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O.VI'S ><; GRKKN, of Halifax, Vorksliirc, arc tlle makers of these celebrated and beautiful ^oods, for liath Kouuis, Lavatories, Corridors, Passages, llasements, etc. Cannot be excelled. .See Samlili's ^ui'l C.Our-.. : : Maignen's ; Filtre ; Rapide ; : The only reliable Kilter for Pocket, Camp, Tourist, Watch-bollse, Export, T'ap ani! Main Service. Adopted by Her Majesty's Government, War Office, Field Hospital. Isasure prevetitativeof all diseases usually coming through water. \'estil)ule and Hearth 'I'iles Till! Cami'hi;i.i. Tii.i: Ci).'s Diskins are unsurpassed for Corritiors, Halls, Hearth, Path-Rooms, etc., in Geometrical, Kncaustic, .M.'ijolica, or plain, Tahljis, Mosaics, Pilasters, etc., etc. : : : Bicjcics : and 1 ricycles : : : .1. Orch ard & ( o. are he spe ■ial and only agents in Canada for lie po| Hilar *' PSVCHO" Safety | 1 icycles which holds the Gold .Medal of he World. I,.iiii('s' ; ml Chil. rcii'h rriLVck-t. llo ys" Wheels of all sizes. ; .■ .• ll'liolesale : and : Retail : Send : for : Price : Lists : : : John Orchard & Co, Sanitary Importers and (contractors iS Kimr St. East, TORONTO ") s A S^ourenir of oFonto ox LARK ON TARIO Tpc gopular R ummer Report i itSiTtf-Q.- 3 AAA I,AR(1K assortment of the choicest V^ goods always on hand to select troni. W c invite special attention to our i.ADlKS' DKPARIMKN'I' - - which is the most comijlete in the I )oniinion. Moderate prices |)revail throughout. l-adies should see our {{oating and Vatching Costumes. ¥ ¥ V ♦ ♦ LONG : BRANCH ; FIER ■ 3 ■ Parkdale : Sash : and : Door : Factory NA' illiam : Stewart M.ANUFACTUREK OF SASHvDOORS - BLINDS •"• • • Fmmes, Band Sawing, Shaping and Turning : Al.i. ; DOORS : : dried : KSTIMATKS (JIVENAND I'LANS FURNISIIFD FOR COTTAGES AT LONd BRANCH Factory- NOBLE STREKT : .NORIIl SIDE, NEAR HROCKTON ROAI) Residence- 2« MAI'Mi ('.ROVE :::::; Parkdale, : Ontario 4- lO [pngigpaiKb - Where - it - is - and - Why - it - was - Selected ^ (?r 1 IIUKK leagues westward of the (^ueen City, and situate upon shores washed by the sparkling blue waters of I.aUo Ontario, is the gem of Canadian summer resorts, a point to which Toronto's staid citizens and joyful picnickers, with hundreds from remote parts of the land, wend their way to spend each summer a season of delightful rest and healthful recreation. In fact Long Branch has become the synunyme for all that is desirable in the way of a summer resort. The circumstance which led to its inception and subse(|uent rapid development, as also the attractions now oflered, and prospective additions thereto, are simply narrated in these pages. • \\% " llff|(g(i[pto®lj^ • Many attempts had been made by speculating individuals to establish a desirable summer resort, easily accessible from Toronto, but each in turn proved a failure, and afiei a year, or sometimes two, the claimant for popular fame sickened and died, or if still possessed of life, the pulsations were so feeble, and the movements so p.tinful to observe, that pleasure seekers turned their eyes away from the un'pleasant sight, and sighed for that which they so longed to find— a place nigh at hand, yet far enough removed from the din and strife of the great city to afloril res-t — sweet rest. Oh ! to find such a spot as that pictured by the Poet's fancy when he wrote of *HK c<j()l green bowery shade, Where waters lave the pebbly shore, Where graceful fern and wild llowers fade, Beneath their own sweet fragrance o'er and o'er, And rest, and peace, and joy in ([uiet stealth, l'*lush heart and niind with crowning health." That such a place existed, the organizers of Long^ Branch felt certain. They hail watched previous efforts, and, being men of keen observation, had detected the points of failure. They noted specially that the great secret of lack of success lay in the fact that no point had been selected where incursion on the part of the rougher element could be prevented, and where restrictions provided for in the rules of the enterprise could be enforced. Lacking these essentials, the respectable pleasure-seeking community shunned the aspirants for their patronage, and as a result financial disaster came upon each enterprise in rapid succession. These obstacles inusl be overcome. The advantages must be secured. The comfort and security of the pleasure seeker must be ensured if success is to be attained. To compass this desirable end, the pioneers of Long Branch set out on their search, feeling convinced that ere long " Eureka " would be their watchword. (( -yi (^Sma/iam o ^//lai/Naci/ (S>e/vfi/!o»e z/io.