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Lea diagrammai; suiv^nts illuatrant la m^thode. . / 1 2 3 % »._ #' . / \ #:■.■■-..■■ .y ■ V • • • • « r ::;.■;;. 3 :f , . ■ i / '■■■ J- ■ .-f ■ 2* 3 ' r^>-pty: ^ \ / - 1 • / 4 ,5 6 ■•/ / •- / **»CtOCOWr RBbUITION TBT CHART (ANSI and ISQ TEST CHART No. 2) ■\-;. ^ >^PPUED IM/1RF= 1653 East Main Street ^^^ISi '^" ^«* M609 lis* (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone T (716) 288 -5989 -Fox ' inc r* . ir *,*-* » .^ * ••(^ A ■'I • %>■'' "»"^ V" IjA^ -f •? * 4 i'l .^'%l v»';> psaims anb|^^ ^■'*; 1^ WITH Accompanying Tunes for Us» ,N THP Presbyterian Church in Canada. JJARMONIES RBVISBD : E J. HOPKINS^, Mus. Doc Or^an^s* to tk. Hon. SocieHes of iH.!nn.r an, Mi<UU Ten.pi. > TORONTO: y*-. ASSEMBLE HYM^ AL CiO^MMITTEE . 's»5< m ■\ ■^ % t VSV^f im^. Id. 5 '.;»h •V > I ■ MOV - 7 1965 ^ i» ¥.:•■ •** ' ..\M '■ \ " ^ Tins edition of the Ftolrtis and Paraphrases, with Tunes selected by the Psalmody Committee of the Free Cburclr^f Scotland, if notf issued, with their penuissiojdMMr'use in the Presbyterian Church in Canada, by the Assemmf s HymnoJ Committee. ■4 John tfBMKiKs, William Qreq0, J Joint-Conveners. Toronto, May 7, 188U, i ■ .'■.. ' ' ' ' 1^ '■-'■$ ' ■ " . . .'" . • . '■ 4 " , ' ■'. .'.'■■ ■ ' ■ , '' ■ . ■ * T; " .' ■ ■ ^■' -' "■..>-'• ■ / ■■•„•"■■. ■' '■ ti ..■."•■,' "^ ■ v^ ■ . .» ■ . '■■■■' •.■'■■ • ■ n ^10 ;, ii " ■ . ' ' ■■ ■ ■ ' .-' ' '■.-■■ ■ . ■'■" • r '■. .' .■■*■■-■.' , ■ • ' ■ . • - f ■ ■ ■ . 1 . '■■ * ■ . ■ . ■ ■■■ ■ ■" V- • ■ ■» ■ ■.■'•.:■■■;■''■" ' ■■■ ■■.... '' > ^■■■■'■■^^:^■•■■^■■;■«::;•^■■':■':^■ ■'■■:■•.■.. . >■'■•.;■ •:■■•:. ■\*- ■■ '-■'"■■ .'*■,■ ■■,..■,■ ■ , . ■ * ■ .-■ ' • t"i' ■ ■'•.■■.-■ . ■ . ■ ■'■■—'. ..".,'.. M ■•■■ ''■■ , ■'■' ■■ .-■-. :' - - . ' ■■ •■■'.■'. -"^ , "' ■ ,'■■."' ■ ■ ■" r ■• ' ', ■ " " ' . '"-•■■ .V" *" -■' ■ ' . ■ ■ ' ", r.> ■...' '■■•■■'■ .%;■-'■ ■" ' .' ... " ■ H "''".■.'.. * J ■ ' . ■ "■ ■1 ■;.•.•■ ■■,.".■ ■•■ ■: ■ .\ • ■ ' . .. ■ ' ■ ' ■■ ■ *< ';*♦■ ■ ■■ ' ■: ■■"■"■■' ■ '■ ■'■■ kK - ■ '. ■ VI' '■-■'.. ,"■■'■ ■■■■ - '. ■ ' ' • - ' '' ■ c - . ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » • ' " • ■.-.■' J /■"■■_■;*•■ " ^■>' .■,''■':.■ '■■■■■■ " . ■■ ■ -.■ ' ■' .*'\ ■ •■ : ■■" '^ •■••■ '. ■ ■<■■■■■* '■■ 1 ■;■••■_. - , .« :.■•■-• 1 > \ • V ■. ■ ■..;, ■; „ .. •'■ ■' ■ ;■ . •.•;■■■■ >^ ■;■•;;,■. ^:;.,/.^• :^^/'^■^^■^^■ ■■-"^...■■■-^ K ■.-■ "■ '■ "■■' ■'-' ' ' ■' ■ ' ' -■ -V- ■■ '.•■ ■■■'•. :';■'■' ■' ■ ■ ■ < .' 1, ■ ,■ j» ^V'; METRICALLY AND ALPHABETICALLY ARUANQED. £.M., X-M; 0.1t, S»-188: 8.M., 187-900: P.M., li(MSO. Ooi^yrighU mvktd *» '*! # LOMO HBTBI. Ho. AB|(«lBonf..k. 1 BftroMC 2 ComnuuidinanU 8 Oonmiiinion...... 4 Dov«nd»l« b Duka Street ......... ..../. Elffeld ,.,. 7 Ely................... 8 BrnM ..i. ..: Erenliti; Hymn..... ....... 10 IlfrMombe 11 " Loi AlnBA* ...<r. ...... 12 Maimer ..%.... 13 Meloombe.........i... .... 14 Old 100th IB Old lOQth (uiothar form) ... 10 OldSaxony 17 Otterbonme ..i... .. 18 Phll«delphU •.... 10 Raleigh*.. 20 Hetrea* ........•.•......•• 21 8t Ambroee 22 St. BarthidoiBeir.......... 23 flanUMi..... 24 Soldaa...... 25 Walton 26 Warrington..... .......<.. 27 Wittambeig. 28 OOMHON MBTBB. AU)«r 29 AberdaantMa Bon Aoooml). 40 Arnold.,.. 80 ArtaxMTZM .. •• .. ..v^k. .. .. 81 Aventlno.. ....,.<... <),•«...'. 82 BaUarout. «•••.•• • • « • . . -88' Ko. BMigor.. ....•• 84 Barrow..... ......f 86 Bedford 80 BelgraTe 87 Belmont.. 88 Bloiham ,,.... 80 Bon Accord 40 Brighton Il Brifltol r...... 42 Bnnyan ...... ............. 43 Barford 44 OaithneM...., ....... ...... 45 Oaterham* ................ 40 Cheahir*. ....... ....,.;..,. 47 GUremont* ...... ........ 48 OoUten........;. ^....... 40 Oolcheater ..;....... SO GoleahiU....... 61 C!owper.. ............. .... 62 Gredlton 68 Day 64 DedhiUQ*.. 66 Denfleld.. .«.. ....... 66 Dundee. 67 Danfermllne. ....... ...... 68 Durham .................. 60 Eden*....,.......,....... 00 Eflln^uun......... -61 Elgin................ .62 Emmanuel... - 68 Eran*.. 64 Faith .••..•• ..a......^.... 65 Famlngham* 66 'anran V .. ..... .. ..... .. .. .. of r e i i^ .. .. .. .. .. .. . .......,..' vo . " rencn ^ . .... .. .. .4.. ....... 'V.' Ohugow. .,..'.. 70 Qlinflalni^^..... .....•••>. .71 ::\. 9% Olouceeter .......•<.. Tt" OmfonlMfg.... 78 Oreenwloh 74 Ilamal* -.. 7S Ilarriagton....... 76 llayne* 77 Hereford >.. 78 HolyCroia ,. 70 Holy Trinity"............ 80 Howard H Ituddenfleld , 81 loonlum .....«....,., 88 <rUn ■•••*•!•• t.eeeeetfl aee* Oft Jackion 88 Kedron ........ .v.. .. .... 86 Kilmarnock*.. .....?;....< 87 Komthal 88 T^tdbnnie... 89 Lancaster................ 80 Langdon.... fU Leamington 98 Lebanon*.... 88 London New ............. 94 i^yra ....r... ....,, ,..,.... ,■ vo , ManchMter.. ...... ....... 88 Martyrdom. ..V. .......... 87 Martyra (Doric).. 88> MArtyn (Minor),.... 69 Melroae IQD Metiler (Bedhead, 66) *. ... 101 Milton..... .,..108 BiOTavia .............. .a, . 108 Monren .. .. .. ........ .... 104 Naomi..... ........... ..108 Natlyl^*.. ...... ........ 108 Neander... ......... ...... 107 Naweaitle. ....... v.. ».••.. 106 Na wlB gtio w .. .,......«««».» UW •■rf .;-■■■ ^^-- VI Uti>EX or TUNB8. Jf^. • ••••«••« >••»»••< • ••••■•••*•■•• • •••••• ■• ••••• •• •• New St. Ann («m WQtdiin) NottlnffHlU*....... Oldlit.. ..'.... ........... bldSMh OldMtb... Old UTtb.... OUvet*....... Oliniiis ••••■•••••••••■••#& Paleitiln* Peteriwrongh Phlllppt..... ' Fratorinp • • • BkTonibnii^ Batign»tlon Bert St. Agnee, Dnrluun*. .;■. . . . (Bit. Ambraee (mc SteggaU)* St Andrew St. AMpb... .•.«...... .'i^*. KK. A n n ........ . . . . . . .... St. Bemud*... St David;..... StBthelreda... St Frances* St Fnlbert*..,.', ....i .... St George... St Oregori^.. ........;.... St Hngn* . ...• ...••. ofb- vamwi-. ............... H*. JkllCIa .^..4. ...a., a... , St Xawjrenee ............. St Lcwnaid* . .v.. . .. .. St Magnus.... St Margaret* . ,..»... .. . « 'Ov. Hi a i ^ .a. ....... *. ...' .... st Mat^iew. .......•••... St MatitiiMx •• •• •• •• •• •* Ow* J mn ver. . . .'...... ..'^. .. St Mlrren . .. i . ..... . . . . . . - Mb ^ wOve ••••>•* • ■ • • • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• t •• •• •• •« kti 177 lip 111 112 118 114 115 116 117 118 119 lao 121 122 128 124 126 164 12il 127 128 120 180 181 182 188 184 186 136 187 188 180 140 141 142 143 144 146 146 147 148 : ^ Mo. St Nloholaa.. 140 BtPanl. loa »»• Jr 6«6r •••••••••••*•••«§ ^<«y* St SaTloor* . .;. . . .... ..r. UB St Stephen .......> 168 St. ThomM •• " ".."• ".• 11^ SaUabnrjr .......*.. 166 Bftlibiifg •.•••••••••••••,•# 169 Seaxborpngh 168 Sheffield ....... .-^ k..< 160 Solomon ^ - . . . ..... 100 Sonthwark. ...... ..a...... 161 Sonthwold* ...... . .. .i.. 162 opoiur ••••«•«• •• •••••'••••• Xv9 Steggall*.. aa a. .... a; a. .. 164 Stockton a.... «. .. 165 Strondwater .....a.. 166 Sndele7*aaa.. 167 xai ii B ...................... Jioo TlvertoD.... ............. 160 Tottenham ......... a . . . 170 Trm* .. a. .aa. ...... ...... 171 UnlTenity.. .«.. .a a 172 Walaal .. 178 Warbnrton.... ...... 174 Warwick ........... a a 175 WestnUQater *............ 176 Wtttshlrtf^, ...... ........ 177 - TO"«<<'««**r- .......... .. . . 178 'Windsor (set Dnndee) ..... 67 Znlngle.....^. BEFBATINO TOMBS.' Baatgate ...... ..*..■.... -loss InTocattto. .....^.. .. .a.^... 188 Bedemptlon. . ............ 184 St<%Mirge'a»Edlnbiirgh... 186 fSuiOBf. SHORT MBTKBL 186- Baden.................... 187 Boyliton.; 188 Cambridge ............... 180 ii»a r i i iie ..........;....... i8w JL^ennu ... . . .............. xm* Doncaater ......... a ...... 102 Franeonia ...... ........ ..108 Hagar ....... a. .a.aa/a.... 104 HamptOn.aa aa a. aa aa 106 Ivarenaa **t9^»'^»»^**^**t« lOo ■ Old 184th. ... .. ..... .... .. 107 POtldam. a a a a 108 fVagUe ..a a a • .a... .. .. .. .. IW St Bride .c.*. . . 200 8tMar]rAbbotta....a...a 201 St Olai (St George)* a . a a . 202 OOuuA* •'•• ••'•• •• •••• •••••• TiflKi Serenity*^ aa..... 204 Shirland..........,........206- SUchester ............. a .. 200 SOnthWeU .. . . aa .. .. a ... aa 207 OWftDUk ••••«•••• •• •• •• •• •• sUS Zorioh.. .. .. ., ...........a 209 VBOUtlAB 1IETB& LeQchara* .... ..••• 210 St Cecilia* .r. ...... a 211 Sigillua. a ; a 212 Dolomite Chant ... a ^8. Oldl24tbaa.a.a....a...... 214 Blckleigh*.. ....;..,...... 215 DarwalL. . ...••... aa 216 Qhenta. ..V. 217 St John's a .. .. 219 Ab«rde«ai*a. ...... a. ...... 219 .^■•■' -■ •;■■■ ■; OHAMTS. Ko. vonunon Chanta .. .. .. .. .... .. .. *• .. ... *. ..... .. ? * TszirwXis Single Chants.. .. 221-232 DonbleCliants ......... ^..a.. a 288-288 Metrical CSiants .. ............. .a aa a. •• .. 260-878 ..». ......... 18(K ..;....... 187 ......... 188 .180 ......... 100 ,. 101- ......... 101 ......... 108 ..;/ 104 ......... 106 :........ lOfl ......... 107 .......;. 108 100 I • • • • i^a • • • . 2wA^ I......... 201 ge)»..... 202 ......... 208 .. 204 ........... JOS' ......... 206 ..../... 207 208 »•■•••••«« SXnf - 1ISTB& .......... SIO ......... m ......... 2ii ns ......... 214 ......... M6 216 ......... 217 ......... 21$ 219 V THii PSALMS. OF DAVID. -'5 fi \ / I ' ^; r 1 (Pfcoltl8-M.»«.ftr.) AirOfiXJl' 80HO.-L.M. Ok^doOimowHO©^ Thoaihalt » - rlie, md met - oy „ yrt Thou to mount a • on dwlt n-tmd: Her time for f» - tout which wm >et, Be - hold, !• now oome to en ^d. 1^ vi'^Vf^ l^l f ^'.V I ■"■Ml 4»S :-^ ■ ■' ;rHE psjIlmb of david : IN METRE. -M- 11 B«(for«l; Ta«i»; OM «. m 1 That man hath perfect blessedness who valketh not astray In oouns(d of ungodly men, nor stands in sinners' way, ' Nor sitteth- in the «coiner's chair : [in/ 2 But placeth his delight Upon'Ood's law, and meditates . on his law day and night.' ; 3 He shall be like a tre&that groyrs pear planted by a river, Which in his sotebn yidds his fruit, and his leaf fadeth never : And all he doth ediall prosper welL 4 The tricked are not so ;i:' But like they are uiito the chaff , t wluch wind drives to and fro. <i) m 5 In judgitteht therefore shall not stand such as ungodly are; Nor in th* assembly of the just shall wicked men appear. fnfQ For why? the way of godly men unto the Lord is known : Whei;eas the way of wicked men diall quite be overthrpwfi. ^ C^fdtiB. Tork; Watmintter. ^ m 1 Wht rage the heathen? and Vain things why do the people mind ? 2 Kings of the earth doset themselvesj iuid princes are combin'd, To, plot against the Lord, and liis Anointed, saying thus, mtf 3 Let us asunder break ^eir bands,^ and oast their cords from u«. N,-^ When blgli the (iMT'ii'lj tern • pla tUndi, The home of Ood not made with h«nd% A. great High I^rleetoiir ii»-tiu«we<tfs, The goA^ n^ui-klnd Ap-peun, PSAIiMS IL. III.^ IV. I I M 4 He that in heaven sits shall laii^^l* ; ti»e Lord shall scorn Ui«n all. 6 Then shall he speak to them in wra^, in Tii/ge. he vex them shall. , / € Yet, notwithstanding, I hav6 him. to be my King appointed ; / And over Sion, my holy hill, / I have him Kong anointed. / - 7 The sure decree I wiU dedarei the Lord hath said to me, ' iii^ . Thou art mine .only Son ; UuIb day , . I have Ijegotten thee. / 8 Ask of me, and for heritage the heathen I'll make thine ; And, for possession, I to thee will give earth's utmost line. „ / 9 Thou shalt, as with a weighty rod. of iron, break them all ; And, 'as a potter's sherd, thou shalt them dadi in places small. mlO Now therefore,ldngs,be wise; betaught, ye judges of the earth : 11 Scffve'^od in fear, an^fsee that ye join trembling with your ipirth. l ^TTiM yft tha Son, lest in his ire 3 - St Ann. Chantm. m 1 O LoBD, how are my foes increas'd? against me many rise. 2 Mtmy siety of my soul, mp For him mp in God no succour lies. mf 3 Yet thoii my shield and gk)ry art, th' uplitter of mine head. 4 I cry'd, and, from his'Holy hill, the X^ord me answer madd. / 5 1 laid me down and slept, I wak'd ; for God sustained me. / 6 Twill not fear though thousands ten " >set round agiainst me be. m 7 Arise, O Lord r save me, my God; " for thou my^oes hast stroke All on the bheek-bone, and the teeth of wicked men hast brqke. / 8 Salvation doth ai^rtain untothe Lord alone: ' Thy blessii^, Lord, for evermore thy people is upon. m 1 GivB ear ttiitb me when I caU, Grod of my righteousness : Have mercyjhear my pray'r ; ethou hast enlarg'd me in distress. ye perish from, the way, If omce his wrath begin to bum : Uese'd all that on him stay. ^ALUM, IBIfk (Pw. IvtU.) 001llfAin>lISllT&— L.1L 00mmmrrmMfmltm^. IML A 4 A A J Lj J J. pmr^T-r Whwe high the i»e»Vn'ly t«iii - pl« »Und», The houB* of Ood not made wltb hande, A great High Priest our na - ture weart, The guard -Ian of man-hind ap-pean. A-J^AA^ "^ H'^\ft\j'^^ -^T'-j.'-'^'^JiSSfitidmmtmm PSALUS IV., ▼. Ifi^ 2 O' ye the sons of men ! how long will ye lova vanities ? How long my glory tiurn to shaiiiea uid will ye follow lies ? ' 3 But know, that for himself the Lord the godly man doth choose: The liordj, when I cm him do ooU; to hear will not refuse. |»p 4 Fear, and sm not ; talk with your heart . on bed, and (dlent be. k 6 OfTiings present of ^hteousness; aiid in the Lord trust ye. 6 :|iirho will is^ow us any gqod? is that which many say : 1/ But of thy coimtraance the light, Lord, UEt on us alway. 7 Upon my heart, bestow'd by thee, more gladness I have found ' Than they, ev'n then, .>^hen com uid did most with them abound. [win§^ 8' I will both lay me down in peaoQn and quiet deep will take ; Because thou only me'tp dmrell in safety/Lord, doBt make. h mp m 2 Hear my loud <*y, my King, my God ; ipr I to thee will pray. 8 Lord, thou shalt early hear my voice : I early will direct My i»ay'r tp the6 ; and, looking tiR an anslvex' will expect. 4 For thou art not a dod that doth . in Mckedness delight ; Neither shall evil dwell with thee, : Nor fools stand in thy sight* All that ill-doers are thou hat'st ; Cutt'st oflf that liars be : [6 bloody and deceitful man ^abhbt^ia l^ thee. Hut I into' tiiy house will onne in thine abundant grace ; And I will worship in thy fear toward thy h$4y plaofs. ^S-j^Because of those mine enemies j ■yf Lord, in thy righteousness Bo thou me lead ; do thou thy way make Bttaight before my face. & For in their mouth there is ho truth, their mward part is ill ; Their throat 's an open wipulchre, their tongue doth flatter still. 10 O tSod, destroy them ; let them be by thdr own oouiuel quell'd : 1 1 GiVB ear imtq my wordaf, O Lord, my meditation weigh. .\ (P»r. nzv.) cx>]iinmioH.~LJL Dr.Miun. IMT^ ■TwM on thatnlfht^wheiidoom'dtolmoilr fit* •• • gwnci of «▼* - 17 fM, Tfa»t night In whioh he wis be-tny'd, Th«S«T • lour of the world toddcbrMd. P8ALH8 Ym VI* m 8 10 » Them for their many Bin? cast out, for they 'gainst thee rebell d. /ll But let all joy that trust in thee, fcid still make shouting nowe^r _! _^9 For them thou sav'st : let aU that love-j-'^ « thy name in thee rejoice. 12 For, Lord, imlKthe righteoiw man thou wttt^y blessing yield : ^ With favour thou wilt compass hm» about, as with a Bhi9ld. ' p 1 XoBD, in thy wrath rebuke me not ; Nor in thy hot npe chasten me. 2 Lord, pity me, f^ I am wedt : H^ me, for my boi»« v«ced be. 8 My soul is also vexed sore ; But,liord,howlongstay wiltthoumaker e 4 Ketom, O Lord, my soul set free ; O save me, for thy mfflpraes* sake. • B Because those that deceased are Of thee shall ho remembrance have ; !>' And who iKi» that will to thee k^ « Giv e pr ai se s lyi n g in the grave? mp « I ^**» "*y groaniW wisary *m, > I also all the night my bed Have caused for to swim ; and ?[_ With team my couch have watered. ^V^ Mineeye,consum'dwithgrief,groW8old, Because of all mine enemies. Hence from me, wicked workers aU ; For God hath heard my weepi^ cnes, God hath my supplication heard, ily pray'r received graciously. _^ Sham'd and sore vex'd be all my foes, Sham'd and back turned suddenly. . ANOTHKB VKBftlON OF THK BAMB. V^ L In thy great indignation, O Lord, rebuke me not; ^ Nor on me lay thy chast'nmg hand, . in thy displeasure hot Lord, I am weak, therefore on tne have inercy, and me spare: ■- Heal me, O Lord, because thouknow'st my bones much vexed are. My flonlis vexed sore : but, I^ how^fcW Btay wilt thou make? Return, Lord, free my soul ; and save me, for thy mercies' Mke. Beeanaeof^" 2 8 foamMo^yy «— «»» —-, — — •: — •T" no more remembrance be : Of those that in the grave do 11^ who shall give thanks to thee? 6 (^^'^■*>'^^'>- DOVBBSDAXJB.-LJI. MAUVMi.muitmf. O Lard. Ihou^ri m, God «.d King; Th.. 1U I inn • -I ^ IT »« P»«^ I win th..bl.%«d,Ud-ly d»f IT..to iky ho - ly li— -•'^ PSALMS VI., VII. IMP 6 I with my groa^iing weary am, and all the nig^t my bed I cauaed for to swim ; with tears my couch I Watered. 7 By reason of my vezixi^ grief mine eye oonsmned is ; T It waxeth old, because of all that be mine e&emies. m 8 But now, depart from me all ye that work iniquity : V Forwhy?theLordhathheardmyvoice, when I did mourn and ery. 9 Unto my supidication . the Lord did heiujng give : When I to him my prayer make, the Lord will it receive. 10 Let all be sham'd uid troubled sore that en^es are to ine ; Let thran turn back, and suddenly^ ashamed let them be. Bangor; Si. induias. CAatU ML 1 Lord my Gk)d, hi thee do I , my confidence repose : . my persecoting foes ; 2 Lest that the enemy my soul - / should, like a Hgn, te^r, ^ / In pieces rending it, wltile there is no deliverer. flip 3 O Lord my God,~ if it be so that I committed this ; . If it be so that in my handtf iniquity there is : 4 If I rewarded ill to him that was at peace with me ; p (Yea, ev'n the man that, without cause iny foe was i did free ;) nip 5- Then let the foe pursue and take my soul, and my li^ thrust Down'to tiie earth, and let him lay mine honour hi the dust fli/ 6 Rise in thy wrath, Lend, raise thyself, : for my foes raging be; And, to the jud^^ent which thou hast commanded, wake for nte. 7 ^o ihall th' assembly of thy folk Thou,' therefore, for their sakeB, return unto thy place on high. ^; my judge, JEHOVAEi, be. After my xightepusness, and mine integrity in mi^ ^ ^ <iik «lTk»-M|,<M.Mn) irnKMAnom. vmvm t R.//V r l | ;^r^ | -=^ J^ V X if^-^i-, Ooodon-to aU man li the Lord: 0'«rftUhU works hla mar-ey Ik' ThyworkaallpralMto thea tJ • ford: Th7i»inU,0 Lord, thjr luune ahall bleM. Ij r ^rr iSlPr ^r r^^==^iidiffi^£^^ PSALMS VIL, VIIL mp9 6 let the wicked's malice end ; M but Btabligh stedfastly . The righteoug : for the righteoiw God the hearts and reins doth try. /lO In God, who saves th' upright in heart, is my defence and stay, m 11 God just men jiidgeth, God is wroth ^ ; with ill men ey'ry day. ; . \]^If he do not return again, * y then he his sword will whet ; Hia bow he hath already bent, and ^th it ready Bet : 13 He also hath for him prepar'd the instruments of death ; Against the persecutors he his bIu^ ordained hath. ; Mjpi4 Behold, he with iniqtnty * doth travail, i* in birth ; A mischief he conceived hath, - and falsehood shall bring forth. 15 He made a pit, and digg'd it deep, anoUier there to take ; «i But he is i|ftIFn into the ditch . which he himself did make. 16 Upon his o^ h ihW his mi s chief ahall be returned home ; His vilent dealing also down on hia own pate shall come. 8 /17 According to his righteousness theLordlTlma^ify; And will sing praise unto the name of God that is most high, 8 /I Wtitminfler: SawUy. Btow excellent in all the earth, Lord, our* Lord, is thy name ! Who hast thy glory far advanc d . above the starry frame. , ,. _. 2 From ' infants' and from suckhngT mouth thou didest strength ordain, - For thy foes' cailse, that so thou might'st ' th' avenging foe restrain, 3 When I look up unto the heav'ns, which thine own fingers fram'd, Unto the moon, and to the stars, which were by thee ordain'd; 4 Then say I^ mp What is man, that he remember'd is by thee ? , Or what the son of man, that thou BO Wnd to him should'st be ? it4 5 For thou a little lower hast mp him thin the angels made; 11^^ With glory and with dignity thou crowned hast his head. 7 (Tfc til. !-»«.•*••*•> LJf. Ullll^*«'« rr:'cr/^:^:Trlr:;-— ;^)^>^ t>8ALM8 VIII., Il 6 Of thy hands' works thou mad'st him all under 's feet didst lay; [lord, 7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and beasts that in the field do stray; 8 Fowls of the air, fish of the sea, all that pass through the same. / 9 How excellent in all the earth, LcHtt, our Lord, is thy name! 9 .} Chant m. F'«r. 1-12, Stroudwater, 18-20, Bett; leoniwm. /I Lord, thee I'U praise with all my thy wonders all proclaim. [heart, 2 In thee, Most High, 1*11 greatly joy, and sing unto thy kiame. m 8 When back my foes were tum'd, they and perish'd at thy sights [fell, 4 For thou maintain 'dst my right and cause; on throne sat'st judging right. 5 Hie heathen thou rebuked hast, tiie wicked overthrown; Thou hast put out their names, that may never more be known. [tiiey 6 O en'my ! now destructions have an end parpetual : Thou cities raz'd, peiiah'd wit is their memoriaL m 7 God shall endure for aye; he doth 'I',' for judgment set his throne; ^ 8 In righteousness to judge the world, justice to give each one. 9 God also^will a ref uge be for those that are oppiress'd; . / A refuge will he be in times of trouble to distress'd. m 10 And they that know thy name, in thee their confidence will place : For thou hast not forsaken them t^t truly seek thy face. /U O sing ye praises to the Lord^ t that dwells in Sion hill; And all the nations among V bis deeds record ye sUlL ml2igton he enquireth after blood, then rememb'il^h them : humble folk he nbtYoigets that call upon his name, flip 13 Lord, pity me ; behold the grief wUich I from foeif sustain ; Ev'n thou, who from the gates of death dost raise ine up again; iH^14 That I, in Sion's daughters' gates, W 'j^, Tsbhv may all thy praise advance; And that I may rejoice always in thy deliveranoe. . -9 ;■■ , f (Pa «u. U-O, M«. Mr.) BLT.-LJL DMlMl Thou ilult • - riM. and mn-fj yet Thdo to tnoniitSl - on dudt island: ■Vm Mm* for fa- toot «hl«hwM mI, B« • hold, to nowoooM to M mO. ^W ^ ^ J^J P8 ALMS IX., X. m 16 The heathen are imnk in the pit f which they themseiveB prepar d ; And in the net which they Wave hid their own feet fast are snarU 16 The Lord in by the judgment known which he himself hath wrought: The sintieni' hands do make the snares wherewith themselves are caught, p 17 They who are wicked into hell each one shall turned be; And all the nations that forget io seek the Lord most high. \nl8For they that needy are sh^ not V forgotten be alway; The expectation of the poor shall not be lost for aye. , W19 Arise, Lord, let not man prevail ; judge heathen in thy sight :. ^ 20 That they may know themselves but the nations, Lord, affright ims^i m Fer. 1-11, Jtgiw- 12^18, MortyM jc^nt »t «^ 1 WoKBiroBS iB it that thou, O Lord, ° dost stand from UB afar ? _ And wherefore hidest thou thyself when times so trouWoug are ? ' ■ 10' ■ The wicked In his loftlnei* doth persecute the poor : ^ , , In these devices they have f ram a let them be taken sure. 3 Thewicked of his heart's desire doth talk with boasting great; He blesseth him that's covetous, whom yet the Lord doth hate. . 4 The wicked, through his pnde of laoe, on God he doth not call; And inthe counsels of hw heart th^Sbrd is not at all, 4ay s they always grievous are ; ly judgments from his sight ,^ovedarer: atallhisfoeB he puffeth with despite. ^ ; Within his heart he thus hath BMd, I shall not moved be; And no adversity at all shall ever come to me. His mouth with cursing, fraud, deceit, is fill'd abundantly; . And underneath his tongue there la 6 »7 migchief and vanity. 8 He doeely sits in villages; he slays the innocent: Against the poor that pass hun by his cruel eyes are bent. 9 ("Hjr»»a") Dr. MAM*. UK Th* ipiUJloai ttf - mft- in«»t on high, with allth* blM • • tiw • ml <*y. fram*. Th»lrgw.tO - rif • I ■ n»l !»«> - ^^^^^ - fp ■• ■ • 1*8ALMB X., XL 9 He, lion-like, lurks in hia den; he waits the poor to take ; And when he draws ^him in his net, his prey he doth him make. 10 Himself he humbleth very low, he orouoheih down withal, That so a midtitude of poor may by his strong onies fall. * 11 He thus hath said within his heart, The Lord hath quite forgot ; He hides his ooimtenanoe, and he for evOT sees it not. sv'UO Lord, do thou arise; O God, lift up thine hand on high: Put not the meek afflicted ones out of thy memory, mp 13 Why is it that the wicked man thus doth the Lord despise ? M Because that God will it require ' he in his heart denies. p Hyhon hast it seen ; e for their nuschi^f e and spite thou wdt renay : m Hie poor commits himself to thee; thou art the orphan's stay. 15 The aim break of the wiokod man, and of the evil one ; Do thou seek out his wickedness, until thou iBsdest none. /16 The Lord is king through ages all, ev'n to eternity ; The heathen people f nmi his land are perish'd utterly. m 170 Lord, of those that humble are thou the desire didst hear; Thou wilt prepu« their heart, and thou to hear wilt bend thine ear; n^l8 To judge the fatherless, and those ' that are oppressed sore ; That man, that is but sprung of earth, may them oppress no more. . . \\ 8LNiau>l(u. ChaniSSJ. n^ 1 1 IN the liord do put my trust; how is it then tiiat ye Say to my soul, mp Flee, aA a bird, mp unto your mountain high? 2 For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, their shafts on string Uiey fit, ^iat those who upright are in heart . they privily may hit. m 3 If the foundations be destroy'd, what hath the righteous done? . ntf 4 God in his holy temple is, in heaven is his throne: His eyes do see, his eyelids try 6 men's sons. The just he proves: 11 xo hi r/i h^ i % I i ;1 .A (p..«i..iT-ti.-.^.) svmM Hniir.-L.it T«o«^T4i*«.uik Th« Lord li Juat In hU wajrs aU, •1) U And ho . V •» bla worka M«h 00*, H«.n«r to •!) U»| on himodl. Who onU in Irnlli o» hln ••loo* . I .fSALMB XI., XII., XIII. mp But Wb soul hate* tho vf^eA man, and him that vi'lenoe love*. 6 Smhmi, firo and brimstone, furiouii on sinnew he »h»U rain : [utormH, in TW", •■ the portion of their oup, doth into them pertain. > / 7 3«cau«*t"the Lord most twbt«OU*. doth in righteousneM delig^l And with a pleaatot oodl,^ beholdeth the upright. "^ 12 Dundet i CoUtMU. Chani mp 1 HitP, Lord, because the g" ^oth-daQy fade away ; ; And fpm among the aons of men the faithful do decay. 3 Unto lUB neighbour eVry one doth utter vanity: ' , They with a double heart do speak, and lipe of flattery. M/ 3 Qod ^iuJl cut off aU flatt'ring Ups, tonUes that spe*k proudly thus, m 4 We'ufwith our tongue prevail, our hps m 6 The words of Ood arc words most pure: they be like "silver try'd In earthen fiumace, seven times that hath||p» purify'd. 7 Lord, thou shalt them preset for ever from this race. ,.^ — mp 8 On each side walk the wicked, when vile men are high in place. 18 Marttri: St. KiUia. Chamtm. .> 1 Ho* long wilt thou forget me, Lord f i^ it for ever be? ' 9^f 5 For pwr oppressed, and for the sighs of needy, rise will I, Saith God, and him in safety set fropi such as him defy. O^dNr long shall it be that thou Wt hide thy face from me ? - 2 How long take counsel in my-eoul, still sad in heart, shall I? How long exalted over me shall be mine#ttemy ? MP 3 O Lord my God, consider well, and answer to me make: . d Mine eyes enlighten, lest the deep of death me Overtake: mp 4 Lest that mine enemy should say, P Agiuuisthimlprevail'd; And tho s e t hat troubl e me rejo i ce. mp when I am mov'd and fail'd. m 5 But I have all my confidence thy mercy set upon; r' 11 c^o ILriAOOIIBE-I*.lf. 9t.U mm M»T. Witt, mirth. hU p«Im forth Ull. Co«. y l*-^ «»,-« " PflALMB XIII., XIT^) XV. > me rejoioe, My heart within lue fihall rejoice in thy lutlvAtion. / 6 I will unto the Lord my Ood «ing praiMii^eerfuny, B4||p|B hel^Mh hia ITCe abundantly. I heliafh hia bounty abowii [4 "^Day. C*o«<?a5. 1 That there is not a God, the fool doth in hijB heart conclude : They are corrupt, their worka tore vile; not one of them doth good. 2 Upon men's aons the liOtd fnwn heav'n did cast his eyea abroad, ^^ To see if any understood, and did seek after God, i They altogether filthy are, ^ p they all aside are gone ; And there b none that dpeth gt)od, yea, sure there is not one. 4 These workers of iniquity do they not know at aU, That they my people eat as bread, and on God do not call? 5 There fear*d they mnch; fear God ig th^ whole race««f the just [with 6 You shame the counsel of the poor, because,JG^ is his trust - ■■ ■ ' -'.' "tit' nv^ 7 Let Tsr'era help from Rion come t / when bock the Lord shall bring Hia eaptivea, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall sing. . ,1ft . Reiignation; Haym, wp 1 Within thy tabernacle. Lord, who shall abide with thee? And hi thy high and holy hill who shall a dweller be ? m 2 The man that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, And as he thinketh in his heart, 8o doth he truth express. 3 Who doth not slander with lili tongue, nor to his friend doth hurt; . Nor yet against his neighbour doth take up an ill report vsf 4 In whose eyes vile men are despis'd; but those that God do (ear He honoureth ; and changeth not, \ though to his hurt he swear. 5 His coin puta not to usury. / nor take reward will he Against the guiltless. /Who doth thiw shall never moved be. 18 (rLaif.i*4^mMr.) ]1,Q St, Leohard; St. Francu. Chant iSL ml LoRDi keep ino ; for I trust in thee. fnp2 To Ood thus was my speech, M Thou ut my Lord ; an^ unto thee , my goodness dodi not readi : 8 To saints on earth, to th' excellent^ where my delight 's all placi'd. mp A Their bcktqwb shall be mtdtiply'd ■ to other gods that haste : Qt their drink-offerings of blood I will no oaring make ; YeiS -neither I their very names up in my lips will take, m 6 God is of mine inheritance i and cup the portion; Th%lot that fi^en is to me. thou dost maintain aliane. * trfo Unto me happily the lines in pleasant places fell; Tea, the inheritance I got in beauty doth excd. 7 I bless the Lord, because hedoth by counsel me conduct ; . '/^ . \. ■ — And in the seasons of the night~7~ my reins do me instruct. m 8 Before me still tiie Lord I a^ f siUi it is so that he U ■:■■.■ r- Doth ever stand at my right hand, I shall not moved be.s ■ . n^ 9 Because of this my heairt is glad, , and joy shall be expi^t Ev'n by my gloi^ ; anji my flesh in confidence shall rest. 10 Because my soul in giriave to dwell shaU not be left by Ihee ; Nor wilt uiott give thine Holy One corruption to see. /ll Thou wilt me show the path of life : of jo]^ there is full store Before thy face t at thy right hand are pleasures evermore. 17 titdroie: St^Margarai Chant ti6. m 1 Lord, hear the right, attend my cry, unto my pray'r give heed» •/Hiat doth not in hypocrisy from feigned lips proceed. 2 And from before thy presence forth my sentence do thou send : Toward these thingn tiiat equal are do thou thine eyes intendi 3 Thou prov'dst mine heart, thcni vint'dst by night, thou didst me try, [me Yet nothing fotmd'st; for that my shall not sin, purpos'd L [mokith Dr, J. MAnrm. 13 (i^c..A-^> MAi^ AH ~.-pl. «»» »»«»«' «• *•*««' «• a. Lorf III. A«r.M Td«. ■MMMa PSALMB XVi.L» XVIII. m 4 As for men's works, I, by the werd that froitt thy lips doth flow, Did me preserve out of the paths wherein destroyers go. mp 5 Hold »p my gou^, liord, me guide in those thy paths divine, , So that my footsteps may not slide out of those ways of thine, m 6 I called have on Uiee, O God, because thoii wilt me hear : That thou inay'st hearken to my speech, to me incline thine ear. iH^ 7 Thy wondrous loving-kindness shbw, thou tJiat, by thy right haiid, Sav'st them that trust in thee from that up against them stand, [those m 8 As th' apple of the eye me keep ;, in thy wings* shade me dose _ 9 FMim lewd oppressors, compassing me round, as deadly foes. 10 In their, own fat they ar© indos'd ; their mouth speaks loftily. 11 Our steps tiiey oompass'd; and to down bowing set their eye. [ground 12 He Uke unto a lion is that's greedy of Ms prey, Ot lion young, which lurking doth in secret plftOM stay. fnflS Arise, and disappoint my foe, and cast him down, O Lord : My soul 9ave from the wicked man, the man which is thy sword, m 14 From men, which are thy hand, O from worldly men me save, {Lord, Which only in this present life their pMPt and portion have. ■ ■ . • ■ Whose belly with thy treasure hid tiiou fill'st : they children have In plenty ; of their goods the rest they to their children leave. /15 But as for me, I thine own fa4se in righteousness will see ; : And with thy likeness, when I wake, 7 Isatisfy'dshaUbe; 1 Q Fen 16, SalUibunt: LatucuUr. \ I\ lQ^ao,Oreenwidi: Betigfumtm. i Sl-BO,St.Maffntu; Tottenham. J wrf 1 Theb will I love, O Lord, my strength. 2 My fortress is the Lord, My rock, jmd he tha* doth to me deliver a nce a fford My God, my strength, -whom I >"^ trust, abuckler unto me, ■■ .■.■'IB ■ "-.. •■' !*•" 14 0^ <alT. 17-n, •«>. wr.) MELOOMBV—T Iff « JL,-:^_^^ y ^^^^M=d^:f^^^=^J^~£L ^^^ I>8ALM XVIII. e The horn of my salyation, iEmd jny high tow'r, is he. ' m 3 Upton the Lordj who worthy is of imuses, will I cry ; , «ir Aiid iJien shaU I pre^ > safe from mine enemy^ mil 4 Floods of ill men afiMghted me, deat];i's pangs about me went; 6 Hell'is sorrows me environckl ; death's snares did me prevent w 6 In my distress I call'd on Grod, - cry to my God did I; vif He from his temple heard iniy voice, to his eai^ came my cry. «» 7 Th' earth, as aflfnghtftd, then did shake, treinbling uponit seiz'd : ■ The hills' foundjations moved were, because he was displeas'd. 8 Up fromhis'nbstrils came a smokcj and from his mouth there came BevQuring firiB, imd (^^ were turned into flame. 9 He also bowed down the heav'ns, and thence h» did descend ; And fliickert. clouds of d«rkneB8 did ^~ under his feet attend. •j^lO And he upon Acherub rode, and therebn^Hdld fly ; ■■■.■;■ iA * Yea, on the swift wings of the wind his flight was from oh high. mp 11 He darkness made his secret idace : ■ about him, for his tent, Dark waters were, and thickest clouds ' of th' airy finnament. m 12 And at We brightness of that lights which was before his eye, i likf His thick clouds pass'd away, hailstones and coials of fire did fly. / /13 The Lord God also in the heav'ns did thunder in Ms ire ;. / And there the Highest gfive,)iis voice, : hailstones and coals of fire^ II Yea, he his arrows sent abroad, and them lie scattered ; His lightnings also he shot out, and them disoomfited. ' * m IB The waters' <diannels then Were seen, the world's foundations vast At thy rebuke c^jEscover'd were, and at thy nostrils' blast. ntfl^ And from above the Lord sent down, and took me from below { v From numy waters he me drew, ':':■, which would me overflow. 17 He me reliev'd from my strong foes, , and such as did me hate ; i »»■. 1740-1817. All peo • pie that on earth do dwells Sing" to the I^rd with oheer-fnl roioe. senre with mirlih, hia praiae forth tell, Come ye be • fore him and re • Joloe. j '■j J ri \ ,i,^ m ^ ^ fn* ^ g g; ** ^^ f4-r r; f i l ^ PSALM XTIII. Because he saw that they for me too stroi^ were, and too great. I m 18 They me prevented in the day of my calamity ; But even then the Lord himself a stay was unto me. 19 He to a place where liberty and room was hath me brought ; Because he took delight in me, he my deliv'rance wrought. Im 20 Apbording to my righteousness he did me recompiense, fle me repaid according to my handi^' pure innocence. ' • 21 For I (}od's wajrs kept, from my 6od did not turn wickedly. 22 His judgments virere before me, I his laws put nqt fix>m me. .23 Sincere before him was my hewrt, ■-. with him upright was I ; And watchfully I kept mysetf from mine iniquity. 24 After my righteousness the Lord hath recompensed me. After the cleanness of my hands appearing in his eye., 25 Thou gracious to the gracious art, to uprit^t men upiigfat : ) 26 Pure to tihe pure, froward thou kyth'st unto the frowibtl wight. «(/27 For thou wilt the afflicted save in grief that low do lie ! But wilt bring down the countenance of them whose Idoks are high. /28 The Lord wiH light my candle so, ; that it shall shine full, bright: v ° The Lord my God wMl also make my darkness to be light. 29 By t^ee through troops of men Ibreak, and them discomfit all; And, by my God assisting me, ' I overleap a wall. ^ * mdO As for €rbd, perfect is his way : the Lord his word is fay'd ; tnf He is a buckler to all,thoBe who do in him confide. 31 Who but the Lord is God? but lie I who is a rock and stay ? % 'Tis God that girdeth me with stoength, and perfect makoB my way. I 2Si He made my feet swift aa the hinds, i set fpe on liay high placqg. 84 Mine hands to war he taught, iaaine brake bows of ste6l in pieces, [arms SSllie shield of thy salvation thou didst on me bestow : «iMA)W 16 ' (P*. c..>»i wr.) . . Oil) IOO/OL-^LM, HanDonlMdtifT. L. Hatut. Aaatiult Farm. ■■■■>■ f a I f i i^^y AH peo.i)l«th.t on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer -ftU volk Him lerve with nUrth, hi. pralie forth tell, Come ye be - fore him and re • Jolce. PSALM XVIIL ni^ Thy light hand held me up, and great ! . tiiy kindnesa made me grow. 86 And in my way my Btepe t^ou hast enlarged under me, That I go 9afely, and my feet ; . , are kept irom sliding free. ,m 87 Mine en'mies I pursu^ have, and did them overtake ; Nor did I turn again till 1 t^ an end of them did make/ 88 1 vp^Qunded them, they could not rise ; they at my feet did fall. 89 Thou girdedst me with strength for .'war;. ^ • niy. foes thou brought'st down all : 40 And thoii haiat giv'n to me the necks < of all mine enemies ; That I might them destroy and slay, iriio did against me rise; / 41 They cried out, but there was none thif^t would (HT could them save ; Tea»^tbey did cry unto the Lord, mp but he no answer gave. V42Then did I beat them small ak dust before the wind^that flies ; And I did cast th^n out like dirt upon the street that lies. m 43 Thou mad'st me free from people's strife, and heathen's head to be : A people whom I have not known shall semce do to me. 44 At heiuing j^ey shall me obey, to me they shall submit. 45 Strangers 4ot fear shall fadb away^ who in close places sit. 11^46 €^ lives, bless'd be my Rock ; tiie God ' of my health praised be. 47 6bd doth avenge me, and subdues tfie people under me. 48 He saves me. ^ni mine enonies ; ^ea* thou hast lifted me Above my fo^; and from the " 'Uian - - of vilence set me free. /49 Therefore to tiiee will I give thanks the heathen folk among ; And to thy name, O Lord, I will smg praises in a song. . 50 He great deliv'rance gives his king t he mercy doth extend cydol I, Ms To Darid, Ms anointed one, and his seed without end. >)rT.L.HATBLT. Old Oomuti Chond*. 17 (:N.M.,Mdvtr.y OLD 8AZ0NT.— IbM. ^ J 'ri ^ J, J ^ EE p' l f p! ;fi;J | ^Xiir' i i^ fJr^ Lord, In thf wnth re -bake me not; Nor in thjr hot r*Ko chaa-ten qaei Lord, pi ' ty me, for I uAweftk: Ueftl me, for my bones vex - ed W ^ ^\ a^ \ ^y ^Yp^U\^r^ J -J A ,\: j:n A J. A J ans 9 from people's my Rock ; the PSALMS XIX., XX. I Q r«r.I-6, Oxford ; Crediton. 1 /- . -,- ^^ 7-U,Iuiven>bnrg: Moravia. \<^^^- mif 1 Thk heav'ns GtKl's glory do declare, the skies his hand- works preach : 2 Day utteris speech to day, and night to night doth knowledge te&ch. 8 Hiere is no speech nor tongue to which - their voice doth not extend : 4 Their line is gone through all the earth, : their words to the world's end. tn In tiiem he set the sun a tent ; 5 Who, brid^room-like, forth goes From's chamber, as a strong nuuti doth to run his race rejoice. 6 From heav'n's end is hifi goij^ forth, circling to th*^ end again ; And there is nothing from his h6at that hidden doth remain, ff^ 7 Grod's law is perfectj and converts the soul in sin that lies : , God's testimony is most sure, . : uid makes -the simple wise. . 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, ' and do rejoice the heart : > The Lord's ^iCTnmandi light to the eyes impart, m 9 Unspotted is the fear of God, and doth endure for ever : and doth The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous~altogether. mfXOThey more thioin gold, yea, much fine to be desired are :l [gold^ Than honey, honey from the comb that droppeth, sweeter far. 11 Moreover, they thy servant warn - how he his life should frame : . A great rew^ provided is / ■'■ ■ for them that keep the same. ■mp 12^110 can his errors understand? ; ' O cleanse thou me within v'V :^<^' m 19 From secret faults. Thy servant keep from all presumptuous sin : And do not suffer them to have dominion over me : inf Then, righteous and innocent, I from much sin shall be. [ceed, m 14 The words which from my month pro- ' the thoughts sent from my heart, . c Accept, O Lord, for thou my strengUi and my Redeemer art. SO' ' SudeUy: Durham^ mpT. B Jehovah h< when troubl( Andlet'the /'thee from thee in the day .he doth send : le of J&cdb's God ill defend. 1» V OTTEBSOinUIK^IiJl im-iiok The tpft-doai fir • nu- ment on high, Wlth»llthe bine e- the • rSel Ocy, And ipen-gled he»T'iis, a ahin • Ing frame, Their great • rig - l-nal pnHjhdm..' m^44^4^ j'rY^i \ -'\ )\ ,.■;.<. .- v PSALMS' XX., X3ti. ; m 2 O let him help send from,above, ' out of his Wuictutuy : : From Sioi^ his own holy hill, let him giveystrength to theiB. S liiet him remtoiber all thy gifts, : accept thy sacrifice : i Grant the<a thine^heart's wish, and fulfil thy thoughts and counsel wise. / 5 In thy salvation we will joy ; ,. in our Grod's name we wUl Display ouir banners : audi the Jjord :; thy prayers all fulfil m6 iNiowknW I God his king doth save: / he frod^his holy heav'n Will heac him, with the saving strength hy his own rig^t hand giv'n. *» 7 In chariots some put confidence, • some horses trust upon: * . / ' But we re|nember will the name >-,>^ ' of our Lord God alone. 8 We rise, and upright stand, when they are bowed down, and faU. ^ • m9^ Deliver, Lord; and let thiS King ^ > ua hear, when we do calL / In thy salvation rejoice how veh'menUy shaJl he! tnf 2 Thou hast bestowed upon him all that his heart would have; And thou from him didst not withhold ' whftte'er his lips did crave. S For thou with blessings him prevent'st of goodness manifold ; « And thoi^ hast set upon his head a crowo of purest gold. *!/ 4 When h« desired life of thee, thou life to him didst give; « Ev'n such a length of days, that he Iba^evermore idiould live, m 6 In that salvation wrought by thee his glory ia made great ; Honour and comely majeatty thou hast upon h^ set. m/.6 Because that thou for evermore most blessed hast him made ; And thou hast with thy countenance ' made him exceeding glad. I 7 Because the king upon therliord his confidence doth lay ; Q\ 8t.AnH;Hayne.aiaiases.-' ' •if 1 THSldnginthygreatstrengitbiOLQrd, « shall vefy joyful be: "■'■■" .ao- ■ ■ ■ '■-.:■■■.■"-•■:- And through the grace of the Most High shall not be mov'd away. M 8 Thine hand shall all those meti find out that en'mies are to tiiee; v< 19 (Pi. air. 9^ 10^ Me. Mr.) PHILADSIiPHIA.— LJl W. B. BaASBomr. ■Rr. ri' rrir ivm' ' ' "rii.=(.~p i ("- r | i -^rrn Good nn- to aU m«n Is ttu Lord : (Ker all his works Us mer .- of isi Thy works sllinndse to thee af • fwd: Th]rsftlntB,0 Lord, thy nsmeshsU bUws. -JP' ^ - Uj— J^ -J-i^l r^^ljfrH^ r ' r .r ' r i^f ^ ^ =t aa: 2C jEC i i v^ PBALm ZZI., XXIL Ev'n thy right-hand shall find out those of thed thatliaters be.^ I '■»•■■' * ■ |aip 9 lake fiery ov'n thou shalt them make, when kindled is thine ire ; God shall them swallow in his wrath, devour them shall the fire. .10 Their fruit from earth thou shalt destroy, their seed men from among : 11 For they beyond their might 'gainst thee did plot mischief and wrong. i m 12 Thou therefore shalt mAe them turn back, -^ when thou thy shafts shalt place Upon thy strinj^, made ready all < • to fly ae^unst tJunr face. I /13 In thy great pow'rahd strength, OLord, be thou exalted high; # So shj^ we smg with joyful hearts, thy power pndse shall we. Ver. 1-21, meihire ; Old id. 22-81, IFtfncfcMter; iSt -^~. — - — L e onard. ' i Chants SBO (1-21); IP'I Mr^God, my God, why hast thou me f orssfken ? why so f ar Art th0u from helping me, aiKl from my Words tbttt roaring are? mp m m 2 All day, my God, to thee I ciy, yet am not heard by thee; And id the seaiBon of the night I cannot silent be> 3 But thou wt holy, thou that dost inhabit Isr'el's praLse. '4 Our fathers hop'd in thee, they hop'd, . and thoii di4st them release. ■ 6 "When unto thee they sent their cry, .. to them deliv'rance came : Because they put theur trust in thee, they were not put to shame. 6 But as for me, a worm I am, ,■*-. ■ and as no man am priz'd: Keproadi of men I am, and by the people am despis'd. 7 All that me see laugh me to BtJoni; . shoot out the lip do they ; ' They nod imd dudce their heads at nie, and, mocking, thus do say, d'This TDaga did trust in €kid, that he would free him by his might: Let him deliver him, sith he had in him such ddight. mp 9 But thou art he oiit of the t^onib that didst me saf^y take; "When' I was on my mother's Imasta tboa aoe to hope didst make. 20 (i^.»»tto BALSIOH.-^LJC. Whoreblfh ^* hMVii-iy torn • pl« itaBdi, Thahoiue of Ood not nude with huidi, A- gnat High Priatt oar n* - tor* wean, The giuurd - Imi of man-klnd ap'peui. PBAtH XXII. MjilO And I ^as cast upon thy care, ev'n from tine womb till now; i An<J from my mother's belly. Lord, my God and guide uli thou. j> 11 Be not far off, for grief is near, and npne to help is found 12 BuUa many oompass me, 'strong bulla ,v of Bashan me surround. , m 13 Their mouths they open'd wide on: n^e, ttpon me gape did they, LikS to a li(m ravening and roaring for his prey. plilake water I'm ppur'd put, my bones aUoiit of 'joint do parti .- ; Amidst my bowels, aiB the wadc^ ' 80 melted idi my heart r 15 My strength is like a potsherd dryVl;' my tongue it cteaveth fast ' Unto my jaws; and to the dust of dea^ thou brougtit me hast. ' 16 For dogs have compassed me about: * the ^oked, that did meet !bi tiiiaiif assembly, me ihdoe'd; they ineno'd my hands and feet 17 1 all my bones may tell ; they do upon me look and stare. . - 18 Up<m my vesture lots they <»st, .and elothea among them shara. / «p 19 But be not far, O Lord, my strengih : haste to give help to me. i20 Fnnn sword my soul, from pow'r of dogs my darling set thou free. 21 Out of the roaring lion's mouth do thou me shield /md save: m For from the horns of unicorns an ear to n\e thou gave. • ; , n\f22 1 will show forth thy name unto * those that my brethren are ; Amidst the congr^ath>n thy praise I will declare. 23 Praise ye the Lord, who do him fear; him glorify all ye ' The seed of Jacob ; fear him aU / that Ifflr'el's children be. ,y / 24 For he despis'd not nor abhonr'd /' th' jKfflicted>miseryV / Nor from tdm hid his face, but l^eard when he to hun did^^. /25 Within the congregation great my pnuse shall be of thee ; ^ : My. vows before them that him fear shall be perform'd by me. • • 26 The meek shall eat, and shall be fill'd j they also praise shall giv6 v Unto the Lord that do him seek : ^' your heart shall ever live. ' lx 21 (Tw.hiii.) WhtraUfh th*hMV^<fy t«m • pbiUnds, Th# hoiuw of OoA not m«d« idUi luuidi, A greittHlghFlJbMloar aa • tnnwwrs, TlM fourd-iMi of nuui-klnd kp-pwun, ■ • / ■ / P8ALM& XXII., XXIIL, XXIV. « 27 All cinds of th' earth remember BhaU, and turn the Lord unto; All kindreda of the nations to him shall homage do: /08 Because the kingdom to the Lord doth appertain as his ; Likewise among^the nations the Grovemor he is. ' m 29 Earth's fat ones eoit, and worship shall: all who to dust descend ; Shidl bow to him; none of them can hiff soul from death defend. /90 A seed shall service do to him; imto the Lord it shall * Be for a generation reckon'd in ages all. ^ " 31 They shall come, and they shall dedaro his truth and righteousness . Unto a people yet uni)Om, - /and that he halii done this. 83 SiMOanid; Cowp«r:SoiifkwoUl. in 1 Thb Lord 'n my shephetd, 1 11 not want 2 He makes me down to lie In pastures green: he leadeth me the quiet wateiB by. 8 My Boul he doth restore agaiii{ ' - and me to walk doth make Within the paths of righteousness, ev'n for his own name's sake. p 4 Yea, though X walk in death's dark vale. y (0 yetwilllfearlioneill: m For thou art with me ; and thy rod and sta£F me comfort stilL ntf 6 My table thou hast furnished in presence of my foes; My head thou dost with oU anoint, and my Qup overflows. 6 Croodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me: / And in God's house for evermore . my dwelling-place shidl be. QA. Ver. 1-e, PnOorim; St. Gwrge; Seat- ^ ^ ■. :■■ borounh. 7-10, Bernard; St. Oeorgifs, Edinbwgh. f i. Thb earth belongs unto the Lord, and all that it oontainB ; The world that is inhaUted, 2 Fot the foundations thereof . he on the seas did lay. And he hath it established upon the floods to stay. " .:.28 Niiifi 82 {FM.dLn-»..m.mr.) 0T. A1IBBO0&-II.11 Myitrtngthb. w«U-«iid In th# wijr, M7 dtyi of Ufa h« ihortan • ad. My Ood, O take ma no» * • w^ !■ mid-^in»« «' ^r <»*y^ ' "•'^ i P8ALM8 XXIV., XXV, ■p 8 Who in the man thati shall ascend into the hiU of God? Or who within hifl holy place f shall have a firm abode? m 4 Whose hands are dean, whose heart is aiutmito vanity [pu^ V Who hath not lifted up his soul, ,- )iior sworn deceitfuUy. / 6 He from th' Eternal shall recei ve^ ihe,ble8sing him upon, . And righteousness, ev'n from the God of his salvaticm. , !» 6 This is the generation that after him enquire, ' , O' Jacob, who do seek thy face with their whole heart's desira /7 Yegates, lift up your heads on high; ye doors that last for aye. Be lifted up» that so the King of glory (Miter may. P 8 But who of glory is the Kmg? m The mighty I<ord is this ; / Ev'n that same Lord, that great in and strongin battleia. [might m 9 Ye g»te», lift up your h doors that do I^ for aye. Be lifted up, that so the Ehig ' of glory enter may. m m 10 But who is he that is the King of glory? who is this? / The Lord of hosts, and none but he^ -the King of glory is. 25 '^*"- ^-f,S«lma.' Badm. 8-16, DennU; Hagar; 8«rmUg. <■ 19-22, St Bride. 1 To thee I lift my soul : 2 Lord, I trust in thee : My God, let me not be asham'd, nor foes triumph o'er me. 8 liet none that wait on thee be put to shame at all ; But those that without causetransgress. let shune upon them fall. m 4 Show me thy ways, O Lord; thy paths, O teach thou me: 5 And do thou lead me in thy truth, therein my teacher be ir fHf For thou art God that dost to ide salvation send. And I upon thee all the day expecting do attend. 6 Thy tendOTMeiiciei, Lbid, I pray thee to remember. And loving-kindnesses ; for they ' have been of old fw ever. mp i, 28 (r«-aiv- »-!•»•«••«'.) ST. BABTBOLOUW.—Ui. Jobwbii^p. inoi m Oood nn • to ill mm b t^« tdrd: O'ir 7 all kit ImtIU kit m«r • «7 U. Thjworln tU pniM lo thM at • fouls Th^Mlati, Lord, Uiy BMMiUllbUM, T^. J^ rJ> J I fJ , fiv ■ i. J ^-^M^ J ■' \ rl '>■ J i i i- '' "I "* ~ I • ^'^ ;: V JU,'-^ ■iiifci p 7 My Bins and faults of y^uth do-thou, O Lord, for After thy mercy think/ on me» and for thy goodnew great. Mi 8 €k)d good and nprigm is: the way he 'U-sinMrs show. 9 The meek in judgment he will guide, and make his path to know. lylO The whole paths of the Lord ar6 truth and mercy sure. To those that do his cov'nant keep, and testimonies pure. p 11 Now, for thine own naine's sake, ' O Lord, I thee entreat To jpardon mind iniquity; ' for it is very great I aiip 12 What man is he that feart the liord, and doth him serve? Him shall he teach the way that he shall choose, uid still observe. m IS His soul shaU dwell at ease; [ and his posterity , Shall flourish still, and of the earth inheritors shall be. ' 14 With those that fear him Is . the secret of the liord; ^■ -•?» XXV. The knowledge of his covenant ' he will to them afford. 16 Mine eyes upon the Lord continually are set ; For he it is that shall bring forth - my feet out of the net. mp 16 Turn upto me thy face, and to me mercy show ; ;^ Because that I am desolate, and am brought very low. 17 My heart's griefs are increas'd: me from distress relieve. 18 See mine aflSiction and my pain, "- and all my sins forgive. 19 Consider thou my foes, . because they many are ; Audit a cniel hatred is. . which they against me bear^ m 20 do thou keep my soul, do thoU deliver me : ' ;. And let ttie never be asham'd, because I truist in tiiee. 21 Let uprightness and truth ^ keep me, who thee attend. 22 Redemption, Lord, to Israel from all hb troublee send. 24 (Pi.«dT.l-«^a«.««r.) .IAMlOV.-r-I.JL f\ O Lord, thoa art my Ood and King: ThM will I maf • lit • ff indpn^Mi ' ■ , I will UiMbl«H,uid gUd- Ijr ■lof Ub • IQ Uqr ho • Ijr uuiu •t-wayi. ■#-■ 1>8ALlf XXV. AHOTHTO VRBSION Oy THB BANK. r«r. 1-7, Martyrdom ; St. Bernard. »-16, Brittol ; St. Margaret. l»-22, St. Ntot; ColethUL :^. , ■ m 1 To thee I lift my soul, O Lo^ : 2 My Ood, I trust in thee : Let me not be ashun'd; let not my foes triumph o'er me. 8 Yea, let thou none ashamed be that do on thee attend : '• ' ; ' ■V Ashamed let theip be, O Lord^ who without cause offend. IN 4 TJ^y wajrs, Lord, show; teach me thy 9 Lead me in truth, teach me : [paths : ••/ Forof my safety thou art Qod; all day J ^ait on thee. « 6 Ili^xnercies, that most tender are, ' ^tlo thou, O Lord, remember. And loving-kindnesses ; for they have been of old for ever. '.'.p 7 Let not the errors of my youth, , nor sins, remember'd be: In menqr, for thy goodness' sake, Lord, mmember me. 9 The meek and lowly he will guide in judgment Just alway: To meek and poor afflicted ones he '11 dearly teach his way. ffV^lO The whole paths of the Lord our Ckxl are truth ancUoercy sure, ' To- such as ke^ his covenant, ■ and testimonies pure. pllNow,forthineownname'ssake,OLord, I humbly thee entreat To pardon mine iniquity; ^ for it is very great. tHp 12 What man fears Ood? mhim shall he k the way that he shall choose, [teach 13 His soul shall dwell at ease; his seed the earth, as heirs, shall use. 14 Hie secret of the Lord is with such as do fear his name; And he his holy oovepant - •' will inanif est to them. 15 Towards the L^rd iny waiting eyes continually are seL For he it is that shalf^bring forth my feet out of the nftt. . ,-■"• m w 8 Hie Lord is good and gracious, he upright is also: : He therefore sinners will instruct ^ in Ways that they should go. ■• ■26' ' . mj> 16 O turn thee unto me, O Oodi have mercy me upon; Because I solitary am, " and in affliction. o 26 o^- ^'^ tOUIAlF.— XhM. AiST^teMff't Ai fc«t ■■ U'» '*• **• •»•»•«»<*•. Hope'iblMl do - roin - loo nw ■ m tndat for wWta lhfJ*">P •»»''«*•<»■ to bum, Th« (TMl-Mt sla-Dtr nwy ra-toni. .'• ' , ,v ■ • . . '■'*: ■' ■ ■■ ■■ -'W"'- PSaLMB XXV., xxvt. ■.1. 17 Enlar^'d the griefs are of mine heart; • me from diatrew relieve. 18 See mine affliction and my piun, and all my sina forgive. 19 Consider thou mine enemiflii because they many are; And it a cruel hatred is which they against me bear., m20O do thou keep my sotd; Ood, do thou deliver me : ' ' Ziet me not be asham'd ; fori do put my trust in Ihee. 21 let integrity and truth keep me, who thee attend. 22 Redemption, Lord, to Israel r " from all his troubles send. 120 StUomon: Xuingle. ■ ml JoDOB me, O Lord, for I hi^ve walk'd in mine integrity; I trusted also in the Lord; slid e theref or e shall tt ot4? 2 Examine me, and do me prove ; try heart and reins, O God: 3 For thy love is before mine ejres, thy truth's Piths I have trode. 4 With persons vain I have not sat, nor with dissemblers gone : P Th* assembly of ill men I hate; ' to sit with such I shun. 9 Mine hands in innocence, O Lord, I'll wash and purify; Bo to thine holy altar go, _^; and comiNWS it will I : " / 7 That I, with voice of thanksgiving, may pubUsh and declare, And tell of all thy niighty works, that great aad wondrous are. ' 8 The habitation of thy house, . Lord, I have loved well ; ■ Yea, in that place I do delight ' where doth thine honour dweU, mp 9 With sinners gather not my soul, - and such as blood would spill: , 10 Whose hands mischievous plots, rij^t corrupting bribes do fill. [hand i» 11 But as for me, I will waUc on ^ in mine integrity : . Do thou redeem me, and, Lcml, :-' ' '■' be mer df ul to me, _^ .. • ., ,' -"" ■■ f :> /12My foot upcni an eiren plaoe doth stand with stedfastneas : Within the <5ongregations th' Eternal I will bless. 86 (P». <ahr. IT^ Me..mr.) WALfOH.—IJi: pTg=T ii..a«rto ril th.t oa him cu, Who cU m truth oi. him —tew. -T»- P8ALM XXVIL /I ThK Lord '8 my light and wving health, whd ahiall inakQ me dismAy'd ? My life's strength is the Lord, of whom ' then shall I be afraid? m 2 When as mine enemies and foes, - moet wicked penMms all. To eat my flesh agamst me rose, they stumbled and did falL fSji Against me though an host encamp, ^ my hmrt yet fearless is : ^Plough war against me rise, I will ^^^,... Ji#8f*0Bftiient in this. . andwilrl^lt'torofbtaia^t^ / liutt all days of my llle I may ' witlim God's house remain; ^f That I the beati^ of the Lord behold may and admire. And that I in his holy place may rev'rently enquir& V / 6 For he in hia pav0ion shall ^.; me hide in evil days ; /' In. secret of his tent me hide, ,- ai^d on: a rock me raise. 4^ And now, ev'n at this pre sent i im ^— 4 ■'■^3!*^'^*^ ■^i^'i' mine headLaliall Ufted be 28 m|> 7 Above an those that are my fdee, and round encominss me : Therefore unto his tabernacle I '11 sacrifices bring Of joyfuhiess ; 1 11 sing, yea, I to Crod will praises sing. P Lord, give ear unto my voice, when I do cry to thee; Upon mealso mdty ha^ "-■> and do thou answer me. «'; . HI 8 When thou didst say,^3eek ye myiiuie, then unto thee reply llius did my heart, e Above all things « thy face. Lord, seek will I, nip 9 Far from me hide not thou thy face; put not away from thee _ ' Thy servant in thy wrath : c thou hast « an helper been to me^ O God of my salvation, leave me not, nor forsake: m 10 Though me my parents both should the Lord will me up take. Peave, Ho Lord, instruct me in thy way, to me a leader be In a plain pi^, bcNcause of those ;_ that hatred bear to me. 12 Give me not to mine en'miee* will j ~~^ mp for wituMses that lie 27 r^tt*) tm.*. ' dbodnnto lOl mm ta the jJard: O'er jiU his worki hU met vcjr Is. ThyworksAUpralse to thee »f - jmA: Thj sidnts, O Lord, thy nwne shril Mess. ^rj - ^r'i^r i tf^V 'i^i^^ ■\ jii- PSALMS XXVIL, XXVIIL, XXIX. I the land . thou strong, Ford thou wait, Against me risen aite, and such as breathe out cruelty. 13 1 fainted had, unless that believed had to see The Ldrd's own goodness of them that living be. /14 Wait on the Lord, and " and he shall strength tJnto thine heart; yea, I say, upon the Lord. lOQ Ver. W, St. Iteot: , , ^ , m 1 To thee 111 cry, O Lord, my lockK ? hold not thy peace tQ me ; Lest like those that to/pit descend I by thy silence be- , i!Ihe voice hear of my /htmible pray'rs,; when unto thee I When to thine holy ^rade I lift mine hands on high. " I mp 3 With iU men draw me not away that work iniquity; ; i That speak peace to^eir fnends, while in their ^ft ^i-fai doth mischief lie. And as thSir handy-works deserye, to them^be rendered. 5 God shall not build, but Uiem destroy, who would not underhand ' The Lord's own works» nor did regard the doing of his hand. t»/ 6 For evOT blessed be thiB Lord* for graciously he heard The voice of my petitions, and prayers did rc^^ard. 7 The Lord's my strength and shield ; my heiidrt upon him did rely ; And I ain helped: /hence my heart / doth joy exceedingly. And with my song I will him praise. 8 Their strength is God alone : He also is tiie\saving strength of his anointed one. n^ 9 O thin*^ oiwn people dp thou save, blet^ thine inheritance; Them also do thou feed, and them fOT evermore advance. 20 Old tBOi : St. Savicwr. Chan* Hfi. f 1 GrvK ye unto the Lewd, ye iswui that of the mighty be, 4 Give them aocording to thdr deeds and ills endeavoured: 88 (nk^^MkMMr.) WITTEIIBEB0.— LJC OMCkvahlMo^ My strength he weak-en'd In the wajr^ My days of life he short -en - ed. My God, O' take me not • - wv In mid -time of my days, I sidd. ^"^j--^^-g~! J II J I J V. PSALMS XXIX.^ XXJL /All strength and glory to the Lord with>di6erfulne88 give ye. - ff^r 2 Unto the Lord the glory give that to his name is due; . And in the beauty of holmess unto JEHOVAH bow, / 3 The Lord's yoice on the waters is: -, the Gfod of majesty Doth thunder, and on multitudes of waters sitteth he, 4 A pow'rftd voice it is IJiat ootiBs out from ih.e I^ord most high ; ' The voice of that great Lord is full .'^ of glorious majesty. 5 The voice of the Etenial doth ' asunder cedars tear ;•, > Yea, God the Lord doth cedars break ' that Lebanon doth bear, is He makes them like a calf to skip, . ev'n that grULt LeiMuion, . : And, like to a young unicorn) ■ ' the mountain Sirion. > mp 7 God's voice divides the flames of fire; 8 The desert it doth shake: llie Lcnrd dotiimake the wilderness of Kadesh all to quaik^ 9 Crod'svoicedothmaketiiehindstocalve^ e it makes thD forest iMie: •30 ■ ■ And in hifl temple ev'ry one his glory doth declare. /lO The Lord sits on the floods ; the Lord sits King, and ever shall. 11 The Lrard will give lus people strength, ' . and with peace bless them alL 3Q y«r. 1-6, aUmeetUr: Sf. PmO. ^ ^l%Faix: Mdder. /I LoBD, I will thee extol, for thou , / hast lifted me on high, . And over me thou to rejoice :" mad'st not niine enemy. m 2 O tiiou .who art the Lord mjr 6od» I in distress to thee, l^th loud cries lifted up my voice, ..■% ^ ' and tiiou hast healed me. , , ' 3 ^ft>rd,*my soul thou hast brought np, rad rescu'd fift^ 4ihe grave ; That I to pit should not go down, alive thou didst me save. / 4 p ye that are his holy ones, sing^praise unto the Lord; And give unto him thnks, when ye — lus holin e ss r ecor dt , p 5 For but a moment lasts his wrath; « life in his favour lies: ^ ftom SeeUUk PtaUir. 1616. When 81 - on'» J><md-*ge Gbd tnm'd bMk, At men that drewn'd were we. Then flUU with Ikngh-ter mi ' our month, Onr tongue with mel . 0% dy. <i PSALMS XXX., XXXI. p Weeping may for a night endure, c at mom doth joy arise, m 6 In my prosperity t said, that nothing shall me move. - mflO Jiord, thou hast my movmtain made to stand strong by thy love : [MP But when that thou, O gracious God, didst lude thy face from lue. Then quicldy was my prosp'rpus state tum'd into misery. 1 m 8 Wherefore unto the liord my cry I caused to ascend : My huinble supplication' I tdihe Lord did send. p 8 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to pit? / Shidl unto thee the dust give piftise? thy truth declare shall it? 10 Hear, Lord/ have mercy; hdp° ine. Lord: ell Thou tuned hast my sadness To dancing ; yea, my sackcloth loos'd, and g^ed me with gladnws; tfc wing fhy praise my gl ory liaay. 01 Ver. 1-8, London Neto; Salzburg. \ '^* 9-13, Elgin; Waltal. fC/M»«« M-18, CaUhnea; St. Fwlhirt. C tSS, ' 19-24, St. Lawrence; St. David. ) m 1 In thee, Lord, I put my trust, sham'd let me never be ; ■ According to thy righteousness do thou deliver me. 2 Bow down thine ea* to me, with speed send me deliverance: To save me, toy strong rock be tton, and my house of defence. 3 Because thou art'my rock, imd thcte 1 for my fortress take; . Tl^erefore do thou me lead and guide, ^V'n tor thme own xiame's sake. 4- JmA slth thou art my steength, there- fore f pull mei put of the net. Which they in subtilty for me jspi privily hi^ve set mp 5 Into thine hui^dal do oommit my sp'rit : efor thou art he, O ihoy, JEHOVAH, God of troth. and nevei>teilent be. O Lord my Gk)d, fw evermore I will give thanks to thee. Ikihat hast redeemed me. w .6 Thdee that do lying vanities : n|^, ihaveabhonr^d: ' .■■■ i •"■■ ■;. 81 80 (Pi. btt. »*1S,) tt a \ fd ^ fai ASNOtJ>.