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 \\ :v 
 Dated 25th May, 1882. 
 CWfif Mttti made tho 25th day of May 1882 Between THE 
 in this Agreement called " The Trunk Company '* of the one 
 PANY (of Canada) in this Agreement called ** The Western 
 Company *' of the other part. 
 WHEREAS the Capital of the Trunk Company at the date 
 of these presents hereinafter called Grand Trunk Capital consists 
 of the sums mentioned in the First Schedule hereto in which Part 
 I. shows the amount of Borrowed Capital hereinafter called Grand 
 Trunk Borrowed Capital and Part II shows the amount of Stock 
 or Share Capital including both Prefererce and Ordinary Stock 
 and Share Capital which Preference and Ordinary Stock and 
 Share Capital is hereinafter called Grand Trunk Share Capital. 
 And whereas the Capital ol the Western Company at 
 the date of these presents hereinafter callcl Great Western 
 Capital consists of the sums mentioned in the Second ScheJuls 
 hereto in which Part I. shows the amount of Borrowed Capital 
 hereinafter called Great Western Borrowed Capital and Part II. 
 shows the amount of Stock and Share Capital including both 
 Preference and Ordinary Stock and Share Capital which last men- 
tioned Preference and Ordinary Stock and Sharo Capital is herein- 
 after called Great Western Share Capital. And -whereas under 
 the powers conferred by an Act of the Provincial Legislature of 
 Canada passed in the 16th year of Her Majesty Chapter 39 inti- 
 tuled " An Act to empower any Railway Company whose Railway 
 forms part of the Main Trunk Line of Railway throughout this 
 ProTince to unite with any other such Company or to purchase the 
 property and rights of any such Company and to repeal certain 
 Acts therein mentioned incorporating Railway Companies " and by 
 another Act of the same year Chapter 76 intituled " An Act to 
 extend the provisions of the Railway Companies Union Act to 
 Companies whose Railways intersect the Main Trunk Line or 
 touch places which the said Line also touches'' and the Acts 
 amending or extending those two Acts and under all other Acts 
 and powers enabling them the Directors of the Trunk Compttny 
 have agreed with the Directors of the TVestem Company that 
 the Companies they respectively represent shall be united as one 
 Company upon the terms and subject to the provisions hereinafter 
 contained. Now these Presents Witness that each of them 
 the Trunk Company and the Western Company pursuant to the 
 powers conferred on them by the two last-mentioned Acts of the 
 16th year of Her Majesty or otherwise howsoever do hereby agree 
 with the other of them and do declare in manner following that is 
 to say — 
 1. On and after the 12th day of August 1882 (which day is> 
 in these presents called the date of Union) the Trunk Company 
 and the Western Company shall be and become united as one 
 Company and one Corporation. 
 2. In accordance with the direction for this purpose contained 
 in the before-mentioned Act of the 16th year of Her Majesty 
 Chapter 76 the corporate name of the Company (in these presents 
 called the United Company) formed by the union of the Trunk 
 Company and the Western Company shall be " The Grand Trunk 
 Railway Company of Canada." 
 3. The United Company ehall be invested with and have all 
 the rights and property and be responsible for all the liabilities 
 of the Trunk Company and the Western Company and any right 
 or claim which could be enforced by or against either of them 
 may on and after the date of Union be enforced by or against 
 the United Company. 
 4. The Borrowed Capital existing at the date of Union of the 
 Undertaking of the United Company in these presents called the 
 United Undertaking shall consist of the Qrand Trunk Borrowed 
 Capital and the Great "Western Borrowed Capital respectively 
 mentioned in the first parts of the two Schedules hereto. 