- 9fi^/lf cV?./' WO ^onyr Shccf, ^Ootonfo Gt i/ 1 1 Iff -L^iiie 0/ Q^o. (5t. QJoiHCf/iam LONG : BRANCH : GROVE QlA/ING^FJiESCO, PAPEHHANGJAG, CALSOMINING, ETC. F. E. PHILLIPS • ••• •••• / House : : Decorator : and : Simi : Painter : •••• •••• TELEPHONE Xo. 1421 I *i» ^5 //J • Church : Street Toronto, : Ontario 8 H IS TOK IIA 1. SK K K.ll — C'l3////////t'(/. T\® ° i(i^D«@lj^ Willi Note and Sketch-Book in hand, with hope in the heart, and with ample funds in the treasury, the party set out. Wending their way along the side of the lake (by the Lake Shore Koad), they pas!-d, with a sigh of regret, the neglected public dciiicsne known as High Park. A short distance and they glanced at Humber Bay and the slopinp banks of the little stream bearing the same name. Once its attr.ictions were great, and some traces of its beauty remained, but alas, the site precluded the possibility of ensuring any security against the thoughtless, the reckless, and perhaps the litiuor-heated crowds, who, within easy distance of the city, throng the locality and disturb the rest and peace sought for. On through the Humber Village, with its unpretentious saloons and its beer gardens, its water front defaced by that which tells of prosperity long since departed, for decay is the leeson learned by its wharfless row of wooden spiles lifting their sun-bleached and storm-worn heads above the now calm waters, and presenting the appearance of a huge skeleton of some extinct marine monster, amid which the w aters seem, at the gloaming, to chant a mournful lay over departed greatness. Lkavinc thesk mementoes of the past, the party travel onward, still following the Lake Shore Road, along which in days gone by the regular stage lines carried Iler Majesty's mails. On the roadside stand a couple of relics in the shape of old country wayside inns, up to which the restless " stagers " once wildly pranced, and where the early settlers and sturdy yeoman gathered to ogle travellers and swap gossip, taking home a bit of news to enliven the " old woman's " heart, and discuss the same by the light of the tallow dip or crackling logwood fire. Poor old habitations, how strange they look now, as the "iron horse," roaring and shrieking in its wild and sweeping (light, pa-ises a few hundred yards to the rear. How the old curled and warped weather bo..'ds shake and tremble, and the moss grown windows seem to rattle forth a spectral melancholy sigh. Still on, past Mimico, where the Ci. T. K. Suburban Service (uji lo the present time) has ended in the hopeless hope of seeing the enterprise of this prettily Indian-named expanse of treeless fields rise to greatness. ,\las, nature failed to crown the spot with "glorious shade," and native enterprise has basked (or baked) for a (luarter of a century in the sun. It has become the site of a noble and much-needed Reformatory School, but no reformation is noticable (if indeed it be practicable) toward making it a place of beauty and a joy for the summer. .Ahout two miles beyond the westerly limit of Mimico, and extending towards the Lake, is seen towering above the varied landscape the stalwart giants of a forest grove, with their lofty branches waving to and fro, like great arms, beckoning towards their primeval shades. Here surely must be the haven longed for by the Searchers.'iionf. 1014 W. A. Bradsham/ <S^ts WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PtROCER = - - FAMILY TRADE SOLICITED • • 2^ East Market Square -^ Toronto 10- msmmmmstmimm HOTEI,, : I.ONC. ; BRANCH II csl/: L^' HK - largest, - finest - and - cheapest *J assortment - of - goods - in - this market - will - be - found - at G> LUMBERS, Gas Fitters and Heating Engineers, Brass - - - Founders and Oas Fixture Manufacturers. Keith & Fitzsimons 109 Kixu Strkkt VVkst Toronto — 12 MlsiORlCAl. SKET(U—Coii/iitiie(/. ¥@\iIl^i " ^i " Lk%^ Wnic EAr.ER Steps they bound forward, each desiring to be first to enter the land. Soon they find themselves in the great grove, and amid the cooling and aromatic breezes from odorous Balm-of-Giliad, Spruce and Tine, they tripped lightly along, inhaling the fragrance of the tea-berry, the lilly, and a hundred little wild flowers hiding beneath the fallen leaves and nodding ferns. O'er head, the startled Squirrels were leaping from branch to branch, chattering hide and seek around the tree trunks, daring them to mirth and sport. The song of birds, the twitter of their young; the quick scented and suspicious Crow sounding its loud call of warning, and the grand flight of the beautiful plumaged liagle from its eyre in the forest's loftiest pines, all spoke of nature, grand and calm, bright and gay, but restful, as the blue lapping water of the great Lake, which mingled its murmuring cadence with the music of the rustling leaves. The prospectors had found a veritable El Dorado, a Canadian Arcadia I IPir§|p(^(Pl^'i^o@iJii = k^i\ ° f\!'