-<UIC. The earth tboa vUi - Hist, w» - fring It; Thon nMk'vt It rich to grow With God'ai fnU flood ; thou Oora pre -pw'irt.When thoo pro - vl«rit It m. ^y ^faz^^ ^^ PSALM XXXt, But M for me^^ my confidence is fixed on tiie Lord. ■ [ 7 111 in thy mercy gladly joy : foT: thou my miseries . * .' (^Bsider'd bAst ; thou hast my soul ■ known in adversities : 8 And thou hast i^t4ncloi^ me within the enemy's hand; ; / And by thee have my feet beeii made ia a Idrge room to stand. ^' nip 9 O Lord, upon me mercy have, for trouble is on hie :' Wm eye, my belly, and my soul/ * ^ with grief consumed be; p 10 Because toy life* with grief is spent, j my years with sighs axyi groans : . My strength doth fail; and for my sin consumed are my bones. ' 111 was a scorn to all my foes, v . and to my friends a fear ; j: And specif reproach'd of those ^ ; _J**^ ^"^'f® roy neigjl^im near : ^ ' When ^ey me saw, ttey »mn me fled. 12 Ev'n so I ai^ forgot, \ J Asmen are'out of mind when^d I^ like a broken twt Itf For danders I of many heard ; . fear oompaaa'd me, while they a Against me did consult, and plot ^ V *** tft'fe ™y life away, ' »» 14 B\jit a| for me, O Lord, my trust iipontheeldidlay; And I to thee, Tbeu art my God, • : did confidently say. 15 My limes are whoUy m, thme bai^di do tiiou deliver me Erom their hands that mine enemiee , and persecutors be. »y^l6 Thycountenance to shine db thou . . nptm thy servant maker. V tJntp me give salvation, ' '^ • ^ fojT thy great mercies' sake* m 17 Let me not be asham'd, b Lord, ; r . f or on thee call'd I have : mfi Let wicked naen be4haiu'd,'let than ■■, be silent ill the grave. m 18 To silence^it thjB lymg lips^ ' *, that grievoiis thi^gfs do say, . And hard reports;, in pride apd scorn, on righteous men do lay. ;. . fl^l9 How gTfA^'s the goodness thou for th^n that-f «ur tiiee ke^'ft in store,^ nd wTpught'st forlbhein that trust in" the 40ns of men Wore ! . [thee 20 In secret of thy preeenoe thou (duil£ hlde;tb(9miroin qiaa 31 (pm. emtt. 1S-1&) AttTAZEBZEB.— OJC Ait««dfi«mi>r.A»n. tm. Vor Ood • of 81 - on' h»th made ohoio* ; There ha 4e • rifwi to dRwIL myreit, here •tUl IlliUjr; F<nr I do like it well ■/'■ r^-W— jl-^ r e r r^r- f r ^ ■ . "'"■ ' "" ' II " '* '- . " ^ '. ''y ^^^ ^ ^ .^ ^ -OLi jp»#l»Wl^li««»»«J*i«**1-' PSAliHS XXXI., XXXIL '^ From strife 5f, tongues thou closely as in a tenty them hide. shalti' /21AU praise and thanks be to the Lord: for he hatii magnify'd His wondrous love to me within ik city fortif y'd. m22'^OT from thine eyes out oiff I am, p 'Tin my haste had said<; " m My voice yet heard'St thou, when to with cries my moan I made, [thee n\^23 O love the Lord, &^ ye Yaa saints ; , < because the Lord doth g^uard; - The faithful, and he plenteou^ly proud doers doth rewturd. ^ . ^ 24 Be of good comrage, and he strength untoyour heart diall send^** - J^ ye whose hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend.^ . 1 32 '^((Wa«; St. Peter; St. ITi^fK. / 1 BLiESfiiKD is tiie man to w§bm ; . is freely pardoned < \^ the trai^f^ression he hatii done, whose sin is ciov^red. . 2 BlessUig the'.man to whomtheLord imputeth not his sin-, .V — , ^ ' And inididee sp'rit there is no cniUe, nor frwicl^ foimd therein. ^: . . m 3 When as I did refrain my speech, and silent was my tongue. My bones then waxed old, bei^use ' I roared all day long. • mp 4 For upon me both day and night thina hand did heavjr tie. So that Tpy moisture turned is. in summer's drought thereby. I thereupon have unto thee ^ my sin acknowledged, ^Ajid likewise mine iniquity I have not covered: twill confess imto the Lord my trespasses, said t ; And of iqy sin tiiou freely didst forgive th' inftuity. *»"6 For this shaU eyry godly o4e his pray er make to thee ; V In such a time hei shall thed seek, as found thou mayest be. . Surely, when floodis of waters great do swell up to the brim, / They shall not ovenvhelm 1^ 'swl, nor once oom» near t(^ him. ' 7 Thou art'my. hiding-plaoey tiioa diate~ m inp ii^ from trpublli keep me free : Thoa wifh songs of deliverance abQQt shalt compass me. . .■:.■. SB 82 (P>vdu. is^ls.) AVKNTINE. Dr. LowBLi. Mamit. ' DM UT&. 1 J- J. Snoh pi • ty^ iu ' », fo • tlwr lutti Un - to Ua ehll-dmi dear; Like pi • ty. shows th« Lord to laoh As wor«sbip him in fear. ^^fii.iy,,i4.H^j^ 1j.j._j.j::jA JTJ V rir \ ^.: 4J:^Y^r^=^ P V PSALMS XXXIL, XXXIIT. » 8 I will insChiot thee, and thee teach " . the way that thou shalt go; And, wiUi mine eye upon thee set^ . I will direction show. 9 Then be not like the hOTse or mule, 'j^ ''•'■*■ which do tiot understand; / ; ^' Whose mouth, lest they come neat to .sthee,"- _■ . ■■ \.,^l ''"'. ■':: \ A bridle must c(nnmand. :■■ ^.■ mplOUnWthe pian that wicked is ' • r ^hits^rrowb shall abound; 'mf But him niat trusteth in the Lord ~^ men^ aball cpinpass rotmd. - /lljre righteous, in the Lord be glad, ^ * ^in him do ye rejoice: All'ye tiiat upright are in hieartj for joy lift up your voice. OO Ver. 1-7, Jrith: Xornftol. 19-22, JVmefc; Durham. Chant / 1 ITk lighteotis, in the Lord rejoiue; it eomely is and rigfatt Thi^ t^nright men, with thanicful yQioe, ;phoidd praise the Lord of might. 2 FnuBe<(od with harp,«Dd tiiito him m^ with the pealteryf ^ Upon a ten-string'd instnmient - make ye sweet melody. - ■ " ■ ' J- •■"«.' 3 A new song to him sing, and play ' with loud noise skilfully ; 4 For right is God's word, all his works ace done in verity, m 5 Td juflgment and to righteousness a lo ve he beareth still ; / 'the loving-kindness of tiieLord the earth throughout doth filL . m 6 The heavenM by ihe word of God did. their be^ning take; '^. ■. And by the breathing of his month he all their hosts did mal^e. 7 The waters of the seas he brings together as an heap; ^ yy^ An4 in storehouseiB, aait W^lp^ . he layeth up the deep.' _ mi> 8 Let earth, and all that Uve therehi, . with rev'renoe fe^ the Lord; Let all the world's inhabitants- dread him with one accord. Hi 9 Pot he did fpeak the word, /and done it walB without delay; Established it firmlv stood, idu^ver he did iay. 83 ' (i^»»fr»'*)' I w»it.ed for the Lord 1117 <»««. A»« p. - tftotly «« «»«» Atlength to me h* did M . dta* My to|o* «4 cry to hm*. PSAlMS XXXIIL, ZXXIV, MP lOGod doth the counsel bring to nought whidb heathen folk do t«ke; * And what the people do devise t>f none effect doth make. flXO but the oqunsejf of the Lord ; dbth stand for ever sure; And of his heart the purposM , from age to ag^ endura, f 12 iSiat nation blessed ip, whose Qoi JEHOVAH is, and those 1 .A blessed people are, whom for his heritage he chose, . «» 13 The iMtd from heav'n sees and beholds all sons of men full well ; . 14 HeiMews all from his dwelling-plaoe \ tiiat in the earth do dwell 15 He foms their hmurts alike, and all their doings he observes. ° l6'Grciat hosts save not a king, much 'v strengtii , • ' Dp mighty man prwBenrea.' 17'An horse for in«serv^1jion is a deceitful tibing; ; ' And by the jpreatnegs of his strength can no deliv'rance bring. ~~ V18 Behold, on those that do him fear «h« Lord doth set his ^<i; j 'K Ev'n those who on his mercy do .' with confidence rely. > 19 From death to f][ee their soul, iu dearth life unto them to yield. Jr20Our.9oul doth wait upon the Lord; he is our help and shi^d. 21 Sith in his holy name we trust, <nu' heart ^all joyful be. ^m 22 Lord, let Hiy mercy be on us, as we do hop^in' thee, r 554. Ver. 1-7, Xvdn; OU ISTth. ' ) f^^^ *^^ 8-17, 8t. David: St. «ftrfrt*i. V''^ . 18-*, St. mMhew; raie$tHm. ) ** ■• . / i God will I bless aU ti^es; his psiae my mouth shall stiU express. i, 2 My soul shi^ boast in Ood : the meek^ shall Jisar with joyfulness. 3 Extol th^ Lord with me, let us exalt his name together. m 4 I sought the Lord, nhe heard* and did fl me frt>m all fears deliver. / 5 TUby Jof^k'dto him, and ligfaten'd' not Shan i--'1 uuned-Wetaihair-fafiea, O m 6 This poor man cry'd, eGod beardtmnd sav'd « 1^ from all his distresses. ^■HW^' I 84 (Pi-vtt.) BANCK>S.~OJE. H«mwili«d tqr JAUi Mum IW Docte Mote. ^ I J y^ J -J ^ J A^ ^A A A ^ J. ^■ g? r I f—rr P r I r P-~f I r I T " ^^ | ^ I O Lord 1117 Ood, in SiftT* and da • Mr • w do I » Ifjr Mm •<& • denoe ra • poM: 'from all Mjr ptr • w • eat • Inf foM^ J J * A =s t -J J J J A J A A A A J fjTj _■ P8AL1I9 XXXIV. » XXXY, r v ./ 7 The angel of the Lord encamps, and round enoompasseth AU ,ithose about that do him fear, ?:' 'and them delivereth. \ m 8 taate and aee that Ood is good : who tnuts in him is bless'd. 9 Fear God his saints: /none that him / shall be witli want oQpress'd. [fev m 10 The lionti yoting may hungry be, and tl»»y ma>y lack their food: / But they that truly seek the Lord shall not kck any ^ood. m It 6 phil<hr«n, hither do ye come, ; jand uiito me give ear ; I shall you teadi^ to understand how ye the L<>rd shoiild fetf. MjBi 12 What noan is he that Ufa desires, to see gpbd w<Md li^e long? , m IS Thy lips Irefrun-llom speaking guile, *, Mid from ill words ^y tongue. liDepart from iU, dp good, seek peace, jpursue it earnestly. 11^15 God's eytBS are on the just; jtiis ears Itte opACto their c r y. M 16 The face of God is sfe^ against those tha» do wickedly, . That \t» may quite out from the earth en* off IMrmeinbry. ■■■■■■»■ ■ ~n mp 17 The righteous cry unto the Lord, e he unto liiem gives ear; i^d they out of their troubles all by him delivered a^e. mlSThe Lord is ieyer nj^ to thept that be of broken sp'rit ; To them he safety dflih afford that are in heart eontrite. ^ p 19 The troubles that aflUot the jusi ' in number many be; c But yet at length out of them all the Lord doth 4et him free. ' n^20 He carefully his boiies doth keep, ^whatever can befall; That not so mUijh as one of them ' -can broken beat alL 21 HI ghaU the wicked sky ; laid witfte shall be who ha>te the just. ^ /22 The Lord redeems his servants' soulst none perish that him trust. m 1 PLKAD,Lord,witiithosethatplead;and 2 6f shield and buckler take thou hold, stand up ^dne help to be. ' 3 tfhswtim out the spear,: and dot ^ acpdinit ttom stop the wajr v' v^ ■ I '36 (Pur.dvlU.) ^^'^■, BABBOW.-OM. r .: -f ^^' r r r ^fM^-M^^^^i-^#^ fT jm_S^ ^ Xtl Ohrla-tUD faith and hopedla-p«l ' The lean of gniU The Lotd Al-migh -if i» onr friend, And whooanprovt woe; fetf PSALM XXXV. That me pursue: unto my soul, I'm thy salvatioii, «ay. 4 {jet them confounded be and fsham'd that for my Houl have songht: Who plot my hurt turn'd b{M3k bothey, and to oonfusion brought p 5 I«et them be like unto the chaff , that flies before the wind; AQd let the angd of the Lord pursue them hard behind. , 6 With darkness cover thou their way, and let it slipp'ry prove ; .. w^Lnd let the angel of the Lorc( pursue them from above. M 7 i'or without cause have they for me \^_their net hid in a pit, '^tliey also have without a oaiuse for my soul digged it. 8 Let ruin seize him unawares ; : jus net he hid withal Himself let catch ; and in the same . destruction let him falL / My soul in God shall joy ; and glad in his salvi^ion be4^ 10 And all my bones shall say, O Lord, who is like unto thee. Which dost the poor set free from him that is for him too strong ; The poor and needy from the man that spoils and does him wrong? m 11 False witnesses^rose ; to my charge things I not knew they laid. 12 They, to the spoiling of my soul, me ill for good repaid. p 13 But as for me, when they were sick, inisaokcloth sad I moum'd : My humbled soul did fast, my pray'r into my bosom tum'd. 14 Myself I did behave as he had been my friend or brother ; : I heavily bow'd down, as one that moumeth for his mother; ml5But in my trouble they rejoio'd, gath'ring themselves together ; Yea, abjects vile toj^etiber did themselves against me gather : I knew it not ; they did |iae tear, and quiet would not ^. l6 With mocking hypocrites, at feasts they gnash'd their teeth at me. f> 17 How loi^, Lord, look'st thou on?mfrom HI 7 ' destructions tiliey intend [thoae Rescue my soul, /rom lions young . my darling-do defend. /iSI will givei thanks to tiiee, "Lari, witmn th' assembly great ; 80 (p>.L) WlUIAM WHIAU. BBDFOBQ.-OJE. wm^wS^^fiSSZ::^ wa if ' V ' ^ 'i'r 'Ir'^b ^ ■ ' i 'i ■) p r f ^bftl aun h«th pw-faot blMw>«d-B««i Who wftlk-«tti not » • ttnj In ooon- Ml of on • (od- Ij m«ni Nor HkiwU In dn -nwi' wajr. ^^^^^W >»>- ^E J^^ jzgb^ J_iJ: ^ n ^i r J: ^ r "■ r ' r .• V y PBALM8 XXXV., XXXVI. / And where much people gather'4 we thy praiBes forth will set. m 19 Let not my wrongful enemies proudly rejoice o'er me ; Nor who me hate without a cause, let tiiem wink with the eye. ' 20For peace they do not speak at aU ; but crafty plots propare Against all tiiose within the land : that meek and quiet aro. , 21 Witii mouths set wide, they 'gainst me nif Ha, ha ! our eye doth see. [said, p 22 Lord, thou hast seen, ehold not thy peace; e Lord, be not far from me. m 23 Stir up thyself ; wake, that thou naay'st judgment to me afford, ^ Ev'n to my cause, O thou that art my only Gpd and Lord." 24 O Lord my God, do thou me judge affav thy righteousness ; And let them not thrir joy 'gainst me triumphantly express : 26 Nor let them say iwthin their hearts, p Ah, we would have it thus ; m Nor suffer them to say, tha^ he isawaliow^liiplqruk 26 Sham'd and confounded be they all that at my hurt are glad ; Let those against me that do boast with shame and scorn be dad. , . /27 Let them that love my righteous cause be glad, shout, and not cease To say. The Lord be magnify'd, who loves his servant's peace. 28Thy righteousness shall also be decUtted by my tongue I The praises that belong.to thee spMik shall it all day long. « QA Chant m. Far. 6-10, FMt: London Ne»i Oy St. Peter. in 1 ThB wicked man's transgression ^nthin my heart thus sajrs. Undoubtedly the fear of God is not Ijefore his eyes. 2 Because himself he flattereth in his own blinded eye, Until the hatefuhaess be found .^ of his in iquity. ; a Words from Wa motfth loooeeding i»©, fraud and uiiquity : He to be wise, and to do good, . httkb left off utterly. 37 (P>. MiU-) j9jI, BBL(}B4y&-0JL ''"^■-??«!iJar'~' ^^^^^^^^^^ Th«Lord doth reign, anddoth'd b h« With m» - ]•• - ty nKwtMffht: Bis works do show himdoth'd to be, And girt ••boot with might ^ ^ T P8ALM8 XXXVI.I ZXXVIL they all clad./ , ^- /' teouBcauie laae fy'dr laoe. )be . thee ondmNewi Mmon ra, ■ . od .";,;;,,■ ith ■'. mid )oeediiig ira» 4 He miflchief , lying on his bed, moat cunningly doth plot : , " He aeta himself in waya not good, - ill he aUiofreth no^ bThf meroy, Lord, ia in the heav'ha ; ' tiiy truth doth reach the douda : fS Thy justice ia like mountaina gridat ; tiby judgmenta deep aa flooda : ' n Ij(^ thou preaerveat man and beaat ,7 How predoua ia tl|y gnice ! •«^ Therefore in ahadow of thy winga . n^en'a aona their trust ahall place, w 8 Thioy ^th the fatneaa of thy houae shall be well aatisfy'd ; From rivera of thy pleaaurea thou wilt diink to them provide. /■^O ^ieeauae of life the fountain pore , remaina alone with thee; And in thai pureat light of thine we dearly light ah^ aee., mlOlliy loving-ldndneaa untotbem , oontiniie that thee know ; And atOl on men ujuight in heart -^ — thy ri^ht e ou aMaa b e etow. — - '"; 11 Let not the foot of cruel pride . oom^ and againist me atand; V And 1^ me not remoyed be, , by tba widced'a hand. mp 12 There fallen are they, and Tuhiedl, that work iniquities V Caat down they are, and never ahall be able to ariaa ~ m Q'f OMntteS. BuignatUm: aratfenberg. ./ 1 Fob evilrdoera fret thou not . -- thyaelf fmquietly ; * Nor do thou envy bear to thoae that work iniquity, mp 2 For, even like unto thb graaa, aoon be cut down ahall they ; And, like the green and tender herb, th«y witiier ahall away, m 3 Set thou thy trust upon the liord, and be tlum doing goOjd ; nif And ao thou in the lapd ahalt dwell, and verily have food, m 4 Delii^t tiiyaelf in God ; hell give ^&e heart'a deaire to thee. ' 5 T^ way to Qod oommit, him tttiat, it bring to paaa ahall he. fi^ 6 And, like unto the lig^t, he ahaQ thy righteon an tt M i d iaplay^ e And he thy judgment ahall bring forth like noon-tide of the day. m 7 Reat in the Lord, and pi^auOy wait for him : do lioi fret ii^ii 38 (PW. III.) BELMONT. — O.m a<^ii««4 fM* mmam tf a wi Com*, lat ui to the Lord onr Ood With oon • triU h««rU n • turn ; Our Ood fai f ra • doui, nor will 1mt« Tb« dM • ,9 • tot* to moom. ^f PSALM XXXVIL » For him who, pronp'rihg in his way, Bttocesa in Bin doth get. 8 Do thou from anger cease,, and wrath ■ee thou forsake also : Fret not thyself in any wise, • that evil thou should'st do. mj> 9 For those that evil-doers are shall be .cut off and fall : «i 3ut those that wait upon the Lord the earth inherit shalL mp 10 For yet a little while, uid then the wicked shall not he ; , His place thou shalt consider well, but H) thou shalt not. see. m 11 But by inheritance the earUi the meek ones shall possess : They alsQ shall delight themselves in an abundant peace. mp 13 The wicked plots agahiBt the just, and at him whets his teeth : Iu8 day he coming seeth. MP 14 The wicked have dritwu out the«word, and bent ti^eir bow, to slay Therpocr and needy, ^nd to kill men of an upright w»y« m IB But ihehr own sword, which they have drawn, * shall enter their own heart : Their bows which they have bent shall and into {neces par|. [break, ■mfit A little that a jusi nuui hath "-* ^ is more and better far % Than is the wealth of many such as lewd and wicked are. 17 For sinners' arms shall broken b« jt / but God the just sustains. 18 Ood knows the just man's days, and their heritage remains. [still 19 They shall not be asham'd whra they the evil time do see ; And when the days of famine are, they satisf y'd shall be. mp 20 But wicked men, and foes of God, as fat of lambs, decay ; They shall oonsmne, yea, into smoke tbey shidl consume away. 21 The wicked borrows, but the same - — — again he doth not pay ; — w Whereas the righteous mercy shows, and gives his own away/ »nf 22 For such as blessed be of him the earth inherit ■ball i 30 <i^ "i^- **-**-> BLOZHAM.-OJL ifeife ^^^^^te Bat Ilk* H* ihAll ttM fNOm • tTM floor llkf to Um «• bdi tnc Hhall Im Th«t it th« rlfht-Mitfl oMt Im- II^ • M • OIL mp And th«y that cowed tan of htai . shall be destroyed all. m 23 A good man's foot«tep« by the Lord are ordered aright ; And in the way wherein he walki, he greatly doth delight. 24 Although he fall, yet shaU he not be cart down utterly ; Because the Lord with hu own hand upholds htm mightily. 261 have been yotmg, and now am old, yet have I never seen The jurt qian left, nor tiiat his seed for teead have beggars been. 96 He 's ever merciful, and lends : his seed is bless'd therefore, 27 Depart from evil, and do good, and dwell for evermore. 28Fot God loves judgment, and his saints leaves not in any case ; They vf kept ever : p but out off p shaO hi the sinnerVrace. 31 In 's heart the law is of his God, his steps slide not away. 32 The wicked man doth watoh the Juil, and seeketh him to slay. in^33 Yet him the Lord will not foraake, nor leave him in his hands : The righteous will he not condemn, when he in judgment stan^. 34 Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and thee exalt shall he Th' earth to inherit ; when cut off the wicked thou shalt see. « 86 1 #W the wicked great in pow'r, flinread like a green bay-tree : d 36 He pass'd, yea, was not ; him I sought, but found he could not he. m 37 Mark thou the perfect, and behold the man of uprightuess ; Because that surely of this ra|A the latter end is peaoe. «p 38 But thoae men that tran8greBM)rs are shall be destroy'd togisther ; The latter end of wicked men in 29 The jurt inherit shaHthe land, and ever in it dwell : 80 The jurt man's mouth doth wisdom -^ I speak; . , hi* ttnigae doth judgment tdL shall betmt off fo r eve r . 11^39 But the salvatkm of the juat li from the Lord above } He in the time of their distress theiratay and strength doth prove. •■■ 41;. ■ */ mm 40 vi-ii) BOH iXWOKD ^Mb«^--OJC. ^ ^if-'-'-fii'i' 'I'jiV-'i- I :1> rr PndM 7« JlM Lord; God^imlMwltliVlii 1^ / wuio • la • • Aad to'^Iilgi in Um flr • m^mitnt 0t hi» poir'r glye >• ynkbai f ^ si «' ijj. jj"^ I r* i jj -I <■' m i.i,.i fi ? * f r r =F f .r'-r r r ^ "BPT :S± PSALMS ZXXVIL, XXXVIII. v / /40The Lord shall help, and them deliver: he shall theAi free and 8&ve From wicked meA ; beipame in him Iheir ooiffidenoe they have. 8S T^mOiii (Snantta. mip 1 In thy great indigmitionV Lord, rebuke me not ; N(«r on me lay thy chast'ning hand, in thy displeasure hot p 2 For in me fast thine snows stidt, thine hand doth prdn me sore : V;^ 8 And in my^ash there is no health,* *r ntnrsotmdneflaany m<Mre. v^ lliis grief I haVe, because thy wrath is forth against me gone ; . And in my bones tiiere is no rest, for sin that I have done. 4 Because'gone up above mine head -^ my great transgresmons be ; .An4 as a weis^ty burden, they. ; ' V tootMeavy an for ma. 5 My w9uo^4o stink, and are oormpt ; tny^loUy makes it so. 6 I troubled am, anil much bow'd down ; That in my we$k and weary flesh no soundness doth, remain, 8 So feeble and infirm am I, * and broken am so sore, : , "^^^t through disquiet of my heart, I have been nuule to roar. M 9 O Lord, all that I do desire is still before thine eye; And of my heart Uie secret groans not hidden are fhxm thee. p ip My heart doth pant incessantly, f my strength doth quite decsay i\ Am for mine eyes» their w<mted 1 is from me gone away. 11 My lovers and my friends do stand at distance from my sore ; And those do stand sJoof that wdre kinsn^en and kind before. . !, 12 Yea, they that seek my life lay snares:' Idio seek to do me wrong Speak things mischievous, and deodts imagine tJl day leng;^ St 13 Bnt,^ as one deaf, that heaieth not, all-day I moamiag ga 7. For m disease tiut Io«UuKnne is . ao fills my loins whh pain, . I suffered aH to pfMS ; I as ft dumb man did Ij^eoome, whose mouth not open'd wm: .!g|^i 41 (Pi. wrL i'T.) BBiaBfoir.--oji. I>r.Ii.ifAMiii; P alag • new matg to thfl Lord: £Uiig all the earth to QoA. Toi Ood lingt bU>» hia name, ahow atUl Hla aar • log health a - tnoad. ,Ai PSALMS XXXYIIL, XXXIX. pl4 As one that hetgrs not, in whose mouth are n<> reproofs at alL ® m 15 For, Ijpird» I hope in thee ; my God, thou It hear me when I calL 16 For I said. Hear #e, lest they shoidd rejoioe^ o'er me wiUi pride ; And o'er me magnify ^emselves, when ali my l^t doth slide. - mp 17 For I am near to lialt; my grief is still before mine eye : ,18 For 1 11 dedare my mn, and grieve for mine iniqtuty. 19 But yet mine en'mieU lively are, and strong are they beside ; And they that hate me wrongf^ly are greatly multiply'd. 20 And they fOT good that risnder iU, as en'mies me withstood ; Yea, ev'n for this, because that I do follow what is good. «2n.For^n^ me not, O Lord; my 6od,- far from me never be. 22 Lord, thou my salvation arti haste to give help to m& 30 Monim. CkamtMO. m 1 1 8AID, I will look to my ways, lest with my trasgoe I sin : In sight of wicked men my mouth witii bridle I 'II keep in/ fnp 2 'With silence I as dumb became, I did myitolf restrain From spea]^g good ; dbut then the ^d mcreMied wiw my pain. [more m 3 My heart within me waxed hot ; and, while I musing was. The fire did bum ; and frommy tongoe these w:ord8 1 did let pass r mp 4 Mine end, and measure of my dayis, O Lord, unto me show; What is the same ; tliat I thereby my frailty well may know. p 6 Lo,thoumydaysanhandfareadthmad'8t; mine age is in thine eye As nothing: sure Mch man at best is whoUy vani^. ' 6 Sure each man walks in a vain show; they vex themselves in vain : He heaps up wealthy and doth not know to whom it shall pertain. m 7 And now,^0 Lord, what wait I for? •^^ " my hope is fcc'd on the& . .8 Free me from all my treiPaases, ^ the fool's sccnumake not me. mp 9 Dumb was I, op'ning not my mouth, beoause this work was thine. 43 (Pi. ZXT. 8-11, «K 9W.) Th« toid I. goofl «« g,^ :■ clou., H, ip-rlgbt to la . m: H« t^ere-tow dn-n^ »m lii..tn«ot In wi^i tUt thiyttiOBld go. .* PSALMS XXXIX., XL. t»i» lO.Tby stroke take from me ; by the blow <^ thine h«nd I do pine. • ^^ 11 When with rebiikes thoti dost correct man f or iniqiiity, , , d Tium wastes his beauty like a motii : sure each man 's vanity; M 12 Attend my cry. Lord, at my tears and pray'rs not sOent be : I sojourn army fathers all, ^ and stranger am with thei. «I^18 O spare thou me, that I my strength recover may again, 'Before from hence I do depart, and hoe no more remain. • ^^ ft-10, St. Margaret; St. Pavl; \Chant Cloiit$r$. 4 gS9. — U-W, StoMdeti AmUiu. ^ ^ np 1 1 WAiTBD for the Lord my CM,^"^^ and patiently did bear ; . « At length to me he did incline : my v<noe and cry to hnr. -"- m 2 He took me from a fearfid pit, . "^ mfZ He put at new song in my mouth, our €rod to magnify : m Many shall see it, and shall ^ew, ^d on the Lord rely. . /4 O blessed is the man whose trust upon the Lord relies ; Itespectingnotthe proud, nor such as turn aside to lies. m 5 p Lord my God, full many ai« the wonders thou hast done; * e Thy gntdous thoughts to us-waxd far above all thougfais ara gone : / In order none can reckon, them V to thee : if them dedaro. And speak of them I would« they mom than can be number'd are. . nt' 6 No sacrifice nor offering ' didst thou at all^ desire ; Mine ears thou bor'd : sin-off'iinf' thoia and burnt didst not require : ■" - f Thei9i to the Lord.^^^e were my words, sif I come, heboid and seiai j ~^- - Within the volume of the book / it written is of me : 8 To do thy will I take delight, thou my (}od that art T Tea, that most holy law ofthina 1 bave within my heart and fitom the miry day, An4 on a rock he set my feet, establishing my way. 44- ' 43 (Fatal*, 89-W.) BuvfAir.— cut Dijr word for er - «r Vn • to all gen - er li, O Lord, In hmt • en Mt ' tted fyt; • • •: tiOiit Thf Mth-fDl - ii«M doth la«t. f fJ 1 ^ fj ^^^^^^^ ^^^ > ^f^ ■ (' 1 1> r ^3£ ::a± I PSALMS XL., XLL m 9 Within the congregation great I righteotuhess did prea6h : Lo,.thou dost know, Lord, that I * refrained not mi^ speech. 10 1 never did within my heart ocmceal thy righteousness ; I thy salvati^ have declar'd, and ishown thy faithfulness : Thy kindness, which most loving is, concealed have not I, Nor froi^the congregation grmt ' have hid thy vf&rity. 11 Thy tender i^!einA(», Lord, from me \, ^ dp thou not restrain ; '^ Thy loving-kindness, and thy truth, let thwn me still maintain. Mjo 12 For ills past reok'ning compass me, and mine ini<iuiibio9 ^ ^uch hold upon me taken have^ 1 cannot lift mine ey% : . They moris |Uian hain are oh miiae head, ti^oe is my heart diipay'd. .'J^- - in 13 Be i^eased. Lord, to rescue me } Iiord,;iiasten to mine aid. l^Shfta^dHaad^ confonhd e d be th e y all « that seek my soul to kill ; Tea, let them baokuwrd driven be, and shMta'd, thttfc wish me ilL IS For a rewhrdof this their shame confounded let them be. That in this manner sooiffidg say, * Ahaj aha I to me. ti^l6 In thee let all be glad, Mid jo^ who seeking thee abide ; Who thy salvation love, say still, The Lord be niagnify'd. mp 17 1 'm poor and needy, m yet the Lord m of me a care doth take : Thou art my help and saviour, my God, no tarrying make. 41 ml AVbey. Clumt»S7. Blksskd is he that wisely doth the poor man's case.connder; Fw when the time of trouble is, the Lord will him deliver. 2 tjfod wiU hhn keep, yea, save auve} on earth he Uess'd, shidl live/; And to lus enemies' desire thou wilt him not up gi^. / S^God will give stra;^ wh^ he im bed of languishing doth momu ; : y- And in liis ridme ss sore, Lord, thou kp his bed wilt turn. mp A I said, O L^ni^ do thou extend thy men^ unto UM ;. ^^: 44 ir».dLl-ti,Mitnr.f BUBfO! -LJT'Z'y *^'^'*^' •^ ^ «r .let dome i'thi i^ psalKb xli., xlik. «iP Q do thon heal my soul ; for why ? I have offended thee. . , 6 Those i^t to me are enemiet^ of me do evil say, p When shall he die, that so his name niay perish quite away? m 6 To see me if he comes, he speaks r vain words : but tKen^his heart . Heaps misdiief to it, w£ich he tells, wheA forth he^lol^ depivt. '« - 7 My haters jointly whispermg, ! 'gaiost me my hurt devise. 8 liCischief, say they,' cleaves fast* to he li'th, and shall not rise. mp 9 Yea, ev'n mine own familiar friend^ <Mi whom I did rely, - ' Who ate my bread, ev'n he his heel against me lifted nigh. «i 10 But, Lord, be mereifal to m9^ . and up a^pio taie raise. That I may justly ti|»em requite ;-i—r acoOTduy to theur ways. ~11 By this' I know that certainly I favoured am by tiiee ; Because my hateful enemy triumphs not ovw me. ' mfl2 But as for me, thou me uphold'et in mine intiBgrity ; And me before thy oountehanoe theu seift'st oontinttally. /ISThe Lord, the Ood^p^ Israel, "Tbe bless'd'lor ever thw, From 4%e to age eternally, ^ * Amen,'y<MH ftnd amen; ' 4S ^^^^ IViniiy ; OUnOiim. OunU t6S. ' ml LiKK as. the hart for water-brooks ' in ^birst doth pimt and bray ; So pantii iny longing soul, O God, that come to tihee I may.^ 2 S^ soul for God, the living Qod, doth^thirst : when shall I near IJnto thy countenance approach, ' .and in God's sig^t I4[>pear? mp 3 My tears have tmto me iMeo meat, both in the night and <iay. While unto me otmtint^y, ft Where is thy God? n^ithey say. flip^ My soid is poured out in i», «>< -[ whcHD this I thii^ upon! Becauile thotrwith th<l invltitnde ^ I heretofore had gone : With than into God's house I went with voice of joy and praise; 46 (Fk.ail.) OAirpOML-OJI. WnmSpemM^mlim Vnim f tlie LonL The »»;, it bl«M'd Thrt faan tlw Lord » . right, He who in his cpm-nMuid • ' ueoto Doth g|««| • Ijr talu de • u gh t. ,» pdAt^^s xtn., xiiit \: Ym, with ihe uultitud^ that kept the solemn holy days.. . m 6 why ttrt thou'caat down, my boi}1? * ^ ' wfaymmeiBat,dinttay'clt ,, / w^ Tnist God, for I shall pra&d'liim yet, his Qoimt'muioe is mine aid,-, ,' ">■> . p 6 My God^ my soulfa cast down in me ; lap thee therefore mind'IwiU; ^ '- ^From Jordan's land, the HeqjflUtes, and ev'n'froin.Mizar;hilL p 7 At the poise 6f thy waterTspojdts " deep unto deep doth call ; Thy breaking waves pass ^er me, yea, and thy ImUoWs all. ^ m 8 His loving-kkidness yet the Lord > oonunand will' in the day. His song's with me by night t to Ood, by whom I live, TTl pray : 9 And i will say to Qod my rode, tip Why me f 0rgett*st thou so? Why, for myibes' opinression^ thus, mourning do I gp ?"" m 10 lis as a 0wpid wkfajn my bmiee, when my foes me upbraid ; Ev'n iprhen by them, nip Where is thy » 'tisdaOyiiCipeaaid. , (God? 110 why an ^u cast down, my -soul? , why, thus Irith grief cppraait. Artthoq^disqmetedinmel - '^ } tH( in ^rod"l^ hope and rest: ' ! ' /,> ForyetllmoVrlshallhim'praiiie^ ^ ; . ' whogracioudyto^e, . r The health is'of my CQuntesanoe, . ' yea^ mine (9m GcMl is he< , " .>v , . vv^v .'■[:/. .: ■*■-•.■ I AQ Chant fSff.- Fer. 8-6, Jneoeation; Hdtf m ^1 Judge me, God^i^^ and plead my oiniifc , against th' ungodly nation ; /^ ' ,From the unjUst and crttf^'man, ' » Obeihotumy aiivation. ,2 For thou the^Gkil art of my Vtiength ;. mp why'ihriistiB.thoumethcefrD't For th' euemy'B oppression * why do I mourning go^> . m 3 O send thy light forth and thy tmth'j let them be guijies to me, / And bring mo to ^thine holly hiU» ev'n where thy dweUiugs be. 11^4 Thai wUl I, to God's al^jp, . , ^ "tPOod my chi^fest joy i% : ^ , Y^ "God,, i»q r God, t h y na me toTMrafae jiny hairi/ 1 will employ. mp H Wliy art thou th^ oast down^ my soul ?. :" what should diaoourage thee? ^ » A< 1 '»- 46 (Pfe.id.) CULTBBSIL1I.--0JI. "^SSn^ '^ Hi thiUdolh 1„ ih. ••■«~ti*K«' Of th.^rikh« ■■ /. 44 And why with venng thoughts art thou disquieted in me? , Still trust in God ; for him t6 praise good" cause I yet shall have: He of my count^nanoe is the health, my God tiiat doth me save. Vtr,!-^ Old Uth.V<}hmat»S9 (1-9)1 9^sa, CheMre. f M0(9-a6X mfl O God, we with our ears have h^ard, . . What works" thou in their days hadst flfv'n in' the days (^ old. [done, . S lliy hand did drive the heathen out, and pbnt them in their place { Thou didst afflict the nations,^ hot them thou didst increase; Fot neither got their sword the land, nor did their arm them i^ve ; But ihy rig^t hand, arm, oountenante; for thou them favoiir gave. l%ou art my King : for Jacob, Lpid, ilckliy'ranceB command. / w e s h a ll p as h down fKwr that do against us stand { y. [fiiesj We, tfarougfa thy name, shall tuead doWn that rif'n against us have. . £th< m 6 For in my bow I shall not trust, Apr shall my swcmi iiie save. nsf 7 But from our foes thou hast us aav'<|, our haters put to shaine. / 8 In God we all the day <io boast, ^ / and ever praise thy name. . m^ 9 But now we are oast off by thee, and us thou putt'st to shame ; And when our armies d|o go fcirth, thou go'st jDot with 10 Thou maik'st us from faint-hearted, to ; And they who hate us our spoilB away do take. U Like dieep for nkeat thou gavest us; 'mong heatiieh cast M e be. 12 Thou ^d>t foi^ nought thy people sell ; their price enri<^'d not tiiee. 18 liiiou mak'st us a repro<Mdi^ to be unto our ndghbouni ^ , Derision and a scorn to| them that round about us | ije. 14 A by-word also thou do st us among the ) ifta.th«m irjuir^i « sesame. t^e enemy, back; ^or themselves Tjie peoi^e^ in contempt and spite, at us tiieir heads do s^Ice. 15 Before me my confuriol i oontinually abides; 47 OPa.iitlz.t-ii.) J: A • galnit Vf miiMf not / for • mcr dpaf Tlijr im - dw mtt - edJM thwr; I«t them pre- Tfbt W ipMdrl. . ,^ ^fw w«;nl>r(^iTar-y low; f" ' I'l.^ l' ^^ -I ^ ^ ^ ^ KKwAm>'-'>*m>»^'' \ T ■/ BtAtHS XLIY., XLV. And of my baahful oountenanoe tKe shame m» ever hides : 16 For ybioe of him that do ' a]liid(^)eaketh blasphemy; By reasoii of th' avenging foe, ' and cruel enemy; ^ ^ v 17Allthi«iBoomeontu,«»yetjr6 ' m ^ye not foigotten tiiee; - Nor falsely in thy covenant behav'd ourselves have w& 18 Back from tiiy way oui^ heart 'not tum^; •? , cor steps no straying made J " 19Tho' US thou brak'st in dnigons' place, and oover'dst with death's shade, p 2D If we God's name, forgot, or strelch'd to a strange god cur hands, MP 21 Shall not God sevioh this out? mfor he M heart's secrets nndarstands. mp 22 Tea, for thy sake we 're kiU'd iali day, <* counted as slaughter-sheep, m 28 Ri$e, Lord, cast tis not ever off ; i thou deep? Our belly also on the earth* , fast cleaving, hold' doth take. faflSlUse for pu/ help, and us redeem, ev'n for thy mercies' sake. 46 p 24 O wheref rare hidest thou thy iBioe ? foigett'st our cause dislj^'d, 25 And our o ppr oa s ibn? For our soid is to the dui* dofwn praa'd: F<ir. 1-tt, jGroHtftiMrk; -AmJMdfd . 10-17, OrumofA! Bturmw; OndiUm, mifl MTliMrt brings forth a goodly ih^fl tn/wiwds that I indite •' Concern .^e King : my tongue's\» pen . of one ^t^ swift doth write., m 2Thou fairer art than sons of men ^v intc thy lips^is store -\ .'i/ , Of gm» infus'd ; God theref ere , thee' hith Uess'd f or eyermOTtt. M/ 3 O ^n thitt art the mi|^y One, \ ; thy sword-gird <)n th^ tmc^; « Ev'n with thy glmy excellent, i ^ and with thy Jnajesfy. v^4 For meekness, truth, andrigfateousness, in state ride proqi'xouflfy;. . And thy ri|^t hand shall thee ii^irtruet in thhogs that f eurful be. 6 Thine aRowS sharply fiierce the heart of th* ta'mies of the King; ' And under thy subjection the people down do 1 M . :, . imtmf 48 cr^iMu.) mjjam(mt,'-4)M. ^^^ Let 0lirli-tUnf4ith Mid hoj^ dlt-pel Th» fem offoUt Mid w6ft The Lwd. Al-mlffh^tjr to fiiir Maul, And who ohi prove • fpet ah= J J J . \ -f ' PSALM / 6 Forever ami for ever is, '■ ? O God, tby throne of might; , . The sceptre of thy kingdom ^ ' 4 sceptre that is right. , '» ulovest right,.and halest ill; for God, thy God, most high, * Above tiiyfellowji hath with th'^oii of joy anointed tbce> m 8 Of aloes, myrrljK^ a inaq0ll thy Outoltheiv whereby th) 9 Among thy woffi ^ „ . ':.'"' '' Idiigs' daughters were at hand :. <a4 Upon thy right hand dul the queen , in gold of Ophir stand. • ml06 daughter, hearken and regard, and do thine eiur' incline ; I^ewise forget ^y father's house, and people that are thme. \mtVi Th^ of tiw King desirM shall be thybMnfcyT^'maitly: , m Beo^ufe he is thy Ijord, do thou him worship rev'ren^r 12 Hie daac^ter there of ^^rre shall be with gifts and offrings great: vThose of tb9 people that are rich thjr favoor shall entreat 60' ■ XLT. , . /18 Behold, the daughter of the YJeo^ . ; all glorious is within ; And Mrith embroideries of gold : her gannents wrought hav^^een. «iir 14 She shall be brought unto the King - in> robes with needle wrought; V iier fellow-virgins following » shaU.unto thee be brought 2 ' /iS/pbiBy shall be brought witir gladness ,• and mirtti on ey'ry 4de, [great, ■ Into the iwlace of the King, and there they shall abide. iMiJ^ia Instead of those thy fathers dear, ^ ' thy children thw may'st take, ■* And in all placi^df the earth - < ' them noble priiices make. ' 17 Thy name remanbei^'d I ^ make tljrough ages aU to be: / Thi people therefore evermore shaU praises give to thee. ANOTHXB "VERSION OF tHK BAltK. F«f. 1-0, CbrlWe; Cambridge; Old ISJifh. 1 »- 17, r^ «/ 1 Mt heart inditing is good matter in a song! . I spoiik Um things that'I have made, wUkih to the King belong: 49 . (Pk.9Siite.) J. TOBIJk HV, Ir r '' ^ O Lord. th<m h»tk m* Much'dMd knowfa. •nKmtooi.'rtinj dl • tli>c do«a. A«d rto-ta, up:/-, .U »,tl«,^,hi. A . fr to tlm^ taowB. r r ^ ' 'f' ^ . »-■*•■ \ ^PSAUlf XI<^ ♦ 'i: ■-'■*?■'-'■ » . . , » --i ■ . My tong:ae flhi^l be at quld(, his honour tb indite, . - -As is the pen of any scribe' > .that useth fast to write. , m 2 Thou/rt ffurest of all men; grace in thy lips doth flow: And therefore bletntings evemnore- on thee doth Grod bcsto'ir. ntf 3 Thy sword gird on thy thigh, * tiipu thAt art most of might: .9 Appear in dreat^ majesty, and in thy glory bright, inf 4 For meekness, truth, and rights ride proep'roudy in state; And thy right hand shall teach to thed / things tenible an4 great. 5 Tliy shafts shall ineroe their hearts .that foe8-|ure*to the King; , , VWh^by into subjection the pet^le thou duklt bring. / 6 Thy royal seat, O Lord, lor ever shall remain : Thg sceptre of thy kingdom d oth " all righteousness maintain. 7 Thou lov'st right, and hat'st ill; ' for God, thy God, most high, Above thy fellows hath with th' oil of joy aninnted thee. D i» 8 Of mjrrrh and spices sweet • a smell thy garments had. Out of the iv'ry lid&oes, whereby they made thee glad. 9 And in thy glorious train • kingstlaughters widM^^stand; fitf And thy fair queen, iiii Ophir g^ld, doth stand at thy ri^ht hand. ' m l66 daughter, tftke good heed^ ^ incline, and give good car; , Thou must foiget thy kindred all, knd ^father's house most dear. Vll Thy beauty to the King shall then delightful be: m ' And do thou huihbly wofthip him, because thy Lotd is he. • 12 The daughter then of Tyre there with ac^ diall be,, ' .^ And all the wealthy of the land ' ." shall make their suit to thee. > / 13 The daughter pf the King all glorious is within; A nd with enflwroideriea of g old her gannento inrought haveBeiea. ^ 11^14 She Cometh to tiie Kin(^ ' in robes with needfe wrought; The viigins that do follow her •hall unto theel^e faroogfat. mmm (Pi.ezzilU.) OOL0HB8TBR.-^JI. rMwAMrai Avmmv. vm. B« • hold, how good To • g«th • er fttoh ^^^^ Vi I 'I I ' l'll'uj ^ "^^y PSALMS XLV., XLVI. j^^. /16 They ahall be brought witih Joy, :*^ and mirth on ev'ry aide, ' " • Into the paUoe of the Kin^, and there they shall abide.- «^16 And in thy fathers' Btead, thy children thou may'st take, V ^And in all places of the earth them noble princes make. . 17 1 will show forth thy name to generations all : / Therefore the people evermore to thee give praises shall. il^Q A(«iMi«oa(«r; ITMfmiiuter. . ■^ 1 QoD is our refuge and bur strength, in straits a present aid; e 2 Therefore, although the earth remove, w« will not be afraid : M llioiigfahiUs amidst the seas be cast; 8 Though waters roaring make, i " And troubled be; yea, though thehills by sweUmg seas do shake. / mp ./ m /4 A river ii, whose streams do glad the dty of our Gkxl ; The holy pUoe, wherein thci Lord most fai^ fasAh his abode. HVT 5 God in the mulsfe ci her doth dwell; nottdng shall her Mmove : . The Lord to her a& helpior will, and that right early, pirove. a The heath«n rag'd tumultuously, the kmgdbms moved were: The Lord €rod uttered his voipe, the earth did melt for fear, 7 The Lord of hosts upon our side doth constantly remain : The God of J^aoob's our refuge, us safely to maintain. 8 Gome, tod behold what wondrous works have by the Lord been wrought; Come, see what desolations ■ \ . he on the earth hath brought 9 Unto the ends of all thefldrth wan into peace he turns : ! The bow he breaks, jthe.spear he outs, in fire the chariot burns. ) 10 Be still, and know that X am God ; among the heathen I Will be e x alted; I on ea rt h will be exalted high. /UOur God, who is the Lord is still upon our side ; The God of Jacob our refuge for evernill abide. 61 (Vfe- «iiii.) OOLIIRaL.~dJl H-mov h, & f,»o^i«. •f * . t^ S ' m , 1 I wltti B^ >«rto« orjr'd «o «• Lord, With it ».d« my » . q„a^, Poor-d oat to him my pUint, to him My tiou - bta ' I „ . "r i *^ f* .^1^- — t HI PSALMS XLYIL, XLVI1L m 4:7 ^ Magnm; jAaium. * • / 1 ALE'pebple, dap your huuls ; to God with voice of triumph shout: 2 For dreadfid is the Lord most high, great King the earth throughout. 11^ S The heathen people under us he surely shall subdue ; And he shall make the nationi under our feet to bow. The lot of our inheritaooe choose out for us shall he. Of Jacob, whom he loved well, ev'n the exc^enoy. , |fi^ 6 God is witii shouts gone up, the Lord with trumpets sounding high, e 6 Sing praise to' God, sing pnuse, sing pndse to our King sing ye. . [t)raiBe, / 7 For God is King of all the earth ; with knowledge praise express. 8 God rules the nations; God sits on his throne of holiness. 1 9 The priiaces of the people are ^ssemUed willingly; |s\f Ev'n of the God of Alxraham they who the peoi^e be. For why ? the shields that do defend the earth are only iMt : * They to the Lord belong; yea, he exalted greatly is. 4^3 Searborounh; t^onUhal. Chant tC6. / 1 Gbbat is the Lord, and greatly he is to be praised still, Within the city of our God, upon his holy hilL V 2 Mount Sion stands moat beautiful, the joy of all the land ; The dty of the mighty King on het north side, doth stand. 3 The Lord within her palaces is for a refuge known, m 4 For,1o, the kings that gatherUwere together, by ^ve gone. 5^ But when they did behold the same, they, wond'ring, would not stay; But, bemg troubled at the sight, they thence did haste away. ^ mp 6 Great terror there took hold on them, they were possess'd with fear; Their grief came like a woman'i when she a child doth bear, m 7 Thou Tarshish diipe with east wind 8 As we have heard it told, [birei|i('«t : «/ So, in the city of the Lord, * our eyes <fid it behold; ^ *' ■■ w:. ... ■. /■ 68 (P!i.«ui) M. Ratmi. TlM Lord's mjr ■hm>-h«tl, 111 nol wuil. H« m»km m» down to llo In pM-taiMgrMn: h* •Ui QM The qnl • •! «« • ton bj. J J J q ' J J J J =F=P=f= 1^ p p , PJ IP I =e I ^^ssamim^mmm ',:;; ' ■ .» ■■ .; PSALMS ZLVIIL, XLIX. / In our God's city, which hia hand for ever stabliiih will. We of thy loving-kiadnesB thought, Ixnrd, in thy temple still. 100 Lord, according to thy name, throiigh all the earth 's thy praise ; And thy right hand, O Lord, is fuU of righteousness always. N^l Beoausethyjudgmentsaremade known, let Sion mount rejoic^ Of Judah let the daughters all send forth a cheerful voice, m 12 Walk about Sion, and go i«ound;; . the high tow'rs thereof tell : / •^IS Consider ye her palaces, and mark hear bulwarks well ; That ye may tellposterity. /14 For this Gkxl doth abide V Our God ifor evermore ; he will ev'n unto death us guide. . 49 Day. ChnnttSS. M 1 Hmab this, all pe ople, and give e a r, — allin the world that dwdl ; 3 Botii Ipwand hic^ both ridi and poor. 8 My mouth shall wisdom teU : My heart shall knowledge meditate. 4 I willindine mine ear M. ■■/■ To parables, and on the harp my sayings dark declare. '.'■i 6 Amidst those days that evil be, ; why should I, fearing, doubt? When of my heels th' iniquity shall compass me about. \6 Whoe'er they be that in their wealth ~^S,*their confidence do pitch, mf ^^d boast themselves, because they are become exceeding rich : 7 Yet none of these his brother can ■ redeem by any way ; Nor can he unto God for him " sufficient rstasom pay, 7 8 (Their soul's Ademption precious is, 1 and it can never be,) 9 That still he should for ever live, and not corruption see. 10 For why ? he seeth that wise men die", and Iwutish fools also Do perish ; and their wealth, when dead, to oth e r s they I si t go. sv mil Their inward thought is, that their house and dwelling places 4^11 Stand throui^ all ages ; they their landt 1^ their own names do mIL 68 Cra^m-Hk) Tlw hMVnaOOd'i (to - rjr do i»- elan, Th* Oajr Bl • Un q^MOh to diijr, «b4 nl^l To "W ' y » PtALMS ZLIZ., t. # iqtlflBut ]ret in honour ihAll not man •bide continufdly ; ^ But pMiing henoe, may be oompMr'd unto the beaito that di«. . MlSThtu brutiah folly plainly is their wiidom and their way ; ;, Yet their posterity approve what they do fondly say. p 14 Like sheep they in the grave are laid, and dei^ shall them devour ; I mp And in the morning upright men / shall over them have pow'r : Their beauty from their dwelling shall consume within the grave, m 15 But from hall's hand Ood will me free, for he shall me receive. 16 Be thou not then afraid when one enriched thou dost see, Nor when the glory of his house : advanced is on bigh : up 17 For he shall carry nothing hence, when death his days doth end I Nor shall his glory after him into ^e gravedesoend 18 Althone^ he his own soul did bless whilst he en earth did live ; <And when thou to thysdf dost /Well, men will thee praises give;) N» 19 He to his fathers' race shall they never shall see light 90 Man honour'd wanting km ' like beasts that perish quite. K A Vtr. l-H, HampUm: SuxMagOid mth. ^^ 7-U,Praiiue: DthtcoitS. m 1 Tmt mighty Qod, the Lord, hath spoken, and did call The earth, from rising of the sun, to where he hath his falL n^ 3 From out of Sion hill, which of excellency e And beauty the perfection is, ; Ood Jhined gloriously. m 8 Our God shall surely come ; ke^ silence shall not he : c Before him fire shall waste, great storms shall round about him be. SI 4 Unto the heavens clear he from above shall cdl,'* . And to the earth likewise, that h» ~~ may judge his people all. ^ 6 Together let my saints lUnto me gather'd be, ^ose that by sacrifice have made a covenant with me.. .■ . . ■ "m I^Jtk' •Jmrmmimm^ 54 (Pi>x&i-u.) DAT.-HII. Wnm Dm^$ PmlUr. VM, lK>ipd,thonhMt boMi onr dweU-Ing-plwe in jeii - « • • - tfoM tlL Bfl • fore thon •▼ ■ pf hadatbrooghtfortb Th•^|^l-toil»gmt at maJi. FSAlil t. •V 7 "*„ ni/^ 6 And then ihe heayena shall hu righteoiianeM dedare.: • Bec&use the Lord himself is Ke ' by whom men judged wre. * My peo{4e Inr'el hear, speak will I from on higbi Against thee I will testify ; Ggd, ev'n thy God, am I. 8 I for thy sacrifice no <b)ama will' on thee lAy, Nor fcHT Jl>dxnt-o£rring8, wUch %oiim : thou offer'dst i|y'ry day. . 9 I "U take nc)^ catf ik)r goats from hoitte (»r fold of thine : mlOFor beasts of forests, cattle aU on thousand hills, ace xnine. « ;^ II The fowls on mountains I^h are all to jne well known ; Wild beasts whidhin the fields do lie, ev'n th^ iuw all mine o¥^ K. 12 Then, if I hungry were, I would npt tdl it thee ; ' k/ Becauise'^e world, and fulness all i( thereof, bdongJB tp me. »l> 13 Will I eat flesh of bulls ? ■X or goats' Uood diiiilc will I? - ■I^l4!lnianks offer thou to Grod, and pay thy vows to the Most High. ISAndcaUyponmewhen # ' in: trouble thou shalt be ; ^ ' / I wiU deliver thee, and thoii ■f my name shalt ^orify. fii|> 16 But to the wicked man God saiUi, My laws and truth V ' Should'st thou dediure? how dar'sttihou ':.>■ -- take.^',; . my cdv'namt in Uiy mouth? 17 Sith thou instruction hat'st, whidi should thy ways diregt ; , > - And^ sith my words behind thy back / thou cast'st, and dost reject 18 When thou a thief didst see, withhimthoudidstccmsent; ; V And with thd vile adultisrers partaker on thou went. ' wl9Thou^v'st thy mouth to ilij ^' thy tongue deceit doth frame ; 20Thou sitt'st, and 'gainst thy brother speak'st, thy mother's son dost shame. . mp 21 Because I silence kept, while thou these things hast wrought; 'M That I was altogether like thy s elf, hath b ee n thy thought s — — Tet I will thee reproy^, and set befmre thine eyes, 66 i CPttr.iMIL) immMMr-oM. Ju lb Suvoufnk UHL Let Chrto * tfam faith uid h(»p«' dla • pel The f«wi of guilt nd woe j The Lord Al - mi^ - tr ta oat fHend, And who cut prove » foe? u >•.<»► PBALH L. ,,:;I|k order ranked, thy mbdeeds, '.r and thine imquijties. p 22 Now, ye that Gfod forget, this^carefully consider ; Lest I in pieces tear you all/ and none can you deliver. M 23 Whoso doth offer praise me glorifies; and! w^ Will show hiin (Sod's salvation, • that orders right his way. , ANOTHEB VXBBIPN 0» THK 8AMS. V«r.l-9,Wettmituter:Komthai.\ / 7-16^ York; Be^ord^ . \Cha«Ugi8,t6Ji. 46-28, firiitol. f V , m 1 The mighty €rod, the Lord, hat|k spoke, ■ and otll'd the earth upon, Ev'n from the rising of tiie sun unto hit going down. < ni^ 2 Froii^ out of Sion, his own hill, where the perfection Idgh c Of beai^ is, from thence the Lend hatii shineid gloriously. » 3 Our God shall come, and shall no more be s ilent, but sp e ak out ; ^' « Before him fire shall waste, gmtmBiius shall compass him abov^t. m 4 He to the Heavens from abovo,^ and to the earth below, Shall call, that he his judgments may before his people show. . 5 Iiet till my saints together be ! vnto me {j^tiiered ; Those that by sacrifice with me a covenant have made. ntf 6 And then the heavens i his righteousness at Because the Lord himself doth come; none else is judge but Qod. mp 7 Hear, Oi^y people, and 111 speak ; O Israel l^ name, Agains&thee I will testify; God, e^'n thy God, I atak 8 I for thy sacrifices few ;' reprove thee never will, I^or for bumtKtff'rings to have been ^fore me offer'd stilL 9 I "U take no lyullook nor he-goats ' from house nor folds of tUne : m 10 For beasts of forests, cattle all on thousand hUls, are mine. 11 The fowiiB are all to me well known th a t monntain» high do yield ; — - And I do challenge as mine own , the wild beasts of the field. l».'-- How brightUMMglor- low qilr-lto ^ How ounaihtgrto the hUm-M atuia «t WheBoe •Utheirwfalte w - tajf ^ ^ J , 1 , I I -r ■, iv, ■! J :■ PSALMS L., LL «il2If I were hnngiy, I would not ■ ;* to thee for need oo&ipliun | fif For earth, and all its fulness, doth ' to me of light pertaiQ. ■V IJI That I to eat the flesh of bulls take pleasure dost littioa think? Or that I need, to quench my thirst, the blood of goats tQ drink ? ii«^14N»y, rather unto me, thy God, '^ . thaiiksgiving offer thou : To the Most High perfonh thy word, and fuUy pay thy vow : . U;(lnd in the daiy of trouble great ' '^ see that thou call on me ; ^ / X will deliver thee, and thoa * my name shalt g^brify. ' mp IftBut God unto the wicked saith, * Why shoukTst thou mention make Of my commands? how dar'st thou in thy month my cov'nant take? 178ith it ii so that then dost bate ., all good instruction; And sith thou cast'st behind thy back, and sU^t'st my weeds eacb.one. lBWhenthoii»thiefdidsts«B,thensti«igfat t hou join'dst with him in sin, And witii the vile adnlterevs tfion hast partaker been. M 19 Thy m<Mith to evil thou dost give^ thy tongue'deceit doth frame. 20 Thou «tt'8t», and 'gainst thy brother thy mbiher's son to shame, [speak'stf mp 21 Th08e,thmg8-iUiou wickedly hast done, . an4 1 have silent been : Thou ^^^t'st that I was like thyself , and ora mi^iroye thy sin : ;^ m But I will sharply thee reparovej «nd I will order rig^ ' Thy sins and thy transgressions in presence of thy si{^t. p220(msidtt' this, and be afraid, ' ye that fdr^ the Lord, r Lest I in pieces tM^ you all, when none can help afford, m i23 Who off'reth {nraise me gloarxfies : s ntf i will show God's salvation • To him that ordereth aright Ins life and conversation. ^ . -'. ■^;■ . _ . .■ 0t, ■, ^ KT Vtr. 1-7, Ihmdet: 8LMwry. 14-19t si; JCttda; JMd«n mp V AwTMB thy loving'ldndness, Lord, "^ h»ve meroy upon meT For thy oompassbns gveit, blot CNit all mine iidqid^. ?'/-M--<A 5? (n-HL) DinHIIU (WlidMrX-bJL wnmMm$Hakr:vm. y. !■ Heip» Lord, b»-aiaMtii« gbjl *J]r num Doth did ■ ly fiide a ' • m^; And from » • mong the mnu. ot tarn ' Tb» fklth-fiil do d« • Oif . m PSALM LL p 2 Medeaiuefiroin sin, and throughly waah from mine iniquity : . ^ 3 FOr.my tran^^reasionBlodnfJnf-. my inn I ever see. 4 'Gunst thee, thee\>nly, have I rinn'd, in thy ne^t done thiff Ul ; That whan thou speak'st thou may'st be . and <deur in judging stiU. Uwtt 5 ISehold, I in iniquity was fdnn'd the womb within ; My mother also me oonceiv'd ; " in gidltiness and em. Mj) 6 Behold, thou in the inward parts with truth delighted art ; '^ . And wisdom thou shalt niaJce me know withm l^e hidden part. . v 7 Do^ou with hyssop sprinkle me, . Ish^llb^cleuisedso; ^ mp Tea, wash thou me, and then I shall be whitor than the snow. ai 8 Of gladness and of joyfiolness make me to hear the voioe ; That so tbeee very fwnee whidi tiiou Mbit broken mi^ rejMce. p 9 All nune iniquitifls blot out,'* , t ^ thy laoe hide from my hbtt^T 10 Create) » dkai heart. Lord, xeii0«r a right sp'rit me witluii. mp 11 Cast me not from thy right, nor take thy Holy Spirit away. '. 12Bestor6 me l^y salivation's joy ; with thy free Sp'rit me stay, m 13 Then will I teach thy ways unto those that transgressors be ; ntf Aic^ those that sinneM are shall theii , be turnecl unto thee. p 14 O God, of my 4p»lvation God, ; me from'Uood-guiltiness ' Setk|reQ ; cthen shall my tongiie alolid e smg of thy righteousness. -^ , plSMy dosedUps^ O Lord, by thee £/ let them be opened ; mp Tbeh shall thy praises by my mouth „ abroad be piiblished. 16 For^^ou desir'st not saerifio^ else would I give it thM ; Nor wilt thou with burnt-offering at aU deUghted be. ^ Ni:17 Abroken spirit is to God " a pleasing sacrifice : A Ivoken and a donttite heart, Lord, thou wilt not despiBe. 18 Show kindness, and do good, Lord, to Sion, thine o w n t ^ The walls <tf thy Jerusalem build up oi thy good will ■i mii ! * Mfwa 68 ((k.iiiiii.i-rj lM»nHinJniBi-OM.-wnmstMUtt»iur. mn QoA'n mer-dM I will V • tt allig:*^. And idth my month I aball Thy t«ltli - fnl • nen nuke 4o be kn6wn To getf - ar - » • iions nU. !te^ J rJ J I J r r r T ■jSLi LUiT] PSAUirLL, LIL, UIL •^IdThenrighteouaofl'riiigs shall thee pit and oflTrings burnt, which they With whole burnt-off'riiigat and with ■hall on thm% altar lay. 4^' [calves, f^Q C^nttiS. Vvt. 8, 0, MeZroM ; Pft«^. ml Wht dost thou boast, O mic^ty man, of nusdiief andof Ulf > M^. The goodneM of Almighty God endureth ever stUL «» 2 Thy tongnis mischievous calumnies deviseUi subtilely. Like to ft raxor shurp to cut, working deo^tfully. 8 HI more tiian good,' and more than truth ^ thou iovest to sptek wrong : > 4 Thou loyest all'<levqttring words, '^\ Q thou deceitful tongue. t «^ 6 So God shall thee deari^oy for ftye, ; ' remove thee, pluck thee Out V iQuke from thy housd, out of the huHl^ <tf life he shal* thejS root. f» 6 Tim ric^itaoni diaU it see, and fcMr, \ ' and laugh ftt him th«y shall : IP 7 Lo, t^" t^* "»*» " *^^fc «*'«^ "»* m And he took strength unto himself from lus own wickedness. \^ n^ 8 But I am in th^ house of God lUce to an olive green : My oonfidcmce for eVor hath up(m God's mercy been. / 9 And I for ever will thee praise, - because thou hast dose tiui : I o^ thy name will wait; |or good ' before thy saints it is. ^ m 1 THAt thiore is not ft God, the fed , doth in his hei^ o^tndude : * They are corrupt, the^ works are vile, not one of them doth good. ' "*^ 2 The Lord upon the sons of men ; from hBftv'n did cast his eyes, / To, see if any one there wis thftt sought God, and was wise. m^ 91 They altogether filthy are, .'■ they all are backward gone ; ,;m And there is none that doethgoodf no, not so much as one. m 4 These ycwrkOTS of iniquity, ^ do lliey not know at aU, That they my people eat as bread, and on (3od do not call? make God lus strength at all i it he in his abundant wealth idenoe did (tlaoe J| w^ 69 (ft.8ds. IM-Ul) ]|0ia^Uil.-^Jt Wnmaimimr^tF$!ttkt» "' PSAUfS LIII^j UV., LV. my 5 eW there they were a^d, amdi^tood with tarembliiig, all dismay'd, ml, 'Whereas there waa no cause at aXL why they should be afindd : For God Ids bones that thee besieg'd bath scatter'd all abroad; > ■ ^ Thou hast poniFotinded them, ior th^ despised Kfe of God. 3 Let Isr'el's help irom Sion come : ' V ^hen back the Lbidshp bring « His captivM, Jacob shall i«joioe, .; and Israel shall sing. ^ » 1 SAyx me, O God, by thy great i^e, and judge me by thy strength : 21 Jly prayer hear,fjp G«l; give ear '• unto, tt>y words at length. iNi»l3 For ihey that strangers are to me do up against me^ rise; > Oi^ressors seek my soul, and Gcd set not before their eyes, m4 The Lord my God my helper hi^ lo, therefore I am bold: >. He taketh part witfijBv'ry one ChcmttSt. that doth my soul uphold. 9 tJnto mine enemies he shall misdiief and ill repay : for thy truth's sake cut them off, , and Bweep them clean away. 11^ 6 I will a saranfice to thee give with free wUlinghess ; -'\^« T1^ natoe, O Lord; because 'tis goiliB jQpj^ praise I will confess. "^ 7 1^ hia hiftth me delivcied. ' from aU adversities ; * ' And his<€esire mine eye hath seen/ ' upDnmu^plBmies. 56 SLManf. ^ 1 LoBD, hear my Waj^, hide n^ thyself frotn my entr^tivyK vmoe :. 9 Attend and heaif me ; in my. plaint I mourn and inake % noise. »!» p Because of 01*^ ^'my's voice, and for lewd men's oppreasion great, ^- Qtij&o they cast iniquity, ' , and they in wrath me hatei - _ p 4 l^xre pain'd within me is my heart ^ > desk's terrors on me falL 6 Onmecomestrembluig,fearlpd<dbmi||ir < oWwhehned me witiiaL lap 6 'O that I, like a dove, had wings, ~" jsaid I, thai wpnld r flee ~ ' Far hence, that I'mic^t find a place where I in rest mi(^t be. a. •»: 8 '^^r(H« -vi^iii^jftibo^ .,i. :^ : i" and cb'^J* tongaea 4ivi4e j" imvi _.^j^OT in the <at^ Violence >•, ^.v < ,. mlOl!ffli^yimdy«;htuiw^ _^iot^al?out|itr6»n>d: ^ iSero miMsMtf ^ fuild sortpw t^ ^ '. ; inniidstpfitislo^ ** " ^ - ^llAbundantwie^ednesftlih^iB.,' within her inward i^i' r • / ~ £roili her 8treM» dcksdtfulneaai ' ( • .. and g^ile do not deitarb ' ii«l>12He*was no ide that ine reproadi'd, ' thm tiiat endure t d>uld ; •Nor hatw that did 'gainst me l^oast, . f^m him me hide I WAUld^ ml3 But thou, mao, who mine equal, goid^ Imd mine acquaintance^ ufast : ' "UWe join'd Bweet ootuunls, to Oed*B in company we pagt. [houae : lis X 11 call <iii God 1 ^ tiill ihe save. Iti 111 prf^^ismdmuAkda noise At ey'ning, moralpg,ij|iind at nooii ; , ^; "^ 'and he tiuXi. htiar my^Voice. ' l$Be,hath nly soul delivaned,^ ' ti^% it in mace InigUt be ) T^jfi battlelhat agidnat ^e wMj; : • lorjDoany were with me. m 19 The Lord shall h§ar, uid them aflUot, -\ \ ^^ of old who hath abode : -^ "' f Beoiusis, they never chabges hayii^' v therefotsthey fear noit Gpd. \ ' *" : 20 'GiuDBt tte)se that were^ at peace with haj^Oht lOTth his hand : - The oo^flBthat he had m«de, by braSpi he ivof Itia'd. 21,More smpc^ thaii butter were his, -while in hill ^eart was*wAr; [wbrds, Bis speeches #erB more «bft thui oil, and yet draw^ swords they are. / mp22 Cast thou thy trtuden on the Lordj, ^ m and hfr shall thee sustam ; >\ Tea, he shall cailse the righteous man nnmnvad to remain. i'H 11/15 Let death u|Man then^ 8ei2e, and down ;^let theiA go quick to hell ; iW wickedness doth xnw^ abound among them «faiBre they dwfkU. -■•:•■ 62 fnp2i But thou, O Lord my God, tijoge men^ in justice shalt o'erthrow, V^^ d And in destruction's dungeon dark ^m at last di|lt lay them low : * wmmEAH'-cM. ^"^i m^ hT '■ ■' /?:' ■ ' ■ . . ■ f "'■ Vl <i vr - tit OuA «ii^d«N;. lart Ilk* the nu blm'd In Urn,"' mi4 blMi'd 4,11., m • Uoni dual 11 dudi: him oaU. ^^^^^^^ «L*. PSALMS LH^., LVL, LVII. \h' ^ 'mp The bloody and deceitful men shall not live hfdf their days t ' tn But upon thee with cionfideAoe h> 1 wUl depend always. ■iiJ ' ' ■/ •■■ '-' ■■"'■ ' '■'•' 1 r 66 ^^' -^^^^ ''*«** ***^ «N]> 1 Spow mercy, Lord, to me, foir man WQuld swallow me outright ]^e me oppressethr while he d( a^^^ me daily fight. 2 They idaily ;^ould joe swalloy, ttvkt hate me BpJlRullyj|^: For they be many that dolpght ; ' against me, Most Hi^. V 3 "Whel I 'm afrai4| I "U trust in fhee : « la, 4 In God 1 11 pilme his wqrd ; « I wi]I.notfear what.fl(^hcando, '^ my trust is in the Iiordi m 5 Each day they Wre$t ntiy words i.tiieir 'gunst me are all f or UL [themsfats : CVThey meet, they lark,4}iey * waiting my soul to Idll. mp 7 Bat dliall they by iniqtiity eftcape thy judgmentajfti N^- OCkxl, with indignation down v . V >l.do thou tp people throw* J?^ ' mS My wanid'nBgB all whaMhey Iui9||i||teb ihou Imow^Bt, their nunber toblt; Into thy bottle put my tears : A^.^ are they noi iQ thy book ? Q. Hy foes shaK,' when I cry, turn back ; ^ I know.'t, God is for me. inflO In God his wordlTl praise ; his word in God shall praised be. . 11 In God I trust ; I will not fear what man can do to me. pim upon me are, O God ; pfaise to thee. \ who ftom death me i|iiii ^my teet from ISifSia keejj free, [sav'd, To wiak befo%G^> ^<>t#it <* of th«wl4i#Uvingib«i?"^^^ wp i Bi8mei«j^tonie,^G^ thy nSx^ unto^' ' ^, po thou mrto^^becaupbtii^ 1^ m doth p«t hef larust in ttee r y,;i ; ptf Yea,intheaJMdilM^yji^ > myrefugelwiUirtiib^v ^i^ 4^ Until these sad (Ml^tie* ' \ s do whofly overpaa^ \ iJv' AjJMya^lWJncaaietoasbiand , \ 7 trntoth^Lordidoflihigh; . v\ \ i /• . , * ToGo^SfhodothiOllhingsfdr^ : ..\ porf oim most perf eotiy. *, ' " 68 JhnmBcaUUiPmUmr. |«|t. Jt^ iMV ry--^ .J J Jr . 5 ' a^i I '■ ^ Fn - to th* Lonl I wltlv 1117 toIo^ I aa -to <3od did ajt BVn with in7 Toioc, and on . to mo Hto mw be did ap • jH^. ij'" 'I,' ,' '';ji ' ^ ii ii ' I rill :iif.:i PSALMS LVII., LVIII. V i/ 8 I^m heav'n he shall send down, and from hia reproach defend [me ' N '"Khat would devour me : God luft truth \ : and mercy forth shall send. MP 4 My soul among fierce lions is, I firebrands live amon|f, ' [darts, Men's sons, whose teeth are spears and a sharp' sword is their tongue, mfb Be thou exalted very high above the henv'ns, O God ; / Let thon thy glory be advano'd o'er all the earth afiroad. mp 8 My soul 's bow'd down i for they a net have laid, my steps to isnare : m ibito the pit which they have digg'd for me, they fallen are. ,' heart is fix'd, my heart isi fix'd, O God ; I H sing and praise. «^ 8 My gloiy wake ; wake pealt'iy, harp ; . myself il 11^ early raise. ' M 9 1 11 praise ihee'mong the people. Lord ; 'mong nations sing will I : „ ^ e 10 For great to h(bav'n tl^ mercy is. T-^y 58 Chanttse. ' mp 1 Do ye, O congregation^ indeed speak righteouaness? M . ye that are the sons of men, judge ye with uprightness? ., m 2 Yea, ev'n within your very hearts ye wickedness have done ; And ye tho vilence of your hands do weigh the earth upon. ^ 3 The wicked men estranged are, ev'n from the very womb ; ' They, speaking lies, do stray as soon as to the world they come. 4 Unto a serpent's poison like their poison dpth appear ; Yea, they are like the tluit closely stops h r. S/Hiat so she may not : of one that charm No, not though he mi ' and cham most r ♦: erdeaf, ■'■, ear; the voice would, cunning were, [y dould. t^ 6 Their teeth, God, vjpthin their mouth break thoti: ^ma^ m pieces I The great teeth break thou out, p L(»<d»i of these young lions alL ^m jT Let them like waters melt away, which downward still dp flow t / thy taruth is to the sky. iVll Q-Lord^ exalted be thy name above the hea^v'ns to stuad : « Bo thou thy glory far advance above both sea and land. 64" ■ ~." . ' ■ 68 CPMr.lxvl.) EMMAWJML-O: ■ ■ ^ ■ ■ - i r r r r r r f Bow bright tbMe^-^looa tplr • Iti diiatl WIimimaU thcirwhlto'tf •< nr'T HpwoMMthay to tht UlM ■ fal Miiti /Of •▼ . w - iMt ^ log dajf K r t' ri f "r m~^ & A ^J J ui^ i -p p9 ^D LJ ' tJ' •' * I "j _ l »'-- 1 > In piepea cut his arrows all, ^ , wrhen he shall bend his bow. . 