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S:;^} Montreal Homeopathic Hospital. t} .Mi'liill Colli't^i- AvciiiK-. Ti'l. .jS.;7- I'\>r till- reception ot piiMie, si-mi pri\.»te aiul pri\ate p.itii-iits. Siipi'rintoiuliMil I>r. 11. M. P;itt»Mi: l.ailv Siiix-rintemleiil, Miss Clirtrii.U- White. Ituverniiij^ Hoily eonsists i>t .;H). SeeretarN j. .\. M.itliewsiMi, Jr., Ksi|., 5(1 MeCiill Cir the iiiatiaK»'"H'iit iif Mi'spital aiul Tr.iininj,' Seh^riU', 017 Sherhnioke Stvi'il, St'cTetar\ Mrs. .\. O. Ciran^'er. 770 SherhriH>ke .St, Montreal Homeopathic Dispensary. 1H4. .St. .\iitiiiue St. lliuirs .; tii .^ \i. ni. il.iiiv . l''or the treatment anil eare of those who are ini.nhli- to pa\. C'hairin.'iii of M.inaKin^f Conimitlee J.is. Maylis, l-lsq. Treasurer Iv (.•. 0'(.\>nnor, F-Isi)., 104 SluitiT St., I'el. .^oio. Seerefarv Dr. Win, MeHarrie, .v> F'riiue .\rthur St,, Tel. t>-'7i. .Superinteiulent Dr. .\. D. I'atton, 5^4 St. .\ntoine St.. Tel. Training School for Nurses. MiMitre.il 1 lonuopatliie Hospital. Supi-rintenilent Miss t'lertruile White. I,i'etiiri-s from iVtoln-r ist to .April ist, 1\\ statV I'l six plusi- eians .mj laiiv superintemlent. Committee. Mrs. Sulherlanil T;i_\li>r. Mrs. (.i.-iunt, Mrs. K. J. I'".\aiis, .Ml'.. .\. O. liraiitfer. ^^>;,. / V^r-^f^^'^'^^^, DR. ARTHUR DOUGLAS PATTON. M D CMIC»«0 MOM«OP coil »NO M C. M f. «.. (M0NTI««*1.' ATTINDINO PMV»ICI*N MONTRlil MOM«0»*TMIC MOSi-ITil, »TTlNDIHa FMY»ICI«N MONTR««L MOM«OP*TMIC DI»P«N»«Il Ks : .■<. ;.i I.' 1.1. -• t>> ;. <<• ;>> !>' »•'"'• SlM'W, .•■ ;.. Iv' 4..X. TELEPHONE 8494 *ry^J^ -vi -€i^^«-^ DR. WM. MCHARRIE, M o cMic»ao MOMiOP", COLL. *ND "■ c M. p. ■.< (mont««»lJ ; A'E 'h CHU.ACO HOMB 'f'At UK, H •■^rllAl. ITTSNOINO FMT«ICI»N MONTR0»L M0M«0»»»TM1C OI»P»H««WV. 50 PRINCE ARTHUR STREET. MONTREAL. I lot Ks ; >■. ;.> l.< 1". -" '" ;• "• 5" '*' 7-.»<'- SlM>\\. /. ;.. U> 4..ii>. TEUEPHONB 6271 T r 4t >TTON. • I MONTnl ii;iti's .ilhuli'il to it in rlt'ar ami iK-iiili'il wonls, Sliaki-spi-air, in IK-iiiy I I 1 I'art _', Alt I. Si-. I. iiiilirali's that tlu- tli»H>i\ lii'lil a proininiMit plaii" in tlu- I'Ji/abi'tliaii I'la. In its pii'si-nt tiMin llonu'opatln i>\\ is niiuli lo that ^Toati'sl of ihi- iliniral ol)siT\ris ol his a^i-, Sanuii'l llahniMiian. Tln\>uj^li many vi'ais ot si-mti- h.inlship hi" invi'stii^ali'ci anil stiuliinl this ilual artion ol limits, until in I luti-iaml s Journal in i 7i)<), hi" was ahii- to iiwc to till' worKl a Iht'ory of 'l"hi'ra|n'utiis whifh his own iliniral i-xpriii-mi- ion\ inii-il him to in- till' tiui" anil rational mothoil of luiln^ ilisi-asi'ii I'oiulitions. Thr writin^^s of llahnrm.m