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The following is a brief abstract of the paper : I. — Methods of Heating Houses. 2. — Origin of District, or Central Supply System, 3. — Description of the System, in Detail. 4.— Estimated Cost of Construction, and Operation, of the System, after the first Season's Experience. 5. — Developments and causes of failure. 6. — Duplex System at Lynn, Mass. 7. — The System in New York City. 8. — Tabulated List of Works Constructed, with some particulars of the same. DISTRICT STEAM SUPPLY. HEATING BUILDINGS BY STEAM FROM A CENTRAL SOURCE. The winter climate on a large portion of the United States and Canada, is so continuous and severe, that efficient means are required for raising the temperature, in all descrip- tions of dwelling-houses, for over two hundred days in the ^^ The ordinary methods in use may be briefly stated as follows : Wood stoves, coal stoves, hot air furnaces, combi- nation hot air and hot water apparatus, hot water, and steam. Open fireplaces and grates, are often used as an aux- iliary and as an aid to ventilation, but are not adapted for use alone. Gas stoves are seldom used, except for cooking purposes. All stoves and furnaces are made of thm cast-iron plates. Considerable skill is required in moulding and fitting them up. After being in use for a time, and exposed to the action of the fire, the cast-iron warps and gets out of shape, allowing gas to escape, and becoming unhealthy ; the atr whilst being heated is burnt and vitiated by contact with the hot metal plates. A necessary, but most unsightly feature of every stove, is the flue or stovepipe, connecting the stove and house chimney. Stove pipes are usually made of sheet iron, and of considerable length, so as to economise all the heat possible, but, as they cannot be swept or cleaned out when m position, it is necessary to take them down every year for that purpose. Hot water and steam boilers are made of both cast and wroiurht iron, and of a j^reit variety of shapes and sizes. Anthracite coal is very generally used for household purposes ; and for all small boilers, furnaces, or stoves, an expensive class of this coal is required, and in every case the fuel has first to be stored, then handled and burnt, and the ashes afterwards removed. Prior to the year 1877 many very large buildings and blocks of buildings were heated by sttam, supplied from boilers situated in some central place, and there are also many cases on record, of steam being carried very long distances in pipes. In 1876 Mr. BIrdsill Holly, a mechanical engineer of Lockport, N.Y., inide a number of experiments and tests, on the condensation of steam in iron pipes, and suggested the possibility of heating towns, and cities, with steam supplied through pipes laid in the streets. In 1S77 an experiment was made by laying half a mile of three Inch pipe ; this was again increased to a mile and a third, and experiments carried on. Before winter set in about three miles of underground pipe had been laid, and over twenty dwelling-houses fitted up with pipes and radiators, and this number was largely increased during the winter ; stea;i was supplied from three boilers, situated in a central position, and carrying a pressure of 25 to 30 pounds per square inch. As all the houses, to which steam had been supplied during the winter, had been most comfortably heated, and the discomforts of the old methods done away with, the new system created a considerable amount of interest, particularly when it was claimed, that heat could be supplied at a much lower cost, than by the old methods. DESCRIPTION OK HOLLv's IMSTKICT SYSTEM. The system consists in the generation of steam at a central point, its transmission by well protected mains to suitable distances, and its utilization for heat, or power, by means of various mechanical devices. Steam is supplied to the consumer in the same manner as gas, and is paid for in proportion to the amount used, as indicated by a meter, at a cost not exceeding the usual cost ^°' 'as in the case of gas supply, the steam supply pipes are laid up to the curbstone, the consumer paying for all mterna pipes, fittings, and radiators, which can be furnished at about half the usual charges, as a house boiler .s not ^ecju.red. Where buildings are already fitted up. steam .s taken direct from the mains, and the house boiler cut off. Where houses are supplied with a furnace, it is only necessary to sub- stitute steam coils in its place, for heating the a.r. no changes being required in the flues, or registers. APPARATl'S KK()l'IRKl). Boil FRs -The steam is generated in boilers centrally lo- cated with regard to minimum distance of transmission to con- sumers, convenience of procuring fuel, and water, and cost of '"^' The form of boilers should be such, as will secure the largest possible evaporation, with the most economical de- scription of fuel. • n -i a..