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BFING TBS THIRD AFTER BISSEXTILE OR LEAP TEAR, Aitd the SixA of the Rsign of Her Mott Gracious Maje$tfft 4lvmtiN TICTOttIA, COMPILED FOR THE MERIDIAN OF 8AZNT JOBN, :^ But will Swerve for any other part of the Province; — COMTAIKINQ— \ T)m ttffual A^tropomic&I Calenlatione — Liatfi of Provineial OfRcers — Sittings oi 1 » diffen^nt Courts-MJftice-Bearen of the varioUB literary, Conamercial, Charitable; -^ and other InsUtutioiiB ; ^ \ IPQOXTHER WFTH A CORRECT LIST OF.THB '.'J- \ wnnoamB or vsm vftovnroz ax ; And other iMeful infonnntion. X, I •i?: ^> SAINT K/HN: PRINTED BY UENUY CHUBB &. CO. AND SOLD AT THE COVRELR OmC*^ WAIctt'MQUARr. Vi., t re ^;%**^*~r"^ -C*"- £843. lie three Eclipses il)i« year— two of the Sua and one of *^he^*8l"\vill be*VannoKr Eclipse of the Sun on the arth of June. •I »h Mm. mean time, ijc «he afternoon ; invibihle here by reason of the Moon's south Wiiu^- .,„,. ..•.»* .. .., The wcond.'^'' '••' ' PorHal Etiipse of the Moon, on the 6lh of December '^ visible here as follows.— Beginning «t 6h. 31m. ; Ecliptip^' ^''"* • ^i^, Christmas Day. II 1^'^ Christmas Holidays. Ash Wednesday. Good Friday. Easier Monday. Easter Tuesday. SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC. f Ane$t Baru^ head, y Taurus, Buft^ neck. H Gemini, TWirui 'vms. SIS Cencer; Crab, • ^ brehst« ^ I^eo, LtoN, hetirt. TUH Vir^o, Vii-gin^ bell}'. ^ Libra, Balance, remt. TJJ Scorpio, Scorpion, occrete t Sigittarius, Archer, thighs, t)? Capricornus, Goat, knees. SZ;' Aquarius, Waterman, legs. yi Pitices, Fishes^ fe««. I , H ■ 'J ^ '< 1 .1 , ( I m © The Ann. O ^ • C The Moon. 9 Mercurjr. THE PLANETS. 9The Enrtb. 9 Venus. 1 Man. V- Jupiter, h Saturn. W HericlteO. »or I of !»• ! 2ll. ilU- ^er, wilt •OKt lUle A I I 16, 3S. rai. ie4. 11. I 1«. lit. iglu. iee«. log*. 8 lilGlIT HOUSES. Board qf Communofngxafor tht Meveral Light Hmtsea in the Btn qf Fundy. — John Ward, Senior, Robert W. Crookshank, John Vvard, Junior, Lauchlan Donaldson, W. P. W. Owen, Isaac Woodward, E»> quires, Honomable Thomas Wyer, Honourable James Allansbaw^ ftnd John Wilson^ Esquire. Laucblau Donaldson, Esquire, Surveyor of those Lij^ht Houses in the Bay of Fundy belonging to New-Briinswick ; and also of those be- longing to Nova-Scotia, which are partly supported bv this Province. ^-Office in the Commercial Bank Building, Saint JoBn. Cape Sable Seal Itland Light.— The first Li<;ht on approaching the Bay of Fundy is on the South Point of the Seal island. This is a plain white Light — elevated about 80 feet above high water mark, and mu,> be seen in approaching the Island from any point of the compass. A very dangerous Rock, under water, hut upon which the sea alway* breaks, called Blonde Rock, lies about two miles S. S. W. by com- pass, from the Light House. Between *his Rock and the Island there are some dangers— the ground is rocky throughout, and large vesssls, therefore, ought not to attempt passing between them. Brier Islcmd Light.— 'In advancing up the Bay, the next Light is situated on Brier Island, about half a mile N. C from the N. W. point thereof.— A plain white Light. Digby Gut Light,— -The next Light on the Coast of Nova -Scotia, w placed on the West side of Dieby Gut— from Brier Island North-Easl- ward. The Coast is very bold and noUindenied ; the Light is, there- fore, chiefly intended ais a guide into Digby Basin. A white Light. Oannet Rock L^ht.— This Light bears from the Light on Brier Is- lane, N. W. | W. 21 miles. It is intended to warn vessels of their approach to a very dangerous range of shoals and ledges, which extend from the Old Proprietor to the Seal Islands off Machias, a distance of about 20 miles^ Beariatgefi'om the Ommet Rock Light Hotue — To the Old Proprietor, which dries at | ebb, (very dangerous,) C by N. 4 N. 7 miles. «« Blac'-. RocR, (always above water 25 feet,) off White Head, N fi i £ South West Head of Grand Alanan. N. W. 4 N. Northernmost of the Murr Ledges, (dry at } ebb,) N. W. by W. 4 W. Southernmost of ditto, called Saint Mary's Ledge, (always out of water.) S. W. bv W. 4 W. " Machias Seal Island Lights, (distant about tbittenn miles,) W. byN. 4N. Not K.-— Between the Northernmost and Southernmost of the Murr Ledges, there is a range of danserous rocks and shoals, many of ihcm always above water, and which extend Westward from the liight House about four miles ; from this range , farther Westerly, about eight nilcs, lies a dangerous breaker, called tho Roaring BvU. This may be avoided by keeping three remarkable headlands near the S. W. rnd of Grand Manan, open. The red glass having been removed from the Lantern, there id now a flash >iaht — whits — twenty seconds dark and forty light in each minute. The Light House is painted io stripe», vertical, black and white, tt t^ -,i< 3iackia» Seed ttland LjgAfs.— There ar« two fixed nniTB Lights upon the Machias Seal Isiunds, plevated about forty fire feet above ^ high water, aud bear fiom each other E. S. E. and W. N. W. distant about 200 feet, bjr which circuin pass, where they may to useful— both are fixed and whits. Tl»e Lif>ht House IS painted red and white, in siripes of live feat broad ti^U, horizontally. l^ortritlge Island lAght.—Th''» light at the entrance of the River Ahd Harbour of Saint John, having been established about iifty voats, re-qnircs no particular notice, further than it is a fixed whits Light, iM>d the Light Houae is painted red and, white in vertical stripes. Hnaem\ Light.— Vi'\i}\\n Partridge Island, and upon a Spit or Bar, wWirh (ixtenda about half a nile S. 8. E. off Sand Point, and which tiries »t two thirde ebb, stands the Beacon Towor. Upon this Tower a Light is established, which ia eminently useful to the Coasting '( r4<}<.- uffiaint John, and to all oiher vesseN having Pilots on board, rx ii ofiables them to ^nter the Hnrbour at all hours of the nicht.-^A tixed wHiTi: Light. The House )• painted white and black, in »t."ip?», vertically. (inaen Light.— A revolvifg WHrrc Light is placed on a small rook r.iT Quaoo f lead, showing twice full and twice dark in a minute. This L)0bt cnn be^t' / ?/'''' \//i!, } I ^It'^^ 1843. FEBRUARY. 7*0 removegrease .from boards. —Mo'men Potter's clay with boilini; water, and spread a tliick platter of it over the grease ; let it remain all oighi before scouring ; scour with hot water. If neccasary re|)«at this process. To clein mahogany famiture.—Dwt it well; wasb off spots and dirt witli vinegar. Apply cold drawn linsted oil with ■ woollen doth. Let this remain an hour; then rub with soft linen cloths till quite dry and polished. Bees' wax and turpentine should never be used but for the very commonest furniture, and then in very smalt «|uantitie.y*i»8 Tu We Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu Fah Washington b. 1783 Low tid. St. Mntthiys. and Batt. ofOrthesi, 1314 QuinquagesimnSun. Milder. Venuh 'great, elopg. SUN% O R. High Ris.&Sets dec.S & S. Pf water h. m, h. 7H. d. m. /i. m. k. Wt 7 1 4 59 17 8 7 36'fe 39 7 5 1651 8 29! fe 1 10 6 59 5 1 16 33 9 34fe 1 42 6 58 5 216 16 10 36 be 211 6 57 5 3 1.5 5S 11 35 h» 2 46 6 56 5 4 15 39 Morn ne 3 22 6 54 5 6 15 21 46 ne 4 5 6 53 5 715 2 1 43; ne 4£G 6 52 5 B 14 43 2 49, a r 6 6 6 51 5 9114 23 3 49,ar 7 37 6 50 5 10!]4 4 4 53 br 3 56 G 49 5 ll'l3 44 5 28 l.r 10 2 6 47 5 1313 24 5 59 ha 10 47 6 46 5 1413 4 Rises. ha 1140 6 45 5 1512 43 7 4 be Morn 6 44 5 1612 22 3 18 be 26 6 43 5 17|l2 1 9 31 le 52 6 41 5 1911 40 10 51. re 1 28 6 40 5 20,11 19'Morn se 2 (i 6 39 5 21 10 A3 23'se 2 87 6 37 5 2310 36 1 2>'th 3 38 6 86 5 24 10 14 2 33 th 4 42 6 34 5 26 9 52 3 15 th 6 4 3 33 5 27 9 30 4 6,kn 7 29 6 32 5 28 9 8 4 52 kn 3 46 6 30 5 30 8 46 5 15 le 9 40 6 29 5 31 8 28 5 37 le 10 84 6 38 5 3;^ 8 1 6 Ife 11 10 c with boiiins let it remain tssary reiwat »£r apots and h ■ woollen n cloths till lid never he very tmalt e article in o 6fe 9! re ■\-\fe e'he ■I Be 6t»e SJne 9,ar Sbr Sbr ha ha be be re re its {'oe ^'th Ith >th »,kn Skn ,1 le le fe High water A. Mi 39 1 10 1 42 311 2 46 3 22 4 5 4£G 6 6 7 37 3 56 10 2 10 47 1140 Morn 26 52 1 23 2 6 2 87 3 2B 4 42 6 4 7 2» 3 46 9 40 10 84 11 10 :€'■■■ s^f MARCH. 1843. 7b clean Carpets.— Htvia^ well heaten and brushed, scour with ex gall, which will both extract grease and refresh the color* A pint of gall, in three i;alloris of soft water^ warm, will do a lar($« carpet. It had better nut all he mixed at once, hut a third or a fourth part at a time; and when that is cold and dirty, (throw it awajr and mix more. moon's phases. . .^ . New Moon, 1st, Ih. 13m. mornin?, N. E. First Quarter, 9lh, 5l». 4m. niornmsf, N. . Full M.icn, 16ih, Ih. lOm. mornins?. S. Last Qi'.arter, 22d, 3h. 49m. evening, N. New Moon, 30ih, 7h. 4m. evening, W. p P Sun'si Oil. O High • • We CALENDAR, &c. Ris.&Sets h. m. It, m. 6 26 5 34 dec.S&sets d. ni. h. tn. 7 33 Sets. PI fe water h, tn. 1 Ash Wed. St. Da v. use 2|Th J.Wesley died, 1791. 6 2-> 5 85 7 15 7 24 fe ev. 8 SFri Moon in apojj. Clear, f> 23 5 37 6 52 8 9> he 40 4Sat 1 ~ cold, and 6 2'2 3 33 6 29 9 27,he 1 11 SJSIT l»t Sutrday in Lent. 21 5 39 G 610 ao'ne 1 40 <>jMo Bi»h. Atlerburv bor.lti 19 5 41 5 43 11 Sine 2 16 /7iTu [1662.'6 18 5 42 5 19Morn|ne 8 33 8, We Venus rises 4li. 10m 6 17 5 43 4 59 S6ar 3 86 9Th Moon runs hiuh. jO 15 5 4a 4 33 I SSlar 4.2S lO.Fri ^ hard frosts. 6 14 5 4(5 4 9 2 40 br 5 34 U'Siit Hr 3 28 •JMo Look for G 10 5 50 2 59 4 dl'ha 9 30 '»'Vrn Ad. By nj? shot, I7.)7,C » 5 52 2 lib 3 4 ha 10 34 15 We Slonnt/ weather^ 7 5 53 2 12 5 33 be 11 18 J6,Th Moon in perigee. 16 6 5 34 1 48 Rises, be 11 3G l7Ffi St. Patrick. !G 4 5 5fi I 24 H 26 re morn IS S«t Henry 4th d. 1413. lO 3 5 37 1 1 9 52 re 038 10 su .Id Snn. in Lent. ;6 2 5 59 37 11 Sse 1 9 i(> Mo Newton died 1727. 6 6 8. 13 Morn Ige 1 51 rsi Tn St. Benedict. 5 59 6 1 s. II 15th S4:{ i'2 Wc afioul thui ti>tte.S 5S 6 2 31 1 3;th 3 25 n T\x Earl of LuncHHter be-.') S*^' 6 4 53 2 3kn 4 15 S4 Fri headed, 1322 5 55 6 3 1 21 3 44;kn 5 38 Sat Low tid. IVindy^ 58 6 7 1 4-1 3 14|le 7 1 ?t; su kh Suud. in Lent. 15 52 6 3 2 9 3 42 le 8 U 27 Wh |5 51 6 9 2 32 4 8lf P «y r.i C. Wesley died 1788,5 49 6 11 2 bO 4 29'fe 9 53 •2^ We ami cold \b 4.S G n 3 19 4 30!fe 1081 »{r rh Moon in npo^itee. 5 47 6 13 3 43;Set». he 11 5 SI iFrl Vunui rhm 4h )i tn :> 45 C 13 4 6 1 7 20 ,he U8T ? 1843. APRIL. Table baizes may be washed in the same mixture as above ; then veil rinse ia several waters, to take out the smell. Hang up to dry. without wringing, and while yet damp, fold smooth ; they ahoufd remain a day or two. To revive ff ill frames.— Bent up the white of eg^s with chloride of potash or soda, in the proportion of three ounces of eggs to one ounce of chloride. Blow off the dust from the frames, then do them over with a soft brush dipped in this mixture, and they will immediately b«conie bright and fresh. koon's phases. yirst Quarter, 7tb, 6h. 22m. evening, S. r Full Moon, 14th, 9h. 46m. morning, N. W. Last Quarter, 21st, 7h. 40m. morning, S. W. • New Moon, 29lh, lib. 34m. morning, S. liSat SSU SJMo 4;Tu 5 We ©iTh 7Fri S^Sat •|SU lOMo lliTu l«|We Ulvri 16 17 Reg. so. 8 56 Sth Sund. in Lent. Changeable. St. Ambrose. Moon runs high. Surr. Badajos, 1813. Cold atid tlormv. Sun'sIO R.iO s.&Setsdec.N;& sets I Sat SU Mo JftiTu 10 20 31 24 95 VS«We 27 We Th Fri 89 Sat SU Palm Sunday. Hujto Grotius born Pleasant [1583. Reg. south 8h 42ni Moon in perigoo. Good Frid. Annun. Batt. ofFenarnl8i5.'5 East'rdny. weather.^ Easter Monday. 5 Franklin died 1790 5 Moon runs low. A thaw may be looked for. [St. Geogre. lit Sund. aft. Easter. 6 6 6 (i 6 Mo Tu Th iaiFri 99 Sat solsu 44 43 41 40 39 37 6 36 6 So 6 83 6 33 6 30 6 29 6 2S 6 at 6 25 (> 24 6 23 6 22 6 21 6 d. m. h. tn. 16 17 19 20 2 23 24 25 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 36 PI 4 29 8 19|he 4 52i 9 24'ne 5 15'lO 28'ne 5 331 1 1 29;ar 6 1 Morn Inr 6 23 6 46 7 9 7 31 7 53 3 8 l5 8 3"? 9 2l 9 42 10 ^1 24 ar 1 lljbr 1 53|br 5 5 2 31 jha 6 22 3 ha 7 4i) 3 30'lie 9 5 3 59'bc io 7 4 32jre|l0 54 Rises.jrejii jjg 8 36|Se|Morn 9 521 se 37Jl0 2.'JilO 59lhi 3S10 4t'^ 19 he 24ne 28ne ?9ar n ar J4ar Ijbr 3|br Ilhn 3ha Olbe Hig*, water h. vt. ev.l2 41 1 15 I 53 8 89 5 16 4 h 5 5 6 22 7 49 9 5 l)l»e,10 7 2jreii0 54 '-Bill ^8 [)|Se ise 'ih Hi kn kn '•i le I G 10 fe j 7 22 Te 8 21 9 U 9 53 he|l0 8a nell 7 I Morn ;oi7 1 2 24 3 13 4 6 6 7 he ht *^.'«Vi rS- /^^^^^tf^f^-^ <^w»«^. ^^^i^.^^.^. Jng, |o \m\ ret 16 n in t^u^lS^^ MAY. \^m. To clean looking fflasses —Remove all fly stain's and other dirt, by breathing on ihetn and rubliing with a soA rag. Then pol'~l! with a pit of flannel in which is lied iip powder Mne. j To remove mildew .from /iracn.— Moisten a piece of soap, and rub it Jhickly into the part ag't'cted. Then scrape flne chalk, or rather white- ning, and ruh that also in. Lay the linen on the grass, dnd from tima to time, 4s it becomes dry, wet it a little. If the sput^i are not remov- ed, repeat the process. moon's phases. First Quarter, 7th, 3h. 40m. morning. M. W. Full Moon, 13ih, 5h. 50m. evening, E. Last Quarter, 21st, llh. 10m. morninz, E. New Moon, 23th, 2h. 10m. morning, N. E. S CALENDAR, &c. St. Philip and Saints Moon high. [James. 5 Inven. of the Cross. 15 [died, 182 1. 13 Ascension. Bonaparte 5 St. John £vang. Sd Sund after Easter. Fair and uiild. Test Acts rep. IS'iS. Battle of Lodi 1796. Pitt died. 1773. Moon in perigee. hain about 4th Sun. after Easier. iSun'sIO K.O is. 6c Set« der.N & sets'pi w. h. VI. Id. in. h. m.\ 6 6 54 21 ;|S'»Th Wo -12 B •27 S8 89 ^1) Fri Sat SU 5 4 4 4 '!• 4 4 4 4 Moon low. 4 this time- 4 4 4 + 4 Fine growing 4 [Moon in npoj;i?e.[4 Q. Vittoria bo. 1819. 4 Ascension.. wtatherM Calvin died, 1564. 4 Venerable tfede. 4 iSunday af. Aiceniion. 4 I^jTii Bellinghntn e.x. 1812 H^jFriiSt. Duniitan. 20jS;it!Coliiml)us d. 150G. >«1|KU Rogation Sunday 2-^aVlo a^vru MoiMoon high. Tu Wo 4 Alox. Popo d. 1794. 4 Clear and toanit. i 4 3 ? 1 59 53 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 50 49 49 47 46 45 44 44 43 42 41 41 40 39 99 5.i 56 57 58 59 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 15 I 9 24 ar 15 20:i0 22 ar 15S7|11 9ar 15 5511 5fi'l>i- 16 liJiMornibr 16 29 16 40 17 2 17 19 17 35 17 50 18 6 ?9;iia 1 1 1 S 2 8 olhn 29'be 57|be 29re 56|re 27|se 18 20;Ri8es.lse 18 35i 8 18 50 9 1()I9 4 H) 25:tlj dllthj 31 th; 10 19 17 11 11 I93l'll 12 19 44 Morn' 13,19 57; 141^0 9 I5J20 21 1 6 20 S3 H) 20 44 17 iO 55 1321 6 1921 IC 19 21 26 Son 20,91 16' R II 21 21 45' 9 lU 21131 54 9 5 15kii 43'kn| e < 13 le! 35 fe I 59 fe I 21' fe G 1 I 9 42 4 S6 SI he' he net nnj High water /«. m. er.20 58 1 37 2 ih 8 59 3 43 4 93 5 4« 7 9 831 9 99 10 32 11 20 MorK 4 42 1 24 2 H 2 53 3 4 6 • 7 8 39 26 20 20 •2 21 9 Vi 9 .^» ne'io 58 m-jll 2.^ > nr ev.Sfli •?ihr| 43 I ' fii /I r 1843. JUNE, To clean paint.— Va'nn shonlii never he wiped with « cloth, but tba dutt loosened with iiellows, and then reniovpd with a dusting brush. If toiled, remove it with a sponge or flannel dip;ped in soda and water ur pearl ash and water, and wrinouth S R IVnrnt VVIiit Sunday. Pent. Geo. III. born, 1733. Fair and pleatanf. Arcriirus south, 9 5^4 T. Paine dic(J, isn9|4 VIuuu ill pei'i<:ee. S^towers Trinity Sundny. Sl.|4 Bnrnfi*>a*.l4' Mur^ &oiith, IMG. j4 a/)out {hit lim».'A Magna Chartn, 1315.;4 .\iitHru.s so. 10 41 St. Allinna. IstSnn. nffer Trin. f Moon in njjojr. Q.Vifforiaproc.lSJJT. «Ht. of Vittorin, 1815 t'^ertf warm for the tmson. .Vnt. 8t. John Rno. It! Sun. nft Trinity. Geo. IV. d. IS30. Skuwers. Q. Victoria rrownfd, St. Peter. [1838 Fine and fair. 4 tt Ii m clnih, biu the 1 a dusling brush. in soda and water inediatvly riiu»e it 8 ]io»sit»le. When ni the top down- son should follow ed off ibe dirt and B. V. . VV. vr. O R o High & sets PI water ll. IM. A. m. 10 32 br 1 S.1 1 1 2]hv 2 2 II 38 hi. 2 40 Morn hfl 3 21 be 4. 9 26 hf 5 5 5S fe 631 1 SOJTe 7 50 1 56SC 9 12 2 37 «p 10 IS 3 23 til II 4 Ri 1! 4<» 9 6,kp Morn 9 46kn 30 10 I3!«e 1 12 10 41 '• 1 50 II 4 le 2 2» 11 27 fe 3 rt 11 49 fe 9 4(i Morn he 4 2S She 5 l» S5 kc 6 19 i lie 7 26 1 S3 ne 9 31 2 15 «r 9t?!i 8 2 nr 10 19 ^ctn. hr il 7 8 33 l»r 11 49 9 12 br ev.«9 9 4n hr 1 § U ) (pL^l^b. ./^.<^^^^r /^^**<^ ..<<^ T- 4^*€* , fe/T.rf-tl* ^'^ I / • i ; i .1 I watet \x or ene ill hair he T^ etly «^ I. w 9 10 II 12 13 14 la 1 18 "19 JULY. 1843. Varnish, Jor Boots and Shoes, by which they arc rendered inperviouM 1b water. — Take a pint of linseed nit, with iiaira pound oi mullnti soet, 8x or eight ounres of hees-wax, and a smnll piece uf rosin. Boil all lese in a pipkin, and let the liquid cool till milk warm. Then with # hair hrusU lay it on new hoots and (ihnes. If old hoots or shncs ira the Tarnished, the atixlure ia to be laid on when the leather ia per- ctl y dry- moon's phases. First QiiarltT, 4ih, 2h. ISin. evening, S. E. Full Muon, lllh. Oh. 21ni. evening, N. li^si Quarter, 19ih, 3h. 56m. morning. S. W. New Moon, 27ih, Oh. 53in. evening, W. p ^ CALENDAR, &c. Sat Moon in apo<(ee. SUSa Sun. after Trin. Mol [Visitat. B. V. Mary. Tu.U.S.Ind. 1776. We Vloon peChnngenUi; Th Edward 6ili di 15J3. 7Pn| [ro G.B. ISU. SlSnl|PaM(»nia{ji!0(Ki\ stir. 9|SU|4ili Sund. after Trin 10 MoiColujnbiislmi-n, 1447. (5) His. & Set' 'i. ni. h. VI, Til We 13|Th Fri S;it su Mo Til afOjTh ^I'lMi with thunder, r Di-.Bradley d. 17C2. French rev. com. *89. St. Swiihin. 5tli Sunday nft Trin. Charming Moon in apo^jee weather Miirgarcf. liaiu. Burns died, 1796. Niipnloon, jr. d. '32. ffl;i|SlT6tIi Suiid. after Trin. 'Si Mo Fair, fine s> In' «<)\v>; «S7 Th ,*s Fn ■2'i Sni ^i SU 1. \Ju St. Amie. nnd very Wilberforre d. I8;w". [Moon in p«r. 7lh S. after Trinity. f. vegetative 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5.T 7 31 7 S4 34 34. 35 35 36 36 87 37 33 38 39 39 40 4<1 41 4'2 43 43 44 4.) 46 47 4.^ 4S 49 60 h\ .52 26 26 26 25 25 24 24 dec.N & S. d. w<. h. in. o PI ^3 9:10 SliH a 5' 10 32 lie 23 Oil 4 he 22 3511 34ire li 12 a 3S; 37 se 23 2',' 231-22 ti2 "i- 22|22 2l!22 VI 20 19 50,Moin'ie 44 QUe '" 1 y 3 3li IHlth 12 th 9 Hisfs. I;n 1 8 I3k(i ■21 21 21 19 21 I3|'2I 17r2l 17 20 J 6 '20 15-20 14 20 13 20 1219 1219 II 10 10 19 919 3 M 71? 618 53, 44 3j! S 9 9 25 9 1510 55 M 44 32 4lilc fe fc he 21 9 36 43 11 Morn 10 '27 51 S.)jlH' 35 ne 1 2 5(>| 4t 5-.; 30, Sets. 17 3 49 Tib 20i 7 8 8 9 9 41 !) 36 9 37 U tie ir tr .»r !)«• ha •u •u 1 ^ J f i ll 1843. AUGUST. i To remove ffrcase from woollen or silk. — Poller's earth is ne»er In- juriou*. It should lie moistened with boiling water, and, when cold, laid on the spot damp, it will draw out oil, and when brushed off leav« the garment uninjured,— for solid grease, aa tallow, it will be neces- sarv to pass a liot iron over without touching. To preserve cheese /rom mitea. — Paste of er it coarse brown paper to cover every part. moon's phases. First Quarter, 2d, 6h. 42m. evening, S. Full Moon, lOih, Oh. lOin. morning, S. ' Last Quarter, 18th, 2h. 5m. morning, S. E. r New Moon, 25lh, 9h. 51m. morning, S. E. 1' <' • p © Sun** O K. o PI High i \ s • CALENDAR, &c. Rii.&Sstb It.m, h. m dec.N d. m. & 8. h, m. water /i. m. i ii 1 Tu Lammas. Batt. Nile 4 55 7 5 IS 6 10 10 re 2 40 J 1 y We Fine seasonable 4 56 7 4 17 50 10 41 se 3 23 3 Th Abd. Chas. X. 1830. 4 57 7 S 17 85 11 17 so 4 19 .^ /iM Fri Low tid. 4 58 7 2 17 19 Morn th 5 34 ,i b Sat Lord North died, '924 59 7 1 17 3 5 th 7 10 Q SU •Sth Sun. after Trin. 5 7 16 47 1 th 8 39 I* 7 Mo [Twnsfig. 5 1 6 59 16 30 2 8 kn 9 45 p b Tu weather. 5 2 6 58 16 13 3 12 kn \oe» 9 We Look for rain.^o S 6 57 15 56 4 17 lo 11 16 1 i 10 Tk St. Lawrence. 5 5 6 5j 15 39 Rises. le 11 56 M ''^ 11 Fri 5 f) 6 54 15 21 7 31 fe Morn *W '^jS 12 Sat Geo. IV. borrj, 1762. 5 7 6 53 15 3 7 53 fe 25 ^ ' ■ ly SU 9th Sund. fllter Tri. 5 8 6 52 14 45 S 18 fe 58 Ik M Mo [Q. Adelaide b. 1792. 5 6 51 14 27 8 39 he I 27 25 Tu Moon in apogee. 5 10 6 50 14 8 9 4 he 2 (► \ 16 We Changeable, [1839. 