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Las diagrammas suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 4 5 6 ^Y^ ■■' I F D 'W., 'i^ ^^ *'^7 Ate^ t ■ iiiln LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF JL-'AS:=JOCiAT«ON DES FONCTIONNAIRES DU GOUVERNEMENTde QUEBEC ', , ^/::.^ • ■ ■■ ' MONTREAL BRANCH , * V' %e- 'V. ■•^-' "J; r s>: ^^^^?^ MEB^CAlNTIIiB PRINtHSTG 2 St. Paul Street Eas^ >*• . J** ? > V^ .*• ■■■•; +. '■^<'^. ■«** • \^ i*-«Wi ,..J*V.i _..... ■■"V:,. f I-.. ■^■',w ■' '.h ' ■ - S . -■ 1 •■-'■■ ■ •V-V)'' 'i^ ,'■: *' <^'n :/■. ..VV-V-' V. ,^ \. 1- ' ./'■ \^ 1 h' .'i H ■ i ^ 'K .-/■ ." '.. t-'^'^' ,■ ' - M c- ' ^■■'-'■^ 1 ^^'' ^A >: . ! - :^-- '■ *''.' .■"^■'■*' 'VT-;. A'.-.^ .. ; J HH LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF ^ASSOCIATION DES FONCTIONNAIRES DU GOUVERNEMENT OE QUEBEC MONTREAL BRANCH :mercantilk riu ntixg 2 St. Paul Stret't East JMontieai ,1 ,r ^i;, r>''> 1' ■K LAWS AND REGULATIONS (IIAITKU r Name and Object Artirlt' 1. — This S(M'U»ty shsill bo known under tho nan.o of " L 'ASSoi'I ATION DKS KONC- TIONNAIKKS DT liOT V KKN KM KNT DK (^I'K- Art. 2. — The object of tliis Association is to kfi<»\v cacli otlit'i- hi'ttor, so as to fratcrni/o to- j;t»ther ill a more t'rnitt'ul iifannci' and sa1'('«;uard the indivi«lnal and colleetivo intcit'stH; to odu- fate iu jjiMUM'al all tlio niomborj} as oniployccs aa well as ront'rores; to assure to this province and its ministers a more effective and aj>pro|)riato service from its servants, and finally to make known to the public what a class of civil em- ployees is :ind what its princi[)les and as[)ira- tions are. CllAPTKK ir Qoveriiing of the Association Art. l\. — The Association is rule(l by the meet- inff of its members in conformitv with its eon- stitution, and is administered by a Moard of Directors elected by the n»eetin^. CHAPTER III Members Art. 4. — To be admitted, a member of this As- socaition, one shall have to be employed perma- nently, i.e., during the whole year, by the gov- ernment of the Province of Quebec, and submit in every point to the estal)lished regulations. o o \9 Hlinll !»«• «»x«'luil('(l, howovi'r, tlio Di'piity Miii iMtiTM iiihI tlu' S<'t'rt»turi«»M to tlu» minisfoiM. In caMO wIhmo II MM'Hihor of tlu» Association mIuiII bo )»roiii()t«M| to oiu' ot* tlio fmu•tioll;^ luT«'ii»al»ovo, he Nliail roatiniic to Ik' a ituMiiln'r, hut Nliall have no ri^fht to any fliaiK*' aH officer, nor to any I'OMimittc*', and lie shall not !)«• aliovviMl to tako )»art at any nuH'tiiijr as a nicnilnT. Art. '). — A party vviHhin^ to luM-onir a nu'rnlu>r of the Association shall liav«' to make a|»|»lica- tion for ailniission on the forms supplied l»y the Association, This application -liall ho |>roH(Mit- y hallot shall at once In^ initiated or siiall he initiated at one of the two meetinjjfs following-, after havinjr re- ceived a notice (»f same fr«)m the Record in«^ Se- cret a ry. Art. 7. — The entrance fee sliall he one dollar (.$1.00). Art. S. — The numthly dues shall he twenty- five cents, payahle in advauee. Art. 0. — Any nu'nil)er indehted in three months contrihution shall Ipso facto he de|)rived of his riglits, except only in the case of ])rolonjied ah- .sence due to ^ood reasons. Art. TO. — lie-instatement : — Anv member liav- < \\\^ been suspended for cause of delay in the payment of his monthly «'ontrihutions, to be re- instated, shall: — — 4 -_ y Mill I'M. Ill hull be i:iIk>v(\ II have to any (I tiiUit iu'iii)i(*r pjilica- l»y tlio i'(» tho bv HP- it t** MUftl- ioh. ootinjj, th f(.r t shall at Olio in^ ro- ll u; Se- (lollar wenty- IIOUtllH of his P(l al)- r liav- in the be re- (u) Mak«> M|i|*iili«'at ion shall then Ik» Mubiiiilteil for acci'ptation or rojoct- ion M«'('oi'laco on the 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, at the place chosen by the Hoard of Directors, and such date as well as the place of meeting could only be changed by a vote of the majority of the members. . Art. 15. — Every meeting shall oi)en at eight o'clock p.m., unless a notice to the contrary is given. I Art. Ml. A "ptMinl mottin;; nIuiII !»