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 ^1 n I iiu ijipi 
 Sm CHARLES A. HARTLEY, M. Inst. C.E., F.R.S.E. 
 - • By permission of the Council. 
 Excerpt Minutes of Proceedings of The Institution of Civil Engineers, 
 Vol. xl. Session 1874-75. — Part ii. 
 Edited by James Forrest, Secretary. 
 [^The right of rublication and of Tramlation U rtterved.] 
,-j. ..; ;,. ;■ 'i 
 ' I 
 The Institution is not, as a body, responsible for the facts and 
 opinions advanced in the following pages. 
 No. 1,413. — " Notes on Public Works in the United States and in 
 Canada, including a description of tlie St. La-wrence and the 
 Mississippi Rivers and their main Tributaries." By Sir Chables 
 A. Hartley, M. Inst. C.E., F.R.S.E. 
 Having visited the United States and Canada in the autumn of 
 1873, the accompanying notes on certain engineering works of mag- 
 nitude are submitted, in the hope that they may prove interesting 
 to the members. 
 Philadelphia and Reading Railroad.^ (Visited ISth November, 
 1873.) — Through the kindness of Mr. Gowen, the President 
 of this Company, and Mr. NicoUs, the second Vice-President, 
 the Author had an opportunity of visiting the principal -works 
 on this railroad, which, in point of finish and substantial work, 
 is equal to any line that he has travelled on in Europe. Mr. Nicolls 
 has kindly enabled the Author to correct his notes up to the 31st 
 of November, 1874. 
 The total length of single and double tracks and sidings is 
 1,452 miles, thus distributed : — 
 Total Length 
 of Tracks 
 and Sidings. 
 of ^^- LatTr^ls. 
 Eoads owned . . 
 Boads leased . . 
 Roads contracted 
 Aggregate . . 
 ' For complete statistical iuformation respecting the railways of America re- 
 ference may be made to the " Manual of the Railroads of the United States,"' 
 by Henry V. Poor, and to the " American Raibroad Manual," by Edward Vernon, 
 both of which are published annually in New York, 
 B 2 
 The workshops and rolling mills of tho Company aro at Eeading. 
 a flourishing town of forty tliousand inhabitants, 58 miles from 
 Philadelphia. Both locomotive and marine engines are fitted up 
 at these shops, where tho cranes aro all worked by hydraulic 
 power. The mills are connected with four puddling and ten 
 heating furnaces, and the hot blast evolved from the furnaces is 
 employed as at Phoenixville. In 1874; 20,000 tons of iron rails 
 were rolled, the rails being 24 feet long and weighing 08 lbs. per 
 yard. The two holes for tho fish-plates at each end of the rails 
 were punched cold simultaneously. Steel rails of the same pattern 
 as the 08-lbs. iron rails weigh 70 lbs. per yard. Up to the 30th 
 of November, 1874, 1,588 tons of steel rails had been rolled in tho 
 Company's rolling mill, and an aggregate length of 92 miles had 
 been laicl with these rails, with the best results, in the most 
 exposed places on the line.^ 
 The Company possess and work four hundred and five loco- 
 motive engines. These cost K45G,245 for repairs in 1874. 
 The traffic of the railroad principally consists of anthracite and 
 bituminous coal, iron ore, lime and limestone, grain, petroleum, pig 
 iron, lumber, and manufactures of ail kinds. The aggregate 
 amount of traffic transported over the railroads of the Company 
 in 1874 was as follows : — . , , 
 iTumber of passengers carried 6,964,869 
 „ tons of coal, of 2,240 lbs 6,348,812 
 „ „ merchandise, of 2,000 lbs 3,098,831 
 „ „ Company's materials 493,591 
 Total tonnage of the Company in tons of 2,000 lbs., includ-'k 
 ing weight of passengers and Company's materials . . / ' ' 
 The Company's line penetrates into the heart of the anthracite 
 basin of Pennsylvania ; but owing to the difficulties of the country, 
 the coal is hauled up steep inclines by stationary engines. From 
 C"ie coal field, the anthracite is sent to market by three separate 
 ' According to the last report of the American Iron and Steel Association, 
 the iron trade in the United States was more depressed at tjie close of 1874 than 
 at any time since the panic began in September 1873. Pig iron, which in April 
 1873 had been sold at $42 to $47, had declined to $23 and $25 per ton ; bar iron, 
 then 4 J cents per lb. at Pittsburg, had fallen to 2 J cents ; iron rails, quoted at $82 
 in 1873, could be bought for $48 per ton in New York or in Philadelphia. Only 
 1,900,000 tons of pig iron were produced in 1874 — a falling-off of one-third from 
 the production of 1873. The manufacture of Bessemer steel rails was about the 
 same in 1874 as in 1873 — 130,000 tons. The total manufacture of rails of all 
 kinds was 450,000 tons, while 100,000 tons were imported. In 1872 there were 
 1,000,00^* tone made, besides a large importation. 
 routes ; on two of which are three inclined phines of 2,410 feet, 
 4,650 feet, and 4,755 feet respectively, overcoming elevations of 
 354 feet, 318 feet, and 404 feet ; and by a tunnel 3,400 feet long, 
 through a mountain forming the southern boundary of the coal 
 field. On all these planes the rope is 2^ inches diameter ; on 
 the first and steepest of steel, on the two last named of iron. On 
 the first plane the cost of hatiling the coal in 1874 was 2yVV cents 
 (l^d.) per ton of 2,240 lbs., including all expenses of fuel, wages, 
 repairs, &c. 
 The Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Company owns 
 one-third of the anthracite coal basin of Pennsylvania.* 
 The running cost of trains hauling coal in 1874, per round trip 
 of 190 miles from the coal region to tidewater and back with 
 empty cars, transporting average loads of 647 tons, and average 
 through loads of 522 tons of coal of 2,240 lbs. each, was 30.^ cents 
 per ton carried through 95 miles, or at the rate of ^ of a cent 
 (-^ of a penny) per ton per mile. The total cost of trains moving 
 coal, including cost of roadway, superintendence, telegraph, police, 
 and all expenses of working the road, proportional to coal, was 
 f of a cent (| of a penny) per ton per mile. 
 The Reading Railroad Company owns a fleet of fourteen iron 
 steamers, equipped with the best known means of unloading cargo, 
 weighing anchor, &c. The largest are of 540 HP., carrying 1,700 
 tons (of 2,240 lbs.) of coal on a draught of 15 feet, and make nearly 
 9 knots per hour so loaded. They are used for carrying coal from the 
 Richmond terminus of the railway on tidewater in the Delaware 
 river (where the Company's wharves have a frontage of Ih mile) 
 to New York, Boston, Portland, Washington, and other ports 
 accessible by sea. 
 The Schuylkill canal now belongs to this Company. It is 
 worked in conjunction with the railroad. The hamlet of Schuylkill 
 Haven is at the head of the canalised river of Schuylkill, which 
 communicates with the Delaware at Philadelphia. The Susque- 
 hanna canal is also worked by the Company. 
 The gross receipts of the railway for the year ending the 30th of 
 November, 1874, were ^14,452,121 ; the expenses, ^8,731,916; and 
 ' The produce from the eastern extremity of the great Schuylkill anthracite 
 basin — which has its outlet at Mauch Chunk (Blue Mountain), said to be the 
 most picturesque town in America — is conveyed to tidewater along the Lehigh 
 and Susquehanna railway division of the Central railroad of New Jersey. In 
 1870 the quantity of coal sent eastward from Mauch Chunk averaged 200,000 
 tons per week. The total production of the anthracite basin of Peimsylvania 
 was 19,585,178 tons in 1873, and 18,700,000 tons (estimated) in 1874. 
 \ i 
 the net profits, H5,720,205. The expenses, including renewal fund, 
 rents of lateral roads, taxes, &c., were thus 60 j^ per cent, of the 
 gross receipts. The not loss in 1874 in the business of the canals 
 and of the steam colliers and barges was ^420,059. The following 
 balance sheet — abridged from a statement in the last Koport of the 
 President and managers of the Railway Company — shows the re- 
 sources and financial condition of the Company on the 30th of 
 November, 1874: — 
 BailrnadB and Icpots 
 Locomotives and cars . 
 Beal estate .... 
 Steam colliers 
 Schuylkill canal and ] 
 barges J 
 Ship-yard at Port Rich-1 
 moud J 
 Philadelphia & Reading 
 Coal and Iron Co.'s 
 bond and mortgage . 
 Ditto stock . . . 
 Railroad and telegraph^ 
 stock J 
 Assets in cash — 
 Stocks and bonds, ma- 
 terials, &c., less lia- 
 2!), (330, 192 
 Stock, $32,722,775 . 
 Preferred stock,] 
 $1,551,800 . . . 
 Mortgages and deben- 
 tures at from 5 to 7 1 
 per cent. . 
 Loan of Schuy'kill Na-j 
 vigation Co. . . . / 
 Loan of East Pennsyl-I 
 vania Railroad Co. . j 
 Sinking Fund Bonds 
 Reserved Fund, less Di-"t 
 vidond Fund . . ./ 
 The Company has paid 10 per cent, dividend on its stock for 
 some years past. 
 Phcenixville Bridge Works, belonging to Clarke, Eeeves and 
 Company. (Visited 26th November, 1873.) — These works are situated 
 between Philadelphia and Eeading. The Author was accompanied 
 by Mr. S. Reeves, the President of the Company, who supplied the 
 principal part of the following information. 
 From 1869 to 1873 the Company built seventy bridges, having 
 an aggregate length of 35,000 feet, or 6^ miles of single track, 
 comprising in all one hundred and seventy-six spans. With the 
 present facilities they can turn out 100 feet of finished bridge for 
 each working day in the year. 
 Everything is done on the premises; beginning with the 
 manufacture of the iron from the ore ; next rolling it into the 
 shapes required ; and, finally, applying the machine labour which 
 completes the structure ready for erection. About fifteen hundred 
 men are employed on the works. Two 300-HP. engines drive the 
 blasts for the furnaces day and night, the air being heated by the 
 consumption of the gases evolved. 
 The Phoenix columns or tubes are made of from four to eight 
 sections, rolled in the usual way up to 24 feet in length, and 
 riveted together at the flanges. When necessary, they are joined 
 together by cast-iron joint blocks with circular tenons, which fit 
 into the hollows of each tube. 
 The ends of all the links, to resist tensile strains, undergo a 
 procp"" called die-forging, by which the head is shaped and the 
 hole struck by hydraulic pressure at one operation. The threads 
 of the screws are so formed that rupture, when under pressure, 
 always occurs in the unscrewed part of the bar. The iron is 
 required to be of such elasticity that, after being subjected to a 
 tensile strain of 30,000 lbs. per square inch, it will return to the 
 original dimensions ; while it should be so tough that bars, 2 inches 
 in diameter, bent back from 90° to 180\ when cold, should show 
 no sign of fracture. 
 Mr. Keoves particularly directed attention to the fact that, 
 as a rule, iron trussed bridges in America have all their principal 
 parts formed by machinery. They are of imiform dimensions in 
 similar spans, and hence are perfectly interchangeable. Thus 
 machinery can be applied in their manufacture, and the cost at the 
 works be reduced to a minimum. They are sj made, in fact, that 
 nearly all the work is done at the shops, and they can be erected 
 with the least possible amount of unskilled labour. • ' ,'. 
 Keystone Buidge Company, Pittsburg. (Visited 15th November, 
 1873.) — Through the kindness of Messrs. McCandlish and Carnegie, 
 the Author was shown over these works by Mr. Nicholls, the 
 second engineer of the Company. 
 The Company has built numerous bridges throughout the United 
 States. Of these, the Author has seen the Steubenville bridge, 
 which has three spans of 210 feet, four of 255 feet, and one 
 channel span of 320 feet; the Newport and Cincinnati bridge, 
 which has fourteen spans of 150 feet and one channel span of 
 420 feet ; and the Keokuk and Hamilton bridge, which has ten 
 spans of 180. feet and one channel span of 387 feet. 
 The Company has a capital of Kl, 500,000, and can turnout more 
 than ^3,000,000 worth of work annually. It gives employment 
 to six hundred and fifty men. Its business is to construct general 
 machine work, and the substructuro and suporstrticturo of build- 
 ings, bridges, &c,, in any part of the United States and Canada. 
 Special pride is taken in obtaining lightness, strength, and 
 economy, by employing wrought iron in tubular forms for com- 
 pressiye strains, and weldless links in tension members. The esta- 
 blishment is now almost exclusively occupied in completing the 
 chrome-steel tubes for the great St. Louis bridge.^ The ultimate 
 tensile strength of this steel is 100,000 lbs. per square inch; but 
 the Author saw one 1-inch bolt which only yielded to 120,000 lbs. 
 The ironwork for the bridge is required to bear an ultimate 
 tensile strain of 60,000 lbs. per square inch. The steel staves com- 
 posing the tubes are submitted to a tensile strain of 40,000 lbs., 
 and to a compressive strain of 60,000 lbs., without permanent set. 
 The ^-inch plate-steel for enveloping the staves is tested to 
 40,000 lbs. for compression and tension. There are six staves in 
 each cylinder, and, after five have been placed, the sixth is driven 
 home by a force of 20 tons. 
 Railroad Bridgk across the Mississirri at Eock Island. (Visited 
 Ist November, 1873.) — This bridge, which has often been termed, 
 and apparently with justice, " the strongest and most perfectly 
 finished bridge in America," was opened in the summer of 1872. 
 The superstructure was designed by Mr. C. Shalor Smith, the 
 President of the Baltimore Bridge Company, to whom the contract 
 for the ironwork was awarded, in September 1870, for the sum 
 of ^459,784. The workmanship, which was ;3uperintended by 
 Major Benyaurd, under the direction of Colonel Macomb of the 
 U.S. Corps of Engineers, is admirable in every particular. The 
 abutments and piers, the construction of which had been in the 
 charge of Major Sticknoy, were founded on the rock by means of 
 ordinary coffeidams, at a depth which d'A not exceed 20 feet below 
 low water. The masonry is uncommonly well built. 
 There are two spai^s of 260 feet, three of 220 feet, one draw- 
 bridge 368 feet long, covering two openings of 160 feet each, and 
 two land spans of 196 feet and 100 feet. The total length is there- 
 fore 1,844 feet. 
 The trusses of the main bridge are ' double-system Whipple,'^ 
 ' Chrome steel can be welded as well as the best wrought iron. The quantity 
 of chromium required in the steel is so small that the cost of the alloy is not 
 greater than that of carbon steel. In a pure and orystallised state it is a grey, 
 very hard metal, not oxidizable by any acid, nor reducible in a furnace. 
 '•' The late Mr. Zernh Colburn's Paper on " American Iron Bridges," in the 
 Minutes of Proceedings Inst. C.E., vol. xxii., p. .540, will he found to contain an 
 account of the best known systems. 
 in which everything but the washers, &c,, is of wrought iron. 
 They are 33 feet high and 19 feet apart. T1\ero are two floors; 
 the upper, for a single rail track, placed a little below the centre 
 of the trusses, and the lower, for horses and carriages, on the 
 bottom chords. The footpaths are on each side of the lower plat- 
 The draw-span has a weight of 683 tons, of which four-fifths are 
 placed on the thirty -six bearing wheels of the cast-iron turntable, 
 30 feet in diameter, and one-fifth on the centre pin. The 
 swing is turned by hydraulic power in two and a half minutes, 
 when there is no wind. It is opened about twelve times a day for 
 the passage of vessels. 
 The total weight of the superstructure of the bridge is 2,080 
 tons, distributed thus: 1,910 tons, ironwork; 90 tons, turntable; 
 90 tons, tramway and spikes ; and 890 tons, oak and pine lumber. 
 The total cost of the bridge was K 1,000,000 (£200,000).' The 
 diflferenco between ordinary high and low water at the lower end 
 of Rock Island, whence the bridge crosses the main branch of the 
 river to the city of IJavenport, is 16 feet, except when the ice 
 packs momentarily and dams the water back to a height some- 
 times of 24 feet above low water. 
 Iron Trussed Railroad Bridge over the River Ohio at Cin- 
 cinnati. (Visited 12th November, 1873.) — This bridge carries a 
 single ' track ' and two wide footpaths over twenty -five ' deck ' 
 or undergrade openings, varying from 60 feet to 245 feet, and two 
 overgrade openings, one of 370 feet and the other of 400 feet. 
 On the left or Kentucky bank a drawbridge, worked by two 
 men, gives the river and canal craft two openings of 125 feet 
 each, when they cannot pass freely under the overgrade openings. 
 The ' draws ' are spanned by the ' Warren ' truss, the two mid- 
 channel spaces by ' Fink ' triangular trusses, and all the others by 
 ' Fink ' trussed girders. The line of roadway bearers of the Indiana 
 Channel span is 96^ feet above low water and 45^ feet above 
 highest water, the maximum oscillation being 51 feet. The total 
 cost of the bridge from abutment to abutment was K 1,6 15, 200 
 (£323,000, or £61 per lineal foot for 6,294 feet). The piers and 
 abutments are all founded on rock, which is almost bare at extreme 
 low water. The contract price for the masonry was Kl5 (£3) per 
 cubic yard, but much of it cost from K18 to K20, although tlio 
 limestone of which the masonry is composed came from quarries 
 in the immediate neighbourhood. The bridge is level for 
 In these notes the dollar is assumed to be worth four sliilliuga. 
 2,242 feet, with a fall at each end of 79 feet per mile (1 in (37). 
 Pilot engines assist heavy trains over these approaches. The speed 
 over the bridge is restricted to 12 miles per hour nominally ; but 
 the Superintendent said that a speed of 30 miles per hour is often 
 run by risiiy drivers. The engines on which the Author traversed 
 the bridge weighed 56 tons. Four of them at rest, weighing 
 200 tons and covering as many feet, only gave a deflection of 
 1|^ inch on the 400-feet span. The deflection, with the same load, 
 on one of the 245-feet undergrade spans was 1^ inch. The weight 
 of the 400-feet span complete, with stringers, cross-ties, track, foot- 
 walk, railings, and pier bearings, is 4,162 lbs. (say 1^ ton) per 
 lineal foot. All the wrought iron has been tested to a strain of 
 20,000 lbs. per square inch, and its breaking or ultimate strength 
 has been proved at 60,000 lbs. per square inch. The maximum 
 strain in practice with a full load is 12,000 lbs. per square inch, 
 and 7,000 lbs. is the minimum strain. The Chief Engineer and de- 
 signer of this, in every respect, first-class bridge was Col. Albert 
 St. Charles Eailroad Biudge across the Missoqei at 20 miles 
 FROM St. Louis. (Visited 10th November, 1873.) — This bridge, which 
 is remarkable on account of the difficulty of its fourdations, was 
 designed and constructed by Mr. C. Shalor Smith. It has 
 seven spans ; four ' trellis ' or • double triangular girder truss,' of 
 320 feet each, and three Fink 'deck' trusses of 305 feet each. 
 The rails are 90 feet above low water, or 51 feet above the extra- 
 ordinary high- water mark of 1844. The track is single, without 
 footways, and there are no ' draws.' 
 There are eight river piers, and the foundations of six of them 
 presented new and extraordinary difficulties of construction, owing 
 to the existence of a bed of boulders below a shifting sandy bottom, 
 to the sudden rising of the water, to the great velocity of the 
 current at times of flood, and to the immense fields of ice which 
 float down at the end of the winter season. Nos. 1 and 2 piers 
 were founded easily on the rock at low water. No. 3 pier was 
 founded in 23 feet of water at ordinary water stage. A wooden 
 caisson without a floor was sunk on the site, the decomposed 
 limestone within it was excavated by divers till solid rock was 
 reached, and the crater was filled with concrete and two courses 
 of stone laid upon it. The foundation was then ready for pumping 
 out the water ; but the river suddenly rose 26 feet, and crushed 
 the caisson. On the subsidence of the river, the foundation proving 
 uninjured, the pier was built on a caisson boat and sunk on the 
 spot. No. 5 Pier. —The rock was here 68 feet from the surface. The 
 compressed-air system was, in sinking the foundation, combined 
 with Eads' sand-pump and air-lock at the bottom of the caisson, 
 and a peculiar ' boulder sh jft,' with a separate lock, was designed to 
 get rid of the boulders. Piers G, 7, and 8 are alike in the character 
 of their foundations. Inside a circle of piles a caisson was sunk 
 about 30 feet, by dredging, and stones were pitched round the piling 
 as the caisson sank. This was continued till stone began to appear 
 in the dredger buckets, which was a sign that the ' rip-rap ' had 
 begun to pass beneath the piles. When this took place, dredging 
 was stopped, and bearing piles were driven down to the rock and 
 cut off at the level of the bottom of the caisson. The pier was 
 then lowered on the top of the pile-heads, and the caisson being 
 filled with stones, the foundation was complete. 
 The superstructure was erected on three temporary piers of 
 piling, protected by cribwork, under each river span. On these 
 supports Howe truss spans, 80 feet in length, were placed; and from 
 this foundation sprang the ' false work ' or centering on which the 
 iron superstructure was put together. 
 The approaches of the bridge are upon forty iron tressels, and, 
 including these tressels, the bridge is 6,570 feet long. Its entire 
 cost was about K2,250,000, or double the original estimate. This 
 excess was due to tlie great and unforeseen difficulties encountered 
 in constructing the foundations. 
 St. Louis Bridge. (Visited November, 1873.) — The Mississippi at 
 St. Louis is confined to a single channel, 1,600 feet wide and 8 feet 
 deep at extreme low water, by an embankment or levee on the 
 Illinois side, which is carried up to above the level of extreme high 
 water, at which time the width is augmented to 2,200 feet. 
 Both shores are revetted below the low-water line with rubble 
 stones, and protected by the wharf pavements above that line. The 
 extreme range between high and low wat(3r is 41 feet. Owing to 
 the narrow gorge through which the whole volume of the Mis- 
 sissippi flows, the variations in the bed of the river are very great. 
 Captain James B. Eads, M. Inst. C.E., the distinguished Engineer 
 who designed the bridge and superintended its construction, in- 
 formed the Author that a rise of 13 feet less than high- water mark 
 caused a scour of 18 feet, and that in the freshet of 1870 the scour 
 reached a depth of 61 feet below low- water mark alongside the 
 east pier. These facts induced him to believe it possible, that the 
 scour at times of extraordinary high flood might extend even to 
 the rock itself He therefore determined to establish the piers and 
 abutments on the rock ; an* his was done by means of caissons 
 provided with air chambers and locks at depths, for the east pier 
 and east abntment, reaching 136 feet below high- water mark, or 
 110 fe*^t from the surface of the water, when the foundation work 
 was actually performed. This feat, which was satisfactorily 
 executed in 1870-71, is quite unprecedented in the annals of 
 The piers and abutments are composed of coursed rubble masonry 
 up to low- water mark. Above this level they are faced with grey 
 granite from the State of Maine, which cost £10 per cubic yard 
 in situ. The interior of the work is of magnesian limestone. The 
 massive appearance of the granite rock facing, and its close joint- 
 ing, are very striking;. 
 The contract prices and the total quantities of the steel and 
 ironwork required for the bridge are as follows : — 
 2,500 tons of steel, at £60 per ton . 
 500 „ wrought iron fit £40 per ton . 
 1,000 „ roUe'l iron, at £28 per ton . 
 200 „ cast iron, at £16 per ton 
 I of 2,1 
 000 lbs. 
 of 2,240 lbs. 
 The bridge has three spans, each formed with ribbed arches 
 made of cast steel — a novelty in bridge-building. The centre span 
 is 520 feet and the side ones 502 feet each in the clear. The rise 
 of the centre arch is 47^ feet, that of the side ones 46 feet each. 
