Frungois Xuvier Streets, OF ALL KINDS OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND Agricultural Implements^ Ens^li^h Swedes, Russia and Banks^ best refined Iron Pot Ash Kettles, Stoves, and other Castings: Blister, Faggot, Spring and Warranted Cast Steel, Chains. Anchors Anvils, and Vices, best warranted Mill Saws, Circular, Hand and other ^^aws. Edge Tools, Joiners' Tools. Files, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Cast Steel Warranted Axes, Saddlery, Plated and Japanned Wares, Bells, etc, and iManufacturersof Best Cut Nails, Tucks, etc. The whole comprising a most complete assortment of all articles in the trade and at the Lowest Prices. ALSO, EVERY DESCUIPTION OF Agricultural Implements Used by the best b'aruiers in Canada, including: — Ploughs Harrows, Cultivators, Straw and Hay Cut- ters, Cast Steel and Steel Ruck Scvt lies, Horse Rakes, Cast Steel Forks and Hoes, Churns and Cheese Presses, etc., all of the latest im|)ruved uiauuiactures. ■1 ' ii ■•1: 348 HARDWARE MERCHANTS. ■l^- HENRY CARLETON, No. 235 St. Paul St., opposite Custoiu House sq., MONTJIEAL, Sign of the larg'e Axe^ Has constantly on band a complete assortment of Birmingham, Sheffield & American Hardware, Together with Bar, Hoop, and Sheet Iron, Spring and Cast Steel, Chains assorted, Anvils, Vices, Smiths' Bellows, Tin, Canada Plates, Holloware of all kinds, Cut and Wrought Nails, Spikes, Sugar Kettles, Potash do., Cooking, Parlor, and '^oal Stoves, &:c. Also, a well selected stock of Carpenter's, Blacksmith's and other Tools, Warranted of the best quality. FERRIER & CO., General Hardware Merchants WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Corner St« Paul & St. Francois Xavier Sts., Entrar ' to Wholesale Wareroojns and Office, \^ St. Francois Xavier street, ^i * y ^ J <^ Import all descriptions of British, American and German HARDWARE, required for the Canada Trade, and have constantly on hand a HEAVY and COMPLETE Assortment, including all descriptions of Bar, Band, Rod, Hoop and Sheet Iron ; Canada Plates, Tin, Steel, Pottish Kettles, Nails, Chains, Spikes, Scythes, Shovels, Spades, Anvils, Vices, Glass, Lead Pipe, Shot, Axes, Grindstones, Glue, BoraXj etc — TON, )m House sq. 5 Axe, assortment of in Hardware, ind Cast Steel, s' Bellows, Tin, dnds, Cut and les, Potash do., r» other Tools, ality. ^ ^ O., terchants AIL, Xavier Sts., i.s and Ojjicey eetj American and "or the Canada a HEAVY and all descriptions t Iron ; Canada Nails, Chains, Anvils, Vices, ndstones, Glue, Hardware merchanti. 349 FOLEY, ELLIOTT «fe CO., ^ Montreal, Wholesale Hardware & iieneral Merehants, 265 (late J91) Saint PavU «treet, IMPORTERS OF BRITISH, AMERICAN, AND GERMAN HARDWARE. Bur, Hoop, Band and Sheet Iron, Anvils, Vices, Cast Steel, Canada Plates, Chains, Tin, Lead Pipe, Shot J Cut, Hose, Horse, and Countersunk Nails; Spades, Shovels, Glue, Borax, Hullow Ware, Scythes, Sickles, Bar Tin, Saws, Dry Lead, Paints, Guns, Pistols, Wniilow Glass, AxGS^,TabIe and Pocket Cut- lery, etc. etc. HATTERS AND FURRIERS. Brahadi, Abraham, 113 (late 95^ Notre Datae. See card Brown, John, 229 St Paul. Greene and Sons, 305 and 307 St Paul. S'^e card Henderson, John, 111 (late 93) Notre Dame Hyman, Sh, 43 St Antoine. See card Levin, B, 143 St Paul -^^-y Lomer, Gerard, 260 St Paul " ' "' Mayer & Brother 139 Notre Dame, and 233 St Paul See card Martin, John, 260 (late 176) Notre Dame. See card Mclver, George, 173 (late 135) Notre Dame. See card. Samuel, H, 277 (late 193) Notr. Dame. See card Samuel, Murk, 141 (late 111) Notre Dame. See ' card ' • - . ot Thompson, William & Sons, 297 (^late 205) Notre . Dame. See cord . . ., ....— ., ,^. ■^^^■1 ' 'I', J H pr , f'f 1 , ' 1- i 350 HATTXR8 AND rVRRIXMff. A. BRAHADI, Fashionable Hat, Cap^ and Sign of the Military Cap, No, 113 (late 95 j Notre Dartie Street, Would respectfully inform his namerous cnstomersy Country Merchants, Strangers visiting the Cvty, and the public at large, that he has made such ar- rangements with his agents in Paris, London, Ger- many, and the United States, as will insure his re- ceiving regular supplies of the ktest and most fashionable styles in HATS of every description ^ also specimens of the latest fashions in Fur Goods. He will manufacture First Rate Goods on the same patterns, under his own special supervision, so that he can guarantee that whether as to Style, Quality, Materials or Finish, his Fur Go(;ds, Hats, Caps, Slg, &c., cannot be surpassed in America. Those who are particular as it regards securing a First Rate Articlb on moderat terms are invited to call and examine his extensive stock previous to purchasing elsewhere. N. B. — CASH and the highest price paid for Saw Furs. / try Cap, iwi« Street, nerous cnstomersv isiting the Cvty, is made such ar- ils, London, Ger- ill insure his re- latest and most very description, as in Fur Goods, oods on the same ipervision, so that to Style, Quality, I, Hats, Caps, &c. lea. [egards securing a \terms are invited stock previous to st price paid for ttATTKRS A^fD rt7RRlliR9. 351 CANADA FUR ft HAT G0.| 306 and 307 St. Paul Street. GREENE & SONS, Have constantly on hand, for Sale, upon liberal Tern i, FURS Of every description, embracing all the different styles of Caps, Boas, Gauntlets, Victorines, &c.,and every article apptirtaining to the line, made under our own inspection expressly for UPPER AND LOWER CANADA TRADE. We are determined to maintain the celebrity which the rich colors and the good quality of our Fuis have obtained. Our long experience, together with the introduction of recent mechanical improve- ments, enables us to sell a good article 15 per cent, cheaper than it can be imported from any foreign country. Also, always on hand an extensive as- sortment of HATS, Silk, Fur, Wool, Leghorn, Palm Leaf, Cloth Caps. &:c. WHOLESALE BUYERS AND TRADERS Supplied upon liberal Terms at low Prices. Cash and the Highest Prices paid for all kinds of RAW FURS. ^ ^ji 352 HATTRRS and FURRfERS. |) %. I f !'•( ■Jfe JTuvrier awh €ap illauufacturer, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, No. 43 (LATE 29) ST. ANTOINE STREET, MONTREAL. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and DEALERS are invited to call and examine, as the Goods are of first-rdte quality, and are offered ut low Prices. All Orders puuctiuilly attended to. CASH PAID FOR FUR SKINS. Manufacturer^ Importer! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN No. 173 (late 135) Notre Dame JSt., Montreal, Keeps constantly on hand an extensive and very superior assortment of every article in his line of business, which he offers at wholesale or retail upon very favorable terms. • •■ ...... , Casu pAiD goix Shipping Fuas. low Prices. All iST., Montreal, jnsive aiul very |e in his line of lie or retail upon HATTIlRS AKD FUnHIERS. 3!) 3 MVYER & BROTHER, |ing0i1cr5 & ptmufecturcrs, WHOLESALE Sc RETAIL DEALERS IN Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Goods, Calf Leather, and a General Assortment of rrimmings and Hatters' Plashes, No. 139 NOTIE DAME STREET, Opposite the Met/opolitan, and Opposite the Custom House, Montteal^ "Wonld particularly call the attention of Strangers and Visitors to their large and we 1 1 -assorted Stock of the above-n imed Goods. Having an Agent resident iu Europe, they arc. constantly receiving additions to their Stock of the LAFESTand MOST FASHION- ABLE GOODS, from the various distant markets, while the MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT IN CANADA is under their own direct supervision ; and, as they employ none but the best Workmen, they can guarantee th.it every article sold in their Establishment will prove the best of its kind that can be procured in M >utreal or m any other city in North America. The exc3edingly low Prices at which their Goods are sold, must certainly induce either Wholejiale or Retail Purchasers to favor them with a call to exaini.ie The particular attention of Ladies and Gentlemen is callcil to their extensive Stock of FANCY FU RS, &c. Wholesale Purchasers liberally dealt with. Re in < Mil bo r — No. 139 XoTRE D\MK Street, St. Paul Strkrt, opposite the MetropohUii. opp'site tue Custom House. I 3 54 HATTER3 AND FURRIERS. 'I • l ARK SAMUEL, Furrier and Hatter, ■*vi HV«^if#^'-«tiiiirir. >Mfi^fi,,npv^ No. Ul (^lute in; Notre Dame St., Montreal, Keeps constantly on hand, of his own manufacture, a large and well selected Stock of Fur Goods, Hats, Caps, (J-c, of every description, which, whether it regards quality, workmanship, style or price, cannot be surpassed by any house in the trade in Canada. He respectfully calls attention to this fact, and invites all who are in any way doubtful to call and exa- mine for themselves, when they will certaitily dis- cover that there is no puffing in the above statement. Strangers visiting the city, Country Merchants, and the Public generally, are requested to call and examine. N.B. — Cash and the Highest Prices for Raw Furs. ON & SONS No. 297 (Late 203) Notre Dame Street, Montreal. Manufacturers of SILK, FUR and WOOL HATS, CLOTH CAPS, FUR CAPS, &c. A large Stock constantly on hand. Country Merchants will do well to call and ex- amine our Goods and prices. N.B. — Cash and the highest price paid for all kinds of FURS. 1 HATTIM AKD rCKRIEBI. 35d JOHN MAKTIN, Wholesale and Retail HATTER AND FURRIER Manufacturer aud Importer of ALL KINDS OF HATS AND CAPS, No. 260 [Late 176] Notre Dame Str£Et, WstT, MontreaL A large assortment of Valuable FURS for Bale at the smallest possible advance on the cost. The highest cash price paid for FUR SKINS. Intending purchasers are invited to call and ex- amine. if > ■ or Raw Furs. bOL HATS, TO rami's \ 4 HAT, CAP & FUR STORE, NO. 277 [LATE 193] NOTRE DAME STREET, Opposite the Recollect Churcli, H. SAMUEL, Proprietor. Country Merchants and wholesale purchasers will be supplied on liberal terms with every description of Goods in the line, while strangers visiting the city and the public at large will always find an ex- tensive and well selected Stock of Hats, Caps and Furs in every variety to choose from, all of which will be WARRANTED, SOUND and well made up, and will be offered at unprecedentedly moderate prices. PRAY CALL AND SEE. {tCjT Cash paid for Raw Furs. ' 'I f ., 3«5 ■» « HOTRLS AND TNNS. ill 1 1 ''■ ■. . I' i : ^'^ HOT AIR STOVE WAREHOUSES. Prowse, G F, 38 Great St James ...<., R odden, T M, 51 Great St James ' ' ' * " " " ' HOTELS AND INNS. ' ' ' '• Adelphi Hotel ^A and T McEwjin), Pluce d'Armr*. See canl, near the beginning of the volume Albion Hotel (C iM Gates)! 311 St Paul American House FHy Irish], St Henry Brunette's Hotel LA Brunette!, 20 St Joseph, sub Caledonia House [Wra EnnisJ, 312 St Paul City Hotel [J Brennan], corner St Peter and Re- collect Court House Saloon [J Garratt], 78 [late 60] Notre Dame Donegaiia Hotel [J H Daley], Notre Dame. See card Eagle Hotel, temperance [Francis Duclos], Collego near McGill Exchange Cofiee House [W B Levine], Exchange Court, St Paul Farmers' Hotel [George Jolmston], corner Common and King <■ Franklin House [M P Ryan &. Co], corner King and William Hotel de le Union [Alex Mercier], 17 Jacque > Car- tier i^qiiare Kelly, Thomas, corner Craig and St George Kingston Hotel [Thos Hanley], corner Common and King London Commercial Hotel [Isaac Moffktt], 64 Com- missioners McEnaspie, F, St Antoine opposite Desrivieres Montreal House [J W Coleman], Custom House sq Mountain, Thos, 40 St Lawrence Ottawa Hotel [S Browning], 48 and .^O Great St James. See card r^ , ^^ Quebec Hotel [E Mercier]. 89 St Paul ' Queen's Arms (Wm Crowhnrst] 18 and 20 St Paul Railroad Hotel [T Moore], 100 Bonaventure MOTEL! AND INVI. 337 St Arn's Hotel [Win Butler], 117 Commissioners St Aiitoino Inn flTeori^ VlcNjimec], corner fcit An- toine and Cemetery Steamhoat Hotel [M McDonnell], Colborne, Canal basin St Lawrence Hall [Ilogan and Penn], Great St James. St Nicliolus Hotel [F P Li'vinr], Jaoqnes Carticrsq See card, near the end ol the volume Swan Inn [John Dier], Grey Nun near William I THE DONE SANA HOTEL. 150 Great St This favorite Hotel, so well known to Travellers from the United States and Canada, has recently b.^en com{)leteiy llemodtdled and ll<'rnrni.shed, in a style of elej^ance unrivalled in Cannda. It has also received very coiisidi-'rable additions to its former accommodations, by the Erection of a new Wing, containing upwards of 50 Sleeping Apartments. These are all arrani^ed in such a way as to receive the finest Ventilation, having a fne aspect over Viger Square and the Champ de Mars to the Moun- tain. This, Establishment is imder the direction of Joseph H. Daley, whose long experience as a first class Hotel keeper, wdl secure to visitors every con- venience whioli can be expected from sedulous at- teation to their wants and wishes. The Table will be supplie 1 with the best which the Markets a fiord, and the Wines, Liquors, &;c., will be of the best quality, and every attention will be paid, so as to render, the enjoyment and satisfac- tion of the guests as complete as possible. Carria- ges are constantly in attendance, and convey pas- sengers to and from the Steamboats and Railroad Cars, and Private Carriages can be bad upon the shortest notice. 358 KOTCLi AND tSSt, r I I THE OTTAWA HOTEL, Great St* James Street, MONTREAL, Tlie Subscriber be«;.s to inform liis Frionds and the Public generally, tlint his house is opeu for the recepliou of Travellers anil iJouniers. It stands iu the very heart of the business part of the City, within two minutes walk of the Post Of- fice and Ganks. From the front is a delightful view of th(i Montreal Mountain, and on the South side a view of the Shippin^i; in the Harbor, the New Mar- ket, the Steamers in the (>anal Basin, and a delight- ful view of the Lachine llapids, and the Steamers descending them. The OTTAWA HOTEL has undergone a com- plete repair during the j^ast winter, and is thorough- ly fitted up with entirely NEW FURNrTlJRE, of the most modern style, (from Messrs. Hilton's Ma- nufactory,) regardless of cost. The Proprietor gives his best personal attention to the general management of the house, and Mr. W. V. Courtney, so long and favorably known to the Travelling Community, is in charge of the Book- keeping department. The PARLORS and BEDROOMS arc light, airy and well ventilated ; the TABLE is always supplied with the best to be found in the Markets; and the WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS are invariably of the clioicest brands. CARRIAGES will be in attendance at the Rail- road and Steamboat Depots, on the arrival of Cars and Boats. A large and commodious STABLE, within a few minutes' walk of the house, has been secured, so that gentlemen wishing their horses kept can be accommodated. Carriages and Horses for parties of pleasure, with careful and intelligent drivers, can be obtained at all times ua ixioderute terois. S. BEOWNi;C^O. [OTEL, itreety IS Friends and is open fur the • business purt of of tlie Post (^t- dolii^litful view 10 South side a tlie New Mur- i,and a delight- I the Steamers dergone a com- iud is thorough- IllNTTURI":, of rs. Hilton's Ma- )nal attention to se, and Mr. W. known to the e of the 13ook- S are light, airy always supplied irkets; and the are invariably ice at the Rail- arrival of Cars If within a few en secured, so es kept can be pleasure, with be obtained at HOWNIW. JCWCLLEIli, &C. 359 HOUSE FURNISHING WAREHOUSE. Nelson and Butters, 58 McGill INDIA RUBBER MANUFACTORY, St Gabriel Locks, Lachine Canal INDIA RUBBER WAREHOUSE. Hibbard and Co, 258 St Paul JEWELLERS AND WATCHMAKERS. Ascher, G J, 3t St Francois Xavier Boivin, L P, 116 [late 86] Notre Dame See card Clendinnen, John, 91 McGill. See card Creyk, William, 201 [late 151] Notre Darae Gray, Daniel, 40 Great St James Maysenhoelder and Bohle, corner St Vincent and Notre Dame. See card Ollendorff, M, 160 [late 110] Notre Dame Peacock, H, 138 [late 96] Notre Dame Savage and Lyman, corner Notre Dame and St Ga- briel. See card Fcott, A H and J, 70 McGill opposite Lemoine Silverman, Solomon, 159 [late 127] Notre Dame Smillie, D, working jeweller, 51 St Francois Xavier Townsend, W A, 214. [late 142] Notre Dame. See card White J S, 106 Notre Dame Wood J and Son, 177 [late 137] Notre Dame MAYSENHOELDER & BOHLE, Corner Notre Dame and St Vincent Streets^ MONTREAL, Execute to order all kinds of work in their line, in a superior manner, and with the utmost despatch. Jewellery of every description repaired in the best manner, and upon the most reasonable terms. N.B.— Entrance by St Vincent Street, door next the corner. :d ^ll I » I' > m: i 360 JEWXLLEXS, kC. J. CLENMNNEN, WiTHUOl 11 JEWEUEl. No. 91 MeGill Street, 3rd door from NOTRE DAME STREET, '^H J. C, grateful for the very liberal patronage l»e hns received since his commenocMiient in business in this city, would, in respectfully returning his most sincere thanks to his numerous Patrons and Friends, intimate to ih? Public at large that from his practi- cal experience in the Manufacturing and Repairing of all sorts of WITCIES, CLOCKS, In London and others of the Principal Cities in Europe, he flatters himself that he is able to afford perfect satisfaction to all who rany honor him with their patronage. J. C. keeps always on hand a superior Stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Guard Chains, Rings, Brooches, Bracelets, Pencils, &c., &c., which he offers on the most reasonable terms, and to which the attention of intending purchasers is most respec- fullv invited. EN, JEWELLERS, &C. Ml Ia> ?«sai^!^?«^£S»i reet, E STREET, tronaj^e lie hns in business in ning his most ,s and Friends, rom liis practi- aud Repairing cipal Cities in able to afford nor him with !rior Stock of hains, Rings, e., which he nd to which s most respec- Watcjimalier mib |etoei(er, No. lis (late 88) No!re Dame Street, Montreal* Respectfully intimates that having added largely to to his Stock of Gold and Silver Watches and Jewellery of all kinds, he is now ennbled to offer such inducements to intending purchasers as cannot fail to be satisfactory. His present extensive Stock embraces Gold and Silver Watches, Guard Chains, Breguets, Rings, Shirt Studs, Gold Pens and Pen(!ils, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Brooches, Lockets, Crosses. Plated Ware, Spectacles, &:c., all of which he offers at Wholesale or Retail at the lowest possible prices. The Pub- lic are requested to call and examine pievious to purchasing elsewhere. Watches, Clocks and Jewellery Repaired by experienced workmen and at moderate prices. ^1 M ; .-tl P I f m GQ W W 0) P4 w w ^ p^H W >*1 no O (/J «« (» H 4 e r, W M i-i S S p^ ^ o (=^ D o b o 0) o ^ .0•- '-^ ^ W J3 -Co X a (n .2 J; "O ^^ -S '■J ^ '^ ti ^~j ■^ ^. N w C K t >, «3 (/3 t> ,-i OJ 7; si „. ^ O' l-H -u Cm Oi o O 1; <= S ri»C) -fff^ =*"> £? rt o O -i ^ 'C cs c_ »- ._S '<^ '^ — s 1) 'O 4/ • — 4) CS -C "** rr r. yj O 55 o re w •-^^ £?; ? c ^<: ^ .