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Mapa. plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratioa. Thoae too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginnir\;g in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames aa required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Lea cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtra filmte A dee taux de rMuction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour dtra reproduit en un seul cliche, il est filmi i partir de Tangle sup4rieur gauche, de gauche k droite, et de haut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'Images nAcessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 2 3 VOTERS' l.IST, 1883. MUiNIClPALlTY OF ^ ^ T '/"^1f^ ■>, iH 1. Ill m E fi ft ^ COUNTY OF HURON. %. LIST OF Pi: IISONS ENTITLED TO VOTE AT ¥ ^spi i^ Wl u M,m i — AND P:iectioiis to the Legislative As.!?embly, WINUHAM : D AT '' The Times " i-iunting and publishin(; house, josephine-st. VOTKHH' r.lST, 18S8. COUNTY OF HURON. (>lf'rk of the Municipality of titi UIK lir liis hand, that the Township of Turnberry, haviui,' cer no complaint respecting tlie List of Voters for said Municipality for the year 1883, had beftu reccivt'd by liiui within Tinrty Days jift<>r the tirst posting up of the same ; and on application of the said Clerk, I I'sipii' Fudge of the County Court of tlu^ County of Huron in pursuance of the provi- sions of " The Voters' Lists Act of 1S70,"' certify that the within .|.rint- ed .-ist of Voters, being one of the copies received by nie from tiie said Clerk, under Section 2 (-f the said Act, i;s tic Revised List of Voters for the said Municipahty for the y* ar 1883, 7; Given under my hind and seal, at Godeiicli, in tlie said County,' tli is da} of 1883. Judge. % \ ©Wi VOTERS' LIST, 1883. (li<oHm4 iM© ©f fmri Iffy ..^ SOITEDULK OK POS r OFFICKS : 1. Blukvalk. 2. Wing HAM. 13, (>lkn-Fahuow. ■1. Wroxetki!. 0. Belmore. G. <!l,ENANNAN. PART I. -Pcraons entitled to Voto at J]OTH Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. I Polling Bub-Division No. I, . Comprising' all that part of the Township West of the (iravc^l lioad and the Corporutioii of Wingham. |-jo| . ;,,MES. 0^50 Auld, James W. CONCESSION. lA)T. OWNEI?, kf C ■oG'S 492 J J Adams, il. W Allen, James 40G'Atcheson, Oborge. 179 4.80 Blackwell, dcorge. P>;iird, William. . . 488jBr.rk, Francis... Burchell, Samocl. Burchill, Thonnis. Butt, James Brady, John . Beckett, James.... 480 49] 498 537 587 592 603^Calder, Ale.xandcu-. ^'31 Carruthcrs, Thomas., 55LCarr, James 5G9lCran3ton, ilobert Cruckshanksj William. Campbell, Alexander... Cathro, W. W CrawfoKl, Roi)eit Clendinning, Wm Go 070 580 57 5 18G 17G 177 589 495 5G4 Egjleson, John. Eadie, A. 15 T.'P. Vving'm W Victoria St Zetlanl do 9 B B 5 146 12G 97 98 99 Part l:i Burk, George B B B T. P. T. P Wiug'm do do WJng'm IG 1:3 do do do B Deans, Peter Deans, Tliomas Diekson, \Vm 12 11 Fisher's 8ur'y 9 9 T. P. Wing'm 24 2G 19 19 S }, Sl 30" 44 Pt 26 63 64 65 &c 2G 272 31 185 186 187 Centre pt 11 Block C 32 28 11 12 13 22 09 B T. P. Wmg'ml229 275 Owner | Tenant '2 Owner i2 Tenant i2 Owner 2 'Owner L Owner 2 Farmer's Sou Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 12 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner Owner 2 Park 30 Part 16 Ovvner Farmer's Son Owner jOwucr 'Owner o • % a: >• K I" — ■ • — ^ — ■' ;• "" Lot. Ooioession! OB Street. > • < • ¥ n «H ?