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THE CALCULATION'S FOR l^K MERIDIAN OF YORK. JVorlh iAtt 43«> 39' 10? West ^ng 18^ 4* 11" ' .11 YORK, 0. C. rVBtTSHED CY, AJ>fD FOR, CHARL^.S FOTRERanXy RSi^^ rUIKTER TO THI JCINO's MOST XUfCKLLCKT MAlXSTr. n.^nd Sofd ly all the Agents for thf. U. C GaaetU tmi Wt§k^ Rt^^'i* ,' Throughout Ccrruufcr, ♦ 'J it:. 6*.* 'W \ .1' , ^ -'<• ..i V N ■,/-: f, -^ A «'•- ■V' ■. \! ADYETITISEMENT. IT is hnpetl this work will be fnimd more rnmplele, cnmprehnnsive, end accurate, than any thiv^ of the kind hitherto alltrnpled in thia Province. II \s, howf.ver, scarrttij posmblt lo avoid ^ome errors, from the rer}/ nntire of the undtrtuliiiii^, but we iiopt they are li-w Great aiifntum han hem paid to the uatronnvncnl I'tlculntious The prvfinoi' ticntiona of wtinfhcr can never be (juUt. certain , although there may b6 just aronnd^ for the txptctation of a jinrlicular Und of weather, at a certain period to come, hy reason of ptnnetary infiience. These cnlcU' Intinns are at least amusing^ and are llitrefore inserted according to an* ') nsai!;e. cienl T/te Militia PiT^mntTyiw.'^T?. being tnhen from the j9djulant Ge» nernrx Offict, are of course unnrate Indeed, everything depindins; upon the statements acquired fnmi the Puhtic OJives in York, must he correct, since the luads of the various Departments have, with much kindness, given every facility towards the suHsfnrfory completion of this und'Ttakin'^ :—for whicti llity have the Proprietor's warmest ac- knowltdgtmenls. A gditrali though necessarily a brief, arcovvf of Cavada — to- gether with a few usfful Instructions to iLmiigranfi, and a great num- ber of rniuable Tnt'es, ore addtd, with a view of mndernig this work a useful Companion to every class of Persons in ihii Country. ■ Since last yenic^ se.vrral important additions have been made, a* movgsf whidi the Statistical Tables, formed from the Assk-smknt R.tLLs, are perhaps the most valuable, as they will .shew at one view, when the whoh are eollecttd, what are the resou'rcts of the country, in a manner that mu.tt be perfectly clear and indisputaltit ; and, a compari- son of years, will prove the amount of increase, or decrease. ,^ very comprehensive, CHRf»troLofiv has been likewise added, t9 mark some interesting epochs in the History if the H'orid. Yomc, u. a \ J^QverrMr Istf 1823. J f CHARLES FOTHERGTLL, Prinlfr to the King's } M»st KxciUml Majtif ■ 4' '''^/ . V f / '"N N. s. d Mil Pal Eao . 4. 4 w>- •»--«i«^ ALMANAC lOIl THE YEAR 1824. EPOCHS, AND COMMON NOTES. EPOCHS. m or Oie Julian P^rioJ 01 lilt .Vhjiir'aiie Alrn Siiiretlie Blrll) ol Ciiii«!, n(?cordiiig lo Ciironologers OltliP Vulgar Clirislian yEi a , . . . Since l!u. Disrovery of America • .... biticc th>> 1 reaiy wliicb cuiiGnned (he possession of CanadA U) the Briiish Cioun Situ'.e llic British Acknowledgenrirnt of <lie Inrlrpendence ()f tlie IJnitod Slates of Am«rica, at Ihe P<!Hce of 1783 Siiicj' Ihe Division wf Ihe Province of Quebec iiilo Lower and Uppt-r Canada Of the Reign of His Majesty George IV. , . • . ^' 5&27 lb2J^ 61 4.J CHRO.NTf OGICAL CYCLES. Dnnninical Letters Liinar Cycle, or Golden Number Kpact D. C\ 1 Solar Cycle U wiiHii !•. diction Julian Period la 12 G0J7 MOVEABLE FEASTS. Sf ptiiages. Sunday Fih 15 QuiiMpiRfies. or bhrove ^ ^ ^ oy bfinday ^ A^h Wednesday, or 1st ? ,,„. « day of Lent ) ^^^^ ^ Mid Li^nt ^u^day Palui Sunday EadUr Day 28 April 1 1 lb Low Sunday Iii)giiiit>ii Sunday Ascencion Day, or Ho- ly 'i liursday Whit Sunday Trinity Su»»day Advent bunday *' April Sr' May 2a I " June 6 J3 JSoT. 28 ,1 i/ tlOM.MKNCKMI'.M' OF THE SKASO.NS. Summer — SuuciiUts y^^ .hiiie 2i. >V»ijU i' — Luji tiilt'1'3 V'j', DceeaiLtr Hi. Jan. 1st. — Tho Sun will h« I'.c It, •, d al o'^ mimitts past two o'tlock kj' ilie morninu. t" Ua iia-iiildi'. le.—Thu M ooti will be KLli|>9t>d; liSible, and 13 calcuiuttd as loil.nv >: — Hegiiiiun^ dt j\liiUilft Tnluilur I'ltne l''.«'iijiijc y 2 1i. '27 Ml iMtnTiing. — a.>. (1 ;^ _ ;^s — d (l;>, i». !• rid 4 — ;iH — d«. V ;»«>je Dtmflon i! - 11— do. Dii.i:» Ltli|'Sf(l 1* on thr Monn'i »N(>rilifiii Liiiil*, or Uviu ii)»' MMiili'M) side otilin KiMiiis ^liadow. June 26. — Tlv ."?mi wid Ke Kclipfsed hi 'J7 iiii;iuies jiusl aii o'clock in ill" oliei iiodti, lo us invi«iihle July lU. — Tile iVi(*on uill be Ecliiiticu ii:ible, and is cuicululed i« |n||,,vv< : — Bf-iii'juiii^ at JO h. 2'1 m Afleinoon. M.ddl.' II - li— d,i. 'i ?il)iil.tr 'i'iine 11-7 — do» Kcli; ticti li - II — do. Kiid Jl-;i>J — Hliole Oiiijitioii I - lo — ^ l^ivjils K<;ii)iseJ 1 I 4 on llie Moon s soiitlieui iWah, or Kr.-m liie iiniih Mde «»f Hit- I'.Hilli's flmdow. Dec. 20. — Ihf Sua KclipstdHi 'JS miuules pa»l live o'clock in the '^ . litornin^, lu U;>i' vi.»ii)iv.', ' ' ^' do. do. THU.N'DKRAND rjGKTNFNG. To determine flip di.->tiuice of Lijihtriritf, r<t(uit t!je number of 53- rovds hf\wet'i\ Wtr Jlmii and the elap t/ Tuundtr. uiid allow lalher ItsS tliHH a i]uude.r of a mile tor «Hr.h !<«-c»iid. TIte middle ot h room i^ the sate^t ^iiuatiun in a thuiider stoiiu^ and lovvui' loociis are uiute iuiti iheii upper cliauiberd. The Planet Vrnus will be tlie Morning Star unlU ibo 29lb of July j tliuu Ibe tuvuiiiUj^ .>iui- ici Ibu vud ul^ Ibe } udi. :<f ;"?! TliE SUN, WITH IHt: :3LVF.N PLANETS. V V'f'ntis, f^ hiUmii, »;' Ci(:<)i^iUii LidtlS. XHfc: TWLLVE Slli.NS UF lUV. ZODIAC. cp A rips, 8 'Ihiiius, 3J (jt'lDloi) €6 C!hiic« r, ^c Lcot v;^ Viijja, i.iiti i, .S«;i»l (;!•>, S'tt^iUiliiihS ('lt|*|-M'ti; till*} A<;ua* iu:)| 1' MOON'S RiM:>Li am:> setting. At 6— ti- 7- N. four diivs <jl(i M sets Ht, iiiiits I ill, abuui iUal -HtJOIll I'i, -i.l ii» ftr I in the l.i, — f»t full, ii ri*:s abi'ut 6 ij« lUv »-vt'i.tiii;. Jti— hi J-4iifin' T, '' i;— at I 2 hliei- K, IS— Ht iihoiJl 10, iU — a I .n*unit 1 I, 2('— hi cV»tiJ( J'J, B Jill- liibic is sii(f!i;irntly Hnr.iirdie i-w ilie |»aii>(iok; it is wanl' t', U^al ui aai.uKhiiiii:^ uiuouii^iji e;(.<i;n^i. f 5s. OF THK CHAX'iCS OF TliF ^iOON, ^7nny fO!t,oiis, lindei^t.niuiM^ tli'it ibe lii. an timt- !k lv\cen or.e new IVIoun ami aiiuUirr is '^(3 ohv-s, 12 liouis, ^44 miiiuli-b iimJ a fr<icti<tM> imHfi,iiif liiJit, t<» tiiMJtlie uH «>r mjarlert. t;f iut> Mikci, iiiry iiuve oi»» iy|() add a half or lonriii ()>trt <>( tliat lime ; and v.Ut.ti tiny do iicii htidthc ctjmiJi's luaikcd in tiio Cal< nohi (<» curicsjiojiii wiili thi^ uje- tliot), tiipy iin»)utc it to inisltiliH in tiit- CH)cij!Hti(>n ol lb(<se cbHii^^ev. Ji is tll(^'eiol-e, nect^ssary to put trmin in uiiiitJ, tlmi tbe <;r«-ni inecjiia* li'y ui the Moon's nidlions rt JiJ»'is (bn alii»\e rnle exUfint'ly i. acu- ratK, So tiiHt nineteen iiiuis in ivsfnt^ tl Ciu^i iail iu ^iviii;^ Ibb Irue curijuucltun orcbat<^e. nfuiiy> fu1y> EXPLANArON OF THE CALE?;DAR. ' :: Thp First C'ohinm coniaips ibf Days nf ilie iMonib; the S«>cnnd tlu! liHy.-s ni" llie VVeik ; Tbe TliirJ, Atjipch, JI».liiiloy?, Anniver>-a» rics, ^c; tlie Fonrib Puit^noistjcatinns of VVertlher; ibe Kiltb, liie Puu;fsol Ibft Mnoii ; tlie sixth arid b«'vfn*b, tbe Risiuff nnd Scllinj lii ihu 3uu ^ Uiiil iUc' Lucl; the JLwsiiig and Stltii:^ «>1 ^iic riiuvu. i II \ \ 8 x.wAW or THE Dr.\Mr.v...s &ic. of rm: sun and •o - .i 3 3] i- C/3 A* G- i a " -^ S ^ c - c a >< -^ u y « i X c ■-_ V 2^0- > s — «-« •- ~ tr. •^ :l -n ^ ■■■■ - •X3 4 « " X' ^- - J. -'V to " Z '■' ?: — • - e - ^ u «r C -c : ■■*" c « - "S o 1 '^ "^ - ■f ■9 .2 t- c • 9> *■■, CK< 1) * 1 s -z s e 1 S CO 9 0. (fi CI — ' 00 no c» O I'" CO <o c o — "^ J- -^ CO CO — O C'l .^ <-« .1^ ,^ .« ?) CO — CI 00 O oO O T 1^ CO S X o> 00 CO <o c» c «c 5 &: CI - ^' 2^ -: »o 5 o CO *^ ■m^ ^ '^ cr 5 c "M ■m4 v. 9 c iC z I'- 55 (0 S £ z k I. 9 <« to a.:2 1 ■ . 'i - -#r' I. JANUARY. Nev7 Moon, Ist, 21) 65in mnrninji:, Ftl^t Quarter, 9lli, 7h i2tin luoriiiiig, Ftill Moon, 16(h, 3h 38iu iniiriiiiij^y Last Quarter, 22(i, 8lt 32a) afiernotin, ISew Mduu, 3Ulli, luii 36(0 atleruuuu, W W 1 \'U 2 Pi 40 A.-'PICCT.'*, HOLIDAY?, AnM- VERsARi£S. 6lC. 6 C 7 I S 10 tl CiRcuMCt-jit>N, Q ecll|ised, 'B ^ (§ ru"* '*^^^» [invi. 2d Sunday ajttf Chn^linas, Epiphany, twelfth day, W. Ill VV. rh Pr iQ'sUec. 23 deg. S •SaJ />. Wkathir ifjGn Some y^ 7 Smivv and J^ 7 2/ 'Go. 11, 8, Pi. Cliailolte of ^^^y^ ^j^^ 5 7 Lucian, [Wales, b, 1790, wj,|, hijjl. aV? 12 Al. IJllu 11 W _ 0^ v^iiidsi cyT 7 Expect H ni7 1 16 17 I'h Fr. Saf IHD 21 2'i 25 2i> 27 2}{ 29 30 SllSat u W Ih. -'at A> V) Til VV. ri. Kr \st Sunday after Epiphany^ 17,23, Hilary Camb.Term he^ ^ slo. Oxford 1'. l»fg Q slow. C. 9in.'llia\v a |^ j7 ($ runs hi^li (35) C^ I). Gloii t. •I'-xt these ^^'7 (^ ecli|>. vi». (S|»'eiig. [b m9. dny»i ^ 2rf Sum/ after Epiph. PrUcn. Snow and!^| ^ Gr Elong. [ Ip Sl«. ve.y cold Fafrian lu 8d of St. Hil. i ret , weather, Allies, [O*""!. 3.'. 3Li Jl 31 i 4 4 OS '^©s 27 2t) 2.) 26 (f <»eti 26 6 27, 7 27: 8 28 9 29 10 29 11 30 iijorrr. 3l| 11 I 1 2 3 4 5 6 31 32 33 34 34 35 16 18 28 34 3G 32 Vincent, Q dec. 20 dig. S. Hilary Temi begins, ^ Slationar), Sd Sun aft Epiph C St Paul [Sf Hir2rfti I> of SiJS'Px b. 1773, 15 d. of O^'o C 13m (^ runs low, k' Geo. fV Access 1S20, K. Charlns I MarJyr 1649, K Gho IV proclnimnd 1820. 254 24 2 22 21 20 -.17 IJ 7 lT[i7 ?l['7 Look for ^ , 7 now, hail, j^ I? or rain, f \7 V?7 iVow very /w 7 *^ cold 35(inse Vi 17 1' 1514 144 134 12 4 10|4 94 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 43 46 i 47 4« 50 51 6 7 9 10 11 37 54 S 17 29 mom, 3« 1 49 2 56 3 51 4-46 5 35 6 10 5 50 m til *^r,' •^- ■r' V -:'i \ ^ f ' II. FEBRUARY First Quarter, 7lh, 9li 51m aftRrnoort, Full Vioon, ll5h, 2h I2iti alternooii, Last Quarler 2ht, Oli 3(n afternoon, JNew Moon, 29lb, 6li 'ioin afternoon. ii. W M VV ID. 2, .VI. Aspects, Holidays, Annm ek- SAJUE', ^iU. \tli. "Sunday ufitr Epipliani/ Weathj! |{ Chilly Canolkma^, rurif B.V. Jl/ur^, winds «nd GR.fes.lnc^s I ri f't. Blasios, 4j\V. O's si ,\v C. 14m. h\ !'*«. A OATH A, O'*' d«c. 16 deg S. ^^'•^■'-'- 1.5, 2, N. I* 1 f. ^p-% O. 5/// ^uiulm; after Epipham/, VI. [ti 8 days ot Puritiuauou, 4 ret. ru.j li VV. (1^ runs hi;^h, 12 rh. Hilary TfMui «nds, (^IJ liilFr. \c^ Perigee, '. , . , 14! :5;U Valentine, I'iD. Stpiun^ts. Sunday ^ stHtio. 16 I. ! [ ^ btttlio. r.».'0'«d««- 12<Jeg. S. 'V. ^^ L. 5, 10, S. .-.'. ., . . I'lt. Q ent<'rs ^ ' ' ^ J^'. 0^'«'W. C. 14fn. •"'■«t| '■-,.-•. Z> M ^''-jSLMATMiv. I>. '"umb. b. 1774.! »V. ICiinih. Ttrm. div some snow. Clear and .•old, More snow, llifMi «^lear and plea sant, '' 17 18 U) 20 21 'Z^ 5r? 24 25 2(1 '21 28 29 \Sexa^esima Sundfiyl Good sleighm o' X'7 X7 T7 T7 <np7 n6 n6 256 S6 84 74 o4 4 4 52! 5Gi 6 53 7 53 55! 8 54 50> 9 52 34 57; 10 53 14 51M1 59 Oniorn. 05 59 5 57 5 5() 5 55 5 53 5 515 1 3 4 61 9' 1 2 3 4 5 6 11 11 12 40 Look for more saavV} .CI a 50 5 IC ,1Jri<e irj;/ 6 48 5 ^12 6 33 r$(j 475 ^ ^ ^6 46,5 '111 fi 4.ii5 n[ 6 40j5 :l. 6 3Gi5 m. ^'^'•i2f -tntioriary, @ Apogee, a Fr. Sat /). O's sl'»\v, (\ 14 n. O'l dec 8 dp . S. (^itinqnnires<i Suinl-tji/. j Clear 'and culd, More snow. 13 7 52 14 9 8 16 10 20 17 11 23 18 Ml 20 21 :^ 6 38 5 22 2 41 Vf6 3«'5 24 V:?6 34!5 26 V^\6 i.iio 27 r.-G 3215 28 29 6 3l|5 3 4 4 5 5 29 9 44 17 41 X;6 30j5 30.@-f_ta ■ -%:;: — S '■ "- ■ ■■'■ V, - ., " * = ' :■■■ ■ ..>• ■ .^ •I , If "X - .:/ ;••••- "; ^ r-V-.^ "%- "■ ■ t) -. A* ]If. MARCH. ■\ Frs^ Quarter, 8lli, Sh 47m morning, Full Moon, 15ih, (»h 25m inorniiiu, Last Quarler, 'ii^tJ, 5li SUm nn>rniiig, Wew Moou,30lh,9b 50m Oiuriiiiig, s.!n(©3 1 52! 6 53 53 7 53 55 8 54 50' 9 52 57:10 53 5911 59 O.niurii. 1 1 6 3 2 11 4 3 11 b\ 4 12 71 5 9' 5 40 IC l^ri^e 12 6 33 13 7 52 11 9 8 16 10 20 17 11 33 18 iiiiuu. ^^^ 4r 21 1^6 ^2-2 2 41 24 3 29 2d 4 d 27 4 44 28 5 17 29 5 41 3o,':55'-»-t« "#■ < . , / •-.•-x^ »r ■ ! ■'• ■i. -. r*- IV. APRIL. First Quarter, 6th, 5h 6m afternoon, Full Moon, 13th lOh 35ni morning, Last Quarter, 21st, Oh 58in morning, New Moon 28ib, lib Sm afternoon, 1 It M.W. "iTh. jFr. 3 Sat 4C. 5M. 6Tu. 7W. STh 9Fr. 10 Sal tiV bi. A. k f >■ ^^ir_ Aspects, HoLyDAYs, Auwi V£RSAIUE», ^C. Weather Richard, Bp. of Ghich. d//t ^und. m Lent, St. Ambrose, O'sHec. 6des.N. n fji O (i ^ (S> »""s high, O's slow C. 2in. . . Cambridge Term ends, Oxford Term ends, Clear, Now look -jjl^ for a L's change of 03 5 weather. Cool nights and 11 c ^ifi Sund. in Lent, Palm Sund. P"'®*^"* 12 M m Perigee, (® L. 4, 62 S. ''"y"' i\\ IZ -Vl i'vaj rcrig»;t,, ^ jj. t, u-<s ..-7. :E:;0 r 13ru.;Odec.9deg. N. Sup. <^ ^ GRain.then -^ 14 VV. 15 Hi 16 Fr 17 Sa 18:^' l9iM 20i»'u O and C. together, Good Fkiday, clear dud pleasant. EASTER DAY, f) runs low. It may Easter Monday, Alphege, (^ri ^^^'''L- Easter Tuesday, Q^'*^'^'^'' ^ 21 W. ,W stationary, g^i'l'h.i '■' ' s'- ■ 23Fr. St. George, K Geo. IV, b. d. ^^„^ 24 S« (^ Apogee, p fast C. 2m. [kept ^arm for ^"■^■(^ hi ^und. aft. Easter, Low Sun. the season X^ (i L. 4, 64 N. [St. Mank, T- 5 O*^ dec. 14 dt^g. N. Clear and T 5 nes, or rain, Now 26M. 27 1 « 28 29 3QlFr. W. Oxf. &i Camb. Terms begin. <h. pleasant, T 5 b ,5 3 6 57 26 58 16 59 ;^:/>L. .:..^' V. M \Y. . n Fir!»t Qiiftitor, 5tb, lOh 4(n afiprnoon, l,n^\ Qimi'tei, tiOll), 7!i '25(11 Hlteiiimiit, rNtivv iUuoii, 28tli, i)h dim iiiuriiiii^. 8 1 2 1 48 2 26 3 3 2a 3 56 4 23 IjDriie 8 9 9 IB 10 24 11 22 iiiiiin* 13 1 Wm 1 66 2 25 2 49 3 10 3 35 4 2 (^sets 7 59 9 i ,«ij|W. I vkksakiki, kc. 1^' f ( ! 1 4 6 8^ vl ill VV lii P. •Sat lu H 12 13 ;vv. 14 ^'>' 15;^'*' 17 '18 VI. r.r 20j^''> 2.1 :^''- Sat 23./^ 24 25 2t5 27 28 I) 31 Vl t'li VV rk Fiv D VI. ' "^T Philip and M' James, ;l(i Siindat^ nf'tr Easier, ' Kr Ka-.(.Jri Iri.lay I rrt Invfn (^ niii> liigli (^'i\ [-'f llu' C'^^»>•^ I K».«ter rerrt) t»egin.s, $ slatio. |St Jolin Kv.Aiil*' P L (JjHu's: 0^«»l*^- «^ "• I^uchess ol Y'»rk I [Unvn 1707 '3/ Suriffai; (tfffr Easter, I In 3 w^'^ks Hit. Ea^t 2 ret. (^ L, 5, 6 S $ Gr. Elong. ^ stow 8, 2!, ' O tcis? C. 4in O'^ dec. 19 de^ N. 4/^ Snnday after Easier, Iti Imo ail. East.Sret. <j ^ O (^ runs low, Duristan, Q Charlotte b. 1744'* (^ AfK^J^ee, Q enters n [5?'sfatif» jPr"> of Hoinhnr^ horn 1770 oik Sund aft East. Rog Sund In 5 weeks after Ea^'lef 4 ret- O Jfc.21 deg. IS \(^LX), 10 N. Aug. 1st Ahp. of Cant A^c. n. Holy Th V Bede On inor. of A-cen, 6 ret K. Charles II. restored 1660. Sund, aft. \sceii Hay, (|^ C^ East. Term endii, ($ ruiu hi^h: uiuy rain Clf ar nn<] pleasHut Now (hun ik'v sh"W fr.<? In ma- ny |ilace2> Clear, co(d, and pleasant, Lon]{ fi)! (nort^ ruiri und a fine 8;rovving •I e as on. Viore rain, Tbiinde! in .some i'late;). a jo s;4 I _ iioli)!^" "I Til AA' Oj7 5k|7 4 .'>< 4 5617 i 5;, 7 5 4 v;ii o2 yiniom, 4 31 1 7 1 7! H 3'J 2 26 2 r>f» 3 30 ||8i;i!*e 8 11 9 13 4 5.i'7 4 .^2 7 4 517 J) 4 50 7 10 4 49 7 11 4 47 7 13 4 46 7 14 4 44 7 16 ^ J4 43 7 17|«0 7 V5 4 42|7 IH 10 52 ■i 4ij7 W Y9 4 40 7 20 4 4{>;7 20 4 rJ;> 7 21 4 V.S'l 26 4 37:7 2.i 4 367 24 *> /- T n u 55 4 36|7 24 i 4 35'7 25; 4 35 4 3'i 4 33 4 32 14 31 7 25 7 26 7 27 7 2a 7 29 11 28 II 59 'tioiu, 26 48 1 If. 1 35 2 1 2 27 3 1 3 38 8 .54 9 46 S,4 31 17 29 10 31 ll v ■.' - , * ' ^ / VI. JUNE. ii First Quarter, 4(li, 31i 59ri) morning, Full M«'<>n, llih, 9li 21iii nuHning, La^itQimrler, 19(h, Oli 9m alicrnooni iS'ew Mouu, 2tiili, 61i 27tu altertiuun. M i|i U i| \V "^AsPKCTS, Holidays, Annivek SAR1E^, &IC. VVeathek r iri'u ^ticumede, 3 Th. ramhri()ge Terra div. n. 4^*" K Geo. III. born 1738. 5 Sat Oxf Term ends, D of Comb. 6 -''• .VVhitSund, [b. 1771, Boniface 1^ Whit Monday, 8'*«- vVhit Tuesday, 9 *" Oxford Term begins. ll Fr. St. Baunabas, l2Sat, 13 C. Trinity Sunday, 14 VI, On mor of H.* Tr. 1 ret. 15 Tu ^ stalio. levv.i 17 Hi.St Albaw, [Waterloo 1815, 18 Pr. Trinuy i'erm begins, Battle of 19 Sat i [Edw K.otW.SaxonsJ 20 C. ht Suni aft. Trin. trans, of 21 iVf In 8 days H Tr. 2 ret. Q ent gs 22 '*u. Bat of Vittoria [longest day, 23 W.I 24Vh.J\'ativityof SL John Baptislf 2.3 Fr.; 26 Sat O eclipsed invisible, 27 C. 2</ Sundaif after Triniti/, 28 VI h\ 16 davs of H. Tr. 3 ret. 29 Tn St. Peter and St. Paul, SOW. OR OS ROS. It may t>e^4 fofigy and ^.^ some rain ^4 with tuun- fm ^ der. A Now it is !{['^ more clear J^ ^ and |ilea- -^ /* Vy4 It may be V5^ /^ want of V5'4 iX4 'K4 .T4 cy)4 b'4 31 7 2911 10 ram in some places. Thunder Showers Clear and very plea sant, n 120 A storm 25!4 at hand. ,^4 1^4 31 ;7 307 30i7 3017 297 28 7 27 7 27 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 26 7 257 25 7 247 247 23 7 23 7 24 7 247 25i7 26|7 2617 26:7 2617 267 26:7 26'7 29 11 40 30 tnorn. 30; 7 35 1 1 1 29 2 2 37 3 15 (^rise 8 43 9 25 9 53 10 2 35|l0 49 36111 13 36! 11 35 37111 58 I 37 morn. 30 31 32 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 36 36 35 34 34! 34 34 34 34 34 18 51 1 24 2 4 3 4 8 19 8 59 9 35 10 6 v,l CT--' ^ , '^- -•V..-*- VIL JULY. Fi..-« Quarter, 8d. 9h li>tn inornii.g, F»ll Aiot.ii, liiili I III 32i»' «lfeiiiO'>n, La t Qiirtit^r.. \9<\i, 21: 45ni raoriiiiigi r«tbw Muun, 26ttJ, lb 63m fn«iriting. 3 RQS. 2911 10 iJOU 40 30 inorn. 30; 7 30' 35 31 3'2 33 33 34 34 1 1 1 29 2 2 37 3 15 34 8 43 34 34 3: 9 25 9 53 10 2 35|l0 49 30111 13 3C!n 35 37111 58 37 36 36 35 34 ra'»rri. 18 051 1 24 2 4 34! 3 4 34,(i'H3 34 8 19 34 8 59 34 9 35 34 10 6 M VV, 1 Til. I' ' • 3|Sfli 4ic. 51 M. Cjlu 71 VV. 8;Tli lO'dat lliC. n M 13 T„. 14 W. 15 Ih. 16 K. 17 Sal 18 C 19 M. 20 •". 21 VV 22 II.. z: Pr. 54Suf 25 C*. 26 ^Vl. ft7 I'u. 2UW 29 n.. 30iKr. AsrECTS, Hoi,ii»AY«, Anni VEllSAKieS, &^c. \\ EAT HE I! Showns iti njHuy VofB.V.M.n ^O [Q"'''' ><^<^8 Grf-23«J. N,@L5, 17:5 F'd.ol 3f/. S'«n</. aft Trill Tiansla St III 3 VV alt. II. Tr 4 ret [Martin 0\f Act Slid ("ami). Com. Triiiitj Ttrm end;*, '1 ho's. a [Beck^^t. Camb Trends, [lumlm? I» 1447 Oxf Tr. end , (^ f»c'l. visi. Co Ath Suml. aft. Trin Q slow C O'a tiec. 22 deg. \N, [5 m, (3J Apogee, ^T S WITH IN, fj, IjO (f L. 5. 15 N. .jf/i Sundaj^ after Trimly^ Maraaret, fji ^i.>»% S, 50, Magdalk.v, G Intel's fl Di>g Uijy- tit'tjiii. [liHliip u\ Limdv's Lane. "'""^ ()//t ^und aft Trin Sr .Iames,^^^*'*'*' Some thuridrr &. then cleai and cuol, Look nu! for^storiit Clear, Very hm and suldy. TImnder. sliovversiii iiiHiiy '^ 0ii. G^ V5^4 3( I'f Now clea: •^•T. Annk, Sup (^ ^ G Gs<i*« 19 df?. N. '^"/' (^ ?G GslowC 6 m. and plea d L 6, 13 ». sa,.^; 3317 34;7 34;7 35 254 ■/ ■• A. ,- 4*" feA. Vin. AUGUST. 4Tfc,.,*'-a««''...-%rrjia» ataKt^ L'.arjriSTiif. - Fi^( Q'nr|«-r, !<?♦ 411 -H^m nitfrrtoon, Full \io(»fi, ^>{li,'2!i idiii filirrnodn, I.H-kt QiiHrt^r, ITili. oli "JO. 4) afk*rm»on, Fii'dl Q larier, 8l-t, 8h dim ir.uriiiiiij. Wi * i 1I! 1 ! Ilill I' ''■■■ ^^1 ft M W 1 C APKCT-i. H'l.lOAYS, AnNI VKU-AKIKS, iiC. Weather .5 2 Vt. 6F' 7Sa. 7/// iutidnif 'tjlef Trin LA^JMAS Q'sMer. 18 drs- N- [Day. Q'> blo^v C 611). rrar,e5n:nr«it*on of rriir Lord, 8//1 Sunday afltr Trin Gk Gs Irtcja. Clear and pleasant, t Somp ^ 4 W8III o( /%^ laiii ; and | '-' sultry hot i ■tliiinJer |iri inany places. V.l 4 497 11 10 34 w i4 50 7 iO 11 ir> /4 517 yn 5» .J7 7 St. L^WKENCK, (3^ \pogPe, }^ simv 9 '28, Ring (ieokge IV. burn 1762, ® L. 6 8, Now re 9lh Sun aft Trin. A««Rumption, f,.t.j.hiiia D. ol Voric, horn 176:^, Q xImv\ :<hu\vers. [<: 4m. Stir, of Gen Hull 1812 O'sdec. 13deg. iN. 2^ Sat SiiTu D.of(M«r«»nceborn 1765.015 HVh Suiidat/ after Trinilj/, enter? Vf^. (§ Perigee, St. Bartholomew, (^ li. 5.. 5, S 0'» dec, 10 deg. N. St AD«rsiiNK, I l//j Vmirf. «//. Trin. St. J<ihn n ^ O [Rapt beheadfd \0 and C. togetber. 547 55'7 5G'7 57|7 7 Clear and L "ood wea jSi Oirtr f<»r ! several lays. T T cy3;5 ') 5 59 6 51) 6 57 46 66 5:6 55 66 54 (25 A want of rain. Some 'ain. 86 52 96 51 116 49 \2e> 48 146 4G 5 15|6 45 .i 176 43 5 Hi 6 4'2 5 2G 6 40 r^ 5 21 16 39 =ii: 5 2316 37 ^ 5 24 6 36 m 5 '26 G 34 Tr[ 5 276 33110 J^ > 28j6^2[lO 51 i tiiiiin. 6 50 5 1 47 4 2 49 3 3 51 1 ''JJ^l■^^e 7 14 7 39 8 4 « 27 8 4t 9 24 9 57 10 37 11 23 tnorn. 18 1 22 2 35 3 52 d^ets 7 3 7 33 8 1 8 38 9 17 V ■' Sw***-?^ IX 5EPTEMRFR. Full Moun,8lh 6i' 27iM iTtorniiig, La>l QiinriiM'. 16; h- 21) 5ui n a niiigi Nfvv Alooii, 22<i 5) Idiii (itlriniMin, First Quarter, 29lli, 6ii 2()in ufteinu< n, M VV. "iw. jFr 4 Sat i^' 6M 7 Til gW 9 I'h 10 Ft. 11 Sa 12 C. 13 VI tl4 I'u 15 W. 16 Th 17 Fr 18 Sat 19 C. jsi I". mm m n« 24F.. 125: Shi j7;vi £»; ru. Ai-PECTS*, IfoLIDAVS, ANNI VER-iAKIE-. 6U\ SJ. Giles. H^l .'ow 8 9. London itiiriit 1(566, O. S. D 'g D»y? end, O ■* der. 7d» g. N. li://t Sunday after Tnnityt (J A [.ogee, tnurcbu^, ^ G?-. RIonjr. Q{b.s\ Nativityof B V. Maiy,[C.2:n. (^L.5 N. ... I;^ slow 9, 32, Vith Sunday after Trinity^ Weather j? GK. (Itar ail'* ^ 5 muiecooi: y5 5 Variable av «: weather, a^ 5 O^. RO» 23 3 53 22 4 51 rioiidy and threa teni.t rain in some places, . 'H;ft Holy Cross, Q'stJec. 3deg. N. „ „ «- Now ex Lambert, B. P. (J) \y p^j.^ ,o,„^ Q i«>t C. 6in Capit «»f Qufbpt p|,^a,apj 1 41 h Hundny after Trin. [ 1 759 weather, ^ s.aMo. ^ <t4tio S' Matthew i^ statio. Qetv. ^(^ Perigee, Day and Lor.k for (^L^S. [.Mjihl equal a storm [aftce 18 15 from the T n n 25 5 255 a!5 5 5 0'> dec. 1 deg S. Hwly All iot/i Sun aft Trin. St Cyprian, ^.6 Clear and j^ g St.Vnchae'r.Q. ofWirt b 1766.l-'>*'«:^ W^ St. Jerome, Q fast C. 10m. winds, y^g N. Ea»t, 506 10 w T15,5 -:6 =5:6 5516 i7|6 7 ,' ■■; ■.''^A- i; .t- •^ X. OCTOTJEn. Fii'l .Vf'ion. 7ih. lOli 44fn at'ern«»on, .. L(i;«t Q'Mitnr l&ili- till I3,ti in iiiiiigf Nf'u Moon. 2^d, 2i) 5iiii riiuiMiit^, Fiivt QiMi ter, 29th, Ob 50in altrrHi)on« ^f;. i,:ii| m i .'! i (Ti I iiiil ! ^^ii i'l; I'll;- n 5 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 201 «T ft^ J3 24 95 $6 «7 88 a(* 31 .i^PECT- Holidays, Akni- VERARIK-, &IC. ' We4thek7,QR f K<'iuii:i:is B>». ^ -low 6, 20. • •'■• 6 ^ O \Cilh Su'da,, nftfr Trimfyt hi.;0<'as( C. ihii. W. jF^tuh. 0'» Jtic. 6 deg. S. ri). ^L. i N. iaf St. O^nys Bp. C. \lth Sundai/ after TrinUjfy A. iOxl, &i Cami). T. he . ^statio. [of QiMfwnston, Trat si. (»f K. Edvv. < ouf. Battle ( u. 111. ec. 8(ifg. 6. Qfast C. I4m. (la fromN.W Clear an*! cool, Li>ok for a felorm, Clears up, Warm, -U X6 X6 X6 T6 T6- «6 « 6 J:^ 6 n6 n6 Sd6 OS.R(fS. ^Hl,l)Hrk Suiid at Qi]f*t>e(- 1786,* 'g ,iue Windy&i'gS ^6 i u. XV. Th. :Sa: ]8th Sun. aft .Trin. P>th£lr£D St. Luke, ^: ,i * , . (^ Perigee, (^ L 5, 3,S. . r [ed America 1492 O *"t. 1t[ Columbus, discover l9//t Sunday aft rr Triml:,i, ( • isj)in Q's dec 12 d^g. S. K. Oko i'l. P'oclaiaiedl760, St Simon nn<\ St. Jude, QfaM C 16m. -. T \ 2i;/^ Sunday afUr Trinity ^ coarse weather, Loi-kfor rain, Now cif ar and plea »i)t, a 6 rrpG =2:6 :£i6 ni6 1H6 1m. 6 ^ 6 ^6 V5^6 Vlodoj'at*' yy 6 Hi»d wa ml'>/v g for the i^fj 13 5 15 5 13 5 125 115 2l!^ 225 23 5 25 5 26 5 285 205 30^5 32;5 33!5 35i5 37'5 38l5 22 40 5 47 rtt'irii. 45 58 43 1 53 42 2 54 41 3 55 39 4 54 ^e 41 42 44 45 465 485 50|5 5115 52!5 53|5 55 '5 57 5 38 (L 37 5 45 35 6 17 34 6 52 32 7 34 31 8 24 30 9 18 28 10 i'i 27 11 29 25 iinrn. 23 4« 1 51 20 3 4 19^ 4 20 18 5 ;iG I6(t#« 15 5 ot 6 47 7 39 10^ 8 39 9 39 10 4S 11 46 HI' in. 3i 50 14 12 ^ T ■ .■- ■-■■■■■ -i%y. ^- -e" ■;"••■> \:- XT. Nor^^^^ER. Full Vio .11.6 I. 3 I 3Uin affo no-m, Lh.s' Qiiatt" )3l' , 7!) 6!n HliMidoon, Wev\ Vl M II 2{n»..2li4y . ntl^'l.O(ll»i Firsk Qiitirtt'i, 281)); 9ii 43ui aiu niri|[, 1 ;J 2t « •» W K. ■»nl vi. Ill [10 n 111 1 .. 12; F. 113^:. 14 'J- i . 11 \ lii 9>.. OSrtt 24 V\ 120 '2: 2?' 2: VKR AKIKS. 6ir. !^ All Saints (j^ Aj'-i^fe, \'-uL S.iuL*, I» 1 KphI f'. 17H7. On M. ni \\\ S .uU I rr-t. Pi.-. ,P -vvcici Ploi i6i!5, [I).. Ill I7V7 iMich, T. bt^ Lt'ofimd C<iii. , \2st Sundnp nfltr Trinity, jPrs Ant;u>lH 8t»|tliia,b rn 17C8. [l*o'd VlHy ir's Day f)^ Lmher br.in 1483 bl Maiii, ,brttt.(;(iryslt' ■' Furm On iiini. ot S'. Ma/lin, 2 ret ('Hii.b, Term div. n Biiius, 22d Sunday afttr Trinityy VIachutu* ;t PtMigHP. (^ L 6, 1<^ S. liH<;h B(). of Lincoln ih 8 days nlt^r St. Mttit 3 ret O <''»»l <-' 14tn, ^.d^^. K &t Via tyr, Sui» J ^ Q 23// Sunday afltr Trinity, < ECiLiA, eultr :(: Si. C ieirient, [Catherine V fn 15 days of Si Martin, 4 ret. S ^ O O •* dec.2l degS (i f at 0<i»^' ^- 12rn. [Storm 17l>3, \drlenl Sunday, Vich Term ends, 21 stafio. •"^T. Xndrew Weathek'^IOR. :Qj< RfS BriA \» i»id>» .N West, Thf rn- dian Sun': iiier i. c. Ooine '•'arm « father, with » smoky wir for 8P , veialday.,pll?7 :::^7 icy") • T7 b'7 tf.7 n:7 n|7 2o'7 2c7 a? lil'7 :ir]27 N(,vv ^^7 hluslering TT[,7 vviri(^, •Tl{7 With fly ^ j7 »ng clou<)s f i7 and somf* !y5>7 rain, y^)? Clear and yc 7 pleasant, /w 7 i/w 7 ow ex '^^7 pec:ta ^^^ X7 Or, 14 4^4 6:4 64 7:4 94 104 124 134 144 154 164 174 184 1 59 58 57 ro Id rrtin l>8 29 19 5^0 21 22 23,4 24 25|4 26 27 27 1 47 2 47 ■ < 47 4 48 ^ 5 48 66 (3' ise 55j 5 35 54; 6 22 53 7 IS 51 8 18 50 9 2J 48 10 31 47 11 4» 46 morn. 45 5* 44 2 3 43 3 15 42 4 2f 41 5 41 40(^rjS 39 5. 2fi 38 6 21" 37 7 24 361 h.2« •■. 35 ;♦ 28 ' ' •34 33 33 3^ 31 10 29 11 31 32 1 31 ^1 ^m >^. "'**?!•»' ■Hfv- \ - '' .^-'^ .j^^;-^ .:■,■ ' ' ■>'"^'i. ■ .J 'A: Xn. DErEMPER. I";.. u li Full M'lon- 6tl).5li I3rn morning, L'l^i Q'J'41'tf I . i:-ith. 2i' '-i2.il roorningi N' «• lo'tn. 2!'lli 5li 'iHju nioniiui;, Fits' Quarter, 2H[h, 7ti t)in iDoiiting, ^v A-i'p,tTi, Holiday* A^Nn kr- VVeatiiir^ GR.0^>. *^Ci* VV. rti.:Q\ dpc,22dfg, S, P . O ^a^l <^. H»o», Srtf <; VJ. r.i. w Ih. Kr. Sat C ->. Fu. •y Q faslC. 4m, £^r. Cnmb. Tr biid3,0 Sa|iientia, Okl'ord Term ends, of Fort Niagara, 4lh Sunday in Mvtnl^ Caj)ture QHrlij)'»»*d irivi (JJ ^ St Tboina". O em. \J ■::f O's dec. 23* 27' S.^ ;"-' Id Hnndny in Mventt > coDcepiion of U V Mary, Q's dec. 23 dfc;. S. 9d Sundaij \n Advents Lucy, (J Perigee, (3> L.5, 16 S. ■ V-. Fi a M. Im. VV Til. Kr. qp 7 30:4 30< 2 21 3 ^y 'I riearand cp 7 30J4 ao Dioreplca ^ 7 30i4 30 SHiit, ^7 3l!4 29 n 7 3lj4 29 4 28 3 32 6 3r Snowor^ 7 fjj^ 29:^ i^e ram, n 7 32 4 2<i) 6 S 7 33 4 271 7 6 Clearand plt-Hftant iur the season, 25 7 344 26 8 16 ^.7 34'4 26 9 27 ^7 35 4 25 10 So 1157 35 4 2511 44 O Si C tng{»tlier, ' . '.; ->a( {Christmas Day, C ' \st Sunday after ChriMmas, vl 'St. John. [Si. Stephen, 'ends this "^ J M. Innocent-, d L 6, 16, N. jyear, ^ cp Vl [Pi-rtMlder died 1765 !-: T Ih. O s'«w r -S.n, [ ^ Gr. Rl mu. Farewell! b Fr. jSilrester, [Uef. of Aoneri's n75J , « tTi;7 36 4 24m.>.n. Nowny =^J364 24|0 56 , J -^ 7 37 4 23 2 7 ins c ouds — ^'/* * ( ■*' ' and chilly ^n 7 37 4 23 3 IS winds, ' n 7 38 4 22^ 4 30 '..^ 7 38 4 2% 5 3« •"■ 'jt' 7 38.4 22' 6 4© Snow a :? 7 38 4 22 (^ -t» bout these V? 7 38;4 22 5.59 days, V5^7 38'4 22 7 # CC; 7 37 4 23 8 $ ■ ..' .^ ac7 37,4 23 9 T ypry cold X.7 36 4 24 10" T weather Xi7 ^6 4 24 11 6 7 35 4 25..».>nj. 7 35 4 25 ■% 1 354 25 1 2 7 34 4 26 2 1 7 34.4 26f 3 ♦ ■'*■: VI- > ,*y ■>. V, •, t -fZ-'^'-'^.MIf:^ BRIEF ANNALS • OF • ' PUBLIC EVENTS, ^ • • FROM THE , ' * * : DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, : ' : • TO THE DIVISION OF THE PRPVINCE OF (QUEBEC INTO - ■ » V' '* V > . ■»■ V- • IT has been judiciously remarked by the au thor of the American jlnnalsj that the remar' ible discovery of a New Worlds (which been receiving inhabitants from the old for more than three hundred years.) and those events^ and aQtiom., lohich are connected with it,, tan now be accurately ascertained ^ tvithout having recourse to such legends as have darkened and disfigured the early annals of most nations. It is the purpose of the Compiler of these Annals to confine himself (after noticing the Discovery of Columbus^Jl to such events as nlaie to Canada only* ^ " • :^ -*^¥ •t fc' V .1' I' BRIEF ANNALS, ii {'C. i-c. I ill ■ii: .ii 'lit , •' i'i' Anna Domini 1492 —On the 3rd day of Auguit, rHRisTOPHin Columbus set sail from Palo$ in Spain, with three vesbela and ninety men ; and on the lllb nf Octuber following, ditcovered land on one of the Bahama islands. Ibis was the first certa'iH knnwiedge possessed by modern Europeans of any part of the Me«f World* 1497 — Henry VII. of England gare permisiion to John Cabot to take sii ahip", with all things nf>ces<iary for a voyage uf discoT* fry in North Amerira Larly in June, in the same year, having 111!* son, Seba«tiHn, with him, he discovered parlof iNewfunndiand ; be neit Htur and named the Island of St John ; and, continuing a westerly course, be atlerwardn arrived at the Continent, aU^jg the coast of Mhicb he sailed, northerly, as far as 67 and a hull' Borth latitude It is remarkable that no further attempts towards discovery were Viade by (he English for upwards of sixty years afterwards, if we except the p'Opnsed eipedition of Elliot and Afhurst. 15<)2. — Hu<h Elliot and Thomas Asburst, merchants of Bristol, .jvitlrjwo other gentlemen, obtained a patent from Henry Vll. for *0itf estaMishment ol Colonies in the countries then lately discov* .•red by Cabot ; but it is not Jtwown whether they availed (heaa- lelvffs of this permission, or noade any voyage to the New World. • 15-6 — Jean Deuys, h Frenehman, sailed with his pilot, Camart, ' a native of Rouen, from Harluer to Newfoundland, and drew a iotp of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the adjacent coast. ^ )6<)8.— Thomas Aubert, who made a voyage in this ycarfroa Dieppe to Newfoundland, was the first who sailed up the great ri* ver Si. Lawrence to the country of Canada. This man carried off some of the natives, and eiiiibited them in Paris. 1617. — The cod fishery on the baniisof Nerrtoundland had, by this time, attracted the attention of several European nations, tor there we're Fifty Spanish, Freuch, and Portuguese ships employ* od in it this year. * We say modem, because we are believers in the success of the i^novs eipeditioa of MAVoa, frou Wales in tke 12tii Motury, Ed. ■ r" '-^ ' ■-- / - ■' -ft .*.- . --^ . ■■>^' M 5 Art ot (Jtiiada, i> said lu liava cuiitHiiied at this |ierlod about dl'tj lU-Hl >**',*' '»,' 15J7._1hff «irh**n»t lor dMcnveriiiR * pa^^ajje fothf Kii»l Indies bv the iN.Mili Wf«i,beiii^re*an3»*diri Ei»j{l«iid,a vnyag.- was iraile, by ili*» advice <<| Rol)pf( Tliorii«, ol Bristol, with)\v» «hi(»'», lur- nished oiil hy Ht'nry VIII; but It proved uittuncpioful. and ♦•%•<>■ dl-tRf^trous Utr (»iie ot the iliip* v*»» lost Hakluyt 9ay««, this Mofltr Thnnie was '* a notable meiiibtr a wl nrnaiiit nt ot hi« cuiinliy,** and that he axh<>rted (he Kiiif; with *•* very v^ aighlie and ftuhstaa* inil '^n^ons, to sol f«#rih a di»c«»verie even to the N -rtb Pole," 1M5 — Cartifi diocoveiiiig now the river of (.'annda, which grt- iially obtHined the nanae ot S( Lav^rence, sailed up thi.s iinbl« trcRin nnoie than three hundred lengnes to a j(real and swilt fall, r rapid ; foraied alliances with th^ natives; took posse«.-'ion of he territory ; built a ftit ; and \vinti*red in the country, which he ailed N^w Franct He, at this lime, visited Ht»chcl«j;a, whick f chWe A Monnl Kny(tl> (alterwarda Montreal,) a latge Indian sat* lem«>nt. This was the first attempt made by the French tu form settlement in America. Cbarlevoii sitys, the name of St Lawrence was first ^ivai to th« ay, nrx\ to the Uull, and then t»» the river of Canada On tbis eipedition of Cartier's, he carried off* Donnaronna, ft hiff of (be natives, and Hakluyt says, *' The poore King of tha ounlry, with two or threa uf bis chit (e companiDns^conmin); a< irda the French shtppes, beriig re«|uired thither to a baaquet« a>i traiterously CHriicd away into Fianct, wktre be lived touv arei. and then dyad a Christian there " 1536. — A voyage was made from Engiand to Newfoundland, by I) persons, 30 of whom were gentleweu of education, andeha- cter, at the head of whom, according to Hakluyt, was »* Qiiii asier Hure of London, a roaH of goodly stature and «f great ourage, and given to the studio of Cosmograpbie, &c." Cape. Iretun was discovered durmg this voyage, but the eipedition wef ventually sodisastrons, through famine, timt the survivors were onstrained to support life by feeding on the bodies of their dead omfianions. 1540 — Fran5'»ls da la Roque, Lord of Robcrval, e nobleman of icardy, and the King of France's Lieutenant General and Vice- oylnCanKda, sent out Cartier, with five ships, to Canada, (his ear, intending to follow him with two other ships, tilted out at is own Mpence, for the purpose of culouisiug some part «>lf iht anks of the St. Lawrente. , 2>. , > ^. 1642 — The Lord Roberval, himself, arrived in Canada this year, md built a fort, and wintered about four leagues above the Island Orleans (which was at first called the I.ile ot BaccbusJ PttfcbM ■ays, this fort was «• fabe and strong." : A*-, I sH S\ ■ 'M 'I •. .1 m> 24 I M \5A9' — Th»» fii'«»t \ct of llip Eripliab Parlinmrnf relating to twj pan ol Amu-ich \v;t- 'nndn till** y>'«r. — fh^s whs fo \trntfir.\ ^tid fU' C(Mir«i;r ihf Eimli-h fi-h»'ry on tlu- Baiik-^i f NewhmKdlniid. 1549 — I . ihis yput , I.ord R herval n^compunied hy liia brc- llier ond >* iiumer-itis iraiii if >»dveniur<*r«. *t:airi ^rnl>R^•ked for liie river St. L>»wr;'uce ; Iml (Iipv wrip never hraid of anerw«i||« : — B disRSier which so di-r(Miiag;Hd 'hf govprnrnpiit and jie'>j>lp of Franre. tiiat lur mor#» tlian 6<> yoar" mo further m-asiirps were ta* ken for supj. lying tlif fpw settlers which r» niain^^d in Canafla. 1576 — Martin Frohi-ber WH<».srr\f out by Qii**cn Eli::»»b^th, wl(h three snnall shine, and discovered ElizHiieth'"* For«»l8nd. and the strai&b(«, which still bear his ov\ n name H« entered a bay in N,r| L 63 decrees, and carrit'd 'AT one of I lie nativ*i, whom, H'tkluytf says, " for very choler wnd diddaine, bit his (ongtie in twaiii« witli* in hifl month." 1677. — The discovery of supposed Gold ore by Frobi«ber,in hU Toyage *>( last year, entoura^^ed the Society (jf Adventurer? to^ •end him out, with three other j-bip^.to ex|»Uire the. coast of Labra- dor and Greenland, with an ultimate view of disijoverinp; a jvavHCf to Ifidia ; hot he ajijain retu: ned without -success, ih«M>t;h he broug'itj away nearly 2t't> tons t>f his supposed gold, and with it a man, wo- innn,andrh|» of the natives — but Stow 'ays in bis Chronit it! that " neiilti Tthe man, woman, nor child lived long ; nurdidhii^ gold prove ore, but drossf." 1578 — Frnbisher snlb'd a^ain for this northern Continent, witli^ no fewer than fifteen, ships in search of gold, and was foolish e- noiigi) to carry home immen!:c quantities of the same glittering Btones (most probably mundie, mica, or talc) to the u'ter ruin 0[ many adventupers 1581. — 4'be French trade to Canada was renewed, after an in' terruptien of nearly iO years — I be cause ot which interruptviij was the carryine; off the Indian king or chief in 1635, by Cnrtierif an o'jt/age that could not he forti'vwn by^the natives- who woul bavef Ao dealings, or intercourse with the French fur so inany yeari| affer\^ards 1683 — Sir Humphrey Gilliert, by virtue of a commission whichl be carried from Queen Elizabeth this year, took possession of St| JFtdins in Newfoundland and two hundred leaoue.** ^very way «•[ round it, for the Crown of England, and publisbod laws for fhtl government of the territory. This furnial possession, in consel quetice of the discovery by the ('abuts, Is considered the founds- lion of the right and title of the Crown of England to (he territO'j vy of Newfoundland, and the fishery on it» banks. The renewal o( the rr'nich trade with Canada was *o auspiciou'J tbat three shi|)s, one ©f them of ISO tons, were eeaployed tbii| year in tUat tiade. tB u'ter ruin •{ ' 15grt.— Sir WailiT Ra1pic;h introdiicf'd the fashion of ^mnking T'»^»«cro in Kiiilj^nrl. It Im I Wen carried thithpi f..r Ihf firgi liins in 1676 f»y Sir J.>hn HHwkiii*, but was tlien ron'-iflf»»'d n. n mfie d'!!g, a'ld 3i<»»v sBVs in bis Chronirlr lliRt *' ail mfn noudered irhai it mfant " But Kalnsih, and n Mr. Lhw, bud lenrnt 'lie prsciic** •»! sinnkin?, throug'' |»i|»8 made of chy, from the IiidiHo* of Vir^i- nin Tbis niriiruUr plant np 'Pnrs tr> have hr^n u.<!Pd in alt pnrf!^ %i j^'tMih America. In the arcomit ol Tarlier's voyage in 1635, it >tp! ears tiiHt it was used in Canada, and a partirnlar account is Uiven of the raanitarof preserving it. *' Tlitre groweTh a rertairi jkiiid of herhe, wbf rf«f in sninmer they mnVt a giTit pr»vi-.ion . |fi>r ail tiie year, luaking great arcniint of it, and only men use of |it, and fiist lh«y cause il to f»e diird in the siHuie. Uien wfare it il)uijt their necktiS wrapped in a iiltle hraMf.» i>kiiina made like a lidle bagge, with a hol!t»w piece of utone or wood l«k*- a pi|e : llieii when they please they make poud«r of il.and then put il in one if the ends of th« said cornet or pipe, snd Inyii)!; a cole of Ore ipon it, at the other erde, sucke so long that they fill iheir bodies lillof snn^k^ytill that il commeth out of their mouth and n<istrile9, iven as oat of the toniiell (»f a chinr»ney."-Makluyt, iii. •J24. 1591 — The Walrus or Morse must have been common in and a- )out the Gulf of St. Laivrence ; for this year, we find that a fleet }i' ships was fitted out from the port of St. MhIo, in France, for "Canada, and to hunt for Monet about tbe hay of St. Lnwrenre, hose tt;eth were sold at a much dearer rate than Ivory. They al« obtained oil in fast quantity from the bndie.s of those animals. II Kngli^h V')yagerin Hak'uyl says, there were I5,(KH) of these E^Htures killed, this year, by one small birk at Ramea. an istaiij ing within the straights of St. Peter, back of Newfoundland, ia Lat 47. 1593. — George T>rake, an Englishman, made a voyage up the ftilf of St Lawi^i.ce, t(» the l^le of Rtimea, and carried home in- •lli^^ence of the profitable trade of tue French and others in tbcs« irts i f America. 1598 —The Marquis de la Roche received a cnmanissiob. from * lenry IV. to coinpier Canada ; but returned without doi/igndj ing of pnnseqnence. and shortly afterwards died of vexation 16(1(1. — On the death of La Rocht;, his patent wan renewed in for of M de Chauvin, who mjide a voyage up the St. Lawrence far as Tadousas, where he left ^ome of his people ; and return* w ith a freight of Furs. The following year be tailed again and or»eded as far as Troit Fiviern. 16(»,3 —Pierre du Gast, Sieur de Monts, a gentleman of the bed ^< lamberto Henry IV. of France. re»'eived a patent of the Aineri- * intenitory from the 4t)th to the 46th d«^g N Lat eonstitntinghim . ieutenant General of the country, w ith power to •olouitt it and bdue and eouvcrt the natives t« Christiaaity. - . ^ . v^ M .1 i '. to .M ', i! ! (r m \ v:ii it; I- SftTTiHel C}i«Tni»1«m of Broiia«:« in Frarcft, tnrbftred f t I'adoii- Sac this VPHT Htul iiib()h dicMVurirs in Uu> nrit^lihuuni.ij it iiilmy. Ifiiig — CluirnplHii). ht'itiff wrnt <iui Ht llie Ui'm') nf a rulonv witk tl M'fe shii*" for th« »' (•iit|)i»fe (if (iiHkiiig H |terciirt(i»'fil sK{t|Hiii«'ii(. tint y*'8r Iftid the ftmntJ^ilion cf Qurhei;, ih» Iuhmh tHcrial of CHiindji, atUM" h'lvinij; »'xan;iiifMl all ilie (uo^^t elij^ililw hitiiaii'ins in Ai adia himJ alons t'lH river "?t. Lawrence. Suh-Mjn^-ii! pxpfiie'inp hae proved {]]' vvi'doin of hi"* tlioife. CliampUiin vays that (^utlxc \vh>» the Indian name of fh«» |>i»ce " Tttjuvail un lii-n le |'lu'« rstmii de riviere, qne Ips i ahitanls dii pay-^apiKdiant Qiifbpc.J'y hasiir el tMJi- fier U(ie liat»ildlion, et defricber des lene!?, et faire qni-lqut?* JKidi- l)rt2;ps." 1612 — Tlip En:^li.-h colony in Coi.cpptlon Bay. Nowfoufidland, this j-'-ar ch'^ihteiJ <>l 54 nten, 6 women, and 2 children. lG2i — This year Acadia Cist received the name ;»f .Vora Scotia, its v\h 'le territory tieing granted hy that name to Sir \\ uj Al» zan- der, of Min-try, hy Kina J;un<'S I. 1627. — riie Colony of Q ul)pt;, by dirertion of Car«^ina^ Ridic lien, tlun sole Minister ol France, was taken out of the hands of the French Protest.'inls, and tofi;ilher with its trade, placed under tne mana'erneni ol One juindred persons called the *' Companif of One Haadrtd jJssGriitles,'' at the head of which was the Cmhiial him elf, with the .>jarf'sjial l)efiat,and <;ther persons of «mitiej)ce. Charlevoix thinks n()ihin<> could have ht-en hetter planned ; at\d that Fiance would have heen llie niost powrrlul c<«lony in Anieri- •a, had the execution been answeralle to the {lesion 1630 — A commission having i»een given by Chailes I to David Kerlk, »n(l his valiant kin!«u>en, to cornjuer the Amei'iian Doriii- Blons of France, Ke;tk had attacked Canada in July 1628. and stiil •arried on his military operatioti*^ with vii/our L.onis> and Tho- ■aas Kertk,Hp[»eaiin5^ again at thi^time olF point Levi, sent an offi- cer on sh'tre to (Quebec, to summon the city to *» rrf nder ; Charn- plain, th'*M in cldef roininand, khowinj; his means to be inadc(jiiatft tea vJelence, surrendered the city by 4;a|i(ulati'JH. The tern)s of Ibis capitulation were very liivouraole to llie French culony ; ami they were m) piin( tnf»)ly and hofioiifably fnlfjlietl by the Knslish, thfit (he greater part of the Fren«;h chose to remain with ti)f:ir cap- tors, rather than ^-^o. as bid been slipuhited, to France. — — " Thus y was tiiu capital of A'tw France 'uiidued by '.he arms of Kiis^ai d, jii-t one hnn<lred and thirty years bffore its final ccu'juest by the celebrated Wolf. ' 4 16.'}2. — Charles I. by ths treaty of St Germain, resigned the right • whiv.'h he had cJainied to AY'V' t'ri.'nce,, Acadia, aiui Canadif, astiie properly of CuKbuid, to Louis Xlll. Kini; of Fraice Ciialniers says, the signal f vent of the capture ol Qiiebee was 'unknown \\\i<^u peace was re estaiilished in April, l4>2i> j an.d atf«i<^ns tliis as i»8 %. ' '/■ ■'\ -\- '^^-'^ifesif^V'Steiiii "\: 57 rt'a^on nhy Kin? rhnH(»^, fit lliat t«'<»nty. n^t^olu'plt r^!«tor*'(i t» y idicti. Uii»^" i<»n i III l«"< ypnrrnily Hnil ^iifioul lioiil-; ami pH"li» «iiiiily Porf Rn/.'L Qnr'n r umI Cuijp. Breltm Finn ili^* iv^iilulino Ol tut ,H t«Mni«». ies tn l"r»ino. iiiny Up dalt'd Win (•.(niuiifiuf'ii"iit of ii l'».ig (rHin i)t evils t"» III.' Biiii^li Coi'mies, hiiH to twml;iii(), to tl'.i- fian-rtclinti, in tlip jiiijj;iieiit (il'llM' hU'c lii>)l)ri;in. la-t »|Umi. (), li»ri\ li»'l,iiilv lrat;«'(l iikck ihe c.»toiiial di-|>utes of luifer tiuics, iuitl Ih'' Vnerirun (fviil 'lion. blj> — K'Mift R .limilt, liaviiisj borotne B Jpsnif, rrsiimed a nro- jpcf, wliit:!) had bt'nn in;rriu|»le(l by llit" tlt>^ii?li I'oiKjue'^l *•( Que- b'-i:, of fiiiii'jincj a cilli-i^e io llial rily : a Sf luiiiHrv lIu'U liad l.cpri ntiw. il is eil pl.iiiin'tj (en ye' IN hcture. i'tus iiis!.uiti(;ii ;iur.«.»'i-dp(i iil, v\as()l e<?s«M»!iHi service to liie jn!.ii»y — \faiiy F ♦'nclnn WHie in)\v *•!!< nijiaued Io embark witli Unii fritnilie«. for C"ann(in. fca M {'ini!iji!aiii (i'u il ,it Qtii'bpf. (hi-< je;ir — ii*^ whs jo>'ily lej^.e iied b\ Mif ;r!i(»lti «;oi'>ny of IMl'W F(Knt;»*. of Abirh \ui tnit;!)' b-- said tv» !)«! 'he pare.uf IT- hf.d |n fi^Jraiion couiag". t.oii'-tnncy, f>ir>bi- fy, aud (iatrioti>m — «.'imilevoi\ sa . s of hiiu, tliat lie « as -' lut hii- tui'itii fiflcle ft sincere, un voijfii^fur, qui ob.^trrt tovl arte nttenliont ■U'i tci ivaln judicicur, urt hon i^eomelre, ei un liuLile licinint els l(>;iO — A Niimie y of French riisiirm*"" wag founded a! Quflicc, ^Uuunne de In Fellr>^, a |iiou> Catli"!ic l.'uiy, d^voiiitju b( lb lior liiijc and foitiiiip !(> lliis dc^ii'n. went to Qifbec with thrft Ur-ii- linrs, a!tiMidod by Le Jt- ne, SuiifTioc of Uie Jcs'jit wiission into Canada. Ei;t(M-in^ (he oily uri(ie< a gmnral di'i(*haij»e of ranm-n, ih.'y j)roceeded with ini.u;M tiiumpb, atnifb^t tiio a«i laiaatiojio of (be proph'.. to the c.hijrr.b, \vh?ie '/'eDutwuas sung, wild «'fat soU'niiiiiy, fi>rtheir arrival ('barb voix ^ays lliat tbis Madnmede la ^clirie ha J such z.al for (bft ronvprsion and ctimfort of the na- tive ('anadians, that she aclUcJIy cnllivatt'tl the earth with bf-rovrn hands, to ,^ni;iea-'f' her iiMvvei of di>ing .lood Tht* Ho?piial, »'aht;d I'llulel DlcH, Wi\> U-i\u(ivd the {)if ct'di.ig year at Sileii; by Madatno la l)(i<.hr?b»' d'Ai;;iji'lois 1*5»2 — -Maiiv'I^nku .E. a gentlenian of (Miarnpaii^n, \rho the preciediiig yi^ar, broiijilU over si vtual families to Mont'eal now"** entered witti thf-ni into posses-bifj of tin'ir new habitation, and Ciia-el, on this i-^land, with manv religion?* (;prt'in<'ni»«~ — In 1G40 Ihv French King hid vested the pro:.orly of ttie island in 3-j a<!<o. oihtes. ol v\h(.Mn MaijonJieuve wjs oiie •, aiid oti ibf la'h fOcfo- ber IGll, h« was declared G(»vernor ot the Island. -C7mW^i'ot^* /rour<//e France. ' > lulT — "i'iie French in Canada, in ihcir tra<V with thp n-'srh- boiiriii'; Indians, had, fur several yeart, bfen o!»:^!rnr!»^d by the Mohawks. L'liahe to subdue that frmiiiibl'* (lib*; withonl H^-»i3* luucc, about thti litnc; tiiey seal M. Marie as an ^'^^ni to solicit ■ • r "' ' . , - ■'-.■<.• . . ' hi\ ^A ill', , 'r ■ I '■i ! ^ ;!i m :1; I If ii:i r ii 1 fil^ .^m' , - - ■ t8 aid frnin the Mnt^achu^ettR, with offprt ef librrnl comp^nsttioii, but the fl;«>veriirnent of ihHl colony ivjrcted the alioiiiif; |rr»pohaI, It \% said tiiia IVlarie wa^ a Jesuit, ond otftfied a iage sum for a^sis- taiioH : hut the I'.n^lish gav»» tlife very wise answer thai tlw ,Vo« hawkshikd iipveritijured them, and lliey >vuuid have iiulhiug to do Wi(i) liie bu>inf>»s. 1648 — 'Jh«i Colonists of Nt w Enj^land sent in the Governor and Couticil of Canada a pi-«),M>$Hi of peipfMual peace l)eiv\efn the Co- lonies, thougli the mother countiif-s might he at war ; allhough the French were much pleaded with the. proposal, and anxiouii to con- «!iidc an agreement oi this kind, the hu^ines.s t^ru.ioated wiiliout success, because thiji English were firm iu their determiuatiun not toas'iKt the French against the Iroquois. 1649. — hi the month of March, one thousand Iroquois suddenly attacked the Huron village of St Ignatius, contaixing 40(> jersoni, all of whom, three only excepted, were massacred. 1654 — About this period the Eries, a numerous tribe of Indiani which inhahited the borders of Lake Kiie, were so rfffctually ex- terminated by the lro(|Ut)is, that were it not for the name of tbt Lake, we should have no memorial of their foriiicr existance.--~ ChHi'i«-voix calls them " ta nation des F.riez, ou du Chat " 1656 — The Onondagas iftit defiulies to Quebec to solicit Missio- naries of the French, a number of whom were accordingly sent to that tiibe ar.d many of the heads of it bucauie cuiverls to th« Chrifttian Reli^iiion. 1660 — Francis de Laval, Abbot of Monligny, being appointed Bishop of Canada, came over and brought, for the first time, some Monks of other orders besides the Jcsuils 1664 — The Hev. John Eliot onipleti'd his translation of the Bible into the fndian Innguace, which was printed at CMn)bi idge, andentith-d *' Mamusst IVunntettipanatinniPC Up Biplum G"d JVVi- ■httswt NuKEoKE Testameni Kak Won/f Wu-kk IV.tamkkt" * 1-665 — M^ de I'ourcelles being aj»pi»inled Govt-rncjr of New Ft'aiiee, transported the regiment of Carignnn Salieseslo Canada thi> year, it consisted of lUOO foot, a great iiumbtr of families, ■numerous mechanics, hired servants, hordes (the first ever Sfe7i in Canada,) cattle, and sheep were brought to this country «1 the 5a mo lime. The 100 associates in whom the property of the C(»lo- ry'\vnsves{«>d, had grou^u weary of the expeiice «-f mainlaining their colony ; and Irom the year 1644 abandoned the Fur Trade to the inhabitants, reserving to themselves, as their light of lords-hip. an auMual payment of 1000 Beavers — Reduced at [enjrth to the number o( 45 assuontes. they made a total res'rgnati.oMi pf ail their rijihts, 1662, to the French King ; who, soon aft erifttards. included ISew France in the Grant whicli he made of the ^ren^h Coh^nies iu America, in favour of the West India Com j»any. forced ty the great Ci>!»)ciu • , ' . :^. • . ^ 'K *vv' s. . , J- J" . ■ • • • ■ ^ ■ - < ■r- V' - •• ■-"'"' ••■..■ V-;'' '■.--,; ■* ' '.-■ . ' ■« •sjrr ,<< f9 16fi(J, — The Mohawks, ImvinR grestly •nnoyerlfh^ Fr^nrh. Wftrt attHcici-ci tbis y^ar t>y h rx'tH li Hrnif itl' '26 cornjianie« ot fool and the v\ iiviie mititiM ut tli** CiAouy This totinidaltle luxJy of li(Mt|*s inaM'bed ij^nvai ds 7«><> inile>. in tht> dt'j'th t»l' winier, Imiu Q ieb»'C intt> ihe counlry of the Mohav^ks, with a view of utleily ui'?.|ioy» iii^ (li<Mn ; b'jt th" (iiilian> retired, with (heir wouieti and ('hi!dr;^ti| iiil>> tile depth ot the woods, le-ivin;; only a few anLienl Sacuf.ms ill the villa^'e?, \vht> cht»se rather to die ihnn desert 'hrir habila- ti(Mi!) These were njuidrred hy the French, and tb» Ir villaii;«^i burnt; yet, noliiisiguf |»olitiral ini|to)tHnce was gained b> thif expedition which was Louiinaoded by M de Tracy, iu peraoii; who was then upwari's of TOyt-ars ohl 1667. — Peace wa- at length estahh^hed belwepri the French and thi^ Five Nations, which coniinurd b)r seveial y^ars. and they cul- tivated a uiuliial trade The Sieur Perot, a French Ml^^iol:ary, travelled inoru than 1200 niiie« to the westward ot Quebec, uiakiiij^ ni'its* lyles auiotu;»t Ihe Indians as hn went ab)ng. 1670. — A terrible disease b.okr out anion^bt '.he Indians in the northern pRrls of C'anada, it swept oii' whole t ibes, pailicularly the tribe of /}llik'a,ne^ueit w\\\v.\\ has never sintc been heaid of, — Talou-ac, the chiel inari of {h« Indian fur trade with the French, Wtts deserted, asalso irois Riviere:}, where the boiail-puz canitU elf 15i<0 Indians at once. 1671. — A grand Congress tyfthe French, and of many Canadian Indians, WAS) h»'ld this year at the FalLs of St Maiy ; >\litr»} the Indians profestsed aubmission to the Kin^ oi France, in a formal ID (inner. 1672. — M. de Courceiles, Governor of Canada, built a fort on the north si'Je of the out let of Lake OiUiO in, (near tht modern Kingsioih) as a biurier against ihb Irotiuois, pretending, however, that he aie."* ly intended it as a place of trade, and iui* tiieir mutual accofnni d at ion. 1673 — The Count Frontrnac completed (h« fort bn Lake Onta- rio, be^un last year.^by Courseiles, and called it after bis own iiame The French like\\ ise buii! a f!)rt at IMichiliinackinac ■ ■ Faiher Manjuette, in ctitripauy with one Jolift, a citizen ol Qitb; bee, rmplcyed by M Talon, for the disroviry of the Mi^si>sippi, entered that noble river on the i7ih if June, and de-cenucd it to a point within three days journey o} the Gulf of Mexico, when thfiy returned to Canada. Ihe French bad received informati.a of this riv^r from the Indians. Ferdinand de Soto bad discovired the country qn the Vlississippi 130 years before, but the Spaniards did not see^fit to 'citle it. 1674 — nQ^ehec was made a Bishopric /•1^78'.--i\i. de Sale re U'iilt Ihe Fort Frontenac with stone, He aUu iauuched a Bat k of tun tons ou Luks OuUriO; and in the year 30 tl! followins: arioflipr Vf^^el of fiO tnn«on T.nke Rri«». About thi^'time be lilifuisr iiirloscil ji liil^- s|».>l nt t^rouiKl at Maijaia Willi ^twcK. adi'*- iiifenHi (j luf H F'cl. ,.J<1H0. — Tiie Fiitlwr liennppirj. \v!i!i M Darn'i, «iMit out on dis- covt-ivljy M <!e' hi S'tip n-rpiidt.d ilie iMihsissij»|ii, from Canada, as fHi- H- i>ie IhU:' of Si. Aiillio;y 1C>H>2.— ;Vi (Ic Im .>!!i- flescMiriVfl fiip Mis«!!«sipt.i l«» fli«? »e«, and look po-i'sr^icn •»!* a'l !!.'• cotimry \vH»er»'() by \hH{ niiviiiy Mr»-!ni;, ii- iliH iiiunf of Loiii- XIV ; tallm:; ij, in Ih»iu»r of Uie King, Loui- sa «//f/. lOS'i. — The French erectHd a Vml bi't»veen llie L:ikes Erie and 1034 - M. (JiHa (virre with :» l^rop arinv from ('«nftda. ma({e an ijrisin-'re^^ttjl ►■xifedirn-n into thp i.tsiititi v oj (Ij*:' Five iNatiuns. Dc Ih R.ir'e foiijul if uere-i^ary In contlndf Ins (an»j>Ri!:(n vvilh a Irenty. JIcwHsnu't, at thf pld(," oji oii.to.!, by the (Jneidas. 0' nontlagas, and ('uyw^ns ; the Mohawks aid 'icn^k-is rrfu^inf; to at- («M>d. Seatt'd in a i-hnii- «if state sni rotii.d. (i by his own Indians (priiiriprtlly the /Vi<ro-'}5 «d Loi etlej ad th* F enrh "flictMs. hr ad- drpssnd him-elf to Gaintiguld, an ()nond,i;;a Chir-f, in a vny hnuirhty s^iT-rch,. which be concdnd* d wiiii a nicnnce io bnrn the ci'^tij's «*r til'' Fivt' A'ations. and d'*siioy the Indians. unli'bS tl.<r sail facVion, wiii»,h hr d'-rTiandi d wa.« given. Garan^uia who sat at -onn- iiitb', distance boforp hi'? men, with hi-(»i(iR HI his month, am] the Ureal Cain-met of Ptnce before iiifu, did notions: but lt)ok at tli'- end of hi* pipe dnring thi^ haranvuft — when it \va- fini-^bed, after waikinj^ five or six limes roun<l ili? cir- cle, in siicncp, he stood perfectly upright, aod tuus answeicU the Freneh Gpiieial : " Onnunti- . I honour you, and all the wa*rjors wiio are with me honour you — Your inierpioter has finished yonrspeoth. I now bej^m mine.: — My words make liable to rea(;h yonr ears ; bertikea to tiiem. — OuHjntio, in setting «'nt from Qicbee you mn t have i- ma«;ined th'Ht liu- scorching bea;n?of the ^un had bufnt <lovvn the forests, .which remltir oil' country inacces,si!>le to the Freixri ; or, that the itinundation^ of the Lakes h.id shut us up in our casl!e.-j ; bat now you are Miideieiv, d ; for I and my uairiois have come to asMoe von that tlje ienekas. Jai/iv^as, ()non'lav:as. Out ides, and J^nl'.awks, are yet alive Aft er 'bir^i!; the r)acif]C t>Vf iUircs of General to thr inipotence of the French, and repeliiiiy thi ' farges l)roniihl a<;ain3l his countrymen, he adoled " We are boiii free ; webave no di penuence either on the Onnnnlio or the Cor- Ja'*" This .«pet rh, whi< h affi>rd.s an interesting •specimen <if the A\'i¥ York Tilles given by tht Indians to Ike Govtrnors of Canada atul of ii .V, '^» '*JSii Si jpin fund el«r|'^'"Cf of the a^ons'lnnli. bus tM» fina ronrlu«ioo— . y.y voicH Is tlir »oirf i»l all lit*- Vwf >.':«t'u>ns,— ^ H^al what llioy OH0!vJnu;ns, nrid M' luwks, ^Hy, lliai ufieti ili» y ImjmmJ llie lialihtt c« SB at ( atarHciirty, id tlie itiestiice of y* )f oir i'^ d»-te: sor, til llie very e^'fit^T ot I'liff Tort, anil iiUnted thf trrr df jejup in the SHme p!«te, il w as tlieri rtsufed thai tht Fmf slHMjId Kp u.-h) as a | lace of ffii'lezvoU"* lor inetitliadls, aiid not h'' r»'f«u'P f(»r ?o.di*i> — -llfar, Oi'iuJiilio, yi)u oijjjht 'o lakn tare, ilial ■ so gr at a inj|i>bpr ol sul- du'vn, a^H(>|iear now, do iml ehcke the Ir^e o( j eai f . ; !nnl»d in s« sriiiiil a tnit , and hinder it iKim shading hoth )oiir coiinliy and Oiiis **ith it* hranrhes. I (i (I as-ijie you, th:it .»U'' warnois s hall dancf* to tli»' C'ulniDrt ot i'f.nvH muier its le<ur«, and ihal we wdl nf ^ er (<ig up Ih^ ax to cut It »h>v\ n, utitil the Onnnntio or he Cor- I la r si all tit her jointly or -^epa aiely ei;dea\oi]r t«> invade the coun- try. vNhiih the (.i^eat S|irit had uiven to ou"* ;ince5t(»is — Thi htdt ci'nfnms niy word? ; and this othtr^ the amhoriiy, vhich the Fire ^■a^iuns have ^ivcii mc." Knragfd at thishoM rep'y. De la Parre rptirpd to his tent, and priidt'Mily suspendt'd histjienates 'J wo aHys alter, »ttler«nrlu- sinn if llir j>eiiv:e, llie Inclian eliif f ai-d li's reMnue rrturiud to their country, and llie French umiy eu. barked in their canoes tor Mo a- tn-at, iu85. — The iidiahitants of Canada afnoiinled to 17 OrtO ; three lhon-<ind <.>f whom were supponeji to he capaMe *f hiaiin? rrins. Ciirtimt'r!)«Hys,fl\e3e nuinbirs weie taken from an aicui ate account aiade by order of the tro\ eminent. 16H7. — 111 this yrfir the F/ench Cabinet tok mfi*ures fo df strny, as was iiilendtd. at oiip blow, the whole E'iti>li interest in Nf)Mh Anicrira M Denonviljf, who had stjn;e» (b d De la Cnrrc, took tii*' lield at the l»f ad of I'AH) French ai.d SOU Indians. 'I he icyjs- kas, who hfiil relu-ed to iiioet De In Barre nt the late treaty, ♦lere re ni, ag a- kf.own to be n st (irm'y alliiched to ilie En^fish, it wnsthnefo deh'j mined either to ex irjt;.tf. that ti ibe, or .-"O to humble the to render them exhjiiples ol French resentment lo mII the other I liar.s. Denonville commenced his inarch from ra(a?ac;jay on t^ie SSd lOf .Ji).'.e. lo (his f4uiiirdi;n, the 5«:oul.'* cd" the rrencji aiinv hnd a.ivniiced a? far as the corn of the vill :ges w I ihoiit seeinu; a siniilfe 'I'ul'ori ; thon.;h they )'a.«?ed wilhii! pisiid ."^liot oi .^fiO SrnekMS. v. ho laui on ItM'ir i-ellies and «uife!»-d Iheni to | as^and repa.-,.-, without di-(iirbiiig !hj*in But, on a Siidden, when (he in^jniin:;; arinv had i>(fMoa( tied nithi;; a (juartef of a U^ayne frcra the chiff \iilai;e of llie Sent kni, the w m <l)'.nt mose, in'tcrrilic effect, intern, in^- Icd wilh y dist hiOjie of fire arms f roni all .'^ides, 'ilii:;! eniprJge thii'w the Frtnch into Guufuci«..n, and [he Senekas fell u[ion llitm C **•,*-. •.% nu -4.. X 5« with rr^Rf fury ; Imt fli^ French fndinnM !i«Inp rn11i«»f!, in (he *nil retii'sMi th'^fii. Ill lliii nrticMi thfif It'll hIxiui Hki of iJi- FrrrM h^ 1<> ptench Indfaiis, aritl bO St'iirkm The ufx Hiy Df'iionville c<»iiliiiup(i his march uifh th»* irMMition of 1 urtTin^'^ tlie vijlng;*? ; but he t'tund it airendy in a«hr>A. I he Sem kB<* had burol it Hnd fled. Two old mi non'y were found in (he casMe, v^bo were cut into pieces and b"ilf*d, to make s«'ii.f for Ihe Freht^h allies, (sec Cotdtnp 78 ) rhe valour oi the French army wh» neni employ, td ill destroying the corn of lb« IriHian plantatiwris, which tiiey *-f> fectiiaily nccoinpli»hed ', aiid thus ended the extirpalhig i ampaign of Denonville ! Belore Denonville returned into Canada he hutlt a Fori, with four haslion^, at Niagara, in w bich he iett a garrison o( 100 men} with |M'ovisi-jns ; hnt it wan «o«ifi nfterwards attandoned. 1689. — On Ihe 27fh of J«Bt, the Seneka? Caynj^ns Onondiigaii, Rnd Oneidas, lenewed their coTenaiit with the En^li^h. Cwiden says tlii< renewal was f)revtoiit (o the arrival of Coniit Fronlenar, who came over on ihe 2d of Ot'oher, this year, as Governor of Canada, at the advancc4a|;«oi 68 years, in the room of Denon- Tdle, who was recalled. A body of 1200 Indian af the Fire Kalions invadtd the Island of Montreal on the 26lh of July, hurnt ail the plantations, and made ahorrilde maisaceof mto, women, and children, throwing the whole French Colony into (he utmost consteruHtion ; inso* mtich, that Valrene9,the eoinmandant at Cataracuay was ordered by Denonville to abandon (hat place — I^mith (in his iN. York, p. #6) Nayo, that 1000 French were s^ain in this invasion, and 26 car* ried off and hnnit nlive Charlevoii's account is horrible — -' 11$ 9UvriTent le sein dt.s femmex enceintes, pour en arracher le fruity qu'dles portoientj ilsmifnt des enfans tout vimni a la hroehe, el eori' traignin.nt le-emeret de les lourner pour les /aire rolir." In a conference held (his year be(ween Ihe Gngli.-h Colonies and the Five iVations, the latter promised to preserve ♦' the ehain (whi''h iiniled themj inviolable'' and said *' tee wish that the sun may always shine in peace over all our headSf that are comprehended in this chain. 1690.— An unsuccessful attack on Quebec was made thisyearby the English forces, from (he Colonies, under the command of Sir W. Pliips The fleet did not arrive before that fortress until the did •f October The lar^e.^l !»hi|is carrtid 44 guns A simultaneous «t(ack on M',>nti-eal, by way of Lnket^hamplain, at (he same tinie, was designed, but the army was compelled to retreat by !tirkne$is (ts it is said ;) and (he fleet, after many disasters, arrived at Bos* Ion on ihe I9(h of Noverober 169:i -~ Count Froiitenac invaded the country of the Mohawh fr«Bi Caoada, but his army, a(ier enceuntarins tl)e gr«at«it haril* :';•-! ^^ :. 3$ ti;ip5, and losin? 80 mpn killpf!. «nd 30\rnunH«cl, found it nerei- •Hiy l<J return withoiii n(•o^^m|.!i^l^t^ 'iyliii.it,' mnlfrifll. \ I'mii qiaiility ol Fm- Im.l heen af,iMimiil>iK , hy the Fremii nt Mtcliili- inHkiii«r, ; l>iit \U<- Five Nation?! iiud -o e(f.Tti)!i!ly h'(»cked up llm |»a'-H^<' Mt, ween that |)la<;«' HmJ ('anada. Hint l|j( y lad rP'nn:no.<l usffU^*"- for smvimhI vt-ars ' At lenii'li, liriwt^vr.r, a ii .1 ol' 2»m» 'ft- ii()<'S. I ideft '.vith Curs, arrived at iMontrral. and ('••Idrn «^ay<i this prr vul •« icave as nnivoral » j^y to Canada, us the arrival of (he {ialfeons ii'ivi' in S) .iifi." At tlii-i p-ri >'i Cntiadn cnriMinpd, !>y roraputatian, 180,000* loiils There were six ihurche'* iit Qjchec. J();M — Dccfinrsnra, who had for many years ihft grfatfef re|Mita- tloii Hinoni^t (ho l''ive i\-Ulon«, asa "pcaker, mtivrd j.i (""anaiJa, with ninny o<h«*r dp|»iilie?^.,o hold a tren(y with tin' Frenrh. "This Dfcnyitsoru was grown old," pays CoUltii '• wh'-n I "j^w him, and heard tiini =t)eak ; he hiid great fl up ncv, and a qf^)^ie!I>l eh)r,ution lliat would hove pleaseii in any part oftht, woihl. Hi? j.rrson wa? tall and well m^de ; and hi-* fealuies, to my thinking, rcseniblfd niiiih the bustos of CirtRo." (t it not clear hew lliis treaty teTniriateiJ, or whether t'^ere was •ny raadf! : for, nefind thi? same Dentnesora very sixm aft» rwaid» as'^iiiiiig ail Ena:Ush conference, at Albany, of a fori that conid ii'd be very sati^facto^y to the French Addre'stnir Gov. Flefrliep of New York, the orator gave tlie f(tl!owing passage, as piTt of his speech to the Gov. of Canada — " Onnnntio, we will not per- niif any settlement at CW///*«cwi ; you hdve had your fpe there thrice exfinguirjhed. We will not consent td your nihiiilding that fort, but the passage through the river shall ht. free and clear We make tiie sun clear, and drive away alt cloudi and darkness, that we may see the I'ght withou! inttrrruptitjn " ItSUo. — The Five Nations havinw now positively refiised to ac- cede to the terms proposed by the French, Count Fro'.tenar de- termined to compel the»n to <uf>mission. H-^ving previcMily ."••nt out 3<>0 men, in the hope of surpri'jing them on their hunt' ♦ gi'ftund, betiveen Lake Erie and iT^atHraniijiy [^ake (now Oota'io ) and dt the same time to view the old French Fort there ; he. ia tiie ^iiunner of this year, sent out a considerabie body* of French &nii Indians, to icpair the furii^cations at Cuturacuay, iu whicii * Here is an apparent inconsistency — 4. D 16S5 — it i«i said th^re ivpre only 17,0<><' inhdhitanis by a census accurai tly [akeri Now, ill ]693, only eight years afterwards, 'tis said there were IRO.OOO hy rompntalion- The only way for accounting for this extraordi- Bary dilfcreiic," is to suppose that the fust census coinpreliendi'i th^; white pO(>t)!ation otily. and thai in the latter statement, all th« Ii)ditt!» tr^'ies were included. — Ld. V lllii J4 ' i 'i'l f .' w»fk llify wfrp o^mpVt' 1y s<uccc«^fjl, r ul re^'creJ its fiirmftr liatll**. : 01 t I roil time. I('(9') — rill C on* r'»'i>f«"f'c h'v'n;!; ^rr-iji- d •;). jpMit j»! dwn.iK- CllrfV, K- (' l«i'(l O lltu< ;ljr Five r^.U i .»; > ."ffl ;'Sif t»«ll.ll(' '1 ~— lla\ iiii; H3-< in'. lid ail ;lif m":uIsm' irn »[>• ,ii.| tii- miiiii.. .«' 1 Mixly, Bi ^!^)llll(•al. »0':('!liri' v\itli k'n' Ou-fnnii'f^rsnjt. \: L'»'Tt •», \\H^ Jlii'.rti'lf (\s. So/t A' ■ J » ' ,r., ii:ii }t.s, llif /'//. !Uioi:u '»!, i»".V (:i<r\ ikvv ile. Ill' i.'.;>»<.;iij W'li tiii' r.>iuiiil.il(lf Ji'iiiy I (ifii *'.iil I >l.>iiil ' 11 'JiP'Mi tif July. AIut 1 \ 1 I « e day-« •!» n it » t I', j'ncli ai aiy ai.«vc,|;i, v ini* nri-a .• On ij- •.acliiii.'; lOi.i'.i n. I'l'' I ili:'tii InfUii;; iii' Mif i.» ni'i*' <^<ie luiVKP i»f JiiP F'liicu, l>v » Siiiil.a ilr f'l'H,, III iUwl;< i; , n d.-i ,<> a,. I rfljie, blior st'Miir. TiH' (t) iliii |),)() lu i ad ;< wl; c".ti' ,; s. MI til!' F'fin li dill iH'ir v.a- In (J:;sfriiv » vi ry exl'Mi^Uc fj'-lil . f *'(>in. 'ilic Clicvalif r (If V.'ud.pii' V. ;s (l>-. all IukI n I Ii <» t i' >t m- di-?lroy anollipr Iji lo n. en n. liri.xi^'ur, .o lln- 0// /♦v.tf. hi II ri Q» « Hiuie, w n •» u a- lit'. MJIpli^iu d ; .'Ktil ,iit' fv |i \t I/O >. <id «<» \V«»U:uiMi" »Ii; I'fw I). Ill at rite Olio di^l captuiH of Ho O ifidi of iheii liitle tr>t , vvrie ii!l I'l terpiiz'". rh(* fact \M\', tin. I' 'IK I) i-jit'ti ind ijif ii nu i.iou' t- H i.it N • t.ii'ii; Uii zi'.'< r Ml' ti V I' M ■( i.e« a;i( able diiVjciilly ;'f ■^ijjt'.oiiiiii; s'> in ' h tiny vvete ol»lig<"l 1<» r, tu. u io ;>Jotn ;'al on uw •'.• h ul Aii^ust, wlilioiil d«iln;si f'tiy liii g ui. 'e. J»y8. — <''iU!r f'lontiiiaf (lifd, Jiii;i'(] 7*^ ya i. C'li!'"! xnlx s^rrks tlin-- hi^lilr of him. •' lie rid.»l.MMi .til \)t>- fi innr-s, a d iill tin' \ i* vuclty-of hlij !>' 5t yf H - ; and dird, hs iio iia.l livi'd. l)ilov<||l Ity mosT^H^if^imo hv hi ill- A I h IM' ^Ufi \ (.fl 1 < iti;j. wiMittii' <iai (.e- ly any siJc;<,oiirp Irom I'laiirr. -ulHi i«d a.id aii^iiciilcd a mlo. liy, c>|)«i) Hiui atlHckcd un all sidca, ai:d wluth iie hud iuuhd uti (he |)OI It of iiiin. 16':)1).— M. de Cailici's, «=urreP' !|»1g i hp c omit Frorilonac, ts lio- vertior of Caiiad M, tennini'tiMi tli>* di , uU's Ik twee ii the Kicricli and tin* Fivp Nalioi* , l»y a^ipcitia to li.ivo an cxjlian^e ni (ni-jo- nors at Ouciula ;.t. C IJ«'n '<;ty-, ihii peace W'h e?<t(t'm»d by the (.'<i''adiaM> a> ilie uiratohi l>!p>iitiij licavt-n c iiM uniit 'li»ni, " fi.r 'iiolhiii'Tcou'd be muc terrible Ihnti Ihis last war i»\th tlu: Five jVa- tioru ' Vi li(»n tiio r/tiu'li ' oiMiiiji^ioiMrs came to O.iond iga, DiCattrsora met thf^ui vvitliniji the ta p- and coinpliin*" tnl ih» ai \viU» iliic" vf.!-!^.^ of wanipimi. " liij thf Jirs' hf wipid awny fheir ten. s for ilu /■'• enrli kIio hati ben s[fivi hi Iht war ; hi/ iht second he opened i/uir ihouCuh Ihi'.l iht}i hiii^'U .speolcfrtiUj ; b , in* ihi. d lie cu ail- ed hf mat, on whldi Ihctj wtre to sU, fi-9in the blood thui had btui qj'tU on both aides n^'-A iv< eiit mUfoifune «if tliP Canadians, in the I' f a ^Jaifie and liciily 'aderi .siiip, |M't)Vt'd evcniualiy a sjjuai (tih fit ; lor it ciJinpelind the r.n'oTiij^fs to laise ii<'n![>, and flux w. t iih, h>^ permh- ciQiLof i/jc Crinck Court, Ihcy mauulaoluiud into linens auu ;iutfc^ 1-. ■ : , M'' ' ' i; w* Ijr, , MMil 11 • I Oil onnH (lift |}ih'»ii oj f'Mf ('ii\, n %^'ni I'lfn'ifr of (,(r> It-.-ift 111 •* nrii) I t> »i>ri. (W It r !», ftiiif £, \\ ill; a ynP^ nl rHr;;o <;f M(>!H'V ') f ^'. •( H, (or (III' ^•t;!'* nr^idi <){ jlir f': ri'r|j |n'.' or in (''.iiiit^l:!. Acitlin, {iii'i ?«<'i'vvfni!i(|liiii(| hy joi:it lorcf % tVfMii I'.ii'^laud, and her Culo* ii'i*. .'M Ainciicii, l.ij' ii wav luil ( rrii.-.l ipto , HVct, IT'i'.*. — '»!. S»:liiiy|pr liji 1 o< pfl \\ iili ;i ficop -piicp nf llin rc« c- r-, I ir vifro'oni <iM'n';>i'"f' < ppp'ti't dif* Frpiwli, rMnrlp a vnvn.'O I'm, I S. \n,li In Kli2/niit|. oi> |<ijrj>0»'C i ') ronviirc ill'- :M*"ii U% of I'm; '!)>^'>lii'<' in( Co-ii v u[" imI t!'!" ' 'ruKtvli i(> (|io rriiwii ot ti cMt li ii 'Ul M- v\n- ii':r'»rn'i;H>'»'i) hv Kivp !iii!i;v» (Iim (% w \\o t:B' e tlli'i- n-SU JUH*. ••< i;i' (id- iifv to Qu'PM AnvR PhI SOlicitPtl ll«!' H'^'jis* till C" H;.Miiisi ( ii: if r, )!iimo(i Micrny I'lr Piiuli 'llje i^j |)par- aiif- d! ilip ' .-^drir i.is in Ivj^lniid •■\ci;fd n1|»••||"tn1^M(^;f. \'i\1-'l\iK (iMcluMiis oi Qii' lipc rai p{i r*'» (' crowns for the pjirji.»-»> iif comjjlf'in^j; Uiti lo- tiiici't ion? 01 lliat ("■jly. 1711 — Al ihis pt'T'od, ('Miind:i could noi '•.>!•<(.* inOrp ihrin 4.-134 niP'i ;il>!(! f < fie.M B'ln-, lioin diP n:,o ol !-l fo tl ) ; I tit '.!n' iuul, Iif i(!p>, 2S ru!ii|>ai(ip^ '>i' rmi-ii"-, who wp'p paid hy the Kiiij; of I'liM'P. a id i'.iPS'' con!aiiie<l (Ml -(ddieis -(' .IH h' .<•» \ J 17)'> — (i'nsfn'j^ was discoveri'd ill Canad.i this yfj;o , hy Fallier L\-n \N !i Jt'^iiii .»• • •' « ■ JIiiT — .John Ih^ma'', a praylnfj Indi'^n of tlio A'(JirfU'f[:<t, \^ho' !)<'» I l)pfii a iioii,','^t liip ti'-f coia-cris to T'hi i-tirini'y, himI Hi\va\s a .st^•y.'y I ieiul (oitie fhi^li h, i\\vd ihits yrir al the ad\ajiced ago of ]10 ypais. ]749. — -HcHdia. hpiii;^ c^d'd to (ipaf nriliin hv <!, p fiTntv ol Air la K.itapc.'le rhaim diis pj^in- fo :No»'f» Sfofia Pii-liairuTt, ^i* \va •' ol ltd ioi| oiIhhkm', r('-u.!vt(l l<> coloniz it ! r'hwi'hai.d V()|pd £4 >,«;o(» ill aid df that ['iivjiir^p Ad\ ant-.'r>'uiis fprm'^ !;Pii»i' i^lV'vt d, ir^it) ' advPfi'i'.-ti'^ accPi'trd (li''m,atid -Pttli'ii af fh !);^yo( C'hphnc- 1i>. I'ilvrrv ol''i< ■ and -paMia'i was ai|<>\Np.| 50 ar.ips ; an Thisiwa I2f)t; a. Linitf i'.oil, 3'M»; a (.laflaii ^^00; and evM-y T^rtin-r of Ihiohrr rank, tiil^acrt's; loi'diipi wil !i .'>!> [or eve: v ''prv.mit Thpv \vtu> itiini h > 1 ih 'trsinipiits iiti li'^hitig and a^rif ii'liire, Isa'l itii^ii I'a'.-afie iief a id p"ovi-iuiis lound ihem lor the fiirii year af- lei liiei. aiMval — (UnccH.) A( 'hi- time tliP .Mdiiia o! (Tanada ar^onntcd to 12.000 mf'n. the' rpjuliir ♦loops ()) I<tw0 ; and the companies of rwarint-s to 62y, — (Umv. liisi XL VJO ) I'iod. — I hi- year vva-* lema'kahle foi a tpriihip F.aiihijuake tliat \vai N'li th'()np;houi a ijioai pari of AuiPiir.;*. If.i inofitm wa^ un- »t.^ dtnat rIV. 'd II • fca MitiP't it ♦'ftraf ('p.l rd ini-rhrt i ii: !'• • n am: ^iilajjes. liscoui?e wus Ifom the iN. \Ve=l to the S. Eait. Its fta.* 1! i\ 'it h 3! IHMf if ilK. ' / \A\ 1,1 36 tf nt iifuvmd^ of 1000 milps, n»itil if pn^^rl info tlf* orp«in in llie Uincitori \)( the W »*<( Iiiimh hi)ii)(i< tVini) tin- (lirsHpiMik Hay. l7'io. — .VI. (Ih .Vl'iNTC vi-M •iHT.M (lod ili.i \j(Vi}n Liekau in (hti cliif t t'Dinihiuiil <'f IIh* I'lciicli I'diti's in ('miiiilH 1757. — It Wiia in Mil* yrsn, m lln' ( n; t mm; «»I Toit WilliHtn If^n- rv. that the li'MfiMf lUHssiM'.r*' lit riinny liiindrt d u''a>innf Biilili otHct'is «ii(l snldlt'is. l-y till' liwiiHiM in the f'nru.h •'i'ivi(»', wm p» nii'itf.i by Mi)N iCAi,'.! fuul lii-< <'ifi( t*i'- ; totlim' ♦ fni'Hl «li*-'iHrp, hml in iliirrt vi-l'iliMn ol n miIi-dih «M»'!'|ihi:l. — (For a ahotkin^ at- tuu.itof lilts h'llc/i.f'if stt 'nrcer's TiaiuLi.) At ihi' p'liiMJ liift vvliolf r,uln:iy "I l,<whln)in is fbi*! to Imvn cnntaiiie'l no iimrr t'luii lO <'<»(>. sould, \vhiu>» ami in. ^^r-'e*. .Moiitnal «0'i?itiii« <1 ;if>-»nt o.<MHi IniMhitints., IT^kS, — Hy t!u! Hc.juiilion ot Fort Wiiliaju !I» my, tlie Frfnrli l-,Hil now mil ptii:'« ::,i(ifj (it IIiH Li^("4 (.'l^atrjj l.tin, ai<(! (Ieoiii« ; ! "1 '1 1 ' 1 ■ f i , 1 it . 1 i A ind liv Ihf (U-triii'ii'Xi oi 0^\vf^g(i (fi<'y Iih-I H<<j»iirf'd I' h (liiinini i-n cl II .Oae o liitM \jnk> 3 wliii h *'<>nii«tt till" .S( l,:i\VTetiie u ill) IliK ateiN <'f llie MHsisripj-i Itu' fir-t allonlt'd Ih* ha>le>t ndinisstinn AVI from th« (lortliein cd riics ii>tu rHnadn. or fnan Caiui'lH ii:t o thnso C'oloni' s ; lie last ui.'iftJ CaMuJn Id I."C,ii;r'\»ii Hul !li« ' ' ilronc ariiJ <■! Uriiain Ikhj nut y^t he. n pnt f ill) \\i*ii *«il tli*' vr,< r- gy of it^ (lOvVtr, gnid* d by the wisijcm aid fo^f liijiht of Ihe ini/i-oi- • ', ial.( tiATH VM, \vh<t had bef n riM.entiy |thtf»-d mi the *HHd rl n iif w ', ^(iiniifi?uMi"n, and it wa- not Idii^ Ijtiore Ih'J a i eel i-f alFaiid ' fvas tdmt);<»'d in thi- j»;iit (.f lln? vvoilj. ^ Adni Hoc \ WIN arrived with a r(M'niiJid;l»» flrot hI Ilj'lifax. nn i ■ GtMi, Abf-kcH' Mu.'v, \va.' shoidy at the ln-ad *,( GO.huU nun, tiiij liH) t pi'wcifnl Hiiny, lill tiirn, t'Vfi* sefri In Air.Piit^'. L!