•• i-hIIi'iI l»y flu* Hojinl of Dirt'i'torN vvIhmi it sliull Im» (1itiih'.( ltrit\n*v or upon a wrirti»n «li'iiiainl nj^iumI hy fi'ii n»milar uu'mhjMs n«l(lrt'?*j-tM| to tlw I'rfniduut, yiN • iiij4 th(* rt>:iNou or rtMiHoim for miicIi a t> xivca nt \vt\st forty-oij{lit hours prt'vioiiMly. Art. 17.- Tlio (|iioriiMi lor I he rt>;iilar inci'tia^rt .shall 1m' of .m'voa iimmhImtn aii mimI nr-ts in conformity with tin- constitution. Art. IS). All »'X|K»nsos incurroti by tho Hoanl of Directors shall he |)niil with the funds of tlit- Assrived of his — 6 — office ami be uMiitc> pUn'ttoiiM. Art. 22. — All offirtT hIiuII ahvny* hftve th« right of r«»f«»«niMj( from hin office after havinfir given hlH writtni n'signation at a rojfular moot- injf. But ln'f'ori* his i.'Mi^nation \h ai'(M'ptt'<|, )ie Miiall )ianntM or otiuM- tliin^^ licloa^ing to the AHHOciation. hi \\\o cimo of the Heerotary- Treanuror rt»«i^'ninjf, Ih» Nhall also rtnnit all iiiouoyM ainl valuables to tlu' Assoi'iatioii. CIIAI'TKU VII Duties of Officers Art. n. — The I'rt'si.liMit siiall prosido at all nifetinjfs of the Association; huvt» tlio ri'Kula- tiona (Mifor<'«'lacer).~-Thc lioeordin-^ StM'retary shnll kec^p a ininiito hook in wjiirli to (.ntor all" thi; dolibiM-- afions of cacli ivyular or special inocting; remit to the Treasurer the a.-eoinits approved by the meeting; .Iraw the pvoees-verbal of each meet- ni«' and siibjuit it to the following- meeting; call 111 writni^- the members of the Board of Direct- ors when recpiired by the President; si^rn with the President ami the Secretarv-Treasurer all (•rders, che(pies or official documents and act as Secretary to the Hoard of Directors, and re- j)ort to the meeting- the deliberations of said <'<"»'n.ttee; hand over to his successor under a three lays' delay all books and belongings of tlie Association under the penalty of beiiur struck off the membershij) list; fina'llv to fuIfiU all the duties incumbent to his office. The Secretary-Treasurer Art. 20.~The Secretary-Treasurer shall k-ep a cojnplete list of all the members of the Assoc- iation with their addresses; collect all contribu- tions or other amounts due to the Association and give a receipt for san.e; report at each moet- iiig the moneys ccdlected; keep an exact and faithful account of each member of the Assoc- iation; deposit all moneys received in a bank <'hosen by the Association; keej» a cash book showing receipts and expenses; sign with the Iresident and the Recording-Secretary every <^heque or order accepted by the meeting; T,ro- 'liK-e the bank book of the Association at every "i^H'ting; report to the Auditors as often as re- •pieste.l all transactions made since the last audit with vouchers; remit all books, doc- —- S -- . unients or moneys to his successor; furnish a bond for a determiued amount if the Association exact same. The Marshal Art. 27.— The Marshal sliall take char«rc of all organizations or demonstrations where the As- sociation is to take pan as a body; lie shall also supervise tlie preparation and decoration of the hall when required to do so. He sliall keep the door and direct to the Secretary-Treasurer the members comirg in late and who have not their membership card. The Auditors Art. 28.— The Auditors shall examine and verify the books of the Secretary-Treasurer in presence of the President and Record- ing Secretary, so as to render a faithful and exact account at each meeting preceding the annual elections, or at the meeing when the elections are taking place; this audit, how- ever, shall be made when need be and on the President's authorization; they shall also in- form those in arrears upon an order from the Secretary-Treasurer which sliall be handed to them every second month. CHAPTJ^R VIII Nomination and Election of Officers Art. 29.