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PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY BARNES AND COMPANY, 84 Prince William Street. ! ;^S^S^^:S30i:^£^^3£ieOS£gS^^I^O^^gS^^Si^r| "r. >»»'" ■i^ > --,-s IS"?/ Harold Gilbert's New Carpet Warehouse 18 MARINR \ND FISHERIES, ETC. [1891. Marine and Fisheries Department. Hon. Charles H. Tuppei-, ^linister of Marine and Fisheries. J. H. Harding. Esq., Asent for New Brunswick, of Light Houses, Marine Hospitals, Signal Stations, Steam Fog Alarms, Buoys and Beacons, and Fisherie.,. J. Mitchell, Inspector of Light Houses, Marine Hospitals, Signal Stations, Steam Fog Alarms, and Buoys and Beacons for New Bninswick. FISHERIES DEPARTMENT. District No. 1.— County of Charlotte and its Islands. Inspector, Capt. Pratt, of the Cruiser "Dream. ^ , , , District No. 53. -Counties of Restigouche, Gloucester, Northumberland, Kent and Westmorland. Inspector, R. C. Chipman, Dorchester, District No. 3.— Counties of Albeit, St. John, Kings, Queens, Sunbury, York, Carleton and Victoria. Inspector, David Morrow, Oromocto. Light Houses in Bay of Fundy. CAPE SABLE, on Cape, latitude 4;3d 23in 19s. longitude 6.5d .37m lis, revolving white light; bright 1.5 seconds, dark 25 seconds. Seen 12 miles in clear weather. Octagonal white lighthouse, 53 feet above high water mark. A steam fog whistle on southern point of Cape, elevated about 40 feet above high water, sounds a blast of 10 seconds duration in each minute WEST HEAD, CAPE SABLE ISLAND, on the Head, latitude 4&d 2rm 17s, longitude ()6d 3»m lOs, fixed white light. Seen 11 miles in clear weather. Square, white, wooden lighthouse, 42 feet above high water mark. Visible from all point« seaward. Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels. STODDARD ISLAND, m N. W. point of Island, latitude 43d 28m 308, longitude tj.")d 48m lOs, fixed red light. Seen 9 miles in clear weather. Small, square white tower, 22 feet above high water mark. To guide vessels into the anchorage of Stoddard Harbor and Shag Harbor Sound. BON PORTAGE ISLAND, on S. Point, latitude 43d 27m 16s, longitude 65d 44m j9s, revolving red light every minute. Seen 12 miles in clear weather. Square, wooden lighthouse, with dwelling attached, 46 feet above high water mark. For guiding vessels into Barrington, West Bay and Shag Harbor, Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels, PUBNICO HARBOR, Beach Point, E. side of entrance, 120 yards from low water mark, latitude 43d 35m 45s, longitude 65d 46m 54s, fixed white and red light. Seen 11 miles in clear weather. Square, white lighthouse, with dwelling attached. Wooden building surmounted by iron lantern. Open westward of St. John's Island, bearing N. E. by N., clears the ledge; in making harbor from any other direction, the light must be brought to the northward of E. N. E. before it can be steered for to avoid shoal spot off St. Ann's Point. Shows white towards harbor and red seaward. ABBOT HARBOR, on S. extremity of Abbot Island, latitude 43d 39m 25s, longitude 6od 49m 30s. fixed white light. Seen 8 miles in clear weather. Lantern on a mast, 40 feet above high water mark. Will be kept up from i 1st April to 1st October each year. AKGYLE,_ on S. point Whitehead Island, Yarmouth County, latitude 43d 39m 40s, longitude 65d 52m 4s, fixed red and white li^ht. Seen 12 miles in i!lear weather. Square, white, wooden lighthouse, with dwellingattached, 115 feet above high water mark. For guiding vessels into Argyle Harbor. TUSKET RIv ER, Big Fish Island, S. W. Point, latitude 43d 42m 10s, longi- tude 65d 57m 15s. Two fixed white lights, horizontal, 24 feet apart. Seen 12 miles in clear weather. Squure, white, wooden lighthouse, 50 feet above high water mark. VJsible seaward; in windows each end of a dwell- ing house. SEAL ISLAND, on S. point, one-eighth mile inland, latitude 48d 23m 34s, longitude 66d Om 52s, flxea white light. Seen 18 miles in clear weather. Octa- .gonal white lighthouse, 98 feet above high water mark. A fog whistle near ligh chouse sounds in each minute a blast of 5 seconds duration, and after an interval 5 seconds another blast of 5 seconds. PEASE ISLAND, S. point, one of the Tusket Islands, latitude 43d 37m 35s, longitude 66d Im 40s. Two lights—a revolving red and white, 56 feet above ' ^Hi>! ( \ 64 Kin^ Street, St. John, N. B, 1891.] LIGHT HOUSES. 19 high water mark, visible 12 miles in clear weather, ani a. fixed red, 40 feet above high water mark, visible 4 miles in clear weather— 16 reet apart vertically. Each color of the revolving red and white visible 15 seconds, 45 seconds between flashes. Wliite, square wooden lighthouse, with dwelling attached. The revolving red and white light is a sea light visible from all points of approach from southward, also through Schooner and EUenwood Passages. Hand fog horn answers signals from vessels Fixed red light to mark channel between Old Man and Old Woman Rocks. Visible only between bearings W. by N. i N. and N. W. by W. ELLEN WOOD ISLAND, lighthouse proposed to be erected. YARMOUTH, CAPE FOURCHU, E. Cape, S. point, latitude 4.3d 47m 28s, longitude 60d i(m 20s ; intermittent white. Light li minute ; dark i minute. Seen 18 miles in clear weather. Vertical .stripes, red and white, octagonal tower, 117 feet above high water mark. Fog whistle on W. side sounds 10 seconds every minute. LURCHER SHOAL WHISTLING BUOY, in 18 fathoms i mile W. of Shoal. Iron buoy with 10-inch whistle. Shoal lies 15 miles W. N. W. from Cape Fourchu light. GREEN COVE, or Maitland, on outer end of westerly breakwater, latitude 43d 59m 5s, longitude 66d 9m 30, fixed red light. Seen 7 miles in clear weather. Mast, with white shed at base, 33 feet above high water mark. Will be kept up only from 15th April to 15th November, each year. BUNKER'S ISLAND, on end of reef, off 8. W. point of Island, E. side of e;itrance to Yarmouth harbor, latitude 43d 48m 30s, longitude 6*;d 8m 45s; fixed red light. Seen li) miles in clear weather. The lantern on a dwelling- house, built on a wooden pier. To guide vessels into harbor. Visible from southward, between N. E. by N. and N. } E Also over Stanwood's Beach when bearing from S, J E. to h. E. i^ E., but cannot be run for on those bear- ings, only entrance to harbor being through Yarmouth Sound and round Cape East. Fog bell sounds at intervals of 15 seconds. Light 27 feet above high water mark. CAPE ST. MARY', E. side of Bay, latitude 44d 5m 20s, longitude 66d 12m 40s; alternating red and white light every 30 seconds. Seen 17 miles in clear weather. Octagonal white lighthouse, 103 feet above high water mark. METEGHAN RIVER, at extreme end of breakwater, latitude 44d I3m 43s, longitude, fi6d 8m 12s; fixed green light. Seen 6 miles in clear weather. Vertical red stripes on seaward side of lighthouse, lantern painted black, 23 feet above high water mark. Beacon for guiding vessels into river. Must be left on starboard hand and passed close aboard. Tide leaves breakwater one hour before low water. CHURCH POINT, E. side of St. Mary's Bay, Digby County, latitude 44d 19ni 55s, longitude fi6d 7m 35s; fixed red light. Seen 10 miles in clear weather. Square, white, wooden lighthouse, 36 feet above high water. BELLIVEAU COVE, on outer end of E. pier, latitude 4 miles in clear weather. Lan- tern on pole, witii brown freight shed. Light 88 feet above high water mark. Aisible from N. N. E round by W. to S. S. \V. Light is .'536 feet from shore, and 3.50 feet from outside of sunken crib. SIIAFNER'S POINT, on N. side of Annapolig River, latitude 44d 42m 40s, longitude ()."Jd 'd'i m 8s ; lixed red light. Seen 8 miles in clear weather. Square, white wooden lighthouse. Light 55 feet above high water mark. Indicates Goat Island Slioals. ANNAPOLIS, on water's edge of Engineer's Lot, N. E. of Government pier, latitude 44d 44rn 51s, longitude G.5d 31m Os: fixed red light. Seen 7 I miles in clear weather. Square white, wooden liglithouse. Light 30 feet ! above high water mark. Visible from all points seaward. After passing I the black buoy off Marsh Point, vessels ascending may run directly for the I light on E. by N.i N. course to the anchorage just b^low the old Government ! pier. Pve high water mark. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. LITTLE DYKE, on western head at entrance to Follj^ River, latitude 45d 22m 40s, longitude 6;5d 33m l.'is; fixed red light, seen (Smiles in clear weather. Lantern on a mast, 25 feet above hijjh water mark. Visible f roi i all points of approach. Kept lit during the fishing season. SPENCER POINT, nn N. shore, at mouth of (Ireat Village River, latitude 45d 2.3m 30s. longitude 03d 37ni Od; fixed white light, seen 11 nules in clear weather. Light in window of a building, 35 feet above high water mark. Lit during navigation. I'ORTAPIQUE. on western head, at entrance to Portapique River. latitude 45d23m lOs, longitude 03d 43m 30s; fixed led light, seen (i miles in clear weather. Lantern on a mast, 30 feet above high water mark. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. ECONOMY, on point of bar running out from N. side of entrance to Econ- omy River, latitude 45d 22m 45s, longitude ()3d 54m 56s; fixed red Hght, seen 5 miles in clear weather. liantern on a, 15 feet above high water mark. Visible from all points of approach. Kept lit during fishing season. PARRSBORO, OR PARTRIDGE ISLAND. W. .side of river, latitude 45d 23m Os, longitude (54d 19m Os; fixed white light, seen i) miles in clear weather. Square, white lighthouse, with lantern on dwelling 3~ feet above high water mark. CAPE SHARP, on southern extivmity of Cape, latitude 4.'>d 21m .55s, longitude 04d 23m 40s; fixed red light, seen 10 miles in clear weather. | Square, white, wooden lighthouse, with dwelling attached. Light 60 feet i above high water mark. I APPLE RIVER, on Cape Capston, on Hetty Point N. entrance, latitude 45d 28m 20s, longitude ()4d 51m ^JOs: fixed white" light, seen 12 miles in clear weather. Oblong, white lighthouse, with tower. Fog alarm wooden build- i ing, white, with brf)wn roof. Light 64 feet above high water mark. Fog j alarm immediately E. of tower. Steam fog horn gives blasts of 14 seconds, with intervals of 46 seconds. ' HILLSBOROUGH WHARF, Petitcodiac River, latitude 45d 55m 1.5s, longi- | tude 64d 37m 4.5s; fixed white light, seen 5 miles in clear weather. Open; frame building. Light 14 feet above high water mark. To guide vessels ; going up the nver and to coal and plaster wharves. i FORT FOLLY POINT, on extreme point, latitude 45d .52m 5s, longitude j 64d 33m 32s; fixed white light, seen 14 miles in clear weather. Square, I white, wooden lighthouse, with dwelling attached ; red lantern, ', i feet ' above high water mark GRINDSTONE, W. part of Island, latitude 4,5d 43m 13s, longitude 64d 37m 25s; fixed white light, seen 12 miles in clear weather. Octagonal, white, wooden lighthouse. Light 60 feet aliove high water mark. Visible from N. E. by E. round by N. to E. by S. In thick weather a trumpet sounds 4 blasts in every minute. WARD'S POINT, Rockport, latitude 45d 43m 45s, longitude 64d 2nm40s; fixed white light, seen 10 miles in clear weather. Square, \vhite, wooden lighthouse. Light 72 feet above high water mark. CAPE ENRAGE, Pitch of Cape, latitude 45d 35m 40s, longitude 64d 47m Os; fixed white light, seen 15 miles in clear weather. White, square Ughthoiise, fog alarm building of gray stone and slated roof. Light 120 feet above high water mark. Visible between the bearings of N. W. round by S. to N. E. A steam fog horn 130 feet S. W. from the lighthouse, at an elevation 100 feet sounds blasts of 8 seconds, with intervals of 20 seconds. it^i^rfiTi Tapestry Carpets in endless variety at 22 LIGHT nOU8B8. 1 1891. ANDERSON'S HOLLOW, on eaatern end of Government breakwater, latitude 4.'Jd 37ni 808, longitude 6^d 4()ni 45h: fixed rt'd liifht, seen fi miles in clear weather. Square, white, wooden liphthouse, with red roof. Light !» L-i-t above high water mark. Visible over an arc of 50} degrees between bearings of N. E. i N. and N. I).v W i W. VeHsels may run f«)r harbor one hour before high water, giving the light 50 feet of a berth on port hand. QUACO PIER, on outer end of E. breakwater, latitude 4r)d 21m 20s, longi- tude «5d 31m 55s: fixed red light, seen (i miles in clear weather. Square' white wooden lighthouse. Liglit 20 feet above high water mark. Visible between W. by N j W. and N. W.. and between N. i E. and N. E. by E. The deepest water m entering the inner harl)or is close to the light. QUACO, WEST HEAD, on pitch of Cape, St. Martin's, latitude 4.5d lOm 30s, longitude (Wd 32ni 10s: revolvnig white light eveiy 20 seconds; seen Ki miles in clear weather. White, s(iuare wooden lighthouse; dwelling attached. Fog building white, with brown roof; wood. X^ight 110 feet above high water mark. General coast light to guide to St. Martin's harbor. Steam fog-horn TO feet from lighthouse gives blasts of 9 seconds, with interval of 30 seconds. QUACO BELL BUOY. olT the reef at West Head, in 14 fathoms, half a mile S. S. E. from light. Black iron buoy surmounted by bell; bell rings by action of waves. QUACO LEDGES BELL BUOY, in 10 fathoms, one-eighth mUe 8 E. of ledges, latitude 45d 14m 2()h, longitude ()5d 22m>10s. CAPE SPENCER, pitch of Cape, latitude 45d 12m 30s. longitude 65d .54m Os. Alternating red and white light every 45 seconds; seen 20 miles in clear weather. White, square, building, with tower; light 207 feet above high water mark. Visiljfe betwaen the bearings E. S. E. round by S. to W. N, W., Partridge Island Light l)eanng by compass N. W. by W. i W. northerly, distant ti| miles. PARTRIDGE ISLAND highest point of the Island, St. John Harbor, lati- tude 45d 14m 20s, longitude (iOd 3m 20s; fixed wliite Ught; seen 17 miles in clear weather; vertical red and white stripes; octagonal wooden lighthouse, with red iron lantern, 119 feet above high water mark. Steam fog whistle sounds for 10 seconds every minute. A oell buoy near E. side of Partridge Island. NEGRO POINT, on the end of Government breakwater, W. entrance to the port of St. John. Fixed red light, seen 8 miles in clear weather; white lighthouse, with red lantern open fmmed, hexagonal tower, on circular stone foundation. ST. JOHN HARBOR, on pier on W. side of channel, latitude 45d 15m 10s, longitude 66d 3m 40s; fixed white light, seen 10 miles in clear weather; verti- cal olack and white stripes. MUSQUASH, E. side of entrance, latitude 45d 8m 35s, longitude C6d •14m 30s; fixed green and white light, seen 10 miles in clear weather; white, square wooden lighthouse, with dwelling attached. Light 112 feet above high water mark; green seaward, white to harbor. SPLIT ROCK WHISTLING BUOY, in m fathoms, ol¥ Split Rock, latitude 45d 7m 10s, longitude 6Gd 14m 50s. Location S. W. by S. i S. from Musquash light, S. i W. from Western head of Musquash, and W. S. W., from Partridge Island. Whistle sounds automatically by motion of waves. DIPPER HARBOR, on S. point Campbell^s Island, latitude 45d 5m 30s, longitude ()t)d 25m Os; fixed red light; seen 6 miles in clear weather; white, square wooden hghthouse, with red roof. Light 30 miles above high water mark. Visible in the bay S. by W. to S. E. LEPREAU, on point, latitude 45d 3m 40s, longitude 66d 27m .398; fixed white light; seen 14 miles in clear weather; striped horizontally red and white, octagonal wooden Mghthouse; lantern roof red. Fog whistle building drab, with brown roof. hite dwelling near by. Light 80 feet above hign water mark. Visible from all points seaward. Fog horn gives blasts of 5 seconds' duration, with intei-vals of 25 seconds between them. Should the horn get out of order a whistle will sound two blasts of 5 seconds' duration with an interval of 5 seconds between, in every minute. LEPREAU WHISTLING BUOY, in 23 fathoms, 1 mile S. S. W. from light. Whistle sounds automatically by motion of waves. Harold OUlMrt'l, M ling Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] LT HT IIOUHK8. 28 DREW'S HEAD, on W. side of Beaver harbor, Charlotte County, latitude 45(1 8in I5s. lonsfltudn (Mkl 44ni Od; fixed white lifrht; seen 10 miles in dear wcutlu'i'; white, wjuuiv wooden liKhthouse, Li>,'nt 45 feet above hij^h water murl<; seen nt all p*)ints l)etween *'ust<'tii and western heads of harbor. PEA POINT, E. side of entrance to IKtanK Harbor, latitude 45d 2in aOs, lonjritude btid 4Hni 40s; fixed K'een lieht; seen 10 miles in clear weather; white, Hciuare wooden lighthouse, with dwellinK attached. Liffht 61 feet abf)vt' hifch water murk. Visible from E. round by S. to N. An iron spindle, painted black, on the Urey Mare Led^e, marks the W. side of entrance. BUSH ISLAND, West end of Island, K. side of western entrance to Bliss Harbor, latitude 45d Im 1.5s, longitude Uttd 51m Os; fixed red light; s«*en la miles in clear weather; white, square wooden lighthouse. Light 45 feet above high water mark. LETETE PASSAGE, on Mascabin Point, latitude 4.5d 2m 20s, longitude 66d B.Sm 30s. A fog-tmnipet sounds blasts of 7 seconds, with intervals of 80 seconds between them. MIDJIC BLUFF, Passamamuxldy Bay, Charlotte Co., latitude 45d 6m 5.3s, longitude 6t5d .54m .30s; fixed white light; seen 15 miles in clear weather; white, square, wooden lighthouse, lantern brown, 130 feet above high water A bar extends E. N. E. from the lighthouse, and vessels require to keep off a distance of 200 yards to clear it at low water. PORT OF ST. ANDREWS, on Sand reef at E. entrance, latitude 45d,Sm46s, longitude (iTd Oin .5()s; fixed white light; seen 10 miles in clear weather; wliite. square wooden lighthouse on a framed pier. Light 40 feet above high water mark. Also, on N. point of entrance, .same Port, latitude 4.5d 4m IDs, longi- tude OTd 2m .50s; fixed wliite light; seen 10 miles in clear weather; white, octagonal lighthouse, 42 feet al)o\e high water water mark. To guiile to all Ports In inner bay, and to vessels going up the River St. Croix from Letete assage or West Quoddy. There is a depth of 4 feet of water only on the N, W. extension of the reet towards the mainland. Visible between the bearings of N.W. by N. and S. E. by E, MARK POINT, St. Croix River, Charlotte County, latitude 45d 10m IDs, longitude (i7d 12m 30s; fixed white light; seen 10 miles in clear weather; white, square wooden lighthouse. Light 32 feet above high water mark. The course from Spruce Point to ballast ground is E. by S. i S. distance 2 miles. From Sprace Point to Mark Point, w. N. W., distance 2 miles. A vessel after leaving Doucet Island, to clear the reef, should steer N. until the Spruce Point light bears N. W. by W., and thence take a W. N. W. couree. HEAD HARBOR, E. Quoddy Head. N. point of Campobello Island, lati- tude 44d 57m 30s, longitude btju ,53m 52s; fixed white light; seen 13 miles in clear weather; white, octagonal wooden tower, witli red cross; dwelling at- tached. Red iron lantern 04 feet above high water mark. Fog-tnunpet sounds blasts of 8 seconds' dui-ation, with intervals of ;05 seconds between them. LUBEC NARROWS, on Mulholland Point, Campobello Island, latitude 44d 51m 4~s, longitude 66d 58m 50s; fixed white Ught; seen 13 miles in clear weather: wlnte, octagonal wooden lighthouse. Light 60 feet above high water mark. SOUTH-WEST WOLF ISLAND, on S. E. Point of the Island, latitude 44d 56m 30s, longitude 66d44m 10; revolving white light every H minute; seen 16 miles in clear weather; white, square wooden lighthouse. Light 111 feet above high water mark. Lantern on dwelling, visible from all points of ap- proach. SWALLOW TAIL, Near edge of high cliff, N. E. part of Grand Manan, latitude 44d 45m 48s; longitude 04d 44m 2s; fixed white light; seen 18 miles In clear weather; white, octagonal, wooden lighthouse, with dwelling and outbuildings near. Light 148 feet above high water mark. Visible between the bearings of S. W. rovmd by S. to N. W. LONG EDDY POINT FOG- WHISTLE, extreme N. W. head of Grand Manan; white wooden buildings, with dark roof. A steam fog-whistle 80 feet Low-priced Tapeatry Carpets at 24 LIU IIT lIOU8H,8— HATES OF PILOTAdK. [1891' aVK)ve hiifli wiitHr. soiiiids IdastH nf 1 seconds" dui'ntioti, with inttrvals of 10 seconds between tlieni. OHANI) HAKHOK. (Inind Miuian. lutitnde Hd lOiu 'v's. lonRitnde Odd 45ni fis; flxi'd wintc lit,'lit : seen II miles In elenr weiuiier; winte, si jniu'e wooden liKJitlionse; dwelllnu altiiehed. LJK'tit -H) tVet above Id^li water mark. Visible IVoMi Mil jpoints s'liwui'd. HIC) Dl'CK ISI.ANI) FOGHORN. S. end of Isl.and. latitude ttd 41ni .H lon),'itiide tltid llni U)s. Fo^'-liorn sounds blasts of (1 seconds' duration, witli intervals of M5 seconds. SOUTH-»VKST IIKAI). (Jrand Manan, latitude -tld ;JOni O.s, loiif^ltude «fl(l 54in l(is; revolviiiK i<'d and white lifjlit ; :) red tlashes 40 seconds, eelipise ^0 seconds: ."1 white Hashes 10 seconds, eclijjse iO seconds; seen "^4 miles in clear weather; white. s(|uare wo(»den lij?hthouse; dwelling attached. Kevolvinp red and white lijjlit: 8 red flashes 40 seconds, ' Eclipse aO " a white tlashes, 40 •' Eclipse yO " Minutes 8 OANNET HOt'K S. of tirand Jlanan. latitude Ud :JOm :Ws. louKi^-'de (Kid 4Tm Oh; intermittent white li«ht; seen t:.' miles in clear weather; octaj^onal, wooden liKhthouse, vertical black and white sti'ipes. Light 60 feet above hifjh water mai'k. Intermittent white light, 4.5 seconds. A fog-horn is tired once an Kdipse .'j^ •• hour. Dangerous rocks extend T-'lasli 4i^ '" 4 miles eastward of the light- Eclipse 5-i " house. — tJO seconds. MAt'IIIAR SEAL TSLAND, near tlie middle of the Island, latitude 44d .'lOm 7s, longitude (li'dOm Pis: fl;ced white liglit: white, wooden liglithouse. Light .')4 feet above high watermark. .\lso, 04 yards from the other; ll.ved white liglit; wliite, octagonal wooden Light OtJ feet above higli water mark. Tti range will lead (J miles S. of Miu'r Ledges. A fog-whistle sounds 5 seconds in each half minute. LKJIITS IN RIVER ST. JOHN. -Green Head, Sand point, Flewelling's Landing. Belyea Point. Willianrs Landing. Oak Point, Hatfield's Pint, Hatlield's Point Rangi'. Palmer's Landing, Muquash Island, Hendry Farm. No Man's Friend, Jemseg. uromoclo Shoal, Wilmot Bluff. Cox pt)iut, Mc- Mamrti Point. Kobertson Point. Fanjoy Point. Pilotage District of the Port of St. John. INV,AKD8. Rates of Pilotage for all sailing vessels entering and leav ing the Port of St. John, N. B.: First District, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing N. W., per foot draft of water, ^L.'iO. Second District, from Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, N. W., per foot draft of water. S1.7T). Third District shall be from the outside limit of the Second District to a bound Tanging from the north head of Grand Manan to Liberty Point, bear- ing N. \V. by W., Norf.h Channel; and from Machias Seal Island to Cape Sable Seal Island, bearing S. S. E., South Channel ; per foot draft of water, %2.2:i. OUTWATjnS. From the Harbor of the Port of St. John, N. B., to outside of Partridge Island, per foot draft of water, ^l.^'.'j. Down the Bay of Fundy, when required, shall be $2.00 per foot draft of water, over and above the one dollar and twenty-five cents Harbor Pilotage outwards. TRANSPORTING. If any Pilot shall be employed in the removal of any ship or vessel within the Port or Harbor of St. John, from any mooring ground to any wharf, or •t Harold Gilbert's, fi4 King Street, St. John, N. B. ■«,?( 1801.1 RATR8 OP PILOTAOB. 25 fi'Din any wharf tf) any inoorln;; K>"ouiid, or from one wharf to another wharf, and such jiilot hTuiII hch said vt'ss»oorln>j Kround or berth, if such removal tak'^' place within twenty-four hours after the arrival of such ship or vessel as al'oresaid, without any extra change for the same. For ves.sels not over 100 tons, jfl..')0; over 100 touH and nH exceeding 200, $a.(H); over ;iOO tons and not exeeediuK :'.00, $3,00; over a0() tonH and not exceeding 4(H). $1,00; and twenty-live <■« ts additional for every fifty tons such vessel n>ay measure over f>ur hundred tons. All steamers, not exemj)t by the Pilotage Acts shall pay the following rates of pilotag'' for entering or leaving the port of St. John, N. B. : INWARDS. Fir.Ht Dlstricl, from Partridge Island to Musquash Head, bearing N. W., per foot draft of water, $-^W. Sieoud District, from Musquash Head to Point Lepreaux, N. W., per foot drnft of water, .ft»..')(). Third DiHtrict shall bo from the outside limit of the Second Di.strict to a bound laiiging from the North Head of Grand Manan to Liberty Point, bearing N. W. by VV., Nortli Cliannel; and from Macliias Seal Island to Cape Sable Seal Island, bearing 8. S. E., South C'haimel, per foot draft of water, $3.00. OUTWARDS. From the Harbor of the Port of St John, N, B. *,o the outside of Partridge Island, per i'oot draft of water, S;.T.'). Down the Bay of Fundy. when required, shall be ft2.75 per foot draf' of over and above the ^I.IT) Harbor Pilotage outwaids. TRAXSPOllTINO. If any Pilot sliall be employed in the removal of any St' tmer \ 'bin the Port or Haibor of St. John from any moorin;; ground to an, \vhar >r from any wharf to any moori.ig grountl, (ir from one wharf to anotlni' w! --f and such Pilot shall see the said Steamer j.roperly secured or moored, 1 ''! I)e entitled to demand and ivc;'ive for such service as follows: Provided ulw, '^ that if on the arrival of any Steamer into the Harbor of St. John, circum- stances prevent such Steamer from being placed on the tnooiing ground or at the berth intended by the master, ownei" or consignee of mk h Steamer, it shall be the duty of the Pilot piloting .such Steamer inwanl., i pilot the same when being removed to sucn mooring groui ' or bertn, if sucii renu.val takes place within twenty-four hours after the ai.ual of such Steamer as aforesaid, without extra charge for the same: For all Steamers not over 100 tons, la.OO; over 1(X) tons and not exceeding 200, 5J2„'j0; over nJOO tons r.nd not exceeding 3tK), $:5.7."i; over 300 tons and not exceeding 400, $.5.00, and 30 cents additional foi- every fifty tons such Steamer shall measiu'e over 4tX) tons. It being imderstood if a Steamer drop two anchors in the Harbor on i ariival, she is considered moored, and any removal is a transportation. The following are Licensed Pilots : Thos. Traynor, Richard Cline, J. L. C. Shei-rard, John Sproul, Samuel Rullu-rford, Daniel Mulherrin, James S. Spears, .James Mcl^artland, Charles Daley. James Reed, jr., Richard Scott, William Millar, Henry Thomas. James Doyle, Alfred Cline, James Murray, Wm. Quinn, Patrick Conlin. .fohn Thomas, Henry Spears, E. J. Fletcher, Bartlioh)mew Rogers, .John .Spears (3rd), William Scott. Patrick Traynor, Robert Thomas, Tlios. John Stone. Joseph Doherty, Wm. Lahey, James E. M-intle, Plulip George Doody. James Bennett, Martin Spears. Jo u McAnulty, for Musquash H. D. Troop, C mnan. R. C. Flkin, W. E 'itooM, CaPF. vV.\f. Thoma". Board of i^ ot Commissioners, Chas. McLauchlan, Jr., Charges S. Taylor, KinVAKl) 1 -ANTALL'M, J. U. I'HUMAS, Secretary. WBBUSm Send to Harold Gilbert's for Patterns 26 RATES OP WHARFAGE — TOP WHARFAGE, [1891- Bates of Wharfage. Estalliahed by Act 5 Vict. c. 39, in the City of Saint John and City of Portland. For every decked vessel or woodboat of the burthen of 40 tons and under, 30c. per day; 40 and '.nider 50 tons, 35e.; 50 and under 60 tons. 40c. ; 60 and under 70 tons, 45c.; 70 and under 80 tons, 50c.: 80 and under 90 tens, 55c.; 90 and under 100 tons, 60c. ; 100 and under 120 tons, 70c. ; 120 and under 150 tons, 80c.: 150 and under 180 tons, 90c.; 180 and under 200 tons, $1.00; 200 and under 220 tons, ijl. 10: 220 and imder 240 tons, 1.20; 240 and under 260 tons, l.:^0; 268 and under 280 tons, t.40- 280 and under 300 tons, 1.50; 300 and under 320 tons, 1.60; 320 and under Mo tons, 1.70; 340 and under 360 tons, 1.00; 360 and under 380 tons, 1.90; 380 and under 400 tons, 2.00; 400 and under 4.50 tons, 2.25; 450 and under 500 tons, 2.50; and 25c. for every addi tional 50 tons. Top Wharfage. Anchors and chains of all i'inds, per ton of 2240 lbs., 2.'5c; ale and beer per hogshead, each, 7c; ale and beer per barrel, each, 3c; ale and beer per half barrel, earh, 2c; ban-els of laisins, pitch, tar, cement, plaster of paris, whiting, b .x,ns, pea.i>, and barley, each, 3c; barrels of flour, bread, meal, onions, iipijles, and potatoes, each, Ic: half-barrels of the same, each, ic: barrels ui salt provisions, an(' pickled fish, each, 2c; half -barrels of the sa; ae, each, ic; firkins and kegs of all kinds, weighing 28 lbs. and over up to 56 lbs, each, ic; weighing under 28 lbs., each, ic: ballast, per ton of 2240 lbs., lOc. bricks, per thousand. 20c; coals of all kinds, per ton of 2240 lbs., 5c; crates; casks, and cases of glass and earthenwai-e, per ton of 40 cubic feet, each, lOc; barrels of the same, each, Ic; carriages and coaches, each, 10c; carboys; each, Ic; clay and chalk, per ton of 2240 lbs., lOc; cattle, viz., bulls, oxen, and cows, each, 10c: cattle, viz., heifers, calves, sheep and lambs, each, 2c, coflFee, cocoa, nuts, walnuts, and other kinds of nuts and filberts, in bags, each bag, Ic; fish, dry, per quintal, Ic: fish, per hogshead, each, lOc; fish, per tierce, each, 5c: fish, smoked herring, -per box, ic; glass, in boxes of 100 feet, each, Ic: glass, in smaller packages, each, ic; grain, and roots of all kmds, per lOO bushels, .30c; horses, mar^s, and geldincrs, each, 10c; hay, screwed, per ton of 2000 lbs., 20c; hay, unscrewed, per ton of 2000 lbs., 30c; hides, green, each, ic ; hides dry, each Jc ; hides, in bales, each bale, 10c ; hollow cstr. iron ware, terra cotta, and iron piping, and loose stove castings, p. ton, 25,c hampers, each. ^ c : lime, hogshead, .5c ; lime, p. barrel, 2ic ; lumber of all kindsi per lOOO superficial feet, lOc: laths, per thousand, 2c; liquors and liquids, per pipe, each, lOc: liquors and Uquids, oer hogshead, each, 7c; liquors and »:quids. per quarter-cask, each, 3c; minerals of all kinds, coals excepted, no' manufactiu-ed, per ton of 2240 lbs., 10c; molasses and melado, per hogshead, each, 7c; molasses and melado, per puncheon, each, 7e; molasses and melado, per tierce, each, 5c; molasses and melado, per barrel, each, 8c; oil, parafflne, benzine, and kerosene, per ban-el, each, 4c: raisins, in boxes, per box. ic; raisins, in haif-boxes, per box, ic; raisins, in quarter-boxes, ict sugar, per hogshead, each, lOe; sugar, per tierce, each, 7c; sugar, per barrel, each, 3c; salt, in sacks, each, ic: salt in half-sacks, each, ic; salt oose, and rock salt, per ton of 2240 lbs., lOc; stoneware, crocks, demliohns, each, ic; slate, per ton of 2240 lbs., lOc; stone, of all kinds, per cubic tont 10c; sand, per on, 5c; shingles, per lOOO, 2c; railway iron, iron, iron in bars, bolts, sheets, plates, nails, spikes and pigs, per ton of 2-^40 lbs.. 20c; tea, in boxes, each, 2c • tea, m half-boxes, each, Ic; tea, in smaller packages, each, ic; timber of all kinds, undressed, per cubic ton, 10c; waggons, buggies, fjigsandothervehicles, each, 10c; wood, lath and fire wood, per cord, lOc; zinc, in sheets, bar, blocks, nails and spikes, per ton, 20c. All empty packages to pay half the rates of full packages, and on all goods, wares, and merchandize, not hereinbefore enumerated and rated, to pay at the rate of twenty cents per ton, weight or measurement, at the option of the collector, lessee or proprietor of the wharf whereon the goods maybe placed. "V/henever horse or other power is used in moving to and fro on the sur- face of a wharf to assist in the loading or unloading of any vessel lying at or near a wharf, on, or in respect to which top wharfage would be recoverable fe of Carpeting before baying. '4 1891.] HARBOR MASTER S FEES, ETC. , ETC. 27 if the articles were actually landed on or discharged from such wharf, and the articles are laden from or flischarged on any lighter or other vessel, or otherwise than on or from the wharf, in every such case onelialf the Schedule Rates of Top Wharfage shall be receivable and recoverable on all articles so laden or discharged. Harbor Master's Fees. On vessels 30 tons and under 50 tons, 50c. ; vessels of 50 and under 75 tons, 75c.; 75 and under 100 tons, $1.00 100 and under 150 tons, 1.25; 50 and under 200 tons, 1.50 200 and under 300 tons, 2.00; 300 and under 400 tons, 2..50; 400 tons and under 500 tons, 3.00 500 tons and under 550 Iwns, 3.50, 6.50 tons and under 600 tons, 3.75 and 25 cents for every additional 50 tons. Fish Market Dues. For every Salmon, 3c. Codfish, Pollock, Bass or Shad, each Ic. halibut; not exceeding 20 lbs., 2c. exceeding 20 lbs, and every 20 lbs, 20. eveiy Lobster, Ic. dozen of Haddock, 3c. everj' 100 of Gaspereaux, Alewivjs Herrings, or other small flsh, 3c. Rates of Slippage at Corporation Slip. All decked vessels, same rates as for wharfage, woodboats, or other boats, or undecked vessels, having standing masts, and all scows, and not lying at the wharves on either side of the Slips, to pay the following rates: Everv Woodboat of sufficient burthen to carry 10 cords of wood or under $0.60 Ditto Ditto upwards of 10 cords, and not more than 15.. 1.00 Ditto Ditto upwards of 15 cords, and not more than 20. . 1.50 Ditto Ditto upwards of '^O cords 2.00 The above is to be paid each trip ; and if any such vessel remains over six days, an additional duty to be paid of from 50 cents to $1 dally, accord- ing to the burthen. Other boats and vessels without decks, and having fixed or standing masts, and all scows, to pay 30c. each trip, and 30c. addi- tional per day, if suffered to remain over three days. Tolls at the Haymarket. Hay, per cwt, Ic, Straw, per cwt, J^c ; Shingles, per M, 4c ; Cedar Posts, per dozen, 4c; Wood, per cord, 4c; .luniner, per ton, 4c; Spars, to 9 inch, each, 2c ; do, over 9 inch, each, 4c ; Planks, per M, 32c ; Boards, per M, 16c. Hardwood, Ash, Birch, Maple, or other hardwood logs, each, 2c; Staves, hardwood, per 100, 2c; do, softwood, per 10l\ J^c Hoop Poles, per 100, Ic. Every load not exceeding one thousand pounds weight, 30c ; and 2c for every additional hundred-weight— payable, half by the seller, and half by the purchaser. MMWHmMMMH Tapestry Carpets in Brussels patterns at 28 MARKET TOLLS, ETC. ri89i. Market Tolls. Beef, per quarter, 4 cents; Hogs of 200 lbs or under, 4c, and every addi- tioaal 100 lbs Ic: iSheep, Lamb, Goat or Veal, per carcass, each, 4c; Butter, tub, pail, jar or firkin, of 10 lbs and under, 2c; every additional 10 lbs, Ic; Butter in rolls, and lard in cakes, for every 10 lbs, or under, 2c: Tallow, for every 10 lbs, or under, Ic: Cheese, for every 10 lbs. or under, Ic; Potatoes, per iOO lbs, or under, 2c: Turnips, per 100 lbs, Ic: Oj'sters, in tubs or other vessels, per gallon, 2c: do, in shell, per bushel, 2c: Turkeys, each, Ic: Geese each, Ic: Pigeons, per dozen, Ic: Partridges, Fowls or Ducks, per pair, Ic: Flour or Meal, per 100 lbs, 2c: Oats, per 100 lbs, 2c: Peas and Beans, per 100 lbs, 50 ; Ham, Shoulders and Bacon, per piece, Ic: Eggs, for every 10 dozen, or under, Ic; Beets, Carrots, and Parsnips, per 100 lbs, 3c; Apples, per 100 lbs, 5c; Plums, per 100 lbs, 5c; cherries, per box, i^c; Cucumbers, per dozen, Ic Fish, smoked, per 100, 2c; Sugar, maple, for 10 ibs, or under, Ic; every additional 10 lbs, Ic; Socks and Mitts, per dozen pair. 3c; Yarn, woolen, per lb, Ic; Corn, green, per dozen, i^c Peas and Beans, green, per 10!) lbs. 5o; Onions, per 100 lbs, 3c: Cabbages, per dozen, 4c; Berries, for 5 quart pail, Ic; do, for 10 quart pail, 2c; Moose, Cariboo and Bear, per quarter. 4c, Deer, per quarter, 2c; Hides. Ox or Cow, each, 4c; Skins, Sheep, each 2c, Skins. Calf, tanned or untanned, each, 2c; Wool, per lb. Ic; Feathers, per lb, Ic; Salmon, each, 2o. All other articles not enu- merated, 2 cents on each dollar of value. Time for Going Through the Fails. The Falls are level or still water at about three and a half hours on the flood, and about two and a half on the ebb, so tliat they are passable four times in twenty -four hours, about ten or flfteen minutes each time. No )ther rule can be given, as much depends on the floods in the River Saint )o!m, and the time of high water or full sea, which is often hastened by high winds, and in proportion to the height of them. Time Bail. The Time Ball on Northern Tower of the Custom House building will be hoisted half its elevation each day ^Sundays excepted at flfteen minutes before one o'clock. At one minute before one o'clock it will be hoisted its full height; and at one o'clock, meau time, the Ball will be dropped. A Chronometer, keeping correct Greenwich tune, should then show 5h 24m. 15s., and the difference between this and the time shown by a Chronometer, is its true error on Gi'eenwicb time at the moment. As the above hour of one o'clock, when the Ball drof s, represents .5h. 24m. 15s. at Greenwich, the error of a chronometer may be ascertained no matter where the ship is lying. Masters of vessels arriving at St. John shouk'. compai'e their Chro- nometers with the Time Ball, as it will enable them to gef the sea rate, which frequently varies from harbor rates. Latitude 45d. iHm. 42s. North; Longitude in time 4h. 24m. 1,5s. West of Greenwich. Any shipmaster entering this port, keeeping a meterological register, ■who may be desirous of having the accuracy of their barometers verified, can do so by comparison at the Observatory, Customs building. GEOR J E HUTCHINSON, Director. ■t Harold Gilbert's 54 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] RATES OF CARTAGE. 