 These are by far the largest arched spans in the world, and, 
 under the able direction of Colonel Flad, Captain Eads' chief 
 assistant, they are now being rapidly erected gradually from 
 each pier and abutment, without the aid of centering.^ Each span 
 is composed of four double ribs of steel (well braced together, at 
 their relative distances from each other), and the tubes forming 
 them are jointed butt to butt. They are clasped together by 
 wrought-iron couplings (which proved to be much better than 
 steel), furnished with parallel grooves corresponding with similar 
 grooves on the tubes. Steel pins, varying from 4-^ inches to 7 inches 
 in diameter, pass through the centre of the couplings and the ends 
 of the tubes at every joint. The vortical bracing between the 
 upper and the lower tubular ribs — which are 1 2 feet apart from 
 centre to centre — convert the two members into a single arch. 
 ' Capt. Eads* Reports to tlie Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Company from 
 1868-71, containing a full account of tlie foundations of the bridge, are in the 
 library of the Institution, and the most important of them will be found in 
 " Engineering." 
 2 All details concerning the erection of the arches are given in a valuable Paper 
 read before the American Society of Civil Engineers by Mr. J. C. Cooper, C.E., 
 and published in " Engineering " iu January 1875. 
 At the time of the Author's visit two of the openings were 
 already spanned by the steel tiibes, which are all 18 inches in 
 diameter and 12 feet io 13 feet long, bnc of thicknesses varying 
 from 1 ^ inch to 2| inches. 
 I'he archcp are to carry a double railroad track, and above the 
 track a roadway, 54 feet wide, for earria£;e8 and foot-passengers. 
 Captain Eads hoped to bo able to opjn the bridge in tho summer 
 of the following year. As fc^urteen railroads were waiting to 
 make use of it, he was of opinion that the Bridge Company 
 would eventually secure a good di/idend on their capital, al- 
 though, from causes too numerous to mention, the outlay on the 
 bridge had already considerably exceeded the original estimate. 
 The extreme range of temperature at St. Louis is 160°; and it is 
 calculated by Captain Eads that at 140"^ the arches will rise 
 8 inches, and that at 20° they will fall as much below the point 
 at which they will be maintained at a medium temperature. 
 Since the above wr.s written, the Author has received a letter 
 from Capt. Eads, dated St, Louis, loth July, 1874, in which he 
 says : — 
 "My bridge was thoroughly tested on the 2nd with 560 tons of 
 engines and 140 tons of tenders. This weight of 700 tons was 
 run, first on one track on each span and then on the other, to pro- 
 duce twisting of the arches, and then it was divided into two trains 
 (seven engines and tenders in each), and these were advanced 
 abreast on to each span to produce the greatest distortion of 
 the curve of the arch, and finally each arch was covered with the 
 trains. Tho latter produced only 3i inches deflection on the 
 520 feet span and 3;^ inches on the other two. No lateral move- 
 ment could be detected by the instruments under the effect of the 
 side-loading or twisting strain. The deflections were almost in 
 exact accordance with the theoretical computations. The bridge 
 was opened on the 4th July with great enthusiasm, a procession 
 being formed of all trades and callings, which was five hours in 
 passing a fixed point. It was estimated to be 15 miles long, and 
 passed over the bridge and back." , • . 
 Eoebling's Kailiioad Suspension Bridge (single track) over the 
 Niagara River. ( Visited 10th October, 1873, with Mr. McAlpine, M. Inst. 
 C.E.^ — This bridge has one span of 800 feet, which weighs as many 
 tons. The height of the tower on the American side is 88 feet, and on 
 the Canadian side 78 feet. The bridge, which is 24 feet wide, and 
 has a road for carriages suspended 28 feet below the railway line, 
 is hung on four wire cables each 10 inches in diameter. Their com- 
 bined ultimate capacity is about 12,400 tons. To preserve them 
 from rust they are covered with a tliick coating of hydraulic 
 cement. The old timber-work of the load way, which is 250 foot 
 above the river, is now being r^rioved an''. leplaced. Trains 
 passing over the bridge are restrict id to a speed not exceeding 
 4 miles an hour. The first locomotive passed over it in March 
 1855. The cost of its construction wap £96,000, and the railway 
 companies using it pay an annual toll of £9.000 a year. The road 
 and passenger tolls bring in about £2,000 a year in addition. The 
 rise and fall at the centre of this bridge is stated by Mi", Eoebling 
 to be 27 inches under a change of 100° of temperature ; that is, 
 the roadways are 2^ feet higher at zero than at a temperature 
 of 100°.i 
 International Eailroad Bridge (single track) over the Nia- 
 gara, FROM Fort Erie to Buffalo. ( Visited lith October, 1873.) — 
 This bridge is being built by a company, of which Mr. Brydges, 
 Assoc. Inst. C.E., is President, and Mr. Hannaford the Engineer- 
 in-Chief. The chief contractors are Messrs. Gzowski and Mac- 
 pherson. By common consent, the chief credit in overcoming the 
 extraordinary difficulties which beset the building of the piers of 
 this bridge is due to Colonel Gzowski, upon whom all the practical 
 operations devolved. 
 The river Niagara at Fort Erie is about 1,900 f^et wide, and 
 its depth ranges from 16 feet to 48 feet. The vatiation in the 
 level of the river does not exceed 2 feet when uninfluenced by the 
 wind. Its bed 'ionsists partly of rock, and partly of clay and 
 large boulders. The normal current is 5J miles an hour, but 
 during south-west gales it sometimes attains 12 miles an hour 
 — when the water has risen 4 feet in a few hours. With such 
 unusually strong currents, and with ice floes often 3 feet thick to 
 contend against in the winter months, the founding of the piers 
 was no ordinary task. Five of them on the Canadian side are 
 built on the rock, whilst the three on the United States side rest 
 on bearing-piles. The masonry was got in by means of outer and 
 inner caissons. The anchoring of the former, while being sunk 
 in place, was a most difficult operation, and quite unique in ci *- 
 racter as an engineering feat. • , * 
 The main bridge has nine spans, varying from 180 feet to 
 250 feet, and is 1,968 feet long, including the abutments; but 
 ' For a detailed descriptiou of the state of this bridge at the time of the 
 Author's visit see letter at page 157, vol xviii. of " Engineering," addressed by 
 Mr. Thos. Curtis Clarke, M. Inst. O.E., Philadelphia, to the Minjster of Public 
 Works, Caur.da. 
 including the length of the bridge across Black Rock Harbour, 
 or the Erie Canal (600 feet), and the embankment joining 
 the two bridges, the total length of the work is 3,650 feet. The 
 iron superstructure, all from the Phoeuixvillo Works, is known 
 as the ' Pratt ' or quadrangular truss. Its great strength is due 
 to its depth, which in the centre of the 240-feet spans is 26 feet, 
 and in the centre of t^e 'draw' 35 feet. It only weighs 1^ ton 
 per lineal foot, and was put in place by mooring watertight 
 caissons between the spans, and then building a platform on them 
 to the required height. By means of hydrants in the caissons they 
 can be sunk to any level and be easily removed. The draw or 
 swing is 362 feet long, and can be worked either by hand or by 
 steam ; by the latter it can be swung in about a minute. 
 Since the above was penned, Colonel Gzowski has published a 
 most valuable description of the International Bridge,^ in which 
 he states that it was opened on the 3rd of November, 1873, and 
 that the cost was about £300,000, including extras and interest on 
 the outlay during construction. 
 It was intended by the Author that the foregoing Notes should 
 be oflfered as a contribution to tl a discussion on Messrs. C. D. and 
 F. Fox's (MM. Inst. C.E.) Paper on ' The Pennsylvania h'ailroad "; '^ 
 and if they are still regarded in that light, as he would desire, the 
 scantiness of his remarks on the important subject of railway 
 construction in North America will be explained. 
 The St. Lawrence and its Tributahies. 
 The St. Lawrence 
 He to Fond-du-lac, 
 2,384 statute miles. 
 2,383 miles. From 
 Superior, there are 
 of open navigation, 
 the distance is 1,942 
 navigation extends from the Straits of Belle- 
 at the head of Lake Superior, a distance of 
 The distance from Belle-Ile to Chicago is 
 the Straits of Belle- He to the head of Lake 
 71f miles of artificial navigation, and 2,312^ 
 From the Straits of Belle-He to Liverpool, 
 geographical, or 2,234 statute, miles. 
 ' This work is in the library of the Institution. 
 * Vide Minutes of Proceedings Inst. C.E., vol. xxxix., p. 62. 
 Table of Distances, Compilkd from Canadian Blue-Kooks. , 
 Sections of Navigation. 
 Statute Miles. 
 SiralU of 
 Streits of Belle-Ile 
 Quebec .... 
 1 River and Gulf of 
 \ St, Lawrence 
 (River St. Lawrence 
 Quebec .... 
 Three llivers . . 
 ] to Three Rivers 
 (highest tidal flow) 
 Head of tidal flow 
 Three Rivers . . 
 Montreal . 
 1 to head of ocean 
 I navigation . 
 Montreal . 
 Canal section . 
 Kingston . 
 rHead of River St.j 
 Lawrence . ./ 
 Kingston . 
 Port Dalhousie 
 Lake Ontario . 
 Port Dulhousie 
 Port Colborne . 
 Welland Canal. . 
 Port Colborne . . 
 Amherstburgh . 
 Lake Erie . 
 Detroit River . 
 St. Mary's Island . 
 Lake St. Claire . 
 St. Mary's If<liind . 
 Sarnia .... 
 St. Claire River . 
 Bamia .... 
 St. Joseph's Island 
 Lake Huron . 
 St. Joseph's Island 
 Sault St". Mario . 
 St. Mary's River . 
 Sault St*. Marie . 
 Ditto ditto 
 /Sault St^ Marie\ 
 \ Canal . . ./ 
 Ditto ditto 
 Pointe aux Pins . 
 St. Mary's River . 
 Pointe aux Pii 
 Fond-du-Lac . . 
 Lake Superior . 
 It will "be seen that the length of the St. Lawrence is 1,334 miles. 
 Its drainage area is estimated at 297,000 square miles (or about 
 the same as the Danube), of which one-third is covered by the 
 largest chain of fresh- water lakes in the world. 
 1. Lake Superior is 390 miles long, 114 miles broad, and has an 
 area of 32,000 square miles ; its depth is 900 feet ; and the surface 
 of its waters is 628 feet above the sea level. 
 2. Lake Huron is 270 miles long, and has an area of 20,000 
 square miles, a depth of 1,000 feet, and an altitude of 574 feet. 
 3. Lake Michigan is 320 miles long, 100 miles broad, 1,000 feet 
 deep, and 628 feet above the sea. It is connected with Lake Huron 
 by a narrow but deep channel on the north. 
 4. Lake Erie is 232 miles long, 50 miles broad, and has an area 
 of 9,600 square miles. It is less than 100 feet deep, and has an 
 elevation of 565 feet. 
 5. Lake Ontario is 170 miles long, 50 miles broad, 500 feet deep, 
 and has an elevation of 232 feet. 
 The difference between the elevation of the two last-named 
 lakes (333 feet) causes the great Falls of Niagara. These are 
 SI raits of 
 J4 miles. 
 )r about 
 i by the 
 d ^as an 
 B surface 
 ,000 feet 
 ce Huron 
 B an area 
 i has an 
 feet deep, 
 These are 
 divided by Goat Jslaiid. The Canadian or Horseshoe Fall is 1,800 
 feet wide, aud 158 feut high. The American Fall is 600 feet wide, 
 and 163 feet hign. It is estimated that tlie Niagara Falls dis- 
 charge 400,000 cubic feet of water per second, a volume equal to 
 the flow of the Danube at Isaktcha at times of ordinary high 
 Ocean vessels ascend the St. Lawrence as fjir as the city of 
 Montreal, where ocean navigation terminates, and inland naviga- 
 tion begins. Prior to 1851, no vessel drawing more than 11 feet 
 could pass through Lake St. Peter — a wide expanse of the St. 
 liawrcnce between the mouth of the Three Rivers and Montreal ; 
 but since then a cutting, 300 feet wide and 9 feet deep, has been 
 dredged througli the lake, so that vessels of 20 feet draught can 
 now reach Montreal at low water. This important work cost 
 £257,250, of which the Government paid two-thirds, and tlie 
 Harbour of Montreal the remainder. A further deepening of the 
 channel through Lake St. Peter has been determined upon, so as 
 to give a depth up to Montreal of 24 feet at low water. 
 The Canadian canals ^ are the Lachino, the Beauharnois, the 
 Cornwall, the Farran's Point, the Kapid Plat, the GaloT)s, and the 
 Welland. They were constructed at the expense of tLe Canadian 
 Government. Their united length is 70^ miles, and the total 
 lockage is 536^ feet, through fifty- four locks. 
 The St. Lawrescp: Cavals are all situated between Montreal 
 and Prescott. As shown by the Table (page 18), they have an 
 aggregate length of 43^ miles, and a rise of lockage of 206^ feet. 
 The cost of construction of these six canals, to the 30th June, 
 1867, was £1,555,200. 
 It is nov ' in contemplation to enlarge them, and to increase the 
 size of the locks to 240 feet by 45 feet by 12 feet, a work estimated 
 to cost about £2,000,000, including the deepening of the main 
 channel of the reaches between the canals where necessary, so as 
 to admit of the passage of vessels drawing 12 feet of water. 
 The eastern extremity of Lake Erie overlaps the western end of 
 Lake Ontario in such a manner as to leave only a narrow peninsula 
 between them. The Niagara river forming the eastern side of this 
 peninsula falls, as has been already observed, 333 feet from the 
 upper to the lower lake in a distance of 31 miles. The navigable 
 ' Exclusive of the Richelieu and Champlain canals, which will be referred to 
 farther on, and of the Rideau canal, which joins the city of Ottawa with 
 Kingston, and whi(;h need not here be referred to in detail, ns it is only a feeder 
 to the main line. 
 [1874-75. . .0. 
 I s 
 The St. LAwnExoE Canals. 
 Name of Canal. 
 Dimensions of 
 Wiilili ( 
 No. of 
 'Lachino . 
 Beaulmrnois , 
 Cornwall. . 
 Farran's Point 
 Rapid riat . 
 Galops . 
 ' Tlic Lacliine cunai was lx;gun in I«21, anil completed for the navigatidti of vessels drawing 
 4* feet In 18'24, nt an e.xpenso of ±"109,601. It was widened and deepened in 1843-48 to the 
 dimensions shown in the Table. 
 channel of communication between the two lakes, and by means of 
 which the Falls of Niagara are flanked, is by 
 The Welland Canal, which is 27 miles in length. It has 
 twenty-seven lift locks, which are, for the most part, 150 feet long 
 by 20 j^ feet wide by 10^ feet deep, and has a total rise of lockage 
 of 330 feet. It was first opened in 1833, for the navigation of 
 small vessels; but it only attained its present dimensions in 1867, 
 when vessels of 400 tons burthen could pass through the locks. 
 Up to that date the cost of its construction and maintenance 
 amounted to £1,557,360. The downward movement of freight of 
 all kinds through the Welland canal, in 1871, was 962,565 tons; 
 but the Author has seen no statement of the distribution of this 
 tonnage by the three routes which lead from Lake Ontario to the 
 sea — viz., by the Gulf of St. Lawrence, by Oswego and the Erie 
 canal to New York, and by the Richelieu and Champlain canals 
 to New York. The total exports of grain in 1872 from the ports 
 of New York and Montreal, as stated in the " Returns " of the 
 Montreal Chamber of Commerce, were : — 
 •df- 1 
 New York. 
 Maize or Indian corn . 
 Wheat and flour . . 
 Peas, oats, barley, and rye. 
 Total .... 
 Works for tlio straightening and furthor widening and deepening 
 of the Welland canal were begun lust year, and will probably bo 
 completed in 1878, at a further exponso of £2,000,000. The locks 
 will then bo 270 feet long by 46 feet wide, and have 12 feet of water 
 on their sills. 
 Lakk Navigation. — I.ako Hiiron is connected with Lake Erie by 
 the Kiver St. Claire, T>ako St. Claire, and the Detroit river. The 
 navigation is eaisy throughout, except on Lake St. Claire, where 
 there are extensive sandbanks, covered with a depth of water vary- 
 ing from G to 10 feet. Previous to 18r)8 niucli inconvenience was 
 experienced in navigating the lake from the insufficient depth of 
 water; but at the end of that year the Governments of the I'nited 
 States and of Canada dredged the navigable channel to a minimum 
 depth of 12 feet, and to a minimum width of 300 feet. In con- 
 sequence of the improvements alieady ellccted, vessels carrying 
 300 tons of cargo can now pass from Lakes Superior and Michigan 
 to Montreal without breaking bulk; and it is confidently antici- 
 pated that in less than five years the additional works of improve- 
 ment which have been referred to, as being either already in 
 progress or in contemplation, will be completed, and thus enable 
 vessels of 1,200 tons burthen to navigate freely between the same 
 points. By far the best and cheapest, as well as the shortest, 
 water route for the transit and exportation of the produce of the 
 north-west of America will then be by the improved Welland and 
 St. Lawrence canals to Montreal, and thence directly to Europe by 
 ocean steamers of tho largest class. 
 It has been aptly stated by Mr. John Young, M.P., of ]\Iontrcal, 
 that a vessel from sea in the port of IMontrcal is 120 miles nearer 
 to ports on the lakes than are any of the seaports in North 
 America; while tho distances from Chicago, or from any other 
 lake port, to Liverpool, is 480 miles less by Montreal than via tho 
 port of New York. 
 The Sault St. Marie Canal, 1 mile in length, and 18 feet 
 lockage, avoiding the Sault St Marie, and uniting Lake Huron 
 and Lake Superior, was constructed by a company with tho aid 
 of the United States Congress. 
 The Erie Canal. — Tho downward movement of freight of all 
 ki^.ds by the Erie caaal from Buffalo and Oswego to tidewater, 
 in 1873, was 2,466,022 tons. This canal was constructed in 1825, 
 by the State of Now York,^ for tho passage of vessels of 60 tons ; 
 ' The total cost, including maintenance and mana^^ement to the Bame date of 
 all the New York State Canals, which have a combined length of 907 miles, was 
 c 2 
 but by tho year 1HG2 it was snfficiontly enlarged to allow of the 
 passage of vchhoIs of 240 tons. The trunk lino of canal, as it may 
 bo called, oxtondH from Buffalo on Lake Erie, from Oswego on 
 Lake Ontario, and from Lake Chan)j)lain to Al])any on the Iliulson 
 river, a combined length of 45.5 miles. Tho distance from Albany 
 to >.'ew York by the Hudson river is 145 miles. 
 D1MKN8ION8 and Capacity of tho Eiiik Canal and of its Two 
 Size of Canal. 
 No. and Size of Locks. 
 No. of 
 Length. Width. 
 Buflfalo to Albany . 
 Oswego to Syracuse 
 Lake Chauiplain to"l 
 Albany . . ./ 
 Tho cost of construction, maintenance, and management of this length of 
 455 mile.^ up to tho 30th of September, 1873, amounted to $87,21)9,924, or 
 EicnELiF<:u River and the St. Ours and Chambly Canals. — This 
 route of navigation extends from Sorel, at the confluence of the 
 St. Lawrence and Richelieu rivers, 46 miles below Montreal, to 
 the oiitlet of Lake Cham plain, a distance of 81 miles. Thence 
 the line of navigation is by Lake Champlain and the Champlain 
 and Erie canal (alieady noticed) to Albany and New York. The 
 Richelieu ottnal has ten locks, with a total rise of lockage of 79 feet; 
 and vessels of 300 tons, 116 feet long, 23 feet beam, and drawing 
 7 feet, can be passed through the canal from end to end, a distance 
 of 44 miles. The cost of the Richelieu canal works to the 30th 
 of June, 1867, was .8756,249. 
 $107,906,763, or £21,600.000, and the total receipt from tolh $97,025,066, The 
 total freight service on all these canals for the year 1872-3 was 6,673,370 tons, 
 including timber, vegetables, food, machinery, manufactures, and merchandise of 
 every description, the value being estimated at $220,913,321, and the tolls 
 collected amounted to $3,072,411. In tho same year, and included in the 
 tonnage, 2,200,000 quarters of wheat and 453,370 barrels of flour (= 3,964,836 
 barrels in all) were transported from the United States and Canada to tidewater 
 by the Erie canal. , 
 Tlio total length of navigation between Montreal and New York 
 by this route is 456 miles, divided thus : — 
 Montreal to flrHt lock on the Richeliou, at St. Ours ... CO 
 Ht. OurH lock 32 
 Chiunl)ly ciuiiil 12 
 — 41 
 Chambly cuniil to frontior at north end of Lake Champlain . 23 
 Montreal to frontior 127 
 Frontior to New York 329 
 Total ... 456 
 After this brief description of the principal channels of com- 
 munication, from the great fresh-water lakes of North America to 
 the eastern seaboard, it may bo useful to refer to the relative 
 traffic expenses of the most important of these routes as compared 
 with each other, and with the route by rail between the same 
 points, as well as to quote the following paragraphs touching on 
 this subject from a lieport, dated 29th April, 1872, on the pro- 
 posed enlargement of the Welland canal, by Mr. John Page, the 
 Chief Engineer of Public Works, Canada. 
 " Between the head of Lake Michigan and the eastern end of 
 Lake Erie, the distance by water is about 1,000 miles; by land 
 it is only about 500 miles; but even this advantage has not 
 enabled the land routes to compete successfully with that hy water 
 for the carriage of those heavy articles which constitute the main 
 items of export. 
 " It is nevertheless true that flour, animal food, and such other 
 kinds of freight, as either require to be conveyed speedily to 
 market, or the value of which will bear higher transport rates, 
 are now frequently carried by rail. 
 " During the season when navigation is closed, the movement 
 by the land routes lightens the pressure on the water lines in the 
 open season. Still, the producing powers of the West are increas- 
 ing so fast as to threaten to outstrip all the existing means of 
 getting the surplus to market. 
 " The keen competition which exists for this vast carrying 
 trade, has induced the State of iS'ew York to reduce the tolls on 
 her canals, 60 per cent., with a view of regaining the large 
 business w^hich has deserted them. 
 "This was done in the early part of 1870; but although the 
 eastward movement of the Erie canal has increased considerably 
 since that time, it is quite probable that a large portion of this 
 I : 
 is duo to the fact that the crop for exportation in 1871, was much 
 larger than that for 1870. 
 " Strenuous efforts are now being made to introduce steam power 
 on this route, with a view of diminishing the time necessary to 
 pass through it, and thus lessen the contrast in this respect, 
 between it and the railways. A very largo premium has lately 
 been oiferod by the State authorities, for any design that can be 
 judiciously brought into use for this purpose.^ 
 " The great length and limited capacity of this canal, has enabled 
 the railways to take from it a portion of heavy freights, the 
 carriage of which it formerly monopolized, so that it is ques- 
 tionable whether oven the entire abolition of tolls, and the suc- 
 cessful application of steam power, would do more than partly 
 restore the traffic which it has lost. 
 " In this connection it may be ob^rved that all the leading 
 lines of commimication in the United States, oast of the Mississippi 
 river, from the producing regions of the West to the Atlantic 
 seaboard, cross the Alleghany range at some point, with the 
 exception of the Erie canal and the New York Central railway, 
 which are carried through a break in the chain, forming the valley 
 of the Mohawk river. 
 " This being the best possible route for a canal in that direction, 
 gives it an advantage, for the western trade, over all other water 
 oh inels in the United States ; still it does not present a continuous 
 downward lockage towards tidewater ; the long level at Rome 
 being higher than those to the east .and west of it — and although 
 its draught of water is comparatively small, the supply is main- 
 tained with great difficulty during dry seasons. 
 " There cannot bo a doubt but that there will always continue 
 to be a considerable competition, between railways and canals, for 
 the , carrjdng trade eastward from the foot of Lake Erie ; but 
 from the westward to that point the water route, although 
 twice the length of that by land, will in all probability keep the 
 " This may safely be inferred from the known characteristics 
 of the navigation, and the large class of vessels employed on it. 
 ' It has since been afflrmod on good aiitliority that the most economical mode 
 of employing steam on the Erie Canal is in vessels carrying their own macliinery 
 and 200 tons of cargo. The greatest obstacle to the development of steam power 
 on the Erie and WoUand canals is the smallness of tlicir locks. The lust report 
 of the Nov*- York State Engineer states that the progress made in the use of 
 steam for towing warrants the belief that it will supersede all other kinds of 
 motive power on the Erie canal. . . • 
 some of which draw about 12 feet of water, and are capable of 
 carrying from 40,000 to 50,000 bushels of wheat. 