@fr^i One Vrar later, busy workmen might have been seen drawing timber from the anchored craft, abreast of the great grove, and a hundred incessant toilers, busy with axe and saw, hammer and plane, could be seen by the passing boatmen. Each day witnessed the growth of breastwork, pier and promenade along the shore, while in the groves was (|uickly rising the outline structures of Hotel, Arbors, Pavilions, Cottages and Chalets, which towards the end of the summer presented a fairly loiiifiletcil a/'/'iarainf for the opening spring. TiiK SiMMF.K of 1887 saw broad avenues opened through the grove, and an elegant Hotel of original and unique design, with Japanese balconies and I'agoda towers, gracing the back-ground of the Lake front lawn. The site has been happily chosen, and looks out upon the pretty promenade extending along the whole front of the grove at the water's edge. The Hotel is embowered amid towering pines and other trees, while shrubs of endless variety adorn an ex(|uisite plot in the upper centre of the grove, from which drives and walks radiate in diflerent directions It seems to have been the aim of the architect to erect a lovely home in the woods, where should mingle the balsamic odors from the pine and ozone of the Lake. At a glr^ice, indeed, one can see that fresh air and brightness may enter and chase each other over every part of the home. Great pains have been taken that no impurities shall arise to counteract the aggregation of good things arrived at, as the freshest of Lake Ontario water is forced into a reservoir on top of the hotel, and a sani/aiy system of pliimhiit!; has been carried into eflect that instantaneously sweeps into the Lake all sewage matter and leaves not the slightest vapor or odor behind. Hotel Long Branch is lighted by electricity, has electric bells and speaking-tubes in every room, and a private telephone wire to Toronto. '3 H R eal Estate; - - - In Toronto looks as if it's the safest Investment for Money in Canada. Buyers will be treated with on best Terms by - - Loans - effected - on - good Security" - on - favorable - Terms — ,4 — LONCr : HRANCH ; I'AVII.ION J^ingbam The Superior Cat.ilnBUC"; lately iisued liy scu-ral leacliii); Manufactiiri^rs iil"C'.uiaclaaP'lrc>iii"ur I'rcss. 2^y^ 6](^clchiicle gtRct fast c n. IIINIUIAM R. C. \Vl:Hlll".K y-i - Arc - tlie - Premikk - Catalogue - Printers ¥-• ->® and - PioNEERs-of- Art - Printing ©^^ in - Canada. ; Their - work - speaks - their worth. ; Their - Telephone - No. - is - 50. Their. - Office - is - in - Lakeside - Court. i i I "pronto 16 mrnssm HiSlORICAI. SKElCll—Con/i/lltc'J. Uk^<B^ ° 4[p ° T^O'/fu^s - @f " W>@kri Bv Bv iiiK Day, ikansieni TlIK Wl'.KK $'2.-iO $10.00 to $15.00 Si'KciAl. Katks (jiven to Families for the Season, or to Cottage Owners on the Grounds. In order to prevent over-crowding during the height of the season, wlien excursion parties visit for a day, an outside dining room has been provided, capable of seating 300 persons, which can l)e served from the regular steam carving tal)le of the hotel. Near bv is the Kiigine House, containing a forty horse power engine of the most scientific construction, which furnishes power to an Electric Dynamo of similar reserve, sending forth the life-light into numerous Electric Lamps that hang about the park, turning the gloom of approaching night into the radiant softness of the silvery moon's sweet light, and lending to the sparkling fountain and the rippling waves the life-like sparkle of a shower of stars. IIerk is to be found the great Suction and Forcing Pump, drawing the pure water from the Lake onward to the filter reservoir, and forcing it up to serve the Fire Hose, the Hotel, Lawn, Park and F'ountains. A (Jrano 1'avii.ion of artistic design, outline and finish, with of handsome design, with its strange and handsomely caparisoned figures rollicking delight, accompanied by the strains of the invisible pipe organ - - - BATHINd - - - Can he indulged in with safety and comfort, as the water is quite shallow for a long way out, and the bottom level. A number of bathing houses and bathing suits have been provided, for ladies, gentlemen and children, and every attention is paid to the wants of bathers. - - - BOAT