29 Rates of Cartage in the City of Saint John. DISTRICTS ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. j 1st,' 2d. i8d. |4th.|5th. 6th.|7th. 8th For a load of Wood (Quarter of a Cord), - For a load of Coals (Half a Chaldron), For a load containinf? 1350 lbs. of Grain, Salt, Potatoes, or any other articles measured at loadinj;^ or unloading, except Coals, For a pipe ul »Vine, Gin, or Brandy, and housing within 'he door of the first floor, For a puncheon of Rum, or a tierce of Sugar, from? to 10 cwt., and housing, . . . For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of lOcwt. or upwards, or a hogshead of Tobacco, and housing, .... For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Fish, of 15 cwt., and storing, . For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Head- ing, Staves, Treenails, Smo ed Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits, Dry Goods, or a load of any 'other article not herein mentioned, or ahogs- 'head of Lime, or a hogshead or crate of Earth- enware, or two tierces of Earthenware, a hogshead of Dried Fish, two tierces of Coffee, 'or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., ori la load containing 6 bags Salt, say about 1350 lbs., or a load containing 6 brls. Flour, or 5 brls of Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Turpentine, Cider,] |or half a ton of Iron, or the same quantity ofj {Cordage in coil not exceeding 4 cwt., or a {load of any articles not lurein mentioned, - I For a 64 gallon cask of Wine, Uum, Gin, Brandy, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel, or Stones, or a load of 4 brls. Of any Spirituous Liquor or Molasses, - i For Cables and Cordage, in coils above a |3wt., or if to coil, per ton, or if for Hay loose, per ton, For Hay, screwed, per ton, . . . - For Bricks, per thousand, .... For Lumber, per thousand feet, For the carriage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, . . . . |l c. IG 25 IT 60 $ c. $ c.>$ c. I c. $ c.$ c. 18 20 28, 80 20' 22 68| 65 23 25 28 83 85 87 25 68 80 88 85j 87 40 48| 45 48 25 28 80 88 15 20 18 28 28 25 28 1 001 05 50; sol 601 54 85 66 1 10 57 90 70 10' 13 15 28 70 40 50 85 25 30 1 151 20 60 9.' 75 64 1 00 80 18 20 80 78 42 68 88 $ c. 30 40 88 76 28 33 42 86 78 451 47 55 40 58 48 80 83 85 88 88 1 25 1 80 1 85 67 70' 73 1 05 1 10 1 15 85i 90| 95 23' 25I 28 For Household Furniture, without reference to distances, single horse load, 75c. ; more than one Ihorse, $L5U ; and when agreement is by the hour, single teams, 60c., double team, .$1. The First District to comprise all that part of the City lying between and within the North side of Union Street, the East side of Prince William Street, and the South side of Duke Street. Second Didrict to comi)rise all that part of the City outside of the First Dis- trict, which Ilea between and within the East side of Mill Street, near the City ine, North side of Pond Street, East side of Peel Street, North side of Carleton Street, East side of Coburg and Charlotte Streets, and South side ot Queen Street. Third District to comprise all that i' irt of the City outside of the Second Dis- trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the East side of Dorchester Street, North side of llazen Street, East side of Garden Street, North- erly side of Paddock Street, Easterly side of Waterloo Street, East side of Sidney Street, and South side of Safnt James Street. Fourth District to comprise all that part of the City outside cf the Third Dis- trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, to the Westward of 'i^ Union Carpets at LowPrioes at Harold Gilbert's 30 BATES OP FERRIAGE. [1891. line at right angles to the eaid City line, and which strikes the intersection of the Easterly line of Coburg with the Northerly line of Hazen Street, the Easterly side of Coburg Street, Northeily side of Cliff Street, VVesterly side of Waterloo Street, Northerly side of Richmond Street, Easterly side of Brussels Street, Eas- terly side of Carmarthen Street, and Southerly side of Main Street. Fifth District to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Fourth Dis- trict, that lies between and within the City line on the North, the Southerly line of the General Public Hospital Grounds, the Northerly side of Jordan's Alley (so called), lying between Waterloo and Brussels Streets, Easterly side of Brussels Street, Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint Patrick Street, Easterly side of Wentworth Street, and Southerly side of Main Street. Sixth Dintnct to comprise all that part of the City outside of the Fifth District, which lies between and within the Northerly side of Clarence Street, Easterly side of Saint David Street, East side of Pitt Street, and South side of Main Street. Seventh Distnet to comprise all that part of the City lying to the South of the South side of Main Street, and to the East of the East side of Pitt and Saint David Streets, and to the South of the North side of Clarence Street. Eight^h District to comprise all that part of the City lying to the Northward of the North side of Clarence Street, to the Eastward of the East side of Brussels Street, and Northward of the Northerly side of the ^aid Jordan's Alley, and Northward of the Southerly line and bound of the General Public Hospital Grounds. Rates of Ferriage Across the Harbor of Saint John. PRINCKSS STREET FERRY. Foot passengers, 1 cent: children under 5 years of age in charge of adults, are to pass free. Each horse, mare or gelding, 5 cents. Ox, cow, or other large animal, Ty cents. Single wagon or sleigh, not loaded, 4 cents. Single wagon or sleigh, with horse and one man, 6 cents. Single wagon or other one-horse vehicle for hauling purposes, with horse-load and one man, such single team load not to exceed two thousand pounds weight, 6 cents; same as last mentioned, without load, 6 cents. Double wagon or sleigh, not loaded, 12 cents. Double wagon or conveyance for carrying passengers, horse and one man, 12 cents. Double wagon, or other vehicle for hauling purposes, with horse-load and one man, such load not to exceed four thousand pounds weight, 12 cents; same as last mentioned without load, 12 cents; if load over prescribed weight, in any case, an added rate for every additional one hundred pounds weight of one cent. Barrel, 2 cents; bag, containing 2 bushels, 2 cents; firkin, keg, or box of like size, 1 cent; cask of lime, 4 cents; pipe, hogshead or puncheon, 15 cents; for every fifty pounds weight, and not exceeding one hundred pounds weight, of iron, steel, or other article, not hereinafter enumerated, 1 cent: if above one hundred pounds weight, for each additional fifty pounds wei§;ht, 1 cent. All other things and articles not hereinafter enumerated, to be in proportion to the aforegoing scale of rates. No load of greater weight than four tons weight, including the vehicle on which the load is carried, shall be permitted to go upon the floats or ap- proaches to the ferry, or upon any ferry boat; and there shall be no privi- lege for the carriage, by ferry, of any weight greater than four tons in any load. CoEPORATioN ANonoRAOE.— Vessels not exceeding CO tons, 75c.; SO to 100 tons, $1 ; 100 to 150 ( ^ns, $1.25, 150 to 200 tons, $1.50; 200 to 2.50 tons, $1.75; 250 to 800 tons, $2; 800 to 350 tons, $2.25; 850 to 400 tons, $2.50; 400 to 450 tons, $2.75; 450 to 500 tons, $8 ; 500 to 550 tons, $3.25; 650 to 600 tons, $8.50 ; 600 to 660 tons, $8.75 ; 650 to 700 tons, $4 ; 700 to 750 tons, $4.26 ; 760 to 800 tons, $4.60 ; 800 to 850 tons, $4.75 ; 850 to 900 tons, $5; 900 to 950 tons, $5.25; 950 %• 1000 tons, $5.50, and 25c. for each additional 50 tons. i Y'. 100 tons, i; 250 to 150 tons, ; 600 to too tons, ; 950 t* 1. ■•3: 1 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] RATE!? OF CARTAGE. 31 "I Rates of Cartage in Carleton. ARTICLES AND WEIGHT. DISTRICTS. IsT.I 2d. 8d. ,4th. 6th. ;6th. 7th. I c. I c. I c. I c. 1. For a load of Wood (quarter of a cord), - 2. For a load of Coals (half a chaldron), - 3. For a loao, containing 15 bushels of Grain, Salt, Potatoes, or any other articles measured at loading or unloading, except Coals, - 4. For a pipe of Wins, Gin, or Brandy, and hous- ing within the donr of the first floor, - 5. For a puncheon of Rum, or a tierce of Sugar, from 7 to 10 cwt., and housing, - 6. For a puncheon of Molasses, a hogshead of Sugar, of 10 cwt. or upwards, or a hogshead oi Tobacco, and housing, . . . . 7. For a hogshead or puncheon of Cider, or a load of Dried Pish, of 15 cwt., or a common load of houHehold Goods, and storing, - 8. For a load of Shingles, Hoop Poles, Staves, Heading, Trenails, Smoked Fish in boxes, Salmon in kits. Dry Goods, or two half-hhds. lime, or a hogshead or crate of Earthenware, or two tierces of Earthenware, a hogshead of Dried Pish, or wo tierces Coffee, or quantity in bags not exceeding 12 cwt., or a load con- taining 6 brls Flour, or 6 brls. Sugar, Fish, Beef, Pork, Tar, Pitch, Turpentine, or Cider, or half a ton of iron, or the same quantity of Cordage in coils not exceeding 4 cwt., or a load of any other articles not herein men tinned, 9. For a 64 gallon cask of Wine, Rum, Brandy Gin, Molasses, or Porter, or for a load of Sand, Gravel, or Stones, or a load of 4 brls. of any Spirituous Liquors, or M classes, 10. For Cables and Cordage, in coils above 4 cwt. or if to coil, per ton, or for Hay loose, per ton 11. For Hay, screwed, per ton, • 12. For Bricks, per thousand, . . , 13. For Lumber, per thousand feet, 14. For the cartage of any article or articles not exceeding half a load, - - - . . 18| 15 251 28 17 20 60 80 68 40 43 25 18 80 22 65 85 45 28 80 20 83 26 68 88 48 I c. $ c. 9 c. 28 25 28 86 37i 40 28 70 40 8C 88 78; 76 42'; 45 1 50 58 65 16 18 20 20 28 I 88 85 88! 40 281 25 25 1 00 1 06 1 10 60, 54' 67 80 85i 90 60; 65 70 lOi 18 16 28 15 60 95 75 18 28 80 801 83 85 1 20 64 1 00 80 20 1 251 80 67 70 1 05 1 10 85 90 2H 26 The First District to comprise all that part of Carleton lying north of Rodney street, and west of Front Row. The Second District to comprise that space lying beyond the first District north- ward of Rodney street, extending west to Ludlow street. The Third District to comprise the space lying beyond the second District northward of Rodney street, extending west to Watson street. The Fourth District to comprise the space lying beyond the third District north- ward of Rodney street, extending west to the City line. The FifUi District to comprise the space lying south of Rodney street, and east of Maine street. The Siath District iocova^nte the space lying beyond the fifth District, and be- yond the south line of Rodney street, and extending west to Ludlow street, and to the north side of Germain street. The Seventh District to comprise all the space lying beyond the sixth District. For Uandcartmen and Porters for loading and carrying any articles on any handcart, and housing according to the following scale : — For the First District 5 cents; Second District, 6 cents; Third District, 7 cents; Fourth District, 8 cents: Fifth District, 9 cents; Sixth District, 10 cents; Seventh District, 11 cents Linaleums cut in one piece at Harold Gilbert'!, fi' I'ji Mi! 32 ECJUATION OF TIMK — ECLIPSES. [1891. All the calculations in this Almanac have been adapted to " Mean Time" at St. John, except the Sun's Declination and the " Eciuation of Time," which are for Mean iS^oon, Greenwich. * Mean Time " is that shown by a. well-regulated clock, and differs EQUATION OF TIME FOR APPARENT NOON 1891- Jan. Feb. Mar. April. May June. Jaly Aug. Sept. Oct- Nov. Dec. < tS) SI. & SI. !?/ SI. & SI. ^Ft ®Ft. &si (jtSl &Ft. &Ft. (S» Ft- 0Ft. fi M. S. M. H. M. S. M. M.. M.S. M. S. M S. M. S. M. 8. M. 8. M. a. M. 8. 1 3 45 13 48 12 33 3 59 2 .59 2 27 3 32 () 07 04 10 18 16 20 10 52 ?, 4 13 lo 5(3 12 21 3 41 3 06 2 18 3 43 () 03 23 10 37 16 21 10 29 3 4 n 14 02 12 08 3 23 3 13 2 08 3 55 5 59 42 10 56 16 21 10 05 4 5 r814 08 11 55 3 05 3 19 1 58 4 (iO 5 54 1 01 11 14 16 20 9 41 5 6 35 n 13 11 42 2 47 3 25 1 48 4 16 5 48 1 21 11 32 16 19 9 17 fi 6 02 14 18 11 28 2 30 3 30 1 37 4 27 5 42 1 41 11 50 16 16 8 51 7 G 28 14 21 11 14 2 13 3 34 1 26 4 37 5 35 2 01 12 07 16 13 8 25 8 6 54 14 24 10 59 1 56 3 38 1 15 4 46 5 2S 2 21 12 24 16 09 7 59 9 7 19 14 2(5 10 44 1 39 3 41 1 03 4 56 5 20 2 42 12 40 16 04 7 33 10 7 44 14 27 10 29 1 23 3 4i 51 5 05 5 12 3 03 12 56 15 59 7 05 11 8 08 14 28 10 13 1 07 3 46 39 5 13 5 03 3 2.S 13 12 15 53 6 38 12 8 31 14 27 9 57 51 3 48 27 5 21 4 53 3 44 13 27 15 45 10 13 8 54 14 26 9 40 tt 35 3 49 1.5 5 28 4 43 4 05 13 41 15 37 5 42 14 9 17 14 24 9 24 ri()3 4.j 02 5 35 4 32 4 26 13 55 15 28 5 13 15 9 38 14 22 9 07 Oo ;. 49 10 5 42 4 21 4 48 14 09 L5 19 4 45 in 9 59 14 18 8 50 10 3 48 23 5 48 4 09 5 09 14 22 15 08 4 16 17 10 19 14 14 8 32 24 3 47 36 5 53 3 56 5 30 14 34 14 57 3 46 18 10 38 14 09 8 ) i 38 3 45 49 5 58 3 43 5 51 14 46 14 44 3 17 19 10 57 14 03 7 5/ .52 3 43 1 02 6 02 3 30 6 13 14 57 14 31 2 47 20 11 15 13 57 7 39. 1 05 3 40 1 15 6 06 3 16 6 34 15 08 14 17 2 17 21 11 32 13 50 7 21 1 18 3 37 1 27 6 09 3 01 6 55 15 18 14 03 1 48 22 11 48 13 43 7 03 1 30 3 33 1 40 6 12 2 46 7 16 15 27 13 47 1 18 28 12 04 13 34 6 44 1 42 3 29 1 53 6 14 2 31 7 37 15 36 13 31 48 24 12 19 13 26 6 26 1 53 3 24 2 06 6 15 2 15 7 58 15 44 13 13 18 25 12 33 13 16 6 07 2 04 3 18 2 19 6 16 1 ,59 8 19 15 51 12 55 12 26 12 46 13 06 5 49 2 15 3 12 2 31 6 17 1 43 8 39 15 57 12 37 42 27 12 58 12 56 5 31 2 25 3 06 2 44 6 10 1 26 8 59 16 03 12 17 1 12 28 13 10 12 44 5 12 2 34 2 59 2 5(5 6 16 I 09 9 19 16 08 11 57 1 41 29 13 21 .... 4 54 2 43 2 52 3 08 6 14 51 9 39 16 12 11 36 2 11 30 !l3 31 4 35 2 51 2 44 3 20 6 12 33 9 59 16 15 11 14 2 40 31 !l3 40 .... 4 17 .... 2 35 .... 6 10 15 16 18 3 09 ECLIPSES IN 1891. I. Moon. A Total Eclipse— May -m-a. 1891. Enters Penumbra at llli. liJm. 40s. a. m. Enters Umbra at Oli. I7m. 4s. p.m. Total Phase begins Ih. !iom. 28s. p. m. Central Eeli))se 2b. 4m. 58s. p. m. ••'.'■ Total Phase (nuls 2h. 44ni. 2fs. p. ra. Emerges from Umbra 3h. 52m. 42s. p. m. Emei'ges from Penumbra 4h. .57m. Kis. j). m. Magnitude of the Eclipse ( the Moon as 1) is 1.299. 'H 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 7 59 7 38 7 05 6 38 6 10 5 42 5 13 4 45 4 16 3 46 3 17 2 47 2 17 1 48 1 18 48 18 12 42 1 12 1 41 2 11 2 40 3 09 ; ? M! 1891.] ECLIPSES — THE SEASONS. 83 Invisible in New Brunswick, as Moon does not rise till 7h. 50m. p. ni., at St. John. II. Sun. An Annular Eclipse— Juiw 6tli. 1891. Beeins on the Earth generally, June 6th, 9h. .S9ni. 10s. a. m., in Ism. Sim. W. Long., anil a.'sd. ISni. N. Lat. Centi-al Eclipse begins generally at llh. 28ni. 4s. a. m., in 171d. 87m. E. Long., and 67d. mm. N. Lat. " 4h. 38m. Os. p.m.. inllOd. 6m. E. u Central Eclipse at Noon, at Long,, and fid. Uni. N. Lat. m. Moon. Central Eclipse ends generally at Oh. 16m. 42s. p. m., in 108d. 21m. E. Long., and 67d. 27ni. N. Lat. Ends on the Earth generally, at 2h.3m. 4(is. p. m., inl7d. &4m. E. Long;., and 45d. 50m. N. Lat. It is invisible in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, though par- tially visible in other parts of Canada, and likewise in all parts of Britain proper, and in Malta, but partially. In Kamtschatka and the Arctic Ocean near, it is viewetl most favorably. A Total Eclipse- November 15th, 1891. Entei-8 Penumbra at 5h. 12m. 28s. p. m. Enters Umbra at 6h. lOm. 52s. p. m. Total Phase begins at 7h. 13m. IDs. p. m. Central Eclipse at 7h. 54m. 40s. p. m. ' ■ Total Phase ends 8h. 36m. 10s. p. m. Emerges from the Umbra at 9h. 38m. 28s. p. m. Emerges from the Penumbra at lOh. H&m. 52s. p. m. Magnitude of t'.e Echpse (Moon's diameter as 1 ) is 1.366. Visible in New Brunswick: the Moon rising to the honzon of St. John an half hour previously. ^ Paj-Wai ^cWpsc— December 1st, 1891. Begins on the Earth generally, December Ist, at 4h. 19m. 58s. a. m., in 75d. 26m. W. Long., and 35d. 46m. S. Lat. Central Eclipse at 7h. 6m. 528. a. m., in l40d. 54m. W. Long., ■ and 64d. 13m. S. Lat. Ends on the Earth generally, at Sh*. 43m. 52s. a. m., in 109d. ' 47m. E. Long., and 59d. 17m. S. Lat. Magnitude of the Eclipse (Sun's diameter as 1) is 0.534. Invisible in New Bamswick. There will be, also, on 9th May 1891, A Transit of Mercury across the Disc of the Svn. External contact at Ingi-ess, May 9th, at 7h. 29m. 30s. p. m. Internal contact at Ingress, May 9th, at 7h. 34m. 27s. p. m. Least distance of centres, 12m. 33.5s., May 9th, lOh. 58m. 2s. p. m. Internal contact at Egre,ss, May lOth, Oh. 21m. 17s. p. m. Extenial contact at Egi-ess, May lOth, Oh. 26m. lis. p. m. Invisible in New Brunswick. The Sun sets in St. John at 7h. lOm. on 9th, and does not rise till 4h. 42m. on the lOth. IV. Sun. The Seasons of 1891— St. John Mean Time. Winter Solstice. Sun enters .:, Winter be^an 1890, December 21, 5h. even'g.^ Vernal Equinox, Sun enters t, Spring begms 1891, March 20, 5h. evening. Summer Solstice, Sun enters o, Summer begins 1891, June 21, at 2h. ev'g. Autumnal Equinox, Sun enters =s=. Autumn begins 1891 , Sept. 23, at 4h. mom. Winter Solstice, Sun enters V3, Winter begins 1891, Dec. 81 at llh. evening. l Harold Oilbert*H New Carpet WarehouBe, 84 CIIBONOLOGY— PUBLIC HOLIDAYS, ETC. [1891. Chronology. Dominical Letter D. Epact 20 Golden Number XI Solar Cycle 24 Roman Indlction IV Julian Period 6604 JEra of Nabonassar 2088 ^ra of the Seleucides 2202-8 JEra of Diocletian . . 1600-1007 ^ra of Spain (of the Caesars) . . 1929 ^ra of Persia (Yezdigird Itl). . . 1261 -■Era of Abraham 3906 Mr& of Mohammed 1308-9 Year of the World, Hebrew, R651- Year of the World, Byzant. 7400 Year of (Jlympiads Year of Rome (Varro) Year of Creation, Usher Year of Creation, Hales Year of the World, Alexandria. . Year of the World, Antioch Caesarian Year of Antioch Yearof Actium Year of Armenia 1839- Year of Tyre 2010- Year of Troy (destroyed). . .3075 5652 7401 2867 2644 5895 7;W2 7393 7883 1939 1921 1340 2017 8076 1. The year 1891 corresponds to the Third Y'ear of the 660th Olympiad. 2. The First day of January, 1891, is the 2,411,7:34th day of the Julian period. 3. Tte Hebrew Year 56.M ends on 2nd October, and 5652 begins on 3r October, 1891. 4. The Mohammedan Y'ear 1308 began on the first day of Moharram, cor responding to the 17th of August, A. D. 1890. Ramazan— the Month of Ab- stinence, 1308, begins on 10th April, 1891. The fhst day of Moharram A. H. 1309 begins on 7th August, 1891. 399 Years 287 Years 139 Years 132 Years 108 Years 107 Years 24 Years since Columbus discovered America, October 11th, 1492. since DeMonts discovered river St. John, N. B., June 24, 1604. since the New Style was adopted in England, September l4th, 1752. since the Capitulation of Quebec, September 18th, 1759. since the United Empire Loyalists landed inN. B., May 18th, 1783. since New Brunswick became a Province, August 16th, 1784. since the Constitution of the Dominion of Canada, July 1, 1867. Public Holidays, Anniversaries, Etc.— 1891. New Year's Day, Janu'y 1 Ash Wednesday, Feb. 11 St, David's Day March 1 St. Patrick's Day, March 17 Good Friday, March 27 Easter Monday, March 30 Easter Tuesday, March 31 St. Geonce's Day April 23 Wfaitson Monday, May 17 Loyalists' Day, May 18 Queen's Birthday, May 84 Queen's Accession, June 20 St. John Baptist's Day " 24 Queen's Coronation " 28 Canadian Dominion Day, . . .July 1 Michaelmas Day J. Sep. 29 Prince of Wales Birthday, . . Nov. 9 St. Andrew's Day, " 30 Christmas Dat, Dec. 25 Christnoas Holidays, " 26-27 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. M m 'I 1891.] CHURCH CALENDAR — ASTRONOMICAL. 35 Brief Church Calendar for 1891. DATE. HOLY DAY. DATE. BOLY DAY. Thu. Jan. 1 TlTKS. " fi Sun. " 25 Sun. *' 25 Sun. Feb. 1 MoN. " 2 Sun. " 8 Wed. " 11 Sun. " 15 Sun. Mar. 1 Wed. " 25 Sun. " 22 Fri. " 87 Sun. " 29 Sun. Apis •' 23 Thu. Sat. Fhi. Sun. Thu. Sun. •4ii May 1 " 3 4 " 17 Circumcision. Epiphany. Septuagenima. Conversion of St. Paul. Sexagesima. Purincation B. V. Mary. Qii innuagesi ma. [Ash Wednesday. Quadragesima. St. David's Day. Annunciation, B.V.Mary. Palm Sunday. Good Friday. Easter. Low Sunday. St. George. St. Mark, Evangelist. St. Philip and St. James. Rogation Day. Ascensiontide. * Whitsun Day. SuN.May 24 Trlnltlde. Thu. " SHCorpus Chrlstl, Th. June 11 St. Barnabas. Apostle. Wed. " "H St. John Baptist. MoN. " 29 St. Peter and St. Paul. Sat. J'ly 25 St. James Zebedei, Ap. Mo. Aug. 24 St. Bartholomew. Ap. Mo. Sep. 21 St. Matthew, Apostle. Tub. *' 29 St. Michael. Sun. Oct. 18 St. Luke, Evangelist. Wed. *' 28 St. Simon and St. Jude. Sun Tov. ] All Saints. Sun. " 22 26th Sun. after Trinity. Sun. " 29 Advent. MoN. " 30 St. Andrew, Apostle. Mo. Dee. 21 St. Thomas, Apostle. Fri. " 25 Christmas. Sat. " 2fi St. Stephen, Proto-M'tyr. Sun. " 27 St. John, Apostle. MoN. " 28 Childermas. Ember Days.— Sprinflr— 18th, 20th, 21st February'; Sttwimer— 20th, 22nd, 2Srd May; Autumn— IQth, 18th, 19th September; Winter— 16th, 18th, 19th December. Rogation Days— May 4th, 5th, 6th. Astronomical Symbols and Abbreviations. © The Sun. • The Moon. ffi First Quarter. © Full Moon. (9 Last Quarter. e Mercury. 9 Venus. ©The Earth. ^ Mars. U Jupiter. ^ Saturn. l?f Uranus. t Neptune. 6 Conjunction. □ Quadrature. 8 Opposition. Q Ascending Node. y Descending Node. ° Degrees. ' Minutes of Arc. " Seconds of Arc. H. or h. Hours. M. or m. Min. of Time. s. Seconds of Time. A. M. Morning. P. M. Evening. N. North. S. South. E. East. W. West. sta. Stationary. perh. Perihelion. Lat. Latitude. Long, Longtitude. m. Morning. a. Aft'noon or Evening Ap. Apogee. gr. Greatest. r Aries, .... 0° 8 Taurus, . . . 33 u Gemini, .... 60 o Cancer, .... 90 Si Leo, ... 130 Tin Virgo, .... 150 =£= Libra, .... 180 ni Scorpio, .... 810 t Sagittarius, ... 840 ■VS Capricornus .... 270 Of Aquarius, .... 300 K Pisces, .... 330 Barlow Bros'. Patent Manifold Blanks MANUFACTURED BY BARNES & CO., - ST. JOHN, N. B. iraf 7 -4^w 0^ - ;w- ws::, \itCL. b pu>zi' 8«nd to Harold Gilbert's for Patterni CALENDAR. 1891.J JANUAKY has Thirty-one Days. 11891, MANCHESTEB, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, Dry Goods, St. John, New Brunswick. Moon'h Chanoks. Last Ouarter. 8r(l day, 5h. 47m. 408. a. m. New Bloon, 10th day, llh. Om. 168. a. m. First Quarter, 17th day, Ih. 48in. 16s. a. in. Full Moon, 24tli day, 8h. Ini. 2-18. p. m. Perigee, llth day, at lOh. afternoon. Apogee, 27th day, at noon. » ITh 2Fri 3 Sat 4;Su 6Mo 6Tu 7 VV 8Th 9Fri 10 Sat 11 Su 12 Mo 13 l\x 14 W 15 Th 16 Fii -17 Sat 18 Su 19 Mo 20 Tu 21 W 22 Th 23 Fri 24 Sat 2.5 Su 26 Mo 27 Tu 28W 29 Th 30 Fri 31 i Sat ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, KTC. [S «4 00 o 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 Circumcision. [destroyed by fire 1832. Partridge Island liighthouse 2nd Snn. aft. Ch'atmas. [Bap.Semin. F'ton, open '36, Epiphany. King» Co. Court. [Mons. Chenet, 1689. Kennebeccasis granted t o'22 800 Me.vjl, RestookR. 1839. t22 N. B. bound. K. Nethds. '3J Ist Sunday after Epiphany. (11) Charter of N. S. 1759. York Co. Eq. Cts., St. John [tO Westmorland Circ. Cts. Kent Co. Court. St. John Alms Ho. burnt '19 Ist Gen. Assem. N.F. 1843. 2nd Sunday after Epiphany. (20) Ind. gtd. U.S. by F.1783 Sunbury Co. Ct., Yo^k Circ. [Ct., bt. John Eq. Court (20) P. E. I, & Magd'nI. gtd. [to Capt. Doublet, 1663. (25)St. Lou. Cast. Que. bt.'34 Septuagesima. Con v. St. Paul Handyside reprimanded 1786 H'y Term Sup. Ct., Northd. [^St. John, Queens, Co. Cts. Lord Bathurst ordered U. S. [prisoners to Louisb'g 1814. (30) K. Chas. I. murd. 1641. 21 21 21 21 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 01 55 50 44 37 30 23 15 06 58 48 39 29 18 08 56 45 33 20 07 54 40 27 12 58 43 27 12 56 39 23 H M. 46 45 45 45 45 45 44 44 41 43 43 43 42 42 41 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 27 iz5 »: 5 " H M. H. M. 22 llaOl 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 StTS Oa04 25 46 12 45 25 15 20 34 52 14 32 38 10 47 39 lla59 41 RISES 1 1 2 3 1 5 6 8 9 42 44 45 47 48 50 52 53 55 56 57 59 47 22 02 50 43 44 5 46 6 49 7 51 8 52 9 52 00l0a56 02!lla59 belly reins reins seers seers eecrs thigs thigs knee knee legs lejjs feet feet head head neck H. IT. 3a41 Oal9 neck leck arms arms brest brest heart heart heart belly belly reins reins reins 19 5 CO 5 37 6 2if 7 29 8 .33 9 40 lOaSl 11m20 0m03 57 1 46 2 34 3 20 4 02 4 44 5 27 6 27 7 27 8 28. 9 29 10 29 11m26 0a09 48 1 24 1 57 2 48! 3 2o TAYLOR & DOCKRILL, IMPORTERS OF Havana and Oerman Cigars^ 84 King Street, St. John, N. B. m m i JV^.^- — I :f h* /Htn' ^l^ of Garp«ting before buying. % fj CALENDAR. 37 1891.] PEBRUABY has Twenty-eight Days. [1891. MANCHESTER, ROBERTSOK & ALLISON, Goods, St. John, New Brunhw ick. Dry Moon's CHAuoKe. Last Ouarter, 2ntl dav, Oh. 17m. 868. a. in. New Moon, 8th day, 9h. 47ni. 58s. p. m. Fii-Ht Quarter, 15th day, 2I». 5m. lOs. p. m. Full Moon, VHrd day, 2h. 54m. lOs. p. m. Perigee, 9th day, at Hh. uioniing. Apogee, aSrd day, at 2h. evening. ^ 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 is w Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat ANNIVEB8 ABIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, ETC. [S " Sexagesima. 17 Purification B. V. Mary. 1 16 2) Rate of Int. 6 p. c. 1786. 16 ,2) First Registry Act 1786. |16 [stnia. laid bef. Legis. 1840 |15 Despatch an. estab. CunardlS (8) Oh. Soc. inst. N.B. 1836.115 Quinquagesitna. Very cold 14 [Friday, St. John, 1861. 14 Queen Victoria married '40. ,14 Ash Wednesday. 104th Reg. 14 [left St. John for U.C. 1813. |13 Sec. and last meet, of Legis.lJS [N.B. at St. John, 1787. il3 Quadragesima. Diff. betw'n!l2 [Gov. & Legis. L. Can. 1834. 12 [Carleton. Lt. Gov. 1785. 11 Site of Fredtn. chosen. T.ll 104 Regiment reduced, 1817. 11 [of Westmorland, 1801.110 Dorchester made EhiretownlO 2nd Sunday in Lent. 1 10 (24) St. Matthias, Apostle. | 9 Div. O Mat. , Kings Circ. Cts. \ 9 LaTourGov. of Acadia,1651i 9 {24)N.B. As. ad. G. Gen. '44' 8 Great Fire, K. Sq. St. J. '49 8 Gen. G.S. Smythe, Lt, Gov.! 7 [N.B. 1817.1 067 49 7 317 137 55 7 37 7 187 69 7 40 7 H.M 21 01 41 21 01 40 19 59 37 16 55 33 6 116: 49 6 27 6 05,6 436 206 576 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 09 07 06 04 03 01 o9 58 57 56 54 53 51 50 M. H. M. 03 8ETH 04 11m13 05 11m40 06 Oal5 0a59 07 08 10 12, It 15 17 .56 05 22 44 06 8 25 9 42 18:10a57 20 RISES 2110m48 23 11m21 24 NOi'N 26: Oa40 39 37 37 41 43 27 29 31 32 34 36 37 38 39 4bl0a54 6 45 7 45 8 47 9 51 o ■<< O i-l seers seers thigs thig«i thigs knee knee legs legs feet feet head head neck neck arms arms brest brest brest heart heart belly belly belly reins reins seers r 4a] 5 09 09 13 8 21 9 10 39 .50 lla49 MORN 0m38 23 06 49 26 08 08 6 09 13 13 9 15 10 IS 11 00 11m38 0a21 52 1 22 1 53 2a25 O. H. WARWICK, IMPORTER OF EARTHENWABE, CHINA, GLASSWARE, BOHEMIAN VASES, And all kinds of Mantel and Table Ornaments, Kerosene LiaBaps, Chlmnies, Etc. Wholesale and Betail at 78 King Street, St. John, M . B. Prices Low Particular attention paid to Wholesale Orders, Low-priced Tapestry Carpets at 88 CALKNDAH. 1801. MARCH has Thirty-one Days. [1891. MANCHESTER, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, ^ Goods, St. John, New Brunswiok. Dry MooN'h {'HANfJEH. Last Quarter, Urd day, 8h. 18ni. IOh. p. m. N*nv Moo. I, lOtli (lay, »■ » o oB 2 to o o M. H. M. 42 BETS seers 43 !)m41 fecrs 44 10 lltbigs 46 10 48 thigH 47 1lM39knee 48 0*40 knee 52 legs 11 legs Wi feet 55 feet 15 head 32 head 50 neck 59 lla05 neck 01 RISES arms 02 9m57 arms 04 10m40 brest O.j 11M31 brest 06 i 0a28 brest 50 51 ,■■2 53 55 f;6 58 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 071 091 10 12 13 14 16 17i 18 29 heart 32 heart 34 belly 36 belly 37, belly 41 reins 43 reins 47 seers 54 seers 19 lla02 seers 21 SETS ;thig8 22 8 47'thig8 < EC H. M. 2a57 24 34 37 6 46 7 57 9 09 10 18 lla27 11m53 0m12 1m03 43 25 06 3 49 33 15 6 17 7 18 8 16 9 13 10 06 iO 58 ilM48 0al9 51 1 23 1 59 2 37 3al9 IMPORTERS OF FINE GROCERIES, FRUITS, TEAS. TOBACCOS, ETC. — - ■* mm 84 King Street, - - St. John, N. B. 30 CJt4W l^ ^^^^'^*^ ^ ^ A/t^ii***^:5i«»^:^^li^/SiL4-^^'%. l^ //WW (A^AC^U^ .04- ^ 24 34 37 46 67 43 25 06 49 33 15 17 18 j*r CALKNDAR. 80 18«1.] APRIL has Thirty Days. ( l«01- MANCHESTER, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, Dry Goods, St. John, Nkw Brunhwick. Moon's Chanokh. I^st Qiiart»>r, siiid day. !ih. dm. 48. a. in. New Mf)on, Hth tliiy, \\\. 'A'ixw. nHs. p. m. First Qimrtcr, 15th day, 91i. 16m. 10s. p. m. Full Moon, ^Mth day, Oh. 41ni. -Is. a. m. PeriKi"*?' '<'tl' il'iy. it t(h.'niorninj<. AiJojfee, l'?th day, at 8h. tnoniin^. a CO w 1 2 3 4 5 (J 7 8 W Th Tri Sat vio Tu W 9Th lOFri 11 Sat 12 Su 13 Mo 14 Tu 15 W 16Th 17Fri 18 Sat 19 Su 20 Mo 21 Tu 22 W 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th ANNlVKnSAnTES, FKSTIVAL8, ^ J OCC'UHHENCES, KTO. » •A 8 [Ni " All Fools Day. Canal B.ofF. i 4 {:& G. St. L. flrstpro. 1800. 4 Sir G. Prevost departed 1815 5 Hon. G. Ludlow, Ist mayor 5 Low Sunday. fSt. J. 1786. ; 6 Old Lady Day. , 6 Northumherland O Kinps Co. \ 6 [Cts., York Equity Cuart,\ 7 Francis L'd Bacon died, 36261 7 (11) Polling lim. to 1 day, '43 7 SirH Head, L.Gov. N.B.'48 8 2nd Sunday after Easter. 8 Great Ice Flood, F'ton, l831. 9 Easter Term Supreme Court. . 9 (14) St. J. Gas Lt. Co. est. '45: 9 Simonds, White & PeabodyilO [land, at St. J. N, B. 1764. 'lO (17)Gt. Fire, Kingston O.,'40'l0 3rd Sunday aft. Easter. ill [Rebellion Lexington, 1775. 11 (20) Blake's vie. S. Cruz, 1657 11 Hudson's Bay Co. est. 1670. 12 St. George. Froude born, '18 12 [Pari. Bldgs. burnt, 1849. 12 Can. Reb. Losses Bill. Can. 13 4th Sunday after J^aster. 13 (26) Eng. vac. Castine, 1815. 13 Kent O St. John Co. Cts. In- 14 [vasion Can. by I)earborn,'14 14 "Novelty" at Woodstock. '37 14 ' H 33 5 56 5 19 5 42 5 04 5 27 5 50 5 12 5 35 5 57 5 19 5 415 03 5 25 5 46 5 07 5 295 50 5 10 5 315 52 5 12 5 32 5 .'52 5 115 315 50 4 094 28:4 464 M. H 45 6 43 6 416 39 6 37 6 35 6 33 6 316 29 6 27 6 26 6 24 6 22 6 216 19 6 17 6 156 14 6 13 6 116 09 6 086 06 6 04 6 03 6 016 59 6 .•j8 6 56 6 55 6 28 29 31 32 33 34 36 1 M. H. M. 23 9m:{0 24 10m26 26 11m33 27 Ua46 2 05 8 22 4 45 6 03 7 21 8 40 9 58 37 llalO 38 HISEH 39 9m22 41 10 18 42 11m19 43 0a21 1 25 2 27 3 28 4 30 5 34 6 37 7 45 8 53 54 10 03 56 llaPi 57 SETS i 58 8m 19 59 9m22 44 45 47 48 49 51 52 53 knee knee legs legs feet feet liead head neck neck neck arms arms bi et t brest i heart heart heart belly ; belly reins H. M. 4a04 5 13 20 21 18 I 9 14 10 06 llaOO lla50 0al6 Cm39 1 29 2 06 2 49 i 3 43 45 45 4 5 6 42 7 37 8 26 9 16 reins 10 07 seers 10 54 seers seers thigh thigh knee knee knee 11m41 0al6 54 1 25 2 20 3 07 3a56 THE LARGEST VARIETY OP EARTHENWARE, ^.^.^^^Ll^^wAriE: -IS -A.T- 0. H. WARWICK'S, KING STREET. PRICES LO\Ar. Tapestry Carpets in Bmssels patterns at 40 CALENDAR. 1891. MAY has Thirty-one Days. [1891. MANGHESTEE, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, Dry Goods, St. John, Ny vvBrinswick. Moon's Chamgks. Last Quarter, 1st day, 9h. SGni. 52s. a. m. New Moon. 8th day, 2h. 51m. 2:is. a. m. First Quarter, 15th day, 2h. 40m. 10s. p.m. Full Moon, 23rd day, 2h. Im. 40s. p. m. Lfvst Quarter, 3{)th day, 2h. .30m. 22s. p. m. Perigee, 5th day, at 5h. morning. Apogee, 17th day, at 2h. morning. Perigee, 31 st day, at 5h. evening. ANKIVEBSARIES, FESTIVALS, OCCURRENCES, ETC. IFri 2iSat 3Su 4lMo 5Tu 6iW 7iTh SFri 9, Sat 10 Su 11 Mo 12iTu 13iW 14 Th 15Fri 16 Sat 17 Su 18 Mo 19Tu 20iW 21 Th 22Fri 23 Sat 24 Su 25 Mo 26;Tu 27IW 28 Th 29Fri 30:Sat SlSu [N St. Philip and St. James. Hon. R. Simoncis died, 1836. Rogation Sunday. B'p Fredericton consec. 1845 York Equity Court. (7) Gt. Flood Riv. St. J. '87. Ascension Day. Holy Thur. John Baker tried at Freder- [icton for conspiracy, 1828. Sunday after Asceneion. (9) Enlistment in N.B., 1838 St, John <£• Carlcton Circ. Cts (12) Counties Kent & Glouc'r [set off from Northum. 1827 Prov. Hall found. F'toii-1786 Charter grant. H. B. Co. 1 (^69. Pentecoet. Whitsuntide City St. John extended, 1889 Charlotte Circuit Court. T. Carleton, L.G. N.B.,1786 Sir G. Carleton, Gov.G. 1786 (18)Un. Emp. Loy. St. J. 1783 (22; Bay Fundy expl'd, 1604. Trioitide. Queen's B. day, '19 Princess Helena born, 1846 St. John Equity Court. Stone St. J. Mech.Inst. laid, Corpus Christi. [1840. (28) Gt. Fire Quebec, 1845. Right of French in N.F. '14. Ist Sunday after Trinity. 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 IS 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 05 23 40 58 15 32 49 05 21 37 53 08 23 38 o2 06 20 33 40 59 11 23 35 46 57 08 18 28 37 46 5.'' H M 54 52 49 48 47 45 44 43 42 40 39 38 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 24 23 23 23 22 22 OQ QQ a CQ » M. iH. M. oi;iom32 02nM49 03: la05 2 23 3 04 06 07 08 09 10 12 4 6 7 8 9 39 56 13 31 46 59 1311 04 14 llauS 15 RISES IOiomOT 18 ilM 17 19 i 0al4 21I 22' 23 24 25 26 27 28 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 29 10 09 30 11 08 31 lla57 32 SETS 33 9m38 34 10m 53 351 Oall 16 17 21 24 30 38 50 01 legs legs feet feet head head neck neck arms arms brest brest brest heait heart bellv belly belly reins reins seers seers thigs thigs thigs- knee knee legs legs feet feet H < H. M. 4a44 5 51 6 54 7 56 8 56 9 57 10 58 lla57 OmOI 45 1 o 3 4 4 5 31 17 01 44 22 59 32 6 23 7 14 8 05 8 56 9 20 10 47 11m48 0a53 42 31 20 07 50 5a33 TAYLOR .,. f CALENDAR. 41 1891.] JUNE has Thirty Days. [1891. MANCHESTEE, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, Goods, Dry '» St. John. New Brunswick. Moon's Chanqes. New Moon, 6th day, Oh. Im. 34s. p. m. First Quarter, 14tn day, 8h. 9in. 46s. a. m. Full Moon, 22nrt day, Oh. 47m. 588. a. m. Last Quarter, sJSth day, 6h. 41m. 52s. p. m Apogee. 13th day, at 9h. evening. Perigee, 26th iay, at Ih. morning. "2* ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, 0CCUHRENCE8, ETC. Mo 2iTu 3IW 4Th SJFri 6iSat 7Su 8'Mo 9Tu 10! W llTh 12 Fri 13 Sat 14 Su 15 Mo IHTu 17 W 18 Th 19 Fri 20 Sat 21 Su 22 Mo 23 Tu 24iW 25Th 26'Fri 27 Sat 28 Su 29 Mo 30 Tu ^N Ship L. Sheffield St. J.R.1786 York Equity Court, York dt [Westmorland County Courts. First Orders Chancery, 1839. (7) First Cholera Quebec, '32. Can. vie. Stony Creek, 1813. 2nd Sunday after Trinity. Halifax N.S. settled, 1749. Trinity Term Supreme Court, [Charlotte County Court. St. Barnabas, Apostle. 45 pers. burnt, Quebec, 1846. (9)St. Johns N.F. burned, '46 3rd Sunday after Trinity. Imp. duties Baltic lumb. , '10 Sunbwy Circuit Ct. St. John [& Shediac Railway inc. 1843. Battle of Waterloo, 1815. (20)St. John N.B. burned,'77 Accession Queen Victoria, '37 4th Sunday after Trinity. Div. tfc 3Iat., York Circ. Ct. Albert cfc Queens Co. Cts. Victoria Circuit Court. Col. Hailes, Pres, N.B. 1816. (24) St. John Riv. disc. 1604. (24) St. John, Apos. & Evan. 5th Sunday after Ti.'nity. (28) Coronation Q. Vic. 1838. J*ladawaska County Court. J I ^ CO •^ 1 S W O ! D M H I » M Q M 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 2.$ 23 23 23 23 23 H.M. 04 4 21 124 19 4 26 33 40 46| 51 56 01 06 10 13 16 19 22 24 25 20 27 27 27 27 26 4 244 234 20 4 18 4 15 4 15 4 20 20 19 19 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 10 19 20 20 M. 35 35 36 37 37 38 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 45 45 45 46 40 46 46 46 46 46 46 CO 8 ^^ S P« s H.M. : la27 head 5 40 head f>4 neck 10 neck 25 arms 39 arms 48 arms 48 brest 36 brest 17, heart lia47 heait RISES belly llM 02 belly 0a05 belly 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 06 reins 10 reins 14 seers 21 i-ecrs 5 31 seers 6 44 thigs 7o54 thigs 8 68 knee 9 52 knee 10 35 legs 11 10 less lla38 feet SETS feet 11m 15 head 0a30head la43|neck 5 J H. M. 6a33 7 30 8 29 9 30 10 33 lla38 0a20 0m44 30 13 55 32 07 38 09 5 40 6 41 7 15 8 09 9 08 10 02 11m20 Oa.39 1 51 2 33 3 21 59 33 5 06 5a45 O. H. WARVV^ICK, IMPORTER OF Earthenware, Chioa, Glassware, Bohemian Vases, and all kinds of Mantel and Table Ornaments, Kerosene Lamps, Chimnies, etc., etc. WHOIiESALE and BETAIIj. 78 KING STREE^T, - > - . SX. JOHN, N. B. Prices Low. Particular attention i)aid to Wholesale Orders. TT V SP Bay Wool Carpets at Harold Gilbert's, 42 CALENDAR. 1891.] JULY has Thirty-one Days. [1891. MAHCHESTER, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, Dry Goods, St. John, New Brunswick. Moon's Changes. New Moon, .5th day, l)h. 44m. 40s. p. m. First Quarter, 14tli day, Ih. 4m. 40s. a. m. Full Moon, 21st day, 9h. 29m. 42s. a. m. Last Quarter. 28th day, Oh. 8m. 28s. a. m. Apogee, llth day, at 3h. evening. Perigee, 2;3rd day, at noon. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2.5 26 27 28 29 30 31 ^ g* ANNIVERSABIES, FPSTIVALS, >* K OCCURRENCES, ETC. P I Sims w Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tti W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tu W Th Fri Canadian Domin. cons. 1867. ! Visitation B, V. Mary. j Very hot Sunday, St. J. 1887. Washirgtonian Revolt, 1776. | 6th Sunday after Trinity. (2) Cartier disc. Mir. R. 1534.1 Kent d; Kings co. cts. Queens i [circ. , York Equity cts. (3) City Quebec founded, 1608 ' [from Eiver St. John, 1768. Gen. Gage withdrew troops 7th Sunday after Trinity. j (14)French Rev. of 1789 began Albert . 3 26 5 42 6 09 4a54 legs 7 56 15 Tu (18) Quebec 8urrendered,1759 3 03 5 43 6 07 5 32 legs 9 09 16 W English took New Y'k, 1776. 2 39 5 45 6 05 6 04 feet 10 04 17 Th Pop. Can. ab't 70,000, 1759. 2 16 5 47 6 03 6 30 feet 10 54 18 J^'ri K. George I. ent. Lon. 1714. 1 53 5 48 6 01 6 55 head 11h41 19 Sat Negro Boy adv. for sale N. B. I 30 5 49 5 59 7 20 head Oa20 20 Su 17th Sun. aft. Trin. [1786. 1 06 5 50 5 58 7 45 neck 1 02 21 Mo St. Matthew, Apos. & Evan. 43 5 51 5 56 8 16 neck 1 44 22 Tu Stmbury circuit court. NO 20 5 52 5 54 8 49 arms 2 26 23 W Madawaska circuit court. 80 04 5 53 5 52 9 29 arms 3 07 24 Th (22) Address L'd Durham, '38 27 5 54 5 50 10 18 arms 3 53 25 b'ri Teal sld. St. J. to Cal. 1849. 50 5 .55 5 48 llaU brest 4 36 26 Sat (25)Bat. Stamf'd Bridge, 1066 1 14 5 57 5 46 SETS brest 5 23 27 Su 18th Sunday after Trinitv. 1 37 5 58 5 44 3a53 heart 6 30 28 Mo Brit. Troops in Boston, 1768. 2 01 5 ,59 5 42 4 25 heart 7 57 29 Tu St Michael Archangel 2 24 6 00 5 40 4 52 bellv 9 21 30 W ' Victoria circ, St. John Eq. eta 2 47 6 01 5 39 5al4 belly :om03 TAYLOR & DOCKRILL, AGE^NTS DOG CAKES. ROYAL OWL CIGARETTES. 84 King Street, - St. John, N. B. Harold Gilbert's, 64 King Stieet, St. John, N. B. CALENDAR. 45 1891.] OCTOBER has Thirty-one Days. [1891. MANCHESTER, ROBERTSON & ALLISON, Goods, St. John, New Brunswick. Dry Moon's Cbanoes. New Moon, 8nd day, 8h. .33m. 40s. p. m. First Quarter, 10th day, 6h. 32m. 348. p. m. Full Moon, 17th day, 9h. 20m. 46s. a. m. Last Quarter, a4th day, 9h. 31m. 48s. a. m. Apogee, 1st day, at Oh. evening. Perigee, 16th day, at 2h. evening. Apogee, 28th day, at midnight. o ^\ ANNIVERSARIES, FESTIVALS, tCCURRENCES, ETC. Th Fri Sat 4'Su Mo Tu W Th 9Fri lOiSat 11 Su 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mo Tu W Th Fii Sat Su 19 1 Mo Tu W 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Th Fri Sat Su Mo Tn W Th F Sat [S St. John N.B. free port, 1811 First Leg. Assem. N. S. 1758 Maj. Head at F'ton, 1838. 19th Sunday after Trinity. G.G. Ludlow Pres. N.B. 1803 Michaelmas Term Sup. court, [Kings i ew Eng. 1620. (26) Constitution of Can. 1791 (27)E.Tel. f. St. J. to Calais'48 Xmas. Nativ. of our Lord. St. Stephen Proto Martyr. Sun. aft. Christmas. St John Innocents, Martyrs. (28) 43rd Regiment arrived at Quebec overl'd from F'ton in 12 days, 1837. sun's dec'l. SUN RISKS OS KM MOON R. & S. moon's PLACE. HIGH WATER. ° ' iHM. H. M. H, M, 21 49 7 25 4 14 4al8 thigs lla23 21 58 7 26 4 13 5 11 thigs 0al3 •/2 07 7 27 4 13 5 46 knee 0m05 22 15 7 28 4 13 6 47 knee 43 22 23 7 •-:;9 4 13 7 56 legs 1 27 22 31 7 30 4 13 !• 11 legs 2 12 22 38 7 31 4 12 10 26 feet 3 03 22 44 7 32 4 12 lla41 feet 3 53 22 50 7 33 4 12 RISES feet 4 49 22 56 7 34 4 12 la44 head 6 00 23 01 7 35 4 12 2 07 bead 7 17 23 06,7 S6 4 12 2 34 neck 8 30 23 10,7 37 412 3 06; neck 9 39 23 14 7 38 4 12 3 45 arms 10 39 23 17 7 39 4 13 4 32 arms 11m34 23 20;7 40 4 13 5 30 brest 0a24 23 22,7 40 4 13 6 34 brest 1 08 23 24,7 41 4 13 7 43 heart 1 45 23 26 7 41 4 13 8 50 heart 2 17 23 27 7 42 4 14 9 55 belly 2 53 23 27 7 42 4 14 10a58 belly 3 26 23 27 7 43 4 15 MIDN belly 4 00 23 27 7 44 4 16 SETS reina 4 39 23 26 7 44 4 16 0a4t teins 5 23 23 25 7 45 4 17 1 03 seers 6 22 23 2317 45 4 18 1 18 seers 7 24 23 20 7 45 4 19 1 47 seers 8 27 23 18 7 45 4 20 2 14 thigs 9 25 23 14 7 45 4 21 2 51 thigs 10 19 23 11:7 45 4 22 3 37 knee 11 10 23 07 7 45 4 23 4a35 knee lla55 THE LARGEST VARIETY OF Earthenware, China and Glassware, -IS AT- 0. H. WARWICK'S,- Kl^G STREET. PRICES LOW. I '0\ Lin leums ont in one piece at Harold Ollbert's, 48 CITY OF ST. JOHN. [1891. CITY OF SAINT JOHN. W. ALBEJtT LocKHABT, Esq,, Mayor. Aldermen. I. Allan Jack, Esq., Recorder. Aldermen. Rol)ert R. Barnes, T. Nisbet Robertson. Stephen G. Blizard. William Lewis. William Shaw. John McKelvey. William D. Baskin. James O. Stackhouse. William L. Busby. John Kelly. William A. Chesley. David H. Nase. Jo hn McGoldrick. KINGS WARD. QUEENS WARD. DUKES WARD. SYDNEY WARD. WELLINGTON WARD. PRINCE WARD. GITYS WARD. BROOKS WARD. VICTORIA WARD. DUPKERIN WRRD. LANSDOWNK WARD. LORNE WARD. STANLEY WARD. BOARD OF MANAGEMENT. Frederick Blackadar. W. Watson Allen. Samuel Tufts. Patrick McCarthy. Thomas W. Petere. John F. Morrison. Israel E. Smith. Charles B. Lockhait John J. FoiTest. Joseph A. Likely. William Christie. M D. J. Edward Lingley. John Connor. Treasury Department. —Aldermen Peters, Robertson, Smith, Blizard, Christie, Connor, McCarthy, Busby, Blackadar, Stackhouse, McKelvey, Lingley, Likely. Public Works Department. — Aldermen Baskin, Robertson, Shaw, Blizard, Connor, Monison, Busby, Nase, Barnes, Lockhart, Chesley, Likely, Mc- Carthy. Public Safety Department. — Aldennen Kelly, FoiTest, Tufts, McGtoldrick Allen, Blackadar, Smith, Lewis, McKelvey, Chesley, Lockhart, Peters, Lingley. STANDING COMMITTEES. Appeals and By-Laws, — Aldermen Christie, Connor, Lewis, Smith, Kelly, Forrest, McKelvey, Blackadar, Blizard, Lands. — Aldermen Busby, Lewis, Lockhart, Tufts, McKelvey, Connor, Baskin, Lingley, Barnes. Ferries. — Aldennen Stackhouse, McGoldrick, Lingley, Allen, BUzard, FoiTest, Smith, Lockhart, Lewis. Public Buildings. — Aldei-men Blizard, Peters, Lockhart, Allen, Morrison, Busby, Stackhouse, Smith, Likely. B. Lester Petere. Q C, Common Clerk, ■ '■■■'. Herbert E Wardroper, Deputy Common Clerk, Frederick Sandall, Esq, Treasurer, Chamberlain and Receiver of Taxes. David R. Willet, Accountant Chamberlain's Office. (Jeorge F Harding and Duncan G Lingley, clerks in Chamberlain''s office.. A. Chipman Smitn, Director Public Works. Robert Vi'isely, Dii-ector Public Safety. Hurd Peters, Esq, M A, City Engineer and Land Agent (TEast.) Clarence Ward, Clerk to Mayor's Office, and Issuer of Licenses. '■■: Samuel Wilson, Sergeant Mayor's Office. Michael W Maher, Inspector of Buildings. * George H. Martin, Inspector of Streets. H. Adam Glasgow, Superintendent of Ferries. W. Walker Clark, Chief of PoUce. 04 King Street, St. John, N. B, 1891.] PfKE DKPARTMENT. 40 Robert J. Ritehio, I'olice Mui;i8trate. Georjge Heiulei-scjn, Clerk. George \V Stockford. Hi^h Constable. City Marahals — Thomas MoPherson, James Prince, F Miles Hancock, Benjamin Walters, James Howard and Thomas Dale. Licensed Auctioneers — W A Lockhait, T B Hanington, Geo W Qerow, T T Lanialum. Portwardens — OH"*^ Kmery, Arthur W Adams, William Black, Jolm A Ruddock, William "■ ncs, Joseph Dunlop, Denis Coholan, Lsaac J Olive, Jr, E C Elkin. Andiew Itudaock. Charles S Taylor, Port or Harbor blaster. Alexander Reed, Clerk to Harbor Master. Joseph O'Brien, Harbor Inspecttjr. Lightho ise Keeper at Partridge Island, James Wilson. At the Beacon, Timothy Clark. Steam Whistle, James Wilson, Engineer; W Cameron, Assistant Engineer. Robert J Leonard, Commissionei" to settle disputes relative to Dockage, Wharfage and Cranage. W H Purdy, Shipping Master; F O Allison, Deputy Shipping Master. Assessors of Taxes- W F Bunting, Chairman; John ^^ ilson. Uriah Drake, Richard Farmer; Chief Clerk. Artliur W Shari). Collectors of Wharfage and Slippage — At Union Street- Slip, P W Lanta- lum. At North Rodney Wharf, Samuel K Wilson. At South Rodney Wharf, Samuel K Wilson. At North and South Market Wharves and Slip, Andrew Malcolm, At Sydney Market Wharves and Slip, Thomas Littlejcjhn. Collectors of Slippage — At Ship Slii), Guys Ward, Wm C Pui-ves. At Strange Slip, Guys Ward, Samuel K Wilson. At King Street Slip, Guys Ward, Wm Dunlavey. At Protection Slip, Brooks Ward, Samuel S Mayes. At Mill Slip, Thomas W Robertson. Charles S Taylor, Collector of Fees at Buoys, and Collector of Anchorage. Charles S Taylor, Slip Master, Market Wharves and Slips in Kings and Queens Ward. Pound-keeper and Hog Reeve— John Baird, Thos O Howard and Joseph C Wood. Surveyors of Limiber— James Kennedy and Samuel K Wilson. Commissionera of Districts — 1st district, TertutUus Ketchum; 2nd district, Benjamin Walters; .Srd district, John McMonagle; 4th district, Edward Egan; 5th district, John R McFarlane; tith district. G Gordon Boyne; 7th district, Enoch W Paul; 8th district, Charles S Melick: i)th district, William A Pana- ligan; 10th district, Andrew Moore; 11th district, Robert Gaskin; 12th dis- trict, Marshall D Austin; 13th district, Michael 0"Mahoney. Hose Co., Wellington No. 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT. John Kerr, Esquire, Chief Engineer. iNo. 1.— George Blake. No. 2.— John Jackson. No. 3.-John Wilson. No. 4.— William McLeod, (west side.) William Griffiths, Engineman. George D Drake, Hose Driver. Beniard Corley, Engine Driver. David Dearness, Foreman. James Manson, Assistant Foi /"an. Samuel Piercy, Engineman. William Cunningham, Hose Driver. Hose Co., Union No. 2 -j James Donahoe, Engine Driver. Albert Winchester, Foreman. .Jas. Dinsmore, Assistant Foreman. John E Wilson, Engineman. Worden Cox, Hose Driver. Hose Co., Extinguisher No.3. \ Lawrence Mahoney, Engine Driver. E W Barlow, Foreman. I, James Thomas, Assistant Foreman. . M'l m lit I I B X TTnion Carpets at Low PricM at BttOlA OUbMrVi 50 FIKB ALARM — SALVAGR CORPS. [1891. HosB Co., No. 4. Hose Co., No. 6. Hose Co., No. 6. Hook and Ladder Co., No 1 Hook and Ladder Co., No. ( Edward P Leonard, Eiijrineiiuui. I Alexander Joliiistone, HoHe Driver. , -j Micliacl FinnoK'iii. Enfjiiit* DHver. Roheit J Wilkiiis, Foreman. [Patrick Mc-Minniman, AHsistant Foreman. r Archibald Cook, Enpitieinan. I Joseph Carr, Hose Driver. . -{ John E Kelly, Engine Driver. I (ieorge Kee, Foreman, [ Cliarles F Brown, Assistant Foreman. James Lemon, Engineman. Clias. W Christopher, Hose DHver. Robert Allen, Engine Driver. .1. Alfred Ring, Foreman Isaac J Amos, Assistant Foreman. f William Bowman, Captain. \ Charles Jackson, liieuteuant. [Wm. Reid and David McDermott, Drivers. ( William Howard, Captain. "I John Nichol Driver. Driver Chief's Wagon, Superintendent of Fire Alarm, Assistant ... - William Reed. John E. Wilson. William Reed CITY OF ST. JOHN FIRE ALARM TELEGRAPH. NO. LOCALITY OP BOXES. 2 No. 2 Engine House, King Sq. 3 No. 3 Engine House, Union-st. 4 Cor. Sewell and Garden-sts. 5 Cor. Mill and Union-sts. 6 Market Sq., Parker's drug store 7 Mechanics' Institute. 8 Cor. Mill and Pond-sts. 9 Foot of Union street (East). 12 Cor, Peters' and Waterloo-sts. 13 Cor St. Patrick and Union-sts. 14 Cor. Brussels and Richraond-sts. 15 Everitt's Foundry, Biiissels-st. 16 Cor. Brussels and Hanover-sts. 17 Cor. Brunswick and Erinsts. 18 Cor. Union and Carmarthen-sts. 19 Cor. St. David & Courtenay-sts, 21 Waterloo, opposite Qolding-st. 23 Cor. Germam and Church-sts. 24 Cor. Princess and Charlotte-sts. 25 No. 1 Engine House, Charlotte-st. NO. LOCALITY OP BOXrtS. 26 Cor. PrinceWm. and Princess-sts, [Vity Hall 27 Breeze's Cor, Charl.-st & Kmg sq. 28 Cor. Duke and Prince Wm. -sts. 31 Cor. King and Pitt-sts. 32 Cor. Duke and Sydney-sts. .34 Cor. Wentworth & Princess-sts. S.'j Queen-st., bet. Ger. & Char.-sts. 36 Cor. Queen and Carmarthen-sts. 37 Cor. St. James and Sydney-sts. • .38 Carmarthen-sts. bet. Orng&Duke 41 Cor. St. James & Prince Wm.-sts. 42 Cor. Wentworth and Duke-sts 4^3 Cor. Main and Carmarthen-sts. 45 Cor. Britain and Charlotte-sts. 46 Cor. Pitt and St. James-sts. 51 City Road, near Skating Rink. 52 Pond-st. n. Fleming's Foundry. 53 Exmouth-street. 61 Gen'l Public Hospital, Wat'loo st. NORTH END BOXES. NO. LOCALITY OF BOXES. 121 Stetson's Mill, Indiantown. 122 Corner Main and Bridge streets. 123 Horse Car StaV>les, Main street. 124 Cor. Adelaide Road and Peel sts. 125 Engine House No. 5, Main street. 126 Douglas Road, opposite Tapley's 132 Strait Shore, op. Hamilton's Mill. 134 Strait Shore, Harris' Rolling MiU. 135 Cor. Sheriff St. & Strait Shore r'd. 142 Corner Portland and Camden sts. NO. LOCALITY OF BOXES. 143 Main street, Police Station. 154 Main street, head Long Wharf. 213 Paradise Row,op.Mi8sion Chapel. 231 Engine House, No. 4. City Road. 241 Corner Stanley and Winter sts. 253 Wright st., Schofleld's Terrace. 312 Rockland R'd, op. h'd MiUidge st. 821 Cor. Somerset* High st. F'tH'e. 412 Cor. City Road and Meadow st. 421 Marsh Bridge. OFFICERS SALVAGE CORPS. R. W. W. Fi-ink, Captain. John Leah, Secretary. J. Allan Turner, Lieutenant. Geo. C. Lawrence, Treasuror. 64 King Street, St. John. N. B. 1891.] MUNICIPALITY CITY AND COUNTY OP ST. JOHN. 51 Municipality of the City and County of St. John. COUNCIL— July 1890. WARDEN. Thomas W Peters, Councillor, City of Saiut John. COUNCILLORS. EX-OFFICIO. City of St. .John. The Mayor. Robert R Barnes. " T Nisbf t Robertson. Stephen G Blizard. Patrick McCarthy. John McQoldrick. Joseph A Likely. David H Nase. William Christie. Israel E Smith. Charles B Lockhart, John McKelvey. John G Forrest. W Watson Allen. William Shaw. ELECTED. Parish of Lancaster. James Ready. John Irvine. Parish of Simonds. JohnMcLeod. Alexander Gibson. James A Bowes. Parish of St. Martins. Alexander W Fownes. Simeon E Brown. Robert McFee. Parish of Mus(iuash. Joseph A. Balcom. Joshua Knight, Secretary— H W Frith, Clerk of the Peace. : Treasurer— J S Bols DeVeber. Auditor— Richard Whiteside. Marshal— George W Stockford. STANDING COMMITTEES. Finance and Accounts— The Warden, and Councillors W A Lockliart, Ready, Balcolm, Barnes, Christie, McLeod, Robertson, Smith, McFee, C B Locknart, Forrest. County Buildings— Councillors Blizard, Brown, Ready, McCarthy, Mc- Qoldrick, Knight, Robertson, Nase, Bowes, Fownes, Christie. By-Laws and Regulations and Bills for the Legislature— The Warden, and Councillors McCarthy, Shaw, Allen, Bowes, Likely, Gibson, Irvine, Fownes. Public and School Lands— The Warden, and Councillors W A Lockhart, McFee, Brown, McCarthy, Shaw, Horgan, McKelvey, Knight, Nase, Gibson, Fownes. To Act with the Sheriff in regard to the performance of Hard-Labor Sentences in Gaol— Councillors Ready, Brown, McGoldrick, Irvine, Forrest, Smith, McCarthy, Christie, Allen, Barnes, Bowes. For Relief of Indigent Rate-Payers— Coimcillors Ready, Barnes, Nase, Gibson, Knight, Likely, Fownes, Bowes. CITY AND COUNTY OF SAINT JOHN. Judge of the County Court— Charles Watters. M McDonald, Clerk. Clerk of the Peace— Henry W Frith. Deputy Clerk of the Peace— H Lawrence Sturdee. Clerk of the Circuits— John Willett. High Sheriff— James A Harding. John Rarkin, Deputy Sheriff and Keeper of the Gaol; Samuel Clifford, Turnkey. Coroners— James Robinson, JP, John R Rigby, JP, John Jordan, JP, Jacob D White, MD, H E Gilmour, MD, Joshua Knight, D Berryman, MD. Judge of Probates— R N Skinner. Registrar of Deeds and Wills, and Registrar of Probates— W Chipman Drury. Andrew G Crookshank, Deputy Registrar. Issuers of Marriage Licenses— W E Skillen, St Martins. W Albert Lock- hart, St. John. Wm. Glenn Brown, . Samuel Mosher, Carleton. Commissioner for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court, Province of Quebec— H W Frith, Barrister-at-Law, Bay Wool Oarpoti at ITarold Oilbort'i, 62 ALDEKT— CAHLETON, [1891. ComniiBHloiK^r of Indian Renerves, umler Act Vic. c. !?&— Dr. Win. Bayanl. CouiinissiimtT of VV'reclvH- It J I^'onurd, Unvi.sinjf BarrlHttT CliaileH Wattei-H. (U^oTee McSorlcy, Cl»'rk. ComniissioiM'is of Ainu. IIoiiw unil Work Hous«'- (It'o. A Knodt'll, Chair- man; M foil, RNKiii^'lit, .Jolin McLeod, ThoK. Furloug, Thos. R Hllyard, Wm. BariihlU; E.I VV»'iniort', Secrftury, , VJHitinL' I'hyHlcian. I'oit of St. .lohn— \V H HardinK. C'oniiniHslonei-H of Slaughter IIous»'s in and for the C'onnty of Hi. John— Tlioiiuis L Hay, Chaiinian; A M MaK«'«, Secivtary; Patrick (JU'aKon, Uriah I)nil>'-. Stephen (i Hli/ard. John Nugent, Dr. Daniel IJerrynian, K N Shaw. Ohiirl s Uiistln, Inspector. COUNTIES AND MITNICEPALITIES. COUNTY OF ALBERT. Jndpe of the County Court — Hon Wni Wedderhum. Jos Howe Dicksont Ewj. Clerk. High Sheiifl' William Woodworth, Hiilshoro. Deputy Sheriff, Samuel fitewiirt. Hop('\v»'il Cape. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls — Jos Howe Dickson, Esq. JudRei-f I'robate—W Alder Tnieman, t^sq. Rej^istrarof Probates— Jos Howe DietNSon, Esq. Re^ristrarof iX-cds and Wills— George Calhoun, Esq. Coroners— W J i.ewis, M D: Edward C Roliinson, S'ilns Lynds, W A West, 8 C Murray. M I); Stephen B Weldun. jr. diaries A McLane, W S Hopper, PriuKle Kelly, Joseph B Babbitt. Conuuissioners for takiuK Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Geo Calhoun, James M Stevens, William liobins- a, Hon A R McCIellan, J AMColpitts, A W Leeman, W C Atiderson, and tht^ Attorneys practisinK in the County. Attorneys and Solicitors— M A Palmer, diaries A Peck, George H Stead- man, Jos H. Dickson, William A Tnieman. Commissioners of Pavish Courts- Hopewell, Hon A R McClelan and M B Palmer; Hiilshoro, Geor^je Barnett and W V. Bisliop; Coverdale, A W liCe- man and Ezra Steeves; Harvey, W H A Casey and CW Anderson; Elgin, W P Rol)ii)son and R C Colpitis; Alma, David Cleaveland and Timothy J O'Connor. Issuers of Marriage Licenses— Gilbert Chapman, Coverdale; Joseph A Turner, Harvey Corner; John (larlaiid, Elgin. Commissioners for taking Sjieeial Bail in the Supreme Court at Hopewell — Geo Calhoun. Esq, Riverside, A R McClelan. Commissioners of Sewers for Hopewell— Valentine Smith, M Dowling, Gidefrti Graj' and Mariner T Tingley. ReNHsing Barrister — Hon W Wedderhum. - John A Beatty to be Vi-nder of Liquors, under the Canada Temperance Act, for the Parish of Hiilshoro. Auctioneers —K Bezanson, Hiilshoro; Samuel Stewart, Hopewell Cape. Game Warden— S C Murray I D. MUNICIPALITY OF ALBERT. ■ , .• Warden— Hon James Ryan. Secretaiy-Treasurer — W. O. Wright. Coxmcillors— Hopewell ; Hiilshoro, HB Steeves and WF Taylor; Coverdale. Hon James Ryan and George Chambers Gaskin; Harvey, WSStar- ratt and George A Coonan; Elgin, D J Collicutt and E A Blakney; Alma, D D Lutwick and W Rommell. COUNT" OF CARLETON. Judge of the County Com-t- Hon James G Stevens, Clerk. Clerk of the Circuits— J C Hartley. Esq. High Sheriff- Fred R Jenkins Dibblee, Esq. Clerk of the Peace— Wm 51 Connell, Esq. Jud^e of Probates— Lewis P Fisher, Esq. Registrar of Probates— John Winslow, Esq. Wm M Connell, Esq. Deputy, George F Foster. 64 King 8tr«at, St. John, H. B. 1891.J TOWN OF WOODSTOCK. 58 ReplHtrar of DttnlH und WillH— John 8 LeiRhton, Ewj. Deputy, Mr. John 8 IjtilKhlon, Jr. ConiinlaHionerH for tnkitiK AfHdavlta In the Hunreni*' Conrt- I^wia P Fisher, Ofoix" Connell John C Winslow. Williuiii M Connell, R KJoiicH, 8 B Apn; «y, A B Connell. WllliamHon FiHlier, Josiah R Murphy, Noruiun W. WlnHlow, I) McIi«'od Vince, A (J IJndwvy, J C Hnilley, J .1 UalhvKher. iHHiu'i-s of Miirrlatce LIcenwH— W M Connell. Howard 9 White, C» R Burtt, HuKh Miller, Wentworth Winwlow, J R Murphy, Duvld J Wiley, \V W Hay, Horace V DallinR, E M Boyer, John FerKuson, Wm B Jewett, R N Fletcher, Henry Blakwlee, C P 8now. NotarieH Public— I^wIh P Fisher, Oeoive Connell, J C- WlnHlow. Wni M Connell, 8 B Ap])leby, A B Connell, J Nonnan W Winslow. WillinuiHon Fisher, .Josiah R Murphy, D Mcleod Vince, J C Hartley, J J GallaKher. Practisine Attoniies—L P Fisher, (leorge Connell, John C Winslow, Wm M Connell, R K .fones, Htenhen B Appleby, A B Cotuiell, J Nonnan W \VinH- low, Josiah R Mur|)hy, I) Mcl^'od Vince, J C Hartley, J .1 GallaKher. Commissioners for Parish Civil Courts— H M Patterson, WoodstfR-'k. Geo W Hovey, Northampton. Ivory Kilbuni, Richmond. James A BridKes, Peel. James Simonson, Wakefield. Matthew Hutcliison, Wicklow. Chas. R Upton, Simonds. John Baniett, Brighton. Alexander G Lindsay, Aber- deen. George W Wliite, Wilmot. D H Jones, Kent. Revising Barrister— Hon. J G Stevens, Coroners— (ieorge Stickney, (jeorge West, Charles R Upton, Wm L Drier, John T Allan, Hamuel Watts, Charles P Connell, M D, Theodore H Estey, Richard Port, Thomas B Trafton, Neheuiiah Tompkins, Richard B Ketchum, Elijah M Shaw, David Wiley, MD, John R Hagerman, MD, Colin King, W H Morehouse, Newton R Colter, MD, G L Cronkhite, W W Hay, George Hat- field, Henry Blakslee, W H Cobum. Auctioneers— Alanson Payson, WiUia-m F Dlbblee, W W Hay, Simeon McLeod, (Jeorge F Foster. Game Warden— J C Winslow. Fishery Overseer— Geo. R Burtt. Collector of Customs at Wootlstock- D F Merritt; Clerk, T Lynch. Centre- TiUe, II T Scholey, Sub-Collector. Debec, Capt. R Kirkpatrick, Sub-Collector. MXJNICIPALITT OF CARLKTON. Warden— John Mcintosh, Secretary -Treasurer— R K Jones. Auditor— Samuel Watts. Councillors— Woodstock (Town), W T Drj'sdale, James Boyd, CR Watson; -Major F H J Dibblee. Postmaster— John C Winslow. Assistant, H W Bourne. Collector of Customs— D F Merritt. Clerk, T Lynch. Bank of Nova Scotia— Agent, R Fleming. Merchants Bank of Halifax— Agent, Wm. Trainor. Peoples Bank of Halifax— Agent, George A White. Low-priced Tapestry Carpets at 54 C HARLOTTE— GLOUCESTER. [1891. COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE. Judge of the County Court— James G Stevens, Esq. James G. Stevens, jr.> Clerk. Clerk of tha Circuits — M N Cockbum, Esq. High Sheriff— R A Stuart, Esq. Deputy Sheriffs— Leonard G Chase, St. Andrews. Wm. Robinson, jr., St Stephen. Robert Murray, St. George. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— F Howard Grimmer, Esq. Judge of Probate — M N Cockburn, Esq. Registrar of Probates— John M Stevens, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills-^Harris H Hatch, Esq. Deputy— M N Cock- bum, Esq. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court — Abraham Young, John Mcintosh, Edmund Daggett, W A Fraser, T Barry, CEO Hatheway, and all Attomies of the Sup -eme Court. Commissioners for taking Bail — Wi'. Fraser, Grand Manan; T Barry, St. George ; C E O Hatheway, St. Andrews. Notaries Public— John F Grant, James G Stevens, jr., James Mitchell, Lewis A Mills, M McMonagle, W C H Grimmer, John M Stevens, Geo. J Clarke, E W Thompson, St. Stephen. F H Grimmer, M N Cockburn, St. Andrews. Commissioners of Parish Civil Courts — John Dewar, Esq., St. George; Henry Smith, Esq., West Isles; CEO Hatheway, St. Andrews; Daniel Crilley, St. Stephen; Jeremiah Han?on, St. Patrick; John W Mann, St. James ; A. J. McCann, Dunbarton ; Edmund Daggett, Grand Manan ; Luke Byron, Campobello. Police Magistrate— Daniel Crilley, St. Stephen ; George J Clarke, Milltown, Revising Barrister— Hon. J G Stevens. Cleik— John M Stevens, Esq. Official Refferees in Equity— Jas. G Stevens, jr., Esq., M N Cockburn, Esq. Coroners— Samuel T Gove, MD; Thomas Dick, MD; Hubert McLachlin; Duncan Mvshvall, M D; HP Reynolds, MD; J A Wade, MD; H Gove, MD; Frank I Blair, MD; William McK Deinstadt. MD; Cyrus Cheney Auctioneers— S F Nesbitt, CEO Hatheway, Richard Dyer, Patrick Mc- Laughlin. P Brawley, W B Morris. Issuers of Marriage Licenses — F Howard Grimmer, St. Andrews; Charle. Johnson, St. George; Luke Byron, Campobello; George Hill, MLC, Sts Stephen; G K Wetmore, West Isles; Cyi'us Cheney, Grand Manan; Oscar Hanson, Lepreaur; Samuel McKay, Pennfleld. Vendor ot Liquors— Henry V Dewar. Commissioner under Labor Act— Hugh Ludgate. MUNICIPALITY OF CHARLOTTE. Warden— W C Hazen Grimmer, Esq. Secretary-Treasurer— F Howard Gnmmer, Esq. Auditor— M N Cockbum, Esq. Councillors— St. Andrews: G H Lamb, B F DeWolfe. St. Croix: James Russell, David Johnston. St. David: John A Moore, David G Dickie. St. James: James G Atkinson, William Gillespie. St. Stephen: John S Maxwell, Charles Cogan. St. Patrick: James H Dyer, J W Stevenson. St. George: James Dodge, fRobert T Wetmore. Dumbarton: Robert McKinney, Thos. McCann. Pennfleld: John W Mealey, Geo. A Eldridge. Lepreaux: Samuel Stafford, Robert Mawhinney. Clarendon: Robert H Graham, William Dun- lap. Campobello: C F Batson, Guilford Babcock. West Isles: DFIiambert, DL Martin. Grand Manan: W A Fraser, Isaac Newton. Dufferin: George Hannah, T S Hannah. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. Judge of the County Court— Wm. Wilkinson, Esq. T DesBrisay, Clerk. CleivK of the Circuits — Theophilus DesBrisay, Esq. High Sheriff— Laman R Doucett, Esq. Clerk of the Peace and Keeper of the Rolls— Theophilus DesBrisay, Esq. Surrogate— Theophilus DesBiisay, Esq. Registrar of Pixjbates — D G McLauchhn, Esq. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— M H McGinley. Stipendiary Magistrate— D Gustavus McLauchlin, Esq. Stipendiary Magistrate at Caraquet— J G C Blackball, Esq. Coroners— Joseph Sewell, Wm. Ferguson, D G McLauchlin, James G B lack Harold Gilbert's, 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] KINGS. 55 hall, Gideon M Duncan, MD, Robert Rivers, John C Meahan, MD, Henry A Sormonay, E Hutchinson, John D Legard, Wm. F Bishop, MD. Trustees and Directors of the Grammar School— Theophilus DesBrisay John KeiT, James Hickson, Esqs. Teacher, F W Cowperthwaite. Barristers, Attoniies and Notaries Public — Theophilus DesBrisay, D Gustavus McLauchlin, T Swayne DesBrisay, John J HaiTinerton, Narcisse A Landry. Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court— John Kerr, Esq. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court— The Barristers and Attomies practising in the County, and Hon. Robert Young, Jas. G C Blackball, John Young, John Kerr, Hemy A Sormonay, Esqs. Revising Bari-ister— T S DesBrisay. Labor Act CrcRae, Dawson McKendrick, Addington. Donald McLean, John McNichol, Colbome. John Culligan, Thos. Hayes, jr. Durham. COUNTY OF SUNBURY. Judge of the County Coui-t — James Steadman. Clerk of the County Court— Fred St J Bliss, High Sheriff— James Holden. Clerk of the Circuits— C E Duffy. Clerk of the Peace— Fred St J Bliss. Judge of Probates— George L Brown. Registrar of Deeds and Wills and Re* Issuer of Marriage Licenses — David t Commissioners for taking Affidavits- Commissioners of Parish Courts— George W Hoben, Burton. Chas. Brown, Maugei-viUe. Nathan P Day. Sheffield. John D Wilmot, Lincoln. Thos. E Smith, Blissville. Thomas L Alexander, Gladstone. James Miller, sr., Northfleld. Receiver of Royalties for Sunbury and Queens— John Maynard. Coronera— Qerhardus Clowes, Moses H Cobum, Frederick Seely^ Thomas Tumey, John R Seely, Henry Rees, Albert Ferguson, John T Bailey, H B nstrar of Probates— Fredk. Harrison. > Duplisea. -George Hoben, James S White. Send to Harold Gilbert's for Fatterni 60 VICTORIA [1891. Mitchell, Thomas Taylor, Cieorge Noble, David W Hartt, Thomas H Kelly, George A Perley, James H Hayward. Revising Barrister— Hon. J Steadman. Auctioneers— A Harrison, James S White. Game Warden— A Matthews. Sunbury Agricultural Society— President, R W Foster. Vice-presidents, Charles B Harrison. Thomas Perley. D H Burpee, F B Taylor, A Barker. Secretary, Whitehead Barker. Treasurer, James Bailey. MUNICIPALITY OF SUNBUBT. Warden . Auditor— D S Duplesea. C'oimcillors— Maugerville, George F Banks, George A Perley. Sheffield, T P Taylor. C J Bui-pee. Lincoln, Albi-y Grass, S A True. Burton, Isaac W Stephenson, James 8 Kenney. Blissville, J W Hoyt, Daniel E Smith. Glad- stone, Gilbert Hayward, C L Tracy. Northfleld, James Power, Wm. Egers. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. Judge of the County Court— James G Stevens. Frederick Kerston, Clerk. High Sheriff— James Tibbitts. , . Clerk of the Circuits— W F Kerston. Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace— Thomas Lawson. Jud^e of Probates— W F Kerston. Registrar of Probates — James Tibbitts. Registrar of Deeds and Wills— John C McCluskey. Commissioners for taking Special Bail— Adam Beveridge, Hon. John Costigan. Issuei-s of Marriage Licenses— Wm. Everett, H P Peterson, Samuel Bishop, G Leonard Kelly, Benjamin Kilbum. Commissioner under Arrest and Examination of Debtors Act — Alex Straton. Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme CourtJ-Hon. John Costi;e, His Worship the Mayor; Road, Aid Oilman. City Marshal— James Roberts. Commissioner of the Alms House— Elijah Clark. City Engineer- A G Beckwith. CE, /' - Alms House Keeper— Duncan Thomas. * Clerk Phoenix Square Market— John Parka. Wharfinger— R A Estey. Road Master— Wm. McKay. Collector of Miscellaneous Licenses and Taxes— James Roberts, Assessors— James Farrell, George A Cliff, D B Barker. PoUce Department— John L Marsh, Police Magistrate. John Richards, Sitting Magistrate. L Dow Vandine, Police Sergeant. Paul Phillips, Zebedee Wright, Policemen. Fire Department— Andrew Lipsett, Chief Engineer. George Hatt, jr.. Assistant Engineer. John McLaughlin, Captain No. 1 Hose. Geo. W Ross, Captain Nos. 2 and .3 Hose, Central Station. H C Rutter, Captain No. 4 Hose. George W Clark, Captain No. 5 Hose. Hook and Ladder and Salvage Corps— John B Hawthorne, Captain. City Hall Department— P Farrell, Chairman Hall Committee. Charles W Beckwith, manager hall. Martin Nowlin, janitor. Pound Keeper— John B Hawthorne. Trustees of Schools— Appointed by Government, A F Randolph, Chairman ; Dr. George E Coulthard, ZR Kverett. Appointed by City Council, John J Weddall, A A Sterling, J T Sharkey, Weslev Vanwart. Water Works Depart ment--Alex. Burchill, Superintendent; Secretary to Committee, Charles W Beckwith ; John M Taylor, Malcolm Ross, Engineers. Commons Drivers— Richardson Boone, Peter Hanning, John B Haw r home, Andrew Lipsett, Dow Vandine, James Roberts, Martin Nowlin, Paul Phillips, Zebedee Wright. W W Long. Constables — James Roberts, W W Long, Wm. Lipsett. Richardson Boone, John B Hawthorne, James H Smith, George W Gerow, Thomas Wardless, Andrew Lipsett. Auctioneers- -H G C Wetmore, Ed. Allen, Wilmot Guiou. Surveyors of Lumber— Wilmot Guiou, A W Turner, Peter Haining, W R Turner, J H Smith, John Dougherty. Surveyoi-s of Wood and Coal— Peter Haining, Wm. Crewdson, H C Sypher. Fence Viewers— J H Smith, Thomas Wardless. Local Board of Health— Dr G H Cobum, Chairman; Charles W Beckwith, Secretary; T C Allen, George H Parker, Arthur Limerick, Marshall Richey; James Farrell, Inspector. THE aXTEEN AND ROYAL FAMILY. Her Majesty Alexandrina Victoria, of the Uuited Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Empress of India, Defender of the Faith, born 24th May, 1819. Succeeded to the throne 20th June, 1837, on the death of her uncle, King William IV. Crowned 28th June, 1838. Married 10th February, 1840, to His Hate) Royal Highness, Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Prince Consort, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Coburg and Gotha, who was born 26th August, 1819; died December 14th, 1861. Her Majesty has issue as follows: Her Majesty, Victoria Adelaide Mary Louise (Dowager), Empress of Germany (Princess Royal), born 21st November, 1840. Married 25th January, 1858, to His (late) Majesty Frederick III., King of Prussia and Emperor of Germany, who died 13th June, 1888. 64 King Street, Bt. John, N. B. r \t " iK 04 GABIMBT MINISTERS OF GREAT BRITAIN. [1891- His Royal Highness, Albert Edwurd, Prince of Wales, Duk^ of Saxony, Cornwall and Rothesay, Earl of Dublin, etc., born November 8th, 1841. Married 10th March, 1863, to the Princess Alexandra Caroline May Charlotte Louisa Julia, born Ist Dec, 1844, eldest daughter of the King of Denmark. Her Royal Highness, Alice Maud Mary, born April 25th, 1848. Married 1st July, 1863, to His Royal Highness, Prince Louis Frederick William, of Hesse-Darmstadt. Died Aug. 26th, 1878. His Royal Highness, Alfred Ernest Albert, Dukeof Edinburgh, Earl of Iventan^ Earl of Ulster, born 6th August, 1844, Admiral Royal I^avy. Married 33rd January, 1874, to the Grand Duchess, Marie Alexandrowna, daughter of the Empress of Russia. Her Royal Highness, Helena Augusta Victoria, born 25th May, 1846. Married July 5th. 1866, to Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus, of Schlesweig-Holstein-Sonderburgh-Augus- terburgh. Her Royal Highness. Louise Caroline Alberta, born March 19th, 1848. Married March 21st. 1871, to John, Marquis of Lome, K P. G C M G. His Royal Highness, Arthur William Patrick Albert, Duke of Coniiaught, born May 1st, 1850. Married 13th March, 1879, to Princess Louise Margaret, daughter of Prince Frederick Charles of Prussia. His Royal Highness, Leopold George Duncan Albert, Duke of Albany, born 7th April, 1853. Married Apail 27th, 1882, to Princess Pyrmont Helena, of Waldeck. Died March 25th, 1884. Her Royal Highness, Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodora, born 14th April, 1857. Married July 13th, 1885, to Prince Henry of Battenburgh. CABINET MINISTERS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Marquis of Salisbury, Prime Minister and Foreign Secretary. Lord Halsbury, Lord High Chancellor. Viscount Cranbrook, Lord President of Council. Earl of Cadogan. Lord Privy Seal. Right Hon G J Goshen, Chancellor of the Exchequer. Right Hon W H Smith, First Lord of the Treasury and Leader of the Government in the House of Commons. Right Hon Ed Stan- hope, Secretary of State for War. Right Hon Henry Matthews, Q C, Secretary of Stale for Home Department. Right Hon Sir Henry T Holland, Secretary of State for Colonies. Viscount Cross, Secretary of State for India. Marquis of Lothian. Secre- tary of State for Scotland. Sir M E Hicks Beach, Bart, M P, President of the Board of Trade. Rt Hon Chas T Ritchie, President of the Local Government Board. Lord George F Hamilton, First. Lord of the Admiralty. Sir Leonard P Court- ney, Vice-President Committee of Council. Sir Cecil Raikes, Postmaster- General. Right Hon David R Plunket, Chairman of the Board of Works. Right Hon Sidney Herbert, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Right Hon Ellis Ashmead Bartlett, Harold Gilbert's New Carpet Warehouf e. 1891.] DOMINION OF CANADA. 