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Legislative Council Chamber, 
 This day, at Two o'clock. His Excellenc} the Governor in Chief came 
 down in State to the Legislative Council Chamber, and being seated on the 
 Throne, the Gentlemen Usher of the Black Rod was sent down to the House of 
 Assembly to command their attendance before His Excellency, and the House 
 being come up. His Excellency was pleased to open the Third Session of the 
 Fourteenth Provincial Parliament with the following Speech : — 
 Gentlemen of the Legislative Council, 
 Gentlemen of the Home of Assembly. 
 I have called you together at the period precisely corresponding with that 
 of your last year's meeting, being still under the impression that it is the best suited 
 to the convenience of the majority of the Members of the two Houses of the 
 Provincial Parliament. 
 It is, besides, peculiarly desirable that the present Session should commence 
 at an early period, in order to afford sufficient time for bringing to maturity, 
 such measures as were in progress at the close of the last Session, and for taking 
 up the consideration of such measures as the growing wealth and prosperity of the 
 Province may suggest. 
 The period having arrived for the effecting a new adjustment of the propor- 
 tion to be paid to Upper Canada, of certain duties levied in this Province, the 
 Commissioners nominated on the part of the two Provinces respectively, under 
 the provisions of the Act of S, Geo. IV. cap. 119, have recently met, and entered 
 largely into the consideration of the subject, and although the discussion which 
 ensued thereupon was conducted with no less cordiality, and good feeling, than 
 with ability, and diligence on both sides, I am concerned at having to announce 
 to you that the Commissioners have separated without coming to anv decision 
 upon the important question entrusted to their ma-jagement ; and having, more- 
 over, differed in regard to the appointment, conjointly, of a third Commissioner 
 or Arbitrator, it becomes necessary according to the provisions of the above 
 mentioned Act, (section 17th) to refer the matter to His Majesty's Government, 
 for the purpose of obtaining the appcintmeut of an Arbitrator under the Royal 
 sign manual. 
 The subject of the Currency has been bi ought under your notice upon more 
 than one occasion during the last few years ; but no pra'ctical measure having 
 resulted from the consideration of it, I think it necessary to advert to it again • 
 not so much with a view to the adoption of any general and comprehensive sys- 
 tem, as to suggest the expediency of providing for the wants of the Public 
 by the creation of a metallic currency of inferior value, to replace the small silver 
 coin and copper now in circulation, the intrinsic value of which, (especially of 
 the latter) is notoriously much below its current value. 
 JEUDI, 15 NOVEMBRE, 1832. 
 AUJOURD'hui, i\ deux heures, Son Excellence le Gouverneur-en-Chef 
 s'est rendu au Conseil Legislatif avec les Ceremonies ordinaires, et s'<^tant assis 
 8ur ie Tr6ne, le Gentilhomme Huissier de la Verge Noire a ^te envoye requerir ■ 
 la presence de la Chnmbre d'Assemblee aupres de son Excellence, et oette 
 Chambre 6tant montee, il a plu a Son Excellence d'ouvrir laTroisieme Session du 
 Quatorzieme Parlement Provincial avec la Harangue suivante .- 
 Messieurs du Conseil Legislatff, 
 Messieurs de la Chambre d'Assemblee. 
 Je vous ai lassembl^s h lepoque qui correspond precis6ment a celle de 
 votre reunion de I'ann^e derni^re, pensant encore que c'est celle qui convient le 
 mieux pour la commodity dela majeure partie des Membres des deux Chambres 
 du Parlement Provincial. 
 II est de plus particulierement i\ d<5sirer que la pr^sente Session commence 
 de bonne heure, afin qu'il y ait assez de terns pour amener i\ maturity les raesures 
 qui ^talent en progr^s k la cl6ture de la dernii^re Session, et pour prendre en 
 consid^ation telles autres mesures que peuvent suggerer la richesse st )a prospe- 
 rite croissantes de la Province. 
