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Thoae too large to t« entirely included in ona exposure are filmed ber^inning in the upper left hand comer, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate tha method; Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la demiire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole •^•> signifie 'A SUIVRE". le symbol* V signifie "FIN". Les cartes, pianches, tableaux, etc., peuvent dtre filmto k des taux de rMuction diffdrents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul cliche, ii est filmi d partir de Tangle supirieur gauche, de gauche a droits, et da haut en bas, an prenant le nombre d'images n^cassaire. Las diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode ita lura. I 3 2X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 VOTKRS' LIST, 1879. TOWN OF WINGHAM, COUNTY OF HURON. LIIST OF PERSONS ENTITLED TO VOTE AT t MUNICIPAL ELECnONS -AND- Electlons to the Legislative Assembly. Suh-SccHoa 4 <)/ Section 2 of the Act to Con.solidafr and Amend the Law respecting Voters' Lints. i. The SheriflTslmll immediately upon receipt of his copies cause one of them to be posted up in a coiaspicu.jus place in ihe Court House; the Clerk of the Peace, upon receipt of his copies, shall cause one .of theia to be posted m a conspicuous place in his office; every Public or Separate School Head Master or Mistress p'all in like manner put up one on the door of the School House; and every Postmas- ter shall post up one of his copies in his Post Ortice.— 39 V., C. 11,8. 2, S. S. 4. WINGHAM: Printed at the Office of The Winuham TtMEH. Josephine Streot. 1879. »N VOTEKS'JjIST, 1879. ••'-- lunicifaliiy it the f owi of Wm|lam PAKT L— List of Persons entitled to vote at BOTH Municipal Elec- tions and Elections to the Legislative Assembly. ■v^A.TiT> isro. 1, Comprhinfi that 2yortion of the Town hjhuj WeH of Josfphine Sfreef, extending to the Mill Pond, and South of John Street, extendinfj to the SoiUh branch of the liiver Maitlawl. Ij «5 U o 5 J NAME. LOT. Street. 6 o 15 ABRAHAM. THOMAS 20 ft pt Block B Victoiia Owner TO Anderson, George N i 40i William Owner 365 J Anderson, John SOS Arthur Owner See Wartl 4 97 J Andrus, Orcetnus 22 ft pt 1 Joeephine W Owner 59 J Archibald, William 20 John 8 Tenant 7 BILLINGSLEY, TUOS. E pt 17. 13 ft Victoria S Tenant 16 J Birtch, William ft Block B, 20 ft Victoria S Owner 39 J Birtch. Uoherl Pt9 Victoria Tenant 108 J Black, Edward F. S pt 28 Edward £ Owner See Ward 2 325 .1 Bray, William T. Pl7 Josephine W Tenant. — See Ward 8- 2, 3 & 4 110 Burns, W. J. rt§ Josephine W Income 42 J CALBACK. SAML^EL Pt 9 Victoria N Owner) 87 Chapman, John 20 21 Mcintosh Oijvner 23 J Clatterham, James Pt2 Josephine W Tenant 46 J Cook, Adam N pt 10, 40 ft Edward W Owner 118 Crookshanks, Thomas 33 Scott <Jwner See Ward 2 20 Cumraings, James, sen W i 21 Victoria Owner 21 J Cumminga. James, jr E Dt 7, 23 ft Victoria N Owner 12 J Crowston, Joseph E pt 15, 30 ft Victoria S Tenant .1 W pt 14, 40 ft Victoria S Tenant t« 12pnd pt 13, 17 ft Scott Tenant t« Pt Block B, 12 acs. Josephine Tenant 82 J Culbert, Thomas 21 Johns Ownur 337 J Currie, James 24 Scott Owner See Ward 4 49 Currio, Robert Eptl2 Victoria Owner 9 DAVIDSON, JAMES 15 Minnxe E Tenant H N pt 13 Scott Owner 1 Tofiis' List. — Ward "N o. 1. s ^■il NAME. LOT. Strket, O s 120 J Daviea, Corneliua ?t 1 Josephine W ' i'enant 9M J Davr»on, Al«xaiider I't i, 3U ft Josephme W Owner , »« «# See Ward 4 78 J Dean, Peter PtI John S Penan t 64 J Diamond, Poler S i 478 Minnie li ( )wner See Ward 4 4 .} Dodda, Andrew « Victoria Jwner t« Pt 11 IScott Dwner 10 J Dodds, John Pt 15 Soott Owner k t Eptl6 Victoria Owntjr 31 J DuDivao, James 28 Sflott Owner 35 J EA(iLES(»N, JiUlN 8 pi 27 Leopold Tenant ill J Elliott, William Syil Josephine S Tenant m * ' ' See Wards 2 & 4 69 J EtHson, WiUiam 401 William Owner 13 .1 FERRIE. SAMUEL Ptl5.Wi.tl4,40fl Victoiia Owner 75 . Fisher, Archibald E pt 443 Victoria Owner «« N pt 443 Leopold Ovvner 116 . 