65 Senior Lord of the Admiralty. Sir Hichard E Wel)8ter, Q C, Attorney General for P^ngland. Sir Edward O Clarke, Q C, Solieitor General for England. The Marquis of Londonderry, Lord Lieutenant for Ireland. Right Hon A J Balfour, Chief Secretary for Ireland. Right Hon John G Gibson, Q C, Attor- ney General for Ireland. Right Hon P O'Brien, (^ C, Solicitor General for Ireland Lord Ashbourne, Lord Chancellor for Ireland. Right Hon J H A McDonald, Q C, Lord Advocate for Scotland. Right Hon J B Robertson, Q C, Solicitor General for Scotland. Baron De "Worms, M P, Secretary to the Board of Trade. A B Forwood, M P, Secretary to the Admiralty. Sir James Ferguson, M P, Secretary to the Foreign Office. M A Ackers Douglas, M P, Political Secretary. Duke of Portland. Master of the Horse. The Duchess of Beucleuch, Mistress of the Robes. DOMINION OF CANADA. Governor-General — His Excellency the Rt Hon Sir Frederick A Stanley, Baron Stanley of Preston, P G, G C B, born January 15th, 1841. Married 1864 Lady Constant Villiers, eldest daugh- ter of the late Earl of Clarendon, K G. Appointed Governor- General 1st May, 1888. Sworn in at Ottawa 11th June 1888. Secretary to Governor- General — The Hon C Colville, Capt Grenadier Guards. Aides-de-Camp— Lieut A H McMahon, Liuet Hon E G V Stan- ley, Grenadier Guards. Extra ^des-de-Camp-Lt-Col H R Smith, 14th Rifles; Lt-Col P Landry, 61st Batt; Lt-Col J A Armstrong, N B B G A; Lt-Col J P Macpherson, late G G F G; Lt-Col A E Cnrreu, H B G A; Lt-Col G D Dawson, Royal Grenadier; Lt-E G Prior, M P, B C G A; Major Hector Prevost, 65th Batt; Lt-Col S L Bedson, 91st Batt; Lt-Col W M Hercheraer, N W M Police. Honorary Aid de-Camp— Lt-Col Bernard, C M G. CABINET. Premier and Minister of Railways and Canals— Rt Hon Sir John A Macdonald; Minister of Finance, Hon Geo E Foster; Minister of Justice, Sir John Thompson ; Minister of Customs, Hon Mackenzie Bowell; Minister of Public Works, Sir Hector Langevin, Secretary of State, Hon J A Chapleau; Minister of Militia. Hon Sir Adolph Carou.K G; Minister of Agriculture, Hon John Carling; Minister of the Interior, Hon Edgar Dewdney; Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Hon. Charles H Tupper; Minister of Inland Revenue, Hon John Costigan; Postmaster- General, Hon John Haggart; President of the Council, C C Colby. LIEUTENANT-GOVERNORS. Ontario, Hon Sir Alexander Campbell, K C M G, P C. Que- bec, Hon Auguste Real Auguste. Nova Scotia, Sir Dominick LwPi fri Hd TapMtry Carp«ti at V « r «6 PROVINCK OP NKW BRUNSWICK. [1891. Daley; New Brunswick, Hon Sir S L Tilley. C B, K C M G. P C, British Columbia, Hon Hugh Nelson. Prince Edward Island, Hon J 8 Carvell. Manitoba, Hon John Schultz. Northwest, Hon Joseph Royal. Members of the Senate for the Province of New Bruns- wick — Hon Amos Edwin Botsford, Westmorland; Hon Wm Hunter Odell, Fredericton; Hon David Wark, Richibucto; Hon John Boyd, St John ; Hon Abner Reid McLellan, Hopewell, Hon John Glasier, Sun bury: Hon James Dever, St. John; Hon H 8 Poiroier, Richibucto; Hon J D Lewin, St John. Mkmbers of the House ok Commons for the Province op New Brunswick— Albert, Prof Richard C Weldon; Carleton, Frederick H Hale; Charlotte, A H Gilmour; Gloucester, Ken- nedy F Burns; Kent. E. H Leger, M D; Kings, Hon George E Foster; Northumberland, Hon P Mitchell; Queens, George F Baird; Restigouche, Geo Moffat; St John (city), J V Ellis; St John (city and county), Charles N Skinner and C W Weldon; Sunbury, R D Wilmot, ir; Victoria, Hon John Costlgan; West- morland, Josiah Wood; York, Thomas Temple. PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. His Honor the Hon Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, C B, K C M G, Lieut-Governor of the Province of New Brunswick. Aid-de-Camp— Major Gordon, R S L Extra Aid-de-Camp— Lt-Col Armstrong, N B B G Artillery. executive council. • Hon David McLellan. President; Hon James Mitchell, Pro- vicial Secretary; Hon A G Blair, Premier, Attorney-General; Hon L A Tweedie, Survey or- General: Hon P G Ryan, Chief Commissioner of Works; Hon Wm Pugsley, Solicitor-General; Hon Oliver LeBlanc, without office; Hon D McLellan, without office. legislative council. Hon Geo Hill. President; Hon John Lewis, Hon Thomas R Jones, Hon C Mclnerney, Hon Archibald Harrison, Hon James Ryan, Hon Frederick P Thompson, Hon A D Richard, Hon James Holly, Hon J C Barbaric, Hon F P Thompson, Hon G Hudson Flewelling, Hon George W White, Hon George Hill. house of assembly. Speaker— Hon Alfred S White. Albert County— G S Turner, Harvey: Wm J Lewis, M D, Hillsborough. Carleton County— M C Atkinson, M D, Bristol; R G Ketchum, Upper Woodstock. Charlotte County— Eon James Mitchell, St Stephen ; Geo F Hibbard, St George; Wm Douglas, St James; James Russell, Bayside. Harold Oilbert'i, 64 Xing StrMt, St. John, N. B. 1891.] BOARDS OP UBALTII. «J7 Gloucester County— Hon P O Ryan, Caraquet; Joseph Poirier. Kent County^J D Phinney, Uhichibucto; Hon O J LeBlanc, St Marv. King's County— Hon W Pugsley, jr, St John; Hon A S White, Sussex; G L Taylor, M D, Hampton. Madawaska County— L Theriault, Fraserville, P Q. Northumberland County— lion L J Tweedie, Chatham ; J B Burcbill, Nelson; James Robinson, John O'Brien. Queens County— Thos Hetherington, Johnston; Albert Palmer, Hampstead. Restigouche County— Wm Murray, Campbcllton; C H Labil- lois, Daihousie. St John City- Silas Alward, LL D, Albert C Smith. St Jolin County — H A McKeown, A A Stockton, L L D, Jaa Rourke, W Shaw. Sunbury County— W E Perley, Lincoln; Chas Harrison, Mau- gerville. Victoria County — James E Porter, Andover. Westmorland, Hon D L Hanington, O S Melanson, H T Stevens, H A Powell. York County— Hon A G Blair, Fredericton; W Wilson, Fred- ericton; T H Colter, Millville; John Anderson, Barony. OFFICERS OF THB HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. Henry B Rainsford, Clerk; John Richards, Assistant Clerk. Rev. Jos McLeod, Chaplain. J B Grieves, Sergeant-at-Arms. OFPICBRS OF THE CROWN. Hon James Mitchell, Receiver General and Provincial Secre- tary; Hon Andrew G Blair, Attorney-General; T Carleton Allen, Clerk of the Crown; James 8 Seek, Esq, Auditor-General; R W Thibbits, Esq, Deputy Provincial Secretary; George N Babbitt, Esq, Receiver-General; Andrew Inches, Esq, Deputy Surveyor- General. Queen's Counsel— Hon Chas N Skinner, James J Kaye, Lewis P Fisher, G S Grimmer, B Lester Peters, Charles W Weldon, F E Barker, Theophilus DesBrisay, George G Gilbert, R Hutch- inson, D L Hanington, C H B Fisher, E L Wetmore, E McLeod and F E Morton, Esqs. BOARD OF AGRICULTURE. Commissioners of Agriculture — Hon Jas Mitchell, President; George L Colwell, Julius L Inches, David T Johnston, James E Fairweather and Josiah J Anderson. PROVINCIAL BOARD OF HEALTH OF NEW BRUNSWICK. William Bayard, M D. Chairman; Hon Judge Watters, Hon Judge Steadman, Hon James Holly, George E Coulthard, M D ; George H Coburn, M D; John Z Currie, M D, Secretary. LOCAL BOARDS OP HEALTH, District No 1— The City of Fredericton: George H Coburn, M D, Chairman ; George E Fenety, Esq ; Arthur Limerick, Marshall Lincleams out in one pieue at Harold Oilbert's, ^'.|-> 68 BOARDS OP HEALTH. 1891.] Richey. Appointed May 27th, 1887. Organized Juue 2ud, 1887, Secretary, Charles W Beckwith; Inspector, James Farrell. District No 2— The Town of Marysville; Isaac Clarence Sharp, M D, Chairman; Alexander Gibson, Esq; William Temple Day. I Appointed August 9th, 1887. I District No 3~The County of York (excluding the City of Fredericton and Town of Marysville. No Board appointed. District No 4— The City and County of St John; Hon Charles Watters, Chairman; Gilbert Murdoch, James Reynolds. Wm Christie, M D, James Ready, Esqs. Richard W Thome, Sec'y, Thomas Burns, Chief Inspector; Patrick McCarthy. Inspector of Plumbing. District No 6 (excluding the City of St John) — Robert Ruddick, M D, St Martins, Chairman; William Shaw, Simonds; John H. Butt, Lancaster; Gernardus C Carman, Musquash. Appointed July 19th. 1887. Organized October 19th, 1887. Secretary. H W Firth, St John; Inspectors— each member of Board acts as Inspector in his own Parish. District No 7— The Town of Moncton: Edward B Chandler, M D, Chairman; Peter McSweeney, Alexander Girvan, Roswald Colpitis, William Girvan, Appointed May 30th, 1887. Organized June 17th, 1887. Secretary, James P Ryan; Inspector, James P Ryan. Disti'ict No 8— The County of Westmorland (excluding the Town of Moncton): Paul R Moore, M D, Sackville, Chairman; Herbert Richard Carter, M D, Port Elgin; Lucien J Bellivau, M D, Shediac; Donald I) McDonald, M D, Petitcodiac; J Elbert Chv...h, M D, Dorchester. Appointed July 6th, 1887. District No 9— The Town of Woodstock: Newton Ramsay Colter, M D, Chairman ; Hugh Hay, William Lindsay, Benjamin Smith, Richard Bull. Appointed August 10th, 1887. Organized November 14th, 1887. Secretary, C B Foster. District No 10— The County of Carleton (including the Town of Woodstock): Marcus C Atkinson, M D, Bristol; Chairman; John R Hagerman, M D, Floreneeville; Alexander C Gibson, Centreville; Almon Teed, Benton ; Alexander Kirkpatrick, De- bec. Appointed June 30th 1887. District No 11— The Town of Saint Stephen: Frank I Blair, M D, Chairman; Hugh Cullinen. J B Robinson, J G Stevens, jr, W H Clark. Appointed June 2nd, 1887. Organized September 17th, 1887. Secretary, J G Stevens; Inspector, Wm Robinson. District No 12 -Town of Milltown: J E Deacon, M D, Chairman; W W Graham, E H Balkam. Appointed June 18th, 1887. Secretary, E H Balkam. District No 13— Town of Upper Mills: Duncan Barbour Myshrall, M D, St Stephen, Chairman; Wallace Miller, Upper Mills; E P Powers, Upper Mills. Appointed June 17th, 1887. Organized June 25th. 1887. Secretory, E P Powers. District Nos 14 and 15— The Island of Grand Manan and the County of Charlotte (excluding the Towns of St Stephen, Mill- town an"d Upper Mills and the Island of Grand Manan): Local Boards have been appointed for these districts. 64 King Street, St. John. N. B. i! c 1 1891.] BOAEDS OP HEALTH. 69 District No 16— The County of Victoria: John Roger Wade, M D, Grand Falls, Chairman ; Robert B M Wiley, M D, Andover ; John Ryan, Arthurette; George W Day, Grand Falls; Enoch Lordly, Perth. Appointed July , 1887. Secretary, Geo W Day, Grand Falls. District No 17 — Th^ County of Madawaska: Francis X Bernier, M D, Edmundson, Chairman; Floreut Fournier, M D, Ed- mundson; Stephen Hafey, Upper St Francis; Christopher Parent, St Leonard's Station; Docile Boose, Saint Jacque. Appointed July 5th, 1887. Organized December 19th, 1887. Secretary, Florent Fournier, M D, Edmundson. District No 18— The County of Sunbury: Perley Taylor Kier- stead M D, Upper Sheflield, Chairmr.n; Wesley D Naeon, Glad- stone; A Stanley Clowes, Oromocto. Appointed June 23rd, 1887. Organized after December 31st, 1887. Secretary, A Stanley Clowes, Oromocto. District No 19— The County of Queens: No board appointed. District No 20— The County of Kings: Samuel P Wilson, M D, Sussex, Chairman; Bliss S Thome, M D, Havelock; Wm A Fairweather, M D, Rothsay; Guilford Flewelling, Hampton; Simeon H White, Springfield. Appointed June 28th, 1887. Organized November I9tb, 1887. Secretary, Samuel Wilson, M D, Sussex. Inspector, Frank Theal, Sussex. District No 21 — The County of Albert: Henry Hicks Coleman, M D, Chairman; Albert Co; F O Talbot, Alma; A W Lunam, Coverdale; R T Gross, Hillsborough; E C Robinson, Elgin. Appointed July — - 1887. Organized October 11th, 1887. Secretary, F O Talboi, ma. District No 22— The uounty of Kent: John Frederick Brine, M D, Richibucto; JohnB Lamothe, M D, Buctouche; Melbourne F Keith, M D, Welford; Damien A Bourgeois, Cocagne; H A Caie, Carleton. Appointed July 30th, 1887. District No 23 — The County of Northumberland: Ferdinand L Pedolin, M D, Newcastle, Chairman; Hiram A Fish, M D, Newcastle, James McGregor Baxter. M D, Chatham; John Staf- ford Benson, M D, Chatham; E P Williams, Esq, Newcastle. Appointed July 5th, 1887. Organized August 10th, 1877. Secre- tary, E P Williston, Newcastle. District No 24— The County of Gloucester: William Pullen Bishop, M D, Barthurst, Chairman; Gideon Mitchell Duncan, M D, Nathurbt; Francis Xaviei Coi leau, M D, Petit Roche; M D, Bourgeois, Traoadie. Appointed August 3rd, 1887. Secretary, John C Meahan, M D, Bathurst; Inspector, Thomas Kearney, Bathurst Village. District No 25— The County of Restigouche: William Gray Disbrow, M D, Parish of Dalhousie, Chairmain; Alex. Chisholm, Dalhousie; Thomas Nicholson, River Charlo; Lawrence La- poirette, Dnrham; Charles Murray, Oampbellton. Organized March 5th, 1888. f cretary, H A Johnson, Dtlhousie; In- spector, Henry Lyman, M D., Carapbellton. BARNES & CO., Blank Book Manufacturers. p i m TapMtry Carpets in BnuielB patterns at 70 CONSULS. [1891. GONSIJLS AND CONSULAR AGENTS. United States Consul at St. John, N B, Mason D Sampson; Wm C Jordan, Vice Deputy Consul. United States Cou-sular Agents— F B Coleman, Fredericton; R R Call, New- castle; Edward Hickson, Bathurst; John McAlister, Campbellton; Hugh' Ludgate, Saint George; Joseph Lake, Grand Manan; J J Alexander, Campo- bello. Gtoodenough, Consul V and D St Stephen. Agents— James W Green, McAdam Jimction; Gkjorge F Stickney, St Andrews. United States Commercial Agentf.— James St Benedict, C A; Geo Me- Sweeney, V and D, C A, Moucton; Walter T Townsend, C A; Robert B Sloat, V C A, Woodstock. Robert Thomson, Conenl for North German Empire .for the Counties of St John, Charlotte, Westmorland and Albert. Alexander Morrison, Consul German Empire for Restigouche, Kent, North- thumberland and Gloucester. J H Thomson. Royal Vice-Consul at St John for Hungary, Austria, Sweden and Norway. ;i;Vice-Consuls for Sweden and Norway, W JM Hanington, Shediac; Richard Hutchinson, Mirimachi; Robert Hutchinson, Restigouche ; Ferguson, Bathui'st. J H Scammell, Vice-Ccnsul Chili and Peru, St John. George Carvill, Consul for France, St. John. D R Jack, Vice-Consular Agent for Spain, St Johij. W B Morris, Consular Agent for Spain, St Andrews. Daniel Brown, Consular Agent for Spain, St Stephen. F O Allison, Portuguese Consul at St John, N B. . James Macgregor Grant, Consul of the Netherlands, St John. Allan O Crookshank. Hawaiian Consul. George Frederick Smith, Consul Argentine Republic. Commissioners for taking Affidavits, Acknowledgments Depositions, etc., for the Courts in the Province of New Brunswick: M M Chisholmand Charles Reynolds, Halifax. N S; Thomas Kelly, Esq, Summerside, P E Island; W H Beatty, Esq, Province of Ontario; John M M Duff, Esq, John Taylor, Esq, an ' George R Lochie, Esq, Montreal; Joseph Elezard Pouilot, Esq, Fi-azerville, P Q; Wm Simpson, Walker, Esq. Monti-eal, George H Mullin, Esq, office No 17 State sti-eet, Boston, Mass; Stillman B Allan, Esq, Boston, Mass; John W Lewe, Esq, Boston, Mass; C O'Connor, Manchester, New Hampshire; Joseph Braman, Esq, New York; Harry Pol- lock, No 47 Gresham House, London, England. Commissioner of Deeds, etc. for Ontario and Nova Scotia— J Roy Camp- bell, Barrister, Princess street. Commissioner of Deeds for Nova Scotia— A H DeMill, Esq, Barrister, St John; John Ken*, Esq, Prince William street. Commissioner of Deeds, etc, for Quebec— Henry W Frith, Esq, Barrister, St John; John Kerr, Esq. Commissioner for Massachusetts— John Kerr, St. John. Commissioner of Deeds for Nova Scotia Ontario and British Columbia— E G Kaye, Es^, Barrister, Prince William street, St John, N B. Commissioners under Chapter 36, Consolidated Statutes— Geo W Morse, Chas Noyes and Eugene O Upton; John L Ward, for the city of New York Corydon Mathews, of Plymouth, for the Counties of Devon and Cornwall; Theophilus H Oliver. Quebec; Ch^^a A Hanson, Montreal: William S Pettigrew, Chicago, Blinois, US; E O Upton, Boston, Massachusetts, U 8; ? _? ^^h'^Y ^y,*^®' Liverpool, England; Henry Percy Blanchard, Vic- toria, British Columbia ; William B M Bii-d, No 5 Gray's Inn Square, London; Hector Baxter, Minneapolis, Minu; Wm T Kayes, Dublin, Ireland; B W Cohen Counsellor-at-Law. New York; Wm Russell. Coke, London, England; Alfred Howell, Toronto, Ontario; Arthur Poland, 7 Queen sti-eet, London, England; Thomas Robert Pennington, Liverpool, England; Ira B Keith, Lvnn. Mass; W H Williams, Los Angeles, Cal; Wm Alex CaldwelL Montreal; George E. Solomon, 28th Holford Square, London; J Fred Mc- MiUan, for the State of Colorado, U S: Walter Harold Covert, Halifax m m' %] Harold Oilbert'b. 64iKing Street. St. John, N. B. 1891.] COURTS. 7t Nova Scotia; Isaac H Hallett, Vancouver, British Ootaunbla; Hush Evan Gillis, Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia; Joseph Grose Cotmer, Esq, ftincipal Secretary in the High Commissioner's OfHce, London, EngkuKT; Joseph T Matheson, of the city of New York, U S; Alexander Fowler Riddell, Mon- treal, Province of Quebec. Commissioner for the State of Pennsylvaniar-Thos J Hunt. CommiPsioner for the States of New York, Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- mont and Connecticut— John Kerr. COURTS. SCPR^SIE COURT OF JUDICATCKE. Chief Jttstice— Ron Sir John C Allen, 13th October, 1875. Justicea— Hon A Rainsf ord Wetmore, 'iSth May, 1878; Hon Acalus L Palmer, Judge in Equity, May 30th, 1879; Hon G E King, December. 1880; Hon John James Eraser, January, 1883; Hon W H Tuck, 17th March, 1885. T Carleton Allen, Esquire, Clerk of the Pleas and Clark m Equity. COURTS FOR THB PROBATE or WILLS AND ORANTINO ADMINISTRATIONS. R Chipman Skinner, Judge of Probates. The Probate Court for the City and County of St John is held every Friday at 3 o'clock at the Court House, and the like Court in other counties of the Province is held at the time specially appointed by the respective Judges. COURT OF DIVORCK AND MATRIMONIAL CAUSES. Honorable A R Wetmore, Judge; F A H Straton, Esq, Registrar. COURT OF VICE ADMIRALTY. Hon Chas Watters, Judge and Commissary; B Lester Peters, Esq, Deputy Judge and Commissary; , Advocate General, A A Stockton, Esq, Registrar and Scribe; G Sydney Smith, B L feters, Q C, and Alfred E Ouiton, Esquires, Surrogates. Thomas C Humbert Mai-shal. Official Stenographers to the Courts— Frank H Risteen, Division No 1. F Devine, Division No 2. Wm H Fry, Division No 2. REFEREES UNDER ACT RESPECTING THE ADMINISTRATION OP JUSTICE IN EQUITY, Albert— William A Trueman, Charles Allison Peck. Carleton— Stephen B Appleby. Charlotte — James G Stevens, jr Gloucester — Theopholius Desbrisay. Kent— Henry Haveloek, James Caleb Richardson. Kings— Arthur C Faii'weather, R S LeBerte Tweedie. Madawaska Northumberland- Queens -E Perley Williston, Robert Murray, Warren C Winslow. Kestigouche- James S Morse. St John— Charles Doherty, Edward H JVIcAlpine, H Lawrence Sturdee, John L Carleton. Sunbury— Charles W Beckwith, Henry B Rainsford. Westmorland— Heniy R Emmerson, Chipman A Steeves, James McQueen. York— Haveloek Coy. COMMISSIONERS FOR TAKING AFFIDAVITS AND BAIL. Albert— George Calhoun, Hopewell, Com Affidavits; James Stevens, Harvey, Com Affidavits and Bail; Wm J Robinson, Elgin; Winthrop Akerly, Alma; Elisha Peck, jr, Hopewell; Robert G Crosier, Com Affidavits. Carleton— George D Raymond, Woodstock, Com Bail; Robt Kerr, Wick- low, James A Phillips, Com Affidavits and Bail; Henrj; Pyson Scholey, Com Affidavits; William Hammond, Com Affidavits and Bail. Charlotte — John Mcintosh, Com Affidavits and Bail; John Farmer, Com Bail; Robert Clark Thomson, Com Affidavits and Bail; James A Grant, Com Affidavits; Daniel Cully. Abraham Young, St George; Alexander J McCann, Dumbarton; Chas E O Hatheway, St Andrews; Wm A Eraser, Grand Manan; Thomas Barry, St George; Henry Chipman Seely, North Head, Com i'i, pi Union Carpets at low Prices at Harold Gilbert's 73 COURTS. [1891. Affidavits and Bail; Isaac Woodward McI^augJilin, Com Affidavits and Bail- Gloucester— Thomas H Carman, Jolm Doran, Bhippegan; William Napieri James G B Blackball, Robert Young, John Young, John Kerr, T^athurst; Joseph Sewell, Inkennan, Com Affidavits and Bail; John Ferguson, jr. Richai-d Lawson, Henry A Sormonez, Shippegan, Com Bail; Mederick EJ Bourgeois, Com Affidavits. Kent— John Bowser, William G Sutherland, Thomas H Bliss, Richibucto, Com Affidavits and Bail; William B Weldon, Richibucto; Robt Clark, John C Rose. Robert Brown, Theophilus Belledo, Thomas Coates, Com Affidavits, Kings— Norval Hallet, Samuel Foster. James A Reeves, Sussex, Com Affi- davits; Nelson Arnold, Sussex; Isaac A Dodge, Upham; Philo L Raymond. Springfield; James Cookson, Kingston, Com Affidavits and Bail; John C Upham, Levi S Sharp, Norton; Elias P Breeze, Caldwell; David P McLellan, Caldwell; Weedeu Fowler, Hammond, Com Affidavits; William AlcLeod, Greenwich, Com Affidavits and Beil: I) Beverly Hatfield, Com Affidavits. Northumbeiiand— Patrick Watt, Richard David.son, William Park, New- castle, Com Affidavits and Bail; John Macdougall, Alexander Londei-s, Com Affidavits; George A Blair, Miles McMilan, Com Affidavits and Bail; William Williston, John McLaggan, Ralph Payle, James T Griffin. Com Affidavits. Queens— E S Burpee. James Ingleden, Johnston, Com Affidavits and Bail: Thomas Murray, Johnston; Isaac C BuiT)ee, Chipman; Jos B Perkins, Petersville; Jonii Goldfinch, Chipman; John Cun-ey, Gagetown, Com Affi- davits: Chas Keith, Com Affidavits and Bail; George N Golding, Thomas N Leonard, Petersville; James Palmer, Canning, Com Affidavits: David Fer- fuson, Gagetown. Com Affidavits and Bail: Thos Murray, Com Bail; Robert Babbitt, Gagetown, Com Affidavits and Bail ; Heniy Todd, Johnston ; John W Perry, Johnston : Samuel M Starkey, Johnston ; John Snodgrass, Water- borough, Com Affidavits; Walter S Butler, Com Affidavits and Bail; James T Roberts, Waterborough, Com Affidavitsf Restigouche— George Girdon, Campbellton, William S Smith, Wm Mont- gomery, Com Affidavits and Bail; John Kerr, Com Bail; Tlios Kerr, Allan G Adams, Campbellton, Com mider Con Stat, cap 44, sec 2; Richard Parker, Com Affidavits. Sunbury— Charles Clowes, Oromocto, Com Affidavits and Bail; Moses H Cobum, Sheffield, Chai-les J Bailey, Frederictc n Junction, Thomas A Beck- with, Daniel G White, Oromocto, Geo Hoben, Burton, Com Affidavits. Victoria— John Costigan, Com Affidavits and Bail; Francis Xavier, John T Hodgson, John C McCluskey, Andover, George Beddel, Andover, H Doug- las Beveridge, Andover, Com Affidavits; Joseph Barnes, Com Bail; Samuel A Cameron, Com Affidavits and Bail ; Fred W Brown, Com Affidavits and Bail. Westmorland— Daniel Hanington, Shediac, John McKenzie. Moncton, William C Deacon, Thomas Keller, Dorchester, Warren W Price, Petitcodiac, Com Affidavits and Bail; Hanford Read, Martin Trueman, Joseph H Avard, Silas A Charters, Memramcook; Gideon Maxwell, Sackville; Geo J Dobson, Botsford, James Hamilton, West Elgin, Com Affidavits; William Backhouse, Dorchester, Com Bail ; Amos Keith, Salisbury, Thomas Herris, Petitcodiac, Com Affidavits. York— Clarence E Grosvenor, Canterbury. James Fairley, Alexander Ben- net, Com Affidavits; Hezekiah Conkhite, Southampton, Daniel Gallagher, "Com Bail: Luke Lawsen, Canterbury, Com Affidavits; Wilham Whitehead, Com Affidavits and Bail. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. Charles A Peck, for the County of 41bert. Stephen B Appleby, for the County of Carleton. F Howard Grimmer, for the County of Charlotte. Chas Rosa, for the County of Gloucester. Robert Hutchin- Bon, for the County of Kent. Wm Henry Baxter, for the County of Kings. Barry R Plai t, for the County of Madawaska. Samuel Thomson, for the County of Northumberland. Ella Siajp^on, for the County of Queens. Caro.ii e Roberts, for the County of Restigouche. Richard N Knight, for the City and County of St John. Odber Turner, for the County of Sunbury. James Tibbits for the County of Victoria. Frank A MX'Iully, for the County of Westmorlandf. Henry B Rainsf ord, for the County of York. 54 Xing Street, St. John, K. B. 1891.] BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. 78 BOLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIES. [Observe. — Those whose names are printrd in Italics are either not I ; or not practising in this Province. NAMES. Richard Carman, . . . . Charles A. Harding, . . . . Samuel Gay Morse, . . . . Bobert Barry Dickey, Hon. W. Hunter Odell, A. 3. Stephen H. Uitchings, . . . . George Botsford, Martin Bent Palmer, . . . . Francis A. H. Straton, . . . . James Stanley Morse, . . . . Theophilua DesBrisay, Q.C. WiUiam Tyag Peters, .... James A. Harding, .... James Peters Wetmore, . . . . James J. Kaye, Q. C, .... Edward H. Wilmot, A. M., Lewis P. Fisher, Q. C Charles Doherty, . . . . Thomas C. Chapman, ..., Jam^s Odell, A.B., .... Samuel B. Davidson, ... John Henry Phair, . . George Hare, Albert T. D. McElmen, ... James R. Curry, William Henry Hatheway... Ward Chiprnan Drury, A. B. Samuel Thomson, Q. C, Frederick Coster, William H. Buckerfield, . . . Henry W. Frith, Hon. Peter Mitchell, Geo. G. Gilbert, A. B., Q. C. Edward Jack, B. Lester Peters, Q. C, ... Daniel Ferguson, John C. Winslow, Robeit Hutchinson, Q C. . . Benjamin G. Gray, A. B., Lewis J. Almon, D. Gustavus Maclauchlan, Charles W. Weldon, Q. C, Alexander Ballentine, Hurd Peters, MA., William P. Dole, A. B., ... Jonn L. Marsh, Jun., A. B Charles J. Sayre, Admitted Attorney. 16 Oct. 11 Feb. 80 32 do. do 7 Feb., 18!^5 18 July, 1895 do. do. llFeb., 1837 10 Feb., 38 13 Oct., 9 Feb., do 13 June, 17 Oct., do 4 Feb., 14 Oct., 18 June, 13 Oct 9 Feb., 6 Feb., do 16 Oct., 5 Feb., do 11 June, 15 Oct., do 16 Oct., 10 June, do do do do 14 Oct., 12 Oct., 7 Feb., 13 June, Oct., do do 12 June, Oct., 7 Feb., 10 June, do April, Feb., Admitted Barrister. Residence. 17 do. 32 Chatham. 11 Feb., 34lGagetown. 9 Feb., 37! Hopewell. 7 do. 3.'i Nova Scotia. 8 Feb., 38,Fredericton. 12 Oct., 37 Saint Stephen. 11 Feb., 1837'Fredericton. 38 39 do 40 40 do 41 41 do do 43 45 do 1845 46 do 46 do do 46 47 do do do 47 47 48 60 do do do do 51 51 52 do do 53 54 6 Feb., 13 Oct., 4 Feb., do 16 June, 13 Oct., do 9 Feb., 13 Oct., 17 June, 13 Oct., 6 Feb.. 5 Feb., 17 June, 14 Oct., 1847 3 Feb., 48 do 13 June, 13 Oct. 14 do 12 Oct., 15 June, 40! Hopewell. dojFrederlcton. 4l'Restigoucbe. do 12 Oct., 13 June, Oct., 7 Feb., Feb., Oct., 27 Oct., 27 Oct., 10 June, Oct., Oct., June, do Oct., June Bathurst. Kings Co. Saint John. Fredericton. 43i?*aint John. 42i Fredericton. Woodstock. Saint John. Dorchester. Nova Scotia California. Fredericton. Saint John. Brit.Columbia. Gagetowu. Saint John, do. Newcastle. Australia. Westmorland, do Saint John, do Montreal. 48 Saint John. 51 Fredericton. 50 Saint John. 52 Chatham. 58 Woodstock. 52 Richibucto. 51 Halifax, N S 51 Saint John. 53 Bathurst. 52 Saint John, 55 Saint John. 53 do. do Saint John. 54 Fredericton. 56 Richibucto. do do do do do 43 45 46 48 do 48 do 47 8 do Bay Wool Carpiliat |74 BABKISTERS AND ATT0RNIB8. [1891. lU, NAMES. Oeorge Frederck Hill, .... Joseph B. Peck, .... J avusJi. Mashane, .... Charles £. Knapp, Charles N. Skinner, Q. C.,.. George Sidney Smith, A. B., Daniel L. Hanineton, Q. C, Henry Bartlett Rainsford, John Augustus Wright, A.B. T. Gray Merrjtt, .... P. E. Barker, D.C.L., Q. C, Charles Allison Peck, William Munson Jarvis, .... Joseph C. Barberie, .... Charles H. B. Fisher, Q. C, John Oration Clifford A. Rankiu iiedell, A. B., . . . . Thomas A Welling, .... Edw. li. Wetmore, A.B.,Q.C. William M. Connell, LL. B., George F. Gregory, T. Barclay Robinson, A. B., Caleb Richardson, .... BxtHk E. Sweeny, Finnemore E. Morton, Q.C. . . Lewis A. Mills, .... ,1ames F. McManus, . . . . Alfred Henry DeMill, A.M., H. Lawrance Sturdee, A. M., Silas Alward, M. A.,D. C. L. Peter Millar, .... Robert Brooks Peters, .... Edwin Byron Winslow, . . . . Robert Oaie, . . . . Thomas Lewis Harrison, A. B Andrew G Blair, . . . . Alfred F. Street, .... George McSorley, . . . . a raes G. Forbes, . . . . A. C. Fairweather, . . . . Frederick W. Stockton, Walter James Kilner, .... Robert J. Ritchie, . . . . Robert Matthew, A. M., .... Stanley Boyd, .... Allan Alfred Peck, . . . . Randolph Ketchum Jones, Isaac Allen Jack, B.C.L James Hannay, .... John P. Hudson, .... Israel S. Gross, ... DanielJordan, ... Josiah Wood, Alfred E. Oulton, Augustus U. HaningtoD, . . . Admitted Attorney. April, Oct., do Feb, June, 14 Oct., June, 1 April, 1 April, June, do April, April Oct., Oct., 19 do 9 Feb., 16 April, 12 June, 12 June, do do 19 Oct., do do 19 Oct., 13 Oct., 11 do 17 June, 15 Oct., 15 Oct., do 11 Feb., do do 18 April, do do 18 April, 13 April, 13 Oct. 13 Oct., 14 do 14 Oct., lado 16 April, 15 June, 12 Oct., 15 Oct.. do do 9 Feb. 9 Feb., 17 June, do AdmltUxl Bairliter. Oct., do Feb., June, 8 Oct., June do do 19 Oct., June, June, April, 19 Oct., M Oct., l4 do 6 Feb., 17 June, 16 June, do 16 do 13 Oct., do 56 do 58 do do 59 60 60 60 do do • do 60 do 63 do 63 63 do do 63 do do 63 66 do 64 64 64 do 64 do do 65 do do 65 65 65 65 do 65 do 65 do do do do do 65 do doll June, do I do 58 do 60 do 59 61 62 61 69 61 63 63 do 64 64 64 • • • 64 65 do 64 66 13 Oct., 19 Oct., 11 Feb., 11 Feb., June, 13 Oct. April, 65 66 66 65 65 do 66 Residenee. 8 Feb., 8 July, 67 do 13 April, do do 10 April, 10 April, 10 June, Oct., 16 Oct., 16 Oct., 67 do do 67 67 67 67 67 67 11 Oct., 12 Oct., 11 Oct.. 67 67 67 15 Oct., 10 Feb.. 67 68 68 do St. Stephen. l">orche8ter. Halifax. Dorchester. Saint John. Saint John. Dorchester. Fredericton. Boston. Saint John. Saint John. Hopewell. Saint John. Dalhousie. Fredericton. United States. Saint John. Shediac. Fredericton. Woodstock. Fredericton. Saint John. Richibucto. A.roo8took, Sussex Vale. St. Stephen. Fredericton. Saint John. do. do. Ottawa, Australia, Fredericton. YarmouthtNS United Sta es. Fredericton. do. Saint John, do. do. Sussex. Toronto. Saint John. New York, England. Ho^;.-"^**'!. Woodstock. vSaint John. Montreal. New York. United States. Fredericton. Dorchester. do. Saint John. 54 Kiner Street, 8t. John, K. B, 1891.] BARBIBTSRS AND ATTORNIBS. 15 HAMia Gilbert R. Pumley, LL.B Alfred A. Stockton, A.M. ,DCL Michael Adams, Charles W. Beckwith, . . Ezekiol McLeod,LL.B., Q.C. K. Chipman Skinner, Thomas Milledge, M. A. ... Oeorge Fred'k. Fisher, . . . Alex. W. Baird, Stephen B. Applebj, . . Charles H. Lugrin, A. B., . George H. Steadman, Wilham B. M Sweeny William C. Milner, Daniel C. Courser, LL.B. . . . L. Richmond Harrison, A. B. Charles A. Stockton, LL. B. James D. Phinney, A. B. ... John Russell Armstrong, . . . John Kerr, Oeorge If. Mnllin, LL. £, . Alex. Slason Thompson, ... Edward R Gregory, LL. B., Montesquieu McDonald, John Willet, Thomas VV. Peters, LL.B Lemuel J. Tweedie, James Mitchell, A. M. James G. Stevens, Jr., A. Henry Vilyard, LL.B, Robert O. Stockton, LL. B Edward T. C. Knowles, Melbourne McMonagle, Barry R. Plant. A. Rainsford Balloch, Robert A. Borden, A. B., William Pugsley. A. B., Charles Abner Macdonald William B. Wallace, Allen Otty Earle, Philip Palmer, Leander A. White, J. Arthur Fairweather, William H. Dickson, James Alfred Vanwart, A "Wesley Vanwart, A. M., George F. Baird, George A. Henderson, Thomas Medley Wetmore Allison B. Connell, LL.B. George E. Fairweather, George B. Fraser, James A. Belyea, B. A. ames L. Kerr, bos. Carleton Allen, LL.B B. M. A4iritred Attorney. June 67 do do 14 Oct., 67 14 Oct, 67 do do 10 Feb., 68 10 Feb., 69 10 Feb., 68 do do 19 Oct., 68 do do 11 Feb., 69 21 April, 69 do do 19 June, 69 21 Oct., 69 do do do do 21 Oct. 69 do do do do 9 Feb., 70 9 Feb., 70 22 June, do 22 Oct., do do do 22 Oct.. 70 do do do do 18 Feb., 71 do do do do do do do do do dc 22 June, 71 22 June, 71 26 Oct., do 20 June, 72 25 Oct., do 20 Feb., 73 20 Feb., 73 do. do 1 June, dc INov. 75 do do 13 Feb. 75 do. do 13 Feb., 74 20 April 74 20 June 74 20 June, 74 do 74 do 74 22 Oct., 74 Admitted Barrister 11 June 14do 14 Oct., 14 Oct., 10 Oct., 10 June, 9 June, 8 Feb., 9 June, 14 Oct., 28 April, 12 April, 15 June, 15 June, 11 Oct., do do 11 Oct., do do 8 Feb., 8 Feb., 15 June, 12 Oct., do 12 Oct., do do 20 Feb., 8 April, 20 Feb., do do do 27 Jnne, 27 June, 24 Oct., 28 June, 27 Oct., 27 June, 27 June, 8 Feb do 13 Feb., do 13 Feb., 19 Oct., i.6 June, 8 Feb., 20 Oct., do 23 Oct., 68 68 do G8 68 69 69 69 69 69 70 Residence. 70 70 70 70 do do 70 do do 71 71 n n do 71 do do 72 do do do do do 72 72 72 73 78 74 74 75 do 75 do 76 do 75 75 do do 75 Saint John. Saint John. Newcastle. Fredericton. Saint John. do Saint John. Fredericton. St. John. Woodstock. Fredericton. Moncton. Halifax. Sackville. Woodstock. Vancouver BC Saint John. Richibucto. Saint John. do. Boston. Chicago. St. John. Saint John. do. do. Chatham. St. Stephen. do. Saint John. St. John. Saint John. St. Stephen. Madawaska. do. Moncton Saint John. do. Saint John. do. do. United States. Saint John. United States. Fredericton. do. Saint John. do. Gagetown. Woodstock. St. John. Chatham. Saint John. do. Fredericton. 'ii i I Tapestry Carpets in endless variety at 11 76 BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIKS. [1891. NAMES. Admitted Attorney. Admitted Barrister. Robert Barry Smith, Joseph Howe Dickson, Frederick Herbert McKiel,. . Hugh Uavelock McLean, ... Henry A. Forster, Richard F. Quigley, LL.B., , Miles B. Dixon, William A. Park, Michael Samuel Benson, .... Ed. Perley Williston, A. B. . . John Bla^, .... Humphrey Gilbert, , .... Clarence W. Tre J. Duffy, John T. Harrington, Narcisse A. Landry, L.L.B. Ambrose D. Richard, L.L.B. Henry A. Powell, B. A George V. Mclnerney, L.L.B T. Swayne DesBrisay John E. Costigan, Williamson Fisher, L.L.B.. 22 Oct., do do 18 Feb., do do 28 April, do 18 June, do 22 Oct., do do do 2 Feb., 11 Feb., do do do do 20 April, do do 21 Oct., do do do do Feb., Ju; :21 June, 19 Oct., 19 Oct., ■April, June, I do ' do. 19 .lune, 30 Oct.. 17 April, 24 do I do I do i do do 20 June, 20 June, do 20 June, do 18 Oct., 1 do > do 74 23 Oct., do|24 0ct., 22 Oct., 14 Feb . 10 April, 14 Feb., 24 April, do 14 Oct., . 19 June, 24 Oct., do do 24 Oct., 8 Feb., 12 do Ma; 21 June do 7^ do do do do 75 do 75 do do do 76 76 do do do do 76 do do 76 do do do do 77 77 77 77 do 77 78 78 78 78 78 78 do do 13 12 do do do do 21 April, do do 7 Feb., 19 June, 23 Oct., do do 10 Feb., 20 April, 22 June, 12 April, 23 Oct., 24 do 19 April, 18 June, 18 do 24 April, Residence. 75 Monct(m. 76 Dorchester. 75 Saint John. 76 Saint John. 84 Shediac. 76 Saint John, do do. do Newcastle. . . . Chatham, do Newcastle. 76 Fredericton. do Moncton. do 'Ottawa. 76;Shediac. 77 UnitedStates do|Monct(m. doiSt. John. do do do 77 do do 78 do do do do 78 do do 79 78 do 79 79 80 80 30 Oct., 10 June, 24 April 79! do do|l2 April, do' .... . do'24 April. do! 79 4 Feb, do| do 24 June, do' do 79 20 Oct, do 19 Feb, do 23 Oct, 79 80 80 do 83 "so 81 80 do 80 81 80 do do. New York. St. John. do. Ottawa. St John. Moncton. St. John. Dorchester. Fredericton. C'hatham. Dorchester. Sackville. Grand Falls. Dorchester. Sussex. St John. Sussex. UnitedStates. St. John. UnitedStates. St. John. Andover. Campbellton. St. John. Moncton. Moncton. U. States. Bathurst. Bathurst. Dorchester. Sackville. Richibucto. Bathurst. N. W. Ter. Woodstock. Harold Gilbert's 54 King Street, St. John, S f.B. 1891.] EAKRI8TER8 AND ATTORNIES. 77 NAMES. Admitted Attorney. Admitted Barrister. Residence. Henry H. James, Havelock Coy, A. M., do do 12 Oct, 81 Buctouche. 29 Oct., 79 4 Feb., 81 Fredericton. JameB Devlin, 12 Feb., 80 14 Feb, 81 Halifax. James P. MitheV, .... do do 14 Feb, 81 Winnipeg. John E. Malthy, do do 14 Feb, 81 Winnipeg. William A. Quinn, 24 April, 80 26 April, 81 Fredericton. Fevwik W. Travis, .... 17 June do 23 June, 81 United States Arthur I. Trueinan, M. A.,. do do 21 June, 81 St. John. George A. Davis, L.L.B.,. . . 17 June, 80 12 Oct., 81 St. John. Rihard B. Adaim, LL.B., do do 15 April 82 Chatham. Allan A. Davidson, jr., 23 do do 25 June, 81 Newcastle. Hiram G. Betts, 23 Oct, 80 25 Oct., 81 SanFrancisco W. C. Hazen Grimmer, do do do do St. Andrewa James Kay, do do •■•• •••• Shediac. David Ta])Iey, do do 25 Oct., 81 Portl'd, St. J. R. H. Davis, .... 14 Feb, 81 23 Feb., 82 Andover. James Straton, .... do do 24 Feb., 82 St. John. William D. MLeod, do do do do U. States. John J. Forest, 23 April, 81 15 June, do Saint John. David J. Welsh, 16 June, 81 .... ... Moncton. Abraham B. Walker,LL. B. do do 29 June, 82 St. John. Frank H. Tuck,D.L.L., . . . . 17 June, 81 do 82 Vanc'ver, BC Charles E. Sumner,LL.B. . . 23 June, 81 . ■ • . • . . Moncton, Robert Beckwith. do do 29 June, 82 Dorchester. F.W. Emerson, A. B.,LL.B. 17 Oct., 81 8 Feb., 83 Dorchester. R. S. LeBert Tweedie, .... do do Hampton. Chatham. Warren C. Winslow, .... 9 Feb., 82 22 Feb., "83 George W. Allen, A. M 9 Feb., 82 22 Feb., 83 Saint John. Robert Murray, jr., 15 do do 12 April, do Chathnm. Lemuel Allan Curry, M. A. 17 April do 26 do do St. John. Dovyula bttuart Buthino t,, do do 17 April, 82 FnitedStates. Spurgeon Wortman, .... do do 26 Oct., 84 Moncton. Clifford B. Deacon do do ■ ■ t . • • • . Winnipeg. Frederick Clarence Rand, . . do do 26 April, 84 Moncton. Wm. Murray, M. P. P Thomas A. Kinnear, .... do do 26 do do Campbell ton. 17 April, 82 1 June, 83 Shediac. J. DeVeher Neales, .... do do 12 April, 87 Gagetown. A. Lewis Belyea, .... do do 26 April, 83 Fredericton. Josiah R. Murphy, 17 April, 82 26 April, 83 Woodstock. Daniel Mclntyre, 18 do do • ■•■ •■•• Winnipeg. St. John. John F. A.she, .... do do 26 April, 83 Albert J. Gregory, 28 June do 28 June, 83 Fredericton. Daniel Mullin, .... do do 28 do do St John. Jeremiah Hayes Barry, do do 28 June, 84 Fredericton. J. Douglas Hazen, do do 28 do do St. John. Allen \\ ilmot Chapman,.. . . do do 12 do 84 Dorchester. Mariner George Teed, 29 Oct., 84 .1.2 June, do do John Louis Carleton, .... 18 do 82 25 Oct., do St. John. JohnN. VV. Winslow do do 7 Feb., do Woodstock. William P. Sayre, do do . . • . • . . . Richibucto. Herbert E. Wardroper, do do 7 Feb., 84 St. John. Isaac H. Hallett, do do 7 do do Sussex. James T. Sharkey, do do 7 Feb., 84 Fredericton. William H. Chapman, 20 do do i 10 April, 84 Dorchester. 9ni f HMtii mXbmV ftr Vfetterni 78 BARRISTERS AND ATTORNIBS. [1891. NAMES. B. A.D. Chapman, A.B. LLK David Grant, LL.B Melville N. Cockburn, Samuel J. Jenkins, A.B J. T. Twining Hartt, .... John M, O'Biicn, B. A James M . Knight, .... William A. Ewing, Edouard Girouard, .... Fred. V. Wedderburn,LL.D James A. Freeze, .... Charles L. Richards, Leonard Allison, Clarence H. Ferguson, D. McLeod Vince, L. L Alex. Straton, Chas. J. Thomson, Robt. Rankin Ritchie, . . . .fames W. McCready, B.A John P. Lawrence, B.A. . . Joseph G. Mathews, John M. Stephens, Charles J, Coster, . . Joseph H. Yeomans, Frank A. Bennett, Francis B. Gregory, Robert W. Hewson, Allen W. Bray, Henry H. Ayer, Geo. W. Fowler, Harrison A. McKeown, . . . Thomas H. Welling, . . . Benjamin S. Palmer, James McQueen, Ora P. King, Frank H. Grimmer, Herbert W. Moore, Albert W. Bennett, Stanley Kierstead, J. Walter Keid, Leonard Tilley Carvill, . . . Thomas P. Regan, Ronald C. Grant, John Boden, John M, Nevers, Joseph A. Harris, Berton C. Foster, George J. Clarke, Frederick LaForest, Thomas Lawson, George R. Vincent, Martin G. B. Henderson,. Milton B. Hicks, Robert Morrison, Admitted Attorney. 18 Oct do 8 Feb., do 16 April, do do do do do 18 do 14 June 13 Oct., do do do do 7 Feb., 19 do 26 April, 16 do 12 June, 4 do 20 Oct., do 20 Oct., do do do do April, 82 do 83 d(. 83 do do do do do do do do 83 do do do do 84 do 84 do 84 do 84 do 84 do do do do 85 Admitted Barrister. Residence. 30 April, 25 J line, do do 29 Oct.. 29 9 20 Oct. do 20 Oct., do 20 Oct, 20 Oct, do 20 April, do do 29 April, 85 do 85 do 85 85 do 85 do do 86 15 Oct., 2 Feb., 29 April, 21 Oct, do do do do do 85 86 86 86 do do do do do 16 Oct., 84 Dorchester. 16 do do' do 1 Feb., 84 St Andrews. 21 do do Ottawa. 24 April, 84 St. John. California. 16 Oct., 84 Moncton. 24 April, 84 St. John. 16 Oct., 84 Moncton. 24 Apil, 84 St. John. 24 ao do Fredericton. 12 June, 84 3t. John. 26 June, 84 Sussex. 16 Oct., 84 Saint John, do do Woodstock, do do Andover. do do New'tle. N. B. do do Saint John. 16 April, 85 Fjedericton. . . Westmorland. 85 Boston. 