 5. This Agreement is subject to the proviso contained in the 
 Fourth Section of the said Act of the 16th year of Her Majesty 
 Chapter 39 which is in the words following that is to say 
 ** Provided always that the rights of the Province or of Her 
 * Majesty on behalf of this Province under any guarantee 
 *' given to any such Company or otherwise or of any 
 ^'person or party having any special hypothec or privileged 
 '''claim upon the lands and buildings tolls revenues or other 
 ^' property real or personal of either of such Companies or upon 
 " any part thereof shall not be impaired by such Union and the 
 ^* Company shall keep separate accounts with respect to each 
 *' Railway so as to ascertain the property or moneys upon which 
 ** any such hypothec or privilege may attach.' 
 ti. Subject and without prejudice to the rights reserved by the 
 provision quoted in the last preceding Claune of these presents 
 the earnings of the United Undertaking shall be liable and 
 ap[llcable to discharge rateably and without priority all debts 
 and liabilities of the Trunk Company and the "Western Company. 
 7. The Share Capital of the United Company shall consist of 
 two classes namely the Grand Trunk Sharo Capital mentioned 
 in the second part of the First Schedule hereto being the whole 

 Share Capital of the Trunk Company and the Great "Western 
 Share Capital mentioned in the second part of the Second Schedule 
 hereto being the whole Share Capital of the Western Company 
 -which two classes of Capital shall together constitute the total 
 Share Capitol of the United Company as existing at the date 
 of Union. 
 8. Any issue of Share Capital which could immediately before 
 the date of Union be made by the Trunk Company or the 
 Western Company may from time to time be made by the United 
 Company under the powers conferred by the Acts relating to the 
 Trunk Company or the Western Company as the case may be or 
 otherwise and having regard to the terms of these presents and 
 all increase of Share Capital so made shall be apportioned as follows 
 namely 70 per cent, of such increase shall be apportioned and 
 added to Grand Trunk Share Capital and 30 per cent, of such 
 increase shall be apportioned and added to Great Western Share 
 Capital but such increase shall not be made so as to raise either the 
 Trunk Share Capital or the Western Share Capital to an amount 
 in excess of that to which each could have been raised if these 
 presents had not been made. Provided that no powers shall be 
 exercised by the United Company to create and issue Share Capital 
 in lieu of borrowing powers under the 11th Section of " The 
 Great Western Railway Act 1876 " or as amended by the 5th 
 Section of " The Great Western Railway Act 1882 " unless con- 
 sent shall be given thereto by the vote of three-fourths of the 
 holdera of Great Western Share Capital carrying a Dividend at 
 the rate of 3 per cent, as hereinafter mentioned present in person 
 or by proxy at any Special General Meeting of the holders of such 
 Share Capital called for the purpose but if such consent be given 
 70 per cent, shall be apportioned and added to Grand Trunk 
 Share Capital and 30 per cent, shall be apportioned and added to. 
 Great Western Share Capital. 
 9. The number of Directors of the United Company shall be 
 10. The number of Directors may at any time be increased or 
 Induced by the shareholders in Special General Meeting. 
 11. One-third in number as near as may be of the Directors of 
 the United Company shall each be the holder of at least £2,000 of 
 the Great "Western Share Capital carrying a dividend at the rate of 
 3 per cent, as hereinafter provided and each of the other Directors 
 shall be the holder of at least £2,000 of the Grand Trunk Share 
 Capital and any Director who ceases to be a holder of such capital 
 of the Company to that amount shall thereupon also cease to be a 
 Director of the United Company. 
 12. The first Directors of the United Company shall be Sir 
 Henry Whatley Tyler M.P. Sir Charles Lawrence Young Baront & 
 Lord Claud John Hamilton M.P. Robert Young Robert Gillespie 
 William Unwin Heygate James Charles The Right Hon. David 
 Robert Plunket M.P. The Hon. James Ferrier Viscount Bury 
 Henry Doughty Browne Colonel Edward Chaplin John Marnham 
 and Major Alexander George Dickson M.P. and they shall be the 
 Directors until an election of Directors shall be held and made by 
 the persons entitled to vote as hereinafter provided. In case of 
 any vacancy prior to the first election from death or resignation it 
 shall not be filled up so long as there shall be twelve. The first 
 election of Directors shall take place in the month of March 1883 and 
 the election of Directors thereafter shall take place at Meetings of 
 the United Company to be held in the month of March or April 
 in each year as the Directors shall from time to time by bye-laws 
 passed for that purpose direct. 