1 Fisher, F«ter 18, 19, 22, 23 .Mcintosh Owner See Ward 3 385 .] r Forgio, Alex!»nder 2 Josephine W ( )vvner See Ward 4 366 . r Fowler, W. 0. 368 Arthur Owner 6 * \ GANNETr, WILLIAM E pt 15 Victoria Owner See Ward 2 17 . } (inrreit, Samusl II Scott Tenant 54 Glazier, John 23 Edwiird W Owner loy Gosling. F. J. Pi 6 Josephine Ten 'in t 50 Gray, Wesley E pt 13 Victoria Tenant 79 Grey, Thotnas E k 446 Leopold Tenant 102 . I Giaharu, <l<tfu^s )» Scott Owner See Ward 2 99 . 1 Green, George Pt 4. 22 ft Josephine W Owner •( Pt 26, 27 Edward E Owner See Ward 2 55 Green, Willi-im Ni 2? Edward E (Jwner 66 . J Groves, James Pt 442 Leopold Owner See Ward 3 22 J ITALLIDAY. J AS. II. •» Josephine W Tenant 104 J Herdsman, Kichard Pt 4, 28 ft Josephine W Owner See Ward 2 14 Hill, John Pti5, sort Victoria Tenant 2 Hutlon, William Pt Block B Josephine Ten mt 60 J ISBISTER, WILLIAM 20 John S Owner 96 JACKSON, T. O. 367, 369 Arthur Owner 30 J Johnston, James 30 Scott Owner (1 Pts 10, 11,35 ft Victoria (Jwner 53 J Johnston, Nathaniel 479 Minnie Tenant 86 J Johnston, Willianj 15, 16 Mcintosh Owner 88 J Johneton, Edward 40, 41 Victoria Owner VoTCBs' LwT.— \Va«d No. 1. ■3 O o ^3S 89 90 81 91 18 95 67 119 6-2 261 155 106 107 41 68 93 1 27 28 44 56 326 318 443 103 32 113 Johnston, Thornns ■lohnMton, .John jjiickson, Abrani KENT, SJjXTT'S t* Kirkby, WiUitn Kormun, Johu LEET. .TOHKSON M. Lloyd, Wiilttr JLuUtT, William MAHTIN, WM. H. J Mason, Wilham it J Maaon, John Mitchell, Kev. G. . Meyer, H. W. C. J Mills, Thomas A. J Mesaer, John J Mesner. William ti Moore, Tboiniis J Montgomery. Thomas J Morrison, John Morton, J. A. J McINTOSIf, HENKY J McNuUy, M. E. J McDonald. John J McCreigbt, Janieti McMath, (Jharies J Mclndoo Robert J McKenzii>, George J McKihhon, George J McKibbon, Philip J NAYLOR, JAMES Neelanda, John 39, 42 40, 41 15 VV i 446 405, 406 Block B, 20 ft N i)t 6, 27 ft Pt Block B ri II 20 Pl 17. 13 ft S i 178 445 Wj.i IG 368 N J 444 W 1 442 N pt 1 19 Pt7 Pt 5 Pts 4 & 5 Pts 4 & 5 Pt 9 440. 441 Pt3 Pi Block B N pt 6 g n Pt 10, 50 ft Vt 3 N pt 3 Pts' 28 14 Street. Victoi ia Orrner Victoria IVnnnt Minnie OwniT Leopold Owner See Ward 2 Williara Owner Vicloriiv < )wner Victoria Owner See Wajda 3 & 4 VU^toria Owner Scott Owner Viotorift Owner |Victori:» Owner Muinio Own^^r See Wards 2& 4 Ii«- 'ipotd 0.vner (Victoria Owner Arthur Tenant See Ward 4 LeojtoM Owner Leopohi t'wner Josepliine W Owner John S ' >\''ner Josephine Tenfuit See Ward 3 Joseph! no Fennnt See Ward 2 Josephine ' Jwner Josephin'j Owner Scott Owner See Ward 4 Victoria N Penan t Leopold Tenant Josephine I'enant Josephine <)vvnei' Josephine Tenant See Ward 2 Scott Owner Victor'* Tenant Ed'vnpd Owner Josephine Tenant See Ward 3 Josephine Owner See Ward 3 Josephine Owner See Ward 4 Josephine Owner Scott Tenant See Ward 2 Minnie Owner See Ward 4 ! I 3 I VoTERB* List.— \V A II I) No. 1, O ^ • u o o seas 94 40 .) f.^ J •Jii 77 321 105 43U 37 36 32y 5: 117 211 NAME. IW. Strkkt. 101 26 41b 33 38 63 17 92 320 Jjl 323 m 57 ftl 51 80 Nicholls, Joseph OLIVER, SIMON PENTLAND, THOMAS Patterson, .Fohn Piitterson, John Pettypiece, George Puthick. Gerance QTTIGLEY, M. E. UEADIiN^O, JOSEPH Ruld, Willinm Ritchie, John Fiobinson, John Robinson, R. M. SCALES, THOMAS Scott, Ch^irles Tail •• «< *« It *i Shippenl, Jiicob Small, Robpit Snell, John Snell, William Sylvester. John Sloan," Walter Stuart, Willwm Smith, Samuel Smith, S. J. Stewart, I'. II. TALBOT, E. K. Temlyn, John TJflgfvr Tennant, Robert Thompson, E. John iTowler, W. B. Toombs. F, S. K i 21 pt y, 13 a 30 Si 403 Ptl l»l 9 Pi 4 Pt 1 W pt il W pt 17 Pt 9 48(1 ft 7 Ept 4. 50 ft 37 i 38 Pt 5 Hlock H 20 ft 29, 3i, 36 S pt 4 Pt 1 24 It h Pt Blocl' B, 5(1 ft S pt 444 W ,', 8 N i'478 IT 445 Pc ;{ Pt 6 s pt 7 477 3ft \y pt 1 !9 22 E i 446 Victoria Arthur Vicvor'ft Edw '(! Willii:'!! John Joseph, ne Joh«ph'ne J<>^e|•^ine Victoria Scott V^ictoria Vinlorift M>nni« Josephine •iD'ephine Josephine Josephine Victoria Scott Josephine Josephine Josephine Victoria Leopold Victoria Minnie Mcintosh Leopold Josephine Josephine Josephine Minnie Edward Josephine Victoria Leopold Owner I'enaiit Owner Tenant Ownor Owtier Tenmt See Wards 3 & 4 Tenant Tenant See Ward 4 < )wner Owner Owner See Ward 4 Penan t See Ward i < >wner reiinnt Owner Owner "wner Owner Owner Owner See Ward 2 Owner Owner ( >wnpr See Waids 2& 4 Owner Tenant ' »wner Owner See Ward 3 Tenant See Waid. 3&4 Income Tenant. — See Wards 2, 3 & 4 Owner .See Wards 2 & 3 Owner Owner it.'iiaiu Owner See Ward 2 Owner I Voters' List.