85 do Saint John. Oct., Oct., do 85 85 90 29 Oct., 85 28 Oct, 86 do do 28 Oet, 86 do do 99 April, 86 do do do do 25 June "85 28 Oct, 86 3 Feb, 87 23 Apl, 87 Albert Co. Dalhousie. Fredericton. 27 Oct. do do do do Westmorland, do Sussex. Saint John. Point de Bute. Gagetown. Botsford West Moncton. St. Andrews. Saint John. Hopewell, A. C Saint John. Fredericton. St. John. St. John. St. John. St. John. Woodstock. Moncton. Woodfltock. St. Stephen. Edmundston. Andover. &t. John, do St. John, do; Dorchester, do! Sussex. 87 do of Oftrp«ting before bnying . 1891.] ItARRISTBRR AND ATTORNIBB. 79 NAMES. Frank A. McCullv, James S. Harquail, Fred St. John Bliss, Charles E. Diiflfy, William D. Carter, Charles A. D. Gagnon Wm WooHbury Wells, PaBcal Poirier, Charles F. Bailey, A. C. Brydone Jack, Walter H. Covert, Joseph J. Porter, A. F. Barnhill, S. B. Bustin, Geo. G. Gilbert, Gerard G. Ruel, Arthur L. Robinson, Arthur tSimonds, Frank J. Sweeny, Geo. H. Turner, J. B. Campbell, Arthur N. Charters, Ernest L. Ford, J. C. Hartley, Ernest A. McKay, Titus J. Coster, J a (lies E. Cowan; Fred DeVine, Edgar W. Thompson, William Albert Mott, John W. Hickson, Sydney S. Taylor, Chas. A. Ganong, Henrv F. McLatchey, A. W. Macrae, John R. Dunn, Henry C. Hanington, John J. Gallagher, Charles W. Tabor, Horton B. Hetherington Harris G. Fenety, Bedford B. Teed, Arthur W. Ebbett, John B. M. Baxter, James K. Kelley, John Ward Wetmore, A. Kortright Neales, George A. Hughes, M. Herbert Parlee, James P. Byrne, Frank B. <;arvill, John A. Sinclair, Chas. A. McAnn, Louis E. Youn^, Frederick L. Fairweather, Admitted Attorney. 21 Oct, do do do do do do 3 Feb, do do do 18 Oct, do do do do do do do do do do do do do 12 Oct., do do do do 16 Oct, do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Admitted Barrister. 27 Oct., do do 17 Oct., do do do do Jan, 89 do do do do 90 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 17 Oct., 25" Oct,' I do do do do do do do 17 Oct., 23 Oct, do do do do 87 do do 86 do do do do do do 87 do do do 88 do do dol do! do'SO do .. do 30 Jan, 90 doj do 17 Oct., do do do do Residence. 89 do do do do 90 89 89 "88 do do do do do do do 89 90 do do do do Sussex. Dalhousie. Fredericton. Fredericton. Kings Co. Madawaska. Westmorland. Richibucto. St. John. Fredericton. St. John, do do do do do Westmorland, do do do do do do Woodstock. Fredericton, St. John. Portland. Campbellton. St. John. Gagetown. Dorchester. Woodstock. Saint John. Gagetown. Fredericton. Dorchester. Fredericton. Saint John. do. Fredericton. Woodstock. Fredericton. Sussex. do. Woodstock. Saint John. Sussex. Woodstock. Sussex. IF? I Bay Goooa Matt and Mattingi at 80 MBDTCAL RBOIBTKR [1801- THE MEDICAL REGISTER OF NEW BRUNSWICK. Name. * TlKHinENCE. Aclily, Henry Q. Saint John. Allison, l-uciuH Carey .... Saint John. Alward, Mark .... EI)^'in, Albert. Andrews, Joseph .... Suint John. Atkinson, Jainen G. .... .... Oak Hill, Charlotte. Bristol, Carleton. Atkinsoi', Marcus (J .... BarneH, (,'harle.s Laander Dorchester. Baxter, JunieH M'Gregor. ... .... Chatham. Baxter, Robert G. .... Moi cton. Bayard, William .... Saint John. Bedell, George .... .... Musquash, Saint John. Chatham. Bennon, John Stafford Bensv^n, JoHCph Black .... .... Chatham. Bernier, Francis X. .... Edmundston. Berrynian, Daniel E Saint John. Berryniaa, John Saint John. Bishop, William Fallen .... Bathurst. Black, Char] ^h A. Westmorland, Weatmorl'd. Bidir, Frank I. .... .-^aint Stephen. Bleakney, David Petitcodiac. Bowser, James Charles, .... .... Kinyston, Kent. Bridges, James Whiteside iVloncton. Brown, Frank Manson .... Fredericlon. Brown, Theodore Cowes . . . Fredej'ioton. Bruce, Murdock Fr.a er .... Sain i, John. Burnet, Toshut T7phi«.m, . . . .... Sussex. Caldwell, G eor ^jo Peters .... Saint .John. Caldwell, William M J^'.uiville. Cameron, Ewan .... •.>rand Man an. Caswell, James A. .... Gagetown, Queen's. Chandler, Edward B IVloncton. Christie, James .... Saint John. Christie, William Portland, Church, J. Elbert Dorchester. Cobum, Benjamin .... .... Bright, York. Coburn, G. Hay ward Fredericton. Cody. Peter White Forest City, Maine. Comeau, Francis Xavier. ... .... Petit Ko-her. Coleman, Henry Hicks ... Hopewell. Coulthard, George E Fredericton. Crawford, David .... Andover, Crawford, Gustavus K. J Saint John. Crocket, William Caldwell Fredericiou. Cruise, William liuctouche, Kent. Currie, John Z. ... Fredericton. Ds.niel, John Waterhouse .... Saint J)hn. h Dein8t."dt, William M'Kay Saint Stephen. ' Deymoad, Francis John .... Newcastlt. Dir-k, Thomas Saint George. Ir Harold Oilb«rt'i S4 King BtrMt, St. John, N. B. 1891.] MEDICAL HKOIBTBR. 81 Namb. RK8IDENCE. Disbrow, Winiain G Dalhounie. Dohflrty, Edward P. ^ .... Memramcook. Doherty, Isaac WilHon ' ' .... Kingston. Kent. Doherty, William Woodbury .... Campbellton. Duncan, Gideon Mitchell .... Bathurat. Earle, Thomas J. Young's Cove, Queen'n. Emery, Alban F. • • • ■ . • • • • Saint John. Ferguson, Allan Gilmor .... DalhouRie. Fish, Hiram A. .... .... Newcastle. Fitzmaurice. Thomas James Houlton, Maine, TJ. S. French, William K Sackville. Fulton, George Herbert .... .... Bristol, Westmorland. Gaudet, Edward T Saint Joseph, Westmorland. Gillmor, Henry Edward . . . , .... Goodwin, Wilfred Watson .... Saint Martins. Dorchester. Gove, Harry .... .... Saint Andrews. Gove, Samuel Tilley .... .... Saint Andrews. Gray, James H. .... .... Fairville. Gregory, Harry W .... Stanley. Saint John. Harrison, Richard .... .... Hetherington, George A. .... Saint John. Holden,(JharleH .... .... Saint John, Hutchison, James .... .... Saint John. Inches, P. Robertson .... .... Saint John. Johnston, Charles H. L .... Saint John. Johnson., George F. .... .... Sussex. Jonah, J «/an Mariner .... .... Eastport, Maine, U. S. Kierstead, Farley Taylor .... Keith, Bauman Newton .... .... Sheffield, Sunbury. Harvey Station, York. Keith, Melbourne Franklin .... Weldford. Kelley, James William .... .... Saint Stephen. Kenney, Frank Lincoln .... , .... Saint John, Lawson, James .Jouglas .... .... Saint Stephen. Lawson, John J ames .... .... Morton Station, King's. LeBlanc, Aime A. .... .... Bathurst Lunam, Henry .... Campbellton. Macdonald, Donald D .... Petitco.iiac. Macdonald, John, .... . .... Chatham. Macdonald. Malcolm C .... Cambridge, Queen's. Macfarland, Matthew Law .... Fairvilie, Saint John. Maclaren, Laurence .... . . .... aint John. Madaren, Murray .... Saint John. Marven, Bliss A. .... .... Hillsborough. Meehan, John 0. ...... .... Bathurst. Melvin, George Girvan .... .... Alma, Albert. Moffat, Alexander Cowan .... Kilburn, Victoria. Moore, David R. .... Stanley, York. Moore, Edmund .... Salisbury. Moore, Paul R. .... .... Sackville. Morrison, William Somerville .... Saint John. Morse, Charles Hamilton Woodstock. Mott John 0. .... .... Prince William York. linoleami out in one pleoa at Harold Gilbert's, S2 MEDICAL REGISTER. [1891. Name. Residence. Murray, Ansrus John .... Greenwich, King's. Murray, Charles .... Studholm, King'ii. Murray, Daniel .... .... Campbellton. Murray, Luther Corbett .... Hopewell. Carleton. Muegrove, Thomas William McAIpine, Lemuel A. W. .... Saint John. M'Carron, James Andrew .... Saint John. M'CuUy, Oscar J Moncton. M'Donald, Manfred H . . . . Wickham, Queen's. McFarlane, Foster .... .... Saint John. M'Kay, <3reori?e „ ^,:, Gladstone, Sunbury. M'Learn, Robert .... .... Fredericton. McLerry, Beverly N .... Portland. Nojes, George B Grand Manan. Nugent, John G. .... Briggs' Corner, Queen's. Olloqui, Rufino Augustino .... Kingston, Kent. O&borne, "Walter Henry Saint Martins. Owens, John Gabriel .... MiUviUe, York. Porter, Mariiin Luther .... .... Danforth, Maine, U. S. Preston, Henry (5. .... .... Saint John. Price, WiU'om H Havclock, King's. Purdy, Clir.ion Tremaine .... Monet* -n. Purdy, Silas .... .... Hopewell. Raymond, George Howard . . , . Sussex. Reynolds, Harlan P .... liepreaux. Reynolds, Her y 0. .... .... Robinson, 'ildward C ■ Upper Woodstock Eltjin, Albert. Ross, James Duncan .... .... Moncton. Ross, Robert K. .... Saint Stephen, Sayre, CliifDrd Monctrm. Seery, Frederick Joseph .... Fredericton. Secord, Elizabeth .... .... Blissville. Sharp, Isaac Clarence .... Marysville. Sheffield, Mason Saint John. Simon, John Alexander .... .... Saint John. Sirois, Felix G. aint Basil, Madawaska. Smith, Alfred Corbtct .... .... Newcastle. Smith, Gaius T. .... .... Moncton. Smith, Joshua Newton .... Hampton, King's. Woodstock. Smith, Stephen .... .... Sprague, Thomas Farmer Woodstock- Steeves, Edward Omar .... Moncton. Steeves, James T. .... .... Fairville. Steeves, James Albert E. .... Fairville. Taylor, George L. .... Hampton. Taylor, Henry Ingister .... .... Saint George. Teed, John Francis .... .... llorchester. Thome, Bliss S. .... - Havelock, King's. Todd. William H Saint Stephen. Calais, Maine, U. S. Townsend, George F .... Travers, Boyle .... .... Trueman, Harmon S • -^ Saint John. Sackville. Turner, Waleer L. Canterbury, York. 54 King Street, 8t. John. K. B. 1891.] ECCLESIASTICAL. 83 Name. Upham, George Cutler . . Venner, Victor John A. . . Vose, Edwin H. Wade, John Roger Wade, Joseph Armour . . Walker, Thomas Warneford, Percy Heber Weeks, Charles Tapper . . Wetmore, Henry White, Frederick J. White, Jacob D. White, James Smith, White, William W. Wier, John Wiley, Robert B. M. Williston, A. A. Lapman Wilson, John H, Wilson, Bamuel F. Wyman, Alonzo Pomeroy Rksidenoe. Van Buren, Maine, U. S. Campbellton. Calais, Maine, U. S. Grand Falls. Saint Andrews. Saint John. Canterbury Station, York. Bale Verte. Bloomfield. Shediac. Carleton. HodgRon, Maine, U. S. Brid^ewater, Maine, U. S. Doaktown, Northumberl'd. Andover. Lower Newcastle. Springfield, King's. Sussex. Upper Wicklow. ECCLESIASTICAL. THE CHURCH OF ENGLAND. Bishop— The Most Rev. John Medley, D. D., Metropolitan of Canada. Fredericton. Bishop Coadjutob— llie Right Rev. H. Tully Eingdon, D. D. Fredericton. Alexander, Rev. P., tlub-Dean, Cathe- dral, Fredericton, and New Maryland. Armstrong, Rev. W B., Grand Falls. Bliss, Rev. D. M., Westmorland. Brlgstoclie, Rev. Canon, Rector.St. John, St. John. Brown, Rev. C. D., Dalhousie. Campbell, Rev. J. R., Dean Rural, Dorchester. Campbell, Rev. W. W., Trinity, St. Stephen. Covert, Rev. W. 8., Grand Manan. Cresswell, Rev. J. J., Sprinjjrtteld. Crisp, Rev. J O., Victoria, St. John. Davenp' rt, Rev. J. M., Mission Chap- el, Portland, St. John. deSoyres, Rev, John, St. Mark. St. John. DeVeber, Rev. Wm. H., St. Paul, St. John. Dibblee, Rev. H. E,, Maugerville. EatOHgh. Rev. W., Petitoodiac. Fie welling. Rev. J. E., Wicklow. For.syth, Rev. David, Cliatham. Gollraer, Rev. A. J. A., St. John (St. John. Haiiford, Rev. S. J., Upham. Hartin, Rev. Thomas Retired, Canter- bury. Hansen, Rev. Neils M., New Denmark. Hansen, Rev. N. C, Canning. Hanlngton, Rev. C. P., Johnson. Hudgell, Rev. R. W., Derby. Hooper, ttev. E. B. , Weldford Hackenly, Rev. Henry, Gagetown. Hurley, liev. E. P.. Cambridge. Hoyt, Rev. L. A., Andover. Jaffrey, Uev. W., retired, St.. Mary'i. Janie.s, Rev. C. J., St.James, Ht.John iKetehum, Rev.W. Q., St. Andrews. Buy Cocoa Mats and Mattings at 84 ECCLESIASTICAL. [1891. Little, Rev. H. W., Sussex. Loyd, Rov. Geo. E., Rothesay. Mathers. Rev. R., Warden Wiggins OrDhan Asylum, St. John. Mackenzie, Rev. C. Ey Shediac. Maynard, Kev. Geo. F., Hampton. Millidge, Rev. J.W., St. David. McKiel, Rev. W. LeB., Bright. Montgomery, Rev. H., Kingsclear. Morris. Rev. H. iJ., Andover. Murray, Rev. A. B., Woodstock. Neales, Re" J., (retired), Woodstock. Neales, Kev. Thos., Woodstock. Neales, Rev. Scovil, Southampton. Newnham.Rev.O.S., St. Stephen. Parnther, Rev. D. B., Retired, St. John Parlee, Rev. H. T., Westfield. Peters, Rev. G. D., Bathurst. Pember, Rev. F., Campobello. Plckeit, Rev. D. W., Greenwich. Raymond, Rev. W. O., St. Mary, St. John. Reid, Rev. A. J., St. Paul, St. John. Roberts, Rev.G. G., Fruderiuton. St. Newcastle. Carleton, St. Schofleld. Rev, George, Slmonds. 8lmonds,Rev. R., (retired), St. John. Sherman, tYed F., St. Martins. Smith, Rev. R. E., St. George. Spike, Rev. H. M., Musquasn. Street, Rev. W. H., Petersville SteveiiS, Rev. L. G., Portland, John. Sweet, Rev. J. H. S., Sampson, Rev. W. H. John. Titcombe, Rev. J. C, Lancaster. Talbot, Rev. Jas. H., Moncton, Teed, Rev. A. W., Richmond. Warneford, Rev. E. A., Norton. Warneforfl, Rev. C.A. S., Canterbury. Wainwright, Rev. H. S., Kingston. Weeks, Rev. A. H., retired, "Westfield. Wetmore, Rev. D. I., Kingston. Willis, Rev. (Juthbert, retired, Petit- codiac. Wiggins, Rev. Cecil F., Sackville. Wilkinson, Rev. W. J., Bay du Vin. DEACONS. Hopkins.Rev.J.R.,Gordon and Lome. | Smithers, Rev. A. W.,Waterford. OFFICERS OF THE DIOCESAV CHURCH SOCIETY. (•resident, The Right Rev. John, Lord Bishop of Fredericton; Vlce-Presf- dentB, The Right Rev. H. Tully Kingdon, D.D., Coadjutor Bishop, Hon. Sir , Leonard Tilley, C. B., K. 0. M. G.. Lieut. -Governor, William M. Jarvis, Esquire, ' Hon. R.D.Wilmot, The Hon. Sir John C. Allen, H. W. Frith, G. A. Schofleld, Rev. Canon DeVeber, M. A., Rev. Canon Brigstocke, D. D., and Rev. Canon Ketchum, D. D.; Treasurer, G. E. Fairweatner, E',q. ; Secretary, Rev. W. O.Raymond, St. John; Auditors, C. H. Fairw ather and A. P. Tippet. Executive Committee.— The Officers of the Societv, the Clergy, duly qualified, and the following Lay membera: James S. Beek, John Black, T. C. Brown, M. D . R. T. Clincli, Ira Cornwall, W, K. Crawford, T. W. Daniel, Hon. D. L. Hanington, C.E L. Jarvis, I. Allen Jack, C.F. Kinnear, C.A. Mac- donald, John Moore, Eldon MuUin, Hurd Peters, T. B. Robinson, G. Sidney Smith, A. F. Street, A. A. Sterling, H. L. Sturdee, R. Peniston Starr, C. N. Vroom, C. W. We'don, Hon. Judge Wilkinson. BoHrd of Home Missions— Appointed by the general committee: The Right Reverend the Lord Bishop (ex officio) ; ..the Right Reverend the Bishop Coadjutor (ex officio), the Treasurer of the Society (ex officio), the Secretr*ry of the Society (ex officio); Rev. Canon Bi'igstocke, Rev. O. S. Newnham, Rev. Canon Neales, Rev. Canon Roberts. Rev J. M. Davenport, G. A. Schofield, C. N. Vrooni, Sir Leonard Tilley, H. W. Frith, W. M. Jarvis, D. L. Hanington, A.P Tippet. Appointed by the Rural Deaneries: Re^ . Canon Forsyth, Chatham: Rev. Henry Montgomery, Fredericton; Rev. R. E. Smith, St. Andrews; Rev. W. (,), Raymond, St. John; Rev. J. H. Talbot, Shediac; Rev. L. A. Hoyt, Woodst ck. Book Depository Committee—Arpointed by the General Committee: Rev. O. S. Newnham. Kev J. M. Davemxirt, C. E. L Jarvis, A. P Tippet, T. Barclay Robinson, C. F. Kinnear. VV. IC. Crawford, together with members of the Parent So<",iety in the Diocese. Committee on Interesting Sinday Schools in Home Missjons, anu on Pro- motion of Sunday School8~-x\ppointed by the General Conmiittee: Rev. H. Montgomery, Rev. C. J .Fames, liev. L. A. Hoyt, Rev.C. P. Hanington, Rev. J. M Davenport, Rev. (). S. Newnham, Rev. Canon Robeits, H. W. Frith, Eldon MuUin, C. A. Macdonald, C. N. Vroom. Finance Committee— Appointed by the Executive Committee: W. M. Jarvis, H. W. Frith, R. T. Clinch, A. F Street, T. W. Daniel, James S. Beek, G. A. Schofield, C. F. Kinnear, G. Sidney Smitii, and the Treasurer of the Society ex officio. Kk^' Harold Gilbert's, 54 King Street, St. John, N. L. 1891.] ECCLESIASTICAL. 85 Glebe Land Committee— Appointed by the Executive Committee: C. A. Macdonald, G. A. Schofleld, G Sidney Smith, H. L. Sturdes, C. W. Wel- don, Hon. Judge Wilkinson, I. Allan Jack, Geo. E. Fairweather. Committee on the Incapacitated Clergy Fimd— Appointed by the Execu- tive Committee: The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop, the Right Rev. the Bishop Coadjutor, Rev. O. S. Newrnham, Rev. J. H. Talbot, Geo. A. Schofleld, Rev. Canon Brigstocke, W. M. Jarvis, A. A. Sterling. The Clergy Widows and Orphans Fund— George E. Fairweather .Secretary. Fund to aid in the Education of Children of Clergymen— T. Barclay Robinson, Secretary. ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERGYMEN. IN THE DIOCESE OP SAINT JOHN, NEW BBUNSWICK. Present Bishop— Right Rev. John Sweeny, D. D. Vicar-Gi'neral— Very Rev. Monsignor Connolly. Chancellor- Rev. J. J. Walsh. At the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Saint John, N. B., The Right Rev. John Swkbny, D. D. ; Rev. J. J, Walsh, Rev. T. Casey. Rev. F. McMurray. Church of St. John the Baptist, Broad street. St. John, Very Rev. Monsignor Connolly, V . G., Rev. LeBlanc. St. Peter's Church, St. John, north. Rev. J. B. Hayden. Rev. Jos. Borgman. Rev. A. Wynn, Rev. M. Donohoe. Silver Falls, Rev. James McDevitt. Fredericton, Rev. J. C. McDevitt, Rev. L. Chatillon. Carleton, St. John, west. Rev. J. J.O'Dono- van; St. Mary's, York Co., Rev. J. P. Kiernan; Milltown, Rev, E. Doyle; Woodstock, Rev. John D. Murray and Rev. F. Bradley: Debec, Carleton Co., Rev. F. L.Carney; Quaco, Rev. F. X. Collerette; Sussex, Kings County, Rev. P. Belliveau, Rev. P.Kelly; Johnsville, Rev. W.F. Chapman: Petersville, Rev. P. Parrel; St.George, Rev. T. Lavery; St. Andrews, Rev. J. M. O'Flaherty; St. Stephen, Rev. Wm. DoUard. Cape Bald, Rev. P. Bradley and Rev, Theodore Martmeau; St. Mary's, Kent Co., Rev. Joseph Ouellet; Uuctouche, Rev. F. X. Michaui and Rev. A. v. Hudon; Richibucto Village, Kent Co., Rev. Fidele Belliveau: AJliert, Albert Co., Rev. John Carson; Moncton, Rev. H. Meahan; St. Paul, Kent Co., Rev. Jean Hebert; French Village, York Co., Rev. William O'Leary; Shediac, Rev. Antoine Ouellet; Memramcook, Very Rev. C. Lefebre, Superior of St. Joseph's Collene; Rev. Fathers A. Roy, A. LeBlanc, J. Girard, J. P. Manning, M Bazoges, J. Garant, M. Berthiaume, A. D, Cormier, M. Lecours, M. Langlais, P. Perquis; Cocaigne, Pev. F. X. Cormier; Grand Digue, Rev. N. Masse; Barachois, Rev. K. Labbe, Dorchester Penitentiary and Sackville, Rev. A. D. Cormier: Chipman, Queen's Co.. Rev. L Chatillon; Fairville, Rev. C. Collins; Kingston, Kent Co., Rev. D, Hamet. DIOCESE or CHATHAM. (Comprising the Northern Half of New Brunswick). At the Cathedral, Chatl m, the Right Rev. Jkukb Rookrs, D.D. J3is- hop of Chatham; Rev. Thu... J. Bannon, Rev. Henry Joyner and Rev. Jonn Knight; Nelson, Rev. Nicholas Power; Newcastle, Rev. Patriek W. Dixon and Rev. Michael O'Brien; Red Bank, Rev. Simon J. Crumley; Renous Bridge, Rev. Edward Murdoch; Bartioogue, Rev. Wm. A. Morisey; Neguac, Rev. Joseph Theberge; Upper Bay du Viu, Rev. Edmund Pattenaude; St. Louis, Kent, Rev. Joseph Pelletier; Richibucto, Rev. E. J. Bannon ; St. (]!harles. Aldoin, Rev. W, W. Venner; Bathurst. Verjr Rev. Thomas F. Barry; Bathurst Village, Rev. A illiam Varrily ; Petit tiocher, Rev. John Carter; St. Theresa.Rev. Phidime Paradis; Grand Anse.Rev, Joseph R. Doucet; Caracuiet, Rev. Theophilus Aliard and Rev. Maximus Babineau; Pa(|uetville, Rev. Jo*. Levasseur; Pokemouche, Thos. J. Fitzgerald; Shippegan, Rev. S. J. Doucet; L'Amee, Rev. Joseph Trudelle; Inkerman. Rev. Azade Tru- delle; Tracadie. Rev. Joseph A. Babineau, Rev. John J. Nugent; St. Isidore, Co. Gloucester, Rev. L. Gagnon; Belledune, Rev. Peter Duffy; Jacquet River, Rev. Hilarion Doucet; Charlo, Rev. A. A Union Carpets at Low Prices at Harold Gilbert's rs M- 86 ECCLESIASTICAL. [1891. Boucher; Canipbellton, Eev. John L. McDonald and Rev. Ed. P* Wallace; Dalhousie, Rev. James Smith; St. Hillaire, Madawuskft, Rev. Joseph Martin: St. Francis, Madawaska, Rev. I. N. Du- mont; Edmundston, Rev. L. C. Uamour; St. Basil, Madawaoka, Rev. L. N. Dugal; 6t. Ann's, Madawiska, Rev. Ant. Comeau; St. Leonard. Madawaska, Rev. Louis A. Launiere; Grand Falls, iCev. John O'Leary; Drummond, Victoria Co. , Rev. G. B. Gauvin. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE. Rev. Howard Sprague, D. D., President, St. John, N. B.. Rev. Thomab Marshall, Secretary, Chatham, N. B. ST. JOHN DISTBICT. Howard Sprague, Chairman; T. J. Deinstadt, Financial Secretary. St.Johv, (Queen Square), Jiobert Wilson, Ph. D.; St. John,\ (Centenary), Howard Sprague, D.D., President of Conference; William Tippet, Henry Panlel, J. R. Narraway, A. M., H. Pope, D, D., Supemumeranes. 6*. John (Exmouth Street), Thomas J.Deinstadt; Sf. iToAn (Portland), Fletcher H. W. Pickles; St. John (West), Robt. S. Crisp, W. A. Taylor, B, A., who has leave of absence for a year; St. tMn ^Carmarthen Slreet)j George Steel; St. John (Courtenay Bay), Isaac N. Parker; ^PVi/rftWc, Wilson W. Lodge; St. John (City Mission), A. C. Dennis, B. A., under superintendency of the Chairman; Sunstv, Aquilla Lucas; Apohaqui, Wm. Penna: ^ring field, John B. Young, under suiiernumerarylof Bro. Penna; Hampton, Chas. H. Paisley, A. M„ S. W. Sprague, James A. Duke, Wm. Tweedie, Kdwin Evans, Super- numeraries; ifpham, Wm. R. Pepper (P. O. address, Titusville) ; St Martins, R. H. M., under superintendency of Bro. Paisley; John J. Colter, Super- numeraiy; Grand Lnkf, Charles H. Manatou; Jerusalem, Humphrey Gilbert, under the -^nperiutendency of Bro. Estey; WeUford, John F. Estey; McAdam Ernest H. Gough, under superintendency of Dr. Wilson; Kingiiton, Henry J. Clarke (P.O. address, I^ong Reach). FRBDERIOTON DISTRICT. Douglas Chapman, Chairman; Job Shenton, Financial Secretaiy. Fredericton, Job Shenton; George P. Payson, Supernumerary; KingscUar, W. P. R. ; 3/arvst)i7/e, Douglas Chapman ; G^ i &««/«, John S. Phinney; Nash- waak, Theophilus L. Williams; Stanley, L. J. W., under the superintend- ency of Bro. Williams; BoUstmm, William Was?; Keswick, Georee F. Dawson, B. A.; Sheffield, Isaac Howie; Oagetown, William MagRs; Wood- stock, Wm. Dobson; Canterbury, Matthew R. Knight, M. A.; JackxonvUle, Charles Comben, E. C. ; Harlland, Sedgwick A. Bailey, under superintend- ency of Bro. Comben; Richmond, Hibbert R. Baker, M. A. ; Flor^nceville, Samuel Howard, B. A, ; Andover and Arthurette, Wm. E. Johnston, B. A., (P. O. addiess. Upper Andover); f/pper iTenf, G. S., under superintendency of Bro. Howard; Henry Warman, student at Sackville. HIRAMICHI DISTRICT. George Harrison, Cliairman; Thomas Marahall, Financial Secretaiy. CAa^Aanj, Thomas MaiTshall, Secretary of Conference; Neiccastle, George Harrison; Derby, Thon. Allen; iitc/ubwc^o, Joseph Kellar, M. A.; Weldford, F. A. Wightnian; Batknritt, John S. Allen; UampbeUton, George C. P. Palmer; student at Sackville, J. S. Gregg. SACKVILLE DISTRICT. F. W. Harrison, Chairman: James Crisp, Financial Secretary. Sacfci'iVie, Frederick W.Harriaon; Cyrus S. Wells, Supernumerary : Edu- cational Institutions, Charles Stewart, D. D., Ralph Brecken, A. M., College Professors; Tantramar, one wanted; Point de Bute, James Crisp; Baie Verte, Levi S. Johnson; Bayfield, A. D. McCully, B.A., B.D.; Moiicton, Geo. M.Campbell; John l^ince, Wallace B Thomas, supernumeraries; Sunny Brae, one wanted; Shediac, John A. Clark, M. A.; Dorchester, 8. T. Teed; .^M>erf, Jeremiah Embree; Alma, G, M. Young, under the snperintendency of Bro. Embree; A. E. LePage, Supernumerary; Hillaboro, Thos. Pierce; Petitcodiac, Artemus C. Bell, B. A., 8. T. B.; Joseph Pascoe, Supemumer- !: 54 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] ECCLESIASTICAL. 87 ary; SaIt«6Mrw,Wllliam J. Howard, B. A.; Elgin, Douglas h. Lodge: John gurwash, D. Sc, who has permission to take a professorship in Victoria University. ST. STEPHEN DI8TWCT. R. W. Weddall, Chairman; John C. Berrie, Financial Secretary. „St.Stfph^, R. W. Weddall, B. A.; Milltown, John C. Berry; St. Andrewa, Stm>hen H. Rice; St Iktvida, Henry Penna; St. James, Thos. Stebbings; Oldridqe, Neil McLaughlin, B. A., under the superintendency of Bro. Weddall: Bocabec, John B. Gtough, under the superintendency of Bro Penna; Deer Island, W. C. Matthews, under the superintendency of Bro. Rice; Grand Manan, F. Fizzle, under superintendency of Bro. Rice. p. B. ISLAND DISTRICT. W, W. Brewer, Chairman; G. W. Fisher, Financial Secretary. Charlottetorjor*, John Reed; Jeremiah v. Jost, Supernumerary ; Char- lottetown. Upper Prince Street, Waldron W. Brewer; Frederick Small- wood, Supernumerary; Cornwall, Edwin C. Turner: Little York, William H. Spargo; Winslow, William J. Kirby; Povmal, George W. Fisher; Vernon River, Charles W. Dutcher(P. O. address, Vernon River Bridge); Montague, Richard Opie; Murray Harbor, Silas James; Bedeque, Wm. Harrison; Tryon, John K. King; Margate, Thomas Hicks; Sumwerside, C. W. Hamilton; Bideford, Robt. W. Clements; Souris, John ' smith; Mount Stewart, Elias Slackford; Alberton, William Lawson; ►. jt Cape, Edward Bell; student at Sackville, A. D. McLeod. CONGREGATIONAL DENOMINATION. CHURCHES IN NEW BKUN8WICK AND NOVA SCOTIA. Saint John, N. B., Rev. David Howie, Pastor; Sheffield, Rev. F. Flawith; Keswick Ridge, and Douglas, ; Flureoceville, ; Mill- town, N. B., Rev. W. R. Cross. Yarmouth, N. S., Rev. W. Mcintosh; Oliebogue, N. S., Rev. Frank Davey; Pleasant River and Ohio, Rev. Wm. Peacock; Liverpool, Rev. W. H. Watson, M. D. ; Brooklyn and Beach Meadows, ; Milton, Rev. J.W.Cox; Comwallis, Rev. B.Mocre; Maitland, Noel aitd Selmah, Rev. J. Shipperley; Economy, Rev. S. Sykes; Margareeand Baddeck, ; Manchester, Rev. J. Whitman. CONOREOATIONAL UNION OP NOVA SCOTIA AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Rev. S. Sykes, Chairman; Rev. W. H. Watson, M. D., Secretary; Rev. J« Shipperley, Statistical Secretary; James Woodrow, Esq., Treasurer. Com- mittee: Rev. Messrs, William Mcintosh, F. Flawith, and William Peacocki and Messrs. Eben Scott, Isaac N. Cox, A. K. Moore, A. Jenkins, A. Barker. J. W. Jewett, R. L. Phillips, W. E. Perry. C. H. Whitman, Frederick Fisher, J. M. O'Brien, Colin McLeod and Moses Burpee. women's missionary society op N. 8. AND N B. President. Mrs. James Clements; Vice-Presidents, Mra. W. H. Watson, Mrs. A. Jenkins, Mrs. J. W. Cox; Secretary, Mrs. Dr. ; Burns; Treasurer, Mrs. C .H. Dearborn; Assistant Secretary, Miss Ida Barker; Coiresponding Secretary, Miss Fannie Dunlap. GENERAL CONGREGATIONAL SOCIETIES Rev, Geo. Cornish, President of the Canada Congregational Missionary Sciety; B. W. Robertson, Esq., President of the Canada Congregational Foreign Missiona'-y Society; George Hague, Esq., President of the Congre- gational College, Montreal; Chas. Alexauder, Esq., Fund Society. Chairman Provident CLERGYMEN OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK. PRESBYTERY OF ST. JOHN. i^eftred— P/evds. A. Donald, Jas. Bennett, D. D., Lewis Jack and James Gray, M. A. Tapeitry Carpets in endlesi variety at ^ Si.; s 7'' " 88 ECCLESIASTICAL. [1891. In Active Service~L. G. Macneill, M. A., St. Andrew's Church, St. John; T. F. Fotheringham, St. John's Church, f?t. John; G. Bruce, B. A., St. David's Church, St. John; D. MacRae, D. D.. St. Stephen's Church, St. John; Thomas F. FuUerton, Calvin Church, St. John; J. McG. McKay, She- mogue; J. S. Mullen. Stanley and Nashwaak; A. J. Mowatt, St. Paul's, Frederlcton: Wm. Ross, M. A., Prince William; J. A McLean, Harvey, York Co. ; Godfrey Shore, Carleton; Arch. Gunn, Greenock Church, St. Andrews; J. Haw ley, St George; W. C. Calder, Bocabec; J. K. Bearisto, Glassville; A. F. Johnson, New Kincardine,; Thos. Stewart, M. A., B. D., Sussex; Willard Macdonald, Hampton; J. M. Robinson, M. A., St. John's, Moncton; W. R. N. Baird. Shediac: G. F. Kinnear, A. B., Buctouche; James Ross, Woodstock; J. MacFarland, Springfield; Joseph Barker. Richmond; Frederick W. Murray. South Richmond; D. W. D. Clarke, Chipman: James Nevins, O. M., Salina; Mathew G. Allison, O. M., St. Martins; Wm. Mitchell, O. M., Scotch Settlement. Vacancies— Florenceville, St. James, St. Stephen. Stations— Riverside, R. H. Craig; Baillie, J. R. Kerr; Waterford, G. C. Pidgeon; Dorchester, D. J. Fraser; Tobique, Hazen Mun'ay; Pisarinco, John Grierson; St. James, J. M. Gampbell; Clai-endon. Robt. Watson. Home Mission Conmiittee— John Willet, Elder Coultner, D. Macrae, James Ross, L. G. McNeill, G. Bruce, J. McG. McKay, G. Snow. J. M. Robinson, Dr. Bennett, Willard MacDonald, A. Gunn; FJders A. Henderson. J. G. Forbes, P. Chisholm. PRESBTTERT OF MIRAHICHI. Retired — Rev. Thos. Nicholson. In Active iSerrtce— Revds. Neil McKay, St. John's, Chatham; Wm. Aiken, St. James', Newcastle, J. D. Murray, Red-bank; John Robertson, M.A., Black River; Wm. Hamilton, Richibucto; A. F. Thomson. Bathurst; T. G. John- ston, Blackville: F. W. George, M. A., NewCarlyle; J. H. Cameron, Bass River and Nicliola River; Isaac Baird. New Mills and Charlo; James Ros- borough. Tabusintac: George Fisher, Dalhousie; E. Roberts, Douglastown; Joseph McCoy. Chatham ; A. F. Carr, Campbellton. Mission Stations — Kouchibouguac, Caraquet, New Bandon, Escuminac, Flatlands and Metapedia. REFORMED PRKSBYTERIAN CHURCH OF IRELAND. Rev. A J. McFarland, St. John. Rev. T. Paton, BarDesville. Retired, Rev. J. R. Lawson, Barnesville. THE BAPTIST CONVENTION OF THE MARITIME PROVINCES. ORaXNIZED A. D. 1846. Officers of Convention for 1890-91,— President, Dr. Goodspeed, Toronto; Vice-Presidents, Rev. J. A. Cahill, Charlottetown; C. B. Whidden, Anti- gonish, N. S. : Rev. Sydney Walton; Secretary, Rev. Professor Keirstead, M. A., Wolfville, N. S. ; Assistant Secretary. A. S. Murray, Esq., Treas- urer, Yarmouth, N, S. Governors — 1892, Colin Roscoe; 1895, Rufus G. Haley, Harris H. Crosbj'. This Convention is composed of rerresentatives of the churches of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and has as its objects " to maintain the educational and missionary operations of the body, and to advance the'general interests of the denomination." It appoints the Board of Governors of Acadia, College, the Board of Foreign Missions, the Board of Home Missions, che Board of Ministerial Education, aud the Board of Management of Ministerial Relief and Aid Fund. The Convention embraces 380 churches, having a total communicant membership of 46,000. THE UNIVERSITY OP ACADIA COLLEGE. INSTrrUTED A. D. 1838. Board of Governors— Rev. A W Sawyer, D. D., President of the College, ex officio. Members whose term expires in 1892— William Cummiogs, Herbert C. Creed, M, A., Edwin D. King, M. A., Q, C, F, H. Eaton, »L A., Rev. A. Cohoon, M. A. Harold Oilbert'i, 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] BGCLB8IA8TICAL. 80 Members whose term expires in 1896— B H Ekiton, M A, Q C. Wm C Bill, M P P, C B Whidden, Hon A F Randolph. A P Shand. » Members whose term expires in 1898— Rev T A Hiegins. D D, Rev JW Manning, B A, W F Parker, B A. G J C White. B A., H H Chute. Secretary, RevT A Higgins, D D; Treasurer, X Z Chipman. THE SENATE OF THE UNIVERSITY. Moderator— Rev A W Sawyer, D D, LL D: Secretary, Rev W H Warren, M A; Treasurer,Rev E M Keirstead. M A. FACULTY. Rev A W Sawyer. D D, LL D, President and Professor of Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity: D F Higgins, Ph D, Proteasor of Mathematics: A V Jones, Ph D, Professor of the Greelc and Latin Languages; Rev E M Keirstead, M A, Pi'ofessor of English Literature and Psychology; A E Cold- well, M A, Professor of the Natural Sciences; L E Wortman, M A, Professor of Modern Languages; J E Tults. M A. Professor of History and Political Economy. FELLOWS. Hon J y^ Johnston, D C L, Rev J E Hopper, D D. Kev W H Warren, M A, Rev D A Steele, M A, Rev D Freeman, M A, Rev E M Saunders, D D, H H Bllgh, M A, Q C, Rev S M Black, M A. SCHOLARS. E D King, M A, Rev F D Crawley, B A, Rev W H Warren, M A, W M Mc- Vicar, MA. .IF Tufts, M A, Wallace N Graham, B A, Q C, Rev G O Gates, M A, H C Creed, M A, W F Parker, B A, James B Hall, Ph D, T S Rogers, B A, A J Denton, B A. BXECTTIVE coHHrrrsB. Rev A W Sawyer, Prof J F Tufts, Hon D McN Parker, Prof R V Jones, Rev E M Saunders, Rev S B Kempton, I B Oakes, Prof D F Higgins, Ph D. COUMITTEB ON INVESTMENTS. E D King, Hon D McN Parker, J Desbrisay, C W Roscoe, J P Chipman, X Z Chipman, Treasurer. HORTON COLLEGIATE ACADEMY. ESTABUSHED A. D. 1828. The Academy and Ladies' Seminary are imder the control of the Board of Governors of Acadia College. Teachers— I B Oakes, M A, Principal, Lntin and History; E W Sawyer, B A, Greek and English; E R Morse, B A, Mathematics and English; Mme Constance C Bauer, French and German; HN Shaw, Elocution. ACADIA SEMINARY. ESTABLISHED A. D. 1878. Instructors— Mary E Graves, Principal, EngUsh Literature and Rhetoric: feliza T Harding, Drawing and Painting: Alice M Fitch, B A, Latin and English; Mme Constance C Bauer, French and German; Harriet E Wallace, Elocution and Calisthenics; I^aura M Sawyer, Instrumental Music ; Harriet M Eaton. Assistant Instrumental Music; Mary H Vaughan, Vocal Music; Mrs Jennie T Neily, Matron. BOARD OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. LOCATKD AT ST. JOHN, N. B. Rev J H Saunders, Rev. W J Stewart, Secretary. Rev C H Martell, B A, Mont McDonald, John March, M A, Rev J A Ford, B A, Thomas S Simms, Charles tT Clinch, Charles P Baker, Rev G O Gates, M A. Rev D A Steele, M A. James A Estey, John McGinty. BOARD OF HOMK MISSIONS. LOCATED AT YARMOUIH, N. 8. Rev F D Crawley, Rev A F Brown, Rev I E Bill, Jr, Rev J S Brown. W Corning, Rev E J Grant. Rev S R White, B A, Rev M B Shaw, B A, Rev F M Younir, Rev E P Coldwell, Rev G E Day, D D, A C Robbins, Rev F H Reals, W R Doty, Rev A Cohoon, M A, Secretary. Harold Oilbert's New Garpet Warehouse, 00 r.CCLRSIASTICAL. [1891. BOAHD or MAMA jMKMT OV HINI8TBRIAL RELIEF AND AID FUND. Stephen Selden, Esq, Chairman. Rev J W Manninar, B A, Secretary. Rev E M Saunders, D D, Treasurer. Members whose term of office expires in 1890— Hon D McN Parker, M D, D C L, J F Parsons, B A, Rev E T Mifier. Meml)ers whose term of office expires in 1891~Arthm" Simpson, Esq, Rev W H Cline, J H Harding, Esq. Members whose term expires in 1892— Stephen Selden, Rev E M Saunders, D D, Rev J W Manning, B A. MINISTERIAL EDUCATION BOARD. Rev A W Sawyer, I) D, Secretary; J W Barss, Esq, Treasurer. Members whose term of office expires in 1890— Kev S B Kempton, M A, Rev A W Sawyer, D D, Rev T A Higgins, D D. Members whose term of office expires in 1891— Rev H Foshay, E D Shand, T D Denham. MemJiers whose term expires in 1895J— Rev E H Howe, Prof D F Higgins, Ph D. J W Barss. BAPTIST MINISTERS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. WESTERN ASSOCIATION. Rev. Charles Henderson, Andover; Northumberland Co. : Rev. A. B. Mc- Donald, M<'l>onald'8 Comer, Queen's Co.; Rev. George Howard, CentrevlUe, Carleton ( 'o. ; Rev. J. E. Fillmore, Lower Caverhill. York Co. ; Rev. W. D Manzer, Nashwaak, York Co.; Rev. J. O. Bleaknej', Woodstock; Rev. M. P. King, >.arrows, Queen's Co. ; Rev. J. I .. Tupper, Macnaquack, York Co. ; Rev. W. H. Beckwith, Fredericton; Rev. J. O. Harvey, Centreville, Carleton Co. ; Rev. Benj. Jewett, Hartland, Carleton Co. ; Rev. J. W. S. Young, Peel, Carleton Co. ; Rev. G. W. Springer, .Temseg, Queen's Co. ; Rev. A. H„ HayTvard, Rockland, Carleton Co.; Rev. Thomas Todd, Woodstock; Rev, T. A. Blackadar, Matsnaquac, York Co.; Rev. W. E, Mclntyre, B. A., Upper Gagetown; Rev. F. D. Crawley, B. A., Fredericton; Rev. E. J. Grant, Wxiod- stock; Rev. B. H. Thomas, Maugerville; Rev. John t^oombes, Cu-nberland Point, Queens Co. ; Rev. S. J. Archibald Jacksonville, Carleton Co. 80U7BRRN ASSOCIATION. Rev. James Spencer, St. John; Rev. Sidne.y Welton, St. John; Rev. G. O. Gates, M. A., St. John: Rev. J. A. Ford, Carleton; Rev. W. J. Stewart, St. John; Rev. I. E. Bill. D. D., St. Martins; Rev. D. Crandall, Springfield, Kings Co. ; Rev. Ellas Keirstead, Collina, Kings Co. ; Itev. E. K. Ganong, Sprfngfleld, Kings Co.; Rev. W. C. Qoncher, B. A., St. Stephen; Rev. Robert Mutch, Upham ; Rev. James Trimble, Pennfleld ; Rev. E. Hopper, Hamp- ton, Kings Co.; Rev. W. A. Troop. Pennfleld; Rev. C. B. Welton, B. A., St. John; Rev. C. H. Martell, Fairville; Rev. S. McC. Black, St. John. EASTERN ASSOCIATION. Rev. D. S. Carpenter, Bayside, West. Co. ; Rev. M. Normandy, Weldford, Kent Co.; Rev. W. B. Hinson, Moncton; Rev. S. W. Keirstead, Hillsboro; Rev. W. Camp. Hillsboro ; Rev. W. W. Corey, Boundary Creek: Rev. I. W, Carpenter, Elgin; Rev. A. H. Lavers, Elgin: Rev. George Seeley. Petitcodiac; Rev. J. F. Kempton, Hopewell; Rev. L. M. Weeks, Harvey; Rev. S. C. Moore, Hillsboro; Rev. E. Alward, New Canaan; Rev. B. N. Hughes, Havelock; Rev. W. E. Hall, Sadcville; Rev. W. T. (.orey, Havelock; Rev. S. F. Kemp- ton, B. A., Hopewell; Rev. J. W. Brown, Har\'ey, Albeit Co. OFFICERS OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE FREE BAPTISTS. ELDERS' CONFERENCE. Rev. E. B. Gray, Moderator; Rev. J, T. Parsons, Secretary. Executive- Revs. J. Noble, John Perry, T. S. Vanwart, with the Moderator and Secretary. GENERAL CONFERENCE. Rev. Joseph Noble, Moderator; Rev. A. C. Thompson, Assistant Moderator? Rev. J. W. Clark, Corresponding Secretary; D. McLeod, Esq., Vince Re- 64 King Street, 8t. John, N. B. 1891.] ECCLESIASTICAL. 01 cording SeoreUry; Wm. Peters, Esq., Treasurer; Hon. O. E. Foster. D.C.L.' M. P.. Auditor. CONFERENCE EXECUTIVE. Revds. G. A. Hartley, J. W. Clark, Jos. McLeod, D. D., C. T. Phillips and Wm. Peters, Esq., with the Moderator and lisecretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF HOME MISSIONS. Rev. Rev. B. H. Nobles, Corresponding Secretary; Rev. G. A. Hartley* Treasurer; Rev. Jos. McI.