*- Those adopted at Luckport were. Seguin Boilers, flat- ended cylindrical shell. 5 feet diameter, and i6 feet long, con- tainincr 54 tubes. 3.I diameter, arranged in vertical, and hon- zonmlrows. in the lower half of the shell ; and having a steam '""VhetiWs'were entirely surrounded with brickwork, and were supported by the smoke box in front, and a cast- iron belly bracket at the rear. , r . The grate was placed beneath the boilers, at the front, and the products of combustion returned from the back, through the flues, into the smoke box. and from thence to the '^'"^These boilers evaporated as their regular daily work, 9 pounds of water (from cold feed water) per pound of coal, with a pressure of 25 to 30 lbs. per square inch, using anthra- cite coal, stove and grate size. STREET MAINS. From the boilers, the steam passed into the mains, which are composed of American standard wrought-.ron steam pipe, lap-welded, from i^ up. and tested to a pressure of 500 pounds per r.quare inch, connected with tapering screw ends, and wrought-iron couplings. For special curves, bends, and other details, cast-iron was used. Valves were placed in various positions, in the same manner as in gas, and water works, so as to be able to turn off the supply of steam where-ever necessary. I'ROTECTK )N AGAINST rONDENSATION. This is the vital point of the system, and condensation was guarded against in two ways ; first, by protecting the pipes by non-conducting materials, and, secondly, by keeping them dry, when underground. The pipes were prepared as follows : The naked pipes were held in a lathe, and were wrapped with the following materials : 1. Sheet asbestos about J of an inch thick, one thick- ness. 2. Porous felt paper, two or three thicknesses, or hair felt J inch thick. 3. Manilla paper, one thickness (sufficiently strong to stand handling covered pipes, and not to tear). 4. Wooden strips, about 4 inch broad by ^ inch thick. Three or four of these strips were laid slightly spirally around the pipe, forming spacing pieces. Copper wire was used to bind the strips, and string for the other coverings. The outside casing of all was made of solid square pine logs, bored out about two inches larger than the diameter of the pipe, the thickness of the wooden shell being in no place less than three or four inches ; the ends of the wooden pipes were made to fit into each other. When the iron pipes, duly protected, were put inside the wooden log, the spacing pieces left an air space all round, and allowed the iron pipe to expand and contract freely, by changes of temperature, while the logs were securely anchored and immovable. (In the System at Belleville, 111., the mains were not wrapped at all, but dependence made entirely upon air spaces inside wooden casings.) Keeping the pipe casings dry, when underground, was effected by placing a tile drain, three or four inches in dia- i i screw last-iron |e same to turn tion was [pipes by lem dry, ;ed pipes bllowing le thick- r hair felt strong to ich thick. ly spirally wire was erings. luare pine iametcr of 1 no place iden pipes )ipes, duly ing pieces n pipe to ture, while it wrapped ces inside ound, was les in dia- i '4 .neter, at the bottom of the trenches, which were trom three to four feel deep, and conformed to the level of the street's ; connections were made with the city sewers, as often a'-, possible ; broken stone was filled in at the bottom round the tile, and a covering of tarred roofing felt put. over the wooden casing, and the trench filled in. •. •'• EXPANSION JOINTS. To provide for contraction and expansion in the iron pipes, caused by differences in temperature, stuffing bo.x joints were provided, and asbestos fibre used as packing. The e.xpansion joints formed a part of the junction-service boxes, which were placed at convenient intervals of from lOO to 200 feet along the line of mains, and were accessible from the street, being surrounded by a brick wall, and havii-g a man- hole and cover. The arriving main from the boilers, had r. turned and nickle-plated end, which worked through tiie stuffing box. The departing main was securely fastened to the junction- service box, so that, one end of eacli section bein^r fast and the other moveable, free play was given for contraction and expansion. A ball and socket joint attachment was always used, so as to be able to conform to variations in the levels of the streets and to prevent injury or strain from settling. The junction service box 'vas a heavy cast""'^ weighing several hundred pounds for the large sizes, it »vas ijolted to brickwork, anil anchored to the wooden pipe casing. The mains wt^e never ta{)ped for the attachment of service pipes, these connections being only made at the junction boxes, which also served to take up tlie water of condensation, the bottom of the box. being placed lower than the level of the pipes. A very important improvement has recently been made by using elastic copper ends to the sections of iron mains, this allows sufficient play, and does away with all packed joints, which are now entirely discarded. SERVICK PIPES. The service pipe connections on the junction-service box were taken oft' at right angles to the main, and were provided with stop-cocks. The service pipes were protected from con- densation, in the .same manner as the mains. 