— The nomination of officers, direct- ors and auditors shall take place at the first regular meeting of November. This nomination shall be received by an elected President ap- pointed to that effect by the majority of the members present at the meetino-. — 9 — 'Jf Art. ;i(l.--()!i!y tlic Minnhcrs ii I 'rHnu\ stjnnliiijr Jit the i(;jriil}ir .\(.\t'm»>or iiicctiiiii s\v,\\\ \\n\o the ri^'lit to vote jit tlic election ol' s.-iid offieers • lireetors and .mditors. Art. .11. — The election slinll t.-jke ]>laeo at the first rej»iilar nieetinj>- of Deeeinliei of eaeli yoar and the installation of Ihe (deeted offi<'ers shall tal\e place at the same meetiiij*-. Art. ;il\ — The «dection shall always he niado hy secret ballot. Art. ;i;;. — The Tresidcnt of (dection shall ap- p(dnt scrntineers who shall prepare, (-(dlect the ballots and verify the votes and report the re- sult to the Pr<'sident who shall declare the win- ner (dected to said (iff ice. Art. .'!4. — If one candidate only is beinjj put into nomination for an office, he will be de- clared tdected after all other nominations are closed and if more than one ca-ididate is put on the ranks, the votes shall be taken, and the ])arty carrynij. the lai'^est number of votes shall l)e declared (dected to the office by the (niairman. Alt. .'!;■), — Xo njend)er is to leave his seat with- out the Chairman's j>ermission, save the scrutineers. Art. :U). — A member c.snnot be elected without his consent, and if the ojie to be |uit in nomina- tion fo- a enses ^leeme.l necessary shall he fixe.l hv the Board of Dire.-tors. CIIAITKU \ Amendments to the Constitution Art. ;;!>._Any motion having for ohject the iiio.lification of these regulations shall only he taken in consideration at a reuular meeting' and after a notice of motion shall have heen ^nyen at the preceding meting-, ami such motion shall only he a.loj)te.l on a majority of two-thinis of the memhers jji-esent. However, in an uroent case, a special meetin.r may l)e called to that effect, on the vote of two- thirds of the memhers present at the meetinjr Mhen sai.l notice of motion is jjiven, and in this f-ase, such notice of motion may he discussed at sai.l s|>ecial meetinj^ only. Art. 40.— This Association cannot he .lissolved as lon^ as FTh-rKE\ regular memhers wish to continue its operation, and in case such .liss.du- tion would take place, the money then in haml shall he .livideernianent eoniniittees shall be appointed, eacii one bein^- eomi>osed of five members, viz: The Le^jfislative Committee, the Onsorin^ Committee and the Statistics Commit- tee. The members of these five committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. Art. 42.— The Legislative Commiitee shall be charjijed with studying the best means of mak- ing a demand in the interests of the Associa- tion; it shall also study the amendments which might be brought to the regulations as well as every new measure suggested for the good of the Association. Art. 43. — ^The Censoring Committe shall Sttudy and analyze every writing or article which such or such a member shall wish to make public either through newspapers or any other way, and no member shall be allowed to publish such 'ar- ticles without submitting the same to said Com- mittee. Art. ' k— The work of the Statistics Commit- tee shall be to compile figures every time it shall be deemed Droper. Art. 45. — The preceding Committees shall re- port their views on every question submitted to them at the first regular meeting following their meeting, except the Censoring Committe which shall have the right to decide finally; never- theless this last Committee could also submit its opinion to the meeting when not willing to take .alone the responsibility of the writings submit- te.— The Pivsidont of tho Association shall from jmrt of oath committeo, ipso facto, bosi • — 'r"'"' niend»ers are all iddi^ed to \(de, ex- «'e|>t in a case where they are exempted from do- iny so for valid reasons accepted l»y the Pres- ident, ^>- — A motion havinj; been won may be rt'con- sidered at the same meetino' (,r at the first fol- lowing- meetinji on another motion jiroposed and seconded by two mend)ers havinj»- voted with the majority. A motion liavinj; been lost may also l)e reconsidered at another sitting if the prop- oser or the se.'ond(>r of su(di motion have new facts to present. 