>ui-lMirt;h arid the \vi;(. It f»r Capr BiXon; l-lc RoVid ; St. Joh.n's, and thi'ir depend*'!! i( s, weie «p(-ec.'iiy Ctii'pi(!i«d and ta- ken |>os«e-si<'n (M by Uo.">iavvon and (iMi AiTih -St. Fort Fioj.ic- ria<t, on ijakf Ontf\ri'>, wijicl. then poj.sei>ed r)t)prr4.rs of oain oi', Iv) tn<Hiar*. a la<g< nunib(.'t uf - mail anis and a VMri tjnaftily ,d p. o* visions, odiilHi) s1{»re«, anti nifricdiandize, snr.f iider. (J ai (iisr e- •tion jri a f(nr«-; (i.idcr Col. Brad.-tree.t, who had h( pn di.-patcin d pa < ' tbisi sfiivif:^ l>y fien Ahercrofid ie, fionibtdote Tir.imtltrQ^a:. Mm; nriot^'d ver-;»^ts liiew i;'e f<di ii.to the hatvjs of Col. Brad Irft/^t.. -.uii' ';>. , tieslioyed both the Fort and the veahtdsand sut ii slores a/ife;|;«r«ui >i* iMil cany av\ay. Fori du Q.usne. was cajilure*! by Geil F<*rbe£, who nanii'd ii Piltshuro; in com[i!nuent to the popular niiid.ster. 1751). — rids\<-a'ra i.emoiabie yea^ for Ca- ada ; in which the vast and daiini; projeri whirh tiad been so ofi*n f< lined, and a- bandoricd. was at h-ni^ih tarri^d intt) eif^tt ; that of mukitig an im- ^ > nn^diale and eatiru Conqukt of Hie Countky hy Great Britain; which WHS atcotofdislu'd h) ihe iuMnottal Wolfe and hi-^ brave Associates, ii» the Taking if Qukbec We cannot puUnd [o go iulu atiy diilail of this futiioua achitivement ia a work like thi3. ■-' ^ ■ >i -• . Nio.i -.1'' • ♦ il III'- c«iiii|"l«*'/ «•! IJ, ftf! C'" tiMil.t. Iiy ll »• r i(il'r r «tt H»-^^-** IJ n i(... r.(. »«ii<l iiH? ilt'lvHt I \U*' ♦•mil'' Fif r.f >i liinw in t|,nt iji-icfer. (j i«-l)f(- <:)iii!»iiiH>il. ,i« (!i»' liiiiff 4>r ll ' rHjiilfilH iiiii all ii' l(>,nuO jiiniHoi vii'iny. v\H. onl\ ii.5 y»: >»!••< (f ,«»;♦• — IK* j»t>s-f'^"»ni •ti'^'^o ii.i'it ry luU'Uls, \v!i rli. v\ itli I'le atlvHutoiw i.f yea:>* wdii <>|f»>ifu« fi.iiv )»f ncfj fi?, '' ••» m-xifatr hi> h ili>ur. p^ aii<l hi* f»i'iilii^«, f.ii i;i" »• t(i ll -• i; fnifiv f lurf' rtinii mid -lirntilk knov. !• i':*', tlie «:(iirv"(ii«>'.>^ i.f JMtl:. fnf r |.m!«'i irH l>y rjipprif.rici W('i» i\ Irvo iiil.t(,t'd lnm MH H It VI I v^itii Iho immoI rplchia^'l u« iinia s ul f«iiy "t;B or inii'in Vtli'l" h» lri;l ci;i iv»'<| lis fnutv.il \vi>ijn(|. il wi .VI ih rci il i: I '<! !<.•♦• f'>ill h*^. M«HV'it«l lliliisr f ((» hi* Ci'M .•", rtl it^tft lh^» rf*»r — |j,. ;i ii!i^ ou tii^ sit'Mji-Ku' it( -1 l<n!u:»Mi tdf, \\U>> Unt-M d nvti t" ■'up* j)i)rt hiin. In* wa." .•'♦'li'.ed Willi tlif; H.^o»iIr's ot d- t'^i ; !>Mt, lirrning lliirt vv nN ' ihtif run,* h-^ < xciMi»n«»<i ♦ IffioDfii.'' * 'I iie Utftn h> I'liiii'vi tii' j»n j>i>iltif, ' T'ii n I d'f fii'jipi/.' -tiid I'lr G'Mfr*!!. aiid e^j'll^li — K draih iU")r<' 'iI'mumjs. -py r-* Isiitiu, is no m /htb 10 be |'> Jill ill (lif aiiuali ot liis «>ry. ;M .Nrc isi m us rvery v< hv vvorihy fob- a r,ofOj>r!itv>i- (i! Wofff;. Ilo luul iln« lr;.ept inilit i y g«' i'^s [oi ."tnv ' rfp;*!', wii fill 111!' >/ii!.i<,M u«.l '.'V'T p;t)iil(v/«'d in Xrtif-i-if a. !t f ii-'Tiid re(H;u fd iii;< til)' idl vV'iuril.^iiH w.*- cairl<'(| i'l'.o i!ie i'v : aiiij \vl.>Mi irdnrmed \\)-\\ n \\ i\ upn tal, | is rf|>'y w*s, *• / ri>» ^'(ulof it.' — Oil ht^iii: tidd, I'lui Ijc conic! SI. pvivc, l<!il iv fe \ ll''iii''i, '>'M(i"f/* hehflhi.' he r»-pli^:;], ' f j.'utU ii,t tfm.i live to s':e Hit i7«i'>. — 1 lie (hiI id Q.ii'hpr ']ld not [;'Oclurf fht* I;ntP«»f'iiite "n^- Di-siuri o: C'aruu.i Ai'«'r li)C fK'tllooii tl!«- H- i-:l t' (if Abi.'di ii,n. tin} Kieiirh Pi'iiy retlffd to .vloniii.fti — 'i iri- hi-tuy. t'lO coiiriuuid ol \%.iuri (h'VoU.d .i!! \\ lie L'-^vi, s'lll «;()r.sist«;d <>l" u.ti l-HnHJi'-ni of r. i(Oiars,..wrid it w<vi lelmorfcKd, alter th'> action, hv 6,tJ(io (^a- iiaiiiau Viilitia, an 1 a l»'idy (I l'Mi;:i:^ W i l» lhf»<e ffircfs n:i nt" tecu, t W'iis in:'fie (ur t!it r^covfry (d Qm^hfT, : bui it w«-* niisiu rrs?* fii. Oil the 8'ii Ml 6i j.t^-aiii.^r Mon^rccU I*' *ro'.l. MichitimnkinuCi I and aiti^Uifr {ila^ tvs v\iiiiiri the iiovernment y,( Cuuh^Vu, weie sur- r*'«ult'i|i5(i.to hi> Bi il'iiiiM** AjMjHsiy; and. the tit'iiirij>,lion (d an rr [njaiuT-n^^ oidfieu ''Ht Irditi fcuu;' in 'a'u\ r '" " f C annd a, rotnf .If.vi iti^ttKur^fviUiioiM't tiie t reui ii puwt »' on Ibe tt^uliiiiMil ol r^oi il Aint-V'ii'.a. \ J7(i;{ — Hy S'ue ?proiu] article of \ht T.fati; of K'^tfainhleau, ^r .H'U' renonncts nrd ^<i(/.raulf:(tt to Great [infant all 'v^ora Sritit Mn^t .imiua, auU Hkewi^r <"*,<• j> a the ffilr of Ccpf lircivn, ana a*l tiilier Ishnnh, in (he Gulf and liiter of St Launnce — h\ thc-»me ariclii it wa- sli, Mlfilfcii thai Ihf Ffntrji in Cnnai'H rnai/ fretlyprrt' fsjthe I'o'iuin Cdthulic t\eli^ion, rsfnr as -lit lawsff iJrcat liri!inii ptfiiiu ; iiiitl trifij inin/ tnhfij Ikcir civ'l ri^ht.H. rel.rt wki:niheyi>Uiiitf <xnd may dhpost of iliair £sialcs to Ufl'aak Siibjtck. :-':^- • " V ' " ; -•- >■ ■ ■• ■ - • . ■• • ■ .'^i' - t. ) iil P I I 33 '■ i-lli! ' li V.i V I'; Hiiiiii 111 l- A P<'ntlj?marion wai is«nrd l)v Ijis M^jP«ty (!•« Klnc: of Cropt ii*> (If Iff j,om. I'i'vr^e ,/'.v " Ih'r u' uu'ii frou^ ./.e hrf.il uf !haf rivt-r Hr^nik the huh a J.,!i.' io ihcaou h ciu> uf l^.i',.e Ai/iss. U!'- f om vjf e> :e ih" sa'>il Ihi*'- Ciosein:^ ilie 'iict S'i (Mwremrt mud ikf- I. nice • hfir.ip aia ifiF rhHraHi'if f):ip }i h/^iii.^' !i ' s i:„ III" .'r.l;^ liu§i' 'ft Imv.-l cf ','ro.a tlwii w/iic.i j'ali into iln: y^n ; or I < 'w Ihr itor:,'i cotsi cj U^e h::t/ fj Chnlnitr^ find iJn CDUsi r>f he (hrf (.f s/. I iw/riCi fo iJnpe i-ns-fis a.i'l f, /•/( in IhfiiCP. r,f/.v.f?>>';- iitf' ntuhlh uf ilm Pictr i-l Lcurtnc hi! /, w^'i! fud nf the is/uiiu I.J' .1/iHfcsti^ iiinihUiita (U the. ri.ftnmid nvtr St. ^tihn 111 tes!in»oiiy of i!ip Rnv»l fspnso a'uJ np))'f/tmii'>n of t'lp co n* flijct Hri(i hiHVCiy \ti lijo (MI'mpj'^ and snli't-. i -' '■•{ t''p *<•'. y hd I'Pwartl 'liP -aitiH,' — flic Go'^im ur-ic wo; f < tn- .)\\ oiiil 1.* '. !;i.- • l<i '1 (0 ■WJilioit! Tre oi M'WHitl. lO «in li iniiced Oflirf^C' ;is i.p<l n . »(1 if! inierica durii-a- U»e o \Vf«f. and U) s'icli ,.iiv.';'c « iii'it Ipul bpt^M, (:r>l)Mnlil li«, di-'ljHiid'ft Ml America, and \\ui»' ncuully re- siding lliere, kc oic — (v e !/ic Frocl ) To a Fi-^ 1(1 Oiiir.pr, H (apiniii, • « • I oOC) Acres. (Si aS(»J<ai'€rn.ni Sjh?T' incff, 2(» a iS'in (.'oiiitMii'd. UiHtet', 2(0 a Trivaie; o'J At IliH lime Tanaila contained Uiiwards oi C) (ni'Mi Inllaijifants cxin-nt* from Great Diiiain to Canada, aiKouisl* d IliisjiPar to £ftr)::i. J5-. lid J /(;'> — li may ho rrma kfd tlial Ganada and flali^Vx 'snhrii.ii'l to i; i;t()it»u- >itamp A<t wiiic.li occ.j^ionfyd, «p (ntit;li tufUKJii ii. ilie Pii>.») ces imjw ccnsMiulinir iln- Unitrd Sli'ies. !/7i-r >/; oivn.if.sf Ir.d uu) M) •In. I • tjor nicn, women, an was Hi';" »;n!r 1 Clii:.^ •■■'■ W<ic irdn«.ed (.. (>(H;. — (.■Jul .ilviuls ) liil — \ i'.(in«ar|i*>«' »t Ilie AnifiicHu it ii;(;rp*s to da-' tlir Grttitidianjs (V'»:n tin'ir lo\Hl(y lo liio C'ovvh ol' Gi -at Bcii.'ia , 'iUi] Miifidtrti of l>'ie Sospd wfre »'nif'lf)V' d h- h. p !' h-r If. ■^\ »'»inni((Ol<* jj;ii[io>(» 1 le (if ni "( I 'if ciix (liars nsi' Oil i- ..irasi.iii Is jirt'spi viMJ in «!n» ^hncricini .iniiufs '•3 — riie iPVo!»i-d tolonifi, l)V a rai*ii». Adit,<"'«. CfdU-cl rn \f o aand.t 1(» aiiilp uiih liipm. th tl. Vai.l.lrtI '.lip II, |!mI hr h.i< rt'C* ivrd |»o-itivf; m dels ii>oi> t.'itl- 1 l'i> fari '!i di->«;oinfr. II •• . i al NTGoMprur nnd Arn*>ip in ;l'rir f ( Lien. Si in(V'»'i' HI i- g I f at!. ill v\liiGii llm foiiuor 1'j:>i ma in C, OCC'il'ltM i'dte uvtiubt'i) liiib y< ar. 39 f Crc?[ \^^^*^\ <'i )/. J»l'*', .cf i'ro.ii '€ f/i-.V 'J e r'fl*Ti.?, ic: hj! i!it aid ni'tr ll)e con* V nn<\ (0 ri . «(l in G3. ]'r7r) — rinly !M i\\p nwvmrr, Cei t'('n na^orli'rly fiPfd from llie )!>. M.n' oi III' ln-«j* ji"^.iil Anry il iliL' Auuiusii) , luulr <n'n« ,tMi(J. \. 1; ' liix' '■oitin jpd U)«.' Mot Lrulc oi Qut i/rc i'or some •ime. i;^0 — llie l<j!h : f Misy 'va- •iKiii^'iiluti liv tiio |"liri.oii)piiKn H iniuirKrtlilft J;*i hi-tr.*"* in ilie itoMliciii patfs of Ainc'ica ; i'. d .v.illtu hi* ' ihf. tUu'hd rij ' in tiio«*i p.uls oi" the c«'Unlry \\\i* e ,,itvai!<d. T!ie (iiit kiir*!-. un- ♦« g,'('3i itiat rifisoi'^ were uiiH'-le I) ,( ,ifl c •iiinjeji! print ilr.ei'iu'tii' thf? l"nu^ t;f liu) , didt*. (ir ii;a- Ihu,c i.ifii lU/. •.ifstii- busine-9, ui iiotit niididona' li^lil It c «im" If ii« cdunwem !<• aiitl 11 A ^ 1 i( a) )•< ai(-(i tw ?»rou l.y a -nrres- Mil OI lidi) h<»n I til.' i.oiilt vta.d, ufiil V. as rtiO"! f'lfchs ai»»>u' 2 I'cl '*k P. .\J. Ujc Viciii. iA Ar; (J. '^i-y-, ' Ci'iiJlet) \\i\r li-'iU'd HI UK iii>fi fs ; t.!i'.- hi( lis, I iMMD'ii «iit, ■ iIum;' evt'iiinu sniijis. lis- |ipfar( li iHiJ ht oniijt •il<-iit ; lli« lt>* I r< tin J lu losi ; the ci cJ;3 (• cruni. " *\\\ loiii.d a^ ni diiy 1) cik ; of'jo' I- c- tiltJ not bt- dia- |j;;iit--i. »;tt Uoi yj u vt-ry hii'o «!. -t.'il'.c iiMvtiu-c ui.d ^Icriii cjI lii. 1)1. u.d every liiiii^ l)uic Ihe 17«3— 'III*' r*- 'v ii'<ve ft QvP'"'p coiit;iinpd l)y eiiiimnntl'n, » J * F.ii.iil/iiauts, [-'( -Jiltirid I'la.iLii ; , \c.lt)-lve <•.• 1 GiiO i c^« ('?. \vli'» had irr-ri, |^ icUlcd in mc ti; ; oi jtaiU ol :h' F.oviste. II Uisi Boi- V I d:"') li'cG — I.'x (i Doti: .ii.s'iTli (' li C'ly f'ai |. toi ) r^rr'vrd hi ^'rrl.ro lull III'' Cuii ijii -ii.ii OI I f.|it*ii'i (j'ii lid Hud Cii»\ o«n()»- of QiC- ]<: ^<iv,» Sroti;!, ,Ne\v 1> nijiwii-k, uiui liicii d. j't.uJt lit it's, «iud |»( Isla.nl <d >\e%vfutintil-<i d i;il — >j) Hii Afi uf r.t li-^inonl (he Pr'«)vi 'co o*- Q;i<dipr H'ns |\ 1(1 (I ii'tti Kt i» ?>i'! ;r n le I' I V iiir.< td be ridlf n, ' i ||« FunMNeilS ibitants - ■ I ri'Eu a.id Lower ("anad v. O i t'lis i»rc.'i iou a very inicK'st- (Iri.air to« k j'h'ce in t!.- H U'-c ' i Coi i-h >n- lis V-a'" lo H^^'' ' J*'r -^ 'd !' au; e?>i:»'.'i to I ;i^ Maje-iy's Miiiislen, yt/^^^ (liat ^■* O' ly vv.\y of «on'n}ii{ri; (lu» i^'!erp^t <■ f ihf iri'''ii -A jiiluaiion f)f 5,;j,j)t.V/:-.J ■* I'loviin.fc of (iiirbec, aJi'fl ot' ictit'r. i g it [ ror)i(d)le to Gttat I ill Uic Hi'ii"!, v\a<); to;;^l\eii a Lt't;irHn!utP,as neara-. rir* ini)>taii«ps utuld lOI kni!, accoidir.ja: t > f h«* .>i ii.fifdHs of llio Briii.ji Con-tinitiou (n iincn, aiiil ^» ''• *'f fiiKr**, it «■ pcaied lodifin flun i.u^e wrf4 no prolabiU'y of >c^lir>g the juffiv^ io'xie^h and x pf»«sile i icitrx of the inhobrtrmlSy \r] ^^hy :j;in,i<j^ IkiUi two Lt-fj^u^alarts J< \a c .ikm ived t* i l»»;m of oi (ii at ^■\«'ii' iMii v< a- In -t «dri,'ti'tl f'» pui un f . d (o all the dliH<».di.trsof CT|i;i<»!l) e !^ surf, prid loiiiuh'f lli«> rf»!Ju!;i(!i>ns iiH'i f^ ut-fullothe sub* tisi J Oil ^B' "' ''■''f f'O'diy /-^f /). 'itr^tt there was mch aro&ieJ opposiiijn ^iffi rests rf one. i!tfC<ipLion and the vlher^ lii.it d tht're was a ailed rn B''l'i*'ti/iii. coniUii^j .<i' a l|..»j«e o|' A -fuddy, in \\hi(li the •i'l' Hit'!'- l"'!'- ii'i hf t>,' ii"oi Iv b.i'a'iccd, the r .ii -wiMi.rncp, at len^i tor a -•.ipsi.} \rnis. u (tu!il !»<• a :ri( n( d«'£v(-c It ■•■ ' t tu ileuiee liif conliijiuii 11 •■('*; m* d to his \ |0 II' arre Tir It' si iTViSonbtH ihi< if llify »f u.i i'()->ily , ai i irtj.Sfj la sfv'< d»?»vacil8 c ultl not wivft sail tacti »« t'» a II d lute •''i'ii^^iisef Oieu; Lu divide the I'lov.iite, and lu cwuUivc that 40 ■m il "i\ ' > IS --' MV •n*' division ^hopld cnnsi«t, us mntli a? p5S<5ibIe of those vh$\ JKt're wf.'ii inrltii d 1«)WhiiI-> thf ririi.lt'-lj 7jav\s, Hutl iIihJ t|f oihr^tl part sliMjiIiJ r-.tisisf <4 n d- «:i.ie«i {>te|i'in()*?r'iru.y el tli»' ai(t:i«fi( ii). hahiiarils, w li > ivt re H|ia< htd t«» the I'ri'ncli Laws It vvHfi in Up. per CMiiadrt (.anicularly, that tliey \\(ve toex; «rt r^k^hI il(Jiti(;!ij cf Liij.'iisli iriJiahitarjls. 1 he (nmst oikpju n wa-t, tliat if it wrs n<i|l divid<»«i from tf»i rest, tl)f (^anac'iaus. furtiiiiig a incijoiity of five iijl one. the 3;r<eva»ic'e woulfl l)«* every year iiur»a'*Mig. in |irop<irti<i|j| as ?h* poj>ulafi(ttj i icrca&ed It w;i!* intended to tiiv*- a Fhke Con-jJ TiTuri(»N to Canada^ according to fhitish ideas of Freedom. TiiiJ cc-uld not l>e done without adivi>ion ot the Pr •v'tjce-*, to prpvcntj the nlashing of opposite inlerests, which must otherwi?* neces a-l rily prisup. iVlany oft!ie difficulties and fcrioiis inconveniencps, even at tbd timft foreseen by Mr Fos, as likely to nrise frotn this divisi' n oj interests in the Canai'a!}. having t}een actually txperiencnd. (:oj such a degrf p as to rendfti necessary an ai'pe^l to tiu Itnpei ia\ l*ciJ liament.oi) the f;art of Upper Cnnad.! ) It is now proposed, (lbJ.| to re-unite the Pr^ vinres iituJer «n»' Lfes:is!atJire, find, it isf X('eci[ «d, tital this impmiant qut^stion will be ni:aliy detcrudiiuU iu llij nvxt Session of the British Parliarapnt. York. Ui>f)er Canada, JNov ember 1, c« vanada, ) I, 1822, { o .♦ ,^ \ ) ,>-• ^ f). ^■— ■*^/ I 'J i^': ■ 'HI ■ i mw '%; , ■> ' I'i \ :,' I •«> '^-- :;4' X.- i. :\'v^'-:'' :^ . .';-^v i . .1 V •<. ■ ' - - ' * JU; '* <r '"^ •-..' 'A .r-' d- SKETCH «- y OF THE PRESENT STATE \ ': ■me. i A ' ry»' (. » ■►,. • .'»l sr^ . : ■■€ r \ • . t V -.. / CANADA. .>> ... V •- '■»- Jv \.' ■' •^. ^'H^- >'■> ■-. . V^ •-\ ' < " -v-- c >• 1 \ ■' ■i ■'-»■' '. :■--.< 1 V ■ y • i'v i , * -. "1 1 ■ ' », ■■-<• y'Lf- >' '. . ■»i *■ -:- ■*-■■. ■ ^ .'.-It;^ :"'.** f' V 7/^ V > ^ t •1' •> -^■7.\. >N-- V ^ --; ,, *f - v: DRAWN UP EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WOEfTj ■'-J :< *. '^. CHARLES FOTHERGILI, Vvv.' •.•^- •Vvi • /r -_v..y, V';,4. 1823. '4..V..V '?. f ■-H II* i| !^ |l im i 1H i i^. ^^t\^^ v~> !U1 ■f". ■ ijf ■.<*#- ^^i^, •/*' 'ii- <*» » / ^v' ,i t f ^,Vi-^» V A ske:tch, i'c. Thi geographical position of this vast country may be thus ge* oerallyMated — It is bounded (in the East by the Gulf of St. Law- rence, and Labrador * ', — on the North, by the Territories of Hud- son's Bay ; — on the West, by the Pacific Ocean ; on the South, by unexplored Indian countries ; and part of the United States of A- Bit^rita, viz. Missouri, Illinois^ Indiana, Michigan, Ohio. Pennsyl- vania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, the District of MaiUf and by the British Province of New Brunswick. These boundaries describe a lat ge and magnificent portion of th« globe wt inhabit ; large enough fur the foundation of an £rapirft which may become hereafter the arbitress of (he destinies of tba sew world, embracing with her mighty arms the whole width of the gresf c6ntinent of America — Secured in her rear by the frozen regfnns of the north, and with such a front as she possesses to- wards the south, it is impossible but, with the adoption of wise and decisive measttres, she must be able hereafter to hold a far mor« imperious sway, in regard to the countries of the south, than wafe ever held by the Tartars (in their best days,) over Ai^ia-; bT,'bj the northern hordes cf Europe, over the Empire of Rofpe, at the period of the overthrow of the then mistress of the world. Th« foundation stone of this £m[)ire has been laid by the Queen of the O- ceBn,and it depends on the prudence and wisdt»ui oi her councils, and on (he loyalty, ambition, temper, skill, industry, brave* y, high qualities, and perseverance of Canadians, no matter of what origioi how far the fairy vision which is kindled up in fancy, may be rea* Used. But this is not a time, nor a place, for tht indulgence' of reverie, however splendid or enticing, and we must be content with present realities. — To the contemplation of these realities, forming altogether so promising an embryo, let us proceed. We have only to cast our eyes transiently over a map of Nortk America to be immediately ai<sured of the singularly advan^igeous situation of the settled parts of Ufiper Canada. — Staged lik - a gem in the bosom of a country that is neither scorched by the ^ultry sura- luera of the south, nor blasted by the tardy, bitter-biting, winter! of the north ; surrounded by the most magnificent Lakes, and,poa- aessing the most extensive internal navii^ution in the known world» it would be difficult, perhaps impossible, to find, in any other re- gion of the globe, a tract of country ot the same magnitude with so many natural advautages, as that part of Upper Canada which liea ■ - * Labrador has been strangely annexed (In 1809) to the Govern- ment oi JVewfoundtfind, though the sea \\ ill continue to roll through the strai<;hts of Bctlisle in despite of artificial arrangements, and un- natural conuesioDf. ill 'ii^ 'I w W' .."■■■' \ ■ -tf.^--- .J^■ >&.■■ ■V-' 44 I .lU J mi '•,1 t !.!• H li It I betweAn the Lnkes Ontario, Erie, and Huron, and the 01(a\fas, er Grand Kiver, nioe tenths of the whole extent of which are cnicu> latcd for almoitt every description of agrk'ultural labour, with such a prosjiect of success a", peshaps, no oth«>r part of this continent could realize. — A part ot this tract of country, commencing in the neighbourhood of Kingston, and runnin|$ tVestward nearly 500 miias to the Sandwich frontier, by a depth northward, of from 40 to 100 miles, h, aloriCy capHhle of supplying all F.urope with grain of e- ▼ery dpsci-iption ; besides being rich in CHttle *, and producing sil* ver, l«ad, copper, iron, lime, marie, gypsum, marble, free stone, «oai, salt, wool, hemp and fiax (of the best quality.) twbacco, and tir'*ber of every description : bssides furs, game, fi-ib, aud many o- ther valuable productions.* Much hao been said, at a distance, against the climate of'tbisfinft country. Those, however, who have removed to it from Great Britain are agreeably disappointed in finding it more pleasant, (be* cause not so ra»ist and uusettled) than that which they have left. It might 1)6 said, with no great imftropriety, that the present f inha- bitants of Canada have but two seasons, — Summer and Wiuter, — for Winter has no sooner disappeared, which generally happens by the middle of April, than the whole animal and vegetable crea- tion starts into renewed life with a rapidity and vigor that leaves the season of spring with such doubtful limits as to be scarcely perceptible, or deserving; a specitic character; again, in the fall of the year, the months oi' September and October are generally so fine and summer like, and these being succeeded by vv4iat is so apt- ly terrriedth^; Indian Svmmer. in November, (that month which is so gluomy in England, and taid to be so fatal to Englishmen) that we should have great difficulty, were it not for an artificial caleo- da", in saying wlicn it was Autumn. J :.♦ 'lt> convey a more just and certain idea of the severity of an Up- p49r Canadian Wittter, it may be well to mention that the chaia of ahallow Lakes which run in an easterly, and south easterly di- rection from Lake Simcoe, towards the AficJiand District, are sel- dom o/'never frozen so hard as to bear a man with any heavy bur- then witfc much safety until about Ci)ristraas; and they are again * It must be understood that we are always speaking of the set* tied parts of Upper Canada, unless especially roentioned to the contrary. t ^Ve my present, because we have no doubt of a further ame- lioration of climate as the woods are cleared away and the waters dirriinish. t In the Western District- the culture of both Cotton and Indigo has been attempted, on a small scale, with success ; and Vineyards and Hop gardens may be laid out advantageously iu almost any part of the Upper Province. , .,..•.,., ["■-",■■ , , 45 9pfim before the middle of April. Owin^ to the vrant of a propec explanation by travellers, and others, attempting: to descrihe this ciiuiitiy, an erroneout idtft has been lormed in England ihat our Great Lakes are frozen over in winter; whereas they are alvvaya opfn, h*^quently exhibiting a beautiful and striking pheuonienun during the incleiiaent season, by reason of the water being warmer than the atmusphrrical air ; in eorii^equf nee ul which, an evapora- tion resembling .steam, and in eveiy va>-iely of shape, in clouds, columns, and pyramid^, may be frequently observi'd ascending niili uncommon grandeur and magnificenct' from the va^t "uriacas of Ontario, Erie, Hurnn,and Superior, as from so many immense bulling caldrons We recollect an eminent landscape-painter and designer in England, who, when about to design a Iand9caf>e, was aucusiomed to seat himself in an armed chair, in the centre of a large rooni, and, by means of tobacco and a pipe, send forth co- lumn after column of tobacco smoke, in rapid succession, with a view of assisting his iinagii*ation in the combination of forms by noticing the new and singular and griitesque shapes into which the ■<■ sooke would embody itself. — Those artists who may require aids ot this description, would do well to secure some eminence ovepi looking one of the great Lakes just enumerated, u hereon to build ' an observatory ; for, nothing can be more grrnd than the spec- tacle to which we have alluded. It is the small, and nearly stagnant, bays, and for a few yards only from the shores, where the water is shallow, that any part of the Great Lakes is frozen in winter 1 he earth too, is s'tldom f) o- ■ zen at a greater def>th than from 12 to 18 inches, and the sriow rarely lies in greater depth than from 18 inches to two feet, unless * where it is drifted. It is ''ery seldom the roads aie in any per|mi- nent condition .for the use of the Slei}>;h or Carriole before the se-. «ond week in January, and they are again broken np towards \h^^*-.. end (.f March, a fact which sufficiently indicates the duration of V snow, and of sharp frosts. It is proper, however, toremaPk^that the winters of Lower Canada, (being in a higher latitude) are bothr . more xevere and of longer duration. There isa diflfertince ol^ at *' least one month in the length o) the inclement season at Quebec ; Slid on the shores of Lake Ontario, and tarlher westward, to the Sandwich frontier, this favourable diOerence is still greater. In ll[)per Canada a labouring man, if he chooses, can at all times work out of doors ; but, in the Lower Province there are days of par- ticular severity, in the winter season, in which it would be impos*' sible for him to pursue out doors work. There are natural phenomena in the climate of Canada which [remain unaccounted for, and are sufficiently puzzling even to the most philosophical genius Of these, the Indian Summer, which almost uniformly 'commences and tenninates in the aionth of No- vembtirj and '*, tertian intervals ai fine weather, ihroughoutjhe X:« . •' \v ■ I ,.*;« -1.. • ■■ . i'Wn : 46 i't 'j 1 -,i ii! ill :ii 1 winter, after two or three nights of intense frost, deserve to be parficulariy mentioned The Indian Summer, as it is termed, consists of m«ny d«y«, (the (ndiaits say there wu«/ be. fifteen smoky days to constitute one of these summer!):) of drligl)tfij||y mild, serene weHtlier, with a misty, hazy atmosphere, though the haze is dry and soft, appear* ing to rest <:hiefly on the horizon — In the evening of these days, the sun generally goes down with a crimson flush on the western heavens. The ({ooeral temperature of the atmusphere, during this season, is singularly grateful to animal sensation ; and, those of the feathered tribes who are directed by an infallible guide to seek •ther regions more to^he southward, on the approach of hoary- headed wintrr, avail themselves of this charming season for tbs prosecution of their interesting; journey ; audit is at this time the rivers and lakes of Canada are coveted by innumerable flocks of wild fo\Vl of every species known to this quarter of the world, ga« thering with their families for winter quarters. By what is ternved tertian intervals of fine weather, througli th« winter sea>»on, is meant a vety extraordinary and certain phenu- ■lenon that may be relied upon with the jame surety as the diu> nal motion-^ of the planets. The greatest intensity of trost is al- ways rtmittant%l the end of the third dny ; that is, the inhabitants I of Upper Canada never sufl'er the extreme severity of their climate for more than two or three days at any one time ; being pertectij| assured, on feeling any extreme degree of cold, that it will miti- gate within three days, and that several days of mild weather wil' aucceed. — It may require several years of attentive observation tol Ascertain the number and duration of the intervals of mild or se-, vere weather that usually occur in a Canadian winter between tbel 43cl and 49th degrees of North Latitude ; but it would prove a sub-f ject ot very interesting and instructive inquiry to any gentleraaBJ of "ufll< ient leisure to pursue it in the country. So many persons have been deterred from emigrating to CanaJ lt>ik through a false notion of its climate being frightfully severe,tha it seems to be a duty incumbent on those who speak or write full the instruction of others at a diistance, to endeavour to remove tlitf erroneous impression. Those who arrive from Europe, and seltlij . in Upper CanMda.uniformiy express their satisfaction at the change in thib particular, at least. There is generally a clearness, dryne^il ftnd brilliancy in the atmosphere, so captivating, after the caturrj hat moisture which saturates the a^r of northern Europe, that iti impossible for the newly inducted emigrant not to rejoice in thj change — whilst the starry hosts of heaven appear with a splerida far more dazzling than anything he has before seen, and the mod of travelling in winter in carrioles or sleighs, the easiest and tiu ^ delightful in the world, gives him ready access to distant marketi whether of business or pleasure. .'- • x. ■%: > ^ whirh river, a partic tain th earth Bfierce, Sketch City, distant brown, to that tween mentio exfierin Loudoi *Pas into a -, 1' V' •a . ^ -Aj-«. X 4T ft mny be rf^adily supposed that in such a vast est^nt of conntrj ♦vf py desciiption of soil, and >very variety of surfnce, as to mountains, hills, vallies, and plains, mnst occur. Speaking of the inhubited f>arts of Canada, the Lower Province is (he most mountain -, and (he Upprr Province the moat level and rhan?,* paign ; indeed, from the division line on L^ke St. Francis to Sandwich, a distance ol nearly six hundred miles, nothing like a nioiintain occurs, although nearly the whole eitent of country passed through, between those places, is gently undulated into pleasing hillM, fine sloftes, and fertile vallies. There ii, howeveri a ridge of rocky and generally barren country, runryng north-east- eriy, and south-westerly, through the Newcastle and Midland His* tricts, toi^ards the Oltawas, oi Grand River, at the distance of from 5() tu 100 miles from the northern shore of Lake Ontaiio, and the course of the River St Lawrence ; a ridge which divides and directs the course of innumerable streams, those on one side run- ring to the northward, whilst those on the other run to the south- wifid, find empty themselves into Lake Ontario or the River St. Lawrence. — This ridge has an elevation of not less (ham 100 feet above (he level ot Ontario, and is rich in Hilvery Lead, Copper, arid Iron, * Fflither (o the north, beyond the French River, which falls into Lake Huron, are immense mountains, some of (hem of vast an unknown degrees of elevation. Many of the mountains whic * descrihe ihe great vally of the St. Lawrence, are from 3000 to 4000 feet, above the level of the river ; and (hat part of the chaia which approaches the City of %jebec, on the northern side of the river, is worthy the atti'ntion of geologists and mineralogists, in a particular manner, from the hope there istvery reason (o enter- tain that ^hese mountains yield several rare, and valuable, kinds of earth for pigments, which may hereafter become articles oT com* Bfierce, — When in Quebec, in the year 1816, (he writer of this Skelch was shewn several fine specimens. In the Seminary of that f ity, which had been procured in these mountains at no great distant e from Quebec ; amongst which may be mentioned a rich brown, resembling (he Vandyke brown of ardsfs ; a yellow, equal to(hat of JNa/7/f5 ; and an extraordinary fine blue, of a tint be- tween that of Indigo and the costly Ultra marine. The subject if mentioned in this place with a view of exciting further inquiry, and ex[ieriment ; because, at present, the artists and cu!u::rmen of London are principally supplied with their moat valuable pigmeuU * Passing this ridge, towards the north, the explorer d?.scendi into a wide and rich valley of great extent ; which isayain bo«r,d- ed on the north by i rocky andinouutaiDoui country of &tili higher •levatioH. » , .-• .- • ' • V. ; ¥ • " ' ' ' ■■ ' - * , r ,- • .r ■ , •■-- 5' - ■ • '-—;.• iv '-^ ' ■ ■ - ¥■■'■ h' IS !• ■! i ..». V "• 48 from T(fil7.->But, •§ (l]# object of this littln skttch is to give tbe atrAtiger h generRl idea o' the nature «f that part of fh« country in which wp are wrhing, we mu^t go back t«i the soil of Upper C'anad<i, and speak of its quality ; which, in its wild oruncullivat- ed state, raay be known by ihe species, and fine grow.4b, of (he timber with which it is covered. The best landn are those which produce the hardest timber,, fuch as Oa/cAfnple, lieeeh, and Kim. Black Ifatnul, ^c thouj^k Dass- Wood, whfiiiif UixuMMMt groulh, is also an indication ot good land ; and so is fhne. whe eit is large, clean, tall, and thrifty. — JMany of the Cedar swamps, wh^ire the Cedars are not s(iiiited,and are intermingled with Aslto( large growth, contain soil of tbe rich* est quality, and are calculated lor tbe finest Htnip grounds in tbe world. It may give a just idea of the general richness of tbe soil to «tate, that we have frefpiently heard of instances where 50busheli •f Wjjeat per acre bave been produced on a farm, even where the stumps (which would probably occupy one -eighth of Ihe surface of A Qelii) have not been eradicated ; we know, indeed, of some in- stances where 60 bu-ihels, and one in the Town of York, whert One Hundred Biislieh of Wheat, have been obtained from a single «cre ; and, in the District of ISewcastle, many examples may ic*« found wb(Tein Wheat has been raised on the same ground, for 1^ •r 18 years successively, without the application of manure ! — The general average of the returns of Wheat crops, however, throughout Upper Canada, is not probably, more than 25 busfieU ptir acre, owing to the space occiipied by stumps, and tbe indifTt* rent skill of tbe ordinary farmers. The winte: wheats are found to be most productive, and they weigh the heaviest. Of Indiun Corn or Maizcj (rom 60 to 80 bushels per tore, is not an uncommon return ; and of Pumpkins, of the largest^^kinds, we have instances of more than a ton weight being produced from a single seed' But there cartnot be a more certain indicatioa of the depth and richness of the soil than the fine growth of the timber which it produces; and, we have not unfrequently measured particular trees of that specf)e'»of u;/a/e oak which grows in low moist places^ and which Is usually called swamp oak, that gave circumferences of 16 to 17, and ^S feet, and an altitude of from 30 to 40 feet to the first bough. And vve have more than once, on the rich lauds to the northward of Rice Lake^ found White IHne trees that gave a dia- meter of Jive feet-, and altitude of two hundred ! These are facts that determine at once the depth, richness, and vegetative power of the soil, since these giants of the forest are not nourifihed by the heavens which (hey pierce, but by tbe earth from whence they spring. Vegetation is so rapid in this country that Barley sown the last •, y . . \h 49 wck in Jill}/, has been r*'n;>prl in fhp spcninl wpfk of Siytnrber, lor several yrari surcessivpfv, nnd on l.-rid haf na<< «'«'«nuM] |ni(»r ami ex'iiaublcd, uud a mure uLuridunt crop lias bt^en stldoiiiMit- nes-ed Fr<Mn every observation and p jii. primer) 1 fhnf Iir« Imph made, no dujhl can be enterlaiiu^d of ibe ^ ral f« rlilify (pj ibis hiipiy sril, nn( only every ve8;«:;table (irnducti'in wliicli ibiives in sitiiilnr lafi* (udes in Enrope pro9[»er beie ; bnt ofher«, v\lii» b require « ill. cr greater heat, or greater care, are f'UiuHo aurreed in Canada, wiihout any particular atfenlion. Tlie fiiipsl .1'c/oj«j and Cvruni- bus are biou<;hl lo perfection in ibe open fields, and Tobnccu \% CMJtivated with the greatest sneress. Kven ibe w/7t/ G.apes * e- con)e ripe by the first or second week in fee|)tc«i»l»er ; sn th»i i!iei« is every reason to believe, if vineyHrd^ were cnliivaied, tbt; iitlia* bifarits of this country might add a variety of '.hoicr wines !o their list of articles of home consumption, and foreign trade. We have dank of a wine veiy nearly reseuiblin^, and but little inferior to, that of Oporlo, which was made from the cuminon w ild grope of the country. It is remarkabl*', thoughout this country, tbat lliesoil and g:roulh nf timber upon the immediate banks of the rivers aitd btkes is inferior to that of the country fwrther back ; and it appears that all the larger rivers and lakes have a second bank at some distance behind that which at pre.-^ent bounds the waters, 'Jlii« is evtm iLe case with the St. Lawrence and the Great L'ikes. On another oc- casion, when our limits are not so circumscribed as they necessa- rily a; eat present, we may venture upon an explanation of theda phenomena. In allne'vly discorered conntrles, that a>*e thtrkly wooded, the navigable waters are the great thoroughfares along v\hich the in- b^thitants must conduct their bu*<ino?9. The first settlements are therefore fornvd along the banks of tbepcincipal river* aitd !akes ; eKtending backwards, only by slow degrees, as the IhikIs in front nr.- occupi«d. In Canada, a remarkable eneniphfication of thi« kiiid of progie«9 has boen seen. A long stiaggling settlenjeiit from ahundreil and fifty inile.s below Qiiebec, to J?Hnd>^ich, l»eing a dis- tance of moi-e ihttn a ihousand miles, was formed before the peo- ple ever thou dit of penetrating it to the interior f»ir any oihfr pur- pose than thai of hunting, or bartering wiih the InUians. Even af this diiy the most remote seltted Townships, fiom the frontier waters, wilhthe exception of the road from Y^^k to Penetaniini- shene, is not more than frf>m 4tMo 60 miles. It is not. therefore, in this country, a^ it ia in the back parLs of the Loiled Slates, vrhere an emigrant, purchasing land, has fre«piently the |>ainful necessity of eoramencing his establishment at a vast distance from any neighbours, lu Canada there io abuuduiicu of the luuft iVr_ Q > • *, II ! I i: |l w ill I f 4 '-f ■ »J :• € i. f- t rj .1 I ■t ■ 1 ill I. 'I 1, i i ". f\ 50 tiUUn*! in every tn''iety of lltimflnn, in the miil?t of, or rlosr!y Hdj >iiiiiie (n, Hrfive heitleinent*', that mny Hk had t'luin Govern- meiilon the pnymenl ot the undermeiitinned fees. 'In ^,.Mi ', ill 1:1 ;^ I: 1 i I.. mw w i.l^ ftO ACRES, 1(10 200 8<N» 400 6<N) m>o 700 S()0 y(H> Kmo 11(M> 1200 Gratia. £ \2 Sterling 3o «(» 7ft 12ft 150 175 20O • 2'2ft 250 * 275 - 300 ^^i. • \ * • The ProvinciRl Government have It not in their power to grant more tbnn 1,200 Acrus to tiny single individual without a'ttpeciul Older fram the Tmpeiial Government of Great Britain. The above fees are payaMe in three e<^nal in^talmeofs ; tlie ^r«/, on locat- ing the land v th»' second^ «ui the noinpletiftn of »he seltlement du- ty ; (for the perforniance of which a period of twO years is allow- ed.) and the third wh« n the Deed is eiecuted, until whirh time a Location Ticket given by the Surveyor General is held by the occupant.^ 1i '' The iettlement dnty required, iff to clear and fence five acres on every hondred acres granted ; to build a bouse not less than 16 feet by 20 ;.and, to clt-ar one half of the road In front of each lo! : an allowance for road, independent of the full quota granted being left by the >Hiveyor in every instance ; so that no lot is without a public hii^h-way. — On the 21st oi Feoruary, 1820, Hit Excellency> thft present most exemplary Lieutsnant GovkrwoR wni* pleased to direct that the clearing of balf the rond, and cutting down with- out clearing, one chain jn depth from the road, along the front of each lot, should be con-idered, and admitted, a« part of the five a* cres per hundred ; so thnt, now, there is about 3 1-2 acres of whRt is called slashing and only 112 acres of per-'ecl clearance upon eac|i h't rtiquired The p.p<?«'fi' exiu-nse "f mpr« seOlnor'ni duty, * It rnu»j i»»- f(trni(M!-i;:y tMi.'i.: n ipti, : imi we are lo be sup- posed as o/u'flj/* speaking of the Upper Province. . ^,. .. ' . ■!■■■ . „ :L '-■%■- '.'■■■ ■■ ' ■;■•■ J. ' ^ ■■,-■■■' ■.■:- 'X \: 61 '•-► if hired, and paid for \u moneyi iti al>out^25 for every bunJieii atToi. . . There in a line of very fine Town«hi|»s, bHautlfiilly W8f#*rpd, riinniit^ tliroiigh (lie NewuH^iln and Midland L)i>tiiit>, now nndfi* Miirvey, th«t are !•» ln» i^rMnted on \\\oo d ft.ex, H9 0ider»d in Couu- cil uu ibtt 5ihuf January 181i^. — Ttiu»e luwnshi^iikaie named. Eldon, Vernlum^ Harvey, Douro, Jh/monty Lake J Tudor, Grimslhorpe , Jiri^ltita, IJarrie, Clare iidon, Fa'mtrsiun, atid Meiliutn. and contain about 66.0(K) Acres, each. The ffe» payable, oti Grauls iiiaU« iu any ol tUe above uaaied Townships will be, ior 100 ACRES, Si()0 -^ — 300 — .?^ /4.ii«. . .^- 61H» — — am. 700 8(,Hj — ._ QiK) 10<K) 1100 1200 £ » 14 1 16 17 6 .. 24 11 7 . 32 6 .8 . 39 19 9 . 47 13 10 . 6d 7 U . 03 2 . To 16 1 . 78 10 2 . 86 4 3 . 93 18 4 1 SUriinii 'w ** '>.. :*,'• Sonae of these Townships are on the yame level with, and o- thcrs uf tbeoa are even to ih« southward of, lands granted long bgo ; so that the advaittag«s secured by those who may be iti- dined tu settle in these new Townships, (on account ol' tiie low tees and the exceileiii water communication which tht-y possess,) are important. Tiione of the above Townships which are iiiluat- ed upon the 'arger l.»kes, and upon the river Oloniltee, which fdiU into (he Rice Lake, ace the moiit alu'aclive to seltiers whose pursuits are those of Agriculture. Fivery facility is giv«;n to the Stttlep, who can teke the numbi»rs of vacant hits, iu any fiarticular i'nwn^hi;!, and go end juOKt' lor bimselt as to the situation and ipialily of lln^ land, bet«irK he iniktshis locntion ; so that if he ifi«k«s an iranroper choice, he I'usuj uuc Iu bldiUtf bul liiuijell. Tj Sdvc liuuult* aud e&j ctnte to ■i *i j£^^ 52 h'lii i!i ! I the nnor emigrants, who arrive in this cminfry for the purpose of lelileiiieiit, Country Lrtiid Boards hth t;stublished in rvery Dibliict tAhew^lhert; are any vacant Innds belon}j;ing to the Crown, for lo- cation ; }*nd those Land Boards are empowered to grant Ticiiets for 50, loo, and 200 acres ; hut not for a larger quantity. — If more than 200 aces ii required, the applicant must petition the Land Council Nf York. The applicant must satisfy the Board that he is not an Alien wndhe is required to take the Oath of Allegiancf . Tlie IVevv Townships are formed out of recent purchases by Go* ▼ernrnent from the Indians^ wlio receive their payments annually, in cloathing ammunition, and such ariici«» as tli'-y require ft niust be interesting to m;iny readers to see a statement of seme of these purchases ; the following are the most recent :• ptr Annum £ 1,200 \v 1818, October, . ,The' L\e.v. Huron purchase, . ' • '*of;i,§y2,0t/0 Acres, :\ ' ^ The !\1 1*- ig.i' .'.i, ci A puiu!ta-e« ■ • • * i'' ' \i{ ^4S ,0* >0 A cm -, November, The Uicir Lxk'c. pu.-cljase, ' 's, *.. 'bl 1,S*<? J, 2tji) Acres. ^■': '1819, April, ' Jhe Lu»»a VVoni) purchase, .;^K . . ■ : *;; ■ -of o$2,190 Acre?, 188;d. Februar) » , The MfoiuWK purcliase, ,a',: ; . • •• (iMidluud DUflclJ h'l 2i:..000 Xcrr,"., 450 622 •740 6G0 10 Being 4 680 3P0 Acres, at the annHal charia-e of £3.512 10s. whirh ■.is-d*!irayed l>y an apprupriation of pHrl o( the emoun! receivecilof 'feKSun the Cirants of Land to Ktni^ranlt. I Ujs 8> sff.m prtivfiii* any compl^iNiSj or even a murmur of any kind, from lb** Mori- < ginees of the country, who live on the beiit terms with their wlme neiiihbuurs. i VVItilst engaged in this pert of the subject, it may not be nmis^ !o give a word or two ot advire to Erntgrants of all classes, from (lie I whf> has seen a good oeal td the country. It must alwny.s betaken forginnted tJiHt whoever leaves Fig land. n«» matter where he goes, he must experience some diame for the woif,e ; tor if he is no oihei wise Hffected than in his ietl- i gs, he mj^t suffer a temporal y laceration that may jaundice eve-j ^v. ry tir.st view he may take of ihp new countr> to whirh he goe<; .' and it i* not pr.tentk'd that even Canada is so heavenly a landHU to do away at once with all such views and feelings, allhouiili lli« ,.. -writ, r of this account has but little besiiHtitin in slating that it| speedily tnkes fn-t hold ol the affections of the new comer; fliiill that if a fair companion is made between the advHntages iiud uij| ad\io'.iai;e» jutttses'^ed ity liie vuiiou^ ('« ioniehof (iieal Ki iia.i iitj difft r» nt part-* of the\\orl.>. and that fhoe things are rooVy ;i"i1 candidly weiglieUi the detisiou viml bt in favour of CaaaiuJ wh'«;h gi MIS o the fni; Con sill without taxt^s, a on this I climate, srarcelv jatnc la\ f.)C»\-'. V V/:lh S'ich MS ( f und lo serve as «ilh H fe fiiid Lakt in thl^j t pIr.My.— 5" i' v^as I •''iiTiicwce I.e th«>ui{l| <-KMlt (l'l7 Ijii farm. Eii;4lorM, thp mi.Jst t-'d it, a, till.* fuo/i 1 liOiO ft-'iould CO which shi hr-re ; an io day. tiful ipply fiiliitiu;: to fhnren Ami let (I Oi ''»ni!'Otf> I a mi '■<v'<j.an ir V..' '>: wh'oh i« undouhfedly, one of thp mo^t fertile and ma'rnificent re- gi .113 of llie (jl.ibe ; fifiopled l)y the -ubjfcts of Great Britnin ; in the fill) possession of BriliMi Laws, and in miinilies ; and,uitlia Constitution nearly oil Qn t-XRCt model with lliHt of England ; hut tvitlioijt the veiitious operation of a lylhe system, with scarcely any taxt'S, Hnd with many other jjiiviltgea it vvonld he tedious (o name or» tills occa^if)n. Were it iiol for the difference of scenery pnd climate, a niati emiiiiaiing from Enfi;land to this country would sriiK.el) feel sensitjle of any im.nediate ch'inge, since he finds the fame laws manners, <ru.-toms, language, and very often the same l.ic»\^ which he had fumjer'y known. V/ith all f!ie<c superior advanta;^es and enjoyments, which are such H3 can Ix^ had in no other colony, some individuals may be f uiid lo undf rvalue theji, atid be discontented 0<Jt these instances serve as ie&sons to otliers.^Let one of tUera be here named. — A Dian '.tIio arrived in this Fioviuce Ttdfri Ijie north of England with a few pounds in I i> pocket iSetflt'd on p farm between York and Lrtke S!nJi:<^te ; tlie indu.-:try arfd efcononiy of five or six yeari, in this now siluaiion, made him cbn^paial'vely independent — Ff had a sufTiCTiit qjinntity oi" laitd cleari d, and a saw miM, to h' ing him a liHhdsome income J an'd.he lived «t his ease, an.<i with |)lo.ity. — Bii'i ii i' tlie naiure of uian1« be iestltas ai»d di^^Hiisfied ;>. t'l ii was in tliis iiHlaiice. — Althoiigl) bBjiad/jever-eojoyed so murfi.'' jilJliirnct' at aoy fojuier period of his fife, this.mari giew pneftsy ; he thoujiht of England, of his former abod'fs,his honie, In? an- (ic'iil lrien(i», aud wis recoiloctions becatne instipporfHtiie ; he .sold lii farm, hi? mi!!, I. is stock, fltid once more set his face towards. Ei^lantl ; — tlie v. yn^v. was passed, a f«w hi-urs brought hlrivinlo tlie midst of flip sc 'Pes of l\!S youth ; he a^;aiiifr»ok a fariii, «tock« tvi it, a^'inn irit d the IlisriiiHtiuiiS of ma.kels and ffii^s. ar.d was d- f,a'n liHitliini 1, falahi/ l';titkrnpt,for noiv there wn^yiolhini^ left, and Ihi* foi'Ii-h mnn t-nn< d lit.- da} ? in a work hon*!*' ! Fri^iitfid ex- ciun»i;e for the ease and independ«:nce of a ( anadian Ykomaw I I'liusu \\lii> are Inf/ouriiig sindei the bitter tVcling.^ oJ expatriation &!)(tiiid consider lliit liie same -un, and ihr same inonn and ^lHrs wliich shine on tlie -cei es the) have left behind, gladden ceati' ii lif-rp ; auu thnttlie Great Father of all, who is the sam» yesttrdnt/, today, iiv.c for ever-, isalike present every w Iiere. Lei the beau- tifui iHjtly of \\it inio).>rtal IIov*akd. whi«h he ga^ to nn f X( os- tiilrttiuj^ friend on the eve of his cjv partur^ tor tlif <-onfhern parts of liu- ia, wher«' he diKl be a'w ays jji our recolh cli(»n. " The rood to flearen is quite as short from Cairo, as it is from London' f ! Ami let llierii considt r liientseives as ihe woiknu-n employed tty ioii'i'Otf'nce (o lay the tbnndafion of \\l:t i.^ to brcMme h**rp« Hifi-i a miijhiy Empire, in whi^h their child en's children ar^* to ''■^^'Ifc*"' inhe'ifaiiCf hvA a name, >♦• H 'hst \" liaf are now th*- bpcii- d^ and gat den^ ol En^luiid, once ijokcd as a vvduesncfejt ia liiui nei ill ?-i U i. • ■ I i 'if- >' ^1 H w M\ in ,1!! illii ,\ tlie eyes of our forefalliprs. Of w hat value is Uiat religion, or phi- lotopliy, VI hicli for v\ex cliMina \\* pussevsor down lo p.eseiil, Hitd to pHiitfui, realities? L>i iis be \\i!.H, aud leHiii b*iw to ap;>fe* ciutH those advanta^i'S and hlessings wliich we actuaily enjoy in this our adopte<l connlry, ai:d &oiro\v, rt'gret, aad dtiiipuudtbcy will he for ever haiii'-hed fri>m our dwellings ! - Bui the iMstanceti of men taking ihe ghiuflQr side of the ques« tion, (wotwithatanding 'he exertions of 8oiD<k evil disputed persons to induce such a view ) in this fine rounliy, are rare ; |>aMiculhr- ly amongst the lower cla-is of i^ouiety , to whom the advantages are much greater than any other country affords- IJis land, (a Frt e- hold ((f Fifty Aoes) co»ts him n« thing ; a few luonthd lahour fur others should he have no money at all, (at the high rale of wages, bilherto, in this country) enables him lo stock his farm, on which lie may keep a yoke ui' Oxen, (»r a pair of Morses, constantly em* ployed, besides leaving timber sufficient lor fire wood lor many years. He should, how fver, be caiefnl not lo destroy his iimhei in a heedless manner, by burning il in large log heaps, afler he has a few actes cleared, Some of the ijnesi timber in the world is oi- Ittu jKtinsid'Ted .«o great an eyesore, that the soouer il can \if. ^'er- ^ >y destroyed the lietter it is thought \ but if, in making th«r ' ' ■-^Biic^, the lop and under brush only, were burnt in Ihe field, ii i the heavy timber was cut into cord wood, or split into rails, in- stead of being consumed in one universal conflagration, it v\ouid be much better for the small freeholder ; and afierwaids, wlitu the whole projected clearance was made, and it becdute necessa- ry to altauk liie reserved tr^s, only to thin them out, in the same manner thaH, is. ^'actised in the wood lands of England, taking those trees om^.vvhivb have arrived at maturity, and leaving the young thrifty wood .to i|biprov-e, — several generations mu<^t ep|itar ttnd disappear before. afijo^rious inconvei)ien(.e could arise troin the walrt^f fiKsl. Of xfMir|B there is not the same necessity for such ]e:eflBBpmy on t^ie larger giants. After aII, there \i the comfur* tabI£'a'<uw^auce. of abundimue of coal in variom? parts of the coun- ■try ; Bad,, from the aiai}y'4|haviguble waters inteiaecting it in \A' most every due cliou-, lh%l useful article van never be very ei* [>ensive. v • * • v For a gred^ number of years 1e coina there will be an ample range for a large stock of cattle and |)1gs in the Avoods, and on the {•lains ; so tiiet the small occupier will be freed irom the nec^ssiiy of having any |mrt uf his ii fly acres in pasture, unless it should he liib choice to have it oih« rwit:e. Swedish 1 urni]>s are found to an* svver extremely well, and tostaud the utmost sev^riiy ol the climutt; vitb a cou(»ie of dcies w. der a ci'op of thiftinvalaable rt'Ol, and tiie ^traw uf hi& .l/fl/se. \\/hta\\ Darltp- or Oals he mny mainlalu, c -roparaiively, a I. << slock of horned cattle through tlie ttf nte* ; and in the suiiiuici Ihi. *9u}V Hk^'X^nm ullchxiiiig MiCui viill be &n oc« •A i' ,. '^'.l; I* • 't phi- Hikd Ute- y in bkcy ques* uulnr- ii9 Bre Fue- uv for wliicli ly f iu> many e l>a» & U is ui- k r.l \A, " ' iills, »•!• ( vNoutd I, wbtii kecebsa- le same , taking lying tlie k upjit-ar Ise iioin s.-ily f*»f coinfov* ,« cuua- ill ill- in ample ]d oil t''« itscfissiiy ll.iiuld Im lid to an- cliniatt^' •uot, and tAIII<»'>') if«te< ; cRsional visit, to see that all are goinjj on we'l. Piss grow very ifrtt uhilsl running at JarKein th«» wood- e^p^^cialy tuvvard \hf fait of til** y«*ar. All the taxi's, or asse'sm^n'r, pm ti g»th»*r, vihirli a nian of thi« description has to { nv, would not arnoiint to mor^ than U few shillins* *» and, as to raiment, it is ni-tomart t'» gri>w wnol land flax sufficient for the cloathing oflii.* faaiily Sugar he miiiMifaC' Itures himself, so that he has only a lilltie ten to pincha e, should he< Ifp'^uire, through custfai, the use of that luxury Many of the peo- Iplp in country sitnatioas use the young shoots oj thp Hemlock Tree ; land others, herhs of the forfsis of agreeable flavour, in lieu of tea, If ithnut any hai cpnsequence«, or dtsreli.oh. If he is a Tobacco* \smoker, or'ehewert he may raise as much as be pleases in hiscwn [gnrden. Wagrs, con>pared with what they are in Great Britain, are still very high in this country ; and hitherto, in the Upper Pro- ince, it has not been difficult to procure work In many part^ indeed, there is yet a scarcity of labourers. It is true tb«t money 3 not now plentiful; but th«re is scarcely any thing that the older eiiidents have to spare in payment of wages that is not useful, ny ahsolutely necessary to one going onto a new farm ; and itc0 tars being allowed by Government for the perfoimanre r>( settle- ent duty, (which in favourable weath«*r «tav very often be done n one month) the poor emigrant has plenty of time to earn a yoke I oxen, and a cow or two, a few pigs, seed corn, and potatoes, &ir. c. besides the necessary provisions in pork and flour, until his wn crops are ready ; and should he not prove an expert axeman , ven lo hire m»^n to do his settlement duty for him, which is often he rase. Several instances have occurred where English rustics, \ thrashing alone, (whet f every ninth or tenth btisbel was allowed rthe labour) have earned wherewithal for theaVopping and jtocking tht-ir new farm. */• In ronsequence of t[ie9e. advantages, tli'eea itre many individuals, a tirulnrly in the new settlements in ^'h**itRstrfct of Nr*^*'*"^*-"^" ho have abundance and to spare, tipoin t|ie smallest Ity Hcres, after being no more than three years in the II the poor emigrant, who arrives at Qvt.5ec Or ^]unireal,'1lll8 to 0, is to fiush forward as speedily as possflde 'Jbr the iJpper Pro- fmcp; he must not suffer hiaiseU lohe deterred by its apjyarent ptRiice, and he must stop bb ears against all the insinuations and duotions that will.be utted in his passage up the count' y, especi- 'y hy Americans, along the whole course of the St. Lawrence, ho will try every art to seduce him into the United States. Let m ever bear in mind what he may have been frequently told, — id with much truth, that Upper ('anadfiis the best " poor man's iimry in the world ;!' and let him determine on making actual |i«riment for himself; and, if he has only indu-try, pers»:veraiif e id inie||jry, we will not only answer for hi« success, but that nei- ler himself nor children will ever have occasion to repeal tht i k I.. I I •«f ; ,'r ■ W, ■ ( m '■WW ^^ ehoicft which he has made. Stich a man may in a short time rra- lize every ofiject of a reasonahle amitition, atid become one uf \\\t niosl free *i.rid indi^pt'iidefil men on eaiih. In many places, particularly at fori Hope, and nf Cohnunr, in the Dislrirl of Nnwraelle, prepai-ations have been njad^* for the re. ce|Mi'»n of poor F.mi^rallts hy the errction of suitaMe bijildiiig;^, and every facility biding in readiness for seruring an early location in a desirable niluation Miiioiigst the new Tovvpshi|>9 back of ii;e Ric*' Lake, to wliith there is an exceilenl P-ad fmm Port Hope — Ibis fijie part of the conntry is principally settled by pers(»ns fri)in Scotland and Ireland, and from the £ngli->h counties of Yoiksiare and Cnnibt'riand. The Com t House, where the Land Board for the District sits re> golariy once in every fortnifilit, is between the two viiliiges of Co- hourg and Port Hope, in both of which thtre is a handsome chnrrh of the esldbiished reiit^ion, besides a School house ; and fairs are held twite a year at both places. There are two excellent grist- mills, one at each;villrtge ; and, at Port Hope there ae, beside.* a Sj^v mill. Oil radl, Fulling rnili, three Breweries and Distilleries, two Tann«^rips, a Hat mannfactory ; IVlillwrigiits ; several exctl. lent Stores, in which every description of useful merchandize tnay be had on moderate terms; two blacksmith's shops, Pot ai;J Pearl Asheries, Cabinet makers, Car|ipnters, Masons, Cooj'tr-, Shoemakers, Tailors, and several oilier useful n.»^chanics. Co- bourg and Port Hope are only seven miles distant from each eiiij «r, by a good road ; and between the two another village, naimii Amhnrst, in which the Cou't hou.^e is >ituated, has been laid vd, by Capt. BuRNHAM, in which are already two taverns, several Hie chanics, and some neat houses. P<M't Hope, at which a wharf and commodious harbour on Lakij Ontario is now projected, U llie mnsx convenient depot for !l. Townships in the rear of Hope and Hamilton, and for the U|if Ftrry 4|n Rice Lake, and is the place w here the greatest tr^'de carried on. Amhurst is the most convenient for the Middle Ferri on the Rice Lake, and tor those who may have to ascend then are (pji fi»idf()f «"y oth Shoui f'e pooi *etllcn»e tliey tun "leif nev protly ne J'ur hu On —For thi tneiitf, a 5'«z«J«J sasi Cieariij£ /am Seed for two h( spade « Yoke oi < ^0 Ox Sh ACowje^ Two Ewe t Some nc Putting ny exi ' This »veral perse ""^,« of the ;« know, /,. ,'',^'«ym^of labour can b ver Otonibee ; Cobourg. in which there is also excellent nccofi moddticm, and several good stores, is the most coiive.nient :orli;i Lower Ferry on the Rice Lake, and to those who niHV have hu ness ill the lt>wer parts uf ihv.' Tov;nship oi Oionifiee «nd Asphixid With the new Townships in the rear, and dov\n.th« River Trent. _^„ It will be seen by a referenee to a Map of this conrttry,that W*"*?* ^Uiief J villages just mtntioned are mo?t ndvantageonsly situated' irearlyiH'!. ^'j^stu the centre of the north coast of Lake Ontario ; and \i is imp/«sl they can fail to ^lecoine, with the gradual iih^/rovement ot ' conntry, places of great public conseqiieoce iMirealter- It sli"" not tie forgotteo, likewise to mention, that these vi!la|es, w (heir respective neighbourhot)d, and thr Rice Lake, already pojS' au eiteuiive circle of good, and even poli^Ued, society. ^ A Plough I pest manageij ^" «1fect. ./ ^^'ewoufJ ^"'•«, the>.iHi] r"''y, but I :«?.- s ^ rra- f\h« tj, in ve re- jHli'in at tl;c ipe — s from rksUire sits r6' 3 of Co- lairs uve | III j:;iist- )e9ide?8| iliiieviea, Pol Buil Cooi'cr-, >ics. <-■'> leach i^iH iiamvil veral a-'i ir on ^-^^' ol for'- tbe Ul'l' 6t trr'tle ddle Ferr nd U>e f 7 10 67 VVe have been th« more particular in these remarks b^rnne \v« are ((iiite salicfied that the District ol' N(*wcasiif. «;tfHr» the linvst fit Id for eiitf rpriz**. and merits more aiteution from emigrautii than any other part of Canada. Should this slight and hasty sketch fall into the bands of any cf (lie poorer cla^s of emigrants, before they can have made at'/ tettlenieitt, it may be M'ell to ^ive them soHit; idrtt of tbe e](pen:>e tliny must be at, before they can he said to be at all comfortable in ili(>if new abode. — At tbe pre;ieut lime it will cost tbe eiuigraat nrofly nearly as foiluws :— Fur huitdii'.^ a LoK-Honae, with a shade for hca Oxeri, and a Pig sly, ■^For titis sum bis house may have two apart- ments, a stone chimney and bearth,* and two glHzed itash winduivs. Clearing, Fencing, and Sowing five acres of } land, if he has to pay ca«h for it, ^ Seed for the first crop, with tbe price of two axes, two hoes, two brush hooks, two ftrks, one spade and one shovel,! Yuke oi Oxen and Cbaiit, from £10 to AnOxSlei;;b, ACow£3,SowwithPigs,£l,5, . Tvro Bwes with Lamb- ;^2eacb| . t Some necessary articles uf Household Furniture, 10 Putting up a Log Barn, 5 Iwo.KuUles fur uiaiiing Sugar, ... 3 13 • 4 • 15 1 4 1 10 5 (I 9 Prov. CurV. £66 6 ;t * This expense of a stone chimney, &,c. has been questioned by (veral persons unaiquainted with the work required, and from mrts of tbe country where the proper materials are scarce — lut « know, from experience, that where workmen accustomed to be laying of misshapen stones, and the materials are at band, the itul ^oc ^Vabour can be done for tbe price here stated. ^^^^\ \m i A Plough should not be required for several years, beenuse the ) Aspnoi ^^^^ luanagemcut of cleaied lendi* is to sow down with good gra<«s eed, eiibef. with t|ie second or third crop, and to krep it in grass utii the stuiu^/s b^j^iu to rut, wbeu the plough may be put ia witli (ftfect. > \ \Ve would .fay to the emigrant, about to embaik, brhg po fvr\ W«, the*(ir4.rriNj^^ uf which will cost more than it is ^^ urth in lli«4 u:itry , but be provided with piunty of good t^ubi^tanlinl wtttin^ 'aSv posS*!!. '*»'<■'! J v^'iiich is here generally fliuj y and ve») tx^icnaive. ,.,.!»•♦ lit. lry,lhall led* it(*BT\y irop/'^^' [mt-nt of Wages, «' e 4^> lll V if"! IV If! ! Hi •ii; t i' ' i is .5S DM ;te : i Any ^ble-bodicd man may earn the above amount within (he Uvn Jrars rti;uv\f-(} him fiirllie performance of settlement duty, and it e shotilJ olioove to work biniself, with his okPii, in cleaiin<.', sow- in^^feMci tg, or ift r.rcctingthehuildinirs, a considerable part rf the a. bove rnenti >n<^d »iinn may be saved But it is now supposed that (lie man i*; a stran^t^r to (he «or1 of labour reuuiii'rf, ai'd thnt he has in money bui wtiht jje earns in this country. The lv\n fir^t crop", with the iocreR«e of his slock, ouji;hl (u go far tow>trd^ paying the whole of the above amount. A friend of (he Author's has published a plan in London, by I which he conceives that a nnntlirr of those people now *)ubMisiin;j on parochial relief in England, may be reumved to, and en^-ployni in, this country wi(h great advantage, both fo the public audi themselves.* — The moriiy re«juir<d in aid of this scheme, is nut lobe paid to the pi>o)>lH, but is to be laid out wnhin two years, in| provisions and supplies of implements and ttork, under the dir* c< lion of certain managers. The cleaned lands to lanstittite a wort- gft3;c to secure (he payment of what is then (he debt of the calo!»i4 " During the laying out of (he money and (he cleuinfr of (he !amj«,| some slight restriciions on (he enipl lynient and alienation of lliel property will he imposed on (he owners of it; but, »fler the repay] ment of the capital employed, each individual in (he sedlenjeil will be free from all interference The time (f su( h repay raeiiU within ten y«^ars, will depend on the exertions of (he settlers, wli(i[ may receive their deeds dn redeeming their land<." The projector assumes a (amily, of the description to which he al"! ]udes, to consist of Ave persons, and (ha( (he sum ot £200, manrifjiil with ordinary prudence, will enable such a family to acquire a pros! perous settlement in Canada in two years, without any ex))oMire| to privations, and within ten years the m«)ney miglit he re|iHid,l without inconvenience, by the family to whirh it was loane^l, Thil author gives a detailed account of the expenses, with the maniHif in whici) he conceives (he important business should be conduclpdj and sums op the total exjieudifure for 100 such families, tiius ;— For (he journey to (he roait for 100 families, at ) x'onnn £.?0 each family. 1st February, 1822, 5 ^^^^^ For (he voyage to Montreal March 1822, . . 3000 For (he expensss to be incurred between May and ) cnrv/^ Junf^l822, ^ } ^^^^ //e//t, between June and October, 1322, . . 4500 * Th.is plaa differs from those lately suggested for diminisliinj the public burdiens of England, as it relies for .«uccess on (hepdl sonal exertions of the colonist, UBcontrolled by the perpetual \ifo sence of ^uperintendunls; and as a boon or charity i» not w\ed f d to be given Ihem. ,u . ill! 1^1 4 e bvo and it , sow- 'thea* tial Uie lias in «, with oHi by I h^istin* ;;{»loyf'ii| liic aiidl ', 13 not ear?, in| le dir< c- ; a wort- caloni-'t, he land'; iie r«M"'>yi flll^'meitl ler's, wliol innnagtill ire n [""os-l le mHnuii ;t'ndut'te(!| thus .— t2000 I3OOO 5000 4500 59 Jinn, befwf»en October, 1822, and January, 1S23, y/£//i, ()et\vi;en lanuary and May, 1823, //em, liKt'veen May aud July, 1823, {Item, i" July) 1S^4, 2100 1600 1000 900 £20,00« Tlifi quantify of land required for 100 families, on this plan, is lalf atuwnship, or 31,500acles ; which will be divided in the rtions : — lollowing |» For (he Seiilers . . < For the Managers, , . For the Clergy and Scliool 3, For the Crown and Civil Government, . . . For the Town Plot, to belong to the Fariahand^ Managers, , J For the Suvveyers, For the FariiU advancing the Capital . . . . limintsliinl inn the pif^ rpetnal pf InotHJieni Acres. 10,000 6,000 4,000 4,000 2,000 1,500 5 000 • 31,500 The Managers should be competent to give the s'stt'ers proper lirections for the sale of so much of their household goods as can* lot usefully tHi carried willi them ; and, for the fun-pose of the pre- lent sketch, the whole party will be assumed to be safely iandtd at )litntfeal, in May. IJndftr fav«»urable circumstances, the people will be placed on heir lands early in June, prepared to clear away tor a spring crop, 'viih common indut^try, three such prrs^ns as we ought to presume [ill able settlers to l)e. will not find it d tlicult to get five acres sown prrappr time in lS'i!2 ; from which Ihey may expect to raise ahuut bushels of wheat 80 huehels of Indian Corn, wiih the' usual quafli- jly of Pumpkins, mn-kand watermelons, I(U» bushels of poia- i)os, and a quantity of corn sta'ks and straw, wilh garden produc' |o!js ; during the summer, before the crops ^re harvested, the ;iiple will be employed in f)reparing five acres more lor an autuu}n bson, and this cleared ground, IK'ith the former five acres, will be pdyfor wheat in the first autumn. Afier havin;^ sent a proportion liiisfipst cropto market, ace tain quanlity turned inlofli)ur, salted leir pigs, and [xit up a warm hovel lor tlieir cattle, they will in e winter of 1822 — 23 again l>e ocrufiied in clearing more land [rlbe ensuing spring. The quantity which may t»e then prepared |ill be about 10 acres which will bt* sown wilh oats. Indian jrn, barley, pumpkins, and turnip*, and planted with pulriioes. si'les this work- ihey will -ow the first leu a(^res, wilh seed? for leaiiow ; during Ihe secoud bumuier, 5 acres mure will Lepre** ^,.; ;i': :': .1 4 ■x 1' i' n; ^ GO "g ■■:'» 1 . -■-<^f 250 bushels 70 ditto 100 ditto . 70 ditto Srx) ditto . 200 ditto m jinrtii rr»r'h«? ?ffcor.d autiimn ; and the •several sfasons will I tlieifovvn works on the lands previously cleared. Having thus, in the second autumn, 10 acres of wheat land, and 10 acres of meadow, witb additional occupations for the winter of 1S23.— 24, on this increase, they will be ahfe to clear for the third !4j>ring only 5 acres more ; so that in the third Imrvest of 1824, such a family as we have assumed will possess 30 acres of cleared land, and 70 uncleared ; 10 acres of the 30 will be sown with wheat, 10 with spring crops, and 10 will be in meadow. Their produce at th«^ close of the third autumn, may be stated thus, at a low estimate : From 10 acres of wheat, about 2 ditto of oats . 2 ditto of Indian corn . 2 ditto o( barlf'y . 2 ditto of potatoes . . 2 ditto of turnips • . Fumplcin^, in number about 5000, which are planted in the Id' <1iAncorn hills. ISot more than ten tons of hay can be expected from the mea* dow, incumhert>d as it will be with stumps of trees, for several years. To this nruist be added the. natural increase of the stock, together with the abundance of water and musk melons in the corn fields, and of garden productions, and an ox and several hogs in " salt. After this third autumn of 1824, the repayment of the capital ad' Yanced will begin ; it will arise out of the production of the har- vest of 1825, and the rate at which it will be made, may be judged •f by the foregoing statement. <* It appears to me impossible," continues this ingenious writer, ''that upon equal capital any set of men of the class here con- templated, caabe placed- so advantageously, both to themseivei and to the country, in any other part of the world as in Uppes 'Canada." The author illustrates his argument by an example, after the fol- lowing manner . — •^ In 1795, the parish of Barkham, in Berkshire^ contained 20l)j inhabitants, of whom aboLt 40, besides the sick, received telief to the amount of £75 a year. The average exi^ense of snpporlin; the families of labourers in Barkham was then about d£25 e>)cli; making the rat« of £75 to be divisibla amongst a number of people equivfUent to three ordinary families, which may be said to be the D'.imber in 'excess in the want of employment. — It the parish coui' , be disburdened of these three families, and employment shouli not vary, those left behind would receive wages equal to their full support, until yaupers agaiu super abuandt ^. ei " The wans fur Sftttlinp; tliree fRmilies in Upper Canada Is §§- snrvHd to be a loan of £6(X), to be repaid in ten years, hs before stated, and this sum will be raised en'-ily by a mortgage of the rates under the sa»ictlon of an Act of Parliament- — Thus the rates will l)fe liiwered forthwith to the interest of that loan ; vis : tu £30 a venr from £7d ; and they will decrease continually in proportion us the loan shall be repaid, and as the town plot dind other land apportioned to the parish shall become marUc^table This will bs variable in point of time ; and the amount of the proceeds wil! depend on the general prosperity of the whole settlement ; it can hardly tail of m^iking a very rnnsiderabie return within seven years i»f thR coloMi«ts quitting England. According to the exi>enditure of Barkham, the rates for a surplus population of one hundrrd fa- mines i^ £2500 a year. Upon this income it would be easy to bor- row £20,000 under the authority of an Aet of Parliament. The i»it«»iest on which being taken at £1000 a year, the parish from vrhich the colimisls could proceed, would make a present annual saving of £1500. «♦ Since the publication of the forej^oing sketchy several indivi- dttals in England, in Canada, and in Nova Scotia, otherwise wetl diiiposed towards the views of the writer, have objected, that ** un- der the present depressed state of agriculture, the settler will not he able to repay the capital advanced." This should not, certainly, be a subject of merp conjecture. In fact, it may be reduced to calculation. The " York Market prices for the preceding week'/, are given in the Upper Canada Gazette of the 23d of May, 1822;' now before the writer ; from which it can easily be shewn, in the article of wheat only, that there will not be any difficulty for an industrious man to raise the required instalments Suppose a farmer and his two able sons, such as the writer has known many in the country, and who left England four years ago, riearly destitute, about to clear and to fence off. for a crop, teiH acres of good, heavily timbered land, in order to raise a small sum of money. The question will be, can they '< in the depresi*ed state of agriculture," produce, not a surplus of corn, but a- lur-, plus oi money ? In what follows, the farirter and his sons are presumed to buy every article at the market price, and to dispose of the produce at the same ; any practical man will at once notice that, if the party were established on their farm, and living upon their own produce^ as in Canada the farmers universally do, the money expenditure would not be one third of what it.is here estimated at ; for instance instead of giving five pence far a gallon of floor, the farmer would send wheat to the miller, and receive in return his proportion of fl'Uir, toll being detained for w<Kking it The same in regard tcv bis whiskey ; and with respect to bis beef atid pork, he would ne- ver have occasaiou to go t^ the butcher} a^ be has here been lup* 1 'i if \hs • ,'. ; i, ; . 1 j * i.'l. ■1 I; K ? wmm 62 ^ m t;i 1 1'.' £2 10 10 3 10 2 5 16 5 1 posed to d*, and lo forth. The first eipens* will be for axei, about Brush hor.ks Provision, he for seven wtrks for tbrcr men, (the time required for the job in quesition ) and for one man during f*ne wef^k, which will be necessary in order to * drug ' tbe wheal in . . ■• . . . . , Seed wheat . .... Provi><ii>ii9, he. during; the tine they are reap> ing the wheat Provi^ioa lor carrying the wheat . . threshing . . . , Kuep for the o\Qn when lodging and g^etting in the seasons, inde|)enden; of' browso,'a ' most capi^tal feed, well known to the ' after- noon ' Canadian farmer, as well as to the early $ -Itler ... . . Taxps of all descriptions for 10 acres of land, and p yoke of oien .... Wear of clothes, he. and trifling incidental ex- penses ^ Total expanse, according; to tbe York market Wheat off 10 acres, 250buahels, at 2s, 6d. per bushel, er £5 a load .... Clear surplus for the setller In the next year the i^xpenses wili be di(ninished. Provibinn for a man whilst burning the stub- . f v bic, and drat^ging in the seed on the same 10 acres 10 The oxen thii year can keep themselves in the woods entirely^ z& they have not to work in the spring. £ *. d. Seed wheat, - 2 10 Provision whilst. reaping, . . . . O Jrt '■'^ .. Ditto. ditto, carrying, . . . 5 ' v,^ Ditto. ditto, threshing . . . 10 f-r.} Taxes . . . . . . . 16 ' <1u Wear wf cloihrs, &c £2 1 .- 1 6 2 13 17 6 31 5 £17 7 6 \f'. • t. Total, supposing the oxen to belong to tbe i^" farmer, , . . . , , - 6 12 6 o3 Supposing he has to hire tha oxen twenty days at 2s. 6d. . , . . . . 2 10 Clear surplus for the settler, 9 2 6 Wheat off ten acres, 250 bus^bels, at 23. 6d. 316 £22 2 6 If these simple calculntions be nnt correct, they may easily be coriiiHdirted and exfxi^ed. If it should be thuu,«:ht a hi^h estimate, U'{ Itall this Hurfdus be iHkcri, as nearer tl;«; piobable result ; and it raiMiot then be doubted that in the course (»f t«n years the gr^'Hl niJij'iiity of the set If rs will be free from any iniunibranre. 