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MCLEAN REPRINTED FROM THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW NOVEMBER. 1909 NEW YORK THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. ■\L Copyright, IWM, by The North Ameiieao RctIcw PublitbluK Compgny '■^ry^^^9l^. m^^i'im^-'^^m tfiw»wiH>)wiwmHHiHitaMMHiMW<tiiwtt i iM mMiw iii ii ii ti wwwiiMnti)w»wwww m iii MH i i i iwin»n iHitM TUE GEORGIAN BAY CANAL BV 8. J. MrLEAN. Fkom the ljcj,'iimiug of its lanal [loluy. ('jiimila Ims bocn in- terested not only ia obtaining a elieap water route for !(.■< own produce, but also in attracting trallie to tlii.s route from the United States. While tlie Canadian I'ariianiout declared, in 1875, in favor of a fourteen-foot waterway from (lie f.akcH to the seaboard, it was not until I'JOU that tluK was obtained. Tlie faet that the Erie Canal, owing to it-? lagging Ijchind in point of technical improvements, hR.-i become of minor importance ;., the transportation of grain to the seaboard has caused New York to fear tiie diversion of tratlic to the St. I>awrenee route. This was used as an argument by tlie Erie Canal Commission in 1809 in favor of the improvement of the Erie Canal. The diversion of a large part of the export grain trafTic to Montreal during the season of lUOH has attracted further attention to the competition of the Canadian route. Canada has expended, in round nunil)er8, $116,000,000 on its canal system; $94,000,000 of this amount have been 'wpended in the last forty years. Over seven-eighths of the latur sum has been expended on the route from Lake Superior to Montreal. Wliile a large part of the expenditure has been concerned with 1^0 development of a waterway competitive for \merican traffic, it is only of recent years that tlie anticipations have begun to i)e realized. The c;mal at the Canadian " Soo " conipetes for American trafTic. This canal was ojiencd in 1H0.~). In ISfifi tlie tonnage passing through was 7.9 millions; by 1907 the tonnage had doubled. Tlie Canadian canal percentage of the total traffic passing tliroiigh the two ''Son" canals i? gradiialiv increasin*'. In 1901 it was 8 per cent.: in 1007 it amounted to 9() pc- cent.; this reprepent> both a relative and an absnlute increase. The ■t,l#)H:tWKlBm?H:««tt»W'W«tTOWW!!iTO!!8W!fflffl lm!W»»i!«W!*«iraB»w*"'"' d. 4 Tin: (it.nuui.w /Ml c.iNi/.. tounagc pussiug tli rough tlic (.'aaaiJiau utuul, like lliaL ut^iiig ilic American lanal, (.oiisisu almost whoii) of low-grmle Imlky I'lciglit, llie giealcr part U'Uig easl-hound. In I'JUT, Iv'..') millions ul ions of freight passed iluun ihroiigii the Canadian lanai, an in.rLa:ic of 7<; per cent, over 11*U0. Tiie eanal id not, iiowever, suieesiful in tarrying a large portion of this down hy tiie St. l.awrenee route. Of the I'JOT grain si]i])uients from Port Arthur and Fort William 24 per cent, went by water to Canadian points east of the Welland Canal; while 43 per cent, went to (ieorgian Bay and Lake llunm points, wlience it was hamiled by rail. It must be remembered that, while the '' Soo " CanaJ permits the pa.^age of the large lake-going vessels, (onditions are dilferent in the case of the Welland and the St. Uwrence canals. In general, a vessel 247 feet in length, 4-i feet t! inches wide, drawing 13 feet and carr"ing 2,212 tons of cargo may be regarded as typical of tl'o ordinary verssel accoinmodation afforded by these canals. Early in 1907 a deputation of vessel-owners and ^rain-shippers memorialized the Dominion Government to so deepen and im- prove the \V Hand Canal as to accommodate the largest vessels of the Upper Lakes. T!ie GoTemment has at prcLont under eonsidcration a project for deepening the canal to twenty-five feet. The various commercial or^anization.s arc, however, bv no means agreed on this question. At present it takes a vessel from Hixteen to nineteen hours to lock through the canal, according to the conditions of traaic. The same expenditure of tim> oula permit the vessel to get back to the Detroit River. In the case of the larger vessels it would !