INC. - - - Tills DErARTMENT will be under the Company's manage- ment, and there will be new, safe and comfortable boats constantly on hand. Kacks are also provided in the new boat house, for hire, so that cottage owners and other residenters may be accommodated. spacious hardwood floors and shady porticoes ; a Coney Island Carousal of birds and animals, on which the many children may ride in glorious - - THE NEW WATER TOBOGGAN Sl.IDl': - - The first in Canada, will afford amusement and recrea- tion both for bather and onlooker. (See illustration back of Cover.) - - - CYCLING - - This uelichtfui. out-door exercise will be under the direction of Mr. John Okchakd, of 18 King Street East, Toronto, sole agent in Canada for Starley Bros. (Coventry, England), manu- facturers of the " I'jycho'" Bicycles and Tricycles. lie will have on hire a number of machines, for ladies, gentlemen and children, and will give all needed instruction in their use. '7 T^onkin Bros. First -Class C - Specialties ustom ' failor ing FINE ENCLISH AND AAUiRICAN SII.K, FKET AND STRAW --Hats-- no : YONGE : STREET -- TORONTO-- WM. PETLEY Wholesale and Retail I )ealer in Carpets — - - Linoletuns - - - - AND ■ ■ Hottseftivnishings ® ® ® _® ® Okikk AM) Sa.mi'I.k Room: l'^ Adelaide Street East TORONTO JjM LONC. ; BRANCH : CAROUSAl, 19 ^— *' /V Thing of Beauty is a Joy F^oreverT : When the immortal Kents gnve iitterarce to the aliove scntiir.enl. he merely voiced a thonnht that had for many centuries awaited a tongue and pen worthy of the grandeur involved in its conception, although the full value of this poetic gem was not fully recognized until Simpson Brothers : A""''^': ^^T^tZ \nsc.K Strkkt, Touonto Succeeded in producing such highly finished and lifelike sun-pictures of the "human face divine," as to be the envy of all other photographers, and unattainable by none. There is no other establishment in the Dominion that has so successfully produced by photography the now fashionable and difllcult to procure, the genuine REMliRAM)TF,sofE light and shade effect. ^1 i"»-»r»cr»n Rrr>flir>rc '"'^^ enjoyed the distinguished patronage of some of the most I prominent personages in this country, and the leading citizens of ^ .. „ \//^m ra Qfi-/iof Toronto have been pleased to give sittings at C> ^ / 1 ^'Hf^^ »jliv^v-l. For lone, depth, jiosture, degree of finish and general effect, the work of Simpson Brothers is unrivalled. F'amily, Club, Society and Student Composition (Jroups receive jiarticular attention, and Simpson Brothers can point with pardonable pride to what they have executed in this line. For the unexceptionally first-class portraiture producec* by Simpson Brothers, the charges will be found exceedingly moderate. Our numerous patrons coming to the city by rail, should take the ^■onge Street Cats, running lietween the Union Station and North Toronto, and should request the Conductor to let them alight at Elm Street. Kindly bear in mind the address of the only place in Toronto to procure the highest class of photographic art. SIMPSON BROTHERS, 357 YONGE ST., TORONTO 20 t # IllsTiiRliAl. Skktii\ --Ci'ii/iini,;/. « //imm<Bm^\i^^§> » k^i • @^^^®\p • IP@off|^§ » @f • ll(j^1^(§i?'®si^ Lawn Tennis : Lawn 1 Ckdi.ilET Archery Quons Hase Ball I Lacrosse ! SwiNcs ! In and around Long^ Branch are many pleasant nojks and places of interest, which will delight the tourist and pleasure-seeker. On the west of Long Branch, a short distance, runs the Ktobicoke River, where canoeing, fishing and exploring its pictureseiue formation ol conglomerate rocks, which at first sight only attract the eye from their peculiar formation, but when broken with a hammer disclose a mass of silicified shells, and occasionally many are found of rare beauty and worth. The student, interested in nature's doings, will find hen- a pleasant occupation in hunting among those rocks for rare specimens of the work of many centuries. The main or old coach road between Hamilton ami Toronto, in the vicinity of Long Branch, is delightful for ridinj; cr driving on. The by-ways also reveal to those reared and educated in cities a strange, fantastic sight, and lead to many a sequestered spot of unii|uo beauty. T@ o f^m^®Qih® » [^®so^(iir|1^§ Ueyond the ten acres of picnic grounds are about 250 choicely wooded villa lots, upon several of which elegant, pretty and artistically designed cottages have risen along the shore front, and on many of the avenues jieeping from behind or beneath the foliage of the grove. The roads and avenues through this part of the property are sixty feet wide, the