8 REDUCING VALVE AND REGULATOR. The steam on entering any building through the service pipe, at high pressure, had at once to pass through a regu- lator-.cducing valve, by means of which the pressure was reduced lo any desired amount, and the supply of steam auto- matically regulated. Holly's Regulating and Reducing Valve with Steam Meter in position. This was done by means of an elastic diaphram, and a weighted lever, a small slide valve being moved, by a valve rod connected with the diaphram. Valves made on the same principal have often been used for supplying low-pressure steam engines, from high-pressure boilers. METER. From !:he reducing valve and regulator the steam, at a low and uniform pressure,— generally from 2 to 5 pounds,— passed through the meter, and into the supply pipes of the house. ^^!v- HOLLY'S STEAM METER. Figure 1 ,— Soctioiial Elevation. Figure 2.— Sectionai Plan. A method of accurately measuring, and recording, the amount of steam supplied, has been a most difficult problem to solve, the commercial success of the system being really dependent upon it. The method at present employed is pronounced reliable and satisfactory, by several independent parties, after being in practical use for the past two years. 10 The meter is made of cast-iron, and in plan is circular in shape ; its height and diameter are about equal ; it is divided horizontally into four chambers or compartments. On the outside, upturned face are a series of horizontal dials, which register revolutions, actuated from gear wheels inside the top chamber, they derive their motion from a central vertical shaft, passing through the other compartments, and having a bearing on the bottom of the meter. To this shaft are fastened two miniature brass paddle wheels, or spider frames, of eight arms each, with vane-shaped ends, curved slightly forward. The second, or steam entry compartment, contains one paddle-wheel, which revolves almost touching the bottom. A circular opening in the bottom, connects the third, or steam exit compartment. The bottom compartment, which is closed, all but a small hole round the shaft, contains the other paddle- wheel, and is always full of condensed water, in which the paddle-wheel revolves, stationary vanes preventing the water from being bodily whirled in the direction of rotation. Steam is admitted through a square pipe, the centre line of the opening being on the line of the inside circumfenMice of the chamber, giving the steam a circular motion, as it enters ; within, and from the top of the square pi])e, is hung a long copper tongue, the same width as the pipe. Tiic tongue rises and falls as tiie (juantity of passing steam vari(!s, but always directs it, upon the vane-shaped (mkIs of tin; spidtM", which revolves in the steam, at a speed proportional to the amount and pressure of the steam admitted. The bottom spider, revolving in water, acts as a governor, and prevents the too rapid revolution of the shaft, the revolutions of which are recorded by the counters on the top. The steam passe-s out of the third compartment, the exit being nearly at right angles to the entrance. The quantity of steam passing through the meter is not measured, or recorded in any ordinary terms of measurement, such as pounds, or cubic feet, but in " units," the value of which, have been determined by experiments, the amount of condensed water, resulting from steam passed through, haxing been accurately weighed. Charges for steam supplied through 11 I'ar in Ividcd lontal Jill a K'fit.s, Jonc A meters are made per i,ooo units. The value of the unit varies with the size of the meter, the pressure of the steam, and the cost of fuel and water, and the evaporative performance of the boilers. DIRECT HEATING — KADIATORS. From the meter the steam intended for heating purposes, passed through the supply pipes into the radiators. Any of the ordinary forms may be used, and all the ordinary steam fixtures. The usual American pattern of radiators are made of vertical lengths, of i-inch iron pipe, secured into a base and cap, the steam exit and entrance both being in the base. In common with most descriptions of steam radiators, they have to be either full of steam