« more economical to pick up a coal cargo on Lake Erie and go west to the river tlian to con- tinue east, attcmi)ting to i)ick up a cargo west-bound from the light traffic offering from Lake Ontario or the St. Lawrence River. It is true that if the canal were improved the time dis- advantage would be lessened, but it would not be eliminated. As regards the deepening of the St. LawTcnce canals, it may be noted that tlie transportation of grain in barges from p'rescott to Montreal has certain advantages. The exporter can brin-r his barge? alongside the ocean-going vessel at ^fontreal, thus saving elevator charges which have been complained of as exorbitant. If the ocean vessel is not ready to load, the demurrage charges on the barges are low. Tt is nnder such conditions of dissatisfaction with the l.«wer "mm'miMm 1 1 fL yfV' ■ "pm / ///', iii.i'i.1,1 1 \ /( 1 ) ' t \ 1/.. .» I.:ikt' aii'l livur i.iiNils tliul tluic lin.> liti ii a ii'iuwiil iiiliiot in the (Jriu-ian l>av .anal roiilo. 'I'lio jiinjc( i fm a luiiali/cil ,\ali'i- \\ti\ rpiiu iIh' I'jiiKT Lal^c!^ liv wuy of tlm l-'ii-iii h liivtT. Laki' Nilii.-siii;,' aiiil tlu' Ottawa !ir. r U> Moiitu ' attiacti'il all' iilioii »() farly n- isir>. In is.'.i; aii<l in l>';i) siirvt-v- witc iMa>lr. Iii- .uultodlv this loiiti' ha^ ^'nat a.lsanlagcs in iminl of di-iaiin'. A vt'ssfl going from tin' " Soo " i.r from (lie Struits of Mai kiiiaw lo Moiitrual would liy tlli^* roiUr iirartirally take one sicji of a triangle, as tomiiari'd « itii two sides of the triangle hy way of (he Lower Lakes. The follouiiig tuhle showH some of tile dlstaiue advantages of the route: via l.ow<»r Via flftirwitin AihuriimiB From. To, Liikcn in Hay I'niial to in tfivur nf luiira, nnlcfl. rttiuil. Ciiicano NVw York l,3«l» — — Cliicajfo Montreal — UOS 4H4 Dululh New Vork 1,500 — — Duluth Montrcul — l«t7 5o;t Fort William Monlrtal 1,2!>0 — — Fort William Montreal — »34 302 The earlier surveys were concerned with ohtaiuing a depth of from ten to twelve feet, and the cost of eonstruetion was estimated at from $12,000,000 to $24,000,000. In more recent years the increase in the average draught and carrying capacity of Lake- going vessels has led to a change of opinion in regard to t .o depth and cost of construction. While some, at an ear'ier period, favoi' d a barge canal, the recent intert^st has been concerned with a waterway which will permit a Lake vessel to unload at Montreal. The Canadian Government has recently completed a compre- hensive engineering survey of the whole route based on a mini- mum depth of twenty-two feet. The project submitted would permit the passage of the largest Lake vessels from Lake Huron to .Montreal. In finding tl at the route was fea.«ible from an engineering standpoint, the report of the survey was confirmatory of the opinion expressed hy the " Engineering Xews " in its issue of March Sti . 1 003 : ■■ Frnm an engineering standpoint, disregarding for the moment polit- ical biiundurics, there can be no doubt tliat the Ottawa route is by far (lie best for a deep waterway from the L'pper T.Hkes to the sea. So far as cxp 'rl tralTie from the irortliwest to Kurope is concerned, it ofTers by far the ticst possible ronte. . . ." In comparing this route with existing or jirojocted routes the question of the elevation to be overcome is of importance. Be- 71 ," -> , '■•'»>*!= rs .■■9k'^%UfMW'^ '-7. "•2r. ; 6 rut: ut:onm.\s ».n ( wal. iweeu iloatrtttl aud Ucorgiau ba> llicix- aie -iiU imIis ol' uuvi- guuuu. .Natural L-liaiiUkils arc avuilaidu ior SU pur cent, of Uii» di.^lttuce. To reacli tlie buiiii/ul It-vul, (l.VJ Kt;l of loikiigf will bu uoifBsury. li} tlie Wtllaud L'aual onl> .jJU feul of lockage aiu ui'ifssar). The (Jeorgiaii liay ruiii'' lias also to ii« loniiiuml wall llie pr.'ijoscd dceiH'uiiig of tliu .\li>iji!'sii)|)i Hivcr aa well as with the artilkial wati'iwajs projected to connect (Jeorgiau l>ay with Lake Ontario. The proposed deep waterway from Liikc Michigan to the Uulf of Mexico would give a route of l,ii-.'5 miles. It ia true that the estimated co^t of a deep waterway hy this route does not call for more tlian !|ilO,UO(>.nn(). But there must also he considered the nature of the stream, its tortuous course, whi( h is W per cent, longer than the direct distance, and the large amount u( silt carried ilown hy tlie river. These con- ditions will necessitate a uontinuous e.