= ^ 0, -2 .5 o t £ •- *^ 5 '"^ '^ 'x: zi ■♦-J TO c2 >. c c^ — fc. o S3 1< CO '-^ ^ :H= t5 CO SI 2 0# = '^ :: ^w ^ ~, ;«; o pa .5 c a. -2 •*- _C v^^ —t O K 9^ ^ - £ ^ o s #1 } ; ' » •^ •% C w . .5 a- "O -- — 5J rt , ^ N3 (» C • *^ ♦-* . ^^ •— ' <-» W 3- >» b£) OJ ^ >» r- -T: fc- •-^ *" Ji ' ^^?'g 1 g aT'n « -H = ? ^ 03 "« V. r- ~ e3 K f '-' 0- ^ < e n r •r--' '^ Ladle tile Pa mansh NG of 3 s -^ j^ r-2 o ? :z ^< ^ i 1 e Fori il and in poi; o the >^ ,=. - ♦- v» lactu y Lii nted paid 2 bo = S £ c t:^ — — fc. o cj 0/ n -^ «) •^ Ci ^ H o-c tT-S h u = cc/. iH 1] = -=<*.= = H o.Si ■' .V •*-» J O Kl tj 5 S =^r* 3 = £^7 :.a^ '. - ^-^w : o c , ♦■■> ;i- V- i-^ o a CJCJ JEWELLKRS, &C. 363 ]\o. 214 JVotre Dame Street, CORNKR OF ST. JOSKPH STRKKT, FACING THE FRENCH CHURCH, MONTREAL. No. 214 IVotre Dame Street, CORNER OF ST. JOSEPH STREET. FACING THE F1U:^'C^ CHURCH, AlONTREAL. .. I •ill 864 LAMP STORE, &C. J It < if- :». ' LAMP STORE. Hibbard, W R, 161 St Paul. See card. LAMP AND TRUNK STORE. I 1^ W. R.IIIBBARD^ •^'^Sdfi •^ 161 ST.PAUL ST. MONTREAL. oa o * ^-^ CD S^' I CO Canal & Head Lir.itt, Lanterns & disnals, 8hop Lamps, Olobei, Chimnies % wioks, Oas Shades, Burning r laid. Uil, fto. OIL and FLUID LAMPS ol all descriinions. PACKING and COMMON TRUNKS, Expressly fur the Country Trade, A liberal discount made to Wholesale Purchasers. LAND SURVEYOR. Perrau!t, H M, Fortification lane near Bleury L^.RD, OIL Sc CANDLE MANUFACTURER. Muthewson, John k. Son, corner Inspector and Wil- liam. See card after " Tallow Chandlers." LEATHER MERCHANTS AND TANNERs. Busseau, H, 133 St Paul Galibert Brothers, 214 St Paul Leclcrc, .Tohn A, 269 St Paul " ' • Pratt, John and Co, 242 St Paul Pratt, Edward, 240 St Paul ; . Thomson and Son. 287 and 289 St Panl Weir. William, 245 St Paul ^ . . _. LUMBER MERCHANTS L SAW MILLERS. Grant, Hall and Co, Wellington near the Canal McCaw, Thomas, Preston Mills, Richmond scj[uaro I MARBT.R FACTORIRS, &C. S65 Sims, J G, corner St Louis jiml St Denis 'IriKleuu, Jusipli, Craig nrar St Elizabeth LACEMAN AND HOSIER. Parkin, James, Notre Dame. See card, on page MARBLE FACTORIES. Mavor and Macdonald, Blenry near St Bernard Uytitt, Wm C and Co, corner Cruig and St Peter. See card REMOVAL. WM. C. HYATT & CO. Httv*» REMOVED their MARBLE WORKS to the Premises corner of Craig and St Peter Streets* where, with their increased fsK'ilities for executing orders, they flutter themselves in beinp able to fur- nish to tht* ir friends and cust«>m«^rs all kinds of Mo- numents, Tombs, and Headstones, Mantel Pieces, Tab/e Tops, &:c., both of Marble and Stone. Also» they keep for sale, Marble Hearths, and Murbl© Slips for Grates, as low priced as ylone. f( 3 Aii 'f,.S 366 MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. MARL\E STORE. Mull ins. F F, 70 Commissioners, opposite the Que- Ijec steamboat whurf MARRIAGE LICENSE AGENT. Koss, Arthur, 3 Anderson^s Row, Hanover MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS. Adams, W and H F, 19.'> (late 149) Notre Dame Beandry, Joseph, SI McGill. See card Bien venue and Leblanc, 69 McGill, See card Boulan«,'ot, .1 C, 49 (late 41) Ncitre Dame Campbell, John, 283 [late 197] Notre Dame. See card Carey, D, 85 McGill and 289 Notre Darae CliflTord, S and Co, 57 McGill Clifford, J B, 284 St Paul. See card Depincier, O, 123 [late 101] Notre Dame. See card Franchero, L O, 13 St Lambert Galbraiih, John, 251 [late 183] Notre Darae. See card Gareau, M L D, 265 [late 187] Notre Dame. See card Gibb and Co Great St James. See card Lavender, H, corner McGil' and St Maurice Loiselle, F X, 73 McGill. See card inside, opposite tin- back cover McMillan and Carson, 66 McGill. See card, inside of back cover Mann, D, McGill Muir, Win and James, 25 Great St James Muir, Ewan and Co, 79 and 59 McGill. See card, opposite the title-page Patton and Co, 42 McGill. See card Ronayne, P and M, corner McGill and St Joseph. Seath, Robert 50 McGill. See card Sutherland, John, 301 [late 207] Notre Dame. See card Thomson, Joseph N, 33.^ Great St James losite the Que- re Dame. See re Dame. See •e Dame. Sec Bee card, inside nd St Joseph, re Dame. See MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. 3fl7 JOSEPH BEAUDRY, .^■^ ►^^> MERCHANT TAILOR, Clotljifr ^ (fifiural (Outfitter, NO. 81 McCilLL STREET, MONTREAL, Rospectfully announces that he has Removed into ]Mc(;ill Street, now THE HEAD QUARTERS of the CLOT1HN(t TRADE, and as Competition is the life of business, lie is determined that in no respect of advantaj^e to the Purchaser shall his Es- tublishment be exceeded by any other in the Street. His Stock of Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Vestings Doeskins, &c. &c., is fresh, well selected and extensive. Also, in point of Workmanship, Style and Finish, his READY MADE CLOTHINQ "Will be found upon inspection to exceed most of what js generally in the market. He respectfully invites the attention of Country Merchants, whom he will be pk-ased to have call and examine before they make their selections j and as it rei^ards the SU^-fSiOHili lD[S[{>iiWJl][llj!ilJ'» He will briefly say, that Gentk^men who favor him with thrir (irders, may depend up«)n tlvir being failhliilly, elegantly and [)unctually executed, upou Very moderate Terms* ^1. Fl 368 MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. 'f NEW MERIIIICT TAILORS & READY MADE CLOTHING STORE, ^■^ '^^^1 SI(]IN OF THE AT THE BLACK No. 69 me^m street, Montreal, Where will always be on hand. Wholesale and Re- tail, a choice assortment of Cloths, Cassi meres, Vest Patterns, Gloves, Cravats, Neck Stocks, &;c., as well as a complete assortment of Ready Made Ciothlngr* The Subscribers, m thanking their Customers in town and country and the public in general, re- spectfully beg leave lo inform them that they have opened a NEW STORE under the Firm of BIENVEN1TE &LEBLANO. Ihe assiduity and the regularity which they have adopted in their business, will, they hope, entitle them to a share of the patronage of their Friends and the Pubbc in general, and they flatter themselves that by unceasing attention to their business and the employment of the most skilful workmen, they will not be surpassed in their work, either in taste or durability, by any other establishment. They fur.hur inform their numerous customers in town and country that they continue as ht^retofore to make up clothing Ibr all those who wish to buy their own cloth, either in their own Store or else- where, that they will be equally well served. 0::^ The public are respectfully requested to visit this new e.stublishment us the subscribers are wil- ling to sell tneir Goc*ds at very low prices. BIENVENUE & LEBLANC. §m MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. 369 EADT MADE ORE, (]JN OF THE }HEEP. intreal, )lesale and Re- issirnert's, Vest stocks, &:c., as thlnsr* Customers in in general, re- that they have ^'irm of LANO. hich they have y hope, entitle eir Friends and ter themselves usinessand the [men, they vrill her in taste or lit. is customers in as hert'tofttre lo wish to buy Store or else- 11 served. nested to visit nUrs are wil- irices. .EBLANC. JOHN OAMPBELL, MERCfl INT TAILOa& CLOTHIER, 283 (late 197) Notre Dunie Street, Hlontreal, Has now on hand a well selected sto"k of BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIAIEIIKS, VESTINGS, TROU- Sl^RlNGS, Sec, which he is prepared to mnke up to order in the latest style of /ushion, and u])on rea- sonable terms. As he gives his undivided attention to the Cutting Department, he is able to guarantee a first-rate fit ; and employiuR no^ie but experienced workmen, the make and finish of the (jarnients which he turns out vv.ll be found equal to any in Canada. in the llEAi»Y-MADE DEPARTMENT, he keeps a select Stuck constantly on hand, which he offers at his usual modenite prices, and he inviUs his old friemls and customers as well as the Public at Ifirsje, to give him a call when requiriug anythmg in his liue ot business. John Galbraith^ MERCHANT TAILOR, 251 (late 183) Notre Damk Street, Montreal. Keeps on hand a choice assortment of Cloths, Vest- ings, Cassitneres, «kc., suitable for summer or winter wear, and is always prepared to make up Gentle- mens, Youths, and Boys Clothing, in the latest and best manner, with the greatest punctuality and uiK)n very moderate terms. He returns thanks to his old customers fur their past fiivors,and would take leave to assure them that be intends to continue his prices upon the same moderate >«ile which hits h( retolore securt*d their support, wlidt^ the materials and work- manship which he will su[)ply shall know no falling off, and he consequently solicits with confidence their contiiii'i'd patronage, as well as an extended share of that of the public generally. ii I ^w MftftCHANT TaILOKS, ice. i I »!l J. B. CLIFFORD, Wholesale and Retail Clolhing Warehouse, No. 28+ ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. .T. B. C. would respectfully luinouncr that he \mn COMMENX'ED HUSINESS in theuWovc Line.und has now on hand u very superior Stock ol" HEADY MADE CLC)rilLN(;,utevery description, which he offers at VVliolesule or Retail on v<'ry fdvorable terms. His long experience in the Trade, having been many years employed in some oi the most extensive houses in the Province, will enable liim to select only such (nxxis as are sniteil for the Caraia Ahir- ket. And us he will give Ins personal attention to superintending the business, and employ none but the best workmen, he belit;vew that those; who may liivor him with their support will be served with as gooi.1 an article, and upon as reasonable t(>rni8, as can be obtained in any oth«'r house in the 'JVade. CU6Tt)MER WORK particularly attended to. JOHN SUTHERLAND, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, NO. 301 [LATE 207] NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL, Has constantly for sale, or niikos to order in a su- perior manner, every variety of Summer and Winter Clothing, suitable for Men or Boys ; t'lid.as he gives his undivided attention to minding his own business, he believes that all who favor liim with their cus- tom will be, at least, as well served as at any other Tailoring Establishment in Montreal. Every de- scription of Cloths, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Vestings, &c. tVc, of the latest styles are always kept on hand. The Public, particularly those who desire to com- bine eUgance and economy in Clothing, are invited to cull and examine for themselves. MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. 371 ig Warehouse, REET, incr that he hiis } uWovc Liiie,uiul UM-kol" HEADY ripliuii, which he (T (dvurahle terms, (le, having bt'cii u' most extensive lie Inm to select he Cm alu Mar- ional attention to employ none but t tlius(5 who may )e served Willi as ahlo terms, as call the Trade. riy attended to. LAND, [Clothier, DAME ST., order in a su- bmer and VV inter fud.ashe gives \his own business, with their cns- as at any other kii. Every de- Iveeds, Vestings, lys kept on hand, lo desire to com- ing, are invited is §9 ®f MERCHANT TAILOHS, IMPORTERS AND Gentlemens Haberdashers^ GREAT ST. JAMES STREET. Tadjoining the Bank of British North America,) mOiVTREAL. The Subscribers having removed from their old place of business, Notre Dame Street, to the new and ele- gant sliop adjoining the Bank of British North America, built expressly for their use, avail them- selves of the occasion gratefully to acknowledge the long continued and extensive patronage of the Pub- lic, lx>th in the City of Montreal and throughout the Province generally. The superior accommodation of their n(iw premises has en tbled them greatly to increase their Stock of Gentlemen's Haberdashery, to which they invite spticial attention. Their suppiy of Plain and Kaney Goods wilU be all of the best quality, and of the mos* recent styles. In this way they hope to maintain the reputation which the firm has had fbr the last 70 years for keeping the best articles made up in the best man- ner. GIBB &. CO. July, 1854. ' ' ■ IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) fe {./ A 1.0 I.I I^|2j8 |2.5 136 1^ us 2.2 1.8 IL25 i 1.4 MM 1.6 Photographic Sdences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 873-4503 ! i m. ^ :flii '^ f',. 372 MERCHANT TAFLORS, &C. i*/ «B^' 0. MERCHANT TAILOR, AND " GENERAL "OirTFirTERr % 123 (LATE 103) NOTHE DHHE STREET, .Tr^ra iiI]©iIl'lfSiliiIL.» Keeps always on hand an extensive and varied assurtineut of *'■"■' |leaig JIak d0t|ing/ .T' lU'Mirr;- '»r/f"ttj, Uj CASSIMEKES, BROAD CLOTHS and VEST- INGS. Gentlemen's Clothing made to measure, in a style of elegance and fashion not to be surpassed in Canada. Cloth and Trimmings furnished, and Garments Cut in the most Fashionable Style. SHIRTS, COLLARS, DRAWERS, TRAVEL^ LING BAGS, &c., constantly on hand, and every article will be sold at the Lowest Possible remune- rating price. C^ Wholesale PuRGHASBRS, Strangers visiting the City, and the Public generally, will please to call and see. N?B. — For the convenience of Straugers and Travellers, a complete suit will be made to order, ia the very best style, ia Twelve Hours. c. PR MEKCHANT TAILORS, &X:. r3 CAILOR, ITTERr^ DAME STREET, msive and varied o rHS and VEST- made to measiire, not to be surpassed igs furnished, and mable Style. ^ERS, TRAVEL- 1 hand, and every t Possible remune- Strangers visiting lly, will please to of Strangers and »e made lo order, io ours. NEW ESTABLISHMENT NORTH AMERICAN' WHOLESALE & RETAIL, NO. 42 MoGlLL STREET, , Opposite St. Ann's Marbet, Montreal. PATTON ^ CO. Most respectfully intimate to their friends and th« public, and to the Merchants of Canada m general, that they have OPENED that commodious Ware- house, No. 42 McGill Street, with a new and well- assorted Slock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, which they will offer to WHOLESALE MER- CHANTS at a Small Advance from Cost Prices, thus affording greater bargains than any otlier house in Canada. All their present stock being this Spring's Impor- tation, and bought on the lowest terms, were manu- factured ex|)ressly for the Canadian market ; and will, they feel confident, be found equal in Style, Quality and Make, to any other establishment of the kind in Canada. They will constantly keep on hand, a splendid and well-as- sorted Stock ©f CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, DOESKINS, TWEEDS and VESTINGS, all of which they will be prepared to make to order, on the shortest notice. To those who would lavor them with their patronage, they would further say, that they have secured the services of Mr. Dresser, (late Foreman to Mr. Gemmill, of the Boston Cloth- ing Store). Mr. D. will give his undivided attention to the Order« of those favoring this Establishment with their patronage. N.B.— Remember the NORTH AMERICAN CLOTHES WAREHOUSE, 42 McGill Street. &3* Give us a call. Examine prices and quality of Goods, ai we intend to make it an object for Purchasers to buy. PATTON k CO. Montreal, July 8, 1854. > i r :. t R m M 374 1 ^ }^H ,'M l> .! MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. NEW CLOTHING STORE. . SIGN OF THE WHITE FLAG, H(Do MS (ILAIFIB aSg') MOTmiB IDMHIE OT, The Subscriber begs to intimate to his numerous Customers and the Public generally, that his READY-MADE CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT is now well s»pplied with clothing of all descriptions, which he will sell low for Cask. Wholesale Buyers will do well to call. He would beg to observe, that, for elegance of Style, durability of Make, and quality of Goods, the CLOTHES which will be sold at this Establishment will be equal to the '* very best " of any similar Store in Montreal. He has constantly on band the most complete assortment of CLOTHS, SILKS, CA&SIMERES, VESTINGS, TWEEDS, &c.; also SATINS of every color and quality ; VELVETS, rich and varied ; and a variety of Gentle- men's Outfitting requisites. Pray call and examine, as every article will be offered at the most moderate prices. Montreal, July 10. M. D. L. GAREAU. JAMES RICHARD, MERCHANT TAILOR, ■ i» (late from Messrs. Gibb & Co.,) ; f.i . , 35 Oreat St. James Street, comer Str Peter Street (over Mr. R. Thomas, Grocer,) Montreal) Begs leave to call the attention of Travellers and the Gentlemen of this city and vicinity to his Stock of Pant Patterns, Fancy and Plain Vest- ings, and West of England Cloths, which he is pre- pared to make up at the shortest notice, in first rate style and upon moderate terms. A share of public patronage is respectfully solicit- ed and every exertion will be used to merit its con- tinuance. (tjT Remember the No. is 35, corner of Great St. James and St. Peter Streets, up stairs. ■» if 1 1 iS ■^ STORE. FLAG, : i DDMIIIE OTo imerous Customers ADE CLOTHING 'ith clothing of all Wholesale Buyers i of Style, durability ES which will be le ♦' very best " of :antly on hand the :S, CA&SIMERES, 1 of every color and 1 variety of Gentle- examine, as every nces. ). L. GAREAU. ILOR9 & Co.,) V . . ;tr Peter Street )cer,) of Travellers ind vicinity to md Plain Vest- ,'hich he is pre- ice, in first rate jctfully solicit- merit its con- fer of Great St. rs. MERCHANT TAILORS, &C. 375 ROBERT SEATK, MERCHANT TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, NO. 50 McGILL STREET, MONTREAL, Would respectfully intimate that he is constantly manufacturing Clothing of every description for Spring, Summer and Winter wear ; and that he has now on hand every description of Goods in the Tai- loring line, which he offers upon moderate terms. Country Merchants, Strangers and Citizens re- quiring Ready Made Clothing would do well to give him a call ; and all orders for Custom work will he as heretofore promptly and accurately attended to ; while, as the cutting department is under the charge of a cutter of much experience, he confidently be- lieves that complete satisfaction as to fit, style, &c., can be always insured. N.B. — For the convenience of Travellers he has made arrangements which will enable him to make up a suit of Clothes in twelve hours. & London, Paris and New ¥ork -~ MILLINERY SHOW ROOMS. NO. 238 (late 162) NOTRE DAME STREET, Have now on hand a choice Stock of IHilllnery of all Kinds, to which the most recent Fashions in every depart- ment will be added. Country Merchants, Milliners and others are in- vited to call and examine previous to making their purchases. li/'v I I' ■ ■';» ft 1 r I •i, * ! f (V. I |i -ili 376 MILLINERS AND CRESSMAtCRRS. MILLINERS AND DRESSMAKERS. Arthur, Miss, 2.^ St Joseph, snh Bliickadtler. Mrs, 269 (late 189) Notre Dame Dennie, Mrs, 13 Great St James Franchere, Mrs, 15 St Liimbcrt Robinson, Mrs & Diiughters, 238 Notre Dame. See card Silverman, Mrs, 159 (late 127) Notre Dame MINERAL SPRINGS DEPOTS. Georgian Springs, E Cheney, agent, 43 Great St James Plautagenet Springs, Depot, No. 4t Place d'Armes (Successor to Mead, Brother & Co.,) SIGN OF THE HARP, NO. 145 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, IMPORTER OF Pianofortes, Guitars, Music and musical Instruments, Has constantly on hand the latest and most fashionable Ku ropean and ^_ American MUSIC, with every de- scription of Instruction Books for all Instruments. Teachers will always find a varied assortment of Progressive Music, carefully selected at hi.