'J be only nbj»%cti<>n (o (bis cuU.ulation seems to be, that ^' llie York market pi ires," mny be redutreil t>y the access of so many new growers t.f i.tnn * Bui it is conceived Ihet a very great railing (»iF ina) bt admitted without risk of destroying llie pro pfftsuf tliese culoni^ts, who liave ten years allowed for the repayment of their dtb\. '' To a settlement of this dt»3cription, (he managers should de. vclP llieir whole attention ; and a leader of int* lli;;ence vvou'd be am|ily lemunoralod by the share of wild lands to be apportiored to liirn in re-<pect of u colony of from 6(;0 to 20t'0 families." I he nec»^ssitv of a pergonal tesidence amongst the p^o) le du' ing the (ime-of distributing *hc laijds, needs little illustration, Bt"ier the excellent fxanipiP shewn by Capt Williamson, in the setilrment of a part of Sir W Puliency's estate in ihe Genesee country, in the Slate of New Yuik, a short notice of which deserves a place here, Mr. Morris had botight tho land at 6 ponce per acre, aT»d, in '791 sold owe mi7//onnf acre-* to ?iv Wm. Pulteney at 1 hilling per acre, or for jEoOjOUO. Wiih other f>ureba<^es, Captain Williamson, the manag^t-, had possession of l,u()©,<i()i) a«i;ts of land, bounded on the north by Lake Oiiiasio. Alter building 10 mills, i\ ith a pri at number of houses, and making several bHndied miles of r(»ad 80(),OoO acres vtere re-soM at the f»rice of from mnc io three dfjilars per acre brfore the summer of JTN5. 'I'he proiluce not on* ly refunded the purchase mtney and the whole amount of the o- * It Is a very favourable evidence in support of the author's plan, for us t* stHte, that the prices (juoted from the York M'lrket iti Ihe spring of 1822. were very unusually low, and su.h as may J'e scarcely expected to recur. The average pi ice of wheat for the M seven year:^ in Uppc- Canaua cannot be taken at less than fuur Isiiillings currrency per bushel. • V ' ( Hi 4 > 'H ^ , t\ I' J . \ i! 04 m Ui«r eipcns* incurred, but al«o yivUed a net profit of £{iO,0Ct Btertiiig. The /-'//in here alludAd to is not altogrfher original on the fart oi' our friend B , since (hat famuut) Patriot Mr. Guurluy, projf cfuij a iiclieine nearly biinilar in tbt) year lhJ7 ; and i( hah al\«ay3> bfcn a subject of r«|i;rt;t to the wnter of (hia tkttch, ihut oce so ucl quaiilied t<» proiuule I lie agricultural interests, and encourage itvi,[i ^. aocbssious to uur population, from other parts of the British Du. minions, should have intermeddled with politics ; since, on ntui.y quections ot (loliiical «xoiioniy, and especially on the sulgrcf ( 1 the Poor lawt ni Knglami, that eccentric Uein^ \v as a f>erlect adt pt, whilst in t^otiUca he became not merely bewildered, tiut pciually insane. However, as lo the hitroduction of British I'aupers into the forests of Canada, no one anxious to viitnesi^ the pro.4|ierily uf this country can have any ol»j. cion, at least on this side the wa- ter, if they come as well provided as onrftiend B piof>os«s, viz; with £200 sterling for each family of 5|ier«onh ; but we think the exfiences are ovcr rated, and have no doiibl that 6uch a family, (particularly where this species of emigration wh» carrit il on eitensivelyj could be removed, and settled down comfoitably, with hII that was necessary to preserve it from becoming any kind of burthen whatever to others, for £100 sterling.*— We are quite certain there are many persons, on whim the most peifuct reliance could be placed, who would be very ^Ind to undertake the removal and settlement, in this ct'Uuliy, o[ 2k)(} iuch families for the suin of £20,006 sterling. Whilst on this subject, it ought t(» br menti<tned (hat there is now a man in the District of Mewca^lle, who came out a little oiuie (ban than two years ago, without a single shilling in his I'ocktt, bis health and the use of his hands v\eie all his df^pendence. A short time since, thi!< same man disposed ol a yi'ke of cH|ntal Oxen and a fine Cow which he had earntid over and above what he re* quired upon his little farm, on which he had besides, two excellent Cows and a large stock of Pigs, lei I for store pigs and for breeding, a'ler having packed fourteen barrels of poik. He had ai^o |iui'* chased a Reserve Lot from a ntighbour^ on which he had sown st* veral acres of Fall Wheat; and in the following year, (his third.) be proposes building a g«<»d iiHmed hi>'jse, together with a lar^^e barn. The means for accompli.^hing ail thesu results, so vast tot one in his original mean rircumstances, have been earned in aa fioawsl and fair way by farming on &Laies, as it is here termed, ttiut * In the second edilion of *' Sketches of f*buis for settling in V\u per Canada; tuc." the buthttr udi«/iid ihai im huJ over rated the ti> pense for the passage and bcliicjatia ui cuca iuuiily upoa ais did- val ia ihia country. V s « 65 i s, ]w liai n r^rtnin sh«p«, as mny b« previously nfrred upon, of 'hft prothirf t»fafaifii (ivhose otviier cannot convfiilprifly wc»rk il liiin- i.U.) lor his »af»our and expeiiie in oullivaling il, a pidctice ibht is iMMimon in many parts «»( Ctutnda. HtT'-.then, is an luslance of a nun nlio, without frifnds, witliont cni»itHl,»viil>»»iitcrfilif, rva'izna \. hut I>. ronipaiaiively, a routlor- ImI)I«» iriHe[.en.Jp.ic»? in threii jears ! Many more iubtniuej of n sj'nilHr ki/i'i inj^'ht be adduce. I, were it ne'cfs^H-y, to shew uiiU what i-ipiJily and ras«. an industrious, honest man, (houjfh po»>r, nj«y tlevaie hirnst- If abovn the rrach of want in thishicly tavourt.d coinfry ; and if a pln^lo unaided individual tan so pro'spr r, sinelv, half III'' sum mfntioned i>y luir friend B already allud*'.d to, ex- prndiMi Willi prudence and fconomy, would establish a faiwily (d fivf f.prsons in Canada, so as to be no longer bnrlhensouip to the parMi uhichsent them out, c r, to this com iry whitb received tlum intf* her bosom. Knough, it i-; conce'ved, has now hren said to shew ibtj advantages held Irirth in Canada lo the poorer classes of ^ocieiy, on an occasion where the liroiis for discussion are so luu'h nnriowed by the necessity of re.^trding Iher ;,nbjccl9. The fiiid which is here presented to men o' jii higher order, • and toca|.5talists, h ?o extensive, and reqnii -» su much detail, as nell a& aijjument and illustration, to il r^onstrate, the 've cannot pretend to enter upon it with any lu^Ilf«^ on this occasi«>n ; nor would it, indeed, be altogether a lit subject for diseu!*»ion in a r«ier«<» iketch likfi this ; However, as it is not imfftdjable this little woik may tnll info the hands of persons anxious for some informatiou on 'bill head, a few brief remarks shall be added, reserving a fuller * statement for another, and a more enl»rged ofiportunity. Of the liberal profesf^inns, Cleigymen are the most required, and Lawyers the less needed. Such a provision has l)een made by the Iniiierial Government for the established Church, without any de- mand ortytbe from the people, as must eventunlly make the Ca- nadian Clergy (should things reniiiin so happily conslitnted as tbey now are) the moftt powerfi*'. wealthy, and influential body to be found in any country, anci: :k ;>r modern, no le^s than one stvtnlh, oj Ihe whole soil bein^^ set apart for its use and sup(K)rt. It i;^ tiue the income, at present deiiv«'d from this vast appropriation^ is scHrcely worth tiie namUtg ; but it is every day increasing, and it it inpossible tf*say to what extent it may hereafter arrivtr Theie area great many sijuations in various parts of the Province, where Clergymen vi'ho wouldte active in the {>erlormanceof Ibeir impor- taut dniies are much wanted. An act of the provincial parliament prevents English or Scottish A'tornies from practising here until they have served a Clerkship of the same duration as is required fiom I. aw Students in this caun' try, viz.-Fivt years actual service, under articles, to a Piaclising i i). > • I ! t.i i '.■M v* -.•-*■ -N'; ;n Ml:!,, ill ii I',.'"' I't: C6 9 "^u. * ail Attorney of this Province. Regular Bnrrislers, fiowfvpp, ornny pe son v\ho has been called lo praciist al thf Bar «l any of His Majesty's siifxriop (^tnr»s, not haviiif; merely IochI juri^riii-iion in Enuinnd, Scotland, or Ireliitid, or in any of iJi- Maje>ij 's Hrovirueg in North AinericBjOn producing testinM»ni>tls (»t good «:liHrHt't«r and conduct, to the satisfncfion of ihe Vhw Society of ihis Pro- vince, may be called l)y the SHid Law Sof.iely to llie degree of a Barrist*'" upon his entering himself ol ilie said Society, and con* formiiij; to all the rules and regulationsi thereof There ar« •several openings in c«»iinlry siiiiiidons, in diflfirent parts of the Provitice, where skilful Medical Men aie (nncJi want, ed, and io which they could scarcely fail lo realize hand^Mno ■ properties; but the labour in such situations is severe. A Medkiil Board is established at York to exainitie a'i tandic^aies wtio h ve n<»t graduated in the regular manner at some eminent B iti'h, or Foreign University ; and no pretender to knowledge in ifiii* impor- tant profession is allowed to practise here without having previous- ly satisfied the Board of bis ability, and obtaining u licence tor : that pur|>ose. y Of all professional men, or tho e of the middle ranks of Sof ie- , '». ty who are not possessed ''f much wealth, tljeie aie none to u flora so many advantages are offered in this country, at< { > \\ui Half ray Officers o( the Biiti-.h Arn»y and Navy, 'Jhey hi'toioe imniediattiy ^y independent. Entitled by the regulations of (lovernment to re. .; ceive from oOO lo I2<)0 acres of land, according ti» ihoir rjiuk, froin an Ensign to a Colonel, if in the Army ; and, froai a !V1id>hipmun ■% lo a Captain, if in the Navy ; on payment of a Fee fcarcely wirth the naming (£2 18s. 8d.) they aie immediat* ly pUc< d on a footing .'with the Country Gentlemen, as to real estate, w liilst their half >: V>ay, drawn at stated intervals, gives them on advaMaee possessed ''/7'I>y very few in this country. — Their Bills almost uU\ays bear a *?-l premium of from 5 to 10 per cent, this, with the ditfcn nee of Ciifrency, and the certainly ihdt One Hundred Pounds, will go , farther in the purc!tat.e of all the little Inxuiles for the table, and ; ' for the conveniences of life, than Two Hundred Pounds will otj- ■■^--^ tain in England ; besides the almost total freedom trom Taxes, As- sessments, and many oth^r expenses that rnn^l be incurred by Gentlemen of this class in Great Britain, altogether give them ix- traordinary advantages-, and wv have oOen thoaght, that in noo- ihcr part of the Giobe could they settle dawn so advantageously as in this Province, Besides, by their attainments, and rank in life, they are immediately eiigibie f.r many honorable stations and /^ '^employments, which add to their influence and conseqnenro, if not lo their wealth ; and such Gm t| ^men will have the addltinnal 8»jisfaction of finding much of thnl kind of society to which th«y have been acciiMomed, in almost every.part of the Province, for (here are now bnt few o' the st-tlled Township-, in which ihert are uol some iialf pay officers,- ciiher of (he Aioiy or Navy. ...:^>' 6T \Te pfipposely n.>*<»Iects«}-lng any Ihing of Mercbnnfs and Tralesr men, bet^au'^e if afiy sij»;li jiersoris eiiihai k speculalirtly in lliis country without b^'iii;^ previously wt-V tcifiiHinted wiili it, and the niode of (rnnsacting JmisIiipss, it will be nitdoublediy ti> their se- vens Cdst and lofs. — Merhanics of alrnf^^t every descri|iliun are certain to do well, if honest, sober, and indu.stiious. To the .«niall capitalist of from £5t)©0 t(» £'20,tK!0, end upwards, the field that U opened in Uppei Candida is alluring, splendid, and dazzling!! But it is such a subject that it is dilficult to know w hure to heijin, and, still na ore so, where to sti'p ! neither dt» we feel very willing to open the stores of our hud<5t>t in this particular to the wbnlf world, further than by tonchinu; genefally on a few of those subjects to w hich «nch a cai italist should dii« cl his atten- tion, and oy earnestly rt*<|Uftsting him " tocomf and «ee," when ^ve protnise httn he shall know more. Cat ital uione is wantir)^ to place Canada in the rank which her nntiirHl wealth apd position entitle her to maintain in the scale of nations ; and, as the rl^ht arm of Great Britain ; atjd we would venture to irsure a certain nuiiiher of capitalists to the amount above namnd, a quadruple return for the sum expended, within the term of ten or a dozen years ! It cannot he exjiecteu we should state the mode of pro* cedureon this oc( asion ihero is a great deal in knowing the signs of the limes, and in being able to take advantage ot tliobe signs — Me who has a spare capital, and wishex to incieaseit, should be *' a discerner of the times." — General Washington is said to haye exctlled in this par- ticular, ar.d to bave secured many advantages (rr)in the adioitness with whirl) he managed his own inlf rests in the Huctuatiotis of thft land raarliet, which at a certain period engrossed the atU^on of all classes in the^United Slates of America. ^^ ♦., The busing and sHlling,the parcelling out and settling, and lo-' jCaiing hiiidjUiay be called the staple bu-ioess of all new countriesj and that in which both isidividunh and the State are most deeply concern»'d Much thert'fore, nay, alo'ost every ihing, depends ui)(»n the way in which it is managed. — It is an idle and absuid o- [pinion thai land jobbing is injiiriou- to a c<»u!itry. VVhf-n carried Ion exfoiisively it is the very b«»st thing that can hapi<en to any |y«>ung district, or territory ; it imparls life, spirit, and enterprize, lanil converts what would wtheiwise beron)e a stasiiioot, putrid Inid'sh, into a living f untoin of all that gives stretigth and power to lE'n[»ire. The whole hl-lory ot the United Slaie^. and e.s|ierially lllie atxouiit of the ."ietilemenl of the Genesee Laiids in the State [of Jff'vv York, to v\ hich we have al eady allud.'d, afford- stiiking lillu5tratio:is of this argument. The pr* sent times are very fnviiur- nble for making e^tr-n-ive j'urrhaties of land in CIpper ( annd'i :-i» ^lie price, owing io that gtMieral defae^siiMi in the >aliie ot all kinds df property which succuedud the laie wai, btlng nearly as low now •■*, ■ -■ i '■-"'"> .• ' 'A ,_...-. ^ _ -. ■ V - . - , -^ , . ■:-----'-■■', , ^ '..■•. il rl \ • if '■ ■\ ■: l\ m I ; I I i'-:" G$ ^' ''1 l!!l| /i! M':i ii ii: t I .5! \ as it was at the first settlement of many parts of the country. Tfie _^, Province is now '}m\ emerging, like a nnve creation, into that ge- neral notice which it deserves, and iIh; value of lands must spfedity rise in an exlravrdiunry ratio The growth of Canada has never k»tu ionnd ; and, though it may have he^n considered tardy in ctinijia* rison with that nC the United States, its advancement has been iia< tural, wbo^esoinr, and regularly |>rogres?ive. The u.-nal mode ol setting apart the Crown and Clergy Re?rrvp? in Upper Canada, iscnrtoinly very much Hgaini>t those (.'apitHh-,13 who may wibh to embark in undeilukings oi this kind,and evfu Birainrit others who may desire to settle down together, and foim a little community of (heir own. But it is probable tne ProviiiiinI iJDVcrnment might be induced to vary from the c(>mmori praclice of allotting Reserves, on being convi«iced that it would bepi<>» dnctive of public and private advanta^^e, lu any material extcti!, in any particular vicinity. Sometime- an entiie J'ownship is offered for sale, as is the ca3e at present, in the District of Newcastle, in that tA Seymour, throuj;li C which the River Tr»'nl, one of the (inesf streams in the Province, '<:^ and abounding with Mill seels, runs in its course from the Rice Lake to the Boy oi Qiii.te, on Luke Onlario. This Jownshi't is admirably calculated for the formation v( a beautiful and ticii settlenient ; iti^in the immediate neighl)ourho<^d of the Marmcm iron Works, and surrounded o\\ all sides l,>y thriving settlcmfctits;! this tract of land, a great part of which is of the first (jiiality. mm f now be purchasf-d at a price, and on terms, that would insureal noble fortune to a Capitalist of t'ufticient means to cairy the projftrl phti of^ settlement, and resale, into full etfect. '1 'iH^'* Township i • ere ate about 47,000 acres, exclusive of Ufi- %tvW^' Tiiere are aUo the following additional iracls, now aJ' . . vertised fgr sale, an very liberal terms, viz: — • *.» ■ >^«.. "^ V. ^5y. Jlfandford, about lIou«rltton, Miiidkton, - -« ISoutfiwolff, - - Yarmouth, IVesiminsler — mhijjield, 20,000 19 fJOO M.OfH) 17,000 11.903 9,237 5G688 Mrcs. The whol*; of which, together with Seymour, are appropriated for the *>ndo\vment of a College in this Province. But there is scarcely any pait of the Province where a man judgment, and with the nci-essary lunds, might not lay out iil ^woney with a certainty of enormous advantage. As m e have bej fore hinted, it would not be rpiile proper to go into detail,f)i) occasion like this j but we should be rtjoiced to hail the anival' men of capital in this Proviuce, uut merely for their own sM 69 but fop tTifc general good of the coinjfry, vi hich wniiid naturally gidvv III xstiiUh and jKJVver, in the same ratio with (he success of (•livat^* individual!). To (host; whd m!§;lit wish to emha-k in a rommeTe of raw nr>ale- rjnl or in th« extensive inHnu(ac(ui>; ot sJapU' artit le> of home run- s«» nption, (hi're is here al.o a fin? lirM fi»r en'orfiire ; i^iiurf '. re 8iH none ot lho«e (e:?frictioris whicli f;HVC so miii h ijn)l»ra;.e in the t ut/tt/ ii/y/f J l-eiore ttieir sepHrat ion from the Bri'ish Trown, and wliiuli were so nnich dwelt ufjon hy tht' famous Vn Pk*ce, in his ^vi»ik oil Civi! lUnrhi, as lieing a just run'-e o| di.^odnliMit^and re- n-.on'truiiee. Ot Uie precitms and vHliiahle ineia's Govemrneiil ir.«erves Gold and i'/Vt'fr, only. Craniees ate put in>o the full, friic, and unconlio!led posjessiou of all the Copper, Ltad, Iron, 7'm, or ijther mtlallicy or mintral substances which may be lound on tlieif lands, loge;her nitli Coal, and all other substances whatever ; and the more \hU country is searched, hy men properly qualified, tiie richer it will be found in valuable mineral prod;ictions. The history ot the Establishment of the Marmora fiOn fVorksy now the property ct the enterprising & patriotic ( haki.ks IIaye;', Ej(piire, is alone sufficle'il to shew the liberality i-f Government, and the hupes that any other capitnllil may reasofmMy entertnin uf <>ucce!)s in laying the foundation o. future wealth, so far at least as the patronage, and encouiagetnent of Governnient in lltia tuujitry is cnnceiiipd or desired. There are several Manufactories ol a domestic nature in which large capitals are required, the want of vvhiih is at present serious- ly tell b> all classes of people in (his Province. Of these, Salt, (which may Uh obtained by going to a siitfioient depth in almost every pari of the ounlry) slands the first In the list of necessiti/^ ti'tct. the Opper Canadians are not <mly supplied with groat irre- ^ilaiily, but ihey p^y at least double what they o«i^ht to pay for tiiij indispensable article, and are under the control, in this red- ■H|W ■In ■ %i ■ li'r •<!]!'■ fl' ■.f '*i^ * A great deal of enterprise and public spirit has been shewn of late in the IVeslern District, where the Tobacco crops have been increased so con>,iderably as (o allow the Hxpcxtalion o{ wanrj hundred hogsheads, during the last season; — We have heard of a single cultivator having 40 acres under this valuable cn'O — it i» hoped some provisions, favourable to the Canadian grower will be made by the Imperial Parliament at home ; as the markets of the Lower Province are much loo limifed for the diipoaal of a tenth part of what will .shortly be rflrsed in (he West. Am<mgst the Domestic lVIanufs«;ioiie.'*, that of coarse wo(»IIen c'oth Is one of (he most consideratila, lo Iho narrow District of (aure,aloiie,fr.)m 2 «o 3000 pieces are annually made: and, ihrough- om the country it is a trade, together with the v^caving of liuta, rapidly iii^rea*in";. "^ ■ ">. - -^ .^ - >»?•«: N« 70^ ! 'I "irf 'il.irSi! 'HM? Kii v 1 ' i; , . ti- pert, to a serioin nnd alnrming extent, of a people who are alu'nys rivals, and soinetiino4 enemie!>. Atone period, dtiiing the last war, Salt was sold in this country at from ^U) to ^16 per husht-I, and even now it is frequently 5, 6, h '7^ per hnrrti, in situnfions, where it o»ii;ht not to exceed ^'2 (>er f)nrrel. "1 he cuilnre of To- bar.ro, Hemp, blax, and Wool, audliapeUir the inHnnfactiire ^f Oil frtr » xporJ^jion, abo, the estai)lishin»fnt of Paper Mills (vvhitJi are very Miucii wani'd;) o{ jYatl, and Screw Fnclories; Glass^ Houses; Patteries; nml n Manotnelory of Course Faint All pic mise ahundHnt rei itn" forlhe outUy of capilal ; and, to beef the most tienedciai cnnseqiinices (u ihe conntrv. Nature has de^j^ned this country to be ome rich, not merely by her agricultural, bu! also in her co<nmerci«l advantages ; f»tr no country in \\\r> world is possessed of so many public highways, by water cumtnunication, as Upper Canada The rivers of a iwiintiy may be c«*mpartd to the arteries and veins of the human body, a.3 being alike the ehannels for communicating, heaUh, and vigour, and life, between the respective paits. Ihft Piver St. Laavrkn( e, which we shall here consider as aris- ing from the Ci eat and lVla<]jnificenl Baffin of Lake Superior, Cmore than 1500 miles in rircutuftrence,) has a course to th*' sea of nearly 3000 miles, var) ;?g from 1 to 90 miles in width, of whirh distance, intludingjhe Lakes Ontario, Erie, and Huron, it is navigrthle for ships of the largest class, very nearly 2000 miles, and the remainder of i he distance is navigubh* for barges, batteanx, and vessels drawing little water, of from 10 to 15, and even 00 Tons burthen Into this great artery, as it were, of the ^nest |tart of the- country, fnll many other rivers of such extent as would be pstcerned waters of great magnitude and uf (he highest importance in any other country. Some of these Ki vers are the »ntlet» of regions of vast extent which are watered by a countless number of Lak*'s and initiur stieums. Of these the Su^uenay, which fails into the St. Lawrence below Quebec; and \ be OttaA'a, or Grand River, whose embou- chure ia divided into two branches by the Inland of Montreal ; and the Trent, or River Otonil)ee, which is the outlet of a long chain of Lakes, in the iiorth west country towards Lake Huron, and which falls into Lake Ontario near Kingston, are the mu->t coo.sid- erable** ' , But it wnnld be inipos ibie in a '•ketch lik^ this to mention or describe a fiitieih part uf the^^akes and rivwrs which open and ier> I ! * The B»y of Qiinte U, in fact, rather the mouth of the Rivef Tffoli or Otonittee, than a Bay of Lake Ontario ; as there is not onfy a perceptible current down its cerltre — l-ut it has no side com- muniration with the lake fur luany miles, until it arrives at wbali« teroied ihe upper gap. '-M- y, '"i "V I extent M'ence \\ ; a«i(i chavu In, ajid [tidn or md ler. is not |e euro- - •. -^^ •- • ' '71 . - f^Vf7.c the pitftrisive region of Upper Canada. No one vrbo looks a\ fiwy fxinting niB\y <>f tlie Province ran form any id<*a eillier of tiifir iiu!)i!)e> or magiiitdtlts ^ucli h detail uiust be reserved ioi a* ijollter fujoasion. and for ^ larger work. Tfif piifi'^ipal n«\v SettUmnnts Utat have been formed, are the p.r.h, on tlte wafi'is of ihe l^idean, in lln' District of But hurst ; the Rice Lflke Seltlemf-nt in the District of N«'\vcastle ; and the Tal- bot St'lih'ment, in ihn r.ondon Disttict. But, during the adininia- titttion of the fjrfr:s»*nt I4i^ul^>nanl CJrvernor neatly filty new 'l'«>vMi- Siiiips, averaging upwards of sixty thou'^and antes each, have been sijrv«vfrd within a st»a«:e of five yenrs, and there are v^ry few of tlipse wiihodt son>e iidiHtjitants. 'Jlie popuhitim! of Canada is in- cre.'iMns: w'th iv'eat rf»pi''.ity. Innnriinf; tlie iMilit^ry, and als^ithe Al>')riginees of the eonntry, both l'rovince& caHn«.>t coutain mucil ies> than One Million of Souls ** ' ' But it is very dilljcult to iy;el at the truth, in this respect, nfdwith- sfanfiinsj an Act ot the Provincial Parlmment of U|'[u»r Canada cfMiij-els tlie inhabitants of t-ach Town-^hip, through their Town- Cletk to muki- an stiinuHl retu'tj. The census is usually taken in so (artless and slovenly a manner, in the country, that it is seldom cr never accurat'", and ihf enoris always in u,itfler-ratin«;. In the Lttwer Province, the census is geneiahy luado by the re&ident Cier^v. It is prol.able the settled patts of Uf^per Canada contain about 2t')ii.<»U() souls The largest towns aie Yoik and Kingston, of wiiicli Kiii^sinn is the most populous^ coniainig 2 3^0 inhahiiants. Ma- iiv mlifr town»>' are grov^ing into uutu, uf which the following; are [tlif f)rineipal : — Port HApe, New Market, Penetanguisbene, Dundas, Anfa»lvir, , Bait(»n, Grimshy, S(. C'atherines, CornwaJI, P'SCott, Brotrkville, Penh, (iannanoqufi) Bath, belvilje, Hallo well Niagara, St. Davids, Queenston, Chippeway, Waterloo, Port Talbot, Ainhertsburgh) Sandwich, ♦.' Cfiburg, The Militia of Upper Canada has become formidable, not mere- ly for numbers, hut f»r quality and met«l ; i.nd there am not more lova), nor better disposed mnn towards the J ri i^h (iovernoient in any part oi the £[n|>ire ; no, not in the htart <>f EM^Idud : and * A return has? been lately made for Lower Canada, whir.h, if ii'UP, will obiia-i* i|si to he more moderate in calculating the round |urnl)ers for both Provincps ; but, beiitving our pre-ent tstimato ' l»e near the tinth, we «hall await a ttibie j[»critcl icluiu btlore ^eaUer-lheawwiMil btie culcuiuled, ■> ■ m mm §. ■ W iIh ^ i K »« jB 'V ! i. \ |l ;.| ; 1 'I •i I I r: ll ■ 1 ♦ j' 1 ■'! • i 1 ■ f • ' \3 .]' *f J 11 "V J' ■ /■! ^i;!i!!| ♦il? tiihMi the last war wilb tlir United States having piveo t1)fm immortni honour their spirit is of so high and confidant a cliaraefrr, that il will Be extit'iiiely difficult for any foreign enemy to subdue it — It is no longpp a tuohlern whether the Canadas will prove an easy conquest to tin- United St tt»'s of America. One Hundred and Fif. tyTh(»usaiid Cunadiun Militia, (which both Provinces have now at command) as well disposed as they certainly are, with the troops of Provnicial Cavalry and Riflemen which have been voluntarily raised, under the orders of an ahie General, from the nature « f the country may bid defiance to any number that may be brou^jlit aganst them — And here we purposely say nothing of Hi<» Majes- ty's Regular Tr*»r»ps, and tlie aid to be derived from the Indians. The Abbe du Pkadt was never more mistaken than in his as- sertion, al p 479 ot his famous work on the- Colonies, where he says, in his u.^iual pompous and conceited phraseology — *' Acadia and Canada will have cea-ed to belong to England on the day that the United States will he able to establish an army ol 50,000 men." That experiment has been tMtd ; even whilst the Cariadian IJer- ' culcs was as an infant in his swaddling clothes. We hope it will be lung before it may be necessary to43vi«cea greater maturity of strength, either defensividy or offensively. N(Hhing is more templing, and nothing is more danjserous and fallaciou-', to minds of a certain giaspthan analogous rtasonio^- It reqoiies a penetrating and comprehensive genius, especially in politics, to ajiply such a mode of reasoning with any hope of draw- ing safe and j'lst conclusioui?. Ou Praot adds to the asseriion just .{Uoted, ''The Eoglish will find themselves in a position, witlii respect to the Americans, equivalent to that which they formerly found themselves in France. They will be in the same circoni' • stances in Canada as they were in France during the time that tlieyl held possession of Guienre and Normandy, as the Swedes Mcrtf in Finland since a Pelershurgh existed, Injlwilh this dirtereiirf. that Guienne and Finland are filuated only at the distance r^faj few leagues from England and Swtdt n. whereas the United SfalfiJ are by the side of Canada, and England is distant a thouaun^j leagues frojo it." This amusing and Interesting Frenchman forgets a very impfr-l 'tant fact ; that a given extent of country, (especially one like (>j imda possessing *o much wilderness, with strong natural bouririaj Ties or barriers,) like a fortress of certain extent, requires only •[ cenain number of men to garr'son it; more than the nunit'f wanted is generally an incumbrance, (when straightened ini ■ siee,e,; rather thHU a bent-fit, as tiiey only serve to consume ilij ' ineans of a piot" acted defence. Wn think it was the famous Go TAVws Adolpuus of S\\eden, who said that he would not desirei larger army than 40 000 men fit for actual service, to accompW any military ohj.-ct; a-sui:b a forr«» wo dd always enable him ^rhuse bis posiliuns. Il Is indeed worthy of remaik how few * These carried intj ^^> in a ivf H^tetaly do] '- ■ . 7S compiratively, were actually engaged in all the most memorable bartlrs. both of ancient and modern times But to return, M du pRADT never reflrcted that, unlike Gnienne or Normandy, or Fin- laiidi the Canndas were destined to becnuie in a few year? a match single han'^ed, against any neighbouring foe; and nf this fact there cannot now be much doubt, whilst nothing could be more Erepostereus than to suppose the two French provinces whicli ave been named were a match for all France ; or, that Finland was capable of defending itself against the enormous power of the Russian Autocrat. £uougb, however, has been said on this sub* ject here. The exports of Canada are already considerable ; and, from the encouragement held torlh by the »* Trade JicV passed during th^ last Session of the Imperial Farliaiuent, in favour of this countty^ it is but reasonable to expect they will be greatly increased in a short time. Since the last war with the United States the exports from the two Provinces have averaged (including Furs and Pel- try*) about £1,500,000, ^and from 600 to 700 ships are now em- ployed every year in the foreign and coasting trade. The tonnage employed during the present year (1822) by the Custom House returns at Quebec, is no less than £145,942 ! The prices of Provisions in the Upper Province arc at present (1823) still rather low. In the York Market, Beef 2d.-Mutton 3d. to 4d. -Veal 3d. to 3 1 2,-Pork 2d -Turkeys 2- 6d -Geese Is. lOd. 12 to 2s. ed.-Diicks Is. lOd. 1 2 per pair.-Fowls Is. 3d. pec pnir.-Butter7d. 1 2-Et;gs 3d. 1-2 to 6d.-Fine Flour 4^ to 6^ per Barrel. — Salmon of 15 to 16 lb. wt about Is. 3d. each;-abuadance of other fish cheap. Many of what, in some countries, may be called luxnriea can be had here in their proper season, at very moderate price, such as Oysters, Cod fish, Venison, and Game in abundance. The domestic animals of Canada adfoit of great improTement, and it is strongly recomnsended, frqm the succes? of some experi- ments which have been :ilready made, to attend to this improve- ment rather by judicious selection and crcssing^ than by import- ing fine breeds irom the too highly refined stock of £ngland ; ex- cepting only a few Stallions of th(^ large improved Coach, or Cart Horses of England, which are much wanted to give weight and power 10 the spindleshanked,' flimsey, horses imported into the Upper Province from the United States ; and, to give size to the ti.^ht, compact, hardy, invincible, little horse ol the Lower Pro- vince. * These valuable product* to a very large amount are annually carried into t4ie United States, from various parts of Upper Cana- da, in a way that i.^ unknown at Montreal or Quebec, and conso- qiieiilly do not appear in the Custom House Books there. i' ! - ' : I't 1 . ' ; h,\ ■--*■[ 74 f!,; >i I! -, m li! i It has often been asserted that the pony of Wales, and the Gal- lawo^ «»f Scotland, are superior, for thru aize to any olher hor<-ci in the woild But the writer ol this article has no doubt ttiai horses can hn found in (Montreal and Quebec of 14 hands hij^h, and under, that lor drHV\'ini;, or currying JiPHvy Heights, and for botionn, ai)d sheer hardihood, wuuld lartiurpasH the horses of any other country, not even excepting any part of Great Britain, 50 justly rericwnvd for the excellence of its Ponies a^ well as for the matchless charac- ter of its Flunters and Race Horses; — since the little horses of Lowe'' Canada are every dav performing what would be deemed great exploits were they recorded in the Sportsman's Magazine — But excellent as these horses are, their inferior size renders them unfit for many purposes of draught The horned cattle of this country merely want good wintering, and more attention, than is now gentirally paid, to a judicious cross in breeding, lo be every thing that a farmer could desire. Sheep are for the greater part, mported from the United States, and have more or less of tlie < Merino ' in their breed ; too mu( b so, in our opinion, to be so pr(.fitabie in this climate, and v^ ith the careless management they receive, as Ihey may be. it is thouglit that the improved 'Cheviot', whose fleece is weighty, and possesses a long staple, might be introduced into-Canada with great succes!?, and it is well worth while to make the experiment. — il is to be la* mented that the difierent breeds of sheep are not more generally cultivated than they are in Canada, as the climate is very tavorahie to the growth of wool, which might hereafter become a valuable article of export. There are those who wish for an importation of the largest ireed of Flng]i>-h HAgs, to give weight to those of this country, as well astorpndtTthem of a more 'kindly nature,' as a breeder would term it. But, there is not the smallest dotibt that a 'kiifnl and at- tentive farmer, who is a good manager, may have a breed of Hogs, without leaving Canada, equal to every thing that he may desire. Hogs which arrive at the weight of 300 lbs are surely heavy enough for ordinary consumption and we have frequently known insten* ces of their arriving at such a weight in Canada, without any par* ticiibtr attention b<-ing paid So much has now been said on subjects that may be deemed, ia eener^U, foreign to a publicaliun of this nature, that the writer is a- fraid of enlarging his sketch until he Icnowshow far it may prove at'ceptabl(* lo the public Should he have the happiness to find bis plan ap r-wed. he will undertake to work up, by degrees, what is now nothin"; more than a rough outline, very hastily sketched, *^ into a more finished pictutre, for the succeeding volumes of this wo'k. which he is desirous of rendering as u>eful a companion as ke tan make i to ell ranks of people who visit, or who naay intend . ^Ut visit, aa well as '.^ those who reside, in this Province. , . r> • ■ >: .. , .rJ .^..- 75 Before he concludes, howerer, as n groat deal lia.« been said, of lat«i in di-pafSR*'™'*'"' ol'llie plan, adopted by Government, which grrtols no more than 60 Acres, wilhtMil the payment of fees, to ordinary api'licants, tlie writer cannot hrip repeating that the libe- rality of the British Governnaent, in this particular, is without a paraMel in the history of the world, ancient or modern. What mflii hHS ever been more highly eitolled than the famous William Fenn? whom all wril(»r8, of all parties, and opinions, have agreed tnciia-aclerizaas a lih.^ral, humane, and virtuous legi>lator ; and even Pens did not think fit, in that golden day of cheap gilts, in land matters, to part with portions af his vast territory without a price, which even then was deemed so trifling as to be little more than nominal, and his fee upon his larger grants of 1000 acres wa* 430 /iVc** ; and, to those who could not pay for more, he granted dO«cres, *' for the annual quit rent of one sol, ten deniers and a half per acre," equal tc one penny, or four shillings and two pence, on the whole fifty acres, annually quit rent — nut a frec- HOLD ! * The eiample of William Penv is chosen, because no one ha§ ever yet objected to the wisd »m of his policy. — However, not to go further into this subject on the present occasion, as the wealth of Upper Canada is at this time chiefly agricultural ; wo will con- clude in the eloquent language of (he author ironi wiioin we have ju»t quoted. *• Every thing depends upon, nnd arises, from the cultivation of land* Itforrosthe internal strength of states ; and draws riches into them from without Every power which comes fr»m any o- tlier source except the land, is artificial and precarious, either in natural or moral philosophy. Indjstry and commerce, which do not act immediately upon the agriculture of a country, are tn the power of foreign nations, who may either dispute these advantages through emulation, or deprive the country of thom through envy. This may be done either by establibhing the same branch of indus- try among themselves, or by suppressing the exportation of their own unwrought materials, or the importation of those materials in manufacture, But a state well manured, and well cultivated, pro- duces men by the fruits of the earth, and riches by those men. — This is not the teeth which the dragon sows to bring forth soldiers to destroy each other ; it is the milk of Juno, which peoples the heavens with an innumerable multitude of stars." ^ .^ YORK,U. C. ) • ' December 1st. 1823 J - -I-: ^SocRaynal. ' -i' • ^r^ ♦' f And the difference in the value of money from that time to the prebenl is no liijle! . . , "S: ■;■* f, r il iiii ;'■/■; i. Ml im ■Hi- I'm I' ^11 ri ■II !i !: III! ■JVll' ■t I : I '1 '-iii I I v.,,^ ^^ TABLES /* -f-' *. OF THE ANCIENT KINGS^ AND or , * r^i; PRESENT ROYAL FAMILY :A OF ENGLAND. -i ■ ' "friTH AN HfTRODUCTORY VIIW OF ITS G0TERNME9T, FROH' THE INVASION OF JULIUS CiESAR, ' - « FIFTY FIVE FEARS BEFORE CHRIST, TO TEE ARRIVAL OF THE SAXOiSS, A. D. 449, ■' .■...--.'■>-„■•■ ^ - ^^..v -,,- : ■_, .^ / • A TABLE .^; OP THE SOVEREIGNS OF EUROPE, .• ,,^^- ■■ '•• ■■ -^ AND ■''-,. •'■■ -x . A LIST OF THE BRITISH MINISTRY, WITH A CONCISE ACC UMT \ ■■: r, ■ ■- ■y . OF THEIR VAIUOUS DUTIES A^iD rUlVILEQE^. I A BRIEi VIEW OF THE GOFERSMimr OF BRITAIN • UBIHG THE PERIOD IN WHICH IT RANKED AS A PROVINCE OF THI ROMAN EMPIHE, FROM THE INVASION OF JULIUS CJESAR, FIFTY-FIVE YEARS BEFORE fHRIST| TO THE ARRIVAL OF THE SAXONS, A. D. 449. SKSTCrnED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WORK, BY ' CUARLES FOTHERGILL. We agree with the learned Borlase, who has adduced un- questinnablt ^/idence of (be fact, that the large and beautiful h- Itiid of Great Britain, the mn^t renowned in the world, whs known tOt and partially settled by, the Phoenicians at a very early period, «> « ' even when the greatest part of Europe remained an unexplored >; wilderness, rude and wild as the remoipst fastness of America- It was inhabited for many ages ; and, as Dr. Henry observes, was the scene of many wars, revolutions, and other important events, before it was invaded by the Romans under Jplius Caiar in the year, before Christ, 55. But it is not our purpose (o plunge into the glooni and doubt of so remote an antiquity — We have no desire, especially in this / ' ' place, to |>eer and pry intothe darkness of unwritten History, or to raze on the creations of fancy, when unimpeachable records, and substantial forms, are near. From the retreat of Julius C^sar, to the invasion of Cla»' Dius, a period of ninety seven years, but little is known of the Mo* narchs. Princes or Chiefs of the Island. — Neither Augustus, TibI' BIOS, nor Caligula, (although the latter Emperor had collected > '' an army of no less than 200,000 men on the opposite coast of Oaul) attempted the invasion. At the period of the invasion of Clau»ivs, we hear much of I Caractaows, a native Prince, who seems to have been worthy of ; , the fame which has been bestowed upon him by every historien of that age ; and, after him, the renowned Boaoicia, Queen of the Iceni,'* who was at one time, and in one engagement, at tlief f ■ bead of 230,000 mea. — From the defeat of this immense army to[ a*rhe Iceni inhabited the Counties of Suffolk, Norfolk, Cambridgen nd Huntiugdoa '' ' ' . -" , , ''-"■-:■ ' -■' . ■ , ■ • ■ ,- ■ , ,--J ^ ■ V S •- -' 79 loubt d in ihiJ ^ory, or •ecordS) If Cla»* Ithe Mo- ;o\lected coast o{ A t>. 207 tht smiMi«rR parts of Britain wt^rnchiffly under the rule ot' G<>M''i'Oi> sfiit tliillitr troni Home ; aiiiDii^.-t v^Iioqj, Agri- cor A «va- III** \ie-{, and (be Oiosl fuinou^ .—he not uhly dele.ttcd th« Calf(humn$\\\ many batties. hut was* I he Aist who circumna' vi^Ht'd the inland. aiid()r(eriiiiii«<d itseniiitt c(ia.«t. Ii \\a< in the year*2i)7 that Ihe eiii|)«ror Severu^ arrived in En- |[)Hiid, where he reirainrd lur four years, and built Ihe 9tU|ien* ddiH v\all from sea to >»-ai acrni«9 (he island (i»vvard)( (l)« north) whirh tjfHrs hi? n^me : — i( Wf»s for the purpose of chcckinf:, if not to prevent, the iiirr)Hds of (he Scnt'i ; an*i vestiges uf the vast uiideriHliing inHv still be traced,— Sevtrua died in Ihe city of Y.>rk, on (lie 4ih of Ft'b 211, and three itraiense Tuynuti, called Sevt* rris's Ililla, which were raised by Win army, remain as an impe- rislinhle monument, wiihin a mile and a half ot the city walla, to (111 day.* After the departure, frona Britain, of the two new EmperorSi Caracalla and CJeta to the accession of Dioclesian in 284, the (Government remaiited in the hands ot a rt>gulHr succession of Runt >n Vicegerents, (hough but little is known of that long and d'fk period of f>ur hisiory. It was about tlii« (irnu (hat the Frnnks^vA Saxons began to figure nn (lie slage of politic!', and of war, acting chiefly as pirates. Wo h»ar of couaidernble nuiubers of these people di>tinguiA|}ing them- selves under jihcius, in bis or position to Constamius, when lomion was fortunately preserved from utter destiuctiuu, in the year 296, iU iT-TANTiNF. (he Great, began bis reign and splendid career at I York, A. D 3t;6. His mother Ht.Unm, is said (o have been a daii^liler of Coil, one uf ihe native Kings of Bri(ain. — IVlany have aliirini'd that this Cmperor was born in the island, f and his ivaruii'st panegyrist exclaims, with much energy, " O fortunate \Briinin ! more hnp])y than all other lands, for thou hast firat beheld \CoHstuntine Caesar! " Alter the death of this great Prince, the government of Britain jfell tu his eldest son, who was likewise named Const anti7iet and Iwho was staiti in the year 340. (liatlanus Funarius, (he lather of Valeniinianj appears as (be {omaii (Governor of Britain, undfr(he Emperor Con.>«(an(ius in 354. iuch 01 ■ « rimi-e is airadidon amongst the country people of thH( part of worthy 01 ■K'lrkshire, which (he wri(ei of this •^kelch ha^. often heard, b(ill IhistorwnMtinrtijjing, which al!irnis(hat (hese bills were rai>ed by earth car- jieen oifcj frum a hollow, (in which a village called Hole gate now it, a^ »^^^w As) in the helmets of ihe whole Roman Jirmy ! — Iw*- vd' these army ^'^B'ills or Tumuli^ are not less (ban loO feet hi^h, with propor- lional liase- ! ! '-, mbridgeii t Vidt Uaser. d« primord. ^Eccle8. Bi it. c 8. ' : ^ ^ ■ ' ' ... I -.iV'-i §1' 80 ^ - •*' ii/ji Trom the ypa: S6V (o 376 the excellent and brave Theor^osius V7as Gi'vevnor From that period to 381, vvh^:n he nsMinied the Purple, the Enif»eror JVlaximu*:, who h}»d inarrird the dnugh'«r of a British Prince, held the gnve'iiinent. Both Theo* dosiiis, and Mnuimus were very nouch bt^Joved by the people. From the dale of 393 t.» 412 wh hear of ('hrysan)us. and Vic torinus, as the military repro-entatives of imptrial Rome-, and, from 418 to 421 we fii^d Gallio, a general of great ability, acting as governor — A terward*., to the arrival of the Sajons^ in 449. be- gan the most di!>a<>trous and melancholy period in the whole his- tory of our fcou!»try, harrassed by incessant attacks from ilie ma- rauding Scots, and the yet more bartiarous Plot.s, she became (he prey of hi>rde alter horde of lawless savages from the north, till the haj little left for the breechle«is vR^abond * to plunder. During this unhappy period, the Britons a[»pear to have been without either order, law, government, i.r any chiefs worthy of the name; all was confusion, famine, pestilence, rapine, and plunder. The Roman bad turned pale, and his empire, and name, and greatness, were tottering before the thrcr^ts, and actually fall. ing before the power, of the terrible ATTILA ! ,,1^ t !l :i.'l mm. ;n\ OFFICERS OF THE BRUISH GOFERNMENT^ WHILST UNDER THE DOMINION OP ROMAN EMPERORS. ■^ That th« reader may form some distinct idea of the state of| the country and its government, in the early part of its bi-'tory, i we here subjoin »ome liets of Otiicers, and notes from the JVolUki Imperii, a work of great antiquity and rarity IJnd'^r the government of the Honorable the Vicegerent of Bti- tain, are Consular governments of those p^rts of Britain, calledi Maxima Cajsariensisj* ■ Valentia ; ' Fresidial Governors of those parts of Britain, called Britannia Prima, Britannia Secunda, ' . . ^ ^ This honorable Vicegerent hath bis Court composed in inanmer ; t A Principal OiBcer of the Agents, chosen out of the Ducena-J .rii, or under Otfi'jers, • The two most northerly provinces were governed by consu-l .lar^, as t^flng must exposed to dan^r. t Under thp lower €'mj)ire thfre vvrre many incornnrnted boH'fij of mnn of diiFerent professions j and these incorporated hcdiei •were calltd ochola;. v ' .Upon the\ faifK HfUv (I i^:k 'liffljiiU i — Ke.stI " — i?uss[ ami eul '^"<'* »• his i„f § Hie £,, *'''•» »-ecoiu» ■.'i't'dis. s. 'y r%r- ■■A- I* 81 "»"T: A fcinfinai rjpil;, or Sncrpfrt'V, '1 i\f> t \i\*^i Acrounlrtiit-, or Auditors, ♦ A Ma (eroi ihf PribJiis, A Ni><aty, A Se.:rt(aiy for dftspatches, An A;<»i^lH»<t, <ir Sun'ugale> ti;.<lt-r An^istatils, ^ Cli '•ks for A(»p«.'afi I •jeajils, aii«i oilu r inrftriitr Officer^ ThtM-e u'f.rt also A7ne MVilarij s'.niii»ns, wilb ♦>!« rfcip.ssary of- ficers, ijudnr ihe (Mimin'uid ol ilie C«)Uiit uf tlit^ J'hvuh Sli'ire. *ri:e C'Hiitt 111" liritaia !)ad i*l<o h court, coiii|»:.s»m1 alVr llifciiian- ritr we have rw^^nlioiMuJ, vvilh (he addiliciri i>l h l!:'^isUr. Under lli« Goveriiinent of the hoiiUHiable ihe DuLc ol CriUiii, were the Prtftcin, lia — Tiefect uf the; Sixih Lfj^ion I>d!!j»aiUfi lloree Cri.-pian Huiije Piefpct of the Sr.rilt'j uiruiisiers U >rcaiii Tigrrsien^eb — — Nervii Ditli.usei — Di it<loros Dot t n^ijies \\ Htcbtilt'il L<jiii^()vii'arii — Di-rvtutioueuses Alao, alofis; thq line of lUe IVaHf , i/,-^ The Tiibuiieof llic! 4ch Cohoit ... - " . a Cohoii of Cutnovii , ^.^ r * . " ' l>t Cohort o»Frixa;;i i ^ l?t t:.>horl o( BaiHvi, and Tunjrri, »n<! (if the 4lh To^ort of Ga?jls, airl li.e 2 J wf DalmsUianSt JJiaciuiu^ Muos, Sp'Tniii-(li^ ai \ m^tiy olkurs. lie hud al-o a ttody <»f Qieu ui armour ; and hi Ms court was a piuicijial liilictr f'om the coiuts of the (jt.i.f'ials of the Soidiei'6 ai ordiuaiy altendauce, who was changed ytai ly. u OF THE SAXON HEPTARCHY. Upon the cstRhlishmPut of the Saxon* and Jingles, in South Bri- lain, after the yer.r 450, iht. whrhf ot that fvari id Ihe Inland vvak ilivi.ii'd into the seven f(»!l(.u ini? Kiitudoiu!* ; via: — I — Kent, founded by Heici^ist in 4c>5 — It terntiiiated in 823. li — bussKS. *)(• the Houtk Saxorm, v^as fuuuded by KLL>iiu49l| ami ended dbi-ut the year Oi'O t'the juaster of the I'ti&ons \^a« calkd Commeitturuntiff ( vm bi« kei^t)i.>i^*^an ex-.u t calendar of all Ihc piisuiicib in ail the prisot.* Uiuh •• his in-)»ecrK'ii. § The Bjt'c'p-ons Were a particular order of Cl^rkj! or Notarlen, viii tecoiUvd tla ^ti'ot'ct;uiag> dad seiitcnccb of iixL Jud^'ttt u^ ua ^.'/tdib. .,., L ... ■ . ,\ '■I.. ^:\m\ ^5 , i t \ ■:V l! Ill —East Angles, founded by Uffa, in 751, and ended in 792. IV — Wesst.'k, or the West Saxons, founded by Cerdic in 519. and endt^ri about 10J2. v.— Northumberland, established by Ida in 547, and ended in 827, Vf. — Es>.EX,orlhe East Saxons, founded by Erf.enwin in 527, and ended in 810. VII.— Mercia, founded by CridJa, in 584, and ended in 824. H i]y- 4 ■"' I* *J :r-^- V^". /' t, V V^'l' TABLE I. ENGLISH MONARCHS BEFORE THE C0x\QUE5T.* Egbert, Began to Reign, A. D "!B<-»1 Reigned 37 years. Ethehvolf, » • • . . 835 . 20 Efhelhald, • • • . 858 . . 2 Efhelnert, • « t . . 8<iO . . 6 Elljo'red, • * % . , 866 . . 6 Alered, the Grkat, . . . 872 . . 28 Edward I, a Saxon, . . 900 . . 25 Ethelslan, * • • . . 925 . . 1(5 Edniond I. * 4* * . . 941 . . 7 Edited, . • • • . . 948 . . 7 Edwin, • • • , 955 . . 4 E(Jjrjp, • • ♦ . . 959 . . 16 E UvMrd II. t Saxon, . . . 975 . . 4 Ethpired, • . c • . . 979 . . - 37 EJiuond if. ft • • 1016 , 1 -. V' • • -' ' ' ' 1 ♦ TABLE U. ENGLISH MONARCHS OF THE DANISH LINE. Canute I,B«gan to Raign, A. D 1017 Reigned 19 years. HRPold I r . . . 1036 ... 3 Oaiinti II. ... .. ... 1039 ... 2 Edward, the Confessor, . , . 1041 . . .24 V|»,olo ir .... 1065 . ., 1 * Ancient Geot^rra' hers avpr tliiit , rpvioijs to the inva: ion nf ili Islnnd by the Romans, thnt part whi'-b was aftfrwards naniftJ Knj land, was peopled by sevenlern different tribeSiijeacb of vr'ii; wa- novorxied by a Princ« id its own — These tribes were ini yiendent of each othfr, except when a common danger threi!<i| them, when thi'y iinit^^d under the nntli irity of a sinahM liieij , man of the greatest renoWE , emon^it {hcia. — Puinponius M'-\ Lib. Ill \. 83 TABLE III. KINGS AND QUEENS OF ENGLAND. FROM THE CONQUEST TO GeO. IV. KINGS. Win. Conqueror, Wm Rufus, Henry I. Stephrn, Henry W. Richard I. J.ihn, Henry HI. Edward I. Kdvvard II. FjJward If I. Rirrhurd II. Heniy IV. Ht'nry V. - Henrv VI. FviwardiV. Edward V. Richard HI. Henry VH Hftiiy VHI. E '\Yard VI. iMary I. Etizabelli, iJames I. (.'tiiirles I. Chnrle. H. James II. Maiy If. nTilliam III. lAiiiie, iGporgp I, iGpArj^e H, [George HI. [George iV, Kei^Hfco. Y. M 1). Reigned 10 26, 737 Sep?. 10 24! 724 Auj?. 3 29 ()89 Dec. 10 24 670 Oct, 8 li 635 July 9 6-25 Afril 6 ^13 608 Oct 2^ 552 Nov. 7 21 517 July 6 IB 497 Jaf). 4 27 447 June 3 8 425 Sept. 5 2(' 111 March 5 11 4<>2 Au^. 6 4 363 March 1 5.341 April 2 13X41 June 2 339 Aug. 8 0315 April 9 6277 Jan. 5 8271 July 4 1 1 265 N.-.v. 4 •221 March 8 ^99 March iO 3 175 Jan 139 Feh T) t 135 Feb. 10 15 130 Dec (» 2fc^ 122 March 4 2A no Aug. 10 10 97 June 4 14 64 Oct. 3 4 3 Jan. 3 1 25 6 6 19 16 7 25 21 29 20 31 4 9 22 22 22 23 6 17 24 27 30 Q 13 29 8 I 11 25 20 m\ V ;i. ♦ ' 1 I !■ ' ' Vival lux. i>'.-i !i" i: '•* ' fl 84 TABLE IV. nOY^L FAMILY ^F dRE AT BRITAIN. THE KING. His Mn^^t rxrpMert Majesty P.FORriR AUGUFTU?; rRFDmc IV of th»' United Kingdtrn o( G'pHt BrifHiii aid JtelaiMl, Kin^, Defender <<t the Failli. Duke ol Lpiira'i'ter and ('(»»rtv\all, iuid <tf RotlT-ay in Si otltmd Duke and f*.irM'eoi Diunvvirk Lfinen- bur^ Kiftii «»f Hanover and Arch TieH^nrer of (he He!) Roman Empire, Sovereign Pro.'rrtor o( the Uriited htHtes nt (hr loi.isn JsIhi d«, Sov(•^e^^n of the Orders of the fiarter, Balh. Jhistie, St. rnipsck, and the Hanoverian Giielphic Order. K'ii};!;t of ih> Orders of the Holy Gho«t <tf Francr , C^dden Fi<fcc»», Mrila Ther^'-H. Charles HI. of the Hoyal Orders of I'ortn^al. Hlruk r.ftg'e ol f'lU'ssia, Elephant ofOtrniviatk nnd ni8n\ oiher«. Fi«irn . August 12, 1702. Birth Dny kept on 3t George's Da}, April 2J, COU Duke of York. Hp. of 0«nabyrgh, Ileirajt. Aneust Duke of riaj^enre, .... ^^M'^^on Do\v;4ii;er of \Vlrteniliierg, Princess AuiZosU S'^phin, Pii.n.essof Hes e llonuberg, Diike (d Cumberland, I>'tke of Snssrx, l^uUe of Cambridge, - )»iudir88 of Gloucester, rriiicesfc Sophia, DiM h('*.s of ClHrencp, l^iirhe*!? of Kent, Dtwdtess of Comberiand, Ductless of Cambridge, August 21— ITf!:) Sei.ft'tnher2y- ITt'o November 8 — ITtiS IS'I^y 22—1:70 Jm.e 5— ]T7I Jaiiuarv 27 — IV:^ F^'hruary 24— J::4 April, 25— 1::<] JSoM'mV'Cr 8 — 1777 August 1,3—1* ' August 17— 17(;fi M»rcb 2«>— 1778 .July 25— i7y: The Presumptive Heiress to the British Throne, in the fust ^i^f-T', cnllaterni Branch, is Tbp rnnee?s Alexandf.i>'a Viciwkia, of Kent, ^ Born May 24, iic. oic, „ ... S i<3iy Thildhen of the Latf. Dvkt. 0/ nr,occr-TF,R, who u'a^ Ukcle io| }J IS present iMAJE>'j v. The Piipre«e Sophia Matitpa, born. - - S->ince Wm. FnitDKjRicii, D. ol GLoncEsiKR, May 20—1773 Jan, 10— ITIol //'o-»l)0;a| ;>ivedpt) i i "-'rsmurk ( f iio Pope p-'irfifiin, j^p'es an Ills M The offic, noffo Judi ^!'f fo di.ppl 'Jif subjVct J •"" Wbei jthe other Of K'^rm of prt |ie isnaf liJ Hpmay iss,r (ocoUafofol under £20/ '•'■fifoailn r'fPepthe \[l '^e in anj \fHperarel I e,'; TABLE V^ COCNTKIh:S. i SOVKKEIGNV. , »iid tinen- loi.ifin lie, St. c)l il e \-~\>'^ 7— \;:^ 5— HT') 13- 1"' 25-r/.>] In May -'^ii 16 ly U5CLE i0| r.KITiSII r.MPIRE, lliis-;a, P()"»iio;al, Sweden &: Norway, IVnm!»rk, liio Popedom, S;ir.liniH, Otfjniaii HiniMre. Naples an<i Su-ily, j Louis XVI II. |AlfXH'l{j»'f. FeidiiK^tid Vil John iFred'^riok III riiarle'^ John, ^led^^i(•k VI FpBnrie II. Leo XII. ('hnrlps F'eiix- '.I dimiid, Ferdlunnd IV Wli rn Born. ijcgan to rt-i,'i;n K\nr. P.1 170: Jan. 2<> 1S2(> Nov p I7r).- M:y 3 1814 r)<c 21 1777 viar. 24 I8<!1 Oct. 1! I7S4 VI «r. l!> 18' 'e av 18 1767 Mar. 2(t ISIG' Vug 3 177' •! Nov l<i 1797' J-.n. 2rt l7r)4,Feb 5 1618 fan 28 1768 Mar 13 1808 '■i'h. V2 176KMar. 1 17t^'2 Vug. 2 17c>i»;Se|;t. 27 1H23 1 ftiiv 20 1735 July 28.j8ns ;iai). 12 17'>l,Rostord 1815 « . J/15 MAJESTY'S MUUSTERS IFIIICII FORM THE CABIISET. Eart, of Kldon. — Lord High Chancellor. "' ■ ' The office of the Lord ('hnnnpjlor I3 ro keep the drfat Sen! • not to judcje according; to th«» «:omiiioi! Law, as other Courts do \ but to di-ipense with SMch parts h\ s**t'm io some cases to f»ppr«r<«s llie subject, and to judjre aepotding to c(jnity', conscierce aii.-j rea- son Wherefore he i< said tf» have two [ ovvers — th« ime nttsohite,. tiie other ordinary ; the ineanJnp of which is, he must obi-er^e the j[()rm of proceeding in ollif^r Court?; yet, in his absolute ( ower, [he is not litniied by the written law, but in eonsciente and etpiity. ,Hp may issue W its of Habeas Corpus at all time?. He has |)Ower tocollatr to all Ecclesiastical Bonffices in the Kind's pift; rated undiT £20 per annum in the King's !iook«! ; hi« o.ith is to do jus- lire to all persons, poor and rich ; the King t'uly 10 coulee I, and tokeeptheKing'.s counsel , and not to sufter the rights o( the Cnwn [to >je in any way ditnini^hf^d. The Lord Chancellor and Lord Keeper are the same in power and precedence Both are appoiiit- 3:1 by Ibe King's deliveiy of lii« Great Seal ; tl.iy ditifcr only in ^at •^^i ■^1 >;|!: 'f i U: >i: i H; ■'.i- **. ; \ il '■ }l 1 if| ra ■>■?! 1 Ij : -..*-. 'jsJ^T.^ ■■'(::i. 'I, (,> <' I .,, ., m Mil'l 86 this-tlie Lord Cbancell&r bath also letters patent, tbe Lord kce[ier none. Earl of B arrow by, '^ Lord President of the Council. The Lord President of the Council holds his post by Lottery Patent durante bene placitB. By the Stat. 21 Henry 8t!i, he is to attend the King's person ; to manage the debates in Council ; to propose matters frotn the King at tbe Couucil, and to report to the King 1116 resolutions thereupon. Earl of Liverpool, K. G. — First Lord Commissioner of t/te Treasury. The Lord Treasurer, whose oifice is now executed by five Lordj CoraraissioTiers, bath the appointnrienl of all Officers employed in Collectiug the Revenues of 'he Crown ; he hath the nomii ation ot all escheators, and the disposal of all places and ways relatinir to the Revenue, and of the Kingdom ; end power to let Leases of the Crown Lands. The offine of Chancellor of the FLxrhequer i* al- ways held by one of the Lords G( mmissioriers ol the Treasury, (ex- cept upon sotne very particular occasions when the Lord Chief Justice of tliB King's Beiich rs a;>pointed to act as su«h) He is stylodX^haricellor and under Treasurer oi tbe Exchequer ; he lias custody of the Exchequer Seal ; be has also tbe conttolment ol the Rolls of tbe Lords of th« Treasury ; and he sits in the Court of Exchequer above the Barori<> of Esr,hequer. He has many lucra- tive offices in tbe Court of Exchequer in his gift. Earl of Westmoreland, K. G — Lord Privy Seal This great officer is '■o called trom his havirig the Privy Seal In Ms custody, which he must not nut to any grant withntit warrant unde'" the King s Sifjnet Tliis Seal is u-^ed to at! Charters. Grant?, and Pardons signed by the King before tbey come to the Great Seal Right Hon Robert Peel, — Secretary of State for the Home Department. Until tbe Reiffn of Henry VIll, there was only one Secretary of 5'iate ; and untit ibe Reign of Elizabeth, tbe Secretaries were liever of the Privy Council, From thai time to tbe present there liav" been two Secreories of State, and sometimes tlnee ; and thus ft Council has seldom been held without the presence of at least or.<:\ of them, From the death of Queen Arjne to tbe Rebelliort r 1745 there was a third Secretary for Scotland ; and from 17fi ,j to the lo.*s of f. lit Tica in 1782, thde was one for tbe Cohiiit In 1795 there wa-< anoilier ajipointed under the denoniinatioti ofj the War Deparlmeut. The Ueparlmont of the two Secretaries,! wp a>e IJie li'at cret sint", iMv Thvl J'afti itie;H \*an{ cretHi ■"'((; Ej ARL D UKl Rig] V/scouj Trr Qieeii Lo;,} fl a'itiiorit n)»fj{Jor. Courts il Cnnvt \\ of hi- ;j[ as 10 thil sen fen? vcrnme miJli.iy of (he lI isel seas ; tni any voy Cniirt of, '"''■>i hrirj ^<^ SJfj '''H'ioi.s ho "S' jM 87 were, previous to 1762, divided into Northern and Southern ; but ate now divided into one Foreign, Hnd the >lher. D.^mesijct with [Uc Hume Secieiary, all grants, pardons, and regulatit.ns in « ivil ii'allers nf any kind are made and » xerutpd To the Foreign Se- cretary belong all dispatcher- ti» and lion» i)lh?r Conrls^, and all tiU' siiK'Ss apiiertainirig lolhe -ame Th»'y ha. e the cu->tod\ of the I'livy Signet, becau e the Kini('s private l<;tters are -sealed with it. Tilt re are four Clerk-) of the Si;.net wh; are to nr»ake out rants, ),attnls &,r which have tlie sign ma' uai, to which the Signet t)e- irii; added, it is a \vn riant to the Privy Jenl; as lh« Privy Seal is a warrant to the lJr»:at Seal. The Pnp^, Ollice belongs to the Se- cretary of Slate, wheieall letters, papers, me norialo, and nego- ■"'ioh'*, are deposited and preserved. Kijjht Hon. George Canning, — Secrelary of State for the Foreign Department. Earl Bathurst, K. G. — Secretary of S^ate for the War Depart' mmt and the Colouies. Duke of Wellington. K. G. G il ?,. he. — Master General > of the Ordnance. Right Hon. F J. RoBivsav.— ChmctHor of the Exchequer. Viscount Melville, — thirst Lord Commissioner of the Mmiralti/, The power oi Lord High Admiral hath, since the Reign of Qiefn \tHie, been executed by Coinnii«<si<)ners The Siatnte of (Jhifles II. asctrrlMiiis his a itiuirity in these words . — •' That the Lord lliijh .idnjiral for the time heinc, shall have fidl pouer and a'Jtlioi'ity to grant Commissions to inferior Vice Adtnh'at> or Com- manders in Cl)iet of any scpiadron of slii^s ; t<> chW and osseuible Courts Martial, ccnsis ing ot Cummaijders and < aplnins ;.nnd no Coint Martini wlierepain (if death shall he indiited, *hall consist of ies:- than live Cajitains at least,- the Adniiral'' Lienferjant to he, as lo this purpose, esteemed as a Caption, and in no ra e v\he'(ln sentense of death shall pa-s (by tlii> ar'icles for regulating the Go- vernment of His Majesty's Snips of War, or any of tliem, » X(;ept miitiiiy ) there sdall be execution of such sentence without leave of (he Lord High Adiniral, ii the ofF-nce he Cf»ininiited in narrow s"as ; but, n care any of the offences afoiesaid be comv Itltd in any voyage beyond the nairow seas, then execution shall be done hy o der of the Commander in Chief. Fe aiM'oinls Coroneis to view tii-ad bodies found on the ci>asts, and Iiidgi's in the High C'wirt of Admiralty Tohim bemng all iines ami tvofeitures of all transgressions at "^ea, and at the sea -hme ; and in port- {yorn tho 'rst bridge on rivers to tLe sea, goods ot Pirutei, waifs, witcka, i^iC Since the revolution, the maritime laws have undergone al- terations and revision?, and the ullic( of Lord Ilijih Adrniial haj lioen coii-iderrtbly abridged of its |ier(pii):ites Oi late yeas tl\;s 'iijjli tffice ha'j v^'^ays Li'Jw'U in touuniiilon; aud slill icaiaiiis aa ' 1 ;[^ :"i H }] t ',M1 •« V! ■^1 I I it'. Hi 'i.[> ;'i i il'l 11 i f. I ll 88 inii; I'-i MM h 'ill:: office cf great honor, power, and ernclninftit. Thf- fir^t C'cov ipis>iniKr(W {hf \iliiiiri<Ity lias a s.ilaiy nf iJ3,000 j>«r Ht.n«ji'<, hi,;; iln- MX Coniiiiijsit)i.t!i!< JL'1 OOU a s*--ir oath ' and all ol tliem (^^]^^, yi*uni;est C'lUiiuUjiuhe exec;. led) has h h>'ijscin lue Adininiiiy. ili^hl lluij Ciiis. W^xriciv William- VVi'nm:, — Pfcsldant vf l!j. liuarJ of CuvJroL ' ' ' Rii^lit Hon. r. B BATHUK-.T,— Tycasjtr^r o/ tlie Kavy. llight Nun. L 'KD Bexi.ey., — Chancdlor of the. Duchy of Luncnslir. V RiJil'H-in. Th ;MAS Wallace, — Madcr of the Mint. *■ NOT OF THE CABIN KT. Sf.creiarij Gt JVar, — Rii;l)l IIuii. Loud Visct. Palmfrston, M. I Pni/:\fasltr Gtnerulofthe Forces — IJi^^ht Hon. SirC. LongCi'.C B Joint Post Muntcra Gtntral, — F.arl <iF rmcuLsiKR and rvlAKt^Li- • I'F bAM-JBUKY, K. (j. Master of the. EoHt- — Right Hon. Siu TiiOiMAS Tlumer, Knl^li'; Atlornt}] General, — Siu R CJifford, Knii^ht, M. V. buUcilor Central, — SmJ. S. Coi'lev, Knight, M. 1* ACCO'uiNT OF SOMR OF THR PRINCIPAL OFFICERS OF HIS MAIiialV S IiOUSEi:Ol,D. ^' Lord L'hambtrlatn, — Dukf w Momiu'se. The offi(!P of L'>rd i!hauibcMUin i- to Inke cure ol all the offiffr; Bitd j-ervarUb (uxce;>ling iho.-e b. longitiw t" the King's l)eil-cl)Hf>'!>^r.I \\h^ are under the Gro>in of the fctoif) bel(uip;ing lo the Kii;};s tbiimber, who arc nvvurii into their [tl»ices> by him. He hath Uiej ove:!»i{;ht of the officeis of the waidtohe at all His Maj^>iyj| houses; and the re movjii^ of waidrob»-s or hrds; of tent.**, leseisj DiUhit;, comt-'dians, huntsu.en, njei-bHDgt'rs, of all handicrafts aiiJ artizans; and what is no! eoainuin to other ratijiis, althongh i| laytnan, h^ hafh the oversight of tiie Kini4'a Chaplains, and ol all the Heralds, Physicians, ApiMbeeajies, iiic— Ii ih his })iace to in sped the chaigHs of eornnatioMS, marriages, ptihiie entries, tfivit cades, and fuud'ciis ; and all furniture for and hi, the Failtuaoi hou:>es, and loom's ol addresses to the Kiw^. Litrd Steward — Marques or Conyi^gham. , The F.state oi iht Kiu^'^ llnn^'ihold is entirely committed lot,! Lord Siei\aid. to \i-' lui. d and gut.e'ne(i t>y hi;* »ii>«.Mi'ti<5u ; aif uil lii^coioniands n\ Court atf lo U' '•»» jed ; iiis fsutlioriiy n^ni^!ij over all officei>. atid >« i vai.t.! <l !i:e Kijit'e H.ju-Hliohh cxcffj \.h.mi ol tiu' Ki.>^'& LL^iuui;!, biaoli.} a<i4i> i Ln^iii. L>nUbM4 Lord (•/.■ ks nie (\hI kcjil in The I (l)p Kinc aiifi pan otijer fffl has of a rex/ l)f'\,i 2,5 Cii irg 1C7 'orou, *• L/ rover 8 CiMfJUft /iomn^ 2.") /■' *- ' oniifiei ^2 B'»ri)u.Jj] S'''res o/f iiojouglij ?'",♦'*• {on I' ''"sand H\ Pii.Pr in ci/»a LEV K V. f "('■ Most\ lord fftn.fi Chi.f M^'i to iii: tilt. iV^^ ICKt^- u-vdfb ^4 l\ace U> >1 LorJ S'^ward, in tho ronntrv li'^usft. nre l!u' Trra^nrpr nf tlte Ifi'ii^fli'ld (\>in|»ti(«Mf r. CoiF'T. !•, v'.iHff.,- ot" iiip Hou«'l(ilfl, C'li'ksiit iM^-Gte'eii f'ldih k.K-. Il ista'led '.l.i' < oiiniin.-Hdee, b('(.HH"^e a!l ilu' tti;c<'Unt3 aiid ex,* ».< <'.s ot the KiDg's I l«jif-«!i()ld nicilHily trtken and kt'pt li) it. Tin Lv»aid of Green Cluili was Kept in it. Masttr (,f the Horxe.— r»t kf. • r Di>r.?F.T. TliP Master of tlu^ Horsr |i:;'.li ilir v.\u\\'<i*^ and ^ov» rn.nfnt of all tliP Kinjj's stables and hmses — H« I>.Atli uls" powpi" ' ver ecjnerios ami paops, fontnini'. giufniis, f^^rt-ers, smitlis, <>HHtilers, and all otiier trades in any \\ .ly relating to tlie siahles. Hh 'nas the |iri\'i« lesie of applyint: to his <>v%n use one coarliman foni footmen Jind Vix ^motns in th** k)ng'> pay. — in any solemn iiavalcude Le lidts nexl behind 1be King SUMMAIiY OF THR VVROf.E HOUSE OF COMMONS liN ENGLAND. 40rorintipsin Eni;land, send 25(iiirs (Ely, none ; London, 4^ 167 'orouglH, 2 each. - . . - 6 B'H.Miglis. (Abx^i'^don, Banhiiry. Bttvdly liiiifuim Ferrars. and Munmoul/i,) leach, ^ 2 Untve'>ilies, 2 ear-h. ... S CoKiue Ports, viz //rt5//wi,r9, Dover. Sandwich, Romneu, Hpfhe. and »luir threts branches, Hj/e, li'itichelsea and Smford, 12 ( Onntits in Wales, leach, - • - 12 BirouJiH ill do. leach, ^^-hires of Scotland, - . . - - B 'I'Uphs of do. Sliires of fipJMnd, - - - . • tiui'ouglis of do. -••... 8(» Knifjhts, 50 Citizens, 334 Btn-ge -ses, 6 Burgpssfs, 4 Burgesses, 16 BaronSi 12 KnipMfl, 12 Bnrsesses, 3(» Kni{;hts, 15 B ryesses, 64 Kn'ights, 96 BurgesseS} Total. -718 The first Returns of Rtpresentatives, for ronnties, and -ome C. lies, was in Ibe - - 49 HpiiPy HL Shi e>. {on record) " " << . - 13 Edwd U[. C.ii-saiid Borouf^he, " " " • - 23 Kdwd. I, |lh> Pnnciitality of Wales, " « « . . 27 Hem) Vill, MINIbTHY OF IRFLWD. [Lord Lieutenant— The Most Nihlethe Marquess of Wfllks. LEY, K G. K •' K.S, L and D C. L .vc kr. kc. Grand Master of the Most Illustrious Order of St. Pa i rick lord ffiu;li Chanceltor.—H\i!^\}\ Hon. Thomas I^- rd Mawneij?. C/ue/ .Secre^ar'i—Kight Hon. Henry GuCLBuuKN. !i'. ■ <l i : ' I it ;i'^ ■.\ .'! mm ill ■! I ! 'i»;' 1 I ; |i n i> j'i H^'^iHiiHl / Vv^ t crj J^OTl and Royt fore, an] presented which ar every pa| would d< &rra(igf>i ed to in CIVIL LIST :>' t ■ ■< 'l ' ;; li ;!»'(|j •l"ll 1 OP UPPER CANADA. ffOTE —ft 13 proper here to remark that the " York AlmanaeJct and Royal Calendar^'* is not an Official publication ; ^nd, there* foi-e, any arrangement in ibe various List« of Pub!.c Offict>rs, h8 presented in this work, cannot tn any degree affect the precedence which any such Officer may be rntitled (o The Editor has taken every pains in bi» power to give correctness to the work, and he ivould desire to be found within the rules of propriety in respect to arrangement. — Any hint from respectable authority will be attend' etl to in future cditioni. 1.1 \i i(l - ♦,' ^> ~ .0. ™ t IMAGE EVALUATBON TEST TARGET (MT-S) k y. " 4 1.0 I.I 1^1^ |2.5 ■^ 1^ 1 2.2 Hi U& us 11-25 i 1.4 I 1.8 1.6 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 1 \ .V m \\ A LIST OF THE FRESULNTS, AND 'JDMINISTR.4T0RS OF UPPER C4'SAD^, FUOM THE DIVISIOiN OF THE PROVINCES, IN THE YEAR 1791, 11 V •■^\ r% TO THE FBESrM TfME. ft. NAMES C«il. John < ravf<- Simc e, .'-*' The Hon. Petfr Ru sfl,. Li»Mit Cien'l PtTER Hunifr, Tfie Moo Alf,xanufr<^-rakt, Hif Ex. e^'y. Fkanci- (Jore, A'?RJ(»r (Jeii'l. Sir Isaac Brock, Major G^n SiiR HaieShfaffk B> IVIaj G« n F. B/»R N Hr Rottenbukgh l^i.'ui G*»n'l Sii Gordoh Drum- } M«>ND. G & B, \ Llent. Gen'l Sii Ge-bge Murr*t, BI; JVlHJorGpiri. Si- Frf.i). Pmilipsb \ I Robinson. K. C B. . V His Esr'<frU'y- Franc|!» Gohe, The Hon. Samcfl SMiTrt, R1ai< rGen*! Sii PkR¥GK1M£ Mait if LAND K C. P <i H' II. Samufl ; MiT'i, J/irtjorO* III 551) i kftEGRiKx Mait* } land, K. C. B. j riTLI S Peuiop AcrL-"i OF ON. Lieut Gov. July 8 I'r^sid.nt, ijiily 21 Lieut, (inv JAuy. J7 Pr»Hnhiil, Sefl II IJeiW. Gov. jAiig 25 Prf?iHn.f, Seft 30 President, ijune 19 Prov. Lt.Gov Dec 13 Prcv. Lt Gov I April 25 Prov. Lt. Go? Jul) I Lieut. Gov. Sp|.t 25 Admlnistrator/JuHe 11 Lieut. Gov. Aufi 13 A<lm nisi rnlor, Mar. 8 Lieut. Gov. June 30 I7f)3 I7<>r> 1799 iSdu J 8' r> isii •Ihl2 I8!3 1 13 1815 181 5 lf«15 JH7 1818 1620 1, ■t ■« >p < )F • '1< ^N. 8 I7V)2 1 I71>«> 7 I71>9 1S«'5 5 18' fi (♦ Ihll {) •Ihl2 y 1813 3 1 13 5 1^15 I 18i5 5 1815 1 1M7 3 1818 8 1820 C 1 1820 CIVIL LIST OF TTPER CANADA. j*"» J'^.'r.i I '. A. PnESE.\T UEUTEjV.iAT GOVERNOR. hi Hi"' Excfllptifv iVJjM ir,GHnf»al ?ir I'lrf;gki>f. Maitlawd, KHipht l'(»ininnn«lproMI>"' Most M< nornhlH MiiitAi) O <i''r itl tin liilh, Kiii2:lii <»f lb» Km-' inn O dtM' ot 8f CJeorg. , aoil ol the Ordei of William in th« NetluMland'^t iHK &tt.^c. <■]« .:.<it de Camp and Private Stcrtlary, MHJor Hilliek, 74lh Reg't. .-f. .v,,f < • Gorerntrint Cjjictrt, Edwahb M Mahdn. E^qiiite, Chief Clerkf TiKw:i«. FtlzGpralfl. and ^ ^. . ' i ,;. Jobi. Lyons, K-.^iiires, S ^"'■'^**» O^lrc Kpfper and .V^stcnger, 1.<»AAC l^ILKINGTOlf. - ^ ,;«'<ijf (»»■«<! T ^ ".'■■» ^»J 'tH 1 -^'irf Members of the Leghf alive Council. Tlie Hon. W. D Powell. r/iiV/ .TmUce, SpejI^fr, Tlic Right lion, and Rev. Jac b, Lord Bi-H<r ot Quebec. rbe Hon Th mas>cott, Tbe Hun George Cr^or^hank, Jame^ Haby, J( HN VhGlIL, Th ma» Talbot, \> n.LlAM < LAUS, Thoma Clakk, WlI.LMM UlCK^OIf, r^ElL iVi-LEAN, k Krv. J. Strachan, d.>. Angus V}ACKlNT•l^U| Jo hVU \\ ELL" Duncan Cameri.m. Ge KGE H MAKkLAN»| JoiiM a, DUiMN. John Powell. Enquire, Clerk. The Rov, U illlam Macaulay, —Chajtlnm, I'Arcy BnuLToN, Juii'r YL^Y\vf.—M'isitr in Cluinctry attending the Lcgiiffafire Council. l^Vij.uAM Lke, FTsqtiire, — Gtnthman LiJitr of the Black Rod, Hugh Carfhag, — Uoor Knper, ".r. !,!"' i ' t J ■i .{ ■ I, lil II il.) ■I,(. li |! 1 f .!' ^ HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY AND OFFICERS, The Hun. LEVIUS P SHERWOOD, Spkakir. MEMBERS. Baby, Francis, Bnl(iv%in, Wm W. BoAtnick. John Burwell, Mahton Casey, Samuel Chishotm, William Clark, John Crooks, James Gates, Walter F. Gordon, James Ha(;erroan, Christ'r. Hamilton, George Hamilton, Robert Horner, Thomas, Jones, Charles Jones, Jonas Kerr, W. J Koughnett, Pb Van McCormick, Wm. Mi'Donell. Alexander McLean, Allan McLean, Archibald Mc -iHrtin, Alexander Mt^rris, William • Nichol, Robert, Patlie, David Peterson, Paul F )R WHAT PLACE. RESIUENCC. Essex, York and Simcoe, Vliddlcsex, Middlesex, Lennox h Addington, Halton, . Lincoln, \st Riding, Lennox k Addington Halton, Grenvilley Kent, Town of Kingston, Wentwortn, Linioln, 3d Riding, Oxiord, Leeds, Greuville, Lincoln, 2d Ridingj Siorm«nt, Essex, Glengary, Frontenac, Stormont, Glengary, Carlton^ Norfolk, Prescott I2. Russell, Prince Edward, Sandwich, S^tadina, Talbot SettlemcDt) Port Talbot, AdolpbustttWHj Nelson, St Catherines} Dundas, J'>hnstown, Amherstburgb, Kingston, Hamilton, QueenstuHy Burford, ' Brofkville, Brockvilley Waterford, Cornwall, Amherstburgb, York, Kingston. Cornwall, Cjrnwall, Perth, Stam'brd, Hawkesbury, Hallowed, * It musf be rerollected that this list give<« tha Members of Eighth Provincial Parliament. A general Electioo for a nov F« liameot (the niutb,) takes place iu 1824. BaiidHll RotiiD.io R<^>i>i(i9o B '<ers, AaKaii, Shaver, | • Slierwfi Wal^b, F VVi/iD.it. ! ^''/sOll, ., Wii»on, J Samuel A/i?1ffl The Hjn ^^fae Hon. J S John Wr. Lieoi Ail. Wil J«n jj Febii AlaiTi AitriJ May f 9i MKMBKRi. For what place RKSIDF.NCF Rm.dHll, Robert Lincoln. 