\[>««n(lilure for (!red;,'iiig whi. h will not he present in the case of the Ottawa River route. Ill iiddilinii. tiie longer ocean voyage from the mouth of the Alissis-ippi and the higher ocean freight rales prevailing hy way of tlie Uulf of Mexico arc disndvantageous to tliis route. The voyage from Chicago to the (iulf of Mcxiro is 'i^ I mih-s shorter than from ''hieago to tlie Straits of lielle l.sle hy the Ottawa Hiver. From such an rpiier-I.akc point, however, as nululli the Ottawa Kiver route is 600 miles shorter. In hotli cases there must he remembered the 'Msadvanta^fos of the longer ocoan voyage from t'le mouth of the Mississippi. Brief mention may be made of cne two competing Canadian proj.cts. The proposed Huron Ontario Ca^al from Georgian !?ay to T,akf Ontario has had almost as long a history as the Georgian Bay Canal project. Tt is not clear, as was pou.tcd out by the United ^itatcs Deep Waterways Oommii^-iion, whether there is a sufficient supply of water at the summit level to feed the locks both ways." The Trent Valley Canal, which is partially construct! I. a., .j a tortuous water connection between Georgian Bav and the eastern end of T.ake Ontario bv a route which is six times as long as the direct land route. The canal is being constructed as a barge route. From an engineering standpoint it has attracted attention hy the construction of two larsre hvdraulic locks, one of which has a lift of sixty-five feet. The lockaee hy this route is about 500 feet jrreater than hv the Welland Canal. While the Georgian Bay Canal is feasible from an engineering ■"-.-'t It TUK (ii:oh'<ii\s itw I .i\M. 7 Btan(liH)int, the importaut quesuou in lU inuballo irailic futuio. Tlio Buviug in lime, cuuscqueui ou tliu sludlcr distumo, lud tlie reductiou in ratei* tousequunt llierwu, inu)' be expected to ultrait .illio. 'I'ukiiig liie I'uuuiiiu I'ii' d fctiiiiuli', four iiulcs [» f lioui wouhl l)f tlic iiiaximuiii .■^pffd ou ilie fiiiml portion i.f the n»ute. It may l.i; uc''d iii passin- tluU on tin- Wollmid r:iiial, uhidi hurt, liovv.wi-, x-nnv sharp curvivs the rtpced falls helow tliis. lUit ou the basirt of four mil"., pt-r hum \\v liml that t!ii'4 route would peririit ve8!ti'ls to move from (ieorgiuu Buy to MoatrLul in seventy hours, ang an udvuntiigc of from one and '-half to two day- over existing routes. Tiiis eukuhition i .. 1, liowever. on the eouditions alfeeting the e.visting fourtei. . wat-rwiiy is way of the Wellunil Camil. If the St. I.aurenee route to Montreal were deepened to twenly-Uvo feet, it is probable— suhjcd to the tratlic eouditions spokeu of above— that the (leorgian Hay Canal would have no advantage in point of tiine. The .ieepening of t!ie Lower Lake and rivT eanal.^ and tlie in the size of the hnks would lessen the amount of lockage. At the same time, the longer stretches of laki' and river navigation .vould permit higher speeds than would be possible on the northern route. During IDOT the wheat rate from t'hieago to HulTalo by Lake averaged l.r) cents per bushel, while from Duluth to ButTalo it was L8 cents. During sr ne period the rail rate on exjiort wheat from Buffalo to : York was f-om five to five and one- half rents. The Lake i ... eanal rate by the St. Lawrence to IVfontreal ha,- average.! over a period of years four and one-half cents. Sinet it ■ "stimated that the (Jcorgian Bay Canal can carry wheu. .o Montreal at a profit at two cents pop bushel, its rate advantages arc apparent. One of the ohjettions urged against this route is the short- ncsa of the season. The I,ake season opens witli the opening of the Straits of 'Nraekinaw about April 30th and ends about De- cjmher I2th. During the season of \'.w\ the Canadian " Soo " Canal was open 2.')3 days. The Georgian Bay route would b" available for about 210 days out of the year. By the Welland Canal twentv-two days iimre navisation would bo afforded. An- other factor to be considered is that of wind detention in the canalized portions of the route. Tlie high sides of steel vessels make them dif.icnlt to handle in a hich wind. On the Welland 8 Tin: ilEOUiilW HAY VASAL. and St. Lawrence canals there liave