« Estab- lishment. Every description ot WOOD and BRASS INSTRUMENTS, proved and warranted, always on hand ; also. Fittings for all In- struments and General Merchandize connected with the trade. Instruments Repaired, Exchanged, or Lent on Hire. ^ 83* Couotry Dealers supplied on very rtiasonable Terata* .),-■ 8. AKER3. } Dame re Dame. See 1 Dame 'OTS. t, 43 Great St 'lace d'Armes MUSICAt IVSTRUMEWT M\KER9, &C. KfT Co.,) [ONTREAL, lid Musical as constantly >n hand the atest and most ashionable Eu opean and merican MUSIC, /ith every de- Instruments, assortment of Eit h).« Estab- "fSTRUMENTS, ittings for all In- itb the trade. t on Hire. lableTermi* K- J. W. HERBERT & CO., Sign of the Golden Lyre, 131 & 133 NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, Manisfacturers & Importers of Pianofortes, Would resppctfully call public attention to their very superior Piccolo and Boudoir Pianofortes. They combine the power, bril- liancy, richness of tone, and lightness of touch of the Grand, with compactness, elegance of outline, and great durability. Thebe Instruments were much admired at the " Crystal Palace," London, and obtained the first Prize (against competition), at the Provincial Exhibition, September, 1853. BOSTON and NEW YORK PIANOFORTES of the most celebrated and esteemed Makers. J. W. H. & Co.'s long experience in Canada, both as Impor- ters and Makers, gives them advantages in selecting Pianos in the United States few others possess. Tuning, Repairing and Regulating executed with despatch, in a superior manner ; the arrangements in this department being more efficient than in most other houses on this Continent. In Sheet Music and Musical Publications they possess many ad- vantages, havmg made arrangements with several lar^fe European Publishers for the early transmission of Choice copies for the pur- pose of Reprinting. Also, for a weekly suppiy of every Novelty as soon as it appears in Europe or America. BRASS and WOOD WIND and STRINGED MUSICAL INSTRUMKNTS of every description, of best Makers, Double Basses, Violoncellos, Violins, Guitars, Clarionetfes, Flutes, Cor- nopeans, Saxe Cornopeans, Saxe Horns. Opheclides. Trombones, French Horns, Accordeons, FIntinas, Strings, Reeds, Tuning Forks, Tuning Hammers, with every other article connected with the Trade — the whole at very Low Prices. <|uicl£ Returns and Small Profits. ■rl m !M it m 1 ' > ! ' ' ' 1 ' ■ 1 . 1 378 MUalCAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS j&C. A. (fe S. NORDHEIMER, 43 Great St James Street, Agents for Chickering's, Stodart's, and Dunham's - PIANOFORTES. N.B. — A large Stock of Second Hand Pianos con- stantly on hand, for Sale or Hire. PIANOFORTES, iHusk anb iMusical Iu0trument0, SEEBOLD BROTHERS, NO. 221 NOTRE DAME STREET, WEST, ■ montreal. > Pianofortes from the celebrated Makers, Leighte, Newton and Bradbury's, New York, who received the first premiums for late Improvements and Excellency of Tone at the World's Fair Cry- stal Palace, New York. Saxe Horns, Cornopeans, and all kinds of Brass Instruments, of the best French make and latest improved styles. Violins, Clarionets, Flutes. Accordeons, Flutinas, Bows for all Stringed Instruments, Reeds, Rosin, Bridges, Italian and English Violin Strings, &c. &c. Country Dealers supplied on liberal Terms. j&c. CIMER, Strcety md Dunham's nd Pianos con- 5truinent0. T, WEST, [hte, Newton and remiunns for late ["oriel's Fair Cry- Is Instruments, of las, Bows for all llian and English Perms. NKWSPAPERS AND PBIIIODICALS . S79 MUSICAL INsSTRUMENT MAKERS, ORGAN BUILDERS, &c. Brown, Abner, 35 Notre Dame Herbert, J W & Co, 131 and 133 (late 105 and 107) Notre Dame. See card Hood, Thomas, (successor to Mead, Brothers & Co,^ 31 Notre Dame McPherson, John & Son, 134> Craig Nordheiraer, A & S, 43 Great St James. See card Owen & Tranter, 8 St George Prince, Henry, 145 (]ate 113) Notre Dame. See card Seebold, Brothers, 221 (late 174) Notre Dame. See card Warren, S R, corner, St .loseph and St Henry NAIL AND SPIKE MANUFACTURERS. Peck, Thos & Co, 227 St Paul Vennor, H & Co, 10 St Sacrament NEWSPAPERS AND PERJODICALS. Album Litt6raire of La Minerve, 15 St Vincent Canada Directory, R W S Mackay, 53 St Francois Xavier Commercial Advertiser, daily and tri-weekly, Thos, Finney & Co, 304 Notre Dame Freeman, semi-weekly, W & F Dalton, corner St Francois Xavier and Hospital French Canadian Missionary Record, quarterly, J C Becket, 22 Great St James Gazette, daily, tri-weekly and weekly, J M Ferres & Co, 20 Great St James Herald, daily and weekly, D Kinnear & Co, 209 Notre Dame La Ruche Litteraire, G H Cherrier, 17 St Therese La Minerve, (French,) tri-weekly and semi-weekly, Duvernay Bros, 10 St Vincent La Semuer Canadien, weekly, Rev N Cyr, Saint Therese . '?.| I'll ^11 !' i -i\ ■\ ■ Ji I' ! ' ■■i 4 I! I 1 •• i ;;l 380 NEW8PAPEK8- AND PERIODICALS, &e. Le MoniteuT Canadien, weekly, C J N DeMontigny 6 Co, 125 St Paul Le Pays, weekly, J A Plinguet, St Therese Life Boat, monthly, H «Sc G M Rose, Great St James Maple Leaf, monthly, Mrs R VV Lay, 22 Great St James Missionary and Sabbath School Record, monthly, J C Becket, 22 Great St James Montreal City Directory, R W S Mackay, 53 St Francois Xavier Pilot, daily and tri-weekly, R Campbell, Place d'Armes. Presbyterian, The, monthly, John Lovell, printer, 7 St Nicholas Sun, The, tri-weekly Moore, Owler & Stevenson, 42 St Frangois Xavier ^ ' Temperance Advocate, fortnightly, J C Becket, 22 Great St James Transcript, daily, tri-weekly, semi-weekly, and weekly, D McDonald, 13 Hospital Tnie Witness, weekly, G E Clerk, 4> Place d'Armes Witness, The, weekly, J Dongall, 22 Great St James NOTARIES PUBLIC. Aussem, Mignault. 21 Little St James Belle, C E, 10 St Vincent Belle, Joseph, 12 St Lambert Blackwood, John, Vitre near St Charles Barrom6e Doucet, T, 20 St Francois Xavier , , Diwrand, F J, 72 St Francois Xavier Easton, William, 51 Little St James Fissiault, H A, corner Craig and Hermine Gibb, J J, 39 Little St James Griffin, John C^ Union buildings, St Francois Xaviei Guy, Etienne, 72 St Francois Xavier -, Hunter, James S, Little St James v r ii ^ Isaacson, J H, Merchant's Exchange Jobin (J H) & Matthieu (P), 19 St Vincent Labadie, J A, H Little St James Labadie, J E G, 14 Little St James Lappwe, Henry, 27 Little St James V :""T '^ DeMontigny herese Jreat St James 22 Great St rd, monthly, J lackay, 53 St mpbell, Place lovell, printer, & Stevenson, C Becket, 22 -weekly, and al Place d'Armes 22 Great St )s Barromde line mcois Xavier 'j '• • ■■ cent ;; ^ NURSKllT AND "CFDSMEN, &C. 381 Mc ntreiiil, J A, 33 St Mary Papiiieuii, C F, corner St Gabriol and St James Pupineau, D E, corner iSt Gabriel and St James Phillips, W A, 39 Liltle St Jumcs Ross, William, 43 Liltle St James Smith, James, 72 bt Kraiicois Xavier Weekes, Geo, Nuns' Buildings, St Joseph Weston, Henry, 1 St Sacuament NUR&EllY AND SEEDSMEN. Cockburu & Brown, 40 Great St James Shepherd. George, 33 Notre Dame. See card GEORGE SHEPHERDi IVursery and Seedisman^ IMPORTER OF BRITISH, AMERICAN & FRENCH And Seedsman to the Lower Canada Board of Agriculture, iVb, 33 Notre Dame Street, Montreal, A choice collection of Greenhouse Plants, Garden Seeds, Bulbous, Flower Roots, Herbaceous Plants, Shrubs, Fruit and Ornamental Trees, &c. &c. Wholesale and Retail. OIL FACTORY. Dagg, James, St Felix near St Joseph PAINTERS, {Cojich, Hoy.se, Sign 4* Ornamental.) Clarke, Francis, Alexander near St Catherine Clarke, Henry J, 223 St Paul. See card Lloyd, Wm, corner Great St James and St Peter. See card McGarvey, Owen, 189 Craig near St Antoine. See card Ramsay & McArthur, corner McGill and Haymar- ket. See card Rodgers & Wright, 14 St Mary R 2 r • m \U k I' K ', I ! 'Ill II F »i«JI ! IS is m ' \i\ 11 K' 4 6. ■ c |: i 382 PAINTERS, &C. MONTREAL ^aint, ©il anlr §lass ^im. AND General Painting & Glazing Establishment. Always on hand and for Sale, Cheap for Cash. ORDERS FOR House, Sign, Sleamboat, Furniture, Carriage AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, Promptly attended to and neatly and substantially Executed. No Extra Charge made for Work done in the Country. N.B. — The Workmen employed in this Esta- blishment are strictly Temperate, and none but ex- perienced hands are employed, in consequence of which, by using FIRST RATE MATERIALS, the Subscriber feels confident that all work entrusted to him will give satisfaction. V u Orders solicited* \ HENRY J. CLARKE, No 223 St. Paul Street. '6 stablishmenti 3 3 SJ- -. a. • ca (ft i!J9 /or C«SA. re, Carriage NG, ' substantially done in the n this Esta- none but ex- nsequence of RIALS, the I entrusted to .ARKE, Paul Street. PAINTCRl Sec. 38J PAINT, OIL AND GLASS STORES. Atwater, E & Co, 267 St Paul and St Nicholas Clarke. Henry .1,223 St Paul. See card • Corse Sc May, 279 and 281 St Paul Loughry, John, 238 St Paul * Moses, Michael, 14.1 St Paul McGarvey, Owen, 3 and 5 Craig. See card Ramsay &; McArthur, corner McGill and Haymar- kdt. See card Rogers & Wright, 14 St Mary PAINTi OIL & GLASS STORE. Has constantly on hand a general assortment of Dry Colors, Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty, Varnish, Brushes, Paper Hangings, &c., all of which will be sold at a very light profit, and will be found of superior quality. He also carries on House and Sign Paint- ing, Glazing, Paper Hanging, &;c. All orders left at his Establishment will be promptly attended to, as he makes it a fixed principle to attend to all or- ders without any disappointment to parties favoring him with their business. Imitations of Woods and Marbles executed in a superior style. CABINET FURNITURE, Consisting of Mahogany and other Sofas, Bureaus, "Wardrobes, Centre Tables, Chairs, Bedsteads, &c. ; together with an extensive assortment of "Windsor, Roll-Top, Double-Backed and Rocking Chairs, for sale at Reduced Prices, and in any quantity. >^ y* OWEN McGARVEY, Nos. 3 and 5 Craig near St Antoine St. 111 i ■ I I*! i r If, ? t ■ K n ff ■ il i -Il i:^5; 'i 384 PAINTERS, &C. "WILLIAM LLOTD, Mmm, lign, mh (Dniamtntal fainter, PAPER HANfiEa & GLAZIER, Corner Crreat St. James and Sf, Peter streets, Montreal^ IMITATES every kind of WOOD and MARBLE, and executes ORNAMENTAL PAINTING in all its branches, and in first-rate style — also Paper Hanging & Coloring in Distemper, Promptly attended to. 0^ No Extra Charge made for Work done in the Country^ All Orders attended to with punctuality and de- spatch, and the Charges are very Moderate. PAINTi OIL & GLASS STOREj WHOLESALE & RETAIL, Corner ofMcGUl Street and Haymarket Square^ MONTREAL. Ramsay & McArthur^ Have constantly on hand every description of Paints, Varnishes, Bronzes, Gold Leaf, Artists' Colors and Tools, Paris Green (ground in Oil and Dry), Window Glass, &o. &c., which they ofifer - .. r CHEAP FOR CASH. Orders for all descriptions of House, Steamboat, Sign and Ornamental Painting, Paperhangiug and Gilding, Glazing, &c. &c., promptly attended to upon . tnod(e^t9 Terms* .OTD, ntttl fainter, .AZIER, Peter streets, and MARBLE, aNTING in all -also 11 Distemper^ o. Wtf done in the ictuality and dft- loderute. STOREi AIL, larket Square, iption of Paints, sts' Colors and Dry), Window se. Steamboat, erhanging and ttended to upon PAPER HANGEK, &C. 335 PAPER HANGER AND MAP MOUNTER. Hill, Benjamin, 70 St Frangois Xavier. See card, under head of " Booksellers" PAPER WAREHOUSES. Darling, Wm and Co, St Paul, opposite the Custom House Bainbridge, R and Co, corner McGill and W^illiam Bryson, Campbell, St Frangois Xavier. See card under head of "Booksellers." Chalmers, Jas, 224- St Paul. See card under head of « Booksellers." Ramsay, Hew, St Frangois Xavier. See oard under head of " Booksellers." Weir and Dunn, 7 Great St James PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. Boyer, L, MD, U St Therese Coderre, J Emery, MD, 181 Craig David, A H, MD, 146 Craig D'Orsonnens, Dr Thos K d'Odet, 65 St Louis Elliott, W H, MD, 25 Great St James Fenwick, Geo E, MD, 81 Craig Fisher, Arthur, MD, 61 Great St James Fraser, William, MD, 8 Little St James Godfrey, R T, MD, corner Craig and Alexander Howard, R P, MD, corner McGill and Great St James Jones, Thos W, MD, corner Lagaucheti^re and Ra- degonde McCallum, Duncan C, MD, 98 McGill • , McCallum, Dr D, 9 St Joseph near McGill 'Nelson, Wolfred, MD, corner Little St James and St Lawrence Hill Peltier, Hector, MD, 66 Craig opposite Her mine Perrault, Dr V, 183 Craig Picault, P E, MD, 36 Notre Dame Workman, B, MD 234 St Paul HOMCEOPATHIC PRACTITIONER. Fisher, Arthur, MD, 61 Great St James PLANING AND SAWING MILLS. Douglas, James, Gabriel near McCord. See card Esplin, Chas, George near Wellington :lfe' i i i] 1 u? mm m IP ^ 1 ■ .i '^ '^\ , ri ' i - It f j 1- ill :; f 1 ,' r i!1 1 1< s > ! I 1 I 386 SAW MIZ.LI, &C. Grant, Hall and Co, south side of Canal Shearer, James, St Gabriel locks. See card Sims, J G, St Mary, opposite Queen square "" JAMES DOUGLAS, aritg steam 0aiD $^ piamitg ittill, Packing Box Factory and Lumber Tardt DRESSED & UNDRESSED LUMBER Constantly on hand. BUILDING TIME ER * Supplied ; AND ALL DESCRIPTIONS OP SAWm« AND PLANIIVG Executed on the shortest notice. Facing William Street and Canal Basin, WEST OF McCORD STREET, ST. GABRIEL LOCKS, LAGHINE CANAL, MONTREAL. Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes and Blinds; all kinds of House Finishing ; Steamboat Cabins prepared and fitted up in the most modern style ; Steering Wheels and Steering Gear with the latest improve- ments. AH kinds of Doors, Window Blinds, Architraves and Mouldings constantly on hand. X ALSO, SAWN LUHBER. Canal See card 3n square aning illiU, umber Yard, I. B E R I OF notice. Canal Basin, REET, OCKS, ■"AL, indsj ail kinds bins prepared T^e; Steering atest improve- 1, Architraves PRINTING OFriCXS, &C. 387 PLASTERERS. Aitken and Morrison, George near Wellington PLASTER MILLS. Converse, J A, St Gabriel locks, Lachine Canal POWDER MILLS. Gore Powder Mills, H Vennor and Co, agents, 10 St Sacrament POWDER MAGAZINE. St Catherines Powder Magazine^ S Senior, agent, 21 St Frangois Xavier PRINTING OFFICES. Becket, J C, 22 Great St James Campbell, Rollo, Place d*Armes Duvernay and Frere, 10 St Vincent Demontigny and Co, 125 St Paul. See card Finney, Thos and Co, 304 Notre Dame Gendron, P, 20 St Gabriel Gillies, John, 4 Place d'Armes Kinnear, D and Co, 209 Notre Dame Lovell, John, 18 and 20 St Nicholas Moore, Owler and Stevenson, 42 St Francois Xavier McDonald, D, 13 Hospital Plingiiet, J A, St Therese Ramsay, Hew, 37 St Francois Xavier Rose, H and G M, 34 Great St James Salter, Ross and Co, 20 Great St James Senecal and Daniel, 70 Notre Dame Starke and Co, 59 St Frangois Xavier Wilsons and Nolan, 3 McGill. See card PROVISION INSPECTORS. McDonnell, Francis, Grey Nun Watson, William, Common near George PROVISION MERCHANTS. Boyer, Louis, corner St Frangois Xavier and Com- missioners ^ -- Connolly & Lantier, Port near Common \? !^- ■ . ,» Renaud (L) et Frer«, 106 Foundling l! Hi I ;'■ i '■( IB 1, P • i ■ >' i' I; 'W : 11;! i 1 :U U - THE MONTREAL TRANSCRIPT, Is Published every Morning during the Summer Season, at Five Dollars per annum ; and if Publish- ed Daily Ten Months in the year at $6 per annum. The TRI-WEEKLY THAN .SCRIPT is publish- ed on the iMornings of Tuesday, Thursday and Sa- turday, at Three Dollars a year. The Daily and Tri- Weekly Transcript combined, having the largest city circulation in Montreal, offer to Merchants, Professional Gentlemen, Me- chanics, Farmers, and others, a most desirable me- dium for their advertisements, and at very moderate rates. Those wishing to have a wide circulation for their advertisements in town and country are mformed that the Daily and Tri- Weekly Transcript have the largest city circulation in Montreal, and also a large circulation in Upper and Lower Canada ; and ad- vertisers who wish a still greater circulation for their advertisements are informed that all advertisements inserted in the Daily and Tri-V^^eekly Transcript will be inserted on the most reasonable terms in the Weekly Transcript, which has a circulation of 2000 in almost every part of Canada ; thus the Daily, Tri- Weekly, and Weekly Transcript offer unsurpas- sed advantages to advertisers. The Wholesale Prices of Produce, and the Montreal Market Prxes, the Price of llailway, Mining, Banking, and all other Stocks, and the New York Price of Produce, by Telegraph, will be given in the Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly Transcript. The Weekly Transcript, a Family Newspaper, devoted to Mo- rality, pure Literature, Foreign and Domestic News, Agriculture, Commerce, the Arts, Sciences, and Amusement, is published every Friday Morning, at Six Shillings per annum ; ten months lor Five Shillin<;s; and in ClubsolTen, at One Dollar per annum for each Subscriber. Any person sending a Club of T.n Subscribers will be entitled to an Extra Copy, for the trouble of getting up the Club. When the period for which subscriptions are paid is expired , the Papers will be discontinued, without any notice to that effect from the Publisher. Clubs and Subscribers will, therefore, keep this in mind, and remit in time, if they wish the Paper continued. 'The Ladies will find their tastes carefully consulted in the Transcript, as every Number will contain a well selected literary article, a variety of miscellaneous paragraphs, &c. D. McDonald, Proprietor. •ring the Summer ni ; and if Publish- r at $6 per annum. CRIPT is publish- Thursduyand Sa- ans3ript combined, tion in Muntreal, Gentlemen, Me- nost flesirable me- d at very tnoderate irculation for their ntry are informed ranscnpt have the Ll,and also a large Canada j and ad- ircnlation for their lU advertisements •Weekly Transcript lable terms in the irculation of 2000 thus the Daily, pt offer uusurpas- n he Montreal Market iking, and all other . by Telegraph, will Kly iranscript. aper, devoted to Mo- ^- News, Agriculture, sement, is published annum; ten months >ne Dollar per annum bers will be entitled up the Club. When s expired, the Papers hat effect from the refore, keep this in per continued, ly consulted in the veil selected literary , &c. ALD, Proprietor. PRiNTiNO orncES, &c. 8S9 The Subscribers would tender their thanks to their Friends and the Public in general, for the Li- beral Patronage they have received since commenc- ing Business, and would take this opportunity of in- forming them that they have leased the Premises formerly occupied by J. W. Harrison, Book and Job Printer, and lately by the True Witnesi, corner of McGill and Commissioner Streets, where, with an increased Stock of Printing Materials, they are now enablied to execute Printing in all its various branches. Orders for every description of BOOH and JOB Printing, executed in Superior Style and at Moderate Are Prices. Books, Pamphlets, Handbills Circulars, Invitations Business Cards Address Cards Funeral Cards Show Bills Concert Bills Bill Heads Programmes Steamboat Bills Trip .