5 12 6 43 13 49 9 31 ne 2 34 ■ 17 Th Great fire in St John, 5 13 6 47 13 30 10 6 ne 3 10 18 Fri an i cloudy. 5 14 6 46 13 11 10 4? ne 3 52 ■ 1 } 19 Sat RoyalGeo. sunk, 1780 5 15 6 45 12 52 11 34 ar 4 42 11 1 ' 5?0 SU lOlh Sun. after Trin. 5 16 6 41 12 32 Morn ar 5 48 1 • 21 Mo [B«t.S«rai^ /'^"•'•^ Aizrf* .Q, <*M|DJUi| tliiovel Fri Sat SU [Mo fTu I! We i(Th Fri ISat SU Mo Tu We Th Fri Sal nisu 18 Mo l|T(i 26 We •"ri Jat )U VI o ^ u We ;h 'ri la liis SEPTEMBER. 1843. ^^™l3 remove spots of grease, from -paper. — Take ;.qual parts of tooh n, burnt, and flour of sulptiur, finely powdered, together ; moisleu puper with cold water ; Iny a small quantit y of powder on tbr spot, rtt1» gently with the finger, and the s;rense will disHppenr. ■j'o remove ink spots. ~V\/ei the place immediately with "orrel or le- nuin juica and ruh on it hard, white soap. Iiilf or. iron mould may he rMoved by holding over a silver or pewter vossel of boilinq water, and •Ipcozing on the spot juice ofsorrol, then rubbing with dry salt. • 'n »» ■ — • — ' — — --" moon'8 phases. First Quarter, 1st, oh. 38m. inornine, W. Full Moon, 8th, 2h. 13m. evening, N. E. Last Quarter, 16th, 6h. 23m. evening, N. New Moon, 23d, Ch. 8in. cretiing, W. First Quarter, 30lh, 9U. 26m. morninjr, N. E. ^P © Sl'n'h R. Hijth CALENDAR, &c. Ris. ik Sets dec.N & S. PI water p ^ h. m h. vt d. m. h. m. h. m. l'~ 8 22 11 ih . St. Giles, (i. Victo- 5 32 6 28 4 6 ■ Sat ria land, ill See. '42 5 33 6 27 7 Morn th 5 48 flsu 12th Sun after Trin. 5 35 6 25 7 33 1 kn 6 53 mm Changeable. 5 36 6 24 7 16 1 3 kn 8 iii MTu Malta surren. 1800. 5 37 6 23 6.54 2 7 le 9^:i «jWe Copenhagon, surren. 5 33 6 22 GS2 3 14 !e 10 14 hTIi [1807. 5 39 6 21 6 9 4 15 le 10 4S fl^'*' Nat. of B. V. M. 5 41 6 19 5 47 Rises fe 11 22 Iffl^^^ Wm. Conq. d. 1607. 5 42 C 1& 5 24 6 22 fe 11 68 Hsu 13th Sun. after Trin. 5 43 a 17 5 1 6 45 he morn i Mo 5 4't 6 16 4 39 7 10 he 038 BTij Moon in apogee. 5 46 6 14 4 16 7 41 he 1 2 SWe Bntt. Quebec— Wolfe a 47 6 13 3 53 S 8 ne 131 «Th &■ Montcalm killed, 5 48 6 12 3 30 8 45 ne 2 5 iSFri [1759. 5 50 6 10 3 7 9 '^9 ar 2 43 }8iSat Moscow burned, 1812. 6 51 C 9 2 44 10 22 ar 3 24 17 SU Hth Sun. after Trin. 6 5^2 6 8 2 20 n 19 br 411 18 Mo Batt Poicticrs, 13.'.6 5 54 6 6 1 57 Morn br 5 9 *S^" [Demerara aur. 180». 6 6b G 5 1 34 28 br 6 27 QwWe St. Matthew. 9 56 e 4 1 10 1 42 hn 75e 2l|lli Prs. Augnna d. 1840. 6 67 e S 47 2 55 ha 9ia i^ij^ri [ivar, 1858. 5 59 e i N. 24 4 11 b« 10 7 ftroat Conspiracy ag. Bol- 6 6 S*;ts be 10^7 S^U 15th Sun. after Trin. 6 1 5 59 s. 23 6 6 re 11 37 !9iM^]o [Moon in per. 6 2 5 5S 47 6 40 re ev.I« 4^Tu St. Cyprian. 6 4 5 56 1 10 7 \Q re 51 i^pVe Autumn weather. 6 .5 5 55 1 38 9 2 86 1 23 ^^h Dae. ofBuiflco, 1810. 6 7 5 58 1 57 8 52 se S: 9 ^^ri Michaelroos Day. 16 8 5 52 2 20 9 51 th 3 1 M St. Jerome. ; i 6 10 5 50 2 44 10 52 1 tb S 336 ( 1 fi- ll "%♦"! _iritf«»*-- 1843. OCTOBER. To dean paper-han^t^inffs. — F\rs\ Mow off all the dust wiih the liel lows. Then talfp R very »(ale loafof wheat bread; cut it in ci^bj pans, so that eaL-h shall lie of a size the hand can gras}), and leaw crust Ly way of haiidlo. Begin al the top of the room, and li^htl wi{>e downwards in oue direction half a yard at a stroke. Thu&c round and rnr.nd the room till you uut to the hotlom. The dirl I the paper will fall with the crundis. moon's phascs. Full Moon, 8th, 6h. 32in. inornin:?, VV. Last Quarter, 16th, 9h. 15m. niorninsr, S. W. New Moon, 23J, 2h. film, morning, N. E. Fir^t Quarter, 29lh, 9h. SSin. evening, S. VV. M o, a se l^d itHffii lUfl h 1, 4 I ^ «Fri r I ^.4 ^ 1 1 CALENDAR, &c. SU Mo Tu Wei Th Sat SU Mo Tu We l2lTh Fri Sat SU Mo Tti We Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu £61 We Th Fri Sal SU Mo Tu 1 6th Sunday aft Trin Clear and cool. Mercury stationary Changeable Brainard died, 1747. Dr-MaskelyhblTS-i Zimniertnan d. 1796 17th Sun. aft Trinity Moon ill npogee. about this time. Duncan's vict. 1797. Batt. ol Quecniton — Gen. Brock killed, 1SI2. 18th Sun. after Trin. H. of Parliament b't Fine for [Ib.3+. St. Luke, xnme days. H. K.VVhite d 1K>U Lima destroyed, 16s7 Batt. Trafalijar, 1905. 19th Sun af Trinity. Moon in perigee. Batt. Sol way, 15*2. St. Crispin. Copt. Cook b. 1728. Hogarth died, 1764. St. Simon & St. Jiide. 20ih Sun. ofte.- Trin. Geo. in. I). 1683. Jiigh winds. Si;n's O R o Hi«. ' ; Ris.&Sets //. VI, h. VI. decs d. m. (Srsets /l. VI, PI watr; m D. W. ] 1 1 6 n 5 49 3 7 Morn kn 5 iM 6 IJ 5 47 3 30 3 Ie G iim We Th Fri Sat SU Mo Tu We Th . Fri^ Sat i 6 14 5 46 S5S 1 7jle 7 4!'9 6 15 5 45 4 17 2 10 ie 8 4tS 6 17 5 43 440 3 14 fe 9 3;» 6 IS 5 42 5 3 4 12 fe 10 itS 6 19 5 41 5 26 5 8 h-n 10 6 |C (i 21 5 39 5 49 Rises. he 11 g;!S 6 22 5 38 6 12 5 39 he morn a 6 23 5 87 6 35 6 9 ne l«Jb 6 25 5 85 6 57 6 45 ne S!A 6 26 5 34 7 20 7 24 ar I iS| 6 27 5 38 7 43 8 15 ar 1 '^'fi SU' 6 29 5 31 8 5 9 14 ar 2 2jC Mo 6 80 5 SO 8 27 10 13 hr 3 11 E Tu 6 31 6 29 8 50 11 12 br 3 4^ We^ 6 33 5 2? 9 12 Morn ha 4 4l]K rii 6 81. 5 Sfi 9 34 33 ha 5 4i;S' Fri 1 6 35 5 25 9 55 1 41 be 7 s:S Sat i 6 36 5 24 10 17 3 be 8 s K SUi 6 38 5 22110 39 4 10 PC 9 SjS Mo 6 39 5 21 111 5 29 re 10 sB Tn 1 6 40 5 20 11 21 Sets. 86 11 lis We 6 4i i 18 11 42 5 49 se 1 1 5! ■ Th 1 6 43 5 17 12 3 6 42 th ev.8'1 Fri 6 44 5 10 12 24 7 33 th 1 ^i ■ SPt 6 45 5 15 12 44 8 43;kn 2 ■ SU2 6 47 5 18 13 5 9 50 kn 2 f)il Mol 6 48 5 12 13 25 11 6kn 3 4^11 Tu 6 49 5 1 1 13 44 morn Ie 4 Di 9 W.? 6 50 6 01 14 4 4, Ie . I ^' rhJ # ^g. NOVEMBER. 184S. the (lust wiih the IkI read ; cut it in ci^l | ail gras}), and leavu he room, and lighil t a stroke. Thu&; itiom. The din I Vo destroi; rats.— Equal parts nf nx-gall and nil of amber madt a paste with oatmeal ; make it up into little l>aiis ; lay them ahnut, set plenty of vessels of water cloise at htiut The rats will ea- fciy eat the'tialls, which wilt make them very thirsty, and then ihey {[drink till they Kill themselves. } get rid of becilca or cock-roachei — Lay about the floor, and 'into the Thinks and holes, unslacked iune, or common red w«- madeofred lead, not Vermillion. MOON 3 PHASES. Full Moon, 7th, Oh. 23m. mornii)j», S. Last Quarter, 14ih, 9h. 49m. evening, N. E. New Moon, 2l«t, Oil. 49m. evciiintr, S. First Quarter, 28lh, 2h. 24m. evwiiiiig, S. E. CALENDAR, &c. All Sainta. All Souls. Fair Prii. Sophia born. andjine. 21si Sun. after Trin. [Moon in apo. Batt. Cryiler's Farm, Albert, Pr. of Wjilesi? -''u.x.Ll^boin, 1841.7 St. Martin. Ham. 22d Sund. nfter Trin. Quilc cold. Snow Wiiherspoon dioti, [1791. r^ord Erskine d. 1823 7 Sat St. Luke Evnn. 23d Sun. alter Trin. Moon in peri^'eo, Pr. Uoynl ho. 1840. about lids time. Rp\>. routed at St.De-J7 16 4 nis* St. Chas., 18377 16 4 — PupiiiPBii p>oil in a pint of water, and when cold, rub tbe liquid' wtierc they frpquent, and ihey will disappear. (Japes in Cliickcns. — It is said that if you keep iron standing in vi- 1 negar, or what is the same thiiis», wo suppose, vines;ar standing in an iron vessel, nnd put a little of the li(^uid in the food every few days, it will cure or prevent the gapes in chickens. So simple a remedy for a fatal disease, may he worth trying. moon's phases. Full Moon, 6th, fh. I6iti. evening, E. Last Quarter, 14'h, 8h. 14m. mornine, S. W. New Mooii, 2ist, Oh. 10m. morning, N. First Quarter, 28th, lOh. 8m. morninsr, N. E. C7 a 1 © StJN*s# R.|0| High m CALENDAR, Ac. Ris.&Sett dec. s &S.n. water • h. m. h. VI. d. m. h. m. ri h. w.; I Fri Chai-ies I. im. 1648.': 7 il 4 39 21 48 1 55 he 6 55 a Sut tVIoon ill apogee. 7 2ii 4 38 21 57 2 57 he 7 58 8 SU Advent Sunday. 7 22 4 38 22 6 3 57 ne 8 57 4 Mo Changeable. 7 28 4 87 22 14 5 ni 9 45 b r» Frost and anow. 7 23 4 S? 22 22 6 1 nt" 10 28 e We [Toronto, U. C. "37 7 24 4 3b 22 30 Rites. ar 11 9 7 Th Defeat oftherebeli at 7 24 4 36 22 37 4 59 ar 11 5U S Fri Cone. B. V. Marv. 7 25 4 35 22 43 6 br Morn s S«t Miltcn b. 1608.' 7 25 4 85 22 50 7 5 br 80 10 SU 2d SuDday in Advent. 7 26 4 84|22 55 8 9 br 1 8 n Mo Cliilltf rains. 7 26 4 34 23 9 lO hn 1 48 ife I'u Wo rii Land, at Piyinouth, 7 26 4 34|23 5 10 28 ha 3 S3 J6 Lucy. [1620. 7 27 4 3.3;23 10 11 34 be 3 14 Fair and line 7 27 4 S3 23 14 morn. be 3 40 ib Fri for tome Unte. 7 27 4 83 23 17 44 re 4 29 16 6at Gt. fire in N.Y. 1 985. 7 27 4 3.S 23 20 2 re 6. '38 17 SU Sd Sunday in Advent. 7 27 4 38 23 22 3 18 iC 6 58 IB Mo Moon in perigee. 7 28 4 Si 23 24 4 30 se 8 84 iU Tu Falling weather. 7 28 4 32 23 2t 5 46 (h 9 7 SO We Moon runs low. 7 23 4 S2j23 27 Sets. th 10 5 al Th St. Thomai. 7 28 4 32i9S 2^ 5 5 kn 11 32 22iFri Snoiv 7 28 4 Si 123 2^ 6 13 kn Iey.l6 S8 Sat at hand. 7 28 4 32 23 27 7 2-1 I'j 55 'J4 SU Tret, of Ghent, I8H 7 23 4 32'23 26 8 36 Ic 1 33 Qfj Mo 4tb Sund. in Advent. 7 2S 4 S2|23 2f 9 38;le 2 9 yolTu i [Chriiimai Day. 7 27 4 33 •<^3 ri: :0 4',nt 7 5 dfuJ of the weed )ld, rub the liquid }n standing in vi- - ar aianiling in an every few days, it npic a remedy for W. &s. i. m. 0|High PI SOse 46ih >J k> ■' 5 54 /S^tCc^**-^ U --<.-/ »ROVIlf OB or NBW-BBUNS WICK. BI8 ■xcBiunroT, uMvrmvtx^T colonel 3» WILLIAM HACBEAN GfiOBOE COLEBROOKE, K. H., LMtttenant GoTeraor or tb^ Pronoce of New-Branswick, &c. &>t. [Alfred Reade, Esquire, Private Secretary to the Lieutenant GoTernor. Honorable II >i OeorL Pfetlericl William EXECUTIVE COUNCIL. Black, Ijore, Robinson, dell, Honorable John S. Saundert, Charles Simonds, WiltjailvjOv^, Josepli C«nara. II II It Honorable William F. Odell, Ckrlc LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, The Honorable ThOs^hiVfs^us^i^e, President, Lord Bishop of Nova ScoHa, Honorable William Black, George Shore, /Tl^mas^BiilHe, CHa\pJI\, Joscuh Cunard, vJMii Allifeahi^, Wm.Ti. Robinson, John Simcoe Saunders, « •» ti II II II M HoDorahle Amos B. Botsfbrd, The Attorney General, iti^mM^i. m^ Edward B. Chandler, George F. Street, John Kobertson, Thomas Wyer,/ Harris Hatch, William B. Kinnear. II 11 II 11 II II II II OFFIClaS OP THK LBOISLATIVI COUNCIL. William Tyn« Peters, Esquire, Clerk ; John Gregory, Esquire, Clerk Assistsnt : B. R. Jouett, Esquire, Sergeant at Arms and IJsher of the fila«k Rod; Rev< George Coster, A. M., Chaplain. HOUSE OP ASSEMBLY. The Honurable Chablks Simonds, Speaker. County qf Ybr/b.— Lemuel A. Wilmot, James Taylor, John Allen and Charles Fisher, Esquires. County of Saint John.— lion. Charles Simonds, John R. Partelow, John M. Wilmol, and John Jordan, Esouires. «> County qf Charlotte.— Gcorqei^. Hill, James Brown, jun., W. P. W. Owen, and James Boyd, Esquires. County of IFestint Jo/in.— Isaac Woodward, and Thomai Barlow, Ei* quires. 1 J .^«-v«,-,-. ^'^'^^-'isi^m 'VH •v-^ . Esquire, Clerk, n ^"^'^ OI^J^fig„„^, , *-^ ^ ^ .,: . ,r ■ Garden Esn V ^'"'S^ ^ee. jr p^^^^'^'^—^harlea p «, 1 "' ^^^^ Sergeant a. AmJ Rt^^^. .C/.W, C'sS^.W'ejWo,,! „ '^■»"fl. (Tt'firrro M c^. "Oil. I,hafl«» T »» ''<'Pt^:n^C' vi'r-'y'^^ ^'^peJ:^ i'r''y\^ AuZi H;;.'^'- ''<'Pt^:n^C' vi'r-'y'^^ ^'^peJ:^ i'r''y\^ AuZi H;;.'^'- 19 J*^"- John sf,r>Zl 'iV -Hon. vVm !*• ^heCouri I •ft, Kscjuire. > 5a!-; iiul— Honorable Edward B. Chandler, Surrogate; Thomas S. Sayre, Usquire, Registrar. C/iar/o«e— Honorable Harris Hatch, Surrogale ; beorge D. Street, Esquiro, Registrar. Amo-'*— Edward B. Smith. E!snuire, Surrogate ; V\ illiam Simpson, Esquire, Registrar. Queen's r~N. H. Deveber, Eanuiie, Surrogate; Henry S. Pctera, Esquire, iRegistrar. Sunbunj— John Hazen, Esquire, SurroRote ; N. Hubbard, lEsquire, Registrar. Norlhumberland--T\iomas H. Petera, Enquire, fSurrogaie ; George Kerr, Esquire, Re!»istrar. Koi^— William Cliand- ler, Esquire, Surrogate ; Hon. John W. VVeldon. Registrar. Oloueea- tcr— Henry Williams Baldwin, E.-jquire, Surrogate; John Eraser, Es- quire, Re3istrar. Carleton—B. Cihnnell Benrdsley. Esquire, Surro- fjate ; A. K. Smedes Wetmore, Esquire, Registrar. Restifjoudie — Jas. Paul, Esquire, Surrogate ; Andrew Barberie, Esquire, Registrar. The Probate Court for the City and County of Saint John is bcW every Monday at three o'clock, at the Chambers of the Judge ; and the iike Court in the other Counties of the Province is held al the ttraes speoially appointed hy the respective Judges. Court of Governou and Council — For hearing and deti^rmin- mg Cases relative to Marriage and Divorce.— His Excellency thp Tiicutenant Governor, President; Honorable Judge Bolsford, A'^ire President; the Honorahle Her Majesty's Executive Council, Mfin- bers ; John C. Allan, Esquire, Registrar and Clerl^. Tcrms—Thv second Tuesday iu February, and the third Tuesdays in June and Oc- tober. ? " Court for thk Tiuat. and Punjshmknt of Piracy and other Opf :nce3 cdMMiTTFD ON TUB HiGH Seas.— The Governor; the Chief Justice and other Judges of the Supreme Court ; ths Members of the Executive Council ; Judge of the Vice Admiralty ; the Public l^cretary ; Public Treasurer; Commander-in-Chief, Flag Officers and Captains and Commanders of Ships of War on this Station for the time lieiiig ; Registrar and Scribe— YfiWhm Tyng Peters, Esquire ; iWarifta/— Edward W. Miller, Esquire. The Court sits at any plare within the Province to be appointed by any three of the members, the Governor, Chief Justice, or one of the Judges of the Snpt«n/ Court, or Judge of the Admiralty being one. ROLL OF BARRISTERS AND ATTORMES. namks. '^harlo.."! Jeffrey Peters, • Barth. Cianuell Beardslcy, Willinm Franklin Odell, Thomns florsficld Polors, ♦Harris Hutch, William Tyiia: Peters, . imes Shiuinon Morse, John Siincoc SuuiidorK, John Ambrose Sharman Strcol, Gcorgo Frederick iSlrccl, ♦Henry Swymmer, ♦William Boyd Kinncar, Alfred fjock Street, ''■I>aiuel L I How R()liinf5on, Edward Barrun Clmiidler, (iiurg^htilioan Hili, Admitted. I6th Julv 4th October 18lh July Slh October 2d February 17th February 1 9th February KUh February 22d February iGth July 15th July IBth May lull Oclobor tub Octolicr nth Octol»cr ilthOctob«r licftiilj'.v.nt! . 1794 Frndcricton 179G Woodst«(;!i 1804 Frrdorirton . IBOO Miramichi. IB08 Saint Andt>>u« ISMjFicdoriciun l914l.Nova-Hof)lsii. l8ir|Frod.p.ncto:i 18l7iMirantK-'t4.i,t.t ^^!^^ BARRISTERS AND .^. ^~ AdmUtcd. \ ^~T; — - ' Jieaidence. ♦ I ' — -- - '6rh October S'« 'J'*'" il^ Chut,. fist May S|?'"?Jo''n. ■felh October aS'^'"^ ^P^^' ^■.rancs Andre »ii^':j^'"(!s, . '_ -M^'n October isa^inr '" •'•^'^''• ^"gnn. 35th FebrS jl^?&«t John. - 20th May '^ f S^'^t John, *fforatio IVeJson HiVt. fc« S'ewait, ' ; John Morri.! RoK- :Mo,e. Hr„'?.%,"/«n. Timothv Rout. lifJ ' ?dward^:tiiV«''n< ^i^Jiam Chandler ;5eprge Kefrr.^""^^"''' ijobert Leonard H» " Hichard Sands S^^"' Samuel GeorL^ 'T°'' " ?V^hardcS„^"'^'«-«. ;^«hn Johnston, ' " * * fames WiJiia^ g- - lore, I'Oth May f 2th Jufy -/i4th July I '8th October 'S'h October ,I8th October /iSth July • '6th October 7'^th October -'7'ih October '7th Ju/y l7thJu/y »'"«Joha: S«f?etown. Sea- • ■ '6th OctWr SS"'?' GJeorge. - I6tb July ^ o;^ teVerictcn. /'StbJuIy • ioo,'/c.'^"""''^'«n • ;^'^ October 93 &'"} •^°'"'- - '•''fu October il, ?''-''^''«'<''-- f't^ February sX''"'-^"^''- ■UlhUai fi^ffe^'"' Andrews. ^^«S^ ■«T '. »1. LL OF BARRILTERS AND ATTORNIES-(Con< i M. A MA1IE8. Admitted. Rtaidence. *iaines A. Hardin;, 17th October 1840 Saint John. William C. Hare, 17th October 1S40 Ditto. Allan A. Davidson, I7th October 1840 Miramichi. James Paters Wetmore, 17th October 1340 Woodstock , Thomas T. Wyer, 17th October 1840 Saint Andrews. Gustavus R. Jarvis, February 1841 iraint Jobu. * James J. Kaye, February 1841 Ditto. *Eabrar Wheeler, June 1341 Ditto. William E. Twyabam, June 1841 Ditto. Peter Clinch, - October 1S41 Saint George. Art'irew R. Welmore, - October 1841 Oromocto. Edward H. Wilnaot, A. B. - October 1841 Fredericton. George Connell, - October 1841 Woodstock. Andrew IV. Rainsford, • 3rd February, 1842 Tobique. George P. Rouse, - 3rd February 1842 Saint John. Lewi* P. Fisher, - laih June, 1842 Fredericton. William U. Shore, I3th October, 13421 Ditto. 1342}SaintJohD. 18421 Ditto. WiUiam M. Howe, 1 3th October, Charles Doherty, - I3ih October, NoTB.— The names of the Aitornies are printed in Ilalica. * Those marked with an asterisk are Public Notaries in the Pro- vince; in addition to whom, Charles R. Hatheway^ William McLean^ Goo. A. QarrisoB, and Robert Eer, Esq'rs, are als* Public Notaries. CIT¥ OF SAINT JOHBF. Honorable William Black, Mayor. Honorable William B. Kinncab, Recorder. Atdertnen. Assistants. Wards. John y. Thurgar, ) Mr. Samuel Hallelt, King's. Benjamin L. Peters, \^ RohertRav, Queen's. Thomas Hardio;, !^ William Hagariy, Duke'a Jolm Sandal!, \ S. Edward W. Greenwood, Sidney. Robert Salter, 1^ James Olive, Senior, Guy's. George Bond, J' Joseph Beaitcay, Brook's. John R. Partelow, Esquire, Treasurer or Chamlerlaio. Jamtb Peters, Junior, Esquire, Common Clerk. James William Boyd, Esquire, Deputy Common Clerk. James Stockford, fligh Constolile; James Stockrord, Thomas M'- Ga^bey, Jas. M'Donald, Isaac C. Perkins, Geo. W. Busteed, Marsbalx. Tw«Ti Lockhart, Wm. Fearerby, Geo. Stockrord, James Peacock, T. M'Ga;;her, Ebenezer Herrington, Alailbew Morrison, Patrick KeNy, Jas. Stocktbrd, I.C.Perkins, Richard Shewbridge, John M' Arthur, Wra. M'Lauchian, Alex. Downs, John H. Fanjoy, John Nixon, Ro- bert M'Kelvey, James Itons, James Patierson, Constables. I.«vi Lockhart, Patrick Kellv, George Siockford, Thns. M'Gaghey, Roland Bunting, Wm. Fearerlty, Robert M'Kelvey, Hog Reeves oa Ib4 Eastern side of the Harbour. Wm. Croak, Rich'd Irvine, Jus. Daofotth, Hog Rhtcs at Carleioo. 23 ohn. u. . hi. tcck ndraws. ibu. William D. Faylke, Thomas I^, Smith, Thomas LeavUt, I. Wood- "ward, James U. Thomas, William P. ijcait, Thos. Recti, Portwardeos. Thomas Reed, Idarhour Master. Daniel Jordan, Daniel J. M'Lau(;hIiii, Simeon L. fiUgrlii, and Jo-. «iah Weimnre, jun. Assessors of Taxes and Statute Laliour. Daniel Jordan, Daniel J. M'Laugiiliii, and Simeon L. Lugrin, As* -sessors of Nightly Watch ant! Scavenger Tax. , .,, ^ j, Thomas Baldwin, Collecior of Taxes. r Thomas Baldwin, Cotloclor of Stntiii« Labour Pines. Roland Buntinsr, Collector of Dog Tax. James T. tlanford, Looker after Corporulion Properly. Pyler Dibldce, Inspector of Cord-woo( tlousft. Samuel Jordan, Alexander M'Grotty, Jf»fvw;M. Campbell, John O. Tohin, David M. Whitinsr, John Jordan. George Cassie, James H. Vairweaiher, Thomas Fairweather, G. W. G. Fairweaiher, Thomas Leach, John Gallivan, Jeremiah Gove, Thomas Nixnn, Alexander M'Grotty, jr., George H. Roberlson, William Shives, James Stewart, Josiah Welinoro, jr. John O'Nrill, Oliver B. Cougle, Hiram Edgelt, William H. A Keanfc, Edward D. Gore, and Zecbariah Adams, Sur- veyors of Lumber. James Peacock, Andrew G. Lordly, Samnel White aod Tbom«8 JUilet, Inspectors of Lath Wood, Staves, Hoop Poles, &r. Andrew Q. Lordly and Sitrauel Gillcs}))e,Cull«r8 of Dried Fish. \ « h^:,: »o«peciorsofF/oor """'■* R«nkir - "■•^««. ^V""'?. Hagariy and n;.;i S'%'- Joshua Mercer ri.!. ' •*^"K"»eers. ' "'^nard Duff, John Robin- John Wil/on^'A^'Pfa'" or head of the Cnn,^ . John Pa fersi,„ f^*"'" °' '^ad of (h- r&P""^ ^^^ Hosemen Ladder Mm "'^''' ^«Pt«in or htltliZ^'' '^ A,emen ^^^^ '*"' Company of HooJc and ««?• H"?J jSsSr7oL^°"o^«'^ ChTpSi' ^r^ ^i'u- MECHA^,es' I^sTiTf TK -!.», r. ""^ Surgeon^ '•erlson, and John nou' ^"""'as Rankini. r» ■ '"'.•'"™«« Lawton Kecordiog 3ecr'e,aJ?r"'' ^"''''^''''^^^^i^X^]!^:^^^^^^ "■ i John Knntyl *n Hnmbert^ or*, nd Hack*. Csrleton. ofihePoor. ">*»« SaJter, I'?". WilJi. James W. 