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MICROCOTY RISOIUTION TEST CHART 'ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2; 1.0 i.l I: 1^ '""^ 2.0 t 1^ 1.25 WWWA 1.8 1.6 ^ /APPLIED INA^GE Inc ^IS Rcnii^eUe' Nff* 'J ■ '•e.:'J ^■-Ji .3=^:= (^16) *82 ■ CiOO -=■-= 1 ''6) 288 - ^989 - FO" GKOL()(;iCAL SiniVKV OF CANADA KOMKKT HHIL, M.I), US. , l.l.H Kits (»N TinoNVX roVLVTlS. LKIDV.AM) TIIIONW VACANS. (dl'i:. KK().MTIIi:('l!m.\( IIOIS HOCKS OF AhllKIITA Lawkkxck M. Lamuf., F.U.S., F.R.S.C. L i> '1 Ji'/irint'il /'roin llir Su'umtiri/ /ir/un-' /ur l/if i/inr I'.U'l. OTTAWA I'UINTi;i> \:\ S i: hWVSD.N. I'UINTI'.I! Tm 'I'lll'. KlNirs MOSI i;xi;i;i,i,KNi' ma.iksia 1 KO-J 4 r'lfltfj^^yiYSHrn r^^^MSKffl!3*!&Tc*?t^. r^^ 3 3298 00024 2330 ON THIONYN loVKATIS, |.KII)>, AM) TItK.NYX VAt;A.\S, (OPK, ni.iM TiiK CHETACKOIS KOCKS or A1J!I.1!TA. Bv Lauhknci. M. I. ( IVit/i /I,,',- /i/„f, ^ ) I I»iir.n- 111,, past wliiUl eni-aj.,.,!, ,„. I.rl.alf of .1,,' (icolo^-ical •Suiv,.y. in making a cllroti,,,, of v,.rt,.b,aU. nnu-.un. f,„,„ 1 1,.. Creta- ceous of ,he K„d Deer rivor, AILrrta, to su,.,,l.™.,,t tl,.. u,ateriul,! ,n tw<. form-.r yars, th,- writer «as forti.nat.. enoui;!. to secure two almost complKe carap/irrs of turtl.-.s, one r,.ft.ial,"le to Trwu//.. /,aratus, L.-idy, tl„. other t(, 7'. n„/,n,s. Cope. I„ the Ue.i was originally described in ISf.O by Leidy from small fragments of costal and sternal bonei from the .Judith river l)eds of Nebraska. *'''■'"' lilie-ef tlle .\c.-i.l..„iy , ,f .\;,t„r.ll .Sri..,u-es ,,f Fllilml,.l,,|,i,,. vul. XXVIII p. 2.),, I,s7ii (CiiH), iinil Ottaw.iNiitiiraH.-t ' ' ' (LaiiiU'). I'l. XV. |>. K\, |,l.^tt'> iii, iv. V ,-iiid vi +Traiis;icti,,n« of the Am.iiian l'liil..a..i.hi™l Socictv, u,]. XI p 14K j.l .xi fig, 1 and 2. Kuinct Wrtehiata from ,1„. .l,„l,tl, nver .a>,i ( Llgnif funnat.ons -f L— 1 4^ Tl.M D.Mr Mv.r *y.>mn-u ol A /:,r,„n,* .•mi.m-.U of tl... r^ira ,,a.,. i„ «ln.l> tl..- n...l,ul |.I.H- .^ .uivMi.K. without any p.ut of tl..' ,,U,tro„ S.,..n,il, r..f...«l,l- to tl.i. «,«.,•»•«, wrr- to,.ui)iU .<«t.ilH ..f th.- l.-ft Hi.l,. .ir.. ^i.tir.., I.ul ih- tir.t riKht -ostul .» wantinK- I'lv.. mniral (.hit.- ar.* ,,r.-K..rv.-.l «.th part of an..ther that lay prin. ifmlly iK-tw.'.. Ih.- . .>tals, It. i...^t.Mioi en.HH'in« U-tween the front inn.T iM.r.l.r- of th.- ...