«heets, Berth Lists Steamboat Cards, Bank Checks Notes of Hand Certificates, Drafts, and Bills Bills of Lading, Order Book& Cheque Books AND EVERY DESCRIPTION OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING, Including Printing in the BRIGHTEST COLORS. WILSONS & NOLAN, Printers, - - ' '- Corner of McGill and Commissioner Streets^ Opposite St Ann's Market. : m n i 1 ■;| , : ' 1 1 if < s If .: I I- I ! [9 ! 390 FRTNTINO OFFICES, &C. DeMOMTIGMY & CO/S 125 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL. The Subscribers have arranged their Printing Presses so as to enable them to undertake all de- scriptions of JOBS, both in the French and English languages. The clearness of the types, the elegance of the edges of the Pamphlets and Cards which they can produce, from their Office, cannot but insure a great superiority over other Typographical works of the kind. They call the attention of Merchants and others to their Establishment, so as to be able to judge of the advantages resulting to them, in being able to procure Cards and Advertisements in both languages, DeMONTIGNY & CO. MRS. PROVANDIE, fiENTLEMEN'S READY MADE LINEN AND Under Clothing Warehouse, No. 63 (late 51) NOTRE DAME STREET, MONTREAL, Has always on hand a very choice stock of SHIRTS, UNDERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, COLLARS, &c., all of which are made np under her own supervision, and are warranted of the best description. Orders attended to with the utmost despatch, and upon moderate terms. & co/s MONTREAL. ?ed their Printing undertake all de- ''rench and English e elegance of the Is which they can ; but insure a great icai works of the shants and others J able to judge of in being able to in both languages, lONTIGNY & CO. OIE, MDE LINEN ME STREET, tock of SHIRTS, OLLARS, &:c., own supervision, ription. ost despatch, and PUBLIC HALL, &C. 391 PUBLIC HALL. ' St. George's Hall, John Jones, 20 Great St. James READY-MADE LINEN WAREHOUSES. Aitken, John & Co., 211 Notre Dame. See card Arthur, Alexander, Queen's Arcade, 242 (late 182) Notre Dame Provandie. Mrs, 63 Notre Dame. See card THE GENTLEMEN'S SHIRT STORE AND 211 ( late 159) JSolreDame street y Montreal, (Shirt Manufactory in Londonderry.) This is the only comjilete establishment of the kind in Canada, and offers advantages to purchasers such as are not to be realized elsewhere in the Trade. Orders receive the most careful and, economical at- tention. The Ladies' and Baby Linen Departments are under comffctent Female management. Ladies' Marriage Out Fits complete upon the most reason- able terms. Terms — Cash only and One Price. I It I '? ' I m i ^' t ■ '• i \ , f 1' . ■ i ■'If f '■ \ \ \ i • 1 1 ' 1- 392 REOisTiiT orricEs, &c. REGISTRY & INTELLIGENCE OFFICES. Flynn, .Iiim»«s, 13 Alexander. See card Pickup, E, 67 St Francois Xavier JAIVIES FLYIMIM'S NEW AND SECOND HAND BOOK STORE, AND CATHOLIC SEaVANT'S HOME, FOR Female Domestic Servants, No. 13 ALEXANDER STREET, Opposite the East Side of St. Patrick's Church, Montreal. N.B. — Families requiring Female Domestics may depend upon none being sent to them from this Of- fice whose character will not bear the strictest in- vestigation. FLYNN'S CIRCULATING LIBRARY has now over 1000 volumes of Books, and the Subscription is only 5s. per annum. ' ' ^ ! i h SADDLERS, HARNESS & TRUNK MAKERS- Couvrette, Magloire, St Antoine near Cemetery Irwin, J & R, 67 McGill Morris, Robert, 29 Notre Dame Stevens, Wm, corner McGill and Great St James SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. Shearer, James, St Gabriel Locks, Lachine Canal ' SEEDSMEN AND FLORISTS. ■ - Cockburn & Bfown, 40 Great St James SHIP BREAD BAKErffe. Fitts, Clark, 21 St Joseph sub. See card Tilton, SP&Co. Seecard: ,. I &c. NCE OFFICES. •ee card r BOdK STORE, >JT'S HOME, Servants^ STREET, Church, Montreal. lie Domestics may iem from this Of- ' the strictest in- BRARY has now le Subscription is JNK MAKERS. Jar Cemetery rreat St James TORY. Lachine Canal RISTS. mes 3 card SHIP BREAD BAKERS, &C. 393 SHIP BREAD BAKERS. f S. p. TILTON & CO^ (Late Hall & Tilton,) Corner Grey Nun and Common Streets, NEAR THE LACHINE CANAL, MONTREAL. N.B. — All orders punctually attended to, upon the Lowest Terms. ■■■--- . ^ . _ SHERIFF'S OFFICERS. Bates, John, lf>8 Craig Garratt, J, 78 Notre Dame Martin, T A, 47 St Gabriel O'Neil, Thomas, 2 St Claude Stuart, Robert, 47 St Gabriel SHIP YARDS AND DRY DOCKS. Cantin A, St Joseph Canal basin Tate & Bros, south side of the Canal / SLATE ROOFERS. Reed & Rayner, Craig near St Urbain SMITHS, (Black and White,) HORSE SHOERS, &c. &c. Ainslie, John, Dalhousie square corner Lacroix Boyd, John, 7 St John Fleck, Alexander, William near King Grace, John, 52 Great St James ^^ - Maloney, James, Haymarket square . . ;- .; Mc Walters, JcJin. College near Dupr6 ^^ ; : I McDonald, John, Common near Youville -..; Swinburn, George, 12 St Urbain , Villeneuve, L, current St Mary "■^-^ 1 '■ A [in ::1l !i;il 3» ;«' n! V* H? *» -J- : '^"1 I . '4 i": '^ 394 ITAOB orricEs, &c. STAGE, STEAMBOAT AND RAILROAD OFFICES. American Line of Steamers fur Riv«r St Law- rence and Lake Ontario, W T Barron, agent, 56 (late 24) McGill St. — usual cabin fare to Coteau du Luc 10s, to Cornwall 12s 6d, to Prescott 15s, to Brock- ville 15s, to Kingston 20s, to Sackett's Harbour 30s, to Oswego 30s, to Rochester 37s 6d, to Niagara Falls 42s 6d, to Buffalo 46^, to Toronto 40s, to Hamilton 42s 6d. See card Canadian Ocean Steamships, D Bellhouse, agent, Custom house square. See card Champlain and St. Lawrence Railroad Office, W A Merry, secretary, 68 Commissioners st. — fare to St John's .5s, to Rouse's Point 7s 6d,to New York first class, 44s 3d, to Boston, first class, 35s, second class, 25s. See advertisenn nt on cover. Eastern Townships Stage Office, Franklin House, William st. — fare to Chambly 3s 9d, to Grau- by lis 3d. Fashion Steamer, for Cornwall, John McPher- son, agent, Common, Canal wharf — cabin fare to Cornwall 8s 9d, to Coteau 5s, to Dundee 8s 9d, to Lancaster 7s 6d. Grand Trunk Railroad, Chief Engineers office, corner of Gosford and St Louis sts. ; Managing Direc- tors office, 18 Little St James st. Lake Champlain Steamers, H W Stevens, agent, 66 Commissioners. Montreal and Bytown Railroad, contractors office, 144 Craig -* • Montreal and Quebec Royal Mail Steamboat Office, H E Scott, agent, 68 Commissioners st. — usual cabin fare 12s 6d to 15s. See card Montreal and New York Railroad Office, Jas Rough, agent, Bonaventure st. — first class fare to Lachine Is lO^d, second class Is 3d . Ottawa Stage Line, in winter, S Browning, agent, Great St James st. — usual fare to Bytown 20s to 25s ivii^i.. ) RAILROAD or River St Law- ron, agent, 56 (late to Coteau dii Luc ott 15s, to Brock- ett's Harbour 30s, l1, to Niagara Falls 4-Os, to Hamilton 'Bellhouse, agent, Railroad Office, ssioners st. — fare 6d, to New York class, 35s; second cover. Dffice, Franklin )ly 3s 9d, to Gran- U, John McPher- rf — cabin fare to Dundee 8s 9d, Engineers office, Managing Direc- H W Stevens, DAD, contractors Iail Steamboat iraissioners st. — J card LOAD Office, Jas rst class fare to •, S Browning. e to Bytown 20s STAGS OFFICES. &C. 395 Quebec Line, in winter, via St Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad to Richmond, usual fare 37s 6d Quebec Stagp Office, in winter, by North Shore, J B Giroux, 2 St Vincent st. — fare to Quebec 408, intermediate distances charged at the rate of lOd per league ■ > • • . Richelieu Navigation Company's Steamers, J F Sincennes, secretary, St Gabriel st. — cabin fare to Sorel 3s 9d, to Chambly 7s 6d, to Berthier 3s 9d, to Lanoraie 3s 9d RiCHELicu Steamer, for Cornwall, Campbell & Williamson, and E McLennan, agents — fare to Corn- wall 8s 9d, to Dundee Ss 9d, to Coteau 83, to Lan- caster, 7s 6d Rutland and Burlington Railroad Line, H Barnes, agent, Place d'Armes — usual first class fare to Boston 4fOs, second class 30s, to New York, first class 4<0s, to Troy, first class 35s. Royal Mail Line of Steamers and Stages to Upper Canada, A Milloy, agent, 40 McGill street — usual cabin fare to Coteau du Lac 8s 9d, to Corn- wall 13s 9d, to Prescott I7s 6d. to Brockville 17s 6d, to Kingston 25s, to Cobourg or Port Hope 35s, to Bowmanville 37s 6d, to Toronto 4«2s 6d, to Niagara Falls 45s, to Hamilton 45s, to Buffalo 47s 6d — stage fare in winter, to Coteau 10s, to Cornwall 20s, to Prescott 30s, to Brockville 32s 6d, to Kingston 50s, to Cobourg 75s, I0 Toronto 100s, to Hamilton, 110s. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Office, 18 Little St James Street — fare, first class, to St Hyacinthe 4s, to Richmond 1 Is 3d, to Sherbrooke 12s 6d, to Portland 30s. Tate's Daily Line of Steamers to Quebec, J. Wheeler, agent, 61 Commissioners street — usual cabin fare 7s 6d. See card. Vermont Central and Canada Railroad Line, 66 Commissioners st, T. Watson, agent — usual fare to Boston 35s, to New York 35s, to Worcester 40s, to Springfield 25s. STOVE WAREHOUSE. ' : „ i, Rodden, T M, 51 Great St James. See card M ■m ii 1 1 , * I I I:;, ^ 396 8TAGB omCESi &C. Important to Travellers I EOYAL MAIL LINE. The Quickest and mosi direct Roate to TORONTO, HAMILTON, LONDON, DETROIT CHICAGO & MILWAUKIE. Twenty-four Hours and Two Transhipments saved. The following are the arrangements of this Magnificent Line for the present Season : — Connposed of the Splendid Steamers Nsw^ERA,Cap. P. (i. Chrysler I Lord Elgin, Capt. P. Milloy St Lawrencb, Cap. Howard | Ottawa, Capt. Putnam Lea>ethe Canal Basin, Montreal, Daily, at Nine o'clock a.m., and Lachine on the arrival of the Twelve o'clock train from Montreal (except on Sundays, when they leave on the arrival of the Ten o'clock train), calling at all intermediate ports, arriving Kiningston early on the following day, where they meet the magnificent LAKE ONTARIO STEAMERS Passport, Capt. Harbottle I Magnet, Capt. Twohy Arabian, Capt. Colcleugh ] for Cobourg, Port Hope, Toronto and Hamilton, connecting at Hamilton with the Great Western Railway, for London, Cha- tham, Windsor, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukie, and all ports on Lake Michigan ; and at Lewiston for Niagara Falls, Buffalo, and all ports on Lake Erie. To Tourists this Line affords a most comfortable, pleasant, and expeditious conveyance. The Steamers are fitted up with elegantly furnished Saloons and State*Rooms ; — passing through the beautiful scenery of the Lake of the Thousand Islands, and all the Rapids of the St. Law- rence by day light. In point of speed they are unsurpassed. To Families moving West, [either to Western Canada or the Western States,] this Line possesses unequalled advantages, the Steamers running Direct to the Great Western Railway Depot, at Hamilton, saving the annoyance of two Transhipments, and 24 hours in time ! Through to Chicago, including all stops, in 68 hours ! 83" Tickets can be procured of C. F. Muckle ; at the Hotels ; on board of the Steamers ; or at the Ofilice 40 McGill Street. i. . : .. ... A. MILLOY, Agent. STKAMItOAl UiriCKS, itc. m .vellers 1 , LINE. 'ect Route to DON, DETROIT OKIE. nshipmentt saved, lis Magnificent Line teamers -GIN, Capt. P. Milloy , Capt. Putnam it Nine o'clock a.m., e o'clock train from eave on the arrival of nediate ports, arriving where they meet the AMERS , Capt. Twohy nilton, connecting at ,y, for London, Cha- cie, and all ports on ara Falls, Buffalo, and fortable, pleasant, and tly furnished Saloons autiful scenery of the apids of the St. Law- are unsurpassed, estern Canada or the ailed advantages, the tern Railway Depot, Transhipments, and n 68 hours ! r. MucKLE ; at the he Office 40 McGill MILLOY, Agent. AMBRIOAN AND .'^■. LAKE ONTARIO ROUTE THE SHORTEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE Througrli to Bufllilo In Forty Hoari* The splendid Steam Packets JENNY LIND, Captain L. Moody j BRITISH QUEEN, Captain L. Laflamme j BRITISH EMPIRE, Captain D. S. Allan j One of which will leave each afternoon, at 1 o'clock, from Canal Basin, Montreal, and Lauhine on arrival of the Cars, which leave Montreal at 4 P.M., for Og- densburg and River Ports. The above Boats connect at Ogdensburg with the Express Line of American Steamers running direct to Brockville, Cape Vincent and Lewiston, and will leave Passengers in Bufialo quicker than any other line, and they pass th« Thousand Islands by daylight. Passengers for Kingston, Toronto and Hamilton, and all important Ports on the American side of Lake Ontario, will find this the quickest and most reliable Route, connecting with Curs at Lewiston for Ha>» milton, and Boat for Toronto ; also with the Michi« gan Southern Railroad, the Michigan Central Rail- road, and the Great Western Railroad , and with Steamers for Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukie and all Western Ports. • r..:; >-/ .*vf...^? ' t^ Passengers have the privilege of stopping over night at Niagara Fall^ or any other Place of Inte- rest on the Route. For Tickets, call at the Office, 56 (late 24) McGill Street. W. T. BARRON, Agent. s ,i ■ '4(. 398 iTIAMBOAT OrriCKf, kc. i >ii^l^ ' ; .illl 1,1 fi! ■ ^f' : if- 11 STEIMBOIT ROUTE BETWEEN uniiUiiii ■ f; : ■.".-; '^ . ~\ ■-, The Magnificent Steamers JOHN MUNN, Capt. C. L. Armstrofs, (Length 313 feet, Cylinder 72 inches,) and QUEBEC, Capt. A. M. Rudolf, (Length 280 feet, Cylinder 60 inches,) forming the , Royal Mall Line Between the Cities of Montreal and Quebec, convey Passengers in connection with all the popular lines of travel from the Falls of Niagara to the sublim* scenery of the River Saguenay. The grandeur and variety of the views on the River St. lAwrence present unequalled attractions to the traveller, and have secured for this route great and increasing popularity. The Boats have experienced and obliging Cap* tains, and are supplied with every modern luxury and convenience, .■.!-/j-:;- „■■•; ;•;... ^ *..:}...,.. ,,^, Leave Montreal at 7 P.M. } DAILY, ir Leave Quebec at 5 P.M. ) (Sunday's excepted.) Arriving at an early hour the following Morning. , ,' .< . H. E. SCOTT, Agent, .y.(x^ Commissioners Street. KOUTE MUNN, Capt. jet, Cylinder 72 \. M. Rudolf, 168,) forming the line Quebec, convey le popular Unci to the sublime e viewi on the illed attraetione ed for this route i obliging Cap* modern luxury DAILY, ^^ lay's excepted.) (ring Morning. :OTT, Agent, litsioners Street. ■TXAMBOAT OmcBl, kc* DAILY LINE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN QUEBEC AND MONTREAL. OFFICES :^Giliespie's Wharf, Quebec i and 65 Commissioners Street^ Montreal. This Line consiits of the well-known Boats LADY ELGIN and CRESCENT, which, having undergone a thoroagh repair and refitting during the past winter, are now equal in comfort and convenience to any boats on the St. Lawrence, and they are fit- ted up with State Roonns throughout, for which there is no Extra Charge. The Cabin Fare is fixed at 7s 6d currency, or one dol- lar and a half, Meals Included, and the average time of arrival in Quebec and Montreal is from 30 to 60 minutes previous to the Breakfast hour at the principal Hotels. Travellers will bear in mmd the high rate of fare which they paid on this route [being usually six dollars] before the Owners of" Tate's Line" commenced running their Boats, and as every attention will be paid to their safety, comfort and convenience, the Proprietors confidently hope for a continuation of the liberal support which they have hitherto received. CANADIAN STEAM NAVIGATION COHPANY. The first class powerful Screw Steamships CLEOPATRA, 1500 Tons. ONTAR] O, [Building] 1750 Tons. ERIE, Do 1750 Tons. HURON, Do 1750 Tons. SARAH SANDS, [Chartered] 1800 Tons. OTTAWA, CHARITY, These vessels will maintain a regular communica* tion between Liverpool and Quebec and Montreal, sailing Twice a Month during the Summer, and be- tween Liverpool and Portland in winter, commenc- ing Monday next. Leaving Liverpool 10th and 25th «ach Month, Quebee 5th and 20th, Portland [in Winter] 5th and 20th. David Bellhouse, Agent, Custom House Square. 'if. I I It. n I'M i ■ ! Iv^, . f , 5- i: ill ;*; ■! H Stove wahehouse. METROPOLITAN Irrni §efeW ani Stok T. M. EODDEN, (Nearly Opposite the Ottawa Hotrl,) . Ornamental Gilt and Bronzed Iron Bedsteadi, Cribs, Cots, Couches, Chairs, Settees, Hat and Um- brella Stands ; Tables with Marbleized Tops j Or- namental Iron Framed Mirrors ; Spittoons ; Iron Bedsteads ; Store Stools^ with Plush or Morocco Tops, to revolve, for dry good and fancy stores ; Iron Railing for Counteis, Desks, Cemetery Lots, Public Groimds, &c. ; Iron Farm Fencing ; Hot Air Fur- naces, Registers and Ventilators ; Marbleized Iron Mantel Pieces, with Grates ; and the largest and most comprehensive Stock of Stoves ever offered to the Public in this City. .<-.->... , 'tr 61 Great St. James Streets MONTREAL, TALLOW CRANDLKRt, ilC. 401 iN ink EN, ra Hotrl,) . Ton Bedsteads, , Hat and Um- ized Tops; Or- Ipittoons; Iron [sh or Morocco cy stores ; Iron iry Lots, Public Hot Aiif Fur- iarbleized Iron |he largest and ever offered to IStreet. f STRAW GOODS AND COMBS. Locke, Reuben, 302 St Paul TALLOW CHANDLERS. Brennan, Patrick, William near Prince Mathewson, John and Son, Inspector. See card TANNERS. Valois, Narcisse, 38 St Antoine TEA WAREHOUSE. Struthers and Cochran, 109 Notre Dame TELEGRAPH OFFICES. British* North American Telegraph Co, James McNider, manager, 32 St Francois Xavier. Canada Grand Trunk Telegraph Co, J R Boyd, su- perintendent, E J Chesley, manager, 28 St Francois Xavier. See card Montreal Telegraph Office, O S Wood, superinten- dent, Merchants' Exchange. See card Montreal and Troy Telegraph Office, Merchants' Exchange Vermont and Boston Telegraph, H Pierce, agent, 32 St Francois Xavier. See card SOAR CANDLE & OIL MANUFACTURERS, INSPECTOR STREET, Montreal. Constantly on hand, and for Sale, of their own manufacture, at the lowest prices, Nos. 1 and 2 Lard Oil ; Machinery, Bleached, Whale, and Ele- phant Oils ; Common Liverpool, Nos. 1 and 2 Soaps ; Pale, Yellow, White and Castile Soap, with the usual variety of Fancy Soaps. Tallow, Wax Wick, Adamantine, Patent Wax and Belmont Sperm Candles. # M ' 1 ; . \. f : ;:l ^. : 1 . K . (f 1 |. : V\ 1 'f ' ' r. i 1 ! ■ f ■ / f - : ■ -^ 1 r ■ jl t 1 ' '. - ! i ■ I'f >i R'lfl e 1 niij M ;;h Pxp 03,^ g5«t2' = OriO>-S5U •3 « |i Q.M £ £ A, cu On ao^tf fitf oeS £ (» w ,H C» « CO PO .1 *# ^OCtCOCOiO eoo9tooa>cf)ot^ooo«o 1-1 Ol ifi CO CO 1-t rf ^ OOtCOCOtO Jz; O Q »*^ 5z u u u U • • • b 9 > Jains ^ E <« CO »!33 ' 1-2 2 2 gills IM p4Mp4M COi^CO i-^«^i-4»—C0C0C0hM '* t 2 » tn V > SB o cd'S u N> « to S 2 >.1» P 2 3 2^ I c ;=> 9 n kt»(ocoocococne«} •5 - . a TS >- .S J^ J» 3 ^'0 «H O C4 CO CO lO 5 9> CO o r^o o o «o Si^rf^eetcocoiA • • • . t^ • • . • T3 • W i«^»-<«-«COCOCO©l^^ iC00)O>OOOC0(0 ^^^oorodtOi-t :S >i « e S 9 So 9 npQnpQpqeqcQCQ c<«ctfococo^f-«oeo;oiA4»OiO«-<^tf)C4>0'<«'^'^*>coco — M«^ro9)«>OWCOO9>OA0»O(O9» e4e4cococo^^e4co(OiOQoa»o««^kne(io^M«i^cococoe49)io itat«,^_i0^tn(e>^«'(ococorocoMTMC<^c)o«N^e4cococoe« A(00ocooo>roeqoiOocoto PTo •» o o o o> ci» r«t«eic4e4iAiococQC( •O-Of^-O O.; 4 .