'ohnRobin- smeii. sn. HooJc and 'he Lieu- reiident; hn Ward , Esqnirea, ' Jordan, ent J W. i VVood- Ciiarles lean, P. squires, he Ciir ttee. Harnett ck, R. siianir, "quire, [eon— Jent ; CD Is; I £d> »lon, Ro. Ro. ubL, 2i SaIRT JoHir AoRtCDLTDIUL AND HORTICULTURAL SoCICTT. — The Hon. Judge Parker, Patron; Hon. Charles Simonds, President; Ralph M. Jarvis, Walker Tisdale, Archibald Menzies, and Jamea Brown, Esquires, Vice-Presidents; John Duncan, Esquire, Treasurer; George Younger, Recording Secretary ; Robdrtson Bayard, Esqoire, Corresponding Secretary. Saint John Emigration Sooiett. — ^The Hon. W. Black, Pre- sident; Hon. Charles Simonds, Hon. H' gh Johnston, Vice-Ptesi- dents ; A. Wedderburn, Esquire, Secretsry . Public Grammar School in the City of Saint John. — The Rererend the Rector of Saint John, President; the Mayor, ihe Record- er, the Hon. Ward Chiuman, LL. D., the Hon. Judge Parker, the Rev. Robert Wilson, A. M., and Robert F. Hazen and Win. Wright, Esquires, Directors ; John H. Gray, Esquire, Treasurer and Clerk ; James Paterson, LL. D., Principal. Saint John District Committee of the Society for Pro- moting Christian Knowledge. —The Rer. the Rector of St. John, President; Hon. William Black, and William Scovil, Esquire, Vice- Presidents; Beverley Robinson, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. Saint John Religious Tract Society. — ^John Kinnear, Es- quire, Secretary. Saint John Church of England Sunday School. — The Rector of Saint John, President ; Samuel Huyghue, Esq., Superintendent of the Male School; MissDeblois, Superintendent of the Female School. Saint John Society Library. — Ttie Hon. Judge Parker, Pre" sident; Robert F. Hazen, Esqliire, Vice-President; Rev. F. Coster and Judab H. Hartt, Esquire, Committee; James W. Peters, Esquire Secretary and Treasurer ; William McDougall, Librarian. Library hours from 3 o'clock to 5, p. m. Sacred Music Society. — AIe.\ander Lawrence, President; Ze- bulon Estey, Vice-President ; George Whittekir, Junior, Treasurer ; Levi H. Waterhouse, Secretary; S. K. Foster, Conductor; SanuMl Bustin, J. W. M'Leod, Charles J. Melick, Stephen Whittekir, and Thomas Halheway, Committee. Saint George's Society. — John V. Thurgar, Esquire, Presi- dent; John Rhodes, Vice-President ; Isaac L. Bedell, Esquire, Ttea- surer; L. W. Durant, Secretary. Saint Andrew's Society. — ^JohnBoyd,M.D., President; John Wishart, Vice-President; John Duncan, Esquire, Treasurer; James Robertson, Secretary. Saint Patrick's Society.— William End, Esquire, President ; William Parks, Vice-President; William Hutchinson, Esquire, Trea- surer ; Wm. Mills, Secretary ; Robert Armstrong, Assistant Secretary. Albion Union Society.— William H. A. Keans, President ; Henry Buxton, Vice-President ; Samuel Holinan, Treasurer; John Woodill, Secretary. Orphan Benevolent Society.— Robert Ray, Esquire, Presi- dent; James Gallagher, Esquire, Vice President ; John Dougherty, Treasurer; John Humbert, Esquire, Secretary. Temperance Society.— The Rev. B. G. Gray, D. D., Presi- dent; the Hon. Jud^e Parkei, and the Hon. Win. B. Kinnear, Vice- Pcesidenis; F. A. Kinnear, Esquire, Secretary, &c. /I h 26 ■*\;' DaIHT JOHlf AOXIUART TO THK NeW BriTISU AND FoRBKlir Tempehancb Societv- (Ort theprinciple of Total 46a/mal Island, bearing; South, 8s. 9d. per fool; Gthdislauce— anywhera otiiside the aforesaid distance, lOs. per foot. Fur removing and takin;; any ship or vessel out of the harbour, 6s. per foot. — From the Srst of December to the 1st of April, Is. 3d. per fool additional. — In cases where pilots shall be detained en board of vessels under ai»earlnj »o Point 9— rronj f> West, tance— Ivclijas ywhtra ur, ss. Id. pnr >«rd of of (ha f «ucfi ion to of iba Iriiish ka pi. rates. Ratbs of Wharfage, established btf Act 54, Geo. III. tap. 9.-" For every deckedvesscl, or vessel of the tlescriptioB called wood boats, not exceeding 50 ions, is. 6d. perday ; alioveSO (ons.and not exceed- ing 100, 23. 6d.; aiiove 100, and not exceeding 150, 33. 6d. ; aliove 160, and not exceeding 200, Cs. ; ahove 200, aod not exceeding 300, 7s. 6d. -, above 300, and not exceeding 400, 10s.; 400 and upwards, 12s. 6d. By an Act passed on the 4th April, 1842, the lulluwing Rales of Wharfage are esiahlished in the City of SSi. John and Parish of Port- land :— For every declteJ vessel, or virood boat, of the bun hen of 4D ions and under. Is. 6d. per day; above 40 tons, and under 60, Is. 9d. ; above 50, and under CO, 2s. ; above 60, and uiuler 70, 2s. 3d. ; above 70, and under 80, 2s. 6d. ; alK)ve 80, and under 90, 2s. 9d. ; above 90, andjunder 100, 3s. ; above 100, and under 120, 3s. 6tt. ; above 120, and under 150, 4s. ; above 150, and under 130, 4s. €d. ; above ISO, and under 200, 5s. ; above 200, and under 220, Ss. Od. ; above 220, and under 240, 6i.; above 240, and under 260, 6s. 6d. ; above 260, anil under 2.^0, 7s. ; above 230, and under 300, 78. Cd. ; above 300, and under 320, Bs. ; above 320, and under 310, Ss. Cd. ; above 340, and un- der 360, 9s. ; above 350, and under 330, 9s. 6d. ; above 330, and under 400, 10s. ; above 400, and under 4:'iO, lis. 3d. ; above 430, and under SO0, I3s. 6d. ; and Is. 3d. for every additional fifty tons. The same Act also esinblishe!. the following? Rales of '' Top Wharf- age" in the City of Saint John and Parisli of Portlnnd : — For tvery pipe of liquor, 6d. ; hogshead of do,, 3(i. ; puncheon of do., 4d. ; hbd. of loaf su^ar, 4d. ; hbd. or tierce of other sugar, 6(1. ; hhd. or tierce of tobacco, Is. ; do. do. diy fiih, or lime, 3d. ; tierce of uny article, ex- oept sus^ar, 2d. ; barrel of any article, except salted provisions, I|d. ; every firkin, half barrel or kefj of any oriiclc, one half penny— and for any of the above kind or description nf vessels, when empty, one half the respective charge, excepting fish barrels, for which no chargti khali he made ; every trunk, (exctis Trafton, and Jeremiah Drake, Commia' sioncrs af Sewers. t H'l t^ SO „ PARrSH OP PORTI « M.^ T^ ' ""'rabM. ' Keevos.— vVill.n!!: c^ . "' James Butler nnH L' T^"'''* Locnn Eugeue Gold' rja^;!^'"' P'^^^i'-'k Ma n"^ fe'f L^"nard. &o,' [-'«ri.-e, John Gm.s nn^ t < 1 ^"'"' Over.Pt"ro/ ,»;: V ''''^"'*V«. ' • "nlfylm. .lames G,,i,l „„ 'n ""^^ ^'"•'•iDsl.ani f n* ***''»o"r. — f^iiij^ Morn, nL i L '""'^ DjiiieJ Morn* ^ ! ' ^" ''"yward, JW mmm^ SI Ker. p. Cottu (t. ' tr M'L. SeeJy. '- /Barnes Sco'i I James CJart' ■- Eagles, Gm. t'eba/e, 0»er. 'hird Tuesday '•eniher. ' Dancan, and f-«nr»hard, SV "'Shu-ays,— *"f«hePoor. •Assessors of '"''ord, Mau- )fui OKeefr, ' John Tay- titor Snider. I'lielLogao "nard, Ho» cGoiildriclc. 'rs of Hiifh' — Siep/ien »•— SamuoJ "i Sujjeria. -,"• .Shar- Jarnet p. )itm McCamlter and Thomas Scott, Hnn^ ReeTetH-^Kaae'filradshaw, Gabriel Marchhank, Stephen Brown, Philip Moslt^r, James Ford, Michael Ryan, Samuel Shanklin, John Fritch, Jamea Brown, janior, David Bradshaw, Henry Britain, William Nettle, Robert Floyd, Wil- liam M'Af«e, James Brick lev, and Daniel Vount;, Surveyors of Hig(>- ways.—Tbomas H. Black, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. PARISH OF SIMONDS.- George Moffalt, Nugent CreightoB.and RoSert Douglas, Trustees of Schools. — N. Creijjhton, John Johnston, and John Hawks, Surveyors of Highways. -Genrge Moffatt, Robert Bowes, and Francis Hannah, Overseers of the Poor.— John Hawks, Robert Lon^, and Joseph Ball, Assessors of Taxes. —John Johnston, Collector of Taxes. — C. M. Whooien, Thomas Gnrnett, Tho». Bean, Winihrop Robinson, Wm. Bean, senior, John Morrison,^ Wm: Daley, Hu^h Ryan, Wm. Wood, Robert Bowes, John Douglas, and Thomas Trnfton, Fence Viewers.— John Johnston, Jas. Burley, VVm. M'Geocb, Richard Daley, Wm. Whelpley, Rubt. Bowes, John Maxwell, Patrick llcManus, and Jas. McOuire, Constables.— Hugh Dnnn, John Morrl- Ron, Philip F'urlong, John Johnston, John Wallace, Daniel Gallagher, Neil Quiiin, IC. C. Sentill, and Thos. Kays. Pound Keepers.— Jamef Burley, Richard Daley, Job Stanley, James Bustin, Wm. BUir, Peter Brann^'n, VVm. McGeocb, John Maxwell, TeagueGalHvan, John Mun- ford, Thos. Kays, and Chas. Boyle, Hoj? Reeves.— Winthropiiobin- »on, Robi Bowes, SnmuGl Blair, Philip Furlon". Wm. Anthony, Jaa. Dalzell, Wm. Bean, John Dowd, Simon Fraser, Thos. Long, Eiihroim Sentill, Tho.«i. Garnett, VVm. Tippin, John Morrison, C. M. Wnooten, Jas. Bows, Thos. McGarry, John Buckley, James Stackhouse, Thos. Trafton. Daniel Gallaghor, Jns Kibler, John W. Srott, Wm. Hnwka, Benj. Ellison, Ikhmael Reed, Robl. Gracey, Wm. McGrisjor, WiHiam i)lack, Chaa. F.mslie, Jolin Parker, Jas. Stewart, and Owen McGuire, Surveyors of Hijjhways.— Daniel Gallagher and Wm. Bean,Over>*efra vf ibo Fisheries.— Kobt. Buwes, Town Clerk and Clerk of the Market. ;m«n. «od f'ald Wen- 'lamVVet. '•".-- laaair I'n Hard- Wilham J J. flJc- id JCeep. rdin,,J. 'elinoiir ■rrf, JW.' fhwuvn. 6.— W. Smith, or, M|. ■aya... irsoer;, "r* of Juniev I^'cncs '. arij COUNTY OF YORK. Hon. John Simcoe Soundorn, John Allen, Hon. Thomas C. Loc, John R'lbinsnn, un I Grorje I'litichin, Ei>(iuires, Justices of tha Infe- rior Court of Uomitinn Picas. Hon. John S, Siimulirs, Jnhn Alien, Hon. Thomas C. Lee, John Rolijnson, Gcor?#>f^ilPPWH1f Cotirt I'l < 'o inmon Plons. Joseph Bcek, Wl^^'B^'^ilJI^inr of I V'rds miNliill** The Hiurislors nn I AiI'thi'm pracli»iii? in the I'ouiiir, vith r.>»*M H. Shelion and |l«'iiry i^lorelion^r. Esquires, CumiHlisioucii lur la- liig AlUiUvns i;i the bupreiiis Court. w tr 92 ^1! ■:) u Hon. tohiiSv launders, and William Tfng P«ten, Esqairt, Com' missioncrs lor taking Bail in th« Supreme Court. William Woodford, Henry Joiiea, aud Henry Fiaber, Eaqnirea, Coroners. Mark Needham, Esquire, County Treasurer. J lemnizing Mnrriagp. Board qnires, and the barristers and Altornies prac- tising in the County, Commissioners for taking AfTidnviis in the Su- preme Court. Hugh Mackav, Hon. Thos. Wver, Samuel Abbott, J. N.Clark, C- R. Hatheway, W. Fisher, and P. Clinch, Esquires, Comniis-sioners for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. Hugh Mackay, TristranrRioorc, Hon. J. Allapshnw, James Chaf- fey, Hon. Thos! Wyer, Peter McCullum, John Wilkinson, W. F. W. Owen, and Wilford Fisher, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Mniriagc. VVellington Hatch, Esquire, Is«uer of Marriage Licenses. Hoard of /yr/uca/ion.— Reverend Dr. McLean, Hon. Harris Hatch, James Rait. James Douglas, Rev. Dr. Alley, Hon. Thos. Wyer, Geo. n. Street, Samwel Frye^ and David W. Jack, Esquires, and Reverend Albert Desbrisay. Public (iram'mnr School in Snint ilnc/rctr.'?.— Directors ; Rev. Dr. Alley, Hon. H. Hatch, Colin Campbell, lion. Thomas Wyer, Dr. S. Thompson. Rev. Ur. McLean, Rev. Mr. Qninn, D. W. Jack, Esq'r., imd Dr. S. Frye. Marine Uoppilal, Saint Am/rcw."!.— ConyriBsioners ; Hon. Harris Hatch, VVm. Ker and D. W. Jack, Esq'rs. -Surgeon : S. Frye, Esq. Com wi£sifij{(">'!^ for Wrecked Property hi the Ouai/i/ of(-liarlnitr. — Hon. Thomas Wyer, andj'etcr Smith,' Saini A||^|ipuy^rbael Dog- sett, tirand Manau ; Lieutenant J. T. Rol.inson, U. I>., West Ules and Catnpo Bello. . , ... i _ . . G J. % V V hi J I. Commissioners Jbr Buoys and Beacons for the Inner Bay of Pat- vamaguoddy.—G. M. Porter, and J. Frink, Esquires. C. R. Hathewav, J. H. Whitlock, Wm. Garneli, Jas. Bord, Samuet AhJiotl, Win. McLean, E. Wilson, John McKean, P. Loriraau, T. P. Shaw, Daniel Sullivan, W. T. Kose, M. & J. McDonnell, Robt. Kerr, And John Parkinson, Licensed Auctioneers. Therms qflhe General Sessions and Common Pleaa— Second Tnes- day in April, and third Tuesday in Sepiemher. Additional Terms of the Common f/eas— Second Tuesday in July and Dacenber. Charlotte County Agricultural Society. — Dr. S. Frye, President : Hon. H. Hatch, and Hon. Thos. Wyer, Vice Presidents ; W. Hatch, Esquire, Treasurer; D. D. Morrison, Secretary; C. Campbell, Josepli Walton, T. Sipie, H. O'Neil, J. Lochary, J. Turner, J. MeCurdy, M. McLean, and S. Getty, Committee. Charlotte County Emigrant Society.— li(tn. H. Hatch, Presidonl ; James Boyd, Esquire, Vice Pri'sidenf.; D. W. Jack, Esquire, Tieasu- rer; J. IMcKean, Secretary ; Rev. Dr. Allev, Rev. Mr. Qwinn, Rev. Di. McLean, Thos. Jones, Dr. S. Frye. R. M. Andrews, Thos. Turner, Tlios. Sime, und VV. F. W. Owen, Directors. COUNTY OF SUNBURY. Hon. John S. Saunders, Thomas O. Miles, Stephen Peahwiy, Na- thaniel Hubbard, and John M. Wilmot, Esquires, Justices of the Infe- rior Court of Common Pleas. Hon. John S. Saunders, Thos. O. Miles, Stephen Pcahody, Natha- niel Hulibard, John M. Wilmot, Clapman Smith, Cliales F. Street, James Tiliey, George Hay ward, Cliarles Hazen, {of the Quorum,) William Hoyi, H^nry T. Partelnw. Thomas Harrisoo, John Peabody George Priestly, Thomas N. Gilbert^ aud Wilhaiu Burpe^ Esquires, Justices of the Pence. John Hazen, Esquire, High Sheriff. Charles P. Wetmore, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls,and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Nathiiniel Hubbard, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. James Hazen, George B. Coven, aad Enoch Barker, Esquires, Coroners. The Barristers and Ailornies practising in the Cttunty, together with H. T. Ptinelow, Esquire, Commissioners for taking .Affidavits in the Su|irciiie Court. Henry T. Paileluw, Esquire, Commissioner for taking Bail in the Supreme Court. Thomas O. Miles, Stephen rcaSody.aud George Hayward, Esqr's. Commissioners fur Soleiiitiizing Marriage. Jacob Tilley, Licensed Auctioneer. Board of Edacttion. — Rnr. Raper Milnor, Rev. Archibald M'Cal- luin. Henry T. Partelow, Calvin L. Huthewuy, Thomas O. Miles, and Charles P. Welniore, Esquires. Sunhury Emigrant Sosiafy.—Jnhn M. Wilrnof, Esquire, President ; Thomas O. Mil(?s, Esquire. Vice-President ; D. W. Perley, Secretary ; Jihn Hazen, Esquire, Treasurer. Term-i of timiOmmml Sessions nnd Common Pleas. —Tlurd Tues- day in January and June. Additional Terms of the Common Pitas. —Fouclb Tuesday in March oiid third Tuesday in Ociobiir. ? Esqi Sa T. I Quo Ml Rob Ni Ti the H Jo TI wit sion< H< takii Sa Fosl .*. ;;^K»*B».^ 35 Bay of Pal- lor A, Samuel oriniau, T. P. 1, Robt. Kerr, 3econtl Tnes- nal Termt of )b«r. , President : : W. Hatch, IJftell, Josepli IcCurdy, M. , PresidfMl ; lire, Tieasu- fiMinn, Rev. hos. Turner, Jahofly, Na- ofthelnfe- r>dy, Natha- s F. Street, in Pealtutiy V Esquires, 'lerk of the ills. I Esquires, I together Affidavits }ail ill the d, Esqr's. d M'0*1- 0. Miles, resident ; icrelary ; rd Tues- ( Pltw. f . ' QUEEN'S COUNTY. Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Hon. Harry Peters, and William ('"osbay, Esquire, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Picas. Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Hon. Harry Peters, William Fo3hay,Th<)B. T. Hewlett, John Earl, John fiumphries, Charles Harrison, {of the. Quorum,) Peters Yeamans, John M'Allister, Lewis M'Donald, John M'ljean, Jfoseph B. Perkins, Reuben Httbin, junior, Thomas Muiruy, Robert Galdinsr, and Williani Murray, Esquires, Justices of th'e Peace. Nathaniel Hubbard Deveber, Esquire, High Sheriff. Timothy R. Wetmore, Esqui'e, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk oi the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Henry S. Peters, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. John Earle, and Thomas T. Hewlett, Esquires, Coroners. The Barristers and Attornies practising in the County, together with the Hon. Harry Peters, and Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Comsais- sioners for taking AfHdavits in the Supreme Court. Hon. Harry Peters and Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Commissioners for taking Bail iii the Supreme Court. Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Hon. Harry Peters, Stephen Goldin«, Wm. Koshay, Thomas T. Hewlett, John Earle, and John Humphrieis, Es> quires. Commissioners for Soliemnizing Marriages. Timothy R. Wetmore, Esquire, Issuer of iWarriage Licences. Samuel Mayes, and Wm. F. Bunnell, Licensed Auctioneers. Hon, Harry Peters, Samuel Scovil, Esquire, Rev. Abraham Wood, Thomas T. Hewlett, Timothy R. Wetmore, and N. H. Deveber, Ks- quires, Trustees of the Grammar School. Board of Education. — Hon. Harry Peters, Hon. Hugh Johnston, Samuel Scovil, JN. H. Deveber, T. R. Wetmore, Henry S. Peters and John J. Miliidge, Esquires. Terms ofi/ie General Sessions and Common Picas.— Fourth Ttics- day in January and June. Additional Terrm oj the Common Pica.-:. —Fourth Tuesday in April and October. KING'S COUNTY. David B. Wetmore, William McLeod, and Thomas Beer, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. David B. Wetmore, William McLeod, Thomas Beer, Thomas Kelchum, John Smith, Henry A. Scovil, John C. Vail. A. C. I'lvaii- Kon, John Barbarie,EbeMrtzer Smith, Isaac Haviland, {of the Quorum,) Samuel Foster, John Wightman, John Briltain, Jumos Briltaiu, .^oha Ryan. John Henderson, and Philip Nise, Esquires, Justices of vht*. Peace. Asa Davidson, E'squire, High Sheriff; E. Wctm»re,'DeputySh^^^ifi. F.dward Belts Smith. Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and CIcrt of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. William Simpson, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. David B. Wetmore, George N. Arnold, William Frost and l»uac Haviland. EMouires, Coroners. David B. Wetmore, John C. Vail, and A. C. Evanson, Esqinros, Commissioners fur taking linil in the Supreme Court. John C. Vail and A. C. Kvanson, Esquires, and the Barristorr and Attornios practising in the County, Commissioners lor takin \Uni* vilt in the Stijirenie Court. Dnvid B. Wetmore, William M'Leod, Henry A. Scovil, n{^ Jubii C. Vail, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Murruifjc. ' Edward B, I'imili), Esq'iire, Issuer of Marriage Liceutcs. . > u - ■; 36 , ..■ ■ . D. B. Wetmorc, William Simpson, E. B. Smith, Esqiiir««, the Rev. William E. Scuvil, and ihe Rev, William W. Walker, Trusiws o/ the Grammar Scliool. Board of Educalion— David B. Wetmore, E. B. Smhh, W. Simp- fcon, Esquir?s, and the Rev. William E. Scovil. King's County Emigrant 5'ocit;^y. — William Simpson, Esquire, Piesidfiil; John Uriltain, Esquire, Vice-President; E. 3. Smith, Es- tiuire, Secretary ; Asa Davidson, Esquire, Treasurer; A. C Evansurt, JrtTiit Hendersoo, Siiinuel Foster, John 11. Ryan, J.?imes Keator, Doc- tor Earle, Jntries Briltuiii, William M Lcod, and Seymour Picket, Commiuec of Manu^einent. Terms of Iks General Sessions and Common Pleaa,. — First Tuesday ill Marci) and third Tuesday in October. Additional Tcrma oj' ths i^uminun /-"/eiw.— First Tuesdays ia May aud January. COUNTY OF WESTMORLAND. Tlulu? Smith, Esqiiira, Hon. William Crane, Hon. Amn^ E. Bot«- ford, and William WiUou, Esquire, Justices of the Inl'erior Court uf Common Picas. Ru!iis Smith, Enquire, Hon. WilliB^KH Crane. Hon. Amos E. Eofs- ford, VV'illiam W jisoii, James Sayre.^Ptiilip Palmer, John Smith, Bill Chappell, Harinan IC. Truemaii, Lewis Trites, William Chapman, Geors»e Steves, Poier M'Lelian, Rohert Scott, John Chapman, VVm.C. tiinilh, Daniel Haninaton, John Treiiholm, George Oulton, Jos.Avard, .unior, Gporge Pi'field, Thomas Gill.ert, (of the Quorum,) James Ro- uorisnn, Thomas Prince, James Wallace, junior, James Brewsi':r, Hi- ram Edaett, El'sha Peck, Samuel Black, and Philip Chapmau, Ea- «^iitres, Justices of the Peace. William P. Sayrn, Esquire, Hiqh Sheriff. Hon. Edward tJ. Chandler, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clerk of the locate and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Andrews W, Weldon, Esquire. Reqisirar of Deeds and Wills. John Edidrew Weldon, Esquires, Coroners. Tlufus hmilh, John Smith, William Wilson, Elisha Peck, Esquires, aiiJ lh» Barristers and Atlornies practisinq in the County, Commis- sioners for takiii:; Affidavits to lie read in the iSnfireme C«iurt. Rufus Smith. E>qt!ire, Hon. William Crane, Flon. Amos. E. Bots- ford, William Wilson, Lewis Trites, Peior JMLellan, James Uubert- ^oIl, Rohen GodlVev. aud E'isha Peck, Esquires, Commisiioncrii for tRk-iiiif Bail in the Supreme Court. riou. Vi. B. Chandler, l>suer of Marriage Licenses. ' -'• K«;\h Smith, Williaiii Cluipman, Hon. William Crane, Bill Chap- pr;!. Lewis Trites, Robert Seoti, aud John Smith, Esquires, Comini«- k'onrrs lor .Solcmniqiiire, Hon. Amos E. Bots- furd, (](ia. E. B. Chandler, the Rev. Jobu Black, und the Rev. Jus. UlM^idtol). ^Vetfmor!and Jmmigration Soeiety. —JoicpU Avard, Jun. Esquire, TtesKlen! ; P'lisha Perk, Jun. and J. dm Chaninan, Esquire*, Vieo- ;T'refcidewt« : Christopher Wiliier, Esqnire, Secretary and Trt-asurer ; • i.T. W Cran*, Hon. E. R. Cinndirr, Tiiomp'ion Trueman. C*eorge CoiUii', Ihomaf K' illor, Fhi'ip I'l'mcr. Ul'ss Calsford.S, O. Mur*.