4th Hiding. Qieenstun, « Rotiiiii'oii. John B. r »wn of York, Y.Mk. Roi)iiisoii, J>ter York and SiiMcoe, Newmarket, 'ft Kerb, D McGregor NorthuDiderland, Haldimand* Rjilaii, Henry Miirlhumberlaudi Haldimandf Shaver, Pefer Dundas, Matilda, •Sliffwood. L P. L' eds, BrockvillOf W»Ub, Francis L. Norfolk, Vittorla, \Vhii*>,Reui)en Haitii<KS| B«'lville, U'limot. Samuel S. Uiirham> < tarke, W'lUuii, John VVenfworlh, Sallflpet, Wilson, James Prince Edward, ilailowell, Grant Powell, Esquire, — Clerk. The Rev Robert Addison, — Chaplmin. Samuel P Jarvis. Enquire, — Clerk of tnt Crown in Chanctry^ Mr Allan VluNHh^, — Hencfnut at ^rms, Williilb Knott, — Door Kefper, John Hunter, — Metttnger. if if; irgb, MEMBERS OP THE EXECUTIVE COUSCTL. iTbe Hjn VVilliam l>u nrner Powell, Chief Justice, — Chairtnaftt 1 The Ripbt Rev, Jacob* Lord Bishop of Quebec, [The Hon. Jame.« Baby, The Hon k Rev Dr J StrachaO| Sami'iel Smith, William Claus. J'»hn Small. Esquire, Clerk of the Council. John Beikie, £.s«juiie. Deputy Clerk of the Council, Ah. Wmfara^LeT' l^''''**'" Hugh ('arfr'ae — Door Ktepfr anA Messenger, Sarah Lancaster, — House Keeper > Vu regular Land Council Days for the year 1824 ar^ i ury, Jan inry 7 and 21 July 7 and 21 I, Febiuary, 4 and 18 August 4 And 18 ; ^ .— Marrh . Sand 17&I.31 September 1 and 15&29 i'. abers oi^ tt a new r« A,*ril 14 anil 2» OcO>l)er 13 and 2^ > ' May 12 and 26 N 'vember ioaMd24 :> , ^uno 9 aod 23 December 8 and 29 * ■ j: < % - ' ' 9a PUBLIC OFFICES. RECEIVER GENET^AL'S OFFICE. - Tttctivir Genera!,— The Hon. J.-hv Henry Dunn. >-,. . K Mr George IIamiltdn, and 'V ! :'i^, f§ INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE. Jn,^pecfor General of < xhe Hon. James Baet, Clerks, J Scarlett, Esq. box! A. Wakffe. % ■m rffif OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY AND REGISTRAR. 1 Secretary and: Resist rar, The Hon. Dxtncan CiMKRo^. CUrlCf ^^ iLLiAM Jarvis. V r -■ .'.Alt ■• .'/ SURVEYOR GENERAT/S DEPARTMENT. Surveyor General of Lands Thomas Ridodt, Enquire; Senior Suweifor Draftsman, S ^, Ch» w«tt Esouire and Chuf Clerk, ^ vvm l h».W€Tt, Li^qu.rc, Jksistant Draftsman — J. G. Chfwett, E>'q»iire, •,; Second Clerk, Samdel Rid ut Esquire, Extra Clerks. J Radenhuksi, B Iurqu^nd, and J. Sprag* Jieputjf Surveyor of Woodsj Thomab Msrhitt, Esquire, k, ;' . , -97 U( ENCED DEPUTY SURVEYORS. W11.MAM rHBWETT, Esrjuire, is Senior n«'i uly Surveyor. Piirvifll, Mrihlun Bi.iith luhii Bijrch, lolin Bri*>tnl. Richard Burwi*!!, Lf wifl BrovMie, Willinin Bn^twick, Joiin Benson. Sainnel M. Biack. Hii^h Birdcall, Richard Burl, John Cliewpit, tVillinm Cockrell, Richard Conner, Wilso.ii Caldwell, Thomas Ch^w, James G. Cattaiianh, Angus Currie. Robert Campbell, William Deiiison, lobn Everitt, Daniel Ewiiig, Henry Elmore, PubliusV. Egan, Michael Fortune, Jo<ieph Eraser, William FRi>tield,VVm S. Grant, Lewis Galbraitb, John Goes«man, John Hudston, /iihn H. Harris, John Huston, John Hughe« Christopher J'liies Augustus K'-iii'dy. Charles Kilboro, Wi!Uam H. Kirkiiatrick, JrtmeSi Landen, Asa Louiit. Gabriel Loiint, Geor^ie iMcCurlhy, Jeremiah Vltlet Adrian iVIi-Donell, Duncan iVl'MiHt. M«f8well McDonnell. Wm, M'i^cAini, Eliak McNaiighlon, Joha McDonald, Neil Miller, Andrew McDonald, John 9. r^lerriman. Isaac Mt- Donald. John Nicknli. James Park, ShiilMl Pre«iton, Reuben Pennock, John Quinn, Owen Ridout, Samuel Rider, I«*hn Ryckman, Samuel Ritchie, Jo$ias Rankin, Charles Richardson, Samuel Rykert, George Smith, Thomas Smith, Henry Smith, Samuel Shaw Claudius Swailw^ll, Anthony Wilmot, Sa<ruel S. While, John E. Wright, Richard Auditor General of TMnd Patenth—STMvmiLii Hiward. Esc^* "tgfnf of the Province in lAmdi^n for paying) «r ^ *^.^^ v.^ the Halariei of tivU Officers \ ^* "' Ad4M4, Esq. Vfper Canada Gansetie Office^ — Charlks FothebgilL) Xsq. ;. , . Prinlar lo tht King's Most k^ulUnt Majetty, . ^ t i :1'' I i n L.'TJV DE.rAUT.MENT. COURT OF KING'S RFNCfT, Chief Jmlicet Th^ Hon W. hifMMRR P-wfi-l. Puune J>idges. U»'Xrcv BommN. E*,,..i.V Jitforneij General, John B Ri^bin-on FN«Mtir<>, Soiicilo'' General Henry I Boui ton. E--piip«, Keeper, — Jauien BriJgeland, — Lsher, Jubn Hunter^ Reporter to the Court of King's Bench, — Thomas Taylor, Esq. ■ I ;^vil; '■) i: li:^ Clerk of the Crown nn't of the Common Pleas. — John Small; Eiq DtptHj/ i:lerk, Chakles Small. Esi|i]ire, Clerk in Ihe Crown ifjjice, Jubu Squire. !' ( i; !ii: LIST OF DEPUTY CLKRKS. ; George Afiersnn, Adiel Sh«-i wood, Juhri FfrgusMOf F.lia^ ioiieS) John L>tw, J B CI'Mith, Jmnf"} Miit'belly Cbarlvs Asikiiii EHstecn District, Ottawa, Johnstown) Midland, Newcastle, Gor<*, Niagara, Lxidon Wasterni .r .:?;? K' %• K 4 1 1 1ST OF BARRISTERS, J B. R >aiNSO!f, Attorney G leraU H. J. BuuLTON, Solicitor General^ y^." ■> J . Allan McL«*an, . \ ., Saniiif I Sherwood, B C. Bc#ird ley, "^-^^ Jam* s Woods, John Tanbroeck, i^ XeviusF, Sharwoodi y .>-\ . \ 99 TViHinm Pirlison, J-ihii P-'Well, Willinm tlliiott, \\. \V Bnl(i\iriri, 1) Arcv B'Miltnn, jun'r. Tlio na« Ward, Il'iruilion Wnlkeri Gt*)trge Ridoiit, JmiiB!* Pones, C- A HajjHrmiin, Avchihatd IVlitLeaiii David .lon»'», BHintiei P larvis, Panif^l Junes, jun'p, J'tlin B HHkenridt;e| .1^inp« B iVIaraulay; Tliornas Bntt«r| G S. Boiillon, I'homa^ Taxlor, . Benjamio Fairfitldi S Wa lihiirm Rohprl Dif knnn, J H (lies R. Small, iM S Bidvvfll, AleiHiidpr Slewirty CHi.i^f^ Ki)l|ih| A N Bunll, J >hri Roll ll, Rohprt B'Trle, Cif «>rgp .M»caiilny, Wm Dickson, juu'r Cieorgp S Jarvit, Dnnlpl McViRifin, Donald Reihiine, John B. MtiirliPady J-^'Mps H. Sufn^oni Dani-I FhiIpv, M. F. \Vliilpli«Bd, David \Vm. Smiih, Samuel Merrill , Esquires* D Sheek, Gpur>».' S JarviSf M'ln Z Ct.zpns, F anci-* Ri>chlpaU| lane. B Sli*'pk, G'<TKe Vlallitk, M F VVIiitplifad, * H^ii'V ('«-««rtdy, juu'r. Geuige Muilucii, ATTOKNIES. Jhrips Bnulton, J hn B swt'll, D.nitI Mc Martin, Donald Bpihnnei J 'liii B Vluirlteadi JtiiiPs H. Samson* DH«id William Smith, Sttuiuei McriiU, £ (|uiref NOTAUIES PURLIC. TVinmas Watd, 'I'll iinHS Sonrlinni, 1* f"f La Foif p, W W Baldwin, J. III! F^Tg'ISOft, D 'nMld Mcl)«rmid, J I UPS Milclieil, Wnltei NIcliol, Stpph^n Hpward, Cha»l' « CHnvpau, Jo-eph Foitiiiiei John Riirrh| W. EUi%>Uy Al'-xii Mal'onvillc, Amos McKenney, JonMsi.loiiPs, H>i<t*illon V^aikpr| Dnnifl JiMies, John W F«MgusoD, P F. Mall, J(»lin CIh k. J -lin Mr Fo lane, Bvnj>iii]in Driislo, Sim in VVa»hl»urn, K •'•» • Sfoi ll. Kvibtsit Slttuluu, Enquire*) 4 ;■"'}■ 4 « ij ■' I' : I ^li % 100 COMMISSIOISERS lOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS IN TMK C URT OF KINO 3 BENtJIl IN THifi VAIIIOU* DL-TKIOTS. Ciuy C VV -od, I Peter U. Roy, j ^, ,, Oei.rp^ Aiplprson > Cornwall Joflfpli AruVr'on, p. Vhii KouHhn«tt, Alc'» Wilkinsi'ii, Win. Z. Cozens, Samuel AoHeisori. Esquires. Ollawa District. ' » lial hurst DUiriff^ Geori^i* II KiHd, ^'^^''t' , J...«> C B.ick, :iich.,ton,r James Boulton, RsrjtH. Pcr//t. Johnstown District. L. p. Shi'rw ooU, "j Julias Jouf.s E. HubbBil, > BrocAirtWe, Dn. u'l Jones, T. D Chiup^p", , HuniHouWa.kHf, Freacott. AVilliHm VloirU, ) | Or ih.m, / '^«'''^» Roderick M-itrison, ) William June*, ?^ Bastard, Jo-e|.li K Hrtilwell, S Ai|>heii9 Jon«s, Jotl Stonf . Ksqp^. Midland District, John W.Fettjnson, James iN'ikHlls.jnn'r PiMiir F Hall, G»M> g*- MnraulHy, Tloroas Parker, \ J, Fergus Ml, Dy. CVk. Croufn. Janres Sairton, Hu^pit Staiitun, KoNfrt Smith, BefvilU, J. B Li>'*liwoodi Earnest Toion. Juhu >icCuuy» ' John FiOvvfT. Ivtinlrps, JS'ewcft'tlt Disliicl. Richnrii BiiUouk, lohii Petrr^, riiomns VVaid, (i. S B uUuni y'M-Mi Jones, (ieori^c Deacon, Kolirrl V. VViikinSi John Bo* we II, S\. F VVhiteli.ad, Esqnir«s, Home Dif^trlct. Jam^ Fiiz(aiht»on,' Jnmes B Mar.nu.uy, Sunon Waslihurn, Koburl C. Home, K-quires, Gore Didnct Ihoma? Taylor, Hnmillcv, G«'orge Koljih, Dundiis, Jiuiitts Crooks, IV. Flnmbn Roheit Benie. Fxps J]ncaslt.r, I j\'ia^ara Didrict. James Munhead, ThomJis Dickson, Rrtlph Clench, Thomas .VliCormick, Rchen Diik-on, The Hon.T. Cla'k, \ AfficTRviis Samuel Sheet E-iq. S *'"'> The Hon VVm *Di«k-OTi, l.^qn, London I iitrict. J. Mifr.hetl. D'y 1 t'k Crown John R.-lfih, Charloti'v^ks Mahlon Bnrwell. Fort Talbi^t, Thomas Horner, ._ John B Ask in. Rsquires. Ifesttrn District, Rev M Polinrd, J B. HRhy, " . Wm. Elliuit, Enquire. .'4 ^'3 101 ECCLESIASTICAL DEPARTMENT Al«D PubWc lusVituUoivs. r%i iires, e. CLERGY OF THE ESTABLISHED CHURCH. The Right Rev. Jacob, Lord Bishop of Qurb«c. The Rev. G. O. Stuart, Rf>ctor of Kiiig«tMn, Arch Deacon of York, and Ollioial oi Ufper (Canada. The Hon and Rev. ('. Stuart, D D Chaplain to the Lord Bishop, Rector of St, A<m»iid, and Visitini; Mis.siunary in the Diocese. Tiie H >n and Rev. John StrachaM,D I). Rector of York. The Rev. R>djer( Addison, Rector of Niagara, R Pollard, Rec(<M' of Saijd\%ich, S J. Mountain, Curnw all, Chaplain to the Lord Bishop. ■ .1 G VVeatcant, WilHam^burgh, wiiltov, 1 R LfCining, Ancaijter, nditsj H Alex. N. Betbune, Giiinoliy, Flnmbro H .1 Le( d!>, BiO'kville and Augusta, /Jncaslcrt ■ M Harris Pe.th, 1 VV Mactuiiajr, Cobonr^, J. Thoinpsiiiii Poii Hope and Tav^, J Sought'P, Frt'derickshnrgh auUErueatowa^ R. Uolph, Ani'»ei«tbur^h, Vf LKt'lning, Chippnwa, Ttii •ma* Campbell, BelviHe, '( AffM^RVUS ■ Job. 0»ar(»ri, Adoljhustown, only 1 J'»hn HIakey, Prt-.-coit, -on, Lfi\ri, I M. S|»rat,, Y..n'ie, ^ I * M Wytne, Rirnrnond, .^i'ij r tVoTcn I If ^^1 Wmonnry to the Mohawlct, The Rtv Mr. Morlej, '^rand River* J ■ ! arlolt'i'illf^M Tt Tu/6o(, ■ Chaplain to the Forces, Ihn R»-v. E W Tunney. Foit G»ui|«« ,1 lireS. ■ Jtctini^ Chapfnint to the. Troops at the stverat Poits, f i' <•■ •id, I The Hon tind Rev. J(»hn Sirachan, D. D Yurk. i> ReT R R'dph, Aroherstbur^h, Rev. Joba VViiawa, A. M. Kiusstoo* 102 CORPORATION FOaSLTEKIiMENDIXJ AND MAN AGEING THR CLERGY UESEUVES. Tlir Lonl Bishop, ThH Esialtlished CAf.rey, liis|)«(Miir (iPiifiHl lit' Provincial AccoudU^ Siirv»'yi»r G'lifral, Secretary, — St«|»h«ii H**whi(J, E«q. Jll^mis riie resiHrnt Clrrpy in the tpverni DiMricts. 'Ill*- B an) iDHRl at Y^rk four time!« i • the yrar — on the first Tiif'^tUv of Krhiunry ; May ; ^igii^t ; and N«>vemh»T A*, li. That in tlu month of February is a Utntrul Muling Official Principal of the Siirrogale Courtf GkANT Powt^LL, Esqtiiie. Roman CathoUc Clergy of Upper Canada, GLENOAKYt EasIKKN DISTRICT. Th«» Rii?ht Rev. A»< sat, tier iMrDojiell. Biahup of lifmsiney The iif.v J 'hii JVIrDon* II, (ilir^Hiy, , .' Wllliani Fiaser, KitiiiSlon, M \|H'(h^nJ, ^ M. Crevitsr, > Saiidwicb} Clergymen in commumon with fhe KsfahJished Church of Scof/aui/, residtnt in Canada, TbeRev. Janie»i!Hkii(>!'>^, l>. O. Qiebec, lanifs Soinerville, Joliw MrKeiizie, J'bri iMrLHuriu. 11 L-'Uh. •U>iiu Baiciay, , ' c. / \ VToMTfal, VVitliniMowiiy L"»hiel rorn«*a!l, ■ I 103 PUBTJr IN>; IirUTION?;. T'lffi'een of f fig (ieneial. jiIo^ptta> of U/tpn Cani'fa, The iluii I'mh ('liiff Justice, K»'v I) Stfichan, \\ illiaip rirtHs Geur^eHj. Maryland, J lifi Mffiry l>iinii| &^'.iii« I Sill!!). J H U III I. »nd \V ui Aiiau 1li.«ji8* It,; » Society for Strangers in Dislress, at Vork, Chnirmnn. — — ' . . Tremufpr. — VVillirtm Allan, Es(|iiiri», a&crtlary. — lames Fitz(«ibboii, I'^stiuirei Central School of Upppr Canada,. PATRON, lll9 ExCFTt.KNCV OlC F*IEUTE!»ANT GdVEKN'tll. Mojor GtntroU SIR PKRt:«iRINE MAIFLAND, K. C. B Uc. 6tc. &tc. TRUSTEES. Thfi Hon Liptif Colonel J.»>*p,>h Welh, J'tim Bfvfily Rdhinsim, E^nvirf, Jlllorney Central, TliOiuas K^d «t, E«quirr Survepor Gemral. Mr. Jusej'li S|trag^, Master and Hecrelar]/, » '4 COMMISSIONERS UNDER ACTS OF PARLIAMENT. \. Commissioner-* ukdeb the Hf.ir and Devizex Act. The Chief JiJstice,~The H.n W D P..w«||, . . The Puisne Judges, \ W-l"*'""' ^'HmphelL E.,,«lre; * ' < D Arc) KiMiiton, Enquire, The Hon. Thomas Scott The Hon. Samuel Siiiith» John MtGill, VViiliani Cluusy SiRev. Dr. btiacharit and James Bab* , Thomn^ Ridout, Esquire. . Clerk, John Beikir, Enquire.* Note — AU Clerks of the li-rtie are CuinnaiiisioBers for takiog Affidavits uuder the H«ir aud Devizee Act. V -t ,- V- m ■ I i 'til. ■ .f (' ']■'■ i 104 COMMISSIONERS Under 69 Gto 3rf, c. 12. vestini: the fslafes nf eerfnin Traitors, and also of prrtona declared AtUns, in His Majenty. TUe Hon. James BHt>y, William Allan. George Croukshank, Grant PowkII, Pi'ier Ri)(iiM<>(tnj Esquires. Cltfky J. B Macaulay. E«qiii'ft Sprcial Heeeiver, Hon Josc|ti] Wells. N<*TE. — The Commi^siiiners m«»*t the First Tuesday in the months of January, April, July, mid November. COMMISSIONERS For Investigating the Clninu for iMtsts during the late War with the Uniifd atates of America * . Th<;Hon Joseph Wells, Augustus Baldwin^ - Lt. Cv»l. Ffister, Assist. Ad'jt Gnn and WiiiiLji? Allaui Thomas Ridout, Esquires, MEDICAL BOARD. Under QSlh and 59th George III. Christopher Widmer William Lyons Robert Kerr Wm Warren Baldwin Grant Povrell James Sam<>oD R. C. Home Esquires. Sftcretary, Wm. Lee, Esquire. Note — The Board meets at York, ou the. First mouday in Ja* nuary, Apr'l, July, and October. Lieentiatt.s, passed by the John Gilihrist Nathaniel Bell E. W. Armstrong Pit ki'g Gross ' Augustus Miller Chariest Duncomh liarmanus Smith A •thuny Morland George Baker B. L Cockroft Hiraio Weeks Board and allowed to Practise, Samuel Thro«;ku;o; on John Vanderpooi Chancey Beedle O G. liffanv Aleiaiider Burnside J. A damson Horace Yeomaa Andrew Austin Freeman Riddle Eiaoi Steihsoui QenU% * Under the authority «f »n>ct.of Uift Proviocial Legislfttiirf A 4lhG«o.lV. Chap. 4. ' ' Tlje 11 DI Etislern, Ollatva, \^o> hurst, /ohttsfowni ^'^(weastief , \Otiawa, I'^Jnfs/otcnA yiccasUc, ^ore, pt^GKS ■ V.,'V v;,- tfl. 105 Commissionen of ftitfrral JS'nriirntion. Frtsident, — John Macaui.av, Ksijuire. rhatles J«»ne3, Janien G<jr<lon, GuyC. Wood, R»hert Nichol, Esquires. Secretary, — John Plant Bownr. BANK OF UPPER CANADA. Chartered hy Jhl of PnrliamnU. Pretidtnt, — William Allan, Esquire. DIRECTOns. The Hon. John M Gill ' Jamex Baby John Henry Dunn Joseph Wells George Cronkshank Gf^O'ge Monro, E^q Thomas Ridout, Esq. Le^wifttiir* CMirislopher Widmer Henry J. B-MiUon John S BHld\\in D'Arcy Boultoiijunr. W VV. Bildwiu Pete I- Rohinsun Wm. B R(»binson, Esquires, Th MAR G RiDOUT, Cashier, Mr. JosEi'H Wenham, Accountant, John Fentijk, Messenger. DISTRICT APPOINTMENTS. SHERIFFS. Bitslem, Donald McDoneii, HomCt Ollawa, Alex McD'>nell, Gorct \Iiaihurst, James il Powell) JViagarOf yohnsioion, John ^(uart, London^ \^1idland, John McLran, IVettem, yiwcastle, Jubn Spencer, CORONORS. Samuf-l Ridout, T G Simona, R Leonard. Ah A Rapeljie, W. Uoiids, Esqiiires. lE/w/frn, [Oiiawa, hhmtottn, iMiiiland, Albert French, Alexander Gianti Alex. McD nel), 'twcastle, Benjamin Cwing, W, 1'homas Haioilloni ore, iubn Wiltiiu, Niagara, London, Wetttrn, Amos M< Kenney, G McMeeking, Henry Nelles, John Williamiy R. Cockroft, Moses David, John CornvraU) j W.Jnnes, (,W. Wilson, JJIDGES OF THE DISTRICT COURT and THEIR CLERKS. District* Judofs. Clekks. L. P. Sherwood, George Aiidersocii J B, F.'Le Roy, < \<i'ltrn, \ilava, J (ieorg** Hnmilton, \ John McDonell, r ; ■ ^ ' IB •^! ^m^ fi ■1 '1 i tin' /JoS ■-•■ ; !*"{i( ! '!i U; I Bathurst, Johnstownt Mifllandf Newcastle^ Horn t, Gore, Londotif Wt stern t 106 ^ lona't JoneSf \ Hauiiiton VYalker J L P Sherwood I Hamilton Wulkert Ale&ander Fisher, J Fer£;us<>ii, D M. G. Rogersi Grant Powell, Thomas Tayluri Ralfe Clench, James Mitchell, R. Richardson, Exqs. V Chas. Heny. Sache, < Gtorge Mallicb, < Alexander Pringle, El'as Jones, S. Heward, G6or£>e Rolpb, J. B. Clench. J B, A^kin, Charles Askin , Esfp. . District. Easterrit Ollawa, Johnstntvrij Bat hurst, Midland, NeAocasllef Homti Gore. MagarUf London, , Western. Thomas Ward, Win. Che welt, George R(ti{)h, R. Clench, SURROGATE COURT. Official Principal, Grant Powell, E<>quire. Stephen Heward, Esquire, Registrar. Surrogate. Registrar, Hon. Neil McLean, Archibald McLean, David Pattie, R. P. Hothain, L. P. Sherwood, Geoige Malloch, Jonaa Jones, Henry Bradtield, Alexander Fisher, ' George Macaulay, D M. G.Rogeis, W W Baldwin, Thomas Taylor, Robert Kerr, J. Mitchell, Esquires, F. L Watsh, Rev. R. Pollard, Wm. Hands, Esiir's CLERKS OF THE PEACE. District. Names. District. Names. Eastern, Archibald McLean, Home, Stet»hen Heward, Ottawa, R. P Holhara, JVingara, Ralfe Clench, .Tohnstown, Hamilon Walker, Gore, Bidhursl, George Hume Read. London, Midland, Allan McLeani Western^ Kewcaslle, Thomas iVard, . COMMISSIONERS APPO!??TED TO ADMINISTER THE 04TU OF ALLEGUNCE. • I Eastern District. Tlon. Neil McLean .loseph Anderson Al 'X. McMartin t fiuv C 'Wood, ^ ' . ' George Rolph, J B. A^kin, Charles Askin. Jam«* Priigle, Esquires - Ottawa District. Oeo. Hamilton Alex. Grant John MrDonell, Esquirtt. Johnstoicn District. L. P. SHEllWOtiD Joel Stonv Hamilton Walker ^ Adiel Sherwood William Jones, Esqwre', Geo Um ^\nj. Cbail Thom Pwler Thoran Cbarlej Hn;harci K!iaj Jo ZHccUev t'fjarles Cira/il Ptj W . 8 R,j ^EGISTR Preacotl ai ''J^rtnvUie ^foufenac Haslin '^»rlkumbe t-^iirkain, ^''jrk and f-^futicorl/i f'-';/<>rd, I £ts,x and ' ^^stern, U'J/insloitin, \Mtdln,t,j ^vitastle. gi ^^. Esiir'a ^in. iTHE jutrtt' irict. iW. :< ■ 107 Eat hurst Dutrici. Geo T. Buuke ^Vm Marshall \\m- Munis Chailes H- Sacbe. Esquires, Midland District. Thomas Marklakd Pnler SniHh J,tines Rn II kill Thomas Parker Cbarles Hayes, Esquires. J^ewcnsfle District. Waiter B<»»well Ri<;haid Bullock Eiias Jones - ZHcclieus BijrnbBfn Cbarles Hayes, Esquires, flovit District. Jon!» Small, Graiil Pbwell, > W, B K'jbmson James Black, Esquires, Gore District. James Crooks Abraham Nelle? 'i'bomai Taybir, f^squires. JVifi^ara District. non. William Claus, Tbomas Dii ksoii James Kerby John Warren Waiiier Ntlles, Esquires, Loudon District, Iton. Thomas Talbut James Mittbell Geo C. Salmon ' Mftbbiti Biirwell J4>lin Backhoiisb Cbarles In-ieraoll, Esquires. tVtslern District. ITon.. Angus MACiNTuiH. John Bapti.-'le Baby Di.fr James Gordoii John DdUon, Esquires. Registrars of Counties for Kegisteiiing Deeds of Dap^galn A.MD Sale. ^^ t Prexcott and Rusself Glrngnry. Sioimont and Dundas. GrtnviHe and Lf^eds, Fronlenac, Prince Edward. Hastings, Ltnnux, aiiA Ad iJivglun, }i'i)rlhumberlind. Durham 1 * Yvrk and Simroe, Wtntivorth and Hallon, Lhroln, ' , ' Vxford, . ' ' • • Mul'UfSfXf ' . ' ^'o ''folic, lEiStx and Kent, ^ - ■ '■ . '" • K. F. Hotham, John McDohfll, Aicbibabi \i(:Lfcan, levius r. whtrMoudj Allan iMi.Lean> D A?cG lJne:ers, Tboniaa Ward, Siepl»en Jarvis, Jftmes Dui'Hitd , , ■ John Po\Aell, •; v TJKimas Horner, ]V]3!ilon Burweil, F L. Wal!?h, Esquires, ■ .k ». •s" ,1 > Rev. H f^oiiard. TKEA^URERS OF DISTRICTS. ,> Eastern, Archibald McLean, Home, Wiiliaiu Allan, ' Otiiiwa, Thomas Mears, Gore, George tiamiiton^ J'llmstown, Adiel Sherwood, Aia^ara, I !V1cC< rniu k, M'dlnnd Th'» i>a.H Mi«'kland, London. I Vttccost/e, Zdccbeus Buriibam, /rcf/ern; W. Hauds, £jv^>. %. .11 r ./£: 108 . LAND BOARDS. riR'^T ESTABLISHED IN 1819. EasUm and Ottawa District. H m. N M> L« an, Chainncuh Sauuiel Aride.son Right Rev. A. McDqwell Rev. S. VIouiUftIn * J. Afi(lers«)n Gi'or^t? Hamtlton AlexHfider (i»Hiit Donald VlcD.niell Arch, McLean. M. P. Ksf^r'*. Johmloivn District. Joel St<»ne diaries J< iies.M.P. ^ Adiel^'Sliervvooil " "^ K Hul.bl<j Midland District. A. M'LpHn, M. P LUairman, I'homao M't'klHiid Peter Smitli Alf!xaiid«T Fwlitr Hou G H Mnrkiand .- Aiidfpw RiMtJth Thomas Williams, Enquires. JVetccaslle Dislrid D. M'G R gei s,yi. ?.CUairmar.. Chailes FoU»*^rgill, WaMtM- Bosweli ^ John Burn Elias Jones, J. G Belhane, Esquires, r « o. ^ 1 «* o 1? • Rev VV. Macaulay RaJhnrst Dis>ricl. Hon Anpus Vlatkintobh, Jnmps H P.ivvell, C/ictirman, 'Jeorge T Biirke William MarFhall WfUiam Morria, M. P, Henry »^ rah am George H. Read, F»qiiipp«. 'J ^ Chairman ] Francis B«\by ( hailvs S(«jart Robi;it Kichrtrdson G»*or}ie .Jh«<iI», E?«]i)irPS, Reverend RicharU Pullard, (0LLECT0R3 OF CUS'iOVlS. JtivierK aux ? . • /-. tj ■ ' ] John Cameron Cnritwa'l John Chrysler Prt-scott Alphens Jones BrockviV.e L K Sheiuood GaniHinoque Joil Stoue f:ur(uti;t(>n Uay John Chishnlm Kliii^ston Balk Hall owe It Bflrille jYtwcaslle Port llujjt C A. flngprman JViauora Chippawn Fort trie Chartoltevilk DbVfr T iVlcC«)i»i:i( k 'J hcma-* Dick'^jPi R. Kirkpat'iik J(jhn Warn n J Mil. hell G. J. Ryerson Mtthion Bnrwell John Wilson William Hards Ptrt Talbot Andrew Doae.on Jirnhtnlhuigh Robert Smith Sandwkh J.jmes RichardMoii Druni'd. Island T G. Anderson M F Wiiiuhead . • [KsquireJ. William Allan INSFECrOHS OF SHOP, STILL. AND TAVERiN LICENCES.] Ecuttfrn Neil MtLenn Homt Wiliaip Allan Ottawt Thoma.^ Mears 6'or« John VVil^on .hhu^tovm Oliver Evert3 Kiae^nra I^•aac Swayze A'lthony LpsIJ* London George Ryerson Jr.hn Cuinming Wtsttrn William Hanils B'Tlkurst Midland JHtucaslte H»ias Jones, Drummond Islqnidf'l.ii. AuUeraou, E^q''' ih 109 INSPECTORS OF BEKF AND PORK. V'htwd — — " Jiiknstown Oliver Everts MiiiUmd lif.nry Muriiey ,. ,. t J. B. L»ik\vo.)d| Home, s [at Ualh. trvre Niagara Loniion WtiUrn ) VV thjff Milled yv . eicittr, \ ' ) J Miiii head Ueiii'v.y Allan Esqrr INSPECTORS OK k LOUR, POT AND PEARL ASHES, EnUrn 4* Qllawa — — . J William Duff, Mnstown, Barth -lomevv Cailt r, •'^*^'«°^^' J J. Muirhead, Mtdhmd, Htnry Mti'iiry, (Jon, — — J'tfWcastUf VVilliam Siiwd<*n, londoHt — — liomct — — Wcj/e//i, — — Jit the Beach, -rndrew Todd K^rby, E>tq. TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. E^sTEHN District. ^ Rev. Salter Mountain, Samuel Anderson J«)lin Chrysler !k(i Neii McLean, Joseph Ader«un Alex. M'M'dian, Esqrs^ District of Ottawa, Alexander McDuuell, R. P. llotham, , George Hamilton, John Keariib, E;5i]uires. ' Charles Sberift; District op Johnstowm. TheRev. Blakey, EIriMihan Hnbbell, E.<)quire. District op Bathur.-t. Jatnes H. Powell, Utu. Marshall, Heniy Graham, Esqr.i. Gcoige Ibow Burke, Win Morris, and The Rev. Mr. IJaiiis, , Dl>TRlCT op MlDLAM*. Allan M 'Lean Peter Suiiih Thomas Doi'laiid, Esqr's. , Thomas Markland Alf xnndi-r Fisher Di-iRicT op Nkwca5tl«.^, . ^ .; Walter BoSwell Ellas /mes A.=a Marmim , , ;, ^ " Zacheiii^ Biirnhatn John Peters Eh'as Stni h Ruhert Henry LeoiiHid Sop^r J'hn.Bteekcr, Esquires. D'Arcy Boulton,Scn*p. The H«>n Samuel Smith, ;/. - j-v John SoihII, " \ Thomas Ridout, Esq .' i .^^ DtiiHsan Caoicron, E^qrs '<■'" r' ' -*' District op Gore. Jame«rroftks Ji>hn Wilson Wi>iiam Ellia, Esquires. ' •/ames Racey Matthew ('rooks District- OP Niagaba. " ' ''7' •''°!^:' > The Hon William Claiis, - 1 houias Cunrnrngs, ^ ." "*^" WiHiari. Dirksnn, Robert Kerr, ^ ^^ TheRev. Rotiert Addinson, Jame« Murrhead, and T, — Witrmm Leeuiing^ Rttlf«» Cito«U| E^t^^rs. - Richard Leonard, Es(^. Ki 110 ''1*1 u M .ii> IVlfthlon BurwF.ll, Jose|ih iiyersuri, District of London. Jf»n>»- Mitchell, John Rnjphr and J IlHrri?. Esquires t)iJTRicT OF Western The Hon. ./arae'* Baby Rev R Pollard Angus >lcIntosh Aipxander Duff, Esquir^ BOARD FORTHE GENRRAL SUFERINTENDANCE OF EDU- CATION IN THIS PROVINCE. Hon. and Rex". Dr. Strachan, Rev. R Addison, Hon. Jospph wN'ells, J. B Rohinson, Esq. .^//'y. Gnxl HodG. H. Markiandi Ihuinas Ridout, Esq. 6'urv'^ 6*071. BOARD OF EDUCATION For the Eastern District. Donald McDonell, Archibald McLean, M P. Esqrs. District vf Ottawa. John McDonell, Esq. ' Di5trict of Johnstown- The Rev. — Bialuy, EInaUiaii Hubbell, E«q. District of Bathurst, Thft Rev M. Harris, William Morris, Anthony Lesslie, Alexander McMillan, George 11 Read, Esqrs. Elijah Secord John Backhouse, John Rolfth, J. B. Ask in, Di.^TRiCT OF Cork. Daiiii'l O Reilly, E-^quires. DlSHRlCT OF LoM»ON -, „; , Jiiuies Mitchell, ' \ . -. and ♦ ' ■ George C. Salmon, Esquires. DISTRICT SnOOLMASTERS. Eaxlernt Rev. H. L*»ith, Home, R'^v. Mr. Brown, Olinwa, , ^ J. Mi'LHurin, Gore, M. L*\*. • . sV Johnslowrtt J Leeds, Niairnra, M Cre»m, Midland, J Wilson, London, G. J. Ryerann, Esquires. ' ^'eircxstie. W. M <ra:ilav. H'estem, — * 'iCr t'or ike Other District TrusUts, ace Addenda, /r ;, ^ AGENTS FOR ISSUING MARRIAGE LICENCES Andrew Mercer, Yorkt >:, John Clarke, Frtdericktburgh, 1 ii 'nias Oickdon, Queengtofit Thomas Ward Port Hope, Johi rumtnitiK, Kiniraton, Williaai Men is, Perth, Jo^Pjth Anders »n, Cornwnlly • r — Antnsier^ Williani Hands. Sandwieh, Henry Nelles, Grimsbi/f John Chrysler. W^ltiamsburgh, — ^ — Hath. \ L. P. Shcrwuud; Brockvillet Xhojuaii Paikerj BelvUle% r ^rv'V>; Ml N» COMMISSIONERS OF IHE PEACE FOR THE ' bEVERAL UlSTtillTS. The Judges and Mtmbtra of the Le^istaUrt and Executive Councils,. in each and every District. Eastern I)i»trict • " ' Jf»remiah French, Allan ;V1(;D Miell, Alf tander McMillan Sdiii'iel Anderson, Allan Ml Uonell, ^eoh VV*»ager, Wiliiam Eraser John Corbelt Juhn Alc'Ii«tire« John McDonell, John Stewart, P«fer Le Roy, John Chrysler, Uiinnld McAulay, Vt)se|.h Anderson, Lavrreitce McKay, Benjamin F^'enuLi, Albert French, John McDonell, Gporge Hamiiton, David Pallie, Alexander Gran(, Joseph Kf llugg, Philo Hail, PiMfcr F Le Roy, John Brnvh. Simon Van Kleeic, Chauncey Johnson, John Cheaser, .Tor! Stone, Leviu? P. Sherwood, Gideon Adams, Trueman Hicock, Stephen Barritt Cbariet Jones Williainlnnes, Dnvid Rreakenridge, ^ichftrd Arnold, Alexander McKpnzie, Abrdhati) Marsh, John Cameron, John Wal.ir<-ff, William Morgan, Alexatidri Mc.vlartin, Duncau \fcDonell, , G ly r. W M>d, Alexander Rose, George Hamilton, John McDonell, Ambrose Blacklock, ' Allan Cameron, ^ , ^ Alexai.dec Chijiholm, Alexandftr Eraser, John McGillivray, v Alexander Wilkinson, > ■ •> Janiejj Pringle, David Thomson, Es'|uires. Ottawa District. David MtDonell Roy, Abel Waliifs, ^ " Charles Waters, Charles Sherifl*, ■ ; \^ Joseph Cai$s, Elihu Cass, ^ . '^ " Joseph Charle9« i? John Paxion, . "^ , .,f^ John K*-arns, '' - • ' Anthony Landrieau, Esquire^, _ ■ f r- '■ ■.'- JoHXSTOWN District. ^ , UriSr.hovill,'^ Philip Phillips, ^ ; ' Lowis Giant, • Silvesier'Wri;»ht, Benjamin K. MnnseH #* Riiiliard D. Eraser, j, Heman Lnndan, , Thonrjas Fraser, -f - Alexander Tkoos, ,^v /"• x\- >* V. :u.v ■•■■ ' .'■V : k ■ '\. I 's 'f' '. :1'i '*! 112 ii/i- i. ■ lM'<i, Wro Marshnliy Al< ia» ff' r Morril, Walter F G.iJe*, Tb 8. D Ca'npb«ll, Bu US C .^pnHersuni William \y^*\\*, Adtel Siiervtood, Abraham Dayton, Alf>\and()r McMillan » Rorlrrirk Mattheson; Joiin Wat oj., Joli McKny Altuaii'lcr Fraseri Aiitltony LfltO| D'inalrl Fi'HSfp, J')lin AI-(on, Tli>»mait ( OD^ili, G^urgf. F. F.W'inU, Alexander McMillan, of Augiis William H. Hitttoai; ta, Roderirk Eistnn, George T Bourke, George J. Jo\ nl, William B Bradley, Jaa Dent VVealherby, James P( well, Andrew Doimldson, Barlh(»Iomew Careyi Willinm Morris, John Binning Monk| Jn«eph Maxwell, Herbert Whitniarib Jnsia<> Taylor, Sewell Ormsbvi ,"' Benjamin Stree', Francis Tito Leiievre, *^ * Alexander Thom, Wm. Morris, Wm. Marshall, George T. Burke, Jonas Jones, George Hume Read, Alexander MeMillao, George G, Joynt, Wm. B Biai^ley, James Dent Weatherby, John Binning Miok, Joseph Maxwell, Herbert Whitmarafa, . "^ Jo«^ia^ Taylor, Sewj^ Orojsby, Franm vitu Leiievre, John Wat>on, Robert Clark*. Archibald M'Donell Tnieinnn Herd, Henry Bnrrit, Philip Dulmage, ' Terence Smilh, Jonathan Fnlford, jun. John VVeatherhcad, jun. Justus S- Mil-win, Archibald McLean, Charles McDonald, Alphnns Jones, Benjamin De Lisle, Charles Sache, James Graham, Hen<y Jones, of Brockville; EInathan Hubble, Francis H. Cumming, and Andrew Wilson, Esquires.. DisTiiiOT or Bathukst. Roderick Mattheson, John McKay, Alexander Frasetr _.. ^ Anthony Leslie John Alston Thomas Consitt George F. FJliott Benjauiin De Lisle Charles Sache Henry Gmham Francis H. Cumming ^-^ Andrew Wilson "'' ' Jonas J<»nes ; George ^ume Read -. -" \ \ ' ' Christopher Bell 1 .• ;'., Andrew Donaldson ■ Vl'- ^ Robert St^'vens, Esquires. MiOtAlTD DiSlRICT. ^^ Danie Wrijrhtl v . > ": ^ . ^ "^^ WiilMkin Johnson ).. :: ; / ^%: ■*»-'- -fc.^- 11.3 Itohert Wnii«mf .. Al(>innder Fisher '" John Embury ^ John Stinson, juiiV. Thomas Markland John Cumroiitg Prier SmUh William Crawfdrd Jac<iU B Chnmberlaifi Ulephen Cunf;Mr Cum Vhi) AUtine Barrett Dyer . Jainet Cotter Henry McDon^il Ebonezer WaHbbarn Rchert C. Wilkias Jamet Young Solotnon HfazTatoii Andrew Kimtacrly William Bftll Juho CarscAllon, teo*r Jaco!» W. Meyers Matthew ClarU , Thomas Ennpey Timothy Thomson TbotP.as Doriaud Rfiibttn Bedftl Alomikder T. Dobbf Thomns Sparbam Bf.njtimin Fairfidld Isaac Eraser EHhs Jones Richard Lnrekhl AUiander Fletehet Joel \1«rriinatt [Richard Hare IZacrheui BiirnhtHI David McG. RogeM. John David %m\i\x Robert C Witkinl jjaioes Tt>iHvg iRichard Bullock paries Fothergill John Pratt l<jberi Ht^nry ' ' : leory Rultan 3^ John ChurcU Slaat* Sager , Jufl. Priiiglei Baniuvl Dorland rbri!>(o|)lier Uermam Griffith HoMrell T R. CartwrisUt Charle-4 Miyes M B. IVrrnd.i ChaHes Anderson Allan MtPherauu James Sampson Anthony Alarsball John Macaulay Aitxander Pringia Simeon WashbUru John Germaa Asa Wordeii James Dou^all Gwilliam Demorest Thomas Willianas Colin McKenSrie George Hato Robert Smitli Robert Richardson Allan McPhersun, Jui>. Henry Dingmao Alexander McDonald Rickard Lowe John TurnbuH, Roi>e^t Stanton EsquirvS- NlwCASTlK District W. Boiwell Charles Hayes F. B Spilsbury Samuel S. Wilmot A rr h i ba Id M c Dooeh ' \' ' " John Fraser ; <^harles Rubrtdgc - ' James G Bethuits -'^' A ^ Benjamin Cuirnntng James HichardsoniJfinV John Taylor John Hntcbinson John W BanniMer ' '^ William HuMon Bheldeu Hawley ^.^ *;j «!, i) ■A) \. A .^ M' »i*'..' ,»*i T^*^' ^-^■~. 'St ft ■ i I 114 !l)! ■m John r«wrt J'>iiii Wittinmf Ji«tt)e!< BiHi'k '^Vill'Min Sowden Dfivid Smnrt William Falconer J. M Baliuur John Small William Allitn Al' lander Wood Alrxandrr VlcD'uieU Al*-iand«>r Fleicber TlioiDAs RidMut V. William Chewett 0r'f^4it Powfll Si*" hen Jarvis WilliHm Th^mftsoa P.'tpr R bin&mi William Tyler DArcy Bnulton, jun'r. Jaaics Miles William Smith, Pickering. Samuel Rttherts ,, James Fiz Gibbon Thomas Selby Michtel SioiH Juhn Brnwn William Siiavir * John Uejliiiead ,- Jx^efih A Keeler »■ John L»*«tter lliwmas A Sif Mrart Kobt:it Reed, Esguirer Home Di tkict Francis Hewsf^n Fedeiir.k S. Jarvis - Robert Charles Home ' Jiilin BeiLift ^ William B Robinson < j^ . John bcott Gny C W.iod J>^«hn Blacklock RohtTt Ctiay Ai'derson (ha'les Cald«\ell . William P'irsons < hristopher W idmer William Lyans . John Spread Baldwin • An^ii^lutt W Baldwin . James O'Brien Boucbier \ James Black Charles Futbergill, Eaquins, William Oooks R berl pJHIes Ab aham N»^lles , James Crooks Henry llaglo Johif VViUua Levif<r.t«is Jarms McBfide Hu^h Wiit^oii William Ellis -^ Ja ne.s R.icey »( Mat I he v^" (/I'onlif v PaiiieiOReilly . Juliu tSecurd Th.>ma$< Dicksoa Ro!»ert Ki-rr JubaBail ' ^ ) Gore District. \: Philip Sivprikjffn A . .; .ff ]yirtm'i. Ovufif Id ,',; -.James llamiliou ■ ..'\ ', William Mon.uon Jarvis ',': Williau) Proctor '. ' Thomas Lepard ^ • * William George VVoIcOtt • iL Thouias i?roilli „ .Peter IVifc'Vreger i ' . IV ' . William Milne , ( Will am Holme • ■ . .'' Elijnh Secord , Alexander Wisharti EsquirM. Niagara District. ' _' ' Robrrt Addison Jfcnes Vliiirliead /' . ■ Rub«rt ^eliis V^ John CrovTi Willia R,.b^i Peter i Samue George A'lraiia GHorj{« Thomai Jatnes I Alexxiir Thomas Jamns ( JHin«9 A John Pu •.v k . '' ■•-'1 \J- : ;♦ 115 John Wtrrftn Cri>vffll Wilson William Crooks, R,.t>f>rt Grant) Peier Bali Samuel Street George Adams Atirahani Nellos GeornH Keefep Thomas iMcCorroick James Kerby Alexander Hamilton Thomas Racey James ( 'Uinmirigs 3»inti9 MacLem John Powell ppfer Teeple Tboms Horner Daniel S(»ringer James Mitchell William Hutchinson Jo><c|)h Ryerson Thomas B<>«vlby Ri.hert NIcbul Mahl >n Biirwell John Backhouse (ft orge C Salmon James Hamilton Eh'r. Reynolds VVilllaoi Dtjflf Francis Bahy Jfnn Bi^pfisle Baby Rohert Richards«n G»»orgp Jacob Rirhard R. Prilard John VfcGregor John Dolsuii AI»»iander>Mack1nt05i William McCrea W Itiam Mccormick David iVIiti hell Jc%a Bapliste Bftrtb^ John D Servos / William H \1frritk Warner Nellps Georj;^ Ball John U her Samuel Witnd Robert Nichnl James Jack«on RolKsrt Hamilton Henry Warren , Ely Bradsha^ J. B. Clench, ^ Jinhii Crooks Daniel McDongal Mortlauiit Chrysler, £«quire« LonDuif District. Jnroefi Graham George Kyerson Daniel Ross Charles Ingersoll Francis Leigh Walsb^ ; James Racey * David Secord , John Matthews Joseph Defieldi ' ' v Leslie Patterson Ira Schoffield, Fsquireaj Westerw District. William Jones . i William McKay J«»hn Gaff ^ ' Thoraas G Anderson - ' Michael Bailey • ^ ^ >>; „ George Mitchell ^ . ; James Gordon " ' . luracl Smith * • Claude Gr>uia " • » ,,.,. I - - James Hell - .^ .>.' /it-'i-t-. f._ Samiiel OiboroA . . ' -^ Joseph Hamilton ^ v.* ' George Jacob, junV. Ei^Qires* i- , j' ■.■■r' 4» A- , ' ''^ > ■ - "I ■^» if- - ^ .. 4 "-^A3*>"^ MILITIA 01* i/'l ■%' \3PPEP4 CANADA. CENTRAL STAFF. ' Jldjulant Central. Cnloi'f I ^nibanieJ CcifCn, ^mtUlnvt Adjutnut General Li« ut C(»l. jHrues FitzOlbbon, General Ju^nt for paying MilUia Pensioners^ F/d. Mc Mahou, Ks.-j. LiM of Olficers whn servf d on the Mi'ifia SU'ff fnin» lli<» c inj. infi)C«tn«iil ot the late War wiUi the United StHtf s oi AtLtiicS; iiid whose service;} were dificcjiiliijurd al the P^ace. .'N Ab.tutant GEMRaiL's Department. Dfpuiies with Hit Rank f>f Captain. Pftftirk Corbett, J.)hn Claik, Jubn John't n, - ArchihahJ McDonffll. E«<|uirejw ^lUAUTKR Master Genera j/s Department, Qvfirtf.r Maslar Gfufral rolonel Nirhol. - Deputits, with thi Hank of Captain. ; Frsn^nis Rnby, . Gilkin-tm, F»lf<' Clinch ^ ^ . ,\ R. D. Fiai-er, Ksqiiires. ,;., "WiUiam Jaivi», - * -^ Paymaster General's Department. Deputy Paymastrr GrntraU Alc^Hnder AlcDoiieW, Enquire. District Payntaslirs. '— Homtt Andrf wr Merter, ... S Thomas McCurmkk '^ ( Rf>nprt GrRDt, Midlandf Hubert Ricliard»f»n^ _,i- JohmtouZ, \ ^^'^"^ Sherwood, l.otiden, John Rolph. H'esterny Jas. Gordon, EsqSk Mt'DlCAL DePARTMEKT. Surgeons. Jarots Muiibenc), Giant Potreil, E^ quires. t*BOyiNClAL A1DC8 DE C^IMP. CMomI James Giv in >, Lleul Col, C. A. H«g*rm>»n> Z.itut. Colt Dunran Camereni J Appointed in Manh 181fi,#fy { eootinutd io June lb 17. ^ i'- ^ I ■\ z- 117 68. lb 17. fRESrOTT. (Jol JiMi M« l>i'neH LkuI Col ae-»'6«» Hamillun Major f V Mtari Captains. Aiexfltidf r I. rant PtMei F !>• Koy Davxl Pnllie John KiHfiii Al'-nrtiii^**! <'Hmffnn ljoii«tti M« DoiihIU El'j *'^ Bio\vii» Ji-l'i I K<>w« LlEUriCNAlfTS. Piiii.i {^i\\\ S luon Vuii Kiif k \Siiljum Stiennun V'iliiam Tolfin K'liueih MtK«skel Liiens D. McOoneil Clt»»ile»» L »wc Willifui J unison .Tallin BuclvaiiHii Cu*i|es Waters ,, Julio B)u li Joliii Cl»e8s»'r John \icCra« . ^idJHlaht — — (I'rt Jtfrti/«r,-- — bur^eoti. — — I GLt.NGARY Col. \lei. Frase. Lifut Col A. Grnn Jtfryor, A McMarlM- Captains. Alfiandrr Rose Alevaiid«*.r Grant J. hri Corbel t J bn Catn»^ro»i Murd. 'V cPher>Mi DonakJ Fta&«»r Al'xand«r Mi>CiUi9 fV nalti Mrl*h»»rson DuitaM McLttan Lir,UTF.NAI»TS. L»«\vi- (■irc<li..iin AV». Ni<L)oi.»U lerMTtitili Hnyilur Al<:^ Mi'Miitaii Rnhalil (ilinik Ph«. r F«>r|i;uftuU J )hii K»*nnpMy laint"- M( I>oii«U Donalfi I'mstr I'.N^IGN-S William Urquliarl Alex >1t.(i»ufer Ji hit (viwrt Alfi .Mtl>i>'Jual Donald .\i' P»UT«on Al« xH'dtif FfOHpr DuiM-aii All (iiUs DdiMid A1< Arthur WiHinni Mi KtnxiR Jidjutmitf — — ii?l. Mmttr. — — Hurston — — II l.LKNGARY CV»/. l>. M« Done 1 1 It Col 1) '(DoiipSI M'tjor, J Ml Iiiiyte. Captains Ale«. iVickmzie Wliiiarii MrLf«»il UoiibM McMiDttn Jt.hn McDf'rtHld A)ei*indfr Gni:it AMtiU" KcMitiody Donald iVliDuiwH r Mrlutyre /Idjt. All-*. V/iikiiison XU\. MrD..':,.li LlBOTFNAlIT*. A!«>i. MvUonell Ff xet Cam* ron D nald Mi'Mai'ltn A(<>x. H D.it^li RnaldJM D< liflil AIh\. A]<D(Mieii Angus M-lioiiftl Roderick McLeod John MrDonrH (>■ mmI > M PhHUl J hn .Aclo'srm J"hi) MolHriin jHiufl"- Caiitrrnn jit/lj Pftfi'rv]clntyr«, L'vfilnin Qr Mr. R. M'DoneH Surcfon — — III GLENGARV. Cot Arch. MtLtan lA Co/. Alet Chit* holm Major Ct jy C VVnocI J'»hii Cameron Doiiaid McLf od Angus MrD(>n«ll Evv#«ii (^nmf roil LiEiiri::iAKT$. AMaii CaU'Ontn Dnnhid MnL<'an Ari-iiihald MiGillis Diiiicai'M Gi«li«iay riu>rna.^ Duiican K^'iiiicth MrKritzie Allan R. i\.i IJonell Knsions Pi-lirMcUonKll Samuel Tlicnipson Ewin AlriMiUau Dii- own M(Lp<»d .idjiitoni. ~ — — Qr Mimicry — — Sar'jcon — — I ^iOHMOiNr. Col H«>u. .Neil xMc- Lean U Cvi Aii). rreii«;li Mujar. Donald Mis- Aiigu> F H«r ! J "h Y. €<»«♦»»« Arehhald 'Donrll .1. Vhii Kitughiiet ^iiniin KiHu^r Jtfbo 1>. CauQbell :•!! 'i r . i ; 1'' II ill Ml I m f ;! . i i 'it ll John Mcintosh Alex iVIDonell Arthur Burton .^dj LlEUTKriANTS Pl)!lip Kntpfv Archibald iVl'Donell Hijjth .cDermid Duncan Sc«tt Ronald McDonell Alex. M'Diuiell William Bince John Barnhnrt Ronald VlcDonell Ensigns John ('a me I on John McGibhon John Me Don ell Ar«hiir Burton Allan McDonell Martin MrMaitin Wi'lHin Mcintosh Michael Link Wiliam Kay Philip Camar Jlfij Arthur Burton, Captahii Qr. Master, — — Surgeon, — — II SJORMONT. Col. Joi«e|)h Ander- "^Ofl U Cut PhiUpVan- Knii)s;hn«-t •Major B;Mij French CjiPTAIIfS. D:M»ald vic\iilay Philip P Km|i^y Charles C Fanen Cieo. Ajidnrxon Jlfij W'»ah Dickenson VVtlliam VlrFarlane Joseph BaTkus William Browne Adam D Hon Mt'Kf'iizie Morgan LlEtrTlTNAMTSk Henry Stuart John AuU Alrx. Cameron George Morgan IVliirdiicb Stuart Henry ijhaver Alexander Bruce Isaac Sheek Peter Chesley Jacob W. Empey En<>IGK9. George Rnhertson Grershan French William Cline Austin Shaver Jamea McAulay William Luncks Melson Cozens David Ches^ley John P. Empey Mj't. George An- deis<»n, Capt. ^r\ Master y — — Surgeon t — — I. DUNDA3. Col John MDonell LteiU Col. Henry ■ eiklny Major, R. D. Fraaer Captains. Sever. Cpssleman Jacob. Van Allan Geor/e Alerklev Henry iMerktey Jarises McDonald Jitlin Chrysler * Pe'er Shaver Alexander Ro^e James Vloi)(M>ell Jacob horeii John Weaj^ar LlEUTKNANTS. Williatii Lonx Jacob Coons J^cob Meekley Jacob N. Shaver David Rc»binhon * Michael BlOu^e * Genrue Ault . John Doren Severus Casslenian Nicholas Shaver Jab«b Merkiey Peter Bultofi Enmohs. John Anlt Andrew Snyder Dnniel vljers * Jacob Bruustt Philip Monro Nicholas Wart William Shaver John Shaver ^ Jame^ Adams Hugh iVlcI>>ugaIl .Sj'f. ./. Dick Lieut, qt Mr Geo, Lant. Surtfeon^ Alexander Wylie. v-f ■; ■■:■■ v.i ' . J.. * Officers of Cavalry U. DUN DAS. Colonel Lieut Col. -■ Major i CiPTAIffS, Lieutenants, Ensigns. JJdjuthvt, Quarter Mastery biurgton. I uKENTILLE. Cat WillHm FrH.er U Col E. P Kiugi- bury Maj. Hugh Munro» • > ■■^^■•■•f^- ^ ' lTS« Liujt- mros -Captains. Fhilip Dulinag* Pr(«T Giant /oAi'.iiim Denant » Waller F. Gates Sara lel A<dams Gideon Adams Joiio Fraser James Froom Jon. Fiasf>r junr. jfJ7 Reuhrn Laudun Thomas Hughes li^lisha Culler Alexander MtDonell, Guy V Reed Wmam H Butlum FUmund Bu'-rilt Thomas McCrea William Merrick Trueman Hurd Aichihald Cauipb^Il ZiU M Phi)if>^ Lieutenants. Samuel Kose lit. H John Law^retice Lieutenants Thoi^as »1 Cargar * Edwaid Jesiiup Daniel Fraser Jtihii Adams Duitbam Jonefi Aleiander McLean Samuel Dulmage William Queen, Thama^ i raser George F Munro Ceorge Driimmond Simon B. Fraser Simon Fraser En IONS. * Genrge Jessup J^i;e(ih Adams George- Buuiton Tbiuuav F McQueen Henry Fraser Kwen McMillan Ruswell CV)ok W'tliiam Beach Ruherl Miliar Jnmes Denant William Harris iWm Mfrrick,jun'r. Daniel Thomas Justice S Merwyn Mirom Tousley U H Davis Fnsigns. Daniel Harris Ahel Adams Barnabas Nettteton Marcus BurriU George L Burritt Jehiel H.Phili^.s Abel Wright Jameb Dunham ^dj Jame.sMahland Qr Master,. I nctib Hick Hurueon. * OJfiars Cavalry. 1 LEEDS. ' Col fj. P. bh*'rw'otid U. Col. John Stuart Major, \d. Sherwood Captains Benjamin R Munsell iJouathan Fultbrd John McLean Thomas (amhell. itf'/f. John Fra er Cap *^etfcr Cole Qr .Wr Oliver E»ert»Pel#«i Purvis Surgeon Wm. Scntt :Alexander McLean II GKENVILLC Alexander Mor; is !Wm Butll, junV< Daniel Mc ^Initio George B»tes John White John Booih Ma(th»*w Howard Wm. Duitliam I Ensigns. Jehn Williams John Siiipman jThomus Purvis [jfij't Alex G'-ant \Q,'r. Maslpr,R EatOB burgeon, — ■•- II LEEDS Col Charif s Jones Lt Col. Wm Jones Maj. J. Weatherbead Captains. Joseph Wiltspe Levi Soper Jerrroiab Day ,• Nicholas Bresee Thomas F Howland John Weatherbead ■John Strutters Charles McDonald Samuel Read Nalban Hicok Jose; b K. Hartwell LlKUTKNANTS. James Kill><>rn Satnuel Halliday Walter D wis William Robertson E,*hraim Webtter Arzy Judd Robert Cbeetbam Jkiht) Cox James -^Furney James L. Sch(»ffield Ensigns. Allan Sweet Co/. Daniel Bu riti jAlenauderGrant,.^"/. Samut I Kcltsey Lt Col. Hatn Walker Terenre Sroifh Major Henry Buriitt. Cap FA INS. Major Bniritl Thvma:^ Caoipbell LlEUTKNANTS. Samuel diii|imaa Tfuelove Butler Juha Purvis Richard luhnson Philip Shouk Jatnes Howard John O. Cemor Culiu AkDauaid '^ U: ^■'Mi »• 120 ^l' I > lU' " %\ mr Ttmotby Chanahflrt | Jame.i Weaih .rhead Elijah Chamborlain Jidfl — . — qr .ifV EiiadaParrish Surgeon — — HI LEEDS. ColoveL Jonaf Jones Lt Col Gao H Read Major, — — Cai»taiw». Daniel Jones James Morris John Kilborjn PIathaDi«l B. Tbomas Donald Bethunt Abel WHgbt Thomas Donftldsfin Thomas McL<tan LlEVtKNAKTd. John Campbatl John Col David Donaldson Wiu. Brooke, J9dft, Ensigns. ■Jaoies Finuay PfttarNlchol Jacob Strottd AleK. M'Fariane Ateiarider Cameron Mj't Wtn. Brooke, <lr. Mr E McDonall Surs^eoriy — — IV, LEEDS Col Barth'w. Carley Lt. Col. Sil. Wri-ht Mtjor, — — CArfAINS RandMJi McDt>netl John HagerMaa John VlL'Ni»U D'lvid Jones Thomas Freel Diiican Carley Ricliard Carley iuplu-aiin DuAbaia Lif,iitf.ha5T.«. Stei'hen 1. Beach Bartholomew C'arle> Stephen CasWell Andraw N Butll Edward Howard George Muilocb Alex C C«rley George Munhart Ensigns. David Hunter William Bryant James G'3b«oii Georj^ Gardner Adam Dncalon Archibald Fletcher Grorge Parish George PurVit Jidft. i^rt. MasttTf — — Surgeon, — — 1. CARLETON. Colonel. J H Powel Lt. Col A. MclVmini Majort C. H Sacbe Captains Andrew W. Playfair Benjamin Deiisle Fran;*. H. Cumming John F. Elliot Joseph H O'Brien Henry Grahatn Joseph Kresg D. Kinneai* Wro GiitfaHm ^'Aifx. Matheson, Ad^l Johti PowpII LieutsNants. Francis Willock John Bnlderson Jame* Yonn^ Joseph T. Pitt iGeorge ElltoU !Ainx Cameron Benjamin Rothwell John I'ntlock IGeorge Pouudier Peter CanipheU Ensigns. </vubert Henderson V'ui. James '(•nn Atfamson '-■nph Legary <{'rhard Rogerson ' hn Parker J hn Nuthail -imes Morris ! unfcs RlcDonell -)aunjfer8 Goodhall idjt Alex. MathesoQ, Captain )T't Master — ~ urseon, — — II CARLETON. ©/. Wro. Mar hall Lt ^ol Wm Morris Major, A. Malbesoa Cafiain*. r(«hn McKay fohn Alston Pohn Watson vtatthew Leacb David Bogg \lexander Fergufon lamas Shaw I. A Murdoch LlIUTENANTS. Henry Glass ' hrisrtopher Lego \lexander McDonald \lexander Morris Henry Lelievre William Fraser Henry Bradfield Josias Richey Abel Griffin Wm Matheson Adj. Ensigns. James Richey John Fergnson Thomas Tennaat Geo'ge Gould jWiMiam tones i Alexander ^k Vicar Henry Robeii H^illiat '^•ancisl •Raines G F,fz( ^ U(ut\ <2r Mr\ iV ^ ^'oi. Ju \ <I. a son A^' GNS. ison nnaot t^'kflnld B'ichanan William (Sould Robert Cninpliell Francis Consitl j?///.W. Malheson, U. (^r MW J iaok-on Surgeon, .fas Wil?<>n. HI CARLE ION. Col. Gvo. T, BHrke U,Col GhI. J Joynt Jllajor, Andrew Letl. Captains. Sewell Oinisby George Lyons George R. La n del Jos*«|)h !Vla\well James Dnvidson Edward S Bradley Herbert Witiuarsh James Rred Thomas Sftroule lEtlward Logan. Lieutenants J«>se|ib Sim|)>on William G'iffiih Andrew Joynt Samuel Sproiile Edward J VIcGaa Julin Sproule Joshua Smilh Clemeni Brad'ey Syl. Dempsey, ^dj, hfmy Edwards Rubeit Kitdiiff Ensigns. William Grant Francis Davidson Ed'A-ard L(^ii;gan James Wilson Afi.iipw Mill G FitzGerald M^t. Syl Dempscy, U(ut. Qr Mr. Ja's Falloo, Snrgiion, — — IV CARLETON. ^'^- Ju^as Taylor 121 Lieut. Col Ulysses FilzMaurite Jllajor, Don Traser Captains. J. Glendiiining John Rohertson William Pitt William Naughty John Ferguson James O Hare Julius Leiievre Lieutenants. Well Richey, ./JfcTf. Thomas Wickhaiu V\'m Moore George Ne«bit Duiiran Fisher Robert Ferguson Wra. Toshai;k Israel Webster • Jame« McFarland John Cram En-ions> John Fulford Peter McUougall William Baird Peter McGrtgor James Suiart John Ne^ihit Alexander Dewar Juhn Dewar Mnney Nuwian Daniel Ferguson JHit. Well. Rirhey Qr.^V Dun. Mi Man Surgeon — — L FRONTENAC. Col Ttios Markland lA Col. John Kirby »f. i;- Davil^Sinith • >,' Hugh Margrpgor John. Strange David Ratikio LirUTENAMT*. Samuel Sliaw w Thomas Dalton Neil MrL^od Benjalriii FalrfieM Hugh McDonell James NickaMs William Grant Hugh C, Thomson J'hn Moore, Mjt, Thomas Murphey Alexander M<:Doneil Ensigns. Thomas Whitaker William Baker James H. Samson James \tkinson Alrsander McLeod Fraugois Rocheleau David Brass James Russe!l R Vyalker, Qr. JlTf. John Cartwright Archibald McDonell Jacob Hercbrner .ittjf.3 Moore, LL Qr. Mr R. Walker ifurg^oHf — — II. FKONTENAC. Co/. John CummiDg U. Col. Hon, G H. MarkUnd .Wajor, Ph F Hall CAPTAim. Francis Raynes Major, C. Anderson iThoiiins Sparhaia ■ Captaivs. .Peter ^rass Robert Richardson Robert Stanton Thos. R Ca-t Wright Atf'iander Pririgle David J. Smitii Muii McLean Richard Lllerbeck J Doncan MDonell JacoD SUib'ey Benjamin Whitney Elijah Beach v Oau. Brown, ^<Q» J* .' I 11 *•/; l! I ■ '"^ \i ' I ! « H ►■■■, ■f-^., i'li .^ . I i ■fr.. Robert Tnnis HcMry Wilkinson LiF.IJTKNANrS. 0\^efi McDoueHii SBmuel McCrea Daniel EverUt. Pi'ler Suilzer AM)ert Mc^iichafcl Leu is Uartnian John Shibley Gror^e F. Corliett jHOifs Midreger John WatkiH'' Jo^t\>h \. Ml Lean 'EN>roNs rraiignio BHby -.^ . H« nry Oliver ' Heni'y < a^isidy. junV Daniel Ferris James Baby John ('amphell IMicajah Purdy J. McArtbiir, Qr M'r *.Martin Fralick *£wen Mi-Phersun William Fairfield Jid'y Daniel Brown, J9d}t, — — Cnplain Qr Mr — — Qr Mr' John M'Ar- Sur^f on. T\i. M<»ore 122 Jacob Miller LlF.UTENAWTS. Pe(e» H'+ni t:> iijainin Boolb J B. Iji.rkwood 'aillH'W Clark Viii. McKi'Mzie ichael As elatine. }. L Fairfi^'ld riiomas Oeiiiiison *Le\vip Fralick Jiseph N. Aniey •Feler A-'selstine Lucas Sliari', QrMr j Ek«ion». Edward Hotvard J(»hn HowHfd James Eraser JinathanParrott Colcinait Brists Philip Ham Jiiseph Hagerman Peter Dav^y thur, Ensii^n SurgeoUf A. Murtoo * Officers of Cavalry. I. ADDING I ON Col IVIaitheu Clark Li. Col haac Fiaser Major. J C. Clark C ATTAINS. Henry Davey John Richaids John Sharp Abraham Amey Gforge iVIiHer Genrge Hnin J.hn(\ FiHlirk •Jtt'oe* Rankea Joha McGuinn II. ADDIiNGTON. i'olonel, — — Lt. Col Wm. J Mc Kay Major, C McKenzie Captains, George Macaulay Jnhiel riHwIey Joseph Amey DHvid Perry Robert Claik, AdjU Samuel Clak Philip Daly John A«iselslio6 John Pleri-y.^'^ Lieutenants. GrtipHr Bi»\ver Jobustou Havviey W^liam H. Clark Geo A ri J.Ij. CnUiii Wheeler Liwif St<«v«T Dtjii H« i»ry I'oiner Samuel Clark *Jnh IsHHc Briscoe, Qr.Mr. G'"»r John .Vi liter JhcoF En igns. B >ifi Miles Shot ey Fimpi Cyrus Haw liy Ji).«ep Richard Whaiffe r Milton Fiisk Jnhn I William ("aton John ( George Carscallen I.-'flHC ( Peier Emi»ey A«alif| Jd)t R ( lark, Cfl/)/. Wm. S Qr Mr. I Bri-c t,U ^djf n Surgfon, — — Crfj.f 1, LENNOX. Qr Mr Col, Win. Crawford ^unr^o Li. Col Thou. Wil. i/ 1 1 liHms Colonel. ' Major. Tho9. Dot land Lieut C i Captains. J^ajor^ .' John ( ar>Lalit'n Ca\ AU-xaiMlt I Claik Andrew Embuiy *J hn 1 luiiipour Dniicait B* II Ce-rge Car>callea John C)aik Samuel Detlor B C. S|.ef cer, ^rfj< Samut-I D rlaiid Aiidre\\ Kimmerly Josei'h P indie LlKf/'TENANTS. J<i^ef>h Prindie *Saniuel Casey *Johii Clapp Peter Rullan W ni Prn\ n (ie<»rge D»'llor ./iihii G.l lute Vlf r D riaiid .^uhn AiidersuR ■jr ■-^■' ••>j> "1 W^p . .'■ '*> • 123 .Mr. fe ,,Cfl/)l. -c ^M- rox. awtord , Dojland INS. \)u«y i|>our I >c»Uea •er, M^ I'laiKi :nants. Indie fa-.^ey (an ]n •iJoP hute Jlaud Gporee A. Cljipk A rliitiali VlcD.»nell Ji.liii Churcli Dmisan Vl«>,K^nzie IOn SIGNS. G'' >rji<» *>mitli jHO.tb Delator B ilford C. R;.h1ns f loi'Rtict' Diiiiaiau i<ise|ili B. Fillip jHin«'s Biad-iliaw JohiiBHll" John rhamberlaiii A^alifl Phiilips Wm. Sjteiicer Mjt B C. Spencer, CHittain ] (^ Mr John Chiircb Surs^oi, — — II LENNOX. Colonel. — — Lieut Co/. — — Major, — — CAPTAmt Lli:OTEN,»WTS. Enmgns. Aiijntnnt. — — Qr Master, — — Huiireon, — — I PK EDWXRI) CoL \itIi Mi;i).Mieli U Col I) Wright Maj C Vitiialstiiie ('ai^iains. Jninps Coiler J hii Ailan H»'iiry iMrDonpIl P Ipi D. I 'onsen , jSimHoi. Wn^lihiirn HiMt'hraud Vnlce Gui'.Uuiuf l)('inoii;Hl Benjamin Way | Frtfiiftjjjlon Ftremon Wm BiMkely, Mjt. Henry Dingnian LiF.LTKNANTS. Th<»tiiBs Howard Simon \Va<-li>)iitn Re hard Gardner G'lv H. Young Ca'leli Plait Joshua Hit ks John Wriuht John .V1( fiilnsh John Yonn,^ John Rtuhardg Aarun Carnahan Fn ions. J hn Siin^tJii Isaac i'ole D ivid Goldsmith Juhn B'a>uii Baptl^te Preno Richard Davirn Mark !)• vr-lin John Ellison JH<>per Din^inan J<dm Stiiisoii Hajlelon Richards .idfl Wm Blakely, Captain.] QV Master, Roi^weil Ker>»us<»ri Surirffon — — II PR EDWARD Colonel — — Liful. Col. Owen Ri c ha d« Miijor JHm«»s Young Capimins. D<vid Si ij«l' William Walb idge John :Vl4 Qu'ig Jacof' G'linao Imufs P'^a-'on J •hn Balicnck John Y tl J»f '. ». •■■ i •«»*;£!.-- Lieutenants. John H. Way Peter Dempsey Edmund Mursli Thomas Clapp Wil'iam Stapieton ThoniHs FIrt'ler Benjamin Richards Ensigns John McGrath Ppter Setiar Joseph Young John G»*nnHn , ' Eno«*,h Bfdlft Neil McArlhur Tlioma Young O'tHdiah Simson jiflji. Cha- Bi?i:ar, LF. qr.Mast Dhv. WaU burg'ou, Pilkiti Gross HASTINGS n. Cot. John Ferguson U. Col William BfU Major, Alex Chisbulm Captains. John Thomi son Wm Keicheson Archibald ChUhoIm Philip Zurick \hel G Ibert WMIIiam Ziirick Heory llrtijei man Tuoma-J Klirheson Rot)err l> Liddie LlEUTKNANT^. Beiijamn* K'lflttson Karreiona Chaid I AtexHtdei O P' tr<« i Elijah Ketrh»*son John H'ihhard Ro-sxM II L'^avf-n* t'hrii O B iei., ,J<(|f, Hugh Fhhbep . hi»c ?)fim'''S K fir \ "^in'^h JauitdKclcUesoo % i\ h ,;it 124 I ■ L '('". r «::, h -V ■ '■■*■ Knsigns. johii F.veiilt TliorrutsO. Pftrie BHiidtil .Mc Michael Thoina- Pftiktr Ponald M* Leiand James McNHl)b Donald Murchison GeoiKf Bl« eker David Robliit » Tobias Bleeker JIdjt. Chris O Brifn Qr't. Masleti Eztkiei liawreiice Surgeon, — — 1. WOUIH UMBER LAND, Col Richard Bullock 17, ('ol. Henry Rutlan Major ZaceUtus Burnhain Capiaiws. #ohn Giover Barnabas McKyes Jos A. Keeler Adam H. Meyers Juhn Biirnhnm Thomas M Spalding ^ohn Kelly Samuel Brock \ James Lv4)ns George Sh»w Li£UTEC7ANT9. 1 obn Singleton Benjamin Evving EheoezHf Perry T.D. SaBdford,^rf>7. John Fraser Jifremiah Scripture James Ewing Oztjm S . ;g James ,Neil • . Bcnjamm humming Ensigns. Eliakim Squires John R Blacker David McG.R Peters ^OiiH Clark William Woolcutt VVillium Robinson ^> m. M Bulh>ck iVIatthftw Ruttau .1 )bii Murphy VVm. F H.KtIly Mjt T D Sandford, Lieut Qr Mr. B»*n Ewen Surgt.on, J Gilchrist fl. ^ORTHUMBER. LAISD. Colonel, — — U. Col A. McDonald Gershnm Herrick iVI. F White hi ad Jrtbn Heaid David Smart Lfeutenants.. Myndeit HHriis GurdiMM* Giff»rd Eltenfzer Beeht^e David Bddtoid Joshua G Brand John Fletcher John Burke Erasmus Fowke Ensigns, Wo/V, J R BaHuur ; John Brand Captains. iJohn J. lavlor Mex McDuue\\,^(fj James Trull John Welslead vym. Sow den Kichard Birdsall James G Betbunft Francis Page Lieutenants. Elias Welslead Juhn Scott John Crese BosUell Thoma> Ovvston Charles Jones EN'^IGNS. Samuel Wilmot Arch'd. Fletcher Job Fowke Samel G Welby .lames Hav\ ' ins William Beard Jidjt Wm. H. Drapet Captain Qr. Mr. Wm. Beard Surs^eon, — — II DURHAM. Colum [, — — Zachariah McCallum Lt, Col. — — John Lee Francis Dawson Ja'ues Flliott .^Jjt A I. McDonell, Captain, Qr Mr Walter Scot! Surgeon, John Hut cbinson L DURHAM Col John Covert fjt. Col. James Black Major, Captains, LlEVTENANTi. ENSIGNS' Mjutant, — Qrj Mastert •{ Surgeon — \. EAST YORK .Ha/or^ Thomas WariJ Colonel, Wm. AlUn U Col S. Hewfl d Major. George Ride Captains. Eli. Playter Edward McMalioBj Wna. H. Dr»peri i(rr\D' Arc f Boullga Captains Tobn Burn li»hn Taylor (George S. BouKon leremiah Britton ;;V hi r i-t . .*' 1-. as ^v James Cbewelt t Prtiii'l Bn»oke AoHrew Mercer EdwMfdW. Thomson Win B. R>»»'n»8im Andrew W Warffe Tb'»niH!i Cooper. LlEUTENAWTS. RolMTtG. AiiiJ«isoD H iiry I Boultoii jHin«» E. Small George Dui?««n,^<(/ j„hn Gamble A. 3. Tbtirason Georii;e HaiDfllon William Jarvis Rirhartl Brooke Wni. Pcoiidfoot. EVMGNS. John Muwru Gtforjr** Miiiiro Richard R»biiisoii Thos. M. Radenhuist Efoannel Playter Charles S. Small Horace Ridout Stfjulanl, Ge«». Dug- ^iin, LituUnaai Qr Mr. Jiio. Carfrae Surgeon — — 11 BASrVORK Col. J B. Robinson LI. Col. Jas B. Ma caiilay Jijaj JiiO Rndenhurst Captaihs. Htisli Richardson WUIiacA Shaw W ii Sinitt^ J'.hn Karr Francis Leys Tho . K rk;>a/rick Xi£UT£NANTS. EsSIGNWi Kdiut. — — Qr. Ma-nler ,— — Suryreon, — — I. ISORFH YORK. Col Pt»ler Rubiii-on U Col — — Maj. Den FilzGcrald Captaiw» itihn Arn< Id lames Mustard Jereminh Travers Mohn Button jHine^ Fenwick Nathaniel Gamble James Milrs William Maclem George Mustaid Tieorse Shultz .las. M Cawdell,^c/j. Lieutenants. Lodov\ick VVeidman Andrew Thompson Henry Pingle Grorge Lemon A«ad Smalley Andrew Borland William R'^e . * William Marr Robert Baldwin John Smith John Diiggan Dav d Bridgford E 3ION3. Asa Smalley Rirharii G'aham WilliHm Wilson Ihomas WiKon la'ues Vlarsbi litim Wilson * Francis Button J ihn FitzGevald (ie rge Lount Kli Beaman V^ron Playter hljt J. VI. Cawdell 'OJJictrsof CavMlrif ^r.Maitety — — Hurgeon R C. Home Ii ^ORlHYORK. Colonel, — — Lieut Col — — • Major, — — Captaiiis. Lieutenants* Ensigns. Ailjutanti — — r QV .Vio»/cr, — — Swrgton. — — I WEST YORK. Col James Giviiis Lt Col. John B«ik*ie Major, W ThooipsoB i Captains, William Thombon John Scarlet F. S.- Jarvis William Birdsall Daniel B'ooke Allan N. iMcNabb-v Charles Denison * Gfiorge Denisoa Thomas Denisou .♦.. John Beatty John Lyons A'f'iander Chewett Berd. Turquand, Mjtf Lieutenants. Pel* r McDougall Allan Robin« t * Aaruu ^ilverthornd Jara^s Farr Wm Crookshattk Lambert F B'ooke Francis Gai^raith Thoioas Fisher Ihomas Merrigold JtMeph Price I CUarlei Uichard^otf .' f. -\i ...r •: > r.if. m f Cn^icws. AmO' \j» rii,'f»ld Jh . . • Gi^ ins . ; ■ • SHMtiit'l Pi ire \^ III L» p j'nt'r J hn M< Oo'igall Jiuirt'* B >♦•» . ' \\ rtii»Mi ( laus S mil I p!C«* V iIImiii VlftUice J «• . h ti S|.ra^Sf DhvhI VKNHi.b ^(iji \i :iii|UHMrl (^utr Mn4tr.i Miir ihixMi Surtfton Win. Lne * ^1^ r.» o/* ('nrnlry II UK-,!' VOi:K. Colotielf — — IJtut :ol — — Major. — — Captain-. lilEUTKKANTS. En IG»S. f Qr Mnxter, — — Surf£*on. — — I. GO«E. Col frtnies CuM'ks LI Col — — Major, Jumps Racey Captains. John Wp-Mm'.i .k J.ihn W. .VMii yr« Ftprfpr'u k Ynonai'd Matlht'n » rooks Ci or.^e R'»l|»h Piiili|> Ryiii'tl J iiiii Vk iiHti 126 Eno^ Bimiiel Lieutenants, iJoliii Koi<>yth '.l<»llll PtllfC Witliniii Sturges Pall irk Ham* I jVVin Keiby jJiio. B'mwpII jJno F^hdlay !J'Hiir«. CoiWeft ! P« \i'\ Ni*rrii(ig Robppl Btot ie EN'IGNS, U m. *5lm« Kii'ion jjoiin I) iVI«*K>«y I A'ex'r. \Vei»ihiook 'Joliu Fl iwpII Ri.hHid Matt '' James Dnr^iiii Win. R.trhie VI.Icl.H Fires ■ .lolin Shaver " AiuJr»*»v h.d'te Mjl J W. M.Infyre, Simon Bradt Captain David A I mast Qr. jWr E'd Vanderlip William Rymal Haf£, fa's Mnriidton Naihaniel Crowell II. CORK Joh I IVpiie i'ol ritiis G Simntis ^dam Y »iing L Col Jiio ( hi-hoim Th<>mas C'hoat J>/a;. Th OS Atkinson Abrahaoi K Stitith Captains. .fohii K. SiiiK HA William MtKeilif* Gnorap Chi>hotin Lieutenants. Pf t«i M Collum ^^;7 W. W. 9lmr>ng^ Lit al Qr. Mr Wm. Ne\iHe Hurfffon — — III GOBE. Col. Th 'iia* Tavlop // Col. W. Loir.idge Major R.dieiJ Laud Captains. Er'hiHi'ii Lnod .Io*p|»li Burn y David Ki-ip|)S \ffh\ Laud l)a\ id K' I ns \Vu». Dnvis Klijah Si cord Daniel K $• rvos John Ser.ord Pi'ler Hamilton LiKIJTENANfS. Jacuh 9|*iin^<tead Hf»nry Yoiiiifr Jonalhnu Pettit Henry Bpasiey KN'IONS. Thjma H Taylor Daniel Lewis A«>hman Pelfit Mil liael Aikinan W W Si iioMs ^^///7. R.be.t Wii Taylor Duncan Mi QiiPPH I<»hn S'hnvder Alr'xaiidi r Kiomq j MoSPS" Me Kay Fn IGN9. . Georpe King I Wiilia . Chi-hofm I B^-^jamin iVlakle ; .loiiii liHwi-iooii t Aa«u«r ivv<;rjiU - ., J*- James Wilson James L.cwi'f jittjt. — — Qr Master, — — burireori OMv Tiffany IV GORE Co'onel, -- — I U, c«>/. Al«i. W isburt y nr Tiffany IRF. l.VVisUftrt Mflj Wm. r>»i««ll0lin I tlEUTEI»4NTS lAPTAiN- H.Miry l'.iv% lints Xlioiiias Sn.illi Wiltiftm Kil'rs TlHMiMii Lucas Wrtid Smith RoUet Murray \V <i. W.'olcot ^Vilitiin floline lul^ V Si o.r LlEUTKNAKTS Jac(»f» ' och»*nour Aa <m I) Vrooman Pcier Vhii livery \\'in ('out<on J.iliii Htiliiie .V' V J,, nil Vh<» Home TliiMni!) Uialiuui IM B»rtiy Ensigns. Jrttn*'' Jones Zi'|<iiaiti» Sexton ChHiles Van Every Al|i|ieus Siniili Riclia d FeijjusoQ SiiuKiel Sui'ilb Ht-nrv iNfclles Wui Van Allen dl'yilanl, — — Aitam Broun Si I eiieSiepliensnii Wm. L Smnlj P. Van Court. St cord *Jui>n Chtus J(He|>h Clement Jdlin R«i<iin^on Petfi Warner Waller Butler Thus, lliorner, AJ)t LNilGNS. Geoige Fieids W'ui V\«(>druffe iJnines VVit^6n Gtursre Shaw U chard Wttodiuffe 'John i'lendeiining !G< otge Shi; man j^R.iheii Dickson ;t:dv\aid iMc Bride J. B. -lones - i'awling wWj T Hoiner, Qr. Mr. Dan Secord Surg' on, — — II I INCOLN. Col. J tine% K'-rby q,' Mr. hihn Mc\U\lA. i ul. H. H.iiniHon |Mii Cameron Si(r<[eon, — — I DNTOLN. Col lion Win Claus U i'ol K L»*on«rd Ma} Kitlurl Ciiant Captains. lohii D' citw .lame!) Cunper lieorg' Keener .Major, Wrn.Kobiuaon Andiew KtMhark i APT A INS. John Piwell John Mi-Rvxeo Jotiii Se \u» G«'«»i sje A. Bal[ Win "Powers Joliii C. Ball W be vos •S. P. Jai vis I f" :•*• Adams I'luUu Claik ■t» Amhon) Upper Tiindde ja Davis Lewis Clement John Mi-Muking John iVIi Leilan Ah'aliHiii bov\mnn Lieutenants. John \iei i,er -, John CoiM k rhri>t'i. B n^hiter Jacob. J. bttU >•' ■ Wm . 'Tepbume Liw e LemOn (iar Vctiide< Uanack J a me.'! Thi itij .son , iHcob U|>|ier Dhv i liouip«on. «4(Q. Holti. Kitk at lick I'N SIGNS E* eneze' 1 avert Hei I V i Ball John Street HhII D^vis tieor^e Rowe \' Hugh H«»-e Amos Biadshaw Jame.H Beli Kwart Caileton L« onard Srtmiiel blieel Mj D I h(»mpsoU| Litutenanl qr Mr. Gilberl Mc» > ickmg Suracon, — — III LIN(OLN. Col Jiiiin V\airen Lt ( ol. Sanri. Slieet Mu}or W <. To well CaP'I AINS. lUniy Bn. Uiier ,l4>hn liHidy ', • lolin Baxter .iHme: Cnrnniings Shubal Pa k LnUTENANTS.' Benjamin Haruison Icbn Pmnain OEiait Bnchner Dai id Dhv is J MU<-ti Gander " ■' Henry \Vei«»buho James Th 'miiaoa Ek^igns. John MHier Kenjaniin Learn Himiii Humphrey . IPrlf. D.' I *■ iDauiei liuchuer "> : ■■ ■':■>' .■..,■ ». ; 1 ,1 y 128 \jf' I i< H1 Peter MtUor Wilson Hann Edinund Ryslay Levi Dmhii M\t' ShidI McAfre ^r. Mr Henry Filch Surgeon, B. P Htll IV LINCOLN Co/. Robert Nelli's L/ Co/ Abr Nelles P'lj. Ed Pilkinglon Captaims. Henry Nelles James Dediii.k Henry Hixon John Henry John Miiirhead Wm. Chisholm Adam Sinfimcrman Pf ter Hare Henry Pawlinj? Lieutenants. Walter Dedrick John iVloore Jaotih Vau^han W. R. Nflles, M^t George Book John Kenni dy Edmond Hodges Mathia^ SimiueFOiyn Phiirp Deen John D. Beamer Robert Wad del Ensigns Tliomas Single Thomas Wad<iel Robrrt Nixon Samuel Kitchen Daniel P>»lmer- ' James Hare Chtii'''^ Anderson Wn. Tnylor JiMf |)h Simmerman AdHiii Conk"ll J3dit W.R. Nelles, L/. ^r. Mmtert — — ^'jiurg^nf — -— f. HALDIMAND Colonel, — — U.Col. Wro N. lies Maytry ^Varner Nelles i'APTAIWS. Henry »Vni. Nelles J isrph T'Ung Wm. Wrtiner Nelles Wm. M Ball Andrew D. Kerhy Geors.e Riincliey £dwnid Burton Lieutenants. WarnPf Henry Nelles Jithn L. Nelles RoWeit Anderson Benjumin Wlls<in Denis Kneley, jft/j/ John Croker Geo. H. Dockstider Ensigns. J')hn Young Nelles Mathias Wilson Peter B. Nei.«^s Isaac J. Nelhs M]l. D. Ktj«ly, (J. Qr. Moafer, — — Surgeon, — — I. NORFOLK. Col. Joseph Ryerson Lt. Cot. — — Major, A A Rapeljie Captains. Daniel Mo Call Duncan McCall J Samuel Ryerson ReAbeii Richardson J«c<»b Polti Daniel R'iss lieutenants. Wm Smith John Dedfiok Wo Dell Matthew Tisdale Walter Anderson P.^ter W. Rapelje KgertQfl Ryerson Jacoh Powell • * Satiuel Wood Ensigns.* Daniel Fislier Jaroe* B»own David Hunter Rowland Giiliert John Mr.N»'lly Hfnry Sheeb.in Daniel Met all Adam Bowlhy Jd)t. Sam risdalo, Q;- Mr F L. WnMi Surg Ja'h Graham U NORFOLK, Cc' Robert NIrhol U rot G C. Salrooa Major, I suae Gilbert Captains. Wm. Parks McFarland WiI«on Wm Gordon, M'^l- John Kirkf*atrick Wm. T Salmon George J. Ryerse Wm, Wilson Edward Evans. Lieuteiants, Abraham Masskar Jacob Lemon J hn Slaght Philip An^'tin Rynard Potts Wm McCool Dpncan Campbell Ebenezer Gilhert ZeUulof! Laudon Ensigns. Denis Shaw Richard v\ilcocki Job Ma«!"a«f.r Joseph fisdnll Jose|>h Culver Edward Ryer«e Ad]t W. Gordon.rytl i^r Mr . J«'s L^monr Surg. R L. CockroU -.' >>-' P»'fer Josefij] A re hit] Wr, E'lHriHJ LeoM«f •^'ijt. JJ ' ariT I M Col H Major ( Leslie '.A. ' <^?:i 129 i. !. OXFORD, Cot I '"' M" n >•■ Lt'. Col. ' Iiij; r-dll 4'APrAlNS Hfiiy 4'nirol J H rhrockiiiorton Jiin' s Carrol G* o. W VViiitehead JoliM Keily D»niel Brown Ri)t)prt Alwfiy LiKU PEN ANTS. Abn^r Drcow Will. Reynolds G.orge Nichols Calvin IViHitiii Hf-iiry Daniel Hiii^li iVlalrolin 'i'll<Mna^ liii^ersoll Colin McNil Alexp. Vh'Cir gor VViiiiam Land Jdcoti Gthlf , JiJ^i. P»'ter Vlattin Josf(»li Wo'drovr O Brifii Arcliii)ald Biirlch Jam '9 III ersull W Ti Underwood EiiHiiezer vViihers Williaui U an Leonard Kerii Silas Williaius j?'/j/. J^cob Goble, Lt. Qr Mr. Wm Mc- t aHnt*y Surgeon, — — J. AJIDDLESEX. Col Hon T. lutiHil U'iol — — Ma/or, — — Captaitis. €iil(n««n Wih.m Leslie Patterson John MallUews W W. Phiinn Alexander Koas .Ihmih^ v'cQo) en J >iiii Uan^'ii ArrliiliHJiJ (iilles Hu.'li M) Tom an Jhuips Mi K iilay LlFUTt;ilA?tT3. Wcji. Bird xj.deoii I itfHiiv riiMiMa^ Ml C'dl Saninel MrCall .I')||M G'i le.» DnnC'iM MiKiiilay J, M Ft I lane, jidjt. ^'.R IGN4 D^nit I Virlntyre Dnvid D.vis Siiiut-I Hrirris PiierM Kellor Mjt I. M. Furlane, Lieut I Qr Mr 3 Reynolds Hurgeon — — M AllDDLKSKX Col. Mahlun BiJrv\ell Lt. Col J B'Ukl)O(l:i0 Major. Ino. Rulpli Captains. Samuel K'iison VVilliaoi Saxton Jose h Di'field AlualiHin Backhouse Tilii<< VV illiains Isaac D'a|tpr I Captains LlEyTENAMTS. ENSiGNS. ^quiut — — Q,r. Master , — — Surtfcon, — — lil. MIDDLSEX. Col J hn Bostwii k U Col Vf<yyr, David Secord R Captains. Dntiiei tvn|i- tje B» I juniii. U i «oB Jhiies NVviH*--, .idj, Ji'hn Conrad J<>-«*l li Sniiiii LlKUTI^ NANTS. William Or Jcs»sc Z iVitx. K.N IONS Jldj. .1, Nevilles, Cap, ^r Master, — iiun:eon IV MIDDLSEX. Cot Jarrjps HaiiiilloA Lt Col D. S|»rin .iT Maj Iia S::lioffield C APT^IN- Jn<<o|>li S Hrorison Simeon Biillen Roswf 11 Viotint A I drew i\lrK"i>zie Ririiard Talt.ot Daiii» I Hiiie LlKUTJCNANW. Ensigns. .Adjutant, — — — — Qr. Master, — Surgeon, — -.-. I. E^SEX. Col, Ebcii. Reyn>>ld9 IJ. Col J as (iiH-doii Maj. VVm MToriuick C APTAINS. John Brush John Wilson John Little F'aiiris Ca. dwell Nicholas Lvttle xVlatlhew Elliott .lames \^ Little John McCormick Charles Berczey Lewis G. Gord(»n LlEJITKNANTS. Daaiel Pesloriut '' »v f 4*1 J »( 130 i i i"- Willinm Richardson John l-Vrns Jtihii Rmikiti M'rhafl F'>i John CHlcivvf>ll Wm. Ainbiidjie, Jldj. 'J h'-ndotT M'»l<»Ue William Wright Hemy Lippn Knsions, Joseph IVjHiotle Pfter Y'»un'; Alexaadtii' Diiflf AJt^i. VIcCorinick Mat. McCoiniiuk William Mickle Anioine Bcz^r Daitit^LFisher Zi'zjnit' iV]at(4n Jidjntnnt, WiIIIriii Ambridge, Litut Qr. Mr. Robert Innis Surgeon f — — li. ESSEX. Colonel, Win Elliott Lt. Col James Askin JUrjjor, — — Captaiks. Tousaiut Maisonviiic Thomas Rnaiirae J. B L^badie Alexander McKee J. 8 Petre J. B. Macoo ' Pierr* RpAumft John Unnllc, Jdft 'ChaiJm Smith John Wutiton Adioinr SoumnnJrA lilEUTKNANTS, iThwinHi) iViarliu Fiaiicis Bai>y Pifrre T R^aume Fiancis Peti^nioulx Alexander IMcGregor G«-orjjp Nelson Jjbn ttands Fasigni. i Robert Melsnn Laurent Lnbadie James Baby Pierre Tourneaux Loiii^ A. IVIarun JncquHs Parent Chry.iostoni Paj^got Aiitoine Ouib'lte Antoine GouyedU Collal Parent .m't J .hn Gentle, Captain ] qr Mr Jus. M'lntoslj Surgeon, — — KENT, Col. Hon Jas. Baby Lt. Vol. Theob. Hunt Major, — — Captains. William Shaw William Sterling John Dul^in WiiliHhi JoiiCif Daviil Vlt.Kergaa J..hn p. ck CUudf Gonin IsHttu DoUon Christ«»|'b»:r Arnold tieorg*' .lacoli, juu'r. LlEUTKNANTS Hu^h victyullum Israel Smith Fiedericrk Arnold William Cull Hector Mr.Dougall Francis L'e Samiiet O-bora John Traxler Jerh.D^ Clute Jonas Ciafls Ensigns. Francis D ake JoiiM Williams Jesse Cull John Arnold Thon\as Shaw Joseph VVoud Johrt Butler John McD(»ua;al Thomas Jark-^on D'ifiiel McGregor A'ljulitiit, — — Qr Master, — — Surgeon^ — — . «* • Denotes Officfrs of Cavalry. NoTK. — Those Regiments which appear not Billed up, bare their complement uf luen, but the Ulficers have not yet been ap> .poin.eJ, • ■•„■. ■■t •I ; V,-' 131 MILITARY 8TA¥F OF UPPER CANADA. Ills Excellency Major Geitfral Sir PFRRGRfNF. MAI rr A NDJ K C B. (oinmaiiiler of the Mo9l Nuiiurahle Military Order o the Bath, im he &.C. Mddt'Camjh Maj >r llillier, 74lh RpRt Extra 'lid (it Camp ^ Ensis^n MHirland, 68'li Re^t. * .iws'ani Ailjutnnl Oenernt, TJoiit. Colniu'l Fosff^r, h.p. .^iijV/ Qr Master UeutrnL \.\c\i\. (Colonel Lighttoot C. B. h p. Town Major, \,'u'ui Pafiick Corbptt, R. V. B KingitoUf Fori /idjulant, James Keatiiifj, Drummond Island. CHAPLAIN TO THE FORCES Rev. R W. Tunney, Fort George. Acting CuArLAiN-. to thk Troops at the >*kveral Posts. Hon. and Rev, Dr. .h>hu Stracimn, \ork. Rev. K. Rolph, Jimh^rtbiirsh. Rev. John Wilson, A. M Kingston. • ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT. StoreJceefr.r and Paf/mnster, Jamrs Wilkie, Esquire* CUrk of Cheque, J Lamerty. COMMISSARIAT DEPARTMENT. Commitaary GeneraL Peter Turqu and. Quebec. Jiisislant Commissary General, John Hare, .'imherstburglimy Defuty Assistant Commissaries General. Thomas Hill, Kingston F. T Billings, York Mirh. Baiieyt Drumnnmd I landCim'* Morgan, Kim^sfon Win Stanton, jimhersburgh R H Dee, Fort Georgt Ja's Wickins, Fan George — - — — Thos. Arnold) Kingston Is. blackburuO; .dinhtntburghr- ^ bailey r/ €f ■f«p» w^ 132 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Jfssislant .Surg' on to the Forces,- HustoHf llOSPli AL ASSFSr^NTS. O'Brit'U, DruMtmond Island, \ 'Itiiueui, ^mhtulbur^h t BARRNCK DKPARTMENT. ,^ BarrncK, Master, Kinffstont ^ D>tlo, r.^,. York. . Ai'-xaiidtr G«rreft, ViltOf '•■*» Fort Georsiey'' T\ jni-in Ouff. JDttlOy ^mherstburgh, Seutlow Rau'aon, Ditto, Drummond Island. INDIAN DEPARTMENT OF UPPER CANADA. Uniform, Olive, Green and Gold Lace, M I ■ ) NAMES. RANKS. STA ION. Hon WMliain ( laiis < i^ i V- i i Fort George ( iJcp insf. Gen I. A, ° Jo« B Clench, Est]. Clk of iitdiau Affdirs ■ ■- Robert Kerr, E»q. Siirgedi I — — Mr. Fni'diild Iiiterf»reter | Aaron D*jkagh'lea-ere Schoolinasler James Giviris, Esq Superiuiendant Ge<»rge Iron-idf . F>q — — Roh Richardson £i>q. Surgeon Mf«Raf»p, Inlerpreter Rev. Mr Marchand, Missionary William McKay, E»(| Superintondant T G Atid«''£ion, Esq Clerk k Iriterpreter DaviJ Mitchiil, Esq, Surgeon Lewis Jiihnston Lieutenant Mr St. Germ»in> Interpreter Mr. Solomon, — — Cliiet A-^'sitj^enack — — '■ ■ '■ ^tti4»» F^:'>ui§> .]Ariuuur«f> Grand River (Yoik Ainherstburgb Sandwich Dmmuiond Island 138 ^ OFFICERS. Of the Ordinary and Civil EfyfahUshmenf of th ROYAL NAVY IN CANADA. KINGSTON. Captain Robert Barrik.C. B. Jidmt^ Commissioner and Commnndiuif OJicer. Secretary, 1 Marks, Esquire, Purser, R. N. in Ordinary* SurfreoUj George Colls, E-^quire, R. N ditto. JVavnl Storekeeper M. 8 Mt'nds, Esquiri*, Dock Yard. Master AUendanty iMichael Spratt, Cst|uire, do. do. JWr^sfer S/«;)U>/•Jg/^^ Robert Moore, Esquire, do do- Commissioner's ist Clerks S. Yarwoud, E-q Purser, R N. do. 2d do. ISLE AUX NOIX. Captain, The Hon. H. D. Byng, in Ordinary, C^WD RIVER, OS LAKE ERIE. lAeutenantf James Jackson, , , . . m Ordinary PENETANGUISHENE. ^- ; ^ L»>T/rpnflnf, H. D. C D -Uiilas, m Ordinary Assistant Swg* on, Todd> f * Surveying Department on thb Lakes^. . . • .-v Lieufcnimt, H. W Bayfield, R N. - lfu/«/ti)7fnan> C. P. CuIUdsi R. XH. ' V ■; ' '' - .* ,» ■ ■■ - /il !34 USEFUL MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION RELATIVE TO UPPER CANADA. The General Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the several DislricU, are held as follows — =- QUARTER SESSIOxNS OF THE PEACE For the Eastern District ; tbe fourth Tuesday in January and Apr>l, attd the second Tutisday in July and October. — Oi>TAWA District; (he second Tuesday In January and April, and fourth Tuesday in June and September. Johnstown Di-trict ; fhethitd Tuesday^ the months of Fe- bruary and May, and on tbe second Tuesday in August aud No- ▼ember. MrDLAND District ; at ^dolI»hu9fnwn, the fourth Tu«'S(]ay in January and st^cond luerdny in July; at Kin^ston, the Turtb Tuesday in April; and second Tuesday in October. , Nkwc4stle Distfict; the second 'I uei^day in January, April| iuly, and st^.cond Tuesday in October. Home District ; the Third Tuesday in January, April and July and second in October. Niagara District; the second Tuesday in January, April, Ju'y aud Octobei. , Gore District ; V London District, I The second Tuesday in January, April. WssTii&M DisTRGT, S Jt*ly A'l^ Octubef. FAIRS. .4:*'^-- ToRV. Tfnme nisfriet ; Third Mondny in JMiog/, and first Moudff . i4i (kiitbcr f itfi ^ii Days each Pariad^ ^r. » ! ', 1 w,"* ^ ■ 135 CoBO.WRO, Newcaslh District ; First Wednesday in May and Ckl^- Port H«'Pe. Ntwcaslh District ; First W«»/lr»Md»y in June Hn«| J^ovember ; Four Day- *-ficU period — Thi-* Fair U well aUet-Mecl Biui w»lf conHnct<»d.— The First diy is appropriated fotli« *'\h\- bHi'>n of rhoicp stork, atid the dlstribiitini of Premiums ; — — Ti»»» Second day for the Sale of Horse"! ; — The Third for H rnej Cattle. Sheep, nod Hogs; and the Fourth for articles uf Do- mestic Manufacture. JOHN HUTCHISON, Esquire. Sltward, A Fair was lone ago established at Q^ueemtoUt but it is very in* difereutiy supported. POSTMASTERS IN UPPER CANADA. lafy , ApriV Limtntter Lorhicl Hnwkesbury Hall Cornwall William'^bursih Martin Town Malildm Prfucott Brochille \ Bastard [Perth [Kichmtind \Gnnnnnoquc [Kinu^ston mh Molphustown 'ialluwtU ^'npanee ^dvillt hrmora Iron -st Moo^l ' t J T. Dun lap Murray ' John ('anieron Cramahe Thnrna" Mears Cobnn'rir Chnrles Symma^Porl ffnpe Guy C. Wood Dar'ington J. Chrysler York Alex. McMrtrtin J^wmarket Geoi ge Bt ouse Trafalgar Alfiheijs Jones Du^idas Henry fones Niagara J K. Hart well Qiieensfon Josias Taylor St Catherines I?. Whit marsh Grimsby C. J. McDonald Biirford John Maraulay ifxford Mrs. M» Kay Vtloria JanDes. Wnlson OeJnwnre El)z'. Washburn Port Tnbot A. iVIcPherson Raleigh w ThdinHs Hakcr^ Arnhfrftburgh Works Chasr Haj is ^andivmi W. Charles Bjo^gar J A.Ki'eler J G. Bi'fhune David Smnrt Janu-sBlack Witliaoi Allan W. B. RobinsoQ W, H. Coulson J Crooks Alex Hamilton T. H. MerrUt William CrooWf G W. Whiteht-ad Charles Ingersol Daniel Ross Daniel Siuinger Mahlurf Burwell AVilliam M Cra« John Wilson Hands, E&quiit» %)-f \>',t, li ' '^ •.