*!od, D. D., A. C. Smith, James Patterson, William Peters and Reed Slipp, Esqs. PORKIGN MISSION EXECUTIVE. Rev. Joseph McLeod, D. D., Corresponding Secretary; Wm. Peters, Esq.i Treasurer ; Revs. John Perry, C. T. Phillips, A. C. 'ihompson, T. S. Van- wart, A. H. McLeod and Wm. Downey, and J. A. Vanwart, Elsq. SABBATH SCHOOLS EXECUTIVE. S. L. Peters, Esq., Corresponding Secretan^; Revs. J. C. Hartley, C. W. Rogers. Jolm Perry, John McKenzie and A. Bonnell. EXECUTIVE FOR THE RELIEF OF SICK AND DISABLED MINISTERS. Gideon McLeod. Treasurer; Revs. G. A. Hartley. E. B. Gray, W. H. Perry, with Bros. B. F. Clark and Woodbury Shepherd. BOARD OF MANAGERS. Rev. G. A. Hartley, B. T. Palmer, Esq., D. W. Clark, J. A. Vanwart. L. S. Vanwart and G. J. Worden, Esqs. -^ MINISTERS. Revds. B. SIpprell. Somerville, Car. Co.; Jo». Noble, Woodstock; John Perry Connell, Car. Co.; G. A. Hartley, St John (West); Thomas Conner, Victoria Comer, 0. Co.; John G. McKeniie, Inchby; Wm. Downey, Indlantown, St. John; J. T. Parsons, St, John; J. N. Barnes, Dot. leyville, K. C; T. 8. Van- wart. Somerville, Victoria. Car. Co.; F. Babcock, St. Zohn(;; T. O. DeWitt, Hoyt Station; Joseph Mel^od, D.D., Frederlcton; El^ah Ora), Cen- tj-eville. Car. Co.; 0. T. Phillips, Woodstock; Sdwin Garrity, Woodstock; John 8. Jones, Caverhill ; T. W. Carpenter, Carpenter, Q. C: John Henderson, Nashwaasis; W. DeWare Norton Station; J. Wesley Clark, Tracy's Mills, Car. Co.; Henry Hartt, Jacksontown; John A. Robertson, St. John (North); J. J. Barnes, Bath, Car. Co; C. F. Rideout, Bath; A. H. Traf ton, California; John H. Erb, San Antonio, Texas; S. W. Shaw, Hartland; O. N. Mott, Big Cove; G. W. Foster, Waterville, Car. Co.; A. C. Thompson, Petitcodiac; A. B. Boyer, A. B., Balasore, India; G. F. Currie, Moncton; B. H. Nobles, Indiantown, St. John; W. H.Perry, Hoyt Station; Gideon Swim, Victoria Comer, C. C. ; A. H. McLeod, Dover; J. Eveiitt Gosline, B. D.. Hculton.Me. ; v. C. Hartley, Carleton, St. .John; Abner McNinch, Victoria Comer; C. W, Rogers, Carleton, St. John; H. A. Bonnell. Frederlcton; Lemuel Cosman, Kingston, K. Co.: C. B. Lew> , Wickham, Q Co. DISCIPLES OF CHRIST. Saint John, N. B.— Ooburg Street— T. H. Capp. Letete, Beaver Harbor and LeTang— J. A. Gates, x^ettnardville and Lord's Cove. Deer Island— F. W. Baughman. Milton, Queens Co., N. 8 — Howartl Murray. Cornwallis, N. S. — K C. Ford, Westport—H. 8. Cooke. Tiverton— H. A. Devoe. River John, Pictou Co., N. S. . Halifax— William Harding. Kempt, N, 8. . MI8SIONART BOARD. R. Jackson, Chairman. Geo. F. Barnes, Treasurer. Jas. 8. Flaglor, Secretary. LoW'prioed Tapestry Carpeti at ■r ' .1 ■r ■J ?■ 02 EDUCATIONAL. [1891. EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF THE PROVINCE. Protinoul Roakd or Education.— The Governor, The Members of the Executive Oounall,The President of the Uuiveraity of New llrunswiok, and the Chief Super- intendent of Education. Chibf SuPKRiNTENDKNTor EoDOATioM. — William Crocket, A. M. Chief Clkbk.— Thomas NiHbet. ARHist^nts: Miss Mary Thompson, Joseph Purdie. PROviNorAL Normal School,. —Eldon Mullin, A. M., Principal. Asalatants, H. 0. Creed, M. A., John Brittain; Miss Alice M. Clark, Instructor Reading^; Alphee Belliveau, French Department; Edw. Cadwallader. B. A-.^Instrnc- tor Music. Model Department, John F. Rokci m, Frances Ross, Annie Harvey and Miriam J. McLeod. Inspectoral School Districts.— No. 1. The Counties of Restigouche, Gloucester, Northumberland; Inspector, Geo. W. Mersereau, A. B., Doak- town. No. 2. The Counties of Kent, Victoria and Madawaska, and the Parishes of Aberdeen, Kent and Wicklow, in the County of Carleton; Inspector, E. L. O'Brien, A. B., Richibucto. No. 3. The Counties of Westmorland and Alliert, and the Parishes of tiavelock and Cardwell in King's County; Inspector, Geo. Smith, A. B., Petitcodiac No. 4. The Counties of Queens and Sunburv' and the County of Kings, except the Parishes of Havelock, Cardwell, Westfleld and Greenwich; In- spector, D. P. Wetii. ire, Clifton, Kings Co. No. 5. The Counties of St. John and Charlotte, and the Parishes of West- field and Greenwich in Kings County; Inspector, W. S. Carter, A. M.,St. John. No. 6. The County of York and the County of Carleton, except the Parishes of Aberdeen, Kent and Wicklow; Inspector, H. V. B. Bridges, A. M., Fredericton. Provincial Examiners or Traciibhs.— Geo. W. M< reau, A. B., Examiner in School ManagtJient, Ac. Thomas Harrison, LL. L . Examiner in Mathematici and Nat Philo, Loring W. Bailey, Ph. D., Examiner In Natural Science and History. H. 8. Bridges, A. M., Pn.D., Sxaminer in Language. Jas. Vroom, Examiner in Drawing. Geography, &a. Mrs. deSoyres, Examiner in Dom- estic Economy. Dr Burwasn, Examiner in Reading. MADRAS SCHOOL. Tbb Governor and Trdstbrs or tbr Madras Souool in New Brunswick.— The Lieutenant Governor, the Lord Bishop of the Diocese, the Members of Her Majesty's Council; the Judpe of the Court of Vice Admiralty : the Speaker of the House of Assembly; the Mayor and Recorder of Saint John; the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church, Saint John; together with T. W. Daniel, O. Sidney Smith, Simeon Jones and H. W. Fiith, Esquires. H. Lawrance Sturdee, Esquire, Clerk and Treasurer. OFFICERS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK, 1800 • Visitor on behalf of Her Majesty— His Honor The Hon Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, C B, K C M G, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of New Brunswick. Corporation and Mrmbbrs or Sknatb.— Thomas Harrison, M A, LL D., President; The Hon David Wnrk. The Hon Archibald Harrison, His Honor Sir John C "' MD, J James Esq, M A, Chief Superintendent of Education, J iDouglas Hazen, Esq, BCL.' Registrar and Treasurer— Wm Wilson, Esq, B A, M PP. Academic Facultv. -President of the University and Professor of Mathe- matics and Mathematical Physics, Thomas Harri^•.on, M A, LL D. Professor of Chemistry and Natural Science, Loring AV Bailey, M A, Ph D, F R S C. Pro- fessor of "^Sssical Literature and History, Henry Seabury Bridges, M A, Fh D. Professor or the English and French Languages and Literatures, Wnrl Frederick Stockley, M A. Interim Lecturer in Mental and Moral Philosophy and Political Economy, Thomas Harrison, LL D. Professor of Experimental Science, W. Duff, A. M. Professor of Civil Engineering and Surveying. A W Strong. B Sc. Examiners for Degrees, The Rev Goodridge Roberts, M A. Have- lock Coy, Esq, M A, The Rev. J. Burwash, The Rev. E. H. Keirstead, A. B. 1891. J Harold Oilbert'i, 54 King Street, Bt , John, H, fi, EDUCATIONAL. »3 ExamlnerH Id Civil Law, HlB Honor Sir John (' Allen, LL D, Frederltk E, Baik«'r, Eh«i., M. A , I). C. L., Wm PuKHley, Ew4, M A, D. C. L. Librarian, H H BridKes, M A, LL D. BOARD OP SCHOOL TRUSTREfl FOR 8T. JOHN. Henry J Thorne, (Jhainnun, Wm. E. Vroom. D. BusHell .look, Wm. B. CarvUl. T. W. Peters. M. Coll, Diivid H. Naae, Wni. D. Bawkln, O. A. Heth- erinKtou, M. D.; John March, Secretary. UNIVERSITY OF .MOUNT ALLISON COLLEGE. Corporation. ]»•»«) 1.— Boat ' of RefrentB: The Uev. J. MoMurrsy, D. D., Ohainuaii; Josiah Wood, .M, .v M. P., Treasur.r ; A.A.Stockton, D.t'.L., LL. D.. M. P. P., Secretary; Uev. C. Stewart, D. I)., Rev. John Lathern, I), D, Rev. Howard Spraeue, D.D., Rev. William H. Heartz, Rev. W. C. Brown, Rev. S. F. HeustlH, Hov. Edwin Evans, Rev. C. JoHt, M A. Rfv. J. O. Bond, B. A., Jas. R Irioti, LL. D., David Allison, LL. D., James D. Dixon, Esq , Jalrua Hart, Esq., Alexander Gibson, Ewq., Joseph L. Black, Emi., Hon. J. 8. Pitts, W. E. Dawson, Esq. Representing Ahimni Hociety: Rev. Jolui Read. H A Powell, M P P, 8. Dunn Scott. M. A., A. McNutt Patt«T8on, \I. A. Executive Committee: James D. Dixon, Esq.. Chairman; James R. Inch, L.L. D., Seci-etary; Josiah Wood, M, A.. M. P., Rev. C. Stewart. D. D., Rev. B. C. Borden, M. A., Joseph L. Black, Esq , M. P. P.,C. W. Harmon, M A. Senate: James R. Inch, LL. D. President; Alfred D.. Smith, A. M., Seci-etary; Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., Rev. J. M Murraj-, D. D.. Rev. John Lathern, D. D.. Rev. W. H. Heartz, Rev. W. C. Brown. Rev, 8. F. Hustls, Rev. Edwin Evans, Rev. H, Sprague, D. ^<., Rev. John Burwnsh, M. A., D.So.. Rev. B. C. Borden, .M. A., Rev.C.Jost. M. A., Rev. J O. Bond, B. A., Rev. C. Bivckeii, M. A., David Allison, LL D., Josiah Wood, A, M., M. P., James D. Dixon, Esq., Jalni.s Hart, Esq., A. A. Stockton, D. C. L., LL. D., M.Joseph 1... Black, Esq.. M. P. P. Alexander Gibson, Esq., Sidney W. Hunton, M A., 8. Dimn Scott, B. A., H n. J 8. Pitts, W. E. Dawson, Esq., A. McNutt Patterson, M. A., W. M. i weedle, M. A. Faci'LTy of Arts.— James R. Inch, A. M., LL. D., President and Pro- fessor of Mental Philosophy and Logic. Rev. C. Stewart, D. D, Professor of Moral Philosophy and Evidences of Christianity. Alfred D. Smith. LL. D., Wood Professor of Classic-'. 8. W. Hunton. .M. A., Professor of Mathe- matics. Rev. W. W. Andrews, M. A., Professor of Chemistry and Experi- mental Physics. Rev. B. C. Borden, B. A., Profes.sor of Political Sciehce. W. M. Tweedie, Professor of Engllsii I^nKuage Prof. A. D. Smith, LL. D., Secretary to the Faculty. Prof. S.^W. Hunton, A. M., Librarian. Prof. Burwash, M. A., Curator of Museum. Examiners for Deorkes. . Mental and Moral Philosophy and Logic; D. Allison, Esq., LL. D., Greek and Latin; Thomas Plckartl, Esq.. M. A., Mathematics; Prof. W. L. Goodwin, D. Sc. Cheniistry and Physics; A. A. Stockton, Esq., D. C. L., M. P. P., Political Economy and Constitutional History. Faculty OF Theology.— James R. Inch, LL. D., President (ex officio). Professor of Logic and Biblical Literature. Rev. C. Stewart, D. D., Dean. C. F. Allison, Prof, of Old Testament Exegesis and Systematic Theology, A. D. Smith, LL. D., Profeasor of Greek. Rev. John Burwash, M. A., D.Sc. Professor of Homiletics. Board ok Examiners.— Rt v. H. Pope, D. D., Rev.John Lathern, D. P., Rev. W. C. Brown, Rev. C. Jost, M. A., Rev. H. Sprague, D. D., Rev. E. Evans, Rev. C. H. Paisley, M. A., Rev. John Burwash, M. A.. D. So. UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR — KINGS COLLEGE. Founded by Act of Parliament, 1789; Royal Charter granted 1802. Patron: His Grace the Archbisaop of Canterbury. Board of Governors, lHj»»H*ll, Etvu B Knff j Prot-tor, Profea- 8or JoneH-, Bursar, ProfesHor Butler: Librarian and Sciuntltlc Curator, Pro- fessor Kennedy. Faculty of Divinity: Pofessor fif Divinity, Rev W F Vrooin. B D. Lecturer In Canon I^w and Ecelesiast ieal Polity. The Rev Canon Partridge, D D. Lecturer in Apologetics, Itev (} Halsain, M A. lecturer in Old Testament Exejfesis, The Ven. Archdeacon Hniith. D D. Faculty of Civil l^w: The H«'v The President, D C L (Kx Officio). Hon Mr Justice Townsend, B C L. Hon K L Shannon. I Allen Jaclc, E^i, D C L. King's College School, Winesor, N H: Head Master, Rev Amoldus Miller, M A, of Toronto IJnivereity, and Victoria University, C(»burj(. Officers of the Alumni for the year ending June, 18»1: President, Thomas Trenaman, M D, William C Silver. Executive Comiiiitte«»: The President, Vice-President, Rev Charles Bow- man, D D, Hon 8 L Shannon, D C L, W Ker Dlmock, Rev J Owen Ruggles, M A. Robert J Wilsfjn, H I'ercy Scott, M A, Rev John Ambrose, D C L. Treasurer— Hon S L Shannon. Secretary— Kob«'rt J. Wilson, Esq. Provincial Conmiitte«H for Matriculation: At St. John, N.B.. Rt. Rev. H. T. Kingdou, D. D., Simonds, B. A., Rev. Canon Brigstoclie, M. A., Rev. Q. 8. Rol)ert«, M. A., I. .Vllen Jack, Estj., D. C. L., Swretary. AfChurlottetown, P. E. L: Hon. Mr. Justice Hensley, Hon. F. Breclcen, F, Peters, Estj., A. B. Warburton, Esq., B. C. L., E. J, Hodgson. Esij,. Q. C, Secretary. At St. John's, Newfoundland: Sir W. V. Whlteway. Q. C, Capt. Robinson, R N., Rev. W. Pilot, B. D., Sujx ilntendent of E«lucation, Rev. R. H. Taylor, Rev. A. C. F. Wo(k1, M. A., Secretary. At Benntida: Rev. Lundey Lough, Secretary, Rev. Mark James, Richard Darrell, Esq., Reginald Oruy, Es(i., George Simpson, Esq, Secretary of the Incorporated Alumni, R. J. Wilson, Esq. President of the Hallburton Club, Professor Rolierts, M. A. WINDSOR ACADEMY — FOUNDED 1788. Head Master, Rev. E. Willets, M.A., D.C.L.; Senior Assistant Master, F.J. Ridmrdson, T.C.D.: Junior Assistant Master, C. H. FuUerton, K. C.W. School year: First Saturday in September to last Thursday in June. BANKS. Bank op New Brunswick, Saint John.— Capital, $500,000; Rest, $410,000. President, Hon J D Ijewin; Vice-President, John Yeats; Manat^er, G A Schofield; Inspector, William Girvan; Cashier, Joshua Clawson; Accountant, B C B B(wd; Tellers, Samuel Girvan, J M Dick and Arthur McDonald; Ledger Keepers, G L Robinson, Allison Wishart and W S Thomas; Discount Clerks, G W Daniel and R P Foster; Clerks, Walter E. Foster, T. H. Barker and Richard Dole; Directors, C H Fairweather, S Jones and W W Turnbull; Messengers, Wm. Pattison and A. S. Pattison. Bank or Montbeal.— Head OtHces, Montreal. Capital, $12,000,000; Reserve Fund, $6,000,000. President, Sir Donald A Smith; General Manager, W J Buchanan; General Manager, E S Clouaton; Chief Inspector and Superintendent oi Branches, A Macnider. St John Branch— Manager, E C Jones; Accountant, E P Winslow; Tellers, Geo Dean and J R Ambrose; Clerks, F H G Ruel, O R Campbell, R P Hazen, E L Beer, F J McDonald, P. M. Maunpell, A. C. Thomson and C. Herbert McLean. Bank of Nova Scotia.— Incorporated 1831. Capital, $1,114,000. Reserve Fund. $460,000. President, ,lohn DouU; Vice-President, of Carpeting before buyinf . 1991.] POST OFFICE. 05 Adam BurnB; CaHhier, Thomas Fynche; Pirectors, John Y Payzanti Daa Croniu, JariuH Hart. Heatl Office, Halifax, N 8. St John Branch— Agent, George Sanderson: Accountant, C J K Kerr: Teller, Blair Robertfon; Clerks, W H HobinRon, J McIntuHh, E H Ward; MeHsenger, ^leor^e Thompson. Bank op BhiTiHH North Amkrica,— Genrral Manager, RR Grind- ley, Snint John Office; Manager, H H Harvey: Accountant, John Miller; Teller. F Kirkwood; ClerkH, O H Sharpe, A P Hazen, G H Winter, TEG Armstrong, A W Mockay, W B Robinson; Messen- ger. W Mftber. Hauvax Bankwo Company.— President, Robie Uniacke; \ice- Presidenl. T. J Morton; Directors, Thomas Baine, F D Corbett and James Thomson. Halifax. St John Agent, Jamea G Taylor; Ac- countant, BoieR DeVeber; Teller, W H Harrison^ Ledger Keeper, Claude Eville; Discount Clerk, Linzey Cook; Acting Accountant; T W Magee. Peoplf'b Bank of N. B., Fueperioton. — Capit-il, $180,000; nur- plu8, $100,000; Manager, A F Randolph; Cashier. John W Spurden; Accountant, D Lee Babbitt; Paying leller and Discount Clerk. W B Coulthard; Receiving Teller, H G Esty; Messenger, Daniel Richards. Dominion Government Savings Bank, Saint John. —Manager. R W CrookHhank, AHHiHtant Receiver General; Accountants, James Robinson and S B Patterson; Tellers, G F Sancton and A C A Salter; Messenger, Thomas H Lawson. Oihce hours from 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 to 1. Agents— Bathurst, W .T O'Brien. Chatham, D Ferguson. Dalhousie, W Montgomery. Dorchester, Walter Dobson. Frederic- ton, A F Street. Newcastle, W A Park. St Andrews, C M Gove. Woodstock, D F Merritt. Sussex, B Harrison. POST OFFICE DEPAETMENT, ST. JOHN, K. B. Inspector's Office, St. John.— S. J. King, B. A., Inspector; Wm* C. Whittaker, Chief Clerk; Wm. R. Avery, W. Hatch, R. J. Freeze ar i Cnarles A. Muiray, Gierke; M. A- McLeqd, Messenger. NAMirt OF Railway Mail Clerks Bio^f. — Acting Chief Railway Mw! Class Mail Clerks, George M, liyb.a, well; Second Class Mail Oler , lamp is affixed. iJi'op Letters —City (including districts heretofore known as Carleton, Portland, and Indiantown), 2c. per ounce. Mail Letters— Vroni one plai e in Canada to another, and between Ganu'la and the United States, 3c. per ounce; between Canada and Newfoundland, and between Canada and Great Britain, r»c. per half In-ufficiently paid letters, from one place in Canada to another, on which at least a partial prepayment has been made, are forwarded charged with double the deficient postage. l^etters addressed to placeM in the United States must be prepaid one full rate (3 cents), (»thei wise they will be sent to the Dead Letter Oflfice. m Harold Gilbert's 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. cor- 1891.] POST OFFICE. 97 _ Legal and Commercial Papers— The postage oa Legal and Commer- cial Papers fur the United States, Great Britain and all Foreign Postal Union countries, where the letter rate does not exceed 5 cents per \ ounce, is 5 cents for the first 10 ounces or less, and 1 cent for each additional 2 ounces. For countries where the 10 cent per k ounce letter rate rules, the charge is 5 cents for the first 4 ounces, and 2 cents for each additional 2 ounces. These paperu, when posted for deliveiy in Canada, must be prepaid at Letter or Parcel Post rates; but Deeds or Insurance Policies are permitted to be sent at the rate of 1 cent per 2 ounces. SECOND CLASH HATTER. Canadian Newspapers, Etc. — Newspapers and Period'cals, printed and published in Canada, when issued not less frequently than once a month, and poHted from the office of publicati'^n, or News Agency, to uctual Subscribers or Nt-ws Agents in < 'anada and the United iStatef), resident elsewhere than at tl.M place of public»tion, are free; but copies addiessed to (irreat Britain and all speciu.en copies, as well as all pub icutions iHsued le h fre(|uently than once u month, are re- quired to be prepaid at the rate of 1 ctni per {jound or frection of a pound. Local Newspapers and Periodicals, not exceeding one ounce in weight, are eligible for (;ity delivery by Letter Carriers on the prepnyment by stamp of 4 cent each; when exceeding 1 ounce, and less ihun 4 ounces, prepuymeiit by stamp of 1 cent will be necessary. THIRD CLA.SS MATTER. Transient Netospapers, »tc.— On all Transient Newspapersand Periodi- cals, atldrensed to pncoH in Cun >(la and United States, the jn'stage rate is one cent per 4 (mnces in weight, which must bo piei)aid by postage stamp. Newspapers and Periodicals puUinhcd not lesn freqiientli/ than once a month, und weighing less than (rnv ounce, may b<^ posted i-ingly, if prt-pnid by postnge stump one-hulf cent each Newspapers for the Uniteil Kingdom nuiHtbti pi epaid Ic. fur each 2 oz New>p.per« and I 'eri« iciica s, published in the Unifed Kingdom, and biought bj mail to Cana'liuK hookwellt-THor Newn A^ent, may be re-muilet, Print, rs' Proof Sheets, wheth' r collected or nt)t, Vlups, Piint-<, Drawin.s, Kngravin^iH, Litho- graphs, Photographs, when not on glass or in cases containing: gliias, Sheet Music, whetln r printed tir written -and on al • tht-r miscel- laneous matter transmissible by post not otherwise provi-Ud for—the rate oi postage when adilresseii to pla<;es in Canadti, the United States, Newtoundland, (Jiei.t Britain and any Kur-peau country, is 1 c^nt for eat-h 2 ounces or fraction thereof, to be paid bv jxmtjige stamp o stamped powtband or wrapper School and Co' lege iCx- linoleams ont in one piece at Harold Oilbert't, n- ri. ■i 98 POST OFFICE. L1891- amination Papers, diBtinctly marked as such, AsBessmeBt Rolls, Militia, Statute Labor and Municipal Returns, are permitted to pass in Canada at the rate of 1 cent per 2 ounces. A book packet may contain a simple invoice of the contents. No package must exceed 2 ft. in length by 1 ft. in \vidth or dejpth. Limit of weight for Canada, Newfoundland, Great Britain or United States is 5 lbs. ; for other Postal Union countries, 4 Ibo. Seeds, Cuttings, Bulbs, Roots and Scions or Grafts can only be sent to the United States as Fifth Class matter; when posted for delivery in Canada, the postage is 1 cent per 4 oz., and the limit of weight 5 lbs. Patterns end Samples.— Vnttema and samnles of merchandize not exceeding 24 ounces in weight, when posted in Canada fcr places within Canada, must be prepaid by postage stamp at tho rate (»f one cent per 4 oz. weight, properly labelled, and put up in such a manner as to admit of inHpection. Goods sent in execution of an order, how- ever small the quantity majj be, or rrticlea sent by one piivate in- dividual to another, not being actually trade patterns or samples, are not admissable as Huch. Patterns and Sampler for the United States, 1 cent per 2 oz. , the initial prepayment being 2c. Limit of weight 8 oz.; size 2 ft. in length by 1 ft. in width and ilepth. Packets of Patterns or Samples, addressed to any place in Canada, can be registered on affixing thereto registration stamps of the value of 5 cents, in addition to i)08tage stamps re|)reBenting ordinary postage rate, provided such packets be presented for registration. The limit of weight to Great Britain, Newfoundland and all countries in Europe, is 8 ounces — postage, 2 cents for the first 4 ounces, and 1 cent for every additional 2 ounces. No article liable to Customs duty can be sent as a sample or Pattern to a Postal Union country. FOURTH CLASS MATTER. Paroc^j— Closed parcels may be sent to places in Canada, the United Kingdom and Newfoundland, and also to all those Cov^ntries and ColonieH with which the United Kingdom maintains a Parcel Post. They should be plainly addressed, and th(jre must be no correspond- ence enclosed. Parcels for Canada must be prepaid 6 cents per 4 ounces. They must not exceed 5 pounds in weight, nor 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth, and the sender's name should be written on the lower left hand corner. They may be registered for a fee of 5 cents. Parcels for the United Kingdom and Newfoundland, must be pre- paid 25 cents per pound or fraction cf a pound, and must not exceed 5 ?ounds in weight nor 2 feet in length oy 1 foo* in width or depth, 'he table of rates of otlier countries, to which i)arcel8 may be sent, can be seen on ai)plicati<}n at the Registry Wicket, front lobby of this office. A Customs Declaration of the contents and value of each parcel must be filled up at the Post Office by the render. Parcels for the United Kingdom and foreign destinations, are forwarded by Canadian (^i^ontract Steamers only; and parcels for Newfoundland are sent to Halifax for dispatch by steamer. riFTH CLASS MATTSR, Comprises such articles of general merchandise as are not entitled to any lower rate of postage. Postage 1 cent per ounce or fraction of ^=r:z==::zz::=:::=::==:::z:::z :- - :=z I 64 King Street, 8t. John. H. B. 1891.] POST OFFICE. 99 an ounce. Limit of weight 5 pounds; size 2 feet in length by 1 foot in width or depth. Matter claiming to be Fifth Clafls muat be open to inspection, and there must be no correspondence enclosed. Packages of Fifth Class Matter mav be sent to the United States for the same £ repayment as is required within the Dominion, but the contents will e liable to Custom inspection and collection of duty in the Uaited States. Sealed tins containing fish, lobsters, vegetables, meats, &c., if put up in a solid manner and labelled in such a way as to fully in- dicate the nature of their contents, may be sent as Fifth Cla^g matter within the Dominion; but no sealed matter can be forwarded to the United States under this head. Liquids, oils and fatty substances may be sent to places in Canada and the United States at Fifth Class, if put up in accordance with the rulin^r referring to such articles in the Canada Postal Guide for 1889, page xv. Electrotyx^e blocks are coudidered Fifth Class Mail Matter. REQISTRATION. All classes of matter addressed to places in Canada, the United States, Newfoundland, Great Britain or any Postal Union country, may be regintered fur a fee of 5 cents for each article in adv^ition to the postage; and letters may be registered to most of the countries not included in the Union. Every article intended for registration must be ^;anded in at the wicket, and a receipt obtained therefor; on no account r.^ust it be dropped into a letter box. The registration fee should be paid by reanstration stamp. The sender of a registered article addressed to any Postal Union country may entitle himself to a certificate us to the disposal of said article by the Postmaster at the office addressed, on prepayment of an additional foe of five cents. RegisterfcJ articles should be prepaid. Registration stamps cannot be accepted in prepayment of postage. AH letters for Kegistration should be posted 3C minutes before the hour of closing Mails. Begistered Letter Stamps of the denomination of 5 cents, may be obtained at the usual places. RE-DIRECTED LETTERS. Re-directed Letters to places within the Dominion or United States will be forwarded without any additional charge if returned promptly to the office. Letters sent to or received from a country of the Postal Union, and afterwards re-directcd to any place in Canada, or to a country in the Postal Union, will be forwarded even if taken out of the office^ and re-addressed; but if re-addresded to a place wheie there u a higher rate of postage, the difference of postage will be chargeable. POST OFFICE SAVINGS BANK. Any business in connection with depositing: and withdrawing money from the Post Office Havings Bank chu be transacted at this office, but arrangements have not as yet been made for the opening of new ac- counts. Buy Cocoa Mati and Mattings at 100 POST OFFICE. [1891. MATTBR WHICH CANNOT BE FOBWARDBD THKOUGH THE POST. Any explosive substance, glass, liquid, or other matttr likely itail risk or irjury to the ordinary contents of the mail, will be s to sent entail to the Dead Letter Office, Ottawa. Spectacles and eye-glasfies, if securely put in cases not likely to allow the contents to escape if broken in course of conveyance, may be sent by Post within the Dominion on prepayment of Parcel Post rates. Letters containing Gold or Silver Money, Jewels or precious articles, or anything liable to Customs duties, cannot be forwarded by Post to auy of the Postal Union countries except the United States. IMPORTANT. A letter once posted becomes the property of the person to whom it is addressed, and must bo forwarded according to its direction. On no application, however urgent, can it be delivered back to the writer, or to any other porson. BALE OP POSTAGE STAMPS. Any person, other than a postmaster, who engages in the sale of Postage Stamps or Stamped Enveiopef, without being duly licensed by the Postmaster General, is liable, on conviction before a Justice of the Peace, to a penalty of $40 for each offence. USEFUL HINTS. Never send money or other articles of value through the Post OflBce except either by Money Order or Registered Letter. Mane complaints and inc^uiries in writing. Envelopes closed ana simply clipped at the ends cannot be for- warded by Book Post. Preserve aiid request correspondents to preserve envelopes of mis- sent or delayed letters. Business men should be careful to authorize but a limited number of persons to receive their letters, and only those in whom they have full conhdence. Have a letter box on your office door. Letters addressed to mere initials, or fictitious names, will not be delivered, unless addressed in care of a resident, or to some box in the Post Office. POST BANDS AND STAMPED ENVELOPES. One cent post bands for newspaper or pook packet wrappers, and one and three cent stamped envelopes are issued by the Department, and may be had at the stamp vendors at a trifle above their face value. MUTILATED STAMPS. Letters having mutilated stamps, or stamps so soiled and defaced as to make it impossible for the sorting clerks to decide whether they have been used before or not, will he sent to the Postmaster-Gen r -5 i' for his adjudication. U Harold Oilbert'i, 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] POST OFFICE. 101 MONEY ORDER SERVICE. I In Bendint; money by mail it \a alwavH beat to transmit by Money Order, if possible; if sent by letter it should always be registered. Money orders issued and paid from 9 a. m. to 4 p. tn. Commisaum on Money Orders.— On M mey Oroera dri«wn by any Money Order Office in Canada on any other Monuy Order Office in the Dominion is as follows: If not exceeding 84, 2c.; over $4 and not exceeding $10, 5c.; over 810 and not exceeding f'iO, 10c.; over 820 and not exceeding 840, 20c.; over 840 and not exceeding 860, 30c.; over 860 and not exceeding 880, 40c.; over 880 and not exceeding 8100, 50c. No single Money Order, payable in the Dominion of Canada, can be issued for more than 8100; but as many of 8100 each may be given as the remitter rec uires. The other counties and British Colonies upon which Money Orders are granted are distinguished by an Asterisk (*) in the Foreign Postal Table; the rates of commission in all cases being as follows: If not exceeding 810, 10c. ; over 810 and not exceeding 820, 20c.; over 820 and not exceeding 830, 30c.; over 830 and not exceeding 840, 40c. j over 840 and not exceeding 850, 50c. FOREIGN POSTAGE TABLE. Countries. *Aden (in Arabia) India Postal Agency *Algeria Argentine Confederation *Au8tria-Hungary 'Bahamas •Belgium •Bermuda •Borneo, North (British) Brazil •Cape Colony •Ceylon Chili China Hong-Kong and agencies of Hong-Kong, P. O. at Amoy, Canton, Foo-chow, Hankow, Hoihow, Ningpo, Shanghai and Swatow Colombia •Panama (British Postal Agency) •Cyprus Ijetter Post News- News- Rate. Cards papers Pck'ts i oz. each. 2oz. 2 2oz. 2 10 2 5 2 1 1 5 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 10 2 2 2 5 2 1 2 12 2 3 10 2 1 2 5 2 1 9 ^ 10 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 5 2 1 1 Reg. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 XTnion Carpets at Low FrioM at Harold Oilbort't 102 P08T OFFICE. [1891. COUNTRIIB. Letter Bate. *Denp:.ark, including Iceland and i^'aroe Islands *Ea-]t Indies, (Dutch), Java, etc. . . *EK7pt ^Falkland Islands Fiji It^lands *Franc6 • *Gambia *Gennany *Gibraltar *Gold C oast *Great Britain and Ireland Greece *Guadur (in Beloochistan) *Guiana, British ... ' • Dutch and French Honduras « " British (Belize) •India, British *Italy *Japan *Lagos Luxembourg ♦Malta •Mauritius Mexico •Muscat (in Arabia) India For/cal Agency Natal •Netherlands , . . •Newfoundland ♦Norway Persia .^ * Bandez, Abas, i)'i shire Jask and Linga (India Postal Agencies) . . Peru •Portugal, including Azores and Madeira Islands •Roumania Russia, including Finland •St Helena Sandwich Islands * Seychelles Islands •sierra Leone ., Spain •Straits Bettleni<)nts(Singapore, etc) *Sweden ♦Switzerland Turkey, European and Asiatio. . Constantinople and Smyrna (British Postal Arenoies) Bag dad and Basrah Imia Postal ^ oz. 5 10 5 10 c7 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 6 5 10 5 5 10 5 5 10 10 IP 5 5 5 10 5 5 6 15 5 10 10 5 10 f. 'i 5 Post Cards each. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 o 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 News papers 2oz. 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 I 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 8 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 News- Pok'ts 2oz. 1 2 2 I 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 .A. 1 2 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 I Reg. 5 5 5 5 5' 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 5 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 5 64 Xing Street, 8t. John, N. B. 1891.] POST OFFldk. 103 Countries. Agencies *United States of America Venzezuela *Zanibar (India Postal Agency) West India Islands. ^British : Bahamas, Turks Isk'nd, Antigua, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserat, Nevis, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Trinidad and Tobago *Danish : St. Croix, St. John and St. Thomas. Spanish : Cuba Porto Rico Hayti, and San Domingo . , . Auatralia. I.— Via San Francisco "South Australia, •Western Australia, ♦New South Walew, > *New Zealand, ♦Queensland, ♦Tasmania, ♦Victoria, > II.— Vih. Brindisi : •South Australia, 1 ♦Western Australia, {••••• ♦New South Wales, *New Zealand, •Queensland, •Tasmania, •Victoria, Letter Bate. Pobt Cards News- papers 2oz. News- Pck'ts 2oz. i oz. each. 6 clO 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 2 1 1 5 2 I 5 5 6 5 5 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 c7 2 3 cl2 2 3 cl5 3 6 clf» 3 6 ♦Money orders may be haa on these (countries, c Prepayment compulsory, p I cent per 4 ounces. Reg. 5 5 5 5 5 5 15 15 Barlow Bros'. Patent Manifold Blanks MANUFACTURED BY Frinteps and Stationers, ST. JOHN, N. B. Tapeitry Oftrpett in endleM variety >t 104 A880CIATI()N8. [1891. ASSOCIATIONS, SOCIETIES, COMPANIES, ETC. Nbw Brunhwick Auximary Blhi.e Hcm;iktv- ThoriiaH W Daniel, Prt'Hident. John WlHlinrt. C'hftiU'H I'atton, John E IrviiM', Hol>eit Cnukshank, Viee- Pi-enlilents. R Cruikshank, Tn'asurer. Joslnia Clawson, BiTietury. T B Barker, lion John Boyd, U W CnMtkHhunk. J A Kst»\v, Arthur (lilniour, Charles F Kinneur, JaiiieH Lojfan, Jolm March. W H MoriiKon, M D, V K Mae- Michael, (JeorKo F Matthew, H A MiKeown. Wni Peiei-H. William J ParkB, OeorRe Rol)ertHon, T rt SimiMS, Arthur V Tipuet, Arthur I Trueinan, W M Shaw, Conunittee. Dt^pository, the store of MeHHi-s J & A McMillan. Prince William Htr»H't. Thomas Ji MacKelvie, Axent. Mr MacKelvie's addresH iH Rockland, N B. 8t John (Wkht) Branch Rocikty— D W Clark, IVegident. R»'8ident ClerRv- nien. Vice-Presidents. K J Wetnioiv. W J Claik, W H Colwell, A C Smith, EniK'h Thompson, B H Applehy, Jarvis Wilson, Uriah Drake,W()Sllpp, Com- mittee. W () Slipp, Secretary -Tiva-surer. St John (North) Branch Bihi.k Society- Kdwin Fisher. Kh(i. President. John Tapley. Ks(i, Vice- iVesident. W S Fisher. Trejisurer. Frak H Hayes, Secretary. McArthur's. Ueposilory. Rev I. O Stevens, Rev B H Nobles, Rev W S" Stewart. Rev Mr Pickles. Vice-Presidents, ex-oltlt.'io. Thos MiUedxe, Es«i, N Breiuin Ks«i. M Ilanun. Kwi. J S May. Ewi, Sidney Sorajfue. Esq, Thos F Oranville, Esu. L MunsbridKe. Esl. Mi's J R Smith. Committee of MaiiaKement. Miss H Petei's, Swrit'tary. Miss F Symonds. Tivasurer. Thk St. John Yoi'no Mkn's ('hrirtian A88ocial advanUiges olTered to mend)ers. Evening es for the year 18»1 : W Shives Fisher, President. S L Gorlxdl. Alex Watson, Geo Mitchell. J E Barnes, J () Miller, Joshua Clawson, S H Davis, V E MacMlcha«'l, J it McKiimon. (Carleton), Vice-Presidents. Tre^vsurer. E L WFittaker. J M Ijawrence, Corn<«i)onding Secretary. (i«*o A Henderson, liecording Secrretary. G N Heivenor, Librarian. J Barry Allen, Assistant Librarian. A W Mcljt'od, General Setsretary. A L Dunlap. H C Tillev. J E Irvine, F WhiUs W C Cross, W Kerr, W S Monison, M D, H Thorne. F M(;A)nlrews. E T Knowles, E S Stephenson, (! D Stewart, Geo Jenkins. E L Rising, R B Enu'rson, W C Slmi)«>n, A B (Jihnour, O Younger, J Bennett. J McA Hutchings, T J Gunn, Couunittee of Manage- menl. The President, E McLeotl, J E Irvine, Elui, N. B. 1801.] ASSOCIATIONS. 105 John. N B, Pr«»Hi C'omtnittet' w»in apttointed for the year 1H90-H1: Hiilifttx-K E WhiHtoii. Princii>al Forn'st, R N B«'ck- with, W B Mc'.Vutt. J V Mcintosh, II TheakHton. J Hurffoyne, l{«'v Dyson HayiWH and W R McC'unly. Ht John- J K Irvine, W S Morrison, M I). W 8 MHner. A W McI^eiKl. Charlottetown - Jud^e Ilcnsley, J I) Heaman Siim- inerHi(h«— Dan Stewart. Tnno— W D Mi( 'alluni. Jolin Turner. I'ictou— W V Tanner, Clarence Prinirow. New (liaHfrow— .1 FiHher Orant, Harvey Oraham. Cow Bay— C Archihnld. Moneton - J E MuKtei-s. (J S Sanjrster. I (' Hailway — Mr WiUianiB. Amherst— F B Kohh, .lohn McKet-n. DalhoUHie ColleKe— MrMcDonahi. Mt AlHson Unlvesity -S C Leonard. Acadia C'oUeKe- C F Corey. Fredericton— ProfesHor Stixmff. New Brunhwick 8 S Ahhociation- H J Pai-sons, Ii<>nton, Presiih'nt. Albert —J I StevenH, HlllHl)oro. Carlet«)n— John T Flt'fx, CorresixtndiiiK Secretary. Jas Watts, ] Woo«lstock, RecordiuK Secretar\. (ico Haddie, Dalhousie, Treosuivr. Ad- dition memlH'rs t>f Executive -J H Wet more, Mocton. A 8 White, Sussex. I J E Mai-sters, St John. T S Simms. St John. W H Stevens, St Stejihen. W C Whittaker, St John. H S Miller. Chatham. ExHiemoN Association of the City and County of St John, N B— C A Everett, Pw^sldent. H .1 Thome, Win Jarvis. James Reynolds, Ira Cornwall, Vice-Presidents. A L Imw, R B Emerson, (Jeo RolHTtson, (i Munloch, Wm Shaw. T McAvity, Jonas Howe, S S Hall, Alex Macaulay, James Pender, Wm GrelK, .1 M Johnson, W D Pitrteld. Thos Walker, M D. V N Skinner, Jas F Robertson, J McA HutchliiKS, W H Thome, AllH«rt C Smith, H J Thome, M Coll, W B Carvill, James A Estey, Samuel dot hers, James Rourk«>, J C Robertson, T W Peters, Dirwtoi-s. New Brunswick. Provinciai, Rifle Ab8o<;iation- Major J H Parks. Presi- dent. Lieut-Col J R Armstronp. Vice-President. Major Henry F Perley, H Q Staff. Lieut-Col Jnlin Tllton. G G F Guards. Lieut-Col J R Arra- stroiifc, N B G A. Lieut-Col E B Beer. Cant J T Hart t. Josiah WocmI, M P, liepresentatlvos to I) R A Council -Ex-Ofllcio: The President, the Vice- Pr«>sidnt, Offlwrs Commanding Corps, the Dymty AdjuUnt-CJeneral, Vice- Patrons, Pn hidents of County Ass«>ciatlons. Electiv»v-Lieut W Parks, «and Fus, Mr. P A Melvil'e, St .lohh, Mr. .1 D Chipman. St Stephen, St-Major Car- michoel, 8t .John UiHes, Lieut 8 B Lordly, 6M Fus, Capt .1 H McRobbie, «th Cavalry, Major FH Hartt, «3nd Fus, Ctt|»t J T Hartl. St John HifleH. Lieut A J Raymond, ((7th Batt. Lieut E \ Smith. St John Hides, Capt (J F Thomp- son, mu\ Fus, Color S«T>?t M B Hcndeison, «2nd Fus, Staff-Serj,'t W A Lordly, 62nd Fus. Lieut .James Mannin^,^ tWnd F'uh, Capt J M Klnnear. Sus- sex, Major J .J Tucker, (Wnd ^us, Mr. .James Hunter, St John, Major <) R Arnold, r4th Batt, Lieut S H Ijinirstroth, 71th Batt, Lieut J L McAvlty, fliind Fus. The President, (.'ai)t J H MeRoh)»ie, Caj)t .1 M Kinnear, Major F II Hortt, Lieut E A Smith, the Secretary, (executive Committee. Cai)tain J Twinine Hartt. Secretary Treasurer. Mr P A Melville, Lieut W Parks, Capt J II McRobbie, Audit Committee. Dominion Safktv Fund AsstxiiATioN- J DeWolf Spurr, Pivsident St John Board of Trade, W H Thoriie, ex-Pn-sident St .John Board of Trmle. Thos Temple, M P, C W Weldon, I) C L, g C, M P, David Allison, IJ. 1), Hui)erin- tendent of Education, .Jas T Stevens, M I), Jolm M«-Mdlan, of J & A McM - Ian, imblishei-s, l)in>ct<)rs. J DeWolf Spurr. Pi-esideiit. ("Iiarles Campl)ell, Secretary. Capital Stock subscribtnl, $r,^).tJOO. DL'iH)8it with Dominion Government, $.')