lots l)eing about fifty feet front by 100 to 150 feet in depth, the greater part being beautifully wooded with pine, maple, bsech, birch and elm of medium and natural growth and luxurious foliage. Foi'N I'AINS, LAWNS, gravel walks, swings, tennis and crocjuct lawns, shady seats and bowers, all lend evidences of quiet pleasures and healthful exercise, but best of all a great high iron bound fence has been erected, surrounding the seventy five acres of grove, excluding the unwelcome and at once preserving the dwellers and visitors from any intrusion from those not governed by the rules and management of the Park. In the conditions governing the Long Branch Summer Resort property, and the control exercised over it, is to be found one of the main sources of the success which has tended to make this delightful retreat popular, and which will give to it that permanency, the faith in which has induced so many to purchase sites and build for themselves safe and quiet summer houses. Dl'kinc; the past summer the favorite steamers of the Long Branch Summer Resort carried over 50,000 children and pleasure seekers to its shores, and when the fact is known that intoxicating beverages and all the elements of roughness are forbidden entrance to the grounds at all times, and that the restful worship of the Sabbath is observed with absolutely closed gates and silent shores, it can be readily understood why those who resided there last summer spoke so highly of this retreat, and why so many new cottages have already this year sprung up amid the leafy bowers of Long Branch Grove. 21 I*- il . . - PV,J. Haruinond - - 129 - Vonge - Street FIRST DOOR SOUTH ARCADE THE Hatter Importer and Manufacturer Hats Direct and Made Specially to Order From Best English Makers. Christy Tine Fur Manufacturing a Specialty ■22 — « « MANITOU : COTTAGE 23 — ■ * ** C. D. Daniel & Co. Sin,r.i.(or\ fo -yVS. /Kll //>.S" vV CiK MANI I- AC'l IKMN(; AND - DISPKXSING - CHEMlbFS - i^r King Street East Toronto - - - - Ontario ¥ W H. Windsor, 59 Baldwin St. W. Wooui Kv. 61 Haldwin Si. IVindsor & I Food lev CARPENTERS AND ----BUILDERS Corner Queen and John Streets Toronto N'.l). Kstimntcs givLn for Suniiucr Residcnoes at Long I'>iancli. • 24 Historical SnEivu-CoiUniiwi/. 9 Ij{]@w " i@ o ©©"fe " T\®^<B OwiNd lO the very much larger number of visitors during the past year than was expected the first season, the Company has placed on the line of service their large and commodious steamer Rupert, which will ply regularly between the City and Long^ Branch, and the experience of a trip cannot be better related than has been done by one who has availed himself of the delightful opportunity. Me writes : " It was just seven o'clock as I got on board the Longf Branch Steamer, at the foot of N Dnge Street, and watched the large lake steamers Chicora and Kmpress, then just swinging from their docks for their routes to Port Dalhousie and Niagara. " The iu'sy throng of workers in shops and factories were hurrying to their many duties, some bright and happy, others care-worn ami fatigued. They to spend the day in the close shops and factories, I on the steamer's d"ck about to inhale the freshness of the lake breeze and enjoy the cooling shades of Long Branch (J rove. " MoviNi; liRACEKUl.l.Y from her moorings, our gallant vessel glided outward upon the rippling waters of the bay, the little wavelets responding to a gentle 1)reeze, while the sh.idows of the Island hotels were cast athwart the waters by the rays of the rising sun. " The I'Ril' along the bay was one of continued interest. Southward beyond the Islan<l, home of the erst-while champion Ed. Ilanlan, rolled the mighty inland sea, while to Ihe west an endless panorama of huge mercantile, ecclesiastical, governmental and manufacturing establish- ments raised their lofty walls, spires or chimneys. In the near foreground the rumbling trains and heavily laden cars tell of prosperity unbounded, while still closer to us, and even surrounding us, are a fleet of vessels, and hundreds of pleasure boats, amid which our cautious pilot steers his vessel with unfailing skill, while the ready response of the steamer to the helmsman's touch suggests a living knowlcilge of that re<|uired of her. " Now iilE salutatory whistle of a passing steamer draws attention shoreward ; there stands the Old Kort, wiih its stone clad banks and ancient-looking bnrrack buildings ; the Kxhibition Park, with its crystal palace; Fort Rouille ; I'arkdale, with its pretty villa residences and mansion homes ; the sweeping course of the Ilumber Bay, its