^ "W. Smith, Alexander Wright, John Smith, Philip Chopman, J. LewJs, and J. Wallace, Esquires, Cammitlee. Terms of tke. General Sessions and Common P/n. Jos. Cunard, surer; John Wright, Wm. Carman, John Fraser, Jas. A. Pier»,e, Henry 6. Allison, and John Porter, Esquires, Committee. Terms of the General Sessions and Common P/eas.— Second Tues- day in January and July. Additional Terms of the Comvion Plem. — .'^irst Tuesday in May and October. COUNTY OF KKNT. John Whelon , and George Pagan, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Corauiou Picas. <*■ "V. 38 John Wheten, George Pagan, John Jardine, John Bowser, William Hanington, Thomas Powell, John P. Ford, William M'Leod, {of the Quorum,) and Jas. Lon(f, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Le.Baron Drury, Esa. Hiirh Sheriff; Jos. Wetmore, Deputy Sheriff. Hon. John W. WeWon, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peac« and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. George Pagan. Esauire, Registrar of I>eeds and WilU. James Long, Esquire, Coroner. William Chandler, Esquire, Connty Treasurer. John Wheten, George Pagan, Esquires, and the Barristers and At- tnrnies practising in the County, Commissioners for taking Affidavits lo be read in the" Supreme Court. John Wheten, and George Pagan, Esquires, Cotnmissioners for tak- in;: Bail in the Supreme Court. Hon. John W. Weldon, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. John Wheten, John Jardine, William Haninglon, and J. Bowser, Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. John G. Layton, and Jas. L. Price, Esquires, Deputy Surveyors of Crown Lands, and Seizing Officers. Board of Education.— John Wheten, George Pagan, John Jardine, Esquires, Hon. J. W. Weldon, Rev. James Hannay, Rev. Joseph M. Paguet, and David Wark, Esquire. Trustees of Grammar School.— Won. John W. Weldon, George Pa* gan, Esquire, and the Rev. James Hannay. Kent Agricultural Society.— Georze Pagan, Esquire, President ; the Rev. James Hannay, Hon. J. W, Weldon, Thomas Powell, William Hanington, William M'Leod, iind Allien B. Smith. Esquires, Vice- Presidents; David Wark, Secretary and Treasurer; James Long, John Clark, LeBarnn Drury, Thomas Johnson, James Hutchinson, Joseptt Doherty, William Doherty, Roliert Dysart, John Carruthers, James Thurrat, and David Gifford, Committee. Annual Meeting— Second Thursday in January. Kent County Etnisrrant Society.— Hon. J. W. Weldon, President ; George Pagan, and LeBaroti Drury, Esquires, Vice-Presidents ; , Esquire, Secretary; David Wark. Esquire, Treasurer ; John Wheten, Wm. M'Leod, John Jardine, Wni. Chandler, John P. Ford, James Long, Rev. James Hannay, D. Gifford, L. DesBrisiy, and Willinm Caie, Directors; Thomas Johnston, John Clark, Joliti Thurratt, Geo. Holder, Isaac Sowerby, David Kenrick, William Beck, John Carruthers, John Stepheuson, John Kenriuk, and Albert B. .'Smith, Assistants. N- Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas.— Second Tues- day in January and fourth Tuesday in June. Additional Terms ofiJte Common Pleas.— hnst Tuesday in April and September. COUNTY OF GLOUCESTER. Hugh Munro, Joseph Rend, John Miller, William Napier, and Joha Fiaser, Esquires, Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Hugh Munro, Joseph Read, John Miller, Wm. Napier, John Eraser, James Blackhall, Benjamin Dawson, John Young, Henry W. Bald- win, P. J. N. Dumaresq. John Richey, John Doran, Rohl. Rohinson, Thos. M. Dehlois, Wm. Stephens, and Thos. Falle,(q/ /Ac Quorum,) and Geo. Severet, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. Henry W. Baldwin, Esquire, Hi?h Sheriff. William End, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and deck of the Peac« and Inferior Court of Comraon Pleas. Wilfiam I, {of the Sheriff, be Peac« and At- affidavits i for lak- 89 H. W. Baldwin, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. Thos. M. Dehlois, Esquire, County Treasurer. Rohert Gordon, Esquire, Corsner. Joseph Read. Beuj. Dawjon, James Blackstock, Geo. Sweet, JamPs Doran, Jnmes Youu?, and Robert Rohinson. Esquires, Commissioners for taking Bail and Affidavits in (lie Supreme Court. William End. Richard Carman, Joseph Read, and Benjamin Daw- son, Esquires, Commissioners for taking Affidavits in the Supreme Court. John Young, James Blackball, Wm; Napier and Benjamin Dawson^ Esquires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage, VVm. End, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage License?. Wm. Napier, Benj. Dawson and Wm.Deacon, Licensed Auctioneers, Wm. End, Wm. Napier, Wm. Stevens., Thos. M. Dehlois, Esq'rs., •nd Rev. A. C. Somerville, Trustees of the Grammar School. Wm. Napier, H. W. Baldwin, Wm. End, Roht. Gordon, James S. Morse, Esquires, and Rev. Geo. McDonald, Board of Education. T. M. Deblois, Joseph Read, and Wm. Napier. Esquires, Commis- sioners of Buoys and Beacons. J. Read, H. W. Baldwin, and P. Ferguson, Esquires, Commission* «rs of Sick and Disabled Seamen's Fund. H.W. Baldwin, Esq. Commissioner forWrecksand Derelict Vessels.' John Fraser, Esquire, A£;ent for Lloyds. Gloucester Agricultural Society.— Wm. End, Esq., Presi- dent ; John Fraser and Wm. Stevens, Esquires, Vice Presidents ; H. W. Baldwin, Esquire, Secretary and Treasurer. Gloucester Emigrant Society.— F. Ferguson, Esquire, President; W. Stevens, Esq. and Mr. R. Dawson, Vice Pri-'sidenls; H.W. Bald- win, Esq., Secreiary and Treasurer. Terms oftke General Sessions and Common Pleas — Second Tues- day in January and last Tuesday in July. Additional Terms of ilie Common P/eos— First Tuesday 'in .\pril and last Tuesday in October, COUNTY OF CARLETON. B. C. Beardsley, R. Ketchum. and J. Dibblee. Esquires, Justices of llio Inferior Court of Common Pleas. B. C. Beardsley, R. Ketchum, J. Upham, J. A. Maclauchlan, Josiah Brown, J. Dibblee, Adam Sharpe, Francis Rice, L. R. Coombes, Jas. Ketchum, J. Bedell, jr., A. N. Garden, R. S. Df ir.ill, Sam'l. Never*. C. A. Hammond, U. Baird, Asa Upton, P. M. Bedell, V/m. Halletl, (of the (Quorum,) A. S. Carman, J. M. Cmmell, Chas. Perley, Btnj. Noble, R. D. Beardsley, S. Estabrooks, Chas. Coanell, and F. More- bouse, Esquires, Justices of the Peace. J. P. W. Winslow, Esqnire, Hi?h Sheriff. J. S. McReath and J. Craven, Deputy Sheriffs. A. K. S. Wetmore, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls and Clerk of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. G. A. Bedell, Esquire, Retristrnr of Deeds nnd Wills. J. Bedell, C. Connell, J. Enierson and C.R.Upton, Esqr's. Coroners. F. B. Dtbldee, Esquire, County Treasurer. The Barristers and Atinrnies practising in the County, Commission* ers for takinsr Affidavits in the Supreme Court. R. Ketchum. J. DihhIee.J. Bedell, J. Brown, L.R.Coon»hes,B.Bove. rid^eand AsaUpton, Esqrs. C-^irmissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. R. English, J. M. Coooell, J. S. McBetth, and^T. Collins, LiwnscJ Auoiioaeats. H \ * I). i Baard of Education.— R, Ketchum, J. Dibblce, Esq'rs., Rev. H, D. L. Street, A. K. S. Weimore, J. Bedell, D. L. Bedell, and VV. T. Wilinot, Esquires. Firewards in Woodstocfc—C. Perley, S. Tracey, R. S. DemilU J. Bedell, C. Cnnnell, R. English, A. B. Sbarpe, A. S. Carman, and A. N. Garden, Esquires. CaHctOH County Agricultural Societif. — Richard Ketchura, Esqr., President ; J. Difiblee and E. A. Cunliffe. Esquires, Vice Presideuls ; C Perley, Esq. Secretary; R. Eiiglish, Esq. Treasurer. Carlelon County Emigrant Society. — R. Ketchuai', Esq., President; J. DiWilee, J. M. Connell, E. A. Cunliffe, Asa Upton, Jus. Ketcluinn, ■nd J. Sharp, Vice Presidents ; R. English. Treasurer ; Clias. Perley, Correspondii.? Secretary; G. F. Williams, Recordinij Secre'ary; Geo. Clowes, S. Hayden. J. "C. Squires, W. Hallelt, J. Hutchinson, Chas Emery and Chas. Hammond, Coniiiiiitpe. Terms of the General Sessions and Common Pleas. — Fourth Tues- day in January and June. Additional Terms of the Comvion Picas. First Tuesday in March and Ocloher. : •' COUNTY OF RESTIGOUCHE. ' , R»tiert Ferguson, John Montgomery, and Dugald Stewart, Esquires, Justice* of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Robert Ferguson, John Montgonwry, Dugald Stewart, Adam Per- (!US0U, William Fiemniing, Peler Sicwart, Arthur Ritchie, Arcbabald Ramtay, jRmes Paul, Peler Sutherland, and Josteph Huuter, Esquires, Justices of the Pence. Jamrs Paul, Escpiirc, High Sheriff. Andrew Barbiirie, Esquire, Keeper of the Rolls, and Clark of the Peace and Inferior Court of Common Pleas. Andrew Rarherie, Esquire, Registrar of Deeds and Wills. Donald Stewart, Esquire, County Treasurer. Hugh Montgomery, Robert Ritchie, and Alexander Campbell, Es- quires, Coroners. Robert Ferguson, Dugald Stewart, Peter Stewart, and James Paul, Esquires, Conunissioncrs fur taking Bail and Affidavits in the Su- preme Court. Robert Ferguson. Peter Stewart, Dugald Stewart, James Paul, and the Barristers and Attornios practising in the County, Commissioners for taking Aflida»its in the Supreme Court. Andrew Rarberic, Esquire, Issuer of Marriage (..icrnses. Robert Ferguson, John .Montgomery, and Wiiliain Flemming, Es- quires, Commissioners for Solemnizing Marriage. John Muntgnmery, Donald Stewart, and Adam Ferguson, Esquires, Commissioners for Buoys and Beacons for the Port of Dalhousie. John Montgomery, and Arthur Ritchie, Esquires, Commissioners for the Sick and Disihled Seaman's Fund. Charles M'Ponald, Harhour .Master, Dslhounie. Donald MLeod, Harliour Master, Cainpbellion. John U. Campbell, Robert W. ICelly, and Alexander Campbell, Li- censed Auctioneers. Trusters of the Ilrstigouche Orammar Sfc/ioo/.— John Montgomery, DutaUl Slewnrt, Chipmsn Botsford, and Andrew Rarltrric, Esquires. Board of liducation —Ret, James l*> von, John Moniijoinery, An- drew Bnrherie, Chipiuao Uuufurd, Juse|)h Uuuler, ttud UuualU SlQV' on, Enquires. >« 41 s., Rev. fif. , and VV. T. S. Demilt armaii, and ura, Esqr., Presidfuis ; President; . Ketcluim, las. Perley, e'ary; Geii. ison, Chas HirtliTues- non Pleas. , Esquires, Idam Per- ArchiiVtald , Esquires, irk of ilie j)bell, Es- mes Paul, 1 the Su- Paul, and ussiunera ling, Es- E'-fliiires. isbiuners >bell, Li- ^omerjr, 'i^quirps. »Ty, An- Id S(QV. Resiigoache Agricultural Society, cslabliehrd 9//i January, 1S49. — Rofiert Ferguson, Esquire, President; Hugh Montgomery and Andrew Barl)erie, Esquires, Vice-Presidents ; Dugald Siewart, Esquire, Secre- tary and Treasurer; Arthur Ritchie, Joseph Hunter, VVilliain Plem- ining, David M'Intosh, and Thomas Barclay, Commiuee. Aanuai Meeting— First Tuesday in January. Terms of the General Sessions and Common P/eas.— First Tues- day in January and second Tuesday in July. Additional Termi of the Common P/cas.— Second Tuesday in October and April. HBB MA JESTIT'S CUSTOMS. Port of Saint John. — Flenry Bowycr Smith, Esquire, Collector ; George Hamilton Smith, Esquire, Landing; Surveyor ; James Walker, Esquire, Waiter and Searcher ; .James D. Lewin, Esquire, Waiter and Searcher; John Lon^inaid, Tide Surveyor; William Whiteside, l»t Clerk ; William Smith, 2d Clerk. Charles Drury, Enquire, Admeasurer of Ships and Vessels. '- _ Warehoufti Department.— WiUiam Stringer, Esquire, Warehouse Keeper at Siiint John ; Thomas P. Martcr, Esquire, and B. Marler, Lockers at ditto, (Suft-Co/Zec/ors.— James Say re. Enquire, Dnrchef ter ; John Macke- die, Esquire, D;<1! ousie ; David Swavne, Esquire, Ric.'hiliucto ; Ht-nry E. Dihblee, Esquire, Woodstock, Thomiis M. Dehlois, E'^quire, Ba- thursi; J. RIackhall, Actinfif, Caroquet; — under the principal OfQceia of Her Majesty's Customs at the Port of Saint John. PonT OF MiRAMicHi. — John Wriijht, Esquire, Collector; Joseph Dean, Esquire, Principal Waiter and Searcher; Mr. Richard Mockiii, CAvtk ;— under the principal Officers of Her Majesty's Cubloms at the Port of Saint John. Port of Saint Asdrews. —Alexander Grant. Esquire, Collector ; C. V. Foster, Esquire, Landini Surveyor ; R. Kcr. Esquire, Aclintj Waiter nnd Searcher; VVilliain Ellinan, Esquire, 1st Clerk and Ware- house Keeper. Siib-Colleciorg.—D. Bennett, Esquire, Cnmpo Bello; T. Armstrontj, Esquire, Saint Stephen ; Cochran Craig, Evjuire, Grand Manan ; A. J. Welmore, Esquire, Saint George. PAOVINOZAX. ABirZIXnTB. R«»verley Robinson, Esquire. Province Treasurer. Deputy Trcaturers . —.]o^epU Heek, Esquire, Fredericlon ; David W- Jack, Eimiire, St. Andrew* ; .\. J. VVciinore, E-qnire. Si. Georae » Tlioinas Moses, Enquire, West Isles; Rolieri VVbI-'du, K>quire, Siiinl Hieph"n ; Tliomas ll. Peters, Esquire, .\lirnniielii ; Hod. John W. Wel- don, Richiliucto; Dani"! Huiiinnion, Enquire, Sliediae; John iM'Almon, E>quire, Hopewell ; Edward Wood, Esquire, VVesiiiitirlniul ; Geor;?« Miner, Esquire, Saekvill" ; William Carter. Esnuire, Dorchesier; I>U!>A«w/ m A^fW-JSru/wWidlr.— The Lieutenant Goveroor or Commandur 43 in Chief for the lime being ; the Lord Bishop of the Diocese ; the Chief Justice ; the Members of Her Majesty's Counci!; the Judice of the Admiralty; the Speaker of the Hunse of Assembly ; the Mayor and Kecorder of Saint John; the Ecclesiastical Coinmisssry of the Pro- vince ; the Rector and Churchwardens of Trinity Church io Saint John ; together with the Hon. E iward J. Jarvis, Rev. George Burns, 1). D., and William Scovil. Esquire. Robert P. Hazen, Esq. Trea- surer. James William Boyd, E-squire, Clerk. Bank op New- Brunswick.— (/n Saint /oAn.)— Capital £100,000. — President, Thos. Lenvitl, Esquire ; Directors— John Boyd, M. D., L. H. DeVeber, R. F. Hezen, Hon. Hugh Johnston, W. P. Rsnney, Chas. C. Stewart, Geors»e Swiuncy, and Wjiliam Wright, Esquires ; Cashier, R. Whiteside, Esquire; Solicitor, John M. Robinson, Esq. ; Notary, James W. Boyid, Esquire. CoMMERcrAL Bank OF N ew-Brunswick.— (/rt Saint John) — In- corporated byRoyalCharter.— Capital £150,000, with power to increase Io £300,000.— President, John Duncan, Esquire; Directors— John L. Bedell, Lev/is Burns, Mark Dole, Wm. Hammond, Robert L. Hazen, D.J. McLaughlin, Ambrr^^> . Perkins, Hon. Chas. Simonds, James Travis, Charles Ward, Joi ■ uart, and A. W. Whipple, Esqnircs; Cashier, G. C. Parlelow, " ,i Solicitor, R. L. Hnzen, Esquire, CoMMBitciAL BuANCH .. — {At il//m7nic/ii. ) -Committee of Management— William Loch and Alexander Rankin, Esquires ; Cashier, Thomas C. Allan, Esquire. Commercial Bank Agency at WoonsTocK. — Committee of Ma- nar,einent, Richard EiiRlish, Esquire ; Cashier, G. V. Williams, Esq. Central Bank of New-Biiunswick. — (In Frcderictou.)— Capi- tal £33,000, with power to increase to £50.000,— President, William J. Bedell, Esquire ; Directors— George J. Dibblee, T. R. Roberlson, C. P. Wetino.-e, Thos. PicUard, B. Wolhaiuder, John Taylor, Chas. MrPherson, and John Robinson, Esquires ; Cashier, Samuel W. Bab- but, Esquire; Solicitor, George J. Dibblee, Esquire. Central Bank Aqbncv at Woodstock.— Committee of Manage- mtnt— Richard Ketchum, Jas. Robertson, and A. B. Sharpe, Esq'rs. ; Ag^nt, A. B. Sliarpe, Esquire. Chaulotte County Bank.— (In St. Andrews.)— Capital £l5,000. — President, Hon. Harris Hatch ; Directors — Hon. Jumes Allanshaw, Hon. Thos. Wyer, John Wilson, Edward Wilson, William Babcock. J. VV. Street, and J. McAllister, Esq'rs.; Cashier, John Rodgers, Esq. St. Stkimien's Bank.— Capital £25,000.— Presid-'dt, Wm. Porter, r.«q.; Difpctors— Robt. Lindsav, John Marks, Geo. S. Hill, Geo. M. Porter, (Jilinnn D. King, J. McAllister, jr., and H. Eastman, Esq'rs.; Cashier, David Upton, Esq.; Solicitor, Geo. S. Hill, Esq. Bank of Britihh North Atnr.n\r.\.—(K:*l(iblished in L'yndon.)^ Capital £1,000,000 sterling, in 20,000 shares of £,-)0 ; (threofourihs o» which have been sultscribed In England, and the remainder in the North American Colonies;) with power to increase the cnpiial.— Ma- nager of the Branch it St. John, Alfred Sniithers, Esq.; Local Direc- tor! at St. John— James Kirk, Hon. John Robertson, W, H. Street. •nd John Pollok, Esquires; Standing Counsel, Hon. Geo. K. Street, Solicitor General ; Solicitor and Notary, Georje Wheeler, Esquire. FaiDiRioTON Branch.- Manager, George Tuylnr, Esquire; Direa- torc—S. J. Barker, Joha Simpion, and Jnm«s Taylor. Esiiniics. I u '(' i INSURANCE COMPANIES. New-B«unswick Fire Tnsubanck Company.— (/>i SainlJohn.) —Capital £50,000. President, John Boyd, Esq. M. D.; Directors- Mark Dole, John Hammond, Robert P. l)azen, Ralph M. Jarvif , VVil- liain Jarvis, Robert Keliie, John Kinnear, B. Tiilon, Ambrose S. Per- Jjins, Gilbert T. Ray, and D. J. M'L.»ughiin, Esquires; Secretary- Daniel Jordan, Esquire; Solicitor— Robert F. Hazen, Esquire. Central Fire Insurance Company.— (/ji Prede.ricton.)—Capi- tal £50,000. President, Benjamia Wolhaupter, Esquire ; Directors — Jannes S. Beelc, T. T. Smith, Charles Fisher, John S. Coy, W. D. liarit, W. A. IVi'Lean, F. E. Beck with, Thomas Stewart, Ei^squires; Secretary, William M'Beath, Esquire. Afl-encies.—Sl. Andrews, George D. Street, ARent ; Hen. Harris Hatch and James Boyd, Committee of Reference.— Newcastle (Mira- michi), Charles A. Harding, Assent; Chatham, George Ker, Agent; Bathurst, Wm. Sipphens, Agent; Richibucto, Hon. J. VV. Weldon, A^ent; Daihousie, Dugald Slewiirt, A^'enl ; Woodstock, Jer. M. and Chas. Conncll, Agents; St. Sle|i.ien, Robert Watson, Acent. Nbw-Brunswick Marinb Assurance Company. -Capital .£50,000, •with power to increase to £100,000. President, James Kirk, Esquire. Directors— Thomas Leavitt, John Ward, jun. William Walker, Jobri V. Thurear, John Wishart, F. A. VVig^ins, William H. Scovil, John Dnncon, Esquires. Secretary, Adam Jack, Esq. Solicitor, G«orgc Wheeler, Esquire. Haint Andrews Marine Association. — Directors, Hon. James AUanshaw, Hon. H. Hatch, Jaiiifs W. Street, F. A. Babcock, Wil- liam Garnett,R. 1\1. Andrcwu, and Peter Smith. Sec'y. John M'Kean. Saint Stephen Marine LssfnANCE Association. — Direclots, Wm. Porter, J. Marks, J. Eilon, R. M. Todd, F. H. Toild, R. Wal- aon, and G. J. Thompson, Esquire. Broker- -W. T. Rose. JOINT STOCK COMPANIES. Saint John Water Company. ~Ca]n\tii] £20,000.— Wm. H. Street, F.squire, President; Directors, Hon. John Roiicrtson. In.-iac L. Bedell, Robert F. HaTien, Robert Keltie, Charles Ward, Edward, L. Jarvis, A. W. Whipple, W. P. Ransny, John VVard, .]*., R. M. Jarvis, L. Donaldson, and James Kirk, Esquires ; Duncan Ruberlson, Enquire, Secretary. Stint John Afechnnira^ Whale FiWiinjfCompfint/.— Capital £50,000. —Thomas Nisbet, E!««iuire, President; Directors, John Duiicau, Alex- ander Roliertson, William Lawton, D.uiipI J. M'Laughlin, J. W. M. Irish, John Wishart ; John Kirbv. Secretary. Saint John Ilolet Company — Thomas JSisbpl, Fsq. rresidont ; Di- rertora. Win. Wright, John Rhodes, James Malcolm, Thomas E. Mil- lidgej John Kirby, becret.iry j W. iV J. t?cammcll. Managers. Siiint John Mills and Canal Compan]/ — J. D. hniery. Agent and Treasurer J Moses H. Ferley, F.-sq. Solicitor and Secretary. Nova-Scotia and Nkw-Brun.svvick Land Comi'A!eorj;e Palmer, Ambrose Humphreys. Newman Smith, Thos. Butts, Henry Blancharri, George NicbolN, Thomas Newiihatn, J. P. Lux- Hioore Hallelt.Thos. Polls, and J. VV. 0|jle, Esqiiirfs. Sicrelnrica-- Jolm Bainbrid^e, aud Wilhurii Aggar, Es^uirM. ilu(/i7or«-Williftin 4ft hint John.) Directors— larvit, VVil- rose S. Per- Secrelary — uire. m.)