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Tous les autres exemplaires originaux sont filmis en commenqant par la premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'iiliistraticn et en terminant par la dernidre page qui comporte une telle empreinte. Un des symboles suivants apparaTtra sur la dernidre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbols —•»► signifie "A SUIVRE". le symbols V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, planches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmds d des taux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour Atra reproduit en un seul clich6, il est film6 d partir de Tangle sup^rieur gauche, de gauche d droite, et de haut en bas en prenant le nombre d'images n6cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ;i,^-£-_-,;-^-^.^u^>' __ Halifax, February H. I8S7 To the Klectors of the County of Halifax. Gentlemen : . At th(! lecent L'ouvoulion of the Libenil-tJcn.sci vative party of lliiilt'ux Cuuiity, we liad the honor of Vjemg noiiiiuatecl as candidatfis to contest this constitut-ni'V at tlu- approacliing election. We Imve accepted that nomination, and now bei^ to solicit yoni snpport. The j)olicy of the present Uovernuient in affording protection to Canaditin industries, in extending (.'anadian railways, and in maintaining Canadian rights, meets with our full approval, and if elected sve sliall to the best of our abilities oppose any atttsinpt to iinpalr or disturb it. We believe in the maintenance of a thorougidy Xational Policy, not only in giving protection to all our varied industries, but in directing Canadian tni le lin-ougli (/anadian ch.inuels, in opening up foreign markets for Canadian products, and in protecting Canadian iisliermeu in the exclusive enjoyment of (Jaiiadiati lisluu'ies, and by giving them an annual cash bounty and exemi)ting their princiiial supplies from customs taxation, to thus place them in a position to compete successfully with tiif lishermen of all other countries. During the nine years the present Dominion Government have been in power tlie progi'ess of (Canada has been such as to fully attest the wishnn nf the policy adopted and adliered to by Sir dolni A. Macdonald and his t-olleagues. TIh; gross foreign trade of the country — notwithstanding the onoiriions fall in prices that has taken place in recent years— has increased in value from !?ir);5,()00,UOO in 1878-70 to 8190,000,000 in l8S5-8('>. riie manufacturing industries iiave about doubled in number, ])roduct, and hands employed. Tlie note circul:»tion (bank and government,* has increased fnim .'?'2r),000,000 in 1878 tu .-?43,000,00n in 1886. The savings of tin; people, as shown l)y the deposits in the, various Savings and Chartered Banks, have increased from 854,000,000 in 1878, to $107,000,00f> in I88r). The bank discounts — an excellent measure of the business transacted in the country— have increased from .-?l"2:5,UOO,000 in 18/9 to $11)7,000,000 in 18St;. At the same time the business failures in the Donwnion have fallen from 1,902, with liabilities of 829,:i-47,000 in 1879, to l,2r)2, with liabilities oi 810,.387.000 in 1880, iiiid overdue notes at the banks have decreased from 81.90 per 8100 in 1879, to 81.J6 \»y 8100 in 1886. Theie is imleed scai'cely any barometer of trade that does not afford conclusive evidence of the great improvement that has taken [ilace in our condititm since the present fiscal policy of the country was ado[)ted. Nor has this satisfactory dovelo|)ment of our trade and industry been conlined to the other Provinces. We in Nova Scotia have participated in it to perhaps as large a de"i'ee as anv other ))art of the Donnnion. (Jotton factories, sugar r(;fineri('S, and othi-r manufacturing industries, have been started and are now in operation, spending among our people hundreds of thousands of dollars that under the old fiscid policy wore spent in other countries. Our coal mining industry has been saved from the entire collapse that threatened it in 1878, and last year our coal output was about doubh; whac it was in 1879, — the increased royalty on which is today an important source of revenue to the Provincial Government. Much misrepiesentation has been indulged in concerning the increased debt of tht- Dominion, and couip.uisons made between it and the federal debt of the United States most unfair to Canada. The fact that the Dominion Debt includes largely the deV)ts of the Provinces, while that of the Unit'vl States does not include tho.se of the several States, is always concealed. It' thn inunicipul, stiiti; and federal debts of the United States, be compared with the ninnicupal, provincial and Inderal dnbts of Canada, it will be shown that our position is much more favorable tliiin that of the United States, The difi'erent pui-poses for which the two debts were incurred are also kept out of sight, — that of Canada having been for valuable public works, from which the country will forever derive increasing advantages, while that of the United States is wholly for an unfortunate war. As a matter of fact the increased inteiest upon the public debt of Canada, — and it is