-StJ-OrN •"«•«"§ 'S'S^ :;« S X «S s .a S e 11" -: e JS.sf s>a • i > ^ II lll^lb 2 <3 C8.2.2 M « V IS -K H «) ^ tam O S O « « O «« >-4 coto«-i«-i<-i<-H^e4fococit« OCWACOCOOOiOOAtOtOOAOCOCOO 9) CO O Q O O O CO Ok © Is 3d Id im- jh 38 Cd 3d I,. . J VERMONT AND BOSTON TELEGRAPH LINE. OFFICE Removed to No. 32 St. Frangois Xavier Street, Montreal. Lt connection toith all ilie principal places in tJte United States and Canada^ ONLY DIRECT LINE TO BOSTON. H. Pierce, Manager. TARIFF OF PRICES. For 10 words or loss ) Price for Extra from Montreal to \ 10 words word Albany, N.Y 3$ 4d 3d Augusta, Me 4s 6d 3d Boston 2s 3d 2d Burlington, Yt. . . Is 6d Id Baltimore, Md.. . 68 Od b\A Brattleboro', Vt.. 2s6d 2d Concord, N.H. . . 2s 6d 2d Greenfield, Mass. 2s 6d 2d Hartford, Conn. . 3s 3d 3d Harrisburgh, Pa.. 4s 6d b\A Lowell, Mass 28 6d 2d Manchester, N.H. 2s 6d 2d MOntpelier, Vt.. . 2s Od 2d Northfield, Vt.... 28 Od 2d New York 3s 3d 3d For 10 words or less ) from Montreal to \ Ogdetisburg, N.Y. Potsdam, N.Y.. .. Philadelphia, Pa.. Portland, Me. . .. Rouse's Point, N.Y Springfield, Mass. St. Johnsbury, Vt. Washington, D.C. Schenectady, N.Y Syracuse Rochester Oswego Utica Watertown Price for Extra 10 words word Is 3d Id Is 3d Id 4s 9d 4d 2s 3d 2d Is 3d Id 2s 6d 2d 2s 6d 2d 6s Od 6d 3s 6d 3d 2s 9d 3d 4s Od 3d 2s 6d 3d 4s Od 3d 2s 6d 4d TIN PLATE WORKERS. Bisson, J B E, 101 St Lav^rence Charlebois, Daniel, St Antoine bridge Dednam, Thos, 6 St Peter. See card, page 317 Holmes, Samuel and William, 125 St Paul. See card, page 317 Prowse, G. F, 38 Gt St James. See card, page 315 Woodbury, T E. 306 St Paul TOBACCONISTS. Joseph, H & Co, 192 St Paul [Wholesale] Kurcyzn, N P M, 79 McGill Levey, John, 140 [late 115] Notre Dame Monaghan, Wm, 7 St Mary Rattray, Jas & Co, 134 [late 94] Notre Dame Van Deusen,Rice & Co, 253 [late 183] Notre Dame. See card ^ ■••,-, ■.•f.:,f.' v. iv;:uf" >u. B O i ' 406 TOBACCONlgTt, l(C. 'I hi I in J; P. ' It ; r: 1 lllii I J 111 VAN DEVSEN/RIOE fc OO., Importers «b4 Manntietnreni of (ffiigarSt C0iact0, ^niiff, fo„ No. 253 [late 183] Notre Dame Street^ MONTREAL, Keep constantly on hand a large and well aisortcd Stock of CIGARS of all kinds, TOBACCO in great variety and of the most approved brands, and SNUFF of all the favorite descriptions, all of which they are now offering at Wholesale or Retail on the most favorable terms. Gentlemen who are particular as to the quality of their Cigars, Tobacco, &c., are requested to give them a trial, and Whole- sale Purchasers will be liberally dealt with for Cash or Approved Credit. TRADER IN CLOTHING AND BOOKS. Fatten, Thomas, 77 St Paul and U St George TRADERS. Goujon, Louis, Hochelaga Thompson, J S, corner Craig and Chenneville Wellington, Jeseph, 51 St LAWrence TRUNK STORES. Dean, R, 258 [late 174] Notre Dame. See card Hibbard, W R, 161 St Paul. See card, page 364 TRUSS MANUFACTURER. Brown, John 0, 135 Notre Dame TURNER. . - McGuire, John, 49 St Charles Barrom^e '/■'■'• ^ TYPE FOUNDRY. . i ^ Palsgrave, C T, corner St Helen and Lemoine [OE ft OO.) turers of Dame Street^ -> md well assorted >BACCO in great ved brands, and Bcriptionsi all of holesale or Retail atlemen who are : Cigars, Tobacco, trial, and Whole- ealt with for Cash LND BOOKS. ^ St George Jhenneville ice le. See card [card, page 364 FRER. lom6e t. V* « ■' * ' Lemoine TKVNK MAKER. 407 * % . »* i J * . 258 (late 174) Notre Dame St. The TRUNKS, VALISES, &c. &c., manufactured at this Establishment are unrivalled for Quality, Durability, and Cheapness, and all who wish a FIRST-RATE ARTICLE, whether at Wholesale or Retail^ are invited to call and examine the ex- tensive Stock now on hand. The Stock of INDIA- RUBBBR GK)ODS is, as usual, the largest and most complete in the City. Montreal Belloirs Factory, Corner of Notre Dame & St. John Streets. ■ * ■ *■ ■ ROBERT DEAN, Jfianufartarer of potent ^BeIIoois, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Merchants and Manufacturers supplied, at Wholesale only, on liberal terms, with Blacksmiths' Warranted, Ordinary Pattern, Long Pattern, Extra Long Pat- tern, and Circular Bellows^ made to order, both Single and Double Action. ' ill \ u\ W.{ 408 WINK MKnciUNI'^, ^l. I 'iin ventriloquist and pofkssor of 'natural magic. Palmer, Dr Fra, 68 Notre Dame VEGETABLE OINTMENT. ' MacphersoDi John, St Lawrence hill * VETERINARY SURGEON. Maion, James, 9 Recollect WEIGHING MACHINE MANUFACTURERS. Ladd, C P, Queen near William. See card, ante McWatterii, John, College near Dupr6. See card Rodden, Wm, William street. See card, ante / Warren &; Bell, Haymarket square. See card WINE MERCHANTS. Clarke, Robert Ic Co, Lemoine Delagrave & Co, AA Notre Dame ' Doutney, W L, St Gabriel Galibert, Bros, 214. St Paul Lamontagne, Aug, 55 and 57 St Francois Xavier Lamothe & Frere, 202 St Faul Law, Young & Co, 277 St Paul Maitland, Tylee & Co, corner St Trancois Xavier and Hospital Masson, E, 194 St Paul Mackenzie, Jos, 137 [late 109] Notre Dame. See card Fenner, Johil, Odd Fellows' hall. Great St James. Scott, Gilbert, 11 St Sacrament. See card Stuart, G D, corner St Paul and McGill Torry & Co, St Eloi near St Paul • ^ ^ WIRE WORKER. Rice, W H, 19 Notre Dame. WHARFINGERS. ^ '' ' \VM>,i:\%i, ''■ *- Brown, W M, Custom house square Foley, Thos, senr, Custom house square \ lii i'ESSOR OF ENT. '. ill EON. FFACTURERS. See card, ante pr6. See card le card, ante . See card rs. \r rancois Xavier Trancois Xavier tre Dame. See Great St James. )ee card IcGill luare r V \TKI'<:HfNO MACHrNK MANUrATURCM. JOHN M'WATTERS, MANUFACTURER OF Patent Balances, Scale Beams, &c«, College Itreet, npiiOBite t[ie College, MONTREAL."!;'*^' ^^ i»7i/ N.B. — Patent Balances, capable of "Weighing from i lb. to 6 Tons. Old Machines Repaired and put in good order. BELL HANGING, And all kinds of JOBBING, promptly attended to. ~ WARREN & BELL. MANUFACTURERS OF Patent Scales and Weighing Machines, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, HAY MARKET SQUARE, near Bonaventure St., MONTREAL, Having commenced business in the above line, in which they have had many years' practical experi- ence, are nov/ prepared to supply, on short notice and very favorable terms, every description of SCALES required by Merchants and the Trade, all of which being manufactured by themselves, they can guarantee to be of the Best Materials and Workmanship^ and will be warranted to be cor- rect IN THEIR action. Gentlemen requiring anything in their line are respectfully requested to give a call previous to sup- plying themselves elsewhere, as they may rest as- sured that no endeavors will be spared to deal with them satisfactorily, -sr , . - fir".-. \i' m * ./ ■ I ■•■■' jt / rudeau ; Councillar, ^apin and A. Hib- Thompion and J. B. Homier ; C«ua- nciliors, H,Staraei, 410 WINI MBRCIUMTa, ItC. Wmts, %m'iim, (Sin, liquors, ^r. The Subscriber ritgpectfully announces that he has opened those Central and Commodious WINE VAULTS, 137 (late 109) Notre Dame Street, (entranoe by the Gateway,) with a large and well selected Steck, consisting of: — Mattel's Cognau Brandy, Pale and Brown DeKuyper's Holland's Gin Hennessy's Cognac Brandy Old Jamaica Rum,some 10 years in bottle Booth's Old Tom Campbelltown & Islay Whisky London and Dublin Porter Edinburgh and English Ales Port Wine, b«>st brands Old Benecarle, and other Span- ish Wines Sherry, best brands Madeira, best brands Champagnes, best brands, in pints and quarts Liqueurs, in great variety The whole of which will be sold at a small ad- vance upon the cost for cash only. Families who desire to have a first rate article at a reasonable price will do well to send their orders to the subscriber as he can guarantee the Wines and Liquors which he offers to be sound, genuine and unadulterated. A share of public patronage is re- spectfully solicited, and every exertion will be made to merit its continuance. JOSEPH MACKENZIE. GILBERT SCOTT, ^mis ^ sipflsa^ !ii][S[Esiai2^ai!T 11 ST. SACRAMENT STREET, - MONTREAL, ^ Wines and Spirits of every description, Booth's Lon- don Gin, " Old Tom," Bass' East India Pale Ale, Edinburgh and London Strong Ales, Dublin and London Stout and Porter, Bottled Cider^ dec. AGENT FOB / ' S. Dunlop & Son, Brewers, Albany iV;- >— i>vrA#:: < ni iii i 412 MISCXLLANEOUa.. I ^ i I tt.f !^ *:i ill! $ . f ."v^" St. Ann's Ward — Alderman, P. Larkin ; Councillors, A. McCam- bridge and Thomas McGrath. St. Antoine Ward — Alderman, £. Atwater ; Councillors, C. J. Coursol anJ N. Valois. St. James Ward — Councillors, P. Labelle, A. Mentreuil and L. Bleau. St. Lawrence Ward — Aldermen, John Whitlaw and J. R. Brons- don; Councillor, Rollo Campbell. OrprcEES — Hon. Joseph Bourret, city recorder ; John P. Sexton, city clerk, and clerk ot Recorder's court ; Edouard Demers, city treasurer ; James \. B. McGill, city surveyor; Charles Glackmeyer, assistant city clerk; George Harding, John Higgins, and £. L. Ranson, assistants treasurer's office ; J. B. Dubuc, inspector fire department; A. Bertram, inspector and chief engineer fire department ; Moses J. Hayes, chief ot police; John McKercher, overseer of roads; J. Perrigo, clerk ot Bonsecours market ; P. Benoit, assistant do ; John Abbott, clerk of St. Ann's market ; Joseph Robillard, pound keeper, clerk of hay and cattle market, Viger square ; A. J. Joubert, bailiff and crier Recorder's court ; W. H. Macken- zie, assistant surveyor; J. F. Pelletier, attorney; William Ross and I). E. Papineau, notaries; Maurice Eardly, clerk hay market ; Antoine Schwartz, assistant do ; Frs. Leblanc, superintendent of water works ; Antoine £. Dupr^, clerk of water works; G. N. Gosselin, collector of water rates; A. Dorval, clerk St. Lawrence market ; T. Orsali, clerk Papi- pineau market ; Thomas Somers, messenger. COMMITTEES OP THE COUNCIL. FiKANCE — Alderman Whitney, chairman ; Aldermen Atwater and Leclairc, Messrs Cuvillier, Starnes, Papin and Campbell Roads — Alderman Grcnier, chairman ; Alderman Bronsdon, Messrs Labelle, Adams, McCambridge, Thompson and Coursol Police — Councillor Coursol, chairman ; Aldermen Whitlaw and Homier, Messrs Tiffin, Campbell, Day and Ricard FiEE — Alderman Bronsdon, chairman ; Alderman Homier, Messrs McCambridge, Montreuil, Thompson, Coursol and and Bleau Watee — Alderman Atwater, chairman ; Aldermen Grenier, Whitlaw, Larkin and Trudeau, Messrs Labelle and Papin Market — Councillor Montreuil, chairman ; Aldermen Homier and Bronsdon, Messrs Bleau, Lyman, McGrath and Hibbard Light — Alderman Whitlaw, chairman ; Alderman Larkin, Messrs Cuvillier, Labelle, Adams, Lyman and Ricard City Hall — Councillor Thompson, chairman ; Alderman WUit- ney, Messrs Tiffin, Montreuil, Bleau, Ricard and Hibbard Licenses — Alderman Leclaire, chairman ; Alderman Trudeau, Messrs Starnes, Valois, Day, McGrath and Hibbard Health — Councillor McCambridge, chairman ; Alderman Tru- deau, Messrs Cpursol, Campbell, Day, Lyman and Ricard uncillors, A. McCam- r ; Councillors, C. J. A.. Mentreuil and L. law and J. R. Brons- der; John P. Sexton, t ; Edouard Demera, Ly surveyor; Charles sorge Harding, John treasurer's office ; J. L. Bertram, inspector OSes J. Hayes, chief »f roads; J; Perrigo, I, assistant do ; John eph Robillard, pound Viger square ; A. J. rt ; W. H. Macken- , attorney; William lurice Eardly, clerk It do ; Frs. Leblanc, i E. Dupr^, clerk of of water rales; A. Orsali, clerk Papi- iger. NCIL. Aldermen Atwater 'apin and Campbell Iderman Bronsdon, ;e, Thompson and rmen WbitlawantI id Ricard ilderman Homier, psen, Coursol and ildermen Grenier, Elbe lie and Papin Aldermen Homier Qrath and Hibbard Alderman Larkin, and Ricard Alderman WLiit- rd and Hibbard derman Trudeau, Hibbard ; Alderman Tru- nan and Ricard u Pd HI O w < o m PQ o I o o o e e> 2: fee ►; I (UTS Hi w "«« So g C 00 "^ -^ •-' M rt "2 J= — ^ w ^ =i »5 3 o c n <^ a: Q ft «s,i o CO -«1 ' -H o 1-i fe^i^ o ^ 1^ xi b O 1 . "T3 (5 Fori 2 per sons 5 o © CO »i4 O I . -3 O to * I ^ ^ 3 g S f -<2 rj3"r.2rSas 33»-ca>u cs CO rt « o o -3 CO CO CO CO «o c o .2 E rt 9) o OS rt-O - "2 • — • • C8 T3 • ^ ♦* • e X • o 4) '-s c • •" 0) •;g ^j • *-• o " o ec.2 C-u « >, ►» "2 c c *• < < :s, ,c« •3 s e o OS &4 1 i tre Dame i, aecretery, 7 Great St ay, manager, Insurance )mpany'8 buildings, Grt my, P. L. Letourneux, r St Sacrament >d, superintendent, Mer- 9ugh, secretary, Bona- er, engineer, 19 Great IMary >rs Office, Great Saint t de Mars fs - , ttle St James lance Com. and Store* Jreat St James [all )avids«n, matron, cor. fcre Catherine, near Moun- imond Square Court-house ^ in, clerk 18 Little St bputy Registrar, Leon MidCELLANIOtri. 417 Revenue Inspectors, for Divisien No. 1, D. S. Stuart, for No. 2, Philip Durnford, 74 Notre Dame Richelieu Navigation Company, J. F. Sincennes, secretary, 14 St Gabriel Roman Catholic College, College near M'Gill Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum, (French,) west Notre Dame next Recollect Church Roman Catholic Institute, Place d'Armes Royal En^;ineers, 24 and 48 Notre Dame Sheriff, John Boston, old Government-house St Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad Company, 18 Little St Jame* St Lawrence School of Medicine, Lagauchetiere off St Urbain St Patrick's Hespital, Dorchester west St Patrick's Orphan Asylum, adjoining St. Patrick's Church Superintendent of Education, J. B. Meillcar,M. D.,Governr,rient' house Town Major, Colin McDenald, 66 Netre Dame Trinity House, James Holmes, registrar, 202 St Paul Trust and Loan Company ef U. C., corner Great St James and St Francois Xavier Tug Boats Supintendent's Office, Geo. Piatt, opposite the Draw* bridge, Cfanal Turnpike Trustees, James Holmes, secretary, 202 St Paul University of M'Gill College, Rev. W. T. Leach, D. C. L., act- ing principal, off Sherbrooke University Lying-in Hospital, 45 St Urbain Water Police, Major Johnson, King near Common Water Works, 28 Notre Dame Warfinger, W. M. Browne, Custom Rouse Square Weights and Measures Office, D. S. Stuart, 1st Division ; P. Durs* ford, 2Rd Division ; Stamping Office, 74 Notre Dame FOREIGN CONSULS. Belgian, Jesse Joseph, comer St. Helen and Recollect Danish, Thos. Ryan, Cuvillier's Block, St. Peter Hanoverian, Henry Chapman, St. Sacrament Prussian, J. M. Tobin, 39 St« Francois Xavier Sardinian, Henry Chapman, St Sacrament United States Consul, C. Dorwin, 25 St Francois Xavier -/■. CLERGY, f_ -^ .. ...'.■ '-.i^ ■— , ■: -•■7-.. PROTESTANT CLERGY. Fulford, Right Rev. Francis, D. D., Church of England Bishop of Montreal, adjoining Bellevue Terrace Abbott, Rev. Josepn, Church of England, St. Catherine, near Stanley Betknne, Rev. John, D. D., Church of England, 7 Beaver Hall Terraca I 'f't' m \h \'\ i i r- I'l. 418 MI8CBLLANK0UI. J I Bend. Rev. William, Church of England, Muir*a buildinga, Ste Monique Campbell. Rev. A. D., Church of England, St Paul Douglas, Rev. George, Wealcjan, Montcalm off St. Marj Douglas, Rev. John, Wesleyan, College near Dupre Iiiglie, Rev. Mr., Free Church, Dorchester nr St Chas. Bairom^e Leach, Rev. W. T., D. C. L., Church of England, St Joseph, sub Robertson, Rev. D. Church ot England, Tecumseth Terrace Rogers, Rev. E. J., Church of England, Hochelaga, cross Mathiesun, Rev. Dr., Church of Scotland, City Counciilora M'Gill, Rev. Dr., Church of Scotland, University street Eraser, Rev. Donald, Free Church, Pres de Ville place Taylor, Rev, William, D. D., United Presbyterian, Lagauche* tier* near St George M'Loud, Rev. J., American Presbyterian, M'Gill Scott, Rev. Wm., Wesleyan, Radegonde near Latour Wilkes, Rev. Henry, D. D.,Congiegationali8t, Mountain Terrace Davies, Rev. Dr., Baptist, 3 Sydenham place, St. Antoine Lillie, Rev. Dr., Baptist, corner Quy and St. Anteine Marling, Rev. F. H. Congre^ationalist, 39 St. Elisabeth Wolfe, Rev. Mr., Congregational ist, St. Denis Cordner, Rev. John, tfnitarian, Beaver-hall Place Cyr, Rev. M., Baptist, 26 St. Elizabeth DeSola, Rev. A., Jewish, 1 Pres-de-Ville place I' f| ROMAN CATHOLIC. Residing at the Bishop's Palace, Mignonne Street. The Right Rev. Ig. Bourget, Roman Catholic Bishop of Mon* treal. The Right Rev. J. LaRoeque, Roman Catholic Bishop of Sidonia, and Coadjutor of Montreal Rcvds. A. F. Trudeau, G. V. and C. T., J. O. Par^, G. V. and C. T., secretary ; Revds. P. A. Pinsonneault, archdeacent T. Plamonden, procureur. Rev. Y. Pilon, Rev. H. Moreau, assistant secretary ; Rev. P. Leblanc. Vicari General and Canons. Revds. F. Demers, A. Manseau, P. Archambault, J. B. Kellyi P. Billaudele, A. F. Truteau Residing at the Seminary^ Notre Dame Street. Revds. P. Billaudele, sup., J. B. Roupe, J. Comte, procureur ; J. B. St. Pierre, R. Larr^, S. Arraud, L. Regourd, L. Ville- nenve, A. Granjon, E. Picard, M. C. L. Bonnissant, A r Mereier, J. Aoustin, L. P^Ussier, J. Connolly, C. J. Bardey, J. F. Chanial, F. Daniel, H. Provost, P. Dowd, P. MeCul* ^ iengh. M. O'Brien, C. M. E. Voirdaye, J. Palatin.J. T.La- , can, P. Murphy, vicars Messrs. A. Teillard and H. Lenoir, '' Messrs. N. Dufresne, D. M. J. J. Toupin, L., J. A. Couq, D. Tambareau, missionary of lake of Two Meuvtains. ! ii MiSCELLANirOUa. 419 Muir't buildingi, Ste St Paul » off St. Marjr r Dupre nr St ChM. Bmirom^e gland, St Joseph, lub :umsetk Terraca chdaga, cross lity Councillors ersity street Villa place byteriao, Lagauche* I'Gill ir Latour St, Mountain Terrace t, St. Antoina [. Antoine St. Elisabeth lis Place : iace lignonne Street, lolic Bishop of Mon- •lie Bishop of Sidonia, O. Par6, G. V. And nneault, archdeaceni n, ReT. H. Moreau, ions. - ' . ibault^ J. B. Kelly, Dame Street. Comte, procureur ; Regourd, L. Ville- . L. Bonnissant, A LnoUy, C. J. Bardey, Dowd, P. MeCul- J. Palatin.J. T.La- llard and H. Lenoir, |n, L., J. A. Couq, \'o Mouatains. St. Peter's Church. Rer. Fathers C. L^nard, J. B. Honorat, T. Fitihenry, 0. M. I. Infirmary of St. Joseph. Revds. J. B. Kelly, J. M. Ballanger, F. X. Mareonx, A. T. Lagarde, P. Lefebvre Infirmary of St. Jerome. Rev. T. Fitihenry, chaplain. Ecclesiastical Seminary. Rerds. J. A. Bayle, D. Granet, A. L. Barbaria ■ *'i Montreal College. Revds. A. Nercam, principal, J. Toupin, superintendant, P. P. Denis, L. L. Billion, J. J. Perrault, J. Delavigne. J. Palatin, C. Lenoir, J. B. Larue, professors Ste. Mary's College. . l Revds. Fathers F. Martin, superior, A. Havequez, C. Schneider, A. Larcher, J. Durshaller, professors. .. .*. Max. Bibaud, professor of Jurisprudence. NATIONAL SOCIETIES. ST. George's society Dr. Thos. Walter Jones. President; Mr. H. H. Whitney, 1st Vice-President ; Mr. J. G. Shipway, 2nd Vice-President ; Mr. John Jones, treasurer ; Mr. Charles J. Houghton, secre- tary; Mr. Jannes Parkin, assistant secretary; Dr. W. £« Scott and Dr. A. F. Holmes, physicians ; Rev. Dr. Leack and Rev. Mr. Bond, chaplains. ST. Andrew's SOCIETY. 