8 Like to a snail that melts away, l§t oach of them be g^ne ; liUte woman's birth untimely, that they never see^e Bun. \9 He shall them take away before your pots the thorns can find, Both living, and in fury great, as with a stormy whid. n^lOThe righteous, when he vengeance i if I _;j!»e diall be joyful then ; .. iytm righteous one shall wash his >1 Sn-Wood <tf wicked men. ifdb inenshall saji jlpie righteous /'"Sd reward shall never miss : \ ^nd verily upon tiie earth S^dto^ judge th(ure is. mp 1 Mt (}od, deliver mte front those that are mine ^emiea ;' And do thou me defend from til' "~^ that up against meQPe. ^ w 2 Bo thou deUrer me from them . that work iniqmty ; And give me safety from the mien of bkmdy cruelty. > '^■ 8 For, lo, they for my soiil lay wmit : . the mighty do combine Against me, Lord ; p not for my fault, nor any sin of mine* . They run, and, wiihdut fault in me,, themselves do rea% make : Awake to meet me w^th thy help ; and do thou njotice take. m 6 Awake therefore. Lord God of h( «t8, y thou God of Israel,; r 'To visit heathen all: spare none that widcedly rebel. ^ 6 At ev'ning they go to and fro f they make great noise and iound, tiike ioift dog, uid often walk about the dty rottnd. ' ; 7 Behold^they belch otttwith their mouth, and in their lips are owords : • '* For they do say thus^ Who is he ' that now dotii 4m^ our words ? n^ 8 ButiJtou, OLordtsh^t laugh at thcfm; and all the heatheVnock. ' '9 While he's in po;yr^ fo r God ii my ' lO'He of my moN^ betimes shaUme V- , Upon mine <m|pB Gc4 me see mlneneart's MP 11 Them slay not, lest my folk forget ; m but scatter them abroad ,; By thy strong pow'r; and^Tbring them O thou our shield and GcS. [d<Wfn, 12 For their mouth's sin, and for the wftrds that from their lips do fly, , Let them be taken in Uieirpri^j because they curse And lie. a mp 13 In wrath consume thei*^ them conwjme, tiiat so they may not be : " <^ ♦ Am that in Jacob'God doth rule ^' ^^ to th* earth's ends let theiig|||. 14 At ev'ning let thou them XI^^P^* ' making great noise and somid, Like to a dog, and often walk a1w{yfth|B dt/ roimd. ,15 Aiid lei i^em ^anjier up and down, ^ in seeking food to eat; Andlet th?mgrudge whei^hejtrfialliiot be satisfsr'dwith meat. nwTie But of Ay ip^'r I •U sing aloud ; Mb at mom thy mmoy ptaise : For thou Ut me my refuge wast, : 00 C^l^-^'^'^^ mp 1 O LOBD, thou hast rejected us, 'iA, displeased been; ^1 God. l^i> ,„ "I iiiMle; ^heil, :e.' •■ and tow'r, in trouUous days. ^ 170 God, thou art my strength, I will sing praises unto thee ; For (Jod is my defence, a God <tf inen^ mito me. liiid Bcatterld us abroad ; T^oujii#Wa»!t . ^ return tfcus,^ God. It f, • > * 2 The eayt|i to therein didst- Do thou thereof because the lani ^ 3 Unto ttty Beople tMhai^thh\gi hast show'd, undlb them sent ; And thou hast caused us to drink . wine of astonishment. ^ ^ «* And^yet a banner thou hast giv'n . to thwik who thee do f ear ; That it 1^ them, because of truth, V displayed may appear. 6 That thy beloved people may ddiver'd be from thrall, : - ■ e Save with the pow'r of thy right hand, and hear me when I calL W 6 God in his hoUness hath spoke ; hi - Shechemi will divide, and forth win Suocoth's valley measure. 7 Gilead I claim as mine by right ; Manannch mine shall be ; j * ■ ■ : "■■■; ,-\ ■: ■ •■■■.;■;■ ■ I 66 (F* «rd. 1^) rAITB.-OJL »rpiiii^5a-M*o, I !«>»• th. Lord, b«,cWMt », Vill, AnA\,^M, \ "T «Wn>. Who bow'd to m* bU mr. < A PSAtl§ LX., IJCI., LXII. Eplmlm ii of mine head the «ir«igth Judah givea laws for me ; '' 8 MpAh's my wa«hing-pot j my shoe I '11 over Edom throw ; '' And \Dyor Palestina'a land I whi in triumph go. jmif d Ol^ho ii he will brmg me to ^Uecityfortify'd? ,* O who is h/that to the land of Edom will me guide? ^^^ VlOO God, whioh hadest us oast on, '**• this Uiiiig wilt thou not do ? ^ ^ Ev'n thou, O God, which didest no\i forth with our armies go ? ll Help us from trouble ; for the help is vain which man supplier. /12 Throuc^Godwe'lldogreatacts ; he shall tread down our ettemies. QJ: . Saldnirg; MehHer, : I . P 1 God, give ear unto my cry ; imtoTuy pray 'r attend. 2 From th' utniost comer of the la&d my cry to thee 1 11 send. i»)i What tinae my heart is overwhelm'd, and in perplexity, n' Do ihou me lead imto the Rock that higher is than I. %^ 8 For thou hast for my refuge bees a shelter by thy pow'r ; / And for defence against my foen thou hast been a strong tow'r. m 4 Within thy tabernacle I for ever will abide ; «/ And under covert of thy wing* I . with confidence me hide. m IS For thou the vows that I did make, O Lord my God, didst hear : - Thou hast giv'n me the heritage of those tiiy name that fear, i^f A life prolong'd for many dajra , thou to the king shalt give ; Like many generations be the ye«r8 which he shallUve. 7 He in God's presence his abode for^avermore shall have : O do^ou troth and mercy both prepne, that may him save. ^ / 8 And BO will I pei^Jttually - sing praise unto thy name ; That having made my vows, I may each day perform the same. QQ StodOon; $t. Mirrpt. %^ 1 Mt soul with expectation (Impends on, God indeed ; ez 66 (Pw lUL) rABimf^tHiJi.-0JL ea n* Take oom • fort, ChrU • Uuif, whan your frirada In J« . mu fall •• alMp; Th«Ir Ut • »«r b« • inf MV»|t mda; Why than d« - JmI • ad wmpi ^t^=^^^=w4=ri^ p^-^J^ J ^ r, y (•''til p '» I ='= 3B .'» PSALMS LXIL, LXIII. lif My strength and my aalvation doth from him alone proceed. / 2 He only my salvation ia, and my atfopg rock is he; He only is my aure defence j. much mov'd I shall not be. m» 8 How long will ye against a man plot mischief ? mye shall all « Be slain ; ye as a tott'ring fenoa ■haU be, and bowing wall. 4 They only plot to qaat him down from his excellency : They joy in lies ; with mouth they bless, ntp but they curse inwardly. m 6 My soul, wait thou with patience upon Uiy God alone ; On him dependeth all my hope and expectation, fV 6 Ho only my salvation is, and my strong rock is he ; . Y He only is my sure defence.: , , I shidl not moved be. 7 In God my glory placed i»» "imd my salva t ion suTfrf Before him pour ye out your heart? mf God is our refuge high. . :; mp ft Surely mean men are vanity, v and great men are a lie ; .^ . In balance laid, they wholly aw p "> more light than vanity, m 10 Trust ye not in oppression, , in robb'ry be not vain ; On wealth set not your hearts, when ai , increased is your gain. 11 God hath it spoken once to me, yea, this I heard again, ^ ntf That power to Almighty God alone doth appertain. /12 Yea, mercy also unto thee ^ belongs, O Lord, alone : || For thou according to his work ev'ry one. In God the ro<5k is of my strength, my refuge most secure. m 8 Ye people, place your confidence in him conttnuiiUy ; 63 ■ • '^^ Bernard; J^ukion. mp 1 Lord, thee my God, 1 11 early seek : my soul doth thirst for thee ; j,. My flesh longs in a dry parch'd land, wher ein no waters be ; M 2 That! Ihy power may behold, imd brightiigB of thy face. As I have M«gp«e heretofore within thy BMy plwse. 67 (ri.<»ii.i«-in.) rAIBUnr.-ail. Rmuurumm. lat my Mur • oMt pny'r Mid ery tui •-^•r-iUnd-lof ua • It #1% O Oivt Coma BMur IM • for* Uim, Lord: At'* oording to thy word. ■''t J A A A A J A J ^ ■yy^ ^ .!S?lA'' ^MNMHINk^^ ''- f' ■^V4M^--vs^«faMMH«HMaMipal|ll * \*,:-'=' P8ALM8 I«Xin., IXtT. 'M- mf 3 Since better ia thy love than life, my lip« thee praise aholl give. 4 I in thy name will lift my hands, and bless thee while I live. « 6 Ev'n as with marrow and with fat my soul shall filled be ; wf Then shall my mouth with joyful lip« sing praises unto thee :' » 6 When I do thee upon my bed remember with delight. And when on thee I meditate in watches of the night. mf 7 In shadow of thy wings I '11 joy ; for thou mine help hast been. 8 My soul thee follows hard ; and me thy right hand doth sustain. mp 9 Who seek my soul to spill shall dnk down to earth's lowest room, m 10 They by the sword shall be cut (ftff, and foxes' prey become, ii^ll Yet shall the king in God rejoice, - and each one glory shall Thatswearbyhim:/mbutstopp'd8haUbe w the mouth of liars alL mp My life save from the Miemyji . of whom I stand in fear. Me from their secret counsel hide who do live wickedly ; From insurrection of those men that Work iniquity. Who do their tongues with malicewhet, and make them cut like swocds ; In whose bent bows *re arrowa set, ^^v'nrtfctop and bitter words ; i^t/thj^may at the perfect maitt • ^n\tj*et aim their shot ; Yea, sudd^ly they cUre at him to shoot, and feur it not. 6 In ill encourage they them'sdvei, and their snares close do lay : . Together conference they have ; ; Who ahall them see ? they say* 6 They have search'd out IniquitbM, a perfect search they keep : < Ol each of them the inwwd thought, Imd very heart, is deep. 7 God shall an arrow shoot at them, and n^ound them suddenly : 8 Sotheirowntonguashlkllthemconfound; a^ who them see shall fly. 9 And on all men a feair shall fall, God's works they shall declare ; »:■•■■ 34 ColMhiU. ChaidSSe. «f> 1 When I to thee my prayer make, Lord, to my voice give ear ; .. m ^j^M^I^I^&^'' Js-^mLL^Hb&ssiiii. , 68 (Pmxftwe.) f TBUX^-OM. rtomUaimLmmi,. Died mi.' 4'-.'. li to tiiahMv'ius'Tbr troth doth rMcb the <)loa(U) like moim-taliugrMt: Thy }Qdg-meittidMp H Jloodf. ' Thj nier • 07, Iionl, ^' Ju : tlM to I ( PSALHd LXIT., XXy. 66 m For they Bhall wisely notice take -what these'his doiiigB are. r a^lOln God the righteous shall rejoice, . and trust upon his might ; / Yea,: they shall greatly glory all in heant that are upright. ^ 9-lZ, Arnold: Buddemfidd- n^ 1 BKAiBS waits for thee in Sion, Lord : to thee vows paid shall l>e. " * 2 A thou that hearer art ot pi^y'r, , ■nflesh shall come t<rthee. V np 3 Iniquities,'! must oonkWi -r-lft^ ^ . prevail against me do :.• , «»' But as for-ouf teransgressions, t^em purge iikwax shalt thon. ' /<Bl4>'d 4s the man whom thou dost ' amdiittlc'st approach to the€^, [choose, Tliat hfi^thin thy courts, O tord, may still a dweller be-: , — • We surely phall be satisfy'd • ', . with thy abundant grace, • - s/ And with the goodj^ess p! U»y bouse, / • ev'nbfjthy holy place. - mj^ 6 O God of onr salyation, • . «./ thou, iii thy righteoMpea* . ^ m By fearful wprks unto our pray*ii| ° thi«n|rwer dost express : TherefOTe^h^dsof all the earth;' ealar i »,■ • and those'^Bir that be Ujjon the peS, their confidence, >' O Lord, wai place in thee. . ^^ V 6 Who, being girt with pow'r, sets fast • by Ws great strengfth the hills. , f Wiio noise of seas, noise of their waves, ^ - and' people's tumult, stills. . * i» 8 IThose in the utmost parts that dwell \ ^--^ 'are at thy signs afraid : n\f Th* outgoings of the mom and eyjn " by thee are joyftflmade. ^ 9 Theearth thou visit'st, wat'ruag it ; thou mak'st it rich to grow With God's full |lood ; thou com pre- when thou provid'st it so.-, Ifipr'at* m 10 Her rig/thou4irat'r(B?^lentepiMly, hj^r furrows settclfisr: ji^ * . With^show'rs thou dost herig^llify, ;iet,f pring by thee is blestf^ mfii So' thoU the year most Hb'r^^J* dost -Hsith thy gwHlness cAjv^ And <dl tl^pathaabnndantly^^ '7 dn na drop fatness down. * -■ I* 12 They drop upon the pajftjires that doin jleserts lie f ' l"> S9 ^ ^ '*'**.' ^ / ',i** M i^ «■' ■ > i1 ^69 "^(rkoxxL) ' J J 4gt. J J j.j: ■ ' * ; I" to the hills will lift ttliieajrvt, Fnnnwh^iKi^dotliooina n)in« • irid. Iljr, Mfa ■ ty oom - etlt from, the Lord,- .Who hwikv'n and ««rth hatfi iium1«. P == ^'4-vt^ ^^^ -jLjgL^ p — p^ — # ^ :^ ^^ PISALtfS LZV., LXVl. 't # mf T^e little hUlu on eVry side - * rejoicei ri^t pleasantly^ 13 With iiooks tihe pastiites clothed he, „ ' the vales with corn are c\bA \ , ' / And now they shoutj and sibg to fchee, ' ;,'^ , -for thou- hast ittade them glad- ttjdi rerA'9,St.Qeorg«; Son-Aeeord ^^ *. « Kifrnkal m-Sto, 'iftttrinffton: SudeUy yChanti 1 .- 'US. v\ . >.. « 'V 1 All bkacl^ to Q^, in jojrful spunds, ' ^f 2 SingiioiTO ihs h<m^ Oy andglonpiasmalfcemap^ . top 3 Say amto (Bod, 0&w teriRble •,; vv ;** in all thy wiorlsii ait-tfibu! , , ° . ^". -« : ThroTighjiygt^E^^ . i ' ■ shall be constriun'd to bowv J^' 4 '^ on the Wth shall worship tbe^ l^iif(^ ^ .'i'MlB^ shall tiiy praise proclaim i)*" H V ]^ |c«^: iheV shall sing dieerfiilly - ' ' %i]|to t^ ' ' , ; •; I m & Con^ JMcid tiie'works that Goc^ hath V-'' '-''^''vi^^SwiSMg^t •?■ ■■ ,'. ■' : ^,, f ^^ ^V'with'*^«bn^^ f; ^ " ■ •^'»lf JOiVwork^ .;^■i!f.•^^^Iiolitelr^iblei*•he.,■ -■""■t"-' ■■■■ji*f ■:*?i 6 Iiito dry laqd the sea he turn'd) " and they a passietge h'ad~; t Ev'n marching through the floodonfoot, ihere we in him were ^lad. 7 He ruleth ever by his ^jpw'r j his, eyes tiie nations see : <■ ^ O let not the rebellious one» lift up themselves on high. ' ' * mf 8 Ye people, bless our God; aloud' 4^ the voice speak of his pnuse: 9 Our soul in life who «a!t» jMreserves, .. our foofe from sliding stays, til 10 Mot thou d|dst prove and try us, Lord, . as men do ^ver try} \\^ -■ 11 Brought)^ ^^iiito'the net," and madTst . s, V, &fUwii?on ipur loins tblie. A ►. ' ; 12 Thoufasfitji^kw'dmenrideo'erouarbei^ . ' fU)d:|noii^h4}iat lire did pass '>. ' '^■^^ ^ro%h ^^aaad >at(BJr, T^et thou* ; ' / 'u» ^ a wealthy placjef ' [brd(ught'# mfiZt '11 terin|'l)«rnt-oit*rings 1^^ tl^ lioui«!| '- to thee jnoy vQwal 'E|«»y, '■■- ■■ i-i: 14 Whicii mylipftuttgr'd, mymouth spfllre, wften laroubleNim me lay.^ . 15 Burnt-sacrifices of fat rams witih^^'cense I will bring; V Of bullocks and of goats I will ptesevit an offering. 0LA8GK)W.-OJ|. HotDnr. 70 (PlfcoT.1-7.) V ; y >, ■■ O^yethMks- to God, c»U on hi. «»»«; To men hi.' deeds ' make known Sing . ye to him. sinf pnlms; pro -xUlm HI. wc/n - drous work, each one. PSALMS LXVI., tXVlJ." tf K :- :4 ■;" .y-- ■ ■" -i^ • yf. MkieiQi thiit fear God, comg, hear, I'll ■^- . .iteU ■ ■■ . ■■■'.. ■:■":-: wh^ he did for toy .soul. 17 1 wit^ my mouth unto him ary'd, • ■ my tongue did him extol. mplSif m my hfeart I sin regard, . the Lord me will not hear : «il9 Bat surely God me heard, and to /my prayer's voice gave ear. ^ ' 11^200 let th^. Lord, our gracious God, • / for ev^r blessed be, 'Who turned not my pray'r from hiinJ no^ yet his grace from me. . 67' \St.Oiaf; FrantpnUi; Hagar. mp 1 LOBD, bless utd pity us, shhie o» us with*lhy f ace : d 2 That' th' esurth' thy way, and nations all , • ■> ■ may knq'w thy saving grace..- m 3 Let people pnuse thee, Lord ; ' , mf ; let people all thee* praise. , ' >. 4 O let ttie nations be gladt , r in (songps their voides raiser/ ■■ ' \ *» Thou 'It justly people judge, ^ on earth itde na^ons aiL vtfh Let people praise tiiee. Lord; let them praise thee, b«(ii R)^ aaiA ^1''^*^ — 72 ' "^7— 6 The earth her fruit shall yield, ou^od shall blessing send. ' c 7 God^all us bless; men shall him feaf unto eartli's utmost end. / ANOtHEB VERSION OF THK.8AMK. . i. • Purham. ChdntsiL m I Lord, unto us be merciful, . . do thou us also bless ; . And graciously cause shine on us the brightneais of thy face: Ifttf- 2 %iat so thy way upon the earth - toall liWin may be known ; Also amiemg tihe nations all thy paving health be shown. m 3 6 Jet the people praise thee; Lord; m/ ' .4et people all thee prai»e. -, 4 Olet the nations be glad, aid sing for joy always : m , For rightly thou shalt peofie judge, and nations rule on earth. mf 6 Let people praise tiiee, L«d ; let all /"/ the folk praise thee with mirth. * 6 Then shall the earth yield her increase ; God, our ^od, bless us shall, c 7 God shall u* bless; and of the earth ' the eiids shidl fear hint aU; 'fi, (ri.aii.4i-W) OISWCULXBS.— OJL LLBoni.. DUdun. ^ -J J -^ i) J J fc ML^ \^=r=^^::^rfirTfp \ rl\ r'^T^ ^ i I^t thy vmet dM ' al • 'm eoms And vli - ft im, O ' loet; Sv'n thy be • otga jnl - va tion, Aq ^ c»ord - ing to tiiy wpid. _<5i — ,_SZ £S " — r-22 — £B___^J — £z — r-$^ — »*] — aJ—» <si , . 'fS — oi — eL. — m-A. — es^ _ \_ PSALH LXVIll f m 68 f>^ Yer 1-17, OWW«ft 18-31. ShffMd St SaviovrA v,^-^^ 32-86, <J|r«»wy;/t<*<»*** ) ' LKTGod afim, apd scattered ::.'■ ^''-r ■ Ititail tm en'im«« be ; , „ ^ ^« And kft sfi tboM that do him hate btefore hi* yVMence flef m^ -^ «ma<*e if driv'n, no drive thou m ire melts wax away, iMore God's face let wicke^ men m parish aiid decay. «^ 3 But let til* righteous be glad : ki tfaM» before 6od(« sight Be very joyful ; ye^i let them rejoice with all their might. j5 4 To God sing, to his uame sing praise : «xtol him with your voice, l^t rides on heay-n, by his name JAH, befom ys faceriiejoice. mf 5 Ber^use the Lord a father & unto the fatherless ; ^, - God is the widow's judge, within his place ofholiness. 6 God doth the solitary set i in fam'Iies: and froin|>ands The chain'd doth frefe ; mbut tebels d^ m inhabit pai%hed laQds. '¥: ) didst go forth »ti .em< 7 O God, what time thofj before thy people's ; mf' And when through \ ' thy glorious marcHK^^as ;| mpiS Then at Gq^'s pres^n^e^ook Ine earUi, then drops ^•omhe^J^n fell; ' . , Thip Sinai shpok before the Lord, m 9 O God, thiarfto^thine j^^tage didst setia.a plentetms rainV - 4^^ Whereby thou, when 'it' W8ary%asj didst it refresh again. ^ ,10 Thy con^F^^tion wen did^ake their habitation there : . Of thine own goodness for the poot, O God, thou didst prepare. 11 The Lord himself did give the i^ord, - the word absoad did.spread ; mf Gr^t was the company of them '^ 1^ same who published sib Kings' of grea^ armies foiled were, Vijvifnd fopc'd to flee away; " An4'tromei9, who remain'd at hoxtte, '''^d distribute the prey. ml3Thb«gh ye havelien among the pots, mf liRfe doves yie shall appejir„ Whose wings with silver, and with gold w}ifte featfaiBra*cover'4 are. W '^r 78 (p».«i.H.) aLOV0B8tEB.-OJC. J J ri rmji -<^. Hk V iMiA, I wlU thMT^ «i(^^- toil, for thoQ Hut lif t • ed me on hlgli, And .0 - ver m* thoa ^ to' '*1m M*d'st not mine en - e »y. ^p^—^ ^ jJ-l-f:: |i! ^ I ^^j 1^— p-^^=^ 4: ^ ^ J. J J ^ i j: J ^ ^ Ji ^^^^^^^^P r^^ — i^y 1 1 ^ PSALM LXVXII. .»V14 When there th'Almightyscatter'dkings, like Salmon's snow 'twas white. 15 God's hill is like to Bashan hill, like Bashan hill for height. f»p 16 'Wiif do ye leap, ye mountains high ? m this is the hill where God . Desires to dwell ; yea, God in it for aye will make abode. mfnGioHfn chariots twenty thousand are, thoivM^nd* Qf angiels stry^g; / In 'jf holy place Grod is, as in mount Sinai, them among. mftB Tiifra hast* O Lord, mwjt glorioui, ascehded up on high ; e And in, triumph victorioue led* captive ' captivity : mf ThoTj h»Bt received gifts for mcK, f or roch »8 did ipebel ; / '° Yi», ev'tt for them, that God the Ii«rd m midst of them might dwell. «^19 Bless'd ibe the Lord whs is to uB , of our sjdvation God ; Who daily witii Us benefits us pietttBDuriy doth load. 20 He of ^vfttion is the- God, ^^ ■ • who is our GiSd most attong; Aftd unto God ti»e Ijord fippmdairtk ^^■' m 21 But surely God shall wpund the head of those thatJEure his fo«B; The luury scalp of him that still on in his trespass goes. 22 God said, My Jeople I will briiig again from Bashan'hill ; Yea, from the sea's devouring depths them bring Mfain I will; 23 T!hat in the blood of enemies- thy foot iiribru'd may be, ^ And of thy qbgs dipp'd in the fuune thou mayest see. . sy have seen, O God ; majesty ^, and^ my mighty King, le^lsanot^j^ry. the tongu^ /24Thygomg8, the steps/ Of iny witMn ^X^ Uie issued do bdkmg. 74, '■^. r m/25 Before went singers, playevs nert on instruments took way; ' And thetn among the damsels were that did on timbrels play. /2^ Within the congregations bless God witiii one ae&oxd : From Isif«rj8 fountain do ye bless , ' » and praise the m%hty Lord. * 27 Wfl* their prince,<ruttle B«&}aatin, parinees and council th«re 0|>ludah vivife, thererZiibiilon's aind Napfat'li B prinoqB were. 'W m. ■^ • ' ' ^ i QBJBFBNBEto.— OJL JonAini Ca«a>n. 1667. Oire ear un • to <tat when r wU> Ood of . my righl-eoiMi • aeei: Bftre mer • iqr, hew ipj pipiy'r; thou hMt En • Urg'd me in die • tren. ^ f' 4?jfc4%^:^W^ '» -: ^^=^Wi [g* I fr"— p-i>- :^ I 1^^ V- .. ' ■ /':. ^■#iiii» it<».y^>fc ft'-rfv ^ -♦■ PSALMS LXVIII., LXIX. inf 28"Thy God commandsthy strength; make strong what thott'Wrought'st for us, Lord. 29 For thy house at Jerusalem , kings shall thee gifts afford. ' • m 30 The spearmen's host, the multitude of bulls, which fiercely look, 1?hose calves which peopla .have forth, sent, O Lord our God, rebuke, Till ev'ry one submit himself , *, • and silver pieces brmg : " / The people that delight in war* disperse, O God and King. ' . 31 llliose that be princes great shall then * ' comffout of Egypt lands? * "Aid Ethiopia to God '^ * . shall soon stretch out her hands. /82G all ye kingdoms of the earth, ' ' sing {^raises to this King ; „ - For he is Lord that rutpth all, ^ unto him praises sing. ,,^ nu83 To him that rides on heaVniof heav'iw, which he oi old did found; mf Lo, he sends out his voice, a Yoic(» 'in xnight that doth abound. ' / 34StrengthuBto'God do ye ascribe; ^ ■ (of his eixcellency (V A Is over Idrael, his strength ■ \ is in the clouds most high. .' .- m 35 Thou'rt ffom thy templedreadfuK Lord } mf . Isr'el's own God is he, " , "yVho giveshis people 8trengthaildp(>w*r: ,« O let God blessed be. ' 69 '''''^^^ \^(^^ S51 (30^X 30-36, 0ncasier: >" - V .. ArUuetrxes. ) mp 1 Save nie, God, because the floods ' do so environ me, • » . That ev'n unto my very soiiil ■ - Qome in the waters be. ° «j» 2 I downward in deep mire do sihk, where standing there is nolle: I^ani into deep waters Coine, vib!6b& floods have o'er me ^ne. a I )^eary with my crying am, / ymy tiuroat is also dry'd ; " Mwe eyes do fail, ^« for my <Jod I waiting do abide. => . 4^o8p men thai do without a cause ' bear hatred Onto me; Than are thja ]hairs upon flay ne in numbeiMhpre.^'^y bet «M> They ibA% wonld Bp* ^testtoif. «^^ «?® mSn$ en'jfiies wrongfully. •■^: 74 (f»,tmi> ^aREENWIOH.— OJt. rtom Wmmm MdMitbnt'a J J. J God nlgn-oth, let Pjarkcloadahlai com 3 tU4y' A^'i Mm r*. IMmt eMih °<m«/ r 4a H(iclil Wljyb lod|>iB«Btdw«llt hia ' tbvont. fi I'V' ""- .*, ■ ■■-' ■ .-* ' ^■■■ ■-7 g-g- "f-^T I ((iMtaPniiWFi*"^ I til l i|ii^ i i " If I •- 1'-"-' -^ .^' PSALK .-'/"'• , . ' -r. '. h J(!l> Are mi^ty : b^ what I took not^ ' tft-rendkr^orc'd was I. , " , 6 tiOrd, thou my folly kwemr't^^fimy sins ' not c6ver'd are from thee. . ' m 6 Xidt none that waCt on thee be sham'd, " I Lord Gpd of hosts, for ip^.^ O Lord; the Ood-of I^rtwT, let Botie, ■«rh^ i^^ai^h do ;iii(ij^e, ^ Aiid 9ee)c,t^e&^ be at.AK^y.lime confoui^ded for iny «aike»" mp 7 Fflfli; I' have borne rejjroi^wh fot theie, ' :|n7 U*» is hid with shamd. 8 To hrttUhxvti strange, to mpther's (htm an fliien 1 becs^i^ 9 fieoause the zef^ d^ eat m6 npt which to tiiine hou*^ I bear ; And th9 reproaches cai^t at thee . upon-me fallen are, K)My tears and fa^ts, t' afii^ct my soul, ; were turned to my shai^De^' " 11 When sackcloth I did wear, to them a ^r^verb I became^ , ' -pPSkier men that in the gate do eit , ag«bst me.evil spak6 ; ^ey.ahto that vile drtddcards.wertB, ki me their songs did make. ' m IS But, ip ,an atsiceptable time« .. : ' ■ my i>^i ^>^» Lord, i« to thee: ' ;' 76 " ^ - -^ ^^ In truQi of Uiy aalvation, Lord) . .'andmerby great, hear nfte.' , ' i^p'^\ l)eUv6r me oi^t of the poire, , [ from sinking do me keep ; ' ' Frfte toK> irottt those that do mie Hatet ^ , , ■ ; and fr9in tH« wftt^rs deep. \ ' '•}■ < ' 15 X^et not .the floo3[ on me prevail^ (^ who^e inri^:i;ef overflows ; Npi" deep me,s\v^ai]l]^w, n<W the pjb \ > ^ her mottthy|x^':9ae close, ',.'-, m 16 Hear meV J^rd^i^fiCivm thy love • ^ ^aim kindnes9^i»1no8t goo^ ; Turn uAto me, Wx)rding tQ> '"- thy igercie^' multitude.' 17 JCor from thy servant hide thy ftwce: ^ , I 'm'troubled/ soon attend. '•' ^ 18 Dritw near my soul, and it redeem ; me from my foes defepd. ' . mp 19 To thee is my re^ffoach weu mown, .Aiy'sham^ and my diflgrace: ^ Those ^^ mine adversarifB b* iresilbpfojrethy facei \ paOReproa^ hitii broke my heart; I*ttl.; .- .^ iM '-■.....„ ^-. /. •" ■■■■■'■•'■"" . of grief : I iU>oafe*d for on« / flPo pity 4ne|bnt none I'loundj ;^ ; - cMnfpners found taMie. "1 HABNAXh~-OJl. ■•vlMd by eompuMr lor thu i ^^f^-^^^^'H^^ ii r I f r a= ^ -«a-»- a»' i - I Tlijr tirord |« /to viia^ { sworn h*TeJ ud my ^Mt • kmp, And to my pkth A Ught. I will pw-tonn. To keep jUiy Jndf^nuinta right. m ^ ^^ f 4=¥^ 'r^ V y LTgi^ s^ "r~r^— , ....,^ r/;,;.;!/. PSALH LXIX^ ij :;;.j. 1 alTjey also bitter Igall did give unto me for my meat : ^ Hiey gave me vinegar to drink, ) when as my thirst was great. m 22 Before them ietj their table prove *;f • . a sAaire ;^ andldo thou make ,1 ^; i^eir welfare stod pr^ a trap themselves to take. liw;^ Let thou their eyes so darkenM be, ; ;; - tijat sight may th«m forsake ; ,';/''*: ''And let their loins be made by thee continually to shake. ;^ Thy fury pom* thou out on them, aad indignation ; • ^ And let thy wrathful anger, iS)id, fs^st hold take therti u*on. ; V J25 All waste and desolate let be ' their habitatioil ; (V ^^ And in their tabernacles all . . (, ' inhabitants be none. iliif'2i5Be&tu8e him thtqr do persecute, \, whom thou didst smite before ; Thfey talk unto the grief of those . #hom thou hast wound*! sore. 27 Add thoT^i iniquity uiito their fomner wickedness ; And do n<ft^et tjiem come at jiM i^to thyf righteoi|w^|ll> -«< 4 m M Out of the i^k of life let them . be raz'd and blotted quite ; Among the just and r%hteou8 ■ tet not their names be writ, mp 29 But BOW become exceeding poor . , ai^ HCBrrowful''am I : ni By thy salvation, O my God, let me be set on ^gh. »^30 The name of God I with a song most cheerfully will praise ; ' ^ And I, in giving thanks to him, his name shall highly tairife. itt 31 This to the Lord a sacriftee more gfaeious i^all. prove Than bullock, ox, or any beast that hath both horn and hoof. 32 When this the humble men shall see, it joy Ui them a-riail give : mf O all ye that do se*^ the Lord, • your hearts shall ever live. m 83 For God the pocr hears, and will no* his prisoriers contemn. - , c34Let heav'n, and earth, and seaa, him and aM that raove in tibem. Ipraiae, /35 For God will Jh^'b citie» buuH„ ; and he wilj^^ion save, ' , . Tlka-t t^y m^4m^ thereixi, andit m sore poiii|ii^aBp have. k ^V 76 (Ft. luiiT 1-7.) HABBINOTON.-OiL Or. H. BAMnmiigw, DMinc lo^ • i'. How loi^ • Ijr if thy dw«U • Inf . phe$, O Lor^ of hotto, to ia«l The Ub . « - n* > olM of thy gnusa How pl«M - mV Lord, Uwy , UJ ^^fe^^ s i\: PSALHS LXIX., LXX., LXXI. I • %' ■ /36 And they that are his servants' s^ inherit shall the same ; So shall they hove their dwelling there '^ th*t love hifl blessed name. 70 SotOhiaai: St. Mufrt AhhoUt. : i, ? m 1 Lord, haste me to deliver ; with spcMid, Lord, succour me. 2 L^ them that for my soul do seek sham'd and confounded be : Tum'd back be they, and sham'd, tiia^ in my hurt delight. 8 Tum'd back be they, Ha, ha ! that say, , their shaming to requite. ff^ 4 In thee let all be glad, " and joy that seek for thee : Let them who thy salvation love say still, God praised bst , i»p 5 I poor and needy am ; m coine. Lord, and make no stay : My help thou and deliv'rer art ; O Lord, make no dalay> 2 Let them that for my soul do seek sham'd and confounded be : Let them be turned back, and sham'd, that in my hurt delight. 3 Tum'd back be they. Ha, ha! that say. their shaming to requite. w/ 4 O Lord, in thee let all be glad, and joy that seek for thee : Let them who thy sal vatioa lo^ . say still, God praised be. »P 5 But I both poor and needy am ; m TOnlBi-Lord, and make no stay : My help thou and deliv'rer art ; •X) Lord, make no delay. m; SUAnn, A ard. ) Cftant S67. ANOTHEb VEBSION OF THE SAM$. SavWt May%t. Chant 9iS.' 1 Make haste, 6 God, "me to pwaefve ; with speed, Lordf Bucoour me. *71 Ver. 1-13, St. MaWiiiu 'jr 14-24, NottinghiU St. Le&nard. inf 1 Lord, my hope and confidence is pWd in thee alone ; 19 Then let thy servant never be 'I' . put to confusion.^ i 2 Andlet-me, in thy rightetfosnaiB, from thee deliv'rance have : Clause me escape, incline thine ear unto me,, and iji&sa've. 3 Be thou my dwelling-rpck, Xp whidi I ever may resort: 77 78 m IB«I f- loseek b: Dd sham'd, JtthatBfty. [ad« J: I low son ', )8tay; art; mnfllii, line ear 77 (Pi. or. V-U) HATNK-OJI. Or. Havmi. By I ^^^^^m^ ^" ■%. Nol on - to at, Lord, not to iia, Bnt do thou glo'. rf uko Un • to thjrnune, eVn !» thy troth. And for thy mA-oy-, ^ko, «g « PSALM LXXL Thou gav'st Commandment me to save, for thou 'rt my rock and fort. . m 4 Free me, my God, from wicked hands, hand« cruel and unjust : ' „ 5 For thouy O Lord God, art my hope, and from my youth my trust. 6 Thou from the womb didst hold me . thou art the same that me. ■^ Out of my mother's bowels took ; I ever will praise thee. MP 7*^0 many I a \yonder am ; , « but thou 'rt my refuge strong. S Fill'd let my mouth be with thy praise and honour all day long. p 9 O do not cast me off, when as old age doth overtake me ; And when my strength decayed ia, then do not thou forsake ;ne. map 10 For those that are mine enemies \( against me speak with hate ; "And they together counsel take '. that for my soul lay wait. 11 They said, pGod leaves him; him ' . pTirsue \ J p and take : none will him save. m,12 Be thou not far from me, my God : tby speedy h^p I craye> ' 13 Confound, consume tm|iif\hat unto my.soul are enemiel^ Cloth'd be they with reproach and shame that do my hurt devise. mflA Bxit I with expectatioxj will hope continually; : And yet with praises mdre and more I will thee magnify. Ji IB Thy justice and salvatiolit.,. ; '^ toy mouth abroad shall Show, Ev'n all the day ; for 1 thereof the numbers do notkj|||f.'_/ . ; 16 And I will constantly goop'^' . in strength ol God theXordl . And thine own nghteousnei^, ev'n thine alone, I will Record. ^^ *" " 17 For even from mv_vouth. O (3od, taught ; lard wrought. iu>t, when I by thee I ' »■ And hithierto the wonders iintiii And now. Lord, old and gray-' m Till to this age tl to all to come I si n^l9 And thy most perfeft ,. O Lord, is very high. Who hast so great things done: O Grod, '.. who.is like unto tfaee ? \ \ — "-^- — ^ n and poi^'r lusness, / 78 (pMiiT. t-io.) HEREFORD.— D.O.M. dt w.HATm iTonm. Y« g»t«i, lift ap your hewl* on high; Y« doom that Uat for aft B« Uft • «d up, that so tb« King Of glo • If ra • l«r may. ^ J' 7^\. 1 — pTr^—- F" J J. 'A J' I J-:^ ^* J J J J. ' t • ■"^i. 1? * ,\» PSALMS tXXhi LXXIl. thou «ip>WThou, Lord, who great advereitieB, / ^ and sore, to me didflt show, m Shalt qxiicken, and bring me again from depth* of earth below. »^^21 My greatness and my pow'r wUt ' • iiacrease, and far extend : On ev'ry side against all^ef thou wilt me comfort send, 22 Thee, ev'n thy truth, I 'U also praise, my God, with psaltery : \,, Thpti Holy One of Israel, with harR I '11 sing to thee. /23My lipi|*hall much rejoice in the©, ' wheiil thy praises sound ; My soul, which thoii redeemed hast, / fai joy shall much abound. ; 24My^nguethy justice «hall proclaim, o<Stinuing all day long ; For they confounded are, and sham'dj * that seek to do me wrong. *70 y*f- l-W. St. E^Xrtda ; Covrptr. \ ChaiA ■ • , 17-19, ^iJlnakom; DttVcrmliw. ) ?U. tn 1 O iiOBD, thy judgments give the king, his son thy righteousness. ■ V 2 With right he shdl tliy people judge. thy poot wHih uprightness. m 8 The lofty mountains shiJl bring forth unto the i)eople iieace ; Likewise the littlfe hills the same shall do by righteplisness. 4 The people's poor ofe 1>9 «»hall judge, the needy's childjfen save ; «^ And those shall he in pieces break who them oppressed have. m 6 They 8halUheefear,whae sun and moon do last, through ages all. .6 Like rain op mown graps he shaU drop, or show'rs on earth that fall. »^ 7 The just shall flourish in his dajrs, and prosper in his reign : , He shall, while doth the moon endure, abundant peace maintain. ^ . 8 His large and great dominion shall from sea to sea extend : , It from the river shall reach forth unt# earth's utmost end. . 9 They in the wilderness that dweU bow down before \i\m, must ; And they that are his eneiiuea shaU lic^c the very dust. 10 The kings of Tarshish, and the islea, to him shall presents taring ; And unto him shall offer gifts A Sh e ba'B and S e b a 'a k in g . '^ V i-lTTT. ^^ ing forth fiame lall judge, I break a and moon shall drop, all. sdajra, 3on endure, on shall : b forth ; dwell l8t;vV ;;,■;:.: tiiea : •.■- '■/, I the islea, ag; . ifts HSBIFOBD— eoN«iHM(l. But who «f glo • r)r la th* Klngr The tatlfl^k • tgr Lord It Bt'ii tlMk uni« Lord, Out grMt in mifht And itrong in b«t - tU thb; ii. lJ\j:l- ^= ^^J^ M^^^^^^m ^' t * PSALMS LXXIL, LXXIIL VU Yea, all the mighty kings on earth • before him down aholl fall ; ' And all the nations of the world do service to him shall. m 12 For he the needy shall preserve, • when he to him doth call ; The poor also, and him that hath . no help of man at all. . 13 The poor man and the indigent , in mercy he shall spare ; He shall preserve alive the souls /^ ■ of those that needy are. , . 14 Both from deceit and violence their soul he shall set free ; , And in his sight right precious and dear their blood shall be. fi^l5 Yea, he shall live, and giv'n to liim : shall be of Shebi's gold : Ti For him still shall they pray, and he shall daily be extoU'd. .16 Of oornan handful in the earth on topci of mountains high, , With prosp'rous fruit shall shake, like on LeJ^^n that be. ' [trees ^ T%e citpiPLll be flourishinii, her citizens abound lii number shall, like to the grass that growl njpoia the iprouod. n^l7 His name for ever shall endure j last like the min it shall : Men shall be bless'd in him, and bless'd all nations shall him call. HI 18 Now blessed be the Lord our God, the God of Israel, c For he alone doth wondrous worki, in glory that excel. , /19 And blessed be his glorioiis name to all eternity: The whole earth let his glory fill. Amen, so let it be. *7Q Chanlt teo (1-22), «^9(2»-28X • ^ Vtr. 23-28, WilUhire ; St. Leonard. ■ Yet God is good to Israel, to e^h pure-hearted one. But as for me, my steps near slipp'd, my feet were almost gone. 3 For I envious was, and grudg'd the foolish folk to see. When I perceiv'd the wicked sort '.enjoy prosperity. i* m' 4 For still their strengtii continueth . >. ■■ ftnn;;. . . , ' . ■ ■'.:.■ ' their death of bands is free. ' 5 They are not toil'd like other men* nor idagu'd, as others be. .- ^ ,' -.. .-. ■ ■ ^ . . ■: *«i ."■■■■■■:■ m mp 2 "^WilL. ♦p- ■, ■ '■' ■'•' ■ ■';::^-^ -*-<^\' ■ ■'■ '■ '■' ^" .-^■'.%- ■ ;|v:-.,: ■;. ^■^:- :; . ■ 1 ■ . ■ ■ , _ •. • ' . .■ i ■■■ , . :i:''> '■■ .' ■?^■•;^; '»• i;^/>'^' * • .■ 1 "". •• '.. f' '.■ * 1 ■vj.'- ■; •■"■■.- v--'-.-:;. -•■;^;;v '. -:„H:-. . ; -^ ''' .■■■"■■■'■ ■! ' . '■- . ;/-..'''';"v:--';:;.-4l-. .. ■" . »'■' ■ ' : • ' ' ■::'.} * -■ ''.^'■^.•. /^ •'■''-•" ■ '■■■'■ ' ■ ^'r'-"'- : :\ i;.\' ; ' ■•■ . : :'■■■ wl- '--■■_ .; •■■,';■••;:■ ' ■ * ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' (J ■ • - " . - ; ■ ?i ■ '"■:■"'■ ! •■■ ' ■ ■•, .■■ ■■ " ,:■<- ' : I, ■^■;\ ■•..■■ ■:-/'-. ;■■••■•,, ■ ' •■■ ■ ■'"!' ■' ■'• "■■■■''"' : ;■ ■-: ■ „:. : '* .., ■■ -. ■• • '. * " , ' . , ;. * .■•. ,/;■•;. ; ;■■: '.f;-f ;•• .; . -.," ' J" ■ • V '■■'. ' „ :'h:". ' ■ ■. ' '."■.- "• ■ / f . ■ ■ -■ ' ■ ■ "'■ • .■^*^" . " ■ H ,.* ■ ■ ' ■■■*■, 'v- "' ' t , ' -• . ■ •■ ■ 1 ■-.■.'■ ■■ » . ■ ' ■- ■", s"*' . . ■ ■-■',■■ ■ '■" ' '"'• ■"■■■'■ , ' •' , '., • ' • ' ' 'IP ' ■ , . ■ , ■ ■ • ^ /^ '^•V '■ ».• 1 ■ ' I-m/' ;.-. • . ■., ' .!.,■■, ^ ..- ■ - ' • ; ■ ti . ■■'■'' y .•'^■ >. ■■. ■ ■...■ . . ■ ••'/: ■ .,'■,>■'■■■ ' l',. .•■■■■'.■■■■•■':),■'■ ': .■''■'' ■ ' " '■ ■ ,"■ "■ ' '' .. : -" -^V' ■ ' '■ " ."'■ "" ■'''■■ — ^ .i^V; .11 . ' ..■■ '- -^ ■ ■ ■ .-: ■"•■^ '■ ■ .-■'■ • '' ■ 4 '' -'■ :i-; ■" '" ■' ■ ".'■ '■ .'■ > • Ti . ■ ■ ,•■-•■ ■ . ^ ■" v> \ - * . "< ■ " ,' -■ ■■:-:'/ry-\.-.:^'-::: r" - " ■ .;' ■■■""-' ^■.■^;^'.■^" ':■'■■■■''. /-::■'-. ■'*•,■ .' ... ■ .'■■ ■ '■ /'' ■ ' ' * ■-■ ■■ '■'."■■■■' -• , ;::"',.^::',': ■/ ?^. ■ ■ .v • ' ' ' ■ ■'-■ /V. .„■ . ' ■ " .' ' ' -' ■ ■ ■ .v./v ■■■v.. ■,» - ■■■■ .. .. ■.:■■..;•. ' i ■■■■ .^ -. & >^' MlCIOCOrV MWUitlOM Tift CNAMT (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) ,<* . 1.0 1.1 \43 IM 2A 12.5 Itt 14 112 116 2.2 1^ 2.0 riiiftM 1.8 ■•25 iU iLd ■ 1.6 »«*-' >*" JS /APPLIED IVMGE Inc C 1653 Eoat Main StniM ^I - RochMtor, Nm York 14609 USA (716) 482 - 0300 - PhoiM (716) 2W - 5989 - Fdx 'iutea»ai. HOLT 0B08S.— O.M. Ad»pied from Mbhmmtohk. 1 Come, let vm *to the Lord b«*&i' With con - trite he«rtk w - twai Our*«»od 1«« gra-ciotu, nor wlU lewre The det -^ - Irte to mown. A. -1^ JOt J=3. a. £i. A- -9- J r«»- ^ :zr .fit, ia. ja - -^- (^ ^. /rJ _£2_ -«»- -^ I I \ PSALM LXXIII. i.j: > 6 Therefore their pride, like to a^ '^^^rmcompa83ethaV>ut; , doth cbver them througp „ 7 Their eyes rtand out vod. fat, thy - • ■^'^L their hearts could v^- more than theuriie^j^oj^ng 8 They are copr^P* ' J^^ . ^ , both lewd and loftyi^^^^j^^^.^1 ^^QTS^eysettl^jxmou*.^^^ . A^iS-^^Sngtonguethrpugh. ^ee^at:iargedo^^ . Sith waters of «>f^a^cup ' to these wre P^^^^^^ can it be "* Or^^ereintiieHige^^be "^tTowledge of things below? ' ^12Behdd. these ar^«»?^^^^''' InwoTrldlythu«8;W»ya i n wAftlth and nche s s UU. — in we a iw a";* — - „^i -r -^131 verily have do^^.^ ■ roy heart to punfy, Tonoefifecth»h»M)i»nM^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ washed my hands have 1. 1, J M„ .i««l all day throughout, Vea ■ ev'ry mornmg I of new ^Sd chitisement receive. , iRTf in this manner foohshly ThySren'sgeneratioj, /*^*^1^ I should offend, v^^, ^.lemen I this thought *o 1^ was • toohardatWn|t«^ IT TtU to God's sandWiary 1 weni., ' "^ intp destruction. iQ How in a moment sudd^y ^ ""^^r^broughtare^^ . V^ fearful terrors^ . tnm; mourn.- -«?- -cr ,... fP. 80 (^ »M*) ** HtttiT TBINITT.— CM. J, Babii«t. Ktnm Dto JTymiMry. By iwnuiMUia. .rJ . ^ ^ ^^ .J. J.4;^ j'j U ^ ^ Like M the hari for wn r ter-broolu In thirst doth pant and bnj; Ho iwnta my long-incr soul, O God, That come to, thee I may. f^"^rr r r f' ^' ^ PSALMS LXXIII.^ IXXIV. lUghout, lave } J...- ,'/,-• r ■■"..■ ,. v.. ■"••'^■;;. io know, it b;-- ■ ■■-.;■•: L went, Bin BeiT atedatdown lenly . terly j^ay. 1, when "one ufise;" , nthouftwakat, lapiae. 21 Thus grieved was my heart in mOj and me my reina opprest: pip 22 So rude was I, and ignorant, and in thy sight a beast. i» 23 Nevertheless continually, Lord, I am with thee : Thou dost me hold by my right hand, and still upholdest me. 24 Thou, with thy counsel, while-I live, wili^ me conduct and guide; ° vif Andto.thy glory afterward receive ^e to abide, m 25 Whom have I in the heavens high /^ but thee, O Lord, alone? . ^vtf And in the earth whom I desire besideif thee there is none. p26My ^esh Snd heart doth faint and fail, but God doth fail me never : For of my heart God is the strength and^portipn for ever. I m 27 For, lo, they that are far from thee for ever perish shall ; Them that a whoring from thee go thou hast destroyed aU. /28But surely it is good for me that I draw near-to God : • In God I trusty that all thy works 1 iDtay dedaJre abroad. t4 tnp 1 ■} ChatUtSO. yer. \^X\, Day; Alhty. 12-n, Old mh. 18-2S, Burf&rd O Gop, why hast thou cast us off ? i#^^pr evemiore ? list thy pftsture-sheep why doth Ihine anger smoke so sorift? O oaU to thy reinemberance thy congregation, Which thou hast purchased of old; still tluhk the same upon: The rod of i^hine inheritance, which thou redeemed hastj This Sion hill, wherein thou hadst thy dwelUhg in times past To tiiiese long desolations thy feet lift, do not tarry; ' For all the ills thy foes have done within thy sanctuary. 4 Amidst thy congregations i thine enemies do roar ; : ■ ■ ' Their ensigns they set up for signs of triumph thee before, m 5 A man was famous, uid was had in eibknation, " V According as he lifted up his axe thick trees upon. m mp (PAxoUl^) HOWABD.— CM. Dr. Samuil Howaep. Med 1781 to ^i:^ d., tVv «» • t. - «• i«* > ■•. • :^-^ 2^' And to thynaU O thou Met High, Due pratae .-loud PSALM P nip -« 6 But all at once with wees how S have defil'd the same, • B^^Sdown unto thegrovM^ jjy castings _, ,.^w name, the place wlyte dweK vu^ . SThusLdthefinth^rh^.l'I'^* ' "destroy them out of h^d/ They burnt up all the sjjiagogu •''- of God within the land. // lOHow long. Lord, shaai^enemy ./''thus in reproach exclam^ And shaU the adversary thus ^ways blaspheme thy name . [nugn 11 Thv hand, ev'ia thy nght hana o ""^ Jhy dSst thou thus draw back? .ofithybosdmplack^o^ ; for our deUv'rance' sake. ^12 F»rnertainly^Godi»^ y* ^ifi x"T v^ ■'. times of old, id the flood, ibound: Tv^the^esj^f^d,^ Working in midst of aU me «» salvation mamfoia. l3Th^ea;^1hyP^P£^*^ asuncj^r thou didst ma^/ AndtMouthedragonBh^s ; ^V^n the waters brake. / ^ ^UTheWathan-^l^e^^;^ ' in pieces, and di(J« gi^«. Him to be meat unto the 4 in wUdemess that nv^ 15 Thou clav'st the f ountai unto the very ground. _ _ «f 16 Thine only is the/day, O l»rd, '^^ toealsoisti&mghtV ^ And thou alon6 prepared^hast ?hAun and shining l*ht. _ 17 By^hrthe borders ofthe earth U oy " „ .^Aa Bv'rv where: weresettledev^ ^^ ^ The summer and the wmws ' by thee created were. ^18 That th' enemy reproached hatii, otceo it in record; , . - AndS the ioolish people hjve ' blasphem'd thy na«ie,0 Lord- iq Unto the multitude do not thy turtle's soul delwer: T he cong r e gi itio tt of thy do not forget for ever. led 1782. 8Z fizr/shis.) HUDDBB8FIELD.— O.M. Bar, MAimir Uuum, Died 1790. tMng, /iiing. f .-/* gJ- -g g- : .aft .^ Thi earth thou vl«.. Ifst^at/ - rihgr H; Thou mak'st H rich to grow With God's fuU flood ;thWc<^ pr^,par'«t. When thou pro - vld'st It la ^^ ■y g p TT -S^ — rat..! f*^- i I l*^ 'i - rt^f^ ^.7. PSALMS LXXI V. , LXX V. , LXXVI. I Mid the flood, ^watets^P )I<ord» jdhast ^ht. the earth iere: ^terbpth i. " '. ichedhath, leoplehave le, Oliord. onot liver: ih ypoof rec. 20 Unto thy cov'noht Mbte respect; flip for eaixh's dark places be .. Full ojf the habitations of horrid cruelty. 21 let not those that be'oppress'd return again twith shame : Let those that poor and needy are \' , give praise unto thy name. m^Do thou, O God, arise and plead the cause that ipthine own: Remember how thou art reproach'd still by the foolish one. 23 Dp not forget the voice of thTose* that are thine enemies : Of those the tumult ever grows that. do agaipst thee rise.- 75 York. ChantSSS.' m/ 1 To thee, God, do we give thanks, we do give thanks to thee ; Because thy wondrous works declare ' thy great name near to be. TO 2 1 purpose, when I shall receive the congregation. That I shall judgment uprightly render to ev'ry one. jwtp 3 Dissolved is the Umd, with all- that ib the same do dwell ; ^"^ m But I the pillars thereof do bear up, and stablish well. 4 1 to-the foolish i^ople said, Do not deal foolishly; ' And unto those that wicked are, Lift not your horn on high. 5 Lift not your horn on high, nor ^speak 6 with stubborn neck. But know, That not from east, nor west, nor south, promotion doth flow, m/ 7 But God is juWe; he puts down one, and sets anouier up. „•> m 8 For in the hand of God most high » of red wine is a cup: mp 'Tis full of mixture, he pours forth, ' and makos^he wicked .all Wring ottt the bitter dregs thiereof ;' e yea, and they drink them shall. mf 9 But I fpr ever will declare, I Jacob's God will praise. 10 All horns of lewd men I'll cut oflf j; but just men's horns wiU raise. 76 WettMntter; St. Jiidwiat. Chant S5S. / 1 In Jiudah's land God ia well known, his natoe*8 in isr'el great : .« 2 In Salem ia his tabernacle, in Sion ia his seal 83 (!•• ^- w^ > iooirnTM.~o.M. Dr. Namm. W»AV1t». I ii.« r..«>i..i,«id «aa,ih.t I Would to.pthrh«-ir wwi . :'> " PSALMS LXXyi., LXXVII. 7 3 There arrows ol the bow h^ the shield, the sword, tjie^war. .4MSieSiriousthouthanhillsofprey, ■^ more excellent art far. „ 5 Thosethatwer^stputofheart^Bpo^d. they slept their sleep outnglft, S, ^ ASTnl^f thosetheirhandHd^^nd, ^-^ that were the men of wig^nL ■ - had forth against them past, „: ThSrhorsesTdt^eiiLchanotsboth were in a dead sleep cAst. ^ ^ ^^ 7 Tlu>u,Lord,ev'nihouart^thatsh^ - befear'ditodwhoishe _ ,^ • V tK^ ^tandnp before thy si^^ if once thou angry be . _ ft TTromheav'nthou Judgment ca«f ^^ / ^^ SSh was still ^th fear l^arf ; * x^.« Ond to iudgment rose, to »ve 12 By him the sp^r^ shall be cut off of those that princes are : Unto the kings that are on earth he fearftd doth appear. J theearwi wwjow^f* "-— - ' - t 9 When God to judgment rose, to "* 2a meek on earth that were. lOSurely thp very wra^ of man ^Bto thy praise redounds:^l W Thoutothe/emnantofhiswraiii "^ wUt set r&training bounds. _^^ ^U V^to the Lord your god, and pay ■ all y© that near him be, iortobefear'dishe. "7 13-20, St. Ni^hoUu:': :;^4JJNi^*heL^Iwitt;my^ lutitoGoddidcry; X\ ^ Ev'n with my voice, and unto me his ear he did apply. _ . ^ 2 I in my trouble Bju^jt tift Lord, my sore by night did run. And ceased not; my gnevedsotd did consolation shun. . ff I to remembrance GtxJ did dJl, vet trouble did remamr^ And overWheWd my spmt was, whilst I did sore complam. ^ , 4 nSeTyes, debarr'd from rest and sleep, , thou makest still to w^;_ „ My trouble is so great, that l ^ unahleamtospeak, „,, «• 5 The days of old to mind I can d. an a ore am r*'^ J i L^ ^^ Trie times and ages that are full many years agpne. pesl^ 1798. 84 (nbmltt.H4 IBI8H.-0JL I luuo Sum. DM ftbont 1800. m >rd: )nl. ■ Ye Tight i'^j^ln the Lord ». joloe; It come -^ly U and right, That up - right men, with thuk - ful yoioe. Should praise the Lord of might. ^ ^fci-y m l ,'l,^'"^'^V |yl„, I ;?\- ^■' "j5<" PSALM LXXVIL cutoff eoiih 6 Lord, in, ved BOtil id call, » ■ ■ . ■ irit was, lain. »m rest and ake; ihatl llcaird, >n tur e p aatt «i 6 By night xny song I call to mind, and commune with my heart; My sp'rit did carefully inquire how I might ease my smart. p 7 For ever will the Lord cast off, and gracious be no more ? 8 For ever is his mercy gone? •fails his word evermore? mp 9 Is't true that to be gracious the Lord forgotten hath ? , And that his tender mercies he hath shut up in his wrath ? m 10 Then did 1 say. That surely this is mine infirmity: , I'll mind the years of the iright hand /< , of him that is most High. /m/UYea, I remember will the works perf brtned by the Lord : The wonders done of old by thee > I surely will record. \ 12 1 alsa will of all thy works my meditation make ; v , And of thy doingslo disburse great pheasure I will taS^ m 13 God, thy way most holy is within thy sanctuary; ^ An d what Gk>d is so ^{eat in powr as is OUT God most Ugh? ^~" ■«. )Hf 14 Thou art the God that wonders ddtjfc by thy right hand most strong-t / Thy mighty pow'r thou hast dedar'd the nations among. 15 To thine own people with thine arm thou didst redemption bring; To Jacob's sons, and to the tribes of Joseph that do spring. mp 16 The waters, Lord, perceived thee; the waters saw thee well ; And they for feair aside did flee; liie depths on trembling felL m 17 The clouds i^/water forth were pour'd, sound loudly did the rfcy; . And swiftly Uirough the vorld abroad ttune arrows fierce did fly. n^lSThy thunder's voice alongst the heav'n a mighty noise did make; . By lightnings ligHten'd was Uie world, th' ear<^ tremble did and sh^. 19 'Diy way Is in the sea, and in ' the waters great thy path ; » Yet are thy footsteps hid, D Lord; . none knowledge tiiereof hath. »nf 20 Thy people thou didst safely lead, like to a flock of sheep; ' By Moses' hand and Aaron's thou i'- '-■ — didst them conduct and kee^ 91 ■ % '. '■■ ♦• £y=r:^4=;^ -bLjJL i^^^^ The Lord', my light and MV - Ing health. Who .hall make me dl. - may^dt My llfe'#.trengthU the Lor4. of whom Then shall I b« a - .f»idT ♦, 86 *.—_ PSALM LXXVIII. "78 TaHi*; P«««^lxwo«<'''- ^^tt*****'- TO 1 Attend, my people, to my law ; thereto give thou anr ear ; , The words that from my.mouth proceea attentively do hear. . 2 M/ mouth shall speak a parable, and sayings dark of old; " 3 The same which we have heard Mid and us our fathers told. [known, 4 We also will them not conceal from their posterity; Them to the generation to come declare will we: _ 7»>- -I* The praises of the Lord our God, and his abnighty strength,^ . The wondrous works that he lw,th done, we will show forth at length. ^ TO 5 His testimony an^ his law in Iftr'el he dio^place, ... And charg'd ouf fathers It to show to their succeeding race ; TOf 6 That so the race which was to come ^ might well them leaniand know ; - And «ms unborn, ^(.he^ouldanse, might to thfiir bOm them show : 7 That ihey might set theirhopein God, and suffer Joot to fall ■ 9» His mighty workr out ^^eir mind, but keep his precepts all : _ „, 8 And might not, likp then: fathers, be a stiff rebellious rac6 ; .^, ^ , A race not right in heart; with God whose Bp'rit not stedfast was. np 9 The sons of Ephraim, who nor bows nor other, arms did lack, • When as the day of battle was, they faintly turned back. ^ _ 10 They brake God's cov'nant, and ref us d in his commands to go ;^ 11 His works and wonders they forgot, • which he to them did i»how. n^^Things marveUous he brought to pass; ^ their fathers them beheld Within the land of Egypt done, yea, ev'n in Zoan's field. 13 By him divided was the sea, he caus'd them throvigh to pass; And made the waters so to stand, M like an heap it was. >/ m/14With cloud by day, with lijg of fire •^ aU night, he did them guide. 15 In desert rocks he^dave, and dnnk, as from great depths, supply d. the r ock brought gt^ niB,l iKe ^1 ^1 mplTY 18 F T 19 -A ■»:.'•,. A V m20I 9 mp 1 M^mzn 1 ;a«iii>22] m- 23: 16 He from — — - -, ■ made waters to run down. [floods m24^ »-180l. err M raldr s± 1 86 (Pm. >>x1U-) SEDKON.-OJL P» ■ thor of all I we bow to the*, Who dWell'it In he*T'B • - dor'd; Bat prea-«nt ttlU thtoogb «U tbjr worlu, The n - nl • ver • •»! Lord. PSALM LXXVIII. sir mind, kthen, be vithGod was. nor bows was, ,andrefus*d ey forgot, ow. . ighttopass; d done, ,t of fire gpiide. and dniik, lupply'd. b gtreamH, like wn. (floods wp 17 Yet sinning more,' in desert they provok'd the highest One. 18 For in their heart they tempted God, ai^d, speaking with misirust, They greedily did meat require to satisfy their lust. 19 Against the Lord himself they spake, and, murmuring, said thus, (^• A table in the wilderness can God prepare for us ? m 20Beh«^, he smote the «Ak, and thence oame streams and waters great ; «{) B^t can he jpve his people bread ? and send them flesh to eat? ^ m 21 The Lord did hear, and waxed vnroth : so kindled was a flame 'Gainst Jacob, and 'gainsf Israel up indignation came. mp 22 For they believ'd not God, nor trust in his salvation had ; 23Though clouds above he did com- . mand, and heav'n's doors open made, m 24 And manna rain'd on them, and gave them com of heav'n to eat. I a ngftla' food did eat ; to them 26 Aluiiit the heaven he did cause aHmtern wind to blow ; And a^ his power he let out the southern wind to go. 27 Then flesh as thick as dust he made" - to rain down them among; Andieather'd fowls, Uke as the sand Vhich li'th the shore along. 28 At his command amidst their camp these show'rs of flesh ddwn fell. All round about the tabernacles and tents where they did dwell. 29 So they did eat abundantly, and had of meat their fill ; For he did give to^hem what was their own desire and will. 30 They from their lust had not estran^d their heart and their desire ; But while the meat was in their mouths, which they did so require, 31 God's wrath upon them came, and dew the fattest of them all; ^ thaVthe choice of Israel, f fo'erthrown by death, did fall! 82 Yet, notwithstanding of afl thi^, mp he to the full sent meat. they sinned still the more y. 89 KIL1CABN00K.-0J1 lliii, l)it«Nt<i.i.. I>l«4 IMR Ny iMrinlMliin n< la. /nuMliUiv «■««■•. 8uoh pi • t7 M • f» - thor h»th Ub • to hli chli-dran dew; like pi - if •hoiw th« Lord to inch At wor-ihlp him In tu»> 88 E^ ® '- v P8ALM LXXVHI. mp ■I- And though he had great wondew wrought, believ'd him not therefore: 89 Wherefore their days in vanity he did consume and waste; ] , And by his wrath their wretched yeolrs | away in trouble past. , . 84 But when he slew them, then they did to seek him show desire; ,» Yea, they retum'd, anjd after God riffht early did enquire. ,. ■ , 86 And Sat tl^ Lord had been their Rock they did remember then ; ^ Ev'n that the high almighty God had iheir Redeemer been. mpSeYet^th their mouth theyflatter'dhim, T- vtA spake but feignedly ; - And they unto the God of truth wiA their false tongues did „Ue. » W For though their words were good, Uieir heart / with him was not sincere f Unstedfast and perfidious, they in his oov'nant were. tp 88 But, f u n of ^. he forga ve m 39 For that they were but fading fleA to mind he did recall; A wind that passeth soon away, and not returns at all. , «p 40 How often did they him provoke ,* within the wUdemess ! . And in the desert did him grieve with their rebelliousness ! . ^^ m 41 Yea. turning back, they tempted God. and limits set upon Hiro, who in midst of Isr el w the only Holy One. 42 They did not caU to mind his pow'r, nor yet the day when he Deliver'd them out of the hand ^ of their fierce enemy ;_ , j 48 Nor how great signs in Egypt land he openly had wrought ; What miracles in Zoan s field his hand to pass had brought. 44 How lakes and rivers ev'ry where he tum^ into blood ; ^ . ,^ So that nor man nor beast oould drmk of standing Uke or flood- .^ 45 He broughtajnongthesi swarms of flies, 46] i 47 48 ■ • ■ »p49 ','■."61 ■i their sin, them did not slay; _ Nor ■tirr'd up all hii wrath, but oft his anger tuxn'd AW»y. ;•■. ' '-90 - ' which did them sore anng^T And divers kind»of filthy froge he sent them to destroy. n^6 Tiqr fMn ^ T^ ^ 88 (pnot.) X0BVTBAL.-0.11 v» -Y. J. O. f Kioa. HM. oom«, Ul tu ilQi. to the Lord: Com*, Ut ns •»' • if <m«^ A Joy - M noiMQiik* to tlia Hock Of our m1 . t» . |lo«. f--^==^=^^^^ f*^^^^:^^^^^3 - PSALM LXXVIII. 46 He to the caterpiUiuf gave the fruits of all their noil;. Their labours hgj^v«f'** "P unto the locvBpppoU. 47 theif vines witli Kail, their sjrcamorea he with the frost did blast: 48 Their beasts to hail he gave ; their flocks . hot thunderbolts did waste. wp 49 Fierce burning wrath he on them cast, and indignation strong, And troubles sore, by sending forth ill angels them among. 60 He to his wrath made' way ; their soul from death he did not save ; ^^ But over to the pestilence the lives of them he gave. 61 In Egypt land the first-bom all he smote down ev'ry where ; ^ Among the tents of Ham, ev n these chief Of their strength that were. m 62 But his own people, like to sheep, . thence to go forth he made; —/ And he, amidst the wildemess, them, as a flock, did lead. inf 63 And he them safely on did lead, so that they did not fear; m» Whe re as their e n'mie s by t h e M» qtute overwhelmed were. -V, TO 64 To borders of his sanctuary the Lord hi» i^ople led, . Ev'n to the mount which his right hand for them had purchased. _ 66 The nations of Canaan, • by his almighty hand, Before their face he did expel out of their native land ; mf Which for inheritance to them by line ho did divide, And made the tribes of Israel within their tents abide. m« 56 Yet God most high they did provoke, and tempted ever Still; And to observe his testimomes . did not incline their will : 67 But, like their fathers, turned back, and de«at unfaithfully : ^^^^ . ^ , Asidethey turned, like a bo^. tiiat shoots deceitfully. 68 For they to anger did provoke him with their places high; ^ And with their graven images . mov'd him to jealousy. .-__^. 6d When God heard this, he waxed wwUi, a^id much loath'dlir'el then: - 60 So ShUoh's tent he left, the tent ^whkshhehadplao'dwithmea. 89 (*^' >"^) LAX>BBOKB.-OJf. m^w.Bkxm Dmtm. 90 A A A AM A 'My Mral and iplr • It, flli'd wltti Joy, My ftod «itil Rav • tonr pndM». WhoMgood naaa dlil rroin poor • - lUU IIU hum* bl« lumdnuOd ttia^ i WALMfftXXVIII., I'XXIX. tKe j»ei And he bin (.trength^eUverod into captivity; Jl . He left hiH glory m ^e hand of his proud enemy. ^ 62 HU people ftlso he gave o er unt.. the Bword'B fierce rage: So Bore hi8 wrath inflamed was • AgainBt his heritage. «p63The fire winsumd their choice y<^ their maid, no marnage had, _ 64 And when their pneata feU by their wivel w> moumlnglhade. -r66 But then the Lord arose, as one ^ that doth from sleep awake; And like a giant that, by wine Wresh'd, a shout doth ^lake: . 66 Upon his en'mies' hinder parts heTmade his stroke to fall; . : . And so upon them he did put • ' a shame perpetual. m 67 Moreover, he the tabernacle of Joseph did refuse; ^Phe mighty tr i be of Ephraim he would in no wise choose : And of mount Slon he made cholob, which he so much did love. 69 And he his sanctuary built like to a iwdace high, Like tTthe earth which he did found to perpetuity. \ 70 bf David, that his servant WM, he also choice did make, And even from the foldrof sheep was pleased him to toke : 71 fZ waiting on the ewes witti young, he brought him forth to feed Israel, bis inheritance, his people, Jacob's seed. «,/72 So after the integrity ^ he of bis heart them fod; , And by the good skill of hi- hand. I them wisely governed. >^ P 1 O God, the heathen enterd have thine heritage ; by them ^ Defiled is thy house : on beapr they l*d Jerusalem. . 2 The bo^ of thy servants ttiey ha ve aat forth to b e m ea t M> 'ine mignty vr . "° '^'. -r- — _ Rave iaari^ forth to o e m n« w . , he would in no wise choow. To^vS-fowta; thydears-ntri-fledi W68 But he did choose JehudahBtnDe they gave to beasts to eat. tobethei«ii«*>ove} 3Th 1 Ai y 4Ui A w 5H 9 A MP 6 -^ 71 ] »9] dim. be xc i fc l , ,11 ' I au 00 (P.. till. ifKic) ' LAVOiJ»BE.*<UL pi. iM«mfi. *•■■ Th« namo of Uo<l I with a icmg Moit ohaarhil • \y will pndM; ' ABd I, In fitr • lag UMMka to ym. Ilia luuDt ibAUJiJfli • Ijr nlM. ''^. P8AL1IB LXXIX., LXX3L ohoiob. id found «, ■ ■ . sheep rith young, >ed ihands Ihave • lihey op 3 Their blood about Jerunalem like wat«r thoy have shed : And there waH none U) bury them * when they were slain and dead. p 4 Unto our neighbours a reproach most base become are we ; A Bcom and laughingntock to them t'^t round about ua be. «p 5 How long, Lord, shall thine anger last? wilt thou still keep the same? p And shall thy fervent jealousy bum like unto a flame? ^ M» 6 On heathen pour thy fury forth, that have thee never known, \ And on those kingdoms which thy have never call'd upon. [name 7 For these are they who Jacob have devoured cruelly ; And they his habitation have caused waste to lie. p 8 Against us mind not former Bins ; thy tender mercies show : Let them prevent us speedily, for we're brought very lovf. m 9 For thy name's glory help us, Lord, who hast bur Saviour b<»°J "^ Deliver us: for thy names sake 10 Why sif the heathen, Where '• thitor God? let him tq them be known; ^ When thoHe who shed thy •e*'^*"** are in our sight o'erthrow^. [blood mp 11 let the pris'ner's sighs ascend ' before thy sight on high; Preserve those in thy mighty pow r , that are design'd to die. m 12 And to our neighbours' bo«>m cfcuse it sev'n foWrender'd be, - Evin the reproach wherewith they have, O Lord, reproached thee. fr^lSSo we thy folk, and pasture-sheep, shall give thee thanks always; And unto generations all we vrill show fprth thy prawt. V0r. 1-13, Xvan: Holy Crom. li-19, Morten ; St. JcaM$, 80 m 1 H«AB, Isrel's Shepherd! Uke» flock thou thM doet Joseph guide ; «^ SKine forth, O thou that dort between the cheruWma aWde. ^^ 2 In Ephraun'B, and Benjamin •, and in Manasseh's sight, come for otur salvation; O purge away otv sin. Stir up thy strength and migm. - r . I ij 1 J J. ^ ^ ^ -^ ^ , *•• . our dn. wVfc^et^^ A. w to oth.*r. ««-cy ft<m. We .mer-5 l«g from H-v^. PSALM LXXX. n » Turn na agwn. Lord out God, I and upon tisyoutshaafe , To make thy countenance to shine, and so we shall be safe: e M, 4 Oii^ of hosts, j^inighty God,^ how long shall kindled be Thy wrath against the pi»yermade by thine own folk to thee?. P 5 Thou tears of sorrow giV'st to them instead of bread to eat; ; , . Yea, tears instead of drink thou giv st to them in measure great, » 6 Thou makest us a strife unto oMT i^eighbours round about ; • Our enemies unong ttiemselves at us do laugh and flout. MP /Turn UB again, O God of hosts, and upon us vouchsafe ^ To make thy oounteiwmce to shine, and BO we shall be safe. ^ ^ ^ _ M 8 A vine from Egypt brought thou hast, by thine outstretched hand ; < « And Uiou the heathm out didst cast, to plant it in their land. » 9 Before it thou a room didst iaake^ where it might grow and stand ; i. Thou causedst it deep root to take, aiid it-did fill th e hfd. . WlOThe mountainB veU'd were withjts as with a covering; IsMOe, Like goodly cedars were the boughs ^ wMch out from it did spring. 11 Upon the one hand to the sea her boughs she did out send; : - On th* other side unto the flood ■' her branches did exjtend. m?12 Why hast thou then thus broken down and ta'en her hedge away ? _ So that all passengers Tdo pluck, and make of her a prey. 13 The boar who from the forest oomeiB doth warte it at his pleasure; The wild be^st of the field also devours itout of measure. » 14 O God of hosts, we thee beseechi • return now imto thine; t. » -j Look down from heav'n in love, behoia, and vtrit ihis thy vine: , , loThis vmeyard. which thinrf^im right tiath planted us among.; ^'X Andthat8amebranch,wluchforthy8eU thou hast made to be swonr. i^l6 Burnt up it is with flanung fire, . italsoiscutdo'wn: / ' Thev utterly are peridied i ^ when as thy face dcrtii frown. za2 - glViil ra with its [shade, te boughs ring. . sea end: ' ; . flood broken down phidk, rest comes stsure; ialstf ■ ' ire. ■■:■,. ■> •■ ,, jeseechi :.• a love, behold, - "I • -' i ■ . inrf"i»wn right J ; [hand hichfor thyself OTonp' ingfffe,. t jTown. ' 918 CPwrlta.)' LEAMnraTON.-OH F. MABSXALIk J8SS. J^ 3 b« f g ^ I ^ Be- hdd whsi wit • iMU - es nn -Men En- com-vpiM vut t • ronhd; Men, onoe like u», with miff • 'ring try'd But now iHth glo • ry orown'd. -«^ -QT I -i-iZ-J ^ :l I 'V'i.'.i ifi iTh rr ^_ J -ju-u ja_.a.; I / \- - -■ ^' •. ■/■■ ^^' '• ■ - ■■ ■ - ■/ . PSALMS L3tXX., LXXXI. « 17 le^ thy hand be 8tm upon the Man of thy right hand. The Son of man, whom for thyself 4sP thou madest strong to stand. ^ iH^lS So henceforth we israjl not go back, nor turn from thee at all : O do tiiou quicken us, and we upon thy name wiU caU. » 19 Turn us again. Lord God of hosts, and upon us voudisafe ntf To make tiiy couUtenance to shine, and so we shall be safe. 81 Ver. 1-7, PnetoHvs; iMiuagler. ) ChaiU 8-16, St. Ann; Metzkr; CloUt«r$, J S55, f 1 SiNO loud to God our strength ; with ■joy ■■..• ■"■■;•■ ■ to Jacob's God do sing. 2 take up a psalm, the pleasant harp, timbrel and psalt'ry bring. 3 Blow trumpets at new-moon, what day our f (Bast appointed is: 4 For charge to Isr'el, and a law J of Jacpb'is Grod was this* W .5 To Joseph this a testimony he maide, when Egypt laad He travell'd through, where speech I I did not uhderstuid. [heard 6 His shoulder I fitwqa burdens took, m/ his hands frotti pots did free. 7 Thou didst in trouble on me call^ and I deliver'd thee: m In secret place of thundering I did thee answer make; And at the streams of Meribah . ■ of thee a p^of did take, nip 8 O thou, my people, give an ear, I '11 testify to thee; Tothee,OIw'el, if thou wilt but hearken unto me. m 9» In midst of thee there shall not be any strange god at all; ETor unto any god unknown ^ thou bowing down shalt fall. n^lOI am the Lord thy God, which did from Egypt land thee guide; I'll M thy mouth abundantly* do thou it open wide, mp 11 But yet my people to my voice would not attentive be; And ev'n my chosen Israd ttB would have none of me. m 12 So to the lust of their own hearts I tiiem delivered; And then in counseb of th«r own i they vainly wandered. K ^ft. ^riU' W-8*-) LEBAJrON.-O.H. nrom nmm lf«m wmI OML By permlMtoii. 