• i? — - Mim :/ !":i'' ■ If 'I, I J TAniF. of Dntnncfsin Ihp JWHuh Proi^'nees nj J^orfh Ammca- In whick I itttfs may bn m/iveyrd tkrumh the Pus; ({{fice ; ^cllh Ike r ' / Postage for a single Ltlttr. in Halifax Cunenry I'o^TAGE (rate of} **• i . -M i\]lLE-. HaLUFAX TU Qui bt'C .... 7«6 St Amies . , . . '7^^6 T>»ree Rivers . . n- Biv»*r dii Loup . . 817 B- I thin- 6i V\ m Henry 841 Aloni eal . . . 886 Oneati rtu Lac . . 931 LaiHiaster . . . 952 Con. wail . . . 973 M'ltil'ia 10(6 pM'orolt . . , . 1021 B>«>rkviile . . . 1033 - " . Gr.i:aiii>que . . . '1063 Kiiiueiion .... 1(^81 ^ B.'li ..... 1093 Napanee Mills . . \ia A(iolpiiusto\VH . . lli>9 Hailou'ull . . . 1121 Mu'ray . . . , 1147 B»^lvJlle .... 11:^9 ^ Cramabe . . . , 1166 Cohomg .... 1186 Port H pe . . . 1193 Yo.k 1253 Nfl on .... 1283 :.'. Dun das .... 1298 ■■''■'■' ; Gi'iin'^Ky . . . . \ 1321 St. ("atheiine . . 1337 '' ^';al?dra .... 13-19 . \ "^ Qiii'en-tt»n .... 13o6 ^ Burford .... 1328 ^ ♦ ' Oxtord .... . ■ '. D-laware .... 1343 1378 ;,! '*^^ Amherst burgh . , 1498 ' ' Saudv\ ifch .... 1516 Villoria . . . 1305 ( . , Port Talbot . . . 1369 Burford .... 1382 Ralfigbl .... 1427 7^. B. For any di-itance under, and not excf <*ding 60 Miles, • - 4 1 2d Ditto above 60 and not over l'»0, • 7d Ditto above lUO aud not over 200, - Vd In 8 ■ lNi<» 12 ■ iNlO 1-2 ■ 2 1 1 2 1 I 2 1 ■ 2 3 ■ 2 3 fl 2 3 fl 2 5 fl / 2 5 H / 2 5 H 1- 2 6 1 /~ 2 5 B / 2 5 H i 2 7 1 /'^ 2 7 H / 2 7 ^H 1 ( 2 7 2 7 H / — ■ 2 7 H 1 ^ ' 2 7 H / o] 2 7 ^^B f 2 9 H 2 9 H 2 9 3 9 1 /Qm ^^1 1- 3 3 I 1 ''^^ 3 1 1 ^^7 3 H /- — / 3 3 I M^2 1 3 2 Ifc/ 3 4 3 ill' 3 3 3 2 1 / — i"" 1 "^03 ' •ding w QUEBEC • 7! 90 Three- Rivers. • r~^ 9 4^ 111 21 La Baye, 9 1 4i 41 a 133 43 9 j 7 22 Drur nmondville^ M ^7 163 73 52 30 Richmond, 9 7 7 4i Ni 186 9 96 9 75 35 ! 23 1 Shprbrooke, - ; 7 7 41 4i 1 198 108 87 91 65 36 7 4i 12 4 1 Hatley, 11 9 41 :•_ 216 126 105 83 53 30 18 >tan9tead, ^ 1 1 ■ ^ : i.-. i A -i. . M '.' »,i i I'* QUEBEC • ^ 1 * * ' .; . ' 1n2 3'21 Brockville, 1n2 353 4i 26 Bastard, .. lN2 373 4i 46 4i 20 Perth, ; , 1n4 403 7 76 41 50 4i 30 Richmond? '-<s. ' • -I f.* M-: ^' .' / :, .- , ,' ' ■, ' '*' .'If J - .# (f, 1S8 Miles PoflTAOS (rate of j 180 vi 9iJ. 201 . 11 222 - 11 233 . 11 293 . 11 3u2 - ]n2 IHO - 9d. 195 . 11 2H7 . 11 219 - 11 230 - 11 From ^(;kb£c to Montreal St. Eu-tflchc • Si. Aiidrfws %i>nviHe Hull RicliiDond Quebec to M*>ntrf>al Chaiitbly • < St. Johns 'lsle>aux Noil Phili|)s(>urg In order to find the distance from any place, in tho forcgnin* Tables and Li->t», to another, deduct the sniHller from the laiK^r number of miles, and th*i product ijives the distance* — thus, do you V ant to know how far it is from \iork to Cottau du Lac, hy the main road ; deduct 931 from 1253, and there remain 822 miles, the true distance ; or, if it be a Cross Road, and y<ju want to know how far it is from York to another place named, — say t<» fialeim; see hriw tar York is frcmi Halifax (liy the List that is jriffefj) jud bow far Raleigh isfroui Halifax^ — deduct 1253 from 1427 and the reirultis 174 miles, the true distance from FerA* to Raleigh. As these Tables and Lists are taken fror.i those used in the Post Oiiice. it must be presumed ttiey are as correct em the preseut stale •i Ihe country will Atlukh of. :i:i' UJ^ITED FRATERNITY OF FREE MASONS. PROVJJ^IAL GRAND LODGE OF UPPER CAYAB.i R. W. Simon McGiHiTray, Esq. Provincial Grand Master. R. W. Jame» FitzGibbon, fisq. Defutif Provtnrial Grand Masltr. ... R.W Robert Kerr^ Esq. ) Past Deputy Provincial ♦ R. W. Z. M. Phillips, E>q J Grand Masters. * R. W iVra. J Kerr, Esq Senior Grand Warden. R. W Benjamin Fai' field. Esq. Junior Grand Warden. V. W, and Rev. J. Smart, Grand Chaplain Y. W.^fed Hon. John Henry l>unn, Grand Treasurer. V V W. J<i|P Dean, ^ Provincial V. \VBf» Turquand. ^ Grand Hecrelariest W. EliaJv^dams, Senior Grand Deacon, W. Alexander J^hn Ferns, Junior Grand DcdCOJh Mr. Alea. McPhai!, Grand Tyler. "?—■•» . iteof) 139 J TABLE of the Latitudes and iMn^indet of the following Placiff reckon' d from tfreinwich PLACES Sandwich Pn.l Talbot Vittoiia Furl die Fori Cieore[e C Yiagara) Yurie Port Hope Point Charles (Rict Lake) Cubourg Prt^ju'Iale Bay B.>llville Bath Kingston Penh Frank Town Richmond Wouth of I he I Kiver Rideaii \ (lannanrque > Uiver ) tirotkviiie PrPSCOtt Chrysler's Farm CMrnwhll '' Pt. Hii Raudei ) thn boundary > iiiip, ^ ^ORTH Latitude, V> E>T LoNGlTliDE Deg. Jiiin Sec , Dcg. Mm Sec 42 20 Id S3 9 30 42 39 69 81 24 8 42 45 J9 80 37 5 42 52 20 79 8 16 43 17 37 79 16 43 43 44 43 44 44 44 44 44 45 45 45 44 44 44 44 45 33 56 65 n 13 14 51 10 24 24 34 41 53 1 45 13 10 79 78 78 10 177 10 77 16 76 17 ,76 12 76 76 75 75 76 75 75 « 75 74 30 36 36 32 20 64 35 56 42 26 14 65 63 19 51 4(» 16 64 9 45 78 19 45 30 REM^hH.' Determmeil by Captain Ovreii, :■> * 74 29 15 The whole *»f these cnluula tions, (except Min; the one r< iiitive to Ptiiii! Chftiles on W**- Rice Lak<') h <^ jjkne«in oIh nuin tier m rtein f* 3^ars 181?, 1 '14., and '»o (5i-.ited^ J. G CUB^^C* ^^ T ft 'i ■ ii I'hl '<t'r ?> '%. Mm i iii i W ':■ III If IB' Bli w in IS ■if H Ii ■If H WLa ■1 M'll Ivn'' ■^ 1 1 'H ^BB ■ ' ' ''! '1 B' bIm III II 1 F H III 1 ^'' 'm ln>i '-" ll 1 1 , '< ''':'! i 'i H 1 I'l'i'i^ ill 1 1 f ' 1 '! r J ■ * S- ■,;| ; ' ' i i 1 ' '■ ! 1 W m' i; : , • 1 |l };■ ' " Swb ■'■' \ ." ' ) . ''i;. :■ 4 1 ' ■ ■ '■ It i' J Ip^ . , . ■" \''\ i / I' . 'i ll ' 1 •i'l'i i llli w\ IH 1' '^ ml mm 1 ■ ^ ^ ■ ■ ■ > i Bt i ';' 'Uii 1 1 [ i\ ' ■ 'i 1 1 ■ ! 1 u M IH^ CoUNflES. GiKDviUe DiSTKICTS- Ottrtv^tt .TnlinstowQ • Midland Lenox &, AddlngtonMidland Prince Edward Nurthiirnheriarul Noithu'b.'iland Y«.rk, tV. Hiding Sitncoe S.mcoH Simcoe S'mir.oe Simc'ie Wentworth Middlesex Essex Capletoi) Cariefua Lt'»*ds Leeds Fr<nifenac ^orihiiinberland Nortnumt erUnd •.Y<uk, E. hiding Lincoln . Halton Oxfi.rd Oxford Middtef'ei Oxlord Midland Newcastle Newcastle flumo Home Home Home Home Home Gote London Western ,. Batliurst Bfll hurst Joli.istown Johnstowa Midland Midland Nevvia^tle N^-wcHstle Home Niagara Gore <>ore Gor«» Londin L'Xidon L'>iid<<n London 'Ea'-iern £H,«tern Ottawa PorULATlOW, fill 2118 *562 *176l tl92 *-*, 10' 265 - 140 A LIST of ihf Towmhlp^, and the Connlies in which they lie, in each District^ with their Pcpulntion, T»»WNS1I1P3. Alfred Atjjjusta Ani^lesea Adul|'hnstown Ameliashurgli AHplxidel Alnwick AllMori Adjala Amaranth Anri'lia Ait^misia Alba AncHjter Aldhorough Aifnhersibure; X and Maiden ^ B»tlnir«'f B»'ckvvitb Ba.<<t^id . Ilureesr ■' B^dT"|Jri^.. '. Brtripiiih •B rti#». '^, Beverley. JBartoa ■;Bin1»ro?»k '.' . Blandfonl ''t-' ;BlenliefiH"' v* iBHvhaui i;. * Borfurd 1681 5b9 *76.5 1344 977 *9U 231 14P5 6(13 lUtiO S2 318 672 13352* initio* Ottawa 722 C liarlMt«pnburgli Glenjgary Cornwall Stormont Cnnberland ,^ \ ' , Clarence ^* . Cali'd'i'ia 'vf' Presrott t This Rfttuf^ Includes i;f«ng:5/0n.^tl»*^'l'«}^s ff^xhoro •The Editoiha- tak^n the liberty of enumerating -onie popiijaj Won which he know« to exist in certain Townshi|>!i unrep.'>rted li|J an\ Town Clerk — thrsp ar** *^//?iricA;, Flos, Iimisfel, Oro- Tteun ■ith Thorn. Vtxpra. ani Doxiro ilucludiog Glouctstit an4 (Jumbtrlutid.'^t^wludiug Olonibct^ HI lie, t;l tni 2118 '♦562 •1761 tl92 ,, 10' 265 1681 *765 1344 977 *9U 14P5 6l>3 IUhO S2 672 •!3352» 722 \xhoro inrepnrted lijj TOWH'HIPS. Cro'by (South) Cn»-hy (North) Clareiiduu Camden Ciainahe Clarke Cartwright Cavaii Chit)|;uacousy Caledun Ciintun Caistor Crow land Chai'lotleville CarrHdoc Cliathain Caaiden Colcbuitter Driimmond Dalhousie, Douro Dnrnmer Darlington DumtVies Dereham Dmnvich Counties. Leeds Lted9 Midland . & Addington Midland DiSTKlCTS PoPVLATeOH. J(ilin3!()wn1 Johr>s!u\vn J Ler" JNortliumberland Dciliam Diirham Durham York (IV Riding) York (W Ridmg.) Lincoln Lincoln Lincoln Norfolk Middlesei Kent £i>sei Carleton Carleton Worthumberland No>ihnmt)ei'Iaiid Durham Hallun o&ford : Middlesex ls)t»rchester,aon/ft Middlesex Dorr heater, noW/iMidiilesex r)ela\«are Middle^t^ Dover (£ 4. IV) Kent Dui DHtltng £()«viirdsburs;h t!iz»liethiuwa Eiftisiey £ nestown and Amerst Island E'zrtvir £iilun E'li.ly , -i" E(.4»tMcukt Essa Kent (Carleton GrenvilU Leeds ' L»*edi ^ Lennoi and^ S Addiiigton ) Hasiiiij^^ ^ Durham ^^ Du<ham Y.»rkC£. Hiding) 8:mcoe r^ewrastle JN'ewta«tl« Newcastle Newcastle Home ^ Home Niagara Niagarn Niagara L»»ndofi London VVeste rn AVe»lern • Western •. Bathurst • Bathurst Newcastle Ne.wrastie Neyvcastie Gore London , London L.ondon , London ^L.o"don WeXtrn •^»' stern - liaihiirst Johnsfow'ii Johnsinvi a J<>hn«touo . JM'iUland ^, Midiandg^ Ne New It* >W'MH||tt M(»3 *6r>4 12(^4 ^25 773 654 246 *1378 •216 *733 1148 180 t4(»9 §784 *3y6 3356 :-. 887 V 100 . * -I * 48§*' 943*» ' *563'' •12P3 2«e6 2690 .V-i«i 691 Ofonitc*. t This return inr 1ude« Efrfnd nnd Mom. t This reinrn in« indf^s /'artcic/t.—^ tuclttdes Howard and Oxford, •4 i\\ Ul ■m # 142 il^ ih t'.L ■ '/' if' I i t U-. TowNanips. Eupli Hhy E->qu« '>iiig E'iii Erariiosa Ecfiid Fi ch F»M»elon Flos Counties. Siinroe llaitnii fUliofi Haitiin Middlesex Storiiiont DurliHin SniMjDe FlHfuborougli (E ) Hnlion FlHiiiburough (H') HbIIuh Carleton Fitzroy G<*oriiitia Gl'« ueMer G»vvHr (South) Gowfr (jVortk) G •ulbiiiii Giiiii-thoipe Gwillimhiiry (C) York fF Ridins) Gwillirntiury C^-) York (E. riding.) Gwiilitribury (fV.) >>tinc>)e Yo k- (E. Riding) Hiis^ell Grenville G enville Cnrleton ' G iinsby Gninsbontugb Gramhiiiii •- GHDatraia G aiicMbrd Go^^field Huntly Hi (cbinbrtike Hu<i^c»'foid H-xXingdwu • finkloi)eH Ha vey Hallijoaiid' Hrniltoii n T. Liticoln J^iricoln Lictr.oln HHiton Wt'ritwortk E'«^ex Carlpfon Frniitenae * H*reJiii§9 HHstitijg's Prince Edward Northiimberlaiid N rlhiirubHrlmjd Nitrthuiuberlaud Dd'tiam Liiicutii Nr»rfolk KeiK * Humberstonft HHldiinandG&J|t Hou^bion H ward Harwich an CMiHtliam H<i''on H« ^ke«>.ury - ' Otiatt* 1 !> * iMcluiiiiig Nt»rth Givillimhiiry. — f TMRbidiin' Oinabriick — ITfi eluding Wfst CJ •i'li»nfmiy.— -^ Incbi'fMitr Gn>)iviu^«.||ij)Glidiii' jMiddieiuik^tt lucliidio^ CuiudMi and Qiiwr4 ^ Districts. Home Gore Gore Gf)re London Eaaierii ^(•vtcabtle Home Gore Gore Bat hurst Home Oitawa Johnstown Johnstown Bathurst Midland Home Home Home !Miaiiara Mia^ara Miagara Gore Gore Western Bath.irst Midland Midland Midland Midland Ni^wcaAlle Newcastle N*'Mca>lle NeWCH <ll« Niagara Gore London We teiB Western W»»«tprn Otiatt* PoruLAiioif. 462 43 at 7 182 7IK) 20 "348 M 1245 Hi.? 15 §53y 1068 7rt3 *l4y3 4P3 *334 126 •19fil 10 1218 13S5 12 3 *6><> 11322 ' f1784 4i>9 143 \»^ Alios. 43 21 1808 7 182 790 20 •»349 *A 1245 1068 4B3 126 10 12 li 13S5 12 3 8»>J H322 ' "l7B4 t r> ToWHSMIM. Inlli^fil Jnva K'pnvon Kiiley Tuwn <»l Kingston K^'rinebec KatHdar Lan.-n»ter Lnr.hiel Loiignar Seig.Ple, La II >d own Lffds LakH Loii^hhorough Luther Lnuih Libo Loiulnn Levant Matilda MoDiilain M'liiague Marrnura Madou ilarysburgh Mt'thueii Murray Monagliaii Hanvers Blaripoaa Mdrkban AI^Hticlhoa Mulniar MHloiita . Merlin Mntuhedash Mnra • Mi'Mletnn and } lh)iigbton ji Malltthide M<*8H , COWHTIES. Simroe Glt-iii^arry Le'nd". Front^'nac FrontiMiHC Fri'm^-nac DldTRICTS. lOMTtATIOK. Haute Hoin»» EH:>iein J(ibn.-ti»wn Mid and Mid'Hnd Midlatid 12 *446 *14<'6 •2330 L» unci h Addington MidUnd York (E Ridins) CileiiKHny 'ilenjjany Presoott Cailfton Leeds Leeds Frontenac Simroe Lincoln f^-, Middlespi ^ ^liddlesi;! Carletun Duiidaa Duiidas Gienville ftrenvilie CHF-leton Hastings Hastii'gs Prince Edward JNurthnmbe'Iand Northumberland ^'or (humbeiiaud Durham Durham York^£. Riding) Simcoe Simcoc Simcoe Simr.oe Simcoe Simcoe Simcoe «• Norfolk Mi<idlP9ex A'ii<'dle9ex Esse J Homo 37» En-'iern •1246 Eastern •1496 Ottawa John town \ •lull, sttiwn i 1445 j>< lintsown *950 ^iidland Midland || -72S Hom*f Niai(ara *927 Li'iidod 186 London 13 1« Baihurst Ea^fern ^ *1368 Johnstown 41« John^loMn Bat hurst 206 ^Jidlalld 109 Midland \l id land *89« Newcastle Nt'wca<^tie 902 Newca$;tle m >eW( aslj^ • Newcastle Home .2256 Home Hi>me ' >.■■■ .. ■• ' Home 11 Vj Home UmjmH^ i , ~ '^ H^Hpr 4 ^■m^ .....^ .'V ^^^Hp 299 lMH^ 968 London )25 Wes'ern *239 -■*% «{{ iiiuluding Porlluody fi I'l i ■■■ I, ' I '■■ MHldr'i Hnd ) Aiiiti ttiiii.h \ Sandwich &i > R'fchH^ter ) IVia^ara Tou^n Mf>t-ori NiiUioli Na86aga\v«3yft Norwich Kitsnuri Osiiribruck&i Finch St<»rmnnt 144 COUNTIKS. Ehies r«rlf!tna Lincoln Ltiiciila Halton Haiton HaltoQ Ox lord Oitord «*/ 0.*<i( 'ode Oxr<ird ••f> Olden Otonibee Ops Oro Osnrey OrtklHiid Oilord (Eatt.) Oxford {fVest,) Oxford C^Vor//i) Ortord, Howard aiid Camden Plaritagenet ■ Packeiihaia Palmerston Pittsburgh Portland and Lougb trou^ 1 Percy Pickering ^ Picton P(>lhana Roxttorough and C'ornwal Russell Ramsay Riciimon KMWduQ Rnach Ra.tiali Raiiiham Rai^'ii^h Tilbury "j aud Romney J Runsel Grenville Fronteoac Frontpnnc Northumberland I^urhnm Simcoe Simeoe Oxford Oxford Oxford Oxford Kent Presrott Carletoa Frontenae Frontenae NorthumberIa«d YorkCfi riding) Simcoe Lincoln Stormont Bussell Carleton DiBTRICT, Wefttero We-^tern Bnthur^t NiHKara Niagara Gore Gore Gore London London Ea'^tHrn Ottawa Johnstown Midland Midland Newcastle Newcastlt Home V Home* London " London* London London Western Ottawa Bat hurst Midland Midland Midland Newcastle Home Home Niagara Eastern Ottawa BaihuFst PoPttATlOlf. •765 nnox &i Addington Midland astuigt >rk (E, riding) Simcoe Norfolk ■ • Kent ^ ; I *; -m Midland Home Ht>me London Western 215 •1086 »1T 041 256 *l80t 273 167 30 •311 240 740 640 •528 •723 174 676 ^9 •3163 ' 707 677 200 2W 613 'lacJ *»-»(« '\: •7fto "2^64 * 1086 911 04\ 256 273 167 30 •311 240 740 . 784 540 •528 «713 174 676 Jt •3163 •J07 677 200 ToW<««HIPS. Maidstone and Samlwvich She^brooke (Ji) Sliprbrooke (6'j SlH'ffi»*ld Sidnny Si>;>hia9(tiirgh Sfvraour Smi'li Scarborough Sett Sminidala Smmford SHilfleet So<iitiwold St Clair Siiiibia StindAich MaiddtoiiiB and. Rdcbester T<»rb »llon Tudor Tyeodenaga Thurlo*v Turohtu.and Gore Tfciiinsftb Tosoruotio Tii.y Tay Til.. pa T aialgar T'lwusend jTilbiiry (East) iTill||r>' (IVett) Tli.Md V»*rulai« ,. V>iiii|;han |Uiiiridgp aadf Whitchurch |V.' ra l^i<)iainshu'g>b |Wiiicbe>>ter ^•Ifrtrd r 2lfl «13 T45 CoUlfTIES. CarlHtnn LAnnoi L Addington Ha<>lin;{H Piinre Kdward Mortburiibertand N*«rthitmhf:rlaiul York (E. ridinu) York (E riding) Simcoe Linuoln Weiitworth Middlesex Kent Essei Carleton HaMini^s HHstlllifS YoikCfT riding) Simcoe Simcoe Sirncoe SiiiicoA Simcne Haiton Noi (oik KttMt Durham York (E. riding) York (E riding.) Siincoa Dundas . ' Di)iida§ Grenville York (E ridins^) York (east riding) i » D|«TRICT^ PoPVlATIOIf^ |V. hiiby ^l»i' church >nd^ [ Imridjje J t ludiidio^ Ralei|;h «u<l Kouiuey Western nt burst Afidland Midland Midland N»<wtrtstle Newcaslle Home Home Home NiH);ara Gore London West«*rn Wpstero V^estern Batharst Midland Midland Midland Home Home Home Home Home Ho ue Gore Londeo Hestwrn lNiat2;ara f)e\% castle Home Home 2l)«>4 5 1«5 15<l 1353 131)2 14.# 634 1335 1170 lOU 200^1 1ft 119S 137« 40 It 1413 1119 ffilS 1330 4291 I. H: r m ti X ■T Hd 'V mm I''' i TowM9inp9. Will.iiilihy \V>iiriflttet W'alprloo VV »»»-»! X* ith VVnfpole \V««oH house W tili>in«;haiii VVe-tininster Town of York YHimouth Zero Ztira Zone t COUNTIIS. L-Kwun LiiMM)ln hlton |falt<»n ^^^^..|lc Norfolk M^diJlesf^x Leeds \oik (E. riding) Districts, roputAtioK. N»ti JHra Ni'i ma Gore liore L<Mui()n .JLuiuJoii London London Johinlown Home 541 1370 172 767 582 73(i 1910 1330 b65 Middksf-i London Signcoe lldiiie Oxford .London 375 Kent \\eftiMn Note — No return* of the Popniaflon having; been made from irnnv of fhe Townships for the last two or three years, ih^- fourth coluhin of the foreaoiiig H>t h necessarily very iniperfect. 'I liKse niimf>ers to which an asterisk (*) Is fixed are tti-e retorn« o* 1^2J. It is very much to be regretted that Ih*' Town Clerk of thV various settled i'*»wn5hi|»s are so reuiisstn their duly. The f<dlowin; table will shew the aggregate Population ol Upper Canada as far astlie actual returns havF been made snice the yea. I82(> To whirl) is 8dd»'d the sw;7;70.s«f/ defie:* neies as to the number of those who consume imparled aud dutiable articles Districts, Fastern OUawa Fflthur-t Johnttown Midland Newrastle Home Gore Niagara London "Western Population. 13,620 2 477 8 673 ll.JMU 2t)3n 8 IP5 14.877 12,ti('5 16 156 16 176 6,i>61 In what Year* 1821 1823 J 823 l*i?2t 1821 1823 18:'3 1823 1823 m 18^3 # 129.742 f Thu refurn^^hifor .Tohnjfbwn District, 1822, is verhallm that of 1821- J^^Btemne^s is therefore impos«>ible. Not one of ^j^^^V returns is really mrrect ; but, the Ta'''« gh* ws the hesivUmpie to be obtained fronn written, ♦»r » ffiiial documento —The Wiiiitt ropulalioii ot V. Cauada caiioQl iiow be few tbau WOA>W. . / . . . . i . " ^ ^1 .'-. " ■.,/\ *^- ■i-^' , ■,ff4'' .1^ * ' t '^ .''j'. ' ' ! w w tmftitmmm^'Hr^ rLATiorv 541 5:W 17'3 767 582 4:iB 7'36 1910 1330 b65 375 tnade from \\iv fourih ft. 'Ili'ise i)tt ()' 1^21. tHe various ,, win;: table 8s for a^tlie those who 18-21 11823 ll823 llJ^?2t l?2l 11823 118:3 1823 1623 ll8^Z3 \\m lis verbol^m the TBt;i« or ' ffi»''»' [qoti uo^ ^ 147 > Brought forward,— lijtcrrtained fnbnhitnnfs of certain luwushijts, nut re ported by Town Clerks, jnJ« rnling of numbers, not reporled, throughout the tj(>ltlt>d {inrts of Upper Canada, taken at une of Ibe whole, S'limlter of Indians iisin^ Imported Goodfli ^rmy, I^ary, and Strangers, do. do. 12(>,74i 6)0 It the ) third S 43. 250 5,000 5,000 frobable total of the U C. PofiolaUon from the best ) returns hitherto obtained, which consuoie lio- > 188,492 ported Guodsi ) ADDEKDA. [The following statement of the Population of Ifmgafon, PHU. |r«f/t, «nd Wolfe hlnnd^ having been received at the moment ii sheel was ahout to be worked off, the fclbiTOR stopped the |(!H to insert it 'ere, that the work may be as perfect as th« cumtints received, will permit. I o/ the InhahUavi^ of the Town avd To^rnship of Kins^sforif and Townships of Pittshuryrh, and Wolft Island^ for 182.3. f Males 1 FVmHlr*. 1 * 1 ^ •« ^ s 1 e 1 « M V ¥» : ■ i I- • V '" K « * c GO c •< - £ M *- K, » • c IS 457 25 o 468 %m > . 2P4 if 3 665 > O 172 a s 498 > I. a CO wn of Kint^stou. :5 232,27 II wnshii) uf do. 26r 267 IPO 31)8 140 3b) -^.162 niH) 'sbiirgh, 8V) 88 74 6') J 24 107 'f «5; 6<>fi life Island 66 60 7y 14 78 — 48; 3»:-i 1 873 881 666 1102 450 l(^ 1 |n7 5161» (Signed) JOHN WILSON FERfiUSON, ^ Town Clkrju 2:sf»n, January 6/ft, 1823. V<»«' ... ,^^ .ip:1 ^1: l^iil- In *; '•iil '^f if IS ■■i I >/i : . ** ' -i"/ i*"* *' "■•«■ %L* V - I '■ A SET OP STATISTICAL TABLES " V FORM F.D FROM THE " ASSESSMEJ^T ROLLS aP THE 'it > PROVINCE. n .'-■iNoTB.— Could i< have been'forpgeenthaf docnin<>nts of SO much important e, (as the Asse9>MENT Rolls of the Protince undouhtedly are) were generally form- ed mthat hlovenly manner in winch they have heen found to he execut' d, notwithstanding the form and provii-ions of the Statute in such case made and di- rect* d,^vve should rertainl> have nsed morf caution in promismg accurate Statistical Tables for the whole Province, in this work. — But, il was impossible to con- cc^ivethat what so m.iterially concerned every Town' ship 'd*}A District m the country, could, in many m« stances, have been so carelessly and imperfectly at- tended to ifet so it is, and it ^Aid require at It^'ast another year before this important and mieresti^.g section ot olHm^rk can be bi ought to any thinij; like a state olj;ert«^ctii.n. In tl e mvan time, howpver, ma- - ny valuable ueducttons may ue mnde from what is tiere given. ;:_i^iii>iii»^ wi»ii,iiAW.»ii i# No. 1. FASTERN DTSTlilCr. — RETURTf of IS??. fhe Townships for which the following rrfurn is made. are. i.ancog* Ur. Lochiel, Charfottenburgh. Kiuyon Cornwall Osnabruek, h'lneh^ Wtlliamsburfi;h, tVmchesUr Malilda ami Mountain. Uiicdltivated Land 44 027 Addilional runs of stunes 6 Cultivated 256. 131 Srw iMilis 33 Town Lof^ in Hornwall 734 iMerchani*s Shops 'id* S(|. Fimber House- 1 >tory 368 Stnre House 1 AHditionat fire piarf s 6 < loM^ Carriagi^ 4 whei^lt 1 gq iimber Houses 2 storios I Phaplon?. &,c 4 wheels 3 Framed Houses 1 story 487 PI»*a8U e VVatgii^ns 9 Additional fire places 4*2 Slallion>(/iu6/ur) «•. '' Brick &i Stone Houses 1 St. 12 Horse* 3 years &up«ard«» 2885 4 Oxen 4 years and upwards 846 50 Milch Cows <)(>74 55 Horned Cattle from 2 to 4 2135 2o 9 2 nments oLL9 of \f form' e be»*n •in and and di« utioh in e whole to con- Touon- lany m- tly at- at It'ast ereslii.g injr like pFj ma- ' Additional fire places Brick k Stone do. 2 stories Additional fire places tirist Mills 4 run of Nlone« Valuation £182,99<U-rate Id.— Assessment £762 No, 2. OT^TAWA DISTRIcr.-RKTURNOF 1823. X Tow ai n named; — titrwktabury, Loninunl^ Caledonia, Planlage*. ;.^t, Clarence, Cumberland^ Gloucester, and Jilfrtd UncnIiivHted Land *36 984Acre6 Cultivated Land . • Stfuare timber Houftei^ of one Story . * Additional Fire places < • % I Squaie-timber Houses of two Stories . . I Framed Houses of one Story . . . . • Additional Fire places . . I Brick h Stone Hitu^es, with 2 Fire places • 1 Grist Mills with one Pair of Stones . . • do. do. With additional Stones . , . . ISair Mills *•••.. JMercliants Shops • . . * . iSlure Houses . • • , . IStallions (Public) . . ... jHorses of 3 years and upwards . lien of 4 years and upwards liich Cows . . . , » ^ [•'Ting Calth .,..., Pleasure Waggons .... ''lumber of ratable persrns . ^mountofassessnuint on this return ,: . . £1119 2,12 ^Nothing can shew the irregularity and imperfection of the re- lorns in a stronger point of view than ihe quantities of Land, w iid V>d cultivated, w hicb is named, swice tlie^pQlleat sui^ie Township wosi Diilrtots hos more than 36,000 ^^ 6,959 1 2 . 68 16 4 ;• 84 ^ •9 ^: 1 12 2 2 212 309 «26 ,, 811 3 3t)7 liygal ;i 1. .J'il- i)!. J >l V*. i':/i Pi s I f 1 X z: ? V I I I! a '■ - No. 4. BATrfUR6T DISTRICT, / ■" * '^: *" - • ' 1823. . . \ Jlffirresnte ^ceovnf of Jisunsments to be leried in the Baihunl Dis^ irirt for the year 1823 sptcifyin^, the amount for which each Town- thif) had hf.en -tasesatd * "Uowiiship of BalhurM, i( «». Dt-uinniftndt C( Be« kwifh, tt Goiilbourni <( Nft(»eflny • (t March, fC Hijiiliey, • u Lnnark, (C N.jith Sh«rbrook(>, « Daih.Mjsiei • <«' Raiiisay, .■«*-.. •V . ■' '■ ' V if- -^ - ^. 62 69 43 44 11 11 8 87 6 18 23 17 13 5 1 16 16 6 6 9 7 4 316 13 4 3.4 7 012 134 7 9 12 93 4 612 03 4 6 12 9 '^W ,.*^.*; J "*'-..■ ^"'' * Here is a total disreganfof the Prorisions and direetiuu of the 3taluttt} iiot a single item Iv ine given. -,.-./■•>' . No. 5. '■''■■■■■[-y... MIDLAND DISTRICT. ? 1822 '■ ' ■ TAe Towmhipsfor whieh *he followiti^ it the ffe/iim, are, Mar^ hii^h. Sophiashur^h HaUowtH Rawdon and Marmora. Sidney Thur- UftP Erneal Town and ^mfterst Island, < ichmond. Frfderieksbursh, Camieh, Adolphuslown. Town and Township of Kmgitmi Portland, lAiughborough Pittsburgh and Wolfe Island Urmultivat<>d Land 282 496 Gri4 Mtli^i, 1 run of ^toufs 43 Cultivat«'d Land 88,61»2 Additional slones> 11 Toxvn Lot^ in Kingston 48oj Saw Mills 78 — — ^ BHville 85 Meichanii Shops yr„,„ ", 9i -— Bath " • 21 Store HiMi^ew 14 Square rioibpr Houses 139 Stallions {Public) 14 Additional Fire places- 10 Horsen of 3 )>». kupw^ds 4(t36 Square do do S sl^ries 24 0«en of 4 yrs. ^ upw'd:). Ib^) ' Additional Fire places 8 Milch Cow* ^i*^':^.:' 8238 FfHOied H ouster. 1 story 1093Hurned t'attle, 2 'o 4 jeers, 3»it)4 Addilionn! Fire places 160 Clo»e Cairiagt^s, 4 wheels 2 Brick or Stone Houses, 1 st 60 Phaetons, 4 wheels 10 Additional Fire places 28 Cubicles ii Gigs, 2 wheels 14 Brick or Stone H luses, 2 si 268 Pleasure Waggons 41 Additional Fire plarn 3il V4I.UAT10V, 4^4i^,227,--*iat», id.^Aoioual of AawsiimeD^ M6& id, 3d. . i 2«, ( ■The : U'"rt/i G uH'eriui rst rHv Town* 13 \9 ;iou of Ibft are, M^*^ dney. T/Hir- iricksbur&h, % OUfcS lionet 43 11 78 96 14 14 8238 heeU 2 10 14 41 ibeels AiJditiooal 6ro jiiace Of "2 S'one<< A(iil'?i"nal fire f»!ar« FraiiK^H H misr- sin.^ A'iiJiti TiHi iiit ,)laceb 01 two Si (tries Aii itional fire {places Gi>i vlills 1 run of slones 2 9 2 3 153 Xo. 6. Is/, County of .SoKrHUMBKKi.AND cunlninin<f a rttnr>i of the fot» lowi-m Townsliipi: — Hainilfun- Haldnnnnd Ciamahc Mtirrtiif /'er- cy. MiriiamliaH, '^mith^ Olonibee. "iid .is/ihoUel. Uiiciiitivait'd Land 89 76(n Ad<)itioital run ofilories Cu'li^ftt'd • 23 145 Saw Vliih Sij. Wub Hf»u9«'s 1 stopy 3^ slerclianrs Shops 6 Store Houses i SiaPiohs (public) 1 n>rses. 3 yea!" isi upwards r»5/4 K)i) Okh(i 4 V HI k upwards 7l>7 63 ilch TovvH h>oS 42 Horned rallle 2 to 4 years U&S 74 Pleasure VV^aga:«»ns 1 6 Xumher ot per-^ons assessed 979 Valuation £72488. — rate Id — Amoiipi Assessed, includirij* tlie ratPt'or M«ml»ers "f Pa liamenl £371 2s. 743-4. 2u, County of Ditrham, conlainiiur arefurnof the following Townships : — Dnrlinglon, Clarh, Hope, Cavaii. and Lmily. iMCiiltivatkd Land 58 962^ Additional stones fi Cultivated 9,283) Saw Mills '' • StjV Tliub. Houses 1 3tory 2-22 Aleiclifuit's Shops 4 Additional (ire places 1 Si alii ns (public) \ Of 2 stories 2 Horses 3 years k upwards 230 Additional fire pVaces 1 Oxen 4 >ear9& upwards 47.9 Frami^d Houses of 1 -tory 75 Milch Cows h)40; 'J5 liorned Cattle 2 !o4years 57l' III ^ % Additional fire places Of 2 stories Additional fire plao^s Crist Mills 1 run of stones 11 Pleasure Wajjgons 29 Number ot peibons assessed 540 5 «• V.4i.uiTioK£:^5»689 17 — rate Id — Total amount Assessed, VEL* Ciudiiig rate fur Members of Pdcliament L 196 lOs. Id. 4^*4» No. 7. . ':■• '. HOME DISTUICT. 1023. ^stesiOA^''^^^ T/if Townships for which thefoHowini^ H^furn is made, are, York \V'ii(<j:ftnn King. fVkitrhurch. Uxbrvjlire. (Jwii'limhury, Eti-it S^ Ifeit P'rf/i Gwilliinburi; Geor^ina. Markham. Toronto, Scarborough \P fkerin^, Whitby. Chinnuncomy, Elohicoh''., jjibion and CakUim. Jiidiltivaled Land 266865^^ Addllii.nnl fire places 29. 'tiltivat.d I -nd 47 874i3(pia«-e do do. 2 -itries 57 h' fiiuberHouses, 1 story 22d AdUitioual lii e idac^^ 19 W'n I 'I ^■Wm !; m, ■Mi (• |i. i' !i'' • , i ,i.i I -'!' 154 Pran»e<5 Hourps, 1 story 35t> Stallions, (puhlte) | A«1<iilioi.rti file |iiM(('8 \6'i Hoi-ie". of ;^ vt a-- Amr>w<1s. 2( o§ Frmn- d, Bii« k, m St-me I ^^^Q Oxen of 4 yiHr^ ^i, uj.wd.. t;- ►T Houses, « '12 81111 ins i ivlilch Cowf. 6ci78 AdaiiioiMlfireplHces 386 Horntd CnUlf, 2 to 4 yrs. •24h8 GriM ^iill', I riiii of stones 23 i lose Carria^fs, 4 w'iin. U 6 Do do additional stones IH Pl)a3tonri or op I'an 4 do. 12 Saw Mills 67 t'urricles Ki Gisjs, 2 do. 13 Mercliarits' Shops 37 Pl»*ttsure Waggons 27 Stoff H >ns»»H 5 Vamuti If £216304 43. 2;^ Rate, Id.— Sum to be colloct. ed, £y.i:i 6« 2d 1-2. Town of York, ronlaining 2995 Lots, -of from J Acre to 6 \cr»'8 e-Arh. foiHns o( 1 story CSij.Tirn.) 6 Oxen 4 y's. old k upward:} I Additional 6 r.« places 5 , Milch Cows . " .. 143 S htoiies Sq lim 1 Horued Cattle fsuoi 2to \ . Fvamnd, I story 101 : .4ye8rirotd S Additional fire placfis 66 Close CArriaj^es with 4 wheels i Framed, Bricit or aTone ) .^ Phaet«ns& open Cariiages ( j_ 2 stories. . . J ""^ . with 4 wheels .v . > ^ Additional fire places 249 CBrrVcle? and Ciigs>,wit4i 2 T ^ Il(lei chant's Shops 27 whtfels 10 Store Hondes . . . . 6 Pleasure Waggaps ^ ; Horses 3 years & upwards 134 *" _ . Vaiuation, £36,634 — Rate, Id. in the Pound-«-S«ms'Colltcted, £152 12s. lOd.— Ibis valuation, £ic. is included itr^li'e abovt lot l^e Home District* No, 8, ^ • GORE DIS'IRCT. -The Towrubipafor which the following Return it made, are, M rt^ttster, Waterloo SaUfiett^ Binbrnok. Barton, Trafulgar, Dtmifnu^l Esquising, Beverley. iVestFfcanborough, Glandford, East Fiamb^l ough, Haldimand and Kelson. Uncultivated Land 191 745 Framrd Hnnse^ilZ stories Cnltivated Land 72 901 Additional fire places Square Timber Houses 266 Griiit Mills 1 run ol stones Additional fire places 37 Additional lun of atones "Sq. TimH. Houses 2 stories 52 Saw Mills Addirionn! 6ro places 10 Mnrt^hants Shopa, 262 Siore H ustes "' 92 Stallions ('public) •61 Horspg 3 yrars h upwards 26 Oxi^n 4 years and upwaids 21591 Utick & Stone Houses Set V. 61 Milch Cows 4^t)| ' Additional fire places 26 Horned Cattle 2 to 4 years 261 Of one story 33 Pleasure Waggon!) 8I| ' ./diiitiontil fire places 44 IMmeton*, ^k 4 wheels ^1 ¥ALUATX«n £176,164.— Rate Id, Ttalfked Houses 1 story Addftioiial fire places .. CM 2 stories, Additional fire plates % 3 19 17 35i 82 3 4 t65 No. 9, NIAGARA DISTRICT. Jtmount of Autsamtnti in the District of .Ymffara, ai taken from th§^ jissessmetit I'olls for IB23. Townships, kc. County of HHidimarid Canby's seitleuient in ) County uf Haldimand S •Cnistor . • Gainsliorougb . .. Grimsby .• .• ' Clinton , 1st RiOiNG Li{4COIjN. ' ' • • I . * it ' . , . I . Lon{h ^ , , Grantliara- «.- Niagara ^ . -2(),Rl*Dyfiti LlNCl'LN. Stamford Thorold Peibana . 3d KiDiNG Lincoln. Willou!<bby €foivland , * WaiuSoet Humb^rston Bertie 4tb- Riding Lincoln. ls< Riding Lincoln 2d Riding Lincoln . 8d Riding Lincoln 4tb Riding Lincoln . Total. N(» of bd 46 39 iMl- 221 712* 160 237 357 754 District Tax. 21 22 11 49 76 83 264 205 191 14^ 639 77 116 88 9M 229 5K 87 19-2 3 12 12 12 IH (. 19 '>!emt)eri VVbt»P!». 3 9 >:| 3: lo! 6i 3112 3 16 1 19 8 11 12 13 8l 44 19 19 17 12 \!1 339 llM) 76 51 608 712 754 539 608 26 13 227 9 2 7 18 4 I 1 8 2 7 TotHl. 2415 7 26 8 9 13 ll' 2 58 3 1 1 h9 18 97 1 10 309 17 6 dS' 7 38 31 85 3 5 2 10 9; 19 8 68 12 S 3 102 13 11 10 225 b 6 15 1 32! 9 67 ro 17 13 8 3d 17 7 14 10 12 I3l 9^ 39615 9 117 Ki 2 1 8» 2' 7 ri 8 59 19 7 266 12 5h8 12 »d 3 9 236 10, 264 19 9 6 6 6 16 39 8 44 339 4 4 57 19 9 6 9 7 41 ^> 45 9 86 12 41 15 111 6 10 4 6 6 7 4 i It 227 1^ 236 10 10 88 d *89 I06fr 13' 6 181 17 Ilk lO 0j 13 7 18 r 27610 8 3l»9l7 € 396 15 t 266 12. 6 t 276! 1<» S ■F* 1 911249 16 » -i' J J 1 5o No. iO. •• LONDON DISTRICT. * J8^3. ' ... ' , Zi^« Townxhips for vhich the folhwinc is a General P^ftirn, urt Ahlhornu^h, Burford. nnyhnm BU nheim, Cnrrndnc. Hkfr'ul, Mos«, ChnrhUerille. Delaware, Pnrchts'er. IVcsfminster Dunivicfi Lon- don, f.obo MiddUloti Malli/hidc JVonvuh. A'is^oiiri Orfnrd, (hast and IVest) Oak/and liainhnm. SnuUiwold, Townstrid, IVindliatn, Walpote fVoodhousCf Walsiir^hum, Yarmouth and Zora. tJnciiIiivated Lar:d, .... Gultivatpd, ■ . . « . . *'■ . S(jiia't< Tinl.'Pi'-H<»!3se| (if one story, ^» Adrfitioiial fire |tl«»cps . . . .'* . S<jiiari' Timber Hoiiips of 2 stories, , AtiiiitionHf fire places Framed Houses of one story . . . Addititmnl fire pfnces .... Frjimed Hoii«es of two stories ^ Adtli',iona^fire places . . . • JJrirk or stone Houses of one story , . ji^AdHittonal fi.p placps . , , « Grist Mills with one run of stores . With more than one run of stones . Saw iMiils ...... ]\1eri?hnnt's Shops, , . .- . .. Store House" S'.alliuns(^u6/tc^ Hor9P«* 3 year-" &t upwards . . • , Oxen 4 > ears & upwards .... Milch Cows Horned Cattle 2 to 4 years Close Carriages, with 4 wheels, for pleasure P easure Waggons 366 3(iO J . lliy 23 19 . 7 291 . 98 38 41 . 2 1 . 33 • 4 . 45 18 . 5 . 5 . 1670 3i>78 • 6676 3223 1 17 ▼▲LUATiuN j&209,824,^Rate li/.,-Actual Assesament £874 5 4i y- * .1 ,» • i « • •• %'■'■ l?f/«r>t, art f'rUI. MosHf wich Lon- ford, ( h.ast IVindliam, 366 360 J . ilt> 23 ID . 7 291 . 98 38 41 . 2 1 . 33 • 4 . 45 18 . 5 . 5 1670 3i'78 6676 3223 1 17 t £874 5 4k X'^S M ■U, 1 1 < r ; iM, pBSS^^'5^ 5 2? O s, 3 Ji ?' ■I 9 E a - "S ;?» :3. . » s ^ 3 ■?» CA A A n. o - rw > =f SI era a 5 » .X* < 3 ^^^ #•*•• iP tj I: A (« ^E :l5; 8 - i 3 s 8 19 ^ ^ 00 Id 1:9 9 %i 1^ li § I ■V ^^ *^ -^ ■*« S^ I *- i <ir i lU *27; *24(J •0.0,(f *35 to, adl fro liitl (o mei •aiist; We w i| JIu UppEi w** iial i«, Ihre iilhf foil. ?^ Hei 159 ''A '■^% TrtB total rnlnRtion of «!)»• nrf^.t riy r iinmftr%t«<S in t)if» torufniug Trt .!• H h|»,.PHr- t»» lie jCI U55.552 «t» — (errora e;rf^/<^//)— hh.I ih« Iiiioiim4 iictiiHily c<tllec<(Ml i'oi Uit) kital (i»es ul llie »t:%piMl Uialncts^ elfvf I) in iiiimtie', £&/21^7 us- Id. 3 4. A itaiiipHiison til >«(ti\s Aim ibii niatetnent, (wiiith is aspf>itect ag ilin acuuracv ol iIik d iui»meiilii from whir.h we lihvi hnd l<>com- pilr-. vvould adniil), ab -urxer-ding ediliouh ot lltitt work mtikf ili^ir i{>|i»'aritiiva, will shew (hn gradual iiiftrease and iin|irnveai«ut of (iif resouri'.eMOi (lie countrv But. it is onr duty to dednre (hatr from long ohttervation, we trt obii^»'d toconuludf, in ^eniTal return»uf thi> naturo pillierlhi< u|y;ki di'tioiipst^niotiventaiid a de;iir« to pay as littlt? tax as posnibit , on tiie pii't ui {\\f^Hfiff^dy or, thriHiifh tliH carfles-^n^'^s oi tlmsp emplnypdl t .ifakt'lb«,«rft(ijrh?. the repurls are bdow the true numbers, bj «/>i»u/ o/ie ffii'rjf/'wilb the eiceplion, of ir iiutni>f r 1 Siou'es *- *• Assijiuiiif; (bis 88 a fact, (of which we, ouraelve^t hav^:iH> nian* •er of (iuubt^ for the amusement* ot our reHd«^f%;i>3,><r^l^.^« for liie inior'iij^lioirof 3lrangers« we iihall here piare i^nroUiUinijintUeis 'he real aniituui of aoVeral itemt in a general aggregatj^ j^avr'. a inuit iulere^'ting statement it is ! -' • * • .• [JrPER Canada, from the best evidence that ctta'.be bji^pfiylfHt •bui'ied, has now, *yi6 113 Acifs of Land under cultivation. 210 Giii^t Mills, with one nii> of Stonci. 63 Uriut Mills, with additional pairii of Stonei* - ♦63 tiaw Aliils -- *, (M these Mills am wrought by water.) m^ *27iOMO Horseij of three yeard old and upward;. ^ *24(J00 Oxen of four years old and upwards, *6.0,<N)O Milch Cows ; and, at least, *35 (J(X) Young Cattle from two to four years old. The items marked with an asterisk. (*) have the one third alludeA. to, added.— The return of Gii^t and Saw Mills, being uiure fret from suspicion, froui the nature of t rtr 'property, remains, iu thi* view, as »tftit by 4he Assessors. In the preceding quantities we have considered it wholly U!>eIesB to meittion the number of acres of wild or uncultivated land ; be- •aiise the returns are ridiculously beiow the real amounts, of v>birii We will here give the most ''a.j^iactury pto.jf. ^ There are at least 260 Townships of land actually surveyed ia "Upper Canaua ; — these, according to iuntructions Irom the Sur- veyor (ieneiars Odice, average about 66,000 acres eat h ; so that w*" liave uuipiestiooable evidence to shew that 17. 160 000 acre» hnve been actoaily surveyed in this Province, T • -.ay the least »f it,//}rei'/o(/r//i« of that quantity have been located-, and, yet, what is the number of acres of wild land returned in the asseiiSiijeDt loiU?-— Why, about 2 millions ! .; Here is a fine .field Jor the operation of Mr. Robir'ok's neijf ^mssment Billt aod we hope it wiU searefa every corutr of iU| i'roTiflc«i!J ri n i«i :,l ' I I .1 ] I (. '] h \, .M * Tlie strwnsrer oii^lit to fir inrof .rd that, as tli« «nmmr>n In^- /iOUfCi (»t lilt- coiifitry (inv »((» fnx ti)e> are not ni'-rricrifo i;i «.iy of 'J»'- t«(Mrn-. — We iiit»-iMl»-H J'« liavr jriven an rtl»»»iart I'otij tie At 1 «)i Pailianru'iM. rontfHiiliip; the srale by uhich the vhmumi kinds of pro|ierlv i>i valiipd ; (inr b> low the I'ue value ;) \>,,\ «s (here i«i a column in the returns fiom the Western Dislrirt siifl. cientiy accurate for r»nr present |)urpo->e, we decline occupying IDfM'e 9|»ace w^ith thai dntail Am mj^sl the curit «i and interesting reflections ocj'.a^ioned l»v a review of th«* forei, >in^ tables ihere is uue ^^• II worthy nf Hltcri- lion from the extreme in^nlarity of the fact w hich !:iv< p ri^e ' it. — N'twUlwtandinff till' wise provj^ionf of t|je Statutes 27- Hknry VIII ch.6; Htid 32, Henky VIII- »;h. 13; in tiie su' ceedin^j; Rni-n, When Knaland was flm^alened witii invasion bv the S|miii^h Anna- da, in 1588 after a yctieial survey ordered for the exi-iess ( ur- pose, Elizabeth amUl find no more llian 6<' GOO 3«iviceable horses ihrouirhout her entiru Kutgdorn ! Ht^re ; in a country almost covered with wood and apparently but ill adapted, in it" |»resent stale, for the bre»'din<» of hordes; and settled (with the eX;Cei"tion of a few Frenchmen on the wesjeru fi'oritier,) but liftltf more than thirty years, we h ive nearly as many horses as were to be-fouad ii» all Eni^land at a mo?t flourish- iii^ peiiod of its history ; — and, in both l.'auadds togethei, th'te is n'>W,.i3eyo! Hi » dou!)t, at least three times th»' number of horses (hat (vere reiuined to the patriotic Queen Cliza£Eth> on the mo Bfif ntoiH occasion alluded to As a'^nmicb be'ter idea of the number of Merchants' Shops in U, C can he fiad from the returns of Licences made to the Inspectur QftjiKftAi:, than from the tables of a^ses^^m^ nts already given, we sWil sub'fom a list ot th'*m, together with the number of Tareru Licences, and Distilleries^ and then close this secfifm of the work, vhich it is hoped, will be brought nearer to perfection in another edition, whi^n more accurate returns shall have been madefrdrn the several Powiiships and District; of the Province, under \\y% operation of some recent, and more eff< cAiye enactments of the Xesii^loture. ' .. • < The number of Sh >p LiCFNnEs is«ued b»»ttvepn the 6lh day of Ja* liuary, 1822, and the 5:h day 'f January. 1823, so far as the Distriol Insj ecl'irs have rej'o:t<rd the ium6 , .. Ib\2l8, am untinj? to . . . . £l,3<>8 .",'Dedil4l alli»wance lo Inspectors . 130 16 'J \ Nett Revenue,— -£1,177 V 4 NlnrtVr of Tavekn Licences, issued for the same p«riod ; Is -134 arnoiinling to .... 1326 lo * Allowance u> In.sperf.ors, . . . 132 13 Nett Revenue — £lTTy3 17 , J^ninbrr of Still Licffces, issued tor the same period ; I^l;i4_(\.nt,.„tsot th. Slills, 13,129 1-2 gallf»ns, \ Th»- Duly Antountii g lo . . , £] 641 3 A!' '«aiire t" Inspectors} . . , 123 | *. JVtii Revenue, £1^1^ TlT^i 9 9 1-4 in i-y om tie rt siitfi* cupyii.g ipd l»v a if Hltfll- rUe •• it. . Henri A\ A I ina- re-is I ur- l>le horsei ippnrenily irj^es ; and P wesleru nemiy as «t flourisii- he., tix re r of horses in llie 1110 Shops inU. Inspector /ivpiu we if Tarern the wnik, in another inadp tmra under «l\« enis of Ibe day of Ja* far as ilie \^ V7 4 4 iud ', 5 10 2 H JO 3 17 od ; •*>:' USEFUL TABLES ; MECEIPTS, &e. E^e. i:^^ !,>.« Y, *-*■ - RLE of ' h'fk. T'll s 4 q S I I <> < 20 < ^30 O < 5 4 <» ( 2 5 o < a 6 <» (. { '^ 7 n < 8 i y {} O < 10 < i • -AW. 1 1 . 2 2 f 3 3 : 4 1 - 5 5 1 2 <» ( » 6 1 3 ' •au 7 2 1 I- '^ 9 o (1 2 J 2 2 < i< in 3 1 < $ d £ J ■ 2 6 . s 3i> O O 9 , s 4^ 1 - 6" 1 3 , 6o 1 6 ^ r- 1 9! ; 6 l> 2 0' w l-«. M 2 3 "'' hM) 2 6 1 1 h 1 6 5 N... I. " ' Interest at 6 /?er C^n^ « jp^ lont O 1 O 3 10 1 1 O I 1 2 11 t> <• 1 2 41 O 1 3 1 o 2 I o 3 2 10 4 8 12 6 < {) 41 2 1 2 4 2 4) 8 4 6 6 7 8 9 o U» < o ) 6.V|n..lh- 1 Yi' \ s d q s 0010 4) a 3i 1 2 10 2 1 10 2 .'i 1 ^ 4» 3 :> 2 4 i 4» 2 2 6 V 2 8 <k 6. . I 3 6 1 032 • o 7 7 « 1 2 *i 2 2 4 4* 1 9 ^ 3 7 ,0 2 4 2 4 9 3 6 ( ■ 3 7 7 2 <- 4 2 8 1 4 9 2 9 7 ' ft 4 2 10 9 ' fi 1.^ £ U s H £ ». f/ 12 1 4 « 18 1 4' t 4n <8 1' 1 H» < 3 ^0 t 1 J6 3 12 « 2 2 <> 4 4 'f 2 8 4 |4> r > 2 14 4> 6 8 <• • 8 (i 41 «• :i» 41 (• ♦)<► u , [ m 1*1. -a ' i i in\ i v. I .'( p ^'-v ,^ ^^ .162 ; No. !1. ■,-•■ •» 5^', .^ T^BLE of Discount per f!ent jfi'jj 5 W'!' 7 1-2 1' 10 1 '• ' ' 12 1 a ii -t... 16 ^ 12 fer <;en/. is ()s 6d. in a £ 6 6 #■• n 1 1 2 2 3 17 1 2 per cent, is 3s. 6d. in a £ on A c\ 20 22 1-2 25 30 35 No. a WEIGHTS j3,rD MEASURES. 4 4 6 6 7 6 • • I "!i ■ .if ,' i t ii 2 Pints 4 Qiinrts 8 'lalions 9 Gallons make * M- ■Mb Ale and Beer Measure. 1 Quart 2 Firkins make 1 Gallon 2 Kilderkins 1 Firkin of Ale 3 Kilderkins 1 Firkin uf Beer 2 Hogsheads /^ ■' Wine ^IEASURB. 1 Kilderkin 1 Barrel 1 Hogshead IButt 4 Gills 2 Pints t 4 Quarts 16 Gallons 1 I 3 Rundlet 113 Barret IPint 1 Quart 1 ballon. 1 Rundlet 1 Barrel 1 Tierce 1 2 Quarts make 2 Pottles 2 Gallons . 1 2 Tierce, or 63 Gal's 1 Hugs'h; 1 1 3 Hogsbtfad, or 84 Gallons, 1 Puncheon] 112 Puncheon, or 2 Hogshea;^ 1 Pipe or Butt.] 2 Pipes ^ 1 Tun ^ . Corn Measure. 1 Pottle 8 Bushels 1 Quarter or Vaf, 1 Gallon 6 Quarters of Wheats BeanSf or I Peck Feas 1 Load ] 4 Pecks or 8 Gall's. 1 Bushel 10 Quarts ot •ats, 1 Load Long Measuhe. 9 Barley Corns make 1 inch 612 Yaids make 22 Inches 1 Foot 40 Poles 1 1 2 Feet ~ 1 1 ubit 8 Furlongs ; , 3 j.>Pf ;i , 1 Yard 3 Miles 12 3 Yards 1 Pace 20 Li^agues 1 1.5 Paces or 6 Feet 1 Fathom «9 12 Miles 1 Geographical Deg. Dry Mea^jure. I Gallon 2 Strikes make 1 Pole 1 FuHoRS 1 Mile 1 League 1 Degree 4 Quarts 2 liallone 4 P. . k» Q Basbela make IPfck 1 Bushel 1 6U ike 2 t^o.imbs 5 Quarten dWejs 1 Coomb 1 QuHrter 1 Woy vi-.|t. »r "^^^ ^ l.lnai' fCilderkin Bari«'l Hogshead Butt 1 Hogs'It ftUousi igshea^ »r Vit, Btanii Of iLoad >le lirloRg lile rague igree Ipbical Dag. Cooiob iQuartei IWoy 1 Ohal'lrov 1 Score 1 Ell English 1 Ell Flpmiiib 1 £11 Freuch 1 Sq> Rood 1 Sq'r Acre 1 Sq'r. ftli^ !6S Coal Measure. 4 Pecks make 1 Bushel 36 BusbHs 9 Busbels ., 1 Vat or Strike 21 Chaldrons QxoTH Measure. 2 1 4 Tneheg make 1 Natl 6 QuRrtera 4Nai}9 1 Quarter of a yard 3 Quarters 4 Quarters 1 Yard 6 Quarters S<iuARE Measure. 144 Sqtiare Inches 1 Sq'r Foot 4(> Sq'r Poles 9 Square Feet 1 Sq'r. Yard 4 Sq'r. Roods 30 1-4 Sq'r Tards 1 Sq'r. Pole 640 Sq'r. Acres Cubic Measure. ' 1728 Cubic In€be8 1 Foot, , 27 Cwbic Feet 1 Cubic Yard/ Avoirdupois Weight. 16 Drachms make 1 Oui.ce, 4 Quart!* or 1 12 lbs 1 Cwt> ]6 Ounces 1 Pound *20 Hundreds 1 Ton /: 2V Founds 1 Quarter of a Hundred. Troy Weight. * '\ 4 Grains make 1 Carat 20 Penny weights make 1 Ounc^ 24 Grains make 1 Penny vreight 12 Ounces 1 Pound \,, .\ ApoTHECARies Weights. .0^- 20 Grains make 1 Scruple 8 Drachms 1 Ounee 3 Scruples 1 Drachm 12 Ounces 1 Pound or Pint Wool Weight. v.* 1 Clove 6 12 ToQS make 1 Weight 1 Srone 2 Weighs ITod 12 Sacks ^ < Bread Weight. v.- • '-■'^- ' ■■' ■ ' lb. A Half Peck, .... 8 A Quaitern, .... 4 When a Qtmrtem loaf wheaten is sold forSd. the Seconds should be sold for 7d. the Household for 6d ; and so in proportion- ^ ffoud is bought by the Chord, a stack or Chord of Wood, com- monly in England, runs three feet high, three feet wide, and twelve long, or one hundred and eight cubic feet ; though some ' make it three, four and eight, orninety six cubic feet. In Cana- da the usual measurement is four feet high, four feet widei and «>gbt feet long. ...■<; TIME. ^ Seconds make 1 Minute 7 Days make 1 Week 60 Minute* , 1 Hour 4 Weeks 1 M«»ntb S4 Hours . 1 Day 12 Months 1 Yea« ^■ 7 Pounds make 2 Cloves 2 Stones .^ ISeck ?„*>• .. 1 LasI - *, *_:. ', 1 * . "^^ ' -r ' ■' t n.>v' 0Z. dr, V ■-^ ■•>" 11 ? ■ 'jr t 6 6 1 .m. '\r III m m ,(>- !>.»,• \i 1- V m Iv ji 11 1 '1 i 1 1 1 s 164 ' L .»♦ i^ MISCFLLANEOUS. ABflrrfl (»l AiiclioviesalMMif 181b A Ba«r»l of GiinpoMdtM is 112 ih A BH'iel of H.e.rii g . No 6«t0 A Kf}!, of dillo 60— two ol wbicb count R hundred A Lmi of Hide-. 12 dozen, A Ttuss of $ira\« 36 Ih. A Truss of Hay, nnu . 60 lb. Ditto di4to old, 56 lb. A Load of Hay, 36 trussirs. A Load of Bricks, No 600* A Load of I Uf s, No. KKH). A Load of Timber 5<> (»'ft solid. A ( nr. of Sue* t Oil, 236 Gallon A F< f her ot Lead 19<.2qr8. A Fir kin of Butter. 56 Ih A Stone ^'f Iron. Shot, or Hors' man's weight, 14 lb. -Butcher* ; weight, 8 lb. . VALUE OF GOLI> AND SILVEP, COINS \ Grain of Gol<t. about 2d. P^'ony'ut'ighl, about 4». A Grain of Silver, about half a farthing. A /'enn\ weigh' 3d. A Ounce, about 6a According to the weight of Enp;- li-'h toin.^ the Mi \i valuf of a lb. of Gold i^ 44 guineas and a • half, or £46 H.'i 6d *— a ib >f Silver, £3 2h - the ob ot G- d £3 17s 10 1 2d and the ountH} ot Silver, 5- 2d. so that the va> lue of the Standard G.h) i<i U timeH that of Silver, andj -14tb more. * 1'iie value of a lb. of Gold n» Bui lion, ill Oct. 1809) was £55 1^ -^^■: •^* ii' '^i m * - n'Kc-^'-^ .;■""■' ;■.,?>'-; No. 4. Equalify in Ihe Weight of Cattle, ' and Hundred H'eighU^ by the ,x i">. --r between ^cores^ Stones^ Rif^ht Honorable 1 or» "1*- .♦•■» ¥ equal Wi 44 3(1 t( 35 « 40 <( f 65 <• 60 t% 65 a 70 u' ■75 u 30 u .^tinj**.-., «t, 14 Ut .*f. lb. ■it. lb. 28 8 oa Si . K) 62 4 42 12 76 i) 6J> • 0. • 87 4 6T^-v :>/ 2 loo 64 . 4 112 4 7.1 6 126 78 8 137 4 85 .10 150 92 12 \m 4 loo 175 107 2 187 4 ii4 4 200 4, !S( one's at 8 lb. Hun dred, 11 Cwt qis 3 2 4 1 5 1 6 1 T' ^ --0 8 8 3 9 3 10 2 11 2 12 -r ' 2 13 1 14 I lb* 8 24 12 16 4 20 9 24 12 Iti 4 iW s. . : No. 5. A TABLE shewing the Specific Gravity of several sorW' of Wood* Thorn Crab tree Quince tre€ Mahogany Plum-tree Holly Asb ' Barberry Jfot tree En^lisJi Oak Beech Elder' Pear tree / Mulberry Walnut Vew Maple Yellow Deal ('berry Norway Oak Sallow Sycamore Elm N. B. All the Woods were very g^od of the sirt, eifept the Elm, and ail very dry ; the inea9ure is English, an^^tfaff wei;;ht Avoirdupois. "^ It is probable that the woods of Conada are lighter, ('ejtffpt those grown on phins and eiposed situations,) than similar sper Cies proiiuced io £iigland* t| 'rav. m. of a Cubic food lb. 09* 87 • 64 6 85 % • 63 2 83 » 61 14 V- 82 • « 61 4 30 • ' • 60 . 80 • • 60 76 v • 47 8 76 * t 47 8 76 ♦■ • 47 t ' 75 • • 46 14 ?|.- • • 46 4 •■ •• 45 10 m *.. '• • r > .; •■' 45 10 m if • • 44 6 m • • 42 2 m #- •■' * 41 14 «^ m 41 4 0»'^. • • • 89 6 my « m- •: . • 38 2 m « % • 37 8 C^:.>^ • * . 36 14 • ^-■•. ■ ■ f'.y. ' •' 36 14 ■wN' ' • • ■ 81 4 : V .■M GOLDEN RULES. ,•«.•'' * B^ mi- Mi u^ TO 11B5DIR TOWirO TKADESMEN RE-.PECTABLE, PROapEROTTSy AND WEALTHY. 1 — Choose a good and commanding situation, evfn at a higheir cent or premium ; for no money is se well laid out as for situation^ IH'evided good us«ys made of it.^ > « ■%*»'» ■iM'-: ^- No. 6/ : V CO.\fPjiRISOjy uF rflERMOMETERSi Rraum 1 Fawrv KEAm F*HKN Reavm ' Fahkn 32 15 66 '30 993-4 1 34 1.2 ^^* 68 1-4 31 102 2 36 I 2 r/" 70 1-2 32 104 1-4 3 38 3 4 IS. 72 3-4 33 1001-3 4 41 19- 75 34 1083-4 6 43 14 20 77 1-4 35 111 6 45 1 2 21 7 - 1--2 36 113 1-s 7 47 3 4 22 • 813-4 37 1151-^ 8 23 84 ; 38 1173-. 9 52 1 4 24 86 1-4 39 120 10 64 I 2 25 88 1-2 40 1221-' 11 56 3 4 26 90 3-4 41 1241- 12 69 1 4 27 93 42 1.63- 13 61 14 28 95 1-4 43 129 14 63 3 4 29 97 1-2 I 44 1311-4 2. — Take ymif shi»p d"or from off the hingp^ ar srven in the morning, I h»t ito utisiiuciion may lie o|>|M>sf d to your ciiiitoiueis 3 — CleHu and «'! Kill v«urMindo\%> at fi^lit o cio« k and do ihi^ With > our i»wt) hands, that you may expose f<>r ^aie th«* ar> ti'l*"* whh h are mo-t saleHhh , and whiih you most want to t-**!!. 4. — S-.ee|( Iwf'Me your hoii'f ; aid. If rfquhed, ojien a l"iit» TV iy from tn#». oppo»iie side'of the street, that pHs«.«^n^ers may think oi yon while (vrtHsinv, and that all the iit'ighhour.s may tie svn Sihie ol your diii^et.ce. x,v 5. — Weai an Hftron. if such l>e the cu*tom of your husines;*. and con^'idHr A a hac'g ' of dii^tinrtioii, \»bichv%ill prorure you resiect and credit 6. --Aj>ply yoni fir-t r^-turni ^frendy money to pay debtft before they aie due, and ;;ive i^ucli transaction- due emphasis l>y claiiu-ng di count. 7 — Always he found at h^me and in fsome way emjloyed; ai.d re. .tniber that yonr nndita ing neighbtmrA hav> their ifye- upon yon and ^re RitntiiMially ranging yi>u by appeaianire 8 — Re w etgb Hnd >e measure ail your sroi.k. lather than let it be 8Upp< -ied that yon have nothing to do 9 — rK'-ep s. me arlirif not u-uwlsy hefit. or sell s* me current ar- tlrierlieap, ibal you uiaj, Uiavy tusluiuera widvaUfge your iS' Ill I HK> en in th» k nitd do lit t«» >'«'"• |ipn a t""^' may think ay be i-»*n |isiiies:»- ana >btft betore liy claiiu-Kg |oy«'d; a'<J i{ye- upon lan lei U be I current ar- No. 7. ^ r4 ' ' J HUH \ fit 100 Yutd.^ ill Le>ii h *r W iJth 1 VVid'li. 1 L'sil. Y>.rd>. WiJlli. fardti Y'\'. F« l.<. Y^. F. 1 YiU. Fl III. 1 4840 85 188 11 69 70 « 2 ♦24 20 86 184 J 4 70 «)<♦ o 6 3 16l:{ 1 87 180 2 6 71 68 4» 7 4 I2I(» I* 88 127 I 2 72 67 O ti 6 ma oM 124 4 78 (>6 O 11 6 £06 2 II 4v» 121 74 65 1 3 7 6yi I 4 41 \lh 2 75 64 1 8 8 6 15 n 42 1 15 9 76 68 2 1 9 6H 2 4 4:^ 112 1 9 "77 62 2 7 1» 484 44 111 7H 62 2 li 440 (» 45 hn 1 H 79 61 10 12 40.'< 1 46 lo5 8 80 6'> I 6 18 872 1 47 1'8 (1 o 81 59. 2 4 14 345 2 2 48 Irti 2 6 82 6^ I 15 822 2 49 98 2 4 88 6H 1 16 802 1 6 6»» 96 2 6 84 57 1 1] 17 284 2 2 51 94 2 9 85 66 2 10 18 268 2 8 52 98 3 86 66 11 li '254 2 3 68 91 1 87 56 1 10 20 244 (» 54 89 1 11 88 65 .0 «) 21 23^) 1 6 65 88 II 89 54 1 2 22 220 66 86 1 4 9<» 68 2 4 2:^ 210 1 4 67 84 2 9 91 64 U 7 24 2i»l 2 68 83 1 6 92 62 1 10 25 1^8 1 10 69 82 2 93 52 2 26 Ih6 o 6 6M 80 2 94 . 61 1 (> 27 J7i) 10 61 79 1 1 95 60 2 11 28 172 2 7 62 7S 2 96 6<» 1 3 29 166 2 9 6:} 76 2 6 97 49 2 9 3(» 161 1 64 75 1 li 98 49 1 2 31 156 5 65 74 \ 6 9!* 48 2 8 32 181 9 66 73 1 <> 100 8 1 3 3;i 146 2 67 72 9 — — _ . 34 . 142 1 1 68 71 7. ^MM s ~" - ~ tl m 'i .•M < I cf No. 8. The 3^ meiiflions nf a Satute Acre may be learned by fnspectrnj^ th» follovirln^ Table, wbii h contains different breadths and lengths in Statute PerchHs ancL Feet, uf a quadrangular ()iece of grouud •outaining an acre. ,^,v BncAOTHS And Lengths of a Statute Acre, IN Perthes and Feet. Breacth Length. BREADTH 1 .ENGTH Peuhes, Fer Feet, Perthes Per Feet. 10 16 28 5 IIH ! 11 • 14 9 29 5 m V 12 13 5J 30 5 5i : 13 12 5tV 31 5 2H ' U 1 1 7 J^ 32 5 ''• -^ ^ 15 10 n 33 4 14 16 10 34 4 IIH ;. 17 9 6|i 35 4 9^ ■ --i ^* 18 8 14f 36 4 7x f' 1Q if ' * ^ 8 6if 37 4 5H 3! 8 38 4 3A ......1 7 lO^V ' 39 4) J/3 1 ^ 2^ 7 4J 40 4 -^ 23 6 15i| 41 3 14H M| I • -24 6 11 42 3 13,5f - '* P. 25 6 6f 43 3 ^IH V 26 6 2tV 44 3 lOf i^ f ' 27 5 15/^ 45 3 9* lO.-^Keep ii|r the exact qualitv or flavour of all articles which- yon find are ap|)rpved of by your customersi and by this mean» you will enjoy ttfeir preferencr 11 — Buy fo^ready m<'ney as often as you have any to spare : and when yoi>take credit, pay to a dny- and una^^tced. 1 12 —No adv«nta^<^ will evei' arise to you froai any ostentalioti^ His^Iay of eipeadiUurdk > .> •."' >, 13^ spoiled hU liV. 14.^ lose v 16—1 a Gamier Dlfiit. 16.. 17—1 puttlir 18. S''ov^ yj u^ ^ IC9 m u, n ^ V- -» •« -•'^ .—"■>' A TABLE for readily Cakvlafing the value of eeterat Crops on an Acre of Land. .. ''- • Plants* at l-4d. each "l :^'':^f- r 1 1^360 9680 4S40 2420 1210 606 6-2INIV Plants, at 2d each, 22(»0^ ^ ; 65*4 - r 6445 54no ^ Plants, at Id eacbi i 4a')6 3630 )(>00 160. 15<>0(»V- 7«MiO 666(» ^ Plants, at 1 2d each. ^ «6;i4 I 5<HK> j £20 13 4 62 <^ 8 43 « 8 18 ^ 8 40 6 g 31 <> lO 27 » 9 22 ^3 j>^ 22 l'> 0. 18 « 15 2 6 434 13 4 30 ft 15 H 8 13 17 6 : 13 12 3 10 8 4 IS'—Beware of (he odds and ends of gtock, of rfinnauti, uf spoiled g6ads, and of waste, foril is in such things thai your (tro- 14. -fn serving your customers, be firm and obliging, and never lose y'»ur temper, for nothina; is got by it -■-■. 15 — Always b« seen at Thiirch or Cliflppl on Sunday ; never at a Gaining Table ; and seldom at the Theatres or plnces of amuse* IDMlt. 16.^ — prefer a prudent and discreet, to a rich and showy wife. 17 — Spend your evening!* by your own fire side, and shun a puMic house or a •<oltish cii>b as yon would a bml debt 19. — SutHCvibe with your npighbuurs to a b(uik rluh, and ini- prov** y<»ur n»iiid, that you ii.ay be qiialifit^ J'tu u>|^ you future aC- flueuf;e with credit toyuursclf, aud advfaniu^a to liie public. '■r\ >«1 t ' 17^ No. fo. ^ T4BLE to shew how many Plants, or Trees, may be planted en an Acre of Landf at different distance*. .' . <' iw k Square Acre are, • 4 roods, »*nch rood 40 rods, poles or perches. l6o r«*ds, 16 feel and a half each, 4 84u square yards, 9 feet each, • t "" , 43 d5(> square feet, 144 inches each, 174,240 squares of six inches each, or 36 incheSi 0,272,640 inches, or squares of 1 inch each. ^1' An Acre will contaiv ■■s-,^ *; Trees or -' Flanls, " ' 108 anil 810 feet over, A. 160 - - Number of Feet asunder. .}■> 134 • 302 435 680 ^..888 ■'s 1089 i 1210 1361 1462 1555 «,18I5 2178 27L'a 2904 3630 4840 6446 7261 3712 10890 19306 fl780 144 72 60 40 48 20 ^■....fr . ^ tf» Square feet to each. 8t 20 feet asunder, or 400 - 161.2 - 18 ^ - 12 , 2721-4 324 10 8 7 6 by 6 6 8 6 7 6 § 4 6 4 3 4 3 4 6 4 4v 4 4 3 3 ' 3 2 2 — J' ' '''^^h 144 1(X) 64 49 40 36 32 30 28 24 20 16 15 12 21-2 2 2 2 11-2112 2 1 J i 4 21 2 I' ■ ■ -v. >-\ .^. ■ t - f r. •v;*,.-- in No. 11. ied on 0!\ k6S«° tomparifon of Aer0^ |>rcnrh Arp^nt 100 perchci 22 pwd»i Fails HX» ditto £iii;lisli Ace ' ' ' DenrriHik l<»u<Je bartkorBi S(miii faiir/^a. Muscovy di'cellne, " , • Rhuie arpent, KomA quarliiccioi — — ruhbiu, P**ZZtl, Suoby Morgen^ i i 6694 71^.!9 22 159 6720 2 9<»7 33.^« 8619 05170 No. 12. Sguflrc /cef fo eac/i. 40O 272 14 324 144 HX) 64 49 40 36 32 30 28 24 20 16 15 12 8 i 4 . 2li 2 t WKIGHT. France lihre poids de marc — - Quintal, — — I'oiineau, England pound Troy, Pound AvoirdupoiSy — Stone, 14 lb. — Hundred, 112 lb. . 100^ 1 iKH) 2.<HK> 0,7618 92^6^ 12 970 H>,76 19. — lakf ktock every year, • imute your prufits, and du not jpei.d above thtir fourth 20. — Avoid the coiucnon folly of expending your preciouA capi* Ital upon a oostly architectural t^-ont ; such thi?i^^ operate on the World likn paint on a woman *s cheeks — re pel liiijgbehoiderS) Instead [lifatirHciiDg them 21 — Every pound wasted by a yiun^ tradesnrsan, Js two pounds host at the end oi three y«ars, and sixteen pounds at the end of jtwenlyftur years 22 — ru avoid being robbed and ruined by apprentices and as* liistants, never allow theoi to go troii> honrte in the eveuing, and [the restrictions will prove eauaiiy u;<elul to servant and master 23 —Remember that, prudent purchasers avoid ii\e »hi>p of aa eiMaagaiit >ind osteiiiHtii)U& trade* ; for th^y justly ('on^idl'r iha^ " they ittu»t 4««1 wi'ib him, *My luudt f uatribuie to his loilk^ *«! I?! >» > * ■ in ■ > *• No. 13. ■y. ic^ H I I •ill " 1:11, iV I ii HI ■< f. ; --^ I li- Meamrei of Lcn^tk i»J HViml Counfries, Enclis}! Fool Prt in Fo'.t I'uhit oi Cuiro Ffp-ian ArMi Puis DrMiipi » Ell •^ — iVlfirei'sdo. 4Rreek r out 1* .■>- - •• «.r » ■ ■. f ' . ■ « ,:>1f 1 tl ^ ■» . i". -'•>• (»■ « ■ '^"; ^ * • ! .c a 4 H8 '«u4 an :'/ ^ ^:i .1 . < E- s Ac «^ 1 2. 3 4 6 6 7 8 No. 14. : COMP^RfSOJV of EngluU Hiolch, aud huh Icrt, dc<trh Ac K.i Pis 3 14 4 *'«?«• I ch Irish. Aci K.). PI 2 18 7 12 28 9.' 1 37 5- 2 2 17 31 1 3 16 3 3 1 17 8 2 1 35 1 4 32 2} 3 13 8 5 6 7j 3 2 32 6 3 3 21 1 4 1 11 4 6 2 355} 4 3 30 2 EnjJ •\ri»= A<*. Rd. PI VH R,i. Pii 9 7 2 10 5 2 8 9 10 8 1 244 6 :J7 7 20 16 3 8 9 12 1 15 5 30 25 33 3 18 2 3 2 40 33 2 17 8 24 2 1 50 42 2 230 3 18 7 €0 60 1 26 6l37 6 5 100 84 4<61 2 lisb. 37 5 > M, 14 fr 24. — Lf't t}i«>«(> be^oiii-J'iiie!) till you havp renliz^cl your M((kJ ^;ttiMi ujl you can di>«coiji>l for rompl payint^ui on all )iur<-- HseisJ •nd y<)ii may fhtn indulgi^ in any degree whii b yom* habits bd([ imnse of prudence suggest. t ■" ; •^. • Old FarY*9 Mattims of Hfoith — Ke;* your feet warm by fvi\ fii e. yoUi' he. ti coA iUMU^Ii ie«n|MvafiC*; ; never eat till yon ar| *"||ut»ii»*V- h>r dfiok fiur when naiiiiv n^jui es it ^ For a Pinch on ft hrses IVifhprs^M-iini-^fi\ ointmeol ; tilt . ryc'-Bital puuiiicd ttod tMandy> if jikmoDt Uroken* ;\^v ff ■' '■! ^:¥- 15 01 16 ol 17 0[ 18 o| 19 o| fio ol 17S No. 15. T/f 3 4 149 '244 A TABLE OF EXPENCG. By the Daf . •. d U 1 -» 2-* 3 — 4 — 6 — 6 — 7 — 8 — § — 10 — 3 6 4 1 4 8 6 3 6 10 BythA Moolh* £ ». d. 2 4- By the Week. £ 8. d. 7- 1, 2 - 19- 2 4- 2 U — U 8 — 4 7 tf 8 4 14 Id 4 18 8 1 1 1 3 4 By (b# Yfltr. X • d. I 1() 6 8 o 10 4 11 3 6 1 S 7 12 1 9 2 « ' 10 12 11 12 3 4 13 13 16 4 2 J Icrt, lisb. ..♦. R,i. Plj 5 2 fi9 6 2 8 4 10 7 M 1 2 2 3 2 ::7 7 155 32 1 187 65 u7 5 your slnkj pun- Hsei^i ui' habits and bNSE. •arm hy <'H \\ till y«"i «" iiitmeol ; tb« 11 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 SO ,.. j^ « 6 7 14 1 1 18 1 15 2 2 2 9 2 16 3 3 ■■ i~ i. ' 'uA..V■^■ 3 10 3 17 4 4 4 11 4 18 : 1 ■ • ^ 6 5 6 12 6 19 6 6 6 13 9 1 6 8 1 8 2 16 4 4 6 12 7 8 8 9 16 11 4 21 12 . . i * >. 14 15 8 16 16 18 4 19 12 21 22 8 23 16 25 4 ^6 12 29 16 14 7 18 6 36 10 64 16 73 ■ . *■ ' 91 6 109 10 127 16 146 164 6 182 10 20(» 16 219 O 237 6 266 10 278 15 292 310 6 32H 10 (I 346 16 • 366 II I <■ i'« 'I Jf Tlt« MuDtb is 28 day» (9 ■A3' 1*1 1 1 i '■§ II '-i ii; l:i • ' ' - 174 • A 1 • • A TABLE OF EXPENCE. <<- Bj'tlifl Yeftr. By Hj|- M. .'iifh* Bylhe Wef k. By (lifi Day. I 2 3 4 6 a o T) u d. — p 1 — / 3 — 4 — 6 — 7 rf. V. £ 6 2-0 3-0 7 1-0 13-0 8 0-0 s. d 4 9 1 1 1 6 1 11 9. Jt * c/ 2—0 u 1 — 1 3—0 2 2-0 2 0—003 9' 3 1 3 1 8 9 10 -0 9, — JO' ~ 12 — 13 — 15 2 2-0 9 0-0 3 1-0 9 3-0 4 0-0 2 3 2 8 3 3 6 3 10 2—00 4 1 "h 4 3—0 6 2.>— 6 0—0 6 2 1 2 11 12 13 14 16 u — 16 — 18 — 19 — 1 1 — 1 3 10 2 - 6 - 11 1 - 5 3-0 1-0 4 2 4 7 4 11 5 4 6 9 3—007 1 ~ 8 3 — 8 2—0 9 0—009 1 2 1 3 ■' 16 ' 17 . 18 ' 19 20 - 30 o ^* i — 1 4 — 1 6 — 1 7 — 1 9 — 1 K. — 2 6 6 2-0 1 (J - 7 2-0 13-0 8 1-0 1.0 6 1 6 6 6 7 3 7 8 11 6 3—0 10 1—0 Oil 3—0 II 2-0 1 {) 0—01 1 Q— 17 • 2 1 3 2 1 3 > 40 §0 6o - 80 90 o -« 3 1 — 3 16 — 4 12 — 6 7 - 6 2 — 6 18 4 2-0 8 2-0 3-1 4 3-1 9 0-1 10-1 15 4 19 2 3 6 10 10 8 14 6 0-;- 2 2 1 ^, 2 9 1 ~T 3.3 1 — 3 1«» 1 — 4 4 1—04 11 1 2 2 1 100 400 eo«» 10\K) — 7 13 — 14 6 --» 23 <> — 30 13 41 — . 38 7 — 76 14 Xl)eMoot^i%28da> 5 - 3 18 4 10 1 - 3 16 8 3 1 . 5 15 8 2 - 7 13 6 12-9119 3 - lU 3 6 ^^- ■: ^-'*'^:,.^\ 1—055 2—0 10 11 3 16 5 — 1 .1 11 1—17 4 2 — 2 14 9 1 i 3 2 1 3 2 8. ■-V ' ■■^' ■■''■, '-■ :. W- ■■ \ <*.-..■ ^ \> li ;-^r- 176 ^^\.^-, »e Day. U q, ) 3 ) 1 1 ) 2 [* 2 3 3 1 4 4 2 5 \ i) 6 6 2 7 1 8 H 2 9 1 9 3 10 2 11 1 113 1 2 1 1 1 1 7 3 2 2 1 2 9 3 .3 2 3 \o 4 4 2 4 r. 1 5 5 8 iio il 2 16 5 1 1 11 7 4 3 14 9 * No. 16. WEIGHT OF ENGLISH C0TN9. •« . > fiuinea* Sovereign, Hnlf Savereigiit. . Douttle Sovereign, Crown, . ; ' :*, Halt Crownf Shilling, Sixpeuce, . iw. gr. 6 9 l-« 5 3 1-4 2 13 1-2 10 6 1-2 18 4 4-17 9 2-10 3 15 3-1! i 19 7-11 X No. 17. FOREIGN COINS. 4 In British Value* . • 9 d. Crdiade Portugal,. > 2 3 Dollar Spanish, . " ' 4 6 Dlicat Flanders, H'ollancI) Bavaria, 8wed«n, 9 3 I —-Prussia, AastriBi and Saiony, 9 4 I —Denmark, -«i , 8 3 — Spain, 6 9 iFloiiti, Prussia, Poland, 1 2 I—- '''Ir.nders, 1 6 I- — German, v ..fv ^' 1 10 iGiiilder, Dutch, *i.t,^# 1 9 German, ;;^ ' 2 4 Livre, French, ' lo L'lUis c'or, Do. 20 doidure, Portugal, 27 ( FOREIGN rOTNSt " In Brilith VtUui* Pagoda, Asia, 8 9 Piastre, ^rab, "" 5 6 Spanish, 8 7 Pistolt Spanish, Barbary, 16 9' — . Italy, . 15 6 Sicily, > 15 4 Re, Portugal, 27,400 of Id a Mia, Re, 6 712 Rial, Spanish, {I Rix dollar, German, Ss 6d. Dutch, 4» 4d farthing, Hamlmrgh, Deniuatk, 4 . 6d Sweden, 4 8 RouMe, Russian 4 6 Kupee, Siher Asia, 2 6 Gold, do« 8^0 ■ ■T-% '>;, *■■)' " I: >:Wi |4V I:: i ■! >f ;* 176 No. i8. WEIGHT AND VALUE OF GOLD AND SILVER COINS ' Current in the Province^ in Curriney, and Litres and Solt, GOLD Coins Lnai'sn Portuguese and .^erican A Guinea, A HhK d^. A Third do. A Johiinnei A Half do A Ml^oidore A(. Ea^le A Half do, Spanish and French A Doubloon A Half do. A Louis d'or, coined \ before 1793. { A Pi-lole. do. do. SILVER COINS. A Crown, An En^tisb Shilling A Dollar • A Pistareen A F'-ench Crown coin ed lie fore 17<\3 A Fr. pifce of 4 (iv'r. 10 sols Tournois. Tbp American Di>llnr Wetjjht. dwls. 6 2 1 18 9 6 11 5 6 15 18 18 6 15 17 8 5 4 12 4 4 Cuiti-iicy £ f> d 1 3 11 7 4 2 1 10 2 10 I 5 4 8 9131 9 1 1 14 17 2 18 5 1 6 1 6 3 8 3 OUi Cuiniir* 6 6 0- 4 5 2 Liv. 28 14 9 96 48 36 60 30 89 44 27 21 6 1 6 1 SoIr 62 3 8 14 4 18 12 6 4 6 13 6 6 All the diflft rnnt denominations of the above Coin!« past current Twopence Jhrthing is allowed for every grain under or ov«f weight, on English, Portuguese, and American Gold; and Tm\ pence and one Jifthoti Spanish and French —Payments' in f^old ■• bovp £20. may be made \a jftilk; English , Portuguese. J^Mieriran,\ at 89s. p» r oz ; French^ud ^p^ish, at 875 tt 1-2, deducting hulff\ gjrain for each niecn. . / ttutm t .' '■ \-> ■ .'♦-at* « 17T ,. ■ ■ No. 19. "^ .•-:' • • - To turn uny given Currency into any Currency required. ;>iH^--^\. ■'M f- Bulk I-r Let the value of the Spanish Dollar be expressed in ShiN iiigs, or Pence, in e&ck oi the rurrencies^ writing tliein in form o( a Fraction} and making the J "^^Ki'ven \ Currency the N.M«e.iitor I of the Fractioh. : ' : Denominator S Redice this Fractinn to hs least terms, and it will serve as a constant Multipliei', by uhirh any sinJi of the given Ciirrenry beinft MuUii>)ied| it wiM U^ conceited into the Currency requir- ed. N B. When the F' action is DOt an Improper one the Midiiptier will bicome a Divisor #, • * Es AMPLE— To tonn a rule for changing Sterling a» 4s. 6d per DoU JHi- into N< w Yofk At 8' per Dollar. H« r«« Sterlingi^ given and York refmrei : The Dollar • *'' . \Yii!kis8i <»r 96 pence Mumerator, . -S - ^^ *" j[ Sterling 4s 6d orr)4 Ptnce Deu(/mii>ator. ' .^ ' '' Therefore J} is the Multip'ier soa}>;ht, wliich recluc- fdtoitH le;>sttrrms V>erom«'s ^-^ or ',/, tliereiorf' it'^Url- hii{ t^e MiiltipJied by 16 ?<nd dividet" bv 9 ihe nsuU will be York, thu^i, L^ is tin* satu? .s 2 i'»tc'{, but A is the sai'iC as I le-ft^, thHrefore2 into J j.< equ.l to 2 inti J. J^ A ; ul'i' li is that Kule, txpiesotd siitater lliua ,,,«■„'?'.* To turn Sterling into Cu rency inta - Ai my pay into J Cnrjency oj Halifax,' add 1 15 \ Army odd 1 2t \ •Skitiiig;^ . . deduct I 10 \ Armyt^yi • • . deduul 1 (3 St«>fi|ifi:^'..#, . dedniit 1 '28 Curfrn^^y, . . . . hrfj? 1 14 AHfili oeis£l li OSierrg. £2 .t) Cur'y. £1 17 4 Army, A G .:' a is ADuilai is 1 (t 4 6 . 1 • 3 4 ** >r 1 1 9 " « g U iiO *I^.V^*'.- T" ^r •- ■ 2 A^ ? ,{. J: t ; 4,,»,iV,. i'^. ■M i * V III (. ( ' i- lilMi ■^1 mm !> •I ,i f . I V i\\ m No. 20. DUfyrder from Heat in a Hot CUmaH. One drachm Camphor, d^'si' it spoonful of Brandy, half en oonftt of Sugar 'f rub the CHmphor and b andy together, then arid tiie su- gar ; when well mix^d, add one pint ut boiling water hy degrees ; coverup, keep till cold, and take a quart or half a pint or all, io a day alter, Jannes's powder If a tendency to putiefaction, two drachms sweet spirit of vitHol to the pint James's Powder — Pulvis antimonialis according to the last Disjen'tatory — Take ffoini; to bed, 4 or 5 grains \ if recessary as far as 17 grains a day, at three < r four time<}) may be taken. No. 21. Powder for Rheumatism when first coming, Fulvis Ipecacuanha Compositui>, of the la'-t London Dispensa* tory — In comnuin cases with no violent pain, 10 grains at going to bed ; ia great paiu,20 grains, wash down with diluting liquor. No 22. For Fikeumatic PainSy vr the Lumbago. Dissolve »• inucli .hhU in water as will make it ^wim an eeef, rub it iu with your hand on the part affected before a fire, for IdorSC ininuffs, ju:it before going to bed ; it isuncommouly effective, -.A. youN«. No. 23. J Cement which equal 'y resists hath Fire and Water, ' Make a pint ot milk coaguiale on the fire bv means of an acid till it is quite clear ; filtrate it, and separate perfectly the tuiseous partictes ; mis with the whites of f'«ur or five eggs, which beat well separately, and then again ane^ ; then mis t with quirk lime reduced to an impatpatile powder in sui h (quantity that the whole may forma consistent mass to be adopted as a cement. iO.E. Skoge Act de L'Acad. Swez^, Vol 34, p. 1 ] ''^■^ ' '^ No. 24. r*. :.. -.. To Extinguish Fir4, For f»rpservinff buildings t omtie. Mr. Hartley's celebrafedi mfi' <h(/d of plates which is cheaper and more effectual than oth^r mr>dof that have been tried, is of the utmost importance in ail buiidingeto ite applied as a partial secuitty in the spots mo-t liattie U> he set on fire. — To put «)Ul a fire an eiperinient has been tri^d whirh deserves further enquiry. — A modem traveller gives this nc- count at Aug(iburgh:<^'' VVe saw an «rsperiment for extinguishing ire ; they had mnde a fabrick oi boards set round ^ith tagg< ts, .^ry cloven wood and other i ombustibleti, when all was thorough* (y ON fire, they threiv in a tit^e barrel, it made a small explosion, and ibti fire immediately abutted , but rontiiHiini; stiU io burn at -) :■ j a- > n^ one eod, they thraw in another barrel and it was all eitingaished. The same I am told, bassinee been pertoriD«*d in England "* If I mislake not, the Society of Artt offered a premium for something of (his sort, and in con&f>fpif n«e, 8ome experiments were mada longafter this auth«tr wrote, which wai in 17221, and iVIr Oodtrey, the rht'miit, produced a Dal) or barrel, which ei(*l'ifiing had tiie same effect, and was very saMsfaotory ; but the rooaposiiion waa- asHcn^t which died with the t;rfat Mr. Boyle. It is to be regretted that other, and greater premiums are not given to re-difecovar so valuable an art.— A Yoono. No.25. To render Wkite Wash dnralh. White Wash of L^nie is rendered fixed and dii'ahle without crack:', if wade with water, in which uommoasalt is dissolved. — [Lavavasseur Annates das krX* et Man.] •^ ' ■ No. se. Method of preparing a cheap snhstituie for Oil Painty fry M. LuDI KB. It often happen!! that people do not choose, or rannot employ Oil Painting in the country, either because it dues not dry soon en ut^h and has an insupportable smell, or because it is too dear.--^ M> Ludidke employed with the gr^'atest success tho following ma- thud, tor painting ceiiing^^tifates. doors, and even furnitara. The Process. Take fresh curds and bruise the lumps on a g* inding ^tone, or ia an earthen pan or inorlar, with a s[>atuia ; atter this operation put tbem in a ^uH with an equa' q>mnti<y of lime well quenched, and bfioniH thick enough to be kneadt>d ; stir this mixture well, with- out adding waier, and yuu v% ill •M.-f-n obtain a wbitf coloured fluid, which my be applied with as mur.h facility as varnish, and which drift*; v-;ry i^ppedily ; but it mint be employed the same day, «« it Vkiil become t>'0 thick the day follow ing. Ocie, Armenian Bole«^ and all colours which hnJd with lime, may be mixed with it hc* Curding to the c-lour which ycu wish to give to the wood; but caie i.MUst bf taken that iDe addition of cnl ur made to the first mixture ot cu<d^ and lime may cuDtaiii very iittle water, the iha painting will be less durable. When two coatk of this ftaint have been laid on, it may he t>o- lisbfd with a piece ot woollen cloih or olnt^r ^rofter subbtance and it will become as bight as varuisfa. Ii i« certain that no kind of paihtin^ can be so f.heap, and besides other advantages, in the »tine day two coats may be laid on and polished as ii dries speed ii]f atid has no smell if it be required to give it more dmability in plaices pxpu ed to moisture, go over the painting after it ha^ beea • Wright's Tiavtls, Vol. U« p. 60U. i m I ^. 11 i m it!^ - * V . -- } m n* i\ m *'it .. .' I M^' ,1^ ^ 4 I : ■-. M r 1 pnli«hf() vrUh the white of nn e<;g, this process will rsoder it M durable as tbe best oil ttaiutitis. *i^ f ; > Weather Boarding -^Tn pat, c:;-»^>^*^ ^ ' v Three parts air-^iatlitfd lime, two of wood ishes, and one of Bnt- sand or ^ea cnai a^bfe^ sift through a fine sieve, add as; much I'lM-Mffed oil as will briiij^ it to a consistence for workinie^ with a painter's brush ; i;reat caie mn«t be taken to lu'n It (perfectly, it is impenetiabjp t'> water- n'«l tbe sun hardeoslt — -[CattersoQ Socic* ty fraiw. Vol. XIJ. p. 266.] ^ , . .,-,... No. 28. ''■ -'■ -^feS^-J., .-' ,,. ' " To Paint Boar dt, kc. Melt twelve oaoc^s of rosin in an iron p<»t ; add three gallons of train oil ; and three or four rolls of hnmslane ; when oueitt'd ihn, add as fnucb Spanish brown ochre, first ground fine, v^ith as much ot the oil as will give yuur colour ; lay it (n witH a brush as hot and thin as possible, ajid some dHys aft^r thv f.'-^t cuat is dry lay on another. It mill preserve tbe plaiifc fur ages. — Bath Pa(>€rs,vol ii. p. 144. l)r . Parry recommends (his improvement : — '• • •• » Take twelve ounce** of rosin, and eight ounces of roll brimstone ; each coarsely fowdered* and tbiee gailiHis of train oik Hcr^t them ^Ivwly, gradually adding foar ounces of bees was cut in bits Frequently stir the liquor, whivh. a^^suon as tl>e solid ingre- dicnts are dissolved, will be fit for use. What remains unused wilt beco le solid on coaling, and may be re-mehed oa subsequent occasiuns. — [Bath Soc. papers, Vol. XI p. 240. , r." ,• ; ■ ...... ^^' 29. '■' '■ ' r?,.v . ' ' ' ^ Cracks in Inm Vessels, Sin parts of yellow p«»tter"s clay, t»ne of fi mgs of iron, and Iirj» tef d oil sullitient to form the wkole iQ<to a paste ui the consiaieuce Ot Jju(iy. — [Katcleyn ] cf / v ' ;;•■<-■'- - '^: ""No. 30. ■ >^- '.^ ,--s^ ■;■•'• . A useful lecipe fw making Family Wine. - Take black ciirrants, red cnrrantS; ripe cherries, (black hearts are !*est,) raspberries., each an equal quantity, or nearl^lMo: it tliu black currant!) atT most al'UiidBt, .«o mui h the better.~T<) four pounds ot ntinedf Mt'weil hruif^ed, put one gallon t*f ci«>a' 2;<>ft v^Mter; steep therolhree daya^indnieht.s in opeu vessels, irequentiy sluing up the mass; thew btra' . through » ban sieve. Ihe r.^main- , i»»g |>ui|i ptatiM (o dryn^s^ Put bdtb liquids together, and to f-Hrh gallon *»t the whole, put. thrte pnund- of gcmj, rich, Jiii»isi su^ar Oi ft bright )cilQwish a|)peai'au6t» i kt th« whoia »i«ug agata tlr«& ♦ . i ^v.. 181 ^^•■ndnlgbht frcqiinntlysiirrioii; up ■• before, after skiaming the top; then turn it into ca>ks, and IpI it remain, full and purging tt thff buQi;«liole about two weeks. Lastly, to every nine gallooi put one quart of good brandy, and bung down. If it does not icon dtop fine, a 8ti>eping of isinglass may he introduced, and stir- red into the lit^ttor, in the proportiou of about half an ounce to liiott galons. N B. Gooseberriei, ef))ecia1ly the largest, rinh flavoured* may be ii«sd in the mixture to gieat advantage : but it has been found the he!<t way topref>are them separately, by roui^ po>«erful bruising or i>ounding, so an to form the pro|>er consisteuce in pulp* and bf putting sis quarts of fruit to one gallon of wat^or, pouring on tbe water twice, ibe smaller quantity at night, and the larger the nAKt moinin^. This |»roress, finished as/ aforejiaid, will make eicellf>nt wine, nnnraed ; but thi> fluid added 'o tht* former miifure, will !>ome- timt^s improvt tb« compouad.— [Bath Sue. papers, Vol. XI. p. 9fH \ n ■■<% I'. %^ ■^'^'*^ ••I .. ; A -If,- . ij...^ »/ If HI > 1, ■I i Vi ' ■.•! n^ 1 1 :l I ! 11 'i»i 1 '1 ilH , hm Lii il ADDENDA. ' .-, u' ■.. • ' • ■ "■ ;» -. / I -y ■ ' 't.; ,*V • - , J* I Lt f • ,. ' -.V ' . "> I , 1 '^ ^ 1 . , ^ • ' ■ VflVr.^ k ,''•' ■ 6^ ft 1 ^H L r ■ 1>>:py' . • ; I ■^'' ,^ /^ ■ biihoj BRITISH GOVERNMENTS of NORTH AMERICA. 