^ c a. <KJ » ^ o (• £• 5- •i-» 80 0P5 o 3 7* tsf C o -^ CL CD f o tzj o §• - r ti> n ( CO 2 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1— Continued. Oi p B ct 00 80 a> P- ct- O ci- ts' 9 ►1 S- CD o S3 o o CD 5 f <i) ju ( c s 9 NAMES. J J J J 5U() 551 581 61 68 504 512 513 515 547 582 52 58 58 187 520 570 574 583 584 585 467 593 480 62 68 69 70 78 180 480 483 522 532 530 594 523 J J J I'jadie, Robert . . . Rlliott, 'Phomas. England, James. Fallis, Boberfc Fife, Lawrence Farley, Edward... . Fisher, Peter l^ishoi, Archibald.. Fisher, John Flack, Joseph A.. Fretwell, George . . Goy, Thomas. Goy, John Gooderch. Hanson... Godkin, Henry Green, John Graham, Thorn as ... . Groves, Duncan Gotby, John Gotby, Wilmot Gordon, Alexander.. Gordon, Archibald. Gil more, Robert. . .. Gillispie, John clomuth, Charles Homuth, A ugnst Holmes, Bennett Holmes, John Hockridge. Ricbard Harris, Homer Hamilton, Andrew Homuth, Wm Hutton, Wm. B Hart, Thomas Holmes, Joseph Holloway, John Hutton, Price & Kerr.. CONCESSION. LOT. .OWNER, vtc. IT. P. Wing'm I " T. P I I 10 vVin\''m 141 142 Park lot |Owner 27 28;Owner Park lot 51 62 Owner 12 12 12 B T. Part 30 26 18 19 30 31 88 89 24 25 17 29 87 23 20 S:v 32 .;-c &c. <tc» 238 239 '240cU-,|Owner 50 62 61 'Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner j Owner Owner 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 26 28 26 28 31 20 \Vin^''ai 346 347 Sec '• ■ 147 148 149 il'c. !l52 193 42 48 45 46 Xc. 42 43 45 16 .^v. 53 51 543 Irwin, Robert 544 Irwin, Robert Jr. 72 73 76 465 465 519 549 558 478 Johnston , Jonn Johnston , Wm . Johnston, Andrew jDhnston John Johustun, James Johnston, Wm. M Johnston, James Jackson, T. G Johnston, James , 10 W. T. B 10 B 10 11 11 12 11 12 10 Fisher B B T. P. N .1 28 Part 26 Part 30 P. T. P. Grist Part 29 30 Pnrt 29 29 25 1>4 25 24 W -I 22 Sur'y'j i ^ ■ IPart 30 |27 351 352 354 Part I Part IV 40 41 Wing in \\ ing'ni Mill T. P. B P. V. ing'm do - 11 10 11 10 io Wing'm do do 355 242 243 260 284 285 286 24 24 Part 22 Part 27 2S 28 Block A &c. 223 224 &c. 276 &c. 25 SoUi2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Son Owner Farmer's Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Sou Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner wwncr Owner Owner Owner 2 tz5 o • • t25 >• ■ Lot. OOIOEBSION OE Street. \ ■ c • (■ j i • ■) 3 D D CO rt> (» t* ft (6 .» I r s. S" -< § I { 00 POLLING SUD-DI VISION No. 1- CoNTi?ti:KD. 8 ( e 3. £ { -^ NAME8. ! 07 «' .11464 464 > 474 • 1475 'r)Oi 550 578 48 48 485 t80 1527 528 553 590 Korr, John K(?lly, Aloxaiulor... Kelly, John Koiineily, RolxMt.. Konnody, Wni. J. Kerr, Josoph Kingsley, Honry... Koiiuedy, D, W.... LitUo, J(>hn Little, Robert Laymont, Malcolm. Launont, Ronald... LinklatfT, Wm Jjiuklut(>r, Thomas.. Lockridgc, James.. Luxford, Albert Ji 49 McKagne, Robert. 5G McGregor, Dugakl 51 Mitchell, \Vm 54 McOorinick, Donald 55 Meyer, IL W. C 71 Mcllwain, John 79 Mitchell, Wm 479 IvicCreight, Thomas 48 1 McOreight, Robert 482 McOrcight, Thomas... |490 McDonald, Davifl 505 McCandlish, Wm 507 Marshall, John S 525 McLean, Laughlin 524McLea)i, John 52G McGregor, Duncan 533 McDonald, John 656 McDonald, A. G 554 MathewsDn, A. G J 555 Mathewson, G. P 566 Mooney, Wm 579 Martin, Thomas 588MoPhail, Ronald 607 McPherson, D 181 Montgomery, Robert... 181 Montgomery, Andrew,. 469 McAlister, Archibald.... ,) (.'ONOKsmO.N. LOT. OWNFK, Ac. li T. P. il 10 10 Wnig'm n B T. 12 12 P. Win-r'm 26 Part Pt 18 18 7 8 200 201 Owner 2t} 27 Owner iPart Owner Owner I Farmer's Son 9 10 II. '^e. Owner 221 iVc. lOwner 302 i^e. ;Owner 2 2 Fishers sy T. P Wing'm 12 12 12 12 12 10 10 B B B Zetland T. P. W (( (4 (t « (( (( <i <( (i <( (« (( 59 60 4Gy 467 621 567 571 598 B 11 11 21 22 21 22 24 2:J Part 4 9 Part 274 29 E I 23 W ".I 2:5 25 " 27 30 25 E ^ 22 Part 30 29 28 101 102 103 &e. III.; Ill 41 39 40 7 8 7 8 Part 4 5 Part 1 5 G 274 74 75 93 1G5 180 &c. 76 32 33 34 37 Part 21 22 21 21 N h 13 14 N'*chol, John Nicliol, John...