04 Si, L ^•^. O »U ye kingdoms of the «»rth. Sing pi»U - «• to this King; For he U Lord that rul-eth .11, Un - tp him prals -. et sing. gj_ rJ sJJ- PSALMS LXXXL, LXXXIL, LXXXIII. «» 13 O that my people had mo heai-d, Isr'el my ways had chose ! »lil had their eu'diies soon BuMu d, my hand turn'd on their foes. ; 15 The haters of the Lord to him submission should have feign d; \„f But as for them, their time should have f or eiprmore remairi'd. 16 He should have also fed them TSdth the finest of the wheat; Of honey from the rock thy fill I should have made thee eat, 3S StTtumas. CharUSUO. mf 1 In gods* assembly God doth stand; he judgeth gods among, m 2 How long, accepting persons vile, will ye give judgment wrpng? 3 Defend the poor and fatherless J to poor oppress'd do right, 4 The poor Mid needy ftnes sej; free; rid them from iU men's might. ^ mp 5 They know not, nor will understand; in darlmess theywalk on: All the foundations of the earth '^ out of their course are gSne. TO 6 I Bftld that ye are gods, and are — — B ons of the Highest att : — - — TOP 7 But ye shall die like men, and as one of the princes falL w 8 O God, do thou raise up thyself, the earth to judgment caU v„ . --1^ For thou, as thine inherttane^,N-« shalt take the nations all, 33 Ballerina. Chani 991: TO 1 Kkisp not, O God, we thee entreat, > O keep not silence now: Bo thou not hold thy peace, O God, and still no more be thou. 2 For, 16, thine enenues a noise tumiUtuously have made: And they that haters are of thee have lifted up the head. TOP 3 Against thy chosen people they do crafty couhsel t&ke: And they against thy hiddenonea 4© coMultations make. TO 4 Come, let us cut them off, said they, from being a nation. That of the name of lap'el inay no more be mention. 6 For with joint heart they plot, in league against thee they com'pine. The tents of Edom, Ishm'diteB, Moab's, and Hagars line; 7C 8i ' -Vil 11] ■^ ] 12^ TO ■ '' fftiTis: 15 ( mpl6' ■ ;;.i7; «1«' 96 .i. ■ton. ^S± I King; sing. jSS2 s>-r ^^ I I ^■^'^i » i,*s^ ^, 04 (P-eiill-^) WlnWH MEW.--0.lt Prom««,^^^ f ■ p-+j*- -jg p>:: ^r= ^ O thon toy sool, blew Cfod the Lord; Aid »U that in me 1. Be .tlr-red up hi. ho - ly name To mkg . nl . ij .nd Weo. ^O- J^.^ ■ * - g-i g rir~n ^ PSALMS LXXXHL, LXXXIV. Adas jTself, entreat, . e, OGod, )i8e- ■■ »; >f thee I they lenonea saidtheyt ; [inay alot, in league ine. I'dites, 7 Gebal, and Ammon, Amalek, Philistines, those of Tyre ; 8 And Assur join'd with them, to help Lot's children they conspire. iH^ 9 Do to ahem as to Midian, Jahin at Kison strand; • '^ 10 And Sis'ra, which at En-dor fell, as dung to fat the land. 11 Like Oreh and like Zeeb make their noble men to fall ; . ' Like Zeba and Zalmuiina likej make liiou their princes 411 ; 12 Who said, m For our possession m let us God's houses take. «jlf 13 My God, them like a wheel, as chaff before the wind, them make. 14 As fire consumes the wood, as flame doth mountains set on fire, 15 Chase and affright them with the storm and tempest of thine ire. mp 16 Their faces fill with shame; O Lord, that they may seek thy name. 17 Let them confounded be, and vex'd, and pensh in their shame: m 18 That men 'inay know that thou, to whom alone doth appertain « The name JEHOVAH, dost most high o'w all the earth remain. 84 mfi W mp 3 Fer. 1-7, Harrington; Philippt. 6-H, St. James; St. Bernard. How lovely is thy dwelling-place, .< O Lord of hosts, to me ! The tabernacles of thy grace how pleasant. Lord, they be ! mp 2 My thirsty soul longs veh'mently, . yea faints, thy courts to see: My very heart and flesh cry out, ' G living God, for thee. Behold, the sparrow findethout . an house wherein to rest; The swallow also for herself hath purchased a nest ;' Ev'n thine own altars, where she safe ■ her young ones forth may bring, O thou almighty Lord of hosts, who art my God and King. t»'4 Bless'd are they in thy house that dwell, they ever gpLve thee prwse. inf5 Bless'd is the man whose strength thou ih whose heart are thy ways: [art, G Who ^sit^ thorough Baca's vale, » therein do dig up wells ; Also the rain that falleth down the pools with water fills.. / 7 So they from strength unwearied go still forward unto strength, ' vr ^ ■W'Tf'l.'T"'- 95" «'•'• i>) LTRA.-0J1 from Carmitia Saera. ^^^^^^^^^^ y -j^^ J J J- F=: i g=g=F: That ther of peace, and God of love I f&H't by which our Shep-herd roie We Vlo own thy pow'r to salra, tor ' tons o'er the grave. m^^ J. j^jj. PSALMS LXXX1V.,LXXXV. ■ I' -. ■ 4 ■■■ •^Sefore the Lord &t length. ft lS God of hosts, my prayer h6ar, them ,. IjhatuprightiydoUve. ' ,l20ihouti.atartiheWofhost8.^^^ V tfiatmanistrulyWeBt, ,. "^ m^y assured confid«Jc^ ^£e alone doth rest. ^%h ^""'ilCll Fi^ert' Emmanuel, -^ioix>iiD.ihou^^r"^' — , to ihy beloved land: ^ ' ;■ T^S^v/captivitytiiouhart^ ^^^u'^th mighty hand. ^ allt&u«*l«i*»«»J ■■ 98 ■'■'. ^ acainst iw vathout ena . ..thine anger forth extend? . ^,.« that itvthee may thy p^e joy, return to fooU*""?- and peace ww «* ^ andrijjhteotB- 11 Truth«pring8fromearth, anang Soero. I l^/ 96 (P>.oiTii) 1IAH0HBBTBB.-0J£. „. . - grave. ^ I i isiiui res. uadttirn'dst less. , and cause ease. endvnre I? ■.■•■:■.:::■■ pie joy* , tow irdwilj speak! peace, ittiiemnot urely near nay have natty: i,andrighteoTiB- .ven loa^, O glv* ye pnli»> on - to tb* r.nMi in Tifc. -1 w me Loni, AD n* . ^qm that !»• LIke-wiM, ye peo • Ida alL m «»»• ». - ' t # t-~ iMo au, ao-oord HU name to lautg • nl - ly :^^^^ ^m :'/ . PSALMS LXXXV., LXXXVI. ' /12 Yea, what is good thie Lord shall give ; our land shall yield increase : 13 Justice, to set us in his steps, shtil go before his face. . Of{ Vtr. 1-7, Farrant; fpoftr. - Q*^ > 6-ii,Havn^; St.Ann. 14-17, St. AfdttMaj. mp 1 LoKD, do thou bow down thine ear, and hear me graciously ; d- Because I sore afflicted am, . and am in poverty. I mp 2 Because. I 'mholyr let my soul by thee preserved be : O thou my (}od, thy servant save, th^t^uts his trust in thee. 3 Sith unto thee I daily cry, ^ be merciful to me. M 4 Rejoice thy servant'a isoul ; for. Lord, I lift my soul to thee. 6 For thou art gracious, Lord, ■ : and teady ta*Mrgivej And ridi in mercy, «f|nhat call upon thee to rdievi^ 6 Hear, Lord, my prayer; unto the voice of my request att«flid : \ 7 In troublous times 1 11 call on Ifliee : ifor Uiou ^t answc^r send. tufS tiord, there is none among the gods that may with thee compare ; ^^ . And like the works which thou hast * not uiy work is there. [done, ;n 9 All nations whom thou mad'st shalL and worship rev'rently [icome Before thy iace; tmd they, 6 liord, thy name shall glorify, n^ 10 Because thou art exceeding great, and works by thee are done Which are to be admir'd ; and thou art G^ thyself alone. :■..■ m 11 Teach me thy way, and m thy truth, , O Lord, then walk will I ; nite my heart, ^t I thy name may fear oontinuMlly. Lord my God, with all my heart to thee 1 will "give praise; And I the glory will ascribe "'" imt& thy name always : .. 13 Because thy m«!cy toward me in greatness doth excel; >' And thou deliver'd hast my soul -out from the lowest hdl. mp UCMSdd, the proud against me rise, ^ . and vilent men have met,. That fOT my soul have soug^ ; and thee before them have not set. I 43- *' 97 (^*-^y HABTYRD01I.-0.M. 'HVOB WlUMOV* r / \ -«_ .... ^ et nn - to ■*• / > /v iittA • Thy met ' w *" / -I fnl to «•» " "^' m. 4m>t In' thee. T "" ' 't!!l. be- Aiue my .««1 ^^ >»«* *"' *^* ^ thoTi ex -tend; M «»»~ ' ■ - ^ J. 98 Ux^sUxxvi.>x^-»-^^^": "*^'*'' a God mo«t gracious. ^^^^ Long-suffering, and ^ tiny ifiOtumtoinethy counw' Thy W«»* ^Siaid save. Q« B<m..tc««-d. Chant «57. ^/lUPOt» the bins oiholiness ^ ii:^!^tvt>f theJiord. tjioadtymw ^ those I! *Sl^wi» Ethiopia; . An* hfccwMB^ therein, this man was W)i^*», 100 J i,» ♦Wat is Most High 6 Wh«. God a.e P«>P1« «■»«. >> *»' *^ '5?'iS,a!«hMii BO more Cut off from thy h^J'" S Thou h«* "» "X^jom, c»v«i. . 9 11 pl2 .ml« mpl' M^ 4 worn. me •"fHiipi ^^fw, "'•^ 08' OPiHii.) DOffMlllOte KABT7B8.-XIJC. HamuMiy by T. L. HATtLT. How long wUt thou for - get ue, Lord? Sludl It for w • er ImT O how long ahaU It be th»t thon WUt hide thy face from met 1 1 I PSALMS LXXXVIII., LXXXIX. /[oBtHigh • tl mtea, he'U ihere. ,y ; and all are. I lay and nigW I. rcotttOJ iroyaonl-, J grave, ^tgodo^ro tiliave. • aa,Hkeiaieift I .lie; '^'■'^■ owe8tpit» . aiywftyaa« mmeiay o tiAxix n»J And I am BO shut up, that I find no Qvasion for me, ■ 9 By reason of affliction mine eye mourns dolefully : To thee, liord, do I caU, and stretch V my hands continually, op 10 Wilt thou show wonders to the dead? shaU they rise, and thee bless ? ^ 11 Shall in the grave thy love be told ? in death thy faitMulness? p 12 ShaU thy great wonders in the dark, or shall thy righteousness Be known to any in tiie land of deep forgetfulness? m 13 But, Lord, to thee I wy'd i my pray'r at mom prevent shaUthibei mp 14 Why, Lord, dost thou cast off my soul, , and hid'st thy face from me? p 15 Disteess'd am I, and from my youth I ready am to die; Thy terrors I have borne,, and am distracted fearfully . -t 16 The dreadful fierceness of thy wratii quite over me do)l4 go 5 Thy terrors great^ve cut me off, they did pursjie me so. 17 For round a bQdt me ev'ry day. 89 like water»4h0y did xoU; And, gathering together, they have compassed my soul. 18 My friends thou hast put far from me, and him that did me love ; And those that mine acquaintance wer« to darkness didst remove. r«r. 1-4, JhM'emlinf: WinehuUr, 6-14, Abbey: St. Magnvt. 1^16, Newington: Soloman. , 19-87, Laneatter; RuigMUiom. 88-62, Pttrftaw. ■ ^ Chanto «5I (1-87), «5«(1»-6?X nv/-! God's mercies I will ever Mi«; % and with my mouth I shall Thy fjathfulness make to be known \ to generations all. ^ _ /;2 For mercy shall be built, said I, • ' for ever to endure; ^ _» . Thy faithfubaess, ev'n in the heaVna, thou wilt establish sure. m ail with my chosen One have made aicov'nantgradously; _^ . Aad to my servant, whom I lord, , ; to David sworn have I; 4 That I thy aeed establish shall for ev« to remain, And will to generationa all ihy throne build and mamtaiiu 101 99 (ri,iiu) HAETTB8.-0JI. ModaniForm. 10( ■« ^ •"« 'f' •" • "^ 2 u^ wm 1^ u» <- ■"» -' O bow loo* i»»»tt it D« *"• ■ ■■ - •• PSALM LXXxft. Andinthe oongregataon A For ^bo inli0aven with l^e liora ** 3ue unto the liord; , . A^dRTdl about lu^*P«ld o n fhrtu that art tno -i^*" T- Wra to thee ? who compasH « «/ 9 E^hi in the ragmg of the "ea •^^^ thou over it doatreign^ ^^ V And when the waves thereoiu • ^imBtiUeatthemaff^^ ^lO^b in pieces thou didrt hwa"'. •*^® ^e one that sU^ghte'd w^^ ^^ W And^ihtiiy mighty arm thou na« •^ ^pcrs'd t hi ne enemies, ^^ ^ J?* -!S^ »d fulne* of the pme, i2The north «»d south from U^ee .lone "'^'^thek first beginmng^^^^^Wn Both Tabor mount and Y^ '^JK go Wor. «.?««»•. . eMltod be on !>«!»• ^ ^^^ „rilstoS^sl^--°-"- 2 2 ■■ ■•'■ -J The Holy One of ^««J ta our almighty Kmg. f 100 (P..*M.) mswott-ojt »-*-«*'-«- «• ^^ ^ r throne ruth, ' J are ow ; 3 Ijord, i the day BhaUihey strength Jnrhorn and he PSALM LZtXIX. « 19 In vUaon to thy Holy One thou Baidst, I help upon A strong one laid ; out of the folic I rais'd a chosen one; _ - „^^20Ev'n David, I have found him out a servant unto me; _ ' And with my holy oU my King anointed him to he. 21 With whom my hand shaU stahlish'd he ; mine arm shall make him strong. 22 On him the foe shaU not exact, nor son of mischief wrong. 231 will beat down before his face all his malicious foe§; , I will them greatly plague who do with hatred him oppose. m24My mercy and my faithfulness with him yet st^all be ;^ ^ . e AndinmynameBB^rnandpowr men shall exalted'Fee. ^ . .*«. ;*f 25 His blind and pow'r sh|U reach afar, I'll set it in the sea; , fi. . And his right hand estabUshed ^ shall in the rivers be. W26 Thou art my Father, he shall cry, thou art my Godj»lone'^ . _ And he shall s ay. Tho^ * ^ ^^ '^ ^ ^ «r 2r 1 11 make Mm toy flrst-^m, more Ugh than.kini|*of »>»y l^'*-, . 28 My love I'U'iver keep for him, my oov'naiit fast shall stand. 29 His seed Iby my pow'r will make for ever to endure; - *i.-«i«« And. as the days of heav'n, hi- throlie shJtll stable be and sure, wp 30 But if his children shaU forsake my laws, and go astray, . And in my judgments shall not walK, but wander from my way : 81 If they my Uiws brejk, and^donot keep my commaiidemenw , ^^ 32 111 visit then their fft^ts ^*f ««■' their sins with chastisements . «33 Yet I'U not takemy love from him, nor false my promise make. 34 My coVnant I 'U not Wc^ch»«« what with my mouth 1 9P«e. 35 Once by my holihess I aware, to David m not he ; ._^ 36 His seed and throne diall, a. the mm, before me last for aye. ^^ 37 It. like the moon, shall ever be establish'dstedfMtly; ., .;^-.- And like to that which in thoheav a of my salvation. doth witee M j faith fully. KO 101 (P. .«««"«•) ^fzuBacB-dJ^^w)--"^-^- , myh«ii I *'" ringpral-to M«- Th.. wUl I pralMwlth f "' IT to - ward thy •ano-tu - iiy. »|,for. th. lod.:«.d >or-Aip wlU Toward ' / • • • ■ '■ f I ■ loe P8ALM8 LXXXIX., XO. «B But thou. di«pleaB*d. haiit cwt off, •^^^thSdat ^hor and loathe; With^him that thine anomted IS thou hast been very wroth. «Ju !;*Kv Mrvant's covenant 39 Thou hast thy "^f *»"* ^^ ^y ; cast on the ground doth he. ^ 11 u- i,«/i<»«wi hast broke down, / 4lHetoaUpas«»":fey'^'^'>. *" to neighbours « a sco^.^^^^. 42 Thou hast set up his toe"/** ** ' Vd'«t aU his en'nu^»d^ in battle hia«t not m««^.^ \ 44 His Kloty thou hast made to ce^, **^*Sne to ground dojm caj . 46Shdrten'd his days of youth, a^d him with shame thou cover d hwt. ^'^ ,". T^wl wilt thou hide tnyseu. • 46 How long, liord. ^i w for ever, in thine ire? . And Aril thin#in«M«nft»°« jyurnHkewntoanre. bum M t e ""*" " "' ^ ..^^ 47 B«^b;^.I^^'»»«^ *?''•'""' ^shall on earth temamt OwSforei.it«>that2^- hast made •llm««»^»»*^ 48 What mrfn is he that liveth here, and death shall never Bee? Or ?im the power df the ^ave what man his soul shall fi-ee. 49Thy former lovmg^VlfeT^*? how I in bosom bear Thescorningsofthepeopl^ll. who strong and mighty are. mS W tav. repro«=ha *. steps of thine anointed one. VMAU Hewing «»*«J^^°"«°* let be ascribed then._ f For evermore 80 let it be. Amen, yea, and amen. the mountain. g»at or smatt. E "^ B p 31 ■ .J mp 4 1 6 102 (piw^^**-^ mLTOir.-o Ji. f«« ^^' "•"•*^ ■ ^ „ »o th. Lord Th.1 to hU nm. to *i«» Cp„..,.ln.»o hi. court., .nd brtn, An^ o ■ MALM XO. God > Chant ?A5. Dur dwelling- — — tpla®«^ ought forth small; Ere ever thou h»dHt form'd the earth, \ and all the world abr<>ad; «/ Ev'n thou from everlaating art to everlasting Ood, „ 3 Thou dost unto deHtniction ' man that in mortal turn; And unto them thou say st, Again, ye Bons of men, return. „p 4 Because a thousand years appear no more before thy Bight ■ ^ ■ Than yesterday, when it is past, or than a watch by night. 6 As with an overflrtwing flood thou carry'Bt them »way : They like a sleep are, like the grass that grows at mom are they. 6 At mom it flourishes and grows, cut down at ev'n doth fade. d 7 For by thine anger we 're consum d, • thy wrath makes us afraid. p 8 Our sins ihou and iniquitiea dostinthyprcsenceplace,. .^ And sett'st our secret faults before the brightness of thy face.^ 9 For in thine anger all our days do pass on to an end;/ A n d iTa tale tha t h ath b ee n t old, BO we our years do spend. mp 10 Threescore and tert years do sum up our days and years, we see ; Or if, by roaBon of more strength, in some fourscore they bo: ,^ « Yet doth the strength of such old men but grief and labour prove; For it is soon cut off. and we v , fly hence, and soon remove. _ 11 Who knows the power of thy wrath? according to thy few 12 So is thy wrath: Lord . teach thou us our end in mind to bear ;_ mp And so to count our day^ «^* ^ our hearts may stdlawply To learn thy wisdom and^thy tmtd, that we may live thereby. plSTum yet again *« ««' 9,^7*' how long thus shall »t/»J Let it repent thee now for those that servants are to thee. _ mpU O with thy tender mercies, Lord, us early satisfy; ^ So we rejoice shaU all our days, and still be. gl*d in thee. « 16 According as the days bave been, therein we grief have hjd. And years wherein v« »ll»»»^e •«»» ^^- — lodothoumakeusglafl. — l!06 ' MOEATXA.~<IJI* «i n »ii ffl l^*Si»- »•• i^*.«l i piV>t7 wlU Md Judf.»M»iliif, Ix)ni. I Will rfnt With wta . dom !■> • pit . faci w.y Bhall mf bt • h.» .,1^ PSALMS xa, xoi, i let thy work wd pow r api«M . And Bhow unto their children dear thy glory evermore: W %-J-a And let the beauty of the Lord *^" our God be UB upon: rJwin<iy-work« eutablwh thou, " I them each one. heeeCTetplao* ™Jighre|«|..-. uSai* thi^iftX^e of hidrthat is tJi' Almighty BhiJl abide 2 I of the Lord my God wUl «ay, He is my refuge iitiU, »4< He is my fortress, and my God, r Mid in him trust I will. in 8 Assuredly he shaU thee save, and give deUverance From mibtle fowler's sm«e, and from the noisome pestilence. 4 H U feat hers sh«U thee hide; /thy trust under his wings shaU be: : His faithfulness shall be a shield Mid buckler unto thee. M6 „p 6 Thou Shalt not need to ^•friW for terrors of the night , NorforJliarL^fi? • Nor for destruction, that doth waste at noon-day openly. « 7 A thousand at thy side shsll faU, * on thy right hand shall h* _ Ten thousand dead ;i«P yet «ntp thee -,- it shaU'hot once come nigh. - m 8 Only thou with'thine eyes shalt loojt, and a beholder be; Aftd thou therein the just reward of wicked men shalt see. w 9 Because the Lord, who oonsUntiy iny refuge is alone, ■_ Ei'n theMost High, is made by thee thy habitation; .. flONo plague shall near thy dweUing •^ no^uSalltheebefaU: [comej 11 For thee to keep in all thy ways his angels charge he shall, -.IgTHi^ y in their hands shaU bear thee up. "" "" " stm waiting thee upon ; ' " Leet tiiou at any time shouldst dash thy foot against a stone. ^^ || Or 104 cF».»«M"^*> pMitfi. O Ood of ho.»..w U,- b..««.h. lU tomnaw «n - to ^ ^«„ downfromh-,».n lo,,. ». - hold. An.t ,U • 11^ thU O^r -^ \ PSALMB XOi, XOU. Irild tifly lothwMte Bt unlip thee igh. V : I Shalt lo^. b reward DiuiUntly Dade by the* thy dwelling [comei i»y ways mOL II bear thee up. rr^"* — [lOuldRt dash ae. .-■$ 18 Ujion the adder thou Bhalt tread, andonthelioiiHtrong; Thy feet on dragona trample •hall, ly, »nd on, the lione young. r Vm 14 Because «j»4ne lii(|»»Kit hii» love, I'll fiav^and set him free; «^ BeoauHo my great name he hath I known, twill him set on high, m 16 He'U^all on me, I'll answer him ; 1 whl be with him still In trouble, to deliver him, i »- and honour him I will, - / 16 Wifli length of days unto his mind I will him satisfy j ,|^, , I also my salvati<»u ^^ will cause hia flyes to see. I Q0 Vrr. 1-11, Horoard; Crtditon. \ fjj^ ^^ / 1 To render thanks unto the Lord it is a comely thing, ^ ^ And to thy name, thou Moet High, due praise aloud to sing. 2 Thy loving-kindness to show forth when shmea the morning light ; And to declare thy faitiiftOness with plearore (DV'ry night, n^4 m 3 On a ten-stringpd instrumen*; mxm the iJsaHery, ^ And on the harjp with solemn sound, and grave 8W«et melody. For thou, Lord, by thy mighty workt hast made my heart right gl»d ; « And 1 will triuniph in the works which by thm« hands were pad^l m 6 How great. Lord, are thy works I ei*h ol thine a deep it U : [thought mp 6 A brutish man itiinoweth hot; fools understand not this. When those that lewd and wicked are spring quickly W like grass, And workers of iidquity do flourish all apace; . • It w that they for ever may • destroyed be and slwn : * m 8 But thou, O Lord,^art the Most High, for ever to remain. 9 For, lo, thine enemies, Lord, thine en'mies perish shall ; The workers of iniquity shall be dispersed all. - n^rlO But thou Shalt, like unto the horn of th* unicorn, exalt My hom on high: thou with fr es h o i l «7 mp anoint me also shalt. m ct /'' 0( %, ..^1V,Q.,V,^^ 106 (P* c»l«. «6-72.) HAOia.--OJC Dr. L. V, "j 'j k- AJtU '^=^^^^^^m ft«.d|ud.:m«.tm";,>d tao.-l«H. tMCh, Fw -l lbj*™l U • «•»•- ^^ I I V; mm V-A' \|sE^8 XOII v^CCUIm XC^^^ ^^ on mine enemies; ,. ^, X^^haUofthevacked ' thatdoagwnstmense. _ /15 But like the palm-tree flounshmg ^^^ISlbetherighteouBone^^^- He shaU like to the cedar grow thatisinXebanQ^j „^Afaod .13Tho« iW trt*i»^th«h^ of God " They shall be tat, anu iu« ^ " ia altogether free. ^ ":^ "'^ T _j:i«*Ki«iim ttnddoih'diBhe / 1 Thb Lord doth reign, »i»« ^ aod girt aoowi ^^"^ "^^ T^wSdiBllBO'»»i^W»hed, that it canno^ depart. 108 V 2 Thy throne is fix-dofold, and thou * ftom everlasting art _ ^ ^» The floods, O Lord, have hfted up, . is more of might by tar . Thannoiseof many waters i8» , , ^ great sea-billows are. y 5 Thy testimonies ev'ry one •^ i laithfuhiess excel ;^ : And holiness for ever, I^ , : thine house becomethweU.^ QA, Cheshire: Chanim. , ^ 1 O Lord God, unto whom alone "" ^v^Sce doth belong; ' . "^ SeXrth, avenging ^«K- . t "Se sov'reign Judge that art; i J^^^:^ih^^->^P^: -* How toig, O mighty Gkjd, shall they ihuji triumph haughtily? ■^, Vfc re. ■»- I 106 <x^-^«^ »AtivjTr.-ait H...TL.™ i^p—- -I V -''IV r V, r f t. r, ^^^ .V T Wl In iOT- ful rtnJMl I** ««"» "• P^" " ' """^ ^^^^M r=^=^ Ad thou Itedup, > »;,. ■ heir waves, a. . mhigh, 'SUi ird, veil. 1 alone ong; • . geonce own w, wjiong. (^ tihe earth latart; )Bo; 6d,8haJlihey ho wicked are PSALM XCIV. 4 How long shall lihings most hard by be uttered and told? [them Arid all that work iniquity to boast themselves be bold? p 5 Thy folk they break in pieces, Lord, thine heritage oppress : 6 The widow they and stranger day, and Idli the fatherless. . -, , mp 7 Yet say they, p God it shall not see, - p nor God of Jacob know. ; m 8 Ye brutish people 1 understand; fools ! when wise will ye grow ? p 9 The Lord did plant the ear of man, c and h^ then shidl not he? p He only form'd the eye, and then ,c shall he not clearly see? 1 m 10 He that the nations doth correct, x^ shall he not chastise jrou? ^ I m He knowledge unto man doth teach, c Mid shall himself not know? Rp 11 Man's thoughts to be but vanity r the Lord doth well discern. |w 12 Bless'd is the man thou chast'nest, and mak'st thy law to learn: [Lord, 13 That thou may 'st give him rest from of sad adversity, [days Until the pit be cUgg'd for those that work iniquity. 14 For sure the Lord will not cast off thosc'that his people be. Neither his own inheritance » quit and forsake will he: m^/'lS But judgment unto righteousnesa shall yet return again ; And all shall follow after it that are right-hearted men. m 16 Who will rise up for me against those that do wickedly ? Who will stand up for me 'gainst those that work iniquity? inpl7 Unless the Lord had been my help when I was sore opprest, Almost my soul had in the house of silence been at rest. > 18 When I had uttered this word, My foot doth slip away. Thy mercy held me up, O Lord, ty goodness did me stay. 19 AmMsfthe multitude ofthoughte whi^ in my heartdoifighti; '^ My soul, lest itbe overcharg'd, thy comlprts do delight, p 20 Shall of iniquity the throne have ftillowsMp with thee, . Which iriischief, cunningly contrived, •doth by a law decree? ■^^^^p^^f^^f^J 107 (Pw.u.) KEANDEB.— 0.1C. Adapted tnmFaiU$ ChornOmch., "^^^T" B fcii' nr r-rri ^ f^ }V^^W=^ r \ "' \ fkton thsU thla MrOi • ly frame, dU • aolv'd, In death uid ni ' liu Ue; Bot bet - tor man-slom wait tha Jntt, Pire«iMur'd a • bove t^e sky. A A s -^ A A A A A A AAjMQ i^ g^ ^TTT^~r^ ^ jj> f"*' E^^ rx: PSALMS xmv., XO^f,, XCVI. ip 21 Against the righteous floula they join, they guiltless blood condemn, m 22 But of my refuge God's the rock, and my defence from them. . 230n them their own iniquity the Lord shall bring and lay, x And cut them off in thek own sm ; our Lord God shall them slay. 95 JTomflioI; Ian»«fo». Cftone «56. / X O 00MB, let us sing to the Lord: come, let us ev'ry <>««._ ^ Ajoyful noise make to the Kock of our salvation. , 2 Let US before his presence come with praise and thankful voice ; Let us sing psahns to him with grace, imdmake a joyful noise. ^ 8 F6r God, a great God, and great King, above all gods he is. _ t 4 Depths of the earth are m his hand, the strength of hills is hisi 7 5 To him the spacious sea belongs, for he the same did make; ^ The <3^ land also from hia hands its form at first did take. ,i^6^ O come, aad let us wordup him, let us bow down withal, ■ 110 .' . :■ and And on our knees before the Lord our Maker let us fall, m/ 7 For he's our God, the people we ' -of his'own pasture are, ^ And of his hand the sheep ;mtOHlay, in if ye his voice will hear, 8 Then harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, . As in the desert, on the day of thetentation: . ., 9 When me your fathers tempt d prov'd, . and did my working see ; 10 Ev'n for tiie space of forty yeaw this race hath grieved me. I said. This people errs in heart, my ways theyido not know : 11 To ,whom I swarft in wrath, that to my rest they should not go. QA Fer. 1-7, BHflhton; Durfcam.1 cfc<,nt f5& VD 8_i3, Afiltott; Hoieorrf. ) 7 1 6 SING a new song to the Lord: 'sing^ the earth to God. ^_ 2 To God smg, bless his name, show stiU his saving health abroad. «^f 8 Among the heathen nationa history do declarer ■■■.■.■;■ •.,. . . V -n Vrpy^^^j^ pi^ oraOnuh. laa Be; sky. ■^1^ ■ ■ .1 '^"^-^^^^^ 108 (p«.iii) NSW0ABTIX.-0.1L AvarlMui. S :■ ; ^^^ ij J J J J ^^ U g.j,^ w ^ ^ I, I : hr-p r r r p i '| ■ f f^ i fir ^ ^-^^0=^1 O. €k>d of Beth -flit bf whoM huid Thjr pco - pie itill «re fed; Who through tiiii wea ' ry pil • grim • age Hut all our fa • then led.. ' ■ J J J ■J-4-gL-gJ- • ' I 'j J £1 A -1 I ^ g J J g^ PSALMS XCVI., XCVII. the Lord jple we p; mtcHlay, sarts.asm ) tempt'd and ee; ' ,, ■;.]■■, ty yeaw " me. in hearty know:. - ath, thatto |^1 lot go. oarn. ) 3 KeliOTd: God. name, show still road. • itions Aiid unto all ttie people show his works that wondrous are. f\ For (preat's the Lord, uid greatly hd is to be magnif y'd ; Yea, worthy to be f ear'd is he above all gods beside, m 5 For all the gods are idols dumb, wUch.blinded nations fear; . e But our God is the Lord, by whom the heav'ns crei^ted were. m 6 Great honour is before his face, and majesty divine; «^ Strength is within his holy place, and there doUi beauty shine. / 7 Do ye ascribe unto the Lord, of people ev'ry tribe. Glory do ye unto the Lord, and mighty pow'r ascribe: erT m 8 Give y(9 the glory, to the Lord that to his name is due ; Come ye into his courts, and bring an offering with you. 9 In beauty of his holiness, , O do the Lord adore ; Likewise let all the earth throughout tremHehia face before. 10 Among the heathen say, God reigns ; the world shall stedfastiy Be fix'd from moving ; he shall judge the people righteously. ■mf 11 Let heav'ns be glad before the Lord, and let the eiffth rejoice; e Let seas, and all that is therein^ cry 9ut, and make a noise. /12 Let fields rejoice, and evWthing t^y springetib of the earai : Then /woods and ev'ry tree shall sing witii gladness and with mirth is Before tiie Lord ; because he comes, to judge the es^rth comes he ; ' He '11 judge the world with righteous- ■; ' •'■ ness,'" the people faithfully. 07 QreewuAth i-vtr. 11, 12, Tiverioilk / 1 God reigneth, let the earth be glad, and isles rejoice each one. 2 Dark clouds Imn compass; and in right with judgment dwells his thronis. 3 Fire goes before him, and his foes it bums up round about : 4 Hig lightnings lighten did the world ; eartji saw^ and shook throue^out J 111 109 (^•'•^^•^ se^nsio^^ ,-OJI. V0f- , ^ItUA-J^''**- ^^ ;/• On gift ■on* of !<>*• The To i/ .^..'*^.- *• PSALMS XOVIL, XCVUI. '. ^ * ^ See wax, did melt away ; Ev'n at the presence of the Lord of aU the ««Sv ^ ^-righteouBiieas, «/ 6 The heav'ns declare hi8 ngn«", "^ all men his glory see. .. 7 All who serve graven r^' •Unfounded let them be. :^ ^ modoofidolsl^tth^aBelves. let shame upon th^f^— Ye that are called gods, see uia yedohimwon^pi^. ^ / ft Sion did hear, and joyful was^ n^r 8 Sion "^f *\^J daughters were ; glad Judan s w^ ijecause •' Jl things on earth «»*"» • '^ gets them safe and free, i ^.UFotaflihosettotl^rjhteouB^-^ : sownisa3oyft>ll«*»V „^ose W And gladness sown wforall those express your tnamuiw" » men ye into your memory do caU his holiness. for wonders he hath done . vhS* hand and his holy «nn ' wSvictoryhathMjon. y2The-LordGodhis^salva^n •^ hath caused to be known ; HiT^ce in the heathen's sight he openly hath shown, ^ _ SHemindfulofhisg^^r*^ to Isr'eVs house hathbeen, A «^ tiift salvation of our God ,4 I^tatttheeartiimito^e^^^ ■^ send forth a joyful noise, _ LifTup your voice aloud to him, untoJEHOVADLBWHi ^^ # nth trumpew,^v-^^^ before the^iord^t h e K i ng. V7T.^2S all their f^lneM Toar ; ^^^1*:^. and dwdlers there; tsoo. 110 (Pi.i»i^ w-«*^> H<W"»^ ****** . Ood! ^ But 1 with « - I«o - *• * . : An4 yetwlthpnd.-e. mo««id«iJ IRTin hop^oon-tta • « • •"'*• .1 wUltheenu* ■ >1 .^ ST' f— r ^ PSALMS XCIX.,\C- rejoioe; », Lord, ae: >ly ann ion ■ ;. vn', ^ n'sfdc^ and truth been; rGod ave seen. be Lord , )i8e; dtolum. Ace. p, and voice of ag: tpsataM, a, gladly wuad ying. ' fulness roar ; Here there; 8 Let floods clap hands, and let the hffls together joy declai-e 9 Before the Lord ; because he comes, to iudKe'the earth comes he ; ^^ H?li>dge the world with ngh^^us- his folk with eqmty. iness, QQ . yorlfc. CharUtlfi. n. Th' eternal Lord doth reign as king, let all the people quake; He sits between the cherubims, ^ let th* earth be mov'd and shake. 2 The Lord In Sion great and high above all people is; . 3 Thy great and dreadful name (for it . * 18 holy) let them bless. m 4 Theking'sstrengthalsojudgmentloves; thou settlest equity : Just judgment thou dost execute in Jacob righteously. 5 The Lord our God exalt on high, and rev'rently do ye -^ • Before his footstool worship him : the Holy 0^e is he. 6 Moses and Aaron 'mong his priests, Samuel, with them that call Upon hto name ; W the s e c all d on God, I wvf and he ^«» answer'd aU. 8 m /9 Do ithin the pillar of the cloUd he unto them did speak : he testimonies he them taught, , and laws, they did not break. ,ou answer'dst them, OLordQur God; thou wasti God that gave ^ iontothem,mthoi^ontheirdeed8 lou wouldest vengeance have, re exalt the Lord our God, 4atl^'holy*»JJl _ , ihimworslup: fortheLora God is holy still. 100 /I All Sing 2 Him m Old mthy-Maiwier. )ple that on earth do dwell, , the Lord with cheerful voice. ^ liun serve with mirth, his pwiw forth Com Jye before hun and rejoice. Iteu, KnowUhat the Lord is God indeed; Without our aid he did us maker We ai his flock, iTe doth us feed. And f Jr his sheej^ he doth UB trfce. / 4 O enti then his"gate8 with praise, Approich with joy his courts unto: PraiBe,aaud,and bless hisname always, For it to seemly so to do. ^- ^^^ m 5 ForvrhV? ii^fthfe Lord our God is good, 1^ WBm^viioTfiswmmi — lis nx (^^ 0lJ)U*ir-D^^ MM- 1^1^' — — ^ Jr"_A— y; J — 4^' _ __ \ I T ** . ■AvA.'V ■j„ cotm-»* ■..■,,;..;,...: .:,;.:■■;,■. N PSAIiMS C., CI. / V His traih »t all times firmly Btood, ^ ^anil» VRBSI^ or TH* BAMK.^^ ^^^ Tritu!h««t«r; Eden. _ , / 1 ALL ye lands, unto the Lord make ye a joyfvd noise. * a^ Se^G^d with gladness. ^ before come with a singmg voice- ^ ^3 K^w ye the Lord that he is God , ^ not we, but he us made: , We are his people, and^ Bheep within his pasture fed. . ^ y 4 Ent« his gates Wcomts^P^' ^' ^ thank him go ye thither. ^ . To iTexpress your ^^^^^ and bless his n*«^« *^f V^ 6 Because the'Lotd our God is good, his mercy faileth never; 'A^toaiiaenerations hiB truth^Jdureth ever. , 101 Jllor«»toisfcFrf^ "^ w.iwin«i«t°^ '2 With wisdom in a perf«» way ghafl my behaviour be. - O when, in kindness «ifo me. t " wSTtUbepleasVit^^ I with a perfect heat* wiU want within my house at home, ^^3 t will endure no wicked thing iMfore mine eyes to be ■.; -j I STtiieir work that turn aside, it shaU not cleave to me.^ _ 4A^lSomandafrowardl^ ■S^ quite from meshj^; ApSongiVntowickednesi. I will not know at alL 5 I'U cut himofif that ^anderefli his neighbour pnvily;. ^ \^^ The haughty h«irtlwi^^'; nor hhn that looketh h^h. ^6l3?lthefa^^^^ mine eyes shall be, tnavwipjr^ ^ liCdwell with me: he shall me serve ^ walks in perfect way. w Who of decMt a worker » ^ "^'.^t^S house shaUnotJj^ And inmy pr««nce A«JlJ*» ^ remain that hes doih^. 8irS^evrick^of^l»^ 102 flip 1 < 2. 3 V4 5 j5 7 early de s troy w i n I > ABJrom God's dtrto cut oil Ihat work iniquity. OltD U/^—oonttmud. —r r— i= ^f I ' - '1 -^ J i J ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nor rit-Uth In tl.«««.rn-r'. chair: Btit pUc-cth »^ > * "«" trp . on God'. Uw. «d m^l-l-HO- On hU taw d.y «d nl^t. t V V: PSAliM on. .■;(■ ne, V une? walk ling nMidoi' I. [ heart lall; pie8$ lereth Ifiotbear, ligh. land itthey shall me serve way. is dwell; ill he not ten. tbeland cat off mo Ter; 1-18, Bur/ord.-S*. Mary. j X\J^ 13-22, EmnMiniMl; Felix. 2ah2S,St. Matthias; St. Ann. Oant. 2fi0 (1-12, 28-28), W9 (13-22). mp 1 LoBD, unto my pray'r give ear, my cry let cowe to thee ; 2 And in the day of my diatreas hide not thy face from me. : Give ear to me ; what time I cwl, to answer me make^ haste : 3 For, as an hearth, my bonds are burnt, my days, like smbke, do waste. 'p 4 My heart within me smitten is, and it is withered . like very grass ; so that I do forget to eat my bread. 5 By reason of my groaning voice • my bones cleave to my akin. 6 Like fielican in wilderneas ' , forsaken I have been: I like an owl in deaert am, that nightly tliere doth moan ^ 7 I watch, and like a aparrow am * on the house-top alone. Rf> 8 My bitter en'mies all the day reproaches cast on me ; ^ And, bdng mad at me, wit ' against mo Bwoni they be. • 9 For why? I ashes eaiten have like bread, in Borrows deep ; My drink I alao mingled have with teara that I did weep. 10 Thy wrath and indignation V^^ did cause this grief and pain ; For thou hast lift me up on high, Mid cast m« down again. n U My days are lUce unto a shade, which doth declining pass ; And I am dry'd and withered, ev'n Wee unto the grass, mp 12 But thou. Lord, everiasting art, and thy remembrance shall . m Cdhtinually endure, andbe to generatioias aU. fl^^lS Thou Shalt arise, and mercy have I upon thy Sion yet ; ' • The time to fayour her ia come, the time that thou hast set. mW'For in her rubbish, and her stones thy servants pleasure take J ^ ntf Yea, they the very dust thereof do favour for her sake. 15 So shall the heathen people fear . the Lord's most holy ntfme ; , y Y ^A all tiie kings on earth shall dread thy glory and thy fame. (Pi. ixlJt) OLD 2Wli.-D.0JI. AwMtknaMM*. MM Th»t of the inl|^-*y 01.. ye tm- to «»• ^^^ J^« ^^ ^^^ eheer-f^-B- glv ,7«- AU itrengthMd .|lo - ry »P *" ■ ^_. . PSALM piemen Sion by the mighty Lprd built up again shall be, ^ In glory then and imyesty;, ^ to men »PPe" **"■*• 17 The prayer of the destitute he surely will regard ; . ' * Their prayer wiU he not despwe, by him it shall be heard. 18 For generations yet.to come this shaU be on record:^ _ - > So shall the people thatjhftUb?; '^'^ created praise the liord. v : ^, -»l»He from his sanctuary's heigiit^ - -hath downward cast his eye; And .Irorn his glorious throne m heav'n ., ^-'^ the Lord the earth did spy^ aOThat of the mournful priso^ the groa»ings he might he^, To set t3 free that unto death by men apppinted are : «f 21 That they in Sion may declatfi "^ S W? most holy name, , — • _ — _■■ — « — ■ — ■ — T — ^^ ■ f rt I rfkiTrt fttkr f And publish in Jerusale: ^ the praises of the same ; ^ , 22 When as the people gather shall in troopa with one accord, .- V ■■...lift:-. When kingdoms "hall assembled be to serve the highest L.)rd. ,p23My .wonted strength and fore* he hath abated in the way, , And he my days hath shortened: 24 Thus therefore^did 1 say ,^ , . My God, In mid-time of my days take thou me not away: ^ From age to age etemaUy ^ thy years endure and stay. 25 The firm foundation of^theeWtii of old time thou hastlaid; Th« heavens also are uie worK ^ ^ ^whir^ine own hands have made. 26 Thou shalt for evermore endure, «p but they shall penshaU; _ !* Yea, ev'ry one of them wax old, : like to a garment, shaU : Thou, M a vfesture. shalt tjem change, and they shall changed be : _^ , m^ But thou thesame art. and thy years - are to eternity. . „ n.f 28 The children of thy servants shatt ^'^^^ ^ — ^.k«.U«n.1W endu r e ; ■ ^^ mp con^ually endwe ; , , _^ And in thy sight. O Lord, their seed shall be establish d«ure. ■•■-V--- / OLD v.. to U.. LoriU". t'o" .'«■"»' «• "* -i"*'' *•= jU,a to «.. I»..t7 of !«. ■ M ■ «• "» ■ «• ^' • ■» • "^ '"•, ^=TT r rwrr ibledbe I force he .■■..■,' tened: ydaya i earili id; iwork have made, indure, I; rax old, i: them change, I be : nd titiy year$ ' ants shall d, their seed re. ■■■■ % ^BALM OIL mp ANOTHBB VEB810N OF THE SAME. Ver. 1-12, EUfeld. ^ j 18-22, AngeUf Song ; Ely ; Lvx Alma. ^!&-<iB,St.Ambrou;WiUemerii. 1 LoBD, hear my pray'r, and let my cry Have speedy access unto thee ; 2 In day of my calamity hide not thou thy face from me. Hear when I call to thee ; that day An answer speedily return: 3 My days. 1*8 smoke, consume away, And, a9 an hearth, my bones do bum. p 4 My heart is wouricled very sore, And withered, like grass doth fade : 1 am forgetful grown therefore To take and eat my daily^ bread. 5 By reason of my smart within, And voice of my most grievous groans. My flesh consumed is, my skin, ' All pMch'd, doth cleave unto my bones. 6 The pelican of wilderness, The owl in desert, I do match ; 7 And, sparrow-like, companicmless^ Upon the house's top, I watch. 8 I ail day long ian made a scorn, R^I^oach'd by my malieious f oes : — ■ • -.: — ^e B worn, The men against me that arose. I 9 For I have ashes eaten up, :' To me as if they had been breadf And with my drink 1 in my cup Of bitter tears a mbcture made. 10 Because thy wrath was not appeas d, And dreadful indignation : ^^ Therefore it was that thou me «ui d. And thou again didst cast me down. » 11 My days are like a shade alway, Which doth declining swiftly pass ; And I ain withered away, - Much like unto the fading grass. mp 12 But thou, O Lord, shalt still endure, FroTO change and all mutation free, TO And to all generations sure Shall thy remembrance ever be. wf^Z Thou shalt arise, and mercy yet Thou to mount 9ion shalt extend : Her time for favour which was set, Behold, is now come to an end. 14 Thy saints take pleasure in her stones. Her very dust to them is dear. ^ 15 An heathen Lmds and kingly thwrnei On e^h thy glorious name shaU fear. /16 God in his glory shall appear. When Sion he builds and repwrs. 1 7 He Bhall regard and lend his eat # Unto the iteedy'a humble wray'rs : U7 113 (p*. «»»' ) OLD 44tli.-D.0.1t am0mmm>9UAf»»ti0r. urn. f ■3 r:*^ — I ^* loMk O 0«d, W. with Ottt •«. h.T.h^«d. ow f.. iii«nli«T.- Wh.tworluthoa In th.lr dayt h«l.t don.. Evn In th« d«fl y|| . oW. P8AI.M8 CIL, C"«' « _-«'i. lift will not scorn. «They perish AaU, as garnienta do. ■**Sy .i C , hrit evermore endure,^ «SSWt5:^--- I ahu •«»/ -iiMiffeg thou«rt tree , : ■ 118, :-■:■:-■: ■■ ■ ' ■ Chant tlfi- ■ - , ■ B:^s^s5y«- he hath bestowUon thee, o All thine iniquities who doth *» v^vwi and thee relieve. ^ doth heal, ana w^^ ^^ * Who thee With loving Ki»«" "^ andtender mercies crown; 5 w^^n with abm»dance^go<>^ things ''''V'^i:-**;.#vthv mouth; mp tuf Ta satisfy thy ^o^^^^^ Sa that, eVna8 the eagle 8 age, wS*wedis^yy°^***- Ml ^1 P7=( 6, ■'■■'■: 1, . lehobe, itay. tr. i; St. Ber- the Lord ; thyOod, 9th pains BV6. 5, that thou down ; idneMdotjK wn: ;, / goodthiiigB B'Bage, Th, b«<. JM JH» '«.. h»>l." -tv And pl«.U,.m i. th.lr pUM. PSALM OIII. M 6 God rightoouB judgment exeoutes (or fldl oppressed ones. 7 Hi« ways to Moses, he his acts made known to Isr'el's sons. 8 The Lord our God is merciful, and he is gracious, Long-suffering, and slow to wrath, in mdroy plenteous^ r- mp 9 He will not chide coiftinually, nor keep his anger still. lOWith us he dealt not as we sinn'd, nor did requite our ill. m U For as the heaven in its height the earth sunttounteth far ; mf So great to those that do him fear his tender mercies are : /12 As far as east is distant from the west, so far hath he From us removed, in his love, all our iniquity. ' ^ M 13 Such pity as a father hath untoios children dear; Like pity shpwa the Lord to such as worship him in fear, tap 14 For he remembers we are dust, and he our frame well knows. ylS Fr a il man, his da y s a r e lik e^tfafrggass, as flow'r in field he grows : ^■^7 ";• ■ :■■'■' .■ 16 For over it the wind doth and it away is gone ; And of the place where once it ' it shall no more be known, m 17 But unto them that do him fear God's mercy never ends ; mf . And to their children's children stUl his righteousness extends : f» 18 To such as keep his covenant, and mindful are alway Of his most just commandements, that they may them obey. / 19 The Lord prepared hath his throne in heavens firm to stand ; And ev'ry thing that being hath his kingdom, doth command* 20 O ye his angels, tiiat excel in strengtfii bless ye the Lord ; Ye who obey what he commands, and hearken to his word. ^^ g2l bless and magnify the Lord, ye glorious hosts of his ; Ye ministers, that do fulfil whate'er his pleasure is. V /22 bless the Lord, all ye his works, wherewith the world is stor'd In his dRm inions ev'ry whe re^ My soul, Uess than the Lwd. 119 w^mf^w^]^' OLD 137th.-D.0.1£ 9 Jif B«-b«ri|irMMntw« Mi Mid wept. Wh«ii M -on wathdoftit on. la Mldit th«r« - of wa huig'd our hftrp* The wU • low • trtw up • on. ■A ■■* PSALM OIV. 104: «««»**"♦'' >ir<<M!««r«i; KtArm. OmiA SUf. w^ 1 Blwh God, my soul. O Lord my God, thou art exceeding grwt ; / With honour and with majesty <^ thou clothed art in state. 2 With light, as with a robe, thyseU thou covereat about ; V^nd, like unto a curtain, thou the heaven* stretchest out. MS Wlio of hia chambers doth the beams within the waters lay ; «f Who doth the cloud* his chanot make, on wings of wind make way. 4 Who flaming fire his ministers, his angels sp'rits, doth make. 5 WTio earth's foundations did lay, that it should never shake. m 6 Thou didst it oOver with the deep, \ as with a garment spread : The waters stood above the hills, when ^ou the word but said. 11^7 But at the vdcp of thy rebuke — — t he y fled, and would not s t a y ; — ~ They at thy thunder's dreadful voice did haste them fast away. m 8 They by the mountains do awsend, aod lEqr the vallflgr-giomul MO ../■■■:■;-.■, Descend, unto that very place * which thou for them didst found, 9 Thou hast a bound unto them set, that they may not jmuw over, * That they do nof return again i, the face of earth to cover. 10 He to the valleys sends the springs, which run among the hills i ' ii They to all bei^ts of field give drink, wild asses dnnk their fills. 12 By them the fowls of heav'n shall have their habitation, Which do among the branches smg with delectation. • 13 He from his chambers watereth the hUU, when they are dry'd : With fruit and increase of thy works the earth is satisfy'd. 14 For cattle he makes grass to grow, he makes the herb to spring JFor th' use of man, that food to him he from the earth may bring ; 15 And wine, that to the heart of man / doth ch ee rfu ln ii e a i m part, ^ . • Oa thathis face makesihine, andbwta that strengtheneth his heart. VmThe trees of God are full of sapi the cedars that do stand mf[ It ■ •■ ■■ ..' ■/-■•■ Mlf)' m: w OLD ISnil'''-**''"***'* \% %„%J, For th,« . ^ «.qtilr..d ih.r. 1»Vbo did «. * «»» " "^ »«^- our .poll .« «Ud for mirth. wd -Id. A •ong of « - o-* *»f. In Lebanon, which planted were by hi*i aJmiKhty hand. m 17 Bird* of the air URon their bonghs do ohoorn their ne«tii to make ; As for the stork, the fir-tree she doth for her dwelling take. 18 The lofty mountains for wild goats a place of refuge bo ; > ■ The conies alno to the rock* do for their safety flee. ^ mfVme sets the moon in heav'n, thereby the seasons to discern : From him the sun his certain time of going down doth learn, mp 20 Th6u darkness mak'st, 'tis n%ht, then beasts of forest creep abroad. ' JDl The lions young roar for their prey, and seek their meat from God. m 22 The sun doth rise, and home they down in their dens they lie. ■ 23 Man goes to work, his labour he doth to the ev'ning ply. iH^24HowTnanifoldrIiOTd, are in wisdom wonderful Thou ev'ry one of them hast made ; earth 's of thy ridhes full : m 25 So is this great and spaoious Mii wherein things creeping are, Which number'd cannot be ; and beasta both great, fttid small are tliero. 26 Tliere shijie go ; there thou mak'st to .that leviathan' great [play 27 These all wait on thee, that thou may'ifc in due time give them meat. 28 That which thou giveat t^to them they gather for their food ; wf Thine hand thou open'st lib'raUy, they filled are with good. mp 29 Thou hid'st thy face ; they troubled are, their breath thotl tak'st away ; Then do they die, and to their dust return again do they. ". m 30 Thy quick'ning spirit thou send'st forth, then they created be ; tuf And than the earth's decayed face renewed is'by thee. /31 The glory of the mighty Lord I continue shall for ever : The Lord JEHOVAH shall rejoioo , • in all his works together. trembljBth all, if he on it but look } And if the mountains he but touch, they presently do amoke. . 4^ a r / .t P^' 116 (pw.iiiii.) J.V.WimtBMk. 9f tyw? • You now mnat hew 1117 roiee no more; My fti . ther otlls nia We; But Mon fromheaT'ii the Ho • Ijr GMt, Your Com.- fort -er, ehaU /d8 1 will sing ttf the Lord most high) 80 long as I shall live ; 4nd while I being have I shall to my Gk)d praises give. M 84 Of him my meditation shall sweet thoughts to me afford ; / And as f or me, I will iejoioe , 1 in God, n»y only Lord. ■ ^ M 35 From earth let sinners be consuin d, let ill n^en no more be. / . O thou my soul, bless thou the Lord* Praue to the Lord give ye. iriK rer.l-'!,aiato&»;Ladbroke.\Chant XV/U 8-»6,D«n/WA i SG9. / 1 Giy« thanks to God, call , on his name; to mm lus deeds make kno\m. 2 Sing ye to him, sing psalms; proclaim hu wondrous works each one. 8 See that ye in his holy name to glory do accord ; ^ ' And let the heart of ev'ry one r^oieB that seeks Uie Lord. f t A The T i ord A l mighty , a n d h i a s tacmigth,^ with stedfMfe hearts seek ye : HxB Uessed and his gradous face : ye continually.'^ 122 m 5 Thhik on the works that he hath done, which admiration breed ; • ^ His wonders, and the judgments »U . which from his mouth proceed ; : 6 O ye that are of Abr'ham's race, V his servant well approv'n; And ye that Jacob's children are, . whom he (dtiose f or his own, ^f 7 because he, and he only, is the mighty Lordlour God ; And his most righttons judgments are in all t^e earth atiroad. m 8 His cov'nant he remOTober'd hath» that it may ever stand : ntf To thousand generations . - . ' ( the word he did command, m 9 Which covenant he firmly made with faithftd Abrahain, And unto Isaac, by his oath^ . he did renew the same : lOAndtuttp Jacob, foralaw,^ ' he made it firm and sure, A covenant to Israel, which ever should endure. '■' 11 He said, 1 11 give Canaan's land for heritage to you ; l> 12 While they were strangers there, and in number very few: [few 116 (PKeltt.8-U.) OUCUTZ.— OJI. Oragoilaa. °°^-y =^^ — i — -■ ^ K r K ■f, A (. hi I ' ^— ^ ^ ■ ^ i ^i_A^-i^ -fl? ' -H ■ ' lie Lord our God If mer - d V fttl/ . And he to gra X- dow, tong ' >ui • f •? > tog» M»«l "low to irrath, In mer ■ cjr pleq - ie - on*. -^ I \. PSALM CV, Jul) 13 Wlule yet they went from land-to land without a sure abode ; And wlule through sundry kingdoms did wander far abroad ; [they .:)»14 Yet, notwithstanding, suflfer'd he , no man to do them wrong; inf Yea, f <Mf tiieir sakes, he did reprove kings, who were great and strong, m 15 Thus did he say.Touch ye not those that mine anointed be,iV I Nor do the prophets any liarm ,iv . that do petNba to me. iiiple He call'd for famine on the land, he brake the staff of bread : * j» 17 But yet he sent a man before, by whom they shbidd be fed ; V mf> Ev'n Joseph, whom unnat'rally sell for a slave did they; 18 Whose feet with fetters they did hurt, and he in irons lay; m 19 Until the time that his word came % to give him liberty ; The word and purpose of the Lord , cUd him in prison try. \ SiOThen sent the king, and did command that He enlarged shovdcTber He that the people's ruler was did send to set him free. m 2r A lord to rule his family he rais'd him, as most fit ; To him of all that he possess'd he did the charge commit: 11^22 That he might at his pleasure bind the princes of the land; And he might teach his senators • wisdom to understand, m 23 The people then of Israel down into Egypt came; rAnd Jacob also sojourned wiUiin the land of Ham. 24 And he did greatly by his pow'r v ^ increase hUi i)eople there ; ntf And stronger than their enemiM they by his blessing ware. . m K Their heart he turned to envy his folk maliciously. With those that his own servant^^ere to deal in subtilty. •1^26 His servant Moses he did send, ^ , , Aaron his chosen one. W 27 By these his signs and wonders gnat in Hain's land were made known. mp28I>arkne8s he sent, and made it dark; his word they did ob e y. 29 He tum'd their waters into blood, and he their fish did slay. ■■/;'■' ■'. ■ 123 . /; 117 (?•. «ix. 1-6.) bll^r J' l rJT'l iJl jg rj | ?' ^gl-i-^ ^ 03CF0BI>.— dJl JAXMCooMn. DledlttO. S: OW g.j[ jr:ij. rTCTT r-i^rt g :^ :Z2= I ji^a ai^^ui r'" " f"'f-L,f-r^ ^F^ Th9heav'n« God's glo • 17 do de - cUre, Tbeskie« hli lund < workipreach : Day ut • lers speecb to day, and night To night doth.know <■ ledge tieaoh. ~g: -^ I t vf^" jf- i r_pa£aM^j i ■ ■^r. ■ l i.-j'(^ r •*«■ PSALMS OV., OYI. »/ wpdOThd land in plenty brought lorth frogs in chambers of their kings* 81 His word an sorts of flies and lice, in all their borde/s brings, m 32 He hail for rain, and flami^ fire ' into tiieir land he sent : 33 And he their vines arid fig-trees smote ; trees of their coasts be rent. 34He #kke, and caterpillars came, locusts did much aboimd; . ' /. 36 Which in their land all herbs consum'd, and all fruits of their ground. MP 36 He smote all firrt-bom in thwr land, ' • chief of thwr strength each one. «37WithgoldandsilverbrougbtUiemforth, wei^ in their tribes were none. nip 38 Egypt was glad when Ifcth tfiey went, their fear on theni did light. w/39 He spread a cloud for covering, ' and fire'to sbinei by ni^t. «i40Theya8k'd,andbebroughtquails:with of heav'n he filled theiri. [bread «(^41 He open'd rodcs, floods guah'd, and ran in deserts Uke a stream. - <tt For on his lioly jliromise b and servant Atarliain, thought. 43 With joy his people, his «lect with gladnnsi, forth he brought* 124 Chant' £58, 44 And unto them tiie pleasant lands he of the Keathen gpave ; That of the people's labour they inheritwice might h^ve; 45Tiiat they his statutes might observe \ accordhig to his word ; ■ And that they might his laws obey. / Give praise unto the Lord. 1 0ft ^^- i-5,0rarfenbetv: St. Leonard. AVrw g_4y^ Langdon; Praetoriu$? *8, Saxony : Dun/efmline. '/ 1 Gvm praise and thanks unto the Lord* t for bountiful is he; His tender msqcy doth endiure , unto eternity. mf 2 (jod's mighty works who can express? or show forth all his praise? * / 3 Blbssed^are they that judgment Keep, and justly do always. mp 4 Remember me, Lprd, with that love which thou to thine dost bear ; With thy salvation, O my God,, to visit me <Jraw near: hat I thy chosen'w go^ "''^y "^^t' ^ . and in tiieir joy rejoice ; And may with thine inheritance triumph witii cheerful voiee. 118 (Pi. oils: «7-104.) PAI^TBINA.-^J1 d'hpwlore I thy l*wr it ;> Myrtud-y •« the diy; Itmakesme wii - er than, my ; fOM; For it doth with me "tay. -^A- .■■■^i PSALM OVI. p 6 We with our fathers sinned have, and of iniquity , Too long we have the workers been : we have done wickedly, m 7 The wonders great, which thou, Lord, didst Wotk in Egypt land, mp Our fathers, though they saw, yet them . (they did not understand: ■ And they ihy mercies* multitude kept not in memory ; ^ • But at the sea, ev'n tilie Red seaj IMTOvok'd him grievously. !» 8 Nevertheless he saved them, *y ^ ev'n for his own naaie's sake ; 1%at so he might to be well known - his mighty power make. ' 9 When he the Rei sea did rebuke, then dried up it was: Through depths, as through the wilder- he safely made them pass. [ness, 10 From hands of thoiSe that hai^ them he did his people save; . And from tlw en'my's cnlel hand to them redemption gave. . ,, * 11 The waters overwhelm'd their foes ; ^^ mp not one iinM teft alive. . inf 12 Then they believ'd his word, and praise to him m flongri did give. 13 But soon did they his mighty worka forget unthankfully. And on his counsel and his will did not wait patiently; 14 But much didi lust in wilderness, and God in desert tempt. 15 He gave them what they sought, but to their soul he leanness sent. 16 And against Moses in the camp their enyy did appear; - At Aaron they, the saint of (3od, envious i^so were. 17 Therefore tiie earth did open wide, ; and Dathan did devour. And all Abiram's company did cover*in that hour. , 18 Likewise among their company a fire was kindled then ; And so the hot opnsumii^f flame buJcnt up these wicked men. 19tJponthehiUofHorebthey I : , an idol-calf did frame, ^ A . A molten image t^ey did make, and worshipped the same. 20 And thus their glory, and their God, most v a iaSy- diang e d they Int6 the l^eneai of an ox that eateth gMB8 or hay. " 126 119 (Fiw. xiTiiL) PETEBB0B0nOH.-<!IJf . A A A A ^ A J. h^ I' r r j- A 4 ^ fe !z&tit=fa^=f^l r . r ^' I O i^ ^-f-^^ ^ ■ ■ t ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ ..(,.-..,■■.■ ■ ' LeU Chria-Uan fidth Md hope ilis - pel The fe«n of guilt and woe; Tbe Lord Alvmlgh-ty it our Mend, "And who qui prove • foet ^^^^^mm^ A 'a'A^A 'a 'a a' A A A A A mmffimmmmatiiBiiSimm V P8ALH OVL^ MpailThey did forget' the mighty God, tlukt" Had their saviour been, By whom such great things brought to , they had in Egypt seen. Cp«» '^ m 22 In Ham's iMid he did wondrous works, things terrible did he, ' When he his mighty Ijand tod ann stretch'd out at tiie Bed sea. ; ^v «^SS Tiien said he. He would tiiem destroy, had not, hfe wruth to'stay, ; ffis chosen Moses'stbod in breach, .that them he should not slay.' :. 24 Yea, they d^^pis'd the pleasant laiid; J bdievednothisword: . • J^ But in iiieir tents they murmured, , not heark'ning to the Lord. ' » 26 Therefore in desert thenv to slay , he lifted up h^s hand: 27 'Mong niations to o'erthrbw their seed, and setter in each land. : ley unto Baal-peor did ; • lemflelves associate ; ;_ ' ' sacrifidBs of the dead . they did profanely eat. mp apThen Fhinlias rose, and Justice did, * ' '' and so the plague did cease j si That to all ages counted was * to him for righteousness. • • 32 And at the waters, wheare they strove, they did him angry makfii, ; - ^ In such sort, that it fared in 33 Because they there his spirit meek ' provoked bitterly^ Sothat he utter'd with his lips ' , words unadvisedly. ' 34 Nor, as the Jiord commanded them, did they the nations day :^ ' % But with the heathen mingled were, and leam'd of them th^ir way. . 36 And they their idols serv'd, which did a snare unto lihem turn. T^i , {J7Theb iwbnsaiid daughters they to devTa, til sacrifice did bum. ■ . , /^^ 38 lit th«r own children's jEpiltless blopd tiieir hands they did imbnie, Whom to C^maan's idols liiey for saqrifiees idew: So was the land defile with Uood. 39 They Btain'd with. their own wayi' •" And with their own inventions V a whoring theiy did stray. 29 Thtis, by their Ibwd inventions/ they did provoke his ixt ;,' , » • And then npon tiiem Qiidd6nly\ this- plague brake in/as fivd. J%- 120 (Pfc tailr. l-7.> PAllJPH.--OJt awii.«T. lT7»-18aiT. ^ « f -^ ^£ J V J -4^- g^^^^^^^^ How love -Ijr la thy dwell -log • pUoe, O Lord of hoata, \to met The tab - et • H* • clei of tipr grace How •^pleai - ant^ Lord, tbey bet W=f r \^^^A^-^-=^ ^l"z^ PSALMS CVL, CVU. m 40 Against hib people kindled was th^ wrath of God therefore, Insomuch that he did his own ^ inheritanice abhbrl 41 He gave th^m to the heathen's hand; their foes did. them command. 42Tiieiren'miesthem oppress'^d, they were '' Y made subject to their hand. \ "43 He n^my times d^iver'd them; , »p but with tiieir coupsel so . TShey hinf provok'd, that for their dn I they were brought very low. .i»44^et their affliction he beheld, * ' when he did hear their <3ry: ■ il&And he for them his. covenant - ^ didxjalltomemoiTr; ^^ ^ ^ ^ After his mercies' multitude 46 he'didrepeiit: And made ^ Them to be pitied of all those ^'ki- ■ whJ) did them captive lead. ii^>47 Lord oW God.us save, and gather ' ihe heathen from among, \ ' c That welhy holy natne may praise i^. a triumphant spng. ' / V^^ys'd be JEHOVAH, I s r'd^ God , to all eternity : , , 1^ all the people sax, Amen. Praise tto &c^Lord give ye. ■■■ ■■■■§ ■ St. EOuXreiUt. 107 *<^' SU^OuXreda. Chant SSS. f 1 PRAISR God, for he is good :' for still " his mercies lasting be. 2 Let God's redeem'd say so, whom he from th' en'my's hand did free ;. 3 And gaUier'd them out of the lands, from north, souths east, and west, m 4 They stray'd in desert's pathless way, no city found to rest, mp 5 For thirst and hunger in them faints 6 their souL When straits them presd, c They cry unto the Lord, and he them frees froip their djstress, m. 7 Them also in a way to w^^k that right is he did guidd, || That th^ might to a *aty go, * wherem they might abide. . / 8 that men to the Lord would pv« praise for his gtipdness'then. And for his works of wonder: done '- . imto the sons of ltai«tt I , . ; 9 F^hethepoul thatl<iingingi8 I doth fully satisfy; ' With goodnesu he the hungry aoiil dotii^j^bundontly. ^~~~~^77 mp 10 Such as shut up in darkness deep, < ' I and in death's shade abide. V-.' 121 (P>- xslT. H.) . j^PBiBT0BIUS.^0.1i From JlfMM JMoMta. 1^. Tha Mrth bo- longs- nn - to ih« Lord,' And all that it con • taint; The world that > is in - liali • it ' ed, And all that there re - mains. .J •'•■•■...■•#■. v, . ■■■■ ...■.-• ^ • ;■■ . I ^iPr^rr^ -=7V .£2j ( ?i iM^-^=d=#(^M=^ II i I ;f f^ P» \j--Trr-r i g' T- PSALM CVIL V ■>'-''-3,-'.;v mp Whom strongly hath affliction bound, and irons fast have ty'd :i 11 Because agftinst the words of Crod they wrought rebelliously, And they <the counsel did contemn ,i of him that is most High: 12 Their heart he did bring down with „-,.., .grief, tiiey fen, no help could have. / m 13 In trouble then they cry'd to Godj hethem from straits did save. 14 He out of d^kness did them bring, ' aiid from death's shadSiiiem take ; These bands, wherewith they had been bound, ; . ' asunder quite he brake. ^ /15 O that inep to the ijord would give ^ praise for his .goodness then, . And ^or his works of wonder done nhtothe sons of men ! 16 ^cause the mighty gates of brass in pieces he did tear, • * By him in sunder also cut . ' " — — the bars of iron were. — ■'■ - ■' ■,.;■■■ m^ irFooisi for their sin, and their offence, *, do sore affliction bear ; 18 All kmd of meat their soul abhors } tiiey to death's g«te8 draw near. ■ . ■ ■.■128- / '■■ ■ -X ■ ' . {■'■ 19 In grief they cry te-God ; mhe savei m thbm frbtn their miseries. 20 He sendshis word, them heals, and them from their destructions frfees. .^ /21 that men to the Lord would give - praise for his goodness then. And for his works of wonder done unto the sons of men ! 22 And let them siusrifice to him off'rings of thankfulness ; : - And let tiiem show abroad his workii ; in songs of joyfulnesB. m23 Who go to sea in ships, wad in great waters jfcrading be, ^/ -^ 24 Within the deep these men God s works and his gr^t wonder? see. ^ , tuf 25 For,he comAiands, and forth m haste the stoflmyteippest flies, _^ Which jnakes the sea with roUing wayes aloft to swell and rise* m 26 They mount to , heav'n, then ,to the they do go down again r ;' [depth* d Their soul doth faint and melt away w ith tronW e and with p aa n . m)j27They reel and staggei' Uke one drunk, at their wit's end they be : TO 28 Then they to God in trouble cry* ^lio them fnnn straits doth free. ■ 122 (P>- <!«• 7-10^) BAVENSBUBO.— OJC. Pr. f . SiLoam. ^ =P ^^^^^^¥#4rt^ B»i' I'V 1^^^ ^^^^ ;^="f=; nx: . V God'i lAw is per • fact, «nd eon • verts Th« aotil In tin that ' Vm God's tes - ti - mon • f If most sure, And makes the sim- pie wise. , , ■ ■ ♦» ;«. V s,' (' PSALtt cjvn. ;i3=> 29 The Bto*m is chang'd into> calm at his command and Will ; « So that theiwiives, ^which rag'd be- .. faro, ■ .- ■' , ^,." . ■ '^ ■'■';' ■■■ now qtdet are- and still. < aOTJien are they glad, because at rest *' and quiet now they be : ; So to the baven he them brings, which they desir'd to see. . ' /31 6 that men to the Lord would give ^ praise for his goodness then. And for his wofks of wonder done unto tiie sons of men ! ,' ,■ 32 Among the people gathered ♦ letl£em exalt his name ; *" Among assembled elders spread his most renowned faine. .. mp3»He to diy land turns water-springs, ami floods to wilderness ; 34 For sins of tiiose tlat dwell therein,' . fat land taWreijness. m3i&The burnt and pMrcJi^ wilderness to water-pools he brings ; 'he ground that was dry'd up before he turns to water-spring : «^36 And there, for dweUingj he a place '. doth to the hungry give, That they a city may prepairo commodiously to live. , .^ mSTlliere sow they fields, and vineyards plant, '' to yield fruits of increase. 38 iHis blessing makes them multiply, • lets not ti^eir beasts decrease. mp39 A^in they axe diminished, - . and very low brought down, Through sorrow and affliction, and great pppreission. _> ' m 40 He upon princes pours contempt, and causeth them to stray, 4nd wander in ^ Wildemess^ r wherein th^re is no way. fl^f 41 Yet setteth he the poor on high from all his miseries, • - , And he, mu<^ like unto a flock, ^ dofli make'him families. /I2 T^ey that ararighteous shall rejoice, when thev t»e same shall see ; And, as aolamed, stop her mouth ^all all iniquity. , w 43 Wlutsai^wiae, and will these Jhiny - observe,and them record, i^f Ev'n they shall understand the love and,kindQe8s of the Lord. 129 •:. "k 123 (?•.««»«•»-••) fiE8IONATI0N.-0JL Ad«pU« from PAt-tmniA. ^z^^nM^ ^^^^^^^^^^ rf^- P= % ^ •^- , . vU . do .n fr.t thou not Thy • mH i«; q«l - •* ' ^Tl Nor do thou ^n.rj be« to tho- That ^ork In • I . ^i ^T- ^^^^^ PSALMS evil I., CIX. II^Q Vtr. t-<l, Univer$ity : Solomon. *V*^ , Chant SiS. - 1^1 Mt heart ia fix'd, Lord; I wiU sing, and with my glory praise. ^ / 2 AwAke up psaltery and harpj * myself I '11 early raise. , 8 °1'U praise thee 'mong the people, Lord; -. 'mong nations sing will I: > e i For above heav*n thy meriy's great, thy truth doth reaich the sky. / .5 Bie thou above the heavens. Lord, ex<ed gloriously; Thy glory all the earth above : • be lifted up on high. «» 6 That those who thy beloved are ' delivered may be, ' n^ O do thou save with thy right hand, ■ and answer give to me. 7 God in his holiness hath said. Herein I will take pleasure ; Shechem I will divide, and forth will Succoth's valley measure. « 8 Gilead I daim as mine by right ; 4danatweh mine shall be ;^ mf Over the land of Palestine 1 will in triumph go. , mp 10 who is he will bring me to ° the city fortify'd? O who is he that to the land of Edom' will m^ guide ? m 11 God, thou who hadst c«^ us off, this thing wilt thou not do? And wilt not thou, ev'n thou, O God, ^ forth witihi our armies go ? ■mp 12 Do tliou from trouble give us help, for helpless is man's aid. »^18ThroUgh God we shall do valiantly ; our foes he shall down tread. . " JSpiuraim is of my head the strength ; Judah gives laws for me ; 9 Moab's my washing-pot ; my shoe III over iBSdom throw ; ■' ..:i8D^' ;■ \QQ Martyr$. Chant H m 1 O THOU the God of all my praise, do thou ndit hold thy peace ; mp 2 For mouths of wicked men to speak against me do not cease : The moutiis of vile deceitful m«n against me open'd be ; <« And with a false and lying tongue they have accused me. 8 They did boset me round about with words of hateful spite ; And though to than no cause I g»ve, against me they did fig^t. 424 (»*■ exH. 1-8.) BE»T.~O.H. Fiom Carmlna Saera. 184Q. •.> _J J M^ —-4 Pl ^^=p^p ^ , J ^ ^ J JJ y;J- J J J / Vv . ■• ■ ■■■'-■ . •■• •/ . ■■■•.■■■ v^>iv■ ■I I*!? > — i.' ■-■/•<■.