— Ward No. 1. O J • ij o o 121 65 74 25 455 85 45 43 29 NAME. LOT. WADE, JOFIN HENRY Watson, Dixie Waudby, 'J'homas Wilkinson, Robert Williama, Charles E. Willson, Benjamin Yurxc;, DAVID Young, John S Young, Joseph Yule, William Pt 2, 22 ft 5 k 478, N i 479 370 3& pt4 6 &7 Pt 2, 2'» ft Pt 7 21 ft 8 I3&14 PtlO, 50 ft Pt 10, 50 It m Sthket. Josephine Minnie Arthur Josephine Scott Josephine Josephine Victoria Mcintosh Victoria Victoria Scoti Tenant Tenant Owner Owner Owner tenant See Ward 3 '^)wner (Jwner See Ward 4 Owner Tenant Owner See Ward 2 Tenant See Ward 4 PART II. — Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. 9i . O J c o ^03 NAME. LOT. Stkekt. NONE. PART III. -Persons entitled to vote at Elections^ to the Legislative Assembly ONLY. Sthekt. nonp:]. i I •J VOT ERS' TLIST. 1879. liQlefialllf of til f @wi el Wligl^m PART I. — Persons entitled to vote at BOTH Municipal Elections and Klyutions to the Jjegislative Assembly. Co»ij>W.si7ir/ that portion of the Town lying Kad of Josephine Street, tthd South of John Street, and continual to the h'aMern bound- ary of the Town, and Southerly to the ^lovthern boundary of the Town. « ^ 0^ JA ■r. O NAME. Lcyr. Strubt. ?uk 9 -s ,1 133 ARIHUK, WALLACE X l)t 1 John Tenant 145 .1 Anderson, VVilliiiUi «o Friinces iVnnnt 160 J Andflrson, William il. H) Shufer Tenant 174 J Andrew, Job 65 Frances Owner 125 J BAIN. WILLIA.UB. N \ 76 FranceH Tenant 131 J Black. Hugh A. M pt2 John Tenant 157 i Buchanan, Frank 49 Frances <»wn«»r i> 6 Diagon'l B'd Owner 1.S8 J'nowers, Edward 7. 23 ft JoHephine Owner 1 %s 3, 4, 5 Victoria Owner See Ward 8 \m .1 BInck, Edward F. 7,12 ft Josephine Te int See Ward 1 183 J Htrklcy. Jiimes » Josephine I'enant 40] J i;«>lhuiie, AlexHndor 157 Victoria «)wner See Ward 4 3ti5 .1 Brny. William T. m Victoria Owner. — See Wards 1, 3&4 319 BrAce, Lewis John 80 Frances Owner See Wards 3 & 4 129 J rOAD. JOSEPH T Sbuter Owner 13', .1 Cnrradice, Diivid P. Ptll, 12 Shuter Tenant 140 J Cox Samuel 6. 6I.Npt62 Frances Owner i< Ft 13, 24 ft Josephine Tenant 118 J Crookthanks, Thomas Ft 1 Farm Lot Owner See Ward 1 213 J Cochran, Charles A. Pts 3 and 19 Josephine Tenant 142 J DEACON, WILLIAM 3 Centre , Owner "204 J Daviea, E. C. K. { 126.127,128,129,'! 130. 131. J32. 133. 134,135, 136,137,^1 138, 139, 140, 141, j m Le(>t&DaT!eH Survey. Owner v. M 1 1 n i VoTKHs* List.— Warp No. 2. 4 o J O O 204 177 147 449.1 NAME. J Davi«»8. E. C. K. »t i( ELLinTT, WlU.lAM 181 199 198 6 460 200 130 128 139 99 102 162 179 424 137 151 104 156 170 172 191 < 142, 143,144,145 ^ 143. 147, 143, 149. I .SO. 151,15:i. 153 lo4. iofi. 160, 161. 162, 163, 164. 165, 166, 167, 168. K.9. 170. 171.172. 173, 174. 175. 176, 177, 178. 179, 180. 181, 182. FUKRES. TflOMAS Fleuty. Jiujie* Fiater. Rol»ert Firtter, .larnes It Fitzgemld, Fred. J. GANNETT, WILMAM Gilroy, Thomiis Gillie«. Arcbi'ald Greer. John W. Gordon. A. D. Grigg, Samuel Greer, George Gratiam, Janiea Gu«>»t. Henry Griffin. C. Nelson Gregory. Tliotna.> IHJDGINS, ELIJAH Hu«9in, Willirtni llerdaman, Richard Uoniuih, John J. Hftdtnonrl, James HaUted, David UowDOD, Charles Street. jLeet.feDaviee ' ' Survey. Owner 1 1 L>ii.gon'l R'd Owner See Wards 1 & 4 80 ' Frtincea Tenant 8 ' . ^ i Josephine i>nnnt •See Ward 4 4 Diagon'l K'd Owner N pi 4. 30 ft Josephine Owner 65 & 66 Catherine Owner 118, 119 Catherine Owner 113 Virtorifl Owner See Ward 1 64 and 77 Chiiiiijr Ter Owner See Wftr(i|4 N \>i 4. 30 tt Jobephine Owner 65 and 66 Catherine Owner \ pt 2 John Owner Pt7 Shuter Tenant See Ward 4 U und 13 Josephine Owner 7 Diagon'l R'd Owner S pt 77 Frances Owner 74. 75 Victoria Owner EptJ,2 Joaephine Owner See Ward 6.7,8.9,10,12,13,14, Josephine Owner 15. 