4 *^' lOfTEH CANADA. Oov. Vice Admiral and Comman- der in Chief of the forces •» JVorth JLneriea. Lieut. General the Eaul of OAtAousiBy G. C. B. Aides de Camp, Capt Hat, h. p. and Entifi^ii Maule 79(h Rf>gt. Mil. See'y. Col Darling h. p. Assist, SCC\ L. MONTIZAMBRRT. U. Gov The Hon Sir Francis IN Burton, K C H. Civil Su'y. A. VV. CuCHRAMKy E q Cov of Quebec, Major General VV ., i^, Stkvt Bishop ^. ^uebtc, Ri. Reverend Jacob Mountain. D. D, Catholic Bishop of Qutbec, Rev. J. O Ple>»I8 Arch Deacon of Quebec, The Ve- nerable George J. Mountain Chaplain. Rf v. J, S. IVIill- Chief Justice and Speaker of the two Councils. Jonathan Skw ELL. Chi f Justice of the Kins,*s Bench at Montreal, J. Monk $eertiarii and Hegislrar of tht Province, T. Amvot. Deputy, J. Ta? LOR. Clerk of the JEteecutivt Council, H W. Rtland. Receiver General, The Hon* Ji Hale. Insptctor General, Thomas A« VotNG, Esq. Judgt of the Vice-Mmiralty Court at Quebec. J Kerr. E q« Clerk oj the Crown, H Bloom- field. Attorney General, N F Uniackb. Solicitor Central, C. Marshal. Dip'y Adft Gen Lieut Col. J. Harvey, C.B D^p'y Qr Mr. Gen Lieut. CoK CoCKBURN. Suptrintendant of Indian Depart* nten<, Sr J, Johnson, BhiI Surveyor Genera/, J. Bouchette, Deputju Post Master General, D, Sutherland. Esq Collector of the Customs at Que* htc VI J4. Percival E«o ComplrolUr, G£u. A. Gunfi; Esq* v, ^^ ;? tktks, > ' UCA. Couneili Hon. Si 4S A* Imiralty |rr. R <l« Blouu- iNIACKBt ISHAL. Col. J. It. Col, IBhiI pHETTKi iraU D. iat Quf |Eso 188 - - , . ^ mv^ .scoru. > . ■ ■ ^ U noremnr, Major Gnupfal sir : hit/ Justice. ^^ ^i^wvn% T.<^t{. Umk Kkmpt CJ « B ^tty iitn. '< I ''n. s , i^-^, Jiidtinie i. amp • h tain Yuhke >o/ ^iVjj a B. It i- 62 1 Hcj^i Kiisi;/!! Lo.d F jVata/ ('ffi.cer. i iii> ^ * ■ * Lennox. 62d R»'t;J. C'/er '/ '/i^ CV w- . ulho- JUi' ij itc L' t*i>l. I o fER. h |» notary W rfi«*MP n i)«:/).y. -rf'/j/ (rffi. L>. Ct>l H B ^ommisnioneroflh'-Sary I N. HaKRIS h p In6LI>FIKLI) bishop, H\. Reverend Robkrt Dplij Q<' W r. Gen. Lt. Col W, SfAN KR, D. D. ,, Br.K£>>F >RD. N'«:/r BRUNS^I K. U. Governor, Sir Hc'Ward Dou* t/^//^/. General, T ^ etmorc. GLA-. BHft . 'i >•/ General V\ Bat f kd. ,; Cliiff Juxtict, Jonathan Bliss Secretary and ''lerk of th* Court- K ij ft/ '.k If'. Udkll Judi^tsyf the Supreme Court, J. Ihcciver (itneraL V BA1N^F••R0* S\vDr.Rs 1. V) Bliss and Naval C^fficer, F. Oilbert. Wm. CuiPMAlf. }"■ •,!«*»<.>^^ ^' *> --t. LAW DEPARTMKNT OF ENGLAND. ^~*s-' Smrdl Profisnonal (hnthmeu of Cavauk Pat- ons of this tVork,\ tiaving si^niJUd a wiskthat lutsof the English Jnd^ts. and some '^' tih*r itfjicrs ofihf Superior Courts of Law in England, should be - pvtri in the Caltndar the Editor has plated them here ; in the nexi tdition they will appeal m a mori proper situeUion ■,. \ ^ HIGH COURT OF CHANCERY, ^ ^ Lord High ^hancello^, — The Rarl of Eldnn, Hamilion Plare,-* - lUaMerof ihe RotU,^Rgt. Hon. Sir Th'>nia*< Plompr; Knt. R.lli^ I Chaiitrry Lane. |Vire i bi^ncf ilor, — Rgt Hon Sir J Learb. Knt 11 New Square, Liiicolu's Inn. Aeromptant General's Office, Chancery Lane. Icromptant Gerieral. — .1 CampbelL Requite ' > /■ ;■'■ ) "^^essrs. Rensfd, Robins, Ward. Fnrkinson, Kitson 6a» ^krksf > con, Giles. S Prtikui«'.n. INeale Lewi , B •'' oifi Id, ) Boso«, 6ouU} St M« Ward} Hswliogs, und Prtuder^iMt. 'v !■: I'll* h '1 U ^' m \M 1 K''''^ Mm : III Si!) ill Wp' I !■ ' i. :'. * « "^n • \i< -^ 184 COURT OF KING'S BENCH* JLord Chief Ju:>iice,—Rgt Hua. bir Cbarlet Abbui, Knt. J2S HiibMl Square Cie.k ,— Mr. J Wateri, nnd Mr W. }^B^zn, 4, Serjeant's loL, SirJubo iiayley.KBt'}— 41. Bediord SqiiRr« Clerks,— vir WellSf 'iiid Mr. C. Br. itt J, 3, Serjeant's lun. Sir G Sowiey Hi>l*>>yd, Kik.— 46, Kussell Suuare. Clf>rkii,— Ml . Kfavides; Hiid Mr Cbbll, lo, Serjeant's inn. Sir W Ura|»er B«^*tt Knt. — Bedtord S<|UMre ^ Clerks,— 'Mr. Haideii and iVir. Plait, 7, Serjeaot'i Ino. ^ COURT OF COaIMON PLLAS. s ■ ■ « Lord Ctief Ju^^tice,— Rgt. Hon. Sir Robert Giffurd. Clerk-,— Sir James Allan Park, Knt. F.3. A — 32, Bedford Square. Clerk",— Mr AeU» nud Mr: Reynolds, 6, Seijeani » luo. Sir Jaiui-s Bunoiigh, Knt. — 15. Bedford R<>w. Clerks — tVlr. Inkpen and Mr Bishop, 6, Serjeant's Inn, Sir i'tbu Riebatdson, K(tt< — 35, Great Oriu<>nd Street. Clerks -^Mr. Taylor aud >ii. Baldvrin, 6, Serjeant's Inn. CbauitXtfrs of tbe Four Jadg^H are iu Serjeant's Inn, Cbau'y. Laof. COURT OF EXCHEqUSiR. CBaaceHor; — Rgi. Huo F. J Robiusou. Secretary, — Sir William Bellingbam, Bart. Assistant, — Robert Gray > Esq'iira LordCbief Baron,— R^. Htm. ' ' ' ""' ' » Bart. Cierk«,— Mr. M«>ms and Mr. Williams, 1 1, Serjeant*! Inn. Si' R 'tie rt Grab dui. Ka^ — 36, Bedford Square. Cierk,—- Mr. W Bntadhurst, 1 1, Serjeant's Inn. '. « Sir G»'?»rge Wood, Kia —Bedford Square, ■ Clerk, — Mr. Swwyer, 2. Serjeant's Inn Sir William Garrow, Knt 27, Great George Street, Westminster, Cleit,— Vlr Ricb^rds Ciirsitti/ Baron, '—Francis Mai»ere8. Esq. F R. S. MHrsball, and Associate to Chief Baron, G. Richard", Esq. Tipstaff, Mr. C. ^Attk^ Usher of the Courtf vlettsrs. Guy, Morris, Weils, and Broad* i hiirsi Cryer, ^r Morris, Messenger i^ S Groombu'dge, G. L Keir,j M. Esiiingtou, Sir J Co|.>e, Bart, E Da¥ie9,and S. Stepbeuiavn. •j^^! ,„1 ' Ust q/ Judg4s, King'j Serjeants, and Counsel, Earl of Elduu,— Lord High Chancellor. Bii^iH tint. Sit i . Ptumer, Kui. — Master of the Rolhk Ri^Ut B9B« Sir 1. Lea<^) Kot.— Vice Cbaocellor. ,Knt. Serjeant's Inb. ant'ft lua. mi's inn« It's luo. rd. , •d Square. |eaal » luo. eanl's Inni 3tre«t* rieanl'slnn. Ion, CUau'y. Lane. Bart. ,er]eaDt*i laa. na. Peet, Westminster, , S. MHrshaiUandl La. Tipstaff, Mf • ^ I r'*WelU, and ^r Ua'ds*., G.L Ke»r,| Counsel. le Rolte. lor* .)8j Rt, Tlon. Sir C. Al)(>..it, Knt,— Cliiet Sir John Bnyley. Knt 8ii G 9. Holroyd Knt. 6ir W D Btt8t, Knt. Rt llun. -,— Knt Chifi. Cuminen Pleas. Rt. Hon. , Kiil- Chief 1^"^-*. Sir James Allan PRfk, Knt. Sir Jnuie Bnrrough. Knt. Sir J. Richardson, Kiit. V F.schequer* Sir Rotxfrt Graham, — Knt Sir G«ort»e Woi>d, — Knt. Sir W.Gairow,-!fnf High Tourtof Admiralty —Right H mi. Lord Stowell, D.C. («. Judne Advorat«of thf Fleft,— SirG. Dur.kett, Bart * ' Jiidgf Advocate of Ihe Army.-^Riglit tioiiJohii Becket, M. r. .Iiidj54» of the Cintjue Ports, -J nl) Phillimoie, Esq D. C. L. M.P. Jud^e of the Isle of Ely,— Kdv* Christian. E«ij. King's \dvocale, — Sii Chri-toph U')l>inson, Knt. -^ Altorne^' General, — Sir J S. Cupiey, Knt. M. V. .. , .^^ /* Solirjtor General,— **'' ;* ' ' King's Ancient SiMJeaiif. — )(»hn Lens, Esq. • "* • ^ 'm*\...^ K*nfi;'» Serj ant-*,— John Vanillin, Arihiir Onsloxt, M P. Albert Pen, Esqri. Ser J. S. I ophy, Kat M P. Setjnants Rt Law, — Samu'l Marshall, bHmuel HeyMood, B. J. Sellan, Wm\ M. Praed, \V ManUy, \Vm Rough, R«;b. H Blo«- set, Knt W Frere, J. B Bosanquei, J. Hutiork, VV. Fiiib, Wm. Tadd> ■ V Lawes, Jubti Cross, 'i'houias Day ley, and T. Peake, Enquires. King's Counsel, — Francis Burton, Hugh Leyccter, Right Hon. N, Bond, Thomas Miles, J Fouhlaiuiue,'* Thomas Jervis.* 4nth. Hart, H. Martin,* N. G Clarke, W Agar, Charles Wetherell,* William Harrison, Jobo Gurney. Samuel Marynt, C Warren, J. Raine, J, St-ariett, J. Trower, W Co'<ke, .1. Bell, S. Y. Benyoni Esqrs. Sir R Gifford, Knt. tV, Owen, W. VVingftHM, G Herald, A Pal1en,G. Wilson, M- Molan, S Ga^elee, R M. ( asberd,* W. Home, W E. Taunton. C. Cullen, W G. Adams, Lancelot Stta4- wel) and E, B. Sugiien li.squrF«8 ~ ', Those m&iked (*) have Patentft of PrecedencjT ;, c - TARIFF By which tht Trails between Upper Canada and the UnUtd. States of y i jSmerica is regulated. ^ -«i. ..^^ By the Provin. Stat, of 2J. Geo. IV. The following articles may he impr»rtt>d from the United ^tatts An !»flymeiitof the Duties respectifely affi&ea to each >*- Aj'jiles one fhilling per bushel Bov Ml boHb s sit shiltiogs per docen _^^ *Bt;er in ca&ks oneshiUing per gallon %9 ^<J'-/5^ ■^ -■^\ ■ - / ;*>■ ''•n^' !.m I ; .t.Mi 1 1 V] /a m °>> ^i J^^^ ^VJ '% y /A IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) 1.0 M 12.5 no !.l fr ■= 1-4 11.6 11.25 Hiotographic Sciences Corporation // </ ^ A f/ B % ^ 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14S80 (716) 872-4503 ^ \ «■ ^ \''i nao Beef fifteen stiilling s per barrel Beef (en shiiltn<rs |>er hundred pounds Boots fifteen shillings per pair Boards of Pine 20 ^hillings per 1000 feet ; »f '^iard8ofOMk20shiiiin;(s per lOOUfeet . ^ ^C Baiiey two shillings per bushel Butter sit pence per pound ^ . '/' Cable and tarred Rope th<ee pence per pound i^i* V i Cordage untarred three |tence per pound Cider one shilling per gallon Calf Skins and skins dressed as Upper Leather (wo shillings and sit peace each •Cattle (young) from two to four years >Qld} thirty five shillings per head.' Cmws twenty- five shillings per head ' ^' Cheese sis pence per pound Chord Wood or Wood intendAd for fuel five shillings per ftord Distilled Spirits two shillings and six pence |ier gallon Flour (en shillings per barrel ofuioe hundred and ninety six-puunds Fiuur six shillings per hundred weight Flax<seed Oil, one shilling per gallon • Harness Leather foor pence per p< und i||g8 (alive) tw(*nty shillings per head Hog's Lard. »ix pencu per pound Naais and Bacon sis |>ence \y^t pound Indian Corn (wo shillings pier bush*"! Lumber of Pine, twenty shillings per 1000 feet ^'^^^ '" Lumber of Oak, twenty shillings per 1000 fettt All other LtMuber hewed or sawed, thirty shillings per lOOOfeet. JSaiU (wo pence per pound 0>pn fifty shillings per head O^i < one shilling |>er bu»h&l ' '^- - Fo k twenty shillings |«r barrel P<> k not in barrel, (en shillings per hundred weight. F<t »(oes one sbilling per bushel R><* (wo shiUings per bushel ^;i $hIi his pence per bushel S le Leather (hree prnce ter pound . ' Shot- i« fivp shillings per pair Shin^leM five shilling!^ per 1000 St'fp < nesbiitiog per head T->bacco^mMnufa<'<ii^ed (hree ^>^n«;e per pound ll'hf at \mp shittiiigs apd six pence per bushel « The tmtnd elatut «*f (he same Act affixes a Duty of 10 percent. »ri ralorem on hII other triicfes except Iron Castings, and Tiu* Mr >»••<', which are *»ubj«*ct to a duty of 20 |ier cent The third elatut of the same Act*exempts the following articles from any dutyi vi^:-«Uom^ufactared, 'Io6«6co, -Cottoa, Wuvl, «-'Map»«l£a^*- .^. - J.^.-ilj 187 TaTtttw, Raw Hidps, Prinlinf^ Paper, (lie p^r^ona? Baggsga, fr»> vvflifiij Horsp or H^irsesi, travelling Carriaue or Carriajips oil any persfftn ur i)er«nn<i, Suljfcfs or Foreigners, who aaay lawfully eume Info oi r«>*idH in lh»* Province. Thf fourth efau$t of the same Act admits thfi following article*- i>ufy Free lor *'Xi><>riation «>nly, Flou#, Pork, and other Provi»ionli|, hi and Pearl Asties, Salt, Lumber, Wlieat,«M«al aiidGraiusVf^ur and Skius undressed. ^ Bt the PHorm Stat of 3d Geo. IV. COMMONLY C ALLED THE CANADA TRADE BFLL, [PoMed in the British Parliament^ the 5th Mgiistt 1822 ] The following articles may b« im|>oiied ioto Canada from (he tJfiiied States, Duty Fiee. fiidi^o Live stock of *ny sort As-^es Barley Biscuit beans Bread Beaver and all sorts of Fur B'twa^kfiis Calavaucea (^onoa Cattle CuGhineal Coin and Bullion Cotton Wool Drugs of ail »orf s Diamonds and precious Stones Rye Flai Rice Fi uM and Vegetables Staves Fuslit-.k aird ail 6urts uf wood for Skins 'fii.1 Lumber Logwood ^ Mah«igBiiy and tftiier wodll^ Ci&benet wares Masts Mutes Neat Cattle Oa(8 Pejis Potatoes Poultry . , Pilch Dyer's use. Shingles Flour Sheen Grain of any sort Tar Garden seeds Tallo*r Hemp * Tobacco Heading Boards Tor|»«iitine Horses Timber Hogs tortoise Shell Hides Wool Hay Wheat Hoops Hard»'OQd er MtUTimbtr Yards i^ 1,.: j ■' '•• i ^^rA i i If .y ■■•« 188 By the taiB<^ Ant tlie articles enumerated helotr may be alao iio* pc^rtcd tulgftui ti»lh« «iiiti»)«Hnn(ffted to rkih. But w'lHre a*iy of the articles specified ai'« liablt lo a Colonial Dulif, equal to (he uiie Imposed by this Act, »uuh article shaii not be charged wiib these duU^»in oddition But. it the duty J'ayable uitiier the iolonitti Law shall be leuin amwmt than the duty payable by this Act, (lien, and in such ca)>e, the differtnee onlu between (he awount of ihe dutv payable by thi« Aet, and the duiy payable undet the aulhori> ly of the Coluatai Laiv, shall be deemed paybici by this AcL SCHEDULE. £ t. Bairel of Wheat FloUi^, not weighi^ig more than 196 lbs. net weight, Barrel <>f BjMiuit, no(.weig4ung more than 196 lbs. net wt Fore*ery cwl of Btftcuit ' For every 100 lbs, of Bread made from Wheat or other Grain, imported in bags or packages Tor every Barrel «f F.our, notv weighing more than 196 Ib9 Di^de from Hye, PeHs, itr Beans For every Bushel of Peas, Beans^ Rye, or Calavances Kici|||ift)r evfiiy |0(> Ib'^. net weight Forgery 1000 Sijingli-s called Bostin Chips, not more than 12 inch<M in length For every 1000 Shingles, being more than 12 inches in length For evf ry 1000 R» d Oak S(ave8 Fi>r ^very.4000 White Oak Staves or Headings For every 1000 feel of While or ¥f How Piue Lumber of Oiteinch thick F(»r every 10(H) (et-t of Piliih Pine Lumber Other kinds of Wood and Loniber, per 1000 feet I-'or every 1000 Wood Huops Hor»e«, for every £100 of the value thereof Neai Cattle, foi ♦•vory £100 of the value thereof All othrr Live S(o(:k, tor eveiy£100 of (he value thereof lt> By H late Piovinc<ai Act of 4ili Qeo. 4ih, the ftd lowing addition* al duiiesare affixed on the seveial articles mentiuned bel6Mr;.being of the growth, ^c. or manufacture of the U, S. of Auhefica, that is to say :— , 6 2 6 1 6 2 6 2 6 0.7 2 6 7 * 14 1 K 1* r 16 1 1 e 1 1 1 8 6 3 10 10 10 Salt, per bushel Tobacco, per pound 8nuflr, pef pound Sole lealher per pound Harness leather, per lb. £ Bi 0/0 O D. £ S. D. 6 Calfskins and other skins 3 dressed as uftper lea- 4 thtr, per skin 2 6 3 Sheep skins dressed) per 4 akiii 6 139 I kt re Btiy of I) the one iib (hMe loloftiul .c4| I lien/ ii>( of ilie i a'uiliori> £ t. » 6 2 6 16 2 6 2 6 0,7 2 6 e 7 14 1 K i» 16 1 1 e 1 1 1 8 5 3 10 10 10 aJdition- iw, being tfica, (but C ». D. IS 2 6 0. « 6 M'>rocco, per skill 1 B«*er, per gallon '. -'1 filler, p«»r isnilon 1 Di^illAcl spirits, per gal 2 Shops, (laHM s and wo- men*i>) per pair 2 Boots, per pair 5 Cbiidrenii' boots& shoes, per pair ?ilails, per pound Srvthes, eHCli Oxen per head 1 6 Young cattle from 2 to 4 years old, |ier head 15 Cows, per hend 15 Live hoKS, per head lO P.»rk, per barrel 10 Pork, not in barrel, per CAt. 6 Flour, not in barrel, per cwt 2 Ipef;* [ler barrel O 10 Beef, not in barrel, per owt O 5 Hamsand Bacon, per lb. Iro^ isastiiigs aoj Tin- ,war#, for every £100 of (lie value ibereot 20 Saddles, Bridles, k Har. ,^ nPS!»( foi every £100 of tne VHlue tbt^roi 15 And on all other good», wares, and merchandize not herein be> 6 V S. of A for every £144) of the vnli^ tht reof, the sum oi £lo. ThttfoUowinti ArlicUt altowttl /<> 6 be importtd/rte of duly ; ilioP is to My : — Raw Hidesi Tallow, Wool, Print* ing Paper, Cotton Yarn, and Fer^ional Baggage. Free from the payment of an/ duty surh articles intended lor ^' I \ ■ j}" { « i ||? 1 ' 1 *i i - ¥} ' 1 * ;T ml 7ieiportation only, with the ei> ception of such a- a'e sulijecl to duty by the proviaktiiii ol an Act of I he Imperial P»rliaiuent of Great Btitrtin, passed in the ;^d y«»ar nf 411!* 'Majeiily's Kti^n« entitled, ** An Act to regulate- the Trade f Lower and Upper Ctti> nada. andioroibei purpo-es re- lating to the said Provinces* 6 III a^ditiiin to the abt>vr cotn- O roerciai information, it may ha proper t^ remark, in this place, that the JYavigiUion Lawst in re- 3 gaidto ui intercourse with tht great lukes are veiy strictly in* forced. Exportrls and Impertsfiit ^ebeo fv • for 1623. • Arrivedi 569 Ves els 13i6:M Tons ' *' 6 130 Men 'fV' fore enumerated, which are not Merchandize, £737 596 7 * subject to the pay menf of dufie:) Liuigraulb^ Pa^^enger^ I0,'i66 by the provisions of an\ Act of Cleared} the lmt*erial Parliament of Gr»«t Britain, yie g ov : , &tG. ol the ,. - '^".:^3b3"; ~'-^- ■ 609 V-.-tU 138.219 T 8 6,;SdO iViett ^ J . >•■>■: ,.i-.( • > t \ 3». rtr Ma mm fi;' J'ff if 11 * ■if.- warn ■.f.r I, .n ■ V ■ *■ ' 'ti' 1 ■ w lOO THE Recount of a Terrible CAnTHquAitic, tchich eoti- vii46ed and ravaged a great part of Canada, tri the year iS63»'—fFritten and preserved by the Jesuits in their ColUge, at Qiutec ; nttu republished in this placey fur (he purpose of endeavoutving to proaire further confir- mation of so extraordinary a catastrophe, eitlur btj geo- i,(/gical evidence^ or traditionary lore from the Indians^ '■*^K , I? .■•>•V^^•.■.■. ,^. It was on the 5lh of F«*brnary» 1663, about half paat five o*ctnck ill the evening, that a git^at rushing noUse was hparcj throughout tb»» whole eitt>nt ofCanatlii. — ThiSjioise- caused ihe people to run out of their houst^s into the strt'ets-, as if their habitations iiad been on 6re ; hot, instead ot flames and smoke, they wore surprised to see the wails n>elin<>: baik wards and (orwards, and the stones moving, as if they were detached fronu each othvr. The bell* sounded by the r peated shocks. — Tlic rocFfs of tlie baiidiofl^s bent down, tint on ono side and then on the other. The timbers, rafters, aid planU, cracked The earth trembled violently, and caused the stakes of the palisades and p-^imn^s to dunce, in a m;«nntT tiiat would have been incredible had we not a< tualiy seen it in several pldces. It was at this moment that evr ry one r»u out of doors I'hen were to he seen aniniala flying in ull dire<-tioD!<> t hiKInn trying and screaming in the streets ; men and women seized wi h affright, stood horror-struck with the dreadful scene hef<ire them, una- ble to move, and ignorant where to fly for refuge from t^he tottering Walb and trembiingeaith, which threatened every instant to crush th« ni tr» death, or sink them iiito • profound and immeasureahie abyss. Some threw themselves on their knees in the snow, crosi^ing their breasts and calling upon their saintt: tore« lieve them from tlte dangers with wlii* h they were s^ut' j'<^und«d. Ottiers passed the rest of tfiis drJauful ing:»t N/- ich eoy^ the year in their lacey for r confir- r btj ^eo- Indians^ half past ins noitee \r houses II on fire ; surprised Rrds, and from each shocki.— I 0D<* side i,d planUs, ;au8ed the a mftni»»T ;ually se«*n hat ev^ ry n aitiuials ieainiii^ in [orht, stood hero, una- fuge from hreatcned Uiein iito Itbe snow, iint£i tore- were siir* luful ing:»t tti prayer ; for the earlfcquake ceaf*>d not, hut continued ut 8ht*rt iiitHrvalti, will) a teriaiii undui liin;; iru}hiUe, rt'^einthng the wavp^ of the ocean'; and tiie samequai- nii'^h sensation, or dickacsb at the stoftiach, was felt du- ring (he bhoiks, as iseiperienecd in a vessel f^tsea. The violence of the earlhq'tjlk^ wan grf*Hte.st in the forests, wlicre it appoarrd as if tiiere was a h»t<l' rage- ing betvNeen the tree« ; for noi only th- ir hraiiches were d'Siioyed, but even their trunks <ire said to have been detached iruni their places, and dttslted against each o- Iher with int onceivabe violence andconfut^ion — soinuch so, that the l.idians, in their figurative manner oi speak* ingj declared that all the forests were drutik. The wrtr also seemed to be carded on b^'tweeii the mountains; some of which were torn from their Keda, and thrown upon others, leaving im.inen:»e cha^ln^ in the places fn^m wiience they had ibfcued, and the v 'ry trees with which they were covered sunk down, Ie^ving on- ly <heir tops above the surface of the earth ; others wetei compli'tely overturned, their branches buried in the earth, and the roots only remained above ground. During this general Wf eck of nature, the ice, upwards of SIX feel thick, was rent and thrown up in iar^e pieces, and trom the openings, in many par^s, there issued thi< k clouds of smoke, or toiiDtains of dirt and sand, whichv spouted up to a very consideiubl:^ height. The springs were either chocked up, or impregunted with sulphur. Many rivers were totally lost ; others were diverted from their course, and their v^aters entirely corrupted. Somd of them became yel'ow, others red,^tid the great river ol St, liawr'nte appeared eniir* iy white, as far down as Tadoussac. TiiJ ex>ra^*r Unary phenoineuon mu'^t astonish (hofie who know tli^«ize of the river, >nd ' the immence body of water in various parts^ which must have required such an abund<«nt « oi matter to whiten it. They write from Mrfnirei'l that dnriiifi: the earth*, ^uake, they plainly 8«i«v Ih^ stakes at the picketii'g, wf H Ml ' - ^Ji % 1 !;:r ril ••V ..j-t-~ Iv t9t m f^ p:))ifa<|o8, jffmp up, «« if tlipy bad been dancing; that of tv%o (iooi> in ilip S'line room, me opened »D(I the o- thcr sliiit, of their own accord; that the rhimiieyt aiid tops of the hoii!»**!>» brnt like tiie brancheo ot trees agitat- ed hy th(* wiild; that when the> w< ni to walk, they felt the earth foiiowini; them, and rising »t evT} step they t«H k, »ioni('timrs stic iiig -^g^inst ihe soleot the ibot, aiiu otb^T thinirs, ill H vevy t'>rcibl and surprising iiMiiner. From Thrpf Rivers they wr te, th;it the fir^t shock was the mont vioU nt. iin<( comtuciiced with a iioi^ie ro< senibliiig thunder 'Tb^' houses w< re »gitated in the same manner as the topd of tr»*»'s during a lempe^it, with a ti6ir>e asif tire was crackling in the gaircts. Tl)«* tirslt shoi k Uslcd ha!f dn hour, or rather better, though {{y greatest foice was prtperl;- liot more than a quarter of sin hour ; and we believe there was not a sin^h* sh(»rk which did not o^u^e the earth D open more or i^»8. . As forth** r«'9t, we have remarked , that though thid e^yrtjiquake continued nlmost wiiliout intermisKi<;n, yet it WTI8 not always ol an equal violence. Soiiietim s it yl^i^f^ like the pitchinc^ of a larjie v« ssel, whi< h drag«red heavily ather ai'chors ; /^nd i* was ibis motion which oc- casioned many to have a ^riddiHess in tb* ir beads, and qnalmibhiiess at their stoiiiHihs At othe^ tunes, tjie rftotion was hurried and irregular, creating^stidden j«>rks, some of which wcr»* eitremfrly violent; but the nK»8t ,couimon was a slight tremulous motion, whiih 0( cur- re*)* frequently with little noise, -r.!-. Many of the Fn nib inhabitants and Indians, who <%'ere eye-witnessci to the (^cene, state, that a great way up t.e river ot Tiro is Rivieres, nbont eighteen-ifkitjes beh>w Q"eb<T, the ItilU whi< h bordered the riv^^i^ob eitinT side^iiild which were of a prodigious heiurbt, w^re toin fiottvii<^ii fouiidatiohS, ^nd plunge (//nto th^ river, ^nus- ing ft tot:haMge its course, and spread itnell oyer ii hirt^e trficivof land reitMitly cleared : the bioketi ei<rt1) mixed with'the Wat rs, and for i^> veral months, changed the cploiir oi the ^reiM River St Lawrenur, into wiucb that oirXrOilK'^iiret} dibeiubcgu-K itself. <tiWii*iii 'Jifd - y 119$ ■i ' Tn «h^ cnurse of iMs vi«)leDt conviilvion of nature, Ijtk s flppeartrl whei>' iione ever exijjffd ttelore ; mnnn- tniiis Wf're overthrowit, bwaDnwed up l>y ih*- filling eanh, or preciprat'd into acijrtcent rivers, leivvin^ in theii ptHce fn^htlul < hnviiis <m* Uvel plains. — F.klU hihI rapidti wer'* changed into ^etUle slreamf, and ^eiitl* sti'an:sinto falh and rapids. River** in mmj |Kirtb of tiif coOiilry sou jrM other bods, otlot-lly dihappeared. — The *'arth and the mountains were ftfolentiy s^xtt md roiH ill iiinumeral'le piac('s« crt-atinp; pfusais and pn^^ri* |ii«es wlto.^e d^'pthn have never yet Men ascteitaint'd — ' bucli dt'vastatiou vv!)s also occasionrd in the woods, that Diofe than v thontiaud arrcs in our n* io^hbonrhood.were complt't^ly overturned ; and where, but a short liine be- fore, notidn^ nw\ the eye but one immense forest oftiees, now were to \ie soen extensive cleared lund , apparent- ' 1) just turned up bv th** plituirh « i At Tadoussar, (abou' 150 miles below Q,ueber, on./ llh(» north shore,) the eff ct of ihe earthquake wa8 i\pl ' IIpss vioU.!)t than in other places ; and snch a ixavy lihower oi volC'^nic ash>^s fell in that neiji^hbourhood, par- " \i iilaiiy in theJ^iver St. Lawrence, that the waters wer^ [Mtnolentiy a^^Vfated as durino^ a tempest. N>ajr Si Paur^B Bay, (- rut 50 riiiles below Quebec, loDthe north shore.) a mon> tain, about a quarter ot '^ fiipw in eirc'.imfert'nc^s situatrd on the shore o( the St. uawrenie, was pretipifaled into ttie river; but, as if; bioidy made a plunge, it rose from the Bottom, and he-* pine a small islaml, forming, with the shore, a conveni- tht harbour, well sheltered from all wiud:ii. Lower doM^^^e river, towards Point AHoiiettes, an ptire forest ^f|<caiii)iderable extent was loosened iVora llie main bank/ and slid into the River St. Lawrenc^i khere the trees took fresh root in the water. >" There are |h.re$.cii^u.mstance8, however, which>4)av^* lendered tf)(s extraoroH^ry earthquake particularly rf* Virkable — The first i& it§*<^uration, it ha viitg centinu^ [001 February to August, that is to say^inere than six • > , ^ r'. n r • ' i I ii' fii'< .. I liMi ilka **'"'■. 194 monthfi, almoflt withoijt inlf>rmii9fon t It Is tni*», the shocks w p* not mways ♦^nu.i Ijr rioleut In ne\ tM ;»lii- c«'H, as tnw^d^ ih nioiintHinti 'eUiiid Quebec, th* thin- d 'iniT noi8»* and tieuihlinji motion C0llli^llHd^ncc•>>'fl!Vf>lJ for ri roMHideritbl' time In >t'>er9, Ht» lovraids Tad ns- sac, ihe flhock continued ii;enerall^ for two or thre^ d i}i ^1 a'tim^' Hith muih violent e. > The ««»c !nd I itcumstaiir** relatei to the extent ollliis etrihqn k'*, which, we b lievf , was universal thr-Mii^h* ont the whol*' o' New France, lor we learn that ii w;n f«>M frnm i'lsle Pon ^e and Ga^p^, v%liich ore situaieil u tite rnouth oi the St. Lawreiic<*, ta bevond M mtn^a % ♦ as niso in New England, Acad>a, and other place's m ire rc'innte. Ah fnr as it has come to our knowledge, this earthquake ext(>nd d mon* than 600 nii^b in length, and about 3O0 in breadth. Hence 180,000 square miles of land were convulsed ou the same day, and at th<* same n)'>m«Mit The thitd tiriUiustance, which appears the most re^ mai^kable of all, regards the extraordinary prot^i tioii of Divine I'roviden* e, whi«h has bt^en extended to us, and onr habitations; for we have seen near us the large o- penin<::s and (-hai<ms which the earthqtiake occasioned, and the prodigious extent of country whirh has heenei. thcr totally lust or hideously convulsed) without oin lo sing eiiher man, woman^ or child, or even having a hair of ilit'ir heads touciied. ' .Jf ■ '.,% "- :.' "'' '■ ./ * It appears from this, that tlif Jesuits at Quebec had nt^t then reRRived any account of Ihe devastation which the earthqu'ilif bndl committed in Upper Canada^ and of courss were uoacfi^uaioted witti Ms real e&ieut. ..>>■' \^ . .-^i-' Side [Hi. Kj Whus P'f!»'»| iOH'ii - !' 1. 1 His 1 His . r*.-^ ■■'•'■ I|nct> T<> W^ ^I'arij ■o'heir 1 't IS ( I^Gra ■r>. ■i'- ido 1 earthquake jd ahoul 300 of land were ihe most re- prolj;;tioiiof edlou«, ai^J , the large 0- * occasioned, , has been ei.[ thout out lo-l aving a ^^M A Sketch of the Ltn^th, Brendlh, and cireumferenct of the follow- ing luUcti in Ujtper Canada by h^timation • NAMEd LKNOTU BRBAUrH. ClRCUMrEK ; >, ' ■ t Mil<>8 Mii«i M ile« Stii'e'ior, 460 Nearly 200 1525 fjuron 260 190 I luf .\]ichi);an 261) r 90 1<»00 Kiie, 276 ' 60 70<» Ontario 180 80 ' 600 f ■>. 1 ii (from Port Hope , • • > ..... :..■ to Genuee Riv.) -■. dimcoe. . 40 30 120 aiCJair, V \ • . 35 30 , 100 ■':> (l>fj. Lk'a. Supt ^ ■ ■•".# V' riorand Huron) Georire . 25 6g UIre LhIcc 24 2 1-2 to 6 58 * The. Lakes of Upper Canada are innnmerahle, and we cannot pretend til notice an huodredili part of (heno in this place. ^We can only |;ive an estimate of Ihone best known, and of which, the \\thuk>i ar,e already partially settled — In our oeity w« hope tu add ' (lie diinensious uf other Lakes. < , *\ >.* t'.' r ALTERATWy RESPECTING THE FEES ON LAND. Since the fore^oin^ sh'-ets have been w<>iked iff, it ha^ |il«rt<:ed rR'- F.xcellency the Lieut«fnanl iiovernor to do aw ^y with the. g-ra- tU'/oMx grants of Fift> Acres, an I »tt thn same time to reduce the If-HMn Two Huni<rfd Acr^o to their former standard— The fol- Ikin'iijg is the 9rder ID Council. Executive Countil ChamheTy\^ /< ^i* t Votk ZXttJaauaryy 1824* v^> ^ Si Pkesent, His ExCKLLKNCr THE LlEVTKNANT G iVBRtlOR. IN CovHClL.^ HIS VlrfJH>sty'8 Govet-rKoeot httwiuit rt^cenlly eiteuded liieii rt^uiifL inc*' f(> the class of Einiifrniiti, which it wa^ intended Ic^ relieve nr s;i'atijitous 'Srants of JFifty \cre8 of Land, in coav«-ying them T'heirrp9f>nctiv#»locatioiH.^ ^ 't is Okdeki-d That rom th** fir^'t day '>f May neit. no j^rami- draati be made of euy quantity of Laud to other than privi- w •\^ »< 'f I '; ;■: b. m 196 x.^ f \ \\s h gUged p«rsoas,^ An J, that at tb« Fro on Tirn Niindrp d Arm %VHk laned in order to defray the gramitout Gmnts ot Filly Aun-i the coiisidffialioii failing the future Fee on I wo Hurdrfd Arntii red .ced to Ei^bl Pounds Four Shillinfen and One Penny Stcilin;;' the eiisting Fee before Jbl9, and the Fee on all other G<ant<t, in Townsliifis surveyed sinne ttiat time, to be the same as establisbei by the Ordtr in Coum il t»t 6tn January, 1819. N B PotHetsors of gratuitous Grants for Fifty Acres, may. h« paying the Fee on Ohh Hundred Acreft receive a Grant oi ibi Adjoining Fifty Acres, it vacant. JOHN SMALL, , " /; ^ Clerk E&ecutive CouuciK >>.«,-. •"H- B '. t. OMISSIONS. / - .:i :Ci' ,>* ':,>- A^eiander Frvser is Deputy Cleric of the Crovm for the Bathuntl V DiMiifit. John Stuart, District School Master, ^ fame Jodn Wrifon Treasurer, > District. John liArri,s is Trea&urf r of the London District Payid Robertson is Sehoolmastej- for the Western District. j_ The Uon Qeorge 14 Marklaad* and Peter Kxhinnon, Esq hare been sworn in, and have taken their seats as Executive Counsil^ lors L P. Shei:wood, J. Jones,. E. Bottum, JoetStoii^, and F. Huh bel, E«<]uires, and the Rev. >- Blakey, are Members of thtf Bohiq ot Education for the J<»lin8town Di~lrict. The foljowing natn^s are to h^ adied to the Trustees of Puldid , Schools for th« Jobn«town District, viz: — L P. Sheit\o<>(l ij Jones, E. Bottum, andi*^ Hiihhell, and the Hev. — Blakey Wm Dnflf, E«q is a Commissioner for taking the Oath 'A Wit Hiance in the Western District. SMk. ERRATA QeorjQft-HBro, Esq. is a Member of the Hoase. of Assembly fo| the iJoanties of Lennox and Addiai;^on Thi Hon. George H* Mark I and, and Pettfr Robiiisolif Esq. an MfeiBban of thij Etecutrre C«»unctU Alexander MciViarttn, Esq. M- P. resides at Martin Town. The Hon. Neil, a^d not Archibald McLean, is Tteaturer of Eastfm' District. T D. Campbell, not George Mallooh, is Clerk of the Diitrii Court ior .l«»hnstown. IqI^b Harf i»9 Essf. is Itaaaurer of Um liOndoo Diitffiet« for the Batbuntl GENERAL CHRONOLOGY OF REMARKABLE E ^E^^TS ; /*,' FRcm THE ^ CREATION Of THE WORLD, TO THE PRESEATT TIMES. I • COMPII.BD FOR THH WORK BY CHARLKS FO'rHt:RGILL. BEFORE CHRIST. 4004 THE Crpation of the World, according to the Hobiew texi ofthe Scriptures. 4003 The Birth of Cain, the iirst born of woman. S/J17 Birth ot Moihusalem, who died at the age of 969, 2948 Birth of Noab, who difd ag^d 960. 2348 The Universal Detuge. . . v^^. . *. - 2247 Tho BuHdinjjof ^he Towvrof Bab**!, the Ct*nTu- sion of Lat)gtjflges, and the Dispersion of Mankind. 221/ Nimrud, supposed to hav»* tiiih Babylon, a* d to have (bunded the Babvleuish Monarchy ; and Aa- sur to haye built Nineveh, and i'ouuded the Mo- narthy of Assyria. 2183 Menea, (in Scripture i\//sra7m;} founds the Egy^p- rian Monarthy. 1897 Sodom and Gomorrah D^stroytd by Fire from Heaven. 1856>The Kingdbnaof Argos, in Greece, Founded by inachus . . ^^ lB25i The D<»»lh of Abraham. 1822 l.ett«Ts Invented by Memnon^ the Eg^'ptian; 1571 Mos^8 Born in Egypt. 'V^U ■•-/:■, 0. <i I . H) .1:' Ntei m t A CHRONOLCGICAL TABLE. B.C. 1556 Cocrops founds \ho Kinjrdom of Athens. 154tj The Kingdom of Troy Founded by ^camander. 1493 Cadmus mtroducei> .Li tiers into Greeccy and builds Thebes. 1491 Most's lejids the Israelites out of Ejypt. 1480 The Foundation orth^* City of Trc/y 14o2 The Penta'euch, or Five Books ot Moses, written, 1383 Ceres lAuaht them at Ati»ens to Sow Corn. 1307 The Olympic Gnm'^s iustiiuted by i^elops. 1252 The City of Tyre, the capital of Phoenicia, builtj 1233 Carthage Founded by the Tyriaiis. 1184 Troy THken by the Greeks, (according to the Ar-| undelianlV1:>rbles, 1209.) 1116 The IVIarin^r^sCoritpasssatdtobe known in China.| 1079 Saul, King o^ Israel. 1065 David, King: ol Israel. — Death of Saul. 907 Homer flourished ; and Hesiod, nearly about tlie| game time, as some suppose. 869 The City of C»irthage Built by Dido, about Ihi^ time. — Enlargjed by her about 864. ' «779 The race of Kings ended at Corinth, and wasguc-] reeded by the Prytanes,or Anmial Magistrat«^s. 757 Isaiah begins to Prophesy, and continues to dos^ till his death, in 696. 762 Rom«» Fouhded bjr Romulus. 721 SrtmariaTakenbySalmanazv«r.— -The Ten Tribe! ' 9f Israel Carried into Captivity, and the End ofthj King^dom of Israel. The First Eclypse of the Moon on record^ ac<or(i| inp to Ptolemy, this year, 3 hours 20 minutes fore midn!<rht, on the 19th of>March. 601 A great Battle between the Medes anjj Lydians| they are separated by m BUlypse, f>redicted Thales. (Newton, Chron. VJ^S.)— End of the As Syrian Empire. • 5.87 The City of Jerusalem Taken by Nebuchadnezzai| after a siege of 1 8 moiiths. 672 Tyre Taken by Nebuchadnezzar, after a siege ft ■^ t B.C. A CHRONOLOGZCIL TABLE* ebuchadne2zai| after a siege 13 years. — -£^oj), ihe Fabulist, is supposed to have floiiriffehed. 566 rhp FirsfCensus at Rome— 84,700 Citizens. 538 Babvlon taken by Cyrus, and the KingJom ofBa- bylou Tenniiiat. d. 526 Loarninff Encouraged at Athens — A Public Libra- ry first Founded. 509 Tne Tarquiiis Expelled from Romp — The Regal Government Abi lialied, and the Consular Estab- lished — Herachtus, the Philosopher, flourished. l90 The Battle ot Marathon, and the Persians def ated by Mlltiades. — Theano,the Philosopher, flourisiied. 480 The Spartans, under Leooidas, cut to pieres at Thermopylae — The Victory of Salamis, gained by the Greeks over the Persians. — The Poet, Pindar, dourishr'd. 445 A Law for the Intermarriage of the Patricians and Plebeians at Rome. — jVlilitary Tribunes Created, with Consular Power. — IJerudotus, aged 39, reads History public kly, and is honoured at Athens. 440 Comedies 'Prohibited at Athens — Phidias, thte Scuipior, flourished ; as wtll as the empiric Phy-' siciim, Acron 413 Theileath of Herodotus. — Alcibiades accused at Athens— ^flies to Lac< daimon 397 Zeuxis, of Heracleii, the t^ainter* flourished.— The Lake of Alba «irained by the. Kt'.nHns. 391 Tliuc^iii'les, tiie Historian, Died, aged about 80. 385^oine Taken by tlie GanU^urider Brem.us — Cte- "" i^he Pli>8iti:in and Historian, Dud. — Dan. on thia^M^b^.^l^hi^sophers a^ Friend^}, flour- •CM^^Hjj^^^ brought from Egypt, into Greece b^^JHrl^H^ ^.%f* ; 356 Al' xander nle GrwDorn at Pelli, in Macedonia. *- Diana's Temple^ at Ephesus., burned by Eios- t»atus . ' ' ^ 948 Ibe Death ol Plato, aged SI.-— The Sacred War % r * V P il . 1 :) ■1 c/: • IEIb Mm i'l \M ii WMi A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. B. C. 1^ ■' .-Concluiltd by Philip. — A Count appeared io Gjeece. 336 Philip M'lrdered by Paustinias j anil Alexander tlio (Jreat King of Maredon. 332 Alexander Takes Tyre, and Builds Alexandria. 324 Alexantler Dies at Babylon, ajred 33. — The Leatii of Diogenes, tlif» Cynic, i\gfA 90. 322 Tl)e D»*ilhs of An^totle, aged 63; of Df^mostl.e- nes, ag»^d 6() ; and ol Demadcs and Hvpeii<i( a, ihe A(h' niaii Oratorb. 294 270,000 Effective Men in Rome. 293 Dt'ath of Mt^nander, the Comic Poet, a<rfd 52 — The First Son Dial «»rected at Romf, by Papiiiits • " <'ur9or, and their Time divrded into Hour** 288 D»*ath of the Sru'ptor, Praxneles. and of the Pe- '" ripatf tic Philosopher, Tiieophrastus, agtd 85. 283 Thp Library of Alexandria founded'. ° ' ,|, 277 The Septuag:iut Translivion made, by order of \ Ptolemy Philadelphus, (Play/air, 285 j 266 Slaver Money First Coined al Home. 264. Tl)e Deatlirf Zeno, Ihe Foand'T of the Stoic Phi- . loip)pby, aged 98 — The First ^"^^^^'Hiif begins.— The Aruiidelian Marbles comnosrd.^ £47 •'♦'frus, Sf»n of Siraeh. — A Census at Kome, — 25!, ^ 212 Citizens. 242 Carthagiiians Defeated. — End of the First Punic War. 236 The Tartars Exj»f lied from Chi^a. ' €16 The llomai.8 Totally Defeated at the Caoiiaj, by Hanni^'al 170 Jerusalem laken by A»j Phipd/*red — Paper To^ If:7 The FItsJ Libr. 7 ^ BooU« broiio;ht frorif 1 146 Corinth Token hy fftl^vonsuf Muinmius. — Car- f haste Tfikeo and Destroyed by S« ipio * 135 The History oftlie Apocrypha Eduds. — Antiochus bes(ieges Jei'ubalem. V T» * * fftFf. f *■. W -^^ •¥ \* A. C. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 1;)0 Julius ( aB*t.»r Born. 82 Sylia I'erji' tual Dictatar— His hofrible ProscFip- tioQ. " • • • 55 F rst E>cprdlti<»n ofCa-ar iritv> Britalir. 51 Ciii'ii in idf H Kofiiiti P/dvJme. 43 (le^!!* r'a!*sHg the liiihii o;» ; marches to Rome, uiui IS proclfiiinecf Di» tutor. ' 48 D'feiits P'Hiipey at tiie Battle of Phar!«aMa. 47 Poaipey SI iin i 1 Ki:ypt — A exaiulria Taken ^y (•aesar, nnd ih»' Library, coiisistiDg of 4U0,000 Vo- luiit*-', d»'9Jr«»yed. 44 Caesar Killed ur the Senate thna^, aged 66. 31 TUe Batile of Actitirn, and tlte £nd o\ tl e Koman ConirnoMUH»aUi». — (>cl>'vius Tirst tuip«^roi of Koinri 1 9 Dt-a 1 1 1 of V i riii 1 , a? « d 5 1 . 5 rHE BiKI'H OP CHKIST, in D cemher, four years before t lie coiuuKiHsemuat of the Vulgar laVc^ w 4 .■?«■ MOSABLE EVENXa AFTER CHRl^r. .♦ '» FIRST CEJVTUHr, ov [>ft*'cte<l rtt Romp,' -'-' ^'^'' ; having bo»'D loniifrly every 8 CHRisT^imppilHpF'l^, Dis|)ut(*s iu the Temple with the Jewish nm tors. /» 14 Death of Augustus, a^ed 76 5 succeeded hy Tim . benus. „.^ \7 Twth'c Cities Dt^stroycd by an £arth4uake in A-^ I ^i'^ -^ A CH110NOI.OGI€AL TABLE. A. C. w . I sla. — Dpath o. OviJ ; apd of Lvy, aged 76. — ^CeU 8118, the i*h)sici 111. 11 iirishcd. S6 John (he Ba|)4ist B«'gij.s ^^ Pteaqh* , 32 John Hit* Bapiist Put to Death. 33 JESUS CUaJST Cru' ified — Apion, of. Alexan- dria, the Grrtminariai), (called ** 1 he I'rumpel of the World,*\) flourished. 37 D ath of Tiberius — Calii^ula Emperor of Rome. 40 The fiaiiii^ of Christians first giyeii, at, Antioch, to the Dis'-iplffs ot JESUS. CO .LotHi<m Built by the Homaqfl about this titne.~r-St. Paul Piearhesin the Areopagus at Athens. 51 Caraciacus Carried iu Ch lios to Konier 55 Paul PFeached at Eph^sus. 60 The Chi;istiiU) Reii^ioii Puhlshed in Britain.— St. Paul's DeA nee before Fesiuii. 61 Ttje BritotiS, under Boadicea, Defeat the KoB)ar»8. 07 St. Peter ftnd St Paul Put to D<Mlh.—The Jews Deff»at»'d by Vespasian. — Josephus, the Histerian, . Governor of (iaiih'e. ,, ■- T9 C he Death of Vespasian. — Tiius Einperoc4>f Home,' — Death of Pliny the Elder, th*^ N a turjaK Historian. — Hercnlan^'yn) and Pouipeii Desti'oy¥jj|||^ an Er- uption of Vesuvius. . •'. 80 Aj^ricola's Conquebts in Britain.— ^p|p!>Caiiiitol, Pan* theon, &c. D''siroyed by Fire a-t Roine.\ 85 Britain Discovered to bf nn Ij^land. 95 'I'he Second Ftrsecuiion ol tue Clinstians. — Death ofQunculian. — Si. John Writes hisGoppel, anj Apocalypse, '"'i ^- ^ '^^ i' ■ :,■ ^. -iM. , * 99 Julius Severos Governor of;^ JoHi^the Evan^'^list, at th^fl^^^^^Bi41 lusj the Historian. ^ rc.._ t - -if fl *..■■ \ ►I* /i>,' ^> it:'h--i^:\ SECOJ^D CEjVTURV: '^' -.v ,;i- ■n A. C. A C«R0WOtO0tCAL"TABtE. 108 St I$;nafiti9 1). v u»edtiy Wild-Be'asts at'RomA. — Po[)f Alexander U,e First. 115 The.'ews in Cyrein* Vlufder 20O'()0O Greek?* and Hoiuai 9. — Assyria Subdued b} TrMjaii.— An Catih- qunkf at \ntio« h. 120- Adnaii'9*Walt BuiUiacross BHtain.— ^Nicr(m*^dj»,and oth<^r Crtres, swallowed tip hy no Keriibquake. 135 Thf Romans Destrny 580.000 J«*w» in JiwJefl, ba- nit^h tlu' Jfws out of Hi and end of th« Jewish^ War, bp»xuii in the year 131. 137 Adrian Rehiiiids Jerusctlem, utider the »ame o( JEt- lia Capit6lina. . 167 St. Policarp Put to Death in Asia. 183 Marcellus Finishtft a-fiolent War in Britain. 1. m THIRD CEffTURY. ,^^ ■• ^ • . . -•> 201 Symmachus Published a Version o( the Bible. "* 207 Severus goes Into Britain 5 60,000 of his troops De- stroyed by a Plajrne. 508 Repulses the Caledonians, a->d Builds a WaWbe- tw^^Jhe Rivers Forth and Clyde. (Others say, ). inzB^ ^12 Geta Mu|&LPd by Carac^alla, his Brother.— Chris- tianity Introduced into Scotland. 222 The Romans agjree to Pay an Annual Tribute to ■the Gotits. — Alexander Severus Emperor of Rome. ;i — Dioj^enes LaertiUH Died about this time. ^^ 2^5 Mathematicians are Allowed id Teach Publickly at , , ■'^;'^':|lome. _,-.,...^ ' ' ^- r-' • '■ ^' ■ ^ ;.•■- , ^. ■- ^■:^: 2Si» T'le Sjxth rersetution against the Christitfns. f^% Thi' Hg^fivi become Tributary to the Goths;^ — A Dreadml P,lagu«» over the Roman Empire. 262 Earitiqiiakesin Europe, Asia, and Alrica, andThree Day« of Darkness. 269 TiieG »th*! a id l^ruli, to the nunSer of 320,000 Defeated by {Ciaudius ; 300^000 ^ef tiieiii tai^ to m: :» ■■: f- A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A. c. - ' hayf^ b»»en Killed — Zenobia Takes Posse^jjon of 276 Wines First Made in BrifaiD— Tacitus Died at Targus. 286 Thif KoiDHn Empirt Attacked by the ^'orthern Na- tions, «nd hcvrr;?! Provinces U«urp»'d by Tyrants. — CannsiuR Usurps the Government of Britain, and i Rei^n^ Si^ven Years. . ,.,.'*\ ,* 292 Partition ol the Kmpire, by Dioclesian, between 'I'wo Emperors an«i Twe Caesars. 296 Britain Rerovered by the Emperors from tbe I's- urpatioii, — Alexandria Beseiged and Taken by Dio- desian. <"*, rf It' * - - FOURTH CENTURY. ' ^04 The Empire Rr Sio^ned by Dioclesian and Maximia- nus, who live in Hetireinent. ^ 306 'Gonstantiiie the Great, Emperor of Rome; Slops -^ ' the Persecution ol the Christians. ,. ' 319 Constantine begins to Favour the Christians. ;•» 325 Coiistautiiie Aboiixh^'s the Gladiator Combats, »nd ^i' ,. :,«; Assembles the First General Council at Nice, where 3l8 Bishops wer»* present.—^Hi Doctrines of Ariu8<^0fidefnned there. jr \ 529 The Seat of the Empire Trari^Wred, by Constan- tine, from Rome to Constantinople (Others say, in 328.) , 33<i A Dreadful Persecution in Persia, which lasted t Forty Years. 331 Thn Heathen Temples Demolished, by ordflil*df the Emperor. \ 337 Death of Constant! ne, in bis 66tli year — Consfans, and Constant u.^, Empt*rpr» of Rome. '« 341 The Gospel Propagated in Ethiopia, by Frumen- ttus. 351 The name of Pagans firt^tgivi^n to the Heathens — Eutropius, the Historian, flourished about this time. N^ A. o. ▲ CHRONOLOOtCAL TABLV. 3:)8 361 364 573 379 390 392 An F!artHqudke Kuiiis 150 Cities in Greece and A ia. Julian, rCinperor of Romf, Abjtires Chrisimity, is el r.ted Ponlif' x Maxi»niis, and atteinptjt lii vhIq loRfhiiiM the City of J«TUsalem. (Others say, ill 363 ) Th ' Knipire Divided into Two Part«, the Wpst<'rn »nct Ecistern — Th'' Enip* mrs Eniict Law« airaittst M '{jiciaiis. — Briiain Harrasseti by ilic Fills, Scots and Saxons. The Bible Translated into \he Gothic Tongue. TliHodocius, Kmpnror of th«' East — Th»' Lombards Fi St Leave Sc.nid'uavia, a>id D ffa! the Vandals.— The Deaifi of St. Ba>iil, in his 51st year. A Fiery Column seen in the air {or Thi'ty Days. Th»*od(i< ius, Emperor of the West and East.— Death of Ausonius, the Poet. , — .Coinstans, . J 5 " " FIFTH CENTURY. 40! Europe Over run by Alarir, Kin^ of the Goths. 410 Kome Taken and Sacked by Alario. — His D^nth. 420 The Death of St Jerome, in his 78tb year. — Piia- ramoiid, First Kin<r of the F'ranks sup(>osed to have begun his Keigii.— ^^China Divided into Two Empires. 426 The Romans Finally Leave Britain. 449 The Saxons First Come lute Britain.— The JJep- tarchy Estabhsbed. 451 The Fourth General Counril Held at Chalredon.— Attila Det*'ated by iEtius — f up SaxouM, under Heufiji^t ard Hnrsa, arrive in Briton. —The Chris- tians Persecuted there. 475 Hengibt Trea('herou>>^ly Murders Three Hundred British Nob:e>. . *^ * • 480 A Oreai Pari o' Conslantinople Destroyed by an :: Earthquake, which lasts Forty Days. ---''''•■ ':'^'^- i 1 io A CHRONOLOGfCAL TABLV. A. C, 4{)0 lr(>land, cn!lpd *< The Isle of baiotfl/' famous ior ite 491 Death of St. Patrick. ^ SIXTH CENTURY. 510 Cfovis makes Paris the Capital of the Kingdom of (ho Frr^itks. 5l3 The Persian and Saracen Kings embrace Christi* nnity. 615 Arthur, King of Britain, supposed to ha?e begun bis Reign. 616 The Computation of Time, by the Christian ^ra, Introduced bylhe Monk Dionysius. 542 The Consulship of Basilius is the last at Rome. — ^ Prirjce Arthur Murdered in Cornwall. 568 The Huns Defeated in Thrace by Belli^arius.— A Terrible Plague over Europe, Asia, and Africa, which continues nearly Fiity Years. 559 Belisarius Degraded, and Ungratefully Treated by Justinian. 569 The Turks First Mentioned in History. 670 Death of Gildas. (called " The Wise,") the British Historian. 671/rhe Birth of the celebrated False Prophet, and Im- postor^ Mahomet. 580 The City of A ntioch Destroyed by an Earthquake. — The Latin Language Ceases to be Spoken it Italy about this time. - ' 590 Antioch Again Destroyed, with Thirty Thousand Inhabiiantfi, by an Earthqunke. 696 Jo!in rf Constantinople assumes the titJe of Driver- sal Tuyhop — Ano^usfne, the Monk, Converts the iSaxons to Chiistiaoity. ^ ^ A. C A CHROPfOLOCICAL TABLE* 11 SEVEjXTH cejvtury. 604 605 C07 611 612 614 622 632 636 640 644 653 660 6t)3 685 m Saint PauPa Cliurcli, in London, Founded by Ethel* bert. D»ath of Aiicustiiip, tbe Monk. — The Us<» of Bells m (vhunhes began aWont thi*« lime, rhe b^n&;li9h Court o' Clr.mcerv Instituled. The Paiithpon, at Home, Dedicutiil to God, the Virgin, and the Saints. Heracliu-^, Kcnperor of the East. — Westminster Af»hpy Fouiideti by Sibert, King of the East Saxons. Mahomet l)*»gins to Pnhlish his Koran. The Pnrsinns Take Jerusai^m, Kill 90,000, and Carry Off the Cross of Christ. The Era of the Hegyra, or ihf» Flight of Mahomet from Metca to Medina, begins on Friday the l6iU of Ju!y. The Death of Mahomet, in hi«^ G3J year.— The Era ofJesdegird begins on the IGtI. ol June. Christianity Intrndnced iwtoCliina. — Jerusalem Ta« ken by Ornar and the Sarac<'ns, who keep posses- sion of ii for 463 years. The Saracens Take Alexandria, and Burn the Li- brary. * -^ -^ The* Univ'Tsity of Cambridge Founded by Si^e- bert, King of East Angba. — The Caliph Omar Kil- led m the Temple of J ru-^al^^m, which he had con- verted intoa Mosque. — The Laws of the Lombards Published. .» The S,»racei!s Take Rhodes, and Destroy the Co- lossus. — The Danes Invade England. Oigans First Used in Churches- Glass fnventpd bv h B-siiop. and broncjht into Eng- land hy a Ben 'dic'ine Monk. Ju^tl i Ml M. Emperor of tti' East. — The Britons Toialiy .Subdued -y the Saxons, retreat inta Wales and Cornwall. Muoey FiHit Coined by the Arabians* M i * ri ,iM» ..Jim. 12 A fHRONOLCOlCAL TABLE. A. C. €98 The Pirts in Brit 'in f»mHrai p Chnstinnity — The Sd'nreiui T»ke Cartlia>;e, and Expel iLe Uoiuaua Irom Airica. ! 't '*• li In 'MI'" EIGHTH CEjVTURY. y09 The Lnws of the Saxons PuMished by Ina about this time. 719 T\\o Christian Rplijiion Propagated in Gprmany by Toiiifit e, fin Anglo-Saxon, ^26 LfO, ih** Emperor, Forbids the Worship ol Lnp^ps, and orders tliem to he Dcuioli-hcd in Mie Clmici e^j thir. oti'HS'ons a (Tir«»at Rehelti(»n ot hiii Subjecisj, the Pope DeftMidiiig the Pra< lice. 735 The Popf's Vnn« io Institnted about thi« lime.-The D"aih oi the Venerable B^'d^, th<' liistt rinn 748 The Compntrtfion otYprirs from tiie Birth of Christ, bigiiif to bn ust'd ill Hi»tnri<>s Ir 'm this time. 755 The Temporal Dominion of the Pope (^c»mmf'nres. 762 Bnriuls, \%hit h nse't to he in the Hi'jhvvav. permit* t« d in Towi 8, — B:)g<)ad Buili by Alinansor 763 A Violent F»o.«i, fvliich rontinu>d -Mbnut 150 days. 770 ConstaiMii.e Dssolv^'s the iVIonastrrie? in the Kastj obiijiingth" Monks.*)i)d Nnn«ito Marry. 787 Tb<- [)Mpes, Tor the First Tim'*, Land in Ensjl^n*! — The Seventh (i%neral Council, or Se» ond of ^lice, is held 797 TleS.iracenjj Ravagre Cappndocia, Cyprus, Rb- do?, &c. — Aljihonso Def'^ts the JMoors.— Seveulteo Days of unusual Darkness. JtlNTH CEJn'UnY, * ^27 The Kingdoms 0' tl«e Six* n H« ptarrby United hy Esfheri, and the Bcgmning ol the Kinguoai of h^iig* land* > A. c. 1 CfinONOL^^GICAL TABLI. 13 S38 Eihelwoir, Ki. g of Rni^la.if?.— The Pirf* Defoat f1, nud their Nation Kxli'P'»U'(i !>> K* iiuetli, KiUj^ oj" Scot hi d 851 Pnpe Joan siippo«nd to hive filled ttro Papal Chair ♦ or Two Y«.iiij». — J'l'H Noi*"uiiis liiv (li» Cngiand. 852 The CMrli^l. D.leat the L)<in«'!« aKJ.kl. y. 8r)t) An KHrtlupiakH o\p' m**'' p trls (jfiho World. 870 Alfr<'d C MMi-.d-^ Hirii* li i.i he L^h^ o Alhfii.ey, but SDOii af'uT Defoats the DisiiHs, and < au*es UH>m to L avf Fiiigl ind. — D' ath oi I)ubba« the Dane. 886 I-»'f , tht» i'lil >sophf r, Hmpeior of th^ Ea>t. — The Uiiiversity of ()xri)rd Fomidt aI b-y A fred -bcfath of An-istasiim, the Lihr innn, ahoiif this tune. 890 Alfred Comp'jses his l.a\v>, and Divides England into Counljes, Hundred!*, and I itliin^s 891 The Dines j^iTniii invade England. — 1 he First Land Tux in Euglaud. TENTH CllXTURV. 904 A Frost, of UO Da^s, B jiins at the End of the Y?»ar P33 Another Frost, of 120 Days, Begin^ at the Etid of the Year 987 Hus;l) Capet, King nf Fr.i'ce, Fon»ider ol*the I bird K;ire <>• F'en« li Kifi >. 991 Th«* F'iicnr*-* in Xrithin- tic (iat br ujiht into llvL- rop*^, from A-ibii. by the '^iTarens 994 I'he King!^ of Denmark and Norway Invad ■ Eng- b'ld wi'h u Great Army 996 The G ruiaii Empire Det lared Eleciive by Olhd HI. V : if 5'''! ELEVEJVT/l 'EATURV. ^ 1002 A Great !^ta-s u re of the Dan- in En^l^nd, hv R- ti! ir.-d — Th<' Imh;* Tor, Hniry 11, assume* the li- tie ui kkiitis, ul tue i^uiuaus. 14 A CHRONOLOOICAL TABLE. i. C. 1006 rhiin lies First Built iii tliP Gothic Style. l()4i) MHob^^tli Murd FF Duncan, and LJsiir|)8tlie Throne ot S« othmd ^ 1061 Sim, lines iip(K>in<ed to be tak^n in Scotlnnd, ly a Parliament I't F r i»r. 1066 M T.i.d the "^econd. King ..f England, Conquned by Wdliain, Duke of Numiandy, at the B.itile of H istint^s. 1070 The Feudal Law Introduied into England. 1072 Mrn irnns Firsi Tsed iti Kn^land. 1079 Doomsday B.)ok, B(»gun by Wdliam I. and Fin- i^hf'il in 1086. 1099 Jerusalem Taken by the Crusaders, und^r God- froy oi Boulogne. — The Rniy;hts ot St. John Insti* tuted. !, f TWELFTH CEJVTURY. 1110 Learning; Rnvived at (.'ambrid^ie. — Writing on Pa- pier, inndi' of Cotvon, bei atne Common. 1118 Tlie Ordrr of Knights Templnrs li*stitutpd. 1140 The Canon Law First Introduced into England. - The D(»ctrinf» of Abelard C'« i)d<'mned — VViiliamof Malmesbury, tlie Hi>*torian, flourished 1157 The First Bank' iu Europe Estab ibhed, being that ol Veni< e. II8L The Laws Qt England Digested by Glanvilie. THIRTEENTH C^yTVRY. L. 1208 London, Incorporated, Obtains a Charter to El- ect a iM 'yor, and Magistiates. — Kii»g John Ezcom* munioMted by the Pope. 121 5 IVI ifitna Charta Signed by John, June 15th — The D » trjite of Transubs^Mntiation Inttoduced. 1216 Scull jud ExcuuiuiUQicaied by the Pope. '•,*' 4.C. A CHRONOLOGICAL T ABLB* Ol H 1238 Russia Ci.nqiiiied »\v the Tir'ars. 1J50 i'uiiitiug Revived in Fi«'ienc«' b> CimnMie — The Sorbonii**, iii Parii*, Founded 12.'^! ^Val h 8uh<lu'<>, and Mag'.a Chartn ronfirni<'d. i2C>U BaL:d»ui I akon "y the Tariars. — Kmpin* • fti Sa« rar i .« Kndod. — Ri^pi^.'jentiiJivi^s nf ihe i.'oinniDns First PiesHjit in thi' Kniihsli P;jrli;iinent 1283 WhI<h Conquered by Ldvvard 1. and United to Kii«i:liii)d. 1290 l.dward I. t)e< ides thp Compeliiion beiu#*en Brmi- and Raliol, i'.r the >cotti>«lr Crown. — The Univ<T^ity of Lishon Founded — TheJi'wa Banish* eti Iroiii Knglnnd. 1298 Sir William VV;illficP, Rea;^nt of Scotland, De'eat- ed ai Falkirk. — Fouudaiion of ihe Ottaman ur T^irk- ish Enriinre. 1299 Spectacles Invented by a Monk of Pisa. IS FOURTEENTH CEXTURY. 1302 Tlip Mariner's Compass Invented, or Improved, by Flavio. 13^0 Gold ("oined in Christendom. — An Earthquake ia Fiii^land. 1330 Gunpowder Invented by Swartz, a Monk of Co- lojrne. (Othors say, 1340) " 1331 Ihe Art of W«'aving Cloih brought from Flan- ders into England. 1340 Copper Money First Us^d in Scotland and Ircr I nd. — Oil Paiiilins: Invented by John Van Eyk — (Oiherssay. in 1410.) 1342 The Kiiigh<s and Burgesses First Sat Together in tlie sam*- House of the Enojlish Parliament. 1344 Gold Fifst Corned in England. 1346 i he Battle ol Cressy, VVcn by Edward ibe Black Princo. i352 Ihe Turks First EiittT Europe. , . \., ki H 15 A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLB. AC. 1356 Thf' FrPD* h D«^ ratf»(l a' Toi. tieis, nnd tl-eir K;; g multi Fr so. er — The G-lflen bul: I'ub.islied. 1362 The Law I'ifadi gs in Eu^ land Ci»iiDgt»d iroin Fr**nr,li t<» K ij^ii^h 1-383 C rino i Fi»8t us <l by the I n:rlisK in tlip D- f ure of Ciiiais — I'lie D<'a;h oi A ' uu'da, t<ie Saiaceu G- ntj) jpiier. ' ' . *'" 138 I I he Fust Art of Nrtvio;a;inn in Fngland. iSSD D -Mth «>i VVi kiiile ihe F.rst Urioimrr. ISyi CMrds Invert i\ tor the Amusement oi tlv*' French King; — i he Papal Fivver Aboiisiied in Englan.l by ilie Fi.rii'nrient. 1392 Tb»' C'peof (^M)d lltjp*^ Discoverid by ihe Por- i tiiguese. (Oiher*iSdy, in l4b8.J :' i^'lt'^ FiFTEEXTH CENTUnV 1405 Cannon Fu st Us- d in England, at the Siege o( H' rvvifk. 1411 Ihe Uiiiversiivof St. Andr«'ws, in Scotland, Foim* d<»d. — A g bia Introdu«e(l abont this time from A- rabia into Furope. 1417 Paper Frst M ide from Linen Ungs 1440 D.aih (.f the Port, Chaucei'.— The Art of Print- ing lavented at Mentz, b} John Gutteiiberg; or ai Stra>hurgh. 1446 The Sei Breaks In on Dort, in Holland, and I) ow'is 100,000 Persons. 1453 The Turks Take Consantinople.— EnJj of the Eastern Empire of the Romans, 1457 Glass First Manuficti«rcd m EncrUmd. 1459 l^he x\rts of Engraving and Etching Invented. 14b2 R«\2:ol4r P<'Sf9 Established in Fr; iice -— The Vul* ejit»» Bible iho First Book Printed in Two V<»l(imes. 1483 Po!?i Mcrse- and ?tag»^s Esta' li-hod in Fngluui. 1485 Ba'tle of Im sworth. — Mrusf^s of York and L^n^ns- (er Uiiiiod — n iiry Vil. First of the House ofTu- dor, King o( Englarid. A. •. A CHRONOLOOTCAL TABLE. liJ 1489 Gpnprnphical Maps am) Charts brought into Eng- land. 1492 Hi«p«niolB and Cu^>n Discovered by Co)unihus.-«r^ Dertth ot William raxtnn. th»» Printer 1494 Ameri. a Dis<ov*'rHd by Colmii'us. 14')5 Tliv Vei'*»real Disease lnir'>Huced into Europe. 1499 Sebabliaii Cabot Lauds in North America. -Enil of the SIXTEENTH CEJnVRT, 1505 ShilVmga First Coin»*d in England. 1513 The Scots Detected at Floddeo Field, Y>j the f.U' ii:lish. 1515 The First Polyplot Bible Printed at Alcala. 1517 Tl«e Retormaiioo bpgun by Luther, in CJermflny. — Five Books of til** Annals of TacitUb Foniid.— Death of Cardinal Ximencs, aged 80. 1520 Sweden and Deomark United. — Deaths of Ra- phael, the Painter, of Bcec*, of n<ory Stephens, sen. and of Leonardo d»* Vinci 1522 The First Voyage Round the Globe, by a Ship of Magellaij's Squadron. *' *' *- 1531 Sorvptns Burned for Herpiy at Geneva, by Calvii. — Post Officer in Fiigland. 1533 The Pope*s Authority Abolished in England.— Death ot Ario«to. 1534 The Retormation Takoa PlHcein England. 1535 The Reformation Introduced into Ireland.— The Society of 1 he Je«uit« Founded by Ignatius Loyola^ — Death of Sir Thomaft More. 1536 i'be Learned Erasmus Dies, in his70fh year. 1639 The Bible Printed in English. — 64^ Monastenes and Religiotit Houses Suppiessed in England and Wrl's. 1540 Tiie Variation ef the Compass Ascertained by 5e« basiiau Cabot. . , . '• ra I y :l 'M^ .. ». 5-* 't> ... M W-'M i8 A CHKONOLOGICAL TABL«« A. C. • i \ I im Milt ,| 1542 Japnn Distovpred — The Scots Defeated by tUt biijilisli at'So Huy lVJoj.8 154? The liit<^ie.«»t ol Muiie} fixed at Teh INrCent. in tnijland. 1550 J he CideM Sons of Peers first permitt d to Sit in the Ut:U8r' ot C(tininons. 1560 Tlie Refoioiation Cuinpl<*ted iti Scotland, by John Kiiox. J564 Death of Calvin^ aged 55, and of Michael AngHo, aiied 89. 1577 Drake undertakes a Voyage Round the Globe, and r<Murns in 1680. ir)64 Virginia Discovered by Sir Walter Ra'eigh. 1538 Spanisli Aimada Dt*stroyed hy the EngliJ^ii. — The First New9|>H|)er in F^ngland, dated 28ih July. 1590 Te4"aCope9 lov^-nted by Jaiiseii, in Geiniany /^ Th«* Art of Weaving Siocki-ngs Invented by Lee, ot Canibridire. •J591 The Untvetsily of Dublin Eneited — Tea^ First brought lato Europe. ; ^ *, . 1592 Thf Pr'sbyterian Church Govern nmnt Establish- fd in Scotland. — The Falkland li^landd Discovpr^d. 1594 1 ho Bankol Eng and Ltcorporated. — The Jesu.ts Expelled frOMi Fianre. 1598 Tbe Edict of Nantes, Toloratinj^ the Protestant .., R*^l»g«>n in France. — Tyroii»^« liisurrecttun in Ire- land. — Death of Spenser, the Poet. 1600 Gowrie's Conspirary iu Scotland —The English E»»t India Company Ei<tHblii4ieii.-*-£)eath ot R. iiooker, Uh' En^ish Divine* -i t V , SEVENTEENTH CENTURY. 1603 Uni<»n of thp Oowns of I n8;a'rd and 5coi!aT>d, in the p rs )n of Jameti tlif Fnst — Death ol C^^ucea 4"^ ^ Eizabeth. - .1605 Ihft Gunpowder Plot, on the 5tfc of November. . .•»> '!•.,;.•» A. G. ted by tUt «TCe«t. in < d to Stt in nd, by John ael Angelo, Globe, and e'igh. gli.-h. — The ih July. Grermany — led by Lee, — Tea^ FiTst nt Establisb- Di.^covtT'd. The Jesu U le Protes'tnnt cuun ill Ire- 'he Engl'sh leath ot £. A.C. A CHRONOLOaieAL TAILB. Id JroilaTxl, in ih ot C^ueea ,. I [ovember. iClO H'^nry IV. of F«nnce Murder d by Rnvnill»c— Hiidi^otiVBay Discovered —900,900 iMours banish- ed out of Spain. I6l I Baronets Fir^t Created in England by KiDgJanriPS tlie Fi'8i. ♦ l{il6 A Seillement in Virginia, by Sir Waier Ra eii'^h. —The Death ol Shakespeare, a^^ed 53. — Cape Home Sailed Koynd. 1619 The Cniulalion of Uie Blood Disi over^d by Hjt- vev. — Vaiiiiti Burnt at I'iiou onae, for Atlieis»u. 1620 Th* Englijh make a Setil* rneut ai MaJrass — Na* varre United loFra-'CC. — Copper Mon>»y Firt Us- ed in England. — Diath oi Cervantes}, in bis 6<Jth year. |l6.?l Tne Parti- s of Whigs and Tories Fonn^'d in Eii- tfiand. — ACivil Warm Vr nee wi.ihth»' Hu^xnenots, )62S Vuet Institiiion o( th * K^i^^htii of Nova St otii, by James the Fir.-t. — Death of (Camden the Historr^n^ in hib 72d, and of Father Paul Surpi, iu his lint ve «r. |l625 Charles I K\n% of England.— Th^ Fir^t English St^ttleiDt'nt in the West lndJH«. — A Ptnue in Eng- land. — Deputes between' Charit 8 I. and tue House ol Coinuions 1626 V Leajju** of the Protestant Prin«es against the )Lm,)eror — Tiie Death of the great Lord Bacon ia his 66 ih year. |i63j ii zeites F'init Published at Venice. — Death of Kepi r. 16.HS Gahleo rofH|pmn*»d byih ' Inqnisirion at R*»me.-^ 1 oni-'iani Di-cov-'rerl hv ti«e FreiJch iC3j The French A^ .ietny lnst!tut(»d Hi Par s. — War Be|:f<n«» b^'lv^eeu Franc and Spain. — U**j»nlai" Po '8 KsiabMshed in Great Bitiin.— Death ot Lope de V«-gra. thp Pnet, in his 7-^d yar ^ ^ [GlO Th-.' Loiitr Parli in ni in K gl.md m<»t rn the 5 h 4 Novem >'^r.— D at i of Ketib.M».i in his 63d sear. \^h The Eaii of Stradord Bebeaded. — A Ucbchioo, ".^ . h ■. ^ 3,1. il if -l n 20 A KHftONOLOSICAL TABLB. A. C. i: ' ■ ■' i: nnd Massacre ol the Pntesiants in Ireland.— ;. Deaths ofih* Duke of Suli>, ol Vandyke, and ui Sir Henry Spelmrtn. - > 1^2 The Civil War l5poii,s in England.~Thf* Ki. g'l troops DeU'Bted M tdgel ill. — Ueath if Galueo and of Cardinal Kichelieu. 1643 Louis XIV. Km^ af Franc<». — Arclifushop Laud Cond' mneW by the Commons, aii<i Belieade<i — L( u» 18 XIV FouiuU the Royal Arademy ot Paintin<:.— . BarometrTS Invented by Toincelli. — Dtath ofJului Hiiinpd(*n, the Ennlish Fatrioi. 164.4 The Tartars effe<t a Reviiliition in ClHiia.-Crnm. well Victorious a< Murslon Mo' r. 1645 l')iarleii 1. D featf^d at ^a^el)y.— -The Fir4 Cod«j * of'ij(isi-iai) Lai*5 publishtd. — The Death ol Crotiuji in fris 62d year' <• 1647 Charltjsthe'i. Delivered up to the English by thil Scots. 1649 Charles I. Beheaded — Beginning of the Com* monwe**lth — 1661 Charles 11. Defeated at Worcester. by CrontwHU — The Qualvers appear iu Eu»ltfnd.*-Death of lDi.| go Jones, the Aichiie* t, 1656 Tb" English, under Admiral Pean, Take Pussfi sion o^ Jamait a, I6G0 Monarchy Restored, and Charles II. King of Eg] land. 1662 The Royal Society of Lpndon Establiahed bj Charles if ' ^ ' -^ ? - t6Q5 The Great Plague in London.— W^r hetwed Franre and En^Lnd.'— The Magic Laniltorn iDveiitj ed by Kircher >^:> . 1^.-.,: u^ i^n^;*. ' 1666 Th*^ Great Fire in London : it extended to 6< ^, Streets, and Destroyed 1S;200 Houses, &c. — Tbj Academy ot Sciences Established in France — Tiij Scotch Covenanleib Defeated on Pentl md Hilis. I674 The fiibi £i»iabiishne&t pf tlie FieBcb ia li i: ' "^ "'•' i;'*' "Sf .♦ '"■ ^' M^i' ii iarv* •^*- ■ V i. >> A. C .4 CHRONOLOeiCAL TABLB. U Zi\\\yA.~CT*m\* -The Penny- Lord Kussel Easi Indies. — The Deaths of Milion, the f oet, and otUh* Karl of Clarendon - • 1676 <'a olina Planted Uy ihe English Merchan's — T\j« Greenwich Ougervalory Built — I'he Death <.»f Su* Matthew I J ales. l630 The Anatomy of Plants made known by Dr. Gr»»\v, — Deaths 01 Butler the Puet, of BaitoUn, and Kir- cher. 1681 Peter the Great, Czar of Muscovy .- Pi-st hegun in London. 1683 'I he Kyellonse Plot Disroverfd.- ani Al:iern«'n Sydney put to Death. 1686 The Newtonian Philosophy Published. * ^'^ 1688 Tlie Rovohition in Cngiand, and ^bdidntion of ' James II. — Smyrna Destroyed, by an-.Jbl-arthquake. I69t> Kinff VVdIiain Gams the BwMJ^e. of the B^yne. 1692 ttie S-a-F'ght off La Hugu«, iw y^hith the Frenrk are DeleHie<i. — The Massacre 'of Glenc<>e, in St ot« l.Tnd. — The Bait'e of Sleenkirk — Hanover mad^ tlie Ninth Electorate of tlie Enjpire. l694 Ihe Bank ot^ t^n^^land Incorporated —Mesfiinfi Destroyed bynn E.nthqiiake. 1700 The New^ Style Introduced by the Dutch and PrO^ lestants ID Germany. EfGHTEEJVTH CENTVliY. 1703 Gibraltar Taken by Admiral Rouke.— A Dreadful Tt Mip»*st in England. 1704 The B ttle of Bb nheim Won by the Alliei.— Th« French Fh et D» fi ated at Malajja by the Lnglish — • % ■ St. Petersbiirgb Founded by PtUr the Gieat.-^ Death ©f Locke. 1705 The English Take Barcelona, aod Defeat the Spa- ^ . ni.-h Fleet off Gib;; li^r. — The French Lines a| Brabant forced by Marib«r«U|;LL«-X>iiaUl 9C fta j| .-^m. .■r -» «;■■ ' ii^j^i i ml i'^ ^' '■^i. WrM f2 A CHYtONOLOOICAL TABLI. A. C« I K 1706 Tie Frucit H. featpd at Rdiniiies hy M irl or^ oii^h — The ^r'lcii's of lliii(iii between Lii^la d and S< otland Sigiif d. 1709 Th«* Frnncli D^lhted at Ouden^^rde hy Mdrlb*r« "iis;h and Prim*' Eni{<»i»f». 1709 Charl « the Twelfth Defeated by the Huflaiam nt Pul t»wa — The Fren' h D ft-ated by Marlborough and P'iiice Kngeiie Rt Malpl^quet. 1714 The li;teretit of Alopey in Lf)«{l»iid fixed ,«t five per i'ei t ■ ■ ' ' ..; .--'. • ••• •-! 1716 The Rehe'lioninScotlind— Tnaty of Utrecht 1^18 riiarlen the Twelfth of Sweden Kdled at tiie Siege of Fr» d'H* ksha'r .r ! ^* f »^ \%* 1720 Th»» Souih Sea Scheme beirixfl Apri" i b, and endt ,C5 - on September 29th. — The Mi ssiseippi Company ia France Dts^olyed. 172€ The I'zaf' »«' Masco?y aei^umeit the title of Fmpe- rnr vf Russia. — The Chiis^tians and J<;suits baoUu* ed 'Hit of China. „; 2727 Death ot Sir Isaac Newton in bi» S5tb year. 1744 Aiwoii Cotiipleies his Voyaicf' ^i^^''^ *h» Globe. 1745 r»attie o* Fon'e.oy — J'l.e En^i«h Take Li-nis* Inirgli a>>d Cap*' Bteiun •— ttAUeineo iu Scodaad.-^ Death Of Switt. f \ - '' 1746 The yn toiy of Cu'loden ptjrt^ an end to the Scot- tish R»'b»Mliun - Y» ^ ■i/' • 1747 T'e F<en4h Fleet Defeated by H/t^ke — LordLo« vat B»^he»»ded, s- '^'^ ' ' ^If'^ ^* ifS't riie S'W Stylf* IntrodiK ed in Eit^lubd. ''^\^^ '\. 1753 The British Mu^enm Est»biHi»«d at Monfirj?ne» Hou»-e — Deaths of Dot tor Berktej and Sir HafM Sloaue. 1759 GuadOortpe Surrend red io the Enji^lish.— Ttfb Ally's De!»^at thv Fieuch at Mi'.iden — GeiKr«l 'f^ ^ p. T^kes Une^'Ct -^Uoscuwen De'feats^ ihfe *^ ' 'French F e t «ff uibfi»;tar — -The X *Hits» CiKpelled ^' ffoin Prt.'ga'.^-'Death of Rondel. 1760 Ttie British lroup» Take Montreal and Utiauda, K I \r\ or- bi))^la d I borough >d at (ive Jtrecht. ,li»e Siege , an<l ei'()t Dinpany ia of t^myxv ills ban»U» year. "^ \, G'obe. lie L' •••»»" the Scot- -Lord Lo- Sir HiM»« d Canada. A.«. A cHnoNOLoarcAi tablc* 31 IJ^l Thi* Enfrliah T^ke PonHi, herry »fiH BrVifile — ^'/A l*ror«*ss againnt >h«' Jrsuiig m Fm« e — H ni!«» of |)o<t»r ^>h' rkicfc, Bi!*h .p Ho;««»| y. I) c i»rs S. '.: fla 'fl H(td Le«iHf><i, at)<i <»• 8Hrf<ii» I hirka d?* i>. IY€6 The Rejjt-iicy Bil Pa.Hgrd in l^iiiriHii —.D' attm of the l;tike of Ciiiiib> Hand ami ot the <'h' %ai'« i Oe ,j.,S». G« orjje ; a«td aUo if ihe f*«M*; Dorinr Young y and Dnvid Ai-ailet, aud ul I lift Mat :teira4i< iau. Doc- tor Simpson 3;;^« 1756 The Arneri* ail S'mnp A« t R» p<»al«d. 1767 The Jf'siiits Expelletl Irom Spam, (^enoa, and Ve- nn e. — The I)isc<»vpries of C«rf<»ret in the Soiitli S»'as.— Severe Fros*.- Riots on hc< ouni of ihe high price of Br*'ad, alvSeven pence Farthinif. 1768 A( t TnaiUintj th** Ir^sli Parhaim nt 0« teiija^, Passed. •—Mr. Wi k^'fl retnriwd tor Mlddl«»gf*x, bnt his Elec- tion MeclaTed Void — Riot inM. Gforije's Fields — "Captain Cook return d trotn liis First Voyage.— The Royal .A rademy Established. : *^^*^^ 1769 Mr. Wilk«>*',S*ecoiid aud Thid Electionn declared Void.— The SJJHiUespeare Jnhilee at Sttatf rd — Transit ot Met^curjr.^-^SpitiI«'fields Weavers HaDg- edfbr a Riot: '^ '*%'-/• 'V \ ,)770 Poland, which had b'^en forborne years t prey fa anarchy, was thfis year aflBii t d with another dread- ful scourge, the Piagne, whi h made great havoc. The igigiiboun^i": Powers, wbo had lon^ had theyr .'t^' s upon this ^ofinlry, ionnd this a < onveniient op- •• poifiiinity to draw for cen round l>€r, on preten«*e of • *<J«f ending ()i«in!<eWe« again!*! the Introduction of ihit die d 111 diwMrd«ir Into tbeiTdomiid'>i>fi; bnt in reality, to be re«dy to ai-t when an o}>portiiiiitjr offeFed. . 7 The Emperor Joseph, of Germs-ny, wishing to ac- quire popularity, set apart one day m ^he week »i Vienna, tt» receive Petition'*, or Comflaiiits from his subjects 9i ail ranks witliv^ut di^rtiactioo. '^\ '!! : .M-* ■ 24 A CnROROLOOieAL TABLE* ^•«:. i.. «ii r ■ #« 1770 Thi^ year ihe Marria«;;e h«»twe«'ii Loui<i, Dmiphit or Fiame, afiHrwards L01118 XVI. iH>d the Aich- Diicbefi Maria AniuineMe, took places and wLich foitit'^d a clone C(nnection belwe^n tlie Coiirt!^ ot Austii:) acd France, by no ineaiiiB agreeable to tbe p«=»'>f)|M of tiiH 'alter country. ' f >•? »c Settlfinent -f the Falkl.ind Islands by th»' Riitish. •— t^l<'C«ion (>( Mr VVilk s, tor the Third Time, bj a majnritv ♦< n^ariy 1000. /' r { Bioojly, the Frint^^r, who bad been committed for ^<*^^J^i^g to answe-^ Interrogatories, was Discharged, el'itr two years iM.pnsonmt'nt, on a motion ot the Attorney Gen*»ral. ,. . )••' At tbe Grand Fire Works at Paris, played off on tb«' Marriagr of the Dauphin, an alarm takinj( phtce, the crowd pressed so ranch taget away, that nearly 30(>J p« rsons were killed, drowned, crippled, or wounded. Tbe d^atlis alon«' were 7 1 2. This- ac« oident was said to be omiuouS; witicb it really pro* Ted to be/ , * -i ^ '■■^- ^Thp Court of Chancery, inMhe Case of Miller | """ »«fsi«s Tayior, for Seltii^ Thomsof)'8 Seasons, dc , t*»rmined that Taylor sliould accpunt to Milb'r fori tb«^rof]ts on the Books be bad sold ; by wliiih Dieans, the question respecting Literary Fropertjfj was tinally determined. \n\ The King of Poland Carried Off froiiiltie midst or bis Capital by a small party of desperate Poles. This Session the Great Question resf>ecting the! Printing the Debates came un. Some of the FriDt*| ers of: Newspapers were called up to the HoiiM f )r^isoHeyin$^ che standing orders of the House, ii ^ ". Printing their Debates. Tbe Printers did not at-l .*f ' imidr Th«» Speaker, by ordrrof the House, issued ^*^^ a Warrant to uk** th« m mto cualody, aad a messer ' ;fer was aeut into tbe CUy 4o arrest tkeiA* Tl! *♦■"%•■ •• i « •mmmi tv- A. 6. ▲ CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 25 177lMes8Pnopr whoarr"s:ed Miler whs rarripd Koti.re the Lord M »yor (Crosl>y.) and AUJ«Tmfn Oliv«'r and VVilke!«, who disc rg«'d the Print«'r, and hihl the M- 8»*eiijr«»r to f>ail. 'J'hn Houh«> of Commons, in a rajje, fonimitt* d iheir two iMemhers, Cmghy iind Oliver, tr> th*' Tower, wliere ihey reiii.iii)* d during the sitting of pHrliantent. Tjih Printers have €Vor since continued to print the Debates, and the House o( Commo IS have not though^ proper to ex- pose ttieuiselies to the hke opposition ajxain. Tlie Royal Acadniny iMet tor the First Timo in , th»» Nt'w Apartments, given them by the King, at Somerset House. Lady Ehzabeth Sutherland, (since Marchioness o» Straflbrd,) tiieii only Six Years Old, was, by the House of Lords, admitted as Countess of Suther- land. The Lord Mayor and Alderm»n Oliver Visited in llie Tower by many of the Nobility and Gentry 5 and the Common Coun< il determine to keep a Ta* bh* f >r them during th« ir confiHement. The Lord Mayor carried^ by Hub- as Corpus, b***- fore the Chief" Justice of the Common Pleas, but tiie Chief Justice decfand he could give no relief » A Solemn Hearing before the Court of Common Pleas respecting the Lord Mayor. The Court de- termined they could not give any relief. Captain Cook, in the Lndeavoii; , returned to Spit^ head, from his Voyage Hound the World. A Conrt of Esch* ais was held before the Lord Mayor, to recover the property^©' a Bastard, wito died intestate, for tli^ King. Sui h Cpurt bud not been held before in the City for ISOyefirB. All Oak Tree felb d in K« nt, which soUt for £l06. A Tea Tree, in the garden of the-Duke^jf Nunfh- untherland, in full flower } being the Ih'sl whicU had flowered in England. . * .. ''illM m *', \] I'' t T ,1 » i! ■J Mil r 1 r ^ U A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLr. A. C. 1772 This year «Iiftc!o8ed one of the most infaiiw us ,. : TiCHiies i\\»\ ever disgiac* d the Stnte^ o( ihe ( cn- •* tiiwnt. Tho l>Hltti'CH of Power hue tuipln^ed the attt'fiiiiin of the Pohtitions ol Europe f'oi nearlv h century, hut in tliis transartion it appears to Itiive been totally lost gi^ht ot. — The House ot Cin»ntoii<i, from their conduct in *lie ]Vli«idie8»-x Clet tion, irnd ' lo»t niueh ot their ciedit with the Puhhc ; nnd tiie Printers set them at dofiHiice lor this* year; and ever since, they have Fubhshed the Donates, in do- fiance of th»ir standing <'rilers. • • The llody of Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, who died in 1427, was found in the Rums of the Abbey of St. Edmonshury, wrapt in lead. By an Account rrnde up to this period, it appear?, ^ that from Manh ^5th, 1741, 10 Dec. 1771, il.ere ^ have been received into the Foundling lio.opital 16,694 Children! Lord Mansfield and tlje King^s Bench determinpd, that Money standing in the Book;; of the Bank, in the name of the Hui^band and Wife, the Husband alone h^;^ a right to Transfer. A Woman was Executed at Lisbon for the Murder •f i h^rty-three liiftnts Committed to her care. Tbey write from the Archip^lego, tbat no lc?s thnn 700 Houses, and 5000 Inhabitants, have been Ue* stroy«d, sinc^ Cliristuias, by Earthquakes. * \ •V /M ~ INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. lo Fishmonger's Alms houses, Mrs. Jane Sim- nioiids. - . - - At Ophuist, near Litchfield, tlie Widow Clun She lelt Two DdUghlers, each ai»<>ye^ 100 years- old . . - At Utrecht, Margaret Aunfree. Jolm Siinsou ol Siratford, Essex. h\ Hackney VVorkliousi, John Morse. j4gei}. 