- Netterfield, Jolui NetterfieH, Thomas.. Netterfield Thomas.., Netterfield, James... Netterfield, Wm , Nevans, Alex 11 11 T. P. Wing'm T. P. Winghm (< it Part 30 31 Part 30 31 58 59 60 j 58 59 60 i 82 83 86 &c. 142 143 144 &c. 101 102 103 &c. 289 290 293 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Part 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I <D OQ ft I OD » 03 ft" 1^, CO o ^ H. W 09 t I I $■ Cd :T3? II POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1— Continued. fTTJ JT 1*^ ^"^ 84 ftr> 499 545 5:^ 50(} 174 nrv 491 CO 64 80 80 181 577 r)8G 493 532 184 476 601 656 66 75 .1 85 .J|178 .r463 .1468 |496 1502 |639 552 I 47 NAMES. J .r Robson, Jamoa Scott, Will Scott, Peter Showers, Michunl. Showoi's, James . , Stapletoii, Eobcrt. Smith, Thomas.. . Swindlohurst, A.. Scott, Hii«,'li Stewart, J Shaw, JamoH Thompson, (Icorge. Talbot, E. R Tom, W. J. (;0NCE88I0N. Porter, iiichard .' Purvis, Jamjs Pettypiece, Ilr)bert Prirc, Thomas Porter. Itichard K I'arkcr, Joscplj... Priu^'h), Andrew Prin<,'h', David .. LOT. OWNER. &o. 10 |N J 21 Owuor 12 '29 Owner T. P. Win;<'in 1 2 3 4 5 (;A:c.|OwMor A; Kishersy 11 8 Owner Part 1 Owner 9 9 ]) T. T. 86 !21 !21 Part 17 18 12 35 11 E .^ 29 11 S.C2I 11 S I 21 Kisher 8V 23 V. \Ving'm70 71 '• 55 56 ; Part 17 P. Wing'mPart 1 !) 24 72 57 75 iU. P> 12 See Div. 2 T. P 21 22 83 31 W'ing'n) 5 Wilson, John 11 Wilson, John 11 Wilson, John 10 Whalen, Wm 9 Wade, George Wheeler. Heniy 15 Wilson, Ira A 1 5 Walters, Diehard iT. P. Wing'm Welch, John " Wilson, James i Young, James 'B 6 27 23 S.l 21 2ii 25 N i. Part 12 18 32 83 273 Owner Owner Farmer a Son Owner Owner Owner Pt Ov/ner Pt Owner (jwner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 111: 15 14 34 Part 16 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant 5 i^e. Owner Owner iOwner I Owner o 8 3 3 8 3 3 2 i w « !z! <t » Pj CD tr » ^ ►1 p <-•- rt> p^ t-i M» ^ S- c <K5 P n! ►^ P o <n- »-«• fO » (/:} o CC ►1 cr tr o < h^« Q^ CO (b ^-•» O 3 o ^ 00 O » i ,»«,. *'W/T' *J**" POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 1— Coktikcep. PART [I. — Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. ■2 ';zi« MAMES. CONCESSION. LOT. OWNER, \<.', id 510 185 517 466 559 535 540 567 509 562 563 599 Oummings, Edward. Goodrich, Wm Gow, Peter Johnston, James Jacksoni Abraham.. Marshall, W. S Mellon, John McMuUen, George... Patterson, James. . . . Shrigley , Richard ... Shrigley, Jessie Vanstone , John T. P. Wing'm 8, J. Fisher sy. T. P. Wing'm (( (( t. « n a 36 4 28 329 380 225 220 227 27 267 161 183 186 39 |133 139 ;68 !247 288 254 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner PART III. — Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONLY. isronsTE- 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 u !z3 IB B GO »• » CD a> •a. rx> GC 35 a? 03 sr ;r V' » ct> l-t» 00 C/9 ■"■"■"•**'ZC1 a t VOTERS' LIST, 1883. Ml of firm SCHEDULE OF POST OFFICES : 5 4. Wroxeter. C. Glen ANNAN. 1. BlUEVALE. 3. MORRISBANK ^^ 2. WlNGIIAM. 0. Bei.hore, PART I -Persons entitled to Vote at 150TH Municipal Elections and Elections to thp L;'giHlativo Assembly. Polling Sub-Division No. 2, Comprising Lots 5 to 60 mdusiv. in the First Concession, all of the 2na Brd, 4th and 5th Concessions, all of the A Concession, and from Lots 18 to 34 inclusive in the C Concf^ssiou. NAMES. Anderson, Samuel.. Anderson, Wm. S.. Anderson, John Anderson, George. Anderson, William, Aitcheson, George. 320 Bolt, Emanuel... J 267 Boll, Wm Bell, A 287 Belf ur, Andrew. 382 Black, Samuel... 383 Black, John 384 Black, Robert.... 405|Burgess, John. 405 133 Bruce, A Beattie, John. J en Churchill, George. Conn, Robert Conn, Isaac Cassmore, J as. Carraichael, John. Cats, Peter Conover, A. J Coultes, Thomas.., Cleghorn, Adam.. n ^ r^ »-v^ r-\ %*rt, \ r%y%Y\ Cassmore, Joseph 269 Dodds, Andrew J. 348 Douglas, Wm CO -VC ESS 'ON. iTT" 1 1 1 1 Bluevale 2 4 1 5 1 1 1 Bluevale Brussels Bluevale 5,4 4 4 1 C C Bluevale It 1 1 1 2 2 n. LOT. OWNER, &c. N sy 37 38 N hf 15 16 15 16 21 21 124 125 Tenant Owner Farmer's Son Tenant Owner Owner 7 4 15 14 5 hf 33 34 35 36 S hf 33 34 35 36 S hf 33 34 35 36 126 126 86 87 N hf 11 12 Part 12 13 14 Part 12 13 14 N hf 85 36 N hf 29 W hf 31 S part 7 S 88 89 90 Part 20 10 9 S hf 5 W hf 4 S part 1 Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son. Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Owner I Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Owner jOwner Owner Owner Owner 11 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 2— Continue*. b 03 IIS NAHHS. CONCESSION. LOT. OWNER, *(-. \) n> . |349 J 352 362 423 424 425 427 436 Denbow, John T. . Dougliiss, Robert. Davison, Gavin... Davison, John Dimenfc, John. . .. Dimcnt, John Jr. . Diment, Henry.... Duncan, Robert . . Duncan, Wm J282 885 386 344 259 256 Elliott, James.... Etcher, John .... Etcher, Ira Earner, Peter Evans, RoberL J. Evans, Thomas.. 335 345 347 396 399 258 299 380 381 413 417 419 440 Funston, George Farrel, Wm Farrow, Thomas, Farrow, John Foster, Wm. J... Foster, George... Hlu 1 A A 1 1 1 ivalc 4, -^ 1 1 C c 2 C c 2 Bhu'valc J J J J J J J J J J Gillespie, John . . 1 Gray, Andrew 1 Gray, W. D 1 Gray, Wm |Blucval< Garnoss, John j '* Guest, Edward " Gannett, Charles 1 2.56 Henry, L. W 2-5 Harris, Wm 268 Harris, John 270 Hooper, James 275 Harris, Robt. B 278 Hawkins, Henry 279 Hawkins, John H 285 Holmes, Nathaniel . . . . 286 Holmes, Robert 294 Hughes, Albert 331 Harris, George, sen.... 331 Hemphill, Thomas . . . 336 Heron, William 35."^ Hooper, Sebastian. . . ^rS Hooi)er, Robert 857 Hamilton, Alexander. 358 Hamilton, Robert... 359 Hamilton, John 363 Hislop, James 367 Hislop, Alexander.... 378 Hannah, Wm. J 438lHendersoD, Adam. 5.4 1 4 5 o 4 3 2 C A c A 1 A 1 1 N hf 58 59 60 N hf 1 2 3 Shf 8 9 8 9 25 26 &c. 25 26 &c. 25 26 &c. 50 51 &c S part 28 10 11 Shf 31 32 S hf 31 32 30 23 1 W hf 26 E hf 31 S part 1 22 23 24 Part 2 Part 24 N hf 41 42 S hf 37 38 S hf 37 38 Part 9 10 17 IS 10 Nhf2;)24 1 3 E hf 4 part 4 5 E hf 8 6 8 12 12 Ehf 12 13 N hf 4 Part 25 34 34 Part 8 9 10 Tart 8 9 10 31 32 Shf 567 S hf 58 59 &c. S hf 41 42 N hf 25 26 Owner 4 Owner 4 Tenant 4 Tenant 4 Owner 4 Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 i Owner 1 Farmer's So u Tenant 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 1 Tenant 1 Owner 4 Owner 1 Owner 1 Farmer's Son Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner 1 Farmer's Son Owner 1 Farmer's Son Owner 1 Owner 4 lOwn^r 4 Ownei 4 01^ jr 4 Farmer's Son Owner ^ Farmer's Sou ^ Owner j4 Owner 4 Owner 4 Owner a. o tr o pi cr 9^ (JC5 I (3 <! 2. o' p bS -W » < o cr 3 •I t OD OD POLLlNd »UB -DITISION No. 2— Co.MTiNtjKi 8 ct- IB s A OQ Pj CD p. rt- O & S- ^^ • CfC5 I o !»_ o' p K) O g: § 3d NAMR». C'ONCKSSJON. LOT. OWNKR, *«. 1. I J 1 449 rHoj,'g, J ames | 1 ,rt50|ll(>i4.i,'. \^o])evt 1 15U llo^J4, liii-liard 1 431 Hutchinson, Dr Bliuvale J 400 Hendei-BOii, Thomas j 1 362 Hooey, John A Harris, .lohn .) ,1 267 447 448 145 807 377 1408 1 ^272 273 .308 809 404 415 421 255 255 298 327 402 458 371 872 873 252 253 254 268 260 261 262 264 264 278 279 280 305 310 318 315 316 32] 322 323 Jonkins, llobcrt Jenkins, Cleovj^e JellVay, Llobort Jca-myn, Wnifrcd . ... Johnston, Robert .Johnston, John , Bhicva u 4 1 I JniK't idiivil I 1 Kivtoii, Jamos ' Kirton, Kenry ' Kiny, William ! King, .lohn Kay, Alexander lihi'n Khi«, Robert 5 5 1 1 n.e Knig, Duncan Motfatr, (leovge Moffatt, David Moffatt, Christopher . . Mitcliell, Andrew Mitchell, Robert Mitchell, VVm. J iUartin, David McTavish (Iharles McTavish Douglas.. . . McTavish, Peter McTavish, John sr M cTav ish , J ohn S Moore, John E Musgrove, John Musgrove, Robert McGee, Arthur Millar, John IVfcKwen John= = = = = ,..- McEweji, .lames McEvven, Alexander.... iMcEwen, Alexander sr. jMcEwen, Peter McNaughton, Duncan,.. Linton, Robert C Lit ton , Robert j r C Leiitliorn, Robert 1 Lovell, Lawrence | 8 Leach, Joseph iBluevale Langley , Seth I Jii iictioi. \ ilic 1 1 1 (J r, 5 C C 5 4 5 4 4 1 1,2 3 3 2 2 2.1 Shfl3 14 N hfot'S hf N hfof W lit' 40 41 &c. S hf 8 9 4 S hf 15 16 S hf 15 IG 1 2 3 9 10 Centre 44 45 8hf 43 4 5 127 Is part 6 Is^ part 6 |N part 44 45 In part 44 45 124 125 1 12 13 181 82 88 20 20 N hf 89'40 5 P irt 31 32 g mill 7 [Owner 14 Owner 18 Owner i Owner lOwner I Owner iOwner S ht 51 52 48 Shf 51 52 48 Shf 51 52 48 Part 18 19 Part 18 19 E hf 79 1 22 i22 121 l2 12 i9 '9 'w hf 8 Nhi 8 N hf 48 N hf 54 55 pt 4 6 6 Part 6 6 5 46 N hf 47 Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Pt Owner Owner Farmer's Son [Owner j Farmer's Son Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owiicr Owner Owner Owner Occupant Farmer's Son Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Lwner Owner Owner Owner Pt Owner Pt Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 tz5 o ■a m o S' hi 1* t, c O CO rt- S o < o' m H w o Q o « o n Oi GO O S5 ji o 00 CD O S2^ t2: p O w o B S' IB B CD p. O cr t3 CO S cr I »^ • <5 co_ o' p b© o W re o 3 9 POLLING SUB DIVISION' No 2~Contixued. 