 13. Subject to the provision contained in the next clause of 
 thepe presents holders of Grand Trunk Capital shall continue to 
 have the like power (if any) to vote at all General Meetings of the 
 United Company on and after the date of Union as holders of 
 similar Capital in the Trunk Company have at the date of these 
 presents to vote at Meetings of that Company and holders of 
 Great "Western Capital shall continue to have the like power (if 
 any) to vote at all General Meetings of the United Company on 
 And after the date of Union as holders of similar capital in the 
 Western Company have at the date of these presents to vote at 
 Meetings of that Company. 
 14. Holders of Grand Trunk Capital entitled to vote at Meetings 
 of the United Company as in the last preceding Clause mentioned 
 shall have the same number of votes respectively as they have in 
 the Trunk Company at the date of these presents. Holders of that 
 portion of the Great "Western kihare Capital carrying a dividend at 
 the rate of 3 per cent, as hereinafter provided shall respectively have 
 one vote for every j£13 nominal of such Capital held by them until 
 £6,000,000 (including the amount already issued) of Grand Trunk 
 Debenture Stock has been issued and thereafter one vote for every 
 £10 nominal of such Great Western Share Capital. 
 15. The Directors of the Trunk Company and the Directors of 
 the Western Company shall go out of office on the day before the 
 date of Union and the Directors of the United Company shall come 
 into office and imdertake the direction and control of the aflfairs of 
 that Company on the day of the date of Union. 
 16. The quorum of the Directors of the United Company shall 
 be from time to time fixed by the Directors. 
 17. Any Director not in Great Britain may vote by proxy at 
 any Board Meeting but the proxy shall be appointed in writing 
 and shall himself be a Director and a Director shall not act as 
 proxy for more than two other Directors. 
 18. Of the Directors of the United Company first elected by the 
 shareholders one-third as nearly as may be to be determined by 
 ballot among the whole body of Directors unless they shall other- 
 wise agree shall go out of office at the Ordinary General Meeting 
 held in the month of March or April in the year 1884 and the like 
 number to be determined by ballot among the other Directors un- 
 less they shall otherwise agree shall go out of office at the Ordinary 
 Oeneral Meeting held in the month of March or April in the year 
 1885 and the remainder of the Directors first elected shall go out 
 •of office at the Ordinary General Meeting in the month of March, 
 or April in the year 1886 and in each instance the places of the 
 retiring Directors shall he supplied by an equal number of quali- 
 fied holders of Capital of the United Company and at the first 
 Ordinary General Meeting held in the year next after the whole 
 of the Directors first elected shall have gone out of office and in 
 oach succeeding year one-third of the Directors being those who 
 have been longest in office shall go out of office and their places 
 shall be supplied in like manner but every Director going out of 
 office may be re-elected and after re-election shall with reference 
 to going out by rotation be considered as a new Director and in 
 <;ase at any time the number of Directors should not be divisible 
 by three the Directors shall determine what number as nearly 
 ■equal as may be are to go cut of office so that the whole number 
 of Directors shall go out of office every three years but in case at 
 any Meeting the vacancies then occurring in the office of Director 
 shall not be filled up the outgoing Directors if willing to act shall 
 be deemed re-elected and shall continue in office. 
 19. The first Ordinary General Meeting of the holders of Capital 
 in the United Company entitled to vote at such Meeting shall bo 
 held at such time in the month of March in the year 1883 and at 
 such place in London England as the Directors may appoint. 
 General Meetings of the United Company whether Ordinary or 
 Special shall be held in London England and two Ordinary General 
 Meetings of the Company shall be held one in March or April and 
 the other in September or October in each year unless the Directors 
 shall by bye-law appoint any other months and at the first of such 
 two Meetings in every year the election of Directors and Auditors 
 shall take place. Advertisements of each General Meeting shall 
 be published once at least in each of two London daily morning 
 new!?papers and once at least in the *' Canada Gazette" not less 
 than twenty-one days before the holding of the Meeting cud such 
 -advtftisements shall be sufficient without further or other notice. 