16 See Ward 1 8 Josephine Owner 59, E i 58 Jolm Owner Ni 75^8^76 Frances Owner 6 mid 7 Park Lots Owner See Ward 4 13 Josephine Tenant 69 Catherine Owner S pt 77 Frances Tenant Catherine Owner See Ward 1 8. 9 •Tosephine Owner 3 Diagon'l R'd Owner H9 & M France* Owner 64 Frances Tenant 6 Diagon'l R'd Teuanjl h M VoTKRs' List.— Ward No. 2. H "188 144 81 182 86 193 417 134 169 186 135 141 187 214 132 146 155 167 20] 178 815 123 408 411 138 166 27 454 453 IRELAND, ISAAC JACKSON. JOHN Jackson, Ahruiu Johnston, JameM Johnston, William Jobb, Thonias L. KENNEDY, GEO. W. Kenny, George Rev. Kinciiid, Thomas Knox, Rolifit MNGWOOD. W. II Lenimex. Hiram Leet, Johnson M. »« Leslie. Thomas MATELL, jo>EPH Mitchell, Thomns Martin, J^ttn MilU, Thomas A. .viaihon, Robert Marshall. Williiim Mingay, Tom Wm. Millard, Henry McCasey, Denis McGuire James McCnnce, John Mcintosh, Henry, Jr. n McDonald, Alex. McNulty, M. E. McClymont, Thomas McClymont, William 189| McKay, George 79 No. I 9 4, 18. 24 ft II &12 I i 2 6 70. 71 120, 121. 122 124 Struft. ■tnsephine E .John Frances Josephine Frances John Diigon'l R'd Frances John Shuter Jos<>phine E shuter Di.'igon'l R*d Victoria jFninces !C;vthei'ine iDi.kgoi.t R'd 7 Jor^ephine 158, no Victoria 1 80 60, 61 John Fntnces John 68 71 58 Pi 13 Frances Diagon'l R'd John Josephine 5 63, S62 Pt726ft Catherine Krancea Josephine 12& Catherine 13 69 68 4 Josephine Catherine Frances Diagon'l R'd rt 4, 42 ft Josephine E Pt 4 42 ft Josephine £ Pt2 5A17 Farm Lot Josephine Owner Ovviipr Spe Wrtrd 1 Oilier See SVani 4 Owner See Ward 1 Owner Owner Owner ^ei) Ward 4 Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner '-►wner Owner .See Wards I & 4 Tenant Owner See Wards 3 & 4 Tenant Tenant Owner See Ward I Tenant Tenant Tenant- Tenant See Ward 3 Owner Owner Tenant See Ward 4 Owner See Ward 4 Tenant Owner Owner Tenant SeeWardl Owner See Ward 4 Owner See Ward 4 Owner Owner VoTKUH* List.— Ward No. 2. e o 9 NAME. |»JOl.J McKty John u 32 J NaVLoR, JAMES PERDU K, JAMKS PHrkhouse, Williiim J renningtnn, John J Piwrsou. Willirtoi J hlSHUN. JnSKI'H ,1 Roheitaon. A\^x Kob«*it«on. (teofge Rev J Ko!«s, .ItimPH J KjHn. Ali>x:iiid<»r Uo'iJOBoit. .1 .». L, J STKPHENS JV. i\ K .1 Smith, Jikm«i» U. .1 Sn«tl, .tohii Sheriff, Witllnni Stul»blo»t. ThoraiM-t .'^cott. Chn». Titit h'lreet,. (ieorge TAYLOR. .lACHMJ Thorrington, John 143 148 149 161 159 175 179 194 203 L'07 126 127 416 154 211 327 224 152 153 168 323 180 185 112 51 184 208 210 212 Toms, H. P. Tnylor, ^Vftlt^r Talbot, K. R. Tftvlor. ArcliJbaM rbninpson, W. ,}. Tnmlyit, J. E. Towler, W. B. WARRE.%% OK'»RGK WilUon, Crowr! Woodcock. Ihos. It Webster, Alex. Wright N i>t 3. 25 ft 1. 2 80 60 10 V* B, 9 3, 5 4 6 rtn 1, 3. 3. 4. 5 N 5 76 8 pts I A 2 1, 24 ft m 3 10 4&5 m Vt 7 72. 73 123 f 117 3& 19 24 ft Pt 7. 40 ft Kpt7, 12 ft 74, 5 75 2 & 20, 24 ft 4 76 115, 116 4^18 Strkbt. Fmnc*» VictOMA Joiiei>bine Centre Kmnceii Shuter Jolin rosopltise Shulwr .-'liuter Shuter Diigon'l RVI ;'Jos^phine 'Krinces Jnhn iV'icioriA C't«(h«rine Pnik t'eiure I Frances iJo8<>phine < Frances iC'nrnyn ;D«i»gon'l R'd iDiftgon'l R'd |Fr.ince.«* jDiagon'l R'd 'Ca the fin© {Josephine ?>phine ' • .vtoria Frances jJosephin© 'Farm Lot Carling Ter. OiitharinA Josephine Owner '>wner Tenant See Wanl I C»«rner Tenant Owner t »wner Tenant renant Owner (»wner Owner Tennnt Owner Owner Owner Owner See Wards 1 .% 4 Tenant Owner Owner Owner See Ward I IVnant Tenant See Ward 3 Owner Owner See Ward 4 Tenant Owner Owner Owner. — See Wards 1, 3 & 4 Inccne Owner Owner «>wnt»r See Wards 1 Sk 3 Owner See Ward I tJwner Owner Owner See Ward 4 Tenant : :i .1 : I'' \ ■ I I VOTKHS* LiHT.— WaKD No. 2. 10 gj It b o • M k. o s »»! :a 163 .1 171 J 173 43 NAME. YOUNG, JAMKS Young, George Young, Henry YouD^, Jotiepb LKyv. W 4 58 64 67 7U • Strukt. ■lohn France* Fninceii Catherine Owner Owner Owner Owner See Ward 1 PART 11. — Persons entitled to vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. Sj 2 3 NAME. LOT. StKKKT. . .J o i ^ : isroisrE. PART III.— Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative Assembly ONLY. NAME. LOT. Street. NONE. Municipalitf of the Town of Wisgham, PART I.