(),(KX). The Press Ashociation-R A Payne, St John Sun, President. WL Cot- ton, Chariot t«'town Examiner, W A Bivnnaii, Summerside Journal. W, C Anslow, Newcastle Advm-ate. .1 F B McCretuly, St .John Tei.Kraoh. R«'V William Ileustis. Halifax Wesleyan. Kol)ert Drumun)nd, Steliartoii Journal, Vice-Presidents. John Burpoyne, Halifax Heraltl, S.MTetary, AM froaer, Halifax Critic, Treasun-r. .J H B4MI, M P I'. Itev Dr Lathem, Halifax Wes- Harold Oilbert'n Kew CariMt Wft'ehouM, 106 SOCIETIES. [1891. leyan, J J AiihIow, HantH Journal, Windsor, J T Hawlce, Moncton TranHcript, R R Bowe«, St John's, Newfoundland, Colonist, L C MacNutt, Fredericton Fanner, Executive Committee. Messrs. Barnes, Cahan and Blackadar, auditors. 1. C. R. Kiipix>ybb' Rrlikp and Iksukanor Association.— D Pottlnger, President. Tlios Williams, Vice-Pn'sident. J J Walker, Auditor. Tlie lYosi- dent ami Vice-President of the A88«>ciation; Halifax District, Roell, E A Feethom. Tniro District, J J Wallace, T ORcsran, E H. Allen. New QlasKow District, A B Gray, J A Cameron, C E Davies. Moncton District, (i M Jaivis, W J Lo<,'khort, Davitl White, A Stockwell. St John District, W (1 Roliertson, D A Sinclair, J Deb. New- castle District, W W McLellan, Wm Russell, J S Flendns. Campbellton District, J E Price, J Patterson, J A Johnson. Riviere DuLoup District, A R McDonald, A Ouellett, James Yeo. Hadlow District, John Baniwell, E Lautrell, A Laverdieiv, Executive Committee. W Bennett, Halifax, Geo M Odell, Truro, J T McQueen, New Glasgow, Murray FlemiuK Moncton, Geo Sample, Hadlow, L R Ross, St .John, R H CoKgan, Newcastle, H H Bray,. Campbellton, J B Fergi'<*on, District Secretaries. W C Paver, Secretary. E T Trites, Treasurer. St. John Agbicultuhal Society.— J M Johnfon. President. Dr Thomas Walker, 1st Vice-President. 8 8 Hall, 2nd Vice-President. J B Hamm, 8rd Vice-Prcmdent. James Shaw, Uh Vice-President. J Donavan, 5th Vice- Presidi'iu. A M Magee, Snt. Dr Bayard, SInifon JoneH, an«l Sir John V A11«mi, Vief-Fiv«irR:e lletherinKton, t'orn-HiH Dr ThoH \Valk«'r, Tn'asurer. l>r Muiray Mac- I'reHident. Dr KliiiK Secretary. New Brunswick Medical, SoriETV— Dr Win Bayanl, St John, Pn'sident. DrR O Baxter, Moncton, 1st Vice-Pivsident. Dr J E C'hurcli, Dorchester, 8nd Vice-President. Dr A F Emery, St John, 8ecretary. Dr Wm Christie, Ht John Treasurer, Dr 11 (I Aildy. St John, CorrespondinK Seco'tary. Dm I^irdy, Moncton; Lunain, C'am|)l>ellton; Currie, Fredericti)n, TruHteeii. Pharmaceutical Society— R W McCorthy, St John, President. I B D F McKenzie, Chatham, Vice-PreBldent. T J Cochrane, St John, Treasuper. M V Paddock, 8t John, 8.>cietaiy. C W Parker St John, ReKlstriir. R Ifi Coupe, S McDiarmId, 8 Rrihertson, W B McVey, 8t John, c: H Fairweather, Sussex. W H Mowatt, St John, John H ('larke, St John, Council. it, 8t. John Bridge and Railway Company- F E Barke*^, President. Hon T R Jones, Vice-President. T Barclay Robinson. Secret dry -Treasurer. St. John Opera House Company— A O Skinner, Presldeht. A H Bell, Ist Vice-President. M W Maher, 2nd Vice-President. C N Skinner. P A Melville, R F guigley, Dr O R HetherinK'ton, R A Payne, Ward C Pitlleld and Thomaa Kedey. 8t. John Mechanics' Institute Company— Messrs Charles A Everett, J FlemiuK, T B Hanington, W H Thome and C FI Low-prioed Tapestry Carpets at »:*. 108 CLUBS— UNIONS, ETC. [1891. Marttimk Branch ofthb Royal Caledonian Curling Clitb— Patron, Sir S L Tilley. President, A O Skinner, St Joiin. Geo Giinn, E L Street, Newcastle, Vice-Presidents. RevLGMacneill, St John. Chaplain. T J Hartt, Treasurer. Exective D G Smith, W B Alley, J E Baldwin, Dan McDonald L G Archibald, W Mcintosh, Henry Dufifell, Dr. C W Bradley, Evecutive Committee. E L Whittaker, Geo Gunn, E W Paul, G G Kimball, Dan McDonald and P O Mc- Gregor, Bonspiol Committee. Thistle Curling Club— E W Paul, President. I R Dunlap, Vice-President. H Dufifell, jr, Secretary, Andrew Malcolm, Treasurer. Rev W O Raymond, Chaplain. John McB Morrison, D R Willets, James Malcolm, E C McMichael, Committee of Management. Fred Titus, Representative to Maritive Branch. Alternative, R R Barnes. St. Andrew's Curling Club— Simeon Jones, President. A O Skinner, Vice- President. John L White, H V Cooper, Managing Committee. St. John Amatuer Athletic Club— A Skinner, President. C E M Mc- Donald, 1st Vice-President. W B Carvill, 2nd Vice-President. H A McKeown, Frank White, T Bell, W S Barker, W G Knowlton, with the above officers Managing Committee. Union Club— G F Smith, President. Joseph Stone, Vice-President. JEE Dickson, Secretary-Treasurer. M B Dixon, A Finlay, R R Richie, R P Mc- Givern, jr. Committee of Management. —^^ — - ' St. John Typographical Union— C Hennessy, President R W McKinney Vice-President. J J Ryan, Recording and Corresponding Secretary. FD Car- penter, Financial Secretary. Robt Kennedy, Treasurer. Wm J Clarke, Sergeant-at-Arms. Geo H Maxwell, Wm Essington, and J F McQourty. Trustees. Greorge Sealy, Vice- Treasurer. Council Trade and Labor Council— J J Ryan, President. President. George Maxwell, Secretary. P Flood, meets second Wednesday in each month. Ship Laborers' Union— Thos Barnes, President. James Alward, 1st Vice- President. John Murphy, 2nd Vice-President. James Hurley, Financial Secretary. James Brennan, Recording Secretary. Thos Killan, Treasurer. David Drynan, John Leaiy, James CLeary, David Flynn, William GUiespie, Richard Callajghan, William Sheridan, George Murphy, John Butler, Tnos Mills, Oscar Dick, Thos McCarthy, Committee of Management. St. John Acamedy op Art and School of Drawing and Paintging Studio Bulding, 74 German street. The only school where pupils have taken prizes at Dominion Exhibition. Mr. Miles nas exhibited at Antwerp, London, the Dominion, and United States. Send for circulars. Jnhn C. Miles, President. Fred H C Miles, Assistant. The Owens Art Institution (Established by Act of the Leeislatura April, 1884)— Founder, John Owens (deceased). Incorporated Trustees, Rpbert Reed, Francis Jordan, Robert R Duncan, John Hegan, John Ham- mond. Annual Trustees, Lady Tilley, Mrs S Alward, Mrs W O Raymond, Miss Beatri':e Hatheway, Miss Katie Jones. Robert Reed, President. Lady Tilley, 1st Vice-President. John Hammond, 2nd Vice-President. Miss Julia Reed, Secretary. Miss Ethel Smith, Treasurer. Miss A L Hunt, Cor- responding Secretary. Principal of Art School, John Hamond. St. John Roabd of Trade. — J De Wolfe, President. (Jeo Robert- son, Vice-President. Ira Cornwall, Secretary. G J Chubb, Treasurer. H J Thome, Robert Cruikshank, \^ E Vroom, C A Everett, W H Thome, W Frank Hatheway, Hon Wm Pugsley, W Malcolm McKay, Jas F Robertson, John Sealy, G Wetmore Merritt, W S Fisher, S S Hall, John D Howe, A Gush- ing. Board of Arbitration St. John Board of Trade— R Cruikshank, A Gushing, John McMillan, S Schofleld, James F Robertson and W S Fisher. Harold Gilbert's, 64 King Street, St , John, n, fi. 1891.] HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. 109 Saint John Free Public Libwaky. -J R Ruel, Chairman. Simeon Jones, W F Hatheway, John Montgomery, Mrs S T King, Mrs. Thos Fur- long, Mrs W H Tuck, Miss M Skinner. Richard O'Brien, Secretary. Miss C Martin, Librarian. HOSPITALS AND ASYLUMS. General Public Hospital.— William Bayard, Esq, M D, Presi- dent; Robt W Crookshank, Esq, Vice-President. M W Maher, Esq, Thomas Walker, Esq, MD, George H Clarke. Esq, Hon Charles Walters, JCC, W Rudman Allen, A Chipman Smith, Esq, and Geo A Hetherington, Esq, MD, Commissioners. Thos F Raymond, Secretary. F B Esson, MD, Resid nt Physician and Superintendent. Miss Murdoch, Matron. J D White, M D, J W Daniel, M D, Murray McLaren, M D, Wm Christie, M D, Alban F Emery, M D, W W White, Medical Staff. Thos Walker, Esq, Ml ). and James Chris- tie, Esq, MD, Consulting Physicians. MF Bruce, Esq, MD, Oculist and Aurist. Wiggins' Male Orphan Institution. —Board of Governors: K W Frith, President. G Sidney Smith, Rev F H J Brigstficke, T W Daniel, Hurd Peters, W C Drury, Simeon Jones, George* F Smith, Rev Charles J James. G Hei'bert Lee, Secretary-Treasurer. Rev R Mathers, Principal. Kent Marine Hospitas. —For the rel'ef of sick and disabled sea- men at St John. James Christie, M D, Physician. Rev James Spencer, Chaplain. Department Marine and Fisheries, Agent. William Andrew Barnes, Steward, Provincial Lunatic .Asylum, — Hon Messrs Andrew G Plair, David McLellan, Hon Wm Pugsley, P G Ryan, James Mitchell, Oliver LeB anc and Arch Harrison, Commissioners. R W Crookshank, Esq, Secre- tary-Treasurer. Resident Officers, J T Steeves, MP, Medical Superintendent; James A E Steeves, MD, Assistant Physician; Patrick Tole, Clerk, &c. Miss Kata E N Murphy, Matron. St John Protestent Orphan Asylum—W W Turnbull, President. T W Daniel, G W Whitney, Vice-President. John E Irvine, Treasurer. E L- Whittaker, Secretary-. Rev C James. Rev Geo Bruce, B A, A C Blair, S T King, Alex Rankine, Andrew Myles, Robert Marshal. A F Randolph, John F' Taylor, Rev J de Soyres, Directors. Rev Geo Bruce, Alex Rankine, Robert Marshall, Standing Committee. Ladies' Committee, Mrs W VV Turnbull, President. Mrs T Rankine, Mrs D McLellan, Vice-Presidents. Miss Palmer, Treasurer. Mrs R P Starr, Special Treasurer. Miss Murray. Secretaiy, Mrs James Macfarlane, Mrs George McLeod, Mrs James Kaye, Mrs James Lawton, Mi-Sg^iTames L Dunn, Mrs W Breeze, Mrs A F Randolph, Mrs Mc- Laren, Mrs GPrescott. Honorry Members. Mrs J Hegan. Mrs Hatheway,. Mrs J Boyd, Mrs J Boyd, Mrs Arthur Everitt, Mrs R W Crookshank, Miss. A Hunt. Standing Committee, Mr>< W W Turnbull, Mrs James Kaye, Mrs G W Whitney. Miss Frost, Matron. Visiting Physician,, Dr P R Inches. .- Home fob Agei> ales. -Mrs T VV Danir-l, \iis .T I'rit lia'"^* Mrs H L Sturdee. Mrs T A Temple, Mrs R Thompson, Mrs R W Crookshank, Mrs J L Dunn, Mrs G Prescott, Mrs J R Armstrong, Mrs George M Ar'"- Btrong. Mrs R T Clinch, Mrs A L Palmer, Mrs J de W Spui r, Mrs J it KueJ, Mrs John Bui-pee, Miss I Crooksh; nk, Mr J M Robinson, T. W. Daniel, H L Sturdee, R W Crookshank, W Crawford, R P Starr, J< sei h Allison, l»r. D E Berryman, Board of Directors. Mr T W Daniel, President. Mr H L Sturdee, Secretary. rOR STATIONERY GOODS, 1 : BLANK-BOOKS^*' PRINTING, -GO TO- BARNES & CO*S, 84 Pr nee William Siroet. Send to Harold Gilbert's for Patterns t1 1 110 L. O. ASSOCIATION. [1891 LOTAL ORANGE ASSOGIATIOH. orricERs OP the gband lodge op n. b., por 1890. R W Grand Master, Major Andrew J Armstrong, St John N B; Senior Deputy Grand Master, T H Cutler, Esq., Keswick, York Co; Junior Deputy Grand Master, H G Wadman, Esq, Moncton, Westmorland Co; Grand Chaplain, Rev B H Thomas, Maugerville, Sunbury Co; Grand Secretary, Samuel T Mosher J P, Carleton, City of St John; Grand Treasurer, J DeVeber Neales, Barrister, Gagetown, Queens Co; Grand Lecturer, Alex McLean, jr, Moncton, Westmorland Co; Grand Director of Ceremonies, Wm Roxborough. J P, South Bay, Lancaster, St John Co (West); Deputy Grand Secretary. Jas Moore, Esq, Waterford. King's Co. Deputy Grand Chaplains: William Rogers, St John, N B, John C Mowbry, Portland, St John, N B, Richard G Magee, St John, N B, Robert Wills, St John N B, E C Stackhouse, Portland. St John N B, Samuel Ferguson, Pisarinco, St John Co (West), Daviu Burgess, Fairville, St John Co, J I Breen, Fairville, St John Co, James Semple, Fairville, St John Co, Andrew Cooper, Fairville, St John, Abraham Wilson, Markhamville, Kings Co, George S Dryden, Sussex, Kings Co, Thomas Coggan, Sussex, Kings Co, Thomas Moore, Sussex, Kings Co, Wm J Hunter, Sussex, Kings Co, Richard H Gaddis, Moncton, Westmorland Co, George W Stackhouse, Moncton, Westmorland Co, S C Alward, J P, Butternut Ridge, Westmorland Co, A Moore, Moncton, Westmorland Co, George McKee, Moncton, Westmorland County, A L Duplisea, Fredericton Junction, Simbury Co, Thomas H Kelly, Blissville, Sunbury Co, Thos E Smith, Oromocto, Sunbury C^o, Wm H Walker, Fredericton, York Co, J H Smith, Fredericton. York Co, Wm H Lawrence, Upper Keswick, York Co, Robert Cochran, Fredericton, York Co, Geo W Brown, Marysville. York Co, Charles A Lewln, Benton, Carleton Co, George S Wiggins, Bristol, Carleton Co, George D Davies, Kirkland, Carleton Co, A F Lockhart, Woodstock, Carleton Co, John A Watters, Lakeville, Carleton Co, John Cooper, South Clones, Queens Co, John Corbett, Summer Hill, Queens Co, George Mont- fomery. Clones, Queens Co, William A Pitt, Clifton Kings Co, Samuel angston. White Head, Kings Co, George S Grey, Moss Glen, Kings Co, John C Henry, J P St Stephen, Charlotte Co, Walter Dixon, St Steplien, Char- lotte Co, S F Nesbitt, St Stephen, Charlotte, J H Nesbitt, St Stephen, Char- lotte Co, A E Lunn, St Stephen, George K Stiles, Elgin, Albert Co, E A Blakeney, Elgin, Albert Co. SUBORDINATE LODGES. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 1. Vernor, John McEwen, City of St John, first and third Tuesday. 2. Eldon, John C Mowbry, City of St John, second and fourth Tuesdf.y. York, Richard G Magee, City of St John, first and third Thursday. Nerepis Heroes, John McKf^e, Petersville Church, Queens, first Friday. Guardian, I Allan Balcom, Musquash, St John, first Saturday. Victoria, David McBrine, Golaen Grove, St John, second Wednesday. Gideon, C W Stockton, City of St John, St John. Wellington, Wm R Bustard, Mechanics' Settlement, Kings, first Tuesday. 11. True Blues, Samuel T Mosher, Carleton, St John, third Wednesday. 13. Border Britons, , Dumbarton, Charlotte, second Tuesday. 15. Boj^ne, Samuel Kingston, White Head, Kings, second Saturday. 16. Invincible, David DeLong, St Martins, St John, first and third Friday. 17. Queen's Own, William L Dixon, St Stephen, Cnarlotte, first and third Thursday. 18. No Sm'render, William Holmes, Gagetown, Queens, (West) first Tuesday. 19. BaiUie, J G Atkinson, M D, Baillie, Charlotte, first Saturday. ^ Graham, Josepk Walker, Fredericton, first Friday. 20. 21. Rossmore, Thursdays. Robert Cochran, St Mary's, York, second and fourth r Tapeitry Carpets in Brussels patterns at 1891.] L. O. ASSOCIATION, 111 28. English Heroes, , English Settlement, Queens, ■ . 28. Anderson, Wm H Lawrence, Upper Keswick, York, first and third Monday. 24. Johnston, Wm Rogers, St John, first and third Monday. 25 Queen's Blues, James E Miller, Newcastle Bridge, Queens, first and third Friday. 27. Havelock, James Wolfe, St John, second and fourth Thursday. Mount Purple, Samuel Fer^son, Pisarinco, St John, fli-st Saturday. British Lion, , Glassville, Carleton, first Wednesday. Harcourt Reforms, — ^^ ^ Bass River, Kent, 29. 31. 33. 84. &5. Gowan, George Baird, Bairdsvihe, Victoria, second Tuesday. Walker, J H Hamilton, Fredericton, first Monday and 18th of each month. 36. Star of Boyne, Albert L Duplisea, Blissville, Sunbury, second Monday. 37, Apprentice Boys, 8 Linton, Sea Dog Cove, Kings, (West) . 88, Woodstock, Geo J Brittain, Woodstock, Carleton, first Tuesday. 39. Armstrong, William H Foster, Moncton, first and third Monday. 40. Pickard, Alex G Robinson, Marysville, York, first Thursday. 41. Springfield, , Springfield, York, first Tuesday. 42. Albert, William Matthews, Point Wolfe, Albert, first Saturday. 44, Kinnear, Samuel Hetcher, Upham Station, Kings, first Thursday. 46, Johnston Blues, Thomas Hayes, Goshen, Queens, second Monday. 47. No Surrender, W R Robinson, Newcastle, Northumberland, third Tuesday, BO. North Lake, John L Foster, Fosterville, York, second Saturday. 51, Wellington, Geo D Davis. Kirkland, Carleton, first Tuesday, 53, Andover, Goo F Watts, Four Falls, Victoria, second Thiu'saay. 65, Walden, , Hainsville, York, first Tuesday, 60. Immanuel, Robert Burns, South Bay, St John, last Friday. 61. St Stephen, John C Henry, St Stephen, Charlotte, first and third Monday, 62, Moncton, Alex McLean, jr, Moncton, Westmorland, second and fourth Friday, 63, New DominioE, Caleb Barker, Cumberland Bay, Queens, (East) third Wednesday, 65, Kingston Champions, George S Gray, Clifton, Kings, fourth Saturday. 66, Benton, Chas A Lewin, Benton, Carleton, first Saturday. 67, Phoenix, John A Mc Williams, Petitcodiae, Westmorland, first Thurs- day. 69, Rose of Sharon; , , Westmorland, . 70. Willis, David Burgess, Fairville, St John, third Tuesday. 75. Union, LeB Dimock, St Martins, St John, second Wednesday. 76. Hackett, John A Watters, Lakeville, Carleton, second Wednesday. 78. Beaconsfield, W S D Moore, Waterford, Kings, second Tuesday. 87, Debec, John F Ivey, Debec, Carleton, 88. Magundy Volunteers. Gteo J W liOve, Magundy, York, last Friday. 91. Londonderry Heroes, James Jeffries, Markhamville, Kings, (East) 92. Fowler, J B Gray, Havelock Comer, Kings, second Wednesday, 99. Clones, James Chittick, Clones, Queens, (West) second Thursday, 106. Rising Sun, F W Hanison, Newton, Kings, (East) second Saturday. 113, Queen's Own, A F Barton, The Range, Queens, (Fast) first Thursday. 114, King William, Thos E Smith, Garry, Sunbury, third Saturday. 119, Protection, John Love, Maple Ridge, York, second Saturday. 124, Admiral Nelson, Geo S Dryden, Sussex, Kings, (East) second Friday. 135, Morning Star, W B Jonah, Wheaton Mills, Westmorland, second and fourth Saturday. 136. Morning Star, Nathan Boone, Tay Mills, York, first Thm-sday. 188. Garibaldi, Jas R Collier, Lake Road, Albert, first Monday. 139, Eastern Star, Edward Woodworth, Albert Mines, Albert, second Saturday. 140, Star of Hope, George E Stiles, Elgin Comer, Albert, first Tuesday. 141, .Dominion, John Kenney, St John, (North) first Tuesday, 145. Blissville, , , Sunbiu-y, . 146. Clones, Gleo Montgomery, South Clones, Queens, (West) first Monday, 147. Poquiock, Wm T Fraser, Lower Poquiock, York, third Wednesday. 160 Chipman Volunteers, Donald Dunbar, Briggs' Comer, Queens, (East) first Tuesday before full moon. Bay Wool Carpets at Harold Gilbert's, 112 MASONIC. [1891. ANCIENT AND HONORABLE FBATERNITT OF FREE AND ACCEFTD MASONS. GRAND LODGE OV NEW BRUNSWICK— OFFICERS FOR 1890-91. M W Grand Master, Thomas Walker, M D, St John. R W Deputy Grand Master, Sussex. R W Senior Grand Warden, E G Vroom, St Stephen. R W Jiuiior Grand Warden, R L Maltby, Newcastle. R W District Deputy Grand MaHter, No JJ, H B Fleming, Moncton. R W District Deputy Grand Master, No 8, A J H Stewart, Bathurst R W District Deputy Grand Master, No 4, D T Merritt, Woodstock. R W District Deputy No 5, T R Wren, St Andrews. V W Grand Chaplain, Rev O S Newnham, St Stephen. V W Grand Trea- surer, Hen^ J Thome, St John. V W Grand Secretary, Edwin J Wetmore, St John. W Senior Grand Deacon, John C Leonard, St John. W Junior Grand Deacon, Ronald Currie, Dalhousie. W Grand Director of Ceremonies, John A Watson, St John. W Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies, W A Black, Richibucto. W Grand Sword Bearer, James Patterson, Bathurst. W Grand Standard Bearer, A Mungall, MlUtown. W Grand Organist, W A Ewiug, St John. W Grand Pursuivant, Robert Clerk, St John, W Grand Stewards, W G Robertson, St John, V/ Wentworth E Wilson, St John, W C R Allen, St John, W Robert L Smith. St John, W Hedley V Cooper, St John, W Park A Melville, St John, W J E Masters, Moncton, w James Stoop, W S L Morrison, Fredericton, W John Stevenson, Richibucto, George Coggan, Sussex, W G F Atkinson, Moncton. Grand Tyler, Dingee Scribner, St John. COMMITVEEB. Board of General Purposes— M W Thomas Walker, GrM, R W B Lester Peters, R W Wiliiam We«1derburn, R W Robert T Clinch, R W John V Elhs, R W Robert Marshall, St John; R W William F Buntingi R W James McNichol, St John; R W H A White, (Prest) R W E GVroom, R W R L Maltby, V W E J Wetmore, (Secy), R W Edward Willis, R W Thos A Godsoe, R W George M Jarvis, R W Henry Duffell, R W John D Short, V W Henry J Thome, W T Nisbet Robertson, W Charles Masters, W W Watson Allan, W W H B Sadleir Ritual Committee— M W Thomas Walker, M D, R W R T Clinch. R W John V EUis, R W Henry Duflfell, R W Wm F Bunting, W W H B Sadleir, R W Harry Beckwith, R W T A Godsoe, R W J C Hatheway, R W B Lester Peters. Committee on Relations with Foreign Grand Lodges — R W J V Ellis, W Edwin J Everitt, W D F Morritt. Committee on Warrants to New Lodges— R W B Lester Peters, W W J Henry Leonard, W John A Watson. Library I'ommittee— W T Nisbet Robertson, R W John D Short, W Wm B Wallace. LODGES. Albion Lodge, No. 1.— Meets first Friday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. Charles Masters, Secretary. St. John's Lodge, No. 2.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at the Ma- sonic Hall, St. John. R C Thome, Secretary. fiibemia Lodge, No. 3.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, at the Masonic Hall, St. John, G. G. Boyne, Secretary. Sussex Lodge, No. 4.— Meets first Tuesday in each month. J E Church, Secretary. St. Mark's Lodge No. 5.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at St. Andrews, Charlotte County. George F. Stickney, Secretary. ! Harold Gilbert's 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] MASONIC. 113 Hiram Lodge, No. 6.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at the City of Fredericton. Charles Brodie, Secretary, Sussex Lodge, No. 7.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Saint Stephen, Charlotte County Edwin G. Vroom, Secretary. Carleton. Union Lodge, No. 8.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at Carleton, City of Saint John. A. Arthur Clarlc, Secretary. Midian Lodge, No. 9.— Meets second Tuesday in each month, at Clifton, Kings County. Howard D. Wetmore, Secretary. Union Lodge of Portland, No. 10.— Meets third Thursdaj' in each month, at the Masonic Hall, St. John. M. B. Dixon, Secretary. Woodstock Lodge, No. 11.— Meets first Thursday in each month, at Woodstock, Carleton County. Donald Munro, Secretary. St. George Lodge, No. 12.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at St. George, Charlotte County. George F. Hibbard, Secretary. Corinthian Lodge, No. 13. — MeeiB second Wednesday in each month, at Hampton Station. Henry Hallett, Secretary. Alley Lodge, No. 14. —Meets fli-st Thursday in each month, at Upper Mills, Charlotte County. Jason C. Davis, Secretary. Howard Lodge, No. 15.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at Hlllsboro', Albert County. John A. Beatty, Secretary. St. Andrew's Lodge, No. 16.— Meets Monday on or after each full moon, at Richibucto, Kent County. W. J. Smith, Secretary, Northumberland Lodge, No. 17.— Meets second Tuesday each month, at Newcastle, Northumberland County. Benjamin Fairey, Secretary. Miramichi Lodge, No. 18.— Meets third Tuesday each month, at Chatham, Northumberland County. Thomas Gillespie, Secretary. Salisbury Lodge. No. 20.— Meets first Tuesday each month, at Salisbury, Westmorland County. A E Trites, Secretary. Zion Lodge, No. 21.— Meets first Wednesday each month, at Sussex, King's County. Murray Huestis, Secretary. New Brunswick Lodge, No. 22.— Meets second Thursday each month, at the City of St. John. James McNichol, Jr., Secretary. Keith Lodge, No. 23.— Meets third Wednesday each month, at Moncton, Westmorland County. H. B. Fleming, Secretary. Zetland Lodge, Nc. 24.— Meets second Wednesday each month, at Shediac Westmorland County,. James Ingles, Secretary. Restigouche Lodge, No. 25. — Meets Tuesday on or after full moon, at Dalhousie, Restigouche County. James E. Stewart, Secretary. Victoria Lodge, No. 26.— Meets second Thursday each month, at Mill town, Charlotte County. J. B. Penaligan, Secretary. St, John Lvidge, No. 27. — Meets first Thursday after each full moon, at Bathurst, Gloucester County. James Mcintosh, Secretary. Lebanon Lodge, No. !{8. —Meets second Monday in each month, at Sack- ville, Westmorland County. A. G. Smith, Secretary. St. Martins Lodge, No. 30. — Meets first Saturday in each month, at St. Martins, St. John. William E, Skillen, Secretary. Benjamin Lodge, No. 31. — Meets first Tuesday in each month at Andover, Victoria County. J.Allan Perley. Secretary. Campbellton Lodge No, 32.— Meets first Friday in each month, at Campbellton, Restigouche County. James A. Johnson, Secretary. Alexandria Lodge, No. 33.— Meets first Tuesday in each month, at St, Mary's, York County. Edgar Hanson, Secretary. Albert Lodge, No. -34.— Meets Tuesday nearest full moon each month at Hopewell Corner, Albert County. J. W. McLfcod, Secretary. ENCAIUPMENTS. Encampment of St. John, No. 48— Religious and Military Order of the Temple, on the Registry of the Chapter General of Scotland. Meets at Freemasons Hall, City of St. John, second Wednesday in each month. Noble and^ Eminent Commander, Frank L. Tufts. Lieut. Commander, Alex. R. Campbell. Mareschal, George Blake. Hospitaller, Arthur I. True- man. Chancellor, H. Lawrence Sturdee. Treasurer, T. Amos Godsoe, (P.E C.) Secretary, T. Nisbet Robertson, (P.E.C.) Chaplain, Jas. McNichol, (P.E.C.) Baucenn'ilfer, R C Farmer. Bearer of Vexillum Belli, D Miller Olive Chamberlain, Fred. Sandall. Organist, Wm. B. Wallace. Aides- de-Camp, Charles McLauchlan and William H. Bell. Warder, Harold Gilbert. Man-at-Arms, Dingee Scribner. Bay Wool Carpets at Harold Gilbert's, 114 TT A SONIC. [1891. The Union de Molay Encampment and Priory, Registry of the Oreat Priory of Canada.— Regular Quarterly Convocations held at Freemasons Hall, St. John. Provincial Grand Lodge of the Royal Order of Scotland.— B. Lester Peters, Orand Master. T. Nisbet Robertson, Grand Secretary. Meets first Wednes- day in February, May, August and November, at Freemasons Hall, St. John. ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE Supreme Council for Canada, *3rd Degree— Sovereign Grand Commander, John V Ellis. Lieutenant Grand Commander, J W Murton. Secretary General, Hugh Murray. Treasurer, Hugh A Mackay. Grand Chancellor, Daniel Spry. Deputy for Ontario, E Copeland. Deputy for New Brunswick, B Lester Peters. Deputy for Nova Scotia, Rev Dr Partridge. Deputy for Manitoba. H Swinford. New Brunswick Consistory, S P R S, SS"" of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite— T Nesbit Robertson, Commander-in-Chief. J C Hatheway, M D, First Lieutenant Commander. John S McLaren, Second Lientonaat Commander. G Gordon Boyne. Grand Secretary. Edwin J Everett, Grand Treasurer. Robert T Clinch, Grand Almoner. B Lester Peters, Prelate. Andrew McNichol, Grand Master of Ceremonies. Frank L Tufts, Grand Expert. David S Stewart, Grand Assistant Expert. William D Foster, Grand Standard Bearer. Robert W Crookshank, Grand Captain of the Guard. Dingee Scribner, Grand Sentinel. St. John Lodge of Perfection 14" A. and A. S. Rite, on the Registry of the Supreme Council for Canada. T. Nisbet Robertson, T. P. G. M. G. G. Boyne, Secretary. Meets at Freemasons Hall, St. John, fourth Friday in February, May, August and November. Harington Chapter of Sovereign Princes of Rose Croix, H. R. D. M,, 188, on the Registry o:' the Supreme Council for Canada. John V. Ellis, M. W. S. G. Gordon Boyne, Registrar. Meets at Freemasons Hall, St. John, fourth Friday in March, June, September R,nd December. New Brunssvick Sovereign Consistory, P. R. S.,on the Registry of the Supreme Council of Canada.— Wm. J. Logan, Commander-in-Chief, Grand Secretary. Meets at Fi-eemasons Hall, St. John, fourth Friday in October, January, April and July. CHAPTERS. Grand Royal Arch Chapter of New Brunowick— First Grand Principal, B Lester Peters. St John. Deputy First Grand Principal, James McNicnol, St John. Second Grand Principal, Alexander Burchill, Fredericton. Third Grand Principal, J T Whitlock, St Stephen. Grand. Scribe E, T Nesbit Robertson, St John. Grand Scribe N, George Ackman, Moncton. Grand Treasurer, J Henry Leonard, St John. First Grand Sojourner, Nelson Campbell, Fredericton, Second Grand Sojourner, William H Stevens, St Stephen. Third Grand Sojourner, Charles H Smith, St Stephen. Grand Sword Beai'er, F W Wisdom, St John. Grand Standard Bearer, Hedley V Cooper, St John. Grand Director of Ceremonies, A R Campbell, St John. Grand Organist, Wm A Ewing, St John. Grand Pursuivant, Andrew Mc- Nichol, St John. Grand Janitor, G Gordon Boyne, St John. Carleton Chapter— Meets at Freemasons Hall, St. John, third Wednesday in each month. T Nisbet Robertson, Scribe E, New Brunswick Chapter— Meets at iFreemasons Hall, St. John, first Thursday in each month. G Gordon Boyne, Scribe E. Fredericton Chapter— Meets at Masonic Hall, Fredericton, third Wednes- day in each month. Alfred F Street, Scribe E. Union Chapter- -Meets at Freemasons Hall, Carleton (St. John), fourth Tuesday in each month. E J Sheldon, Scribe E. St. Stephen Chapter— Meets at Masonic Hall, St. Stephen, second Wed" nesday in each month. Albert D Taylor, Scribe E. Botsford Chapter— Meets at Masonic Hall, Moncton, third Monday in each month. C. W. Burnyeat, Scribe E. Woodstock Chapter— Meets at Masonic Hall, Woodstock, third Thursday in each month. Charles W Jenner, Scribe E. 54 King Street, Bt. John, K.B. 1891.] KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. 115 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS. SUPREME LODGE KNIOHTS OF PyTHIAS OP THE WORLD. William Ward, Newark, N J, Sitting Past Supreme Chancellor. Georjre B Shaw, Esq, Claire, Wisconsin, Supreme Chancellor. W W Blaclrwell, Henderson, Ky, Supreme Vice-Chancellor. Ell T Blackmer, San Diego, Cal, Supreme Prelate. Stansbury J Willey, Wilmington, Del, Supreme Master of Exchequer. R L C White, Nashville, Tenn, Keeper of Records and Seal. W B Kennedy, Chicago, 111, Supreme Secretary Endowment Rank. James R Carnahan, Indianapolis, Ind, Major General Uniform Rank. G H Morri- son, Canson City, Nevada, biipreme Master-at-Arms. M C Barkwell, Cheyenne, Wyo, Suprme Inner Guard. John W Thompson, Washington, D C, Supreme Outer Guard. GRAND LODGE OF THE MARITIME PROVINCES. W C Hazen Grimmer, St Stephen, Past Grand Chancellor. E Allison Powers, St John, Grand Chancellor. J Fen Fraser, St John. Grand Vice- Chancellor. F L Peers, Spring Hill, N S, Grand Prelate. Thomas Arm- strong, St John, Grand Master of Exchequer. John C Henry, (P G Box 283) St Stephen, Grand Keeper of Records Seal. J W Whitehead, Moncton, Grand Master-at-Arms. James D Fowler, Fredericton, Grand Inner G'^ard. W B Nicholson, Woodstock, Grand Outer Guard. SUBORDINATE LODGES. New Brunswick Lodge, No 1, St John, N B— Frank S Merritt P C. Geo S Day, C C. James E Fraser, V C. James Moulson, P. A P Bamhill, K R 8. W S Vaughn, M of F. T Armstrong, M of E, W J Storey, M at A. — -~- ,IG. , OG. Union Lodge, No 2, St John, N B— L B Wilson, P C. Samuel J Smith, C C. W Robt May, V C. T Fred Johnston, P. E A Powers, K R S. G E ,^tuart, M of F. Frank Holman, M of E. John T Purdon, M at A. J Arthur Daw- son, I G. Wm McAdoo, O G. Westmorland Lodge, No 3, Moncton, N B— K A McLean, P C. Joseph Bar- ton, C C. David Chatteris, V C. Wm Browhurst, P. W*E Sherard, K R S. Jos G Wran, M of F. James Hunter, M of E. F B Wood, M at A. W A Hanwright, I G. CO Rowe, O G, Frontier Lodge, No 4, St Stephen, N B— Alexander Murray, PC. C Fred Stuart, C C. H M Webber, V C. N E Sederquest, P. H W Broad, K R S. L M Robinson, M of F. Jolm Ryder, M of E. R W Grimmer, M at A. C S Gregory, I G. Orin Sawyer, O G. Cumberland Lodge, No 5, Spring Hill, N S— Christopher Proctor, jr, P C. E A Potter, C C. Geo McKnight, V C. J F Gilroy, P. H N Howard, K R S. A C McKinnon, M of F. John Wylie, M of E, F C Faulds, M at A. Rupert Horton, I G. Claude Davison, O G. Fredericton Lodge, No 6, Fredericton, N B— Alonzo Staples, P C. Samuel Mackey, C C. AD Macpherson, V C. Jas D Fowler, P. A J Fowlie, K R S. John H Tabor, M of F. W Storey Hooper, M of E. Geo H Bookhoutt, M at A. John Palmer, I G. Geo A Hughes, O G. Woodstock Lodge, No 7, Woodstock, N B— W B Nicholson, P C. Mered Brewer, C C. H H Whitman, V C. W M Austin, P. W H Moi-se, K R S. J E Sutton, M of F. C Allan Smith, M of E. F L Moores, M at A, James Wilber, I G. W T Townshend, O G. Border Lodge, No 8, Milltown, N B— A H Graham, PC. J M Deacon, C C. William H Laughlin, V C. B H KeiT, P. Geo Frost, K R S. R W Whitlock, M of F. Charles H Ray, M of E. G A Hutchinson, M at A, F W Smith, I G. Harrison Morrison, O G. ENDOWMENT RANK. * Section No .511, Moncton— Geo M Jarvis, President. J H Wran, Vice-Presi- dent. H B Fleming, Secretaiy. W J Norfolk, M D, Medical Examiner. UNIFORM RANK. James Moulson, St John, Colonel, A D C on Staff of Major General. Victoria Division, No 1, St John— John A Ewing, Sir Kt Captain, J Fen Fraser, Sir Kt Lieutenant. B A Stamers, Sir Kt Herald. E AUison Powers, Sir Kt Recorder. Park A Melville, Sir Kt Treasurer. A S Pattison, Sir Kt Guard. Wm McAdoo, Sir Kt Sentinel. Meet at Kni^t of Pythias Hail Germain street, 4th Monday each month. Bay Coooa Mats and Mattings at y. k\f): ..•'.(■- i' 116 ODDFELLOWS. [1891. MoulHon Dlvwion, No 2, Moiictoii— Murray Fleming, Sir Kt Captain. John P Wier, Sir Kt Lieutenant. W R ]'arker, Sir Kt Herald. D II Charters, Sir Kt Recorder. Wni Crowhurst, Sir Kt Treasiu'er. Joseph O Wran, Sir Kt Guard. J H Wran, Sir Kt Sentinal. Meet at Pythian Temple, iind Wednes- day each month. Fleming Division, No 8, Si>ring Hill. N S— F L Peers, Sir Kt Captain. A C McKinnon, Sir Kt Lieutenant. John Wiley, Sh- Kt Herald. E A Porter, Sir Kt Recorder. George McKnight, Sir Kt Treasurer. W W Bond, Sir Kt Guard. Rohert Fraser, Sir Kt Sentinel. Frontier Division, No 4, St Stephen— W C Hazen Grimmer, Sir Kt Captain, H W Broad. Sir Kt Lieutenant. C Fred Stewart, Sir Kt Herald. R Watson Grimmer, Sir Kt 1 reasm-er. Norman E Sederquest, Sir Kt Recorder. Saml McCurdy, Sir Kt Guard. C F Gregory, Sir Kt Sentinel. Meet 3rd Tuesday each month. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS. 0FFICEB8 OF OBAND LODGE. T L Chappelle, Grand Master, Charlottetown, P E I; J P Edwards* Dep G Master, Annapolis, N S; C N Skinner. Grand Warden; St John, N B; J C P Frazee, Grand Secretary, Halifax, N S; H A Tay- lor, PGM, Grand Treasurer, Halifax. N B; Benj Bremner, P G M, Grand Representative, Charlottetown, P E 1; Jas R Macdonald, Grand Representative, Sherbrooke.N S; Rev F M Young, Grand Chap- lain, Bridgetown, N S; Rupert Cunningham, Grand Marshal, Antigo- nish, N S; A D MePherson, Grand Conductor, Fredericton, N B; J D B F MacKenzie, Grand Guardian, Chatham, N B; Rohert Keith, Grand Herald, Stellarton, N S. SUBORDINATE LODGES. Eastern Star, No 1, Pictou — Meets on Wednesday. Fuller, No 5, Stellarton — Meets on Friday. Norton, No 6, New Glasgow — Meets on Monday. St Lawrence, No 8. Charlottetown, P E I — Meets on Monday. Pioneer, No 9, St John— Meets on Friday. Orient, No 10, Halifax — Meets on Monday. Scotia, No II, Westville — Meets on Thursday. Beacon, No 12, St John — Meets on Tuesday. Victoria, No 13, Fredericton — Meets on Monday. ^ Eureka, No 15, Spring Hill— Meets on Tuesday. Western Star, No 16 Annapolis- -Meets on Tuesday. Moore, No 17, Thorburn, N S— Meets on Tuesday. Mystic, No 18, Halifax — Meets on Thursday. ,, Peerless, No 19, St John, (North)— Meets on Tuesday. Guiding Star, No 21, Granville Ferry— Meets on Thursday. Prince Edward, No 22, Sunimer.'»ide, .Meets on Thursday. Mystic Tie, No 23, Oxford— Meets on alternate Mondays. Mizpah, No 24, Acadia Mines— Meets on Tuesday. Crystal Wave, No 25, Pugwash — Meets on Tuesday. Prince Albert, No 26, Moncton— Meets on Wednesday. Wildey, No 27, Charlottetown— Meets on Friday. , ' Caledonia, No 28, Hopewell— Meets on Wednesday. Siloam, No 29, St John — Meets on Monday. ' .. . . Unio- No 30, Springvilie- -Meets on Wednesday. . '■ ; , Valley, No 33, Suseex— Meets on Tuesday. . ' ; Helping Hand, No 34, River John— Meets on Monday. Ivy, No 35, Amherst — Meets on Friday. Lome, No 36. Economy — Meets on Friday. ' Pesaquid, No 38, Windsor- Meets on Tuesday. • , iti Harold Gilbert's, 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] FORRBBTBRS. 