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Mapa, Plata*, chart*, ate, may ba fllmad at diffarant raduction ratloa. Thoa* too larga to ba antlraiy included in ona axpoaura ara fllmad baglnning In tha uppar iaft hand corner, iaft to right and top to bottom, aa many frama* aa raqulrad. Tha following diagram* iilu*trata tha mathod: Laa cart**,-plancha*, tableaux, ate, pauvant Atra fiimAa A da* taux da rAduction diff Aranta. Loraqua la document aat trap grand pour Atra reproduit en un aeui cllchA, II eet filmA A partir da Tangle aupArieur gauche, do gauche A droite, et de haut en baa, mi prenant ia nombre d'imagea nAceeaaira. Lee diagramma* auivant* illu*trent ie mAthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 CONSTITUTION OFTHB ■V i- SAINT ANDREW'S SOCIETY, -^::-- ■ :... \Ai W ®urfif^< : v- ; ' ^^'^A' <7ii^l\^'' • triTri A LIST OF ITS OFFICERS AND MEMBERS. ■^m.-: Instituted on the 30th day of OcTobEi^ 1835i • • t ' • • • • . I * t k • .' » • • QUEBEC: t&tNT&D B^ NEILSON * COWAN, UOlfNTAW STRSEfi 1836. M ■ f '■^Tin**.^^-' '., A i ; f ] I. p. ■;.')-:! •J!f■'^V;/ ;;■ i':. ^ •¥'^%'!'|^^;f >^^|p t.' «?,%'•''• pa 1 ri. f, ■^:i'i^,i ciK ^f "otf^'Srrto 5^^'r > •;'-;;'.}'/. ■^o: « « « * «• « »• « I • I I « r •^ w «, ■• » * * tf irr::^:'}()^ :-n PREFACE. ; A- *-\- iuTii Hon-'io Men \niiMmiyoVL nxu: .Vl.fVri'J', A number of Gentlemeni natives of Scotland and of Scottish ori^n, residing in Quebec^ desirous of establishing a St. An- drevr's Society, inserted a notice in the public papers, requesting that persons friendly to the formation of such a Society would meet at the Albion Hotel, on Friday, the 9th October, 1835. ; ■ •■ .<.! x: .. ■; 'i- 1 .> i / A numerous meeting of persons of Scottish origin or descent assembled accordingly on the day appointed, when it was re- solved, ** That it is expedient to form a Sodety in this city, to " be called 7%e Saint Andrew^s Society of Quebec," A Com- mittee of nine was appointed to draft a Constitution for the said Society, to report to a General Meeting to be held in the Albion Hotel on the dOth of that month. The following gen* tlemen were named as the Committee : The Hon. J. Stewart, the Rev. D. Wilkie, Messrs. J. Neilson, T. A. Young, A. Paterson, J. Bruce, J. Burns, R. H. Gairdner, and A. Simpson. ^ ,i At the General Meeting held on the 30th October, the Con- stitution as reported by the Committee, was adopted, with a few amendments. The Society was formed from that day ; and Friday, the 1 3th November, was fixed upon for the election of the Officers. ".■^' " '• vv-r- ■■• -^ .rj:.. i.^ 61136 :.ii^^£.:. OFFICE BEARERS OF THE SOCIETY, For the Year ending the 30th Notembbr, 1886, ;I»i)iooJ*i 10 han hi^^w' ISthNovmUr^ 1835.] , ,,^ ^,.dmitt i -at. J^*. r 'jKiiuKii* ?■!''• 1 * ■ -P ' ' llfiilnHi'l eUij J'lt^ ^apm fSrjqijCj 'i., .iaij 'J.'. if. r«'« • '<(> jii . /JhI^os** «' 70^1^ Wi»o'« ")!»i^^ « r!r:.. • WW8IDENT! vih-i-U ; r-uv;^ 'Urn;? ANDREW PATERSON. ' ' . VICE-PRESIDENTS : jlOHN NEILSON, ) HON. JOHN STEWART. im^j- •>.. MANAGERS ; Hon. Ftia. Ward PRnmowi, Samuel Nrilson, RppBRT Pope Rob», .j.^.,,,^ DoNAU> Phaser, ThOHM AlNSUB Y0UN9.,^ ^,,j }, ,;i.t ^iuna Dban, " '■ • , George Blacr, (it\ Ronald B)acleU4n, * < Allan Gilmour, .^^, Lewis Jameb M'Nair, Archibald CAippv^a^ chaplains: 9j,{; ]^. John Cluoston, | Rev. Daniel Wokii^ .i-y'vHK' -iiy^; §f?i« Joseph Morrin, M.D., Senior Phyndaan. i,.;j[| luAiiit- jAMEa Douglas, "ilLD., Junior Physician, Alexander Simpson, Treaiurerf John Bruce, Secretary. .; ■i.i^liin QUARTERLY MEETINGS: , The first Friday in February, May, Auqust, and November. : -rsf. Jijilr fitoit (toanft^ ?ilv.' •J-ib-iB ^ifi' .;-.»