119 - Mi ■ V- *> A. t. ■ A. C. st infniiw i!S ol the i on- ii|iln)ed the t'oi neaiis ft t'ars to luive »t C4»ii»iitoii9, let tion, liHcl lie ; nnd the s« year ; aiid :» hates, in ilu- ;<» of Exeter, Ruins of the >ad. d, It app'-^r?, ;. 1771, il'^re lling Ho-pital h determinpd, tho Batik, in the Husband >. or the Murder her care, lat no lc?s than lave been De- akes. . ITY. yfgel lane Sim- 119 low Clun Ibavc^ 100 fV'. '. 138 ;*•'>'••*. 119 i A CHRGNOL K \L " BLE. ?r 1772 Dr. Br^roughton, fornierlj Mn^iter of *• Cha^- ter MouA^}. - - 112 A< Carney, in (^umh'»rland, John No 'b. ,• 114 * Mrs. Wiliiums, of Putney. - • 1G3 In Latham Coal-works a jarire Tond was found alive, iiwa Solid Coal, 180 feet underground; oq its beini; expo8(>d to tlie air, iJ soon di^d. A Masquerade wa.s he'd in Scotland, the 6r9tever known ni that « oiintry. By th^ opening of a Grave in th«* body ofaChtirrh at Sauiica, in Fran« e, 180 persons were pr<*sent, of whom all, except six, were taken ill with a pu- trid! fever. Mr. Powell, a Cf'l»'hrated Pedestrian, walkeiiirom London to York, and refuincd again, in Six'^ftays. Total Distance, 400 miles. INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. yjged. At Eamont Bridge, near Pt^nrltli, Jas. Ball. 115 At Birmin<rhani, Mr. Clarkson. - - ll2 In the Island of Grenada, James Forthn/r, r Efiq. He retained Ins fcjculties to the ki^ ^ except his eye slight. • -0 ^ " 127 Charl"s M Findl •y, of Tipperary • Ire was a Captain in ih«' reign ofChirl ■t' ^ 143 Mungo Huinfries, a Fisherman ofr oikpslone. 113 At Asliboiiriie, EIIps IJitchcuck • . 116 Mrs lleb<*rfa tVeldemear of D^'ptford. • IJ^ Ik VirL'iiii^*, Mrs. Eleanor Spicer. • tvl Mr. [I'»pley, a Hop-mer« hnni of New«'nhain. 1 14 Th»* number oi Horses Export d from En;:! nd, in Fourtfou Yeap of P ac , and Eight Year* of Wrfr,ifvre Irom 1750 to I76L • Amt>nErtl thl* Insfnnccs of Longevi y giv^'n in this Chionoloiry, pitliove.hf low. 1 12 year", uhirli a e v»"y niJiiKToUi, are jiUijiyae^ lOiftiUed^ ttf.AVvid swciliio^ lUis uriick tou unioh. -#:- />. ■ ;n fcf. r h.'i i ' mil ' 1 Wm t| m lil III B» 1 fli 'M Fi If . I cIlM 2A A CNRONOrOGICAL TABLE. A.C. ;' ■ » ; 5^, P«'ace, - - • • 21. '543 War, 1766 to 1772, - - 7 783 Tnt.l— 1'<>.I31 1774 Ifidrppndeiwe of th«' Ciimfi;? Ai kiio**le«l«:« <! — . Hiifls a, \iy ih^ grcnt plan "f Pet<r the <ii»;ii. in fo»im!inir tlin ('itv CJilhd nf'lor hirr, I ail semr d ^ rl at the Baltic ; oiid i ow, ' y tf'C last tn*:.tv wuh urkwy. lias obtained i\ tree pujjsage for her lltet iDt ) [\u» IMediteiraiM'an. Lnmi XVI. Ascrnds iIip Tlironp at tlie a^e of 20.- TutjDt \vii» ma 'e Minist- r ol Finance — L 'Ui8,mi. fortiiiiattdy tor himself and Eumpe, dispbys too niw. h inclination f<»r d»>sp 'tic power. ^'he B(»8t(.niaiis, in Am* ri« a, thro \ a large qiian- .dftot Tea, sent to thoir toivo hy the East 1. dia Company, into the sea. . *; . The Congress of America issues a spirited Deila* xation <jf Ki«jhi8. - • •► ' Judtjes tiistsent to the East Indi'-s. A Fme of£20{)0. laid by the Quarter Session!* on the County of Nottingham, for not rait>ing thfir Mi. lit it^ lai«t year. ^^''Letter to the Speiker of the House cf Com- mentis, in the Public Advertiser, voted by the House of domi%)ns a Breach of ^*iivilege. The Printer ordered to a'ttend next day. He attended, and }iave up the Rev. Mr Home a3 the writer. Mr H. was ordered to attend, who, on the 17th, did so, and demanded to have Evidencej li^^rougbt agMinst him ; ard there not being any, ex* • cept til>e Printer, who was in custody, he was dn* charged. Mr. Home is since known by the iiaiiie| ot Home Tooke. . ,. ■ This day the great cause respecting Litemry Pro- peity was finally determined, when the yoiise ofl Lords resolved, that the Statute of Qjiteen Annef alone 6Pcu»"ed literary property ; by that StatuU,| ' ilie Ccuunoa Law Property bein^done awaj. ■ '5 «. C. A CHROirOLOUICAL TABLI. . 39 * ,^ 177-4 Thf* First Unitarian Church wan opened hv the Kev Mr. l.imJsey, who, (rom const i»iM ioin mo- tiT'^ji, ItaH quitted the Church ol Lngiund und a gond living Thp So* j«(y of Xntiquaries ohtainpd lenvetoopea th»* Tornh of Edward 1. in Westminsti'i .\'»b' ^ — They found tlw» hody in perfect pre«erv iiion» .aid wost rich'y drerfse<l. Tilt' Knt^linh Hv^iMiated FnlkhiiKr^ Island, leaving an Inscription to support their ciaiiD to tlte same. INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY, Agtd. jVlr. William Bea'>y, noMp Dnnijarven, in tl»e County ol Londonderry He uhh an- En- ?k%\\ at ihe Battle- oi th<' Pityn^ and Aghkini, 13§ •'Allen Dunciin. ai Niz*', Sroiland, - ll2 *. Hj". Tice, of Hgley, in Worcestershire, 125 Sht»lah M'Allistei, of Loi'dotidirrv, • 118 i^usii Cuming, of HatiWai land, in Ireland, ll4 By a R«*turn niadn to the ('ongr*'^8 of America thi". year, it appear^, ihattlit* numb r of persons in e K' volted Colonies wax 3,026,678 , the Coloi^ oflT<*orgia was not included m the estimate. The number ol N< W8p;iper«» pi!bli»hed this vear nppear^*, b\ the books ol the 6tamp otfice, to bt 12,300,( 00. 17*75 Nev»Tdid a new Parliament meet in titis conntryj — — from wWich the People louk«d for more imp rt- Great ant measures. Thp late ol North Aroeiica, and "^*'" the power ol l^'gislation for that great i ountry, were now to he determined. The E^i'rl ot Chatham, allijpj||«jh almost W(»rn out by the gout, attended, ^ ^nd* proposed apian of Keconcitiation, wliit h lie ■ iMippnried witli all his powers of oratory, hu: which .: iRfts rejected by a great mjority. He made a se- cotid motion, hut lliat tt;.*t 'he same fate. — P»-titioin from the Weet in^u IsUiids^ from the M«rcbuiit0v «in. ' I m V <*'- v_ yn .-m ■<«^i.^w n i t» m mim SO A CHRONOLOGICjiL TABLB. A. C. 1775 aMfl from th^ American Congres*;, were all fJjsre- g.ir'\c(\ ; ".uil tht?r«'^ now appeared a fi m resolution Id fhf .Ministry tocuf»rce obedienc by rms, '' In this debate, Mr. F'ox ^'Xerted hims'lt wiDi lijs accustomed abi'itifve, and he soon alter became the leiderof the opposition. iS'ine Woinrn Burned in Poland as Witch^^s. A f'amier, near Bindley, lig^int; in hie fieid, dig- tovored a Copper Chesi, con aininu: 100 w<Mjrhi of Roman Siiv*TCoio, some as oldas Juliu'; Cae'sar. Captain ('ok, in the r^'id^avouf, returned from his Seen Vo\a;::e ofD.scovery, -^ The Baronets of Nova S. otia appeared in the Balqjis of iheir Order at Court, which hud be«'n Jaid agid'' n»any yi-ars The Americans Defi-ated in an Attack on Quebec. 131 127 in INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. ^<red. i--^ At Auihierles^ North Britain, Peter Gordon, f h<« r'*:ainfd his senses almost to the last. *-[.'' David Vluliary, at Liney Ireland, ' « In CanihtTweli Workhouse, a woman named Joney, , - - - Ai Pinner, Middlesex, Mr. VVdliamSkillingshy, 119 1776 Lord Vicoont Pitt, son of the Earl ot Chat- hacn, U fi>j;n^*d his C immis&ion, beinjj deter- uaiiied «iet lo fi«;hi anainst Hie \<fi ti« ans, C'»n^ress (>l Vineriia puVdirkly Proilaiuied their Indei>eod nee o» <i eat Biitain. At Z.iMcli, the Grave darker Poisoned the Sacra- Hi ntat Wine, by whicb Kig It Persoiit^ last th*ir liv»*s. '"-■ Tlie K ii»*fl Troops Enter Now York, h?\ng eva. cnateti i>y the Proviniias. ■ *» ■ ' ^f ^ f Tlie Articl'S "f (Joofederatiort Signed by the TUir«r t»ea lie veiitti Cui(Niie» •! Aioei ica* ■ ^:4: .'..->* i^^ m_ ti *' •- ■ y.''' - - ■ ^ . ii ' y ■'■■ > ■;r*+ ■ " A. C. all flisre- R«n|ulion •ins. will) his came the fie id, flifl- iv^Mtrhi of Cae'sar. rr.ed from ed in ihe liad be^^n n Quebec. Aged, >rdou, jt. 131 127 amed \ 125 phy, 119 ('-hat- lleter- iuied tlieir [the Sacra- last th< it 'Ing eva- ■, .rl^*'-*^"*"! ■ A. C. A iPHRONOLcaiCAL TA*tB. ^ INSTANCES OF LONGLVITY. Ajrtd. 1776 Mary Coon, otWesthoiough, IreJHiid, - 112 Mr. M'»vat, Surgeon, near Dumfries, - 139 Dnviu Brian, of 1 ennirrane, Ireland, - 117 Mrs. Dorolliy Clarke, near Southwell, North- ami) ions hi re, - - - - lit Manha-Jackson, of KillJam«8, Ireland, , 12T • AuSIk ffnals, Mary Yates, - - '[, 128 Mrs. Sarah Crookman, ol Glastonbury, 166 1777 Or. Frankfin, and iwo others, were despatched by the American Congres», as th«^^'ir Amtmdsadori>, to France, where they were well, but not public kly, r»*ce»ved. A i^iil passed the House of Commons to enable the Kiitg to Inipnson Susjiected Persons. Doctor Dodd Tried, and found guilty ol Forging a Boitd, in the name of Lord Chesterlielcl, for ^4, ^, • 2oa ■ - ' - . - ■ '" 'n" .-■''•'., v.. ^ The Rer. Doctor Dodd Executed. ^ - • The Person known in Londojs by the title of the , . . Chevalier d'Eon, and who had a< ted in a diploma- i.^ tic capac.ty, proved, on trial before the Cciurt of King's B^ncb, to be a Woman. A Question at Law, which had been held doubtful 'by the lawyers lor 200 years, was determined by .th** Court of King's Bench, who atrreed^ that the words in a Lease, " of and from the daXty and *^from the date,^'' had the same meaning. ^ . - t . .♦ •1" *^ INSTANX'ES OF LONGEVITY. Peier Derry, Dublin, ]\]i>. Davis, of Hackne^ij^' • • Jolir. Dyer, of Bmton, Lancashire, A Pl'^asure Boat of Fift ^-n Tons, huilt of Ifn, Lann« h- d »n the Riv^-r Foss, in Yeikshiie , several persons embarked in her. j^^ed* 119.' 113 112 •(,: ,J i ^.*- St A eRKONOLOOICAL TABLlB. A. t. li! I } A!> 177^ Minifit<*rs announce loth** H >ii9e that the French hal acLnovvledirrd the liidep''n<lenc» oj the Utntncl Slates On the Duke of KichmoKd^sar^uin^ nitlie House of Lords, a lew days aftfrwards, that Eiig- Jaiid .^^hoiild do the same, the p:r»*at Earl ol Chat- Lain rose, with apparent heat, lO answer the-J^uk^^ declaring his obje< lion to what he railed the iDis- " tnemhfrnieot of the Empire, \Theii h^Wl into^ con- vulsions, and di^d in a few hours. '''\ Pondicherry Taken by the English whjrh may 1' ' be said to have extinguished the Fr* nch Power ia the East. A Woman, who proved afterwards to he a lunatic, laid hold of the King as he was getting out ot his * xihair at St. James's. Nootka Sound Discovered by Captain Coot. The Sandwich Islands Diescovered. ' "' Th«; Courts of Session at Edinburgh unanimously rt, gave their opinion in favour of the Unlimited Free- dom of Negroes in this country, which went much farther than the Courts ot England had done. Mesbfs. Franklin, Dean, and Lee, publ!<:kly re- ceived at th<» Court of France, as Ambassadors iVom the United States of Anerica. The Count d*Artois ai.d the DuUede Bourbon hnd a Du-1 at Paris. The Count havmggs<»83ly insulted the Duchess of Bourbon, the King bauished him to Choisi. * A party (rom on board an American Privateer, commanded by Paul Jones, land» d atid Bomed (^e of the Ships in the harbour 01 Whitehaven. He l)»d just before landed Hear Kirkcudbright, in Sept- land, anJ pillaged tlie house of Lord Selkirk. They carried piT hif- Lordship*8 Platf>. The Kinnr ofPrnsSit opened the Campaign, at tbc l)ead of an Army of 200,000 n»eri. A Verdict of i^300 given against Thr* e OlTiceM oftiie ('ustums^ for seizing goodd uhicl) Wv.rti nctl Cojilruband. A. C A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. S3 177^ Two Brothers die<1 at a vill.ijrp near Readino:, one 93. a-d the oih»r 83, yearsof age, where for many years they had hved to-jrether in cue room, in the ni^iiiest manner, and are thought to have died worth £100,000. 4' Bour'on, in France, th<* Vault of the Church - f(A\ ill, and 600 person*! perished. Five F^nnd red Men, of Lord Seaforlh's Highland Rejriinvpt, deserted, and took nosse^sion oi Ar- thuV'^ HiM, n««r Edinburgh On inqury, it was found they ihJwl imbib d an idea, ihat tiiey were S(fld to the East Inia Company / A paidon being •Ifered, they returned to their duty. INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. Aged. At Newton Regis, near Taniworth, Mrs. Eli- Z'beth Worthingtnn, - - 117 In St Giles's, Jonathan Williams, a soldier in the reign of Q,iieeii Anne, - - 113 At Blechingby, in Suirey, ThonriasCockey, a labouring man. ... i32 5779 A Storm in I ondon, which was one of the great- est ever known Tliere was scarcely a public . building in the Metropols that did not receive da- Diai:e. It extended several miles round London. Ireland admitted to a Free *'rade. Interred in a most grand and solemn manner, in Westminster Abbey, ti e celebrated David Garrick. Miss Keay Killed by Mr. Hackman, when coming out oi Covent Garden Theatre. Hackman Executed fur the a boye murder. The Hev. John Home refus«-d by the Itmer Tem- ple to hf* called to the Bar, on account of bis b«- iiig in t>ol^ orders. T(»haci o first allowed to be rullivated in England. \n lrelan<i, a man whs brought in Guilty ol Mur- kier loi Kiiiifi<£ another in a Duel, tr,^ Va\ M m '"if I ?ni^ i \\ .3i' 4 Mi; I IK Ai, 34 A CHRONOLncrCAL TABLE, A.C. '■■'f !A " INSTANCES OF LONGEVII Y. ^o,^. 1779 J.Simpson, in Der^Pl ire, - " - 1J4 John Aragus neni liajruKM, . . jqj Mrs. Mar^ Pollard, of liabaHoes, - 1J5 1780 Lord Geors^e Gordon, pt the h«'nd of 20,000 ii-m carries up his fanious P u'tioii tottte House ol ( .mo. nioijp ; the njectiun ot which occusions ^prvffri. ons riots. An Account was received of the nraelancholy Df*ath ol Captain Cooko, the « elebiaied Ciri uin- navigator, at the Island ofOwjr-hee, in the South Seas. From the Province of Tucuman, in America, i}ipy fvrite, that tliey have now a Negro-wojnan livjiigj there* a ho, from authentic testimony, omst be 175{ y^ars old. .. Duriii^^tlie jiigl^t, an extraordinary phenomenoQ * ; appWied ip the sky: the hgrht resembled a jrrpa ^V>'^-.fo'e, and the eleni»»nt8 seamed in a flame, and fl 4 •-* /j>$ of sparkling fire spemid to shoot from the ijori l^T'l"' 2on. The same appeared in Frame and Germany, ' ~ The Court of Kino's Bench, in the caUvse of thi City of London acrainst the Inhabitants of Rich mond, determined, that the Owners of Lands liav no property in the soil of a navigai»h> river. The Earl of Surrey, afterwards Duke of Norfo Recanted the Errors of the Church of Rome belbri the Archbishop of Canterbury. A Man under sentence ot death, having been n leased from Newgate by the Rioters, pr udentl} sui .j.^^,.^^^^^:^^^^^^^ himself to Mr. Akermnn, the keeper, a viras granted a Free Pardon. A Cluster of Syrian Grapes, grown in F.ns}m was presented to the Duke of Port land, whi< weiplied 11 lb. 10 oz. Newgate Burned by the Mob. Th« Resolwiion and Discovery, armed ships, ■'"-i ■.■^„r %:. i.c. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 35 1780 rived at Sheernesa. »rom iheir voyag** offoiir yenrs on disioverieB Th^'N lost both th^^r C^aj taiiii* la th • voyaj;** — Caj)taiii Conk*" killed, and CaplatQ Clarke «iied ol a constimptiun. Actions were broiijrhi ag»iM«t the City of London, and Cunnty ol Middlesex, for Damages done in the lat • Kiots. Juii^ 2d, The Riots in l-.o»idon at their height. — M uy t)l" theM» !n ers ol both H-»usPs compelled lo wear co( kadf-s, with ** iVo l^opery H inscrined. - Sir Ci^orjjf Saville's H »use attacked, Kinj;V Bench I*ri?on, Fl el Prison, the New Hridewell, and ma- ^y private houses dt^slroyt^d Toe Bank wns at* • ' tpinpt'd, but the militviry def^Mided it, and killed many of the mob — In the who'e, dnruig the riots, 2l() persons were killed, and 248 wounded —Lord G' O'ge Gordon, th" chief caube of thei trouble, wu6 toiiimitted to the Tower. v INSTANCES OF LONGEVITT. .^g^i Robert M^Bride, ft fishertpan in the island of Henries, ^ . . , 130 At St Just, Cornwall, Maurice Benghum, a lishermin, . . • . «. ; 116 Thomas Hume, Esq ofVork, . .115 Jaue Pcttit, ill St. Martin's Workhouse, 113 Mr. German, of Louth, Ireland, , 1:^5 At Liverpool, Mr. W Ellis, . . 130 li Q,ueen*s County, Ireland, Mr. John Wood- worth, * . . . 11^ At Carrickfergqs, in Ireland, Mr. James O'- Brian, « . . . ' . 114 Doctor Hiitton proved by Experimf>nt, that a Hill has the greatest power of Attraction at one lourtti its ht'ijifht. 1781 Mr. Bnrke movecl to brini; in his Bill of Reform^ ,; ia v^fUicb Air. W4iiaffi Fitt^ iUen ju&t of s^gt^ made 3* ■ |i ■ i pi M' ] t i i' '; Til ■'I'll ■'1 r -i »'ii.^ m I .'I I 'li I A CHUONOLOCICAL TABLE. A. e. ##■* 178t1»is IMwiden Spep« h, and amolion was made by iMr, F<»x, re<|)Pttirii; the A<i»prican Slates. ' The Clartiidoii Printing Oflic** at Oxford was Founded. it WAS determined in the Fxrhequer, that Milk, Calves, Fotatt)es, Pe.inli^s Mel ns, Pines, Exotic y. Trees »nd Shrubs, w»^re "^rtlieable I'beExi liisive Rij^ht of the Kinfj's Printer to print the Forms of Prayer, was fully established in the Kxch^qner. One To-vnsend, a Lientenant of a Privateer, exc- ■'-^ cuied for Murder <»n the Hiirh Seas, by ord' rinsj a A pun to be fired into a Neutral >hip, which kilirtl the Captain. 1782 A Dreadrul Fire broke out at Constantinople, wherein 40,000 Houses were Burned ; and the V Plague rajring: ^otb in *lie Capital nnd th^ Pro-ince, would have ext ited pity; but the sava^re heart of ; .^, Cattiarine only indm ed her to ttke advautag'* of " Ihe^e misfortunes. She not Ofity drew h<'r troops ifi the Turkish confines,, but the Lnjperor of Germa- ny did the same ; and the latter refus«*d to retiew tl)e tr«"aty with Tu«k»'y, which was nearly expiriiio^. The Marquis of Rojkingham's Adm nistrHtinn, which was s<» justly popu'^r, was form* d this year. —An Act, disqualifying: Officers of Customs, Ex- cise, &r. even fiom votihaj for Members ol Parlia. . ment, was passed, as did Mr. Burke\s Bill of Re- form in the Household. — Mr, Piit, about t'le s«me lime, mnde a motion for a Relorm of Parliuaunt, w^hirh waslo^t vy a maj.irity ol 20 only The City of London paid £27 000 tor damages done in the City hy the Rioters of 1780. Rodney Defeated the French Fleet. The Ro^al George manof wai, iOOgruns, overset at Spitheod, and 80(* persons perished. Many Liiiigraiits from Geneva having come to Ire* ^^j^m^,^^^ — ^■iu^v,»-.'«aff Th„ _ ,—*i i»iL>. A. «. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLV. ar 17821arid, His M-ijesty onh red £ja,000. to be pnid it st'it e them there. A .Monument was erected in Gnitdhall, to theme* Bioi} of the EhiI iif Ci'HthHiii. Di»d at Piestun, near liull, Valeniiiie Catesby, fltred 116. 1783 Se^ era! Citi* s, Towns, and V llio-es, and irpwardg of 4(),0()0 PtTs. n-^, (d Naples and Sici yy uere de- 8tr< yed Uiis ^ear hy earihqu:ik'S — ()! th«' town of C'a!*iel Nova, tlie toil win^; acccnut is given:— * That an iidiahi»a« t «.f that pi )ch, be.ng on a lull wi no jireat disianc< , l-okini; hack, saw no remnins of the town, hut only a black smoke — 4,000 peojde peiisli^d in that tuwn. The Pa liam'-nt ol England, in f.ict, ceded the rijiht of J'axing Colonies ; and France had intro- duced into the minds of In t peopie, t.oti) civil and military, tiiobe notions, which in the end, brought al'out the I'evohjtion. Atter eiglit years' strngfijle, the United States of ' Ameri( a were acknowledgnd to be Independent. His Majpsty mated a in*w Order of Knighthood for Ireland, to be called Knights of the llluatricut Older of St. Pa rick. ^ ^ ^ It V us determined in the Court of King's Bench, when two parlies, n*»t in partnert^hip, dr« w a hill lo their order, both must enJv rse it, to make it iiego- tlahle. It Bppeared by offieial returns, that 43 633 men, exclusive of ofli< ers, were killed or di d in ti»e mi- litary service in Am<*rit a. At the Interment ot the An hbishop of CaM'^rbu- ry, at Lamh«tli, a c<.ffi.i of a Btj^hop of fc^i^n^vvas fwund; the date on the plate ld70; the body aid clotliea were pertertly sound. A womuu al Koninjj;sbui^h brought lo b«d oi dve chiluruii. 38 A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, A. C. 1783 Tt was dotenni ed in the Court o^ Kinff'g Renrh, that an inn keeper is bound to k<»ep his juesia' ia s< cnrity ; and thert*(V.re, a verdict wh* h'im n to a genflpniiin who ha<1 b«en robbed in an Inn. A ii»enib*»r expelled the House oi Commons, who had been proved guilty of perjury. if j ... • INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. Jged. At Paris, Jofseph Butler, . . 114 In Russia, Had«*l, a gentlenaan who served under Prince Sobievki. - - / 124 J 784 Muslins First Manufartuwsd in ;En§Iattd.-r-iMaiI Coa<hes First Ehtabli>he<1.' *' • . ,'* ** , . Several of the Estates rf5rt«iie"i^ by tj^-fewrton' ol 'he yeir 1745, were restored to t+^etjirnjlii s*. • ' Some thieves '^roUe into tll^ house o'Cih* - tori > Chancellor; and, among other titi>igs,^Oftriie(} utf the (jreat Seal ol* England. '% The Poll lor We«5tn«iiister havinj; been kept open forty days, a Scrutiny was deman<'ed. > A beauutui Co^ch, imported from England, and bejongiig to Lord Muskerry, was tarred and leath- ered Hy the mob in Dublin. Died at Llan Vier, in Aoj^lesea, Hugh Rowland Hughes, aged 114. 1785 'f be Parliament assembled in January. Mr. Pitt, m-~ — the Chancellor oftlu- Ev<-h*quer, and now Prime Great Minister, had pledged himselt tobiint; forward the '^«<-"iiU.bject of Parliamentary Relorm: he did so early **''• ill the Session, and suffered the question to be tar- ried against him by 278 to 174 — a fine specimen of JUr. Pitt's ihaiacler. Aniinil Man^eetistn first introduced into France* A Frost lasted 11.5 days. The Court of Kinj;'» B nch determined, that atl OtHcer 9ix kiidi t»y is aot eubject to « Cuurt Mai»» A. C. A enRONOLOOICAL TABLE. 39 17^5 In a Salute tired b\ one of our In«Un Ships in Chi- na, ;» |()n<)ed j;u»» was iiiadv«Tif»i»tly fned. wljt 1» k !• l»'d a native ; the GoveriiuMnt deiT»Hi<ded M»at the giinh» r le {riv* n nj>; he \^a« --OMn siranuhd. Caine on, at S>l'rews'»ury, the trial of ihe Rev, Dr. Shipley, Dean <»fSt Asaph, (era lih« I. m |»iih- li^liiii{i Sir W.Jon* s's Dialojrne on G«»vfrnni nt; when III- Jny returned thi* f •! owinjr verdict:— *' (inilfy of Publishing, hut ivhethei a Libel vr not^ tlu Jury do not find.'''' •'.' B) an edict of the Emperor oi Germany, Vassalage was '-ntirely abolished m Hun&;ary. An importarM Cause was tri' d hef >r<» theConrt of Sewsini} i(j- Scotjvd, respectinfi[ literary property, . -jrfte«ProprietflV*» of the Encyclopedia Britannica bad ; . .*•• ./pifui'^dta^iee't .ptiir 'of Mr. Giihert Smart's His»tory . ; ; hi thfjr Woik j- tiie Court d^'termined, they were - ftl^jp^/t (o the (*nalty of the Arts. * A.J'neMchmpn. oftliename of Blan* hard, had beee «f(> rn Ballconelwo or tiiree tiiTit>s, when he and a JVlr. J> ffirys ascended from Dover Custle, with a ▼irw to Cross the Channel to Calais: Tl«iy suc- ce<>d d, hut gained the land with considerable dii- - ticulty. — Pilatre de Rosier and another, ascending in a balloon, (-ali^d a Mong^olfier, it took fire ; they fell from a considerable height, and botn perished. S7S6 The iife of the Kirg ot Prussia had been speot ia wars, a ltd plans to agi^randize himself at the ex- ,/ peiise of his neiochbours ; yet the in(atnated world has b«'8towed on this man the title of Great. >f The Halswell East India ship lost; nearly 100 ;. persons perished. , . The rijrht of Vicars to cloyer seed, turnip seed, and ail smalt tithes, was ttus day settled in the Court of fc^x chequer. ^ A Plague in Levant ; nearly 800,000 persons p^- riiihed.— Crown Lands,' to the value ol £102,^27^ •rderedto besoid* M, >''i '•^:\. \\ •'■^Hl.-.' i1 "' ' •I.I I /i ; : n % , |,;.1hjf £'! Sli §i.iti! ^v I: I' k i ft '41 ^«?'i>i> ^m- A CnRONOLOGICAL TABLB. A. C. J786 Mr. Foi ret(»v« re<l £2000. Hamajjps ajraiiis! the Hi'^U BaililT ol W»>tmiiish r for not rctuiiiing luai as rnen.ber forilie ('ity o\' Wesiinirist* r. An t^arthqnake in ihe Noriti of Li!gi9iid. MaitTHiet Ni( ho Ann made an attempt to Assassi- ■ateiiis Maj'ssty j^s he was ge'i ng out ol his car- ritm^t St. Join* s's, but did hint no harm. A WRn < ontnvovl, hy a most irit:»'ni(Jiis 8< affohlin;^, madeol Uvi^s,tobrinf^ down the WeathHicock (mia the nld A»»bfy Chuicl) ol St. Albans; he was a bas- ket milker. Tlie Countess of SlratKmore, who [jad, since lier ^rst husband's d<-aih, married a Mr. Robinson Sic- re) , was forcibly tai ried off i-y him, and ot> er arm- «d men. She was bn»Ui:ht up to ilie Kind's BMich on the 23d, by habeas corpus, and released, aui , htT husband committed to prison. -ii^-ti Aged. 114 114 ])3 119 117 ■ INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. At Fioiiia, in Sweden, Christian Souchen, . JVlagnus H«Md ol Dunl»ar, , , James Bulhr, a Savoyaid, ' .. At Otiery, Devon, Mrs. Heath, In Poringal, Vicessimo Noguiera, 1787 Two Bishops consecrated for the British Colonies in America. -A Forged Gazette Extrar)rdinary was circulated, < ^ witn a view to affect the Fifiids. The principal in thio business has never bee.p. discovered. A Shark was taken intiii^ 'ihamns, near Poplar; in his belly was found aAwdt'ch, witli the name of "Wals-n ♦'nj>ravedon it^ The watch hcui belonged to a young geull^maii 'i^o had been droVfoectiieaf Falmouth. ♦ ' ' , '^t^f-' * "^-^ The Knot of Scafcilj^tttt^l^ced into England by Dortor Letts< tin. . . . .-, •» -v; \^, The Colon/ of' Botanjf^i^ Settled. ^- i%. A. e. A CHRONOLOGTCAL T4BLK. «t f 1787 Tbc Ao-Ticu'tiiral Sorielv FoniH'd. r)ie<l at Ilorton, iioar Leek, in Sluflbrdshirp, Miiry Br.u.k, ngod 148. . ^ • -. 1788 The Quakf ts at Pliilade'plnn ernan* ipatec^ their Slavf's, an«i op<»ned schools ui inftrnriion for ti.eiii. A Bog in Irelnnfl, in the (ouiKV of Tipp^rnry. was observt'J lo swell, which soon burst, ovetnowoH a vast tract «>t fertile land adjojninjr, and to|e up se- veral trops by tliHrootti. j By a verdict in tl)e Conn of King:'? npnrh/it wcrt ;= ;. deiernnned, that Interest may he charp;ed on a', ' Delit, after ♦he nsni^l'tfrm of Credit is expired. Lady Strathniore rerovPie{i an Estate oi ,t)l 2.000 a year frotn h»»r hnshand, v\hich she had ussigiied undfT the infinence of terror. A Society was formed for Exploring the ii^terior p«rl8 ot Ainca. The Chancellor R^^fnsed a Bankrnpt*8 Certificate, ^because he had lost ^^5 atone time incaminis^. Upwaids of 5000 iiead of Nc-rnpd Ca tie perished for want of sustenance, owing to the dryness of the ^ iieason. ^"-' ■ ■ ^ '' '» ■' • ' / ,.-.■-■ w. The real Cinnamon Tree of Ceylon suceessfullv culuvati'd in Jamaica and Domini< a. ;^s^' ^• Th> first Bwhon of N(»va Scotia t onsecrated. /J Iron pspes, to tne iei!g:tli of forty miles, caqt by <ir JVIr. Wilkinson, to &H|>ply tlie City of Paris with .^. water. j^^ , '^-r''- ^^ -^^i /. --c^j^r. At St, Lncia, 900; persons were deslroyed by an -*, Eartltquake. -;,; . . ^ ,, ^.^ The King b€|;aii>§4Defanged in Mind. A Leather (^Dnofiii i^as proved inJllf King's Park, at i^dinburjijli, Which was foimd 46answer^ it was i\'4ted three times. ?•. , . ,^'. M. de LessepsWtived in France from Kanipt- ^batka, from iSfelfi^' Per<tus<e, who, with bi» two ships, tbe Boq|^(^ ftoSl' Astrolabe, were oever more IK ^'. n '«■' heard ef. ;>Jf •■^.t. A «,. # ;a jT 4t A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLIS. A C. r '^ *v INSTANCKS OP LONG I VITY. ^^ed, 1788 At CSalwRv, Patrick Conolly, Esq. 'r*; ,i 1 14 AtSeHcirk, iVli. Kiddell, f . 1i(j 1789 The National Assembly one morning fiiid'i'p Ihe — HbII titey niet in slint, viih a vi»r^ to preparr t •Franeethrone for tlie King:, took oflfencp,Bhcl hflfslentcJ toa J ennis-court to deliberate^ aiul thert- t*ok iiti o^tli not to separate until they had ferqcied a Constitu- ^' tioii. * fialy. The Pop**, in addition to the Mortifiration be had already suffered, now saw his power in, and pr« tit from, France at an end. He heard with dismay the ^e<Tee of the National Assembly, tliat Tiihes were Abolished, and the Possessions of the Clergy de« , Clared National Property. The quricUery of Animal Magnetism brought froni / '; France into F^ngland^ , A most Severe Frost, which began on the25Ui of*' November, and continned unremitted for Sevea Weeks ; the Thames w^s frozen in a remarka^lt manner, and the ice this day, (Jan. 14th,) for the first time, broke up, at the time that a fair was held thereon. -^ The King pronounced by tl^e physicians perfectly recovered. # , ^.* - The King and Ro^4(|^||^i|y went in ProcessioB V to St. Paul's, attendffdTyi^ Peers and ttie House •f Commons, to F«turnl'4iijii{tlE%. Three Magistrates wer<>s^t^iiced to a Fine of one hundred pounds each, fbr^xlisvharu^iii^ Messrs. Ban- liister aDM|itmer, ^hohad'iteen committed as va« grants for Af*ting Plays ^without a Licence. ,. The King of Prussia ordered a Newspaper to be prluted, and distributed tbrAUght»u( his dom'n'"n9. A Vessel was Launched at bf^p^fbi per. . ' The BastUe«t Parit taken and destroyed* ^•i^. .-*? ■'V ,,f< >p{fbrd, built ofCop- ..':-ij»s>'* J J mtm—*jt*Mtimm MtariMibi mmtmmm A. C. A CHRONOLOOTCAL TABLK. 43 1789 IVfnny ol'the Princes aiid Nobles of Frnnc<» emi« Th»' Liberty of th*» Press in Franco decreed. The weekly con^nmplion ofCoMlsat theCarroB M;mtjfji< torv, is slated to be i! 000 'I'ons.' IJ90 l»m.iel Captured by Suwarrow, tlie place was ta* ken by «t»r'n., and the m<i«t horrible exr*»s«;('}» rom- mitle.l ; I5,0p0^n( the bf si* ged fell, and all the iik- baiwtaiitsj w^re massacred. A Disiiute tak( s plac^j behveeu the Cni;liEih and A • ft C3 opani^^rds, respei ting No(.tka Sound. Letters rereived (min the plnl.tniliropic Mr How- ard, whirh say, that from ihe bad state of rhe Kus- si.iu Ho^jpital- at Ki<ra, Cronstadt, tc. nearly 70,000 Bien have perished uithin the hist \ear. Nnits and Fiiars turjied out of the Convents of France, r The Court of King's Bench determined, that a *•• ^Vendei of Goods has a right to sloptbem in Trnn- situ. Advice was received of a me finsj on board the Bounty, armed ship, which h-id been sent from O- laheife, with the Bread Frnit. The Tintineers put llie Captain and seWnU en n»en i »to one of the boa's, in which they ran nearly 4.000 mdes, auj fvere n)irarnlonsly.*p(|£ei»vtv« d. In d g:rin:r for a iv^^ij^rk at Black wall, after pas- «injj sev«'rnl 8traja^iih»an'7",*clay, &:c were found a number of la rg^T'^^*^*^ at>d*a Hazel nut Hedajft. -'v^ A Verdict was srrv4»iMii th*» Court ol King'« B«'nch in favoui of a Slave,' who sued his nja&ter for Wa- The grand AnJiivetsary Festival, mbonoiir ofthe ' ' Destrm tionof tbv Bastile, when all present took ;m Oath to obseve the Constitution.^ 600,000 tit izens ere thought to have been pr* sent. Mr. Powell, the Pedestri-in, per^onned his Kecond I urney from London to Y<»rl', ao.d batk agaiiii IQ V. f ive Daj8 aud is Houri.— 400 iwie* ■ ^' "" "■' ■V... -' ♦ . }'^ . *' -'fe.v 'Z » !/.. • ,-^. <V> •1 CITRONOLOaiCAL TABLE. A, C, ■*•.'*: I^r^ ■;^ 1790 Tt wns det'Tnnnod that a lAvory stnble-keeper c'Hnnot ^)e:ain h Morse for his Keep, alihuugh an Jnn kfep* V trwy, 'Spirits of Turpentine appM<'fl with success tf> the rot in jiheep; one tli.td spirit ciiiUted with two- third^i water. ' ' *, ' ' ■■'■"■>' >^ >:-<'■: . , I ' Gulvani, of \V\]\\ d''srov»Tef1 the Crnral Nerve of a Frog to be convulsed v¥hep»vtpuchc i with a wei kriif**; h< n« e GHlvaMij»m. * , ' '. 17£>1 A most in»[)(MM;int !:)• hate took p1«ce respe( tin^ /, Mr. Hastings' Trial: Thv qu-stion \va«- — VVlether > an Imp^aci nieiit abatedon a di>s« lu'ion cfl^arlia- >;"-.' meiit ? and ii was dtternjitied that it d»d not.** . . ■• V, 'J liC Canadian Division Bill ajritated ; onwhtch an irrecont iieahle quarrel occurred ht-tween iMr. * *. Fox andlMr. Burke. The Ri'ts af Birmingham, when many di«puting- meeting houties, and several private dwetlingf, w<Te dv^stoved. * .-:- The F<»g was so dense at Amsterdam, that a>»ove \;: r 230 persons f<'ji into the canalt;, and were drowni d. /- Females debarred from succeedino; to the Crown ^ ot FiaJU-e, ,; ' The Court of Kina:'s Ben'fch determined, tliat the ;*: " half pay ol an Oflicer of' the Army was not Assign- ah-e. -■■ ','■■ :-v ■ -^;.t^^ /» he HoiiMey Library^ and vahiable Philosophical fi*^^^A\^ipi\ra\us, b^^longine: to the ce'ebrat^'d 'ir. Pri«'st- r%' . It, destroyed by the Rioters at Biiminghnm. — The "^ houj-es ofMf \^srs. Kyiand, Ruspel!, HuUon, and o- *" tlierSjM^LC likewise demolished. f / . ^ A Jur^p iSu'ibury, not beij.gj able to agree, op- ^ . pressed by hunger, broke op'(^ tlie door^ and went ^ ^ home. ■ In tlje course of this year, above 32,000 houses were destroyed by lire at Constantinople. 1792 Fri>nre declared a Republic, and the 'irial ofLou- jb XVI. wbicU iadied to tue «nd of the year* \~ J .fc- MMMmMMMI* ■**»>««» A.C A CHBOWOLOGICAL TABLR. 45 - 1 ned, tbat the 1792 On the m» eting of pMrlianiPnt, Mr. Fox broncht in liis B II to makethn Jii. \ jiidtr^^ of law as well as o( »act, in cHtie^or lib* I. Ii in:ised into a law. .. A pie; e of ffionnd, near VVh»fphaven, brKmjjing to tlu> E;»il of Loii«(ial«s -^nnlc d«»wn ^'ithenit any ap- pf»r<'iit caus<^ ; the quantity about an acre, and of neailv a < iirniar form. TheKinii ofSvyeden Asssassinated by Ankprstroorn at a ntask* d ^^^1. A Verdiit of ^OO. given against the Printer of a Kev\spap»r, for adverii«»uirr lor siolen goodj?, and that no qufsiions shoi'ld he a-k^'d, . Ai k^^r troom tlvecuted at Stockholm, for the mur- aer ol the King. ■ - ■ ;: ^r : -^'v . - ^ ' • '^ All R» cords of Nobility ordered to be Burned in France. ^ ' • . Diimourler totally defeated the Au&trians at Je- The Kalendar, and names of the Months, altered by te French ('onv*nti«n. E<:;>pt visited by a Phigiie ; 800,000 persons died. 1 iie Ameriians hejran iheir ijold coinage of Ra- gles, Half eagles, and (Quarter eagles. — An Eagle is worth teii dollars, orc^t*2 5s. sterling. '\lt ., .INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. j4g€d ^ At Isiiiiirton, Mrs Judith S« ott, - ^-^ v\^?va62 At Deretend, ne^r Biinriirigham, Mr J«»hiis«n, 120 :At Kj'kcuiibtight, Scotlauo, V* ill. Mart^hall, a ^ '> 'linker, . - \ ... .- 'i20 2793 In the VYesl Indies, the English todl Tohngo, and their t oops uerp iubnitted into St. Domingo hy Die Royahsi? — Tlie Inlands vf St. Pierre and iVliqire« Ion also fell into our han<ls - ?* ? - , Tiiis^enr the Board oi Agriculture was ebtubliithf- ed b V Phi li I ment. ^ ^ y^uuis XVI. OuUtutiuedi < ■*' :^'^ ^s^* <^- '•&*•-- •l'* '". .V 'u'"^-"' .'4^ '^'^^' '^''M -i-.A- 'I i. ,„ 1': !•' r Hi f .:■ u. ti'. (I.; 4a 1 rHRONOLOGICAL TABLB. >• £r 1793 Captain Bligh, with two sliipj*. arrived from OtR- beife, at Jamaica, with 300 plants of the Bread fruit ,"■, in a healthy state. > The Latte of Harrenton, in Ireland, above a mile in (ompass, blink into the en rth. JVIarat Assassinated bv Charlotte Corday. A'^erdict ajojainsi the Crown, 'or property in a Roy- al Forest, which had be«'ii inch)sed for 60 v^ars. The Koyalists Defeated alL^l Vendee 5 list 5,000 The Queen of Franc*» Guillotined. i The OuUe of Oi leans Gnillotin«'d by the Factions > in power. ., - (lirisiian Religion suppressed in France. * ^ The celebrated Madame Rowland cond^'mned and * • tx^cuteiSl. . < The first Ambassador irom the Ottoman Porte ar» .' rived in London, and made a public ei. >'y. 1 .'i>? INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. >fW. At Savannah La Mar, in Jamaica, Hora Gale, a Negro, . . \ . 120 The Tid»*, at Plymouth rose two feet perpendi- cular in nine minutes, and retired again ; and ihifl recurr'd tlire*» times in one hour. ►. 4794 frvosriusko, the Poliish Patriot, appears at the head of an army. He bad been a soldier under (.ieneral ,■; W>j8hlngton. ,. Suw rr(>w storms the City of Warsaw, and all(/Wi| r;, noquait<T. ^^ The Partition of Foland, w^ich ceased to be 1 1 Kinjidom. * • The Ornish fleet, undf»r Lord Hood, brought from 1 Toulon 14,877 Emigrants, iiTrihy of^ tbcm womeQ jiiid ihil<lreii. ' / ' Kosciusko (gained possession orWa'rsiiw. '■^ I from Ota- Bread fruit bove a mile lay. ty ina Roy- 60 years. ^5 libt 5,000 A. C. A eHRONOLOGICAL TABLC. the Factions iHce. ndf'inned and nan Porle ar» lora Gale, 120 feet perpendi- ;ain ; and ihi« lar«atlliel»^adl mder Cieneral iw, and allowi| leased to be «! !, brought from I I' ibew women I 1794 Lady Auofuflta Murray, declared by the |Df an of Arches, to be null. Tiie Krpublicari Danton, and eight others, Guillo- tin^dd und^r Kohespierre. The Princess Elizabeth of France Guillotined at Pur is. The Colours Taken at M.irtinique tarried, with great military parade, to St. Paul's Messrs.. Hard^,Tooke.Joy4e, and Thelwall, ta- ken into custody (or alledg«d high treason. Lord Howe defeated the French Fleet, and took Seven Sail of the Line. A Bailiff Arrested a Dead Body. Roh^'spierre and his Partizans destroyed by the Codivention — himsell, his brother, and others, the leaders, executed. ^ ' The Press declared Free in France. * A l>oaty of Commerce signed between Great Bri* tainan^ America. This year the Sla?e Trade was prohibited by the -trench Conve^tton. , , The Island of Corsica was put under British pre- tectiou The. French, at the battle of Fleurus, made use of a Balloon to reconnoitre the enemy's army, and con* Tey the observations by Telegraph. A bale of yarn, soaked in rape oil, spontaneoug* ly takes fire. 1795 Notwithstanding the severe winter, the . French continued the campaign in Holland. They pressed on the Allied Army, and. compelled it to retreat.^' The English- •#>rces suffered greatly before they reached a pitce of safety The towns of Holl <nd epened their grates to the French, and they entered Amsterdafii in tritimph. Thf Stadt-liolder, tinding the DuU'Vq^tlch in* lined to the French interest, prudently v^ithdrew, and took refuge in EnglaDd* A ProV)ftioAa( Gorernment was e«tabiished« ♦■!,-.-• ■■if ■K-' J ■ -,v '4 '111 M I* I i i J -v.... 4i A CrtftONOLOGICAL TABLE. A. C. ii9S Th^ fnm«iiis **Ga!f?in8: Bi'l*' pa>«"d.— The treaty of Aniity and f.oiiimerce b* tw6*'n (^reRt Bnt^iin ard th** United States conrmonly called * Jay s, Tn-aiy.' . •■ Five IVh'n Exe« iii« d for a Miitm}' on l)oard the Ciillodon fnan of war. Th^* Priiup of <)ranj»:e and his son flpd fro 'j Hol- land, and landed in Kn^land. ' In this ynar commeiirnd the popular political lf»c- tui'es of Mr. John TheUvall. which < OMtinued to dr^^w prodiiijioMS andieiice«, till they w<to iiit«M(lic« led by Actsof ParUament, passed avowedly Jorthe purpose. Frne exercisf* of all Relia;i'>ns allni^ed in France, • ' In the Nationa' Conrehtioii of Fraiit.e it was as- serted that they had ^ ined twenty seven Vi< toies, taken ll6 Sirongr places, 91,800 Prisoners, and 5,800 Pieces of Canrion. -^.. > ^i . ' ' ' Tlie Princess CaroUtie of Brnnswici* arrived, ond was Married, on the Eighth of April, to tlie Prince 0f Wales. ■ v--.^*^- ■ \, AJ.r-' - ..' ., ■■-■^ .■. . ,,,^ ' Admiral Elotham Defefited the French Fleet in the Mediterrantean, aud tof>k Two Sail of the IJne. Mr. Hastings, after a Trial which lasted Sevea y« ars hetore the House of Lords, Acquitted. Louis, son of Louis XVf. Died in Prison. Tlie East India Company granted Mr Hasting? a pension of .^5.000 pei aoium The Arch Duke Leopold, Palatinate of Hunfi:ary, in niaUiu!: ti'-^-workd, wa$ blown up, and expired in a few hours. Three Fiench Ships of the Line Taken by Lord Bt'idport. , , : An Army df Emitrrnnts.who li[ad landed at Qui!*e« ron, totally destroyed. i Cue hundred and *'ighty-ei^i't French Emigrants Sh<'t jit Quiberon Bay. Tlje Cape of Good Hope Taken by Ui«* Knglsh. At thio Old Bailey S^ssion^ it v/us tiolemitly deck" '1-0 ^ J^. i.CK A r!niif>ir'>LAOfCAL tablv. 4# " -'A 1705red, that Gh'aning was no^a Matter of Right, hut oi ( oiirtesy TfiH Di8* overv, (Captain Vanrouvrr, returned frotM a voyaiH of Survey aod Discovery on the N, W. toast of Aiii»»rica. Stanislaus, K»ng of Poland, Resii^ned his Crown f : «tid his Kingdom ^as partitioned among Austria, ■ Prussia, and Russia. / . ., • The Prinvess of Franee Exchangjed for the Five ^ French Depuue^ delivered hy Demourier. A Stone, from the Atmosphere, fell near Wolil Cottage, m Yorkshire, whi« h weighed Fiftv live .^^" Pounjls,. ^;„ .-.•.:' Mr. Herschell completed his cele*- rated T- l^a- !. . cope. The »uhe 40 teet lonjf , and the great mirror 40 mches iu diameter. 1796 The Emoress Catharine ot" Russia was snrce^'ded hy her son, PmuI I. a man who hnd heen ill bioucrtit up, and whose ec< eitri* ities hord<>red an insanity, Bonaparte, in his 27th year, takes command of the Freneh Army in Italy. Moreau b»»uau his celebrat<*d Retreat, which he . executed in su* h a manner as esta'^lished his re- putation as one of the first jeneriils of the sge. ■ £hgtand this year attacked the'Dutcli Settiementfli In iJeylon, Malacea, and Co< hin, and took them. '* Moreau Defeated the Auatrians, aiKl took Kr^ ut2- 'I he Princess Charlotte of Wales Born, r^ *. The Jnsti<e8 at a Quarter Sessions determined, Ihf^t Disssenting Chapels are not subject to Poor* Th^ Fleet of Admiral Christian returned to port^ ))avin^ suffered storms for a month; th«y sailed ^ii) 200 sail, hut retiiftied with oeiy 50. A Traire'jy, called Vortigern, p' r formed at Drii- »y ^me Tht'atie, as one of Shakespeare's, but since i€kuowied|^ed te be a forgery* ?•,.«• m >.-^ , TJ; m -k' ri It M'l. 60 A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. A.C sI'JI t «.|i'iri A'.- ft! I 1796 Sir Sidney Stiiifh laker in ;i bo t wliilelHnding Spies and t^iiii<:i:mtti on Jiu' coi^tul FriiiH F. t HoiM|)art»- Def' ated (j^nrrMl Beatilieu hi L di. . C'loncfie.d nnd ihrte oti.ers, rlr rged v\ ith co -pir. •' ; ing the DHath o\ V e Ki* g. tried . D«t hi quitted w :. . 'J he V« ih Jiart Wir an lucked hy G«ii« r I Uorlje, A V' rdiC loi £l()0 gi >n Hsain.-I li. Stu:«r , pro- ^ , , priet«»i ol l(ie Mrf nj: Post, furs- uding a Forir«d > * J?'; ♦Ill I Pap»T \tf the prnjrietor? o! the Teif^r ph. N" ' . ,. Boiitp.irte DeiVated Wurnri9«»r, and luok 4^000 ''■^ •'^^:' pri>oner8. „r . ^y- 'J he Biitijth took the Islnnd of Riba. !>- / 1h^ Arthdiike ('hares Defeated Joardan, with the loss ol 7i 00 men "^ , Moreaii D»^f« at d the Austrians, took Augsburg and Munich. ' Bonnparie completely Defeated Wurmser, and in ^ , V -^ five days t ok 16,000 prisoners. - (jcj^iier <i' Wa.»hington Resigned the Presidency of ttie United States of Am* r ca. rt^orediu Defeated tiie Aubtnans, and took 5»000 TlfeEpnife^i t^f itussia Died suddenly. ^^ ^^^.^Vt'JC^iC'l!!^^^ Dutch SquHcl^ron at the Cape of ^ ' ' Gop(ltiope/wiih 2,000 tiotipson board, taken by i-x'^ AdfHll^al E^phinstone. ^ ^. , * . : v^^xv, Suhscrijition to the Loynlty Loan begati. nnd £18,010,000 subscribed in iifieen hours and fvven- :.;:,^>^;, 'ty minutes. -^' :.. v--^'. »■ '-^^^1.- ^' ''■•■■::.% Paul, the Emperor of l^nstia, set Koskiusko, and ^ l^^her PolisI* prisoners, at hbecty. *>i '''^cT'^'^g'^P^** which had b*'* o son)* timf in usa j;-^ in France, adopted in this foundry, andt**plerert« . j^^* cd over the Admiralty Office, to < onvey onfer's to- or r**ceiv n* wj« fiom, tlie great naval ports" ^>.r..c' ^(,,p,.g (;,| (iQjga the Atmosphere both in Russia and ' '^' P tugaL Tmh most intense Co^l ^ver known in I <nduD$ Dec. 25lby tb« Thtrmomster 4^. below Ztro, ■'. V' ■• M. ■••.i. MMMMMH ^tJ- iding Spies It L di. • Lh CO -pir- quitted r I Hot he. Swx'W . pro- |r a For'.: < d Teif^i- ph. Lupk 4,000 A.e. A CnRONOLOOICAL TABLE. 51 « irdan, ^i^h k Augsburg mser, and in •residency of took 5,000 « the Cape of |rd, taken by begjati. «n<i irs and fwen- Ukiusko, and \t tim»' in usa fdlviO.'ert^<t« [y or*r«i^8 to ^ horta • in 1 <nduDj Zero* 1796 A Pjitfnt srraMted to Mr Watt, Tor lessening the coiiHiiinptio) (»rFiiel ill Stenrn Rni^infs. ny? Fti dericU Wilhani of t'ruHHiri <i»proa<-hpd his "nd, hast^'Ot'd by his excei«8«>'( ; b«»?or»- the eipir «tii)ii of the yf>ar h^ died, and \A\ the kin(;doin to his soo . Fif-df-rirk W.lliflm ML ^ - The French having fHil^d in tjieir attempt on Ire- land, invad»'d VVal^s with about 1200 men, who wer<> soon obtig;»>d to lay d ^wn their arms, but djI before they I; J aused a serious alarm. Xhn new Emperor of Russia order<*d all his sub- jects to wi»ar Cocked Hats and Bags to their Hair! Bonaparte D^Heated the Austriaus near Maotua| • nd took !^3,000 prisoners. Bonaparte l)ef^ ated the Army of the Pope, and took 12,000 prisoiieis. Sir John Jarvis obtained a sifijnal victory over the Spanish Fleet off Cape St. Vincent. , ., \ An Earthquake in '»outh Am«'iica ; '40,0d0 per* sons perisl-.ed. . .; . ; ■ 'j \- ,-\ The Austrians again Defea<ed,-^n|jr cTr^iven'- -' ! •*,-l , Bonapirte U'eieated the Art hdukt^ Ciiaides m Larintiiia. v^ ' - A Mutiny he<3:an on board the Fle»'i at Spithead. The Prince of Wirtemherg Marri^^d to tht» Prin- cess Royal. . V, , - ■ ■,» A Mutiny among th*» Seamen at the Voi*K Koski'iski, the Po:i*i|i Patriot, art'V'd in London. I'h'* Mntiny in the Fleet at th** Nore quelled, and the'rintfl :>d r, Parker, tak^n intocust dy. * vV^tmspiracv announced in Frince: Canot, orre 0» the diiect rs, fi d : Bart -elemi, Pich ^ru, and several of th«d putis, im^rsoned. Ad« ral DuQcau Ueleaie«i the DutcU Fieet oif t I I f II] t ■■.^. -><■.: f] 1 ,^:| ! '♦ 'm liiJ Hi m «ii I'll) i 1 A fHRONOLOCICAL TABLB. A. C. ^l'*l ' «f>* ^h^ m 17E7 Count Riini^ordgnve^lOOO. 3 pi»r cent, annuity, Hi€ iotensi of \>hi<h Ih to b»* diti) osrd »•£ eve?) o- tt*er xenr, to tTe person who ^>ha)l contiiiuiiiciie y anv dis. overy on lieatai'd Liji:lit The preNrei ce to bo givfu to : ucli disr< vrry «fl t<*ndi» m«>«»t to pro* u>ot( tlieg;o(>d oi Mankind, and to be ditermiutd V l'> the ('oun<i| of the Koyal Society. 17^8 Neatly 2,000 Gentiem*^n assemb ed at the Crown , . and Ain hor, to (Celebrate Mr. F«ix> Birtlj Day; ^ when t» e Duke ol N< Hoik ia;ave s a toaj^t, — " Omv Sotereign's Health^the Majeaty of the People /'*— The King, in consequt n«e, took front liini the Lieutenancy of the West Hiding of York, und hi» R' giinent of Mihtia. Louis XVIIl r^^ieived an AsyUim in Russia. Pope Piu^ Dc-p(»8e<l by the French, tor ihe Mur« der o) tite Ambassador, &r. and quitted R(/me. Bouaparte ? nil>ark«>d at Toulon fot Kg.vpt. Sir i^idney Siiiiih escaped from France, after aa Inprisonmeni oi two years. The Canal at Oht< nd destroyed by fones under Sir Home JPopeham, but a Britidb Regimful wa»| . _^_'. -taken pfisonrrs-^'. .^•■•.C ""■^ " -/■'~^-"" " -''' ' Lord EdwMid Fitziierald tnken Into custody io Dnblui ; w hf'n ^^h- w^s wounded and dn^d. The iwinre< tfi\Jf'. F^x stnu k by ti e King hlm« ^rir'(nit ol the List of Privy C' un« illors. Public Schools and Printing offices Suppressed bj the LntpfTor Pi-ul. Bonap»rt*> Landed in Egrypt with 30.000 men. Thf' Toulon Fleet Defeated by Lord Nelson al Ab^ukir, called the fcJaitle of the Nile. Nin«» Sail 6l ihe Line taken. Two burnt, and Two esrajjedJ A French force, under Humbert, I. anded ir ,1 cj la id, and Sui rendered to Lord d rnwallis. It was estimated, that during the Civil War inH land, SO.goo Irish were kilitdi and a greater uui hti w#uiided. ,>^ •t ,y.. i. o. A CHRONOLOOfc^L TABLB. 53 %•• '■-:- 1 rsJ 1698 Sir J B. Warnn Captnrefl a Frpn»-h Sqiifldrtn, fu'l ohioop!*, b«>un<! ♦or Irrlund T^. . Mr Pi*t |»r«-po8P«1 the Iicomr T^x of lO fif rpnt, •^ ^n rn ♦»>tlmn!e o« £100,000 ()()(i ; tHl.ii»«r f< ♦* rmt •f L»i>d nf £5('0.n00.000, of Hon/ps nt ,£6.0()V 000, aiiH the Pr^.fit^ o» : rarie at .£40»000,000 Drt tor HH^^chpU disrovpreri four additional Satel* litps to the pfj'npt bparinia; hisDsnie. A Sliow* r of Stones, sonip v«'rv l»rj:e, fnl" at Sal^i, on tl.p Kl ine, IMan I 8th, and i>- B« ng:al, Dec 19, 1799 Tip Iri.-hi>ar|i».niPnt divided, 105 to 1()6, against thf Union witli Gn-at Britain. "^Ihe Englii-h Honso •f Coti'mons, on tl e same qurstidn. dividpd. 140, 141, and 149, for ti^e Union,^ against 15, 25, and 28| * " fe^pprtiveiy. ^ ^' " V*. Sir Sidney Sr ith Repn^sed P.onaparteBt Acre. Suwarrctw arriv* s in lialy with a Russian Army* ■■"'■ Setin^apafam Takpn, und Tipp(<o Sultan KiDpd. Siiwarrou'e Army Dpfeated the French, under -: l]oreau, npar Alpxandria. i - Bonapnrtp again Re}>u)spd bpfore Acre, by Sir Sid* ■*y Smith. Dukf* (J Apgoubme Married to the Daughter of L' uis XVI at Mittau. Suwarfou' Defeated the French, ond^r M^Donahf, on the Trabi;), wbi^n tfi«iatter lo&t iB>^8 men, t cannon, and 8 standard*. r'^ow" ^.\ Suwarrow Dp(eat«-d M^DdnaldTiear Paniia, ivitb i\u- los." o? 10.000 tnpu, and lour gem ralr. SuwaiTow D« feate<l Moreau, * ^.^ I'hicup in Barbary, by which Fez and its vicinity^ Josst 274,000 p< rsoos. A ( '( mpipti 8k<')et( n ofa Mammoth discovered on th^ hurdlers oft? e Fiozpn Ocean. home and C ivjta Vtcchia taken by the Neapol! t.ns and Engiigh. Jou<>ert totally Defeated and Killpd hy Suu arrowy ^t >iuvi. wiiik iU|0CO killtdy dkud 40|00d yruoucit. •A M i 54 A rHRONOLOOICAL TABLB. A. C. 1. K ill i i r 4 ' I ;i'.i Ml h.ij !i'' !-'■ II. Lit- I'M f'?' ll. Ii <% ■"•i M^iS M 1 ^^^lm| E^^B 9k' ' w fl|ffi m '1 iHW ■ 1 t^^K bk ^K Is V n^^B; Bh 111 IHB H Ii I 1799 Bonaparte Einbiuked m Eirypt. ^ Th** DutcJi Kle»'i o <wpIvp nhipg and thirteen In- diarnt^n, 8iicreii«l« red to the Biiii>h Adinir.il Mit- chell. •* • A Challenge sent by Sir John Ord> to EhfI St. ■ Vjii« ♦'n», for i»rp(frniig Nelson to the cuminand of th«' Sqiiadrun d'i>rhe<l f»r KirNpt. Bofiapartf Liinded a» Frejus, with his StaflT, from Eirypt, and Wris iiaiied thiuu.hout France as savi- our of the countfy. Aft rthe funeral of Pope Pins VI. the Cardinals sent to Vienna (or instructions. Tiie Dim tor Sieves, and (ieneral Bonaparte, ar- rarujjed a cliHiMj^f of jgtjvernnient in Friince — Bona- prte disp ised \\\** Coonc I of 500, at St. CUmd, and hiiM^eir, Sioyps. and Duco-*, declared CuiisiibJ '^ A Trajji of Meteors, witlj vivid flafcheV • f h^ht, passed over En^l'ii»d. _!gV. > \ •. Ml. Orchard produced good Si^ar fiom'the White Beet Root. ; ...^--." - Fifty SIX pounds of Mercury Frosdi^j into a S<did Muss, t>y Atiihcial ('old, on ^ei^nin'S' ptau. , A>ti6< lai Cold Hstppodu. ed ll\ eig^bi parts of inu« fiat o Lime, with >ix pnrts ot Snow^ ^ iVIr Ashly Cooper an nnunceft''a remecf^ for Deaf- n* ?f»,«by Perioral ri« ih" 'rynipHnugi. 1800 A peace "ars conchifj' d between the United Stf«teg vf \ meruit and Fianre ; and the (?onj2;ress net, for ttie tifsi time, in tlieir mw Capitaf of Wast)ing- |0". ,, , . « i' Hjuilt of Ede'md lend Three M.llions, for Six J ;, ¥' ars, wii!'OUt Int'iest. 'itie Act Of ail U K-n with 1 1 eland Passed. 1 he i\larria;.'.e8 01 Eui^land rejiisJered this year VT 73,000; ui 1750, they were 40,000 'J'lie Ir -h H«'U-e oi Connnona dvided on the Un- ion ; — 161 a^<itii;>l li^^i auda^ataiUuthe iilsiy 152 ai^ulilai io^» V V' r* t' / l^i- /Kv ^^.aX A. C. A. C. ▲ CHRONOLOOrCAL TABKK. rteen In- ir.il Mit- EhH St. piiiand of E» as ?avi- Cardinals partp, ar- ' —Bonn* *• • r I the While to a Solid II. rts of mu- for Deaf« itpH Still PS trfss ii'Ct, Wasl^ing- I, for Six d. this year n f h<- Un- , '■■ ■ ■:-,; IdOO Tbf» Roy;«| Institiiiion, under the Patronasfo of the K n^i, oppiird At 4 Field Dav, in II\de Park, a «hoi W"lJnd^d n i, • yoijMj (T^i.tle'iMn who m o^d UHar th«' Ki «. - 'l''ie sinie <'vetiiii^ His VI i|pAt . w «« at l)t m^ L«n*^ Tite* ati<', when ^ in. I II f in th Pit ti»ed a {li^in ai hinfii IV >osi' iiaiiie was Hntti iii, but he wat^ foimd t<» be . Ho a <a te re pod 'itn d the Ci^a'piiK- Repn lie. '^ Gr< it B tiko Mar n£;o ; 6,(H>U VuiitnaMs ki led, 12 000 prisoners, HMu Toti^tiie pirces ot CEiwon *■■■'. tak' ri. __ '.-■■v.<^... ' ,. Gphp'^.iI K eber A^sS'i^^sin »ted m Kgypt. Fo.ir iVIiilJoMfl and a liri|< vot-d b\ the House of — .^ CammonM fir PoreM^n submdips • Th»"l^mperor •'! Russia established a Colony on Ihr tnoni er«»or('hi 'a. If a|>|i«^ared, by oHficni st >tpmpnt, that in tt>e Port oM^ondop ih«Me h'^ve *e«'n an iii« rease per anniim, Within a Crjffnry, 6,541 vess«*ls, cjirivintj: 1,2J7 76S : tons; and l^at Ihf I»iv«t ♦>uu)!ovi» ^^,<2S8 I Jifhters ' and Barg*^8,ib''''id'^"'3,336 for lo <d nj nnd dischargj- injj v«*»8 Is, 3,000 vvrtierrn n's Wherries, a -d 330 ,othpr boat's; the.-ioial Imports and Exports being j€67.0O«).OOO. per annum. .'; JWuta Tak^n '»y th K'»irli4i, aft<^r al-ms: «ieo^e. : Mr. Gif'lipr, in thp IvI^mUiIy !V1a«; zin« , e8»iiualed ^henationai iiin oin^ at c£l30,570,<»00 ;■/ . Vi. t »»y over the Austiians at Holipnli«A;n by QtMteral Mor* an, wh » took 10^000 pi isoners, &c. An -Klternpt «n<vV on the Li 6411 Bonaparip, in Pa- ris by a tiiachiue called the Iniernaie, and several lives lost Union hHtwppu fireat Britain and Ireland, Tb«' Si otch ri«?til»prs improvd th^ir art so ninrh tb^it ttiey could < liarg ■ and rnn off the same Siili 4S0 limes i.i 24 hours; The S A.' PS jnveiit^'d a Stonp |*aper to sprvp a5 a Covering ior Houses, iSheatb^Pj^ lor i^bips, 6cc« ,*■ ■%-. H I SU' Jhv' 56 A CRRONOLOOTf AL TABLE. A. e. Ml 1800 \ French PrJAOn^r at Liverpool eitiihit^'cl n moiit eii«iordiii.<ry propensity to devour niiusHonn <li(c, prittiriiliirly (/Hid, of ^vhirh, in one year, In* at* one liundied and 8«'venty ibnr, many ot them wiiile a* ** live The Clii< f PhyMJcians and Surgf^nn^ of Londoa sign ii t4>9tiinoniil of the «*fficacy of the Cow- pox. The Vt*nns de Mt'diri, a.d Ap^'llo Belvid(*re, &c. Wf'r»*tlii« year pi .c«"d in th« Louvre, at Pdris. Su;rar, Iroiii B<^>et Koot, Man ui act u red on a Large Scale in France. The Pojiulation of the Russian Empire determin* ^d to be Fort) Aluiions. V ^, r / : ^ = t|6Q] TiiP (Jniou with Ireland took plac^. A standard ' V h(»i«ted on »h*» Tower ol London, and an Imperial , .• £it!>i<;n displny«'d by the foot guards. ^?iyf: ^' Treaty ol LI Arisch between the French and the -^ >*^tirjij<^ by wliich the fi>riner agreed to c-vacu.ite *;»'^4tfy^, but were not permitted t>y Lord Keith. An Attempt made to Cut a Tuiniel tor Passengers and Carnages under the Thames at Graves* nU. Kuprureol Lngland with the Baltic Powers. Sir Kalpli Al>e(Cromt)ie Landed in Egypt, altera loss of 2,000 men. At>oukiT Surrendered totbe English, after a bloody #uDfli('t. The Ifvincible, of 74 guns, Lost off Yarmontb| 4he Captain and 400 iVIen fX'HsVig. ^ vBl^^^'^y BattW 9»' Al« Xdndria, in whi< h Sir Ralph Abercroinl)ie was mortally wounded: but the at- tttck o> the Fien^b waf^iepulst'd. . ' ^ '■' The LinpfrT P:ii)) foaiid Murdered in his I'ham- l>er, 4nd Ai^*<(^<^cr) tiisson, -u ce< <ied. ^^ i^ The Briii*<i»' Fleet, und« r Sir Hyde Parlor and Loid Neli^iii paAS' d tiie S<>ui;d in Hostility. •:. Cjupenha^ien bombard d, Hiid paitly destroyed j flijf^ 'th« OitMisu Fleetj ul iw«iity-eight s^il, iaken / -f.. ^5^' •^t^ ,.»^*- #-'- A. « '"* C'«^NOLOOICAL TABLE. JuHCtfoo'cir i! '"■•"" •• "' ^'>'i'i">Stonh „,e Grand £r''""''-'""^'"— Great B;.i,„i,;:„, of .he Tr..«.7,r/lrAtch''''"'=*"' "" '"" ^-> '-«. , «in«o b. T,";;:;,!,." ''"'''"= «-^»''''i»hed in St. Do- ' 'd Nelson b<.mb;ir fo r« i thirds of IWscr'V ^''''"*"' '""•''J. W'tht™o.' B^iairr-'^i.^t'^^^'''''^^^'^^^^^^^^ victHd. ' ""'"""wtauding, tried a.-d coif. ' 6ft 'n in „.,„A r, ^e.^ i:,"a'^^ ^"" '«« "f Peace, nt ^.in:^„^;::'°;;;'^f <■» L..,do„. .,, .^^ ^^ T'—e, and was dTal Ik"*" " ^'*" B"-""'" ""d pipu;ace. """ "»'-""8h^ London b> the VJ lent Deba(M in the ma»e rif r 1 j ■»- 18 A CRROnOLOGICAL TABLtL k.m. .*> ;-.s. »'^-f 1801'* as a glorious Peace was only the result of a glo- rious War." Captain Barclay walked 90 miles in twenty one hours and a half. Massacre of Seven Bpys in Egypt. Bonaparte, on the invitation of the City of Paris, declined to have a Statue erected to him in his life time. - Mr. Martin Koops manufactured good paper trom 0traw, hay, thistles, &c. The number of Asse»>8ments lor tliis year, was 320,750, of which 64,320 were /roni £60 to £65, per anoum, ami the total aggregate of income was £80,002.394 By a statement published this year in the Month* iy Magazine, it appeared, that the Subsidies paid to Foreign States during the late war, was £22.599* 288. The Exports of British Manufactures amounted to jf41,77o,354. — The averaue txports lor the last ten years, were £40,890,000. Nine Millions of Ac-res of Corn ^rown in England. Milled in the West Kidmg of YorK^hire, 285,851 pieces of Broad Cloth, and 169>262 pieces of Narrow Cloth. - c ^^ ^ ;::v; ' ; < A LUt of Slips of War Taken or D€stroyed dut ing th§ lat^ ;._x^^,../- . . War. . French. Dutch. Of the Line, 46 25- Frigates, 133 / 31 FiiHies. 2 " 1 Stoops, &c. 161 32 Spanish. U Total 81. 184. 3. 248. 516 1802 Governor Wall tried for a Warder committed by causin<^ a ntau to i^e bluwu frc^ a gun thirty jeaxf beibre; louiid guiity and executed. . / t of agio- venty on* ty of Paris, [1 in his life A. G. paper tron year, was 60 to £^^» income was the Month- iid\<^8 paid to as £22,599- * ' ' ■ ' . amounted to , lor the last in Eneland. jiire, 285,851 2 pieces of lingthtlat^ ih. 516 Icotnmittea by thirty yeaif A. CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE* 58 1802 Bonaparte elected President of the Italian, late Cisalpine, Repuhlir. * ._; An Elephant's Tusk, six fefet anf a half long, dis- covered in a bed of gravel at Newton St Lee, in Hampshire. w . A Deputation arrived from the people of Malta, oflfering to put that Island under the protection of England. Francis, the patriotic Duke of Bedford, died in his 37th year. Tne Land Forces for the year estimated in Parlia« ment at 203, 237 men. The Seamen tor the year were taken at 130,000 men. Definitive Treaty of Peac^between France and England signed at Amiens, March 25th. . j^n Mr. Shaw won a wager of 1000 Guineas, by riding ' 171 miles in 12 hours. ■ " ^r .;^ ^ Bonaparte made First Consul for life. ^r^^**". Legion of Honour established in France, designed fur the incorporation of all, whether military or o- y^ therwise, who had rendered themselves.eminent for^ their services to the State, or by their Public Vir- tues. The Pigot Diamond sold by auction, for 9,500 Guineas. Peace with France, pro( laimed in London, cans^ cd universal rejoicing, tollowed in the evening by the greatest Illuminations ever witnessed in Lon* v'don; during which the streets were so crowded^ that two or three persons lost their lives. Ten Thousand Pounds voted by Parliament to t)octor Jenner for the Introduction of the Vaccine :: Inoculation. Angry niscutsions commenced between France «nd England^ c^ England permitting the residence of macliinators against the French Goveriimenti and patronizing libellers in the ministerial uewft> papers* V M !i.i 60 A CHRONOLOGICAL TAfiLE. AC. *i I- .,1802 The King ol Sardinia Res-igned his Crown. Th< tirst fit ne ol ihe 1. ndon l)ork« lad, with ^ much stjite h\ the ('la)n<<llor of ih<^ Exchequer. West Iidia D<clii« Open d. Mr, Fox visiied Patjjj, and was rrceiv^d bv the > > First Co. sul witli the higtiest marks of distinction ' ' and regjird. *;; M. Ganierin asce'ded in a Balloon into the ai», to ;, th« height of 4,000 fe<^t, aid docended, by a p»ra« ' » chute, wiihout much ii'jury. A singula? Rol>ber taken in Germany, who robbed only lb*» riclj. and best »vvpd part oi his orains on the poor. He particul:^rljr wi«h»d to rob the Jens and , Clergy. He had a jjang under him. • .The Moiiit*»ur annouitced the resentment ofthe Fii>t Consul at the conduct of the Court of Lon , d"U.— »lt afilirnied, that *' every hue pnnted by the Eitglish Ministerial J«*urnalists, is a line of blood.*' Colonel Df'spard, and nine others, takm into cus- ^ tody, on a i hargfp of hijfh treas^on. Lord Elhnboroupjh ruled, that no witness is obli- g^ed to answer questions wbic h may tend to degrade , himself. Five women condemned to death by the Bramins ^ at Patna, forSon ery, and exec uted, A Teles, ope, which cost .£11,(00, was manuf»c- iured in London for the Observatory at M idrid. I The art of Hatching Chickens by Artificial Heat^ A* practised in England with success. ' Mr. GreBthead invented a Life boat, for which he r . had a premium from Pailiament. ^ ^ J a, Lord Seafbrth planted the Palm and Cinnamon ■ ;/ ' : Tree in tbeCaribheeLlands. . c A Mountain of Rock Salt, eighty miVsionff, dis* * covered in the Missouri Territory, in North Ame* rica. Yenst ascertained to be a Specific in cases of pu- ■•; trid fever. ^. ' V-i^*i • V v.U ','':-r-\i- A. C. rown. ^ Ih(1, with Ixi hequer. >iv*'d by the ifdistmctioa to the ai', to d, by a pnra- , who robbed 3 oraius on the the Jeiisaud Dtment oFthe Court of Lon printed by the iiH* of blood.*' |tak< n iuto CU8- vitpess 19 obti- end to degrade y the Bramins was manuf «€• \j at M >drid. \rtificial Heat^ I, for which be land CitinamoDl i)it<>s lotJff, dis' 111) North Ame«| in cases of pu* A. % A CR110N0I0GICA7> TlBrtif. ei 180i The Medal of the Royal Humane Society present- ed to Ml*. H. Greathead, of Shi« Is, for his itiveDtioa of the Lift»-boat. It was aniiOUDced, that 20,000 per day, of the Mo* riteur, French Newspaper, were printed. The Plant discovered by which Serpents were charmed. The Bread Fruit Tree, Pepper Tree, and Clove* • Tree, cultivated in French Guiana. Messrs^ Robertson, of Glasgow, inanafactu''ed Furnaces capable of eonauming their own smoke. " A Horse without hair: ■■ Powder of Ginger announced as a paliative for Gout. By an offif ial report, k appeared that 5,000,000 of barrels of Strong: Beer had been brewed during . the last 15 years in Londbn. There were milled in the West Riding of York- shire, in 1802, 264,082 pieces of Broad Clutb; and 137,231 pieces of Narrow Cioth. By returns to the House of Commons, it appeared that the total money laised for the poor from Kas- ter, 1802, to Easter, 1803, was .£4,952,.421 : that the average rate was 4s 6d | in the pound : that the money expended on the out-poor, was to in- « poor, as three to one : thai the number of out-poor relieved were 760.000, and the nuinb«»r of in-poor, 77,995 : and that the annual expenditure for the poor, from Easter, 1765, to Kaster, 1766, was ■''\ ^1,495,104, being to that in 1803-^, as one t# three nearly. -, 1803 Colorel Despard, and six others, executed for hi^htreas'n. -• •: Bonaparte offered a provision for life to Louis XVin. at Warsf^w. <. , A Duel between Captain Mar n^mara of the navy, : ont) Colonel JVIonteromery, a mu* h t^steemed u«aii \ o Oi Ushiuii^ the latter killed, and deeply iauitoitd* .-' « » jr'ti: h3 is fS Is I I >: !'» III, 'f.\ ' ■ ■• M. i. '■'-¥ m I; I 1 '4 ■t.> ^^:^: 62 A CHROirOLOGICAL TABLV. A. C. 'r'f\ 4 • * :,t v 1803 Aslett, Assistant to the prii)cipa1 Cashier of the Bank ot' En<;l<iiKt, committed to Newgate, lor em- bezzhng Lxi hf'qu(*r BiPs to the ainoynt of bah a *' million. War commenced between England and France. Lord Whit worth returned »rom France, and Ge- neral Andreobsi, the French Ambassador, in con* ^ seqnen' e, left London. . ^v ' C)rd«'rs isMi« d b^ Bonaparie to arre»t ali the Eng- ; V Ksli, w hH her military or not, «nd tf both sexes, re* siding in Frame, a> d to keep them as hostages.-* The nnmber was 7,506. The Episcopalian Clmrch, the Jesuits' Co'lege^ ^ a« d the pri.-on, burned at MoctreaL Britihh Troops at Columbo murdered by the Adi- gar cf Candi. Hanover oicupied by the Frenoh. Great Britain declared war against the BataTian Republic. iAn Elettrr of Ehirham convicted in a penalty of ;660() for receivings bribe for his vote. Tlie Bank Directors informed the Oeneral Court, thai their loss by Aslett was upwards of £300,000. Lord Kilwarden,Cbief Justiteof the King's Bench in Irf land, and his nephew, put to death by the people in Dub in. ^ ., t* ;> v ' , Hostilities commenced between the British forces and the confedefued Mahralta Chieftains. ' ? . Tite Mahratta Chief, Scindtai Defeated by the British -, A man who had leaped twice from the Brieves in London, undertook a third leap, and p' rished. Sir A W« llesley D'^feated ihe Malirattat^. Several persons in the ntonth of September exe^ cuted in DublHi for high treason. Battle of Delhi. B-»ttle of AsPHve. * Y * ^ Agra ^urrejidered to Ihe EfurHsh. - 4i.> • jSt. Domingo ^iveu up to the Blacky ■•^T I 3' t ' ». e. A CIlRONOt.OGXCAt TIVIV. ds the BataTian neral Court, r. , >f £300,000. king's Bench 180 jeatt) hy tlie / 5riti»h forces ■'':~^' riina. jawd by the . 'V / ■ %.rt li,/ ie Briclges in ' risiidd. ttas. !"'** ftember exe«^ 1 '•"-.""' Ji ^ ^^:. -fe ■-:■ ^^ .' ' XT. J. 1803 Th»» From h Forres evaruated St Domingo, and Surreiider«Mj to u.e British Fl^et. By the falling of a c iff near Harwich, the skeleton of an enonnou^ anitnai was iouiul, nearly thirty feet Initg, suppe;:* dto hethut of the Mammoth. Ill cons'^-qiieiice or preparations* made l^y France for the invHi>ton of Cogiand, ih« yeomanry and vo« luiitHpr ( orps ill (vreat Britain were sweiled to the amoiinl ol 379,943 men. H betjA Corpus Act susp^^nded^ id cofisequeoce of the Irihh Reb'llion. V Treaty of Peace with Scindia. ^ ^ A Shower of near 3,C00 ston»»8 f«'ll at Aig^lc in France, Apr>l t6, and some at Avignon, Ociober 5ti), and in Batavia, Doc 13. Showers of red snow fell in Carni* l;i, at Can^a^ ■;._ Bt'lliino, &c. altPinatoly wiih white, '^u; , The Ring of Saturn became invisible this year fot a time , ^ . .f*. ' ^^ The population of Bengal, by recent adrices, ap- pears to amout to 22,000,000. The averag' expenditnre for the poor, from 1785, was £4,<>«8,000. but this year ^as £5,246.5t>6 1804 Fieu h Fit et Defeated by the homeward bound East India Fleet, under Captain Daiu-e. Moieau, Pichegru, Georges, 8ic, charged wiih a COiiSpiracy against Bonaparte. The Bibli' So* iety < omtnenced, under the auspt* cesofMr Graiuille Shaipe. *The Duke d'Fiiirhien seized at Gltenheim, car- ried t ' P>.ii8, an*), after a military trial, sl>ot at ViiH Cenj es by ton h ligl.t. W^^ r- ? . »« More:^u permitted to retire to An erica ; Pithe- ^ru stiriBi^led III priiion, and Georges and 9f\ttal otheis execut< d ' ^ . v j- Surinam taken by llie En^lrsh. f v . ' A (^hang^ in Adoiinidtiaiiuu iouk place. Mr. Pitt agdia Preiaitr* >^ y ^ -, i fl \1 hi ' I i I HI ll'' ! I ■■■: .«' .->,%,-. . #4 4 eRRoiyoiooiCAt tablv. A. «k I vV 1804 Bonapnrte declared Emperor of France, under tiie name of Nr^poieon 1. r^ #. •: Verdirt ag:aiiist a «ninfor £1060, for havin^given a trader a falte cbarac ter. ''- V ^^ Three men stood id th** pillory, for fraudulently drftw'wti bills on each other. . - Emperor ot Germany assumed the title of Emper* or of Austria. ; . ^ ^ .. A Lady, Mrs Thornton, rides a race on York race grou4'd. „ D4>8»aline8 crowned King of Hayti, or St Domin* go- Three Spanish Frigates takon, with upwards of 3,000,000 dollars on board Sir George Rumbold, a British Minister, siezf'd in Grrman^ by some Fiencb troupers, and carried off to France. Holkar*i« army Defeated by the British near Deeg* The celebrated Ma»tfT Betty made his first ap- : ' ., pparpnce at Covent Garden ; llie crowd to see him - was unparalelled. ^:f- Bonaparte Crowned Emp^^ror of France by the Pope in Paris. V - ^ ^^ "< : ^' ^ 1805 War declared by Engrlan^ against Spain. "^ :^ The London Docks Opened. ^■- ''^ The 6rst S»one of the East India Doc ks laid. It was determined in the Palace Court, ttiat a te* nant, holding ten pounds a year, must give 6 months Bttire to quit. Tlie Chaniellor determined, that a Legacy for charitable purposes, not defined, is void. Iloikar Defeated hy the £nglisU.at Bhurtpore. Peare with Holkar. Trolter, Lord Melville's deputy, with an inrome j^SOO. a yf^ar, had in< reased his fuiid*'d property^ since 1791, to jf 11,308 per 'nnnm. Three men, who iiad lalsely swf^fu themselves freeholders ol Middle»ejL| were trautrported lor 7 ,«t >--*t- rancf, ander having given fraudulenfly le of Emper- on York race • - r St DotniQ* I upwards of ter, siez^d in id carried off h near Dee^« his first ap« d to see him ance by the iin« » ks laid. rt, that a te- ye 6 moutha '*','.' _ ^ " ' Legjacy for Id. ^■<''-::' urtpore. an inrome d properly, tliem8elv»» >orted lor 7 A. €. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE. 65 .V ^' 1805 Nap Ipoii Crowitfd Kin^ of Itnly at Mi^an. Snrdinia annex"d to Italy, and Bonaparte Crowned Ki got t))e whole. The Cotninoiis of Cn^^land Impeached Lord MeU ▼ille. A Brewer fined j£500. for using II egal Ingredi- ents Sir Robert Calder Defeat' d the French and Spa- nish Fleets Earthquake in the Kingdom of Naph'S; 20,000 persons perished. . ' War b«»twefn Frame, Russia, and Austria. Uhn Surrendered by Mack. . Lord N'-lsoii D«>ieated the French and Spanish Fleets off Trafalgar, and was killed : twenty-four ships of the enemy taken and destroyed. Frei.ch Fleet Taken by Sir R. Straclian, .!j3' ' French Entered Vienna. The Stupendous Aq>i*duct on the Elle&roere Ca- ll I open- d ; the length lOOr feet, the heijfht 126 feet 8 inches. Th(' Anstrians and Russians Defeated at Austerhtz by the French. Joseph Bonaparte Crowned Kinjr of Naples, . Committed for crimes in Eni^iand and Wales 4605, of whom 350 reieived sentence oi death, and 68 executed; and 595 transported. :'^'^^: It appeared by investigatioi , that since 1770, the Tarious expenses of Farming had risin in England 52 per cent, and in Scotland 70 per cent. The number of horses whi( h paid duty thU year W3S 1,178,000, 111 whiih the pleasure horses ex- ceeded 200,060 ; the whole copsumnig the produce of 7,000 ,0(>0 of acres. Tot»l Property acMialy Insured in the United Kingdom, £270,000,000. InsiirRble Property in the United Kingdom, ;C6ll| ^75,000. . .^ ,.,,. : i-l ' :< :t^fd i t II >; 66 A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLC. A. O > V 1805 The Society of Arts bestowed thpir Go^Medal on ' V the Earl nf Bieadaiban^', for planting 4000 Sgotch , Acres with Trees n*.. > •,.';' .', . . To Mr. Jones of Hafod, fr»r 922,000 Oaks. ; » A Preminm to Mr. Smart, tor a Machine to. pre- vent the practice of Boys 8weepiD^(chirtlneys: 1806 The Cape of Good Hope taken by Sir D. Baird . and Sir Home Popham. . \ p Pubhc Funeral, upon a magiiificeHt scale) of Lord ^< . Nelson, at St. •^aul's. '•• . . Mr. Pitt died at Wim» ledpn. The French Fleet Defeated fa the >Ve«t Indies by ■ Sir Thomas Duckworth. ' ,-''\ . ^: . British Ministry chantjed. Lord Grenv ill** First Lord of \he Treasury ; Mr. Fox Secretary of State* • , Mr. Pitt Interred witli great funeral pomp. Sir J B. Warren Captured Admiral Linois. At Rye, an Old Miser di»d, worih ^10,000: he complained of the expense of iivinf;;, wliicb, last year, tost him £13, and which forQderly cost but King of Prussia declared himself Sovereign of Ha» ;^^:p' nover -»- ^ "i.- ;-;.