-taW. If this n.ural wKr.> «« l.ii.« m ,,ro,H,rtion t., .1, l.i..a.lth a phlt.- imnM.lia.ely f..llowinj. .t, .In from ii-arKin rff.'. t.'.l a Mlti.ral union with the r.u.hal plat.-, ttn.l its ...rthn.' was ,.r.-sun,ahly as is shown l.y til.' .loUe»-ural tiv.- is ohlonu, an.l M.'ural six, ly.n;< l-r the most j-art tH'tw.-.-n tho sixth .MWtals. U .l,i.-hl sliap.'.!, o.iniMH to a point hnhin,!. 'I he s-v.-nth costals ar.. .ulurally unil.-.l at th.-ir innor .'n.!., wtuT.^ they .h^v.-h.p a la.-a.l.h sulVui.-nt t.. soparaf ll inhtl, , but they are well dev.'loped near the front edges of the first c.istals. In the neurals an.l inner halves of the costals there is a narrow, s.n.K3th .strip devoid of . ulptuiv borderinK the sutures. The rib heads iire well devel.>p<>d. •Sine,, th.. al-.v w.- ..•■ ...isplac 1 fn^Knu-nt- liav.- Is-,, ,mI.I.-.1 t.. the ,»„..n.,r ...,,1 ..f this carapae.. : th.'V pv.-hI th.- fact that th.' thst ...-talH an. .., r..a.,ty .«.,a,.at...i bv a .livi.l.,! tir.t „..„ral Th.. « r.t.r « ish. s hn .- tu .-vpreHs h,s ,ml.. .t.-,!- ness t„ fr„„r Oh1«„.„ a„.l Lr. Hay. ,.f th- .\,„..ri..-ii, Mws'.m, ot Nataral H,Ht.,ry f.,rtl,.-loa„.,f th..tvi».of rr„„.,.c ,„./„„, a„.l th.- ..pi-I'm'tythuH atf.„.d..'-'.in.,-l,.„„ (,.,„, „,„,•,„ ..f f,,., , ■■ >.l,rli .■.,...,1 .,|n..(,l|> , ., , ,;i ,,„!,, y ■•"'■..."i'i...f.M,.,,.., „,' „„i„ l.'l,^-ll,.,t .,., ,„„l ,„,„,, I ""'" M, l„,.„|!l, ..f I ,„,^| ''"' '''"■■ "' t tl, ,.„t,i| ,1, ., „,,, ,^, ,, 'lliiar,.,. ,,| f..Mr|l, ,,..t,,| .,, ,,,,tr.«„.,, I'llH'klMs, ,,| ,,^,|,,|, ,,„,.,, ,, ,,,^,^, M I. "II ii,r •-•It IP.':) ■«i: ■ Nl'i I Br, |»i'ii'"i, 11 ^ M -I roll- j;i'iiii /""..'i.V /«'"""-.• "«.n «i„| H.ll.i |;,,ii-l, ( I''V' nl,..d tV„m tl„. ,...>i..ri.,r Imit ..f tl,- ,„,;.|,.„-.. I,.. '7'*"' ''> "^"»i'»rr,.ria,ln.,.„r of ,|„. .,„| ,„,., Tl,.. „„„,« ,1,- ^'■l"l'""-" "» "- -^.■n,h ,„.„.U ,„,„.,| ,„ ,„.. .(..,1 ,„,.., ',„., oaia,,,.,... r..,„lh„« i„ ... ,.e.|u,.,i„„ .,f ,|,.. ,,.|„|, ,„„,. ,„ ,.,.„k ,„hv I,.. -.1. nT,.K„laniy ,.f .,„«tl, of „„ .,,„,i,i,. i„,,„„,^„„,. nU.n '■;'-•; tn.,„.Hnuml,..,,,tfrH,.,n..„,-,,f..,,s,,M.sHn,l,,,.r|,,.p, mou,. ..t U... Hi« Morn -iver. M„n,a,„. I,.,,,,, ,,.k,, N„,,,,,u foun.l at tl... la.l two localities l,y Dr. Hay,!..,,, |.a,.r ,n l>7,-, i,,' • Il„. \ .r...l.rata of ,1„. ('r.tH....„us Korniat,,,,,. of ,|,.. \\ >,t ' ,1,.. ^,„.. .i.