1 John Rose, president ; W. Murray, 1st vice-president ; Major Lachlan, 2nd vice-president ; John Armour, secretary ; Alex. Morris, assistant secretary ; James Gilmoui, treasurer ; Dr. Campbell, physician ; Rev. A. Mathieson and Rev. R. Mc« Gill, chaplains. ^ ' > ^ ; ? - i ST. Patrick's society. W. p. Bartley, president; H. J. Larky, Ist vice-president F. Campion, treasurer; H. Kavanagh, corresponding secretary ; W. F. Smith, recording secretary ; Drs. R. L. MacDonnell and H. Howard, physicians ; Rev. J. Connolly and the Clergy of St. Patrick's Church, chaplains ; John McDonald, grand marshal ; G. Groves and F. McCready, assistant marshals. . ..,.,, '■■\:\ >•:! > I '4' Ii ^ m , (1, 420 MItCXLLANEOUa. ST. JfiAN BAPTISTE SOCIETY. C. S. Cherrier, prewdent; 1. Bouthillier, C. D. Roy, T. W. A. Masson, L. P. Boivin, vice-presidents; R. Trudeau, treasu- rer; R. Bellemare, secretary of archives; L. A. H. Latoar, corresponding secretary ; N. G. Bourbonniere, V. P. ; W. DorioM, C. E. Belle, F. P. Pomiaville, secretaries; Dr. Tarernier, physician ; Rev. Mr. Prevost, chaplain ; M. Desnoyers, marshal. GERMAN SOCIETY. Henry Meyers, president ; J. P. Seybold, vice-president ; Ernest Idler, treasurer; H. D. Crumenaur, recording secretary; G. D. Perry, corresponding secretary ; A. Schnnidt, M.D., F. C. T. Arnoldi, M. D., physicians. "• NEW ENGLAND SOCIETY. *. Jacob DeWitt, Esq., president; John Frethingham, and Wm. Lyman, Esquires, vice-presidents; N. S. Whitney, Esq., .> treasurer; P. D. Brown, Esq., secretary. Committee : — C. Dorwin, Bern. Prewster, Geo. Hagar, H. Stevens, D. P. Janes, and H. Lyman, Esquires. -a MEDICAL SURGICAL AND BENEVOLENT. ST. LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE. . Situate on Lagauchetidre, near St Charles Barromee F. C. T. Arnoldi, M.D., lecturer on midwifery and the diseases 13 of women and children . R. L. MacDonnell, M.D., lecturer on surgery; A. H. David, M.D., lecturer on practice of physic; T. W.Jones, M.D., lecturer on anatomy; G. E. Fenwick, M.D., lecturer on materia medica. R. P. How- ard, M.D., lecturer on chemistry. H. Howard, M.R.C.S.L. lecturer on opthalmic and aural surgery. Dr. Arnoldi, lectures on clinical surgery , Dr. David, lectures on clinical medicine The winter course of lectures at thit> school commences en the 1st Monday of November, and terminates ia the last week of April each year, and a summer course is given during the months of May, June, and July. [-Tr»-**.* H- MONTKEAL SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. Situate St. Urbain near Craig. Dr« Monro, lecturer on surgery, President. i^^s •ji-*r5*« MISCELLANEOUS. 421 lETY. I. D. Roy, T. W. A. R. Trudetu, tieasu- »8 ; L. A. H. Latour, ourbonniere, V. P. { ni»ville, secrttaries; >revo8t, chaplain ; M. ice-president; Ernest cording secretary ; G. i. Schmidt, M.D., F. TY. jthingham, and Wm. ^. S. Whitney, Esq., iry. Committee : — C. r, H. Stevens, D. P. BENEVOLENT. MEDICINE. Charles Barromee ifery and the diseases mnell, M.D., lecturer iturer on practice of on anatomy ; G. E. .ledica. R. P. How- Howard, M.R.C.S.L. )r. David, lectures on kl commences on the ttes in the last week rse is given during the AND SURGERY. Craig. Dr. Beaubien, lecturer on practice of medicine ; Dr. Bibaud , lecturer on anatomy; Dr. IV'Iiilt. lecturer on insiitutes of medi- cine; Dr. Trudol, lecturer on tnidwit'ery and the diseases of chil- dren ; Dr. D'Orsoaneiis, lecturer on chemistry ; Dr. Buyer, lec- turer on medical jurisprudeni-e and clinical medicine ; Dr. Co- derre, lecturer on materia medica , Dr. Muaro, lecturer clinical surgery. Dr. Boyer, sec. and Ireas. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, L. C. A. F. Holmes, M. D., president; Dr. C. Fremont and Dr. Boutillier, vice-presidents; H. Peltier, M. D., and J. E. Landry, M.D,, secretaries ; T. VV. Jones, M.D., registrar and treasurer. Board of Governors : — For the City of Mo air al. — Drs. Jones, Munro, Bibaud, Taver- nier. Holmes, Campbell, Sutherland and Peltier. For the District of Montr eat. — Drs. Chamberlain, Valois, Weil- brenner, Bouthillier, Foster, Sabourin and Brigham. MONTREAL GENERAL HOSPITAL. S. Gerrard, president ; John Molson, vice-president; Alexan- der Simpson, treasurer ; F. A. Lurocque, secretary. Committee ot Management. — John, Redpath, chairman ; John Try, Thomas Molson, J. T. Barrett, Wm. Lunn. Mrs. Malcolm, matron; W. G. Malcolm, steward. Consulting Physicians. — Dr. Holmes, D\-. Hall, Dr. Bruneau. Attending Physicians. — G. W. Campbell, M.D., James Craw- ford, M.D., W. E. Scott, M.D., W. Eraser, M.D., F. C. T. Ar- nold!, M.D., R. P. Howard, M.D., W. Wright, M.D., W. Su- therland, M.D. ; T. W. Jones, M.D. HOTEL DIEU HOSPITAL. St Joseph street, opposite east side of theJFrench Parish Church, Drs. Munro and Boyer, physicians. ST. Patrick's hospital. St. Antoine Suburbs. Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal, patron ; Rev. ]Mr. O'Brien, president. Committee of Management.— ^George E. Clerk, chairman; John Collins, treasurer; E. Larkin, secretary; C. Curran, P. Brennan, P. Muldoon, John MacDonald, Altred LaRoccjue. Medical StatF. — R. L. MacDonnell, xM.D., surgeon and lecturer on clinical surgery; A. H. David, M.D., physician and lecturer on clinical medicine; H. Howard, M.R.C.S.L., ophthalmic and aural surgeon, and clinical lecturer on opthalmic and aural sur- gery ; A. Schmidt, M.D., attending physician. The Nuns of the Hotel Dieu take care of the sick in this estab- lishment. i| 1 m 422 MISCELLANEOUS. '*I !l 1 1 ■M f ■' h r I HI! I ! ASYLUM FOR AGED AND INFIRM WOMEN. St. Catherine Street. Mrs. Emeline Gamelin, directress ; Mrs. Nowlan, treasurer ; Mrs. Tavernier, secretary. MEDICO CHIRURGICAL SOCIETY. Dr. MacDonnell, president; Dr. Hall, vice-president; Dr. Wright, 2ud vice-president; secretary; Dr. David, treasurer. PATHOLOGICAL SOCITY. , president; Dr. Boyer, vice-president; Dr. Fen wick, secretary. COMMISSIONERS FOR INSANE, FOUNDLINGS AND SICK. Jean Baptiste C. Trestler, Hon. Jos. Bourret,and C. S. Rodier. MONTREAL DISPENSARY. Situated 6 St. George street, off Craig street. Attending Piiysicians. — Dr. Peltier, Dr. Wright, Dr. Howard, Dr. Fenwick, and Dr. Boyer. Open daily, from lOJ to 12 A.M., Sundays excepted. Vacci- nation daily pe'formed. Diseases of the Eye and Ear on Tues- days and Saturdays. UNIVERSITY LYING-IN-HOSPITAL. 45 St. Urbain Street. Mrs. Lunn, Mrs. Fulford, Mrs. St. Real, directresses ; Mrs. Durntbrd, secretary; , physician; B. Work- map, M.D., registrar; Mrs. Gibson, resident midwife. INSTITUTION FOR THE TREATMENT OF DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. Conducted by Henry Howard, M . R . C . S . L . .Situated 6 St Francois Xavier Street. Subscribers of £1 per annum have the privilege of recommending poor patients to the Institution. ROMAN CATHOLIC MAGDALENE ASYLUM, Situated in Sherbrooke street. Cote a Baron, under the charge of the Religious Ladies of the Bon Pasteur. MONTREAL PROTESTANT MAGDALENE ASYLUM. St. Catherine Street. D. Davidson, treasurer ; Miss Veitch, matron. MISCELLANEOUS. 423 M WOMEN. Nowlan, treasurer ; CIETY. vice-president ; Dr. jcretary ; Dr. David, vice-president; Dr. ILINGS AND SICK. •ret,andC. S. Rodier. RY. r Craig street. Wright, Dr. Howard, lys excepted. Vacci- ,ye and Ear on Tues- )SPITAL. set. al, directresses ; Mrs. hysician; B. Work- eiit midwife. NT OF DISEASES AR. S.L. .iibscribers of £1 per ig poor patients to the SE ASYLUM. aron, under the charge • ILENE ASYLUM. et. natron. ladies' BENEVOLENT SOCIETY. 94 Mountain Street. Mrs. Davidson and Mrs. J. G. McKenzie, directresses; Miss Winn, treasurer; Mrs. Hill, secretary; Dr. Fenwick, physician. PROTESTANT FEMALE SERVANTS* HOME. Corner St Charles Barromee and Lagaiichetiere sts. Ladies' Committee. — Mrs. Ferrier, Mrs. Gibb, Miss Evans jMrs. Davidson ; matron, Mrs. Davidson. PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM. St. Catherine near Mountain Street. Mrs. Ross, Mrs. MofTatt, directresses ; Mrs. McCord, secre. tary; Mrs. Tylee, treasurer; Mrs. Cribb, matron; E. Gribb, superietendent. ROMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN ASYLUM. Adjoining the Pvecollect Church. Mrs. D. B. Viger and Mrs. ArnoUli, directresses ; Mrs. Ques- nel, treasurer; Mrs. LaRocque, secretary; Miss Petit, supd't.. MERCANTILE AND LITERARY ASSOCIA- TIONS. HARBOUR COMMISSIONERS. Hon. John Young, chairman ; L. Marchand ; John Try; John Glass, secretary ; W. M. Browne, wharlinger. Office Custom House Square. • TURNPIKE TRUST. J. M. Tobin, M. F. Valois, Hugh Taylor, W. J. Knox, Wm. Evans, P. Laporte, J. Quennville ! James Holmes, secretary ; Office 202 St Paul street. BOARD OP TRADE. Commercial Chambers St. Sacrament Street. Hugh Allan, president; Hon. John Young, M.P.P., vice-pre- sident . D. L. MacDougall, treasurer. Council — H. Starnes, H. Thomas, W. Colquhoun, Jas. Mitchell, Jas. Gilmonr, John Leem- ing, L. H. Holton, and Louis Renaud. Board of Arbitration — Thos. Ryan, T. B. Anderson, James Law, Wm. Edmonstone, David Torrance, Hew Ramsay, Andrew Shaw, J. B. Greenshields, Ihos. Kay, James Tyre, Henry Thomas and John Esdaile. m m m 42 MISCELLAKEOrS. i; I MERCHANTS EXCHANGE AND REAPTNO RO0>f. St. Siicnuncnt Street. Estabiislipd April, \H\7. Iiirf)rporatf>(l by act of Parliament. A. IMacrarliiiie, chniniiuii; 11. E&daile, treasurer ; J. G. Din- uinj;, secretary. .BOARD OF BROKERS. MacDougall Brothers, T. M. Taylor, J. & R. Esdaile, Charles Gedcies, A. lleward, U. ]). Collis, William Rae. II. L. Mac- Dougall, secretary, Merchants' Exchange. DEPARTMENT OF i'L BLIC INSTRUCTION. Old Governinenl House. Dr. .1. B. Meilleur, siipennfendent ; L. Giard, secretary. Catholic Board of Rxamiiiors. — Rev. L. V. L. Villeneuv*^, Rev. A. F. Tnifeaii, Rev. J. J. Coimolly, Rev. J. Larocque, Jacques Vi<,'er, v. J. I'Mliiitraidt ; F. X. Valade, secretary. Protestant Board of I']xaminor.s. — Rev. Dr. Mathicson, Rev. Dr. Wilkes, Rev. Dr. Leach, Rev. Dr. Davies, Ilev. J. Flanagan, Wm. Lunn; Samuel Phillips, secretary. PHRENOLOGICAL SOCIETY. P. D. Brown, pres. ; J. W. Haldimand, vice-pres. ; C. Dor- win, treas. ; Henry Weston, rec. secretary ; W. Kelly, corres- ponding secretary. NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. Rev. Dr. Leach, president; Wm. Sutherland, M. D., 1st vice- president; L. A. H. Latonr, 2nd vice-president; Wm. Fraser, INI. D., 3rd vice-president ; T. K. Ramsay, corres- ponding Secretary; Jos. T. Dntton, recording secretary ; Dr. Workman, treasurer; Dr. Wright, librarian and cabinet keeper. ROMAN CATHOLIC INSTITUTE. George E. Clerk, president ; W. P. Bartley, vice-president; J* Sadlier, treasurer; R. P. Redmond, secretary; Messrs' Cameron, LaRocque, Cogan, Bell and Murphy, committee* mechanics' INSTITUTE. H. Bulmer, president; A. Bertram, 1st vice-president; J. A. B. McGill, 2nd do; C. P. Ladd, 3rd do ; J. Hayes, 4th do ; A. Murray, cor, sec. ; A. A. Stevenson, rec. sec ; H. Lymun, treas ; J. D. Reed, librarian. MERCANTILE LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Wm. Sache, president; John Macpherson, vice-president; Geo* Templeton, cor, sec. ; James McLean, rec. sec. ; P. LeSueurj treasurer. MISCELLANEOUS. 4'^.'» )ING ROOM. ct of Parliament, isurer ; J. tJ. Dm- \. Esdaile, Charles lae. 11. L. Mac- lUCTlON. ie. aid, secretary. L. Villeneuve, Rev. Laroc»iue, Jacques tary. Mailiicsnn,Rev. Dr. Ilev. J. Flanagan, rY. vice-pres. ; C. "Dor- ; W. Kelly, corres- ETY. ind, M. B., 1st vice- ice-president ; Wm. K. Ramsay, corres- rding secretary ; Dr. raiian and cabinet :UTE. r, vice-president; J* secretary; Messrs' JMurphy, committee* [ice-president ; J. A. Hayes, 4tli do; A. ; H. Lymun, treas ; JIATION. vice-president ; Geo* \. sec; P. LeSueiirj INSTITUT CANADIEN. Dr J. E. Coderre, president ; M. Emery, 1st vice-pres ; Chas Daoust, 2nd do ; Jos. Del'oy, rec. sec ; Chas. Mercile, assist, sec ; T. G. Coursol, cor. sec ; Ant. Tollier, Lreas ; G. C. Kacicol, lihra- rian ; J. B. Dumesnil, assistant do. M'GILL college, MONTREAL. Established by Royal Charter. Visitor — His Excellency the Governor General. Governors — Hon C. D. Day, president ; Hon James Ferrier, Hon P. McGill, T. B. Anderson, D. Davidson, W. II. Coiiiri, Hew Ramsay, B. Holmes, C. Dunkin, A. Robertson, L]s(iuiros; Rev. R. R. Barrage, secretary ; Hon Chas D. Day, LL.D., prin- cipal ; Rev. W. T. Leach, D.C.L., vice-principal, pro tern. Faculty of Arts — Rev W. T. Leach, D.C.L., professor of moral philosophy, logic and rhetoric ; W. Andrew, A.M., pro- fessor of mathematics and natural philosophy ; Rev. B. Davies, D.P. Liep. professor of classics; H. A. Howe, T. CD., pro- fessor of history, ancient and modern; Chas Markgralf, Esq. lec- turer on modern languages ; Rev A. DeSola, professor of Hebrew and Oriental languages. Faculty of Law — Hon W. Badi^Iey, D.C.L., professor of law ; J. J. C. Abbott, M.A., and F. W. Torrance, JNI.A., lecturers. Faculty of Medicine — A. F. Holmes, M.D., professor of th*; theory and practice of medicine ; G. W.Campbell, M.D., pro- fessor of surgery ; A. Hall, M.D., professor ol materia mediccT. midwifery and diseases of women and children ; O. T. Bruneai;, M . D ., professor of anatomy; J. Crawford, i\I.D., professor of clinical medicine: W. Eraser, !M.D., professor of iiLstitutes of medicine ; W. Sutherland, M.D. , professor of chemistry ; \V. E. Scott, M.D., professor of clinical surgery; \V. WrieU Forsyth, W-lliam Rhodes, Henry i\i. Jackson, Thomas G. Ridout, \\ m. H, Putton, Wm. Matthew. Government Directors — Hon. Francis Hi neks, Hon. James Morris, Hon. Malcolm CanuMon, Hon. John Ross, (ieorge Eti- enne Cartier, George Crawtoiii, Thomas Ryan, Alexander T. Gait, L. H. Holton j Samuel Keeler, engineer in charge. Oifice Great St. James street. INDUSTRY VILLAGE AND RAWDON RAILROAD COMPANY. Directors — J. H. Dorwin, president ; V. Dugar, vice-president Charles Phillips, E. G. Penny, C H Finlay ; John McDonald, treasurer ; W McBean, clerk. Office, 18 Little St. James street. MONTREAL AND BYTOWN RAILROAD COMPANY. Directors — Messrs. A. M. Delisle, Wm. Workman, W. C. Evans, Henry Judah, H. L. Routh, J. L. Beaudry, N. Dumas and B. H. Lemoine. The Mayor of Montreal, and 3Iayor of the County of Two Mountains, ex officio directors, complete the board. Oifice, Craig street. I 43D MISCELLANEOUS. i ^ 'J 'i ..;i If i i\\ STANSTEAD, SHEFFORD AND CHAMBLY RAILROAD CO. Hon. L. T. Drummond, president ; John Yule, vice-president I). Russ Wood, managing director, W. H. Hopper, secretary. Office, 17 Great S>t. James street. T. C. Keel'er, engineer, 19 Great St . James street. RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY. P. E. Leclere, president; Louis Marchand, vice-president; J. F. Sincennes, secretary and treasurer ; Office 14 St. Gabriel .street. MONTREAL BUILDING SOCIETY. James Court, secretary and treasurer. Office, Insurance build- ings, Great St. James street. CITY AND DISTRICT BUILDING SOCIETY. J. J. C. Abbot, secretary and treasurer. Office, 34 Little St. James street. NEW CITY GAS COMPANY. Board of Directors — Hugli Allan, president; Thomas Molson vice-president ; Hon. Joseph Bourret, Hon. James Ferrier, J. W. A. R. Masson, Robert Anderson, Henry Mulholland, Jonn Ostell, Wm. Dow, Alexander Urquhart, Wm. Muir, Thos. Mussen, John Rose ; W. R. Falconer, manager; W. Robson, secretary ; E. Hausselman, collector. Office, Gabriel street, Griffintowii. MONTREAL AND TROY TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Merchants' Exchange, St. Sacrament Street, Hugh Allan, president. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY, Merchants' Exchange, St. Sacramen Street. Directors— Hugh Allan, president , John Redpath, James Logan, H. H. Whitney, Benjamin Hall ; O. S. Wood, superinten- dent ; James Dakers, secretary LODGES AND CLUBS. MASONIC. Provmcial Grand Lodge, Montreal and William Henry— Hon. Wm. Badgley, PGM; Hon. Peter McGill, past PGM ; Frederick Griffin, DP GM ; Calvin P. Ladd, SGW ; A. G. Fenwick, MD JGW; G. Moffatt,jun., PGT; J. Ogilvy Moffatt, PGT ; Alfred King Lavicount, Assistant PGT MISCELLANEOUS. 431 ,Y RAILROAD CO. Yule, vice-president Hopper, secretary. Keet'er, engineer, 19 MPANY. ind, vice-president ; Office 14 St. Gabriel lETY. [ice, Insurance build- J SOCIETY. :. Ofice, 34 Little NY. ;nt ; Thonnas Molson ion. Jannes Ferrier, Henry Mulholland, rt, Wnn. Muir, Thos. mager; W. Robson, [fice, Gabriel street, PH COMPANY, iment Street, MPANY, amen Street. dpath, Jannes Logan , Wood, superinteu- BS. illiam Henry — Hon. ast PGM ; Frederick . G. Fenwick, MD offatt,PGT; Alfred Royal Arch Chapters — Hon. William Badgley, RG, supt. for Canada ; Hon. Peter McGill, past do. St Paul's Royal Arch Chapter, attached to St Paul's Lodge, No. 514 — C. Griinn, L ; R. D. Collis, treasurer. Meetings third Thursdays in Jan. April, July and Oct,, at the St Lawrence Hall Victoria Royal Arch Chapter — Meetings at St Paul's Lodge, No. 514— Ogilvy Moflatt, WxVI ; George Mof- fatt, treasurer : Alex. D. Parker, secretary; meets on second Tuesday of the month, at St Lawrence Hall St George's Lodge, No. 643— C. P. Ladd, WM ; A. W. Laird, secretary ; D. Moss, treasurer ; meets on the third Tuesday even- ing in each month, at No. 56 Notre Dame Street Zetland Lodge, No. 731— R. Noxon, WM ; E. Moss, treasurer ; J. H. Isaacson, secretary ; meets second Thursday of each month, at 57 Notre Dame Street St Lawrence Lodge — John Clark, WM ; William Easton, se- cretary ; James Stansfield, treasurer ; nieets first Tuesday of every month, at St Lawrence Hall Lodge, Social and Military, Virtues — W. G. Malcolm, WM. R. A. Malcolm, secretary ; J. Bower, treasurer . meets first Thursday of every month, at No. 57 Notre Dame Street Masonic Warehouse — No. 135 Notre Dame Street, J. O. Brown's ODD FELLOWS, M.U. MontrealDistrict, No. 13— Andrew Stewart, PGM, W. Herri- tage, DPGM: M. Darwent, Prov. CS; W. Reid, PDGM, treasurer — with three Deputies from each Lodge Thre are three Lodges in connection with the above District in this city RECHABITES. Tents, rooms 7 Great St James RELIGIOUS AND TEMPERANCE SOCIETIES. Baptists Missionary Society, James Hearle, treasurer ; William Muir, Secretary Canada Sunday School Union, James Court, treasurer ; James Milne, depositary French Canadian Missionary Society, James Court, treasurer . Rev. H. Wilkes , secretary Incorporated Church Society, Right Rev. Bishop Fulford, chair- man ; T. B. Anderson, treasurer ; Rev. E. J. Rogers, secre- tary Ladies' Bible Association, Mrs D. Torrance, treasurer; Miss Lunn, secretary Ladies' Temperance Society, Mrs Pougall, treasurer; Mn Froste, secretary 432 MrSCKLLANEOUS ;' Montreal Association for distributing Religious Tracts, John Mc- Watters, chairiniUi, J. A. Mathewson, secretary & treasurer Montreal Auxiliary Bible Society, D. Davidson, treasurer ; Jannes Milnf . depositary Montreal Temperance Society, John Dougall, president ; J. C. Bucket, secretary Religious Tract Society, Jos. Weiihanti, president ; Henry Ven- nor, treasurer ; James Milue, depositary Seamen and Strangers' Friend Society, Hon. James Ferrier, pre- sident ; James Court, treasurer : John Dougall, secretary Wesleyan Missionary Society, James Ferrier, jun., treasurer; James Mathf?wsf)n, secretary Wesleyan Sunday School U(Uon, Hugh Mathewson, treasurer ; John Barry, secretary St Patrick's Temperance Society, Rev. J. J. Connolly, president Charles Curran, treasurer Young Men's Christian Association, R. McDougall, president; E. Grafton, secretary Young Men's Total Abstinence Society, J. A. Mathewson, presi- dent; G. Childs, treasurer; C. P. Watson, and E. Grafton, secretaries BANKS AND BANK AGENCIES. Hours of Business at all the Banks, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m BANK OF MONTREAL. Established in 1818— Incorporated by an Act of Pro- vincial Parliament, Capital, £1,000,000. Head Office, Place d'Armes. Board of Directors — The Hon. Peter McGill, president ; T. B. Andersen, vice do ; James Logan, John Redpalh, Hugh Allan, Benjamin Holmes, H. Stephens, John Torrance, Thomas Ryan, John Brooke, John Boston, Henry Thomas, D. Torrance. Officers — Alex. Simpson, cashier; R. Mihoy, chief clerk; S. Reid, chief accountant ; C. Ashworlh, 2nd do ; C. Pennor, 3d do ; C. J. Brown, 1st teller; J. Porteous, 2nd do; W. J. Buchanan, 3rd do ; R. A. Lindsay, discount clerk ; George Dyett, inspector ; J. Rae, accountant branches and agencies ; J. C. Gibb, Exchange cl«rk ; F. Franklin, transfer clerk ; John Lloyd, assistaut do ; A. C. Hammond, do ; Joseph Rogers, Bank notedepartmevA \ H. B. Picken, messenger ; James Brennan and Thomas Tooke, porters ; Frederick Griffin, solicitor ; John C. Griffin, notary. Discount days — Tuesdays and Fridays ; dividends, 1st June and 1st Dec . BANQUE Du PEUPLE, Great St. James. Directors — Hon. L. M. Viger, presidert ; Jacob DeWitt, vie* president; J. F. AUard, Hon F. A. Quesnel, H. B. Smiih, P. Jo- doin, Alexis Savageau, A. E. Montnaarquet, S. B. Bonner, J. Bru- ueau, H. Starues, A. Prevost. 