-;':>f;il>ii9f^n vjm ■cisajc) INTRODUCTION. r. i.n-l The advantages of a Society such as that of which the fol- lowing pages detail the Constitution, are fitted to commend it to the approbation of every lover of his country and of his countrymen. Its principal object is to supply the necessities of Scottish emigrants or settlers, in and about Quebec, whose circumstances call for assistance. Cases are incessantly occur- ring in which an appeal is made to the sympathy and liberality of the community, by those whom sickness or some other visita- tion of Providence has reduced to destitution. It must be soothing to a Scotchman in such circumstances, if he has re- tained any degree of the feeling of independence for which Scotchmen 'have been represented as remarkable, to find, in a land far from the home of his fathers, an Association of his countrymen, whose benevolent design is to afford relief without lessening that feeling, to furnish information and to administer council, which, on the one hand, may lead to the means of gaining an honest livelihood, and, on the other, warn him of the dangers to which, from his peculiar circumstances, he may be exposed. Such an institution, when properly supported and under judi- cious management, is furnished with the means not only of dispensing aid in the most unexcep i *t>able way and of detect- ing imposition, but of rendering iti^?lf useful in other and higher respects. Besides, while it is the minister of good to others, it both avows and strengthens the attachment of its members to " the soil that gave them birth, recals the scenes of former days, with the affecting recollections which nature delights to retain and reluctantly quits." This there need be no hesitation in seeking to avow and strengthen ; for that ** philanthropy which affects to feel alike for every part of man- kind is false and spurious — that alone is genuine which glows with a warmth proportioned to the nearness of its objects." 1 ■;. ). ,1 »ir' JO In::; vv''.'H<>:>-«M ':<> •.'^■•/■■«>{.:Npf,r^' ty 'toLis.,; .um^,; v; ) t; •aliaiv i^rlUi HUH-' •; \ i^:.,'h4^if ^vnhlfi w\>^'. '■;* -•riM'ii'fijro') -ililn iholn "loi r>'>ti^b'!.'!:wyi'7:ii U> ■■■v': ■ . ■ ': 'i^) ..',n:-j^ ■,'^:•:^ >»i:tfti vj*Traicafe«i I.W fe^'-K K'.>t/i;'.im'*i.:i !i«»ifiiin ot /pairs'-;! ^i^^^; i2Ki^'»*-:'I '1 •.]. 1- !>..;. !.uvi.-<-»f1'.j : i/C'Ui tHVC! y-M -il i.'r.A ^■>.i-;i-;^,-i»>,i> •Lfj: lf--.i riJ ; : im i i -ilia i . < .! •>.! lil-i'l t;„; l?vO^ lO •.'tU.fl 'lUJ ex .■;( "^iiiV *'i»V?''.H' i.iy ,f: .•;J' -jiiiait .» -.Mu i!t>i ) ' T- fi,i't . i . Ah i Tf« IJ it?., 'itaf:' :' - l'/l,l'yl. ■■. .'.-oiir^-ni ■♦::i«ji«av,fr' V/', c «i|0'iue?>'J'1 1J(|. 'JV^f^^j Q)t ih:V /.y»i I iSwi^lt^J o<\ ^.H'^h f.ii^iJf *'"^i .^fwtp /(tffr-}f^g;'.v 'V ij;iii v/ ^. ■..••■'. 7 :".i:' ;0t ;>.i:i:i I'-i.'i.t'.iTf. \':. .;J.V... . .•f'U)'' I. ■'*/ ■}■ .^ih) >3l >7 \ v»:J"..r:^;i!q r.i il OF THE •' •>i'»*"^^*wy^ 0«i3 ii'JtiiiaJiAfuii 5-4/2^r A^DREffS SOCIETY OF QUEBEC, V^T7 i:'.Z^h- 'frthkOV-tm *Ji» ^^r:".,. 3-.;>-;vM^i' 'j' The Society is instituted for the purpose of affording relief and advice to natives of Scotland and their descendants who may stand in need thereof, and with the view of promoting nnion among all classes of Scotchmen and those of Scotch origin in c>ana(ia« ,,^ __^^l»i*'^e,$yKfw^^ ask %h'^^iy-'-i' OF RESIDENT MEMBERS. .'Ui vltw' miJ8 ijiiSf««)»!'.> %': mi^iL} &ik 'hi ii"A-{ Kone but Scotchmen, and the children, grand-children, and great-grand-children of natives of Scotland, or Sons of Members, shall be admitted as Resident Members of the Society. When any person is to be proposed for admission as a Resident Mem- ber, the Member proposing shall give to the Secretary at a Meeting of the Society, a written notification thereof, mention- ing the name of the candidate, his occupation, and the place of his nativity, according to the form in the Appendix, which notification shall be read, and at the next then ensuing Meeting he may be elect&d. The election shall be by ballot, and the A ^» I ( consent of three-fourths of the Members present shall be neces- sary to the admission of a candidate. None but Resident Members shall be entitled to vote in the election or other busi- ness of the Society, and none shall be considered as Resident Members until they shall have paid the fee of admissioni and subscribed the Constitution. .i( 'WWY)^ I'^X. ARTICLE IV. ,M \ ( V /•a\.