117 Athlon, No 89, Canning— Meets on Monday. Amity, No 40, Halifax —Meets on Tuesday. Carleton, No 41, Woodstock— Meets on Thursday. * - ■ Jewel, No 42, Antigonish — Meets on Tuesday. Ridgley, No 43, Great Village— Meets on Tuesflay. Ivanhoe, No 44, Parrsboro- Meets on let and 3rd Thursdays. Chatham, No 45, Chatham— Meets on Thursday. Golden Rule, No 46, (West)— Meets on Thursday. Edwards, No 47, Hantsport— Meets on Monday. ^ North Star, No 48, Oampbellton— Meets on Tuesday. Poenix, No 50, Truro— Meets on Tuesday. Diamond, No .51, Yarmouth— Meets on Thurday. Queen, No 52, Sydney —Meets on Tuesday. INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS. Executive Council op the Supreme Coubt— S C R, Oronhyatekha, M D, Toronto; P S C R, E Botterell, Ottawa; S V C R, Wm (irif- fith, Hamilton; S Sec'y, J A McGillivray, Toronto; S Treas, T G Davey, London; S P, Thos Millman, M D, Kingston; S C, F W Emmerson, Petitcodiac; H Cond, D Grant. Oeficerh of the High Court op New Brunswick — H C R, Herbert C Creed, Fredericton; P H C R, J E B McCready, St John; H V C R, LeB Coleman, St John; H Sec'y. F W Emmerson, Petitcodiac; H Treas, E P Eastman, Petitcodiac; H Phy, B S Thorne, M D, Sack- ville; H C, D Grant, Moncton; H Auditors, W W P Starratt, Forest Glen, and S A Holstead, Salisbury; H Chap, Rev T A Blackadar, Hampton; H J Sec'y, H Dean Creed, Fredencton; H S W, T Gran- ville, St John, (north); H J W, Dr E W Stevens, Hartland; H S B, Thos Kedey, St John; H J B, L Cameron, St Stephen; H Mar, W R Boutelier, Fredericton; H Con, D B Hatfield, Norton; H Mess, W E McConnell, Hillsboro. Subordinate Courts in New Brunswick— Court LaTour, St John, meets fourth Friday in each month in Gordon Division Rooms, King street. Court Loyalist, St John (north), meets first Thursday after the 16th of each month in Oddfellows' Hall. Court Frederick, St John (west), meets second and fourth Friday in each month. Court Locksley, St Martins, meets third Thursday in each month. Court Milicete, Fredericton, meets fourth Wednesday in each month, in Oddfellows' Hall. Court St Mary's, St. Mary's, meets first Tuesday after the 15th of each month. Court Alexandra, Maiysville, meets third Monday in each month. Court City Camp, McAdam Junction, meets alternate Tuesdays. Court Carleton, Centreville, meets the second and fourth Tuesday in each month. Court Woodstock, Hartland, meets alternate Saturdays. Court Bristol, Bristol, meets . Court Andover, Andover, meets fourth Thursdays. Court Ouangondy, Gagstown, meets last Tuesday in each month. Court Kennebecasis, Norton, meets first and third Wednesdays in each month. Court Albion, Lakefield, Hammond, meets fourth Thursday in each month. Low-prloed Taptttry Carpets at III*',*'- p- \ 118 TEMPKllANCE ORGANIZATIONS. [1»)1. Court Benevolence, Suhhcx, meetn third Thursday in each month. Court Eyesache, Mechanica' (Settleuient, ineetH third Saturday in each month. Court Intervale, Penobsquis, meetn third Saturday in each month. Court Butternut ]iid({C, Havelock, meetH third Monday in each month. Court Upham, Upham, meets last Monday in each month. Court Kings, Apuhaqui, meets first and third Saturday in each month. Court Hampton. Hampton, meets third Thursday in each month. Court Fetitcodiac, Petitcodiac, meets second and fourth Thursdays in each month. Court Salisbury, Salisbury, meets last Wednepday in each month. Court Moncton, Moncton, meets fourth Tuesday in each month. Court Shediac, Shediac, meets fouith Tuesday in each month. Court Mistletoe, St George. Court Scoodic, St Stephen. Court Eastern Light, Grand Manan. Court St Andrews, St Andrews, Court Gordon Falls, Elgin, meets second and fourth Fridays in each month. f^ourt Hillsboro, Hillsboro, meets third Tiiepday in each month, l.'ourt Winona, Alma, meets third Friday in each month. Court Progress, Weldford, meets third Tuesday in each month. Court Buctouche, Boutouche, meets, second and fourth Tuesdays in each month. Court Happy Retreat, Derby, meets first and third Thursdays in each month. Court Miramichi, Newcastle, meets fourth Tuesday in each month. Court Brunswick, Chatham, meets first Monday after the 15th of each month. Encampments op Royal Foresters— Brun:.rtrick Encampment, No. 2, St John (north). 111. Commander, F A Hayes. York Encampment, No 4, Fredericton. 111. (Jommander, E Van Wart. Westmorland Encamdment, No 6, Petitcodiar. III. Commander, A She. wood. TEMPEEANGE OKGANIZATIONS. Orakd Temple of New Brunswick— W H Smith, G W T. S E Logan, G W T V. W C Simpon, G W Rec, C A Everett, G W Tr. Isaac Stephens, G W Chap. W L Roberts, G W U. ETC Knowles, GW G. WT Fanjoy, PGWI. Departments of Order in this jurisdiction— Subordinate Temple, Victoria, No. 2, meets every Tuesday evening at hall in Market building, Chdrlotte street, St. John, N. B. Alexandria, No. 6, meets at Temple of -Honor Hall, Main street, St. John, N. B., North End, every Thursday evening. Crystal Fount, No. 8, meets at hall over Roller Rink, Main street, Moncton, Westmorland County, N. B,, every Wednesday evening. Northern Light, No. 9. meets at Temperance Hall, North Head, Grand Manan, eveiy Tuesday evening. Victoria Section, Nol, Junior Temple of HandT, meets at hall, market building, Charlotte street, St. John, N. B., every Friday evening. Alexandria Section, No. 2, Junior Temple of H and T, meets at T of H Hall, Maln;street, St. John, N. B., every Monday night. Eastern Star Council, No. 1, meets at Market building, St. John, N. B., at call of Chief of Coimcil. Riverside Council meets at T of H Hall, Main street, St. John, N. B., at call of Chief of Council. Harold Qllbert'i, 64 King Street, Bt , John, N, fi, 1891.] TKMPBRANCK 0H0ANIZATI0N8. 119 GHAND DIVIHION, 8. OF T. PROVINCE OP NEW BRDNHWIOK. Grand Worthy Patriarch, Henry J. Thome, St. John. Grand Worthy AsHociate, John C. Thomas. Grand ScrilK', A. J. AnnHtronj?, Ht. Jolm. Grand TreaHurer, W. C. Whittaker, St. John. Grand Chaphiin, Uev. J. C. Berrie. Grand Conductor, John McLean, Jr., Moncton, (Jrand Sentinel, Bichard G. Maj ET EASTERN STAR ( 'NCIL. i C of C, C W Segee. S of C, Fred Estey. J of (' C White. M of C, W »t J Smith. D M of C. J Robertson. Treas of C, D Smiler. 1? -f C, VV C Simp- son. Pro of C. Wm Lewis. W , D McNally. P C of 0, \^' II ynUtli. VICTOR! V SECTION 4- "' OF H. AND T. 2nd A(^ <^ Cook. 3rd A U, (t" Rec, T Kubnup \ Rec, A Dim- U, J Wetmof . D U, L Cosmon. WGov, W H Smith. It A G, B S Black. White. W A. F Forrest. .' A. F Dunfield. brack. F R, R Weldon. A F R, W Lewis. I W, W Taylor. O P, F Walker. P. W A, Wm Cosman. ST. U. JOHN, W. C. T President, Mrs T G Allen. Vice-Presidents, Mrs J E Masters. Mi .. «t W Tumbull, M.r8 Patterson, Mrs Dearborn, Mrs Black, Mrs Powers. Corn spok- ing Secretary, Mrs. W W TurnbuU. Recording Secretary, Mrs J R Calliouii. Treasurer, Miss Lockhart. Auditor, Mrs C A Palmer. ST. PATRICK'S T. A. SOCIETY. President, P J O'Keeffe. Vice-President, John A Coyle. Recording Secre" tary, John A Dolan. Treasurer, P Egan. Financial Secretary, D Buckley Librarian, John Rourke. Sergeant at-arms, Chas Jessian. 133 BRANCH OP THE ASSUMPTION OP CATHOLIC MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION ST. JOHN CITY (WEST). P J O'Keeflfe. 1st Vice-President, P J McPeake. 2nd Vice- 1 F Mooney. Recording Secretary. W E Scully. Assistant "vretary, C H O'Brien. Financial Secretary, James Donohoe, 1 I lonoVan. Chancellor, John A Dolan. Spiritual Director, Rev . JO'Doriovan. Marshall, John Casey. Guard, Thos Tracey. Trustees, Jus McKennan, !)an J Noonan, J A Coyle, J E O'Brien, Jas Matthews. Meet Bt Patrick Hall -t and last Wednesdays. Presiden- Presidetnt, Rf cording " easurer. Send to Harold Gilbert's for Patterns f\ ' ) 120 TEMPERANCE OHGAJflZATIONS. [1891 ST. PETERS MABKIED MHN, T. A. SOCIETY, President, M Coll. 1st Vice-President, John Quinn. Financial Secretary-j Thos P Connor. Recording Secretary, James Morgan. Corresponding Secre- tary, John J Cain. Treasurer, Edward Burke Librarian, E J Biggins. Sergeant-at-arms, John Gormley. FATHER MATTHEW ASSOCIATION. President, T O'Brien. Senior Vice-President, Jeremiah Lenihan. Junior Vice-President, T L Murphy. Recording Secretaiy, W J Fitzpatrick. Cor- responding Secretary, P JFitzpatrick. Financial Secretary, W H Coates. Treasurer, Hugh Doherty. Librarian, Leo Kelly. Assistant Librarian, John Corr. Conductor, Samuel McDevitt, Trustees, Thos Kickham, J F Gleeson. Spiritual Director, Rev T Casey. ST. Joseph's senior society. President, John H McLaughlin. Vice-President, P Dillon. Financial Secretary Michael Sweeney Recording Secretary, Richard Walsh Assist- Secretary, P Henneberiy. Treasurer, F H McGirr. Sergeant-at-arms, Daniel Rooney. Committee of Wards: Kings Ward, R McCarthy, R Condon, Queens, W >.'artin. Dukes, P McDonald. Sydney, J Elmore, J Murphy. Piince, B Lawrence, P Lewis. Wellington, P McNamara. P Quinn. Victoria, T Wisted, D A McDonald. Spiritual Director, Rev F McMurray. , ■ , . YOUNG men's society OP ST. JOSEPH. President, W L Williams. Vice-President, Michael Coffey. Recording Secretary, J Mullaly. Financial Secretary, W L Bridgeo. Corresponding Secretary, M Coughian. Treasurer, C A Conlan. Librarian, Thos A Ready. Assistant Librarian, J F Quirk. Committee of management, T L Welch. John Crowley, N Ratchford. Chaplain, Rev Fr McMurray. FATHER MATHEW CADETS. .-.• President, Jeremiah Lenihan. 1st Vice-President. Frank Foley. 2nd Vice! President, Stephen Gerow. Recording Secretary, William Kiley. Financial Secretary, George McCafterty. Conductor, Joseph Kelly. Spii'itual Direc" tor. Rev T Casey. ST, MALACHl'S T. A. RELIEF SOCIETY. . ~ " [Re-organized December 20. 1868.] President, Patrick Moran, J P. 1st Vice-President, Thos Kelly. "Jnd Vice" President, Patrick McMinnamin. Recording Secretary, Robert Coleman. Financial Secietarv, Timothy Murphy. Treasurer, John McCarthy, J P. Spiritual Director, Rev J J Walsh, Chancellor. Sergeant-at-arms, Daniel L Rooney. Ward committee: Kings Ward, Timothy O'Leary. Queens, Daniel O'Rourke. Wellington, Peter Mahoney. Prince, Felix Mulligan. Dukes, Patrick McManus. Special, James Len, J P. Society meets on the 2nd and lest Sunday of the month in St Malachi's Hall at 7.30 o'clock. CATHOLIC T. A. CNION OF THE DIOCESE OF ST. JOHN, N. B [Organized October 10, 1890.] President, P J O'Keeffe. 1st Vice-President, Thos Kickham. President, Thos Coimor, Recording Secretary, Timothy OT.rien. Seci^cary, John M Barry, Corresponding Secretary, Jas H Treasurer, Daniel O'Neill. Sergeant-at-arms, Daniel Noonan. 2nd Vice- Financial McBugh. YOUNG MEN S BRANCH ST President, Jas L Kerr. PBTBR'S T. A. S. Vice-Presidont, Hugh J Doherty. Recording Secretary, Arch McNeill. Financial Secretary, "Samuel McCormack. Cor- responding Socrijtary, Joseph Quinn. Treasurer, John McNeil. Librarian, William Morris. Sergeant-at-arms, William F Murphy. ST. ROSE T. A. AND L. SOCIETY OF PAIRVILLK, N. President. John Holland. Vice-President, Patrick Gleeson. B. Recording Secretary, John Lea. Financial Secretary, John Morris. Correajjondiug Secretary, Jas McCanon. Librarian, Frank Harigan. Spiritual Director, Bev C Collins. Sergeant-at-arms, Michael Butler. 64 King Street, St. John. N. B. 1891.] .1.: TEMPERANCE ORGANIZATIONS. 121 ST. ROSE CADET T. A. AND L. SOCIETY OF FAIRVILLS. President, John McMamis. Vice-President, Harry Tole. Recording Secre- tary, Frank Harrigan. Financial Secretary, Denis Cavalan. Corresponding Secretary, Will. Cain. Treasurer, Rev Collins. Sergeant-at-aiins, Charles Monohan. Cadets — President, John McMurray. Secretary, John Duffy. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST TOTAL ABSTINENCE SOCIFTY. President, John McGonagle. Senior Vice-President, Wm Carleton. Junior V ice-President, Chris Kane Recording Secretary, Louis King. Financial Secretary, Daniel Daley. Corresponding Secretary, James Magee. Treas- urer, P Killen Conductor, Florence £)riscoll. Trustees. J J Ryan, H O'Con- nor. Spiritual Director, Veiy Rev Monsignor Connolly. The meetings will be held once a fortnight on every alternate Monday evening at 8 o'clock. , LEGION OF HONOR. DuPERiN Council, No 302— James Sullivan, Commander. Stanley D Craw- ford, Past Commander. Arthur W Sharp, Vice-Commander. Miles F Han- cock, Oratoi. G Gordon Boyne, Secretary. James McNichol, Collector. Alex R Campbell, Treasurer. H B Jackson, Chaplain. James Seaton, Guide. James R Swinnock, Warden. Thomas .Valker, M D, (P C) Medical Examiiifci . Chas McLauchlan, Wm R Russell, James H PuUen, Trustees. M eets first and third Monday in each month, at the office of the Collector, James McNichol, 73 Germain street. ROYAL ARCANUM. .. / Regent, H D Peters; Vice-Regent, Wm Robson; Past Regent, W A Mc" Ginley; Orator, J R Jack; Secretary, D McNaily; Collector, James McNichol; Treasurer, John M Taylor; Chaplain, Rev G Stevens; Guide, John Hender- son; Warden, A B Smalley; Sentry, G Gordon Boyne. Place of Meeting, Knights of Pythias Hall. Sleets second and fourth Tuesdays in each month. Established August 1st, 1878. Order founded 1877. Present membership whole order, 98,000. MILITARY DISTRICT, No. 8, PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK STAFF OF THE MILITIA. Deputy Adjutant General Commanding — Lieut Colonel Geo J Maunsell, dag, 1st May, '64. District Paymaster and Superintendent of Stores— Major A J Armstrong, Ist Feb, '87. ROYAL SCHOOL OF INFANTRY. FREDERICTON. Commandant— Lieut Colonel G J Maunsell' 21 Dec, '83. Captain— Major W D Gordon, 21 Dec, '83. Lieutenant and Captain, D R Hemming, 21 Dec, '83. Lieutenant— J D Roche, 29 Jan, '87. ' Lieutenant — Carpenter, A E, 16 Sept, '89. Surgeon— T C Brown, M D, 21 Doc, '83. Tapestry Carpets in endless variety at r- < ii Ml 122 MILITIA. [1891. 8th FRmCESS LOUISE NEW BBUM8WICK REGIMENT OF CAVALBT. Organized g o 30th April, 1869. Motto: H^i Fatriceque Fidelis. Headquarters, Rothesay. Lieut Colonel— James Domville, c c 1st, 2nd July, '81. Majors— Alfred Markham, c c Ist, 2nd July, '81; Robert W Otty c c 1st, 30th April, '69; 2nd, 4th Jan, '71. A Troop, Hampton — Captain Frederick Ernest Whelpley,RSI. vice Otty resigned, 3rd Feb, 'bS; Lieutenant, Edward Love Wed- derburn, s c, vice Whelpley promoted, 3rd Feb, '88; Lieutenant, C C McMonagle, prov 18th June, '86. B Troop, Ossekeag— Captain, George W Fowler, c c, 8rd Feb, '88; Lieutenant, William Langstroth. jr, p, 10th August, '82; 2nd Lieutenant, Ralph A March, 2nd Aug, '89. C Troop, Apohaqui— Captain, H M Campbell, c s 2nd, 14th March, '84 ; Lieutenant, David Sears, 10th April, '85. D Troop, Hammond— Captain, David James Fowler, c c and m s 2nd, 1 1th Dec, '77; Lieutenant Alfred J Markham, s c, 3rd Feb, '88; 2nd Lieutenant, prov, Robert Chillis McMonagle, vice Wedderburn, 3rd Feb, 89. E Troop, Rothesay, K Co — Captain, David Sears, 31st July, '90; Lieutenant, William Forrester. F Troop, Shediac, W Co — Captain, Geo S Maunsell, c s 1st and s j 1st, 22nd Oct, 86; Lieutenant, J H Murray, provis, 22nd Oct, '86; 2nd Lieutenant, J A McDougal, s c 1st b, 22nd Oct,'86. G Troop, Springfield— Captain, J H McRobbie, s c 2nd, 16th Oct, '85 ; Lieutenant James William Domville, rue 15th Sept, '90; Assistant Surgeon, W J Norfolk, Ist Jan, '85. Paymaster— John T Woodward, 28th Sept, '84. Adjutant— F V Wedderburn, 30th July, '86. Quartermaster— Joshua Upham Fowler, hon c, 22nd Oct, '86. Surgeon— John E March, M D, 30th May, '84; Assistant Sur- geon, W J Norfolk, M D, 9th Jan, '857 WOODSTOCK FIELD BATTERY OF ARTILLERY. Major— F H J Dibblee, 81st May. '83. Captain— C H Emery, 16th Oct, '85. Lieutenant— W C Good, 2nd, 13th June. '89. Surgeon — Stephen Smith, 4tli Sept, '74. NEWCASTLE FIELD liATTEHY OF ARTILLERY. Major and Bt Colonel— Robert R Call, 31st May, '83. Lieutant- Richard A Lawlor, prov, 3rd June, '81. 2nd Lieutenant, Prov — Alexander Davidson, vice Fish resigned. 15th June, '85. Surgeon— F L Pedolin, 14th Aug, '85. Veterinary Surgeon— John Morrissey, M D, 10th June, '89. NEW BRUNSWICK BRIGADE GARRISON ARTILLERY. Headquarters, St John, N B — Organized g o 28th May, '69, as a Brigade. Original Muster Roll dated 4th May, 1793. Lieut Colonel— John Russell Armstrong, r s a 1st, c c 2nd, m s Z^d, 22nd Nov, '85. it- ■ p- : : Harold Oilbdrt's, 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 1891.] MILITIA. 123 No 1 Battery, St John, Prince of Wales— Captain, Stanley Douglas Crawford, g s, Slst May. '89; Lieutenant, Robert Ran- kine Ritchie, r s a 1st, 17th June, '87; 2nd. Lieutenant, prov, Herb3rt Chipman Tilley. No 2 Battery. Carleton — Captain, John James Gordon, r s a let, 18th June, '86; Lieutenant, John B M Baxter, Oct, '88; 2nd Lieut, Walter Woodworth White. Oct. '89. No 3 Battery, Portland — Captain, George Kerr McLeod, r a a 1st, 3l8t May, '89; Lieutenant, Charles Frederick Harrison, r s a; 2nd Lieut, Robert H Gordon. No 4 Battery, St John— Captain, George West Jones, r s a 1st, 22nd Oct, '86; Lieutenant, Arthur Drake Wetmore, p, 17th Aug, '88; Lieutenant, Thomas Edward Grindon Armstrong, p, 7th April, '87. No 5 Battery, Fairville — Captain, James A E Steeves; Lieut- enant, Frederick Cander Temple, prov; 2nd Lieut, Robert Pat- terson Foster. Paymaster— George Frederick Smith, 27th Feb, '85. Adjutant— Charles Frederick Langan, g s Ist, 18th June, '86; c, 4th June, '86. Quartermaster— Richard Farmer, m, 27th Feb, '67; 12th July, 72. Surgeon— John Waterhouse Daniel, M D, r s a Ist, 11th Aug, '76. Assistant Surgeon— Joseph Andrews, M D, 14th Sept, '83. 62nd battalion st. john fusiliers. Badge and Motto: — Two Moose rampant, confroniee, supporting a Garter clasped with a buckle, whereupon is inscribed, '* Samt John Fusiliers," surmounted by a royal crown. Within the Garter a hand grenade, flamani, with the numerals 62 underneath. On an escrol below the motio, " Semper Faratus." G O, 22nd June, '83. M D No 8. 2nd Brig Div, St John— Organ- ized G O 22nd March. '72, Lieut Colonel — Arbuthnot Blaine, v b Ist, 8th Sept, '76. Majors — Joseph John Tucker, v b 1st, 13th June, '83; Hugh Havelock McLean, v b 1st, 2nd Oct, '85. Captains, Edward T Sturdee, v b 1st, m s 2nd, s i 1st, 5th May, '76, m, 5th May, '86. William Clarence Magee, m s 2nd, 2Glh Nov, '80. Matthew Boyd Edwards, m s 2nd, s 1 1st, 12th June, '85. George Frederick Thompson, m s 2nd, 23rd Dec. '87. John Fenwick Eraser, v b 2nd, 28th Sept, '8'S. Heniy Hamilton Goddard, s i Ist, 28th June. '69. Lieutenants— David Churchill, s i 1st, 30th Oct, '85. Sterling Botsford Lordley, s i 1st, 10th Dec, '86. John Peckman Vroom, r 8 i 8nd, 23rd Dec. '87. James Manning, r s i 1st, 1st June, '88. George Mills Cleveland, r s i2nd, 28th Sept, 88. 2nd Lieutenants— William Charles Sterling, 6th July, 88. Geo Albert Hetherington, 6th July, '88. William Parks, 6th July,'88. John Henry Kaye, 16th Nov, '88. James Lupton McAvity, Howard Pentreath Wetmore. Paymaster— Murdock Eraser Bruce, M D. Union Carpets at Low Frioes at Harold Gilbert's k'l 124 MILITIA. [1891. Adjutant— Frederick Hammond Hartt, s i Ist, v b 2nd, 10th Dec, '86; m, 19th Jan, '87. Quartermaster— John Stewart Hall, 19th Jan, '87; hon m, 19th Jan, '87. Surgeon— Thomas Walker, M D, 27th June, '84, Assistant Surgeon—Murray MacLaren, M D. ST. JOHN KIPLK COMPANY. Captain — John Thomas Twining Hartt, v b 1st, m s 2nd; Lieutenant, Howard Atherton Smith, m s 2nd; 2nd Lieutenant, Leonard P D Tilley, provisionally. BRIGHTON ENGINEKR8 — CARLBTON COUNTY. Captain— Brevert Major D McLeod Vince, 27th Feb, '80. 1st Lieutenant, John Rainsford Tompkins, 17th April, 83. 2nd Lieutenant, Alex Nevers, 18th June, '78. 67th carleton light infantry. Lieutenant Colonel— J D Baird, m s, 16th Sept, '87. Majors— Gordon Edward Boyer, s i, 13lh Jan, '88. Dow Hart- ley, si. 13th Jan, '88. Captains — Isaac E Adams, 10th July, 71. Henry Bourne, 12th July, '72, Jesse W Barker, 10th April. '75. A H McLaughlan, s i 1st, 17th May, '86. John T Fletcher, 31st August, '73. Joseph William Williams, m s, 7th April, '87, Leonard Leigh Hartley, s i, 13th Jan, '88. Guildford Dudley Perkins, m s, 13th Jan, '88. Lieutenants — John W Adams, 20th Dec,'76. Chas R Cameron, 4th July, '83. Leonard R Harding. 28th Sept. '83. G D Per- kins, 28th Sept, '83. John J Kuppey. 3rd June, '87. Joseph Cyr, 3rd June, '87. John Franklin Williams, m s, 7th April, '87. Willard Webster Ross, s i, Istb, 13th Jan, '88. Edward Wallace Bell, r s i, 2nd b. 13th Jan, '88. C W Dickenson, 11th July, '90. 2nd Lieutenants — D W Pickett, prov, 18th June, 87. Leander Kennedy, prov, s j, 2nd b, 18th June, '87. George Ripley Smith, 7th April, '87. Willard Judson Carr, s j Ist b, 11th March, '87. Francois W Bourne, 3l8t August, '83. F W Fleming, 29th May, '85. David Wetmore Wallace Pickett, r s i, 3l8t March, '88. Chas H Taylor, r s i, 2nd b. James Johnston, r s i, Ist b. Adam Niddric Shirrips. Paymaster— John D Ketchum, m hon, 10th Sept, '59. Quartermaster— Hamilton Emery, 10th Sept, '69. Surgeon-Major— Charles Pitt Connell, M D, 22nd April, '90. Assistant Surgeon— E W Stevenig, M D, 4th Sept, '85. 7l8T YORK BATTALION OF INFAFTRY. Lieutenant Colonel— John Lothrop March, 3rd Nov, '71. Majors — Thomas Loggie. Jared Boone, s j, 18th June, '86. T JOS L Alexander, v b, 18th June, '8«. Captains— R M Pinder, Justin Stewart Butt, m s. J V John- son, s j, 18th June, '86. T McMullin, 4th Oct, '82. H A Cropley, 24th Nov, '82. W T Howe, 14th Sept, '83. A J Magee, 17th Oct, '84. William Dell Hartt, 7th Jan, '87. 54 King Street, St. John, N. B, 1891.] MILITIA. 125 Lieutenants— R M Finder, 18tli June, '80. E T Christy, 10th June, '81. J Mooney, 17th Oct, '84, J D Perkins, m s, 4th June, '89. Thomas Getchell Kelly, r s i, 31st March, '88. John Hub Secord, I5th May, '89. Geo Ryder, r s i, 2nd : \ 18thMay,'89. 2nd Lieutenants -T G McMurray, 10th Nov, '8is. Capt W D Hartt, p, 14th Dec, '83. P Gilmour, 17th Oct, '84. Arthur Pringle, p, 30th June, '87. John Edward Sanson, b, 30th June, '87. Justin Stewart Butt, m s, 18th June, '87. Francis Brook Gregory, 18th May, '^9. Paymaster — Bl Major A G Beck with, 3rd June, '81. Adjutant — John Vicars Johnson, 18th May, '89. Quartermaster— Andrew Lipsett, 25th Feb, '76; hm, 25th Feb,'86. Surgeon— D R Moore, 16th July, '87. Assistant Surgeon — Harry W Gregory. 73rd nokthumberland, n. b. . battalion of infantry. Lieut Colonel — Samuel TJ McCully, commanding, 22nd Feb, '78; 12th June, '85. Captains— Hugh Cameron, 4th Aug, '71. William Fenton, Ist Aug, '73 John Sheridan, m s, 21st May, '86. Wm McNaugh- ton, 13th, April, '77. Alexander McKnight, 5th Sept, '78. Lieutenants— George F R Dogherty, 2nd Dec, '90. J D B F MacKenzie, r s i, 30th Nov, '90 James Cameron, 13t.h June, '84. George Fred R Doheriy. William McKnight, s i. 2nd Lieutenants — Alexander Cameron, 13th June, '84 Robert McNaughton, prov, 4th Feb, '69. Macdougal Snowball, prov. Francis B Gregory, 30th Nov, '90. .. - : ' Paymaster— Lemuel T Tweedie, 6th Sept, '73. Adjutant — Alexander Templeton, 2nd June, '76. Quartermaster- Robert Murray, jr, 14th June, '88. Surgeon -William Fallen Bishop, M I), 14th April, '70. Assistant Surgeon — J McGregor Baxter, M D, l5th June, '88. 74th kings county battalion of infantry. Lieut Colonel— E R Beer, 17th Oct, '80. - •: i -. Major— O R Arnold, 12th May, '82. Captains— Bedford Harper, 9th April, '90. H D Wetmore, 10th July, '79 C H Fairweather, m s, 4th June, '86. W C Murray, lOth March. '70. J M Baird, 6th Sept, '72. Lieutenants — W M Chamberlain, 13th May, '81. A McDonald, 13th May, '84. J A Bowes, 6th Sept, '72. E H Hayward, 6th March, '82. John Rupert Foster, prov, 21st April, '88. 2nd Lieutenants- S A McFee, 4th March, '82. J J Grossman, s^^ 2nd b, 19th March. '86. Samuel Albert Watson, prov, 21st Jan, '88. Jas Havelock Dunlap, 9th March, '88. Hamilton Grey Wadnian. 9th May, '88 Charles Wesley Wayman, r s i, 31st March, '88. Robt Morrison, 14th June, '88. Frank Bunting Black, r 8 i, 1st a, 5th Jan, '89. Paymaster— E Arnold, 4th June, '86. Adjutant — Lieut Hiram Samuel Langstroth, r s i, 15th June,'88, Quartermaster — S H Laujistroth, m s, 14th June, '86. Surgeon— E A Vail, 9th Dec, '70. Assiijtant Surgeon— S F Wilson. M D, 30th May, 84. IP- Harold Gilbert's New Carpet Waiehonse, h i n 4 126 GOVERNMENT OPPICE8 IN N B,— DEPARTMENTS. [1891. OFFICES AHD OFFICERS UNDER THE DOMINION QOVERNHENT IN NEW BRUNSWICK. PORT OF ST. JOHN James R. Ruel. Esq., Collector and Registrar of Shipping. J. S. McLaren, Inspector of Customs. In Warehouse Department— A. Atchison and S. W. Kain. In Long Room— H. P. Saudall, D. J. Gleeson, H. G. Hunt and Wm Roz- bcrough. In Shipping Department— James Barber, K. A. Barber and H. Turner. Measurer of Ships— James Barber. In Statistical Department— J. A. S. Mott and W. E. Stevens. Appraisers of Dutiable Articles— Allen McBeath, James E. Whittaker and D. H. Hall. A. Buist and Robert Wills, Packers. Landing Surveyor- -G. F. Matthew; D. Smiler and George Jenkins, clerks. Gaugers and Proof Oflfice — Samuel Robinson, Gauger; W, H. Barton, Assist- ant Oauger; Timothy Murphy, Sampler, etc. Postal Parcel Office— S. Wilkins, J. Roulston, F. Gallagher and W. Forsyth. Tide Surveyor— William Johnston, Landing Waiters and Searchers— Paul Daley and John Humphreys. Warehouse Lockers— T. Bustin, W. Carleton, Charles Pidgeon, M. B.'Owens and T. B. Foley. Tide Waiters- -T. O. Sandall, C. W. Cowan, R. J. McAdoo, J. M. F. Whiting, Wilson E. Dobbin, William Farren, John Lowery, Henry Rigby, W. A. Doherty, John Cochran, Thomas Condon, John Rogerson. E. N. S. Stewart and Peter McOart. Boatmen and Tidewaiters— Robert Fulton, Geo. Price and Samuel Hutton. Messenger— Charles Laird. Warrant Messengers— John F. Berton and C. F. Tilley. Sub-Collectors— Port of Lepreaux, G. K. Hanson ; Port of Musquash, A. T. Dunn; Port of Quaco, Joseph Carson; Port of Sussex, George H. Wallace; Port of St. George, Jamea McKay; Port of McAdam Jimc- tion, S. Watts. PORTS AND COLLECTORS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. Bathdrst.— W. J. O'Brien. Or'^nort, New Bandon— P. J. Folev. Caraquette— J.G.C. Black- hall. ' Tracadie—M.E. Bourgeois. " Shippegan— A. Sormany. Chatham.— Daniel Ferguson. Outports, Richibucto, Boutouche, Cocaigne. Dalhousie.— Wm. Montgomery. Outport, Campbellton — Alex. Mc- Keiuie. Fbbdbricton.— A. F. Street, MoNCTON.— J. W. Binney. Outports, Shediac— F. Robidoux. Hillsborough— S. Wallace. Rock- land— R. B. Chapman. Dorches- ter—Walter Dobson. Cocagne, A. K. Dysart. Harvey— G. Brewster. Alma— R. Wright. Newcastle.— R. B. Haddow, J John- son. Sackville. — W. C. Milner. Outport, Bay Verte— W. Prescott. ^' Rockporfr-R. C. Ward. St. Andrews. — C. M. Gove. Outport,West Isles— T.L.Trecarten (Jampobello— E. A. Calder " GrandManan— A. J. Clark St. John— James R. Ruel. Outport, Lepreaux— G. K. Hanson. ^' Musquash— A. T. Duun. " Quaco— Joseph Carson, " Sussex— G. H. Wallace. " McAdam Junction— S. Watts, Collector. J. G. Connelly, Landing Waiter and W H. Goodspeed, Clerk. " St. George— Jas McKay. Chance Harbor— David Thompson, Preventive Officer. St. Stephen.— H. Webber. Woodstock.— D. F. Merritt. Outport, Centreville -H. T. Scholy. ^' Debec— R. Kirkpatrick. •' Aroostook Junction— Gtoo Bedell. •' Grand Falls — Armstrong. " St. Leonards— F. Violette •' Edmunston— M. Cyr. IMMIGRATION DEPARTMENT. S. Gardner, Dominion Immigration Oflflcer for New Brunswick ; the Deputy Treasurers at the out-ports of the Province act as Immigration Officers. 64 King Street, St. John, N. B. 391. ON lox- and :s. slst- lyth. (Tens f. 8. in. L. T. f H. unc- rten ,lder lark SOQ. a. 1, e. I. . G. liter eed, ty- son, loly. k. •Geo ong. lette the ,tion 1891.] BXCISB DUTIR8.— WBIGHTS AND MEA8URBS. 127 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS. Office, Custom House — North Wing. Engineering Staff— Jas. B. Hegan, Gustavus A. Brown, John 0. Allison, B. G. Mfllidge, Antigonish, L. P. Shewen, Cape Tormentine, resident Engineers; Joseph Ewing, Paymaster, Drediring and Dominion Buildings— Wm. J. McCordock, Superintendent of Dredging and Agent of Department for Public Buildings; Clerks, D. H Waterbury and Thoa. H. Adams. Caretaker and Janitor— T. W. Shaw. En^neer steam heating apparatus, Geo. H. Jones; fireman, Christopher White, at Custom House. Henry Howe, engineer steam beating apparatus; Edward Haney, assistant and in charge of elevator, at Post Office. INLAND REVENUE DEPARTMENT. T. Burke, Collector. Robert Atherton, Deputy Collector. T. H. Bely«a» Accountant. Excise Officers: James Mason, Bernard B. Smyth, J. R. Me- Closkeyand John T.Kelly. Sub Collectors: John Hickman, Dorchester; A. F. Street (acting), Fredericton; C. M. Gove, St. Andrews; A. M. Hill, St. Stephen; W. 0. Milner, Sackville; Wm. Dibble, Woodstock; J. W. Binney, Moncton ; G. H. Wallace, Sussex. Preventive Service Officers: Charles Curless, Grand Falls; Thomas Clair, Madawaska; John C. Ferguson. St. John, N. B.; Jas. Bogue, St. Gteorge; F. D. Giberson, Aroostook Junction, Victoria Co., N. B. Food, Inspector for Maritime Provinces, John C. Ferguson. St. John, N. B. DUTIES op BXCISB. Malt, .... 1 cent per lb Tobacco manufactured from Canadian growth, . . . . . 5 " " Foreig-. Leaf Tobacco, and Manufactured Foreign Leaf Tobacco 20 •• Canadian Twist, 5 " " Spirits, per Imperial gallon, proof, .. 9130 Malt. " " " Molasses, Vinegar, Standard gallon, containing 6 p. c. of Acetic Acid, Cigars, made from foreign leaf ^' " Canadian leaf, " put up in packages of 10, each 3 and 6, each, Cigarettes, put up in packages of 10. 30, 50, and 100 each, (by weight after 1st July. 1889) when weighing 3 lbs. and under, $150 per M, When weighing over 3 lbs ... 6 00 " Cut Tobaccos, when put '.p .n pkgs. weighing one-twentieth of a pound or less, Snuff, damp in pkgs. of under 5 lbs., " " of 5 lbs. and over, — , Beer, brewed from any other substance than Malt, Methylated Spirits, (now supplied by the Department), Grade No. 1, containing 25 per cent of wood naptha, — $1 40 Imp. gall, " No. 2, 50 per cent, of wood naptha, 1 50 " WEIGHTS AND MEASURES INSPECTION SERVICE. 1 32 1 33 4 cents. ,86 00 perlM. 3 00 " 700 700 35 cents per lb 20 •• " 14 *• 4 cts. per gal Division of St. John: J B. Wilmot, Inspector; E. Cowan, Assistant Inspector; comprising the City of Saint John, Counties of Charlotte, gueensandSt. John. Division of Fredericton: E. C. Freeze, Inspector; eo. Boies, Assistant Inspector; comprising City of Fredericton, Counties of Carleton, Madawaska, Sunbury, Victoria and York. Division of Kings: W. B. Scovll, Inspector; David Richard, Assistant Inspector; comprising Counties of Albert, Gloucester, Kent, Kings, Northumberland, Restigouche and Westmorland. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES INSPECTION. The Weight and Measures Act provides that two gallons shall be a peck and eierht gallons a bushel, and that after January Ist, 1886, in contracts for the saie and delivery of any of the under-mentioned articles, the bushel shall ' e determined by weight, unless conveniences for weighing are not available, or unless a bushel by measure is specially agreed on in writing, the- weight equivalent to a bushel being as follows: Wheat, 60 poimds; Indian com, 56 pounds; rye, 56 pounds; peas, beans, and clover seed, 6o ■V f IN Linoleami out in one piece at Harold Oilbert's, 128 R\ILWAY8. — TUB RIVER. [1891 pounds; barlev, timothy seed and buckwheat, 48 pounds; malt, 36 pounds; oats, 84 pounds; flaxseed, 50 pounds; hempseed.Ml pounds; blue grass seed. 14 pounds; castor beans, 40 pounds; potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, beets and onions, 60 pounds; bituminous coal, 70 pounds. Power 18 also given to the Go vernor-in- Council to specify the weight of other articles equivalent to a bushel. Violations of the foregoing provisions subject the offender to a penalty not exceeding $25 for the first offence and not exceeding $50 for each subsequent offence. ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS. 1. All apples packed in Canada for sale by the barrel shall be packed in good and strong barrels of seasoned wood made as nearly cylindrical as maybe; the staves of such barrels shall be twenty -seven inches in length from Croe to Croe, with heads from sixteen and one-half to seventeen Inches in diameter; and such barrels shall be suflflciently hooped with a lining hoop within the chimes, the whole well secured by nails. 2. Every person who offers or exposes apples for sale bv the barrel, othrwise than in accordance with the foregoing provisions of thig section, shall be liable to ia penalty of twenty-five cents for each barrel of apples so offered or exposed for sale. INTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY. C. Schrelber, Chief Engineer and General Manager of Government Rail- ways, Ottawa. D. Pottinger, Chief Superintendent, Moncton. George Taylor, General Freight Agent, Moncton. t.'' P. S. Archibald, Chief Engineer, Moncton. Thomas Williams, Treasurer and Chief Accountant, Moncton. H. A. Whitney, Mechanical Superintendent, Moncton. A. Busby, General Pa senger and Ticket Agent, Moncton. < T. V, Cook, General Storekeeper, Moncton. • J. J. Wallace, District Superintendent, Truro, N S. James E.Price, " " Campbellton, N. B. - A. R. McDonald, " " Riviere du Loup, N. B. J. R. Pruce, Traffic Auditor, Moncton. C. D. Thompson, Cashier, " ;, . - • • E. D Trites, Paymaster, •• • Opening and Closing of the River St. John since 1825. Year Opened Closed Year Opened Closed 1825, April 15 Nov 20 1826, " " ^ 1827, *' 1828, " 1829, " 1830, " 1831, " 1832, May 1833, April 10 1834, " 11 1835, May 1 1836, April 28 1837, " 17 1838, May 1 1839, April 25 1840, ' " 1841, 1842, 1843, 1844, 17 " 14 6 Dec 3 20 Nov 19 17 " 15 18 " 20 10 Dec 1 3 Nov 15 " 5 1845, 16 •' 27 " 24 " 26 " 14 " 23 Dec 17 23 19 9 25 23 23 27 22 14 22 4 Year Opened Closed 1847, May 2 " 20 1848, April 19 " 13 1849, " 8 Dec 4 1850, " 30 Nov 27 1851, " 26 " 21 1852, " 30 Dec 12 1853, " 13 Nov 25 1854, May 7 Dec 10 1855, April 27 Nov 20 1846, April 6 Nov 25 1H56, 1857, 1858, 18.59, 1860, 1861, 1862, 18Q6, 1864, 1865, 1866, K (( 25 17 " 22 " 15 " 25 " 15 26 11 23 26 1869, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, " 21 " 12 (< (( (( 10 28 26 24 1875, May 2 1876, April 24 1877, " 15 1878, " 20 Dec 15 1879, " 21 Nov 21 (( (( (( (( <( (( 25 27 20 26 11 17 13 29 23 " 18 Dec 2 " 25 Nov 25 25 " 30 26 " 29 8 " 29 16 Dec 6 1867, April 24 Nov 16 1868, " 26 " 16 1880, •• 24 1881, " 14 1882, May 1 1883, April 21 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, C( <( c( «( (< 21 26 24 27 27 20 26 « « « (( (( 221 20 ' 22 28 18 14 26 30 22 24 23 891. Ids; rasa ots, wer j iher ons »Qce Send to Harold Oiibert's for Pattenu 1891] INDEX. 129 ISO INDEX. . PAOB. Astronomical SyiiibolH,.. 35 Associations, &c. , 107 Board of Agriculture, 07 Barristers and Attornies, 73 Baptist Ministers in N. P., . . . 88 Banks 94 Customs 126 Chronology 34 (Church C;alendar 1890 36-47 Corporation Anchorage 30 Calendar Pages, 36-47 City of St. John, 48 City and County of St. John, . . 51 County Albert, 52 County Carleton, 53 County Charlotte, 54 County Gloucester, 54 County Kings, 55 County Kent, 56 County Madawaaka, 56 County Northumberland, 57 County Queens, 58 County Restigouche, 59 County Sunbury, 59 County Victoria, 60 County Westmorland, 61 County York, 02 (Cabinet Ministers of Canada. . 65 Cabinet Ministers Gt. Biitain. 04 Consuls and Consular Agents, 70 Courts, N.B., ; 71 Commissioners for Taking Affi- davits and Bail 70 Congregational Ministers 87 Church "'f England 87 Disciples of Christ 91 Dominion of t!anada, 69 Diocesan Church Society, 84 Equation of Time, 32 Eclipses, 1891 32 Educational Department, N.B. 92 Fish Market Dues, 27 Fire Department, East Side, . . 49 Fire Alarm, K-^st Side 50 Free Christian Baptists, 90 Harbor Master's Fees, 27 Haymarket Tolls, 27 Hospitals and Asylums, 109 PAOK. Inland Revenue Department,129 1.0. O. F., 110 I O. Foresters, 117 Intercolonial Railway, 128 Immigration Department, 120 Knights of Pythias 114 Light Houses, Bay of Fundy,. 18 Licensed Pilots, St. John 24 Local Board of Health N.B., 67 Loyal Orange Association,.. . . 110 Legion of Honor, 121 Marine & Fisheries Department 1 8 Market Tolls, 28 Muncipality City and County of St. John 51 Medical Register of N. B., 80 Methodist Conference, 86 Masonic, 112 Militia 121 Officers Salvage Corps, 50 Officers of House Assembly, . . 66 Opening and Closing River St. John, 128 j Public Holidays, 34 Pilotage Districts, 24 ; Province of New Brunswick, . . 66 ! Provincial Board of Health, . . 71 I Prei- by terian Clergymen, 87 i Reformed Presbyterian Church 1 of Ireland 88 Post Office Department, 96 Public Works Department,.. . .127 Queen and Royal Family 63 Rates of Wharfage, 26 Rates of Slippage, '?1 Rates of Cartage, City, 29 Rates of Ferriage,, 30 Rates of Cartage in Carleton, . . 31 Referees in Equity, 71 Registrars of Births, etc., .... 72 Roman Catholic Clergymen,. . . 85 Royal Arcanum, 121 Seasons of 1891, 33 Top Wharfage, 26 Time for going through Falls,.. 28 Time Ball, St. John 28 Temperance Organizations, 119 Town of Woodstock, 53 Harold onbtrt'f 64 Eiug Mvtflt, St John, H. B. 180 ADV ERTIHBMB NTS. 1891.] INTFRNATIONAI L.,r".-..'f«-> •*' ~^'i^-''*'^-?rilaAi.:: D IS r, rt te le ik id id T td id C. E. LAECHLER, Agent, Reed's Point Wharf, St. John. 1891.] GENT, , St. JoHN.jl