■ I lore th* Lord, be • e«iua «ny Wim, And pr»y . *»* he did ht^, r I, ..while I live. wlU «»U on hftfi, Who bow'd to me hit oer. -fsrr mm :zr^_»_frr:zzr^jrrrrrr: ■»i.. PSALM CIX. 4 They for my love became my foes, but'! me set to pray. 9 Evil for good, hatred for love, », to me they did repay. I> 6 Set thou the wicked over him ; and ttpon his right hand Give thou his greatest enemy, ev'n Satan, leave to stand. 7 And. when by thee he shall be judg'd, . Iet1ii|p[ cdhdemned be ; And let his pray'r be tum'd to sin, when he shall call on thee. 8 Few be his dajrs, and in his room his charge another take. 9 His children let be fatherless^ Ws wife a widow make. , 10 His chUdreu let be vagabonds, ■ Mid beg continually ; . And from their places desolate seek bread for their supply. 11 Let covetous extortioners catch all he hath away : ; Of all for which he labour'd hath let strangers mi^e a prey. / 12 L e t th e r ci be none to pity him; • -" let there be none at i^ That on his children fatherless will let his mercy fall '13 Let his posterity from earth cut off for ever be. And in the foil' wing age their name be blotted out by thee. - 14 Let God his father's wickedness still to remembrance call ; And never let his nibther's siii be blotted out at all. 16 But let them all beforei the Lord " appear continually. That he may wholly from the earth cut off their memory, / ■ mp IGBecause he mercy minded noti y. but persecuted still / The poor and needy, that he might the broken-hearted kill. 17 As he in cursing pleasure took, ■/ «oletitto|iimfaUj ,' / As he delighted not tb bless, . so bless him not at alL '\ 18 As cursing he like clothes puton, into his bowels so, Like water, and into his bonei^ ; like oil, down let it go. ■ * mlOLtke to the garment let it be . ^ which dpth himself airay, Aiid for a girdle, wherewith he is girt about alway. ■"- 18l'--^ 126 (f«u.) ST. A0M8, DXmBAM.-O.M. A nnA al lore! W0OWB thy poWr to ••»•. n-thtof P^. ^AOoA «r 1- v„.»,,.,ou. o'er th. p.... TluktpoWrby which ou» 8h«p • h«rd roi. "^ . PSALU 8 OIX., CX^'?' «if> 20 From God let this be their tewftrd ^ "■ that en'miea are to me, ^ And tiieir reward that speak against my soul maliciously. m 21 But do thou, for thine own name't sake, O God the Lord, for me : Sith good and sweet thy mercy is, from trouble se| me free, y 22 For I am poor and indigent, afflicted sore am I, " ' . My heart within me also ii wounded exceedingly. 23 1 pi^n like a declining shade, ami like the locust tost : 24 My knees throtigfa fasting weaken'd are, my flesh hath fatness lost % I also am a vile reproach './; unto them made to be ; '""v ^ And they that did upon m^ lopk did shake thnr heads at me. m 26 O do thoQ help and succour me,* who art my €rod aad Lord : Aiid, lor thy tender mercy's sake. mp 28 Although they cuwe with spite, ye^ Lord, m bless thou with loving voice ; Let them asham'd be when they rite ; thy servant let rejoice. » 29 Let thou mine adversaries all with shame be clothed over 1 • And let their own confusion • . _ them, as a mantle, cover. m/90 But as for me, I with my mouth will greatly praise the Lord j And I among the multitude • his praises will record. /81 For he shall stand at his right hand who is in poverty, ■ To aave him from all those that would oondemn his soul to die. . JIZ Tbalt therebyihey may know that this it thy alndghty hand ; And that tboa, Lord, haat done the (hey vukj wtUX trnderstMid. (h^* Wettmintter: Bon Ateord. Chantai9. 110 ti^ 1 Thk Lord did say unto my Lord, « Sit thou at my right hand. Until I make thy foes a stool, whereon thy feet may stand. / 2 The Lord ihi^ out of 3ioa send the rod of thy greit pow'r : In midst of all thine enemie* be thon the governor. 126 (P..-II.4IMM.) ST. AHDRBW.-OJl T^f^^,c,^ ,^ R«-in«m'b«r. tord. thy gn-dona word Thou to thy Mr - vant ■p«k«, Which, lor • round of my, iur« hope, Thou oim - edst me to t^ PSALMS ex., OXI. Ml 8 A willing people in thy day ^ of pow'r shall come to thee, , ' In holy beauties f irom mom's woml) ; thy youth like dew shall be. 4 The Iiord himself Kath made an oath, and will repent him never, ■, Of th' order of Melchiiedeo • thou art a priebt for ever.' / 6 The glorious and mighty Lord, that sits at thy right hand. Shall, in his day of wratii,r strike • . through kings that do him withstuad. m 6 He shall among the heathen judge^ -_ ■-'. he shall with bodies dead The places fill : o'er many lands he wound shall ev'ry head. 7 The brook that runneth in the way with drink 8h^0m supply ; x/ And,, for this caiine, in triumph ,he shall lift his head on high. Ill St.Stephm; Winehuter. /I Pbaise ye the Lord: with my whole ^leart" I will God's praise declare, Where the assemblies of the just and coogregations are. n^ 2 The whole works of the Lord our Oo4 are great above all measure, Sought out they are of ev'ry one that doth therein take pleasure. / 3 His work most honouraMe is, o most glorious and pure, ; And his untainted righteousness for ever doth endure, m 4 His works most wonderful he hath made to be thought upon : tuf The Lord is gracious, and he it full of compassion. ' m 5 He giveth meat unto all those that truly do him fear ; And evermore his covenant he in his mind wUl bear. / 6 He did the power of his works " imto his people show, When he the heathen's heritage ' V.upop them did bestow, m 7 His handy-works are tnitii and right ; :^ all his commands are sure : m/ 8 And, done in truth and uprightneM, they evermore endure. m 9 He sent redempttoh to his folk i his covenant for aye He did command : holyhi; and rev'ra^d is alway. I'-V A 127 0^ >«^ > ■T. ASAPH.-B.0.1I. OlOKHtVlOIII. 'AAA A A J. A A ^A__m:, . 'i*!^ iiL.i WliMMkll their whit* •» • »•/♦ How bright th«» .lor. lou. .pIr-iU '«»• ' ™** ,, . ^t. ^g di^T How c««. th.t to th. bll-.ful .fU O' •- • •' /"V"*' . ;LKli.iii4^^^^ ••J.^ J* . k/* IP PSAMfS OXI., OXII., OXUL / '■#£&, ' m iO Wiidom't beginning is Odd'v fiBar : w4 good understanding they Have all that his commands fulfil : / ' his praise endures for aye. 112 Cai<A«M«; Si. rraneu: HarnAL mf 1 Pbaibk ye the Lord. mThe man is M that fears the Lord aright, [bless'd He who in his bommandements doth greatly take delight / 2 His seed and offspring powerful . lAiall be the earth upon : Of upright men blessed shall be the generation. 8 Riches and wealtii shall ever b« within his honM in store ; And his unspoliBd righteousness endures for eTennore. ^ » 4 Unto the upright light doth rise, though he in darkness be : CcHDapassionate, and merciful,' * and righteous, is he. 5 A good man doth his favour 8b»W, "irrv He with discretion his affairs will guide unto the end. «^ 6 Surely there is not any thing that ever shall him move : . IM The riigrhteouB man's memorial shall everlasting prove. nip 7 When he shall evil tidings hear, m he shall not be'ftfilild : His heart is fix'd,1ii^ confidence upon the Lord is stay'd. H^ 8 His heart is firmly stablished^ afraid he shall not be, ,: , Until upon his enemies he his desire shall see. ' m 9 He hath dispers'd, giv'n to the poar| i^ his righteousness shall be To ages all; with honour shall his horn be raised high. mp 10 The wicked shall it see, and fret, his teeth gnash, melt away : m What wicked men do most desire ghall utterly decay. 113 Wwrton; Se. Pefer. / 1 Praisb God : ye servants of the Lord, O praise, the Lord's name praise. 3 Yea, blessed be the name of God from this time forth always. mf &• From rising sun to where it seti,; God's name is to be prais'd. ' « 4 Above aQ nations God is high, ntwve heav'ns his glory rais'd. IT. AIAFB— «0Nr<iM«il. A :t!: A A A A A A A J. A A A Lot UicM vn thay from laf • rrioffi irr««t. Who came to rMlnu of light, to" tha blood of Chriat have wuh a ThoMroboa which thlo* M bright. > 6 tTnto the t<ord our Ood that dweUa on high, who can compare ? 6 Himself that humbleth things to see in heav'n and earth that are. 7 He from the dost doth quM the poor, that very low doth lie ; ^ And from the dunghill lifts the man oppress'd with poverty ; mj' 8 That he may highly him advance, and with the princes set ; With those that of his people are the chief , iy^ princes great. w 9 The barren woman house to keep < he maketh, uid to be ' Of sons a mother full of joy. / Praise to the Lord give ye. Il4 OldlAth: SaliOmry. m 1 Whkn Isr'el oui of JSgypt went, and did his dwelling diange, / When Jacob's house went out from that were of language strange, [those ^ , / 2 \Qejri|dah did his sanctuary, "^i s k in gdom l 8 r 'et^mA»4 6 O sea, why fiedd'st thou? Jordan, why wast thou driven so ? [back 6 Ye mountains great, wherefore was it that ye did skip like nuns? And wherefore was it, little hills, that ye did leap like lambs ? 7 O at the presence of the Lord, earth, trenible thou for fear, , While as the presence qf the Ood of Jacob doth appear : / 8 Who from the j||(^l and stony rock did standing w«Mr brii^ ; And by hia pow'r did turn the flint into a water-spring. M \ 116 8 The sea it saw, «nd quickly fled, Jordan was driven back. f'Like rams the mountains, and like the hills skipp'd to and fro. [I|mbs Ver. l-ll, Hayne ; Catirhum.\ 12-18, St. Mirrtn: SoutK' y^SKa»t953. ■ *.:'■"'. Mootd. y m 1 KoT unto us, Lord, not to us, ntf but do thov glory take Unto thy name, ev'n for thy truths and for thy mercy's sake; mp 2 O wherefore should the heath«n flay, Where i s their God now g<me? — '— — k m 8 But our God in. the heavens is, what pleas'd him he hath done. 4 Their idols silver i^re and gdd, ' . work of men's hands they be. // 128 <P..ta-.»-l« . ; «f. A«H.-OJt AttHl»Udt.B»«. M* f kj- 'i I y Kn-^^^^g^^ ^ ' . I ^'i^^^'.^^ O thcrti. my" IKK), pie. glv « •«, 111 >• - « - fJ' >» «»••» W thee, O It ■ rH 11 thou ;iHH But hewk^en «i - to mo. f* I s: I PSALMS cxv., oxyi. m 5 Mouths have they, but. they do not , spbak; . " ; ■ ;. • fuid eyesy but do not fiee ; . '6 Ears have they| but tliey do nbtbiear ; • noeeis, but savour not ; 7 Hands, feet, but handle notj nor walk ; nor speak they through their ^throat. 8 lake them their makers are, and all . on them- theur trust that bxuld. / » O Isr'ei, trust thou in the Lord, ' he is ttteir help and shield. 10 O Aaron's house, trust in the Lord, their hdp and shield is he. 11 Te that fear God, trust in the l^jprd, their help and shield he '11 be. •1^12 llie Lord of us hath mindful been, and he will bless us still :. / He win the house of Im'el bless, * bless Aaron's-house he wilL iSBoth small and greusJ;, 1^. fear the • . Lord, he will them surely bless. 14 The Lord will you, you and your seed, aye mor^ and more increase. m IS bl es s e d ai r e ye of the Ldrd, mp 17 The dead, nor who to silence go, God's praise do not record. /18 But henceforth we for ever will bless God^ Pnuse ye the Lord. lift ^^- !-*• ''**** ' '^'- ^^^^ ' ***'• I *^*""* *■■■" 0-19, Emmanuel : L0U. J SSS. ml I LOVK the Lord, because my voice and prayers he did hear, n^ 2 I, while I live, will caU on him, who bow'd to me his ear. p 3 Of deawt tiie cords and sorrows did aboutS^^^mpass round ; The pains of mU took hold on me, ^ I grief and tsoteble found. m 4 Upon the name of God the Lord then did I call, and say, mp Deliver thou my soiU, O Loixl, I do thee humbly pray, m 5 Grod merciful and righteous is^' 4 yea, gracious is our Lord. ^ 6 Grod saves the meek : I was broug^ low, he did me hdp afford. mp 7 O thou my s oul, do thou retttm who mad^ the earth and heav'n. 11^16 The heav'n, Av'n heay'ns, are God|s, but earth to men's loni hath giv'n. d» unto thy quiibt rest ; For largely, lo, the Lord to thee his bounty hath exprest. •>, 129 o^oiTt.) 8T. B9IVASD.-0JII. DlTfiAl olOr. llAf«ft I J J J ^_, J J J . J J J ^:_J PnlaeOod. The LordprMM, mjr nol. Ill pndMOod while I nvei Whlto I luT* be - log to ngr Ood In tpngt 111 praia-M giver PSALMS CXVL^ CXVIL, CXVIII. wrf 8 For my distregsed soul from death deliver'd was by thee : / Thou didst my mourning eyes from my feet from falling, freeik, [tears, tn 9 I in the Und of those that live will walk the Lord before. 10 1 did believe, therefore I spake i . etp I was af9icted sore. 11 1 said, when I was in my haste; thi^ all men liairs be. m 12 What shall I render to the Lord, for all his gifts to me ? mf 13 1 '11 of salvation take the cup, on God's name will I call : 14 1 11 pay my vows now to the Lord before his people iall. <np 15 Dear in God's sight is his saints' death. ' "ml6 Thy servant, Lord, am I ; Thy servant sure, thine hiMdtmaid's son: *m^ my bands thou didst untie. W17 Thank-ofiF'rings I to thee will give, and oil God's name vdll d^ 18 1 11 pay my vows now to the Lord before his people idl ; /19 Within the Qourteof Gyd's own house, within thftteidst of thee, O citjr^of ilfenupahuDB. . Fraue to the Lord give y«. ' 117 Ifawfterter. ^ / 1 O GIVE ye praise imto the Lord, dl nations that be ; Likewise, ye people aU, accord his name, to magnify, m 2 For great to us-ward ever are ** his loving-kindnesses : , e . His truth endures for evermore. " "Hie Lord O do ye bless. 118 '^**' !-*» ^*- 2%P«w; Iv^^. **^ 10-18, SovXkmuk. 10-28, SawUy; Naomi; i St. Peter. ) I OtamttSS. / 1 O PRAisB the Lord, for he is good ; his inercy lastoth ever. 2 Let those of Israel notv say. His mercy faileth never. 3 Now let the house of Aaron say, ' His mercy lastoth ever. 4 Let thoie that fear the Lord now say, 'j^ His mercy faileth never, f p 5 i in distress oall'd on thosLords V a the Lord did answer ma : 7^^' He in a large place did me set. <» from trouble made me free. / 6 The mighty Lord is on my sida, I will Qot be afraid ; 130 (Fa. xxilv. ft-10.) ■ j^.A-4-^ d=d=^=w=d=\ -A ^-jj-jL tz^^ p tMte and we Ui»t God U good: Who trosU In hto U W«»*d. Fmt God htoialnto: none. that him few Shidl be with want op • immU L ^m ^Bt=^ , . f i^ n? ^J J.U ^ A ^ J. ^J.^A J. A J. St- ^ "luJB:- PSALH OXVIII. For any thing that man can do I shall not be dismay'd. The Lord doth take iny part with ^ - them- • that help to succour me : Therefore on those that do me hate I my desire shall see. Hi d^Bfetter it is to Wust in Ood^^— ^-^ than trust in man's defence : mS d Better to trust in God than make . princes our confidelnco. «»10The nations, joining all in one,' did compass me aibout : ' w4 But in th6 Lord's most holy nftiue t shall-them all root out. m 11 They compass'd me about ; I say, they compass'd me about : mS ^ut in the Lord's most holy SiiEmie I shall them ftll root out. 12 Like bees they compass'd ibe about ; tnkp like unto thorns that flame . ^ They quenched are : m fof them ahall I m . desOby in God's own name. 13 Thou sore hast thrust, that I might m 15 In dwellings of the righteous is heard the melody > e Of joy and health : the Lord's right doth ever valiantly. [hand n^l6The right hand of the mighty Lord exalted is on high ; '6, The right hand of the mighty Lord doth evtf Vjoliaoyy. ^faiT •mS but' iny Lord helped me. 14 God my salvation is become, my strength and song is he, 138 m 17 1 shall not die, but live, «^an4jihaU n^ the works of God disoaver. m 18 The Lord hath me chastised sore, but not to 4eath giv'n over. . 19 O set ye open unto me the gates of righteousness ; mf Tlien will I cater into than, and I the Lord will bless. m 20 This is the gate of God, by it the just dball enter in. /21 Thee will I pnuse, for thou m^heard'st* and hast my safety been, m 22 That stone is made head comer-stone, which builders did despise : /23 This is the doing of ►the Lord^^ * and wondrous in Our eyes. ' /. ' 24 This is the day God mhd e , in it we'll joy triumphantly. m25SaYe now, I pray thee. Lord ; I pray, send now Froq>erity..: ' ^ I ■ ■ l"^_ ill • l"-;-.:'-^^ • . ■■ ■- ■.;-:29 ■'■'"•■ '-'-i 1 U£ "'' '. ' ..-, ' .__ '■ ■.'.''•VI at^ ^ ^1 .>.. 131 (Pi.niit) BT. gTHBriR1IDA.^-ail. BtobopTPBTOii. imim J J ^ ^ Jl U 'j U A A J U ^» Th« Lord'imj shep-herd, 111 not want He nuku me dowii to U« In pw- tores green: he lei^-eth me The qui r et w* t«» by. PSALAIH OJLVIIL, OXIX. 1^ /26 Blesaed is he in God's great name that Cometh us to save : We, from the house which to the Lord pertaina, you blessed have. m 27 God is the Lord, who unto us hath made light to arise : inf Bind ye- unto the altar's horns wi& ^^ds ^e samfice. /28 Thou art my God, I '11 thee exalt ; my God, I will thee praise. 29 Give thanks .to God, for he is gpod ; , his men^ lasts always. TaUU; JaekBon, ^ PtfM Blessed are they that undefil'd, and straight are in the way ; Who in the Lord's most holy law do walk, and do not stray. 2 Blessed are they who to observe his jBtatutes are indin'd ; And who do seek the living God ildth their whole hoart and mind. lit 8 Such in his ways d o walk> and they do no, iniquity. 4 Thou hast commanded us to keep > thy pceoepts carefully. 5 O that tiiy statutes to observe . thou would'st my ways direct ! tnfS Then shi^ I not be shun'd, when I thy precepts all respect. 7 Then with integrity of heart - thee will I pnuso and bless. When I the judgments all have learn'd of thy ptire righteousness, m 8 That I will keep thy statutes all firmly resolv'd have I : mp do not then, most gracious God, forsake me utterly. "^ Beth. The tnd Part. " St.Pavl:Bedfcrd. mp 9 By what means shall a young inan learn his way to purify ? < m If he according to thy word thereto, attentive be. 10 Unf dgpedly thee have I sought with all my soul and heart: let me not from the right path . of thy oonmiands depart U Thy word I in my h e art hav e^dr that I offend noithee. 12 O Lord, thou ever blessed art, ! thy statiites teach thou me. " Hftuy^ti^u^t'ibk.'' .tm^Aaku m^Mrfw*. * O. ▲. LttaiL Bjr ptnnlMlda. 132 Uhj»ii»^) «. pOJIOIBB.- »f ■■ Thou my (rtrt por^Uon^ art » - lone, Whleh I «| did choow, 6 Lordi " 1 li^*W-»olT*d,tod MM, tli«k^ Would tolb'V^® -ly word. ^ 1 ' ' - I ' M -' - J 4 J. J . J -* j i --^ I -* -) -I ,r' I I SF v^ rf' «»18The judgmentB of thy mouth each one " my lipe declared have : . in^tt More joy'thy tentimoiriea* way than iichoB all ini gave.' m 15 1 will thy holy precept^ inalce r my meditatipn ; . . And carefully I Tljhaye reppect unto tiiy ways each one. m^i6 Upoif tiiy statutes my delight ; diall oonstanUy be set : And, by thy grace, I ja^yer will thy hoiy^Drd forget ■ ■■- ■ >:- ■ ■ ••-■ ■ ■'■■■": ^ ■'•: ■■"■• '■■'■■■■/. ^ QiMXL. The Srd Bart. '-^ LZuingUrifazUr, mlT'^tiimetihy servant, in ihy grace,- dral bountifully, Lord ; That by thy favour I may live, \ . a?id duly keep thy word.' ., IS Open mine eyes, that of tiiy law > ^e wonders I may see. «p 19 1 am a stranger on this eartii, m. hide not thy Iftws froln me. lap 20 My sotil within me breaks, and doth much fainting still endure, * Throu^ lon^ng that it hath all timei unto thy judginents piua MO "■■■■■/ «n 21 Thou bast rebuk'd the cursed proud, »> who from thy precepts swerve. 22 Reproach and shame remove from me, for I thy laws observe. «ip 23 Against me princes spake with spijte, > while they in council sat : , m But I thy servant did upon thy statutes meditate. v^2i My comfort, and my heart's delight- *. tiiy testimonies be ; ' ' 4jid they, in all my doubts and fears, , * are counsellors to me. , BAijm. T^ 4th Part, \MaHyrdom;Ntander:'Watiwion. * mp 25 My soul to dust cleaves : quicken me, ' aocbrduig to thy word. ,! ^ 26 My ways! show'd, (ijndmethouheard'st: teach ine tiiy ttatiites, Lord. 27 The way of thy commindementa ^ .jnakf me aright to know ; 'm/ So all thy works that woddrous i^re j^ I I shall to others show; p^^My soul doth ipolt, and drop a iyi i yr^ (' for heaviness and gri^f : * ^ iiipflV) nie, according to thy word, i- 1 ' give strength, aad«ni4 relief. ■ . » ■ ! ''^' , . ■ 9 . , ■ . ■ » 133 .(P».iiT.i-i} OT.PU14raEt.-43Jt DrOAcwB^ ^^«e wftita.for thee In SI . on, Lord: To ,, thw toWi i>iilil ihiai be: . <y, Jhou that h^-er art of pn^-i; AU flteh diftUoome to liiei. r jT ' 1^ ' ' I * ■ gp a p rag i i I M ^ l^ J J Lj- g J: ',j[ j-tt '.^ •I ■ '^ -^r^ ■■ ' * ■ ■ - r^TTT~F^^ ^ ■t . m 29 Frpm pe th^ wicked way^^ lies let fatTembved be ; -. ,' ^ ■ ^ And g^*douflly thy holy law ' » * - do thou grant unto ine. ~ / ^' . ► ' dOJchosejci Have the pejrf^w|y^' of truth and verity : . «judgments that inoeit JighteouB are fore me ,M<^.h<^'*'® I* . ' thy testimonies cleave j ' ^ ' , , shame'do not on me c^ •/32 1 '11 run thy precepts' wa^,' ^hen thou yjr my heart enlar^ hast. ; , ■ ' '\" ' ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . ■« ■ ?- ■ '« .■ V . Hi. 2r%«mivire. ^ • . ^ • ToHt: SLFuJIbert. np 33 Teach me, "O Lord, the perfect way . of thy. precepts divine, ' ; , m "^ And to observe it to the end :. I shall my heart incline. • * mR34 Give understanding unto me, ^ . " m ^80 keep thy law shall I ; / ' Yea, ev'n with m/whole heak I shall V observe it carefully^' ].::"-■''": 35 In thy law's paili u a ake i rie to-go ; for I delight therein*' 36 My heurt unto thy testimonies, ' and not to epfeed, Jj^bUiub. •,;y#.#\: ■ '^- ntp 37 Turn t^wiu awa^.my sight and ^yea, ir6m'yi»wing Vanity^ \ t%. And1nt% good and holy ^ay * .\i ■ be plei^'d to quicken me. . - 7 - ^* ' .♦■"'■,.-" ,f; 38 Confirm to pe thy gracious wehl, , . yi^hich I did gladly hear, Ev'n to thjr servant, tiord^ who is devoted to thy fear. ', * *ip 3D Turtf thou away my fear'd reproach ; ' m< foifgood thy judgments be. . , 40 :Lo, for thy precepts I have long'd ; ^ 'mlthytruth'quickenme.'> ' ■ f:. '* I " -. :'. -- y^-^; J'VktJ. TheeihPart.' (iUntaim; Kitnumuxik, «gi|p41Iiet|thy street mercies also come ' aid.trisit pe, O Lord ;' , Bv'h.thy benign salvation, ~ " ' alcording to thy word. '• m 42 So IhaUf I have wherewith I n»y? . 'nyelum an answer ji|{it, ;— ; fp spitefu£i]^reproacheui me^ . * f|r iA thjj^word I trust mp 43 Thi wwd of tntth out of my month ' tfke thgu not utterly ; M ' Fot on thy judgments rij^temu ' \j hdpe dotK^tOl i^y. Id4r (Pb. ixtl 1-7.) Ail land* to God, in J07 - foi Miuidi^ A • loft jom Toi - eat niae. Sine fortli tlie iioB- ojdur of iiii nuM, And glor-looi nwle iiia pniae. J 'r^ A A A A AAA J :.. / P8ALM0XIZ. m 44 So shall I keep for evermore thy laiw continually. 46 And, «ith that I thylffteoepta seek, ITlwalkatiibOTtyl^ ,ii|f 46 1 11 speak ti|»y word to kmgB, and I with «haine shaiU not be mov'd; 47 And win delight myself always in thy laws, whidii I lov'd. 48 To thy commandments, which I lov'd, my hands lift up I will ; And I will also meditate upon thy statutes still, ■■■■■-" t ^ ■ Zaw. The 7tk Part. St. Andrew : SU Meugaret.^ Mj>^ Remember, Lord, thy gradous word thou to thy servant spake, m *Whidi, for a grpund of my sure hope, thou eausedst me to take. MpSO^This word of thine my comfort is in mine aflUdtion : i» IVir in my straits I am reviv'd . - by thiip thy wOTd alone. 52 Thy Judgments righteous, O Lord* ^ which thou of old fort^ gave, 1 did remember, and mjam by tii^m contorted have. ' mp 53 Horror took hold on me, because iU men thy law f onake. m 54 1 in my house of {nlgrimage thy laws my songs do make. 65 Thy uMue l^ night, Lordi I did mind, and I have kept thy law. 56 And this I had, because thy word \ I kept, and stood in awe. , Ctaaa. HU 8th Part. SUFraneetileordum. m 57 Thou my sure portion art alime, \ which I did choose, O Lord ; I have resolv'd, and said, that I would keep ^y holy word. 58 Witb my whole<beart I did en&«at thy face and favour free : Aooord^lg to thy gracious word ; be merciful to ine. mp 59 X thought upon my former ways, ai^d did my life well try ; M And to thy testimonies pure my feet then turned L 61 Th^ mMk whoae hearts with pride are did greatly me deride; [stufiTd Tet from thy straight comman^iunents P^ I have not turn'd a8i4e. • ■'.■•■■ X42.- .*■■ ^ — ~ — ■ ■ 1 < I ' 1 ^1 1 1 ■ 1* f*'-4i wn?* v*, ■- 186 (PB.WT1IL) 8T. OltaOOBT.— Jl o'- *• ^^T'H*!^ VM im 'fing •;, new Bong Hb right hand wad hli to th« Lord, For won - den he hftth donet ho • If tarn Blm Ylo • to - rjr b«Ui woa« ■;( i jj i. q;ii, i. ^^ ^ a JL "* W'l*''^ •il ' , '^ u^ .a "J r ^'^ ri -^ i \ PSALM OXIX, 60 1 did not stay, nor linger long, ^M those that slothful are ; ^t hastily thy laws to keep myself I did p^pare. ° ' - - mp 61^Band8 qt ill men me robb'd ; m yet I ' » thy ^Vecepts did not slight. ' , : vtffUl 11 rise at midnight thee to pmie;. ev'n for thy judginttnts right. 631 am ooinpanion to° all those « w]io fear, and thee obey. '640 Lord, thy toercy fills the earth ; ; teachmethy laws, I-pray, - , Tbth. ^Fhe9thPart I '^■■•,- ;■,'' -vi,',. Jfaomi; St. Peter. ■■.::. "■, ':'■' «(r66WeH hast thon WiiJh thy servant dealt, as thou didst promise give. fi6Good judgment me, and knowledge for I thy word believe. [teach, <itp 67 £re I afflicted was I siaray'd ; « but now I keep tl^ word. 68 Both good thou art, and good thoudo'st: teach tae thy statutes, Lord. »P 69 ll ie ^ n e^ that are jpuff d up wi t h pr id e against me forg'd a lie ; Yet thy oommandements observe with my i^hole heart will I. .70 Their hearts, through worldly ease and' as fi^t ^grease they be : [wealth, n\f But in thy holy law I take v - r ' delight continually. m 71114 hath beiUi very good for me V ttw^i lifflicled was, ' Thatllaiight welf jwtructed be, i \^and learh thy y|iftaws.' 72'riie word that com(Qth from thy mouth is better unto me v ■:infy Hiap many thousands and grei^ sAinsi pf|;old and silver be."" r ^ ' J<m. tnulOthPofi. > Sii Bernard;, St. EthAreda. ■ . ■ ■. ■ ■ % ■ .' ■ ^ m 73 Thou mad'st and fashion'dst me : thy jto kuQW give wisdom, Ijord. [laws 74 So who thee fear shall joy 'to see ' me trustmg in thy word. mp 75. That very right t3iy ju^tgtoents are I know, and do confess ; v And that thou hast afflicted me 'in truth uid faithfulness. .V 760 let thy Idndness merciful, I pray thee, comfort me. As tothy servant faithfo^y was promised by thee. 143 ■4£ mmmmmfm''-!' • ■"""■ 136 OPvrani-) 8f . BV0E.-€L1I. Ur h6Mt not h«ngh.tf to, O Lord, Mia* •jn not lof - ty Uj Nor do I dwa In mat- tm great, y OrtWngt too hl«h for mo. , PSALM CXIX. > V ) 77. And let thy tender nlerdes coitie , ' ', to m^, 'that.I may live ; » B»MiU8e thy iioly lawB to ttie Kweet aelectal4on give. . 78 Lord, let th6 proud ashiuued be ; ,for they, without ji cause, ' • • Wiih me pArversely deidt : but I wililmuBe upon thy laws. 79 Let sudi as fear thee, and have knowh .' thjr statutes, turn to me. y My ttBK^ lei in thy lavs be riound, that sham'd 1 never be. V :'- ''r Cj^-,': The ntk Part' ^ \;.' Ch^ire: SudOey. ° ip 81 My soul for thy salvation faints; ] . . yet I thy word Vfelievi. ' - 82 Mine eyes fail forthy word J I say, When wilt thou COTofortgiv?? 88 For like a bottle t 'm become, that in the smoke is set : I'm UiMdc, ^ndparch'd with. grief; » thy statntee not forget. [pypt 1 ^ 85 The proud have digged pits for n^ ^^^whiqhiiB against thy laws. 86 Thy wb^s all faithful axe : help me, ■»: pursued without a cause. ffi|>87/I^ey s0 consiun'd me, that on earth my life they scarce did leave : m Thy precepts yet forsook Inot, . ■..':- but close to tiliem did cleave. 88 Afiker thy loving-kindness, Lord, me quicken, and preserve : The testimony of thy mouth so.shidl I still observe. ' Lamkd. 3%eltthPart, Buinyan; Ftlix. ' «V^^ Thy word for ever is, O Lord, ^ in heaven settled f aSt ; ", f Unto all generations thy faithfulness doth last : The earth thou hast established, and it abidjBS by thee. ' 91 This day l^ey stand as thou ordain'dst ; for all thy servants be. 92 UoleaB in thy most perfect law my soul delights had found, I should have perished, when aa my troubles did aboimd. mp 8i How many are thy sonrani's days ? m when ii^t thou execute Just judgment on these wicked men ' that do me perseoutcf ? > Xoid Cted of iKMta. mr pnT-n h«v; O J* - eobi God, ff r* «ir. S«o Ood oar ihlekl, look oa th* fao* -Of ihlM m - noini-td 6mr. VOS Tky precepts I will ne^r forget { m 102 104 o they quick'nip^ to ihe brougl^^ . MLoird, I am thine ; O save thouT^ :> thy< precepts I have Bought. M 05 For me the wicked haw kid wait, ^dj^lOS ^ .. me seeking to destroy : ' ^ mf \ But I thy testimonies true ■'■■ consider will with joy. '« 96 An end of all perfection liere have I seen, O Grod : fif But as for thy oeminandtement, i ' it is exceeding broitd. - ■ Mkm. TheJ9thPart. 1 /ttlftrtrina; SUifgatt. 1^97 how love I thy law ! it is my> study all the day : *. dS It makes iin^ wiser than myfoes; . for it doth with me stay. ^^ 'iii99 Ulan all my teachers now I have more ttnders^ding far ; Because my meditation V thy testimonies^are. ' ' lOO In understanding I excel " those l^t are ancients ; F<»r T mdeavoured to keep . aU^y pommandiments. My feet from each ill way I staj^d, that I may keep thy word. I from.t^y judgments ^ve not sw^rv'd; for thou hast tau{;ht me, Lord. How swe^t unto my, taste, O liiOtd, are all thy wbrds of truth i . Yea, I do find them sweeter tar than honey to my mouth. I through ^ypreceptsV thai are por^ do understanding get;- . I therefiore ev'ry way that's false with |dl lay heart da hate. Dnrham i Hamat. m 106 Thy word}i8 to my feet ai lamp, . and to my path a light,. ' 106 1 sworn have, and 1 1^ perform, ' > to keep thy judgments right.' lap 107 1 am wi^ sore afliiction ' ev'n overwhelmi'dt O Lord : In meroy^ raise and quicken me« according to thy word. ~HrK)&The free-will off 'ringa <rf my imratli accept, I thee bfKMoh : .' And unto ime thy savant, Lord, ' thy judgmenta-dearly teach. 14B 188 (i>i«ii.uw«)-> ■»• MSUtA.-CM, / Con-dd-tr mlM irf - Wo • tton. I» »«• • »y *» "^ ^* D. . Ut..» «•, Lord.fo. i Thy Uw do not for - «4t. ^^^^ t ■■# MALM OXIX. mp' 109 Though stfll my wul be in my hwid, m thy UkW8 I'll not forget 110 1 err'd not from them, though for me the wicked snares did set. Ill I of thy testimonies have above all things made choice, To be my heritage for aye ; V fortheymyWtrejoice.,^.^^^,, M 112 1 carefully mdined have '^ my heart still to attend ; That I thy statutes may perform ' alway imto the end. ■ '■■'■". -^ ■ ■' ■■ ■' ■'. ■ .SAirapH. ThtlBUhPaii. Abbey: Hayne. m 113 1 hate the thoughts of vanity, but love thy law do I. 114 My shield and hiding-place thon art : j on thy word rely. 116 All ye that evil-doers are / from me depart away ; For the commandments of my God I purpo se to ob e y. 117 Hold thou me up, so shall lb* ^ in peace and safety still ; And to thy statutes have reipeot continually I wilL mp US Thou tread'st down all that lov» to false their deceit doth prove, [stray ; 119 Lewd men, like -dross, »way thou « therefore thy law I love, [putt'st; l» 120 For fear of thee my very flesh doth tremble, all dismay'd ; mp iVndof thy righteous judgments, Lord, my soul is much afraid. ^ Jiis. ThtietkParL ' Stockton; J?«Hanali(m. f^l2l To all men I hive Judgment done, , performing jiifstice right ; , ■ Then let me not be left unto my fierce oppressors* might, d^ For good unto thy servant. Lord, thy servant's Airety be : From the oppression of the proud do thou ddiver me. 116 Aconrding to ^y faithful word uphold and stablish me, That r may live, and of my hope aahamod never be. 146 ' 'mp 128 Mine eyes do fsdl with looking long for toy salvation, . The word of thy pure iighteou««6BS while I do wait uposk . "^•f 189 (^MMMLi^u.) ST. LAWMircai.-ojt •• A. SMm. How irr..f. th« rKKl . nm thou for them Th.| fw, th^ k«..,. . . And w««.hf^ ,or th,« tM i™.t .„ «.^ ^h. Z ' ' '" "^"^ of men b« . tvi PSALU CXIX. ■4^1^ It. , 1 Lord. 1 proua . dnglong 1^ aaoMiSm Ai 12'# In morcy with thy servant <)eial, thy laws me teaoh and show. 126 1 am thy wrvant, wisdom give, that I thy laws may kiiow. mp 126 'Tis time thou work. Lord ; M they made void thy law divine, /[have m 127 Therefore thy {nvcepts more I love thftD goM, yea, gold most fine. w/128 Concerning aiu things thy commands "all right I judge therefore Ahd ev'ry fi^ and wicked )(vay I perfectly abhor. f% ITieJTthPart./ 'V Spohr; Evan. /. ■■, m 129 Th^^Btatutes, Lord, are wonderful, my\Boiul them keeps with care. 130 Hie entnmce of thy words gives light, makes wise who simple are. vlSlMy moii^ I have wide opened, and panted earnestly, i| While after thy commandnnents I long'd ^oeedingly. mp 132 Look on me, liord, and merciful do tliou linto me prove. As thou art wont to do to those tiiy name who truly love. m 183 O let my footsteps in thy word . aright still order'd be : Let no iniquity obtaiti . dominion over me.. mp 134 From man's oppression save thou me ; so keep thy laws I will. 135 Tliy face make on thy servant shine *, teach me thy statutes still. 136 Rivers of waters from mine eyes did run down, when I saw How wicked men run on in sin, and do not keep thy law. TsADDi. The 18th Part. London New : Solomon. m 137 Lord, thou art most righteous { thy judgments are upright. 138 Thy testimonies thou command'st most faithful are and right, mp 139 My zeal hath ev'n consumed me, because inine enemies' Thy holy words forgotten have, and do thy laws despise. ml40Thy word's most pure, thorefore o^ H thy servant's I0V9 is set mp 141 SiByBll, and desins'd I am,n»yet I mf , Iby precepts hot foifiet. 140 <FMwi».»-i*) tf . LB0MA1D.-0JI. •» »— i-^' i.lllMn.MMi»*e^ Ttoi In UiM may Ihjr p«o • pU Joy, WIU thott Show ui thy mtr • cy, Lopd, to «• Do Uiy tlon gtvt. ■■ '4® PSALM CZIX. m 143 Thy rightooiuneM li rlghteQiuneM which ever doth endure : ; Thy holy Uw, Lord, alao ii Uie very truth mnet pure. j^ 148 Trouble und Muguiah h*ve me found, Mid taketL hold on me : mj» Yet in my tr^^e my delight thy jurt copttrolndmenta be. N^ 144 Eternal righteouaneM is in ; ' thy testimonies all : / Ijord, to me understanding give, ' i^d ever live I shall. Kora. ^%e 19th Part. ' Cowper; St. Bugh. ,'■ m 146 With my whole heart I cry'd, Lord^ ^ I will thy word obey. [hear; 146 1 ory'd to tiiee ; save me, and I will keep thy laws alway. ' mp 147 1 of the morning did prevent the dawning, and did cry : M For all mine expectation — did on thy word rely< — — '—— — 148 Mine eyes did timeously prevent the watches of the night. That in thy word with careful mind then meditate I might 148 mp 149 Aftef thy lAving-li;tndness hear my voice, that calls on thee : m According to thy judgment, Lon), revive and quicken me. iNp 180 Who follow mischief they draw nigh $ they from thy law are far : m 151 But thou art near. Lord ; most firm all thy commandments are. [truth 152 As for thy testimonies all. Of old this have I try'd, ntf Tliat thou hast surely founded them for ever to abide. mp 153 Consid( "(^T/U tOth Part. . KU4a: CMiten. ' mine affliction, . in safety do me set : Ik \ I)el]ver me, O Lord, for I thy law do not forget 154 After thy word revive thou me ; save m^, and plead my cause, mp 156 Salvation is from sinners far ; for they s ee k n o t thy law si- iil66 Lord, both great and manifold thy tender mercies be : Aooording to thy judgments just, revive and qtdoken me. AH |MO-pI«, cUp tot drMd-ful C to O04 Wllh »olo« of' tH - aaJpAoat: aort high. OrMt Klnt th« Mrth ulpChoai ^^ f--is: # ^iVf-^^ if' ^» HALM OXIX. MP 167 My peneontoN numy 9x9, and foea that do combine ; °. m Yet from thy teBtimonies pure my heaH doth not decline. m mp 168 1 saw transgresAors, and was gnev'd ; for they ketp not tHy word, m 159 See hour I love thy law ! as thou art kind, me quicken, Lord. 11^160 From the beginning all thy word hath been most true and sure : Thy righteous judgments ey'ry one for evermore endure. BoHin. 2%e tla Part ' Emmanuel; Southvnld.-' mp 161 Fripces have persecuted me, . \ / although no cause they saw : ii But «U11 of thy most holy word , ; I my heart doth stoid in awe. /r 162 1 at thy word rejoice, as one of spoil that finds great store. 163 Thy law I love j mpbut lying all I hate Mad do abhor. , — -r— — HMT Great peioe have they who love thy offence they shall have i\one. [l*w j 166 1 hop'd for thy salvation, Lord» and thy commands have done. m 1^67 My soul thy testimonies pure observed carefully ; On them my heart is set, and them I love exceedingly. - 168 Thy testimonies and thy laws I kept with special care ; Foi^ all my works and ways eMfa one before Uiee open are. 7 Tau. The ttnd Part. ^ Farvant; Holy trinity. mp 169 O let my earnest pray'r and cry come near before thee. Lord : . .' ■ Give understanding unto me, according to thjMfrord. ^; 170 Let my request beirare thee come : after thy wordhie free. ' m 171 lify Upe shall ut^^ praise, when thou^ ■.. ■' hast tau^t thy laws to me. "~ 173 My toifgue of thy moa« blessed wotd shall speak, and it confess ; Because all thy commandeniento are perfect ri^rteotumese. 164 Sev*n times a-day it is my care to give due praise to Uiee ; Because of all thy judgments, Lord, which righteous evtr be. /Is ^ ,148 (PnL«-io.) ST. MABOAKBt.-0.1l.i . a t W) a < / i /;^y ii ^ i ^Y>^f r- | - Ifo ■10 - A*%tt nor of - fer . tog ' Wdit thou at all de - riwj litae €«• thoubor'd:dp -ofrfringthow And bumtdidrt not re - qnli*. ;ui P^LHS C3tIX., oxx., oxxi;, CXXII. m 178 Let thy strong hand make help to me : thy precepts are my dioice. e 174 1 long'd for thy salvation. Lord, ^ «ad in thy law rejoice. * ■^" mp 1750 let my soul live, m and ilr shaU M , give praises unt6 thee ; ^^ And.let thy judgments gradbus be helpful unto m& 176 1, like a lost sheep, went astray; thy servant seek, and find : For thy commands Tsuffer'd net to slip out of my mind. 120 1 SriiAol. \ flip 1 In my ^stress to God I cry'd, m and he gave eftr to me. ' 2 From Ijring lips, and guileful tongiae, P Lord, my soul set free>; mp 3 What shall be giv'n thee ? or what shall be done to thee, false tongue ? m 4 Ev'n burning coals of juniper, sharp arrows of the strong. MP 5 Woe's fne that I in Mesech am » sojourner so long ; ' . " That I in tabernacles dwell m 7 I am for peace ; mpbut when I speak, ■ mp for battle they are keen.*^ 1^1 ■■."■; ■■' frtn£k, m 1 I TO t£e hills will lift mine eyes, from whence doth come mine aid. vt^2 My Sleety cometh from the Lord, who heav'n and earth hath made, m 3 Thy foot^he '11 not let slide, nor will he slia^ber^t thee keeps; <^ 4 Behold, he that keeps IsraeU ' ^ . he slumbers not, nor deeps. 5 The Lord thee keeps, the Lord thy shacU on thji^ right hand doth stay : t^'6 The moon by night thee shall not smite, nor yet;the sun by day. 7 The Lord shidl keep thy soul ; he sfaaiU preserve thee from aU ilL ' / 8 Henceforth thy {^ing out and in Qod keep for ever w.lL '> 122 St. Paul; Harringtim. » nvT 1 I jot'o when to the house of God, Cro up, they said to me. 2 Jemaalem, within thy gates " to Kedaf that belong. 6 My soul with him that hateth peace * hath long a dweller been, / . ■ ' ■ '■"■ ■■ ■ ,■■•'. ./'^liiA;", our feet shall standing be. m 3 JerusleiB, as^ eity; is oompat^ built together: s re-WBHSMW^^wwrM"*** r ««; ^ 143 (P»r.laT.4-a) Fran J>fii|t«bii«r«>m«r.; 1^. J ^ rJ Be- J«*.«l «rf de-nwiol no.. B, - ImW . iiM, ,if ^t , ■Qriiiwu Kb elOM.<wm-|iu.|oii MU Tbnii^i^ bta Ub Im ■ In*. ' 3t=:>^ j^-rs-jl.>r'. rtt>,>_l f I hf i ' ' ' = ^' •^ ■' i i ll' I I \ ' jtjl <(. * fVlVT'rn ••■ PSALMS CXXII.) CX^KIIL, <?XXIV. 4 TTntp that plaoel tBe tribes go up, the tribes of God go thither : ;^ To Isr'd's testimony, there to God's niotte thanks to pay. nvTJ^For thrones of judgment, ev^n the ^- of David's house, there stay, [thrdnes mp 6*!Pray that Jerusalem may have • peace and felicity : • Let them that love thee and thy peace have still prosperity. ' m 7 Therefore I wish thatfcAce may stiU within thy walls remain, > And ever may thy palacoi i y prosperity retain. ' ' '/■ ■^ Now, for my friends' and brethren's Peace be in thee, I'll say. fsakes, nv' 9 And for the house of God our Lord, « 111 seek thy good alway. ■ s- 123 FaUh: polvTHntii/[ ' M 1 THOU that dwellest in the heav'ns, I lift mine eyes to t^ee. ^ 2 Bdiold, as servants' ^es do look their masters' hand to see. As handmaid's eyes her mistress' hand, ~^^~^ so do our eyts attend "7^ ^ Upon the Lord our God, until to us he merpy lend. mp 3 O Lord, be gracious to us, unto us gracious be ; Because replenish'd with contempt exceedingly are we. 4 Our soul is fill'd with scorn of those that at their eiuie abide, And with the insolent contempt of those that swell in ptidb. l^^ Westminfter^SatOt^ ^ ^ I Had not the Lord been on our side» may Isrftel now say ; ' 2 Had not the Lord been on our side, when men rose us to slay ; -tt^ 3 ^ey had us swallow'd quick, when a» . their, wrath 'gunst us did flame ; d 4 Waters had cover'd us, our soul ha4 sunk beneath thjp stream, m 6 Then hftd, the wftters, swelliqg high, over om^ squ} made imy. ntf 6 Bless'd WtKe Lord, who to theSr teeth us gave n!et for * prey. ^ m 7 Our soul's escaped, as a bird . . out of the fowler's sntee ; ' mf The snare asunder broken is, and w e e scaped^re.- 8 Our sure and aU-suffident help is in JEHOVAH'S name ; 151 ■■PBfcmW'li**"'""*" 144 ;(PM«iiT. i»^) ST. i£ACTmBW^.OJt . Dr. Cion. Widim 1 J '^^ ■■«■* ^3P :a: i_. .: ^ -^^ L-^ ^^^^^r The Lord i» e# "^ rt nigh to them That be of bro - ken ■p'rit; To them he nfe - tf doth tl • lord That we In heart con-trite. PSALMS OXXIV.) CXXV. His name who did the heav'n create, aAd who the earth di(ffiriuni6. AN(XmXB VEBSIOISr 6w Tlis SAIIS. oidisith, M^v may say, and tiiat tndy, , m If that the Lord had not' our cause maintain'd; 2 If tiiat the Lord had not our right sustain'd, * When cniel men • - ^ «, agaiiut us furiously Itose up in wrath, t<y make of us their prey; a^p 3 Then oertaiiUy . they had devour'd us all, And swallow'd quick, > for ought that we oould deem ; Such was their rage, ^ M we mig^t weU esteeni.' : , m 4 And as fiwce floods before thetfli all things drown,' So had they bK»ue^ ^ t o d e atii quita d owpr- ef -OfflMWI ^ mp 5 The nfpktg streams, l:Vr with iaiir proud mrdiiag waves, ■■"■'.■■.•:■■ "^ ■■ :-■■■ -';-. /• ■>- Had then our soul o'erwhelmed in the deepi. rnf 6 But bless'd be God, who doth us safely keep. And hath not giv'n us for a living prey- :Unto their teetir, and bloody cruelty. mp 7 Ev'n as a bird out of the fowler's snara Escapes away, m soisour soiilsetfree: Broke are theiv nets, and ^us escaped we. t^S Therefcm our help «, is in the Lotd^s great nam^ e Who heav'n 8TO earth by his great pow'r did flrsm^ 12 O Southwark; Emmanuel. w/ 1 Thet in the Lord that firmly trusfe .' shall be like Sion hill. Which at no time can be romov'd, but standeth^ver stilL fi» 2 As round about Jerusalem the mountains stand alway, ^ iiir Tbe Lord hii^ folk doth compass 80^ frran h(ancdta!rt& and fpr aye. f 8T. KA,TTVSW-<»iUittued. The trcm - blM th«t *f • iiki Uie Jtut In num^ ber ou ^ nj b«; But yet •! leiigtii otit of them aU The Lord doth set Urn ^feM, <.^- I I^ALHS pXXV., CXXVI., CXXVII., CXXVIII ;||f 8 For ill men's vod„up(on thelol ,of juHt men shall not -lie ; Lest righteous men stretch f drth their linto iniquity. ' [hands 11^ 4 Do thoD'to all tiiose that be good' ; ti^y goodness, Siord, ifhpart ; N 'And do thou good U> IJiose that are ' „ ui»right wit^ their hcArt:* m 5 But as for such tu^tuni aside after their oMwKea wag^, 6<>d shall lead forth with wiokec^ men : mtf on Isr'el peace shfdl stay. 126 .<<M«V; &iuthwold: Bden^ m 1 When* Sion'sbon4Age God tum'dbdicV, ^ as men that dream'd were we. 2 Then fill'd with laughte];:waGipur mouth, our tongue with melody't ntf They 'mong the heathen «jud, mThe ' Lord , * « great things for them hath wrought. / 3 The Lord hath done great thii^ for us, whence joy to us is brought. ' » 4 As streuns of water in the south, our bondage, Lord, recaHr^ 7 - / 6 Who sowin tean, *a raapiiig time / of joy enjoy they shall. seed, in 6 That man who, betumg . in goin^ forth doth mout^ c He doufitle^i^ ^bringing, sheaves,' ' -rejoi<i^'8hall rectum: 127 * SaUermaf Bidnumt. ' n 1 ExcicFT the L<Ard do build jJie Ijjoiise, . iMe buildeif^lpM their paHki ^ Except the Lord the dty keei^ ^ the wsatchmeiii watch iia vain. mp 2 'Tis vain for you to rise be^es, • w|atef]rom rest -to keep. To feed on sorrows' bread; mso ^ves m he his braved dpep. " > 3 Lo, childrepi are God's I)|ritage, ' tiie, womb V fruit his reward. 4 The' sons of jrouth as ar^fmrs are, " . , for strong men's hands prepar'd. n^5 O happy is the liaasi that h»th Ips quiver fill'd^th thc^ ; They unaitouned i|i the gnto ' eAM>U speak unto ibtir foea., 128^ :L,Jiro«ftrrf; OMHft».-_^ _ J£' * vsfl BLBsa'oisewsbeiiatb^kfaavatheLHid, and walkiftik in hia m^'; - -' ■ „ - u»- • . » n 146 (pfcT.) um'/ ■ ' .■■■ , " -P^ 8T: 1CATTHIA8.— JC Oai.AmOt»Mn. DMIM Give ear vta • to 107 words, ,0 Lord, lljr jatA^^. i - lii^ • tion weigh, Bear tof load crjr, mjr I^ng, d^ God; For ifl| to tbee will pra^ P ^^^^^^^ ^^ 1^ f r r iE ^ JLiJ- frT'if F i =^ i r^ : jpj -^^ I r" f- "^ r^ =F ES I ■■■'4.: ' " !; : ).«•»« (t % paALMs oxxy III. , cxxix. , cxxx. Ttif 2 For of thy labour thou shalt tsat, , and happy be always, m "fT Thy wife shall'as a fruitful vine by thy house' sides be found : Thy children like to olive plants about thy tabk round. ''-^ w^A Behold, the man that fears the Lord, thus blessed shall hd be. / 5 The Lord shall out o^Sion give ^ "; . his blessing unto thee : '" Thou shalt Jerus'lem'p good behold ^hi|[8t thou on earth dost dwelL 6 Th(Mi shalt thy children's children eed, and peace on Israel. 1S9 /^BriML Chwtm. ^ nip 1 Oft did they vex me from my youth, may Isr'el now declare; 2 Oft did they vex me from my youth, m yet not victorious were. «ip 3 The plow^rs plow'd upon my back ; they long tifeir furrows drew. - M 4 The righteous Lord did cut tiie cords, <ME the ungodly crew. ay 5 Let Sicm's hatoM all be*tnm'd back with confusion. 6 As grass oii houses' tope be they, 1^ which fades ere it be grown t 7 Whereof enough to fill his hand the mower cannot find ; .Nor can thevUlafr his bosom fill, whose work is sheaves to bind, ni 8 Neither say they who do go by, Ood's blessing on you rest : -^ We in the name of God the Lord V. do wish you to be blett. 130 SUitalthioM: Martyrdom: Si. Hugh' mp 1 Loiti), from the depths to^ee I ciy'd. * 2 My voice, Lord, do thou hear : > Unto my supplication's voice g^ve an attentive ear. > p 3 Lord, who ^all stand, if thou^ O liOit), showd'st mark imqiuty? tnp^4 But y;et with thee forgiveness is,' that fear'd thoiu mayest be.. p 5 I wait for God, my soul doth wait, my hope is in his word, mp 6 More than.they that for morning watbh, my soul waits for the Lord; ml say, more than they that do watdi the morning lighttb see. c 7 Let Israel hope in the Xiord,* for with him mwdei be ; And plenteous redemption is ever found with him ^ ki#l^'-> 8T. mmnaLi-aji. ^ A. Qmokfwni. I*t;^t yonrhauta with ajnz . louthoodbti Be iron -bled or dU-nMy'd: Bat trust In thtar - 4 -Wm di-Tln«. And tnut mj - grp, • dona aid. -«?- ^I^S-CU— I U'^ — fe ^s^ PSALMS OXXX., OXXXL, OXXXIl. 0. 8 And from all his iniquities - he Isr'el shall redeem. ' m I'MThearknpthai^ty is, OLcnrd, -. mine eyes not lofty be u , Nor do I de84 in matters^reat) or Uiings too high fSrme^^ i^ip 2 Isureiy have myself behiiiv'aV with quift sp'rit and mildi - > ' As child 0^other wean'd : my spuli^ is like a weaned child. w 3 Upon the Lord let all the hojwi * :.■' 'of Israel ritty,-"^ •;.;.■. . Ev'n from^he-tinae tiiat inresent is uiito eternity. , ». •/"•:,' '■■■^■■..■'- ■■■'■\--:':--/.'-:'^^';;v-- ■:-:■■■: 1 {50 Fer. 1-12, Day ; ianeaster. I Chant ^•^^ \ li-18, Artaiurxe$:6i;iu/enberg.i »B§. «p 1 Pavid, and his afi^ictions ail, : .Lord, do than thiqk upon; ' 2 How unto God hesware, and vow'd to Jacob's mighjty On& 8 1 wi ll not comw within my house, ; nor rest in bed at aU; 4 Nor shall mine eyes take any aleeis nor eyelids slumber shall ; m V ,/- w^' m 6 Till for the Lord a placd I find, where he ma^y make abode ; '4" A pl yfc pf habitation ° , v fo^Spob's mighty God;; m,,'6 Lo, atthe place of Kphratah * * of it we understood ; Andiire did find it iil the fields, ' ' and city of tho w|od. " - We'U gb into his tabernacles, ^ id at his f oQtst QoLbaw . «, O Lbn^lhtpBHfest, ^ -^ th' ark of <thy streiHjRi and tho^Pjbi ffO let thy priests be d^hed, ^§^77 ". with truth and righteoiisqflK. * fnf: And lei all those that lure t^Hbta shoirt loud for joyfulness.. fit 10 For t&ine own servant David's *(^e, - do not deny^y g»c« » Noroftiiine own anointed one - ^tum tl]^u iaway the face. U The Loj^in trutii to David sv^are, she wi^%ot turn from it, ■ I of thy body's fruit jrill make ' upon thy throne to nt. .; <!ftT'nw»T^^**y aop«^«^itgep. J2M5LJ and laws to them made known, Thdr children thtfi shall alaa'sit for ever on tiiy ttome. / , 147 :<^|^1W8.K-^W^ ' ^ -'^my. -.■■i^'v' . . ^. :.„■- .•f"■« ; i".i" ' . ' 'l»t ' •y^mmimmm PSALMS o^xxit. exxxiii-i oxxxw.fCixkv.- %• ffli^ FtiirOrocI of Sn>n hath mbde choice ; , 8 ^ Hen&on'i m^ the dew t^ doih ^1£ /T J&erehe desilr^ U) dwelL '' )^ on S|on' hittiK,4dscend : 1b4%liiB ik iny.i!p8t,'here BtiU I'll stey; ' C-S '„for';I,dpfikeitwBlL IBlBPl^food 111 greatly blesst hor poor . 1wilh>reAdwill#iti8fy. / JmM«^ )M«iMtai dothe with heidth ; her •^ "• ' B»illt8 -'- / m ihaai ^oiit forth joyfully. s ; '< . m 17 And tl)ere will' I make !David|8 horn v., '^ '■ .to bfud forth pleasantly: \. n^ ^FoI him that miite anomted ia « liii6p'°ordam'd: haveflj^ , . M 18 A^ Wth a gannent I MHpRhe with shame his en'miS all : W But yet' the crb^n that he doth wear , upon Wka flourish shall. ' 133 N ^^DtehetUr: Eattii(Kt9. W 1 BuadiD, .how good athing it is, , ,; "a4d 1|ow becomihg well, TogethfUr such as brethren are \' in unity to dwelt ^ m 2 I^epiQQirai ointmeBt<m^etmd,« thut d<^ thfr beard did flow, Ev*!! Aarcm'fl faeard,^ atid to the skirts did of hi* gaiments go. ,186 •p fl\f For thdre thevii|es«uig God commands, * lilM^t shf^Ifi^er endl 'f o k Aeeojrd; St. Asaph:,'' = f OLD, bless ye the Lord, all ye ^athisjat^d^ntSfure," > Ev'n you timtj|||(^'s temptti'be, aadpraiBit^l / 2 Tour hands* lift 8 From^ ' that! 136 *« / 1 Fbaisb 2 Who stand in (Tod's house, in theteoiirts of our Crdd make abode. , 3 iVaise ye the Lord, for he is good ^ untp him praises sing : l^htly thiqre. rod's holy place - ' hisnaine. ie Lord the^bless* earth did frame. £«rrrtlin«. ChmiUgSS. 1, the Lord's nAmd •u 148 (P».».iHn) BT. ]IBOT.-^OJt. •■ ' f ^^^^fe , fniW jrrt • . |,ln to 1M, O LonI, How long thai i^aU i| b»f Lrt It re-pwt thM now for thoM Tbat mt . tanU «rf to tliM. PSALM CXXXV. ^d he Hptfeh 4|iMen Israel ^ » ' for his peculiar treasuret • ' / 5 Because I know assuredly . u' '. the Lord ifl very great, . And that our Lord above sU e^bdjB in glory haw his seat % 6 'What things soever pleas'd the Lpird, ^Imd all A? .\ . doth make •He firoTO the ends 6l —^ - ^ % the vapo^llbp ascend'; - % ' < .lYith rain ^e^Jig^Mmingft aaiJcei and ■•' "wind.: '^1; ■ '. ^-..:'\\^ . doth froai.his treasures send* 'f I^j> 8 Egypt's first-born, fromm^ tobeaiit^ 9 who smote. Strange tokens he O^ Pl^ar'oh uid his servants seh^f Egjjrili^ in midst of thee. •klOHikigMHil great nations, slew /IS Thy name, O Lord, shall still endi}re» and thy memorial With honour shall continu'd ba . to generations all. mp 14 For why ? m the righteous Go^ will his people righteously ; [judgiB Ck>ncenling those that do him serve, himself i|repent will he. 15 The idols 0^ the nations . ' \ of silver are and gold, m 'i: 11 SiPI^Iphbon king, And OgpP^pJwan, and to nought dTd Ctauuui^yi^^ 12Andi^» wealthy heritage^ ;^' tl||^e«i^iMid fat «S^BV An mntage whidi laraeH - hit ohi^Wllolk, should have. \ And by the hands of men is made ;^ y %their ftMhion and mould. i^|4q4llh|i have thisy, but thejT do not * \ "^eyesJDut they do not see ; [speak ; :|^i7:^ars have they, but hear not ; and in V their: ni^ouths no bi«a|hiiig be. ' 18,T](ieir maimers are like^Ute^ ao aif^ ^^:*,all that on thf»m rely. V - ^ 11^19 0,I|^Ki!^s bouse, bless God"; bless God, " AMbn'lllapiljri ':^'^m^ , /. . '\«20(^in the tJi; of Levi's liooae^ •■: *^ y6 whajhis servants are ; c An<ll^en the lK>ly name of God, «J1^ the^ LoSt -Qiat fag. /ZlAnd^^ I the Lofd omr God \ ■■/ fttnifi pion's holy hill, A / W^o dw^fiiBth at Jemsalem. Hie Lodl O ^taiae ye stilL -A' \ ■; 140 (PL issviL iM-m.) 8T. Dr, Maouoi DMlMk '' O Oo^, thy w»7 motl ho • l7 i* With - In thy uno!- ta • uy; And what God U io gtmi In pow^ At if / onr Ood most lilfhf 136 OoUUt: Abtrdeen. Chnditfi^. / 1 OivK thanks to God, for good ia he v for mercy hath he ever. 2 Thanks to the God of gods give ye : for his grace faileth never. 8 Thanks give the Lord of lords unto : for mercy hath he ever. 4 Who only wonders great cat! do : for his grace faileti^ never. mf 5 Who by his wisdom made heav'ns high : for mercy hath he ever. 6 Who stretdi'd the earth above the sea : for his grace faileth never. 7 To him that made the great lights shine:' .f (NT mercy hath he ever. 8 ^e sun to rule till day decliiie : for his grace faileth never. 9 The moon and stars to rule by night : for mercy hath he ever, m 10 Who Egypt's first-bom kill'd outright : f<Nr his gracd faileth never. mfH And Isr^d brought from I^rypt land : _f<Nrmercfy hath he ever. idwith strroy giioe fMleth never, [hand : the Red sea parted was : merqr hath he ever. 108 14 And through its midst made Isr'el pass: >. . Cor his grace faileth never. mp 15 BfFPhar'oh' and his host did drown { for n^ercy hath he ever. i»16 Who through th^ desert led hist own : \ for his grace faileth never. 17 To him great kinnr who overthrew : for he hath mercy ever. tt)^18 Yea, famous kii^ in little dew : for his grace fidleth never, y mlSBv'n Sihon king cift AnciopiteBi for he hath mer^ eyinr. 20 And Og the king o^Bashanites : for his grace fail^ui' Oliver, «\<21 Their land in heriofe to have : for mercy hath he ever. 22 Bis servant Isr'el right be gave : for his grace faile^i iievw. ) m 23 In our low state who on tu thou^t : for he hath mercy ever. »/24 And from ourfoesour freedom wrought! for his grace faileth never. 25 Who doth aU flesh with food relieve : forbe hatfa mercy jBver. /26 l%li^ to ^e Ood <A heaven give t for his gtaoe faileth never. 160 (pii «uu.) 8T, FAUZb-aiL jmade Isr'el P8AI4f CXXXVL ANOTRBR TRR8I0N Of THS «A1IK. ' bdrwaU) BiekUigh. m .1 Praise Ood, for he is kind : • His mero^ lasta for aye. 2 Give thanlfB, with heart and mind To Grod oiflods alway : t For certainly ; V His mercies 'dure / . < . Most firm and surA Eternally. [ of lords praise ye, lercies'still endure. Ponders only he • .' ', work by his great pow'r : For certainly, etc. w^M Which God omnipotent, Bj^night and wisidom high, iWheav^and firmament ^ DiBtrame, as we may see : f ' For certainly ,^»tc; m 6 To him whq did outstretch _, 'This eaith so great aAd wide, Above the waters' reach^ - i Lto abide; . » 3 The 'V 8 Such as the sun yn see, To rule the lightsome days « For certainly, etc. in 9 Also the moon^so olei^r. Which shinetHinHighi} The stars th&t«PQ^ar, lb guide the darkaQme night t . ' « J For certainl^'etC. mp 10 TId him that Egypt smote. Who did his message scorn ; !f A^d in his anger hot * iHd kiU all their first-bowi e F<w certainly, etc. m 11 llience Isr'el out hc^ brought ; For his grace lasteth ever. 12 With a strong hand he wrought, And stretch'd-out arm deliver ;> e For certainly, etc ■ m 13 The sea he cut in two ; * • For his grace lasteth stilL And through its midst to go own Israel : certainly; etc, , 'helm'd and loet ;-'/ e . iV*IM<tainIy, etc. fli 7 Great lights he made to be' For his gricQ lasteth aye : f ■ )ud king Pharaoh,' his mighty host^ chariots there ailso : For oertaaily, etc ^ 110 ■ o •••hAin'd to VtHB th« flo • tj own my Lord, Or to d** fend %b «l bis eroM,^ AadJioii-oar «U hli ..■'>'•.■■•., ■-,•: J ■■■.■■ ■::^ kwii ^v - » 16 To him who pow'rfu Hifl choaen people lo^, .,^, , % £y'ii through the desertdbjiL A||l in that plaoe the#fe{R Itfi Ij^o hun great kings i*h6 ranojje ; ' For his grace ha^ no bouind. 18 I^Tho Blew, and spared hot Kings famous and renown'd : « "; A* T^oertainly^eij. k ad^ihon the Am'rites' king; , . frFor his grace lasteth eteif t . sJ#0 Gg also, who iid reign * t The land of Bashan over :^ « Fdr certainly, etc * w21 Their land bxjot he gave ; For his Ifracelaileth never, ^JBThatilsr'el might it have ^^^ ]bii heritage for ever : * For COTtainly, etc. mpSSiWho hath remembered Us in our low estate ; ^ » 24 And us delivered " Front foes which did us hate : PfeALlIB CXixvi., O^XXV^t' ti\fX Give thanks to God mtost good, * The Godof heav'n, forWer i « ^|or certainly, et^ mJOFBr; Babel's streamsire sat and wept» For certainly, etc » 25 Who to all flesh gives food ; For Us graod failed never. fwjjen Sion we thought on. In midst thereof we hang'd our harps the willoW'trees upon, m 3 For there a song required they, who did us captive bring : Our spoilen call'd for mirth, and said, »j» \ A song of Sion sing. P 4 how the Lord's song shall we sin^ withm a foreign land T mp 6 If thee, Jerus'Iem, I forget, skill part from wy right hand. 6 Mytonguetomymouth'sroofl«toleave, •if I do thee forget, m .Jerusalem, and thee above my chief joy do not set mp 7 Bemembor Edora's children. Lord, w ho in Jeruslem's da y, ^v'n unto its foundation, ' itaze, raze it quite, did say. m 8 O daughter thou of Babylon, near to destruotioii } r 162 (Tk mi.) ^^^^ '■•1 •■>■■':■■■■.■■■■' ||M T^ ^^^^ =b=Etfe: P8ALMS OXXXVII., CXMVIIL, CXXXIX, ^ B^'d shall he be that thee rewards, . as thou to lUf hast done. 9 Yea, iiappy surely shall he b« thy tender little ones > Who shall lay hold upon, and them shidl dash i^fgainst the stones. . ISS**"^ Af«W«- ; St. MtMMaii ^ / 1 Tiqtit will I praise with all my heart, I frill sing praise to thee 2 Before tlie g«)ds : And worship will towanl thy sanctuary. « 1 11 praue thy name, ev'n for thy truth, and kindness of thy love ; 1^ For thou thy word |iast magnify'd all thy great name above. ^. • mp 3 Thou didst me answerwllie lay when I tb thee did b^; * M And thoumyfaintitti^soul with strength didst strengtiMu inwardly. •^ i All kings upola the earth that are shall give thee praise, Lard ; w 'W^ as they fa)m thy month shall Hor great's the glory of the Lord, who dath for ever reign. high, yet he respeots lowiy be ; ^ _ lud and lofty ones # IKowethhe. m 6 Thougl all mp Whe afar thy ti^elSid faithful word. / 5 Yea, in the li^teous ways of God with i^Uwliiess they shall sing : 7 ^ough I in midst of trouble w*lk, m I life from thee shall have : 'Gainst my foes' wrath Uiou 'It stretch thine hand ; thy right hand shaU me save, n^ 8 Surely that which eonoemeth me the Lord will perfect make : m Lord, still thy mercy lasts ; do not thine own hands' works forsake. 139 CMtitn; 8t, Ann. ChaiUm. m 1 O Lord, thou hast me searc^ and known. ^H^ 2 Thou know'st my sitting down, ' And rising up ; yea, all my thoughts afar to thee iare known. 8 My footsteps, and my lying down, . ^ou oomp asa est always ; --^^ — '^— Thou also most entirely art acquaint with all my wajrs. ■ mp A For in my tongue, before I qwak, not any word can be, 'f 168 (Pieil.) "ntf: •IMMIMH /■ PnlM 7t U>« Lord: with my whoUhMll | «iU Ood'apnlM d« • ekr«. Whan ib« M* Mm-bUalNaf Ui« Jml And oon - fr«-g» • Uoni wt. ^^^^^^f^gi-^j^^ ^^i Xg.-- -'- PSALM OXXXIX. ii But altogether, lo, O Lord, it U well known to thee. M 6 Behind, before, thou hi»t bemt, ^ and lidd on me thine hand. M 6 Such knowledge is too atranfte for me, too high to understand. • » P T From thy Sp'rit whither shall I go? or from Uiy presence fly ? 8 Aioend I heav'n, lo, thou art there ; there, If in hell I lie. mp 9 Take I the morning wings, and dwell in utmost parts of sea ; ^ m 10 Ev'n there,Lord.shaU thy handmelead, thy right hand hold shall me. ppll If I do say that darkness shall me cover from thy sighti m Then surely shall the very night about me be as light. tnfl2 Yea, darkness hideth not from thee, / but night doth shine as day : To thee the darkness and the light / are both alike alway. m 18 For thon posseSMd hast my reins. and thou hast ooVer'd me, jft When I ^thin my mother'* ^i^P^ indoMd was by thee. UTbM will I praise ; for fearfully :> and strangely m«de I am ; , 162 •i • Thyworksaremarv11oui,andri|^tweU my soul doth know the same. mp 16 My substMice was not hid from thee, when as in secret I Was made ; and in earth's lowest part" was wrought most curiously. 16 Thine eyes my substance did behold* „ yet being unperfect ; , And in the volume of thy book my members all were writ ; , Which after in continuance were fashion'd ev'ry one. When as they yet all shapeless www, and of them there was none, m 17 How precious also are thy thou^its, gracious God, to me ! ^ And in their sum how passbg great and numberless they be I 18 If I should count them, than the sand they more in number be : What time soever I awake, 1 ever am with thee. mp 19 Thou, Lord, wUt sure the wicked sUy : -jjj- — hence from me bloody men; ^ mp 20 Thy foes against thoe loudly vpMk, « and take thy name in vain. 21 Do not I hate all those, O Lord, , that hatred bear to thee? h 164 (ft.«wtti,i-^) IT. THOlUa-OJl / 1 MMaM.v fvmimtL.(n t ' ■ .■ ■ r ^\ O pnlM th« Lord, for h* U good; Hit Ut thoM of li - » . ,1 now M,, Hi. «7 iMl . till •1 el PSALMS CXXXIX., OXL. m With thoae that np agaiiist thee riie o»n I but grieved be ? 1^22 With perfect hatred them I hate, my foes I them do hold. m 23 Search me, O God, and know my heart, ' . try me, my thoughts unfold t ^ ^ 34 And see if any wicked Wj there be at all t^ And in thine ever] to me a leader bw.. -. ^^ 140 BalUrma: Kilmarnock. Chanim. a» 1 LoED, from the Ul and froward man give me deliverance. And do thou safe preserve me horn tlMi man of violence : 8 Whi In their heart mischievous thing aK9 meditating ever; ,. Abd they for war asscfmbled itn ^^ " continually together. 8 Much like unto a serpent's^tongue their tongues they sharp do malce ; And underneath .their lipe there lies ^hel of a snakeT poison 4 Lord^ keepme from the wicked's hands, from vilent men me save ; Who utterly to overthrow my goings purpoe'd havei The proud for me a snare have hid, and cords ; yea, they a net Have by the way-side for me spread; they gins for me have set. I said unto the Lord, Thou art niy Ood : unto the cry. Of iJl my supplication|^f Lord, do thine ear apply. * O Ood the Lord, who art thastren^fth ol^y salvation: A cov'ring in the day of war ■^' my head thou hast put on. Unto the wicked man, Lord, his wishes do not grant; Nor further thou his ill device,' iest they themselves should vaunt. As for the head and chief of those about Uiat compass me, . Ev'n by the mischief of their Upi . . let thou them cover'd be. Let burning coals upon them ttlX^ them throw in fiery flame, And in deep pits, that Uiey no msn " may rise out of the taujlk il Let ttot an evil speaker be on earth established: Mischief shaU hunt the "Hletit man, tillhe be ruined. r mp 6 m 6 !>sf7 m8 9 10 S 166 (P^^f«^i-<k) «A£tt»UOTr--OJI. •(AaNw. UB. ^ if^'^nr" f r'l|li''i^^ ' ThM irlU^ J love, I«r4<W *t*en|[tk Jfy tar -tew to the. tiord, My^ took! v»d h^ tt»t doth to tit ; P» ^ Uv,- it y lui«e „ ftf • Imtd. ,* ; . ' 9: Wl2 1 l^ow God wiU th' aflOictil^ caii80 inaintau), an^ poor men's right: 13 Surely ^e just shall praise4hy nam^f . ^ th' upright dwell»in thy sight." I^X Martyr^mr St. VarganL Chard 8^6. mp 1 b Lost), I ftnto thee d(^cry» do ihou malf e haste to me, .And ^va an ea^ unto my Vdce, '^jijfewtt imt^ xfflto thee. . m :} "As incense l^t my praye? be _^ ^ ^ . .directedin thine eyes; -J l^rA^id 4^ uplifting of my hands ' ' • as til' ev'nkjg sacrifice. ' mp a Set, Lord, » watdh before my mouth, - . '"keep of my lips thorxlocM:. ' \4 My heart incline thou ^ot u«to >^\^ . tiie ills I should abh^r, Jfo practise wicked works with men . that work jj^niquity ; And with their delicatas my tasisfs <. , • ' let m(S not satisfy. ,« ° 6 Let him that righteous^is me smite, m ^ itshallakindnespbe; mn Let him reprove, m I shall it count '•'}\ a precious oil to me :^^ ^ ^ SucH smiting shall not break my head ; for yet the time shtdl fall^ 1 '^ ■ ■ ■>.;'■ -.^ ■' ■ '^' ■ " .-.\- V.-. ■ , ^KlM €XL., CXLI., CXtll. ' When I in their calamities to God pray for them sha^^. •' ,6 When as their judges dovm shall be in stony places cast^ • Then shall they he* my words; for th^y . diiall sweet be tb their taste. p 7 About th« grave's devouring month , . our jMnes are scatter'd round, ' As wood which men do cut tod (ueav|^ lias «catter'd Sn th^ ground. mp 8'But unto thee^.O ^ the Lprd* uune eyes uplifted bd : •' ' My'JBOuldo'not leave destitute; my trus£ is set on thee, m 9^ Lord, keep me safely from the snares -' ,« *^hichibh^y for tttCL prepare: '. And fronvth*^^^ gins of them - ' that jH^e^^^ are. usauity. •> ■ rSStsfanr.': ' ■ thine hell^,,escape rfpIeinelL 4* 142 '^0}^ . ^ . mil WITH my Voice "cry'd no the Bord, withitmadprnyrelquestr ■ 2 Pour'd*otit to him my plaiat, to him riiy troupe I express. mplOLetworJ . . . ihto ^ "'Whils . the >ai ■ A»» , 166 (Fkr. isUO aALZBUBa.