 Le tems etantarriv6 d'efFectuer un nouvel ajustemenf, de la proportion a etre 
 payee au Haut-Canada, de certains droits per9us dans cette Province, les Com- 
 missaires nommes de la part des deux Provinces respectivement, d'apres les 
 dispositions de I'Acte 3, Geo. IV, Chap. 119, se sont dernierement reunis, et sont 
 eutres amplement dans la consid^'ration de ce sujCt, et quoique la discussion en 
 ait ett^ conduite avec autant de cordialite et de bienveillance, que d'habilit6 et 
 de diligence de part et d'autre, je suis fi\ch6 de yous annoncer que les Commis- 
 saires se sont separ^s sans en venir k aucune decision sur la question importante 
 confide a leur n^gociation ; comme ils nc se sont pas accordes non plus quant a la 
 nomination conjoiiUement par eux d'un troisi^me Commissaire ou Arbitre, il 
 devient necessaire, suivant les dispositions de I'Acte ci-dessus mentionne, (Section 
 17,) de referer la chose au Gouvernementdu Roi, afin d'obtenir la nomination dun 
 Arbitre sous le Seing Manuel de Sa Majest6. 
 Votre attention a et6 appel^e plus d'un fois, pendant ces dernieres anndes suv 
 le sujet des Monnaies ayant cours dans la Province j mais aucune mesure 
 pratique n'etant rdsultee de sa consideration, je crois necessaire d'en parler de 
 nouveau ; non pas tant dans la vue qu'il soil adopte qiielque syst^me large et 
 general, que pour sugg6rer la convenance de pourvoir aux besoins du Public, par 
 la creation de monnaies mctalliques d'une valeur infeneure, pour remplacer les 
 petites monnaies d'argent, et de cuivre, maintenant en circulation, dont la valeur 
 intrinsi;que, (particulidrement celle des dernieres) est noloirement bien au-dcssous 
 de leur valeur courante. 
Of the temporary Aces of the Legislature which are about tft "xpire, I de- 
 sire to call your particular attention to the following, viz : 
 Ist.— An Act relating to the Fisheries in the County of .s^ ., repealed m 
 part by the 1st of Will. IV. cap 22, which expires on the 1st May, IS.'J. 
 2nd.— An Act to establish Registry Offices in the (bounties of Druirmond, 
 Sherbrcoke, Stanstead. Sheftbrd and Rlissiskoui, amended and extended by the 
 1st Will. IV. cap. 3; second section further extended by 2nd Will. IV. cap. ?• 
 duration till Ist February, 1833. ,...-«• t 
 And 3rdly.— An Act to establish Boards of Health within this Provmce, and 
 to enforce an efiectual system of Quarantine, which expires on the 1st May 1833. 
 I think it necessary here to refer to that part of my Speech to you at the 
 opening of the last Session, which relates to the Townships: the encreasmg im- 
 portance of that interesting portion of the Province— the habits of its population 
 —and their wishes connected with the advancement of their own peculiar inte- 
 rests, are subjects which well deserve the attention of the Legislature 
 By the enactment of Laws calculated to meet the diversified wants of a 
 mixed population, like that of Lower Canada, the general prosperity of the Coun- 
 try will be advanced, and the peace and contentment of all classes of His Ma- 
 iesty"s Subjects in the Province established upon a solid and lasting basis, llie 
 foregoing remark embraces a truth so obvious, that it may perhaps be thought 
 superfluous to introduce it on the present occasion. But my mind is so deeply im- 
 pressed with a sense of the importance (I might, perhaps, add the necessity) of 
 effecting a strict and cordial uniou of interests and public feeling throughout 
 the Province, that I cannot abstain from seizing upon every opportunity which 
 presents itseif for promoting the success of an object of such paramount interest, 
 an object which (as it appears to me.) it is no less the duty, than it is manifestly 
 the true interest of every inhabitant of Lower Canada, to assist in promoting to 
 the utmost of hi* ability, and in preference to every other consideration. 