— Capi- Directors — oy, W. D. Esquires ; en. Harris stle (Mira- er, Ageni; Weldon, er. M. and nt. al £50,000, i(, Esquire, ilker, John covil, John >r, G«org« on. James wk, Wi|. iiM'Kean. Direolofs i, R. Wai- H. Street, r.. Bedell, L. Jarris, Jiirvis, L. Esquire, I i"50,000. :uu, Alex. J. W. M. lont ; Di- sE. Mil. 8. kgent and ^corpora- )owor U» rector »— >». Kuita, P. Lujc- elnrici — Willjftia Newton, ant! John Norbury, Esquires. BanA:cr«--Messrs. WilHaitis. Deacon, Labouchere & Co., Birchin Line. SoUcitoi — Naibaniel Heioper, Esquire. Commissioner at S/an/ey- Lieutenant Colonel Richard Hayne; John Stephens, Esquire, Ist Clerk; Thos. Wright, Esquire, 2d Clerk; Robert Wauijh, Land Surreyor and Overseer; John Dunlin, Schoolmaster. Missionary at S/an/ey— Rc»erend James Neale. Compam/s SaHcitor in New-Briinawiclc—lion. Georije P. Street. Resident Agent at the City of Saint John— Joha V. Tbur- gar, Esquire. POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. JoHH Howe, Ksquiro, Deputy Postmaster General foi JNova Scotia and r^cw- Brunswick. Poatina<>t''rs in NrwBnmswic/:.— John Howe,. junior, Esquire, St, .Tohn ; WilliRm B. Phair, Ejliller, l'>qHir^'j Shi-diiU' Daniel HaninglcMi, Eiquiro; Bay Vcrta — Ijill '.'hf.pp'il, Require. ^i 46 r. h * 1 , CANADA.— Quebec— A. C. Buchanan, Esquire, Chief Agent for Kasteru Canada ; Montreal— James Allison, Esquire; Bytown— Geo. littrke, Esquire; Kingston— John Roy, Esquire; Toronto— A. B. Hawke, Esquire, Chief Agent for Western Canada. UNITED STATES. -Edward Arnott Grattan, Esquire, Agent for New-Brunswick, at Boston ; James Clarke Bucbauuu, Esquire, Agent ot New-York. PUBLIC FUNCTIONARIES. Thomas Leavitt, Esquire, Consul of the United States at St. John. Henry C. D. Carman, Esquire, United States' Consul, at Miramichi. William P. Ranney. Esquire, Agent for Lloyd's, at St. John. Thomas Leavitt, Esquire, Agent for the Marine Insurance Cucnpuaies of New Vork, and Underwriters of Liverpool. Abraham GeJner, Esquire, Provincial Geologist. Hon. Thos. C Lee, James A. Maclauchlan, Wm. Tvng Peters, and M. H. Pcrley, Esquires, Commissioners for Inclian affairs. L. A. Wilinot, James Taylor, Benjamin Wolhaupter, and Charles P. Wetmore, Esquires, Commissioners of Government House. Tliomas Barlow and Isaac Woodward, Esquires, CommisMoners for the Provincial Dredging Machine. |_upou Sieum Boats. John Duncan, Esquire, Commissioner for examining and reporting John K. Partelow and C. P. Weimore, Esquires, Inspectors of Sav- ings' Banks. CLERGY. Established Chorcm or England. —The Right Rev. and Hon. John, Lord Hishopof Nova Scotia, exercising, by Her Majesty's Let- ters Patent, Episcopal Jurisdiction over the Province; VeneralileGeo. Coster, A M., Archdeacon ; Rev. Benjamin G. Gray, D. D., Mission- ary o( the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts; Rev. I. W. D. Gray, A. M. Recior of Trinity Church, St. John; Rev. A. Slewart, Curate'of Trinity Church, St. John; Rev. William Har- riison, Rector of Portland, and officiating Missionary at Loch Lomond ; Rev. Frederick Coster, Rector ol Carleion; Rev. George Coster, A. M., Rector of Fredericton ; Rev. Joi'u Maine Sterling, A. M., Curate uf Fredericton ; Rev. Jerome Alley, D. D., Rector of Saint Andrews; Rev. Skefiiington Thompson, LL. [)., Rector of Saint Stephen; Rev. W. E. Scovil, A. M., Rector of Kingston; Rev. William Scovil, A. M., Recior of Norton nnd Springfield ; Rev. N. A. Coster, Rector of Gagetown ; Rev. Samuel Bacon, A. B., Rector of Miramichi; Rev. Raper Milner, Rector of Maogerville ; Rev. Christopher Milner, Rec- tor of Westfield ; Rev. Samuel Thompson, A. M., Rector of Saint (Jeor^e; Rev. Alexander C Sonierville, Rector of Bathurtt ; Rev. II. N. Arnold, Rector of Sussex ; Rev. Aiiraham VVood, Rector ol Water- borough ; Rev. John Dunn, Rector of Grand Manan ; Rev. William Walker, A. B., Recior of Hnmpion ; Rev. George S. Jarvis, D. D., Rector of Shedinc; Rev. Samuel D. L. Street, A, B., Rector ol Wood- stock; Rev. A. D. Camulicil, Recior of Douglas ; Rev. James VV. Dis- Jiraw, Rector of Prince VVilliam; Rev. Johu Bluck, A. M., Rector of Sackvilie ; Rev. Gnorge Townslieiid, Recior of Westmorland ; Rev. J. N. DeWoKe, Rector of Ri :liibuclo; Rev. Thomas M'Ghoe, Mission- ary at Campo Brilu ; Rev. .fames Nealc, Missionary at Stanley ; Rev. Jamps Hudson, Visitmg?ilis!iioaa7; U«v. SidgeriolU TUuiitp^tu, A. B., Visiting Missionary. , , Fre M'^ St. Steil Her Lied Mff*^igg'«n***Mcaa 47 ief Agent for tytown— Geo. onto— A. B. re, Agent for squire, Agent '. St. John. t Miramicbi. )hn. B Compuaies [ Peters, and I a fid Irs. J Charles P. I House, isfioners for team Boats, ad reporting ors of S«v- . and Hon. ijesly's Lei- erahleGeo. K, Mission- eign Parts; John ; Rev. liiam Har> Lomond ; Cosier, A. H., Curato Atidrewii ; len; Rev. Scovil, A. Rector of ichi; Rev. Iner, Rec- tr of ijaiiit Rev. II. ol Wuler- William 18, D. D., ol Wood- sVV. Dis Rector of ; Rer. J. Mission- Icy ; Rer. np&*ii, A. ESTABMSHKD ChURCH OF SCOTLAND.— SyNOD OP Ns JT-BrUN'SWICK. — Presbyterif of Saint John.—Ciiy of Saint John— Saint Andrew's Church-{^acrtn^.); Saint Stepjjen's Church— Rev. W. T. Wishart; Fredericton— Rev. John M. Brooke; Si. Andrews— Rev. Alexaeder M'Lean, D. D. {Presbytery Clerk) ; St. Patricks — Re». John Cassilis ; St. James— Rev. John Reid ; Sussex Vale and Springfield — Rev. A. Sievens {Moderator); Moncton, Saiishury and Shediac— Rev. Wnj. Henderson, A. M. ; Richmond— ( Facani) ; St. George — (Facani) ; Licentiate of the Church, resident in St. John— Rev. J. G. Macgregor. Presbytery of Miramichi.--Nevtc&fi\\e, Jamas Souter, A. M.; Chat- ham— Uev. Robert Archiltald ; Richihucto— Rev. James Hannay ; South VVe«l Miramichi— Rev. .lames Turnbull ; Resligouche— Rev. James Steven ; New Richmond— (Kacnnr) ; Baihurst- Rev. Georga M'Donnclij Tabisiniac— Rev. J. Mac Bean ; Glenelg— Rev. Simon Frasor. Reformed Presbyterian Church. — St. John, Rev. Alexander McLeod Stavely. Rev. John McCurdy, Ministeral Chatham, (Miramichi,) of the Pres- byterian Church of Nova-Scolin, in connexion with the United AksucI - nie Synod, Scotland.— Glcnol?, Rev. Mr. McMasier.— Keswick Ridg», ilev. Mr. M'Curdy.-Sheffield, Rev. Mr. M'Callum and Rev.Mr.Reid. CATnoLic Clergymkn— /n the Diocese of Charlotte Town, (P. K. I.) and A^ietr-ii/unsirtci-.— Right Rev. Jjernard D. M'Donald, D. D. , Bishop of Charlotte Town ; Very Rev. William Dollard, V. G., Fre- dericton, N. n. ; Rev Mr. Barrow, ditto ; Rev. James Dunphy, Saint John; Rev., William Moran and Rev. William M'Donald, Assistants ; Rev. James Quinn, St. Andrews; Rev. John Cummins, St. Stephen ; Rev. Michael Esjan, Miramichi; Rev. A. Barron, Assisiant ; Very Rev. Anthony Gannon, V. G. , Shediac ; Rev. Joseph M. Paquet, Ri- chihucto ; Rev. Julien Riouz, Assisiant; Rev. Frederick Gavrean, Memramcolc; Rev. Joseph Matlran, Pclil Rochcr ; Rev. Hector Dro- let, Curaquct ; Rev. Anihony Langevin, Madawaska ; Rev. Anihoiiy Gosselin, ditto ; Rev. Richard Vereker, Woodstock ; Rev. S. Lafraoce, Tracady, &c. ; Rev. Anthony Bclangcr, Magdalen Isiands. Prince Edward fslend.—liev. C. 'Melville, Assistant at Charlotte Town; Rev. John M'Donald, St. Margaret's; Rev. F. J. M'Donald, Launching Place; Rev. James Brady, St. Andrews; Rev. Walt«T Aylward, diito; Rev. Malacias Reynolds Charlolle Town ; Rev. Jas. M'Doaald, Indian River; Rev. Sylvnnus E. Perry, Belle Alliance. Wkst.evan Ministers, in thk Nkw-Brunswick District. — Reverend William Temple, Chairman. Saint John, Soulh, (Germain street, &c.) — Rev. Wm. Tonipic, Rev. Rtioch Wood, Rev. Humphrey Pickard, A. M. Saint John, North, (Porllnnd, &c.)— Rev. Georgu Millar. Carlelon, Long Reach, iVc- Rev. Geo. M. Barrett. Frede riclon, — Rev. Sampson Busliy. Nusliwaak, &c.— Rpv. Wm. Allen. Sheffield and Gagetown,— Rev. Michael Pickles. Milltown,— Rev Henrv Daniels. St. Stephens nnd St. Davids, -Rev. Willitim Smilh- soti, Rev. Wesley C. Beats. Saint Andrews,— Rev. Albert Desbrisay. Westmnrliuid, (Sackville, &c.)— Rev. J^char.l Shepherd. Wcsimor- land , (Point do Buie,)-Rev. Richard Williams. Pcliirodiac, . Bridgetown,— Rpv. Jns. O. Hi'nnignr. Ayleslord,— Rev. J. F. Bent. Annapolis and Dishy, -Ucv. Richardson Douglas; Rev Stcphea Bamford, Supernutnirary, Susvex Vale,— Rev. Davi;l Jeii- II H\ 49 WHSJ3. Miramichi,— Re?. Arthur McNutt. Richibucto,— Rt^Terend i^rederick Smnllwood. Woodstock and Wakefield,— Reverend Geornte Johnston. Bathurst, . Rev. Samuel D. Rict, Agent for Iha Sackville Academy. Island of Grand Manan,— to be visited by tha four Brethren on the Western Circuits, during the year. Baptist Ministers in Nkw-BrcnsWick. — Rev. John Masters, (Moderator,) Hampton ; Rev. Joseph Crandall, Salisbury and Sack- ville; Rev. William Hall, Fredericton ; Rev. Laihorp Hammond, Andover; Rev. Samuel Robinson, Saint John; Rev. James Blake- Hfy, Greenwich; Kev. Thomas W, Saunders, Prince William; Rev. William Sears, Hillsborough ; Rev. Titus Stone, Sussex Vale ; Rev. IMiehael Doyle, Grand Lake ; Rev. David J. Chase, Waterborough j Rev. James Tozor, Blackville, Blissville, and Ludlow; Rev. J. C. Skinner, Wickham ; Rev. A. D. Thompson. Saint Andrews, Rev. Ezekiel Masters, Saint Martins; Rev. Wm. Pulcifer, Upham; Rev. John McGce, Maugerville; Rev. Charles Thome, Johnston ; Rev. Pe- ter Sprague, Springfield; Rev. E.J. Harris, Dumfries; Woodstock, and Wakefield ; Rev. Theodore S. Harding, Saint John ; Rev. Nathan Cleveland, Shepody ; Rev. David Crandall, Springfield ; Rev. William Harris. Cardigan, Rushagonis and Nashwaak ; Rev. Sanford Boies, Keswick ; Rev. Thomas McGee, Saint George and Pennfield ; Rev. Benjamin Coy, Canning; Rev. George Rigby, Kingsclear ; Rev. Jas. A. Smith, Wickham ; Rev. W. H. Beckwjth, Moncton. Trnvellinfj Ministers— Rev. James Walker, Rev. John Mann, Rev. Jas. Wallace. Licentiates— Abraham S. Hunt, W. P. McAdam, Joshua Bunting, William Rideout, Joseph Catharine, William Grimley. Reverend James B. Amlilcr, Independent or Congregational MioistAr of the Tabernacle, St. John, N. B., Colonial Missionary in connexioa with the Congregralional Union of England and Wales. Ministers Licensed to Solemnizb Marbiaoe, zmder thr Pro- »mcia/ Act of Assembly.— Snxnpson Busby, Thomas Magee, Samuel Bancroft, Joseph Crandall, Albert Desbrisay, Michael Doyle, Henry Daniel, George Johnston, John Masters, John McCurdy, Archibald McCallum, Michael Pickles, Samuel Robinson, Rieha'd Shepherd, Gilbert Spurr, William Searr James Stephens, A. D. Thompson, Enoch Wood, Ricliard WiMiams, Christopher Atkinson, Richnrd E. Burpe, David Crandall, Thomas W. Saunders, Lolrip Hammond, Georc M. Barrett, William H. Beckwith, David.?, '^^hace, Richardson Douglas, William M. Lf^ggett, George Miller, Arthur McNutt, Daniel McCurdy, William Smithson, Frederick Smallwood, Joseph C Skin- ner, William Temple, James Tozer, Charles Tupper, Jamos Walker, James B. Ambler, Wesley C. Beales, Benjamin Coy, Robert Dickie, Ceorge Garruiy, Amos Hiichings, Juhn Magetr, Abuer Merciereux, t^xekid Masters, William Harris. CnuRCH Socif.ty ok the AncHDKACOvr.v of NEW-Br.trNswicK. — Patron, His Excellency ti.e I,ienteiianl CnvcriMir ; President, the Hon. and Ri^jht Rev. the Lord Bishop of the Dinceve; Vice-Prosidenls— the, VeocrHlile the Archdeacon; the HonoriiMw I'uc Chief Justice ; the Mfiiibers of Her Maji'sty'a Legislui've Cnon-il ; the Mcmhcis of Ilor Mujtsiy's Executive Council; the Spanker ufiiio [inuse of Assembly; the JiJiJofs of the Supreme Court; Her Maipsty's Attorney ninl .So- licitor Gencnils— beiufr Memhir.s of the Socii-iy; with William Scovil, and W. F. W. Ottvii, E«r,uiieH. Trcnsnrcr, Williimi J. Btnlell, E»q.; Sccri.'tary, lUv. I''. Co--i<:r; Asfjslunt fcieceiary, I'c^. J. i^l. Siir!ui{j. dall, Pil 4ent9; Esq'rs. Hon. \1 D. Harl cipal ; Mrs. ' NI Patron^ nmm 49 NEW-BnnNswicK Baptist Education Society. — Rev. J. Cmn- daii, President; Rev. J. Masters, &nd J. M. Wilmot.Esq. Vic«-Presi- <^nt»; Asa Coy, E»q., Treasurer; ,1. T. Smith, and S. \7 Babbitt, Esq'rt., Secrctarifis. Committee of Management— Rev. S. Robinson, Hon. W. B. Kinnear, Jarvis Ring, Aaron Hartt, J. T. Smith, and W. D. Hartt, Esq'rs. Teachers in the Mate Department— Mf. Hall, Prin- cipal ; Mr. W . H. McAddam, Tutor, (n the Female Department- Mrs. W. N. Akerley. NEW-BRUJ^SWICK AUXILIARY BIBLE SOCIETY. Patron— His Excellency Lieutenant Colonel Sir William Macbeah Gkobgb Colebrooke, K. H. President— Honorable Judge Parker. v;«- T»».;/i loses Brun- Wm. Todd, •t Lindsay, 1, Esquires, ac Knight, ; Hon. E. eph Avard , surer ; Mr. Jas. Cran- nan, Tr6a- 1. Crandall irris, Trea- sitaiy. lison, Esq. , J. C. P., trian; Mr. lETT. s Gilmour, !nls J Geo. Blacstock, John Fra- resideots; ell, Secre- ipson, Es- u A. Wil- ofOffice- lich alter- 3int John, 1\ of Mr. aint John. 'resident -, nson, ami I E«quire STAFF or THE ARMY, SERVING IN THE PROVINCE OF NEW-BRUNSWICK, UNDER Majo» General Sib JEREMIAH DICKSON, K. C. B. Commaadiag Her Majesty's Troops in Nova-Scotia, New-Brunswiuki and their Dependencies. GARRISONS. Fredbricton.— Lieutenant-Colonel W.Blois, (52d Regiment) Cora - tnnnding in New- Brunswick ; Venerable Arctideacou George Cosleri A. M. Chaplain. Saimt John.— Litutenant-Colonel H. S. Ormond, (30lh Regiment) Commandant; Town Major Gallagher, (H. P. 9Sth Regiment); Rev. Benjamin G. Gray, D. D. Chaplain. Saint Andrews.— Lieutenant W.H. Heard, (30th Regiment) Com- mandant ; Rev. Jerome Alley, D. D., Chaplain. Woodstock.— Captaiu C' J. C. Mills, (52d Regt.) Commandant. Commissariat Department. — Saint John. — Oliver Goldsmith, Esquire, Assistant Commissary General, in charge of the Province ; Rohert Baker and Augustus W. White, Commissariat Clerks. jF^re- deridon. — Richard log lis, Esquire, Assistant Commissary General ; James D. Willnn, Commissariat Clerk. Ordnance Department. — Saint John. — Frederick C. Frith, Ea- quire, Deputy Ordnance Store Keeper; Lieutenant Samuel Huyghue, 1st Clerk ; Robert Pickthall, 2d Clerk ; William Bond, Storehousetnan ; Frederick Harrison, Armourer; James Emison, Office Keeper. Barrack Department. — Saint John. — Captain T. W. French, Barrack Master; A. White, Barrack Sergeant. Frederidon. — J. E. Woolforde, Esq. Barrack Master; Wm. Fairbairn, Barrack Serjeant. RoTAL Engineer Department. — Saint.fohn. — Lieut.C. E.Ford; Lionel Anderson, Clerk ; Henry Hennigar, Overseer of Works. FVe- cferic/ort.— William Anderson, Clerk of Works. Board of Respective Officers. — Capt. Tiiite, R. A. ; Lieut. Ford, R. E. ; Deputy Ordnance Store Keeper Frith. OFFICERS OF CORPS SERVING IN NEW-BRUNSWICK. RoTAL Artillery. — Saint John. — Captain H. M. Tuite, Com- manding ; Lieut. P. A. Morshead. jf^rcdcric/on.— Lieut. T. Knox. 30th Regiment.— SatM« JoAn.— Major H. S. Ormond, (Lieut- Col.) ; Captains James Poyntz, {Major); R. A. Andrews, Charles Sillery, E. J. Grant, C. H. Marechaux ; Lieutenants W. A. Steele, A. Macdonald. (Adj.) D. J. B. Edwardes, R. W. Smith, L. G. F. Broome; Ensigns J. B. Patullo, C. D.Oliver, J. H.Keogh ; Paymaster R. C. Macdonald ; Quarter Master Jobn Ward ; Assistant Surgeon Jas. Cockburn. Saint ilnrfrcict— Lieutenant W. H. Heard. 52d Regiment. — Fredericion. — Lieut.-Colonel William Blois ; Major R. French ; Captains George Murray, J. G. Jarvis, C. A. Denison; Lieutenants H. M. Brownrigg, (Adj.) Frederick Carden, C..G. Fountaine, C. P. Wedderburn, F. J. Wilson, W. F. F. Jones ; Ensigns J. M. Hawkins, H. D. Carden, L. H. Peel, R. R. Pelly, M. DuP. Stronge ; Paymaster, T. M. Creaeh ; Quarter Master, J. Wil- Iiams 5 Ass't Surgeon A. Skene. Woodstock. -Ctpi. C. J. C. Mills. i 4 1 If' i fit • 52 PROTIMCIAL, miLITIA. STAFF. His Excellency Lieatenanl Colonel Sir William Maclieaii GsorgeCoIe- bronke, K. II., Commander in Chief. The Honorable Lieutenaiil Colonel George Shore, Adjutant General— 2Ul March, 1321. The Honoiatile Lieiuenant Colonel William H. Robinson, Assistant Adjutant Gt'neral— nth March, 1839. Lieut. Colonel John Allen, Quarter Master General— 4th May, 1839- LieaieDani Colonel Richard Hayne, (New- Brunsvricli Artillery,) Pro*- vincial Aid de Camp— 7th May, 1841. Captain Charles Driiry, (Saint John City Light Infantry,) 2d Provin- cial Aid de Camp— 26th July, 1341. Maj<*f TiCiiiuel Allen Wjluiot, Advocate General— 6lh Auy. 1834, Major GeorgePrieslley, Staff Adjutant— 9th May, 1839. NEW-BRUNSWICK REGIMENT OF ARTILLERY. Jjfrnt Colonel M ijar Militia Rank. .Richard Hayne, 28 Feb. 1833 .Gcorgf? F. Strert, 10 Sept. 1833 Thos. L. Nicholson, 30 Mar. 1841 Ciptnin. J. Mowatt, 2 July, l829 A. K. S. Wetmore, 17 Sept. 1833 William T. Rose, 8 April, 1834 ; William Huzhson, 30 Mar. 1841 Stephen K. Foster, 31 Mar. 1S41 James F. Berton, 23 July, 1341 John C. Allen, {Adjt.) 24 July, 1841 Thomas B. Wilson, 4 April, 1842 ist Lieutenant...]. MiNsitiett, 11 Mar. 1828 B. MiUikin, 2 July, 1829 J, Poilok, 8 Oct. 1833 J.Campbell, 9 April, 1834 N. W. Wallop, 26 April, 1834 Frederick A. Wi«f ins, 27 April, 1834 Thomas E. Perley, 30 Sept. 1837 H«nry Frye, 6 DfC. 1837 Charles J. Melick, 8 Mar. 1839 Charters Simonds, 9 Oct. 1833 William Ross, 10 Out. 1833 William Andrews, 8 April, 1834 - >• William H. Shore, 8 Mar. 1839 WilHam Wright, 8 Mar. 18.39 C. C. Stewart, 9 Mar. 1839 Lewis W. Durant, 23 April, 1?39 Walter D. Bedell. 9 Dec. 18.19 Adjnhnt ?ohn C. Allen, (Capt.) 24 July, lP-11 Puymasler Jas. W. Boyd, (Ca/?/.) 8 May, ;838 Q,itirtermasier..^ B. Peters. {Ut Lt.) 30 Mur. 1841 Surgeon J. B. TolUervy, 25 June, 1838 183'J 1841 I83i 1 839 1833 1S41 1841 1841 1841 ..A 2d Lieutenant. Re^Vl Rank. 23 Feb. 1833 8 May, 30 Mar. 28 Fth. 8 Mar. 28 Feb. 30 Mar. SI Mar. 23 July, 24 Juir, 4 April, 1843 28 Feb. 1833 23F«b. 1833 ditto ditto ditto ditto 5 May, 1S40 28 Feb. 183S 8 Mnr. 1839 28 Feb. 1833 ditto 28 Feb. 183S 8 Mar. 1839 8 Mar. 1839 9 Mar. iaC9 23 April, 1839 9 DflC. 1839 17 Mar. 8 May, 30 Mar. 25 June, 184 183S 1841 183S ''rt/i/n/n ' ivn Lieut. YORK LIGHT DRAGOON.S. Army Rank. R^st. Com. L. A. Wilmot, {Major,) 23 Aug. 1831 26 Mar. 1838 Siephen Miller, {Capt.) 1 Jan. 1811 26 Mar. 1833 St^coni Cornet] Super"']) Q,narte\ Ttt* Lietitet G.Miuchl M^itthewJ r.L.RobI W.M'Uea ^•. Fiflherl J.F.Tayl Cl.K. K*tl ,T. A. Reel T. Gardiii' An Coy, liobfit I'll John Ore. Wm. E«>» Siisffoiri r. Lie F.E.Beck AV.N..Vkei ~W. D. II I <5.W. M r W. B'-ge-, T.13» tden vr«. D. M'Pl i'Jeorsc L<> David S. H Wm. M'Li L" if .Tfim.^sS. 1 fipo. a. F a. w. Tui .7»)!i.i T. S Tuc. R. I Oh. McPl. M'Mwin .1. . t.W. Hun John Ricf Pa J as. Ta.yli A. G F.H.n Qtta B. Wolhf ' '• Si T Euifi' Assht Lf. A II ji isorgo Cole- It General-^ [), Assistant May, 1839. illery,) Prcy- I 2d Provia- ) Avtsf. 1834. ,ERY. e^t'l Rank. Feh. 1833 May, IBS'} Mar. 1841 Ffh. 183i Mar. 1839 Fph. 183S Mar. 1841 Mar. 1841 July, 1841 Juir, 1841 April, 1842 Feb. 1835 Fth. 1833 ditto ditto ditto ditto ay, lS4a eb. 1838 !xr. 1839 'eh. 183S ditto 'eb. 1833 ar. 1839 ar. 1839 ar. 18C9 pril, 1839 9C. 1839 ar. 1840 ay, 183S ar. 1841 oe, 183? r/. Com. far. 1838 lar. 1833 63 Second Lieut., William Fraser, Curnet Beverley lltdiitison, Super'y Cornet Robfrt Parker, Quartermaster Daniel Duff, 23 Auj. 1831 26 Mar. ISIS^ I Jan. 1841 1S31 23 Aug 20 Mar. 1S33 1 Jan. 1841 10 Sept. 133ci Firft Battalion. YORK COUNTS MILITIA. Sucun IBaitnlioii. Aij'itttnf. I. Lawreace, c. 20 Svp.'SO LUvdentint Colonel, LkuttnuntCuIontl. Surgeon. G.Minchin, Ut Jan. 1832 JoI>n Alio.., 21 M.y '21 W., 1'! Apl ' ;2 Major. M tjur. Quni-te.rmast'' liobrrtVullo:., 1 1 Oct 41 j V;"J 'P'' Vrm.lUtoy, 21M.V, '»2 S|»afford n,ir'»ei-, 2i do do;'nan's. F.E.Beckwith,(r.)3lAu'30 ^7•.N.Akerfey,(l■.)lSepdo «• "^"'t' ~W. D. Ilarti,- 6 cU '4 LicutatKurds. 21 Sept '34 Geoiqe F»x, 2t do do R. E. Barker, 6 Se;)t''i}4 ,„ „ J- £>.n ,1 ; 1'^ Flcnry Joiie<, 8 di W S-ge-s-Ju. , 20 .A.II.J,tnlon,2Mnr.',!G John IMvi l.on. ii 00 d^ ^l'-'--' '''.'J'.'.''.'' F- ^1 . «''' if .Innt'^t S, Beek; 25 di. do. Asa D'.w A1;. 17 do do Wy;i-alWil|ia"ii>, t Ap ' 12 3. Flooil 1 M.r. •39 J. U. P.»iier»on. IS df» d Tln>*.AViie'it, jr. 5 do d ' \ »hii b. v.'Oy^ 2 do do James Kfhon, 13 April ^j 11. Co»(iuruv Hie, 6 do do <}. W. Turner, 20 Ap. '41 Jo eph C. Allan, 14 da .T»)birr. SmiU), 21 do Ensipis. Tiiof. R. Barker, »4 Oc do. Wm. Jones, 6 July '29 Hv. B Rol>iiisiin, 1 do vti John Biirpe, 8 do di> Ch.