 " TL 1, together with tho rapidity with which vessels can bo 
 unloaded, and allowed to proceed on their return voyage, and tho 
 attractions of tho commercial port of Now York, must, to tho 
 extent of these advantages, have a tendency to throw tho stream 
 of trade towards Buffalo. 
 " To the westward of this point the route to the heads of Lakes 
 Michigan and Superior, is common to all ; so that the rivalry 
 between tho New York State canals and those on the St. Lawrence 
 for the carrying trade to tho seaboard, may very properly be said 
 to commence at the foot of Lake Erie. 
 " If vessels of the capacity above mentioned could proceed down- 
 wards withoiit breaking bulk, until alongside the ocean-bound ship, 
 a great object would bo achieved, and a route established which 
 might reasonably be expected to defy successful competition for 
 the cheap and rapid transport of the heavy and bulky articles of 
 agricultural produce." 
 In comparing the distances, and in calculating the relative cost 
 of tho transport of grain by water and land carriage to the sea- 
 board, tho Author has selected the famous port of Chicago — tho 
 largest grain emporium in the world — as being the best point of 
 CoMPAnisoN of Distances and Transit Charges from Chicago to tho 
 SiiA'soAui) by Water and Land Carriage. 
 To Montreal, by the lakes, the Welland and tho St. Law-j 
 rence / 
 To New York, by Buffalo, the Erie Canal, and the Hudson I 
 river ) 
 To New York, by the lakes, tho Welland, Oswego, and Eriej 
 Canals, and the Hudson / 
 To New York, by the lakes, tho Welland, tho St. Lawrence,^ 
 llifhelii'u, Cliamplaln, and Eric Canals and tho Hudson ./ 
 To New York, by railroad 
 Winter souson 
 Summer season 
 g. d. 
 4 7 
 5 7 
 5 1 
 Cost of Transport in 1872. 
 ^'cZdingToUs ^'^ ^^''. ^^'\ ^^. '''°''\'''';^ "''"■; ^;} ft cent per ton per mile 
 Ditto by canal and river, without tolls \ cent „ „ ' 
 ' Tho charge for transport by steam power against the stream on the Rhone , 
 from Aries to Lyons, a distance of 200 miles, is 1 cent (i<i.) per ton per mile. 
 Ditto with the stream on the Danube, between Galatz and Sulina, a distance of 
 lOG miles, is J cent (Jd.) per ton per mile. 
 departure eastward, both on account of its pre-eminence as a lake 
 city, also because it is situated at the head of Lake Jlichigan, 
 and, therefore, as far from the Atlantic as the " Fond du Lac " in 
 Lake Superior. 
 The exports of grain alone, from Chicago, for home and foreign 
 consumption, reached 10,375,000 quarters in 1872, or nearly two- 
 thirds of the total receipts of grain from all the laki ports together, 
 which, in the same year, amounted to 17,500,000 quarters.^ 
 The average rate of freight on wheat by canal and river from 
 Buifalo to New York was — 
 For 1872 10-9 cents per bushel. 
 „ 18G4 18-9 „ 
 ., 1863 17-7 „ 
 „ 18G2 15-8 „ 
 When the rate by railways from Buffalo to Now York is reduced 
 to 1 cent (hd.) per ton per mile, the expense will be reduced to 
 13*5 cents per bushel. 
 The average charge per ton per mile on all freight, carried on 
 the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern railway, 
 was 1*5 cent in 1870 
 and 1-39 „ in 1871. 
 The Author is indebted to Mr. AV. J. McAlpine, M. Inst. C.E., 
 for the above information relative to the transport charges by 
 water, and to some of the most influential merchants in Chicago 
 for the account of the charges by rail. 
 The water communication between the lakes and the sea is 
 practically closed for navigation for five months in the year, viz., 
 from December to April inclusive Grain can then only be trans- 
 ported by rail, and, on this account, the freight by rail is some- 
 times increased 50 per cent., obviously in the absence of a healthy 
 competition. Notwithstanding the disadvantages that the water 
 transit experiences in this respect, as compared with the transit, 
 by rail, in 1872, out of 11,5UO,000 quarters of grain brought to 
 Buffalo from the west, 7,750,000 quarters arrived by water, and 
 only 3,750,000 quarters by rail. In connection with the enormous 
 shipment of grain, it should be mentioned that it is loaded and 
 unloaded by steam elevators in a very expeditious and practical 
 manner, and at a comparatively small cost. At Chicago, on the 
 31st of December, 1872, fifteen elevator warehouses, with a total 
 capacity of 1,(300,000 quarters, were already built, and by the end 
 of 1875 it is calculated that there will be warehouse accommoda- 
 ' The total yield in the United States in 1872 of maize or Indian corn (" corn ") 
 was 138,000,000 quarters, and of wheat 30,000,000 quarters. 
 tion for 2,000,000 quarters. The rates for the storage of grain in 
 these warehouses is about 2 cents per bushel (8d. per quarter) for 
 the first thirty days or parts thereof, and }^ cent per bushel (2d. per 
 (juarter) for each fifteen days additional. Elevator warehouses on 
 a largo scale are also provided at Bulfalo and at Montreal. At the 
 latter port, as well as at Kingston, and many of the ports on 
 the Atlantic seaboard, floating steam elevators are extensively 
 employed for transhipping grain from one vessel into another. In 
 this way from 400 to 500 quarters of grain per hour can easily be 
 transferred, or say, a ship of from 1,000 to 1,200 tons can readily 
 be loaded in one da3\ The charge for this operation at Kingston 
 and at Montreal is ^ cent per bushel (2d. per quarter), of which 
 one-half (J cent) is paid by the vessel discharging and one-half bj' 
 the vessel receiving. Magazine elevators are of great service 
 where grain is brought to a port by rail, as at Chicago for 
 instance, and floating elevators answer best where lighterage is 
 required, as at Kingston, or where the inland navigation ends and 
 ocean navigation begins, as at Montreal. No doubt similar 
 facilities for the storage and handling of grain might be introduced 
 with great advantage at many of the great corn-exporting ports 
 of the Baltic and Black Sea, where the most primitive modes of 
 loading grain by hand labour are still in vogue. 
 The Mississippi and its Tributaries. 
 The Mississippi drains the greater part of the United States 
 lying between the Alleghany and the Kocky Mountains, and its 
 basin surpasses in area the whole continent of Europe, exclusive 
 of Russia, Norway, and Sweden.^ To compare its rank as a river 
 with that of the Danube, it may be stated — 
 1. That the Mississippi drains ai area of 1,244,000 square miles, 
 the Danube an area of 300,000 square miles. 
 2. That the mean discharge of the Mississippi is 018,000 cubic 
 feet per second, or 676,000 cubic feet including the three outlet 
 bayous, and that of the Danube is 207,000 cubic feet per second. 
 ;3. That the length of the Mississippi, reckoning from its mouth 
 to the source of the Missouri, is 4,194 miles; and that of tho 
 Danube, 1,700 miles. 
 It may therefore be said that the chief river of North America 
 is more than three times greater than the chief river of Europe. 
 ' The topogruphical description of tho Mis8i8aipi)i and its brunches is princi- 
 pally derived from Generals Humphreys and Abbot's great work on tLe " rhysios 
 aud Hydraulics of the Mississippi lliver." 
 I,' ' 
 The true Mississippi begins at the confluence of the Missouri 
 and the Upper Mississippi. Its five principal tributaries, in the 
 order of the magnitude of their basins, are, the Missouri, Ohio, 
 Arkansas, Upper Mississippi, and Red River. 
 The area of the basin of the Missouri is 518,000 square miles, 
 and its mean discharge is 120,000 cubic feet per second, or about 
 one-fifth that of the Mississippi at New Orleans. Unlike the other 
 tributaries of the Mississippi, a large portion of the Missouri basin 
 consists of lofty mountain chains. Comparatively little rain falls 
 upon the mountains and the plains, and hence the size of the main 
 river is disproportionately small when the drainage area alone is 
 considered. The annual discharge of the Missouri is only three- 
 fourths that of the Ohio, although its basin is nearly two and a half 
 times as large. Ascending the river, the Missouri divides, at Fort 
 Union (1,894 miles from the Missouri mouth), into two branches 
 of about equal size, the Yellowstone and the Upper Missouri. The 
 source of the Upper Missouri branch, which has an elevation of 
 6,800 feet above the sea, is 2,908 miles above the mouth of the 
 Missouri ; and that of the Yellowstone branch, 2,489 miles. The 
 range of the Missouri, between high and low water, is about 35 feet 
 at the mouth. The navigation of this river depends upon the 
 temporary floods ; and barges are loaded and their time of starting 
 is regulated accordingly'. Vessels drawing from 3 to 4 feet carry 
 from 150 to 250 tons of cargo to the Yellowstone branch, and 
 make the passage up in from twenty-two to thirty-five days. 
 At seasons of low water there is only a depth of 1 foot on many 
 of the bars of the Missouri, and at such times the navigation is 
 practically closed. No efforts have yet been made to deepen these 
 bars ; and operations for clearing the river of impediments have 
 hitherto been confined to the removal of 'snags,' which abound 
 in the lower part of the Missouri, and render the navigation of 
 vessels by night extremely dangerous. 
 The distinguishing character of the Upper Mississippi is the 
 entire absence of mountains in the basin which it drains. Near 
 the source of the river the country is only about 1,680 feet above 
 the level of the sea. The area of its basin is 109,000 square miles. 
 Miles Miles from 
 ' from Mouth of 
 Source. Missouri. 
 Source 1,330 
 St. Paul (Falls of ^'t. Anthony) .... 672 658 
 ■•• Rock Island Rapids (head) 1,020 310 
 Des Moines River 1 , 165 165 
 Illinois River 1,306 24 
 Falls of St. Anthony. — These falls, which are a complete 
 l)arrier to the navigation of the Upper Mississippi, are caused by 
 the damming up of the waters by a layer of limestone rock (which 
 is 11 feet thick at the crest of the falls, and 3 feet thick at its 
 upper end, about 1,000 feet above the crest), overlying a mass of 
 sand rock about 100 feet in thickness. The total fall is 50 feet. 
 The crest of the falls is continually receding, and in 1872 it was 
 from 300 to 600 feet above its position in 1857. This retrogression 
 is caused by the falling water undermining the sandstone which 
 sustains the limestone, so that the latter becoming unsupported 
 breaks off by its own. .veight. In order to preserve the falls from 
 further erosion, and consequently to perpetuate the utility of the 
 water-power caused by them, which involves large interests, v»^orks 
 are now in progress to prevent the wearing away of the sandstone 
 at the foot of the falls, and to stop the upper current from passing 
 through the soft sandstone rock under the limestone ledge. The 
 sum of K 200,000 (£40,000) will be necessary to fix the position of 
 the falls permanently. The range between high and low water at 
 St. Paul is 20 feet. 
 Rock Island Arsenal. — This establishment, which is now in 
 course of construction under the able direction of Colonel Flagler, 
 of the Ordnance department, is apparently destined to be the 
 most important arsenal in the United States, for the manufacture 
 and storage of arms and all other military equipments, whether for 
 land or river service. Eock Island has an area of 1,000 acres, 
 elevated from 30 to 35 feet above the river, and is joined at its 
 lower end to the city of Rock Island, in Illinois, and the city of 
 Davenport, in Iowa, by a road and railway bridge. Its upper 
 end is connected with the city of Moline, on the Illinois, or loft 
 bank, by a Government wagon bridge. The island is about 3 
 miles long; and as the river falls 9 feet in this distance, im- 
 portant, substantial, and well-designed works have been con- 
 structed, to utilise this fall as much as possible, by the use of 
 turbines in the Illinois channel, not only for working the machinery 
 of the arsenal, but for the large paper and iron mills in Moline 
 city. The water-power is estimated at 2,(300 horses, of which the 
 Government is bound to make over one-fourth to the mills in per- 
 petuity. Colonel Flagler is in favour of transmitting the water- 
 power to tho arsenal by the wire-rope system, as practised at 
 Schaffhau?en and Moline, which he considers to be more econo- 
 mical than tho system of compressed air, as adopted at many 
 similar localities. Each of the ten buildings forming the arsenal 
 and armoury will cover an area of 1 acre ; and as each will have 
 ' i!i; 
 four floors, tho total floor area will bo 40 acres. At the time of 
 the Author's visit, only three of the buildings were completed. 
 They are solidly built, and are all fireproof — the walls being 
 of Joliet stone, tho girders of malleable iron from the Phoenixville 
 works, tho arching between the girders of brick, the floors of 
 concrete, covered where necessary with planking, the framework 
 of the roofing of iron, and tho root I'-self of slate. 
 Rock Island Rapids. — These raj ids are 348 miles below the 
 Falls of St. Anthony, and extend i rom St. Claire to Davenport, a 
 distance of 14 miles, with a total fall of 21 J feet. The mean width 
 of the Mississippi in this distance is 2,500 feet ; tho velocity varies 
 from 1^ mile to 3^ miles an hour. The bed of Rock Island Rapids 
 consists of chains of hard magnesian limestone, which dip to the 
 south more rapidly than the surface of the water. They are 
 seven in number, and, before the improvements, either overlapped 
 each other, leaving only a narrow, tortuous channel between them, 
 or extended entirely across the river. Between the chains, through- 
 out almost the entire distance, there is a wide and navigable 
 channel, and at such places the velocity of the current is much 
 less. These pools have an aggregate length of 11 miles, so that 
 the obstructed portion of the river to be improved has only a 
 length of 3 miles. The ordinary range between high and low 
 water at Rock Island is 16 feet. The maximum range, observed 
 by Lieutenant Warren (now Brevet-Major-General, U.S.A.) in 1851, 
 was 23 feet at Davenport, and 13 feet at the head of the rapids. 
 On account of the hydrographic features of the lapids, it was 
 deemed advisable to cut simple channels through the reefs, rather 
 than to avoid them altogether by adopting the more expensive 
 plan of constructing a lateral canal, furnished with locks, as at 
 the Des Moines and Ohio Rapids. It was therefore decided, in 
 December, 18GG, to enlarge by excavation the old steamboat chan- 
 nel of the Rock Island Chains to a width of 200 feet, and to a 
 depth of 4 feet at the time of low water, which is somewhat 
 greater than the ruling depth in the river north and south of 
 the rapids during that season. Tho estimated quantity of excava- 
 tion for this work was 57,451 cubic yards, and the estimated cost 
 g813,602 (£162,000). Tho Author was told by Major Hoffmann, 
 the inventor of an ingenious and accurate mode of sounding a 
 rocky bottom, that the cost of excavating by contract 60,000 cubic 
 yards of rock over large areas, by means of low-water cofferdams, 
 had varied from KlO to ^13 per cubic yard during the last six 
 years ; whilst, in tho same period, the breaking up of half that 
 quantity by of Osgood and Whitney's steel chisels (weighing 
 8,000 lbs. each, and worked by macliinery similar to that used for 
 pile-driving) had varied from Kl3 to K18 per cubic yard, in- 
 cluding the dredging of the pulverised material. The improve- 
 ments were begun in 1867, and were nearly completed at the 
 time of the Author's visit in November, 1873, when he was in- 
 formed by Colonel Macomb of the Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., 
 who has charge of the works, that there is now no difficulty 
 in passing by the new channel, except during unfavourable winds ; 
 and that, so far as has yet been observed, no lowering in the level 
 of the pools between the chains, or in the river above the rapids, 
 at low water, has been caused by the cutting above described, 
 Dks Moines Rapids. — Tliese rapids are situated immediately 
 above the Des Moines river, at 145 miles below Rock Island. 
 They extend from Montrose, where the width of the channel is 
 5,000 feet, to Keokuk, where it narrows to 2,500 feet. During 
 the low- water season, they interpose a serious, and at times an 
 impassable barrier, to steamboat navigation. The river bottom, 
 which, for the most part, consists of carboniferous or mountain 
 limestone, is a broad, smooth rock, seamed by a crooked channel 
 50 feet wide and 3 feet deep, and the rapids, therefore, are not 
 broken and noisy, but, the descent being gradual the water flows 
 over its bed in a smooth, unbroken sheet, with a varying velocity 
 of from 1.^ mile to 3.^ miles an hour. 
 After long discussions as to the best mode of overcoming the 
 difficulties of the rapids, the execution of the project of General 
 Wilson, U.S.A., to construct a lateral canal on the right or Iowa 
 bank, was decided upon in 18(37. The works were begun in the 
 following year, and by the end of 1873 more than two-thirds had 
 been completed. The Author is indebted to Major Stickney, of 
 the Corps of Engineers, U.S.A., for the greater part of the follow- 
 ing particulars concerning the canal works, for which ho is the 
 Resident Engineer under Colonel Macomb. 
 The canal skirts the Iowa or right bank, and is 8 miles long, 
 200 feet wide in cuttings and 300 feet where embanked. It is 
 furnished with two lift-locks, the lower one of which has a lift of 
 11 feet, and the upper one — 2 miles above the lower one — a lift of 
 8 feet. At 8 miles above the lowest lock is a guard lock, by 
 means of which, when the water is 3 foet above extreme low water, 
 a depth of 8 feet can bo maintained in the canal, which, as well 
 as the lift-locks, will only have a depth of 5 feet at low water. 
 All the locks are 350 feet long by 50 feet wide, and are ad- 
 mirably constructed of solid masonry. The lift-locks are fed and 
 emptied, through the walls of the lock-chambers, by culverts 
 at nearly equal distances apart along the whole length of 
 the chambers. The puddled embankment wall of the canal is 
 mostly founded in the bed of the river, and is carried up to a 
 height of 2 feet above the level of high water. It is 10 foot wide 
 at the top, has slopes of 1^ to 1, and is protected on both sides with 
 " rip-rap " (rubble stones). The range between high and low water 
 is 22 feet at Keokuk, and 12 feet at Montrose. The excavation of 
 rock amounts to 400,000 cubic yards, and of loam to 800,000 cubic 
 yards. The estimated cost of the canal, including ^259,000 
 (37,000 cubic yards at S7) for the excavation of a channel 
 through a chain of rocks at Nauvoo, at the head of the rapids, 
 opposite Montrose, is K3,200,000 (£640,000)— a sum nearly one- 
 third in excess of the original estimate. The cost of the rock 
 excavation, exclusive of cofferdams and pumping (which treldes 
 the expense), has varied from H2"20 to H^'SO per cubic yard, 
 and the earth excavation from 30 cents to 65 cents. The interior 
 of the embankment (derived from the excavation) cost 70 cents 
 per cubic yard. The cost of the cut stone masonry, from quarries 
 in the neighbourhood, was KlO per cubic yard, and of the concrete 
 masonry K4. Major Stickney deprecates the system of executing 
 hydraulic works by contract, and is of opinion that the canal 
 could have been executed at more than 25 per cent, less if, from 
 the first, and as is now the case, the work had been carried on 
 under the immediate orders of the Engineer. 
 The Illinois Eiver. — At 145 miles below the Des Moines rapids, 
 and 24 miles above the Missouri mouth, the Illinois river joins the 
 Mississippi after a course of 450 miles through the rich and fertile 
 State of Illinois. A description of the lower part of the river, and 
 of the plan proposed to render it navigable for large steamers, in 
 connection with the improvement of the Illinois and Michigan 
 canal, is referred to in the following extracts from the Eeport of 
 General Humphreys, the Chief of Engineers of the U.S.A., dated 
 13th May, 1867 :—' , . 
 " The distance from Grafton, at the mouth of the Illinois to 
 the outlet of the Illinois and Michigan canal at La Salle, is 
 224 miles. The difference of level between the two points in the 
 plane of low water is 29 feet. The river varies in width from 
 500 feet to 1,400 feet. -« .. ^. -v 
 " In ordinary and high-water stages it affords good navigation 
 for the largest class of steamboats used on the Mississippi ; while at 
 ' Vide Annual Reports of the Chief of Engineer:;, .vhich may be consulted in 
 the library of the Institution. 
 i::il I 
 low water it can only be used by the smallest class of flat- 
 bottomed boats. The whole distance, from the mouth of the 
 Illinois river to Bridgeport, near Chicago, by river and canal, is 
 about ;520 miles, and the lockage between the two points (ordinary 
 water level of Lake Michigan and low water of the Mississippi) 
 is about 170 feet, which, by making a through cut from Chicago 
 river to Lock port, on the Des Plaines river, would be all a 
 descending lockage, with the lake as a summit. 
 " General Wilson recommends the improvement of the Illindis 
 river by a system of locks and dams, and that the navigation 
 be extended from Lockport to Chicago by the enlargement of part 
 of the Illinois and Michigan canal, giving a depth of 7 feet, 
 both in the river and canal, with locks 350 feet long and 75 feet 
 " The distance from La Salle to Chicago is 07 miles. It is pro- 
 posed to cut down the present summit to low- water level of the 
 lake. With the exception of two short canals, it is deemed ad- 
 visable to abandon the old location, and to improve the natural 
 channel of the river by locks and dams, they being less expensive 
 than the enlargement of the original canal. 
 " Estimated cost of canal frcm Bridgeport 
 (4 J miles from Oliicago) to Lockport, 
 29 mile.i loug, 160 feet wide, and 7 feet 
 Improvement from Lockport to La Salle . 
 River improvement from La Sallo to 
 Total .... 
 Being about $68,000 a mile." 
 $21,3;?9,996 (£4,207,999) 
 Since the above report was written, the canalisation of the 
 river below La Salle has been begun, and the first slack-water 
 pool has been created over a length of 28 miles by the con- 
 struction of a lock and dam at Henry — a work which was suc- 
 cessfully completed at an expense of ^400,000 (£80,000). The 
 lock at Henry is 350 feet long by 70 feet wide ; the side walls 
 are 30 feet high, although the lift of the lock is only 6 feet. 
 A sJTuilar lock has been commenced at Copperas, 61 miles below 
 Ft^nrj; and when this and three other shave been completed, at 
 intervals apart of 61^ miles, 29i miles, and 41 miles respectively 
 from Copperas, thus converting the lower half of the Illinois into 
 a series of five pools, each with a lift of 6 feet, vessels drawing 
 6 feet of water, and carrying from 1,000 tons to 1,200 tons, will be 
 al)lo to navigate at all soasonK between the lllinoiH mouth and La 
 Salle, Until, however, the improvements recommended by General 
 "Wilson, between La Salle and Chicago, have been carried out, the 
 dimensions of vessels on that part of the route must be restricted 
 to the size of the locks of the Illinois and Michigan canal, which 
 are only 110 feet long by 18 feet wide. Hitherto, the only executed 
 portion of the proposed improvement, between La Salle and Cliicago, 
 has been the cutting through the summit level of 26 miles which 
 divides the valleys of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi. This 
 work was performed at the expense of the city of Chicago, as it was 
 considered the best means of getting rid of the sewage matter of 
 the city, and was completed at an expense of >}3,301,000 (£G<30,000) 
 in 1871. 
 TiiK IMiciiioAN Canal. — By moans of this cut, the bottom of 
 which is 8 feet below the level of Lake Michigan, the Chicago 
 river, with most of its impurities, and a clear stream from Lake 
 Michigan itself, now flow into the Michigan canal, and thus help 
 to feed the Illinois river. The real importance of the improvement 
 of the Michigan canal and the Illinois river can only be properly 
 estimated by regarding it as completing a system of water com- 
 munication between the east and the west. 
 The Mississippi mouth has ceased, it is alleged, to be the great 
 outlet for the trade of the Upper Mississippi and Missouri. The 
 present course of trade from these vast regions indicates that it is 
 gradually being diverted to the east, and abandoning its natural 
 course by New Orleans and the mouth of the Mississippi, which is 
 inaccessible to the large ocean steamers now trading to Boston, New 
 York, Baltimore, and Philadelphia. 