 Gentlemen of the Home of Assembb/, 
 The Supply Bill voted last Session, which, in consequence of particular cir- 
 curastances with which vou are already acquainted, and in conformity with the 
 instructions received by me from His Majesty's Government, was reserved for 
 the signification ofHis Majesty's pleasure, has subsequently received the Royal 
 Sanction.— Upon this subject it will be my duty to make an early communication 
 *° %?e^app?opriaSS^last Session forgiving effect to the Provisions of the Act 
 toest»blish Uoardsof Health within this Province, and to enforce an effectual 
 system of Quarantine, although liberal in its amount, has neverless proved 
 inadequate to the demands made upon it—But the excess has not been so const- 
 derable as there was reason to apprehend from the prevalence of Asiatic Cholera 
 TMorbus in most parts of the Province, which rendered necessary the creation ot 
 not less than ten Boards of Health with their corresponding establishments, in 
 addition to the expensive establishment at Grosse He I trust that the excess 
 above alluded to, will be provided for with the same liberality which prompted 
 ^^^ °I?vaU myself of this opportunity to suggest the expediency of making pro- 
 vision for the possible necessity for incurring further^expence on the same account 
 diirin<T the current year. „ . ^ . , ■ .i 
 The accounts of the General Expenditure ofth Province, during the past 
 vear, are in a forward state ot preparation, and will, I trust, be in readiness to 
 be laid before you at the period prescribed by Legislative regulation— Shoud any 
 delay take place in rendering these accounts, it is to be ascribed to the great labour 
 necessary in preparing the voluminous and detailed statements required from the 
 ScSBranEh of the Legislature, of aU the disbursements of public monev. 
Parmi les Actes temporaii'es de la Legislature, qui sont surle point d expirer, 
 ie desire d'aopeler particuliSrcment votre attention sur les suivans, viz : 
 1 o Acta relatif aux peches dans le Comt6 de Gaspe, abrog6 en partie par le 
 l^re. Guillaume IV, Chap. 22, qui expire lele.de Mai 1833 , ^ ,- , 
 2 o Acte pour etablir des Bureau d enrtgistremens dans les Comtes de 
 ^liummond. Sherbrooke, Stanstead, Shefford et Missiskoui, amende et etendu 
 mr le lOre Guillaume IV. Chap. 3, Seconde Section etendu ult6rieurement par le 
 i Guillaume IV. Chap. 7, dont la dur6e s"6tend jusqu'au ler.de Mai 1833. 
 Et 4 ° Acte pour Etablir des Bureaux de Sant6 dans cette Province, et pour 
 mettre en force un systSme efficace de Quarantaine, lequel expire le ler. de 
 ^^^"je crois necessaire ici, de r^ftrer a cette partie de mon discours, k I'ouverture 
 de la derniere Session, qui a rapport aux Townships. L'importance croissante de 
 cette partie interessante de la f»rovince ; les usages de ceux qui en composent la 
 LODulation. et leurs voeux relativement a I'avancement de leurs int^rfits propres et 
 pa>ticuliers sont autant de sujets qui m(5ritent bien I'attention de la Legislature. 
 Par I'adoption delois propres a rencontrer les besoms vari6s d une population 
 mixte, commecelle du Bas-Canada. laprosp6rit6generale du Pays sera avancee, et 
 7apa!xetlecontentementdetoutes les classes des Sujets de Sa Majesty dans la 
 Province, seront 6tablis sur une base sohde et durable. ,- • ^ 
 Laremarque pr^cedente renfermeune vfirite ai (5vidente, que Ion croira peut- 
 etre qu'il est superflu de la presenter dans cette occasion ; mais je suis teUement 
 peneJre de rimpoitance (je pourrais peut-etre ajouter la necessite) d effectuer 
 Sne union etroiteetcordiale dintdrfits et de sentimens publics, dans toutes les 
 narties de la Province, que je ne puis m'empficher de saisir toutes les occasions 
 Sui se presentent pour avancer I'accomplissement d'un objet d'un si haut intercut: 
 lobietau'il est, fcommeil me parait) autant du devoir que de I'lnteret manifeste 
 de chacun des Habitansdu Bas-Canada. d'aider h accompiir, de tous ses etForts. et 
 de preference i\ toute autre consideration. 