 20. At the first Ordinary General fleeting of the United 
 Company two Auditors resident in (Canada and two Auditors resident 
 in England shall be appointed one of which Auditors in Canada 
 and one of which Auditors in England to be determined in the- 
 first instance by ballot between the Canadian and English Audi- 
 tors respectivrely unless they agree among themselves and after- 
 wards by seniority of election shall go out of office at each 
 subsequent General Meeting at which Directors go out of office 
 **nd at such Meeting Auditors cball be elected to supply the placo 
 of the Auditors retiring and any Auditor going out of office may be^ 
 re-elected and after re-election shall in reference to outgoing bo 
 deemed newly elected and if no Auditors be elected the outgoing 
 Auditors shall continue in office and be deemed re-elected. On or 
 immediately after the date of Union the Board of Directors of the- 
 United Company shall appoint two Auditors resident in Canada 
 and two Auditors resident in England who shall hold their offico 
 until the first Ordinary General Meeting of the United Company.. 
 21. The Audi^^oi's shall examine and report upon the Accounts 
 of the Company and shall have all nejessary powers and facilities- 
 for that purpose. 
 22. The net earnings of the United Undertaking shall mean 
 the surplus of the earnings of that undertaking and of the revenues 
 of the United Company from all sources alter discharging the 
 working expenses thereof and working expenses shall mean and 
 include all expenses of maintenance and renewal of the Railways 
 and of the stations buildings ferries works and conveniences be- 
 longing thereto and of the rolling and other stock and moveable 
 plant used in the working thereof and also interest on Borrowed 
 Capital and all such rents percentages of receipts interest guaran- 
 teed or annual sums as may be paid in respect of Railways ware- 
 houses wharves or other property leased to or held by the Trunk 
 Company or the Western Company at the date of Union or to or 
 by the United Company thereafter and also all moneys puyablo^ 
 by way of rebate or otherwise under traffic or working arrange- 
 ments between the Trunk Company or the Western Company 
 or the United Company and any other Corporation or person or 
 in respect of the hire of engines carriages or wagons let to the 
 separate Companies before the Union or to the United Company 
 sums payable in the adjustment of the pooling or division of 
 traffics rent-charges or interest on lands rented by or otherwise 
 belonging to the United Company or purchased but not paid for 
 and also all expenses of and incident to working the Railways and 
 the traffic thereon including stores and consumable articles also rates 
 taxes insurance and compensation for accidents or losses also all 
 aalaiies and wages of persons employed in and about the working of 
 the Railways and traffic contributions to superannuation or other 
 like funds and all secretarial and establishment expenses including 
 Directors' fees salaries of Commissioners agency legal and other 
 like expenses and generally all such charges (if any) not 
 above otherwise specified (and no other) as in the case of English 
 Railway Companies are usually carried to the debit of Revenue 
 as distinguished from Capital Account Provided however that 
 nothing herein contained shall give to the Proprietors or 
 Mortgagees or Bondholders of any Railway warehouse wharf or 
 other property leased to or held by the separate Companies at the 
 date of Union or loused to or held by the United Company there- 
 after any further or other rights nguinst the United Company its 
 property or earnings than they h:ive under the Lease IMortgage 
 Bond Agreement or Guarantee upon which their rights are based 
 Provided that money paid under a guarantee shall if and when re- 
 paid be applied as nearly as may bo in the same manner as it 
 would havi- been applied if no payment thereof under the guarantee 
 had been made Provided always that the sums equal to twenty 
 per cent, of the traffic interchanged between the Wellington Grey 
 and Bruce Railway and the Western Company as defined in the 
 Agreements between the Willing! on Grey and Bruce Railway 
 Company und the Western Company which by the sold Agree- 
 ments tho Western Company became bound to apply in acquiring 
 the Mortgage Bonds of the Wellington Grey and Bruce Railway 
 "Company shall on and from the date of Union be applied by the 
 United Company as an investment by the United Company in the 
 "Wellington Grey and Bruce Railway Company's said Bonds to be 
 reimbursed by re-sale of the Bonds thus acquired and that such 
 sums are not to be charged upon the revenue or earnings of the 
 United Company or any part thereof but profit or loss on re-salo 
 shall be credited to or charged against revenue and a similar course 
 shall be pursued in any other similar case whether as re^^ards the 
 Undertaking of the Trunk Company or the Western Company. 