7. — On the reading- of a document, vvluMiever it shall be asked for, the vote shall be taken with- out discussion, if a member objects to sucli a leadin;^. S. — When a member wishes to speak, he must stand up, and if two mtMubers stand up at the same time, the President shall decide which ii< to si>eak first; however, the pro|)oser and the sec- onder shall alvv'ays hnw the j»ret'erence to ex- jdain their motion. 1>. — No member shall have the rioht of leav- ing- tlie deliberation room when the vote is de- — 14 — «««»r,'» it'con- it fol- I aihl th tho ' also prop- II cw in.'iii«l«M| on ji |M»i-ts ay cnriPMiMMhUMiciC H>.— Aiiv iihmiiImm- Icavin^r improperly .liiriiij,^ tlu« nu'ctiiii., iisiiijr profaiu' laiiKunj^M', or making a •listiirhaiH'c, shall he reprimanded hy tlio Pres- i'loiit, and if he refnses to obey, lie shall l.o t'jtM'ted fnnn the room and the Hoard of Diroct- ois shall jndyc upon his case. II.— A m(>niher shall have the ri^ht to speak during ten minutes only on thr same .subjivt. The p '.posers and seconders of motions only shall he ei'itled lo reply; if however the siil.- :i«M't nn.ler discussion is very nnj)ortant, this li- Juit of tinu' shall be increased, but only with tho aj»pr(d>ation of tho majority of the meml»ers J»res(Mit. 12. — When a motion shall be before the clinir, HO other motion shall be presented except to' make an amendment, to refer the i' iniist cxplaiii it in a ft'W wonis, without nmkiiijjf any sfM'ccli, and tlu- iMM'Hidont shall dcfide. If the docision is favor- •.\\t\o to the speaker, he may continue IiIh speeeli; if not, he shall abstain from doin^ so. No jtoirit of order iumv \io raisi'd for any futile reasons and there shoiiM he no abuse. K). — A member believinj( liimHelf hurt by the decMslon of the l*resident shall have the rijjjht to a|)})eal from that dueision, and he shall be al- lowed five minutes to establish his rights. The I'resident shall explain his decision and shall then put the (juestion: 'Ms the decision of the Chair to bo maintained."" and the maioritv of votes shall decide. 17. — When the discussion on a motion is ex- hausted, the President shall ask the members if tlu'y are ready for the (;uestion. and if nobody stands up to speak, the vote shall be taken at once. The fact of a member asking; for the (juestion durinjr the discussion does not coni- stitute for the President the oblij;ation to take the vote, as every member has the right to ex- press his opinion. 18. — \o jjolitical, national or religious (|ues- tions shall l)e discussed during the deliberations of the Association or the Committees. li>. — A demand mav be made bv a member de- siring to treat a subject new to the Association, but if his request is granted it must be for a motive deemed necessary or useful; and in this case, the member making such a demand shall ex]>ose the case in Ji few words and the majority shall decide. — IG — ;».i»*.x»«^ 20. — Tlio ordor "f t\\o s known to the Secretary- Treasurer. 2;j. — Three members shall form a (piorum for the pernwment Committees and five menibers for all other (.'onunittees. 24. — No member shall communicate to outsid- ers, not even to an absent confrere the deliber. ations having taken place at the meeting. 2r).— The Manual adopted by this Section shall be the '^Manuel de Sauval." 26. — No member shall have the right to vote at the election nor to be elected an officer if he is indebted towards the Association, and it shall 1h^ the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to verify the fact in every ease. 17 — !oit of the S«'riot}ii\-Trcjismi'r. -HcMfiiiijr of coiiiimmiratioiis. -PlCSt'lltMtioil of JtCCOllMtS. T^iisiiM'Ms nIrt'Mily roiimiciicctl. .New IHIMJUI'SS. Xoticc of motion. 1."). hli'ftioii of ot fircrs. U). — InsfMllntioii of oft'i«MM's. .!<.