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Tous laa autraa axamplairaa originaux sont filmte an commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta d'lmpraaaion ou d'illuatration at an tarminant par la damiAra paga qui comporta una talla amprainta. Un dao symbolaa suivants apparaitra sur la damiAra imaga da chaqua microficha. salon la caa: la symbola ~^ signifia "A SUIVRE". la symbol* ▼ signifia "FIN". Laa eartaa, pianchaa, tabiaaux. ate. pauvant itrm fllmte A daa taux da rMuction diff Arants. Lorsqua la doeumant aat trop grand pour Atra raproduit an un saul clichA, II aat film* A partir da I'angia supAriaur gaucha, da gaucha i droita. at da haut an baa, an pranant la nombra d'Imagaa n4caaaaira. Laa diagrammaa suivants iiluatrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 J ' f ^ PROSPECTUS AND RULES OF Temperance Home NEAM MONTMEAL, :*1; Iron : HIS LORDSHIP THE METROPOLITAN. dlnitai Uiiitori : THE DEAN Oi-" MONTREAL. REV. JAS CARMICHAEL, M.A. illtbiial ^iiitscrs : G. \V. CAMPBELL, M.D.. I R. CRAIK, M.D., Dean of thf Facultv of Mtduiiii. i R. T. (JODFRKV. M.D., R. P. HOWARD, M.D., \V. E. SCOTT, M.D., F. W. JAMPP.ELL. M.r IJlrmiocr ; FRED. S. BARNJUM. Sttirfjug : G. SHIRLEY DENISON. A(U!ress " P. n. ,t. v 21S." J-^^:^. ' Wii uu — •■ F«iuUu|c nuun, Si. jBuieii eiieefi '%.* PRosrErTUs and rules ^1. .. '•^ * '-•^'l'^- ^'•''- ., , K. 1-. IliAVAKi). .\1.1).. j !•■ ^V. < AMClU-.l.L. MD. W. J.. SCOT'I, M.D., 1 iRi:i). s. i:.\KNirM. ??ccvrt;uvi : CCt»ittttiiHcc at ^t it II , ( AKMICII All.. .\1.A.. r h\ ■/',:■.• i. i. iit. (ii;(). l^ i'k< i\\ si;, i;m,.. r TUoMAS ( K.\1"III;R\, Is M( iioi.As R. .Ml i)(.i:, i; r. II. .S( ii\i;ii)i;r, Ix,. M MIX (,. .^.\\ .\(;i;. i; t.. MIIi;i.l'.\ bl.M.soN, I-. I I ,,,!)■)■, PROSPECTUS. in\ ( a-^c-. >\1k'1\- tiic ('L-irc fur -liiinilaiiu lur. ^.liiu-il ■>',ii li |iii\\ L-r ()\ iT ,1 mill i> \) rrinkT him iiu ,i|i.i- lilf of w itii->t andiiij, tlu- ordinary tiaii|itati()n> of so. ict\. i'. lia> licfii t'oiuid (hiimanl) ^iH'al>iiiL;, ) im|iM^NiI iK- to rllVi t a < lire unli.'-'> the ti.-m,iti'd one ' \\\\ \\iU cd undrr ^iich rari' .i:-.d inllai-iK (.•>, thai, whik- hi-i ( on-,t itiiti(jn is strciiu'tiKiu-d. his moral powers m i\ lie still niorc d^- ', el()|«fd, 'I'o meet this want, the ('(Jinmittee of St ('ieoi\;e'- ( 'hiireli TeiiiiieraiK e Sxiety inteinl o|i(.nin^', oil 1st Ma\ next, a rem[ieran> e Home tor the cure ot ineliriates. 'J'he metfi(td ot" eiir' whi' h experienc e dii tales. ( oii- >i>ts in i\-Mo\ inu, e\ery weakening; inlliieiK e. and allow- iniT the I onsiitiition to reeo\ i r liieerre(|s ol' \Kt>{ in- i'ii!>e I'll- ,s ;k , D'lipli^liL'd Ijv UsIHl; iieedliil rt'ine- (lies tor the i>od>. . providi:)^ he;dllit'nl diet, ve,e,iilar exer- cise. sU'.ta'ile oei ii[iation, aiM i lieerMil siirrouiidiiiL;s. 'I'lien, ai I'll ir. iv lu eileeted !