 23. The net earnings of the United Undertaking shall he 
 divided between the two classes of Share Capital as follows that is 
 to say : — 
 (a) Seventy per cent, of such net earnings shall be appro- 
 priated and belong to Grand Trunk Share Capital. 
 (b) The remaining thirty per cent, of such net earnings shall 
 be appropriated and belong to Greixt Western Share 
 (c) But if in any year ending on the 3l8t day of December 
 the thirty per cent, of net earnings appropriated to Great 
 W^estern Share Capital should be insufficient to pay a 
 Dividend for that year at the rate of five per cent, per 
 annum on the portion of that Capital carrying a Preference 
 Dividend at that rate and also a Dividend for thut year 
 nt tlie rate of three per cent, per annum on the remaining 
 portion of that Capital then the amount required to make 
 up the full amount for that year of such Dividends at 
 five ])er cent, and three per cent, respectively shall bo 
 paid and made good out of the seventy per cent, of net 
 earnings appropriated for that year to Grand Trunk 
 Share Capital but not out of the seventy per cent, of net 
 caiumgs so appropriated for any subsequent your except 
 that if the entire net earnings of any year shall be insuffi- 
 cient to pay the said Dividend at five per cent, (which 
 is and is to remain a cumulative Dividend) the deficiency 
 is to be a first charge payable out of net earnings in 
 subsequent years, 
 ^d) Nevertheless no higher Dividend than such Dividend at 
 the rate of three per cent, shall in any year subsequent 
 to a deficiency be paid on the portion of Great Western 
 Share Capital carrying that rate of Dividend unless and 
 until all sums which shall for the time being have been 
 paid out of the seventy per cent, appropriated to Grand 
 Trunk Share Capital for the purpose of making good 
 deficiency of Dividend on Great Western Share Capital 
 shall have been repaid to Grand Trunk Share Capital 
 out of the surplus (if any) of the thirty per cent, appro- 
 priated to Great Western Share Capital and remaining 
 after discharging the Dividends at five per cent, and 
 three per cent, respectively on the several portions of 
 that Capital. 
 (e) The same principle as to division of net earnings shall be 
 applied as nearly as can be to the portion of a year com- 
 mencing on the date of Union and ending on the Slst 
 day of December 1882. 
 {v) Out of items standing at credit in the books of the Western 
 Company derived from revenues including funds in re- 
 serve the Western Company shall set apart and the 
 United Company shall pay so much money as may be 
 necessary to pay the Preference Dividend at the rate of 
 five per cent, per annum to the date of Union upon so 
 much of the Western Company's Share Co;)ital as carries 
 that rate of dividend. 
 (o) Provided however that when and so often r»i there shall 
 be any deficiency in the said three per cent. Dividend 
 owing to the insufficiency of the said thirty per cent, 
 appropriated to Great Western Share Capital as aforesaid 
 in any year to provide the same for such year the United 
 Company shall be entitled to apply and shall apply so 
 much as may be necessary to make good such deficiency 
 out of the amount which may stand from time to time 
 to the credit of the present Reserve Funds of the 
 "Western Company which are to be kept in reserve by 
 the United Company as an additional security for the 
 regular payment of such three per cent. Dividends and 
 as a protection to the said seventy per cent, appro- 
 priated to Grand Tnmk Share Capital as aforesaid against 
 its obligation aforesaid to make good any such deficiency 
 but the United Company shall not be bound to set aside 
 any particular investment or funds to represent the 
 said Reserve Funds. 