sandy shore and old waving elms shading the Lake Shore Road, and behind, the Hying train of the morning Chicago Express shooting swiftly past hill and dale ol High Park and the Ilumber Bridge, on its way z'/i/ Long Branch and Hamilton ; moving from this onward the green bluff shores, w ilh clumps of shady trees, country homes and farm houses, extending from Mimico to Long Branch, makes the sail from Toronto to Long Branch certainly the most pretty and delightlully varied out of Toronto Harbor. We now reach the pier at Long Branch, and received the welcome of waving handkerchiefs and shouts of ' Ship-a-Hoy,' ' Heave too, there,' and other merry expressions of the waiting cottagers, who were to take the return boat for the city. I could not help remarking to our Captain 'This has been one of the most enjoyable morning sails I' ' Vou should spend the day at Long Branch and wail for the evening trij) home, to see the enjoyment of others,' said the Captain." As \VK have already stated, the Company's steamers carried over 50,000 pleasure seekers to Long Branch during the past season, and it is expected now that the Urand Trunk Railway has decided to erect a station opposite the Park gates, and stop their trains, that a very much larger number will visit Long Branch the coming season. - -25 cro[[ Sarmg, fuming and Sfmping .21 ;/u Q)im^don (iJ3ui/ciei 3- mmer Cottages a Specialty S/^ ant/ S7^ (Sncen Shccf ^^e^f ^^^onmh, : Ontario 26- «M # IDLE : WYIJ) ; COTTAdE 27- Telephone, 114X / A. WHATMOUGH 9yY^ Importer, Manufacturer and Dealer in (general - ^oitsefuimishing - ^-Jarchvare ■ SPKCIAI. LINKS IN • Refrigerators, Water iMlters, Wringers, Mangles, Trays, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Wooden W^are, Toys, I^xpress Wagons, Doll Carriages, (iardcn Tools, Camp Stoves, Hammocks, Iron Beadsteads. Lak(;est Stock of Wiiitnkv's and Ha\'s Baisv Carriages IN Canada. : : : STOVES : AND : FURNACPLS : : : (lAI.VAXIZKl) ROOFIXC. :; CORNLCES :: CONDUCTORS :: KAVF/IROL'OHS, Eir. ()riii.kki> \\'f)KK in I'lN, likAss and Coppick executed in first-class stvle, l)y competent and practical workmen. I,0\V EsTIMATKS OlVKX, AMI AM, WoKK ClAKANTKKI ). /. A. IVHATMOUGhJ^ 126 King St. E.. Toronto •28- t # sJ.lC)l,I,OWIN(i will be found quotations from some of the many letters received, bearing testimony ^ to the merits and advantages of this Dki.ichtfi'i, SiiMMiiK Rksori' : t « ■/■/(>• A' /•.■/■. Iircil JOIIXSrOW Pastor of the Carlcton Street Atctlnhiht C/ittrt /i, 7i'rites: — Who couUi say anythinj; else of Long ISranch, iljan, excellent location, energetic management, bealtliy, social surioundings ; in short, everything that a stnniner resort should he. /'//(• REl'. JOHX HVKTO.X, Pastor of the Xortheni Congregational Cliiinh, aithongh hut an oeeasiotial visitor^ loas abie to see auii a/'/>reciate the results of the efforts nioiie hy the Long lUamh Sitnmter Resort Conifany, and thus iieserihes his e.vferieuee \~ - The distance of Long Branch from the City admits of reatiy and rapid transit to and fro, wltile atVordiiiK a tridy country air and ijiiiet. Its situation is high, und heing on the l.'ike shore is cool, heing well wooded is >liady. 'The country around is one of wi-U cultivated farms, and you have lieen fortunate in securing one of the few remaining portions of virgin wood and soil. 'The huikl- ings on the ground are lightly, the hotel most pleasantly situated and well fitted. Judging from what h:is heen done in one short season 1 can venture to say. that, should the same energy anil oversight he continued. Long Branch will he a summer resort for household, visitors, excursions, and camping grotnuls for yoinig men ; pleasant, healthy, restful, with a tone that ensures safety. Vcm have my hearty concurrence in the enterprise, and I trust that your endeavors to provide an unexceptionahle sununer retreat will he favored with ahundant success. 