-OJC. M. HAtDV. Why ponr'st tbon forth thine mx - ioos pUfnt, De - ipidr'- Ing of re- M«f,/ A» tf th* Lord o'erlook'd tbjr csuM, And did not heed thr grittr :^ ^ l-r •* PSALMS CXLIL, OltUlL A mp 8 When in me was o'erwhelm'd my • ' sp'rit, • then weU thou Imew'gt iSy way ; Where I did walk, a snare for me they privily did by. j> 4 I look'd on my right hand, and view'd, but none to ^ow me were;! 4 . AU refuge faiUKne, no man <j|id for my soul take care. 6 1 cry'd to thee ; I said, MpThou art ^«ip , iny refuge, Lord, ^one; • " ipi ' And in the land of those thi&t live ' * :^ thou art my porticm. ^ ^r ", . P 6 Be(»use I am brought very low, ' i»p attend unto my cry: 'Me from my persecutors 'save, who stronger are them I. "^ . «. 7 From prison bii^ my'soulji.that t ■ thy name may glorify: „ . M^ The just shall compass me, whep! thou With me deal'st bounteously. ^ i4»i tSr.i-JSySiMaryi. \ V 1 Jx}m>, hearmy pray'r, attend my suits; <. ,^ andin-thyfaitji^ul^ess ,•; , ^ Give thou an diswer imtb me, and in thy rigbt^imiess. ,^ 2 Thy servant also bring thojii not in judgment to be try'd: *p Because no living man clui be ; : J inttysight jusMfy'd. ■; . <l» 3 For th' en'tay hath pursu'd ray soul,- :> my life to ground down tread :* In darkness he hath made me dwell, as who have long been dead. ' p 4 My sp'rit is therefore oyerwhelm'd in me perplexedly ; Within me is my very hetrt \_ amazed wondrously. 0»p 5 I call tor mind the days of old^ " - I' to meditate I use , ' 'On all thy wbrks; upon the deeds ■ I of thy hands do muse. ' ^ 6 My hands to tl^I^retch ; my soul thirats.^tf dry !i^'^; for4^ee. • Z Haste^liord, to hear, m& spirit laa^t * ^de nqt thy face from me ; -jf \, mp . - Lest like to them I do become- \ >. ' that go down to the. dt^st. '^ ' <? ■ i» 8 At morn let me thy lundness-hear ; , for in thee do I trust. . Teach me the way %t I should walk V I lift iny soul to thee. . tiff 9 Lord, flree ine from niy foes-; I flee ,^ to thee to eovdr me. wP^I ♦!!^^ . / ^ t «lll l l«l l ll l ll l '«»«•. ts 167 (Pi. «^. »»:«>^) BJLWLBY.-OJI. O nt ye- Then wUi I o - pen 'un en - ter % to me Thegiteiof right - eoiui-ne»; to them, And I the Lord will Meu. i^Pi ^ rJ ^ B^fTfT^F^ ^^ MALM CXLftl. m 10 Because thou art myfiPod, to do thy will do me instruct : 11^^ Thy Sp'rit is good, me to the land of uprightness conduct. m 11 Revive uid quicken me, O Ix)rd, ev'n for thine own name's sal^i f»/ j^d do thou, for thy righteousness, 1 my soul from trouble take, » 12 And of thy mercy slay my foes ; '%. let aU destroyed be That do afl^pt ihy sdul : for I" . a sc^vaiit am to thee, i ' -"■>■ ■- .-■ ^ :■■— — ..-. ,; ANOTHA VERSKMI op THK SAIOC. Ver. 1-^6, Leuchan; SigiUus. 0-12, St. C^iSi : DoUmiteCtMnt. fip 1 Oh, hear my iMStiyer, Lord, , And unto my desire " To bdw thine ear accord, I humbly thee requiife ; ' And, In thy faithfulness, ' ' ^ Uii(to me Mipver make, ' And, -in thy ngfateousness,' ' Upon me pity take. V 2 In jud|:ment enter |iot . ^ With ine Uiy aervant poor ; mp ' Vcr whyr^ns wtSk t wot, Koaimiep-feaneiHliffe ■ PP P m, The sight of thee, O CUS : If thou his deeds rfialt try, *, He da»r8 make noa* abode Himself to justify. Behold tile cru«J foe Me persecuted *«th' spite^ My soul to ov«i«brow ; Yea, he my lif« down q«^ Unto tJb« {pround hath nnste. And made me dwell ««dl low In darkness, am torgot, Or men deiwl loii« ago. ' Therefore my sifrit smmIi tflW^ O'erwhelna'd is me wiUmi ; My h*An right iore perplex'd And da8r/iat« iMth beeit Yet I do^caft to minfll What aD«w«t days record. Thy wo»*w of ev'ry kind I thi^ m^ma, O Lord. 6 Lo, 1 do nUmt/iA my hands To thee, mf help alone ; For thou w«M understands All my com;»kHnt and moan : p My thirstini *>*«J desires; And longeth after thee, mp Ah thirsty ground requii»B Widi ram refceihi'd to be. %-■■ ' 168 (P. =i». I *) 8aA]iBOBOUOH.-o JL *i£S!S!a,flrl2f The .ewth ba • longs un • to the Lord, And all that It con-.MIai; The world that is in r h»b .*!t - ed. And nU that there re - auiiiis.w J-jj J J -J . 332= i F . PSALMS "MP Lord, let my pray'r prevail, To luiswer it ipake speed ; Fca?, lo, my sp'rit doth fail : Hid«^ not thy face in ned^j.^ Lest I be like to thpse Thf^ do in' darkness ^t, d Or him that dfiwnwi Into the dreadful pit^ «'8 Because I trust in thee, • •. • O Lord, cause me to hear i Thy lovin^-kindfiess fEag^J When morning doth appear : Cause me to know the way ,Wherein my path should be ; For why, my soul on high I do lift up io thee. mp 9 Fropi my ISerce enemy ' In safety do me^olide, ^ m Because 1 4ee to Ihee, , • Lord, thatPthoumay'stmehi<ie. lO^My God alon#lrt thbu, , Teach me th]( iiglkleousness : IJiy Sp'rit 's good, lead me to : i llie lan4 of utHrighitoess. -> 11 Ix^, for ti^ name's sake, Be pteas'd tck quicken me ; v ■> mp And, fdir tfay trutiijflorth tak^ , My„8oi4 £rbm iniidry. Ifl., CXLIV. m And-of thy grace destroy My foesy and put to shame All who my soul annoy ; Foril thy-servant am. \^^ Savenaburg; Svdeky. Chank 188, 881,. V ,p/ 1 o BLES8KD e^Fer be the Imd • T ^ho is ihy strength and might, ~ ^ Who. dbth instruct my hand*' to war, * my fingers teach to fight. /^ My goodness, fortress, my higli ^m'r, deliverer, and s^'^1'' In whom I trij# d^r me tnf people T^km U> ffsiii. m 3 Lofd, what is ^^, fha/i. e i A \\\m dost so much K V^/ ' Or 809 of rtiarj. th. so great account ao#t i,f,h i mp 4 Man is like vanity i H»^f;^&, as sl^fadows, pass away. TOO Lor^, bow til/ fo^av'ni, com« d'/wn, touch thou -the hillaiy and siioke t^i tJhmf. \ G Ga9t forth thy lightning, scatty fchMn; , thine ai^wii shpot, tfaem rout. 7 Thine hand a^d ftrom alx>ve, me save; '■ froioa great deptihfldraFiAo' put; —a— ft_^ _ — - ■ ' - •' — ~ — : ,— :; i ' ■ : ..::■ ^ 187 •*r*r m 169 (PMirUlW*.) BHBPPIBia).-OJI. WiUaAMMAWM. DledMOfc Tlwurhait, Lord,mort ^0 • ri - OM, As - cend ■ ad up on Wghj And In tri umphvlc -tor- iouiled \Q»p - tive c»p - tiv - I \ • Ijr. ^"^^ •\- ■y^fmmmmmrjmm^^ PSALMS CXLIV., CXtr. m And from the hand of children strange., 8 Whose mouth 8p«iks vanity ; And their right hand is a right hand that works deceitfully. ° , ' mfQ A newVong'I1(0 thee will sing, ' Lord, on a psaltery ; • I on a ten-string'd ittstrument ^ <, will praises -sirtir to thee. ' ™ ' 10 Ev'n he itas that unto kings sal vatioiir doth send ; Who his own servant Db"»4 doth from Jiurtful sword defend. mllO free me from strange children s handi wbdi!Wu.th speaks vattrty7^>>^ And Iheir right hand a rig^t faapd ii ikMt works dece:W»Mf. 12 Thftt, m the |:^Ht8 ^nm soils mAy be in ywtb |p"owi» \^> tlwrt: are ; OW dau^h*«ra like to oawaer-atones, o«rv'd 1^ » p i i i Miw iaor. ^ l^lSiiattib tafUftrd »B kind of/^re our jgamf.*p maf be fill'd , iThat our MM»ep tboaiiu»iB, in our st^ts ' pm thf }>imm4» <4»«y ™«y yieW- 14 1|nt»^ B^omf OMT •aasn be for wark, ;' '■ j*at'rtO'lB-<»««rtrMgbe, " '-^ N<fffeingo<i»i'«Wi4 jl»toW8t*«^ / 15 Those |>eople blessed are who be ■ ' in such a case as this ; Yea, blessed all those people are, whose God JEHOyAH is. ' ; -tAb' Effingham; J3t.Lav}r^ee:,Komthal. LrkO , , Chant S5U. f 1 I 'liMihee extol, my God, O Kmg ; I'll bless thy name always. ' 2 Thee will I Hess each dayj and will , thy, name forever praise. 3 Great is theiiord, much to.beprais'dj his gr^htness' search excels, c 4 Race unto race shall pyaise thy jvorks, and show thy mighty 4eed8. , ■--... • ..-''"..■"-■ /•5 I of thy glorious majesty « the honour -wiU record ; 1 1l sp«^ of all;thy mighty works, which WQiidroils jare, Oliord. mff Men of thine aiefa/the might: Bhafl ■■" .:.;.,w -^shcw^, ■"■" „;' „ ".■ • >■"" '., " '.'. ^hine acts that djfea4fi»]i»«>; ' / And-i; thy glor> to ji^j&iM, thy «redt&es8 Td-ill declvf .• \ 7 The meiQ'ry of thy gcwdi^eiw g*ea* they iariefty shatt expreiw ; With scnigs of praise they shaiH extol m c- 160 (n-u^i) tObOM.O'H.T^M. rnaji. r. Hunn. uu-itM. • ' J .1 .l | .a J .1|.J I J .1 rJ -I r w I ^Jndgy iqe^ O Lord, for I' luTewaUt'd In mln* Ut • t*g • «1 - tgr: I trait -ed al-.fo 'la. the Lord; Slidd there -fore diAll not 1. ^^E^E^=^= A^:=J. nlTT, r E^ i i y. U f^ 3^ £=CTg ; ^ ^ ^^ ,^.1^-/3 ?^ ■ II ■■iirt -MMi 2 i^ r lyl-p-F^^y^ ICSl i =g: t. PSALM OXLV. ■1^ mp 8 The Lord is very grapcious, , in him compaasions flow; In mercy he is veiry great, ; and is to a^iger slow. > m 9 The Lord JEHOVAH tilito aM . ', his goodness doth declare |l^ And over all his other worka his tender mercies' are., /to Thee all thy works shall praise, Q Lord, and thee thy. saints shall blesd ; ^ 11 They shall thy kingdom's glory lihoWj 'thy pow'r by speech express : 12 To make the sons of men to know „ his acts done m^htily, , - And't)f his kingdom th' excellent . and glorious majesty. , , 13 Thy kingdom shall for ever stand, thy reign through Ages all. ' ' 14 God raiset^ all that «rb bow'd down, ^ upholdeth all that fall. „ '" .iSTHiiB eyes of idl things w&it on thee, tl»e pver of all good ; , ' • ; / And thou, p time convenienty , ',' " i:'hesto«''st .on i^m their food.' * <» 16l?hine hand'lli^u opeflft'stJb'raUy,, ' ,. ^ and o^thyJKwmliyfglyeg ^1 ' Jsnough to )SaJiS«<y 1^ '<if •ftv'iy,t^ifi|thftjty«^/ ' {.■ ' ' 4 m 17 Th« Lord is just in all hia vnyst holy -in his works all. • : ) ■„ 18 God 's near to all thatxsall on him, , in trutK that on hiih cidl. , .-'; ,; ISTfie win accompUsh the desina of thosQ that do him f ear : ; ■. :^ »b/ He^ajsb will deliver them, "' > * / and h^ their cyy will liear. m 20 The Lord preserves all who him iQve, •, tliat nought can*ih<Bm annoy : mp 3ut he fdl those that wicktid dre \ will utterly destroy. . , /2l My mouth' the praises of the Lord to publish cease shall never : ff Let all flfesh bless his jjioly name ' . - for ever and for ever^ - * ^ _^/. . ;. ,"-— -^'^■. ■: ■;\/ ■ '•; ANOTHER «^SU3tpN OF TO? <^A>(V'^ »-16, Duke St/^: li^drriiigUtk; St. Atrthohtiiuitt, I7r2i, Wq^; M^m 15ft(f»n^* M0m^. ^ /I 6 iiraRD, Jlipu art Wy Gw4aad feng^ . Thpe Will Lmagnify and pi^dse : /. V : ^^wiH thee Wtess, and ^^^ W:\: trnto tiSiy holy in^e tdvl^ " ;- 2:E6«A'd»yiri8»I-wlU'theef^fcle8«i\ f AfidinTtiim"tl*yniHfnfftiwt'«H<*Ai'^y»4 ]■■, '-: »v< > i;.;?, m 161 (Pb. var.) flOUTliWABK.^.11. Dr.OnwoMn llMf jbi thrtoM jM flm . Ijtnirt ^^8^ b* U}Mfll ^ob^ bll^ Whieh •( /no tlm« teo b* ' r^'moVd, Bnt ■Und^vtb^ «|r. ."^^K itiU. '\. ^,j^^5LiV!:j:^^.^,#'j:^ Jf" -.^ PSALll'O^LV. / 8 Much to be prais'd, »nd great God ii; i^'^His greatnesa none c«n comprehend, m 4 lUoe ithafl thy works {HcaiM unto tt»o«» ■ ■■ .'. • ' .■■ '' ■' ■ '■ _• i" '■ ^,,^e,^nighty acts «how done by ihee. / 5 r will speak of the giorious giface^ '. And honour of thy majesty;;, m Thy wondrous works I Witt Wf^wi,^ V 6v9y menthe might shaU bO ex^'d !" Of aU thy dreadful acts, Cj^Lord :,: J And Tthy gteatn^ss win ui^obCi,^ ^'^ ' 7 They utter^riRa^ abundantly '. # '* ' * The mem'ry of t|liy goodness great-; And shall sii^r praises ^heerfuUy, ' Whilst thfiy thy righteous|;iess relate. MP 8 The Lord our God isgrataoiis, ' -. \ , Compassionate is he 1^ ; S- In mercy he is plentoous, But unto wrath and anger slow. ia 9 Good unto all men is the Lot0 : O'er all his works his m^i^ is. /lO Thy works all praise to thee afford : Thy saints, Lend, thy name diall bless. 11 The glory of thy kingdom show "■ Shall they, and of thy power teU; 12 11^ to mjtttt'a smis his deeds may know j Hii:kingdom's|;race Uiajb deith exod. IS "^Thy kingdom hatii none end at all, It doth through liges aU remain, m 14 The Lord upholdeth'all that fall. The cast-iplown raiseth up again. . l5The.eyesofaU things. Lord, attend, V ^ And on thee^ waijb that here do live, -^^ '^Ajad thou, in seaikbn due, dost send Sjufficient food thenQi to relieve. /16lf6a,"thou'ihine hand dost open wide, Aiidev'ry thing^ dost satisfy That Uves, and doth on earth abide, ; ' Of thy great liberality. ih 17 The Lord is just in his wajrs all, And'holyinhis works each one. . is He's near to all that on him call, ' Who caU in truth oq him alone, . 19 God iiU the just desire fulfil QliAiibfa as do him fear and dread : ' y llieirlcry regard, and hear he will, And save tiiem in the tinie of need. m 120 The i^rd preserves aB, more and kwh . That hear to him a IovingJ|ieart : mp But moarkers aU of wickedness , ' Desfaroy will he, and deMi subvert ' /2l 'DMHvfore my movUi and Ups I '11 frame ' To speak the praiBes of the Lord : To tugnify Itii" holy name For e v e r let all ft a Jt ac e o r<fcr—~ - m rl" 168 CPB.nilL) >UTHW6U>. j:JjAA ^ J J^ ^ "j :/, 1^ .. The Lord'iiny diep-herd, 111 not w«nt In pM-tiu^tnMa:|i« iMMl.-eth bm H* makM mjp down to Th«. qui • •!; vft • tm Ito ; ■ di^id ; 4 J J j i J Jt a: ;u in ' ' ■ & ■ • >V;' .*" .■*r5«i-. >■;.:>,<■■■.■ JNIALMR €xi.ni. X46 ''m '''^'^' ^^^^ / 1 Pbaisk €rod. The Lprd praise, O my 2 I '11 praue God vrMlo I live ; [soul. While I have beii^ lo my God in sdngB I 'II pjraisee give. \ 3 Trust not in ptinces, nor man's SSB, in whom there ii no stay : ' 4' His breath departs, to 's eturth he tmiis ; that day-hiib thoughts (decay. / 5 happy is Uiat man and Uest, whom Jamb's God doth aid ; ;4 Whose h6pe upon the' Lord doth rest, and on his Gk)d is stay'd : 6 Who made the ei^rth and heavens high, who made the sWAUing deep, iAnd aQ that is withm the same ; who truti) doth ever keep : m^f Who righteous judgment execufeas for thdee dpfwess'd that be. Who to the hungrjr givetii food ; God sets the prisoners fie^ m 8 TheLordd^iigiveth^Uind'tiieffiB^, ^"^M bowed down dotlit raise : Tile LdArd doth dpudy lo've atf those that walk in t^bif^ ^""y^* S «tgJ»Th* straifger's shield, thevn^s iIbs^ t^ orp i han's help,vk he'i — — :^*fe^ m But yet by him the wicked'iB way^ tum'd upside down shall be. /lO The Lord shall reign for evermtne : thy God, O Sion, he Reigti^B to all generations. Praise to the Lord give ye.' i> ■ 14r7 SonBuwark; Crediton: Ladbroke. *-^' Chant t6ii. / 1 Praibb ye the Lord ; for it is good M praise to our God to sing : - For it IS pleasant, and to praise it is a comely thing. m 2 God doth build up Jerusalem ; and he it is alone That the dispers'd of Israel doth gadier into one. mp 3 Those that are brokeii in tiieir heart, and grieved in their minds,. i» He beiJfltiL, and their painful wounds he tenderly up-binds. 4 -He counts the number of the stturs ; he tnmma.them ev'r^ one. ti^ 5 Great is trar Lord, ai«^ of- great powV; his wisdom search calis^^ne. m 6 "Ihe Iiord'^fts up the meek ; aadowta y the widc B d to Uy g r omAd. \ ' . 168 (Pi. cii,. it^m.) • 8P0HS.-a.ll. From L 8ro«a if Thy lUt • utM, Lord, an won • dtr • ttA, Mj muI tham keeps: with e«r«b The en-lruicepf tbjr words gtree Ucht^ M«keawlM who ■im • pie are. ft-^g B-ii^ -R — ^ ^ a ' ^ ■ - =^— jj' : J F^ ^ -^s, * 1 ' -flS., ■ 4-n pa-J — 1 "^ ■ f* [^ p^ =^ -fiT- ir Fm =#i^ =£=*=! X ■-•?• .' iiMPI. w PSALMS CXLVII., CXLVin. w^ 7 Sing to the Lord, and give him thanks; on harp his j»rai8e8 sound ; ; m 8 Who cOveifeth the heav'n with clouds^ ' who for the «>arth below Prepareth rain, who maketh gras* upon the mountains grow. 9 He gives the beoM his food, he feeds the ravens young that cry. 10 His pleSnire not in horses' strength, nor in man's legs, doth lie. i^^U But in all those tiiat do him fear the Lord doth pleasure take ; In those that to his mercy do by hope thmnselves betake^ •' /12The Lord praise, O Jerusalem ; Sion, thy God confess : 13 For thy gates' bars he maketh strong ; thy sons in thee doth bl^jw. '^ 14 He in thy borders maketh peace ; ' with fine wheat fiUeth thee. IS'He'sends forth his command on earthy - ' his word runs speedily., mir 16 Hoar-frost, like ashes, scatt'reth he ;., like wool he snow doth give : « •' ^ 17' Like morsels oaateth forth his iee :; , who in its cold can 6ve? bty word. and melteih them agsin ; m His wind he makes to blow, and thn^ ;' tlie waters flow amain. nv^lOThe doctrine of his holy word ' to Jacob he doth show ; His statutes and his judgments he gives Israel to know. • » 20 To any nation never h© •. •uch favour did afford ; Tor they his judgments hawe not known. / O do ye praise the Lord. 1*48 '^*- ^«*^«» Pettrborou§k; Bfttton. / 1 Praise God. From heavens praiae the /Lord, , in-iieights praise to him be. %.A11 ye his angels, praise ye him ; hiis hosts all, praise |»im ye. 3 praise ye him, both sun and moori,^ praise him, all stars of light. / 4 Ye heav'ns of heav'ns Mm praise, and floods above the heavens' height. / 6 Let all the creatures praise the name of our almighty Lord : Tor he commanded, and tiiey were '"' .created by his word. \ n^fB He also, for all timen to come, •■ -^ hath them establish'd Bare; Bot known. 164 (F>.»iiL) STBOOAIX ON. AabroMX-aiL JJ^^f^^, E i. i„. > 1^ I rT^-r^i r r I "' I ^ ^JlcL'iLLJJj T 6 bl«M - td ia th* miui ' to whom Ii firM • Ijr fu- don • *A iJl' th« (nuM-fni''*irfoa' b* li«Ui don*, WImm ria la cor - w • Ml ii ^f^ir ^-^ ..■* He hftth appointed them a law, which ever shall endure. /t Praise yr JEHOVAH from thee»rtli» dragons, and ev'ry deep : i ^ 8 Fire, hail, mow, vapour, stormy wind, his word tiiat fully keep. 9 All hills and mountains, fruitful trees, and aU ye cedars hl|^ : IP Beasts, and all cattle, creeping thihgii, and all' ye birds that fly. 11 Kings of the earth, all natiom, princes, earth's judges all 12 Both young men, yea, and mai( old men, and children smalL 18 Let them Grod's name pniao ; alone is excellent : /^ His glory reaeheth far above the earth and firmament. /14 His people's horn, the praise oi a% his saints, «xalteth,he; . , Ev'n Isr'el's seed, a people near to him, /The Lord praue ye «3 m t9/6 ANOTHER VERSION OF THE SAME. SL John; OhtnL M(/ X The Lord of heav'n ormf—i^ Un high Ilia fk»7 nuMtT Him Ut all angels hjUsu^ ' * ' Him all his armi^l^pl-aiBe. Him gFdifify v •"*', Sun, moon, and stars j^ ■ - Ye higher spheres, , I And cloudy sky. J^rom God your beings are, Him therefore famous make ; You all created were, W^en he the word but spake. \ And from that place, \Where fix'd you be . ': \By his decree, * You cannot pass. * , ■ Praise God from earth bdbw, Y^ dragons, and ye deeps : Fire, hail,' cloi^ds, wind, and snow, Whom ill conmiand he keeps. Praise ye his name. Hills great uid small, Trees low and tall ; .,; Beasts wild and tame ; All things that creep or fly. Ye kings, ye vulgar tiirong. All prindiM inean or high ; £|oth men and viigins young, Ev'n young and <Mp V* ■* \ 13 BulthisiMato; 13S 166 (Pa. lilL i-%.) 8T0OXTOV.~OJf. j_ j J jj.jjjj 11/ Mul, wait thou with pft' ' • tUne* Up • on thjr God • - Iom) On him d« • p«nd - ith $31 mf hop* And M • pM' - t* • Umi. 1 — ^j u r - t Hr^^ r^=P jj.' -j^g 3 ! ,|i,i (<;,j»J.lun uuii i ii PSALMS CXLVlII., OXLIX. For much his fame Bhould b« eJltoU'd. w O let God'i name be praia'd ntf Above both earth and sky ; / 14 For he his saints hath rais'd, > And set their horn on high ; • ^ Ev'n those that be V Of Isr'el's i»oe, Niear to his grace. '■jf The Lord {uraise ye. 140 I^nfermlimi Lebawm.' ^ ^ V ■ / 1 PbAIBB ye the Lord : unto him sing a new«ong, and his praiso In the assembly of his saints in sweet psalms do ye n^. 2 Let Isr'el in his'Maker joy, and to him praises sing : jf Let all that Sion's children aro l>e joyful in their King* , / 8 O let them unto his gr«at name g^ve praises in the dai^cej Lee them with timbr^ and with in songs his prsise advance. n\f 4 For Ood doth pleasuredake in those th^t his own people be ; mf And he with his salvation ^ ' the meek will beautifj'. 5 And in his glory excellent let all his saints rejoice : Let them to him upon their beds . aloud lift up their voice. 6 Let in their mouth aloft be rais'd the high praise o( the Lord, And let them have in their right hand -^^ a sharp two-edged swortjl ; m 7 To execute the vengeance du4|i . ' upon the heathen all, ^ And make deserved punishment upon the people f^. 8 And ev'n with chains, as prisoners, bind their kings that them <iommand ; Yea, and with iron fetters stroi ,. the nobles of their land. 9 On them the judgment to 'perform found written in his Word : ^ This honou r is to all his sa intir b do ye praise the Loifd. HtontT PoBOBUu . IIM-MMI Ood to onr rtf • uff* and oor ttnofth. In itnlto • prt* ;* fiil >|ld; Thtra-fo^ •I-thoofhthcMurUi r« • move, W« wlU not tw ;•• 1^44. ^^ •^.'J ^^^ < ! F8ALBI CU 160 Bon-Aeeord; St. Saviour. / 1 Praisjb ye the Lord. God's ' within his sanctuary raise ; And to him in the firmament ■ of his pow'r give ye praise. , 2 Because of all his mighty acts^ with pnuse him magnify : / O praise him, as he doth excel in glorious majesty. praise 11^ 8 Fraise him with triunpdt'i loiind) hk praise with psaltery advance : ■■■ > 4 With timbrel, harp, stxittQp'd instrii^) mentSf and organs, in the dance. . / |l| / 6 PraiM him on cymbals loud ; )i4ln pra}ji» , on cymbals sounding high. ■;; - •' e 6 Let each' thing breathing ffindse .ihe '.. ■ ,. Lord. .U^^•■■- " Praise to the Lord give ye. "& ■4' ■■■ :' :-^;. •■ y V : -'.»j^. '■ /: '■• .- \ •v.. .■.^. ■■■ Its • ( I 4 • - •• • . ' ,."■..■■'■ * • • • ■■ ;"";|;-,-'- '■■*""' ' . , ■■ ■■■■..' V • * MKROCOrV MSOUITiON TBT CHAtT . (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) / / / / Itt lit u •A u 1^ ■a A MI^H ■2.0 1.8 116 14.0 1.25 Iffl 1.4 1.6 A /IPPLIED IMHGE Inc 1653 Cost Main Street Rochester, New York 14609 USA (716) 482 -0300- Ptwne (716) 288 - 5989 - Fax I 167 (Pi. W.) BUDELET.— OJC Dr. J. BrAnmk VttmTktam^ M^ l^'^V^JHr l rxr ^^ A I 2 .\^ .U^ TT^^ ^ P > " ,. , " I ^ |i^7 I r r i • f. I £Et!fe=e ^ M jSi. Je • ho>TAh hear thee in 'the daj When tron-ble he do(h tend: Antf let the name of J|»,- cob's God Thee from alt , 111 de'^^./end. ^ ^ ^z^ ^z^r j^ ^ -^ . ^ ' -' v^r V r r ss i \ TEANSLATIGNS AND PARAPHRASES, | :^., .■■::,, i:^iVv ;':: ■■ IN VEESEi -v or SEVERAL PASSAOES OF SACRED SCRlPTUHE. -♦♦- 1 .,'.f" €rliKKStsl. ' TtMit: Day. ml Lrr heav'n arise, let earth appear, said the Almighty Lord : ftlT The heav'n arose, the euth appear'd, at his creating word, mp 2 Thick darkness brooded o'er tiie deep : God said, m" Let there be light:" aif The light shone forth with siniUiig ray, and 8(»tter'd ancient night. m 3 He bade-tiie clouds ascend on high ; the clouds ascend, and bear — — — A w i t'ry tre as ure to the sky, — - A The liquidt^Iement below was gather'd by* his hand ; The rolling seas together flow, ^ and leave the solid land. 5 With herbs, and plants, and fruitful the new-f orm'd globe he crown'd^ Ere there was rain to bless t^e soil, or sun to warm the ground. 6 Then high in heav'n's resplendent arch he plac'd two orbs of light, He set the sun %o rule the day, ' AShe moon to rule the night. 7 Next, froro the deep, th' Ahnigh^ did vital beings £nmie ; [^)g and float upon the air. 176 CH-g ^ ^ t - I ^ 1 ^y- BeH-«4 an thej th*t nn • de-Hl'd, Andstnlghtara in the wtf; Wh6 In UieLord'8mo«t ho . If law Do waUc, Md » dp not ttnj. s i^i^^'iM^i'ii: 7! r^i ^^^# ^ . V', J PiLRAPHRASES I.,, II., III. .'J Fowls of the air of ev'iy wing, and fish* of ev'ry name. 8 To all the various brutal tribes he gave their wondrous birth J At 6n(!e the lioii and the worm sprung irom tiie teeming earth. n^ 9 Then, chief o*^;all hb works below, ' at last was A'dittil^inade ; / BUs Maker's im^ge^blt^'d his s^ and glory crown'd his^I 10 Fair in tfa' Ahnighty l^c the whole creation stood. He vie^^ the fabric he had rais'dl" his woPd pronounc'd it good. 55 GENKSisxxviiL 20-22, SL PatU; Evan; Neweoitle. mp 1, O God of Bethel ! by whose hand •; tiiy people still are fed ; ^ Who through thj|s weary pilgrimage hast all our fathers led : m 2 Our vows, our pray'rs, we now present before tiiy throne ofograce : God of our fathers 1 be-ihe God of their succeeding iace. mp 3 Through eadi perplexing path of life our waad'ring footateps guide ; Give us each day our daily bread, ' and ramient fit provide. . 4 spread thy cov'ring wings around, till all our Mrand'rings cease, And at our Father's lov'd abode our souls arrive in peace., - m 5 Such blessings from thy gracious hand our htimble pray'rs i&iplore ; fHf And thou shalt be our chosen God, ^d poHion evermore. \ 3 JoBla; Briitoli St. Matthias. mp >vi^AKED as from the earth we came, ^ter'd life at first ; Naked^^^^ojUie earth return, and mix wi^:iciQ<^«d dust. "2 Whate'er we fondly oQI^ur own belongs to heav'n^s great Lot The blessings lent us for a day are soon to be restor'd. m 3 'Tis God that lifts our comforts high, or sinks tiiem in the 6^^^ '- He gives ;^and,^when he takes aw»y| he takes but whafrlie gave. ■¥:■ tnf 4 Then, ever blewcid be hia itaine 1 hia goodness Bwell'd our store ; ■ .... ^ '■ . . '177 ■ ' ?^ ai69 (Pfcoiiu.) TIVEBTON.*-ail, Iter. J. OwMo. Praise God : ye ser-Tanti of the Lordi 6 pnUM, the Lord's name praise. Yea, bless -ed be the name of God From this timefdrth al.,- ways. r r, r^^r: ^f\f\fi-f^^ ^ J -J J J ^^ g— (^ ,v<a.i :1S= r i, •:>.•■ PARAPHRASES III., IV., V., VL inf His justice but resumes itrf"own ; 'tis ours still to Sfdore. ^ Job iU. 17-20. ! St. Mary : Martyrdom. mp 1 How still and peaceful is the grave ! where, life's vain\tumults pastr -^ Th' appointed house, by HeavVs decree, • receives us all at last p 2 The wicked there/rom troubling cease, their passions rajge no more ; . And there the weary pilgrim rests .< from all the toils he bore. 8 There rest the pris^'ners, now releas d from slav'ry's sad abode ; -iJo mote they hear th' oppressors vpjce, or dread the tyrant's tpd. mpA There|ervantSima8ter8,8mall and great, partake the same repose ; , Ajid there, in peace, the ashes mix of those who once were foes. 5 A ll, Jggeird by the hand of Death, lie sleeping in the tomb ; TUl God in judgment^ calls them forth, - to meet their final doom. ITT' ■ " \-^- ■ 5 JoBv. 6-12i KUmampck: MorveiL ■■' A mp 1 Though trouble springs not from*|i»e nor sorrow from the ground ; [dii^t. Yet ills on ills, by Heav'n's decree, in man's estate are found. • 2 As sparks in close succession rise^ <j \ . so man, the child of wpe^ Is doom'd fc endless cares ^d toils through all his life below. m 3 But with my God 1 leave my oause ; from him I seek relief •; ^ ^ To him, in confidence of pray'r; • unbosom all my grief » mf 4 Unnumber'd are his wondrous works, unsearchable his ways ; *Ti8 his the mourning soul to cheer, the bowed down to raise. 6 Job viiL 11-22. m 1 Thb rush niay rise where waters flow, and flags beside the stream; But soon their verdure fades and dies before the gco r dung b e am; -- — — mp 2 So is Hie sinner's hope cut oftj or, if it transient rise* TOTTENHAH— OJf. tapiuaOuAnBBt., Dtadlln. ;Blert«on,.taglwho»ll«t d.wn.teg ^ „, ^ hdd the S^n of <Jod ,^-riMtri-um.phMt from the grare, And leave hi. dwk . ,, b5d,. ^ v^ ¥-' PARAPHRASES VI., Vll., VIII. Tft T- Tia like the spider's airy web, . from ev'ry breath that flies. 3 Fix'd on his house he leans; his house , and ail its props decays': He holds it fast; but, while he holds, the tott'ring frame gives way. 4 Fair, in his g^en, to tiie Bun, - his boughs with verdure smUe ; And, deeply fix'd, his spreading roots nnishaken stand a whUe. 5 ButforththesentenoefiiestromHeav'n, that sweeps him from h^ place; Which then denies him for its lord, \ nor owns it knew his face. 6 tiO ! this the joy of wicked inen, who HeavVs high laws despise : Thciy quickly fall; and in their room as quickly others rise. 7 But, for the just, with gnu^outucare, God will his pow'r employ ; ' Hell teach their lips to sing his praise, .^ imd fill their hearts with joy. JoBix. 3-10. . St. JTidwUu: 8t. Magnut. [•P/l How shoidd ^e sons of Adaoii's race . be pure heicn their Ctod? If he contends m righteousness, . we sink beneath his rod/ 2 If he should mark my words and with strict enquiring eyes, [thoughts Gould i for one of thousand faults the leas^ excuse devise f m 3 Stron|r is his arm, his heart is wise; who dares with him contend ? / Or "^ho, that tries th' unequal strife,^ shall prosper in the end? n\f 4 He makes the mouo^ins feel his Wrath, and their old seats forsake ; Hie trembling earth deserts her pUM»i and all her pillan shake. • mp 5 He bids the iBun forbear to ns6 ; th' obedient sun forbears : * m 'His hand witii sackcloth spreads the said seals up all the stars. [skies, tuf 6 He walks upon the raging sea ; flies on the stormy wind : » None can explore his woiidrous way, or his dark fopt8tepe.find. 8 JoBxiv. Jb-lS. St.KUda: ColeiMtt. mp 1 Fbw are thy days, and full of woe, O man, of woman bom ! H ■ ' ' 179. '?■■ .'t: r 171 (P« «) , TEtJ8T.*-0JI. Dr. H. T. Lhub. i^^^^^^^^^^ PARAPHltASE VIII. P mp m4 iTiy doom ial written, p" Duat thou art, and Bhalt to dust return." <,^ 9 Behold the emblem of thy sta^ v in flow'rs that bloom and die, Or in the diadiow's fleeting form, that m<x;k8 the gsizer's eye. 8 Quilty and frail, how shtJt tiiou stand before thy sov'reign Lord? .^ GJEtn troubled and polluted springs a haUow'd stream afford ? Detertaiin'd are the days that fly successive o'e* .thy head ; The hunih^'d hour is oti the ying that lays thee with the dead. mp 6 Oreat God ! afflict not in thy wrath the short allotted span, That bounds the few and weary days of pilgrimage to man. 6 All nature dies, and lives again : the flow'r that paints the field, ' ^e trees that crown the mountain's ■;••-•»-«■■;;;.,,,,, ,,^;^ '.brow, • ■ and boiii^ and blossoms yield/ 7 Reagn the honours ol their form ' V at Winter's stormy blast, And lea;ye the naked leadiess plain a doaol^ted waste. ', x" jm ' ■ '-■'^- ■' \y m 8 Yet soon revivingVlants and flovf'rs anew shall deck the plain ; « The woods shall hear the voicej>f Springy and flourish gr^n again. , „. ) mp 9 But man forsakes this earthly scene,'- ' t. ah ! never to return : '■ • ■ ^ Shall any foU'wing spring revive the ashes of the urn? ^'vX -"^ m lOTUb mighty flood that rolls along its torrents to the main, , \ Can ne'er recall its waters lost ' V from that abyss again. \ 11 So da3rs, and years, md ages past, v descending down to-night,. , \ ; Can hencefOTth never more return ; back ib the g^tes of light: pl2 And mail, when laid in lonesome grave, shall sleep in Death's dark gloom, mp Until th* etenud mbrnm]^ wake '§ the dumbers of the tori^b. v m 130 may the grave become ipmis . A>^ the bed of peaceful rest, \ , Whence I shall gladly riseftt length, and minsle with the blest! 14 Cheer'd by riiis hope, with patient mind, 111 wait Heay'n's high dowee, TUl the appointed period oome, when dettfi^ shall sefe me free. ': y-r ■;■' ' ''■ ■ . '- ■ .:"V ■VWAKB HAMWOOBk DMlTV. / M7^ h,«t i. flx'd.Lord; I wiU ^li^r. Aad with my glo - ,y ^ A-wlca^p p„,.ter - , wd iurp ; M, - «if I'U e« . ly /^l^ ^^^ fr^rrST^^ PARAPHRASES IX., X, 9 Job xxvi. C-14. \ St. Gregory : Ahbfy. , \ m 1 ■ Who can resist th' Almighty arm *^at made the starry sky ? « Or who elude thecertiun glance of Gfld's all-seeing eye ?. >, .\ mp 2 From him no coj^rfiigveils our crimes ; hell opens to^^ sight; * And all Destruction's secret snares " lie full disclos'd in light HI 3 Firm on the boundless void of space he pois'd the steady pole, And in the jsacle of his cjlouds bade seciibl; waters roll 4 While nature's universal frame its Mak^i^'s pow'r revea His throne, remote from! mortal eyes, an awful cloud conceal 5 From where the rising day ascends^ to where it sets in nioht, ^e compares the floodii with bounds, and checks their threat'ning might. 6 Hie pillars that support the sky treinble at hip rebuke Through all its ^vems quakes the earth, ?: 89 though its centre shook/. m 7 He brings the waters from their beds,, although no tempest blows. And smites the kingdom of the ;|)roud/ without the hand 6f foes, m/ 8 With bright inhabitants above ' he fills the heay'nly land, , '• And all the crqoked serpent's breed , dismay'd before him stand. mp 9 Few of his works can we survey y m 'these few our skill transcend : 9 But the full thunder of his powV m what heart can comprehend ? s Prov. i. 20-31. _ Pei\/leld. ; In streets, and op'nings of the gates, where pours the busy crowd,' Thus heav'nly Wisdom lifts her voic^ and cries to men aloud : mp 2 How long, ye scomers of the truth, scSomful will^e rem|gi? How long shall fools tflKr folly iove, and hear my words in vam? OT 3 O turn, at last, at my reproof I uid, in that happy hour, £iis bless'd effusions on your heart my Spirit down shall pour. AMTllMd W TvwatBX. 173 (p..irfi.8^> WALaiOi-oJi. A • gaintt iu ]>t them pre mindiiot. for-mer ill..: Thy ten • der mer-cle. Aow; -vent tti .pe«i-l-l7, For Ire 're brought ver-y loir. -f r a:^y=^ ^^ PARAPHRASES X., XI., XII. mp 4 But since so long, with earnest voice, tu you in vain I call. Since all my counpiels and reproofs thus ineffectual f^ ; 5 The time will come, when humbled low, in Sorrow's evil day, . Your voice by anf^liish shall be taught, 'p:' but taught too late, to pray. ■" C When, like the whirlwind, o'er the deep *- comes Desolation's blast: Fray'rs then extorted shall be vain, the hour of mercy past. mp 7 The choice you made has fix'd your for this is Heav'n's decree, [doom ; That with the fruits of what he sow'd the sinner fill'd shall be. 11 1 Prov. iil 13-17. / , NewingUm; Melrose. " mfl O HAPPT is the man who hears IiiBtruction's wMfidng voice; And who celestial^isdom makes his early, only choice. than east or west unfold ; And her rewards more precious are than all their stores of gold. 1S2 ';■:-., :-■'■" m 3 In her right hand she holds to view a length of happy days ; Riches, with splendid honours join'd, are what her'left displays. 4 She guides the youpg with innocence, in pleasure's paths to tread, mf ' A c^wn of glory she bestows upon the hoary head. / 5 According as her labours rise, so her rewards increase.; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and ISher paths are peace. Prov. vi6-12. 12 m 1 YB indolent and slothful ! rise. View the ant's labours, and be wise ; '" She has no guide to point her way. No tuler chiding her delay : 2 Yet see with what incessant cares She for the -winter's storin prepares ; In summ^ she provides her m«kt, •' And harvest finds her store oomi^ote. How long dball sleep seal up his isyes ? Sloth more mdulgence still demands ; Slothshutstheeyes, aiidfddsthefiitit(^|^ 174 (pw. "lilt) WABBUBTON.-O.M. %. a. WMAktoii, M.A,. KinrJi; You now m«Hha.r mr Tofoe no niore; Mj Fa-ther oiUl. m. hom.; B*l won from h-Vnth. Ho - 1, Oho.t, Yo« Com - fort . «.ri„ai com.. ^^^tt^^ '■^y PARAPHRASES XII., XIII., tTT, m 4 But mark the end ; it^want shall assail, n^ When all yotir strength and vigour fail ; Want, like an armed man, shall rush The hoary head of age to crush. 13 ProvJ viiL 22HW.*"^ : Kilmarnock; St.\ Bthclreda. mf 1 Eekp silence, all ye sons of men, and hearidth rev'rence due ; Eternal Wisdom from above thus lifts her voice to you : HI 2 I was th' Ahnighty's chief delight from everlasting days^ Ere yet his um was stretched forth the heav'ns and earth to raise. mp 3 Before-the sea began to flow, and leave the solid land, e . Before the hills and mountains rose, I dwelt at his right hand, m 4 When first he rear'd tl^Qi arch of heav'n, and spread the^^cmds on air, . ' When firat the fountains of the deep he open'd, I was there. 5 Hiere I wa g with h i m, wh wa^be^ gtretdi'd his compaqs o'er the deep. And charg'd the ocean's sweUiiig waves within their bounds to keep^ n^ 6 WiUi joy I tSaiw th' abode prepar'd which men were soon to fill : Them from the firsft of days I lov'd, unchang'd, I love them -still. mp 7 Now therefore hearken to my words, ye children, and be wise: m Happy the man that keeps my ways ; d iti% man that shuns them diesr m 8 Where dubious paths perplex tiio mind, direction I afford ; m/ Life shall be his that follows me, and favour from the Lord. mp 9 But he who scorns my sacred laiilfi' shall deeply wound his heart, Ri He courts destruction who contemns the counsel I impart. 14 EooiJts. viL 2-«. Rut; HolyCrou. . M 1 Whilb others crowd the house of mirth, and haunt the gaudy show, Let such as would with Wisdom dwell, d frequent the house of woe. mp 2 B e tter t o w e ep with tho ee who we e p r— and share th' afflicted's smart, Thanmix with fools in giddy jojrs that cheat and wound tiie heart. '■ ■■■ ' -•' 183. 176 (PM.ixfii.)' -*k^: WARWICK. — O.H. Bam UML ftrAMUiT. Di«d IMt. Lol wlMt • glor-ioiu light ap- pun To onr ad • mlr • Ing e/Ml Th« for • mer mm hftva pua'd • • waj, The for - mer earth and •kiu. }^.^s^^i i d,j^ PARAPHRASES XIV., XV., XVI. Mj» 3 When yirtuoiu sorrnw clouda the face, and tears bedim the eye, m The soul is led to solemn thought, , and wafted to the sky. 4 The wise in heart- revisit pft grief's dark sequester'd cell ; . The thoughtless still with levity and mirth delight to dwell. 6 The noisy laughter of the fool is like the crackling sound Of blazing thorns, which quiddy fall in ashes to the ground. ' ' 16 EiXhsa. ix. 4-6, 10. v ' Soldau:Ely. '-'■'■' mp 1 4lb long as life its term extends, Hope's blest dominion never ends ; . For while the lamp holds on to bium, 'v. The greatest sinner may return. 2 Life is the season God hath giv'n V To fly from hell^nd rise to heav'n ; p That day of grace fleets fast away. And none its rapid course can stay. 3 The living know that they must die ; But all the dead forgotten lie : Their mem'ry and their name is gone/' ; Alike unknowing and unknown. m 4 Their hatred and their Idve is lost, Their envy bury'd in the dudt ',' They have no share in all that's done Beneath the circuit of the sun. m 5 Then what thy thoughts design t^ do, ' Still let thy hands with might pursue ; nip Since no device nor work is found, Nor wisdom underneath the ground. 6 In the cold grave, to which we haste^ There are no acts of pardon past : But fix'd the doom of all remains, ' And everlasting silence reigns. 10 \r MMcolss. xii. L ■■.' ■'■'■':. wl(Kf''Btlmont;^Cowp«r/-f'-. m 1 In life's gay morn, when sprightly youth Mith vital ardour glows. And shines in all the fairest charms which beauty can disclose ; 7 . 2 Deep on thy soul, before its pow'ii are yet by vice enslav'd, . Be thy Creator's glorious name - aind character engrav'd. mp 3 For soon the shades^f grief cball domt^ the sunshine of thy dayv ; And cares, and toils, in endless round) eucpmiiass all thy wayg. I 176 Qf*.^>m^ WEBTMINBTIUL— an JammToiha BrpmniMiM. How ax - oel ■ lent In lOl ih« earth, Lonl, our Lord, ii thy dmii*! Who hMt thy glo • ry iur ad-vuio'd A - bove Uie itar - ry frun*. ^^^^^^^^^^^m PARAPHRASES XVI., XVII., XVIII. Icballeloiid^ 4 Soon shall thy heart the woea of age in mournful groans deplore, And sadly hiuho on former joys, that now return no j)jiore.° 17 Isaiah L 1049. ^ St. Thomaa; Solomon. ntf' 1 Rulers of Sodom ! hear the voice of heavVs eternal Lord ; Men of Gomorrah ! bend your ear submissive to his word. 2 'Tis thus he speaks : mTo what intent tn are your oblations vain ? Why load my altars with your gifts, polluted and profane? 8 Burnt - ofiTrings long may blaze to and incense cloud the skies ; [he&v'n^ The worship and the worshipper sure hateful in my eyes. 4 Your rites, your fasts, yoiir pray'rs, I and pomp of solemn days : [scorn, I know ywir hearts wre fvdl of guile, and crooked are your ways. m € Mock not my name with honours vain, but keeydi^h^y laws ; ^le friendless poor, 10 widow's J3ause. Do ju8tic( and pie; mp 5 But cleanse ytnxt hands, ye guilty race^ and cease from deeds of sin ; Learn in your actions to be just, aad pure in heart withitk ntf7 Then though your giiiltv souls are with sins of crimson die, ~ [stain'd ^ Yet, through my grace, with show in whitenoJBs they shall vie. [itself 18 Isaiah ii. 2-6. SouthvMrk :' Ctediton. m 1 Behold ! the mountain of tJie Lord in latter days' shall rise On mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wond'ring eyes, n^ 2 To this the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues shall flow ;. ^' Up to the hill of God, they'll say, ' and to his house we'll go. / 3 The beam that shines from Sioh hill shall Hghten ev'ry land ; The King who reigns in Salem's tow'ra shall all the world command. mf 4 Among the nations he shall jttdge ; his judgments truth shftll guide ; His sceptre shall protect the just, and quell the sinner's pride. m 177 (Ft. uiui. »«.) WILT8HIBB (New 8i. Ann.)— OJl gtrosMAn. Th« AtttlltBUo Pornk >• N«T • tr - (he - 1«M oun - tin - umI - ly, o l<ord, I ftin with thM : Thou doat m* tiold by my rif lit h«nd, And (Ull up . hold - aat m*. PABAPIIRA8ES ^V4II., 4 M 6 No strife vhall rage, nur hostile ^ds disturb those (wacoful years ; To ploughshares men shall beat their swords, to pruning-'hoAks their spears. 6 fNo longer hosts encount'ring hosts shall crowds of slain deplore : e They hang the trumpet in the hall, and study war no more. / 7 Come then, O house of Jacob ! come to worship at his shrine ; And, walking in the light of God, with holy beauties shine. 1© Isaiah ix. 2-8. Orunwieh; Caterham; Sudtley. m X Thi race that long in darkness pin'd hftve seeti a glorious light ; / The people dwell in day, who dwelt in death's surrounding night m 3 To hail thy rise, thou better Sun ! the gath'nng nations come, m/ Joyous, as when the reapers bear the harvest treasures home. mi 9m thott our burdeD hastTemov'd, and qtwll'd th' oppressor's sway, ^ Quick as the slaug^ter'd squadrons fell in Midian's evil day. / m 6 XIX., XX. To us a Child of hope i» bom ; to us a Son is giv'n ; Him shall the tribes of earth obey, him all the hosts of heav'n. His name shall be the Prince of Peace, for evermore ador'd, a, e The Wonderful, the Counsellor, the great and mi^ty Lord. / 6 His poWr increasing still shaULqiread, his reign no end shall know ; (Tustice shall guard his throne above, and peace abound below. ^0 : Is^H xxvL 1-7. Irith; TnutiKorntkal / 1 How glorious Sion's courts appear, ' the city of our God ! His throne he hath establish'd here» here fix'd his lov'd above. inf 2 Its walls, defended by his grace, no pow'r shall e'er o'erthrow, / Salvation is its bulwark sure against th' assailing foe. ^ A Lift«p the everlasting gates," the doon wide open ffing; Enter, ye nations, who obey the statutes of our King. 178 (F. »a i«i ) WmOHBSTBB. CM. m.«. m.u, f^i^. im J A- AA J j A A A A I will show forth thy nAin« Idat th« con • ( un - lo ThoM that my broth rtn Bra; A .mldit th,con-»r. «• • Uoa Thy pralM I will d. • d.,,. ■;/. ■ ■ <i m pj I ' ' ' I ^^ ■ J » ■ I I I I I PAKAPHRA8E8 XX., XXI., XXII. M 4 Here nhall yo tante unmingled Joy«, and dwell in perfect iieace. Ye, who hftve known JEHOVAH's and truated in his grace. [name, ti\f^ Trust in the Lord, for Aver tnut, and baniah all your fears ; / Strength in the Lord JEHOVAH eternal as itis years. [dwells m 6 What though the wicked dwell on high, nsf his arm shall bring them low ; Low as the caverns of the grave their lofty heads shall bow. m 7 Along the dust shall then be spread their tow'rs, that brave the skies : inf On them the needy 's feet shall tread, and on their ruins rise. Isaiah xxxiii. IS-ia 81 Fntuft : St Futbert mf 1 AlTKND, ye tribes that dwell remote, ye tribes at hand, give ear ; Hi' upright in heart alone hskve hope, g^ _the false m heart have fear. m^ The maa who walks with God in truth, and ev'ry foile disdakis ; Who hates to lift oppression's rod, • and sooms its shameful gains ; 3 Whose soul abhors the impious bribe that tempts from truth to stMy, : And from th' enticing Rnaros of vioe 'I-..-- who turns his eyes away : * mf 4 His dwelling, 'midst the strength of shall ever stand secure ; < [rocks, His Father will provide his bread, his water shall be sure, r / / 6 For hinv the kingdom of the just afar d<^th glorious shine ; > / And he the King of kings shall see in majesty divine^ . . 22 ■■■■ Isaiah xl.'27-8t ! -^--W'-'-^ Salxburg ; Holy Trinity. tnp 1 Wht pour'st thou forth thine anxious despairing of relief, [p]*int. As if the Lord o'erlook'd thy cause, and did not heed thy grief? , - m 2 Hast thou not known, hast thou Hot that firm remains on high [heard, The everlasting throne of Him , ^ho form'd the earth and sky? S Art th<m Afraid his pow'r diall fi^ when comes thy evil day ? And can an all-creating arm grow weary or decay? 187 ■,*_ 179 (P». OUX-'SS-M.) \J:'A J ^ J. J J 'a Jl a Y0BX<--<I.1L ftem tii6 SMfiiaft PMito-. leis. _ J- ^ J -J A AA A A A J j A - 4'«Mh me, Lord, the per-feot way Of thy fi^e - cepU dl - vine, And to Ob • Mire It to the end I ihiai my heart 4n - cUne. J J ^ A A A'A . AM A 'A A __ A 4 J A A AAA. AA A =FF^F rSt 7 I /■ PARAPHItASES xill., XXIII. «^4 Nip ^ . ■ ■** Supreme in wisdom as in pow'r tiie Rock of ages stands ; l^ough hun thou canst not see, nor the working of his hand<)r [ti^tce He gives the conquest to the weak, supports the fainting heart ; And cQurai^in the evil hour * his hiaav'^y. aids impart. Meore hiunan pow'r shall fast decay, - and ycMithfUl vigour eease ; But they whoAvaifupon the liord^ in strength shall still increase. They with unweary'd feet shall foead the path o£ life divine ; Wi^ growing ardour onward mave, ' with growing brightness «hine. On eagles' wings they mount, they soar, ' their wings are faith ^nd love,. 1^1, past ttver cloudy regions here, , theiy rise to heav'n above. , 23 , IsAiiffixliL 1-m ir«r. i-ll, OUnieetteri S(arborough. 12-15, Nativity : St: Cieorge. M 1^ Beholp my Servant ! see him rise exalted in my mi|^ ! '^ Him have I chosen, and in him .- - 1 place supreme delight. ' ■■;■■- ■:■ M8\-v'.':^-' /.■:■■■■ :\ ■ ./'w I voices tn 2 On him, in rich effusion pout^ ' iny Spirit shall descend; My truths and judgments hi^ shall show to earth's remotest end./ mp sTCentle and still shall be' no:thieats from Mm inrocieed ; -<^ The smoking flax he siiall not quench, nof break the bruised reed, m 4 The feeble spark to flames hell raise ; the weak will not^despise ; ' Judgment he IshaMiring forth to truth, and make the fallen rise. 5, The progress of iii» zeal and pow'r shi&ll never knoW dedine, < e Till foreign lands and distant ia^ ' receive therliaw divine; m 6 He who erected heav'n's bright arch, and bade the planets roll. Who peopled 1^ the cUmes bf eartii,' and fonn'd, the human soul, '7 Thus sidth the Lord, Thee haviB I nulet'd, my I*rophet thee install ; ' IniiB|htIVerais'dthee,andinstrengUi I^ succour whom I call. , V 8 I yill establish with the lands 4 covenant in thee, ^o give the Gentiie nations %ht» and set the pns'nerB free : ZION.-O.M. WiuuM «. BaoMtmiA. 11^4. ■ir iMrmlMtoa. ^^ ■V r^ ^^ Ye hMT'ns, mud forth your long of praise I Earih.miM yonr voloe be-lowl Let hllli »nd mounrtalM join the ta]rmoV And J07 through n« ■ tore flow. pahaphrases xxii^ , xxiv. /9 Blinder bunt thd gates of brass ; ^ the iron fetters fall ; 40^ /And gladsome light and liberty are straight restor'd to all. 10 1 am the Lord, and by the name of great JEHOVAH known ; No idol shall usiirp my praise, nor mount into my throne. mtlLo! former scenes, prcKJUcted once, conspicuous rise to view ; nif And future scenes, predicted now, shall be accbmplish'd too. /12Sing to the Lord in joyful strains ! let earth his praise resound, » Ve who upon the ocean dwellj and fill the isles around ! .130 city of the Lord! begin the universal song ; . And let the scatter'd villages the cheerful noti^prolong. iVl4 Let Kedar's wilderness afar lift up its lonely voice ; . . And let thd tenants of the rock with accents rude rejoice ; yi5 Till 'midst the stceams of distant luids the islaiids sound his praise ; / And all combin'd, with one accord, JEHOVAH'S glories raise. Is.\iAH xlix. 13-17. 24 Zion; Manchester; Artaxerm$...; f\ Yk heav'ns, send forth your song of praise ! eaiNih, raise your voice below ! Let hills and mountains join the hynm, and joy through nature flow. mf 2 Behold how gracious is our God ! hear the consoling strains, In which he cheers our dn>oping Itearta, and mitigates our pains. '■■ / ' mp 3 Cease ye, when days of darkness come, in slid dismay to ™oum, tn As if the Lord could leave his saints forsaken or forlortt. 4 Can the fond mother ei'er forget the infant whom she bore ? vif And can its plaintive cries be hear(]» nor move compassion more ? tap 5 She may forget : nature ma^r fail a parent's heart to move ;" mf iButSion on my heart shall dwell in everlasting love. 6 Full m my sight, upon my hands I have engrav'd her name : / ' My hands diudl build her niin'd wallsj and raise her broken frame. 181 (Ps. exlz. 17-24.) ZUUIOLS.— OJl T. L. HAxaiiT. with 'me thy aer-vant, in thj gnee. Deal bona • U • f ol - Ij, Lord; Thai by thy fa- tout I may live, And da - ly keep thy word. gg r' l y r^S^ ? i r f ^ ri f ^ ^=Y^^=^ -Aa. gji ag i PARAPHRASE XZ\. 26 IsAUHliiL • F«r. 1-11, St. Mary ; Burfgrd. 12-16, S(. Iiawrence; jRaMtubuiv. mp l.How few receive i^th cordial faith the tidings which we bring ! H<(w^ew have seen the arm reveal'd of heav'n's eternal King ! 2 The Saviour comes ! no outward pomp bespeaks his presence nigh ; No earthly beauty shines in him to draw the cfumal eye. d Fair as a beauteous tdnder flow'r ' amidst the desert grows, 3o sli^ted by a rebel race - the heav'nly ^aviout rose. p 4 Rejected and despis'd of men, behold a man of woe ! Grief was his close companion still through all his life below. mp. 5 Tet all the griefs he felt were ours, <n|nr were the woes he bore : . 4 PangBt not his own, his spotless soid with bitter anguish tore. p 6 We held him as oondemh'd by Heay'n, an outoast £rom his God, f While for our sins he groan'd j he bled, . beneath his Father's rod. 190 m 7 His sacred blood-hath washed 0ur souLb from sin's polluted stain ; His stripeis have heal'd us, and his death reyiv'd our souls again. mp^ 8 We all, like sheep, had gone tistoay , in ruin's fatal road : On him were our transgressioui laid ; he^re the mighty load. p 9 Wrbng'dand oppress'd, how meekly he in patient silence stood 1 Mute, as the peaceful harmless lamb, when brought to shed its bloods 10 Who can his generation tell? from prison see him led t With impious show of law condemn'd, and number'd^witkthe dead. 11 'Midst sinners low in dust he lay j; the rich a grave supply'd : tJnspotted was his blianeless life; unstain'd by sin he dy'd. m 12 Yet God shall raise his head on high, though thus he brought him low ; His saored ofTring, whoa complete, shall terminate his wofL 13 For, saith tilie Lord, my i^teasure then shall prosper in his hand ; n^ His shidl a num'rous offspring be, and still his honours stand. . *' 182 (Pft. emlll.) BA8T0ATK-0Jt Bawwm. £U=J^ ^^^^' B« . hold, how »ood • thin, it l«. And how b« - oom-lng wen, to-getberntchMbrethrenwo In u - nl - ty tq. dweU! In>,nl -tr to dJeUf ^|-ihifl ^^^^ .Ll Jia[:J jQ^ .^ PARAPHRASES XXV., XXVI. /14 His soul, rejoicing, shall behold the purchase of his pain ; . And all the guilty whom he sav'd shaJU bless Messiah's reign. 16 He with the great shall dtare the spoil, and baffle all his foes ; '. ' Thoughrank'd with sinners here he fell, a conqueror he rose* m 16 He dy'd to bear the guilt of men, that sin^'might be f(»rgiv'n : y He lives to bless them and defend, and plead their cause in heav'n. S6 Isaiah Iv. St. Leonard; Hvddtrifidd; 8t, Mirren. m 1 Ho I ye that thirst, approach the spring where living waters flow : . Free to that sacred fountain ftU without a price may go. mp 2 How long to streams of false delight will ye in crowds repair? How long your strength and substance on trifles, light as air? [waste m 3 My storm afford those rich supplies that health and pleasure i^ve : : Incline your ear, and come to me ; the 80i4 that hears shall live. 4 With you a cov'nant I will make, that ever shall endure ; The hope which gladden'd David's heart my mercy haUi made sure. m/ 5 Behold he comes r your leadtf comes, with might and honour drown'd ; A witness who shall spread my name ■^ to earth's remotest bound. 6 See! nations hasten to his diall from ev'ry distant shore ; Isles, yet unknown, shall bow to him, and Isr'el'B God adore. mp 7 Seek ye the Lord while yet his ear is open to your call ; While offer'd mercy still is near, before his footstool fall. 8 Let sinners quit their evil wajrs, ^ their evil tiioughts forego, e And God, when they to him reitam, returning grace will* show. m 9 He pardons with o'erflowing love : for, hear the voice divine ! My i^ture is not like to yours, ;' nor like your ways are mine : . ti^flO But far as heav'n's resplendent orba beyond .earth's upot attend, Ab far my thoughts, m far my ways, yofor ways and thoogfatB tranaonkl. m Y,,, 183 (PM. xlUL't-&) nrvooAno V. B.A.Siim. DkdiattL 1^ k^ .^ ^.^ J^.j.<j.^ ^ V r L J t p I r* r^ > pip* gj I ^ <■>- ^ '<a '/a, r=rrT I vend thf light fortb/uid thjr trnth; L«t them be galdM to ma. And bring me to thine ho • If hill, EVn where thjr dwell-inga bei tV— P+^-T^=n=rT^ ■*-*■ PARAPHRASES XX VI. „ XX VI I., XX VI 11.' M 11 And as tho rains from faeav'n distil, nor thither mount again, ;^ . But swell the earth with fruitful' juioe, and all its tribes sustain : •^12 So not a word that flows from me . shall ineffectual fall ; But universal nature prove pbedient to my calL /13 With joy and peace shall then be led the glad converted lands; -The lofty mountiuns then shall sing, the forests clap their hands. * 14 Where briers grew 'midst barren wilds, shidl firs and myrtles spring; And naturOi through its utmost boiSinds, eternal inttises sing. 27 ISAiAtt Ivii 1^^ 16. I^aiettriiut; leoniwn; fit Hugh. , mj. TlBUS speaks the high and lofty One ; ye tribes of earth, give ear; ' ,The words of your Almighty Ki|^ ' ' with sacred rev'renoe hear: V. 2 Amulst the majesty of he^'n / my throne is fix'd on high; • And through eternity I hear / thvpniMspf theskyi 1 m mp 3 Yet, looking down, I visit oft the humble hallow'd cell ; And with the penitent who mourn 'Us my delight to dwell'; m 4 The downcast spirit to revive, ■ the sad in soul to cheer ; And f itom the bed of dust the man of heart contrite to rear. 5 With me dwells no relentlt^ wratii against the human race; The souls which I have form'd shall a refuge in my grace. . [find 28 Isaiah Iviii. 5-9. . Emmanuel; OUneaim. Attend, and mark the soleittn fast which to the ]>>rd is dear; Disdain thei false unhallow'd mask which vain dissemblers wear. Do I deliji^t in sorrow's dress ? -- saith he who reigns above; The hanging head aihd rueful look, will they attract my love? m 3 ^^t such as feel oppression's load ' thy tender pity share : And let the helpless, homeless pooti be thy peculiar care. m mp '*^. niTOOAflOII— «oii«mm(, Then wfll i to Ood't al • Ur ^ To Ood my ehlaf^t Joy: *• Vel^ Ood.my Ood, thy name to pr«Ue My luurp, my harp, my harp I will Mii-ploy^ I will un • ploy. e^ P -. 1 i |>.Y.i|> f^if^-ff^-^ vPARAraRASES XXTIIL, XXIX., XXX. 4 Go, bid the jiungry orphan be ■'■ with tiiy abundance blest : Invite the wand'rer to thy gate, , ' and spread the,cduch of rest, j 6 Let him who pines with piercingf cold by thee be warm'd and clad ; Be tlune the blissful task to make the downcast mourner glad. in^6 Then, bright as morning, shiJl come in peace and joy, thy days ; Jlorth, e And glory from tike Lord above ^ ' shall shine on all thy ways. 39 Lamknt. iiL 37-40. St Jama; Moravia. mf i AiiipsT the mighty, where is he who saith, and it is done ? m Each varying scene of changeful life is from the liord alone. _y- _. 2 He gives in gladsome bow'rs to (mdl, or clothes in sorrow's shroud ; His hand hath form'd the light, hish&nd hatii form'd the dark'ning cloud. < p 3 Why should a living man comphun ^ beneath the chast'ning rod? mp Our sins afflict us ; and the , cross must Inring us iNMdc to (3^ m O sons of men! with anxious care your hearts and ways explore ; Return from paths of vice to Gpdt return, and sin no morel 30 ' H08b:avL1-4. Belmoni: Eden; Holy Orou. ml GoMB, let us to the Lord our God with contrite hearts return ; Our God is gracious, nor will leave the desolate to mounuV: ■ 2 His voice commands the tempest forth, and stills the stormy wave; And though his arm be strong to sniite, m/ 'tis also strong to save. p 3 Long hath the night of sorrow reign'd; «)p tiie dawn shall Jsring us light: m^ God shall appear, and we shall rise with gladness in his sight, m 4 Our hearts, if God we seek to know, shall know him, and rejoice; .« Itis coming like the morn shall be, like looming songs his voice. m 5 As dew upon the tender herb, diffusing fragrance roufid ; - As show'rs that usher in the spring, and dieer the thirsty ground : m 184 (Aur. iltr. M.} BEDBMPnOir. mm. Or. A»Mw 1 Til fin - Idt'd, 'tU fin - Uh'd— wm bU U • tnt toIo*; TImm I'M • tt$d M v^ante o'«r, He bow'dhlihtMl, gvn ap> the ghott, A: •■■ pr.::i-^.--<fl' PARil^PHRASES XXX. / 6 So shall his presencd bleils our souIb, r and ished a joyfullight; ' That hallow'd morn shall chase Kwvy the sorrows of the night. 81 MiOAH vL &-9. WestmirutA: ml Thus speaks the heathen: How shall man With what accepted off 'rings come his mercy to implore ? r * 2 Sh^ douds of incense to the skies with grateful odour speed ? ." Or victims from a thousand hills upon ihe altar bleed ? 8 Does justice nobler blood demand to save the sinner's life ? Shall, trembling, in his offspring's side the father plunge the knife ? mp 4 No: God rejects the bloody rites, which blindfold zeal b^^ ; m His orades of laruth proclaim the mesABge brought to man. ■^ 6 He what is good hath dearly shown, O favour'd raoel to thee; And what doth €k)d require of tiiose who bend to him the knee? XXXI., XXXII. m 6 Thy deeds, let sacred justice rule ; thy heart,' let mercy fill; And, walking humbly with thy God, to him resign thy will. 3g Habaic. iii. 17, 18. St. Franeei: SawU^; ButiyaM. mp 1 W]B(AT though no flow'rs the fig-tree ' clothe, . ^though vines their fruit deny, "■' The labour of the oUve fail, and fields no meat supply? 2 Thoughfrom the fold, wi^sad surprise, my flock cut off I see; . Though famine pine in empty stalk, where herds were wont to be? m 8 Yet in the Lord will I be glad, and glory in hiiei loye;' n^ Inhimlll joy, who will the God of my salvation prove. 4 He to my tardy feet shall lend the swiftness of the roe; Till, rws'd onJiigh, I safdy dwell beyond the reach of woe. / 6 God is tiie trgitfbre of my souly 'the source of lasting joy ; A joy which want shall not impair^ nor death itself decferoy. SEDBMPTIOKr-ooiK fmiMf . And wf . fteM p.,„ „o mor.. «,d «,f . f«VI pdn no mow. / Tl. lUi - Uh'd/tU fla . lAd- Th.M«.d . ah dl.. For dn,. b«» PARAPHRASE XjCXIIL, XXXIT. 33 MawH. vi 9-14. Jtnfrpn ; LangiiUm ; St. Arargwref. m). Father of all ! we bow to thee, • who dwell'st in heav'n ador'd ; But present still 'through all thy works, the universal Ijord. " 2 For ever hallow'd be thy name by^ all beneath the skies ; c And may thy kingdom still ^vanoe, till grace to glory rise. m 3 A grateful homage may we yield, with hearts resign'd to thee ; \ And as in heav'n thy will is done, on earth so let it be. 4 From day to day we humbly own the hand that feeds us stiU : . Give us oue breads and teach to rest contented m thy wilL A 11^ S Our sins before thee we confess ;< O may they be forgiv'n ! As we to others mercy show, we merc^ beg from Heav'n. - « 6 Still let thy grace our life dfinot; from evil guard our way ; And in temptaticm's fatal path pennit us not to stray. iV 7 For thine the pow'r, the kingdom thiiuij all glory 's due to thee : / Thine from eternity they were, and thine shall ever be. 34 MaIth. xi. 26-3a \8h Bernard: Reit. m 1 Thus spoke the Saviour of the, world, and rais'd his eyes to heav'n : To thee, O Father ! Lord of aU, eternal praise be giv'n. 2 Thou to the pure and lowly heart hast heav'nly truth reveal'd ; Which from die self-conceited mind thy wSdom hath conceal'd. 3 Ev'tt so ! tiiou, J'ather, hast ordain'd thy high decree to stand ; Nor men nor uigels may presume, the reason to demand. 4 Thou only know'st the Son : from thee my kingdom I receive ; ; And none the Father know but they who in the Son believe, ' • . ■■■■-. mp 9 Come then to me, all ye who groan, with guilt and fears opprest; . / Resign to me the willing heart, - and I will give you^est. N 186 H'pSMIlfmfMf'— flowrtiwurf. not .hill own: Th* giPMt N-d«Bp-tton Is oom • ^at^, ▲ad 8* - Un's pow'r o'wUirowii, and 8« • ten'* iiOw'r o'«r • throwa. W te=^H^=^j£g iE;: rT~T" ^ jTj^ j:. Ji 4: i J~-j ^F^ ^ te^A^^ ^ I ^ -'■"*'- *• ■ •^s— - < J PARAPHRASiS XXXIV., XXXV., XXXVL .■■^ ^V-- m 6 Take up my yokdi-and learn of me . the meek and lowly mind ; And thus your weary troubled souls repose and peace shall find. iHp 7 For light and gentle is my yoke; the burden I impose m Shall ease the heart, which groan'd be- beneath a load of woes. [fore 36 Matth. xxvi. 26-29. Communion. p 1 TWAS on that night, when doom'd to . The eager rage of ev'ry foe, [know That night in which he was betray 'd. The Saviour of the world took bread i Ay 2 And, after tiumks and glory giv'n ~ To him that rules in ea^th and heav'n. That symbol of his flesh he broke, And thus to all his foll'wersapoke t m 3^y broken bodjr thus'l give For you, for all ; take, eat, and live ; And oft t*® sacred rite renew, That brings my wondrous love to view. 4 Then in his huds the cup he rais'd. And God anew he thank'd and prais'd ; While kindneii in his bowwn glow**!, And from hik Upe salvation flow'd. > 8 My blood I thu» pour forth, he crieSj To cleanse the soul in sin that Ues; In this the covenant is seal'd, And Heav'n's eternal grace revealed, ff^ 6 With love to man Uiis cup is fraught, liet all partake the sacred draught ; Through latest ages let it pour. In mem'ry of my dying'hour. 30 LuKBl46-Bd. Ladbrokt: St. David, / 1 Mt soul and spirit, fill'd with joy, my God and Saviour praise, Whose goodness did from pbor estate his humble handmaid raise, m 2 Me bless'd of God, the God of might, all ages shall proclaim ; e From age to age his mercy lasts, and holy is his name. mf 3 Strength with his arm th' Almighty showM; the proud his Idoks abas'd; / He oast the mighty to the ground, the meek to honour rais'd. | i The hunjmr with good things were fill'd, the rich with hunger pin'd: He sent his servant Isr'el help, and call'dbiB love to mind; 186 (P*.^^i-io.) «T. OB0BOV8. BDIlfBtTSOR. ^^'^'SS^ Y« fttM.lift np jonrhwub on hich; Y« doon Uuit iHt for ayt, n« lift • td up, th»( M the Klnf Of glo - rj en - Ur niAf. PARAPHRASES XXXVI., XXXVII., XXXVIII. 6 Which to our fathers' nnoient race his promise did ensure, To Abrah'm and his chosen seed, for over to endure. 87 ^ LuKBii. 8-16. PraioHiu: Olduth. » 1 Whilk humble shepherds watch'd their flocks in Bethleh'm's plains by night, An angel sent froin hcav'n appear 'd, and fiU'd the plains with light, m 2 Fear not, he said, mp (for sudden dread mp had seiz'd their troubled mind;) m Glad tidings of great joy I bring to you; and 1^ mankind. 11^ 3 To you, iif tfavid's town, this day is bom, of David's line, The Saviour, who is Christ the Lord ; and this shall be the sign : m 4 The heav'nly Babe you tiiere shall find to human viow display'd, mp All meanly wr^pt in swaddling bands, and in a manger laid. m 5 Thus spake the seriaph ; and forthwith appear'd a shining throng Of angels, praising €Km1 ; and thus address'd their joyful song : / 6 All glory be to God on high, and to the earth be peace } Good-will is shown by Heav'h to meii| and never more shall cease. 88 liWBii. 26-83. St. Leonard : Hamal. ^ M 1 JUBT and devout old Simeon liv'd ; to him it was reveal'd. That Christ, the Lprd, hin eyes should see ere death his eyelids seal'd. ^ 2 For this consoling gift of Heav'n to Isr'el's fallen state. From year to year vnth patient hope the aged saint «Ud wait it\f 3 Nor did he wait in vain ; for, lo I revolving years brqBg ht round, . ^ -In season due, theJflny day, which all his wis^^rown'd. 4 When Jesus, to the temple brought by Mary's pious care, As Heav'n's appointed rites requir'd, to God was offer'd there, m 5 Simeon into those sacred oouffai a heJAv'nly impulse drew ; n\f He saw the Virgin hold her Son, and straight his Lord he knew. i •T. OBOlOn, IDHrBTTBOH-MnKiNMl. • ■ ' ■■■■*:.