< or HONORARY MEMBERS! Natives of Scotland, or children and grand-children ofnativeff of Scotland, or of Resident Members, and who may be strangers to the city, may be proposed and ballotted for as Honorary Members, on the same evening; and they, as well i» the Resi- dent Members, shall be entitled to a certificate of their admis- sion, auAenticated with the Seal of the Society, and signed by the President and Secretary. None shall be admitted as Hon<^ orary Members who reside within the County of Quebec. IV/J(i7. ARTICLE V. OF THR OFFICERS OF THE SOCIETY. I A President, two Vice-Presidents, eleven Managers, two Chaplains, one or more Physicians, a Treasurer, a Secretary, and an Assistant Secretary, shall be annually chosen from^ among the Resident Members at the Preparatory Meeting hereaner mentioned, who shall be installed, and shall enter upon the duties of their respective offices, on the Festival of St. Andrew next ensuing. The election shall be by ballot, and a plurality of votes shall decide. The President shall be first chosen and duly announced to the Meeting, and afterwards the rest of the Officers shall be ballotted foi: separately. The Offi- cers of the same description shall rank according to a plurality of votes. :■•> a; i Ji^RTlCLE VL >H !.:; f ojjiai , on Un- O'il 'A ot A '.'.' 'nu: OF tHE STATED MEETlKOS OF THE SOCIETY. ., «/ ' 'shkii iidtict ^:^ur Qii^terYy ^etirigs etery yiar» tit. t-p-on the first Friday in Februarv, May, August, anil November, the last of which shall be called " the meeting pre^ paratory to the Anniversary.'* The President, or in his absenoe^ 9 the officer higheit in rank who may be present, shall appoint the place uf meeting, and the Secretary sliall, at his desire, ffiv« due notice thereof to the Resident Members, and thirteen snail be necessary to constitute a auorum. — At all meetings tha names of the Members present shall be recorded. ARTICLE VII. OT SPECIAL MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. ,l4-i.;ff">;j '•^r^ rtr-^^^ , l-'^^i.K • •rrtin'A Iv K-Tftii^iu I i>^sUut ,- V :•)"'>*■>'-- ARTICLE IX. *? <=*ratifn^l'f ^i; ,.'j OF THE DUTY OF THE PRESIDENT. The President shall, when he is present, preside in all Meet- ings of the Society, preserve order, put the question, and declare the decision. He shall call a Special Meeting of the Society wheo be shall judge it proper, or when applied to for that pur- I 10 Eose by the Board of Managers, or the Standing Comnyittee ereafter mentioned, and he shall appoint the place of all meet- ings. He shall likewise sign all orders on the Treasurer from the Board of Managers. , ^ , , ^ . , ARTICLE X. -TT-/-,, J-f,'; OP THE DUTY OF THE VICE-PRESIDENTS. The duties specified in the foregoing article shall, in the absence of the President, devolve on the First Vice-President, and, in the absence of both, on the Second Vice-President, only that in regard to signing orders on the Treasurer, each shall have equal powers with the President. ■ u ti,. t?: sm ;;<*;' r^iif:-^_-Qm}aij^,^' ' • ARTICLE XL'. 'K^ i.i^V'r-^'^i^.Mi-^'y^ '.^h. OF THE DUTY OF THE MANAGERS, x'' ' i^itihy^ '"' %.'"'"