only by interest tlio burd(Mi of a national debt can bo felt, — is no greater per head now than it was in 1879, ami only one cent more per head per annum than it was in 1878. This result, establisli<.'d by the oHiciiil blue books, has been brought abput — (1) by the great improvement in our national credit ; and (2) by the consider- able increase of our population since 1 878,— two essential factors in the case that our opponents persistently ignore. The increase in the annual expenditure of the country has also been seized upon and treated by our opponents in the same unfair and unciandid manner in which they have treated the increase of debt. They usually select for comparison the year under Mr. Mackenzie when the expenditure was smallest, and one of the years under Sir John Macdonald that include the Northwest rebellion expenses. They also sy.stematically treat the total expenditure as requiring to be met by taxation ; ignoring the facts : (1), that the largely increased expenses of the railway and post office depart- ments are met by increased receipts from those departments ; (2), that the in- crease in interest on national debt is offset to a considerable extent by increased interest derived from assets ; and (3), that a considerable portion of the in- creased expenditure since 1878 is accounted 'or by the increased grants now given to the various Provinces for local purposes, of which Nova Scotia alone leceives $39,668 per annum. The Customs and Excise dues, which constitute all that can propeidy bo called taxation for Dominion purposes, are the true measure of the amount 'contributed by us to the Dominion exchecjuer ; and these, the otlicial returns show, are no greater per capita now than they were when our ojiponents were governing ihe country. Indeed the Customs taxation in Nova Scotia in 1886 was actually 12 cents less per head than it was in 1875 under the regime of Messrs. Mackenzie and Blake and the tariff of Sir Richard T'artwright. On the question of repeal we dissent entirely from the position taken by our opponents. We consider, that while there are some sincere; repealer.s, most of the leaders and the majority of the party are merely using it now, as they have ilone in the past, as an election cry. That this is the case is to our minds clearly established by their professed steadfast adherence to Mr. Blake in the face of his emphatic repudiation of all sympathy with their proposal to break up the union, and by the fact that after declaring that nothing can be done to secure repeal uidess they obtain a large majority of the Nova Scotian members to the House of Commons at the coming elections, up to the present time they are only contesting two-thii'ds the counties of this province on that issue. The agitation for repeal has put it out of tlu; power of any Dominion Government to treat with the Province for better terms. The Lib(!ral-Oonservativ(; party have always been in favor of better terms, and we would remind you that every concession in the way of better terms granted to Nova Scotia was liy the Liberal-Conservative party led by Sir John A. Macdonald ; while upon our opponents lies the onus of refusing to renew the better terms grant of $82,000 a year, secuied by Hon. Joseph Howe and others. If elected we shall advocate all measures calculated to make Halifax the winter port of Canada — to hasten the extonsion of the. i'. P. \l. by means nf cho Short Line to Halifax harbor, — the establishment of a fast line of steamers between England and Halifax — and to secure the best solution of the Nova Scotia rail way problem that can be found in the interest of Halifux and the Province. And huviug ^in view the inipor- tanco to Halifax of tho present Governraent being sustained, and of its policy carried out, we respectfully ask for your vote and influence on the 2'2nd inst. I J. F. STAIRS. T. E. KENNY. HOW TO VOTE. When you cMitiM' tlie polling liooth and «ivo your niune, tho presid- ing oflicer will hand you a ballot form, as follows : Ballot Pfiper. Election for the Electoral District of Halifax, 1887. FULLER. 1. Hyacinth H. Fuller, of City of Halifax, Merchant. JONES. II. Honorable Alfred G. Jones, of City of Halifax, Merchant. KENNY. III. Thomas E. Kenny, of City of Halifax, Merchant. STAIRS. IV. John F. Stairs, of City of Halifax, Merchant. On receiving the bnllot as above, enter the compartment which will be pointeil out, and with a pencil tliere provided, place a cross thus X opposite the name of each of the Liberal-Conservative candidates, who are the last tWO on the hst. The ballot, correctly marked, will then appear as follows : Ballot Correctly Marked. Election forlhe ElectoraTDistrict of Halifax, 1887. FULLER. I. Hyacinth H. Fuller, of City of Halifax, Merchant. JONES. II. Honorable Alfred G. Jones, of City of Halifax, Merchant. KENNY. III. Thomas E. Kenny, of City of Halifax, Merchant. STAIRS. IV, John F. Stairs, of City of Halifax. Merchant. Be careful to mark ih(! cross ])lainly in tho space at the right hand opposite the names of KENNY and STAIRS. Then fold tho ballot so as to show a portion of the back only, and dej)osit it in tho ballot-box.