'A ous Tracts, John Mc- secretary & treasurer Ison, treasurer ; James [all, president ; J. C. ;sident; Henry Ven- 1. James Ferner, pre- Douijall, secretary rrier, jun., treasurer; iathewson, treasurer ; J. Connolly, president :Dougall, president; E. A. Mathewson, presi- ilson, and E. Gralton, TMISCELLANEOVS. .433 [^tENCIES. S, 10 A.M. to 3 P.M AL. I by an Act of Pro- ; 1,000,000. Head Gill, presidpnt ; T. B. ledpath, Hui^h Allan, -ranee, Thomas Ryan, , D. Torrance, ihoy, chief clerk ; S. lo ; C. Fennor, 3d do ; do ; W. J. Buchanan, orge Dyett, inspector ; J. C. Gibb, Exchange jloyd, assistaut do ; A. )te departmeul ', H. B. lomas Tooke, porters ; in, notary. Discount St June and 1st Dec . St. James. ; Jacob DeWitt, vic« A, H. B. Smiih, P. Jo- ;, S. B. Bonner, J. Bru- Ort'cers—B. H. Lemoine, cashier; G. Peltier, accountant ; E. Fournier, assistant act. ; J. L. Brault, paying teller ; John Jamei Morley, discount clerk; J. E. Mailhiot, receiving teller; O. B. Peltier, assistant discount clerk ; R. Terroux, clerk ; C. F. Pa- pineau, notary ; Robert Turner, porter ; U. B. St. Marie, ine«- senger. MONTREAL SAVINGS BANK. At the Bank of Montreal, Place d'Armes. S. Gerrard, president; J. Frothingham, vice-president; John Armour, secretary. Open every Monday ^nd Thursday, from 10 o'clock A.M. to 2 P.M. BANK OF BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Incorporated by Royal Charter. Paid-up Capital, jei,000,000 Sterling. Montreal Branch — Board of Local Directors — Hon Jas Ferrier, J. B. Geeenshields, Sir George Simpson, William Dow ; David Davidson, manager ; Thomas Paton, inspector of branches. Days of Discount — Wednesdays and Saturdays. CITY BANK — Place d'Armes. Capital, £225,000. Directors — William Workman, president; John Carter, vice- president; L. H. Holton, William Lyman, William Macdonald, Lachine. Officers — F. Macculloch, cashier; fhomas Woodside, chief cieik ; Walter Ross, accountant; Alex Ross, 2nd accountant; J. L. Mathevson, 1st teller; George Ruthven, 2nd do ; Jas Harri- son, discou.it clerk ; James McLea, messenger ; Richard Ma- thews, portei'. Discount days — .Mcnd'yc a,iu Thursdays — Dividends, Ist June and 1st December. CITY AND DISTRICT SAVINGS BANK. 4 Great St. James Street. Patron — His Lordship the Roman Catholic Bishop of Montreal Board of Directors— Alfred Larocque, president ; Edwin At- water, vice-president ; Hon Joseph Beurret, H. Mulholland, L H Holton, Henry Judah, A M Delisle, J B Smith, H Starnes, Norbert Dumas ; John Collins, actuary. Deposits are received every day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ; the board of Directors meet regularly every Tuesday evening. molson's BANK, 11 Great St. Jamcs Street. John and William MoIsob, bankers ; William Sache, cashier ; George E. Molson, teller; John Breen, messenger. Discounts daily. V / 431 IWgrRANCE COMPANIES. J ::!; BANK AGENCIES. Bank of Upper Canada, Joseph Weuluinn, nrianager; E TTay-- lor, ficcoiiiitatit ; E Von nor, clerk ; George GolcJie, assistant dof 47 Great St. James street. Commercial Bank of the Midland District — A H Campbell^ cashier ; J V Noel, accountant; Thomas Kirby, teller; J Ham- ilton, clerk ; 37 Great St James. PRIVATE BANKER. C Dorwin, 23 St. Francois Xavier street. MONTREAL PROVIDENT AND SAVINGS BANK, James Court, actuary, 7 Great St James street — Winding up. INSURANCE COMPANIES. AGENCIES OF ASSURANCE COMPANIES, &€. .^tna Fire and Lite of llartlord, Robert Wood, agent 62 St Fran- cois Xavier. See card Beacon Life and Fire of London, Joseph Whyddon, agent, 17 Great St James. See card Britannia Lil'e of London, J H JNIaitland, agent. Place d'Armes. See card British America Fire, Life and Inland Marine, M H Gault, agent 22 St Francois Xavier Canada Life Assurance, Thomas Ramsay, agent, 37 St Francois Xavier. See card Church of England Life Assurance Co. London, Thomas Evans, agent, 271 St Paul Colonial Life Assurance, A .D Parker, manager, 49 Great St James. See card Connecticut Mutual Life Assurance Co. Robert W^ood, agent, 62 St Francois Xavier. See card Equitable Fire Assurance Co, C F Tilstone, manager, Merchants' Exchange. See card Globe Insurance Company of Utica, N.Y. M Mclver, agent. Place d'Armes hill Globe Fire and Life of London, Ryan Brothers & Co. agents for C E and W. See card Great Britain Mutual Life Assurance Society, James Dougall, agent, Lemoine street. See card Hartford Fire of Hartford, Robert Wood, agent, G2 St Francois Xavier. See card Home Fire Insurance Company of N. Y. Robert Wood, agent, 62 St Francois Xavier. See card Inland Marine Insurance Co. C T Palsgrave, agent, corner St Helen and Lemoim? Lloyd's Agent, Ryan Brothers & Co The Liverpool and London Life and Fire Insurance Company, J H Maitland, agent. Place d'Armes. See card Montreal Assurance Co. Wm Murray, manager, Great St Jame» ll J IE9. , manager ; E T Tay Goldie, assistant do ; -ict— A H Campbell, Cirby, teller ; J Ham- let. kVINGS BANK, J street— Winding up. IPANIES, &C. ^ood, agent 62 St Fran- lyddon, agent, 17 Great agent, Place d'Armes. rine, M HGault, agent ,, agent, 37 St Francois ondon, Thomas Evans, rrianager, 49 Great St obert Wood, agent, 62 e, manager, Merchants' M Mclver, agent, Place theFS & Co. agents for >ciety, James Dougall, , agent, 62 St Francois obert Wood, agent, 62 rave, agent, corner St I Insurance Company, J ISee card Inager, Great St Jamea fNSVRANCE COMl'AMES. 4.1ft Monarch Fire and Life Assurance Co. II A Glassford, agent, J 6 St Sacrament. See card JNIutual Life Assurance Company of New York, M H Gdult,agt. St Francois Xavier Mutual Fire Insurance Co. of Montreal, for country parts only. P L Letourneaux, secretary and Ueasuier; 2 St ^aclatnent. Sre card National Loan Fund Life and Annuity of London, J B M Chip- man, general agent, Merchunis' Exchange. See Card National Life Assurance Co. Montpelier, Vermont, J M Gilbert, general agent lor Canada, .j St Sacrament. See card Phcenix Fire of London, Gillespie, Mollatt &c Co. agents, 182 St Paul. See caid Protection Fire of Hartford. 1> bert Wood, agent, 62 St Francois Xavier. See card Provincial Mutual and General Insurance Co. of U.C. William Evans, jr. agent, Cote St Paul Provincial Alarine and Fire Insurance Co. A Hewerd, 2*^ St Fran- cois Xavier. See card. Royal Fire and Life Assurance Co. H L Routh, agent, Water st. See caid St Lawrence County Mutual Fire of N.Y. Jam-'s Knapp, agent, 229 St Paul Union Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Boston, A F Sabine, agent, 45 St Francois Xavier. See card United States Life Insurance Co. of New York, G B Muir, agent, Place d'Armes hill United Kingdom Life Assurance Co. Edmonstone, Allan & Co. agents Western Fire and Marine, M H Gault, agent, St Francois Xavier 'ft 1.1 1! ?4 : 436 tNSURANCt: C0MP.ANIE9. IK j \^ 1 ■ , 1 '(1 P i 1 f 1 ■ffe '9 i *f i LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. The undersigned, Agent for the following Companies continues to insure against Loss by Fire, and to Issue Policies on Lives, both on the Proprietary and Mu- tual Systems. The Capitals of the Companies repre- sented by him have been paid up in cash, and toge-l ther with large reserve funds exceeding $4,000,000, | are safely invested, and instantly available, to meet the largest possible Losses, viz. : — ^tna Fire and Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn* Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Protection Fire Insurance Co., Hartford, Conn. Home Fire Insurance Co., Wall Street, N.Y. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford, Connecticut. ROBERT WOOD, Agent, 62 St. Francois Xavier Street, Montreal. GLOBE FIRE & LIFE INSURANCE OF LONDON. Paid up Capital One Million Sterling. RYAN, BROTHERS & CO., Montreal & Quebec Are appointed Sole Agents for Canada, (Montrea City excepted,) and are authorized to settle Claims v/itkout referriiig them to England, Sub-Agencies in Canada. Quebec, Ryan Brothers ; Brockville, Messrs. J. & S. Ross ; Kingston, Thomas Briggs, Esq ; Belleville J. Bell, Esq.; Toronto, T. Clarkson, Esq.; Hamil ton, J. Hutchison, Esq. ; London, D. J. Hughes Esq. LIFE DEPARTMENT. A Reduced Tariff of Rates has been published and can be had on application at the various Agen cies. IE9. ollowing Companies jy Fire, and to Issue roprietary and Mu- lie Companies repre- p in cash, and to^e- ceeding }|54',000,000, y available, to meet INSURANCE COMPANIES. 487 :o., Hartford, Conn LTtford, Conn. Jartford, Conn. Street, N.Y. ■ance Co., Hartford, ^OOD, Agent, er Street, Montreal. \ E SURANCE N. llion Sterling. Montreal & Quebec, Canada, (Montreal zed to settle Claims nd» Canada. ckville, Messrs. J. & ggs, Esq ; Belleville kson, Esq. ; Hamil- ion, D. J. Hughes ^lENT. has been published it the various Agen MONARCH OF LONDON. Empowered by Special Acts of Parliament. ESTABLISHED 1835. Capita L,--je300 000 Sterling. Surplus Fund— ^£200 000 Sterling. The Subscriber having bee» appointed Agent for the above named Assurance Company, is prepared to accept FIRE and LIFE RISKS, at as moderate Rates of Premium as any other safe Company. All Losses promptly settled here, without refer- ence to the Loudon Office. H. A. GLASSFORD, Agent for B.N. A., 16 St. Sacrament Street. Extracts from the Tables of Rates of Premium for Life Assurance, payable at various periods of Life. Annual Premiums for assuring the sum of JCIOO upon the Life of any healthy person lor the whole Term of Lite with Prolits. Age next Birthday. Whole Term. ( Age next ( Birthday. Whole Term. 20 25 30 35 1 17 2 2 6 2 8 4 2 15 4 40 45 J 50 { 55 3 3 10 3 15 6 4 10 8 5 10 3 Annual Premiums for assuring the sum of £1U0 upon the lile of any healthy person, lor One Year, Seven Years, or the Whola Term of Life without Profits. Age. Whole Term. One Year. Seven Years. Age. Whole Term. One Year. Seven Years. 20 26 85 1 12 3 1 18 3 2 6 3 2 12 6 16 6 19 1 2 1 5 8 one 1 8 1 4 1 8 2 40 45 60 56 3 8 3 10 4 5 9 5 6 1 9 1 13 10 2 3 3 1 6 1 13 2 2 9 9 3 9 6 Prospectuses. Forms of Proposal, and every infi»rii:ation regarding llie Company's position and standing, (which is iieeond to none in Great Bri- tain,) cau be obtaiued un applicatioo at the Moutreal Agency. i 43S IN8UBANCK COMl'ANIKS. ^' [|i i( I f 4; PHffiiX FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF LONDON. This Coin}):iny cstuljlisluul its A^i'iicy iji Cunada in the year 1S0I<, unci CDntiimes lu in.snro Property of every description against loss or damugo by Firo, ut reasonable rates. Losses settled in this country without reference to the JJoartl of Directors in London. The Company is composed of a numerous body of wealthy propriettJrs who are individually liable to the full extent of their })rivate ibrtunes, in addition to the invested capital of the Company. ISo charge made for Polices. GJLLESriE, MOFFATT & CO., INIontreal, Aj^eiils for Canada. Sun-AfiENTs : — Quebec — Messrs Gillespies & Co. Kingston — Thomas Kiikpatiick, Esq. Toronto — Messrs Motliit, Murray & Co. Hamilton — Messis Gillespie, Denholm bi Co. London — H. C. Hiinhes, Esq. Montreal Branch of the Royal Insurance Co* OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. Capital, £2,000,000 Sterling. The undersigned, Agent for the above Company, will continue to receive proposals for Fire and Life Lisurance, and take the same on the most favorable terms. The large Capital of the Company, and influence of its })roprietors, enables it to rank with any Office eitiier in Europe or America, as regards the advan- tages offered to the public. Losses settled promptly on satisfactory proof there- of, without reference to the Board in England. Prospectuses, Forms of Proposal for Life or Fire Assurance, and every information requisite, can be obtained at the office of the undersigned, or at any of the local agencies in Canada. H. L. ROUTH, Common street, opposite upper whaif, Montreal. v.a. IN3URANCF COMPANIES. :(iicy in Canada in instiro rropcrty of Juiimgo by Tire, iit ivitliout reference to 1. ii numerous body of dividuully liublo to brtunes, iu addition mpuny. FFATT & CO., lis lor Canada. & Co. ick, Esq. J nay &t Co. Uenholm ik, Co. al Insurance €o« ONDON. STERLING. le above Company, s for Fire and Life the most favorable tany, and influence ink with any Olfice regards the ad van- factory proof there- ■d in England, al for Life or Fire n requisite, can be 3rsigned, or at any ,. KOUTH, upper vvhaif, Montreal. MONTREAL AGENCY UNION MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Head Office, 38 State Street, Boston. Agent for Canada. OFFICE, 45 ST. FRA.NXOIS XAVIER STREET, Prospectuses, Blank Forms of Proposal furnished, and every information given, al the Montreal Agency. PROVINCIAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF TORONTO, C. AV. Capital, iJ500,000. — Head Office, Toronto. President, A. M. Clark, Esq. Vice-President J. (1. Bowes, Esq. Secretary and Treas. . .E. G. O'Brien, Esq. Solicitor John Duggan, Esq. Directors — J. J. Hayes, Esq., M.D. ; W. L. Per- rin, Esq. ; D. MacDonnell, Esq. ; D. Crawford, Esq ; J. C. Morrison, Esq. ; W. Matthie, Esq. ; W. At- kinson, Esq ; J. G Worts, Escj ; J L Pvobinson, Esq. Bankers — Bank of Upper Canada. Every description of RLSKS, FIRE and .MARINE, taken at the lowest remunerating scale, and all Losses promptly settled upon adducing the neces- sary claim. A. HEWARD, Agent, Union Buildings, St. Fraugois Xavier St. { ^: rf '1 '!• 1 V 1 i iilli 'I. ! Jl ^■ ;|' i i ' t' i 'iii y JU 440 INSURANCE COMPANIES. Premiums Reduced 31^ 7?^ cent, mutual" LIFHSSURAirSOCIETY. No. 14, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London. This Society is established on the tried and ap- proved principle of Mutual Assurance. The Funds are accumulated for the exclusive benefit of the Policy-holders, under their own immediate superin- tendence and control. The Profits are divided AN- NUALLY, and applied in reduction of the current premiums. Every person assured to the extent of jElOOO, will be entitled, after the payment of Five Annual Premiums, to attend and vote at all general meetings of Policy-holders, held annually, for the purpose of receiving the Report of the state of the Society's affairs, and sanctioning a division of Profits. When required, credit will be given to persons af- fecting Assurance,on their own lives or the lives of others, for Halp the amount of the First Fivb Annual Premiums ; at the end of which period they participate in the Profits, which may be applied to- wards the liquidation of the debt thus accumulated. At the Annual General Meeting of the Society, held on the 26th of May last, it was resolved, that a re- duction of 31.^ per cent on the premiums payable on all policies on the participating scale be made for the past year. The following Table exemplifies the eiiect of the present Re- dHction : — Age when Assured. Amount Assured. 20 30 40 60 60 £1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 Annual pn-ni. origin, paid. 36 13 33 18 48 16 76 n Allowance of j Annual prem« 31 J per cent. I now payable. 6 116 8 1 8 10 13 8 16 'i 8 23 18 Xlt 6 n 11 8 23 4 8 33 9 61 19 « LOCAL DIRECTORS IN MONTREAL. William Workman, Esqi J John Carter, Esq. Wm. Fraser, Esq., M.D,, Medical Referee. Ever>- information relative to llii.^ Society, and the mode of efiecting AMUiaiivv-h ubtuiiied by uiiplicution to JAMES DOUGALL, Lenaoine >Stiect, Agent for Canada. ')er cent, MCIETY. Mall, London.. he tried and ap- [ice. The Funds Q benefit of the imediate superin- 5 are divided AN- )n of the current to the extent of payment of Five ote at all general annually, for the f the state of the iivision ol' Profits. iven to persons af- /es or the lives of F THE First Fivb tvhich period they ay be applied to- lus accumulated. he Society, held olved, that a re- iums payable on e be made for the of the present Re- INSURANCE COMPANIES. 441 uiue of AnnnnI prem* ■r ci'iit. niiw payalile. 11 ti Xlt 6 1 « n 11 8 13 B 23 4 8 '« 8 33 9 16 61 19 « £AL. Carter, Esq. .1 Referee . il Uie mode of clfeciing DOUGALL, , Agent lor Canada. LIFE IMMCE. THE NATIO]\AL LIFE INSURANCE CO. OF THE UNITED STATES. MONTPELIER— Vermont. JULIUS Y. DEWEY, M. D., President. GEO. U. REED, Secretary. CASH CAPITAL, SECURELY INVESTED, EXCEEDS $150,000. All Profits divided among the insured at the end of every five years. If desired, a credit will be given to the insured, for one half of five premiums, on the pledge of th** policy. Mr. .r. A. Page, cashier of the Vermont Bank at Montpelier, under the date of March, 23rd, 1853, concerning this Company, writes : — " It is now about three years since the Company commenced business during which time they have issued 1022 policies, as ap- pears hy their books. All losses incurred, have invariably been paid promptly — all expenses to this dale are paid, and they have now a cash capital of over $150,U0t), well and securely invested — $34,000, of which is the accumulated earnings, over and above expenses, losses and interest, on capital paid in. The affairs are, as far as I can judjje, conducted with safety, economy and regu- larity, and I cannot conceive of any reason why the Company is not on a good and sure basis to be as permanent in its business as any other Company whatsoever. 