 The improvements up to this time, excepting those already 
 mentioned at Eock Island and Des Moines, have been confined to 
 the dredging and scraping of bars, the removal of snags, and the 
 cutting of trees to prevent them from forming new snags. ^ 
 Dredging and scraping are mere palliatives, and if carried 
 on by fifty dredgers, instead of by the solitary machine now 
 employed, but little impression would be made on the shifting 
 sandy bars which stretch across these mighty rivers in innumer- 
 able places, and, at times of low water, make the river impassable 
 ' From June, 1869, to June, 1870, four snag boats, wiiich are very ingeniously 
 contrived, removed 3,031 sungs, weighing 60,000 tons, and cut down 33,.')00 trees 
 in ttie Upper Mississippi, Missouri, and Arkansas rivers. The annual expense of 
 working these four snag boats, the cost of which was 100,000 dollars each, is 
 $340,000, and of the dredger $60,000, or $400,000 (i;80,000) in all. 
 to craft larger than a fishing boat. In respect to this discouraging 
 condition of tlio Upper Mississippi and Missonri, Colonel Macomb 
 in his ]{eport to the Chief Engineer, on the 20th of September, 
 1870, remarks : — 
 " The works of improving the western rivers belong to the class 
 of works which may be considered as indefinite or admitting of no 
 permanent completion. It is indeed in the very nature of these 
 great rivers, flowing through vast bottom lands, that such should 
 be the case ; for improve the channel as we may one season, in the 
 following year it will very likely be found that some of the im- 
 proved reaches of channel have been abandoned by the river, and 
 a channel chosen with dangers in it requiring a repetition of our 
 labours, or new improvements." 
 Thk Lower Mississippi. — It has been already remarked that the 
 true Mississippi begins at the confluence of the Missouri and the 
 Upper Mississippi. . • 
 Distances and Inclination at Hioh Wateh. 
 From the 
 From tho 
 RlRht or 
 Left Hanlc 
 of the 
 above the 
 Gulf of 
 Slope per 
 Mouth of the Missouri . 
 • • 
 St. l.ouia .... 
 • • 
 Mouth of the Ohio ( Cairo) 
 „ of the Arkansas. 
 „ of the Red river 
 New Orleans 
 Head of the passes ofi 
 the Mississippi . . / 
 . . 
 • St. Louis. — This important city of four hundred and fifty thousand 
 inhabitants is situated on the right bank of the river in the State 
 of Missouri, and is the largest inland city in the United States.^ 
 ' The celebrated Horace Greely, late Editor of the " New York Tribune," thus 
 describes " the future great city " in a letter to Mr. L. U. Beavis, of Missouri, on 
 the 4th of Feb., 1870 : — " I have twice seen St. Louis in the middle of winter. 
 Nature made her the focus of a region embodying a vast area of the most 
 fertile soil on the globe. Man will soon accomplish her destiny by rendering 
 her the seat of an immense industry, the home of a far-reaching, ever-expanding 
 commerce. Her gait is not so rapid as that of some of her Western sisters, but 
 she advances steadily and surely to her predestined station of the first inland city 
 on the globe." 
 [1874-76. N.S.] D 
 It 18 16 miloH from tho MisBouri month, and is now joinotl to the 
 Illinois bank by tho most romarkahlo bridge of nuHlorn times. 
 This bridge Iuvh already been ])riofly described. Ko other bridge 
 spans tho Mississippi l)etwoen th'> mouth of tho IMissonri and tho 
 Gulf of Mexico, a distance of nearly 1,300 miles. 
 The Ohio River. — 'I'his river flows into tho Mississippi at 
 (^airo, 173 miles below St. Louis. 'J'he average width of tho 
 Mississippi between these cities is 4,000 feet, and the least depth 
 at any point is 2 feet at extreme low water. Tho total area of 
 tho Ohio basin is 214,000 square miles, and its annual discharge 
 of water is l.')0,000 cubic foot per second, or one- fourth that 
 of tho Mississippi. The Ohio is formed by tlie junction of tho 
 Alleghany and Monongahela rivers at Pittsburg.' 'J'liroughout 
 its whole length (967 miles) tho river flows with a gentle current 
 uninterrupted by rapids, except at the Falls near Louisville. At 
 low water the Ohio is a succession of long pools and ripples, 
 with a current alternately sluggish and rapid. The bars in the 
 upper part of tho river are mostly gravel and boulders, in tho 
 lower part shifting sand. The range between extreme high and 
 extreme low water is about 46 feet throughout the entire river. 
 Fall per 
 Mile in 
 At Wlieeling .... 
 . 45 feet . 
 91 miles 
 „ Louifiville, on the Falls 
 . 42 „ . 
 . 598 „ 
 „ „ bolow them 
 . 64 „ . 
 . 601 „ 
 „ Evansville. 
 . 40 „ . 
 . 783 „ 
 „ Paducah .... 
 . 51 ., . 
 . 920 „ 
 „ Cairo (mouth) . . 
 . 51 ,. . 
 . 967 „ 
 The usual range is 25 feet. The width of the river varies from 
 1,200 feet to 3,000 feet. Proceeding upwards, the least low-water 
 depth on the bars from the mouth of the river is, to Paducah, 
 about 3 feet; to Louisville, 1^ foot; to Cincinnati, 2 feet to 2^ 
 feet ; and to Wheeling, 1 foot. 
 The business on the river is so arranged, that, at periods of 
 very low water, all through steamboat traffic on the Upper Ohio 
 ceases. The great bulk of the river traffic is, however, carried on 
 " The Alleghany river, 290 miles long, is navigable for steamers for a distance 
 of 259 miles abovn Pittsburg. The Monongahela river was * slack watered * in 
 1842 and 1856 for 84 miles above Pittsburg by the construction of six dams 
 and eight locks Six of the latter are 190 feet long by 50 feet wide, and the 
 other two are 250 feet by 56 feet. The cost of the work was about $600,000 
 when tho depth o^ water is ',\ foet or more in the channels, which 
 is on not less tlian two hiinelrcd and sixty days in tlic year. 
 I'ho FallH of tho (^liio at LouiHvillo, which descend 25 feet in 
 3 miles, and which have been called a natural rook dam, are not 
 navigable at extreme low water. At very high water any craft 
 can pass them safely ; and at medium floods, with goml pilots, 
 steamers and other vessels are taken over. 
 In 1825, tbo Ijouisville and Portland Canal Comi.any obtained 
 authority to make locks (184 feet by oO feet), and a cannl on tho 
 Kentucky side, and tho first boat passed through in 1828. This 
 canal is now superseded by an improved one with now locks, 
 constructed in 18(30-GG by tho United States Government, under 
 tho direction of General G. ^Veitzcl, I .S.A., ut an expoiiKO of about 
 i?l,800,000 (£3(;0,()0()), after nearly the same amount had been 
 spent on the works by a private company. 
 Tho following information concerning tho Portland canal was 
 given to the Author by Captain Adams of the Corps of Engineers, 
 U.S.A., who kindly accompanied him over the work of wh ch 
 Captain Adams had then tho charge. 
 The canal is 2. J miles long, and is cut mostly in rock through a 
 neck of land, about 70 feet above low water, between two reaches of 
 the river on the Kentucky shore. By it, a level of 20 feet is sur- 
 mounted at low water, at which time there is a depth of G feet of 
 water in the canal. Of this depth 2 feet are obtained by tlio back- 
 water caused by a dam of cribwork (not. yet completed), wliieli crosses 
 the river at the upper end of the canal. Near the Indiana shore this 
 dam has an opening or ' chute,' 400 feet wide, for the passage of 
 vessels when tho locks are not required. The canal is about 80 feet 
 wide, and has vertical walls of masonry 12 feet high. The upper 
 guard lock is about | milo above tho entrance to tho canal, and 
 its gates being but little higher than the vertical walls will 
 only be useful in case of repairs, and are of no service in dam- 
 ming back tho water, which sometimes rises 42 feet above the 
 falls. When the water rises to 12 feet in tho canal,' the latter is 
 no longer used by vessels descending the river, as they can then 
 run tho rapids without difficulty or danger. The two lower locks 
 are 390 feet by 80 feet in tho chamber, and each has a lift of 
 14 feet.* The lower gates are 68 feet high to provide against high 
 floods, which have been known to rise 65 feet below the falls. 
 • AUIiougli tho looks of the Portland and Dea Moinca canals are the largest 
 oanal-looks in the world, some of the steamers on th(3 Mirisissippi which trade 
 between St. Louis, tho Ohio, and New Orleans, from their breadth of beam, 
 D 2 
 Il I 
 hi I 
 Vessels now p:vy 50 cents (28.) per ion for passing through the 
 canal, but it is expected that this high rate will soon be reduced 
 60 per cent. 
 Otheu Works of Improvement on the Ohio, — These are of 
 slight importance, and have hitherto been confined to dredging 
 the more obstructive bars, and constructing here and there what 
 are called ' rip-rap ' dams (artificial dams of rubble stones), with 
 a view of concentrating tlie flow of the streanx into comparatively 
 narrow cliannels, to secure an additional depth of water. 
 Although these measures are of a very palliative kind, they 
 would undoubtedly improve the navigable channel of the Ohio, if 
 carried out systematically year by year on a commensurate scale, 
 throughout the entire length of the river. When it is stated, 
 however, that an annual grant of only Si 00,000 (£20,000) is 
 allowed for this work, it is not surprising that no one can say 
 precisely how much real improvement in the river has been 
 acliieved since the attempt to deepen the channel was begun. 
 Various plans have been suggested by American engineers during 
 the last half century to effect a radical and permanent improvement 
 of the Ohio. Of these may be noticed : — 
 1. Mr. C. Ellet's plan of artificial reservoirs to store up water 
 enough, when gradually drawn out at lov. -water seasons, to make 
 a perennial flow 6 feet deep in tui, ;hannels. 
 2. The scheme of a continuous canal 200 feet wide on one side 
 of the river. 
 3. The method of locks and dams similar to the actual navisra- 
 tion on the Monongahela, and to that now under executioi. on tho 
 Illinois river. 
 Difficulties and objections are inherent to erch of these expe- 
 dients, but of all the schemes proposed it is ^ vneraily believed 
 by those who have carefully studied t)ie subjv „ thid locks and 
 dams, with chutes so arranged that coal fleets migl'.t be ppssed from 
 one pool to another without division, would be tho best and most 
 economical means of securing the desired depth of water from 
 Cairo to Pittsburg, say, 6 feet, at all seasons. This is the decided 
 cannot pass through them. For instance, tho "City of Richmond" steamer, 
 which the Author inspected at St. Louis, had the following d aaensions : — 
 Extreme length 
 „ width 
 Load line 
 Light line 
 340 feet. | 
 f 11 
 I 4 
 Two 5-foet cylinders andj 
 l()-ft?et stroke, 
 Six boilers. 
 Paddle-wheels, 44 feet in 
 Burthen, 2,500 tons. 
 Height, from water-line to 
 top of funnels, 92 feet. 
 Ditto, to top of pilot houae, 
 tiU feet. 
 opinion of Mr. W. Milnor Roberts, the Engineer in charge of the 
 Ohio river improvement, who, iu a report, dated the 11th of April, 
 1870, to General Humphreys, on the radical improvement of the 
 Ohio, estimates the cost of the system as follows : — 
 Pittsburg to Louisvillo 598 miles. 
 51 seta of locks double, 370 feet by 80 feet, 
 and 300 feet by CO feet, with 6-fect lifts, 
 including dams and chutes at . . . 
 Loniavillo to Cairo 369 miles. 
 15 sets of locks, do. do., with dama and 
 chutes at 
 Extra length of dams below the falls . 
 334,357 = 17.052,207 
 334,357 = 
 £4,700,000, or $23,550 per milo for 9G7 miles. 
 So far as the Author has been able to learn, no works have 
 3'et been iindortaken for the improvement of the navigable 
 channel of the Mississippi livor below Cairo, although at low 
 water the depth on some of the shoals between that city and tho 
 mouth of the lied river, a distance of 781 miles, does not exceed 
 5 feet. Surveys and projects are now J)eing made, however, for 
 tho improvement of these bars. Tho width of the Mississippi at 
 the Ked river landing is 3,020 feet at high water and 2,<)50 feet 
 at low water. The distance from the mouth of the Ohio to tide- 
 water by the Mississippi river is about 1,100 miles, and the average 
 fall is at the rate of 3 inches per mile. The moan area of cross 
 section at high water over this length is 105,000 square feet, and 
 the mean annual rainfall 30;^ inches. 
 The Arkansas River joins the right })ank of tho Mississippi at 
 405 miles below Cairo. The area of its basin, including that of tho 
 White river, is 189,000 square miles, and the mean annual discharge 
 is at the rate of 63,000 cubic feet of water per second. This river 
 is 1,514 miles long; the width varies from 1,500 to 5,000 feet, and 
 the least depth on the bars at low water is 1 foot. Tho estimate 
 for its improvement for tho year ending the liOth of Juno, 1874, is 
 ^100,000 (£20,000) for tho running expenses of four snag boats, 
 five months each at S5,000 per month. 
 The Rkd River joins the right bank of the Mississippi 781 miles 
 below Cairo, and at 316 miles from the Mississippi mouth. It is 
 1,200 miles long, tho width varies from 800 to 2,000 feet, and the 
 least depth of water on tho bars is also 1 foot. Tho area of the 
 basin is 97,000 square miles, and the mean annual discharge of 
 water is 57,000 cubic feet per second. 
 1'he only expenditure made by the Government for the im- 
 provement of this river has been in the many attempts to 
 remove the obstruction known as the " Eed river raft," which 
 is composed of an immense accumulation of drift wood, partly 
 sound, partly rotten, partly sunk, and partly afloat, but always 
 advancing steadily up the river. Its length in the summer of 
 18o4r was 13 miles, and it had then advanced to a point 53 miles 
 above Shreveport.' 
 The Deli'a (Plato 7). — Just below the confluence of the Eed 
 river is the first of the bayous,- w^hich, fed by the Mississippi, 
 discharge into the Gulf of IMexico. Below this point the great 
 river receives no appreciable increase from tributaries. It has, 
 therefore, fov these reasons been generally considered the head of 
 the delta. On the assumption that a delta begins where it first 
 sends off a branch to th(! sea, at the head of the bayou Atchafalaya 
 in tliis instance, the delta of the Mississipppi has an area of 12,300 
 square miles, of which one-third is composed of soa marsh. It is 
 contended by some writers, however, that the origin of the delta is 
 3 miles below Capo Girardeau (47 miles above the mouth of the 
 Ohio), where the waters of the Mississippi used to escape into the 
 St. Francis, and thence through the Arkansas valley into the 
 Atchafalaya, &c.; and that, therefore, the area of the delta is really 
 38,706 square miles. This is stated in a recent paper by I'rofessor 
 C. Forshey. Between Bayou la Fourche (the last of the outlets) and 
 Fort St. Philip, the Mississippi flows through a tolerably uniform 
 channel, averaging at low water 200,000 sqiiaro feet in cross 
 section, 2,470 feet in width, and 12i) feet in depth at the deepest 
 part. In the Iot,- water stage, these measurements are 163,000 
 square feet, 2,250 feet, and 114 feet respectively. 
 Lkvkes and Cut-offs. — Between Cairo and Fort St. Philip 1,600 
 miles of levees, or embankments, have been constructed to protect 
 the adjacent lands from overflow ; but the system was so imperfect 
 in 1869 (and the same may even now be said) that General Abbot, 
 U.S.A., reported that an outlay of K38, 230,000 was required to 
 raise the existing levees in the states of Arkansas, Mississippi, and 
 Louisiana, (^19,0(50,000, K4,150,000, K15,020,000 resi^ectively) to 
 their proper height. This sum, at the estimated cost of the work, 
 ' Since tliia was written the Autlior has been informed by General Humplircye 
 that the laft liaa lx;en removed, and that by annual grants from Government ita 
 reformation iu to be {ircvintcd. 
 - A bayou in liOuisiauu means a stream not so large as a river, and a crook 
 ()roporly no called. 
 viz., 40 cents per cubic yard, represents embanking to the amount 
 of 95,000,000 cubic yards.^ 
 The efficacy of ' cut-oifs ' as a means of relief from floods has been 
 contested by many authorities on the 'regime' of the MiKsisHip{)i. 
 In December 1874 General M. Jeff Tliompson, Chief State Engineer, 
 reported to the Governor of Louisisina that two out of the six 
 cut-offs, made below the mouth of the Arkansas and Tunica since 
 the days of steamboats, were fast elongating themselves, at the ex- 
 pense of the levees. With regard to these this engineer remarks that 
 there are none from Cairo to Memphis on the left bank, nor from 
 ^icksburg to Baton Eouge, except a few private ones; but that 
 there has been a system of levees along the whole of the right 
 bank, from Commerce to Fort Jackson, near the mouth of the 
 Mississippi. He also adds that from Memphis down to the mouth 
 of the Tazoo, and from Baton Kouge down to Fort Philip on tho 
 left bank, the levees form a complete system. 
 An aggregate length of 107^ miles of levees — wings and main 
 line included — were lost from October 1866 to October 1874, in 
 consequence of the caving of the banks of tho river in tho State 
 of Louisiana. During the disastrous floods of the spring of 1874, 
 a crevasse of unusual magnitude occurred at Bonnet Carre, in 
 Louisiana, of which a detailed account (from tho Levee Commis- 
 sioner's report) is given in Ajipondix I. 
 Twenty miles below Fort St. Philip, a great change takes place. 
 (Plate 7.) The river widens to 8,000 feet, with a maximum depth 
 of about 40 feet, and a cross section of about 250,000 hquare feet. 
 It then separates into three principal branches, called from tho 
 directions they take, the South- West Pass, the South Pass, and the 
 North-East Pass, the latter sending off a branch called the Pass a 
 I'Ontro. The dimensions of these passes are shown by the Table 
 on the next page. 
 The bars at the mouths, are composed of sand and soft mud, 
 and are described in Humphreys' and Abbot's work as being pro- 
 duced by sand and silt rolled along the bed of the river, and not by 
 the precipitation of matter held in suspension by the outflowing 
 waters. The length of tho bar of the South-West Pass, or the 
 distance between the 18-feet contour lines, is 2^ miles. 
 ' To the 1st of October, 1874, the Louisiana Levee Company, which was 
 incori)orated iu February 1871, have built levees containing 4,823,012 cubic 
 yards, at a cost of $2,520,G12, being at tlie rate of 58 cents (28. 4rf.) per cubic 
 yard. General Al)bot'8 estimate was based on the heiglit obtained by the great 
 flood of 18.'58, which has not been exceeded since, and an allowance was made of 
 about 1 foot for a possible rise above that extraordiuariiy high flood. 
 i \r. 
 Dimensions of the Main Passm of tho Misbissippi.' 
 I^cngtli to 
 outer crest 
 of Bar. 
 Mean Width. 
 Mean Area of 
 Cross Section 
 Proportion of 
 being unity. 
 Square feet. 
 South-Weat Pass . . 
 South Pass. . . 
 Nortli-East Pass . . 
 Pass k I'Outio . . . 
 Remainder mi 
 xinly through South-West Pass 
 Discharge and VELoniriEs at tho head of tho South- West Pass, which delivers 
 one-third of tlxe total volume of the Mississiiipi into the Gulf. The dis- 
 char^ro through this Pass exceeds the entire volume of tho Danube. 
 lUvor Stage. 
 per Secund. 
 per Hour. 
 per Second. 
 per Hour. 
 Low water . 
 Cubic Feet. 
 Cubic Feet. 
 The natural depth on tho South-West Pass is only 13j feet, but 
 by the use of two eiteam-dredgers, or mud-scrapers, a depth varying 
 ' Mr. G. W. R. Bayley, civil euginoer, New Orleans, an acknowledged 
 authority on all matters connected with the Lower Mississippi, has lately 
 directed attention to the fact that, while the high-water slope of tho river, 
 from New Orleans to tho head of the passes, is only about 1 J inch to the mile 
 for the whole river, tho high-water slope of the South-West Pass channel is 
 about 2 iuches per mile ; of the Pass a I'Outre, about 2J inches per mile, and of the 
 South Pass, about 2J inches per mile. It is well known, he maintaius, that the 
 greater the normal quantity of water flowing in a sedimentary riVer, below its 
 last affluent, the less will be its surface slope, and the greater its depth and 
 Telocity of current and sectional area of channel. The width of the Mississipin 
 river does not increase from the mouth of the Ohio down, but its depth does, 
 below each affluent; while the surface slope diminishes, gradually, as far down 
 as the head of the passes. See Table of Inclinations at page 33 ; also remarks 
 on the same subject in Mr. Alfred Tyler's highly interesting Paper, on " The 
 Curve of Denudation," Geological Magazine, vol. ix, pp. 392, 485. 
 from 16 to 18 feet was maintained over a channel from 200 to 
 800 feet wide, for the two working seasons previous to 1873, It 
 is considered that by this means a channel 18 feet deep could always 
 be maintained, at an expense of ^200,000 (£40,000) a year, a sum 
 which includes the entire renewal of a steam-scraper every four 
 years. The cost of the scrapers is ^200,000 each. They are 
 arranged so as to bring up the silt, which has been agitated by the 
 screw of the vessel, into the upper stratum of the outgoing current. 
 In the channels where the machines ha/e been employed, the 
 velocity of the surface is generally from 2 to 3 miles per hour ; but 
 at 10 feet below the surface the velocity is reduced to 1 mile per hour ; 
 and at the bottom, not only to zero, but occasionally on a rising tide,' 
 and when the flow of the Mississippi is under 800,000 cubic feet per 
 second, which is the discharge at ordinary high-water, the current 
 flows in an inverse direction, or into the river. Hence the neces- 
 sity of having the scraper vessels so contrived as to bring the mud, 
 which has been stirred up by the screw, as near the surface of the 
 water as possible. The machines only work on the crests of the 
 bars over a length of less than 4,000 feet, and the current does 
 the rest of the deepening. 
 Major Howell, U.S.A. (Resident Engineer for the Lower Missis- 
 sippi), informed the Author that each steamer removes about 10,000 
 cubic yards of mud a day, and that early last year, owing to ob- 
 structions designedly thrown in the way of the navigation by the 
 Towage Steam Company, which has a monopoly of the towing at the 
 mouths, the scrapers were withdrawn to the Pass a 1 'Outre, where 
 they worked for the remainder of the year. The natural depth of 
 water on the bar of the Pass a I'Outre is only 1 1 feet, but the effect 
 of the scraping was to deepen it to nearly 18 feet, over a width of 
 about 200 feet, at the end of 1873, by which time the depth on the 
 South- West Pass was again reduced to 13 feet, although vessels 
 drawing 17 feet were actually then being drawn across the bar, 
 through 4 feet of soft mud, by the Steam Tug Company. 
 Fort St. Philii' Canal. — The majority of a Board of Military 
 E: ^rineers, who assembled at the mouths of the Mississippi, in 
 Kovember 1873, to consider and report upon the plan submitted by 
 Major Howell for a ship canal, recommended Congress to construct 
 a ship canal from Fort St. Philip to Breton bay ; and accordingly, on 
 the 9th of February, 1874, a Bill was introduced into Congress which 
 " provides for the construction of this canal, and its maintenance 
 ' The tide has a mean tiec of 15 iuolies every twenty-four hours at the 
 Missiasippi muuths. 
 as a public highway." In the Bill it is enacted, — " That a ship 
 canal to connect the Mississippi with the Gulf of Mexico, com- 
 mencing at some convenient point on the river below Fort 
 St. Philip, and terminating at some convenient point in Breton 
 bay, shall be constructed and maintained at the expense and under 
 the control of the Government of the United States : That the 
 dimensions of the canal shall not be less than 200 feet wide at 
 the bottom, and with not less than 26 feet in depth of water, 
 with the necessary guard-gates, locks, &c., which may be neces- 
 sary for the safe and convenient navigation of the canal." The 
 estimate for the above work is K 10,296,600 (£2,000,000), which 
 includes the cost of jetties for extending the canal into the deep 
 waters of the Breton bay. 