■ The Managers shall constitute a Board for dispensing the bounty of the Society, and for carrying into effect the various objects pointed out by the Constitution ; and for this purpose they shall meet at least once a month, and five shall be necessary to form a quorum. They shall decide on the applications of claimants ; and if a majority of those present consent to grant relief, they shall recommend, at their meetings only, the claim- ants to the President and Vice-Presidents, either of whom is authorized to draw on the Treasurer for the sum specified in the recommendation of the Managers. Provided that no more than twelve dollars be given to one head of a family in one year, unless it be otherwise determined at a meeting of the Society ; and provided also that the whole sum thus dispensed by the Managers and by the Society in one year do not exceed the revenue of the Society for that year, unless it be done agreeably to the mode specified in the Eighteenth Article. And none shall be objects of the Society's bounty but such Resident Members thereof as may become indigent, and poor natives of Scotland, and children and grand-children of natives of Scotland or of Resident Members of the Society, unless it shall be otherwise determined at a meeting of the Society. The Managers shall likewise recommend to the attention of the Chaplains and Physicians such persons as they suppose might be benefited by their assistance. At all meetings of the Society they shall, under the direction of the Presiding Officer, preserve order and decorum, regulate the ceren^onial, apd attend to the collection and payment of the expenses. ^^ '?"j'!^.-ai;ii iJtJ>frt«"f-'« 'lit^J-Jt'"iiifi: ARTICLE XII, ; ,^, Ikth* >oy^^^ii>-ik^ o^ the duty of the chaplains. It shall be the duty of the Chaplains to perform the religious duties required at the meetings of the Society ; by their counsel and advice, to promote harmony and good will among the members, and to 'visit such sick and distressed persons as may be recommended to their attention by the Board of Managers. ■■iii*^r[ ARTICLE XIIL "^, -^wm^^mi^: ■:-. ' [ ■';4*^*f^ -t^'-i—r: oi THE DUTY OF THE PHYSICIANS. / ■.• ■,> ,::---'l ■;,.*■? S^.^x, , f ,fe.V.,, . , '.'• it shall be the duty of the Physicians to give their advice and assistance to such sick or maimed persons as may be recom- mended to their care by the Board of Managers. * ARTICLE XIV. - " •^m^'Mi^OiV THE DUTY OP THE TBKAaVfaLB^i^fiji,,'''^-^^^^^^''- l^he Treasurer shall have the custody of the money and other property of the Society. He shall keep regular accounts of his receipts and expenditures, in suitable books provided for that purpose. He shall, at each quarterly meeting, present an ab- stract of his accounts, stating the sum received and expended since the previous meeting, and likewise the whole amount received and expended since the previous anniversary festival, and specifying the cash in hand, and what may become due before the next meeting, that the Society may, if they think proper, take order for the disposition thereof. He shall enter on bis books each sum paid by him in consequence of the recommendation of the Board of Managers, the name of the President or Vice-President who signed the order, and the name of the person to whom the money was paid. ■n^mm^-:himM o-m4#?:» ARTICLE XV, ,# i^k#safife OFF THE DUTY OF THE SECRETARY. 't i::yiS vivm The Secretary shall have the custody of all the records and journals of the Society, and shall make a regular entry of all the proceedings at each meeting. He shall keep a list of the Members of the Society, and an account of the fees and dues / % m- tliat accrue, shall collect the same, and take receipts when lie makes payment to the Treasurer. He shall summon the resi- dient Members to all meetings directed in this Constitution, or called by the Presiding Officer. He shall, on the order of the Society, erase from the list of Members the names of all such persons as by the termis of this Constitution shall have forfeited th^ir title to membership, making report thereof at the next meeting. He shall appoint a messenger to the Society for de- livering notifications of the time and place of meetingB, and a suitable person for collecting dues, under his direction, for whose fidelity he shall be responsible; He shall also have the custody of the seal and badges of the Society. In the absence of the Secretary, the duties above specified shall devolve on the AiSfistant Secretary. ^i-M»-^^-.i ARTICLE XVI. ^J'KK (It ■ ' " ^.