been cases where a vessel has lost two (lays on a trip on accoiuit of wind detention. It must l)e renieuibered, however, that such detentions have taken place wheie vessels which, while capable of greater loaded drauglit, were un- able to draw more than fourteen feet because of the limited depth of the canals. With a deeper channel by the northern route, the vessels would he stiffer and less sutiject to wind resistance. Against the shorter season and the possible factor of wind re- sistance must be set the fact that the shorter distance would per- mit a larger number of trips during the season. A significant fact in the development of Lake transportation has been the increasing importance of the Upper Lakes. The great increase in the traffic passing through the " Soo " Canals is one index of this. With the development of the United States, the westward movement of grain centres and the expansioa of population have lessened the transportation importance possessed by the Lower Lakes in the early days of the Canadian canal system. The northwestward trend of the wheat centre is e^nocially significant. The result of these changes is that the shortest lines of communication from the northwest to the seaboard lie across Canada. The great development which the Canadian Northwest is undergoing furtlier accentnates the importance of this. In the United States a fractional change in rates determines whether a section, whose grain normally moves south, shall send it to the Lakes. The States of Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michi- gan and Minnesota, which lie within the sphere of influence of the Georgian Bay Canal, had, in 1900, a population of 18.8 millions. If one foot of a pair of compasses is placed at Chicago and the other at Duluth, the circle described with this radius will pass through Kansas City. In Canada all the provinces, with the exception of British Columbia, would be vitally inter- ested in the Georgian Bay route. The possibilities of traffic from the Canadian Northwest are of great importance. In Alani- toba the percentage of the total land area under cultivation is only 7 per cent., while in Alberta and Saskatchewan it is only 2 per cent. Recognizing that the cultivable area will fall short of the total land area, there is still great opportunity for develop- ment. The minimum estimate of the ultimate wheat yield of the northwestern provinces of Canada is 254.000,000 bushels, the maximum 812,000,000. iiiiimiWiiiiii!t!i»iiiiiiiW!it!itiiir' i:uil;iii!i:!liJlliiiKi!iiti!:i:i:fliir!!!3.dl!!iliM;:i^!:i!!!ni;i; iH!lm!!is^ THE ULUmjliS H.ll fASAL. Mr. G. Y. Wisner, aa Aiueiicau consulting engineer of higli repate, estimates that tlie eanal will attract 8,000,000 tons of trallie. In I'JO? the corn receipts at Bull'alo were 28,000,000 bushels. In competition for a large portion of this tonnage the canal would have an advantage, and an especial advantage, over tlie ilississippi because of the cooler route through northern wa- ters. In 1888 Sir William Van Home stated that anything that would tend to lessen the cost of transportation between the north- west and the seaboard must unquestiouably have a beneficial ef- fect. As he has elsewhere graphically stated, the diJIiculty has been that Canada has enlarged the transportation funnel in the northwest without enlarging the spout. In his evidence before a committee of the Canadian Senate, he said that the canal should lead to the utilization of various kinds of forest products which could not, under existing conditions, stand the cost of trans- portation. It should also have a most favorable effect on the development of the mineral resources of the Ottawa Valley. So far as the railways were concerned, he held that the canal would create more traffic than it would take away. The power possi- bilities of the route are emphasized hy the report of the Govern- ment Survey, which states that 1,000,000 horse-power are avail- able along the route. In addition to traffic in grain and lumber, a considerable part of the dairy and packing-house products of the sections of the United States adjacent to the Lakes might be attracted by the supplying of cooling and refrigerating