•■ '^} A Live Toad found in a block of stone near New- ark. Lord Melville Im^peached by the House of Com* mons, and Acquitted. Holland erected into a Kingdom, and Lewis Bo- naparte Crowned King. Resolution in the House of Commons, for the abo- lition of the Slave Trade. A Match at Whist, for 6000 Guineas. Buenos- Ay res Taken by the English. ' The Fishing' boats of Lowestoft caught as many Slackarel in one night as sold for ^1260 Sir John Stuart Defeated the French at Maida, in Sicily. Peacrbetween France and Russia^ signed at Pari?* A. 0. A CRRONOLOOICIL TABLB. « Md Medal on 4000 Scotch -. .' * * >aki. • » line topre- Sir D. Baird :a]e, of Lord est Indies hy • envil!** First ary of State» onip. iiiois. i 10,000: he Hrliiib, last ir\y cost but reign of Ha» near New- 86 of Corn- Lewis Bo« for the abo* 1.806 ;bt as many t Malda, in ed at Parisf* A Jewish Sanhedrim summoned by Napoleon at Paris*. Th« f^mpnror Francis Abdicated the Throne of Germany. ,. r '-■ A poor man aound in a wood <>n Kingsdown, nea? Bath, Who bad i)* en htru< k s<'nselesfl in a thunder storm. H»' existed Hlmoi^ttwexiy <lay9 with «« arce* jy any sustenance, not being abU*to n^eliis legs. Mt, Fox Died at Ciasw^k, and had a Public Fu- neral. , ' , The Bank of En^tfl'tid declared a dividend ofse« ▼en per cent, per aniiiun ; Hnd gave to the proprie- tors a bonus of.iivt^'per cent, besides paymg the Property Tax/* : Conduct oPt'he Princess ot Wales investigated by a Committt-e ofth^ Pi ivy Counril. This d licate iuvistigation lasted t«»r i^ome time. '' The Battle ot Auerstadt. The Prussians totally D'feHted. ' '^ ^' Two6iie Oxen at Gatehouse, in Surrey, died sud- d« i»ly ; on opening their stomachs, it app'-ared to have>»eeo oc* asioned hy white lead and oil, whicb they had lii k»'d from a painted gate A Prcfessor of Military Surgery instituted by the Kmo^, at Cdiiibufgh Frenrh Squadron Cap'ured by Sir S. Hood. Thirt<^en Sail of the fleet from Jamaica lounde** ed at sea ; ot 109 ships, 71 only arrived. A man committed lor theft, who had been tried 8event> times, and fitty times whipped. French Entered Waii»aw. / '"'^ , French (.ccupy Prigue. :^'-:^.::.(. .VM i?^ ' N*^y Entered Th'irn. ] SHiony erec«« d into a Kingdom. BopA parte Defeated the Russians and Prussians at Pultusk. ; :^^ ' An<-ient Christ ans discovered a* Malnyala. Vx. Cariwright inveuted a 1 hr«e-furrow Plou^ M v'l A CHRONOLO«ICAI« T4PI'C< A. «. •4' 1806 A larsre Sanophajrus whs brought from Egvpt, siippost'd to hav< been the Tomb of AleKandei the Gr*^Ht. ' ' 4 '"-' Fivi- hundred flnd fifty seven ships employed io th«' Neufc)UM(ilHM<i Fisheri'^g * * 1807 Ord'^f'* in Counril is^iued agtinst trading with the i,C aliedged enemn s of Great Kritain. |i '-. Sitting t>i the (>nat Saiili* drim of ihe Jews at Pa- ris, « oiivened by Napoleon. Advice received of a mutiny at Vellofp, in India, in which about 8 Sepoys were killed belore it was 8up(»r«"5fled •• Mont^ Video Tak» n by the K.ng'ish. Kn8!»i 'ns Onfeated by ihe Fr n« h at Eyiau, witU the l«»»sot 20,(/00 men on tiie part ofth*" f«»rraer, and 1^,000 on the latter Si John Duckworth fortes the passage of t]ie Dai dam-res, A' an xecntion, before Newgate, ot two men chargt d witli the lV1iird«r of Mr. Stele, on Houn- sfow heath, the ctowd wag so great, tl^at 30 per- gOdS were p.essed to death. ' Bntisi), Ministry changed ;— Mr Perceval made Ch tnceilor of the t Kcheqner. The biave Trade Abolished by the Britiiih Parlia> ment. , ' ^\ > . Alexandria ^'Jrrendered to the British Forces un- •; d« r Gen**ral Fraser The Grfeai Contested Election for Yorlvshire, '"-■ when the numbers, w<y«/Z^/>/Mm/?irs. w, re— For Wil »eifoice, 11,808 V . Milton, • 11,177 . \--<--- Laseelleg, ' 10,99a A Dufl between Sir FraDng Burdett and Mr. P^inl, OB ai count of the Westmiiister Ciection ; the J ft.rmer wound' d. •* Messrs Con Ms pa id the pradnc<* of £10,000 Con- < ' ipi- <o tbe I r a»n y of the D«rby 1: firiQaiy, iVofli aUeuUeman wUu cunctfaUd iiis name. ^■. \ :: i i >m Egypt, landei the 1807 riployed in - % with the ■ ews at Pa- =», in India, ilore it v\ as m ■ * ^ ' ••• ylau, with 1*" former. •• * • • • Ige 6f l]ic • ' r _ •',A^- two mea on Houn- at 30 per- eval miide ish PaFlia- •'orcesun- ■i»- YorKsliirc, re-— 41 V%* ]i .CHlli>W<M.OOICAL TABIC. ((9 'Napoleon DefV^ai^-d Alexander at Friedland, u' b lh« loss oi 50.000 men. Jntfrview kt twe«'n N«fpo)ron and Akxaiidet on a Bait, in tbn Riv«^i Nit'inen, followed by the Trenty olTilsit. Gf^neral Whitelovk df9^ra<<>fnlly rf'pulsed, with great loss, inai iittHcl< on Bl}€>^«)^ '\yre^. AmHic-in Proclamation, prohibiting Biitish Ari9« ed.VcHseb ent^rmj; Ihe United States. A Ml ler indirted for a Nuisaiuf, \t'tn Mill being lof>noar the read; xlthc^u^hit appfHied that the road had been turned pince the mill was <-rixted, tlie Jiidii:eb deteroimed that tl>e mill mii9t be remo- ved Art Clocktnn, between Colchester and Haruirh, Bnany \BT^e boneb* tounti at a |j;reat dipth, supposed |o;beibe.bone8 ol tie iMmitmoth.' Peaie hei\^een France anci Rus^^id Strert (iafv|ight$i Briit inlroduc d m UddeA L^ne. A femvie Servant at Curkfield^ Sussex, l.o«: uu ttwii (erriipt<^d sleepof sev«*ii d.iys* A iior.-e at Gadde^don, in Hertfurdshirc, 9'urig to dei)«hbjr hornets. The Cop4>iihagen and Danish Fleet Surrender* d to' Loid Cat heart and Admiral Gamhi<r. A Glo'>e <>» Firr passed over Foon, Denmark, in the da^-time. A similar phenomenon olserved at JutUti:d« Louis XVUf. umler the title of Count de MIk», laiidod at Yarurouth, and took up his residence at Gii^^iield hail, in Essex. The Emperor «>f Russia brealcs off all communi- caMon with Britain. Kilssia declared war agtinst Fog:land. The orders in (.^bUncil isFued foj- bloekading the ports ol France and her alli*>9. A Fid«ller, near Alston moor, returning h«»nie ia >a foottr fltofui, took shelter ii^ a lioirei| whick frai^ ^^■■■?, m m\ 70 'A GHROirOLOCICAL TABLfi, A. tu V vA I . \ ¥f . t:' -n II ■•^ K tlVl' A» • 11 i' ^'> * 1807 soon overwri-:.: ji^ii with enow. SomA sheph«»i(!i •♦ Ijnard hira nex. 'ey plijyinp on his Hddlf, anil rc- Jieved him troin his |mriloiJ8 9ituatinn. J« roiiie BoiiRpfurtP Kfngof WcKtphalia A Justice of the Peat e in Sroiland fined £106 Onr ;/ illegaily imprisoiniDg a clergyman, and sending him ^^ to acH, ♦ . A ^Hamnn, nnm»*d Robert Jeffery, cnivlly put on shore on the uninhnbited |}<lBni1 of Som^irnro, hvA loft to perish, hj the hon Capfain W Lake Jef- fery afterwards e^cdpi'd, and prosecptcd l^ake. Bonaparte issued a decree at Mil:«n against any continental inter« ourse with Englwnd. Sir Hiirophfty Dav\ proved, that fair jr- rings arisd from a (iingus, which exhaust tne central ftoil| and expands. /'■'■'' -•.►^..-■' * •: -i^ ^ '^•■ •^L<>rd Stanhope's Improved Printing Pi^sses intro- iiuced. ;lx^ Messrs Foardrinter obta-ioed a patent for manu- facturing Paper ol an indetintte Jength. v .:» s ^"^ , Earl Stanliope took out a patent f r '8u^ marine navigation. ,t isri The Methodists reported their numbers at 27091^. 1608 New8 arrived of th^ Surrender ol the Island of Madeira t4> Hood and Beresford. prince Regent and Court ot Portugal arrived in Biazil. ( Pius Vn. protested against the demands of the Fronch, who entered Rome, and usurped the Qc verninent. • * - A Specimen of Virgin-gold, weighing two ounces, found in a Tin Stream work «n Cornwall. ; V The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons, pe- titioned both Houses for Parliamentary Reform, and t lie abolition of Sinecure Place.s and Pensions*/ The Kinsf of Spain dismissed tbt» Prince ot P^^ace from his employments ; anH, on the 19tti, nbdicaN e^ in favour of his* son, ilie Pfince oi Asturias. ■y '•oi.- t'' '^^. ''i'^: A.«« A. •. I**, and re- indiiig him <'lly put on if»r»*ro, wpd •a dp Jef> I Lake. Against any riiig^s arise al ftoiJ, and psses iiitro- t for nianu- ■ " '• -^' .'. ■** ■'' ■ lub marino at 2709 ig. B Island of arrived in ids of the id the Cio- ^o ounces, mons, pe- 1 Reforin, Pensions. 5 ot Pt^are I, nbdicaN Tias* k eHIlONOLOOICAL TABLB. 71 \^ '•- t-'A- '•«?, 1808 Charles IV. of Spain resii^ned his Crown, and was succeeded by his son, F< rdinHnd VII. Sit ily, by treaty, garrisoned by British troops. Charles IV of Spain, in a l^ttt'r to Naixdeun, pro« tested th'tt his abdication on the 1.9th, in favour of Ferdinand, was an act of compulsion. A Bill to prevent the Grant of Places in Rever- sion, thrown out in the House ot' Lords; but four- teen Peers entered their Prntnat. Charles IV of Spain again abdicated in favour of <* his Friend and Ally*' the £mperor of the Frcnchi at Bayonoe. .. - FiTdinand, Prince of Asturias, and the Infants, Don Carlos and Don Antonia, in a solemn pro<*.la- mation, renounced all right and claim to the Spa* nish throne. - «• Insurrection and dreadful massacre at Madridr General Murat entered Madrid, and invited tb6 ilegent to attend the conference at Bayonne, be- tween Ferdinand and Napoleon, who declined — • Murat ordered a lar^^e force to enter Madrid, but tlie inhabitants attacked them with great rcsolutiuni took their cannon, and drove them out. Bonaparte pui>lisbed a decree, in which he asKJgns as a reason for depriving the Pope of his power,, that he should not declare war against liLniflund. Napoleon issued a decree, commanding the No- tables oi' Spain toasseinbh? at Bayonne. Two Spanish Noblemen bronglit intorination to England, that the Province of Asturias bad risen en maise, 40.000 men being embodied, with inten- tion of repelling the French ; in consequence, the English Government determined to assist tbem.^* The Spanish prisoners were immediately releasedi and sent back Tue House of Beprt^'sentatives in .Amerira, open" ed, lor the first time, at Washington. The l^mpetor of Austria called uut a national \ev^ • r' \ Xf .5- 'rf-*.. ,t !>■ (• . ;i! '\ 3 m ,f ra •A 4»nnoNeLO«i»AL tabls. A. 0. '"^'.4 M^' \.- ■■€.. ICOS Governor Pict<»u Tried in the Court of King's Hciiv b, for rndirtins; th** Torture on a young \^ oinaa ; in Trinidad* u lid VcqtiittHd^ '"*; 'A Verdi* t oJ £iO^O()0. fijifen a^inst Sir Arthur Faj^et for criin. con. with Lady Boriiigdon. " Wmat mad' Kinir of 'Naples. *- ' r , "^ - J Miijor Campbell, tor killing Captain Boyd in a Duel' iiilrejaud, found guilty of MurdiF>r, and «'xe- ci'ted. y--'- ••• •"" 'TV " ' .- ''^.■'■' '2 ■-. i- ■ ' Bi^?tleof Viiniera ;Jan6t' Defeated By Sir Arlbue The Spaniards in the North of Germany fuuder the command of the Ma* quis de la Rom^Ua*. «^ii^. 'barked on ^»oard English ships for Spain/ ./ . • " ' Convroiion ofCintra, by which the Fr^irii-h were allowed to return from Portugal in Britisb ship&r The greafer part ol the vineyards of ^Tokay, lil Hungary, destroyed by a storm; the hailstones ifiere the size of waltiuts; seven men «nd a hoy |(!tt their lives, and greatnumbers of cattle pt^rished» Russian Fleet in the Tagns Surrendered to the English, '-i. '-.,';^"-->'^' •"- ^.■;»^^v-' \"^^:-y / The Q,ueen of France, and Duchew of Anj!;ouleme joined the Kinjr of France at Gosford. ^ Bonaparte and the Emperor of Russia mM at Er* furth, where they offered peace to Eu}^ laud. The British, Under Gen'^raU Moove atid Baird, entered Spain, An hnposter, nam^fd Ann Moor«,8ftidto haveab* stained fronr food twentv muiiths. A Sheep, one year otd, buried in the saow eye? ;Bin<'e the f9lh No? past, found alive. A Complete Mammoth found, in a Sti^te of perfect pre>erva'tioti, cm the borders ol the 'Frozen Oceaui by Schonmachoff. a Tongoose Cliief. A new Spring discovered n6ar the Gr<)Uod»»l Ca» e, at Nanh'S, 8" tiot a^ t< boil an egjr in a few minut«'$i» ,The wi of Polyuutograpiiy, or aial?ipiyin|; Dc"" M 'J - ':*\ ' _/S-^ ».- ■ ■:>r ; ■- •. - If '*^^S ■ rt- pt of King's oung woman : Sir Arthur don. -;. n' 603rd in a ipf, and «*xe- ^ Sir Art bur many uuder FreritbL wete itislr sliipsr [)f ^Tokay, lii [)e hailstones len imd a boy II le pt^rished. dered to the ^f An^oulome ia m^t at £r* t>taiid. aud Baird, 1^ to have ab* V,.- f . le mow eyef it «» of perfect |rozt^n Ocean, >Uod»»ICa»e, I few iniimt<'9* f'i"^'-".' 1. 9^ A CHRONOLOGICAL TABL^. .7* 1808 si^ns by means of Stone, now called Lithography^ .!^ announced. SJiced and Baked P(»tatoes, which had been to New South Wales aoti back, exhibited in a sound state. ^'. .''-'. '^f^'^l.,:'.' y.'^^li. '■ '■'-■ -'- That sine^ular natural curiosity, the Floating Is* landf which has em«^rged from the bottom of 0*^^- weniwater three times in about 30 years, appeared above the surface ; it contains about an acre, and is ' - quite stationary, and t» entirely unconnected with tiie bottom and the shore: the soil is three yards * ■' thick. — Monthly Magazine, '■ * ' Tfie Stone Coffin and Ashes ofOfTa, King of the .; M^erciaos, who died in the eig^hth century, discov ,• er«^d in the church yard of Hcuiel Hempstead, lu- ; ScriptioQ legibl*?. A Sea-snake cast ashore in Orkney, whirh was 55 fcei Inn^, and tkie circumfereuce equal to the ,. girih of a»j Orkney pony. ,^ . Total of Waste Lands in Great Britain: — !^> " ^ . r England, , , , 6,S59,470 Acre^ ,::,. Wales, , , , 1,629,307, ^ r Scotland, , , , 5.218,224 i : Total Atrea in Cn>rland, 31,909 4 63^ y^ 4 Bv other Returns, the following appear d to be the ^ V state of the iLstablished Church in Ireland : — ^; Number of Churches, , , , 1049 ^ ^' Benefices, , , , 11 73 1^809 The Foundation SItone of Covent Garden Theatre laid. ' ' ■ '■^••••-f^^' ^''- ■ ^^. '^w^t^'-. -"► '. s >- X'- :■ Battle ot Corunnft, in which Sir John Moore vms kil'ed; the Kaglish enih^rked on board their fl e;t V V fvith very great loss, although the victory had beeu '^ theirs. ^^■■•:. ">■':■:: ^ v J Drury Lane Theatre destroyed by fire. The Cr»glish destroy Four Sail of the Lire in BHHqnt* Roatls. ,.* Vw opening tke body of a Sailor, who died in Goy'Sv I 3 . . . ..... , .. -., t'^. '\ ' • ii .it . w« ,f J I "ii f.. '•'■3 ■ C- V,- /' X i!i ■ ' ■ ii I t;,ii % i! •J- \ ■ A #? Hv «!''*' 11 '1'' ttl ■i 1 r4 A •CnKOfrOLOtPtCML 9MMt%0 A.eu '^f% ■),< M' ■ / 1809 Hofipffal, seversl claMp knives were fotind ; the handles were decoinpobed, and th^ iron work iieHrly so. It appeared Ge had swallowed tbem some! years ago in a fralic. CaptHin IMaiiley raade a surceasfo) trial of a finall mortar to coDimnmcate with sbipwretked vessels^ and save the crew by a line. The French Take Vierrna. Bonaparte utiitCci Rvime to the French Empire. Battle of Asperne ; the Bridc^e on the Danube de« slroyed, and the 'French eitdHUgered. The wife of a tailor at York, tnrautrously holding^ a frog m ^>er hand for some minutes, iVit much pain^ and in the end, was obhged to have Irer thumb and two -fingers amputated. i " A bottle taken up at Martinique which had beed: thrown into t)>e sea on the 18th of April, hi th^ latitude 14* 48* N. Icng. 25*> W. wtrlch had there- /or«» been driven 2(^20 miles in ^%A days. .;, Austrians Totally Defeated at VVa'^ram. Captaifi Banlay ot^ut luded his Wnlklus: Bet \o Tiaik 1000 miles 'ID 10€0 suecessite hours, which he pertonned. A Duei took place between Lord Castlc>reigh and M>' Canning, th«» I. tter wounded. A Jubilee oir account of His Majesty entering the fir'ieU) >ear of his rergn. On this account a pardon ViAn li^sued to ah deserters, and miny crown deb- tors were di^chnrgi-d. ^'^y-:'^'-^:. ^.'^.^^vr<'^'- . Th»* O. P. Riots at Covent Garden Theatre con- linned until this day, (December lOth,} when ihej lerniinated. ■^v^.^'t ;^' :v^-.''^.v i-*'^- ■' '^-'■^^-^^i::^. Sir \VilliauftChrgese<^nstract«*d^ LWe Boat, which will not overset, sink^or be water lQg!T**d. Tv^o creatur»*9 culled Merniiitds, said to be disco* Vered near the I4»* Of Mr;n An f^xp^riment tri» d of Swimming: in a Canvas Bat- ^Uf «U(1 sa<»ce^ed^ it was YO.ieetioog, 5 deep^ -'> r%. i.d. A HlkhirHttf^diT. t^lff. %s id09 ftnil woxM carry thirty pffrs^nji ; it Wa« inade 6f pr*»par*»d canvas. The nfe of Gaa iti Hsrhritirt: streets and hoiisea was How brougrht into practic<» in Pall Mall, London. By a r*»p'»rl of ^1]fe National 'nstitute '»f JPrmc*?^ . ^is:ht0eii dew Comets bu?e appeared since th^ year 1789. _ Ai Ba:g:no1et, tie^T Parii, a Fossil PhIui Tree was diTi^ out of the earth. 1810 The Marriage of Napol^'drt with the Anh Dud^ess Marra Louisa of Aosiria, took pl^re, fo lowed by festivities and add ieA.<)es ofcoogratulHiion. , The Coronion-halt of the (^ity of London asi«ert»*<l • " ih*^\T Hfijht to deiiv»'r thHr addiipdses and petition* to the Kin<> on the thVoir^. : A Toad »ouiid alive in the heart of an Oak Tree '*t R^ktoi'dyin L&iiCaishii'e. Mr. L. Levy, an eminent Jew dealer in diamonds^ being in debt, threv^ htm^elt frotn the top of the ^ Monnifieut, and was dashed to pief es« Captain Liike o' the Navy, tried for ptitting a mm on shore on a desolate island, ai'd dismissed the Kincr's s*»rvice. ', UiotSif! ^Ingladd dn accoujit of Sfr Francs Bur- d«'ttj iyhtrJ i'O^Minued two da>s, the escort, on their retur.i (irom town, fired on the iHlb, and one mau wa& kiltrd. ''^'\'-'\^: The '''oroner-s Ii^^iiest sat on the body, and brought iM a verdirt of Justifiable Hornitide. :^ > A man shflby <he military in a shop in Femhnr* b Stre^-t ; the Jury returned their vtrdirt, WiMul Mnrder. News arrived that the p^opicj of Caraccas had de- ^ 'clared th<^msetvesiiidopfiidt'nt. The Inland Ln^^l, m the Danube, m'ved eight milt's. Si Fr«in"is Burdett LibprHt»*d fnm the Tower ? he <^iiat«d privately » to thedisappoiutujeiil ot oian/ "i v-. ~ ■) J"-- ■ I f ■A k ■ !: If* I :| i i >■ '■hPl il H y ..f. "', fV- ▲ tfRROVOtOOKAL TABK.CV A. <£ .^: 1810 thouivands, vrhm intended to form a^rand proces* fiion to esrort him home in triiituph. ^ ** Louis Bonaparte abdicated tne throne of Holland ^;, us liis own act At St Michaels, one of the Azore Islands, a vil. la^ was destroyed by an earthquake ; it sank, and "^ a taice of boiling water appeared in its place. Mr Payne beimr ki|)ed in a duel, the Juiy return* cd a verdict of VViUul Murder. ^; , In opening the earth at Wmdsor Cattle, the w ork- ■nen discovered a coffin, with a woman and child, preserved in spirits, supposed to be the Q,ueen of Edward IV. and her rhild. ; :- ,4 v:; Nineteen Journeymen Printers of the 't'imc^ Newspaper, sentenced to confinement for a Con- spiracy. . The isles of France and Bourbon Taken by the English. .., , 'i . ^.. Lucien Bonaparte lind«d at Plymouth. • A Pond, in Bedfordshire, nearly dry emitted from the boitom water and sediment, and orerflowed for some time. ■J i INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. Aged. Eiiz^^h BHrn*>t of Edge worth, Ireland, ]l6 Saral^Malcomson, of Drum»erlin, - ISl Ann Taylor of Spec chley, - - 114 A complete Skeleton of a Mammoth found in the Ri.\erLena, in Siberia. A Horse Shoe tound in the heart of an oak, at Ko« mngsberg. i^nicksilver frozen bard at Moscow. ' A New College opened at Harlebnry, Hertford- shire, for the education oi youth designed tor the service of the E^st India Company, in which an- nual premiums are to be bestowed, according to ttie sludem^s proficieucy io Orieutai LaDgua|^ '.-% i ♦-'-^ A.«^ A ^At01tAL#6t«'AL tXfttl. •if 1810 Si^nior Oon^^atti (lidrov^red a liquid Ihnt' inirtab* tHneously <»xtinsriiii!i1ie9 fire. Betwe*»n two m'nes in Sweden, ♦he hddy hft^ man * Wa« foiiiid in coiAptete pr»»9ervation, and impreg- nated "wit ti vitriolic sicid. He had been ih^re iifiy :^'ear8. Stf^am applied to the purpose* of Navigatiop. Iron Roofi) for fionses have lately been used in ' ' Wiilea, and Bucce* •'♦d, . 'Mr. Morrison rec»»ived from the Socriety of Vrti the Gold Medaly for inveating artificial hands and "'•■^'- ^arins Meteoric Stones, which fell at Weston, in Con- necticut, have hcen analysed, and contain of lUO " parts, silver 50, iron 27, sulphur 9, iiiagnesia 7, ' nickel 1, leaving a loss of 6. Mr. Figu^r, of Montp^llier, diiscbvercd that animal t "charcoal, (ivory blafk) possesses the extradrdinarj " power of purifying oil, syrup, and water. A Largtr Stone felt in Shahabad, in India, burned * ' '• villaore, and killed several persons. A Stone fellin the county of Tipperary. Stones fell in th^^ department of Loiret^ one weigh* jng 40, another j^O Ih* >|S11 BernadxHte, who now'^vems Sweden, says, that he no longf T considered himself a Freochiimni hui .V- The English had taken posfiession ol the Island of _ Anholt, which the Danes attempted, with 4,000 ^ ^ ; 'Bie II, to retake, but were repulsed. :^,^ - Ori the 1st of January, the French Flag was hois- ted on Hamburs;h,aud that City declared a part of the French Eippire. . v <j X On the 20th April, the Emprei^s *Wa's Ni^oUght fe ^c; bed of a son, who was tmmedisltt'ly declared King ©f Home Luciea Bunapurte ietUeii at LudtuW| in Shrop^ 'thire* i^'-' h< . »'• * ■«.. -It ■ fl ' !! «ik ■ nis I I s. I • ^mJ. I P f. M 7$ A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLg,, ?;f^. :< A. 6. 1811 Hifl Rr>%al iliirhness the Prl.irp ofWaleft sworn la ■■^^- before the Privy Council as Regent : He went in \''\^^ great gtato. _.---.^!.L:^'-«^',fs'*r^"«*t'^ v^t.'^t • -'-"iv^'- ^' ; w The Prince, as Ref^cmt, gave his first grand fete •t i/arltoQ House, 2^000 persons present. ,:_': General Graham Defeated the French at Barrosa. ; Action near Cape Henry hetw^en the President AmericaD Frigate and the Little Belt. The French issued a decree that their prisonera of ivar should he employed on public works, and paid for their labour. ^ A Volcano appeared in the sea near St. Michaels, <^iie of the Azores, in a pla^e wbere^' liiere wete eighty /aihoms of water. , :*>>f i^ '* - Beresford Defeated Soult at the Bita^;of Albu- • (oera.. ^T^f// ^^ '^■'■;,r' ..■^:'.j v.,.- ■.*^'' r^ . -'$^^'' •' At Tortola, a planter of the name of Hodge exe- cuted f<»r the murder of one of his negiro slaves. » The Speaker^s Warrant for the Arrest of Sir F. ' - ; Burdett, declared to be legal. ^> A Female who had lately been in the Poor-house •f Baia,.in Wales, by a decree in Chancery, ohtain- .t. ;:^^ ed the moiety of j£ 1 50,000. as next of kin to Mr. ;■; ;..^v-,«'on s of London, brandy-merchant '^i#^ Christophe, a man of Colour, crowned King of ^; p^^f 'tj^^St, Domingo. LQ|d Wellington Defeated Massena near Almeida* f iFi '^ *^1^ ' M^Sadler as«: ended with a balloon at Birming- ^ * baai, and in one hour and twenty minutes, landed at Heckington, in Lincolnshire ; the distance 100 ^.,Sf ..miles. .i^^.^,:,»c ■v*i';*v,:,;*'i^^^!-v r.^t;)i-,«-! "^i^ :' h^'-'J^. General Hill defeated Gerard, near Merida. v^ A Briliiant Comet ap;ieared in the month at Sep- tember, October, and Novemhei*. - . ' ' £106,000 given by the English Parliameni to Uie V", Sufferers in Portugal. '' Sinioiihourne, a Living in the eift of Greenwich ^ ^^ boi>pit(il, divided iuto 5ix Hegioriedof £d50.eai))ji *■ •I'i » i ,'. i •-'M ,• iv \\ 'y-f "* i led Bworn In He went in it grand fete lent. ' ^ ■ ' ri at Barrosa. he President A, • ■ If.' leir prisoners c woriis, and St. Micbaels, 5." Uierc wepe m Via«>f AlbU- • ■ f Hodge exe- negfo slaves. :re8t ot Sir F. he Poor-house ncery, ohtain- of kin to Mr. vrned King of lear Almeida. \\ ut Birining- jniit^'S, landed distance tOO j^lerida "- loittbo^ Sep- iameiii to ihe ;> >■ 1 If Greenwich ^) '-^ A* c. A CXmONOLOiStCAL TABLV. INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. iCll Mr». Anne Gerard of l«)nn, ,^.. Joh*i L^r^. in theC/ounty of Limerick, 117 112 r Gordoiia, Military Invalid at K<)ni<igi9ber{3^, 116 1812 A Motion re«*pfctirv«: ih«j Droits of Admiralty was i lost ; they anion itid to £7.344.000 Tho C«>uri of Tf indsat Edinburgh settled, that io futnre, no Clergyman ol the Est ihlishrd Churtm-:. 8lM>uld hj^ve l€?3 than £160 h year income. L rd,W' lliiigton Stormed Ciudad Rodrigo. Russia dt^tlared war against France. . " . " , Tli<» GViy ol Caracras, lontainiug 4,500 houses, d<Hi<iroy«4 hy an eart hquak<* ; the number of p»Tw»n8 kille^;'.^ypoded to he 8,000 Li Gnira suflVred- alstt.' ..: .: : ■ ■. ^. ,_ , ,:^, <...:,; ■' 'Badajns Stormed by Lord Wellington. I The Souffriei, a niountain in St Vincents, vomit* ed flam^-s, after 8lum'>ering: 100 y<*ar8. Six estates damaged, and about 40 negroe^^ kdbd Bonaparte left P»ris tor Poland. * ^»' • Mr. Perceval, the CbanceilT <'f the Ex< hequ^r. «hot by a person of the name of B' Uingham, who did fiot att; mptto escape*, and was committed. H»^ was tried on the 15th, and executed on the 18th May. General Hill assanltt'd and took Almarez. The Lord Char* ellor dechirt-d, that a bankrupt coming fiooi a mt'eting ot the Coromissionersi is privileged from arrest. Lord Wellington took Salamanca, f r^ "J iC!' A copy of the De Cam**ron (»f Boo cacio srld at the Roxburgh sale tu the Duke of Marlborough, for £2,260. The Inquisition of Spain abolished by the Cortes* Prisoners of war in F.ngland, 54,517 Th»» Souffiiere of St. Viiic«'nis stopped thr wing out Oames, nnd the sour< es of two rivers were dri«2 ,^*'' ct. up T^^e ^^i&iericsns Invaded Canada. ■si-i :^' ,4. \ If IH w '•5i 11 m !H « %\ ■ I U M -, i 'H I I 1 t i ^ 1^1 1 At Cambridge, a tiii^n iinfn«d Dawson f^ntenced to d'.'Rtli lor poifioniiif: Rac«* Ju>r(ies- "*'' • The fitAt ston«> of the Bn^aliw^ter at PlyiD'^u^h lowered down. The officers ol the uavv, lht*.ar«» tny »nd^he inavor aiu) aldermeu of Pljruxtuti. , Ht-. -if ndrd at the coiDipencein*>nt of that gre(i( 'natipnaf Lord W^IIingtoQ enters Madrid, ' ^ ^ Battle oi Sinoleti-iko ; thf« Riiasians DefeatedL, S'viile taJ(en by th?*, En^hsh and Spaniards hy at- iault. 0,1 1 e Hundred barre.'s ot HtT)^i*sy t>^ken aiid.satted in two days 9t Peterhead fc.jiv^cothuid Brittle. of Moskwa; the Kngifi.jns Defeated. '^^^ Ti»e Fr mh entt^red Moscow , it had ♦>»'eo preti- ou^lv sf*t on fir<», a »d great pari destrayed. » • - Mr. Sadler ascend* d ip a balloon Jronillublio 3 h£ fell i.iro ib^* ^e3, and.waji ••ear!y\dr9Wtied.r;>5' i- French Deteated, and IVloi^owTecoverfd. ^i^r; A man on boafdja ship of uaJ" •utjoff bi^ luind to avoid .tl*e s»'rvir^ j but^ on triJ bt/^f,e>a cotiri mar- tifil, hf' was sentt^nced to be emj^loyedin the mean" e^ 4 9 parity ^ ;,: ^.> . Wdii^ Ri^laljeu by thtvRnssiant .' A«» TslAod -ailed Sabrina, in the Azores, gradually disappeared, l«*Hviotr airexteii^ivje «h<>ai,.and smoke isMjed from ibe,hpot,, At GuiPxpn, in Germany^ apjeceof gronrid gjr^idu- ellv sunk 15 feet in abotjit a iMOitth, and the .place |br:fB<\d a pool ofA*a.ter-- Th«^ muqb^fanied wljirlpool, called MaelMroom, on t.hp coast of Norway, increased its pbenonieia. yp^HeUe;gbtQr.uine<|nii:Ui8 distant now agitated hy its'vorrex<^ Q'l^ ■ A WAn a.t Bengal »lep| three days ^nd uigbti! wi'h- :0n^ jnt^Tj[n'y»,sion, and>M^ifith'*«t'J>^C» repeated ev<Ty 'ten or twelve days. . •4- -i fiissrANct^ "^■.:^ ■.-■,4**^''^^-".. ,■ A. C« A CUAONOlOGICAIi TABLK. %i INSTANCES OF LONGEVITY. Jged. 1812 At Jamaica, Ann WignoH, a black woman ; she was brought to Jamaica b**fore the dt- ?tnic- f' f. tion of Port Koyp.l by the earthquake of 1692. 114 f' *•. iVlf Heath, near Falmouih. - .., 1 8 Anh Harris, of Bud<o< k, in Cornwull. - 113 Louisa Sharp, of Gat«shead. - 114 M. de Trugays discovered a Sab marine Forestj^ ■ear Morlaix. , Chaiit cables introduced into the navy. Th«^ Population ol Napoleon's entpire declared 40 be— Ol French, . '. , 28.000,000 V > *• Italian?, Dut^h. Flemibbj "V, .£< 6,453,OOQ 4,063,000 1,000,000 43,957,144 V and other^,. which made the whole •1^13 Ru.ssittj Airatria, Prussia, Denmark, and Sweden^ fiupp.orfed by tlie wealth of England, united -, and , their Wmies adVancitig asainst France, Napoleoo ' 'Felurnetl to Papisi and (aid the state of his afifairt j ;■ before the Senate>^ylip vpted him 350,000 men to '4 ' rep 'ir his'losfles. ; Napoleon soon learned thai a counter-revolution had taken plare in Holland, that Hanov<T wa^ re* covered, the Dalmatian coast posses^e^l by the Aus- g trians, and in every plac^ his ill fortune prevailed, r . At last the Allirs entered Fraijce -^'. .;!j ^ The AmericaiiS Defeated at Kiviere au Kaisin, i » The S<otch Court pronounced for a divone in fa* i veurof the Duchess of Hamilton on account ol ad* y . uHry cofnmitted by The husband. The Vault of Henrj VI H. opened, and the body oi Charles f. inspected by Sir Henry Ha'ford, and another g^entleinan. The new offit er laHy appointed by act, the Vi<'t- Chancellor, fOi>k his seat in Conrt. AtH^rit'^D frigate Chesapeake captured bj ijie Gannon, C»pt. Br eke. x 4 i .«■•->■■■ m 11 i ■ xi 1 If'i * i Hf 82^ A €«'IR0I70L0OfOAi. TABLB. A. 0. / 1813 Cattl«» oi Viltoria, French Dffealed by the Euj. gJi h. Battle of the P\reite«»; French Defeated hy the Eng isli. * ^: JS ar WoJv«*4hainptoni a l«rg;e quantity o< ^arth fell .into a (iiiiie in wiii h wer»* nihe in»»n; 8«'\e!al !>' rsnna set to Hig, tmd at ttie end of 86% en <ia^a» llt»iin«i theH), l>ein|i uh alive, Mrept one. Battle ot Dresden , Fr< nch Defeat* d iiy the AIHes. '; San S'bastiaii, in Spatn, laken b^ Sir '1^ Oiaham. ATaravan of 2000 persons, from Maw hnit to A- leppo, in crossing tlie Des irt, overtvkehHedby the sa d, Mnd not more than twenty ef>caped. An Oak, near Miirmion, in iV onBiouthfhire, fell^ which, b> Penant's Tour, gretv in the tim of Ow- en Glendour. ^ A; Commission bein^ isMied to ins!pect the Rei ords, several v^ry valuable ones wert found, tfl|Hti i^ijp tlie Ch^^rta de Foresla ofl4tti Henf> IK Densiv* Battle of Leipsiic. Fampeluna Surrendered to the English/ The French, in their retreat from $)os>« ow^ l^ftbe- bind them abov^^ 1000 pieces ot cmrnoMi, whi< h the l^aiperor ordered to^ l^e eo ph y*>d in two Coios>al Filh^rs, at Moscow and retersburgh, to loiiuit' mo- rate the traniiaction. Print e of Oranjre errtered Amst^:rd«m, iMtd wag pr'ti laimed Sovereign Prince a tbf Untied IS ether- lands i BeinarkaMe Fojjf, whif h e«tv*iided fifty miles found London^ and coDtinued. eight da>s ac< ORipanied by a severe frosty whiclv lasted &>x we^ks. ' A> Boa Consi^uvtor kiUt>«l in the hie of France, 14 feet 6 in* hes lo4)g; in bis stomac^h w< re uuud several anim^iis, as monkieii, &*% ha H digest «;d. ^^ I^ STANCES OF iiQNG4^:VlTY» jfiged.: Elizabeth Fre» r, Wigtoii)^^ei8$iejpfihirft . 1 6 Cbarie* Cavaray^ iHiwvijf^^ ,.. ^ .» t^h^,.. J16 ■.4 » A. O. •y the E115. iated by tbe *iiy of **arth ♦•n; 8<'>eial »e%en <ia^a, • i the Allies. l*" Oiaham. i8i h^ii> to A- hHedbjT the hthirre, fell, till) otOnr- bp Rei ofds, ow, ^ftbe. , whu h the w Coios>al iOixmt'iiio- , atld ^88 jdiSptfaer' iles Iruund oiHpunied France, re Muud iMtijd. 1.6 J16 A o. A eilII0N9L0«ICAL TABLt:. 63 t h '^^■-^\ 1813 IVfrn. Mnry M^MjjVan, ofnonfiuzhmrtre. J99 Sarah Ai«(i'T«on, a ir<><* black. She wag hron^ht 140 from Congo in 1687. A MfCRgrul experim»»nl to cu« cast ir(»n, heated (o a certain degree, with a cominoti saw, uiade at I'lie Sherp In th«* S'»etl«»nd Isl.inds calculated at 150,000, and the finest of'tli^ir tvool is wrought in- to stockings of two gaineas a pair, I'pl4 The Norwegians fonght some J.r'ivc actions (^^r their inde^iendem e, hui were d ieatt^tj. The Prince c^ Denmark qnitt<'H Norway, and the Diet elected ( iving of Sweden to he their king. It was agreed bv the allitd powers that the Kini^ or Sardinia should be restored to b*s dominions, ot which he took possession, and acted wiih groat prudent e, for he took no i ognizance of what had paFscd in his abs^'n* e. This was an act of jnsiuc ill the allies, but to ihie they ad(ied a flais^rant a( t ot injustice, tor they bestowed on him the doinlDion of Gf>noa, the constituiion ot which had been pro- mised by 9 British Officer. The Thermometf r, expos^-d to a north-eaFstfm aspect, htood ]9deg. below the tr«>ezing point in Bn- gland. — In Ireland the winter was nearly as severe. First action on French territory betwe^^n the allies and tue French ; Mortier Defeated, Jan. 24. i>attle of St. Dizi^T, in ChMmpa2;ne, between the Allies and Napoleon in pers(»n, who was defeated. The Custom house of London burned down, with IM04 of the adjoining; warehouses. Many papers were lost, with ^ooks, bonds, and documents of vast importHRCe. ' The Minister of Dalmeny, in Scotland, being con- victed oi pnbiishing fVoin the pulpit a liKel on the Schoolnir'ster of the puish, fined by the Court of Session 25 guineas, and th«* to!*t of &uit. ,..,, i The iliiaiisii entered Boi'deaux*^- ''^^ ii'J.; ,jii m W ?! li ' ' 1 ! tit I ■-v 5S<-- .% !i' Vl: ! IMAGE EVALUATION TEST TARGET (MT-3) /. ^ f/. ^ i.O I.I |25 u tti 2.2 ■ 4 IL25 i 1.4 2.0 m 1.6 V] <^ /A * / y /^ Photographic Sciences Corporation m \ <^ :\ \ % V ^\ ^ ^'^ ■^ 6^ <>" -%'^.1l* 23 WEST MAIN STREET WEBSTER, N.Y. 14580 (716) 872-4503 ''^" pi A f 9ROirobOQICAL TAYLB. A* C« «-t'^'--- *-•'-■ M t 1814 Fonfainbleau enter<='d by tho Aasi riant. Defeat of Sr>uit at Orthez, b> the Britisfi. A man at Monmoatb confessed himaoll gui!ty of a murder for ^^hicb he had been tried and acquitted 27 years b<'fore. pt'puties from Bordeau^L arriFcd in London, to in- vite Lonis XVUI. to rf'turn to Frame, The Enipresft Maria Louisa, and tier soo^ quitted Paris. Battle of the Burrierd of the City ; Marmont eva- cuated Paris, ai^on the following day, (Marci: 31,) the Allies entered. a ievjee of the Senate of France declared Napo- leon Bonaparte, and all his family, to haVe lorieit* ed th<» Imperial Crown. A verdict of £50. given against the Landlord of an Inn it Preston, at the Lancaster Assizes, for preventing a gentleman from dvpurliog from his iiin with horses hired from another inn. Bonaparte si(;ned his abdication ol the Crown of Trance and Italy. Battle ol Toulouse ; Sotfil finally Defeated by the British Genoa Surrendered to the British. Louis XVIII. entered London in much state from Ills retreat ai Hartwell, attended hy the life guRrds and many of tlie King's carriages, and accompanied by the Prince Regent. He stopped at GrilUon's Hotel, Albemarle Street. , Here he kept his Court, and was congratulated by the Lord Mayor and citizins of London^ and by niost of the nobility. Louis embarked at Dover in the Royal Yacht|. aird landed in France in four hours. Preliminary Treaty between Britaia and France, eigned in Paris. . . ^ Napol on embarked at Fiejus, in Province, foe the Isle of ^Ibj^, in the British Fr<^atQ Ufidauntci. •■* V <a;c A t'RiRONAtVtitr'AL tAVLft. 85 1 It. . itisfi. 1*1' guilty of a ind acquitted ■i jondoB,to in- r soDy quitted ^armont eva- , (Marti: 31,) c In red Nfipo- I bav^e Tbrieit- Landlord of ' Asi'izoB, for ting from his n. the Crown of feated by (h« ch statp from e life gURfdfl accompoiiied at Grill ion 'a ^ratulated by douy and by loyal Yachts. and France^ Vov^nce, fot VfidauntcA, •♦ »• %- I8i4 \ Grand Fa iipfal 'Service perrorm'^d in France ^t^ , V r- for rb'e Ki XVlnndXVII.ofFn the • ance, nu Q,ueeii, and tiie Princegg fc^iizabeth. At Truro, in Cornwall, two niilh>rs fined jClOeaih for mixing white • lay with their flour. B^ a return made to the H> Uhe of Commons, the tiutahpr Oi officiprB of th«» Bnti>»h army wag — ri^-ld lifar>hals, 5; Geoerah, 81 ; Lif^utenunt Genernls, 167, Majr Generals, 221 ; C« lunetg, 152; Lieu- teoant Colonels. 6l8; Mnjnrn^6}2i Capiat 118,2960; LieuteDants, 4725 ; EiM»igti9, 2522 . *'^ . ,. The i!lmpre!»!) Jogephin** buried In France with. coiigitleraWe tatierai pomp. ', The l:!lm|>eror of Ku»(giaaiid Kin*of Prusgia iHeach- ed Lobdon The former took nf» big residence at the imperial Hotel, Piccadilly, and the latter at St- James' PaiaCe. They Wierfe attended by many Princias and Nobleg. Ttie City was itliiminated. The Monan bs and Princes received in gtate at the Court at Carletoti House. The Emperor. of RusbiaTiind King of Prugsia in?Htiti>d with the Or* tl'^r of the Garter. —They visited Oxford. Taey were entertained by the Corporation ofLon- doti. They were met by the Lord Afayor, &c^ ^id I'onduited toGuitdhiill, whuh WhS fitted upio ft spkitdid manut'r) aitd a modt godsptuous ^uter- tamment given. A Naval Keview^l ')P6rt»m6ulh b^^fofe thfe royal Tisitors. ^'he Empferor of RiiBsia, with hi» sifter, ao«l the b^ber royal and nOhle foreigners, depat'tedi aud, QD the 23tii of Jtitie, embarked at Dover. ^ Ferdinand VII. re^oredth*' Inquisition, which had ' 'been|nvpprei»8*'d by the Cortes. A Fauatic of the name of Johnnua BoatliCote mach jT^ui'.s restored by Pius VII. « ^i , ^e fia&ucfr ol Lord Cochranei as a Knight of K 3 f^ iP r ^■• «' w ! l( j III ^ i! lit •■•l-'F i i !;! frmi 1 V I 4 '\ r f f. 1 1- I d« A ITHROlVOLOOfCAL JSMIM, A.t* 1814 the Bath, renioved from Hf^nry VII/s Ghnpeli bis Lordship h«iving hneti implicated in the fraud on thf Stock Exchanj^e. The City of Washington taken by the British. A Gei'tleman's gardener at Leighton Buzzarjd ha- ▼iri^ had his gfrenn house rohht'd,8atuptherein to watch, but in the morning was found dead, evident^ ly d«»6troyed by the meph^tic gas. Hanover declared a Xingdom^ and Hesse Cassel a Grand Duthy. One of the large vats in the brew-house of Mens and Co. St Gileses, burst, and demolished two hou- if*8 ; 3,600 barrels of beer were lost, and several persons killed. At Myfdd, in Montgomeryshire, twelve cattle ha* ing eaten of some bram^hes of the yew-tree, six of ,; them were found dead near the spot. Peace signed at Ghent between Great Britain and the United States of America. Mary Jones, Isle of ^y died at the age of 137. William Rulbven, Avondale, North firitaiity lid. >lr...Blenksop invented a carriage to be propelled by steam. <, IS 15 Bonaparte escaped from Elba, and landed in France with less than 1000 followers, but was soon joined by vaaous hodi«-sof the army, and marched for Pa- ris, which he entered . A Goose died near Titchfield, Hants, aged sizfy* four years. ^ >- \ Candy, the capital of Ceylon, taken hj the British Due d*A)igouleme taken prisoner by Napoleon*6 4roop8y and allowed to depart. ' Joaihim, King of Naples, defeated by tl^ Austri* ens in the north of Italy, ai)d tot^klly rotttH on the lathofMay. .'.'■%_■'■ ^ meeting of the Champ de Mai, at Parif^o swear to the Constitution. % ^ I^apolecm left Purls to JQiu jtjie armiea cf tbe Bel** glan froBli«r. # \\\ l E Tg H ' tj i ^ - - gHj atf - j a uaa *! : : -: ; ■ L ' ' -wair : ■ A.t. A*CK A CHRONOLOCICAL TABIiE% 99 Ws Chfipeli ill ttie fraud e British. Buzzard ha- up therein to ead, eyideiiU esse Cassel a )use of Meiix ihed twohou- ii and several 'Ivp cattle lia- w-tree, six of at Britarn and • age of 137. ft.itaiiiy lid \ be propelied ided in France IS sooQ joined ched for Pa- 8, aged sixty* J the British J Napo|eoQ*« iy t^f Xustri- routed on the art 0^ the BeU ^ .- ' *i 481S The Prussian army, undor Blurher, attacked at Ligoe, and totally defeated June I6tli. Bat'te of Waterloo. Napoleon Bonaparte at the hertd ofab'^ut 80 000 men, and the Duke of Wei- linnftonat the he;) d of about 69,000 men, June I8lh. ^j> Canibray taken hy the Ent'lish. Bonaparte arrived at Ruchfort, with an intCkOtioD of mailing to America. Paris evacuated by the French, and occupied by the allied army Louis XVlll. returned to Paris* and resumed the Government. Napoleon Surrendered to Captain Maitland of the Belleiophon, and on the t4th ofJune arrived in that ship in Torbay ; on the 26tii sailed to Plymouth. At York assizes, a coai hmaster paid £450. doma* gps for an aciident to a lady, occasioned by the breaking of the axle tree. The se>)Son was so backward this year in Cicada, that snow fell on the 20th of May, and the trees were nut in leaf before the 4th of June. > Marshall Ney executed, noiwithstandiMg the capi- tulation of Paris, which guaranteed the safety of alt The iiri>t ship fr>m ln6i»y that sailed after the trade was opened, r< turned tc Liverpool. A fellow at Qneensborough having left hia wife and family, was taken and ordered to be flogged. Af no one could he found to flog bim^ the Mayor liioH self performed the duty. « Marat sh'.'t in Calabria. Bonaparte arrived at St. Helena » King of Candy made prisoner by Generel Brow» '"' By Treaty beiweeh Russia and Britain, the Ionian Islnf plactd undt-r the protection of the latter •gwer. Treaties of a general peace signed at Paris. , ' Xaf ttUtte condeittiied at Paris lor k\gh trei|ftqp» ,r iii Ik '.' hi M fii '/' fif^ «« 1 cumoif fift^fcjit tiivtif. I.e.*' i u p I ' ll' I •1 ii l^rs t.AValette escaped from prifOo dretstd in th^ ciothfflt'f iflRd<ime Luvalpttp. ^ Lord Cochrane nenteccod to i^lOOO fiiif' for es- CRpint; rrom tiie Kin^V Beireh Prison, which whs •puid by Fubft riptio<<9ot one penny. The Ton<>ag4^ of Shipfling in Enj^aind registered " "'tis, 180,310 Average Charge of the Poor the three last ^ears, per anunm—i;^, 147,000. 1816 Several Laplanders arpi?ed in d)c:iand with game, -in Ane preservation, after trav(*mng lOOOmi'es. One hundred and tueniy houses in St. John's, K<'wfo«ndiand, destroyed hy fire. A tract of land, Bitir>iNiting t(» 120 Bn^lish Acres, mid of the depth of 60 t'eet, slid With a trettlertdons iTHvh into the ri?er Nid, neur Drontheiln, Norway. Captain Tuikex-s expedition for ez^lonn^ the cost of Afrira sailed; Captain Turkey died, with tome of the offifers, and the eXpediti<Yliiafled. A Bil4 passed for detaining the Etnperor Napoleon at St.' Helena. Major geweral Sir Robert WilsOn, Michael Bruce, €!aq. atid Captain J. ff. Hutchinson, coiivic^^ed iu Paris of asnisttn^ -the escape of the Com*e de Lava- lette,€oriden)iied fr^ hi^h tr^'isou, and senteuced to thre« months iinprisotirtt^iit. Priicess Charlotte of WiHes fflarried to the f'rince bfSaxeCulhoiiFg; t>he a nniralsufD: of 4^60,009. set- tled on them hy Par liaitv^nt. Snverai spots obsei ved in Ifhe snU; thut in the cen- tre of the appar^ntsrj^of the earth. fu^ttn F^iner^ ofthe «to<*ottiplit(hed oritar^ Rich* aid Brinsley Sheridan. i Th* ^uke of G)oiiieesteriiialri4ed i<vM«^ousin, the •I'rincess Mary. oV ^^ Twelve hundred Houses, and 3,000 sb6p8^$|troj« ed >'y (ire sf»t l'Oji:taMiino|>le. \^ / ;^<;fc' J. «? Med in the fin^ for es- t whicii WH8 A registered e last yearsi d with^me, ^mi'es. St. John's, fyjSclish Arrfs, trettlfrtdons m, Norway. :^lono> Uie ^ died, with Yti iftiled. or Napoleon •bwel Brure* :onvic*ed in )«ed6 Lava- ^eiitieficed 10 o'i\ie Prince 30,eoe. set- in th« cen* At^r^ Rich* ^ouftm,the psilfHtroy- '■;■ / ^ • ^ €. A ^niOKOLOGICAL TABLB. 8» 1816 mile and a halfiL^ length, and 400 feet below tho surface of tiie ground Algiers bombarded by Lord Exmontb ; a treaty foliov^^d, andChiistian SJHvery was abolit*bed. s }■ Vaugh m, a police offi<-er, and others, fntenc^^d to fit 6 years inrprisoitment for a corspiracy to indu- e a man to commit a burglary, in order to get the re* ward. Holy Le?ig;ue, a convent ton so called, signed at P«ri8 hy the Emp«Tor ot Austria and the King of Pnifsia, by which, it is said, they bound thensf^lves to be go? erned by Christian Principles in their po- litical transactions. Every perhon from ?0 to 30 years, in Poland^ a soldier, by order of Alexander of Russia. Exeter Mail coach att»< ked by a lioness that had escaped from a caravan. v/^ ILirpooner transport, from QueheC| with invalids and Ather troops, foundered on the Ci»ast of New* foundland, and more than baif the persons onboard perished Sir Humphrey Dayey invented a safety Idmp t^ ^: prevent the a< cidents whit h happen in coal mine% from fire damp. Elastic Marble found in a quarry at Pittfield, Mat^ sachusets ^ay. < A Human Mummy found in Kentucky. A Canoe waji found under the rirer Witham, Lin^ cplnshire^ The Sculptures bf ought by Lord Elgin from Greece, purchased by Goverament^ and deposited in tlie Eritisb Museum, i. The Britii^h army, during the years of peace, 1789 to 1792, was from 30,276 men, to 39,263 :— Tlie peace establishment thi8 3'ear was ]49,0()p. 1917 Both Hons»s of Parliament met The Prince Re- gent, on his return to Carieton House, was shot at^ ,aad^ jpiccording to the statenent ot LOrd Qeorg4 K,y i mi 15 f I I Bit I ■rrsr. « «imeffMi»o«MijL iTAtiii. AyOJ :t 4M7 Murrnj, Iwothot^^pfrtbrated fhegkMsoftlie ear* A Treaty bclweenOrent Britain ar>d Spain, by ^hirli Spartii Sj^red to renounce the Shire Tr;'d«\ I'Ord Cochranf* ptetireiitfid to the House of ('om- ooiia, th#* Spafterds Meetinu P«>tiltoii,eijE(nedby 24' 000 perfoBs It prayed for .Annual Parliaments, ITiiiverttal Siiffrago, and Amendmt nts in the Public Expenditure.-— It was laid on the table. He also § resented a petition frons Manchester, signed by 0,000 personsv praying for a Heform in Parlia- ment, aiid Gcouoniy in the Public Expenditure.— It was rejected for its indecorous language. The Prince Regent surrendered j£50,000 per an« nuin to the Public Exi^rencies. Marquis Camden surrendered his Tellersliip of the Exchequer, worth about £30,000 a year, reser- ting only jgt.TOO. * Cobbett's Register attained a sale ff 60,000 co- pies per week. . • Chili declared Independent. < The Pope issued a Bull against Bihle Societies. Six hundred Petitions for a Reiorni in Parliament^ presented this session to the House of Commons. A number of ^e proscribed French Officers pur* chased 100.000 aires of land in the Jkliisi^sippi »' Territory, to settle there. -^ a Extraordinary Phenomenon seen stt Rhemes. I^u* V^inous purple and red circles observed in the hca* veils. ^' The Rpyil George man of wir, vrhirh sunk off Fortsmouth in l7S2,avtrr^ed by medn» of a diving ^ .' ^ ^eil, add found a mere mass of shapeless timber. Vli€ State Prisoners, Messrs. Tliistlewood, Wat- son, Pres»on, and Qoopwr, ronveyed from the Tower to the Court of King's Bench, to be tried tor i tiigh treason. Watson was the first tried His trial lasted scten days, and the- Jury returned a iLcrdict of Not Guiity. Th«AlUwrney. General •■MMMnnn nrvd Spain, by c Shire TiiAi\ House of ('om- B, signed by 24- al Fartiaments, tsinthe Public taWe. He alao ster, signed by form ill Pnrlia- Expenditure.— ngua^e. ?50,000 per an^ « TeHerabip of| 00 a year, reser- te if fiQ,000 co- ble Societies, m in Farliament, of Commons. ch Offitera pur- the Missiiisipiu at Rbemes. !-.«• r?ed in the hea- vrhii'h sunk off |iean» of a diving ipeless timber. Utlewood, Wat- ley ed from the I, to be tried tor irst tried His fary returned a iuwrney. General . I A emeito£oero4ii tablit. 9% i4 1817 thenfpivt Of) th* proseeviion nfirfiinst tRe othert, « Sir Fr nci^^i Burd*'tt ralird the utteiitioii ol Parlia- ment to tht* coodut t of Oliv^T I he spy, and others, who hiid incited d(St^es^e^' pervunn U> not A new code oi cnmiiialUiws promulgated' in the 4 Isle ot Mm. :*■» Fublii Schooh itstabbslied over th« whole Ru9- ^ ' • sian Lmpiie. 't'he Print e«8 Charlotte of Wales died, soon alter •he had Hhimi delivered oi astiil born muie « bild. Williiim Asldord uppealef* Abr^thain Thornton for the atirocious Murder oi bin tixter, Mary Ahhfordy in the Court of King's Bcnob. Brandi-eth, Tunter, and LudiAm, executed for high tieaRon at l>erl^. Mr. Home the booiUeller, tried A»r pitblisitiiig a purody'. in the Court ot King's Bench, Hid iicquit- ted, uft'-r an »iteinp(»rrtoeout defence of 7 Ite^irs. Tried ^r a second parody, and acquitted, uMer a 46fen«-e of eight hous. Tried for a third parody, and acquitted; after a defence of nine hoursv A NeVv. Priming Pres» iav<'a<e4^ lo aei hy the pi6wer of Steam ; which, aided I}- tWo or three bbye) ^ill priift lOGO sheets in an hour. The LithOgra|yhie Art iiitrodu<ced lato fiiigland by Mestre^ Advprmana and WiliidK iliri baniel perfbrmed lua carious eyptrimentSi proving that all solid bodies are ihrystail'tf?^ A* Committee io£ the Hons*- of <ionim\>ii»' decid 4 e<rainii th«* HJiMwervi^ Glhiins Kf New Books. The Cow tr#e^ Miahmififiliiifli milk, diescribeid by ]M. Humboldt. M^ S^ihroler d eleri» h >ed 1h# ff^nMels oftl»eCetti» et of 1811, whose diameter, it Mftpeerrf^, was 10,900 liiilea, aii^ wbdse tint? Gir refrat ted ray», e«tended IfthSe^oee milesir |}«oea»lHse Stbools^ i»» n 4 wai ia g Matk tinMKeob, inslitated ioSeliesal. -Hi' 1 III ft :l ♦,' £k-':'^-iaab»-- T;/JLJ&,£ .*.:»^ 1 I ^ A nmOKOLOCICAl. TABLC. I. «• 1817 CHptfiin Granholm took out a patent Tor pres^rfinp^ animal and fogelable substaiicps lor any length oif , lime. It wns announced that theInBp<^rial Muspuro at Vi- eima ccntinned nineteen sptxiiuens of different me- Iriolif fiionps. Mr. John Wai)t announced thp Colihi<-uni Autum- nale as a certain cure for the Gout. The Magdalen Hospital sim e 1758, bad admitted * 4,594 femalec,ofwhoui 3,012 were restored to tleir frieiiiis. "r The Mflgn^tic Ne*rdle, which had for many years tak* n a western declination Iroin the meri'iian^ re- ^ turned towards the north. Tea consr.med in England, 20,480,000 lbs. ; The Duty on which was above £3 000,000. The number of Ben* tires ascertained by retufnf to parliament to England, , ^ 10,421 Churches and Chapels, , . 11,743 Globe Hou?ef, , , . 6,417 i Licensed Country B»nks,-»509 in England and Wal^s, and 27 iti S<otlaDd. '* , Gold Coined in the reign of Geo. III. 71,639,2 13 Silver ditto. , , , , 4,306,J20 The Turnpike ro^ds of Emrland und Waie« deter- I mined to eitend 19,765 mites, and the highways ^6.104 miles, rostine; per annum ,£1,415,833 ; also , :that the area of England and Wales is 37,094,400 ■ocres. • : i The Sheep and Laml>s ronsai;)ed in Londenivith- in 12 months, were 1,062,500, and the CftUie 164- V 000. The Horse hides produced at Leadenball " market were 12,900 1818 Sir Thomas Plomer, TiciH:hanceUor of Englanc^ 'f ■ sworn into office. ^ **' i. The KiD{C of Sp^iijo denianOed^llle British Go* ^ernment £400,000. in ronsidt rMion of thf'pjittal # /"JMiiioii of 4b»)4«fc trade whkli he bad granteil^l ■** ;f %' A. e* rA%o. A CBKONOLOOICAL TABLC. 93 \\ or presf r?ing? any length of ^tnseuin atVi- dififerent me- )i(;uni Autum- bad admitt* d i8toredtott<eir ^r many years meri'iianj, re- «. ,000 lbs. [X),000. aed by retufns . 10,421 11,743 6,417 I KDglaod and II. 71,639,1 13 4,306 J 20 d Wale** deler- ihe highways ,415,833; also 18 37,094,400 ' -J LondoiiVith- Ithe cwUl« 164- ai LeadeDball [or of England^ \h^ British Go- In ofth'' p»»tal badgraAted^^ 181 8 An extraordinary meteor al Thouloiise, which diff charged atmospheric stones^ Mr. i 'roker broufi^h* in a bill to th«> Hviutf* of Com- mons to consolidate the A^ts of Parliament r^^spec^ ting- the Longitudt', and to r.onl«'r rewards on disco- vent's in the north west • cf^an f Lord PalrotTston fired at in the Wa^ Office, hj Lieut Oavid D«vies. Yehictes of Gorman const rnctimi, called V<*lcct« pedes, appeared, which were impelled by tli^ ' feft with (Treat celerity. * lo the ( ase of appeal of Murder, Ashfotd^ai^iinst Tt^ornton, b^for*^ the Court oiKinjsV Bench, the Court allowed that tb** luw gave the df'lendaiii ft riifhtto his wager of hatU^ But tbt* apHlant, the brother of the youig woman who hail been mnrder« ed,.nf)t feeling itims* I justified in dccepting^ the ' cbalfenke, the murderer whs ilischargefl. The Att<>rn«'> G^Kcrttl hrnu^ht in a bill to take • away the right of »ppeal tor murder Tlie Geruiai) Priiue Le<;pol(t otitained a shilling damau;e8 against a u bnglisb coit.it ryg^ntloman lor shooting on Itisgron.nds The Monthly Ma^razme < ontamed an andhsis of ^il'^ progrretfs of crime during th^ last seven yt'^ars ; by which it appeared, that 16:308 persons 4uid, jn , that time, been conioMtted tothe tsoajs'ot EngLind an^ Wales tor (rimiial offeiiceK: that 4,96S had reR^'ived >entence ofdearh; 6,512 had bt»en sl^n* fenced ^10 tran^p(TtatiOll ; ami t3 .795 subjected to minor- |i,iHA<shinents, wHiic'ii<» bills were found a- gaijn^t 9.287. in the ttam^ period 564 had heen ex«cnt«ed» and eVery number was tripled lo the last, .y/5ar. [ 1 r^aty; betvreen Grent Britaia attd the Nftkfr- ^ lands fo/^Misi iofr thesl^'T^ trade; Ti«e Duke « f CI H-n* e Mwrri' «l to tbe PfincieHl of Shx^ MiMvng n, :*Md the Diike ot UmA to U Fnii«;eia oi base Cobui^* L <fli il '^!'"i i k If ! Uii ■^ I' iClV ; r- 0r M ^ri il \2r" 94 A CHXONOLOGICiL TABLE. I.e. >,A m Il- ls IB The fon ofNapolcoo created Duke of Reichstadt by tbe lilniperor ol Austria, hh GraiidfHtbcr. The Pope issued a Ball, allowing th^ King of . Spain to sutppod filling eccl^^siastiral benefit es for two >eari, and to apply tbe revenues to the purpo* aes of the state. 1q many parti of Cn^laDd and France the trees blosi^omed twice or three timfs, and at Paris the tiiermometer rose to 98 on the istli August. At Cornwall Assizeit, Miss Tucker was acquitted ' of the charge of writing a libel on the Vice- warden ' of the Stannerjr Court. She pled her own cause, and ably defended herself on the ground of the troth of what she had written. It appeared from an official report, that in the last 28 years J 146 persons had been ezetuted for for- gery. A Treaty agreed to at Aix-la Chapelle, between the Allied Powers and France, for the evaruation of the French territory by their troops. The a- mouiit of the contributions to he paid by France, Tias between el«*Tei I and 12 millions. The Auifrican navy aDiioonc«>d t<» consist of six shiDs^^t the line, 1 1 frigates, and 22 sloops. Sir Samuel Romiily, in a pai'oxisni ot brain fever, destroyed, bimsef, to thegr«*at regret of the iiatioiu 1 he Isabella and Alexander, discovery ships, ar- rived at Oeptlbrd, v.ft^r ho unsuccessful atteujpt to explore « oortu west passage. Q^ieenCtmilotte Dif-d at Kew,on the 17th Not. iii her 75;h year. /I wo Juries at tb« Old BaileyjOoe of the Middle- sex, and ih^ other of London, acquitted iht* persod tr d l>efor»* them«>n the Capita! Charjre of passing fiTgeu iiot<'S, because the C'erk «»f the Ba<>ii would il t explain the marks by which he bt«li«*v*^d the n i»»s t' '►e t'orgnd. 1^ appeared by an ai tide m ibt^ Mduthfy M<ig|f ,.3»' I.e. teichstadi ihcr. f King of , [ie6< 68 for ;he purpo* 3 the tree* t ParU the sunt. I acquitted ic<*-wardeQ [>wn cause, und of the t in the last ted for for« le, hetweeo evacuation 18. The a- by Franro, isist of six >ps. ►rain fever, the nation, y ships, ar* attempt to l7th Not. ne Middle- iht* person of passing laok wouta 1li«*v*^d the Ih^ Mag«> i.e. 1 CHKONt LOGICAL TABLI. 95 1818 ztne, thot from 1774 to 1780, the averaee hent WH!« 51 68; and 1787 t> IBOO, was 50 54 ; oin 180) to 18l6'%a9 50. Sd; the hot lest day mt '6 43 ye rs, m July, 1808, heing 93 5, and tb»* toldest, ]D*»cember, 1796, at 5 Houses heated by »teain, by mt^anit of pip^s car- tied 'roin »boiJer. A Rjv»T <»t ere.it magnitude discovered in N'*w« lloil nd, unnin<^ through (he laktsof that cuD'iy. • Two Eipeditioiig 10 penetrate to the North f ole tHiIed, <: <^ to the north e<i8t, find the otkier to the porth west) hut neither suc« eedt d. The Himala Mountain* distovered to bo highjf than Chimbora^a, in Peru M^j*M Peddy*!s expedition o( dixtovery in Alric«i iaited by the de»th O' the principal parties. Mr. Samuel Lee introduced to poblic notice, who^ bad taught hioiseif seventeen lan^^uages in fourt(*en yenrs. It appeared by the report of the House of Com* mons that four millions of pounds weight of sloe, liquorice, an<J ash-tnu> l-aves, are every y^r mixed with Chinese tens in England. ^^ It appeared by a report that the^Balf graph from Calain to Paris communicates in three minutes, and from Pari^ to Lyons in eight minutes. Total Funded Debt of tlie United Kingdom, rfl, 106,769,015. Amount of Exports, ;^55,609,701. oi'lmports, ^ *Aa 45,188,349.^ Number of Vessels Regi9tere^|i(; 24,207* Number of Seamen, >ip^ 167,402. 1819 The Will ot h^r late Majesty, Queen Charlotte, proved in Doctors C*»minons ; the personal proper* ty sworn under £140,000. A great sensaion arose in the Meiropoii»in re* giird to the number of p^TSons capitally convicted at the Old Caiiey for passing for|;ed bank tiott^s.— trl , I •■I m -•-:i i i "lit' ^ \ i \l: !l 7 ^6 A CHRONOLOOTCAL TABLE. l.C m • 1819 The London Jdry pre8< nted an uddress to^e Court, hoping; that Capital Punishioeiita for those ofifen<'PS mi ht he altered in (jevpfHl part§ of £i)g:land, the parishoi bene vo- l€;nt}> allotted 4u the poor fetm-tll pieces of land iki aid of their maintenance. Marijf. distressed f>ersons embarked, undfr the 8Pncti(»n of Government, to establish a .pew colon j at the Cape nf Good Hope. Southwark Bridge opened, making the sixth me- tropolitan brrdj;^ over the Thames. T> Kotsjebae, the popular Drdmatist, assassinated at Manheim by a Student ot Wurtzberg nHmed'Sandt. The States of Bavaria, to prevent dtielliiig, wisely established a Court orHoDour i Twelve Millions of the 8ii)k>ng fund applied to moke the income of the Stale equal to the expen- diture. Mr. Grattan lost his motion in favour o( the Ca- tbolit-s of Ireland, by a majority of two only , 243 against 2(4 1* Zyiarquis Camden received the thanks of the House of Conunons, and ot the Country ^ for giving up his profits of the Tellership of the Exchequer to the public. * Sab of bullock's Muse^om in Piccadilly, in which tiie carriage, and other articles formerly belonging to the Emperor Napoleon, were purchased as re- lit s, at extravagaotly high prires. The dbique copy of BoCncci*^, purchased by the Duke of Marlborough tor ;^2,2W, knocked <iown for 876 iicuineaii. The Bill to abolish Wager of Battle passed both Hr>u«e8. Numerous meetings held about this time throuoch- oui the country for Parliamentary Relorm, Annual parliaments, and Univtrsal Suffrage. The Attainder on the Chadien of Lord Edward Fitag«raldrei^rc«ll* . 3dre88 to^e i.its for those ishof bpnevo- ces of land iki j, und^r the a iiew coloDj the sixth me- issass'^nat^d at Q»mf*d'Saiidt. lelliiig, wisely lid applied to to t))e ex pen- ur o( the Ca- wo onlyV^"^ s of the House giTio^ up his heqiier to the Silly, in which riy belonging i-iiased as tc- ihased by the LnocV.ed down le jpassed bptli time throuejh- Itorm, Annual «ord £dward K,g. A CHRONOLOGtCAL '^ABLE. 97 ^^f Mi *'?'. •?v^ 1819 Madame Blanchard ascended from Tivoli in a bal- loon at nighty su' rounded by fireworks , shortly hT- terwards the balloon took fire, and she was preci pitaied and kilied oii the Kpot. A n>«'eting of Parliamentary Reformers held at Nswhali Hiii, near Birmingham, to the nuutb^r of 50^000 persons; elect»"d Sir C. VVolselry leg>i»l.ito- rial attornf^y and representative (or Birminsritam, ' witlidtiec-tioos that he shuuid 'ppty to the Speaker to take his seat. Some of the heir looms, or unalienated ^anyly p'^o* pertyof'tbe Marlborough Family, taken in eseca- tion. <*! ' A Steam Vessel arriv<'d irom America. . The Grand Jury of the County of Wdiwick return- ed frn^ bills oi indictment ag.iinst M<(j r C»rt\%rig':t, Mr. Wooler, and others, for a misd 'meaiKtr tom. mitred on the 12 hof Jul>, in •leciing Sii Charles WoNeley representative for B^minghaai. The famous Manchester iMt^4'ting on the 16ih of August, when nearly^ 100,000 m^n« woiuf n, an<l citildren, were a-sembled to hear Oiator Hunt, ? d oth<T8 The iV!»<g:strnt« s thoogtn propT to ordi^r the military toch^irge. th uji^li no riot was cou^mit- tC'l. Iilight men, f ao wome.i, and oiie child vv' I'e )ci!ted, and X bout GOO wound d. A Letter from Lord Sidu 'Uth, as Serein of Stale, tl»i:!kin>;C tiie M'igistr"\ and Vlili try .or their condutt oo the \6r]y. ii\ the name "if ttie R'gent Th»' Keys of the B-^nk, ejghi in namber, st d^n — Tiiey were afterwards fui>id m th' po.*i^essio i of an insane femde, nanieii £ 'z^b'th Dwnha ti, toge- ther with 9,000 other keys, oeoMging to var oug public »t]k^s She was tri«c( at tl\e Old Bailey, Sept. 28th. hit icquitted. The Gr>»nd Jur y thrt w out the bitis preferred »%, thi^ JLaiKp^slvr Assises auraiuKt ce^laia nKinNiri Pi J ♦1 .1 i .! 1 M fit ; H A rHRONOLOGICAL TAtLK. AtCt 1819 the Manchpfter corps of yeomanry, charged with cuttin«c *tf)<l mBtmiDg the assembled miiliitude on the 16th of August. The same jury found bill? for a Conspirncy a^aiii^t Mr. Hunt, and othe^rs, for presiding and coriducliDo: a me^tii.g of petitioners. Another Expedition was fitted out to try a Qorth- wpst passage to the Pacitic Ocean. Mr. Hunt enteritl Loudon in grand triumphal pro- cession, attended by the acclamations of unpHraU leled utuHitudes. Earl Fitzwilliam removed from the office of Lord Li«|itenant of the County of York. About the Istof Norembcr, several distinguished persons resigned their com.inissioDS in vaious Yorkshire rorps. in consequence of the removal o(" Earl >'itzwilliam from the Lieutenancy. Accounts received of a dreadful Earthquake near Poonah, East Indies, on June 16th ; the earth op- en«^d and a ccnisiderable district of the country of Kutch sunk, with 2,000 inhabitants. Sir Manasseh Loptz itentenced to a 6ne of jCiO,- 000, and two years imprisonment, for bribing at the Grampound Election. Mr. Cobbet landed at Liverpool from A nerica, where he went on the passing of the ^uspensioQ Bill. T liirt^-t wo Pigeons sent ftom Antwerp w^.re li- berated trom Loudon at 7 o'clock in the tuomin;:^ ; and on the same day at noon, one of them arrived at Antirerp; a quarter of an hour afterwards, a second arrived; the minaind^^ on the. following day The Irish lahourers of St, G^lejs's petitioned the House of Commons to be employed in cultivating part of i^ic four millions of bog lund in Ireland. AiLUkeurd^ bird-« nest discovered in the inter* ior of a sound ash tree. Oyster-9hvU' powder found an excellent manure.^ U eouai' i. ''^K>-- charged with multitude on >uiid bill? for I others, tor r petitioners, try a Qortb* iumphaf pro- s of UDp'iraU ffice of Lord distinguished ) in vaious the removal ncy. ihquake near he earth op- e country of ine of £10,- »r bribing at s A nerica, ^u8pen8ioa w\re li- te luuroinij: ; leni ariivt'd [erivards, a le following litioned the jcuitivatiog Irelnod. the iuter-^ It manure^ £. t. A CHHOKOLOOICAl. TABLl. 9» 1619 New Zealand Grass niatiufa(itur«'d at Poirliinotltfc into kiFge and small ropes. * , ^. Linen and thread maviulaclured in IreUhd Irom the fibres of h^itlt>8. Mr Leroi comma mcated that gunpbwdor may be inflamed by a blow, wilbout the prefious proi^- tion of a shftf k. /► u CaptaiiK M&nlcy iiiHi6«nded i Hght fire cart, to be applied by one man otily^ on the fir»l alarm of hre. The bone of a laitje sieeJ ll4^^J^« ;*;^*'«*"^^" Airthry, Clat kmaBiialiitfaire, one of {B^^iir^f^cl q sured ten feet. W Mr. Dumont discovered that fruits may he? pre- served by rarhonioaelJi g^s V M. MoDfi^ d«8<-overf d that pyroti^eous acid will prevent the puirKactioiB of fleab for miy length of time. A Stone of 6Q]lir^ l<reii$ht felt nea# Smio]t>n8k6V inr Fussia, and showers of stones near WettoD, Cou* Dei-ticot. Seven Theatres constantly bptn in London, pro- ducing h If a miilian per amiu»^» ok* iE300,00O inore than the Parisian Theatres The Lancaatriao^ avstera oC muluar inslrliction introduced throughout the Rusisan l£rapire«- Burwt €or k' discutverf d Id' b^ 'efficacious in Cho- lera Morbus. Messrs. Perkins atid €0 of Philadelphia, infroditi- c* d into London a mode of li^pgravhio; on soft^tetl, whirh, whea» hardeiie«i^ wHliruinply copperplates* anil fine impre8si<^>it8 indefinitely. The New Teftameiit com(>leted, and printed in aiost of the Oriental Tpngiiea^ Mr By a report of the Small t\>x Hospital, it appear- i^dthat in 20 vears (irevious to thi; intruductttm of vaccination^ ttiere died in that hospital 1867 pa- tients | hut IB the ttubsequeot twenty year», unljr ■y h I <1 •• / ; ■; oJ^ , /• I0« i ni !: ■ t ' ■:*! .-"m . # !:fl A eHRONOLOOieAL TABLfi. A. C. 1819 814 ; while in Loud n generally, the deaths in the foimer period were 36,189, but in the latter, 22. »»i introduced I Fetters, for Matthewp's Safety Stasje year, and Birch*8 Bivecter veliins: without horses Th*' 8iv« dish Consul hJ Tangi«r» reiterated the known fact, that oil, admiatst' red eilernally, is a preventative, and intprtially, a cure for the pi goe. Mr.G. I nglie' Announced rtiat trees i ut after tho ^ fett^t^eu^f, «r' noA suhjf-et to the dry rot. Si^ln' extracted fruui pv>tatue starch at the rate of 16 p»-rcent. A Shower of red and' tlifle coloured snow fell in Ca<niola, and the neigh'hoitriiig couiitriefl ; th<^ r d mniter cotit s'JDg of silei, aiuuuiie, and oxid** of iron, ' .^^ 1820 Hi- Royal HigKn^^s the Duke of Kent died, much retrrettid. KiigGerrgeJII Died Jan. 29th, in the Eighty* S^'cond year of his age, and the Sixtieth of ! ia Reign. No Sov»*reign everpcssensed in a t igh r degree the veneration and afie<tioii ot his sublet ts. Her Royal Highness tlie Du< he«s of York Diedi Aii«!U!«t 6th. H«-r Mi^jefety the Qnef n li«ndpd at Doyer from tf e Continient, Jm!r6th V ' 1821 Her M J' 4s Queen Caf< line AeDelia Ei'zaheth Dird, An;]LQ)^t 7th. 1822 His Mi^xty embark' d at Greenwich for Scotlund, August 10th. Death oflh*^ iMari|nts of Lo^»d<>nd^rry. Couj^rcss of SoT«i:ugns 4l Vrroiia^ Oct. 21^.' 0£X£RAL \\:. A. (f; enths in the s latter, 22, )dured this^ ers, for tra^ '». , erated the rnaily, is a ih#» pi sue. It after the -V- i rot. the rate of now rpll in [*8 ; tho r d d oxid<- of died, much le Eightyo ieih of I ia * "^ |i a ijgh- r:^---' is s>ib|e( ts. ork Diedi [r from t- s Ehzaheth Scotia ody 2%' L\£HAIi GENERAL EPOCHS WITHIN THE LAST FIFTYf OUR YEARS. y TEAM. ^PARTITION bf1>b1aft«, . , ^ lt^^ 'CoromfiencedieDt df the 'Amf'iic'^n War^ / y 1*3^73 Derlaratioii of American independence, , 1776 IMeetiog oi Deputies at London for Parliamentary • Reform, , , , , , , 1780 Recognition of American Independence, » 1782 Taking of the Bastile, , , , ^ 1789 F»enrh Republic* Proclaimed, , , , 1792 Louis XVI. Guillotined, f , , i 1793 French Declaration of War against England and Holland, , , , y , y 1793 Robespierre Guillotined, , , , , 1794 The Bank of England Suspended its Payments in Cash, , 9 9 f 9 9 Bonaparte made Consul, , » , Bh I tie of Marengo, , , , , peace of Amiens, , , , , | War Renewed between England and France, Bonaparte Crowned Emperor^ , ^ , Battle o( Austerlitz Brittle of Trafalgar, B. ttle ot J(>na, , Battle of Friedland, Peace of Tilsit, , , , , , NH|>oli on Seizes Ferdinand at Bayoone, , Marriage ui Napoleon with the Arcb Duchess Ma ria Louisa, , , , , , 1B1« Mo-cow Burnt, and the French Armies Destroyed, 1812 Batile 01 Vmoria, , , ^ ^ , 1813 f 9 f f 9 f 9 f 9 f f » 9 9 t 9 9 179T 1799 1800 18 2 1«03 1804 1805 1805 1806 180/ 1807 lb08 1 -i. 1*' ^ I m 102 A CmiOllOLOfilCAt TABLE. , A. CJ Battlf of L^ip9ic, , « t » 9 ^^^^ PBrifl ^urrend'T^d (othe Allkf, ^ , t 181^ Tn'aty •' Fontfiin^leau, , , » , 1814 Treaty of Vienna, , , 1 » > ^^** NaptJeon RetiiCDA from Elba, , 9 ^ 18t6 Battle of Wat rloo, ♦ » » » 1 1816 Nripoleon Surrenders to the B»Ht*/ophon, , 1815 TrHitty of Ghent, between tlngiand and America, 1816 The Repnlif of Colombia Proi'laimtd^ , 1819 D«atbofO«oj|^elU. , . , » » t ^^^^ . "^ ' 9 1813 , 1814 I 1814 f 1814 >> 1815 9 1816 1815 merica, 18 is r 1819 . > 1820 INDEX Almanacjk 9 Ai»»aiSf ttrief 21 A •<t9inbly iLiflt of the House nt 94 Ageat lor (he l^^i ov iu Lund 97 Auditor tieM^ral^ 97 Aiixniet, Liat ut 99 Jkffi<(avit!<,ConiK. fur taking 10(» AlifiiianGe, Oathut lci6 'As!»e»siueut UulUut'lJ C. 148 i AUdeuda, 18:2 iBritatii, Antient tiov. ol 78 , BarnsierV, Ui( uf 98 Bm >lr <>i U|»|>«*r Caiiedtti 1(>6 v^,^rrai;k Mepariuieat, 1<J2 Ciirouological Cycles^ 6 Cbrooutiigy uaiversal, from ' the Creatiuittd lli« pre sent liines 197 ' Canada, Present State of 4 1 ■Civil List of U 4:. 91 * 'Cr«it«u, Clerk ut the 98 De|Hity Clerks, v 98 Cipladation of Calendar) 7 Euru|»eHn SuvtireijKus 78 Ktecuiive Cuiinoilt 96 Ecciesiasitoal DHfiartiiieDt* 1(«1 bducalionf B<Mrd ot 1 10 fe^stalei. Forfeited, Board Oi lu4 lumigrautslroui Great Bri tain, number ol for ttie year 18-28 H9 C&liortiiut 1823. amount ot l89 CarMiquake, remarkable ia U C Account of 190 6 134 138 Peaots, Moveable y^uf, Li«t of Fret Maiiout HuuHefaoid of HU Majesty Hdspitai uf V C IVaatees ol lug Heir and Oevii*>e Act Com, miasioiiers under the 10$ Horses, ouuiber ot n U. C. 169 ^ Clergy oi the £4taU.i;burcb \iiKi Commons ul Is^gland Clei^ Hesei ve», Corpora f. ; tiuu Ibi Catti. He Homan, Clergy, Curvtuers, List ol Cu->toiu!t, Cullacturs of -Couimissariat i>e|iaiimeot Ctiaplains to the Tcoups Canada, Lower, Guv. ol Cows, and Voung Cattle, .vx: uumuerul m u C. distances, Xaule of £r, ocn3 and Oum..Mot6t 89 102 l(i2 1 d l08 181 176 b 6 I 'ispector Genera)'^ Oificey 95 iu8titutiun»9 Public, tug Judges and Cle k» uf (be OMtrict Cuurt, l(t$ lflSt»eotbrsul Sb ip* te Stills OJtt •'-—id BeetaudPoix i(J% of FUiiiraud Asbes h^ Indian OM(»artmeut, . 1;^ Imports of 1823, amount oil |b0 Kings of Eoglandt (onner 76-BS King's Beoeb, Court ot 98 Legislative Council, yg Laud^ouoeii'Days, \t^ L»iw De|iartmeut, 90 L~,Mti%^ during the War^ Bokid >•( Uaims of ju^ iiM jtttrOfi im fi hm <mti0mpsm± j^jixt-^t 300 ;••' I I i !■ "Latitad* and Longitude of certain |»lace!< in U. C. 139 Land, number of Acres in U. C. 160 Mood's rising and setting, 7 IVlinisters. His Majesty's 86 Medical Board 6i Licentiates 104 Mirriage Licence, Af(ents 110 Militia of Upper <:anada 116 Millit) number < . tn V. C. 159 Mriitary Staff of U. C 131 Notaries Public, 99 Navigation, Internal, Board 105 Navy, Royal in U. C. 133 Nova Scotiai Govenim'l. of 183 Xi)ewt»runi>wick» Gov. of 183 Offices, Public Official, Principal Oiduance Department O&en, number cf in U. C. Pro^ierty, total Taluation oMni; C. Planets, signs of ■ Diameters of f , .Paiiiamentuf £nglandt Pf^acH, Clerks of P«ace, Commissioners of . Postmast ers,'List of Piisiagei Rates of p0( uiatioD, Returns 140 to 146 Pa> master's Departmeut 116 Ruyal Family uf £nf land, 84 Zodiao, Signs ol 9% 102 131 159 159 '7 8 89 106 111 135 136 Receiver OeneraVs Office, 96' Registers ol Coanties, 107 Receipt!*, Useful -■■-. 161 Seasons, rommencement of 6 Saion Heptarchy 81 Secretary Hi Rf gi^trarN Office 96 Surveyoi Gfneial's Office, 96 Surveyors, Dep'y. List of -97 Scotland, Church ut, Minis- ters of the 1<)2 School, Ceotrnl, establisbt 103 Strangers in Distress, Socie fy fur 109 Sheriffs, a List uf 106 Surrogate Court 1(»6 School!! Public J09 School Masters, District 1 10 Slaff, General of 'U. C 1 16 Sessions of the Peace, Qr 134 Statistical Tables of U. C 148 Shops, numiier of in U. C. 160 Stills, number of 160 Thunder and Lightning, '6 Traitors k Forfeited Estates l04 1 reasorf rs ot Districts, Ui7 'ownsbips, a List of 140 lables, Useful 161 Tavt;rns, number of in U C 160 Tariff, commercial ut U. C. IbA Vessels, number of, &c ar / -ived at Quebec in 1823 18^ Pl^i U^ 'ii^v 1% fb 73 ,^,. 'i\: ^'-i Non.— Any naefal information, or h ints for i vprovemanf in f«. tiiie editions, uill Im thankfully lereived, as it is the ui.««li ot ha Troi»j*iett»r to render ibe ♦» Foi(*< Mnutnaek, and RoyU Calendar of Vjtper Canada" a standard tioukot rolaraooeioUuaCoootry. V. a GantUtOfficitt Ffitrrmrji iff. 1824. f ' v iVB Office , 9t iiotiefl, 107 v 161 eocemeotol A y 81 MrarN Office 96 al's Office, y6 y. List ol 4^ but, Minis \ Ut2 establisbt 103 iress, Socip if 106 H)6 J()9 110 lid J34 148 100 160 District -u. C. Vate, Qr I of U. C linU. C. ( ..... - ., ^inifigi <^6 ted Cstaltts 1()4 stricts, 1m7 It of 140 161 of in U C. 160 il ut U. C. lb§ .iw> ¥-s ^:m::^ ' ■ 'J * ■ '■/♦ t>f, &c ar / Bin 1823 180 t%v 'ovemanf inf«. be u isli o( bo il Vateniinr of Coootry. ■•-/: '*••■■. S*' ^-.»