1 think it entitled to the fullest confidence." BOARD OF REFERENCE FOR MONTREAL. William Workman, Esq., President City Bank ; Messrs VVilliam Lyman&Co., J. B. Smith & Co., Edwin Atwater, Esq. Other Referees well known to the public of Montreal : — Hon. Justice Richards; Messrs. Geo. Morton & Co., Urockville, C. W. ; Messrs. J. & J. H. Peck & Co., Burlinjrton, Vt. J. M. GILBERT, Agent for Canada. Ofiice for Monvreal — 5 »*"t. Sacrament Street. u2 % II r ; til t s H I 442 INSURANCE COMPANIES. BRITANNIA LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, No. 1, Vriace^s iStrcet^liank, London. ESTABLISHED AUG. 1, 1837.— CAPITAL, i 1,000,000 St o Empowered by Special Act of Parliament, 4 Vict. Chap. 9. Dir*;ctors. Colonel Robert Alexander, Blackheath Park, chairman ; William JJardi^elt, Es(i. 1 II) Fenchiirch street ; (juiovga Bevington, Ks(|. iXeckint^er Mills. Bermondsey ; F. P. Cockeiill, Esq. Shadvvcll and ') wickenliani ; (Ji^oiye Cohen, EsTi;U. Pu-sident Director. ANDREW FRANCIS, Secretary. (Local Agents in Canada, same as Proprietary Branch.) 444 XNSXniANCE COMPANIES. •; ( ■ 1 t ■ '; t ■ it M 4 T 1' 1 i .;/ g ;i 1 ! i j ^ •; ; 1 ; 'h ||i 1 i ■ ■ i\' ' jnl" The " Britannia Mutual Life Association " is altogether distinct from, and independent of, the Propiielary Ollice transact- ing business under tlie name of the " Britannia Lite Assurance Company." The oidy connection between the two establish- ments is, that their affairs are conducted on the same premises, and by the same officers, by which means the entire disburse- ments of the Mutual Association are reduced to a small per cent- age on the receipts. J. H. MAITLAND, General Agent for Montreal and Canada. LIVERPOOL AND LONDON FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICES: 37 Castle Street, Liverpool. 20 and 21 Poultry, and 28 Regent street, Waterloo Place, Tendon. Office in Montreal ; Corner of Place d'Armes & Notre Dame St. Capital, Two Millions Sterling viz : 100,000 Shares at £20 each. Responsibility of Stockholders Unlimited. Established. 1836. — Empowered by Act of Parliament. Trustees : Sir Thomas Bernard Birch, Bart,, M.P., Adam Hodgson, Esq., S. H. Thompson, Esq. DIRECTORS IN LIVERPOOL: Thomas Brocklebank, Esq., Chairman ; Joseph Christ. Ewart Es»;., Deputy Chairman; Francis Haywood, Thomas Booth', Francis Caesar Braun, William Earle, George Grant, Francis A. Hamilton, Thomas Haigh, Robert Higgin, George Holt, Huq.; Uto. \1, t'lirliiT. K-[. I'.l*., Alloriiey General : .Medical Adviser. A. Hull, tlsq.. M. D. : T. Runisay. Ksq.. sec. This Company was organised in August, 1847, and so successful has been its operations, and economical its management, that it has been enabled to declare at each ol' its Annual meetings, Bon- uses to the assured of sums equal to 18 and 25 per cent of the amount of Premituiis paid up. Tliis being the only native Institution for Life Assurance origin- ated in tiie Province, and now carried into prosperous activity, it may sately lay claim to a large share of Colonial patronage. The following is an example of the rates of Premium demanded by this Company for the Assurance of jL'IOO, upon a single life, the assured being entitled to parlicipale in the prolits realized. Age next Annual Scmi-Annual Quarterly birth day. Premium. Premium. Premium. 20 1 12 8 Hi 8 8 8 25 1 17 10 19 () 10 .30 2 4 4 I 2 10 11 8 35 2 11 4 1 6 4 13 6 40 3 1 1 11 2 16 45 3 11 8 1 16 8 18 8 50 4 5 2 2 3 6 1 2 2 Thus, a |)arty aged 25 years next birth day, may secure to his representatives XIOOO at his death, by the annual payment of £18 18s. 4d., fchould he prefer to make payment by semi-annual or quarteily instaluienls, the former would be £9 15s., and the *latler JLo. Prospectuses and Tables of Rates, together with every other nformation on the sul)j('cl ol' Life Assurance, may be obtained at the Comi)any's Office here, or from an} of the following Agents for Canada East : — T. RAMSAY, Sec. Montreal Board. Agents for Lower Canada. H. W. Welsh. Ksq.. O.iulee . II. Ilnwuid. Ksij.. !«i. Andrews: T, Pfijr- giii«'jii. Kscj.. ll!i\vk< »i iir\ ; 11. M. Soiihtv illf. Ksq.. Ilimiin^'di'ii ; T. It. JotMon. h.^l-1 ^l- Joliii-* ; William Uncliic. I'.^q.. Mierlrooki- : !•'. .Judd, K!*q-- '>'an>tead ; 'I'lioiMUs Tail, lisc] . Mclltuirne; 1<. V. Nici.tle, K.>q., Si. Hyaciiitlie ; WiUiuiii Jiaker. Esii. . DniiLaiii: U. Ilurrywer, Esq., William Henry; Jului Uubcrl^un, L«q., Tttrcc Kiver^i. unipany* LI AM EXT. ND 37 St. Francois EAL. Ill Young, Esq., Vice- ; J. (J. .McKciizif. Esq., [iriiir. Emj.. M.IM'. :H. iii>ii(t. M. i'l'., Altoriiey : T. Kuiiisiiy. Esq.. sec. 17, and so successful nianagptnerit, that it iiiual nieetiiisjs, Bon- 25 per cent of the .ife Assui ance nri^jn- prospeious activity, /oloiiial patronage, f Prenniumdennantled I, upon a sins^lo lite, IP piolits realized. I Quarterly Premium. 8 8 10 118 13 ti IG 18 8 1 2 2 r, may secure to his annual paynient of lent by semi-annual )e £9 15s., and the with every other may be obtained le lollowin;; Agents Montreal Board. DA. I. .-\iulr«'\\s: T. Flitr- |.. Iliiritiii|jrd.iii; T. K. SlurlTDiikc : r. JudJ, l<. V. Si(«»tle, Esq., It. narrower, Esq., tT6. CO ^ H-^ ^ o ^^ w ;^ o ^:; I— I ;?; o **1 S! H O n H n II H o H O A n to Pi o s c c '•■* -— 'J I— • 1^ -H r p^ OF— I -^ I— I — H rt GJ ij —' ^ ^o 13 o ■§■ X ^^ Esq., M. D., Clennent Tabor, Esq., Thomas West, Esq., Francis v. Weodhouse, Esq. 3ECRETARY. W. H. PRESTON, Esq. LOCAL DIRECTORS AT MONTREAL. OFFICE, ^Merchants Exchange. William Lunn, Esq., John Torrance, Esq., John Frotbinghara> Esq., Alfred LaRocque, Esq., Benjamin Holmes, Esq., Hon. William Morris, J. G. Mackenzie, Esq., A. T. Gait, Esq., Theo-^ dore Hart, Esq. C. F. TILSTONE, Manager. This Office insures against Loss or Damage by Fire alldesrrip> tions of Buildings, including Mills and Manufactories, and the Goods, Wares and Merchandize in the same ; Ships in Harbor or in Dock ; Craft on navigable rivers and canals, and the Goods laden in the same ; and Farming Stock of all descriptions. The " Equitable" Fire Office will, by a constant analysis of its own exjierience from time to time, adopt such rates of pre- miums as the nature of the risk may justify. With this view an annual investigation will be made into each class of risk, and a return of one moiety — or fifty per cent — of the nett excess will be made to all classes of Insurers, whose policies have been in force tor three years. The engagements of the " Equitable," are guaranteed by a responsible proprietary, and an ample subscribed Capital. The insured aie free from the liabilities of a Mutual Insurance Society, and entitled, according to the plan of the Connpany,toa return of half the profits. Losses are made good without deduction or discount, and are adjusted and paid in Monti eal, without reference to London. By a Kesolutian of the Court iu London, the Premiums are Retained in Montreal to pay Losses, and accumulate a fund of £10,000. THE LOCAL DIRECTORS MEET WEEKLY. Agents, have been appointed throHghout Canada. ,1 4D0 INSURANCE COMPANIES. T ^E Wift & lire ^.ssurantc CiUt OF LONDON. CAPITAL— jei50,000, Stj?., with Power to lucrea^^e to i500,000, Stg. CA\.iDA BR IKCII— Head OIHce^ Kln^Mton. DIRECTORS: Chairman — The Hon. J. A. Macdonald. John MacPhorsw, Esq., (MiicPhorson and Crane.) JdIui Brown, Hs([., (Mossrs. Brown and Harty.) Hu^h Frasnr, Esq., merchant. Alex. Campbell, Es(f., barrister. ]M IX well StranijH, Esq. John Eraser, Esq., merchant. Win. Grant, Manager for Canada. James Crawford, Esc]., M. I)., Medical Examiner, Montreal. Joseph WhyJdon, Agent, &c., Montreal. OFFICE:— No. 17 Great St. James's Street. FIRE DEPARTMENT. The Directors in C mada are enabled, as Shareholders, to si^n And issue Policies, wliich are •granted on BiiiMnms. Goods, Mer- chandize, Vessels, and every description of Insurable Property, in any part of Canada. All Losses [including thos-^ by Fire occasioned by Liufhtnin;^] promptly settled, without deduction or discount, by the Board in if.ingston, without reference to Enijland. LIFE DEPARTMEXT. This Company offers the following advantages, among others, wh'i Indisputable Policies, Enduwiuenld for Adults or Ci^ildren, mcc Ca., ith Power to , Stg. ice^ Kingston. aciloMalJ. )ii and Crane.) uid Harty.) for Canada. , M.[>., .imiiier, Montreal, at, &c., Montreal. amcs's Street, 'I'lreholdcrs, to si^ti iliiiijs. Gojils, Mer- Insurable Property, ned by Li'jjhtninj?] iut, by the Board ia lijes, amons others, A.dults ur Children, INSURANCE COMPANIES. 451 X'() 9 3 7 I 6 11 13 1 I-* (i 2 12 13 10 Loans to facilitate payment of Premiums, and a Scale of small I'nMuiuiiis payable vvot'kly.oirerint; the hj-iu'lilsof Lilt- As-.nraiice to the Industrial Classes, [whilst also available lor hmhor sums by all other branches of the commuiiity,] and t»'ndin;( to proniofo frui;.il habits in youui; |)i'rsons by ctrfcfinn Insurance «»m their Lives secerdl i/mrs earlier than can be done at any other Oflice. The (ollowin;; Table shews the nmonnfs paid by this Company at death of each of the Liv(,'s therein named, lor tlie same tnllnig weekly payment ot One Penny only : — Father Age 3i), next birth-day,. Mother 3t) do. do. Son 13 do. do. ])du:,'hter 12 do. do. Son 10 do. do. jLoO 3 8 The same payments would have secured to each of the same Lives £o oi\\y, in the Enijlish Burial .Societies. Althou'^h this Company was unlij formed and commenced buxi" neis in 18)3, it lias, at the expiration of its (irst year, ending in March last, issued the large number of 1,678 Lite Policies. Medical Examiners paid by the Company. Ladies seen by Medical Olfioer at tlieir own resilience [if preferredj instead of appearing before Board of Directors. Parties Insuring pursuant to Deed of .Settlemi^nt in Fire and Life Department, entitled to partici|iale in Piolits. Circulars, Pamphlets, Forms and Rates, ubKiinod at the ir>aJ Office Kingston, and at the several agencies ; and sam;; in French [including Policies, if required], at the Olli -e in Mjiilrcal. JOSEPH WHVDDON, Local Agent for Montreal, and Superintendent of Sub-Ageiiciei in Canada East. Montreal, June 27, 18 J4. i i ! \ J lii >B||! ADMNDA AND ERRATA. Note. — The numbers on St. Antoine Street were altered aftet • portion of the Directory had been printed. Those names whose numbers require correction are given here anew. The Nos. on Notre Dame Street were also altered, but will bt found corrected in the Classified Business Directory. Adams, Ed., carver and gilder, 225 Notre Damo Abbott, John, 45 St Antoine Abbott, Misses, 45 St Antoine Abbott, S VV & Co, furniture, Craig near St Fran- cois Xavier Abraham, Robert, 126 St Antoine Anderson, George, 110 St Antoine Armour, John, 100 St Antoine Auld, Alexander, 25 SI Antoine Aubichon, M. cabinetware, St Lawrence near Ca- therine Aug6, Mrs, 4 St Constant Banks, J, barber, 52 Great St James Bailey, Mrs, teacher of music, 15 St Monique Black, Isaac, baker, 64 St Antoine Blache, H. 114 St Antoine Bizallon, Mrs, 16 St Antoine Beers, J C, 27 St Antoine Bisson, Miss, 124 St Antoine Boyd, James, grocer, 62 St Antoine Blacklock, J, grocer, 125 St Antoine Brossard, M, dry goods, 15 St Lawrence Brown, W R, butcher, 113 St Lawrence Brownlee, Robt, gardener, 32 Little St JameS Clifford, J B, clothing warehouse, 284 St Paul Chasse, F, shoemaker, 61^ St Lawrence Clerk, Geo E, 88 St Antoine Cinq Mars, Mrs, 52 St Maurice a:a AnnF.NDA AND F.RRAlA. it. I ■ f . . I CoLLjs, R D, broker, IMcrchnnts^ Exchange Cook, Miss, niilliiicr, (18 St Anloine CowjiM, .hunt's, clotliiii^- store, lOf) iMcCjIU Davidson, .liinu'S, Ml St Antoinc Dc'loricr, Mrs E. 9S St Anloine Dejijily, .1, litncy store, 4-1 St J/awrcncc J)esniilrteiiii iV Ciiintliier, dry goods, ') St Lixwronce Desereun, Mrs, boarding-lionse, cornei Craig and St l'rl)ain Dodd, .las 11, commission merchant, Merchants' Ex- change court Dickinson, M K, 37 St Antoine Dud", Miss, milliner, Jl St Antoine ])ubois, Alexis E, .')9 St Antoine Druycotte, C F, dry goods, 101 St Lawrence ])ongla.ss, .lames, f)") St Antoine Evans, Ed, 139 St Antoine I'airbairn, .lolin, broker, St Sacrament Eilzgibbon, A, boards at Lachinw Eisher, Danl, 1 12 St Antoine Eislier, .lohn, -H- St Antcjine Eleming, Miss, milliner, 13 St Lawrence Erancdur iV CJironx, tlry goods, 13 St Lawrence GuAV, (Ji:o. eabin(!t ware, 1-1- St .losepli, sub Caudnku, .loHN, chemist and druggist, '293 Notre Dame Cardiu'r tV Watson, machinists, Chenncville Cronx iV- iNlyette, i)ainters, JJonaventure near Ed- ward lane Ciignere, T, shoemaker, 139 St Lawrence (iordon, A'rs, 10 St i\ntoine (Jould, N VV, 4-9 St Antoine CriHin, Mrs, registry ollice, 138 St Antoine Hannah, Mrs .1 (r, llf) St Antoine Hays, Andrew, commission merchant,! St Maurice JIUI, Enu'dom, 120 St Antoine Hannah, Oliver, 72 St Antoine Hymaii, Sh, 4-3 St Antoine Jh-rvey, Miss, 95 St Antoine Jh'aly, C, dry good. 7() St liawrcnce Kent, T, cabinet ware, 7;') St Lawrence i?i' : ADDENDA AND ERRATA 45& mge Jill St Liiwrcnce Craig JUid St erchants' Ex- .vrence ire luciwrence , sub , i>93 Notre loville lire near Ed- ice Lome , 1 St Maurice Kerr, Mrs Wm, S5 St Antoinc Kerr, Jlobert, 85 St Antoine Kinrnond, William, 87 St Antoine Kersten, Etiwarcl, wine merchant, 274- Notre Dame Knaj)p, Joseph, Vnion Bnildings, St Francois Xavier Lamontarrne, A, house 5 Little St James Lam be, Airs, 13.") St Antoine Leduc, Clevis, (iO St Antoine Lewis, D, 92 St Antome Ladon, Ls, tavern, 1 Bonaventnre Lacroix, Mrs, dressmaker, 287 Notre Dame Loiselle, V X, 3;") St Antoine ]\lclOnaspie, F, tavern, 1 1") St Antoine McKvvan, Mrs, 8 St Antoine McArtlmr John, 40 St Antoine INIackay, Joseph iV Edward, 6\ St Antoine Manix, W, inrnitiire, H3A St Lawrence Marcoux, . tinsmith, Gl St Lawrence Mallioit, J E, 133 St Antoine Martcl, J, grocer. If) St Antoine Montgomerie, Mrs A C, 92 St Antoine Montgomery, J 11, agent Ibr John Tallis, 53 St Fran- cois Xavi(T MacKinnon tV. Co., iron tV commission agents, 1^ Groat St Jami'S MacKinnon, J. house Sherbrooke near Simpson McLaughlin, E, basket maker, 125 St Antoine Morton, Mrs, grocer, 134 St Antoine Ouellet iV Painchaud, dry goods, 29 St Lawrence Ouimet, Louis, slmcmakir, St hhnery off St. Denis Pa|)in, D, hatter, 103 St Lawrence Parisean, M. liirniture 43 St J^awrence Pinet, A, notary, 1 St Lawrence Ronayne, P & M, clothiuL!: store, 298 St Paul Sthutheus, J, grocer, 137 Notre Dame hi PARTICULAR NOTICE TO mum mnmn VISITING MONTREAL. The attention of Travellers is most respectfully in- vited to the increased facilities that can be attained by a stay at t pt!j0h$ |i0tel, JACQUES CARTIER SQUARE, MONTREAL. The House is in close proximity to the Champ de Mars (where the Troops Parade), to the principal places of business, being within five minutes' walk of the Banks, Post Olfi.ce, Steamboat Landings, Rail- road' Depots, &;c. &c., and will be found a comfort- able home by parties on business or on a tour of pleasure. The St. NICHOLAS HOUSE, recently built by the Hon. Joseph Roy, is for Air and Ventilation un- rivalled ; having in its front a spacious Verandah, overlooking an Open Square planted with Trees, extending from the River to the (Jhamp de Mars, it must for this reason commend itself to the public patronage. PRIVATE C VRRIAGES, in connexion with the above Hotel, together with attentive drivers, for the convenience of Guests wishing to view the City and the beautiful scenery surrounding it, can be had at the shortest notice. OMNIBUSES, with trusty jmrtcrs, will be found at the different Steamboat Wiuirves and Railroad Depots, to convev Passengers with their Baggage to and from he i-'otel. F. I*. LEVllVE, Proprietor. ncE nmn .EAL, ost respectfully in- at can be attained n f fltel, LE, MONTREAL. y to the Champ de c), to the principal tive minutes' walk oat Landings, Rail- je Ibund a comfort- ss or on. a tour of i], recently built by md Ventilation un- pacious Verandah, anted with Trees, Champ de Mars, it self to the public connexion with tho [ive drivers, for the I view tho City and it, can be liad at Iters, will be found •ves and Railroad ith their Raggagc 1, Proprietor^ McLEAIV & FLECK, KEMPT STREET, (Griffintown,) Montreal, Having greatly enlarged their Establishment, and added to it the most Improved Modern Machinery, are now prepared to execute orders for every de- scription of TASSENCiER, FREIGHT, PLAT- FORM, POST OFFICE and BAGGAGE CARS. Employing none but the most experienced Work- men, and giving their undivided attention to super- intending the work in hand, the Subscribers believe they can supply RAILROAD COMPANIES with every kind of Carriage now in use, of such quality, and upon such terms, as cannot be surpassed, H equalled, in any part of America. REFERENCES. • Grand Trunk Railroad, of Canada. St. Lawrence and Atlantic Railroad, Canada. Montreal and New York do do Champlain and St. Lawrence do do Ogdensburgh Railroad, New York. Vermont Central Railroad, Vermont. Rome and Watertown Railroad, New York. Toronto, Simcoe and Huron, Canada. Toronto and Port Sarnia, do. Montreal and By town, do. MANUFACTORIES. At Montreal, . McLean & Fleck. '< Toronto, . McLean, Wright k Co. li i I ; f . F. X» r^OISELfiU, MERCHANT TAILOR AND GLDTHIER, NO. 73 INIcGILL STREET, MONTREAL. Keeps always on hand an axtensive and varied asgortnnent of READY-IMADF: clothing of all kinds, together with au- periarSlork of Droad Cloths, Cassimeres, Vostings. &c., which he is at all tirnfjs prepared to Make to Measure, in the most fashionaHe manner, upon short notice, and at very moderate prices. Cloths and Tiimmings Furnished, and Garments Cut in th« latest Style o*" Fashion. Shirts, Drawers, Undershirts, Col- ars, &;r., in great variety, and every article warrented to lj9 the best of its kind. Citizens and Stranfl;er3 are invited to call and examine, and Wholesale Purchasers will find a very large and Superior Stock to select from, while the terms will be very favor- able. N.33. — To suit Strangers and Travellers a complete Outfit can be made in twelve hours in first rate style. Fit in rU cases warranted. I! ] ICcMILLAN & OARSON, GLDTHIER, MONTIIEAL. vanod nsgortment of s, toi^ether with au- r\'stings. &c., which oasure, in tiie most A at very moderate ind Garments Cut in rs, Undershirts, Col- warrented to h? the invited to call and id a very large and s will be very favor- ellers a complete )iirs in first rate I. '^^^ MERCHANT TAILORS, AND General Outfitters, NO. 66 McGILL STKEKT, MONTREAL. Constantly on hand a well assorted otoak of READY-MADE CLOTHING, Manufactured un- der their own immediate superintendence. Country Merchants and the Public generally are invited to Call and Examine. A Choice Assortment of the very best West of England ,^ Tweeds, Doeskins, Broad Cloths, Ve8ting8,&e« Constantly on Hand, wliich they are prepared to make to measure on the most reasonable terms and shortest notice. Their own special attention is given to this de- partment.