-■'■rit-iirMr'ViT ■,■>>;: -^ ,.4. ■•?^3.*)w»^^n/T<- OF THE DEATH, RESIGNATION, OB REMOVAL OF OFFICERS. In case of the deaths resignation, or removal of any of the Officers during the year for which they were elected, the So- ciety shall, at the next meeting, choose others in their room, to ierve for the remaining part of the year. ^'mfv.^ff^f'W^-'-' ''■''- '^^ ..^.Mv^^t- ,_A- Article xvii.-r. :-.-:^:,:: ;.,;:;.^.; '^\'": OF THE STANDING COMMITTEE.- ''I'^ill ''1z} \:^j'mI ■■,;>"■ - "The Chaplains, the Ph}rsicians, the Treasurer, and the Secre-' tary, together with four other the Members of the Committee of Management, shall form a Sub or Standing Committee, whose duty it shall be to pay attention to the various persons having claims on the benevolence of this Society, especially to Emigrants on their arrival from Scotland ; to enquire into tiieir - treatment during the passage, and, if necessary, into their cir- cumstances and views after their landing ; to assist them with their advice ; to recommend such of them as they may think proper to the Board of Managers for pecuniary relief, and, in cases of immediate exigency, to administer such relief as they may deem needful, — submitting all their proceedings to the monthly meeting of the Committee of Managers for their sanc- tion and approval, the consent of not less than three of the Members composing the Standing Committee shall be required to warrant in any instance the dispensation of relief.- >jjv'.o-r <, u ■'* ".,t f ARTICLE XVIII. or THE RXdULATION OF THE OFFICE UNDER THE DIRECTION •. ' - _ OP THE MANAGING COMMITTEE. if; ' ■■ " * ■ *' For the furtherance of the objects of the Society, there shaiU be an office opened under the direction of the Managing Com- inittee, hi some central situation, as convenient as can oe pro- cured to the landing place of Emigrants, and an Agent appoint- ed to attend at such times and on such conditions as the Com- mittee of Managers may prescribe, for the purpose of giving information, advice, or relief,- or of extending such assistance of any kind to Scottish Emigrants or poor residents as the Society may be enabled to provide. It shall be the duty of the Standing Committee to superintend diligently the conduct of the busi- ness of this Office, to appoint some of their Members to attend daily or weekly, at fixed hours, during the season of navigation, for the purpose of advising and aiding the Emigrant In the same Office shall be kept, oy the Agent, a Register of all applications to the Society for Domestic Servants, La- bourers, Gardeners, Farmers, and Mechanics, as also of the names and qualifications of Scottish Emigrants in want of em- ployment, together with a list of Lands and Real Property for sale in this Province. - ;,,1: .,;; ARTICLE XIX.; , ^. .,.;,/ ^vl^.v- 07 THE COMMITTEE OF ACCOUNTS AND THE COMMITTEE OF ;. r ,, :^ ...■, ,u-,.,_,,_^,., _. INSTALMENT. ,;,.,♦;... •f.^' A Committee of Accounts, consisting of five members, not being Officers, shall be appointed annually at the Preparatory Meeting, whose duty it shall be to examine the books and aecounts of the Treasurer and Secretary, and to make report to the Society on St. Andrew's Day ensuing. At the same meet- ing a Committee of two members shall be appointed, who shall, on the Anniversary Festival, present and instal the Officers elected for the ensuing year. These Committees, and all Special Committees, shall be nominated by the Presiding Officer, and appointed by vote of the Society. ^ ][A :»'.