— Pernons entitled fo v..te at H(»TH Munir ipal KIcctionv and KIcctionH to tho liCgislative Assembly. CoihjrinM'lnff thitf j»trti<ttt of thr Totrn ly'niff W^ff of .limpltinr Street, ej fend ill If *o Arthur .Street atnl ^*tvth ot\ Juhn Sfrrrt, to the yurtkerti hoauittirif **( thf Itnvn. 5-: (t. o u 3 >TAME. LU'l. Stmkkt. 1 1 c c S«*: -i H li63 .) AliMSTKdNO, WM. K. 437 Leopold Owner ^M 264 J ArmstiMng. Kotiert 437 Leopold Tenant ^M 274 .) AiketiB, Uobprt 25 El I ward Owner ^M 'J»-2 Ansley, John N ^ 3, Hi h Josppbine W Owner ^M •J9I .1 Adiund. \Vn». Henry 10 Jofepbiiie VV Ten>int ^| 3(17 ,( A^new. John 21 I'aik Lot Owner ^M 308 J Agiiew, Thom;tn 22 f.iik Lot Owner ^M 322 ,r| Anderson, Joseph 4*54, 456 Leopold Owner ^M .See Ward 4 ^M 217 HUURoWs, ROBEKT 413 William Owner ^M ♦J4() Burrowa, CSeorgi* S i 30 Edward Tenant ^M U69 J Bell, Alexander 14 Edward Owner ^M It 37 Minnie Owner ^M ii 4 Josephine W Owner ^M J B«ll, Tbomao 7,84 9 Josephine Owner] ^M ** 17, 18, 19 Edward Owner ^M See Ward 4 ■ 309 J Balfour, James 17&18 Park Lot (Jwner ^M 310 J Hrennnn, Johu 12 Park Lot Tenant ^M 31] J Bruce. Alexmder 12 Park Lot Tenant ^M 310 Brnce, Lewin Joho 3. 4. A Bristol T'r'ce Owner ^B .See Wards 2 <& 4 WM 325 J Bray, W. T. 25 & 26 • Edward Tenant. — See ^M Wards 1, 2 & 4 ■ 330 J Billingsley, Franob 37, 38 Minnie Tenant ^M 158 J Bowers, £dward 23 Edward Owner Hj iSee Ward 2 ■ 216 J CORNYN, R(JBERT 39, 40 Minnie Owner ^H 296 J Cornyn. Thomas 7 .1 rkQOnli inCi Ourn^r ^^H 226 J Campbell, David, 32 Minnie Owner ■ 290 J Campbell, Robert 10 Josephine Tenant ■ 228 J Connell, John 12, 13, pt 14 Minnie Owner ■ 294 J Connell, .John Wesley S pt 2 Josephine W Owner ■ '1 Voters' List. — Ward No. 3. 12 7- . o J d o 55 ;s 332 2')3 275 352 J 303 312 313 28! .1 .1 J NAME. niu'iy. .Fosepli DEACON, ROBERT JjMvidson. Alexander 24 & 29 Dicksou, John 1 10 Strket. J1<)|J 278 241 J 243 .J 244 271 2791 .1 280 1 .1 333 i .1 ELT.IOTT, CIIARI.ES Elliott. Thomas Elliott, Alexiiiid»i' Elliott, George FISHER. PETER GRANT, WILLIAM <iuy, 1 lionius Gregoiy. Ju'in (Jiiffin, Caleh (jieeu^ Walter Goetz, Ignace (io< tz, Joseph (iledliill, Z. 66! ,j !• Iiove.-i ,l;)mp- 295 J TIANNA, J(,)IIN 221 ,[ :Iolnies, .John G. 2591 331 ' 242' 247 328 230 , 232 235 288 249 262 J 305 316 465 Iliitt; Wallace Huftnian, John ifones, Charles Jolins, -John .Iolint>oii, William .M, KINCADE, JOHN Keir, Menry Kerr, William Kerr, George Kinsman, lliohard Korman, Ferdinand Kennedy, Duncan Kinne, Lewis Kent. Sextus 24 16 16 N .1 Edward Minnie Edwfird Josephine W Park Lot P.Trk Lot Park liOt Josephine W 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51 152. William Pi 25 ,1'ark Lot 19 S .i 30 W pt 30 6. 7. 8. 9, 10, 11 471 > .\ 470 27 N pt 2 34 ft N pt 2 34 ft Pts 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 9. l(t, II 411. 412 225 J LOWES, HENRY N pt 4 6. 7. 8 34 20 ^V & N pt 30 432 3 417 9 20 E i 19 467 W i 468 10 492 Pt2 E pt 20 11 Pt 1 & 2 438 i & 2 Edward Edward Edward Bristol T'r'ce Minnie Edward Josephine W Josejiliine W Albert William -losephine Leopold Minnie Edward Edward Leopold Josephine W William Minnie Edward Minnie Park Lot Leopold Leopold .losephine Park Lot Edward •Josephine Leopold Leopold Tenant Owner Owner 'iwner See Ward 4 Owner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner See W'ard 1 Tenant Owner Owner Owner *)wner < >wner Owner Owner Owner Owner (Uvner See Ward 1 t.)wner Owner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner Tenant See Ward 4 Owner O^rner Owner See Ward 4 Owner (Jwner Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner Owner See Ward 4 Owner See Wards 1 A 4 Owner n. . ; I- Voters* List.— Ward No. 3. 13 5-! e o u s 'iil J 'u6U J •266 .1 106 'Jf)-2 J 214 J -"-'3 .» NAME. •j:<6 268 293 :il6 LM5 -;<3 .'48! Llojrd, Charles LcHry, Beitj iiuin Little, William Liiite, John Une, F. G. MATELL, JOSEPH Nfiltnan. James Mongrove, Henry A. J Mnnuel, ThoniiiB J Murray, Eiiwnnl J Meyer, Henry Wm C. •.'56 J 273 298 J 317 J Z'26 .)" 