- Ki'iiKjrks ol *i(Mi('r;il iiifciosf. IS. — Adjoiinitm'iit. 1 ' — • J IS RITUAL OPKNINd:— TIIK PKKSIDKNT: — I .Iim-Imh' this sittin^r o|M'ii t<» trim Jii't tlio jit'fniiM siifxnittfil to wh, Ah.lorUNMKNT:- Tlll'l I'UKHIhKXT: — ('(.iifn'n's, it* tlnr.- U iiothiiiy; risr to siiluiiit to tliis inrftiny;, 1 will jiioiMM'il t(» tlw ;i(l.jourimu'ut. I (Icchirc tliin iii('«>tiii^ ikIJomiim'iI to ttw (lay of tin' iiumtli of w luii 1 hope to Ht'c t'vi'iy mh'UiIm'I' prt'st'iit. INITIATION Ol' MlvMllKKH. INITIATOR. I, (iiaiiM' iiml siniinmc) sotciim- \\ proiiiis,' ii|M)ii my lioiun-, to l»'.' present n't the met'tiii}iM of this Association as much as \ possibly can, anivoM the flues and takes their names and addresses.) INSTALLATION OF OKKICKUS INSTALLING OKFICKR: — Officers, a «;reat responsibility now lests upon you; you have in your hamh the hopes and honor of your con- freres and there i-annot be a j^reater honor for you; take yood care of I lu' interests entrusted to vou; fulfill vour duties honestlv and without fear. May the services you will render to your Association make it a ^icat and |)i osjx'rous one. — 11) — Kiihlly fakt' thv following; ofitli <»f luMu»r:— I, ('iiaiiK* hihI MiiriiJiini' I liiiid invHiilf liv tliOMi* pruHiMitH ,to fulfill faithfully lunl to tlio hcMt of my kur»\vlo(|j;«' nMy tht» rharm' cntruMtotl t<» luv. Morcovt'r, 1 |ironii'»u to tiiko euro of all tho cffiM-ts auil obJtM'tM on- truMttMl to my keeping .'inI M hi-:h4»ka\ui m tw« i » . «y.»'( i nJK ; ! P ' Jk^ >iF:>i<:iiA\f>i ^1 Mff^MORA^Di M H.4' *. I I mmim I I I MIGKVIIOKRR ;f- 11 <^/«2f 7 LOIS ET REGLEMENTS DE L'ASSOCIATION DES FONCTIONNAIRES DU GOUVERNEMENT DE QUEBEC SECTION DE MONTREAL ■f. ^^-^ .*' i^ ; r- t.i, MERCANTILE PRINTING 2 rue Saint-Paul Est Montj§al "t"^ ''\ I , , 1 A . '-If 1 ■ ■>.,< V> k^' ;4,-4.^\t' '' r'..v 'J ' ■ Is ■>. >; i .^"v^'v^- '•?.„}., j- '^'',« .'• 4 4,S.''i A'- LOIS ET REGLEMENTS DE L'ASSOCIATION DES FONCTIONNAIRES DU GOUVERNEMENT de QUEBEC SECTION DE MONTREAL ^[EFiCANTILIO PRINTING 2 rue Saint-Paul Est JVrontreal ' I: n B n e LOIS ET REGLEMENTS ciiAiMTin': I Nom et But AituMf 1 — Cotte socit'to scrn eonmio sous 1« lATION DKS F()N(;TI0N- (lo L ASSO( • (K)l nom NAIRF> BEC." ^r^, 2.— T.o but aH assistor aux rcuniouH dos mciubros. j^Y\. 5.-11 (lovra fairo sa .b'luaii.lo d 'admission s,ir la fonnulo fourni*' |.ar rAs.sociation. (Vtto d*'man.l(> dcvra rtro i.rosonttV h uno as- Hoinbl.',. r.'.«ulirr.' on spociab' on U' ballottage du ,,„,i,l.,t s. f.Ma an s.rutiu socrot. Cmq votes iioKatil's suftiront pour rojctor uuv don.aude d ad- mission. Du (M)nsont(Mnont nuaniuio do 1 'assoinbUtc, on lM)nrra so dispiMis.T du vote secret pour TadnHS- Hiou di'S nuMnbros. \it () - Tout candidal rcou par le ballottago sora initio in.inodiatoniont ou a Tune dcs doux assoinbloos suivantes, apros on avoir re^,u avis du Beerotairo Aroiiivistc. A^i-t. 7._Le droit d'outroo sera de uue piastre ($1.00). j^^.^^ S.— La oontributiou uionsuolle sera de vin^t-oin(i oontins, ])ayal)le d'avanoe. f^,.^ .)_T()ut nuMiibre ouriette do trois mois do contribution sera ipso facto decliu de ses droits a uioius d'une absence prolougee et mo- tivee. de ^rt. 10.— K.Mntr«nition: T».ul jiu'iiiIh.^ I'liii p{» (\v HUHpiiisidii, pour «'aUM»' < l«; i-ftui-'l itaiiH le t lit' soH iUHitiilniti(»nM iih'IimuoI!«'s, i poieincMi C»tn' r»' in ton »•«'', «lovra; loitr (n) Va\ lair.' la .UMiiaii.U' par Oi^vW a TAmmo- latioti (b) H'a«Miui ttcr «!•' lontoH h«'h roiitrilttifmns arnciM'os ((') VvvHowivY a iiiu' asMcin 1)1 nu'ttant Irn i a t^rotH do I'Ass ()( iatioii (Tuno luauion' ^;ravo, se- ra Jupo par h' bureau < U' direction t|ui dtVidcra 'il' d(.it otrc iUHthu do hos droits ou HUHpcn.lu temporal reincnt. s Art. 12. — Tout meiu Imo (UVhu i\*) SOS droits on vertu ( mis mt lo I'artiido 11, pourra otro do nouvoau ad ud)ro lie rAHsociatiou, nuii; S<1 ulouiont apros six niois ( daiis ee c.aa, lo la dato do sou expulsion, ot, il dovrti passer par l:i memo proce- dure (prun nouveau eandidat. j^Y^^ 13.