facilities. At present there is a great disparity between the east-bound and west-bound Lake traffic. Tlie large amount of empty cargo space west-bound gives a low rate on coal. The location of the canal would not permit it to compete for American coal. In the movement of salt, chiefly from New York points, the location of the canal would also rule it out of the running. A considerable part of the west-bound traffic might be obtained from general merchandise and package freight, of which about 1,750,000 tons moves on the Lakes, chiefly westward. In the transportation of cement the canal could also develop a large traffic. Canada manufactures over 2,000,000 barrels of Portland cement annually. Seven-tenths of the cement plants of Canada are located in Ontario; an increasing demand for cement may be expected in the Canadian Northwest. The traffic in Nova-Scotian coal may also be largely increased. At 10 THE OEUl^OlAX UA\ tASAL. present over 1,OUU,000 tous of this coal reach Montreal annually. It would be possible to expand the demand for this coal in the West botli for manufacturing and for domestic purposes. The American people have always been interested in the de- velopment of the Canadian transportation system. In the meet- ings of the xNational Ship Canal Convention at Chicago in June 18(J3, the advantages of tlie Canadian waterway system werJ recognized even by those who feared the competition. The Legis- lature of Illinois passed, in 18G3, a joint resolution appointhi- coinmissioners to proceed to Canada to solicit the " earnest con"- sideration and early action upon a subjecjt of great and inereasin-r importance of enlarged and cheaper outlets to tidewater by way of the lakes and rivers and new or enlarged canals of Canada Tiie great avenue to the Atlantic through the St. Lawrence bein^ once opened to its largest capacity, the laws of trade, which it has never been the policy of the Federal Govei-nment to obstruct wdl carry tbo commerce of the Northwest through it." At the Commercial Convention in Detroit in 18(Jo, Mr. Aspinwall of Detroit said the navigation of the St. Lawrence Iliver and canals could be imj.roved to give a safe and clear draught of fourteen feet to tidewater, and that this would be important to " the future welfare of the great and growing Northwest." The United States Deep ^Aaterways Commission gave a qualified approval to the Georgian Bay Canal when it said: "The function of the Ottawa route IS a. a future loop line for through business when traffic conditions shall have been sufficientlv developed by the Erie- Ontario route." The importance of the direct-rail route across Canada is manifested by the growth of the in - transit trade \M.en partially through a belief that economic pressure would lead to annexation, there was a proposal to rescind the bonding pnv, eg. the outburst of protest from tl,e Xew England and the J; orth western Mates showed how important the short lines across Canada were to the welfare of the United States From time to time arguments have been ^advanc'cl ac^ain^t Canadian and m favor of American routes on the ground of the assumed hostile intent from a military standpoint of the former. With those who insist on looking at the matter from this stand- point It IS useless to argue. But those interested in commercial develoi-ment will agree that any transportation route which must he supported by a reference to a war scare thereby condemns SitJtJftaMIWtHtlHIfllWtBWtHttlllfttMlllilyliJS naatsi'iiis! THE OEOHUIAS BAY VASAL. 11 itself. The low rate is the thing; and the sober sense of tlie American people may be relied upon to see that the only war Canada is interested in is that of commerce, not of arms. The Georgian Bay Canal project briugs up the important ques- tion of the increasing size and draught of Lake vessels. It must be recognized that, notwithstanding the shorter route, there is some question whether there will be sufficient traffic west-bound from Montreal to attract large I^ake vessels in preference to the run to Lake Erie ports. In favor of the canal it may, how- ever, be urged that the development of a large bulk of east-bound tonnage will increase the volume of ocean-going