form llu' I ou nila t ion I iMm\vhii.'li has ri son, withama/inij^rapitlitN , I hi' moilorn syslom of llu-rapoutii's known as Ho- mi'opatliN. Hahni'inan was tho fouiulor of Homoo- p.ithy, hut tlu- I lomi'0|iathy of to-ila\ is a \astl\ i^ri'atiM', j4;rani.lor, moio romj^li'ti' ami ilifVoront s\sti>m from till- Homfopatlu as sot forth in his writing's. At till' i^ii'sont ila\ I lomi'opatliii- praililiom-is oxisl ill i'vi'r\ part of tho livili/oil world. Somo of mir hi'st orii^inal work lonu-s from Russia, I'laiUi'. Sp.iin, Imlia ami l>r,i/il. At prosont tlu" Homt'ii- patliio journals of" thi> lontiiu'iit rival in iiumbtM'. siii-ntifir information, iiri^final work ami in liivula- tion, thoso of tlu- nominant or so-ialloil "Ro^ular' Si'hool. (A vrri'ator misnonu'r lannot he imaijinoil, for no two '* Koi^^ular toxt-books, no two *' Ro^ular nii'ii ai^iri' on tho troatnu'iit ot'a i;i\i'n lasi'. W'liik-, foi" .1 ilisiMsfil loiiiliiion pifsi'iitiii); simil.ii- s\ mp- liMUs, till- I li>iiu'op.illiii- |>liysiii.iM, iu> iMiitU-f wliiTi* l«Miiul, if' 111- kiuiws his \V(»ik, pti'si-iiln's tlu* saim- iliui^s. I lniiu»o|>.'illiy is ///,• In»-^mi1;ii SystiMli. ) In llii' I iiitril Sl.itrs, .1 j^omi pi i>|>«>i I i»>i» of tin- s|,il«- lu»spitals ,iiul asyliiiiis arr iiniU'r i Iiinu*i>patliu' li'i'atiiUMil. Ill .\»'\\ N'oiU (.'it\ till' sfvoiul laix«"'l hospital maiiilaiiii-il I>y llu' rivii- aiil limit ii-s i.s tlif .Mi'Mopolilaii, a i KMiicitpatliir iiistitinioii wliosf t«Mal .ii\i»iiiiiiiuiatiiMi will ii-atli i,,vx> h«Hl^. I'lir ratalnmu- ol I ionifkipalhii ln>i>Us iiiiis into tlu- tliousaiuls, aiul r\«Ty wi'i'k iii'U In>i>Us nl yii-al siii-nlilu' valiu- issue lioin till' I lonu'opathii- piihlishiiij4 lioust-s. DKFINITION Ol- HOMI-OPATHY. I. riu' iiiali'iia ini*ilira of" I lotiu>opatln° i«>ii- sisis nt till- I oiupli'ti- ii'ioiil, pli\ sioN>^'^iial, pallio- K\i{:ii-al ami s\ mploiiialit.-. ot tlu' aiMioii i>l ilnij^s iipi>ii tlu* hrallliy oij^anism. J. It a disiMsiil voiulit ion ( not n-saltiiii; from tin- ill ffVi-rls i>f ilru>;^s), pn-srnls similar s\-mptoms \o ai)\ iliii);^, so pio\<'il, llial ili'.i); in llu- tninimmii rfVi-ilivt- liosi- will it'iiuni' that ilist-asfil roiulition. ;,. (Not ) " Lot tlu- S(i>nt' hi- turi'il hy llu- Sti»/,'." (Milt) " la-t /.ii-is he lurotl hy Likes. THIHORY OF DRlKi ACTION. \\ I- di> imt kiu>u all tlrii^s : ui- lannot roail ail patholoj^ii al sympUMiis, Wlu-n \\i- an- |u-rl\.'il in llu"-i-, nt>nu-i>pathy will iiiit- invaiiahl\ aiui poojili- will only d\c from oUI a^t- i>r aiiiiU-iil. All ilru_i,'-s sii far i-fVt-ilivt-ly provoil liavt- tlu-si- aotions: i. riimary»ir