— rin mombre demis du service ]>our malhomiototo est, par lo fait, exclu det'initive- eiit de TAssocia 111 benot'ici s ( tion et i»ord tons ses droits ot bins la dite Association. CHAPITRK rV. Reunions ^,.^^ ]4,_X,os assembloes re«n^it*»'t'-^ auront lieu les 2c*et*4c vendredi de cliaque mois u Tendroit clioisi par le Bureau do Direction et cette date, ainsi que le lieu de reunion no pourront otrc changes (pie ]>ar un vote de la ma.jorite dos mombres. Imm.ivs .111 H..ir, ii m"!"" 'I' '^'■' ••"""""■•■■ VH Id V HOMil.l.V HiHM-inlr ,..ni .-..nvo- ,,„(.,. j.iir Ir II>M,MIH .1.. I.ii-.Mtion m""";! '> '" J"" p,r .lix n,..nl.,.. W.Kl.., ...lr.-«.'- ■.» P'-"'""' ,.•.,„„>„■.,„„. > I.- n.i-..n. M,.,fvun. .«tte 1,.. ,l..>n..n.l.'; .l,.ns >■>' .l.Tuior .■»»».. ov.h en ».,; ,lo»»e uu n.ninH ..uaraut.. lu.it Ln-r-H ««p.- ravant. 1,.S, .!«' «r»X IIMMHIHI'S. ('IIAIMTUK V Bureau de Direction Art IS ^ II t'-^t .l.arp" Me la n-u' .1.' TA^h^* .iafnn. .t'il.n.lin«*^i-t.avnnx.tl..sa.^^^^ oonformito avc- la .muisI ilutMU.. v,t ll»--T.>utc a<-iuMis.. (»ocaHioinuV par |o ,,;..;. ,U. .inv.tion s.Ma payp. par »- | -;; ;;^« rvsHoriatioa, ft il on s. ra .U> n.rn.o . U's autres ,,;,nit(.> l.'H<,uc.ls .(nnpU.s .lov.ont tuu.,uurH o re CIIAI'ITHK VI Des Ot'flciew ,^,,. •J(i.-I,..s »tH.'U..-s .1,. r.Vsso.-i-itimi soront: „„■ l.,.,-.sia..nt ; ui. promi..- .•. un ,l.M.x.-mo Vice- . iro-Tv«« mUM ■, cinq .lir.-tour.s "» Comuu.saire- o'donu.touv. Tons ... cftu-iors ,-oust.t«..v.mt e . lU-KKAl- J)K I.IUKCTION". l»-ux vont.ea- ti'urs st'iont aussi c-ius. — n — ^^t .>! ...I'll offifit'r qui '♦«ru rihurnt h, trols H.'.un<'i'H"<'oiiHi.ciitivfH HUUH miHonH .ju«^C8 vala- hh'H luir lo buroRU df .lir»Mti«m «t'ra «!Achu »l« hh «.|iar«r .t icmpla.'^' imiiu'.liatomenL ao la mAm« (MM II H> re iiu'mix rlcctioiiH. Art. 22." -I'm offu'ler nuiii toujouiH P><'H avoir «lonn6 hu ntH ot vnleura «lo rAHHoriation, api('H oxanion Mo soh livroM par icB v«'rifi<'att'urM. CIIAI'ITRK Vll ATTRIBUTIONS DBS OFFICIERS Le President ^rt. 2:\.-—hi' I'n'si.lcnt dt'vra prt'siMcr toutes h-H asstMiibl.'os do I'Assoeiation, fairo ex6eutcr los ivK^louHMits, niaintciiir r(»nlro, convcKpier k'8 ..HSiMnbli'CS sin'cialoH, .(uaua il on est rtMiuis ou ,p,o lo ])csoin I'oxiKC veiUer i\ 1 'accomplissemcut dos .lovoirs do fhuquo offirior, sit'ner lo.s ,.hu(iui's offieiols avpc. io st't-rc'taire-urehivisto et If set'retairo-trosorier, app(»st'r hu signatu- re sin- tous b«s .lo.Mimciits officios, dvv.idvv (loH voix, rappWor a ronbo los oniteurs qui s'ecaiteut tie la question ou qui lionncnt un laii- ^jage ineonvenant. 11 no lui seia pas permis de prendre la parole oxcopto pour rappcdor un mem- bre a I'ordro ou donnor une oxplimtiou port k toutes les assemblees des soinnies percjiies et depcnsees, si- gner avec le jresidcnt et le secretaire-arehi- viste, tous les cheques ou ordres aeceptes par rassemblee, i)voduire les livres dc ban- que de 1 'association a cliaque assemblee, ren- dre compte aux v6rit'ieateurs chaquo fois que requis de toutes les transactions faites depuis la derniere verification, avec pieces .justi- ficatives, remettre tous les livres, documents ou argents a son suecesseur, fournir un cautionnc- meiit pour un montant determine, si TAssocia- tion I'exige. Le Commissaire-Ordomiateur ^i.|_ 27.— Le commissaire-ordonnateur s'occu- pera de toute organisation ou demonstration ou r Association devra figurer en corps; il veillera aussi a la preparation et a I'ornementation de la salle (juand les eirconstances le demanderont. II prendra soin de la porte et enverra au secretaire- tresorier tous ceux (|ui arrivcront en retard sans avoir leur carte de membre. Les Verificateurs j^^.^ 2S.