tonnage entering Montreal and that the result of this will be a large volume of inbound tonnage. Enthusiasts have claimed that not only will the canal attract the Lake type of vessel, but that it will also lead to direct voyages from the Great Lakes to European ports, thus obviating the disadvantages of breaking bulk. Although ocean voyages were made in earlier days by small sailing-vessels sailing from Lake ports, for example, the " Dean Richmond " in the fifties, this is cot conclusive. The experiences in 1901 of the vessels built for the Counselman Syndicate by the American Ship- building Company are more in point. Although they journeyed under their own steam from Chicago and Detroit to European ports, the venture was so unprofitable that it was given up after one season. There are, it is true, vague hints that this was due to the underhand machinations of those adverse to this route. Without speculating in regard to motives, sufficient economic causes exist to explain the lack of success. The fact that the vessels could not load to their fnll depth of twenty feet imtil Montreal was reached was peculiar to the existing canal depth. In addition, they could not compete in cargo capacity with the larger vessels either of the Lakes or of the ocean. Their sailors were paid on the Lake scale of wages, which is about twice as great as the ocean scale. In addition, the vessels were subjected to high insurance charges. In Canada the ship-building industry on the Lakes has not been greatly developed. The largest vessel so far built, one 510 feet in length, was recently launched at Fort Erie. The bonding system used in vessel construction on the American side of the Lakes is practically non-existent in Canada. In general. Cana- dian firms interested in Lake traffic find they can save time bv wmm ;2&iiiiSiiiiUiliSMIiiiiUiiK^!<l>i!S!!iin'liise^-t:u:!i<L>|nnn!KrK.>' Km^irmL^^"^ HftWMIMHtUMinMWti 12 THE UEORUIAS BAY VASAL. obtaining veaaels from Great Britain. Such vessels have, of course, to be built to withstand the stormy passage of the north Atlantic. The American vessel engaged in tlie Lake traffic can be more lightly constructed. Tlie stronger hulls, etc., needed for tiie ocean voyage add about twenty per cent, to the cost. The Lake vepsel, on account of the smaller amount of coal needed to t-e carried, has greater cargo space in proportion to size than the ocean-going vessel, in general, the latter costs about twice as much per ton of cargo capacity as the former. A combined Lake and ocean type of vessel would lack the economic advantages attaching to the more specialized types. Tlie Georgian Bay Canal will be a costly work. Construction tlirough tlie Laurentian formation will be "xpensive and will take about ten years to complete. It is estimated that the canal will cost $105,000,000; even if money can be obtained at three per cent., the interest charge will exceed three millions; in addi- tion, maintenance charges must be considered. Although Canada has greatly increased its resources of recent years, the demands upon I'ese are also great. The Government, while favoring the construction of the canal, has not given a definite indication of the policy it proposes to adopt. The English Company, known as the .Montreal, Ottawa & Georgian Bay Canal Company, which was chartered in 1894, has done considerable survey-work. It haa offered to construct the work if interest on s bonds is guaranteed, the right to regulate the tolls being reserved to the Government. Pending a definite announcement of policy, <he Government has reserved the right to expropriate the private company. Condi- tions favor Government construction and operation. The fact that tie canal would be, if in private hands, a toll canal gives point to the desire for Government ownership and management. For since 1903 there have heen no tolls on the through traffic of the Canadian canals. The advantage of canal development is looked fo'- in the expansion of Canada's trade and resources, not in direct contributions to the revenue of the country from the tonnage utilizing the canals. 7 f '. 3822^ fc nn]niii'L,.iuii!ii i«l!aiaMII!!BaHiiyi ! 5M ! iii!iBiSM^i!lMi]i!MbllliliaU^ j[W! "^ '^i;