^oil, 10 Aug '2. T. Parent 8 do do Pet.M'Farlaae, 19(.inv'. P. Watscii, 14 do do miIoh M Mil'.ao, 22 ci. Je<>» Pii:kar>d, l:j do do, B Hiie«tji, 7 dr •'t Win. ClavKin. Jf' 23 dii John Rice Ja(;ob,.14d j do. Ch. Lmis', 15 Feb '3a aI.x. Lionald, 4 .^p Paymtstcr J. S. Elhcood, 10 e,^f Jas. Taylor, (capt) 14 .lun T. B. Wheeler, 13 do do «,„, (;|ny >y, do rli) A G r.H, djutant. Miachin, ['24 B. Atherton, 19 do do Wm. Pickard, 7 do do J. W. Rain-ford, 19 'lo do .j,„|i. ('. F ipt. J put, 20 do da 18 Sept. '33 Q,Hartcrmast':r. n. Wolhaiipter, Capt. M.ilthewPhiilipi,21 do do Tlinni H Fraier, 29 do do Robert Wing 14 do do 9 do do Ailjutrtnt. Wm. Kilburn, 13 Apr. ' 1 '^ W.i^ht, cap. 20 Mit ';:? 11 Oct. 3d T Et Sui'gcon And. llamn mj, 14 do Etijab Milei, 15 dc inn Jame^Ro'ihrs Murh, '39 9Ja1f '19 Jo«>'pb Parent, 16 d .-/, innt .■)'!»•?(",, Assistant Sur^ion. Id 17 dn 4 A 'ai'nusU.' N,'n|.- Qt •it-:i-,iiastti-. !J. A ILrll, IP Mir. "39 Tnc^ Ion.; , iiip ii Ap "J .1 ctb i'miph H ill ■I I ) n t w I' ; Ir t ■J 54 SAINT JOHN CITY LIGHT INFANTRY. ':» /Lieutenant Colonel. B. L. Pettn, 27 Nor. 'S« Major, O. D. lUbiiMon, 27 do do Cuptaita. K. L. Jarvu, 30 Jan '33 'C. Driiry, 31 do do T. M-MackiD, 1 Feb d« H. N H Lu^rin, 30 May do W. Hutchituon, 31 do d« Bartillai Aatley, (Arr,) 1 tfiep. '35 WD W Hubbard, 1 6 Ap 88 It. Hdtcbiiiioii, 17 do do •r.W.Peteu,A').29Jan'39 W. O. Smith, 27 luno '49 Alex. Roberlton, fajiil'l Wm. Hiigarty, 24 do K. L. Thorn •, 25 do Firit LUuttnants. Doug lasC lark!, 30 ma; '33 W. H. Scoril, 1 Juaa do E. Ketehaiii,Ar.lS«p*35 RimonW.eock, 18 Ap'38 Thoi. S. Ettcy, 19 Ap. do T. Niibet, jr. 28 April '39 John W. Smith, 24 do do GcMrce Wheeler, 25 do do J. Vr. M'Leo.1, (Rifle.) 27 June '40 Edaund Kaye, 24 do '1 Geoige TlioBiai, 25 do Gej. Hutubiuion.jr. 2S do StO0nd Lteutenttnli. JoUuW.Cudliu, Af. 1 Sep, ('S5 E. A. Price, Af. 31 Aug '36 Will. E. Muore, 21 do do Willnni Howard, 22 do do Ww. F. Suaitb, 10 Sep do Sanil. L. Tillev, 11 do do D. M, RoberUon, 23 Ap 'S'J T. W. Rob«rlfOD,24 io iv R. S. Hotckiion, 25dod« T. A. Paddock, 26 do do Jai. Robnrlton, 30 S*p '39 Tho«. M'A»iiy, r. 23ju|.'4l Guitavui JarTis, 2 aug. do Win. U. Adami, 3 do Ch.M'Leon G»idn(r,4d« Jai. Macrarlsne, lO aag '2 Paymaitcr. Jw.Kirk,capi.22Aus.'35 T.W. Peters, c. 29 Jaa. '3» Burgeon, J,Bnyd,M.D. e Sep. '23 Quaftcmieuter. EJ.Budd,eapi. -2dMay'33 EnroHing Officer. Tho. Baldwia, cai». 21 Jul. '32 SAINT JOHN CITY RIFLES. lAtulenani Colonel. J . V. Tbursar, 29 Au^ '42 Major. Win. n. Strvct, do do Captaitit, Wm. NuHin, 5 Ner. '33 Julin VViiliart, 8 do do E . W.G rven wood, 2 4 Fe'39 (Jha«. J<)hnn, SI do J. M. DiiVernet, 1 lep. do Wui. Warwiek, 2 do Paummster. I. L-BeJill, aOSep. V7 Adj\Uant. T.B.Millidge,(c) 29aug 42 Qytartermntter. W. Chubb, eap. 1 1 Sop. '21 Surgeon. U. Cook, 20 Aug. '2> «.\INT JOHN SEA FENOIBLES. Lie\itet\ant CoUnel Allcu Otiy, Comtnnnduitf.— (26tb February, 16S3.) Captuint. ■Sinil. St)ang<>, 29 Mar. '25 Thiintii iieed, 2 Aug. '30 J. Pontfoid, 2J Jan. '34 Will. P. ScotI, 21 j»n. do .luliii Reed, l7Aiii(. '36 Win. Lawlon, IR do do (ieu. L. LufeU,26 Dec. '37 (ipurgH b^igla*. 10 Sep '/t8 Wm. Jordin, It jiiiic, '42 J oka BrowH, 12 do Lioiitnnnts. W. Drake, 29 Mir. J Slackhoiite, do N. Vail, 2n Mar. T. Ruddick, 27 dn Jiihii OwfiK, 20 Ian V '25 do '33 •In :i4 J. W. M. Irith, 22 do do John Murray, 2,1 do do Wia. MMCay, 24 do do Jitmea Olivt, 2.5 do do Wfi). t^liiike, an d(^ do Alincr lliinipton, 27 du do John Siraaue, 30 do do Gilhtrt JaidMi, 30 do do William Hall, 31 do do Edward L'lue, 1 Feb do K. U. Muraii, 3 do do 8. Fraier, 4 du iU> John Itii-haidioD, 17 An '38 W. 1). Fauike, 111 do du Geo. Sinnlon, 36 Dec. '37 Uenjaniin Peel, 37 d<> do AodieiT c;. (illy, S8 tie do Jehn Huw«, ll>8rp'3H J "met lliigfi, ll do du Kdwtird E^glc*, 21 do da Clia*. Lagrat, 12 du do Wm. Wright, IS do do Ueortt Ully, 1 1 jtiue, '42 R. W. Urookth^iik, jr. 12 du Riabard Levat, 13 do J,'l;iilai»t. T. M.Sniih,c. 23Feb.'84 I'nymaHer. Denjn. Sianlon, (eapt. 20 Mv, '33,) 2B Dec. '37 Quartermtuier. Wm. Ltavill, cap. 32 FcH. 1-34 Surgeon. J. Paddock, 20 do do irdon, 24 cTo i» kii«n, 25(l»rf« ock, 26 d* do ton, 30 S*p >39 iij, r.23jul.'4t tr? in, 2 aug. da Jamil 3 do I U^idner, 4da lane, 10 aag '2 nuuter. ■pi. 22 Aug. '35 iutant. s, c. 29 JtB. '3» •geon. D. 6S«p.'23 emieuter. •pi. 29Mijr'33 n^ OJfUstr. ill, cap. 21 Jul. '98 w, 9 do I, 39 sue. '2 lubh, 80 do irdon, 91 do rn'el, 1 leii. do iak, 2 do nmster. , 20 Sep. W \itant. »,(c)29aue42 n Sup. '21 20 Ayg. '2> IS do d» 1 1 juiie, '42 *h ant. 23 Feb. '84 Utr, n, (e«pt 20 I Mi U-vr«lliu<, 9 ilo do W. Weliuore, 10 do do Cha^. Thfal, 27 Nov. '38 Thai. RCUrain, 28 do do Nal. Lee, 29 do do Uobtri Steveni, 3v> do do A'ljutant. A. HenKiet,<:a|il. 8 Au.'24 Paymasttr. Q. Matthew, c. 30 Au j. 'JO Stirgeon. S. G.Himiliou, do do do Quarltrmutitr. W.Scrimiuell,r. 16 Apr.'33 Secoad Battalion. LittUtnant Colonel. JameiMoiaa, 3 Sept '36 Major. 0. L. Ilathawiy, 3 do do Captmint. J. Ciinni«sham, 25 Oc. 'SO John Fownti, 16 Aui;. '1 Wni. M'Caniion, 17 do do \rilliam Vail, 6 Oer. '37 Saiaual Ahhoil, 7 d(i do Janiei Swim, 11 Sap '38 (ieorfjo Hall, 9 D> c. '39 Kph Sentiil, 6 ;uly, '40 W«. O. Cod J, i do Stephen Mosiar, 6 do John B. Pattiion, 28 lep. 'I Lieutenantt. Tharans Bean, 81 Aug. '21 A. BraddhiMT, 1 Julj, da Thouus Fairues, 17 do Ho Wm. M'Naughl, 8 Apr.'34 Gro. Miiteri, 6 Dec. '7 Jai. Hathetvay, 10 Sap. 'S W. R. Seniill, 6 yuly, '40 Philip Motier, 7 do J miei Moran, t do Wiiliam JordiB, 9 do JdNicf O. Cody, 10 do Danl. Gillaeher, 6 Dee '40 A.G. Cr(»»kiihaak,2 Win. Ua I, 5 Dae. 0, J.C.Crookihank,28ia. V Adjutant. T.II.DIack,cap.5Aur. >SI Paynuuter. J. R.ParlelMW,rap.24N«v Qua'-(*rmai90 Snrgion. a J. Uardinis, 1 Jan. '3« SUNUURY COUNTY MILITIA. Limtenanl Colonel. T. O. Milei, 25 Oct. 1828 Mujoi: Qtn. Ilnvwai'd, C Apr. '34 Cnptdinx, V. ADtfvelier, 11 .^-p. '27 E. A. Mile*. 2*: Oil. '28 Jf-re. Trace V, 25 Au<. '29 W. S. Barker, 2 Aii^. '30 Li«u< Seely, 7 d'l du Henry L'xier, 8 do du -kifih U«}t, 2 do John Brown, 3 do Efntgnt. W. Eaiterhreoki, 12iapS7 J. Tillry,juii. 26 Oct. '28 It. Barker, 90 Au^. '30 Samuel Smith, Ifl Sip. '33 H.Couperttiwailr, I iep.'40 Geo. T. Harding, 2 dn John J. Bailvy, 3 ilo iliel Caiap, 4 do Aaron tiarti, 5 do Adjutant. J. Ilaten, cap. 25 Aig. 'IS Paymatttr. Geo. Priettlev. 8 S*. ':)K [major Hi Mnr^b, '41 Quarttrmoittr. Z. B. Brown, 39 Mar. '35 Siirgton. J. W. Darker, 30 Aug. \10 Fitit Baltiiliou. OIIAIILOTTB COUNTY MILITIA. "^ LicutiHant Colon€l. Cnptairu. Win. Uarnalt, 4 Apr. '42 John RodK*-'. 31 June, '.10 ro/«iit/. Mniort. Thein.ii U«-rrv, <> D'c. \17 IfugbM'&ay, 1 Nvr. t79Q Jarart Boyd, 17 Miicli, '40 Jai 7 May, '41 I'm fl ^' 'M i^ H John M'Curdy, 8 do do J. Aymar,(i. f.) 5 Apr. '2 First JLieutenants. S.H.WhillocU,(r.)6 De '87 Samuel Gttly, 7 do do Joha Parkinson, 25 raav '38 Hen. Hitcliings 7 May '41 John Treadwell, rif. S do CJeorze Siinpioii, 13 ilo Wm. Maloney, v f. 5 apr.'2 S(iC»nd LittUcnanti. J. K. Boyd, lit. U ui.iy, 41 JobaM'Ooualii'if. 10 Jo Ji»hnL. Jar»i«, ».('. 5apr. '2 Wei. Cameron, 5 do Eiisij;n». Tht. Siin«,,jr. 8 Dec. 37 John Bradford, 13 May, H Alex. Gilioan, 14 do John Irrin, .5 ai)r. '2 Paymaiter. J. Wilion, cap. 2 Sept. '25 A'ijula-nt. J.n.Whi!lock,c25Spp'32 QuT!)l9rtn't»tcr. Wm. tVhitlock, e.5«pr. 42 SatD. Frye, 2 Sf-pt. If!? Asiistunt Snreri.oii S.l'.Gove.M.U. 7miv 4[ Suroiid Iiitlalion. LUulemiul Cuhntl. Thos. Wyer, 22 June, '2 J Miy'or. Hugh Flaherty, 1 Jan. 'J8 Cnplnini. V. tJllneh, 1 April, "21 .(•;d. Calili; 1 June, *?■) H. S^elye, 27 May, '2? .in. Pratt, 12 Jjlr, 'W .«. M'Firlaiic, 6 D.e. '?4 S. Wallno, 10 July, 'M .t«ii«h Kai^hf, It <*<> dn fl..Millhew«.,i, iaM«r.'39 Arch. M'ni4lu>ii, 2'J Ho do Dun. M'Farlanr, Si Jo do Philip Juttiio'i, 30 Sep, do l;a»iUTuinffi, .10 july, 42 J.Mwiiiiftt, J ;olv,»29 'ieu. iM'Kunxie, 10 Jo. 32 .1. JiKlKun, n d'> 'ri2 P. M'Diudii I, 31 July, " "! N'KiiunI t'.iliir, 1 Aug ii:> tieo. M'Kay, 21 Hat.'M John Uiicl(«iaf, 'ii do >h»rt Varden, 31 do d i WW H,HwkiD.,3'l|i)ly I J JnkriMaan, 3\ do do Pelcr Clinch, 1 aiu d" Jiiiiiti UavKM, 2 do K'lhl Alr.hioo, 3 da Al«i. M'Ka/, 4 du Wm. Smartt, 30 Mar. '39 D.M'Farlane, 3d, 28 do do .Tohn Turner, jr. 23 do do BughM'Kiy, 30 Sopt do Cha<. M'Get, 26july,'4l Ch. Carson, 30 July, '2 John Boyd, 31 do Hu. M'Ltiod, jr. 1 aug. do Henry G. Soetye, 2 do Wm. Mahuod, 3 do Johu Cr V<-h. '9 l>>iMif>l (^Mcontb, 21 mar. 42 B. Fiizjeralii, 22 dt John M'IniMli, 23 4" Lkuten'intn. E. Wilso'i, 11 Stpi. '37 Wm. Uhafi'.y, 13 Fi^l). 'AH T. BitMa, ' lUdo Jo tl.O.IIathewiy, IS F. fi.'IO C. A. Uabcock, 21 (Nil. '2 N. l>og|el, 22 do Ensifiu. Aug. Bancroft, 18 S.'p( Vi"" Charle. Httch, 2') .Miv '38 War. In^endl, I'J Jmii-'lo J. .M«cin(.i8h, 2.S M.v, '30 yohnCn ft'uy, IJ F«l>. '40 Tho«. L. Mo^cs21 mir. '2 Jniftpii I'a rli, 22 do John Fiider, 2J do AJiutfint. T. Mo.ei, eip. II Au^ '-,4 (^ iiirter AIitKtrrs. Or-., Ka», lit Kek MO Jotiai Winclicilfi, ID dj .Sur feon W. C.M-SuT, 13 May '50 Fourth Battalion. Littitinant C»tnnd. M. Mnrkt. lll>ulr, 'ir) Mnjitn. Atrmi Hplon. 2;1/hIv'4I Jiraei Uruwn; 2dm. 2i do Captains. J. Young, (ri.) 29 Mat '27 J. Connick, 2 Feb '29 AIrx. Giant, 1 March 'S2 W. Thompson, 9 April '34 David Upton, 10 do du Tbo4. Mitchell, II do da Jaf. Maxwell, 15 Feh. '3!» Wm. Libhy, 16 do do Win. M'Leod, 17 do do D.V.O It ndeniiing;, l!^ do do John Grimmer, 23_;uly ' 11 ioiw Nisbelt, 2> do Jaiuci M'DoiiniiU, 25 do Thos. U. Abbott, 2ti do First Lieutcnrints. n, M'Alliiler, 27, '2-J A. Olendenning, r. 6 i'e 29 W.jVriujtrong, r. Apr '32 Jullii Hannah, 10 do d'> Jo*. Andrews, ItJ Ftb. 39 William Watson, 20 do di» JohnMixwell, 2liludi> James Miirrhie, 23yuly '41 Jesfey Chrijiif, 21 do Jacob Rt-td, 25 Jo Jo^ H. .^lixwfll, 2i; do M.irk Milbfrry, 27 do M»ith9w H inwah, 2S d(* Litutin^mts, A. Lin.Uav, 5April'12 S. nil. (nlltM) 7 do do Jos, yoiin.-, [r.) I« Feb '3!» Daiil. iM'AlliMe', 17 J.j do »'a<:o'j IIo|j|is, IB do Jo Eiisig}is. Hu-.T'iompjoii, 17 Fel..'3'> H.iiTi>i ScoK, 18 do do Joliii .VI'LcoJ, I t d.j .I'l Jii.iin Aliiore, 2) do do SamiU'l I'll jun*, 21 ilo d> John Al'Ki'ii/.i.-, 2J./''il. '41 .Sipplien Aiue*, 21 do S.iiniK'l Ilai.'ii'ton, 2j ilo Johi Mitrhell, 2'i il • OinicI Sullivan, 27 do Geo. J. Tliiiiiis )ti, 2S do liifh (!'»>i-itin\i, Alux. liur.liaiiuii, cnpl. 2>'ld inly, '41 Jolm Murk', jr. tut li. Jm John Oaiu|>l>ell, 24 II. do GavJ W. A Ijiitnnt. A. Camithell,cip2Ap.'»2 I'dl/'IftftV, J. Mjik«, cip. 1 March 'do Qi(irlfrin'ti:fr. R. Wjisoii, I'. HJuiif, ';!W .S' tr<»«nti. L. Watio", 1 .Mirrh Mi Jts:JU:it X u-:''e;,l8dod(> jer, 23 July Hi U ,lo iiiiiell, 25 do iboll, 2tj do 'e lite 11 rints. inc, r. 6 Fe 23 S. r. 6 Apr 'S2 I, lU do d'> I, 1(3 Ftb. 39 Hon, 20di>d.> II, 2l.lod., lie, 23yuly '41 it'i 21 do O du »'II, 2t; do ry, 27 d<, i»a'i, 2S d(* tutai'ints. 5 April '12 7 do do ■.) IB Fcl) '3l> *^^i 17 ii(i dt* IS do do ,■•11.?. 1,17 F«l,.'3'» 18d,)du I M.ido 2Jdodo :i«, 21 do d., e, 2J/.il. '41 , 21 do •on, 2.5 do 2'i d » n, :;7 do "', *« do. n, t»Vl. 2;id ./illy, M( M li. ,1., ilH. du p 2 Ap. '»2 March 'd» (s'.'»'l'. I4 Jiiiir, ',)V Uirr-h 'M <■.:'■ a »i . Oivalry Mtached to Fourlh First LieiUenant. ' "./rtfi. ' ' ' Datt^Utin. Win. Woodcock, do do TliouiasCwUertl, 26 Oo'Jo Captain, Second Lie- tenait. Qiutrtermuttcr W.R.Buchaian, 13jul.'40 John Y0UB5, do d« Jacob Libbee, 13 ;uly, «»i» ,, WESTMORLAND COUNTY MILITIA. Colonel William Dotsford, Command inj. First Battalion. Mnjoi; T.E.Smith, 12 July, '42 Cantains. Wm. Smith, 12 Tune '2.5 J 18. UuHtly, |y Miy, '23 K. .Slile<, k; rniv, 23 S. Underwood, 28 July '32 D. Chapman,' J. Crandall, 29 do do Captains Assittant Sitrereon. Tho?. VVtlJon, f! do Tboj. C. Sharpe, (to d'> Gideon H-ixwcIl, 7 do • Jiiiitet CAniij, H do Second Uattalioii. Juiut Tavlor, 9 6> — - fieo. Coohrnnn, 10 do Lieutenant Colonel. Jr)iiut)iaii i)/iek, I /ulv, 41 E. A. Uotaford, 1 Jan 32 MUit ilolil iid, 2 'd>i Major. -fn', J. Evi'.iH, 3 il>> 18 June '3 Wni. Fiwreit. 4 do A. II. Wctrnore, 5 apr. 'l' S. IJ^binol, 3) da do G. Oulton,* 5 Aprir26 Adjutunt 1). IIannin§t(jn, 22 do do M. Coinewull, « do d) J.ChRptnxii,c up i;t Jun *ai; Alex. Cdin, 23 do do J ,mej Evaiu, 17Jui'23 LMisi liolilonl, 23 Feb. '3;) J,,hn Chapman, 18 do do J. \. (.Un;)riiari,lti Nov. '40 W. P. Sayie, Zr, July '30 Win. Milrif, 17 do John Slullz, IS do .1 >hn SioH, VJ do Richard Hf||, 2J do rjiculcnants J. GeHMor, !2,liMe'2:) S. W.'Mo:i, n M ly '2;! J. Wffllin);, 3.),J,dy'32 P. Uo.isl-irtiiie, I Ail^ do J. IFrirviiti^ ,„, 22 Miy, 3.} Sim.''T. Hlacii, '2 John Uoyd, 23 do do C. iiiinllfnit.ime. 3 R. Dohjuii, 21 ilo do Oil. Dixoii, 2 April, "10 ■Ian. I\li\wp|l, ;j do HlMiry O^iloil, 1 jxi\\\ '41 ~ do .lo do Wm. Alkin*<, ''lia". I.iickliarl, Rnfu* Hmiih, E isi^n* J. Nelioii, l!tM>v'28 Z. Luiz, F. Thibidsaii, Gio. Cochran, 21 M,y '3 tniM. IIo «<«(l, 22 d.J do Oliver Pilficl.l, 2 i n*y do GiyGilh-tl, 16 N'.v. '40 lloriiio Smith, 17 do .lolin WfHinn, |r. | fj ,{„ Bwnj^mio Wvlhiig, I !• d>, Georgt II irprr, JO do A tjutant. LieiUenunts. Jos. Well), -5 April '.if. T. Avrp, l«Jniifi'2H J. Cull' r, 30 Joy '30 G. II il..*lbrd, 31 do do T. Trenhulm, 25 Sep. 'J2 Tlio>. Siyre, 2J Junu '3 3 Geo. Send liar, 21 do d > W-n. Brown, 19 Jun^'.'i'i Wiii.Chipnnn, 2 Aprd,'4') T. T. Chip mm, 4 do 17 May 2.) Wii. Uowu'i, .5 du 3 Alii 32 Wm. Barnes I July, 41 ll.ivid Tavlor, 2 do Oilio Fl. J^ayre, 4 do Win. Uoii|ientio««e. 5 do (^iKHte.r Muster, Thoi. S lyre, cspl. do do Joseph AlliiOQ, (rap.) '.iZ Juni-, '3.5 Surgtun. R. Smith, I .lime '40 .4is/.s<(iiit Hurgeiin. J. N. Miiiphv, I /'iilv, '4( Tliird Buitalion. Major, S. OUik^ 2(iMay'J» Captaiin. John Siniih, 27 A|miI 2.'. li. (J.iinuion, 1 J .Iiuie '3.1 T. B. Alooie, 22 (kl do J. Biowter, I Au; '35* O. (' lUlns, 2 (In d't K. I'.ik. 17 Am'oi W. Kiikpitfick, 23 Ap '3'* Uinicl .Stcrve», 21 do du Joiin t'levcinui, 26 do do Jotiii It ally, 1,7'ii/y 'U Auron KnliiiKvn, 2 do IjitHtenUlit>, E. \'m-M. 2H Oct. '23 W. Iltaii, 27 Oct 'iH K i,n I'eik, 10 Jiine'i*,) W. tilOCD, 13 do d Thc...(»;di'n, 2 |i. ail. t! Ho E. Sirpbtnn art. 220«'3> U jnlv '2 B.H. Newi oint-, 3 Ani< '33 Win. Ury, U 1.. _ . - , ... N. Iliil ner, 2 It at. 12 d'. Palk. Sinelair, 23 Aid. '30 Cli. Palmer, do. 13 du do Tho-. CUikB, 21 du do Eu.«i(r»i'. M ir'iiT Sli'cv''*, 2&ilodi) -.,,.«..,„. Wm. Lauili, 23 Jnlv '^0 S. Suli-t, 2 It. Jrl. G ;iiiy'4 » U. Bolifoid.(c.) I2.iul.y'42 C. l)oiiltfnlion4f,2t) •«o.'j2 Jolin Uodi;ei», kj^ly '41 Pnynnstir. n> iij. Wi'lli, 21 do iio llciijii. iVt ii ('. Kohiiiio 1, 2 Aii|. .1 < C.^. I'lieil, M.U t(jN».'lJ Cr«ii« Ohiuteri, 5 do T. Fi /jarMI, 23 .\pl. '30 m * Lube Drcwsfer, 24 do do MiahaeJ DulTy, 25 do do Wm. M'Kay, 26 do do JothuH Oisho'pp, 28 do do Jai. Hainikon, I July >4t Jdjutant. J. Stanitl, Cap 27 Apl. '24 Quurter Master. Jm, Rodgen,(lt.)6yul^>40 Pnymaster. D.M.CUrke, It. i July 'I Surgton. W. Wilson, 25 Ocl '23 Foiirtb Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel, H'y. Chapman, 8 June, '80 Major. Philip Chapman, da do do Captain*. J. Aadanori, 31 Maj, *SI Jobu A*aid, 1 Juue d« John Trenholin, 2 do do John C«pp, I July I John Oxdon, 2 do Lieutenant*. Win. HugbtoB, 30 May do LifTy AlUa, 1 June do J. Downing, 2 do do Robert Cupp, IS May '32 Alei. Munro, i July 4L Thoi. Oulion, jun. 2 do Ensign*. 'Wm. Morrit, 13 Miy 32 Denj. Allan, 20 do do Dan. Goodman, i ^'u{y 'b John Welli, 2 do Richd. Johnion, 3 do Adjutant, J. Chapman, c 25 July '30 QitartdtiKWfcr. C. AlUn, lisMt. 30 Maj '81 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA. Fkit Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel. A'«x. Fr<)iei, 5 Sept '37 Majors. Jas. M'DoBald, 8 Mar. '39 K. M'Leod, 15 Aug. '40 Captain*. W. llarniduH, 10 I'une "22 1). Fwley, 5 Apiil '26 A. Goodl'cllow, 6 do do W. (iray. 28 Juue 'JO AUCiamiy, 2'-i do do The Ullock, 10 Aug 'Ji J. UenUtrson, 1 June '36 i. Kobieh^'Kl, 20 do do J. M. Joliiiilon, 2ldndo Alex. Key, rif. 16 Ap. 'aS Alex. M'beaih, R Mar. '9 K. M-Dun^d, 2a Apl. do FiuUy Mormon, 24 do du Uieh. Huicliinton, 26 do do J««h. Riucll, 16 Aug. >40 1>. Kr4(h, 16 do C. MCullry, 17 du Luuti'nnntt, Will. Jopiia, 7 do do Andrew Hxy, 5April'2ii J. T. Williiton, 6 du du Will. Caruiin, 9 du do 1>. Johnson, 29 du d» J. M'LfHii, 1 July do v. M. M'Niudiio.i, SMur.'IH Alex. Dnviilinii, 2i Apl. du J>. M'Leod. 21 do do 4icu. WiliitUiii, 25dod<« ]>t)n. M'Huuild, 20 do do A>4 Pbu!uii, 2 do. k2du do do do do Peter Gray, IS do Jai. Jobn<«n, 14 do £nsign*. J. Stewart, 9 April '26 J. Porte', 29 Juuw '30 M. Chrke, 18 June >26 J. Cirruthen. 20 do J. M'Leod, 23 do H. Carman, 24 do W. John"oii, 15 Au^. '40 reter M-DoukhI, Ik do Owen M-Eweit, /7 do J)iid. Perley, jr. // juii. '2 Alex. McKilljp, 12 do Wn<. Lobbin,* /3 do Adjutant. D.M'9oiiaid,fau9Jun<2l Quarter Master. 6 do do 8 do A> 9 do do 15 Fel). •9 16 da do II May 24 13 do do 18 do '30 22 do do 5 April '36 6 do do 8 do do 10 do do II do du 12 do du 13 do do J. Oavidten, 9 June do Surgeon. Alex. Key, 28 June '30 Second Uiltalion. IJtutcnant Colonel.. A. Davidien, 2 July '20 Major. W. fialicr, IS Juno >36 Captntnt. C. M'0on4ld, 20Au2;'83 J. Ue(U, K. Kot»ier, J. Fra^er, Abel I'oikI, Win., I> M'Kay, J. M'Duniild, W. Fiddn, A. Diiiicati, Ji. Muurea, H. B. Alliion, T. Underbill, R. Jardine, Gcoige Kerr, J Bred Toier, Tho. Willou^bhT, 17 do du H. Haminill, 2bjune, '40 Edwd.Wllliaton, 10au2.'2 Lieutenant*, T. Smith, A. liovey, J. Ilovcy, T. Couj^hhn, R. Wauon, L. Aitle, J. Filluniere, J. Harley, R. Orockei, J. Muuro, John Arbur, 0. A. Hurding, I« Feb. '» Jauiei Stewart, 17 do do Dun. M'Tavl>h,20>nc'40 William Lrddrn, '.i!2 do Ales. Fergu'on, 23 do Rtbl. Foriyth, 24 do Samuel Peabody, 25 du A. D4vid«on, /O auf;. '^ Rivb'd Pulterton, // do John J. Nriinitb, 12 do Knsigns, M. Hovi y, 1 1 May *24 A. Caoipbcli. 19 do 30 Chai. M'Mow, W. Sinnll, K. Uiinliu, John Puml, 22 do' do D. M' Tiivi.h, lo do 23 Aug. 22 T. Drtlirifnv, l5 Feb. I June 2J JiinetHiddv, 19 du 10 May '21 Neil M'Leaii, 23 juue, '40 25 April '25 Rubiniun (trucker, 23 ilo iH do do Wiliiiin W Ith, 25 du 12 June '27 C. J.Woolhaupler, 23 huc. l8M»y<30 1 41 19 do du Ri\.hard Suiher, 24 do 5 April 'JQ Ch. Simuuds lOtUK. '2 8 April '36 12 do do 13 do du k4 do do do '9 do "Jo"' 1 June do I 2 (io d« 0, I July 41 Kt jun. 2 do i, 13 M>iy 32 20 d* do lan, I ju/j •on, 3 do 'ufant, , c 25 July '38 •matttr. ut. 30 M«j 'SI I, 6 do do , 8 do i)u 9 do do , 16 Fel). '9 16 do do lihr, ndodu aoyiiite, '40 ton, 10 au2.'2 nantt. II M 17 do do 20>tie'40 n, ^2 do do do do 23 24 y,23 /Ok n, // d h, 12 da "«• 'i "24 30 '9(i do do dn d(. 1 Mar 9 do 8 April 2 do 3 do 14 do do 5 Feb. 19 dii do _;ime, '40 :r, 33 il<> 2i Phenon, 10 do ilo R. Ferguiun, jr. I] do do J.Moiiigumery, 12 do do Alex. Ferguion, 19 Mar '9 Lieutenanti. W. Criig, 13 July '25 Win. Fleinming, 14 do do A. Traitr, 23 Miy '31 W. M'Pher.on, 9 Mai '37 Andrew Bartarie, 11 do do J limes Paul, 12 do do John M'Farlane, 13 do do Entigia. D. M'Nair, 9 Mai '37 R. Montgomery, 10 dn do R. Jiirdiue, 11 do do M. Ferguson, 12 du do Adjutant. Jai. M'Phmo.n, c. I10c28 Surgeon. D. R. Cartii, M. p., V9 March, '3» Qaarttrmnster. Joseph Hunter, (It.) do do GLOUCESTER COUNTY MILITIA First Battalion. Lieutenant Colonel John Mdirr, 5 Sept. '42 Mttjor, John Frmer, 5 Sept. '2 Captaina. JiBics Lee, )2 July '24 lienj. Dawson, 23 Uer. '31 Frail. Ftrguion, 13 Mar '7 Richard Carman, 14 do do Win. Ulanrhard, 15 do do PA. Dumartsq, 9 Apr. 'I Alex. M'Neil, 9 Nov. '40 Jns. KoberisoM, 5 Sept. '2 Michael O'Brien, 6 do Sainuvl Napter, 7 do LUtUe nantt. Wui, Gray, 13 July, '24 Ohns. Couimeau, lo do do Ant. Degraee, 25 inajr '31 Dun. Fersuion, 14 Mar '7 Jaui«< JuhiKtnn, 10 Api|'9 .lolin Chaiulieri, 9 Nov. 40 William Ba«d, 10 dndu Joseph Uuutede, 5 sen '2 Alex. Aiidertun, 6 (la Joseph FriKUiuii, 7 do Chrii. M'Maous, 8 do Ww. Flake, 9 do Ttui. RvrrioKton, 10 do Eiui!(ni. f'37 W. F. P.Wheien.llMir. And. O. Fair, 9 Nov. 40 Wm. Frascr, 5 Sept. '2 Tnlin Daird, 6 do Wm. Ueacon, 7 do Wni. Steven*, jr. i> do Wui. PMIen, 9 do Jauie> Henry, 10 do John Miller, U do John Moriiisn, 12 dn Fredk. Uoasmeau, /3 du Pay matter. T. M. DeBluis, c . 