>;. ;^"o » 1 a 1\ ice. salt d)le read;n_„ dwd. alio^e all. \'\ |ira\er, no; aierelv a lormal in\(uatioii lor hel]i t r. an onH.i^ii, hat the i-arnest e\- [)ri's>ion ot' all t'.ie ei^er;_ies oi h. art ainl mind— sin ii praver as never i;^^'-, uaansu>ri.d. \'v iih die \ iew ot rarrvin:.' out the al'ove system, tlie (.'ommutee li,.\e se( Mred that 'u'siiaMe I'esid'/nee < n the Iai\M.T l.a- tliiiieroad op|)o>ite N tin's i slan.l. < ailed die "();ii [' i\ i!- ion." ll li:i- le. eiuK' heeU remodeileil a.i.i eiiiiel- lislie 1. and is in e^i-iv wa\ well suiled lor the ["'.riioses. ot" tl'.e [iro|i,,,ed Home. S;andn:_; "ii the I'lnk-. of the St. I .,i\\ reii' L', witii I') aeres ot hind aitai iied, it wiiI al't'ord to its iiuna'e^ pierits <;t reei/i -itjon m lioatiii^, tisiiin^, sliootmc, :\ni\ .uhleti' ~j,orts. wlide at tiie sain.' tiiiu' tlier ■ ,ii\ iiw l.!>\rn- lu-ar i.-noui;h io prose a tempt ilion toiiie pitien'.s. The imr -e-i atrs :. top near the hoii--e, SI) 1 iiat inmate- ( an re:!dd\ i>e \isited ov their wives, sisters, or sik li fiicrnis as the M iiim'^it m i\ >L't.- fit to allow. In tiiis ( onii'Ttiou it in iv l>i' iiu'iilioiuii till! tile twi) ('ler^vinen ot' St (ijor^e'^ Cniri li hue un (Icrt ikfii lo visit the Home re_L;iil.irly, and it i> e\|i'( ted til il otiui C'ler.j;\ iiKii will render as^i-,taiu e Irom time to tiiiK-, as oi I asion arises. Whenever medit ine for thi- hotly is reniiired, it will be seen by the names ot the Physicians who have pro- mised to attend, tiiat tiie very hi;;liesl skill will l.e av lil- ahle. It is the purpose of the Sot iety tojirovide the in- mates wilii ill (omforis Usually f<.>unil in a wel!-re,L;u- lated Ilomj, and, as far as iio^sihle, to avoid the as]!e< t, as well 1-. tlie name, of an .\sylum. The Committee .on-id,er themsidves \ery fortunate inhaviii'^ secured Mr. f'leil. r. ;iMJum for the ])e(uliarly re^[ionsil»le posi- tion of .M, maimer. The uoral iulluenc e and physu al irainiivj; \v!iii h. in (onjunct ion witli Miss liarnjum. he has imp irted to the yonn.; people of Montre d. are widely knijwii and appreciated. 'I'iie H )mj is furnished thro'.i|;hout in the most ronif iri.iMj m inner ; the table will be lound supplied with everanin j; in sea-on ; the readin;^'-room, besides books a!id piper-;, will be ])rovided with suitable amuse- ments f )r the- evenings. It is also intended to have a piano, an 1 prob I'oly (Jtlver masieal inslriimenLS tor the use of tile inmates. At [ire^jnl it is uK thought well to receive more than fifteen patients, terms f(jr wliom, a'cortlinu; to ac- (■(rnm > litio.i. will be $p or $p per month, iiv ludinii washing;. .Applications for admission, with '• ( )b!iL;ation of Surety" duly filled up, should bo sent to the Secretary. RULES. While the l,irL;e-.l lll)ert\ ((.MiiiMt ihle with reL; li.iliit^ ,111(1 |irii|iei" (lei i>riini i^ i heerlully allowed ti> ,ill in mates wlio are a Me to (are tor tlu iiim-K e->. it i> iie( .