>-43X*i- ' -i> 14 ii If ,..: ARTICLE XX. -.^. -. ...,,*,/, ^.U OF THE FUNDS OP THE SOCIETY. ^■i«it;-8;i$»: 1h>: If at any time there should be more money in the hands of the Treasurer than the exigencies of the poor require, the same shall be loaned out at interest, or otherwise disposed of, as may be determined on by the Board of Managers, with the concur- rence of the President and Vice-'Presidents. It shall not be competent for any Meeting to direct the disposition or appro- priation of any part of the Society's stock previously loaned out or vested in public securities or in real property, unless the President or one of the Vice-Presidents, and at least thirty of the Resident Members, be present. ,^^.f>jyf,«j»v ^,) h'yJUfjii'a yt) 'n^m hki^-)si i^iwi^miM^i.... ARTICLE XXI.., , . ,..a> ei«j V >^^««t . naUi-i'i'ftim ''n . iti\:^'>:it > .i* • fl-si ■ ».?»'vr:, or THE FEES AMD DUES TO BE PAID TO THE SOCIETY. Resident Members shall, upon their subscribing ' the Consti- tution, pay a sum of not less than Five Dollars as the Fee of Admission, and shall contribute Two Dollars annually, to be paid on the first day of May in each and every year. ARTICLE XXII. OF LIFE MEMBERS. «^- -.^j. i^i_ <■■(„ S*'* ** , . vs. V' V t i /■. y On the payment by any Member of a sum not less than Five ' Pounds, the same shall be accepted in lieu of any further sub- scription or contribution ; and the sum thus paid, as well as any donation to the Society, shall be invested in some permanent fund, the interest only of which shall be placed among the dis- tributable funds of the Society. ^ijiSf|^;3.^^«A(*'i%^^gp .^ ss^^^^^^^ ■_ .:t^>''!-i^ ARTICLE XXIIL ' '^ ?)'*'.l»A4thall be admitted on paying the Admission Fete. ARTICLE XXVI. OF THE ORDER TO BE OBSERVED AT MEETINGS* • - At each Meeting of the Society, after the Presiding Officer shall have taken the chair, the Minutes of the previous Meetin? shall be read by the Secretary. Good ordjer and decorum shaU be observed by all the Members ; and whoever offends in this resf ect, shall be liable to be reprimanded by the Presiding Officer. ARTICLE XXVIL OF OBEDIENCE TO • •i . . ., . The Members of thisr 'Sooiqlgr ;sl}all jSE^t^fully. obs^rye. -and conform to all the Rules iiii}l*l$'pg\ila^iblii^thftt:i^afi*bb\m by I? 'i I; H' 16 the Society and entered in the books thereof, on pain of being dismissed from it, and having their names erased from the list of Members. <> 3..irv.i3i*m- '}.:,i^i ^■ifi'.^;i-^:U*:,^ir,.,y.ii>: 'uU i,.f.t: ARTICLE XXVllI. " OF THE MODIB OF ALTEBINO THE COl^STITUTION. The Constitution shall not be idtered, except at a Preparatory Meeting, at which the President or one of the Vice-Presidents, and not less than fifty Resident Members are present, the con- sent of three-fourths of whom shall be necessary to ratify an amendment ; and all proposed amendments shall be submitted to the consideration of the Society at the previous Meeting. • . '- y ,■! •.'■•- / . • - ' . -. . * 1. J . . ,' . »■ -■ 1 vn';t -ni-'v-j-i \H. ■•■u Ji. ■''4 APPENDIX. ■1 it . Av < FORM TO BE STONED BV AtL APPLICANTS FOR ADMimOlt, PSIOR TO AAMtMlON. I, [John Black,] of [Qaeb«c, Printer,] a native of [Glasgow,] in tha Connty of [Lanark,]— or, [the son of Robert Blaek, of Quebec, a native of Irvine, in the County of Ayr, Brewer,]— now aged [forty] years, declare that I am desirous of becoming a Member of the Saint Andrew's Society of Quebec ; and, if elected, I will abide by and obey all and ererj^tbe Roles .and Regulations of the said Society. t •. i Proposed by [William Lane.] Seconded by [James Bell.] ' '■• !i'::'-:.\ hi-. • « • . • • ^ • '.vs'n; , „ .'- i_-v ,■i'iL■.^<; «-..i'.l>,lfc