9 Ai..'39 Adjutant. Jas. Lac, c.ip. 12 July, '24 Siirgton. Ruben tiordun, 9 Apr. '39 Quartemiatter. J. Reed, lieni. 15 May '29 Second Battalion. Lieutenant Colon*/. John Young, 1 Jan. 1832 Major. W.Lmdry, 1 March, '0« Captaint. W. Drysdale, 14 June, '24 A.Landry, 12 July, '2.5 M.t^amphall, ad.l2.lly.'26 R. llixon, 1 March '32 Mich. Martin, 2 do do Peter l)c(J race, t do do John Doen, 5 do d UrhanLaudry, 9 Nov. '4*) James Young, 10 do do Geu. Sivret, 11 do do Jos. Sewell, 12 di do Thoujas Keir, I 3 do do Val. Gihbx, 14 do du Rubl. Robcrlien, 15 do do Hugh A. Cfie, 16 do do LinUenanti, J. Oennie, 13 July, '2.1 A. Campbell, 28 Jan. '27 P. Campbell, 29 do do A. Louitcr, 2 M^r. '32 James Derin, 7 do du A. Landry, 9 Nxv. '40 A. llubitliattd, 10 do do Uapiiael Decraf, 1 1 dodo Rirhard Dawiun, 13 do do Dune in liay, jr. 13 do do Wai. Taylor, * 4 do do John Kerr, I 5 do do Kdwin Lauirn, It! do do Robi. Y"Uiii;,^r. 17 dn do Th»«. Arthn, la do do Divid Ferguson, 19 de do A.U. Haiiin|t<.n, 23auK. '2 Entignt. And. Wilson, 5 Mar. '^« Rene Cheion, (i ilo do Fian. LeOir|a>,9Nov.40 JeiepU Cuiimbs, 10 do do Luke DucctI, 1 1 Jo do 60 Wm. Louioier, J"'. BI.ekall.jr. Will. Dr yield le, JaiuM Walih, 12dQi:io Adjutant. Qxntrltrmasio^: 13 do do J.M'Iiito.b, cap 21 Dec, 31 Joo. Ritchie, 15 May, '2<» ' 4 do do Paymaster. Surgeon. 1 5 dj do n.W.BalJwin, c. 1 Mar'32 S. L. BijhO|), 9 Nov. MO KENT COUNTY AiaiTIA. First Uallalion. Lieutenant Colonel. K. M'Almaa, 2 Ajiri^i, MO Major. GesrgePii^.iii, 2April, '10 Captains. Wai. Bo.T,ei, 10 M:iv,'24 It. Jardiue, 21 I-'ci.. '25 J.P.Kord (ri.] 25 Nov. do J. W. \Veldoii, 25 0cl '28 Cil.n Rankin, 2t M.iy,'3: Kami. UirvdJi, 22 do do AVm. I3i-!\it, 2>i do do Jo;. Miiecroll, 1 July, '4- Win. Ro;tci), 2 d.'. do W. Fitt^iTald, 2 Aiiril, '40 /jUuloinats. I^oailJ, 1 a Feh, '23 J.A.CUre, [r] 2^J M ly, '33 Wm. Girvau, 27 do do £. M ,Uichie!, 1 July, '4 Jo:iii IVLIIcr, 2 'In d'> Andre\k- Dixon, If) Apr. '8 .1ul)ii .Vlaiiic, 17 iln do I'al'k. Doiieliv, 13 du do J.1S. D. Wcl '<".ii, 11) do do Aich. F. 31-Knv,2adodo ./.»■. Hall <«!>«! ,"2 A|)iil,'4) Rujt. M'Aliuuu, 4 du Ensijns. David Wrijjhi, 24 Miiy '33 Jolin Clare, [i-.] 2i) do do Ejih. Whetoii, IfiApr. '38 J. M, Waihe.i, 18 do Will. Dohfry, 19 do W. M'WilliJuis, 2A|.. -40 Jo!in Raiikiii, 3 do David F.i icr, 4 do Peter Muze roll, 5 du Adjutant. D.Sw,iyne,(c»p| 2:)Juii'37 ^tiarti-rmasta-. Tlios. Wood, [eiij ljul.'4J Surgeon. R. MastersoH, 13 Feb '20 Second L(att:tIioa. Liiculenant Colonel. Juoiei Loii;', 1 Jan. '32 Major. Jo'iii Bowser, I 4 Oct. '4V C iiuiiin.y. W.lIanniiij;lon, 2t: May '31 Ira Hicks, 27 do do ilobtrt D^iirl, 9 Au^. 31 Syd.(.'1i i|)iii 111. 10 do do Jicol) do do Litutcnitnts. T.Riishea, 21 Miy, 31 L. S«!ain<»idi, 27 do do P. Robichim I, 23 O.t. '3 John Sheridan, 10 Mar.'rj7 Ja4.M'Dennot, 11 do do Michael Harris, N (><■. 4t Jdi. S. Lung, I 5 ijo do (iiileon .Sini.h, I >> do d'> Wm. Coales, I 7 do do Ensigf^i. Placid Poi tier, 23 Miy, 'jI J.Thibidwso, 23 do lU. Ira Hick*, jr. 27 do d« P. A, Pin J.v, 10 Aii^'. fl« Grei;, Oonnier, 221 Oct '3 John Hurke, ji. 2ti') (1« do Marriner lliclw, l0AIar.'S7 Oliver Ward, 1 1 do do An;;. M-Iot.»h, I4 0e'. l| i/.ts. Al'Plo-rioi, 15 do do A ijulunt. A.D. Sm.lri, 0. 23ii£^y, 'SI Quarie. intkiti:) . E. Cliapaian, U. 12il.r,'37 KFNQ'S COUN'TV MILITIA. First BaMtKou, Lieutenant Gnlnnd. Wm i\lL.'ol,2:.ll,i>,'33 Major. Phlliji Dana, '2'J Miy, do C:i;Jiiiin!:. J.S.Wetiaoit, 27M;iy,'22 Phili|) Nau-, :; J Apr. '27 T. Uotswick, 23 Ocl. '23 And. Hamm, lil it.' Jul. 32 Jtr. Mabfe, 2 J .May, 'J Jotcph A. Lyon>. IJunu liu LewH C.irvell, 2 do do John Wrii;lit, 5 Nov. do Mainl. (io.uin, 10 Sv|>t. '3tt Hah. Worden, 2 April '40 Tho<. A. Fleuellint;, 3 do lieo. Ilaidini;, 30 M.if. '41 Lieutenants. Kcnj. Uole, Sjune '3.? N. Warren, 5 Nov. do Jo«. FIcwellini:, 4 Ap. 't> Jiihn Ken, 21 Wm. '7 1, H. Konie-, 10Sepu"J» W.C. Sjmi h, :ii, rif. II do Isaac Vanwart, 2 April. '40 Joiiii L. Forrc»ier, 3 do W.U.Hnrding,27 Mai. '4t Ja;iHM M l-tod, 28 do do Siej^ht-n ^llli ii, 2.) do do W. li. M'Kcei, 30jii!y, '2 Uohl. Crawford, 31 do do Eiui^-nt. Ileniy N ise, 31 Julv, '32 J H. Kii'i.teii, 5 N>'v.'33 Ah. D. Mahee, 2JM^y, '7 Oi li^' PnUr, 10 Sep. '3 Ilirain Bo-ftwick, tl do do JohnVanvvan, 2 Api |l, '40 J. U. Flewellin-, 3Aj.. 40 C L. Richards, 2; m-r. 41 ./met B Lvo„, 29 do do Tho. Wallis, 30 julv, '2 Jo« ph (■'^"iik, 31 do d* A tj.itaiu. I>. Wetniofr, rapL J Mar, i'27 Paymaster. D. Pickett, 31 July, '32 (^iiarttnnnittr JiihuJ'iicc,.l;.25Kov. 'r9 Ca»jlrya),icli»d :o l,tD,a- t d>oji, Kiii^'d. C'tjjltiin, Ji>!m NuiUT. 21 Auj. "30 First Li'Ht. David Lyon, 2 1 do do Sexoud Li W . Win. Pywell. 21 do do Cimit- Thes.', 30 nnr. '41 (^{Uirtermatltr Wahei Lyo.i, JlJug. '3i] Becun^l Baiialinii. Li nttnant Cnfontf. John C. Vail, I Jan. '32 Major. 8. Frtere, 8 April, 'J I CiijitatiWi. 0. Daiharl.-, 2« Nov '20 O. n. Couple, 30M»v, ':;i Shetk, UMar '2 Aliin. JidiiKioo, 1 1 do dii S. M'Kul'j, 18 M 7, do Jal ('.I Ml Jol rJ J-1 Jm G- X. wl w| 0. Jir J. liifg i> iiaii.y;iM 61 JamM Price, SS"!!'. *• ('. Siorkion, 8 Aprl, '4 jHaac Pal ke, 9 June, '8 Mmitji Friize', ^ f '32 G-o. Morion, laMtv, '2 X. Couglc, rif. 20 do do Will, Coiie-', 8 Apiil, '4 Wm. Teakln, 9 d» da O.Arn. OriTiiiith <), U June 33 Ji"»f Alivool, 4 -eji. do Th»«. Clinpiitan, 8 Apr, 4 Iliac T*ikii.'«, 9 di) H» Joieplt I)obs"n, SO do du Thorn <« PeHTi-oB, 21 do do Jk. ol) Uitll, eSqit. 41 Aiijittant. J. GidiK^y, CHp. 25 Oc(. 62 P'aymastn: I. Foit'a»,c^p.22 Jiin. 'fl QuarUrmnater. Jrbm Unyi, n Oct. 23 Surgton. E.lwinA.Vtil, igjunn, M Cornet. Win. M'Moiiagl*", dodo do Qmirttrma^tfr. H. M'MMn^gle, 19 June 'M Cavalry i(tt>ich>'d to 2d Bai- ialinn, King'4 Cnptain. Richaid RnKch, 8 Apr. 34 LiicuUnant. W«.MWttinur>-, l2Mar.3S Majoi; A. C. Er^ni'in, l8 Mty do Gttptaint, S. Fairwt4ther, 14 Jitn. 36 J., 14 Sep Vt J. Wdtmorr, 13Juii30 \V. «..: ,r, 28 Oei *) T.,.?. D-mMI, 12 July, 31 S. Siir.cue, 18 Mi», 32 Ja«. Schoulei, 22 Oti. 33 (J. Spra^ue, « I'uly "40 R'loi. Siir<(Hi;, 15 Jhhi-. 41 D^vid Smith, G N«>'. do Jane. Se.lve, 2 June '2 Iia >c R«A moixl) 3 ()« do J«hn, 4 do do Au't. O. OUT, 5 do do LieHt'-nnntf. W. A. Drraill, T4 Sep. 29 J. 6»diquit*', ISJtiiK, 90 W. Defhow, 25 on. 'GO J.Wanamakef.jr. I2J,1. 31 Calrh DiTii, jK 12 do Cti. (Jorry. 22 June '» W. H.Uaiitcr, 6 No/ '^1 l)on.Butiaiuii-n, 7 do do David Drew, 8 d» d » Wro. Crabiie, 2 Juut '2 J. Kairweitliir, 3 do d* U. LiiD4ia>iiix, 4 do do Wc Wei more, 5 d'> dn Win. Hall' tt, 6 do d., Jdjutant. A. Kiipli LintUnnnti. Jolii) M»y«, 20 Atiiu 'iW fAtuUnant Cohnal. J. artibniii, 27 July, 'M Ja«. E. SHiiih, 21 do do Hairy Pete », 20 June, '25 R. Diu^e*, 7 sept, do Hicbird Graham, 22 >lv du Major ».o. Val, 24Aiik,'31 Ch. Oarrie, 23 do do W. Fo h^v, 2». Aug. '27 Ahm. Merrill, 20 do '33 Gk'. Fox, 2S do .lo CaptaiHii. J H. Dev»bl», 11 Aug. '24 R. noi:'M|>, n.ij.25ni:iy'24 Gen. Uruhani, 22 do du Alex. C^e, II S'pi. '?7 T. R. Woliuiii", 11 ><-p 2H J'nief Tiiif, 11 An:;. '34 J. H. Foituiv, 10 Sept. '31 H. l.yoiH, 22 A'l^..'27 Th-.i Goldiuj, 20 di. do Mem* S. PVters, t rep. 40 I. Corbel, a't do do John 01aii>, ?l Aui. '38 O. W. IL.tiiii, 2 do C.Smiih, 7|.pt. '30 Wia.t'atpcnlcr, 11 8'p'37 Pilr| Smith, 5 8<(it. '2 ISrvl. Hewlett. 21 Aug. '3 Jnha C'niwi II, 10 S^-p '3R AJJu!ant. M'. ilnlnell, 11 do. '4 rtird.Carpe.iter, I ti-p. MU Ruherl Goiiiug, (capt ) 27 1^. Smith, jun. ''i.O do do .Voha (ia'incc, 2 do Apr. ^2t I'*. Vaiiwari, 21 do do Asa Smith, 5 S'pt. "2 raywattf. Joii« Carrie, 5 Ott. '36 Kiiiig^*. N. H. Ilevithsr, 21 Ait!{.'29 J-w Culwell, 10 »ep. ns C. Slerrilt, 21 June, '25 (■junt'rmnxter. Jcliii.r. Mil'idj;!, I ('0 40 S.Currie, 2-: Aug. "27 W.F U-itneiljC. 3! Aug. 3« 62 Snrgeon. B. P. Smith, 24 Aug. '28 S«coad Bs(talioii. Major. Peter Yeamaai, 33 Ma/ >3l Captaint. Johp Eirlp, adj. 7 ,Tun. '23 J. M'Lran, 8 do do J. Seaeord, 30 Au^. '27 J. M'Alister, 21 do do S. Whi(p, 30 do '30 8. HiimphrfT*, 31 do do A. BraiiKcouib, 3fl July, 'I Jamei Butler, 27 du do N. Bulyta, 12 Aug, Eben. Biiggi, 5july, JohnPearioM, 6 do Win. Shearer, 7 do Ueutennntt. J.^alkiai, 10 June, >33 L. M'Le.B, C. L. Corey, J. M'DonaU, H. Briggt, Pcier* Coi, 11 do do 30 Aug. ^ 22 d» do SI do '30 as July, >1 U '41 do do Robt. Ycainaiu, 27 do do JaoiM Kriih, 3 Scfk do Ocmgald Carinichael, 5ju- I«aac Clarke, 6 do John M'Gregor, 7 do James A 'ton, 8 do Entifni. T. Corey, 7 Jiinn, >as E. S(OB«, 9 do do J. Shearer, 2i Aug.' 27 (5»orgeCurrie,3l do do J. M Donald, 38 Julv, '31 E. Brigg», 27 Jo do >41 do do do A. Dirtnn, 28 do d« John Mullin, 2 Sept. '3 Jam*! Mullin, ll Aug. ' 4 John Elliott, SJHJy, >4l Wra. Vincent, 6 do do Gideon Baillie, 7 do do John Cochran, 8 do do Tho». Waiion, 9 do tio I>anl. Fowlei, 9 Aug. do Adjutant. John Earle, (cap- 7Jub. 33) 17 Aug. 'ae Quart (rmoiter. D. Palmer, 30 Aug. "27 Siwgeon. Wm. B. Liitle, 5 Oot. nJS Firit Datla'ien. CARLETON COUNTY MILITIA. Leonard Harding, 2C do Ricb.R.Ke(rhum,3d li. I 2 , ^ V , . Robt. A. Hay, 29 do Apl. 41 Urutcnnnt Cohnel. Samuel Porter, 30 do Comef. Rid.. Ketchutn, i Jan '32 Alex. Lindtny, 20 iune, do W.F. Dibblee, 12 apr.'4l Majcrr. Eiuigns. Qunrtermtuttr. John Dibhjeu, 8 May, do T. Burlock, 30 Aue. '29 John M'Besth, 17 inar.'40 Captains. Geo. M>Keniie, 26sep.'32 * T. G. Cunlitfe, 8 April, 19 P. P. Beardilt>y, 15 Feh. '9 Second Battalion. Wm. I>^hle•, 4 do 25 Thoin>M Currie, 16 do rfo J. Krlehum, 5 do do Anthony Blaikie, 17 ilo do Lieutenant Colnntl. D. P. Griffith, 7 May. '2 Samuel Hillmaii, 19 do do J.A.Machnchlan, 27Fe'88 o 1- I- n r D J nc I . nr..: Itufuj Pdysoii, 9 do do G. L. Raymond, 22 du do John Kenrner, lO do do Jacob Bacon, 23 do do }I. £. Dibhlre, 13 do do Fiisha Shaw, 17 marcn,'40 A. B. Shirpe, 26 Aue. '4 A Un Eilabrooks, 18 do R. S. Demill, rif. 19 Fe. '9 Jai. Lockivood, I 9 do Ratvh Ketchuoi, 20 do do G. H. Kctchcm, 21 may, '2 H. D. Bcardiley, 21 do do W. Havmond, 22 do Isaac OHrvill. 22 do do John MBride, 23 Wm. M'Kenrif, 17 0et do Thoj. Atkinson, 21 Ohis. Up.ia n, 21 Mav, '42 Anth. Krarney, 25 Josfph Phillip", 22 do do Wra. Melville, 20 Major. ICIij.' East ihrniik^, 23 do William CoHHell, 24 do lAeuttnants. A. S. C*rm»n, 2G Aug. '34 P.M. Bedt'll, 11 Sept '7 S. S. GroiveHor, 2d ll. rif. 9Jan. '3S Hot. DearJsIey, 1 5 Keh. '9 Wm. AikiiitoD, 18 F<-h.'39 Samuel Porter, 20 do do Willian Shiw, I7mar.'40 Wm. Ketchum, 1 lieut. rif. 12 Apr. '41 Hen.HalsilI,2dll.r. k2do do do do d« EltshaUakir, ' 27 do Mailin Trecaain, 28 do KlithiBriK^s, 2S do Fiaser Duff. Adjutant 0. Raymond.c. 28 Jul Peijimaiter. S. A,Carm do M. Farreli, IS do do John Cooinb*fii, 8 do ''8 Rom. Violetl, 2 April, '40 Abni. Diifoii, J Ho Joteph MichnuJ, 4 do F. Thibi le.u, 5 do Regit Terrio, 6 do Paul Ofrc, 7 do Knsignt, J- Burgnlne, I Sep. ^30 F. Mnriin, i3 do Abm. Cnornbci, 2 Apr. '40 Fra>. Godina, 3 •I'V Jotepht'ere, 4 do Simbii Diilou, a du Oliver Carl«n«, fi '•<> Bellu^i 7'errio, 7 do Jamei uct'n, B do Jama* Smiift, 9 du Jdjutant. F. Rife, cap. I Dee. '»4 Quartermasttr. John Emenan, lt.2 Ap.'40 Paymnstt'-. P.C. Arairaux, c. 29 if. '37 THE UIVITED KINGDOJU. (Aiexavdbina) victoria I. Queen of the United Kinjjdoin nt Great Britniti and Ireland, (daughter of the lala Duke of Kf'.nl—} torn Nov. 2, 1767 ; died Jan. 23, 1320,— by Victoria Marin Louisa, sister of the Duke of Saxe-CohnrgGotha, and of Leopold, Kins? of the Rel- gians ; born Aus». 17, 1786);— horn May 24, 1819 ; succeeded her uncle, William IV., June 20, 1837 ; mmied Feb. 10, 1S40, to Piuncr Al- bert, of S'lxe-Cohurg-Goiha, born August 26, 1810. /muc — Vicloiit Adelaide Mary Louisa, horn 2lst Nov. 1340; Albert Kdward, Prince of Wales, born 9ih Nov. 1341, (Heir presumptive to the Crown.) Queen DovfxGT.n.— Adelaide, consort of the late William IV. and sister of the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen, born Aug. 13, 179-2. UlfCLES AND AUNTS OF THE (|UEKN. 1. Ernest Augustus, (Kin? of Hanover,") Duke of Cumberlnnd; born June 5, 1771; married, May 29, ISIo, Frederica Sophia Carolina, sister of the Duke of Mecklcaburg-Strelitz, born March 20, 177i3; Isme— George Frederick, born May 27, 1319. 2. Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex ; born Jan. 27, 1773. 3. Adolphua Frederick, Duke of Cambridge; born Feb. 24, 1774; married May 8, 1818, Augusta Wilhclmina Louisa, neice of the Land- grave of Hesse^ born July 5, 1797 ;- Issue: 1. Georjjo William, born March 26, 1819; 2. Augusta Caroline, born July 19, 1822; 3. Mary Adelaide, born November 27, 1S33. 4. Mary, Uuchess of Gloucester ; born April 25. 1776 ;— married, July 22, 1816, to her cousin, Williim Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, who died November 30, 1S34. 5. Sop/iia, born November 3, 1777 ;— unmarried. HER MAJESTY'S MINISTERS. Cabinet.— Duke of Wellington; First Lord of the Treasiirr, Sif R. Peel ; LortI Chancellor, Lord Lyndhursi ; Chancellnr of the Ex- chequer, Right Hon. II. Goulburn ; Home Secretary, .Sir Jas. Grah.Mn ; Foreisn Secretary, Earl of Aberdeen ; Colonial Secretary, Lord Stan- lev ; First Lord of the Admiralty, Earl of Haddington; President of the Doard of Control, Lord Ellcuborongh ; I'reiidtui of the Unard ol (i^. 64 A TroJc, Earl of Ripon ; Commander in Chief of the Army, Field Mar- shnl, His Grace the Duke of Wellington; Secretary of War, Sir H. Haniinge ; Treasurer of the Navy and Paymaster of tli£ Forces, Sir E. Knatchhull. Earl De Grey, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. ^ i NORTH AMERICAN PROVINCES. The RinhtHonornhleSir Charles Bagot,G."..B., Captain General and Governor in Chief of Her Majesty's Province of Canada, &c. &c. NovA-ScoTiA.— Right Honorable Lucius Bentinck, Viscount Falk- land, Lieutenant Governor. Ne%v-Brun3wick. — Lieutenant-Colonel Sir William Macbean George Coleltrooke, K. H., Lieutenant Governor. Princb Edward Island. — Commander Sir Henry Vere Hantly, R. N.. Lieutenant Governor. Newfoundland.— Major General Sir John Harvey, K. G. B. and K. C. H., Governor. tenccl beiiu acre J hoedl toes groi the the planll » AORICVIiTVRAIi AND OTHER USEFUL INFORMATION. We have much satisfaction in giving place to the following ar- ticle, written by an intelligent farmer in Nova-Scotia, for the infor- mation :' the settlers at one of the new settlements recently formed in this Province. Its publication will doubtless be of service to many of those who have lately undertaken to make clearings in the ^brest for their future habitations, but who lack practical experience in such matters. We trust, in future, that we shall be favoured with .limilar directions in other branches of husbandry, which the expe- rience of our farmers may suggest. These, having a local bearing, would be more generally useful than the extracts we now furnish from foreign publications, and would greatly aid the inexperienced in agricultural labours. Directions to bring into cnUitation IV Uderncss Land, and to keep in rvltivation otiter Land, in the Province of NeiD-Brunstcick. — Per- sons commencing in the month of February on arriving at their location, should build a camp on a piece of ground that the water will not lie on when the snow ii* gone, and as far distant from the in- tended chopping place as will prevent the camp taking fire at the tiu:e of burning the brush. Select about three acres of land, situ- ated so that t!ie water will not remain on it when the snow is melt- fid, — then commence chopping tho "imallest trees firsthand such as are suitable for fence poles cut into lengths of sixteen feet for fenc- ing, and in all cases ciiop the tops so that they can ea.'iily be piled tor burning. In the month of March, when the frost is coming out of the timber, chop down the large trees as they will be casi(>r r-hopped then than at any other season of the year, and cut them into lengths so that they can be rolled together for burning ; as soon ii? the snow is olf the ground, pile tip the logs and brush, and cii the first dry windy day burn the piles, and then fence the clearing with the polou already provided ; the ground being cleared aud '^■■ i«^*ir cut thorn aasoon I, and mi clfiariii» irod aud fenced, hoe or harrow iu the grain iinmcdiatclv — Oats or Barley being best suited to the climate, — about five bushels of seed to tlie acre. About three pecl« of Grass Seed to the acre to be sown and hoed in with the grain. The grain being sown, plant the Pot.i- toes whole, because they will not be as liable to perish in the ground a^ when .they are cut ; and carefully observe not to plant the Potatoes in wet weather, as they will be li;iblf due . .y le noxious sub- stjxnces which have been long coUectnig, permits them to carry oJi' also such as are gradually formed, and thus to keep it in a sound and healthy state ; but let this openness be more or less impaired by a neglect of the drainage, and the original state of the land will again gradually return. 4. This constant descent of water through the soil causes a simi- lar constant descent of fresh air through its nores, from the sur- face to the depth of the drains. When the rant falls, it enters the coil, nnd more or less completely tljsplace:^ tlie air which Is conlainetf within its pores. The air either deacends into the drains or rises into the atmosphere. When the rain ceases, the water, as it sinks, again leaves the pores of the npper soil open, and fresli air consequently lollows. It U, in fact, sucked in after the water, as the latter gra- dually passes down to the drains. Tlius, where a good drainage exists, not only is the land refreshed by everv shower that falls, — not only does it derive frou. the rains those nnportant substances which, occasionally at least, are brought down by them from the atmosphere, and which are in a great measure lost where the wa- ters nnist flo\v over the stirface, — bui it is supplied also with re- Jii?wed accessions of fresh air, which experience has shown to be «o valuable in promoting the healthy growth of all our cultivated crops. 5. But other consequences, of gi-eat practical importance, fol- low from dieto immediate ellects. When thus readily freed from tije constant presence oi' wator, the soil gradually becomes drier, Mweeter. looser, and more friable. The hard lumps of the stilV rlay 1 uids more or less disappear. Tiiey crumble more freely, nti'er less resi.-itance to the ploiigh, and are, in conseipience, more vM'isily :ind more economically worked. Tliese are practical bene- fits equivalent to a channe of soil, which only the farmer of stub- born clays can adequately iipjircciate. •?. With the permanent state of moisture, die coldness of many noils also rapidly disappears. The backwardness of die erops in sprin skili'id, intelligent larmer, who ^f plies every nvaiinble mean- to the successful prosecution of his »•>:. the promiKP, even in our age and country, is /jure — "thai Heod- I "IP. and harvest shall nev<'r fail." h. Hilton lands (d" every kind this removal of the supernuons nuter m productive of another practical heiiellt. In its conse- 4, iriMTs, it is equivalent to an actual dee|)ening of the soil. Vi'hcn iiud, on which I'le siirl'ace wafer is in the hribit of retting. k'fruuw i\ry enough to admit the labours of the hinbanduiaii, it i» MiH fotHMJ 10 bft wet beneath, and the watirs, even i < dry seaooni*, •tl unfr'-qncjitly reuiaiu where Uio roolBofcropt would olherwirit* ^. 69 h contained or rises into' sinks, again insequently e latter gra- od drainage that falls, — subi^tancog m from the lere the wa- Iso with re- hown to he ir cultivated irtance, fol- freed from ;onies drier, of the BtilV lore freely, lence, more ictical bene- ;ier of stub- !.S8 of many lie crops in re lerf:>( frt'- alitie.