1:'27 276 297 321 J 'I J 335 J 245 .1 252 265 289 299 J J J J Marley, W. Weuley Moore, Willium Millard. Henry McGRATl'AK. J(MIN It Mr('riick»*ii, Jnlm- M«*ManuH, John Mc'l'aviph, Oeorgo McTavisb, Duncan McKay. .John McConnell, William tt McDonald, Peter McKenzie, George t< M Mclndoo, Robert PROCTUK. G. B. Proctor, Joiin P. Passmore. John Petbick, Gerrance Porter, Samuel REYNOLDS, JAMES n Ruttle, Henry Ross, David Roderus, Fred. H. Rockhey, Emanuel LOT. 476 477 8^468 25 4(26 SVBBBT. m Pl8l&2 31(4 35 Ac 36 29 28 A 29 15. 16 ft pt 17 12 to H8 I't 2 17, l«. 28 492 35 & U 26 34 115 9 11. 12, I'd 430, 431 3 and pt 4 1, 2 20 Pt*19, W pt 20 Pi : 12 and N £ pi 22 452 33 and 34 Pll 7 452 8 £ pi 12 433 4! 4. 395 465, 466 S pt 1 10 25 and pta I2& 13 Minnie Leopold Minnie Edward Minnie Park Lot Josephine Josephine W Leopold Minnie EHwarrl Edvfard Minnie Edwaid Josephine Josephine Minnie JoMephine Edw^ird Leopold Miiwiio ' Edward Minnie Edward Josephine Edward Leopold Josephine W Bristol T'r'ce Park Lot Farm Park Leopold Minnie Josephine W Josephine Leopold Josephine Leopold wniium Minnie JoHephine Josephine Park Lot Uwner Owner Owner Owntir See Ward 4 Tenant Owner Tenant Owner See Wards 2 ft 4 Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner See Ward 1 Tenanti Owner Tenant See Ward 2 < »wner Tenant Owner Tenant Owner O^ner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner See Ward 1 Tenant See Ward 1 Owner Owner Tenant Tenfint See Wards I ft 4 Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner 1^ I' 1\ Voters' List. — Ward No. 3. 14 e 2 NAME. LOT. UtRKE't. e t s mx -s .1 31)0 Uockiiey, Willi iin I 14 t'Aik Lot Owner 301 .1 liockh«?y. Thomas Pt 14 Park Lot (-)wner 302 .1 kuokliey, Fiedeiick Pt 13 Park Lot Owner S'JH J UobiDson, John E iS JoBephine Owm^r See W»rd 1 aio STRETTON. WILLIAM N i 435 Leopold Owner 238 J Sutherlan<l, James 30 Edward Owner 24G Stuart, VViiiiiim 432 Leopold iVnant See W*rd I L'54 Stufford. Justua iV .J 469 .Minnie Tenant •.»s;{ Stripp, Fieiloi'irk S ^ 5 33 ft Josephine W TnnanI :i84 Stowe, William S i 5 33 ft .fost'pliinp W Owner •• N i 5 A 6 Josephine W Owner 285 J Srayth, Uenry 5J£6 Josephine Tenant See Ward 4 'M .1 Smyth, William 5*6 Josephine Tenant 34(J J Scott, Walter 7, 8. 9 Josephine Owner k • 17, 18, 19 Edward Owner •See Ward 4 314 .1 Stewart. Duncan s pt 4 Jrjsephine W Owner 3:in J Smith. S. J. 4.-.2 Leopold renant See Wards 1 & 4 11:' .1 I'AMLY.N', .J. 12. 475 Minnie Owner *k 448 Leopold OAMier 277 J Prevfttt, FI. ,L 23 • Edward See Wards 1 & 2 IVnant 323 J lail.ot, E. K. N pt 470 Minute Owner. — See 224 J Taylor. .Jncob H&4 Leopold Ward a 1, 2Jk 4 Tenant See Ward 2 *)>i'2 Pennant, A. S ^ 435 Leopold Owner 220 .] VAUXKY, OOlfA'iK • 436 Leopold Owner 229 J WAIT, ALONZO 10 Minnie Owner ti 41^ William Owner 237 J Williams. Abel m K'iward Tenant 336 £%m • .1 Wells, G. P. 31 Minnie <^wner See Ward } 251 Wiliou2h»>v. Henry 463. 464 Minnie Owner 267 .1 Wiso, Wiilinm 12 Kdward Owner 270 J Williaaia, Charles E. 27 Edward Tenant 287 324 .1 J Watt, John Ward. Peter 1(1 :^96, 397.398,399,400 Park Lot William See Ward 1 Owner Owner 218 J YOUHILL, SAMUEL 434 Leopold Owner 'it '1 , i Voters' List.— Ward No. 3. 15 PA.liT II. — Pev-Hons entiled to vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. r. . O J NAM£. LUT. STn«»T. I^JOIS^E. PART III.— Personn entitled t<» vote at EloctionH to the Legislative A.«seiii»»ly ONLY. . .i O NAME. LOT. Stkbht. isroNE. 1 Pj Ci o VOT EHS' T.IST. 1879. Hiiiiiclialiif 0f the Town of Wiagham PART I.— Persons entitled to vote at BOTH Election- and Elections to tl»e Legislative Assembly. Compridfiff that portion of i^. Town lyivg Ead of Jo.yhrnc ^tred m,d ioHh of John Sh'a't, and the, ayvtnniatwn thereof to the hMern hoaodary of the 'J own und 2iorthrd,f to the Aorihrn boundary of the same. e o { 3 843 Sfi4 - 36r> 447 Z12 ALLEN, THOMAS Angus, ,l!\nies AndArsoii, John AiiM, Allan J Anderson, Jo!»»*|»h 338 339 35! 