■ ' r ,. Bol- who of gU)-r]r li Ui« KlncT Tb« mlfhty Ixrnl U ihUr ^•' I I' ^jfJ H i TTfi ^ i i-i- 1 ■« s T^ Bat who U ha thUU Ui« Klnf-thaKln(of flo-rytwho fai thbf PARAPHRASES XXXVIII., XXXIX. /:■ . .^i « 6 With holy Joy upon hia face the ffood old father nnil'd ; . Then fondly in hit wither'd araw he olasp'd the promii'd child : mf 7 And while he held the heav'n-bom ..Babe, . ;. ■ V.. oridain'd to bleis mankind, Th)i» apokei.with earnest look, and .•■■ /■.- "^heart ^ exulting, yet reiign'd t M 8 Now, Lord ! according to thy word, let me in peace depart ; Mine eyee hiive thy salvation seen, / and gladnes« filli my heart / 9 At length my arms embrace my Lord, now let their Vigour cease ; At last my eyes my Sa^i^our see, now let tbem close in peact M^lOThis great salvation, long prepar'd, and now disclos'd to view^ ^ Hath porov'd thy love Was constant ;:•■_ Btm,- . . / ■ ^'-y- .;^v ■;;:■;■■;.., and- inromises were trne. /U That Svn I now behold, whose light shall heathen darkness chase ; And rays of brightest glory pour around thy chosen race. ^ 198 39 LoKi Iv. 18, 19. 8t. atorgt; WinduiUr: 8t. Bofiowr. mf 1 Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes ! ^ the Saviour promis'd long ; /. Let ev'ry heart exult with Joy, and ev'ry voice bd song ! ' M^ 2 On him the Spirit, largely shed, exerts its sacred fire ; Wisdom and might, and zeal and love, . his holy breast inspire. 3 He comes ! the pris'ners to relieve, in Satan's bondage beld ; The gates of brass b^re him burst, /y the iron fetters ]rnld. I A He comes! fromJA^ark'ning scales of to dear the inward sight ; [vies And on the eye^balls of the blind . to pour celestial li|(ht. mp 5 He comes ! the broken hearts to Und, the bleeding soiils to cure ; And with the treasures of his grace- t' enrich the humUe poor, m 6 The sacred year has liow revolv'd, accepted of Uie Lord, nif When Heav'n's high promise is fuIJBlI'd, Widlsr'elisrestor'd. ST. 010BOVB» BDIMBUBOH- cmKiiMMil. Kv'n Ihkl MMii* hwH, Ikal tniit In m^l And linmf In bki ^llt t»— Ev'n that Mm* Lord, UiAl ffwl In nifht And atroof Is k^ « |to It, PARAPII11A8I8 XXXIX., XL., XLI. J' 7 Ow gUd hiMMUuJu, PrfauM of Petos t thy welcome shall prucl«iin ; jr And hoAv'n'R exalted archea ring with thy moat honour'd name. 40 Luo XV. 13-26. BaUernm. Chant t68. m 1 Thi wretched prodigal behold in mifl'ry Jying low, Whom vice had aunk from high eatate, and plung'd in want and woe. mp 2 While I, deapia'd and aoom'd, h» etwt, atarve in a foreign land, M The meaneat in my father'a houae ia fed with bounteoua hand : 8 1 11 go, and with a mourning voice, fall down before hia face : lap Father ! I've ainn'd 'gainat Heav'n and nor can deaerve thy grace. [theot M 4 He aaid, and haaten'd to hia homd, to aeek hia f ather'a love : v\f The father aeea him from afar, and all his bow«la move* - 5 He ran, and fell upon his neck, embnMs'd and kiss'd his son : m The grieving piP^igalbewail'd the follies he had done. mp 6 No more, my father, can I hope to find paternal grace ; My utmoat wiah ia to obtain a aervant'a humble place. n^ 7 Bring forth the fairest robe for hint, ' the joyful father aaid ; To him each mark of grace be ahown, and ev'ry honour paid, m 8 A day of feaating I ordain ) let mirth and aong abound : e My >on waa dead, and Uvea again I was lost, and now is found t / 9 Thus Joy abounds in paraldise among the hoata of heav'n, Soon aa the sinner qmta hia sins, repents, and ia forpv'n. 41 John iiL 14-19. Pratariui: St. Sttphen; Milton. m 1 As when the Hebrew prophet raia'd the brazen aerpent high, The wounded look'd, and atraight were the people ceaa'd to die : [cuT'd, tuf 2 So from Uie Saviour on the cross a healing virtue flows ; Who looka to him with lively faith is aav'd from endless woes. Bil • l»-Hi • l*l>. t>*l ■ U • IB • Jfth. kal • 1« hi • fin. iMl • h-H • }ah. fetl • k>ki |ak X BMB, A • nan* A man. * PARAPIIRA8R8 •m 8 For Ood gave ^p hU Boi^to dcikth, ■o gon'nniH wan hi* love, nsf That all tho faitliful might enjoy eternal life above. m 4 Not to condemn the aons of imm the Son of Ood appear'd ; '^ * No weapons in IiIh hand arc seen, nor voice of terror heard : 6 He came to raise our fallen state, and our lost hopes restore : i Faith leads us to the meroy-seat, and bids us fear no more. p 6 But vengeance Just for ever lies on all the rebel rade, . Who God's eternal Son despiiie, and scorn hiis offer'd grace. 42 JoBHxiv. 1-7. St. Minvtr; Bunyan, m 1 Lit not your hearts with anxious be troubled or dismay'd ; [thoughts But trust in Provideneie divine, and trust my gracious aid. 2 I to my Father's hotise return ; there num'rous roansionp stand, ' 91/ : And glory manifold abounds throu^ all the happy land* ZLI.;ZLII., XLIIL ^v 8 I go your entrance to neciire, and your aUtdu pn)i«ire ; , mf Regioasunknown are safe to you, whtm I, your friend, am there, m 4 Thence shall I como, wh«m i||a eloii, to take you home with me ; wsf There we Hhall in«et to jiart no more, and still t«»gethor bo. ^ am the way, the truth, the life t sott.pf human raoev conduct and guide, Fathibr's face. mp m Mp opN xiviMWaS. WaHmrton; OHvtt: Spohr. ., 1 You now must hear my voice no more; my Father calls me home ; But soon from heav'n the Holy^host, your Comforter, shall come. 2 That heav'nly Teacher, sent from Ood, shall your whole soul inspire ; Your minds shall fill with sacred truth, your hearts with sacred fire, ; 8 I*eace is the gift I leave with yon ; my peace to you bequeath ; Peace that shall comfort you through and cheer your eoub in death, [life. (Pl.«*t. !•.) lAXOVT.— OJML PARAPIIRABRS XLIII., XLIV., XLV. 4 I give not M tho world bMiowH, with promiM faliw and vain ; n^^ Nor carM, nor f««n, nhall wound tho vhi^l) my wcytlM ronuun. [hoort MP John 4PPP*> 8ud4Uti: lUdimption, Behold the Saviour on the oroM, a ■peotaole of wo« I. See from his agonizing wottnds the blood inoeeiant flow ; p % Till death'! pale ensigns o'er his cheek and trembling lips'were spread ; ' Till light forsook his dosing eyes, and life his drooping head ! mp 3 'Tis finish'd— wan his latest voice ; these «aored accents o'er, d He bow'd his head, gave up the ghost, and sufFer'd pain no more. •Tis flnish'd— The Messiah dies for sins, but not his own ; The great redemption is completfi and Satan's pow'r o'erthroivn. mf Tis finish'd— liOgal -worship ends, and K<>H|>ol a^nH run ; All <»Id things now are iMUt AWajTi and a new world begunt 46 MP 4 '■' ROMAHB U. 4-t. thtrfiird: Martyr$: Miitltr. ii» 1 XJmo RATBiruL sinners I whence this BOom of God's long-BufI 'ring grace? And whence this madness that insult* • til' Almighty to his face ? mp 2 1b it because his i>atience waits, *and pitying bowels move, , ou multiply trariHgressions mor«, and scorn his offer'd love? m 3 Dost thoiki not know, self -blinded man ! bin goodnesa is design'd To wake repentance in thy soul, and melt thy harden'd mind? mp 4 And wilt thou rather chooM to meet th' Almighty as thy foe, ' d And treasure up his wrath in store against the day of woe ? «p 8 Tia finish'd— All his groans are pMt ; M his blood, his pain, and toils. Have fully vanqui^ed our foes, and orowa'd him with tfapr spoilt. mj> 5 Soon shall that fatal day approach that must thy sentence seal, e And righteous judgment*, now un* inawfidpompreveial; (knowii, '■'' J% ^p? i •'? «4« ,/ "(V,.^ ,•■► k lt?i (^y •» '^i\: "1,: .''. Vv ^v>, ?1- i 187 (Hln.,>M«w.) BADEir-^jSJI. Atnuftd tram old Gtannw MalMly. fe te^^^^ J ^- J A J. J. Ll -^-t- Ivi-^ \ ^^ ^^ T=^ ^ m lord, hArte me to d^ - Uvet; ^ With speed, Lord, nie - cour me. X^l them th»t for. mjr aoul do seek Sham'd and con • foand - ed be. #LT-4-r^i*h-'-Mn%^ --— L_pz|zg-.^pr-p-j-p-)-F^ PARAPB[R4SES XEV., XLTI., ZLyiL, XtYIlt • . .V m; 8 While they, who full of holy deeds to gloiy seek to rise, « Continuing patient to the end, ; shall c^un th' inunortal priiEe» 46 RoifANa iii 19-22. > • mp i Vain are the hopes the soQS^ men. upon their works have built ; - !fheir hearty by nature are tmdean, . " their actions full of gmlt. p2 Silent let Jew mid Gentile sj»nd, without one vaunting word ; ■ p ' ' And, 'huinUjifd low, confess their guilt beforejbfiiv'n's righteous Lord. m 3 No hBffe can on the law.be built jUstilj^g grace ; The law, that i^ows th#lanner's guiltj condemns him to^ his face. titfA Jesus ! hoMf^ glorious is thy griace I when in thy nune we trust, . Our faith receiveB a r^hteousness that makes tiie sinner just. 47 B(»fANS vi, 1-7. :^ ~7" Albeii; LancfuUr. ~ wi 1 Airb shall we th«i go on to sJn, that grace may more abound? ■ 'aw -■ \i mp Great JGrod, forbid that such a thot^t should in our breast be found ! m 2" When to tiie sacred font we came^ . did not the rite proclaim. That, wash'd from sin, and all its stains, new creatures we became? inf 3. With Christ the Lord we dy'd to sin; witl^h&n to life we rise, A To Uf e; which now begun on earth, is perfect in tiie skies. tn/ 4 Too long enthrall'd to Satan's sway, we now are slaves no more ; / For Christ hath vanquish'd death and bur freedom to restore. y [sin, 48 Romans viii 31-OT. Eden; Dedham; TivertolL ' m 1 iiBT Christian faith and hope dispel the fears of guilt imd woe ; The Lord Alaughty is our friend, and who can prove a foe? 2 He who his Son, most dear and loy'dt . , gave up for us to die, Sludl he not all things freely g^ve that goodn e ss can supply? — -— nif 3 Behold the best, the greatest gift, of everlasting love 1 •^- — J- ■ ae. be. :-^-- ■■■;■♦■■. — ' 1 ■ Sr^ B -±=4 188 t*^ »*»• *^^^» •«».•«*•.) BOYLBTON,— SJl Dr. Lownx ILuKlK O (Ungh-ter, take good heed, Id' • cUne, and give good ear; Thou mtut for • get tiij kUi-dred all. And fa- titer's hotue most dear. r f. ip r ;- ^. i r-r r-"^' i -g^=^-^ r ^ ^ i^'' PARAPHRASES XLVIIL, XLIX. Behold the pioclgexrf peace below, and perfect blisB above ! , 4 Where is the judge V?ho can condemn, * V since God hath justify'd ? ■^Who shall diarge those with giUlt or .';■' crime. •■ ■ Tor ^fhom the Saviour dy'd? ii The Saviour dy'd, but rose again e 'iriumphant from the grave; / And pleads our Cause at God's right hand, • -^'.■- omnipotent to save, mf 6 Who then can e'er divide us more from Jesus and his love, Or break the sacred chain that binds the earth to heav'n above? MP 7 Let troubles rise, and terrors frown, and days of darkness fall; ^ * Through him all dangers we'll defy, and more than conquer all. ii|f 8 Nor death nor life, nor earth nor heU, nor time's destrojring away. Can e'«r efface us froqi his heart, or miJce his love decay. .9 Each future period that will bless isit^has bless-'d the past ; He lov'd us from ^e &rst of time, he loves us to the last. ^Q : 1 Ck>BINTH. XUL \ Ba/nava; Artaxerxes. m 1 Though perfect eloquence adora'd my sweet persuading tongue. Though I cotUd speak in higher stnuns than ever angel simg; / 2 Though prophecy my soid inspif 'd» and made all myst'ries jilun : Yet, were I void of Christian love, mp these gifts were all in vain. m ^ Nay, though my faith with boundless • pow'r ■ ■. ; _ ev'n moxmtwns could MmoVe, n\f I still am nothing, if I'm void x)f charity and love. - m 4 Although with lib'ral hand I^ve my gockls the poor to feed, ; Nay, gave my body to the flames, mf still fruitless were the deed. - mp 5 Love suffers long; love envies not; :. but love is ever kind ;. She never boasteth of herself , nor proudly lifts the mind. - m 6 Love harbours no suspicious thoughl^ is patient to the bad; ~ — ■ ' , ■ Griev'd when she hears of sins and - uid in the truth is glad. [crimes, 208 189 (I^xlT.l-0,Mo.fl«^) OAHBBIDaS.— 8JC. Bar. B. Hakiwoi^ My heart in - dlt • ing Good ruA - ter in • song: I q)M& the thlnga tbAt I have made, Which to the King be - long. aifU^ r r^ J J J I-. f r ' ^^^S PARAPHRASES XLIX., L. m 7 Love no unseemly carriage shows, nor selfishly confih'd ; She glo\ins with social tenderness, and feels for aU mankind. tup 8 Love beareth much, much she believes, and still she ho^ the best; Love meekly i^uffers many a wrong,, . though sore with hardship pressed. m 9 Love still shall hold an endless reign in ewth and heav'n above. When tongues shall cease, and prophets ■ and ev*i^ gift but love. Pail» 10 Here all our gifts imperfect are ; . ntf but better days draw nig^. When perfect Ught shall pour its rays, and all those shadows &y„ fn tl Like children here yre speak and ^unk, amus'd with childish toys ; mf But wh^ our pow'rs their manhood well scorn our present joys, [reach, m 12 Now dark and dim, as through a glass,' are God and truth beheld ; 11^ Then shall we see as face to face, and Ood shall be unveil'd. id Lov e , now dwell on and earth by them is blest ; [earth. But Faith and Hope must yield to of all the graces bMt . [Love, ■-, vr 14 Hjipe shall to full fruition rise, ! and Faith be sight above : . These are the means, but this the end ; for saints for ev«r love. 60 1 Corinth. XV. 52-68, St. Nit^las; St. Gregory; Brighton. mp 1 When the last trumpet's awful voice this riding earth shall shake, When op'ning graves shall yield their and dust to life awake; [charge, 2 Those bodies that corrupted fell in > shall incorrupted rise, e And mortal forms shall spring to life .' immortal in the skies, in/ 3 Behold what heav'nly prophets sung is now at last fulfill'd, That Death should yield his ancient ■'■■ reign, -■- ■ ■ , ■■ ' '■■:'/:'■ y':"' and, vanquish'd, quit the fields m 4 Let Faith exalt her joyful voice^ and thus begin to sing; wf O Grave I where is thy triumph now? andnvhere, Death ! thy sting? w 5 Thy sting 'twas this that arm'd thy dart ; The law gave sin its streng^ and force to pierce the sinner's heart: /..: ■ 190 (P>.siT.i-6,Ne.««^.) CUUtLISUS.HEIJl CLOOKHAIIT. I>l«lin& 1 My heurt In - dlt - tog to Good mat - ter to • long: I ipeak the thtogi thut i hare made, Whlph to the King be , lon(. PARAPHRASES L., LI. ^f 6 But Godj whose name be ever bl^ss'd ! disarms that foe we dread, , And makes lis conqu'rors when we die, through ChriiBt our living head. m 7 Then stedf ast let us still remain, though dangers rise uround, ^I^/■ And in the work prescrib'd by God yet niiore and.more abound; 8 Assur'd that though we labour now, we labour not in vain, / But, through the grace of heav'n's great th' eternal crown shall gain. [Lord, 61 A' . 2 Ck>BINTH. V. 1-TLl. €fUneaim;i(eander. Dtp 1 Soon shall this earthly frame, dis solv'd, in death and ruins Ue; m But betW mansions wait the just, prepar'd above the sky. 2 An house eternal, built by God, shall lodge the holy mind. When once those prison walls have by which 'tis now oonfin'd. [fall'n »p 3 Henc e , burd o n'd with a w e ight of day. we groan beneath the load, Waiting the hour which sets us free, and brings vm home to God.r m 4 We know, that when the soul, un- shall from this body fly, , [clo^'d, 'Twill animate a purer frame* - witii life that cannot die. «^ 5 Such are the hopes that cheer the just: these hopes their God hath giv'n; His Spirit is the earnest now, and seals tiieir souls for heav'n. m 6 We walk by faith of joys to come, .. faith grounded on his word ; But while, this body is our homoy we mourn an absent Lord. tnf 7 What faith rejoices to believe, , we long and pant to see; •We Mrould be absent from the flesh, , . and present. Lord! with thee. 8 But still, or here, or going hence, to this our labours-tend, _^ That, in his service spent, our life ' may in his favour end. . mp 9 For, lo ! before the Son, as judge, ' th' assembled world shall stand. To take the punishment or prize from his unerring hand. m 10 Imp a rt ia lretribnt i dns then our diffrent lives await ; Oiff present actions, goo^ or bad, shall fix dor future fate. • 20B Ht^tH^ f ^^m Sl. # iNHikt nwii ii he . tlutt feWn Th« Lolrd, and doth hltn Mnrat Blm ihill he tMfih th« ir»7 that h« SbiMl ohooae, und still ob-Mrre. .#«^. JPARAPHRASBS LIL, LIII. 52 PraLm iL 6-12. 3nswin0t<m; <S>t, Bernard m 1 Ye mrho the name of Jesus bearj . steps pursue ; Itbat mind which was in hiin found ini you. the fonn of God he was, ly Son dedar'd, I equally ador'd rdid regard; ktness he for us abas'd, his glory veil'd; likeness dwelt on earth, itjesty oonceal'd: ly as a man appears. Dps. a servant low; to death, nay, bears the /cross, \\» shame and wo^. I Ood this gen'rous love to men honours just hath 'crown'd, I'd the name of Jesus far I all names renown'd: > t this nam e ^ with sacr e d awe. humble knee should bow, losts immortal in the skies, id nations spread bdpw: mf 7 That aU the prostrate pow'rs of hell might tremble at his word, t And ev'ry tribe, and ev'ry tongue, confess that he is Lord. 53 lTHiBSS.iv. 13-28. ' ^aniintfAam; Balltfrnio. ^ mp 1 Takx comfort. Christians, when your friends in Jesus fall asleep; ■-■;,* Their better bei^g never ends r' why tiben dejected weep ? 2 Why inconsolable, as jthose to whom no hope is giv'n ? . Peath is the messenger of peace, and calls the soul to heav'n. m 3 As Jesus dy'd, and rose again victojrious fit)m th«|'dead ; .' mf So his disciples rise,r 'and rdgn with theiir triumphant Head. mp 4 The time draws nigh, when frdm the clouds Christ shall with shouts descend. And the last trumpet's awful voice the heav'ns and earth shall rend. tn 5 Then they who live shall changed be, and they who sleep shidl wake; 198 (Fi. sir. 1-0. MS. Mr.) DON01A8TBR.— S.1C. 8. Wmntnr. Hy* hewft In • dit • Ing ia Good liiat - ter in • aonfft I ipwik the tblngithir I luve made, Wh|di to the King b« - long. n\f7 graves shall yield their anciient charge, and earth's foundatioiilB shake. f 6 The saints of God, from death set free, with joy shall mouire on high ; The heay'nly hosts mth praises loud shall meet tiiem m the sky. Together to their Father's house ;, with joyful hearts they go ; And dwell for ejfer with the Lord, beyond the ruch of woe. m 8 A few short ynuns of evil past, we reach the happy s^ore,. Where deattf-divided friendiEi at last shall meet, to part no more. 54 ;: ■ /?TiM.i.l2. ./■ :■■■'* Peter; Smoky. m 1 I 'm not/asham'd to own my Lord, or to^defend his cause, e Maintain the glory of his cross, and^honoiir all his laws. wf2 Jesus, my Ix)rd ! ml know his name, m his name is all my boast ; Nor will he put my soul to shame. LIILj LIT., LV. What I've committed to his tr^ist, till the decisive hour. ^ / 4 Then will he own his servant's name before his Father's face. And in the New Jeru^em appoint my soul a 66 nip 2 Tim, iv. 6-8, I8f. si. Ann; Eden; Holy Ttintty. Mt race is run; my warfare's o*er; the solemn hour is nigh, When, o£Fer'd up totiiifjpd, my soid shall wing its flight oh high. With hearv'nly weapons I have fought nor let my hope be lost. mf 3 I know that safe with him remains, . protected l^ his pow'r, the battles of the Finish'd my course, depending on his M^ 3 Henceforth there is ° a (a^own which The righteous Ju( day shidl place it on m 4 Nor hal^ the Sov': this prize |bir me jalone; But for idl such as love like me rd;. d kept the faith, ord. id up for me not fade; at that great yhead.^ lign Lord decreed -th'^ 'hiff Son. appearaniBe^ mf 5 From sv'tf snare and evil work his grace shall me defend, 2W 103 (^ML.Antvir.) FBAKOONIA.— 8JI. •av.W.K HAVnaiik Lord, Uesa imd pi • ij nt> Shin* on lu'^wUh thj fMse: "^T That th'Mrththf way, and ti»-tloits iUl Maj know thy mt - Ing grac*. p. J\'^-^'>i J\ r J J J I I J I . J ■ -rtpT~~l s: 2 e^j,;;j;^jf^:cLj^l|j^'^ip! ^ I ^"=r7"-r PARAPHRASES LV«.XVI., LYIL . And to his Iieav'nly kingdom safe sl^tUbringmeinthe^nd. \ / 66 Titus iiL 3-9. London New ; Ja^pn. mp 1 How wretched was our foriner state, when, slaves to Satan's BWay^ With heartA disorder'd and impure, ^ o'erwl|iehn'd in sin we lay ! n^ 2 But, Omy soul ! for ever praise, • for ever love Ms name; Who turn'd thee fnnn the fatal paths of foUy, sin, and shame, f m 8 Vain and presumptuous is l£e trust which in our works we place, ■ _ wtf Salvation from a higher source ^ flowis to the human race. « 4 TKb from the mcroy of our God that all our hopes b^^; 1^ His me)rcy lftii;^cl our souls from death, ' ' and wash'd our soula ^m sin. 5 His Spirit, through the Si^viour shed, its sacred fire impa^, . . nBa finea our d ro ss, lind lo y e divine X^, V? rekin<|les in our hearts. n^ 6 Thence irtus'd from death, we live anew; and, justify'd by grace, ' ■-, "^208 • / We hope in glory to appear,, .' and see our Father's face. > in 7 Let all who hold this faith and h(^ , in holy deeds abound; - Thus faith approves itself sincere; .' by active virtue Tax)wn:'d. 67 X Hub. iv/14-16. - CaUhntu; StBthOndarFaifk. m 1 Jesus, the Son of God, who once for us hiii life resign'd, * mf Now lives in heav'n, our great High Priest, v^^ and never-dying frie^ 2 Through life, through death) let us tO' 'him . . ^th constancy adhere; Faith $naU supply new strength^ and, shs^ bamsh ev'ry fear. • Qippe m 3 To humim weakness not severe . is our High Priest abovb ; '"ERb hear£ o|erfiows with tendemesSj his bo#^i^elt with love. EoenK apa^ie i »p 4 With symp alhetic feelings touch'd, /ha knov^ our feeble frune ; ' He kqowB What sore temptations are, • lor he ham felt the same. ^■.. 194 (Pi.nr.8-lB./n<Mr.) HAOAB.-B.il ABMnouL M-n I 2t ^ ■^^IJ1 ^ .J1 izi -g- zss~ i ■J , J. . >j ^ niKn ^t^S^ r -God good and np -right !•: Tha way hell tin - new ihow. <rhe meflk la judg • ment he will guide, And make hla path to know. ^i^Md^^^^m 4 T^ ^ :=i ^^~-t^- | r PARAF^RASES LVII., LVIII., LIX. 6 But though h^> felt temptation'^ pow'r, t» unconquer'd he remsvn'd ; ' Nor, 'midst the frailty of oui^ frame, by sin was ever stain'd. * mf 6 As, in the days of feeble flesh, he pour'd forth cries and tears ; m So, though exalted, still he feels what ev'17 Chrilstian b^urs. tuf 7 Then let Us, with a filial heart, come boldly to the throne Of grace supreme, to tell our griefs, and all our wants make known : at 8 That mercy we may there obtun ■ for sins and errors past, V And grace to help in time of necsd, while days of trial last. : 5S ANOTHBB VBBSION OP THI SAlOt CommandnunU ; J^tireai; Baroua; Raleigh. ml WHKRXhightheheav'nlytemplestiuids, The house of God not niade with hands, A great High Priest our nature wears, The guardian of mankind appears. wp 2 He w ho for men their su r et y sto od. And pour'd on eaa^ his precious blood, » Pursues in heav'n his mighty, plan. The Saviour and the friend of man. mp 3 Though now ascended up on high, He bends on earth a brother's eye ; . ' Partaker of the human name. He knows the frailty of our fnone. m i Our fellow-suff'rer yet retains A fellow-feeling of our pains ; ' And still remembers in the skieil : d His tears, his agonies, and crieSL mp 5 In ev'ry pang that rends the heart, The Man of sorrows had a part ; m; He sympathizes with our grief, - And to the suff'rer^onds relief. mf 6 Witliiwldness, therefore, at the throne, . Let us make all our sorrows known ; 'And ask the (uds of heav'nly p6w'r To help us in the evil hour. 59 HKB.xiil-i3. • Je/lkton; St Fvibert; Leamington, < m 1 Behold what witnesses unseen encompass'us around ; Men, once like us, with Buff 'ring try'd,' ; but now wi0i glory crown'd. -inf^-tuHru s, with zeal like th e irs inspir'dr -^ begin the Christian race. And, freed from eadi enicumb'ring' \; tiieir holy footsteps trace, [weight .■.■:■- ' ■■- '";■ 809 ^- 106 (p».i.i-«. >•<««•.) Ar-J I J JrzJ HAMPT0N.-8 Jl Amm. the niigh-tj Ood, th« Lord, Hath ipo-kra, and did call The earth, from rii - log of the ran. To where h« hath hit fall. » ir PARAPHRASES LIX., LX. / S Behold a witaesB nobler still, . who trod affliction's path, I; Jesu8,)Ut onee the finisher «ad author of ouf faith, m 4 He for the joy before him set, 80 gen'rous was his'love, e * Endur'd the cross, despis'd the shame, and now he reigns above, mp 5 If he the scorn of wicked men with patience ^d Biuitaihj / m ' Becomes it tiiose for whom he dy'd tomurmur or complain? "^ ' ".. mp ft !^ave ye like him to bloqd, to death, the cause of truth maintain'd? And is your heav'nly Father's voice forgotten or disdain'd^ ' m 7 My son, saith he, with patient mind endure the chaist'ning rod ; Believe, when by afflictions try'd, V ^»»* *hou art lov'd by God. ' i8^ His children thus most dear to him, .their heav'nly Father trains, ^ Through all Uie faiurd experience led ' : of sorrows and of pains. mp 10 A father's voice wiih rev'rence wv oni earth have often heard ; m The Father of oiur spirits now demands the same regard. 11 Parents may err ; but he is wise, nor lif tit the rod in vain ; His chast'nings serve to cure the soul by salutary pain, mp 12 Affliction,, when it spre^wis around, may seem a field of woe ; M' Yet tiiere, at last, the happy fruita of righteou«me8s shall grow. ', , fl^iSThen let our hearts no more despond, our hands be weak no more ; \ Still let uft trust our Father's love. 60 /^hi^ wisdom still adore. , Hkb. xiiL 20, 21j^^ St. Agna, Durham ^Litra. nf 1 Father of peace, and (Jod of love ! we own Uiy pow'r to save. That pow'r by which our Shepherd ros^ victorious o'er the grave. "We Imovr he owns us for his sons, 'when we correction share ; - Nor wander as a bastard race, •without our Father's care. «};'■;'• ■r..':ai0, -^ ..,-■■ . :■-■"'"■ 2 Him from the dead Uion brongfam when, by his sacred blood, (dgam, Confirm'd and seal'd for evermore, th' eternal cov'nant stood. tMtd^aalMiM&Mkm^jtMlM^'M.Iti 196 (i^«iT.i<K.i7»Mfl..ir.) nABJESZJL-aM. OUOktnU. CMwiM«|ytMi |!f=J=M-f^rM J A J J A ^^^^ A 'A Qt iB^^^^^f^^^^^^^^^^ O d.a,h.t«, Uk. good he^; in . dine, and gira good •«; Thot. mu.t for . get th, kl» - dred lUI. And fa ■ thtrt ho«. mort daw. PARAPHRASES LX., I.XI., LXII. mp ^ d may thy Spirit seal our souls, and ^oUld them to thy will, That our weak hearts no more may stray, but keep thy precepts still ; : m 4 That to perfection's sacred height we nearer still may rise, And all we think, and all we dp^ • be pleasing in thine eyes. 51 1 Petkr i. jWi. Ji<r«tuh; Olouceifer; 5<. Pavid. / 1 BUESd'D be the everlasting (jrod, tiie Father of our Lord ; BjB his abounding n^ercy prais'd, /his majesty ador'd. %% When froin the dead he rais'd his Son, , ' ' and call'dTiim to the sky, '%S He grave our souls a lively hope that they should never die. 3 To an inheritance divine he taught our hearts to rise ^ c 'Tia unoorrupted, undefil'd, ■~ — — ' unfading in the skies 62 2 Pkter iii.>14. ~ atNieholoi. Chant SiS. ml Lo ! in the last of days behold m 4 Saintis by the pow'r of God jtrelcept y till the salvation come : / ^jf V We walk by faith as stnuigers here ; but CSirist shall caU us home. a faithless race arise ; Their lawless lust their oq^ ruliai ; and thus the scoffer C^ies ; mf 2 Where is the promis^j^deem'd so true, that spoke the SaViour near ? E'er since our fathers slept in dust, V no change has roach'd our ear. 3; Years roll'd^on years successive glide, since first the world b^^h, - And QH^ the tide of time still floats, secure, the bark of man. m 4 Thus speaks the scoffer; but his / ■ words /\ conceal the truth he knowSj y That from the waters' dark abytn ''^ the earth at first arose. 5 But when the sons of men b^;aii with' one consent to stray. At Heav'n's command a deluffe awepfe the godless race away. mp 6 A diff 'rent fate is now prepar'd for Nature's teemblii^ frame ; Soon shall her orbs be aU envraapt in one devouring flame. O 211 •w—^^^fm" 197 (Pi. ilT. »-T, •«. ••r.) OLD liMtk— 8J1 Ommnn Frtneh F$mtUr. 164A. ^-f ^fen jj— t-gj— i _j_i j--*^ j tJ I »' ' I Thy sword flrd on thjr thlfb, Tboa th«t art mmt of nlfhti Ap-pMr Ilk dread -fal ma - ]•• • ty, And in thy glo - ry brifht \ r . ■ liiii 1 1 •\- PARAPHRASES LXII., LXIII. «]> 7 Reserr'd are Binners for the hour when to the gtilf below, Arm'd with the hand of sov'reign pflfw'r, ' the Judge consigns his foe. ,! V 8 Though now, ye just I Hift time ai^pSMub protracted, dark, unknown, m An hour," a day^a thousand years, to heav'n's great Lord are one. ' 9 Still all may share his sov'reign grace, in ev'ry diange secure I The meek, the suppliapt j»ntrite jrace, shall find his mercy «ure. -' ,10The contrite face he counts his friends, forbids the suppliant's fall; Condemns reluctant, but extends the hopja,of gihtoe to all. mpU Yet as the night-wrapp'd thief who to seize th' Expected prize, [lurks / Thus steals the hour when Christ shall and thunder rend the skies, [come^ 12 Then at the loud, the solemn peal, the heav'ns shall burst away ; The elements shall melt in fliunQ at Nature's final day. M 13 Since ill this frame of things must end, as Heav'n has so decreed, How wise our inmost thoughts to guard, and i»^tch o'er ev'ry deed; ■vV^: v212t/-'V\-^, -.;:-■■■;: ;■■ 14 £xpecting/»lm th' appointed houT) j wh«9, Nature's conflict o'er, nsf I A new lad better world shall rise, ^'%' #here/sin ii known no more. 63 f lJoHNm.l-4. Ntwington : Bavetuiintrg. n\f 1 Behold th' amazing gift of love the Father hath bestow'd ^ V tOn us, the sinful sons of men, to call us sons of God ! MP 2 Conceal'd as 3ret this honour Hei, by this dark world unknown, A world that knew not when he came, ev'n God's eternal Son. m/ 3 High is the rank we now possess ; but higher we shall rise ; Though what we shall hereafter be is hid from mortal e^es : / 4 Our souls, we know^ when he appears, / shall bear his image bright ; / For all his glory, full disdoa'd, ^all open to^our s^t.- m 5 A hope so great, and so divine, may trials well endure; 11^ And purge the soul from sense and sin, M Christ bimself is pure. 198 (Pi. !!▼. 1»-1T^ «M- wr) WtBDAM.-^M. VMM 9i 8. Baom. a*ti(h-t«r of the King All |lor-ionir U with • lot . irttb •m - brol • d«r - Iw of gold Her far-nienU wrought h«Te been. PARAPHRASES LXIV., LXV, m 1 Rbv.L6-^. York! Bon Accord. To him th6t lov'd the souls of men, land wash'd us in his blood, To roy&l honours rais'd our head, and made us priests to God ; / 2 To him let ev'ry tongue be praise, and e^'ry heart be love ! All grateful honours paid on earth, d nobler sopgs above ! hold, on flying clouds he comes ! his -saints shall bless the day ; While they that pierc'd him sadly in angpuieh and dismay. [mourn 4 I am the First,' and I the Last ;^ time centres all ill me ; / Th' Almighty God, who was, and is,, and evermore shall be. QQ Rev. V. 6-14. Si. Magnus; Lebanon; Efffingkam, ml Behold the glories of the Lamb P amidst hv Father's throne } / F^pare new honours for his name, and songs before unknown, m 2 Lo ! elders wonhip at his feet ; the church adores around. With vials full of odours ridi, apd harps of sweetest sound. 3 These odours are the pray'rs of saints, these sounds the hymns they raise ; God bends his ear to their requests, he loves to hear their praise. 4 Who shall the Father's record search, and hidden thinfs reveal? / Behold the Son that record takes, and opens ev'ry seal J mf 5 Hark how th' adoring hosts above with Bonga surround the throne ! Ten thousand thousand are their to|igues; ^ but idl their hearts are one. m 6 Worthy the Lamb that dy'd, they cry, to be exalted thus ; . tuf Worthy the Lamb, let us reply, for he was' slain; for ns. / 7 To him be pow'r divine ascrib'd, and endless blessiHgrpaid ; Salvation, glory, joy^ remain ' for ever on his head ! 8 Thou hast r edeem -d us with thy blo o d, - and set the pris'ners free ; Thou mad'st us kings and priests to .--''' - God, . .■.:'.. and we shall reign with thee. 109 (Pi.L7-16,>tlMr.) PIAOITB.— BJC. I«v. L. B. Wwr. 1T»4«1 I I J j 4= *^^r li|r |M0 • pU Is • r'«l hMT, flpMk wlU t , horn on hlghT^ 4-|«lJMtihM I wUi tM • tt • fr: Ood, tv'a thy Ood, am I; . PARAPRRAiBES LXV., LXVI., LXVIL W 9 From ev'ry kindred, ev'ry tongue, . thou brought'it thy ohoson raCo ; And diatant landfl and iHlea have Bhftr'd mf the riches of thy grace. . 10 Let all that dwell above the sky, or on the earth below, t With fields, and floods, and ocean's to thee their homage show, [shores, /ll To Him who sits upon the throne, the God whom we adore. And to the Lamb that once was slain, be glory evermore. ' 6fl( Rbv. viL 13-17. ■ . , Mmmanvul ; 8t, AtapK m i How bright tht^MS^orious spirits shine ! whence all their white array ? How came they to the blissfiU seats of everlasting day ? inp 2 Lo ! these are they from suflTrings great, who came to realms of light, « And in the blood of Christ have wash'd —— — — thos j t rob e a w hich shine so b r ight. / S Now, with triumphal palms, they stand before the tiirone on high. And serve the Ood they love, amidst the glorfu of the sky. 2M 4 His presence fills each heart with joy, tunes ev'ry mouth to sing : By day, by night, the sacred courts with glad hosannahs ringw mf 5 Hunger and thirst are felt no more, nor suns with scorching r^^ / Ood is their sun, whose cheering beams diffuse eternal day. n\<6 The Lamb which dwells amidst the shall o'er them still preside ; [throne .•« Feed them with nourishment divine, and all their footsteps guide. / 7 'Mong pastures green he'll lead his flock, where living streams appear ; ■ And Ood the Lord from ev'ry eye shall wipe ofiF ev'ry tear. 07 RKV.xxtl-9. Fer. 1-7, IParwieJb; HiKfdcft^Id,' 8-12, leonium; ColahiXL. v . mf\'Lo\ what a glorious sight appears to our admiring eyes ! The former seas h»ve paas'd away, the former earth and skies. 2 From heav'n the New Jerus'lem comes, all worthy of its Lord ; / See all things now at last renew'd, and piandise rMtor^d 1 800 (P» ««♦ >*^ f^ •^•^ "• BMMl-^'J^ o» •*«»~ ii«»AM. DM nift Tom aa • •• ">• ^X '•«*• >■* to »• ">« • «y - •kowt B« . MUM UukI 1 •» Tii«« i * -A And »m broufhl w - r low. >;• PARAPHRASE LXVII. .^ 8 Attending fcngeli ihottt for. Joy, and the bright armiM sing ; mS Mortalu I behold the sacred Beat " of your descending King ! 4 The God of glory down to men removes his blens'd abode ; / He dwells with men ; his people they, and he his people's God. m 6 His gracious htod shall wipe the tears from ev'ry weeping eye : J And pains and groans, and griefs and *' and death itself, shall die. [fears, m 6 Behold, I change all human things I saith he, whose words are true ; r^S Lo ! what was old is pass'd away, and all things are inade new. . m 7 I am the First, and I the Last, through endless years the same;. ' , , I AM, is my memorial still, ■ and my eternal name. i^ 8 Ho, ye that thirst t to you my graM ~ shall hidden streams discloM, And oiMjn full the sacred spring, whence life for over flows. 9 Bless'd is the man that overo(Muea| I H own him for a son { . A rich inheritance rewards the conquests he hatli won. i mv 10 But bloody hands and hearts undeail, and all Uie lying race, The faithloM, and the wexMsc^ crew, who spurn *t offer'd grace j^ 11 They, seiz'd by justice, shall be doom'd in dark abyss to lie, (t And in the fiery burning lake the second death shi^l die. mp 12 O may we stand before the Lamb, when earth and seas are fled, m And hear the Judge pronounce oiur with blessings on our head ! [: Sift I .1 pi- K 201 (Fi.uT.»>i6,>in<«ir.) ST. IfABt ABB0TTS.~8JL w.HoB«ur. um. J : vsf-: ^^^^^^^^^» / 1 S^ • God good and np • right in: Tha iny bo'll dn-aent Aowv The meek in Judg • ment he will goide, And make hli path to know. <s^ ■'■ ^# HTMHS. -♦♦- jretoingtoa ; <S(. pavid. Chant ttit. 9^. 1 Wbxs aU iby merpies, my Grod ! J my rising soul surveys, ^ iT Transported.with the "view, I'm lost in wpnder, loye, and praise. 2 O how shall words, wi^eqiial warmth, • the gratitude declare liiat glows within my ravi8h'4 neart ! > Imt Thou canst read it thei^. M 3; Thy providence my Ufe sustidn'd, and all my wants redrest, .When in the nilent womb I lay, and hung upon the breast. 4 To all my wifiak complaints and cries thy men^ lent an ear. Ere yet my feeble thoughts had Idam'd - to fonqt themsftlyeii in p ray'r. ^ 6 UVmum^'d ooipforta to my soul thy tinider care bestow'dt ■■-■ '.2t6 ■... Before my infant heart cot&odv'd . from whom these comforts flow'd. $ When in the slipp'ry paths of youth. ^ with heedless steps I ran ; mf Thine aim; unseen, convey'd me saf^ (,,' and- led me up to man : m 7 ^Ilixbugh hidden dangers, toils, and it gently clear'd my way ; [deaths. And through the pleasing snares of vice, more to be fear'd than they. ; B When worii with sickness, oft hast thou witii health r^siew'd my face ; , And, when in sins and sorrows sunk, reviv'd my soul with gnce. ntf 9 Thy bounteous hand with worldly bliss Imth made my cup run o'er ; And, in a kin^ and faithful Mend, hathd o uMe /lOTen tiiousaiiid tfaouMud prcdous j^fts my daily tiiaaks emidoy ; "^ I ^ ffj *^ Dr. OAtmtHt* Bin I rJ I J J J g :=3C ^ t I ^^^ y.T,:..-: Shine on nt with thy faM: I/)rd, bless «nd ' pi • tjr m, That th'earth thy way, and na - ttoiU all May kiww thy »▼ • Ing grace. X^ ^mY~r ' ' ' M M'V,';r ■^-r ■*»WHftOBHa5BeS9W985B!!TSr HYMNS I., IL, IIL Nor is the least a cheerful hofft, that tastes these gifts with joy. m/U Through ey'ry poriod of my life . tiiy goodness I '11 proclaim ; , ,. / And after death, in distant worlds, . resume the glorious theme. 11^12 When nature fails, and day and night divide thy works no more. My ever grateful lieart, Lord, *' thy mercy shiskll adore. 13 Through all eternity to thee .' a joyful song 1 11 mse : / For, oh ! eternity 's too snort , to uttw all thy praise. "-^^----.^^ 2 Otterbdum^; ftnon. . . / 1 Thv spacious firmament on high, With all the blue ethereal sky, ' And spat^pled heav'ns, a shining frame, , Their great Original proclaim. iR 2 Th' unweary'd sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's powV display ; ^ e And publishes to ev'ry land /^ The work of an Almighty hand. And, nightly to the list'ning earth, Repeats the story of her birth ; mSA While all the stars that round her bum, And all the planets in their turn, (ktnfirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to . pole. m 5 What though in solemn silence aH .. Move round the dark terrestrial ball ? What liiough no real voioei nor «ound. Amidst their radiant orbs be found ? n^ 6 In Reason's ear th|^ all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; For ever smging, as they shine, ^ "The hand that made us is divine." mp 1 When rising from the bed of death^ o'erwhdm'd with guilt and fear, I see my Maker f doe to face, . O how shafl I appear I 2 If yet while pardon may be foimd, and mercy may be sought, d My heart with inward horrof ihrinla, and trembles at the thought; V 3 When thou, O Lord ! shalt ittUld^fe^ , in majesty te^ere, ' [doi'd m 3 Soon a« the ev'ning shades prevail. The moon takes up the wondrous tale. 203 (Pa. xnr. I-^.^Mmt.) SBtJIiuHUC. B.A.8ion. dLy J £1 PT^F^ ag ' -«-i- J I J r i_d T^ g i To thee I Uft my toul: Lord, I trttrt In tfaeot Mjr Qod, let m9 not be a-shwu'd, Nor f oea trl - umph o'er me. P 'A Jij /■'xl^ a^ ^ * ,( 3g !■ < g - — ^ <g M I - a ^ ^ I J I J^" . nrrff =^ SE HNIMlHi HTHNS III.) IV., v. j^d sit ih judgment on my aoul, p O how shall I appear ! nip 4 But tiioti hast told the troubled mmd, who doth; her sins lament, That timely grief for errors past i^iiall future w()e prevent. >y m. 5 Then see the sorrowsof my heajrt, t ere yet it be too late ; 'And hear my Saviour's dying groans, ; - to give tiiose sorrows weight. ' 6 For never shall my soul despair ; y. of ibercy s^t thy throne, Who knows thibe only Son has dy'd thy justiee jbo atone^ >^ l^ngham; Tottenham: Southvbdrk. - / 1 Blest morning ! whose first dawnmg '. ■ ta,ya ' ' beheld the, Son of <Qod m9. ; Arise triumphant from the grave, and leave his dark abode. p% Wrapt in the silenoe of the tomb ' the great Redeemer lay, /nil the revolving skies had brooc^t the third, th' ap^int e d day. w 3 Hell and the grave oomfain'd thdr force to hold our Lord in vain ; . «8 / tn/4 f * ■ 5 mp 1 2 Sudden the Cbnctueror arose, and bunft their feeble chain. To thy.great name. Almighty Lord ! we sacred honours pay. And loud hosannahs shal} j^xiolauin the triumphs of the day. . Salvation and immortal praise to our victorious King ! Let heav'n and earth, and rodcs and -seas, '''':.; ' with "glad hosannahs ring. ^ To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, '<- the God whom we adore. Be glory, as it was, and is, ' and shall be evermore. ; EitfOd. Old Thk hour of myBeparture 's con)p ; I hear the voice that calls me home : A^last, O Lord ! let trouble cease. And let thy servant die in peace. The race appointed I. have run ; The combat's o'er, the prize is won; And now my witness is on high, Ancl now my record 's in the sky. 804 CP». txf. M-u, jmt •wf.) 8BRisniTz.-ftM. ?r Ifvgr V 1 ^ Wh»t nwui It he th»t fern Thf Lord, and doth him •ervet HimahaU he tewh the w»y th»t he ' Sh»U choow, wd •tffl ob - ierre. ^ i gy' l i^V'-' V '-';''l;r' ^^ ji^^'j j^^ r-J 1^ ^ -^ PASSAGES OP SCEIPTUBE PARAPHRASED. imp 3 Not in mine innpcence I trust j I bow before the© in the dtwBt ; M And through my Saviour's blood alone I look fOT mercy at thy throne* j» 4 I leave the world without a tear, Save for the friends I held so dear ; To heal their soiroW, tiOrd; descend^ And to the friendless inrov^ a friend. mp 5 I come, I come, at thy command^ I give my spirit to thy hand ; Stretch forth thine everlasting ahn8» And dhield me in the last alarms. pp 6 The hour of'my departure 's come, I hear the voice that calls me home : p NoW,rO my God! let trouble cease; Now let thy servant die in peace. -H- % PA'SSAGES OF SCHIPTURE PARAPHRASED. I. Gttieaisi. n. Genekts xzrUi. 20-22. ni«|^obl.21. IV: Jobiii;iT-20. V. JobT.e-12. VL Job viii. 11-22. VII. Job Ix. 2-10. VHL Jobxiv.i-15. IX. Job zzvi. 9-14. X. FrOT. i. 20-81. XI. Prbv. lU. 18-17. 'XII. Ptot. vl. 6-12: XinPrav. v ML 22-86. - XIV. Bodes, vli. £-6. XV. Ecelee. iz. 4-6, 10. XVI. Eodes. xlt L XVII. Isidahi. 10-19. XVIII. Ludah U. 2^. XIX. luiahix. 2-8. XX. I«ki»h xxTl. 1-7. XXI. Iifiah zxzUi. 18-18. XXII. lakUkh zL 27-81< XXIII. iMtish zUi. 1-18. XXIV. Ittddii zliz. 18-17. XXV. Isaiah liU. XXVI. Isaiah It. XXVn. Isaiah Ivii. 16. 1«. XXVIII. Isaiah Ivlii. 1^-9. XXIX. Lamwit iU. 87-40. XXX. XXXI. XXXII. HoseavLl-4. MioahTL6-9. Habak.liLl7,18. xxxni. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVII. XXXVIII. XXXIX. x:t. XLI. vXLlL XLIII. xtrv. XLV. Matth. vi. 9-14. Matth. zl. 2fr-80. Matth. zztL 28-29. Liike i. 48-60. Lake U. ^6. Luke U. 26-88. Luke iv. 18, 19. . Luke zv. 18-86. John iiL 14-ia. Jpto ziv. 1-7. John ziv. 26-28. John ziz. 80. .. lUnnans iL 4-8i XL VI. Bomanlitt. 19-Sfc XLVn. XLVm. Bomaas vL 1-7. Bomaas tilL 81-88. 219 f^'^^i'J^^h^r. S06 CUicvnSTAirUT. Dtidioi lord, Men tnd pi . ty Tliat th'Mrththjr way, and M. Shia« on M ^<dth thy fan.; •«on.-l M.7 know thy «^:^^ -.>- -XJk p^^^^^ - ■ ■ ■■ ■■■■. -. *• . 1 . "^' ■ ■■■ ..■■•.-: ■" '■ ■ ■ ■.. ■■,'■'• '^- ■ ':. ■. ,- .;. ;.■■;■ '.•■;! ■■ ., ., " }':.:■'.■ ^ ' • ■. /■ " ■ • , ;. ■ ' • / LIST OF PROSE PSALMS IN FOLLOWING SELECTION. »- Xnx. 1 Corinth. zUl. , LTal. Another Vtrtion nf Vu LXVI. Rev, Til. 18-17. 1 •'■■ 'J-, L. 1 Corinth, jrr. 62-68. tame. K LXVII. Eev. xxi. l-». J LI. 2 Goriint]!. ▼. 1-11. LIL PhUip.Ji. 6-12. LIX. Heb. zU. 1-18. LX. H«b. xiU. 20, 21. ■.-■"-'■■ " ■ ■'«• '' LII|. lTheM.lv. 13^. LXL IPeteri, 3-6.. ' HYMN& ' ■ -'.-Jif- LIV. «Tim.i.l2. - LV. 2 Tim. It. 6-8, 18. /.Xir. ^ Peter Ui. 3-l«. ' - ■ . LXIII. 1 John ill. 1-4. , HtxN I. ' htkn in. LVL TitilsiU.8-0. LXiy.,IleT.I.fr-9. Brunt II. Htxm IV. *■ LVU. Hebi It. 14-16. LXV. Eev. v. 6-14. * 1 . Htkn v. /- ^v -- LIST OF PROSE PSALMS IN FOLLOWING SELECTION. , PMlml. - ': . PMlmjXLIII. r Psalm XCI. 1 Psalm CX!XVI. ■■v fnlmVin. Psalm XLVI. ' EsalmXqiL * PMlmXCilL Psalm CXXX. PMlmXIX. PsalmLL- Psalm CXXXII , 1 ■ ' PaiamXXilt Pnlm LXIU. , *■ PsalmXCV. V Psalm CXXXIIL . FtalinXXiy. Psalm LXV. . PskimXCVI. Psalm pXXXVL' ' PMlmXXVU. Psalm LXVI. Psalm XCVIII, ■Psalm CXXXIX. PnlmXXIX. Psalm LXVIL Psalm c. , PsafinCXLV.. ^ P«dm XXX. Psalm LXXn. PsalmOin..v Psalm GXLVI. * PnlmlltXIL ; Psaln»LXXIIL V Psalfn LXXXiyU Psalm LXXXV?I\ PsalBlCIV. Psalm CXLVIlL ' ■ PnlmX£xin. PsaMCXI. • Lake I. (46-66X Pwom xxxrv.* Psalm CXVL Lo^e L (68-79). sP^lm XXXVI. Psalm LXXXVL \ Psalm CXXL yak»lL<^i4i^ > . Fi^m XI.IT. PsalivXC. ^?»almCXXlt ^ .- • * • • V 1 ** >-.. "^» ¥#.^i <Mei Th7 nrord gird on thy ^, tiliigh, Thon tiuit «rt mpit of might: Ap - pur in .dread - fal nw •> Jm ^ tjr. And tn thy glo • ry bright. jj n^- J -J J^j _^ B-17. Htxn III. BTMir IV. IT. 30N. xXvi. XXX. ^XXII XXXIII. XXXVI. XXXIX. XLV.. ^ xtvi. XLVliL (46-«6X (68-79). ■ /■-.■ EEOSE PSALMS. •♦♦- 'i, 1 • PSALM I. '. Chant* m.ft(2. 1 Blessbd is the man that walketh not in the coun' sel | o£-the * un | godly, ll npr rtand- eth 'in the way of sinners^ nor'sit'teth in the I seat... I of the I scornfuL . ? But his delight is in the law' | of the I Iiord; 11 and in his law' doth he | mecU'Ute | day and Knif^W . 3"And he ^all !» like a tr^ planted by the rivers of water, iiiat bringeth forth his fruit' I in his I seasoli ; II h>« l«»f »l80 abaU^ not wither ; and what' so j ever 'he I doeth^ shall I prosper. • ' 4 The ungod' ly | are not [ so : |t but are like the chaff' which the | wind... | driveth * 6 Fbr th^ Lord knoweth the way' jof the | righteous : || but the way' of the un | god ... | ly shall I p^ish. . - . ^ PSALk VIIL ^ a I way. ■. ■ „•. "~"^~~7 """ <^^" 5 Therefore the xrtigodly shall not stand' | in the | judgnnaint, jj nor nnners in tiie coft' gre I gatkm j bf tb* | nghteonis. Chanti gi8, 9S8. , ,^10 LoBD our Lord, hoje excellent is thy name', in | all the | earth4'-||,who hast set' thy I glory * a | bove the | heavens. ^ 2 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast 'thou ordained strength because'' | of thine i enemies, || tiiat thou mightest still', the I ene • my | and, • the-a I venger. 3 When I consider thy heavens,,tbiework^ | of tiiy I fingers, || the moon and tile stars'* \ wluch thou I hast or I dained ; 4 What i s of-him? II and the' sOtt' of xtm^ I tha(t thott j ,vis»-ert|ham? . I 5 Fofr thou hastmade him a little lowf «r | / 807 (H..^./«.w.) souTinnat-Bji. n„*^i^. -, . 7 Miiu ao aeek Sliam'd ud ^a-fooiid-iBd . Iw. ^^iP PROSE PSALMS VIII., XIX. than the | angeb, || and hast crown' ed | him with I glory ' and I honour. . 6 Thou madest him to have dominion over thd works' | of thy | hiuids ; || thou hast puf | all things | tmder 'his | feet : ^ 7 All' I sheep and | oxwi, \\ yea^^ andthe | beaPBts... yrf the Afield; ; 8 The ftwl of the air, and the fish/ 1 of the I sea, || and whatsoever passJIetii through 'hcLJjMths ... I of the I setuB. *9 O' I'Lord our | Lord, If how ex'cellent is thy I name in I all the J: eafth ! ^ ' mAJMX ChAtUitSO, 1 l^K heavens/ djedare the | gloiy ' of j Ood ; 1| an«U' the] fii^ma * mcait|BhoweUi * his | handyw;ork. .2 Da^^unto day' |utter • eth | spe«9ch, Hand night' unto I night... J'showeth | knowle^. 8 There* is no' | speech nor | Uutiguage, |) where' their j.'^bice ... I is not I heard. 4 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and thdr words to the.end' | of the j worid. 11 In them hath he s^t' a | taber 'naclp j lor the I sun, .^ , 6 Which is as a faride' groom coming out ) of his I chamber, H andii rejoi ' ceth as a •tocmg I man to I ran a I nu>B.i 6 HiB.rgoing fortii is from the end of the heaven, and his cir' cuit unto the | ends ... | of-it : II and there is nothihgi hid' j frcnn the | heat there I of . 7 The law of the Lord is per' feet, cpn) verting * the | soul : || the testunony of iho Lord' is^sure', | making ( wise the j simple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are light', te I joici^g ' thd I heart : \\ the commandment of the Lord is pure', en | lighten | ing the j eyes. " ' ■ -.'V , 9 The fear of the Lord is deaii', en | dur? ing 'for j ever : jj the juclgments of the Lord are true' and | righteous T alto j gether. .10 MoH to be desired are they than gold, yea', than | much fine | gold : \\ sweets et also than I honey I and the j honeycomb. 11 Moreover by- them' is thy j servant} warned; || and in keep' ii^ of them j there is I great re I ward. 12 Who' cail imder j stand his j emnrs? Q cleai;i|se' thou | me froin j secret [ faults. 18 .Ke^ back thy servuit also firom pre* suniptuous sins ; let them not have dcHoain' M A I over I m e l \\ tfi e n sha l l I be m 3> and I shall be in'nocent j from the [great trans I gression. 14 Let the words of my mouthy and tlve meditatioa of my heart, be ae' oeptaUe | in f*»U$r. 1^ ■ S08 (P>- ll-^Mtnr.) 8WA]BKL-BJf. Old a«rmMi Mdodjr. J. J J - .JU J_JL J A 3£ The \^h • ty God, the Lord, JBfsth • ipok - en, Md did call The eftrth, from rit • Ipg of tht^ biib, To where be b*th hie f»U. dLk- J I ,1-^t — J J i J , rj b) -j j I— I , ' — ■ I PROSE PSALMS XIX., XXIIL, XXIV., XXVIL* thyl sight; II O Loijd', my Istrength, and |my^ deemer. iBhephwJj II I'l j r» 4 PSALM XXIII. Chants g30,t68. 1 Thb' Lord^ I is my shall... I not... I want. 2 He maketh me to lie down' injgreen... J pastures: II he lead'eth me be Isidfe the | still... I waters. ; j 8 He' re | jptoreth • my | soul : l| hia leadeth me in the paths of ri^fht'eousnesslforhiflj name's ... I sake. - . 4 Yea, thoiigh I walk through the valley of the shadow of death', I will | fear no 1 evil : II for thou art with me ; thy rod' and thy I staft they I comfort I me. 5 Thov prepairart a table before me in ti»e lri^'ence|of minelenemies: || thou anointest my head with oil''; my | cup. ».| runneth j over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall- follow . me all the days' | of my | life: || and I will dwell in the house' | of the | Lord for'l 4ver. I. . ■ J , . . 6 ■ PSALM XXIV. 2 For he hath found' ed it up | on the | seas, H and estab'.iishedlit uplon thelfloods. 3 Who «h^ ascend into the hill' | of the | Lord? II or who^shall stand' t in his | holy | place? • , / , j 4 He that hath clean hands', and ^ | pure ... I heart ; || who hath not lifted up his souf unto va'ni ( ty, nor | sworn de | oeitfidly. 6 HeshaUreceivethebless'inglfromther Lord, Jl and rig^t' eousness from the I God of I his sal I vation. ^ u i 6 This is the genera' tion pf | tiiem that | seek-hira, II th*t' I seek thy | face, O | Jacob. 7 Lift up youi* heAds,^0 ye gates ; *nd be ye lift upf, ye ^erjlaitingldoors ; || and the King' of i glory I shall come | in. _ }• . 8 Who' is thislKittg of Igloryf II The|iord strong and might' y, the | Lord .;. | mighty inhbattle. 9 Lift up your heads, .0 ye gates ; even lift them up', ye ever | hwting | doors ; || and the Kingf of I glory | shall come |in.^ ^ 10 Who' iaii^khis | King of | glory? || The Lfard of hosts, he' | is the. | Kiiig of I glory* ClunUi 9i8, tSk. 1 Thb earth is the Lord's', and the I ful* ness • there I of ; || the world', and ) they that I d^ell there f i|i. e PSALM XXTOT Chaiti»tSB,tlAi 1 Tp« Lord iis my ligBt and my salvakioii; whomf I shall 1 1 fear?' It the Ix»d to the 200 (Pa. 1ST. ^15. /nt Mr.) 3S17BI0H.~8JC. B. O. Viamju yn»i mw to he thai ttin The Lord, ud'^oth 6im lem » Blm ihftU heteMhtha irar that ha BhaU ohooee, udatiU ob • serve. J- ,' ^t^ ^* ' I'pIZ^I^ fc^jd l l j l- f^^ --"■^ sa*j- ■MlMMMMli^itellS ■ / ■/ ■ PROSE PSALMS XXVII., XXIX. strength of my li^e ; of whom' | shall 1 1 be a I fraid? 2 When the wicked, eVeh mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat' | up my | flesh, II they' | stumbled | and ... | fell. 3 Though an host should encamp against me, my heart' | shall not |faar : || though war should rise against' me, in (this mil 1 1 be | confident. , ' 4 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that' will 1 1 seek ... | after; || that I may ^ dwell in. the hoijseof the Lord all the days * of my life^ to behold the beauty of the Lord', and to en j quire ... | in his | temple. 6 For in the time of trouble he shall hide' me in I his pa | vilion : || itf the secret of his tabemade shall he hide me ; he shall set' me I up up I on a I rock. 6 And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine ene'mies | round a | bout-me : || therefore will I oflfer in his tabernacle sacri- fices of joy ; I will sing, yea, I will sing' j praises I unto • the I Lord. 7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry? \ with my | voice: )| have mer'cy also upon j me, and) answer I me. 8 When thou saidst. Seek' | ye my\{ic(f; || my heart said unto thee, Thy' | face, Lord, j will 1 1 seek. 9 Hide not tfiy face far from md ; put not thy ser' vant a | way in | angei^ : || thou haat been my help ; leave me not, neither forsake* me, O I God of j my saJ j vation. 10 When my fa'ther and my | mother- for I sake-me, || then' the | Lord will | take me I up. '■ , 11 Teadi' me thy [way, 6 | Lord, || and lead me m a plain' path, .be | cause ... | of mine | enemies. 12 Deliver me not over unto the will' ) of mine I enemies: || for false witnesses- are risen up against' me, uid | such as | breathe out | <anelty. • ° 13 I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the good'ncMs | of the j Lord || in' the | land ... I of the I living. 14 Wait oh the Lord : be of good courage, and he' shall | strengthen * tiiine j heart: |} M'ait', 1 1 say, ... | on the | Lotti 7 PSALM XXIX ChanUm, gJiS. 1 GiVB unto the Lord', JO ye | migKty, || give 'unto the j Lord ... j glory 'and) strei^. 2 Give unto the Lord ' tiie glory due j unto * hisjname; || worshiptheLonl'Imtlwj beauty* of I holiness. SIO (Pi. ooiu. 1-6. Me. Mr.) IiBU0BAB8.-4^6.ft. T.I..BAVPI.T. isi»-ia0r. .■■■■ .7X ■ ' *■ ■. PROSE PSALMS XXIX., XXX« '8 The voice of the Lord is uoon the waters : theOod^ of I glory | thunderetlu || the Vrd' is up I on... I mui]^| waters. 4 The voice' df the | !Lord is | powerful; || the voice' of the | laord is | full of | majesty. 5 The voice of the Lord' | breaketii 'the | cedus ; )|; yea, the Lord' i breaketh ' the J cedars 'of I Lebanon. 6 H6 nialceth them also to skip' | like a | calf ; II LebanonandSir'ionllikea | young... j jmicorn. 7 The voice' j of the j Lord || di' | videth • the I flames of I fire. . 8 The voice of the Lord' | shaketh ' the | wilderness ; II the Lord sha'keth the | wilder j ness of I Kadeiiih> 9 The voice or>1fie Lord maketh the hinds to calve. Mid discov ' er | eth tiie | forests : || mditt his temple doth eve'ry one | speak ... | of his I glory. 10 The Lord sit'teth up j on the | flood; || yea, the Lord' j atteth | King for | ever. *11 The Lord will give strength' | unto* hisj people; || the Lord' will I bless his I people ' witili I peace. 8 'psalm XXX. Chanti as, tSS. lIlviLi. extol' I thee, j Lord; jj fcirthoa hast lifted me up, anc( hast not' made my foes' to*e I joice... I over fme. ; 2 O Lord my God, I cri'ed | uJito | thee, || and' I thou hast | healed | me. °' 3 O Lord, thou hast brought up my soul ' | from the | grave : Jl thou hast kept me aliye,- tiiat I should not' go | down ... | to the | pit 4 Sing unto the Lord', O ye | saints of | his, II and give tiianks' ttt the re I membranoe I of hiiB 1 holiness. 8 For his anger endureth but a moment; in his' I favour 'is j life: || weeping vaky endure for a night, but joy' | oometh | in the I morning. 6 And in my prosper 'i | ty I j said, || I' shall I ne ... I ver be I moved. 7 Lord, by thy favour thou hast made my mountain' to | stand... | strong ; || thou^didst hide' thy | face, and 1 1 was | troubled. 8 1 cri'ed to | thee, I Lord; || and vaa^ the Lord' 1 1 made | suppli | cation. 9 What profit is there in my blood, when I go down' I to the I pit? || Shall the dust praise thee? shall' | it de | clare thy | truth? 10 Hear, O Lord', and have | vuiBey ' up] ~ on-me i || Lord ', be j thou ... j my ^.] helpisr. 11 Thou hast turned for me mymoiurn'ing] into I dancing: || thou hast pot off my sack' doth, and I ginied I me with I gladneH. 811 <yM.nm.^i%m.9tr.) ST. -«.6.e.«. ■•'\«"*"^»* iiOi I do itratoh my /hands To the*, 1117 help • • lone; . For thon wall on • der /lUnds All mj co(n • plaint and moan. \' •at ' ^- ■ I I gj ^ J . i:.. "T'l J ' .^4- I PROSE PSALMS XXX., XXXII., XXXIII. '12 To the end that my glory may sing pnuse to theo/, and | not be { silent. || O Lord my God, I will give thanks' | unto | thee fw lever. 9 PSALM XXXli. . - Cfconto«5I,«fia. ; ^ ■ 1 BLBSCixn is he whoae transgression' | is for I given, |[ whose' | jsin ... | is ... | covered. 2 Blessed, is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth' I not in | iquity, || and in whose' j spirit * there I ia no I guile. ^ When I jcept silence, my bones f ( waxed | old IJ through' my | roaring | all-the ' day j long. 4 For day and night thy hand 'was I heavy* up I on-me: || my moisture is tiim'ed | into * the I drought of J summer. 5 1 aolmowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniq'uity have 1 1 not | hid. || I said, I wfll confess my transgressions imto the Lord ; and thou f(»rg»' vest th^ in | iqui ' ty t of my | sin. 6 For thia shril every One that is godly preserve' | me from | trouble; || thou shalt compass me about' with | songs... | of de|. liverance. 8 I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way' which j thou shaft t go : || I' will | guide thee I with mine | eye. 9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no' | under | standing : || whoso mouth murt be iield in with bit and bridlJB, lest' they come I near ... | uAto | thee. 10 Many sorrows ' shall be (to Uie | wicked : |t but he that trusteth in the Lord, mer'cy shall I compass I him a I bout. *11 Be glad in the Lord', and re j joioe, ye | ril^hteous ! || and shout for joy, all ye' { tiiat are (upright 'in I heart. / id PSALM XXXIIL i REJtftOB in the Lord ', 1 ye | righteous : || for praise' is I comely I fdir the I upright. 2 Praise' the j Lord with | harp: || sing unto him with the pealter^ and an in 'stru | ment of | tea ... | string s. ' pny^iiaito theein a time' when thou | mayest! be I found: || surely m the floods of great watem they shall not^come' inigli... J unto | - him.' ,...'■.■ 7 Thon sort my hiding plaoe; thon shalt 3 Sing unjtp him' a | new ,.. | song; || play skil'fully|^tha|loud/.v|noise. ''■■ ' 4 For thejword' of tike |L9rd is | right; || and all' his | works are j dene in | truth. 5 Beloveth ri^^t'eous f ness and | jwlg* yv^jg'jp^-i.-^'-;- t, - 21S (Pi. obUU. 1^ «e. Mr.) tlOlLLUB.-S.MA. MMuJftM>i.«A.iu«i^ imL Ob, hwr mj pt^f • «r, Lord, And An -to nj d« • sir* To bow tblDt Mur M • ooid* I / bam-blj tbM n r qutra.' ^ ^ ^^^^.^^ 1^ r=^ --f^F :|rifefc:| PROSE PEAtMS XXXm.\ TXtlt, , I' ment: || the earth U full' of the | goodnoM | of the I Lord. 6 By the word of the Lord' were the.J heavens | made; || and all the hoet' of them by the | breath ... | of his | mouth. 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea to- gether' I as an I heap: |t he lay'eth | up the | depth in I storehbttses. 8 Let all the earth' | fear the (Lord : || let all the inhabitants of the world' {stand in | awe of I him. 9 For he sjpake', and i it was | done; || he oommand'ed, | and it | stood ... | fast. 10 The Lord bringeth the ooun' sel of the | heathen * to|nought : || he maketh thedevi'ces of the I people * of I none ef I feet 11 Theocoiinsel of the Lord' | standeth * for I ever, || the thoughts of |»i8 heart' to | til ... I gener I aiions. 12 Blessed ia the nation Moee God' | js tiie I Lord; II and the people whom he hath eho'sen I for his I own in Iheritance. 13 The Lord' | lookeUi ' from | heaven ; || he behold'eth | all the /<ons of | men. of his I habi I tation II the in|Wu' 'tantslof 14 iVom the place he looketh upon all the I earth. / 15 He fashion '<^ their I hearts a I like ; II he' eon | sider 'eUi | all thdr | wwks. 16 Tliiereisnoking:^avedbythemul'tltude| of an I host: || a mighty man ii^not' de| liver • ed I by much | strength. 17 AnTiome is a vain' | thing for I,safety : || neither shall he deliver any ' | l>y his | great . . . | strength. 18 Behold, the eye of the Lord' is upon | them that | fear-him, || upon tiiem' that I hope... I in his I mercy; . .. 19 To deliv'er their | soul from | death, || uid to keep' | Uiem a I live in | famine. . 20 Our soul wait'eth | for the J Lord : || he' is our I help ... | and our | shield. 21 For our heart' shall re | joioe in | hun, tj becauke we have trust' ed | in his | holy | name. 22 Lot thy mercy, O Lord', | beup|on-us» |l aooordf ing I as we | hope in | thee. > 11 PSALM ^PCXIV. Gkan(«^, t59. 1 Iwiixble8athetIiOrd'at|aU...rtimeit|| his praise shall oontin'ually | be ... | in my | mouth. 2 My sold shall make he r bo—t' | in tih e 1^ Lord : llvtiie hum'ble shall | hear-there ' of, | and be I glad. 3 mag'nify the | Lord with | me, || And let' us ex I lat his I name to I gether. !S^ 213 (Pa. eiiiu. »-ifl. M. wf.) DOLOMITE ORASf!~-^.BAA, ■f. 214 (Pa. OtilT., wo. V«r.) OLD 124th. — P.M. rium OMMMit /VMM* f1a««r. 1M& ^ ij- ^ J P' ': r ^fT TlTl^f r l -^^^^=rrTf^ Kow Ii • n • •! in«7 iajTi 4nd that tru • ly, 7^ . indtl If Uwtth* Lord had PROSE PflALMS XXXIV., XXXVt. 4 1 lought the Lord * , | and he | heard-me, | Mid deliver 'ed | me from | all my | fears. 6 lliey looked unto him', | and were | lightened: || and' their | faces 'were | not a I shamed. 6 This poor man ori'ed, and the | Lord . .. |. heard-him, || and la'ved him | out of | all his I troubles. 7 The angel of the Lord encampeth round' about t them that | fear-him, || md' | ... de | liver 'eth | them. 8 taste and see * that the | Lord is | good : || bless 'ed is the | man that | trusteth ' in t him. 9 O fear the Lord', | ye his | saints : || for there is no' | want to | them that | fear-him. 10 The young lions do lack', and | suffer | hunger : || but tihey that seek the Lord' shall | not want | any 'good | thing. 11 CSome, ye children, heark'en | unto | m9: ||i^ I will teach' you t^o | fear ... | of the j Lord. 12 What man is he' that de | sireth | %, || and loveth many days', that | he mi^^ ■ee . . . Igo o d? 13 Keep' thy | tongue from | evil, ]| and' thy I Hpa firom I speaking I guile. 14 Depart from e'vil, and | do ... | good; (| seek' I peace, ... I and pur I sue-iti 15 The eyes of the Lord' are np f on the \ righteous, || and his ears' are | open | unto* their | cry. 16 The face <A the Lord is agunat them' | that do I evil, || to out off the remem'brance j of them I from the | earth. 17 The righteous cry', and the | Ixird ... ) heareth, || an'd deliver 'eth them | out of | all their | troubles. 18 The Lord ii nigh unto them' that are of a I broken ] heart ; H and saveth such ' as | be, ' of -a I contrite | spirit. 19 Many are tlie afflio'tions I of the | righteous : || but the Lord deliver 'eth | him out I of them | idl. 20 He keep' eth | all his | bones : || not'l one of I them is | broken. 21 E'vil shall | slay the | wicked : || and they that hate' the | righteous (shall be| desolate. 22 The Lord redeemeth the soul' | of his| iservanta : || and none of them that trust' I h> him I shall be ( <k»olate. ; la JESALMXXX5L 1 The transgression of the wicked jaith' with I in my | heart, || that there is no fear ^ of I God be I fore his I ey^B. 2 For he flattoreth binuelf ' Jn hit | own...| ^*^'.^M •fm^rr^--';"^ " T '■'*WW!mf^^^W^ OLD 124ih-«<M4iniM(l. ones : || not' | not ourMttM main • Uln'd ; When cruol man a-gklnitiulru If that the I.ord had not our right itu - taln'd. rlout-ly Row upinwrkth,tonwkaof ua thalr prajr. ♦Vi. i PBOBKfSALUS XXXVI., XIJ|. •■■■■.# to be' eyea, [j until his inlq^iity be | found hateful. 3 The words of his mouth Mro iniq'uity | and de | oeit : || he h»th left off to be wise', j and to I do... i good. 4 He deviseth mis'ohief up | on his | bed;|t he setteth himself in a way that istiot good'; | he ab | horreth ' not | evil. 6 Thy. meroy, O Lord', is | in the | heavens; || and thy faith'fubiess , reacheth | unto * the I clouds. f 6 Thy righteousness is like the great mountains; thy judg'ments are a | great .. | deep: || O Lord, thou' pre | servest 1 man and I beast. 7 How excellent is thy lov'ing | kindness, * O I Ood I II therefore the childfen of men put their trurt^ under the | ajh»dow | of thy | wings. 8 They shall be abundantly satisfied with the fat'ness | of thy | house; || and thou shalt make them drink' of the | river | of thy | pleasures. 