 Parallel Piers versus Caxal. — General Barnard, U.S.A., 
 who was in the minority of the Board of Military Engineers, 
 of which he was the President, is of opinion " that the con- 
 ditions of the location and execution of a canal have received 
 no adequate study," and he therefore demands "new studies 
 ot location, and an entire revision of plans of execution." He 
 is also in favour of an open river mouth rather than of a canal 
 impeded by locks. He likewise agreed with the Author in the 
 opinion, that the South Pass of the Mississippi should bo selected 
 for a full trial of the jetty system, on the principle that it is more 
 advisable, in an economical point of view, to improve the mouth of 
 a minor branch of a river, rather than to grapple with the diflfi- 
 culties at the mouth of a principal branch, if that minor branch 
 debouches into deep water, and offers a sufficient breadth and depth 
 of channel for the navigation till its bar is reached. The south 
 branch has a width of from 600 to 800 feet, and a depth of not less 
 than 26 feet throughout its entire length of l:J miles, excepting 
 for about ^ mile at its bifurcation with the main river, where 
 parallel training works would be necessary to secure the depth and 
 width required. Although holding these views in favour of the 
 South Pass, the Author is by no means opposed to the opening of 
 the South- West Pass, by means of jetties, if it is considered that 
 the far greater expense of construction in the first place, and of 
 the maintenance of the works and channel afterwards, contingent 
 on the improvement of the larger mouth, would bo compensated 
 by the grander result to be ol)tained. 
 Since these notes were written. Captain J. B. Eads has formally 
 proposed to the United States Government to deepen the South- 
 West Pass to 28 feet, for the sum of S 11,000,000, by means t.f 
 parallel piers ; and a new commission, consisting of civil and 

 military engineers, has boon named to report to Congress on the 
 merits of all the plans of improvement yet devised for providing 
 the river with a deep sea entrance. 
 Croton Waterworks, New York.- (Visited SOth December, 187;^, 
 with Mr. G. M. Van Nort, Commissioner of Public Works, and Mr. 
 Edtvard H. Tracy, Chief Engineer.) — The Croton Aqueduct, which 
 supplies the city of New York with water, is a monument to the 
 ability and skill of Mr. John B. Jervis, C.E., the designer and 
 constructor of the works. The aqueduct was begun in 18:57, and 
 finished in July 1842, with the exception of the Migh Bridge at 
 Harlem, which was not completed till 1848, the water in the 
 meantime being conveyed across the Harlem Valley by a tem- 
 porary pipe. 
 The following sketch of the priuc^'pal features of the aqueduct 
 is abridged from Mr. Jervis's report of the 27th July, 1842, to 
 the Water Commissioners, which has not yet been published in 
 The Croton Aqueduct commences about 6 miles above the mouth 
 of the Croton river, where a dam has been constructed to elevate 
 the water of the river 40 feet to the level of the head of the aque- 
 duct, or 16G feet above mean tide. The aqueduct passes along the 
 valley of the Croton to near its mouth, and thence into the vf ,iley 
 of the Hudson. The length, from the Croton dam to Karlem 
 river, is 33 milefe, for which distance it is an uninterrupted con- 
 duit of stone and brick masonry in hydraulic cement. 
 Description of the Country. — The soil, earth, and rock of the 
 country, from the banks of the Croton to the city of New York, 
 are of one general character. The prevailing rock is gneiss, of 
 great variety in quality. The surface is generally a sandy loam. 
 Below it, soil, gravel, sand, boulders, or detached rock, have in 
 most cases been found. A largo portion of the open cutting, and 
 nearly the whole tunnel cutting, has been through rock, more than 
 400,000 cubic yards of which have been excavated. The general 
 formation of the country is extremely irregular, and unfavourable 
 for the economical construction of an aqueduct. 
 Aqueduct. — The bottom is an inverted arch, the chord being 
 ' A full description of tlio Croton Aqueduct in English, Gormrin, and French, 
 by T. Schramke (London and Berlin, 185.^), is in tlie library of the Institution. 
 1 '^' 
 . sine 9 inches. The side walls rise 
 g of the invert. The roofing arch is 
 6 feet 9 inches, and th' 
 4 feet above the s* 
 semicircular, v/ith a as of 3 feet 8j inches. Thus the greatest 
 interior height is 8 feet 5^ inches, the greatest width 7 feet 
 5 inches, and the area 6;J * 34 square feet. The inverted arch is 
 of brick, 4 inches thick. The roofing arch is also of brick, 8 inches 
 thick. The abutments are of rubble stone, with a brick facing 
 4 inches thick. In all cases a course of concrete in hydraulic 
 cement was laid under the extrados of the inverted arch. The 
 area of a cross section of masonry in the aqueduct is 42^ 
 square feet. The proportion of the line of aqueduct masonry on 
 foundati(m walls over valleys, to that in excavation, is about 
 1 to 8. The masonry of the aqueduct is covered with earth to a 
 suificient depth to protect it from frost.^ There are sixteen tunnels 
 on the line, varying in length from IGO feet to 1,263 feet, making 
 an aggregate length of 6,841 feet. The height of the ridges above 
 the grade level at the tunnels ranges from 25 feet to 75 feet. The 
 foundation walls, in crossing uneven ground and ravines, are of 
 dry masonry. 
 Culverts. — To pass the streams that intersect the line, one hun- 
 dred and fourteen culverts, varying in span from 1^- foot to 25 feet, 
 have been constructed, at depths varying from 16 feet to 83 feet 
 below the top covering of the aqueduct. 
 Ventilators. — There are thirty- three ventilators to give free 
 ventilation of air through the aqueduct. 
 Waste Weirs. — Six are constructed on the line of aqueduct, so 
 arranged as to allow the water to pass off when it rises to the 
 proper height, with gates to draw off the water when necessary. 
 Croton Dam. — The greatest height of the weir of the dam is 
 40 feet above the low-water level, and 55 feet above the bed of the 
 river. The width of the masonr}' at the low-water line of the river 
 is 61 feet. At 300 feet below the main dam, a second dam was 
 constructed of timber, stone, and gravel, to deepen the water over 
 the apron of the former, and form a pool to check the force of the 
 water as it falls. From the main dam, which raises the level of the 
 water of the river over a length of 5 miles, and forms a reservoir of 
 400 acres, the water flows into the bulkhead at the upper end of the 
 tunnel, from a level averaging 10 feet below the surface. 
 Aqueduct Bridge at Sing Sing. — The Sing Sing Kill, where it crosses 
 the line of aqueduct, runs in a deep and narrow gulf, the bottom 
 of which is 76 feet below the top covering of the aqueduct. Over 
 ' The depth is uever lesi thau 8 feet. 
 this gulf an aqueduct bridge has been constructed of stone and 
 bricJf masonry. Its centre arch has a span of 88 feet and a rise of 
 33 feet. 
 Harlem River Bruhje. — The width of the river, where the aque- 
 duct line crosses it, is t)20 feet at ordinary high-water mark, and 
 its greatest depth is IG feet at very low tides. The high ground that 
 bounds the north side of the Harlem Valley is very nearly on a 
 level with the aqueduct ; and the width of the valley at the aque- 
 duct level is about 1,450 feet, over which a bridge of the same length 
 has been constructed. The south bank of the valley is here a 
 bold, precipitous rock, rising to a height of about 220 feet above 
 the river. Across the river there are eight arches, each of 80-feet 
 span. On the south of this range of large arches there is one arch, 
 and on the north six arches, each of 50-feet span. The archcB 
 are semicircular, and their sofiSts are 100 feet above ordinary 
 high water. The piers are founded partly on the rock, partly 
 on bearing piles. All the masonry is of well-dressed granite. 
 The space — 21 feet— between the parapets is arranged to receive 
 and protect from frost two cast-iron pipes, each 4 feet in diameter, 
 which are to lie at the level of 108*25 feet above the level of 
 mean tide.^ This is 12 feet below the grade line of the aque- 
 duct, to which the pipes descend from the gate-chambers at the 
 end of the bridge. The object in using pipes was more 
 effectually to secure the conduit from any leakage, that might 
 eventually injure the masonry of the bridge, and it incidentally 
 allowed the bridge to be constructed of less height. To make the 
 capacity of the pipes for conveying the water equal to that of the 
 aqueduct, an extra fall of 2 feet has been given across the bridge, 
 and the aqueduct on the southern side of the river is constructed 
 2 feet lower than the regular grade to accommodate this arrange- 
 ment. .:.;.. 
 It was originally contemplated, and the work put under con- 
 tract, to construct a low bridge with one arch for water-way ; but 
 a supposed value, which was attached to the future navigation of 
 the river, was so pressed upon the legislature as to induce them to 
 pass a law requi-ring that the under side of the arches should be 
 100 feet above ordinary high water.^ 
 ' These 4-feet pipra were never laid down, as two of 3 feet diameter were 
 considered to be sufficient at first ; the latter still remain, leaAy for use again in 
 case of need, but the water is now &:>nducted across the atiueduct by a 7J-feet 
 pipe of boiler-plate. 
 ' It may bo asked, why not have raised the bridge 12 feet more, to the 
 grade of tho aqueduct, and thus have saved a fall of 2 feet, besides sparing the 
 Manhattan and Olendenning Valleys. — After croBsing nailem 
 Valley, the aqueduct of niasonry is resumed, and continued 2 miles, 
 to the termination of the high ground on the north of Man- 
 hattan Valley. This valley is f mile wide, iind 102 feet below 
 the level of the aqueduct. The conduit of masonry here gives 
 place to iron pipes, which descend to the bottom of the valley, 
 and rise again on the opposite side, from which point the masonry 
 conduit is again continued, and, crossing Glendenning Valley on 
 arches, after 2 miles reaches the receiving reservoir at York Hill. 
 lieceiving Reservoir. — This reservoir has an area of M acres, and 
 a capacity of 150,000,000 imperial gallons. It is in two divisions, 
 and is formed with earth banks, the interior having regular 
 puddled walls; the outside, protected by a stone wall, has a 
 slope of 1 horizontal to 3 vertical ; the face is laid in cement 
 raortar, and the inside is dry ; the in^ide is protected by a dry 
 wall, laid on the face of the embankment, which slopes li^ hori- 
 zontal to 1 vertical. The embankments are raised 4 feet above 
 the water line, and vary from 18 feet to 21 feet in width at the 
 top. They are of moderate height for the northern division of the 
 reservoir, which has a depth of about 20 feet ; but in a portion of 
 the southern division, whore the depth is about 30 feet, they are 
 38 feet high above their base. 
 Distributing Reservoir. — This reservoir is situated on the 5th 
 Avenue, between 40th and 42nd Streets, and is 3 miles from the 
 City Hall. It is built entirely of masonry, and covers an area 
 of 4 acres, divided into two equal divisions, and has a capacity of 
 20,000,000 imperial gallons. It has a depth of 36 feet, and when 
 full the level of the water is 115 feet above mean tide. Its walls 
 rise 4 feet above the water line, and have an average elevation 
 of 45^ feet above the level of the adjacent streets. 
 Length of the Aqueduct. — The length of the aqueduct, from the 
 Croton dam to the distributing reservoir, is 40^ miles. It is proper 
 to add to this the length of the Croton reservoir, which is 5 miles, 
 and extends 4 miles for the length of thfi large mains from the 
 distributing reservoir through the central part of the city, making 
 the total length of the main conduit nearly 50 miles. 
 Grade Line of Aqueduct. — The general declivity of the aqueduct in 
 expense of the two gat^-chambers ? Apropos of this question, Mr. Tracy has 
 written to the Author as follows : — " It is impossible in this country to construct 
 a conduit of masonry, of any considerable length, that will remain watertight. 
 The contraction and expansion of the High Bridge, from the extreme heat of 
 summer to the extreme cold of winter, is more than § inch by actual measure- 
 WesteheHtor County is 0*021 fcx.t per 100 foot (TlOO foot per 
 niilo). The graclo from Ilarlom Kiver to Manhattan Valley is 
 the same as the general grade of the aqueduct in WestchcHter 
 County; but that from the Manhattan Valley to the receiving 
 reservoir, 2 J miles, is 9 inches per mile. 
 Coat. — Mr. Jervis concludes his Report by stating that the actual 
 cost of the aqueduct, fiom the Croton dam to the di.Ntributing 
 reservoir, inclusive, v^'as under K9,000,000 (£1,800,000), being 
 within 2 per cent, of the original estimate. 
 The following information respecting the present state of these 
 works was obligingly furnished to the Author by Mr. Tracy. 
 ^ addition to a new receiving reservoir in the Central Park,* 
 .ich has an area of 106 acres, a depth of 3G feet, and a capacity 
 of 1,000,000,000 gallons, a new storage reservoir at Boyd's Corners, 
 in the Croton Valley, has been built to contain 3,000,000,000 gal- 
 lons ; so that the combined capacity of the reservoirs, including 
 the Croton reservoir or lake, is now 4,570,000,000 gallons.^ Ex- 
 perience has proved that, as long droughts prevail during the 
 summer and autumn, the quantity of water in the river is in- 
 adequate to supply the daily needs of the city, and that, there- 
 fore, the only way to secure a constant supply is by storage 
 reservoirs, to be filled during the wet season. Preparations are 
 accordingly being made for the construction of a third large 
 reservoir in the Croton Valley, with a capacity of 3,700,000,000 
 gallons. When this is done, the combined reservoirs will be able 
 to supply the city for eighty-two days at the present rate of 
 consumption of 100 gallons per head, irrespective of the minimum 
 quantity daily furnished by the Croton river in seasons of extreme 
 drought, viz., 27,000,000 gallons. 
 From 1842 to 1848, 18,000,000 gallons per day gave an abundant 
 supply. At that time the city had about four hundred and fifty 
 thousand inhabitants, and now, with a population of one million, 
 the quantity consumed is sometimes 100,000,000 gallons per day. 
 Thus, though the population of New York has little more than 
 doubled since 1848, the consumption of water has increased fivefold. 
 ' There are six 4-feet mains into and out of this reservoir (which was com- 
 pleted in 1862), and the valves are so arranged that they can only be fully 
 raised in one hour. 
 * When the word "imperial" is not mentioned, it may be taken for granted 
 that the gallons indicated are United States gallons, which compared with imperial 
 gallons are as 5 to 6 : a United States gallon being equal to 231 cubic inches (the 
 capacity of the old English wine gallon), and the British imperial gallon to 
 277 • 274 cubic inches. 
 'v. ,i ' 
 When tho aqueduct was built, it was supposed it would only 
 deliver 60,000,000 imperial, or 72,000,000 I'nited States standard 
 gallons, every twenty-four hours. Tho discharge was computed 
 from formuleo based on the best-known channels at that time, but 
 all of which were smaller than the Croton Aqueduct. Careful 
 experiments on the present flow of water show that it can deliver 
 115,000,000 gallons every twenty-four hours, or 00 per cent, more 
 than its estimated capacity.' 
 The watershed of the Croton river is about iMO square miles, 
 and the annual rainfall is 49 inches. At or near the sources of 
 many of the tributaries there are natural lakes, varying in size 
 from 50 acres to 500 acres. These basins are generally of great 
 depth, and their waters, which are remarkably clear and pure, 
 are derived either from springs in the lakes themselves > in the 
 highlands near them. 
 Tho new storage reservoir at Boyd's Comers has an area of 
 300 acres, and has been formed by building a dam across the west 
 branch of the Croton river. The dam is about 700 feet long, and 
 high enough to lift tho water 60 feet above the surface of the 
 stream. The masonry wall of the dam, on its inner side, is for- 
 tified by a watertight bank of earth, and a canal is cut through 
 the rock at the northern end of the dam to allow the floods to 
 escape over a rock surface into the river below the dam. 
 The major part of the higher section of the city of New York, 
 north of Manhattan Valley, is supplied from a > 'v high-service 
 reservoir, into which water is pumped by steam from the aqueduct 
 near 17:ird Street (close to the Harlem Bridge), whilst the extreme 
 high points are supplied from a tank supported on a towor bull* 
 to a height of 300 feet above the sea, near the site of the reservoir. 
 The islands in the East and Harlem rivers are supplied with water 
 by pipes, varying from 2J inches to 6 inches in diameter, from 
 the shores of New York City. These pipes are generally about 
 1,000 feet long, and are laid on the beds of the rivers in depths 
 of from 70 feet to 100 feet of water. Until very recently, they 
 were either of cast iron, lead, or gutta-percha. The latter, which 
 are soon abraded on a rocky bottom, are now being advan- 
 tageously replaced by wrought-iron pipes. These are so elastic, 
 and are so well protected with a casing of planking, that they 
 can be readily laid, already put together, on the bed of the 
 river, at a radius of 300 feet. Shortly before the Author's visit, 
 ' > The flow in the aqueduct, which is never full, is at the rate of about 
 2i miles per hour. 
 it was decided to lay down a wrought-iron lap-wol 'od pipe of 
 6 inehes in diameter, made in the same manner as pipes for 
 conveying steam, coupled together with screw conplings. Tlio 
 operation was thus described hy Mr. Tracy : — The couplings wore 
 strengthened and protected by heavy cast-iron sleeves, secured by 
 lead joints, making the joints as rigid and stiff as any other part 
 of the pipe, 'i'he pijjo was then placed in a heavy oak case securely 
 ])olted and riveted together, and the space between the pipe and 
 case filled with hydraulic cement. The pipe was put together 
 in 02nd Street. When fitted up complete in the box, and the 
 box thoroTighly saturated with coal-tar, it was then, by means of 
 a powe:ful dredge with a steam capstan of lUO III'., hauling on a 
 heavy chain cable fastened to the rocks on Black well's Island, 
 drawn across the river. The dredge was assisted by three 
 powerful steamboats, whieh in case of the breaking of the chain 
 could have held the end of the pipe in position. The pipe as fitted 
 up in the box was 1,;550 feet long, weighed over 200 tons, and was 
 put across the river in water 100 feet deep. It was laid without 
 any accident or injury, and it is believed to bo strong enough to 
 withstand the anchors of any vessel which navigates tho East 
 Six 4-feet cast-iron pipes are now being laid in tho lOth Avenue, 
 between li;3th and 92nd Streets, preparatory to tho removal of 
 tho aqueduct work over Glendenning Valley. This tedious and 
 expensive work is necessitated by an Aot of tho legislature, which 
 directs the Waterworks Department to remove the above-named 
 portion of tho old viaduct, as it obstructs tho traffic from oast to 
 west, and to replace it by a new one, or by pipes, below the newly- 
 established grades of the streets and avenues, which now extend 
 uninterruptedly from tho Battery Point to Kingsbridgo over 
 Harlem river, a distance of 15 miles. 
 Owin^' to an alteration in tho grade of tho 5th Avenue, it be- 
 came necessary, about two years ago, to lower two 3-feet main 
 water pipes about 4 feet, in a long cutting throiigh hard gneiss, 
 between 68th and 72nd Streets. It was decided to lower these pipes 
 with the water in them, and to continue their use while the 
 operation was going on. Tho trench where they lay was widened 
 on one side to allow them to be moved laterally. They were next 
 placed upon saddles resting on greased skids, and moved over, one 
 line at a time, by screw-jacks. Then, after being protected with 
 timber while tho new rock trench was blasted, they were moved 
 back, on greased skids, supported by blocking, to their original 
 line, and lowered by screw-jacks into position. This delicate and 
 7o. N.S 
fi r' 
 hazardous operation was successfully performed without accident 
 to life, limb, or property. 
 Mr. Tracy states, in one of his last reports to the Commis- 
 sioners, after a personal inspection of the interior of the aqueduct, 
 from end to end, that the brick facing of the masonry shows no 
 sign of either wearing away or of disintegration, and that there 
 is every reason to believe the whole structure, with proper care, 
 will successfully perform the duties for which it was built for 
 centuries to come. To the latter opinion the Author would add 
 the remark, that all the important subsidiary works of the 
 aqueduct which he inspected, and which have been but lately 
 completed, appeared to have been as skilfully designed, and to be 
 as imperishable, as the famous aqueduct itself. 
 Chicago Waterwouks. — Hardly any one who has visited Chicago 
 of late years can resist the temptation, when the name is men- 
 tioned, of plunging into a mass of statistics, to enable those who 
 are not acquainted with the marvels of the place to realise the 
 fact of its amazingly rapid progress, from a hamlet of squatters in 
 1830, to a city of the first rank at the present time. The Author 
 may perhaps, therefore, be excused in stating a few facts relative 
 to the city of Chicago before referring, in some detail, to its water 
 The population of Chicago in 1830 was 
 1840 .. 
 4,. 583 
 At the time of the Author's visit in October 1873 the number 
 of inhabitants was said to exceed four hundred thousand. 
 According to the returns of the Chicago Board of Trade, the 
 wholesale trade of the city in dry goods, boots and shoes, clothing, 
 groceries, iron, drugs, &c., for 1872, was K500,000,000. In the 
 same year the receipts of cattle were six hundred and eighty-four 
 thousand and seventy-five, and of hogs three million four hundred 
 and eighty-eight thousand five hundred and twenty-eight, of a 
 total value of ^75,475,000. The total receipts of lumber (timber) 
 were 1,183,659,283 square feet (100,000,000 cubic feet), and of all 
 kinds of grain 88,426,842 bushels. Chicago is now, in short, by 
 far the largest market in the world for corn, timber, and pigs. 
 Chicago is the centre of a network of railways, thirty-nine of 
 which take their first name from the city. 
 The word " Chicago" in the Indian language eignifleB " the place of ekunks." 
 The receipt of grain by rail alone at Chicago has reached '. « o 
 thousand one hundred cars per day. Besides being connected by 
 iron roads with all the harbours on the northern lakes and with 
 every seaport of note on the Atlantic coast from the St. Lawrence 
 to Florida, this great inland city is also in direct communication 
 with the shores of the Pacific and with the following important 
 stations on the banks of the Mississippi ; viz., Crow-wing, St. Paul, 
 Prescott, Winona, Prairie du Chien, Dubuque, Savannah, Fulton, 
 Rock Island, New Boston, Burlington, Keokuk, Quincy, Hannibal, 
 liouisiana, Alton, St. Louis, Chester, Grand-tower, Cairo, Columbus, 
 Hickman, Memphis, Helena, Vicksburg, and New Orleans. 
 10 of 
 The City of Chicago. 
 The city is bounded on the west by a prairie of vast extent, 
 and was originally built on swampy ground at a level of from 
 3 to 4 feet only above the surface of Lake Michigan. Its 
 600 miles of streets and thoroughfares — many of them 100 feet 
 wide, and lined with magnificent buildings of stone, brick, and 
 iron, are now raised, as a rule, to 12 feet above the lake.^ When 
 ' The raising of houses to the level of the new streets was at one time an 
 important trade at Chicago, but it is now seldom practised. !n some cases ware- 
 E 2 
 the f* fst settlers arrived, their huts were ' located ' on the banks 
 of the River Chicago and of its north and south branches, which 
 separate from the main stream at about 1 mile from the shores of 
 the lake. In process of time the river — which was formerly fed 
 by the clear waters of the lake, and therefore ebbed and flowed 
 according to the direction of the wind — became greatly polluted, 
 and it was determined to lessen the evil by discharging the sewage 
 matter and other impurities of the city into the Illinois and 
 Michigan canal, and thence into the Illinois river. This work 
 was completed in 1871, in the manner previously described. 
 Although there is now a constant stream from the lake up the 
 main river and its southern branch, to the great benefit of the city, 
 this is, unfortunately, not the case with the north branch of the 
 river, the foul and unwholesome condition of which is daily in- 
 creasing. The subject is now under the serious consideration of 
 the city authorities. One remedy suggested is to obtain sufficient 
 water from artesian wells' to cleanse the fetid creek; but it is 
 generally considered that the best plan is that of flushing the 
 stream by a covered canal communicating with the lake, through 
 which river or lake water might be forced by steam power as occa- 
 sion requires. This plan has since been adopted, and was being 
 carried out in February 1875. 