389 '.13 ^04 427 319 325 337 353 394 4U5 BELL. JOHN Bell, Thomas Riiiley, William Burgess, Jarae^ BurgpSH, James Belhune, Alexander Brnden, Kotert •« Bennett, A. 11. Brace, Lewis John Bray, William Thomas CUURIE, JAMES It Corrigan, Simon Cooper, John Clark©, Henry 21 13 Ft 2 rt2 25, '.6 51, 52 3 rt2 4 93 50, 51 S \n» I & 2 4&5 4 Vi 14 43 I't2 56, 57 8 .^90 l4.b 5 .losejihine (Jentre Fatra Lot Farm Lot .fof-epliine Shuter Maple CarlingTer. Josephine ratrick JosepViine E Fr.'incea Frances Patrick Patrick Maple Josephine Patrick Farm Lot John Josephine Centre Josephine Centre X" lani.cB Patrick Tenant Tenant Owner Owner See Ward 1 Owner Owner Owner Owner See Ward 3 Tenant ()wner See Ward 3 Owner rienant j Owner Owner See Ward 2 Owner Owner Tenant Owner Owner See Wards 2 A 3 Owner. • — See Wards 1, 2 it 3 Owner Owner See Word 1 Owner Owner ( )f»nAp iTenant i VoTKHs' List.— Wakii N<i. 4. 17 8 J e o 1 406 .1 420 .f 436 .'! 4oS .1' NAMK. 4J'J' 423 441 64 34J .1 409i .? 43H; J 3341 ,1 1771. J f 39;;: .1 344 iiUO .1 1 3S4 3i>r) .) 42S 449 .1 379 403 128 J J 424 •J 4.*) 2 460 J 463 425 42) 341 .1 J 367 J ('iiiitcliii. Arthur < ^oiiiyii, Willmu <'ri)we, Fi'Miutis ("unit", Cliii,-5toj)her DAVIS. riENUY l)all:is, CroniMe Diiwson. AU'.xii»(ler Oi.iiuoixt, I'pter l)insley. .lohii I)ick.s«)n, John KLDKU. .KHIX. it Kn>Iey. Williiuu A. Iviiiie, Itohei'l Hllioit, Williiiui FHH(irs<)N. JAMES Klyim, I'll tl»olouj<'w • • iFowler, W. O. French, (ieoige Forgie, AiexaiuhT Fiie;.'fiii, iJobert Fleuly, JiiruHs t JIM. A 111), LKVI (iiiUiain, Edwin Gordon, A. 1). (iregory, Tliomi>!> it (JalbniitJi, .S. VV. (Jilroy, rhomns Green, Andrew HAMILTON. JAMES nendei.HOM, 11. l>. Holmes, Tljomas 4 k 5 I-; i 13 A- 14 84. 85. S i 86 8 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 9 k li ^ 'J { k 4 1. 1 !. « 24 ;V_». r>3 17. 18 ;i8. 3'.» 20 6 A 7 N \ yu 1\ 13 ft < n 2 A 3 94. <J5 40, 41 ir> lleayn. Janjea 3 ft 14 11. 12 20 12 ft 34, 14 36, 37 ■SS, 18 «9 |! .t 14 .ti4 l't8 33, 34, 36, 36,37 f^TKUKT. fatiick Shut*'! i.'arlinn Ter .louephine Cailierine Vntre CeiitiB Shuter Mii())e JohOphine Moland Centre Kranc^Hs Shuter I'iitiiok Josejihine Centre FianceH •'o.sepiiinM Ten tie Sliuter Faini FriinreH Fiances Patrick Jose{dn'itu Alfml falrick .lot*e|ihine Centre E Centre W Josephine Josephine Patrick (Jailinjj Ter. Catherine Josephine Josephine Josephine Centre Alfred Tenant Owner ( (wner ( )wner Owner t >wner ' )vvner t )wner See \V«r<l I Owner See Ward I Owner Owner Owner See Ward 3 Owner )wner Tenant Ten.tnt Owner o»ner Owner ( )wiier Tenant OAfner See Ward 1 < )wner ( (wner See VVard 1 Owner i )wner See Ward 2 Tenant It wner TenJint See Wfird 2 Owner t )wner ( iwper See Wjird 2 'Tenant < *wner See W.-ird 'i <.)wner <>> ler Owner Owner Owner Owner Owner VoTK.iis' List.- -Ward No. 4. 18 3y2 410 3f)'.» 44(» 182 328 232 m) 3lfi 374 407 46.') 417 260 354 378 Sf)'.) 9") .391 > 39S 422 214 400 346 348 349 350 363 370 373 IlickH. riioaiii!! ([)irnlin, Tliomis HikstiiigM, .lolin lliibkirk, .lolin INMJLIS, VV. W. .lolINsroX. .lolIN lohiiriton, .liiiiien .lohnntoii, Williiim M KEkU. IIHNKY jKerr, Kobert Kinti»», i-ewi.H Kinne, \ViIIinrn Kent, Cliarlos Kent, SextUH J j Kennedy, George W. .J!m-:aiiy. henjamin Linton, W. (*. liinkliiter. Peter Strbrt. N pt 2 \ 13 5 14 VJ 17 49. 50 i 7. 8 7.8 23, 24 7. 8 93 6 NrAUi.owE, uoiii<:Kr J M;.rlin, W. II. MillfirJ, ArtJiur Moore. Thomas Mftrtin .lanies Matell. JoHPph Murray, John McC'UTCHEnN, W. J. McKay, Mathias McDougail, Donald McDouiijall. Doiigall McAlhine, .lames McKenzie. Thomas McDonald, Alexander 15, 16 28, 29 22 k : >3 8cfe 9 8 9 44, 45 2 7 53 N ptfi 1&2 22. 23 1 1 Pt. 2, 46 ft Pt 2, 46 ft Pt 2 10 19 Npt ] 2 Frances Owner Maple Owner Frances Tenant KraiireM ()wn-.M' Shuier Owner Alfred < )wnpr W'vM Owner Maple Owner Centre Owner Catherine Owner Spp Ward 2 .losephine Owner Sep Ward i Catherine Owner See Ward 3 Albert < )wn*^r Alfred Owner See Ward 3 Alfred Owner Shuter Owner Centre ( »wner Carling Ter. Owner Shuter Owner Spp Ward,- 1 A 3 "^huter Tenant See Ward 2 Shuter < Iwner See Ward 2; .Io8Pphine Income (.'entre Tenant Albert Owner Albert 0.vner See Ward 1 Frances Tenant Centre Owner See Ward 1 Shuter (^wner Catherine Owner See Wards 2 A 1 Patrick Tenan Josephine Owner .losephine {"►wner Centre Owner Josephine Owner Josephine Tenant Farm Lot Owner Alfred Owner Patricl; Ovtrner Jane Owner I VoTKRs' List.