or empty, there being no means of regulating the steam supply. Mr. Holly overcame this, by making the steam entrance at the top of the tubes, in the cap, and having an air valve at the base, to permit the air to escape. Steam, being lighter than air, displaced it to any extent that might be required, entirely, or only partially filling the tubes. In practice it was found difficult to keep the joints tight, in the base and cap, owing to unequal ex- pansion and contraction. INDIRECT HEATING — BY COILS IN THE BASEMENT. The Steam and water of condensation, from all the radiators, passed through coils of steam pipe, in a chamber in the basement, to which fresh air from the outside, was carried through a tlue ; the air thus heated rises through flues and registers, in the ordinary way, and supplies fresh air, while assisting to heat the house. TRAPS. The water of condensation escaped through a steam trap, and wasted into the sewers, unless required for domestic purposes. OTHER USES OF STEAM. Live steam can be used for heating water, and when this is done, by direct contact, the noise can be almost entirely stopped, by first passing the steam through a small box filled with gravel or fragments of stone. For cooking purposes, steam does well for a variety of articles, and a stove has been perfected, that with super- heated steam, all sorts of cooking can be done, the super- heating being done with a gas flame. 12 The following Report of Mr. Birdsill Holly was published at Lockport on May i8th, 1878 : " During the past winter, an equivalent of 65 houses, * on nearly three miles of underground pipe, have been heated, and an accurate record has been kept from day to day of the amount of coal consumed. " From well-understood facts, and from tests actually made to ascertain the amount of condet\sation in the houses, also 1 2 hour tests upon the main line with all the houses shut off, it is demonstrated what amount of condensation is due to the buildings, and how much to the pipe underground. " The details for cost of constructing works, and the cost of fuel are applicable to this city, and will be varied somewhat, according to location and circumstances. " The following tables show the cost of heating by this system, and the comparisons made with other systems of heating will, upon perusal, speak for themselves. * Note. — 12,000 cubic feet of space being taken as an average for dwelling-houses in Lockport. (For convenience both .American and Sterling costs are given, the l)ollar\ being taken equal to 4s. i^d. or E.xchangc at 9)-^ per cent. Premium. / J. H. n. ESTIMATED COST OF CONSTRUCTIO.N AND OPERATION FOR A DISTRICT OF 400 DWELLINGS ON TWO MILES OF STREET-MAINS, HEATING THE SAME FOR 240 DAYS, FROM SEPT. 15TH TO M\Y 15111. Construction 0/ Works. $ £ ^. A. Boiler house and chimney stack 6,000 00 1,2,52 17 by{. Six boilers, 5x16 feet, set, with feed water heaters 12,000 00 2,465 15 1 Two miles mains, average 3 inch, at $1.40 (5s. 9d.) per ft 14,78400 3-037«6 2 Superintendence and incidentals 1,216 00 249 17 3 Total $34,000 00 ^6,986 6 o'4 13 Operating Expenses for 240 Days. 2,000 tons ot coal, at $4-00 (i6s. s^^d.)- • 8,000 00 1,643 16 8>^ Two fireman and extra labor 80000 164 7 » Repairs and depreciation 80000 164 7 » Office expenses '-Soo 00 308 4 4/. Taxes '^°° °^ ^^ -^ '° Water bill '°° °^ '° '° "|^ Dividend of 20 per cent, on $34,000 6,800 od ^'397 5 2/2 Total $18,400 C O ^^3.780 16 5 400 Consumers at $46.00 = i;9 9S- o>4d.= $18,400 co ^3,780 16 S COST OK A D.srKicr K(.i;iva..i:nt to .,000 mvn.i.iN.is, partly composed oi'- liUsiNKss iii,(k:ks and 1'L-iii.ic iiiii. discs. Constnutiiin vf Works. $ ^ s. d. Boiler house and chimney stack 8.00000 1,643 '<> 8/4 Twelve boilers, 5x16 feet, set, with lied water heaters J4,ooo 00 4.93i'o 5 Four miles of mains, average 3 inch, :U $1. 40 = (5s. 9d.) per foot J9.568 00 6,07512 7J4 Superintendence and incidentals 2,43-^00 499 M 6 Total $64.000 00 ^3^5g^J.i_^ !'<■V Two per cent, depreciation and rei)airs . qq r 1/ Heat bills, for steam supplied ^^^ ^^ g'* ^-^ Total a, ~r :^1^2_^ — JLl_i7 <'X Comparison of Cost. Individual Furnace system *' Individual Steam system "'^ ^^ ^^ ^ 5H District system with 400 coiLsumers".'. !".".'. 