Physioloj^ical. j. Si-ccndarN or Cnrativo. Calonu-I in jL^r. x xv pr«>i.hu-t's niaikotl s\niplv>ms, mainly on tlu- j^^astro-inli-siinal lra»l. Takf two of llu-si-, iiampaiul iliairlni-a. Tlu- i-fTi-il o\ tlu- tlosr lonlimu's 4 to t> lioins. riu-n,as tlu- ihuii IL Miiiil.ir s\ iii|>- m.ittri- wlii'ic l»i's till' saiiii- S\ sliMM. ) In II i>t till- s|;ilf I li>ii\ct>patlii(- •«•» t>iul lai^^isi iioiilii's is tin- o\\ wliDM' tlM.ll I 111' rat.ilo^iir luMisiiiuls, aiiil ilir \alui' isMu- ''I'S. ATHY. lU'iipallu iiiii- li>>;irai, pallio- 1 o| ilru^s upon I'.iltin^- from llu- mploMis to an\ imuiii rni'rti\f on. by till' S(i >//,■.' .ii'i's. ION. miiot ii-ail all ail' |U'iii'it in ily aiui pi'opli' •«.l liavr tlu'si' Si'ri.ndaiy t'l diu't's nuirki'ii ii'Ntinal tiarl. a. Tho offl'i't M,aN till' ilriij;' is U'aviMjLf lli«' sv>li'in l)v llir howrK aiul kiilm-ys, ami onh' a small i|iianlily ii'inaiiis, mark llu' oppositf ir- still. rill' iliai iliii'a j^-ivi's plarr to ohstiiiaU' ft>nsii- patioM, till' rolir to tlu' raliii olan opiali'. Iltliis rrsiill wi'ii' oiilv tlu' stiimiinj;; rrsull ol'llif ]>o\\rrriil ilrii)^ rausinji; iiuisrular rxliaustion, this musiiilar rxliaustion wouUI pass away in a li'w hours, as in tlu' lasi- ot ollu-r musrlrs. Tliis ri'suli liowrviT lasts tor ilavs, aiul our rliniral I'xpi'rii'iUf ii>n\ iiii'i's us that this sriotulary cflort is a triir Si'ioiulaiN Aitioii rominvi' from tlu' inininniin rfTi-rtivi' ilosi*. W'l' havi', linu' ami tinu' a^aiii stoppt'il a iliarrlui'a likr to that ot" nirnury (hut iVom iliill), with nu'ri'urins U x, wlu'ii in xxx ot tr. opii in tlu' haiuls of a [dominant Srhool |>hysiiian hail taili'il. QUESTION OF- DOSE. Thi" ohji'il is to tiiul llio larj^-i'st amount ot liu' ilru>;^ tlial will obtain I ho Soiomlary Ai'tion ami avoiil till' Primary. This has boi'ii loanu'il by I'X- poririui'. An illustration will bo rloaii'st. A man I'omi's to us pii'si'iitinj^ symptoms almost idt*ntii'al with ihosi' ot nuMVurv in lar^o ilosi-s. Wo ask him it 111* has taki'ii mori-ur\ . If lir answors in tho afVirmativo wo put asiilo I lomoopalhy ami bi'i-omo simply nii'ihanio or i-homist , with a poison to anti- iloto. This wi' ilo nii'ihanically or i'homir;illv as tho iMsi' most oalls tor. it, on tho othor ham!, hi- assuii's us that 111' has takon nomonury, but is sufVoring^ trom till- ri'sults of ooUl or imporfoil ilij^ost ion, wopro- ri'i'il on our priiuiplo. Mi'riui}' is i'\ iili'iitly his ilruj^, but what iloso will proiluit' tho Socoiulary ami avoid the i'rimar\ Action? W'l' try i x or ^r i-io, ono tablot ovory hour. N'oxt morning- hi- ri'j>or(s that lhi> ilru)^^ m.ulo his iliarrluva worso, but on stopping' it tho iliarrhiva got graiiually l)ottiM- and is now gono. Wo loarn that lliis tli>Nf still I'.nisj's tlu' physiolo)^!i .i! *>!