 The pollution of the river, not only by sewage matter, but by the 
 refuse and garbage thrown in from distilleries, tanneries, manu- 
 factories, and slaughter-houses, has always been a soui'ce of annoy- 
 ance and concern to the citizens of Chicago; but in 1863 the 
 nuisance was aggravated to such a pitch, that the water, supplied 
 to t'. a inhabitants by pipes from the shore of the lake, became no 
 longer drinkable. It was then that the Department of Public 
 Works determined to supply the city with uncontaminated water 
 froTu the lake at 2 miles from shore, in a depth of 32 feet, almost 
 directly at right angles to the shore of the lake at the pumping 
 houses of iron and stone, six stories liigli, and weighing as much as 20,000 tons, 
 have been screwed up from 8 to 10 feet without accident. Wooden buildings 
 have also been frequently lifted and slid along bodily from one street to another. 
 * There are now upwards of twenty artesian wells in Chicago and its neigh- 
 bourhood. The average yield of each was at first about 600 gallons per minute. 
 The average depth is 1,300 feet, diameter of the bore at the bottom 4 inches, and 
 the cost $G,000. The maximum surface-pressure of the water is 35 lbs. per square 
 inch, which indicates a hydrostatic head of 77i feet. By the end of 1874, the 
 wells had fallen oflf so much that some hardly flowed at all above the surface :of 
 the ground, and the average flow had been reduced to 200 gallons per minute. ^^ 
 This novel plan was designed and carried out by Mr. E. S. 
 Chesbrough, the Chief Engineer of the city, through whose 
 kindness the Author has been supplied with the principal part of 
 the following information. 
 It was found, by careful borings, that a bed of compact blue 
 clay, at least 100 feet thick, underlay the thin crust of silt and 
 sand at the bottom of the lake. The shaft on shore was begun in 
 March 1864, that under the iake eighteen months later. The 
 tunnel between them was driven from both ends. The most inte- 
 resting work was the sinking of the lake shaft through a depth of 
 32 feet of water, and then through 31 feet of clay. This shaft was 
 built, within a ' crib ' or breakwater of pentagonal form, 00 feet in 
 diameter, 40 feet high, and with walls 25 feet thick, leaving an 
 inner open well about 30 feet in diameter. The crib, which was 
 constructed on shore, consisted of 50,000 cubic feet of whole 
 timbers, 12 inches square, braced together. The inner and outer 
 walls, as well as the flooring, were caulked at the joints ; and 
 when the crib was towed to the intended resting-place, its fifteen 
 watertight compartments were filled, with 6,000 cubic yards of 
 stone to sink it to the bed of the lake. The top of the crib then 
 stood at 5 feet above the surface of the lake. Within the well of 
 still water a column of seven cast-iron pipes 9 feet in diameter, 
 making a total length of 63 feet, was sunk, through the clay, to 
 31 feet below the bed of the lake, without resorting to atmospheric 
 pressure, or even to pumps, though these were provided for in the 
 contract. On the removal of the clay the tunnel was started from 
 below. It falls 4 feet towards the shore end, where the land shf^t 
 is 70 feet below the surface of the lake, and 77 feet below tha' ; 
 the ground. The miners met at a quarter of the distance from 
 the crib to the shore. The vertical axis of the tunnel, which 
 is almost circular, is 5 feet 2 inches, and its horizontal axis 5 feet. 
 The arching consists of two rings of brick in cement 8 inches 
 The iron column forming the lake shaft is open at the top, and 
 has two inlet gates, the tops of which are 2 feet below low water. 
 Through the sides of the crib are three openings controlled by 
 gates. One is near the bottom of the crib, another midway between 
 the surface and the bottom of the lake, and the third near the 
 surface; so that water may be drawn from any desired depth. 
 Chemical analysis shows that the water at the surface is slightly 
 the purest ; in summer the water is coolest near the bottom. The 
 tunnel can bo pumped dry at any time from the shore end by 
 closing the inlet gates, each gate being under easy control from 
 above. The cost of the entire work, which was completed in 
 March 18G7, was about £100,000. 
 Since that date the duty of the pumping engines, now five in 
 number, has been as follows : — 
 Average daily 
 Greatest daily 
 quantity pumped. 
 quantity pumped 
 Year ending 
 31 8t March, 1868 . 
 . . 14.724,999 . . 
 . 16,414,460 
 „ 1869 . 
 . . 18,633,278 . . 
 . 20,689,014 
 1870 . 
 . . 21,766,260 . . 
 . 25,712,589 
 1871 . 
 . . 23,464,877 . . 
 . 28,000,000 
 1872 . 
 . . 27,536,819 . . 
 . 31,485,000 
 1873 . 
 . . 27,500,000 . . 
 . 33,250,000 
 On the 9th of January, 1873, a new double-beam pumping 
 engine, designed by Mr. D. C. Cregier, C.E., and constructed by 
 the Knapp Ft. Foundry Company, Pittsburgh, commenced pumu- 
 ing to relieve the other four engines, and has worked continuously 
 since then. This pumping engine, which is said to be the largest 
 in the United States, has two 70-inch steam cylinders with 10-feet 
 stroke, and works two pumps of 57 inches diameter, delivering 
 36,000,000 gallons of water per twenty-four hours. The beams are 
 of cast iron, 28 feet long ; their weight is 20 tons each. The main 
 columns are 27i feet long, and weigh 17 tons each. The fly wheel 
 is 25 feet in diameter, with a rim 12 inches broad by 20 inches deep, 
 and the weight, including the eight spokes and ' hub ' (nave), is 
 33 tons. The engine was two and a half years in building, and 
 cost K 188,400, exclusive of foundations. The combined capacity 
 of the four engines is 75,000,000 gallons per twenty-four hours. 
 The wattr is pumped from wells connected with the tunnel 
 directly into the pipes. The pumping engines are guarded against 
 the danger of this system, not merely by air chambers, but by a 
 stand pipe, open at the top, 140 feet above the lake, supported as 
 well as protected by a stone tower 170 feet high. The pumps 
 are supposed to force the water to a height of 132 feet, but in 
 the day time, when the demand is at its greatest, the water does 
 not rise higher than the second story of the houses. 
 During the year 1872-3 the engines consumed 13,562 tons of 
 coal, at an average price of 28». per ton, and the cost of delivering 
 water per million gallons amounted to 47«., as compared with 
 32«. and 62«. respectively for the nine years ending 1872, The 
 water is supplied through 380 miles of mains, the largest of 
 which has a diameter of 36 inches. Owing to the require- 
 ments of the navigation, the pipes cannot be carried over the 
 river and its branches (which are spanned by thirty iron and 
 wood swing bridges), and therefore cross the bed of the stream. 
 With the view of preventing damage to the pipes by anchors and 
 by piles driven into the bed of the river, the mains are now being 
 laid down from bank to bank in tunnels, five of which are already 
 built. The last one was completed six months ago, between 
 Michigan Avenue and Pine Street, whore shafts, 84 feet and 
 68 feet respectively, were connected by a tunnel 492 feet in 
 length. The whole is of circular brick masonrj', the shafts being 
 8 feet, and the tunnel 6 feet in diameter. A 24-inch iron water 
 pipe has since been laid through it. The cost of the work was 
 B 13,279 (£2,600).! 
 Before describing the new arrangements for increr.sing and 
 insuring a sufficient supply of water to Chicago, under all eventu- 
 alities, a few facts should be stated relative to the great fire of 
 October 1871, by which the loss of property was greater than had 
 ever occurred before, from an accidental cause, in the history of 
 the world, amounting, according to the most trustworthy esti- 
 mates, to K200,000,000 (£40,000,000). The number of people 
 rendered homeless and destitute by this fire is calculated to have 
 been one hundred thousand. It originated in a stable on tho 
 west side of the river, on Sunday night, the 8th of October, 1871, 
 in a section of the city composed almost entirely of wooden build- 
 ings. Aided by a furious south-west wind— so strong as to blow 
 down a church steeple — it spread in a north and east direction 
 with wonderful rapidity, and finally terminated, at a little before 
 midnight, on Monday, the 9th, having in one day destroyed 
 nearly every building in its course, over a space 4 miles long and 
 about § mile wide. It reached the pumping works early on 
 Monday morning, when the machinery was so badly damaged 
 that it stopped working ; thereby cutting off the supply of water, 
 and leaving the city without the means of checking the pro- 
 gress of the flames. By extraordinary exertions on the part of 
 Mr. Cregier and his staff, the repairs to the engines and the 
 buildings were so far advanced, that eight days after the fire the 
 north engines were started afresh, and continued to supply the 
 city without cessation for a period of two months, when the 
 other two engines were again in working order. 
 ' In addition to the water tunnels, the rivet is crossed by two subways in 
 masonry for carriage and passenger traffic. These street tunnels were built with 
 great caro and skill by Mr. Chesbrougli. The steepest gradient in the Washington 
 Street tunnel (which was built first, and proved of immense service during tho 
 great fire) is 1 in Iti, and in the La 8alle Street tunnel 1 in 20. The top uf the 
 brick axching in both tuiiDels is upwards of 20 feet below the bed of the river. 
 This is only a single instance, among many, of the energy with 
 which the citizens of Chicago began to rebuild a new city on the 
 still burning ashes of the old site. The Author found hardly a 
 gap over the area of 1,700 acres which had been swept, only two 
 years before, by the greatest conflagration of modern times. The 
 rebuilding of the " burnt district " was then all but completed, 
 and public opinion was unanimous in declaring that the Chicago 
 of to-day is far grander than the old Chicago of 1871, before her 
 busiest and wealthiest quarter fell a victim to the flames.' It has 
 often been alleged that the wooden block pavement of the streets 
 added fuel to the flames, and thus hastened the great calamity, 
 but this was not the case. The Author has the City Engineer's 
 authority for stating that the blocks were not burnt, and indeed 
 that they were hardly damaged by the fire. 
 The chief lessons taught to waterworks engineers by the fire 
 were, Ist, to make engine-houses fireproof; 2ndly, to have as much 
 open space round them as possible ; 3rdly, not to keep a large 
 city dependent on one set of pumping works only, for a supply of 
 water, especially, if, as at Chicago, there is no suitable ground on 
 which to build a largo distributing reservoir. 
 ' A rejident of Chicago th'is graphically described the characteristics and 
 achievementH of the city of his adoption at the time of the Author's visit : — 
 " It has been a distinguishing characteristic of Chicago, that all her under- 
 takings and accomplishments were phenomenal. Her modes of action were 
 original and sensational, both as regarded individuals and the body corporate. 
 She took counsel of no precedents in anything she did. When she wanted to 
 raise the grade of her streets, she elevated the city upon screws and reposed it 
 upon higher foundations. When a supply of fresh and pure water became a 
 necessity of our rapidly augmenting population, she carried an immense aqueduct 
 out miles from the shore, and gathered a pellucid stream from the far-oif bosom 
 of Lake Michigan. When the river became a receptacle of the sewage of 
 350,000 people, and generated an insufferable stench, she carved out a connection 
 with the Mississippi, turned into the channel the crystal floods of the lake, and 
 created a perennially-flowing and purifying current, sweeping away the whole 
 accumulation of impurities, and permanently transforming a cesspool into a 
 stream of cleanlii 'ss. And when on the woeful Sunday night of our black 
 October, she departed partly to the skies in flame and smoke, and partly to tht 
 earth in ashes and ruins, she maintained her plxenomenal reputation, and 
 signalised her exit by a conflagration which outvies every one of history in all 
 that is weirdly sublime, appallingly terrible, and amazingly destructive. Out 
 of that broad extent of blackened desolation arose suddenly, as by the wand of 
 enchantment, a new city, more imposing in its architecture, more colossal in its 
 proportions, more enduring in its structures, more extraordinary in its accessories, 
 more expansive in its enterprise, more ambitious in its projects— a phenomenon 
 of reconstruction so preternatural, that strangers are overwhelmed with the idea 
 that the miles of magniKcent buildings before their eyes stand on ground lately 
 occupied by heaps of smouldering and unsightly rubbish." 
 I !. w; 
 The erection of duplicate pumflng works in another part of the 
 city, and the construction of a second lake tunnel, to meet the 
 constantly increasing demands for more water, were decided on 
 before the fire. The new land tunnel, 7 feet in diameter, to 
 connect the present waterworks with the proposed new pumping 
 engines, will extend 4 miles westward, at a depth of 71 feet 
 below the lake level. It is estimated that the cost of this tunnel, 
 of the new pumping works, and of the necessary extension of 
 mains, will be Kl,000,000, The construction of the second lake 
 tunnel and the second lake shaft was in full progress when the 
 Author visited them on the 25th of October, 1873, in the company 
 of Mr. Chesbrough, the Engineer, and of Messrs. Steel and 
 McMahon, the Contractors of the work. The excavation of the 
 new tunnel, which is to run parallel to, and at a distance of 50 feet 
 from, the old tunnel, is now half completed from the bottom of a 
 hev brick shaft, 10 feet in diameter, already sunk at the shore end. 
 The present rate of advance is 20 feet per day through compact 
 blue clay, in which there is not a drop of water. It will be lined 
 with bricks in three rings together 11 inches thick. The lake 
 shaft of the new tunnel is being sunk within 9 feet only of the 
 first shaft, in the old crib ; and, owing to this close proximity, a 
 disturbance of the ground has taken place between the two shafts, 
 an inconvenience which was aggravated by the plan at first fol- 
 lowed of sinking the new iron cylinder, 8 feet in diameter and 
 2^ inches thick, b;;' pneumatic pressure. 
 The prices paid to the contractors are as follows : — 
 Main tunnel and galleries per lineal foot, including bricks 29 '50 
 Land sliaft „ „ 50 • 00 
 Lake shaft „ „ 253-00 
 Three gates and bulk- \ 4500*00 
 head at lake shaft . / 
 The top of the lake crib above 3 water line is now being 
 made permanent with substantial masonry. 
 The total cost of the waterworks, including all expenses on 
 work in progress to the Isi, of April, 1873, has been ^5,212,508, 
 and the entire receipts during the puoi, year were ^^44,465. The 
 money for the payment of the cost of the works has been derived 
 principally from 6 and 7 per cent, bonds. 
 Both the new tunnels above described — the one under the lake, 
 2t miles long, and the one under the land, nearly 4 miles long — 
 were finished in 1874. Their estimated capacity for supplying 
 water, combined with that of the first lake tunnel, is 150,000,000 
 U.S. gallons daily. 
 Tho following table, showing the number of United States 
 gallons consumed by each inhabitant daily in America, as com- 
 pared with London, Paris, and Glasgow, is abridged from a table 
 prepared by Mr. Chesbrough. 
 1866. { 1868. 
 43 58 
 New York . . 
 62 \ 
 in 1867 j •• 
 • • 
 Brooklyn . 
 26 33 43 
 • • 
 Jersey City. . 
 •• \inl865/ •• 
 Pliiliulclpliia . 
 , , 
 , , 
 , , 
 , , 
 Boston , 
 ^ , 
 Albany . 
 , . 
 Detroit . 
 Buffalo . . . 
 • • 
 , , 
 Cincinnati . . 
 , , 
 , ^ 
 • • 
 , , 
 Montreal . 
 , , 
 • • 
 , , 
 London. . . 
 38 \ 
 in 1867/ 
 • • 
 , , 
 , , 
 , , 
 , , 
 Glasgow . . 
 • • 
 Mr. Chesbrough remarks, that the past rate of consumption in 
 London and Paris is very small as compared with that of most 
 American cities, and that only Glasgow is supplied after tho 
 American fashion. He is of opinion that the fairest comparison 
 of the water supply of diflferent cities would be by showing the 
 quantity furnished to each water-taker, instead of supposing it to 
 be used by the entire population ; and ho is fully aware that the 
 enormous demand for water in some cities i^ to be attributed 
 largely to leakage in the mains and distributing pipes. 
 The lake harbours, of national importance in the United States, 
 are designed by, and constructed under the superintendence of, the 
 Engineer officers of the Army ;^ and in Canada by Civil Engineers 
 in the employment of the Government. 
 With hardly pn exception, the protecting works and quays consist 
 of timber boxes, or cribs, iilled with stones, and joined to each other, 
 ' This distinguished corps consists of one hundred and six officers, the ma- 
 jority of whom are engaged on public vorka and eiureys, and the minority on 
 after they have finally settled down, by a continxious timber supor- 
 Btructuro carried up a few feet above the level of the water. By 
 this simple expedient, breakwaters, piers at the mouths of rivers, 
 and wharves, have been erected within the last fifty years, at a 
 comparatively small cost, at the most important points along the 
 shores of the great chain of inland lakes, as well as at most of the 
 river harbours communicating with the Atlantic ; and experience 
 has hitherto proved, that no cheaper and better system could have 
 been devised for providing efiicient harbour accommodation, in loca- 
 lities where timber and stone abound, and where every workman is 
 skilled in the use of axe, hammer, and saw — the only tools required 
 in putting cribwoik together. It is superfluous to add that American 
 engineers are well aware that, in building provisional works of 
 this description, the expense of maintenance is much greater that 
 if, in the first instance, the work had consisted of durable materials 
 only, and that therefore it often costs more in the end. They per- 
 fectly understand that the advantage gained in the meantime by 
 the construction of a cheap and simple work, which can readily be 
 made permanent when required, far outweighs the element of ulti- 
 mate economy in the abstract, in a young country where an imme- 
 diate and strictly economical use of the slender means at the 
 disposal of the inhabitants, to attain the end in view, is a necessity. 
 In consideration of the above circumstances, and on the assumption 
 that a full description of the most approved style of cribwork now 
 built in America will be read with interest by English engineers 
 employed abroad, the Author would draw their special attention to 
 the specifications in the Appendices II. and III., which embody the 
 results of the best experience in this class of work up to the present 
 time ; and to the remarks which follow on the same question. 
 As the lake harbours greatly resemble each other, the Author's 
 " Notes " need only be given here concerning the two principal lake 
 ports, viz., Chicago and Buffalo, which, moreover, offer the best 
 types of harbour works in general on the shores of what may justly 
 be termed the great inland seas of North America. 
 Port of Chicago. — The great importance of this harbour, which 
 has not yet been in existence half a century, is strikingly evi- 
 denced by the following statistics, of the Chicago custom-house 
 authorities, for the year ending the 30th of June, 1873 : — 
 Vessels arrived . 
 . . 12,394 
 • • 
 Vessels cleared . . 
 . . 12,324 
 • • 
 Totals . 
 . 24.718 
* • 
 Duties on imports 2,150,1G0 
 ' • ' Marine Hospital moneys 7,859 
 •• Tonnage dues 8 , 530 
 Steambout inspector fees 6,2'.)3 
 Fines CG5 
 ' ■ -• ■ ■ -= ' • > ^.- Total . . . 2,173.507 
 From tho establislimont of Chicago as a port, when there was only 
 a depth of 2 or 3 feet of water on the bar at the mouth of the river, 
 to the end of the year 18«?5, tho town spent large sums of money 
 in keeping the mouth open by constant dredging, and by frequent 
 extensions of the piers, to keep pace with tho growth of the land. 
 From 1821 to 1866, the coast line immediately to the north of the 
 north pier advanced 2,400 feet into tho lake, or at the rate of 
 56 feet per year. " There is a shingly shore north of Chicago, and 
 hence largo annual accretions behind the north pier. The Chicago 
 river is not muddy." ^ In the autumn of 1865, General T. J. Cram, 
 U.S.A., recommended a further prolongation of the north pier for 
 600 feet beyond the extension made by the city of Chicago in 1864 
 and 1865, and the rebuilding of the old south pier, and its extension 
 for a length of 610 feet. In August, 1866, Colonel Wheeler, U.S.A., 
 then in charge of the works, reported as follows : — " The accretion 
 of tho sand on the north side of the pier goes on rapidly, and there 
 appears no better way of counteracting its destructive influence on 
 the channel than to extend the north pier. I see no reason for 
 building the south pier. The object of parallel piers is to confine 
 the volume of water pouring out of a river, and to make use of tho 
 current to scour out and maintain a channel. There is no use in 
 attempting this plan with the Chicago river ; for I may say there 
 is no perceptible current in that river. We are limited, then, at 
 present to the prolongation of the north pier, and to removing 
 any bars that may form in the channel by dredging." 
 In pursuance of this opinion, the extension of the north pier for 
 a length of 608 feet was let to a contractor, in the au+amn of 1866, 
 for the sum of K86,874. The work was to consist of nineteen cribs, 
 each 32 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 28 feet high, the depth of water 
 in which they were to bo built varying from 17 to 23 feet. The 
 contents of the entire work amounted to 18,295 cubic yards. On 
 this basis the accepted tender was at the rate of J8143 per lineal 
 General Humphreys, Ex. Doc. No. 220. 43d Gocgrcss. 
 foot, or K^i (18«,) por ciihic yard.* Before the extension was com- 
 menced in 1807, the Chicago Canal and Dock Company suhniitted 
 a project, which was approved by the Secretary of War, for an 
 entrance to their basin at the end of the pier. In his annual report 
 of 1867, the officer in charge recommended a reduction of the length 
 of the new pier to 300 feet, as that would carry the extremity 
 of the extension to the point originally proposed; but sufficient 
 materials having been collected to build 400 feet of pier, it was 
 thought best to use them to complete that length. In October, 
 1869, General Humphreys reported that the building of the south 
 pier, and its extension as far as the Lighthouse Pier, a distance 
 of 610 feet, had been contracted for, and that the greater portion 
 would be executed by the end of the season. Ho at the same 
 time recommended that it should bo carried on until it was equal 
 to the north pier. By October 1870 the south pier had an exten- 
 sion of 1,224 feet, except the superstructure, which was then only 
 built on the 614 feet of cribwork sUnk in the previous year. On 
 the 11th of July, 1870, an Act was passed for the enlargement of 
 harbour facilities, and for a harbour of refuge at Chicago, according 
 to plans submitted from the office of the Chief of Engineers. 
 On this account the work on the south pier was suspended. 
 The Act takes into account the construction of a commercial 
 harliour, designed by Colonel Wheeler, as follows : — " My plan is 
 to inclose a portion of the lake, forming an outer harbour that 
 would meet the present wants, and capable of being enlarged as 
 the future might require. The extension of the sotith pier should 
 bo continued until it is equal in length to the north, then build a 
 breakwater at right angles, and extending southward for 4,000 
 feet, and then join this breakwater to the shore by a pier. An 
 opening of 300 feet or more to be left in the pier forming the north 
 side of the basin, to admit vessels from the harbour entrance. 
 This basin would contain an area of about 275 acres, one-third of 
 which would have a depth of over 12 feet of water, and the re- 
 mainder of over 7 feet, that can be easily deepened to 12 feet, 
 affording a splendid harbour of refuge for all classes of vessels 
 sailing to and from this port at the present time. To make this 
 basin would require, besides the extension of the south pier, already 
 estimated for, the construction of 4,000 feet of breakwater for the 
 eastern side, and 3,460 feet for the southern side. The eastern 
 • The cost of tho concrete blocks, now employed at New York for the new 
 quays, composed of 1 of English cement to 7 of broken stone or gravel, is 
 48«. per cubic yard. 
 If ' 
 eido should connist of cribs not less than 30 feot wido, 50 foot long, 
 and at least 8 feet above the surface of the water. This would 
 require them to bo 30 feet high. The southern side, for the first 
 half from shore, should be made of cribs 20 feot wide, 32 feet long, 
 and 17 feot high ; the remaining half of cribs 25 feet wide, 60 feet 
 long, and not less than 5 feot above the surface of the water, or 
 24 feet high on an average. 
 " Coat of tbo breakwater at $150 per lineal foot , 
 „ shoro end of the pier, 1,7G0 foot, at $.'55 . 
 ,. ' outer half of the pier, 1,700 feet, at $99 . 
 „ dredging say 
 '' " Total . . . 
 = per 
 cubic yard. 
 108,300 ■ 
 Colonel Wheeler's plan was duly approved by the Department of 
 Public Works, and during the fiscal year ending the 30th of Juno, 
 1871, twenty -nine cribs, 50 by 30 feet, were sunk, making 1,450 feet 
 of breakwater, including 300 feot at its north end running west. 