9 For^with thee' is Hm | fountain ' of j life t II in thy* I light shaU | we see | light - 10 O continue thy lovingkind'ness unto \ them that | know-thee; || and thyright'Mus- ness t to the I upright * in ) heart 11 Let hot the foot of prido' | oome » | gainiMb-me, || and let not the hand' | ol the | wicked * re j move-me. 12 There are the work'ers of in | iqui ■ ty j fallen : || they are dM^t down', and shidl { not be I able ' to ^ rise. 13 PSALM XLIL Chant Ses. 1 As the hart pant'eth | after ' the | water- larooks, || so paiiteth my soul' | after | thee, OjGod. 2 My s^ul^irsteth for God', for the j living I God i4\ When sludl I come' and i^ j pear be I fore ...f God? . 3 My tears have been my mear | day and | night, II while they oontinuftUy say' u^to me, I Where ... I is thy I God t 4 When I remember these things, I pour' out my I soul in | me : || for I had gone with, the multitude, I went with them to the house of God, vnth the voice of joy and praise', with a I multi * tude | tiiat kep* | holyday. 5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and wh y ' a r t thou die | quiet ' ed | in-me? || hope thou in dod: for I shall yet pndse' him for the I help . . . 1 1^ his | countenance. 6 my God, 09" soul is cast' | down vithj iB-me: || therefore will I remember thM «2» ■ 816 (?i.eixzTi,aM.«fr.) BIOKLBXOB.— PJL BAKuatltiAr t- rnlMOkid. for It* la kind: His hmt-ct ImIi for aj*. OlTttliMikawlt^liMii Mid mind Ti> ' CM <f (odsal>«art Vor «»-taln>l7 Hb iBMNdw dart Koatflm and mm ■• tar • taal • jr. f"'r ff^ r • ■■■I.I ' ■■ ■ . • f-'-'' ." ,-•« PR08B PaALMS Xtll., ZLIIL> XLVt froift the land of Jordan, and of the Her' monites, | from the | hill ... | Mizar. 7 Deep adleth unto deep at the noWj of thy I waterspouts: || all thy waves and thy Inlaws are Xvsda ... | over | me. ^ S Yet the Lord will command his lo^ing- kind'ness | in the | daytime, || and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer' unto ^e | Ood ... | of my | lif ei 9 I v^ say unto Grod my rode, Why hast thou' foNT I gottian | me? || why go I mourning because' of the op | pression [of the | enemy? 10 Aa ^th % sw<xrd in my bones, mine stie'miesire I proach— I me; i| wluki tfaisy say daily unto me, (inhere ... j is thy I God? *11 Why art thpu oast down, O my soul ? aikd why art thou disqui'et | ed wilii't in-ine? || hope thbtt in Ood: for I shall yet praise him, who is the health' of my | eounte * naooe, I and my 1 God. 14 PSALM XLHI. 1 JvDOi me, God, and plead my cause me from' the de | oeitful * and | unjust | ntan. 2 For tibon art tlie God of my strength: why' cfaMt thon I bast me | off ?T| why go I mourning because' of the op j pression | of thelenrany? ' 3 send out thylightand thy truth': | let them I lead-me ; i| let them bru^ me unto thy ho'ly | lull, aD4 1 to thy [ tabernacles. 4 Then will J go unto the altar of God, unto God' my ex | ceeding | joy: ||yM, upon the hitrp will I praise' |^ee, O j €}od, my] God. ^;^ ■■■"■■ *5 Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou duqui'et | ed with | hi>me? || hope in God : for I shall yet praiiw him, who is the health' of my | oounte * nance, | and my IGrod. PSALM XLVI. 16 .:'\ ChafUaSSS, tBt. 1 God' is our ] refuge * and ) strength, || a very' | present | help in | trouble. ; 2 Therefore will not we fear, though the taiktiif I be re I moved, |t and tiiouc^ the mountains be car'ried into tilie i fiudst ... | of the'lsea;^ *3 Though the waters thereof roar' | and le I trouDiea, n cnougn tne mom with the I swelling * there | of. 4 There is * liver, the streams whereof shall make glad' the J city * of | God, || the ■ tnimOoA, lor h» U kind: tUn ntrcj laiUfoT ajr*. Olt* tbaaki with hwrt and m]nd to Ood «l ■pdi al* mgr 1 Vto Mr • tain « Ir Hia m«r-ctMdim]foat4nnMidaim ■ r i«r - n»l • ly. I ll _ .;.j-l-«»' I ,1 J J l jl ^} J - - ^ \ia > ^ I ** I PROSE PSALMS XLTI., U. holy place of the ta'heniacleis | of the I Most ...|High. 5 God ia in the midst of her ; she' shall * liot be I moved : || God shall help' | her, and t that right I early. 6 The heathen rafged, the | kingdoins * were I inoved : || he utter'edi his | voice, the t earth ..^ I melted. 7 The Lord' of | hosts is | with-us; |1 the God' of I Jacob | is our | refuge. 8 Ccnne, behold the works' | of the | Lord, || what desolations b^ hath t made ... | in the J earth. -*~-^:. 9 He maketh wars to cease unto the end' | the I earth ; || he breaketh the bow, and cu^teth th9 speur in sunder; he burn'eth the [ dba • riot I in the I fire. 10 Be still, and know' that 1 1 am | God: || I will be exalted among the heatiien, I' will be ex I alted I in the I earth. 11 The Lord' of | hosts is | with-us ; || the God' of I Jacob I How I tefuge. 16 PSALM LI. CR(g(nte«ffS(T«r. 1-14X «5I(v«r. l*^!*)- i Havi mttoy upon me, O God, acoo^'iiiK to thyj loving I kincbess: II according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies' | blot <mt I my tnois I gTMsions. 2 W>sh me throu^ly from | mme in ) iquityfll and' 1 cleanse me | from my | sin. 3 For I acknowledge' | my trans | gre»- sions: II and' my | sin is | ever 'be | fore-me. 4 Against thee, thee onbr, have I sinned, and done this e'vU | in thy t sight: || t^at I^Ott mightest be justified when thou speak' est, and be \ clear ... | when thou | judgest 5 Behold, I was sha't>en | in in | iqtdty ; || and in sin' did my I mother * con I ceive ... I me. 6 Behold, thou desirest truth' in the t in- wiurd I parts; || and m the hidden part thou shidt make' I me to | know ... | wisd6m. 7 Purge me with hyssop, and I' | shall be] dean : || wash me, and 1' | shall be | whiter • thanjanow. S Make me to hear' | joy and | gladness; || thi^ the bones' which thou hast | brokai| mayrel joice. 9 Hide thy face' | from my | sins, || and blot ouf I all ... I mine in | iquities. 10 Create in me a clean' t heart, O | God;|| and' re | new-a • right \ sinrit • with j in-me. 11 Cast me not aw»y' | from thy | pret- ence; || and take' not thyl Holy| Sinrit{||pm. mer 12 Restore unto me the joy' of | thy sal | vation; || and uphold' | me with fthy free) Spirit , V -:■ v . . .^ 281 . 817 (F»^oilftfL,we.Mr.) OHENT.— PJC. Tkt rr , y i '-',^ ' ''.i; i ;iii ' iJ_^:, Am Lord Of hMTneoa . t«M. On higb hu gio . >, »tae. Him let .U •n-gdt btai. Him •M hto H-mlMpniM. Him »lo.ri-<jr San, moon. MdrtMi;TeUgh.«rn»liMw. And oloud-y .ky. |!f"i'iir' i ■ i' i i'ffi 'i i'"';" ' i' ' iV^j i' /i'ii i ' ■ 1^' M J ! — L— t-n r ^ ^11^1^ |->^. 1^* |-^ ra PROSE PSALMS LL, LXIII. 13 Then will I teach' trans | gresson * thy | ways; ll and Bin'ners shall be oon j verted j unto) thee. 14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O Ck>d, thou Ged' of |my sal | vation: || and my tongue shall sing' a | loud .-. | of thy | righteousness. 15 P Lord, Vpen I thou my | lips; (I and my mouth' shall | show ../ | forth thy | IH»ise.V 16^For thou desirest not sacrifipe; else'l would 1 1 give-it: j| thou de%ht^est | not in j burnt ... I offering. . *17 The sacrifices of Grod' are a | broken i '«^t: II a broken and a contrite heart, O Qod', I thou wi^'l not de | spise. 18 Do good in thy good Measure' j untO'j Zion: H build' thou the | walls ... j Oi Je j rusalem. . ^ 19 'Then shalt thou be pleased with the ■aorifioes of righteousness, with burnt offer- ing, and I whole burnt | offering : || tiien shall they offer' | bullocks * up | on thine | altar. 17^ my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land', I where no j water | is; \ 2 To see thy power' | and th;^ | g^ory, || so' as I have j seen thee | in the | sanctuary. 3 BecAuse thy lovingkind'ness is | better ' than I life, II my' | lips shall | praise ... |^ thee. 4 Thus will I bless' thee i while I j Uve: || I vrall lift up/ my | hands ... | in thy | nune. 5- My soul shidl be salds'fied as with | mar- row 'and I fatness; || and my mouth shall praue' I thee withjl joyful I lips:' 6 When I remem'ber thee .up | on my| bed, ||andmedi't9>teonthee I in the | night.. .j watehes. 7 Because' thou hast | been my | hdp, || therefore in the shftd'ow of thy ^^wings will j Ire I joioe. 8 My soul follQweth hard' I after i thee: || thy right' I hand up t holdeth | me. 9 But those that seek my soul', j to de | stroy-it, || shall go into the low'er | parts ... j of the I earth. Ij^Tliey shall ^all' | by the | sword: || they^ shall | be a | portion * for | foxes. » *11 But the king shall rejoice in (Srod; every one that swear'eth by | him shall ) glory : || but the mouth of then» that speak' j Hes ... i shall be i stopped. PSALM LXm. Ckani$S»5,i8S, / 1 O QOD, ihou art my God; eai'ly | vdll 1 1 sedc-thee: || my soul thirsteth for thee. 2i3 (^«^Ma.,m.^>itr gl. J09»r-WI. Thelx^otWncon^fa-. Onhl«fcW^(^ rai.*. Him let .U>.-g.l. bU«. Him »ll?iU«.m!-l«.l.e. Hlmtfo.ri-fjSun.mo<)n,«a.tm;Yohlgh^^«6.,Aiidd^^ .O PROSE PSALMS LXV., LXYL 18 ^^ PSALM* LXV. J ^ *" ChanU SIS, t66. 1 PbXise waiieth for thee',^ I God, in I Zion: || and unto thee' shall tho I vow ... | be per I formed. ; . . 2 thou' that | hearest | prayer, || un'to | thee shall | aU flesh | come. .3 Iniq'uities pre | vafl a | gainst-me: || as for our transgresmons, thou' shalt | purge... | them a I way. ■ ■^ ' . _*. 4 Blessed is the mim whoni*thou choosest, and caiisest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell' | in thy | courts: || we shaU ^ satisfied with the goodness of thy house, e'ven | of thy | holy | temple. 5 By terrible things in ^ghteousness wilt thou answer us, 0(J6d' of | our sal | vationjJI who art the confidence of all the ends of tho earth, and of them^that are afar' | eff np | oii the I sea. * / 6 Which by to strongfli* setteth l^astttie mountains; || being' | gird ... | ed with | power: J ' . „ 7 W hiehstffletK the nois e' I of the | seas, jl ttie noise of thdr waves', and the | tumult | of the I people; I'makest the outgoingal^f the mom'ing and | evening I to re I joice. ,. 9 Thou visitest the earth, and waterest tt: thou Ipreatly enrichest it with the river of. God', which is | full of | Water : || thou pte- parest them com, when thou' hast | so ph> | vided I f or-ii , ^ . 10 Thou waterest tiie riflges thereof abun- dantly; thou set'tleat the | furrows • there | of: H thou makest it soft with show'ers: thou I blessest -the | springing 'there I of. 11 Thou crownest ihe year* | with thy | goddess; ||.ttndthy' I paths... | drop... | fat- ness. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 12 They drop upon the pas'tures | of the ) wilderness: || and the little hills' re 1 joioeoni eveTylside* •. • . ». ii i_ ♦13 The pasture are clothed with nocw; the ^valleys also are cover'ed | over • with | com; II they shout' for I joy, they I also I sing. . 19 PSALM LXVL 1-Makk ajoyful noise' | unto | Qod, Ijall'l ...... I ... ye I lands: ■ 2 Sing forth the honour' | of Ms I name: || make' I ... his I praipe ... I glorious. ^ 3 Say unto God, Howter'rible ait thou | 8 Thev also that dwell in the uttermost ■^■'^f ~7-'.~^ , ,. a^ ^ partTaS Xid?!|at thy I tokens: || thou I in thy | works! || through the^geatnee. of ■ . . ■ ■ ;> ■ . • - ■■ .■ "■■■ ' "■ ' ■ ■ . 219 (f»-^''^^,M*nrS J^3^^ ^'^ Cttw Ouaki to God, for good !■ >e: for mu-er h^ h^ ■ tr - ir Ihiiiit* ta the OoA of god. gfr. jt, ^^ hi. gweelUl,^ i»,r . w^ •i£^ *==* i4Mii|f*aMiliaB|a PItOI|E PSALMS LXVL, X.XVII. t^ ^yppvw f lu>U tiune enemies submitVthem | ■dves ,.. I unto | thee. 4 All the earth shall worship thee, ancl shall sing' | unto | thee;- 1| thl»yr shall | sing ... I to thy I fuune. / ^ - 5 Ck>me and see' the (works ol| God: || he is terrible in lus doing' | toward * the] children * of I meiL - «. * 6 He turned tiie sea into dry land :.they went through' the | flood on' | foot:, || there' did LwereJ joicein I him; ■'■>• 7 He ruleth by his poweri for evdr; his eyes' be I hold the | pations: || letf not the rtf I bellious'ez | alt than (selves. ' 8 bless' onr | God» ye | people, || make the voice' of his { praise ... | to heard: 9 Whidi hold'eih our I soul in I life, II sof'fereth not our | feet ... | to be | moved. < 10 For thou, O Gtod', hast | proved | iis: || thou hast tri'ed | us, as | rilver * is | tried. 11 Thou broughf est us | into * iihe | net ; || thou laids^ 1^ | fliction *up | on our | loins. 12 Than hast caused men to ride'over our Mid ^1 and water: || btit thtte farooghtest us outf | intb* a I wealthy I place. ' 18 I wiU go into thy housei^ with ibumt ... i offerings: || I' wiU'l pay...| thee my | vows. a4 Which' my I lips have | uttered, || and my mouth hath spo'ken, | when 1 1 was iA | trouble. , • > 16 I -will offer unto thee burnt sacrifices of fat'lings, with the i inceniw * ofkLn^ibf,; tl I'; will I offer | buUotks * with ||goats. . 16 Gcone and. heu^'all ye' that | few,... | God, II ,and«I will dedlure' what he hath I done ... I for my I souL ' 17 I cri'ed unto him | irith my | mouth, K and he' was ex | tolled | with my | tongue. 18 If I regard iniquity' I in my 1 heart, H the' I Lord .> . | will not I hear-me ; 19 But verily' | God hath i heard.-me; || he hath atteind'iM to thdj vojuoe... [of myj prayer. * 20LB]essed be God, wMch hath not tum'ed P'\ wky miy | i»iyer, || nor' | ... his I men^ I, from-me. Ckaidm. ' ,1 God be mer'cifcd nnto | us, and lUess* his I ^ioiirto~t~ diine .^ap~|~on=~ us; ■ • - 2 That thy wky' mayW | known-up*on I ourth, II thy safving | health a | tnong all j nations. „ .. A,MkL.tijMXJ ym.:,'; V-' OiTe'tbankito God, for good Is Iw: ?»' mtt-tj h»th he |w Thuib-to the God of gods glTo yp- :,rot ' hta gi»o«f»ff.«th PiROSB rtALMS ^JCVil-v L3UCII, ^ 3 Let the peojae prtlie' I thee, O ( Godj 11 let^ I all the I people i prfuse^thee. . 4 let the nations be gUui% and | wng for | joy : II for thon shalt judge the p^ple> right- ' eouflly, tad gov'ern the | nationB *up | ^^u.-t earth. -' ■ ' ■ 6 Let the people praise' | thee, Oi God ; H , let' I all the | people | praise-thee. 6 Thm shall thb earth' | yield her |.i]^ crease; II and God', even our I own ...• I GodP shall 1 bless-Tis. *7 God' I shall ... | bless^m; || and aU the ends' I pf the \ earth shall | fear-him. 5 ThejB shidl feiur fhee aii*l(png i* thft i^^^ I 21 PSALM LXXIt 1 GiVK the king' thy | judgments,." * I God, U and thy r^f eousness runto 'the | kinit'is ' . I son* •>? 2He^shaU judge' thy | people * vith | righteousness, 11 and' | thy ... | poor with | judgment. < , 3 The mountains shall bring peace' | to the I p e ople, (| and' the +jif ' "" '^~ ' ri{^itepusnes8. 4 tie shall judge tte pom^ o&the people^ h^ ^ shall save the ofail'dren I of the j needy, || and shall break' in | pieces | t}itt op | pressor. and J moon en | dixre, Jj^rougKoutf 1 all .» | gener|a^ns. " ' . ■ '' ' ' 6 \H.« shall come dqwnli] ce rain' upon the T^ mown ... Igrass: II as' Isho^ws'th**] water* die I earth. ' -^ - ' ^j; . ' 7'°In his diqrsr 1**11 \)f&\ right * ^us | flourish ; Hand 'a)lb)undance of peace so Ioih;' | ^ as the jmoon en I Hturetlu ' , . 8 He sh4ll.haye domi^'ioii also from | sea to I jMa, II and from thi'riv'e^ unto the |- end8'... I of the | earth. . ^ 9 They that dwell in tb' j wil'4<rfrtiess shall | bow be I fot^-himrll iuid hU en'e^l mies shall I Hc^ the I dust. »' t.. • ' » ' 10 Thekingsof Tarahiihandof the Mesf | shall bring I presents : || tite kings of She'bft. and I ^ba vshaU I offer ||^ 11 Yea, aU kings shafi fall'.l doim be | fore-him : II «^' I n^tioiu ^shaU|«erve— I him. ■ • ■ V ■". -..'. , '■'■ 12 For he shall deUvet r the nepdy' |Vhen he I crieth; || the poor al)0,'and' I him that | hath no I helper. _ , ^ -igL,, • Is He sh^l sp»e' the | p( H ^d | tm SfM. and shaU saW the { so)dl..rof the (needy. HA » I ■■»■■■ OT» T V Haav i W9\n/tm ir • • • | ^^* w*a'v | «_-w w^«-^ . 14 He slhall<«redeaDn their soul' from.de I ceit. audi violence: || Lnd pref<qou8 i|^ their I Uood be| in his ■','#, right. ~Aj "^ I>^ Blow.. I«4g-Wd8. 224 B. Parvaiik Ob. 1580. ■jSiSH , PROSE PSALMS LXXIL, LXXIII. Its And he "I^aU live, «nd to him shall be giv'en of the | g^ld of | Sheba : || prayer also ■hall be made for him odntintially ; and' | dMly ' ahaU I he be | praised. - '^ 16 Thero shall be an lumdf ul of &>Tn in the \ar|^ upon the top' I of the | mountains ; jl the fruit thereof idiall shake like Lebanon : and they of the city shall flour'ish like | grass ..^ 1 of the I earth. 17 His name>>shidl endure for ever: his name ^lall be jsontinued- as long' | as the | sun : il and men shaU be blessed in him: all' I nations 'shall | dill him | blessed. .18 Blessed be the Lord GUxl', the | God of I Israel, || who' only | doeth | wondrous | things. V *19 And bleased be his glo'rious | name for | ev«^: II and let the whole '6arth be filled with hu glory ; A' i men, and | A ... | men. [20 l^epraifen ofDavidthe $onofJeue are ^, PSALM LXXin. Okanf* M9 (vw. 1-22X «S9 (ver. 28-28); 1 Tbult God' is I good to | Israel, H evefi to anoh' as | are * of-a | dean ... | heart 2 But as for me, my feef were | almoet. | gone; || my' | stepahad | wdl mgfa jdipped. m : - 3 For I was en'vious | at tiie | fooUsh, || when I saV the pros | peri * to | of the \ wicked. ,i^' 4 For tiiere are no bands' | in thur j death : jj but' their | strength ... j is ... | firm. 5'They are not in trou'ble aft | other { men ; || neither are they' | plagued * like j other I men. 6 Therefore pride oompasseth them about' | as a {.chain; {{violence' | oovereth * them j as a { garment ' 7 Their eyes' stand | out with ( fatness : {{ they' havd { more than | heart Could^ wish. 8 They are corriipt, and speak wick'edly con I coming ' op | pression : {( they' { ...... | speak ... I loftily. 9 They set their n^outh'^ a | gainst the | heavens, || and their tongue' ) walketh j through the { earth. , i « 10 Therefore hit peo'ple re | turn ... | hither: II abd waten 'of a full cup' are j wrimg ... I out to I them. 11 And they say. How' doth I God ... I know? II at 1, ( Most... I High? 12 Behold, these are the ungodly, who piro^per | in the f wwld ; ||. they' | \.. in | crease in I riches. 13 Verily I have deaos'ed my | heart in j 886 ^ X.L.HATaLT. OlKlMT SS6 TUiK Ok.IMi. JL» ^j[J^-,:>j:-rJ^,^, >-s 2S8 , pr. WooDiTAjtD. Ob. 1778. *■ i PROSE pisiALMS^LXXIII., L^XXlV: -\ wen Id i vain, II «ad'<;| washed * my | hands in | mno- wiricy. ■' ■■ ■ ,,■' -^ .\_ w- ■' 14 For all the dity long' have 1 1 be^ plagu^, ij and'l chasten * ed | eve ' molrning. » 15 H I say', I will! speak ...H thus; || be- hold, I shonid offend agaihst the gen'er j ation I of thy I children. ^16 When I ^oughf to | know ... | this," || itwas' I too ... I painful I for-me; , 17 Until I went into the sanc'tu I ary 'of | God ; 11 then' under \ stood ... | J their-iend. 18 Shirely tiiou didst sef them m t slij)- per • y I places : |t thou cast'edst'^them I down ... I into * de | struction. V 19 How are they brought into dwioWtaon, as I in » I moment ! || they wre utter' [ ly con I sumed ' with J terrors. 20 As a dream' ^hen | one a | waketh ; || 80i Lord, when thou awakest, thouM "bait de I spise their I image. 21 Thus' my j heart was | grieved, jj and I' was f'pricked | in my j reins. 22 So lool'ish waa i I, and \ ignorant : || I' was I as a f beast be | fore'thee. \^ 23 Nevertheless I am obntin'ual j ly with | thee: || thou hart hold'en | me by I my rif^t I hand. / JH Thou dialt gidd^' me 1 with thy | counsel^ || and afferward re j odve ... j m« tol glory. . ' *^ i^ 26 Whomf havelin|h9aven*bttt|the*?|| . and there 18 none upon ewrth that I<[ de I iebe be I side... I thee. , . ,^ . ' „^ 26 My flesh' and my j heart ... tlwleth t |I but Qod is the strength of my heart', j an4,^ my I portion 'for [ever. , ;. 27 For, lo, they that are far^. from |.thee ' shall I perish: || thou hast dertaroyed all them' . that I go a I whoring *. from | thee. ,. v • 28 Bui it is good for mo! to draw | near to \ Ood : II I have put my trust in the Lord Gotf, that J' may de I chtfe ... ) lOlthy | works, 23 psalm: lxxxiv. ' ^ ...»■■/ "(3iantii|7,«W.-^'\ ■■■;-' . . 1 How a'miable | are thy | tabernacles, || O' I Lord ... I of ... I hosts I ^ ^ 2 My soul longeth, yea, ievcn fainteth for the courts' | of the | Lord : || ipy heart and my flesh crieth ouf | for the | living^ j God. - 8 Yea, the sparrow hath found an house,, and the swallbw a ne s t.for her s e l f, wheref she may I lay her | yopng, || even thine alta»| O Loifd of hosts', my | King, ... | and my | God.' * , . 4 Bl«ned jure they that dwell' | in thy | •■/■■■\ '- ■ v.. ■ w. " 229 S81 IUt. B. luooir. OtlTM. 282 J. Wauwir. Ob. 17W. PROSE PSALMS LXXXIY.^, tXXXT. booM : II they' will h? | R&ll >.. f praisihlir I ihee.' - .■■:■/*■■.:■-■ 6 Blflssed is the maft whose strength' | is. in I thee ; || inwhpse hearf |Are tibp | ways of [them. ,4 ■ • ' 6 Who passing through the valley of l^Ukca make' I it a| well ; || th« rain' t abo | filleth ' the I pools. 7 They go' from | strengtii to | eyeiy one of them in Zi'on ap ( fore ... I GoA ? ' 8 O Lord God of hoets^j prayer: B give' I """f O 9 behold', |. God our | shield; upon the | fitoe of | thinea | nomted. • 10 For a day in thy oourts IB. better' j than a I thousand. H I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell' | in the I tents pi | wickedness. " 11 Foir the Iiord God IB a snnand shield : the Lord wOl give' i girao^,and | glory : || no good thing vdll he witluiold' from | them thai i walk up I rightly.^ i 2 (yii man that I'trtisteth ' in I thee. ' 84 PSALM Lxitv: 1 LOBD^tfaoahastbeenia'Tourahle | ui|to' thy I land : >|| thou hast broui^t back' the oap I tivi I ty of | Jsioob. ' 2 Thoi&haetfbrgiventheiniqui^ I ofthy I people, II thou' hast I cover * ed I all their li sm. 3 Thou luBit, ti&en away' J all thy | wrath : || tliou hast turned thyself' £rom the I fierpeness l^bf thine] Miger. 4 Turn us, O Go4' of | our sal ( i^^, || Mid cause thine ang'er I towaid I us to I ' 6 Wilt thou b^ ang'iy with | us for | evert || wilt -thou diikw out thhie ang'er to | sll ... | gener j ations?- . . ; ft Wat thou not reviver u«' * I gahir II that thy t«o'ple | may re | joioe in 1 thee? < ♦7 Show' tto thy | merpy, ' O | Lord, || and' I grant us I thy sal I vation. 8 I will hear whiit God the Lord wOl speak : for he wiU speak piBaoe unto his peo'ple, and | to his I saints: || but lef them not | turn a | gain to I folly.' . . ' ' 9 Surely Bs salviiitiion is high' \ them that | glo'ry may {d well .. . | in our I land. ' 10 Meroy and truth'axe I met to t gather ; II rigfafeousness and'! peace have | Ussed V eadti I other. '/. U ThithshaIl8prii4'ont|of theteaith;|| 26 -r 288 Dr. ■oioa. ITM-lTIt^ •*: S84 Dr. Oboto*. 17tft-lMT. ■v^'- ■' md lit^feousneMB shall | look from J heaven. '.^\\^ 12 Yea, the Lord rfiall give thaf | wftich is I good ; II tod' our | land shidl I yield Her | inorease. ' * 13 Right'eousness shall | go be | fore-hun ; || and shall seV ui in the'l way ... I p( his | PBOSE P8ALH8 liXXlY., LZXXVI ^I'ldown 25 PSALM I^XVI. 1 Bow down thine ear',, O | Csrd, ... | heaj- me : II for' 1 1 am I poor and 1^ needy. 2 Pireserve my soul' ; for 1 1 am | holy : || thou my God, save' thy I seryant • that | trusteth ' in | the©. ^ 3 Be mer'ciful unto | pie, O | Lord : || for' 1 1 cry ,„ I un^'thee I daay. 4 Rejoice the aoul' | p| thy | servant : l| for unto thee, O Lord'i do 1 1 lift | up my \ souL 5 For thou, Lord, art good, and ready' | to f<» I give ; || and pienteous in mercy unto all' I them thai! call'l^P I oii^'^^^ 6 Give ear, Lord', | unto 'my . . , and attend |o the voioe^ | of my I euppU | oitions. ^' * i 7 In the day of my trou'ble I 'will | call up I ou'thee: II for' | thira wilt | answer | me. S Among the gods there Ut none' like unto | thee,' O I Lord^ || neither are. there any works' I like ... | unto ' thy | works. 9 All nations whom thou hifk^nade Ihall oome and wor'ship before 1 thee, | Lotd ; \\ and' shall | glori | fy thy I name. ^ 10 ¥ot thou art givat', and doei^jvon- drous I things; II thou' | ... art | Godaflone. 11 Teach in» thy way, O Lord j I irlB walk^ I in thy | truth : || unite' my I heart to I fear thy I name. 12 I will praise thee, O Lord my God't with I all my I heart : || and I wiU glo'rif y thy I name for | evw | more. 13 Forgreat'isthyl mercy.l towaid.me:|| and thou hast delivered my B(»il' [ from the | lowest { helL 14 O God, the proud are risen against me, and the assemblies of violet, men bave sdugbf I after • my I soul ; || and' have |,not set I thee be | fore-tiien). 15 But thou, Lord, art a God lull' of com I pardon, ' and | gracious, || longsuffer'*' xDg, and I plenteous ' in | mercy ' and | truth. nto roef, fhd have I merey ' uplon-me; |( |^ve thy strength .unto thf fliervant,, vad save' the | son ... I qf "l^iin* i handmaid. ^' ' •n Show me a token for good ; the* th«y 286 U.T.*.Vnvm, inMM \t^~i'[u\fj I iiVfi i^MiVri 886 B«v. L. ruMTorr. Qb. inr. / PB08E PSALMS LXXXVI., Za which hM« me may ■ee' it, and | be » | ■hamed: H beoause thou, Lord, hast holp'en | me, Md I ooBD^ort * ed I me. '2© PSALM xa ChamUHaitgr, 1 LoBp, tiioa' hMt I been our | dwelling- plaoe||in'|«U... | gener | ationi, -/ 2 Bkort the mountuDDs were brought forth, or «Tw tiiou hadrt formed the earth' |«nd the I world, || even from everlaBt'ing to ever | lasting, I thon art I Ood. 8 iniou tomeet man' | to de | ritruetion ; || and nyeit. Be' | turn, ye | children '<k\ 4 For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yea'terday when | it is | past, || and as' a | watch... linthetnijj^t. 5 TlMmcarriest them away as with a flood; th«j aril' I aa a | sleep : || in tiie morning they are like' I grass widch I groweth I up. . 6 In tlM momiiig it flour 'ish^, and I grtf)reth t up ; || in this eve'nmg it is | cut ... | 7 Forweareo(msu'med|bythine|anger,|| anl by' thy | wrath ... | imw we | troubled. 8 IImni hastaet' our iniqui | ties be | fore- tlMe,4| our secret sins' in the | light ,.. | of tl^ I ooantflnanoa. 9 For all otir days are pfised away' (in thy I wrath : || we spend olur years' a« a I tale ... I that is I told. 10 The days of our years are Uureescorei* years and ten; and if by refson of strength' they be | fourscore | year^ || yet is their strength labour and sorrow ^ for it ia soon out off', I and we I fly a | way. [ .. 11 Who knoweth the pf>wer' | of thine | angw?|| even accord 'ing^ thy | f ear, so j isUiy I wrath. i-, 12 So teach' us to | nuijaber * our | days, || that we may api4y' our|| hearts... | unt6| wisdom. I 13 Return', 01 Lord,hjow | long? ||and let it repent' | thee con | cerning 'thy | servants. ' 14 O satisfy us ear'ly | jid& thy | mercy ; ( that we may rejoioe' our (days. ISBCake us glad wherein thou | hast af | years' wherein | we hav« 16 Let thy worts ap]| te rva n ts , | | and' tfiy | be I glad .^ all to the days' •us, II and the n... I evil; ' I unto 'thy I J unto* their I diildren. *17 And let the beaa^ of the Lord our God be upon us: imdestablii^ thmttheinnk'of our I hands up | on-us; || yea» the work' of oar I hMda •• | tabliah 'thmi | it S38 ^Vfi^l'tfi^ i 'T^ ^^ (. Ad*ptod bj Khttbtt from Bamvkl. ■♦fe«» I "Tjr FBOra PBALMOOI.^ XOIL Sk 87 PSALM XOL ■■- chaiUtss. , ■; :♦ 1 Hsthat dwelleth in iMwaaret pkoe' of the I Moit ... I High || ihall abide' under the | •baddwof I tiie Al I mighty. 2 I will My of the Lord, He is my lefiige' | Mid my I fortress : || my Ood' } in | him ... I wmittnwt 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the man* | of the | fowler, || end' | from tbe| noisome I pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and und^ his wings' | siudt thou | trust : || his truth' shall | be thy ( shield, and | buckltt. 5 Thou Aalt not beafraid' for the | terror • by | night; || nor' for the | arrow • that|flieth*by|day; ^ 6 Nor for the pes'tilenoe that | walketh ' hi I darkness; || nor' for the de | structlon * that I wasteth * at I noonday. 7 A Ihousand shall fall at thy side, ftnd ten thon'iand at I thy right j^hand; 11 bat' it shall I not ctmie | ni|^ ... I thee. 8 Only with thine eyes' shalt | thou bel hold il and see' the re I ward ... | of the | wiclcwia 9 Beoanae thoa iuM made the Lord', which t is my I refuge, || e'ven the Moak | Pigh, thy i habi I Ution ; 10 There shall no' | evU -be | faU-thee, || nei'ther 4wll any | plague come | ni|^ thy i dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge' | over I thee, |t to keep' | thee in | aU thyl ways. 12 They shall bear thee up' | in their | hands, II lest thou dash' thy | foot a | gainst a i stone. .. ,. IS Thou Shalt tread' upon the j lion 'and | adder: II the young Uon and the drag'oa shalt thou I trample I under i feet. 14 Because he hath set hia love upon ma, therefore will I' de | Uver | him : || I wiU ast him on high, because' | he hath | known ny| name.' -' - ■■ 15 Hesha]lcdluponme,andIwUlansw«r him: I will be with' | him in | trouble) |) I will deliver' | him, and | honour | hhn. le With long life' Willi | satis •fyj Um, || and' I show Um [my sAl I vatibn, ^BO '~^ IflAIiM XUIL ^^ ■' Ch«mtM9- ■■ ' ■ " 1 It is* good thing to give thanks' I ufl*Q* the I Lord^ tl and to aingpni'sea unto thf [ name, ... f O Most r Hii^ Ml f 289 Bi.v.iitm mum, 840 W. JAOKMglr. "T ntOBB PSALMS Xi m, tcnu t To ihow forth thy lovingkind'naw |in the I morning, || and thy' | faithful * neaa | •▼••ry I night, 8 Upon an initrument of ten itring*. and' np I on the I psaltery; || upon the harp' [ with » I idemn I sound, , 4 For thou, Lord, hast made me glad'l through thy | work : || I will tri'umph iu the ( works ... I of thy | hands. 6 O Lord, how great' | are thy | works 1 1) •nd thy ^flboughts are | "very | deep. ^ 6 A bru'tish man t knoweth I not ; II neither doth a fool' I under | stand ... | this.* 7 W^ the wicked spring as the grass, and wliin all the workers of iniq ' ui j ty do | ilonriih; II it is that they' shaU hbe de| strojn^'forleverf 8 But< I thou, .„ I Lord, U art most' | high fori ever {more. 9 For, lo, thine enemies, O Lord, for, lo, thine en'e j mies shall | peridi: || all the work'enof in | iqui 'ty {shall be | scattered. 10 Bofen^hom shalt thou exalt like the horn' [of an I unicorn r || I' shi^l be aj nointad 'With | fresh ... | oil 11 Mine eye also shall see my desire' | on ndna I enemies^ II aod mine ears shall hear my daiin of the wiok'ed that | rise ... Np a | tit 12 The righteous shall flourish' | like palm-tree : || he shall grow' | like a f in I Lebanon. 13 Those that be planted in the of th^.l Loud II shall ilour'ish courts ... I of our | Qod. 14 They shall still bring forth f old... |a^; II they' I shaUVbe I flourishing! *15 To lAo^rcathatthe | Lord is | he is my rook, aii4 there is no' un| nessin | hinu 89 ' >I«ALM xcin. ' C»on«S». ;ht J II eoosl 1 Thk Lord rdgneth, he is dothed with majesty; the Lord is clothed with strength, wherewith he' hath | -girded ' him j sdl : Uthe world also is stab'lisbed, that it | cannot | be... t moved.' " ', ^ 3 Thy throne is eitab'lieh t ed of f old : H thou' I art from | ever | lasting. 8 The floods have lifted up, O Lotd, the floods have lifted | up their IvqlaeTM^h^ floods lift I uptheir I waves! ^ 4 The Lewd on high is mightier than the noise' of | many | waten, || yea, than the migh'ty I waves ;.. I d the I 841 rfz — I f B.UMSM. okmt Pt=4 n hYfW-i JAonoir. PBOBI PtAUU XOIII., XOV., XOVI. •5 Thy tM'timoniM ws | rery | rote; H boliiMM \MOom' «th thin* I bou»e» Q | Lord, forlevw. ^ ^ . '' So PSALM XOV, Ckanl« ff0, 9M. 1 OOKl, Wt Hi iing ' I unto • the I Lord : ti let us mftko » joyful noiM' to tho i rook of i our Ml I viktkm. . . i 2 Let us oonie' before his I prewnoe * With I thuJugiving, II end make » joyful noi»M onto I himwith I peabna. 3 For the Lord' !■ e I greet ... I God, II end egraiktMKiiig»rboveall|gode. • 4 In hit hand an the deep' pleoei I of the I •Hth: lltheitrengtb'of the I hillaia |hia... I ■ kbo. . •5 Hm eea' is hie, | and hetmnde-iti || and hiB hands' I foirmed 'the I dry ;.. I bad. eO oome, let ua wor'ihip | and bow | down : II let na kned' be | ion the | Lord our I Maker* 7 Fog heiiowrGod; and wearethe people 9 Wh(in your fa'then | tempted | mM^ H prov'ed I me, and | iaw my | work. 10 Forty yeare long wae I grieved this' gener | aUon, • and | nid, || It ia a i that do err in their heart', and they | not I known my | waye : ... U Unto whom I aware' | in my l^fTlftth H that they ahould not' | enter | into ' my I reat r I hmU PSALM xcm. of his paatue, and tfaeiheep' | of his | hand.ir To day' if | ye will I hear hia | Toioe, 8 Harden not your heart', aa in the | pn>yo|eatkMi,||aiida8inthAday'of tempi tation I in the I wiMsmasB : 31 ChanU 996, i$e. 1 O amo unto the Lord' a | new ... | song i |t dng' unto the I Lord, ... I all the i earth. 2 Sing unto tha4^', Ibtesahislaemeilj ihow forth' his sal I^Stion from | day to| day. 8 Declare his glo^ryalmongthel h eat h e w, || his' I wonders * a I mong all I people. 4 For the Lord is great, and great'ly I to he I praised : |1 he' is_to be | feared * a | bo«e •lllgods^ * , 5 For all the gods' of the | nations • are | idols: II but' the | Lord ... | made thej ^^tenottrandmaJ'estTlarebelfove-lumtjt ■trength' andlbeanty 'aniitthislsaaetuary.. 7 Give unto the Lotd, ye Un'dreds t of theipeople, II give' unto the I Ldid ... I glovy * •ndlstrMgth. 84d W.MoBunr, ObblTM. 244 Ewl otMoBimroioir. 17»-1781. M?! •-^•^^ -^ - » mm* PROSE PSALMS XCVi:, XCVIII., C. ' 8 Give trnto the Lord the glory due' | unto * 1)18 1 name : || bring jeui off (Bring, andibome... | into * hii I courts. V; O nrprship the Lord' in the ] beauty,* of | V.--I/ holineM: |) fear' be | fore hi«i, | all the-j eartlj;' "l / „ 10 SaJ" among th6 hea''then that tiie| tioord .'.. I reigneth: || the world also shall bHi established thai it shall not be moved: he' shall 1 judge the | people | jrighteously. 11 Let'l^e heavens i:pjbicef,'and let the [ eacthbe I glad; || let tiie sea roar', and thej ful ..;, I ^ess tiiere ) of.; 12 LeVthe field be joyful, and all' that | is there I in: [| Hum shall all the trees' | of the | woodrejjpiee *13 fidnre the Lord : f or tie oometh, for he oom'etSi to | judge j^he i<^arth : || faia 'sliall judge the world with righteoucne^, and' the] people) with his I tru^' ;^ > • ■>'^ • < I 33 PSAL|« XGVm. 7V,v right bandi^^ad his hdl^ arm', hath | gotten | hkn th^ I victoiy, >■ » -^ V^^, i Th^ Lord hirth' made Imowi^'' | his sail M >■"• ?^ ( ■ / vation : || his righteousness hath he openly show'ed in the {sight ... I of the | heathen. 3 He hath remembered his mercy and his truth'tqwardthe l-house of I Israel: || all the ends of the earth have seen' the sal I vation | of bur jGod. • ^ 4 Mkke a joyful noisaynto the Lord', | all the I earth : || make a loud noise', ahd re | joice, and | sing ... | pipuseT* 5 Sing unto the Lord' | with the | harp ; || with the harp'j and the | voice ... | of a| psalm. •' - 6 With trum'pets and | sound of \ comet || make a joyful noise' be | fore the | Lord, 1^e| King^ 7 Let the sea roar', and the \ fulness; there I of; || the world', and | they thfit | dwellthere | in. ' 8 Letthe flobds'Vclap their | hands :|| let ihehUls' be I joy ... I fill to I gether *^ Before tihe Lord; for he com'eth to | juctge the | eai^tjh \ || with righteousness shall he judge the world', and the | people ) with ... | eqirfty.' ChanU 991,960. 1 MAKsajoyfulnoise'lunto'therLordjII aU'j..... lye... Ilands. ' . . ■ "i' ■ ■ " ■ ■■ , ■ '246 It.VovUM. Ob. 17901 tS^i^'^ ■ MjjBMIWt**i>*****iiJS a i iKi'lir; -■•»■ ^ PROSE PdALHS C, OIIL :. «► 2Serve'the| Lordwith|gladne88:||come' be I fore his | presence 'with | singing. 3 Know ye that the Lord he is God : it is he that hath made us, and nof | we our | selves; || we are his pec/ple, and the^J sheep ... I of his | pasture. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and iRlto his | courts with | praise : || be thank'ful unto | him, and I bless his | name. •5 For the Lord is good \ his mer'cy is | ever | lasting v II and Ws: truth endu'reth to 1 all ... I gfftBT I ations. M i»SALM cm. ; Chants SS5, ttP-" V ^ 1 BlSss the Lord', | O my | soul: || alid all tliat is within? me, | bless his | holy jf name. ; "' ..■..■ 2 Bless the Lord', | O my | soul, || and' for I get not | all his | benefits : , 3 Who foTgiveth aU' I thinein I iqtuitie^; || who heal'eth | all ... | thy dis | eases ; 4 Who redeemeUv thy life' | from de j struction; || who crowneUi thee with lov'ing | kindness ' and | tender | mercies ; 5 Whosatisfietiithymouth' with I good ... | thhigs ; |[ so that thy youth' is re | newed j fike the I eagle's. / 6 The Lord execiitethi rigWeous j nesa and I judgment II for? | all that | iftre op |. pressed. ,' i ■■"'■- ■'■ ■''■■', . ' 7 He made ImoFn his ways' | unto | Moses, II his acts' j unto ' the | childroi * of | 8 The Lord is mer'ci | ful and | gracious, || slow' to I anger, * and j; plenteous * in i mercy.-..'. -.Jlit 9 He' will not | always j chide: || neiHp will he I keep his I anger -for | ever. '^ 10 He hath not dealt' with us j after ' our | sins ; II nor reward'ed us ao I cording ' to | our in_| iquities. * 11 >*'pr as the heaven is high' a | bove the | earth, II so gte^t is his mercy' | toward | them that I feax-him. 12 As far as the east? is I from the I west, II so f wr hath he remov'ed | our trans | gres- sions I from-ua. 13 Like as a father pi'ti | eth hb | cjiil- dren, || so the Lbrd' | piti ' e^h | t^em that | fear-him. , «» 14 For "he' | knoweth * our | frame; || he nn^em'ber | eth that ) we are | dust. 15 As for man, his flays' | are as | gAss: ll as a flower' of the j fidd, ... \ so he | iiou> - isheth. 16 For the wind passeth o'ver it, and | it ■ . ' .■■, '■««,■.. ■. ♦ 84? J.Boannmi. im, it t gone; t| aind the place' thdreof shall | know ... I it no I more. 17 But the mercy of the Lord ia from everlAating to everliist'ing upon \ them that | fear-him, || and his right'eousness | unto | diildren's I children ; 18 To such' a» I keep his i oovenuit," || and to those that remem'ber | his com |; mand- ments * to I db-them. •19 The Lord hath prepared his throne' | in the | heavois; || Md his kii^dom j odeUi I over lall. , 20 ^esfthe Lord, ye his an'gels, that ex | oel 4n I stiength, || that do hk command- ments, heark'ening unto the | voice ..^ | of \fik I word. 21 31ess ye the Lord, aU' | ye his | hosts ; t| y% min'isters of | Ids, that | do his | pleasure. 22 Bless the Iiord, all lus works in all .plaices of I his do | minion: i| bless' tiie | Ltnd, ... I O my I soiiL PSALM cry. 86 V Ckatit$»5T,S66. ■ * . 1 SU88 the Lord, O my souL O Lord my God^ thou' art | very \ great ; || thou' art | dothed * with I honour * and J majesty: 2 Whoi oovereM thyself with lights as with a I garihent : || who stretch'est out the | heavens I lil^e a I curtain : 3 Who layeth the. beams of^^lus cham'ben | in the | waters : || Who maketh the doudi his chiuriVi^: who walk'eth upon the | wings ... I of the '[wind: ' 4 Who mi/ketbhis I itngels I spirits; ||hk min'isi ters a | fl||b&)g | fire : ~> 5 Who laid the founda^tions | of the j earth, || that it shonldnof I be re | moved ' fori B^er. 6 Tbou coveredst it with the deep' as | with 4 I gument : || the waiters | stood a | bove ^e t movmtains. TM thy re I buke they | fled; || at tht voice' of thy I thunder ' Wfpr i hasted • a | 8 /They go np' [ by the | mountains ; 1| they«K go /down by the vallejrs unto the place* which I thou hast | founded | for-them. ^ Thou hast set a bdfind' that they ma^^ | ndt pass | over ; || that they turn' not a 1 fl^ to I cover ' tha I earth. 7 10 He sendetii the springs' | into * the1 /VaUeys, l| which' {run a t mong the | hills. 11 Th^^ give drink to ev€ the i field :1| the wild' | asses | quench thdr| thirst 1 , 1| By them shall the fowls of the heav'ea -■■li-. e40 J.JovM. OlklTN* PB08B PSALM CIV. have their I haU | tation, J] which^ | nng ft j mong the | branches. ^ ^ 13 He watereth the hills' I from hja | chambers : H^e earth is satisfied with «e \ fruit ... I of thy I works. . 14 He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, Mid herV for the | service ' of | man: || that he may bring forth' | food out | of the I earth; • -,. ,» _i. •15 And wine that maketh glad' the | heart of I man, || and oil to make his face to shine, and bread' which | strengthen ' eth | man's ...I heart " . , ^-^' ... ^ : 16 The trees of the Iior4';ire | fim oT t sap ; II the cedars of Leb'af tion, wtu^ f be, hath I planted ; v/ ^ ,, ^17 Where the birds? fma^e^lpwr | nests Ml as for the stork', tl^ I firHl»^ 1 are her | houa^li^ ^ 18 The hig^ bills are a refuge for thtf I wild ... I goatfti It and' the I rocks ... | for the I conies. 19 HoappainVedi^alQMwnfor I seasons: II the sni/ 1 kno^raUk ' hSi { going r down. 20 Thou lyikMti dark'ness, and I it 4s | «%bt; II wbgeinjflthe be asts' pf *he | tof^ • doi creep ... I forth, ;" 21 The young^ li'ons ro«f \ after • fheir \ prey, \\ and' | msk their [ meat from \ God. ' 22 The sun ariseth, th^ ga^ther tlpm I selves to I gether, || and lay' them | down ...j iptheir I dens. * ^ /^ ' 23 Man goeth forth' | unto * his | work || and' to his I labour ' un | til the I evening. 24 iiord,ho# manifold are thy works I in wis'dom hast thou | made, them | all: || the earth' is | full v... | of ^ly I riches. . 25 So is this greatf and | wide ... | sea, jj wherein are things creej^ innumer'abie, both limall and I great ... I beasts. aff There' tMftkofAil*- II there is that leviathan wl»ciir^ JAou' hast | made to | play th^w J in. v^tThese' wait | sJB.up. * on | thee ; || that tnott ittayifBt ji^vy them their | meat in j dup ... )*eaaoni'" \, , .. 28 That thou giv'est i ihem they | gather : jj ihouopenest thhift band', I they are | filled * wi^lgood.. . . . .^ , ^ 29i Thou Iridest t&y face', I th«gr « I tloubled : || thou takeet away their bM«*h, they die', and re | turn ... | to their I dart. 90 Thou sendeWi forth thy sj)ir»it, IIbBF I are ere j ated: || aa4 thou renew'w* the | face ... I of thelewrth. , ,, ^ . SI The"^i^of the Lord' dnu^art^ for I evert II the Iiord' shall re I ^oioe ..^ I m his I works. M7 -). ■■ 861 J. StAnroftD Sicmi. iriOrlaMl i. Staitobd Smta. it I S2 Be lodketh on the eartih% | and trembleih : |i h^ touch'eth the | hilla, ... | and they I snioKe. 33 I will sing unto the Lord as loi^sL^ &b 1 1 livb: II I M^ sing ptpuse to my Uod' | while I Ihave niy I being« 84 My meditation ofAhim' {shall be { sweet: |1 P will be | glad ..^ in the | Lord. 35 Let the sinnebi be con8^med out of the ewth, and let the wicked' [ be no. | more. || Blessthou the Lord, OmysouL Ftaise'j ...... | ye the I tiMd. 36 PSALM CXL ChmiU tU7, tiS. 1 Pbmsb y^ the Lord. I will pnuse the Lord'^ with my | whole ... | heart* || in the assembly of the ui/right, and | in the | con- gre Igi^on. 2 Hie works' ef the | Lord are | great, |j ■oui^toatof allthem' | thathi^ve I pleasure' these I im . ZWb work is hon'our | able * and | glori* OPS ; {t and his rigfat^eons I ness em | dureth ' 4 He hath inade his wonderfol works' to | m re I aiembflMd : H the Lord is gra'dons and I foil ..jJtxOfi \ cxvi. 5 He hath given meat' unto | them that | f ear-him : H he will ev'er be ( mindful | of his | covenant. 6 He hath showed his people the power' | ; of his I works, || that hemay give' thein the j heri * tage I of the I heathen. 7 The works of his hands are ve'ri | ty and I judgment ; II all' his com j mand ... | ments,are I sure^ f They stand ^Mf for | ever * and {^eyer, |( an^' are] done ifi \ truth and | nprighttfess. '9 He sent ri^emp'tion | unto ' his | people: II he hath commanded his covenant for ever: ho'ly and | rev ' erend I ia his), name. , ^ 10 The fear of the Lord' is the be | ginnii^ ' ^ ofj wisdoinl: || a good understanding have aa they that do his comnumdments : his' | praise en i dureth * tor \ ever. . ^ . .■<■ -■•"■ ■■' ■ ■...•■ . ' ■•■ ; 37; PSALM CXVL^ ■ • '''■■■■■:, chanu SS5, xes. ; ^y/ ".. ;- ■ 1 i' I uevK the I Lord, II because he hath heard' my | voioe-and * my | suppli | cations. 2 Because he hath inclined his ear' i unto me, II theref<»» wiH I call' upon him mt j' long... |»sl|live;^ 8 The sorrows of death eompassed me, and •maimmJalfMiiMK:--,. If 'SS^SMi:: ', 263 T^f^mokOau of MmM. Mottiki, Ewer, h 00. PttOSB PSAtHS OXVI., bZXL the puns of hdl' gat | hold up | on-me: || P I found ... j trouble * and | bcmttow. 4 Tlieu c^ed I upon the name^ | of the | I^rd; II aLotd, I beseech' | thee, de I liver * 6 Graf douB is the jliord, and i lighteottB ; II yeaM our ... | Godis | merqful.^ 6 The Lord' pre | serveth * the | simple ; l| I was brought low', I and he | helped | me. 7 Retur»unto thy resf , | Omy 1 soul ; ||for the Lord hath dealf j.bounti | fully *with| thee. ■ ■'■'^ ■■ -■ ' ' 8 For thou hast deliv'ered my | soul from | death, II mine eyes from tears',! ancl my.| - feet from I falling. / 9 I will walk' bej fore the | Lord J^in' the | , land... I of the I living, 10 I believed, tbere'fore | hwre 1 1 spoken : || irwa8|great...|lyaf Iflicted: ^ 11 I said' I in my | haste, || All' | .,.%., | men are | liars. . . - \ „ ; 12 What Aall I rend'er | unto 'the | Lord H for'lallhislbene'fitsltbward-me? ' 13 I will take the cup' | of sal | vation, II and call' upon the | name ... | of the | Lord. 14 I w iil p aymyvowis' l unto'JthetLordll now' in the | presence ' of | all his | people. 15 Precious in the sighf | of the | Lord || is' thejdeath ... I of hb I saints. 16 Lord', truly I am thy servant, I I-am ' thy t servant; || M. i»» .», ,^,^.« and the -son of thine hand'maid : | thou ha^ | looeed' my | Bondn. 17 I will offer trt liiee the sac'n | fice of | thanksgiving, || and will call' upon the | name jofthell^Bd. 19^ I will M^ vows' I unto 'the | Ixnrd || lyethejl^d. >0f 38/^-- "PSALMrCXM^ 1 1'vii'i' lift «]> mine eyes' [unto 'the | hills, II from' | vrhence... ] c^ejih * my | help. '•■'^ ;■ 2 My'help ooni'eth I frotd % I Lord, || which' I made ;..'l heaven • and I earth. 3 He 'will not suffer thy foof | tobe | moved; || he^ that | keepeth • th^ | will nok| slumber. ■*■ '. - 'i' . 4 Behold, M that | keepeth | brael || shall' I neither ( dumber * nor | sleep. 5 ThA Tyitd' I is thy I keeper; Itthe Lord' is thy I shade-u 6 Thesun nor' the ) moon dUiu B-uri' shiui XHPlL 'ti^tlhand. e^|theeb7L<i*7*it j id^t. <>ie:: Wrnrhotf«lu4J|pr«|'^©tto:,l " ' I^M lliriprmi seek ..^l thy-. ^||^ ♦ ahd thy I oimiiiiK I ii^lflt^ thia ;«aid j ev^ * 'for iff ver •irti' '<.>i> >Vi»P'; i,I WA8^kctai@iith9yiwidi' I unto | m^ll le I b6«M ... I tp|in4ll of tWH Let „iu gt/ .1 'Iiora> /^ '^ - \ 'CI <;3*0ur feetlUMU 8iMi# wi^lii | ui ,thyl ., MrfM, II C I ... ...J ... Je1vru»af(^ f ' • i; [8 Jernfjw I lem is | buHded R^ka a dt^y /that I ^ecnn.l pact tot gather: -> ' , ' ^'Whithl^ the tribea go viprthe tribea of th» l^ord, imtotheteafti | mony 'of | larad, j) . to give thahka^unto thf | name... | of the! - Lotd." :':■:,: \ ; . ; .: *■:,■.> ' *5 Frar th^re' are aet,) thronea of | judg-, ment, II the tbronea^ fof the | houae of f ■■ ; Bavid.^'... ■ ■ ■;■■- ■;*■.■:;/,'■; ■ / 6 "Pny for the peace' | of Je | maalem': |t they' ahall I proqwr ' thai I love ... i thee. fVf^ he with I in thy | walla, || and ■Z ■:';'. '. *'■"■ Oumim. '■ '-.V \\ '. ,, ■■■• .', ■»■■ - -..■:-■ __, J WHUT'the'Lord turned fgaiA'i.^- „ Mriity of I Zion, li waf j were like, | th^ ;iiat:Kdiioanw'«*»-' \. .^■. :.•;■■. ,.■■:• --::.:'■■/■■ '^'■■% Than wfs our mouth fiUedVdthlauc^'ter, and xAir I tongue with | ranging t ||tiien iai^^ tiiey iBiAong the heathen, fHie LOMi^ hath , donp I great ... I thinga for J them. , • V naj||wherB'|i^f.,.|waarerglad. ^ ' i^T^m again our.cWvi | ty, O | Lont* H ia' the I atreama ... J|SHb | aouth. & They' that | aoiPfffleara t| afaall' I, reap .:. i'tat... \}oj, ; ' 6 Efa| thatr goeth forth and Iraepetb^ bear'^ I predoua | aeedi || ahall doubtleaa oome;again with rejoi'csingi {bringing ' hia J ^ idieavea ... I withrhim. pvoaper'i I'ty with I in thy ,| palaoea. ■ 8 For my bnth'ren and oom> t paniona* | af^ea, || I wiU^now aay', I PeaM .. | be witlM in-thee. PSALM (2XXX. I no CllMmlf«M(v<r^X»4(vlK>-^ 1 Odt> I of the |/<ieptba |l have, I' | cried* unto I thte, I Iiord. - * 2 Lonl', j W my I voice: || let tldnflP PROSE PSALIIB OXXX., OXXXII. eut Mattentiye to the voiod' I of my I mippli | ! 311 thou, LordV BhotOdest ] mark inl jqiii^j II 0' t Lord, :.'. \ who laudl 1 utfnd? f I i|i|' there is for | giveness ■ with t^ee, || Huttpl'^ou ... Iraayeat 'be | feared. ; J liWait for the Lord'j my I soul doth | w|iti ft andin' hia | word ... Ido 1 1 hope. . ' 6 My Botd waiteth for the Lord more than they that i*ratch'|for the ] morning; || I aa]^ i4ora than, they 'vthat | watch ... | for the motflBKi. ■■ ^ 4' [arael y^ppe' | in tike Ij^rd ^Lord/there is mer'cyj and ^ei^teous ■ re JJiemptio^ her shifl re I deem ' ^1 hiam | iquitir- v|Ifflf«»lir PSALM cxxxn. A >', re I memW I Ifttvidj II and' | jaf.|fliotio]^: f _^_. .'he aware' j >mto * the | Lordi || voir'ed n^o the | mighty I God of | Jacob 8 Stmely I will not oome inta the ta'berr nadeVofaiyl*»o««^^l^»»^J{<*J**" 1"****^* 5 ijntilIflndoutaplaceMforthelLor4»|| an biA)ita'tiou for the | mighty | Qod of | Jacob. • . 6^, %« heard' of | it at 1 Ephratah : || we found' itin the | fields ;.. I of the°| wood. 7 We yriU go' I into-* his | Ubemades: || we' will I worship | at ^aV footetooL 8 Arise', O Lord, | into -thy Irest; || thou', and the I ark ... | of thy | strength.. ^^ 9 Let thy priests' be I clothed • with | m;<)k|b^^]et thy 1 8^ ^ «Sffly if' v^^Davi^ »ot away nth^facef of jthine a | nouatpd. o^ 11 /Ritt tiord hath $9rom Ht |ruth fate -^ bavidrho' wiH ndt ItMni. I frOin-»t j •jf Qjjlfe the kuit of thy Iwd'y^^ I f se*^ Vrf^ >*" thy I throne. "^4 12 If thy children j^ keep nwW sbI^' and My tes'tbawmy 'Ihat 1 1 sBte | teach', them* II their children Bhi4f|*»o sit' tpjin ^*^- ' thronefor | ever | mortL V or the^ Lord' hath |n!h0i»y ZioD|tl' ^ lesi'red it I forhiB I hikH Wi«pi^i^ i8«»y I rest for j ever: jlheriwilH J my I bed} 1 4 I win .no{4(ive deepj^^l to mine | eyes, |t ] ^diu^ Ito minq i ^rdids, "^ -J 10 r^ abundatotlr^UeM' |her ml ^vision : II I will sa'tU.I fy hor^ poof with \) tu ' '" *: $69 ^ *•'• Bonmy If a& Doe. 9^] f ROSE PSALMS CXXXIL, OXXXIII., OXZXVI. 16 I wiU also clothe her prieits' | with aal | vadon : |i and her laints' diall | ihout m \ loud fori joy. 17 There wiU I make the hora^of I David * to I bud: It I have ordam'ed a | lamp for | mine a I nointed. 18 Hie ene'miee will I f clothe with | shame : || but' upon him | self * alnJl-hie | crown ... I flouriih. 43 MALSl CXXXIIt; . S f^umt$st9,»90. 1 Bbhoud, how good' and how | pleasant ' it I ia II for breth'rev t6| dwellto | gether * in I unity! 3 It ia like the predoua ointment upon the head, that nm down upon the beard', even | Aaron'i | beard: || that went down' to the] skirts ... I oThii | garments ; *S As the dew of Hermon, and as the dem/ thai despend'ed upon the | mountains * of | Zion : 11 for there tiie Lord commanded the , htewring^ e'^fen | life f or | ever | more. 1 Oorni thanks unto the Lord'; for t he isjgeod: II forf hislmwrey 'en | dnreth'fort 2 give tiianks/ unto the | Ood of j gods : || for' his I mercy * en | dureth * for | ever. 3 O give thanks' to the | Lord of | lords :|| for' his jmercy * eh | dureth *for j ever. 4 To him who alone' | doeth * great | wonders : || for' bis | meroj ^ en | dureth *for j ever. ;, :- ■•; ; ' ^ 6 To him that by wis'dom f made thcTl heavens : j) for' his | mercy *en | dureth 'for j ever. 6 To him that stretched out the earth' a | bove the I waters: || for' his | mercy 'epd dureth 'for I ever. ^ 7 To him' that | made great | lights :|| ifor' his I metaf * en j dureth ' for | ever: A The sun' to I ruleby |day:||fpr'hi«| mercy 'en | dureth 'for | ever: - 9 l^emoonandstars'to|ruleby|ni|^t:|| for' his I mercy ^ en | dureth 'for (ever. 10 To him that smote E'gypt | in their j firstborn : || for 'his | merqr * en | dureth ' for | ever: ■ ' .'''jy ■-'■■■: U And brought out Is'rael | mnn a | mong-them ; It for/ his | mercy * en I dureth' for lever: 12 Witih a Strong hand^* tthd with a| stretdied ' out | arm : j) for ' his | morey 'en | f eir I ever. / him whieh^divided the Bed sea'l I >■■ « into i plf^: II for' his | meroy • «n j dureth * for pever : • U And made Isntel to pam throngh' the | midat of j it : | for ' his | mercy ' «n i dureth * forleVer: •15 But OTOrthrew Pharaoh and his hoatAw the I Red ... | eqa : \\ for' his | inercy ' en | dureth * for | ever. 16 Tb> him which )ed hie peo'ple J through the t wildemew : || for' his | mercy * en | dureth * forjevar. 17 To him' which | smote grMt | Idngs : || for' his I Weroy 'en I dureth * for | ever : 18 Am slew' i famous I kings : || for' Ids | mercy *lii I dj^reth ^ fcnr | ever: ; 10 Sihim king' I <»f the j Amorites : |t fo: his I m^iigr^* en | dureth • f or lever : 20 Aixd Ogf the I king <jf Ipadian : |[ for' his I ito^^ 'en I dureth 'for | ever: / 21 Andgave.theirland'|foran|heritage:{[ for'his I mercy * en j dureth 'for I eve^ : 22 Even an herijtage unto I Israel ' his . servant : 1| fisr' bis [mercy • en | dureth • ?<w f .ieven r "i.. ■'... '*"■'. ' 23 Who remeAi'beriBd us in our i low et | tate: nfdr> his tmercy 'en | dur^tfc'for|«trer: 24 And hath redeem'ed ui^lXrom our | enemies : || fUr' his | mercy ' «i j dureth ' tot \ 26 Who giveth food' fto all | flesh : |i for' his I mercy ' en | dureth ' for | ever. •. 26 O give thank«' unto the j O^ V | heaven : }} for' his j mwey ' en | durtith ' for j ever... ;. , .■ >-/ ■ ' ' ■■'■'■':■'"' ■ :•' • -'i ■■ /:■ •; ■ -^ ■■■ iRD,thou' hast|se|rohed|me,|iaiid^ | - . I ...... I me. . j 2 Thou knowest my downsit'ting and | mine up | rising, || thou nnderstand'est my | thonghtaj far... {off. %t '~ ^Thou -cpmpassest my path', and mj\ I down, Ij-and ' art ac | quainted • with | .my I ways. 4 For there is not a word 'I in my I tongue, II but, lo, O Lord, thou' | knowest* it | alt6 j getheip. " r 6 Thou hast beset me behind' | and b« \ pre, II and' I lud thine | hwdtip | on-ma. .6 Such knowledge is Ui0^^\ wonder ' ful | forme; H it is Qgh, I can^n4§Kt | taia^.. j uitolifc ^ ■ 7 Whither shah I go » I or whi'^iher shall I t fletf ascend up in ■I tbopa HTm; b B D».B.Wob»irAak Ob.ma there: || if I make my bed hold, ... I thou art | there. 9 If I Uke the wings' | of the | morning, I and dweU in the ut'termoet | p«rta ... I of tl^ I PROBE PflALMB CXXXIX., OXtV^ in heU\ be I 10 Even there' BhaU thy | hwid ... j Jead- me, II and' thy | right ... | h«id shdl I hold- "*11 If I »y, Surelf the dark'neM BhaU | cover I me ; || even the night' | shaU l« I li^t a|boat-me. ,' . , iu 12 Yea, the dtfkness hideth not fromthee ; ance were faahionedmirheii was I none of | them.^^ "^ 4:i.„ —».*.» 17 How predoua aS8 are thy thonghto' unto I me, OIGodlft howgr^t' 1 1» the | rom ^'^n should C9un^^^, they are in num'ber | thaa^the | sand^ -' awakeM I am I rtill -With I thee. 19 Surely thou vilt sl^y' »he &\ God : II depart' from me | thH ^iTFoi^hey speak' 41 gamrt ftol 12 Yea,thed^««hidetnnott<^muij«. ^^^ ^^ but the night shi'neth I as the I day : II twttruy. IT »»" "-^ -s, ' d«kne.a and the light' are tbotha|like^pnrv^\^^^ ^ ^^ ,0 Lord', that! hate :.. I theef || and am not I grieved w^^ tho«>'that|ri8e...|up«|gamst-theB? 22 I hate' them witE | perfect | hatred : || I' I count ...*i them mine I «n^^; thee. ^1 IS For thou' hast pos | sessed • my Irdns:!! thou hast oover'edijw I in my I mother s | 14 I will praise thee; for I Ami fearfully and won'der | fully |made: || marveUoiiW, thy works; and that' my I soul ... I know«th • right! welL *^,w^ f,.^ I 15 My iltab'staDoe was not | Md froln I ti l iee, i r w Mn I w a s m^ e in se cret , a n d enrioudy wrooght' in the lowest | parts ... | ofthelearth. -^^ _. , 16 Thine eyes did see my sub'stanoe, jm I being • un I perfect ; || and in thy book aU my neS^en were written, which in oontmu- ■■■■ MA a Search me, Q God', and I know my I heart: || try' | mc>d | know Wl^oughto^ 24 And see if there be any wicked' I way in I me. II and lead 'me in the | way... lever | lastinf;' ,^- /- '. •";,•".■■- ' ..';;.: ^■^-^/^ 46 PSALM OXLV. ^ -^ 1 1 wnx «xtolthee',my|God,0|King;ll and I will Wees' thy |Munefor|ever-and|ever. t. WMnav. 2 Every day' | will 1 1 blew-thee; || and I will praise' thy | name for | ever • and | ever. \ 3 Great is the Lord, and great'ly | to be | yraiaed ; || and\hiB I greatness ) is un | search- able. ^ v^ 4 Ou gen^fatioa shall praise thy works' | oanlffibi i«% l^d i^all ' de | dare thy | mightyj «ioan' sots. -5 I will speak of the glorious honour' | of Ay \ in»i?rty, |l and' \ of thy | wondiojw,], works. s 6 And men shall speak of tiie might' oi' ^ thy I terri • ble I acts : II and' I I-Will • deldare thy I gre%tness. 7 The]^ shall abundantly utter the mem'ory of thy|great...|goodnes8,||and'shall|sing... | of tiiy I righteousness, 8 The Lord is gracious, and full' | of com | passion; || slow to ang'er, | andof | great... I mercy. 9 The tiord' is I good to I all: li and Us tender mer'des are | over j all his j works. IQ All thy works shall praise' I thee, O | ISkTo make known to the sons of men ' his | mfghty I acts, jj and the glo'rious | majes ' ty | of his I kingdom. 13 Thy kingdom is an ev'er | lasthsg | kingdom, II and thy dominion endu'reth through I out all | geher | ations. 14 The Lord uphold'eth | all that | fall, |i and raiaeth up all those' | that be | bowed | down. 15 The eyes of aU' | wait-up 'on j thee; || and thou giv' est them^hdr | meat in | due..; j season. ^ ^ 16 Thou' I openest * tlune | hand, || and satisfiest the desire' of | eve * ^ | living | thing. 17 The Lord is !right'eou8 in | all his | ways, II and' I holy • in | all his | works. 18 /nie liord is nigh unto all tliem' that | call-up 'on I him, [j to all' that i call-up 'on | him in I truth. , 19 He will fuU».the desire' of | them thtl t fear-him: II he also will hear'Jbheir | cry, ... | and win I save-them. 20 The Lord preserv'eth all | them that | love-him; II but all' the t wicked 'willl he 11 They shall speak of the glo'jry I of thy I kingdom, || and' | talk ... j ot thy | power; de I stroy. *21 My month shall Ipeak the praise' | of thejilxffd : || and let aU flesh bless his ho'ly j namA for I ever * and I ever. 80? 47 i' l^IiOBB PSALMB PSALM OXLVI. ClMnt$ H7, i59. ^ • , 1 Pbau«' t ye the | Lord || Praiae' the | Lord, ... \ O my | lotiL 2 WhUe I Uve' wiU 1 1 pnuaethe j Lord: || I will nng praisea tmto my God' while i' I have I any | being. 3 Put' not your | trust in | princes, || nor in the ion of man', in | whom there | is no | help. 4 His breath goeth fortii, he return 'eth t to Ua I earth ; || in that ve'ry | day his | thoughts... I perish. B HappyishethathaththeOodof Ja'oobI for his I help, |i whoie hope' is | in the | Lord his I God: 6 Whioh made heaven and earth, the sea, andall'that I therein I is: || which' | keepeth | truth for I ever : 7 Whioh executeth Judgment for the op- preased : wliich giveth food ' | to the | hungry. |! The' I Lord ... | looseth 'the | prisoners: 8 The Lord openeth t h e e yes' j o f th e | CXVn.t OXLTlft bUnd: || the Lord raiaeth them that are bowed down' : the I Lord ... I loveth • the I figfateoua: ^^ fi The Iiord preaerteth the afrangera ; he ralieveth the fa'ther | leaa and i widow : || but the way of the wick'ed he | tumeth | upaide { down. 10 The Lord shall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, unto all' ) gener | atbns. (| PraiM' I ... ... I ye the^j Lordr 48 PSALM CXLVlil. - Chantt iS8, tM. 1 pRAisB ye the liOrd. Praise ye the Lord' Ifrom the | heavena: || praiae' | ...him | in the | heighta. 2 Praise'ye him, | all his | angels : || praiae'l ye him, | all hia | hoata. 8 Praiae' ye him» | aun and | moon : Hpraiae/ him, I all ye I ataraof (iight. 4 Praiae' him, ye | heavena • of | heavena, || and ye wa' tera that I be a I bove the I heavena. 6 Let tiiem praise the name' | of the | Lord : || for he command' ed, | and they | were ere I ated. 6 He hath alao stab'lished them for | ever 'ftnd | ever: |1 he hath made' a de | oree which I shall not I pass. ' 7 Praiae the Lord' | firom the | earth, || \ ye' I dragona, I and all I deepa: 8 Fire, and hail' ; | anow, and | vapoura; )| atorm'y I wind full filling * hiy word: 9 Moun'taina, land all I hfl&Ufhiit'fuli treea, ... landaUlcedara: ~ y.L>Atnv. ■ ■■■ ,.«" PROSE PSALM OXLVIII. — LUKE L 10 BeastiM aid aH | mHIa; || owep'ing I things, and | flying I fowl : \ 11 King«' of the earth, | and^all | people ; || prin'cei, and all | judges | of the | earth : 12 Both young' | men, and | maiden*; )| old' I I men, and | children : 13 Let them praise the name' | of the | Lord: II for his name alone is excellent j his glo'ry is a | bovethe | earth and | heaven. 14 He also exalteth the horn of -his, people, ths praise' of | all his | saints; || even of the children of Israel, a people near unto him. .Praise' | ... ... | yq th^ | I«ord. 49 FbQM tVKE I. ChanUttl,»ii8. ^^ And Mary taid, 1 My soul doth mag'ni I fy the | Lord, H Mtd my spi'rit hath re | joiced ■ in j God my j Saviour. 2 For he hath regarded the low esUte' j eof Ms I handmaiden : || for, behold, from henceforth idl' gener | ations' shall | call -sie^blessedi^ 3 £;or he that is mighty hath done' to | the great | things ;.|| and' | holy | U hisj name, 4 And his mer'oy it on 1 them that | fear-him || fromf gener | ation* to | gtiwr I ation. " * ' ■■ '•'■ '' '''■"■' 5 He hath showed strength ^t with hist arm; || he hath scattered the prqud in th* imag'in I iUio'n jof their I hearts. , 6 He hath put down thie migh't^l from their | seats, || andexal'ted | themqf | lowde | gree. 7 Be hath flUed the hung'rjr j with good | things; li and the rich' I he-hath • sent | empty | away.<«* /^^ 8 He hath ho>l>fc'W/| servant j Israel, j) in' re I membra2[^V#hia I meroy { •9 As he spake' j to^our | fathers, || to A'braham, and | tahis j seed for j ever. LLttiM L M^M.1 - * , " . •■ . "■■-",. ' ' '- ; ■ . , .■ I >' ,■: ■[ ^ _ .' ' ■-■,;-■;■ 60 VwmiXJKtX ■ * ChatiUMUtMS. And hu /other Zachariat woi filled i»ith the Eoly Ohoet, and pr<yphe*ied, Mjfinffr 1 BLS88BD be the Lord' | God of | Israel ; || for he haOi visited' | and re | deemed * his | people, -^ «f 2 And hath raised up an horn' of sail vation | for-us ll|p the house' | of his | servant | David; ' A - 8 As ^e spake by the mouth ' of his [holy | ' tst ■. ^•■%,-- ->. 'i',-' »■ ■* i^phets, Jl wAich have been' | since the] i That we ahould be sa'ved | from our | ^eipies, II Mid' from the | hand of ! all tha^i | * hate-U8j . 4, 6 To perfonn the ' mercy prom'^ised j to V dur I fathers, || and' to^re | membe^ * hi» [ holy I covenant; ." W' * 6 The oath' 1 which he | irware Irto' I ...onrjfather | Abraham, '' . . ♦•^ 7' That he would grant unto us, that we " « b^ delivered out of the hand' | 6f our | enemies || m^ht serve'' j him with | out ... I , lew,' - ■ J^ LUKE I.,'IL' -■', y ■ ; :■■-:.' ■■-■"... '' ■ ;. -V ^ ^ ■"-•.; * 11 Through the tender mer'cy j of our If'! God;I|'whereby jtite day'spring from on high hath | visit 'ot^Mw.^^ .. . ^ ' .42 To give light to theil»at sit m darli abd' in the | ihadowof ] death, || to - our feet' I into -the I wajp^Jf I peace. •*- [LuktL«ir19,l 61 FbOm liJJKE It Tkm to^ he.him up inhia arms, and NetMd^; 1 Lord, ,now lettest thou tiiy ier'vant^ 8 In h£L iuid ^'eou. Viiess be^ delpart m | peace, || ac' | <^ I to thy ^ fore-him,||all'therdaysof |our;..V|life* wordt. .v 9 And. thou, -child,. Shalt be catted the pro'phet I of the | Highest : || for thou shalt before the f^ieot t^e Lord'^ | to pre | pare --iO To gi^e knowledge of ■ salva'tion | unto • his I people || by.' the re | mission | of + theirijuns, ' ' ' , ' ^ */ • . » 2 For'mine leyeshavel seenlttiby' | ... ... I :'.. sal I vation,* J ■■,. < ,. , 3 Which/ thou |.Kast pre 1 pared || befiael the I face of | aU :.: I peofl^J, ,^, , ,, ^^ 4 A light' to [lighten • th4 (GWnles, || ad* theelo'ry I of thy | people | IsraeL " " ILitkeU. 29-92.] 258 f - 1 ' »i ■■ ■ ^'\ ^ " ▼ '- .» . 7 ■' ».■ ■ , ■ ■ r ■ •i r ■■ . -.3"i ■'•' 1 ■ ■ ■ ^ r ■ . - * «* / ■'■ :■ ~ * ' ■ ■ * ■ , . ' ' J.i ''■,*■•-■■■." ■■"■. . ' ■■ *" -5 • W , - , • 'V, 9 ■■ ,> # " it ';: - ' ■•■' .". '■■ ) ^■r- ■" .,;;;•,_:■'■■■•-• .■ . .■■■/^'\;V"-::^C:'"- ■■ ''■'''^■^- 'A