• I'iim;ir\ Ailion, whii-h wf do not w.imI. Ow Hl'Xl pal'u'Mt LT*"''" •''•' -' >' '^'" M^'" l-KM). U»il his rt'poil iirxl ila\ shows still s»)im' ph\ siolo);-iral ov l'iim.M\ .\ttii>n prt'sfiit in flu'si* ilosfs of tlu- ilrn>;. So li> our lU'Xl similar lasi- \vf ^wc llu* ,^x ov y,\ I-I<)(K1. His It-port tin- m'Xl ilav tt'lls us tlu' stoiy an ffVi- iii'iit IIiMiu'opath hi-ais so i>rti'ii: " I>oi"tor th;.t nu'iliiiiu* woiki'il likf a iliaiin, ami I was irlii'v oil altor tlu* first ilj>so.' Wo havo loiMul till' luaxiiutiin iloso of this ilru); that will ^\\i' tv> us its St'rotulary Ai-tioii only, aiul avi>id till" Physiolo^iral or Primary. in till- fori'^oiii)^ lios tin- loply to tlio iiliotii' ai- j^fumont, advaiu'i'd l>y iiu'ii with profossional ili^-nit\ upon tlu'ir sliouklois, that I hoy I'an swallow a two ilraohm holtlo of tlu- ihuv;^ without tlu* U'asl p'»y- siolo^^iial otVort. Cortainlv what has boon with tho j^roalost pains, rt'inovod from tin- ilriij4 oannot In- found in it Physioloj^^iial Aition. A propiM"lv propairil Momoopalliir ilruj^ is iiiaiU- to n-movi- a ii-rtain i;ioup of syinptoins, and unlt-ss tln-si- symjitoms aro prosi-nt tlu- ilruj^f will not pro- ilui'o tlu-m. l-'roin a drii>;- wlu'iu-o I'hysioloijioal Aition has boon oradirati-il, 'I is barbario i^^iioranor to i-xpi'it Physioloj^iial Aition. Homoopathii- Mt'i- rurv will /lo/ i.iuso diarrluva. Honu'opathii' Ipoiar will no/ rausi- vomitinj^. CHAHBERS' ENCYCLOPEDIA. rndor tin- lu-adiii)^ " I loiufopathy " wi- havo an i-xooUont loiitrast bt'twi'on tlu- xiows oi tlu- Allo- pathio ami Homoopathio oiiitors. Tin- liiu- of do- markation, showinj;' wlii-ro thr oiu- finislu-i.i and tlu- otht-r i-omnu-nii'd, is almost liidii-rously apparent by thf sharp ohanjfo of opinion. II. M. i'ATTON, .>i. iV ii.il i>r Piiniar\ ^V I -KM). Milt ii's of till" ilrni;. • llu- ,?\ i>r m !«• stoi\ ail I'lVi- " l>ni:i)i- tli;>l I uas iilir\i'il ISC i>| this ilriij4 ction only, aiul > llu' idiot if ar- ssioiial ili^nil\ s\valU>w a two I 111' loasi pli> - ^ Inn-n with tlu- rw^ lannot In- (• iliii.ic '*' inailr iins, aiul imli'ss ^ will not |>ro- I'lu sioK>i;iral arir i^noiaiui' lu'opatliii" Mt'i- opathif Ipi'iai EDIA. V wi- havi' an ,vs oi tlu- A1K>- Mu" liiH' ot i\c- iiislu'il ami llu- ^ly apparent by .TTON, M. n. To tlu' thinking;: iiuliviiliial (iVoin wlioin only I loiiiropat hy il»-siirs i rio^'nition ) a It-w woiils will |M'ovt' of inlrii'sl slu>win);^ llu* iinnu-asiirablf sii- pi'fiority