 The first crib was placed in 24 feet of water, and none in less than 
 18 feet. By the 30th of June, 1872, 2,250 feet of breakwater had 
 been constructed at a total cost of ^200,000, or K8B-88 per running 
 foot, and it was then estimated that the whole work would not cost 
 more than ^100 per foot, including covering and contingencies. 
 In November, 1871, Colonel D. C. Houston, who then, and at 
 the time of the Author's visit, had charge of the harbour works at 
 Chicago and other ports in Lake Michigan, submitted a modified 
 cross section for the breakwater for the approval of the Chief of 
 Engineers.^ Colonel Houston gave the following reason for the 
 proposed modification : — " In nearly all the harbours under my 
 charge the natural bed for cribs is sand, and it is found that even 
 in the greatest depth of water, when cribs have been sunk (as at 
 Marquette, in 28 feet of water), the sand moves during storms, 
 causing the cribs to settle unevenly, to tilt outwardly (toward 
 the exposed side), and, in some instances, to shift their position. 
 It is indeed, a rare case that a crib maintains the exact position in 
 which it was at first placed. The grillage bottom, which allows 
 » A detailed estimate of the cost of one of the cribs for this work will be 
 found in Appendix IV., and its mode of construction is shown in the isometrical 
 sketch of a crib 50 x 30 x 27i feet (Appendix II.). 
 ' Col. Houston kindly presented the Author with various designs for cribwork 
 and with upwards of forty plans of harbours in lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, 
 Erie, and Ontario, where jetties have either been recently carried out or are 
 in progress. 
 a portion of the stono to work through tho Band, is a very partial 
 roniody for these ovils. Tho dovico of placing aprons of loose 
 stone on tho outside of the cribs has boon resorted to with great 
 benefit, but it is not satisfactory, and in many cases a storm 
 comes up and shifts tho crib by the undermining process before 
 the riprapping can be put in." . . . " It has boon my object to 
 devise some economical plan of foundation for cribs on such 
 bottoms to prevent this universal displacement." . . . "In the 
 actual construction of piers during tho past season, tho oflBcaoy of 
 ' stono foundations ' for cribs has been incidentally demonstrated." 
 Colonel Houston therefore recommended the employment of rubble 
 stono foundations for crib work at Chicago, and stated his opinion 
 that, at that place, stones would rest undisturbed by the waves at 
 a less depth than 10 feet in the most exposed situations. After 
 some correspondence. Colonel Houston's proposal was agreed to, 
 and carried out with the best results.^ 
 During the year ending the 30th of June, 1873, the east break- 
 water was extended 800 feet by the Illinois Central Eailroad 
 Company, and up to tho same date a length of 3,050 feet had been 
 constructed, including the return at the north end. It was then 
 estimated, that, during the following year, an additional length of 
 1,100 feet would bo added, leaving only 150 feet of this work to be 
 completed according to tho original design. 
 In the annual report on the works for 1873, it was stated by 
 Captain Hinman, U.S.A., that the following method of building 
 a foundation for a crib had been adopted, and had answered 
 admirably. " As soon as the crib is in position, it is loaded 
 with stone until it settles to within about 4 feet of the bottom of 
 the lake. Fine rock is then thrown in, which, passing through the 
 grillage bottom, settles evenly under and around the sides and 
 ends of tho crib ; the latter is then filled up with coarse stone and 
 riprapped with about ten cords of heavy rock. In order to hasten 
 the building of a foundation, it is suggested that a portion of the 
 fine rock be put in through a dump-scow just before the crib is 
 brought up ; in this case coarse rock would be used." 
 With reference to the south breakwater, it is now a question 
 whether it should be constructed or not ; for if the east break- 
 water is to be extended beyond the length originally proposed, the 
 ' In corroboration of Col. Houston's views regarding the utility and economy 
 of rubble foundations for cribwork on a yielding bottom, tbe Author has given a 
 short account, at the end of these Notes, of his own experience of cribwork 
 on the shore of the Black Bea. 
 former would not only be unnecessary, but injurious to the harbour. 
 According to Colonel Houston, the decision of the question depends 
 upon whether the lake front is to bo used for dock purposes or not. 
 If not, then the basin will, as it is designed, meet all the require- 
 ments of a roadstead for many years to come. In case, however, 
 of the construction of wharves and of the transfer of business 
 to the lake front, an extension of the east breakwater will be a 
 As regards further extensions of the north pier, Mr. E. S. Little- 
 field, U.S.E., foreman in charge of the work, " whose experience and 
 observations entitle his opinion to consideration," reported as fol- 
 lows, in April, 1873 : — 
 " The works on both sides of the entrance to tht iver are out an 
 equal distance into the lake, and during N., N.E. and N.W. blows 
 a heavy sea rolls in along the return, and into the entrance to the 
 harbour-basin formed by the breakwater, making it difficult, and 
 at such times dangerous, to take out stone and other materials to 
 the works.". . ." Canal-boat men would not take the risk of towing 
 across the opening between the south pier, and the return, with any 
 sea on outside. At such times, too, the sea sitrikes the return, and is 
 deflected across and into the slip at the north pier, making difficult 
 navigation from E. of the lighthouse, espec ially where the water ie 
 14 feet depth and less, as loaded vessels are likely to strike.". . . 
 " Adding to the return would not prevent the rough sea between 
 the north pier and it, and only partially give protection to the 
 entrance into the basin or harbour, while it would injure ma- 
 terially by narrowing the entranc ). Lengthening the north pier 
 400 or 500 feet would aiford all the safety needed to docks inside 
 the basin, and would save the present width between the return 
 and end of south pier, and make it comparatively easy for vessels 
 from outside to sail into the outer harbour or basin. Likely it 
 is only a question of time that the north pier will be extended, 
 and not at greater cost now than at some future time. If done at 
 present the breakwater can be extended with greater economy 
 The above opinion is confirmed by the experience of Colonel 
 Houston, and he has therefore included the cost of extending the 
 north pier 400 feet in his estimates for 1873-74. 
 Buffalo Hakbour is situated at the north-east xngle of Lake Erie, 
 and is therefore greatly exposed to the violence of south-west winds, 
 in which direction the lake has a ' fetch ' of 200 miles. Thus 
 more than ordinary care is needed, to provide safe harbour accom- 
 modation, for the large fleets of vessels constantly arriving at 
 I • • • 
 g at 
 Buffalo from the upper lakes. The number of vessels outorod and 
 cleared at the port, for the year ending the 30th of June, 1873, 
 was ten thouband five hundred, and forty-seven, of an aggregate 
 capacity of 4,832,142 tons. The population of the city of Buffalo 
 was only eight thousand in 1830 ; it is now one hundred and eighty 
 The first improvement made at the mouth of the Buffalo 
 Creek, 1^ mile above Black Eock Harbour, the original entrance 
 to the Erie canal, was in 1820 and 1821,* when two piers were 
 built. The south pier was carried out ^ mile into a depth of 
 13 feet of water, and was built of timber cribs filled with stone 
 and brushwood. The north pier consisted of a double row of piles, 
 with stone and brushwood in the interval. These primitive works 
 only cost K 14,000, and they were considered so successful that the 
 Erie Canal Commissioners were induced to extend their canal to 
 1 Buffalo from Black Rock. 
 In 1826 Congress appropriated Kl 5,000 for the improvement of 
 'the harbour; and, from that time to 1865, the central Government 
 expended K251,794 on the works, under the direction of their own 
 i Engineers. The total outlay from 1820 to 1865 was thus K280,794, 
 for the construction and maintenance of a south pier 1,500 feet 
 :long, and a north pier 630 feet long-, built of cribs filled with 
 rubble under water, and of stone masonry hearting with cement 
 concrete above water. With a view to protect a basin in which 
 vessels could lie with safety during S.W. winds, the State of New 
 York built a breakwater, at great expense, at right angles with, 
 and immediately adjacent to, the north pier. Previous to the con- 
 struction of this work, if a vessel, coming in under the influence of 
 these winds, did not haul up in time to enter the harlnjur, she 
 grounded on the soft bottom near the shore, but sustained no 
 damage ; since the breakwater was constructed, projecting as it 
 does so near to the north pier, vessels attempting to enter under 
 stress of weather are liable either to Strike on the breakwater 
 or on the south pier head. In this manner many valuable vessels 
 with their cargoes have been lost. The breakwater has a stone 
 superstructure similar to that of the south pier. Such masonry, 
 it is considered, is not so capable as a framing of timber, fortified 
 by rubble stones, to resist collisions, besides being more liable 
 to damage by the waves, and, when so damaged, more expensive 
 to repair. 
 The chief difficulty is caused by the littoral current, which moves 
 sand along the shore in a northerly direction. At first, the evil 
 was arrested by the south pier, but ao sooner was an accretion 
 [1874-76. N.S.] F 

 formed behind it, than the sand crept round the head of the 
 pier, and thus a bar was soon thrown up at the very mouth 
 of the pass. 'J\) mako the matter worse, a current draws the 
 sand farther into the harbour, the current being occasioned by 
 the indraught of lake water to supply the upper level of the 
 Erie canal, and the numerous mills in the direction of Black 
 Kock. Under these circumstances the flow of Buffalo river is 
 not sufficient to scour out the entrance channel, and hence the 
 city is oblige^, to spend large sums annually in dredging to get 
 rl . of the new deposit. 
 In June 18G7, General T. J. Cram, U.S.A., recommended the 
 Government to execute the following works : — 
 1. Repair and protect the existing piers. 
 2. Extend the south pier 300 to 600 feet. 
 3. Eomove from 200 to 400 feet of the south end of Erie basin 
 4. Construct a new work in 25 feet depth of water, about 4,000 
 feet long, to shelter the harbour from prevailing winds, and to 
 secure a larger space for refuge. 
 5. Ascertain, by careful examination, the practicability of opening 
 a ship channel from the lake at South Cut directly to Buffalo 
 Thif ^icheme was submitted to a board of Engineers, who on 
 the 27th of March, 1 868, recommended — 
 1st. That the existing piers be thoroughly repaired, the south 
 pier extended, and the channel alongside the extension dredged to 
 15 feet. 
 2nd. That the breakwater be built in the position recommended 
 by General Cram. 
 3rd. That it be constructed of cribwork, filled with rubble, in 
 conformity with the principles already laid down by the board of 
 1853, for similar localities, as to dimensions of cross sections and 
 length of cribs. ^ 
 They also stated their belief that, whenever i+ s made, the 
 proposed new ship canal from the lake to the ini. r harbour, thus 
 giving an additional ingress and egress, will add greatly to the 
 convenience of commerce. 
 These recommendations having been approved by General 
 Humphreys, orders were given to proceed with the work, and the 
 following estimate of the board for the breakwater was accepted 
 as a basis for its cost. 
 * Vide " General Description of Cribwork " in Appendix II. 
 Estimated Cost op one Cbib op 50 fef.t. 
 11,406 cubic feet of 12-iuch square timber, ftt 25 cents . . 2,851-50 
 5 , 580 feet (board measure) for decking and sheathing, at $25 . 139 '50 
 14,335 lbs. of IJ-inch square wrought-iron bolts, at 5 cents . . 716"75 
 350 lbs. wrought-iron spikes, at 7 cents 24 • 50 
 1,750 cubic ftet of rubble stone, at $2 3,500-00 
 11,871 cubic feet of framing, at 15 cents 1,780-05 
 Contingencies 10 per cent 901-50 
 Total . . . 9,914-40 
 (Cost of 4,000 feet, say $800,000, or $220 per lineal foot.) 
 Ry the end of the fiscal year ending the 30th of June, 1869, the 
 repairs of the piers, which had been much damaged by storms 
 during the winter, were not quite finished, and on account ol 
 unusually bad weather a length of only 150 feet of the new break- 
 water had been constructed. The extension of the south pier 
 for 318 feet had been completed. The difficulty of this work 
 was thus described by Colonel W. McFarland, the successor of 
 General Cram : — " The cribwork was made much stronger than 
 was originally intended, and the cost much exceeded the original 
 estimate. Owing to the difficulties of the site, yielding sand con- 
 stantly shifting under the influence of •'. cross current, the settle- 
 ment of the cribs continued throughout the whole working season. 
 The work was finally completed only after the constant building 
 up of the cribs as tbey settled, and when the nature of the site haiJ 
 been practically changed from sand to stone, by the constant 
 settling of the crib filling through the grillage intervals of the 
 crib bottoms. The pier-head crib settled 7 feet bodily on its 
 original site in the course of the season, besides sifting out through 
 its bottom about half its stone filling. A like action, to a lesser 
 extent, took place throughout the whole extension." 
 During the year ending the 30th of June, 1870, costly repairs were 
 made to the new prolongation of the south pier, on account of 
 further settlement, and of serious damage from storms ; the dredg- 
 ing alongside the pier was completed ; and the new breakwater had 
 advanced 950 feet, of which a length of 400 feet was provided with 
 its superstructure. At the expiration of the following year the 
 breakwater had attained a length of 1,711 feet, of which 1,183 feet 
 were completed. By the 30th of June, 1872, the breakwater had 
 reached a length of 2,136 feet, of which 1,853 feet were completed. 
 On the 20th of September, 1872, Colonel Harwood, U.S.A., who 
 had been in charge of the work for two years previously, reported 
 that, during the last season the cribwork had passed from a founda- 
 F 2 
 tion of sand and rnbblo, on which there was scarcely any appreciable 
 settlement, to a soft clay stratum, on which, under the influence of 
 heavy weather, cribs had settled as much as 4 feet in twenty-four 
 hours, after having been well placed on their bed. He therefore 
 calculated that, henceforward, it would be safe to estimate the cost 
 of the work at 60 per cent, more than that which had been already 
 performed. On this basis it was estimated, therefore, that a 
 sum of K600,000 would still be required for the breakwater, and 
 that a further sum of K300,000 would be wanted for the proposed 
 south entrance. 
 Towards the close of the working season of 1872, much difficulty 
 was experienced in keeping the newly-placed cribs in position on 
 their yielding foundation. Six cribs, each 50 feet long, filled with 
 stone and docked over, were left to settle till the opening of the 
 navigation in 1873. A heavy gale displaced these cribs, and, 
 owing principally to this inteiTuption in the regular progress of 
 the work, and to the time occupied in repairing the damage, 
 the breakwater was only 2613 feet longer on the 30th of June, 
 1873, than at the same date the year before. On the 10th of April, 
 1873, a board of Engineers, who then examined the state of the 
 breakwater, reported that that portion of it which had been built 
 on a firm bottom was a fine specimen of cribwork, and recom- 
 mended that the remainder of the work, on account of the yield- 
 ing nature of the bottom, should be founded on a bank of 
 rubble 4 feet high, extending 24 feet exterior to the cribs, and 
 1 5 feet beyond them on the harbour side ; leaving it to the 
 Engineer officer in charge to vary these dimensions as experience 
 might dictate for the best. 
 In his annual report of 1873, Colonel Harwood recommended 
 the immediate construction of the south entrance, and accordingly 
 included the sum of K 150,000, to be spent on this work, in his 
 estimate for the year ending the 30th of June, 1874. 
 The commencement, he said, of the south pier of the proposed 
 south channel is a matter of pressing necessity, to arrest the 
 alarming amount of acci-etion of sand which has already taken 
 place, and which threatens, if not arrested, " to nearly block up the 
 entrance to Buffalo River, and prevent access to the city wharves, 
 unless large sums are spent, annually in dredging. This accretion 
 would appear to be due to the confining of the littoral current 
 between the breakwater and the shore without preventing the 
 sand in suspension from beir^; carried along and deposited at the 
 lake-front and behind and aboui the end of the south Jnited States 
 pier.". . ."Just in proportion to the extension of this pier, the sand 
 will be arrosiad in its northward progress along the beach. If 
 several hundred feet of piering could be built next season, it would 
 be of the greatest advantage to commerce in performing the func- 
 tion of sand-catcher." 
 The Author visited the new breakwater at Buffalo on the 1 6th of 
 October, 1873, whe' it had attained a length of 2,600 feet, and was 
 being built in a depth of 30 feet of water. At that time the 
 damage to the six cribs had been effectually repaired as follows : — 
 A crib 220 feet long, of irregular width, so as to rectify the 
 inequalities in the line of the interior facing of the four cribs 
 which had suffered most by the storm, was floated to the spot, 
 lashed alongside steam-tugs, which held it in place whilst it was 
 sunk with stones to the bed of the lake. It was then secured 
 by piles and iron tie-rods to the old work, and finally a timber 
 superstructure was raised on the combined work in line with the 
 breakwater already completed. 
 It is worthy of remark that some of these displaced cribs were 
 moved as much as 15 feet towards the sea front by the gale, after 
 having been properly placed and filled with stone up to the level 
 of 2 feet above the water line. Mr, Muehle, C.E., Assistant En- 
 gineer to Col. Harwood, attributed this phenomenon to the effect 
 of the alternate battering action of the sea on the shore side, and 
 * the recoil of the waves on the sea side, of the cribs, thereby pro- 
 ducing a vacuum. Mr. Muehle assured the Author that, during 
 the progress of the works, none of the cribs had moved an inch 
 laterally after the superstructure had been carried up to the full 
 height of 8 feet and joined to the old work. This fact is a strong 
 argument in favour of continuity of structure in works built 
 with the same end in view and under similar circumsiances else- 
 The Author cannot better conclude this Paper than by repro- 
 ducing literally from his journal the following " Note," which was 
 written at Providence on the 23rd December, 1S73 : — 
 " Mr. Corliss called at ten o'clock, and drove me in his buggy 
 to the American Screw Company's establishment, where I re- 
 mained for more than an hour in company with Mr. Angel, the 
 President of the worlts, who explained everything to me in a most 
 obliging manner — one more proof, of the hundreds I have had 
 already, of the hearty readiness and good-will displayed by 
 Americans of all classes in giving strangers every species of in- 
 formation they possess relative to their own particular line of 
 The Author experienced the same unwavering civility up to 
 the last day of his stay in America ; and, after a long experience 
 of continental travel, he can safely say that there is no country 
 where an unprejudiced Englishman is better received, and more 
 generously treated, than in North America, and certainly not one 
 he can visit where the application of science to industry in all its 
 phases is so well understood and practised. * 
 The communication is illustrated by Plates 6 and 7. 
 Crevasse at Bonnet Caure, Louisiana. 
 Kxtract from the Report of General James Longstieet and Mr. W. CJ. R. Bayley, 
 two of the three members of the Levee ComnuHsion of Engineers, to the 
 Governor of Louisiana, on the iUst of December, 1874. 
 This crevasse occurred, as we were informed, in consequence of the washing out 
 of a muskrat hole, or burrow in the levee, on the 11th of April, at 5 o'clock A.M. 
 It enlarged too rapidly to be checked or controlled, and remained open during 
 the remaining portion of the Hood season. The break occurred when the river 
 there was at its highest fetage. The width "f tlie opening when measured at 
 low water, in August, from levee to levee, was l,:i70 feet. A channel 550 feet 
 wide by about 30 feet deep at low water, and about 50 feet deep at high water 
 —measured on a line with the levee — was scoured out through the firm clayey 
 bank of the river by the rushing torrent, and this wash-out extended, witli a 
 somewhat reduced width and depth however, for a distance of about 1,400 
 feet. The sectional area of the crevasse, as measured at low water, was 34,8!t5 
 square feet, to the top of the levee. The area of the washed-out channel, 
 to the level of the bottom of the crevasse channel on each side, between the 
 ends of the levee, was 16,700 square feet ; leaving 18,195 square feet as the 
 area of crevasse opening exclusive of the crevasse channel. Allowing 2 feet for 
 depression of surface of the water in the opening, we have about 32. 000 square 
 feet as the present area of discharge of this crevasse at high water, and say 
 15 455 square feet as the actual area of discharge, exclusive of the crevasse 
 channel. We think that at a high stage of the river this crevasse would now 
 discharge about one-tenth of the quantity of water flowing in the river channel 
 to this outlet. The opening gradually enlai'ged to its present capacity, after tlu; 
 riviT reaihed its highest stage, and while it was slowly declining. We have not 
 the data necessary for estimating how much water escaped through this outlet 
 between April 11 and July 15. the latter date being about the time when it 
 ceased to run through, but, of course, it was very much less than the quantity 
 which will flow through it at the next flood stage of the river, if the gap is left 
 open In order to ascertain the effect of tlie reduction of quantity in the river 
 below this crevasse, Mr. Bayley, of this commission, on the 20th to the 22nd of 
 September last, measured two sections of tije river above, one opposite tlie upper 
 end and two below this crevasse. At that time the river was nearly at its 
 lowest stage, and the river water had ceased to flow through the crevasse for 
 more than two months. 
 A section taken about one mile above this crevasse, the river b(,ing then 
 20 feet below the high-water mark, showed the then low-water width to be 
 2,886 foct, the maximum depth 110 fcot, and the area of waterway 184,653 
 Hquaro feet, with a firm clay buttom, into which an U-lh. Bounding-Icad Bank 
 from 1 to 2 inches only. The high-wutor width had been 3,120 feet. 
 Section No. 2, taken about three-fourths of a mile above tho crevasse outlet, 
 showed a low- water width then of 3,014 feet, a maximum depth of 79 feet, and 
 waterway area of 104,107 square feet. Tho high-wuter width was 3,210 feet. 
 The average depth of tho upper section was 64 feet, of section No. 2, 54 feet. 
 Tile average of the two upper sections waij, depth 59 feet, width 2,950 feet, area 
 174,410 square feet. 
 Section No. 4 was taken about 750 feet below the lower side of tho crevasse, 
 and No. 5 about 1,500 feet btslow. No. 4 showed a low-water width of 2,406 feet, 
 maximum depth of 62 feet, waterway area of 96,640 square feet, average depth 
 40 feet ; bottom, except near left bank, very soft oozy mud, into which lead sank 
 from 1 to 2 feet. Section No. 5 showed a low-water width of 2,452 feet, a maximum 
 depth of 64 feet, area of waterway 106,150 square feet, average depth about 
 42*3 feet, bottom same us No. 4. The average of the two lower sections was, 
 depth 41" 65 feet, width 2,429 feet, area of channel 101,395 square feet. 
 The reduction of channel below, evidently caused by the crevasse outlet (as 
 shown by tiie hnrd or firm bottom where the two upper sections were taken, und 
 the soft oozy mud or new deposit where the two lower sections were taken, as 
 well as now sand bars on the right bank shore opposite same), taking the 
 averages of the two upper and two lower sections, amounts to 17*35 feet in 
 average depth, 521 feet in width of low-water channel, and 73,015 square feet in 
 sectional area. 
 The iiigh-water widths of channel on sections 4 and 5 were found to be 
 3,300 and 3,430 feet respectively, and tlie average high-water sections for 
 sections 1 and 2, and 4 and 5 were 232,003 and 156,918 square feet respectively ; 
 the average of the lower sections, to the high-water line, being 75,090 square feet 
 less than the average of the two upper sections. 
 It was also noted that there had been very extensive new deposits, forming 
 sand bars out several hundred feet from the shore line in the river bend, next 
 the right bank, below tho Bonnet Garrd crevasse outlet ; und it is known that 
 these were made, principally, during the flood of 1874. 
 Should tho Bonnet Carrd outlet not be closed before the next high water, a 
 still further contraction of the channel-way below it may be anticipated. That 
 such was the eflect this year is incontrovertible. 
 Specification fob Gribwobe fob the Improvememt of Lake Habbours 
 IH THE United States. 
 General Specification. — The cribs should have a length of from 30 to 50 feet, 
 a breadth never less than 20 feet, even in the shoalest water, and never less than 
 their total height from their foundation to the platform. That the platform 
 should rise at least 5 feet above high-water level of the lake. The bottom of the 
 crib should be of grillage, and all the timber and iron employed should be of a 
 quality to warrant the ultimate construction of u masonry superstructure ; should 

 tliat plan be considered proforablo to an entire renewal of the timber-work when, 
 from natural decay, the ' old ' superstructure is no longer Bcrviceablo. 