 Messieurs de la Chamhre d'Assemblee, 
 Le Bill de Subsides vote pendant la derniere Session, et qui, par suite de 
 clrconstances particuliSres, que vous connaissez deja. et conformite aux instruc- 
 tions que j'avais revues du Gouvernement de Sa Majeste, fut reserve a la signifi- 
 cation duplaisir de Sa Majesty, asubs6quemment re9U la Sanction Royale.-Il 
 serade mon devoir de vous faire prochainement, sur ce sujet, une communication 
 ^^' L'au3on£itrpendantla derniere Session pour donner effet auxdisposi- 
 tions de I'Acte pour 6tablir des Bureaux de Santd- dans cette Province, et pour 
 mettre en force un svst^me efficace de Quarantaine, cette allocation quoique 
 f aite avec beaucoup de liberalite, s'est ncanmoins trouv6e insuffisante pour repondre 
 i toutes les demandes.-Mais I'excedant de celle-ci n'a pas^e aussi considerable 
 nue pouvaitle faire appr6henderlei^gne du Cholera Morbus Asiatiquedans presque 
 toutes les parties de la Province, ce qui a n6cessit6 la creation de non moinsde 
 di^i Bureaux de Sante, avec les ctablissemens correspondans outre celui bien dis- 
 pendieux de la Grosse He. Je me flatte qu'il sera pourvu a I'excMant auquel je 
 Jiens de faire allusion, avec la meme liberalite qui a fait accorder I'octroi origmaire. 
 Jeprofitede cette occasion pour suggerer, sil ne serait pas expedient de 
 pourvoir en cas possible ou il serait necessaire d'encounr une d^pense ulterieure 
 tiaur le meme objet pendant I'anneecourante. , , ., 
 ^ Le "comptei dJla depense gcn^rale de la Province, pendant I'annee derniere, 
 sont dans un etat avanc6 de preparation, et seront prtHs, je esp^re, '\ vous etre 
 presentes au tems prescrit par les reglemens Legislatifs. S'll suryenait quelque 
 S^Sidansl'envoide ces comptes. it faudra I'attribiier au travai considerable 
 nu'ex Sria preparation des ctats volumineux et detailles de tous les d^boursemens 
 del'arient public que la branche Executive de la Legislature et tenue de pio- 
 duiie. Une 
 An Estimate of the expenses of the'Civil Govej-nment for the ensuing year, 
 framed according to the instructions of His Majesty's Government, will, in like 
 manner, be laid oeforeyou. 
 Gentlemen qf the Legislative Council, 
 Gentlemen qf the Home of Assembly, 
 The apprehension evinced by the Legislature during the last Session, by the 
 passing of the Act to establish Boards of Health within the Province, and to 
 enforce an effectual system of Quarantine have been but too fatally realized ; and 
 the frightful disease, the introduction of which it was the principal object of that 
 Act to prevent, has visited the Colony with a degree of violence of which there 
 are few exemplcs on record, in other parts of the world. 
 Happily that disease is now considered to have ceased to prevail epidemi- 
 cally in the Province ; but in the event of its re-appearance, it may be presumed 
 that tlie experience acquired during its late visitation, will (if those establish- 
 ments are to be maintained,) enable tl.u several Boards of Health to improve 
 upon the regulations already adopted by them. 
 I should be guilty of injustice towards the individuals composing and con- 
 nected with those establishments, especially the Gentlemen of the Medical pro- 
 fession, were I to pass over in silence the meritorious services performed hy them in 
 the discharge of an arduous, important, and (in many instances) an invidious 
 duty, thenatureof that duty beinjy altogether new in this Country, the perfor- 
 mance of it was attended with many difficulties in the commencement. These 
 have been gradually overcome through the united effects of zeal and experience, 
 and I trust that the services to which I now allude will be duly appreciated by the 
 public for whose benefit they were undertaken. * 
 The gratuitous assistance rendered to the poorer classes of the society by the 
 Medical faculty, generally throughout the Province, is also entitled to warm 
 Before I take leave of this subject, and close the present Address, -I must 
 not omit to offer the tribute of praise due in a quarter which I approach with 
 sentimentsof the most profound respect :- you will, I am sure, have anticipated 
 me when I add, thati here allude to the meritorious exertions the of Clergy in 
 general, durnig that awful visitation, with which it has pleased Divine Providence 
 to afflict this land. — In that season of terror and dismay, where even to approach 
 the dwellings of those who were suffering under the influence of the prevailing 
 desease, required with many persons an effort of the mind, the Ministers of Re- 
 ligion went courageously forth, and entering the abodes of disease and death, 
 were there to be found, day after day, and night after night, bending over some 
 devoted victim of the fatal malady j and, whilst inhaling the trainted breath that 
 issued from his distempered frame, pouring words of jomfort and consolation 
 in his ear, and preparing his soul for its passage into another state of existence — 
 such exalted instances of self devotion are far, very far, beyond the reach of 
 any praise that I have the power to bestow ; and I will, therefore, only, add, 
 that by their conduct during the last prevalence of disease in the Province, the 
 Clergy in general have acquired new claims upon the love, the gratitude, the ve- 
 neration and the confidence of the people committed to their spiritual care. 