— Les verificateurs devront examiner et verifier les livres du secretaire-tresorier, en presence du President et du Secretaire-archivis- te, de maniere a rendre un compte fidele et ex- acL, a chaque assemblee precedant les elections annuelles ou a Tassemblee meme ou se f eront ces elections; cctte v6rification devra ueaumoins se — 9 — fairc i'\\iu\uo fois <|ii(' 1.' bosoin s 'cu f'ovn sentir ot Hur rjuitorisatioti si.UMit. lis .lovront aussi infornuM' Ics ict{n»>._Lm iioniiiiatioii 'U's <»ft'ici('i-s, .los t -los vorit'icateurs aura lion a la in'O- mieiv asscmhlec re^ulioro «lti mois do uovoii.bro. (!etto nonrmatiou sera roouo par uu luvsuloiit our iino rliar^o, il sora decalro olu aiuos que les nouiiuations soront closes, ot si plus d'uu caiKiidat est uiis ^- r los rausg, rolui qui aura reimi lo plus graiiuo iioinbve do votos sora d<'- claro olu a cotto (diargo par lo [Mosideut. _ 10 .n- (ll'H Art. :»'). — AiUMiii iiKMiiint' iic dcNin Ijusscr sa l»l.'ic(» sniis l.M jKM'iiiissioii dii prr'sidcnt, sauf:' les Kcrutji tours. Art. .W). — I'll iiu'iiihrc lU' |Mmrrn «*tri' elu saiiK Koii (MjiitcnttMiiciit, ct si j'clui ^\U{' I '(Hi tlrsirc niot- t ro (Ml iioiniuMt ion pour line cluiryc e»t nhscut, Koii fousoutt'UUMit (''crit «U'\r;i T-t r<' |ir(>ur uu itMiouvcllciucMit (Ic tonno, uiais tout le luiicau iU' direction \\v pourrn T'tri' re clu ea bloc. Art. '•>'. — L 'installul ion dt's ol'ficicrs sc fcra cii 1m nuMiiorc jtrcscritc |>jir Ic Kitu(d, pur h' pri'-si- (Iciit sortaut dc (diar^v ou i)ar uu di^iuitairc ou iin rniMnbie juosoiit »'t ils cntroroiit iiuuicMliatoMUMit (Ml t'oiM'tioii dans leurs iduirj^os rcspoctivcs. Les Delegiies Art. oS. — Lc (dioix dos (U'doji'iu's a la conviMi- tioii dc rAssociatiou dos Ponctiomiairos du Oou- vcnicMKMit d(* (^uolu'c so fora a 1 'assoiubh'e rej>u- liorc du iiiois do uiai prooodant la dito couvou- tJon. Los t'rais i\i> doplacoinoiit Juj^os uocossairos se- roiit f'ixos par lo bureau do ^lirootiou. C^ITATITBE IX Amendements a la Constitution Art. :;j).— Touto motion ayaut pour but do mo- difier COS ro^lemouts uv pourra otro ])riso on oousidoratiuu (pi 'a uuo assombloe ro^uloire et apres qu'uu avis *lo motion on aura elo donne a la soanoo rojjulioro prooedonto, ot telle motion lie sera adoptoo (^u'avec uuo majorito des deux- tiers des momlnos presoi'ts. ('e]»en(lant, dans \\u — 11 — i cas urgent, uive asscn.bloe siu'ciau" pourra otre coiivo eerits (pii lui seront souniis. Art. 46.— Le president de I'Assoeiation fait partie de tons les coniites ipso facto, il a le me. me droit, le inenie pouvoir et les nienies devoirs que b'S cinq autres nienibres noninie;. Art. 47.— Chacun de ces coniites devra se choi- sir un president, et uu secretaire. Le premier nomnie est considere come president du dit co- mite taut (|ue ces officiers n 'en out pas ete re- gulierement elus. ^j.^, 4j^.__Tous les raj)i!orts de ces comites de- vront etrc presentes i)ar ecrit a I'assemblee et signes par le president et le secretaire du dit coniite. Art. 40. — Tout niembre nomme sur ini comite sera tenu d 'accepter la charge, excepte s'il a des raisons valables pour la refuser; cependant, un membre (lui fera deja partie du Inireau de di- rection ou de Tun des autres con.iies pourra re- fuser de servir dans deux- comites, s'il le desire. ji^Yi. ,')().— Des comites speciaux pourront etre aussi nommes, seance tenante, par le president, si le besoin I'exige. — 13 — ^■rilhi ■kAn - ^ . ^ ,.. -4MMMMM \uriiii ronntr s|uVinl iM'soni .lissout :.vant ei«hu' |»(»un}i JiiiMsi rti*' it'«-(>nsi«U''r/'(' fi \mc niitio si'iiiu't', !sl le proposour (»u K- s*»«'(iinl«'ur -It' tclh' motion onl dos fnits iiouvonux a npp(n*- ter. 7, — T,<)is(|iU' In hM-rin'4' d'un (l(Miiui«'nt tpu'lcon- (\nv scrn (IfinainU't', lo vott» dovra etrc ptis sans discussion, si un incinhrc s 'oppose h rvWo r la paro- le, il tloit se lever et si deux nionihu's se lexcnt en nienie Ir-nps, e 'est an piesire aura le droit de parler ]>en- daiit dix minutes seuleuieut sur le luT'ine sujet. Seuls les proposeurs et secondeurs de motions auroiit droit a la replicpie. Si cei»endant le su- jet (liscute est tres important, cctte limite i)robation de la majorite des inembres presents. 12. — Quand une motion sera devant la «di,'iiro, aucune aut re . motioii ne pouira etre jtresentee, — 1." i.r It wiiii „,,...,..,, our fuhouna,u,.H.l,.m>nt. 1.0 MM. fere H ..Lston. I"m.' la r.M.vcv.r ft plus »nl, pour ;;'„.?,';;.. ,...s... SUV i. ..m.. .,» ,......