1 i e a a 1-5 MAMH8. CONCESSION- ■32") McNaujj;htoii, Donald... 320 McNaii«,'hton, Duncan.. 1328 McEwon, James .1 338 Millar, Robert 339 Millar, Richard R J 340 Musgrove, Thomas 'i 344 Morrow, Adam J !368 Moffat, Robert 369 Moffat, James •... •'374 Moffat, David J 412Messer, Wm 420 McGee, James 146 Maxwell, Robert J 451 McLaren, Peter 354 VIcGlynn, John 395 McPherson, Robert 370 McBrean, James 440 Matthewson, John 331 Mcintosh, Richard . . .. 2, 1 •-\ 1 8 C C V I 1 1 Dllicval,. J 1 1 A BUvalc 1 J J J J 376 456 271 288 337 351 353 354 360 361 394 428 429 283 307 370 379 388 400 414 442 445 Nicholson, James. Northgrave, Isaac, Nicholson, John.... Pugh, H. Pomeroy , Vm Pal :n cr, E dward Parks, Wm. H A ParkSjGideon A Pope, Thomas A Pope. Thos jr A Paterson, John ilUu'val Paterson, Arcliibiild .. , " Patterson, Frank' 25l 264 1266 !276 277 281 311 311 J329 Ralph, John Rea, Robert.. Ross, Hug'h Raines, Harry Redmond, Thorn is.. .. Roberts, W. C Ross, Wm Robertson, Alexander.. Ross, Alexander Smith, John Sarburn, Wm Sanburn, Ileuben.... Stothers, Hugh Stothers, Robert Stacey, Thomas Stewart, Archibald . Stewart, William — Stewart, James 5 1 1 1 Blucvalc C 4 4 5 5 5 1 1 2 LOT. Jiniclioiiville OWNER, kc. O r, 46 N hf 47 5 46 N hf 47 4 Part 27 Part 27 28 S hf 29 53 54 55 53 54 55 49 50 8 part 9 Part 30 S hf 17 N hf 18 11 12 N hf 5 W hf 5 S hf 53 22 E hf 4 S hf 44 45 13 14 N hf 5 Part 23 24 Part 26 S part 2 N hf4 N hi 5 6 10 10 1 2 3 52 46 47 SI N hf 10 N hf 28 S hf 40 47 S hf 39 40 Part 28 27 11 80 S hf 23 21 Part 18 19 Partis E part H Part 3 7 7 S hf 10 N hf 51 52 do 2 3 Farmer's Sonj Farmer's Son' Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Sou Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son I Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Ownei Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Ov/ner Uwnet/ Owner Owner Owner Own(^r Farmer's Son Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner f tz! i I m Pi ff C& ^ p. ►1 s- CD c^ tr o V o o 3 ce CL •^ o- to o W 2. g t> i *\ QD CO POLLING SUB-DTVISION No. 3— Continweo. 10 It" S' o a: CO Pi S- ^^ • B p o a ■<3 o p cr re NAMES. COWCE88ION. LOT. OWNKK, *•. o i «30 Stewart, Alexander. J 332Stowart, Donald... 367Suoll, John 303|Stovvart, Thomas... i389;Stewart, Win. H... 407i8cott, Frank B.... 400,Sibbald, Robert T. 410,Sanderson, \Vm.... 418Sherdown, John... 422,Smitb, William..., J333,Teriff, John 333,Teriff, Jame^ J 897 Timmings, James. 401 Tindall, Edward... 433Townson, John.... 457 Tennant, Andrew. J ! 459 Tippling, Jaraes.., 448 Talbot, E. B J 437 J 258 .T290 J 291 291 J 334 Thomas, Philip. .r 334 364 365 391 461 462 Wells, Wm Walker, Joseph Walker, John W Walker, George I Walker, Thomas ; Walker, Christopher.. i Wright, Francis I Wright, William jWalmsley, Jtitin ; Well wood, John Wellwood, Robert J. . . 300iYeo, Robert 301iYeo, John 302 Yeo, Robert jun. Yeo, Wm. ..."..... Yeo, Wm Yeo, Win Yeo, Joseph 803 J 317 318 319 2 3 1 Filnevaln 3 Blu ovale Junctioiiville 1 1 1 C 1 1,3 1,6 C A A Blue vale 1 1 2, 3 2, 3 2, 3 2,3 3 3 3 2, 3 2 56 57 12 19 678 5 26 6 part 30 iPart 7 JPart 80 S hf 29 30 1 1 4 20 1 part 2 3 86 87 18 19 78 Part 20 See Div. 1 N hf 27 28 Part 24 N hf 20 N hf 17 18 :N hf 17 18 Part 24 25 Part 24 25 Part 1 2 3 Part 1 2 3 Part 30 S hf 5 iNhf5 1 I 800 809 8 9 6 899 7 8 hf 8 7 8hf 8 7 8hf 8 Fanner's Son ' Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 4 4 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 4 4 1 I 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 2 2 Owner 1 Farmer's Son 1 Farmer's Son 1 Fanner's Son 1 Owner I Fanner's Sonjl Farmer's Son. 1 PART [I.