n< tin* systi'in to that laik ol s\sti'in lol- lowt'il hy th«' srhi)ol »>r liailitioiial iiu-iliviiii'. " llo- iiii'opathy iU»i's not wish ti> liiul tatill with tin- mfii wlu> still ilin^ to a worn out aiui lian^^joroiis systiMu; it is nii'irly ili'siioiis that llu- hottor systi'in should In* stiiiliiHl anil tho woist »>iu' li-ft iH-hiiul. ' hi llu* publii' wartis oi' tin* Montreal llonu'opa- thii- lltispital, duriii>^ till' past year, 150 eases liave been under treatment, with one death, making a leeord imparalli'leil in the hospital history o( the Dominion, a death rate oi' '4%. In eholera, whieh ean harillv be i lassed as a ehilihi'ii s ilisease or "a triflin^^ ailment, the statis- ties show : I lomi'opathie ileatli rate 16.4 per leiit. Aliopathie death rate 51).^ per eent. comparative statistics ot ! lomeopat liii' and Al- iopathie treatineiit*^ eoverin)^: a perioil oi live years, eoin|iileil by Dr. Jos. i^uihner, of" .\ew N'ork. Aliopathie IK'.itl) K.itc. I lomeopat hie Cases. Diath Kate. Kr Krv sint'ijis, Di.irriuva, I'l'vcrs, Ivphiis, PiciirisN, , lull of b., l*iU'imu>i)i.i. I >\ si'iitcri , lli'.irt alfivtn's, Apepli'W . Ci'iisimiption \ a • ■ .<4,S .?"<) -•.47.{ .SI 46 ,{"«» 447 .S<» .J.S •«47 !•: .{><' .!■ I 710 <>H 21 J 1 1 10.! I. J t>. I r.rysipi'l.-is, DiarriUL'.i, .... I'l'VlTS, 1(1.0 Typhus, . . i,S.t> t'lfiiris>, . . 41.0 Ititlatu. of M. Mt.-i l'iu-iiiiul»»iil, Scari.'itiiia, (lu^t accurate). I Sc.irlatina, . . loj j.i> If we liavi' sueeeeili'd in iiuhiiinj.f the re.ider to make an investij^ation into the merits ot a systi-m whieh has outlivi'il tlii" sneers ol the ijjfnorant tlu* dawn of a brij^-hter ila\ tor siitVerinj;^ humanity is at lianii. Artiu R D. l\\i TON, M. n. \V■II.l.I.\.^t Mi'Harrii;, M. H. 2H.S ' j.H CXtober 1st iS()5. m s The hosfitnl (im/ (fisf^nisaty arr of' vifa/ inif>t)rftni(f to the //oniinf^tit/iii puh/ic. 7'hcv an' the only nituins hv 'Xx'hich thr Moutnal I lonuofyiifhic f^hysiciaus am ob- tain the ".iu'i/f t\/>rn'rn(t' miutrd to nndfr t/u'ni I'lfiiicnt and cxf^triiiind in thr crrr advancinii- sritncr of niodcni Honuofyatliy. The Inst of hospital cxfurivmr is rctfuisitc to f^nxtncr the hrst ".vork in practice. T/n public arc therefore nn^nl to support the Hospital and Dispensary by contributions to the treasurer, E. (•. O'Connor. HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES In Motlur Tilutiiri', I>iluli»'ii. Trituration, f.iiilnilis aiivl r.ihUt txrin. prip.iri-a t>\ Messrs. n.Hriikf A: Tal.l. I'l Nixn V»>rk. i.in k' nlMaimil at Siarti s I'liarm.aN , ,t^>-- Si. Catlu' riiu- Sln-i't. .\in imiliiviu- iu>l in stivk i;tii lu- poiiirnJ .it slnut nutiit. ^