-cr,,,t.on appears : this ,i„,.. with H.-uns of ,«„ fra.„„.„t.s of .-ostal U-ne. _ UrO. V. Hay, „f ,he An-r,™,, .M..s..,„„ of .Va.ur.l His.orv -New\ork, huskimlly compar..,! part of a ,.os,al plate from tl,.- I!.:j Deer nver with fraK-nents laU-l!.... T. ,„,/.„. 1 v J'rof..ssor ( 'ope in the New York cllectioMs. (.win«toth.. ■nsu.l,c.i,.,„.v of th,. puhlishe.l and figures of this specie-s, th.. writer .omI,! scarcely ,u,|..e whether the Canadian sp,.ci,„ens wer.. or were -ot r..fe, able to T vahind with the side, •.M„n„K,-.,,l, „f the llr,tl.h i;..,,„I,a „f ,1„. ,.„„,,„„ ,■,,,, ,,,..,■, ,,. ,,.".-,k, ,ah X,Vc + l'.ull..,i„„ftl„.|-„>t..,lSt»t..»(i,.„|„,.„,,|s,„.v,.v„f,|„.T.,,,„„„.,,,,sr,,N„,.. |, ,.;, curving Ih.ui.Hv !■• tli.' fionl iimri^iii. .il ili. .■.•htr.( <>( wliirh llirr i •Ii.iIImw r.Ki.iiMty '||[.> .li.ll |ii..truil.-. wliPif tli«' iiK- |.a.^ .Miiwiird tniiii Uii.-iitli, .MMsini; tlin liil.-nil iimi-iii Ik Im' «iiiii..ii-, lli.' -.iiiiiomt v Uiii.' iii.-'t iii;iik.-.l l..«,ii.l 111.' Ironi III III'' lirit, hikI tliii.l piirt of ,i.-l,il yhili-- «>t 111!' ••ulit p.iir- 'if r.i.liil-.. tlif lir'.f .•.«liil^ .if ill" hiiMil.".! Ill Ihf inn. r PI1.1-, wliil-l lli.'liflli me llit. l.r.iiKl.>il "li>liilly Til.' Hi'Miilli in .Mi.iii. ly iiaiTinv tlii..uj,'li.nit lli.'ir |.'niit|i mil III.' .1^1.1 1, p.iir i~ w.'ll >!.■ .'I."l I'll.' Ill -I .-.wl lis iii.T.'iVM' in l.|. ..Ilh iiitlii'i- Miil.l.'iilv it tli.'ir "ii'''- ''I'l- '""' I"''' '••punilt'il liy a ilivi.l.'il lirnt n.iii il I'lal. Til.' n. uml- :.m.i'In 'H) .l..' hi I.i.hiJiIi In I'.i.' lifili. lln'" «i,| s'ln.'iiily p.ii;ill.l I., .'.i. Ii i.ili. r v- iIm.h.- ..f ili.- .■..rrf-.p.m.l inu |,l,it,.. Ml T < '' "• 'I'll' ^"\'li ■""' I""' II'-'"''' is ^'Ty """ '' "'lui"! Ill M/.' in.l I- iii.uiiliiilv ..vil III oiiilin.- of til.' [.iiitruiliiiL! ril.cei.U, all til" -ix '"' tl"- '"••• "^i'''" ""'■'■ - ' I'l'-'l. I" 'I '"I'" ■"'""' "' I'l.sinali.iii, .xo'l'l 111.' ..II. I.<'l<.ii«iii« I" III'- ti'-l ''wt'il ""■! II »i's..l.l .in.'il in |.urt. Til.' rilili.' at.' «'■ 1 'I.M'li.|.'.l In tin- lifili «', I lie nil. Iml )il:it'' i'« r, |,i, „'iii.' I'''''"'- '■"'■'"'"'-'""" ^'"' i"'"''^'" '" ''■""' '" ll„. Mil II..- I..I.MI.I, «MN (...III. I, l.iit f.M-iiumlcly III.' I'-t't fii.i ..f :i nii'.-lial, iif :in.itli. r ..I siiMil.r i/", sli.iwili- lli.' I.'fl fi.'iH maiKinanil tl,,' .iiuii. l..'tw..'n III.' I' an. I lli- lirM .