 (h) If for any half-year ending on the 30th day of June a 
 dividend has been paid to any class of Stock or Share 
 Capital which on making up the accounts for the year 
 ending on the 31st day of December following it is found 
 that that class of Stock or Share Capital is not entitled to 
 receive then the excess shall be adjusted and repaid in 
 the accounts of that 31st day of December if the same 
 can be done and if not then in the accounts of the follow- 
 ing or any subsequent year. 
 24. Subject as in this Agreement provided the seventy per 
 cent, of net earnings of the Unite! Undertaking appropriated to 
 Grand Trunk Share Capital shall be paid and applied to the persons 
 and in the manner to whom and in which the net earnings of the 
 Undertaking of the Trunk Company would have been payable or 
 applicable if these presents had not been made. 
 25. The thirty per cent, of net earnings of the United Under- 
 taking appropriated to Great Western Share Capital together with 
 any sums paid out of the Great Western Reserve Fund and out of 
 the seventy per cent, appropriated to Grand Trunk Share Capital 
 to make up deficiency in dividend as in Clause 23 provided shall 
 be paid and applied to the persona and in the manner to whom 
 and in which the net earnings of the Undertaking of the "Western 
 Company would have been payable or applicable if these presents 
 had not been made. 
 26. All the books vouchers and documents of the Grand Trunk 
 Company and the "Western Company shall on the day of the date 
 of Union be transferred to and belong to the United Company and 
 the registers of holders of Borrowed Capital and Share Capital of 
 the Trunk Company and the "Western Company shall continue to 
 be kept as registers of the United Company with such variations 
 in the Certificates and otherwise as may be ordered by the 
 Directors of the United Company. 
 27. The Directors of the United Company shall wind up the 
 afiairs of the Trunk Company and the "Western Company to the 
 date of Union and finally balance the books of those two Com- 
 panies to that date and all moneys due o standing to the credit of 
 each of those two Companies on the date of Union shall be paid 
 and applied by the Directors of the United Company for the 
 purposes and in the manner to which they would have been 
 payable or applicable if these presents had not been made. 
 28. All the officers and servants of the Trunk Company and the 
 "Western Company shall on and pfter the date of Union become 
 the officers and servants of the United Company at the salaries or 
 wages and upon the terms at and upon which they were previously 
 employed by the Trunk Company or the "Western Company as 
 the case may bo. 
 29. The Directors of the United Company may from time to 
 time make Bye-laws for the management and disposition of tlie 
 fitock property and business affairs of the United Company not 
 inconsistent with the laws of Canada and the provisions contained 
 either expressly or by reference in these presents and for the 
 Appointment of all officers servants and artificers and prescribing 
 their respective duties. .,; 
 30. All Acts of the Legislature of Upper or Lower Canada or 
 of the Province of Canada or of the Parliament of the Dominion 
 of Canada relating to the Trunk Company or the Western Company 
 except so far as hereby expressly varied and except so far as other- 
 wise provided by the Act of the 16th year of Her Majesty Chapter 
 39 or by any other Act shall apply and have effect with respect 
 to the United Company in the same manner as if those Acts had 
 originally applied to the United Company but generally except as 
 aforesaid the United Company shall continue to be carried on and 
 managed and all bye-laws rules and regulations shall have effect 
 ^8 if the United Company were the some Company as the Trunk 
 •Company and as if the whole Undertaking of the United Com- 
 pany had been originally the Undertaking of the Trunk Company 
 and in case of any conflict between the provisions of the Acts of 
 -any Legislature or Parliament relating to the Trunk Company 
 and the Acts of any Legislature or Parliament relating to the 
 Western Company the provisions of the Acts relaing to the 
 Trunk Company shall prevail 
 31. These presents and the agreement herein contained are made 
 subject to the provisions of the several Acta of Legislature and 
 Parliament hereinbefore mentioned or referred to and all other 
 Acts of Legislature and Parliament relating to the obje^cts intended 
 to be effected by these presents and also subject to resolutions being 
 passed puisuant to the said Acts by a Special General Meeting of 
 the Trunk Company and also by a Special General Meeting of the 
 Western Company ratifying these presents and in case such reso- 
 lutions should not be passed before the twelfth day August 
 next these presents shall become void. 