— Persons entitled to Vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. (388. Redman, Thomas . , jBluevale UlOtWaimsley, Charlor ' " iPart 28 '14 (Owner ! Owner 1 1 PART III.— Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONLY'. ".f t?5 O • • > a! • O ■■ ■ in 2 / ^Z" 0E8SI0 OB REET. !i< y Tj O • as 00 , • t^ M* a. o M» !2! o 09 W % u* ^ s. 1 s- rtl <rt- cr rt> ^ 1 B r»- (^ CU M Ch m (?+• a- W3 -B ^:3 o (• S- t-T^ P 05 o ►1 o- C O ■0 CU r/i 2 O ^ 3 o 3 fe3 » ix p to 09 3 0) I VOTERS' LIST, 1S83. SCHEDULK OF POHT OFFICES: 1. 2. Blukvalk. WiNOlIAM. H. Gt<KNFAUI{OW. 4. WllOXKTKH. 5. Uklmohe. G. (tLENANNAN. 1»ART I.— PersonH ontitU-cl to Vote at iiOTIT Municipal Elections and Elections to the Lc^'islutive Assembly. Polling Sub-Division No. 3, Oomprianijt,' Concossiona 0, 7 and H, and Concessions 'J, 10, I | jmuI 12 fro)i» lots 1 to 20 inclusive, and from lots 1 to 17 inclnsive in the C concession. B ■^» 30 ai 31) 99 11 ;i 120 NAMHS. (JONCICHSIOX. LOT. OWNER, *o. J 1H7 18S 213 214 215 21(J 130 44 90 115 J J Aitken, Thomas Aitken, Wm Aitken, Robert , Aitken, Thomas jr Appleby, Thomas AbraluiUi, John Abraham, Thonuis Anderson, John Anderson, John Anderson, James Anderson, James Andersoi i , Thomas Anderson, Robert Anders-on, Joseph Ackei-nnin, Ahrahani . . . A^'ar, Robert... Armstrong, Richard.... 43 101 112 117 118 125 101 208 234 228 20 Bromner, George Bryce, George. . ... Bray, John Blanshard, > m..., Breen, Robert Breen, Robert jr.., Barton, Gustavus. Braden, Robert... Bentlej, James... Bolt Thomas Batters. John 12 10 11 Nl.«il5 12 Ehf 16 10 13 10 S hf 7 c ShfC c N hf 7 H Part 22 8 do 7,0 10 10 7.0 10 10 7,0 10 10 7,0 10 10 C Ehf 11 12 19 10 15 10 5 c 2 12 18 10 Part 13 11 E hf 6 7 10 4 10 4 c N hf 6 8,11 16 16 a • tviu 1 ^ 3 7 Part 5 12 Whf 1 23 S hf3 10 Cook, Frederick Belmore B4:0;vSsmore, Robert G.... 12 31Clark, Wm I 19 1Q 8 13 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's Son Owner Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Farmer's Son Owner Tenant Owner Ownel* Owner Owner Tenant ea I CD fl> hj CKJ CD ^Tj aq O 02 is t«l 00 O Cti to to tc I |i f S! •^. hj It W CO OB 12 POLLING SUB-DIVISION No. 3-Co.tinved. NAMES. J J J Oarapbell, Robert Oassemor-s Robert.... Cameron, Alexander.. 86Cowden, James 120 Copeland, John '• Oopeland.Wm Chrysler, Anson Chrysler, Anson 131 Chrysler, Henry U2 Caldwell, Allan 112 Cameron, M. C. 37 38 40 120 130 163 163 163 Oarruthers, Francis. Carruthers, Walter... Oarruthers, Wm COiSCESSION. 12" 12 12 10 11 11 c c 8 11 9 9 9 100 Duffy, Patrick. 194 Davis, Harry.. 11 J J 10 10 8 94Eadie, David 95Eadie, Colin 192 Elliott James , 192 Elliott, Eli Fishers sy 218 Epplett, Wm ^ 218 Epplett, John jr 219 Epplett, John sr 220 Epplett, Thomas 23|Farrel, John B 24Farrell. Edward.... J 25 Frifogle, John J 103 Ferguson, Wm..... 104 Ferguson, John J 136 Fortune, Thomas. 187 Fortune, John J| 138 Fortune, John A.. J'l 139 Fortune, George.. 238 Eraser, Douglas . jll73Forgie, Gilbert.. . ISlGallagher, Robert. 19|Gillespie^John. 114 164 165 J 114 Gilpin, Thomas.... J 164 Gilmore, Thomas.. J 165 Grey, William 166 Gray, George 167Gray, Joseph A... Jll72Gib8on, Houston.. 1 S3 Gregory, Thomas J221|Genimill, .John... J 231 241 J|24l 24! Green, Joun Gemmell, D. W Gemmell, David Gemmell, Alexander. 7 12 12 12 11 11 9, 8 9,8 9 8 7 8 Heinioi'o 12 10, 11 8 8 9 8 9 7 7 7 7 LOT. slifTs N hf 15 IW hf 16 Shf20 4 4 10 Shf 11 S hf 11 7 E hf 6 7 Part 17 18 iPart 17 18 Part 17 18 13 18 16 16 |Part 23 17 20 9 9 9 9 OWNER, *«. Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Farmer's Son jPt Owner oi 12 12 2 2 6 6 5 Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Ipt Owner Pt Owner Owner 6 2 3 13 l2 1 *^ Owner ^ Pt Owner 8 Owner 8 Farmer's Son |3 J 242'Gemmell, Andrew N part 5 8 part 5 6 W part 12 E hf 12 Part 4 4 Part 5 I Part 6 Part 5 4 Part 21 23 24 lEhf 1 N hf 6 N hf 8 17 17 Part 17 18 iPart 18 19 20 Part 23 IPart 8 4 Part 4 Shf 1 1 Part 4 W part 16 Owner Owner I Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 5 5 5 |6 4 4 4 4 3 9 a 5 6 2 9 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son|2 Owner lOwner I Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner lOwner I 2 8 J3 2 4 rt> w. 2 » o S W P3 g 5 2 cw S3 CD IB 3 xn Pj W pj c& He) 00 £- e a? y ;n !z; w W •-1 s ^ x POLLTNO SUB-DIVISION No. 3— Continued. 18 = ■05 NAMBS. CONCKSSION. 1-OT. OWNKR, kc. k ^ J 245'(^emnioll, Win. llSGilpiii, J. W... 11 Flarriso 1, IFi'Dry P.. ■) -41 JT.i<,'gi]i ;, iC')bert J I 92 flawko, Walter, Ji 9:-3 Huttoii, .lolin Jl 1 18 Hastings, David JiloO HastiiiiiS, 'riiomas... lal [lastiu^s, David H, . Hastiii.,'s, liolxTt \V Hastiiii(s, liobr'ft ilSGjHu.Lvh, iXivid !l56 Hui^li, .l.imcs !189|Hamil,)n, Hii.;-li Jj222;FIig-i,ii, Tiioiii is J 2 2 8 1 Higgi i ! s, Joseph .11153 il53 224|E[eniii;ig, 225 Helming, 22G Higgiiis, 151 Flastiii'.^s, James n-'iijainiii, ^lijali W'l.i J \V. 15 Irwi'i, l\ 13 Jasi)er, Iiicliard. 21Jeftray, Win SGJermyii, Jahez. 89 James, Tli )iiias. 82 jGnkii;s, Itoltei-t. 145 Jobb, < 'hristi>])lii'i' JjllBJobb, Aiili-.'w J 1-17 Jobb, Will. 1 17 JobV), Tliomas. 203 J J 2G8 219 14 H3 110 122 140 1 2 3 4 5 22 28 32 88 J 108 J Jolins on, Robci'l KitcluMi, Josepli Kitchen Frederick 8 Bel 111 ore 12 10 11, 10 9 8, 9 8, 9 8,9 8.9 8,9 8,9 8 7 7 G G 7 8, 9 Belinoro 12 12- 11 12 9 9 9 • 9 G C, 7 0,7 Lloyd, lloiiry neiiiKirc" Lm'kl.iter, .las. II.. II Li;. coin, John 10 Lillico, J as ,10 Lewis, brancis 8 Mulvev, J as Mulve'y, Wm. II jC McMicljael, Arclul)ald..|C McMichael, Wm C McMieliaol, Robert Marsh, Wn) 12 12 12 Mmid-ll, Wm McClcm, Donald Mitch-ll, Andrew ilO Muir, (reorg(i Ill Bart l.^) 16 8 14 b:iit' 17 18 S hf 15 17 10 Part 10 10 Part 10 10 Part 12 12 Part 12 12 1 ; S hf 18 11 Shfl:} Part 23 W part 8 Bart 7 8 Part 6 7 | Part G 7 ' Part 7 Part 11 11 Bart 1 15 13 2 3 W lifll 19 S hf 20 7 8 9 9 14 UShf 13Nhfl UShf 13Nlifl 16 80 8 28 6 4 5 4 5 N hf 3 N hf 3 N hf 3 4 9 12 16 9 10 Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Tenant Owner Pt Owner Pt Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Tenant ; Owner Owner Owner Uwner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Farmer's Son Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 5 2 6 6 2 2 Son 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 8 8 8 8 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 '5 ,2 6 Owner 5 Farmer's Son! Owner 5 Farmer's Son Farmer's Son Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner 5 |6 5 6 6 rTncn s- o Htl iz: IB g » CO P w Pi Pi Xfl CD p. c w e«- "S O ft) (TV 65- o ^Ti •^ ^-« cs n- a> r^ , M liH i^ C CI' p o«; f» ^ o S- I— • ?» 35 o g^ "-S c- ci- 1 ^r- o <3 h^* C' K 2 o •J-* o t25 o C^ » J^ o w :ti < w** u o d c V! B (t ** Cu ?» '-< S, t t . ) OD u POLLING SUB-DITISION No. 8— CoNTHiwii». 3 a CO so CD p. CD CB CO E a: I- ^' ^. o* o o § S:^ •^ B •& ■>!" SAHKB. CONCESSION. LOT. OWNKB r-'t B t t 1 . ) J J J J J J 109 109 133 124 127 128 184 170 198 210 211 212 217 227 230 280 144 182 237 201 Medcalf, Isaac. Metlciilf, Robert Marshall , John Marshall, Henry Merkley, Wra . Merklev, Martin Mclndoo, Wm Murray, Wm McEwen, Duncan McDonald, Alex McPherson, Wm McPherson, Duncan. McDougall, Hugh.... McKerzie, Wm McBirney, Samuel.... McBirney, John Markham, J McGliiin , John Nicholson, George. Nichol, Erskine. . . J J 1. 42 4e 87 106 192 199 200 20i 206 2O7 248 45 35 151 157 158 239 240 161 106 107 119 183 148 144 159 27 Procunier Robert. .. Prior, Wm Passmore, John Porter Alexander..... Piper, Thomas Pocock, George Powell, Robert Powell, John Powell, Thomas Powell. Frank Powell, Thomas W. Porteous, Wra Patton, George Reid, Robert — Rutherford, Walter. Robinson, John Robinson, John J... Rea, Robert Radaway. Richard.., Rockey, Emmanuel. Scott, John Scott, George Stokes, Thomas.. Stanson, Wm Stafford, Edward. Steel, John Steel, Wm Stevens, G. B Taylor, George. 