--Ward No. 4. 19 « 1 • cc ___. . "^ O NAME, LOT. Strukt. 6 o 3 376 J MoLennan. Uodeiick 1 Maple ' )wner ; 387 391 .1 McLaren, Jiiiufs 42 M'ances ' )wner J McDon.'igh. ,)<)lui 44. 45 i''iiince.s* )wner 402 Mclnnis, poiiald 14. 15 .'en tie )wner 408 J MoOuire, James 22 Shuler ' [Jwner See Word 2 411 M(!C,'aiice, .John 19 Slmler .)wner See Ward 2 418 McMullen, (tporge 1.5. 16 Shuter Owner !• 54, 55 Frances Owner " 437 J McKinley, l)uiii'an 38. 39 Patrick Owner : t< 48 France? (Jwner 443 McKUtljovi, (ieorge !() .lo-^pphine Owner i u 10 i Jen I re Owner See Ward I 446 McDonald, A. (i. 4 .Josephine Owner 44S Mc(;j>rlriey, liev M. 9 .Josephine ')wner 453 Mc(;iymoiit, Win. Alex. .i Sliuier Owner 454 J McClymont, lliomiis 6 Shuter Owner See Ward 1 113 Neeland.s, John 9 & 10 .J ohn Owner See Ward 1 397 J Nicol, Er.skine 10 Centre Oivner it Storelionse G. W. R. Owner 356 .1 I'AYNfi. (JEUIUJK .5 ■Josephine Owner 381! .J I'roolor. .John George 30 Shute.' Owner 3'jy ,J I'fuslpy, Davnl N ptb I A 2 P.i trick Owner 429 Phil!i|(5<, Henry 7 .John Owner ;( 25 Roland Owner 321 J Pethick, (ieranee 40, 41 Catherine Owner ' See Wards 1 & 3 451 Powell, ..^ihn 1 & 2 Maple Owner 421 .1 Park, lluisey E \ 13 & 14 Sliuter Tenant 38S J liORKllTSON. VVM. 43 Frances Owner 430 .1 Keading, .Joseph Epts 13 & 14 Shuter Owner See Ward 1 36 Ritchie, .John 3 Shuter Owner See Ward 1 283 J sriilPP, KUEDEKICK 4 Centre Owner r See Ward 3 340 Scott, Walter 1 Patrick Penant See Ward 3 415 Scott, Ci. \V. Pt 14 .Josephine Tenant 345 Shaw, .Jame.s 27 Shuter Owner 347 Strong, Ilichard Sidney Spt 14, J9ft .Josephine Tenant 355 Simmons. li. P. 5 -losephine Owner 357 Sadler, Win., sen. 1. 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13 .Josephine Owner " It 14, 1.5.20. 21. 22,23 Josephine (Jwner a 24, 25, 26, 27 .losephinQ Owner 358 Sadler, Wm. -J., jr. 5 Alfre<l Owner 442 .Sadler, Robert 16 .Josephine (jwner : ii 8 Centre Owner 362 Saint, James 5 A 'Alice Owner o O VoTKUs' List. — Wakd No. 4. 20 O NAiME. WW Street. ' 6 o s ^X 372 Smith, John N pt 12 Jane Tenant 28 f) J Smyth. Henry 46, 47 Frances Tenant 395 .[ Siiirk. U. S8 A 89 Frances Owner 3*)fi .1 Smith, William S8 & 89 France* IVnant 4'2 J Smith. William l't2 John Owner 4lfi .1 Snell, John S 2 John (Jwner 32(j J Smith, S. J. 40, 41 Catheiine Owner See Warda 1 & t 32.S .1 rALBor. E u. 6 & 7 (Jentre Owner 414 .) Towe, William 20 •>huter Owner 152 J rhonington, John a Centre Owner See Ward 2 3.% .1 WELLS, G. I». 1, 2& 3 Alfred Owner "<ee Ward 3 377 .1 Wells, Robert 8 Sc 9 Centre Owner 43.3 Wylie, 'I'homaa 58 John (•wner 456 VVill.s<)n, Benjamin !8. 19 .1 osepliine Owner n 10. 11 Centre Owner (< 44 Calling Ter. Owner See Ward 1 lilO Wooilcock, Diomas 33 Catherine Owner See Ward 2 29 YULE, WILLIAM '^> Alice Owner See Ward 1 431 J Young, John 50 Frances i.'wner 439 .1 Young, Trueman 6 Centre Tenant o J c c PART 11. — Peitsons t-iititled to vote at Municipal Elections ONLY. LOT, NAME. iStkkkt. NONE. PART III. — Persons entitled to vote at Elections to the Legislative A.ssemblv ONLY. LOT. Street. I NONE. I,: Wingha of ths \ by the ! Eleotioi constiti to be ei omit ioi have th Dal ^ I, BABTaOLOMEW FLYNN, Clerk of the Municipality of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, do heret)y certify that parts Ofae and Three of ths within list, constitute a correct list for the year 1879 of all persona appearing by the last Assessment Roll of the siiid Municipality to be entitled to vote at Elections foi Members of the Leiiislntive A88enil)ly, and that parts One and Two constitute a correct list for the said yn.n- of all persons appearing by the s>&\d Roll to bf entitled to vote at Mun;cipal Elections in said Municipality And I hereby call upon all eieciors to examine the said list, and if any omib iOns or other errors are perceived therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 17th day of July, 1879. BARrHOLOMEW i'LYNN, Town Clerk. I