-s- sarv. lor tiie ])re>er\ ation (.)t i^ooii order and the proino- tion of mutual (omiort. that the tollowiiv^ simple rules should lie I ! ;iJ/y ihi'h'i rJ /,', and their enforcement svi!! be insisted iii>on as n,(i'ssarv [lart^ of our system oi treatment : I. Patients an- rei|nired to attend |)ra\ers, nvrniiiL; and evenini:. alxi to he iiri.sent .it Sundav Ser\i, meilic.nes and e\er( i>e in ai ( ordaiK e with the instructions ot tlie .ManaLier or \'i>itin;j; I'livsican, and to Lik,- no m, Ji- ii'ir i>.''i J' •:■ >' wit'a )u; su !i instructions. VIII. No [latient will he .dhiwed to have any money in his jiosses-ion. I .\. fVii n lit > \\ iio w 1-li irtu If . I'uri h 1^1 (I !■ ir tin III iiiff^f h.ivc ini»iu.-v (lciii>>it(ii with t'u- \l.i!i.c_i r ti^r X. Tiir ii^r i.t' to'. ,1(1, 1 (-, I'Drliiililrii r^.ii'i-t ill tl fU'si'^n.Uril hv tin- ^' .iiiivjcr. l>l,li l^ .l^ IIM\ In- X I . IniiMic-. arc ii' pii >iiil iiut tM \i>it IK h I i! luT s |>n\ itr rouiii-^, Willi' it sf^t ,iti/ inriliith'H tiniii tin IH ( ll]).ll\ts. X I i . It is li(.|K-il th It ( \ rr\- nun iti iii hi-, il uh w.ilk .iml ' 1 1'lNcr^ U;i >n will i-mh-.w i»r ti> pininMic the h,i|i|.i- lu---. lit hi-. Ulli>\v., .111(1 thciiKv SCI life hi^ own wi.'l- farc .ind llinidii^h i ilniiii. X I i 1 . I'll h-r i\i» ( ir( a 111. I \w c- will f^rof,iit ■ or i:i,f\\-i'r- .'/ . I.IU^M Ijc In- t( il . IMlr XIW I'ltu-iu -. idin ;^inii li'pi'ii LiUo ihc ! loiUf will lu- ll, ililf t( 1 c\|iiiUi( III. X \'. \'i>it lis will 1>- .Kiiiiitti-il at .ill rr.i-M »n,il>lr h(iiir>. l)Ui till,- ManamT\ c^ tJK' i)|itii>n i>i ilci lining to rtTcJVi,' V i-Ms tr( (111 th( |\. !-.( iit"i-.cni c h'' ni,i\ ,.rvi //'/r li-ht <!t hiiu..(.-U oIuk iMnr,- lo i!u mi' !\^ts i> the 1 l.iii. X \' I ' I M',11 Ui-s 'i.i\ hiu >uii'(l the .ih'U c nih-s arc plu cil upon tii'.-ir r.'>\(iR .i-. mMiileiiicii to .uilKrc to tlui'. st"'.'! olisiTsam c. ,111(1 in tin.- ot am iniraciioi'' l!ii.\ will torteii. .ill iinlul^^ciuc iV.r a iKTUul. LIFE AS.^ijClATES ^1. pE (J roe's Temperance f^oME. r, j. l; ^t^ 111,1 ~, l'!si,i. (iio > 1 1 iiii n. list/. A. 1' . < • V I 1 1 , 1 >','. I \' k -' i\ k \i , I .^1,1. Ai iM KM \\ I . i;. I'li^i 1 1:. k. k. ani.i-., ;;-','. Al in KM \\ ( ,1 I I. ( II I Ml- \\ .M Am.I <, I'.M.i. I I kl \J \M|N Is M \N. I>..>. j \MI s \\ Mx I IIIN'. I . ■■.. k < . S kl \. KM W, I'lvj. M \''.K II. Mil I V 1k\sk k.u\ii, !.-'.>. J. ,s. Ml I \i III \N, ISi.i. I l\\ 111 I I I ^ I". -1,1. kill. I K I kl I ci|;|,, ks.^i. (il {). k . I'kuW -I . kM.i. I'\(r,R'l fi'.iin An. 5 u\ I'im|i.i-".1 ( on-litmi'.n ■ •' Suli-. i'iImiv. wilt lliL-r tn':il ah-LiiiHT- nr iiMi. Ci.r.tnlu'.lin;; at niu-liiiu $I(Ki Id iIil- fuiiiN (if ihc ppi[i(,svil Ikii^,-. may li.- ikU-'i'r A-.i'i.iali- nl lliai I I1--I lUUiiin . \