 WVW3.. V *«i»-tf»r S«»7Ma»i^-ii 
Une estimation desddpenses du Gouvernetnent civile pour I'ann^e prochaine, 
 dre8s6e d'apr^s les instructions du Gouvernetnent dc Sa Majest6, vousscra pareil* 
 leinent soumise. 
 Messieurs du Comeil L^gislatif, 
 Messieurs de la Chambre d* Assemblie, 
 Les craintes manifestoes par la Legislature pendant la derni^re Session, en 
 passant I'acte pour etablir des Bureaux de Santu diCns cette Province, et pour 
 mettrc en force un syst^me efficace de Quarantaine, ne sont que trop funestement 
 realisees, ct la maladie terrible dent cet Acte avait pour objet principal de pr^ve* 
 nir I'introdiiction, a visits la colonic avec un dOgrO de violence dont il y apeu 
 d'excmples dans les autres parties du monde. 
 Heureusement cette maladie est h present considerOe commeayant cesse de 
 rOgner epidemiquement dans la Province ; mais dans le cas oh elle reparaltrait il 
 est a prcsumcrquel'experience acquise pendant sa premiere invasion, mettra les 
 dif!'6rcns Bureaux de Sant6 (si ces 6tablissemens sont maintenus) en Otat de per- 
 fectionner les reglemens qu'ils ont d^j^ adoptus- 
 Je serais coupable d'injustice envers les individus qui composent ces ctablis- 
 semens, ou qui s'y trbuvent liecs, surtout envers les Messieurs de la Profession 
 Medicaie, si je passais sous silence les services m^ritoires qu'ils ont rendus, en rem- 
 plissant des devoirs difficiles, importans et qui souvent les ont exposes ;i I'animad- 
 version : — La nature de ces devoirs etanttoute nouvelle dans ce Pays, I'execution 
 ena6te, dans le commencement, accompagnee de beaucoup dc difficultes : — 
 Elles ont dt6 graduellement surmontOes, par les effets rOunis du z6le et de I'expO- 
 rience ; et je me flatte que le public, pour I'avantage duquel ils ont 6te entrepris, 
 saurajustement appr^cier les services auxquelsjefais maintenant allusion. 
 Les sccours donnds gratuitement aux classes pauvres de la SociOte, par la 
 facuitu iluns toute la Province, m^ritent aussi de grands 6Ioges. 
 Avantde laissercesujet, et de terminer cette allocation, je ne dois pas man- 
 quer d'offrir letributdelouanges d{\^un cndroit dont j'approche avec les senti- 
 mens du plus profond respect:— Vous m'aurez prevenu, j'en suis sur, lorsquej'a- 
 joute, que je veux parlerici, des efforts m6ritoires duClerge en general, pe..dant 
 !e regne du terrible fli^au dont il a plu k la Divine Providence d'affliger ce Pays. 
 Dans ce terns de terreur et d'efFroi, oil pour beaucoup de personnes c'Otait uv. grand 
 effort d'esprit que d'approcher memo des habitations de ceux qui souffraient sous 
 I'influence de la Maladie rOgnante : — Les Ministres de la Religion accourent avec 
 courage, ct penetrant dansTes s6jours de la Maladie et de la Mort, ils se trouvaient 
 constamment, le jour et la nuit, inclines aupr^s de quelque victime de la mala- 
 die fatale ; et tout en respirant I'haleine empoissonnde qu'exhalait labouchedu 
 pestifer(!', versaient dans son oreille des paroles de soulagement et de consolation, 
 et pr<5paraient sou iime a passer dans un autre 6tat d'existence. De si beaux 
 exemples de d^vouement sont audessus, bien audessus de tous les (lloges que je 
 pourrais en faire. Je me bornerai done k ajouter que par sa conduite pendant le 
 r^gne du fl(5audansla Province, le Clerg^ en General, s'est acquis de nouveaux 
 droits a I'auiour, h la reconnaissance, a la veneration et ;\ laconfiuncedu peuple 
 commis a ses soins spirituels.