 General Details. — The timber to be of pine, free from rents, splits, shakes, rot 
 or other imperfections ; to be accurately sawn or hewn to the required dimensions ; 
 if hewn, to require no counter-hewing in framing. 
 The iron Imlts to be of best quality of wrought iron. 
 The stone to bo of a hard, good (]uality, and of a size to permit of its easily 
 passing through the intervals in the grillage bottoms in the cribs. , 
 The framing to be done iu a workmanlike manner ; the dovetails of ties and 
 cuts iu side timbers to be fitted accurately. The holes for the reception of the 
 bolts to be bored to the full depth to which the bolt is to be driven, and to be 
 1| inch in diameter. 
 The timber in a crib is of uniform size (12 inches by 12 inches), except that in 
 the lower course, which is 12 iuches by 18 inches; the bolts whJ^h hold the 
 timbers together are made by cutting 1^-inch square iron into lengths of 20, 24, 
 and 32 inches. 
 The cribs are built in still water, iu the mauner about to be described, until 
 their height is a little greater than the depth of the water on the proposed site of 
 the pior ; they nro tlion towod to thtHr places aud placed in sucoeesion on the line 
 of the piur from tbo Hhorc outward, their ends joining and the clianncl sides of all 
 as nearly na possible in the same piano ; as soon ns a crib is in position it is 
 weighted with stone until it touches tlio bottom, then it is filled witli the same 
 material to the lovcl of the top. When the cribs have sett'ed in their places, the 
 structure is continued to a height of 5 or G feet al)ove the water surface and tilled 
 with stone. This portion of the structure is called tlio ' superstructure.' 
 Details of the Framing. — The end walls are placed 2 feet from the ends of the 
 side walls to secure greater strength from the framing. It will bo observed that 
 the bottom is not close, but is a ' grillage.' Before driving a bolt, a hole IJ inch 
 in diameter is bored for the whole distance the Iwlt is to be driven. The first 
 l)olts in a crib are driven in the second course, and are each 24 inches long ; 
 32-inch bolts are driven in all the remaining courses to the upper one, in which 
 20-incli bolts are placed. Bolts are also driven at the intersection of the timbers 
 in the interior of the crib. The timbers in the two interior cross walls and in the 
 interior longitudinal wall aro called ' tics.' 
 In selecting a place f(^r framing the cribs it is mainly important that it should 
 be in ijuiet water, that the shore sliould be about level and but little above tlie 
 water's surface, and that there should bo a deptli of 10 or 12 feet of water within 
 a few feet of shore. 
 Three or four courses are framed and bolted together on shore, where the strtic- 
 ture is launched and additional courses put on until the hei}?ht is 2 or 3 feet 
 greater than the depth of the water where it is to be placed. As it is usually 
 desired to obtain a depth of 10 or 12 feet of water in tlie channel, the site of the 
 proposed pier should be dredged to that depth wherever the original depth of 
 water is less. "When three or four cribs are tinislied, if there is a sufficient supply 
 of stone at hand to fill them, they are put in place and filled. 
 The placing of a crib is attended with considerable risk, for perfectly smooth 
 water is requisite to enable the workman to put it in exactly the proper place. It 
 often happens that a sea arises wiien the crib is but partially filled, and it is 
 swept from its place and washed iishore. 
 The bottom on which the crib is to be placed must be level, or nearly so ; if 
 ther*- is a variation of more than 1 foot in the depth of water nt diiForent points, 
 the bottom must be dredged to a level. The first crib is towed out by a tug, or by 
 lines leading to shore, to the inner or shore end of the work proposed, and is 
 earefidly placed so that its face shall be in the direction required ; a scow on which 
 are piled 8 or 10 cx)rds of stone being brought alongside, some slabs or boards aro 
 laid across the corners of the crib and stone piled upon them in such a manner as 
 to keep the crib level as it sinks ; when it rests on the bottom, stone is thrown 
 in as rapidly as possible until it i tilled, 4 or 5 scow-loads being necessary to 
 fill it. 
 The scow being again loaded with stone, and the bottom levelled for the second 
 crib, it is placed with its end against the outer end of the first one, and sunk and 
 filled in u similar manner. Various devices are used to keep the crib in place 
 while sinking. One of the best consists of two iron rods, each about 3 or 4 feet 
 in length, with one end turned down at ri<j;ht angles so as to form a hook, and 
 having the other end connected by a swivel screw, by turning which the distance 
 between the hooks may bo varied at pleasure ; when the crib is brought into 
 posiiion, this apparatus is placed so that the hooks embrace the end walla of the 
 adjacent cribs, and the swivel is turned until the cribs are brought closely 
 together ; a pair of these clamps are used, and they hold the crib firmly in place 
 until it is filled. 
 In tlio snmo manner the remaining cribs aro placed. • 
 After being plncod and flUed, they are allowed sometime to settle; it is deemed 
 advisable to let them remain during the winter wlien possible, but sometimes the 
 Buperatructuro is put on in a mcmth or two. The cribs often settle very irregularly 
 on account of the uneven texture of the bottom, aa when one portion of the crib rests 
 on hard sand and another on quicksand, as well ns of the shocks of the waves and of 
 their action and the action of the currents in washing out the fuundution. They 
 are constantly watched, and the load ia shifted from side to side as occasion 
 requires, to induce a more rapid settling of any part; they generally settle in the 
 sand a foot or two after being placed, and often much more ; after a month or two 
 they become pretty firndy fixed in place. Should none of them bo out of level 
 more than a foot, or a foot and a hall", tlie result is deemed very satisfactory. 
 When they have settled, they are 'levelled up' by putting on the wedge- 
 sliaped pieces until the tops of all are in the same horizontal plane, and the 
 8Ui)orstrncture ia then adilcd; this being continuous from crib to crib, serves to 
 bind the pier together. It is usual to place a larger crib, 30 or 32 feet square, at 
 tho outer end. 
 The interval between the end walls of adjacent cribs is filled with slabs or 
 edgings to the water's surfaoe, and thence to the top of tho pier with stone. 
 Specification fob the Construction of a Bbbakwateb, Landing Pieb, etc., 
 OF Gbibwork at Ghantbt Island, Lake Hdbon, Canada. 
 The works for which ' tenders ' aro invited, consist in the construction of a 
 breakwater on the easterly side of the roadstead, starting from a salient point of 
 the mainland, and extending outwards in a slightly curved line about 1,800 feet, 
 or to within 450 feet of the extreme end of the protection works already formed on 
 the westerly side of the island — the construction of a landing pier from the shore 
 outwards to a depth of 14 feet at low water at a place from 300 to 500 feet south 
 of the breakwater. 
 Breakwater. — To be carried up to tho height of 7 J feet over the water level of 
 September 1868 ; at the shore, and out to a depth of 3 feet water it is to be 
 formed chiefly of gravel, well faced, and protected with boulder stones on both 
 sides ; tlience outwards it is to be of cribwork up to within 1 foot of low- water 
 line, where a continuous superstructure is to be commenced and carried to the 
 heiglit above stated. 
 The interior of the work throughout must be filled with a good class of mode- 
 rate-sized stones ; and where the depth of water exceeds 15 feet, a talus of stone 
 is to be placed along both sides of the cribwork up to within 12 feet of tho water 
 surface, with an outer slope of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. 
 For 300 feet at the inner end, the structure is to be 20 feet in width — the next 
 300 feet, 25 feet in width, outside of this it is to be made 30 feet wide, except at 
 the extreme end, where a crib 50 feet square is to be placed, connected with the 
 other work, and arranged so as to form the eastern heading pier of the northern 
 Cribwork. — To be of the widths above stated for the respective places, and in 
 ^^ v.t 
 lengths of at loast 30 foot. Tlio HidoB niul ondu to bo of timber not leas than 
 1 1 inches square, straight, sound, and full on tho edges, carried up vertically to 
 within 2 feet of the water surface, whore a batter of 1 in 12 is to be commenced 
 on l)oth the front and roar sides. 
 Framing. — The outer timbers of the cribs are to bo framed so as to loovo a 
 space of 2 inciics hotwoeu the differunt couraes, and at the angles they are to be 
 connected by double bevelled dovetails, arranged so that ovtry end timber shall 
 be dovetailed into two side timbers, and the side timbers bo similarly placed 
 between those fuiraing the ends. 
 At each corner in every course a rag bolt 12 inches long nnd J inch diameter 
 is to be driven through the dovetail. 
 Cross Tie*. — To be at least 10 inches thick, of uufHcient size to square 10 inches 
 by 12 inelies at both ends, and of the full length (respectively 30 feet, 25 fiet, and 
 20 foot) of the outside width of the different cribs. They are to be pliiced not 
 more than 10 feet ajMirt, nnd so arranged that the ties resting on the diii'erent 
 rounds of timber shall be midway between those of the courses immediately 
 below and above. 
 'I'heir ends arc to be dovetailed 3J ir.ches into the timbers under and over them, 
 tlio dovetail to spltiy I^ inches on both sides, so as to stand 8 inches at the neck, 
 und 1 1 inches at the outer end. 
 Under the head of uueh tie, at the joint between the courses immediately below 
 it, a block 2 inches by 11 inches by 11 inches is to be inserted to give u 
 uniform bearing, and o rag bolt 2J feet long, I iiicii diameter, is to bo driven 
 through tlio head of each tie, passing down through the course on which it 
 rests, tlio block and course under it, and 4 inches into the head of the next 
 cross tie. 
 LoTujitudinal Ties. — In all the cribs longitudinal ties, 10 inches thick, are to be 
 framed into, and dovetailed between the alternate tiers of end timbers, have 
 blocks under them, and be secured by bolts of similar dimensions, nnd in like 
 manner as described for the transverse ties, into which tliey are to be notched and 
 fastened at the crossings by means of white oak tree-nails, 2 inches diameter and 
 IG inohes long. 
 In cribs 25 or 30 feet in width they are to be arranged as shown on section ; 
 and in those 20 feet wide they will generally be carried up in the centre. 
 In the cribs forming the terminations of the piers, there must be longitudinal 
 ties in every course placed alternately 10 feet and 20 feet from the face side. 
 The cribs are to be further secured fey vertical ranges of plank plact d inside , 
 and extending from the lowest side timber up to the water line. There are to be 
 three ranges on a side, that is to say— one at, or near each angle, and another in 
 the centre ; making in all six vertical ranges in a crib. The planks are to bo 
 4 inches thick, and 10 inches in width, fastened from the inside with 10-inch 
 spike, I inch diameter, two driven through each plank into each of the lowest side 
 pieces, and one at every crossing of a side timber from the floor upwards. They 
 may be put on in lengths of Irom 8 te 10 feet or more : but they must bo bo 
 arranged that the upper length in all cases shall reach down at least 2 feet lower 
 than the top of the plank of the same range below. 
 Ballast Iloors. — To consist of flatted timbers, 10 inches in thickness, and of the 
 full length of the width of the respective oribs, i.e., 30 feet, 25 feet, and 20 feet. 
 They arc to be laid transversely from 5 to 6 inches apart, and rest on either the 
 tirst or second course of side timbers, as may be directed, and to which every 
 alternate piece is to be fastened at each end by a bolt I inch diameter, and 
 18 inches long. In cribs 30 feet, or 25 feet in width, there are to be two longi- 
 tiKliiml timbors dovf idiled into and sociirod to tho ond pieces at tlio proper height, 
 to form iKiiirings for tlio floor. In cribs 20 feet wide there will bo only one longi- 
 tudinal boaror under tlio floor. 
 The cribs, from tho bottom upwards to low-water lino, may bo formed cither of 
 pine, cednr, ash, tamarac, or elm timber ; but whatever kind is used, it must be 
 straight und of good quality, free from shakes, sapwoml, unsound knots, or other 
 Before a crib is put together, Iho contractor must take correct close soundingH 
 over the place it is to occupy when sunk, and where such inequalities orcur as 
 unnnot bo removed, the bottom of tho crib miist bo adapted to them, so that when 
 placed in its berth the sides and ends shall be plumb, and the whole fonn a line 
 corresponding to that marked out by the officer in charge. 
 Immediately after a crib has been moored in tho right position, the contmctor, 
 if so directed, must lay a platform of plank over it of sufficient size and strenjjth 
 to carry enough stone to sink it. and when thus sunk, and ascertaineil to bo on tho 
 proper line and place, the crib is to bo filled with an approved class of moderate- 
 sized stone, closely packed. 
 As before mentioned, when the depth of water exceeds 15 feet, a talup .if stone 
 is to be formed nlong eofh side of tho breakwater, up to within 12 fix-t of tho 
 water surface. The stones must be placed as compactly together ns possiblo, and 
 arranged so as to have on the respective outer sides a uniform slope of I J hori- 
 zontal to 1 vortical. This work to be proceeded with simultaneously with tho 
 sinking of the cribs, and must be conducted in such a manner that there will bo 
 fit no time more than two cribs sunk in advance of it. 
 When the whole of tho cribs shall have been sunk, well filled with stone, and 
 settled in their respective berths, tho sides must be brouj^ht to a uniform height 
 nt low-water line, either by cutting down and removing the top timbers, or using 
 suitable levelling pieces as may be required. 
 Tfie Superstnidure is then to be commenced, and carried up with a batter of 1 
 in 12 to the height of 7^ feet over the water level of September 18G8, or to such 
 other height as directed. The face timbers to be of pine 12 inches square, gene- 
 rally not less than 40 foot long, or of such other lengths as will break joint 
 properly over and upon tho difierent cribs. They aro to be scarfed at tho ends 
 where they connect ; the scarf to be squore at heel and toe, and have o lap of 
 18 inches, with a block underneath, and bo secured with a bolt 18 inches long 
 and 5 inch diameter. Tho timber must be counter- hewn, if required, and laid so 
 OS to leave a space of 1 J inch between tho courses. 
 Transverse Ties of flatted pine timber, of a size to square 10 inches by 12 inches 
 at both ends, and of a sufficient length to extend across the pier are to be plocod 
 not more than 10 feet apart, in every course of the superstructure. They are to 
 bo dovetailed, and let into the side pwHies over and under them — have a block 
 1^ inch by 12 inches by 12 inches inserted between tiie two courses under the 
 head of each, and be secured by meant: of rag bolts, J inch in diameter, in a 
 similar manner to those described for the cribs. 
 Longitudinal Timbers of flatted pine are to be carried up between the alternate 
 courses of like dimensions, be framed, notched into cross ties, and secured gene- 
 rally as those described for the cribs. 
 Binding Pieces, of 4 inches by 10 inches pine plank, are to be placed vertically 
 inside for the entire height, and fastened with spikes, J inch diameter, and 
 10 inches long— one at every crossing of a face timber. They are to be not more 
 than 14 feet apart, and are in every cage to form continuations of the respective 
 ranges underneath. 

 Stringern. — To form bearings for tlio top covering, five stringers, eacli 7 inches 
 by 10 inches of pine, arc to bo laid the whole lengtli of tho breakwater, secured to 
 the cross tics, and placed at u like height as the side timbers. 
 The whole interior of tho superstructure must bo filled with a good class 
 of stone, carried up as the timber-work proceeds, and care taken to pack them 
 well around and between the ties, as well as to have the top part properly 
 Top Covering to be of 3-inch pine plank of sufficient length to pass over the 
 side timbers and meet on the centre stringer. Tbsy are to bo laid crosswise, 
 1 inch apart, and bo fastened at the ends, and at every crossing of a stringer, with 
 7-inch pressed spikes. 
 Tho covering is to be further secured by chamfered cap pieces of white oak or 
 rock elm, each 10 inches by 6 inches — one range laid along each side of the 
 breakwater, and another in the contro over the joinings of tlio plank. Tho cap 
 pieces to be fastened with rng bolts, ^ inch diameter, und 18 inclies long. 
 In case it should he deteriiiinod to put mooring jwsts in tho brcrkwater, they 
 are to be of white oak or rock elm timber, 10 feet long, and 16 inches diameter, 
 properly dressed, covered on top with a cast-iron cap piece, and placetl so as to 
 stand 18 inches over the top covering. Tliey are to be notched at bottom to 
 receivj cross pieces 5 feet long, be secured to the cross ties with screw bolts of 
 IJ-inch rouL.a iron, and have the ballast aroimd them properly packed. 
 The outer faces of the superstructure, from the top to low-water line, must be 
 hewn down noBtly to lines corresponding to the position of the work, and every- 
 thing done that is necessary to leave the whole in a finished and satisfactory 
 Landing Pier to be made 30 feet wide and about 400 feet long, placed in tho 
 position indicated on the general plan. 
 The cribwork of the pier is to bo built of a like class of timber, framed, put 
 together, secured, sunk, and filled with stone, with a superstructure of pino 
 timber, of like dimensions, arrai ged, framed, secured, and ballasted with stcne, 
 have the sides dressed down to water surf'iee, the top covered with 3-iiich pino 
 plank, and the whole work executed and completed as described for the break- 
 The works are to be commenced immediately after the person or persons whose 
 ' tender ' is accepted shall have entered into contract with the Department of 
 Public Works, and must be proceeded with in such a manner that tiie landing 
 wharf, and approach to it, shall be finished on or before tiie 1st day of September, 
 1874, and at least one-half of the cribwork connected with the breakwater sunk 
 by the Ist day of November, 1874 ; and the whole work completed by the 1st day 
 of October, 1875. 
 Chief Engineer P'tllio Works. 
 Departn.ent of Public Works, Ottawa, 
 30th August, 1873. 
 Estimate of the Cost of Constrticting and Stoking a Crib 50 feet by 30 feet by 
 30 feet in 24 feet of Water in the line of the Breakwater to the Outer 
 Harbour at Chioaqo. 
 9,442 cubic feet of pine timber, 12 inches by 12 inches, 
 at 22 cents per cubic or lineal foot 2,077 24 
 4,000 feet, board me.-oure (12 inches by 1 inch), of 
 white oak plank, 8 inches by 3 inches, for deck of crib 
 . at $30 per mbtre 120 00 
 8 sills to support the flooring, each 30 feet long, and 
 9 inches by 6 inches, 90 cubic feet at 22 cents. . . 19 80 
 12,772 lbs. of iron bolts, IJ inch square, at 4 cents 
 perlb 510 88 
 275 lbs. of wrought-iron spikes, g inch by J inch square, 
 at 8 cents per lb 22 00 
 247 cords of stone,' crib ballast, at $6 50 cents per cord 1,605 50 
 28 ditto for intervals, nt $0 50 cents per cord 182 00 
 . Estimated cost of materials 4,537 42 ' 
 Superintendence and workmanship 2,306 40 
 Add.lO per cent, for contingonces 684 33 
 * ■ 
 Estimatedcostof onecrib, 50 feet by 30feet by 30feet 7,528 15 
 = $150 56 cents per lineal foot, or $4 52 cents per 
 cubic yard. 
 A cord of stone or timber is equivalent to 128 cubic feet. 
 No. 1,413a. — " Cribwork in the Black Sea." By Sir Charles A. 
 Hartley, M. Inst. C.E., F.R.S.E. . 
 In the construction of the provisional piers at Sulina, in 1868, 
 it was first of all intended to build cribs from 30 feet to 60 feet 
 long, to load them with stones, and to sink them at intervals of 
 20 feet along the line of works, filling the space between with 
 piling, driven from staging, supported by the cribs, the whole being 
 protected at the foot by rubble stones. After sinking a few cribs 
 of unusual strength,^ the mixed system was abandoned in favour 
 of piling and ' pierre perdue ' work only. This decision was come 
 to owing to the experience that had been gained of 'the serious 
 risk and loss of time involved in placing the cribs in position in 
 an open seaway, and of thb' expense incurred in adding timbers 
 to the superstructure until settlement had ceased. The settle- 
 ment was very unequal : as much as 4 feet on one occasion after a 
 heavy gale. It was entirely produced by the scour of the sea on 
 the foundation of hard sand, before there had been time to sur- 
 round tho crib with a wide bank of rubble stones. When cribs 
 were placed on a bank of rubble in the first instance, as occurred 
 on three occasions at the head of the piled piers at the end of the 
 working season, no scouring action took place, and, consequently, 
 the cribs never moved from their original position, whilst they 
 served admirably as breakwaters or temporary pier heads during 
 the stormy months of winter. 
 Although the Author's experience of the use of cribwork in a 
 very exposed seaway was not encouraging, it was such as to 
 convince him that, in a country where timber and stone are plen- 
 tiful, where cheap cement is not to be obtained, and where an 
 economical stuoturo in the first irstanco is a sine qud now, no 
 better plan can be adopted of building a pier or breakwater in 
 greater depths than 15 feet, on a sandy or yielding bottom, and 
 where heavy seas and the ' teredo navalis ' are not to be feared, 
 ' Vide sketch of cribwork in vol. i. of Atlas attached to the first " M^moire sur 
 les travaux. d'ameliuration execute's aux embouchures du Dauube," in the library 
 of tho Institution. , 
 than that of first of all throwing down a bank of rubble to a depth 
 dictated by the nature of the locality, and then to Burraount it 
 with cribwork up to a level of a few feet above the water line. It 
 was this conviction that induced him, nearly fifteen years ago, to 
 propose the construction of a provisional mole, in a comparatively 
 sheltered position on the north-west coast of the Black Sea. 
 This work was not constructed ; but, on comparing its cost, at 
 Chicago prices, with that of a Chicago crib of 1871, in the same 
 depth of water, and therefore 30 feet high and 30 feet wide, it will 
 be found that whilst the cost of the latter plan is K150 per lineal 
 foot, that of the former is only ^115 per lineal foot, with the great 
 advantage, moreover, that, by adopting the stone foundation, the 
 expense and inconvenience attending the raising of the super- 
 structure of the cribs, on account of settlement produced by scour, 
 is altogether avoided. 
 In comparing the cost of works in England and North America, 
 the much higher wages paid to workmen in the latter country 
 must always be kept in view. The following information on this 
 question was gathered by the Author from various sources in the 
 United States and Canada. 
 Wages per day in the United States. 
 Foremen 4J to 6 
 Mechanics, blacksmiths, masons, and brickhiyers . . 3 to 4 
 Carpenters 2 to 2J 
 Quarrymcn 2J 
 Labourers 1 to 2 
 Horse, cart, and driver 3i to 4 
 In Canada the wages are about 25 per cent, less ; but clothing 
 is far dearer, and taxes are more than 25 per cent, higher in the 
 United States than in Canada ; thus, in buying-power, the wages 
 received in Canada are fully equal to those paid in the States. 
 In 1873, the approximate currency .alue of the United States 
 dollar was 3«. 8d., and that of the Canadian dollar, 4«. 
 The cost of clothing, washing, houbo-rent, spirits, and beer is 
 more than double as much in the United States as in England, 
 ■whilst in the former the ordinary articles of food are somewhat 
 cheaper than in the old country. 
 [18V4-75. N.S.] 
 /. •^'■^- 
 PluA-TE 6 . 
 n jmtu 
 'JaU En(gin«r> VqI;XL. SMiitm 1674-7B Part 8. 
 J OJ limb nil 
 Minute 3 of Prooeot un^ (£ Tha BiBlilutian uf Civfl. En^ixe 
 VIMT K « . 
 fThofiiBlihjtiaftoi' Cnril Eii#x\i«ir»,VQL2L. Seneicm 1874_7f .Btrt. 2. 
 THOIKEUj.UTH. 4,0311 l Bf POTENT dAMlBN. 

 IM.ATF. 7. 
 S J S s J P ^ ^ 
 Jl S £.. 
 'isril E.u^iB«MS, VqIiZL. Session 1874-7B, Part 8. 
 3S3Q;5S!1P1F3 SSfl (D 13 "ir OH 3 . 
 IM.ATF. 7, 
 SOUTH UOXl^>i|!* 
 JTB. Thr Smm'iinrf.' nve in t'fH ■ 
 9 I ■'( 3 f- i- 
 7 1 t. 
 -J 1_ 
 CHAS A.HARrLT=;T, JIKLT Mimttes at Proneeain|3 cf Hue Tnatatntixm rf dnal EngiueeiB. VoI:XL, Sssaion 1874.-75. Part S,