'Hie following letter cannot he reiui without inspiring a desire to go, enjoy :- and r. J. WiLKii", lisg.. Manager Br,-\nch De.vrSik,— Toronto, March 7th, 1888. Two months' residence at Branch la-t sinnmer charmed me with the place. My wife and I are anxi<nisly waiting for the summer, that we may return. The proximity of Long Branch to the City, with good steamhoat service, offers the advantages which city residence affords for husiness, condiined with those of residence at a summer resort for health and pleasuie. We found it cool and in the extreme heat of summer, and entirely free from that pest of many resorts -ihe nios(piito. Knjoyahle as were the six days of the week, they were f.jrgotten in the calm rest and ipiiet of the Sabhath ; the very atmosphere seemed to hre.iihe peace to the soul. Our Service in the Pavilion in the morning and Sunday School in the afternoon were all that were needed to make our Sabhath an ideal day of rest. Of the grove, lawns, avenues, pavilion, fine hotel, and other attractions for casual visitors, 1 can only say if one is 10 believe the general expression he d.iily hears from these visitors, then the above must be nearly all that could be d 'sired. Kor niy.self, I want ri.) more pleasant place to reside during the sum- mer than at Long Bramdi. I remain, yours truly, V. B. AI.L.AN. 29- g TRATH ERN' S 203 \'onge Street IS THK CHKAl'KST A>li MKSl I'l.AC K IN CANADA TO lil'V Baby Carriages Refrigerators, Stoves and Hoiisefurnishing Goods ♦ ♦♦♦ C^ S WE have just REMOVKD to our New I'remises AX' , RKMEMI5KR IHE ADDRESS '^y V our Stock is new and very complete in ™, lino, »d „ric., „„„„.„ ever. y ^ Strathcm & Co. • Telephone 1251 203 \'()N(;k Stkket 30 — TORONTO • • Ti 3' Jos. McCiu island & Son DESIGNERS AND WORKI'RS IN § TAiNEp_^ GL ASS ORNAMENTAL CUT AND STAINED GLASS Ol" AM, DESCRIPTIONS • J2 to j6 King Street West — Toronto, Out, 32 ■!■ Following will he found quotations from some of tlie many letters received, hearin;; testimony to the merits and advantages of this Dki.ichti ti. Simmkk Rksoki ; li • • iihltK AfAClH^.\A/J>, Esq.y I^arrhter, loho with his f'amiiy .v/c/// /<i.v/ suiiimt'y at fhis r/iar/tr/Hi; n'ti/rnut^ />/iiiY, sends us tht'/o/ioifiu^ki',- Thomas J. Wu km-;, Km.i. 6i Adelaide Street Ka-l. Dkah Wn.KiK, Toronto, April islh, i885 1 can ii'ily ^^peak of I-omr Hraiich from the position of a rc-ident niul hou^e owner, I?) my opinion it is eminently adapted to the reiinireinetits of husincs'^ and professional men. Its proximity to the city, its beauty of location, iis ease of access, Its wealth of trees and shrubs, its strict sanitaiy and temperance regu- laiions, with the restrictions placed l;y the management to secure a quiet Sabbath, ought to make it Indispen^ible to the people of Toronto, and a desirable and |M>pular resilience resort for everybody, Viinr> truly. UKO. MACnONAI.l). A, f. SO,lf/:/\l'//,/./':, /•:st/., l*»rsiiftnt of the Ontario t-emi ami Pmrh Wire Coni/*a*iy of this City, one of the many ^ottai^ers^ in a ietter to ns says ; — I have much pleasure in stating that after a summer residence at Lotig Itranch I am more than pleased with my investment, and my family look forward with ple.suie to their return again this Mimnier. My children were greatly benefitted by the pure air and water. Its close proximity to the City enabled me to enjoy with them much of the benefit, whit-h I could not have done had the distance been K't^'^ter, and the sail to and from the Branch was not the Iea*t part of the pleasure, l-eavin^ the V 'i at 8 o'clock in the n ornin^ I was in my office at 9, refreshed by the deligl tful sail. I kn«)W of noother place near'I'oronto so desirable as a summer resort, it is far enough west to lie away from the impure water of the Bay, and still within easy driving distance of the City. Its many advantages as a family surnmer resort have only to be brought liefore our citizens lo make it p<ipular, and I feel sure when it is once known that you will not have lots enough to supply the demand. Adhere strictly to your rules, and make it what you intended it to be, a '* Model Summer Resort." 7yiffo//o7('ifix '■" the o/>in/on 0/ A' /•: I '. /'A'( '/■'. (/A'AV/f/. of Knox toUef^f: Long Branch is situated at a convenient ilistance from Ti)ronio, in a healthy po.-itiorj and in a good neighlmrhool. Within thu limits of this pleasant smnniur lesorl n*) intoxicating liquors are allowed to be bought ur sold, and although during my residence there last summer 1 saw iliousands of visitors I did not notice one person under the inlUieme of strong drink. I particularly pleascii with its tiuiet Salibatlis. undisturbed by the anival of siL-;nnbu;its or other public conveyances. Keligious ^ervices, includinii preaching aiul Sabbath School instruction, were regularly held in the pavilion, and these were wHl attended. //./A' A' J' A'A'(/"AAS7/, A'ay/., one of 'I'orontos Tirii-known citizens, writinf^of i.ottff liraneh, says : — It alTords me a great deal of pleasure to add my testimony in favor of your delightful summer resort, in which with my family I ha<l the privilege of residing last season, and where I hope to spend the coming summer. The abK- manage- ment is all that could be desired. The beautiful ur' unds, lyin^ close to the City, with their high bluffs and shady grove, artordinn a most healthful and ple:isant summer home. 