'fi^ °° 4o 9 7 District system with 1,000 consumers ., «° '^ •^ "-'^ 57 "O u 17 6^ ^1 16 This result has not as yet been realized in actual practice, but none of the systems have had so large a number of con- sumers on so short a main. d. sH DEVELOPMENTS AND CAUSES OF FAILURE. The winter's experiment, at Lockport, in 1877-78, having proved the practibility of the system, and the consumers being so well satisfied, several other towns at once took the matter up, and had systems in operation for the following winter. The first meters did not work well, and the only way of charging for iicat was by bargain, based upon the previous coal bills of the consumer. The companies suffered severely in these bargains, but the greatest loss was caused by having long lines of miin, with only a few consumers drawing steam, — the loss by condensation being then very great. In many cases the trenches were not i^roperly drained ; and the system was adopted before sufficient time had been given to perfect all details. The result of all this being the failure of several of the companies. DUl'LI'X SVSTKM AT I.VN'N, MASS. At Lynn, Mass., a duplex system was put in, for first sup- plying high pressure stc^am, througli one main, to drive large mill engines —these engines, exhausting into a low pressure main, from which steam was supplied for heating, &c. The idea being to utilize the p(nver first and leave sufficient pressure for heating purposes. The boiler house here was situated on very low land, which was subject to inundation, during extreme high tides ; the consequence being, that near the boiler house the steam mains were sometimes under water, and as few of the streets in Lynn are sewered, the ground was constantly damp in many of them, and a very large amount of condensation took place. The steam supply was discontinued, and the works sold and utilized for other purposes, although the steam works were fully paying expenses at the time of selling out. Ifi Till". SVSTKM IN NKW YORK. In New York, tlu' system is beintj operated on a very larije scale, I)y a Company who lia\ e selected and purchased ten sites for steam stations. The first station, (.Station H,) at Nos. I 72 and i 76 (irei'nwich .St., has been built, and consists of a buildinq-, 75 feet front by 1 20 feet in depth and 1 20 feet hi_t;;-h, in which are to be placed (14, Babcock cv Wilcox sectional, boil- ers, of 250 hors(!-po\vcr each, or, in all, 1 6,000 horse-|iower,dis- tributetl U|)on four lloors, 16 boilers on each lloor. The draft for the furnaces of the III )iK'rs, will be dbtaincd by two larj^e chimney-stacks, each about jjs fed hii^h, supplemented by a fan blower, on each lloor. 'I'lif w.ills of the buiKlinm' are 36 inches thick at ihrir Icisc, ,ind thosr of the cliimne\s ,ire 4 feet thick. i'lie dimiiisions nf ilv cliiiniii\s .ire .as toUows : — Exterior dimensions at the base, ;,:.l 1)\- 20 fcc-t ; at bottom of tlue, 32.' by 13 feet ; interior arc i, 27 fret 10 inches by 8 feet 4 inches. The coal ■ i]'|il\ will be clt'vatiil lothc up|)('r stories of the building-, aul d'..li\rn'il tluMu^Ii chiUes, alongside each boiler, while the .ashes will be taken I)y chutes, from each boiler through the b.isement of the buildiiiL;. On the 1st of binu n-y. iS.Sj.the Comi)any h.id five miles of its street ste.un sysiein in active use, ha\ine- increased from one mile in use on the isi June, iS,S2. The mains, which an; from six to ten feel underujround, ha\e been all the time under a full |)ressure of So pounds per si|. inch, and no one has been injured. The mains are ma|)ly power, for cooking, and huindry work, for baths, and m.iny other purposes rec[iiiring water as well as steam, for melting snow in the streets, and for extinguishing fires. Steam will i)esup plied by m(!ter. The system is expected to spread all over the city, and the Company say that, although iiaving been so short a time in operation, they iiave reached a paying basis. The most recent development in connection with the New York system is that of supplying steam for t-lectric lighting purposes. It was found th.it there was comparatively very little demand for steam from six o'clock at night till six o'clock in the morning, and there was consetpiently a waste in blowing it off every evening. To pnivent this waste;, the Company propose to supply steam for running electric light engines during the night, and the cost of ligiuing should be much reduced in consequence. To prevent misunderstanding, it might bt; well to men- tion that there was another Company in New York, who laid 19 • ;« thP streets on some other system, for the supply of ^;L^m but tht C^^^^^^^^^ failed after having had repeated ac- cidents and explosions in the streets. matter up m 1878, and nave oe having utilized waste heat ^'-!;:'^ZItn TX slort line to three feet six mcnts un ^ distance is recom- gained at the expense ui olaces The two • 11 ;r> tV.,. f.iMire be adopted m many places. * Stlre,:' r:;rtin, comLrda. success after be,„g .n operation only one winter. 17 Hamilton CiiAMiiuRa, Montkkai.. August 20tli, 18H4. 4 iJ 5| Length to contain i cubic foot. rnternal area; in square inches. Length per sq.ft. out. «ur. In. ft. Actual outside diam. in ins. ** inside *' *• U s •J < / p. •a - u^ ro* in M -O "• «= • ■ ^o • . in r> -. « — ri n (• " *• ' ; <^ ^' 1 * ^ ^ g. r. 5" ;g "^^ ^ - - !? ? S, 1 '1. % - " - - ^ ? 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