 32. This Agreement shall be executed in duplicate and when 
 the same shall have been ratified and become binding on the Trunk 
 Company and the Western Company one of such duplicates bhalt 
 be delivered to and be retained by the United Company and the 
 other of such duplicates together with copies of the Besolutions 
 ratifying the same passed at the Special General Meetings of the 
 Trunk Company and the Western Company called for the purpose- 
 such copies to be certified by the Secretaries of the respectiva 
 Companies shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State for 
 the Dominion of Canada and these presents shall thenceforward 
 be deemed to be the Agreement and Act of Union of the Trunk 
 Company and the Western Company and copies properly certified 
 of these presents and of the certified resolutions so filed shall be 
 evidence of the Union of the Trunk Company and the Western 
 Company into the United Company. 
 In Witness whereof the Companies parties hereto have affixed 
 their Common Seals the day and year first above written 
 (Signed) H. W. TYLER, 
 (Signed) BURY, 
 Seal of the 
 Grand Trunk 
 Company of 
 Seal of the 
 The First Schedule above referred to. 
 Part I. 
 Date of Maturity nf 
 Terminable Bonds. 
 16th Oct., 1882 . . 
 15th April, 1883. 
 15th Oct., 1883 .. 
 1st Jan., 1919 . . 
 1st Dec, 1882.. 
 Five per cent. Perpetual Debenture 
 Terminable Bonds 
 Fir&t Equipment Mortgage Bonds . . 
 First Equipment Mortgage Bonds. . 
 First Equipment Mortgage Bonds. . 
 Second Equipment Mortgage Bonds 
 Island Pond Debentures 
 I 7,734 
 Part II. 
 Tirst Preference Stock. . , 
 Second Preference Stock . 
 Third Preference Stock . 
 Ordinary Stock 
 £ 8. d. 
 3,218,149 2 2 
 2,327,794 13 6 
 7,108,065 4 6 
 13,486,787 16 8 
 £ 8. d. 
 3,21S,H9 2 2 
 2,327,794 13 5 
 7,168,055 4 6 
 13,394,654 16 8 
 The Second Schedule alove reftrred to. 
 Part I. 
 DHte of Maturity of 
 Terminal Bonds. 
 Annan 1 
 let Oct., 1882 . . 
 1st Dec. 1890 .. 
 Ist Oct., 1877 . . 
 Ist Oct., 1878 . . 
 Five per cent. Perpetual Debenture 
 Stock . . . . . . 
 Seven per cent. Bonds of £100 each 
 Six per cent. Bonds of £100 each . . 
 Five-and-half per cent. Bonds not j-et 
 presented, 3 of £200, 2 of £100, 
 Five-and-half per cent. Bond not yet 
 presented, 1 of £100 . . £100 
 y 900 
 and not 
 Total Loans and Debenture Stock . . 
 Part II. 
 Amount Authorised. 
 Amount issued. 
 Five per cent. Preference Stock (the 
 dividend on which is cumulative) J 
 Ordinary Shares — 
 298,133 Shares of £20. 10«. each 
 and 247 „ $100 
 £ «. d. 
 505,753 17 4 
 6,159,273 17 3 
 £ 8. d. 
 505,753 17 4 
 6,116,801 16 10 
 £8,665,027 14 7 
 £6,622,555 14 2 
 Amount of Ordinar;.' Shares authorised, as above 
 Do. do. issued 
 £ «. d. 
 .. 6,169,273 17 3 
 .. 6,116,801 16 10 
 £42,472 5 
 Consists of 1,371 Shares unissued at £20. 10s. per share .. 28,105 10 
 Difference of exchange on Shares taken as of £20. 10«. 
 sterling, und their equivalent at $100 per Share.. . . 14,366 10 6 
 £42,472 6