10 10 10 11 C 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 8 6,8 6 G Beh".or^ 12 12 10 10 6.7 6 7.6 9 7 6 C 12 12 8, 9 8 8 7 6 8 10 11 11 9 9 8 8 9 12 9 10 I 1 Shf7 Nhf8 S hf7 N hf 8 Part 26 Ehf 19 14 12 11 11 9 4 4 9 N hf 11 1 • 2 W hf 18 14 Whf 17 N part 20 N hf 2(» 11 19 2 C part 16 N part 15 lo 13 13 11 . Part 15 N hf 20 Part 13 14 11 11 13 15 13 15 2 1 16 Owner 16 Owner 5 5 5 Farmer'ft Son Tenant 2 Owner 2 Owner 2 Owner 3 Owner 8 Farmer's Son Owner 3 Owner 3 Owner 8 Tenant 8 Owner Owner Owner 8 Owner 2 Owner 5 Tenant 2 Tenant 2 Owner 2 Owner 5 Owner 2 Owner 1 Owner 1 I Farmer's Son Owner 1 Owner 4 Owner 2 Owner 2 Tenant 2 Owner 8 Farmer's Son Owner 4 Tenant 4 Owner 11 Owner 6 11 Owner 6 3 Owner 5 1 Owner 4 Ehf 2 OwitAI' 4 8 Tenant 2 , 9 '■■"'4'.^ Tenant 2 15 V 1 < Owner 2 a-.-./ ■ Owner H. Jk ..^. fe^ 525 > CO •1 CD ;^:/. O Q o « o ts at o o a! '> # hj g so ' w ID B o 03 pj p- «*• o CO O rJ5 cr* I »— ' • r/; ■o' 3 p o . s 09 o s <6 riMM < ) POLLING SUBDIVISION No. 8— Contintjm. 15 P- i: en o 05 -'/: I < ■o* 3 p o . a .^ ^^^ s ft. p -< o > 1 i • 1 4 VAMB8. «;0NCE8810N. LOT. OAVlfBm, 4c. lie 164 .1 IGO J 171 195 250 i250 t 1 132 J 193 Tolten, Thomas Taylor, James Tucker, Gordon Thomson, Jiiines Tracey, Lawrence... Thomson, John Thomson, Alexander. Vanstone, Wm Vanstone, Samuel. 5i J J J J J J J 11 9 9 9 7 0,8 7 N part 12 16 20 Part 17 17 16 17 90 90 91 97 107 111 129 135 149 ISO 170 196 197 229 246 289 Wallace, Janies Ill Wallace, David '11 Wilson, B. &T. Gregory j 11 Wells, Patrick 9, 10 Watson, Wm. E 11 Wallace, Richard 11 Wilson, Robert T C Willits, John ...'9 Weir, Robert '9 Wallace, James j r 9 Woods, David 9 Wriofht, Isaac 6 Wri<?ht, William 6 Wyiie. Jiimen 6, 7 Weir, John ,0 Watchof, John 6 W hf 11 1 19 18 18 17 Part 14 14 IW hf 7 E S hf 8 9 iW h£2 Part 11 ir» iB hf 19 il7 N hf 16 j do j6 rart 5 !12 N hf 13 S part 16 hf Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Owner Farmer's Son] Owner Owner Tenant 8 Owner Tenant Owner Owner Tenant Tenant Farmer't Son Owner Owner Owner 5 6 6 2 o 4 4 4 2 2 6 6 6 5 4 2 3 4 4 PART [I. — Persons entitled to V-)te 236 8 233 7 17 150 9 Bryant, Henry 16 Baker, C. B |9 Doubledeo, Wm Fryfoj^lo, Daniel Hugiil, Jonathan Hunter, James Rush, Dxvid at Municipal Elections ONLY. 18 i Bel more Belrnor«i Parts 9 Part 3 6 42 Part 13 7 Owner Owner Owner Uwner Owner Occupant Owner PART III.— Persons entitled to Vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONIjY. isroisrEi- Total number of persons within the township qualified to serve on juries, two hundred and iifty-seven (257 ) I THOMAS FORTUNE, Clerk of the Municipality of the township of Turnberry,- in the County of Huron,do hereby certify, that part one of the with- in list, constitutes a correct list for the year 1883 of all persons appearing by by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly, and that parts 1 and 2 constitute a correct list for the said year of all persons appearms: by the said Roll to be entitled to vote at Municipal Elections m the said Muucipanty And I hereby call upon all electors to examine the said list, and it any omissions or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceeding* to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 13th day of August, 1883. TH08. FORTUNE, Olerk. 4^. n !z; xa CD 35 CO ^ w 5 9 A VOTl^riiS* i;TsT, 1888. J , J mlgc (tf the County Court of the County of Unnm, pursuant to tli." twdflli soction ol' "The Voter's Lists Act," do hereby certify that the within is a .-orreet copy of the List of \^)ters, for the year 1883, received by me from the Clerk of the Municipality of the Township of Turnhcrry, according lo niy revision and correction thereof, pursuant to the provisi())is of the >iii(l Act. Dated at the "I' '" ^he day of lH8a said County, tins. JuDfiE.