-..stal witli |,ail.if ill.' hill.-r Kiilieii'nt, Mil'i'liu'l 111.' .1. Ii. i.-M'-\ Til.' -.■iilplur.. .-.msisH ..f a ii.'tw.,rk .if naimw liilut"- i.iinifyinL' an. I in..s.'\ilatiiiK s,, ,is I., .'ri.liisi. ■^iiiall, siMiU. 11 an':.- ..f irieaill.ii- sli.i|..' an.! hi/.-. iIu' iir I'-inu' -.'cn-'ially wi.U'i- llian 111.' i-iil«''- III" li|-<.a.l. Till' fm|U.'iit .'..nllupnc' .if a vaiyinj,' „unilHi-..f ar-f:, i.-'iill- 111 i 111.11.' "l"-n pal t.Tn, tht; li'li;.-" al limes sli.'win;,' a tfii.l.'n.y ii> run in paialU-l liiii's. The srulptui.' is n..t so (li'-lin. Ily .l<-tiiiPnlions the ..rcurrence in the Miocene species of a , In id.. I lir^t neural ;iiiuriiin'nt-< 1,11 h i'( , .»r.i|':ii' il.irnt tii.-ili Id lin- t I •« ' |H< li' M.iv II., 1.1. I'llh ..( .,ii.i|..M' .-M. null. -I |lr-:i.)tti •■! fii-l ...-' il .' "ilM I ill'l Tin. km- .,( ..,■,,. 11,1. inlMl i h.| 'I'lii. 1,111 -^ ..I ..111"' .11 •111. 1 • ii'l |ll..i.|lli .if tiflli ....lul 11 ...1. I .ml Tliirkli. .. ..I -uili ,il ..'il.i .111! I '.I. .I'ltli ,il mill l.iiuii. ..( -. I. mil I.. -1. 1 1 T'll. kill" ,it I'll. In ..t , ikIiIIi ..,.i..I \l.l\lllllllll liri'inllll "f llrilliil 1. M.iMliniii. I.n a.ttl. i.f 11. .i.'iit la 1,1 lllltll .'I -.III!. I'lii. kii. 1 mil li:ii |.!.l. .1 Ml . II. I 111 ll^'lli -if \. 1(1 . ■ iilliiiii \l Vi> 't'M. IC .■..I lljj 11'' "I i II '.I . iiln .I'll, I.: I' I iiiii ..js IM'i *^. i:.\i>i,A\,\Ti()\ (ii- ri,.\Ti:s. n.ATK I. '■'"■' '"-' '■ ''I'l"'' -"'■f^' f •■■ ■ <-arai«l.r ..f rr,„„„.r (n ■„,(„,. l„ ■ f, t|„. I r. t,„v.,„s ,,| All...,!, I. ( .„,-l,,,|f „at,n„l -i/,-. Tl,.- .,„„„„. 1,,,^, „„li,'al.. Il„. -una. - I..I«-.Mtl„. I-,,,,-; ,|„. ,in,l,,| ,„„., |„r,. ,„„„,,.,|. M „u,-l,al I,,.,,,.- \ 1 ■• Ar li. .iial l..,ni-: (; I. -J. .Vc. ,,,-1,1 1...11,... r.'.MiKl.,. l>utl,„..,.f,|„.,,,„„wrM ,.„n,.,,f,|„.„|,|,.., ,„,f,„,.„f ,|„. ,,,,,,,.,,„ I'LAIK II. ^ l-i',i HK -1. r,,,..,- MMfacv „1 tl,.. uara|,:„v ,|„.w„ ,„ plat,. 1 ; f,„„. ,, |,|,„t,,CTa|,l, < ,,ii-i< .|al.l\ ,,v, , ,,11,. half til., nail, lal -i/,,.. ri.ATK III. :!. r|,,«.,. siirta, f ,1„. ,.ai,,|, „f Trl,„n,r r.uj.,ns. (•„,».: f,.„,„ ,|„. „f"'!hl.'."r "' '"'"'''"' """ "'^''"'' "'" '""""' ""■■ ''""■' ■""' ''■""'■" ^'" '" •'«""■ ' l-i„iii/.... Fh,n^;atiK'.- Ueolooical SiiivKV OK Canada. Pl.ATK IV. iLii**!'-.^ Jfer. ix.1