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Las diagrammes suivants illustrent la m^thode. 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 V ^0VASC0TI4 PROVINCE HOUSE \' '} A FORM OK PRAYER AxND THANKSGIVING; To benrad in all Churches and Chapels of the United Church of England and Ireland in the PROYmCE OF NOVA SCOTIA, / On Thursday, Deeemtoer 1, 1864. Being the day ap|)ointed by Proclamation for A GENERAL THANKSGIVING TO ALMIGHTY GOD, Tor the manifold blessings of the present year, more especially for the 8ucd«*» vouchsafed to the Husbandmen and Fishermen of this Province, and for continued preservation from the horrors of War. « HALIFAX, N. S. PRINTED BY A. GRANT. PBIHTBB TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJK8TT. 1864. ,'ft. '% I i 1 Offertory Collections should be taken in all tlie Churclies on the Thanksgiving Day for some special object, in order that the congregations may testify their gratitude by deeds as well as by words. g^ ^Q^J^ SCOTIA. ■ \ ' f\ d -^^■WMHIP* 'mm i 1 n^ I THE OJIDER FOR MORNING PRAYER. ^1 I'/ie Serdce shall he the mme with the usual office for Holy I)a)/fi, except where it in in this office otherwise apimnted. ^ He that miimtereth shall hetjin with these sentences : Rejoice in tlie Lord O yo riglitoous. tor it bccoiuotli well the just to be tliankfuj. ]»s. xxxiii, i. Let us now feai- the Lord our (lod. that iriveth rain, both the former and the latter in his season/^He reserv- eth untt) us the apjtointed weeks of the h;irvest. Jer. v, 24 ^i Instead of Venite E\ultenius. give thaidvs unto the Lord nnd c.-dl upon His name: tell the i)eople what things ]Ie hath done. Hraise the Lord nu/ soul ; while J live will /praise the Lord: Ilea as lony as I hare am/ heinq, I imll sing praises nnto mil, God. O that men would praise the Lord for his i,nM)dn ess : ;ind declare the wonders that He doeth for the children of men. For His mcrcii is tjreater than the heavens : and His truth reacheth unto the clouds. The lions do lack and sutfer hung-er: but they who .seek the Lord shall want no manner of thing that is good. For He satisfeth the emptu ^<>^'^ ■ nnd Jilleth the hungry .soul with tjoodness. Let us magiuty the Lord our (^od : and fall down before His footstool for He is hoi v. ■Ma«iMlMlfMHMHM MT-*** '- ■-«»> immmti^^A He wotercfh the ItilUfroin above: the earth h filed with the fruit of Thj works. Mo l)rin-etli t'ortli -rass lor the cattle: r.nd green lierb for the servicer of men; That He mnv hrixf/ food out of the earth, and wine that maketh r/lad the heart of man : and oil to make him a cheer- ful romtenance, nnd hread to ^tremjthen mans heart. Lor.l. how nianitohl are Thy Nvorks : in wisdmn hast Thou made them all; the earth is full of Ihy riches. SV) is the ffreat aw' wide M'a aho : wherein are thin(/s crecpih'j it^niimeiof 'e. () give than- ^ unt.) tl'O (iod of Heaven : for His mercy endu'reth tjv e ,er. f/ive llianL, unto the Lord of Lords : for Hix merey endureth for ever. (^lory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost. As i^ was in the hef/ivninr/, is now. and ever shall be : world ivnuout end. Amen. ^\ Proper Psalms, :s.xui,hXY, cm. ^1 First Lesson, Deut. viii. ^1 To Dcum Laudamus. ^ Second Lesson, John vi, to verse 36. ^\ Jubilate Deo. ^i The first Collect shall be as follows : I I J CJoi) wlioilccliiiu'st Tliy AlmiL;1ity power, mostcliiefly in sliewiiig mercy and pity, making the sun to rise on the evil and on the <;()od, and sending' rain on tlie just nnd on tiie unjust : continue, we h(^seech Thee, Tliy lovinu^ kindness towards us, and u'ive us o-race to shew forth our thankfulness, hy seekini;- in ail things Thy glory, through .lesus Christ our Lord. Amen. If 7h('n Hhfdl fol/oir the CbUect of f If c first iSandaj/ in Advoif, ami ihc rcsi of the Morniiifi Prui/e} fo fhceudof the (rencral lytan/isf/iciiif/, after tvliich the foUowinij shall he said : ALMKiiiTY God our Heavenly Father, of whose only gift it Cometh that the earth doth yield its increase, and the tishes of the sea are multijdied for tlu^ sustenance of man, who openest Thy liain ami tillest all things living with jdenteousness ; we offer unto ''ji, jur saeritice of praise and thanksgiving, for that Thou hast crowned the vear with Thv goodness, causing the earth to hring forth ahundantlv, and blessing with success the labors of the tishermeu. We are iu)t worthy of the of all Thy mercies, but Thou hast m>t dealt with us after our sins, rior rewarded us according to our iniquities; Thou hast been very gracious unto Thy servants, preserving us from the nnseries of war. and ])ermitting us to enjoy the fruit of our labors in peace and (piietness, undisturbed by foes at home or abroad. Make us to remember that all we have is Thim\ arid cometh of Thy hand, and dis- ])ose our hearts cheerfullv to otter unto Thee of that which Thou hast given to us, by providing for the sick and needy, and assisting in every good work. And to all orders and degrees of men amongst us vouchsafe such a measure of Thv urace, that righteousness mav flourish in our land, ar.d that v,e may lead a quiet and i)eaceable life, in all godliness and honesty, in dutiful obedience to our Queen, and in brotherly love one towards another, through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be all honor and glory, world without end. Amen. mil (J IlIK (X)MMUN10\ SEIIVICK ^f Afkr ihc Pnujer for the Queen, mstcud of the Colkcl for the dat/ the fo'lomni/ shall be said : Almkihtv (ioi) wlio li.-ist promised l»v Tliv Itlossod Son. to iiTuiit unto Thy i)e(ti>lc nil tliinu's noodfiil l)otli for tlieir souls and bodies, jrive us L'Tju'C to seek Tliee with all our JK^art, that our sins may not provoke Thee to visit us in wrath, so that neither sword, nor fauiine. nor pes- tilenee, nor any other scourue. may he I'elt within our borders. Still extend Thy i)r)teclinu' har.d over us, and make us, while aeknowledi;ing our entire art all tilthiness and su])ertiuity of nauglitiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls. IJut be ye doers of the word, and not hearers onlv, deceiving vour own selves. For if anv be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is bke unto a man be- holding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was. Hut whoso looketli into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a fora-etful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed. If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his tongue, but de- ceiveth his own heart, this man's religion is vain. ]*ure religion and undetiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatlKM'l(\'^s aii\v8 in tlicir attliction, aiul to keep liiinst'lf iiiisixtttcd from \\w world. Tin: (Josi'Ki,: St. Iajki: xii. l'). Josus .snid unto tiicm, Tako lieed, and l)t'ware of covet - ousncHs : for a man's life consistoth not in tlio ainindanco of tlio tiling's wiiic't iio possossotli. And lie spako a |)aral)ie unto them, sayinu-. Tlie >. l?l > >. -^iv "■. ..,-.