■ ».i""v»-v '" '"""-Ino "">ti".. iK.uv .•.■r,'r..v la .su-'stion, i>our ,;;;,,;.,,,,,,;,„ l,„.a on pouMa a,.»« sur a .1,1,' ...■s.-uff'.' «<"■""'■ 'I-'''""-""". '•■ '"'" '""" Huffis.nt iM.ur .l.M-ili<,uev e„ i eu rlrols. «aL a»e«n <1-—;. '^\':;. l-^r,' t^^teur' ,.i,lo Si la ,li.cisioa est en taveiiv de 1 oiat.eur, •elui-.i pent ,-ontiuuc.' sons di^conrs; sn.ou, U ^ov „ s'en al.»toni,. Au.un point ' 'o-'- "« Vout Ctre Houleve pour .Ics raisons fut.les, ,et il no faudra pas en abuser. 16 -r« n.en.l.re ,|ui n" moira Ife* par la deei- siou du p.esi,lent, ponrra en appeler ile eette (16- eisiou ot il lui sera allone cinq .ninntes pour fai- ve val'oir ses 1 iiu'r liMi.'s (ipi.i'.(i>.». . „., iovn, .-..v.. .lL...,.V ,..„■,.... 1-s .l.-.li.„-.r:.t,.,..» di. rAss.H-ii.li".. 01. .I.'H roi...to». i(,_v„.. ,i...,......u> i".«.™ .■I.'' . f»'t'; I''"' "" ,„e ;„r.. .,..i .i-"v '".-...-r .... »u,ct ...r..n«... rAsM,..i.,f.»..; ...»•-■ I->- f't'- """"":•■• •"•I' nuo .... s.,it l.o„r .... ...«tif :,..«.■■ ,.c.....««...o o . « ■ r..t, .I....-- '•-' '^' '-"'"■'■ "•" ""'" *'■' ; ; ;„;.„1.. .l.-v... .■xpos..r I., .-..s ,... M.-lM.'- "'"'^ "' la ii.MJoriti'. .lo.ti.lrii. oolt/.,r,l.-.> .1.. :iour c-iap.-.-« v^mr.i .tro m.»- po;l,s..rmo,i.,..,.,..a...lU.l..-»oU.lVx.«.n«;.-"^ pe .1.. ... ....<• -of..... .... -v., pns .u-.....ssa.v.. .,..:... I IZ i..terv..rti sur ...,.ti»a a.U.ptO.. |.ar la ■..:..."■ fit.'. .Ivs ia....il)r..» pr.'.scuts. .., _V„ .n.M..l.ro qui arrivora ap.TH l'o..v..rt...-., de'ra.se,..l.U-.e, .U-vra frappor Tt la port., -t "|0.,- ter ™ ..arte .U, .u...n..re a« .......n..ssa..-o. o .^ „ateur .,ui v...mora . ...le e. .. ..«^ B.^^ ra;r;..tr.-.sorior; »U.o.,. i. ..ovra a-lr U. jH.n...- sion .la ,.r..si,U.nt p....r asM.t.r a .-ettc .\.t, seTn)>l'''c. 1 MMM •j«J,_Toiit int'iiihrj' <|iii rli:Miy;rrn '!«' rrs'nltii«'»! •It»vrii f:iii»' f(Miiiiiitrf son iioii\c;iii ilimiifiU* nu Mt'ci»»t:iii«' t'i'iniiiMt'r. •J."l.— Lf t|iH»i*imi scrn •!»' ti |mmii- Ifs roinit^'s |M'niiMmiil s ft l>r»'s pour h'S lIlltlM'S t'OMiitrs. 04 _.\„,,i,„ iiiciiibi'c lU' |»oiin:i roiiiiiiiiirKiin'i' oil (loliors, iiioiiu' M till coiit'irrc .'ihsciit, Ics di'li- Ik'tm lions <|ni Miiroiit cu Twu u 1 'iissi'iiihWM'. L'.-).--Lt' MniiucI ;iilo|.tr' |Mr <<'tt(' scriion K»'r:i Ic ' ' Mmhiu'I iIc Siiii\ mI. :>(}. — Ani-nn nu'inlnf in- pourru voter unx (''lec- tions Hi T'trc ('In ot'tici«'r s'il ii «'»tioM .Ir iH.uvt'iiux iiu'iiil.n's. nallottMyi'. InitiMt'um Mt's n(.ii\«'Miix iiK'Hibrcs. K,i|»|.oit mi»t«'s. -Aft'niiH's (Munnu'Mcros. -Affiiiii's iiou voiles. ]4 — Avis i\v motion. 1.'). — KkM-tioii KNT:-=^(nii «'ou|. .!•> muilW't i. .lo .1,Vlan. .Tttr .rniii-o oiivort.' |»our tinMHi«m- lei iiiMilli't ). IK rWKSIDKNT: — (un .'oiip .lo nunllft).-- (•„,;t'r(M.'H, s'il n'v a plu. riou a sutimottio a cet- te asH.n.l.l.M., Jr vai. pnMM'.l.r a 1 a.)ounu>mont. .lo .UVIaiv rotto si'aiiro aJouruiH' »"•;•••••••• Jour .lu n.ois .1. on j Vsperc vmr toiiHes llU'llllni'M |il'rsl"llt». INITIATION i)i:s mi:m»ri;s |„itia.-ur.-.)o (IMHUH ot pr-'n-Mns) pv"m.-l.', »nx """V-"'-,,^'- '«'■ ,.. AsLMi,,ti»n ..| .ie mc .m.forn,..,- a t..»t.s e, ,|ausos .lu n-.Kl.Mm.i.t ..i-lossus .'au't.-. ,v promots , " fair.. ...ut ... „>..» l,....v..ir P"".' «»»"■■« 1« ,i,..,.;.s n.at.'Ti.M .1.' I.>ii« »»■» .'""fioies, ot .Ic te- Tir sL"«..s, .■.. .I'-l.".-, t....tes loH .loliberat.oH, (iiii auroat. liou. ' (1,,. p,.(.siaont a.lieses la parolo aux nouveaux J.uxhvL ot .•oux-ri sc vcMKlont aupros Uu secr^- ;airo-t.vsori.r <,ui ,>or,(»it los dus .. rrond lours iioniH ot ailrosscs.) INSTALLATION DLS OFFICIKKS TnstallatiMir.-Officiers, uno jrnui.le reHl)onsa- MUte repose niaiutenant sur vous; vous avez en ,..,:,,.. iv.v.vnn.o pt riionneur .le vos confreres, o^n^lC peut'y nv-oir pour vous do plus grands honneurs! jranlo. hieu le. interets qui vous sont — 20 — r i::!'..". V'.!,' .. .■ H,.o,.r -.— » ■MMMMMWkdiiiMlrMM ^IK>flOlt A^l>t M i»«Bi*»«» t-mt-mw MKMOM.Wni M \ •irita :wKMORA:^ini M I •i ^^^^^gj,^^ I i I M:ia:V\«ottaM[