-? pro- nate, " In Aberdeen- 18 arrive at crly did ; '' my other weather in Iter corn, — pelling the ^omo other lies round, art to bring and thuH, 1) dominion inner, who ttion of hiM that Hoed- nperfluoiiii 1 its conHe- soil. of resting, (hnan, it in ry Heahiiiii*, oiherwiiw! i>e inclined to come. Deep-rooted plantd often fail, even in uiodf' i'atcly deep soiLs, because on aocesH of water or the pre.sence of w)me noxious ingredient, which deep drains won'd remove, pi'e- vents their natural descent in search of food. Even plants which, Jike that of wheat or clover, do lutt usually send down their roots -so far, will yet, where the ^nibsoil is sound and. dry, extend their fibres for three or more feet in depth, in quest of u'ore abunduiiA nourishment. Not only, then, do deep drain.s permit the u.'^e of the sub-soil plough without thu chance of injury — not only are they less liaule lo be chockfd up by the accuiuulaled roots of plants which nutur- nlly make tiu'ir way into tiiem in peanh of water — but lliey aifio increase tlxj value and j)erni:inent fertility of the land, l)y iuerear- ing its available depiii. In other words, tiint kind of drainage which is most euicieully performed, with a regard lo the num1)vif of contingencies, will not only be tiie moat permanent, but will al.-o be followed by tht! greatest uumb(>r of economical advantages. 9. Nor do the immediato and practical benefits of drainuig end ■with the attn'nnicnt of these beneiicial results. It i.s not till tlie laud is rendered dry that the skilful and enterprising farmer hua a fair field on which to expend his exertions. In wel soils, bones, wood-a !je.«. rnpo-du.^t, nitrate of soda, and other artificial manures, are almost thrown away. I'vcn lime exhibits but one-half of iti lertiiizing virtue where water ii* allowed to stagntite in the soil. — (jiive him dry fields to work upon, and the well-instructed ngricul- turi,st can brmg <'J1 the resources, as well of modern science as of old experience, to bear upon them with a fair chance of iuccess. — The disappointments which the holder of undrained lams so often meets with, he will less fretpiently experience. An adequate re- turn will generally be obtained for his expenditure in manuring and otherwise iuiproving his soil, and he will thus be encoin*a;ied lo proceed in devoting his capital to the permanent amelioration of his farm. Tiie practical benefits of draining may bo .- ?ed goueially a« follows : — A. It is e(|uivalent not only to a change of soil but nht) to it 1 haiige of ciimile, bot'i in rvdcrence to the gr(j\.!!i of plant* and lo the health of the pojMiliition. Ji. It is eipiivalent also to a deepentjvg of the soil, b-itii by re- moving the water and l»y allowing those noxious iiif.redicu' • to bo washed out of the subsoil whioh iuid i)r<;viou»ly prevuiuini thf roots from descending. C. It ia a nec>%f Mfik from above or oo/e upfruiti beneath, wil! long rem.iiu m liie t*||b* •oil, and render it more or less nn\vh(deioin;; lo val'iil'-' >'ftt« •■d plants. Kill let -^iieh an outlet be made by the estub t t^ liruitis, and that wiiich riici from bunoaUi will bo urre.'tiu. .>tiUp / that which descends from above will eacape. The rain-waters pas«, ing through will wash the whole soil also as deep as the bottom a{ the draiiw, and the atmospheric air will accompany or follow them The same remarks apply to lands which possess so great a na- tural incliuiition as to allow the water readily to ttow away. Such a sloping surface does not necessarily dry the subsoil, free it from noxious substunces, or permit the constant access of the air. dmall feeders of water occasionally make tlieir way near to the .surface, and linger long in the subsoil before they make their es- cape. This is in itself an evil ; but when such springs are impreg- nated widi iron the evil is greatly augmented, and from such a cause alone a more or less perfect barrenness not unfrequently «'n.Hues. To bring such lands by degrees to a sound and healthy etate, a mere outlet l)cneath is often alone sufficient. It ought to be mentioned, however, that where a ready passage and escape for the water is provided by an efficient drainage, and t^specially in light and porous soils, the saline and other soluble substances they contain, will bo liable, in periods of heavy rain, to be more or less completely washed out and carried otf by the wa- ter that trickles tlirousfh them. ^Vhile, therefore, the estiiblishment of drains on all soils may adapt and prepare them for further im- provements, and may make Uicm more grateful for e.wry labour or attention that may be b(>stowed upon them, — yet after drainage they must be more libprally dealt with than before, if the increa.'^ed fertility they at iirsi e.\hibii is to be penaunently nwintuined or increased. Farm Work for Novf.mber. — rarninrs' work is never done. — We can say this with as much truth as of woman's work. And wliy should it evc^r I)e ilnne? We are destined to ejjdless pro- pres«ion ; our happiness c, like sand, into the yiinN. < )n the other hand, if it is to be Hfiplicd to dry and sau'ly soils, carry into tho yartU the most ciuvcy matter you can liiid i'lii" usual time for draiuinif and dilohijtg isAugust; but tl at nionth |H Konietimes ho w«'I lint not much cm beareomplished. J>raiiiing Uiiy now be done in some piucMs to advantage, diuite wei 'neuk> (>nvv>- nilb('r than ilcndrd foj- i» waritiing ( it is to b(» the most ti nf nmnth J>riiinin^ tlows should have drains near the highland ; the matter in the <. — Place the cow in a stable, with a beam over her ..ead, and fixing n rujiiiing noose over her horns. thr<»w the t'ud over the !>Oain, and ))nil away so as to raise her h''ad pretty high in the air, but not so as to r.tise her legs front the ground. — In this position, .'lie will n<»t only be disa'.ili'd Irom kicking, but will give«Iown her milk without the least hesitation — not from any *pite or ill will, Iwit bevause she ch;< t help it. — [Con. Far. (iuz. Jlr.Mf.r oi" ('iKiTcr.n Cattle. — liaise one of the fore feet, as the •mith does wlui; shoeing a hor r, lie a strong cord, (whip-cord or 'uin-hne will an-iw.-r,) light idxne tlie knee whih^ the foot is «ip, (ut the fodt go, ;ipil if tlie aniu' il rcl'Mses »o put it to the ground, ns it prob;d)ly \>iji, a i^mart stroke with a whip must be dealt, and in a second the iierist is relieved ; be careful, in tying the string, to tie a slip-knot iliiU you ran Ioo>en ouick for the pain is exrru- r.ialujg. How it opiiale* is innnaterial ; my th(M»ry (j)robnbly a ( false one,) is this; thi- hnrd ("ord, acting on tiic nerves of the arm, prochices nnuse.i, the nius carry oil" di.^eased secretions, we slionld lessen an*!*pat-„ :^si' W THE DlREC- »f an ounce of in, half a quar- ler. )unce of each, uin and a tabic i lay a saucer !w minutes, — al. not raw, you then pour hut d then in the >n it, hi order ery time yoi» er, or CaHtilo 3Ct, a poultice icer does not 1 in the hole, I the reniaiti- ^welling, ami >urnal. i into thin sli- iu the sugar lino St instan- this distrrsH- are of huiuII r d.iy, in fly- itoni.irh and food iinper- after day to Niinplif'y'tlie ('(•rotions. — The patient to nouri-^h. y I"' dirtap- ^lycl every t rive morn fuod and It lle^h and vvcufy-foiir I and firin- pniiiid of ii-< Well as itir at Ship- vvliirh Kh*» Itled oggH. The process she useg in curing them is very simple. When slic haH a large stock of eggs on hand, she boil.H some h'w or seven dozen till they become hard. She then divests them of the shell, and puts them into largo jars, pouring upon them scalding vinegar ^atunited with ginger, garlic, whole pepper and alspice. This pickle is an admirable aid to cold meat, and is, in the winter nunths, regarded as a perfect farm-house luxury. — [English paper. Fkuit Trke. — The piling of stones around peach trees afford* an c.veellent harbour for mice that will eat the bark, and m a very short time do more damage than all the worms could possibly do them. We have frequently ^een tan, chips, long dung, &:c. piled around the bodies of fruit-trees; depend upon it, thi- is all wrong; they serve only as a harbour for vermin. Keep the sward from around the roots, and spade in short dung ; it will answer a much better purpose. (^HEAP SuB'^TiTCTF. Fon Oil. PAi?fT. — Put frcsh cuids into a ves-^el, and bruise them weli, then atid an e(jual quantity of lime, well .slaked, aad thick enough to he kneaded; stir the mixture well without adding water, and a vhivisi?, bemi-Huid mass vvil! be oI>- tahied, wliich may be ajiplied with great facility, like paint, and which dries very rapidly. Ochre, or any otiier colour, not destroy- ed by lime, may be mix«il with it. Th;- ooh>uring matt«jr should not be added to the mixture ni muchwu'.< j, for thai diminishes tlie dural)ility of the painting. When two coats have been laid on, auv? ;tration re- quired. The lamp, when lighted, burns wil!» a u\<»st beiMitifiil, brilliant and clear liglit, and throw-< ott'nom^ ot'tlui! ofi'iin; ive smoke that is freipienily produced i)y lamps burning sp-rin ()il. Tiie mvention will, no dou'>'. enliancc the jtriee of lard, and thereby make the growing oi*.-\v,ne much lUore proiit;d)le to Hk farmer. To MAKE Lkaitikr Imim-rviui's TO Watkh. — ( 'ut lu,!/! Hibher into thin eliips, put it in nr will disr^olve, and form a kind of varni-^h. If thi-i be rubbed upon biots and shoes, and dried in, it will render them Matcr-jiroof, CERTAin Ukmcov. — The f(dlowio>j advice will no doui)t ni«l in re.storin;,' pro-iperoiis time . • Slop drinking liquor — smoking ci- gars — sfandiug on the tdriiers of the streiMs, :ind loaO'i^ about towji, and go to hard work — practice the m.»it rigid cr ouomy in all tliiiitf,---l>e lio:iest and lioiioiMblc iu nil things wiiii ail men. and if t'le tiinrs do not prt easier in twelve? nsoiitlis, we ai<; neitlier u Jinuneier nora plntosojilu r." 'i'ry it gentlemen. CiiAi-prn Hav!)s. — Mh'r wii^hiinr. drop a few drops of lioti* T. nnd rub the hands together (til tiie nUckingif* .h uiirelv rtunuve.d. 7^^ 71 l^OETIC AND PROSE MISCELLANIES. I ) M IMPnOMPTU ON WASTE. Oil ! waste thou not the smallest tiling Created by Divinity ; [make, Tor grains of S3iid tiie mouaiains And atomies iiifiiiily. Waste not thou the smallest time, 'Tis imbecile infirmity, Tor well Ihou biiow'st, if aught thou know'sl. That bwcouds furm eternity ! 9IMPLK AFFINITf. Some WATER and oil One day had a boil, [ping, A8d'3wn in a i{iass they wercdrop- And would not unite, Bui continued to fiqhl, Without any prospect otsloppinsjf. Sf^me PEAK LASH o'erheard, And, quick ns a word, [injf, Jump'd into the midst of the clash- When all three a(;reed And united with speed, [my. And SOAP was created fo." wash A CHARAOB. Mv first IS seen in lieM and glen, In hcaiiteous form array d; And for my second m;)ny «ien, In CTil hour, have prayed ; My whole in glori»»s will dmplay At setting sun, or rising day. The followin? jcu d'esprlt was sent a few wp ks 8Q;n to the as- sessor at Il'.ilry, Entjland, by a tradesman .n that parish, as his return lo ;he Iiicoinu-iax : — " I, — -, do hereby declare, Tha' I'»e baianc'd my books with very groat care, 4. id find, from my ci^itol f";ng so small, That the profit of tradvicr,. —Somebody says — " run down n staj, run diiwn a fo2, run down a hill, but norer tun down a lady ! If they uro chahte, in MO reason why they should be The mtrricJ mnn i» like the bee, that fixes his hive, auemenls the world, benefits the public, and, by a daily diligence, without wrong- ing any, profits aW.—Fell/iam. A more glorious victory cannot be obtained over another man than this— that when (he injury began on his part, the kindness should begin on cur's. — Tt7/o/son. He who receives a good turn should never forget it{ he who does one should never remember it.— Charron. What you keep by you you may change and menu, but v.'ords once spoken can never beYecalled. A sober people mast become mo- ral, intelligent, rtiid free: a. drun- ken people W'H ever be tmmoral, ignorant, and enslaved. A GOOD JOKE.— The Mille'ites are prophesying that the end of the woi'ld is to be in April, 1843, and y.< at the same time, in the month )f August, 1842, they were taking subscriptions for a newspaper for nne year tn advance ! Attraction.— "John, can you tell me the difference between at- traction of gravitation and attrac- tion of cohesion ?" " Yes sir : at- traction of gravitation pulls a drunken man to the ground, and the attraction of cohesion prevents him gptling up again." There are several nurses requir- ed at /lock away, Long Island, and an advantageous opening for capitalists in the Bay of Pim^ y. " Sham?, where is thy blush?" as the carrot said to the turnip. That is a " wegetabls " Weller- ism. " VVh<«n we are wound up, we go it stronger than ever," as ttia clock said to the bankrupt. " <'ll let you off" this time," as the tiorse said when he eapsized his rider hi the mud. " Don't disgrace yourself by walking with me," as the thief sniil to the constablo who had hitn in charge. Why is a watchman who is aroused by a firo like an old littl 7 Because he has lost his nap. 75 ES. augments the )ul)Tic, and, iiy ilhoiit wrong- -Fellham. victory cannot iiher man thaa injury began ndness should lolson. i a good turn , it{ he who rer remember f you you may lut words once i recalled, ist become mo- free : a drun- r be immoral, ed. .M»e Mille'itea the end of the tril, 1843, and », in the month iy were taking lewspaper for John, can you e between at- )n and attrac- " Yea air: at- lion pulls n ; s^rnund, and '.sion prevents 1." nurses requir- Lnng Isliind, s op«>ning for of Pundy. thy blush?" the turnip. j|« " Weller- und II n, we gn as Ilia cluck hi^ time," as he esp^ued yourself by as the thief who had hitn nn who is > an old hat 7 fiis nap. ■ -'• A TABIiX! FOR rORETELlINO THE WEATHER, THROUGH ALL THE LOV^ ATIONS OF EACH TEAR, FOREVER. i^ (Formed by Dr. Hcrschell, and revisedby Dr. Adam Clarke.) This Table and the accompanying remarks are the result of many years' aetual observation; the whole being constructed on adueconsi- deratioii of the attraction of the sun and moon, in their several posi- tions respecting the earth, and will, by simple inspection, show the observer X'^hat kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the moo': into any of its quarters, and that so near the truth as to l>e seldom c • ever found to fail ; If the new mcon, first quarter, full n,oon, or last quarter uappcns Refveen midnight and 2 in the morning, - - --2 and 1, morning, - —4 and 0, " —6 and 8, " —8 and 10, " —10 and 12, " — r^. noon, and 2,p.m —2 atid 4, evetiing, - —4 and 0, " —6 and 3, " —3 and 10, " — 10 and midnight, - INSPMMEtt. IN WISTER. Fair. [lard frost, unless the wind is s. or w. Cold and freq. showers. Snowy or stormy. R.iiu. Rain. Wind and Rain. Stormy. Cliangealdo. Cold rain, if wind w. Snow, if E. Frequent showers. Cold and hie;h wind. Very rainy. ■5iiow or roin. Changeable. Fair and laild. Fair. B'air. C Fair, if wind n. w. C Fair and frosty, if < < wind K. or N. e. ; rain r Riiny, if s. or s. w. (_ or snow if a. or s. w. Ditto. Ditto. Fair. Fair and frosty. Oliservations. l.— Tae nearer the time of the moon's chanijo, first fiuarter, full and bist quarter are ai midniq-lil, ihe fairer will th** wl'i- iner during the scv;n days followiiiij. Thi space for thii calculation occupies from ten at night till two next morning. 2. — The nearer to midd^iy or nnnn tho phases of ihe moon happen, the mare foul or weaihor iniy bo expected during llio next seven days. The spaco for this caleulntion occupies from ten in the fore- noon to two in the afloruoou. These oliservations refer principally t'l the summer, though they affocl spring and uuluma ueurly in tha same ratio. ;t.— Tiie moo'i's c!mng'», first quarter, full and la«i quarter, happoninS during six of iheafierniioii hoirs, lint is, from four to I en, tnmj lowed by fair weather; but this is mostly dcpjndent on the wind, as is noted in the table. 4.— Though the weather, from a variety of irregular causes, is more uncertain in thf! latter pirt of anlnntn tlie whole oj wiulcr, and ihc lieginning of spring, yet, in the main, tho abov obscrvalions will apply to those periods nlso. .f..— To pro'nosticnle correctly, cspeeially in these tfism Where ih» wind is concerned, tlm observor slmuld li» williin sight of a gtiod vaim wlici« ilie four cardinal points of the heaven* art correctly jdiced. -*-. ■J" -^-m iF J 1 I H 76 laOADS il3ffB DXSTAZfCES. 1^,-0 HI S"/. JoAn /o Fredcridon., by the Nerepis. Miles. Hardinj's, (Yorkshire lav,) 4 Brundage's, 10 Maihcr's, (Douglas Arms,) 4 Purdy's, 12 Darliy Gillairs, 10 W. Smith's, 7 Morrison's, (Oromocto,) 7 Fredericlon, 11-65 On the East side oflheRiocr. T(» Black's Farm, 7 Gondolo Point, 9 Kingston, , 4 Head of Bclleisie, 14 Wasliademoac, 13 Jemseg Ferrv, 6 T.lley's, (She-meld,) 13 Widow Pcrlcy's, 8 Fredericlon, 12-86 Less liy the Ncrppis road, 21 Saint John to S.xint Andrews. To Byrne's, Lakefield, 9 Tilton's, Miisquasli, Q,h M'Lauchlan's. f. Gray's, r> M. Gowan's, (half-way,) Cj Wntter's, 8 Shaw's, Maeasjiiadavic, 9 Ijurns', St. P^itrick, lo Saint Andrews, 12 Total, 07 St, John to Martin's lie id. To Cody's, II Beatty's, 9 Uiiuco, 1! MelvJn or FulIor'y water,) Total, Amhrrrd to Halifax. To Stewart's, Hewson's, River Philip, Purdy's, (mountain,) Snlhei land's, Vewill's, (Londonc'erry,) Blnnchard's, Truro, Hip's, Sicwiacke, Miller's, Guy's River, Rj'yes', Shultz's, Halilai, 12 •10 10 •I 10 6 10 13 17 9 1(» Hi Total, ii7i tie St, (\. S.) via iclicsler, tj- c. Miles. 5 ^,- '' ■ ' '■ -1 \:^ P 3 4 7 5i Board,) 4i 10 3 5ex Vale, 4G laiJC)) 10 I'i 12 12 "tifcodiac, 93 ncook, 10 esler, 8 orchcster, iir 7 1 t 10 rst, 9 Total, 1-14 to Amherst, liy nail route, ) the 19 miles.] Kent Hotel, / Richi- } Commercial Inn, r huclo, $ Donnelly's House, ) — Total, 50 RiMbuc'o to M'.rMnkhi. To Rankin's, 12 Diciven's, B;iy du Vin, 10 M' Ream's, HIack River, 12 M'Ueath's, i l5laMt:hard's,> Chatham, 6 Hea'rf, } Total, 4u Chatham to Bithnvst {Ban ^ dial cur.) To Goodfellow's, 6 Curry's, 8A t^oreia's, (half- way house,) 15 Leo's, 9^ Court House, 9 Total, 13 Bathurst to Restigouche, To Dumaresq's, (Rocliville) 10 Chalmor's, (iJeldowne,) U Harvev's, (Nash's Creek,) 14 ^ M'Kenzie's, 9^ Fleriimiii'^'s, (Dalhousic,) 10 Heid'a 7 Widow Hardy's, Campbelton, 9 Total, 71 Fixdf.ridon to Mirainkhi. To B.cwn's, 11 Young's, • 10 M'ficod's, 4 Boies', 20 Hunter's, 14 DeCaiiiline's, Id Cochrane's, 14 Parker's, I.'l WiUoTi'.< P,)iiit , ' • 7 Nfwcasitlo, • 3 ^ Total, lOS Fredericton to Clucbcr, Mile*. To Bur^oyne's Ferry, lt> Munroe's, ij Guion's, ; - I 5 Jones', 17 Woodstock Ferry. 7 \yood>lf»ek PoMl"OfIe, -4 Victoria, y Appieslcy's, i;i Baird's, ,.. ifi Tiliheli's . 10 Rcstook, w • , J Grand Ful.'s, ^ I6— 7J Cooinhe's, 12 Vital Thibideau'a, 15 Mculawaska Chapel, 7 Hc'herl's, ;{ I'jDtranceof !\!adawaska, i Do. ot LakcTeniiscouaiii, '34 Do. of the 1'orl.igo, (4 River St Lawrence, 30 Kamouraska, 13 St. Ann, 2-24 Rivicreonelie, 23i Saint Thomas, 13 Saint Joseph, i;< Point Levi, (Quebec, 12—22') Total, 3JtJ From Di;rb>j to Ualifa.r. T.) Annapolis, 10 Kenlville, n» Windsor, '^7 Halifax, 4.'. Total, 149 Hdifix to Pldou. To Putnam's Farm, T^i M' Keen's, Hi Leckie's, 1:1 Heney's, \i Wehl"l}rauch, (Kast River,) 2'5 To the Court ilouisC, 10 Total, 9:. i Digbij to Shclburnc. ■To Jones', Sissiboo, 1*^ Tucker's, Monta;;Hii Cove, 'J I Richun's, Varmnuth, C^ K*'ndricU's, Harrington, 44 M'Intosh's, Shelburnc, '22 Total, m ../ t. c^ ■I "I**^ '8 Sf«.l«AT.«t fbour •Or- ela. f. sels. ig to nude ad: I Bin< i or >uM licli the ba I-*.; oil — ^ — »., _..>. • .•>< uiiii u iiaii iiii iiic i.wj, ai) mm iii'^y aro passit- I'le lour time ' m iweniy-four hours, about ten or lififen ininuies ench time. No oihcr rule can l^e given, ni mucli '.'spends on ilic flooJ* in the llivor Sunt John, ari-l iho iiuifi of high wuier t>r full ^.t., which is 'Jieii tiobioHU'i hy hijjli win^is, and i;j p.'oijorlioulo the h i^l.l c,j them. J \..'^ \ J •si* J^