'I'he splendid hotel accommodation, the great number of hand- some cotiages which adorn the grounds, the fine lawns, the grand bathing and l)oating privileges, fine water works s-.rvice, the spacious pavilions, grounds and buildings lighted by electricity, the splendid sieaniboat service, ihe quic-t Sab- baths, the Church and Sunday School advantages, being everything that could be desired to make it a resting place for the business man ; while its facilities as a resort for Sunday School pic-niis, private excursion parties, etc., camiot be surpassed. In short, to all desiring a pleasant family home during the heated term, and especially those business men who < annot spend weeks away from the City in quest of fresh air. Long Branch being only 45 minutes' sail from Vonge Street, affords with its many attractions a boon whi'h rarniot be overrated. "33 Canada's fiigh-C'ass Pianofortes "'I'lie Mason i\: RisiH I'l.wo is Excellent, Magnificent, Uneiiualled. Its 'I'one, 'I'oucli and Meclianisni aiv perfect, and entitled to the Highest I'raise." 'I'lit; i.atk Dk. I'RANV I.iszr. ffow t/ioroiig/ily t/u MA'^O'Si ik. RISCH VW'^O'^ won encomiums from the highest musical authorities in Europe^ the followin)^ letter from HERR ERANZ LEJDERI'JY, formerly Director of the Opera, Leipzig : now Conductor of the Celebrated " Wagner Orchestral Concerts," London, England, is submitted : (Truiis/alioii) London, July lit, IS8(j. Messrs. Mason & Risen, -- CJenilemen I was pgreenlily surprised, (111 my recent visit to llie " Colmiial ami Iiiilian Kxliibiiion," to meet with such excellent Pianofortes as you have tliere on exhibition. The taste displayed in the Cases, and ihe finish of the workmanship is in every respect perfect, and commands the admiration of all who see them. As for material, I will let your richly wooded country, Canada, answer. A skilful Musician, with artistic perceptions, alone knows how to appreciate the value of a jjood instrument, such as yours, and how important it is to the success o( his performance. Ilow often do we admire the effect of a performance, and overlook to what extent the instrument has contributed to the result. No wonder ihen, that that expert of all experts in such matters, the late Dr. Franz Liszt, should have honored you in terms so flattering. After the opinion of an authority so high, there remains little for other Musicians but to tender you congratulations and best wishes for your continued success. FRAN/. LEIDLRIT/. MASON & RISCH, 32 King St West, TORONTO N.B. — A large assortment of Pianos and i^rgans on hand, specially suitable for Rent. — 34 — m « SOLID : COMFORT — 35 EsiAlil.lbHEl) : 1S43 ^. Sgop^ & S_oi I ImpoFting X^'iil^'^i^l^ 77 King Street West ; : : : "P^ronto .36- m HM.woaswi o ■'/yi///,. m/M/'/M///,', MD WW, — % rtpo ry\ - CS n •^ lO o r>. (J. -r. G\ - o O 1^ ^ 3UNHAY /^ ts m T- m J o c^ o OC c< X w 01 VO I" M M M -> HO.VvHU - M fO '^ t1 »o ^ .. J> 1 I^ 00 o^ o M •h M ro -t lO ^ o t^ O c^ an.'v.iAv Ava lA -©-L — Ci v£> Jf> [ ro 00 '^ 9> PLAN : OF : LONC. : BRANCH : PROPER! V 37- • Tf.i.kphonk No. 1349 John Sim & C^o. : : : : : Plumbers and Gasfitters Hot Water and Steam Heating • • 17 RICHMOND STREET WEST TorOtltO, Ollt. 9 -38 — 9 RELATIVE POSITION OF LONd BRANCH TO TORONTO; 7 miles by water, or 40 minutes' sail. 8 miles by rail, or 30 minutes' ride. 9 miles by road, or 60 minutes' drive 39 Sideivalks, Cellars, Stables Telephone 1595 Eureka Granitic Paving Co. (Lci, Toronto ^ Sanitary Engineers : J. I-ISTKR NICHOLS MANACiKk Cement Testing Laboratory : Portland Cement a Specialty. o o 40 o /^^ommercial (Jnion Assurance Company (Limited) Fire : Life : and : Mari ine • • • Hkai) Oi'frk 19 and 20 Cornhill London, England Capital fully Suljscril)ed aiul Accunuilated Assets, $20,000,000 ("lENEKAL Ai;KN(V, Toronto anu Col'Ntv of V'ork. ANNUAL INCOMK OVKR $5,000,000 Office — 32 Toronto St., Toronto R. WICK ENS, General Agent T. C. BLOGG, City Agent % I, O 42 Something VV^^™ K^^^^^^^ 0. # A o n. GOOD WHERE - TO - GET COMFORTABLE - AND - STYLISH FOOT - WEAR H. & C. BLACHFORD 87 AND 89 KiNc Street East TORONTO XL AVE always been looked upon as the leading house s_y^ in FINE GOODS in this City, and a careful inspection of their GOODS and PRICES before purchasing will more than repay the most fastidious. Remember the Address 87.^89 KING ST. EAST TORONTO if I ■■fvi i -.i* • f ' METROPOLITAN TOaOMTO 'LIBRARY ^' eMttOIAirittSTORif '^. •\;-.- ■}'' I 'v' • •i ' /KX. '-ti /"« / ' ' <*